#he's really tired!! all he wants at this point is to put the sword down and watch his kids grow up!!
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aurorasgate · 1 year ago
falling asleep on his shoulder
sephiroth (pre nibelheim) x reader with no pronouns used
fluff + mutual pinning
i love him so much y’all🫠
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“alright genesis, you’re up next.”
a yawn follows your words as the man himself stands from his chair on the other side of the room and heads for the door, saying something that doesn’t quite meet your ears. you can barely keep your eyes open and it seems your exhaustion has started to spread to your other faculties. you try to shake off the sleepiness that is practically engraved in your bones at this point and refocus on the large, too bright, screen in front of you. 
the outdoor landscape of rocky hills and tumble weeds fades back into training room one, the metal walls replacing the blue sky from the simulation as angeal puts his sword on his back and a few moments later, genesis enters the room with a cocky smile. 
you turn the page of your notebook and scribble down his name on the next sheet of paper so you can keep track of their evaluations and jot down notes, a task you’ve been given for all soldier classes and has kept you beyond busy, without much sleep or time for your normal duties. it didn’t help that you weren’t quite used to being with the second and third class soldiers either, they were a far more rowdy group than first class and well.. none of them were the soldier you wanted to be with the most.
the same soldier sitting by your side and radiating heat that was not helping your tired situation. but you didn’t move away from sephiroth either. not when you had been missing him more than you could admit outloud and certainly not after he had sat right next to you out of all the places in the observation room of his own accord. a sickly hopeful part of you wondering if perhaps he had missed you too.
at first you weren’t sure you’d be able to make it through these evaluations when sephiroth's broad frame sat by your side and captured all of your attention, your heart beating so loudly you swore it was echoing in the room and mortifyingly would not die down before the others got here. but he had always affected you in many ways and even when your heart had finally quieted, it continued to flutter and skip beats with every word he speaks, every waft of his scent through the close space between you.
you jump in surprise when his long, skilled fingers are suddenly covering up the page of your notebook, your pen stopped between the leather of sephiroths middle and index fingers, your hand aching to drop your things all together and lace your hand in his. a request you firmly and regretfully deny. 
“are you feeling alright?” he asks, his tone with a lace of worry that makes you think he had asked already and you hadn’t heard him.
“oh- yeah!” you turn to smile up at him with energy you don’t really have but it falls into something sheepish when his brows knit, mako eyes studying you and his beautiful lips turn downwards slightly in an expression you know means he doesn't believe you. letting out a tired laugh you admit defeat, “all of you soldiers are such a handful, that’s all. but maybe i should be used to it by now thanks to you three.”
he chuckles at your teasing and you can feel the heat it blooms within your chest quickly spreading to your cheeks and ears. though some part of it isn’t actually teasing, working so closely with these three you know just how much they are too but they’re a handful you don’t mind. 
tearing your gaze from his, you hope he doesn’t notice your flustered state while you shift in your seat to get ready for an impatient genesis to start, determined to remain awake and finally finish these evaluations.
“after this you should get some rest.”
“i’ll be okay,” you answer sweetly, not wanting him to worry.  “i’m really not that tired,” you don’t know who you’re trying to convince with those words, yourself or him, but it really didn’t matter how true it was, not when you had so much work to do. leaning forward you press the intercom button. “whenever you’re ready genesis.”
in the corner of your eye you watch sephiroth fold his arms and cross his legs, facing the screen now turning into another scenic desert with half destroyed buildings. you try not to let him distract you as you settle back into your seat, taking in a deep breath that has your eyes begging to close when hints of leather and geranium fill your nose and a sense of comfort washes over you.
quickly sephiroth notices your word betraying you like he knew they would. only minutes into genesis’ battling fiends and the movements of your pen grow slower, a bit messier in its strokes. he hadn’t been paying any attention to the screen, he hadn’t been even when it was angeals showing off his skills, and though it felt very obvious to him that he was staring, something he found himself doing quite often with you, you hadn’t seemed to notice.
as the minutes pass by, your pen eventually stops entirely, causing sephiroth to shake his head with a small grin, remembering your claims of not being tired that was obviously a lie. before he can make any movements or decisions on if he should wake you, he feels the weight of your head against his shoulder and for several moments he’s frozen in place, his body stiff, the air stuck in his lungs as he can only stare at you and feel thankful he had yet to adorn his armor over his long black coat.
you look so delicate and lovely in this state with your cheek squished against him, a peaceful expression on your face that he wishes he could keep on you forever. one he hoped to see on you more often, and maybe even because of him.
there’s a lump in his throat, for more reasons than he knows where to start. you’re like nothing else he’s seen in this world; warm like a ray of sunshine after a long rainy battle but as captivating and beautiful as the moon and as unattainable as the stars. deserving of more than he knows how to give and yet you look so.. content and without worry resting on him in a way that makes his chest swell.
when his body movements return to him, he swallows that lump down and takes a shallow breath, forcing himself to try to relax because despite how foreign this was to him, he didn’t want it to stop. his shoulders drop slightly and he feels you shift, freezing in his place, not even breathing when his eyes widen but never tear from you as he watches you stir, never fully waking and once again finding a comfortable spot on his shoulder.
sephiroth takes the notebook and pen from you with his opposite hand so it doesn't fall and wake you, keeping his eyes on your features both to be sure you aren’t disturbed by his movements and because he simply can’t look away. he is so enamored with you and only recently had he realized the truth of the feelings and emotions bubbling inside of him, ones he could no longer deny and feels himself crumbling to each passing day without seeing you as much as he’s used to. 
he recalls genesis saying something about distance making the heart grow fonder but it had left sephiroth aching in a way that he had never had before. it wasn’t like the slice of a blade through his flesh or a bruise that purpled against pale skin or needles poking into him but it throbbed just as consistently deep within his chest.
your presence was like a soothing balm to the uncomfortableness that had built up within him over the days without seeing you but your touch was the fuel that ignites his longing like the stars themselves are burning within his chest. he can feel their heat radiating throughout his every nerve, urging him to give in just a bit.
the clashing of genesis’ sword is nothing more than muted background noise to your steady breaths in his ears and mystic green eyes never leave your features but ever diligent in the tasks of protecting your sleeping self, he’s aware of the space around you.
like you’re something beyond precious, and to him you certainly are, his gloved fingers caress your face with all the gentleness he can muster, brushing hair from your temple to behind your ear, his thumb swiping across your cheek in a slow back and forth motion.
he equally hates and is thankful for his glove that separates your skin from his and forces himself to pull away when he feels his heart begging for more, the normally tight hold on his control slipping an inch and threatening to take a mile if it meant there would be more of you.
the comfortable pressure of you against his arm and the weight of your head on his shoulder had to be enough. at least for now. instead he focuses on the tasks of watching over you like it was one of his most important missions.
you can’t help but snuggle into the comfortable position you find yourself in, nuzzling in closer to the warmth of it but through your sleepy haze you can hear the loud clash of a sword followed by a victorious laugh that reminds you of where you are, what you’re supposed to be doing right now, who you’re beside.
with enough force that you nearly stumble from the bench all together, you sit up and your still bleary eyes are met with vibrant emerald shimmering with flecks of mako and a waterfall of silver hair. 
“s-sephiroth!” your eyes focus but it does nothing to help settle you and even though you’re absolutely mortified that you fell asleep on his shoulder, you can’t take your eyes away from the soft expression on his face.
“sleep well?” his voice matches his soft expression and it stops your heart completely.
“i- i’m so sorry,” you can barely get the words out. you honestly aren’t even sure if you’ve said them when he only chuckles quietly and stands from his place next to you, your chest tightening in protest at the distance now between you.
it’s comfortably quiet as he puts his armor on over his shoulders, the clinking of metal that usually accompanies him the only sound in the room and you watch with bated breath as his already broad frame gets larger and he towers over you, still wearing that gentle smile that awakens the butterflies in your stomach and breaks them into a wild flurry.
“ready for me?” he asks and you can’t control the way your heartbeat stutters and your hand clench into fists simultaneously, begging you for him. 
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comments & reblogs would be so greatly appreciated!<3 thank you for reading ♡
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mikimakiboo · 3 months ago
Time Travelers AU - Standing Guard
I came back from the deads for a few days, and I'm sick btw so I might return to the deads soon
Anyway (really) small chapter to get back on track (hopefully)
@ancha-aus cmhere friend
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The night was fresh, but not too cold, which was good as they were all sleeping outside. They arrived late, the sun was soon to set, they wouldn't find anyone willing to let them stay at their house at night. Cross didn't like that they had to sleep under the trees, the forest was dangerous, they were vulnerable in the dark, but the others had to rest, the jump had been tiring.
He looked at them, Horror was sitting against a tree, Dust was next to him, seeking warmth as his clothes didn't look very warm, Killer was a little apart, he had climbed up a small tree to sleep far from the ground, and finally Nightmare was near the river, against a tree as well, seeming still mad as he kept his distance. Cross was standing guard. He couldn't go to sleep, someone had to watch out, and the others were tired, plus it was his job to protect them. He yawned, feeling his own tiredness emerging a little more, and went to walk around the area, trying to stay awake. He listened carefully, stopped to look around, but didn't spot anything.
When he came back to where the group was, Horror was awake. He looked at Cross when he arrived, relieved to see he wasn't far, and got up carefully as to not wake Dust up. Cross was ready to tell him he could go back to sleep, that there wasn't any danger and he just went to check, but Horror was faster.
- Sofa at ótt.
He told him, pointing at where he was previously sitting. Cross looked up at him confused, did he want him to sit ? He couldn't sit, he had to stand guard.
- Eo ne poez.
Cross declined, but Horror shook his head, not taking his refusal for an answer.
- Hvíla. He said to Cross, then pointed at himself. Gæta.
Cross kept staring for a while, not quite understanding what Horror wanted. Was there a problem ? Did he misunderstood ? Was Horror not asking him to sleep but wanted to tell him something else ? What was he trying to say ?
- Warde. Horror finally said, pointing at himself again.
That was French. That was a word in Cross's language. One he had used a few days ago when Dust told him he did a good job and could take a break. One Horror apparently remembered. Warde: guard. Horror wanted to stand guard with him ?
- Sleep. He pointed to Cross.
That was a word in Dust's language, one Dust had used quite often to say "dormir". Horror wanted him to sleep ? He wanted to take turn in standing guard to allow Cross to rest ? The offering was quite tempting, and Cross was tired, but it was his job to protect them ! He couldn't sleep on the job ! But again, if he was tired, he couldn't protect them properly as his attention span would be longer. He would put them in danger if he couldn't react fast enough... so maybe he could sleep a little, let Horror handle it for a while and come back after a quick nap ?
He looked at the place next to Dust. It was... even more tempting, to sit next to him, let him sleep on his shoulder... no time for distractions. He looked up at Horror and handed him his sword. Horror didn't have his axe anymore, he needed a weapon, even though Cross was sure the Viking could take someone in a fight with his bare hands and win, but prevention is better than cure.
Horror looked at the sword before looking up at Cross, confused, but ended up grabbing the sword when seeing his insistant gaze. He pat him on the shoulder, and went to take his place watching over them.
Cross looked at him before turning to Dust, who was still sound asleep against the tree. He felt his cheeks getting hotter the longer he looked at him. He was going to sleep so close to him. Would it be weird ? Would Dust be disappointed to see him instead of Horror when waking up ? Should Cross sleep somewhere else ?
Dust shivered, and Cross didn't think much longer before sitting down next to Dust and putting his cape around him. His clothes were so short, they didn't even cover his arms ! Killer was dressed shortly too, but he seemed to be more resistant than Dust to the cold. He didn't want him to be sick, so he would happily share his warmth.
His magic crackled in his soul when he felt Dust shift to get closer to him and he almost damned his armor for not letting him share more warmth by embracing the small skeleton. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable by pressing the hard metal against him.
He watched him sleep, looking so peaceful, so calm and trusting, so easy to hurt, that Cross only wished to protect that look forever, to make sure that he would never feel like he was in danger, like he could never let his guard down... he wanted him to feel safe with him, to rely on him without any second thought, he wanted to be strong enough to protect him from any kind of danger, from a criminal to a dragon, he would keep Dust safe.
Dust and the others. He shook his head. He wanted to protect the others too, not only Dust, they were all important to him, they were... they were his friends ? They were friends, and Dust was his friend too so it was normal for him to want to protect him. And the others. Him and the others. He tried to focus on the group, but his mind kept coming back to the sleeping skeleton against his shoulder...
He was tired, he should sleep, and maybe the quick nap would help him sort off his thoughts about Dust... Dust and the others...
Dust shifted, opening his eyes after a yawn. He spotted Horror a little farther, and looked up to see who he was laying against. It was Cross, seemed like he took turn with Horror to stand guard. He grabbed the cape to pull it a little higher on his shoulders, and pressed himself against the knight to drift back to sleep. He was so cold, but at least the proximity helped a little with keeping some body warmth.
