#he's truly come so far 🥹🥲
eruptedinlight · 4 months
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Saru's Evolution 1 -> 5
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♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#61: The Happy Ending (1.06)
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The Grimes family is reunited.😭🙌🏽
That's it. That's the intro. 😋 Because we just gotta dive right in and break this super rewarding and moving Grimes family reunion all the way down. It's everything. 🥹...
First off - The way we WIN.
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After so many years, we really got to witness our babies get their happily ever after with their babies. They won. We won. 🎉😭
And the biggest reason I say we win is because something that we love lives. Richonne's story has been able to live to its fullest potential and in the most captivating and fulfilling way. From the iconic start in TWD to this impactful conclusion in TOWL. 🙌🏽
When working on these TOWL revelings, I tried to have the majority of them written and ready before I even started sharing the posts in July to ensure I’d deliver on my promise and follow through to the end. These final Grimes Family reunion posts are the only ones I put off writing for a while because, as far as we know, this is it. 🥲 The last page we get to see of Richonne’s beautiful years-long story. The last new Richonne scenes to break down and revel in. 
Since TOWL was announced as a 6-episode miniseries, I’m currently approaching this final scene as the official conclusion of Richonne's story. I know Andy, Danai, and Scott haven't outright said they're never reprising these roles, and the more I hear their answers to the questions about a return, a part of me thinks they know they're coming back in some capacity, be it a cameo or more, and already have an existing contract perhaps, which is why they can't 'spoil' anything by confirming or denying a return.
The way I view it - if Richonne makes another appearance, I'm absolutely seated and celebratory. And if they don't, I'm absolutely satisfied and grateful for what we got. As the gift that keeps on giving, they've already given us over 10 years of golden Richonne content, and this Grimes Family 2.0 reunion put a lovely bow on top of this gift. 💝 It was truly a beautiful and fitting conclusion to their story. And most of all I want the Grimes Family to get to live happily and at peace together, so I'm more than elated with how Richonne's story comes to a close here. 😇
So, as the broadcast announces “A historic day to begin a new chapter for the Republic” - which of course Rick and Michonne Grimes would be the ones capable of bringing about a fresh, historic, and thriving new chapter for a whole city of thousands - we see a glimpse of Judith sitting beside her walkie. And then I love hearing Michonne on the other end say, “Shoto, it’s Daito.” 🥹
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Ahhhhhhh the Grimes family reunion was happening! 🥳🥳🥳 And I'm so glad it's with the original actors too. 😭🙌🏽
I remember there was a period when some were a bit worried that Richonne wouldn't reunite with their kids in TOWL. For me, I felt so sure it was gonna happen because that was the only way Michonne and Rick would feel their mission was successful. And I love how it gets confirmed that they’ll be seeing the kids as soon as we see this walkie-talkie moment. 
...Even tho for some of us, the Grimes family reunion was basically confirmed a little earlier, when a certain two illustrious actors filmed a trip down memory lane in Senoia, Georgia. 🤭
Our lovely captains have a sweet little exchange during that great memory lane special that clued me in on what to expect. There's a part where Danai is talking about Judith and RJ and how she loved seeing Judith with the mini sword on her back. Then, as others also picked up on, Danai said something to Andy about how now Cailey has nearly outgrown the sword, and she seemed to think Andy could co-sign that she has. And that had my extra self’s ears perking up. 😋
Because Andy had been having to work double time to recall some TWD scenes he was actually a part of during this trip down memory lane - so I said to myself - Self, it is highly unlikely that he knows if Cailey, who he never had scenes with, is now outgrowing the sword…unless he’s already filmed a scene with her wearing the sword. 😏
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gif cred: @nerd4music
So yeah, after that I was no longer even 1% unsure if Richonne would have their family reunion. It was happening. 💯 And the way it happened is Love personified. 👏🏽💗
It had to be such a euphoric moment for Judith to finally, after over a year, hear her mom on the other end of that walkie that she said she'd always keep with her. And it had to be euphoric for Michonne to no longer get static but finally get her baby girl on the other end. 🥹
I remember it was emotional watching Michonne and Judith's final walkie-talkie conversation in TWD, especially knowing they'd eventually fall out of range. And so it was a great feeling to see their walkies finally make a connection again.
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I like the way it’s shot with the walkie on the steps and Rick’s holster and gun on Judith’s hip. Again, Michonne summed it up perfectly when she said Judith is her and Rick. And it’s sweet seeing Judith immediately grab the walkie when she hears her mom’s voice. 
Also knowing Michonne was able to reach Judith on the walkie, I think this would definitely imply that Rick was able to talk to or at least hear Judith before they see each other in person. I’d be so curious what that very first exchange over the walkies was like between Michonne, Judith, and Rick. I'd imagine it was quite emotional for Rick to hear Judith's voice on the other end for the first time. 🥲
So then there’s the return of Rick’s battle-tested cowboy boots as he steps off the helicopter. And I really like the way it’s shot as we just see his feet first and then Michonne’s feet join him. It feels like yet another way to illustrate and celebrate that Rick is no longer alone. The love of his life found him and now they really will be by each other's side for pretty much all things going forward. 
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gif cred: @taiturner
As TV's greatest husband and wife step off the helicopter, we get to see Rick and Michonne more fully and I adore that they’re holding hands. 🥰 They always look so married. And as has been established, holding hands is one of Richonne's favorite things.
And then you know we gotta take a moment for Michonne’s outfit 🔥🔥🔥. Cutest outfit she’s ever worn. 👏🏽 I LOVE it. 🤩
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gif cred: @alwaysthequietones
It’s great how they chose something that feels both fresh but also so true to Michonne for her final outfit and it just feels like she’s again getting to return to herself through the clothing. A fashion It Girl, through and through. 💅🏽
Michonne stayed proving an apocalypse does not have to stop you from stylishly color-coordinating and accessorizing. And I love the cowrie shells being back in her hair too. One of the last times she wore cowrie shells - a symbol of fertility - RJ arrived shortly after. So of course seeing the shells in this finale had my Richonne baby fever activated. 😋 It’s also great she got her katana back as well. That sword will always find its way back to its Mama Michonne. 👌🏽
And I of course also love that Michonne and Rick are wearing matching colors. A signature Richonne thing to the end. 😌 And Rick and Michonne matching in that tan color is great because the color scheme is giving "Must've been something else then." 😊
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Then, I think it’s such a touching and well-acted moment when, before we even see the kids, we can tell that Richonne has spotted their kids from the way they react. 😭
Something about the way Michonne holds Rick's hand and then runs to her babies just feels like such a wife and mother and it’s so sweet. Like if you showed this running clip out of context to someone unfamiliar with the show, I feel they'd immediately be able to tell that who Michonne and Rick are running to is their children.
I love how Michonne drops her bag and just immediately runs to the kids. And then it’s precious that Rick sees his children for the first time and drops his bag as he eagerly runs to them as well. Goodness, this whole thing is just heartwarming x10, I can’t. 🫠
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gif cred: @nat111love
And it gets extra heartwarming when we see Judith and RJ for the first time, sprinting to their parents with the biggest smiles on their faces. 😭😭😭 Richonne's babies are here. 🥹
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gif cred: @alwaysthequietones
The way I rejoiced seeing the adorable Grimes kids running the first time I watched. 🙌🏽 I love seeing how ecstatic they are and the way Judith looks back at her little brother as they run. A true big sister. And of course, I adore that Judith is wearing the sword like her mom and her gun in her holster like her dad and that RJ is wearing his dad's signature Sherriff hat and dressed like little Carl. It’s all so perfect. 🥹
And for me, watching this scene would be the hardest Try Not To Tear Up challenge yet, because the way Judith and RJ smile and run into Michonne’s arms, and the three embrace - My heart bursts. 😭❤️‍🩹
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
They all hold so tightly to each other and it’s precious. For a long while, the only Grimes family Judith and RJ had been used to was just the three of them. So it’s really sweet that the three of them have a moment to reunite after missing each other for so long. RJ's smile and Judith's face when she hugs her mom always makes me want to cry. 
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gif cred: @nat111love
(Side note: There are people out there who ignorantly discredit and downplay Judith and Michonne’s mother/daughter relationship and that will forever be foolish to me (though sadly not surprising 😪). Judith has only ever known life with Michonne, and Michonne has been raising Judith since before she could walk. Their mom/daughter status cannot be denied. Interestingly, Judith is the one Grimes kid who has only ever known life with both Rick and Michonne. Carl was old enough to recall when Michonne entered his life. RJ is old enough to recall when Rick entered his life. But Judith doesn’t recall when either entered her life because her parents have been raising her since she was in diapers. They’re the only mom and dad she’s ever recognized. Yes, Judith knows Michonne didn’t birth her but that’s not the only qualification one needs to be a mom. In every other way, Michonne has been Judith’s mom for as long as she can remember. So when Judith looks at Michonne it’s clear she sees her mom, not 'the woman who looks after her', not her 'play mom' - her mom. 👌🏽)
I love that Michonne gets her own moment to reunite with her kids and that they let that moment breathe. Michonne is the anchor to this reunion as they all look to her as the connecting piece of this family right now. It’s realistic for the kids to take their time greeting Michonne because that’s the only parent they really know.
And just like Rick and Michonne had to do a lot of sacrificing on this journey, so did Judith and RJ.
These kids sacrificed valuable time with their mom so that she could go bring their dad back home. So I love that they get to have a moment of being just so elated to be back in their mom’s arms.
