#head shop pos system
quickvee · 3 months
Introduction to the Quickvee Loyalty Program
Dive into the exciting world of customer loyalty programs with Quickvee. If you're looking to understand how loyalty programs can transform customer relations and drive business growth, you're in the right place. This video is your guide to designing and implementing a loyalty program that truly resonates with your audience. We'll show you how to quickly set up your Quickvee loyalty program.
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slutshamethesquirrels · 2 months
The Breadline
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Ch.2 - The Lunch Menu pairing: recovering!line cook!eren yeager x fat! fem! reader TW's: alcoholism, recovery, mentions of abuse, mentions of domestic violence, foster care, child custody, foster system, CPS, mentions of body/weight
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The Flying Plate was the town’s largest and most popular food joint. Open from 7AM to 11PM, it served as not only a one stop shop for every meal, but also the only place attempting to make any sort of attempt at breathing a nightlife into your city. Every traveler passing through the unmarked spot on the map that you called home was liable to stop in, and with that, it had garnered a bit of a name for itself on yelp, with most reviews praising the food, and only a few complaining about the rude disposition of it’s manager.
Rude as he may be, Levi had undeniably turned the establishment on it’s head. Growing up, you could remember attending more than a couple of your friends' birthday parties at The Flying Plate. Back in those days, it was a popular pick for the spacious interior and cheap food, albeit quite the eye sore. You could remember the way the cracked vinyl of the booths would stick to the fat of your thighs, the checkerboard tabletops assaulting your eyes like they were attempting to distract you from the well-worn walls, still coated with nicotine from when smoking in restaurants was encouraged.
Stepping into the building on your first day, however, you're almost in awe at the major facelift the place had been given. Those old walls had now been completely replaced, with a coating of tile made to look like exposed brick, the occasional exposed wooden beam proudly rocketing out of them and continuing their march all the way across the ceiling, casting shadows on the ground from what looked like a myriad of freshly installed skylights. You found yourself thinking that was a smart idea; it would make the vibe transition from cozy family diner in the day to dive bar at night so much easier. Vinyl booths and checker top tables had been replaced with reclaimed wooden furniture, a testament to Levi’s monetary success with the business.
You hear your name being called and give an apprehensive wave and a sheepish smile as Levi emerges from a side door by the bar in the back. He nods as he saunters over, motioning for you to follow as he passes, leading you over to a register at the front entrance to the kitchen.
“So this is where you’ll clock in,” He skipped the introduction entirely, but stopped himself with a pinch of his brow to give you a once over. You couldn’t help but hold your breath.
You’d arrived dressed as instructed, a long sleeved black blouse and khaki pants with no visible tearing, your hair pulled away from your face in a tight braid. Figuring you’d somehow manage to get some critical feedback from Levi anyway, you’d even thrown on some eyeliner and sparkly silver jewelry from the clearance rack at walmart. You hated pointed stares at your body. While you weren’t particularly insecure, you were well aware of the way the critical lens of the world could perceive you at times. You weren’t lazy, you weren’t gross, you exercised regularly and ate like any other normal woman would, and yet those judgments would often be thrown your way just for being heavier than most.
“Much better than yesterday, but your feet are gonna be on fire by the end of the day.”
You let out a sigh of relief and glance down at your shoes. They were the only pair you owned. A well worn pair of converse. You couldn’t exactly afford another pair at the moment, but unwilling to argue with Levi, you stay silent. After showing you the ropes on the POS system, with a warning that he will write you up for frequent punch errors, he instructs you to wait by the POS while he grabs your trainer for the day.
It takes him longer than you think it should to find this mystery trainer, and you find yourself absentmindedly leaning against the counter and grabbing a to-go lunch menu from the customer display, reading over it while you wait. Things really had changed around here. Long gone were the greasy burgers and half burnt hotdogs you remembered devouring in your childhood, replaced instead with cleaner sandwiches and salads, most with some sort of germanic influence. Not exactly fancy, but fancier-
Your focus switched as the door swung back open, a male voice already announcing it presence, though not to you.
“-I mean, seriously, are you gonna actually pay me enough to make up for this?”
Levi emerges from the door first, stone faced as ever, although you swear you can see a minor clench in his jaw as he speaks, but doesn’t look at, the taller man trailing behind him. He’s clutching a blue folder with a stack of paperwork nestled inside.
“Jean, training is part of your job, and per policy you get the federal minimum wage when you’re training, along with half the tips acquired between the two of you. You half run the floor, for fucks sake. I let you get first pick for shifts, and occasionally the privilege of getting cut first before its your turn. Do not mistake my spoiling you for weakness-”
Levi spins and the dirty blonde nearly topples into him. He seems unwavered.
“If you don’t want to train, fine. But you can go back to full time nights and close all the time with the rest of them.”
The taller man looks like he’s debating fighting this, and you took the moment to size him up. He was, for lack of a better word, pretty. Even from feet away you could smell the cologne radiating off of him, see that the top of his undercut had been styled back away from his face. His black button up was quite obviously tailored to fit tighter to his chest, the sleeves rolled to expose muscular forearms, and you take note of black painted fingernails curled around his biceps where his arms were tightly tucked around his chest in defiance.
In an attempt to break the tension, you pointedly straighten yourself from your lax position, purposefully shoving the menu back in the display hard enough for it to rattle against the wooden counter. Expectedly, both of the men's heads snapped to you, Levi immediately readjusting his body to look more relaxed, while your trainer remained stiff.
“See? She’s studying already! She’ll be out of your hair in no time.” Levi gives Jean a smile, you think, but it comes off a little more devilish than kind. With that, he shoved the folder full of papers into Jean’s chest, which the manicured man reflexively grips, and disappeared into the kitchen once more with a quick and hard half-smack half-pat on the forearm.
“Jesus H Christ” Jean muttered with a sigh, using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and draw a deep breath. Silence permeates the air.
After a few moments, he tucks the folder under his arm, clapping his hands together once. He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and you can tell from the tension on his lips he’d really rather be doing anything else.
“Alright, let’s get started!”
As the day went on, you started to get more comfortable. Despite his initial attitude, you found him to be an excellent mentor, and a damn good waiter. You watched and shadowed as he effortlessly charmed customers of all ages, and seemed to never make a single mistake. It was almost impressive. You’d never even given thought to the amount of personality and effort that was going to go into this job, but watching him made you a little nervous. You could understand why Levi would “spoil” him, and also make him train. An employee like that had to be invaluable. You could also see why he’d be upset about having to split his tips with you.
As clueless as you were, you did your best, but ended up being a glorified tray holder, a drink refiller, an accessory to all his hard work. You certainly didn’t think you deserved half his tips either.
After the initial rush, Jean lead you back to the kitchen. Expo was a wreck, stray food and sauce splattered on the counters and floors. Lost receipt papers and drink spillage decorated the small space, making it feel all the more cramped and intimate.
“So, we’re by default the last one’s cut for this shift since you’re training-” He speaks as the two of you round the corner “-usually around this time is when we’d clean up for the next rush. If you don't you’ll track barbecue sauce on your feet all the way home, I swear to god. I found a spot of it in my bed once, after I showered-”
Go exclaim a small “Ew!” at the visual, he nods his head and gives a sly grin, never stopping his movement until the two of you had settled on the counter across from the expo station that propped up shelving with extra condiments, ramekins, and utensils. Effortlessly, he reaches his hand up to the very top, producing the blue folder you’d long since forgotten.
“Anyway” he continued “-you still have to fill out your new hire paperwork. So you’re gonna sit here and do that and I’m gonna go take a smoke break before I come back and clean up.”.
He passes the folder to you. You take it, and then give him a questioning look.
“You sure? That hardly seems fair.”
A sigh.
“Training is always unfair. It’s not your fault.” the irritation starts to return to his face.
“Right. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Like I said, not your fault.” A moment later, he had disappeared outside and you were left to fill out your paperwork. It was typical new hire bureaucracy. You’d filled out six of these forms in the past year. Lucky number 7, perhaps? You hoped.
Levi had been right about your shoes. You tried to ignore the stabbing pain radiating from your feet as you answered the questions almost automatically, leaning further on the counter to shift more of your weight to your arms than your legs. There would be blisters tomorrow, you were almost certain of it.
“Aye, new girl-” a voice behind you drew your attention and you whipped around in a mild panic, unaware anyone was even acknowledging your presence. One of the line cooks is peering at you from behind the expo shelf, dipped down to meet your gaze. You recognize him instantly. The green-eyed man who’d caught you acting a fool in the parking lot yesterday. All you could really make out were his eyes, but that’s all you needed. They were insanely vibrant, a jungle when you’d only seen pine forests. Your cheeks flushed despite yourself.
“Hmm?” you nodded like you were expecting instruction, and he takes you by surprise.
“What do you want for lunch?”
Your head cocked to the side, brow furrowed in mild confusion. He sighs, as if he’s explained this a time or two before.
“You get one meal per shift, Levi says a restaurant that can’t afford to feed it’s own staff is bound to fail.”
Oh god, you wish he’d quit looking at you. Your brain felt melted and slushy, and you couldn’t quite understand why. You were no stranger to men, no stranger to hot men, but with his viridescent gaze locked on your face you felt like you couldn’t move. It felt like the top hill of a rollercoaster, right before the drop, when your body was most rigid, anticipating the rush of the fall.
As you floundered, you could swear for a moment you saw the corners of his eyes crinkle, as if he were smirking. Did he know?