He missed his jacket.
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caffedrine · 8 months ago
Chevalier Michel - I fell in love with you that day – Choose your true love - Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
When Emma wakes up, she is in a pitch-black forest, which is weird since the last thing she remembers is waiting for Chevalier in his library.
There’s a unique smell to the forest, iron and something burning. As far as dreams go, this one is very vivid, and Emma trembles as the smell triggers memories of the last time she participated in a war. Thankfully, she cant hear any sounds of fighting around her, so she’s safe for now.
Her heart pounding, Emma forces her legs to carry her forward, until she enters a clearing with a large lake reflecting the moonlight. And on the edge of the lake, wearing a dark cloak is a familiar figure.
Emma calls out to Chevalier as she hurries towards him, the smell of blood and battle growing stronger as she nears him. She can see that Chevalier’s clothes are covered in something red, and he kneels down to scoop up water to wash himself.
Drawing close to him, Emma asks what happened and reaches out to touch him.
Chevalier recoils from her, unsheathing his sword and resting the tip just at her throat. He demands to know who she is. Very carefully, Emma tells him her name.
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(Actually, this is just how he says 'hello')
Not helpful. Chevalier does not recognize the name nor the person.
Is this really Chevalier in front of her? His eyes are so cold that Emma can feel her blood freeze, and the traces of warmth she is used to is gone. She remembers back when she first met Chevalier, the ruthless bestial gaze, but this might be even worse. She can feel the hostility radiate from him, and it’s intense enough that she can’t breathe.
Chevalier tells her to run away, unless she wants to be killed. The tip of his sword is just touching the skin at her neck. The murderous intent half-convinces Emma that if she moves at all, he will chop of her head.
Emma mentally calms herself down, taking one deep breath after another. She needs to figure out what is going on.
Feeling better, Emma looks into Chevalier’s murderous gaze and asks him what is going on. She explains that she was reading back at the castle and suddenly she was here. It looks like he’s covered in blood, and it looks like a war is going on, so she’s understandably confused.
Chevalier doesn’t answer her.
But the hositilty has decreased, so he lowers his sword.
Chevalier sheathes his sword, turns, and walks away. Unlike usual, there is no ‘come with me’ look, but Emma decides to follow him. She doesn’t want to be alone in this place, even if it means being with a Chevalier who does not know her.
Upon returning to the forest, two people intercept Chevalier. His younger brother, Clavis, and the traitor knight, Sir Flandres. It’s the later that puts things into place for Emma, Flandres was a knight of the foreign policy faction 10 years ago
Both Clavis and Flandres were too agitated to even notice her and focused on Chevalier. Flandres begs Chevalier to reconsider, his family is among the 1,000 hostages captured by Obsidian. He asks if Chevalier really intends to abandon all those he has sworn to protect? If they mobilize the knights, then maybe they can save them.
Chevalier refuses to change his decision, even though Clavis argues that they could still win. Chevalier reminds them that Obsidian has firearms, and if they walk into the obvious trap, the 1,000 citizens will die along with the knights. Flandres asks if they could do a more covert operation to save them, but Chevalier refuses to waste the military power on this.
Clavis reminds him that he is consigning 1,000 people to death. Chevalier reminds Clavis that they are at war, people are going to die, but if they don’t win, then the entire country will be wiped off the map. He is getting tired of saying the exact same thing over and over again. Chevalier pushes past the two, as they stare at his speechless.
Somehow Emma was transported to 10 years in the past, when Rhodolite was invaded by Obsidian and all 7 princes went to the battlefield.
She is at the day when Chevalier let 1,000 hostages die, the Blood-Stained Rose Day.
Emma has no explanation of why she is here and how she went back in time, but this is too real to be just a dream.
She sits near Chevalier in the command tent as soldiers bring in reports. And each report is dire – with them losing land and Chevalier making decisions to abandon one battle and send more troops to another.
One of the scouts reports the Supreme Commander of the Obsidian Army was briefly spotted, and Chevalier asks if they have spotted Ever-Victorious Marshal. Nope, Gilbert is suspiciously absent. Chevalier muses that if they manage to kill the emperor, the fighting will be over. A soldier points out that the Supreme Commander, the Emperor of Obsidian, is the best fighter on the continent, no one can kill him.
Chevalier tells them to send for him the moment they pinpoint the Emperor’s position, he will fight him himself. He warns them not to engage the Emperor.
As the soldier leaves to spread Chevalier’s orders regarding the Emperor, another scout comes with more reports.
So far, with everyone focused on Chevalier, no one has noticed her. Or maybe they have, they just have other things to worry about. Instead, Emma is left by herself to listen to Chevalier give out order after order, and she is quickly overwhelmed by the cruelty of the war. As the night breaks into day, Emma feels a little safer, but it is impossible to relax.
Lucian, a face Emma can recognize, comes forward with an urgent report. Chevalier doesn’t even need to hear it to know, his stupid brother went and did it, right? Lucian asks if Chevalier was expecting it, and Chevalier admits that he wishes he wasn’t.
The other side now has Clavis and is demanding hostage negotiations. How would Chevalier like to handle this?
Chevalier tells Lucian to ignore the demand, if his stupid brother got himself into this situation, he can get himself out. Chevalier has made it clear that he does not intend to negotiate.
Even Emma is chilled by his disregard, and she has the advantage of knowing exactly how it will turn out.
One of the nearby soldiers objects and asks if Chevalier is sure. Chevalier reminds him that Clavis entered the enemy camp on his own, and he asks how many people should he sacrifice to rescue Clavis? The soldier backs down, and Chevalier tells the soldier not to think about unnecessary things and focus on their roles.
Emma muses that even though Clavis is his brother, Chevalier has no doubt in his decision to abandon him. She understands that if Chevalier makes the wrong choice, Rhodolite will be overrun by Obsidian troops and lose the war. He accepts the responsibility of making the ultimate judgments on the battlefield, right or wrong.
As Emma thinks about what Chevalier and the others are going through, Lucien abruptly looks at Emma and asks who she is.
Chevalier shrugs, he has no idea either. She just started following him and didn’t run away.
Eventually, the reports stop, and Chevalier calls for Lucien. He’s going to go for a walk. Lucien asks if he should come with him, but Chevalier tells him not to. Lucien then tells Chevalier to be careful.
Emma decides to join Chevalier, she doesn’t want to stay behind without him.
Chevalier makes a beeline into the forest, and judging from the way he’s moving, he seems to have a destination in mind. This isn’t the casual break she was expecting. As she frantically follows him, Chevalier abruptly stops. He warns her that if she continues to follow him, he won’t guarantee she’ll live. Emma assures him that she’s not worried, and unless he really can’t have her with him, she would still like to accompany him. She wants to know what happened during the Blood-Stained Rose Day. Chevalier is visibly confused, and Emma realizes that this war doesn’t even have a name yet. Chevalier calls her strange, snorts, and continues forward.
Under the cover of darkness, Chevalier hides in the shadows. There are multiple tents pitched nearby, all bearing the Obsidian Crest.
Emma is shocked at how easily Chevalier is approaching enemy territory, but he seems to be handling the situation. Looking at the tents, Emma is surprised at how few soldiers she can see.
Just as Emma begins to second guess herself, Chevalier unsheathes his sword and boldly walks into the enemy camp. The soldiers all shout in alarm and recognize Chevalier as the enemy commander. The soldiers at the front aim their firearms at Chevalier, but he is too fast and swings his sword before they can fire. For the first time in a while, Emma sees people die in front of her. Only a few soldiers have firearms, and the rest attack with melee weapons, but are struck down in turn.
Emma is shaking from the sight, but with no signs of reinforcements coming, she steels her legs and watches Chevalier. Finished with the soldiers, Chevalier enters the largest tent in the camp, only to quickly emerge, dragging a man with him by the hair.
The man is wearing a commander’s uniform, and he is shouting at Chevalier to release him and threatening him. Chevalier ignores him, throws him to the ground, and stabs the man through the shoulder with his sword. The man threatens that if Chevalier won’t stop, he won’t rescind the order to burn alive all those prisoners of war. Chevalier stabs him through his other shoulder, pointing out that the execution is already happening right this moment. He notes that since this commander and his subordinates are here, that means they didn’t have the stomach to see their execution orders carried through.
Thanks to that cowardice, it made it easier for Chevalier to find and dispose of them.
Chevalier stabs the commander in the shoulder again, and then in the legs, and the commander screams. This is the first time that Emma ever saw Chevalier purposefully torture someone. He’s angry, very angry.
Chevalier explains that he has just sacrificed 1,000 people to kill him, one of the army commanders. But what is the point in just killing him?
Chevalier throws the commander into a nearby tent, grabs a torch, and sets the tent on fire. The commander starts screaming, and Emma realizes that some of the wounds Chevalier inflicted on him made him unable to use his legs.
Emma realizes that Chevalier always knew what would happen when he allowed those hostages to die, and used their sacrifice to kill one of the enemy generals. With the gift of hindsight, Emma knows that this was instrumental to him saving Rhodolite.
Chevalier, framed by the blazing tent fire, looked calm, but Emma knew that his insides were boiling with rage. She can feel the palpable anger at the loss of all those people and knows that this decision will nearly bring about a civil war in the future. Everyone said Chevalier was a merciless beast that left those people to die, but the truth is that Chevalier didn’t want them to die in the first place. He had just decided to shoulder the burden of all those deaths in exchange for a future for Rhodolite.
Eventually the sound of the commander’s screams stops, and Chevalier sheathes his sword, checking the flames. Satisfied, he turns to leave, passing by Emma who is still hiding in the shadows. She struggles to chase after him.
Chevalier abruptly stops and asks how long she intends to follow him. Emma assures him that she won’t bother him, and to please allow her to stay near.
For the first time, Chevalier turns to face her. He is caked with dirt, sweat, and blood, but somehow remains noble and pure. He notes that there are few women who can see all of this and remain normal. But Emma has barely started crying. She’s not a soldier, but she seems used to the battlefield.
No, that’s not right.
Emma is used to Chevalier.
Who is she?
Chevalier roughly grabs her and her wedding ring shines faintly in the moonlight. Chevalier has figured out that Emma is in love with him, but why?
With Chevalier looking down at her, stinking of blood instead of roses, Emma looks into his eyes and asks how he knew.
Chevalier can tell from her courage, as well as her attitude. Besides, she seems to already know the outcome of the war. This is insane and impossible, but she doesn’t seem from this time.
Even ten years ago, Chevalier was able to deduct accurate conclusions from a small amount of information. Leaving him only with the question of why she loves him.
Emma looks into the eyes of this blood-soaked beast, and though her hand is trembling, she refuses to look away. She wouldn’t be the person she is if she could look away from Chevalier like this.
She admits that there are many reasons why she loves him, but the most important is that he is capable of more love than anyone else.
Chevalier asks if she’s serious.
Emma tells him that she knows he will shoulder the burden of those 1,000 people lost, as well as everyone else who sacrificed themselves in this war. No matter who hate him, he will do what it takes to save as many people as possible. She loves his strong will and sense of responsibility, and the fact that he is human.
Like anyone else, Chevalier feels sadness and anger, proving that he’s not some beast but a human. No matter what, Emma wants to stand next to and support him.
The wind blows, stinking of ash and blood. Emma still feels numb from the scene she’s just seen, but she pushes forward. Chevalier isn’t cruel and heartless, it is this war that makes him seem so. She wants to do everything possible to stop another tragedy like this from repeating.
Emma is still inexperienced and knows too little things, but it is important that she was able to see the Blood-Stained Rose Day up close like this.
She tells Chevalier that she is his fiancé, and she will never let him turn himself into a beast.
After a long moment of silence, Chevalier releases her hand. He knows nothing about her, but if she thinks all that is true, he is interested to see how far she goes.
Chevalier snorts turns, and walks away.
Emma thinks that she’s been chasing his back for a long time now. Now, in the future, she will always chase after him.
When Emma wakes up in the present, the dream lingers and she tells Chevalier about it. He pauses his work, considering it. It is a very strange dream.
Chevalier never told anyone about attacking the commander, and there are no records about it that anyone could have read. He also has no memory of anyone following him to the enemy camp.
Chevalier muses that if it was more than a dream, or just a dream, either way it doesn’t sound pleasant for her. Emma agrees, but she thinks it worthwhile to have occurred.
Awkwardly, Chevalier reaches out and caresses her cheek. Emma thinks he looks a little paler than usual. She feels the warmth of his hand, the warmth of a human. This same hand has been stained with blood so often that Chevalier fears he might be a beast. Even she, who knows him the best, cannot always suppress her fear.
Even though his hand is so gentle with her.
Ten years ago, after their commander was slain, the Obsidian troops lost their morale and withdrew from the villages they had occupied, and the war had been won by Rhodolite. The Emperor had never before been defeated in battle, and the withdraw was unexpectedly thorough.
