#he's just trying to love his idiot friends
grimdarling69 · 2 days
Another deaged Ellie and Dan, but Danny was reincarnated as Damian Wayne
Danny Damian because he was Damian now, wasn't he? He remembers now the Fentons, the GIW, Sam and Tucker, jazz. He wonders if they could have also followed him here. A part of him longs to see his fraid again, but are they his fraid still? He was a new person. Son of The Bat and Heir to the Demon Head. Something Dami he remembers reminding people of. If only Sam could see him now, he knows she'd love that. "Who's edgy now?" He can picture her saying. He can almost see Tucker laughing so hard he'd fall out of his seat.
The sharp sound of the thunder brings him to the present. He looked over at his clock, 3:00 A.M. The witching hour he can hear Ellie tell him with a mischievous smile on one of their flights around Amity Park. She loved to drag him and Dan sometimes Vlad if he was feeling friendly. Dan, his future evil self tormented by the deaths of all his family and friends, so hurt he got Vlad to rip his human half out so he didn't have to feel the pain. Ellie, his clone, created by Vlad to be the perfect son, too bad she was a daughter. Looking down at his stomach where their cores are now incubating, he couldn't help but wonder if Vlad had anything to do with this.
He shook his head as if that would rid himself of that thought. Vlad was a real fruitloop,but he would never purposefully endanger Dan or Ellie. Vlad, in his twisted and weird ways, did love them in his own ways like kidnapping and keeping him hostage to save Ellie. He had forgiven vlad for the desperate attempt to save his daughter, but incubating Ellie and Dan's cores would make him their father now, too. Ew, coparenting with Vlad does not sound like a fun time. He glanced down and lifted his shirt hesitantly. If he focused on his stomach, he could see a faint blue and red glow emanating from his stomach. Red, Vlads' color, he thought distantly. Hopefully, it didn't mean much. As if signaling him, the envelope they had carried with them to him fell off the bed carried to the floor by the slight breeze.
Lighting lumineating the bedroom, making the crisp white color shine for just a second. He tentatively reached down to grab it. He was being a baby. He was a trained assassin from birth, and his fear trained beaten out of him a long time ago. Some part of him whispered his father and Richard's teachings of being brave but not without fear.
He paused. Father would want to know everything. His past life, Ellie and Dan, the ghosts, being a halfa. He wouldn't understand, Richard would try to, but not even he could never really understand. He couldn't subject his babies to that. He couldn't live with the threat to being ripped apart molecule by molecule. His father's lack of emotional intelligence certainly would not help young halfas. He was fourteen again the age he was killed in his first life. The age he started facing ghosts from another dimension.
He started younger in this life. Killing younger, he learned to fight his whole life. Jazz would hate that. Jazz... he wondered if she was alright if she survived the attack... no, there's no time to think of that right now. He ripped open the envelope( like a band-aid, Richard would remind him), and he noticed Vlad's familiar fancy fruitloop writing immediately(he had fancy fruitloop writing now, instead of the chicken scratch Jazz chided him over). So he was right about one thing this had vlad all over it.
Dear Daniel,
Though I understand you might not be Daniel when this letter finds you. I have been reincarnated into another life as I believe you have as well. My new name is Alexander Luther. I own a corporation called Lexcorp. I unfortunately can not change the name according to my board. The idiot lot of them.
He snickered at that. His smile dropped immediately. Vlad was Lex Luthor, the archnemesis of Superman. Jon would most certainly not like this. He forced himself to read on before he spiraled further.
I regained my memories after an experiment went wrong. I know how original. My new incarnation was able to open a small portal that grew in size, and eventually, somehow Danielle and Dan fell through. The portal then exploded, and I regained my memories. Unfortunately, it destabilized their clone bodies. I couldn't grow working bodies in time, and eventually, I had to hope they could find you. I hoped somehow that the yeti doctor would have imparted some of his strange knowledge onto you that might save them.
Vlad, no Lex still wrong. Vlad was somewhat right about that. During one of his all things ghostly lessons from Frostbite, he told him of how in the old ages ghosts often incubated their ghostlings. A protective measure back when magic and spirits were more prevalent. He didn't really understand it back then, and he doesn't understand it much now, either. Apart from the fact he was doing it, he supposed. What if he did something wrong and he lost them? He doesn't think he could live out his half-life if he lost them again. He needed to get to Vlad, and quickly too so they could start building a new portal to the infinite realms.
If this letter finds you. Come find me immediately at these coordinates. I've gone deep underground to escape my new archnimesis's suoer senses. I've m started research on a new portal, but I'll need your endeneering skills. This world is severely lacking in ectoplasmic science and engineering. I am once again forced to start from scratch on my own. Once we get the portal open, you'll need to go straight to The Far Frozen.
It's as if he's reading my mind, I think jokingly.
P.s. One of my experiments may or not have regiven then my new DNA in an attempt to restabilize them.
Only Vlad.
Well, it looks like they actually were going to be coparenting after all. This was going to go great.
I sigh and lean my head back down on my pillow. He committed the cords to memory before lighting the letter on fire with the lighter he kept in his bedside drawer. Point to assassin training. Jason would be proud. He supposed he could stay for a month or so before leaving, which would give him enough time to get away or think of some kind of mission to give himself. He shoots up. Todd had died and came back. He was a revenant. He couldn't stick around if he were to visit he'd know something was wrong immediately even if he didn't understand it.
He sprung out of bed quickly, but quietly, his foot steps perfectly silent despite his rushed mood of packing a bag. He packed a few pairs of clothes and lots of hidden weapons, some snacks he kept hidden for that should keep him fed on his journey but leaving any sentimental things behind. He glanced longingly at his sketch pad, but Vlad was most likely under the water judging by the coordinates he was given. Who knows if it would survive.
He checked the pack, making sure he got all he needed. He promptly checked it again. Twice. After deeming it sufficient, he willed himself to open the door. He mentally cataloged everyone in the manor. Pennyworth was most likely still in Father's room, making sure he actually listened to his insructions. Richard and Todd in Bludhaven and Crime Alley, respectfully. Cain and Brown in Hong Kong. Thomas was sleeping after his dayshift.
Everyone accounted for except Drake. He was most likely using Pennyworth's attention on Father to work cases. He just had to take the risk. For his ghostlings, for himself, Vlad. He crept down the hallways. He was opening the grandfather clock in record time. He went slower this time. He would use his powers, but his father had supernatural wards of all kinds in the cave. Who knows what they did. He was also admittedly trying to save his little energy for his voyage on the open sea. Light snoring hit his ears as he peered around the corner.
Thank ancients.
Drake was sleeping at the batcomputer, still in his Red Robin suit sans mask surrounded by his poor choices. Empty coffee cups and files spread around. He would still need to be quiet, Drake was a light sleeper, as was everyone else in his family. He grabbed the keys to his bike quickly, sneaking by. If he wasn't ditching his bike at Gotham Bridge, he would have disabled his trackers. He checked the gas and made sure he could make it. That's when he made his first mistake.
Putting the gas jug back down, he accidently hit another of one of his siblings' tools to the floor. He tried catching it without success, but it fell anyway, the loud clang echoing. Mistake number two.
"Huh? What's happening?" Drake arose sleepily rubbing his eyes.
He froze. Mistake number three.
"Damian? What are you doing down here?" His eyes landed on him, and he spoke confusedly with his voice heavy with sleep or lack thereof.
He panics. He's blaming the pregnancy hormones on this.
He runs.
"Damian!" Drake responded to his dead sprint with his own. "Stop!"
He reaches his bike, and he turns the keys and prays. Luckily, it comes to life. He fumbles with his helmet it would hide his tears he needed it. who knows if he'll ever get to see them again. He shoots off down the tunnel. Flicking the cave door open remotely.
Another bike rears to life behind him. "Damian wants going on?" Drakes voice echoes in his ears. He can almost taste the concern in it amplified by the helmet. He ignores it and accelerates. He ignores the returned acceleration behind him.
Tim has no clue what made Damian panic enough to run away. He quickly ran to his own bike while swearing. Damian is already gaining distance on him. After another attempt at getting Damian to calm down and talk, he calls the only person Damian would actually listen to.
He hopes Dick will forgive him for waking him at five o'clock in the morning on his day off.
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leighsartworks216 · 22 hours
Sylus x gn!Reader
I just love when Sylus gets to protect MC from others
Warnings: unwanted advances, alcohol mention, protective Sylus, Mephisto keeping an eye on you, pet names, swearing, established relationship
Word Count: 1,009
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Wish you could’ve come with me. It’s boring here without you :(
You sigh as you send the text, leg bouncing as you thank the bartender for your drink. There’s no alcoholic sting when you take a sip, but you don’t expect there to be. You do have to drive back home, after all. Or maybe you’d risk the drive to the N109 Zone, just to see Sylus.
Tara invited you out to a bar to celebrate a mission success. And despite helping you in that success, you didn’t want to risk the leader of Onychinus being in Linkon around other Hunters. But you also didn’t want to disappoint Tara, especially when you’d been spending so much time in the N109 Zone when you aren’t working. You didn’t want her to think you didn’t enjoy her company or value her friendship.
Except, she got swept up by a cute guy five minutes after sitting down. They smiled together and laughed as they danced to the music, holding hands and swaying close like they’d known each other for years. And you were left at the bar to nurse virgin mocktails and cling to every message he sends you.
Awe, poor kitten. Shall I send Mephisto to keep you company?
You can’t help grinning.
For company, or for target practice?
“Hey, gorgeous.” You startle and turn toward the voice. A man gestures to the stool beside you with a smirk that makes your skin crawl. He looked completely normal, even a little handsome, but something about the way his eyes looked at you had your senses on high alert. “This seat taken?”
You glance down the row of seats. There are quite a few open, further away and a safe distance from you. “No, but neither are any of those.”
He laughs at your comment and sits down, leaning his elbow on the counter and barely glancing at the bartender when he orders. You shift your drink closer.
“I like a seat with a view.”
Your phone buzzes again. You start to pick it up so you can answer the new message, hoping your clear lack of interest will get this stranger to leave you alone, but another hand grabs it and slams it back onto the bar, trapping your hand with it. His grip is relentless, squeezing your fingers together uncomfortably as he leans closer. You smell the alcohol from his drink on his breath.
“It’s rude to ignore someone, sweetheart,” he chastises. “What’s the matter, you got a boyfriend?”
He chuckles. “I don’t believe you.”
Your phone begins ringing, vibrating against your crushed hand while it plays a silly tune, one you’d picked out just to annoy Sylus. The man snickers. “What kind of ringtone is that? Is your friend calling? She must be cute, too, huh?”
“You can answer it if you want,” you say, taking on an air of confidence. “Maybe she’ll think you sound pretty cute, too.”
He grins, eyes studying your hand beneath his as he considers the offer. Your heart is leaden in your chest. If he doesn’t answer and Sylus doesn’t threaten him into the next lifetime, you don’t know what else to do. The bartender’s back is to you as he talks with another customer, and Tara is probably too engrossed in her new admirer to notice your struggle.
“Alright,” he finally agrees. You try not to breathe a sigh of relief just yet as he releases you and you hand over the device. The idiot doesn’t even bother checking the call photo background, a stolen snapshot of Sylus with snow in his hair and fireworks lighting up his face. He just accepts and brings it right up to his ear, smiling at you confidently. “Hey, cutie.”
You bite your lip to fight a growing laugh from bubbling up as you watch in real time as his face changes through several different emotions.
At first, he’s just confused when a man’s voice answers the call. Then pissed. He’s glaring at you when he starts to hang up, but stops and listens again. The anger flickers into worry for a second. A split second. Enough time for his mind to try to rationalize that the words, the threats, coming in from the receiver aren’t real and can’t possibly happen to him. And then it settles. Color drains from his face. His eyes are wide, glancing from you to the people around him helplessly, clutching the phone with both hands. You can’t hear Sylus’s voice, but you wonder if he’s using Mephisto to relay the man’s movements.
It’s only been a couple minutes when the man slowly pulls the phone from his ear and holds it out to you, cradling it in both hands like a highly reactive bomb. He stammers until he finally whimpers out, “It’s- It’s for you. S-Sorry.”
You take the phone and he trips over himself trying to get away, frantically searching the crowd for the mysterious stranger that threatened his life seconds ago.
You hold it up to your ear. “Thank you for that.” You take a relaxed sip of your drink.
Sylus chuckles. “Did you enjoy the show?”
“Mhm.” You glance over your shoulder. “Where’s Mephisto hiding?”
“Outside. Up a little, look to your right… There you are, sweetie,” he purrs. Mephisto’s red eyes shine like rubies through the glass of a high-set window. You can’t see his body, only the movement of his eyes as he jerks his head around. “As I was saying, have you had dinner yet?”
“Not yet.”
“Good. Name anything you want. The chef will have it ready by the time you get here.”
You turn away and smile, trying to hide just how dopey it looks from him. “Do you have any work to do tonight?”
From the smile in his own voice, you’re sure he saw it anyway. “Just say the word and my schedule is cleared.”
“Which word?”
There’s an anticipatory pause. You can imagine the feel of his breath on your ear as he whispers into the microphone. “Please.”
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itneverendshere · 20 hours
hii i love your writing !! so i saw your comment on said it a million times, only stay with you one more night where you said that rafe is catching feelings only to fuck it up all over when he ignores her in public and i was wondering if you could write a second part where that happens ?
hiiii! thank you sm for the compliment and for the request 🫂 Hope you enjoy ❤️
been busy digging out her grave - r.c
pairing: bitchy!pogue!reader x rafe
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working at lila’s restaurant was something you usually tried to avoid, but since she was short-staffed today and needed your help, you figured why not? it wasn’t like you had anything better to do. plus, you owed her a favor. so, there you were, tying your apron on in front of the mirror in the back, trying to pep talk yourself into surviving a day dealing with kooks and tourists.
the air inside always smelt of fried food and coffee, the kind that clung to your clothes no matter how many showers you’d take. you slid out from the back, letting the swing door creak behind you as you moved to the counter, mentally preparing yourself to smile at whatever entitled ass came through the door.
it wasn’t until about halfway through your shift, wiping down the counter and refilling coffee cups, that you noticed them. and by them, you mean him. rafe.
you stopped dead in your tracks for a second, the plates hot in your hands. your breath caught in your throat like you’d swallowed an entire lemon. he strolled in with his pack of kook friends like they owned the place—probably felt like they did too. topper, kelce, and a couple of girls whose names you couldn’t be bothered to remember followed him, laughing loudly, taking up space in that obnoxious way only people like them could.
he didn’t even glance in your direction as they settled into one of the corner booths. not even a look of recognition, but you’d told him you were working here for the day.
just last night, he had you pinned against his bed again, telling you, again, how much he wanted you to stay, whispering that shit in your ear.
now? he acted like you were invisible. un-fucking-believable. one minute he was texting you at 2 a.m., asking you to come over, and the next, he was pretending like you didn’t exist. all because he didn’t want his perfect little kook world knowing he was messing around with a pogue. and that was okay before. until he started asking you to stay, and you did.
apparently, you were a fucking idiot because here you were, pissed off that he couldn’t even look you in the eye.
you grabbed the menus, biting back the urge to roll your eyes, and walked over to their table. “here are your menus,” you said flatly, shoving one in each of their faces without the fake cheer you’d reserved for the tourists.
the girls barely acknowledged you, too busy giggling at something topper said. kelce glanced up briefly, offering a half-assed smirk, while rafe kept his eyes locked on the table, fingers playing with the edge of his napkin like he hadn’t spent the last few nights wrapped up in you.
you caught one of the girls whispering something under her breath. “didn’t know they let just anyone work here.”
her name was sloan or something equally forgettable, always draped on topper’s arm like a chanel bag. she didn’t know you, but she knew enough about you to judge. she was wearing sunglasses indoors, for fuck’s sake. the other girl snorted, and you felt your fingers tighten around the pen.
you had half a mind to snap back. if you were outside, on the street or at a party, you would’ve ripped into them without hesitation. you’d read them for filth in a way they wouldn’t forget. but here? in the middle of the restaurant? lila didn’t need you starting shit, and you didn’t need to lose a good payment over some entitled brats.
rafe said nothing. just sat there, tapping his fingers on the table as if you weren’t even standing right there.
you forced a smile. "you guys ready to order?"
and there it was.
he finally looked at you, but it wasn’t how you wanted him to. his eyes slid over you like you were a stranger — not like the girl he’d kissed breathless hours ago, or the one he had been whispering 'stay' to. he looked at you like you were just…some waitress. 
“coffee. black.” his tone was curt, clipped, like he couldn’t stand to speak to you.
you fought the urge to throw the fucking pot at his head.
“coming right up,” you chirped, giving them your best fake grin before spinning away and stalking back to the counter.
you busied yourself with the coffee, pouring it so forcefully you nearly overflowed the cup. unreal. he had the nerve to sit here, in your space, with his little kook posse, pretending like he wasn’t the same guy begging you to stay wrapped up in his sheets. and for what? to keep up his dumb little façade?
you used to be able to ignore it, pretend it didn’t matter because you didn’t care. you were just having fun, right? it was never supposed to be more than that. except, somewhere along the line, it did become more. he’d made it more, pulling you in deeper with every touch, every late-night call. and now, standing here in this sticky-ass diner, staring at his stupid, perfect face as he chatted up some girl who probably didn’t even know your name? it made you want to set the entire place on fire while they were still inside.
you slammed the coffee cup down a little harder than necessary when you returned to their table. “anything else?” you asked sweetly, practically daring him to say something. but of course, he didn’t. just took the cup without even looking at you. typical.
“uh, yeah, can we get some pancakes?” kelce piped up, completely oblivious to the tension radiating off you. “and bacon. like, extra crispy?”
“sure,” you bit out, scribbling it down before turning away. you made your way back behind the counter, slamming the order slip onto the kitchen window with a little more force than needed.
“everything okay, sweetheart?” lila, the owner, called from the back. she was probably picking up on your mood from the way you were practically shaking in irritation. “you look like you’re about to spit in someone’s food.”
you glanced back at the corner booth where rafe sat, laughing now at something topper said. “nope,” you lied through gritted teeth. “just having a great time.”
“mm-hmm,” lila hummed, giving you a skeptical look before disappearing into the back.
you busied yourself by wiping down the counter—again. anything to keep yourself from glaring over there and blowing your cover. because he wasn’t worth it, right? he wasn’t worth losing your cool over in front of a bunch of stuck-up kooks. he was just some guy.
except, some guy didn’t have you falling asleep in his arms one night, then acting like you were nothing the next. ugh. you clenched the rag tighter, scrubbing hard at a nonexistent stain on the counter, gritting your teeth as his laugh rang out again. 
he knew exactly what he was doing. sitting there, ignoring you, acting like you didn’t matter—like you hadn’t been sprawled out on his bed while he kissed his name into your skin.
“girl, you’re gonna break the counter.”
the sound of a familiar voice snapped you out of your spiraling.
you looked up to see your friend phoebe leaning against the entrance, one eyebrow raised. she must’ve popped in on her break or something. great timing. you shot her a look.
“don’t even start,” you muttered, tossing the rag down with a little too much force.
she peeked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes, a scoff escaping her lips. “oh, them,” she said, voice dripping with disdain. “what, rafe can’t keep it in his pants for a whole day?”
“he can’t keep his ego in check.” you crossed your arms, eyes moving over to the corner before you could stop yourself. he still wasn’t looking at you. the way he leaned back in the booth, one arm slung over the backrest, talking to the girl next to him—like he didn’t have a care in the world. like you didn’t exist.
phoebe followed your gaze, her expression turning incredulous. “are you serious right now?” she asked, lowering her voice. “what happened to just hooking up for fun? ‘don’t care what he does when ’m not around,’” she mocked lightly, using your own words against you.
“yeah, well, that was before he started acting like a complete dick,” you shot back, cheeks flushing.
“started?” she snorted, “he���s always been a dick. so have you. you gonna be okay, or am i about to see you dump coffee in his lap?”
the thought was tempting. really tempting. but you forced yourself to shake your head. “’m fine. he’s just… being rafe.” you hated how flat the words sounded. like an excuse. like you were giving him a free pass to treat you like this.
phoebe didn’t look convinced. “uh-huh. well, if you need a distraction, ’m here. want me to spill something on topper’s head? just say the word.”
god, you needed her right now. “as tempting as that sounds, lila would probably kill me. then i’d really owe her more than a shift.”
she shrugged. “worth it. but fine, i’ll behave.” she straightened, sending you a knowing look. “but seriously, babe. don’t let him get to you. rafe cameron’s just a bored little rich boy playing games.”
you knew she was right. of course she was right. but that didn’t stop that feeling from creeping up in your chest. like you’d expected better, even though you knew you shouldn’t have. because this was still rafe. and rafe was never going to be anything but a complication.
“i just…thought maybe…” you trailed off, words sticking in your throat. thought maybe what? that he’d change? that he’d stop being a total asshole just because you were starting to want more?
“yeah, well, stop thinking,” phoebe said bluntly. “he’s not worth it and he’s sucking the personality out of’ya.”
you swallowed hard, nodding. she was right. he wasn’t. and you needed to remember that. but just as you were about to say something, movement caught your eye.
rafe was standing now, making his way to the counter, his long stride unhurried as if he had all the time in the world. 
phoebe stiffened beside you, “you want me to stay?”
“no.” you forced the word out, squaring your shoulders. “i got this.”
“okay.” she gave you one last look before slipping out the door, leaving you alone behind the counter just as rafe stopped in front of you. he stood there, all six feet of arrogance staring down at you with that expression that made your skin crawl.
“can i help you?” you asked, voice dripping with forced politeness. you met his eyes, refusing to back down, even as your heart hammered against your ribs.
he moved, leaning forward just enough to close some of the distance between you. “need the bill,” he said flatly, like he wasn’t currently tearing your already frayed nerves to shreds.
that’s it? the bill?
you’re just the waitress now. wow. this was rafe. rafe, who couldn’t even look at you, who couldn’t acknowledge what the hell was happening between you beyond those late-night calls and tangled sheets.
“of course,” you said sweetly, forcing a smile even though you wanted to scream. “i’ll be right back.” you turned away without another word, fighting the urge to hurl the fucking notepad at his head. you busied yourself at the register, punching in numbers with way more strength than necessary, imagining it was his face.
once you were done, you looked up to see his back was to you as he fished out his wallet, sliding his card into the reader. you kept your face neutral, biting back the million things you wanted to scream at him. the receipt printed out, and he leaned down, scribbling something quickly before straightening up.
and just as you thought he’d turn and leave like nothing had happened; he did something that made you freeze in place. he dropped a couple of crisp bills onto the counter—more than a couple, actually—and then slid the check over to your side without a word.
what the hell?
you blinked, staring at the pile of cash. that was way more than the standard 20%. fuck, it was enough to cover your rent for the next month, let alone one meal’s worth of shitty coffee and bacon. 
“what the fuck is this, country club?” you blurted out. he stilled, eyes snapping up to yours, that mask of indifference slipping just the tiniest bit. “what, trying to buy me off now? think i’ll just smile and say ‘thank you, sir’ because you threw a couple hundred my way?”
“stop,” he muttered, eyes darting around like he was worried someone might hear. “it’s just—”
“no, you don’t get to ‘just’ me,” you hissed over the counter, “you don’t get to pull this shit like you’re being generous.” you shoved the bills back toward him, nostrils flaring. “take your fucking money. i don’t want it.”
but he didn’t move. just stood there, jaw clenched, blue eyes boring into yours. “it’s not—” he cut himself off, scrubbing a hand down his face, looking almost frustrated. “it’s not like that. ’m just trying to—”
“trying to what?” you shot back, “make yourself feel better? or make me shut up and go along with this bullshit like a good little pogue?” the last word dripped with contempt.
he flinched, the reaction so quick you almost missed it. almost. “’m just giving you a tip. it’s what you want, right?” his tone turned biting, “for your work, I mean.”
your mouth dropped open, stunned. “wow. you’re such an asshole, you know that?” you shoved the wad of cash back at him with a force that sent the bills scattering across the counter. “keep it. use it to buy yourself some decency, because clearly, you’re running low.”
his eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say anything, didn’t try to pick up the money. just stood there, jaw ticking, like he couldn’t decide whether to fight back or walk away. it made you want to scream. you wanted to claw at that cold, emotionless shell of his until something—anything—broke through.
“you’re overreacting,” he muttered. and that was it. kust those three stupid, dismissive words.
overreacting? after everything?
“get out,” you said flatly, hands shaking. “get the hell out.”
without another word, he turned on his heel and walked out of the restaurant, leaving the crumpled bills scattered across the counter like the mess of your emotions. the door swung shut behind him, the bell chiming softly. you stood there, chest heaving, heart pounding so hard it felt like it might crack your chest right open. and for a second, you almost reached out, almost scooped up the cash just to throw it at his retreating back. but you didn’t.
instead, you swiped the bills off the counter, crumpling them up into a tight fist and then, with a furious exhale, you chucked the whole wad into the trash can.
because if rafe thought he could buy your silence, your compliance, you, with a handful of cash, then he didn’t know a fucking thing about you at all.
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absurdthirst · 3 days
Halloween Cowboy {Joel Miller x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: Idiots in love, crushing, putting your foot in your mouth, embarrassment, flirtation, Younger Joel, drinking, vaginal sex, unprotected sex
Comments: Tommy and his girlfriend, your best friend, manage to get you and your sexy neighbor Joel at the same Halloween party.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“Cmon man. You gotta come. Lindsey wants to meet you and I can’t keep makin’ up excuses for my big brother not wanting to meet my girl.” Tommy whines while he stands over Joel who is trying to read the plans for the bathroom redo.
“Tommy. I’m tryin’ - Jesus. Is it really that damn important?” He asks his brother after taking his glasses off of his nose.
“Yeah. Sarah is going to sleep over at her friend Tori’s house, right? You’ll be sitting on your own with the curtains closed to ward off trick or treaters while watching Dawn of the Dead for the hundredth time…you ain’t busy.” Tommy calls Joel out who signs and sets his glasses down on the table.
“Fine. Fine. If it’s that damn important I’ll go but, shit. I don’t have a costume.” He confesses and Tommy smirks, “that’s easy. You’re already wearing it.” He eyes the construction belt and hard hat and Joel scoffs but takes a second, “I got a cowboy hat. And boots.” He decides and Tommy snorts, “rodeo Joel is making an appearance. Haven’t seen that since high school when you were trying to impress Katie.” Joel huffs, trying to not snap at his brother at mentioning his ex wife whose parents owned a ranch.
“Sorry.” Tommy murmurs and Joel shrugs, “I’ll be there.” He promises, picking up his glasses again and Tommy grins, not mentioning the best part until he’s about to walk away. “Oh and your pretty neighbor will be there. Lindsey invited her.”
“Why do I have to go again?” You whine to Lindsey even as you are mixing together the cream cheese with the salsa to make roll ups. It’s one of your best appetizers to throw together quickly and are always a hit. She snorts and rolls her eyes at you. “You need to get out and socialize. You need to have some fun since you broke up with dickhead.” She had never hidden the fact that she thought your ex wasn’t good enough for you. Only now would you admit that she’s right, but you still huff at her. “What am I supposed to do? Pick up someone from your party and take them home?”
“Or you could use my guest room?” She waggles her eyebrows, “and I do believe the man you’ll be riding in there will be called Joel.” She smirks and you nearly choke, “no. No. I don’t - he doesn’t -” Lindsey giggles, “Tommy said the man watches your every damn move from his porch. Watches your ass when you walk past. Trust me, honey. The man wants you. He’s just got issues from his ex leaving.” She explains, knowing Tommy has briefly told her about what happened with Katie. “You don’t need to be his therapist to get some.” She says and nudges you.
Joel huffs as he looks at himself in the mirror. The checkered shirt is buttoned up unlike its usual openness when he has a t-shirt underneath. The large belt buckle his dad got him as a present was dug out from the back of his underwear drawer, and the boots are comfortable, worn in thankfully from regular use. The hat is on the side and he grabs it, putting it on his head to see how it looks. He looks like teenage Joel and that scares him. How eager he was to impress a girl. Too eager in fact that she left the first moment she could, leaving him with a two month old when he was twenty years old. “Shit.” He sighs, rubbing his jaw, knowing he will see you. He knows he’s jaded, he’s a single dad with issues and he knows you’d never want him. He’s too complicated. With a huff, he grabs the lasso he got from Tommy as a joke a few years ago and leaves his house to go to the party.
“I think real cuffs would have been better.” You huff to yourself, hating how the ties on these Wonder Woman wrist cuffs keep coming loose. The party hasn’t even started yet and you want to just go home. Not that Lindsey would let you. “Tie this for me.” You demand, holding your wrist out. “If I’m going to be Wonder Woman, I need to be a put together, sexy version of her.”
Joel isn't early. He doesn't like to be early to parties since he can't disappear into a crowd and leave early. He sighs after he parks his truck down the street, his boots clicking as he walks up the driveway until he is opening the door. The party is already underway and he squeezes past people drinking and making out and talking to try and find Tommy.
“Coming through, coming through!” You yank the platter of appetizers higher, needing to get over to the table and refill them although people won’t seem to get out of your way. The party is bigger than what Lindsey had told you it would be and she’s already glued to Tommy’s side, leaving you to kind of run things. Someone comes up to your right, just out of your vision as  you veer off to avoid a couple who are groping each other. “Shit!” You hiss, bumping into someone and having to spin around to keep the tray from hitting the ground and ruining the snacks. 
