#he'd do anything to keep regulus safe
lulublack90 · 19 days
Prompt 3 - Dressed
@rosekillermicrofic September 3, word count 362
Previous part First Jegulus part
When Barty finally woke the next morning, it was to the smell of bacon and coffee. Barty hummed happily as he buried his face in his pillow, stretching out his entire body before reluctantly getting up and walking into the shower. 
The shower was massive. Evan had insisted on this exact one when they’d renovated the flat. It had been ludicrously expensive, but Barty felt it was worth every penny as the hot water pounded into his sore muscles, massaging out the activities of the previous night. 
Regulus was waiting in the kitchen after he’d pulled himself away from the shower and got dressed. 
“Reg, my other love, you’re here early,” He grinned, swooping in and stealing a kiss from him before he crowded behind Evan at the stove. “Hmmmm, hello first love,” He hummed as he bit Evan’s earlobe. Evan let out a sharp hiss but leaned back into him. 
“This is nearly ready and once we’re done we’re going to help Regulus move some stuff from Grimmauld,” Evan told him as he pushed the bacon around the pan. Barty shuddered and turned to look at Regulus.
“Are you finally moving out?” He asked hopefully. Regulus squirmed in his seat. 
“Possibly, it all depends on how they take it when I come out to them,” Barty froze. They’d kill him. 
“Reg, do you think that’s a good idea? I mean, look what they did when you got a B on your History GCSE.”
“It was nothing, I can handle them,” Regulus waved him off. 
“Reg, you should have gone to the hospital, the only reason you didn’t was because you begged us not to take you,” Barty was so close to shouting at his friend he had to take a deep shaky breath. “Just be careful alright, and tell us when you’re going to do it so we can be on standby,” He pleaded. Regulus nodded and Evan handed him a bacon sandwich. 
“It's a good job we’ve got the van,” Evan smiled at Regulus. Barty huffed and began biting huge mouthfuls out of his sandwich, wanting to get on and get Regulus out of that house as soon as possible.  
Next part
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ellecdc · 6 months
Moonwater is a bit new pairing for me and i love it too much but i always wonder how the dynamic are in the bedroom, i really dont think both men are anything other than rough.
I mean when needed the boys would be gentle but most of the time i dont think so? Remus, maybe? could be gentler but during full moon he’s an animal but regulus tho, i dont see him as the gentle type.
What do you think?
oooou ok ok I like it, I like it; let's discuss below
CW: discussing sex and dynamics, NSFW, mdni 18+
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So, this first part is going to be my own personal opinion based off of who I am as a person, and my views may not be shared within the fandom. I personally struggle with super abrasive dom/sub dynamics where a male character is very overbearing, controlling, etc. THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T LIKE ANY DOM/SUB DYNAMICS, just that fics where a male character is being super aggressive and demeaning and such really aren't my vibe, if that makes sense?
I personally struggle imagining our sweet, sad boy Remus as being super mean in bed? Doesn't mean I don't think he's in charge, especially in poly!scenarios because when there's that many people in bed, someone has to run the show lol, but I don't see him as super bossy and assertive.
Now, keeping in mind that this is my interpretation on a character who literally doesn't exist (which is so sad wtf), my version of 'dom!remus' looks more like a very assured, confident guy in bed; he knows what he's doing, he's good at it, and he knows how to get everyone where they're trying to go (i.e., orgasm city, obviously). He takes care of everyone in bed, and (in the case of poly!marauders or poly!wolfstar) he certainly redirects anyone's naughty (bratty) behaviour (read: sirius), but I think he'd also be super communicative and understanding that it's a dance, not a battle which adds to his assuredness and confidence in bed because people feel safe with him - they know that he knows what he's doing and can let go because they trust him with their safety and their pleasure - and he's in bed with his partner's, not his adversaries.
I've often imagined his love language (how he shows love) to be acts of service and physical touch, which I think goes hand in hand with how he is in bed; when he's in a relationship with these ships, he's making love, not just fucking
I think you're right...some things definitely change around the full moon. I think leading up to the moon (depending on if it was a manic moon or if he was moonsick) there'd be a very noticeable change in him. For manic moons - he'd be a little more desperate, a little rougher (while still being our sweet guy as mentioned above lol), and I think there would be way more sex. He'd be insatiable and obsessed with you; "come on dovey, one more for me, yeah? you're so good, so good for me; i know you can do one more". Good luck trying to pry him from between your legs.
if he was riddled with moonsickness (immediately after every moon or leading up to a bad moon where he is sore and such), i think he might be a bit of a switch? He'd want to be held and cherished and taken care of - he'd nearly cry in awe every time you got on your knees to give him a lazy, gentle blowjob, or if you were in the mood, he'd lay back and let you ride him (he actually loved it - thought you looked beautiful up there)
Now for Regulus lolololololol
No one who grew up in the dynamics Regulus did is vanilla in bed, I'm sorry. (and I come from a place of authority in this - I relate a little too well to Sirius [though not as violent, obviously]). Honestly? I could see Regulus being mean. And not in a super demeaning way that makes you feel small or embarrassed (again, this is my preference), but he takes pleasure in surprising you by suddenly flipping you over and taking you from a different angle. By suddenly and without warning changing the rhythm of his thrusts from soft and slow to deep and punishing. He'd love marking you up - possessive af and making sure everyone and anyone knew that not only were you taken, but you were his. In the same vain, I picture him as a bit of a sadist/masochist but again, not in a super violent or demeaning way. He'd like for the fuck to be a little rough, a little hard; he loves the mixture of pleasure and pain - wants to be bit so hard he bleeds and wouldn't mind doing the same to you if you asked for it. I also think he'd be willing to try a lot of new things in bed, and some of his favourite sex is when you fuck him with a strap [if you're fem or afab].
I think Rem is still in charge - again, he's confident and assured in the bedroom and everyone trusts his authority and trusts him to keep them safe and satisfied. He would keep Reg from getting too rough or going too hard and would constantly check in to make sure you were still good with everything going on. He'd also be able to satiate any need in Reg regarding his masochistic tendencies. I believe Reg would bottom in the dynamic, but again, I think sometimes depending on the moon and how Rem is feeling mentally - he'd experiment more fluidly with Reg.
I've also mentioned before that I believe Purebloods have a breeding kink and with Remus' animalistic side due to his lycanthropy, that he would too. So I think there would be a lot of using cum as lube, taking turns filling you up with their cum, maybe some snowballing??? jesus christ I'm a sick fuck lmfao. anything to do with cum would send those boys spiralling, "no no babygirl, don't waste it" Rem would coo as he used his fingers to push cum back into your hole. or "whose do you want next, amour? Mine or Rem's?"
And I think you're right, when the time called for it, these boys would be so fucking good at making you feel nothing short of fucking worshipped. The soft, hungry gazes, the lingering and soothing touches, the praises falling from their lips as they gave you everything they got. I'd cry I think; they'd reduce me to tears for sure.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Do you think Sirius ever carried the foolish hope that his brother was alive?
We know he sees him as a stupid brainwashed kid more than anything, so do you think than in the back of his mind he has the childish hope that maybe he's okay. Maybe he's out there somewhere, living his life far away from the second war as a reformed man
Maybe he looked for him in streets and windows when he broke free from Azkaban, not even realising what he was doing.
Like everyone else, he adopts the impression that Voldemort caught him trying to run away and made an example of him, but there was no solid evidence to make him 100% on that, so he very well could have had doubts that he crushed down into the back of his mind and put down to foolishness. It wasn't like James of Lily where he saw their bodies or Marlene and Dorcas where he'd heard the recounts of their deaths. All they ever would've heard is that he'd gone missing, the rest was deduction- but what if they were wrong? What if their assumption was incorrect?
Do you think he looked extra carefully at every person he crossed just incase his brother was there? He's lost both of his brothers once before; if he could get one of them back it would've fixed a bit of the tear his soul
While he's sitting in his cell, he imagines his brother waiting at home for him to come back so he can apologise and promise never to side with voldemort again. When he gets out and can't find him, he carefully curates the idea of him living a quiet life in the French suburbs, unaware of the conflict and chaos in England and perfectly safe from the world. Nobody would ever call it plausible but it keeps him going nonetheless
When he feels himself dying in the department of mysteries, he pleads that his silly hope was wrong, that all along, Regulus truly was dead. That way, he'd be able to reunite with both of his brothers after all.
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danceinthunder · 5 months
James and Regulus had to work hard to understand each others needs to make a healthy relationship with one another.
James' need to help everyone around him was fueled by a deep desire for his friends to stay safe. The responsibility pushed down on his shoulder and morphed a caring quality into an unhealthy codependency and need for attention.
