#he's so derpy omg
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the-bonclave · 8 months ago
What's amazing is this is its closest living relative:
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(Maned Wolf, wikicommons)
And this somehow isn't:
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(Short-eared dog, Renata Leite Pitman)
And this extinct thing (Falkland Wolf, Tūhura Otago Museum)
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is the most related to Tall Wolf. None of which are wolves, btw. They're the next group over.
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No, you can’t pet that dog. ✋ Introducing the bush dog (Speothos venaticus)! This rare canid is so elusive that it was once known only from fossils and thought to be long extinct. It inhabits parts of South America from Panama to northern Argentina, where it can be found in packs of up to 12 individuals. With partially webbed feet, this critter is a skilled swimmer and spends much of its time around water. It hunts for a variety of rodents including agoutis, pacas, and capybaras.
Photo: Tambako The Jaguar, CC BY-ND 2.0, flickr
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poopeepeepah · 1 year ago
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Omg they’re so derpy, but like also super cute?! I had always thought the aesthetic direction of inscryption would translate well to relief prints and I’m glad to say they do! They aren’t quite as perfect as if I had taken the cards directly from the game and had them printed by a card-making company, but they’ve got a lot a character. and something about making them reminds myself of a disheveled old forest man hand-making cards of the animals he photographed that day so he can torture some poor unwitting soul later by oversharing about his favorite animals and weaving nonsensical yet evocative tales involving them like Darwinian Barbie dolls
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devilsrecreation · 5 months ago
Random Outlander Interaction Headcanons pt 2
Kiburi and Mzingo:
I can see them being fist-bump buddies, with the two of them thinking they’re the only actual normal ones in the Outlands lmao. They just sit back looking at everyone’s antics like “You gotta deal with this shit too?”
“All the time.”
I like to imagine while Janja and Reirei are arguing, Kiburi just gestures to Mzingo like “Ask him. He’s smarter than the both of you combined” or smth along those lines. Mzingo appreciates it
Cheezi and Njano:
Omg derpy tongue bois. Although Cheezi was a bit creeped out by the skinks at first, I can picture him being the first one to actually befriend one of them and that being Njano. It literally started with a “Wait a minute…you look just like me! :D” “Huh, thought I was the only one!” and boom-friendship.
I mentioned this to Spinny before, but Njano is a horrible influence on Cheezi lmao. He’ll dare Cheezi to do something or make a lighthearted joke and next thing you know, Cheezi started a damn fire 😭 Silly little gremlins
Sumu and Chungu:
So I hc that Sumu somehow finds himself hanging out with/befriending the Idiots after a rescue mission and I firmly believe Chungu is the reason for that. He’s the first of the Idiots to invite Sumu to hang with them in the first place and the first one to call him a friend. He also makes sweet remarks about how smart Sumu is and Sumu, while a bit awkward due to all the kindness, regards him as a good friend
Nne and Mwoga:
Nne doesn’t really deal with idiocy, but Mwoga would definitely be the exception for two reasons: 1. He’s not REALLY stupid (a little ditzy but he still has a brain) and 2. He helped raise him so he definitely respects him. Mwoga tends to be somewhat of a mediator between Nne and Tano and Chungu and Cheezi, usually reminding Nne that they mean well and to be a bit nicer to them
Tamka and Tano:
You know, when Neema told Tano how much of an idiot Tamka was, he thought he was exaggerating….until he and Nne actually met him in my Neema-centered episode idea and oh my stars he’s as dumb as Chungu is, if not stupider. I imagine he gets cocky with him, saying stuff like “You should know that, mate”
And then Tamka’s wondering why this hyena thinks of him as his mate 😭
Mwoga and Janja:
I like to think Mwoga is almost as close as he is with Janja as Mzingo is. He was a bit confused why he was suddenly a surrogate to a hyena but he loved and accepted him all the same. Mwoga reads right through Janja when he’s talking about how annoying Chungu and Cheezi have been. Janja may be ranting, but Mwoga knows just how much he loves them and tells the others as such
Kiburi and Tano:
Interesting…I think they’d be cool with each other. Kiburi’s lowkey impressed with Tano’s knowledge about other animals and would definitely approve of him and Neema’s friendship. Although he wasn’t above threatening them when wanting to know where Neema went off to.
They also roll their eyes at Tamka’s stupidity like
“Is he always like this?”