“Yeager makes a damn good Reuben.”
You jump and jerk your head toward the familiar voice, as if caught doing something wrong. Jean was slipping back through the door and pulling an apron on in preparation for his cleaning duties, his next words muffled at first as he slid it over his head “And you know it’s good if I’m willing to give him of all people a compliment over it.”.
“...Then I guess I have to try it, right?” Your eyes slide back over to the line cook, but he's already backing away from the window, a shit eating grin plastering his face.
“Im about to blow your fucking mind.” He promised, and walked to the other end of the kitchen to retrieve a few things. You crack a smile at his disposition. Cocky, arrogant, but underneath the initial layer seemed to be a boyish excitement, like he was really looking forward to making you food.
“We’ll see about that!” You called to him, only being able to catch a dismissive hand wave as he disappeared into the walk-in freezer.
As you settled back into your paperwork and Jean into cleaning, the two of you make light chatter, and you try to stop yourself from peering over the expo line to catch a glimpse of those eyes again.
“So, what are you doing here anyway?” Jean asks casually as he returns from the back with a mop bucket “No offense, but you kind of seem like the type to be working a casual office job somewhere, not busting your ass for tips.”
You watch as he rings an unholy amount of water onto the floor and then return your eyes to your paperwork, debating whether or not to tell the truth.
“Too personal?” He prods again after a moment of silence. “No!” you retort quickly, and then concede with a sigh:
“It’s kind of embarrassing, but my parents are real shitbags. Lost custody of my sister last year and now I’m her sole guardian. Turns out keeping a job and having a kid dumped on you unexpectedly is pretty hard.”
“How old is she?”
Jean tensed slightly, paused to look up at you. You hated that face. It was the same one everyone gave you. Somewhere between pity and remorse. “Don’t you even try to feel bad for me. You know how many jobs I’ve had in the last year?” you attempted to lighten the mood. He shook his head.
At this, the tension broke and he raised his eyebrows, his mouth parted in an “o” of surprise that quickly transitioned into an incredulous smirk. Momentarily, he rested the mop in the crook of his arm to hold up all five fingers on one hand and a thumb.
“This many?!”
You both erupt into a fit of giggles as you nod, your face reddening at the embarrassment and silliness of it all.
“Okay, okay-” Jean shook his head as he returned to his work “- but is that just like, because of the kid or have you always been this bad?”. He gives you a look to tell you he’s teasing.
“No!” You defend yourself, your voice still lighthearted “I had a job for years before this, thank you very much! I sold and repaired musical instruments.”
He seemed surprised at this, his teasing smile turning genuine as he questioned further:
“Oh, word?!”
You nodded, proud.
“You play?”
You nodded again and he waved his hand in the air as if to say “Go on-”
“Uhhm, piano. Guitar, Violin, Banjo, anything with strings, really. Drums, woodwinds-”
You’re cut off by the clatter of a plate on the expo line. Yeager! You’d gotten lost in conversation and completely forgotten about him. He’s peering at you from across the line, his brow raised and expectant. You remembered his promise from earlier. You make your way over and grab the plate, eyeing it over once you’ve set it on the counter. It smells delicious, and looks even better. The bread of the sandwich is meticulously grilled, the marks from the searing a perfect shade of brown. Cheese and meat spills from the edges in a manner that almost seems intentional, not too sloppy to pick up, just enough to advertise what’s in store for you.
He cleared his throat expectantly, and you could've stopped breathing when you realized he had slid back so he could watch the entirety of your face. From this angle and distance, you can make out every detail of his face. Strong jawline, angel skin, puppy dog lashes and all. You try not to think about an incredibly attractive man watching you eat.
Hesitantly, you pick up the reuben and take a bite. The taste floods your senses. Its salty, tangy and savory, though not overpowering. The corned beef practically melts against your tongue and your find yourself closing your eyes and leaning in to the texture, bringing your free hand to your mouth to let a garbled “Holy fuck-” escape your lips. Were you starving before this moment? You were now.
When you open your eyes, Yeager’s eyeing you with a wicked prideful glint in his gaze. He wraps his knuckles against the counter twice and turns to clean up after himself, energized by your reaction. You don’t have to tell him it’s good, he already knew.
The rest of the shift passed slowly without incident. You finished your paperwork, turned it into Levi, and shamefully divided up tips you didn’t deserve with Jean. You’d tried to insist on him keeping all, and then three quarters in his favor, but he refused. Something told you if he didn’t know about Ellie he maybe wouldn’t have had the same attitude.
Your thoughts were on getting home as quickly as possible by the end of the day. Your feet were on fire, and you hadn’t moved that much sense… well. Your last job. Momentarily defeated, you sunk into the driver's seat of your beat up car, for once appreciating its torn seats and mildly stinky interior. Your head resting back against the seat and your eyes closed, you had the thought that there was probably an old sippy cup rolling around in the back somewhere, but knew you couldn’t be arsed to look for it until the stench became unbearable.
You still had so much to do. You needed to pick Ellie up, do the laundry, use the money you’d earned that day to go to Wal-Mart and buy a new pair of shoes for fucks sake, which meant you’d have to take Ellie with you, and then bring her back home, find time to make dinner-
Just as you’re starting to get overwhelmed, there's a light knocking on your driver’s side window that causes you to startle slightly. It’s Yeager, as everyone called him. You rolled down the window and he immediately held out a white to-go container. He had to bend down to look at you, using his free arm to rest his weight against the roof of your car.
“What’s this?” you question, reaching your hand out to take it from him regardless.
“For the baby.” He answered plainly, his face completely unreadable but his tone soft.
It immediately takes a load off you as you hesitantly pop the container open to reveal a grilled cheese and a side of fries. You recognized it from the kids menu. That's one less thing you have to deal with.
“Yeager, thank you-” You breathe, but when you look back up to meet his gaze he’s already gone, trekking across the parking lot and loading himself into an S.U.V.
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m a s t e r l i s t
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 and watching the three of them felt like, the cheap, corner-store shop picture frames expanded into real life. From the stale walls of his bedroom to the reds and oranges of an early autumn sunset where the screams of cicadas echoed through the gold-painted, tar highways. It was desolate, the countryside was dying, and no one except their shadows and them were present. 
In his eyes.
Two boys, one girl. Three of them. The end of summer, he recalled, always brought upon a gut-wrenching dread.
It was always two boys, one girl. Three of them. end of summer.
Always the three of them, when they were too young to be heroes, still ridding the innocence of their adolescence, learning life, finding themselves. Tugging at their uniforms, one button always abandoned, shirt untucked in some parts. Far more comfortable in band shirts and ripped jeans, a zip-up hoodie always unzipped, sweats, always the sweats. Instead of the tightly fitted armor of jujitsu high, too young to be in soldiers' uniforms.
Uncleaned chalkboards, wooden floors, and large paneled windows where the curtain slowly drifted with the summer winds. Three chairs, three desks, and space. Barracks disguised as classrooms. It was always, almost normal. Always, almost kids in high school- until they see the phantom red on their hands, on each other. Until they're afraid of death, until they question if their friends will come back.
High school kids shouldn't worry about carrying their friends' corpses back, shouldn't be worrying about the infinite space that will be left from a desk taken away, two would be an awful number.
Sometimes though, when the skies were especially clear, the sun blinding enough that the classrooms felt like saunas and they had no choice but to take their lessons outside, it truly did feel like high school. On the grass, below a mighty tree, ancient with thick roots, winding with mossy branches, and rings of bark carrying the passage of time, they would laugh, too warm to sit still, too warm to listen.
The tree still stands there, to this day, though mightier in size. It holds now, his dearest memories and a neverending ache, as his eyes linger on the the three of them.
“Your eyes remind me of the sky,” he said. 
Flat on his back, his head to the side, his eyes showed galaxies as they bore through his own. Two hands behind his head, as if he hadn’t a care in the world, as if he had forgotten the blood that was smeared on his hands just yesterday.
“They aren’t though, Suguru” he had said back.
Suguru. Suguru was the boy who had constellations in the creases of his irises, eyelashes saturated with stars, and long, long hair, silky strands that looked like ink from the poems in kanji, he had read as a child. 
Suguru looked back at him. He was beautiful, so very beautiful. Suguru had called his eyes the heavens, the seven seas, the world, and at some point his home. 
His eyes were a source of power and hierarchy. His eyes brought fear, he had been born with these eyes as a man, never a boy, never a child. A soldier through-and-through, a born weapon for jujitsu society, the name of the Gojo clan. His eyes were for humanity, as a hero, as a savior, and as a god. His eyes brought him a military routine, always a house, never a home. He had no parents, he belonged to no one but humanity and jujitsu society. His eyes were treacherous storms and lashes of waves, raging tsunamis. 
But this boy with the soft voice and planetary systems as eyes had called him his. With Suguru, he would be Satarou, a boy in high school, with eyes that looked like a clear summer’s sky. They would be Suguru and Satarou doing whatever high schoolers would do.
A scoff from Satarous’ side broke the trance and Suguru looked back. 
