#he’s the best charlotte sibling fight me
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gatorgrumbles · 1 year ago
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I wanted to draw something summery so I made the fire cracker boy himself
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quimichi · 5 months ago
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·˚ ◌༘₊· ͟͞꒰➳ THEIR CONTACT NAMES FOR YOU wholesome & cursed
AN: just a super random idea, also ran out of contact name ideas
Aether 》Mine forever 》2nd Emergency food
Albedo 》Love 》(just your number)
Amber 》My BunBun 》Traveler
Al-Haitham 》Y/N <3 》Kaveh 2.0
Arlecchino 》My dear 》My annoying dear
Ayaka 》Dance partner for life 》Simp
Ayato 》Mrs/Mr Kamisato 》Professional Yapper
Baizhu 》Cure to everything 》Antidepressiva
Barbara 》Angel 》Wants to bash my stalkers head
Beidou 》Hot bbg 》Mommy issues
Bennett 》Lucky charm 》(accidentally blocked you and broke his phone)
Capitano 》Dearest Y/n 》Y/n L/n
Candace 》Dessert Flower 》Dehya's bestie
Charlotte 》Model 》My stalking victim
Chevreuse 》Babe 》Chrispy Fries
Childe 》My Girly 》Baby boo boo snuggly poo
Chongyun 》Sweet as ice 》Popsicle 🍦🧊💦
Clorinde 》Darling 》0/10 would lose in a fight against me
Collei 》Flower 🌺 》Jokes as bad as Cyno's
Columbina 》Hummingbird 》They're next 🔪
Cyno 》Love them from my head 🍅's 》Love them from my head 🍅's
Dainsleif 》My star 》Traveler Y/n
Dehya 》Princess 》Lil spoiled princess/brat ♡
Diluc 》The burning flame within my heart 》Y/n
Diona 》Big sis/bro/sibling
Dottore 》Little Labrat 》Subject 291
Dori 》10/10 wouldn't sell
Eula 》My Passion 》 (just your number)
Faruzan 》Lover from another timeline 》Grandkid
Fischl 》My dearest lover of the night 》Diener der Verurteilung
Freminet 》Pengu 》Fathers first pick
Furina 》Bubsibaby 》My Maccaroni
Ga Ming 》babes 💞 》Boss
Ganyu 》Love 》Pillow
Gorou 》Forever my mate 》No, not my "owner"
Hu Tao 》Forever mine even in afterlife 》Possible good advertisement once I'm done
Jean 》Dandelion 》The Traveler (Y/n)
Heizou 》Hottest babe everrr 》🍑🍑🍑
Itto 》MINE RAWR 》barkabakewooofwofbrakk
Kazuha 》My dearest Y/n 💞 》he's to wholesome for this
Kaeya 》Snowflake 》Side chicken (he's joking dw)
Kaveh 》My world/everything/love/baby/boo bear 》Mommy
Keqing 》Love 💜 》Housewife/husband/caretaker
Kinich 》Most important thing in my life 》Gf/bf/lv
Kirara 》Kitty 》Owner
Klee 》Partner in crime
Kokomi 》Little Jellyfish 》Bloopfish 🤍
Layla 》Sleepyhead #2 》Good Pillow, Good nap partner
Lisa 》Big cutie 》Book due since: 1 week 🔪
Lumine 》Big Baby, but mine 》Another Paimon
Lynette 》Catlover 》My Y/n
Lyney 》My rose 》Father approved
Mika 》I'll find them everywhere 》The one who never forgets me
Mona 》My future 》Dies by old age, 2091
Mualani 》Wookie Pookie 》Them in swimwear 💯
Nahida 》My best friend the flower 🪷
Navia 》Sweets 》Yummy baby
Neuvillette 》Fiance
Nilou 》Dance buddy 》Hopless, can't dance
Ningguang 》Princess/Prince/Royalty 》Gold digger
Noelle 》Rosie 》Lazy
Pantalone 》Sugar baby 》Spoiled brat
Pierro 》Darling 》Y/n M/n L/n
Pulcinella 》Dearest Y/n 》(your number)
Qiqi 》Y/n
Raiden 》Sweets 》The one that cooks
Razor 》Y/n but mispronounced
Rosaria 》Y/n <3 》A sinner
Sandrone 》Doll ♡ 》Doll nr.72
Sara 》Love forever 》Member 28 of the Raiden Shogun fan club
Sayu 》Nyummmm
Scaramouche 》My bitch 》That bitch idk
Sethos 》Babes 🔥 》Can't cook for shit, almost died
Shenhe 》My Y/n 》Y/n L/n (from ___)
Shinobu 》Milk (she's Kuki) 》also has mommy issues
Succrose 》Code 143 》Human experiment 81.01
Thoma 》their houshusband 》Miss Ayakas best friend
Tighnari 》My Padisara 》Laughs at Cynos jokes
Venti 》Windblume 》Non-alcoholic
Wriothesley 》Bbg/bbb/baby 》Solid daddy issues
Xiangling 》Yummiest 》Bleh but mhh
Xiao 》My Human 》(didn't even give you a contact name lol)
Xianyun 》My beautiful 》Y/n
Xilonen 》a beautiful creation 》wtf did their parents make??
Xinyan 》MY ROCKSTAR ☆ 》that one with no taste in music
Xingqiu 》The most beautiful 》(a ugly nickname lol)
Yae Miko 》🦊💞 》My simp
Yanfei 》JUSTICEMAKER 》horny jail time
Yaoyao 》Big sister/brother/sibling Y/n 🌱
Yelan 》Pretty one 》The next
Yoimiya 》CAUSE BABY YOURE A FIIIIIREWORK 》Almost blew them up, oops
Yun Jin 》My biggest fan 》Y/n - no rhythm
Zhongli 》Y/n (you're his only contact lol)
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hello-vampire-kitty · 11 months ago
Servamp chapter 136 translation "The gentle flutter of a butterfly's wings"
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Read the chapter on Mangadex!
