#headcanon brought to you because i hate cooking but its a necessary evil and imagining that inej enjoys it makes it a little more bearable
maidenofcrows · 4 months
I like to imagine that Inej enjoys cooking.
That there’s something about it that brings her peace. She could make her mother’s skillet bread with her eyes closed, and the scent of seasoning from home always lifts her spirits.
She likes cooking because it is an inherent good brought about by her own hands. She likes to think that her own bloodstained hands are capable of making something to sustain life rather than take it.
She likes cooking because her mother always teaches her something new about it when she goes to the caravans. What spices carry the most flavor. What dish best combats illness. The time Kaz goes with her is when he learns just how mild Inej actually makes the food they share.
She likes cooking because it connects her to her culture, even though she was stolen before she could learn t make even half of her people’s staple dishes. She reclaims it. There’s hardly such a thing as too late to learn.
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