Rick stands in the back of the shot, as he anxiously awaits greeting his kids. I know Rick appreciated seeing this moment between the three and immediately seeing that his kids love and view Michonne just as highly as he does. He got yet another reminder that he chose the perfect woman to be the mother of his kids seeing the way his babies beamed and ran in Michonne's arms. 😊
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
And then it is again so precious when Michonne and the kids look at each other and whisper "Hi" and just again have these joyous smiles on their faces.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
RJ’s quiet little ‘hi,’ 🥹 Michonne asking how they’re doing and acknowledging they’ve got so big since she last saw them, 🥹 the way they can’t help but smile and laugh, 🥹 and then when Michonne and Judith put their heads together. 🥹 I love every second.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Michonne finally gets to hold the two who fueled her to keep going even in the moments during this TOWL journey where it felt like all was lost. She was not going to let her kids down and she was going to ensure she made it back to them.And Judith and RJ knew their mom would make it back to them too, no matter how long it took. 
I also love seeing Michonne’s M bracelet in the shot. Again, she really came back adorned with gifts from her husband because Rick loves her the way a cherished wife should be loved. And of all the gifts Rick has given Michonne, we know she cherishes most the gift of their children. 💛
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
It really is beautiful how we went from Michonne telling Carl one kid was enough for her to her now having four kids (…and counting possibly). And I love the way it's visible how Michonne's soul just lights up so brightly as she holds her kids in her arms.
So as the three embrace, Rick stands back and watches his beautiful family. And the way Rick is looking at them, it’s clear this is all so surreal for him.
It makes sense that Rick would hang back for the reunion as Michonne has a moment with their kids. It reminds me of how on Carl’s last day, Rick approached it like he understood Michonne and Carl needed their time together as a mother and son because he knew he was losing his son and Michonne was too. Also, it's evident during this reunion that Rick wants to be mindful of whatever contact Judith and RJ want with him.
So Judith gives one more smile over at her brother and mom, as Michonne adorably lifts up RJ’s hat and embraces her baby boy, who is not such a baby anymore, saying, “Hi there.”
And then Judith turns to Rick with a smile. As they look at each other, Judith becomes emotional and starts to cry. She walks to Rick and finally, after all this time, gets to embrace her dad. 🥹
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gif cred: @twdfranchise
Y’all, there is a reason I put off writing these reunion posts for so long. 😭 This entire scene between these four makes me emotional for so many reasons.
I think it’s so sweet that Rick is letting his kids set the tone for how they want to interact with him in this scene. You know if it were up to him, he’d probably be bawling and pulling them into an embrace, but he also knows that he’s in some ways a stranger to them now. So the thoughtful way Andy plays it, I love that it’s clear Rick wants to let the kids decide what they’re comfortable with. And the second Rick knows they want to hug him, he so tenderly and lovingly hugs them back. 🥹
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gif cred: @twdfranchise
The way he hugs Judith, you see how layered this moment is for Rick because he’s so happy to be back with his daughter and also sad to see just how much he’s missed as she’s done a lot of growing up in his absence.
Plus, during his time with the CRM, Rick had to devastatingly accept that he may never see Judith again and even tried to convince himself that maybe she'd be safer if he didn't come home to her and protected her from afar. I feel like hugging Judith right now, Rick probably feels so overcome with emotion knowing that he's actually getting to hold his daughter after thinking he'd never get this chance again.
Hearing Judith cry as she hugs him and seeing the fatherly way Rick holds her head and tries to hold it together while clearly feeling so many emotions. I cannot. ❤️‍🩹 My heart is moved during each part of this Grimes family reunion. 
While still hugging him, Judith emotionally says, “I knew it, Dad. I knew you were still out there.” It’s so sweet that this is the first thing she says and that Rick gets to hear that Judith never lost her hope that Rick was alive.
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gif cred: @twdfranchise
While Rick came close to ending it a few times during his years away, he managed to stay another day and then another after that and another after that, and I like to think that day by day he was somehow subconsciously being fueled by his wife and kids belief in him. They believed he was still out there and that energy helped keep him here long enough to now be back with them again.
I also love how no one ever came and took Rick’s place in his family’s life because these three Grimes were always believing Rick was still out there. Judith held onto this faith that her dad was alive even when the odds of Rick being alive seemed low. It feels like Michonne modeled that example to her of continuing to believe. And their belief was worth the wait. 🥹
And then Judith looks up at Rick and says, "I just never wanted you to feel alone.” It moves me so much that while Rick was afar hoping Judith was okay, he now gets to know that his daughter had been hoping he was okay too. 🥲
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gif cred: @twdfranchise
As a big sister myself, I just gotta say Cailey plays the big sister role so well. Especially when you’re the family-oriented and responsible big sister, you always just want to make sure everyone is okay. Your younger siblings, your parents, aunts, uncles, everybody. And I love that Judith’s big thing was wanting to be sure her dad never felt alone. That’s so caring. 😭
I also feel like her saying this is her reiterating why she encouraged her mom to go after Rick. On the walkies in Michonne's last full TWD episode, Judith told Michonne, "What if he's trying to come home too, but no one will help?" And she was spot on with that prediction. In TOWL ep 3, Rick even verbalized to Michonne that he had asked for help, but he didn't get it.
So even though it made Judith really sad to be away from her mom, she knew Rick might be alone and in need of Michonne's help even more. Never wanting her dad to feel alone was among the many reasons Judith urged Michonne to go get him.
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And another thing that's poetic to me is that Judith is such a pivotal character in getting Rick and Michonne to meet the way they did. Had Glenn and Maggie not gone out to the store to get Judith's formula, Michonne wouldn't have run into them and brought the formula to the prison for her future daughter. Also, even the very night Rick and Michonne became an official romantic couple in 6.10, their couch moment began with smiling over Judith on the baby monitor.
Since she was born, Judith has helped ensure her dad didn't feel alone because her very existence played a part in Rick finding his ultimate life partner and soulmate, Michonne.
So next, Rick says his first words to Judith in years when he looks at her and says, “I thought I was..."
I like that he's honest about how he did think he was alone at first. There definitely was a time when Rick was confronted with the depths of loneliness within the CRM.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Rick continues, "Then I realized..." and I love that he looks over at Michonne as he says this. And the way Michonne holds RJ while smiling at Rick and Judith interacting again for the first time in years. 🥲
All those years in TWD, Michonne saw how much Rick loved Judith, and so it clearly means a lot to her to see Rick face to face with their daughter again. Rick and Michonne both just seem so present and grateful for this moment as parents.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Rick looks over at Michonne, knowing how instrumental his wife was in both his daughter being who she is today and in helping him realize what he says next - "I wasn’t.” 🥹
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It’s really nice to see that Rick realized he was never alone because he always had his family.
When Rick tells Judith that he realized he wasn’t alone, Judith gets to hear Rick essentially say he realized her own little mantra that she wrote on her family drawing, “My family is always with me.”
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Judith and Rick both know the sadness of losing your loved ones' memory, but I’m so glad they now have each other back to affirm that while the memory can seem lost, it can always be found again.
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gif cred: @andremichaux
Also the way Rick says this line with such a tender tone and tears in his eyes and then he looks at Judith with a smile and blinks probably still trying to comprehend that this little lady in front of him is the daughter he last saw as a toddler. 😭
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gif cred: @alwaysthequietones
And then Judith cries again as she leans in and hugs Rick and I’m a puddle of tears inside. Like when you think about how hard Rick fought for his daughter all those years on TWD, it’s just so special to now see him get to hold her and already get a glimpse of the great loving person she’s turned out to be.
I know Judith is about to feel so loved and protected by this great dad, and I love thinking about how they’ll now get to reestablish their bond and just have the best father-daughter relationship. 
It hit me that years ago, we got to see the very first time both Rick and Michonne ever held baby Judith and how it was a big moment for both of them. While she stirred up painful memories from their past, Judith was also this little bundle of hope for the future in their arms.
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And then in this TOWL finale, we beautifully got to see Rick and Michonne hold Judith in their embrace one more time. 🥹
Michonne reuniting with her son and daughter and Rick reuniting with his baby girl were such golden TOWL moments.
With these touching exchanges, the Grimes Family reunions had all occurred. And now it was time for the big Grimes Family introduction. It was time for Rick to finally meet Rick. 😭
So we gotta bring it on home now and talk about the special, heartfelt, and rewarding final moment of The Ones Who Live. 🥰👌🏽
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moronkombat · 1 year
Can you pretty please do some hcs for my beloved Shang Tsung?
I thought about these themes:
- his reaction when you ask for one of his rings, to remember him when apart from each other
- Him proposing (🥹)
- Waking up with him
But also can be anything no your mind, i love your writing!!! And I’m too damn obsessed with Shangy ✨, i just need to consume ANYTHING about him.
Thank you!! 🥰 And I’m sorry about the lenght of the ask 🥲
No worries about the length! I love writing about Shang Tsung!
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You knew Shang Tsung before he ever encountered Damashi. In fact, you were one of the first people to know him
You've known him since childhood but you were not close until you both grew a little older as your childhoods were very different
He lived in poverty but you did not. You were not wealthy but your family had enough and tended to stay away from those less fortunate
Your meeting was by chance but both of you were grateful to have met each other
The two of you grow close, meeting each other often in secret to avoid detection from those who would keep you apart
Eventually a friendship blossoms and then a flower blooms with a connection far deeper but this flower is doomed. It cannot grow in the different soils that you're from
Shang Tsung knows this and he also knows he will never be worth anything if he stays in a place where people know his face
He decides he must leave and you cannot go with him. You both know this but it is difficult to accept
You know when he is going to leave. He tells you his plan to go and travel. He will make something more of himself and when he does, he will come back for you
You want to believe, you really do but you worry this may be the last time you ever see him
You feel bold then, eyes falling to one of those rings he wears. It one of the only nice treasures he owns. He notices your gaze and his finger would twitch
"I will miss you" Are all the words you can find, while eyes of tears look at the tarnished silver.