“Woah. Shit.” Joel hisses and barely catches the tray as you spin around and grab the other side. His eyes widen when he sees you, dressed like Wonder Woman with eyes wide and beautiful. “Hey.” He murmurs, keeping his grip on the tray and you offer him a gorgeous smile, “hey neighbor.” Someone knocks into him and he steadies the tray. “Let me help. Tell me where you want this and I’ll make sure no one knocks this over.” He promises, keeping his grip tight.
“Hey.” You smile breathlessly, a little shocked and release the tray to him because of that. “Um, yeah, uh, right over there.” You point to the table in the corner and try to figure out if you need to hide in embarrassment or get the man a drink for helping you out. He looks fucking delicious and Lindsey’s comments about riding him are fucking perfect considering Joel Miller is out here dressed up like a fucking cowboy. Your panties are going to be ruined tonight, thinking about him. 
Joel wrestles with the crowd to set the tray down and he turns to see you’ve followed him. “Who the hell did Tommy and Lindsey invite? The whole damn town?” He almost has to shout to compete with the chatter and the music. “Seems like it. I only made enough food for a small gathering.” You confess and Joel turns to look at the tray, “you did all that?” He asks and you nod, biting your lip. “Goddamn. You’re like Martha Stewart. But hot.” He adds until he flusters and reaches up to adjust his hat. “Uh, I mean, you look good. As Wonder Woman. I had this massive crush on Linda Carter when I was a kid and uh, yeah. You look good.” He repeats, silently cursing himself for being so lame as Sarah would say.
You want to laugh at the way Joel looks ready to punch himself in the face for being stupid, but you like seeing him like this. “Thanks.” You reach out and touch his arm. “You look really hot too. You’re going to be beating them off with a stick dressed like this, Miller.” You predict, knowing you would be the first in line if you had half a chance at him. “We’ll be dreaming of cowboy lullabies tonight.” 
Joel blushes, grateful for the cowboy hat to hide it, and he gets a sudden boost of confidence. “Yeah? You think I’d have a chance with someone at the party? Even though I got more baggage than Bush Airport?” He jokes and you scoff, “everyone has baggage.” He nods, staring at you for a moment and he opens his mouth to ask if you want to find somewhere quieter to talk but a hand slaps his shoulder and he turns to see his brother. “You made it! And dressed up!” Tommy exclaims, clearly a little drunk and his arm wrapped around a beautiful woman. “This is Lindsey. Baby, this is the mysterious big brother I’ve been telling you about.” Lindsey grins and holds her hand out, “it’s great to finally meet you, Joel. Tommy can’t shut up about you.” She teases before she says your name, “and she’s always talking about her sexy neighbor. You’re the talk of the town.” Lindsey teases and Joel’s eyes widen slightly as he looks towards you.
“Lindsey.” You groan your friend’s name, face heating up and you want the earth to open and swallow you whole. “I think you might need to drink some water.” You huff, snatching her cup out of her hand and quickly drinking it down yourself. Hoping that Joel doesn’t think that you are some kind of creepy stalker or some shit. 
Lindsey’s words make his stomach twist and Tommy smirks at him, knowing about his crush on his neighbor, and he squeezes Lindsey’s hand until she lets go and turns to look at Tommy. “Come on baby. Let’s get you another drink. Enjoy the party. See you in a bit. Mingle.” Tommy urges his older brother who has the habit of hiding in the corner. “Sure.” Joel nods and watches Tommy take Lindsey to the kitchen. “I need a drink.” Joel mutters to himself before he looks at you, “you know where the booze is?”
“Yeah,” Despite being embarrassed, you won’t let him go without a drink. “It’s out here.” You point to the patio door. “We’ve got a small pony keg if you want beer and then there’s tequila.” You huff out a laugh. “That’s what I plan on drinking.” You joke as you open the door. “Listen- uh, about what she said? I just- I don’t want you to think that I’m watching you all the time or something.” 
Joel looks at you as he follows you to the drinks table. He was shocked to hear you watch him and you being flustered makes his heart thump. “I’m watching you.” He confesses, “not in a creepy way but - but yeah. I like watching you.” He rubs the back of his neck, suddenly burning up in the flannel shirt.
You freeze for a second as you reach for a cup, relieved and slightly surprised to find out that Tommy and Lindsey were right. Now that you both have admitted embarrassing things, you laugh and shake your head. “I think we are way too sober right now.” You tease and waggle a cup at him. “What’ll you have before we discuss further?”
“Anything with alcohol.” He teases and picks up his own cup, filling it with cheap whiskey and topping it off with some Coke. “Happy Halloween.” He grins and hits your cup with his. “Happy Halloween, neighbor.” You smirk and he takes a sip of his drink, sighing at the sting of the whiskey.
You ask where Sarah is and listen while Joel explains about the sleepover, but you are really admiring the way he fills out that flannel shirt. It’s cut perfectly and makes his broad frame look even broader. You know the man is strong because you’ve seen the tools and materials he has to carry. “So why a cowboy and not a sexy construction worker?” You ask, grinning as the burn of the alcohol starts to fade and the heat runs through your veins.
“That seemed too obvious. Isn’t halloween about pretending to be something you’re not? Tonight, I’m not a single father construction worker. Tonight, I’m a cowboy looking for a hero.” He smirks as he flexes his fingers around the red solo cup.
It takes you a second to realize he’s referring to your wonder woman costume and you grin. “Not all heroes wear capes, Miller.” You remind him playfully and toss back the rest of your drink so you can pour both of you another. “I think you also underestimate how sexy single father construction workers are.” You huff. “But I like the idea of taking a cowboy for a ride.” 
Joel can’t believe how smooth he is being when usually he’s fumbling over his words with you. Maybe the costume has helped him regain some confidence after years of focusing on Sarah and not his love life. “Save a horse, ride a construction worker.” He winks and you giggle, making his heart clench. His eyes drag down your body when you turn and bend over to grab another bottle of tequila from under the drinks table and his cock twitches in his jeans.
You open the new bottle and pour you both a large drink. You don’t want to hang out by the booze all night, although it’s been pretty quiet right now. Soon enough there will be people charging out here to refill their own cups. “So are you ready to let your hair down?” You ask. 
Joel snorts, “I don’t think I’ve ever done that. Well, not since Sarah was born.” He confesses, glancing around at the sofa and he jerks his chin, “you wanna sit down?” He asks, his back starting to ache from the long work day and he’s anxious to get closer to you.
“Sure.” You point to the back yard. “Want to sit out there, or go upstairs?” You ask. “We can’t sit down in the living room with all those bodies in there.” It’s a subtle way to get him upstairs if you think that this could actually go somewhere, which it is looking like it might. 
“Let’s go upstairs. I’m too fucking old for this music.” He confesses with a chuckle and you nod, taking his hand to escort him upstairs. You’ve been to Tommy’s house a few times with Lindsey to get ready for nights out. Joel hopes his hand isn’t sweaty in yours and he lets you guide him away from the crowd to the quiet guest room. The bass from the music thumps below his feet as he sits down on the edge of the bed.
“You know you are a good dad, right?” You ask, wondering if he knows just how sexy him being a very involved dad is to you. “You care about Sarah, you listen to her.” You smirk. “Even if you don’t always know what you are doing.” 
He snorts, looking down at the drink in his hand, “I definitely don’t always know what I’m doing. I could handle Barbie dolls and hair bobbles but periods? Boys? It’s a little out of my league.” He admits, turning to look at you as you sit down beside him. You’re so beautiful, so understanding. You deserve way better than someone like him yet here you are. “Thanks for saying that though. She likes you. Loves your style and watching those stupid MTV shows with you.”
“She’s a good kid. Because of you.” You smile softly. “And you didn’t even use her to get laid.” You tease. “Do you know that women love a good dad? Our panties drop quick for a man who loves his children.”
Joel raises his eyebrows, “really?” He asks and you nod, giggling in a way that makes his cock twitch, already half hard in his jeans. You smile and he can’t help but lean in closer to you. “You gonna drop your panties for me, sweetheart?” He asks, his voice dropping lower for you.
“Fuck, that sounded so hot.” You whimper, biting your lip as your eyes slide down to his. You want to kiss him, but you aren’t brave enough yet. “I can’t.” You admit. “I’m not wearing any tonight.” You take his cup and yours and set it down on the nightstand as you talk. 
“Shit.” Joel hisses, his eyes widening slightly and he can’t stop himself even if he tried. He surges forward to press his lips to yours. His hat pushed back on his head as he cups your cheek and he pulls back after a second when you don’t respond and he frowns, wondering if he misread this.
You are frozen. Shocked that Joel, your sexy neighbor, is kissing you. When he pulls back, you see him frown, reaching out and cupping his face so you can lean in to kiss him yourself.
He quickly recovers and melts into the kiss, his hand cupping your neck to pull you closer and he gains confidence, sliding his tongue along your lower lip, pushing into your mouth when you grant him access.
Your breath catches and you groan into his mouth. Still in disbelief that Joel is kissing you. Hes a good kisser. His tongue slides along your, tangles with it and encourages you to kiss him back. Your stomach twists in knots and you lean into the kiss more, malting into him.
He loves the way you kiss him back just as eagerly and he slides his hand along your thigh, groaning at the feel of your skin under his palm. You’re so soft and he loves it. He’s imagined it more times than he’d care to admit.
You hadn’t worn any tights with your outfit. Not wanting to feel trapped or have another layer to take off another layer when you’ve been drinking. His hands on your skin feels amazing and you shift, moving to straddle him and you giggle into his mouth.
He groans when you straddle him, his hands immediately finding your ass to squeeze the flesh. So many times he’s imagined your ass when you’ve been outside in your shorts or leggings and now he gets to touch you. “Fuck.” He pants into your mouth, his cock hardening underneath you.
“We will get to that.” You promise, pulling away to press your lips to his jaw. Always wanting to kiss his neck for forever. It’s so kissable. “Imagined it so many times.”
Joel groans, tilting his head, and he slides his hand up to squeeze your breast. “Me too. So many damn times. Imagined you under me, over me. Being inside you. Jerked off enough damn times.” He reveals as you grind down onto him.
You moan softly, imagining him with his cock in his hand, panting your name. “I want to see that sometime.” You admit breathlessly. “Watch you jerk off.”
"Fuck. One day." He promises, grabbing your ass to lift you so he can spin and lay you down on the bed. "Look goddamn sexy in your costume." He groans, caressing your calf. "Tell me what you want, baby." He demands, reaching for the zipper of your boot.
“Want to ride you.” You decide. “Keep your cowboy hat and boots on.” You smirk and wink. “Want to see if you live up to the expectations I’ve built up seeing you wear that costume.”
He smirks, “I hope I can. It’s been a while.” He confesses as he reaches up to start unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his chest to your hungry gaze.
You reach up and caress his chest. “That doesn’t matter.” You promise. “I just want to feel you inside me.” He peels your boots off and reaches for your bottom. “I’m going to strip you down.” He promises and you nod. “Do it.”
He peels the costume from your body, his cock aching in his jeans at each inch that’s exposed to his hungry gaze, and he has to reach down to undo the buckle, opening his pants to allow himself some relief from the hard press of the zipper. “Shit. You’re gorgeous.” He murmurs, caressing your stomach until he’s reaching for the hem of the top, dragging it from your body to expose your tits. “Goddamn beautiful.” He murmurs when he tosses the top aside and dives down to take your nipple into his mouth as he kneels on the bed.
Your cry is loud but you know that no one in the party can hear you. The music is still thumping and you can hear the chattering. Not that you care, all you care about is him. His mouth feels so good on your nipple it hurts, making you whine when he flicks his tongue over it after biting down. “Joel.” You pant, tangling your fingers into his hair.
He loves hearing your moan and he bites down on the bud, lapping at it with his tongue, before he switches to the other one. His thumb and forefinger pinching your hardened nipple that’s slick with his spit.
You’ve never had someone spend so much time on your tits. Not without being inside you. You enjoy the attention, every pull of his mouth and pinch of your nipple makes your cunt throb around nothing and you are positively dripping.
His free hand slides up your inner thigh, caressing the skin there and he slides his touch higher so he can slide his fingers through your folds. “Fuck. You’re so wet.” He murmurs against your breast.
“So turned on.” You confess. You moan his name again when he continues to slowly stroke through your folds, fingers brushing against your clit. “Fuck baby.”
He groans, “me too. So fucking hard right now.” He confesses as he presses his fingers against your clit, wanting to hear you moan for him again.
You groan, reaching down and cupping him through his jeans. “Fuck.” You gasp, knowing that he will stretch you out when you feel how thick he is. “So hard.”
“Shit.” He hisses when you squeeze him and he slides his hand lower so he can push two thick digits into your weeping cunt, wanting to hear you gasp again. “Take me out.” He pleads, kissing your jaw, “need to feel your hand around him.”
You fumble with his zipper blindly, eager to feel the heft in your hand, to feel how soft and hard he is. Joel pulls his hips back to give you more room and you both groan in unison when he comes free from his underwear and lands into your palm.
He groans when you finally grip him in your soft palm, loving the way you squeeze him, and he’s so hard. He’s aching for you and his fingers work in and out of you, desperate to hear you cry out his name.
Your eyes slide closed, twisting your wrist to pump his cock as much as you can while his fingers destroy you. They are just as thick and wonderful as you imagined. Rough, his hands are calloused and imperfect from the manual labor of his job, scrubbing perfectly inside your walls to make you choke out his name every time he curls them deep.
Your choked version of his name has him groaning yours as you try to pump his cock in your soft hand. He twists his wrist, pressing his thumb to your clit to hear the sweet cry of your orgasm. He desperately wants it. His lips find yours again and he slides his tongue into your mouth, wanting to devour you.
Your hips roll up, eager to have him push his fingers deep every time he pulls them back. You feel that lovely tension curling in your stomach and you want more, crave it. He is just as overwhelming as you had imagined. Completely taking control and showing a confidence that is undeniably sexy.
Your walls flutter and clamp down on his fingers, making him grin against your chin, and he desperately wants you to fall apart for him. “Cum for me, baby.” He murmurs, nipping your jaw as he curls his fingers and presses his thumb against your clit.
It takes a few more pumps of his fingers before you are flying. Your walls lock down around his fingers and soak him with a wave of hot liquid juice that just continues to come in wave after wave while he continues to curl his fingers deep. Crying out his name loudly, nearly a sob and you shake under him.
“Holy fuck.” He groans when you grip his fingers in your walls and he loves how hot and wet you get. He can’t wait to feel that around his cock. “That’s it, baby. Such a good girl for me.” He murmurs, kissing along your neck as he works you through it.
You whimper, knowing that he could call you a good girl for the rest of your life and it would still make your stomach curl in pleasure. Your legs feel like jello when he finally pulls his fingers free and kisses your lips. “Fuck, Miller.” You pant. “Get on your back.”
He grunts as he shifts to lay against the pillows, pupils blown wide as he watches you while you shift to your wobbly knees. "So fucking gorgeous." He murmurs, his gaze dropping to your tits and he can't help reaching down to squeeze his hard cock.
You bite your lip when your thighs are straddling him, immediately moving and grinding down on his cock as soon as he moves his hand. Grinning when he moans your name and swivel your hips again. “Put your hat back on, cowboy.” You tease, leaning down and kissing him passionately.
He fumbles blindly to grab his hat from the nightstand and he puts it on while his tongue tangles with yours while you grind down onto him. “Shit. Co-condom?” He rasps, knowing it’s been forever and a day since he’s had sex but he wants you to be comfortable.
“Fuck.” You don’t have one, but you think you will cry if you have to stop right now. “I don’t- I’m clean.” You mumble against his lips, pulling back to look into his eyes. “I’m on birth control.”
“I’m clean and I - I trust you.” He promises, knowing he shouldn’t take the chance after Katie left him high and dry but he’s aching and he knows you wouldn’t lie to him. “Take what you want, baby.” He demands, his hands finding your ass to squeeze before he playfully slaps your cheeks, “ride a cowboy.”
You moan, reaching down and wrapping your fingers around his cock as you lift up to move him into position. “Gonna ride you ‘til you pass out.” You tease, winking at him right before you start to impale yourself on his length with a loud moan.
When you start to sink down onto his cock, he hisses and his fingers dig into your ass, exhaling through his nose to control himself as he watches your facial expressions while he stretches you out. “Feel good?” He smirks, voice heavy with lust as he slides one hand up to squeeze your breast.
“Yes, fuck.” Your eyes close and you clench down around him. “You’re so much thicker than my ex.” You admit breathlessly, not even thinking that he might not want to be reminded that you had just broken up with someone.
He chuckles, pinching your nipple. "Good, gonna make sure you don't remember his fucking name after tonight." He promises and kisses along your jaw, "want you to scream my name only."
“What ex?” You joke, groaning when he nibbles on your ear. “Fuck, Joel.” You sit up, bracing your hands on his chest and look down on him. He looks sexy under you. “You have a great cock.” You praise, starting to bounce on it. “I’m going cum all over it.”
Your words make him twitch inside you and he slaps your tit, wanting you to squeal. You start to rock on top of him and the sight is gorgeous but he reaches for the hat on his head. He takes it off and places it on your head. “Sexy as fuck.” He murmurs, watching you as your tits move.
You giggle as you ride him, leaning over to press against his chest and bounce harder. He feels incredible inside you, his cock punching deep enough to feel like he’s in your throat and you start to rock harder on him. “Fuck, fuck Joel!”
“That’s it, baby. Shit. Take what you want. God, you look so gorgeous ridin’ my cock.” He coos as his dark eyes trail down to watch where his cock disappears inside of you.
He doesn’t have the exaggerated drawl of a cowboy, but that gravely, raspy pitch to his voice makes your cunt clench around him as he praises you. Loving how he seems to be obsessed with you moving on top of him. Those hands caress you from your tits to your thighs.
Your moans make him twitch inside you and he digs his heels into the mattress, unable to stop himself from thrusting up into you with a groan. “You gonna cum for me, baby?” He asks, his hands sliding up to pinch your nipples and twist them slightly.
“Yessssss.” You hiss, clenching down around him and circling your hips. “Your fucking cock is so deep inside me.” You moan. “You’re in my throat. How the fuck did no one want to ride this cock every night?”
Joel doesn’t mention his ex at this moment but he’s been hesitant to get involved with anyone since she left him with a baby and walked out the door. It’s been hard and he’s finally taking time for himself. He’s going to let you take what you want from him. “Wanna see you cum again.” He rasps, groaning when you clench around him, getting closer.
“I will.” You moan, bouncing on his cock faster and gasping out when he pushes against a perfect spot deep inside you. “God I want to cum all over you.”
"Do it." He pleads, his jaw clenched as he tries to focus on not cumming before you. It's been too long since all he had was his hand. He groans and slides his hand between you, finding your clit to rub, needing you to fall apart for him.
That little nudge of his fingers is all you need. Crying out his name so loud it’s almost a scream you shake apart on top of him, clenching down on his cock and creaming all over it as your hips stutter and you collapse against his chest to press your lips to his breathlessly.
He pulls his hand from between you, his arms wrapping around you and he is desperate to cum. He thrusts up into you, hissing at the way you clench around him. So tight he can barely thrust up into you, and he groans as he pushes deep and finally lets go. He paints your walls with his hot cum, a pant of your name escapes his lips as the breath is knocked from him.
You pant as he relaxes underneath you. Both of you are trying to catch your breath. “Wow.” His cowboy hat is pushed back, falling off your back and you start to giggle in pleasure. Amazed at how good that was. “Good ride, cowboy.”
He chuckles, heart pounding in his chest as he caresses your back, “fuck, my fantasies didn’t do you justice. You are incredible.” He murmurs, kissing your shoulder and up your neck.
You hum in agreement. He cock is softening inside you but you don’t even have the strength to move off of him. “Much better than getting drunk downstairs.”
Joel smiles, “absolutely. I, uh, wouldn’t mind doing it again. And again.” He confesses with a softness to his voice as he caresses you. “I’ve wanted you for a while. Do you, maybe, uh, wanna go out sometime?” He asks, wanting you to know this isn’t just a quick fuck at a party.
“Of course I do.” You smirk, pulling back and giving him a small wink. “How else will I be able to ride this construction cowboy anytime I want?” You joke, happy that Lindsey had convinced you to come to this party tonight. This was much better than eating too much candy on your sofa all alone. “Although next time, I want to see that fucking tool belt on your hips. Do you know how sexy that is?”
Joel actually blushes and he shakes his head, "I didn't know. Tool belt...I can make that happen." He promises and leans in to kiss you again. You groan after you pull back, shifting off of him and he reaches down to tuck his soft cock away. "I know I come as a package deal but Sarah loves you. She thinks you are cool as shit. She will be part of the deal if we - you know?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I know that.” You promise him. “Never would have thought any different. Sarah is your world. I respect that. She is the first priority in your life, like she should be. I would just like to spend some time with you, and her. I want to see where this could go.” You smile. “It’s not like we live far apart.” You remind him, knowing that it would be a good thing to be so close, unless things don’t work out.
Joel nods, “yeah. Yeah. I just - not everyone wants a single dad.” He admits and you reach out to caress his cheek, “a hot single dad. One I want to fuck.” You giggle and Joel blushes again, “I can definitely arrange that. You want another drink? Some snacks?” He offers, knowing he won’t want to leave the guest room for quite some time. You nod and he shifts off the bed, adjusting his jeans and he puts his shirt back on. He grabs his hat and places it on his head, a wink towards you as he opens the door, “I’ll be right back.” He promises and steps out of the guest room. Making his way downstairs barefoot, he passes couples and friends until he sees Tommy who asks where you are. “She’s upstairs.” Joel confesses, biting his lip, and Tommy smacks him on the shoulder. 
“Fucking finally, man. Good for you. You two make a cute couple. Don’t fuck it up.” Tommy raises his eyebrows and Joel nods, “only thing that’s gonna fuck this up is a goddamn zombie apocalypse.” He jokes and Tommy snorts, “you deserve to be happy, man.” Joel thanks him, grabbing the food and drinks to make his way back upstairs. He’s excited for the future. A future with you.
332 notes · View notes
girlygguk · 1 day
Hey lyssa 💕
How about a salsa teacher JK, the ultimate thirst trap lol if you’d like to include smut I’m not going to say no and if there’s some crack in it that’ll be fine too (but pls just write what you feel like atm ☺️)
Lots of love 🫂
pairing salsa teacher!jk x uni student!(f)reader
rating 18+ minors dni; smut, fluff, strangers to lovers
word count 2.3k
warnings age gap (jk 29 yn 22), porn w a little plot, pet names; baby/good girl, dirty talk, praise kink, protected p in v sex, doggy, consensual choking
author's note thank u sm for this req ahhh i love it!! when i asked u guys for drabble ideas i told myself not to go over 1k for each one... 2 hrs later here we are 😭 this was the first ask i got after the post & a bunch of other ones have come thru, so i'll try to do another before i sleep and the rest i'll complete whenever i have time <3 <3 this is pretty much unedited so plz ignore any mistakes!! love you mwah
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you felt like an absolute idiot.
how you let your best friend convince you to attend salsa classes after your recent breakup with anton, you had no idea. and to top it all off, anton was from cuba. it felt like a cruel joke, and you told jimin to promptly go fuck himself at first, but the psych major insisted it could be therapeutic… that it might help you “move on” or whatever the fuck.
you couldn’t say no to jimin. no one could. especially not when he showed up on your doorstep with his boyfriend in matching shirts and a cute little red dress that matched their outfits just for you.
so here you were. standing in that little red flowy dress in a dance studio downtown with about seven other people, third-wheeling with your best friend and his boyfriend, yoongi, who looked just as displeased to be there as you were. but, as you said, no one could say no to that stupid face.
"ah, we have some new faces today," the instructor announced with a grin that lit up the room.
jeon jungkook. salsa teacher. abnormally and infuriatingly gorgeous.
his black shirt clung to his broad chest and shoulders in a way that should’ve been classified as unprofessional. and his pants? snug. perfectly fucking snug. it took everything in you to keep your eyes from drifting to places they shouldn’t.
light chuckles filled the studio while you forced a smile, bumping jimin with your hip when he nudged you teasingly.
"okay," jungkook’s smooth voice cut through the chatter, "let’s see where everyone’s skill level is at."
“maybe i can sit this part out,” you whispered to jimin, but of course, he wasn’t having it.
“nuh-uh,” he grinned, shaking his head. “it’s okay. you’re good, honey. it’ll be quick.”
you groaned internally as jungkook strolled around the room, demonstrating the basic steps with effortless grace. it was unfair, really. no one should be able to move like that.
you could dance. you weren’t anywhere near jimin’s level, of course—he was insane. but growing up with jimin and your other best friend, hobi, who was also a phenomenal dancer, you’d picked up a few things. you’d join in their practices sometimes, but while you preferred hip hop like hobi, jimin excelled in contemporary styles. he already knew how to salsa; you’d seen him do it plenty of times before. he was here for his boyfriend, which would normally be cute, except now you were fucking dragged along, too.
as jungkook approached, his gaze lingered on you for just a second too long. you blinked, waiting for him to realize he was staring. he didn’t.
his eyes were warm, teasing, with a glint of… something else.
the corners of his lips tugged upward as he crossed the room toward you. “let’s see how you’re doing,” jungkook said smoothly, his voice dropping a little as he stepped in front of you. his hand extended toward you, palm up, waiting for yours.
you blinked again, looking at his big, tattooed hand before slipping your palm into his. it was warm.
his fingers wrapped around yours, firm yet gentle, and his other hand lightly rested on your waist. “just follow my lead,” he said, his breath warm against your ear as he positioned you into the basic stance.
jungkook’s hips moved in perfect time with the music, and you could tell he was calming his movements down slightly for you. you either needed to get laid or a fucking grip, because even that was kind of turning you on.
his touch was steady, guiding you through each step, but you forced yourself not to focus on the heat of his hand on your waist. the proximity, the way his fingers flexed ever so slightly against your body with each move. god.
“you’re doing really good,” jungkook murmured, leaning a little closer as he guided you into a turn. his breath brushed your cheek, and you had to swallow slightly.
sure, you were twenty-two, and he looked like he was in his late twenties, maybe early thirties, but there was no doubt he was flirting with you. you knew what it looked like when a guy was flirting.
unless this was just his personality and he acted like this with every girl he taught? your subconscious snickered at you, and you sighed, brushing the thought away.
across the room, jimin was practically grinning ear-to-ear, enjoying the show way too much as he led his cute, stumbly boyfriend through the motions without even looking at him.
"jagi, i'm supposed to be taking the lead part," yoongi grumbled, pulling jimin’s attention back to him with a light tug.
"sorry, my love. habit." jimin chuckled, his eyes crinkling in amusement. "okay, go ahead, six-seven-eight—"
yoongi shot him a playful glare before resuming the steps, his concentration back on the dance. meanwhile, jimin snuck another glance your way, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as jungkook’s hand slid a bit lower on your waist during the turn.
you could only roll your eyes at the blonde as jungkook’s deep chuckle echoed in your ear, clearly catching onto your friend’s antics.
“focus, y/n,” jungkook murmured lowly as he gently corrected your footing with his own. “we still have a few more turns to get through.”
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okay, maybe he was flirting.
no. he was definitely flirting.
"shittttt!" you moaned into his pillow, your back arching as jungkook pounded into you from behind, his grip firm and still so fucking warm. each thrust sent a shock through your body, your gasps muffled by the fabric of his pillowcase.
"so bigggg," you whimpered, your words slurring as the pleasure consumed you. your fingers gripped the sheets tightly as his hands squeezed your ass cheeks, pulling you back onto him with every thrust.
his groan rumbled through the room as he watched your body respond, the fat of your ass rippling under his hands, the way your pussy tightened around him as he drove deeper.
"is it?" he teased, voice thick with condescension. you clenched harder around him at that, and he groaned again, his cock twitching inside you in approval.
"you can take it, can't you, baby?" his tone was low, mocking, completely sure of himself. his pace didn’t falter, each thrust angled perfectly, deeper. "such a quick learner, hm? did so well today, baby."
your breath came out in ragged gasps, completely overwhelmed as he kept fucking you senseless. you could only nod in response, whimpering as the hand gripping your right ass cheek slipped around your stomach, finding your clit with ease.
your legs started to wobble when his fingers rubbed against the puffy nub, a croaky yes slipping from your lips as you rutted back into him, desperate for more.
"fuck," he choked out, leaning down slightly to deepen the angle, hammering into you faster. "that's it, baby, fuck back onto my cock. just like that, babyyy, good girl. so good."
your eyes rolled back, briefly wondering if he’d figured out your praising kink, and a sobby moan slipped from your lips. you moved your hips harder, slamming your ass back against him with each thrust. the loud clap of skin echoed through the room every time you collided with his cock.
"shit, listen to that, y/n," he groaned, his skilled fingers sliding down your slit to gather your slick, grazing his cock as he shoved in and out of you before slipping back to your clit, rubbing it in big, messy circles.
"listen to that soaking pussy take my cock so well, baby. s'this what you wanted? you looked kinda sad when you walked into my class today, baby… didn't like it. not sad anymore, are you, hm?"