And Regulus could amuse him most of the time. Giving James attention was never difficult because his love and happiness deserved praise that Regulus was forever eager to give to him. But Regulus needed alone time and wished that James didn't see it as a sign of rejection every time he asked for it. Wished that James' need to keep everyone happy wasn't such a double-edged sword that stabbed him with blame anytime he thought he messed up.
James had to swallow the bitter pill that Regulus needed to be by himself sometimes. Not because he had done anything, not necessarily because Regulus was sad. Sometimes Regulus just needed space and James was really trying to respect that. Tried not to linger outside the closed door Regulus would sometimes shut himself in. Tried not to blame himself for failing him, or messing up. Because he hadn't. Regulus has said so, promised he hadn't done anything wrong.
And Regulus needed to learn that he couldn't allow his anger to adapt into silence. He couldn't lock in his feelings and ignore his problems and the people who loved him and wanted him to be okay.
The last time Regulus gave the silent treatment was when he fell back into the old jealous thoughts he felt as a child: thoughts of the happy and perfect James Potter drawing his brother away from him with his siren song laughter and lightness. He couldn't look at James and refused to speak to him for five days until Remus knocked at his front door.
Remus who was calm almost all of the time, stood red in the face and swallowed down the yells of anger that sat in his throat to tell him that James had fallen asleep on his and Sirius' sofa crying in confusion, sure that he'd done something wrong and Regulus was going to break up with him.
And that broke Regulus' vow of silence as he raced across London to collect his sad sunshine and try and explain his way through days of silence and stained feelings that stuck to him and corrupted him in bitterness.
And James sat and listened to him. He told him that he could be angry whenever he needed to. That Regulus' feelings were real and something that needed to be experienced rather than ignored.
But he couldn't deal with suck extreme solitude when they were so close to each other. Couldn't help but feel sick when his questions and attempts to talk were completely ignored and returned with silence.
It made him sick and sick and sick.
His lungs laughed at him and suffocated him and his thoughts jeered and blamed and reminded him of all his failures, of his incapability to help.
So they agreed to communicate. To talk and to listen and to give space. To respect each other and the individual needs.
There is a mess behind the art of compromise. Smudges and stains made from failed attempts but agreements to try again. It wasn't picture perfect but they’d both do what it takes for it to succeed because they loved each other - that’s what is important.
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slitheringghost · 4 months
I think you may have turned me into a rabid Lilypad shipper. Do you have any fic recs? 😻😻
I'm so glad, they are The Best ship and deserve all the love. I've recced most of these before and there aren't that many because it's such a rarepair, but here you go:
a meeting of the minds by @slashmarks (Sirius/Lily, 3.6k, E)
Sixth year, surrounded by political chaos and grieving the loss of her best friend, Lily says yes when Sirius asks her out.
"And I remember you wear green when you're out of uniform a lot, and most Gryffindors don't, so I thought that might be your pillow case from home." "You remember what I wear?" Lily said. "I always notice," Sirius said, and blushed. Lily suspected this of being a line but he'd pulled it off well. - Would it be so bad, really, she thought, hazy with arousal, if he got her pregnant? --if she had him not just for a few weeks, but for the rest of their lives? --if he stayed?
we're already in the aftermath by slashmarks (Sirius/Remus/Lily, 15.8k, T)
Lily's plan to defeat Voldemort forever and leave her and Harry safe succeeds - and leaves her struggling with guilt over James's death even as she has no one left but James's best friends. In the meantime, the Ministry carries on as usual. The war is dead, long live the war: they're losing the peace instead.
Loyal, industrious Sirius. Lily didn't deserve him, but she wasn't going to turn his service down. Anyway it wouldn't be helping him if she did; Sirius had been born and raised to serve an ideal, had only managed to substitute it out and not break that programming, and wouldn't have the faintest idea what to do with himself with the war over if she wasn't willing to substitute.
flickering light in an endless night by @gracelesslady23 (Sirius/James/Lily, Pre-Relationship, 4.5k, M)
Harry Potter is dead, taking Voldemort with him. While the rest of their world celebrates, Lily, James and Sirius struggle with their grief.
“Stop playing with him, Sirius.” She was surprised by how clipped her tone was, when she felt only moments away from falling apart. Sirius’ vicious expression fell as he turned back to her, contrite and obedient once more. It struck again her how wrong that expression looked on Sirius’ proud, aristocratic features.
Unwanted Reflections by zeldadestry (Sirius/Lily, Sirius & Lily & Regulus, 1.2k)
Lily is married to Sirius instead of James.
“I’m just as good as you in a duel, and you know it. It’s safer if we go together.” She knows what he’s going to say next, so she pre-empts him. “Don’t you dare mention the baby.” Horrible as it might sound, the baby, although it’s alive inside her, still feels like a far off possibility. Sirius is already here, already hers, and the intensity of her concern for the baby is nothing compared to the fear of losing him.
I'll never leave if you keep your eyes on me by camichats (Sirius/Lily, Sirius & James, 5.3k, T)
Sirius is falling for Lily, but he knows that it can never happen. She's not just James's ex-girlfriend, she's his ex-wife. There are rules about this sort of thing, no matter how great Sirius and Lily get on.
Lily raised her eyebrows at him. "Sirius, are you in love?" "Are you going to answer the question or not?" "I didn't do anything. He's not interested, and it's nice to be interested in someone again. After falling out of love with James, I was sort of worried that I didn't have it in me anymore. Now answer my question. Are you in love?"
The Kind of World Where We Belong by @shaggydogstail (Sirius/Lily, 21k, E)
A teen elopement to defy the new Decree for the Protection of Wizarding Purity seemed like a great prank at the Ministry’s expense. As time goes on, though, both Sirius and Lily might well have reason to wonder if the joke’s really on them.
‘I… you what?’ Lily flushed a little redder and mumbled a vague, ‘You heard me.’ As proposals go, it wasn’t the grandest or the most romantic.  Sirius kept staring at Lily like she was a Quaffle short of a Quidditch match, and Lily wondered, not for the first time, if this wasn’t the stupidest idea she’d ever had.  She must’ve been desperate to think this was a good idea. 
Fics I haven't read yet but I know will be good
defector of a kind by slashmarks (Sirius/Lily, Lily & Marlene, Sirius & Orion, 7.8k, T)
Lily encounters Orion Black at a Christmas party, settles one miscommunication, and sets herself, Sirius, and the Black family on a very different path.
the deception of the thrush by slashmarks (Sirius/Bellatrix, Sirius/Lily, Bellatrix/Voldemort, 12.7k, E)
Over eight years after Sirius Black stayed Secret Keeper and an unvanquished Voldemort took the Ministry late in 1981, James has left the country to draw the search for the prophecy child away. Meanwhile, Sirius struggles to balance helping his other best friend, trapped under a Fidelius Charm, and his cousin, trapped in the Dark Lord's bed. But Lily and Harry can only survive in hiding for so long.
Scandalous by @annabtg (Sirius/Lily, James/Lily, 4.9k, M)
Sirius Black attends Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black's wedding, with a controversial choice of a plus-one and the explicit intention of stirring up drama.
If anyone has any more recs feel free to add on!
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jamesisasimp · 2 years
Hey, so remember this?
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Yeah, well I wrote it. Here it is. It's called In The Woods ♡ enjoy
You know how, partway through to the achievement of a goal, the journey gets sort of stagnant? Something shifts from fighting to drifting, waiting, for something, anything to progress. It's at this point that people are usually searching for something to break the pattern, to reignite the flame, to push them on.
Regulus has been drifting for months, and this, he thinks, is his break in the routine.
Admittedly, he's not too sure what this is, but he takes his wand out of the sheath in his sleeve and ventures out of his tent.
It's late October, possibly early November. He hasn't been too capable of keeping track in the middle of the woods, and the trees here don't change color or lose their leaves. But it's cold now that he's out of his heating charm's reach, and the air smells of that crisp, freshness that only winter brings. He pulls his cloak tighter around himself and presses on.
His camp is small, set up within the constraint of a circle no wider than six meters across. The idea was to put up a dome of protection charms, and the smaller the dome the less of a magical footprint it leaves - harder to find. It's practical, safe, but it means every time he steps outside of range he's exposed. It makes every venture, including this one, nerve wracking.
At least all of the other times he was heading out with a purpose. Not that chasing the sound of a whining, wounded animal through the dark, cold woods in the middle of the night isn't a purpose. It's just not a very good one and yet. Here he is.
"Lumos," he murmurs, and his magic hums to life through the tip of his wand, illuminating him and the trees nearest. Now that there's light he can see his own breath.
He should've known because he was nearly blind before, but he glances up through the branches to get a glimpse at the moon and finds it unfull. Barely a sliver. No wonder it was so dark. But that means the culprit of the noise isn't a werewolf that Regulus is heading right towards to get mauled.
