#he's been my blorbo for 10 years now
essefryu · 10 months
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Just look at the calendar, it's the space bastard's birthday! So here's a portrait of him I drew like 79 years ago.
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shannonsketches · 6 months
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he's so important to me
#i guess i need to watch the anime but super's manga has just been a self-indulgent fever dream for me from start to finish#100000/10 absolutely perfect so validating so extremely catered to my tastes and headcanons and analyses and humor#so fucking funny and emotional and intense and goofy and beautifully drawn#my beautiful son getting to finally fucking see his HARD won character growth fucking shine and choose love and choose to be loved!!!!!!#Goku just being Goku Vegeta being Team Dad Piccolo being Team Grandpa Bulma being a fucking superstar keeping everybody organized and fed#god i love this squad i love this series i love these dumbasses and their struggles and their triumphs and their stupid childish bonding#I love that Toriyama just spent the last several years reminding the class that DB as a whole has always been an ACTION-COMEDY about LOVE#and I'm SO sad that the z anime really never did it justice in that sense because of having to fill time with dramatic tension but god. GOD#THE MANGA HAS ALWAYS BEEN SO CLEAR ON THAT THESIS.#Just all about Restorative Justice and Community and CARING even when you wish SO MUCH that you didn't care but yoU DO GODDAMMIT!!!#SUCH a great series I'm so sad it took losing mr t for me to finally read it but my god I needed to read it now and I'm so glad he wrote it#and i'm SO glad he wrote it Exactly Like This#once again rip to a legend i'm caught up and crying it's so perfect it's SO everything I've wanted to see onscreen and embedded in canon#and canon isn't everything but it still feels gREAT to be SO 1:1 on the same page with an author re: how you interpret your blorbo yknow???#been rotating this man in my head for 25 years and Mr Toriyama just mWAH kissed me on the forehead about it#anyway enough tag rambles I'm off again aklsjla#bonus for that kenpachi shit and letting him say 'sorry dude I can't be cold and numb anymore but this is still cathartic as fuck lol' like#mr t i hope you see the HIGHEST tier of heaven for that (and obviously for like everything all of it the whole life you led)#dbtag
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totalfreakingloser · 2 years
get yourself a bestie like Mason. mans just allows me to dump fic ideas on him and gives me pointers on what he loves about them. I just sent this man three whole essays on a singular fic idea and man is just like “so you’re making that a cohesive fic yeah? I need it.” love a man like that. I’ve written him like three different fics solely because I sent him the idea and he demanded more and who am I to say no to an adoring fan?
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tavina-writes · 8 months
I have been pondering the recent rash of "post canon NHS and LXC would never ever reconcile bc even if NHS wanted to have Er-ge back, LXC would never ever forgive him for [insert reason of choice here]" type of posts + the "do you think NHS thinks very hard about how much Da-ge would hate him for becoming [the way that he is now] by choosing to seek vengeance" type of posts, and I think fundamentally the reason these posts do not jive with me is that we have no indication, in the show or in the book that uh, NHS gives a shit about either of these things very much anymore?
The first type of post is predicated on the assumption that LXC's forgiveness or lack thereof some some sort of either extension of mercy (which NHS obviously does not deserve <- or so assumes the post) or some form of punishment (which is obviously the correct answer) but the last scene we get with NHS both in the book and the show make no indication that this is a thing he wants? Or cares about? Book NHS has *sauntered off* with his little hat trophy and Show NHS walks off screen after saying something along the lines of "What is my responsibility I won't shirk, what isn't my responsibility I won't care about." Now, arguably, show NHS is having a worse go of it emotionally, but shows no real inclination or interest in either apologies or making up and being friends again with LWJ, LXC, WWX, or other people. Book NHS seems pretty pleased with the outcome of the events as a whole?
The second type of post is predicated on the fact that NHS finds Da-ge's judgement a horrible burden to bear at this stage in the game, which! He might! But again especially in the book we get no indication that he has any fucks left to give about what Da-ge may or may not have wanted since Da-ge is dead. In both the show and the book, NHS went about revenge taking very specific and complicated actions with the desired result of JGY dying, but he certainly took the scenic route getting there, which, he didn't need to? As I've written about before, JGY didn't see him as a threat. If he wanted JGY dead he could've arranged to poison JGY's tea like, 10 years ago and had done with it instead of his complicated Rube Goldberg life ruining scheme. If he is still sickly anxious about how Da-ge might feel about the scheming and the trouble causing and the whole everything, that's certainly possible, but he must've decided it was worth it anyway regardless of that, and I don't know that it necessarily would've changed just because he got what he wanted at the end.
Overall, I think as a fandom we think a lot about like "will and should this relationship ever be repaired or similar to how it used to be?" and "does this character deserve/not deserve the forgiveness of people they've hurt or abandoned?" which can be interesting questions! I do feel like these are often taken as "is a character morally good (deserves to be forgiven) or morally bad (deserves to rot in hell forever never forgiven ever ever)" and based entirely on if Character is the meta writer's blorbo. Under this paradigm the concept of "Character did bad things to get exactly what they wanted and were happy about that and no relationships were ever repaired and the emotional detachment of people they used to care about no longer matters to them!" is uncomfortable.
It's just that for NHS I've increasingly come to the conclusion that canonically, I don't think NHS thinks he has anything to apologize for, nor is he super interested in being forgiven! He got what he wanted the way he wanted it to happen. Which is potentially supremely unsatisfying but I think is very sexy as a narrative concept.
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island-in-the-shadows · 3 months
Apparently some of all y'all hated the finale? Idk man, I had a ball!
Louis on a rampage? Iconic. 10/10 would recommend.
Louis kissing Armand in front of Lestat? Gagged. That was some reality trash TV behaviour and like Ouch Town, Population: Lestat.
The implication of Sam being a Deadmau5 type DJ? Hilarious
Daniel (with some help) taking a final fucking sledgehammer to the sham marriage? My Boomer son came, saw, won 3D chess against my blorbo.
Armand being...you know, Armand? Is that upsetting? That he knew? That he planned it? That he was directly antagonistic to Louis and Claudia? I mean...it's been nearly 50 years. My gremlin blorbo is as my gremlin blorbo does and that's why he's the feral racoon king of my alley aka Little King Trashmouth. Honestly I'm thankful to Louis that he only left him with a couple of scratches to his pretty face.
Louis really changed the locks and took the keys and was like gtfo bitch and he was so real for that. Yes, babe.
The reunion between Loustat? Random millenial being turned aside (cuz wtf was that?), it has been the ONLY moment in 2 seasons that has made me cry. The fact that they are the only two who can mourn their daughter, that they embraced in forgiveness and mourning? I couldn't, it was so lovely. And quite the open door.
Again, my boomer son....listen, this man gave zero fucks while he was still mortal. The fucks that he gives now with his (need to be more) purple eyes and fangs? THEY DO NOT EXIST. I LOVE THIS IDIOT. And lol ok yeah your maker made you out of spite, sure, let's go with that for now. Lol
Love that Daniel and Louis play telephone because tbh they both need a friend lol.