Keep reading for translation notes.
Oh boy, this chapter had some difficult lines that took me a while to translate and hopefully I managed to convey them ;;
Alright, to start off, I want to point out that in the top left panel, Hokaze is holding the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, so if you know the plot of the story, you can make connections with her. Also, regarding her name...It's sounds weird for her because she's a woman. I looked up Hokaze (歩��) on Japanese names sites and it was listed for boys, while the readings Ayuka or Honoka were listed for girls.
Well, if Tanaka-sensei hasn't mentioned so far that it wasn't a mistake, then her name is Hokaze.
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In Japanese, 情欲 and 色欲 mean lust the latter is the one used regarding Lily, however they have different nuances. Basically, the former implies a desire for emotional attachment as opposed to 色欲 that is focused on the physical aspects of attraction, without necessarily implying emotional attachment.
As you can see in the translation, the intended reading is 私 (I, myself) while the other reading is 色欲 (lust).
愛のない情欲のことだけを私 (色欲) の名前で呼ぶのでしょうから。
I had the most trouble with this page, like OMG...
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Lily had some difficult lines and it's possible that I haven't conveyed them to well, thus I will give insight on how I understood them. Here's the original line 人は美しい時間のままに死にゆく。 それだけがいい。
I don't like to assume things. I try my best to convey what characters say and of course I rely on the grammar that is used so that's why it was difficult to interpret the above line which I ultimately translated as "People dying while they are still beautiful...That alone is a good thing"
A direct translation would be "People will die in a beautiful time" which sounded weird...Like I said, maybe my interpretation isn't good and I wanted to add "should" because Lily's is giving his opinions and I thought it will work but I if it's not suggested by the grammar, I couldn't do that. If you look at the first line on this page where "should" is there because that's how a grammar part translates.
So yeah, it was tough working on this line seeing how it can be interpreted...
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Sloth uses words that have alternative meanings. When he says "This makes us even", the other reading is fire. "We should have a discussion after all". The other reading is "fighting" and Sloth also said this in chapter 133.
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There is one word with another reading in Tsubaki's first line which I found that it has the meaning of "older sibling" although it's usually translated as head or neck 首 (kubi) My assumption is that Tsubaki used 首 with the connotation of "older sibling" because it reflects how he was born in the Edo period (revealed in later chapters), so he's using an archaic term. The intended reading is もの which means "object" and one theory I have about the other reading is related to the camellia flowers that are said to be associated with a head that is cut off because when they wither, the flowers fall at once.
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The last note is about Tsubaki's skill which is difficult to interpret its meaning ;;
I translated it as "Crossing".
The Japanese word 渡 comes from the verb 渡す that has the general meaning of "to hand over/deliver but there is also the meaning of "to transport", "to carry across". While it can be translated in several ways, I like the translation I made and I found that the verb is used "to say a requiem" 引導を渡す I'd say it connects with his ability "Shura Funeral". This term originally refers to a ritual or ceremony in Buddhism called "引導供養" (indou kuyou), where a deceased person's spirit is guided to the afterlife. So yeah, let me know what you think. I'd like to hear your opinions and I hope these notes are helpful!
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pamsimmerstories · 3 months ago
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Charlie visited Malcolm
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[charlotte]: you’re so stupid, malcolm. oliver told me everything. did you have to be a hero?
[malcolm]: did he catch the guy at least?
[charlotte]: is that what’s really important right now? you were out of duty
[malcolm]: a cop is never out of duty, charlie.
[charlotte]: are you getting paid in your free time? no. so, don’t be a hero. you’re not batman or whatever superhero you get inspired by, by being rich and not needing the money.
[juniper]: she’s right, mal. you don’t need to be a hero. you need to be alive.
[malcolm]: i’m trying my best
[charlotte]: not try, malcolm landgraab the second. we don’t need another malcolm dying this early, do we? this about how your father would feel like? or mine? our fathers? i don’t know what they are now
[malcolm]: what do you mean?
[charlotte]: we’re officially siblings now, mal.
[malcolm]: ???
[charlotte]: my dad is dating your mom.
[malcolm]: what? did my parents get a divorce?
[charlotte]: no. that’s the fun part. your mom is with your dad and my dad.
[malcolm]: how long have i been sleeping?
[juniper chuckles]
[charlotte]: best part? damon is my dad’s son.
[malcolm]: i’m dizzy... how did this happen?
[charlotte]: i’ll tell you everything...
[juniper]: did he sleep?
[charlotte]: yes. how are you?
[juniper]: i’m fine. just tired.
[charlotte]: you don’t look fine
[juniper]: it’s just…
[charlotte]: he’s stubborn? yeah, i know. he’s been like that since forever. you know he used to get into fights in school because of me? i was bullied... a lot, and even if he’s younger than me, he always tried to defend me. i always hated that.
[juniper]: i see it now. that’s why you lecture him about being a superhero
[charlotte]: yeah. he’s gotten a little better at fighting now that he’s a detective, but back then... it was a disaster. he always was covered in bruises because he used to fight bigger boys
[juniper]: i know how he can be reckless. since the day i met him he is like that. it’s like he doesn’t have fear as a deffense mechanism like any other human.
[charlotte]: and he’s been like that ever since.
[juniper]: thanks for coming and spend the day with him. i know it meant a lot to him
[juniper was on the verge of tears, but she couldn’t let the tears fall... not like that. not with his sister-cousin hugging her]
[juniper]: i’m trying my best
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sunny-mercya · 2 years ago
Charlotte Katakuri x Male Reader
Fandom -> One Piece
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You followed Brulee deeper into her Mirror world, as she leads you to Katakuri, your Husband. There was no use in remembering the way, too complicated confusing anyways.
