#he's just also a menace and we love a man with duality <3
tvrningon · 1 year
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so upon reading this lil prompt list, it came to my attention that cyrillo is very into begging! it doesn't even need to be done very much or be particularly desperate -- just hearing his partner's breathy " please touch me/kiss me/etc " is enough to awaken something in him :' ) if his partner does get more desperate, pleading with him in the heat of the moment, i imagine he'll certainly give them what they want ( and that sort of thing will likely help to push him over the edge ).
it's ofc cute to see his partner so worked up that they're nicely asking for his attention, but i definitely think it's more connected to cyrillo's pride and maybe even his possessiveness? bc his partner is begging for his touch. they want him. he's the one who makes them feel good.
while he'll engage in casual relationships, he still likes to be the only one on his partner's mind during sex, and if it's a serious relationship?? oh, he will vocally express that feeling bc to him, that's the thing about commitment. he belongs to them, and they belong to him -- emotionally, that is. which makes for some spicy dirty talk but also!! very mushy and loving speech :' )) cyrillo is gonna be whispering stuff like " you have my heart, only you, it's yours, " against your skin and it's just!! very sweet actually ;v;
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landerspaul · 6 months
just sliding in to say that personally, my favourite coccolino is threatening lederhosen coccolino
see for reference:
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(and links to see these masterpieces: x | x )
also turn your attention to this gif as the menacing lederhosen boy asserts his dominance via fire:
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but hey, we here in the rammstein fandom know it's all for show. he's sunshine itself, after all ;)
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thank you for your time as i spread this wonderful cause :3
OMG THANK YOU! 💌 I appreciate your valuable work! Lederhosen Coccolino must be spread! Wait, that doesn't sound right... 😬 I mean ugh, the cause must be spread! Sorry about that, my brain short-circuited because of your propaganda! I truly value and love the duality of this man, how he is able to both seem threatening but at the same time harmless and angelic.
I would like to join you and assist you in your mission! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و⭐️ ✨️ 💙
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I hereby make an appeal to the whole fandom to join us! The more we are, the better! 🤘🏻 👁👄👁 🤘🏻 Paul, bring this look back for the 2024 tour, please! 🥺
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freelanceexorcist · 6 months
I tagged one of my moots, but is it OK if I complete this myself? No? Too bad, I did.
FFVII spoilers and absolutely obnoxious length under the cut.
Character: Sephiroth, Compilation of FFVII and FFVII Remake trilogy
Do you project onto this character?
Not that I’m aware of.
2. Did you always like this character?
I discovered FFVII not long after Crisis Core came out, so I was late to the party. I was more into his aesthetic at first, but after taking in CC, I really went off over the complexity of the character. Back then, a lot of Big Bads in the media I consumed were straightforward villain types who were just there to menace everyone and be defeated at the end without much development. He was among the first antagonists I encountered who deployed the duality of being a bad, bad man who used to be a good one until he crossed a line he couldn’t easily come back from.
3. What first drew you to this character?
Not gonna lie, it was how he looked at first.
4. Did you initially dislike/hate this character?
5. If this character were a woman, would you honestly still like them? Or in reverse, what if they were a man?
I think I would. I like well-rounded and complex characters. One of my other favorite characters is June Osborne from The Handmaid’s Tale (show canon). She’s a good person deep down and is nurturing to those who need her help, but when it comes to Gilead and its architects, she is ruthless to the point of being terrifying at times. She started out as someone who just wanted to go along to get along, both before and after the fall of the US, and life turned her into a badass.
6. Do you have any nicknames or pet names you use for this character?
I distinguish between the two apparently separate versions in the Remake trilogy as Glenniroth and Jenovaroth. Does that count? I also refer to teenage Sephiroth as Baby Seph.
7. Does the character’s age matter to you?
8. Does the character’s looks/design matter to you?
Absolutely. How can it not? He’s absurdly beautiful.
9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them?
Not really. I’ll have to think about that.
10. Do you see yourself in this character even without projecting?
I’m nowhere near that awesome.
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
Same way you fall in love in real life. You see someone and you’re like “damn.” Then you get to know them better and you’re theirs for life.
12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
As a matter of fact, I have an AU fic in the planning stages that works on the premise that he is removed from the library before he snaps but not before learning a thing or two about his past that really pisses him off. Vincent will be involved in this, but I’m not sure how yet. Because he doesn’t snap and burn Nibelheim, Shinra does it for him.
Professor Hojo’s plan all along was to destroy the town, imprison the survivors and experiment on them, and that’s why he got there so quickly and was seemingly immediately ready to get started. Anyone else in the town would be killed to keep them from telling anyone what they witnessed. He wanted Sephiroth to lose it and do what SOLDIERs do best and destroy shit. When that didn’t happen, he had to improvise and call in a strike team to get the job done (with President Shinra’s blessing of course). The cover story would be that the town was attacked by monsters that were infecting the villagers and the attack was the equivalent of the army nuking a city to contain the zombie apocalypse. With deepest regret, we must announce that our beloved Sephiroth was lost to us in this attack.
Sephiroth’s lack of mental break and survival was a lucky break for Hojo, because he would be able to get his S-cell samples directly from the tap. So orders were given to take him down, severely wounding but not killing him, which would make him easier to handle. He’s ridiculously strong and fast, but he’s not immune to nor can he dodge bullets.
So truss him up, stick him in a mako tube and give him a cocktail of drugs that act as a sort of Lotus Eater Machine where he’s stuck inside his head living the life he though he would have lived if he had successfully deserted from Shinra. It would keep him docile because he would think it was real. But as with any similar scenario, he would eventually realize that none of it is real and that would snap him out of it. He’d bust out, find Zack and Cloud on his way out the door and off they’d go, but not back to Midgar. Zack would head there, but Sephiroth would take Cloud north because he heard that the healers up there know how to alleviate mako poisoning.
Yeah, it’s a work in progress…
At this point, I was thinking of having Sephiroth as the protagonist who travels the world along with other characters he scoops up along the way and Aerith as the deuteragonist in Midgar with Zack, Tifa and Avalanche. Eventually the two groups would meet up.
It’s going to be a series of multi-chapter stories patterned after the “seasons” of a TV show, and each chapter being the “episodes” connected by a story arc. I don’t know how many there will be yet, it will end when I run out of story to tell.
13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character?
Probably scenes from the premise described above.
14. Are you physically attracted to this character?
How can you not be? He’s a total smokeshow.
15. Are your thoughts surrounding this character usually sexual, non-sexual, or a mix of both?
Mix of both, but mostly on the non-sexual end of the spectrum.
16. Have you ever cried when thinking about this character? Genuinely?
No. Not yet, anyway.
17. Have you ever felt physical pain over this character? (ex: physical heartache).
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
Oh, both, but with peace being the ultimate outcome no matter what happens.
19. Does this character serve as a stress ball/ security blanket for you? Something you run to after a bad day to feel safe or happier?
20. Do you feel affectionate towards this character?
I’ll have to think about that one.
21. Are your feelings about this character platonic, romantic, or familial? All of these feelings at once maybe?
Familial toward Baby Seph. I just want to kidnap this kid, send him to school, encourage him to make friends and play video games while I make him lots of pasta as my army of robot snipers protects him. Eat some more pasta, Baby Seph, you look thin.
I suppose my feelings toward the adult version are platonic even though I find him ridiculously attractive. I don’t imagine myself with him, but when I get the occasional hankering for seeing him paired up, I’m partial to Sephiroth/Aerith, maybe Sephiroth/Genesis if the canon dynamics are preserved and I’ve even seen Sephiroth/Tifa done very well.
22. Do you think you will always love this character?
It certainly seems that way now. I’ve loved him since 2007 or so even with very little new content and I seriously doubt there will be no new content after the trilogy ends because Square Enix can practically print their own money thanks in part to him.
23. Has this character permanently altered or impacted your psyche in a way you won’t forget?
If that’s a way of saying I’ve got permanent Sephiroth brain rot, then yes.
24. Do you ever dream about this character? If so, describe a dream you once had about them.
I can’t say I have. I don’t dream much and when I do it’s usually about me and my mom fighting. They say dreams about dead loved ones are them coming back to visit, and it’s just like her to use the opportunity to give me a hard time.
25. What kind of fan-fiction do you read about this character? If you don’t read fan-fics about them, why not?
Gen fics, but the occasional pairing as well. I’m partial to ones that take place pre-Nibelheim and show the “slice of life” scenarios with or without the rest of the Himbo Holy Trinity or Zack. AU fics where Nibelheim is averted and his life goes in a different direction. AU fics where he does do a Face-Heel Turn but works with various other main characters because he’s acting out of Enlightened Self-Interest (the fic Epiphany on AO3 does a great job of portraying him this way but unfortunately it appears to have been abandoned by the authors).
I tend to avoid the ones where he’s portrayed as the usual monstrous villain. I can get that from canon and I haven’t seen many where the author goes outside the lines.
26. If you look for this character’s name on AO3, what tags are you including or excluding?
Sephiroth Needs a Hug, Sane Sephiroth, AU, Alternate Timeline are usually included. I exclude many of the pairings, but only because it makes for more efficient scrolling when gen fic is what I’m most interested in. I don’t bother to exclude the rare ones for that reason, because there aren’t many of those.
27. Do you like to ship this character with other characters or do you prefer not to?
When I get a yen for it, I’m partial to Sephiroth/Aerith. I’ve even seen Sephiroth/Tifa done very well. I could even get into a Sephiroth/Original Character ship if the OC is an actual functional character and not an obvious self-insert. Nothing against that, I’m just a little allergic because of all the blatant Mary Sues running around back in the day.
28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why?
Sometimes, but I keep it to myself. It’s just aggravating when people seem to deliberately misread him and act personally offended when he gets any kind of character development because they want to stay forever mad at him for killing Aerith. Like, any new developments for him don’t negate the existence of the original game, folks. I don’t even bother checking if anything on TV Tropes gets updated regarding him, because that place is crawling with those types. And don’t even get me started on those people who accuse you of Draco in Leather Pants-ing him anytime they see a take that isn’t “he’s evil and I hate him!” And then there are the folks who feel the need to point out his bad deeds any time they see a fan gushing over him. We all saw the same media, chief, we know what he did. Do you want us to call 911 over it?
29. Do you affectionately bully this character?
30. Are you especially sensitive about this character?
A little bit, but I keep that to myself as well.
31. Are you ashamed of liking this character?
HELL no. I wear my Sephiroth brain rot like the Medal of Honor.
32. If you could make this character a meal, what would you make them?
Shrimp scampi. I hear he likes seafood and pasta. I’ve also heard that if you and someone else both eat something with a lot of garlic, you won’t smell each other’s garlic breath. If we have to shack up until we could sound the All Clear on the breath front…
33. Are you “blinded by love” for this character or do you accept any flaws they may have?
Mass murder aside, I embrace his flaws. Flaws make for a well-rounded and complex character.
34. Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life?
