#he's like look i don't care about luz i'm mad at her WHATEVER. but BLIGHT YOURE FUCKING THIS UP . YOURE FUCKING UPPP!!
crimeronan · 9 months
i'm only stumbling upon this interpretation after my like 14th time watching eclipse lake & i'm aware i have An Agenda (TM), so i'm not sure if this was INTENTIONAL or not, but like.
hunter tells amity "there's nothing worse than disappointing someone who thinks you're special" when amity is worrying about being a good girlfriend to luz.
and i think basically all the analysis i've seen has applied this line to belos and later to hunter's feelings about willow, both of which are 100% true.
but also.
is he. is he also. Talking About Luz.
like. is he talking about disappointing luz in hunting palismen.
just. god. listen to me. it is so fucking funny and sad if he's talking about luz PLEASE. hunter looking at amity's texts and gripping her by the shoulders like "blight. you're about to fumble this. blight i KNOW i know how this goes. i fumbled it myself in some mysterious way that i'm still working out. she didn't like me stabbing her in the back or whatever for some reason even though that's totally normal and fine behavior. blight please i'm telling you i've been in your shoes BLIGHT LISTEN TO MEEE-"
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erzaguin · 3 years
🎃Huntmira Halloween Special🎃 
 🎃 Authors Note: Happy Halloween! Here's an additional story to get you into the spooky spirit. If you're not into that you can always skip this story it does not affect the main story line.🎃
Word Count: 2,235
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” asked Amity nervously as they stood at the entrance of the cavern. 
“Yeah don’t worry about it besides that's the reason we’ll be going in in groups,” answered Emira while Edric nodded in agreement. 
“You know regardless of the scary stories this could be dangerous. These caverns are pretty dark and you can never really know what’s inside,” noted Hunter. 
“We’ll be fine besides it wouldn’t be a real test of courage if there wasn’t even a little danger involved. Isn’t that right Luz?” replied Edric.
“Yeah it will be fun! Besides, Edric and Emira will be there to protect you so there’s no need to be scared.” teased Luz while the twins tried suppressing a laugh.  
“I am not afraid for my safety. I'm more worried about you guys but if you don’t care I don’t see why I should.” fumed Hunter. 
“Don’t worry about the four of us. I'm sure there is nothing in there we can’t handle. Isn’t that right guys.” said Luz turning to her friends. 
“I’m not sure Luz, he has a point.” said Willow, looking nervously at the entrance of the cavern. 
“Don’t worry we got this.” added Guz with enthusiasm. 
“Fine, whatever it’s your funeral, don't say I didn’t warn you.” responded Hunter with a wave of his hand. 
A few days prior Luz had told the Blight siblings about some traditions celebrated in the Human world around this time of year. The twins were very much intrigued by the tradition of trick or treating but they found the idea of a test of courage a lot more fun to do in a group and they knew exactly where they could go. 
There were some caverns located at the knee that were rumored to be haunted by a spirit of madness. According to legend anyone that entered the cavern would see their worst nightmare come to life and be driven mad by fear. It was the perfect place for a test of courage. 
Of course they had to think about safety so along with them they also invited Hunter, Guz, and Willow. They would be splitting up into two teams. Team one consisted of the twins and Hunter while team two was made up of Luz, Amity, Willow, and Guz. That way they would make sure that everyone was safe. 
“This is a terrible idea.” grumbled Hunter. 
“Don’t worry it will be fun besides like Luz said if anything happens we’ll protect you.” said Emira giving him a playful nudge. 
“Ha Ha, very funny,” Hunter responded, giving her a smile. 
“How about this since we are the eldest we will go first to make sure it is safe for the little ones.” said Edric in a baby voice. 
“Hey!’ responded the group in unison.
“Actually if you guys insist on doing this then that would be a good idea. We would have a better chance at fighting any creature that appeared or at the very least get away if needed.” added Hunter.
“Alright then it’s decided we’ll go first,” said Edric. 
“Does everyone remember the rules?” asked Emira.