Dogo and Chungu:
I feel like Chungu was the first to warm up to Dogo when the hyenas and jackals became allies. Dogo just had to say “sorry” while giving the yeens his signature puppy eyes and Chungu was like “Why do we hate him again?”.
Janja: Cuz he tried stealin’ our food, furbrain
Chungu: Oh yeah!
Dogo: Don’t worry, I promise I’m ashamed :3
Chungu: Dawwww! We forgive you!
Reirei and Nduli:
Reirei thinks Nduli is a real sweetheart. He likes to compliment her and even admires her parenting skills. Maybe she (and Goigoi) gives him parenting advice that he uses when he has kids of his own. This is part of the reason why he’s so overbearing to his kids lol
Sumu and Nduli:
Sumu had no idea a crocodile could be such a sweetheart but he now feels like he has an obligation to protect his innocence. Nduli’s basically the equivalent to Winnie the Pooh in his eyes so he tends to show his soft side to him (Sumu doesn’t do that unless he’s with his mother so that's a huge plus). No matter what idea Nduli has, Sumu agrees cuz he literally can’t say no to him.
Meanwhile Nduli likes hearing about all the scorpion facts. He finds them fascinating.
Kijana and Tamka:
You know how the adult is supposed to babysit the child? Yeah, it’s the exact opposite with these two. Because Kijana takes more after her mother, she’s pretty much the brains to Tamka’s brawn and often keeps a close eye on him to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. I feel like they’d make a lighthearted joke where Kijana goes “alright that’s enough fun for today, time for us to go home” and Tamka (and Nduli) are like “awww, five more minutes!”
Also Tamka seeing what Goigoi means when he says that his kids are just like Reirei lol
Wema and Kiburi:
Awwwwwwww! A baby and a fully grown crocodile, what can go wrong?/j
Nah, Kiburi would warm up to her. She’s not as annoying as most of the other hyenas and actually likes how sweet she is. Plus he has to admit, she’s adorable when she’s trying to act as brave as a crocodile. Wema thinks he’s cool and she loves hearing his stories (I didn’t forget about Storytime with Kiburi)
Cheezi and Chungu (what are the odds I get the Spongebob and Patrick of the Outlands):
Omg can I say about their friendship that isn’t already canon? Ooh, I know! I’ll say how they met!
Chungu and Cheezi met when they were wee little cubs! Baby Chungu was wandering around while his parents were sleeping (permanently but he didn’t know that) and just so happened to bump into little Cheezi, who was playing a game that was a mixture of hide-and-seek and tag. They introduced themselves, Cheezi invited him to play and they started talking and laughing until little Janja found them (they were being loud lmao). Cheezi introduced Chungu, and the rest is history
Nne and Tamka:
First Tano now Nne fjfhhrh. I figure it’s very similar to Tano’s interactions, only Nne keeps making passive-aggressive insults only to “fix” them when Tamka asks what he’s talking about
Tamka: Didja hear that?! Neema called me an idiot!
Nne: He’s right
Tamka: What’d you say?
Nne: I said “don’t fight”
Tamka: Oh :)
Kenge and Chungu:
Chungu’s still scared of Kenge cuz of his temperament, but that doesn’t stop him from accidentally saying the word “little” around him (Janja and Cheezi do it too). However, he HAS had some “friendlier” interactions with him, like talking to him about his feelings toward Aibu and Kenge making him realize said feelings are romantic. He also isn’t above listening to Kenge’s ranting and even gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder once. Kenge doesn’t call Chungu a friend until he fully reforms but he…appreciates Chungu’s support
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moyokeansimblr · 6 months ago
Moyo life update
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Hey friends so yeah uhm... Well after our old man kitty Zook passed on the 4th my dad decided pretty much immediately that we'd be getting kittens because he thought we needed kitten therapy. Initially the plan was only to get 1-2 because we do still have Sophie (Zook's sister) and while she adores the pants off me she's admittedly a grouchy old lady towards everyone else so we weren't sure how she'd do with a kitten. She's also 15.5 so that's why my dad wanted more than one kitten because Sophie doesn't play much.
