#he's lonely because he's the sole inhabitant of his own reality basically
nanomooselet · 8 months
#knives is so fascinating#i want to study him like a bug#the way he rationalizes everything will never cease to amaze me#and the thing is#i do believe he genuinely loves vash#doesn't excuse anything he does#but love can sometimes get all twisted and be used as a reason to justify heinous things#and i think knives definitely went down that path
Figured I should address this in a new post actually. In short: YEAH.
There was a CRPG released in 2007 called Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer.*
In Betrayer, almost every major conflict both in the main plot and for your party members is driven by love. You spend the whole game trying to untangle yourself from these conflicts. They extend into other worlds, the realm of the gods and even the afterlife.
One of my favourite lines (it's such a well-written game): Only love could be so cruel.
The god who says it is referring to romantic love, which turned his most favoured and devoted disciple against him and started a war... but I think he also refers to how he punished that disciple: by killing the woman he loved, stripping him of his memories/personhood, and condemning him to suffer in mindless agony until the end of time.
What makes me insane, and the reason I bring the game up in this context, is that Knives did something just like that to Vash under the sincere impression that it would make Vash... better, somehow?
I have to respect his powers of delusion, if nothing else.
* It was an expansion pack for the Forgotten Realms-based game Neverwinter Nights 2, which may have the most disastrous inverse ratio of time played:ending satisfaction I've ever experienced. But I got to play Betrayer after finishing it, so that was cool.
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fallenrepublick · 4 years
SO... This is extremely experimental. I’ve had thoughts swirling around in my head for quite a while about Maul’s past, and now that I’m here, it occurred to me that I might want to... do something with it. I wouldn’t call this a “Fix-It Fic” because I’m more fucking up the canon if anything, but call it what you will.
No warnings!
Synopsis: Basically, the idea is that Sidious is “raising” Maul, right? He brings him back to Coruscant temporarily as part of his training. Thresh, a grey Jedi with a strange past feels a crazy strong urge to return to Coruscant, leaving you, his current apprentice on Alderaan as he investigates. Keep in mind, this is the intro chapter. PLEASE tell me what you think afterwards, because I’m still iffy on it.
Without further ado, here ya go!
Coruscant. A city of starlight if ever there was one, though any natural glow from distant planetary systems was paled away by the artificial shine that emitted from the windows and speeders that populated nearly every centimetre of both the planet’s surface and atmosphere. Not a moment went by where the hum of a motor rumbled past or loud voices were heard calling out the name of a distant companion, ushering them over to the group in preparation for another round of drinks to celebrate the dawn of a new day in the midst of interplanetary outrage.
No, the stars that Thresh saw weren’t stars at all, but rather the markings of a planet, so metallic and cold in structure, teeming with life from every angle, so much so that the individual thoughts and prayers of the population seeped into one another, creating the very soul the celestial body relied on as it spun on its axis.
He still didn’t know why he had felt a call here, an urge so great to return to his childhood home at the Temple that he unceremoniously urged his sole apprentice to remain at the base on Alderaan while he scoped out his senses. One thing was for certain, though: It was not the Temple that had called him.
The rubber soles of his boots scratched at the concrete, his mind reaching out through the force, trying to identify the object that required his attention so greatly that its call had pierced through the fabric of the galaxy as easily as a knife through a sheer curtain. The looming shape of the Temple rose as he approached nearer, his lure so close yet so far, and a silent sense of dread draped over his pathetically human heart, almost forcing him to recount memories that didn’t need recounting. As much as he told himself everything was in the past, the fact that he found himself at the doorstep of that which he avoided most was proof enough that his lies were not yet good enough to fool even himself.
This area of the city was more peaceful, the tranquility of the building such a mask for the reality inside that even the most educated would never be able to see the true colors of what lay inside, let alone those foolish enough to fall prey to their hypocritical teachings. The contempt Thresh harbored here, unprovoked as it may seem, was rooted deep in the foundation of the Temple, built low in the walls and in the structure’s hollow bones, and, as far as his senses were telling him, as did something else.