The opposite happens, actually. You know those posts I make sometimes where I have Sephiroth losing his shpadoinkles not because of anything he read in the library but because he finally had enough of That Fuckwit from Field Services’ emails and Teams messages and ridiculous demands? All of those have happened in my professional life. If you hear about a small town in Southwestern Pennsylvania burning to the ground*, it’s because I stopped writing posts like that.
*No, I would never do something like that in real life. Most likely not. The fate of hundreds is in your hands, Fuckwit from Field Services.
35. Has this character ever prevented you from sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about them?
Nah, thinking about the plot bunnies hopping through my head that were inspired by him is my melatonin.
36. Do you feel a spiritual/soulmate connection with this character?
No, I tend not to do that with fictional characters, even ones I’m as obsessed with as Sephiroth.
37. Is your love for this character a secret from people you know in real life?
Yes, but mostly because no one I know in real life knows who the hell he is. Most of them have heard of Final Fantasy, but that’s about as far as it goes.
38. Do you tend to joke more about dying or killing for this character? Both? What causes the distinction?
Neither. I mostly joke about him losing his shit because of fictional versions of one or two incredibly aggravating and demanding work colleagues. For the sake of me continuing to receive a paycheck and staying out of prison, this will be my outlet when Janice and Keith are on a roll.
39. Do you feel lovesick over this character?
No, he’s not real.
40. Are you very empathetic towards this character? When they feel a certain way in the story, do you feel those emotions too?
Yes, definitely.
41. Do you prefer to interact with this character directly via self-insert/reader type content? Or do you enjoy seeing them mostly with other characters in the story and/or your OCs?
I don’t consume much Sephiroth/Reader content, but I’ll have to check it out. As for OCs, the story I’m thinking about will have three prominent OCs and yes, they will also be products of Project S. In my idea, there were originally 10 S-types including Sephiroth. Two of them didn’t survive infancy and four were lost in various battles during the war. The remaining three are scattered to the four winds when the story starts. They and Sephiroth are connected in a way that they can sense each other but can’t pinpoint a precise location. I’m playing with the idea of a romance between him and one of them, but whether that gets included depends on how it will enrich the plot or move it forward.
42. If you could, would you write this character a song or poem?
I suck at poetry or songwriting, but get me speculating about something related to him or his place in the story and I could go on for hours.
43. What type of weather makes you think of this character?
Hot weather, because I HC that he doesn’t like it. Which made me come up with the following scenario of the Himbo Holy Trinity and Zack goofing off on a message forum one day:
Angeal: Seph, you need to take a vacation. How about a few days in Costa del Sol?
Sephiroth: Too hot.
Zack: hot damn…
Angeal: And my band ‘bout that money, break it down
Genesis: Girls, hit your hallelujah
Zack: Woo!
Sephiroth: *posts video of Uptown Funk* And if I have to have that song in my head for the rest of the day, so do all of you.
44. Which season makes you think of this character?
Hm, I haven’t thought about that.
45. Do you feel as if you are intimately familiar with this character?
A little. Enough that I can recognize subtle things about him.
46. How much do bad interpretations of this character upset you?
Not upset so much as aggravated. Some takes seem so deliberately bad that it’s so obvious they’re comically exaggerating his bad traits just so they can continue to hate him for killing Aerith.
47. Does this character ever make you laugh sincerely?
@rottenpumpkin13 ’s takes on his and the boys’ shenanigans sure have me laughing out loud most of the time!
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
I love the Remake trilogy’s design for him. Everything about it is just *chef’s kiss*
49. What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
Pre-library, the way he showed such kindness and protectiveness to the people whose safety he was responsible for. The look on his face after he failed to save that security officer and the way he shook his head after he put the mission on hold to look for him and had to report that he wasn’t found was heartbreaking.
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
This song really makes me think of him. I deliberately chose the Limp Bizkit cover over the original version from The Who because the cover adds a new verse that I think describes him very well (apologies in advance for any unskippable ads).
No one knows what it’s like to be mistreated
To be defeated
Behind blue eyes
No one knows how to say that they’re sorry
And don’t worry
I’m not telling lies
But a verse from the original that isn’t in the cover fits as well
If my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
If I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool
If I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
If I shiver please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat
Oh, and did you know that Behind Blue Eyes was originally written as part of a rock opera Pete Townshend wrote after Tommy? It was called Lifehouse. There were a few live shows at the Young Vic Theater, but the project was eventually aborted and some of the songs from it ended up on other albums. Behind Blue Eyes was on Who’s Next.
In the rock opera, the song was sung by Jumbo, the main antagonist, a dictator who tightly controlled the entertainment that the public consumed, and rock and roll was considered barbaric. The hero was the leader of a resistance group who embraced rock and roll and tried to push it to the masses.
Behind Blue Eyes is sung by the antagonist when he realizes that he’s seen as the villain when up until that point, he though his intentions were good. It’s described as a first-person lament.
Sound like someone we know? Sure it does.
Anyway, this is more than long enough. Thank you for sticking around if you’ve made it this far and I hope the rest of your day/evening is peaceful.
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Round 7 - Canada
oh man I have SUCH vivid memories of watching this race live at the time. This was back when my Mum and my Step-Dad were still just dating, and we alternated weekends of either staying at my Step-Dad’s or him and my Step-Brother staying with us (not really relevant, but anyway). Time differences being what they are, the Canada race start is early evening UK time, which is when most people would be sitting down for dinner.
And my Step-Dad, bless his heart, saw how excited I was to be watching F1 again after so many years, said it was fine for me to have my dinner in the living room so I could watch the race (I mean, the layout of his house meant that the kitchen and living room were right next to each other, but the sentiment still meant a lot 😭)
ANYWAY, this was Seb’s first win in Canada (a very sexy lights to flag win, we love to see it), and the race that I decided to start supporting Seb - not because he won, but bc I felt bad for him being booed on the podium. AND we get a Sewis podium. So I’m beyond excited to watch this one back!
“It’s one of two tracks on the current calendar he [Seb] hasn’t won at” KING SHIT
iirc the other track was Catalunya? I could be wrong
anyway starting grid:
Seb on pole 🥰
Lewis P2, a Sewis front row my beloved 💖
Bottas P3. In a Williams (it was a wet quali)
JEV P7!!!
Dan P11 and Jenson P14. pain.
Helmet watch: Seb has a v sexy charcoal/gunmetal grey helmet. 
[Formation Lap]: All but 4 cars starting on the super softs
cut to Claire Williams bc it was Williams’ first P3 in yonks, bless
[Start/Lap 1]: Seb just shot off the start line, that’s my boy!!!!
Lewis holds P2, and Rosberg and Webber both jumped Bottas
[Lap 2]: looooads of shuffling about in the midfield 😵‍💫
Seb already has a 2.7 second lead dbvuuhdfbuhd
He really said you can fight me for this win at your peril
[Lap 3]: ...and Seb fastest lap 😅
oh man the replay of Bottas v Alonso 👌
[Lap 6]: And Jev takes P6 for Bottas
Sutil got tapped into a spin, and somehow no one drove into him 😳
[Lap 7]: and to make his afternoon worse Maldonado just lightly drove into his rear with a small amount of carbon fibre confetti
[Lap 8]: Seb watch: his gap to Lewis is now 4.4 seconds.
Man it is very weird to hear GP on Di Resta’s radio sdvhduvhdf
[Lap 10]: Worth adding that Lewis also has a 4+ second gap over Rosberg so he and Lewis are just in their own little races while everyone else fights over the rest of the points 
Not the replay of Seb brushing against the concrete barriers, my blood pressure did not enjoy that
[Lap 11]: Jev in P6 and Dan in P8, now that’s MY Scuderia Toro Rosso
[Lap 13]: Jenson’s down in 12th 🥲
But Seb’s gap over Lewis is now 7.8 seconds. The duality of faves.
[Lap 15]: Rosberg pits from P3 and stays in front of Webber
“I want 3-4 laps at this pace.” “I’m pushing.” Bono and Lewis just doing Bono and Lewis things.
[Lap 16]: Seb pits for a set of mediums, as does Alonso
[Lap 18]: Rosberg’s brakes are apparently overheating, bc that’s what you want to hear in Canada of all tracks
Lewis still hasn’t pitted yet
Jenson into P10!!! But he’s yet to stop :(
[Lap 19]: and Lewis pits for the mediums, he comes out in P2.
“His [Lewis’] only problem is Sebastian Vettel” Just Seb and Lewis things: being a thorn in the other’s side (affectionate)
[Lap 21]: 10.9 second gap between Seb and Lewis. sheesh.
Seb really said I gotta go fast fast
[Lap 23]: Not related to anything happening on track, but the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve is very pretty, easily one of my favourites on the calendar
Plus, for me at least, it’s one of the tracks where I just really enjoy watching a car do a lap, it’s a really great circuit
[Lap 24]: The gap between P1 and P2 is now 13.5 seconds. Thirteen point five.
He just set a 1:18.4
I mean I utterly adore him, but also holy shit
That’s my beloved menace to society 💖
[Lap 27]: Rosberg and Webber continue to scuffle over P3
But suddenly: Alonso
(jaws music plays in the background)
[Lap 28]: Pros of Seb shooting off into the distance: it’s sexy as hell. Cons: There are only fleeting glimpses of him on the TV feed 😭
but GOD I’d really missed him goating like this
[Lap 30]: The gap is 17 seconds, if anyone was wondering.
But Alonso has properly joined the battle for P3. 
A Merc, a Red Bull and a Ferrari all competing for a podium place. Not to be a grandma on main but these really were the good old days.
[Lap 31]: and Webber finally passes Rosberg, and Alonso does the same into turn 1
[Lap 32]: Seb sighting!!!!
He is still going very, very fast 🏃‍♂️
[Lap 33]: A Webber fastest lap as he tries to catch Lewis
[Lap 35]: I fear I’m going to jinx it even though this is a ten year old race replay, but we still have all 22 cars in the race.
Jev still in P6 🥰
[Lap 36]: aaaand we’re passed half-distance
and van der Garde in not quite letting Webber properly past has given him some front wing damage 😬
unsurprisingly, he’s being investigated for ignoring blue flags
It means that Alonso has really closed up to the back of Webber as a result
[Lap 39]: But they’re both catching Lewis at a decent rate of knots
[Lap 42]: and Alonso gets past Webber into turn 1
and GOSH the prospect of a Seb, Lewis, Alonso podium. Very iconic.
[Lap 43]: another Seb sighting!!!
still going fast, keeping up the good work
dfvhfduvgsd he’s lapped everyone up to P7, this is such a peak Seb drive.
I do see why 16yo me decided ‘I want to support that one’ 😅
[Lap 45]: 8.4 second gap between Lewis and Alonso 👀
[Lap 46]: and another Seb fastest lap
he is currently collecting them like pokemon
“We are racing Jenson.” not more McLaren on McLaren violence I’m not sure if I can take it
[Lap 47]: van der Garde’s very bad, not good race: he is currently driving around with his front wing stuck under his car
(which tbf, is not safe practice, pull over dude)
ah he had an incident with Hulkenberg who has also DNFd
[Lap 49]: and Lewis pits for another set of mediums, he stays in P2
oh gosh the irony of him coming out in-between and lapping the two McLarens
And in comes Seb, also for mediums
and a replay of a very back lock up for Rosberg, I did think it was Lewis for a second because of the almost matching yellow helmets.
