winonarouter · 7 years
The sky is just a blue sky,
And the moon is just the moon.
And everything that happens to you,
Oh it happens too soon.
You see things as you seen them,
Exactly how they are.
Oh my darling you need to see farther.
Everything is as seems,
And the rain is just water.
The rain is just water,
To you.
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winonarouter · 7 years
“I just want somebody who will never stop choosing me.”
— A.G. (via attractionns)
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winonarouter · 7 years
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George Ezra // Budapest + Van Gogh’s “Vase With Pink Roses”.
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winonarouter · 7 years
The worst part about moving on and being over it, is the part where you see them again. And then you realize that you’re not over it at all. You in fact still feel everything; all the anger, sadness, hurt, love, anxiety comes rushing back to you. Full speed ahead. I’m trying my best to keep my head down and just live my life like he’s not standing ten feet away from me, looking at me. It’s worse that he won’t look at you when you’re looking his way, like it’s just plain awkward at that point. I literally have so much to ask and say but I know he won’t talk to me. He won’t even look at me! I have to resign myself to the fact that I’ll never know all the things I want to know, well that I deserve to know really. No one understands what I’m going though, somehow it escapes people that after you break up with someone you still need closure and to talk to them. But they think that we should keep on acting like we don’t even know each other, that we haven’t seen every part of each other. I’ll keep pretending as long as he does, because I did not hurt me, I did not fuck up. He did.
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winonarouter · 7 years
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winonarouter · 7 years
Moving On and On
No one tells you what it’s like to move on. I always wondered why that was. Poems and songs have been written for so long, and yet no one can capture what it truly feels like when your lover is gone. They tell tales of their tears, sorrows, anger, and regret. All human emotions, no doubt about that. But  what they fail to say is how indescribable it feels to lose something you though was your own. This incredible and wonderful thing, just ripped right away from you; it destroys your innocence, ruins your beautiful naiveness. It’s the most horrendous thing having your happiness taken away, whether on purpose or not. You have to learn that people are just people, they make mistakes and hurt you but in the end you have to forgive. Forgiveness is key to moving on. Once you forgive them and yourself, you will be free. But forgiveness is the hardest part. It takes all your energy and strength, its grueling work. In the end, it’s worth it. Trust me one day you will be able to trust again and love again. It may not be them anymore, it could be just be yourself for a while. But you need to love yourself, as corny as that may sound. You must, must, must love you. Now, moving on is hard and it takes time, in all honestly it just fucking sucks just to get that tiny little light of hope burning again. But god damn is it so worth it.  
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winonarouter · 7 years
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winonarouter · 7 years
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Caught in the middle // paramore
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winonarouter · 7 years
You treat me like a stranger.
Like we haven’t had
a decade of memories together.
You’re bitter,
but what’s the point?
You’re only making it worse,
driving a wedge and causing discourse.
Replacing me,
Ignoring me,
Blatantly shaming me.
What’s the point?
Holding a grudge
only holds you back.
Hopefully you find someone who
makes up for what I “lack”.
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winonarouter · 7 years
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winonarouter · 7 years
For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were the book.
Tom McNeal (via quotemadness)
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winonarouter · 7 years
Sometimes it feels like all the shitty parts of life hit at the same time; all the most frustrating, heartbreaking, soul wrenching, tear ridden, draining parts of life come together and try to destroy you all at once. Like everything comes crashing like a huge wave, and you have to just float there and wait for the wave to crush you and pull you under water, there is no point in fighting it. Then you have to fight you’re way back up the surface in a panic, and once you’ve come up for air you’re chocking and gasping, desperately trying to breathe again. I can’t wait for the part where I’m regaining my breath and laughing in complete delusion at how ridiculous that huge that fucking wave was.
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winonarouter · 7 years
Must be nice
to be in love.
Must be nice
to be wanted.
Must be nice
to not feel lonely.
Must be nice
to feel overwhelmingly happy.
Must be nice.
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winonarouter · 7 years
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winonarouter · 7 years
You push
and push
Everyone away that wants to help.
You rather be in bed
all by yourself.
You have issues
you are not willing to face.
So you cast them aside
and say you need space.
But space is overrated.
How are you going to feel loved
if you’re not willing to let anyone love you?
People want to help,
but first you must help yourself.
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winonarouter · 7 years
You’ll regret this.
All the memories you’ll miss.
You were so quick to dismiss
You’ll end up hurting you,
more than you
think you are hurting me.
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winonarouter · 7 years
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