Shoko huffs out a soft chuckle, an unsmoked cigarette hanging from her smirking lips. Her eyes had deep bags under them but they still managed to sparkle as she rolled her eyes at them. One hand under her splayed brown hair, the other fiddling in her pockets certainly reaching for a lighter. After a few moments of rustling and-
“Honestly it's sexist, we can’t wear normal fucking pants with normal fucking pockets, fucking skirts”
She lit her cigarette with one hand, her other, now removed from under her head had reached out to Suguru to offer him one, and as always he would hesitate, and then after a second, the roll would easily slip away from her slim fingers to his. Shoko had tried with Satarou but he was never as easy as Suguru, he could still remember the days when Suguru would snatch the roll away from her lips and offer her a strawberry Chup Chups instead. She had scowled at him but never complained. When days were easy, no caskets and no disappearing friends. Before, their eyes looked darker, before the eyebags, before. Before he took cigarettes so easily. 
It would be the three of them then, on the ground, splayed out on the grass until the sky turned golden, the occasional breeze, drifting leaves down on them, the smell of tobacco thick in the air, and laughter. Fits of laughter, uncontrollable and untameable, wheezing and breathless. Until all three of them would be coughing, Shoko clutching her stomach and Suguru on his side, laughter echoing through the desolate land that was Jujitsu high, and Satarou in the middle, smiling the biggest he’s ever smiled. Brimming happiness at a place that was so riddled with blood and tragedy. 
They would be messy and noisy as teenagers would be, tangled up together, talking shit about teachers, cursing and complaining. Talking about unresolved crushes as their cheeks bloomed with a rosy blush, kicking their feet and twirling their hair or whatever people in love do. Gossiping about the parties they have and haven't been to, talking about that new cafe that opened downtown or that new clothing shop, the one that's biased about their sizes, they don’t even sell the right color nail polish, black, because they had a personal style under these uniforms they were trapped in. 
When they had nothing else to talk about (finally)  and the laughter had died down to comforting silences and content sighs with heads on shoulders, fingers intertwined, legs overlapping each others’, eyes slowly beginning to close after a lazy summer's day.
“Up, you dickheads” 
Shoko would drag them up, a lazy smile on her face and two outstretched hands, the sky had passed its golden hour and a light purple welcomed dusk. Their cigarettes were finished now, on the grass, giving out the last of its smoke, the lights from the windows were just starting to flicker on, and the three of them would escape, leaving the formidable fortresses of jujitsu high. Leaving the echoes of bloodshed and death into a normal life, just for a second, where they would pretend to have calculus and The Great Gatsby as the biggest worries in life.  
The street lamps lit the sidewalk, a few moths dancing along its light, where one lamp, as they proceeded along the path, would never function, it never had. An occasional rumble from an old car or a noisy neighborhood kid with a bicycle would break the silence. Shoko and Satarou would skip, hands held together like preschoolers while Suguru trudged along them, complaining with a smile on his lips. They would take the first right and walk by the few abandoned appliance stores, local grocery stores, and the house with the odd chimney and even weirder garden gnomes. They would pass by the small store that rented all sorts of manga, which would be surely closed by now but still had a myriad of fairy lights at the entrance that looked quite like fireflies this late and into a nook, the only store open this late, at the outskirts of Tokyo, up on the mountains, a lone corner store which sold everything from cigarettes to the most outrageous sodas. Where an old man, as fragile as china, looking as if he would crumble at a mere touch sat on a dainty, rickety, wooden chair. Every single time. He would smile expectedly, never speaking a word, as Shoko brought the cheapest cans of beer to the counter and would wave goodbye every time they left, without fail.
Who knew that such an old face could muster up that bright of a smile?
The three of them would locate the too-small bench at the back of the store, where there would be a mess of weeds and moss, an unkept backyard. They would manage to squeeze together, Shoko in the middle, and put their feet on the circular, metallic, rather rusty, rather large table in front of them. It was too warm for that but they didn’t care as they passed along the cans of beer, awfully bitter and terrible to the taste but good enough for their high school taste buds, until they were all completed and only the metallic cans were left rustling on the ground. 
If they were drunk enough Shoko would slowly take off her hair clips and toss them on the metallic table which would land with a loud clang, normally waking Satarou from his drunken daze. Then she would lay her head on either of their shoulders and for a good old while, the three of them would lie there until Suguru would slowly coax the both of them from their slumber into the long way back. 
And the times when even alcohol couldn’t lay their minds to rest, squeezed upon the bench, Suguru would bring out his collection of nail polish or Shoko would pull out a small speaker. They would paint their nails and listen to whatever indie music Shoko was into and they would stall because they were still too sober, even after the ten or so cans of beer passed along them.
Either way, they would always end up in Satarou’s room, on his bed, or on the floor, all three of them close together, sticky with sweat and alcohol, still in their uniforms, now horribly disheveled, hair sticking out from all places, soft limbs, looking like a bunch of troubled teenagers, like they should have been.  
That would be their summer, their youth. 
At present, the area around them has grown quite a lot, changed just like they had. More appliance stores, more grocery stores, though the house had gone now, replaced with a small cozy apartment building, the lamps all functioned, no manga store, that too had been replaced with a modern tourist office. The one thing that did remain though was that lone corner shop, the old man he heard, had died a few years back. 
But the store remained where it stood, nothing had changed about it. 
Youth, he recalled .
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Webhead Chronicles #23
Title: Webhead Chronicles #23
Fandom: The Amazing Spiderman
Pairing: Tasm!Peter Parker x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,137
Warnings: Violence, implied sexual assault, injury
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: This was really cathartic to write out. Not sure why but I enjoyed writing it.
Gif Credit: @groove-mp3
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It’s late at night when Ev finally gets out of work for the day. She had started working at a mechanic shop about a twenty minute walk from her house about a month ago when her mother had threatened to beat the crap out of her for clearing away her beer bottles too early one night. Ev had talked to her Dad on the phone telling him that living with her Mom was becoming too much for her and she wanted to stay with him. He had been reluctant because he was living in a studio apartment on Staten Island and she would have to change schools. He didn’t want to completely upset her life but he knew he had to do something about her mother's threatening behavior. So he had managed to get her a job with his old highschool friend who owned a few mechanic shops in Queens and Brooklyn.
Her Dad knew that this wouldn’t completely solve the problem of her Mom but it would get her out of the house and away from her Mom for the time being. He was making moves with his job to be able to move back to Queens and would be able to get a place to share with Ev but it was slowly coming together much to his displeasure. And her mom had been kicking up a fuss whenever Ev would spend time away from the house at Aunt May’s. So he couldn’t tell her to sleepover at Aunt May’s for long otherwise her mom would cause problems for Aunt May.
So Ev had started working part time at the mechanic shop twenty minutes from the house, she was currently the front desk personnel and kept track of the computer system as well as all the paperwork for every car that the shop worked on. She wasn’t truly happy since she’d rather be under a hood working on the cars but with her arm still in a cast for at least three more weeks she was stuck working the front desk. When Ev thought about it she was grateful for the opportunity to start working and giving a legitimate reason to be away from her mom. Plus the money she made from her job she was able to spend and save how she wanted, it was giving her more independence in life.
Tonight she had stayed a little later to finish storing and filing all of the old paperwork for the shop from years prior. It was a large task and Gregg the owner had given her a set of keys to lock up the shop when she was ready to leave, he had told her that after the first week of her working he trusted her completely with his shop and hoped to offer her a mechanic position when her cast came off. So as she gathered her bag and laptop that she had been using to help keep track of the filing system for the shop she grabbed her keys and cellphone before pressing number 2 on her contacts speed dial.
“Hey Ev!” Peter answered, sounding breathless and she grinned while rolling her eyes. “Are you finally leaving the shop now?” he asked, definitely sounding out a breath now.
“Are you swinging right now? Or fighting?” Ev asked curiously as she shook her head at his antics.
“Just swinging, I webbed another car jacker to the 10th precinct building for the po-po to handle and I just got done breaking up a drunk and disorderly fight over by a bar called The Alibi. Funny right?! That’s a really clever name for a bar don’t ya think?”” Peter began to ramble on to her making her chuckle softly that this had become so second nature to him now.
“Pete, don’t talk and swing. Yes I’m leaving now I’ll see ya on my way home.” she scolded him softly before hanging up. She didn’t hear his concerned protest as she hung up her cellphone and opened up the shop door. Quickly turning she stuck her key in the door and locked it before dropping the keys in her backpack. Swinging it over her shoulder she began walking down the sidewalk taking her normal route home that she had been taking since she started working at the shop. 
When Peter had found out that she got a part time job and worked after school he had begun showing up on her walks home as Spiderman to make sure she got home safely. The two of them fell into an easy routine of walking home together, Ev would usually get off work earlier than Peter got done patrolling and he would wind up meeting her on her route home.
Now as Ev began her walk home she quietly surveyed her surroundings, Peter had been drilling into her head that she had to stay alert while walking home because there were people around her job who weren’t the most savory type of people. Plus he always got nervous when she walked by herself, Ev liked to think of it as payback for always making her worry about him when he went on patrols.
But normally it was a quiet ten minute walk before Peter showed up as Spiderman to continue walking her home. Unfortunately tonight seemed to be the exact opposite of normal for her. 
Ev noticed the heavy set guy across the street as she reached Mrs. Chang’s bodega at the corner near her job. He had been leaning up against the corner lightpost diagonally from Ev as she greeted Mrs. Chang who was out sweeping in front of her entrance. The man had perked up when he heard Ev and Mrs. Chang talking together and began watching Ev closely. 
