#he's got a granddaughter!
With that bombshell dropped, Regis might be willing to climb into the Secret Tunnel then and there. (Damn his knee, full speed ahead!) No, he wouldn’t really be that reckless, but it’s a tempting thought, isn’t it?
If Regis were just a few years younger, he totally would just up and explore the tunnel without telling anyone. But now he's tired. And old. So he doesn't.
Instead he invites Solaris to come sit down at that table over there, because his knees are secretly murdering him right now. And then he proceeds to tell her about his son. About how he used to come and read here all the time, at this very table, in fact.
Solaris is suitably awed by it all. She gets to take a look at one of the books that is on the table. It got some real neat pictures around some of the letters and in the margins. Which gets her talking about the book her parents have. And how hard they are always working and that she is really scared for them and her brother.
That last one throws Regis a bit, so he asks. And doesn't like the answer one bit.
Apparently the earthquake damaged the city more than anyone could have guessed. The old supports (the ones that should be defunct, but aren't) have grown unstable. It has become very likely that parts of the city might collapse because of it.
'The sky falling down on our heads' Solaris calls it.
Which begs the question: Where does the girl live? Solaris showed him how she had gotten inside the archive. The tunnel leads down, not up.
Together they look for old city maps and actually find a few. They are drawn on parchment and the oldest one is about ready to fall apart. (Someone really needs to make sure to preserve all of this knowledge about to be lost, Regis thinks)
Regis gets the archivist to make copies. Said archivist is not happy about it. Though she wonders in which corner of the archive those maps were found. Two of them are not in the catalogue. (Solaris found them in an old, dusty corner, wedged between a shelf and the stone wall.)
While the archivist is busy making copies (and resolving to comb through the archives with a fine toothes comb, because if those maps aren't in the catalogue, what else isn't?), Regis and Solaris are back at the table. The girl gets to look at the books some more. Regis meanwhile is writing a letter to his son.
He asks Solaris (his possible granddaughter, and while he knows she is too old to be Noctis's by blood, that doesn't really matter to Regis) to take the letter with her together with the copies of the map. And to come back again soon, so he might show her some more books.
She agrees to it all readily. Until she reads the name on the envelope Regis hands her. Her face pales in shock and her hands slap at it, to cover it up.
"Secret name!" she yells.
"That is my son's name," Regis explains patiently. "It is not a secret."
Solaris gnaws at her lower lip for a while until she admits: "That's papa's secret name."
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Her Astrophel and Sterling
You know what.
You know those AU's where the Batfam finds or learns about either hidden or thought to be dead Al Ghul Danny! with a deaged/daughter Dani (Ellie) (I should know, I created a few of those storylines) but what if, now hear me out, what if instead of them finding Danny first its Talia.
Do I want Talia discovering her thought to be dead son to be alive? Yes. Do I want her to find him while investigating Amity Park when the League gets reports of 'Lazarus creatures/water'? Yes.
DO I WANT HER TO KNOCK ON THE FENTON'S DOOR, fully ready to pretend/honey talk her way into the house to uncover what the Fenton's know, ONLY TO MEET A LITTLE ELLIE?!
Ellie whose eyes and hair look like a copy of her Beloved but she can see bits and pieces of herself as well. Talia knows the child in front of her was not fully her's though but everything makes sense when she hears a voice, a voice she hasn't heard in ages but as a mother just knows, speak out.
"Ellie! I thought I said do not answer the door my Sterling."
"But Daddy, yous was busy fighting the hotdoggys!"
Talia's eyes widen when she finally catches sight of familiar black hair and blue eyes.
and she could only lightly whisper a old nickname she hasn't dared uttered in ages, a name she secretly gave her son due to his love of the stars "Astrophel..."
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
Damian was 10 when he was shipped off to his father.
He was 10 when he finally decided enough was enough, packed his stuff, called Mara, and the ball went rolling.
The moment Talia left the mansion, the DNA test confirmed, and Bruce emotionally compromised, did he finally move.