[Lap 51]: Hmm, the gap between Lewis and Alonso is now around 6 seconds
another Seb sighting, he went wide at turn 1. Keeping himself humble.
[Lap 53]: oh wild the Lewis v Alonso gap is now about 3 seconds.
[Lap 54]: No one tell Seb that Alonso just got the fastest lap I fear rage
[Lap 55]: Someone told Seb, he’s setting purple sectors.
[Lap 57]: And the Lewis v Alonso gap is 1.7 seconds...
“Please just let me drive man.” Lewis is apparently not very interested in rev counts and temperatures. Poor Bono.
[Lap 58]: and apparently Rocky asked Seb “are you listening?” when he told Seb not to chance the fastest lap. Rocky and Bono should have started a race engineer support group for stubborn drivers.
[Lap 59]: ...and Alonso has caught up to the back of Lewis
this will either be spicy or messy
please don’t be messy
[Lap 60]: I am slightly too nervous to type
[Lap 62]: Lewis still in P2 for now
oh good grief they went side by side into the hairpin
[Lap 63]: aaaand Alonso gets the pass done into turn 1
whew, they very nearly made contact down the main straight
that was stressful
fun, but stressful
[Lap 64]: Seb has a 19 second hap on Fernando, and Lewis has an 8 second gap over Webber, so I think the podium places are pretty safe to stay as is
Lewis is still trying to chase Fernando down though
[Lap 65]: oh they made contact again, Lewis lost a tiny bit of front wing
[Lap 66]: oh dear Gutierrez in the barriers at turn 1, he’s okay
[Lap 68]: tag yourself edition - Adrian Sutil has been: spun round, driven into, and given a drive through penalty, and he’s somehow still in P10.
[Lap 69]: And I think the grid has finally settled down.
[Lap 70]: FINAL LAP!!!
lol as I say the grid as settled Massa gets past Raikkonen for P8.
and another fastest lap for Webber.
and Seb has set a purple sector 1 🤣
[Finish]: AND SEB WINS!!!!!! 
Alonso P2, Lewis P3, Webber P4, Rosberg P5, JEV P6!!!!, Di Resta P7, Massa P8, Raikkonen P9 and Sutil P10.
Wow Seb had lapped everyone bar the top 5. KING SHIT. And turns out Austin was the one track Seb/Red Bull hadn’t won at at this point. But WHEW that was such a goat drive from Seb, he finished 15 seconds ahead of Alonso in the end.
And also the absolute iconic as shit of a Seb, Alonso and Lewis podium. At this point in time they had 6 WDCs between them, if that podium was repeated this year it would be double that. Legen-fucking-dary.
Next race up is Great Britain!
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baeshijima · 3 days
I NEED TO WATCH THE DONGHUA i told myself that i will... and never got around it 😭 i could read the entire novel in like 10 days including a one day break (haha... blackwater arc...) and yet i cant get myself to watch a single episode 😞 duality of a man
hualian is rly just having their little love story full of yearning and pining whle everyone else around them suffer </3 they didn't want us to be happy for too long i fear. we had to feel xie lian's pain or something because that man didnt catch a break in his life either 😭😭
YEAH RIGHT like i understand he xuan. i really do. i would be absolutely furious if someone just stole the life i was meant to have?? not to mention the terrible TERRIBLE fate his family and he xuan himself suffered... no revenge would be enough ngl </3 which really makes me wonder if he felt any kind of true satisfaction after doing it??? the man that ruined his life is dead and his life purpose has been fulfilled, but also sqx suffered a LOT because of that and... man he was innocent at the end of the day!! how do you move on from that!! especially since his relationship with sqx was already so complicated...
it makes me think how swd and hx are kinda similar honestly AAAA moving past the obvious that both are related to water (and funnily enough both sink ships but for different reasons), they both were willing to do a lot for people they care about... swd with the entire fate switching thing to ensure sqx lives a good life, hx with all the things he did during his mortal life to try to help his family... and they both kept things hidden from sqx 😔
DONT EVEN REMIND ME OF THIS AUGHHHH "you called the wrong person" man do you want me to cry. i think yes HAHSHSH IT PAINS ME SO BADLYYY absolutely heartbreaking moment, heart shattered into many pieces dont talk to me im unwell!! i haTE IT THEREEE
THE ART IS SO PRETTY BUT IT HURTSSSS literally cries and evaporates. sqx come on come here im gonna give you a hug MANY HUGS HE NEEDS THEM!!!! need to have a talk with mxtx because he went through all that FOR WHAT
... 😃😃 i do not wish to be a part of this symphony bye bye! count me out! i need to know what inspired that person to do this and have a nice talk why would they do that 😭😭😭 theres nothing sparkles dolphins happiness about beefleaf only despair anguish suffering and my tears
PLS i watched the donghua first when it first released on netflix like a year or two ago and then discovered there was a whole set of novels for the series and my life hasnt been the same since 🧍‍♀️ but yes same here... i really should just set aside time to reread the novel and refresh everything despite all the tears i most definitely will be shedding for the characters ;w;
fr 😭 honestly very much in love with the audio and art choice for the hualian drama tho bc it has both that romantic devotion of hua cheng + xie lian coming to terms with the fact he wanted this, as well as that eerie feeling that smth isnt quite right mainly with hua cheng and his condition + the dark stylistic choice of the art... huhu love it so much .... also qi rong was so 😭😭 he was such a menace i was crying
NO BC??? he xuan having to watch all of that happen to him and his family, watch someone else take the life meant for him, as his whole world comes crashing down from the unjustified deaths of his family and then himself, and then having to watch that person who ended up living his life be so carefree and innocent not knowing what it cost to live as such??? man. i genuinely cannot even begin to fathom how much pain and anguish and grief is in him. and then growing to care for that person, or at least the unyielding kindness in which they showed, must have been another blow to his grief and everything he stood for ;w;
and gosh my baby shi qingxuan basically being the collateral in this scenario and still being willing to accept death as punishment despite not being the one at fault, but if it meant atoning for the sins /him/ and his brother committed to hx and his family then he would go through with it.... and him rather choosing the option to sacrifice himself and switch his fate for one of the other souls as opposed to beheading shi wudu, arguing that its better to live a worse life then die a good life while swd is trying to get him to commit the alternative option bc a life without his brother is a life worse than death itself and he would rather die than see sqx become what would have been, only to switch up after and try to take them both down together bc he was convinced sqx wouldnt be able to live 😭
AND THEN when hx literally um. yknow. to swd arm to separate him from sqx while. um. yknow. despite wanting them both to suffer in some way, but ended up showing that, in his own way, he didnt want sqx to be in pain. sqx screaming crying and basically throwing up definitely moved him even tho he said he wouldnt be moved, and it showed esp during that scene 😭 i think swd picked up on that too bc he started laughing and taunting hx ("what are you laughing at?"//"i laugh at you, thinking you have the upper hand!") into killing him so that sqx wouldnt have to, betting on the fact he could create a third option by using the care hx undeniably has for sqx... he may have been a shitty person, but swd was a great brother ;w;;
also the fact that hx was literally in a lose-lose situation bc he gave them two options and told them they could only pick from those, only to lose composure when swd tried to take both him and sqx down, then got taunted by swd laughing at his misfortune and getting the last laugh while sqx is desperately begging him to stop talking and provoking hx, ultimately leading into hx killing swd himself, and then having to see sqx lose his will to live.... ourgh.... and dont even get me started on the fact he couldnt even move on as a ghost despite fulfilling his meaning for existence (the revenge), and how sqx is basically whats kept him tethered down but he can only watch from the sidelines as sqx lives his life... they shouldve just talked gdi.......
swd: he (sqx) really knew nothing from beginning to end! hx: that's why he's even more hateful! why doesn't he know?!
hx: i gave you a chance!
the chance(s) in question probably not even being made clear to sqx and it was just hx assuming that sqx would know it was a "it's me or your brother" kinda choice but each to their own hx ;w;
swd: ...but qingxuan's crime is not punishable by death, you... hx: then who among my family of five is guilty? who should die?
WHEN I SAY THIS BROKE ME I MEAN THIS SHATTERED ME !!! swd saying sqx doesnt deserve to die and hx retaliating with the "then did my entire deserve their unjustifiable deaths?!" will never not destroy me and having heard it in the ad... its a whole other type of depression on god
hx: do you have anything to say? sqx: ...i want to die. hx: dream on.
laughing through the pain like genuinely. it was so foul to have the hualian teehee but also not really teehee but still very much teehee scene and then go straight into beefleaf depression what is life what is the point of life why am i here just to suffer scene...
(we ignore the one para of hualian compared to the beefleaf essay bc hualian is a whole other bag i am not ready to open with everything they have going on 🧍‍♀️ i need another five years at least to mentally and emotionally recover from the blackwater arc audio drama 🧍‍♀️)
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jeonsbwi · 2 years
Hello ari! This is your bangtan secret valentine ❤️ I hope you’re doing well? I’m so very excited to get to know you a little better and make you something full of l♡ve soon. A little birdie already told me a few things about you, and I was happy to see that we like quite a few of the same things; I love the same eras and songs you do (you have an excellent taste hehe), and I also love green! I see that your biases are taehyung and jeongguk – I’m dying to know why! What makes you love them? Do you have favourite eras for each of them, or looks you just can’t get enough of? Are there special moments that just make your heart melt? Tell me all the taekook ari facts! All the best, 💌
omg hi!! i'm doing very well, thank you, sweet one 🥺 i also hope you're doing amazing! aaah are you perhaps… my twin? you have no idea how giddy it makes me that we share various favorite things <3 (since i have excellent taste, that means you do too 😌)
oh, oh, no one's actually asked me that question before so i'm very excited to answer it!! i'll break it down into two paragraphs for each of them since it might be a lot of info! i'm also horrible with describing my feelings with words, i apologize in advance 😭
jungkook: initially, my bias in bts was yoongi, but i had taken a year break from bts due to some things happening in my life at the time. when i returned, jungkook truly stole my heart. i considered myself yoongi biased when i made my return but god… every time i looked at jungkook, it's like he was reaching out to me. from that moment, i knew i was doomed. i'm in love with him. i love the way his big, doe eyes grow wide and sparkle like stars in the night sky, i love when he spaces out in the middle of nowhere (i want to pick his brain to know what gets him in such a trance), i love his pretty nose scrunches when he's smiling. i love how he time and time again shows how much he loves armys (he tattooed us on his hand!!!!) and his hyungs!!! how he puts his 110% into everything that he does makes me want to work harder/become a better person myself. his competitiveness is also very endearing to me. the man simply hates losing and i respect that!! like idk man, he's just so good, so talented. in the famous words of kim taehyung, "the best voice in korea as far as i'm concerned." (HE'S RIGHT BTW) not only is he amazing at singing, but dancing?! his stage presence?! he's an ace. my heart swells up with adoration when i look at/think of him. looking at him makes me cry a little. sometimes (all of the time) i want to take his face into my hands to shower him with forehead and cheek kisses. that's my baby star candy!!! if i could put him in my pocket, i would. cutest, handsomest, most talented boy jeon jungkook protection squad <3333 would risk it all for him, i mean it.