“You get home safe now!” Mrs. Chang said happily as a customer stood at her register and she moved to quickly help them. Ev took notice of the man watching her closely and then crossing the street to get onto the same side as her as she continued walking on. Slipping her hand in her jacket pocket Ev kept tense as her fingers closed around the can of mace that her Dad had gotten for her when she got the job. He knew that the area around her job wasn’t that bad but he’d rather her be careful especially with her arm still in a cast.
Just as Ev was passing a dark alleyway she felt the air change and knew almost like a premonition that the man was going to grab her. She felt him get a hold of her backpack and yank her into the alleyway, slamming her against the brick wall. Gasping harshly as her back slammed hard into the brick wall Ev ducked instinctively as the man moved to corner her against the wall and she pulled out the mace can. She aimed it straight at his face as he turned to grab onto her again before spraying him in the face. 
Ev knew that she would be affected by the mace as well because she was in close quarters with the man and the mace but she knew that she had some time before it would completely incapacitate her. What she hadn’t been expecting was the man wildly swinging his arms at her as he yelled in pain from the mace. 
The man turned in a circle yelling as his hands came up to his eyes effectively spreading the mace further along his face causing him more pain. Ev moved away from him as quickly as she could but she wasn’t quick enough, the man grabbed onto her backpack and yanked her back towards him making her yelp in surprise as she fell to the ground.
“You stupid bitch!” The man roared angrily as he stood over her hunched over from the pain before he threw a punch straight into her stomach making her cry out in pain. “Couldn’t just be a good little girl could you?! I would’ve made it painless for you but now you’re gonna feel everything I give you.” He yelled at her in pure rage as he swung his clenched fists down at her body. He managed to get one hit to her left eye which made stars burst in her vision before she defensively covered herself while he continued to wail away blindly on her.
Ev tried to turn and move away from the man as she screamed for help. Her arms were raised up around her head as she hunched over on the ground not letting him get a good hit on her again. She even kicked her feet out at his ankles and managed to knock him backwards on his ass before he roared angrily once more.
Ev quickly jumped to her feet and tried to dodge the man as he advanced on her breathing heavily. Ev could feel her face on the left side starting to swell from his punch earlier and her lip was split at the corner as blood trickled into her mouth causing her to taste copper on her tongue. Pain radiated throughout her body but she knew how to defend herself and wouldn’t allow this lowlife to take her down.
“C’mere you little bitch!” He snapped angrily at her as he lunged for her. Ev dodged his arms but he tripped her making her fall to the ground once more where he fell on top of her. She screamed loudly hoping to catch someone’s attention as she felt the man start to grope her through her large sweatshirt as he huffed and puffed behind her. Ev could see a shadow moving towards the entrance of the alleyway and she screamed to catch the person’s attention as she tried to get out from under the man.
“Hey!” The person shouted and the man paused to see who it was. Ev used the distraction to throw her elbow back harshly into the man’s face hearing a sickening crunch and the man began screaming in pain. She quickly moved from her position once she felt his weight release on her back and she ran towards the person at the entrance of the alleyway. Protective arms wrapped around her and Ev tried to jerk away from them but she spotted the red and blue spandex suit through her swelling eyelid. Tears began to fill her eyes in relief as she recognized Peter. “I got you, relax. I got you.” He said soothingly as he hugged her tightly to him as she sobbed loudly.
There was movement behind her and Ev cowered away in fear as Peter guided her back behind him as he faced her attacker. Ev gently touched the long black legs on the spider on his back as she kept hidden behind him. She quietly focused on the emblem on his to try and calm herself down as her fingers traced it with quick strokes.
“Fuck off man! She’s mine!” Snapped the man angrily and Ev felt Peter tense under her fingers. Peter didn’t respond to the man and Ev heard the guy shuffled closer to the two of them. “You can’t protect her.” Sneered the man as he stepped closer to the two of them.
“Like hell I can’t.” Peter snapped and he lunged forward pummeling the man into the brick wall at the side. Ev gasped softly as her eyes widened while she watched Peter continuously punch her attacker. He was grunting and panting as his fists flew into the man at lightning speeds and all Ev could do was watch in shock.
She’d never seen Peter this angry or violent. He was always the peacekeeper in their relationship, always the one trying to stop the bullying or fights that happened at school. Ev was the one who was more violent or would use ways to subdue someone. This was such a shock that it froze her as she watched the man become unconscious after a harsh punch from Peter’s fist. It was that sight that broke her out of her shock though and she rushed over to Peter grabbing onto his arm that he had cocked back to let fly another punch.
“Spider-Man!” She cried out harshly as she tried to restrain his arm. His head whipped over to her as he panted underneath the suit. The two of them were quiet as they stared at each other, Ev’s eyes wide with the remnants of her shock. Peter lowered his arm slowly and turned towards her as she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. She felt his arms wrap around her back before his hands slowly slid up to cup the sides of her face.
“Oh Ev.” He lamented softly as he gently tilted her face from side to side to see the extent of her injuries.
“I’m okay, I’m okay. It’s gonna hurt like a bitch but I’m okay. You saved me.” She reassured him hurriedly as tears fell from her eyes. The adrenaline from the fight with the guy was starting to wear off and Ev felt as if her body weighed a thousand pounds.
“C’mon we gotta get you home and cleaned up. Let me just web this guy to the alleyway, the cops will be doing their patrol in a few hours. They’ll find him then.” Peter said soothingly as he turned to the man and grabbed his legs to drag him out towards the entrance of the alleyway. Ev followed slowly watching as the man was dragged along the dirty ground of the alleyway feeling a sense of satisfaction that he’d be the dirtiest guy in lockup tonight.
When Peter finished webbing the man to the brick wall by the hand he turned to Ev and began guiding her down the sidewalk. The two of them were silent as they walked and Ev was thankful that he didn’t suggest he swing them home. She didn’t think she could handle facing her fear of heights right now on top of everything else that happened tonight.
When they finally got back to her house Ev walked in through the front while Peter climbed up the side of the house where her window was. He was already there waiting for her with the first aid kit and her lights were all on. His mask was also off and he was watching her with careful quiet eyes. He patted the side of the bed nearest the window and right next to her bedside lamp.
Ev dropped her backpack to the floor by her door before she slipped her shoes off and walked over to him before sitting down heavily. Peter grabbed her desk chair and pulled it over to sit right in front of her as his eyes danced all around her face silently.
“I need to make sure that you don’t have anything broken or any major cuts on you. Can you tell me where he hit you?” Peter said softly and sounded as if he was going to start crying. Numbly Ev began to raise her hoodie and Peter instantly reached out to help her remove it. He watched with worried eyes as she lifted her AC/DC band t-shirt to show him her stomach where there was a large bruise starting to form. He sucked in a harsh breath and gently grazed his fingers along the bruise making her flinch. “Sorry, sorry. It looks like it’s just going to bruise and be sore for a few days. Is there anywhere else he hit you?”
Ev shook her head silently as tears began to fall from her eyes now as she gestured at her face. Peter’s eyebrows crumpled on his forehead as he frowned sorrowfully at her. He nodded his head and began cleaning her split lip and titling her head from side to side to check for any other injuries. When he was done he stood and gathered a pair of pjs for her before giving her space while he returned the first aid kit to the bathroom.
Ev slowly changed into her pjs before climbing into her bed and bundling herself up in her blankets as she sat with her back against the headboard. Peter came back into her room dressed in a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt and gray sweatpants. He moved to the side of the bed and climbed in next to her as his arms wrapped around blanket covered body. He turned on her tv and the two of them sat there together in silence as a rerun played on the screen.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you got out of work. I’ll make sure that I finish up early enough to meet you at the door from now on.” He said softly to her and Ev peeked up at him as he stared at the tv.
“Pete, I left my job that’s not on you.” She reassured him softly and he shook his head adamantly. When he turned his head to stare at her Ev gasped softly at the resolute look that clouded his eyes.
“I’m supposed to protect you. And you were attacked on my watch. I’m so sorry Ev.” He said softly as he stared into her eyes. “I thought the absolute worst when I heard you screaming. I was about ten blocks away when I heard you scream and I swear I’ve never swung as fast as I did tonight. I was terrified that I was going to swing up to your murder.” He confessed softly as he buried his face in her hair. He sucked in harsh breaths as he tried to calm himself down as he held her in his arms. “I thought the absolute worst was happening. I kinda went crazy when I saw him on top of you.”
“Yeah it was a little shocking seeing you like that but I totally understand. I’d be the same way if it was you getting beat up.” Ev reassured him as she leaned her head against his gently. “But I’m okay. I promise. I’m just gonna need to look up how to put on concealer for my eye.”
“I can totally help with that.” Peter said quickly and Ev looked at him skeptically as he laughed softly. “Remember when I would help out the theater club when you would do your engineer meetups after school?” He asked gently and Ev chuckled softly before groaning softly in pain as her split lip throbbed. “They made me help the makeup artists with the costume makeup. I can totally blend the right shade on your eye.” He said confidently as he gazed down at her making sure that she was okay before cuddling her close and resting his head on top of hers as they both zoned out to the rerun before falling asleep.
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angelbvn · 2 years
🍅 what’s your controversial opinion?
🍐 what’s something you do to calm you down?
🍒 do you have a favorite metaphor for systemhood?
🍉 what are your collective interests?
🍅— uh. i don’t think i have one? at least not off the top of my head…. eep sorry ><
🍐— listen to music, hug a stuffed animal, get in a more comfortable position (aka sitting down, laying down, whatever feels right to do), um but honestly most of the time i just kinda try to work through it, i mean sometimes if it’s bad i’ll call out for an alter, like verbally out loud..and that can help..oh oh! like getting a scent that calms me or something super soft (aka pos triggers for me).
