#he's ranting and if he was embarrassed by it that would be a softer embarrassment than usual
yuri-is-online · 6 months
RESIDENT ACE STAN HERE AND QKJFIWKFKWKDNNF IM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH 😭🩷 that being the closest confession you'll from him is so ??? You being a part, a staple even, of his life?? That's not even a confession thats a proposal basically (im delulu) i love him so much and i love the way you write him !! Like my ur my actual fave ace writer here im 🩷🩷🩷
*cradles this ask gently in my hands* I love you so much annon thank you TᴖT
“You can be a part of that life too you know?!” It’s not the closest to a confession you’ve ever gotten from Ace, but it’s certainly the loudest.
See just saying Ace wants you to be a part of his life isn't really anything new. More explicit than "it'll be easier to take care of a certain magicless someone" sure but you could brush that off. But when Ace gets worked up about something he starts talking. And he tends to tell the truth when he does. So that's why I had him go on that little rant he does, he loves Yuu so much he wants to make sure they're taken care of, if that meant going home then he had to let you go... but now that it means you have to stay that means he has to make sure you know in no uncertain terms you're not alone. You have someone who cares about you more than he fully understands. It drives him crazy so he says what he thinks can be passed off as normal friend stuff (who wouldn't be there for their bros???) but the way he says it makes it clear about how he feels. It is sort of a proposal in a way, he doesn't see a day of his future without you in it but well. Ace can be a bit stupid sometimes. I don't think he fully realizes the implications of what he's suggesting... he just wants to live in the same house as you, go on long walks, maybe do some fun stuff every once in a while (without anyone else but he just says Deuce because he's easy to make fun of), and hey in order to do that he's got to do boring stuff too. He liked going grocery shopping with you, how lame.
You really have always had me.
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
Sweet Nothing
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Spencer Reid x Fem Reader
Summary: Penelope made a friend on the internet over covid who just so happens to live in the same town Dr. Reid just got a new job... and playing Cupid is her favourite thing in the world
Warnings: strangers to lovers, meet cute, 40-year-old virgin Spencer, Virgin reader (late 20's/early 30's), picnics, food mention, lots of Taylor Swift references, first times, Spencer is on anti-depressants, oral sex fem receiving, multiple positions, multiple orgasms, sweet sex, lots of communication
Word Count: 12.6
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Making friends on the internet was never easy… it always came with its own set of unique difficulties. People lie, anyone could be secretly crazy and when actions don’t really have consequences on the web, they can get crazier. 
That being said, Y/N has recently made a wonderful friend in a woman named Penelope. 
Penelope’s Tumblr page was pretty normal, very pink and vibrant and happy, but normal nonetheless. She’s in her early 40s, an internet veteran, an ex-employee at the FBI and known for creating a brand new, very safe, social media platform for young people. She was very easy to trust, very forward and easy to open up to as well, which made the two of them bond instantly. 
And despite the age difference and the long distance, Y/N would consider Penelope to be her best friend. 
She knew everything about her from her favourite colour to her hope and dreams and favourite singer… and also the fact she was a virgin well into her adult life and dying to get out there. They’ve spent most of their friendship discussing their equally awful dating lives, would-be lovers and almost hookups. Both women have tried time and time again to find love, however, nothing ever seemed to work out… until the day Penelope got an idea. 
“I have a friend…” Penelope leads, something sinister in her eyes. “And he’s single and pretty cute, too…” 
“Do you have a crush?” Y/N lights up thinking this is a happy moment for Penelope. “Oh my god, Penny tell me all about him!!”
“Well, no, actually… I want to set you up with him,” she explains further, in a much softer tone. “He’s so soft and sweet and a few years younger than me… and still a virgin.” 
Her eyes grow impossibly wide and her jaw drops momentarily, “you’re kidding?”
“Wow,” she takes a moment to soak it all in. She sits back in her chair and lets her shoulders drop as she thinks about it. And for once, Penelope is quiet too. “How much older than me is he?” 
“He’s 41… which I know it’s a lot older than you but he’s what you’re looking for and you’d be so perfect for him. He’s so wonderful and he’s waited for so long to find someone who wouldn’t judge him and I know you’d love everything about him if I told you everything but I want you to meet him and find out for yourself… sorry, that was a lot.” 
“No, no, that’s okay,” she actually loved when Penelope went on little rants like that. “I just don’t really have the funds to fly to Virginia right now—
“That’s another reason why he’s perfect for you, he’s moving to Reno next week!!!” Penelope can’t help but shake her hands with excitement while her voice raises at least a pitch if not 3. 
“Is this the same friend who’s already from Nevada?” Her eyes light right up like a cat staring at a laser… she’s seen photos on Penelope’s personal Facebook, everything from selfies in new glasses to the parties with friends  and throwbacks from working at the FBI… “doctor what’s-his-name?” 
“Spencer, yeah oh my god? I can’t believe you remember him?” Penelope asks and she just shrugs, “See, this is why you’re perfect for Spencer, he talks a lot like I do, only about much smarter things but you’d be able to keep up.” 
“I’d love that, actually,” she swoons, feeling slightly embarrassed about how the possibility of having a boyfriend makes her so giddy. “I’d love to listen to someone talk about what they love and just sit there and look at them…” 
“Perfect, I tell you! Perfect!!” Penelope exaggerates, “he’s moving in a few days but all his things are already there. The department paid for his relocation and everything, I’m so surprised he actually decided to go this time, he’s been thinking about it forever.” 
“Ask him if he wants some help unpacking when he does get here and I’d love to give him a hand,” she agrees fully, taking a leap of faith and seeing where this could go without the fear of the unknown weighing her down. 
She shows up at Spencer's apartment 2 days after he arrives in Reno, a bottle of Welcome to the Neighbourhood sparkling cider and an assortment of muffins in her arms, thinking it would be quick and easy for him to take the muffins to work over the next few days, unlike a flower arrangement he didn’t need taking up space in his downsized apartment. 
She takes a deep breath before she knocks, her knuckles are barely off the door when he opens it. She barely has a moment to prepare before she’s smacked with the realization that this man is very handsome and incredibly smart… and so, so intimidating. 
“Hi,” he smiles at her. “Is that— you didn’t need to bring anything?” 
She looks down at the basket she’s holding and then back up to see those beautiful brown eyes, “I know… sorry, um, Hi, welcome to the neighbourhood,” she hands him the basket with the best smile she can muster, slightly embarrassed to be so flustered by the mere sight of him. 
“Thank you, come in,” he steps out of the doorway so she could walk in, he steps away from the door completely and sets the basket on a moving box. “Sorry, it’s a mess, the movers just put the boxes wherever they wanted, so I’ve been reorganizing where they were supposed to go,” Spencer explains, gesturing to the room around them. 
“It’s okay, that’s why I’m here,” she’s cheery as she shuts the door and starts to take her coat off. “Can I just leave this over here?” 
“Yeah, actually—“ he reaches for the closet door, “I found the box with hangers first so you could hang your coat when you got here.” 
“She said you were a genius,” Y/N teases, holding her coat up so he could slip the hanger inside and hang it on the bar. She sets her purse down inside the closet too, just for safekeeping. 
“I hope she hasn’t talked me up too much,” he’s honest with his fears. “I’m afraid I’m actually quite average, maybe tilted towards the strange side…” 
She gives him another smile, but ultimately shakes her head, “Don’t worry, she didn’t tell me anything really personal. I only really know about you from stories she’s told me about her old job, but nothing in detail… I was just starting to get to know her when you were hospitalized before the pandemic and she was by your side a bunch so she wasn’t online and I was actually worried something happened to her 'cause she’s never that quiet.” 
“Oh, yeah, that was awful,” he agrees, pressing his lips together awkwardly while he thinks about it. But then he takes a deep breath and his shoulders drop. “So I was thinking we could start in the kitchen? I’ve found most of the boxes.” 
“Yeah, lead the way,” she says, following him through the front room to the living room that was connected to the kitchen by means of an archway. “Oh wow,” she muses aloud, “this is going to be nice to decorate…” 
“You think?” He looks a mix of worried and confused, “I have no idea what to do with the place.” 
“I’m sure once we start taking out all your things we’ll figure something out,” she knows she can make a room out of anything, it's how she decorates her classroom each September. Just with sheer will and pure hope.
“I had to downsize a lot to come here, I donated most of my books so I wouldn’t cost the department a fortune moving them out, but I still have a lot,” he shares, both proud and a little embarrassed that 50% of his boxes are for books. “I don’t have many personal things or decorations… I honestly wasn’t in my last place enough to make it feel homey.” 
“You’ll be here often, though, right?” She asks, selfishly, she can already see them becoming somewhat good friends and she wants to be able to see him regularly. 
He nods, “Yeah, I’m going to be working with the sex crimes unit, 9 to 5 every day unless there’s a big case,” he explains. “Like human trafficking or a pedophile ring or something, but I doubt I’ll see an overwhelming number of those right now, it’ll be nice to downsize to just a city instead of dealing with the entirety of The United States.”
“I have 4 different groups of teenagers that I teach, which is like 120 kids alone, I can’t imagine being principal and having a thousand kids to watch out for,” she can relate it back. “I’m sure this will be less stressful for you… still awful sometimes but—
“But I’m good with stress,” he assures her. “Especially this kind of stress. You know, when I first started at the BAU I had a co worker who transferred over from sex crimes in New York, she actually had a great time cause she got to kick some creeps ass every now and then.” 
“Oh that’s cool, I guess,” she tries not to be jealous, knowing he’s probably had lots of meaningful relationships with women throughout his life, but that’s not going to stop him from getting to know her. 
She grabs a box that says mugs and lifts it to the edge of the counter island instead of dwelling on these bubbling feelings for who is essentially, a stranger. “Which cupboard did you want the mugs to go in?” 
“Uh,” he gets nervous then. “I have about 3 boxes of mugs… so wherever they fit?” 
“Sounds good,” she can’t help but smile, it was cute. “Do you like to collect them or something?” 
“Kinda,” he reaches into his pocket and takes out an exacto-knife, handing it to her so she can open the cardboard box. She pushes the knife out of its plastic sheath and starts to cut along the tape seam. 
The first mug she pulls out is a pink octopus, “oh, this is so cute?” 
“That’s Mildred,” he can’t help but smile, “I got that from Penelope on her last day at work.” 
“Oh,” she holds it to her chest in a sweet hug. “I can’t wait for her to come and visit, I just know she gives amazing hugs.” 
“Actually, she hugged me before I left and said that I was supposed to pass it along to you at some point…” he looks at her softly, slightly terrified. “Which is strange 'cause she knows I don’t like touching and we’ve never met before but for some reason, she knew I’d still want to hug you upon meeting you…” 
She can’t help but laugh, placing the mug down on the counter, “is that an invitation?” 
He nods, opening his arms and allowing her to step into his space. She wraps her arms around his middle and holds him close, feeling his large hands on her shoulder and upper back, his thumb lightly caressing the fabric of her shirt. 
She stays there in the hug for a moment and then pulls back, “I’ll be sure to tell her that you passed that along.” 
“Good,” he’s smiling like an idiot, bright red and flustered, falling head over heels for her already. 
At least, the little voice in her head thinks so. Making her smile back at him with the same giddy hopefulness that she’s longed for most of her life. 
He feels like the most awkward person in the whole fucking world. Hiding away in the living room to unbox something alone and give himself a moment of anxiety without having to play it cool in front of her any longer. 
She’s pretty, she’s nice, she smells like honey and happiness and new beginnings… Penelope raved about her for days when she heard he was moving to Reno and now he can see why. 
Y/N is amazing… it’s almost too good to be true.
She’s in his kitchen humming while she unpacks box after box of his dishes, moving around his new space like she was always meant to be here too. Like she’s a ghost or an extra piece of the pre-furnished listing. Like it was hers first. 
He can’t quite place what song it is that she’s humming, but it’s nice. He wanders over to the archway and leans against it, watching her in admiration as she slides some more mugs to the back of a shelf. He knows he wants to ask her out for real. Not just as friends, not just for help or convenience but because his aura is drawn to hers and the colour they could make together has never been made before. 
When she turns around to grab another mug she’s startled by his presence in the doorway, “gosh,” she gasps and places her hand on her chest to get over the initial shock. “What the heck, Spencer?” 
“Sorry, it’s just…” he licks his lips and thinks it over before saying it, “It’s so nice to have you here… it feels right.” 
“Oh,” she softens, he can see a weight lift off her shoulders and her eyes glimmer under the lights. “Thank you, thats the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me?” 
“Would you want to go on a real date, tomorrow?” He can’t help but ask. “I know Penelope was hoping for us to date and I hate that she’s always right but, I would really like to go on a date with you.” 
“Yeah, absolutely,” she makes her way around the counter and over to be closer to him. “I’d love that, what do you want to do?” 
“Um,” he really didn’t think that far ahead… “can I surprise you?” 
“Sure,” she gives him the sweetest, most hopeful smile that makes his heart swell. 
“Is there anything you don’t like? Or are allergic to? Anything I should avoid?” He can’t help but ask. The last thing he wants is to surprise her with something that makes her distance herself from him. It’s happened too many times before. 
She shakes her head, “not that I can think of?” 
“Okay,” he smiles at her, stepping into her space more. “I found my Alexa that Penelope got me years ago, did you want me to put on that song you were humming?” 
She looks like a dear in the headlights, she clearly forgot he could hear her when she was humming. “Oh, um… no? I don't think you’d like the song.” 
“It sounded nice when you were humming?” 
“It’s embarrassing…” 
“What is it?” 
She sighs and gives in, “Taylor Swift has this song that I listen to when I dream about the life I want and it’s been stuck in my head all day cause I’m in your kitchen… and the lyric is outside they’re pushing and shoving but you’re in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was Sweet Nothing…” 
“That’s not embarrassing,” his heart swells. “Penelope is a matchmaker, has she ever told you about all the couples she created at the FBI? She’s responsible for 5 marriages and by proxy about 10 babies.” 
“Wow,” Y/N’s a bit taken aback by that. “So you’re saying she’s like Cupid?” 
He nods, “Or she’s able to see fate's design a lot better than us.” 
“One hug? That’s all it took?” She teases him. 
“A few mugs?” He teases right back. 
“Hey, you can tell a lot about a person by what they hoard,” she bites back, trying not to smile too hard. 
He just shakes his head and backs up, headed back to the living room with her in tow. “Hey Alexa, what’s the Taylor Swift song that says you’re in the kitchen humming.” 
“That would be Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift on Midnights By Taylor Swift, released October—“ the British man's voice comes booming from the small speaker only to be cut off.
“Hey Alexa play Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift,” he orders with a smirk plastered to his face. 
“Okay, here’s Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift on Amazon Music.” 
Within the first few notes, he knows this is going to be their song. He extends his hand to her, silently asking her to dance even though he doesn’t really know how… and by design or some exquisite happenstance, she takes it. 
With one hand in hers, his other hand lands on her hip while her extra hand is placed ever so gently on his shoulder. Chest to chest, eye to eye, they smile and sway along to the flow of the tune. Her hand squeezes around his own slightly tighter, the tune matches exactly how she was humming in his own kitchen and then he hears the lyric she mentioned. 
They said the end is coming,
Everyone's up to something,
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings.
Outside, they're push and shoving,
You're in the kitchen humming,
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing.
He spins her around making her laugh as she crashes back into his chest and holds him tighter. She wraps her arm around his middle and rests her chin on his shoulder. The music is loud, but his thoughts are louder. He wants everything this song mentions but with her. Only her. And it’s been only an hour and a bit that he’s known her. He doesn’t even really know her but he craves to. 
“Do you write poems?” He asks after the song mentions them. 
She shakes her head, “no, but I know you read a lot of them… do you write them too?” 
He nods, “Sometimes… maybe I’ll make you one.” 
“I’ll probably cry,” she admits. 
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors
And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other
And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more"
To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it
She is soft-hearted. She’s sweet and kind and wonderful, too. She tilts her head to the side to rest against his own. Now cheek to cheek, he lets out a deep breath he didn’t even know he was holding. She hums along to the song, just soft enough for him to hear, not quite on key, but it’s endearing. 