There's no wind tonight, so the trees don't sway and their needles don't rustle and fall. In fact, the forest is oddly still. No critters scampering about and causing a fuss or birds calling. Maybe they're asleep. It's quiet. Too quiet.
All Regulus can hear are the deep animalistic groans in the distance, his footsteps, and something ringing in his ears.
So he goes, pinching the neck of his cloak together rather than pulling up the hood, and hoping the cover of darkness will keep him protected. Even though the silence makes him afraid to breathe and get caught out of bed when he shouldn't be.
Noting this, he should be scared, and yet he realizes he's not.
There's an odd, serene calm about all of this. He feels frozen in time, like this isn't really happening for the rest of the world, just him. Maybe it's the stillness or not knowing the day or the time, or maybe it's that Regulus is about to interact with a living - and likely dying, by the sound of it - thing for the first time in... in a while.
He feels untouchable as he weaves around trees and climbs up over rocky inclines. The sound gets louder and the ringing does too, and Regulus faintly regrets not adventuring in the woods as much as Sirius when he was a kid. Maybe then he'd know what animal is making the sound before he sees it.
It's a rather dreadful sight.
The deer- no, there's antlers. Stag. It's crumpled over on it's side, sprawled out in the middle of a small clearing where the frost has begun to build up on the grass. There's blood. From this distance Regulus can't see from where, but, if he had to guess, the pink and jagged tears over the animal's ribs is likely the source.
It's in obvious pain, kicking weakly in distress and moaning visibly into the air. The only odd part is... there's no culprit. No muggle hunter with a gun, though there shouldn't be in these woods anyway. No wolf or bear. Do they have bears in Scotland? Regulus hasn't a clue, but if they did he doesn't imagine they're the rare type of bears that just wound a stag for fun and leave it to bleed out rather than finishing it off.
His heart aches to see a creature in such pain. He knows this deer isn't the only one out there withering tonight, but it's the one he can actually reach. He can help. And maybe he should just leave it here because it'll take uncomfortably too long to heal it, but he can help.
That's why he's out here in the first place, isn't it? To help. He's not, but right now he can, and that's what matters.
And he didn't come all the way out here for nothing.
If he had been on more of those woodland adventures when he was younger, he might know better than to creep up on an injured animal. The goal isn't to spook it. If possible, Regulus would like to mend it's wounds and send it on it's way. It's probably got a family to get back to by now.
But he hadn't, so he doesn't know, and so when his boot lands on the frozen grass with a crunch and announces his presence, he isn't expecting the hoof he gets to the chest.
It knocks the air right out of his lungs and sends him tumbling back with the force, tripping over his own feet until he's falling. When he hits the ground he's gasping for air.
It comes to him. One terrifying beat late.
He breathes.
Right then. Probably shouldn't have snuck up on it like that.
The stag is in near hysterics and Regulus pushes himself up onto his elbows. It's thrashing out, and this time he knows well enough to stay out of range when he climbs back to his feet, inwardly accepting the bruise that it's undoubtedly going to leave.
"Alright," he's trying to talk to it before he can stop himself. A deer. He's talking to a deer. Well, at least it can't talk back and let him know how rotten he is at conversation. "Alright, it's okay. I'm not here to hurt you."
If the stag understands him, which it presumably does not, it doesn't care.
"Please, would, you just-" Regulus was trying to get closer again and had to jump back to avoid his legs being knocked out from beneath him by another swiping hoof. "Yes, I know how strong and scary you are, you haven't got to show me again. Let me- hey!"
The stag tipped its head forward enough to get one of its antlers caught the end of Regulus's cloak. It's instantly tangled in the material, and when he tries to tug it off the stag outright screams and yanks in his own direction, which makes Regulus stumble closer to the stomping hooves of death.
"Okay! Okay, you want the cloak?" he asks, not expecting an answer and not getting one as he shrugs off his other sleeve and tosses it onto the ground. "There, you can have it."
The stag is still panting but, without the tension to fight, it's head just flops over onto the heap of the cloak. It let's out a heavy sigh through its nose, one Regulus can only imagine is of pain, and his heart clenches.
"That hurt you, didn't it?"
The stag is still watching him as he carefully lowers himself to his knees. He's proper cold now, goosebumps trailing all up his arms, but that's not his biggest concern. If the deer wants his cloak to stay calm then he can have it. Anything to keep those hooves on the ground.
He doesn't have to get any closer to see the severity of the major wound on the animal's ribs. A whole chunk of flesh is missing, like someone took a spoon and just scooped it out, and the surrounding fur is matted in blood that shines in the light of his wand. The good thing, he supposes, is that he can't see bone, so the wound can't be too terribly deep. The ribs are sort of right under the surface, aren't they? He's a bit shit at first aid on people, let alone animals...
"Right. Well I can mend that a bit, replenish the skin and get you some bandages," he tells the deer, who only huffs in response. "But this wouldn't have hurt your head..."
He has to inch closer to get a better look at the deer's neck, which makes the animal rigged, tense and ready for a fight.
"I'm not going to hurt you," he reminds it. "I just want to help. Can I...?"
He points towards the stag's neck, and, for a long moment, it just stares at him. Then, eventually, it lays its head back down, seemingly granting him willing access.
Maybe, somehow, it can understand him.
"Thank you."
He settles on his hip with his legs bent, following the curve of the deer's outstretched front legs. The ground is hard and freezing, but he doesn't care.
There's no surface level damage that he can see, so Regulus suspects it's a sprained muscle of some sort, under the skin. Carefully, slowly, and with an eye on the deer's face to make sure it doesn't suddenly lose its mind again, he presses his hand to the animal's neck. The fur is surprisingly soft for a woodland creature, but he's not feeling for that, far more interested in the skin underneath.
He was expecting a knot of muscle, like you get in your shoulders when you overuse them in an odd position. Massage it and it disappears, but that's not what he finds. It's a bump, a bit of uneven, raised skin. It's a-
"Scar," he whispers. "Now where'd you get that?"
The stag makes a rumbly noise that Regulus can feel under his fingers. Which doesn't clear anything up, by the way, but he appreciates the effort.
Still, it seems fresh. Maybe it's pressing on something that agitates the stag, he doesn't know. He's not well versed in the anatomy of deer.
Either way, it's nothing that requires his attention too drastically.
The stag is still looking at him with wide, dark brown eyes, and Regulus continues to gently stroke his neck until he feels some tension leave the poor animal.
"What did this to you?" he whispers, searching the deer's gaze.
There's still no answer.
"Right. Well. Some dittany will fix you right up. Hopefully the silver won't mess it up..." he musses to himself and retrieves the bottle from his pocket. It's homemade, which does air a bit of caution, but Regulus needed something out here to protect him in case he did run into a werewolf.
Besides, he was great at potions. Hasn't properly brewed one in two years, but that's alright.
And, you know, if it doesn't work, at least then he'll know so he doesn't use it on himself.
He doesn't know why he keeps talking to the deer, but he hopes it's comforting it a little, if only just another sound for the animal. "It's going to sting," he warns, and the stag makes a sound of indignation that almost makes Regulus smile. Somehow it sounded... exasperated? "Well I'm sorry, do you want this wound to close or not?"
Another huff.
"That's what I thought."
He clamps the cap for the bottle in his fist to make sure he doesn't lose it and carefully tips the mouth over the wound. Just a few drops slide out and fall onto the gash, and the stag is instantly in motion, seizing and thrashing and trying to get away from the pain Regulus had warned about.
He ducks down and throws himself against the stag's belly, pressing his body close to avoid the hooves.
"Alright, okay," he tries to soothe the spooked creature, smothering a cough in its fur as he accidentally breathes in the thin green smoke coming from where the potion met the wound. "Alright. It's okay. Just a little sting, like we talked about."
The stag barely settles, but that's enough for Regulus to lift the bottle again, because the wound was big enough to need more.
There was no warning before he tipped it in, and that ended up being a mistake because the animal positively screamed. It lashed out so swiftly Regulus's arm jerked and spilled more of the potion than he meant to, but he capped it quickly and curled himself up into the stag's chest and just waited it out this time.
And this time, because he got enough of the potion on there, it actually started to heal instead of just hurting. He got too much, the bitter thought comes as Regulus pushes the now half empty bottle back into his pocket. I can always make more, he reminds himself.
It takes a while, but, eventually, the stag settles, slumping right against the ground like all of its strings got clipped.
When Regulus crawls out from beneath one of it's legs and into the light, there's blood on his hands.
But a quick survey of the wound let's him know it worked. It doesn't look good, because Regulus is an amateur and the circumstances were rather worse for the wear, but it's done. The green sheen is dissipating and reveals a smooth red scar. It's sunken in as deep as the gash was, so not a smooth transition by any means. At least it's not bleeding.