🍒— hm okay..kinda cringe, but my system is kinda like our system name “DreamVoid”, it can be light and fun, dreamlike, almost unreal some bad parts and some good. but it’s also like an endless void of possibilities, so many dark and light corners that are left unnoticed, unexplored, untouched. it’s so vast and overwhelming at times, but it’s also very simple in a overwhelming way. very.. “left and right” if that makes sense. it can be super chaotic like a fever dream, or very blank like being in a deep REM sleep. there’s an endless possibility to what my system is, and could be.
🍉— hmm shopping? i— lol um exploring stuff, whether that be in bed or out waking around. hm i mean each of us like to collect different things so i guess collecting stuff.
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singull · 2 years
been a while since i posted a personal thang heeeeeere.
wanna know why?
‘cause my ass got a journal ohmergerd! also got a glass dip pen like i mentioned i wanted and aaahhhhh i feel so FANCY writing with a dip pen. 8D
but yeah, since i’ve been spilling all the boring deets of my life into a journal, i haven’t been posting shit here bahaha. probably a good thing? xD but also sometimes a bitch misses getting feedback about things sometimes rather than just writing into a void.
last few days have been a little rough because my mind has gone back to dwelling on the friend breakup from early this year. keep spiraling into trying to pin down what i must have done or said that was so wrong that she felt the need to cut me out of her life for good. and like…yeah i can think of plenty of reasons, but being able to come up with a laundry list of what i believe are my faults isn’t terribly helpful bahah. i’ve fought with myself a few times this year about reaching out to get some sort of non-vague answer, but ultimately i know that i likely don’t want to know whatever her answer is because it isn’t likely to give me any sort of satisfying closure anyway and will probably just make me feel worse about myself.
annnnnnnd yeah it feels like all my progress of slowing accepting that my friend is gone for good is unraveling completely and aaaaaahhhhhh. the fact that we had to put our other dog down a few weeks ago and i’ve been sleeping terribly is probably a big reason for the back-tracking. been feeling that depression slithering back into my life and it makes it difficult to focus on things that would preoccupy me usually and keep me busy. plus it’s beginning to get darker earlier so i’m sure that isn’t helping bahaha. winter months in alaska fucking suck. i could deal with the cold and the snow and shit, but the darkness just makes things so much harder.
anyway…i talked my boss into upgrading our POS system at work! we’ve been using a Square Stand with an iPad Air for a few years, but the tablet has been lagging a lot with square’s app in particular for a while now, so we’re going to get Square’s Register (which will be so nice so i don’t have to worry about iOS updates butting heads with app updates) AS WELL AS a barcode scanner and receipt printer. aaaayyyyyyyy. i’m pretty lowkey hype about the scanner. it’s gonna be an asshole to reorganize the entire inventory, but hey, it’ll be something to do at work during downtime. P; will be nice to make checking out more seamless, especially since my boss wants to start looking into getting volunteers for the shop again. lemme tell you, trying to tell a volunteer to study the inventory so they learn to know where to find items on it for check out is like pulling teeth. being able to tell them to just scan a barcode will make training so much easier for me. xD also, no having to worry about teaching someone how to interact with an iPad. suffering is having to teach an elderly person about iOS gestures. xD; just teaching them to use the app can be a whole thing in itself. hopefully the register will be much more straight forward.
still reading, but been working on playing god of war 2018 since september since i’m interested in playing ragnarok later this year, but vidya gaems really cut into reading time bahaha. also i keep falling behind on my shows and youtube watch later list. xD;
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namastenetindia · 12 days
NamasteNet: Leading Web Designing Company in Hyderabad
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NamasteNet: The Coolest WebDesign Company in Hyderabad
NamasteNet is a premium designing company in Hyderabad, guided by a mission to change businesses into effective, innovative, and budget-friendly solutions for responsive website design that is search-engine friendly to take your brand to new levels, create awareness, and drive business growth. Be it a new startup or a well-settled one some years ago, NamasteNet serves to cater to all web designs. Why Use NamasteNet for Web Design? At NamasteNet, we believe that your website is the first real touch-point for any brand and customers. Our design team thrives on building web designs that look amazing and at the same time provide a seamless user experience.
1. Affordable Web Designing Services Here at NamasteNet, we aspire to deliver elite-quality website designs to every scale of business. We offer professionally designed web solutions at an economic price starting from as low as ₹4,999. To us, every business deserves to have an online face that stands out; budget should not be an issue.
2. Bespoke Web Design We are proud to design your website exactly
As your real identity and vision of your brand requires. Big, small—here at NamasteNet, it is all about tailoring your project to be one of a kind. It is customized to fit your needs exactly, so your website can represent your brand and business accurately.
3. Responsive for All Devices
The demand for responsive websites comes as a part of this requirement in a mobile-driven world. Responsive Web Design by NamasteNet ensures your website can view and functions right on every device, starting with desktops to tablets and smartphones. It will definitely enhance not only the user experience but also improve your positions on search engines like Google.
4. E-commerce Solutions NamasteNet
Will provide full-cycle e-commerce website development and help your business start selling its products online as seamlessly as it can. Our e-commerce solutions will enable customers to shop through a seamless shopping experience, including safe payment gateways, product catalogs, and smooth checkout processes.
5. SEO-friendly websites But all that means little if it's not found. NamasteNet has integrated best SEO practices into every website we build, ensuring your website is optimized to show higher on search engine pages. By following an SEO-driven design, more organic traffic will come in and any conversion help will be aimed at new customers.
6. Know-how: Global Quality, Local NamasteNet, with its head office in Hyderabad, understands that Indian businesses are not off-the-shelf enterprises and strikes a balance between local market insight and internationally accepted standards of web design and usability in developing one's website.
Go Beyond Web Design with POS Software Solutions Leading in web design, NamasteNet simultaneously provides updates for POS software solutions to be able to accommodate the needs and requirements that retail businesses have in mind. Our updated POS software will help retail businesses organize and manage billing, inventory, and customer tracking at very reasonable rates, starting from ₹3,999 only.
1. Retail POS Software NamasteNet's Retail POS Software is deliberately designed such that it provides comfort both to small and large businesses. It has an integrated inventory management system and seamless billing system that keeps the retailer at the helm in managing their stores.
2. Cloud-Based POS Solutions Our cloud POS solutions give you the ability to work with all of your business data from any place, while having proper control over sales, inventory, and customer interaction. It results in bringing flexibility to the smooth running of your business from anywhere at any time.
3. GST Billing Software NamasteNet's GST billing software will help your business automate tax calculation in India, making it easy to comply with government regulations and smooth financial reporting.
NamasteNet: For a Digital India NamasteNet proudly supports Digital India in letter and spirit, hence strives to provide Made in India software solutions empowering businesses across India. Our mission is to bridge the digital divide, providing affordable yet high-quality digital solutions that help businesses grow in the competitive online space.
Reach NamasteNet today!
If you’re looking for a professional, reliable, and affordable web designing company in Hyderabad,
NamasteNet is here to help. Our team of skilled designers and developers is ready to bring your vision to life and take your business to new heights.
Contact Information: Mobile: +91 905 905 4355 [email protected] , #16-11-220, East Prasanth Nagar, Moosarambagh, Hyderabad – 500036
NamasteNet is here to offer innovative and developed solutions in web design and POS software with a touch for the needs of your business. Our digital solution teams empower small businesses to become gigantic ones, driving growth, building efficiency, and standing out in online competition. Give rise to affordable, high-quality, and future-built web design and POS solutions with NamasteNet.
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July 19th, 2024 星期四 - Gold Museum, Exploring 九份, Setting Off 燈籠
Today was very long, but we got to travel a lot and see more of the mountains and greenscape that we can’t see in the city. We began our day by taking a coach bus to the gold museum. The drive was very very long, but we got to see the absolutely gorgeous ocean from a very high point. We got to visit several sites at the museum as we walked through it. At one of the sections, there was an interactive mining game, where you scan a QR code, pick your cursor color/shape, and then play a game to dig out ores. At the end, the game shows the different percentages of ores that were mined.
At the gold museum we also got to see and touch a large variety of rocks/minerals/metals. Some were dull and brittle, while others were colorful and shimmery. There was also the HUGE gold brick that visitors were encouraged to try to pick it up (our tour guide said if we could pick it up, we could keep it). I did indeed try my hand at lifting it, but I fear that I too was unsuccessful and will unfortunately continue to be poor :(
I ended up buying a couple of goodies at the gift store— a gold metal fish bookmark and some porcelain calico cat chopstick holders. Somehow when I tried to use Apple Pay, the POS system broke itself so there was a bit of a tussle trying to fix it. Everyone else after me in line had to use cash :/
Our next activity was taking another drive to Jiufen, a neighboring mountainside town that had a crazy intricate system of colorful shops, food stalls, and tea houses. I explored the shops with some of my classmates as we looked for a teahouse to have lunch in. I did find a jewelry store with Chinese traditional earrings, but I wanted to look at other options and forgot so I never returned. We ended up finding a teahouse with an amazing view of the mountains and sparkling blue ocean. To get there, we had to travel through the small rock tunnel passageway that was pretty cool. I’ll be honest, I didn’t LOVE the tea. It was a cool experience getting so see the tea ceremony and such but as a colonizee of England, I fear I might have to stick with adding sugar in my tea :( I ordered salt and pepper shrimp, but the shrimp was WHOLE with the head, shells, and legs….but I championed through.