Louis removing the tree but having a portrait of Paul and Claudia's dress? 💔
Louis at them bitches: COME AT ME BITCHES
And now we know Lestat already said this was going to ruin the world tour, so...
Conclusion: It SLAPPED. Had a ball. 10/10 would recommend. I have as many complaints as Daniel has fucks to give.
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A deep dive into Zevlor's devotion (Part 1) Everybody hates tieflings, and how discrimination impacted a young Zevlor:
These series of posts were originally one loooooong post— but apparently Tumblr has a character limit, and I found it; so now it's been split into several parts/posts.
((Part 1, this post, is mostly to give context to the discrimination faced by tieflings in Faerûn. The third part is where the meat of my Zevlor analysis is.))
(Part 2) Elturel's history and culture, the Hellriders, and Zevlor's paladin oath. (Part 2.5)
(Part 3) Zevlor's actions during Act 1, an analysis of a man who is barely holding on.
(Part 4) Zevlor's actions during Act 2, an analysis of a broken man.
(Part 5) Zevlor's actions during Act 3, an analysis of a man with his faith restored.
(Part 6) Zevlor's actions during/ after the epilogue, not all endings are happily ever after— especially not for a tiefling.
(Part 7) Zevlor in a romantic relationship.
I don't think many bg3 players understand just how dedicated and loyal of a person Zevlor is. This ADHD hyper-fixation fueled multipart-thesis is meant to show how Zevlor's past is as tragic as any of the origin characters'/ Durge's. It's meant to show how horrifically broken Zevlor was when he "betrayed" the other tieflings. It's also meant to show that our beloved blorbo would probably be fervently obsessive if he was in a romantic relationship.
Most importantly: It demonstrates how our favorite man Zevlor was most likely a fanatical religious zealot my dudes. He was (probably) a part of the Faerûn equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition lite.
I have kept this as factual as I am able to. Please keep in mind that Baldur's Gate 3 plays it fast and loose with the DND/ Forgotten Realms canon and lore, on top of DND/ the Forgotten Realms itself regularly disregarding and changing it's own lore and canon. DND lore and canon as a whole is a mess. It has multiple universes that sometimes interact and are maybe separate from each other. Full disclosure; I've mixed 1e-5e lore together FUCK 5.5e, because parsing through what is currently considered canon is a nightmare. As far as I'm concerned, as long as a piece of lore was canon at some point in the past 50 years— it's fair game. @y-rhywbeth2 in this post has a more in depth disclaimer. Also please check out their headcanons and lore breakdowns, they're so good.
THIS PROJECT TOOK ME OVER A MONTH TO WRITE. I've tried to find all grammatical and spelling errors. I've tried to ensure that I've cited the correct sources in the correct places.
I have given up on trying to understand Tumblr's inconsistent post formatting. Why does the 'small' option for text sometimes actually make the text smaller but other times it makes the text larger???
● (Section 1) The Origins, Anatomy, and Physiology of Tieflings:
AN: It used to be that tieflings could only breed with other tieflings and humans. This seems to have been changed recently— one no longer has to have a demon somewhere in their genetic lineage to be a tiefling, one of their ancestors having contact with a demon is enough to produce a tiefling descendant. Which has interesting implications for Warlocks. There are also special versions of elf and orc tieflings.
(From what I can tell) tieflings live for about the same amount of time, maybe ~10 years longer than, humans do. (AN: Remember how I said the Forgotten Realms loves to retcon and disregard it’s own lore? The wiki states that their life span is from 90–150 years, but this source is from 2004 and the lore has greatly changed in the past 20 years. I am choosing to ignore the wiki here for my own sanity.)
Tieflings were humanoids with fiendish ancestry. They came about due to one of their ancestors (even many generations prior) getting freaky with a demon being "touched" by the evil planes in some way.
"Tieflings... were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiends—demons, Yugoloths, devils, evil deities, and others... Although their evil ancestors could be many generations removed, the taint lingered."
Before some warlock shenanigans happened, tieflings had a much wider range of appearances than the ones we generally see now.
"In 1358 DR, a warlock coven...the Toril thirteen performed a ritual that cursed most tiefling lineages... [changing] their original lineage with that of the archdevil... Asmodeus [who] became a god... giving most tieflings... a similar devilish appearance... [whereas before] infernal blood could be diluted through intermarriage... afterward, the union of a tiefling with another race always produced a tiefling child."
Their infernal ancestry gave them some very powerful abilities.
"Tieflings had a number of abilities gifted to them by their fiendish heritage... an innate resistance to heat and... a hint of bloodlust that gave them a slight edge in combat. Tieflings also had access to an ability known as infernal wrath, which channeled their innate rage and potential for evil into their attacks for added effectiveness... [they] tended to have better reflexes than their human kin... [Tieflings are] alluring and intelligent creatures, with a seductive aura in spite of their obviously evil ancestry...
Along with some not so great traits that fed into the prejudices against them.
"Other, more unusual characteristics included a sulfurous odor, cloven feet, or... an unsettling air about them... a general aura of discomfort they left on others... most people were uncomfortable around them, whether they were aware of the tiefling's unsavory ancestry or not... Tieflings were carnivores. They consumed blood, blubber, bone, gristle and meat... [and] raw bone marrow..."
Tieflings tended to be resolute and tenacious, with a strong internal drive to rise above their circumstances.
"They are adaptable and resilient to hardship, and possess strong aptitude at whatever pursuit they dedicate themselves to... When facing adversity, the tiefling instinct is not to withdraw from the world, but rather to challenge it head-on... Tieflings seek to make their own fates, defy the odds, and take risks that... most... would not dare."
For some awesome insight on tieflings check out this post [alt] by @gortashs-skidmark, it's a good source on tiefling appearances and traits. Along with this post [alt] by @pikapeppa providing evidence-based headcanons on tiefling appearances. And this post [alt] by @y-rhywbeth2, which talks about how a tiefling's physical traits are influenced by their specific infernal heritage.
Their infernal appearance and weird vibes are why almost
● (Section 2) Everybody Hates Tieflings:
Even before Elturel's Decent into Avernus, and subsequently the events of BG3 (both of which I will cover later), Tieflings faced an incredible amount of discrimination— even from their own kind.
"Few tieflings were raised with the love a normal human child might expect to receive... Tieflings who had strikingly inhuman features were often killed at birth by their horrified parents or others. Only those tieflings with subtle features or born to someone indifferent to their appearance, either out of acceptance or cruel purpose, were likely to reach adulthood... Tieflings often distrusted one another, sometimes even casting the same preconceptions on one another that others did on them."
This post [alt] by @underdark-dreams highlights the discrimination tieflings face in game. And how the Flaming Fists should be called the Flaming Shits, but I'll get into that in another part of this series.
Understandably, they didn't easily trust others. But once someone did earn a tiefling's trust, they were an incredibly loyal friend.