They’re quiet for the rest of the song and keep swaying, knowing it’s going to end soon and they’re going to have to pull away. They don’t want to… luckily the song is on a loop. It starts right back up and so they don’t pull away. 
His place is still a mess when he gets ready to leave the next morning. After their dance, she knew she wouldn’t be able to focus on unpacking and he knew he’d be too tempted to hold her all night long… so she went home. He helped her into her coat, he hugged her goodbye and she left, taking a piece of his heart with her. 
He’s not as used to Reno as he was with DC, but one look at the map and he was able to find the grocery store quite easily. He walks there because he opted not to bring his shitty car with him. He sold it with the promise of looking for a new one here in Nevada, but it was actually a lot nicer to walk in a sunny place like this. And on days when it’s not as nice, taxis exist for a reason. He really didn’t need a car, anymore. 
He didn’t realize how much he missed Nevada until now. 
He spent a lot of last night thinking about what he wanted to do for their date and came up with the splendid idea of a picnic. The first thing he did was call Penelope, it wasn’t too late for her back in DC, so he didn’t feel too bad, but he had to ask her some questions. He wanted everything to be perfect. She talked his ear off and then gave him an extensive list of the things she knows Y/N likes from past conversations, it turns out they’ve spent a bit of time talking about snack foods and it was finally coming in handy. 
He comes back to his newly unpacked kitchen with bags of groceries, he prepares sandwiches on croissants and cuts up cheese and puts them on toothpicks with fancy slivers of meat… and he bought some new Tupperware so the meats and cheese can be in one and the fruit he bought can be in another. He bought her favourite drinks and some cute disposable cups to put them in because he didn’t have anything other than coffee mugs, which he was sure she wouldn’t mind, but he did. 
He wanted this to be perfect for her. 
All while he was packing their picnic basket, he listened to Taylor’s music, thanks to Penelope he had a playlist of her favourites to get himself caught up on them and ended up liking most of them himself. Especially one called Maroon. The lyrics are so powerfully written and wondrously sung, it’s as if a heart-stopping novel was put to music and all told within 3 minutes and 38 seconds. Taylor Swift is a genius, that much her lover got right in sweet nothing. What a mind, indeed. 
Just a little past her apartment, there is a little park with a lovely field of flowers beside it. It’s a perfect spot for a picnic, so once he’s finished packing their picnic, he sets off on a walk to her apartment, thinking a walk to the park together would only add to the ambiance of the day. 
He makes it to her place a little before 11, like he told her he would, and spends a few seconds in the hallway to catch his breath and fix his hair before he knocks. And when he does knock, it’s 3 times and he hits the wood pretty hard with his knuckles. Inside, it’s pretty quiet and then he hears her call out, “Just a sec!!”
He waits patiently for a minute or two and then she wipes the door open while putting in an earring, “Sorry, I didn’t realize what time it was.”
She’s breathtaking. She’s all dolled up and it’s all for him. He can’t believe it. 
“That’s okay,” he manages to breathe out, leaving his mouth hung open as he stares. 
She just smirks and reaches out for him, touching his chin and redirecting his jaw closed. “You don’t want to catch flies…” 
He blushes, uncontrollably, and bows his head, bashful as ever. “Sorry, you just look beautiful… I’m not used to someone getting all dolled up for me.” 
She lets out a huff of breath through her nose, settling all her nerves, her shoulders drop and she stares at him like he’s the only man in the whole world. “You’re so sweet, I almost can’t believe you’re real.” 
“That feeling is mutual,” he assures her. 
She finally looks down at his hands to see him holding a picnic basket. “Oh my god, are we going to have a picnic?” She lights right up. 
He nods, “is that okay?” 
“Okay? It’s perfect, Spencer!” She’s so excited and it’s real. She’s not playing it up or anything. She’s genuinely over the moon. “Let me just put on my shoes and grab my purse, you can wait in here.” 
“Okay,” he steps inside and closes the door behind himself as she runs off into he bedroom.  
It’s a small apartment. Her bedroom and bathroom are separate rooms, but the kitchen, living room and the washer and dryer are all exposed. She has it set up really nicely, it’s warm and inviting and happy and he could see himself making a home on her couch in the upcoming weeks of getting to know her. He couldn’t wait to learn about her favourite shows and movies and books. He wanted to hear all about her family and friends and co-workers, even her favourite students and the ones who irked her. He wanted to hear about it all. He wants to know her favourite colour and how she likes her pizza and her pasta and what her favourite baked good is. There’s an endless amount of personal things that he can learn, and he wants to know it all. He wants to love it all, too. 
When she returns, she has her shoes on, her purse over her shoulder and a blanket draped over her forearm. “I don’t want to sit on the grass, and I didn’t think you fit a blanket in there…” 
“Oh, shoot,” he looks down at the basket and realizes that was the one thing he forgot. “Yeah, we’re going to need that.” 
“Thought so,” she smirks. She walks back over to the door and grabs her keys, “anything else you need?” 
“Just you,” he replies without thinking it over. 
“Stop being so sweet,” she nudges him, staring up at him like he hung the stars, himself. 
“Or else?” He teases. It’s remarkable how easy it is with her. It just flows out of him like the script was already written between them. 
She steps even closer into his space, “you get a kiss for every compliment,” she says, standing on her tip-toes, she presses her lips to his cheek for 1, 2, 3 seconds of pure bliss. 
She drops back down to her normal height, a smirk plastered to her face, proud of the lipstick stain that’s almost as red as his blushing cheek. She reaches up to wipe it off but he pulls back, “don’t…” he’s adamant. “I want everyone to know you’re mine if you’re going out looking this beautiful beside me.” 
“Okay then.” 
Like a real man, Spencer insists on standing closer to the road as they walk along the sidewalk. A few moments into their walk, he transitions the basket to his right side so that his hand that’s closest to her is free and she notices it right away. She has draped the blanket over her left arm, leaving her right hand free… all but begging him to take it. But he’s shy and quiet and he doesn’t know how to just do it. 
So she does. 
She takes his hand in hers and interlocks their fingers, smiling up at him as they keep going forward, “have you ever been to this park?” 
He shakes his head, “No… is it nice? The reviews online said it’s clean and there isn’t a lot of illegal activity there.” 
She can’t help but laugh, “Yeah, it’s a nice park. Sometimes I hit up the bookstore down here and then I go read in the park. It’s nice in the summer when I have a week off between my regular job at the school and my summer job.” 
“Summer job?” 
She nods, “Mhm, you know, 'cause I only work at the high school when school is in session and I don’t make enough to take two whole months off so each summer I take a new job. Like last summer I worked at a daycare but the summer before that I was at a ladies' clothing store a few streets over.” 
“What are you going to do this summer?” He asks, intrigued. 
“I’m not sure yet… I’m still friends with some of the girls at the daycare so I might go back, but honestly, I’m also thinking of putting in my application for summer school and I might tutor some of the kids that need help graduating,” she explains. “Cause I know how hard it is to try your best and still just not get it. They shouldn’t be punished for having a hard time.” 
“You sound like a wonderful teacher, I’m sure they’d really like to have you in the summer, too,” Spencer compliments. “I was always closest to the kids that didn’t do very well in school. It’s not that I pitted them or felt like I could improve them, I just liked who they were as people, more.”
“They’re lovely kids, they just get pushed to the side because they either learn differently or they can’t do the work at home for whatever reason. And they shouldn’t be punished for that, it’s not their fault that most kids nowadays have to work to help their families or become a second parent to help their younger siblings. They barely have the time to take care of themselves let alone do 5 hours of homework a night,” she rants, “I genuinely hate how the school system is currently.” 
“My nephew is in high school currently and he isn’t having the best time,” Spencer shares. “He calls me for help on his math homework sometimes and it always floors me that even if he got to the right answer, if he didn’t follow the exact formula that the teacher uses then he gets a 0. There are many different ways to solve an equation, and as long as he shows his work it should count.” 
“Exactly!” She raises her voice a little and startles a lady passing them. “It’s frustrating to watch them struggle with shit they’ll never use again unless they’re going into a math-dominated field. It’s not fair.” 
“More kids need a teacher like you,” Spencer says, giving her hand a little squeeze. 
“Why, thank you,” she gleams. “If we weren’t in the middle of the walkway I’d kiss you again…”
“The books store is just up here, you can kiss me in the aisles… if you really want to?” he kids, but not really. She can tell he wants another kiss from her. 
So she drags him into the bookstore, they tell the worker that they’re just looking and perusing the store, calling out the titles they know and rating the backs of the ones that seem interesting until they’re in the back aisle. She turns to him with a smirk, “Are you gonna make me stand on my tip-toes every time, bean sprout?” 
He smirks and places the picnic basket down on the floor so his hands are free, “I could just kiss you, instead, you know?” 
“You wouldn’t be so bold?” She tempts, secretly hoping he will. 
He tentatively reaches out, placing his beautifully soft hand on her cheek and caressing her skin with his thumb before he starts to lean in. She closes her eyes in anticipation, just mere seconds before their lips touch and like the big bang, universes were created in the pitch-black darkness behind her eyelids. Colours she’s never seen before, feelings she’s only read on pages that surround them, and a warmth in her chest that seems so foreign… yet so right. 
He goes to pull away and she leans back in, dropping the blanket in the process to kiss him again and again until his tongue slips past her lips and it's more than just a kiss. It’s the start of something beautiful. Something more than Penelope ever thought possible when her two friends ended up in the same town at the same time. 
They’re brought out of the moment by the sound of a woman clearing her throat, “You actually have to buy something you can’t just make out back here.” 
“Sorry, sorry.”
“I’m so sorry!”
The two of them rush out with equally guilty mugs. She grabs the first book she see’s, “We’ll take this.” 
“I’ll meet you at the register,” the keeper replies rather snidely and over it as she walks away. 
Looking down at the book, it’s a poetry book by an author she’s never heard of before. “You know this one?” 
Spencer shakes his head, “surprisingly, no.” 
She picks up the blanket again, he grabs the basket and the two of them slowly make their way towards the cash. “Sorry, again,” Y/N says, pressing her lips together awkwardly. “I don’t know where that came from, we really just wanted a book for our picnic.” 
“I’ve been in love before, I get it,” she waves it off with a growing smile. “This is a good choice… it’s only 6 dollars as well.”
“I’ve got it,” Spencer steps forward, taking his wallet out of his pocket and handing the woman two 5 dollar bills. “Do you take tips or donations?”
“Always, it keeps the lights on,” she’s happy to take the extra money, exchanging one of the 5’s for 4 1’s and placing them in a jar behind the desk. “Thank you, I hope to see you back here sometime.” 
“Definitely, I’d love to have a real look next time,” Spencer teases as Y/N takes the book. He places his hand on her back, “thank you.” 
“Have a good rest of your day,” she adds for good measure, following Spencer towards the door. 
“You too! And enjoy your picnic!” The lady calls back just before they leave. 
“God,” Y/N scolds herself, “I can’t believe that happened.” 
“Spencer just laughs, “It’s not that embarrassing… believe me, I’ve walked in on much worse.” 
“I can imagine, I mean, Penelope told me about some of your cases,” she says with the roll of her eyes. “I really don’t know how you did it for so long.” 
“Honestly, me either,” he agrees with her there. “How much do you know about me? Because she never told me much about you and I’m worried we’re not on even playing grounds…” 
“Oh, not much!” She tries to sound as believable as possible. “She basically told me you’re a genius, she loves you like a little brother and some little anecdotes like you were shot in the knee once and were on crutches for months and you wear a lot of purple which I’ve also seen in the Facebook photos she has of you… but nothing super personal.”
“Okay, that’s good then… cause she’s seen me at my worst,” Spencer admits as they make their way toward the park entrance
“She was basically big brother to you guys,” Y/N teases. 
Spencer manages to laugh, “Yeah, she was.”
The gates to the park are open, there are children running about cheering with one another while their parents sit on the benches and talk, barely watching on. They pass everyone and head right back to the grassy area behind the playground, past the soccer fields and take cover under a baby Willow tree that still has lots of growing left to do, however, she’s still big enough to cast a good amount of shade on them. 
She lays out the blanket perfectly and takes a seat while Spencer gets down on his knees, placing the picnic basket in front of himself. All while they’re still talking about Penelope. He takes out two plastic champagne flutes and hands them to her first, then he sets out the bubbly drink he got, followed by 4 Tupperware containers. “Speaking of which, I called her last night and she told me about your favourite snacks…” 
“No way?” She can’t believe it. 
He simply nods, a smirk growing, “It would seem you two love food.” 
“Well, it’s always late when we call so she’s seen a lot of my nightly snacks,” She admits. “Is that? No way…” She takes one of the containers and opens it up to find little croissant sandwiches. “You want me to fall in love with you? Don’t you?” 
He’s startled to hear it and she can’t believe she said it. It was forward and real and incredibly honest. But Spencer nods. Of course, he nods. “Yeah, I do.” 
She looks at him like that 'I do' was the big one. The most important one. And to her, it’s almost more important. “Really?” 
“I’ve spent most of my life completely alone, I’m tired… and I’m not settling, not at all, no,” he stutters out and worries he’s offended her. “I just mean, I like you, you’re wonderful already and everything I look for in a person and if you loved me I’d be the luckiest man in the world.” 
“Wow,” she can’t believe it. 
“No, no,” she reaches out, dropping the container so she could touch his knee instead, “don’t, I’m just shocked, really…” 
She nods, “Yeah, not many people have just openly told me that they like me let alone want me to love them?” 
“Me either,” Spencer admits. He’s ready to lay his whole heart bare to her. “I really want someone to love me and if that someone was you then I could die happy.” 
“Not on my watch,” she manages to smile. “My love means taking care of you. My love includes worrying and obsessing and making you entirely mine… it’s driven people away before we could even start anything real, I don’t want that to happen here.” 
“It won’t,” Spencer is quick to reply. “It can’t drive me away, it’s exactly what I want… and I want to love you just the same.” 
“You won’t have to try hard,” she teases, smiling up at him. “Come on, get comfortable, grab a sandwich and talk to me. Tell me about yourself and watch it happen.” 
“Okay,” he follows her instructions. 
He gets comfortable on the blanket, taking off his shoes so he can sit crisscross applesauce and he pours them each a glass of sparkling cider. “I’m sober,” he shares first. “I had some drug problems in my 20’s and I find if I avoid all substances, except coffee, then I won’t slip.” 
“Wise man,” she compliments. “I don’t drink either, mostly cause drinking alone is sad and I don’t like how it makes me feel.”
“And I picked this pinky one cause of the line in Paris…” Spencer admits which makes her peak right up. “You know, fake wine makes believe it’s champagne…” 
“Oh my god, you listened to Midnights?” 
He nods, “I went back to listen to Sweet Nothing and thought why not?” 
She can’t help but shake her head and smile, “That’s so cute, you have no idea how cool this is for me. No one I know really likes her, everyone acts too cool for Taylor Swift and then you come in and listen to her on your own accord? That’s— that’s everything to me, Spencer.” 
“I think she’s amazing, well, so far, at least,” he admits. “I’ve only listened to the one album but it was a great album, I particularly enjoyed Maroon.”
“Her track 2’s are always my favourite,” Y/N raves. “She saves track 5 for her personal favourites or songs that mean the most to her, like on Red there’s this one called All Too Well and it’s originally 5 minutes but on the new recording of Red it’s 10 minutes and it’s so good. It’s insanely beautiful.” 
“I can’t wait to listen to it,” he can’t help but smile. “I love listening to you talk about her, you glow.” 
“Here,” she pulls out her phone and headphones from her purse and plugs them in. “We can listen to it now if you want?” 
“Okay,” he agrees, taking an earbud and placing it in his ear while she moves closer to share the other. 
And for 10 minutes they sit there in silence, she eats her sandwich and he listens to the words with the most admiration. The hurt is palpable, the passion is gut-wrenching… he loves it and she can tell from the look on his face. He’s so focused and enthralled. She feels a warmth in her chest that she hasn’t felt before, something in this moment is what makes her really love him. She isn’t just infatuated, he isn’t just cute and nice… he’s special. 