Your mind was clouded with worry for Katakuri. Only having heard of his defeat by accident, because of Brulee's rambling and mumbling while she searched for something. You asked Brulee instantly right away, pressuring her to take you to Katakuri. Begrudgingly she took you with her, after getting the first-aid kit.
Upon seeing Katakuri laying there, you sprinted the last few meters to him, skidding to a halt and dropping to your knees next to him.
Katakuri had his arm over his face, trying to regulate his breathing the best he could, as his chest heaved heavily. Katakuri ignored the pain and wounds, some of them bleeding.
He, a Sweet Commander, the Minister of flour, had lost. Lost to a mere tiny human being, who had nothing more than a foolish dream and only fightet because he wants to bring back the friend, which he holds dear.
Katakuri scoffed at this, but than again, they share the same kind of feelings. He too has a foolish dream and someone he holds dear. Perhaps the reasons why Katakuri couldn't defeat Luffy at all. Why he lost, because in contrast to Luffy, Katakuri couldn't bring himself to go against Mama and leave this Island with you—to live this foolish dream.
«Kuri?» your voice of a whisper had broken him out of his thoughts. He hummed, moving his arm away and turned his head to look at you.
You bite your lips, feeling the tears brimming in your eyes. Crawling towards his face, gently laying your hands onto his cheek, rubbing the roughed up skin, before hugging his face and holding back your sobs.
Oh. He had made you that worried? Katakuri feels guilty now, didn't wanted to be reason to make you cry. You let go of your Husbands face, settling down onto the ground again.
«I'm sorry [Name], for losing.» would you be disappointed in him now, for losing? Would you want a divorce, because he wasn't strong enough anymore?
Katakuri could understand if you decided to leave him forever now. He's a monster after all, someone who doesn't deserves any kind of love from someone like you—a precious kind of human.
Katakuri blinked, focusing back on you, when you have snapped your fingers for a third time.
«Repeat that,» he asked you, hadn't listen.
«I said, you big doofus, that I don't fucking care about your win or lose! I care about you and your wellbeing! So don't make me ever worried like this again Kuri! I feared you had died.» by now you were completely crying, clenching your pants.
You're always worried about Katakuri and most of his siblings. The constant pressure from Big Mom, the fighting and this need to prove themselves—to be worth of life and Big Mom's approving and "love"—was a toll on their mental health. Making them sick and hurt in a different way.
«I'm sorry» Katakuri apologise again, not sure what else to say. You had lectured him more than enough over the years and yet, besides always promising to you that is he careful, he makes you worried over and over again.
Taking a breath, you wiped your tears. Moving closer to Katakuri again, you kissed his cheek, nose and mouth. Giving him a wavering smile.
«You know Kuri, beside you making me worried again. Brulee and I are still proud of you! You did great Kuri and your always will be the best for us!»
You would always be proud of your Husband. Doesn't matter if he wins or lose, he's doing his best everyday and that what counts. You chuckled upon seeing Katakuri's red face. Always a beloved sight for you, to see your husband so flushed.
Katakuri always thought, wether the days are good or bad for him, that he didn't deserve you at all. Yet you managed to crush those thoughts of his, with your pure unconditional love you have for him.
Katakuri returned a small smile of his own. For you, he would give everything up, just so he could see your smile everyday.
Luffy still felt worried about you. The doubt still nagging at him, for leaving you behind on Cake Island.
You begged Luffy to let you stay here, telling him again and again that Cake Island was your home and the place where you family and happiness belongs to.
Luffy does wanted you to be part of his crew or at least brining you away from Cake Island, yet you denied his request with both, an apology and a thanks.
«Don't make such a face Luffy. [Name]'s gonna be alright, if he has faith in Katakuri than perhaps he's in good hands after all,» Nami tells him, patting his back and going back to the helms-wheel.
Luffy heaved a sight out, Nami was probably right, but your once fearful face still haunts the back of his mind.
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hb-writes · 1 year ago
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Summary: When Charlie wears her very stylish, but not very well-insulated, boots to play in the snow with Marcus and family, she has to end her play early because of frozen toes.
Prompt: "Get off! Your feet are cold!"
Characters: Harvey Specter & Charlie Specter (OC)
Content Warning: Nothing, really. Medical-ish stuff, I guess.
Suits (Lines to Live By) Masterlist
Charlie flexed her foot as she toed off her boot, a quiet hiss coming from her lips as she set the foot on the floor, bracing herself against the wall to work the other boot off. It was nearly silent in the house, the quiet punctuated only by the shouts and laughter accompanying the snowball fight happening just out back between Marcus and the kids.
Dumping her coat and gloves and hat beside the door, Charlie shuffled across the kitchen, her feet feeling heavy and stiff as she went.
"You're still working?"
She stopped to lean against the wall, her face turned back towards the door and the yard beyond it as she heard their niece let out an infernal screeching that had Charlie wincing.
Harvey didn't so much as flinch. How he was working over all the noise, Charlie didn't know, but he was still planted at the same spot at the dining room table where he'd been when the rest of them headed out into the snow nearly two hours ago. And he still didn't pull his eyes from the laptop to look at her now.
Charlie eased down onto the end of the bench and pulled her feet up, peeling off her wet socks, once again hissing as her hands ghosted over the chilled skin.
"Are you almost finished?"
Charlie hugged her knees to her chest as Harvey's eyes kept skimming over the screen as if he hadn't heard her.
"Hello? Harvey?" Charlie reached out down the bench, waving a hand at him. "Can you hear me? Harvey Reginald—"
Harvey's eyebrows raised as he continued reading whatever was on his screen, considering that answer enough since Charlie stopped herself from saying his full name.
As far as Harvey was concerned, he didn’t need to explain that what he was doing was important. Charlie knew he wouldn't be camped out at their brother's table during their visit if it wasn't, but she’d already interrupted him with three questions in a row and Harvey was starting to wonder if she was ever planning on stopping.
"What happened to you playing in the snow and leaving me alone for a few hours?"