My brother's girlfriend knew a family that had a litter of 4 kittens and the plan was for us to take 2 so as to not overwhelm Soph. But get this: on the 4th while my mom and brother were saying goodbye to Zook at our vet... a 12 week old kitten just waltzes up to the door! One of the vet techs grabbed him and was like omg he's here for them! But the other tech wouldn't let her interrupt my mom & brother so she took him home with the plan to tell us about him when we were slightly less sad. When my mom called the vet Friday morning to settle our account she told us about him and he was ours an hour later. My brother named him Waffle (short for wunderwaffe dg2, idk spelling I don't play cod).
But we still wanted Waffle to have someone who wasn't 15 years older than him so Saturday morning we went to meet the litter of 4 kittens my brother's girlfriend's mom's friend had. It was pretty easy, two of them clearly liked us most right away. So by mid day Saturday had two more kittens. They're 8 weeks, and named Pez and Cooper. Cooper is the runt and the first thing my brother's girlfriend said when she saw him was oh my god he's so derpy. 😹 But my dad said he thinks Pez knows Cooper is a little behind and looks out for him.
So far they're all separate. Waffle has his space, Pez and Cooper have a space, and then Sophie has reign of the house. They've had a few supervised meetings that have gone well. Sophie's gave her warning hisses if they've gotten too close but otherwise has just watched them. Pez and Cooper aren't scared at all because they came from a house full of other animals but Waffle is pretty scared. He gets all poofy and growls both at Sophie and the other kittens but we don't think he's had experience with other cats since nobody knows where he came from. So we're working on him so he'll be less scared.
ANYWAYS, because I work part time and from home I am the primary cat carer. Between all the cleaning/kitten proofing, giving Sophie ample attention, and acclimating all three kittens I'm utterly brain fried. I've been trying to work on some CC but I've not been able to sit down and actually play sims at all in weeks what with how sick Zook was and now kittens. I did have a sims 2 birthday gift planned but there's no way I'll get to finish it or any of the other CC I've got in progress by that date. I really just want to play but I'm in cat mode so it's what it is. But in the meantime while I can't play I've been watching a lot of sims YouTube content instead (like sammy sundog's service area videos) so that I can still get my sims fix until whenever I get to play again.
I'll end this post with a pic of my good old girl Sophie because she's handling all of these changes pretty damn great so far. But yeah long story short basically I don't have anything sims to contribute to Tumblr right now. Hopefully soon.
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st4rry4543 · 2 months ago
Human yarnaby doodles bc chapter 4 comes out tomorrow.
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I'll most likely share more of my humanized ppt designs tomorrow .
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cybernightart · 2 years ago
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I have made a beautiful discovery
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I'm laughing so hard at this its making me headache even worse XD
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polaroidcats · 2 months ago
Entirely your fault this but - a video of James in animagus form being cute/derpy accidentally goes viral. Everyone on the internet likes the cute deer...
So Sirius immediately starts a campaign for Padfoot to be entered into Crufts.
hahahah omg yes pleaseee 😂 sirius and james start a friendly competition to see who's the more popular animal on social media - they start a fake account for a made-up animal rescue that rescues stags or something so it's less suspicious that there's so many videos of the same stag or maybe they set up a fake surveillance camera in the woods where prongs records his videos meanwhile sirius is getting groomed and cared for and remus shampoos his fur (and checks for fleas ofc) to make sure he will be the prettiest dog in the dog show!!! he is ofc always the prettiest dog and also the most talented and well behaved one, well, he's well behaved until one of the judges starts to flirt with remus (who's pretending to be his owner ofc)...
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ryuichirou · 6 months ago
About moray sketches, Idia’s little affair with Sebastian, drawing and art and other things.
Anonymous asked:
Morays are so derpy
They really are… the more I look at them the more obsessed I get lol those silly faces
Anonymous asked:
Those eels are so goofy-looking. Are they your favorite sea creature? If not, then what?
Thank you, Anon!
To be honest, I don’t think I have a favourite sea creature. For now, due to my love for the Octa-trio, I have a big soft spot for moral eels and octopuses. A couple of years ago we had a phase during which we read a lot about sharks. The fact that baby sharks are called pups!! I’m still obsessed with this fact.
In general, sea is fascinating and truly beautiful, but it was never really my thing, so I don’t know much about different kinds of creatures… Should definitely work on that 🤔
Anonymous asked:
OOoo Sebastián if Ciel finds out you're in troubleee
HEHE YES even though we still aren’t back to our Kuroshitsuji era and I just replied about it the other day… The desire to ship these two was sudden but too strong to resist.