“That was amazing—
“I never want to feel like that,” she whispers, staring at him intently. “don’t break my heart, please.” 
“I don’t plan to?” 
She lets out a deep breath she didn’t mean to hold, “I’ve never dated anyone before because I can’t go through the heartache. She made it seem so fucking awful I never want to feel it.” 
“It’s awful,” he admits, all the hurt he’s experienced comes forth, pooling behind his eyes as tears form. “I was in love only once. She died before I could tell her.”
“Oh, Spencer, I’m so sorry,” she can’t believe it. “When?” 
“In 2013.” 
“Have you been single for 10 years?” 
He nods, “Basically. I tried to date before the pandemic but she wasn’t really my type, it was more convenient so it didn’t last.” 
“This isn’t like that,” he assures. “You’re kind and beautiful and you have a normal job and you make people's lives better… you’ve made Penelope’s life better. You are sunshine—
“Do not call yourself midnight rain I will laugh,” she cuts him off, biting back a smirk.” 
“I wasn’t,” he laughs too, “but it works here, too.” 
“I’m not always sunny,” she adds, making sure he knows that. 
“That’s okay,” he’s fine with it, really. “Even on gloomy days, the sun is just behind the clouds.” 
She can’t believe he just said that. It’s so beautiful and kind and about her? It makes her just stare at him, mouth opening to say something but nothing comes out. She doesn’t know what to say. “Oh, man… I’m going to fall in love with you so quickly.” 
“Me too,” Spencer smiles, reaching out to hold her hand. He grips it tight and doesn’t break eye contact with her, “and I’m excited about it.” 
He only lives around the corner from her which means they see each other every day for the next week. They wake up at the same time, they get coffee before work, she drops him off at the police station and then she heads to the high school. After school, she goes and picks up something for dinner and he Ubers right to her apartment to eat. They talk well into the night, they listen to music, they watch documentaries and movies and they cuddle… she knows almost everything about him and he knows almost everything about her. He’s going to meet her family in the summer, hopefully, and she’s going to meet Diana in a few weeks. 
Being together is the most fun she’s ever had in her entire life. 
And while they’re not going on dates to get to know each other, they are dating and Penelope is happy about it for the most part. She’s just upset she lost her nightly chats with Y/N on Zoom. They barely even text now. 
When Penny finally does get Y/N on the phone, however, it’s on a night that Spencer has an intense case in Reno. The BAU are back in town… 3 women have died this week, all online sex workers, they never walked the streets and yet that’s where they’ve ended up. It’s heartbreaking. 
“I called him today during his break and he just sounded so defeated, it breaks my heart,” Y/N says with her hand over her chest and pleading eyes, “it’s too bad you’re not working with them again.” 
“Their new tech guy is good,” Penelope assures her, “and he’s got JJ and Luke with him so he’s fine… he’s more than fine, he’s Spencer.” 
She rolls her eyes playfully, “he is fine…” 
“You guys really like each other?” Penelope digs, she wasn’t going to pry and press too many questions but she can’t help herself. 
Y/N nods, “Yeah… I think I love him.” 
“Really?” Penelope lights right up, “Oh my god?” 
“I know! It’s been so nice, we were going to go on another date tonight but, you know, duty calls…” 
“How many have you had so far?” 
“Uh,” Y/N doesn’t really know. “Well, we unpacked boxes last Saturday and then on Sunday we went to the park and I’ve seen him every day this week…”
“I know,” Penelope pretends to be mad about it but she can’t stay fake mad for long. She loves them both too much. “I’ve missed you.” 
“I miss you too, I just like cuddles with my boyfriend more…” 
She nods, “Yeah, I think that’s what we are, I mean, we’ve already talked about what we want and he said he wants to fall in love with me so I think that makes us boyfriend and girlfriend?” 
“Spencer said that? Shy, nervous, Spencer Reid?” Penelope can’t believe it. 
She can’t help but laugh, “Yeah, I guess that’s him… I don’t know, he’s a lot less shy with me.” 
“Have you—
“No, no, not yet,” she waves her hands in front of the screen and looks panicked. “No. We haven’t even talked about it yet.” 
She shakes her head, “No… I mean, I want to and we’ve had some nice make-out sessions but we haven’t done anything more than kiss.”
“Wow,” Penelope is genuinely shocked. “I thought you would’ve jumped him by now.” 
“Hey,” she says with a cheeky smile. “I have self-control… so does he, I guess cause he hasn’t even tried to cop a feel or anything, he’s super reserved.” 
“Well yeah he’s spent 40 years being a virgin,” Penelope says without any malice, she’s just stating a fact. “He’s used to things not going there. I think you have to make the move.” 
“I was thinking that too,” she doesn’t sound excited about it. “I’m just really scared even though I know I shouldn’t be when it’s Spencer. He’s going to be very sweet and he’s already told me he thinks I’m beautiful and I feel it around him… it’s just so nerve-wracking.” 
“I was still a teenager when I had sex the first time and it was so scary, I wish I waited,” she really emphasizes Wish. “I wish I was mature and chose someone good and deserving and I wish he cared about me. But you have all those things right now, it’ll be worth it now.” 
“I know,” she tries her hardest to believe her. “I know it’ll be okay… it’s just the anticipation feels more like anxiety.”
“Which is totally normal, but it’ll go away when it happens, believe me.” 
“I do.” 
Spencer's cause goes on another 4 days. She brings him coffee and donuts after work, she meets his friends and ex-collogues and she understands now why he had to get out of it all. Emily is just a few years older than him and fully grey, JJ sneaks out to make phone calls to her family who she doesn’t see as often as she wants and Luke is still single no matter how hard he tries. The job takes things from them. 
She gives him a hug before she leaves each time, never a kiss, that would embarrass him in front of his new co-workers and his old ones would never let him live it down. So he gets just a hug. It’s long, they linger and then she goes home. 
It’s weird being home without him now that he’s been there often. She misses him dearly, every day. All through the weekend, he works. And then the case ends on a Tuesday at 3 in the morning and stays up just for her. He buys them coffee, he walks to her place and he knocks on her door right at 6:30, 15 minutes after he knows her alarm has gone off. 
She opens the door dazed and confused. “What are you doing here?” 
“I missed my best friend.” 
“Get in here,” she tugs him inside and makes him put the coffees down so she could have a proper welcome. 
She cups his face in her hands and kisses him with so much force and passion, it startles him. But he kisses her back. He wraps her up in a big hug, bringing her in closer, he deepens the kiss with the swipe of his tongue and she pushes him back against her door. It’s as fiery as the first time, it’s better than the kiss in the bookstore, there’s so much more feeling in it now. 
His hand roams up the flat of her back, over her shoulders and rests on the nape of her neck. His thumb caresses the skin under her ear, causing her to moan into the kiss and pull away, embarrassed. Her eyes go wide and she stutters on her way to find an excuse but Spencer just smiles, still caressing her, he brings his other hand up to cup her cheek, “It’s okay… you’re so cute.” 
Her cheeks heat up and she feels bashful as all hell. “Shut up,” is all she can manage to say. “I’m still half asleep, I mean, you should be lucky I already brushed my teeth before you surprised me.” 
“Mm,” Spencer hums, running his tongue over his teeth, “that’s why you’re so minty.” 
She just pulls away and reaches for her coffee, “And now I can’t drink this until the minty-ness goes away, so thank you.” 
“Should I go awa—
“No,” she rushes out. “No, you can stay. I can drive you home on my way to work.” 
“Okay,” he can’t help but giggle a bit as he makes his way closer to her, reaching out for her waist. “You like me…” 
“Shush!” She swats him away, “I have to get ready, don’t tempt me.” 
“Just one more kiss? Come on, isn’t it the deal that I compliment you and you kiss me?” He begs. “You’re so beautiful and smart and lovely—
She steps closer to him and presses her lips right to his only to pull back just as fast. He cups her face in his hands and stops her from moving away too fast and peppers kisses to her lips. “Spence— Spencer!” She giggles while trying to pull away, “Seriously, I have to go to work!!” 
“Fine,” Spencer sighs as he lets her go, only to pull her back in for one last kiss. “Okay, now you can go.” 
She just laughs as she pulls away and heads back to her room, “Come on, you can sit in my room while I get ready.” 
“Really?” He follows even though he doesn’t believe her. 
“Why not?” She doesn’t see why it’s a big deal, “I’m just doing my makeup and then I have to pick an outfit and I’ll change in the bathroom?” 
“Okay, yeah, sorry I just thought you meant you’d change in front of me and I didn’t think we were there yet?” 
“Oh, no,” she agrees. Taking a seat at her little makeup desk, she turns to him. “When do you think we should be ready for something like that?” 
“When do you want to?” He questions her right back. 
She shrugs, “I don’t know… this Saturday is 2 weeks of us being together so, I mean, most couples start moving further around then?” 
“We’re not most couples,” he reminds her. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well,” Spencer hesitates, he looks a little nervous but he sits on the end of her bed anyway. “I’ve never had sex before… I’ve wanted to, I’ve tried.” 
“I’ve never even tried,” she’s incredibly honest. “Making out is as far as I’ve gone with anyone.” 
“Really?” He almost can’t believe it. “Why?” 
She shrugs, “I’m over-emotional and incredibly soft. I can’t do one-night stands and I’ve never trusted anyone enough to experiment before.” 
“Oh,” Spencer softens, “you feel safe with me?” 
She nods, “Extremely.” 
He gets up and wraps his arms around her, resting his cheek against the top of her head. She snuggles into him and holds onto one of his forearms, they both sigh. Completely content with one another. 
They agreed to try and go further on Friday night. They both have weekends off, so they could spend the whole weekend together if they wanted to. 
And when Friday comes, she isn’t nervous. It’s just a Friday. 
She placed an order for Chinese food when she got home from work and texted Spencer right after so he could get it on his way over. It was closer to his place and convenient this way and he just liked to get it for them. And while he’s on his way, she takes the time to bring out some comfy blankets to put on the couch for their cuddles later and she lights some candles and turns on her fairy lights. Her whole living room is set in a soft, romantic mood with the hopes that they could do more than just cuddle tonight… 
Spencer knocks 3 times to let her know it’s him and then he walks in, “Hey, so they ran out of spring rolls but they gave us egg rolls instead, is that cool?” 
“Yeah, that’s fine,” she doesn’t care, rushing over to the door she takes the bags from him and puts them on the table by the door instead.
He slips out of his shoes and puts them beside hers, then he takes his bag off and places it beside his shoes, next he takes off his coat and hangs it up. He even locks her front door for her, these are all things he’s used to doing after 2 weeks of visiting. She clears her throat when he takes too long to turn back to her, “excuse me, I’m waiting,” she teases. 
“Sorry,” he steps closer to her and places his hand on her cheek as he leans in for his welcome home kiss. It’s a new tradition that she loves so much and clearly he does too as she can feel him smile through the kiss. He kisses her once, twice and a 3rd time just because he can, “there, happy?” 
She shakes her head and cups both his cheeks, pulling him in for a longer, more passionate kiss. His hands go to her waist, holding her closer to his body, he wraps her up in a hug as well. She pulls back with an audible “mwah,” and a smile on her own face. “Now I’m happy.” 
“You’re so cute,” he compliments. “I missed you so much today.” 
“I missed you, handsome,” she compliments right back. “Um, I missed you so much I was wondering if maybe you’d want to stay over tonight?” 
“Oh?” He’s only slightly surprised, “yeah, I’d like that… I just need to check my bag, hold on.” 
“Okay?” She’s a little confused about why he has to, but she doesn’t ask any questions. She just watches him open up his satchel and search the pockets. 
“Oh, good,” he says with relief in his voice as he pulls out a bottle of pills and his toothbrush. “I haven’t told you yet, but I’m on antidepressants… I take them every night before bed.” 
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she says without a second thought. “Do they help?” 
He nods, putting them back in his bag until later, “Yeah, I like them.” 
“Good, now, come on,” she grabs the bag of food and makes her way over to the kitchen so she can start dishing everything out. “Did you check that they had everything?” 
“You bet, after they forgot the red sauce last time I’m never not checking the bag again,” he says as he follows her. 
They spend a few minutes in the kitchen as they fill their plates with a variety of food. Spencer opts for a fork while she uses the chopsticks provided in the bag and then they move back to the living room. They put their plates on the coffee table and sit down criss-cross apple sauce together on the floor in front of the couch. The remote is on Spencer's side of the table, and the TV is on and ready for them to pick a show, but instead, Spencer asks how her day went. 
“Oh, it was okay with my juniors we worked on SAT prep and then with my 3 freshman classes we worked on their independent study unit and I’m now considered the cool teacher cause I let them listen to their music while they read,” she shares with a smile. “And then for my spare I filled in for Miss Tyndall, the arts teacher, so we watched a David Bowie doc while they all worked on different projects.” 
“Sounds like a fun day,” Spencer loves to listen to her talk about it all. “You’d be my favourite teacher too.” 
“I know,” she can’t help but smile. “How was your day?” 
He shrugs, taking a forkful of fried rice, he covers his mouth with his hand while he talks, “It was okay, no one died so that’s a bonus.” 
For the rest of their meal, they share little stories, about their day and things they heard on the news or on TikTok, funny anecdotes and memories from their separate pasts. It’s nice. She could listen to him all day and he felt the same. When their plates are empty, they both lean back against the couch and Spencer turns to stare at her with so much love in his eyes. 
“I’m really enjoying my nights with you,” he shares, and in the silence, she feels it. But he says it anyway, “I love you.” 
“I love you, too,” she says and a feeling of relief flows out of her in the form of a sigh. Her shoulders drop, and she looks over at him with a sweet smile, silent as they take in the moment. “I love you so much.” 
He places his hand on top of hers, both of them are in too much of a food coma to move closer or kiss or anything. They just hold hands and stare at each other. 
“I get it now,” she whispers. “I understand what she’s been singing about all these years… this feeling right here. It’s worth the heartbreak, I think.” 
“I can’t tell the future, but I know I never want to leave you,” Spencer replies, voice equally as soft. “I want everything with you.” 
Her heart starts to beat out of her chest but she knows she has to ask it. “Would you be my first?” 
“Only if you’d be mine?” 
She nods, tears bubbling behind her eyes, and she squeezes his hand. “I’d love nothing more… but I’m in a food coma right now.” 
Spencer breaks out in a burst of historical laughter first, causing her to laugh just as hard and lean into his shoulder. 
“Well, then it’s a good thing we have all weekend,” Spencer finally says, he wraps his arm around her and holds her close. 
“Even if we don’t do it tonight, do you want to sleep in my bed with me?” 
He nods against her, “Yeah… I’ve been thinking about that a lot actually. It’s really hard to leave here in the middle of the night knowing you’re sleeping alone in there when we were just cuddling right here,” he motions to the couch. “I want to wake up with you next to me every morning.” 
The warmth that fills her stomach is a mixture of extreme happiness but also anxiety… it’s almost too good to be true. She pulls away and looks up at him with fearful eyes, “is it normal to fall in love this fast?” The words just tumble out of her. 
Spencer shrugs, “I mean… I’ve always heard the saying ‘when you know, you know’ and I’ve read a lot about love at first sight and the way we pick our mates based on familiar facial structures that make us feel safe… and I’ve been in love before and I never met her—
“But I understand why you loved her, she was the only person in your life other than your mother to truly take care of you and listen…” Y/N cuts him off, remembering the night he told her all about Maeve. 
“Yeah, and from the first day I met you, you’ve done the same,” Spencer reminds her. “You brought me muffins so that I’d have something to eat before work and you wanted to help me unpack and every day since you have cared for me more than anyone I know. Onto of that you’re beautiful and easy to talk to and you’re not only wonderful to me, but to everyone, you know. It wasn’t hard for me to love you, I’m just surprised you love me.” 
“Well, for starters I’m a 42-year-old man who’s spent the last 20 years of my life hunting serial killers and I had a drug problem and I’ve killed people and I was in prison… you know everything and you still love me?” Spencer really can’t believe it. 