Harvey finally pulled his eyes from the screen to look at his sister. Charlie's cheeks were still flushed and her hair was a tangled, snow-dampened mess. And Harvey was partially grateful he'd been caught up with work, trapped inside rather than rolling around in the snow with his siblings, niece, and nephew.
"I was cold. And unlike some of us..." Charlie rolled her eyes as she released her legs, stretching them out down the bench. "My auntly duty quota has already been fulfilled so—"
"Goddamn it, Charlie! Get off," Harvey shouted as Charlie tried to fit her frozen toes between his leg and the bench's cushion. "Your feet are cold!"
Cold was an understatement. Charlie's feet were freezing, the touch of her skin cool enough that Harvey could feel their deep-seated chill straight through the fabric of his jeans.
"All of me is cold," she answered as she pulled her knees back to her chest, hugging them there. "And they're kind of tingly." Harvey watched as his sister poked at the skin of her feet, watching them intently before wrapping her hands back around her toes and raising her gaze to meet Harvey's. "I guess leather boots aren't the best option when it comes to insulation."
Harvey huffed, tension creeping into his shoulders. "Tingly, Charlotte?"
"Yeah." Charlie shrugged. "Maybe a little."
"And were you limping over here just now?"
Charlie opened and closed her mouth in quick succession, not quite sure how he'd managed to notice that when he'd very clearly been focused on his computer and ignoring her.
"Let me see," Harvey said, and he held out a hand, enduring Charlie's delaying for only a moment before he grasped both of her legs around the calves.
"Harvey, stop!" Charlie shouted, grabbing the table edge for support as Harvey hauled her down the bench, placing her feet in his lap so he could take a better look.
"Christ, Charlotte, I told you to stop wearing those goddamn shoes," he said, his own fingers gently testing the cool skin.
She had complained about cold feet just about every time they'd gone out in the city during the last few weeks. They didn't keep her feet warm on the snowless, and slightly-warmer, streets of New York. He didn't know why she'd think they'd be enough to keep her warm while traipsing through a foot of snow for over an hour. Why she hadn't just worn Katie's old snow boots, especially after Marcus went through the trouble of digging them out for her.
Harvey's lips pressed into a straight line as his fingers continued assessing the bone-white skin of Charlie's toes, transitioning mottled pink just beyond. There were no blisters and no swelling. No hardened skin. Thankfully, she had come inside when she did. Harvey glanced at her. "Does it hurt?"
Charlie swallowed, shaking her head, quickly, almost as if the answer was a reflex. A lie, Harvey figured, and he waited for her to elaborate, the silence stretching uncomfortably between them.
"I don't think so. I…I can't really tell."
Charlie couldn't feel any pain. She could tell her feet were cold because the skin had felt cool against her fingers, but aside from that, there was only the tingling sensation. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but Harvey eased her feet off his lap and stood at the admission, lifting her from the bench without warning.
"Harvey, I can—"
"Walk?" Harvey asked as crossed the kitchen and eased her onto the counter. "I don't think so, Frodo, you barely made it across the Shire." 
Harvey turned on the faucet, one hand held under the water for a few moments to gauge the temperature as the basin started filling.
"Is this really necessary?" Charlie asked.
"Would you rather we amputate?"
"I don't think you're really qualified," she answered, muttering to herself about Harvey not being capable of healing, like Aragorn.
Harvey glared at her, and Charlie held his stare. He was the one who had started the Lord of the Ring references.
"And it's not really—"
"Is there tingling anywhere else?" Harvey asked, interrupting Charlie before she could insist that his efforts were unnecessary. "Your fingers? Are you cold?"
Charlie shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest, part of her determined to be fine, even as the hairs on her arms rose beneath her shirt.
"Yeah?" Harvey tilted his head. He hadn't missed her shivering or the way her hands kept rubbing at her arms...the way her cheeks were still bright red with cold. "You're telling me the truth?"
Harvey slipped out of his sweater before Charlie could answer him, wrapping it around her shoulders. Charlie was poised to fight him, to point out once again that he was being over the top—first, by carrying her around and now, by playing mother hen—but the weight and warmth of the knitted cardigan felt nice so she didn't complain. Charlie twisted in her spot at the sink's edge, fitting her arms through the sleeves as Harvey eased back against the kitchen island across from her. Once she settled, he grasped her cold feet once again, giving them a second once over.
He glanced up at her. "Can you move your toes?"
"Yes, Harvey," Charlie groaned, wiggling them for emphasis, though the movement was somewhat less enthusiastic than she intended, her toes stiff and heavy.
Charlie swallowed, avoiding her brother's gaze. So what? Her feet were cold and they were tingly. And maybe she'd been stupid to wear the boots, as Harvey had suggested, but...
Harvey cut her off. “If you tell me you’re fine, I’m gonna—”
"You're gonna what? Yell at me?" Charlie scoffed, waving a hand. “Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth."
"What did you just say to me?"
"I said...Be silent. Keep your—"
Harvey gave her a look before releasing her feet. "You're really still quoting Lord of the Rings to me right now?" He stepped forward to turn off the faucet, dipping a hand into the water to test the temperature once again, ensuring it was warm but not too hot. "You probably have frostbite. You think this is some sort of joke?"
"I don't have frostbi—"
"Enough." Harvey cut her off, his voice rising just enough that Charlie remembered herself. "Get your goddamn feet in the water."
"Fine, fine." Charlie held up both hands in surrender before leaning down to start rolling up her pant legs. She twisted on the counter, lifting her feet above the sink and hissing as she eased her toes below the waterline.
"All the way," Harvey prompted when she held her feet just an inch into the water, the sensation already uncomfortable.
"I'm doing it!" Charlie scrunched up her face, squeezing her eyes shut in anticipation as she complied.
"Wiggle those toes."  
"I am!" Charlie grit out and Harvey glanced into the water to confirm.
"How long do I have to—?"