He'd stared his father down, felt nothing when he stood up and mild annoyance bloomed when his father asked– demanded– where he was going.
"You're a fool if you believe I will stay here." He spat, eyening the man in disdain.
It became very apparent that Damian wasn't what Bruce thought he'd be, what Talia thought he was.
"Your mother entrusted me with your safety–"
"I don't need protection. Mother wouldn't care if I stayed or not." He blinks. "Where is the cave? I wish to use the computer, I have people to contact."
Reluctantly, Bruce shows him the way, questions of who and why, and the plans he apparently had were asked.
Damian answers with vague wordings and enough open spaces for interpretation. Words greatest detective, he can figure it out himself without damian spelling it out for him.
When they do arrive in the batcave, Tim Drake— Robin— was sitting at the computer.
Huffing, Damian shoved the entire chair away from the table, taking its place and started typing.
"W— hey! What—? Who?" Tim looked between Bruce and Damian, despite being sleep deprived his eyes caught on the similarities, mouth dry and mind calculating.
"Does Dick know?" Is all he asks, leaning back and watching the younger boy work.
"Not yet."
A heavy sigh.
"Silence," the boy huffs, annoyed. "I'll have to make a call."
Glaring daggers, he pulls out a old burner phone, pressing the single number saved inside and waits.
"Hello, brother."
('Oh. Did he have another?' Tim wonders, watching Batman's face, blank like a paper sheet. Nothing. It feels like all his efforts of bringing the man back were just flushed.)
Or in simpler words:
Danyal al Ghul, the first successor of the demons head, born with his twin Athanasia al Ghul, to be the future of the league.
They were reborn with their former memories, stuck in place, constantly watched and trained. Manipulated. Weaponized.
All for a man playing immortal.
They'd only started planning when two more children came into the picture, Damian and Mara Al Ghul.
Danyal now Daniel "Danny" and Athanasia now Eleanor "Ellie" Nightingale took matters into their own hands and separated to take the kids in and end this.
End the league. End the cycle of whatever this, this cult is, and take over.
In many universes, Ra's al Ghul does not die, always returns, wielding his people like mere weapons.
In this universe, Danyal al Ghul is acknowledged as a traitor, killer of the Demons head and Older Brother, borderline father even, to his tiny brother Damian al Ghul.
In this universe, he raises Damian instead of Talia, shows him the cracks of this careful manipulated picture and listens when Ellie tells of her travels to this tiny child with a sad sad fate.
In this universe, Ellie takes in their tiny cousin, shielding her from the cruel eyes of a man not worthy. She trains her, shows her the ropes and takes her along when she leaves.
In this universe, Damian al Ghul and Mara al Ghul live a good live, protected by the twins of old souls and have a somewhat normal if not very complicated childhood.
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preoxxupy · 2 years
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whether you like her or not, she played all the cards to her advantage and is getting exactly what she wants.
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khairosclerosis · 1 year
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⚖️ OH the misery... EVERY SINGLE PERSON is my ENEMY
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
Picturing Tuvok spending every second of the Seven years it takes to get back home going "Melding with T'Pel again will fix me" whenever he notices he's doing or thinking something (he perceives as) out of character, strange, ignominious - and then when he finally gets back and melds with her he realizes that nothing's been fixed per say and is like ":/ Fuck."
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ofswordsandpens · 2 months
I could see Katara recusing herself from the trial because of her personal connection to bloodbending. Is it fair that she serve as judge and jury on a trial for breaking a law that she wrote? But if that was the logic behind her exclusion, I would have appreciated a throwaway line to that effect. Otherwise it just looks like sexism…
Probably should have been more clear in my tags - I didn't want her to "lead" Yakone's trial in the sense that she's the judge and jury, but more in the sense that she's shown as a fellow figurehead... just like Sokka, Toph, and Aang were in the flashbacks. Toph actively hunted Yakone down and is present at the trial. Aang takes time away from his duties that he "typically wouldn't" to help Toph hunt him down and is present at the trial. Sokka is at the trial as a councilman and literally gives the verdict of the council.