After lunch, we explored some more and encountered a lot of very cute animals on the way. At the very end, I FINALLY find a store that sold qipaos, but it was kind of expensive and the options were limited so I opted to try buying it again later. We stopped along the way to get watermelon juice, something I’ve seen different vendors selling all over Taipei. It was pretty tasty and relatively cheap. We eventually met back with the rest of the class and took another long bus ride to another museum that was unfirtenyl closed. In its place we set off lanterns instead. We got to use calligraphy brushes and ink to write our hopes and dreams on the lanterns before the attendants helped set them up to be lit. We all got to take a video of us lifting off our lanterns and watching them float off into the distance. It was pretty cool. It felt like those scenes in traditional Chinese dramas.
After the lanterns, we hung out in that area for a bit and tried scallion pancakes. I got all the toppings on my scallion pancake because i wanted to try it in its intended? form and I’ve always seen them in Korean dramas. It was pretty tasty, but perhaps if I get it again, I’ll get it just plain. There were also options to add egg or American cheese but I passed on those. Our professor’s husband later told us that he was really happy we all tried the scallion pancake since it’s one of his favorite foods in Taiwan which was super sweet <3 (that’s father for real!).
Later we headed home on the bus and i settled into bed after a long day of traveling and seeing new things!
Academic Reflection
The now popular tourist attraction of Jiufen originally started off as a village of nine families that eventually turned into a town after gold was discovered in the nearby Kauhun hills. It peaked during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, and houses sprung all over from people moving to mine for gold. Water ran so freely though the town that even in front of people’s doorsteps could they bend down and feel gold in the water. Unfortunately during World War 2, Jiufen was used a prisoner of war camp for Allied soldiers captured in Singapore. At camp Kinkaseki, the POWs were forced to work in the gold mines and the camp had the majority of deaths that occurred in all fourteen POW camps in Taiwan.
Also, I did some research into scallion pancakes, because something our tour guide said made me slightly confused. Our tour guide made a comment about how scallion pancakes are endemic to that area we were in, but I’ve long heard of 파전 (Korean scallion pancakes) even before I ever started studying Chinese. Even the sign at the scallion pancake shop said 파전 on it. After doing some research, I found a very humorous accusation that pizza is really just a copy of a scallion pancake. Apparently the story goes that Marco Polo missed scallion pancakes so much when he returned to Italy, that he asked his chef friends to recreate it. Eventually he asked them to put the toppings on top instead of inside, and the pizza as we know it was born! (Allegedly). Of course this story isn’t real but I think it’s hilarious considering the other stories I’ve heard about things being stolen from China such as pasta from noodles.
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cbshopin · 3 months
Start Selling with Shopify – Try Free for 3 Days and Get Your First Month for Just ₹20!
Hey Tumblrs! 🌟
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Whether you're selling handmade crafts, trendy fashion, or unique digital products, Shopify has an unbeatable offer just for you!
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Shopify isn’t just an online store builder; it's your all-in-one commerce platform. Here’s what you get:
1. Sell In-Person and Online: With Shopify, you can sell in-person using their robust POS system and expand your reach online. Perfect for pop-up shops, markets, and festivals, as well as your own e-commerce site.
2. Powerful Tools: From inventory management to payment processing, Shopify offers a suite of tools to make your selling experience seamless and efficient.
3. Easy to Use: No tech wizardry needed! Shopify’s intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to set up and manage their store.
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How to Get Started:
Sign Up: Head over to Shopify and start your free 3-day trial.
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Take advantage of this amazing deal and transform your business with Shopify. Happy selling! 🛍️💻
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kirnakumar155 · 5 months
SAP Ariba and S4 Hana Integration
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Companies seek ways to optimize spend management and increase process efficiency in an era marked by constant supply chain shifts and the demand for greater procurement agility. SAP Ariba and SAP S/4HANA form a robust solution that empowers enterprises to tackle these challenges head-on. Their integration offers a streamlined, end-to-end procurement approach, often called the “Procure-to-Pay” (P2P) process.
What is SAP Ariba?
SAP Ariba is a cloud-based suite of procurement applications. It enables businesses to collaborate effectively with suppliers, automate sourcing, manage contracts, simplify spend analysis, and process invoices – all through a single platform. SAP Ariba simplifies the process with user-friendly interfaces and features:
Ariba Network: Facilitates digital transactions and information exchange between buyers and sellers.
Guided Buying: A guided shopping experience for employees ensures compliant purchasing.
Sourcing: Helps with identifying suppliers, managing bids, and negotiating contracts.
Contract Management: Streamlines contract creation, negotiation, and compliance tracking.
What is SAP S/4HANA?
SAP S/4HANA is SAP’s flagship intelligent ERP suite. Designed for in-memory computing and real-time analytics, SAP S/4HANA provides a solid foundation for managing core business functions like finance, supply chain, manufacturing, and more. Within the procurement context, S/4HANA handles:
Operational Procurement: Manages purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and goods receipts.
Invoice Processing: Supports efficient invoice verification and payment processing
Materials Management and Inventory: Manages stock levels, valuation, and movements.
Master Data Management: Houses critical data on vendors, materials, and contracts.
Benefits of Integrating SAP Ariba and SAP S/4HANA
Combining these two robust systems creates a brilliant and connected procurement landscape, offering significant advantages:
Enhanced End-to-End Visibility: Transparent and real-time data flow between both systems enables improved decision-making and complete control of the P2P cycle.
Improved Compliance: Guided buying experiences on Ariba combined with S/4HANA’s contract management guarantee adherence to established policies and internal controls.
Optimized Spend: Better supplier discovery, contract negotiation through Ariba tools, and accurate purchase tracking in S/4HANA result in smarter spending.
Reduced Operational Costs: Automated processes and eliminating duplicate tasks decrease manual effort and associated costs.
Increased User Experience: Ariba and the latest versions of S/4HANA (with Fiori) provide intuitive interfaces that encourage greater user adoption and process efficiency.
Integration Methods
Various integration methods exist to connect SAP Ariba and SAP S/4HANA seamlessly:
SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway (CIG) is a preferred option that offers pre-built integration flows for standard procurement processes.
SAP Process Integration (PI) / Process Orchestration (PO): A robust middleware solution for complex scenarios requiring customization.
Point-to-Point Connections: For select use cases involving a smaller volume of data.
Integrating SAP Ariba and SAP S/4HANA unlocks the full potential for streamlined, cost-effective, intelligent procurement. Businesses equipped with this powerful combination gain a distinct competitive advantage by optimizing spending, strengthening supplier relationships, and ensuring compliance throughout the procure-to-pay cycle.
You can find more information about  SAP ARIBA in this  SAP ARIBA Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for SAP  Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  SAP ARIBA here – SAP  ARIBA Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class SAP ARIBA Details here – SAP ARIBA Training
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dailyhub24 · 7 months
Secret Weapon for Success in a Competitive Marketplace Cube POS
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The restaurant industry is a battlefield. Customers have countless options at their fingertips, and their expectations are higher than ever. Long wait times, frustrated servers, and inaccurate orders can quickly sink your business. But what if there was a way to streamline your operations, empower your staff, and turn every guest into a raving fan? That's the magic of Cube POS, a revolutionary point-of-sale (POS) system designed to transform your restaurant from good to great.
Simplicity Meets Power: A User-Friendly Juggernaut
Cube POS isn't your average clunky POS system. It's designed with usability in mind, featuring a clean and intuitive interface that even the most tech-averse staff member can master in no time. This translates to a smoother workflow, fewer errors, and happier employees. But don't be fooled by the user-friendly facade. Cube POS packs a serious punch when it comes to functionality. From managing orders with lightning speed to analyzing sales data to identify trends, Cube POS equips you with the tools you need to run your restaurant like a well-oiled machine.
Take Charge of Your Order Data: The Key to Unlocking Guest Satisfaction
In the fast-paced world of restaurants, every minute counts. Traditional POS systems can create bottlenecks, leading to order mistakes and frustrated guests. Cube POS empowers you to take control of your order data, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Imagine a world where orders are processed flawlessly, food arrives at tables quickly and correctly, and your staff can focus on providing exceptional service. Cube POS makes this dream a reality.
Conquer the Queue Monster: How to Keep Guests Happy and Coming Back for More
Long lines are a restaurant's worst nightmare. They frustrate customers, damage your reputation, and can even lead to lost sales. Cube POS tackles this challenge head-on with innovative technology designed to keep queues short and guests happy. Features like mobile ordering allow customers to bypass the line and place their orders from their smartphones, while intuitive table-side service empowers your waitstaff to take orders and payments efficiently. With Cube POS, you can say goodbye to long wait times and hello to a happier, more satisfied clientele.
The Power of Customization: A POS System That Grows with You
Cube POS isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a next-generation system designed to adapt to your specific needs. Whether you run a cozy coffee shop or a bustling fine-dining establishment, Cube POS has the tools you need to thrive. As your business grows, Cube POS scales with you, providing the flexibility you need to manage an expanding operation. Stop feeling held back by outdated systems that can't keep up with your success. Cube POS is the future-proof solution you've been waiting for.