"Until the color comes back to normal and the tingling goes away. Or thirty minutes—whichever's longer."
"Hmph," Charlie answered, wrapping herself tighter in Harvey's sweater. "It's starting to burn," she told him, the tingling in her feet giving way to a searing pain.
Charlie started to lift her feet, but Harvey set a hand on her leg, stopping her.
"It's supposed to," he answered.
"How do you know?"
"Boy Scouts," he answered, holding up three fingers in salute. "Stay put. I'll be right back."
Charlie rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone as Harvey left the room, doing her own internet search for frostbite and scrolling through the results, only to find that Harvey was basically right.
Do not allow them to walk if it affects their feet.
Submerge the body part in warm water 15 to 30 minutes.
Pain is common during reheating.
"According to this, I maybe, might have a very mild form of frostnip, not frostbite," she said as he came back into the room with a towel and some other supplies. She held up the phone for Harvey to read, and he took it, scrolling through the article.
"Frostnip: a mild form of frostbite," he said, reciting a direct quote from the article as he handed the phone back to her. "Anything else you want to say, doctor?"
"Well, here..." Charlie scrolled further "...right here, it says you're supposed to give your child warm drinks." It also said to cover them with a blanket, but Harvey had as good as done that already by giving up his sweater.
"And a second breakfast," Charlie added, nodding toward the blueberry muffins leftover from breakfast that still sat on the counter behind him.
"Is that so?" Harvey snorted. "Boston Children's Hospital recommends second breakfast as a cure for frostbite?"
Charlie shrugged. "It says to make sure they're comfortable, and I think another muffin would make me comfortable. Warmed up with some butter...and maybe some hot chocolate..." Charlie pointed to one of the end cabinets where she knew Marcus kept the almost sickeningly sweet chocolatey powder. "Please? Pretty, pretty, pretty pretty—"
Harvey shook his head, cutting her unrelenting pleas off with the gesture, before going through the motions of making her hot chocolate. Harvey presented her with the drink a few moments later without a word.   
"My precious!" Charlie hissed. The steaming mug felt deliciously warm against her still chilled fingertips. Harvey turned from her to retrieve the muffin.
"You know, that's funny," Harvey said as he set the muffin down beside her on the counter, "because you kind of look like Gollum."
Charlie set the mug down, deciding to let it cool for a moment to avoid burning her tongue. "Jokes on you then, Harv—" Charlie picked a piece of the muffin top loose and popped it into her mouth. "—because people keep saying I look just. Like. You."
Charlie smiled sweetly at her brother as she picked up another piece of muffin, her attention spared to him long enough to realise that he had no intention of responding.
"After this can we—"
"After this, I have work to do and you're not leaving the couch. You—"
"Alright, alright," Charlie interrupted, sensing by Harvey's tone that he was preparing to go off on a lecture-y tangent. "We will sit on the couch."
Harvey raised an eyebrow at her 'we' even as she continued on.
"We can watch Lord of the Rings while you work," she offered, "Haley and Lucas have never seen it so we can fulfill your uncle duty while I rest my feet and you work and..." Charlie shrugged. "It's practically the perfect solution."
It was only half an hour later when Harvey had to admit he agreed with her because while Charlie, Marcus, and the kids lay passed out on the couch, all of them exhausted by the cold, Harvey finally had a chance to wrap up his work all to the film score of Lord of the Rings.
Suits (Lines to Live By) Masterlist
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the-wales-5 · 11 days ago
"Cold of the fight & warmth of the dreams"
The summer of 2024. Instead of enjoying a warm, sunny day, the Princess of Wales was getting ready to go to The Royal Marsden Hospital for a chemotherapy course.
The day before she was attending the Wimbledon final and it was an ideal break from her daily life being a hell these days.
As she now sneaked into the building together with her husband, a nurse greeted her. As always. In front of her eyes was the same, familiar now, painted white corridor leading to the room where she'd be treated. Her stomach formed a knot inside as she noticed that hospital bed. For the last few months, she was unable to express her feelings but every time after stepping into that room, her heart was sinking at the possibility of wasting time.
Preventive chemotherapy was distinguished from the usual kind, not as bad but still enough to make her feel hopeless at times.
“You want me to tell you a fairytale story or stay completely silent this time?” a question she heard after all the wires have been attached to inject chemo into her blood. The one asking was William.
“You always are paraphrasing our story and it's not a fairytale. There's no cancer in fairytales, remember?”
“But there is a happy ending, right? and our story will end with it” William gently kissed her on the forehead “Shall I start?”
His wife nodded and caressed his hand to comfort him as he weakly smiled and began to tell her about one autumn day in Scotland back in 2001…
Catherine could see in his eyes that these constant hospital appointments have taken a toll on him too as he tried to support her in ways that were unimaginable until now.
He was aware that his own health suffered as well and a weight loss was noticeable for everyone around him, but it didn't matter. What mattered was Catheine’s recovery but also her well-being during the treatment itself. He was determined to be by her side every time, even though Kate's family members assured him many times that they could join her instead.
“Those side effects are way worse than the treatment” Catherine weakly murmured as she finally sat down on the bed after returning home from the hospital.
“Are you feeling cold again, mummy?” George asked as he approached and hugged her.
Catherine nodded “I am already used to that, please don't worry”
Charlotte and Louis brought her a blanket while George made tea.
“It feels like a winter day in the summer” Catherine chuckled a little, despite feeling uncomfortable she still had a smile on her face. Her husband sat down next to her after a while “Sorry, I had to go outside with Orla”
“I wish I could go too”
“We'll go together in the evening, okay? Now you should rest a little” William kissed her hair
She slowly nodded and smiled at him “I know I am repeating myself over and over but the truth is that you could easily try to avoid some courses and let my siblings join me. James told us that he could go next time”
“I am aware of that but I prefer to be by your side myself” William said as caressing her hand “Do you feel warm?”