Moon high above, his path was lit as he crept close to the side, hand outstretched as he concentrated for that singular aura he had followed all this way. His palm dragged along the stone wall, the rough surface clicking lightly as a greeting in his passing, and the further he went, the more terror he felt, the stronger his need to leave. And it was only once he stepped into a blinding moment of childish desperation that he realized the emotions he felt were not his own.
It was futile, he knew, but pressing both of his hands up against the wall where the emotions flowed the strongest, he became even more horribly sure that there was more than simply Jedi younglings inhabiting the Temple. He circled the premises once, twice, eyes darting across every surface available to him, seeking the entryway that even the oh-so-wise Jedi Master Yoda remained unaware of.
Until it dawned on him. Calling upon not the Light, but the Dark, Thresh followed the emotions, trail painting the air a bloody path that he followed like a trained hunting dog, the way he sought blindly before now illuminated before him clearer than his own two hands that remained in front of him as he walked.
He followed the path down steps and across winding walkways he had previously been unaware of, and found himself just outside the wall in a small cranny that no-one ever bothered to look behind, the faintest outline of a door carved into the face that no doubt required the force to pry open. He tightened the grey scarf around his neck, taking a deep breath before pushing as hard as he could with the force, the door hesitating to open for the intruder, yet relenting, letting out a soft whine as it turned on its hinges.
The hallway before him was pitch-black, instead of the creamy walls of the Jedi Temple, the barriers were darker than brimstone, deathly cold and an aura that would make any sensible person turn tail and leave this memory in their wake. Thresh was not a sensible person.
He pressed on, pulling the door shut and lighting his way with his lightsaber, the yellow light almost being absorbed by the void of the unknown. The light, however, was only insurance he wouldn’t trip. He still held on tightly to the emotions he had felt, the call that he was entirely sure was what he had come for taking precedence in his mind over every other goal or tentative thought that crossed his mind. The sense only strengthened as he journeyed, and in his head, he was almost sure he could hear something cry.
There were doors now, metal and numbered, no other labels to identify them with, their thresholds lining the walls of the hall as prison cells shut out the unwanted and shut in the targets.
A beat, an emptiness. And then, Thresh was overwhelmed. To his left stood a door, the same as all the others in appearance, but in aura, it was unique. The control panel on the door’s right had been tampered with, the wires moved and re-attached in various places. It could be opened from the outside. It could not be opened from within.
The crying was louder now, not in his head, no, but from within the room. The door had no window, so any idea of what could be inside was shut out to him. But he felt it. As much of a trap as it might have been, no one, not even a Sith, could replicate this.
Brushing aside black hair, his hands, shaking from the cold of the passage, went to work on the control panel. The buttons had been rearranged, albeit crudely, and certain controls had been completely removed, most likely for insurance. Taking his lightsaber, he sliced through the panel, sparks emitting from the box and door sliding open immediately, the hiss startling him.
He stepped inside. A small, lone bed sat on the far right corner, the room almost as dark as the hall, save for a single flickering bulb fixed into the ceiling, dimmer than even the light the moon gave. A tiny dresser was across from the bed, not nearly large enough to hold anything essential.
At the foot of the bed sat a tiny figure, red skinned, with black tattoos reminiscent of a midnight fog lining his body from head to toe. Horns poked out from the top of his head, no longer than a few centimetres in length, yet sharp as a cat’s fangs. He wore a plain black shirt with dark grey pants too short for him.
He looked up, brown eyes tear-stained and bloodshot, and Thresh knew. This one. This one was it.
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tclcpathy · 5 years
we need to talk about Dark Phoenix
This is going to be a VERY long post alert. And I also want to preface this by saying that this is just my analysis for my interpretation of Charles. If anyone else in the Charles squad wants to add or debate anything said in this post, feel free to message me! I would love to talk character meta and see what makes each of our interpretations unique and special!