"There," he finally let's himself breathe. "Told you I'd fix you right up. Now you've got a nice battle scar to bring back to your family."
The stag let's out a miserable sound, one that pierces right into Regulus's chests and makes him wonder if, possibly, this deer is just as lonely as he is.
Not that there's anything to be done about that.
It's still using his cloak as a pillow, so he doesn't try to take it back. He pushes himself up and gathers his wand from the grass so he can mutter a bandaging incantation. That handiwork turns out much more successful, the smooth and clean bandages wrapping around the deer's torso to secure the wound. Ideally, it'll keep it somewhat clean and protect it from the elements until it's fully healed.
He casts a quick diagnostic charm for good measure, just to be sure there's nothing more he can do for the creature, and that's when his blood turns as cold as his skin.
"You- you've been crucioed."
He'd recognize the symptoms anywhere, and the scar- scar of impact. It only occurs when the spell is particularly targeted and strong. He knows because Sirius has a few, but...
But if this deer had the cruciatus curse put on it...
"Where's it's caster?"
In an instant the world shifts. Time is no longer frozen, the woods are no longer still, the wind has shifted and Regulus can feel deep within that he is no longer the hunter. No, he is the prey.
He snatches up his wand and climbs to his feet in an instant, eyes on the surrounding trees. He paid no mind to them before, but now the silent darkness has him on edge.
It's so empty that it can't be natural. Anyone could be there hiding behind the branches, any shadow could be ready to pounce, and Regulus knows he needs to act first or he'll be taken by surprise.
And he has come way too far, spent way too long, to lose it all like this.
But it's hard to hit what you can't see.
Magical energy is crackling in the air that wasn't before, frying the freshness right out of it.
It was a trick.
This was all a trick, betting on his empathy that Regulus had spent years trying to squash. Unsuccessfully. And he fell for it, right into the center of the trap, painted a bright red bull's eye with this deer's blood, just waiting for the arrow.
A trick.
A trick a trick a trick.
Stupid stupid stupid.
He's out in the open, unprepared, half blind in the dark.
Alright then, he wants to say, come out and get me. Stop hiding and finish the damn job.
But, before he can ever open his mouth, another voice reaches his ears.
He spins around and focuses his wand in an instant, curse on the tip of his tongue, and the only reason he doesn't let his magic out is because of what he finds there.
There's no wounded stag slumped over in the grass.
No, there's a man.
A stark naked man barely covered with Regulus's cloak, blood smudged over his sickly skin.
A man Regulus would know anywhere.
"James?" he breathes. "James Potter?"
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iaskedforcosmiclove · 6 months
@microcest Prompt: “Shhh…Don’t Let Mom Hear”
Fandom: Harry Potter
Ship: Sirius Black/James Potter Implied Regulus Black/Sirius Black w/ a dose of future Remus Lupin thrown in the mix.
Word count: 741
"Nmph anpmh bremph," Sirius struggled behind the large hand cupping his mouth and nose. James loosened his grip to hear Sirius below him gasp for air. It was the dead of night, with only the moon shining through the sheer curtains in James' room. 
"Oh, shit, sorry." James stilled his movement, moving his hand to rest on Sirius' cheek, allowing him to take deep, steady breaths. 
"Okay, okay, I'm - ah - you can keep going - oh fuck" James braces himself, both hands palms down on each side of Sirius' head. Gripping the sheets, he slowly pulls out and thrusts back inside his best friend, his brother. This was the first summer break Sirius had spent every night at the Potters, his new home. 
"Pads, you need to keep it down."
"I'm trying just fuck; you feel so good, Jamie." This was the first summer break they did this almost nightly.
"Pads, please. Our mom's a light sleeper, you know that."
"Your mother." Sirius whispered with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Stop that, you're my brother. She loves you just as much."
"I already had a brother."
"Have, love. We'll get him out. We'll get him out and show him what a home feels like."
James quickened his pace, in and out in a steady rhythm mimicked by the smaller boys: Ah, ah, ah. James slowly lowered himself to his elbows, making sure his rhythm didn't falter. He placed his forehead on the others; they were breathing the same air. Puffs of hot breath tickled the other, lips centimeters apart, but they didn't kiss. James hasn't asked why. It's not something they do. 
"Kiss me," Sirius said, taking James by surprise. He looked into the other boy's eyes, trying to find anything that told him Sirius didn't mean it. All he saw was love. When their lips met, they made soft, gentle movements. They were passionate but not hungry. 
Their movements grew increasingly frantic, and their breathing became labored. Sirius lowered his right hand from their grip on James' hair and began to stroke himself as quickly as he could. James felt Sirius clench around his cock; he knew he was close. With a shuddering sigh, Sirius spilled over his hand and stomach as James gave one, two, three more thrusts and spilled inside his best friend. 
James wrapped his arm around Sirus' waist and pulled him close to his chest. They lay in the afterglow, waiting for their heart rates to slow and their breathing to even out. With his back against his chest, James couldn't tell if the smaller boy had fallen asleep until he spoke up. 
"He was my first kiss, and I was his... I haven't, not with anyone else." James didn't have to ask who Sirius was talking about. He knew he missed his brother, our brother. He knew the guilt that lived inside his best friend was eating away at him the longer he spent not knowing if he was okay. James squeezed Sirius a little closer to comfort him and remind him of his promise earlier that night. 
A few minutes passed before Sirius spoke up again. 
"Mmm?" James replied sleepily, burrowing his face in Sirius' hair and breathing in his scent. 
"Do you think if we invite Moony to be with us, he'll want to?" James was waiting for Sirius to bring up their other best friend. He moved his head to rest his chin on the other boy's shoulder. 
"Like be with us or be with us?" 
"I'd like him to be." And he did. James loved his best friends and would do anything to keep them all safe. 
"Me too…do you think – do you think he'd be weirded out about.."
"I think you can carve out Moony's heart with your bare hands, and he'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt." He knew he said the right thing as he felt his best friend wiggle in excitement and classic tell for his happiness. Leave it to Sirius Black to find that statement romantic. 
"I think I'm in love with him." 
"I know." and I'm in love with your brother, James thought, but that's a conversation for another day.
"I love you too, you know, and I love my--" His voice cracked, unable to finish his thought.
"I know, Pads; go to sleep, yeah? We'll owl Moony in the morning."
Both boys breathing evened out, and Euphemia Potter was able to go back to sleep. 
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lex-dr4ws · 11 months
TW: mentions of death and violence
James has never told anyone about his feelings, his fears, or his problems. No one ever knew what he was feeling deep down. Because he was the sunshine. He was the kind of friend who always seemed happy and confident.
He was extroverted, bold, and even a bit cocky from time to time, and people thought he was just extremely lucky to be so carefree, but the truth is he was just a good liar.
He was good at convincing people that everything was okay, and he would always get them to talk about themselves instead, because showing his vulnerable side was too dangerous.
In fact, James was probably the most anxious of the four marauders. Not because of the consequences of their pranks or something like that, but because of everything else.
He had to be successful at everything he did, it was like a principle. Even if he was effortlessly talented, he couldn't help but feel the need to make everyone proud, to show the world he wasn't just a rich pureblood. He had to make sure each person he loved was safe and happy, which was the hardest part.
He was worried about full moons, even after he, Sirius and Peter became animagi, because what if the wolf in Remus started to hurt itself again? And what would happen after they graduate? The marauders couldn't be with Remus every full moon after their seventh year.
On the other hand, he was always keeping an eye on Sirius when he was still at Grimmaurd Place, sending owls every week so that he didn't feel alone and impatiently waiting for his response, praying hard that his mother wasn't too violent. He was greatly relieved when his best friend moved in with him, but then he started worrying about Regulus.
He loved his family and friends so much that he always had to keep them close to make sure he'd never lose them. He was the most devoted friend, the most loving son, and the most trustworthy brother by heart Sirius could ever wish for, and he would do anything for all of them.
Unfortunately, at some point, the war got worse, and he started losing them one by one. It started with Regulus. James never knew how he died, but he felt his heart breaking when the young death eater went missing. In the same year, both of his parents died from dragon pox. A year later, he and Lily had a baby, which made him the happiest man in the world, and he promised himself he would fight at all costs to give his son the best future he could.
His friends Marlene and Dorcas died the next year. On Halloween night, when someone rang the doorbell, he made his way to the door, ready to offer some sweets, but instead, he met the gaze of Peter, followed by the man who destroyed so many lives. Voldemort.
The moment James saw those red eyes, he knew. This would be his last Halloween. This was the only time tears were seen on his cheeks. He had been betrayed. By one of his closest friends. Everything he had worked hard to build had just collapsed right in front of him.