“Mhm, I love you because despite all that shit that’s happened to you, you still have a sweet smile and a big heart and the best mind I know,” Y/N confirms everything he needed to know. “I love you because you’re you. There’s no other reason.”
He cups her cheek and looks at her with the softest expression known to man, “I’m going to love you forever.” 
“Show me?” she whispers, pleading with her eyes to know just how much he loves her. 
“Do we just leave our plates here?” He teases, going to stand up. 
“I guess we can put them away,” she agrees, she moves to her knees and gathers up her own plate while Spencer does the same with his. 
They meet again in the kitchen, placing both plates in her dishwasher, she turns to the leftovers and starts to pack them away while Spencer moves back over to his bag. He grabs his phone and something else while she’s not looking and he opens up Spotify. He doesn’t have many songs saved to his account, just some classical music and the most important song… Sweet Nothing. 
She turns to him within milliseconds, “Spence?” 
He places his phone on the counter and hands her a little rock, one he picked up on his walk over to see her before work last week. He never had the time to give it to her between all their kissing and her getting ready for work. “Here… it’s only May but I can get you another rock in July.” 
She doesn’t want to speak or she’ll cry, but she manages to say: “okay,”  as she takes it from him and steps into his space to dance again. In her kitchen this time… 
She rests her head on his shoulder, his arms around her waist, they sway to the sound of the music and hold each other close. And then he kisses her shoulder and the side of her neck up to her ear. He cups her face in his hand and stares into her eyes, “bedroom?” 
“Bedroom,” she agrees, taking his hand in hers, she leads him back into her room and turns on just the one table lamp she has beside her bed, “should we light candles and stuff?” 
“Do you want to?” 
She shrugs, “I don’t know, isn’t that what people do when they have special sex?” 
“Special sex?” 
“You know, first times, birthday sex, anniversary sex… emotional sex,” she redefines what she meant and surprisingly she isn’t embarrassed. 
“Candles would be nice, then,” Spencer agrees with a smile. “Do you have condoms? Are you on the pill?” 
She smirks, “I bought some condoms on Tuesday after work.” 
He watches her open her bedside table and take out the box of condoms and a lighter, she hands him the condoms, “Here.” 
“Thanks,” he reads them over, latex-free, real feel, they’d work perfectly. 
While he’s reading over the box, she lights a few candles in her room and he takes a seat on the side of her bed, watching her. When she returns to him, she stands between his legs and rests her hands on his shoulders. “You’re sure?” 
“Absolutely,” Spencer smiles up at her and reaches out to hold her hips. He plays with the hem of her shirt, “how do you want to do this?” 
“Can we strip down to our underwear and get into bed and kiss for a bit and see where it goes?” 
“Of course, yeah, that sounds good,” Spencer agrees, he pushes up her shirt and she lifts her arms to help. Spencer has to stand up to pull it all the way off and then he looks down at her in her bra. “wow…” 
“Thanks,” she smirks, shaking her head as she reaches for his shirt to undo the buttons, “they’re just boobs…” 
“Just boobs,” he repeats with a small chuckle. “I’ll have you know everything about you is spectacular.” And with a rush of confidence, he cups both breasts with his hands, he runs his thumbs over where her nipples are hidden under the fabric and she has to bite her lip so she doesn’t moan. 
“Do you like that?” 
She nods and pushes his shirt off his shoulders until it's discarded on the floor. “Yeah. I don’t think you’ve ever noticed but… your hands… I watch them when you talk and when you’re tracing a page as you read really fast and you use two fingers instead of one and I’ve wanted you to touch me from the moment I saw you.”
“Mmm,” he turns her around and motions for her to get on the bed and she moves quickly, she’s resting her head on the pillows when he’s suddenly hovering over her. 
He runs his pointer finger from her chin, down her neck and between the crease of her breasts before cupping them both again and places kisses on her exposed chest. She arches into the contact and his hands follow both her arms until his fingers are interlocked with hers. Holding them over her head as he kisses her neck and shoulder. 
“So beautiful,” he whispers, “how’d I get so lucky?” 
“We have a great mutual friend, remember?” She teases,
He groans “Don’t mention her when I’m about to go down on you…” he says as he nibbles at her skin and it makes her moan, grinding her hips up against him, she wants him so bad but she still has her pants on. He sits on his knees between her spread legs and undoes the button as she lifts her hips, helping him glide them down her legs and off. He tosses them to the floor and goes right back in, gripping her by the hips he leans down and kisses her stomach… something she never thought any man would do. 
He wants her just as bad as she wants him and it’s prevalent in the way his eyes are blown out as he looks up at her, pleading with his eyes, all he says is “Can I?” And she nods. He pulls her underwear down and tosses them off only to lift one and kiss from her ankle and all the way up to her knee and then he dips in closer, smothering her inner thigh with kisses and nips and then he sucks a deep purple mark into her skin, lapping over it with his tongue before blowing on it softly. 
“Holy fuck,” she moans as he gets closer to her pussy and all she wants is his hands on her. 
Almost like he reads her mind, he moves to the other leg and hurries along until he’s kissing right along where her underwear used to meet her thigh. Then, he spreads her pussy and licks a broad stripe along her cunt. He presses a kiss to her clit next as she bucks her hips into the sensation, “Oh my god, Spence?” 
“Shh,” he whispers, looking up at her from between her legs like a man starved. “Just enjoy it, I’ve always wanted to do this.”
She’s so turned on from the teasing alone, and then he adds a finger, he gently circles it around her hole before inserting it slowly, seeing how much give she has before he takes it all. The feeling of his tongue on her is unlike anything she’s ever felt before, he’s soft yet rough and sweet yet disgusting with the noises he’s making. She can’t help reaching out and gripping his hair as her hips lift from the bed again. With only one free hand, he pushes her back down against the bed and she whines. When he adds a second finger, the stretch isn’t too much to handle, he’s so much better with his hands than she figured he’d be as he finger fucks her. His tongue on her clit and freehand trails from her hip up to grip her tit as he grinds against the mattress, he’s so into it she’s worried he might not get to really fuck her. 
“Spencer,” she pants, “holy fuck Spence, please, oh my god,” she can barely make it through the sentence when his fingers curl and her legs tremble.
“Cum for me,” he growls against her and her body listens as she jolts forward and she feels the rush flow through her bloodstream. 
“Oh!” she cups her breast and arches her back, oblivious to how he watches her while still lapping at her clit. 
When it gets to be too much for her, she grips his hair tighter and pulls him off, “fuck me, now… please?”
“Is it an order or a suggestion,” he teases as he kisses back up her body with his glistening and wet lips, “well?”
“Please?” She looks at him with the sweetest, most fucked out expression. “That was amazing, baby.” 
“Fuck,” he groans and drags himself off the bed so he can push his pants and boxers off in one fell swoop. Now, only in his mismatched socks, he doesn’t really have the time to take them off as he reaches for the abandoned box of condoms at the foot of her bed. 
She watches contently as he hastily rips it open and rolls it on before he gets back on the bed. He gets right back to where he was, between her legs, he places his hands on her knees and soothes them down her inner thighs, “you sure?”
She nods, “I’m ready.”
“Okay,” he says with a deep breath, readying himself in the meantime, he grips himself at the base and pushes the head into her, inch by inch, he watches as her mouth opens in a silent gasp. 
“My god…” he coos, “it’s like you were fuckin made for me.” 
She’s speechless, reading out for more of him, she’s desperate for his touch. Her hands land on his hips, his skin is so soft and warm and then they’re flush together. He bottoms out and stills, he drops down so that they’re chest to chest and she cups his face instead, “Hi…” 
“Hi,” he manages to laugh, holding himself up with one arm, his other hand pushes her hair back off her forehead and stays there. “I love you.” 
“I love you,” she says as she pulls him in for a kiss, tasting herself on his tongue, he collapses onto her and wraps his arm around her, angling her hips up as he starts to thrust. 
The kiss gets hungrier, and they moan into each other as he picks up the pace, really fucking her just like she asked him to. She has no idea where this side of him came from but she can’t explain how much she likes it, the hand that was once in her hair is now pushed into the pillow, bracing himself as he hovers and fucks her deeply.
She absentmindedly runs her hand along his forearm and takes his hands in hers, interlocking their fingers before he holds it over her head again and fucks into her with vigour. Her legs wrap around him, every trust grinds his pubic bone against her clit and she’s still so sensitive, she’s so incredibly close that all she can do is sloppily kiss him and moan into his mouth.
His hips snap faster and faster as he fucks her and she can’t hold back anymore when she tosses her head back and sucks him in more. “Oh my god,” and “Holy fuck,” is all she can say, making him smirk. 
He’s trying his hardest to keep his composure, breathing quickly, it’s the best workout he’s ever had trying to keep the pace and please her right. “I might,” he says between pants, “I might last a while… cause my meds—
“I don’t care,” she uses her free hand to cup his cheek again, “I want to stay here forever, holy shit.” 
She tosses her head back again, “Oh my god, yeah!” 
He just laughs and it’s the sexiest thing she’s ever heard. She’s right there at the edge when he retrieves his hand from behind her back and rubs his thumb over her clit, “you can cum, if you want.” 
“No, no, it’s fine,” she says, running her hand down his chest and looking between them to see what he’s doing, “I want to finish with you.” 
His grip on the hand she’s holding gets tighter, he’s sweaty and losing stamina and nowhere close to being done. “Do you want to switch positions?” She asks, “It’s okay?” 
“Can we?” He slows to a stop, “you’re okay with that?” 
“Spence, I love you,” she reminds him, “It’s fine, it’s better than fine, actually… I’ve heard all my friends talk about dudes who last 5 seconds, this is more than I ever expected.” 
“I’m just anxious, you can see why I take them,” he gets all blushy and bashful as he lets go of her hand, pulls out and sits back up on his knees. 
She sits up too, taking her bra off in the process. She tosses it to the floor and his jaw drops when he sees her naked chest, “fuck..” He mumbles under his breath. 
“Here, you sit up against the headboard,” she suggests, moving out of the way so he can take her place. 
Once he’s settled she straddles his hips and takes his cock in her hand, angling it toward her entering as she sits upon it. Once he’s fully inside she drapes her arms around his shoulders and smiles at him, “We can do it this way… now you’ve got a face full of tits.” 
His hands soothe down her bare back down to her hips, he licks his lips as he looks at them and helps her glide her body against his. “My god,” he all but moans, watching her boobs jiggle as she starts to really ride him. 
“You’re so deep,” she moans, tossing her head back again to free up her neck, he pulls her in and kisses her from her shoulder up to her ear, lighting sucking at her earlobe, he brings his hand up to cup her cheek and ends up gripping her hair at the nape of her neck and pulling her to the side so he can messily smother her in kisses. “No marks, I have teenagers to teach, ‘member? They’re fucking ruthless.” 
“Mhm,” he mumbles, too into it to really care, his other hand reaches down to thumb at her clit, he’s getting close and she wants to finish with him. 
He finally does cup her face with the hand that was just in her hair, he caresses her cheek with his thumb, pulling her back in for a kiss that’s all tongue. She moans into his mouth, running her hands down his chest, she uses his as leverage to keep pushing back before grinding down on him, he’s right against her g-spot and so fucking deep she can feel him everywhere, “Spence,” she whines, pulling back from the kiss, “are you close?” 
“Uh-huh,” he pulls her back in, kissing her deeper, he wraps both his arms around her back and lifts her up, laying her back against the bed and slams his hips into hers over and over. 
Her back arches again and she opens her mouth in a silent moan, it’s so good she can barely breathe. She reaches out for him, gripping his biceps, he attacks her neck again, covering her in sloppy kisses and hot breath. His pelvic bone grinds against her clit, again and again, bringing her right to the edge again until she finally peaks, moaning, she arches her back as her orgasm rushes through her but he doesn’t stop. He fucks her through it, chasing his own high. 
“Fuck, I love you, I love you so much,” he mumbles, through his last few thrusts, and then he stills with a groan, filling the condom, he drops down against her. 
they’re a ball of limbs, holding each other so close she doesn’t know where she ends and he begins. He buries his face in her neck, still kissing her, she holds him tighter, “I love you so much, too, Spencer.” 
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@reidsbookclub @samuel-de-champagne-problems @superskittles @thedancingcostumeyoungadult @midnightreids @ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129
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paradiseprincesss · 5 months
Omg hi!!! I absolutely LOVED espresso it's so cute!! Would you be open to doing some major fluff with Jim (delinquent season)? Thanks so much!!!!
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CPR - jim (delinquent season) x reader
hello lovely anon! THANK YOU! that means so much to me i appreciate your kind words! and yes, of course, we love love LOVE jim over here - he is criminally underrated. he's dreamy.
summary: after a shitty, messy, and rough divorce, jim is hesitant to love again - but he falls for a younger woman who changes his mind, and teaches him how to love again.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: so there is a large age gap (everyone is of legal age, jim is in his mid forties, reader is just described as 'in college,' so take that how you will), kissing, swearing, divorce, jim's employed as a professor but the reader isn't his student! other than that, no warnings just fluff lol
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we don't chose who we fall in love with - at least, that's what jim always thought, and that's what he told himself.
jim never pictured himself to be the type of guy to date a younger woman, he always thought it was a little strange actually because what would someone his age have in common with someone roughly 20 years younger than him?
well, more than he thought.
he didn't intend on falling in love with you. he just...did. jim met you through a friend of his, weirdly enough. he had just finalized his divorce with his ex-wife, which was messy and screwed his perception of love up quite a bit - anyone would feel that way after finding out that their spouse of over a decade was having an affair.
so yeah, jim had some issues revolving around love.
with that being said, when an old college buddy of his (who he talked to a few times a year at most through facebook or text, and occasionally over the phone) had rung him up about how he had moved back to ireland and was having some old friends over for dinner just for old times sake, he figured sure, he'd go since he had nothing better to do.
fast forward to a week later, he showed up in his usual attire - casual slacks and sweater - and was greeted by a handful of his old college friends. jim couldn't lie - it was nostalgic, and frankly, kind of refreshing to be out socializing and living life again after his divorce. it had been a good 6 months since the divorce, and he was honestly feeling good for once.
"jim, hey!" his old college roommate, dan, greeted him at the door. "come on in, we're just having some beers in the living room, the games gonna be on soon."
the night went well, jim got to catch up with his old buddies from his college days, and they spent the evening drinking beers and fussing over the game on tv.
"so, i heard 'bout the ex-wife. hey, i'm sorry, man." another old acquaintance of his, ryan, had said to him.
jim laughed lightly, "s'alright. shit happens, i guess." to which all the other men just murmured and agreed with.
the conversations flowed well, and honestly - it felt good to rant about his ex-wife with some old buddies, and openly talk about his divorce like this - what she did was fucked up. he felt like he needed to and should be able to vent, too.
as the men were busy shouting at the tv, beers in hand, a softer voice called out, "dad?" and jim's buddy dan looked over his shoulder to see his daughter, standing in the doorway of the living room with a small smile.
jim looked away from the game momentarily, out of curiosity - and good god did his heart stop when he did. he was aware that dan had a daughter in college and he knew of her name, but he didn't realize how beautiful she was. the two of them locked eyes for a split second, and he looked away slightly embarrassed.
he didn't really know why he was embarrassed, it's not like he was doing anything shameful or wrong - but finding your friends daughter who was still a college student when he was in his forties was definitely wrong in a sense, well- to a certain degree.
"oh, hey sweetie, i didn't even realize you were still up." dan says to his daughter.
"it's only..." you pause, checking your phone, "half past eight, dad. plus, i'm stuck on this stupid essay my professor assigned to us yesterday." you laugh softly - lightheartedly, and jim felt his heart skip a few beats.
"oh, that's no good," dan says, "jim's a professor, i'm sure he won't mind if you asked him a few questions - maybe he can help you." your dad shrugs, looking at jim and then focusing back on the game.
you blush slightly, and you knew your dad was just being friendly and trying to be helpful - but suggesting you get his older (and really attractive!) friend who just so happened to be a professor to help you with your essay seemed...well, it was like one of those storylines you'd see in a movie, or a book...or something.
"um, dad, i'm sure jim doesn't want to step away from watching the game to help with homework-" you start to say, but in a moment of confidence (and a little alcohol), jim cut you off with a gentle tone.