fave jungkook eras/looks: 190811 jungkook (listen… this is where he started being a menace to me and was like "ari, you can't ignore me!" and i said "i accept defeat"), gq jungkook where he's wearing the black turtle neck (he looked so good please </3), dicon x bts jungkook shoot where he's wearing the black leather jacket in one pictorial and a white, fluffy sweater in the other (HIS DUALITY!!!). map of the soul on:e jungkook (concert & photobook). also, anything involving softboy looks is good to me. i love, love, love soft, prettyboy!jungkook looks. for favorite eras, ly: tear, ly: answer, mots7, and butter era jungkook are my top fave!
taehyung: this man creeped up on me when i least expected it. he slithered into my heart, created a home out of it, and has resided there since. i really knew taehyung became my 2nd ult when i saw a picture of him smiling on my tline only to burst into tears (jvngoo can vouch for this, she was on the phone with me when it happened). seeing taehyung happy makes me teary eyed for the simple fact that happiness looks good on him. he deserves everything good in the world!!! i have this need to protect him because i do feel like a couple of people misunderstand him due to his resting facial expression and how he's grown more quieter than when he was younger. taehyung is SUPER sweet, caring, and thoughtful. an actual angel. i hate when anyone believes otherwise. his love and respect for his work, his members, his fans (HE CREATED BORAHAE!!! AN INNOVATOR!!!!), his family, and his friends is quite evident 💜 i, too, want to to take him into my pocket with jungkook and keep them there forever. my favorite things about taehyung are when he gets shy from compliments, his tete mic faces and his bREAD CHEEKS!!! BREAD CHEEKS FOR DAYS!!!!! how do you expect me not to become emotional when he's giving me bread cheeks, you know? let me also bring up how talented he is. blue & grey, singularity, stigma, sweet night, snow flower, inner child, christmas tree, winter bear?! oh, and before i forget, KING OF STAGE PRESENCE???? yeah, that's my man! nobody does it like him! tbh would 10/10 d*e for him if he asked me to. would do it even if he didn't (i love him, i do, i do).
fave taehyung eras/looks: 2020 grammys taehyung. ly: her, ly: tear, mots7, dynamite, proof, and butter are some of my fave taehyung eras. map of the soul on:e taehyung (concert and photobook). VOGUE KOREA TAEHYUNG!! HIS PHOTOPHOLIO SHOOTS!!! i have so many more fave looks from taehyung, but my brain is a little fried rn. if he has black or blonde/light colored hair, i more than likely enjoy it!
taekook moments that melt my heart:
in the soop s2 when taehyung pleads for jungkook to cook for him, and jungkook is like "how are you going to live your life (if you can't cook)?" but ends up cooking for him anyway <3
may 5th, 2020 taekook vlive. self explanatory. (i clicked the vlive notification that said they were live and screamed when i saw it was them lmfao)
all taekook interactions during the PTD concerts!!!
the live where taehyung and jungkook said they're fire and water, and that they need each other to keep the other grounded :(((( (their bond is everything to me)
this particular fansign: 1 + 2 (THEY WERE BABIES, PLEASE!!!!)
when they mimick each other's actions or facial expressions!!! CTRL + C/CTRL + V DUO!!!!
all taekook interactions tbh, i'm not picky, i'll take EVERYTHING!!!!!! bc everything they do tgt makes my heart beat with joy!
i didn't mean for this to be so long, i'm very sorry 🥹 got carried away. i hope you enjoy reading my dump of feelings and that your questions have been properly answered, sweet one <3 thank you for coming into my inbox, and don't be afraid to return!
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headoverjojo · 4 years
Hey, can I get Narancia, Gyro, and Okuyasu w/ a S/O that's really fuckin intimidating (Like, they've got scars, is generally quiet & stoic, looks like they can and would kill a man, ect.) but in private they're just super soft and gentle with their bf?
Hello hello! Hm! Absolutely yes :3 Here we go, dear! I hope you’ll like it :3
Okuyasu Nijimura, Narancia Ghirga and Gyro Zeppeli with a s/o who is really intimidating but in private is super soft and gentle with their partner
(Under the cut for length!)
Okuyasu Nijimura
To people who don’t know him, Okuyasu seems quite intimidating, so, let’s say, no one is surprised to see him going out with a person as intimidating as he is. The truth, however, is definitely different: Okuyasu is a sweet golden boy, even sweeter than Koichi, who seems so nice and harmless! Just his friends know his real nature, however, but he doesn’t mind; he doesn’t care about what people think about him, as long as his friends love him as who he is! This said, even Okuyasu’s friends were a little intimidated by his s/o. They were even scarier than him! Their forehead was always a little frowned, their lips bent in a serious line, and they had scars on their arms and even a couple on their face! And, sometimes, when they make a little stupid joke, they glance at them like they are ready to snap them in half… and with those muscles, even Josuke would risk a good snap! But, when they talk to Okuyasu about their impressions on them, Okuyasu just smiles, shaking his head and telling them that they are more than what they think!
And he is right: his s/o is as sweet and caring as he is, when they are alone. It’s quite amazing to see how much they shift when they’re alone: the frown is replaced with a quiet and serene smile, and their stoic and unsettling silence with soft and sweet words. Okuyasu always thinks they have the sweetest voice in the whole world, and when he says it they always huff a laugh, while blushing. Okuyasu is the only person who can see them like this: soft, open, like they are for real. He doesn’t force them to show this side of them, if they’re not comfortable to do so; he knows how it feels to be looked at with fear and suspicion. If this affects his s/o, then he does everything he can to remind them that they’re not as other people think! He knows that they have a good and golden heart, that they would do anything for people who they care for, that they are the best person he knows! This always makes them smile and even tear up a little, while Okuyasu gently hugs them, caressing their back. He loves them so much that sometimes it even hurts!
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia’s s/o is everything he’d like to be: tall, intimidating, stoic. People take more seriously his s/o, a civilian, than him, a real mobster! Sometimes his teammates too joke about it, especially Mista, making Narancia complain and grumble, while his s/o remains silent and with a dark look on their face, making, soon enough, them shiver. Their eyes are so sharp and serious… even they, experienced mobsters who have faced too many enemies, are quite scared of them! They seem to be absolutely able to snap their back with their bare hands… the only one who isn’t scared even a little is Narancia. Around them he’s bubbly and lively as always, dragging them around, laughing and joking as he always do with everyone. He doesn’t seem to be discouraged by their constant frown and silence, as everyone else would. He’s just happy to be around them! And, with time, he also learned not to envy their height or menacing appearance, especially when he finally knew them as they were for real; he felt like he was falling in love with them again!
The first time he actually witnessed how they were for real, when they were alone, he was almost too surprised to speak. The change was incredible: their usual stoic and expressionless face was graced by a soft smile and a sparkle of quiet joy lighten their eyes. When they are alone, they laugh and joke with him as much as he does with them, and they love when Narancia cuddles them! They’re always the little spoon, when they cuddle; Narancia loves to hold them tight, softly caressing their hair and tracing their scars, while they relax in his arms. And, with them, Narancia knows he can actually be vulnerable, when he feels like it’s too much to bear; they quietly listen to him, gently caressing his hands, and talk with him in order to find a solution to his problems and fears. No one but Narancia knows for real how gentle and kind they can be, and Narancia feels honored and lucky to have this privilege. He treasures their real, gentle nature, cherishing them and doing everything in his power to make them smile. They’re his joy and happiness!
Gyro Zeppeli
Gyro may pass as a laid back, even, sometimes, heartless cowboy, but who’s near him, as Johnny, knows that he is more than that. His feelings are deep, and his past forged him in the man he is: lethal and serious, and at the same time silly and friendly. He isn’t bothered by this duality; it’s what makes him himself. And, so, he isn’t bothered when he finds out that his precious s/o shares with him this sort of duality. The first time he introduced them to Johnny, the only thing the young Joestar remembered was that they were… menacing. They were tall and serious, covered in scars -and he shivered even just thinking about how they had got them-, and it seemed that a wrong word was enough to make them snap someone’s neck without batting an eyelash. Their silence and sharp gaze were imposing and Johnny, even with all his cockyness, was intimidated. Gyro, however, seemed not to be affected by his s/o’s menacing behaviour, and with reasons; he knew how they were for real, when they were alone at their home, and it was the sweetest thing in the whole world.
He wasn’t really surprised when he saw their shift when they finally were alone. He had seen a little glimpse of their real softness and kindness even outside, even if it was visible just to him; he knew where he had to watch, all in all. He loves to see how they visibly relax and soften, when they’re at home together, and how they love to cover him with attentions, as much as he does with them. In every gesture is treasured the immense love they feel for each other; every caress, every kiss, every dish is given with love and devotion. When Gyro feels down -when, sometimes, the world feels too heavy, too dark-, they’re with him, quietly talking to him and helping him to chase away the clouds that darken his heart; they support him and his silly songs; they’re here to laugh with him and to give him all the love, the kisses and the cuddles he missed so much in his life. And he’s here for them too; every time they’re sad, he finds a way to make them laugh and smile; when they’re tired, he prepares for them a relaxing bath and a comfy meal; he treasures his s/o, as they’re the most important thing in his life.
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icedcappujaeno · 6 years
fish, knives, and everything nice with: taeyong
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A story of your adventures with your dog and the gang leader next door.
→ genre: fluff, slight angst → words: 5.5k → pair: gang leader!Taeyong & doctor!reader
warnings: assaulting, knives, violence, smoking
( a/n: It’s finally done! goodbye writer’s block--hopefully. I’ve always wanted to write something revolving around Taeyong’s duality, and I hope you all enjoy reading this! also, sorry for mobile users. i really am. it frustrates me too. )
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“Oh my god, Fish! Did you eat my slippers again?!”
You won’t really consider your day-off as a day of relaxation – clearly, it was the other way around.
The one pair of your newly bought flip-flops was now in your dog’s mouth, chewing on its rubbery goodness as one of its straps is almost at the edge of its end.
You pulled the lone flip-flop and sighed, slightly annoyed as Fish’s saliva run down with gravity on your floor. It was probably he needed some attention lately as you’ve been working on consecutive afternoon shifts of five o’clock to two in the morning, sometimes even more with overtime and endorsements. You’re really trying to be understanding, but this has gone too far.
“Fish, I swear to god,” you started, but as you looked at his eyes, the scolding retracted from your lips back to your throat. Large, dark pools of brown stared at yours as if begging – questioning if he did anything wrong.
“Oh no no, baby, it’s okay,” you cooed as you sat to his level, arms wrapping around the soft fur of your beloved golden retriever in its glorious fluff. “I’m sorry baby, but please don’t eat mommy’s slippers again…”
As if he could understand (which you know he does), he licked your cheeks and a soft giggle came out of your lips. He maybe a handful, but at least his company and fluffiness make it worth all.