"…[Tieflings] expected eventual rejection from all... However, members of other races would find that once they demonstrated friendship and trust towards a tiefling, it would quickly be reciprocated in full. Once that bond was forged, it was rarely broken."
While some tieflings wholeheartedly embraced the preconception that all tieflings were evil, others would endeavor to prove it wrong.
"Their attitude regarding their heritage... while some tieflings embraced it, others were repulsed by it... tieflings, who were proud of their fiendish past... chose to... thwart... dark plots and schemes. Others sought to... emulate these evil deeds. Other tieflings were ashamed or even frightened of their heritage and wished only to escape the shadow that lurked over them... Some did this through constantly doing good, as though to make up for the evil that begot them. Others instead hid [their heritage]…"
Looking like devils made people think they were devils, or acted like devils.
"Tieflings are widely stereotyped as wicked, cruel, and criminal individuals... [with] a tendency to be solitary loners... known for their quick temper, stubbornness, self-confidence, and fickleness in relationships."
And since people thought tieflings were, or would act like, devils they treated them like devils.
"The social rejection they typically face often leads tieflings to enter a life of crime, which furthers social prejudice against their race." 
"We're distrusted and viewed as evil malcontents for so long that we start to believe it ourselves. It's hard not to try to live up to the hype, eh?"— Enkillo the Sly, tiefling
It's not a stretch of the imagination to assume that people would believe that: the more devilish a tiefling looked = the more they'd behave like devils (evil). It's also safe assume: that the more infernal traits a tiefling had = the more, harsher, discrimination they'd face.
This leads into my next topic,
● (Section 3) Zevlor's Infernal Appearance:
He looks like a combo of Sylvester Stallone and Willem Dafoe.
He and his Habsburg jaw lookin ass face seems to always have a 5 o'clock shadow. (Probably because he's a refugee struggling to survive, so his personal grooming habits have taken a back seat.)
Zevlor has more infernal features than the other tieflings do in-game. (As shown in this post [alt] by @lolliputian and @haru-sen) He has very prominent cheekbones, a thick brow ridge, and BIG horns. (Look at @cinnasalmon's post [alt] on Zevlor's horn anatomy.)
HC: The reasons his face bones are so protuberant is because they need to support the weight of his huge horns, as without them his (face) skull would fracture/ cave in from the constant pressure. Poor guy probably lives with a perpetual headache.
Zevlor's prominent infernal facial features make him look older than he probably is— as they emphasize the traits we humans commonly associate with aging; such as defined nasal labial folds, a lack of facial fat, and big ears. The striations by his eyes look like wrinkles, but I think that they're mostly infernal markings.
Stress prematurely ages people, and Zevlor had multitudes of stressors throughout his life: Contending with the discrimination from being a tiefling with prominent infernal traits, joining an elite military unit at age 12, rising through its ranks to become a Commander of said unit, having his city dragged into the literal Hells (more on that in part 2), defending the civilians/ city trapped in the hells, surviving the hells, then being stripped of his rank and banished from his home because of racial prejudices, and then leading a group of (mostly civilian) refugees to Baldur's Gate— all while desperately trying to keep them alive in the face of Faerûn's many, many, dangers.
Combining all the factors above would make any man look 10+ years older than he actually is.
Zevlor looks scary. His irises look like they're on fire, and his teeth are scarier than Astarion's. I was browsing Tumblr alone in my room, at night, 😳 and this photo of Zevlor popped up on my feed giving me a good scare. I have an unhealthy obsession with Zevlor, he's made it onto my official husbando list! And yet, I can't look at certain screen shots of him at night because they scare me. I'm a wuss.
I simp hard for this man, and yet I am still frightened by his appearance sometimes. Imagine how people in Faerûn react when they see his sleep paralysis demon lookin ass him in person? Screaming and running away is completely understandable.
Which brings us to,
● (Section 4) How Discrimination Impacted a Young Zevlor:
Even as a young child Zevlor would've know that his appearance othered him.
"Most tieflings were aware from an early age that they were different from others around them..."
Even as a child Zevlor most likely knew that many people would dislike him and refuse to trust him because he was born a tiefling.
Tiefling families in the traditional sense are rare. Many tieflings, born to human parents who possess a latent infernal bloodline, are abandoned at birth and raised by a monastery, church, orphanage, or adoptive parents.
I headcanon that he had at least one loving parent—before he was orphaned, but it's entirely possible, and likely, that he was abandoned at birth.
Young Zevlor would've known that he would have to work very hard to be seen as something other than a criminal or evil monster.
"While some [tieflings] would... [turn] towards evil, others rejected it wholeheartedly and sought to make a good impact on the world around them, sometimes becoming the most heroic characters of all. Few could maintain this discipline however."
AN: Elturel was a theocracy (more on that part 2)— Zevlor likely grew up in a deeply religious family/ community.
All these factors combined would lead to a young Zevlor who:
Was determined to prove his goodness and rise above the adversity he faced. The force of will and work ethic he needed to become not just a Hellrider— but a Hellrider Commander, while being a tiefling, meant that he would've grown into a stubborn man. (See this post [alt] by @ohsayit)
Was so deeply religious and devoutly pious that he became a paladin. (More on this in part 2)
Internalized the impossible standards he was held to.
Developed a guilt complex (my "grew up Catholic" is showing)
Viewed any mistake he made as a personal moral failure, and as an indication of his inherent evil nature. (Hello again, Catholicism)
Would be hyperaware of how he's perceived by others.
Would learn how to read people's true intentions/ motivations.
Learned to vigilantly monitor, and strictly control his facial expressions and body language. (Is my autistic masking showing?)
Learned how to show deference to others through body language.
Leaned how to make himself appear smaller and less threatening.
Figured out how smile and laugh without showing his teeth.
Mastered the awkward and tight-lipped polite smile.
Figured out how to intelligibly speak with a tight jaw and lips so that his teeth wouldn't be seen by others while he spoke.
Developed self worth/ self esteem issues. Even other tieflings would've looked at him with suspicion and maybe even disgust.
That's it for part 1, here's another link to (Part 2) Elturel's history and culture, the Hellriders, and Zevlor's paladins oath. (Part 2.5)
and the other parts,
A deep dive into Zevlor's devotion series (master list)
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kritischetheologie · 5 months
☕️ logan sargeant (sorry if this is boring/a softball i just like when people talk about him)
logan became my blorbo when I found out that his hype song was lose yourself. it's the most fundamentally american white kid pump up song ever written; I've been able to badly rap every word of it since I was, like, 10, because you listen to it on your way to soccer games or track meets or whatever and you get yourself in the zone and that's just what you do. it's hard to imagine another fact I could have learned about him that would have elicited such a strong reaction of yeah, he's one of ours.
logan fascinates me sexually because he's incredible good looking but also very clearly shy and awkward, which is a supremely rare combination, especially in men. (the west wing's sam seaborne, a character seemingly written with the express challenge of answering the question "what if a guy who looked like rob lowe was chronically rizzless?" is the exception that proves the rule). for almost a year now, I've been wanting to write a wlw loscar fic, because pretty blonde girl you'd expect to be a bitch but she's inexplicably nice to you because of how shy she is and you become best friends is like, a top 5 wish fulfillment fantasy if we're being honest.