The dark lord didn't wait a minute to cast the unforgivable curse on him. He heard his own knees hitting the wooden floor, and then the worst sound he had ever heard made him choke in terror-the cries and screams of the two people he loved more than anything in the world. And he took his last breath.
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fensherohair · 1 year
The Marauders & The Metamorphmagus Part 6
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Words: 1.5k Warning: None (Unless you count pranks) Pairings: Sirius Black/Reader (Eventual), Lily Evans/James Potter (eventual), Remus Lupin/Marlene Mckinnon (eventually) Pronouns: She/Her Contains: OC characters.
The start of the third year had started out like any other. The train ride to Hogwarts had been filled with friends catching up and talking about their adventures over the summer holidays, speaking of things that weren't written about in letters. First-year students hopelessly tried to navigate the tight halls of the train cars to find an empty compartment to sit in and mind their own business. Marlene had all but dragged her little brother with her, doing as she promised and keeping an eye on him. The eleven-year-old was quiet, sitting near the window, only speaking up when pulled into the conversation or asked a question. 
He seemed to perk up a little bit when Sirius entered the already crowded compartment, Regulus following along behind. It was obvious the pair were brothers, both having the same silvery blue eyes and dark curly hair. Both had that mystique about them. Almost instantly Sirius was dragged into a conversation by Allegra, the teenager hoping this would be different this year, although she still had her mind set on becoming a powerful witch, and she had yet to make up for what she'd done to Marlene the year prior. 
Regulus on the other hand had quickly found common ground with (Y/N) of all people, something that seemed to coax the younger Black out of his shell. Marlene's brother Mason, seemed to be brought out of his nervous shell by Isolde and Lily, both asking questions and doing their best to learn about him, if only so he knew if he had a problem he could go to them. Much like (Y/N) seemed to be doing for Regulus. 
"You're drooling" whispered Remus from next to Sirius. The latter had been watching (Y/N) for some time, to the point he'd zone out of the debate going on between Peter and James. 
"He's staring let alone drooling" commented Marlene with a giggle, although she didn't tease him any further. 
"Not staring, gazing" commented Sirius. 
"You were staring" replied Remus, continuing to tease one of his best friends, noticing Allegra had gone quiet now, instead seemingly observing the interactions around the small compartment as if she silently questioned if she truly belonged among them, silently questioning if she planned to be with them for the foreseeable future, or if she could get what she truly desired from the group huddled together. 
"Take a picture, Sirius, it will last longer" voiced (Y/N), a chuckle escaping her after a few seconds of trying to keep a straight face. 
"And it's less dangerous. Won't blow anything up" spoke James, seeing the way (Y/N) cocked an eyebrow as if James had given her an idea. 
"We'll see" she simply responded, a mischievous undertone to her voice. One that ticked Regulus, sat beside her. Soon enough (Y/N)'s hair began to change, something that appeared to intrigue both Regulus and Mason. 
"I'm afraid to ask what that meant" squeaked Peter, as if he was afraid a simple photo of (Y/N) would snap and crackle like the exploding snap cards, or she would put the potion she made the previous year to good use and cause another blast. 
"If you do turn a photo in an explosive device, please do give a kind heads up, so we can get to a safe distance" laughed Isolde, speaking up for the first time, while motioning to Lily, Marlene, and herself. "Might I suggest trying it out on a few miscellaneous items first" commented the muggle-born, throwing a helpful suggestion into the mix. 
"That's not helping" called James, especially when he recalled all the boogy traps from the year prior. Everything from sinkholes to the firepowder in books. On top of that (Y/N) had mastered some difficult spells and caused havoc on the Quidditch pitch. The prank war had served to entertain the school and sway Peeves to (Y/N) side. 
"So the stories are true?" spoke Regulus, his words nonchalant as if he hadn't meant to speak them aloud. Nonetheless, Sirius' cheeks began to heat up, as it became knowledge he had spoken of (Y/N) while at home. "Sirius talks about the mischief and chaos all the time, almost like he's a fan" added the youngest Black, a grin appearing on his features, as Sirius attempted to hide by the magazine Isolde had previously been flicking through. Attempting to hide his reddened cheeks. 
"Sirius and (Y/N) sitting in a tree" started James, as if to add to the embarrassment. Refusing to stop even when Remus kicked his shins and Sirius all but glared at him, in an attempt to will his best friend to shut up. 
"Come on mate, shut up before you make it rain more than Allegra did last year with her singing" exclaimed Sirius, not hearing Allegra huff in annoyance at the comment, a comment she took as an insult almost immediately. 
"K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First comes love ..." continued James as if he had not heard a single word anyone had spoken to dissuade him otherwise. "Then comes marriage" 
"(Y/N), What was the potion you put in James' drink earlier?" casually asked Lily, almost instantly the singing stopped and the deafening silence took its place. 
"Essence of Insanity" replied (Y/N), as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Makes the drinker suspicious of everything, until they think they're losing their marbles" she explained, winking to Regulus, as if cluing him into the joke, Marlene whispering to her little brother, doing the same. 
"That's a terrible joke" squeaked Peter, not catching on to the joke and becoming suspicious of his own bottle of water from the treat trolly. Eying it carefully, as if expecting it to suddenly begin to glow and change color. Remus could only chuckle when James all but jumped up and pressed his face to the window, the rain and thick clouds preventing him from seeing much. The moment James left the compartment to look out the other windows, Peter followed as if to try and talk some sense into him. 
"What was it really?" asked Remus, looking between the girls, quickly suspecting Allegra had nothing to do with the joke at hand. 
"Pumpkin juice" replied (Y/N) with a sly grin and amusement ringing through her voice. 
"Cleaver" commented Sirius. "If he's calmed down by the time we're sent to our dorms, we'll tell him the truth then" he laughed, watching as James ran past the compartment, followed by Peter seconds later who acted as if he too had been spiked with pumpkin juice. 
"Wasn't there a singing potion in Allegra's one" commented Lily, looking to Isolde this time, recalling the younger Smith twin was attempting to brew the simple potion before the holiday. Her reasoning was simple, if Allegra was going to instant of tormenting everyone with her singing, then the potion was needed, to ensure the singing was in tune and did not sound like a hippogriff was being strangled. 
Almost instantly Allegra looked at her drink, before standing opening the small window and tossing her drink from it, before eyeing the empty plastic cup with more suspicion. James by now was saying the windows weren't letting him see anything, much to the confusion of other students. 
"Better get changed, we'll be arriving soon" commented Marlene, sweeping her little brother out of the compartment and offering to take Regulus as well. On the way to the toilet in the car, she grabbed hold of James, sending him back to their small compartment while resisting the urge to slap him silly. A small chuckle escaped her as he regained some of his lost senses. 
"Is it normally like that with your friends?" asked Mason, curiosity ringing through his voice. He could recall Marlene mentioning a prank war of sorts, with (Y/N) being one of the participants, but he couldn't remember the things she'd said that happened. Regulus too had heard of the prank war, but more Sirius's going super fan mode, even now it was becoming increasingly obvious, that his older brother had a crush on the only girl involved in the pranks and mischief. 
"From what I heard, that's a calmer one. Sirius mentioned something about a powder in books and an explosive potion" voiced Regulus, a small smile forming on his lips, as he waited beside Marlene, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket. 
"Firepowder, harmless and hidden in books, both James and Sirius found it among countless others" replied Marlene. "The potion was just an experiment (Y/N) was doing to occupy herself. To say it made a bit of a mess was an understatement. She ended up in the hospital wing for a few days after that" she admitted, although when she thought about it, most of (Y/N)"s chaos had come from the spells she used. "The Patronus charm caused the most havoc. Scared everyone in the common room, including herself" laughed Marlene, recalling (Y/N) had fallen off the back of the sofa. 
"Suddenly, I'm curious what she'll get up to this year" commented Regulus as he entered the bathroom, when Mason came out clad in his black Hogwarts robes, robes that would soon be representing the house they were sorted into. Although Regulus found himself in a bit of a dilemma now. He'd always wanted to be in Slytherin, as most members of his family had been before him. But now he found himself with a wish to follow in Sirius' footsteps and be in Gryffindor. 
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heartofspells · 2 years
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Prompt: baby steps
Sirius remains in St Mungo's for a few more days after waking as they observe him, test his body and mind, treat him like a pygmy puff locked in a cage for experimentation. He rankles with it, but there's not much Sirius can do about it. When he finally gets to leave, all his muscles are weak and shaky beneath his weight. The spells had helped a great deal, the Healers telling him if he'd been confined to the Muggle world, he'd likely have had months upon months of recovery to walk again at all, to retrain his body how to move and cooperate as it should.