“It is difficult to tell” she sighed, closing her eyes for a moment.
William sat closer to her and took her into his arms. Since he fell in love with her, he kept thinking that she needed protection and care from him. For these few months though, when it was actually needed like never before, he did the best he could to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Catherine closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. He was now whispering sweet nothings when she was falling asleep in his arms. It was often happening at random moments on her ‘bad days’, especially after visiting the hospital and even though she was suffering from a cold, she still loved those moments. At one point, she opened her eyes and looked at his face “William..”
“Yes, my wife?” he whispered and fixed her hair a little bit
“If I get to be in remission, I want to repeat this situation but in better circumstances” she weakly smiled and blinked a few times.
“What better circumstances?” William weakly smiled as well and caressed her cheek
“A winter trip to the Alps with mum, papa, James, Pippa, Alizèe, all the kids in our family. I really want to experience the moment when we are snuggled up like this after spending a whole day on the slopes. I won't be the only one shivering from a cold then” she chuckled a bit, then added in a whisper as tears flew through her cheeks “I need it to happen at least once, to be there with you and everyone else I love” She did her best not to break into tears but that mission failed.
William closed his eyes and hid his face into her hair as he whispered “I promise you that we'll organise everything you want. A winter trip, or Mustique. Or both” he said the last part of this sentence sincerely. It was not the “We'll think it over”-kind of plans. It was a promise.
“Mustique?” Kate asked as her eyes widened with a surprise
“You miss these sunny days, don't you?”
“Terribly. But do you really think--..” she tried to say when William caressed her lips, whispering “Hsshh. It'll happen no matter what you say, my wife. Now try to rest, okay?”
She nodded and kept looking at his face for a few seconds before kissing his cheek.
January 2025.
“You consulted it with her doctor, right?” Michael Middleton asked his son-in-law with some concern in his voice
“Yes, of course. She was happy to know about those plans” William replied
Catherine’s brother said then “I am afraid I'll never be as good at surprises as you are”
“Oh, I am pretty sure it'll be possible. One day” Alizée joked “For now I can't wait to see Kate's reaction to that surprise”
“What surprises?” The princess of Wales raised her eyebrows as she approached her family “What is going on here again?”
“Our planned winter trip, Babykins” William said and showed her their plane tickets he had kept on his phone app a secret for the last few weeks.
“Are you kidding me? You actually remembered?” She asked with shock
“At this point, I'd be surprised if he did not remember, Squeak” Carole giggled softly.
One evening, William and Catherine were sitting in front of the fireplace along with their three children after long hours of playing outside in the snow and skiing. They were often sharing kisses and whispering.
“Get a room!” Charlotte said, sticking her tongue a little at one moment
“Watch out or I'll empty your cup of cocoa too” Louis was chuckling innocently and unknowingly helping his parents to escape the room to go outside again.
“Why did we leave?” William asked and laughed out loud.
Catherine did not reply but threw a snowball at her husband. He was surprised but threw one at her a second later “You want to fight now, Miss Middleton?” he murmured while making yet another snowball
“Very much so” Catherine chuckled and shrieked when her husband wanted to run after her. Soon they were laughing together, not paying attention to the fact that it was almost midnight.
After a few minutes of a friendly ‘fight’, William took Catherine into his arms. She leaned her head on his shoulder and asked in a whisper “Is Mustique actually next on your list?”
His answer was a simple wink and a nod.
“You were actually fighting in the snow, just like teenagers?” George asked curiously
“Why wouldn't we? Besides, it was your lovely mum who started that fight and it's usually difficult to say no to her”.
Charlotte, Louis and George were asleep within the next few minutes. Their mum was sitting in front of the fireplace when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her and covered her with yet another blanket.
“I don't need it”
“Are you sure?”
She nodded “The cold that I feel now is not disturbing at all. Rather I feel happy to feel it. It's just like I imagined on that one summer day, you know? And you promised it'll happen.. I am so lucky to have you, you know” happy tears filled her eyes.
William slowly kissed her on the lips “Your wish is my command, Mrs. Wales. Always. No matter what your request or a dream is. It will come true sooner or later”.
Catherine breathed in her husband's scent as he was holding her in his embrace. As soon as William fell asleep, his wife slowly got up from the bed, searched for a small notebook in her luggage.
“In the past, I used to often wonder ‘how did I get this lucky’. I suddenly stopped wondering last year. Why would I when I was so close to losing it all? So close to losing my happiness.. Since then, I just want to be completely healthy and feel as comfortable and relieved as now in years to come. C”.
She closed the notebook and smiled at William before snuggling closer to him and listening to his heartbeat while falling asleep.
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(📸: 2016)
♡ The end ♡
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stardustizuku · 2 years ago
Part 3: A Criticism on Wilfred
Okay, Wilfred is an interesting character. I would go as far as to call him “a deconstruction on the paragon of a fantasy hero”.
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He’s the heir to this duchy, who by the evil doing of others has been stripped away from the right of succession.
Despite it all, he’s hardworking and with natural talent, capable of overcoming all hurdles through putting his all into it. He’s nice, he’s kind, and has a positive outlook on life that makes him great to lead big teams and unite them under him. People around him look up to him, and believe in him. In fact, when he arrives at the Academy he realizes that, despite his duchy’s position, he’s able to fight side by side with powerful Greater Duchies. In any other story, he would be the hero.
But Ascendance of a Bookworm is not his story. And while he (and his retainers) sees him as this amazing heir that’s faced nothing but problems since a young age - everyone else sees him for what he truly is.
A spoiled kid, who never learned to become an archduke.
But this is only hinted at in Part3, and doesn’t implode on itself until (again) Part5.
You see, in Part 3, Rozemyne serves as a buffer to paint him in a much better light. She applies a lot of the logic we have from our world. “He’s a kid, he shouldn’t be dealing with so much work”, “he may be lazy but he’s well meaning and wants to become a better person”, “it’s unfair to compare him to me, an adult”, and “I would make the same mistakes he has, so his situation is unfortunate”.