There's a moment of conflict then but slowly he would remove one and present it to you. You're stunned and open your mouth to refuse but there is a pause. You decide, to say nothing, and to accept his gift with a nod
You're not there to wish him a goodbye. He leaves without you knowing where he's gone and when he's left. It better this way though. You both so keenly aware that if you happened upon his leaving, you'd try to stop him
Years would go by and there is no word from him and the people of your village don't even seem to notice his absence. You do though, you're painfully aware
Over those long years you reject many who would have your hand. You are faithful to Shang Tsung's promise to return for you. There are times when the hope is almost lost but it takes but a look at the ring he has given you and the hope blooms again
Your family is frustrated, however, they want you to marry and settle down. Such is the way of things but you refuse and people see you as foolish but you don't care
It is a seemingly quiet day when he returns. A day like any other and when he finds you, all he had to do is say your name and your heart stops beating. He kept his promise
He does not come empty handed and soon after you have embraced, he is presenting something small to you. It is but a small box but inside it carries the greatest gift
"I've gotten you a far better one than the last, don't you think? Would you wear it for me?" Is all he has to ask. You know what this question truly means and your heart flies out of your chest. You are his and he is yours
Your family doesn't even remember Shang Tsung so when this stranger proposed to their favored child, they are quick to put up a fuss. You have none of it
The two of you marry privately and you return the ring he had given to you all that time ago. You don't need it anymore, after all
He is usually first to rise in the mornings and so you do not often wake up next to him. When Shang Tsung awakes he is swift to begin his day. He has done this for many years now. However, in those rare beginnings of sunlight, your eyes open first and you see him sleeping next to you.
Those moments are your favorite. He is completely unguarded and raw. There is no better way to see him than this
Your fingers dance so very carefully over his features and everything feels right. This is how things are meant to be and you will never let this change. Not ever
Thank you for requesting Shang Tsung! I see him as either soft or possessive. There is no in between LOL
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
Dear GhostBird,
I’m genuinely considering writing a love letter to Owlsong because I simply cannot get over how much heart and care you’ve poured into it—especially into Jason. The way you’ve portrayed Bruce, Dick’s trauma, and most of all, Jason, is nothing short of breathtaking <33 I’m only a few chapters in, but I had to pause and write this because it moved me so deeply (I’m not yet ready to face his death LMAO)
There’s something incredibly compelling about stories where Jason’s virtues, particularly in his pre-Red Hood days, shine so brightly. He’s cautious and wary, yet hope and trust come so naturally to him. You’ve captured that beautifully, portraying him with such compassion and love. He’s witty, charming, and as someone who’s been a long-time fan of the comics—especially Barr’s run of Robin Jason—I’m beyond charmed with how you’ve written him.
Jason, despite everything that’s happened, remains kind. He loves Dick, teaches him, learns to communicate to him, and actively works on being able to make Dick live and survive with him. He’s still a bit reckless (as all Robins are!), but it’s done in such a believable, nuanced way. I absolutely love love love it <333
Personally, I feel that it is so unfair when his younger days are only viewed through the lens of the Red Hood narrative :/ You’ve struck a perfect balance between his struggles and his inherent goodness. He has attachment issues, sure, but despite everything he’s been through, his innocence survives. (Of course, that easy trust and attachment issues are what cost him everything with Sheila ;-;)
And just INCOHERENT SCREAMING ABT Dick and Jason’s brotherly relationship? It’s so precious to me, both in canon and in your rendition of it here. Your writing is gorgeous, and I’m in awe of how well you’ve explored grief—how Dick and Jason grapple with it both alone and together.
This story is truly wonderful, and I’m so grateful for it. Thank you for writing it, muah <3333 🌸🌸🌷🌸🌸
This might be the sweetest thing ever omg 🥹💚💚💚💚💚💚
I’m so happy Owl Song is giving you so many feelings! It’s honestly one of my fave Aus and every time I hear people enjoy it so much and give me such a detailed analysis of their interactions I’m just over here, tearing up with joy, unable to articulate how much it means to me 😭💚💚💚💚
It’s genuinely mind blowing how far this AU has come. I didn’t think it would get more than a couple readers at best with how niche it is. But evidently, im not the only one who digs those crazy levels of devotion and loyalty ksksksks ✨ It’s a shame we don’t see more of them working together (and actually being a family instead of uneasy allies) in canon. 🥲
I’d love to give you all the home baked cookies and cakes I can in return for this wonderful ask, but since this is the internet let me just say I love this letter like this cat loves their dog buddy 💚💚💚✨
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leenaur143 · 1 year
Bad Lawyer & Crazy Dog, an unconventional love story
Okay this is your HUGE spoiler warning because I have so many thoughts and my love for this show knows no bounds but I don't wanna take away from the magic of living it through on your own so go watch it!!!
Overall episode rating: 9.5/10
Overall show rating: 10/10
I was so tempted to take away points for that SILLY GUITAR AND THE SINGING 😭🤣 but it's fine they can't help that they're in love dhhxhdj
So, currently writing this at midnight just after 2/9/2023 which was Tinn and Charn's wedding day!!!!!!! These two goofs have come so far and yeah, couldn't be happier for them 🫶
I took a pause in the middle of the episode to collate my thoughts and here was the list I made about the first half:
1. the mma boxing unconventional fight between tinn and nawin, it was giving 'youtube boxing: worst bits!' but it made me laugh so its fine 😭
2. thee having no one truly there for him except tan - his fellow bodyguards didn't even back him, meaning ever since he started working for tan's family he truly has known no one who cares and loves him deeply which 🥹😭 how did he manage to stay so kind through all that
3. thattep that psychopath.
4. nawin being the best character ever
5. how similar nawin and charn are (one just has a few dozen more braincells than the other
6. how charn planned that entire plot knowing the risks not only to his physical self but knowing he could be risking his entire career but he's ready to do that as we saw when thattep called him to prison 🤧👏
7. the one guy that said you dropped the soap in the prison showers 🥲
8. tan using his annoyingness to his advantage and celebrating being banned from an airline - the most tan thing to do tbh
9. thee and tinn link up AGAIN!!!
10. the wedding talk made me emosh.. the entire proposal (lets ignore the singing but even that wouldnt wipe the huge grin off my face as i was watching it) i love the storyline of the song though (hats off to that tumblr user who explained the story behind the song, this was perfect
11. emotional during the seeking of blessings from charn's mum
12. grandma is a gem 💯
13. maya and rose doing so much to help the people they love - they truly are the MVPs
14. tongkhao's dream living on 🥹 all she wanted on Tinn's birthday was for him to be happy and start a family with someone he loves, and he did it 🥹😭🤧
Also, completely ignore the fact that I skimmed over the whole exposing scene because it was decent but I knew, I just knew Charn wasn't gonna die today and a bullet wouldn't be the thing that ended him so IM GLAD I WAS RIGHT 😭
The wedding! OH THE WEDDING 🥹👏 It was beautiful, just everyone who loves them there and present in form or in spirit - seeing the dolls and knowing Tonkhao was there just 🥹 maybe I'm just an emotional wreck but this episode really got me in my feels
I did laugh my butt off when they were taking wedding photos because why so stiff 😭🤣 It served prom in a nice way WHICH IS FINE it was just looking a bit awkward and hence it was funny 🤭
Also I could write entire essays about Tan's storyline but the fact that he never held any resentment for his dad even after all of THAT is just astounding, and it highlighted how even though Thee and Tan are very different, down to their core values, they're the same which is why they're perfect for each other
Speaking of perfect for each other, seeing Rose and Maya get engaged!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH I WAS SO HAPPY FOR THEMM
When Tinn said 'one day' concerning the conversation about the legality of same sex marriage in Thailand, I got in my feels again as you can probably gather is a common theme here, and I realised how much good shows like this promote.. and yeah I won't waffle on too much about that but it was really powerful 🥹
All in all, if we learnt anything from Laws of Attraction, I'd comfortably say it would be... how to say doll in Thai 🤣 (WHAT? It sounds so amazing! tuktā (pronounced too-ka-ta), it's a much better word!)
No, but seriously, what a show, I'd definitely recommend watching it and I hope, whoever is still reading my midnight rambles, enjoys it as much as I did 🫰
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chipsncookies · 1 year
Twin Stars Far Apart Commentary
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Due to image limit this is mostly text
To summarise, this event is good, but felt too short and didn't focus enough on the twins, which is sad since they're supposedly the main stars of this event, it felt like Archie's story instead (i like it but i gotta be fair) the problem also got resolved too quickly, making the story fall a bit flat.
I'd prefer if they let us stew in the conflict a bit. Maybe make them explore other options before turning to jirachi to make the situation more dire. After all, twins being separated into different worlds should hold as much gravitas as Lusamine losing her husband or submas being separated (the freaking. Similarity to submas is so obvious, but liza and tate had it much easier 🥲). Maybe also explore Tate and Liza's personalities, let them do/speak and think more or have them learn things throughout the story, or make them more distressed as time goes on, they would be more compelling. After all, they are the characters dena is selling 😅
Also kinda sad that Nanu did not comment on the girls coming back? He should've been welcoming anabel and liza, iirc he lost a coworker once, i feel he should have a stronger reaction towards anabel being spirited away and making it back home.