So. Where to start with the clusterfuck of a movie that is Dark Phoenix? I mean, I had seen the dark phoenix plot play out in the old gen movies, so I thought I had a bit of an idea what they were going for, but BOY OH BOY was I wrong. Movie criticisms aside (though I thought it was actually a pretty enjoyable film all things considered, setting aside that atrocious scene where Jean puppets Charles up the stairs I mean COME ON), this movie gave me A LOT to think about in terms of character analysis for my boy. In part, I am really making this long ass unnecessary post just to get my thoughts down about how to even portray Charles moving into the future.
I have always been a very unwavering member of team Charles in the messy Charles-Erik divorce saga. I have made other posts about Charles major character flaw, but by in large Charles main motivations were for the good of human and mutant kind alike. And on a gross scale this still holds true in light of XMDP. But things got COMPLICATED man. This film threw Charles in a new light. We already knew that Charles had been altering Jeans mind in XM Last Stand, but he still more or less came out to be the good guy put up to the impossible task of trying to rein in the destructive force of the dark phoenix. He was, in essence, tasked with trying to put the ocean in a box. He may have gone about it in an ethically grey (pun intended) way, but he still came out to be a good guy with honest intentions of trying to help Jean, and even trying to protect the world FROM Jean.
But man, oh MAN does Charles look to be the main villain in XMDP. When I was watching, I was disgusted with his actions, and rightfully so. The film does a good job painting him as despicable, at least for the majority of the film. The main difference plot-wise between Last Stand and Dark Phoenix is that in XMDP, Charles alters Jeans memories BEFORE she is venom’ed by the spooky dark phoenix energy. In last stand, Charles always knew that Jean was capable of darkness, like an alter ego vying for control that he had to fight against. In XMDP, yes, Jean is still the most powerful mutant, like, EVER (get rekt en sabah nur), but she doesn’t adopt the dark phoenix personality (if you can call wanting to boink her boyfriend a ‘personality change’) until she is inhabited by the space junk. The chronic tension before the events of XMDP isn’t Jean struggling with a dark alter ego, but merely just trying to come to terms with the shear amount of power she has. She can’t control her powers because they are simply too strong to be contained.
So that begs the question… how does altering her memories and LYING to Jean help her with the chronic tension of the movie? How does altering the memory of her parents help her control her powers? Well, it doesn’t really. And this is where we diverge. This is why Charles in Last Stand comes off much cleaner than in XMDP.
So, we have to address the question, why the hell did Charles do it then? In essence, Charles doesn’t alert her memories to HELP Jean necessarily. I mean you could make the weak argument that Charles did it to protect Jean from the guilt of knowing she killed her mother, and that her father wants nothing to do with her, but even the film seems to think that this is a weak answer at best. For that matter, why does Charles not alter the memory of every child at the school with a hard to swallow past? How can he preach accepting the past to make you stronger when he turns around and makes Jean forget hers just so she doesn’t have to feel sad about her parents?
This is where it gets complicated. We all know that Charles puts everything with a pulse in the dad zone. Raven, Scott, this blue kid with a tail, this guy with memory problems who is hundreds of years older than Charles, yeah sure, throw them in the mix. But none fill the family sized hole in Charles’ life better than Jean. Charles sees so much of himself in Jean that he cannot separate himself from her identity. To Charles, Jean is not necessarily her own person, but an extension of his own consciousness, of how he relates to himself and his past (sounding familiar?? Perhaps reminding you of a whole movie devoted to Charles realizing that his surrogate sister is her own damn person??). When Charles meets Jean, he doesn’t see a girl who needs to overcome her past and accept what she is capable of for better or worse. More than anything, Charles sees the opportunity to give this struggling, lonely child what he wished he had. He puts himself into the role of father, caregiver, sole confidant. He attempts to erase her traumatic childhood and set her on a different path, the path that he thinks is best for her because it is what would have been best for him.
Again, we see Charles exhibit his fatal flaw. For someone with access to every person’s perspective, he cannot see past his own damn ego. Charles sees the people in his life, Erik, Raven, Jean, as players that he can control. And Charles is stubborn with a capital S. He is an unwinning combination: he has the perspective of someone who is extremely privileged with the notion that he genuinely knows exactly what everyone is going through. That he has observed everyone’s truth exactly as it is without his own privileged filter.