Rhodolite had lost a lot to this war, but the fact that a small country was able to drive off Obsidian was significant on the global scale. Until that battle, Rhodolite was considered a weak small country, ignored on the global political scale. But, thanks to that victory, Rhodolite is heralded as a beacon of hope to all countries threatened by Obsidian.
Thanks to the sacrifice of all those who died on the battlefield.
Emma agrees that they are where they are today only because of everyone working so hard to protect the country. But the war shouldn’t have happened to begin with. No matter what they say about Rhodolite becoming prominent in victory, Emma cannot bring herself to glorify war.
Chevalier agrees with her sentiment.
Emma doesn’t want to lament her helplessness to stop anything, and she wants to work with Chevalier to build a world where no one needs to become a beast to win a war. She doesn’t want blood to get on Chevalier’s hands ever again.
Chevalier is interested to see how far she will go.
Emma remarks that dream-Chevalier said the same thing to her in the end. Chevalier muses that he must not have changed from who he was back then.
Chevalier pulls Emma’s hand close to him and kisses her fingertips, as if he was swearing a sacred oath. He has no intention of staining her hands with blood either.
Chevalier is someone who will wage a war if he thinks it is necessary. Currently, he’s thinking positively and continues to be a human. As long as the love between them exists, Emma is sure Chevalier will retain his humanity.
She looks at him, at his smile, and thinks about how warm it is.
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tiredfox64 · 9 months ago
Hello! I wanted to know if you can make a request for kuai liang mk11 and his wife that have newborn twin babies?
Relax Mama
Yip notes: I love old men….
Pairing: Kuai Liang (MK11) x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: I don’t want baby fever
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Giving birth ain’t easy. But giving birth to twins, ah good luck.
Thank goodness your baby boys were healthy. You were stuck in labor for about fifteen hours so you were beat. So was your husband, you crushed his poor hand.
And to think you thought with Kuai Liang’s old age there would be issues with getting pregnant. Hah! Jokes on you, you get two. Never doubt him again.
You knew the struggle wouldn’t end even after you pushed those babies out. They are needy little things. But Kuai Liang was determined to let you rest as much as you could. If the babies woke up in the middle of the night he would be the first to get out of bed to deal with them. If the babies were hungry he just brought them to you. You’re responsible for the breastfeeding part.
He tries his hardest he really does. No one taught him how to be a parent he is going on pure instincts or what he can remember from his childhood that wasn’t so messed up. He was doing his best so that you could get rest and he could prevent any mental stress. He has the strength to carry these baby around all day, he’s got this.
What a sight to see for everyone in the Lin Kuei. Seeing there grandmaster who is always so serious and gruff carry around two sweet, cuddly babies. The twins immediately fall asleep in Kuai Liang’s arms. One of them was even drooling on his uniform. People are just melting at the sight of your husband holding onto those babies. That is until he yells at them to keep training. The babies have gotten used to the yelling at this point.
Motherly instincts won’t let you sit down at all. You’re still tired but you want to tend to the babies even though they are in safe hands. You walked over to Kuai Liang, your movements a bit sluggish.
“Why are you out of bed? You should not be up while in your conditions.” He warned you.
“I know, I know. I just feel like I need to check on them.” You replied.
Kuai Liang could see that you were worried. He knows you want to help out since they are your children too. You don’t want him doing this alone and neither does he. You’re new parents and this can be exciting yet also scary. Perhaps it’s time that you both get some outside help. Any help would do and Kuai Liang knew the right person to call.
A tall man with tan skin and yellow attire stood before you in the doorway. He had swords and a chained kunai with him.
It’s Hanzo.
It’s freakin-it’s freaking Hanzo! YOUR HUSBAND CALLED HANZO FOR HELP.
“I was unaware that you had a wife and children.” He said to Kuai Liang.
“Did you doubt my ability to find a partner?”
Hanzo didn’t say anything because, yes, he did doubt that Kuai Liang would ever settle down. Hell you thought the same but look where you are now.
You informed Hanzo that the babies were only four weeks only. They still got that new baby smell. You handed over one of the boys to Hanzo to hold onto. Your baby looked up at him in confusion, unsure of who this man was.
“You have been feeding them well, I can already tell. They do not seem that fussy. You are incredibly lucky.” He stated.
Hanzo bent down and began to put your baby on the floor. Kuai Liang did the same with the other one. He was not too sure why he was doing that until he saw Hanzo put the baby on their stomach. Oh right, it is best to start helping them grow some strength in their neck and limbs.
Your sons didn’t seem to like that. They kept trying to roll over but then Kuai Liang would roll them back on their stomachs. It looked silly but they really do need tummy time. When you asked Hanzo if there was anything else you done were not doing right he asked you simple questions.
“Are you feeding them?”
“Are you changing them?”
“Are you bathing them?”
“Do you love them?”
“That’s all you need to do for now.”
If you think about it, it makes sense. They are new to the world and although they are needy there isn’t much they truly need. You and Kuai Liang absolutely adore your sons. They are the cutest things ever that will eventually turn into honorable warriors. But for now all you need to do was give them your attention and love.
A few minutes passed and that was enough tummy time for your boys. You and Kuai Liang picked them up. They stopped being fussy the moment they were in your arms. This whole time you and Kuai Liang have been doing the right thing. You were worried about nothing. Your babies are doing fine. You are doing fine, mama! Kuai Liang took hold of your hand and squeezed it gently as a sign to just relax.
Kuai Liang thanked Hanzo for his help. Though he didn’t do much anything was still helpful. The only thing Hanzo asked of him is to not ask him to babysit, they ain’t that close.
Once Hanzo left you two seemed to be in a better mood knowing that you both were parenting well. For some reason others in the clan took that as a signal to approach you two with wide smiles. They seemed giddy about something.
“Since you both are more comfortable…does that mean we get to hold them?” One clansman asked.
Even the toughest warriors can’t help but to gush at a pair of well-behaved babies. But your husband will tell them to,
“Get back to training!”
Yap notes: I’m sorry if this is too short I tried. You legit can’t do much with newborns because they are like potatoes, they don’t even know they exist. I would like to do more with mk11 Kuai Liang and im just sad I might have botched this. If you want me to try something else with him or possibly redo this I understand.
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not-goldy · 5 months ago
Jimin has to be so tired of always trying to hold it down and be the older one who keeps things from getting all out whack. When he's sober & clear headed and in his head space, he will ignore everything Jk says to him that flirts past friendship lol. Jokingly calls his compliment lame. Downplays JK being romantic with snarky replies. Yet you put some alcohol in that man and all that weight is gone. Then we have him laying on the floor spilling his guts and the boyfriend pops right out. "Honey" "baby" "boyfriend pic" "My Jungkook". Okay, tell us more Jimin. He really has so much weight & pressure he carries on his shoulders & probably overthinks so much, including dealing with hate. Wondering how his relationship with JK will affect BTS, his dad's business, everyone but thinking about himself really. This is where JK comes in and is loud for the both of them. So it was so nice to see Jimin just let his guard down, so much so he let us see he was down cause the trips were coming to an end. I started crying too, cause you know when Jimin lets his guard down, its major. Jimin doing this for JK, when he saw that JK needed him and went to him to make it up to him and Letter, is probably two of the boldest things we ever seen him do, besides enlisting with Jk. He really let his guard down and let us see his vulnerability. I feel so honored esp knowing how private Jimin's become.
Awwwww I love this so much
I love you for this Anon. Marry me. I'll cook and clean and pay the bills.
Thank you thank you very much.
That's a perfect description of Jimin or at least how I see him in their dynamic. Just perfect. I got sick and tired of reading these bizarre takes and perspectives of him I couldn't resonate with from solos it turned me off. Waaayyy off. Like shut up I don't even want you to talk to me about Jimin no more just shut the hell up.
But this. Tell me more. It resonates hard my goodness.
He is the Hyung you know and I have a problem with people who try to undermine this aspect of him by constantly making him out to be some weakling and victim of the duo.
And I got tired of having to explain this over and over but dude does carry himself as Jungkook's hyung, HE IS HIS FILTER. THE VOICE OF REASON. THE MATURE ONE OF THE TWO THE ONE THE MEMBERS GO TO OR LOOK UP TO TO KEEP JUNGKOOK IN CHECK.
However it is a double edged sword and a Thorned crown because now he gotta overthink everything he gotta worry about everything
Imagine feeling he had to make sure they both could maintain their relationship without having it ruin the dynamics of the group. He had to make sure he wasn't keeping Kook all to himself always, or letting Kook have him all to himself lest it breads resentment among other members.
Imagine he had to agree with the members out of consideration because he would rather have Kook than not at all.
Imagine him having to forgive their fights, not talk to people about the problems they be having, trying to resolve all conflicts at home before coming on to set. I keep saying this, JIMIN IS THE REASON THEIR RELATIONSHIP HAS THRIVED WITHIN THE GROUP THIS LONG AND HE IS THR REASON THE BAND HASNT CRUMPLED BECAUSE OF THE RELATIONSHIP.
Left to some members and the management there would be a no dating among members policy because lime every one readily points out if they are indeed an item then its a huge risk to the band and company. I mean please look at where Suga is now. Now imagine if two members of BTS were actually found out to be queer and dating💀
It's a disservice to victimize Jimin. He is an intelligent resilient powerful negotiator and anyone who tries to put in their heads their relationship won't work or that they will fight and argue woukd be met with a resounding "DOESN'T APPLY TO US"
You making me want to lick Jimin's ass stop Anon stop
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pretend-i-don-t-exist · 4 months ago
i think shen yuan and shang qinghua should introduce anime to svsss universe. it'd be wild and sy can make animatics of pidw now (the characters and setting are all different)
sqh tracks him down and after a long time of cumplane banter, they decide that creating the first ever anime to grace cqm is their mission now while lbh is in the abyss
they do have to do smth to take their mind off of their impending doom (a really horrible one in sy's case)
sqh does the writing, pitches in with the storyboarding, and provides all the materials. sy draws/paints, composes the bgm, and suffers as without-a-cure mimics carpal tunnel syndrome.
meanwhile qjp is just ??? when sqh visits very frequently but hey, it gets shizun away from lbh's sword mound and shizun looks more tired but less lifeless and grieving so,,, sqh can visit as much as he wants!!
in peak lord meetings the pls are happy to see that sqq is actively contributing now, rather than just staying at qjp or staring at them blankly.
they do go !!! when sqq seeks out sqh after the meeting (since when??? how???) and they leave together to work on the anime
bonus points if lbh misunderstands the message of the anime so much (the anime contains an orphan, a man who takes on the role of a villain to save his lover, and all the things sqh wanted to put in pidw) that he returns to qjp instead of hhp and everything goes better than canon
(but did he really misunderstand tho, maybe sy's feelings are seeping out of his obliviousness)
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partycatty · 1 year ago
i had a vision and drew it - and even better, i got a fic idea from it!
johnny cage > discovery
johnny discovers his new powers unexpectedly. maybe he wasn't as ordinary as others thought.
warnings: johnny thinks he's dying and gets all crisis-y, established relationship
notes: imagine instead of activating his powers in a life or death situation, it randomly bodyslams him like a heart attack - and it scares the hell out of him. also i hope u like my silly sketch :3
masterlist <3
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• johnny's life was crumbling. his movies were flopping hard, and people were starting to forget his name. his spending habits were out of control, and you two were arguing about it so much that you grew tired of hearing your own voice. most days were the cold shoulder or shouting matches. things weren't looking great.
• it was during one of these matches when the shouting on his end abruptly paused, and he doubled over. your anger was shoved aside as you dashed forward to inspect his current state. but, just as soon as it started, it was over in a flash. johnny was startled, to say the least. his eyes were wide and he was panting.
• you guys assumed the stress was taking a toll on him, a physical toll. out of respect for his well-being, you held your tongue from that point on. or at least, you tried to. everything was relatively quiet until a mysterious yakuza member demanded the sword on your shared mantle. you would've thrown it at him if given the opportunity since the damn thing sent you back millions. johnny, however, wasn't as willing. fortunately for your safety's concern, he was the ultimate home security system, tying up the man after knocking him unconscious.
• we all know the rest. "what in the actual-" "i am the god of fire" "get your damn hands off him" "that's no special effect" "change the arc of your lives." blah blah blah. it was all a weird blur. apparently, you, johnny, and this new "friend" of yours were all chosen to fight for something bigger than a malibu disagreement. you were a fighter alongside your husband, but you did it competitively. johnny did it for the cameras, which isn't to say he's worse naturally. he could kick ass, and so could you, just in different directions.
• liu kang warned everyone that training would take months, as the tournament was far down the line. johnny grew impatient, and you grew tense with his lack of eagerness to actually train. regardless, you sparred and took the monk's advices to heart.
• johnny wouldn't tell you at first, since he didn't want to distract your own progress, but he would oftentimes catch himself feeling... funny, for lack of a better phrase. during meals, his eyes would unfocus and his hearing sounded underwater. at night, he'd toss and turn for hours in the cot beside yours. something felt wrong, really wrong. his chest felt fluttery and cold, like a sprite weaving between his ribs. it scared the holy hell out of him, considering how prone is family is to heart attacks.