"Baby steps," James had said as he'd helped support Sirius on their way out of the ward and to an Apparition point within the hospital. Peter, situated on Sirius' other side, had parroted the words, just looking thankful at all to have Sirius draped over him.
They'd all given him the story to the best of their abilities, about them going out that night so many months before, the one Sirius still can't remember. James had explained about finding him the next morning, how he'd never woken up, remained in that same bed with them watching and hoping.
The brown-eyed, freckled man had left at some point during the retelling. Sirius had looked up once, curiosity taking him over, something pulling at the edges of his memory, but the stranger had been gone, slipped away when no one was paying attention. Sirius had fallen into distraction after that, like his mind had drifted into a void without any air that felt safe and comfortable even as he thought it should be terrifying. When the others had finally pulled him back, the rest of what they had to say sent his head spinning.
Obliviated, they'd said, having only figured it out when Andromeda had come to visit Sirius and found Regulus skulking in the corridors. She'd pulled him away, demanded answers for where he'd been, Sirius' younger brother stoic, barely responding with anything that made sense, only saying he'd hid himself away from the rest of their family once things became too bad to tolerate.
It had been him that had done it. He'd been tracking Sirius for a while, watching him. Regulus had wanted him back, thought that if he could remove Sirius' strongest memories after going to Hogwarts, they could rebuild in their own way, but something had gone wrong once he'd cornered Sirius in his flat. The spell had reacted negatively, knocking Sirius unconscious, leaving him a shell, Regulus unable to wake him. He'd ran when he'd heard James outside the door, cracking out of existence, but he'd been coming to St Mungo's regularly, trying to figure out what he'd broken and how to fix it.
"I feel a bit lousy," James had said mulishly. "I thought it had been Lupin hanging round, poking in where he didn't belong. I didn't realize until I showed up here today, saw Andromeda. I thought she was Bellatrix, especially when I spotted Regulus with her. And then Lupin was along for the ride, spearheading the whole thing. Something added up then, but not the right parts. I thought they were here to hurt you, which was only reinforced when Lupin ran to you, started touching. I nearly took his head off."
"Lupin?" Sirius had questioned with a deep frown, staring at the vacant spot where the curious freckles had once been. "Who is he?"
James had shrugged one shoulder. "Just a bloke."
"He's the one who's been staying in your flat, keeping an eye on it," Lily had explained. "He's kind, soft spoken. He didn't deserve this blame."
"What was I supposed to think, Lily?" James had muttered sourly. "He was just…so persistent. I thought he was mental, asking all those questions about someone he didn't know at all."
Lily had raised her hands in a calming motion, but Andromeda had spoken before the red head could open her mouth. "Remus says they've met, actually," she'd stated, shoulders pushed back even as her head tilted in Sirius' direction, observing him like she'd known something about what was going through his head. "He says they met the night this all happened."
"What?" James had snapped, his head whipping in Andromeda's direction. "What are you talking about?"
"I don't know," Andromeda had said with a shake of her head. "He didn't elaborate and there were more important things for me to focus on, but he's the one that gave Sirius that scratch." Her eyes had shifted, fixing with Sirius' own then. "He's the reason the spell didn't take, the reason it reacted differently than it was meant to. Remus is the reason you're here right now, Sirius. He saved you. Twice."
Sirius had squeezed his eyes closed then, blocking it all out, leaning heavily into Lily's side. He'd known there was more; more explanations for what had happened, apologies hanging heavily in the stifling air surrounding them all, reasons for why he was awake at all, but Sirius hadn't had the strength to hear it then. He'd only wanted to go home, return to his life, however far away and pointless that all felt then.
He spends his days now with the Potters, staying at their house because he still needs help to move around, relying on his friends for the care he can't give himself yet. Sirius spends a lot of time with Harry, his godson overjoyed to see him again, nearly tackling him to the floor upon their first meeting, tears in his bright green eyes the eight-year-old had tried desperately to hide but Sirius had seen all the same.
They talk and joke, read books, play games, laugh and whisper secrets between them, all the things they've always done. Harry is the light of the sun, a warmth filling in those hollowed places Sirius can feel within himself that he thinks has always existed while he's refused to look at them too closely. He's not sure why he's seeing them so clearly now.
Sirius thinks things are creeping in, slowly, confusingly. He sits and watches the family around him, catching glimpses of blue hair over Harry's dark head, seeing bubblegum pink when he looks at Lily, flashes of scars riddling James' body instead of the smooth skin he possesses. It's all just trickles of things that make no sense, like a family laughing as they surround a game board in a familiar place, love encased in their voices. He blinks and sees the brightness of a park, wind whistling through trees, shouts of enthusiasm not far from his hears, blackbirds soaring through the sky overhead.
When Sirius is alone at night, he can close his eyes and pull fluttering images to him that flicker and retreat before they're able to come to rest where he can keep them. Firelights glowing, dark eyes highlighted by the yellow hues of streetlights, murmured words in the dark of shadows, knowledge gained, secrets divulged and trusted fiercely, hot fingers on skin where they shouldn't have existed or been possible, gasped breaths shattering silence and shuddering the night.
When Sirius can take it no more, once he can move on his own with little help, he searches his things until he locates the address Andromeda had given him before leaving St Mungo's. He stares at it for a few seconds and then he leaves, Apparating away, stumbling a bit when he lands but not letting it deter him. He knocks impatiently on the bright yellow door, foot tapping as he waits for it to open, speaking immediately when it does.
"Tell me what you know," he demands, a desperation for understanding in his voice and words that he can't control. "Tell me about him. Tell me why he was there, why he cared at all. Tell me how he saved me. Tell me about Remus Lupin."
Andromeda stares at him through the open frame, eyes shifting over him for a long, heavily silent moment before she sighs and steps to the side. "Come in, Sirius."
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ellecdc · 5 months
Evan Rosier
name: though he doesn't have a conon middle name the fandom had taken "Antonin" to be his middle name, making him "Evan Antonin Rosier"
family: pure-bloods and of the scared 28,blood supermistists and deatheaters, so very Black family coded, he was a very quiet child living on a house who treated it's residents as strangers so there wasn't as much abuse like in the house of black (where wellbugra shoves her nose into everything) but there was also nothing of love and care on the house, basically they only cared for each other in front of people and if you made a mistake, you will be beaten,he did get yelled at lots though:)
the way he is: he very chill, goes with the flow most times, idk about others but to me he's always been the tinyest bit whimsical, as crazy as barty when pissed, on that note he's barty wearing regulus clothing tbh💀the type to not get random crushes instead needs a connection with the person first to see as anything more then a friend, hides his feelings often, posh-ish, coffee addict, likes physical touch with people he's close to, loyal to a fault, a tease, he's smart but dumb?? as seen from moody's missing eye, he's powerful (in spells at least), remus if he was a slytherin, he'd also act indifferent/cold at first maybe even rude,is the type to meet the first time,say something rude but flirty with a smirk and leave,
why is he all of this: i think that bc he just knew he was better off quiet in his family, he built his personality around it, creating the "go with the flow" or the "idc" mentality where he actually just doesn't think his opinion matters,so lots of room for character development:)
interests: art, skating, music(say apelocalypse by CAS), books, listening to others, teasing people
dislikes: like i said he's pretty chill so that isn't a big issue to him, though he does watch anyone who he hears alot about from his friends, making sure that the person is safe, so he dislikes people he loves getting hurt, and he would do something about
guilty pleasure: I'd say teasing people then leaving them, he's pertty hot soo-
pet peeves: i think it would be people ignoring others /speaking over others bc he knows what that feels like
keep in mind that this is the maruaders era and everything is possible with everyone
if you have any other questions do not hesitate to ask:) 🩷
("if you give the fans a barty, they might ask for an evan"PFF-😭)
what do we think, friends. is this comprehensive Evan Lore? anything to add? thoughts, comments, questions??
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remushrts · 11 months
Cursed - starchaser
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— pairings: regulus black x james potter
— a/n: angst angst angst, i feel like i'm writing a lot of it these days. also, asks are open if you want to request anything!
— summary: the last visit Regulus pay to James
In a way or the other, James Potter always had a way into Regulus Black's gut. In a obnoxious, cute, extremely annoying way. Regulus hated it. To some extent. Sometimes, though, he was grateful.
They said love can't save a person. Well, Regulus says whoever said that must not have known James Potter, or they'd immediately come forward in shame to admit their mistake. Regulus, until not long ago, believed James' love could raise the dead if he so wanted.
Now, he prays for the gods it doesn't.