I'll defend logan as a driver in similar terms to the ones in which I defend mick: it's not unreasonable for a young driver who's had success in the junior formulae to struggle with the jump to f1. the pressure of getting a reputation for being crashy only makes it worse, because then you're in your head trying not to fuck up instead of trying to succeed. it's not unreasonable for a driver who brings in a large market and sponsors (the germans for mick, the americans for logan, the chinese for zhou) to get a drive they otherwise might not "deserve" on pure ability, and it's different from being a straight up pay driver.
I'm probably pretty rare among logan defenders in that I'll defend the chassis swap. albon is three years ahead of logan in his career and has scored podiums; treating him as the team's first priority on a weekend when you can only run one car shouldn't be the massive blow to logan's confidence people made it out to be. I think it was professor @yekoc who made the point that sometimes you get benched in sports; this feels like one of those moments where the fact that f1 doesn't function like most of the team sports most of us watch informs people's differing reactions to the situation. the starters vs. second string analogy doesn't work exactly, because this is like if you suddenly had to bench half your starters, but I think people are more capable of managing their expectation about how they rank compared to their teammates than a lot of logan's defenders gave him credit for. I think swapping was probably nevertheless a mistake, but everyone who said they might as well fire him if they don't trust him in the car was way overblown. if I were logan, my takeaway from that weekend wouldn't be "time to update my cv, the team clearly doesn't believe in me," it would be "time to work on closing the gap to albon and proving I can bring in points down the line." if I'm logan, looking for a seat for next year, I don't think alex albon is my competition; mick schumacher is, kimi antonelli is, some junior I haven't heard of is. obviously, beating albon helps, but they aren't going to decide mick schumacher is a better option because I didn't.
I hope williams keeps him around next year. I think it would be especially frustrating to their claim that they want to have their own junior programme and not just be mercedes' alpha tauri for them to turn around and sign kimi antonelli. who also binned it several times in australia, for those of you keeping track at home. ok I will stop now before I start praying on the downfall of a literal child again.
send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
I decided to summarize all my AUs for easier perusal.
Wild Spirit: BotW but more angst, courtesy of an ingenious evil anon’s idea
Breath of the Sky: Skyward Sword meets BotW pre Calamity and absolute chaos is the result. Mainly because I hold the readers in suspense for literal months.
Forsaken AU: Legend of Zelda The Sitcom
Golden Mercy (Good Ganondorf): Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf takes a swing at the good old redemption arc but his methods are questionable and Link has so many questions
Imprisoning War: Angst angst angst angst my personal punching bag holy crap how much do I torture these blorbos Backstory to Golden Mercy that shows why Ganondorf wants/needs to take a swing at the good old redemption arc and the absolute disaster he left behind. Prequel to Hyrule Warriors.
Blood of the Hero: I create an OC for the sole purpose of torturing him 10 years after the Calamity, Link’s parents play botw instead of their kid when his healing shrine gets busted, but don’t worry, they’ll fix it by collecting spirit orbs to heal him!
Healthcare AU: I never write a single cohesive plot and somehow everyone is ok with this. Oh and all the LU boys work in healthcare.
Hero of Shadow: I torture my poor Link because I can TotK Ganondorf tries to be a good dad by literally using his kid (OC Link) as a puppet with dark magic. Meanwhile, Totk Link is trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Also I probably confuse my readers because Shadow Link and Power Link are the same person in different timelines
Dad Squad: @/nancyheart11 comes up with an amazing premise of throwing multiple father figures of Link together and we all collectively mess with them in the sandbox because traumatizing blorbos is fun and they have to rescue their sons from the Yiga’s 1 million banana ransom (that wasn’t sent out in a memo and the Yiga are highly offended their ransom hasn’t been paid but that’s fine because the Links escaped anyway and now there’s just chaos because heaven only knows where anybody is at this point)
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
I can ask you for some wars fix recs plz
I don’t read a whole lot of fanfiction because i just don’t have time or energy these days to actually read. BUT!! I can point you in the direction of people i know who write wars fics/wars fics i have read and remember lmao (people who see this feel free to comment or reblog with fic recs 🫶) click the underlined shit for links, and my apologies in advance for tagging every single person who wrote a wars fic i read in the past 4 months 🧍‍♂️
- i have 35 fics on my ao3 (Can_Opener) tagged with “Wars centric”. i primarily write Wars stuff, tho all of my fics are currently locked and are only visible to registered users because FUCK ai. I’ll make em public again once the ai thing ain’t an issue anymore, but for now they’re only visible to registered users
- Something Is Better Than Nothing (Try) by @rosadon3, summary: "He sat down and pulled the orange from his bag, running his hands over the skin, twisting it around so he could check every inch. It was safe. It was always safe. Why did he have to worry so much?" It's "projecting my insecurities onto my blorbos" hours.
- Yellow Potion by @gryphonlover, summary: Warriors struggles with eating enough food and drinking enough water for a variety of reasons, which has the unfortunate result of causing him to feel faint and sometimes even pass out. Good thing his brothers have his back.
- @catreginae has a fic where Wars is a vampire which I’ve been MEANING to read because it sounds cool as FUCK but I haven’t yet, but Wars angst writers support Wars angst writers so here is a link to the fic Thou Shalt Not Fall, and here is a link to their ao3
- @hyruledwarriorr has some good stuff, here’s a link to their ao3. He’s got a couple fics posted, some modern au stuff where Wars is a language teacher if I’m remembering right? and other good fics. I haven’t read em all yet but i enjoyed the ones I did!
- @maaarsbaars also has two wars fics that I’ve read, THIS ONE about Wars and PTSD, and THIS ONE where Wars has a feeding tube. here’s a link to their ao3
- and then there’s Numbered by @elle-rosewater which was absolutely FUCKING devastating and i threw my phone across the room at the end and had to stare at the wall for a bit to fucking recover. If you like plot twists, by GOD is this the fucking fic for you, i had to call my fiancee at like 10 pm and scream about it to them because i didn’t know what else to do with myself 😭 11/10 fic, will read again when I have the mental strength to go through it again KNOWING how it ends. AND IT’S PART OF A SERIES?? I BELIEVE?? anyways this is the summary: Some years after the end of the nine-hero adventure, Time was offered the chance to visit Warriors again. There was no way he was going to turn that down, no matter how odd the circumstances were.
thats all i can remember for right now, there are some good ones im remembering the plot of but not the actual titles, but hopefully people see this and can give you even more fic recs!!