• "great session! whaddya say to a well-deserved break?" he'd announce out of concealed desperation to the other earthrealmers, hoping that someone would agree and he'd be able to excuse himself to loosen his collar and sit down for a moment. it was after the fifth time asking in a day that you approached him with genuine concern.
• "honey, are you alright?" you asked gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. his eyes followed your touch and he sighed, moving your hand to his chest.
• "i-i'm afraid," he'll confess quietly, glancing behind you to make sure nobody was overhearing his moment of worry. "i haven't been feeling well, but i can't just drop everything and leave. not when my career's in the shithole. we've got nothing to return to. this fire god guy needs me, needs us, and i know damn well you'd follow me out if i stepped back from all of this."
• johnny's tragic worry struck a chord in your heart and you couldn't help but agree with his words. you advised him to ask a monk about decongestant tea, or some other simple remedy that would keep you at the academy.
• things died down, or at least, johnny's pain wouldn't be verbalized for a while. you and the boys were actually gaining significant strength and conditioning with the brutal training regime liu kang assigned. when he felt everyone was finally prepared to choose a champion, he assembled a king of the hill type of tournament on campus grounds.
• you stood between johnny and kenshi, a palpable tension on your husband's shoulders. his jaw was clenched tight, as were his fists. he looked... terrified. this wasn't a normal expression for the star.
• "johnny?" you whisper to him, reaching down to intertwine your fingers with his. before you could fully articulate your concerns, he speaks up.
• "i don't feel well," he murmurs in return, eyes fixated at the platform in front of you all. he visibly pales.
• liu kang calls you to the platform as the first contestant, and you obediently oblige with a bow, waiting for further instruction. your eyes danced across your potential competitors — raiden and kung lao, the humble farmers. kenshi, the enigmatic swordsman... and your husband, who looked as if he was shitting himself and moments away from puking.
• "you will face (reader), johnny cage."
• "a-are you sure? because that's my spouse, and i'd hate to—"
• liu kang frowns. johnny puts his hands up in a surrender motion, a pathetic attempt at remaining playful, and hoists himself to the platform across from you. his position readies, as does yours.
• though he may be visibly under the weather, the technique is still there. johnny's fighting style is unique and calculate, effortlessly playful and charismatic, just like him. even so, the match becomes quite even as you're familiar with his style. you parry many blows, mirroring others. the crowd is pleased and excited by the potential outcomes.
• you land a good kick to johnny's face, sending him spiraling in the air and landing on his back with a deep thud. the color in his face returns (due to the bruising) as he stares up at you, licking his lips before flourishing his way back up.
• but then, he lets out a strained cry.
• johnny clutches his chest, clawing at the layers of fabric across his body as if they're an anvil sitting atop his torso. his face twists as he doubled over in complete agony.
• "by the elder gods!" liu kang shouts, standing from his spectator chair. others let out their own concerns and shouts, but you're the first one rocketing to his side. you get to his level to inspect his face. you make a desperate attempt to push his damp hair from his face, but his neck snaps the other way as his body tries to expel this sudden onslaught of pain.
• as the fear that a heart attack is imminent, a sudden glow of green burns bright even past johnny's robes. it spills out like an angry cloud, seeping through johnny's fingers as he cries out in the worst pain he'd ever experienced. it is here that liu kang tenses up, then relaxes. he steps to the side, and does nothing but watch blankly. you come closer and part his clothing, giving yourself access to his bare chest to inspect the source.
• shockingly, the problem is... internal. his veins are glowing a bright green shade and when his eyes aren't deeply clenched, you sense a faint trace of emerald in his irises. right where his heart is, is a rhythmic flashing pattern.
• "make it stop!" johnny begs helplessly, and you reply on the verge of tears that you don't know how to help. however, almost as if on cue, he takes a deep breath inward and sits upright, eyes wide and jaw slack. and, just like that, everything seems normal again.
• you run your hand frantically across his bare skin, trying to feel for abnormalities as he catches his breath. you're crying now from the fear, and you catch a glimpse at his watery eyes.
• "are you okay?!" kung lao asks, putting a hand on his back to help him stabilize. "what was that?!"
• "i don't know..." johnny breathlessly replies, reaching a hand up to fix his hair nervously. however, as his hand traveled upward, he noticed the same emerald aura clouding around his hands, and he shouts out and scurries as if he's trying to run away from his own arm. as it's outstretched, it shoots a ball of energy outward, frying a mannequin that sat innocently off to the side. the crowd's eyes go from the mannequin and back to the celebrity. your fists ball up on his back, fistfuls of fabric keeping you upright otherwise you'd fall back from shock.
• "that is not how i anticipated that happening this time," liu kang muttered, coming closer to inspect johnny's palms. johnny stares at his hands like they grew overnight. his eyes shoot to the fire god, incredulous.
• "what the hell do you mean, 'this time?!'"
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heartach3d · 1 month ago
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it's okay.
luke castellan x reader
not requested!
1.3k words
showluke implied because Im a charlie bushnell girl
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today has been the absolute worst day. from the start of the day towards the middle of it all of it. has been the absolute worst.
it's making my patience small and I know I'm gonna burst out at someone any minute now. and then I'm gonna regret it terribly.
I just hope it isn't at someone who doesn't deserve it. I mean if it's some douche I wouldn't really feel bad (not at all)
but if its to annabeth or luke or something I would feel so terrible.
in the morning I had to clean the pegasus stables and that is already terrible enough.
then I was late to breakfast so I ate nothing and lunch is disgusting today! so I just sat at my table and I had no one to talk to and when I tried talking I would always get cut off!
I mean I love my siblings but sometimes they talk to much! so I was lonely like all day basically and I don't do good with no one to talk to.
I don't know why I just have to talk to someone or I'll go crazy in my own thoughts and then that's when it gets bad again.
I've tried to fix it or help it but I just can't. it always comes back.
now I have to do training with luke. and don't get me wrong I love training with him it's just. I feel like he treats me like a baby. I've seen the way he let's me win.
I'm tired of it. I'm tired of feeling little. and I know that's not his intention so I try and go harder. and maybe when he realizes I can take care of myself then he'll go a little harder.
I walked to our spot where we train. it was always in the woods for some reason. maybe it was more intimate
"you ready?" I heard from behind me as I was looking for him. "I guess" I say fiddling with my fingers and looking down a little.
"what's wrong?" "nothing- nothings wrong okay?" I say setting my stuff down and getting ready.
"let's just get started?" I say trying to lighten up the mood i created when I saw his confused face.
I had tried my best I know I did. and I could tell. he wasn't trying at all!
I mean I get he's only training with me because I could use some help but damn this isn't helping at all!
he's the best swordsman at the camp and he can't even make it seem like he's trying? I'm just getting so frustrated putting my all for.. for.. nothing!
my sword slices through the air one last time before I had gotten to my frustration point.
"why do you always have to do this?!" he looks up for a second before I continue "I mean your supposed to be the best at camp and you can't even pretend to fake it for me!"
"I hate this, I hate this sword, I hate these people and everything!" I say throwing my sword to the floor and going down with it.
it was all really a blur next. but I don't know if its because I was crying or because of my little episode.
I'm sitting on the floor knees to my head and holding onto myself like if I let go I would fall apart like a puzzle and never be able to put myself together again.
I heard lukes voice from the side of me. "hey hey it's okay! what's wrong please tell me what's wrong." he said wrapping his arm around me.
"please I want to know your okay what happened, are you hurt?" he keeps persisting and I don't even know what to say.
'oh I've been mad all day so now I'm bringing it out on you!' see when you say it in your mind it sounds worse.
"I'm sorry luke I'm so so sorry!" I say rocking back and forth slightly. I just whisper to myself sorrys and how I shouldn't have brought it down on him.
"hey hey you have nothing to apologize for." he says trying to get my attention from my head still burried in my knees.
"I promise I didn't mean it please don't break up with me I'm sorry!" I ramble not knowing what to say but wanting to express my sorrys.
he gently lifts my head and cups my cheeks. "I am not breaking up with you over something this little. I could not even think about it" he slowly wipes my tear stained cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.
he allows me to calm down a bit before asking again "now would you mind telling me what happened to make my girl freak out like this?"
"it's dumb. just a horrible morning. and you didn't deserve to have it brought onto you." I say blinking my wet lashes away.
"I don't care for any of that. your my girl and I just want to know what's going on so I can help." he whispers as he kisses my temple. "got it?"
"got it." I say smiling lightly at him. "good now come on its getting a bit late" he says patting my leg and helping me get up.
helloo! I thought this would be cute so I whipped it up quickly before I went to bed! also! the cut was only a few minutes later I would say to support the timeline more!
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incorrectskyrimquotes · 6 months ago
Ulfric slowly loses Eryn's respect over time but one incident really cements it.
During the war, there's imperial assassins who come after Eryn. To keep his best asset beloved soldier safe, Ulfric orders her to stay in Windhelm for a bit.
Literally everyone protests this, but Ulfric DOES outrank all of them, so... guess she's to stay put. Eryn HAAAATES this.
Well, while she's in the city, there's yet another murder. And this time, it's one of Eryn's friends, Susanna. The guards tell her to stay back, don't get involved, they're busy enough, and they sarcastically tell her if SHE can solve it she's welcome to.
Eryn goes to Jorleif, who admits that the guards all prioritize the war and don't listen to him. And of course she's upset that no one seems to care about this, and she desperately needs something to do.
Eryn goes through the normal questline, following her hunches and instincts. She notices instantly that it's like some sort of ritualistic killing, based on where the killings are. When she investigates Hjerm, she finds the murder scene (and the amulet).
She brings the info to Jorleif as she goes, who is genuinely grateful for her help. He didn't not care, but he couldn't get the guards to care. He recommends she ask Calixto, since he seems to love weird bullshit.
Calixto instantly sets off Eryn's alarm bells. Something about him just strikes her weird. Especially since he keeps trying to insist that she sells him that necklace. Which she doesn't do, because it's part of an active investigation. And he's being WEIRD.
But she does listen to him that Wuunferth is knowledgeable about things like necromancy. So she goes to talk to Wuunferth.
He, of course, informs her that no he doesn't do necromancy, he has the nickname "The Unliving" bc he's stupid old. But Eryn explains that she wasn't accusing him, she doesn't care about what college he went to, and she just wants information.
Wuunferth softens, and they compare notes. He's also quite surprised when she uses magic as a way to visually illustrate her points. She always forgets that people don't seem to think magic and swords can coexist.
So, they realize the pattern, the way these murders are happening, and where the murderer is going to strike next. They agree to set a trap. Eryn would make great bait, but everyone knows who she is and that she's dangerous.
So, the night of the next murder, she stays hidden with some illusion magic from Wuunferth... And a man jumps out at Arivanya. Eryn saves her and knocks down the murderer. It's revealed to be Calixto, of course. But when he tries to jump at Eryn after feigning a surrender, she just fireballs him in the face.
The city thanks her, sincerely. She's avenged the murdered women, and managed to solve a serial killer case.
Wuunferth, especially, thanks her. He didn't know people suspected him, and he's glad Eryn had the sense to come talk to him before accusing him.
As a thank you, he enchants her rapier for her, free of charge. He gives it enchantments he thinks fit her: Fire damage, like her favorite spells, and a health absorbing property, so she'll always have a chance as long as she can swing a sword.
She thanks him and picks up her sword, which she names Redwing after its new red glow. But it's all bothering her. Something about this just felt off.
She looks to where Ulfric is sitting, and makes a face. She doesn't get why she feels so... angry, almost. Angry at him.
Wuunferth says that happens to everyone around Ulfric, eventually. He says things that people believe in, he fights a cause worth fighting, so people like him at first. But sooner or later, everyone gets tired of him.
Eryn realizes it's because he didn't care about his city, or the fact that people were dying. He didn't care. At all. Jorleif tells her that's just normal for Windhelm, hence why he was trying to put the investigation together.
Eryn still doesn't seem to quite get it. She feels upset with herself for being upset. That's the man she's fighting a war for, right? So why does she suddenly dislike him so much?
Wuunferth and Jorleif gently explain it to her.
Ulfric is selfish and short sighted.
Eryn is not.
That's why she doesn't like him.
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french-unknown · 1 year ago
Hello!! I hope you are having the loveliest week and happy new year! I'd love to see the sleepy!strawhat pirates :) thank u!
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, sanji, robin 𝐂/𝐖: fluff 𝐀/𝐍: Hello! I also wish you the loveliest week and happy new year! Have a wonderful year 2024 with the best of health! (-‿◦ ) 𝐖/𝐂: 730+
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✧ With Luffy, there are two atmospheres.
✧ The first is after grueling fights or if he is poisoned, he is the type to drop like a fly without going through the "sleepy" phase. One moment he is fully conscious, and the next he is so asleep that even a cataclysm will not wake him.