"no- no, it's no worries, really. i was going to get up and grab another pint anyways." he says, getting up to go to the kitchen. you just walk with him into the kitchen, somewhat at a loss for words.
you get a better look at him under the dimmed kitchen lights, and you could already feel yourself getting nervous in his presence. you never found any of your dads friends attractive before - but jim, well, he was different.
the salt and pepper hair was...really hot. and god, those eyes. those glacier coloured eyes; you barely had a chance to even meet the man and somehow he had you in a chokehold before you spoke more than just a few sentences to each other.
"so," he broke the silence, "watcha studying?"
you quietly told him what you were majoring in, and he nodded, smiling at you softly, "well, i don't teach that particular subject or major - but i'll try and help you out regardless."
you retuned the small smile, "y-yeah, okay. cool."
for the next hour or so, the two of you sat closely next to one another at the dining table, your textbooks and papers sprawled out in front of you, with the doc you were writing open on your laptop. he helped you structure your essay and the two of you were about 80% done with it - that was until he requested that you turn back the page of your textbook.
"wait, go back to page 116 i think it says something about that at the bottom of the page." he tells you, reaching out to turn the pages back in the textbook. however, you also reached to turn the page back - causing the both of your hands to touch, to swiftly brush against each other.
with a small blush, you quickly pull back, still nervous. "sorry."
he laughs softly, shaking his head, "no need to be sorry."
taking a deep breath, you respond, "sorry- sorry, i keep saying sorry-"
"you okay?" he offers a gentle smile, and you felt your heart start racing a million miles per minute. you weren't one to get easily flustered like this - you never got this nervous, certainly not around guys your own age, at least.
jim didn't know why - but he felt the same way. however, he tried to play it cool. he had been on a few dates with a few different women here and there post divorce, but all of them were dead ends. however, with you, it almost felt like he had known you for a lifetime even though he had only just met you.
"yeah, just..." you trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words again. he looked at you with an expression that you couldn't quite read, and his gaze flickered to your lips - then back to your face. "just what?" he whispers to you, and you felt yourself drowning in his impossibly blue eyes.
suddenly, you felt his gentle hand on your thigh, and your breath hitched as he whispered to you again. "just what?"
"just kiss me." you whisper back, and with that, his hands were gently coming up to cup your face, and he kissed you softly.
you'd never kissed someone so much older than you before, and the thought of it made your head dizzy. after a moment, the both of you pulled away from the kiss, but his hand remained on your face.
"is it...is it strange if i ask you if i could take you out to dinner sometime?" he asks quietly, and you felt your cheeks heat up at the question.
"not at all, i'd love that." you smile at him.
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again, falling in love wasn't part of the plan, but jim didn't really have a choice when it came to you. it just happened so naturally.
"sweetheart?' you hear his voice call out softly and the sound of the door closing, and you turn around to see him coming home from work - god, you loved when he wore his little sweaters with the sleeves rolled up half way - it really got you going.
"baby, hi." you greet him softly, bundled up in a blanket on the couch of his living room. "how was work?"
he slumps down beside you, pulling you into him softly with a sigh, kissing the top of your head. "it was alright, finished teaching my lecture earlier than expected so that was good." he tells you, voice gentle and tone loving.
"mm, well i'm glad to have you home early." you tell him sweetly, pulling him into a chaste kiss.
"what would you like for dinner, sweetheart?" he asks you, and you shrug, "jim, you worked all day, you don't have to make dinner it's fine." to which he shook his head and insisted, "how about some pasta?"
"jim," you whine softly, "you're so cute, i love you."
"i love you too, honey." he says, kissing you again.
after the date you two had, things just seemed to flow effortlessly. you'd never been with an older man before - and he was so very attentive to your every need, every want, every boundary you had - he took things slow with you, never ever pressuring you into anything.
now, six months later, you and jim had been dating for a few months, while you were still adjusting to dating someone roughly 20 years your senior - it was something you wouldn't change.
jim felt the same way - things were different with you. being with a younger woman was fun, it was new. you taught him things as much as he taught you things. with his ex-wife, there was no trust. no real love. no meaning to life, even though the two of them had kids together, it didn't change the fact that he always felt like he was married to someone he didn't know - a stranger.
you weren't a stranger, though - no, you were quite the opposite to him. you made him feel at home, you were his home. he often found himself wondering where he'd be if you weren't by his side. probably gone, he thinks.
after dinner and a steamy shower together, the two of you laid in his bed together, your head on his chest and his arms holding you in a warm embrace.
"...i want you to meet my kids." he suddenly tells you, and you turn your head to look up at him with love in your eyes, "yeah?" you whisper, causing him to whisper back a quiet "yeah" back to you.
he softly takes your hand and intertwines it with his own, a content sigh leaving his lips. "would you ever want to get married again?" you ask quietly - not even sure why you felt the sudden urge to ask that, but you did anyway.
he was quiet for a moment.
jim never thought he would re-marry, in fact, he didn't even think he'd ever find someone that he would want to marry after his ex-wife. but that was before he found you.
"i wouldn't ask you to meet my kids if i didn't plan on marrying you." he finally says, pulling you even closer. your breath hitched when he confessed that, and you felt yourself blushing a little too. "you mean that?" you ask him, to which he squeezed your hand.
"you made me love again - i sound corny, but i'm dead serious. i was at the end, then you came into my life... you made me feel like there was life worth living."
"oh, jim," you whisper, a little breathless at his continuous admissions about how much he loved you, "you're my everything."
he looked at you with admiration, and smiled softly at you. you were his everything, too. he often wondered if you knew that. if you knew how much he adored you. in a world where he felt like nobody understood him - you did. you were the only one he ever confided in.
your love fixed all his pain, your love fixed his heart - and you didn't even know. you didn't even know how much you were fixing a heart that you didn't break.
he felt like he was revived in a sense - brought back to life from the dead. brought back from his inevitable death of a marriage that had minced his heart. but now, things were different because he had you.
and you - you were the only thing that could jumpstart his flatlining heart again - like CPR.
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tired-and-ticklish · 8 months
Rough Day
Summary: Angel Dust's had a rough and long day at work, no pun intended. Niffty helps him unexpectedly relax.
TW: Tickling, Mentions of Valentino, Mentions of Angel's job, Swearing, Mentions of safewords being ignored.
I couldn't get this idea out of my mind after seeing this scene from the show.
Part Two
“Oh fuuuuuuuck!” Angel groaned as he entered the hotel, cracking his back as he did.
Today had not been a good day for him. First, Valentino wanted some ‘quality time’ with him, which always put Angel in a terrible mood and headspace. Then, that fucking moth had him work for what felt like an eternity. No rest, no food breaks, nothing. Everything felt sore, and the spider was just happy there was a shower at the studio. Otherwise, he’d have to wait till he got to the hotel to clean up.
He just wanted to face plant into the first soft object he found and pass out for the rest of the day.
“You look messy!” Nifty said, startling Angel as she hopped out of a potted plant. “What happened to you?”
“More like ‘who happened to me?’ and the answer? Everyone. Twice.” Angel groaned, beginning to head for the couch. “Val had me working sixteen hours on a fucking limb! The absolute dick-”
The spider demon’s rant was cut off, biting his lip slightly. He hadn’t noticed Niffty jump onto his back, until he felt her dusting him off, tickling him and causing him to freeze. Angel quickly reached his lower arms around and tried to pull her off before anyone could notice.
“I appreciate the help.” He told the maid “But I don’t need dusting.”
“But, you’re messy.” Niffty repeated, and as if to emphasize her point, trying to reach up to fix Angel’s hair.
“Yeah well, I’m not some piece of fucking furn-Ack!”
The maid was ignoring him, as Angel felt the feather duster now on his neck. This was bad, he realized as he bit his lip. Sure, he was the taller demon, but Niffty was faster, already out of range of his hands and back on his back. He needed to stay composed, as he noticed Husk, Charlie, and Vaggie watching him from the sidelines.
“N-Nihihihihift, c-come on, I think I’m c-clehehheeean now.” Angel tried to plead, a few giggles escaping as the duster left his neck and headed for his worst spot, his armpits. Having six arms was both a blessing, and curse, especially since the spider had kept his worst spots from when he was alive. There was no way he’d be able to keep it in if she got there.
“You’re clean when I say you’re clean.” The cyclops told him, and before Angel could attempt to plead any further, the feathers made contact.
He clamped his upper set of arms down as a small squeal came out of him. The spider demon felt an unintentional smile begin to form on his face, and despite his clamped arms, the duster was still moving.
“N-Nihihihihfty plehehehehease!” He couldn’t help it anymore, laughter was starting to pour out of him.
“Angel… Are you…Ticklish?” Charlie asked, and Angel could practically hear the smile in her voice. Though, considering the Princess of Hell, that was an easy thing to listen for.
“N-Noohohohoh, fuhuhuhuhck ohohohohoff!”
“Oh my Satan, he actually is.” Vaggie said, clearly enjoying the show as she chuckled.
“Niihihihihihffty plehehehehease!” Angel covered his face with one of his hands, trying to hide his smile.
It wasn’t that Angel hated being tickled, or wasn’t used to it. He hated when Valentino did it, or any of the clients Val gave him did it. ‘Safewords’ and ‘boundaries’ were not words in the Overlord’s vocabulary, and oftentimes, he and the clients would be too rough, making the spider demon cry out in pain more than pleasure. They made fun of him, and touched places he hated, especially his feet, especially when Valentino was in a bad mood.
But the gentle tickles of the feather duster? Niffty not staying in one spot too long as he felt her move it to his ribs? That was the kind of tickling Angel enjoyed, the softer side of it, and it was embarrassing. He was a pornstar, for fuck’s sake, he shouldn’t enjoy something like this! Or at least, if he did, it should have been in the kinky sense. 
And yet, he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the non-sexual aspect of it, how freeing it felt to just laugh and let himself go. Angel Dust liked being tickled, and the idea of his hotel companions finding out embarrassed him even more. Even so, Angel couldn’t find it in himself to throw the smaller sinner off him. Sometimes, Niffty reminded him of Molly in a way, and that tugged at the part of him that still cared about people.
“W-Waahahahait wahahahait shhihihit!” Angel’s knees buckled, him sliding to the floor as the maid continued dusting him off, though he heard her let out a small giggle, obviously knowing what she was doing.
“Just a few more spots, then you’re done!” She assured him, letting out another mischievous laugh as Angel squealed.
“P-Plehehehehease Iihihhihi cahahahaan’t tahhaahake- NOHOHOHOT THEHHRHERE!”
His lower set of armpits was attacked, for some reason, those ones were much worse than his upper arms. It was like the further down you went, the more sensitive Angel’s body became. And yet, he still wasn’t feeling any actual distress. Hell, the weirdest part about all of this was that it was helping him relax.
As soon as it started, it was all over, Angel feeling the feathers being removed. He caught his breath, hugging himself in an attempt to get those phantom tickles away. Looking up, he spotted Husk, who had lifted Niffty off the spider demon.
“Hey, I think I saw some roaches on the other side of the hotel-” The cat demon began, and, as the mention of any sort of bug, the cyclops maid took off like a bullet. Husk shook his head a bit, before offering a hand to Angel. “You still alive, legs?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Angel said, waving one of his hands while another accepted Husk’s. The spider was pulled to his feet.
“How are you feeling?” Charlie asked, Angel’s cheeks turning a shade of pink as he realized they had all seen him lose it.
“I-I mean, it wasn’t… awful.” Angel said as casually as he could muster, trying not to let them know he enjoyed it. The Princess of Hell let out a small squeak, sparkles in her eyes.
“We could do that for trust exercises!”
“Do… what?”
“I think it’s a wonderful idea!” All four of them were suddenly startled by Alastor’s presence, the Radio Demon apparently having been watching from wherever he had been. “After all, you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
“Well that sounds like a big fucking riot, but I’m going to pass.” Husk said, already starting to back away despite how calm his voice sounded.
“I-I think Niffty got me enough for the day.” Angel began, also backing away.
Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor were looking at them with mischievous smiles, coming closer toward the spider and cat. Husk tried to remain casual, like he wasn’t trying to run up to his room, while Angel held up all four of his hands pleadingly, a nervous smile already stretching onto his face.
“Ten~” The Radio Demon began.
Both Angel and Husk took off like two bats out of Hell, hearing Charlie’s excited giggles and Vaggie’s threatening teases as they ran. Soon enough, Alastor’s countdown was finished, both girls running after their targets. The Radio Demon twirled his microphone cane, before casually following along.
‘What an interesting venture this hotel is turning out to be.’ Alastor thought with a chuckle.
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cvlutos · 2 years
Ciel ❤️
Any headcanons for how the obey me brothers would ask you to prom? Like what would their promposals look like? And do we think they’d get a yes or no just based on what they do.
Thank you, Scar <3
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♡ Lucifer: His Prom Proposal is extremely simple. A nice dinner, most definitely somewhere private and with classical music. He's bring you a bouquet of red roses, and simply asking you. He doesn't need it to be a grand gesture merely an honest one. (And if you reject him, you won't, but if you did he could keep it rather private instead of it being a public announcement that the Lucifer was just rejected.)
[Accepting]: He's happy when you accept, continuing the evening as planned, though he's slightly softer and gentler then he was when the night began. He won't make it a big deal and would let people find out on their own that you an him will be going together.
[Rejecting]: If you do reject him, he will have a small frown and furrowed brows but will keep his displeasures throughout the night to himself. He won't be mean nor cold, but simply accept it and move on. Even if it slightly annoys him that you rejected him.
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♡ Mammon: He went through 15 different ways to ask you to prom. Half super romantic gestures and other half super embarrassing gestures. He thought of asking you Infront of a auditorium of people and get a ring and everything. Until I thought it sounded less like prom and more of an proposal for marriage. He can't settle on a idea and accidentally asks you randomly while you both are walking. He tries to backtrack expeditionously.
[Accepting]: He's so happy. Will hug you immediately but in the same breath try and play it cool. Like he'd totally know you'd say yes. He's bragging. Making a big announcement about it, will not shut up about it. He's convinced you're practically dating and bound to be married. Will unironically start calling you his spouse.
[Rejecting]: He will ask you again. Before huffing and acting like it's not a big deal. You will see him complaining on socials and try and remain anonymous. Most definitely cried to Levi, who promptly kicked him out.
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♡ Leviathan: He refuses to ask you in person. Would rather dig a one foot wide hole to the center of the earth and have to crawl through said one foot wide hole before ever asking you in person. He will ask you over text or in a game then proceed to go offline for hours. Before screaming in fear as he checks if you responded.
[Accepting]: If you said yes, he's calling you a liar. Loses the ability to type for a good hour. Cries. Does a lap tryna hype himself up. Sobs. Talks 100mph to Henry about you accepting. Then trying to act like a cool anime dude by being like 'yea cool. Whatevs.' Like you can't hear him shouting and sobbing.
[Rejecting]: Will leave you on read and ignore you for weeks for the embarrassment to wear off. He's sobbing. Then rants in his discord server about how much of a loser he is and that you'd never say yes. Will 100% act like he never asked you.
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♡ Satan: Another one who's extremely simple, though he he finds out Lucifer took you to a nice dinner, he's either scrapping the idea or taking you to an even nicer dinner. He'll eventually settle on writing on a sticky note and placing it on the book when he gives it to you, with a little cat doodle.
[Accepting]: He will invite you as a celebratory dinner. He will be slightly sweeter and put far more weight on your opinions. He's happy and excited for prom, even though usually, he'd never go.
[Rejecting]: Disappointed is an understatement. He respects your decision and even thanks you for being honest. He probably won't go cause he feels slightly bitter about it.
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♡ Asmodeus: He's not asking you. You're asking him. He's giving you clues how to ask him and that he wants you to ask him specifically. If someone else asks him he'll reject them kindly, for awhile but only grows more and more bitter when you don't get the hint. Will send a passive aggressive text, "so, when are you and I going prom dress shopping?"