I think Ciel would just roll his eyes to be honest, maybe he would get a bit disgusted… but overall, the whole thing probably happened due to their investigation, so he shouldn’t complain. Or is it jealousy that sours his mood?~
Anonymous asked:
Idia’s hips are so deliciously grabbable. Grabbing them, nibbling them, groping them, hmmm.
And with how thin he is one would think that he would be too sharp around the edges to probably grab. But I guess his bones make him easier to grab… Cute!
Anonymous asked:
The way Idia looks in the last panel…..I don’t think I would be able to resist going back and “interrogating” him more, perhaps all day even. I’m very dedicated, what can I say? 😔
What a hardworking person you are! This is truly inspiring.
I think the more you “interrogate” Idia, the more “interrogatable” he looks… this is magical.
tardigrade-misfit asked:
I’ve come to a realization that I’ve only ever seen one thing drawn of Leona and I need to see more of the lazy lion man 😭
Omg you’re right, we only posted him once (not counting a chibi drawing + fem!Leona in a big genderswap post). It’s so funny, I feel like I draw him every now and then because of commissions (thank you, everyone orz), but at the end of a day we barely have anything Leona-related. The only character less lucky than him is probably poor Cater…
To be completely honest, Leona just isn’t usually on my radar, and even though I sketch him sometimes, those sketches rarely get finished and are mostly posted on ko-fi. Sorry 😔
Anonymous asked:
my god, imagine a more messed up alternate universe where the Asim family had a "last one standing" competition to decide the successor... The head of the family dies and suddenly Kalim is put against his siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, ecc. He would be so bummed out. As soon as he says "Jamil, I think we'll have to kill my family" Jamil just starts crying from joy. Yes! Let's kill all these rich people! And also make you the new head, that would be cool I guess...
AAAH honestly Anon it would be such an interesting story to read and/or watch. Kalim would probably consider giving up multiple times, but ultimately decide against it because he doesn’t really want to die either lol
To Jamil it would absolutely be a joy though. I think some of Kalim’s relatives would try to bribe him out of helping Kalim though, “kill him in his sleep and we will give you a better life” type of deal. But Jamil would refuse~ Not because he’s loyal to Kalim or anything, of course of course.
Anonymous asked:
Since that other anon asked about Epel might as well join in: Jack and Epel. I can see Epel looking up to Jack because "Oh strong muscle man, wanna be like him" so of course Jack being the goodest boy that he is would help Epel train... in more ways than one ;)
Anon, this ship is so good visually with the size difference and all, and Epel salivating at the thought of Jack’s muscles because he really wants to have muscles himself (in reality he is just attracted to Jack) is such a good idea, and we absolutely see its potential… but unfortunately somehow they don’t click with us just yet. Maybe it’s because it feels too fluffy, with Epel getting in trouble and Jack getting him out of trouble? Maybe we’re missing this spice because we haven’t seen a lot of their interactions. Only time will tell…
Nothing against it of course though! Epel should get railed by a big wolf man.
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mytheoristavenue · 9 months ago
My best friend who doesn't really watch anime at all just started watching mha and she's giving my live updates and I have to share a few of them because what the fuck.
- She found out she shares a birthday with Deku and I told her I was gonna write 'happy birthday Deku' on her birthday card. She actually wants me to. And before I had a chance to respond, she said: "We twins fr fr, I was also born quirkless."
- Obsessed with Todoroki and keeps sending me stuff like "Omg why is his dad so mean?" "Why did his mom do that to him??" And I just have to tell her to wait because it gets so so much worse.
- I made a joke that Stain was a baddie and she said that he killed Tensei and I said: "I keep telling you that Tensei is alive." And she said: "Well he's fucking paralyzed so he might as well be dead."
-Keeps mentioning my favs like "Bird dude is cool, I like his lil shadow man." "Bro whose this guy with the arms??"
-Called Gunhead derpy and when I told her "Wait til you see FatGum," she ignored me and sent a video of Selkie trying to be cute captioned 'why they close up on his crotch like that??'
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brilla-brilla-estrellita · 9 months ago
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SnowBaz Tea: SSCoNE 2024
As part of our 2024 event, we had a tea party at The Bookworm in Omaha. I was tasked with deciding which teas we would be having. And by "tasked with," I mean I took this task on myself without asking despite the fact that @shrekgogurt was in charge of food. But at least it was still related to an activity, which I was in charge of, right?