✧ He can also fall asleep at the worst times!
✧ Otherwise, he continues to jump around screaming for meat or his teammates until he no longer has a single atom of energy in his body.
✧ When he is in between awake and asleep, he will become quite childish.
✧ A pro at staying awake as long as possible while moaning "I don't want to sleep" when everyone sees 100 kilometers away that he can no longer keep his eyes open.
✧ When he falls asleep, it will FINALLY be silence.
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✧ He is used to naps so the habits are there.
✧ You know he is tired when you see him wandering around to find his little corner of the sun where he can do his sleeping beauty with, obviously, always a place to religiously put his swords within reach.
✧ He is a routine man so the corners are always the same on the boat.
✧ He also becomes a lot grumpier. Sanji has no interest in dragging him around.
✧ If you ask him something at that moment, he huffs but he does it. He still drags his feet like a teenager and you don't need a doctorate in archeology to understand that it annoys him. But he likes you so he will still do what you want.
✧ He will fall asleep as soon as he is in place. It's almost automatic.
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✧ Sleepy Nami is more irritable than usual.
✧ As soon as she gets a chance to go into bed, she will grab it like it's a mountain of berries.
✧ She has trouble falling asleep because of the annoyance.
✧ She may be tired as hell, but she won't be able to relax enough to fall asleep quickly.
✧ At some point, she will be too cold so she covers herself in blankets. Then she will be too hot so she takes off the covers. But she will have discomfort in her back so she changes positions. Except that the music that Franky and Brook have been singing all day will be stuck in her head.
✧ There's no point in speaking to her in these cases otherwise, it's guaranteed death!
✧ She also tends to steal every blanket imaginable in order to make the most comfortable bed possible.
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✧ A tired Usopp is much slower than usual. He walks slower, talks slower and thinks slower.
✧ He also complains a lot more.
✧ Expect dramatic “But I want to sleeeeeeeeeep!” as if he was going to die or solemn "Chopper, I don't think I could go any further. Go without me, I will only slow you down" under the panicked cries of the reindeer.
✧ The most significant signal is when he starts jumping at everything and nothing.
✧ At the slightest noise, he jumps several centimeters as if he had just been awakened from micronaps, standing with his eyes open.
✧ He also rubs his eyes more.
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✧ To say it gets clingy is an understatement.
✧ Until he finally falls asleep at midnight, he will be stuck to you like a mussel to a rock.
✧ He's constantly hugging you from behind or putting his arm around your shoulders. His arms will look more like chains than human limbs after a while.
✧ He pouts if you move away.
✧ Will beg you to go to bed early with him for cuddles.
✧ The rest is up to you.
✧ If he's having trouble sleeping, running your hand through his hair will work wonders. Really. He would kill for the slightest sign of affection when he is half asleep.
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✧ A sleepy Robin doesn't change much compared to usual.
✧ The only signal is that she is slightly more distracted.
✧ If you ask her a question, it will take a few seconds before she looks away from the blank space and turns her confused eyes to you so that you repeat what you said.
✧ She's not really trying to fight sleep.
✧ As soon as she mysteriously disappears without warning from your side, you know where to find her. She will already be comfortably asleep in her bed without waiting for you to arrive.
✧ Pretty sleeper by excellence, by the way.
Wow, you find my 4th Easter Egg! take this ψ lemon meringue pie ψ, it's my favorite pastry
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @idsmash717 @lys-ada @viscade @parkyrr @yasmiinberkaa @dozcan123 @anotherproblemsos @cellgore @sketchmilk @kai-wifey @clovernumber3 @radiorowrites
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zippidi-dooda · 3 months ago
The sounds came one after another, followed by each of your peers falling down from a single blow.
Everyone was breathing heavily, clutching their aching sides.
Yet the match hadn't even lasted more than a second.
And the swordsman training you hadn't even broken a sweat.
For weeks you had been at it, gaining a stoic look and cold words in return. Your peers had just about given up hope, wanting someone to step up and tell the Hashira that the training was too hard, that he should be more considerate of your ranks.
But no one was brave enough.
Though the routine was rough, a small part of you couldn't help wishing to be stuck here longer.
Others may have called you crazy, but you couldn't help it with your budding attraction to the hashira in front of you.
He was cool, calm, and collected, each swing of his bokken hitting it's mark and with barely traceable speed. You could only imagine what seeing him fight a real demon was like.
You were awestruck.
Maybe you were just wasting your time, afterall, he hardly spoke a word to you outside of sparing and all he said then was,
"You're slow ... you would've been dead three times over now ... a demon won't give you time like that ... try harder ..."
It was a little discouraging to be honest, but that flutter of your heart each time his mint green eyes met yours was incredible.
Who knows when you'd next get a chance to meet him, you had to make the most of it.
Every day, you'd spend extra time training with him and every night you spent time wondering where he runs off to. It was difficult to not want to follow him, though if he decided to run you knew you'd lose him quickly, so you stuck to staying back and dreaming of him.
You thought you were content with that, but then, a new pupil came in.
Kamado Tanjiro.
There had been a buzz about him among the slayers for some time now, but you never thought that you'd get to meet him either.
He was sweet and especially skilled, you enjoyed getting to train alongside him.
But that wasn't the only reason you were glad he had come.
See, things changed when he was here. It was the first time you had seen the hashira smile.
And such a beautiful one at that.
You could hardly focus on anything from then on, too busy committing the image to memory. You could spend all day gazing at him like that.
But, that smile vanished the second his attention returned to the rest of you.
Since that observation, you were determined to figure out every way to make him smile.
At some point, your group was able to convince training to end early.
Tired and spent, but you wasted no time catching your breath and tailed the young man out the door.
"Muichiro! W-wait up!" You called out.
He turned to you, face expressionless as ever, "hm? Do you need something?"
Steadying your breathing, you smiled at him, "just wanted to say it was nice training today. I think we're gonna get some real improvement moving forward."
"You all were scared stiff." He stated blunty.
You flinched, but waved it off, beginning to walk beside him, "w-well, you did bring real swords in for the first time. And you're really good at this, it's normal for people like us to get nervous."
"Mmm, I suppose so. That being said, you guys are not doing as bad as you think. Not moving in recklessly is a good start."
The two of you walked aimlessly, following the other assuming they had taken the lead.
"Thanks! It means a lot coming from a guy like you, you're so cool and-"
"Not giving it your all, like you do, is a stupid mistake."
You paused your steps. "Huh?"
"You stopped trying." Muichiro turned to fully face you now, hand on the hilt of his sword, "A while ago actually. Tell me, why is that? Do I bore you? Or do you want to get eaten? Why after all the extra time you put in, more than the others, are you still not able to advance? Is there something wrong with you? Am I wasting my time?"
Panicked, you quickly shook your head. "No! That's not it at all!"
He stepped forward. "It's alright to not want this path, but you need to make that decision quick before wasting anyone's time," he adjusted his grip on his sword, "A lackadaisical attitude in battle will get you and many others killed. You can't waste time. So tell me now, why do you keep slacking off?"
With each step closer, you took one back, hands raised defensively. "Now, hold on Muichiro, let's not jump the gun here-"
"Speak. Or else I'll have to make the decision to end your training here completely." He drew his sword.
You stiffened, eyes fixed on the shining blue blade. He wouldn't actually attack you while you were unarmed, would he?
"Muichiro ...?"
"Fine. This is your last chance to prove yourself."
And with those brief words, he was gone.
Left, right, up, down, where was he? If he did plan to fight you here, you could only assume he'd mimick the moves he made during training.
You needed to dodge. Quickly!
"Too slow." His soft voice whispered by your ear before you were kicked forward and sent rolling in the dust.
"Same as usual. I could conclude this early-mm?"
You were quick to activate your breathing, darting towards him with the only plan being to knock him down or block him at the very least.
The tips of your fingers had nearly ghosted over his billowy uniform, but he was quickly behind you again, knocking you down with the hilt of his sword.
"A demon could pick up on your intentions easily. You're too open."
He vanished again as you rolled onto your back and swiped at his legs. Then his blade struck the dirt beside your face narrowly missing you as you turned away.
"You're a bit faster. Are you sensing the danger now? Was a blade the only incentive you needed?"
You jumped and dodged, trying to trip him up, but to no avail. Each attack came faster than the last and bloody nicks began to litter your skin.
You couldn't touch him and without a weapon of your own there were few ways to counter his attacks, you were down on options.
What did you do? You didn't want end your Corp training here, nor did you want to lose any hope of seeing this guy again. Do you run for it?
As you racked your mind for ideas, Muichiro attack you from the front, blade drawn up by his cheek, and you were met with a beautiful sight.
His light eyes were narrowed with focus, thin lips set in a firm line, long dark hair flowing like a river around him, the turquoise tips complimenting the blue of his blade.
If this was what the demons got to see in their final moments, they must have been as greatful as you were.
You sighed deeply, subconsciously raising a hand to block his strike.
The sharp sting of the sword cutting into your palm broke you out of your reverie.
You grit your teeth, gripping the blade tighter to prevent him getting away and lunged forward, quick to butt you head against his.
Your stunt had stunned him slightly and you had a brief opening to disarm him.
The impromptu match ended with Muichiro rubbing his head and you holding onto his blade.
A nervous smile grew on your face as you clenched your bleeding palm. "Haha ow ...."
"You disarmed me." The boy murmured stepping closer to you. "Looks like you'll be able to continue your training."
You exhaled with relief, handing back his sword. "Ah, thank goodness. I wasn't ready to leave quite yet."
"You will be leaving. You're ready to train with the next Hashira." He swiped the blood off his sword. "And you should bandage that wound up."
The beating of your heart picked up. You didn't want to leave yet.
"If you remember there are no chances to hold back, you'll be fine. Don't quit trying halfway through."
He continued walking, ready to head out to wherever he usually disappears to. You wouldn't see him till tomorrow if he got out the door.
It was now or never.
"Muichiro ...," with a gulp, you ran up to him once more, gripping his sleeve.
"Hm? What is it?"
Your gut churned nervously as you began to answer. "Muichiro ... I-I like you. I don't want this to be the last time I see you."
He blinked owlishly at you.
Your hands began to shake and your mouth felt dry. "Um ... y-you're really cool and I admire you as a hashira. But ... I also think you're cute and I want to keep in touch ... it's kinda why I've been holding back and stuff."
There was a moment of deathly awkward silence and you were ready to just run away and pretend this never happened.
But then, it happened.
The stoic boy began to laugh. Maybe it should have been embarrassing, he could be laughing at you for saying something so childish. But instead you felt giddy, smiling with him as you watched his grin rosey up his cheeks.
"That's why you've been here so long? How silly. You shouldn't hinder yourself for such reasons. I don't know what to make of you now."
You shuffled nervously. "Is that good or bad?"
He shrugged, laughter subsiding, but smile still glowing. "I'm not sure. I feel strange. I haven't felt this way before. But still, you should focus on your training and getting stronger."
"Okay ...," Hoping you were reading the clues correctly, you stepped closer. "That was the plan. But ... does this mean I can send you letters now?"
He hummed before nodding. "I wouldn't mind."
You sighed, smiling more confidently. "Alright then, Murichiro. Let's keep in touch."
He nodded politely, watching as you turned to start packing your stuff.
As you paused and turned back to him, he tilted his head to the side.
Thinking it was all or nothing, you ran up to him, pausing momentarily before pressing a kiss to the soft plush of his cheek.
Face burning, you wave goodbye and run to get your things, too embarrassed to look back and see as the stunned boy cupped his warm cheek, and the steady smile that graced his lips as he watched after you.
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superawesome40 · 5 months ago
Wayne Children Timeline Update
Okay, so I’ve hit a standstill on the timeline. I’ve got (most) significant not-hero-related details worked out (I think???) and I’m working on education/jobs right now, but there is SO MUCH from canon that I could pick from, and I’m honestly a bit overwhelmed. Anyone want to help me out?
Enjoy me spiraling into madness as I attempt to introduce the events that I’m probably going to include:
The Slade/Deathstroke story line, probably heavily warped to fit the storyline.
Talon/The Court of Owls. I love those funky dudes, but I admit I only really know them ‘cause of the rhyme.
Spyral? Maybe? Honestly I have NO IDEA what Spyral is at all, and I’ll need to investigate more.
I’m on the fence about including the whole Catalina Flores storyline. I’ve heard about it in passing, but I haven’t actually done any research into it yet. It’s a VERY sensitive topic, and I don’t want to mishandle anything, especially if I ever get around to writing stories set within this universe.
I think Dick being a cop at some point is really, really funny, so I might have him join the Bludhaven (Blüdhaven?) PD for a bit? So he can take them down from the inside or something. He quits after like. Two years.
The Catherine Todd/Sheila Haywood/Willis Todd… situation.
Whacking the scary man with a tire iron (was that one ever even a question? Of course I’m including it)
League bodyguard for baby Damian (I’m pretty sure this one is fanon, but it’s my AU, I do what I want!!!)