You unwrapped your arms around his fluffy body and went to get his leash.
“Would you like to go for a walk?”
Fish responded with a (happy) bark and started to run in circles in excitement. It was truly inevitable to laugh, and once you caught him you secured the leash around his body, his tail wagging left and right.
“Alright, let’s go.”
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It was past four o’clock when you got back, both you and Fish tired from the stroll. You were fishing the keys to your apartment from your bag and noticed a guy with an ash brown hair sitting just outside your neighbor’s door (which you have never seen), a cigarette between his index and middle finger as he casually scrolled on his phone.
He seemed to notice and acknowledge your presence, nodding to your way with a small smile on his lips.
You nodded back in a silent greeting, trying to at least curve your lips upwards but the scent of the smoke from the cigarette was displeasing your smell. As an advocate to a “smoke-free” world and as a medical professional, at the scent of a cigarette smoke, your nose scrunched up – and that’s what you did.
The face of disgust was obviously painted on your face and he noticed it clearly, which caused him to bite his lower lip. He sighed and extinguished the small cig on the ash tray beside him.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he said, clearing his throat.
Fish started barking at him when he spoke, and you shushed him but to no avail. The man simply chuckled and came closer to you and your dog, not minding as if Fish is going to bite him and devour him to pieces.
“He’s so cute,” he said, a wide grin forming on his lips. “So, you’re the one crying at one in the morning huh.”
Fish never stopped barking at him, yet the man looked at you with those brown eyes, and when you thought it was menacing – you clearly thought wrong. It was full of softness and excitement as it bore onto yours.
“What’s his name?”
He looked at you skeptically, a brown brow raising slowly. “You named your dog Fish?”
“Yeah…I get that a lot,” you chuckled sheepishly.
“Okay,” he shook his head, clearly amused with your dog’s name. “Hello Fish! I bet you’re a good boy!”
Upon hearing his name along with the words: good boy, Fish seemed to settle down and wag his tail and panting in excitement. The man’s hand went over his head and Fish looked at it expectantly, closing his mouth, waiting his hand to land on his head.
And it did.
He ruffled your dog’s head, much to its excitement. His grin never left his dark lips while he muttered phrases of compliments to Fish.
You took note of what he’s wearing, a black shirt with a print on it partnered with ripped jeans. You noticed the piercings on his ears and a slit on his eyebrows – the latter fascinating your aesthetics.
“Ah, so you’re my neighbor?” You said while he continued to pet your dog.
“I guess…” he replied nonchalantly. “You’re the one next door?”
“I am.”
“So we are,” he laughed, standing up while bowing slightly and extended his arms out to your way. “I’m Taeyong. Nice to meet ya. And Fish, of course.”
You took his hand and shook it lightly, noticing how calloused it was, but not noticing the scars on it with the dim light.
“Nice to meet you as well, Taeyong. I’m (Y/N).”
You broke the contact and bowed lightly to show respect back. “Well, Taeyong, it was nice meeting you. We have to head back now.”
“Oh, sure,” he moved slightly to let you and Fish pass through the narrow corridor.
You and Fish walked pass him and as you opened the door to your apartment, Fish already ran inside while you took a glance back to your newly introduced neighbor.
“See you around.”
“Yeah, see you ‘round (Y/N).”
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The endless PM shifts almost had your circadian cycle broken, and you’re really trying your best to at least do some of the chores during the day when the sun is up – but your body seemed to miss the covers of your bed and the fluff of your dog as always.
Going home at 3 in the morning doesn’t really sound safe as well but staying in the hospital means more work which will cause you to think about Fish – which, will make you lonely.
At those 3 AMs when you’re about to open the door to your apartment, Taeyong would follow – not in a strange way. Rather, you figured that it is also the time where he comes back to his home. When he noticed your presence, he’d only nod and smile in greeting like the first time you met. You return the gesture, although, in those times, it made you curiously wonder what kind of job Taeyong have.
And in those times, you’ve always failed to notice the bruises on the side of his lips and sometimes even a small black eye – courtesy of the dim and others, broke lightning of the corridor to your respective apartments.
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An hour has passed since you came home – and you’re ever ready to crash on your bed when you hear your doorbell rang.
It’s four in the fucking morning, you groaned, mentally cursing at the one ringing the bell.
Oddly enough, Fish doesn’t bark at the door as he just continued to sleep on his bed beside yours.
Your hands flew to the strands of your hair in annoyance, angrily stomping your foot to the door and peeked at who’s standing behind your door.
It was Taeyong, his hand propped on the wall beside your door with his head looking downwards to his shoes.
You opened the door forcefully and when you were about to lash out on him for interrupting your bed time, his body leaned to you – head touching your shoulders for support. Your arms instinctively propped him in support, noticing how ragged and heavy his breaths are. His head was still hung low, and you noticed spots of dark red on his faded white converse sneakers.
“Taeyong? What happened?”
His head just shook in reply, and you shifted your weight to support him properly, putting an arm around his shoulder and letting him lean to you as you guided him to your couch. His body heavily plopped down on the couch, and all the sleepiness from earlier wore off when you looked at his face –
A wound on his cheek with the blood now dried, a bruise on the side of his left lip about the size of a cent, and a black eye.
“Holy shit, Taeyong!” You quickly collected your composure and got your first aid kit on the shelf, dropping it on your coffee table and ran back again to get some ice cubes to put in the ice pack. “What the hell happened?!”
“Nothing serious,” he groaned, and he was visibly enduring the pain. You sat beside him when you finished preparing for giving the first aid treatment – holding his cheek with your hand while the other cleaned the bruises with a warm towel.
“Nothing serious? Really? With all these wounds and bruises and blood? Holy shit, who did this to you?” You told him as you handed him the ice pack which he put over his black eye.
“You’re gonna wake Fish up,” he chuckled weakly, and how you wanted to add another bruise on his face for making a joke while in this condition. The pressure on your hand as you cleaned the bruise got heavier which made him wince. “Come on (Y/N). I’m just joking.”
“Exactly my point!” you blurted, then proceeded to get the betadine from your first aid kit, pouring some on a cotton ball and patting it to the wound on his cheek. “How can you joke at a time like this?”
Taeyong only remained silent but there was a weak smile tugging at his lips as he looks at your furrowed brows when you disinfected his wounds. He had to admit though, he was – knocked down, but it isn’t as worse as before. He didn’t need to tell you that though – he knew it’ll only add up to your worries and he didn’t want that.
Also, you look cute while working on something.
Fish had already moved from his side as you attended to Taeyong, not minding his presence at all. While you continued to attend to his wounds, his hand moved slightly to scratch Fish’s belly which he obviously loved.
After minutes of silence that seemed like forever to Taeyong, you sighed heavily, putting a band-aid over his bruises.  You fixed your first aid kit and grabbed for your phone, dialing the polices’ number.
He saw this and snatched the phone away from your hands, ending the call before they could even answer.
“No cops,” he said, a little shaky. Although with a black eye, his dark orbs were glaring to yours – a lion dangerously eyeing for his prey, very different from the kitten eyes he had earlier. He ended the line before someone could even answer.
A shiver ran down your spine along with an audible gulp. He returned your phone back when he noticed your actions and stood up, almost falling back down on the couch if his hand didn’t support himself up by the couch.
“Thanks doc,” he said hoarsely, trying to avoid your gaze. You only nodded in reply.
Taeyong started limping back towards your door, and before he turned the knob he looked back to your direction, still trying to avoid eye contact with you.
“Best if you don’t tell this to anyone. Especially the cops.”
It was then confirmed in your mind that your neighbor was no ordinary man.
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It has been a few days since the incident, and even though you’re still working on the same time shift, you never saw Taeyong go home. It’s not that you mind, but you had to admit that you kind of miss the smiles and “good morning, rather good night” moments you shared with him.
You heard furious knocks one afternoon, but not towards your door, but to your neighbor’s. You figured that you should tell whoever’s knocking that Taeyong isn’t going home anymore, so you grabbed your robe, hugging it to yourself when the cold air of November hit you when you opened your door.
The one who was knocking was the landlady, and her badly drawn thin brows were knitted and the wrinkles on her forehead were very visibly folded in annoyance.
“Ah, ahjumma, do you need something with Taeyong?”
“Yes!” she shouted, pointing to his door. “He missed the pay for the 2nd time now!”
You bit your lip and nodded, as if to sympathize with the older woman.
“Seems like he isn’t home, but I’ll tell you when he gets back.”
Her lips turned into a frown and her knitted brows didn’t bulge even the slightest bit. Her hands rested on her waist and when she seemed to be convinced with your statement, she grunted.
And she left, stomping her way to the stairs.
You sighed and shook your head. To be honest, you don’t know what’s currently happening with your neighbor’s life, but you know that he’s involved in some shady things to not get the police involved. You never told anyone about that incident though, only you, Fish, and Taeyong knew.
You never got your sleep back to prepare for your graveyard shift again – and later that night, you decided to pass through the nearby convenience store to get some coffee to wake you up in your duty.
When you got out, not a few meters away from the store, as you walked into the part of the street with a broken streetlight, you felt an arm slung around your shoulder, and when you looked down there was a pocket knife pointing at your side. He was obviously taller than you, maybe a bit bulkier than Taeyong in built – and your body started to shake in fear.
“Give me your wallet and phone and I’ll let you live," you heard him hiss, the sharp edge of the knife was cold against your clothed side.
You could only nod weakly and when you were about to give him your bag – your heart beating rapidly and sweat began to form on your temples. Your mind is telling you to fight, kick him in the shin or elbow his face, but you were too scared to move even an in inch.
When you heard footsteps, not from your own or the man beside you, you prayed to whoever celestial being out there that to whoever these footsteps belong will help you.
And he did.
“Well, you let her go,” a voice called from behind, and even though it sounded familiar you still couldn’t be relieved with the knife still pointed at you. “And I’ll let you live.”
“Mind your own fucking business—” and when your assaulter turned around to see where the voice came from, a straight jab landed on his face. You took the opportunity to escape and run by your savior’s side, and your eyes can’t help but form droplets of tears that threatened to fall.
You never noticed who it was when you ran, but when you looked up to the ash brown lump of hair and familiar face, all the fear bubbling inside you was starting to disperse.
You noticed that Taeyong wasn’t alone, he was with two other men, one standing tall at around six feet tall, and the other not falling behind in terms of height. Meanwhile, Taeyong moved in front of you while the assaulter curled up in pain on the ground, and you can see blood coming out of his nose.
One of Taeyong’s friend squatted and poked the man’s side when he tried to stand. “Is Taeyong’s punch really that hard? Man, yesterday we just sparred and I didn’t reacted like this, right Jaehyun?”
Jaehyun, the man slightly shorter than the one who squatted, just shrugged and inserted his hands inside the pockets of his coat. “You didn’t hyung. Maybe he’s just weak as fuck.”