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dropthedemiurge · 8 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things You Didn't Notice #9
(okay it's not an episode number this time i just still have many details to point out oops pls let me go)
I swear. I thought I'd stop mentioning small details because I already wrote like 10 posts on Tumblr translating and explaining all the cultural stuff regarding this show and the obsession is already becoming embarrassing, but I rewatched the last episodes again and I've got tiny. Little. Details. That I can't help but point people to once again. Because damn, the amount of thought put into this show!
(trigger warning: first part talks about suicide and depression, next ones are linguistic and cultural)
The Black Suit & The Sea
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I would've asked Koreans I know about the significance of such symbolism but they are celebrating Seollal (New Year) today and I don't wanna ruin the festive mood asking about "how would people dress for suicide" x)
But after watching this scene, I recognized some strong parallels in Korean media depicting depression, suicide and one's decision to end their life. One of it is bridges and jumping (if you don't know what Bridge of Life is, ask me and I'll share, so this post wouldn't become too long) but another one is sea.
My interpretation - Koreans wear black suits to funerals, so if someone is headed to the sea in a black suit, it might mean this is the character's attempt to "have" their own funeral before finally ending their life. Why do I think this combination is somehow significant?
Because I remembered a music video one of K-pop artists I like (Kim Hanbin) made, after he experienced the downfall of career, extreme hate and rejection from the public, and severe depression. His whole album Waterfall tells Hanbin's personal story, dark thoughts and his battle to survive during the time when he was gone for 2 years, but in the music video for this album (illa illa) he is seen emerging from the sea in a black suit – metaphorically regaining his music and, most importantly, desire to live. Watch with lyrics!
If we think, this is how you depict suicidal thoughts/attempt in Korean media (of course, Love for Love's Sake was even more blunt in telling us the meaning), then Myungha wearing black suit wasn't just for the pretty or dramatic picture. More than that, we see him wearing the black suit for the whole last evening – especially when he goes to finally meet his mother.
Which tells us Myungha has already decided to disappear from this world, and was determined to do it on that day, and his mother rejecting him and pretending she doesn't know her son might not have been just the last straw... but it definitely could've been Myungha's last attempt to find anything in his life worth staying for, worth not going through with his plan.
Anyway, what a scary but beautiful symbolism.
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Let's talk about something happier! More heartwarming!
Do you remember when we talked about the carefully placed movie posters in previous episodes? I payed more attention to the background this time when in Episode 8 Yeowoon ran to the cinema searching for Myungha in his world. And what an amazing discovery! When Myungha starts existing again and calls Yeowoon, the movie poster behind Yeowoon says "Guardian" (보호자).
And I already said in another post that Myungha in previous episodes admitted himself being Yeowoon's "guardian, protector" in the exact same word. But now this word is shown next to Yeowoon! As Yeowoon is the one who changed the main mission and has now declared himself Myungha's guardian and protector and will do his best to make him (his favourite pereson/bias/blorbo) happy. They have now both become guardians for each other. This. Goddamn. Show.
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And I also want to shout out the VFX & Production team for this show – all the visual effects are very down to earth, gentle and not over the top but enhancing the series to the max. Like, maybe you wondered where on the screen does it say "Monday, August 14" and "Saturday, August 12"? Well, as expected, you see it on four monitor screens above the box office – the date, the ongoing movies (yep, still our favourite two fake movies) and available dates etc.
But when Yeowoon and Myungha agree to meet each other in the exact system time, they are facing each other without a barrier, and the screens are now counting down the time until the Game End. Instead of normally showing movies, like in the previous shot, it says "Time remaining: 3 hours, 23 minutes, 15 seconds". It was either done with VFX or practically, but still, the thought of incorporating system messages into the actual background is insane and I'm always happy to discover such details.
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I don't know how many of you have motivational stairs at your schools, we definitely didn't have this but it's quite a popular thing in Korea. They put popular and uplifting sayings for students on each stair, sometimes they even quote motivational phrases from idols, like this:
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And it's interesting that when system gets broken and Myungha is about to disappear, we see the deep cracks coming through the stairs, we see ruined school BUT at the same time the quotes in the show are so obviously in our focus. And they are already written (see screenshots above) in Korean and English, but I'll still write down: one is saying "Stay hungry, stay foolish" and "If you dream it, you can do it, you will succeed". So, perhaps... motivational quotes from sunbae?
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And the last moment isn't heavy on translation but I still want to talk about it because cool Korean culture!xD You see the gang grilling meat on the roof (it's called samgyeopsal and it's very popular to have for gatherings), and then Myungha makes a "ssam" and feeds it to Yeowoon – but Sangwon steals it.
Ssam is a wrap, you grill meat then put it on the salad leaf, add other ingredients (like mushrooms, sauces, garlic, green onions etc, there are many side dishes) and then you wrap it in this sort of salad sack and eat it. It's very tasty and unusual combination. But the thing is! There is no way to make it for someone else and leave it on their plate so if you make a ssam wrap for someone and want to give it to a person, you literally have to feed them (like Myungha does with a very fond smile). This is why it's often seen as a romantic gesture (aka feeding someone from your fork etc) and why it's hilarious that Sangwon steals this ssam from Yeowoon (because he wants and he gets Myungha's affection and he's not above being a brat about it!)
I'm sure you can already sense it anyway without me telling you about romantic/close-friend implications, but I thought you guys might wonder why are the guys fighting over the salad leaf.
Another funny thing – Sangwon mentions "There's a saying, 'Don't scold dogs while they eat'". This is a Korean proverb "밥 먹을 때는 개도 안 때린다" ("You don't hit even a dog when it eats") which means that, no matter how annoying you find someone, no matter how angry you are, you can't scold this person while they are eating. Eating is a very important cultural thing in Asia, of course, so do not have arguments at the dinner :D But it's funny how Sangwon uses old proverbs to be mischievous and steal Myungha's love without consequences xD I adore him
I swear, this gotta be my last post about all the details in Love for Love's Sake. There is one more scene with the mirror and a caption, and I'm very curious if it means something because it was seen twice, during system breaking down scene as well, but it's either in Chinese or Japanese and I can't read it.
Anyway! Hope you enjoyed your everyday magazine, I love reading all your tags and thoughts and comments, and if you want to read all my previous translations and pointed out cultural details in Love for Love's Sake, go read this tag!=)
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toffeeanddragons · 8 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
Thank you so much @idle-brit for tagging me!This was lots of fun :) 💖
My tags: @delyth88, @elymusplant, @galaxythreads, @chemical-processes. No pressure to answer, of course :)
1. Loki (MCU)
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As much as I love everyone on this list, there is absolutely no competition for number 1. Loki has been my favourite character of all time for nearly 6 years now (because clearly the best time to join someone's fandom is after they've just been murdered), and is showing absolutely no signs of being replaced anytime soon. I have a Loki blog, for god's sake. The brodinsons are my favourite relationship in any kind of media, ever. I love them so, so much. Loki's a million different things and feelings, all at the same time, all fighting with each other, which makes for a wonderfully complex and nuanced character. Also, he's hilarious. Look at that eye roll. This is a man who hates his life, which makes me feel better about mine. Thanks, Loki.
2. Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
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As will become obvious throughout this list, I love me an emotionally traumatised crazy person. Klaus is that. One of the characters who makes me laugh the most, ever, show-stopping dress sense, and a bucketload of unresolved trauma which goes largely ignored by Klaus, the other characters and the narrative itself? It was love at first sight. Their banter with the other characters, especially Ghost Ben (rip) is one of my favourite aspects of the show. Here's to hoping that Klaus won't be getting the Allison treatment in season 4!
3. Pippa Fitz-Amobi (A Good Girl's Guide to Murder)
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I binge-read the entire AGGTM series earlier this year, and instantly fell in love with it. Pip is one of my favourite protagonists ever. Impossibly clever, compassionate, obsessive, badass, and a teensy bit unhinged. What's not to love? I would die for her. I'd say that I'd kill for her, but I think she's got that covered. I think she's written in a very realistic way, firstly as a genius 17 year old girl who doesn't really know what she's getting into, and later as a haunted individual who wants to stop investigating but can't. The way she politely knocks on people's front doors to dig up their traumas, accuse them of murder and all-round ruin their lives is everything to me. She is my blorbo. I am so, so excited for the show to come out, and I'm sure that Emma Myers will do a wonderful job as Pip!
4. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
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One of the best-written characters, in one of the best-written series ever. Reading from her perspective is such a delight- she's endlessly suspicious of everyone around her, constantly on survival mode, trusting very few people and relying on exactly no one (to begin with, at least). She's a random teenage girl, from the poorest district, and she wins the Hunger Games. She's so mentally unstable that she has to be sedated, and still she's made to be the face of a rebellion. She's rude, and kind of unlikeable. She adopts all the weakest tributes, at risk to herself, knowing that they won't win. She's doomed to fail by the narrative. She's the it girl of 2010s dystopian YA fiction. Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing actress, who does a beautiful job portraying the depth and conflict of Katniss in the films. The themes and social commentary of the Hunger Games is one of its (many) strong points, and I am so so glad that people are talking about it again, because it is my favourite book series out there.
5. Mitchell Pritchett (Modern Family)
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I have no idea what to say about this man, I just love him. He just like me fr. What an icon. Impeccable music taste. I've started saying, "no my god" now, and nobody understands what I'm talking about. Even in a sitcom, my favourite is the one with issues that he refuses to talk about or fix. The episode where he's trying to hide that he dressed up as spiderman makes me cry-laugh. Claire's speech at his wedding makes me just cry. He's not a perfect man, but he's certainly better than everyone else.
6. Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die)
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My favourite cringefail loser! I said Katniss was doomed by the narrative in a metaphorical way. This idiot is actually doomed.
No but in all seriousness, I do really love him. Before the beginning of the game, he was just a relatively normal young man- but, when confronted with the inevitability of his own death, he made himself into a monster to survive. He has a violent vendetta against the local badass teenage girl, who is traumatised as hell already and does not need Shin chipping in as well, thank you very much. I love his relationship with Kanna, his biological sister; how he uses her, manipulates her, and still cares for her so much that he dies for her with a smile on his face in the Emotion route. Conversely, in the Logic route, his actions are a direct cause of her death, and I just love how much YTTD hates siblings. I hope that his past with Midori is explored more in either a mini-episode or the final part of the game, because I find it sooo interesting. I'm super excited to see whether he actually has no chance of survival, or whether he makes it out, against the odds, on one of the routes. He's a bit useless, so I won't get my hopes up.
7. Rue Bennett (Euphoria)
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I think it goes without saying that Euphoria has its issues, lol. Sam Levinson is an idiot. While a lot of the show (especially season 2) feels shallow and like it doesn't care about its characters, Rue's storylines always have heart and depth and I am so invested in her arc. It's no wonder that Zendaya won 2 Emmys for this role, because her acting is phenomenal! Rue feels so real to me, in the way that she's trying so hard to stay sober but she falls down and relapses time and time again. Recovery isn't linear, but she's getting there, and I adore her with all my heart. Her relationships with Lexi, her mother, her sister, and her sponsor, Ali, are my favourites, and the healthiest for her, in my opinion. Her brief friendship/ romance with Jules may have kept her more solidly sober than anything else in the show, but Jules (understandably) cracks under the pressure of Rue's mental health, and can't be there for her. Rue needs to heal for herself, which she appears to be doing at the end of S2.
8. Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
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Duffer brothers, please just let her be happy.
Despite only being introduced in Season 2, Max has, in my opinion, had the best character development out of everyone on the show. Her growth from someone standoffish, rude, and uninterested in the group (maybe I'm being a bit harsh. She was, like, 12) to someone who is willing to risk her life to help her friends and Hawkins means so much to me. The scene in "Dear Billy" (S4, Ep4) where she escapes from Vecna remains my favourite in the whole show and will probably be burned into my brain forever. Her relationships with Lucas and El are very sweet, and some of my favourites in Stranger Things. Her final line in S4, after all her struggles over the season, being that she doesn't want to die literally breaks my heart. I hope she gets some degree of a happy ending in the final season. She was my first profile picture when I joined this hellsite, and I love her a lot.
9. Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)
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The shenanigans that this girl gets up to never fail to make me laugh. The bit where she accidentally dyes her hair green and then has to hack it all off makes me feel awful for her, but. it's hilarious. Sorry, Anne. Her friendship with Diana is so sweet but also so funny to me because they really are the most chaotic duo of the 1880s. The scene where Anne accidentally gives her alcohol instead of fruit juice is so mortifying but so, so funny. Amidst all of the insane situations that Anne gets into are a lot of really heartwarming moments and relationships. Matthew and Marilla adopting Anne, even though they wanted a boy, because she's so endearing and alone in the world is probably what made me who I am today. I still haven't gotten around to watching Anne with an E, but I've heard it's amazing. I look forward to watching it when I have the time :).
10. Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
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My first ever favourite character! Another one who I don't have a tonne to say about. She's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment. She has done nothing wrong, ever. She knows martial arts, so watch out.
Honourable mentions: Thor (MCU), Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games), Gretchen Weiners (Mean Girls), Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99), Maurice Moss (The IT Crowd), The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), James (The End of the F***ing World), Ali Abdul (Squid Game).
If you read all of this then thanks, and have a great day!
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one-piece-aus · 1 year
Whumptober Day 5
Sabo x Reader
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TW: Home invasion
[y/c] = your city
"Weakness." You punched Sabo into the lava and watched him burn to death.
"[Y/n] I was in the middle of collecting quartz," Sabo whined and respawned back at his base.
"Karma's a bitch," you laughed.
You were playing Minecraft with your online friend Sabo, who you've been playing online games with for the past 10 years. Started ever since you got Minecraft as a kid and played on servers, after playing a few mini-games you friended him, and eventually, you exchanged Discord users (when it became a thing). Yeah, yeah, the internet is a dangerous place, blah blah blah, Sabo was cool though, you trusted him, you've already done video calls with him, and honestly he's been there for you more than anyone else.