Anyway, I, along LavenderSprinkles and RynMar (neither on tumblr, but both on AO3), spent a lot of time looking at different teas for the best SnowBazzy options to have at our tea party. We had to narrow it down to 3, but I found so many good options, I didn't want them to go to waste! And I didn't get a chance to talk much about the ones I did decided on, either.
For now, I'll just discuss the teas we did choose. The tea house all of these blends come from is my absolute favorite: Friday Afternoon Tea (Whoa, I just discovered they're on tumblr! Hi @friday-tea!). It is a queer latine owned and operated small business that specializes in creating blends inspired by your favorite fandoms. It has been called "The Gayest Tea Shop on the West Coast" by Cosmopolitan Magazine: a title that the owner and employees proudly carry. No, they don't pay me for this. I just really freaking love their tea and the community they strive to create. So who else would I go to for our SnowBaz tea party?
French Cookie
Ingredients: Black tea, almond, orange peel (replaced with lemon peel to avoid an allergy in the group), natural vanilla and almond flavoring
Fandom Blend? No, house blend
Representing: Simon
This tea can actually come as a black tea, a rooibos, or an oolong. I had originally planned for rooibos to make sure we had a decaf option, but once I found Small Lady, I went back to our tried and true favorite black tea base.
This is one has been a long time coming. Back when I first read the series, LavenderSprinkles and I spent all of our free time thinking about the characters. At one point I asked her, "If Simon were a tea, what tea would he be?" She immediately answered "almond rooibos." (Though in my opinion, it's a better fit for what Simon would actually drink than what Simon would be. Either way, it's Simony). It wasn't until planning for SSCoNE that I realized (and she confirmed) that she was specifically thinking about French Cookie. Since the original discussion, LavenderSprinkles has started getting the black tea version for iced tea in the summer, and it's delicious, so we knew it would work great for the tea party. I think I'll have to go back and try the rooibos version again, though!
Derpy Hooves
Ingredients: Black tea, white tea, marigold, natural vegan cream flavoring, bergamot oil
Fandom Blend? My Little Pony
Representing: Baz
I knew I wanted a floral tea for Baz, and Derpy Hooves delivered! I hadn't had it before and it was so good, at least for a floral tea lover like myself. And bergamot oil? Obviously.
I had no idea what fandom this was from when I picked it. Once I realized it was My Little Pony, I just about died. My first thought was "Baz would be horrified!" After a moment, though, I decided that Baz would secretly know all about MLP becuase of his sisters. Ever since I started thinking about what the crew would wear to see Barbie (omg, a whole year ago???), I've had a headcanon that Petra is a total horse girl.
There were sooo many good Baz teas, but a lot of them were very... unusual. For the tea party, we figured a tea that would be appealing to lots of people would be the better choice, so I picked a more moderate flavor profile, but I am very excited to talk about some of the other ones I found in a future post!
Small Lady
Ingredients: Rooibos, sour cherry, strawberry, pink peppercorn, sugar star sprinkles (removed because of potential soy allergen), pink lustre dust, natural black cherry flavoring, bergamot oil
Fandom Blend? Sailor Moon
Representing: A Lady Ruth Tea Party
I mean. Sour cherry and bergamot oil alone are Simon and Baz. Add in the pink, the glitter, the black cherry, the strawberry, the sprinkles and tell me you don't have a Lady Ruth creation on your hands. And yes, I said glitter! Unfortunatley this didn't come through at the tea party. I think the tea bags I put the loose leaf in didn't allow for the glitter to escape. But I promise you it's adorable and that glitter makes it through all but the finest grained teabags and steepers. When I brew it at home, it is sparkling.
This was the most commented-on tea at the party (in a good way), and it makes sense! It's fun and fruity and light and can be as gay as it wants. It can even be extra gay, as a treat! (Seriously, you could order this and ask them to add glitter of every color or rainbow sprinkles or something.) (They might charge extra if you get really wild -- I'm not sure.)
Bonus Tea: AO3
Ingredients: Oolong tea, aloe vera, orange peel, osmanthus, natural orange flavoring, natural cream aroma
Fandom Blend? General fandom
Representing: All of us weirdos
We ended up not getting this one for the tea party because it's so orange heavy (an allergen for some), and taking out or substituting the orange would just not be the same. But when I tell you I squealed when they revealed this blend for the first time! Unfortunately, I forgot to get some before it went out of seasons, so I will eagerly await its return next year.