But as i said, I am biased and this event is very catered to me so here are some highlights of things i like (warning: mostly archie)
Let's start from beginning:
Archie has shown time and again he's gentle with kids so fatherly 🥰 , he asked the twins to keep jirachi a secret.. he explained to them so they understand its importance, he respects their intelligence.
I feel his message got through easily because they're kids, they don't have lofty ambitions like some adults (imagine if gio/others found out about jirachi). As a villain himself he knew what some people would do to achieve their selfish goals. Yet he still has hope and appreciates truly kind-hearted people.
After that Nanu and Anabel appeared and explained they have to guard the twins. Apparently the area becomes more dangerous because ultra wormholes keep appearing recently? I wonder if this is just something that happened for this event or there's something that caused this 🤔 my brain really suspects there's a connection with how Adaman and Irida got sent to Pasio through space time rift... But that and ultra wormhole are different things. Side note I'm glad they explained why Looker isn't available, it's not necessary (imo) but it gives more context about the status of the interpol.
After that, of course the worst thing happened. Liza and Anabel are sucked into the wormhole, leaving their pkmns behind. I would've liked if they showed more signs of distress rather than just standing there 😅 Archie found out, and again i like how he used his knowledge as a villain to think of why the girls could've gone missing. It's also so sweet to see him reassure Tate, and promising to help him 🥹🫶 I think Archie could've been offering help earlier before Nanu suggested the ask for Lusamine's help, it could help integrate him more into the story imo.
After that Nanu correctly guessed they might have been sucked into a wormhole, and they asked Lusamine for help. Sure enough, she confirmed it. Her description about them going missing so suddenly, and without their pokemon too, really reminds me of Ingo 😭 I feel this also pains Lusamine to tell them, because she lost her husband to the wormhole too before...
Luckily for Liza and Tate, they were transported into Pasio, still the same place although a different one unlike some poor sod who got yeeted hundreds of years back miles away from his home Apparently in this world there are no people in Pasio, only ultra beasts. This matter is not elaborated because they were attacked by some UB, but saved by a kind Celesteela. I can't help but wonder more about this universe, where are the people? Did they fail to contain UB outbreak? What happened to the Lear of this world?
Anabel makes a great observation that the UBs are the same as them, they're taken away from their homes. I love this moment of sympathy.
And then we turn back to Archie and Tate. Archie helpfully explained how to awaken Jirachi (Tate needs to sing and make a wish). Despite wanting to protect Jirachi he let Tate take his chance because he genuinely cares!
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Just. Look at this scene, Archie is so supportive of Tate I can't y'all 😭😭💖💖🫶🫶 the way archie looks at tate so gently 🥺🥺 and how he's so excited when jirachi wakes up, and nudges Tate to make a wish!! he's so sweet, he's like a dad to Tate, I love him so much 😭💖
Ok and so Tate sang and Jirachi woke up! And he made his wish. And then they get reunited. Now this part is a bit funny because Jirachi apparently didn't do anything?? 🤣 Because earlier Anabel remarked that the UBs must have come from somewhere, ie a wormhole, and Liza heard Tate singing, so the wormhole must've existed before Jirachi even woke up. So convenient that it's located nearby 😂 afterwards it decided to make Tate its partner, solely because of his pure heart i guess? He managed to awaken it after all
Anyway, the twins are reunited!! And they got new friends ^^
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I was so surprised when i saw this scene I didn't think they'd bring Matt too, I'm so glad they did 🥹💖💖 festival n and steven also appeared! It's a lively scene!
This is such a good shot Archie is so happy for the kids 🥹
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I was not expecting Shelly to appear, much less having interaction with Archie, at this point I'm pretty sure the writers read my mind because i love Archie and Shelly so much!! 😭😭💖💖 I've always loved their relationship, they're childhood friends united by the same goal, they understand each other so well 😭😭
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The way they know what each other is thinking 😭😭 that's the proof of their bond!! After all this time they're still best friends, they know what each other is thinking 😭😭💖💖 It's so sweet and awe inspiring to me!!!
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This is the highlight of the event for me, Archie really has come a long way from his villainy, he acknowledged the importance of people and pokemon, and wants to see the future generation live happily... it reminds me of this line from Alpa Sapphire's Delta episode:
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I can't help but notice that this event is like a really condensed parallels to AS Archie's experience (i treat game archie and pokemas archie as different people), both initially motivated by meeting Jirachi, and then him having doubts on humanity, but things happened that led to a kid changing his mind. The difference is Pokemas Archie has the luck to see Jirachi again (although different than his friend) meet truly kind-hearted people (Tate), resulting in his change of heart, while in ORAS he never met Jirachi again, it was just a memory, and his change of heart happened because he made mistakes (which are. Much bigger than what Pokemas Archie has done).
From a meta perspective, I love that Archie's obscure/forgotten Jirachi lore from 2014 is picked up in Pokemas, crafting a story that led to Pokemas archie turning over a new leaf, similar to his game counterpart. Considering neither AS nor Pokemas Archie could ever meet their jirachi again (because it likely went to sleep for another 900ish years), Pokemas is logically the only place where this little story can be touched again, and I'm SO happy for it. Jirachi is the motivation for Archie in the beginning, and it continues being that in this event, but with new, deeper understanding and optimism, with hopes for the future of humans alongside pokemon 💖✨
Im sorry for writing this long Like oh my God you guys i love Archie so much!!!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖 I love this event so much !!! I'm so happy!!
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personasintro · 2 years
hi mimi, omg i literally created an account to tell you that you’re an amazing writer. i’m not much of a reader but i was constantly seeing tiktoks talking about ‘mutual help jk’ and i just had to find out what everyone was talking about. i was hooked immediately, i think i read 20+ chapters in a couple hours because i couldn’t stop reading. you have a gift, your attention to detail and the way you’re able to captivate us with your words is incredible.
i’ve read mh 3 times already and the most recent chapter about 5 times, i think it’s one of my favorite so far. it made me feel every emotion possible. in chapter 53, you can tell how much more the dynamic of their friendship changed but as always, they’re in denial. at first, i had the exact reaction y/n had when jk mentioned inviting ester and the pettiness in me still agrees with her in a sense but i can see where jk is coming from. maybe he truly sees ester as just a friend and that’s why he’s having a hard time seeing why y/n is so angry but at the same time i get her anger. it would’ve been better if it was discussed with everyone before just inviting her. i also remember from a previous chapter where it was mentioned that ester was shy and doesn’t really put herself out there much so the fact that she agreed to the trip, not really being close with anyone other than jk, i commend her tbh because my socially anxious ass could never😩. i know she’s familiar with tae, jimin and y/n but it’s not the same😭
i think y/n’s jealousy stems from two places:
1. she has been the only girl in the group for so long and she’s the closest girl to jk so she feels threatened.
2. although she’s still in denial, her feelings for jk are coming out.
i honestly don’t think jk likes ester more than a friend though and he’s still dealing with the fallout from kiko, no matter how much he tries to mask it, so he won’t jump into something with someone new just yet. plus he’s SLOWLY coming to realize he might have feelings for y/n but that’s just what i think.
i’m curious to see how she’s going to bring up this camping trip to yoongi and invite him as well. i know a lot of people think he’ll just go but i think it’ll take A LOT of convincing to get him to go, he won’t just agree because he’s yoongi so he’s all for himself. maybe if she explains everything really well, he’ll go to see the drama unfold because he likes the entertainment and if yoongi actually goes on this trip, maybe jk’s jealousy will show even more.
who knows, maybe ester and yoongi hit it off on the camping trip💀
okay i’ll stop rambling now but keep up the great work mimi, your talent is wonderful. please don’t ever doubt your skills. if there’s ever a time you feel pressured and things start to feel overwhelming, take a break and focus on yourself.
i can’t wait to see how the next chapter unfolds. take all the time you need, you’re worth the wait💜
Oh my god, I appreciate you creating this account just so you could send me this message 🥹 that’s very sweet of you!
Yes, you’ve got a point and maybe that could be the reason why most readers are on her side — because they relate to that feeling, perhaps even more then she does haha! Everyone has so little faith in jk tho 🥲 like some ppl would be really thinking the worst of him and that is so sad 😖
Thank you again for this feedback! 🫶
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years
It's the 15th of January here on my country so that means one thing: it's Hyungwon's birthday! :D
And for his day, I've made a collage for him ☺️
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I had fun doing this. This time I had the idea to put every "shape" of him...or at least what I love about him. I love how the same man with one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen and one of the prettiest models is also a living meme. He's effortlessly funny 😆
Maybe my only regret is that I didn't find any good pictures of him with long hair 🥲 Just check his photos of him with long hair, he is the best looking man 🥹
And now, time to spend some words for him.
When I discovered Monsta X for the first time and I started following them on their social media, Hyungwon was the first member who stood out for me. He wasn't my first bias tho, though I was figuring out exactly who's who and I was having my crush on Changkyun at the time (still loving him tho) but I noticed how I was immediately recognising him every time. Maybe I should thank his cute smile or the fact that he looks funny even when he tries to look serious but still, he always stood out for me.
That's why I decided to do a little dive into him. I wanted to understand why he was so outstanding to me. And I discovered the most relatable idol I had ever seen. Introvert, always tired, zones out here and there, he gives the most strange answers during interviews (I remember when he started to sing Iya Iya oh randomly 😆😂) and his laugh is honestly the best serotonin boost. But he's not just that. Behind this introverted goofball, there's an amazing dancer who's capable to do the best moves, a great producer and writer and a natural-born DJ. Behind this tall man who zones out almost every time, there's a man who shows his shapes of love to the members. He's the softest and most caring towards the youngest and then he becomes the most savage to the oldest ones. This is probably the trait that I love the most and probably the reason why he became my bias after the long dive.