The cave was horrible. It was damp and smelled like death, but maybe it was only fitting. Maybe it was just what Regulus deserved. He shook the thought away, locket clasped in hand. He wouldn't die a coward, but he wouldn't die a martyr or in the bliss of knowing the war was won either. He'd die like a man. Like Icarus, who have loved the sun and tried to reach it, only to find his death in the obscure depths of a lightless ocean.
Apollo's eyes could reach him no further. Maybe Regulus should be grateful. So he began.
He drank and drank and drank, although his lungs burned with every sip, although his foolish mind begged him to call for help. For him. As if he'd still come, even after all this time, even after he swore to Regulus' face he'd rather die. Still, if Regulus held the hope somewhere within him, he didn't do anything to prove it. No, he just drank. Pretended it was firewhiskey, or cheap muggle alcohol that Barty would always have in hand, pretended he was in a gryffindor's party instead of this cave where light could not reach, pretended, of course, that he was there with him, hand in hand as he drank. James. His sun, his light.
His absence was excruciating to him, it came to Regulus with another gulp of the burning liquid. It hurt him, to remember, and Regulus cursed his memory, ever so good at storing things, for bringing that up right now. But maybe it was just trying to give Regulus a good memory for him to hold into. He wished it was that simple.
He wished the liquid didn't felt like erasing his very self. Erasing his soul, until all that was left was the hollow shell of him. And the memory of James slamming the door at him. James, the night they fell apart; James with a look of horror in his eyes, but not just that. Disgust. Pity.
James Potter looked at Regulus with such hatred that he thought he'd fall apart from it. When James hated someone, he hated them murderously. It took everything in Regulus to walk away.
"Tell me you love this, tell me you're not miserable." James inquired, the day Regulus had come to see him, before James even knew. Before they fell apart. One where Regulus too have shown up at James door. One where he was stared at in the eyes, longing of love still in his pupils. But James didn't took him in. He just stared. And it came to him that Regulus didn't have an answer. He didn't, because he hated it. He hated his family, his vow to serve the dark lord, his tongue turned bitter from it. He hated that he went straight to James, that he was the first person on his thoughts.
James listened in disbelief, until Regulus rolled up his sleeve. Then, he took a step back, and Regulus' heart shattered with it. "I didn't have a choice, James."
"Bullshit." He called it. "Sirius escaped, you could too. We could- We could've worked it out, keep you safe, but you stayed instead."
"It's not that easy." Regulus murmured. "I can't leave, they're all I have."
"That's not true. You know it's not."
"Who do I have then? My own brother left me. And don't you dare to say I have you, because that is not true either."
"Reggie, I'm really sorry. I wish things would have turned out differently. But you should go, or I'll warn the Order." The words went through Regulus heart like a bullet. It wouldn't hurt more if James had held an actual gun to his head. It was like being hit by the first wave of a tsunami, like dying without dying. Regulus felt immensely sick.
Then James closed the door. Simple as that, no goodbyes, and Regulus stayed on that porch, staring at his door until the automatic light went off.
Then again, the door, the porch. The desolate look in Regulus eyes. He didn't expected James to welcome him into his own house and offer him a cup of tea, but he didn't expected that either. The hatred, the disgust, the hint of sadness beyond all that. He slammed the door again a second later. "I've warned the Order" James announced, his voice muffled by the thick walls of the house, but Regulus heard him anyway. He would've heard it even if he whispered in the middle of a hurricane.
Except this time, Regulus disappears. And all that's left is an inconsolable James on the other side of that door, and so many miles away, a dying body in a dark cave that dreams of him.
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inhcritance · 8 months
"What if they kissed?" IDK IF U WANT
Send "What if they kissed?" and I'll write a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren't shipped together. it is it's own thing and doesn't have to lead to an official ship. a "what if scenario"
It takes Harry longer than he'd like to notice the armed men, and it's, in a way, sheer luck: the door is open, and one of them passes next to the table where Regulus and him are having brunch. Nothing strange, nothing out the ordinary... save for the way the man looks very calm, very collected, and yet the moment the breeze hits them just right, he reeks of stress, and a hint of old blood.
It could be nothing, he knows, but he glances at the man. Then he notices a mirror, and that's how he keeps an eye on him, and the other two men accompanying him. He's lucky, he knows, that Regulus had to attend a text, and so the conversation can continue easily enough. But Harry has a bad feeling about it. Part experience, part caution, part enhanced instincts that see weakness and keep suggesting he pounce on it.
Then one of the men moves just right, and there's something in the shape of his clothing that is far too recognizable. So he tells Regulus. It seems their brunch in Venice, a chance given by yet another expo they have crossed paths at, will have to be cut short. Then again, if it's nothing, then they can simply go somewhere else, and maybe alert the authorities.
It won't be that easy. They are followed, and the car isn't there, and it seems like there's more to the situation than it seems. Whether they're after Harry, or after Regulus, it's not certain. It's not like it matters, and as much as Harry hates to dive into a crowd, what else are they going to do? All Harry has is a knife, and he doesn't expect Regulus to have much else. So they run.
They are followed. They don't know the city, not that well, and their pursuers are almost upon them. So when Harry sees the dead end, the club backstreets with about a dozen people being far less than decorous, he knows they either fight, or... Or Regulus seems to have an idea, but so does Harry: a sharp tug and a high bill nets him a rather ugly coat, and despite the warm day it's enough to hide his shirt and vest. He can hear steps coming, he can see Regulus' look of confusion, and before he can say anything he pushes the other against the wall.
"Pretend you're enjoying this." Is all the warning he gives him.
And then he kisses him, pressing him against the wall, coat covering as much of their clothes as he can, and letting the other people obscure them from view. There is, he hopes, nothing to see there.
The steps halt. They remain. And after a few terrible, horrible moments, when he's starting to be out of breath, when he's starting to get distracted by the fact that maybe he's enjoying this a bit more than he should and Regulus is definitely faking it rather well, he hears one of the men cursing, and then they're running away.
Only then does he let Regulus go, breathless and flushed and thanking all the deities he knows for the fact that, apparently, it worked. They're safe... for now.
And somehow, not unexpectedly, Regulus is a far better kisser than he'd imagined.
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birlwrites · 2 years
will hocruxes still be a thing in ttdl? and if so are regulus and his homies gon have to go find and destroy them all??? i’m imagining barty and evan camping in the woods like the golden trio did and it’s cracking me up honestly
they will have to find and destroy the horcruxes but there will be absolutely minimal camping, because evan is prepared to do pretty much anything to avoid camping. he's never done it but he knows he hates it. a tent large enough for the main essentials of life (bed, shower, walk-in closet, candy drawer) improves the situation, but the fact remains that he'd be bored out of his skull after 3 straight days of no progress, and if you're camping on the horcrux hunt there is nothing else to do.
but also i'm envisioning barty and evan packing for their camping trip to find horcruxes and barty throwing spellbooks into one trunk and potions ingredients and equipment into another so they're Ready For Anything™ and evan installing an extra closet for his top 5 favorite broomsticks Just In Case, except for his very favorite which he's keeping at home where it's safe
evan rolling up to the tent on the morning they're supposed to leave: okay i got the last stuff i needed i'm ready to go
barty: do we actually need a potted plant and three bags of mini marshmallows--
evan: yes.
barty: is the plant useful at least
evan, in between handfuls of mini marshmallows: it brightens up the space
i can also see like. two months down the line. evan's persevering on the horcrux hunting front but he keeps dealing with his boredom by making illegal portkeys to go to diagon alley and find some new things for their tent. they now have six plants, two packed bookshelves, eighteen enchanted ceiling mobiles (one of them sang but evan got bored of this after ~15 minutes and ended that particular enchantment), a couch, an armchair, three area rugs, several landscape paintings, a full tea set, a bathtub, and a stained glass window. evan is considering getting a cat. or maybe a herd of peacocks like the malfoys have. or maybe a puppy--
if regulus is there, evan is at least less bored, and the horcrux hunt definitely goes faster, but regulus INDULGES evan's complaining about camping which means barty is in hell. fortunately for everyone, he tends to take his feelings out on death eaters, which means regulus's side is doing great, but evan should probably invest in an additional wing on the tent just for space purposes
and then if evan does get a cat, it will adore barty, which barty thinks is HILARIOUS
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iamprobablydeadlol · 2 years
Pairing: James Potter and Regulus Black
Summary: Regulus is at Grimauld for the summer and he really misses James so he writes Jamie a letter that James will never receive.