“Yeah, each team has to walk in as far as they can in ten minutes and remain in there for another ten minutes. The team that gets out before the twenty minutes are up loses. All members of your team have to last at least twenty minutes to win.” noted Amity. 
“Good, now then let’s start the timer once we are inside.” said Emira. 
“Oh here take some of these just in case” said Luz handing Hunter several pieces of paper with glyphs on them.
“Um thanks but I don’t,” started Hunter. 
“Just take them,” said Luz a bit more forcefully she knew Hunter could not use magic. All the talk about creatures roaming in the dark was starting to get to her.
“Ready?” asked Em, receiving a nod from Edric and Hunter “Ok let’s go.”
Once inside the caverns Emira took hold of Hunter's right hand while Edric took hold of his left. 
“What are you doing?” asked Hunter looking at Edric. 
“Well I was fine until you started talking about monsters, not to long ago we were almost eaten by a slitherbeast and you’re the Golden Guard.” whimpered Edric trying to look into the darkness for any hidden creatures. "It's also very hard to see in here."
“You’re ok with a vengeful spirit of madness but you draw the line at beasts you can fight?” questioned Hunter. 
“What can I say I’m a complicated guy,” responded Edric, still looking around nervously. 
“Weren’t you guys supposed to protect me if something went wrong?” teased Hunter 
“Oh don’t worry I’ll protect the both of you,” laughed Emira followed by her companions. 
They continued on walking for ten minutes using some of the glyphs Luz gave them as a source of light. It had been a while since they could see the light from the entrance. Hunter could feel the tension from his companions but he could not blame them. The darkness was so thick they could hardly make anything out past a few feet and even the smallest sound sounded loud in here. 
Emira tried her best to keep the mood less tense with some conversation. She knew that their encounter with the beast last time had been a real traumatizing experience for Ed even if he tried hiding it. 
"You should have brought your glasses Ed, maybe then you wouldn't be squinting so much," chuckled Emira.
"It's ok, it's better this way. If I can't see the scary thing I can't get scared." he said letting out a more relaxed laugh. 
"That's not how it works," noted Hunter, sounding a bit amused.
"It works for me," responded Ed with a bit more bravado in his voice. 
"Alright then tough guy then why don't you let go of Hunter's hand?" teased Emira 
"No," whimpered Edric, holding on tighter to Hunter, causing his companions to laugh. 
Their laughter was cut short but a sudden growling in the darkness. The trio immediately stopped moving and looked in the direction of the noise. It sounded like it was coming from a few feet from where they were standing. They couldn't see it but whatever it was it was big. 
Hunter instinctively moved forward while putting the twins behind him. If this was a creature he could not take down his plan was to at least buy the twins enough time to escape before following them out. He had not brought his staff with him and his palisman had stayed behind at the owl house where he was enjoying a play date with Owlbert and Ghost. There was not much he could do if there was any real danger. All he had with him was a small dagger he brought just in case. But he doubted he would be able to cause much damage to whatever was in front of them.
That’s when he remembered the glyphs Luz had given him. He quickly looked through them and got one of the light glyphs. He used it to shine some light in the direction of the growling but as soon as he did the growling stopped and there was nothing but rocks where the noise had  come from. 
“Did you guys hear it move?” whispered Hunter.
“No,” answered the twins in unison.
“Em that sounded just like the slitherbeast that attacked us. What if it made it’s new home here?” said Edric in a trembling voice.
“There’s no way we wouldn’t have heard it move. The slitherbeast was too big. We would at the very least have felt it’s footsteps.” responded Emira. 
“We are heading back now.” demanded Hunter who noticed there were no tracks on the ground indicating a creature had been there. He knew three things for certain: whatever was in there with them was big, could move without them noticing, and wanted them gone. 
“Ok,” said Ed in a shaky voice. 
As soon as they turned around and started heading back out the cavern they felt a large thud behind them followed by a rumbling hissing sound. 
"Get her out," whispered Hunter before pushing the twins ahead of him and yelling "RUN!" 