Dear Hyungwon, last year has been a very good year for you. You've finally come back to what you truly love. Seeing you coming back as a deejay for the Dolce&Gabbana event made me so happy. You were just vibing with the music and playing the mixer naturally like nothing has happened over these years. Being a DJ is just a natural talent for you now.
I'm so happy about how far you've come as a producer and as an actor. In these two years, you wrote Mercy and Wildfire, two songs that sound so different but they have that signature of yours. The more I listen to them, the more I think that you finally come up with your own style. Kihyun trusted you so much that he let you write and compose Bad Liar. And I admit that it's one of my favourite songs from Youth, I fell in love with it the first time I heard it. This year you showed us the best of yours by writing Beautiful Liar, your first title track for Monsta X, and that beautiful banger of Lone Ranger. Believe me when I say that I loved both of these songs with my entire heart and I put them in my playlist immediately. I can't wait for your next work, I know that you'll make another masterpiece.
You also received your first main role in a drama. And when I saw the trailer I admit that I almost screamed "I'm so proud of you, Hyungwon, go, my man, go!". You made a wonderful job and I hope that this will be the first of many other main roles in your career.
This year is gonna be a very good year for you, I can feel it. I'll look forward to every project you'll come up with next time. I hope you'll spend this day with your friends and the members and that you'll remember this day as one of the brightest days ever. You deserve it.
Happy birthday my cutie turtle 💚
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Ohhh Matthew. Honestly he recovered from his abstract (psychopomp) nightmare a whole lot quicker than I have recovered from the fact you wrote that, but then he did have sweet beautiful Ross to wake up to 🥹 but to then have Ross call it all “nothing special” (even if I know he didn’t mean it) and matty’s reaction to that truly made my heart hurt. I love how you made it that George is so clearly in anguish about his own feelings and the expectations put on him by his family but so incredibly, inexorably drawn to matty. Oh, and the motif you’ve started here of matty waiting and letting George come to him — he has so far, but that certainly couldn’t backfire in the future could it? 🥲 And the ending, also devastating (for a multitude of reasons). You have them all walking such a tightrope of emotional turmoil already, I’m 🫠🫠🫠
another one of the Elected Crew who got that Abstract sequence. and yeah Ross shouldn't have minimised whatever happened, but poor baby he's trying to lie to himself as well....
George is In A Bad Way and he needs to sort himself out but it's so so hard in his circumstances and POOR BABY
everyone needs to be protected at all costs really. and yeah I know the ending was Bad and Cruel and I'm sorry about it but cliffhangers is how you draw people in (I learnt that from Steven Moffat like 13 years ago), so...
thank you so much for this ❤️
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damelucyjo · 1 year
Okay. I think I’ve calmed down enough. I’ve done the ironing listening to Films To Be Buried with. I’m in a better mood. So let’s give this rewatch a go so I can pretend most of it never happened!
Episode 12 - So Long, Farewell
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I will say, one thing I love (as a Brit that has to be involved in football in some way) is that this show got so many ‘real’ football people involved. It’s a shame it was all men though…
Ooo Rebecca, looking for as always 😏 that robe is a gorgeous colour
Is that headline indicating Bex kicked Rupert out?? Good on ya, girl! 💪🏼
Exactly. Shut up Thierry
‘Morning, Rebecca’ ‘Morning, Ted’ WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US 😫😫
Heavily implying they slept together. Why else would they be so awkward around each other?? 🤔
The fake out was cruel, but the introduction of Beard is brilliant
And what the actual fuck are you wearing Brendan?! 😂 To be that comfortable around your boss 😂
Okay but now I really want to see what the night before was like. Also why are Beard & Jane at Rebecca’s? Why not go to Jane’s?? 🤔
Also was there really an emergency? Or does Beard know there could be something between Ted & Rebecca and needed them to spend real time outside of work together??? If so you’re a genius, my friend!
Yes, Rebecca. Don’t talk about it. That way it’s not happening 👍🏼
GET YOUR BARE ARSE OFF HER COUNTER!! 😂 it’s kinda like a car crash; you know you shouldn’t look but you can’t look away either 😂
Poor Mina 😂 Rebecca, I hope you pay her a ridiculous amount of money
‘Those ropes are not garbage. Some of it’s dirty on purpose’ they sure are an interesting couple 😂
God Hannah’s pretty. And Jason looks very cute 🥰
I absolutely love how over the top all these boys are with things
He’s the assistant kit man 🥺 I actually love that. Not so much that this is the first times it’s mentioned though…
‘I was just the only one that was snoring’ 😜 Jamie putting extra money in the box, how far you’ve come 🥰
Okay the tears have started again. I’m gonna miss these boys so much!! 🥹🥹🥹
I wish they had shown Keeley scaring Roy. That’d’ve been hilarious
‘… stuff’ 😂😂😂
She shredded his passport 👀
‘I won’t take it out, but I’m happy to tell you you’re wrong’ love the confidence, Trent 👌🏼
It’s a real shame it’s taken until the last episode to see Keeley doing press for the club again 🙁 I’ve missed the scenes between these three
‘Juicer, the better. Safe save’ he’s such a gossip 😂
Exactly. Fuck Rupert. Why waste breath on him
She truly is living in denial! She’s finding it very hard and everyone knows 🥺 Poor Rebecca
The shock on their faces! 😮
Final spit take & ‘fuck me’ call back 🫡
Nobody is handling them leaving well 🫠
This is incredibly cute though 🥹 their little smiles
Everyone in the stands joining in on the final goodbye 🥲 I’m fully crying
Oop a ‘perfect’ call… forward? Foreshadowing?? 🤔
So who told everyone ‘Now react as if we’ve just won the whole fucking thing’ 😂
‘Love those boots’ cause we need to stereotypically remind everyone Trent is gay 🫣
Just call back after call back in this episode 🫡
They’re friends now 🥹 my little heart
‘I really am exceptional’ yes you are, Deborah!
Rebecca, even your mum knows it’s more than a big deal to you that Ted is leaving. So much so that he’s equating it to him dying…
She just wants her daughter to be happy 🥲🥺 am I crying again? Have I even stopped??
See, I love their relationship now! Another thing we’ve not gotten to see much of 😢
Deborah & Mae bestie era WE NEVER GOT TO FUCKING SEE. I’m gonna flip a table 🫠
These three have been amazing to watch too. They so easily could have been throw away characters, but they’re not. They’re wonderful
But she ain’t your mother, boys 😂
Oh she did not like being called their grandmother 😂😂 Harriet, nicely done
So we’ve been cheated out of seeing Dame Harriet Walter skateboard. Rude.
The outrage!! 😂
He’s proud of him 🥹 here comes the tears again
Mentioning the video was a low blow, Jamie
‘If you go, I go’ 🥺🥹🫡
She truly thought about what they could do to get him to stay. Told him if he goes, she goes. That if she sells 49% of the club she could pay him a lot more, but nowhere near what he’s worth… fully outright asks him to please stay… and he gives her nothing. Certainly was a choice, Jason 🙄
Hannah is giving a masterclass in this scene, though
And he couldn’t even tell her she shouldn’t sell?? Wtf is up with that??
‘More like Drink, Sleep, Fuck’ 😂 I wanna watch that show!
Of course they beat the shit out of each other over Keeley. Good on you girl for sending them both packing!! 💪🏼 at least they know they’re idiots 😂
I actually love this scene between Nate & Ted. It felt like a great ending to their story. He’s getting to see Ted’s forgiveness first hand. Beautiful.
Oh, look! The rom-com couple 👀
A call back to the tickets under country women 🫡 My Wynonna Judd loving heart is soaring at this mention! A lovely nod to her for her contribution to Thundergong. Also this episode (if it hadn’t been pushed back 3 hours) would have been released on her birthday! 🥳
And I am happy to see whatshisface back too… genuinely can’t remember the characters name… JOHN! 🫣😂 also he’s not a Richmond fan. Why is he there??
Shut up, Jake
SHARON!!!!!!!!!!! 🥰
Yes, Ted, it doesn’t make sense. But we don’t question it!
‘You’re stuck with us, buddy’ but not really, cause you’re leaving. Arsehole.
‘Can I be a diamond dog’ 🥺 boys, he really needs help 🥺 and he’s actually asking for it for once 🥹 well done, Roy
I’d have liked just one scene of the guys in the changing rooms reaction to that lot barking 😂
You’re still you because you don’t need to change, Roy. You don’t need to be someone better. You just need to learn to speak up more. Talk about things with others. That’s it, babes!
Okay, now that shimmy was also kinda perfect 😂
Of course he got George to be his new coach.
Okay, question (if you read this); why now all the negative press against Rupert when it’s nearly the same as when he broke up with Rebecca?? Is the fact that the affair came out as sexual misconduct instead the only real difference? Why such a shock when he’s been in the press for the same thing before?? Another thing that doesn’t make sense to me 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tony showing wonderfully that being Rupert in public is him ‘playing a part’. God, I love this man
Good on you, Rebecca, for showing him he really doesn’t get to you anymore. I’m so proud of you!
And Ellie Taylor 🫡 I do not like Sassy, but you’re amazing, babes!