Because of Rozemyne’s coddling, we see Wilfred as this kid who is trying. Who deserves the position because, for one, Rozemyne would be even worse than him at it, and he really, really wants it.
But this changes in Part 4, when we meet way more nobles around their ages, and critically: We know about Charlotte.
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Charlotte is so important. People who justify and try to make excuses for Wilfred, have either not read in depth Charlotte’s chapters (which granted, the most powerful one of them “A New Step Forward” comes from the Side Story Collection), or have swallowed Rozemyne’s Kool-Aid when it comes to why Wilfred is being treated unfairly.
The truth is, from another noble’s perspective, we realize that Wilfred being given his title of heir is pretty much the definition of getting spoiled rotten. In any other duchy, HELL, even Ehrenfest before Sylvester, such a thing wouldn’t fly. The succession is a competition. If you think of it that way, and see how Wilfred is behaving - you realize how badly he’s losing. There’s no way that, as he was before Rozemyne, he could have become a decent archduke.
This could have changed, if at any point, Wilfred stopped perceiving himself as the legitimate heir who had his title stolen. Because that’s not what happened. He was meant to fight with his siblings for it. But because of pure luck, he was given it without even having to prove himself. When the people around him failed to train him, that title was temporarily removed. (Emphasis on temporarily because Sylvester had every Goddamn intention to keep Wilfred as the heir)
And we don’t really see him, ever, acknowledging his siblings as any sort of threat. While on paper, he has been stripped from the title, he never has to truly internalize it. It's shameful, yes. But Melchior is straight up too young. He knows Rozemyne won’t be given the title of archduchess, that Sylvester won’t ever allow it.
And something to note about: We know why: She’s a commoner.Sylvester will never let her be Aub for that simple fact - BUT
Wilfred does not know that. He should know that Rozemyne is the “best” candidate, from early on. That’s just a fact. But Sylvester purposely shields him from that harsh truth.
Objectively, Wilfred should know that it is only through luck and Sylvester BLATANT favoritism that Rozemyne isn’t a threat. But because he does not register until FUCKING PART 5, that he is fact, inferior to Rozemyne, he gets baited by Lestilaut. He almost loses Rozemyne, because of his own ego.
And with Charlotte, my poor girl, he doesn’t even registers her as a threat. When Charlotte straight up tells him “I would have beaten you, had I been granted the same privilege you have” aka, being born a man - Wilfred never understands this as a warning or even taunt. He still thinks he’s better than Charlotte. He still thinks that, were things leveled, he would have beaten her. And that couldn’t be further from the truth.
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If you haven’t caught up on it yet, Wilfred is a blatant criticism of sexism and the patriarchy.
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He has a privilege he does not recognize, and because of it, he acts he’s entitled to a position in power - that anywhere else, it would be UNTHINKABLE for him to have.
He’s literally surrounded by women three or four times more competent than him, yet for the simple fact that he’s a man, and Sylvester likes him more, those women will NEVER come to have the power they deserve.
AND, when he does come the realization that, perhaps, Rozemyne truly is a better suited candidate: he lashes out.
When Lestilaut points out she would be a better archduchess than him, his first instinct is to lash out (and quite aggressively I must add) at the heir of a GREATER duchy, who he does not even get along with! Again, Hannalore and Rozemyne are close friends but Lestilaut and Wilfred are NOT.
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This is the society that constantly berated Rozemyne for showing a hint of emotion. She held back even as Royalty itself threatened her most beloved Ferdinand - and Wilfred cannot even handle taunts.
He only calms down when she straight up declines. Stating that she wants to be a first wife. Lesitalut retorts that she could very much be a Dunkelferg first wife.
This sort of snaps Wilfred out of a trance. But interestingly enough, the idea confronted is no longer “Rozemyne is better than me”, but “Rozemyne may actually be a good wife candidate”. Again, the fight isn’t centered, at that point, in who’s better suited to be archduke - because Rozemyne herself smashes apart that idea.
It gets shifted to Lestilaut informing Wilfred that Rozemyne is a coveted first wife candidate, that he’s not using properly. Which is a much easier truth to swallow.
He does not come to terms with “Rozemyne is better than me”, which she objectively is, but with “she’s actually a valuable fiance”.
Sylvester, on the other hand, was very quick to realize that Rozemyne was a valuable asset. Someone who he couldn’t let go of, and adopted because of how vital she was to improving the duchy. Again, while he does care for her, he’s aware that regardless of that - she’s worth it. If she causes him headaches, it’s worth it. If she causes a problem, it’s worth it. She’s running the temple, she’s running their new main export and economy, she is rising their ranks like nowhen before.
It took Wilfred, Lestilaut literally shouting it to his face, for him to realize this. To start seeing Rozemyne as valuable, instead of troublesome. And the moment he realizes, oh, maybe she’s more than competent enough - he’s forced to confront the truth: She’s a better candidate than him. And his current title is only uphold because he’s married to her.
His lashing out in Part 5 Volume 4 is a direct result of him having to confront that he’s a nepo-baby that was only given this position because he’s a man. And instead of owning it, or making sure that despite it all he’s still deserving of the position - he throws a tantrum.
When Charlotte realized that the odds were stacked against her favor, she cried, yes. But she had to maintain appearances. She continued to smile, she continued to support her brother, and worry for the other members of the family. She even had to support Sylvester, despite the fact his obvious favoritism was constantly hurting her.
When Wilfred realized that someone else was better than him, namely Rozemyne, he lashed out. I’m mostly keping up with the Translation Light Novels, so most of his internal turmoil isn’t being shown as of yet. We see it through Charlotte, Sylvester, Rozemyne and other retainers. But suffice to say, that while Rozemyne finds it simply a teenager being a teenager - everyone point out how incredibly damaging his little outburst is.