Emira and Edric ran as fast as their legs would carry them without looking back. If they had they would have noticed that Hunter was not following behind them. It wasn't until they heard the creature screech an ear shattering scream followed by a loud yell of pain coming from Hunter that they noticed Hunter wasn't with them. 
Emira didn't think twice before starting to run back into the cavern to find Hunter but she was stopped by her twin. 
"Ed let go, I have to go back for him!" yelled Emira desperately. 
"I can't," he mumbled before starting to drag his twin out. They were almost out of the cavern; there was no way he was going to let her go back in. He had to keep her safe.
The rest of the group could hear Emira's protests from outside the cavern and immediately made their way to meet Edric and Emira at the entrance. They noticed how disheveled they looked. Emira had tears running down her face while Edric looked like all the blood in his body had been drained.
"Ed, Em are you guys ok?" asked Amity concerned for her siblings. 
"Where's Hunter?" questioned Luz trying to look behind the twins to see if she could spot him. 
At Luz's question Emira broke free of her brother's grasp. "We have to go back in to get him." pleaded Emira. 
“Em he sacri…” 
“Don’t you dare say that Ed. He is still alive and he’s in trouble. I’m going back in for him with or without you.” scolded Emira.
“You heard him, he stayed behind because wanted to make sure you made it out alive.” mumbled Ed, unable to stand his twin being mad at him. Of course he wanted to go back for Hunter but he did not want Em to be put in danger. 
“What are we waiting for? We have to go back in to get him!” said Luz running into the cavern. 
“Luz wait!” called her friends behind her before taking off after her.  
“You can’t stop me from going back in,” said Emira.
“I know, and I won’t. Hunter said to get you out he never said anything about not letting you go back in.” he responded with a weak smile which his twin returned. 
The twins shared a look of uncertainty before running behind their younger sister and her friends. It wasn’t hard to find them. Luz had set off several light glyphs and now most of the cavern was illuminated. They could see the rest of the group ahead of them with Luz leaving a trail of light behind her. The twins hurried to catch up. By the time they reached the rest of the group they had already stopped moving. They were surrounding something but they couldn't quite make out what it was. 
Emira pushed her way forward to see what had their attention which was when she saw a dark patch on the ground. It was blood and lots of it. She could also see patches of Hunter’s clothes. Tears once again started running down her face. Why did they think this was a good idea? He had tried warning them several times but they wouldn’t listen. Why didn't they listen?
“HUNTER!!!” shouted Edric into the caverns “WHERE ARE YOU?!” 
“Ed stop, what are you doing?” said Amity in a hushed tone. 
“Looking for Hunter,” he responded in a hushed tone, listening for any sign of Hunter. 
He let a few moments pass before gulping some air to try and yell louder this time but before he could he felt someone hit him on his back. 
“Stop that you idiot, do you want more monsters to come out and use me as a punching bag?” came the weak voice of Hunter behind him. 
Edric turned around and saw a very beat up Hunter covered in scratches. His clothes were all torn up and he was covered in blood giving him a weak smile. Ed didn’t get time to react before being pushed to the side by his twin who wraped her arms around Hunter and pulled him into a kiss. 
“You’re an idiot! Why did you stay behind?” cried Emira holding on to Hunter tighter. 
“Em, why are you still here? Ed I thought I said to get her out.” 
“You did and I did, but you never said anything about letting her come back in.” responded Edric relieved to see Hunter still had enough energy to argue. 
“Speaking of which,  never do that again. If there is danger we’ll face it together or run from it together. I don’t need you sacrificing yourself for me.” added Emira with a bit of annoyance in her voice.
“Um guys this is a heartwarming reunion and all but we should probably get out.” Said Willow looking at the parts of the cavern that were still shrouded in darkness. 
“That’s a good idea,” said Hunter before he felt himself get lifted. 
“Ed what are you doing,”  asked Hunter.
“You are injured so I’m carrying you out.” responded Edric matter of factly. 
“No complaining, now let’s get out of here,” said Emria. 
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