I completely missed Barbara holding up her hand for a high five and Rebecca just waving at her the first time I watched this!! 😂😂😂
She’s into violence, and I think that’s perfect. Barbara is possibly the only addition to this season that they got spot on. I love her!! How of that is down to Katy though, I don’t know…
😂 Mary’s reaction
Why bring up Zava again? This really wasn’t needed 🫢
‘Zorro’ was too easy 😂
As an ex Irish dancer of nearly 29 years I’m going to take that Michael Flatley mention purely for me. Sorry guys ✌🏼😜😂
Yes, this video made me as much of a mess as it made the 😫😫😫 oh, shirt indeed
Another nice callback to Nate knowing what the notifications means 🫡
Nice goal, Chip 😉😂
‘Shut your butts and sit your mouths down’ made me chuckle both times I’ve seen this now 😂
Another tear inducing speech 🥲 I’m gonna miss you too, Ted
I know it’s to make a point, but how did he forget the sign wasn’t there?? You just had a conversation about it, man. Are you really that for gone?? 🫣
It had to be either Sam or Jamie to start off the Believe sign pieces 🫡
And they were all in the most perfect of places! Behind Sam’s inspiration, in Jamie’s book, Issac’s armband, Colin’s shinguard 🥹🥹
Another sweet moment between Nate & Ted
So is number 4 that their belief can be broken, but together they can put it back together again?? If so it’s brilliant! (I can’t remember what 1, 2 & 3 were 😂)
‘I know folks like to say ‘There’s no place like home.’ That’s true. Man, there ain’t a whole lot of places like AFC Richmond either’ SO DON’T LEAVE THEN, TED!! 🫠
Miss after Miss after miss 😂 this game would go fine in history if it were real! 😂
Sharon is me throughout this match 😂
Ooo Rupert is falling apart 🫢😏
Allowing Issac to take the penalty, showing they all know it’s just a game. Like Colin said ‘it’ll be fun’ 🥹
He broke the fucking net!! 😂😂 nice one, Issac!!
Oh he’s really mad!! And Rebecca is confused… why is she paying him any attention, honestly!
Sharon really is me watching football 😂
Hitting John in the face - brilliant. But as I said before, since when has he been a Richmond fan?! Am I forgetting something?? 🤔
Fucking Barbara absolutely loving it 😂😂😂
Here he comes, Emperor Palpatine 🫣 and he is not happy!
Another callback!! Someone get this man some longer shorts! 😂
Dude… to fall apart like that in front of that many people 🫠
I’ve already written about this, but Rupert walking off the pitch breaks my heart. Tony made Rupert so human 😢
Ted just now knowing the offside rule enough to pick up on it when both Beard & Roy don’t?? YOU SHOULD NOT BE LEAVING, TED!! How many more times do I have to tell you?? 🙄
And an offside payout callback 🫡
Had to bring it full circle by asking Nate for his opinion and using his play 🫡
A hilarious call back for Jamie too!! 😂 bet Phil had fun with that
And the quiet mention of Barbecue Sauce 🥹🫡
Of course they won right at the last moment
Sharon! 😂 glad we got to see something more from Sarah! We’ve never seen Sharon this animated!!
And a jump into the arms! 🥲🫡 As a solid lover of the callbacks I’m incredibly great full for the amount we’ve had this episode
Have the fans storm the pitch but don’t use it as an excuse to get Rebecca down there? Huge wasted opportunity!!
Colin kissed his boyfriend!! 🥹🥰
And he did his celebration dance from the pilot 🥹🫡 we love to see it
Oh she’s so emotional 🥰
Had to pause of this Sun cover - Rupert’s out, Kakes is going on Lust Conquers All and Bex got a book deal 👍���� nice one, ladies!
Of course he had to grab a copy of the paper that had her photo on it 😏
Then we get a Zava returns, Shandy’s doing great, and a Marcus Rashford Beano 🥹 the work that goes into this show is incredible!
And a rule of 3 with the ussie kid! 🫡 but did he forget he’s met him before or??
‘Wicked’ ‘Kinky Boots’ 🥺 I’m gonna miss these
So was she not going to make a fuss if he hadn’t happened to have seen her?? And why have her turn around right as he notices her?? Why do they do these things?! 😫
She’s sticking around because you told her without words you don’t want her to go with you, mate. She didn’t want to talk about it before, but apparently neither did you!
Not the ‘club matriarch’ 🤢
Like… I really am confused. There’s so much Jason & Hannah put into their performances that speak volumes, and yet the words they speak contradict it all. What I get from this ‘thank you’ moment is that both of them have so much they want to say but won’t. Or can’t. Kills me
And those tears are purely Hannah. You can’t tell me otherwise 🥺
MAYBE I AM STILL ANGRY ABOUT THINGS! How can you have a woman in front of you, holding back tears as fiercely as she is, and not say anything. If you’re so confident you’re making the right decision why aren’t you trying to reassure her. Comfort her. I-
Good God Hannah is so pretty when she cries 🫠
He’s on the plane asking his best friend if it really was the best decision to leave. Showing he’s really not sure if he’s making the right choice. Beard got off the plane, Ted (award worthy performance I might add) and so could you.
A great fake out would have been if it seemed like he was leaving, but didn’t. Cut to him in the airport watching the plane take off. Or he arrives in Kansas but tells Henry he can’t stay. Yes, I’m bitter. Leave me alone.
How long was she in that airport for her to be completely fine now??
Baby Rebecca!!
And Boat Man! Who I will admit looks great in that pilot uniform 😏 Well done, Rebecca 😂
He gets her name but we don’t get his? Rude.
Omg she gifted them snow gloves! The Barbara effect!! 🥰
KBPR… Keeley Barbara Public Relations?? I like it!
Roy as the new manager, as he should 🫡
Aww, the little photo and sign from Phoebe 🥰
Sam on the Nigerian team is a little wtf. Did Edwin change his mind about Sam? Did the breakdown of the Super League make him wash his hands with football completely?? THESE ARE THE THINGS I NEED ANSWERS TO!! 👀
Aww, Jamie & his dad 🥰
Everyone at the Higgins’ for a BBQ 👀
Dutch man’s daughter and Phoebe playing together is cute, though
The boys having one share in the club 🥰
Mae having a whole stack 😂
Hey, it’s Shannon! Nice callback to have her be the one to show at Trent’s signing 🫡
‘The Richmond Way’ 🥰 ‘A very brief forward by Roy Kent’ 😂
AFC Richmond Woman’s Team 👀 This is the spin-off!! it’s not a want, it’s a need!!
And Sharon’s back at the club?? SINCE WHEN?! I just-
But Roy getting help from the Head of Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being. Well done, Roy. 🫡
I’m also incredibly happy Beard is still with the club, too 🥰
Nate on Roy’s shoulders 😂 made me chuckle
The fixed sign 🥹
But no, had to show Beard marrying his abusive, pregnant girlfriend 🙄 I really hope for his sake they just didn’t show that she’s really calmed down and we just didn’t see it. LIKE SO MUCH ELSE! 🫢
Everyone with their partners 🥹 or both partners in Dani’s case 😂
And how wonderful to see the couple who helped Beard on his crazy night out with their baby 🥰 I actually love that he apparently kept in touch with them 🥰
But Ted’s asleep on the plane… 👀 Ted doesn’t sleep on planes… was that montage all his dream?? SO MANY UNANSWERED FUCKING QUESTIONS!!!
Henry & Michelle didn’t go get him from the airport?? Thought his son was desperate to have his dad back??
So are they implying he’s back in his unhappy life he left?? Okay…
He basically became one of the biggest names within English Football for what he did, and now he’s just coaching his son’s soccer team?? Like…🤷🏻‍♀️ more questions for my list…
That did not seem like. Happy guy at the end… 🫤
Okay, apparently Dutch man is called Matthijs and his daughter is called Jelka. Good to know! Would have been nice if it wasn’t left to the credits to teach me that… 🫣
Woah. Okay. I honestly don’t know that I’ll ever be able to watch that episode again in it’s entirety. There were many things I loved about it, but also things that I didn’t. And whilst I felt the same about many other episodes, I did expect more for the season finale. Why did him leaving seem to everyone like they were never going to talk again?? Did they all agree to never stay in contact??
But I do know that it didn’t ruin the show as a whole for me 👍🏼 I’ll just stay living in my delusional TedBecca fantasy land they built for me 😉
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lqfiles · 4 months
BUT I remember a bit 😭 but as i was saying, haechan’s bitch ass is so annoying and you write that so well bc i just wanna make a necklace out of rocks and choke him with it 🙂‍↕️ (im just kidding guys 😋 y’all got my back tho right?)
free my girl y/n tho she ain’t do nothing wrong ✊🏼 LET HER NAP ✊🏼✊🏼
“i won’t let yangyang bother you” “only I can” i know bro is gonna be sliding down the wall if anything happens between him and y/n and she’s ignoring him and his sad ass writes a song to gain her back (guys don’t worry im just mentally preparing myself bc lqfiles’ angst scares me so im coming up with worse scenarios 🥲)
also yangyang is so funny 😭
“tell her it’s a date” nvm i wanna kiss him again… 👁️👁️
BUT I WILL TALK to my friend don’t worry!!! so far we talked and she understands bc i have boundaries that it’s nice to see hear about relationships once in a while, but it gets tiring when it’s day after day and it’s that topic
guys pls separate your relationship and friendship 🥲 i will support my friends crush, bf, gf, partner, wtv, but i will not support every single conversation about that person. pls respect your friends 🫶🏼 and if they don’t respect your friendship, bite them, violence is always the answer.