There were countless late nights where you two stayed up, gaming while discussing some deep topics. Sometimes they were philosophical nonsense, other times they were about struggles going on in life, you both cried over call during those kinds of nights. Safe to say you and Sabo's friendship was real, you just wished he lived near you so he could visit-
"Oh now I'm not going to share the surprise I was going to tell you," Sabo said when he teleported back to the nether.
"Surprise? What surprise?" You crouched your Minecraft character in front of him.
"Nooooo, I'm not going to say." Sabo walked around you and begun mining quartz once again.
"Come onnnnn, Sabo."
"Surprises are for nice spouses."
Ah, that's right, I forgot to mention your married Sabo in Minecraft, for "XP benefits" of course.
"I'll give you golden apples."
"And... a three stacks of cookies."
"Well why didn't you just say so!" Sabo spun around and picked up the items you dropped for him before going on his merry way.
"Okay, now tell me," you said following after him.
"So you remember how I said my brothers and I planning to go on a trip over Christmas?" Sabo asked as he started to build a bridge over lava.
"Yeah, kinda sucks since that means you won't be able to play online," you grumble as you slowly crept behind him as he placed blocks. Playing with Sabo was all you looked forward to these days so him reminding you that you wouldn't be able to play with him during that time, you felt your mood deflate.
"Well guess where we're going."
"Uhhhh Tim Buck Two."
"No, we're going to [y/c]."
"Really!?" Your demeanour spun a 180, your excitement pulled a shiny smile across your face.
"I knew you'd be happy but I didn't think you'd get the same energy when you see your favourite blorbos on screen," Sabo laughed as the two of you were now bridging over a group of piglins on the ground.
"Because you are one of my little blorbo husbandos," you cooed knowing it'd fluster him.
"...I'd like to see you say that to me in person."
"You say that like I won't."
"[Y/n], you can barely ask an employee for help at the grocery store."
"Shush." You hit Sabo off the bridge and watched him fall to his doom, or so you thought. He placed a water block on the ground, in the nether. "Are you using your hacks again!?"
"You better move before I get back up and knock you off," Sabo warned.
"You won't dare."
"Or I would-" Sabo cut himself off when he heard something loud thud over on your end. "What was that?"
"Hm?" You were playing music in the background, talking to Sabo, and listening to Minecraft sounds with your noise-cancelling headphones so you didn't hear it.
"Something heavy fell over on your end."
"You're not messing with me are you?"
"Ace does that trick, not me."
"I wouldn't put it past you to use one of your brother's tricks."
"Okay, I'll stop building up-" Sabo ceased stacking blocks and looked up at your character. "You pause your game and check what fell over."
"Fine." You pause your game and start to take your headphones off.
"Turn your camera on."
"It's... I just got a bad feeling."
"Okay..." You shrugged off Sabo's uneasiness and turned on your camera before taking off your headphones and started looking around your room to see what fell.
"Must've fell outside," you muttered heading toward your bedroom door and opening it.
Sabo couldn't see what was outside your door, whatever stood out there made you slam your shut and scramble to push your dresser in front of the door. Goosebumps crawled over his skin as realization hit him that shit is hitting the fan. He fumbled on his end to grab his phone and rapidly tapped buttons.
"Sabo..." You were now back in front of the computer, the dresser completely blocking the door. "Call the cops."
"Way ahead of you," Sabo said as the phone began ringing. "What's going on?"
"There's...there's a guy in...in my house." You could hardly pull your words together since your brain is currently spinning around to find the way for you to survive. "He...he's throwing things around... I think...I think he saw me." You started typing your address to Sabo so he could tell the cops where to go, you sent it before but it'd take too long for him to scroll up to find it. 
Sabo muted himself, probably so he wouldn't be heard talking to the cops. You backed away from the computer again, this time grabbing your bookshelf full of manga and pushing it in front of your door. Once that also blocked the door, you glanced around for more things to push in front of the door but the only heavy stuff left was your bed and desk which could be hiding places that the intruder could look around, and any few seconds he wasn't finding you was a second more of survival.
You picked up your headset and put it back on, Sabo was still muted. You clicked on the Minecraft tab so it'd cover your screen and he- if the invader came into your room- wouldn't know your camera was on with a witness. You took your phone just in case, making sure it was on silent and hid in the closet, making sure no sound came when you closed the door. You climbed into your laundry basket, burying yourself under your dirty clothes, for once grateful you forgot to do laundry.
"Okay, the cops are on their way- [Y/N]?? Where are you [Y/n]???" Sabo felt his heart drop.
"i'm in the closet," you whispered.
"Why didn't you climb out your window?"
"don't you remember that i told you the lock is broken? i live on the 10th, that's suicide," you whisper-shouted.
"Just stay on call, okay, police will be there soon."
Your meek voice squeezed Sabo's heart, his wish he was there to deal with the guy himself, or at this to be there to reassure you everything is going to be okay. Alas, all he could do was sit there on the other end of the screen, helpless as you both listened to something banging on your door.
Tag: @bookandyarndragon @roseoftrafalgar
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Here is where I stand with the Global Conflict this week (no one asked lmao)
1. The top priority for me is stopping the genocide in Gaza, and, immediately after that, establishing a Palestinian state/two state solution.
2. Hamas isn’t going to peddle any kind of solution/compromise. Hamas essentially took their “We want to kill Jews” treatise and replaced “Jews” with “Zionists” but nothing has changed. If you can’t see that, you’re dangerous and probably stupid.
3. The hostages need to be freed (if they’re still alive, which let’s be realistic, they probably aren’t.) If Netanyahu actually cared about freeing the hostages, he would have done it by now, and a large number of Israelis recognize that.
4. Recognition of the hostages/ October 7th and recognition of the genocide/ deeply awful conduct of Israel can and SHOULD coexist.
5. Joe Biden is a useless little bitch. Having him as President again would still be better than four more years of Trump.
6. The Met Gala was not orchestrated by Big Zionism to distract from the invasion of Rafah and saying that it was is just blatant antisemitism. That being said, the Israeli military does frequently carry out large strikes on nights like the Met Gala and the Super Bowl when they know that the American news cycle will be focused on something else. Both things can be true. Also, the Met Gala is inherently a stupid thing to get excited about I’m sorry.
7. Student protestors do often fall into traps of antisemitism and say shit that could potentially harm Jews. What else is going to happen, when you gather a bunch of 19 year olds and tell them to yell as loud as humanly possible? That being said, I do have to believe that a vast majority of college protestors have good intentions AND, most of all, even if they don’t, censoring them and spraying pepper spray in their eyes is draconian behavior that the history books will not look kindly upon.
8. I’m so on the fence about boycotts, especially Eurovision. Because on one hand, banning Palestinian flags and keffiyeh’s from the performance is wrong. And I don’t think that Israel should be allowed to compete considering everything that the government is doing, like Russia was banned in 2021. That being said, it does make me sad that this 19 year old girl wrote a song about losing friends and family on October 7th and in response, she’s been booed and told to stay in her hotel room lest the angry mob tears her apart.