[Accepting]: If you get the hint, he's excited. While laugh with a smile as he makes fun of your for not getting the hint, with several eye twitches. But he's super happy, skipping and hugging you whenever you see him. Will post several prom photos.
[Rejecting]: He wants to make you regret. Gets super done up and goes with Solomon if you're not going with him. But honestly he's heartbroken, a major hit to his ego and for a moment he thinks somethings wrong with him.
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♡ Beelzebub: Doesn't even think about it, hears about prom and while eating together, he'll simply ask. Super casually about it. Don't get him wrong, he wants to go with you. He won't go with anyone else but you (and Belphie).
[Accepting]: He's so happy. Give you the literally the biggest food stuffed cheek smile. He won't parade you around, but is happily telling everyone he's going with you. Lowkey bragging and very happily matching with you.
[Rejecting]: He simply nods. He's a little bummed, but he knows he'll still be able to see you at the dance. He won't really change his stance on anything, he's still extremely sweet and kind.
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♡ Belphegor: He wasn't planning on going. So if you wanna go with him, you'd most likely have to ask him. But if you really really want him to ask, you'll most definitely have to tell Beel to tell Belphie to ask. And he will ask, just very nonchalantly, half asleep, and like it just hit his mind to ask. He will tease you though by asking Beel to tell him. He won't let you live it down. If he asks you on his one fruition, then it'll be in similar fashion.
[Accepting]: Gives a subtle head nod with a smile. Will Lowkey brag that you choose him to go to prom with. He'll go through any rituals or weird things you wanna do for prom, sometimes with a small smile and very not so subtle innuendos as compliments.
[Rejecting]: He will be offended and glare before rolling his eyes and stalking off. Decides then and there he's not going to prom. He's lowkey mad, cause he went outta his way.
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ⓒ 2023 cvlutos — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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avensonly · 19 days
 JUST FRIENDS . sakusa k.
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 That is but one of the many questions you two often get. Okay. Not exactly a big deal. People tends to assume too much. It's normal. A quick, blunt "WE'RE JUST FRIENDS." will do the trick.
 Though sometimes, the constant asks, teases and demands for the response the others would look for can be very, veryy annoying, especially for HIM . And for someone as reserved, as him, it can be understandable that he'll be bound to snap at some point, which he didn't, surprisingly enough.
But who can blame the people for being like this, for simply not believing what you say?
 JUST FRIENDS , and yet his gaze just softens— heck, even lightens up whenever you come by.
 JUST FRIENDS , but he doesn't really mind pausing his activities to interact with you as you bring him something to drink— When he tends to dislike leaving things unfinished. Heck. He doesn't even seem to realize it, but he will always frown and just returns to what he was previously doing if someone points it out— After just exchanging looks with you one more time, anyone can see the way those eyes are just softer when looking at you.
 JUST FRIENDS , but you're one of those very few people, if not the only, he'd allow himself to be physically close with in public than being far away like most of the time with others.
 JUST FRIENDS , but you're the only one that he lets touch his body way far longer than anyone— May it be playing with his hair or just holding his hands. You can see the light flush on his pale features and tease him softly about it, but he will always deny it with some excuses— That frown on his face barely holding any actual annoyance, just embarrassment. A sight only for you to see.
 JUST FRIENDS , but he doesn't mind holding you close to his chest when you have a bad day. His bigger, calloused fingers busy caressing your hair and rubbing your back as you rant and vent. He may be exactly not be that much of a talker— But he still listens, letting a hum every now and then, giving away small comments and advices. And he knows you will do the same.
 JUST FRIENDS , but you're the very first thing that comes to his mind when scoring, bringing the team to the victory, always looking for you among the cheering crowd to silently get a sort of a feedback, when he normally doesn't seem to care at all, when you're simply not around.
 JUST FRIENDS , but he always goes to you after winning the match, not giving a literal fuck about celebrating with the others— His hair still pretty much wet from showering, towel hanging around his neck. Fresh, and simply clean. After all, he just doesn't want you to feel the sweat and smell post game— The very thought of it irks him to no end.
 JUST FRIENDS , but he's always laying his head on either your lap or chest whenever he's stressed or tired— Finding comfort in your warmth and touch when he doesn't find it in anyone else.
 JUST FRIENDS , but you tend to feed each other every now and then when eating in a cafe, and he scolds you— But in a way that can be considered gentle— when you make a mess, only for you just laugh quite embarrassedly ; that cream which lingers on the side of your lips just gets licked from him as he casually wipes it away, when normally, things like that just disgusts him if done by others.
 JUST FRIENDS , but he's there, ready to glare at those who stare at you so wrongly (at least in his standards) whenever you're out together, his arm silently wrapping around you as you ramble about where you want to go/do, barely noticing how he's slowly pulling you closer, let alone the menacing scowl on his face that screams "BACK OFF." as it just neutralizes when you look at him, with eyes full of excitement ready to be shared. And you're not any different, side eyeing those people whose gaze linger too long on him— Your arm subtly clinging into tighter as if you simply refuse to let him go
 JUST FRIENDS , but the very thought of either you seeing someone else just brings an uncomfortable feeling within your heart. It's so weird, but not in a good way at all : the thought of someone else being so close to either of you, making you smile— either of your eyes shine just like they normally do when being in each other's company.
  . . . Yeah, you're definitely just friends.
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﹙﹒ ⌦   ₊ @0oitoruu ,
    take it you ungrateful ahh 😔
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linaisfunny · 7 months
Siren headcanons but they’re not TOOOOOO sad (only a little)
#1. He’s bad at math. He is BAD at math. “Quick, what’s 3 X 6?”
But he’s a prodigy at English/history MAYBE science if I’m feeling nice today. Like Sharkspear over here doesn’t know 2 + 2.
2#. He’s good at singing. (Please give him SOME talents yall he can’t only be a goofy goober). His mother named him Siren for a REASON. He loves doing it to, him and his dad used to sing together when he couldn’t sleep. It’s a softer part of him. However, he is MORTIFIED to do it infront of others. He was caught by Kappa one day and never lived down the embarrassment. (Kappa DEF begged him to sing again)
(Listen to caraphernelia by Pierce the veil. Emo but accurate)
3#. His hair is actually wavy/pretty curly. (Shoal kinda looks like he does) but has NO idea how to take care of it so he just leaves it sticking up. He’d be the type of kid to smack his hairbrush against his head while crying. He’s broken brushes and can’t even USE combs.
4#. He has a lighter voice. Softer and sillier. Like, Kappa would have the deeper quieter of the two while Siren would sound like a cartoon character. Or new reporter but sillier. The second you talk to this guy you just KNOW he’s gonna be your best friend till you walk away. Like, it’s not harsh but it has bass to it. He’s not particularly loud but you WILL hear him if he wants to be heard. VOICE CRACKS WHEN HES HAPPY.
5#. He THRIVES talking to people. Loved it. Could talk for HOURS and still want to keep going. Talking about life, their thoughts, his thoughts, stupid rants. Anything. He takes control of group convos and just LEADS. Why? Because he’s just charming and funny, literally social sweetheart. Always DELIGHTED to make new friends.
6#. He is literally a walking cartoon character. His voice, the way he talks, the things he says, his laugh, the way he talk with his hands, the way he reacts literally EVERYTHING about him is so expressive and fun to watch. He’s the funnest person to talk to because he’ll ALWAYS give you a reaction and funny joke. He’s basically pinkie pie just as a dude and shark.
Blue pinkie pie.
7#. Cries to art. He is MOVED by music and paintings and LITERATURE and literally everything that the arts includes.
8#. (YOU CAN IGNORE THIS ONE ITS CRINGE) but since he wasn’t able to really spar and train with the other sharks, I think he’d be on the softer, plusher side. Easy to hide through clothes or sucking in with the public but I dunno. I thought it would make sense. He would be DEATHLY insecure though. Sorry Siren ❤️
9#. He is the FUNNIEST mf in the entire Shark castle. Like he’s so naturally witty and sharp that people are intimidating. Comedic gold. (Or it could be his complete resting bitch-COUGH-unamused face) He’s just so clever and uses that to make jokes and make others laugh.
10#. He giggles like “hehehe😈” and laughs like “HAHAH *gasp* HAHAHA” on repeat. Hyena laugh but it’s cute. Throws his head back and laughs loudly and freely. Siren definitely has a smile that just RADIATES joy and happiness. Sweetest thing ever.
11#. Adores horror, but definitely jumps and screams at jump scares. Like, he’ll search and listen to horror stories for HOURS but then be too paranoid after to turn the lights off. Loves the thrill of it. Then hates the anxiety after.
12#. He’s a goofy goober. Just a funny guy. (Pretty neurodivergent). He’s shark Jerma basically. Or a nicer Scout. But he is just a silly guy.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Not everything is Demeter’s fault or even tied to Demeter, quit using her as a scapegoat for everything just because you don’t like her and can’t accept the fact that your faves are fucking up everything for themselves because they’re way too underdeveloped emotionally to handle decisions. Has anyone ever thought about that? Both Persephone and Hades need a lot of therapy and neither of them are allowing themselves to get it because they are so far up each other’s asses. You cannot form a healthy relationship when you’re both traumatized and have bad communication skills, you can’t necessarily heal someone else when you’re just as broken as they are and that’s what frustrates me about Persephone and Hades as a whole. We all remember Minthe and Hades right? We all agree that they were horrible for each other and they’re only bringing the worst of one another by being together and we see now that apart they’re doing better (honestly not really Hades but Minthe mainly). So how come when it comes to Persephone and Hades being lumped into one being because of their shared trauma being overlooked? I find it funny how everyone was disapproving of their relationship and how they said it was toxic that they were together yet y’all still ship Persades. They are bringing the absolute worst out of each other, they aren’t in a state of healing, they’re both stressed, trying to rush their relationship, not wanting to get to know each other, and hiding their concern for the other ones sake. When has this ever been healthy? Why would we categorize such a draining situation as healthy. Bottom line is it’s extremely hypocritical to say that Minthe and Hades’ relationship is toxic yet turn a blind eye to Persephone and Hades.
Anyways, am I the only one not enjoying the way Morpheus is drawn? I really don’t like how instead of being androgynous or whatever Rachel was going for she looks like she’s slowly morphing into how the men of LO are drawn and I absolutely hate that so much. I hate that she doesn’t have decent panels or different styles, I hate how her design feels so mean and it’s almost borderline transphobic sometimes. I’m not asking her to be a big booby goddess with no waist by the way (Rachel please that’s not what I mean by this, spare my child) I’m just saying that I don’t like how she’s being drawn more masculine for some reason.. Maybe I am just being nit-picky but it’s just been on my mind and I recently saw the panels which included her and I just felt so angry. Why did her entire face change? Her face used to be more rounder and softer yet in the newer chapters it’s a lot more long and chiseled. Again, maybe I’m just tripping balls but it just feels a little mean and she deserves a better design with actual thought and care put into.
Anyways, I believe that’s all I really wanted to say but again I will restate that I’m so sick and tired of the fans trying to drag Demeter in every single situation. Like please figure out another character to call on, y’all don’t even do this with Zeus and I thought everyone hated Zeus because he rightfully banished Persephone’s ass for years. And actually I wanna say that it’s extremely sexist the way that this shit is going down because how the fuck is Demeter still getting shit yet there’s dozens of men in LO who’ve done way worst. You guys barely even get on Apollo like you do with Demeter and we all know what he is, neither do you do to Kronos and he traumatized your favorite character. I’m gonna need you guys to distribute as much hatred as you feel for the female characters to the male characters because it’s honestly embarrassing and just showing what kind of person you truly are. Especially the whole Leuce situation, again she literally did nothing that entire chapter yet everyone was trying to drag her through the dirt. Focus on your moral compass and do better please, it’s getting tiring.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Hello, rotting again too many thoughts, too little of a brain. SR is chillin with the one of the boys and its golden hour (when the sun hits just right and makes you look <33) and sun is hitting her just right making her look all pretty. And she's just talking about how a tomato is a fruit or not, and she turns to look at them, and her eyes staring at them with the sun hitting her so prettily is just so intense. That suddenly, they are unable to answer her,; just stuttering, or unable to find the the will to form words at all(seeing flustered Giorno or Bruno who always is so suave now trying to speak but their toungue feels so useless, unable to form words, and now simply opening and closing their mouths like a fish, trying to save their pride) as SR's eyes slowly go softer from her previous excitement into more of a mellow confusion, asking them if something is wrong, even putting their hand on their head to see if they are sick. And most of the boys have never had this experience before, seeing someone so pretty that they can't even speak properly (we've all had those moments irl, ik I have) and they 're all red in the face and even the ears are red. (even better if they're not dating and the boys just flounder about, Narancia genuinely thinking it's a stand attack fighting for his life just to form a sentence, while Fungo and Abbachio just can't handle and look away or even walk away 💀Mista trying so hard to make a joke out of it, while beat red in the face ) End of rot rant, sorry if i'm sending in too much stuff.
you have nothing to apologize for omg,... these are beloved asks... i am cradling them gently in my hands ....
'And she's just talking about how a tomato is a fruit or not,' LMAO i love this it captures SR reader's energy so perfectly tyhjrtkmg
giorno would be sighing, resting his chin on his palm, feeling kinda bad for zoning out because he likes you to know you have his attention but. his brain stopped working properly. he can't think of anything especially dazzling to say, just that he sometimes struggles to believe you're real. bruno would be stuck in a similarly difficult predicament. you just make him feel so warm on the inside and in moments like this, it's almost too much. you make him feel human again. his responsibilities melt away, nothing aside from you registering. he could get drunk on the feeling.
fugo hits you with the legendary line 'stop... doing that. being... pretty.' shakespeare who? he screams into his pillow that night in embarrassment. it's amazing how you can turn such an intelligent man into a blubbering fool. he doesn't mind nearly as much as he lets on. abbacchio just getting up and walking away though PFF he'd be clutching his chest the second he left the room, trying to regain himself while your footsteps pad on over. you motivate him to get a physical again to make sure everything's working right in there. he's fine, though, just lovesick to a worrying degree. he has no idea how you do it.
narancia ... he's such a sweetheart... he already feels emotions so strongly, so this is messing him up. in a good way though. you'd have to reassure him that no, this isn't a stand attack (probably?), and that he's got to calm down. take some deep breaths. you'll think it's the cutest thing ever when he explains his reasoning. mista does a somewhat better job at playing it cool, since he always wants to give off this debonair vibe. chokes on his spit a little though and ruins the atmosphere. if pistols have been filched a snack recently, the little snitches will gather around to profess mista's innermost thoughts to you. apparently he's convinced a religion could be started in your honor.
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eruhatesu · 2 years
I adore the idea of Yuki knowing about Gojo's crush, but I also love the idea of her getting Utahime to confess she likes him.
Yuki just casually asks if she likes him, and Utahime gets all defensive like, "What? Why would I like him? He's rude and annoying and always has to make a scene—"
But while she's ranting, she just kinda trails off unknowingly, voice getting a little softer as she stares down at her hands, a slight blush coloring her face. "He can be kind of funny sometimes. . .and he's sweet when he wants to be."
And she just catches herself and looks up at Yuki, who has the biggest shit eating grin on her face, causing Utahime to desperately try and backtrack and take everything back. She's so frantic and embarrassed, but Yuki isn't even listening to her rant. She knows her precious Kouhai has it bad.
And she knows Gojo feels the same 🤭
yuki visit
AWWW hello this is the cutest thing. Yuki does have the vibe that you can trust her with anything EXCEPT if you’re Gojo , there’s nothing safe with her. Everything is broadcasted right away! With Utahime however, at first it was all silly and fun joking but I also imagine Yuki talking with her what are the pros and cons if she really does get on with The Gojo Satoru.
I would love to know how that talk goes…
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darth-shado · 1 year
3 times Tim tried to get Jon and Martin together, and 1 time he realised he didn't have to
Chapter 1
this fic is a collab between ma and @im-gonna-squeet
Summary: Tim knew about Jon and Martin's not so subtle feelings for one another, so he took it into his own (and Sasha's) hands. But little did he know, he didn't have to.