This is what kills Raven (other than Jennifer Lawrence’s absolute disdain for the series). Charles will not listen to anyone, convinced that he is a good person, and that he ultimately does what is best for those around him. When Raven brings her concerns to him, he dismisses her time and time again. And when Raven dies and Hank confronts him, he is STILL convinced that he did what is best for Jean, despite the obvious truth that he was WRONG. Full stop. If Jean had been allowed to process her past with her powers, she could have been able to have some element of control over her powers even after she is inhabited by the dark phoenix juice. He simply cannot believe that his actions set in motion the events that kill his sister. And so he comes across as extremely disingenuous and ignorant, like a child thinking pulling a rug over the broken lamp will make it go away. In short, he looks like a big bald idiot.
And I’m not convinced Charles has really learned his lesson. To be honest, I don’t remember exactly what changed Charles’ mind other than Erik deciding he’s going to ’86 Jean. And Erik calls Charles on it (it is always a treat when Erik bitchslaps Charles with reality). Until Charles realizes that the people in his life are their own people, he will never understand. And all of his pontification will fall on empty ears.
I’m not even going to get into Charles clout chasing and basically being an attention whore for the American government, because I do think this comes from a genuine place of wanting mutants to be seen as saviors instead of threats. It does humanize Charles to some degree; we are all victim to loosing our heads when it comes to fame and attention yadda yadda etc.
So, where to go from here? Well, Charles basically has a lot of ‘splaining to do when it comes to his future in the XMCU. I’m rejecting canon that he retires from the school, despite how cute his little chess match with Erik is. This seems like a cop out, dismissing Charles from the main x men plot lines instead of dealing with his ongoing character development. And understandably so, no one wants another movie devoted to Charles learning how to not be a dickbag. Well, except me I guess.
Here’s how I see his development going forward: we all know Charles has a lot to make up for. Step one is swallowing his damn ego and seeing the world from a different viewpoint. Charles has to rebuild the trust placed in him by Hank, Jean, his whole damn school, in essence his family. Charles is no longer the infallible patriarch, the almighty, almost deification of a father figure. This façade has been ripped away, and he must learn to accept this new way of perceiving himself in the world.
OKAY well that’s all I have to say for now. If you actually managed to read all of this, holy shit why but also thank you and I hope it made one iota of sense. Feel free to message me and talk more about it, because I don’t think my thoughts on the matter are fully realized and I would love to further develop the subject. Until then lovlies!
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warsstag · 6 years
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                                             JAMES F. POTTER.
                                   twenty. order member. probable trouble maker.                                                 junior auror / in his last year of training.                                                  ex-gryffindor. rebellious. mischievous.                                                          cocky. courageous. moody.                                                                       pinterest.                                                           
James grew up in a large and airy house situated by the beach in Norfolk, England. The house was painted blue, and was a little bit on the older side, which you could tell by the deteriorating panels, which needed constant upkeep. The house and the grounds themselves weren’t exactly suitable for children, with sharp cliffs close to the water, steep staircases inside the house and an attic with a window that just seemed to invite for someone to try to climb onto the roof. The house itself was also very cozy, though. Floorboards that creaked, paintings with a vast amount of personalities ( catch James bickering with the sailor in the painting in the living room, any day ), warmth from the fireplace, walls painted in soft blues and whites and browns, old furniture that has come to mean something over the generations. The house itself had a lot of personality - Potters ( on his father’s side of the family ) had lived in it for generations, all bringing something new to the place, a new touch. Since the house has been inhabited by Euphemia and Fleamont, new life has been breathed into its walls. Brighter colors have crept into the usually bleak decor. They’ve brought warmth, beautiful patterns and personality to the house.
James’ room was located on the second floor of the house. It was big, with walls painted in red and black, and the decor being very much influenced by his favorite Quidditch teams. He also has a flying carpet hanging over his bed.