but thank you for the update 😋 literally anticipating the next update every time and i eat it up every single time bc you’re so talented 🫶🏼
- 🫧
(also, bella got her harness!! i’ll send you a pic bc she looks so pretty ☹️ but about her being a hybrid… im not sure 🥲 i was just thinking about her having spots bc her dad was a black maltipoo but imma try to do her a test)
(also she has a little sweater too but imma try to buy her a hat too for the sun… can you see she’s spoiled? 😭 and her birthday is july 25th so yes, early birthday presents) (she will get more tho 🤞🏼)
i’m glad that everyone has something against haechan because THATS WHAT I KINDA WANT like this is meant to be ENEMIES for a reason you’re meant to dislike his behaviour 😓 hjskdhskdjs when he sees her tweet about jaehyun and he’s like “he is not even all that” and gets ratioed like yangyang, WE WANT RHE POSSESSIVENESS!!! yangyang is so fun to write believe me i always have a blast coming up with his dialogues
IM GLAD YOU PUT YOUR BOUNDARIES STRAIGHTT and i’m glad your friend was understanding, i’ve seen people who are not understanding at all and take it as a jab at them specifically.. you described it perfectly tho, like i will support whatever relationship you got as long as you don’t bring it over to me, like go and talk about this stuff w your BOYFRIEND, biting is truly the answer, works 100%. (also tmi again but i’m kinda annoyed again because i’m 99% sure the only reason she reached out was bc she needed someone to vent to about her bf that she has been arguing w :/ just shit but whateverrrr)
hmmm that would probably be more likely, i doubt the vet wouldn’t have let you known prior if she was a breed!!! but yesss you can send me the picture i’d love it, im glad fo hear that she likes it 🥹🥹 AND AWWWEEE A HAT AND A SWEATER THIS IS SO CUTE pls keep dressing her up; get her a skirt next… and happy early birthday to her!
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♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#60: The Cure (1.06)
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I love a Richonne + cars moment, a Richonne + candles moment, and, most of all, I love a Richonne + hands moment. Rick and Michonne's hands have their own greatest hits throughout Richonne’s love story so it’s only fitting they get one more moment to shine. And Rick and Michonne's final hand moment is beautiful beyond words. It truly paints the picture of how Richonne's love is the cure 🥹...
 After Richonne eliminates the CRM’s higher-ups - giving the upper echelon a taste of their own medicine by doing to them what they were about to do to countless communities - we get some audible insight into the aftermath.
And apparently, sometimes a lil destruction can bring peace and harmony cuz they sure seemed to solve everything wrong with the CRM and Civic Republic after going scorched earth at the summit.
A broadcast explains that after the explosion, Beale and the CRM higher-ups were exposed for all their nefarious operations and activities. That led to the CRC unanimously voting for an emergency oversight of the CRM’s remaining forces and they began implementing immediate reform to the Civic Republic. 
One of the most pertinent developments is that the CRC unanimously voted to change the rule that no one can leave. They now allow those in the Civic Republic to have free movement which means not only can Rick and Michonne finally go home, but the Civic Republic is even providing a helicopter to transport them there. 🙌🏽
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gif cred: @nat111love
There's something emotional to me about hearing citizens are finally free to move at will. Cuz that’s all Rick wanted - the freedom and choice to go home to his family. And for years, because of the CRM’s secrecy and paranoia, they kept him from that. But now, after traversing the darkest valleys and still standing, Rick finally gets to go home, and not through escape but freely. 🥹
As the broadcast shares this development we see Rick and Michonne's helicopter in the sky and inside we get my favorite Richonne hands moment. 🤩
The shot focuses first on Michonne’s hand as she holds the pivotal phone that led her to realize Rick survived the bridge explosion. That phone is special. And I love how, in a way, it incorporates all four remaining Grimes because there’s an image of Michonne and Judith and then Rick and RJ’s name on it.
And of course, there’s also the Japanese writing “believe a little longer” which is always a heartfelt sentiment. It's fitting to see the phrase at this moment, as all of Richonne's belief is about to pay off now that they’re closer than ever to being with their kids.
Also, we can see Michonne is wearing her M bracelet and wedding ring in this sweet shot. I always love seeing the jewelry as a reminder that once Michonne found Rick, her husband adorned her with everything he could. 🥹 Husband of the Year every year, factually. 👏🏽
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gif cred: @nat111love
Thank goodness Rick sought out Benjiro to draw his girls during his years away. Rick had to hide so much of himself while trapped with the CRM, but he still was compelled to find a way to connect to his wife and daughter.
And Rick's need to still somehow see Michonne and Judith, even if just through illustrations, allowed him to see them again for real since that phone Michonne found was key to letting her know he was alive out there - and most of all, alive out there missing her as much as she missed him. 🥲
As Michonne holds the phone, I imagine she's likely thinking about just how far they’ve come on this journey. First, it was Rick who had that phone as a means of hope during his darkest and loneliest chapter. And then the phone magnetically found its way to Michonne to give her hope too during a very dark and lonely time.
I remember when Michonne first found this phone on that boat it was such an overwhelming moment for her. She was instantly emotional in that TWD 10.13 ep after finding Rick’s boots and a phone that confirmed that Rick survived the bridge and was still loving and thinking about her and their daughter.
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And now, after all the hell they’d been through, she doesn’t just have the phone to hold onto of Rick, she has the great man himself right by her side. 🙌🏽
In holding the phone it’s also clear that Michonne is thinking about the kids they're soon about to see. And you know who's also thinking about their kids right now? Rick. 🥹
As the shot pans from Michonne’s phone-holding hand, we see her other hand with the wedding ring which will always elate me to see. And then we see Rick’s hand shaking. 😭
Ok, my eyes tear up every time I see the way Rick's hand shakes on his knee, clearly illustrating his anxiousness about finally going home and reuniting with Judith and meeting RJ for the first time.
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gif cred: @taiturner
It has to all feel quite overwhelming. He already loves his son and daughter so much, and I know he wants to live up to being the father they need and the father they clearly look up to as The Brave Man. And it makes sense he’d be feeling a lot of both excited anticipation and anxiety over such a big moment.
Plus, I think about how hard Rick fought to go home all these years and the physical and mental toll it took on his mind and body as every escape attempt resulted in getting caught. Part of why he only has one hand to tremble right now is because his time away from family pushed him to a breaking point where he was willing to chop off his own hand for just the mere chance of getting back to his wife and daughter.
And now, here he is, his wife by his side, and so close to home. That has to understandably make him overcome with emotion because finally, nothing is stopping him from going home. He’s really gonna make it all the way this time. 🥹
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So likely with a million thoughts racing through his head right now, his nerves cause his hand to tremble. But then I adore to the moon and back that Rick no longer has to deal with his anxiety alone because his soulmate is with him and is always always so good at comforting him and bringing him peace.
So without a word being said, Michonne immediately holds Rick’s shaking hand, and sure enough, he calms and stops shaking as he holds her hand. Beautiful. 😭😭😭
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gif cred: @nerd4music
This calming handhold moment between Rick and Michonne means so much to me. Especially with how a handhold ushered in Richonne’s canon era in TWD 6.10 and was Richonne’s final physical contact in TWD 9.03.
And now Rick and Michonne can still offer so much love and comfort when they take each other's hands all these years later as well. The greatest husband and wife on television, for real. 🥹
The whole movement of it was perfect. Like again, these actors are so talented that even a quick wordless moment of just their hands has such depth and meaning to it. And the music really adds to the emotion of it all too. 
I love that Michonne first gently places her hand on his, clearly sensing everything he’s feeling. And I adore that it’s with her wedding ring-clad hand. Rick's wife. 😭🙌🏽 Like truly the visual of Michonne taking Rick's hand while wearing the ring he gave her is just what a Richonners' dreams are made of. Both this handhold and the ring being in the shot communicate the many ways Richonne are forever committed to have and to hold one another.
And then I adore that Rick is receptive and immediately takes her hand and allows that to steady him. And his signature calming thumb makes another appearance. 😋 It's just all so good. No matter how anxious he gets, connecting with Michonne can always reach him, calm him, and center him.
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gif cred: @lousolversons
Rick is definitely a character that often deals with anxiety, and I love that Michonne is so equipped to recognize it and offer comfort in the exact way he needs.
Michonne Grimes is Rick Grimes' cure, truly. After wrestling so long with what really is the poison or the cure, I love that the miniseries makes it so clear that Richonne's love is the cure that can always heal them.
And just the way he takes her hand, it feels like they’re both offering comfort to each other. Both solidifying to each other that they’re in this together always. So Rick doesn’t have to worry. Because Michonne will be right here with him as they reunite and restore their family. 
Also, Rick doesn’t have to fret about being the perfect dad because his eldest son Carl already gave him the blueprint on how to proceed as a father to Judith & RJ - it’s just to love. And Rick's good kind heart knows exactly how to do that. 🥹
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gif cred: @michonnegrimes
And y'all, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t get sentimental about their overall journey for a sec. So I had to take a moment to really reflect and celebrate the way Richonne's hands helped tell this love story all these years. Because it's really something, imo. 😊
It all started in the masterpiece OG Richonne episode 'Clear' (TWD 3.12), when the shot focuses on Michonne handing Rick a lone bullet, simultaneously showing him she's on his side and calming his antsy energy. There were definitely sparks flying between those two in that scene. Even Carl was looking like 'what's this about?' 🤔
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And then, because Rick took it as an unbreakable law when Michonne said 'don't you ever touch me again' in TWD 3.07, Rick and Michonne didn't really touch again until season 5. But when they do, it's super meaningful and makes it clear they've become trusted partners who love each other.
Michonne takes Rick's hand just before they enter ASZ, again offering him a refreshing dose of comfort during a very anxious time for him. And she also is comforted in this car, knowing the man she feels most safe with is going to take this leap of faith with her and for her.