"no," you whined immediately, your head lifting from the pillow and throwing back in pleasure. "no fucking way. s-so good, baby. i n-needed this," you stuttered through a gasp, groaning in delight when the last hand on your ass slid up to grip your neck.
"you okay with th—"
"yes," you sobbed, lifting a shaky hand to clench around his, applying pressure. "harder. please, fuck, harder."
you heard him give a shaky breath before tightening his grip on your neck. your eyes rolled back in ecstasy as he pulled back and slammed in harder, harder, harder. each time his cock drove in, it slammed into that spongy spot that pulled a high-pitched uh from your throat.
"goddd, dirty fucking girl," jungkook mumbled lowly in delight, leaning his head down to rest his lips against your forehead while your face was turned toward the ceiling, eyes closed in pleasure. "wish i wasn’t wearing this fucking condom. wish i could fill this tight little cunt with my load, know you’d take it so fucking well."
your jaw slackened, a silent scream escaping your lips at his words and the way he quickened his pace, both with his cock and his fingers rubbing your clit.
"fuuuck, i’m so close, jungkook," you forced your eyes to open, looking up at his sweaty, gorgeous face, the feeling of his big hand squeezing around your throat making it hard to concentrate. "oh my fuckkkk, please, i—"
"go on then," jungkook murmured lowly, giving a final squeeze to your throat before sliding his hand to your jaw, swiping his wet, tattooed thumb along your pouty bottom lip. "come on my cock, baby. you deserve it, honey. come on."
you didn’t know if he knew that jimin and hobi had given you the nickname 'honey' from your childhood.
and you also didn’t know why that nickname made a scream rip from your lips and your pussy clench around his fat cock until you were coming so hard you swear you could taste the color white. but it did.
"oh, fuckkk," jungkook hissed as he held you tight, his thrusts not relenting while you convulsed and came on his cock. "that’s itttt. take it all, baby. good fucking girl."
your body was trembling, completely fucking spent, arms barely holding you up as your fingers dug into the mattress. you were gasping for air, feeling yourself melting into the bed, and yet, all you could think about was him. “are you close? please, i fucking need it,” you whimpered, voice breathy and weak.
he groaned, hands slipping down from your waist to slide under your chest and cup your tits with a firm grip. he gave them a squeeze, rolling the soft fatty flesh in his palms before tugging gently at your nipples. the sensation shot through your body, making you shake, everything inside you clenching around his cock as he grunted in satisfaction.
“fuck, yeah, i- ” he panted, leaning down to rest his head in the crook of your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin. his thrusts grew sloppy, rougher, causing your warm, sensitive body to jiggle beneath him. "i'm gonna come, baby. fuck."
“p-please." you grunted as he gave a particularly hard thrust, "wanna feel it, jungkook. want it in me. please."
he choked on a long moan, wet lips pressing to your neck, and with a few more deep thrusts, you felt him tense up. his grip on your chest tightened as he came with a low groan, his warm seed filling the condom.
you groaned in satisfaction at the feeling of him spilling into you, even through the stupid barrier. his body pressed down into yours as he panted, riding out his high, and you were still fucking shaking, so insanely satisfied.
as you both came down, your breath heavy and loud, jungkook began to slowly pull out of you, careful not to hurt you. you whimpered softly at the loss, already missing the feeling of being full of him the moment he slipped out.
a part of you couldn’t help but wonder… was that it? now you both just go back to your lives as if nothing happened? you didn’t even remember how you ended up in this situation, other than the fact that his intense, dazy eyes kept lingering on you the whole class. you had let jimin and yoongi head off without you when it finished, claiming you were going to talk to jungkook. you could still hear jimin giggling in delight as he dragged his boyfriend down the corridor.
jungkook had told you he was twenty-nine when you were chatting earlier, and in return, you had told him you were twenty-two. he didn’t seem to have a problem with the age gap, and of course, you didn’t either. still, a small part of you wondered if he’d even want to see someone as much younger as you again—if even just as a casual hookup. you pouted slightly at the thought. you suppresssed a groan, already knowing you’d be thinking about the best dick of your life for days after this.
you were pulled from your thoughts when jungkook sat up slightly, his face looking almost… shy? he cleared his throat before speaking. “are you gonna, uh, come to next week’s salsa class?” he asked, trying to sound casual, though you could hear the hint of hope in his voice.
you glanced up at him, his adorable, pouty face staring back at you, waiting for your response. a small, teasing smile tugged at your lips. “mmm… i don’t think so,” you teased, watching as his face fell slightly.
he nodded softly, trying to hide his disappointment. “i’ll be back in a second to clean you up,” he muttered, moving to get up.
but before he could, you reached up and pulled him back down, your lips pressing firmly against his. he froze for a second, clearly caught off guard, but then he melted into you, his hands slipping up to tangle in your hair.
as you pulled back from the kiss, your lips barely grazing his, you mumbled, “do i have to take the class to see you? i fucking hate salsa dancing.”
jungkook laughed softly, his breath warm against your skin. “i also teach hip hop?” he offered, amusement coloring his voice.
your eyebrows shot up as a giggle escaped you. “huh,” you squinted playfully up at his cute, annoyingly gorgeous face. “i’ll think about it.”
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madamechrissy · 17 hours
Kisses in the Dark
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ Megumi Fushiguro x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings/content ♡ ♡ Cunnilingus, fingering, rough sex, dirty talk, low key praise kink (idiots to lovers)
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡ 6.5k
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ You have been in love with Megumi Fushiguro since middle school, but you, Nobara, Yuji and him are all best friends. You're such good friends you've lived together during college, and you're good at keeping it in, until one night he goes on a date. You end up hopeless, thinking of him, and your vibrator is broken too!! So you try to do things... yourself. Megumi thinks he hears you cry :'( And checks on you! Then decides to help you, as a friend?
We'll see how that works!
A/N- first Megumi x reader! Four part story, lots of fluff, tension and smut, friends to lovers <3 (Gumi and reader are 20 in this)
Part Three ♡ ♡ Masterlist ♡ ♡ Playlist
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Part Four- Final Part
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One week Later
Megumi Fushiguro, your ‘best friend’ is annoying.
No, Megumi is worse than annoying, he’s infuriating.
Even as his cock is pumping in and out of your pussy, and his hand is over your mouth, and you’re glaring at him in your bathroom mirror, bent over the sink as Yuji and Nobara are just in the living room. Your pussy is throbbing around him, walls fluttering as you’re soaking his cock, as his dark green eyes hit your own in the mirror, drinking in the flush of your cheeks.
Your eyes roll back when he’s slinked a hand down and is rolling a thumb on your clit, bringing you over the edge, his thick leaky tip is shoved against your cervix, and you’re screaming into his hand. He’s smirking deviously at you, those full lips quirked up as his eyes get lidded, and he’s pressing his hand so hard on your mouth you can’t breathe as you cum.
Your orgasm hits in a wave, spreading through your entire body, making you gasp, and Megumi’s lips are now on your ear, tickling it as he rolls his hips, making you cum even harder. You hear his sexy little moan, so breathy and quiet, as he’s feeling your aftershocks around him, as you’re dripping down his cock, down your sticky thighs, to the bathroom floor.
“Be quiet, Angel, what would they say?” He whispers, and you realize he’s a whole fucking demon.
You can’t speak back, not when his hand is stopping you, not when he’s fucking you into the damn counter, his thrusts harder now, faster. You’re still recovering from one orgasm, as he pushes you into another, overstimulated and sensitive, tears pricking your eyes from how good it feels. Fuck, nothing has felt as good as Megumi’s cock thrusting inside your eager cunt.
“That’s it, such a good girl.” He whispers, knowing what it does, and his hand that was on your clit now slips around to press on your lower tummy, his eyes locking with yours in the mirror as your hands clutch his arms. “You’re eager, hmm Angel?”
You can’t speak, he knows it, your face is blushing with the effort to stay quiet, as his black spiky hair tickles your face, he nips at your neck with sharp teeth, taking you over the edge again. You’re so oversensitive as he rocks inside of you, your little entrance sore from the stretch, from his mean cock bullying into you over and over again.
“Want me to fill you, Angel?” You are starting to hate what he does to you, the desperate mess he makes you.  You yank his hand down then, glaring back at him, taking a shaky breath.
“No, no more cumming in me as a f-friend. You can… f-fucking pull… out…” You say through your teeth, and he pauses, raising his brows, some of that sarcastic little attitude gone for a moment.
“Oh yeah, don’t want it then, Angel?” He asks, and you shake your head. Fucking him all week, and him cumming in you? It’s wrecked your mind. “I wanna cum in your perfect pussy though.” He pouts, all cute, and you damn near succumb.
“Not… as a friend. Have a date tonight. Ah!” He slams your cunt then, and you can’t hide your little smile at his anger.
“What now?” He fucks you so hard it hurts, yanking on your hips, and you have to bite your own knuckles not to scream, your tits bouncing in your tank top, your little shorts around your ankles. “A date!?” He hisses.
“Mmm… mmhmm. Don’t wanna drip all night.” He pulls your hair then, and you gasp at how good it feels, at how different it is from what you’re used to. “What’s wrong, best friend?”
“You’re a brat, fine, then you don’t cum again.” He pulls out, leaving you empty, before cumming all over your ass, moaning softly as he does, and you feel him so hot and sticky along your ass, your back, in hot ropes. You catch his angry glare in his reflection, and you smile. “You did that on purpose.”
“We are just friends. You said so. Don’t be mad when I agree.” He huffs, cleaning you up gently and carefully, as if he hadn’t just been fucking the shit out of your now sloppy cunt.
“A date?”
“Go on now, before they notice.” You say, pulling your shorts up, turning and then getting pressed against the counter, Megumi looming over you, arms on either side. It’s hard to stand firm when he’s so pretty.
“Why a date, when I can fuck you all night.” He says softly, brushing your hair back behind your ear, and you tremble, your knees weak, making you worry your bottom lip with your teeth.
“Remember what you said. Friends.”
He rolls his eyes, jaw tensing. “Stop fucking saying it.”
“You said it!”
“Um, are you all good?” Yuji's voice comes then, and you panic, pushing him away now, fixing your hair and adjusting the top that had spun completely.
“He’s just hogging the hot water.” You turn off the shower you all had been running. “He’s a dick.”
Megumi pulls your hair again, earning a quiet whimper, and you just pray no one hears, as his lips hover over yours. “I was not, she's impatient.”
Megumi releases you now, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around himself over his boxers, as you splash water in his perfect hair, grinning, earning a further scowl. “Oh, all right, thought you all were like fucking.”
“What!?” You both yell out, and Yuji just laughs, walking off, as you and Megumi struggle to get your breath. You can still feel the sting of where his cock had stretched your little pussy out, still feel the throb on your overstimulated clit. It’s like Megumi consumes you.
“Are you really going on a date?” He demands, and you shrug a shoulder, nodding then.
“Of course, what’s stopping either of us? This will end when we get serious with someone else, right?”
“You want this to end?” He kisses you then, and you melt, your knees so weak he has to wrap a hand around your hips to help you stay up. “Stop lying.”
“No I don’t want it to end, but how long do friends fuck?”
“Longer than a week. Plus you know it won’t be near as good, with anyone, yeah?” You raise a brow at him, sensing his upset, his desperation.
You need to get some emotion out of this damn boy, and a date is exactly how you think you’ll find out. It’s not like you want to. “Maybe it won’t be better, but I can’t close myself off, right best buddy?”
“Best buddy!?” He speaks through his teeth, you watch his jaw clench in anger, and feel your own blood pressure rising.
“Mmhmm. Go on now.” You tap his cheek, opening the door, and when he angrily stomps out you press your back against the door, unable to catch a breath, blinking hot emotion back.
It had been a week of him fucking you in all sorts of ways, every time you all had a damn moment alone, every night, every morning. He’d lick your pussy under your blankets at night, making you bite back that dreaded I love you. He took you from behind, laying on top of you, fucking you into a stupid amount of feelings, so much you’d cried during it.
You can’t even imagine another man, ever, he had achieved his goal of ‘ruining you’ that was certain. But it was ruining you in too many ways, as much as you craved him, as mind blowing as it was, he gave no signs of getting serious. Well, he seriously fucked the daylights out of you. He seriously would eat you until you came so much you couldn’t breathe.
He seriously confused you.
You fall ever deeper in love, and you don’t think you can take the heartbreak when all of it ends.
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You get ready for your date, your mind racing with thoughts of Megumi that night, and you try to push them away, telling yourself it’s just sex, it’s just a bit of fun to him, right? But as you slip on your dress, you catch yourself looking at yourself in the mirror, remembering how his hands had felt on your skin. You touch your neck, where his teeth had been, and a shiver runs down your spine.
You’re adjusting your necklace on your collar bone, leaning forward and running lipstick along your mouth then. You’re wearing a pretty little red dress, it cinches in your waist and flares out, you snap a little black belt around your waist, spinning this way and that. It hits mid thigh, showing much of your legs, and the high heels you’re wearing only enhance it.
You step out, and Nobara and Yuji whistle, while Megumi is glaring at you, still furious from this morning, clearly. You’d avoided him all damn day. His eyes are dark and hungry as they rake down your body, then back up, lingering on the cleavage exposed, your breasts pressed together in a pretty bra, making them look more pronounced.
It may or may not have been on purpose.
You’d covered the hickey on your neck and the three marks on your chest with concealer, but you can feel them burning, as if he’s igniting and enhancing those marks, like he’s sucking on your skin again. You struggle to stay composed, to smile brightly at Yuji and Nobara, who were also going out tonight with Megumi to a party.
“You look so hot, babe! Doesn’t she, Megumi?” Megumi blinks those long lashes, his arms crossed as he leans against the island of the kitchen, looking to Nobara and raising a brow.
“Why are you asking me?” He huffs the words, and Nobara and Yuji smirk at each other.
“Well do you have an ugly sweater for her again, buddy?” Yuji asks, patting his shoulder, and Megumi brushes his hand off, sighing.
“Tch.” He looks at you then though, and sighs, staring right into your eyes, making your pulse flutter. “You look beautiful. I’m sure your date will think so.”
“Oh, thank you-”
“I’m getting ready.” He walks off then, and your brows knit together, as you hear his door shut with a resounding click, and Nobara comes up to you then, hands behind her back, leaning forward and tilting her pretty face.
“Wanna tell us something?” She asks, and you feel your skin overheated, as you nervously fiddle with your gold clutch.
“N-no, what could you mean?” You can’t even look at her brown eyes, nor Yuji’s, they’d see right through you.
“Uh huh. Sure, Angel. You have him furious.” Yuji taunts you now, and you look up at the ceiling. “Can’t even face us with the lie?”
“It’s not your business. Anyway, I have a date.”
“Uh huh.” They say, earning your glare, before you dart away.
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Your date is okay, they’re nice even, they laugh at your stupid attempts at jokes, they listen to your stories, but it’s like they’re not even there really. Every touch on your shoulder or thigh feels disgusting, even though they’re actually very attractive. But they’re just… they’re not him.
Megumi is so annoying.
You imagine he’s at the party in a corner, looking so cool and emo, as he does, and girls are flocking up to him, to get that little quirk of his perfect lips, or to get a glimpse at his gorgeous eyes. Lashes that no man should rightfully have, hovering over that intense gaze.
He’d probably end up talking to someone, just like you are now, but why does it break you to think about? Why does the thought of him with anyone absolutely crush you now that you’ve kissed him, touched him, been under him? How can you ever move on if you feel that pleasure, if you feel so desired, so beautiful…
You can’t move on or have a life with Megumi looming, consuming you.
You keep peeking at your phone, wondering, would he text you? And knowing he wouldn’t, stubborn boy that he is. You still look down at times, then flicker your gaze back to your date. Every smile feels so forced, every kiss feels like a lie. And when you look into their eyes, all you see is Megumi’s smirk as he makes you a mess.
As the night goes on, you find yourself comparing every little thing about this person to Megumi, which just isn’t fair. How they don’t make you laugh as much, how they don’t understand you like he does, how they don’t look at you the same. Could anyone look at you like Megumi? With that heady gaze, the one that made you feel you were everything.
But you weren’t. You couldn’t be.
The boy takes you home, and you contemplate it. Should you kiss him just so you can hide your own feelings, so you can act like you’re okay? But when he leans down, and you lean up, and you press your lips to his, it feels hollow, it feels like absolutely nothing but a brush of lips. It’s not even bad, the boy is sweet, but all you can think about is how much you want that dumb boy you’re in love with.
But you know you can’t be with him. You can’t keep doing this to yourself, or to him. It’s going to ruin your friendship, and that’s the one thing you can’t afford to lose, so you have to act like this is fine now. So you lie, you smile, you thank the boy for the nice evening, and hug him before you walk inside, unlocking the door and dreading the long night ahead.
Fuck you are feeling more lost than you ever have before, before you knew what you felt with Megumi fully, when it was just a little crush it had been so much easier to brush off. You shut the door and lock it up again, blinking a bit as your eyes adjust to the dark, and you put your purse up on the hook, sighing.
“Fuck… fuck this. Shit.” You cover your face, feeling your breaths quicken, as tears fill your eyes, threatening the lashes you’ve meticulously glued on, but you’d rip 'em off, what did it matter? No matter how pretty you look, no matter how good you are, you’re not enough to make him choose you. “Not enough.”
“Not enough for who? What’s wrong, did he make you cry!?” Megumi’s voice shocks you, and you jump then, nearly falling in your heels, and he catches you, as he stares at you in the dark room.
“Gumi, wh-what are you doing at home?” You whisper, and he sighs, brushing the tears from your cheeks with a gentle touch, as you stable yourself, holding onto his shoulders. Fuck he feels good, fuck he smells good…
“I couldn’t stand the party, thinking of you. Kissing someone.” He says angrily, and you blink at the tone of the usually calm boy you know so well.
“You care?” You whisper, making Megumi sigh, rolling his eyes and then cupping your face with his big hands.
“What sort of question is that? You think I don’t care? Did you kiss him?”
You look down then, nodding, and feeling his grip tighten, as your little hands grip strong wrists. “I didn’t like it. But I had to.”
“What, why do you have to?”
Your eyes lock on him now. “To forget that I’m in love with you.”
It’s silent then, and you internally curse yourself, as you know now your friendship is over, it’s fucking demolished, along with your heart, that shatters bit by bit as he stares at you in shock. His lips part, as he’s breathing heavy now, and so are you, as your breaths mingle in the quiet night, and that’s the only sound there is, along with the thudding of your hearts.
“I know, I’m sorry, okay? I couldn’t do it casually. I should have never even let you kiss me, touch me, when I’ve been in love with you for years. Yes, years. Okay? And I know you don’t feel the same, I was selfish to let it go on. Just so I could feel your lips, so you could look at me like that. Now I’ll just go and-”
Megumi smashes his lips on yours then, a desperate, messy kiss, so full of passion it’s more than you’ve felt, even with him. You cling to his soft shirt desperately, yanking it up, pressing a hand up his bare abdomen, further up to his chest, hot skin hiding his beating heart. You pull back, shaking your head, and he moans softly, kissing you even deeper.
You can barely breathe when he’s turning you, unzipping your dress, you feel it falling down your body, landing on your hips, and he’s kissing along your shoulders, your neck, your back. You’re arching back into his touch, unwillingly, because it feels so, so good, your body igniting for him now.
“Megumi, stop. Don’t fuck with my mind. I can’t turn you down.” You say desperately, and he turns you back around, leaning over you, his pretty face illuminated by that soft moonlight flowing in your blinds.
“You love me?” He whispers, and you nod, looking down, for him to tilt your chin up, forcing you to stare into his gaze, which is swirling with emotions now. “Say it again, then.”
“Is this a game-”
“Say it again.”
“Fuck. I love you. Okay!? Now go and-”
“I love you too.” You blink in shock, mouth open wide, and you shake your head in disbelief. “Oh, I don’t?”
“No, you can’t! You’re Megumi, and we’re friends, and you said just friends-”
“I’m a fucking idiot. Okay?” You are near ready to pinch yourself, you must be in some dream. “It’s the only time you’ll hear that.” He smirks a bit, and you can’t return it, you’re still in too much shock.
“You can’t be in love with me.”
“No? Why not?”
“Because I…”
“I am hopelessly in love. I knew it when I watched this beautiful face in pleasure, how your brows went together, how you bite this lip…” He pulls it gently from your teeth, as he brushes back your hair, and you’re a mess. Your heart feels like it will burst in your chest. “How you felt, how it felt when I kissed you? I’ve never felt anything like it, and I never will.”
“Oh, Megumi… you jerk!” You shove him, and he blinks in confusion himself. “You could have just told me then!”
“You could have too!” You sigh, burying your head against his chest, before leaning your head back, your hair falling down your back.
“I was scared, Gumi. I thought you wouldn’t love me back.” You’re sobbing now, and he blinks his own emotion, caressing you so carefully, his hand running up and down your back, setting shivers up your spine, desire hot in your tummy.
“How couldn’t I love you back? You’re perfect, Angel. I was afraid, too… I didn’t know if you just wanted experience? And then I got addicted to it, to your beauty, to how your moans sound, to your taste…” He���s slipping your dress all the way down, shimmying it off your hips, then he’s on his knees, looking up at you, kissing your legs. Your head falls back against the door, as he slips your heels off.
“I’m addicted to you, Megumi. Your touch, your kisses, your taste. Your cum inside me- ah!” He’s groaning now, standing and picking you up, just in your bra and panties now, wrapping your legs around his hips. You cling to him, as he presses you against that door now, sliding two fingers eagerly into your cunt.
“I’m so mad you kissed him.” He glares, and you gasp when his fingers curl inside your little entrance, pressing that spot he knows you can’t handle, the one that makes you soak his fingers, lewdly squishing in the night.
“I didn’t know… I didn’t- ah- want to! I only want you, stupid boy. I always have, fuck!” He’s pumping them in and out, as your panties are shoved over to the side, and he’s glaring at you now.
“You’re mine now. Mine. Okay?” You nod desperately, and he pulls out his fingers, making you whimper, feeling empty. “Say it.”
“Yours, Megumi, I’m yours.” He kisses you so deeply again, then he’s setting you back down, slipping off your panties. “Gumi, what if they come home?”
“Why don’t you worry about cumming for me? On my face, my pretty little angel.” He says softly, back on his knees, yanking one of your legs over his shoulder, and you scream out, arching back, as his tongue slides up your slit, and you’re a fucking mess over him, twitching when it hits your clit.
“Gumi…” You whine his name over and over, as he parts the lips of your sex, where you’re dripping arousal out, and he moans, looking up with those gorgeous, lazy eyes of his.
“You’re the only one that calls me that silly name, you know.” He says with a laugh, that tickles you, and you giggle, as you’re clutching to his spiky black hair, soft under your touch.
“You’re the one that calls me Angel. Where’d that come from? Oh! Mnh!” He’s back to licking you, as he opens your glistening folds, tongue darting around your entrance, and it feels so damn good you’re soaking his face, throbbing around nothing, panting at how good it feels.
“Mmm, you’re so yummy.” He licks his glossy lips, sliding a finger into you again, and you’re so wet, so wet for him that it’s like your body is begging for more, for his mouth, for his touch, for his words. “Because you are an angel.” 
“Gumi… fuck…”
You whimper then, as you look down at him, his eyes are focused on you, and your knees are shaking, thighs quivering as he tastes you, devouring every inch of your sex. Your eyes begin rolling back as he flattens his tongue and presses it against your clit, swirling it around, making you cry out in pleasure, your hands tightening in his hair, pulling, earning his groan that vibrates your clit.
Megumi’s eyes are dark, so dark, full of lust and passion as he looks up at you, worshiping your body, his finger and tongue working in perfect sync, as he’s eating you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever get to do, desperately moaning against you. You can feel your orgasm building, your stomach tightening, your chest heaving with every breath you take.
“Gonna cum, mnh… Gumi!” You gasp, and he smiles, looking up at you with that mischievous little half grin that you know so well, the one that makes you want to kiss him so badly.
“Cum for me, then, let me drink you Angel.” Fuck and when he calls you that, and he adds another finger, curling them both up inside you, stroking that perfect spot that makes you see stars? You come so hard that your knees almost buckle. He holds you up, drinking you in, drinking you all up as you pour down his face.
“Oh my god, oh my god, mnh! F-fuck…” You’re so weak, when he stands up, slamming his lips on yours, picking you back up, carrying you over to the couch now, laying you down on your back, as you taste your honeyed arousal on his full lips, as his hands run down your body, until he’s unclasping your bra, moaning softly when your breasts bounce out.
“Beautiful, Angel. These are all for me, aren’t they?” He murmurs, still fully dressed as he tosses your bra, cupping your breasts, and you nod quickly, back arching as his thumbs brush your nipples, making the peaks tighten, aching for more, and your body is so sensitive you can’t focus, vision blurring.
“Need you, please.” You beg now, you don’t care that you’re begging, you need him inside you, you need him naked. You’re pulling up on his shirt, and he’s sliding it over his head, revealing that hard, chiseled frame that just makes you throb more with endless need. “You’re so perfect, Megumi.”
“Me? That’s you, Angel. Look at you.” He whispers, letting you unzip him, feeling his hard cock, hot in your palm as you stoke, watching his eyes roll back, before he’s spreading your thighs, kicking the rest of his pants and boxers off. “Perfect face, perfect body, perfect pussy.” He thrusts his cock in then, burying it to the hilt, and you scream out into the quiet apartment, as he groans.
“S’big, you’re s’perfect. You, Gumi.” You’re nonsensical as he lifts a thigh high, over his shoulder now, kissing your ankle before he rolls his hips, slamming against your bruised cervix. You scream out, as he pulls back and you’re now soaked, his cock dripping precum and your wetness down the couch.
“Look how wet you are, Angel. All for me too.” He says then, shoving back in, and you’re so full you can’t take it, gripping his narrow hips, nails digging into his skin and making him suck in a breath.
“Fuck me, please, fuck me.” He smiles just a bit, eyes lidded as he leans down now, cupping your chin in his hand.
“You’re demanding, y’know that? You weren’t a good girl.” He pouts mockingly as you whimper, as he doesn’t even move. When you try to wriggle he pins your hips down. “Ah-ah.”
“Megumi, but I love you. I love you M’so sorry..” You whine, as he’s got his weight on you, and you watch his lips part, as his eyes swirl, color on his cheeks now.
“Promise, only me. Only me.” He says then, possessive and dark, but fuck you love it, you crave this.
“Only you, it’s only ever been you, didn’t you know?” You say softly, and he lets out a little sound from the back of his throat, slamming his lips down, as he’s stretching your leg beyond its limits, your thigh against your breasts.
“It’s only you for me, too, Angel. F-forgive me… for being…”
“Fuck off.” You both giggle, but you sigh, brushing his hair off his brow, your other hand on his chest, where his heart beats.
“I forgive you. And I’m sorry. Now please… fuck me?”
“Demanding brat.” You laugh softly, then he’s leaned up, hand on the back of your thigh bruising, as he starts fucking his long, thick cock into your eager little cunt, and you’re falling apart under him, as he’s stretching you so damn good. “Only mine, only me ever inside you.”
“Only you.” You repeat, urging him on, fucking you harder, your walls fluttering around his thickness, his cock dragging along your walls with that pink tip, pressing against that spot that makes you blind. You scream out your orgasm, digging your nails into his back, as he wrecks you, as he wrecks your mind, your cunt, your body. “Was only… ever you.”
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He says then, hand around your throat, and you nod in response, letting him squeeze the sides of it as he pounds your pussy so perfectly, as he lets your thigh slide down, bracing over you as he fucks you into this couch. “So beautiful.”
You can barely squeak out your response, as his hands tighten on your throat, and his thrusts hit even harder, so deep you’re close again. You would say ‘cumming’ but you are shattering, cumming so hard it’s blinding, you feel like you’re floating now, in some other wavelength as your love works over you, as he dominates you, physically and emotionally.
Megumi’s breaths are hitching in his throat, and you know he’s holding back, trying to make this last. But you can’t wait anymore. You need him to fill you up, to claim you in every way possible. Your hips are rising to meet his, and he lets out a low growl, his grip on your throat tightening.
“Cum for me, again Angel. I need to feel you cumming around me.” Your orgasm washes over you again as if on fucking command, your pussy clenching around him, your body shaking with the force of it. Megumi finally releases your throat, picking you up, and you’re so damn dizzy you cling to him. He’s got you straddling his lap now, shoving his cock back inside again.
“Oh my- too much- I-  Megumi!” He’s watching you, as your breasts bounce as he holds your hips up, fucking up into you. Your head falls back, your hair cascading back, and he’s sucking a peak into his hot mouth. “Ngh!”
You’re trembling as you bounce up and down, as he holds you up, then slams you down his length, gripping one breast as he sucks the other peak. It all feels so good you’re pulsing again, this time with so much pressure, it’s so wet you’re slippery. So wet he slips out when you’re raising your hips, then he’s just grinding on your slit, on your clit, and you’re cumming from the friction.
“Oh my… You’re so good for me.” His words shatter any reality you have left, and you’re crying now, as your foreheads fall together, as he’s running his hands up your back, as he’s touching you everywhere, as you’re cumming down his length.
His thighs are sticky from how much you’re cumming, you hear it loud in the room, when he’s back inside, when you’re filled so goddamn much. You kiss sloppy, messy, your tongues dripping with saliva, a string between your lips as you gasp for a breath. He’s got his hands on your waist now, as he bites on your lips, as he kisses down your face.