Heads in a duffle bag
Titans Tower attack.
I’ve heard something about magic fire swords maybe, but I’m not sure.
This is making me realize I know… very little about what Jason got up to after his revival.
Huh. I don’t really have anything to put here? I know next to nothing about Cass outside of her involvement in the Batfam. Send help.
No like actually. What does she do? I love her character, but this post is making me realize that I don’t actually KNOW them.
Stalker baby stalker baby stalker baby stalker baby
Joker Jr.! I dunno, I really like the idea of JJ being like a completely different entity who lies dormant in Tim’s head and pops up from time to time? It inspired a story where Tim has several versions of himself living up in his head. I invented an entire disorder for it: Fragmented Personality Disorder. Probably won’t be a thing in this AU, but either way. JJ is DEFINITELY happening.
Young Justice is morally gray at best and they try very hard to pretend like they aren’t. (Young Justice is actually the only comics I’ve read, and I’ve only read up to like. Issue # 6 so far. I love my little dudes so much.)
Off topic, but will someone explain coffee Tim vs. energy drink Tim? Can’t he just combine the two with an ass load of sugar and call it a day?
Highest kill count. Don’t care if it’s canon. He has the highest kill count, he’s not sorry, and he WILL do it again.
I don’t know why the idea of Conner, Cassie, Tim, and Bart running around space completely unsupervised is so funny to me, but it is. Is it canon? Don’t ask me, I have no idea. Is it in this AU? Absolutely.
Again. What does he get up to? Robin era, Red Robin era, anywhere? Anything significant happen? At all???
I know about his parents. That’s definitely happening.
We Are Robin? What is We Are Robin? Is it pre-Batfam? Post-Batfam?
Wait was he Signal before or after he was a Bat?
Is he a Bat?
I COULD do my research. Or I could do the lazy thing and make you all do it for me :)
This is the little bastard that dragged me kicking and screaming into the DCU. This is all his fault.
Fun fact! I hated anything and everything to do with DC purely because I was introduced to Marvel first. I thought it was dumb, and poorly written, and a cheap knock off of Marvel. This was back when I only knew about like, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. I didn’t even know that the Flash was DC at this point. Then I found out about Damian and… well, it all spiraled from there.
So anyways, let’s see.
Killed by the Heretic? Yup.
Metal spine? Absolutely.
Dick Grayson’s Robin? Without a doubt.
Hmmm what else…
What happened in Super Sons?
What did he get up to with the Titans (?) That was a thing, right?
Wasn’t there a murder island story arc? Maybe? And he died for like, a minute but then he came back?
Also Damian and Tim attempt to murder each other as a ✨bonding activity✨
Don’t even get me started on freaking Bruce. I dread the day I finally get up the courage to start looking into Bruce.
So yeah. Send help? Suggest your favorite fight/monster/comic for me to research? Please, I’m begging you. Doesn’t matter the universe, or the era, or whether it’s pre-Crisis or Earth 1 or whatever other million ways there are to break them down (I still have to look into those, too.), anything you think should be on the timeline, let me know and I’ll look into it.
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snexy-the-snail · 4 months ago
Oops I made it sad
Oops I made it sad
"I'm going to stop wearing these pjs I swear to the gods." Percy grumbles under his breath. Sure it was noon, the middle of the day and he probably should've put day clothes on but pjs were comfy. Besides he wasn't instructing the younger campers through learning how to use a sword so might as well have fun.
That however came at the cost of a god showing up. "What? What's wrong with the sharks, I think they're fun." Apollo asks with a grin. He and Hermes both had the same mischievous grin, he wondered where they got it from. Zeus? The idea seemed laughable.
"The problem is that you're here." He says crossing his arms. He wasn't even sure what Apollo wanted yet but he knew it was something. "Awe, no love for me? I heard from Hermes you were much nicer to him."
Percy narrows his eyes at that, unease building up. "Why are you here?" He asks firmly, tensing up. He really didn't have a good feeling about this. Like at all.
"Oh you know, concern for my little cuz. Heard you're not sleeping well, and I've got a sweet little trick that can help." Apollo grins taking a step forward, amusement glinting in his eyes.
Oh. Hades. No.
"Apollo I swear- don't even think about it." Percy hisses out. He felt a tad cornered even if nothing but the forest was behind him. What was it with random God's deciding he'd make a perfect snack.
With each step back, the taller Apollo got which only furthered his suspicions of what was going to happen. He was not below stabbing a god. "Oh come on, you need rest, I'm a bit curious how a sea kid tastes. It's a win win."
"Sides you let Hermes do it."
Percy scoffs, his body screaming at him to run. He very much didn't like this, his nerves alight with the need to get away. He wasn't trapped, he was fine. He could run off at any time.
"I know Hermes a little better than you." He points out. The who Luke situation made it hard not to know Hermes. Who knew Apollo might care about him too but Percy was getting tired of being shoved into unfamiliar territory.
"Perfect opportunity then don't you think?" Apollo practically purrs, his eyes shining with amusement. His heart started to pound in his chest, the air in his lungs wasn't enough suddenly. "Inside is so cool, just let me eat you post hast, I won't even drool."
"Ugh seriously, don't make this into a haiku." Percy groans. It was bad enough Annabeth had showed him the orientation film with Apollos little solo. He tenses when he Apollo reaches out for him his mind going blank. The god was saying something but the blood rushing in his ears made it impossible to process it.
All he knew was he wasn't letting this happen. He didn't want it to happen. The next thing he knew Apollo yowled in pain and a weird sickly sweet taste flooded into his mouth. He just bit down harder, clenching his jaw as tight as possible.
Everything was blank after that.
He kept his teeth sunk into whatever he had bitten.
Poseidon was not expecting a call from Apollo. It was unsure and skittish when only made him more confused as to what the younger god needed. Until he appeared next to Apollo and saw his sons jaws firmly sunk into the sun gods arm, hands gripping tightly onto the flesh as well.
"So. I ah.. I have an explanation." Apollo says sheepishly, Poseidon crouching next to his son, slipping his hands over the boys, gently guiding them down to his sides. "I'd like to hear it."
Even to him his tone sounded a tad too sharp, but given that Percy had practically latched onto the God like a feral shark pup something had to have happened.
"Just know Hermes did it first!" The god blurts out, Poseidon frowning as he runs his hand through his sons hair, murmuring a reassurance. "You're safe Percy, there's no need for teeth."
"And I didn't realize he'd react like this- but ah right-" Apollo says with a wince when Poseidon gives him a look. "He needs a god to sleep without nightmares and we all know he's not sleeping enough. So forced nap time seemed like a good idea."
If any demigod saw the waters nearly exploded into massive waves they sure as shit didn't stick around to figure out why Poseidon was upset.
"Like I said! I didn't realize he'd react this way."
Deep breaths. He couldn't help his son if he was angry. Poseidon let a breath out, trying to coax Percy to let go. Not answering for a moment. He didn't trust himself to answer.
Finally the boy's stubborn grip loosened and he managed to pull the demigod back into his arms. He tucks his son against his chest just holding him close. "It is not your place. It is not Hermes place either, to care for my son. That falls to me."
Percy leans into his touch, a small shiver running through the boy before he felt hands gripping his shirt with just as tight as a grip as he had on Apollo. "Dad?" Came a whispered reply, sounding slightly hoarse as if the boy just had come to his senses..which he probably had.
"I understand. It won't happened again just.. look out for him. A little closer maybe? No mortal is meant to..survive down there" Apollo murmurs looking away. He had the decency to look ashamed, which good. Poseidon wasn't exactly keen on sharing his son.
"It falls to me." He repeats before focusing his attention on his boy. He sighs, looking down at the dazed face of his son. "You're alright, I'm here." He soothes, wiping the golden inchor dribbling down the boys chin. "I've got you."
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zoroslost · 1 year ago
Pining!Zoro takes up smoking while away on Gloom island because he misses Sanji and the smoke smells like him.
Zoro recognizes the signs of missing his crew as soon as they're separated. And he feels the pull to be together with his Nakama again as soon as he sees Luffy's declaration in the paper but he doesn't realize that he's feeling the cook's absence differently until he finds Mihawk smoking one day about 3 months into his stay on Gloom Island.
He's not oblivious to the effect the cook has on him. Zoro's known that his feelings for the cook were different from his feelings toward the rest of his nakama since the beginning. He'd recognized that the feelings he had toward the airheaded blonde were romantic since Thriller Bark, when he couldn't stand the thought of the other being gone. He was, however, shocked to realize just how much influence Sanji's presence had on him.
The instant he registered the heavy scent of the cigarette, he felt his body and mind relax as a feeling of warmth washed over him. It smelled like home. He wanted to be surrounded by it. Zoro sank down against the wall and started cleaning his swords to remain in the feeling for just a bit longer.
When Zoro prepared to sleep that night, he was surprised to find the scent had woven itself into his clothes. Not wanting to separate from the smell, he pulled his robe over himself when he laid down. Blanked in the smell, he could almost feel the rocking of the hammocks as he drifted off to the most restful sleep he'd had since he was last on the Sunny.
He feels lighter and more focused when training for the next few weeks, but he can feel that fading away as the heady scent fades from his robe, leaving a hollow chasm in his chest. He thought he'd been doing a decent job of keeping his emotions internal but he's proven wrong when Perona snaps at him while they're all eating silently, "What the hell crawled up your ass and died. I'm already stuck here with you two depressing guys don't make it any worse than it needs to be."
"I'm not doing anything," Zoro growls back at her.
"Yes you are!" she complains, "You're just being all-" she gestures vaguely to the way he's sitting at the table. He raises an eyebrow at her."
"You're morose," Mihawk clarifies unhelpfully.
"Exactly!" she points at him in accusation, "You're sulking! You've been more bearable recently what happened?"
"I'm just tired of being stuck with your annoying ass," he snipes back.
"I'm a fucking joy," the ghost girl shouts at him, before settling down as she ponders. "Anyway, that's not it. Your mood changed abruptly about 2 weeks ago and you've been tolerable. What happened 2 weeks ago..."
"If I remember correctly," Mihawk interjects boredly, "the only thing unusual that happened was that I was smoking." Zoro stiffens, waiting for the girl to put the pieces together.
"You smoke?" she asks with visible confusion. Zoro rolls his eyes. She chews the information over in her mind and can see the exact moment she figures it out, a grin overtaking her face. "You don't have a nicotine addiction, you just like someone that does."
"Shut up," he growls in warning.
Her grin stretches wider, "Oh-ho I was right. There was a smoker on your crew right?"
"Shut up," he repeats, louder this time.
"It's that blonde guy isn't it, the one with the weird eyebrow?"
"Fuck off!" he slams his fist down on the table hard as he stands.
"If it keeps you focused, you can just have some," Mihawk says dryly as he slides a pack of cigarettes and a lighter toward him on the table.
He snatches them up and storms off, ignoring the obnoxious laughter coming through the door behind him.
The cigarettes sit forgotten in Zoro's room for a while before he remembers that he has them.
He doesn’t really like smoking but he takes to carrying around a pack of cigarettes just to light one just to let the scent hang in the air. After a while, he starts taking one or two inhales of the cigarette just to imagine what Sanji tastes like. He hates how pathetic it makes him feel.
He’s not addicted but it becomes a comfort mechanism and he knows he won’t be able to stop the habit once the crew is back together. He also would rather die than admit the reason he started so he has no choice but to keep it secret. Sanji's constant smoking keeps him from engaging in the bad habit for the most part but on the nights he’s alone on watch and feeling lonely, he takes to lighting one and taking a few breaths to
He never intends for anyone to find out but after the cook leaves for Whole Cake, the habit starts up again in full force to the point that everyone notices. No one says anything but he can tell by the way they look at him that they know why the habit started.
Sanji doesn't find out until the celebration of the defeat of Kaido. He must've run out of cigarettes at some point because he complains to the other straw hats that he wishes that he had a damn cigarette.
"Why don't you just ask Zoro for one?" Ussop pipes up and Zoro goes still, silently cursing the other in his head for ignoring the fact that they haven't been bringing it up for a reason damn it.
Sanji's eyes flick to Zoro before settling on Ussop, eyebrow raised in confusion, "Why the hell would the shitty swordsman have any cigarettes? He doesn't smoke."
Ussop must feel the murderous vibes that Zoro is sending his way because he starts sweating nervously and quickly starts to run away, "Whoops, I hear someone calling for me, bye." They both stare after him in silence as he dashes toward the Sunny.
'Fucking idiot aren't you supposed to be a master liar or whatever, cover your ass better than that,' Zoro thinks bitterly. He can feel the cook's eyes on him, 'Fuck!'
"What the hell was that about? You take up smoking to fill the void I left in your heart or something Mosshead?" Sanji teased with a smirk on his face, subconsciously reaching into his pocket for a cigarette before remembering that he didn't have any.