When friends stayed over, they usually stayed in the attic. It had been kindly decorated by his mother to be a sort of guest room ( mostly with James + friends in mind, lbr ). James and pals sitting on the roof at night, counting stars, is an aesthetic too, I would say.
James grew up playing Quidditch on the beach and constantly scaring his parents half to death when pushing himself a little too far. Flying a little too close to the cliffs. Dipping his toes in the water. Doing backflips.
Was sort of a lonely child, because their house was a little bit secluded, and there weren’t a lot of kids around. James mostly played with his dogs.
His parents were a little bit on the older side of things. Euphemia, his mother, was nearing forty two when he was born. Fleamont, his father, was forty nine. They had both wanted a child for so long, and had most definitively given up hope by the time James finally came along. Homeboy is always late.
His mother was incredibly empathetic, compassionate and kind. She was also very driven, and so so clever. 
She moved to England after finishing her education at the best wizarding school in India ---- where she scored top marks, and used all of her free time to delve into muggle sciences. Mathematics, chemistry and biology would soon become second nature to her. She moved to England in order to work at a magical research institute, developing potions ( she was also the kind of witch to believe that muggle science and magic shouldn’t necessarily cancel each other out ).
So Euphemia Potter ( née Vaidya ) became a potioneer, and a highly educated woman - before James’ birth, she had taken several muggle courses and wizard courses, and held a pHD in chemistry. During her free time, she was also a popular children’s book author, and published several books that were well loved throughout wizard Britain.
Fleamont Potter was also a potioneer, like his wife, —- which is how they met. Working together, bickering about what the best approach to different remedies and potions would be. They challenged each other, constantly making one another better. Though he was more of a businessman, than a scientist, and launched his own successful hair potion company ( Sleekeazy’s Hair Potions ), which he eventually sold for a vast profit. Both Euphemia and Fleamont passed away from complications due to dragon pox shortly after one another, when James was eighteen. They left him a fortune, and their house ( which James doesn’t have the heart to sell, at least not quite yet / probably not ever ).
James was the kid that somehow got into trouble at the Hogwarts Express during his first year. Before even arriving at the school. And then his second. And then his third. And fourth. At that point, it was basically tradition. That’s how he started every year, and that would also set the tone for the rest of the term.
Also somehow managed to always drag other people into his bullshit? It’s a talent.
His electives at the school were as following: care of magical creatures, alchemy and muggle studies.
Very Gryffindor™, but would have done well in Hufflepuff too, I think.
During his second year, he made the Quidditch team, and became a chaser. After that point, Quidditch basically became his life. Wouldn’t shut up about it. And he also knew that he was good, so his head grew about ten sizes probably.
Had zero impulse control. Was the type to punch first, ask questions later. On that note, James got into quite a few brawls with other boys at the school. Most fights were rooted in 1) James getting annoyed by their pureblood elitism 2) someone insulting one of his friends 3) possibly trying to show off, just a bit.
Emotional maturity, while at Hogwarts? Sorry, who?
May or may not have some sort of record in most detentions in a year. Every year. Which.... he was kinda proud of.... 
Was active in a lot of clubs !! His personal favorite was the dueling club.
Managed to keep his grades up without much effort. Teachers were lowkey perplexed as to why someone as bright as James would CONSTANTLY cause problems / trouble. James was mostly in it for the thrill, the fun, and the risk. Taking unnecessary risks ( often putting himself in danger ) was kind of his thing? And he’s still doing that.
Was infamous for having a mood that changed like the weather, often quickly and without warning. Could be smiling one minute, and be incredibly testy the next. Was unfortunately also infamous for showing off, mostly through hexing people that he didn’t like. He was also quite inventive, and made up hexes with the sole purpose of embarrassing his enemies further.
Sometime during his fifth year at the school, he became an animagus, mostly to help Remus during the full moons. He also saw it as a challenge, and a bit of a test — to see how good they truly were, how far they could push themselves. ‘Could they do this, too? Where’s their limit?’
Also made Quidditch Captain !!!! Can’t believe this man achieved all his dreams at the age of 15....