9. I do think that celebrities have some level of responsibility to use their platforms for good. That being said, this is such a complex issue that I almost don’t fault some people for not making a 250 character Twitter statement. I don’t think the dying children of Gaza care much if you block Zendaya or Olivia Rodrigo on Instagram. It also gets ridiculous when you go in the comments section of creators with like 100k followers and you see people posting Palestinian flags like yeah I’m sorry that blorbo from my shows isn’t personally flying to Gaza to punch Netanyahu in the face.
10. If you punctuate every single acknowledgement of the genocide with “but what about the hostages!!” or GOD FORBID “it’s sad that Hamas made Netanyahu do this” you have been propagandized by your local Hillel. No one made Netanyahu do this except Netanyahu. There’s no way you don’t know that by now. Wiping out Hamas: another thing that Netanyahu probably would have done by now if he genuinely wanted to.
11. Whenever I see lists of “here are the celebrities/professors/writers/guy on the street to block and throw rocks at because he’s a Mean Scary Zionist” I am reminded of the lists of synagogue goers that Nazis used to track down Jews and their families during the Holocaust. Seriously if you’re peddling lists of “Zionists” ripe for demonization you might want to ask yourself what you’re REALLY doing, and why.
12. Fun fact about me: I actually consider myself a Zionist. I do think, historically speaking, that Jews do need a safe place and a homeland to prevent us from being killed again like we seem to be every few centuries or so. I just don’t think that place has to be Israel, and I DEFINITELY don’t think Palestine should be subjugated for it to happen. But whenever I hear “Zionism = BAD” I just cringe a bit because… you keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means
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infinity-or-oblivion · 8 months
so my loa batkids au has gained a little traction and i’ve hit a bit of a wall when it comes to writing new stuff so here’s an infodump to hopefully kill my writers block xoxoxo
first of all, jason. my forever number one blorbo. there’s a bit of a role reversal here because compared to all the rest of them, jason arguably had it the easiest. like we’re not going to compare traumas but an argument could be made. i honestly don’t remember if i mentioned it at all in the actual series yet, but the story i have for jason is that his childhood with willis and catherine was about the same as canon/commonly accepted fanon, meaning he was homeless around nine years old. however, instead of living on the streets for years, it was only a few months tops before meeting bruce.
and bruce! this is very fun to me, but basically i was thinking that if he didn’t raise dick, then why couldn’t this version of bruce be younger? so bruce becomes batman in his early twenties, which is also around the time that he visits the league of assassins for training and damian is conceived. (for a little more about that, here) and bruce is roughly 25 when he finds a tiny 9-10 year old jason trying to steal his tires. just imagine that it’s so fucking adorable and heartbreaking ANYWAYS bruce, despite being overall a disaster, doesn’t let a malnourished 10 year old out to fight crime right away, so there’s a couple years between when jason first meets bruce and when he becomes a child soldier yayyyy!!!! but legit, it makes a lot of difference to jason, because you know how canon!jason has some self-esteem issues (for lack of a better term) around bruce not really loving him/seeing him as a son because bruce started training him as robin (and as dick’s replacement) immediately after adopting him- you know that whole thing? yeah well here, despite jason actually offering to help bruce as a vigilante, this bruce is like hell nah you’re literally ten years old and the size of a six year old no way, and those few years in between really stick in jason’s mind as solid proof that bruce really does love him, not for what use he can provide, but simply as a son. also being the only child definitely helps with that
(that little detail of jason and bruce’s relationship is slightly inspired by minimum height requirement, which is absolute batfam gold btw)
okay so. slight pet peeve of mine is in aus where dick isn’t the first robin, the legacy is still called robin for whatever reason (lookin at you reverse robins aus) because!!!!! how dare you erase mary and john grayson’s importance!!!!! (look there’s more nuance to it than that i know but. to put it simply it feels like flying graysons erasure to me) so in this au, jason can’t possibly be called robin. the real robin has been missing for roughly seven years at this point
and listen. i tried to be creative and come up with something cool and original for jason’s vigilante name i really did, but apparently i used all of my naming talent on nighthawk (fucking love that name for dick it’s so fantastic) so we just have bluejay. womp womp
also! on my list of things to expand on: main timeline stephanie!!! i’ve had an absolute blast making myself cry while writing every heart sings a song, incomplete and those who wish to sing always find a song, but spoiler steph will always be my babygirl. and duke!!!! i have not written barely anything for duke in this universe but believe me i have some Thoughts. perhaps even Ideas. basically a lot of steph&duke and steph&babs and steph&duke&babs because i love my little underrated trio
also just more babs in general, because like. i’ve had so many tiny little snippets of cass and babs and their sweet little relationship just sitting in my notes for literal years now that i really just need to organize and expand into their own fic. and yet. i have not done that. but rest assured cass&babs are very very important to me
such is the curse of female fanfic writers: always destined to fixate more on the male poor little meow meows than the female bad bitches. seriously what the fuck is up with that guys i don’t get it why does this happen
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saltydkdan · 11 months
10 minutes into the first s3 episode rn and holy shit genuinely peak YouTube content, you really are genuinely one of the best creators on the site rn just by quality. I know that's a pretty comically big claim but I say it completely earnestly, incredible work my guy hope you're doing well after the work. 🩵
(also I hope you don't mind me asking as a sidenote who did the s2 battle subway animation in the intro? The silly train clowns have been my designated blorbos for a year now and I genuinely screamed lmao. It's so wonderful and I want to give proper kudos to the animator hehe.)
Thank you so much, this ask is making my dumbass sob 😭
Also, that animation was done by Al! The artist/animator behind the “Anime Op” animations at the end of each season! As well as character art for the “Pokédex/Friendex” for Violet. I’m unsure if he has a Tumblr, but you can find him on Twitter @al_pal_art!
He also has a web series you can check out here! https://quartzquest.carrd.co/
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joyouslee · 4 months
lost a fic
There was this agonizing fic that I love where FDB used his neili to save LLH (I think he used the wangchuan flower to increase his neili first) but LLH lost his memories of the last 10 years, and returned to Sigu Sect to be the sect leader, not knowing that FDB was the one to cure him. And FDB is now prince consort and in a wheelchair (since he no longer has neili, his childhood disability returned). And LXY meets him when he jumps into his courtyard while hiding from pursuers. It might be a WIP that never got finished. I haven't been able to find it since lofter changed its website and doesn't allow non-account holders to view a blog's archives. Does anyone remember the fic? (There was another fic with a similar premise but they cross paths in the palace and I think in that one LXY never remembers him and it's just ships passing in the night T_T. My HEART some writers wield knives so expertly.) I want to reread and wallow a bit in the agony. (There's another fic - completed - with FDB saving LLH by giving up his neili and LLH losing his memories that I'll be reccing - yes I enjoy seeing my blorbos suffer and want to share the suffering.)
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