“Lee Taeyong,” the man murmured in agony while he tried to stand, his hand trying to cover his face both in embarrassment and to prevent the blood from his nose from dripping further. Taeyong took a step forward and he limped backwards. “Fuck you.”
You couldn’t see it but Taeyong’s eyes trained on the man’s figure with a predatory gaze, and even though he hasn’t said a word after he blew a punch on his face, you could feel his menacing aura that made him cower in fear.
“What should we do with him boss?” The tall man stood and cracked his neck side ward and rolled his shoulders, as if ready to pounce on the guy on Taeyong’s orders.
Jaehyun almost did the same, except he cracked his knuckles instead.
“I’m still thinking of it, Johnny hyung.”
As if he sensed the incoming danger coming his way, the man crammed up to run away from your group, leaving you all surprised for a few seconds. You let a deep breath out when the guy was out of your sight, but your knees are still weak from what happened.
If Taeyong and his friends didn’t come, you couldn’t imagine what will happen. Who will take care of Fish? Who would pay your rent? How will your colleagues know whose patients will you endorse?
Endorsements, patients.
“Holy shit, my patients – I’m gonna be late!” You shrieked, your eyes widening when you look at the time.
Taeyong gripped your wrist lightly, his face very different from the hardened features he wore not a few minutes ago. “Seriously doc? You were almost on the bridge of life and death and you still think about work?”
You blinked a few times and freed yourself from his hold. “Seriously Taeyong?” You said, imitating his tone. “You could say the same about yourself – knocking on my door on the bridge of life and death and you could still joke around last time?”
Johnny’s lips formed an ‘ooooh’ while Jaehyun’s eyes widened in amusement with his mouth agape. Someone actually did slam Taeyong – verbally, which was really rare within the gang since it’ll get back to them. You noticed the two trying to hold their giggles while your neighbor only looked at you with wide eyes.
After collecting himself, he glared at Johnny and Jaehyun and the two looked away in opposite directions.
“I’ll walk you to the hospital,” he offered, voice husky from the cold air. “Just tell ‘em you met some friend on the way and he was kinda clingy – the reason you’re late.”
You accepted the offer, and while it was a little embarrassing to have 3 guys escort you to the hospital, not to mention they were pretty much all good-looking, and you were really thankful to them as you felt safer walking with company.
Of course, a lot of your nurse colleagues saw this, making you the hot center of teasing for the entire benign duty.
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Fish was currently resting his head on your lap while you work on your case studies one morning on your off, papers scrawled on the floor along with piles of books on your coffee table. You were already on your second cup of coffee and as you were typing your observations –
“You haven’t paid for the past two months Lee Taeyong!” you heard the landlady scream which made you jump from your seat – the effects of caffeine kicking in. Fish also jumped in surprise when he felt your leg bounce, but nevertheless he sensed no danger, so he went back to sleep.
You really wished that you could be in Fish’s place at least for today.
The elder lady’s voiced continued to roar from the outside, but you didn’t hear anything from your neighbor. Maybe he said something, but it was too soft beyond the walls to pass, or maybe he didn’t. You really hope he wouldn’t punch your landlady the same way he punched the assaulter from that night when he snapped.
The shouting lasted for at least ten minutes and when it stopped, you couldn’t help but pry, so you stood up, taking a break for at least five minutes so you could at least ask how your neighbor was coping.
He was still by his door when you saw him, leaning onto its frame while his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose. His eyebrows were furrowed, and you knew that this added up to his problems, and you’ll be honest to say that you took pity on him. You were still holding to your door, only half of your body out just to peek on him.
“Hey,” you whispered but loud enough for him to hear. “You okay?”
He was slightly startled when he heard your voice, but he pressed a small smile on his lips. “Never better doc.”
You nodded and bit your lip. Of course, he wasn’t okay. Who would be when you’re about to be kicked out of your home just because you couldn’t pay for it?
Fish followed you without you noticing but when he got out, instead of running away from you which you expected, he went straight to Taeyong and nudged his head on his denim pants. His tail was wagging and then he licked Taeyong’s hand.
Taeyong seemed to soften with your dog’s gestures and sat to his level, when he started petting him, Fish licked his face and his eyes closed in reflex, but his nose was crinkling and then you heard him laugh softly.
“Hey buddy, that tickles.”
When you look at Taeyong this way, you realized how different he was from the Taeyong that saved you from that night. That Taeyong was menacing, simply his gaze was enough to scare the man away, his aura was dark and cold, and with the way his companions addressed him – how Jaehyun and Johnny acted around his presence, you could compare that Taeyong to a lion – the leader of a pack.
But the Taeyong in front of you now, his calloused hands rubbing the head and scratching the sides of Fish, his eyes soft while curved upwards, and a genuine, wide smile plastered on his lips – the Taeyong in front of you now is a kitten.
You walked towards their direction and sat like Taeyong did, rubbing Fish’s back as well. Fish obviously loved the attention and rolled over to lay on his back, wanting more and belly rubs, of course.
“Alright there, bud,” Taeyong said and stood up, opening the door to his apartment. “We can’t pet you here, it’s fucking cold and we’ll all get sick. Come in.”
Fish complied fast enough and entered his apartment which made you wonder if you were really his owner – to which Taeyong laughed at your amused reaction. He reached out his hand to yours and you accepted, standing up and you took note of how rough his hand felt against yours.
He let you enter first and to your surprise, it was pretty much normal, except from the knives resting on top of his coffee table. You were pretty sure that they weren’t used for the kitchen, it was the same type of knife the assaulter had from that night.
“Guess hiding that won’t do much,” he chuckled while shrugging, and he put his coat down on his couch while Fish excitedly circled himself around your neighbor. “Sit down doc, I’ll make us some hot choco.”
“Oh no, thank you—”
“I’d still make it,” and he was already by his kitchen, setting the pot over the stove to boil some water. While waiting he went over to the couch and sat, gesturing for you to take a sit as well. You did, and Fish sat down next to yours, but on the floor. His tail still wagged expectantly while he looks to you, and you couldn’t resist those doe eyes and started rubbing his head.
Taeyong watched the exchange in amusement, leaning forward and placed his elbows on his knees while he observed you – there were twinkles in your eyes every time you coo Fish’s name, and the soft giggles coming from your soft lips were melodious to his ears. He remembered how soft your hands felt when he dragged you inside, and the look of concern painted on your features when you were treating his wounds that evening, as well as how you looked at him earlier with sadness in your eyes when the landlady scolded him.
How could someone care so much, even if they are complete strangers and worlds apart?
The sound of your voice broke his thoughts and he blinked, tilting his head while looking at you questioningly.
“The water’s boiling – it’s been whistling for almost a minute now,” you chuckled, noticing how he just broke himself from spacing out.
“Oh, yeah, okay,” he stuttered, springing back on his feet and walked to the kitchen counter to make the hot chocolates.
The tinkling of the spoon as he stirred the drinks were the only noises heard for a moment, and Fish settled down on the floor, using your foot as his pillow with the relaxing silence. Taeyong returned to couch and placed two mugs of hot chocolate on his coffee table, sliding one in your direction. You nodded and smiled when you held the mug in your hands, warming your skin with the heat it radiates.
The silence of comfortable as you both enjoy the drinks he made. You really wanted to say something though, especially talk to him about his rent, but you figured it was a sensitive topic for him to talk about.
“I’ll be fine,” he said, as if he was reading your thoughts. “I’m just a little short this month, but I can pay that shit in no time. Those bastards just haven’t paid me yet so.”
He placed his mug down and ran his hand through his ash brown tresses. “Why am I explaining to you, holy shit,” he laughed.
“I mean, what’s wrong with that?” You asked confusingly, and you placed your mug down as well and gently placed your hand on his shoulder. “We’re friends and neighbors, so that’s natural.”
“Why are you so kind?” he shook his head but the wide grin on his lips never disappeared. “I’m just a rascal loitering around while you go there on that white coat of yours saving lives like mine. It’s fucking amazing.”
“Eh,” you got your mug again and took a sip, emptying its contents. “It’s actually tiring.”
“Well at least you’re doing good stuff while getting tired. I get tired doing the complete opposite,” he laughed.
“To be honest, I was surprised you didn’t land one on ahjumma nor raised a voice at her earlier,” you chuckled along him.
“Ah, you gotta respect women y’know? Is what my mom told me a hundred of times.”
You didn’t know what to answer anymore but one thing’s for sure, Taeyong wasn’t as bad as you thought. Maybe what he does is, but you know that deep inside, he is a nice person.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” you looked at him with interest. “I don’t exactly know what time or day you’re here, but when I’m in the hospital and working and you’re here, can you baby sit Fish for me?”
He looked at you incredulously, but he wasn’t saying a word.
“My heart and mind will be cleared when I know someone is watching over him, eating his actual food instead of my slippers, stuff like that?” you continued. “I’ll pay you, I promise. I’ll also give you the key to my apartment in case…”
His eyes never left yours even when you finished, but just seconds after he burst a hearty laugh. You don’t exactly know what’s funny with what you said but his laugh is contagious, causing you to emit a soft giggle as well.
“Alright doc,” he said, wiping a tear from laughter from the side of his eye. “You’re funny and I like Fish, and you said you’ll pay me, so of course I’d took the bait.”
You mirrored the grin on his face, your eyes curving upwards in delight. “Thank you, Taeyong.”
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Two weeks had passed and Taeyong lived up to your deal – he took care of Fish while you were on duty, letting him stay on his apartment. He also had paid for his rent with a little of it coming from your pay to him along with that guy paying his debt.
You also spent a lot of your free days with him, sometimes just hanging out in his apartment or yours, and sometimes even helping you out in your case studies by making you coffee and keeping you sane with company. In those times, you both shared a lot about yourselves, like you learned that he liked no music genre, it’s mostly influenced by his friends. NCT, the gang that he’s in, has no leader honestly, but the members treat him like one, so he acts like one.
Currently, you shared your schedules with him, so everytime you’re on graveyard duty, he promised to walk with you to the hospital which you are grateful for.
Everything seemed to be back to normal until one night, you saw Johnny peeking through your door quite frantically, knocking a few times and calling out to your empty apartment.
“Is there something you need?” You spoke, and his gaze followed the direction of your voice. He exhaled deeply when he saw your figure and walked, towering over your frame when he stood.
“Hey, you’re (Y/N), right?”
You nodded and furrowed your eyebrows. “Yeah, I am. You’re with Taeyong, right? Do you need something?”
“Technically, it isn’t me who needs something,” he shrugged. “It’s Taeyong.”
Your hand opened your door fully and worry started painting your features. “Why? Where is he? Is he okay?”
“Uh,” the taller man bit his lip, scratching his head as if he didn’t know what to tell you. “Just…just come inside, yeah?”
You nodded and hurriedly went inside Taeyong’s apartment, with the tall guy following suit. Inside was also the other guy that was with him that night, Jaehyun, as you remember, standing up from the smaller couch on the side when he saw you. He nodded but he looked at you blankly, and when your eyes trained to where you and Taeyong shared the hot chocolate, you saw him lying on it, his eyes closed but he was wincing.