Tags: Established Relationship, Attempted get together, oblivious archival assistants, Jon and Martin being little shits, Post MAG: Fluff, Season 1 Archival Crew
Word count: 1,3k
Tim left Martin's office, which was now more like his room rather than a workplace. He wondered why his co-worker was so avoidant about the question regarding his quite obvious romantic interest in another person working at the institute. Tim would guess that the person didn't work here if Martin wasn't trying to avoid this topic and get Tim to leave his office immediately when it was brought up. It must've been someone who's his and Martin's mutual colleague. But he did ask about everyone which meant that Martin wasn't quite truthful with him, although-
Tim turned on his heel, to return to Martin's office. His suspicions of who might've stolen the heart of his friend grew as he saw Jon leaving the office he was heading to. They passed by each other in the corridor, Tim smiled at him but Jon remained the same, focused on work as if he didn't had time for being friendly towards his assistants. Tim just shrugged it off as it was pretty usual for Jon to act like that at work.
He soon stood in front of Martin's office. Tim (very) lightly knocked on the door and entered the room without waiting for an answer.
"Do you-" Martin said it softer than in his usual tone, until he looked up from the pile of paperwork and saw who entered his office. Just as he noticed his voice was back to the usual tone; if a louder, higher pitched negative attitude towards him could be called that. "Christ! Normal people knock Tim! How many times do I have to tell you this?!"
He would've joined this one-sided argument if not the more important thought he had in mind. "Is it Jon?" Tim asked overlapping Martin's rant about knocking at the door and causing him to immediately go quiet.
Only in a matter of seconds Martin quickly started protesting and his face slightly reddened. "W-what? No! D-definitely not him. Uh- Why do you think so?" He tried to cover up his embarrassment by poorly acting casually which he was aware of. "Y-you know what? Just go away." Martin tried to change the subject and get a few minutes to get to work rather than daydream about his boss.
"So it is Jon." Tim said through laughter caused by his friend's reaction to his theory being correct.
"Even if it is him, that's none of your business." Martin signed, being quite disappointed in the turn this conversation took. He didn't had the strength to look at Tim now so he tried to get busy with all the papers on his desk.
"It absolutely is, seeing you pining for him is quite tiring to watch."
"What pining?" He jerked his head upwards, surprised at what was brought up. Martin had been nicer to Jon but it was just casual 'trying to be a better co-worker' and didn't think it was noticeable from the outsider perspective.
"Come on Martin. Don't play dumb. Hold on, I have an idea!"
"Please don't." He responded quickly, not wanting to know what his friend had in mind.
"You're free on Friday after work, right?"
"Nope. I am not. I have a statement that needs a follow-up and it's about time I get back to doing those." He faintly smiled, as most of the times he was looking forward to seeing Jon this time he was glad to have an excuse of why he couldn't meet up with him.
"So a lovely weekend in the countryside. Got it."
"I've already made a reservation for myself." Martin still tried to stop talking with Tim about trying to set him and Jon up for a date. Which worked… for a few seconds.
Tim was about to leave defeated but just as he reached for a doorknob he was stricken by the idea of how to tease Martin more about his crush. He turned towards his friend and said with a smirk on his face. "Wait, you're not telling me there will only be one bed."
Martin felt his cheeks get warmer, imagining this scenario. He was struggling with words, while trying to form the best response to this suggestion. "Okay Tim that's enough, get out."
"Sure thing." He said just before exiting the room, still chuckling to himself.
Tim now just had to arrange a 'date' for the two of his friends. It wasn't going to be a huge problem, he knew Jon meaning he also knew how to make sure that he will be the only one available to 'help' Martin with a follow-up to one of the statements.
"Hey, boss!" Tim announced himself as he walked into Jon's office. And leaned against the side of the desk, next to where Jon was sitting.
He didn't bother to look at him due to him remembering each one of his co-workers habit's while entering his office. "What is it Tim?"
"I was just talking to Martin about his follow-up this weekend. And you know about his situation…"
'I'm pretty sure I've heard laughter but go on.' He wanted to say but that would only make the whole conversation longer. Instead he said: "Yes, I am well aware of why he is currently living in the institute."
"Right. He asked me or more likely implied that he would like to go with another person this weekend."
"Yes, you can also go." Jon said without putting much thought into his answer.
Tim audiably exhaled. "Afraid I'm busy on Saturday."
"What about Sasha?"
"Yeah no chance, she also can't make it. We both have plans. More accurately, we are going to her parents to celebrate their cat's birthday."
Jon looked up with an expression like he was questioning what Tim had just said. The assistant just nodded slightly to prove his truthfulness.
Although this reasoning was absurd, he didn't have the heart to stop his two co-workers from visiting a cat, especially on it's birthday. "And you're suggesting I go with Martin?"
He signed, being quite disappointed about the thought of spending the weekend with Martin. "I suppose I could. Let me just talk it through with him."
"Great! I'll be off." As usual before he left he snapped and pointed finger guns at Jon but this time he also winked at him, which indicated that something was up though he had no idea what that might be about.
Just as Tim returned to the assistant's office he slammed the door open and said cheerfully. "Sasha! I won! And guess what?"
A few days had passed by, and so had the weekend. Tim was rather impatient as he got back to the institute and tried not to immediately go to Martin and ask how his trip went but he managed to wait until he was done with his work. At least for now.
As he was walking past the corridor he noticed that the door to Martin's office was slightly ajar. Tim knocked and when he heard an answer that indicated that he can enter he did. "So...how was it?" Tim asked.
"It went surprisingly well." Martin smiled to himself, looking up from his laptop, setting down his mug back on a table when Tim just stared at him trying to get more information from him. "Well…. Nothing really happened but we did get a chance to speak to each other one on one and Jon seems to not be as much bothered by my company as before."
"That's a start." Tim went quiet and Martin went back to carefully trying again to drink his tea. "Really nothing else? No cuddling together before falling asleep?"
"W-what? Definitely not. W-why would we?" Martin laughed uncomfortably. Although when he looked at Tim he saw that he seemed rather amused by his reaction. "Oh get off it, we rented two rooms, no big deal."
"Lucky for you I have a few more ideas for your dates."
Martin wanted to say something against those words but he realized that thanks to that he had a chance to spend time with Jon on those occasions. Tim expected any kind of answer but he took silence as a win.
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tonya-the-chicken · 2 years
How do you think the Todofam would differ if Shouto was a girl? From his views on the women in his family, would he even view her as a replacement? I think his breakdown would be delayed but the resentment towards Shouto would be greater?
You wrote Todofam but your question target Touya specifically? I guess I'll write about every member
Enji: I don't think he would care. He'd treat Shouto the same, maybe a tiny bit softer
Rei: I feel like she would be only more protective of Shouto. I am not sure about her stance on gender issues but she could be way more upset with training and tell Enji "she's just a little girl" you know, stuff like that
Touya: he might believe that Shouto won't be any good like the rest of the women in this family but that would only hurt him more the moment he realizes how strong she is. It's bad enough he was replaced and it's worse that it was a girl that replaced him. I think he would be saying pretty sexist things about her, maybe trying to convince their father girl could never become superior to All Might. I don't think it would delay his breakdown, I think if anything it would speed it up. Pretty embarrassing to lose to a girl
Fuyumi: she would be absolutely delighted to have a sister. I think she'd definitely sneak past her parents to play with her at least for a bit
Natsuo: nothing changes for him, really. Except he has to hear Touya's sexist rants. He kind of replaced it out of his brain after his death
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sluttymickey · 5 months
same anon as the flirty husband thing and oh my god I am in love with your response. I was totally thinking of the aw babe u had a crush on me that’s so embarrassing thing when I was writing it out lol…but godd the teasing each other about liking each other is just so good. Its one of those things where Ian will get a little shy but just shrug it off and be like yeah I did but MICKEY oh god. If ian ever teases him over that he goes full blushing mode, hiding his face in Ians shoulder and mumbling a half hearted “fuck off, man” while Ian just giggles to himself. Ian loves to see his husband flustered though and tries to subtly assure him that he thinks its sweet. I also feel like Ian would try to be more open about feeling butterflies etc because he knows it makes mickey feel good that Ian responds that way to his affection. (versus mickey who will fight tooth and nail to keep his composure but fails miserably)
Anyway do not think about Ian, slightly high, kissing Mickeys nose and pulling back to see the most pliant, comfortable expression on Mickeys face. Or Mickey kissing all over the palm of Ians hand. Or Ian tracing mickeys chest tattoo. Or Ian pulling Mickeys legs into his lap when they are laying on the couch, watching some bad movie. Or Mickey nuzzling into Ians neck whenever he is cold. Or Ian placing butterfly soft kisses all over Mickeys stomach and ribs where he knows he is ticklish just to hear him break into laughter. Or Mickey leaning into Ians side after a long day at work, not consciously just out of trust and affection. Do not think about it.
Teasing about liking <33 My kingdom for Ian being able to tell Mickey all about the giant crush he had on him and how cool he found him to be and how he always wanted to kiss him and Mickey's just 😊🥰 throughout because he's a SUCKER for praise from Ian 🥺
Kev tells Ian how Mickey got drunk and had a full blown rant about liking redheads and Mickey's like ohmyGODshutupthatdidnothappenfuckoffstopmakingthatfacegallagherimgonnafuckinkillkev *is interrupted by ian smooching him*
But in one of his softer moments Mickey tells Ian about how nice it was to have Ian like him back and how giddy he felt when Ian visited in juvie and told him he missed him. In one of his drunk moments he might confess that after Ian complimented his scarf one, he wore it every chance he could because he wanted to look good for Ian and Ian will never ever let him live that down
And please!!🥺🥺🥺 All those kisses and soft moments I am MUSH 🥺 it's about the casual intimacy 🥺 it's about the non sexual kisses 🥺 it's about comforting touches 🥺
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Intelligence (Spencer Reid x reader)
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Description: You really like Spencer, but worry that you’re not smart enough for him.
2831 words
“Everyone, meet our new Assistent (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I finally got Strauss to agree that we have too much paperwork and she hired someone to help us”, Agent Hotchner introduced you to the team that was already sitting around the table in the room. All of them looked very nice and greeted you, and you immediately felt less nervous. Considering you were about to run to the bathroom and throw up a few minutes ago, this was a huge improvement.
You were hired by Chief Strauss to handle part of the paperwork the BAU team could delegate. That didn’t mean you’d fly out with them when they got a new case, if it was necessary they could request you but your job was at Quantico most of the time. However, you were attending all their meetings at the BAU so you could document everything.
“Hey I’m Penelope Garcia, the tech analyst and communications director”, a blonde woman with colorful clothing introduced herself, and after that you learned who JJ, Emily, Derek and David were. The last one to introduce himself was a skinny, brown haired man whose voice was shaking slightly when he started to talk. “Hey, I’m Spencer”, he said and met your eyes, damn he was cute. And kind off young compared to the other ones, he looked more like your age.
“Hey, Nice to meet you”, you answered and took his offered hand. It was softer than expected and he blushed when you smiled at him. “Here have a seat”, Agent Hotchner pulled out a chair next to Spencer for you, and you sat down. “Thank you sir”, you said and pulled out your laptop so you could take notes. You side-eyed the attractive team member next to you, and blushed when he caught you staring, making him blush too.
“Oookay”, Penelope started, getting yours and Spencer’s attention, making you realize the whole team was looking at the both of you. Perfect, could this get any more embarrassing. “Garcia, the case”, Agent Hotchner looked at her sternly, making everyone snap out of it. “Oh right, yes sir, so, we have three female victims in the Austin area”, she started and pulled up three crime scene photos on the big screen.
You were working at the BAU for two months already and in that time you found out that Spencer - who you developed a serious crush on - wasn’t just part of the team, but a doctor who had an eidetic memory and an IQ of 187. No wonder he was such a vital part fo the team at this age. You two talked a lot when you had the time, but you would never hope to be anything more than friends. He was way to smart to want to be with you, not that you were stupid, but to be in a relationship you need to be able to talk about shared interests and you had the feeling you wouldn’t be an adequate partner for that. That didn’t stop you from daydreaming though, having been caught staring into space thinking about his soft brown eyes by Penelope more than once.
Because you and her were the two team members staying in Quantico most of the time, you became good friends and sometimes you were working together in her tech cave. You were on friendly terms with all of the team though, but with her it was just effortless. “You daydreaming about our boy genius again?”, she chuckled when she came through the door, balancing her new coffee and muffin and tablet at the same time. “What? No! Of course not”, you denied, but a treacherous blush made its way into your face. “Sure honey”, she giggled and sat down, while you tried to concentrate on your report again.
“I don’t get why you won’t tell him, he’s so obviously into you too”, she sighed like she always did when she caught you. “He’s not”, you rolled your eyes. “Sure he is! Everytime he remembers you’re in the room too, he looks over and stumbles over his words mid-rant, it so obvious”, she told you while simultaneously typing away on her computer. You two were finishing up the newest case, the team was already in the jet back.
“Even if he was, nothing could ever come from it”, you sighed and gave up trying to write your report. You’d just take it home. “What? Why?”, now you had her full attention, normally you just brushed her off, but now that you actually admitted something, she wasn’t going to let you off the hook so quickly. “It’s…it’s just he’s so smart Penelope, I could never talk with him about the things he’s interested in”, you sighed, feeling slightly better by telling someone, “I tried to read the books he rants about sometimes and even looked at his favorite mathematical phenomena, but I just don’t get it, not enough to have an intelligent conversation about it at least.”
“Oh my sweet little oblivious colleague”, she sighed and shook her head, “Spencer doesn’t care about that, I’m sure! And you’re not not intelligent just because you’re not as smart as him, nobody is, that’s not what relationships are about!” “I don’t know, maybe it would work at first, but at some point he’d be bored. He needs someone equally as smart”, you shrugged and tried to tell yourself that it’s no big deal. You were fine just being friends.
Before Penelope could try to convince you more, Derek pushed open the door to greet his favorite tech girl.
“Reid, why don’t you just get over yourself and ask her out?”, Derek asked Spencer who was walking down the corridor after the both of them ran into you and Reid was left a stuttering mess. “I can’t Morgan”, Spencer was still red and his heart was beating thousands of beats per minute. “Reid! Reid, slow down for a second”, Morgan grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. “You see how I act around her, how would I ever be able to ask her out?”, Spencer was desperate, even after months of working together his feelings for you only seemed to get stronger.
“Spencer, she obviously likes you too, I know you can do it”, Derek encouraged him. “Oh, you two taking about (Y/N)?”, Rossi was walking by and heard the two BAU members. “Am I that obvious”, Spencer visibly deflated. “Yes, but so is she”, Rossi chuckled and Derek crossed his arms. “Derek is right you know, she likes you too, don’t tell me our genius isn’t studying her body language?”, Rossi teased Spencer, who looked up.
“How could I, I’m way to busy embarrassing myself”, he mumbled clutching the strap of his bag. “Her pupils are dilating every time you start talking, she’s blushing just as much as you are and she’s always patiently listening to all of your rants, which is honestly admirable”, Derek pointed out and Spencer seemed to be uplifted by that. “Are you serious?”, he asked, sometimes not understanding when people messed with him.
“Yes Reid, trust us, and if you don’t, ask Garcia, you know she’ll tell you the truth”, Derek rolled his eyes and gave Reid an encouraging pat on the shoulder before leaving. “How do I ask her out though?”, Reid asked Rossi now that they were alone. He had little experience in things like that, and he never ever felt like this for someone before. “You talk to her a lot, you know her”, Rossi told him, “just be casual about it, so you two don’t mess it up.” Rossi also gave Spencer an encouraging pat before going the same way Derek left. “Casual”, Spencer mumbled thoughtfully.
“Hey Spencer!”, you greeted the doctor who was sitting in the break room alone, reading a book. His head immediately snapped up when he heard your voice and he raised his hand to wave at you, but almost knocked over his coffee. His clumsiness was honestly adorable. “Hey”, he said and caught the cup before it could fall.
“How was your lecture yesterday?”, you asked him, remembering he told you about a guest lecture he was teaching. “Oh! It was great, thanks for asking”, he smiled and you poured yourself hot water on the teabag in your cup. You heard his chair scrape against the floor, and he stood beside you, pouring himself some more coffee. You didn’t mention that his cup was almost full as it was.