Eventually mellowed out a bit during his sixth year, grew up a bit, became a little less full of himself. Could see things clearer. Though the pranks and the mischief in reality became more elaborate ( as he was growing older, and also bolder ), he found other ways to entertain himself that didn’t always involve hexes.
Was also slowly growing out of his teenage angst, so that definitively helped. Though the occasional punching without thinking still… occurred.
In his seventh year, he was made Head Boy. Was probably not the best for the job, but he showed up to everything he was supposed to, and didn’t make a total fool out of himself either. Also decided it would be best to be more lowkey, so he stopped getting caught. He still sneaked out of the school, but he was more careful about it, you feel?
James enrolled in auror training the day of graduation. With the war weighing heavy on his shoulders, he didn’t see any other options, any other futures. Though he had idolized aurors since he first heard of them as a child, there were still other roads that he could have taken, if there hadn’t been the urgency of war pushing him towards action – doing something good. He could have pursued playing Quidditch professionally, could have worked with dragons, could have been a hit wizard. Mostly, really, any action packed job would have suited him ( and he had the grades to choose any profession he would have liked ). In the end, the war chose for him.
Joining the aurors just felt right. He passed extensive aptitude tests (which made him a little impatient tbh, he just wanted to get out there, do stuff) and soon started his first year of training.
Auror training has been lowkey hard on him, though? It’s so exhaustive, very serious, no room for errors. Luckily, James is about as stubborn as they come, and is determined to get through it. It’s just another challenge, right?
Now, he’s one of those mini aurors lowkey following the older aurors around. Probably being annoying while doing it.
Joining the Order and the aurors has definitively sobered James up a bit. Made him more responsible, a little less impulsive. But unfortunately not less reckless with his own life. Taking dumb risks, all the fucking time, is still his brand.
Has somehow managed to not kill someone himself yet. Sure, he has wounded and hurt a lot of Death Eaters. There is blood on his hands for sure. But it will also 4 sure change James once he Kills Someone With Intent, u feel.
James ultimately has a heart made of gold, and is constantly trying to prove himself by showing off just how good he is at what he does. This adds up to a bit of a hero complex, tbh.
Is 1000000% his son’s father and I try to play into that... a lot... 
James usually has a stupid grin glued to his face ( the cocky kind, often a little crooked, as if he knows something you don’t ). He never stays serious for long, and is in the habit of playing serious things off as a dumb joke.
Known for being highly unpredictable and volatile, and can change from bright and smiling to tense and sour in the matter of minutes. He’s usually the former though.
That fun mix between Atlas, Icarus and Achilles, tbh !!
Radiates energy ! He’s such a lively person, like a human espresso. Kinda short compared to his pals, definitively a little bitter, high energy.
Was raised to be polite and pleasant, so he has good manners. 
Pays little regard to rules in general though, and usually does not respond well to authority ( but it kinda depends on who it is too? Like. He can semi-behave while at the auror’s office, and respects them… but is also the guy who plays pranks on his co workers constantly ). WILL also get himself into trouble by mouthing off if he thinks someone is in the wrong at work ( common situation is that someone else suggests that they hold off on going in on a death eater nest & James is not a fan ).
Constantly taking things as a challenge! Even if they definitively aren’t a challenge.
Kinda moody.
Definitively that guy that tries to light up a shitty situation with an even shittier joke.
Bad at following orders. Usually winging it. There are only really two people that he will properly listen to, we all know who they are.
Very loyal !!!! Would die for his pals. : ~) Would kill for them, too.
A sentimental bastard.
Smokes way too much. Knows it isn’t good for him, but got hooked back in school, when he thought it made him look cool.
Loves teasing people. Can be a bit mean spirited at times, but he usually doesn’t mean any harm by it.
Doesn’t know how to pick his battles.
Known for being way too impulsive for his own good. He acts first, thinks later.
Has a Queen playlist on repeat probably.
James is so bright, but also so so dumb. I hate him.
Can be really confrontational. Will deadass fight u.
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