Unleash Growth Potential: How Cube POS Can Supercharge Your Restaurant's Success
Cube POS is more than just a fancy way to take orders. It's a strategic investment in your restaurant's future. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, Cube POS simplifies tasks, streamlines operations, and frees you up to focus on what matters most – creating a memorable dining experience for your guests. The result? Increased customer loyalty, boosted profitability, and a thriving business that sets itself apart from the competition.
A POS System as Diverse as Your Menu: Solutions for Every Restaurant
Cube POS offers a comprehensive suite of food and beverage solutions designed to cater to your unique requirements. No matter what kind of cuisine you serve, Cube POS has the tools you need to streamline your inventory management, ensure service accuracy, and elevate the dining experience for your guests. From managing happy hour specials at your local bar to tracking pizza toppings at your family-friendly pizzeria, Cube POS has you covered.
Read more: cutting-edge & Innovative point of sale solution that you can easily afford
Keeping You in Control: Powerful Back-Office Features for Data-Driven Decisions
Running a successful restaurant requires more than just delicious food and attentive service. You also need to be a master of data. Cube POS empowers you with a robust back-office suite that provides valuable insights into your restaurant's performance. Imagine being able to access real-time sales data, analyze inventory levels, and identify customer trends – all from a user-friendly, web-based interface. With Cube POS, you can:
Generate Detailed Reports: Gain a comprehensive understanding of your business with in-depth reports on sales, labor costs, inventory levels, and customer behavior. Identify areas for improvement, track progress over time, and make data-driven decisions that optimize your operations and boost your bottom line.
Effortless Inventory Management: Never run out of your most popular dishes again. Cube POS provides intuitive tools to track inventory levels, manage supplier relationships, and generate purchase orders with ease. Reduce waste, optimize your spending, and ensure you always have the ingredients on hand to meet customer demand.
Employee Performance Tracking: Empower your team and identify areas for coaching with employee performance reports. Track individual sales performance, analyze order accuracy, and gain valuable insights into how your staff is operating.
Unmatched Support: Ensuring Your Success Every Step of the Way
Cube POS understands that a POS system is only as good as the support behind it. That's why they offer a comprehensive support package designed to ensure you have everything you need to thrive. Here's what you can expect:
24/7 Customer Support: Never be left in the dark with Cube POS's dedicated customer support team. Get help with any technical issues, answer questions about the system, and receive expert advice, all around the clock.
Seamless System Setup and Training: The Cube POS team is there to get you up and running quickly and efficiently. They provide comprehensive system setup assistance and in-depth training for your staff, ensuring everyone feels comfortable using the system to its full potential.
Ongoing System Updates and Security: Cube POS is constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of the restaurant industry. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your system is always up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.
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quickvee · 9 months
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myposbook · 10 months
How to Register your Shop/Store/Business in MyPosBook-ERP System
How to Register your shop/Store/Business in MyPosBook - All-in-One-ERP Software & ERP Solutions for Business
Registering your shop/Store/Business in MyPosBook.com Setting Business Multiple Locations or Ware House or Storefronts 1. Registering a new shop/store/business Click on register business link on the welcome page.  https://erp.myposbook.com/public/business/register Registering business involves multiple steps;  Business Details, Tax details, and Owner details. Business Details: Fill out the relevant fields; select the appropriate currency & Time zone; click on Next. Time Zone & Currency can be different for different registered businesses. Tax Details: You should fill out at least one Tax name and Tax number. Tax is like GST/VAT which varies for different countries. Fill details & click on next. Owner Details: Provide asked details. Username & Password are used to login so make sure you remember them. The owner created during this registration will be admin of the business. More admin can be added/edited/deleted from user management section. Click on the register button and after successful registration, it will get redirected to login screen. Login with owner username/password created. 2. Setting Business Multiple Locations or Ware House or Storefronts MyPosBook comes with the option to handle multiple business locations or Warehouse or Storefronts for your business. To create a new Business Location / Storefront or warehouse go to “settings -> Business Locations” Fill the business details. Choose an Invoice scheme & Invoice Layout for the location.– When having multiple locations you will have to select the Location while adding purchases or in the pos screen. Inventory and transactions are managed separately for each location you create so that you can easily track and analyze them for each location. Disabling Business Location:To disable a business location click on Disable button present in List Business Location.NOTE 1: After a business location is disbabled any users assigned to that business location must be assigned to other non-disabled business location.NOTE 2: You must keep atleast 1 business location non-disabled. If all business location is disabled then the application will throw errors. 3. Setup different Invoice Scheme and Invoice Format for Each Store With MyPosBook  you can configure the format for your invoice number. To configure go to Settings -> Invoice settings Click on Add and select a scheme format. Format can be XXXX or -XXXX You can also provide a custom prefix, invoice start number, number of digits in the invoice number. The preview box will display the preview according to the chosen option. You will need to set a default invoice scheme for a business to use it. Invoice Layout Invoice Layout helps you to create different invoice formats. To add a new invoice layout: Go to Settings->Invoice Settings->Invoice Layout->Add Give a unique distinguishable Layout name Add the text to be shown in the top/header of invoice. Generally, it can be your shop name, aligned center with Heading 1 format. Add other relevant details. You can show/hide address fields. You can mark a layout as default. The default layout is used when no layout is found for a location. Click on Save. To use an invoice layout in a location go to” Business Locations -> Edit” and assign the invoice layout. Invoice Design: In invoice layout, you will find options for invoice designs. Used for browser-based printing only & NOT print server-based printing. Slim design is used for thermal line printer-based printer. Changing invoice layout  Select the invoice design name of the design you want to change like classic/elegant/detailed/slim etc. Tax Summary: To see the tax summary in invoice, go to add/edit invoice layout, and enter the “Tax Summary Label” option and it will show the tax summary in invoice. Total in words: To display total in words in the invoice Enable:  Show total in words  Choose “Word Format” Discounted Price: To display the discounted unit price and discount amount in the invoice, enable the following filed in invoice layout Discounted unit price label Discount label Display unit breakdown: To display the reduction summary of quantity from multiple units, enable the check box  ‘show base unit details (If applicable)’. 4. Selling Price Groups (Sell in different prices: wholesale/retail or for different prices for different locations) With MyPosBook we aim to make it “One in All” POS/Stock Management Application. Selling price groups allow you to add different prices for a product. Sell at different prices: wholesale/retail Different prices for different locations Adding Selling Price Groups: Go to products -> Selling Price Group Click on “Add” button to add a new price group. For example Retail price or WholeSale price or Bulk Purchase price or Location 1 price etc as per your wish. You can view a list of selling prices in “Selling Price Group” screen. Adding price for different price groups:
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. In Add/Edit product screen in the bottom, you will find the button “Save & Add Selling-price-group price”. Click on that button. Note: this button will not be visible if there are no selling price groups. In the next screen, you will see the list of the product name (if variable product then all variations), the default price & selling price groups price. Enter the prices for it. Click on Save. Exporting & Importing selling price group: Go to Products -> Selling Price Group. First download the excel file with the selling price group by clicking on “Export Selling Price Group Prices” button. In the downloaded file change the price of products. Only selling price group prices of the product will be updated, not the SKU or name. Any blank price will be skiped. Then import the file. Selling at a particular price group: Go to POS. In the top, you will see the list of selling price groups. Select the one as per your requirement. Note: This will not be visible if there are no selling price groups or if a user is assigned only one particular price group only. Select the prie group & the selling prices for the product will be as per the price group. Assigning a user to a particular price group: Sometime you may want to assign a particular or few selected price group to a user. In that case, create a role with the desired permission & price group assigned. You must assign at least one price group for a role if that role has permission to sell. Assigning a price group to a Business Location Helps selling same product at a different price in different business location. Go to Add/Edit Business Location and select the Default Selling Price Group, if not selected then products default price will be used. FAQ? 1. How to hide the Selling Price Group in POS window to all cashiers In add/edit roles you can set which all selling price groups will be visible to that role. So in the cashier role, you can uncheck/remove permission for all other selling price groups except the one you want to show or use for the cashier. Read the full article
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First Draft Update #1
Word Count: 962
Chapter: One
Gideon cast his eyes to the front of the shop, where Arthur dragged himself inside, grumbling and stuffing the keys to his beat-up car into the pocket of his denim jacket. "Hey, what gives?" Arthur, a man well into his sixties and grizzled with various facial scars from only he knew where, scowled at him and took his place behind the cash register. "Excuse me?" "You're always giving me a hard time whenever I'm late, and you roll in five minutes past clock-in time?" Gideon tutted, feigning disappointment. "For shame, sir." Arthur signed into the POS system and pursed his lips as he clocked in. "Traffic was a bitch." Gideon glanced down at his phone again. "Yeah, that tracks. There's apparently a pretty popular show going on, some type of circus or something." He showed Emilie the screen, where he pulled the advertisement from his email that had him so engrossed during breakfast. "Cirque du Fantôme. Ever heard of it?" Emilie shook her head, hands at her hips. "Doesn't ring a bell." "I was thinking of taking Warner to see it for her birthday." Gideon chewed on his lip thoughtfully as he scrutinized the photos of fire-breathers and acrobats accompanying the advertisement. "...But I think she might be too old for it." "If she's anything like Angeliqua was, she'll love it," Emilie said, moving to another cardboard box sitting on the stale carpet. "Plus, the kid's crazy about you. I think she'd enjoy watching grass grow if it was with you." At the mention of Angeliqua, Gideon's brow pinched. Emilie angled her face up from the box and took immediate notice. "Take her to the circus," she said. "I promise."