Zoro grounded his teeth together, 'If I don't tell him now and he finds out later he'll bitch about this forever.' Tensely, he pulled the half-empty packet out of his pocket and held it out to the cook without looking at him as he grumbled, "'or something."
The cook didn't move for a few beats, just staring at the swordsman. Zoro could feel his face heating up as he kept his eyes firmly downcast, as he waited for the shitty cook to take them, "Are you gonna take 'em or not shit cook."
His rough tone must've broken Sanji out of his stupor because he jumped slightly before reaching out and taking the pack from Zoro's outstretched hand, fingertips barely brushing the other's palm in a way that made Zoro's heart flutter annoyingly. He silently removed one from the pack and fished his lighter out of his pocket, lighting the end and taking a deep breath of nicotine. Zoro let his eye fall shut as he felt his body relax unwillingly with the cook's exhale causing the smell of smoke to settle around them.
They sat in silence for a while, Zoro content to let the other think he was asleep while he listened to the sounds of the cook preparing their food. He was jolted out of his meditative state as a cold bottle was pressed against his cheek. He opened his good eye lazily to look up at the cook who was pressing a nice bottle of booze against his cheek and holding a freshly prepared batch of onigiri.
Sanji's head was turned away but Zoro was transfixed at the slight flush that was climbing up the other's neck. He took the other's offerings gently and Sanji walked back to the kitchen to keep working.
"'s nice to know that I was missed," Sanji said so quietly that Zoro barely heard him over the sounds of the kitchen and the party outside. He didn't say anything more, but Zoro could hear what the cook was really trying to say: 'thanks...'
Zoro smiled to himself, taking a deep drink, "don't let it happen again."
Sanji hummed his agreement.
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demonslayedher · 1 year ago
This is the Hashibira House--hear me out
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I've mentioned this idea in a few posts here and there, but I'm putting it here with my nine reasons:
I think Tanjiro will ask Inosuke to inherit the family home and charcoal kiln.
Reason 1. Kanata and Sumihiko live in the city and show no ties to charcoal farming. This makes me very sad, but although they inherit Tanjiro's sword and the earrings, and although the two of them both perform Hinokami Kagura at a local shrine at New Years (Fanbook #2 Taisho Secret), they are is no mention of charcoal aside from the "sumi" in Sumihiko's name. Even then, he is the second son, so it's kind of like they forgot the family traditional when Kanata was born. Really goes to show how much they still value the old family trade that kept them working with fire, hmph!
Although Tanjiro knew the need for charcoal was decreasing (Fanbook #2 post-epilogue comic), and although he'd probably be happy to see his descendant free to be a parkouring zookeeper, that's still generations of the family trade that's been tossed out. Not that Hinokami Kagura is needed in their world anymore, but still, that sucks some of the meaning dry. So again, I am sad.
Reason 2. There is precedent for the house and its legacy to be passed around.
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According to the Taisho Secret right before Chapter 191, the house was previously used by Yoriichi and "Uta." It only became the Kamado house once Suyako and Sumiyoshi came across it when it was abandoned.
It was temporarily abandoned again later on when Tanjiro had to take Nezuko and make a run for it, and despite all the care taken of it the house is already hundreds of years old, so it wouldn't be surprising if it gets abandoned again. Still sad, though.
Reason 3. Tanjiro already kind of expected he wouldn't live there long.
In the Fanbook #2 post-epilogue comic, Tanjiro mentions that even though he doesn't need to, he likes working, and he wants to leave money for everyone when he's gone.
He feels the effects of his injuries and everything else he's been through, and needs regular check-ups down at the Butterfly Mansion. Maybe he'll be fine for most of the years he has left, but what if it's a steady decline from the easily-tired point he's already found himself in? Take care of the house is going to take more and more out of him, and his children won't be old enough to take on many responsibilities before he's 25.
He's at peace with the understanding that he'll be gone someday and hopes the others will live peaceful lives without him.
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We know that Kamaboko living arrangement couldn't had lasted long, though, because he and Kanao go on to have descendants together.
Reason 4. Kanao's not going to have Kaburamaru for long.
As much as I have faith in Kanao to live near-blind in the deep mountains, it's going to be a bit harder once she loses her seeing-eye snake, and Kaburamaru's already a somewhat old snake by the time she inherits him. If she's going to continue being a doctor, she may have an easier time of that staying in the Butterfly Mansion with all the resources there, and patients coming to her (a challenge to ask them to go up the mountain for her services).
Reason 5. There's someone who might do just fine without those extra conveniences and resources, for she is very resourceful.
Even though Kanao would insist the contrary, Aoi--who always called Shinobu by "-sama" and never "-neesan"--might feel Kanao has more claim to inherit the Butterfly Mansion, for Aoi was always a little hard on herself and insecure in her role as a failed Corp member. I stress again, none of this would make a difference to Kanao, who knows Shinobu cared about Aoi just as much. As much as Aoi has demonstrated her ability to run a clinic, I have just as much faith in her to run a mountain household, including handling its inevitable repairs, as well as to go make house calls around the village whenever needed.
Reason 6. Inosuke is more genki than anybody. And, more importantly, he's learned to make charcoal.
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This takes us back to the comic in Fanbook #2, where Inosuke is so well-adjusted to life in the Kamaboko household that he's not only learned the charcoal trade well enough to say, "buy Inosuke-sama's charcoal," but he's also a shining star when it comes to doing chores. He's doing really well with growing up and taking on human responsibility!
He is also, however, the King of the Forest. That's his home, and even when spending long periods of time in the Butterfly Mansion, the forests call him.
Reason 7. You know who else loves nature? This dude.
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Just because he wants to be alone in nature doesn't mean he grew up on Mt. Kumotori, but I do suspect he has spent a lot of time there, because that's where the blue spider lilies--the subjects of his failed research--had come from. Although we don't know how this research started and who got the flowers in the first place, the potential connection is strong.
If he wasn't raised in that house, then maybe he and his family still go out there regularly to take care of it. After all, even if they don't remember who and they're unmarked, there are important graves to show respect to and take care of there. Maybe it was on a trip like that when Aoba discovered where the blue spider lilies grow, which put him on the botany path.
You know who he apparently didn't run into? Any Kamados, as he and Sumihiko didn't meet until Aoba was unemployed and Sumihiko was scolded by the police and they were both hanging out and depressed in the park.
Reason 8. Tanjiro trusts Inosuke.
Entrusting Nezuko to Zenitsu is one thing--Zenitsu obviously would do anything to keep Nezuko safe, happy, and comfortable, but Zenitsu's heart isn't in the mountains. He's a city boy and doesn't like the inconveniences of mountain life, and clearly he doesn't show much initiative for the demands of keeping a mountain home. Tanjiro wouldn't expect this of Zenitsu, nor would he trust him with it, even if he'd trust Zenitsu with just about anything else.
In Inosuke's case, Tanjiro understands Inosuke at an intuitive level--what he needs to hear and be told, and what Inosuke's strengths are. If ever Tanjiro got the inkling that he can no longer take care of the house, or that he must prioritize taking care of his small children and partially blind wife, then he wouldn't think of anyone else but Inosuke who would be happier having that home for his own.
Inosuke sure wouldn't be happy at first, though. That house is Kamado Tanjiro's house, and he doesn't want a house without Kamado Tanjiro in it.
But Inosuke, who has never had a traditional nuclear family, might come around to the idea of being the head of his own family, and having something normal and human like this of his own.
The Hashibira house, with Inosuke the head of the Hashibira family, providing for them with his labor.
I can imagine Tanjiro would run the idea by Aoi first, who would accept the responsibility as an honor, and maybe this would come after Tanjiro and Kanao had been a married couple on their own a while in the house first. The town where the boys sell charcoal is big enough that I can see Nezuko being pretty happy settling down there where it's close both to home and more along the lines of Zenitsu's tastes, but eventually...
Reason 9. One way or another, the Kamado and Agatsuma families are both going to wind up in the heart of urban sprawl, far away from Mt. Kumotori.
It's only a question of when and why.
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faroreskiss · 1 year ago
Harp Lesson (+18)
Summary: You had enough of your instrument, and you wanted to try out his. How could you have said no when he offered?
AKA Link teaches you "techniques".
Pedal Harpist!Link x Fem!Reader (Sky x Reader)
Read the collection in Ao3
A/N: This is tagged as both LU and Skyward Sword Link, as I imagine them to have the same personality.
This story was born after a long inspirational chat with @pinkalmondcake about imagining the Chain in different roles in an orchestra! (From a piano technician to a pedal harpist...), which for now we are calling the LU Music/Musician AU, but who knows :D Stay tuned for more content!
Also big thanks to @beyondtheglowingstars for having a first look at it and the feedback!
Also tagging you guys because after seeing your content I think you'd enjoy this (hopefully) @chainsofgoldandash @chain-link-smut Duet mentioned: Saint-Saëns, Fantaisie for Violin & Harp, Op. 124 — Camerata Pacifica
You were in the practice wing of the conservatory, trying to play the latest piece that was prepared for the upcoming concert that was planned. The sounds were just not coming out as clean anymore as you were trying to keep yourself focused. 
Being the principal first violin, or the “concertmaster” as they called it, was absolutely making you feel the pressure. Not like the orchestra was that big, it was a chamber orchestra, a bit of an odd one perhaps due to its composition. You had both a harpist AND a concert pianist, for starters. And they all had the same name… Link.
Inner base of your left index finger started to hurt, did you start to hold the violin wrong all of a sudden? You sighed as you gave up and held your violin like a guitar, deciding to pizzicato the rest instead. It also counted as practice, right? As you plucked the strings according to the sheet of music in front of you, your mind wandered once again. Plucking… Each time you put your violin in that position and timidly pulled at the strings, you were reminded of him again. The quiet, kind boy with the full lips and calloused hands, sitting in front of the harp, carefully trailing his hands along the strings, like he was lost in a dream. You really wanted to try playing it some day. 
Link… You of course found out later that he was as gremlin-like as one could get, despite his calm and quiet appearance. You would have never thought he was the one that brought the whole chandelier down at the Lumpy Pumpkin years ago, because he “totally had to get that thing up top”. 
Well, neither of you were in Skyloft anymore, and not even on the surface you both were familiar with. And not even THAT long after he defeated Demise, he was ripped apart from all he knew, somehow trailing also you along. But that is a story for another time. 
“(Y/N)?” you heard a soft voice calling for you, jolting you away from your preoccupations. It was him, right outside the door. 
“Oh, hey,” you said absentmindedly. 
"Hey," Link replied, with the warmest smile that always seemed to put you at ease.
You couldn't help but admire how he had a knack for making even the most awkward situations feel comfortable. The atmosphere in the practice room seemed to shift as he walked in, a warm and pleasant energy filling the space.
He glanced at your violin and chuckled softly. "Having a bit of trouble?"
You nodded, still lost in thought. Of course, at this point he knew when and why you would switch to constant pizzicato. "Yeah, it's just not coming out the way I want it to. I can't seem to concentrate,”
Link took a seat nearby, his sky-blue eyes focused on your instrument. "Maybe you need a break,“ he seemed hesitant to continue to his next sentence, but regardless, he spoke up. “How about that duet we talked about a while ago? It might help you relax perhaps."
You perked up at the idea. "Oh, right! Yes, of course… Uhm… “ Your left hand was feeling quite tired at this point, since you pressed on the initial joint way too much. Probably you messed up the technique between the sea of distractions you had. His presence was not helping. 
He felt as if he said something wrong, from your reaction and suddenly his body language shifted to nervousness. 
“Uh, it’s okay if you don’t feel like it right now,” he said, slowly starting to rise from the seat he took. A sudden panic took over you, that’s not what you meant!
“No, no! I want to!” you said, your voice was a bit of a higher pitch than you expected. “I just had enough of my instrument right now,” you raised the violin, holding it with two hands upside down, pretending as if you are about to crush it on the floor, making a chuckle escape from Link. 
“But you know what, I've always wanted to try the harp a little, never had the chance," you said, but then bit your lip. You weren’t sure if he would let you touch it at all, since it was a gift from his precious Zelda. “But it’s okay if-”
A faint smile touched Link's lips as he interrupted you "Well, today's your lucky day. I can show you the basics if you'd like."
You felt a surge of excitement as you nodded eagerly. "I'd love that!"
He got up and led over to the harp in another practice room, its elegant strings shimmering in the soft light of the room. You joined him, your curiosity piqued as he explained the fundamentals, his hands gently guiding yours to pluck the strings, as he made you sit down in front of it. It was a beautiful pedal harp. He also pulled another stool near yours, though he would sometimes lift himself a bit up from it to show you the technique.
“There, I already set up the pedals for you.” 
He showed you how to slightly tilt it towards your right shoulder and there was a moment awkward yet sweet, where you panicked and thought the harp was just going to crush you. Though for some reason, when you heard you don’t need to use your pinky (which was pretty much your enemy while playing the violin), you seemed to have forgotten about the 35 kg instrument that was leaning on you as you screamed “Praise Farore!”