“How… did you… not know? I loved you.” He says then, and your eyes lock, as you struggle to form a damn word.
“H-how can… you?”
“How can I? You’re fucking perfect, you’ve always been my Angel.” You can’t stop the tears, which mingle as you both kiss through them, as you can’t move any more, you’re just grinding on him, his tip pressed in so deep you feel him everywhere. You feel him in your tummy, in your throat, fuck in your mind, in your heart, in your soul, it’s all him.
“All you. S’all you now. Gumi. Love.” You’re muttering hushed words, broken and disjointed, and Megumi’s own eyes have two pretty tears, glittering on his long lashes, as he’s bucking up those hips, pushing you closer to the edge of sanity.
“All you. All you, Angel.” He whispers back, then you’re cumming once more, so oversensitive and sore you can’t take it. “I’m cumming inside you, filling you up, got me Angel?” His voice is husky, you nod, gripping his shoulders desperately as your body is trembling with your pleasure.
“Fill me up. Please, w-want your cum in me.” He moans, and then Megumi follows you over the edge, his cock pulsing inside you, filling you with his hot ropes of cum, coating every bit of you. You’re both gasping, moaning, clinging to each other so desperately, kissing over and over and over.
You collapse against him, and he holds you so tightly, as he sinks back into the couch, both of you panting, trying to catch your breath. You can feel him still inside you, still hard and thick, and you are shaking violently as you finally pull back, and he’s caressing your cheek with those damn piano fingers, studying you in the dark.
Isn’t that how you first kissed?
In the dark.
“Say it again.” He says, so vulnerable then, and you smile tremulously, your fingers brushing against his scalp gently, making his eyes flutter shut in pleasure.
“I love you, Megumi Fushiguro. I’m hopelessly in love.” He drags your lips back to his now, kissing you softer, sweeter, melting your heart as you’re still sweaty messes against each other.
“I love you, so much. I was so fucking jealous today.” He admits gruffly, and you are crying in earnest, there’s no helping it, so full of emotions.
“I was so jealous that night. I was wishing you would look at me, like you do your dates.”
“Oh, Angel, I’ve never looked at anyone like this. Ever.” He’s swiping your tears, exhaling, blowing his sweet breath against your overheated skin. “I never will look at anyone else, how can I?”
“I never will, I never did. I’d just compare them. To your stupid, snarky little smirk.” He glares now, making you giggle through emotions. “Your tired expression, looking like you’re so bored.”
“Well I’m never bored with you, you little brat.” You squeak then, as he tickles you a bit, then you wince as he pulls out of you slowly, and you feel a sense of loss, a void that you never want to feel again.
“Mmm, stay in forever.” You mumble, making him chuckle. He stands up with you, and you cling to him tightly. “Where are we going?” You ask, your voice still breathless.
“To do something I’ve been dying to do.” You’re curious what it is, before carrying you again to his room, laying you on his bed.
“I’m sore, can’t fuck again.” You say, and he just chuckles a bit, shaking his head.
“Not that, hang on a minute.” He’s gently cleaning you up in a moment, bringing you a set of your pajamas now, and he’s sliding on his pajama pants, looking at you with a quirked brow.
“You want me in pjs? I’m confused.” You put them on, standing up, but he shoves you back down, pulling up his blankets, and putting them over you, pulling you against him. You realize quickly what he means, snuggling against him, feeling his warmth enwrap you.
“Been dying to just hold you.” You’re crying tears against his neck, and he’s rubbing your back soothingly, kissing your head gently.
“Oh, me too, Gumi. I wanted so badly to sleep in your arms.” You whisper, as he caresses you, holding you snug to him. “I’ve never felt anything better than this.”
“You fit so perfectly in my arms.” His words choke you up again.
“I’m a mess.” He chuckles just a bit, leaning back, rubbing your sticky cheeks and staring at you lovingly. That’s the look. Loving.
Megumi loves you.
“You’re beautiful, Angel.” You’re kissing him again and again, hands pulling him as close as he can be.
“I love you. I love you, Gumi.” You murmur against his lips.
“I love you, Angel. Good night.”
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“Knew it!” You blink in the bright lights of Megumi’s room, as you wake up, drool down the side of your face, and Nobara and Yuji are pointing at you both, laughing at you both.
“Ugh, get out, fuck.” Megumi grimaces, covering his face and then pulling you to him, burying his face.
“Knew it when I saw that ugly sweater!” Nobara says, and Megumi just scoffs, tickling your neck. You snuggle closer to him, blinking and rubbing your eyes.
“You all are dating, aren’t you?” Yuji demands, hands on his hips, and you both lean up then, Megumi sitting, the blanket falling down his chest, and you’re leaning on one elbow, looking up to him.
“Are we dating, Megumi?” You tease, with a grin, and he sighs, bending down and kissing your forehead.
“Yes, Angel, we’re dating.”
“Called it! Owe me a hundred bucks.” Nobara holds out her hand, and Yuji rolls his eyes, as you stare at them both.
“You made bets?” You demand, and they smile, no shame.
“Sure did, pay up.”
“I don’t have it right now!” Yuji whines.
“Get out you two, god.” Megumi throws the blankets back over you both now, kissing down your neck, making you squeak, and he’s smiling against your skin. “Before you get a show.”
“Oh, you’re freaky, Megumi!” Yuji teases, and Yuji and Nobara are shuffling out, and Megumi is under those blankets completely, his hair a mess, a sleepy smile on his pretty face as he hovers over you. Your breath catches, your hands sliding up his bare waist, nails pressing just slightly.
“Can I have your room, then, for my wardrobe, Angel?” Nobara says.
“Out!” You both shout again, and finally they shut the door, leaving you giggling under him, as he’s smiling so sweetly down at you, his pretty dark green eyes lighting up.
He kisses you deeply now, and you feel him, hard and ready against your thigh, you whine out when he slides your shorts to the side, rubbing two fingers up and down your slick heat. You’re whimpering at how good it feels, as he finds your swollen clit with his thumb.
Megumi is watching you as your eyelashes flutter, as your mouth goes into this perfect little O. Fuck you’re perfect, and you’re his, all his. As he watches you tremble under him, as he feels your heat, as he looks at your pretty little face, a thought fills him, not just of spending every night, but filling you every night. He presses against your tummy and smirks.
He can’t wait to have you full of him, can’t wait to breed your perfect pussy, but he’ll give it some time before he lets you know that. You’re his, only his, now, in his arms, as he licks your sweetness off his fingers, Megumi can wait. He has forever with you.
“You snore by the way.” He teases, and you giggle.
“Hey, do not!” He laughs, genuinely, his bright white teeth glowing, his face lighting up, and you look at him, at your forever.
“Let her have the room. You’re not leaving me.” He says, all husky, and you just nod, as he slides two long fingers in, and you feel that pressure building.
“She can have it. Not leaving. Fuck! Please, please.” You’re reaching down, stroking his hard cock, drinking in his moans.
“Forever, Angel, yeah?” He murmurs softly, as he’s sliding the tip of his cock against you, and you arch up for more, under these blankets, clinging to his hard body, imagining your lives together, and fuck you’re so damn happy.
“Forever, Gumi. You’ve always been forever.” You whisper, then gasp as he slides inside you, stretching you so fucking good, inch by inch until he’s so deep, as you both smile against each other’s lips, as your hands cling to each other, entwining above your head.
Forever, with your best friend (Oh my goodness, he's now your boyfriend) Megumi.
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The End
Hope you all enjoyed this cute little story of these clueless cuties, I think I see another Megumi fic in my future hehe, see you in the next ones. <3 (Yes I lowkey gave him a breed kink at the end, hush)
Masterlist of all my fics
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milolunde · 2 days
We all know Timmy is Wanda’s mama’s boy but we need to keep in mind he’s still Cosmo’s kid too and that Cosmo would love him just as vehemently as Wanda
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#fairly oddparents#not that anyone has portrayed him different#certainly not distance he loves Timmy he probably says it the most in the show and in fanon#but still- watching New Wish there felt like there was a disconnect with Cosmos character-like he wasn’t as well defined as he was in OG#that’s in part due to them toning him down from being an idiot plain and simple but I feel like it wasn’t fitted with something else it was#simply taken away#just to say he didn’t have as much of a presence to me in New Wish as Wanda did and I crave spinning Cosmo around in my brain#I want to see Poof being his Dad’s Boy yknow and I want to see cosmo doting and I want to see when he gets like. parental rage for the sake#of his kids#yknow? Yknow? part of him feeling detached in a new wish has translated into him not wanting to get as close to Hazel as he did Timmy-#to try and play it more like godparents are supposed to- just a presence for a couple months#but also because like. he got SO attached to Timmy and he’ll never regret it and he’d never do anything different#but idk. if it were me I wouldn’t have the capacity to go through losing my godkid again after becoming that attached#that’s not even mentioning that they don’t HAVE to be in hazel’s life the same way they were in Timmy’s because Timmy was going through#neglect and Hazel has loving family and friends all around her at all times- her blocks are mental#in that way cosmo and Wanda just have to do the Typical Godparent Job of aiding her- not becoming people she desperately needs in life#which also bleeds into why I think Peri was having such a. difficult time#godparents aren’t supposed to be attached the way his family was to Timmy and that how he learned it#but his first godkid is Not Easy and lends immediately to the issues Timmy was having where he HAS parents he HAS things (though . Timmy#was not rich and would sometimes not be fed… dev’s dad also forgets to feed him but dev is still able to eat you know)#and how he grew up with his parents as godparents and how he’s been taught are conflicting and it’s nature vs doing a good job quoteunquote#I didn’t mean to ramble so damn much in the tags I’m really sorry#told myself if I had more to say I’d write it down and post it later but I must be heard.
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haologram · 1 day
araneae 🕸️ k.sy
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🕸️ synopsis: when you realize your friend (with benefits) actually has feelings for you, a tangled web of lies and avoidance ensues.
🕸️ genre: friends with benefits au ; big dummy dumb idiots to lovers because it's the only trope ever ; ta x student dynamics ; fluff, angst & smut (surprise?)
🕸️ pairing: zoology ta!kwon soonyoung x marine biology major!reader | side pairings: joshua hong x sana minatozaki ; vernon chwe x roh jisun (fromis_9) ; lee chan x jung haerim (weki meki) | mentions of: reader x yuta nakamoto (nct) ; reader x lee sangyeon (the boyz); hoshi x lee luda (wsjn) ; hoshi x choi yujin (kep1er/clc)
🕸️ word count: 18.9k (WE GOT IT UNDER 20K LETS GOOOOOO!)
🕸️ rating: 18+. minors do not interact i beg.
🕸️ warnings: this definitely more of their dynamic/relationship than him being her ta… ; mentions of knife play (none involved), alcohol, pink whitney gets its own warning as does everclear, mentions of un/protected sex (dw it'll get freaky later), mentions of cum, loss of virginity talk, mentions of marijuana (stoner!hoshi be off the honeypacks!!), mentions of STD testing (GET TESTED YOU FREAKS!) [smut warnings: multiple scenes ; mostly hoshi using sex as an apology ; oral (f. receiving) ; unprotected sex (hoshi x reader only) ; face sitting ; hoshi is a hopeless romantic and loves missionary ; they fuck mostly in their respective homes (read: he eats her out in a closet)] i think that’s it! lmk if i missed anything!
🕸️ what to listen to: good kisser - usher ; magic stick - lil' kim ; lie - bts ; spider - hoshi ; home - seventeen.
🕸️ author’s note: just an fyi, the smut is AWFUL and i'm not entirely happy with this🤩 but anyway, it’s finally here, the final installment of the seventeen ta collab!! special thanks to @camandemstudios for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful success, and i hope to be involved in more collabs in the future (also thank you so much for your patience, i know waiting for me to be able to post was infuriating.) enjoy stoner!hoshi…loser!hoshi? loverboy!hoshi…also somewhat bitchless!hoshi.
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LAST YEAR – Sunday, October 23.
You were never opposed to a nice Halloween party. Lots of thematic drinks, stupid boys dressed as Ghostface trying to explore knife kinks, and girls going all out with their glitter make-up and tinsel in their hair for the optimal fairy costume.
You loved a good Halloween party, music blasting out of the speakers that were stolen from the AV Club by the softer version of the Beta Tau Omega brothers. Dancing with strangers in sweat-soaked facades, and waking up with smeared face paint all over your neck and shoulders from whatever disguised hook-up you'd taken home that night.
Last night's rager had to have been one for the books, because you have no idea how you ended up in this absolute mess of a bedroom – owned by none other than your close friend, Kwon Soonyoung. The same Kwon Soonyoung who also happens to TA the class you've put off taking for the last two years, and are set to start taking the upcoming spring semester.
The same Kwon Soonyoung that was related to the wife of the Dean, and the same Kwon Soonyoung that showed up everywhere stoned or ready to get stoned. The very same Kwon Soonyoung that made infused pre-rolls and edibles for nearly the entire campus…for free. Even you could see that was a horrible business call, and you were a Science major.
Soonyoung who helped people sneak kittens into their dorm rooms and make homes for them under lofted beds. Soonyoung, who taught a dance class and self-defense class back to back, so he was never free until after nine at night. Soonyoung who made hanging out seem like he was trying to get into your pants because he was just naturally flirtatious (and somehow, still absolutely bitchless.)
Soonyoung who you've kissed twice since meeting him two years ago, both times at Halloween parties hosted by his stupid fraternity. Soonyoung, who has had his hand up your skirt twice before someone interrupts you by asking if he has any weed at hand. He always does, and it's always in his car or his bedroom. He always goes, and a part of you, no matter how into it you may be, knows it's for the best.
He keeps his circle small, of friends that is. You were added to the mix sometime after your first Halloween party (and first kiss together) your freshman year, when he slammed into you in the middle of the economics hallway, breaking your laptop in the process. He'd felt so bad he took you to Best Buy that same night and shelled out two grand for a new one and even invited you out to lunch the next day.
He did not remember making out at all. To be fair, neither did you until the digital photos came back and he texted you a picture of the two of you kissing against the Beta Tau Omega insignia on the wall. You were so embarrassed you avoided him for a week after, but he quickly forced you out of your dorm for a movie night. The two of you became fast friends, bonding over silly little things and enjoying each other's company – but it didn't stop the rumors from flying that you were a freshman stealing a guy from the sophomores.
You remember that he adamantly denied any and every dating rumor flung your way, and even went as far as distancing himself from you for a bit – but when you tried to pull the same move he had earlier that year, he said maybe it was best for the two of you to remain friends from a distance. You didn't speak to him for the rest of the year, choosing to spend your time with friends your age and even dating a transfer student named Yuta Nakamoto, who was also in Soonyoung's year.
When word got around, Soonyoung was pissed – but didn't attempt to rekindle your friendship. He still followed you on Instagram, and still felt a bit of anger puddle in his stomach as he liked photo after photo of the two of you together, biting his tongue at the empty smile you held by his side.
This continued well into summer, and he saw the two of you take a trip to Jeju Island together, before breaking up the following week. Soonyoung heard from your friend, Nagyung, that he was transferring back and neither of you wanted to try long-distance.
The following school year, he watched as you got recruited by sorority after sorority – eventually joining his frat's sister sorority, Alpha Sigma Delta. You hardly had to rush, the girls actively pushing you to pledge and you were far too nice to say no.
You saw him again for the first time at the Halloween party planning, when you and your fellow pledges were tasked with helping the frat pledges in hauling in liquor. You weren't very happy about it, but Soonyoung whisked you away without a word from you, telling everyone that he needed your help with a certain task.
That task?
"Can we talk?"
And you did. You talked, and talked, and talked. He even left at one point to get drinks for the two of you, returning to you fishing through his bag of pre-rolls for the ones infused with lemon balm. He smiled, telling you they were in his car, and you rolled your eyes at it.
You kissed at that party, too. It went further this time – the two of you on Seungcheol's balcony. The idea had been to go up to the roof and get crossed, but it seems a rather tipsy Soonyoung had other ideas. You didn't mind it, in fact you encouraged it – you slipped his hand up your latex dress, you let him slip your panties down your legs.
"Hey, Hoshi! Do you have any pre-rolls?!"
Just as he'd started undoing his pants.
"Fuck, I'm sorry baby."
"It's fine."
You passed out in his bedroom that time, too tired to go back to the sorority house with your sisters. You got out of clean-up, and Soonyoung left you a kimbap roll and an electrolyte drink on his nightstand, with a note asking how you got there 'haha.'
It hadn't been fine. Again, neither of you remembered this happening until digitals were printed. And it was freshman year all over again – except this time, Soonyoung stuck around. Soonyoung defended you tooth and nail, and even dropped a few of his friends that bad-mouthed you. When you asked him about it, he shrugged, "Nothing wrong with kissing your friends every once in a while."
So, here you are. Again.
The third year in a row you and your stupid friend have made out, and somehow, you're in his bed. There's no other explanation as for why your underwear is across the room, hanging off his lamp and why his head is gently laying on your chest. There's literally no other explanation.
"Soonyoung." You rasp, patting his cheek. He doesn't stir, but pouts into your bare breast. "Soonyoung." You speak louder, shaking him slightly as he peels open one of his eyes.
It takes him a moment to realize that it's you, sprinkled with glitter from his eye look last night and practically doused in his saliva.
"Oh, fuck." He just furrows his brows, rolling off your chest with a groan. He sits up at the edge of the bed, surveying the room before realizing he's got no pants on. "Son of a bitch. Did we…Yup. Yup, it's right there."
His painted fingernails point at the discarded condom atop his dresser, flung hastily in a half-asleep attempt, most likely. You sigh, letting your head fall back on your pillow with a hmph. He does the same, his fingers only reaching up slightly to close the blinds with a jerk of the liftcord.
"You think it was good?" You ask with a small smile, and he snorts. "It was with you, I doubt it would've been bad."
Silence permeates the air again, before he sees your bare bottom half also covered in glitter. You have a tattoo on your hip that you didn't have when you first met. It's a stick-and-poke kitten. "Nice tattoo."
"Thanks, I got it on Jeju Island."
"When you and Yuta went?"
He sits up, peering down at you with tired eyes. "What'd you see in that guy, anyway?"
"Oh. You want the truth?"
It's like being nude in front of each other isn't a big deal. It's like having slept together after years of being in limbo means nothing. It's all so normal, the way you allow him to practically eye fuck you.
"I was sad you stopped being my friend."
He blinks at you, watching the way you carefully pick at a thread loose in his comforter. You pull it out, discarding it behind you with a soft smile. "Does that answer your question?"
"You fucked another guy because I stopped being your friend?" He asks incredulously, and you shrug. "Not just, but it was a large reason."
"You lost your virginity to him." His eyes are wide, and you shrug once more, nodding your head.
"Did he make you cum?"
"Did he?"
You sigh, patting his comforter. "Not the first couple of times, no. He got better at it, though. It was decent."
Nodding, he clears his throat.
"Do you think I-"
"Maybe. I don't know. I don't remember much, just the Pink Whitney Mingyu gave me."
"Mingyu does love his Pink Whitney."
You flip onto your back again, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling. Tucking your hands behind your head, you speak again. "Do you think I went down on you?"
"There's lipstick on my tip."
"What color?"
"Uhh…wine red."
You wipe a finger across your bottom lip, the small amount of residue a bloody, Cabernet red.
"Hm. Checks out."
The air feels…comfortable.
"Wanna shower?"
"Can I shower with you?"
"Yeah, Soonie."
The two of you stretch simultaneously, before rolling to the side of the bed and standing up. He grabs the discarded condom off the dresser, holding it like a used tissue and taking it to the bin. You dig through his dresser for a towel, and he fishes out something for you to wear.
"Boxers okay?"
"Hm, I prefer briefs."
"On me or on you?"
"Your underwear choices are your business."
He holds up a pair of Spiderman briefs. You bite back your laugh and nod silently, extending your hand for them.
He disappears into his bathroom, flickering lights on and turning the shower head on. "Hot?"
"Got it."
The both of you get in, and you close your eyes as the water pelts your back. Soonyoung says nothing as he moves your hair off your shoulders and away from your face, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"You should've asked me." He mumbles, reaching for the shampoo in the caddy behind you. Peeling your eyes open, you look up at him with a confused stare. "Asked you for what?"
He shrugs, holding the shampoo bottle upside down over his hand and squirting some out. "I would've made you cum the first time."
You snort, shoving his chest lightly. "Yeah, well…you didn't. It's fine."
"This isn't weird to you?"
"What? Showering together?"
"After fucking, yeah."
"Could be worse."
"I could be that girl you've been flirting with since last year, wondering when you're going to text her back."
"Who? Yujin?"
"I'm not flirting with her, what made you think that?"
"Stolen glances, flirty touches, you give her pre-rolls all the time."
He rolls his eyes as he cards his fingers through your hair, his dull nails scrubbing your scalp gently. Your eyes flutter shut, and he huffs. "I give everyone pre-rolls."
"Because you're a horrible business magnate."
"No, because I'm nice."
You smile without opening your eyes, your hands reaching out to touch his chest. His body feels good under your fingertips, you realize. "Are you mad you don't remember any of it?"
"Furious." He mutters, gently tilting your head back to wash the soap out. You can't see the way he's looking at the sweet slope of your neck, just barely making out small nips of his teeth across your throat. Your necklace hangs nicely.
The rest of the shower remains silent, as he carefully washes you before himself. His attention to detail is insane, the way his fingers hold the washcloth taut so he can feel every inch of you. He has to commit this to memory.
After, you're drying your hair with a random t-shirt he gave you. He remembers you told him that towels can be too rough for your hair texture sometimes. It's only when you're brushing your teeth with a brand new toothbrush he pulled from his cabinets that he speaks.
"Let me change my bedsheets."
"Don't wanna lay in the sin of fucking your friend, do ya?"
The navy blue sheets are quickly replaced by ones with light grey ditsy floral print, and his comforter is shoved off and replaced by a few throw blankets. He watches as you change his pillowcases, only looking away when he hears his phone ping.
Msg From: Cheol
[9:32am] hosh
[9:32am] who is the girl in ur room and is she missing a pair of cat ears
"What was your costume last night?" He asks, and you snort. "I was a sexy witch."
He smiles to himself as he picks up his phone.
Msg To: Cheol
[9:33am] not missing a pair of cat ears
[9:34am] and it's y/n
Your head snaps up when you hear a pair of feet thundering up the stairs, followed by silence. You give him an odd look, only to hear excited giggles down the hall and the pitter-patter of two adult men coming towards Soonyoung's room. You cross your arms as you hear the door creak open, an expectant look on your face as Jeonghan and Seungcheol's noses appear through the crack.
"Hey, Y/N. Fancy seeing you here." Jeonghan remarks sweetly, and you just roll your eyes.
"He wasn't bluffing." He whispers to Seungcheol, receiving an annoyed huff from Soonyoung. "If you're done intruding on my personal business, I'd appreciate it if you left. The pledges still need to clean up last night's mess."
Jeonghan gives you a wry look. "Can I say something and you don't get upset?"
"If it's about sex, I will punch you in that pretty face of yours." You say pointedly, fluffing the pillow in your hand before throwing it onto his bed. Jeonghan purses his lips, nodding before sliding out from under Seungcheol. He nods his head, a satisfied look on his face. "Have a good…don't fuck too loud, okay?"
Soonyoung barely misses Seungcheol's face with the charger he throws across the room, his giggle being heard in the hallway as he barrels down the stairs.
"Idiots." He huffs, running a hand through his damp hair as you flop onto the bed. "You don't mind if I stay here a bit? My head's killing me."
He lays down next to you, a sigh escaping his lips.
"You okay, Soonie?"
Turning only his head, he scans your face. Tired eyes lined with thick lashes, plump lips covered by the Aquaphor in his bathroom. Slightly unkempt brows and your shoulder tattoo peeking out from the collar of his shirt on your frame.
You grimace at the pet name, one he christened you with when the two of you met. He'd been dressed up as a cowboy, and dancing with a skeleton that was stolen from the comparative anatomy students (with the help of Junhui, of course.) He also had a lit joint between his fingers, one that sprinkled ash over your newly healed shoulder tattoo and made you yelp in pain.
"Shit, I'm sorry, kitty." He quickly put it out in a nearby ashtray, dusting your shoulder of any ash residue. "It's fine, it's fine. Just…can I get a hit?"
He sits up, leaning against his bed frame before looking down at you.
"Would it be weird if I asked to try again?"
You glance up at him, an amused smile playing on your lips. "Try what again, exactly?"
He clears his throat, a beet red blush coating his cheeks. "You said Yuta didn't make you cum. And we don't know if I made you cum. So…can I have a redemption round?"
You've sat up at this point, a small laugh falling from your lips as you push your hair back, "You want to fuck me?"
"I can just go down on you, if, uh…if that's what you'd prefer." He stutters, mentally cursing himself. You glance at him, eyes scanning his face. "And we're still friends after this? You won't dump me?"
"I won't. I promise. Cross my heart, kitty." He holds his pinky finger out, insinuating you link yours. Sighing, you do just that. "Fine. Hop to, I want breakfast."
He moves to kiss you, but you give him yet another amused look. "What are you doing, Soonie?"
"...Kissing you?" He gives you a confused look, and you scoff out a laugh. "You said nothing about kissing, Kwon."
He gapes at you, "How am I supposed to connect our auras if we don't kiss? I can't get hard if I don't get kissed, you know. I can't properly engage with… her, if you don't let me kiss you." He sits back on his haunches, explaining each point to you. You bite back your laughter, nodding along.
"Sculptors start from scratch, Soonyoung. I am art, awaiting your expert touch." You shrug as he finishes his spiel, and he furrows his brows. "Fine."
Sinking down to his stomach in front of you, ringed fingers palming at your thighs. You sigh, sucking your teeth as he noses at your skin, placing kisses on your stomach.
You scoot back slightly, resting your back against his headboard. He looks up at you as you roll your eyes, beckoning him forward with your hand as you shimmy out of the stupid Spiderman briefs. "Make it fast."
"Won't take me that long, anyway." He mumbles, pushing his hair out of his face before placing a chaste kiss on your exposed slit. "How do you like it? Just tongue? Messy?"
"Whatever you want, though I'm not super into fingering at the same time." You shrug, your own carding through his shaggy locks and holding him in place. He smirks against your skin, "Don't need them."
His tongue swirls carefully around your clit, the motion far too practiced to be out of the ordinary for him. He leans into your soft gasp, the gentle buck of your hips enough to help him bury his face into your wet heat. "Spit on it." You whisper, and he does just as you ask.
The taste is tart and heady, spreading around his tongue and chin as he expertly sucks on your swollen bundle of nerves. His eyes are closed as he sloppily collects your arousal, your whines growing frustrated as he holds your hips down. "F-Faster, Soonie."
He rolls his eyes, annoyed at your inability to relax as he obnoxiously moans against you, the vibrations making you squirm. "You're so mean." You pout, feeling him smile into you. He shrugs, closing his eyes before returning to his ministrations.
He feels you shift, peeling open an eye to see your hand under your shirt, rolling your nipple through your fingers with your lip tucked between your teeth. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, using your ankle to pull you down to his level. Your eyes shoot open the moment his hands are on the hem of your (his) shirt, tugging it over your head. You're pliant, agreeing with whatever he wants to do when you feel him grab your face gently, "Can I kiss you?"
You can't bite back your smile, making him roll his eyes as he leans in, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. You feel your stomach buzz a bit, feeling his half-hard cock through his boxers pressed against you. You cant your hips up softly, earning a hiss as he nips at your bottom lip.
"Thought you said you can't get hard without kissing, Soonie. Tsk, tsk." You mock him, before your fingers reach for the waistband of his boxers, snapping the elastic against his skin.
"Take them off."
He snaps his head up to look at you, eyes wide as your hand dips below the waistband, gently wrapping around his length. He sighs at your touch, before pushing the underwear down his legs with his free hand. He reaches for the nightstand, digging out the box of condoms – empty.
"Fuck." He mutters, and you turn to see the empty box being flicked across the room. "Are you clean?" You ask with a click of your tongue, and he reaches in the same drawer and pulls out a folded piece of paper, handing it to you with a blush across his cheeks.
"A week ago." He whispers, and you shrug, tossing the results – all of which were negative – to the floor and smiling up at him. "Well, go on. You have a task to complete, Kwon."
"Are you sure?" He's talking to himself, dragging the tip of his cock through your wet folds, a soft whine from your lips as he circles your clit with his thumb. "Hurry up before I change my mind and tell everyone you can't make a girl cum."
Your threat is empty, he knows – but you see the way he rolls his eyes, easing the head of his cock into your aching hole. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, your fingernails digging into his back as he slowly bottoms out.
"Fuck." He mutters into your shoulder, before sinking his teeth into your skin and giving a slow thrust. A choked moan from your lips is his reward, as he sets a slow pace and drags his teeth across your chest. Your nails drag down his back gently as his tongue swirls around your nipple, making you whimper.
"Soonie.." Your whine is cut off by his hand across your mouth. "Don't, I'll cum." He admits against your chest, making you snort slightly. Your hand wraps around his wrist, pulling it off your mouth as you lean up to capture his lips in yours. It's sloppy but you don't care, feeling him roll his hips into yours slowly as your tongue slips into his mouth.