A/n:- this is my first time ever posting anything like this and I have no idea how to use tumblr lmao so please please consider it and cut me some slack. English is my third language so if you happen to take time out of your day to read this please make sure to tell me how it is I'll really appreciate it and if you see any grammatical errors, please do tell me personally. I'll make sure to correct everything :) Anyway I love you all sm I hope you have a good day<3
Regulus was pacing around at Grimauld Place 12. He knew his mother and father weren't home but he was still feeling anxious, as if they'd barge in any minute and try to invade his mind, try to control it. He'd learnt occulomency on his own at hogwarts last year but his parents were still too powerful and experienced. As a result, he had to lock up everything in a box, a golden one that was so precious to him because it was filled with memories of James. James. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of James but it only made him more anxious. That golden box was the only thing he was guarding from his parents because that was the one thing he loved most, after James ofcourse. These days all Regulus could think of was James Fucking Potter and he was very careful while doing so. He made sure to keep a blank face at all times and not act like he was thinking of something important in order to avoid his mother trying to find out what he was up to, as if they'd let him be up to anything. He dreamt of James in his sleep which was risky because his parents could always find him but who is he to try and control his subconscious mind? Yeah the poets will disagree with what he just said but he just doesn't have access to that popular muggle book at this moment (but he is planning to nick it from Pandora after they board the train).
Regulus froze.Did he just use the word 'nick'? Potter was truly influencing him. Rolling his eyes while trying to hide his smile, Regulus tried to think of something to do; suddenly he got a risky idea but he knew he could do it just this once. He could write a letter to James. Well not really a letter but he could just write something and never send it. That would be very beneficial for his sanity, he thought. As he grabbed his muggle pens that he received from Pandora, the ones he hid at all times, he smiled, remembering his best friend. And suddenly he thought of his parents and their pureblood mania. Obviously they'd approve of Pandora being his friend since her family was a part of the sacred 28 but he didn't want the portraits getting the wrong idea and telling his mother. He would be ruining Pandora's life forever.
Like you're ruining James's, a voice sounding like his mother's hissed inside his head. He panicked, looked around the room; she wasn't home yet.
When Sirius was home, Reg felt safe and now he's, well, empty. Ignoring that thought or any other thought that had to do with his pureblood family and his rebellious brother, Regulus diverted his attention to the pens in his hand. He tried to pick a colour he'd never used before. There were only 7 pens in the pack and he'd never used the pink one before so he started writing;
I miss you, I really do. You'll never receive this that's why the ink is pink and no, this is not a funky colour, its kind of ugly in my opinion but you look good when you wear pink. The way you've got me acting like a lovesick fool is pathetic. I see you everywhere, I feel you everywhere, in the stars, the river, everywhere like I said and I hear you too, sometimes when I hear you I get so excited but mostly I just panic and I think about what they'll do to you. I'm sorry for this, James. I love you so much and I, I think about you so much but not nearly enough. They're everywhere in this house, these walls and whatever's hung up on them and whatever's beneath them, they're all dark and they're always listening. But you're this splashing tide in my life, you're this fresh breeze of wind that can sometimes not be seen but always felt. (No pun intended) Potter, you truly are my sun. You're my everything. There's nothing I love more than you in the world, universe actually. You and I, we're like a sunset, James. You're the sun and I'm- I'm nothing. The sunset is the most beautiful moment of the entire day but it only lasts a few minutes. Then, the sun sets and it's all dark. We're beautiful together, you always say but I'm what makes the sun set in your life and you're what makes the sun rise in mine. We're incompatible, you and I but you're my favourite and you'll always be, my love. You're the best thing to ever happen to me. You're the little happy moment in my life that I'll remember forever, even after it all comes to an end. I'm sorry James, I- I can't do this anymore. My mother will kill you if she finds out. I don't want to put your life in danger for selfish reasons. I don't know when I'll finally get the courage to tell you whatever I want to say but if you receive this (which you definitely won't), we're not a thing anymore but you'll always be in my heart and I hope I don't reside in yours for too long. I hope you move on and find someone that loves you as much as I do, no, more than I do if that is possible. I wish you the best. I'll always think about you right before I sleep and I'll always see your face when I close my eyes. That's something that will never change.
Always yours Yours sincerely,
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He's No Hero
TRIGGER WARNING/CONTENT WARNING: verbal abuse, implied physical abuse, fuckin angstttt
Summary: Sirius gets in a fight with his mother and he convinces Regulus to run away with him 👍
Word count: honestly, no clue. I didn't keep track 🥲
Sirius sat in his room, he had tear-stained cheeks, it felt as if time had been warped. He hated feeling like this small, insignificant, frustrated. He took a shaky breath before softly saying;
"You're okay Sirius…we are- we will be okay.." He bit his lip to quiet himself. A gentle knock on the door was heard, Reggie. He sighed, regaining composure before gently opening the door to be met with his little brother's concerned eyes.
Regulus inhaled, "Are you um…alright? I saw what happened, I wanted to jump in but I- I just-" Sirius cuts him off with a hug. Sirius starts to gently speak, "I'm alright, a little shaken up, but I'm okay. And it's better that you didn't jump in. If you did I would have to be your knight in shining armor!" Sirius chuckles, a slightly playful smirk on his face.
Regulus smiled back at Sirius, gently pulling away from the hug. "How could you still be an idiot at a time like this?!" He laughs, looking down at Sirius' arm. His smile falters as he remembers what had happened.
Regulus could hear the high-pitched, shrieking voice of his mother echoing off the walls. He frowned, they're arguing again…was it because of him this time? Sirius was always defending Regulus, prying his parent's unwanted and harmful attention off of the younger boy. Sirius was no hero, but in Regulus' eyes, he held a golden sword.
"Sirius Orion Black! You pathetic, insignificant, worthle-" She spat the insults with a specific and familiar venom. Regulus covered his ears, he didn't want to hear it, none of it was true, it was all lies. Soon enough he hears a terrible noise, his eyes widen as he uncovers his ears and turns to see what's happening. He saw Sirius on the floor, hissing in pain. Not again, not again, not again. He needed to help, he had to help him somehow.
"This is all my fault…what did I do- I- I need to-" he hears Sirius' gentle and pained voice "Reggie I'm okay, don't worry. It's alright…"
Regulus' eyes welled up with tears, as he watched Sirius get up. He stumbled and wobbled, making his way over to his room. "It's okay, see?"
He seemed to be alright, but it was clear he wasn't. The obvious bruising on his wrists, his body twitching and straining as he moved…He knows what had happened, he knows their father called his mother off. He knows they had used that awful spell, what a cruel thing to do. He wouldn't expect anything less from this fucked up family.
*end of flashback*
Regulus choked back sobs into his brother's shoulder. "It's all my f-fault, I could've helped! I was frozen, I-I could've helped.." Sirius sighs
"Reggie, it's not your fault. I was provoking her, I made a stupid decision. And you better not have helped! I'm alright, nothing that I'm not used to." Sirius softly smiles, attempting to reassure his brother.
Regulus scowls, "You shouldn't have to be used to this! This is wrong, how can they not see that?! How can our own parents not see that they are hurting us?! I-…Siri…this isn't okay, they're supposed to love us.." His lip quivered, he was frustrated, and he was scared.
Sirius sighs and shushes him, "I know…" Sirius continues to hug his little brother firmly. They only have each other. "…Why don't we run away?"
Regulus looks shocked, "I'm sorry, pardon? Where would even go Mister Never Say Never?" Sirius chuckles and ruffles his little brother's hair. "The Potter's maybe? They constantly tell me we are welcome…me and you."
Regulus thinks for a moment, that this has to be mental. There is no way he is running away to go and live with the Potter's of all people, that's outrageous…There's no way he'd pack his bags with his brother, escape this awful house, be greeted with the Potter's lovely, warm smiles, and feel safe. Definitely not…
He sighs, "Alright…I- let's do it." Sirius looks at him surprised, and a bright grin appears on his face. "Wait- really?! You're not joking right, because if you are that's proper cruel."
Regulus laughs "I'm not joking, let's do it." He gives him a determined nod, the adrenaline making him have hope.
Regulus never made it to the Potter's that night. They got caught, Sirius took the blame, and he was in pretty bad shape…Regulus was no hero, but that night he held a golden sword. He sent Sirius to the Potter's with floo powder, he's safe now. Regulus dryly chuckles, what a dramatic way to end things off! Well, I guess it's not really the end, is it?
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AN: Hiya howdy hi! This piece was originally written for self indulgent purposes, I didn't plan on publishing it, until my mutual Beth convinced me to. Oddly enough, writing this cured my writers block. This is my first time writing since 2021, so be nice 🙏. Anyway, thank you so much for reading this, it's greatly appreciated!! <33 (this post was originally made on my main, I decided to repost it here bc why not)
If you are ever in an unhealthy situation/environment, please try to tell a trusted person, so you can get help. I know it's hard, but having someone to support you along the way really does mean a lot more than it would seem. My dm's/asks/anons are open, don't vent without asking first. Take care of yourselves, stay safe, I love you!! <3
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