That's all for now. I will have at least one more post with some of the runner up teas, but I have a feeling this might become a series with how many teas are in the (always growing) Friday Afternoon Tea catalogue alone.
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aleespace · 6 months ago
MOOTIE MOOTIE since u commented in my Mental Joe post, here is some of the stickmen that exist in the Eddsworld universe!!
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First one being Bendee! I heard that he's actually Edd after falling on radiation or something like this idk (but he's still shown as a separate counterpart from Edd!! :3)
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We also have this guy, Mental Joe. I think he's like Bendee's friend (and a silly guy with derpy eyes and his mouth is almost always ":P")
And the last one
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Dr. Decapi! (Or Alex Decapi if u prefer) He's Bendee's worst enemy and they're like, always fighting (and Bendee is always trying to defeat Dr. Decapi lol) He's a villain (lol)
If u search for Bendee eddisodes, maybe u will find other characters! Like this pic here
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(Pic taken from Bendee's 1st party)
So yeah. If u research over it, u will find lots of stickmen, these three being my fav ones! (QPR JoeCapi hooray......../pos)
This is so cool to see how much of an impact stickman animation has left on the entire creative arena, like many animators started on newgrounds with watching and making simple animations and Edd was no exceptions!
Anyway I love stick figures😝
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glassprism · 2 years ago
Hi, Glass! It’s been a while now, but what are your thoughts on the Broadway performance you got to see? 😊
Oh yes, my review.
To be honest, I think there's little to be said about the cast that hasn't been said a thousand times already, by better writers than me. So I thought I'd switch it up by giving you a review as given by... (drum roll) ...my sister, a total Phantom newbie!
So here is the April 12, 2023 Broadway performance of The Phantom of the Opera, starring Ted Keegan as the Phantom, Julia Udine as Christine, John Riddle as Raoul, and I believe the rest of the principal cast in the supporting roles, as quoted directly by my sister (with some asides).
Before the show began: "Tell me when there are going to be any loud parts, okay?"
Overture: "AH. LOUD."
Hannibal: "Everything is so sparkly!"
'Think of Me': "Her voice is so strong! It's so loud! It's a bit heavy on that vibrating thing-y, but she sounds so good! She's so clear!"
'Music of the Night': "THE PHANTOM SOUNDS SO GOOD! His voice is like butter! It's so smooth but so powerful!"
After the First Lair Sister: "Wow, I didn't know the Phantom was so... so..." Me: "Hot? Scary? Elegant?" Sister: "...Pathetic." Me: *laughing* Sister: "He was crawling on his belly!" Me: "That's the appeal! He's hot but he's also scary but he's also pathetic! It pushes all the buttons!"
Rooftop scene: "The Raoul is so good too! His voice is amazing!"
Chandelier Crash Little boy sitting behind me: "Daddy why was the chandelier falling in slow-mo?"
Intermission Sister: *turning to me with wide eyes* "I forgot the Phantom kills a guy." Me: "And he'll do it again!" Sister: "What?" Me: "Nothing."
Why So Silent: "GAH I'M BLIND"
'Wandering Child': "GAH I'M BLIND AGAIN"
Still 'Wandering Child': "OMG FIRE"
'Seal My Fate': "AH LOUD AGAIN"
'Point of No Return': "Lololol look at how she's spreading her legs. It looks so derpy."
End of the show Me: "So, what'd you think?" Sister: *sobbing loudly* "This was the greatest thing I've ever seen!"
Sister: "Wait, where are we going?"
Sister: "Was that the Phantom??" Me: "Yep!" Sister: "I didn't even recognize him!" Sister: "And he's so... so..." Sister: "Old." Sister: "...That's really cool."
Sister: "You got all their signatures?!? Aaahhhh so lucky! I could never do that with BTS!!!"
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chartmyfixations · 1 year ago
cris watches dr. who: s02e03 - "School Reunion"
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"The Doctor likes traveling with an entourage. Sometimes they're human, sometimes they're aliens and sometimes they're tin dogs."