His whine into your mouth is nothing if not pitiful (read: hot.) Your laugh slips out as he readjusts his hold on you, folding your legs to your chest and fucking into you deeper. The new angle makes you let out a choked moan, his lips dragging along your jawline as he bullies his cock into you. 
It's almost like you can feel pride seeping through his pores as you whine into his skin, feeling his lips curl into a smile against your shoulder as he bites down softly. You're sure he's determined to ruin you for anyone else, his hand slipping between the two of you to toy with your clit.  The mix of sounds in his bedroom is obscene, but nothing is more embarrassing than the two of you jumping simultaneously when someone bangs on his door. Your hand flies over your mouth as they shout for you two to keep it down, making Soonyoung laugh, the tips of his ears turning pink as you clench around him. Your tummy starts to fill with warmth, the band threatening to snap as he peels your hand off your mouth for a searing kiss.
It's enough for the two of you to whimper, your fingers moving to curl into his hair, feeling the white-hot heat of your orgasm coursing through your body. He groans into your lips, and you can feel him fighting himself as he pulls out, his cum painting the stupid kitty tattoo on your hip.
The two of you are silent as you regain your composure, the room filled with soft pants as you brush your hair off your face. He clears his throat, and you almost instinctively roll your eyes as his question breaks the tension.
"On a scale of one to ten–" "I am not rating your stroke game, this is not RateMyDick.com."
His face buries into your neck, his breath warm against your skin as he scoffs out a laugh. Your fingernails trail lightly along his neck, his lips pressing soft kisses to your shoulders before he pushes off you.
"Pancakes?" He tilts his head, making you snort. "Are you paying?" "Fuck no, we can make Cheol buy." He scoffs, and you laugh fully this time. "Do you think Cheol feels like buying me the greasiest patty melt he can find?" "Whatever you want, kitty." He kisses the tip of your nose, making you scrunch it while pushing his head away. "That tickles, stop. Now get off me, I feel the need to spend Cheol's trustfund on food that will knock me out." He just smiles as he lifts himself off you, sliding off the bed in the direction of his bathroom. You can't help but feel a bit of anxiety pool in your lower belly, hearing the faucet running slowly before he reappears. You quickly smile, "You okay?" "Are you?" He echoes, his hand reaches for your thigh as he wipes you down gently with a damp washcloth. "Yeah, m'fine." He doesn't look convinced, giving you a raise of his brows as he tosses the washcloth to the side, offering his hand to help you sit up. When you do, he grabs the shirt you'd been wearing and carefully pulls it over your head – and if he feels the willful stare of your eyes on him, he says nothing about it.
"Are you having regrets?" He murmurs, reaching for the underwear he let you borrow. You sigh inwardly, shaking your head. "No. Just…it's silly."
"It's not silly, whatever it is you're feeling. We're friends, kitty. You can tell me." He shrugs, helping you up off the bed and leading you to the bathroom. "You're not gonna watch me pee, are you?" You tease, and he snorts.
"Do you want me to?" "Get out." He does. He shuts the door behind him, leaving the briefs on the sink. You sigh quietly, willing the negative thoughts away. You don't regret it, no – but it feels like your slight game of cat-and-mouse has ended. He's caught you, sunk his teeth into you and now you're dead.
You reach for the briefs, pulling them over your ankles and up to your knees while you sit. You hear him rustling around, before hearing the door to his room open and shut. A wave of sadness flows over you, and you wonder if he really meant it. That he wouldn't leave this time – he hadn't last year, after he took your underwear off in Seungcheol's room (and stuffed the pair of pink panties in his pocket – something you never heard the end of when Jeonghan found out they were yours.) Sighing once more, you finish your business, tossing the toilet paper in the can and amp yourself up as you wash your hands. "No big deal, Y/N. Friends fuck all the time. Right?" You hear the door to his room open again, and you turn the water off, shaking the excess water off your hands as you open the bathroom door. He glances up at you, holding a tray with a pitcher of water and electrolyte packets.
"You like watermelon, right? It's the only flavor we have left."  He says, and you nod quietly. "Yeah, that's fine."  
Flopping back onto his bed, you cover your bottom half with one of the throw blankets as he portions out the electrolytes. You reach over and open his nightstand drawer, fishing through for his Advil.
"Bottoms up." He hands you your glass, and you pop open the cap. "Yum, ibuprofen electrolyte cocktail." You mutter, shoving two in his hand before popping your own in your mouth.
The two of you clink glasses before chugging, mirroring each other's grimaces as you finish the liquid. He scrunches his nose, sliding the glass on the nightstand before laying back and moving like a worm to slide in next to you.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, grabbing his phone from in between the blankets and opening the Doordash app. You don't respond, opting to pull the blanket a little higher as you rest your head on his shoulder. He scrolls through mindlessly, before finding your favorite breakfast spot. The two of you found it during the summer, when neither of you went home and decided to take summer classes. You wound up taking Seungcheol's room while he went home with his girlfriend.
You don't like the wave of sadness you feel suddenly.
He's your friend. One could even say he's one of your best friends. What if this was a mistake?
You feel tears prick at your eyes.
"Can you hold me?" You murmur, and he doesn't even stop to think as he shuts his phone off and pulls you into him, his hand curling into the nape of your neck. His fingernails are lightly scratching at your scalp as he wraps himself around you, allowing you to snuggle into his chest. "I'm scared, Hosh."
You can't hold back the sniffle at that, but you can feel him tuck you further into his embrace. "I won't leave. I promise, I promise you I won't leave." He whispers, and you can hear the waver in his voice. He tries to mask it, pressing soft kisses to your hairline.
"What if this ruins our friendship?" You ask thickly, and you can feel him shake his head above you. "It won't. I won't let it. We can't let it."
He pulls back, his thumb coming to wipe under your eyes carefully. "I don't think I ever told you what I did when we stopped talking that year." "No," You laugh softly, reaching up to wipe his own face. "You didn't." "I slept with like six people that year." He scrunches his nose, before his eyes go wide. "No, five and a half."
"Half?" You question, and he nods. "Does it count? Like, if she went down on me but then her roommate walked in on us and she was too embarrassed to keep going?" "I think so?" "Okay, so six." "You're a slut." "Sue me, I was filling a void." He scoffs, and you just shake your head at him. "You could've just talked to me."
If he’s aware of your hypocrisy, he says nothing. "I am a flawed man, kitty. I have too much pride to admit my mistakes." He sighs, pushing your hair out of your face. "Yet here we are." You say pointedly, making him roll his eyes.
"Anyway, I don't regret this…us." He gestures between the two of you, before clearing his throat. "But, we don't have to speak about it, like, ever again if you do. It'll be like it never happened." Sighing, you roll onto your back, still pressed tightly against his torso. "That never works. I mean, Cheol and Hannie know, now, too." You scrunch your nose a bit at the idea of your friends' relentless teasing awaiting, but he shrugs. 
"Cheol owes me for that time I helped him replace his bed frame after Sowon broke it. I still can't believe they're dating, but it makes their chaos like, ten times worse." He groans, and you snicker. "Are we sure it wasn't Seungcheol who broke it? Last I heard, he's a freak." "He probably did, he had a bit of bruising around his wrists and there were cuffs attached to the bedposts." He says pointedly, before the two of you glance at each other quickly.
"No." He tongues his cheek to stop himself from smiling. "I didn't say anything." "You're thinking about it, Soonyoung. Stop it." "You literally let me cum on you."
You grimace up at him, and he snorts. “Sorry.”
“Just order the food, my stomach is about to start eating itself.” You roll your eyes, smacking him when you both feel his phone buzz. He grabs it, and you once more feel your stomach sink.
Msg From: choi yujin [10:49am] hey hoshi…r u busy? can i come over?
“Yikes.” He mutters, and you push the covers off. “I can go—”
“Shut up. Lay down.” He yanks your arm, making you fall back onto the pillows as he messages her back with one hand.
Msg From: choi yujin [10:50am] i am yeah [10:51am] let’s set a date to talk
“What if she wants to dump you?” You ponder aloud, watching as he reopens the Doordash app and adds your food to the cart. He shrugs, selecting an order of french toast. “Then she dumps me. I should care, right?” 
You just snort, making him smile inwardly as he wraps his arm around you. 
The two of you let your eyes eat, ordering little things and ignoring messages from Yujin. You feel bad, really, because Yujin is a sweet girl and your friend is a bit of an airhead at times.
“I’ll go get it when it’s here.” He yawns, stretching slightly and rebounding to wrap himself around you. “Or, we can bribe Mingyu with that order of eggs benedict we did not need to order.”
“Ha, true.” He nods, shooting a text to the man before tossing his phone behind him. “And kitty?”
“Yes, Soonie?”
“Thank you for trusting me.”
You glance down at him, noting the way his eyes are slightly heavy. You hold in your sigh — carding your fingers through blond locks. “Any time, Soonie.”
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PRESENT DAY — November 4th.
Unfortunately (for your achey, breaky heart) — Soonyoung took ‘any time’ literally.
You’d gone home later that afternoon, reluctantly prying yourself from Soonyoung’s arms and wiping a bit of syrup from his french toast off your lip. Not at all put there from him kissing you.
No way.
The two of you had fallen into a bit of a lockstep — he’d decided to add another semester to his schedule, admitting he felt overwhelmed by his classes. You were just happy you’d have your friend around for a bit longer, and most of the other frat brothers felt the same.
However, with great sacrifice comes great responsibility — Soonyoung had a lot of free time, and you were only taking four classes a semester as it was. He would come over to your room at the sorority house, bring you dinner and help you study, and somehow the two of you would end up on your bed with his tongue between your legs. Or with his dick in your throat. Or, a fancier third option — turning the stereo on and fucking like rabbits.
Your housemates learned to hate Novacane by Frank Ocean.
But without fail, this happened at least once a week. Neither of you mentioned it after, with him leaving the next morning with a chaste kiss to your lips and a murmured have a good day, kitty. 
Your sorority sisters grew curious, and you admitted to them that the two of you were just fucking around. When word of this got around — because humans love to gossip — Soonyoung came over and the two of you sat down to discuss the dynamics of your…situationship.
And nothing changed.
The two of you admitted to each other that it was odd to behave like this. You were the first to confess that it helped you get your mind off things when you were stressed, to which he agreed. It ended with the two of you agreeing to resort to these meetups once or twice a week — and with him fucking his dick into you so slowly, you cried.
Granted, these meetups did not stop over the summer. Neither of you went home, once more opting to stay on campus for summer courses. This time, though — most of the brothers had gone home, and the two of you could not keep your hands off each other. You reminded yourself to still have to apologize to Chan for fucking in his room.
Not that Soonyoung didn’t already take the brunt of Chan’s wrath, but it was beyond you now.
This being said, your tradition of fucking around on Halloween had been upheld this year — but to the point where when you arrived, Mingyu did not offer you his bottle of Pink Whitney because Soonyoung had gotten you your own. You’d laughed, and Mingyu pouted as the two of you drank together.
Soonyoung found you a little after midnight, and you were barely tipsy when he whispered in your ear, asking if you wanted to go up to the roof. You nodded, putting your cowgirl hat on a rather mopey Mingyu — linking your pinkies with Soonyoung’s as he pulled you upstairs.
The two of you hadn’t seen each other much that week, because you had midterms. He offered you a hit of his joint before grabbing your jaw gently and using it as leverage to kiss you.
That night felt different — he took a bit longer to take your clothes off, he kissed you all over. Not that he didn’t normally do that, but it seemed as though he was trying to absorb you fully. You blamed it on the weed, but let him worship you on the roof of his frat house. 
You’d been on top for most of it — he doesn’t usually prefer it that way, Soonyoung was a missionary man through and through. You had noticed his glassy eyes as he ran his hands all over your body, and you asked him twice if he was okay. He nodded, kissing you both times before flipping you onto your back. He’d carried you back down to his room after you finished, locking his door behind him and running a shower for the two of you.
It gave you déjà vu.
That was a week ago. You hadn’t seen Soonyoung since, but a part of you didn’t mind the space. You’d felt a bit more that night, but you just blamed it on the Pink Whitney.
“Hey, pretty.” You look up, seeing Minghao walking towards you with a bag in his hand. The two of you had this study session in the back corner of the library every few days, but neither of you cared to admit that it was just an excuse to gossip together and watch America’s Next Top Model.
“Hey, Hao. How’re you?” You ask coolly, before making a show of opening your laptop and opening Hulu, pressing on ANTM and lowering the volume to mute. He snorts, opening the bag and sliding your portion on the table. “I’m good, pretty. However, I do have some intel from a little bird.”
He looks at you pointedly, and you scoff as you open your food. Inhaling deeply, you sigh before stabbing your fork into the pasta. You shrug, “Okay. What’s your intel?”
“That you and Hoshi fucked on the roof, and there’s photos of you making out.” He bites into a breadstick, and you roll your eyes. “There have been photos of us making out every year. This is nothing new.”
“I’m just saying. None of the photos in years past have had his hands under your shirt so shamelessly.” He shrugs, and you furrow your brow. “Hands under my shirt??”
You had worn a latex halter top. You’d never taken it off, and he’d only moved it aside when the two of you were on the roof to get a full view. “Yeah, you were a sexy cop, right? It’s all over the stupid underground site.”
You glance at him, wiping cream sauce off your lip. “I was a cowgirl, Minghao. I even put my hat on Mingyu.”
His eyes are wide as he chews, before his brows furrow and he gestures at the laptop.
You pause the muted show, shoving your fork into your plate before typing in the website. BetaTOU.com had been a domain purchased by the frat president from twelve years ago so they could share photos without being bitched at by the university. It was also a forum for complaints and suggestions. Everything was neatly kept and tagged with dates to stay organized, and if you wanted any photos taken down they were removed within the hour.
You scroll carefully, eyeing every photo of the frat brothers posted from last week. Mingyu wearing your hat is amongst the first few, and a back shot of you and Soonyoung with your pinkies linked walking up the stairs is right after it. You know it’s you, you can see the bracelet he gave you for your birthday dangling on your wrist.
You keep scrolling — Minghao doing a keg stand, Chan and Seokmin playing beer pong (and Chan getting Iced by Jihoon), and Vernon making out with two girls at once. Slut.
You begin to nibble on your fingernails as you scroll further, finally landing on a photo of Soonyoung and Yujin making out in front of one of the bathrooms at the Beta Tau house. You scoff out a laugh, her hat on his head and his hands, yup, under her shirt.
“Sexy cop, meet a big, fat liar.” You scowl, closing the laptop and jerking back in your chair, pulling your knees up to balance your takeout plate on. Minghao peers at you, watching as you angrily shovel pasta into your mouth. “Slow down, pretty. You’ll choke and I don’t know first aid.”
Shaking your head, “We literally fucked that night, Hao. That had to have happened before, because I literally showered and spent the night in his room.” 
If he notes the hurt in your voice, he doesn’t mention it. He sighs instead, shaking his head before his hand finds your limp one in your lap. “Are you guys exclusive?”
“No.” You answer quickly, trying to shrug it off as he squeezes your hand lightly. “Don’t do that, obviously you have feelings for him, Y/N.”
“I do not.” You refute. “And even if I did, there are too many negative factors to being in a relationship with him.”
“Like what?” Minghao rolls his eyes, making you scoff.
“Like the fact that he hasn’t spoken to me all week? Like the fact that he’s a whore?” You say all of this like it’s common knowledge, and Minghao gives you an amused look.
“Not as much as Vernon.”
“Not relevant, Hao.”
Minghao shrugs, sitting back as he tears another piece of his breadstick off. You pout, letting go of his hand the moment you hear your phone buzz on the table. Reaching for it, you hand it to Minghao without a second glance.
“It’s Hoshi.”
“Read it and let me know if I should answer.”
Msg From: Soonyoung 🐯🩷
[4:32pm] kitty [4:34pm] please don’t be upset [4:35pm] can we talk? i can swing by the house tonight?
You roll your eyes, hating the way your nose burns as tears gather in your eyes.
Okay. You weren’t dumb.
You knew you’d catch feelings eventually. It was inevitable — Soonyoung was a good fuck, of course, but…something was different. He was sweet, he was doting and attentive. He soon learned your favorite flavor of electrolytes were never ones the frat kept in stock because Mingyu finished them all, so he bought you your own stash for his bedroom. He invited you to the dance class he taught, urging you to go and watch him dance to Fergalicious with the older women who lived in your college town.
Grimacing at your inner monologue, you reach for your phone from Minghao.
Msg To: Soonyoung 🐯🩷 [4:38pm] why would i be upset [4:39pm] and no, i’ve got things i need to do tonight. sorry.
“The guy is definitely gonna agonize over this tonight.” Minghao mentions, making a smoking motion with his fingers. It makes you crack a smile, and you turn your phone on silent before opening the laptop again, switching back to your show and pressing play.
The two of you avoid your Advanced Calculus work on the table, watching as students file in and out of the library — most of them eyeing your plates of takeout before finding a seat.
You can’t help but think about the photo of Soonyoung and Yujin. You’d never had anything against Yujin, and you never would — it made no sense to resent her when Soonyoung is the one who owed you loyalty.
Not that he actually did, anyway — the two of you were not exclusive. You’d been the one to bring it up. He simply set that in place, sending you his STD panel results every few weeks. 
You didn’t have to do the same. You didn’t fuck anyone but him.
Minghao walks you home, the two of you filling the air with chatter of missing Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua. The three had graduated, but had come to the Beta Tau Halloween party to visit. All in tow with their girlfriends, of which Joshua’s was still a student at the University and a part of your sorority — Sana Minatozaki.  
“Can we do Thai next week? I know your birthday is on Thursday, and I’m sure you don’t wanna spend it with me.” You snort as you reach the front of the house, seeing Momo and Yerin sitting on the steps with ice cream in their hands. They wave at Minghao, who waves back.
“Nonsense, pretty. It’s a Thursday and I’m tired of parties.” He yawns, stretching slightly. You snicker, giving him a one-armed hug as you bid your goodbye. He doesn’t leave as you trek up the stairs, greeting your sorority sisters as you yank open the front door.
Sighing, you let a bit of emotion take over as a few tears trickle down your face. You jog up the stairs, slipping your sweater off and hanging it on the coat rack by the handrail on the third floor. You wipe at your face, annoyed at the sinking feeling of your heart as you toe your shoes off, shoving them on the shelf by the coat rack.
“Shower. That’s what I need.” You murmur, heading down the hallway to your room. Your door is slightly ajar, but you figure one of your sisters must’ve gone in to borrow something. You get closer, flinging the door open when you reach it and seeing Soonyoung sitting at the foot of your bed with a bag in his hands.
You blink at him, noting the redness in his ears as he takes you in. Neither of you speak, and he watches as you slide your bag into your desk chair, unpacking your belongings onto your desk where they usually go. He stares as you take a sip from your water bottle, before leaning against your desk, arms crossed.
“I can explain.” He starts, and you tongue your cheek. “Explain what? Maybe why you’re in my bedroom? I did say I was busy, Soonyoung.”
“Don’t do that, don’t be mad.” He whines at the sound of his name, and you furrow your brows. “I’m not mad, dude. What are you on?”
“It was a mistake, okay? I was looking for you and she—” You cut him off with a hand in the air, the words you know he hates to hear slipping from your lips.
“We’re not exclusive, Soonyoung. You can kiss whoever you want, you can fuck whoever you want. As long as you keep getting tested and it comes back clean, I don’t care.” You lie through your teeth, and he stands, putting the bag on your desk. You see his hands clench slightly around nothing as they reach his sides.
“I’m still sorry.” He murmurs, and you roll your eyes. Shaking your head, you begin to slip your shirt over your head. “I’m gonna shower. Feel free to stay, or go. I don’t care.”
“Okay.” He flops back on your bed, and you walk into your bathroom silently. Turning the water on, you strip and step inside, basking in the heat of the steam.
What were the two of you really doing? He was going to be the teacher’s assistant in your Zoology class next semester. You couldn’t really risk people thinking you were fucking him for your grades — it would put both of you at risk.
Professor Kwon was also a notoriously absent teacher, with her TAs from the past saying she was rarely in class. However, complaints resulted in simply receiving a large sum of money from her at the end of the year — and you found out through Soonyoung that Professor Kwon was married to the Dean.
And how does Soonyoung know that?
Professor Kwon is his aunt. She trusted that Soonyoung would be able to take over the class because he wasn’t particularly squeamish, and she knew all about his bad habit of sneaking stray kittens into dorm rooms. And his bad habit of being high as fuck — not that she was any better, though her vice was vacations, not weed.
He was smart, Soonyoung. You knew he was — his transcript was full of advanced math and science classes, and you saw one B in the extensive packet. Yes, a packet. 
He took Zoology last year, even if it wasn’t part of his major. When you think of it, you don’t even really know what his major is — he just does whatever for the sake of it. It’s like he’s only really here to be entertained — and you don’t blame him.
Your passion for animals is also something that brought you and Soonyoung together. While he cared about the ones in the more vegetative biodomes — savannahs, tropical rainforests…the like. You, on the other hand, were one with the water — you loved fish, cephalopods, crustaceans. You had a small angelfish tattoo on your ankle, one Soonyoung constantly kissed if you were in missionary.
The two of you bonded over documentaries, even if the night ended with the two of you fooling around. You remember the night you watched Aliens of The Deep — you tied him to your radiator because he wouldn’t stop grinding his dick against your ass. You fucked him after, sure, but James Cameron deserved to have his documentary cherished.
Wringing your hair out of excess water, you step out of the shower, grabbing your towel off the rack and wrapping it around yourself. Opening the door, you see Soonyoung lying on your bed with his eyes closed, earphones plugged into his phone. As you lean closer, you hear a song reminiscent of Fergie’s Big Girls Don’t Cry.
Snorting, you nudge his leg with your foot, making him peel his eyes open. He pulls out one of the earphones, “Yes?”
“What are you doing? Why are you listening to Fergie?” You ask, moving past him to rummage your dresser for underwear. He sighs, “Because I feel bad.”
“Soonyoung, you kissed Yujin. It’s not the end of the world.” You say pointedly, feeling him get up and crowd your space. You feel his lips press to your damp shoulder, “You say that, but I feel like I betrayed you or something.”
Scoffing, you turn, tucking the corner of your towel under your armpit. “You fuck plenty of other girls. Why is kissing Yujin any different?”
“I only kiss you.” He says, making you roll your eyes. “I’m supposed to believe you?”
“Yes. I only kiss you when we fuck. I only kiss you in general. I don’t kiss the other girls, not that there have been many since this started.” He states matter-of-factly, and you struggle not to roll your eyes again. “You send me your STD results every few weeks, Soonyoung. That means there are other girls.”
“There hasn’t been for a few months. I just get tested regularly because it’s a habit. And they give me free condoms and lube so I save money.” He shrugs, making you scoff out a laugh.
“Stop, I don’t like it when you call me that.”
You eye him, “That’s your name.” 
He shakes his head, “Not to you, it’s not. You only call me that when you’re mad.” His fingers push your hair off your face, and it takes all your willpower not to lean into his touch. He notices your internal struggle, curling his fingers around the shell of your ear, playing with your piercings carefully.
“I don’t want you to see other people.” He blurts, making your eyes go wide before you furrow your brows. Crossing your arms across your chest, you frown. “You see other people.”
“Then punish me for it. I’ll even let you tie me to the radiator again.” He’s flushing beet red, his hand now toying with a loose thread on your towel. It’s oddly reminiscent of your first (or…second) time together. “I’ll even leave you alone for a few weeks, if you want. I won’t fuck anyone else, either.”
You feel a bit taken aback at his offers, knowing that Soonyoung wouldn’t bring any of it up if he didn’t truly feel as though he’d wronged you. “Soonyoung, I really mean it. I’m not upset.”
You’re lying, but you also know his form of apologizing is just way too sincere. You can’t, in good faith, let him simmer in the guilt any longer. Probably why he didn’t speak to you for a week.
He doesn’t reply, opting to glance at the corner of your towel. He reaches for it, his eyes meeting yours as if asking for permission. You blink in response, untucking the towel on your own accord. He hesitates as his knuckles brush the skin of your hips, making you shiver. The towel drops as he leans in to kiss you, and you notice you don’t mind the slightly chapped lips.
He kisses you deeply, like he wants you to know his innermost feelings. His arm circles around your waist, pulling you flush to him as his other hand holds your face gingerly. “I’m sorry, kitty.” He murmurs against your lips, not bothering to allow you to respond as he reconnects your lips, walking backwards towards your bed.
His knees hit the edge of the bed, and he sits, pulling you onto his lap. The soft material of his sweatpants tented up around his cock, brushing against your center as you lean the two of you back, his back hitting your comforter. He maneuvers the two of you fully onto the bed, his head resting against your pillows as you lick into his mouth. His fingers circle your upper thighs, urging you to lift yourself up.
“What’s wrong?” You scan his eyes, feeling him push you further, your hands now on either side of his head. “I wanna show you how sorry I am. Sit on my face, suffocate me.”
You hadn’t done this yet. He’d asked in sessions past, but you’d been a bit hesitant. “What about you, though? I don’t—”
“Don’t worry about me.” He kisses you softly again, fingers tapping the backs of your thighs to urge you higher. “Are you sure?”
“If I die, I die happy.” He shrugs, and you sigh as you inch up, before grabbing your headboard for moral support. You sink down slowly, feeling his nose bump your clit slightly. You hover for a moment, hearing him sigh before pulling you down the rest of the way.
His tongue is flat against your pussy, making you shiver and clench around nothing. He licks at you with precision, gathering your arousal before wrapping his lips around your clit with a soft suck. You bite back a whine, your hips grinding against his face involuntarily. He moans against you, digging his dull nails into your hips.
You continue rocking against him, soft moans from your lips as he eagerly takes whatever you give him. Your fingers card through his hair, tugging gently as you feel the heat start to pool in your belly. His hand wanders up, skilled fingers rolling your nipple between them at the same pace of your clit being swirled by his tongue.
“Soonie—” You whimper, canting your hips a little faster as he runs his hands all over your body, groaning against your pussy. Your thighs clench around his head as you cum, feeling slightly overstimulated as his tongue fucks into you slowly. You try to get up, but your shaky legs betray you as Soonyoung pulls you back down, the slurping sound from his mouth obscene as you twitch in his hold. “S’too much…”
Pushing his head back, you pry yourself out of his hold, shakily settling yourself next to him. You take a glance at him, his eyes closed as the back of his hand wipes his mouth. “Am I forgiven?”
“You were never in trouble, Soonie.” You roll your eyes, flopping your head against his shoulder. He scoffs, “You’re my best friend. I’m pretty sure I can tell when you’re upset with me.”
Hearing you huff, he knows he’s right. He smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You don’t need to finish?” You murmur, eyeing the strain of his cock against his sweatpants.
He shakes his head, “I don’t deserve it right now. I hurt you, and that was shitty of me.”
You sigh. “So what does this mean?”
“It means I want to be exclusive. You’re the only girl I hang out with, anyway.” He shrugs, a pained look on his face as adjusts himself in his pants. You feel some guilt settle in your stomach at this, and you shake your head. “I don’t think we should keep doing this, actually.”
He glances down at you, before you sit up and slide off your bed. You move back to your dresser, digging out random clothes and pulling them on as he stares.
“I want to focus on school.” You wince as the sentence slips past your lips. It wasn’t a lie, you did want to — but it was also because he’d be your TA next semester. Better to cut the cord now than continue to put yourselves at risk of being found out.
“So you’re…what? Are we still friends?”
You look over at him, an obviously hurt expression on his face as he brings his knees to his chest. “Of course we’re still friends, Soonie.”
He nods, tonguing his cheek as he stands up. “Sure thing. I’m sorry if my expectations made you uncomfortable.” His smile doesn’t reach his eyes as he grabs his shoes at the door, and you blink at him.
“You’re not…You’re leaving?” You gape, and he gives you a quizzical look. “What, did you want to cuddle?”
It doesn’t have any malice behind it. His tone is level, it’s friendly. But you can’t help and feel a bit small at his words. He gives you a curt nod. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
And he closes the door behind him. You scoff out a breath, feeling a tear spill down your cheek as you run your hands through your hair. It’s still damp at the roots, and you just shake your head to yourself as you remember the bag he set on your desk.
You click your tongue at it, before ripping it open. It’s a Jellycat octopus in blue and a handmade card. It has doodles of fish all over it in colored pencil, and an angelfish holding a badly drawn tiger in the corner. You open it to see his handwriting messily scrawled across the cardstock.
Hi, Kitty.
I assume by this point you’ve seen the photos on BTOU, and I’m sorry that I’ve been avoiding you all week. I saw them on Wednesday morning right when I was going to leave to ask if you wanted to get breakfast with me, so I made the dumbass decision to just ghost entirely. It was an asshole move and I’m sorry.
I did want to talk to you, though. And it’s totally fine if you don’t agree, I just figured I’d give it a shot?
The two of us are…relatively close. I mean, I can’t think of anyone I trust more than you…you’ve seen me in various stages of my life. Uhm, I’m not ready for a relationship but I’m also unsure if we’re on the same page about that, so I wanted to ask if we could, for the rest of the year, make this an exclusive…situation? I don’t see other people and neither do you?
I guess that’s like dating. We can talk about it more in person, if you want. Maybe we can come to a consensus and I don’t know. But you get me, right? You always get me.