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levaajemsan · 11 months
Restaurant Pos System Restaurant Billing Software
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A quick, efficient, and user-friendly Cloud-Based Point-of-Sale system, is exactly what your restaurant wants. Our Restaurant Billing Software keeps you up to date with all of the information about the stock ranges at any level and notifies you when there's something concerning within the stock. There is not any use in shopping for high-end restaurant billing software programs, which is a tricky nut to crack when running. A restaurant billing management system should have straightforward integration and helpful tools for people of all educational and intellectual levels to work simply - Best Restaurant Billing Software.
So, to go head-to-head in this extremely competitive market, guarantee your restaurant billing software has Inventory administration. The billing software program should have the power to combine with different systems corresponding to accounting software program, inventory administration software program, and payment gateways. Integration with different methods will help streamline operations and scale back errors. The GST billing and accounting software program has been designed with utmost care - free restaurant billing software.
Any sale bulletins, discount deals, festival greetings, special offers, etc., can be shared utilizing the billing software program with much less effort. The greetings may be shared in bulk or with a choose group of individuals utilizing the GST software. Accounting software offers budgeting and forecasting features, which permit businesses to plan and forecast their expenses and revenue. Accounting software offers varied strategies for valuing shares, allowing companies to determine stock cost and worth.
The software program should enable for table assignments, desk status updates, and waitlist administration. This feature enables eating places to optimize table turnover, scale back wait times, and improve customer expertise. Upserve is a cloud-based restaurant administration platform that offers a range of instruments and features to help streamline operations, improve guest experiences, and increase gross sales. For more information, please visit https://billingsoftwareindia.in/restaurant-billing-software/
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rjhreview · 1 year
Is the Apple MacBook Air with M2 Chip Worth the Hype? Find Out Now!
Imagine a sleek, lightweight laptop that can handle anything you throw at it, whether it's work, gaming, or creative projects. Introducing the Apple 2022 MacBook Air Laptop with M2 chip. With its strikingly thin design and weighing just 2.7 pounds, this laptop is more portable than ever, allowing you to work and create anywhere you go. Powered by the next-generation M2 chip with up to 24GB of memory, you can expect lightning-fast performance and smooth multitasking. The 13.6-inch Liquid Retina display with over 500 nits of brightness delivers vibrant images and incredible detail. Plus, with its advanced camera and audio features, you'll look and sound great during video calls. The MacBook Air also offers versatile connectivity options, including a MagSafe charging port, Thunderbolt ports, and a headphone jack. And with the easy-to-use interface and seamless integration with all your Apple devices, you'll feel right at home from the moment you turn it on. The image shown is for illustrative purposes only and is not directly related to the product Plus, the durable all-aluminium unibody enclosure and free software updates ensure that this laptop will last for years to come. With lightning-fast performance, a beautiful display, and easy compatibility with your favorite apps, the Apple 2022 MacBook Air is the ultimate laptop for those who want to work, play, and create with style and efficiency. Why Consider This Product? The Apple 2022 MacBook Air Laptop with M2 chip is a must-have for anyone looking for an incredibly capable and portable laptop. With its strikingly thin design and lightweight build, weighing just 2.7 pounds, it's easy to take it with you wherever you go. Whether you're working, playing, or creating, this laptop has you covered. Superior Performance Powered by the M2 chip, this MacBook Air offers next-generation performance. With an 8-core CPU, up to 10-core GPU, and up to 24GB of unified memory, you'll experience lightning-fast speed and responsiveness. This means you can breeze through tasks and multitask effortlessly, whether it's editing videos, designing graphics, or running demanding software. Long-Lasting Battery Life One of the standout features of the Apple M2 chip is its power efficiency, allowing the MacBook Air to offer up to 18 hours of battery life. Gone are the days of constantly searching for a power outlet or worrying about running out of battery during an important meeting or presentation. With this laptop, you can go all day and into the night without needing to charge. Features and Benefits Striking Design and Portability The MacBook Air's redesigned, remarkably thin design makes it a highly portable laptop. Weighing just 2.7 pounds, it's effortless to carry with you wherever you need to go. Whether you're traveling, heading to a coffee shop, or moving between meetings, this laptop won't weigh you down. Brilliant Display The 13.6-inch Liquid Retina display is a visual delight. With over 500 nits of brightness, it offers vibrant images and incredible detail. The P3 wide color support and ability to display 1 billion colors ensure that your content is displayed with accuracy and precision. Whether you're editing photos, watching movies, or working on creative projects, this display will bring your content to life. 512Gb Check here 256Gb Check here Advanced Camera and Audio Video conferencing and virtual meetings have become the norm, and the MacBook Air is equipped to deliver a superior experience. The 1080p FaceTime HD camera ensures you look your best during video calls or online classes, while the three-mic array captures your voice with clarity. The four-speaker sound system with Spatial Audio provides immersive audio, making your virtual meetings or entertainment experiences more enjoyable. Versatile Connectivity The MacBook Air comes with a range of connectivity options to suit your needs. It features a MagSafe charging port, providing a secure and reliable way to charge your laptop. With two Thunderbolt ports, you can connect high-speed external devices, displays, and more. And of course, there's a headphone jack for those times when you want to enjoy your favorite audio privately. Product Quality Apple is known for its commitment to quality, and the MacBook Air is no exception. The all-aluminum unibody enclosure is not only sleek and stylish but also exceptionally durable. It's built to withstand the rigors of daily use, ensuring that your laptop remains in great condition for years to come. Additionally, Apple's dedication to providing free software updates means your MacBook Air will continue to run smoothly and securely with the latest features and improvements. What It's Used For Versatile Workstation The MacBook Air is a versatile device that can handle a wide range of tasks. Whether you're a student, professional, or creative, this laptop has you covered. From writing papers and creating presentations to editing photos and videos, the MacBook Air's powerful performance and impressive display make it a reliable workstation for all your needs. Seamless Integration with Apple Devices If you're already invested in the Apple ecosystem with an iPhone or iPad, the MacBook Air is the perfect addition. It seamlessly integrates with your Apple devices, allowing you to easily share files, messages, and even use your iPhone or iPad apps on your laptop. The familiar user interface and compatibility enhance your overall productivity and convenience. Entertainment Hub The MacBook Air is not just for work; it's also an excellent entertainment hub. Whether you're streaming movies, playing games, or listening to music, the vibrant display and immersive audio will enhance your entertainment experience. And with its lightweight and portable design, you can enjoy your favorite content wherever you go. Product Specifications SpecificationDetailsDisplay13.6-inch Liquid Retina displayProcessorM2 chip with 8-core CPUGraphicsUp to 10-core GPUMemoryUp to 24GB of unified memoryStorage512GB SSDCamera1080p FaceTime HD cameraAudioFour-speaker sound system with Spatial AudioConnectivityMagSafe charging port, two Thunderbolt portsBattery LifeUp to 18 hoursWarrantyOne-year limited warranty, AppleCare+ available Who Needs This The Apple 2022 MacBook Air is suitable for a wide range of individuals. Whether you're a student, professional, creative, or simply someone who wants a reliable and powerful laptop, this product is for you. Its portability, versatility, and seamless integration with other Apple devices make it a valuable tool for anyone. The image shown is for illustrative purposes only and is not directly related to the product Pros and Cons Pros: - Strikingly thin and lightweight design - Powerful performance with the M2 chip - Long battery life for all-day usage - Brilliant display with wide color support - Superior camera and immersive audio - Versatile connectivity options - Seamless integration with Apple devices Cons: - Limited storage options, with 512GB being the maximum - Higher price point compared to some competitors FAQ's - Can I upgrade the RAM or storage on the MacBook Air? - No, the MacBook Air comes with a fixed amount of memory and storage, so it's not user-upgradable. - Can I run Windows on the MacBook Air? - Yes, you can run Windows on the MacBook Air using virtualization software like Parallels Desktop or Boot Camp. - Does the MacBook Air support external displays? - Yes, the MacBook Air supports external displays up to 6K resolution through its Thunderbolt ports. What Customers Are Saying - "The MacBook Air is incredibly fast and responsive. It handles all my tasks with ease." - "The display is stunning, with vibrant colors and sharp details." - "The battery life is amazing. I can go a whole day without needing to charge." Overall Value The Apple 2022 MacBook Air offers exceptional value with its performance, portability, and seamless integration with Apple devices. While it may have a higher price point compared to some competitors, the reliability, longevity, and user experience make it a worthwhile investment for anyone in need of a powerful and versatile laptop. Tips and Tricks For Best Results - Keep your MacBook Air updated with the latest software updates for enhanced performance and security. - Take advantage of the seamless integration with your other Apple devices to streamline your workflow and save time. - Use external displays and accessories for a more comfortable working or entertainment experience. - Opt for AppleCare+ to extend your warranty and get peace of mind. Final Thoughts Product Summary The Apple 2022 MacBook Air is a top-of-the-line laptop that combines power, portability, and seamless integration with Apple devices. With its striking design, brilliant display, superior performance, and versatile connectivity options, it's an excellent choice for students, professionals, creatives, and anyone in need of a reliable and capable laptop. 512Gb Check here 256Gb Check here Final Recommendation If you're in the market for a laptop that can handle all your tasks, provide an immersive entertainment experience, and seamlessly work with your other Apple devices, look no further than the Apple 2022 MacBook Air. With its impressive features, high-quality build, and long-lasting battery life, it's an investment that will serve you well for years to come. Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read the full article
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