“You know there was something I was meaning to ask you”, he said with a slightly shaking voice and you turned towards him. “Sure, everything okay?”, you asked and he just nodded, his eyes roaming your face, making you feel slightly hot. “Do you wanna go out with me?”, he finally blurted out after a few seconds of silence, rendering you speechless.
“Really?”, was the only thing you were able to get out. You dated your fair share of boys in college, but this was something else, something more serious. “Yes, really”, Spencer was fidgeting with his hands, seemingly nervous too. “Yeah, yeah I’d love to”, you finally answered his question and he seemed to be relieved. “Great!”, he said and smiled at you, making your knees weak. Maybe you should give this a shot.
The date was going way better than you expected, it seemed like outside the walls of the BAU you two were way less tense and awkward around eachother. Spencer took you to a small cafe that was a bookstore at the same time, and you two were sitting way in the back between two shelves of old books.
“So yeah, I probably don’t have to mention that I’ll never eat jello again”, you laughed, having told him the story of how your best friend in college puked her jello shots all over you at a frat party. Spencer laughed with you, and was about to answer when the waitress interrupted you two. “I’m sorry you two, but we’re closing in ten minutes”, she told you with a broom in her hands and you looked at your watch in shock.
“Sorry, of course! Can we pay?”, Spencer said, you couldn’t believe you were here four hours already! The sun was already setting outside. When the waitress gave you the bill, you were about to pull out your wallet, but Spencer stopped you. “Don’t worry I’ve got it”, he smiled and gave the money to the waitress. “Thank you Spencer, you didn’t have to”, you smiled at him, but he just got up and took your hand while walking out of the cafe.
The cafe wasn’t that far from where you lived, so Spencer decided to walk you home. “I had a really great time with you tonight”, he told you when you reached the front door of your apartment building. The streetlights were already lit up. “Me too”, you smiled, but the doubts you had pushed aside this entire afternoon were slowly coming back. Did he really have a good time, or was he just saying that to not hurt your feelings?
You talked a lot that afternoon, and he also explained a lot of the things he’s interested in to you, but you couldn’t help and wonder if he thought you were stupid for not knowing what he was talking about from the beginning. “I know we just went on a date, but what do you think about going to dinner tomorrow?”, he smiled and you were unsure. Was it worth enjoying the time you had, just to get your heart broken when he realized you weren’t intelligent enough? Not that you would ever expect him to tell you something like that, but you were knee deep in your insecurities right then.
“What is it? Did you not have fun? I’m sorry, did I misread-“, you could tell he was beginning to get nervous by the lack of answer you were giving him. “No! No you didn’t misread anything, I had a great time too”, you reassured him with a smile, but it fell of your face rather quickly, “it’s just…” You couldn’t bring yourself to finish that sentence, no matter what you were going to say next it was gonna sound pathetic.
“You can tell me”, Spencer tried to get it out of you, but looked rather worried. “This sounds exactly as dumb as I feel, but Spencer you’re so intelligent and you have so many interests in things I can’t even really grasp, I-“, you took a deep breath, “I’m just worrying if there’s going to come a moment when you realize I’m not smart enough. I tried reading some of the books you like so much and even tried to understand the math stuff you always talk about, but I’ll never get it.” You looked down at your hands, a little ashamed to put your insecurities out in the open like that.
It was silent for a few moments, two or three cars passing by. Spencer grabbed your fidgeting hands and you raised your head in surprise. He looked shocked. “How could you ever think that? Not once in all our conversations have I ever thought that! I love talking to you, and I love how you let me rant about my interests even if you might not understand them. But that doesn’t matter! I love that you’re trying to understand the stuff I talk about, but that isn’t what’s important, please don’t worry about that. I like you, like a lot, and we don’t have to have all the same interests, the most important thing is that we’re interested in eachother”, he told you without stumbling over his words once and you were looking at him with wide eyes.
Was he right? There was never not something to talk about between you two, and you were both doing your best to understand the things the other person was interested in. Maybe he was right.“I’d love to go to dinner tomorrow”, you came out of your stupor and blushed at the way a smile made it onto his face.
“I can’t wait”, he grinned and his hand softly cupped your cheek, while he was blushing too. Oh my god, was he going to kiss you? His other hand was still holding yours and he pulled you a little closer, so you two were standing chest to chest. “Can I-“, he started but his voice gave up and you noticed the hand on your face shaking a little. “Please”, you whispered and leaned upwards. He met you halfway, and his lips softly found their place on yours.
Your hands were holding onto his cardigan, because your knees were weak immediately and his now free hand was pulling you closer by the waist. His lips moved against yours hesitantly but meaningful at the same time, and your heart was beating so loud you were scared he could feel it. After a few moments you pulled away, but still stayed close to him, loving the way he was holding you.
“I like you too by the way, like a lot”, you said softly and gave him another kiss - this time shorter than the other one. He grinned and pulled you close again.
“Do you think we should tell the others?”, Spencer asked you, not worried about being overheard since you were the only two that were in the meeting room already. You two were a couple for nearly three months now, and it was getting harder and harder to hide it from the team. You wanted to make sure that it worked out before telling them. “Yeah maybe, there’s this gathering at Rossis on Saturday, how about then?”, you suggested an were about to take a sip from your coffee when Spencer pulled your chair closer.
“Woah, careful there love”, you giggled and he looked at you with a lovesick smile while you put your coffe down. “I can’t wait to stop pretending”, he sighed and leaned forward, his hand holding your face while he kissed you gently. He was always so soft with you, and you were loving it. It seemed like you two were so deep in your bubble, that you didn’t hear the door opening until someone cleared their throat.
Your eyes flew open and Spencer immediately pulled away, both of you completely red in the face when you saw the whole team standing there looking at you with smirks and smug looks. “I told you so”, JJ was the first to break the silence with a sing song voice. “I knew you had it in you kid”, Rossi and Derek were patting Spencer on the back making you giggle. “Guess we don’t have to tell them anymore”, you told Spencer, who nodded in agreement.
“Tell us?”, Horch raised an eyebrow, “Even someone who isn’t a profiler could have seen what was going on.” Turns out you were more obvious than you thought.
First criminal minds piece, hope you liked it!
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Reader wears this while they sleep? First time sleeping over for the skelly!
I decided to make it so it's the Dreams and Nightmare's :)
I'm also gonna say it can be that pink color, or any color you want it to be! Whatever it really doesn't matter lol. Uhh don't worry, it isn't suggestive or anything.
Nightmare: When he first sees you, he's going to stare for a few seconds, then his eye sockets widen, and he quickly wraps a blanket around you. "Y/n! You can't show that much skin until you're married" he's just embarrassed, and now you're going to have to hear him rant and ramble about how it's... strange! He's just embarrassed, don't worry, not mad or anything. He just can't handle himself sometimes. He knew for damn sure he couldn’t handle you!
Dream: He'll gasp softly when he first sees you, his cheeks flushing with warmth then he smiles, laughing softly "Oh Y/n! You look so cute. Are... you sure that you won't get too cold while you're sleeping, though?" His eyes scan to look you up and down, then away again, blushing darker squirming a little where he was laying. Oh, he sure knew that he wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight! Not because of any reason other than... he was going to be too deep into his mind.
Passive: He was already nervous about you spending the night with him in his castle, so when you came out wearing that outfit? He's going to stare with big eye sockets, then a very deep purple blush, covering his cheeks "Ah!" he turns, away, hiding his face into his pillow, moving it to be over his skull "Y//n! You can't wear something like t-that! T-That's too much skin showing." They weren't even married yet! Good golly... How can you be so easygoing? 
Daydream: Delusion would look you up and down, then smile and rest his head against the palm of his hand and wrap his tentacles around you slowly, pulling you onto the bed with him. "Don't you look dashing?" he touches the fabric. It was softer than he first expected. "I could get used to sleeping, if you often wore this." he didn't care that they weren't married yet. That whole thing was still stupid in his mind.
Delusion: Delusion would look at you with big eye sockets, his mouth opening a little then he shuts it again, making a clinking sound as his teeth hit together. He had no idea how to react to seeing you in something like that! Did you... really feel comfortable enough to wear something of that sort near him? “Y-You... look... um you look r-really cute, Y/n” he turns his head away, trying to hide his face with his hand. It was a bright bright purple color. There was no way that he was hiding that embarrassment. You're gonna kill him. You're gonna kill your datemate, Y/n.
Solar: He's already nervous about sleeping over and when you came in wearing that? I'm sorry, but you're going to have to change. There is noway that you could get even remotely close to him when he's blushing that hard because he's glowing really really bright and that could be dangerous for you. He might be able to deal with it later but right now, maybe not...
Nightfall: He would look at you shocked, looking at the clothing that you were wearing, then around as if there would be someone that would be able to see you, then clears his throat turning his head down “Are you sure that... you can wear that to sleep? I-It might... be cold?” He knew that it wasn't going to be cold. He should be alright with this! Just... where he's from, people normally only show that much skin when they're married. Are they married?! No, he knew that they weren't but... ahhh! He tried to not think about it too much and luckily, the second the sun started to rise, he was out like a light, snuggled up against his datemate.
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lipglosscherrybomb · 3 years
Late night confessions
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I’m unbelievably bored so i decided to do this (i hate myself for even making this like I’m literally laughing rn this is so dumb and I’m embarrassed but if you wanna read i did try to take it seriously so go on ig)
*not proofread. Cause if i did I probably wouldn’t have posted it.*
Summary: You and Peter have been best friends for years, you’ve both been in love with each-other for the longest time but none of you have had the courage to confess your feelings. One night that was all about to change.
Warnings: mention of non-consensual touching, some angst.
There you were, hanging out in your room all by yourself. “Last kiss” by Taylor Swift plays on your laptop as you hugged the throw pillow in your bed as if you were 5 years old holding a teddy bear about to drift off and dream about chocolate rivers and cotton candy clouds. Instead you’re 17 and crying over another boy who didn’t actually like you but used you to get back at his ex-girlfriend.
You wanted to call Peter, let him comfort you, rant to you about how much of a jerk the guy was and how he never liked him then watch a movie with him until you felt better. But right now the last thing you wanted was another reminder of the fact that the guy you’re in love with isn’t in love with you and only thinks of you as his best friend.
Right then, just like clockwork, Your phone rings, Peter’s name flashing across the screen with a cute picture of him in his spider-suit and you next to him smiling as his head rests on your shoulder, you’d set it as his contact picture a few days ago. You smile at the memory and pick up the phone, pressing it to your ear.
“Hey” you try to sound as cheery as possible, trying to cover up the fact that you’ve been crying non-stop for hours.
“Hey…you okay? I heard you skipped last period and you never do that so I’m either starting to rub off on you or something really bad happened and you don’t wanna tell me” you knew he was making the joke to come off clueless, he knew something was wrong already.
“Nothing happened. Maybe I’m not just not as much of a rule-follower as you let yourself believe” you smile lightly.
“Okay rebel, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, seriously. You’re reaching.”
“Right, so if i came over right now that wouldn’t be a problem?”
“It would be, because I’m uh…doing homework” you cursed yourself silently in your head as you processed the half-assed excuse you knew he wouldn’t buy.
Right then you hear a tap on your window. Peter sits there on the fire escape for you to open up.
“Shit” you curse out openly in a whisper. Hanging up the phone and wiping your tears before heading towards the window. Your Spotify now playing “fake plastic trees” by Radiohead.
You sighed, opening the window and letting your friend in. You prayed to whatever celestial entity that was listening that he couldn’t tell your eyes were basically bloodshot.
“What did he do?” You could tell he was pissed off, ready to beat up anyone who’d hurt you.
“Chill out dude, seriously, it’s nothing. I’m fine” It wasn’t. But the last thing you want to do is cause a fight. You made your way to your bed and lied down.
“What happened?” He was now sat next to you. His voice softer. After all these years you still felt the same rush you did when he was close to you as the first time you realized you were in love with him. Your heart beat picked up. You hoped he couldn’t hear it even though you knew he could.
A certain feeling of insecurity made you sit up instead of lying down. You reached for your throw pillow to ease your nerves.
“It’s nothing okay?” You avoided eye contact now. “We were just hanging out, he wanted to do stuff, I didn’t want to, he got a little pushy so i left and he broke up with me later that day. End of story.”
“Did he touch you?” He sounded extremely pissed off now, you cringed.
“No, well- he tried but i pushed him off. It’s fine” It wasn’t, but you don’t want to cause problems.
“I’m gonna kill him, i swear” He got up abruptly, you grab his arm, your reflexes almost as quick as his but obviously not quite.
“You’ll do no such thing, Peter.” You pull him down and he lets you. Keeping eye-contact and looking at you as if you were the only person left in this world. That’s when you realized you were still holding his arm. In a self-conscious action, you blushed, intending to let go of the person who was making your head spin and your heart beat at an unnaturally fast pace.
As you were trying to pull away, he still hadn’t spoken, it felt like he froze in the moment how he looked at you so intensely. He wasn’t moving either, but as you tried to move your hand, he stopped you. You didn’t understand it, you guys touch all the time. Why was he so hung up on this moment. Why were you?
Your mind was going a million miles a minute. The familiar, stunningly-electric temporary rush was beginning to fade. You were used to it, it happened every time you touched him, and you always wondered if maybe he felt it too, this moment made you begin to think maybe he was just as in love with you as you were with him.
“I can’t stand the thought of anybody hurting you.” His voice was softer now, speaking in a volume that only you could hear, almost a whisper. He’s still keeping eye-contact. You shift on the spot directing your eyes to your computer instead where your spotify was open still. “Disintegration” by turnover was now playing.
I quickly learn that my efforts to avoid him were useless when you his hand on your cheek making you face him, though your gaze is fixated on the laptop. If you look at him now, you’ll kiss him. That might permanently dent your friendship with him. You can’t lose him. Not now, not ever.
“Y/n look at me” his voice is still soft, you can feel his eyes on the side of your face, his hand still on your cheek. “Please” he’s begging now. Hesitating, you finally face him.
“Why do you care so much?” Is all you managed to get out. You need answers. Even if he doesn’t care for you in that way you need to know.
“Because” he pauses for a moment. Suspicion is starting to hit you. “You’re my best-friend”
“No, Peter. This isn’t how you treat your ‘best-friend’, okay? This isn’t how you talk to your ‘best-friend’!” You step away now, confused and a little upset. You fold your arms over your chest as you move to the other side of the room, next to your desk.
He gets up as well and in a heartbeat he’s standing in front of you.
“Why are you so upset?” He tries to take your hand now. You won’t let him, not when he’s looking at you in that way that makes your heart melt.
“Because I don’t get you, Peter.” You’re frustrated, letting yourself lean against the wall.
“You don’t get me?! I don’t get you!” ‘Great, now we’ve both matched each-other’s frustration’ you think to yourself as you listen to him.
“I mean first you complain to me about all of the asshole guys you date, and i have to sit there and comfort you which I don’t mind doing at all because i love you, but then all i can think to myself is how much i like you and how i wish you were half as interested in me as you are in those other guys. Then i get home and i lay in bed and all i can think about is you, i mean, fuck, you’re all i ever think about. And the thing is that i love everything about you, i love everything you do. How perfectly your hair falls into place even when it’s messy, how beautiful you look when you’re when you’re doing something as simple as reading. How you put your hair behind your ears when you study. How good you always smell. How your smile lights up the entire room. How every time you touch me my heart beats so fast I’m pretty sure I’m having a heart attack. How badly i want to be with you…” You couldn’t take your eyes off him. You were entranced by his beauty, by his words. You were in shock.
“And how i really wish you’d say something right now” But you couldn’t.
“You love me?” Is all you could get out. And after everything you just heard you were really hoping he’d say yes.
“Of course i love you. I always have.” He’s getting closer and closer. Your breath hitches.
“Good.” You smile. “Because i love you too.”
In a second his lips are pressed against yours. His hands moving to your hips as you’re pressed up against the wall. You move your hands to his hair.
You couldn’t believe it, after all these years, he was in love with you. And now everything fell into place.
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