Meanwhile Katara, the person who fought to get blood bending banned in the first place, the near single political recognition we're given of hers in TLOK, is just.... somewhere else? Had no interest in helping Toph track him down? And even if she wasn't present at the trial as a proponent or activist of some sorts, she could have been in the audience. Like you don't think she wouldn't have some bearing of interest in this case? On the outcome? Even if she hadn't said a single word, the animators could have literally just drawn her in the empty chair next to Aang in the court and that would have had far better mileage (not perfect, but better) than her simply being nonexistent in every one of those flashbacks imo.
But this is just one example. Katara's character (amongst the others) after the original series just... doesn't hit the mark for me. Sure, TLOK and other post-ATLA material will tell me she's a fighter, a healer, an activist as an adult etc but when it comes to actually showing it, such as how they did for Aang, Toph, and Sokka in TLOK... well, they don't. Katara simply doesn't get the same relevance as they did. And it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth.
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crownrots · 4 months
big al is literally that “i’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me” meme and i think that’s what every geriatric mercenary needs to aspire to
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arklaycomplex · 3 months
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von karmalet
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yuridovewing · 1 year
razorverse tigerstar and mapleshade duking it out over who gets to train goldenheart. each for their own motives
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white-weasel · 2 months
My neighbor I don’t even know the name of came and brought me two ears of corn so I could make myself corn on the cob. I love people 💕
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saetoru · 1 year
i can’t tell my friends this or they’ll judge me so i’m gonna tell y’all but my 54 year old professor is pretty hot
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
This popped up in my feed, so I watched it and...yeah, its pretty good, would recommend watching it. Only con is that uh, it doesn't mention the spin offs like Sarah Jane Adventures (the only female led spin off) and Torchwood, cause I honestly feel it showed even more how RTD handled female characters versus the era of Steven Moffat (could have even compared what happens when RTD writes for the 11th doctor in his guest appearance in SJA versus....what happens when Steven's writing him).
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mg549 · 2 years
god i wish season 2 of h2o wasnt unwatchably misogynist 
#my posts#h2o#put it on for bg noise. got to my least favorite episode ever of all time [irresistible]#the whole season is rly bad tho. charlottes entire character is jst. jealous bitch stereotype nothing else#like yeah yeah shes meant to be dislikable. do you maybe want to meditate on why they wrote her the way they did any deeper than 'on purpose#'? bc it was on purpose. im aware of that. pls think deeper.#this isnt a take ive seen on tumblr mostly jst in the youtube comments btw#like. the character setup of granddaughter of the original trio is so interesting. but they hate women love loses#also i HAAAAAAAAATE ash. everytime hes on screen i have to pause to go watch sth else for a minute he makes me so mad#girl you look like live action william dunbar Go In The Dark. his mra talking points are so. i haaaaaaate it emmas such a butch lesbian 😭😭#my less popular take is that i dont like zikki either sorry. i think theyre both gay. i think they are wlw mlm bffs who shop at hot topic#god. the straight coupling literally ruins any sense of like. individuality they had in the first season [which still suffers from misogyny]#why write character development when you can jst do the same relationship drama over and over again#also i hate how the color grading got darker and less saturated in an attempt presumably to market towards older kids. looks bad#this is why s2 never got a rewrite in my hallucination doc. i have Ideas but theyre basically literally removed from canon entirely#i had an iced coffee so now im Going#<-he cant handle caffiene well but loves the taste
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leotanaka · 6 months
do you ever think about the fact that leo was literally seconds away from being brutally murdered all because his father couldn't handle looking at a photograph of leo with his girlfriend?
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kaerinio · 6 months
thinking about the juxtaposition of jaehaerys being both one of the greatest targaryen rulers . . . while also being one of the worst targaryens in terms of his contributions to their dwindling power.
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