Fish was by his side, licking his face but when he noticed your presence, he immediately jumped to your side, bumping Taeyong in the process to which he grunted. Your dog tried to get your attention but all of it was focused on Taeyong right now, observing the black eye around his left optic areas and a bright red bruise on the side of his lips, the former covered with an ice pack over it.
“He was walking your dog when this small group of our rival noticed him,” Jaehyun explained. “Glad we were meeting up with him so those shits ran when they us, but Taeyong hyung’s already been blown.”
“Funny though, he was hugging your dog,” Johnny added. “It was cute at first but—”
Taeyong glared at Johnny as if his life was on the line if he finished his sentence.
Johnny stopped midway when he met Taeyong’s gaze. “We already did some first aid like the usual, it wasn’t a serious beating tho—”
“Not a serious beating?” You rolled your eyes at Jaehyun and returned your gaze back to Taeyong. There was a small smile forming on his lips and peeked through half-lidded eyes.
“(Y/N), calm down,” Taeyong chuckled hoarsely. “At least Fish is okay.”
“Lee Taeyong, I swear—”
“This ain’t as bad as that night, I swear,” he sat up slowly and Jaehyun came by his side to help him. One hand held the ice pack to keep it in place, while his other placed gently onto yours. He nodded to Jaehyun and Johnny and they seemed to get the message and left the two of you alone.
The smile that etched his lips remained when he looked at you. Your eyes were still furrowed as you looked at him. His index finger poked your forehead and chuckled. You looked so god damn cute even you’re worried like this.
“I’m fine doc,” he said. He placed the ice pack on the table and slowly, his head leaning towards yours with your foreheads bumping.
“You don’t have to worry,” he said, and although the black eye you’re staring into right now told you otherwise, there is this gut feeling inside that you can trust to what he said.
“Fine,” you grumbled, closing your eyes in relaxation, and at this point your noses bumped together. His hands cupped the side of your cheeks, slowly…slowly waiting for his lips to descend upon yours –
But Fish had other ideas and snooped his snout in the small distance between you and Taeyong, which caused you to separate from him. Taeyong laughed awkwardly and so did you, and Fish seemed to notice your happiness and licked your face. Your nose scrunched up when he did and Taeyong’s laughs turned genuine, hugging your dog’s backside while lightly patting it.
“Ah, Fish!” He pulled him over, causing your dog and Taeyong to roll on the floor. “Why do you have to do that?!”
You giggled and decided to join them on the floor.
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“God damn it,” Johnny sighed, lightning a cigarette up as he leaned by Taeyong’s door frame. “You think we should leave?”
Jaehyun shrugged, not even looking up from his phone. “They’re laughing their assess off, so I guess?”
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raeynbowboi · 6 years
Top 10 Disney Villains
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10. King Candy Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
Although he’s newer to the villain roster, King Candy was a well-written villain who served as a perfect blend of humorous and genuinely threatening. He also tied very nicely into the themes of the film, which makes him stand out in my memory as a good villain, because I take more than just personality and actions into account when judging characters, but also role in the narrative, and how they support the themes and ideas of the story. King Candy is the perfect villain for a story like this, which is why I consider him good enough to be on this list, even if as a villain himself, he might not be the most memorable among the Disney canon.
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9. Gaston Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Perhaps the Disney villain we’re most likely to meet in real life, Gaston is the perfect example of toxic masculinity on full display. He’s a great anthithesis to the Beast, though I never saw him all that handsome, which sort of detracts just a little bit from the story. But in a story about how looks don’t matter, but actions do, he’s a great foil to the love interest. He’s a selfish hateful man who is handed everything he wants, and when he doesn’t get his way, he strongarms people until they meet his demands. Yet, despite his personality, he retains a legion of followers who are more-so admirers than actual friends. He never once considers anyone to be his equal or of sufficient worth unless it was helpful in his own endeavors. And anyone who has ever had a friend who basically used them and then ditched them at the soonest convenience can probably recognize that kind of so-called “friend” in Gaston. He’s a great villain to dissect as an analysis of our current culture, but I don’t want to write a five page essay on Gaston for a top 10 list. 
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8. Yzma Emperor’s New Groove (2000)
Inarguably Disney’s best comedic villain (not counting her henchman Kronk), Yzma is a brilliantly funny character whose exaggurated appearance and over-the-top personality blend well with the fast-paced slapstick comedy that fills the movie. Yet, despite being a funny villainess, she avoids a major pitfall of many comedic villains by also being legitimately threatening and dangerous to our heroes. That, combined with the excellent writing in the movie makes Yzma so memorable and likable.
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7. Mother Gothel Tangled (2010)
Although her actual villainous actions in the movie are surprsingly few and far between, I genuinely love Mother Gothel as a villainess. Her motivations are well-established, and she’s the sole reason the story has any plot at all. Comparisons have been made to the living conditions of both Quasimodo and Rapunzel, and I would genuinely agree that Mother Gothel is akin to a diet version of Frollo without all the genocide and religious superiority. She has to be more discreet and pretend to be kind in order to keep her little flower content to remain obedient locked away from the outside world. It makes total sense the way she treats Rapunzel, and her entire character, personality, and role all fit together to enhance the narrative of the story.
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6. Long John Silver Treasure Planet (2002)
Arguably one of the most human villains from Disney, Silver is a beautiful complexity as he juggles the duality of being a father-figure to the impressionable young Jim, while also betraying Jim’s trust. Since Jim’s father left when he was a child, Jim closes himself off from people and seems adrift in the world. Silver, who has no need to trick the boy for his mutiny to succeed, still takes the time to take Jim under his wing, nurture the boy’s abilities, and form a bond. Heck, with how relatively apathetic Jim was, he could have manipulated Jim into hating being on the ship, and thus have him be happy when the mutiny sets him free. But instead, he chose to teach the boy and boost his confidence. In the end, Silver is a compelling Anti-Villain where it’s hard to really define him as a good or wicked person. That is honestly more interesting than just being a straight deceitful villain.
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5. Bill Sykes Oliver & Company (1988)
Perhaps the most surprising choice on my list, Sykes was a villain from Oliver & Company, a retelling of Oliver Twist with stray dogs and a kitten. However, despite Disney’s family friendly brand, Sykes is a surprisingly menacing character. A loan shark and a cut-throat business man, he spends most of the movie threatening to kill Fagin which is far darker than Disney tends to get. While many Disney villains want to kill people, those desires were driven by personal grievances with that person or people. With Sykes, it’s cold, ruthless business. He doesn’t care about Fagin’s life. All he cares about is getting his money, and Fagin’s life just happens to be the collateral. It’s the purest form of cold-blooded murder, and that’s not a common thing among Disney villains.
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4. Ursula The Little Mermaid (1989)
There’s a good reason Ursula is one of the flagship villains of this franchise. She has a strong personality, is a great antagonist, and directly plays off the protagonist’s weaknesses to win. Second only to Scar, and possibly Jafar, Ursula is the classic hand-drawn animated Disney villain to get closest to winning. The fact that she’s based on a drag queen is kind of perfect, since the fairytale was written by Hans Christian Andersen to express his love for Edvard Collin discreetly. He intended to give it to Edvard as a wedding gift, but Edvard and his wife purposefully “forgot” to tell him when the wedding was out of fear that he’d make a scene or announce his love for Edvard in front of everyone. Thus, the mermaid’s taboo love of someone she shouldn’t who comes from an entirely different way of living is a direct parallel to Hans’ feelings for the young Gentleman, and the mermaid being unable to speak and suffering greatly to be near her love is a clear metaphor for Hans’ own feelings of torture. So the inclusion of a drag queen in a movie adaptation of a covert metaphorical gay romantic tragedy is just deliciously fitting. 
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3. The Horned King The Black Cauldron (1984)
Sykes got a place on this list for being genuinely intimidating, but this villain is living nightmare fuel. One of the best things a genuinely threatening villain can do is successfully scare you, and this villain scared the living daylights out of me as a child. In fact, he was the only Disney villain to truly and completely scare me as a child. The rest of the villains were pretty much just bad characters, but the Horned King was far more terrifying than anything else I’d seen as a kid. Though his movie bombed and the story itself was a bit lacking, the Horned King was a genuinely horrifying presence, and to this day, I can’t think Disney Villains without this guy clawing his way into my mind. Maybe as a villain himself, he’s a bit flat, but he’s a horrific undead murderous monster trying to snuff out all life. He doesn’t need to be that complex for what he is, and that works with the type of villain that he was created to be.
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2. Claude Frollo The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1996)
If Sykes made it to number 5 for the cold-blooded attempt at murder on one person, Frollo strolls into 2nd place for his cold-blooded successful mass racial/ethnic genocide of multiple people over a long reign of tyranny. Although we don’t see his treats on-screen, he very verbally implies that he has been executing people one by one for at least twenty years as he crushes ants. We even see him barricade a family with children inside of their house and then proceed to burn it down. This man is not messing around, and I love it. When it coems to dark, twisted, and messed up villains, Frollo takes the cake. He is hands down one of the greatest and most horrible villains out there. And the fact that he does this all in the name of God is a hauntingly dark reminder of the true cruelty of the medieval Christian church. Frollo was written in the original book to be a deliberate critique of the Catholic church, and I for one am grateful that Disney decided to be faithful to Frollo’s horrible nature when adapting to film. 
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1. Maleficent Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Finally, we reach the leader of the Disney Villains. How could I not put her at the top of this list? She literally fights with all the powers of Hell. But what I like most about her is what you can piece together from the narrative. Out of all the fairies, only Fauna thinks that Maleficent could be reasoned with, and she feels sad at the idea that Maleficent may not even grasp the concept of happiness, or what it feels like to be loved. This opens Maleficent up to being a product of abuse, abandonment, and bitterness. Her hatred for the world and her actions of spite and envy come into a new light with the idea that it’s kindled from neglect and exclusion from others. It offers the question of what would happen if someone did try to just talk to her, and offers a possibly sympathetic reading of her character. But, the true crux of what Maleficent stands for is that she’s evil, and she takes great pleasure in her evil ways. She cursed a baby because she wasn’t invited to a party. When it comes to pure, unfiltered evil, Maleficent has that in spades. So, Maleficent is a perfect character no matter which type you prefer as a villain: the tormented outcast lashing out, or the heartless monster lighting the world on fire for fun. No matter what kind of villain you prefer, there’s a way of reading her narrative to satisfy you.
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darkwingsnark · 6 years
Snark’s Preferred Batmanings Part 4
We’re doing it. We’re getting through the rest of the Dork Squad. Crane had his moment to shine, so now the Mad Hatter and Riddler need their love. @plummyplums, yet again I apologize.
Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter
Starting with him first, because I ASSUME he will take the least amount of time because I’m picky as heckles. I’m sorry, but BTAS hit it out of the park on the first go. They came in there, created this entitled pretty man with an Alice obsession, and young me was like ‘hello, I choose you to be my favorite Batman character’. What all can I say? I think his design is the perfect balance of cute and threatening, of looking like the John Tenniel illustration while also not. This is a design you can see as a man feeding into his own delusions, desperately projecting his wants onto the character-- despite honestly being nothing like the story book character at ALL. But, uh... don’t tell him I said that.