Anyway. I’m sorry. And I hope you’ll accept this card and the little octopus guy as a token of my sincere appreciation for you. I named him Inky Minaj, but feel free to change it.
Yours (hopefully),
Hoshi ♡🐯
You don’t realize you’re crying until you see a tear drop right onto his doodle of a tiger next to his name. The octopus stares back at you, and you sniffle as you put it on your bed.
This is for the best. It has to be. Kwon Soonyoung cannot like you and you cannot like him.
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January 13th.
“Hello, everyone! I am Professor Kwon, and this is Zoology!”
The dreaded class was finally here.
You and Soonyoung were a bit awkward at first — sure, the initial sting of rejection made him distance himself a bit, but he got over it pretty quickly. He came over to the house often, bringing takeout with him and new documentaries he’d rented from the university’s library. He always stayed at least a foot away from you — in early December, he’d accidentally kissed you in greeting, leading the rest of the hangout to be full of unresolved tension.
So much so that he left early.
Aside from that incident, it was like the two of you had never seen each other naked. You both scrunched your noses at your friends’ jabs, leaving them with confused looks. Minghao was the one to tell the frat brothers the news that the two of you were no longer sleeping together.
Minghao also knew that you had a raging heart boner for Soonyoung. He was all you’d talked about in the passing weeks — Minghao even subjected his family to your babble about Soonyoung when he answered your FaceTime calls over winter break. He sighed as you droned on about the man, but allowed it anyway.
“This is my Teacher’s Assistant, Kwon Soonyoung. You will be seeing more of him than of me this year, I have a very crammed schedule. This being said, Soonyoung will go through the syllabus with you and the first lesson of the semester. I will be here on Wednesday, so don’t fret! You still get to have one-on-one time with me.” Professor Kwon smiles, and you glance at Soonyoung, who is already looking at you. You raise your brows, and he shrugs, making a smoking motion.
He’s stoned.
Professor Kwon bids her goodbyes, leaving a very stoned Soonyoung to take over her class. A few girls in the front (that you don’t recognize) are giggling as he passes out the paper syllabus.
“Kitty.” He murmurs with a soft smirk as he slides your paper on your desk, and you scowl. “Shut up.”
He just smiles as he starts walking around and talking about the syllabus — how you can only miss six classes this semester but if you’re nice, he’ll count you present anyway. How his favorite lesson is the one about the three-spined stickleback fish, and how it’s refreshed at least three or four times throughout the course. He talks about how he fully believes that the Bubonic Plague was an experiment made by the government to kill innocent rodents and that his office hours are generally whenever, just shoot me an email.
The class wraps up rather quickly, with Soonyoung assigning reading based on the ethology of geese. You snort at it, hiking your bag over your shoulder as everyone starts to file out. He grabs your elbow as you walk past him, earning a few looks from the girls who had been giggling earlier — and drapes his arm over your shoulders as the two of you saunter out together.
“What the fuck was that for?” You ask as he walks the both of you towards your place, and he shrugs. “They were staring a little hard.”
“What, so I’m your saving grace?” You roll your eyes, but don’t push him away as he tucks you further into his chest. Soonyoung had always been touchy, so you didn’t care. “Of course. I don’t want to deal with a bunch of sophomores hitting on me.”
“Oh, because Kwon Soonyoung, frat boy and resident weed dealer is sooo desirable.” You mock, and he snorts. “I mean, you fucked me for a year, I would hope I’m desirable.”
You elbow him right in the ribs, making him let out a pained noise as he smacks your arm lightly. “What’d you do that for?! I’m not wrong!”
“Whatever! Anyway, are you going to the stoplight party this weekend? We’re hosting.” You ask, fishing your phone out of your pocket to send him the invite. “Oh, I’m not sure. I'm gonna take Seungkwan out for dinner on Thursday, and I’m probably hanging out with Luda on Saturday.”
He stretches, and you feel your stomach sink.
Lee Luda was what the campus referred to as a frat sweetheart. Her family had a huge legacy of going to SNU, and her father actually owned the property where the Alpha Psi Delta fraternity house was built. She was very close with the entire fraternity and had been involved in their charity and party planning since she was a freshman, her ex-boyfriend being a junior and her brother a senior when she was elected.
She was very sweet, very smart and extremely pretty. You'd gotten to know her a bit last year, she was a Biology major and you shared a lot of the same courses.
“Oh. They’re throwing a birthday party for Juyeon, right?” You nod as he does the same, before looping your arms together. “Come on, I’ll treat you to lunch and you can tell me how good I did on my first day as your TA.”
“What is it with you and ratings?”
He just laughs, pulling you closer again. You pretend your cheeks don’t burn at the proximity and the soft scent of his cologne.
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January 18th.
It seemed the first week back from holidays really did a number on the student body — nearly everyone who came to the stoplight party hosted by your sorority was white-girl wasted. Seungkwan profusely cried over the little cupcake you presented him, apologizing for his birthday being on a Thursday. He took it and you later found him with strawberry frosting all over his chin and mouth.
It was well past two in the morning, and the party was still going pretty strong. You, Momo and Yerin were running around topping off drinks and manning stations, and you had sent Chan and Minghao to get more liquor from the store down the road. They were the only sober ones amongst the Beta Tau brothers, and Mingyu was dancing on the coffee table with Wonwoo and Jun — all of them wasted off Pink Whitney.
That damn Pink Whitney.
You roll your eyes as you clean up, humming along to Kid Cudi when you sense a disturbance in the force.
“Hey!” You hear someone shout over the music, and you turn to see Soonyoung, Luda and Juyeon next to you. Soonyoung and Luda have grabbed yellow cups, and Juyeon has a red one. You see a few more of the Delta brothers stroll in behind them, helping themselves to the alcohol on your table.
“Hey! What’re you guys doing here? I thought you were celebrating Juyeon!” You shout back, and Luda shrugs. “Yeah, well Sangyeon and Hyunjae said you guys were having a stoplight! You don’t mind, right? Hyunjae said you were cool!”
You shake your head, gesturing to the bottles. “Not at all! Help yourselves, but Minghao and Chan should be back soon with more Malibu and Svedka.”
Luda gives you a cheery smile and grabs for the Everclear, and you bid the men behind her a quick goodbye as you continue into the kitchen to clean up. You grimace at the sight of vomit in the corner by your pantry, and you open your fridge to get out some baking soda when you see Soonyoung’s feet in front of you.
You glance up at him, seeing a quizzical look as you grab the baking soda. “What’s up, Hosh?” You ask, before squatting by the vomit to sprinkle the baking soda on it.
“You’re wearing red!” He says, gesturing to your red dress. You look down at the dress you were wearing — you’d bought it last year, and wore it to his birthday dinner. He’d stared at you the entire evening before dragging you out to his car and fucking you in the parking lot.
Safe to say that neither of you went back into the restaurant.
“Oh, this? I just don’t feel like flirting tonight.” You shrug, and he leans against the counter when you speak again. “You have a yellow cup! Why?”
“Seeing someone here and there.” He shrugs, and you nod, choosing to swallow your questions. When the fuck did he even find the time?
“Nice!” You exclaim, putting the wet sign over the vomit and deciding to deal with it later. You stand, tugging your dress down your legs a bit more before giving him a curt nod and exiting the kitchen.
Minghao and Chan had arrived and helped Yerin and Momo haul in the liquor, stacking it across the table in the dining area. Hyunjae and Sangyeon had joined Vernon, Jihoon and Seokmin in playing beer pong on the second floor, and you hauled ass up the stairs to join in. Vernon is holding a lit joint between his fingers as he makes the bitch cup, a scowl on his face as Sangyeon chuckles.
“Hey, Vern. Can I take a hit?” You tap his shoulder, and he hands it to you before ruffling your hair. “Hey, pretty. Why’re you here? Not having fun downstairs?”
“Shut up and drink your bitch cup.” You roll your eyes, and he smirks as he downs the cup. He rearranges his cups into a different shape, and Sangyeon sinks a few as you finish off Vernon’s spliff.
“Damn, what’s got you so stressed out?” He asks, taking what's left and popping it between his lips. “Ugh, nothing. I’m just annoyed.” You roll your eyes as their game ends, and you grab a few beer cans to start a new one.
“I didn’t know you were dating someone, Y/N!” You hear Hyunjae call from the end of the table, and you just smile and shake your head. “I’m not! I just don’t feel like dry humping a stranger tonight.”
“I’m not a stranger.” Sangyeon says, and you look up at him. He’s peering at you over his cup, the green reflecting off his silver watch. “You’re right.” You shrug, and finish pouring the cups.
“Way to be subtle.” Vernon rolls his eyes, and you smirk. “Don’t worry, Nonnie. You’ll find someone tonight.” Pinching his cheek, you shove him with your hip and settle between him and Jihoon, who steadies you with his hand ghosting over your back. Seokmin makes the first shot for the other team, the ball bouncing into the first cup.
You play for a bit, grimacing every time you down the cups of beer. Eventually, you decide it’s time to just chill in the lounge, and Sangyeon, Jihoon and Hyunjae agree. Seokmin and Vernon admit they’re probably going to raid the fridge for snacks, and you give them a go-ahead as the other men follow you up to the lounge on the third floor.
You see a few of your sisters there, including Jennie and one of the graduated Beta Tau Sigma brothers, Taehyung. They’re canoodling on one of the beanbags, and she glances up at you as you flop onto the couch on the other side of the room.
“Hey, Y/N.” She calls gently, and you look up to see her holding her thumb up, moving it down to see how you’re feeling. You hold a thumbs up, and she nods, returning to her boyfriend. The guys that came with you are sprawled across the floor, with Sangyeon being the only one on the couch with you.
“The room is spinning.” Hyunjae pouts, and you let out a laugh when you hear the door open, looking up to see Vernon and Seokmin with their hands full of snacks, and Soonyoung in after them. He holds up a bag of pre-rolls, and you hold your hand out.
“Is that how you ask, kitty?” Soonyoung rolls his eyes, fishing one out as you kneel on the couch, pushing the window behind you open. He tugs your skirt down a bit, and you turn back around to see him lighting the joint for you. “It’s lemon balm. I know you like those the best.”
“Thanks, Kwon.” You nod, taking it between your fingers as he sits on the floor, moving his head to be cradled by your knees. Your heels dig into his chest, and he peels off your shoes and tossed them to the side. Jennie and Taehyung slip out, with Jennie giving you a thumbs up once more. Once you mirror it, she’s out.
The group is quiet, seemingly trying to come down from their drunkenness when Sangyeon speaks. “Why kitty?”
“Huh?” Soonyoung looks up, and Sangyeon takes a sip from his cup. “You called Y/N kitty. Why?”
“Oh. I was a cat at the Halloween party we met at.” You shrug, and you notice Soonyoung’s brows furrow a bit. “That, and she has a kitty tattooed on her hip.”
You swat his shoulder, making him giggle when Sangyeon nods with wide eyes. “And how do you know that?”
“They used to fuck.” Vernon speaks up, popping a cheese curl into his mouth with the utmost nonchalant shrug. You gape at him, and he shoots you a wink. “Thanks, Hansol. Air out my business, why don’t you?”
“Okay. She also-” 
Jihoon claps his hand over Vernon’s mouth, and you roll your eyes as you offer the joint around the group. Hyunjae declines, handing it to Sangyeon. He gives you a glance, seeing you’re already looking at him.
"Isn't Hoshi the Zoology TA? Can't you guys get in some kind of trouble for that?" Hyunjae calls from the floor, making Soonyoung roll his eyes and Sangyeon clears his throat next to you. You glance at him, a stoney look on your face as you gesture to the lit joint in his hand. You're sure they want an answer – but if Soonyoung doesn't say anything, you sure as shit won't.
Taking the hit, Sangyeon passes it back to you and blows the smoke up and out. “That’s really smooth. Do you make these yourself, Hosh?”
“Yeah. It’s just a hobby.” He shrugs, lighting his own up and holding it between his lips. You roll your eyes, “This is also the same guy who rescues kittens for freshmen, teaches a dance class from seven to eight and a self-defense class from eight to nine every Tuesday and Thursday.”
“Oh, that’s actually pretty cool. How much do you sell for?” Sangyeon asks, his eyes a little lower as he looks at you instead of Soonyoung, who is glaring. “I don’t, it’s free.”
“I tell him that he’s a horrible business magnate, Mr. President.” You tilt your own joint at him, and he smiles. “Mr. President?”
“Yeah! Aren’t you the Alpha Psi Delta President? I thought I heard about that from Luda last year.” You rest your head on the couch cushion, and notice the way he bites his lip as his eyes trail your body, before he meets your eyes with a nod.
You’re not the only one who notices.
Clearing his throat, Vernon tries to cut the weird tension in the air. “How about we play a game? Truth or dare, or something?”
“I’m the only girl up here, you better not make me do weird shit or your ass is grass.” You threaten, making him smile widely. “Why, I’d never—”
“Shut up, you were the same one who dared her to streak last year.” Seokmin shoves Vernon, and the group hears the door open — Luda, Minghao and Chan trail in with Yerin and Momo in tow.  
“Hey, guys!” Luda greets, and you feel Soonyoung nearly rip himself away from you to greet her. “Hey, Lu.”
“What’re we doing up here?” She asks, taking a seat next to Soonyoung. You grimace inwardly, before feeling Sangyeon’s hand on your knee. He gives you a look that says fix your face, and you inch closer to him now that Soonyoung is literally feet away from you.
“We were gonna do a round of truth or dare.” Jihoon pipes up from the floor, and you smile as the guy covers his eyes. Luda grins, “I’m in! Who’s gonna start?”
You wait until everyone settles, but you catch Minghao’s eyes. He gives you a confused look, his gaze darting to Sangyeon’s hand on your lap. You give him a hard look, and he just shakes his head as Hyunjae sits up to start the game.
“Okay, Luda.” He clears his throat, and she sits up at the sound of her name. “Truth or dare?”
“Boring!” Momo pipes up, and a soft giggle spreads through the group. Sangyeon inches a little closer to you, his thigh now touching yours as he rests his hand a little higher on your leg. It’s subtle enough. “What’s your body count?”
She snorts. “Four. Isn’t yours in the double digits?” She teases Hyunjae, who scoffs. “Uh, not that it’s any of your business, but my body count is three.”
The group laughs again, and you find yourself leaning your head against Sangyeon, who props his arm behind you. “Okay, uhm…Y/N!”
You hear Luda call your name, and you give her a wiggle of your brows. “Hit me.”
“Truth or dare?”
“Let’s go…truth. I’ll play it safe.” You shrug, and she smiles. Almost like a cheshire cat, like she knows all your secrets. “Would you sleep with anyone in this room?”
You look around, getting a suggestive brow wiggle from Seokmin and bursting into laughter. “Yeah. I mean, I have. It wouldn’t be weird, I think.”
“Oh, really? Who?” She probes, and you shake your finger at her. “It’s Truth or Dare, not Truth and Explain Yourself.”
She laughs, and you look around the room for your target. “Vernon, truth or dare?”
“I’ll bite, give me a dare.” He pops another cheese curl in his mouth, and you feel your lips tug up at the corners. “I dare you to text Jisun and tell her your feelings for her.”
“Is this payback for last year? It was either that or skinny dipping.” He says pointedly, and you only shrug. “Text her or you’re a wimp.”
“It’s like, twenty degrees outside, Y/N. What if I just streak and risk getting pneumonia?” He feigns distress, and you feel Sangyeon’s fingers gently caressing your shoulder. Is this foreplay?
“Alright, we can do a dare for a dare. Give me something to do, and if I chicken out, you don’t have to text her.” You take a hit of your joint, leaning forward and feeling Sangyeon’s arm fall down your back, fingers now holding your hip lightly. Vernon sees this, clicking his tongue. “Fine. I dare you to makeout with Sangyeon.”
You blink at Vernon, hearing the group collectively ooooh. You scoff, “That’s it? That’s tame as hell, Hansol.”
“You can’t fuck him.” He states, and you smile. “I’m only a woman, Vernon. I have needs.”
“Is anyone going to ask Sangyeon if he’s okay with that?” Luda interjects, and you can sense a bit of a bite in her tone. Sangyeon shrugs, “If Y/N’s cool then I’m cool.”
“How will we even know if they made out? They could lie.” She tries, and you smile at her. “I’m not shy, if you want to watch or something.” You tease, watching her cheeks turn beet red. She shakes her head, and Vernon gives you a pointed look.
“So? What do you say, pipsqueak?”
“Prepare to admit your feelings to the love of your life, Chwe.”
You get up, tugging Sangyeon up with you. You feel a pair of eyes on you, but when you glance over your shoulder, you see Soonyoung glaring at the two of you as you open the door. “We’ll be back.”
You lead him to your bedroom down the hall, hearing him clear his throat as you push the door open and are met with darkness. You fumble with the lamp on your desk for mood lighting, and he smiles down at you. 
“We don’t have to.” He murmurs, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. His fingers aren’t as soft as Soonyoung’s. You shake your head, “If you’re down, I’m down. It’s been a while.”
He just smiles, tilting your head to meet your lips halfway. His lips are softer…you kind of miss the chapped feeling. You sigh into the kiss, your hands moving to his waist as he moves the two of you towards your bed. His hands trail down your waist, cupping your ass as he falls back onto your bed, pulling you on top of him. He groans softly as you adjust in his lap, and you feel his hips cant up.
"Sorry, sorry." He mumbles, making you laugh. "Eagerness is never a bad thing." The kissing is fine. It's a little desperate, a little messy as you grind down on him, but it's not Soonyoung. You pull away, a pout on your lips as the heady feeling of him against your core fills your head. "Not into it, huh?" He asks, and a part of you thinks he's admitting to it, too.
"You like Luda, don't you?" You ask pointedly, and his eyes go wide. "How the fuck–" "Kind of hard not to notice when she's jumping the gun to save you from my grasp." You laugh, rolling off him to stare at your ceiling. Your arm brushes something soft, and you glance up to see the Jellycat octopus from Soonyoung, Inky Minaj.
"How long did you and Hoshi sleep together?" He asks, and you sigh. "About a year. We were playing some stupid game of cat and mouse for my first three years as a student here, then we fucked at the Halloween rager the frat holds every year. Neither of us remembered it, so we fucked the next morning and the rest is history."
He looks at you, and you peer at him through low eyes. "What?" "Nothing. Just kind of sounds like you like him." He says matter-of-factly, and you snort. "Yeah. Yeah, I do. I kind of lied to myself for a while. I guess…I think once I realized that maybe he was starting to like me, I stopped it. I don't know. And him being my TA for Zoology definitely made me want to tread lightly." 
He nods, shifting uncomfortably. "Luda slept with him a few weeks ago. Around my birthday, I think." You shoot up almost immediately, turning to face him. "Luda and Soonyoung slept together? When? When is your birthday?" His face contorts into one that speaks I fucked up. "You didn't know? I thought you guys were like, best friends?"
"When, Sangyeon?" You probe, slapping his knee as he grimaces. "I don't know, like the eighth of November? I was out of town." "That son of a bitch." You scoff, and stand up. "Well. Let's go. I need Vernon to hop off my dick about his feelings and hop on Jisun's about them." "Maybe we should wait until you're not upset, Y/N." He says gently, and you groan. "I'm not upset, Soonyoung can fuck whoever he wants, whenever he wants. I'm not his keeper." "But you want to be, don't you?" He says pointedly, and you huff in response. "Come on, Mr. President. I've got a point to prove, and it's that I don't need Kwon Soonyoung to get laid." "We all already know that, pretty." He rolls his eyes, allowing you to lead him out. He shuts your door, and makes it a big show of fixing your skirt and wiping his lips of your gloss as you open the door to the lounge. Soonyoung and Luda are draped across the couch, and you lock eyes with him the moment you step inside the room. Minghao, unable to read the room for the first time, turns and cheers.
"Woo! How was it?" He asks, taking a swig from the bottle of Pink Whitney that somehow made its way upstairs. "Pretty good." You admit shyly, feeling Sangyeon sit on the ground with you. He pulls you onto his lap, and you give Vernon a knowing look.
"You gotta do it, Chwe." "Oh, come on! You hate me!" "I don't hate you, but I sure am tired of hearing you mope about Jisun." "How are you even coherent right now? You had two spliffs and a shitload of beer." You smile, wiggling your fingers for his phone. "Give it here, Chwe." He groans, handing it over to you. You unlock it, not unable to shake Soonyoung's eyes off you. You know he's eyeing the man holding you, because he shifts under you and even brushes the hem of your dress. You smirk to yourself as you scroll to Vernon's conversation with Jisun, seeing a pre-drafted message sitting in the text box.
Msg To: Roh Jisun (the loml who doesn't know she's the loml yet)
[4:31am] hi jisun. i just wanted to say that uhh i've liked you for a while and i know it's late (or early….wtv you prefer) and i do not expect you to answer this at all (because i'm a wimp) but if it's not a bother, i'd like to take you out. to dinner, maybe, or whatever you'd like to do. i know you like making jewelry, though, i know this cool jeweler in the city who does like,,,classes. maybe? sorry this is so awkward i'm nervous.
You read over it, and look at Vernon. He's blushing deeply, and you smile softly. "Just send it, Nonnie." "What if she says no?" "What if she says yes?" Momo speaks up, and you see her also taking a sip from the bottle of Pink Whitney. The group echoes her, and Vernon sighs. "Okay, fine. Fine! I'll send it and if she says no I'll just…act normal." He turns the screen to face everyone, pressing send with his ring finger and fully launching the phone across the room. "Well! That's that!" He smiles, reaching for the bottle of Pink Whitney and taking a long drink.
"Who's next?"
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February 7th.
Zoology with Soonyoung was not nearly as bad as you thought it was going to be. He stayed true to his word – if you were cool, he marked you present. If you were a douche, he marked you absent. His office hours were erratic, and you found it increasingly difficult to get a hold of him for the first few classes. He was always helping another classmate, or busy with his classes at the dance studio.
In other news, Sangyeon was avoiding you like the fucking plague. You'd waved at him a few days after the party, when you noticed a bruise blooming on his cheekbone. He greeted you quickly, before leaving you practically in the dust. Luda was also increasingly cold to you, but you just assumed it was over one of the boys – whether it was Soonyoung or Sangyeon was beyond you.
Vernon actually managed to woo Jisun. She was charmed by his general awkwardness, and when she texted you about it, you laughed and told her that it was the most outward emotion you'd seen him exude since you'd known the guy. She laughed and said he was sweet, and that she'd let you know how the date went. Vernon screamed in your messages about it and stated "I hope you get the best head in the world."
Speaking of getting the best head in the world, you finally caught Soonyoung in the hallway today, asking him if you could have an impromptu study session in the library later. He sighed, checking his watch and agreeing rather reluctantly. You grimaced, and told him you didn't have to ask him, you could very well just join the Zoology study group that met twice a week.
He apologized and said he'd book the study room for five, and that he'd meet you there.
Well, it's now six and the two of you have done nothing but bicker. You'd asked about Lorenz and what he meant about the transposibility of key stimuli, to which he'd just scoffed and said that you'd know all about key stimuli.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" You spit, and he just shook his head. "Whatever. Key stimuli is just something that can trigger specific sensory information in an animal's brain. So certain shapes, colors, sounds, even gestures and behaviors can trigger an animal to act in a certain manner." You sucked your teeth, jotting down his words before speaking. "Do you know what happened to Sangyeon?" He almost snaps his neck looking up at you, brows furrowed as he shakes his head. "No? Why does that even matter, aren't we supposed to be studying?" You raise a brow at him, "Why are you so defensive, dude? I'm just asking you if you know what happened. He and Luda have been avoiding me like I have lice." "Get a monkey." He shrugs, looking back down at his phone. He's scrolling mindlessly, and you huff as you put down your pen. "Alright. What's the problem, Soonyoung?" He winces slightly, before shaking his head. "Don't know what you mean. Do you understand now? Or do you still need to understand the difference between key stimuli and releasers? People have been asking all week about that." You frown, feeling your throat a bit tight as you sit up. "Why are you acting like this?" You murmur, and he must hear something in your voice that makes him look up. "Acting like what?" "Like you can't stand to be in the same room as me." "That's not true." He rolls his eyes, and you scoff. "It sure seems like it. I ask you a question about class, you're rude. I mention Sangyeon and Luda, you're annoyed and irritated. Did I do something? Are you upset with me?" It seems your prodding has been more of you poking the bear, because he sucks his teeth and slides his phone onto the table. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am upset with you. And you did do something." "Okay? So tell me what it is so we can fix it." You state, and he laughs dryly. "We? There is no we in you and Sangyeon making out like a pair of lovesick idiots at the stoplight party. He was practically eye fucking you the entire time you were together."
"I don't see what the hell that has to do with you, Soonyoung." You retort, and he shakes his head. "I just don't understand why you'd make me feel like there was something between us and then go and make out with some other guy. He likes Luda, you know, so it's not like it would have gone anywhere." His tone is bitter, and you can recognize he's saying all of this to hurt your feelings. Maybe because he's hurt, and he feels disappointed in his own choices. Nonetheless, it gets under your skin and hits just the right bullseye for you to explode.
"Where the fuck do you get off telling me what I can and can't do with my life, Soonyoung? You and I both agreed that this wasn't mutually exclusive, and Sangyeon and I just made out! You and I haven’t even fucked since we stopped last year, so I don't understand why your panties are in a twist!" You exclaim, and he scoffs out a breath of disbelief.
"You know what, maybe this entire thing was a fucking mistake. I should've never asked for there to even be an 'us', because if I knew I was going to feel this way knowing that you can just do whatever or whoever you want–" You cut him off before he can finish. "Is that what you think I'm doing? I've literally rejected so many people in just the past year because you were acting like you couldn't live without me! So what if I kissed Sangyeon? So what if I did? Forgive me for thinking that maybe you changed your mind about me and how you felt about me after you slept with Luda! You're not the only one who felt led on, you know?!" Your breathing is heavy as you finish yelling, with Soonyoung blinking at you, ears red. "You know about that?" His voice is almost ashamed. Almost.
"If you didn't want to make this an exclusive thing, or make the people around us think we were together, you should've stopped pulling me into random bedrooms to fuck and kissing me in the kitchen of the frat. Maybe don't buy me a Jellycat Octopus and say you want to be exclusive with me if you're just going to pull this sort of shit." You feel tears sting your eyes as you rip your bag off the chair in front of you, feeling your throat tighten as you grab your remaining things off the table. "Y/N-" "You know, it may be taking you five years to finish your degree, but I want to finish mine on time. Have a good life, Soonyoung. Don't call me." You spit, watching his jaw drop slightly before tightening. "I won't." "Good." "Great." "Fine." 
He watches as you slam the door behind you, feeling his stomach sink damn near into the ground as he sees the sweater you were wearing still hanging across the back of your chair. "Fine."
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February 14th.
It'd been a week since your fight with Soonyoung.
He'd unfollowed you on Instagram, and seemingly decided to pretend as though you didn't exist. He didn't acknowledge you if you were over at the frat for Minghao, and he certainly didn't speak to you. You'd asked him to pass you the salt when you'd gone over yesterday for a Valentine's dinner party with the brothers, and he just left the table without a word. It was embarrassing enough that you asked Minghao to walk you home. 
What you didn't know was that the fellow girlfriends of his frat brothers spoke to him about his behavior. Sana and Jisun called Sowon over FaceTime and even had Seungcheol talk to him, and he stood there and took the scolding like a puppy with his tail between his legs. Seungcheol told him that his behavior towards you wasn't going to get you to forgive him, much less be with him and that he understood that Soonyoung felt negatively about your actions – but that Soonyoung cannot be upset about it because he had his chance and he blew it by making out with Yujin at the Halloween party.
Talk about key stimuli. Bad behavior does not get rewarded.
He'd been left with his own thoughts after that, and he stared at all the little trinkets he had that reminded him of you. The sweater you left in the library was hung over his desk chair, and it still smelled of your citrusy perfume. The piggy bank you got him for his birthday was sitting on his bookshelf, still stuffed full with new bills you put in before giving it to him. You'd also given him a few items of clothing that reminded you of him, one of which being an oversized black sweater with your initials embroidered in the sleeve. He frequently wore it unless he was sure he'd be seeing you.
He didn't know why. It just felt nice to…feel like he belonged to you.
"Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!" He's standing in front of the class, and the sophomore girls in the front of the room coo at his cheerfulness. You're sitting behind them, a sour expression on your face as he dims the lights, a baggy navy cardigan draped over your shoulders. You didn't like that one as much as the one you'd left in the library.
"In honor of this pseudo holiday, we're going to go over the most romantic of animals. Consider this a free class, because this is definitely not on the syllabus or in the curriculum, I just like to talk about it." He smiles, and the group of girls aww again, and you make a face as he turns the projector to the next slide.
"Naturally, you have the ones you've heard of the most. Penguins, seahorses, swans, and doves. Shit, even elephants are said to mate for life, and become extremely depressed if their lover suddenly passes or, in some cases, just up and leaves. But my favorite?"
He changes the slide, seeing your eyes widen as your favorite fish fills the screen.
"The French Angelfish mate for life. Monogamy isn't usually practiced amongst observed populations of fish, though. So much so that there is an analogy called the Fish Love Analogy. This is when your partner can meet all your needs, both emotional and physical, but ultimately only turns into an object of desire." You frown at this, but he changes the slide.