OMG, MR. GILES!? He's an evil headmaster and not a savvy librarian, but still
David Tennant looks like he was made to give Earth Sciences or Art History
British school food is gross
Hee. Rose the cafeteria lady
Okay, so if you're transporting a vat with acid-y goo that really hurts you when it touches you, why would you transport that same vat with an uncovered hole in it?!
Is the journalist a reference to an older season? Her name rings a bell...
She is! Cool! :D
Aw, Sarah Jane has companion Envy
K9! That is one derpy looking robot dog
Mickyyy - making Rose feel bad for eating chips, now we shall boo him
Poor Rose, for the first time realizing she's not the only one and she's not as extraordinary as she thought she was. It's always weird running into the ex, of course, but given that the doctor never mentioned having an ex in the first place... She's a li'l threatened
Once again, loose ends tangle up the Doctor
I get that there's a particular tragedy to the Doctor's plight - being immortal in a mortal world - but it also kind of sounds like he's saying he won't love Rose when she's old
All the teachers get eaten? Lord, sometimes the Dr is truly bad at his job
Anthony Steward Head really relishes playing the menacing villain
Stupid show making me feel sad for a robot dog
K9 lives! Affirmative
Good for you, Sarah Jane. I hope you find an eccentric new companion of your very own
8 out of 8 Tardes. The confrontation with a past companion really forces the Doctor and Rose to examine their relationship and the way the Doctor relates to the world. Plus, it had just the right amount of camp (stupid adorable robot dog)
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sylveon888 · 1 year ago
Omg bro
Erik Derpy face has got to be the cutest things I’ve ever seen
I mean
I might be gay
But he’s so cute
I can’t
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feiiizhu · 1 year ago
Temp Verses post for the time being;;
:x: verse 001;; || Misc/Undecided - Verses catchall. Not sure where to put something or just rather default if nothing is specific about a thread. Mainly for threads taking place post book 4 / post comics~! ㅤㅤ
:x: verse 002;; || Book 3 shenanigans (just before and during) ㅤㅤ
:x: verse 003;; || Time skip and Book 4 shenanigans ㅤㅤ
:x: verse 004;; || Master with tattoos or Opal knows how to bend soundwaves and infrasound ㅤ
:x: verse 005;; || Childhood well before Book 3 (I hate how rude they made little Opal in RoTE. She was such a sweet character, how could she be so mean as a child??? nah. Mine is not like that. She tries to befriend and be sisters with Kuvira. but most likely Kuvira would try and push her away) Since there's not a lot of resources of child Opal, I'm going to use an icon banner for those threads.
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:x: verse 006;; || I had this idea last time I had my blog, so I'm gonna add it again. Opal is an Equalist in book 1. She lives in Republic City with Lin, and leads a double life. Villain arc! ㅤㅤ
:x: verse 007;; || But irl verse, Opal's fc is Maki.Horikita. (I could change if anyone else has ideas? but I've used Maki for years and I'm pretty partial to her tbh she's so cute omg) and Juicy is a small pug with sinus problems. He's still a dork and snotty, but a little derpy pug! ㅤㅤ
:x: verse 008;; || Live-action verse, still using Maki, but all the other avatar stuff remains the same! Since I don't have a lot of icons of Maki anymore, I'm going to use an icon banner for those threads.
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:x: verse 009;; || ATLA verse;; Opal lives in BaSingSe, no relation to the Beifongs. I will give her some NPC family members, but they live in the upper ring in a lavish household. She is a non-bender.
:x: verse 010;; || How.to.Train.Your.Dragon verse with @dragetunge, Opal has a Buffa.lord dragon instead of a sky bison. Still named Juicy and still has sinus problems.
:x: verse 011;; || Kyoshi Warrior;; Opal is a Kyoshi warrior (atla or lok- doesn't become an airbender) I did a drawing myself of kyoshi warrior opal, and will use that for my icon banner.
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Updates;; Mar. 15th - Deleted original verse 4 (for post-b4/comics. moved to verse 1 as my default) - verse 4 is now my Master verse.
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theneomerchant · 2 years ago
haii its conner here i also go by pinkie (as in pinkie pie) and i use
he / it / lol / :3 / x3 / meow / sweet / 🦝 / 💗 / 🎉 / 🍬 / 🧁 / 🦄 / 🎠
but im also really attached 2 derpy too so id like some neos shed use pleease :D
Hey Conner! Under the cut
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