He was used to you being goofy one moment and panicky the next. The hearty laugh he let out made your heart melt. 
“You need to have straight shoulders and a straight back, okay?” he started instructing you.
“Like that?” Apparently you were still slouching a bit, letting the instrument actually almost crush you.
He cranked a little grin, seemingly innocent as he spoke. “Let me show you again…”
As you both leaned over the harp, you couldn't help but feel a growing closeness. The gentle touch of his fingers sometimes brushing on yours accidentally sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. It was as if the basic notes you were playing together was a reflection of the unspoken connection between you.
Link continued to guide you through the basics, his breath warm against your ear as he explained each step. The sensation of his presence, so close and comforting, made your heart race. You were entirely focused on the harp, the music, and Link. Just watching his fingers pluck on those strings, sliding between them as if it had been the most natural thing he had ever done in his life, producing divine tunes... It reminded you of your dream last night instead, the dream of the sounds that he coaxed out of you, as he played idly with the strings of your thong while he was on top of you, his tongue trailing your neck. A soft blush was creeping through your cheeks. You weren’t going to learn anything if this kept on.
“(Y/N)? You there? You gotta have your thumb up, okay?” you were once again jolted back to reality. You were glad he didn’t have a direct view of your face, but he must have still noticed how absentminded you looked. Shit, you didn’t want to be disrespectful, you were enjoying this. Though you couldn’t deny that your fingers were hurting…
“Y-yes, sorry, can you show me the last part again, please?” 
Unintentionally, as he leaned in to show you a particular technique, his chest brushed against your back, and his arms wrapped around you, cradling yours as his hands rested on the strings. There was a little pause. Your breath was stuck on your throat.
“You have to sit a little bit more upright, like this,” he broke the silence which felt like an eternity. He was still so close to your ear. His right hand pressed gently on your lower back and his left hand was pressed in the opposite direction on your bust, as he gently guided you back into the correct posture. It was a motion which should have just fixed your slouch, yet his hand was lingering a little bit too long on the front. 
“And relax your shoulders… It should only be your elbow that’s moving…”
You both froze for a moment, feeling the sudden closeness. His heart thudded against your back, mirroring the rhythm of yours.
"Sorry," he murmured, pulling back slightly. "I didn't mean to..."
Despite his innocent tone, you had a gut feeling that it was almost entirely deliberate.
You turned back to him, still close but within a respectable distance, and your gazes locked. You could see pink creeping up on his cheeks, if only slightly. You just wanted to make sure.
“It’s okay,” you softly spoke, your gaze lingering between his full lips and his cerulean eyes. 
That was most likely the sentence he needed to hear.
He noticed that you bit your lip as your eyes darted between one spot and the other. It almost felt as if he was holding back a smirk, yet he was still careful and polite with his reactions. Noticing the stray hair threatening to dangle in front of your face, he gently tucked it away behind your ear. As his fingers grazed your cheek, you marveled at the sheer willpower it took to stifle a gasp.
Was he sitting a bit closer now? And what was that look?
Now to think of it, did he ever need to sit right behind you like this to teach the instrument anyway?
His hand was still on your cheek, lingering a bit longer than necessary.
Witnessing his gradually fading ability to conceal his response, you suddenly felt bold.
You scooted even closer, he was almost pulling his hand back, but you put your hand on it decisively, feeling the warmth of his hand over your cheek. 
In the next moment, what parted was not the distance between, but your lips instead as the gap between you closed with a soft kiss. 
As your lips met, even though it was a gentle, feather-light touch, you could feel his lust through it, the sensation tender yet hungry. You instinctively moved your hands towards the nape of his neck, as he still held your cheek. 
But he stopped you, moved your hands away and held them on your lap, and grinning into the almost broken kiss the entire time. You were slightly taken aback. 
He was still staring at your lips while you were trying to still process what just happened. You were wondering how he was able to even break the kiss like that, second guessing your decision. Screaming and panicking inside.
He cleared his throat and composed himself, looking all serious suddenly once more. You could also see he was all red, and you could swear his heart was beating almost as fast as yours. Your almost trembling lips made an “O” shape to almost say something.
“Shall we continue?” He interrupted you, with a professional tone. He didn’t even wait for your reply, he stood up and pulled the older stool away. Instead, he got another chair, and moved it adjacent to your stool.
Directly behind. 
“Turn around?” He spoke in a tone that sent a warm feeling towards your center. 
Oh Gods. So that’s what we are doing? Okay…
“Let’s continue from this part here, can you try strumming again as I showed you?”
“Alright…” you were finally able to get a word out. He sat down on the chair, and his body was in direct contact with yours. So warm… You weren’t sure whether or not it was your heartbeat or his that you were feeling. You gulped.
You tried to strum for dear life, but it didn’t even sound like you were able to get a proper sound out. His mouth was so near your ear as he was humming the basic rhythm you were supposed to practice in, his arms were now resting on your lap as he rounded them around your waist. How did you end up here? The nerves were going to be the end of you.
“Nuh-uh, not like that, just relax… okay?” he said as he snaked his fingers away and this time put them on each of your arms and gently caressed them as he kept speaking to your ear, making them come back to your lap.
“Relax your arms a little bit, I mean…” 
He then guided your hands once again to the harp, his fingers brushing against the back of your hand on it. 
“Like that?” you asked, looking for some feedback as your voice trembled a bit.
“Mm-hmm, keep playing” he whispered to the tip of your ear again, as he moved his hands back towards your waist, his fingers trailing down towards your thighs, making little circles on them as he went nearer and nearer towards your center. 
Though your initial reaction was to freeze, his words and actions were also helping you at least to relax your posture, though he wasn’t letting you break the form either, pressing himself onto your back each time you dared to slouch. 
“Like this?” You pressed back as you spoke like a whimper, feeling something growing, making contact with your bottom, feeling his, and perhaps your own heartbeat rising even more. A silent low groan escaped from his lips without him intending to, in which you had the honor of being the “first ear” audience. 
You really wanted to rub your legs together, because an itch that can only be scratched a particular way was also growing. You couldn’t, lest you break form.
His hand slowly lifted the hem of your tunic dress a bit further, since it was already a bit up from the way you were sitting. Your legs were already spread to accommodate a proper position with the big pedal harp, after all. 
You didn’t make a peep.
He put chin on your shoulder, right next to your head, as his hand snaked down under the dress a bit more, and he kept speaking with that low, almost growling tone.
“There is one more thing I want to show you, if that’s okay?” spoken so innocently like a whisper, with only a tinge of mischief in his tone. 
“Y-yeah?” you barely got out.
He spoke so virtuously, indeed. Almost as if his hand wasn’t exactly on your underwear, making light circles over it with his feather-like touch that sent all your nerves screaming. Screaming for more contact, more pressure.
He could absolutely feel how swollen you were under the cotton-fabric as his fingers traced over it. And you could feel his breath also quickening, becoming more uneven yet more and more in sync with yours. 
His lips were trailing your neck and his other hand found and grabbed one of your breasts, caressing it through your dress. Those full lips, oh Goddesses, they felt so good even on your neck as they moved from one sensitive spot to another. 
Especially when he pressed you to himself, as he held you from one breast with his left hand, and grabbed you from your throbbing center with his right. 
You were still holding back that moan, desperately trying to pluck on the strings, thinking this magical moment could end the moment you stopped.
Oh your fingers were going to totally blister later, you did have some calluses on your fingers, but there was no way you could have the ones that a harpist would have. 
But as he trailed his calloused hand slowly up to your stomach and then back down, this time sliding his hand into your underwear and directly on the bundle of nerves that you desperately needed contact on… There was almost no more fight left in you. The harp was pressing on to his hand and his hand was pressing on your clit.
You let out a relieved sigh. The way his fingers callused, it felt even better than you expected.
But his hand wasn’t moving. 
“Mmmm… Very good, keep going, pluck the G string, make sure your wrist is slightly bent in…” he urged you to still try to play the fucking harp with that sultry tone. Each time you tried to pluck the harp, you were feeling even the subtlest vibration from the big instrument. 
Your heart was in your ears, all your blood was rushing south, you were instinctively trying to move from where you are sitting, just to get more pressure, more movement. He was merciful for a moment, his middle and ring finger did a couple of circling motions exactly where and how  you needed it. That was it, you did let out that moan. You could hear him lightly chuckling. 
He continued his instructions however. “Now, spread your legs a little bit more… for me?” There was a tiny bit of hesitation on the last part, as if he wanted to make sure once again that it’s alright to continue. How could you deny his request, when he had you right where you wanted him to? You could of course only oblige. His soft yet almost demanding voice left you hypnotized. 
As you spread your legs a little bit more, he pulled the chair a bit more back, along with you, and created a bit of a distance between you two and the harp. You could feel his dick pressing on you even more with each movement. You were surprised at his self constraint. From your point of view, he should have just taken you. 
“Link…” you spoke his name almost as if you were begging. The way you said his name definitely had an effect on him. But he shushed you. Though you could hear him gulp. Gods… How did he end up with his hand on your wet sex?
“Sssh, we are here for a lesson, aren’t we?” he whispered to your ear again. He took his hand from inside your underwear and brought his middle finger near your mouth. 
“Lick it.” he said firmly this time, with no hesitation. He was focused on his goal. You took his finger between your lips as if it was some other body part of him, and you made sure to make him understand that with the way you licked the tip and sucked the whole finger in, you gave him the full show, as much as you could. 
“Very good,” he almost hissed to your ear, nibbling on your earlobe just a little bit. His now wet finger went back down to where it was, this time back of his hand raising your underwear like a tent.
“Now… Here is another technique…” he said with a dark tone. His middle finger slid down, feeling almost proud after noticing how wet you are, and dipped it inside you just briefly, and brushed it up and down all over your sex, especially focusing on your clit. You gasped. With his index and ring fingers, he pulled the skin over your clit only a tiny bit up, keeping the hood intact. As his fingers were holding your clit in a place he wanted, he plucked on the tip of your slippery clitoral hood with his middle finger, slick with your juices.
“Ah…” was the only sound you could get out. As you pressed and pushed yourself to him after each of his plucks, his other hand on your breast would sometimes pinch your nipple. His kisses on your neck would get momentarily rougher. He would gently bite your ear lobes. He would make sure to dip his finger into you (sometimes two or three), to make sure everything stayed perfectly wet. As moments passed, the plucks became teasing presses, and then finally became proper rubs.  
“You are doing so well for me…” he would whisper sometimes, as your breath hitched, chasing your high, trying to adjust yourself on his fingers.
You just drank the essence of his tone in, because at that point the only thing you knew was that he was determined to make you cream his fingers. He couldn’t know what you exactly liked, but he was sure able to ask for it in the perfect way.
“You like it here…” he would ask, moving his middle and index finger to spot, “...or there?” he would ask again, moving them into a bit more direct contact instead. As your orgasm built up, the way you wanted him to touch you also changed.
Once he made you jump because he touched it too directly. “Oops…” he said as he peppered your neck with kisses, as if each one said “sorry”. He kept massaging that one breast again, and you helped him move his hand into a position you liked before.
Your panties were already gone at that point.
“More…ah… pressure…” you moaned between your pants. 
He could only do as you said. 
Oh his touch was magic.
But the fact that he listened and obliged turned you on as much as the way he was able to pluck his way through your center. 
Your legs were shuddering and shaking as he kept rubbing your clit exactly as you wanted, sometimes his fingers dipping in and out between your slick folds. 
“Yes, Oh Gods, Link…” you were so close, SO close. 
“Mmm-hm…” you could hear he was also getting impatient. His breath was still on your neck, his other hand was under your tunic just kneading your breast roughly as he liked, he started whispering things to your ears that you would have never thought could come from that innocent looking Link. 
“Let go for me (Y/N)... Come for me.” he would keep whispering in repeat as you were on the last leg to your climax.
“Show me how you come… Come on you beautiful thing…” It felt like he would say anything to coax you into your release. Then you’ll be all ready for me.. He also thought but didn’t say out loud yet.
The tight feeling that had been building in your stomach, the one that made your legs and body tremble, was finally about to reach its crescendo. 
You were whimpering his name between the continuous mumbles and mewls of “Please” and “Keep going”. 
With the last flick of his finger on your clit, he pinched a nipple with the other and sucked on your earlobe with his plump and gorgeous lips, while trying to hold you back from falling down. You reached your limit.
“Good girl…” he purred into your ear. 
It all crashed as the sweet sweet embrace of the overstimulation and orgasm washed over you as your insides contracted, you felt like an arrow getting released from a tight strung bow. You saw white.
As he noticed your sensitivity, Link pulled his hand away from there. You turned and straddled him, as you were still panting from your post orgasm bliss, and pulled him into a deep, open mouthed kiss. Not letting him speak. 
Determined the devour the soft plump lips you always adored,
But Link? He wasn’t done yet.
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