"French Angelfish are rarely seen alone, as once they've mated, they're inseparable. It's really quite beautiful and it proves that animals are sentient beings." He smiles slightly, looking around to see everyone jotting down notes.
"What about you, Soonyoung? Do you believe in that stuff?" One of the sophomore girls speaks up, and he shrugs. "I do, yes. I think it's a beautiful thing, to fall in love and have that person forever. I think as humans, though, we forget to cherish what we have. That's why the rate of divorce is so high." You roll your eyes.
"Do you think you've found your forever, Soonyoung?" Another one of the girls asks, and he sighs. "You know, I have. I have found her, but I'm also a human that doesn't know how to cherish good parts of life. Animals are just wired to operate in a certain way, but giving humans free will has truly affected us as a society." He scoffs, earning a laugh from the class.
You're not smiling, but he sees your lips twitch slightly.
"What if she's not your Angelfish, though?" Someone from behind you speaks up, and he purses his lips. His eyes find yours, and he can practically feel them pierce through him.
"I doubt that she's not."
He turns back to the slides, proceeding to talk about how humans have romanticized doves and swans to be representative of love. He finishes the slides quickly, bidding everyone a happy Valentine's day once more and earning echoes of the girls telling him they hope he and his Angelfish figure it out. He thanked them, hitching his backpack over his shoulder as he held the door open for them.
He looks over them, spotting you still gathering your materials. You glance up at him, a silent communication of please wait for me from your eyes. He does, he waits as you walk down the steps and tug your cardigan around you tightly. He remembers when you bought it, he was with you and you were actually wearing the same dress you have on now, the long skirt now paired with platform boots so it doesn't drag on the floor. You slip out in front of him, and wait a few feet away as he locks the door. You stare at the floor as he falls into pace next to you, albeit a few feet behind. You're leading the way to somewhere, he notes, because you're not headed towards the frat or your place. He follows silently, never closing the gap between you as you turn into the veterinary hallway.
The graduating class last year had raised enough money to install an aquarium for viewing pleasure. It had all sorts of fish – including angelfish. You stopped in front of it, with him lingering a few feet behind and watching from afar. You point silently, the fish swimming past your hand and joining another.
"Which one are you?" You mumble, and he steps closer to you, but not enough to touch you. "Probably the male one." You snort, backing up slightly, your knuckles brushing as you clasp your hands behind your back.
"I'm sorry." You whisper, and he shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry." "Let's just agree we're both sorry." You shrug, and he sighs. "You shouldn't have to be sorry, though. I've always come off so strong, and I'm sorry if you felt like I was projecting my feelings onto you. You don't ever have to reciprocate if you don't want to." "Do you want me to?" You ask gently, watching the fish swim in circles. He hesitates, before nodding. "I don't think there is anything I want more." He murmurs, and you look at him out of the corner of your eye.
"Careful, I won't get you a gift for your birthday this year." You joke, but you see him sink slightly, before he's kneeling on the floor. "Soonyoung?" "I'm sorry I've been such an asshole, I know I don't deserve to be with you in any form." He hugs your knees, and you feel your cheeks flame as someone walks by you. "Soonyoung, get up." "Not until you forgive me." He squeezes your legs tighter, and a couple of girls walk by, gaping at the sight. "I forgive you! Just get up!" You grit, tugging his arm up and hurrying away from the hallway. 
His eyes are teary as you pull him into a janitor's closet, making you scoff out a laugh as you wipe his eyes. "Oh, don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry." You say gently, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. His lips jut out in a pout as his hands come up to your wrists.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, and you roll your eyes. "Really?"
“Is that a no?” “I should make you grovel, honestly.” “I’m not above begging, you should know this.” “Just kiss me, you idiot.”
He does.
He does, and it's the warmest you'd felt in a long time. His lips are just as chapped as the last time he'd kissed you, his fingers just as soft as they held your face gently. You feel him press himself against you as his tongue slowly licks into your mouth. You play along, your fingers curling into his hair and tugging softly. He whines against your lips, making you smirk as you pull him away.
"Still wanna get on your knees?" You murmur, and he nods quickly as he sinks to his knees in front of you, and you clear your throat as he pulls your leg over his shoulder, pushing your skirt up to your hips. His breath is warm against your skin as he gasps, peering up at you from behind the bunched fabric. "You're not–" "You're about to yap yourself out of some ass, shut up." You roll your eyes, making him frown as his eyes disappear under your skirt, feeling his teeth nip at your thigh. You flinch, no longer used to his biting habits. "Be gentle." "Yeah, yeah. I don't tell you how to kiss other guys, don't tell me how to eat your pussy." He grumbles, and you go to argue before you feel his tongue circle your clit slowly. You sigh, feeling his free hand snake up to lace his fingers with yours. You hold his fingers tightly as he buries his face into your cunt, eagerly soaking up whatever you'll give him.
You cover your mouth with your free hand, feeling a bit of anxiety pool in your stomach as you hear students walk past the closet. He pulls you even closer, slurping obscenely when you hear someone stop in front of the door, murmured whispers and soft kissing sounds when the doorknob jiggles. You see Soonyoung's hand shoot to grab it, attempting to hold the door tightly shut as they pull.
He doesn't pull away when they yank the door open, leaving you to nearly topple as you yank your skirt down, hiding him beneath it. You're faced with Lee Chan and his girlfriend,Jung Haerim, lipstick smeared all over his face and neck as your own burns in embarrassment. His jaw drops, and you find yourself squirming away from Soonyoung's tongue as you shove him away. 
Soonyoung pouts as he exits your skirt, a deep frown on his glistening lips as he looks at Chan. "Really, man?" "You're the one stealing my closet! You know this is my spot!" Chan argues as Soonyoung stands, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, your orgasm ruined and humiliation levels on 10. "You know, getting fucked in a mop closet shouldn't be something you're proud of." Soonyoung scoffs as he grabs your hand once more, tugging you out as Chan and Haerim blink at the two of you. She opens her mouth, holding up her finger before closing it, pressing her lips together. "Can't we just go to my place?"
"Should've thought of that earlier!" Soonyoung yells over his shoulder, picking up his pace as he hears Chan start after the two of you. You feel the awkward tension start to dissipate as you both bolt down the hallway, and you feel him take a sharp turn towards the fraternity. You hear Chan start yelling curse words before his footsteps stop, and the two of you just giggle to yourselves as you keep running towards the house.
Seeing the house come into view, the two of you quickly make your way up the steps and nearly slam into Seungcheol, who had come to visit (without anyone's knowledge.) He barely moves out of the way as you and Soonyoung barrel up the stairs, not even acknowledging a rather stoned Vernon and Jisun on the second floor landing before sliding into his room. It seemed both of you were on the same page about finishing what was started.
The room is full of clattering as you both undress, and your books are thrown to the side as his hands pull you to him before you both topple onto his bed. His lips are instantly on yours, but it's too chaste – and you hear him murmur something before he presses his lips to yours again.
"I love you." You scoff out a laugh, before you see the seriousness in his eyes. Blinking, you sit up a bit, your fingers trembling as you gently stroke his cheek. He nibbles his lip, and you can feel another laugh bubble in your throat. His ears tinge pink as you laugh, pulling him back down to your level, nuzzling your nose against his softly.
"I love you, too."
His eyes widen, and you swear he stops breathing before you tap him gently. "Hosh? You there?" He blinks, his hand tightens reflexively around your hip. "Yeah…I'm here."
You smile at him, tilting your head as you run your fingers through his hair. "You mean it, right? Do you love me?" "Let me be struck by Zeus himself if I'm lying."
The two of you laugh after a moment, and he swallows carefully. Neither of you make a move to get down to business, instead staring at each other like this was the last time you'd ever see each other. "You okay?" You murmur, and he shakes his head. "You love me." "You know, I figured it would be pretty obvious that I'd liked you well before we ever slept together." You say pointedly. "I'm still not forgiving you, though. You'll have to work for that." He quirks his brow at you, before pushing off you and flopping onto his back. You look at him, and he clears his throat. "M'lady, your throne awaits." "You're an idiot." "Your idiot, now come on. I've got to prove myself to you."
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May 9th.
"Y/L/N Y/N." 
Cheers are heard around the auditorium as your name is called, but not even your parents are as loud as your boyfriend amongst your graduating class. "THAT'S MY BABY!"
You feel your cheeks heat as everyone aw's and ooh's, hearing his fraternity brothers blow kazoos like idiots in the stands. The ceremony quickly came to an end as the last few names were called, the security attempting to diffuse crowds of people exiting. You found yourself looking for your boyfriend, finding him being embraced by Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua as his eyes searched for you.
Your relationship with Soonyoung was not perfect by any means. You nearly failed Zoology because he kept interrupting your studying to kiss you, often leading to other things before you would crawl out of his bed to your laptop on the desk, before being lured back in by your siren of a boyfriend. The two of you kept it under wraps best as you could, seeing if Professor Kwon found out (or anyone else, really) you could both get in trouble.
But, everyone seemed to finally be satisfied with the outcome. You and Soonyoung were set to go to grad school together, and everyone congratulated the two of you as you made your relationship official – posting each other freely on social media almost everyday. Coffee dates photographed on your story turned into study (and sex) sessions, his Instagram story was full of you in cute workout sets as you finally let him drag you to his Tuesday dance class. Your dashboard was full of him posting you as much as he could, captions of "my girlfriend!!!" and "me n u…get it? menu…#lovestagram" under a photo of the two of you at a diner.
Your sorority and his fraternity came together to host a graduation party for all the graduates, and you and Soonyoung were going to arrive together. You stare at him from your position near the doors, waiting for him to spot you. You'd both worn a soft pink under your white gowns, and his eyes scan the entire area before finally landing on you. He fights his way out of his friends' arms, and you hear him exclaim to them that he needs to find his girlfriend.
As he approaches you, you think of the tangled web that had been your relationship. A bit of jealousy wrapped in emotional unavailability and insecurities from the both of you, like a cricket held down by a spider's thread. You think about the chase, the game of cat and mouse that the two of you played as you kissed eagerly, a mess of tongues and spit before he'd have to slip away. You think about the first time he smoked you out, and how he'd laughed and held you tightly when you told him you felt like you were about to fall off the Earth.
You think about his growth as a person, about his growth as a man and his growth as your person. The person you found yourself drawn to since you'd stepped foot in Beta Tau Omega four years ago. The same person who bought you a new laptop and then took you out to dinner, the same person who immediately glued himself to you once he found out how much you had in common.
The same person who left when he felt like everything was too much by your side, only to admit his wrongs a year later and beg for your forgiveness on a roof in the middle of autumn. The same person who then slowly lured you into his sticky and tangled web of emotions and unspoken confessions, of kisses full of I love you and embraces screaming I missed you. The same person who said you're his angelfish, his person, his forever. The same person who realizes his mistakes and pushes his pride aside to apologize, even if it means the two of you end up a mess of spit and cum and tears. The same person who tells you now, every night, that he loves you and has done everything he can to prove it day by day.
"Hey, kitty." His smile is warm and full of mischief as his hand gently brushes your hair away from your face, revealing the earrings he gave you a few weeks ago. He thumbs at them softly, before pulling you in closely for a chaste kiss. You smile at him, knowing that this tangled mess is only the beginning of your forever with him. "Let's get out of here."
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haologram © 2024 || no translations, reposting or modifications are allowed. do not claim as your own. viewer discretion is advised. your media consumption is your responsibility.
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 days
hi girly i love your writing honestly i get so excited when i see you posted!
Can you do a damian priest x reader where reader goes for a night out with rhea and gets to drunk and damian comes to “save” her and is all protective. like reader asks “why do you care?” and damian is like “because i love you”
damian priest x reader (romantic) / rhea ripley x reader (platonic)
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!
‼️drunk reader, feels, a little angst and lot of fluff
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monday night
“should we go right after the interviews?” rhea asked as you were finishing retouching your make up.
“absolutely” you smiled back “i think i’ll be done in thirty minutes, what about you?”
she looked at the clock and thought for a moment “probably twenty minutes, i have to finish some interviews with damian and then i’ll change…”
before you could reply, damian entered rhea’s locker room, definitely not expecting you there “rhea are you done? oh - hi y/n” he awkwardly smiled, making you chuckle.
“hi…” you blushed under his gaze.
you’ve always had a crush on him but you knew he saw you just as a friend. you tried to give him hints but he never seemed to understand or maybe he did but wasn’t interested. you couldn’t tell but either way, you got tired of waiting for him so even if it hurt, you were okay with being just friends with him.
“yes i’m done” rhea replied to damian “thirty minutes y/n, okay?”
“perfect, see ya!” you quickly excused yourself and met jackie for a quick interview.
rhea smirked seeing how damian reacted being in your presence and she couldn’t help but wonder when he was going to confess to you.
“what you girls doing in thirty minutes?” he asked, curiosity getting the best of him.
“oh, nothing, y/n wanted to try this club she saw on her way here and i’m going with her? you wanna come?”
he was honestly shocked. you weren’t for clubs. you always hated them and he knew so he didn’t understand why all of sudden you wanted to try a a club in a city you didn’t even know.
“no thanks…i’m going straight to the hotel after we finish our interview” he thought for a moment “plus, who goes to a club on monday night? it’s gonna be so boring…”
rhea scoffed “people who wanna have fun and not be bothered by too many people”
the older man laughed “okay, fair, let’s get this done so you can get ready and have fun with her…”
somehow, he was jealous of the close bond between you and rhea. you were amazing friends and it was thanks to her if he got the opportunity to meet you. he tried to spend as much time he could with you but it wasn’t enough. rhea was with you almost of the time so there wasn’t much time for him to spend with you alone.
rhea saw the side eye damian gave her and she knew she had to act quick because you were both two idiots in love and she couldn’t stand the glances and flirts you gave each other without realising that you both had feelings.
once you finished your interview, you ran back to your changing room and put on some clothes you brought for the club. nothing too excessive but you felt comfortable in that short dress you got. it was one of your favourites and you always looked for an occasion to wear it. pairing it with matching heels, you were done, ready for rhea who was taking longer - as usual.
as you walked towards her changing room, your eyes met with damian. shyly smiling, you waved at him.
you were breathtaking, the most beautiful person he’s ever seen “the dress looks good on you” he complimented you. he was genuine, you could tell it from his smile “rhea’s almost done, sorry we took so long with the interviews”
“thank you…” your face was heating up, not used to being complimented so often and especially not by the man you had a crush on “and no problem with that, i get, interviews can be long sometimes” as you were both speaking you saw rhea making her way out of her room.
wearing a black top and a black pair of jeans, boots and a black purse, she was more than ready.
“ready girl?” she smirked at you, making you nod your head.
“have fun girls” damian smiled - or at least, he tried. he walked with you to the parking lot before getting into rental and driving away, back to the hotel.
of course rhea had to pick metal music for the ride but you didn’t mind it as your mind was thinking of the latin man. you wished you had a closer bond with him, like him and rhea, or maybe even more but in your mind he was way out of your league. you saw the women he was interested in and none of them looked like you. those were models, tall and beautiful, and you were just, well, you. you knew that damian would never think of you like that but sometimes you wondered how it would feel like being loved by him.
you saw it with rhea. how caring he was towards her. how he cared for her, always making sure she was okay - especially since the judgement day broke apart - how he always texted her if she was okay or if she needed anything. you thought about the woman he would fall in love with one day and how lucky she was would be.
“…earth to y/n…” rhea snapped her fingers in front of your face trying to wake you up from your thoughts “are you here?”
“oh sorry, i was thinking…are we arrived?” you asked and she nodded.
seeing the parking lot loaded with cars, maybe this club was full seven days a week, you thought. making your way into the place, you were both met with the flashing neon lights and the disco music echoing inside.
a lot of people dancing and some at the bar, but it was nice and cool, no drunk men dancing and trying to catch girls attention, bodyguards securing the area. it wasn’t bad at all.
“i need a drink first” you laughed as rhea followed you to the bar as you both ordered some cocktails. rhea decided to stay light with her drink, knowing that she would have to drive you back to the hotel while you tried a vodka and tequila mixed cocktail. it was strong but not enough for you. you never really liked alcohol but tonight you were testing yourself.
“is it good?” rhea asked seeing how quickly you drank that.
“yup” you giggled “i’m gonna get another one and then we can dance?” you weren’t really waiting for an answer from rhea but she wasn’t expecting to see you getting a second drink in less than ten minutes.
once your glass was full again, rhea dragged you to the dance floor. maybe it was the music mixed with the taste of alcohol burning in your mouth but everything was spinning and you loved that sensation.
you couldn’t even tell how much time passed but your legs were feeling heavy. you needed to sit for a bit. rhea agreed and she pointed out a small booth at the end of the club.
“my feet are killing me” you laughed, exhaling trying to let go of your pain.
“i told you multiple times to not wear heels when you’re dancing…but you never listen” smirking, she pointed out at your red feet.
“yeah i know…” as you were both joking, a barista came to your both and offered you two shots of tequila.
“it’s on the house” she gently said before leaving.
“oh i can’t drink that or i’m not gonna be able to drive back” rhea said but she didn’t mind. she wasn’t a fan of alcohol, in fact she always tried to avoid it. you took both glasses and shoved them down your throat. feeling the burning sensation, not helping your head who was still spinning from before “okay girl, take my glass too, i guess” rhea laughed.
two shots and two cocktails later, you were now sipping wine as rhea blurted out how happy she was with jey.
your head was spinning, laughing from time to time.
“girl, you still with me?” rhea asked waiting for a reply but all that came out from your lips was a drunk laugh “y/n?”
“i’m okay…” you whispered.
not sounding so sure, rhea rolled her eyes “stop drinking that wine”
“i rather drink than face my problems…” you said looking everywhere but rhea.
“what problems?” she laughed. of course she knew anyone had problems but you never mentioned anything with her so she was pretty surprised to hear those words coming from your mouth.
you took a deep breath “damian…he’s my problem…i think i love him” you were sure you loved him.
rhea then got a big idea “stay here, and don’t drink your wine, i’ll go to the bathroom real quick”and in fact, she went to the bathroom, sending a quick text message to damian, knowing that if you needed help, he would be on his feet in less than ten seconds.
hey dam! i hope you’re still awake. y/n is drunk and i don’t think i’ll be able to bring her back to the hotel. can you come here and help me please?
as damian saw that text, he took less than five minutes to wear a pair of shoes and texting rhea for the address. rhea always told him how you weren’t much of a drinker so he got worried, fearing someone tried to get their way with you.
“where did you go?” you asked rhea with a disapproval look “you left me alone so i started talking about my problems with the barista…she offered me another shot” you pointed out at the empty glass in front of you.
rhea breathed “i called back up…we’re going back to the hotel…” she next to you.
only fifteen minutes away rhea spotted damian inside the building. waving at him she showed him where you were both sitting.
“rhea, what is he doing here?” you drunkly asked.
“you two need to figure out what you feel for each other…he’s gonna take care of you” she whispered as she saw damian approaching the two of you.
before you could contest her words, damian saw how lost your look was and eyed rhea, asking for questions but she simply shook her head.
“i called back up” she laughed seeing damian “thanks for coming” she greeted him as he nodded his head “he’s gonna help you…i’m gonna get back to the hotel”
damian was shocked with rhea’s words “wait what…you’re leaving?”
“yeah…that’s why i called you…you two, figure it out” she said before leaving.
as you both watched her leaving the club, you were wondering what did you have to figure out with damian. he was there just to help a friend - rhea, because she called him - and that was. nothing more.
he softly smiled at you “let’s get you into the car” as he gently helped you on your feet and guided you back to his car.
he made sure tu buckle your seat belt and he start driving. it was clear to anyone that you were drunk and he tried to drive cautiously, not wanting to make you sick.
“why are you here?” you asked, your eyes looking outside the window.
“rhea texted me…she was worried about you. you usually don’t drink and seeing you soo…drunk made her worry and honestly i worried too…” he spoke, his eyes still on the road.
“worried? you? worried about me?” you chuckled “why? it’s not like you care about me…we don’t even know each other that well…” you didn’t want to be so rude but your drunk thoughts were coming out and you didn’t know how to stop them.
damian was hurt by your words, but he knew that you were drunk and you didn’t mean what you actually said “i care about you…more than what you think” he whispered low just enough for you to hear it.
you heard his words, you just didn’t know what to say. you pretended nothing happened and he kept driving towards the hotel. once you arrived at the building, damian walked you through the long halls and reached for the elevator. you didn’t even notice that he pushed the bottom for his floor and not yours. you realised it only when you reached his room and you met with the welcoming feeling of his perfume and cologne.
“damian this isn’t my room…” you whispered as he sat you down on his bed.
“i know…i’m not leaving you alone tonight. you’re too drunk and if you get sick at least i’ll be here to help you” he said while throwing his shoes somewhere in the room.
was he serious? no - maybe he was just pitying you. he was doing this because rhea asked him, not because he really wanted. that was all your mind kept telling you while in reality damian wanted to take care of you. wanted to have you in his arms, cuddle you and making you feel safe. hell, he was going to hold your hair up in case you needed to throw up. and he never done that for anyone.
he sensed your hesitation “i meant it…what i say before, in the car, i meant every single word i said…” he said sitting next to you.
“but why?” your mind told you to stop asking him stupid questions and and savour the moment but your heart needed to know all the truth on my he was so caring with you. because, maybe, there was going to be a chance for you.
he gently cupped your face in his warm big hands and he smiled “because i have feelings for you. i love you and i always will…i care so much about you. and the fact that we are not even so close kills me because i never know if you’re okay or if you need help, if you’re happy or sad…i wanna be part of your life and i wanna be a part with being more than friends” his soft fingers stroked your cheeks making you lean into his touch.
“that’s all i’ve been waiting to hear…” you whispered. your confession surprising him. sure, you were drunk but not that drunk to say stupid things “i always liked you but i never thought you would like someone like me…”
“someone like you it’s all i want…you, it’s all i want…” he smiled, looking up at your eyes, searching for any sign of discomfort but when he saw none, he leaned his lips over yours “i wanna kiss you”
“i might smell like alcohol but i wanna kiss you damian…please” you almost begged, making him laugh.
you felt his hot breath over your lips, gazing and teasing before he gently lowered his head down and finally kissed you. he was soft with you, his hands moving from your face to your hips, holding you closer as your hands lost in his long hair.
you both separated to catch breath and as you were staring in each other’s eyes you realised how stupid you were. two idiots in love - as rhea often said - that couldn’t understand that they both had feelings for the other.
“stay here tonight and let me take care of you…” damian whispered making you nod your head “i told rhea that monday nights at the club can be boring…i can’t believe you got that drunk” he smirked making you chuckle.
“it’s gonna be a long night, my head is about to explode” you joked, throwing yourself back into the bed.
it was a long night indeed. you complaining how bad your head hurt and being nauseous all the time but damian had you safe in his arms - and your hair safe in his hands as you threw up in the bathroom - you knew that you were going to be fine.
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buddierecs · 3 days
aly's recent reads - pt. 2
here is pt 2 of my recent reads which i have absolutely loved so i hope you also enjoy them :) these fics are mixed rated, so please check the ratings and tags!
i'll love you for the rest of my life by: justhockey "sometimes it still baffles buck how moments like these are exactly as they’ve always been. they could have been sitting here laughing like this six months, or a year, or even five years ago, and it would have looked exactly the same. the way they fit together, like one soul in two bodies, feels like something of a miracle. and buck knows a little something about miracles, because one day - a little less than a year ago - eddie had taken buck’s hands in his and said I love you. Nothing has ever felt closer to magic than that." word count: 3.3k rating: general audience important tags: established relationship, domestic fluff, family feels, sibling love, soft!buddie, marriage proposal when everything's on fire by: beartowns (i just have binged read their fics! love them) "eddie and chris move in with buck after a fire. buck breaks up with his boyfriend, buys a house with eddie, and realizes he's in love. in precisely that order." word count: 15k rating: teen and up important tags: roommates, emotional infidelity, friends to lovers, emotional hurt/comfort, pining, love confessions are we... dating? by: eightpackdiaz "what do you do when your best friend keeps taking you on dates without calling them dates? talk to him, right? right?" word count: 11k rating: teen and up important tags: idiots in love, didn't know they were dating, feelings realisation, first dates, minor buck/tommy, tommy kinard bashing blood runs thicker than water by: circuslife "eddie's sisters come to visit. "to see the sights," they say. ("proof of life," eddie thinks)." word count: 11k rating: teen and up important tags: diaz sisters, gay!eddie diaz, season 7, family dynamics, coming out, therapy, domestic fluff, love confessions be good to me, it isn't a game by: 118mgzn "buck and eddie desperately try to get the other to crack and reveal their relationship first, and they have no clue they’re both playing the same game." word count: 7k rating: mature important tags: secret relationship, miscommunication, crack, fluff, love confessions, jealous!eddie diaz, possessive!eddie diaz i'm holding on (barely) by: cranberrymoons "eddie and buck take christopher home to california; helena and ramon decide to follow" word count: 12k rating: mature important tags: parenthood, complicated relationship, therapy, coming out, family dynamics, repression, buckley-diaz family, character study, healing stay here honey (i don't wanna share) by: prettybegins "amidst his son leaving for texas, a sexuality crisis in his 30s, and the possibility of losing his best friend, eddie can’t seem to catch a break." word count: 14k rating: mature important tags: idiots in love, miscommunication, meddling, gay!eddie diaz, feeling realisation, jealous!eddie diaz, love confessions all these broken parts by: woodchoc_magnum "post-season 7, where eddie is struggling with depression, trying to put his life back together, and hopelessly in love with his best friend." word count: 56k rating: mature important tags: TW: depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, angst, roommates, pining!eddie diaz, oblivious!evan buckley, evan buckley take care of eddie diaz, minor buck/tommy, getting together, eventual smut
sweet talk by: daisies_and_briars "eddie asks to crash at the loft while christopher is gone, struggling to be on his own. only problem? there's only one bed, and no couch." word count: 6.5k rating: teen and up important tags: there was only one bed, healing, post season 7 hard of hearing buck (series) by: timeshareindestin "little au where buck gets hearing aids and eddie is kind of in love with him about it" word count: 31k rating: teen and up important tags: character study, disability, getting together, coming out, hard of hearing buck, evan buckley has adhd, hurt/comfort burn the straw house down by: rarakiplin "buck gets stuck in time, has a break down and then, relatedly, a break through" word count: 40k rating: mature important tags: time loop au, fake dating, angst with a happy ending, car accidents
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erinwantstowrite · 3 days
ERIN i cannot believe you are a fan of twisted wonderland too, you have feed me once again with your beautiful art thank you so much 🛐🛐
But who are your favorite tw characters?? And how do you think other batfam members would do in yuu's situation?
i love Twisted Wonderland!! in a sense that I ignore the Mickey Mouse plotline because what even is going on there LMFAO
It's so hard to choose a fav cause they're all so stinky and I adore the idiots so much,,, but my rankings are: Ace and Deuce for 1st place, Grim for second, Ruggie for third, Epel and Kalim for fourth, and Malleus for fifth. And this is if I HAVE to choose. the rest of them are so silly that I can not be contained. I need to torment Azul and shake him around <3
Tim would thrive the MOST in Twisted Wonderland, but we know how I feel about that by now. As for the others... I'm assuming we're going with them but when they were the same age as the first years in Twisted Wonderland (cause it's a school). In all of these scenarios, Crowley does not stand a chance. Also they all steal Grim.
Bruce isn't Batman yet when he's that young, but he's certainly just as crazy as he'll be in his twenties-fourties, maybe even MORE so because he doesn't have the experience of training yet. After figuring out that this isn't a hallucination or weird altered state that he's in (coma, spell, etc), he'd be an unbending force that gives them all a run for their money. He's incredibly smart and I doubt he'd be willing to put up with any bullshit that gets pulled. He would manage to get himself home and refuse to make any friends... but he would probably grow soft for Grim, Ace, and Deuce. Grim because Yuu takes care of Grim, and we all know how Bruce is about adoption. Same for Ace and Deuce, they're so stupid that Bruce would end up worrying about them 24/7. His paranoia about keeping them safe would prevent Azul getting a contract with them, etc etc.
Dick when he was Robin? He's terrorizing Crowley the entire time, with a smile on his face. He's so strong willed that anytime Crowley tries to put him into a situation where Crowley gets to fake being nice and magnanimous without actually helping, Dick calls him out and forces him into actually doing something, lest everyone see how he really is. (They know already but Crowley would try to save face.) He'd make friends with everyone- he'd tame Grim pretty fast and probably see it as an exercise to teach him how to be more patient. Honestly, Grim's temperament would remind Dick of himself when he was just starting off as Robin. It'd be like having a little brother and when Dick isn't stuck angsting about some shit Bruce pulled when being emotionally stunted, he's a good big brother. He'd make friends, but he wouldn't tell them anything about himself, keeping it close to his chest. Secret identities, and all that. Dick would also get himself home very fast, not willing to make B wait long. Plus he really missed Alfred.
He would try to steal Grim though. He would probably succeed, actually. All he'd have to do is tell Grim about the world he's from and how he knows magic users far beyond the level of the teachers at this school who could use a new student, and Grim would likely accept.