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Then at the end of season 5, Michonne touches Rick's hand again, this time to let Rick know she trusts him to make the right decision after he offers to give her his gun. They'd been feeling a bit distant since arriving at ASZ and this top-tier season 5 finale scene brought them back together beautifully.
Rick is eager to give up all his secrets in the hopes of being back aligned with her, and Michonne is eager for Rick to see that she's with him no matter what. And the shot of their hands illustrates that perfectly.
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That season 5 finale moment also made it clear that Richonne's canon era was just around the corner, especially because they were slowly but surely touching each other more.
And sure enough 😋...
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Season 6 arrives and we get some of Richonne's greatest hand moments of all. 🤩 That low-five in the morning leading up to their first kiss - Perfection. ❤️‍🔥 Rick playfully whipping out those mints as Michonne takes them with a smile, and their mint exchange filmed in a way that parallels their bullet exchange in Clear - Perfection. ❤️‍🔥
And then of course the Richonne + hands moment is when Rick and Michonne first hold hands on that couch. It's the sweet, sensual, and oh-so-significant handhold that ignited Richonne becoming an official couple - Perfection. ❤️‍🔥
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Once Rick and Michonne hold hands in TWD 6.10 and let all that love that has been stirring inside pour out, they make it very clear they never want to let go of each other. With a sweet, simple, and super special handhold in an RV even being the only confirmation they need to know that what they have is a forever thing.
It's like Andy said of Richonne: "You kind of hold hands, walk to the edge of the cliff and jump — and continue holding hands."
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And they really did continue holding hands. 🥹
The wonderful Richonne + hand moments just ramped up even more as the seasons progressed. And all of it, every single time, was perfection. ❤️‍🔥
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Apart from a final hallucination and heartbreaking bridge separation, Richonne's last real moment together on their TWD journey even concludes with a shot focused on their hands. And you already know I adore this final TWD handhold, which again paints the beautiful picture of how Richonne can always reach each other, hold each other, and stand united.
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And then y'all, The Ones Who Live came along and spoiled us rotten with Richonne gold, including more wonderful and ultra-heartfelt Richonne + hands moments.
Michonne placing Rick's hand over her heart to calm him during his panic attack - Perfection 🥹. Michonne softly touching Rick's handless arm after he quite literally gave his hand for her - Perfection 🥹.
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Richonne + hands just always remained a thing of beauty along their unforgettable journey.
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Always. 🥰
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So, all that to say - Richonne's hands told a very compelling story from TWD Season 3 to TOWL. 👌🏽
These moments (and there are even more Richonne hands moments that I could have included if there wasn't a 30 gif max) are a big reason why I adore that Richonne is given this shot focused on their hands in the final episode of The Ones Who Live. How far they’ve come, and they’ve only grown closer and closer and more and more in love. A love story for the ages. 🥹
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
Now, did I basically just dedicate a whole post to Richonne’s hands? Yes I did. 😇 I had to. Their hands moments were just that good and deserved appreciation.
I will forever cherish the opportunity to watch these two characters fall in love in a fallen world and, even with weary hands from this wild world, pick up each other's broken pieces to make each other whole. And each meaningful hand moment portrayed Richonne's ability to do so.
But ok, now, it’s time to talk about the utterly heartwarming and heart-melting moments of Rick and Michonne finally reuniting with their babies. And we're breaking it down in 2 parts because you know I gotta finish as extra as I started. 😌👌🏽
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deardiaryxo1 · 11 months
Dear Diary,
I've decided to start writing a diary here, a place where I can pour out my emotions and thoughts without fear of anyone ever stumbling upon it. 🤫
High school can be such a whirlwind of emotions, and I desperately need an outlet to put my feelings on something 🫠.
You see, there's this guy that I'm head over heels in love with, but he doesn't even know I exist lol
Every day, I see him walking through the halls, he is year older. He's …..HOOOOOOT. 😱😭 But there's one problem - he already has a girlfriend.🙂
It's hard for me to understand why he's with her. She seems more interested in the idea of dating someone as attractive as him, rather than truly being in love with him. She's the popular girl, the one everyone adores. With her blond hair and blue eyes, people say she's the most beautiful girl in school. But honestly, I don't see it. To me, she just looks like an average popular girl from any other school.
It's frustrating to watch them together, knowing that I could offer him so much more. I see the way he gazes at her, hoping to find a connection that seems to be missing. I yearn for him to see me 😭
But for now, I'll keep my feelings hidden, locked away inside the pages of this diary. I'll continue to watch him from afar, silently cheering him on in my heart. Maybe, just maybe, someday he'll notice me and see beyond the facade of popularity.🫠
Anyways, let’s get to the small twist of this all lol {DRUM ROLL} 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
You see, for the past two weeks, I have been talking to him on Facebook, but there's a twist to the story - he doesn't know it's me. 😭😂
Let me explain.
I created a fake Facebook account, using a different name and all info, and approached him with a weird shit story lol I told him that I had seen him around and blah blah blah and surprisingly, he went along with it.
The chats have been going on for two weeks now, and we've developed quite a bond. 🫠 We talk about our days (as if I don’t know his day 🥲). It's quite amusing to listen to him sharing his experiences, knowing I already have insight into his life.
I must admit, it's become a bit of a best friend conversation, despite the fact that most of what I've told him is a lie.
However, amidst all these lies, there is one truth that I've stuck to - my name. I may have created a fake persona, but my name remains unchanged. Perhaps it's because deep down, I believe that honesty should be at the core of any relationship, even if it's built on deception.
I find it intriguing how easily we've formed a connection, despite the dishonesty that lurks behind every message. We seem to have a lot in common, and it's effortless to keep our conversations flowing. Yet, there's a part of me that wonders how long I can maintain this charade without it coming crashing down. 😫
I can't help but wonder how he would react if he discovered the truth. Would he be angry, hurt, or understanding? Would he appreciate our connection enough to overlook the lies I've told? It's a risk that I knowingly took, but now it keeps me up at night, wondering about the potential consequences. 😭
As the days pass, the situation with him becomes increasingly complicated. It seems that he is eager to take our online connection to the next level, suggesting meeting up or casually saying hello in person. This puts me in a precarious position, as I am torn between maintaining the facade and coming clean about my true identity.
Whenever he brings up the subject of meeting, I find myself crafting feeble excuses to avoid the situation. 😩 So far, my excuses have been successful in diverting his attention away from the idea. But deep down, I know that this cannot go on forever. Sooner or later, I will have to confront the truth and make a decision about how to proceed.
Maybe I am selfish but let me say one thing - whatever is going on is better than nothing 🥹
Yours sincerely,
A Hopeful Hearty
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rrxnjun · 1 year
HECK YEAHHH!! 03 best line😌🥳i was so happy to find out he was born in 2003 cuz i swear it's so rare to find anyone born in 2003 in any band (or tbh even just content creators)!! we are superior for being older than him /j😌😌 WAIT LMAO THATS KIND OF COOL THAT ITS ON THE SAME DAY:o doyoung is my guy after jihoon he is just so great so i understand him hitting differently lmao
yeahhh iguess i love doing things that take a lot of patience although i'm a very impatient person😶 and i'm still on the start of my embroidery career but it's so fun!!! we are the coolest grandmas out there😎😎😎 dude i love plants but i always end up killing them so🤡 (ofc sending one immediately!!)
SORRY!! IT WASNT FOR COMFORT🥲 tbh as u should treasure is fun so ur phase is completely understandable!!! jihoon is the definition of perfect tbh just love the guy!! ooo i've never seen that i will go and watch that later👀 but losing ur shit is probs very much understandable🤣
WAIT ACTUALLY OH MY🤭💞but actually only write it if u want to!!! i don't want to force u!!! IT WILL BE!! MANIFESTING FOR IT TO BE AMAZING!!!!🥳🥳🥳(awww thank u so much🥹lmao that would be kind of funny ngl but maybe hopefully i will be comfortable enough to not be anon by then cuz i'm starting become more comfortable to post on the internet so i might save u from having to do that🤣)
i'm very glad it cheered u up!! i always love reading ur replies to me and they just cheer me up always tbh hihi🥹💗💕 (liebestraum anon💕)
TRULY !!! 03 line is so rare to see i think and thats why i automatically adopt every 03 liner i see 😭😭 also our bias taste is....the same. i am NOT surprised 😭😭
how can u be an impatient person then 😭😭 i get impatient w art and then i rush the details and it ends up looking like shit 😔 the only thing i dont feel like i rush is writing but even that sometimes gets hard to do LMAO 😭 i got so many plants for my bday also!!! im surprised they're not dead bc sometimes i forget to water them and im lowkey freestyling the care but i love all of them to death💓 wishing u good luck w your embroidery career and waiting for that bracelet !!
CANT WAIT FOR PIXEL CALUM!!!!!!! better than nothing 😔🤞
losing my shit is understanable but also it makes me feel silly like girlie that man doesnt know you and here u are in a parasocial relationship with him💔 watching ygtb made me so proud of him tho he grew so much as a person and a performer and so did all of them!!!
i woULD but see it occured to me that i have exams next week so i kinda lost my shit and now im spiraling instead of writing but. it wILL happen after !!!
omg i am glad to hear you are more comfy!!! i would never pressure u into anything bc i want u to be 100% comfortable but if u ever decide to come off anon i am welcoming you w open arms my friend 💓
to finish off this reply i want to apologize for being so late with it but i had a rough week full of stress and hangover 🤠 also i hope you are doing well and that you are taking care of yourself!!
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