Roddy McDowall’s vocal performance also pulls off this duality of his character well. Like watch me, every time, go silent as ‘would not, could not join the dance’ gets painfully muttered. Like you just kidnapped and traumatized a woman, Hatter. I shouldn’t be feeling BAD for you, and yet you manipulate me into doing so! HOW DARE YOU!
Live Action, naturally goes to Batman 66′ Hatter-- seeing as so far he’s the only Hatter we have. BUT! David Wayne does a really fun performance! I love his dorky hypnotizing hat! I love his dark cartoony eyebrows! His cute widdle smiles he gives, where his mustache quirks. <3 <3 He’s a peach. 
Comic wise, going for Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb again. Both in design and personality, he does well with making him unsettling. I also appreciate the fact he looks more Hatter than Leprechaun, which is a problem I feel many Tetch’s fall under. It’s not the red hair, exactly-- it’s mixing that with his green attire and being shorter that makes you go ‘hmmm’. OH! On track here again. I also feel like the white/grey hair really invokes the feeling of mercury poisoning-- which is something real Hatters used to suffer from because of the chemicals used to treat felt. So that ends up being a delightful nod, as well. 
Edward Nygma/Riddler
Riddle me this: who has the perfect blend of assholery, ego, and adorableness that you end up liking him despite the fact if you were in the same room you’d want to deck him? Why, the Riddler, of course!
I’m going to sound like a broken record here, but BTAS wins with best design. (Preferably in his multiple piece suit. I don’t exactly HATE the bodysuit, but I do find it very freaken weird that they thought it a good idea to expose his face when he had a whole episode about destroying his previous identity.) Like many who end up liking this design, I too enjoy how positively cartoony his expressions can get when he’s wearing his mask. That’s some good emoting, babeh!  I also think he’s adorable out of mask, his green eyes are so striking!
I also think, personality wise, he ends up winning as my all time favorite Riddler. I find his multi-layered thinking with his riddles to be endlessly fascinating-- even if, as a writer, it intimidates me trying to tackle it. ‘Riddler’s Reform’ is genuinely up there as one of my favorite Batman episodes, and I have watched it over and over again just because it has everything I like: comedy, great character writing, and a grown man having a fit. 
Live action is a split between Frank Gorshin and Jim Carrey. Mostly because they both have something similar and yet contrast from each other. There’s been times where Batman 66′ Riddler has out crazy even Joker, to the point you have Joker just standing there wondering what just happened. And honestly? Oh, that cracks me up so much! I’m also a sucker for puns, and the fact his are so deliciously BAD fill me with joy like no other. Carrey has that crazy mixed in his brain blender with a big ol’ helping of funny as well. But with his performance is that air of menacing that makes you stop and go ‘Oh... oh yeah. You are an actual threat, aren’t you?’ Also... he is the star of Batman Forever. He is the main reason I’ve rewatched it so many times over the years.
Okay I’ve been rambling for too long. So one more thing, comic wise: I just wanted to say going the reforming route and having him be a private detective? That was a brilliant move.
And with that all said, I am done for now. Next time I’ll be tackling Gotham’s Sirens.
Stay tuned next post: same Bat Time, same Bat Blogger!
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #125 - Goosebumps
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Spoilers below.
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes. #381.
Format: Blu-ray
1) I’m going to be honest and face the wrath from all my peers: I never got into the old “Goosebumps” TV show. I scared really easily as a child (still do) and the show just freaked me the heck out. However, that doesn’t mean I am unable to appreciate its influence on this film.
2) The relationship between Zach and his mom is refreshingly healthy, a nice change of pace from the usual “ugh mom” teenager stuff we see in movies. Immediately their relationship is established through strong writing, chemistry between actors, and the playfulness between the two of them these feed into.
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3) I do love Jillian Bell but damn if her character is not just so (purposefully) painfully awkward.
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4) Jack Black as RL Stine.
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R.L. Stine is the real life author of the Goosebumps book series as well as a number of other horror themed content directed at younger audiences, fictionalized for this film by Jack Black and company. Black brings a wonderful sense of crazy to the role, not like Joker craze though in that he’s out there but...I don’t know what to compare him too, actually. He just is humorously abrasive and over the top and just fits with the world of the film so well.
5) Hey look, it’s Vinnie Van Loe!
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(GIF originally posted by @marshmallow-the-vampire-slayer)
6) The bromance is strong.
Champ [talking about the school dance, after knowing Zach for two minutes]: “Hey, we should go together! Not together together...although that might work.”
7) Hannah and Zach are performed interestingly enough on their own but really shine in their scenes together. Odeya Rush and Dylan Minnette have a fun sense of humor between them and great chemistry. It’s not the cliche “boy meets girl, girl is super hot and boy objectifies her.” They actually like each other as PEOPLE! What a radical idea, right!?
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The ferris wheel scene where Zach tells Hannah about his late father is also a really nice moment of honesty between the two that makes you understand that they actually really trust each other.
8) Where this film really shines is in its quirky sense of humor. Black as Stine is a perfect example of this, but also characters like Champ and Madison’s police officers are all fun in their own little ways that adds a nice tone to the film.
9) Honestly, can the “my totally trustworthy kid is saying something weird so I don’t believe them,” trope die already? It’s so lazy.
10) Is this cuckoo clock from a book I don’t know about?
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11) This right here is why I was never into the Goosebumps stuff as a kid.
Champ: “These aren’t ‘kids books!’ Kids books help you fall asleep at night, these books will keep you up.”
12) The entire idea of each Goosebumps book holding that book’s main monster is such a clever and interesting idea to me. I think it is one of the plot elements which makes the film work as smoothly as it does.
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13) The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena is a great first monster to introduce us to, because it is able to be both fun and - when necessary - threatening to our young protagonists.
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14) Ryan Lee as Champ is honestly one of the funniest parts of this film. He has some of the best lines.
Champ [upon viewing the snowman’s scratch marks on the wall]: “Do you see the scratches in the wall?”
Zach [looking at Champ like he’s an idiot]: “Yes.”
Champ: “Okay. Just checking.”
[A soda bottle rolls out of nowhere, Champ screams.]
Zach: “Did you scream?”
Champ: “Don’t judge me.”
15) This may be the funniest part of the whole movie for me.
Zach: You're him aren't you? You're R.L. Stine.
Stine: R, L, who? I don't know who that is.
Zach: Oh really? Just as well cause his books suck.
Hannah [terrified]: What are you doing?
Zach: I can't decide which I hate more, 'Monster Blood' or 'Go Eat Worms'.
Champ: I'm so confused
Zach: You see the endings coming from a mile away, its like, stop trying to be Stephen King man...
Stine: [slams on the brakes] Let me tell you something about Steve King. Steve King WISHES he could write like me. And I've sold way more books than him, but no one ever talks about THAT!
Everything about it works for me. How easily Zach is able to manipulate Stine, and of course Black’s blow up at the end. It makes me laugh every time.
16) Slappy!
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Slappy is a great villain for a number of reasons. To start, he’s definitely the scariest character from the stories. Even I know who Slappy is and I never watched or read a book. Secondly, those are some great practical effects in an age of digital cinema. It’s simple but totally captivating and you never once feel like you’re watching a prop character. Thirdly is the fact that Jack Black voice Slappy in addition to his portrayal of RL Stine. It creates an interesting duality to the character’s, as Stine did give Slappy his voice when writing him. He’s creepy and a true menace to our heroes.
17) Going to be totally honest: the main reason my mother saw this film with me in theaters was because she has a weird taste for garden gnomes.
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I ended up sitting through Gnomeo & Juliet for the same reason.
18) I have so many quips of dialogue in my notes that I loved but I watched this film two or three days ago and still haven’t posted the recap so I’m just going to focus on my favorites.
Zach [after escaping the gnomes]: Why couldn’t you have written stories about rainbows and unicorns!?
Stine: Because that doesn’t sell four hundred million copies.
Champ: Whoa. Domestic?
Stine: No, worldwide. It’s still a very impressive - shut up!
19) I’m assuming there is actually a Goosebumps book about a giant praying mantis out there.
Stine [after encountering a giant praying mantis]: I don’t ever remember writing about a giant praying mantis! [It throws up on the windshield.] Oh...now I remember.
20) The Werewolf of Fever Swamp!
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The scene where Stine and company encounter the werewolf in the supermarket scene is a nice addition to the film. It’s able to keep the fun and humor which has been trademark up to this point (especially when Stine is trying to mask his scent) while there are times when the werewolf is a truly threatening and frightening creature. A nice mix of humor and horror, basically.
21) Man, I thought I had WAY more to say about this film but apparently I don’t.
22) The scene where Zach and Stine talk about Hannah and how she’s actually one of his creations (spoiler alert) is an incredibly well done scene from a writing standpoint. It is very honest on both parts, with Stine opening up about his loneliness in a way we have yet to see, while it touches on both his arc and the way Zach is dealing with the loss of his father. In a lot of ways it’s the emotional center of the film.
23) The way Hannah gets so excited just by BEING at a school dance (since she’s pretty much cooped up by Stine all the time) really tells you a lot about her character and is so endearing to watch.
24) All the monsters attacking the school is a scene which I’m sure gives fans of the original Goosebumps stories nerdy joy like when Spider-Man showed up in Civil War for me.
25) Oh Vinnie...
Ken Marnio’s Character (no, I don’t need to know his name) [to Zach’s Mom in a flirty way]: “We’re going to get through this.”
Zach’s Mom: “Not a good time.”
Ken Marino: “Okay.”
26) Man, the duality of Stein and Slappy in the funhouse is some heavy stuff for a Goosebumps movie.
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27) Hannah’s goodbye to Zach before all of Stine’s creations (including her) are sucked into the book is actually pretty sad. She KNOWS this is coming and she wants it to happen anyway to save everyone else. She and Zach have a nice parting moment that really touches upon the friendship and chemistry they’ve formed over the past few days, and it even brought tears to the audience’s eyes when I saw it in theaters.
28) Obligatory RL Stine cameo.
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Mr. Black: Hello Mr. Stine.
Stine: Hello Mr. Black!
Zach: Uh, who’s that?
Stine: He’s the new drama teacher.
I know it’s probably pretty obvious but I just want to take a second that Jack Black’s character is named after RL Stine and RL Stine’s character is named after Jack Black.
29) I’m glad they brought Hannah back. I want all these guys back in the sequel.
30) I 100% knew they were going to have a cliffhanger ending to this film, because I know a lot of the books end in that way. It’s a trademark of the series! So of course the film had to end that way.
Goosebumps is just a lot of fun, honestly! It’s akin to Jumanji for 2015 in its sense of childlike wonder and adventure but also honest/genuine danger and scares. Black is a kick to watch, the writing is surprisingly three dimensional for what could have been a simple “kids’ movie”, and the humor is spot on. Just a great piece of escapism. If you’re looking for something fun to watch tonight, go put it in.
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