For Jason, when he was Robin, he was the sunshine kid. This would be after he's mellowed out with Bruce, when he's started to accept his life with B and Alfred, and started to grow into his own as Robin. They would all mistake his willingness to help as weakness, but Jason can be just as stubborn and clever as any other Robin. It's in their blood. He wouldn't be willing to let them talk down to him- he's used to people looking down on him because of where he comes from. The big fancy schools at home think he's trash from the bad parts of Gotham, and here isn't really any different. They think he can't get by without magic? Boy, will Jason sure show them. He's Robin.
I have a feeling that this, combined with Jason's love of school, would mean that Jason gets a little sidetracked with learning about this world, magic, and history, etc. He and Grim butt heads a lot, but Jason would get protective over him. Jason took care of the kids younger than him before, and his Robin is known for the comfort and kindness he shows.
He, too, would not make B wait a long time for him to come back. He's not as much of a detective as Batman or Nightwing, but he's clever enough to get himself home because of what he's learned. He would also steal Grim. In this scenario, it'd been a long time since anyone had cared about Grim the way Jason does about him. He'd come even without the speech about magic in Jason's world.
Tim... is the only Robin who'd make Batman wait. Not even out of a sense of being an ass about it, Tim would just thrive in Twisted Wonderland. He'd play up a role of being a "damsel in distress" or being silly and carefree and clumsy, etc etc. All the while Tim has been picking apart this mystery in front of him and he's got it all figured out. He's having a blast. It's Batman that comes to get him, and Tim probably wasn't expecting that, but, hey! Batman came to get him!
Damian. Holy shit is he a force to be reckoned with. He gets under everyone's skins, he doesn't bother hiding in plain sight, he demands to be treated the way he deserves. He's the son of Talia al Ghul and Bruce fucking Wayne. You try to put him in Ramshackle and he'll gut you with his sword for the disrespect. I think it'd be funny if Damian was like "this distasteful chandelier was only worth a billion of your currency?" and ADeuce try to kill him. Eventually they get along in the most hilarious way, but they're constantly fighting. Damian takes charge of their group, naturally, but he finds himself on equal footing with ADeuce at some point because they're from Twisted Wonderland and help him fill in the gaps of his knowledge. He's also studious (the PhD thing) and Deuce would ask for his help. Ace would get roped into it.
The only one that he gets along with? Grim. Because he's a cat with fire powers. Damian would think he's so fucking cool, he basically has a fuzzy little dragon. That can fit in his bed and cuddle with him and can talk. Come on. What 14 year old like Damian wouldn't think that's the sickest shit ever? He'd demand only the best for Grim, but would also easily start shaping him up to be a better mage. No, not better- the best. Damian would understand Grim's desire to find his legacy.
And, like, here's the thing. Even with all of that... Damian is a very empathetic kid. If he's about freshman year-aged, he'd be, what, 14? I think? That's after he started letting himself be more empathetic. After he lost his dad for a year and learned to be Robin because of Dick. Literally no one would expect Damian to be understanding or listen to the prefects' insecurities or hurt, nor willing to talk to them about it. But he does. He also hands their asses to them when they fight, but while that's happening, Damian is talking to them.
He steals Grim whether he wants to or not. But Grim does want to go with him.
This got WAYYY longer than I expected it to but this got me to thinking and we know I love to yap. I'd add Stephanie, Duke, Cass, Babs, etc, but I don't want this to get too long.
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karma-vvitch · 1 day
l'amour de ma vie
Thought I was depressed or losing my mind My stomach upset almost all of the time But after I left, it was obvious why (oh), mm Because for you, you I was the love of your life, mm But you were not mine (but you were not mine)
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𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: Angst
𝕻𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘:  Hurt/No Comfort, Angst fest lmao, Bucky’s kinda a dick in this one (so for all the ppl who don’t like reading Bucky in a negative light, this isn’t for you babe. *I’m ppl), The reader is implied to be chubby/plus size, slight body insecurity, but I think reader girl bossed in this (maybe it’s just me), AGAIN THERE IS NO FLUFF HERE ABSOLUTELY NONE. 
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“You ruined me” You glared at him “You ruined me, Bucky Barnes” It’s been 2 weeks and 3 days since Bucky broke up with me. The audacity of that man. I don’t know where it went wrong. Was it when he started coming home late? Or when he started sleeping on the couch? There were too many instances to count. I guess the straw that broke the camel’s back was when he left his phone on the counter, Sharon’s contact notification glowed brightly. “We should stop this” God I thought for once I wasn’t an idiot, but once again my ego was shattered. That fucker told me he loved me, all of me. From my smile, to my curves, to my thighs. And yet he still went for miss perfect. “Baby–” The asshole spoke. “Baby? Seriously Barnes? Trying to soften me up? We’re SO past that!” I laugh incredulously. Fighting the tears welling in my eyes. “You promised me! You dick! You promised me! You said you looked past this–” gesturing to my body “I thought you saw me for me, Bucky!” He looked embarrassed. Good. “Baby, can we please not do it here?” He looked around the common room we were standing in. The place occupied by the team who were in awe and disbelief on what’s going on. This bitch “Oh! You’re embarassed? Good, let them see your shame for the lying, cheating piece of shit that you are!” Gasps are echoed throughout the room. The woman in question as well, finally, looking away in shame. Bucky looked helpless. The severity of the situation finally hitting him like a freight train. “Please, it was a mistake. Yes, I’m a huge asshole for hurting you. You have all the right. I love you. What I did will haunt me for the rest of my life and I’m sorry–” tears flowing freely from his eyes at this point “I’m so so sorry” The sight before you could’ve made you fold easily. Bucky on his knees, grovelling. Your Bucky who held you when your friends abandoned you. Your Bucky who drove you to McDonald’s at 3am to get nuggets. Your Bucky who dropped everything just to go home and take care of you at your lowest. For a second you thought that everything happening at the moment was just a bad dream. He would never hurt you… But he did. His cries snapped you back to reality. “I broke up with you because I was a coward, I thought I could fix myself and come back to your life a better man– I should’ve told you sooner” All I could do is stare at him, emotionless and numb. What does one even do in this situation? The (once) love of your life, who has hurt you beyond any comprehension is grovelling at your feet. Should I say something? Should I lash out at him? Should I make him get up? It was all becoming too much In the end, I just turned my heel and left. The echoes of his increasing sobs and pleas following me. Good.
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𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘: This may or may not be based on real-life... Oops. The angst gods were coursing through me ngl. I haven't written in months so this is exciting. The depression is still there and thriving but I'm not gonna let it stop me from doing what I love :>. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. Hopefully, I get to write more Bucky stuff (I promise there will be more fluff. God knows this man deserves it). Anyway, hope y'all have a great day/night! xoxo
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: None yet!
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Never Gonna Be Alone [part 2]
Summary: A collection of small moments that lead to falling in love with your roommate. This is a Modern Day!AU.
Pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
Author's Note: I hope that you all enjoy!
Warnings for the entire series: language, drug & alcohol use, two oblivious idiots, pining, fluff, possible angst, sexual content, and, me attempting to be a comedian.
Masterlist | Playlist
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Originally, you had made a bet with yourself that your silly little crush on Aegon wouldn’t last more than a week– then it was two, and suddenly a month had passed. Your feelings, much to your chagrin, had remained persistent. 
It wasn’t for a lack of trying, either. 
You had done anything and everything you could to stop thinking about him– kept your distance by taking extra shifts at work, joined an improv club, read approximately eleven new books, and even learned how to crochet so that you had an excuse to stay in your room 24/7. Worst of all was downloading that stupid dating app, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and they don’t say that the fastest way to get over someone is by getting under someone else for nothing. 
The truth was a hard pill to swallow, however. No matter how many guys slid into your DMs and then ghosted after a couple of days of texting, no matter how many miniature cows you crocheted or books you read, you liked him. And not in the fleeting, passing kind of way that you’d originally expected. No, these feelings had taken a hold of you– rooting into you in the way that a stubborn weed roots into concrete. 
Anyways, back to that dating app… 
It had been a joke with yourself at first; a half-hearted swipe-fest with no real intent behind it. You weren’t actually looking for someone, more like waiting for someone to miraculously appear and make you forget about Aegon Targaryen. You were smart enough to know that Mr. Right wasn’t lurking on Hinge, but you figured there had to be someone out there who could temporarily distract you from his stupid, not-at-all beautiful smile, or the way he belly-laughed at your jokes that weren’t even funny.
The first guy to make it out of the 72-hour ‘Only-Talk-On-The-Hinge-App’ phase, and into the ‘We-Can-Start-Texting-And-Maybe-Plan-A-Date’ phase was a guy named Criston. Yes, you should have known by the name that it wasn’t going to work out, but he was dark and handsome– the complete opposite of the person you were actively trying to forget existed– and seemed interested enough in you to ask you out on a proper date. Sure, he was a bit boring via text, but you figured that not everyone can be as clever and witty as you, and you owed it to yourself not to write him off yet. 
Aegon was sitting on the couch playing video games when you walked down the hallway and into the living room. You had been listening to him chatter with his online friends for the past hour and a half as you got ready for your date; his voice carrying through the thin walls of your shared apartment, hurling profane insults at random children and laughing along with his friends at the crude jokes they’d tell each other (their mother’s would be ashamed). You didn’t look at him when you entered the room, but you could feel his attention immediately shift. 
He paused the game mid-action, pulling his headset loosely around his neck, and turned to look at you. The sudden silence of the room made you hyper-aware of his eyes on you as you made your way into the kitchen to grab your purse from the counter. When you finally turned back to the living room, you finally caught his stare. 
His mouth was slightly agape and he swallowed hard before saying, “Where you off to?”
Without waiting for you to answer, he turned back to his game, pulling his headset back up over one ear so that he could still hear your response. Your shoulders fell just slightly as he turned his back towards you as if he didn’t care to hear the answer at all, as if your sudden appearance hadn't just thrown him completely for a loop and rendered him nearly speechless. 
You straightened up and smoothed your dress and walked over to check yourself in the mirror one last time; delicately fixing a few fly away hairs and ensuring there wasn’t lipstick smeared on your teeth. “I am going on a date,” you told him with more confidence than you actually felt.
There was a brief pause and then he muttered, “A date, huh? Good luck with that.” 
You caught his eyes in the reflection of the mirror and turned to look at him, quirking an eyebrow at the sarcasm in his tone. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was jealous, but that would mean that he actually cared, and you didn’t want to get your hopes up more than they already were. Before you could think too much about it, Aegon quickly looked away, dismissing you as he immersed himself back into his game, seemingly ending the conversation. 
Not sure how to feel, you turned on your heels towards the front door without another word. You had half-hoped that you would have elicited more of a reaction from him by choosing this particular outfit, and couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed by the interaction; chalking it up to him just being a typical, clueless guy who probably didn’t even notice how much effort you had put into looking like that— because none of them ever did. 
“Hey!” Aegon called out just as you stepped into the foyer. You stopped in your tracks, leaning back against the doorframe and cocked your head to the side to see what it was he wanted. “You, uh– you look really nice,” he added, the words tumbling out awkwardly.
You blinked, caught off guard by the sudden compliment. 
"Uh, thanks," you replied bashfully, not knowing what else to say as you tried to ignore the warmth that bloomed in your cheeks.
The moment that you left your apartment you realized that this date was surely pointless, and that was made crystal clear from the second that this Criston guy had slid into the booth across from you more than fifteen minutes late. Despite the fact that he was the one to initiate the date, you were the one who chose the place and time; deciding on a comfortable hole-in-the-wall Italian joint that you enjoyed but didn’t get the chance to frequent often. They had a live jazz band that played on Friday evenings, which was perfect for a first date– intimate enough to set the mood with enough distractions to fill any conversational gaps. 
And unfortunately for you, there were plenty. 
Turns out that Criston was just as dull– if not more so– in person as he was over text. He only spoke when spoken to, answering your questions with stiff, one-word responses that made you feel like you were conducting a job interview rather than enjoying a nice dinner with someone that you were trying to get to know. You did what you could to steer the conversation toward more lighthearted and fun topics, like movies and music– the typical things two people would discuss on a first date– but every attempt was met with a flat, almost disinterested tone. 
By the time the entrees had arrived, you had resigned yourself to the fact that this was a dud, and in doing so, you found yourself retreating to the very thoughts you had set out to avoid– Aegon.
As hard as you tried to stay present, unlike your date, the comparison was unavoidable. Criston’s lackluster personality and quiet brooding left you too much space to think; to imagine Aegon’s laugh, the way he teased you without a filter, making even the most boring moments feel like they had spark. The jazz band was a saving grace– offering you an excuse to zone out during Criston’s long, awkward pauses. But even then, the music seemed to remind you of the nights you'd spent in your shared apartment, secretly listening to Aegon strum his guitar in the other room, filling the air with a familiarity that always made you feel… at home.
Halfway through dinner and long after the conversation had fully flatlined, your date decided that it was time to make his move. He pushed back his chair and stood up, and for a split-second you were expecting that he was going to ask you for a dance, but then he mumbled something about needing to go to the restroom and grabbed his phone and keys before leaving. 
At first, he was headed for the general direction of the restrooms, but quickly- and without hesitation- pivoted towards the entrance; practically jogging out the door, without so much as a glance back in your direction. Instead of feeling the least bit shocked or upset, you just sat there, fork hovering over your plate, staring at the door, thinking to yourself, “well, that tracks.”
Honestly, him leaving mid-meal was probably the best thing that could’ve happened. 
You were off the hook from having to finish this awkward, disaster of a date, and wouldn't have to pretend that you were interested in seeing each other again only to be ghosted later on. You didn’t even mind getting stuck with the bill, knowing that this was the universe doing you a solid, and that you no longer had to waste any more of your evening trying to make small-talk with a guy who clearly had the personality of a brick wall. 
Aegon was in his room when you got home, the soft strumming of his guitar coming to a halt the moment that the door clicked shut behind you. Silence replaced the gentle melody, and you could suddenly feel the weight of the evening's disappointment pressing down on your shoulders. Just as you slipped off your shoes and took a deep breath, Aegon appeared in the hallway, his hair slightly tousled, a hint of curiosity dancing in his eyes. 
“You took a to-go box?” He asked, following you into the kitchen. You sighed in response, not wanting to talk about it. “Inn’t that like the Cardinal Rule of datin’ that you shouldn’t take a box home on the first date?” 
“Considering that I had to pay for both my meal and his as he ghosted me in the middle of dinner, you best believe I brought my leftovers home,” your tone was laced with exhaustion and annoyance, not wanting to be interrogated or lectured. “Just mine though, not his, Alfredo?” 
You shoved the box into his hands and grabbed a wine glass out of the cupboard. 
“Here, let me,” he said softly, setting down the styrofoam box and taking the wine glass out of your hands. “There’s a freshly rolled joint on the livin’ room table, go, put your feet up. I’ll be right behind you.” 
You wanted to protest but Aegon silenced you with one look, gently nudging you towards the living room with his elbow. As you settled into the couch, you could hear him shuffling around the kitchen, the soft clinking of glasses and the low hum of the fridge opening. You stretched your legs, sinking deeper into the cushions, and let out a long, steady breath; shutting your eyes for a moment and allowing yourself to be comforted by the space– the safety of it. This was home. Not the walls or the furniture, but the feeling of it. Strange how it never felt like this until Aegon moved in, at least not that you could remember. And now, he belonged here just as much as you did, his presence somehow made the air feel warmer, more settled.
“Here you are, m’lady,” he said smiling, as he handed you a generous serving of Pinot.
“Mm, thank you,” you smiled as you took the glass and indulged yourself with a long sip. 
Aegon nudged your legs gently, signaling for you to move them, and you obliged with a soft sigh, letting him sit down beside you. As soon as he was settled, he pulled your legs back into his lap, his fingers absentmindedly tracing small circles on your calf. It was a small gesture– simple and unspoken– but it sent an explosion of warmth throughout your body, spreading from where his fingertips grazed your skin and settling deep in your chest. His touch was suddenly all that you could think about, and why is it so warm in here?
You weren’t used to this, not from him—this quiet, effortless closeness. You had never been this physically intimate before, and yet, it didn’t feel awkward or out of place. Instead, it felt... natural. Like some unspoken shift had occurred between you both, and this was just how it was now; the air instantaneously buzzing with a different type of energy. His touch was no longer just a fleeting moment as you moved around each other in the kitchen in the mornings as you fixed your breakfasts before work; it lingered, deliberate, almost soothing. Every soft stroke of his fingers made you acutely aware of how intimate this moment really was.
“So,” he said, turning slightly towards you, draping one arm across the back of the sofa– the other was still placed gingerly on your calf. “You met this guy where? Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Fetish.com?” 
You gave him an immediate side-eye and he smirked. “We met on Hinge.” 
“Interestin’, I thought that one was the more superior app,” he shrugged and took a drink from his glass. “What happened?”
“Other than the fact that he had the personality of a wet napkin?” You sighed, leaning your head back against the cushion. “Honestly, Aegon, I should’ve seen it coming. He was a shit texter, but I kept telling myself maybe he’s just better in person. Nope! Still shit! Truth be told, the most interesting thing he did all night was ghosting me in the middle of dinner.”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head in disbelief. 
“That’s low, even for the sad state of modern dating,” he muttered as his soft smile was replaced with a frown. “I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m sure it was humiliating.”
You replied with a nod, taking another sip of wine. His fingers continued their gentle tracing along your calf and you felt another wave of warmth roll through you, but convinced yourself that it was just the wine. 
“I’m just... over it, you know?”
He only nodded in understanding, allowing a comfortable silence to settle in between the two of you. The sounds of the city drifted in through the open window; the faint murmur of traffic, the distant laughter of a passerby talking on their phone, a warm, late summer breeze stirring the curtains– it all just faded into the background as you became consumed by your thoughts. 
Aegon shifted slightly, his hand still resting on your leg as he set his glass down and reached for the joint on the table. With a flick of his lighter, he lit it and took a slow drag before passing it to you without a word. Your fingers brushed his as you took it from him, the contact lingering longer than it should have, and nearly sending you into cardiac arrest. You brought the joint to your lips, hoping that it would help you calm down before you did something to ruin the moment, and exhaled the smoke with a tiny cough. 
His eyes lingered on you as you took another hit before passing it back to him. You were desperate to know what he was thinking, but you were terrified that if you opened your mouth to ask, every pathetic thought you had about him would come spilling out. 
“Do me a favor, yeah? No more dating apps.” His voice cut through the haze, fingers tracing delicately along the outside of your ankle now. “Those twats online only want one thing and you deserve so much more n’that.”
“Oh, it’s already been deleted,” you grinned, sneaking a glance at him.
“Good,” he smiled and moved to get up off of the couch, you immediately mourned the loss of his touch. “Now if you’ll excuse me, my lovely roommate was nice enough to bring home her leftover Alfredo and I’ve got a serious case of the munchies.” 
You sighed, leaning back against the couch as the harsh reality sank in. 
This wasn’t just a silly little crush anymore– no, there was a reason why every attempt you made to push him away only resulted in him reeling you further in. It was sickening, really, once you realized it and how you suddenly wanted to scream it from every open window. The sensation made your stomach churn and simultaneously gave you butterflies, and goddamnit.
You were so in love with him.
Tag List: @primroseluna, @elllielewiss, @mrs-starkgaryen, @watercolorskyy, @st-eve-barnes, @seaheaded , @roxiphera
Let me know if you would like to be tagged (or un-tagged)
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overlyspecific · 2 days
Part 13 of Merlin Hood
Previous part
Sorry i went a little mia, i got real busy with work and life. hope you enjoy, probably wont be posting super frequently for the foreseeable future.
If Gwaine had known that he would be third-wheeling the most dangerous and idiotic power couple of all time, he probably wouldn’t have said yes to helping the dripping wet greek god of a man at that lake. What can Gwaine say, he has a type and that type seems to be insanely powerful men who only see him as a friend. At least they both are happy with each other.
As soon as Gwaine saw the pure love and devotion in their eyes when Arthur and Merlin looked to each other, he knew he didn’t stand a chance with either of them. But that was okay, Gwaine is good at getting dates and if they made it out the this tomb alive, he would be spending 2 whole weeks in the tavern, to hell with whatever Lance and Merlin thought.
Right now though, he was busy trying not to get blow back against the wall as Merlin’s magic exploded through every surface in the tomb. Unbelievably, the old ruins hadn’t collapsed on all of them and even more unbelievably, his hair still fell flawlessly over his shoulders without a strand out of place.
Gwaine: Hey guys, love the heart to heart and the sentiment and everything, but we should probably get out of here!
Arthur continues gazing down at Merlin like he cant look away.
Gwaine: Guys!
Finally, Arthur looks up and seems to take stock of their surroundings. He picks up Merlin in a way where he is gently laying in his arms and follows Gwaine to the entrance of the ruins.
Merlin: *still glowing as the magic rushes out of him* Arthur.
Arthur: *sweetly* Yes.
Merlin: *softly* you called me love earlier…
Arthur: I did no such thing.
Merlin: you did, you dollophead.
Arthur: Look, Merlin. Can we not argue while you are out of control of your magic and we are trapped in ruins that may rain down on us any minute?
Merlin: I do, too.
Arthur: What?
Merlin: I love you, too.
Arthur: Oh… *trying to act smug but failing because of the besotted expression on his face* well… why wouldn’t you? I am a royal.
Merlin: *under his breath* A royal prat more like…
Crumbling stone and rocks start to collapse all around them and they pick up speed to the entrance to the cave. Arthur sets Merlin down as he looks a bit more lively.
Gwaine: *looks sheepishly at Merlin* So… uh…
Arthur: Really, Gwaine?
Gwaine: Well, how else are we going to get out?
Arthur: You can’t just give him a minute?
Merlin: Its okay, I’m okay.
Merlin’s arm shakes as he raises it at the wall, but its not weakness he feels. Its an abundance of magic dancing through every cell making him feel like he could do anything but overwhelmed by the sheer power. He starts to whisper a spell and only gets a couple words in before the wall is ripped apart.
Gwaine: Damn…could you always do that?
Merlin: I think maybe, but definitely not as easily…
Arthur: Lets get out of here. We can talk about the implications of that later.
The three exit the ruins, and with a lot of arguing, start to head in the direction of Merlin’s forest hideout.
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michellemouse · 2 days
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Yes, I know, Michelle hates half the world... it's part of her nature to be such a hateful person lmfao
Part 1)
Tw: cringe info of a typical Y/N from Wattpad ew big L
The truth is that Michelle doesn't hate Mickey at all, she just pretends to hate and annoy him to get Mortimer to like her. Although it does bother her that Mickey manages to "humiliate" Mortimer, its something she would not tolerate🙅‍♀️ and she tries to defend him from the dwarf rodent
★Mickey Mouse:
In Mickey's pov, he doesn't even understand how someone would be able to fall in love with a narcissist to the point of defending him as much as possible😕 and he ignores all of Michelle's threats since it isn't something that has any effect... she wouldn't even be able to kill a mosquito🦟✨️
★Minnie Mouse:
Minnie is the reason for Michelle's jealousy, envy and low self-esteem💀. Michelle, secretly from Mortimer, wants to show her contempt for the poor little mouse in the same way that Mortimer does with Mickey (but without humor... maybe 40%, Idk🤷‍♀️) Michelle has tried several times to try to make Minnie look ridiculous and get Mortimer to stop being in love with her, but she never wins😔Minnie tries to put up with all the threats that Michelle makes to her and just like Mickey, Minnie makes Michelle lose💪 although... Minnie knows that Michelle can change... that she could give her reasons to improve and change for the better (it's like the phrase: "I can fix you...<3")
★Donald Duck:
Donald's voice is unbearable for Michelle, she isn't even able to stand the bad temper of the grumpy duck, JUST SHUT UP!!😣She also dislikes him for the simple fact that hes Daisy's bf, yes😊
Donald really dislikes Michelle for being a loud and unbearable little girl. If he had to choose between Mortimer's bad jokes or living with her, he would choose to throw himself on the top floor of the House of Mouse😎 Also, Michelle dislikes/hates his gf, Daisy, NOOOOO!!!🤬
★Daisy Duck:
Like Minnie, Michelle hates Daisy for being "pretty" and being one of the second ppl Mortimer ever tried to flirt with (or well...idk)🥶 She also hates her for being Minnie's best friend GRRRR😡
Like Minnie and Donald, she tries to put up with everything about Michelle but either can't stand it and asks Minnie to leave Michelle alone like a idiot🤡 or tries to defend Minnie for being her bestie🥊
★Goofy Goof:
Although Michelle heard or observed how Mortimer manipulates and/or makes Goofy look bad, she tries not to do it and, secretly from Mortimer, becomes a little friend of Goofy😄 Michelle admits that Goofy, knowing his nature, is not a guy who should be judged by her... he's just a very easy guy to manipulate😔 The same thing happens to Goofy, he likes Michelle and like Minnie, he thinks that Michelle has the possibility of changing for the better🫶
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featguler · 3 days
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their own thing ────── brahim tries knocking some sense into you.
⌗ pairing : federico valverde x reader ⌗ tags : reader's gender, ethnicity, nationality, and appearance is not specified. reader is friends with brahim—dare i say, they're best friends. NOT PROOFREAD ignore any grammatical errors!!!! ⌗ wordcount : 880 ⌗ notes : something for good luck for tonight's match!! good luck bous i love you all but i love you most valverde <3 title and quote from gracie abram's in between, this fic is also based on the song!! ♡ masterlist.
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“Do it!”
Brahim groans, letting his body fall back into the cushion as you snuggle your back comfortable on the other side of the couch.
Let’s just say that the two of you have had too much to drink that night, celebrating a particularly tough win, are a little bit tipsy, and fully laughing at whatever stupid shit the other decides to bring up.
And of course, the topic of you and Valverde—Federico, as you and Brahim both address him—comes into your conversation.
Because, how can he not be the hot topic around?
Brahim is proud of himself, often can be found boasting about how perfect the two of you seem together. He saw the vision—the invisible red string connecting you and Federico from one ring finger to the other. He was, naturally, the one to set up the simple three-people brunch, cancelling his half at the last minute; he was also the one encouraging Federico to send you a text after, and the one who urged  you to delete all those stupid dating apps filled with men barely over their previous lover.
And though you kind of—kind of—are grateful for Brahim’s involvement in trying to brighten up your stagnant love life, it can be embarrassing for you. You definitely do not appreciate it most times. Maybe because you and Federico are technically not together yet.
It doesn’t even feel like anything.
You’ve got a huge, fat, heavy crush on Real Madrid’s midfielder, and you aren’t even sure if he likes you back.
Brahim thinks you’re an idiot—but, really, when has he not thought that you’re an idiot?
“Okay,” he fishes his phone out of his left pocket. “I’ll give him a call, and” —
“No!” You jump—attempt to, at least—out to Brahim, but he raises his hand so that you can’t reach to snatch the phone away from his hand.
— “you’ll see! And you’ll see what I’m saying!”
You flop back to your previous position, rolling your eyes as a hiccup escapes your lips, your eyes travelling to the other side of the room.
There Federico is, laughing amongst people you mostly don’t know, looking more handsome under the dim lighting of the pub than you have ever seen him, his hair still tainted in white after dying them a few months back for winning the Champions League. Maybe it’s the alcohol in your system, trying to compel your mind into braving yourself to step into his vicinity and sweep him away, but once you look at him, you cannot look away.
Just as Brahim lets out a laugh, you can see Federico feeling his phone vibrate on the island. He turns it over to see who is calling, and presses on the mute button, placing it back on the cold surface.
“Dick,” Brahim elbows your torso and you try wiggling away from him. “Your turn.”
“This is stupid,” you mutter, this time fishing out your phone with a groan. You watch Federico, your vision blurring as you chug down the shot on the floor table before you.
Clicking on his name on your contact list, you see him visibly sighing, and you bite your lower lip. He follows the same step as he did: flipping the phone over, and scanning the name of this caller.
This time, his eyes widened. You see his back straightening, his shoulder broadening, and his throat clearing. He excuses himself from the seemingly important conversation, places one hand inside of his jacket before taking the call.
Brahim’s elbow digs into your torso as his giggles turn diabolical—you raise a foot to kick his knee away from him. The heat rises, then, from the warmth of the tonic in your stomach, up to your chest, then spreading to your neck and ears and face.
“Hey,” Federico’s voice reaches over to you—you see him looking around the room, scanning the crowd for you. When he sees you, he sends you a sweet smile, his crow feet digging deep into his skin.
He looks so gentle, so sweet. Like his smile could take away any pain simmering down on your life.
“Oh, Federico,” you shoot an attempt at not stammering. “Sorry— I was about to call my mom, clicked on your name by mistake.”
Brahim clutches his knee, and then his stomach, before rolling from the couch to the floor, giggling to the back of his hand.
“Are you leaving already?”
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you answer with a hiccup. Federico maintains eye contact, as though not aware that Brahim is on the floor, dying with laughter when he proves his own theory right once again.
“Need a ride home?”
“No,” you shake your head, sighing in embarrassment, shooting back a shy smile.
“I didn’t drink,” he glances back at the group of people he was talking to. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
You are the first to break the held gaze, glancing down at Brahim before lightly kicking the small of his back. Brahim turns to you, his eyes glazed with tears from laughing too much at his victory.
“If you insist…”
You take a deep breath, blowing it out softly before glancing back up, meeting his eyes exactly where they were when you left them.
“Alright. Sure. Why the hell not.”
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