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Unlike other kids, Wilfred is set to become the Aub, and while it’s been promised to him, he still has to work for it. And unlike other kids, such a tremendous amount of power, is not something to wield freely. He is not like any other kid, and cannot be measured in those terms - precisely because of the title he’s set to have. With great power comes great responsibility. If he were to be a commoner, yeah, he wouldn’t have to deal with this. He would be allowed to be just a kid. But if he’s set to become Aub, which he WANTS, he has to play the part. Act like a noble, respect the rules. Just like Rozemyne was forced to do, just like Charlotte trained all her life to do.
He has to learn to manage his emotions, his workload, etc, just like his sisters have. Neglecting to do so, is putting the brunt of his emotional labor unto them.
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Here’s where PART 5 does its job wonderfully - because by this point, we’ve seen that the kids of greater duchies, have to work their asses off to support their duchy. Things like feelings, and desires are thrown out. You do not decide who you’ll marry, you do not decide if you become aub or not, you do not decide basically anything in your life. There’s a sacrifice to be made if you want power. You have a role to play, and you either stick to it to perfection, or you get the short end of the stick.
Charlotte has grown with this mentality, she understands it. She plays her role, and does her best to support her duchy.
Wilfred, does not.
He expects everyone to want him as an Aub because, thanks to Veronica, that’s everything he’s ever been promised.
Patriarchy is poisonous because it promises men power. And when capitalism tells them they can’t have it, their first instinct is to blame women.
Much like Wilfred has done, by blaming Rozemyne. For “not being a good enough fiancé” or “for trying to steal his rightful position”.
Wilfred is, unfortunately enough, an antithesis of one of Rozemyne’s core values. Meritocracy. He’s the definition of nepotism.
And if Wilfred represent the corruption of Meritocracy, Veronica represents the corruption of Family.
Veronica corrupts it in a very interesting way that almost parallels Rozemyne.
Veronica was the daughter of a first wife, who loved her husband. Said husband, however, only loved his second wife. This caused her mother great anguish, something she had to witness. She lost her older brother, then lost her mom during childbirth. Finally, her only baby brother was taken to the temple by the second wife she hated. This leaves her with an obsession to keep her blood related family safe, and a disdain for second wives.
In a way, having her family torn from her, and wanting to protect them even from afar, to the point or bending and breaking rules to do so - is very much a Rozemyne thing.
But while Veronica did it by ignoring most of Noble's ways and via corruption, Rozemyne is constantly kept in check from doing as much.
Wilfred is a direct result of the generation trauma Gabrielle imparted. Veronica grew obsessed with making sure her bloodline was better off - at the cost of the suffering of anyone who wasn’t.
She saw everyone as an enemy, someone to subdue. Because if she let them fester, maybe they would take her baby brother away. Maybe they would hurt her kids. Maybe she would lose her mother again.
Ironically, it was this unwillingness to let them grow that eventually rotted them. If she hadn’t let Bezewanst do whatever he wanted, Sylvester wouldn’t have told Ferdinand to get rid of him. If Wilfred had grown with the proper education, he wouldn���t have been as easily tricked.
Veronica and Wilfred also serve as a reminder to Rozemyne of what, even well intentioned, toxic love can do. It’s better presented when she refuses to meet Kamil, even when she absolutely could, because it isn’t safe to do as much.
To add, Rozemyne sees family entirely different from her, and Wilfred for this matter.
Family to Rozemyne isn’t something bound by blood. Her family doesn’t begin and end with that of the lower city. Her retainers from the temple, Cornellius, Charlotte, and most importantly, Ferdinand, are family to her. They deserve her unconditional protection. She cares and loves them.
Contrast it with Veronica who saw Florencia and Ferdinand as threats to her family. And said view of the world is translated to Wilfred.
He sees Detline as family. And after Ferdinand get married, he stops fully perceiving him as such. This is again, likely due to Veronica and her faction. We saw that during Rozemyne’s two year slumber he grows really close and reliant on Ferdinand.
But when the issue of worrying for either Detline or Ferdinand came up - he chose Detline.
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Someone he knew almost nothing about, but has his blood and Veronica’s looks. Instead of Ferdinand, someone who supported him for more than three years.
What’s more, he stopped seeing Rozemyne as an ally in Part 5 Volume 4. He could never fully trust her because, again, she’s adopted. Yet, he did go to Charlotte for help, expecting her to help. Likely, because he sees her as actual family, and therefore in his side.
Rozemyne isn’t blood family. Therefore, expendable.
Veronica’s corruption reached him. He tainted one more of Rozemyne’s core values.
All this said, he’s not an irredeemable monster. If anything, the LNs make it clear that despite all this, he’s still a good kid, who given the time and training could become a good archduke.
(Again though, Charlotte wasn’t even offered “time and training”, she was dismissed from the title despite her qualifications for much less)
It’s actually made quite clear that he could be great. Instances of Part 4 shows just how he’s a really nice kid, capable of propping others up, conscious of his actions, asking for help when needed and a natural leader. In this case, his environment has corrupted him - yet he’s not beyond salvation.
He is not an irredeemable monster, since he’s had time to grow, change and better himself. I’m looking forward to how exactly they’ll handle his character in coming novels.
The same, however, cannot be said of Sisgwald.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 1 year ago
Black Clover Pacific Rim Au
Hi everyone I had this idea some time ago and talked to some people about. Few of us actually started writing something and it looked pretty good. This is still an open idea and very much a WIP, but I wanted to finally share it 💕 (took me 1.5 months to do so)
@funky-sea-cryptid @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @lyranova @loosesodamarble @koneko-pi @hybridanafrost
Some main information
Jeager pairings are the same as combo parings in BC mobile game (I'll go through them below)
This is the time, when the jesger program was at its peak, so there is a lot of them and they are well organised
Characters are stationed at the Clover base (which is in Japan) officially run by Augustus Kira (he's terrified of Kaiju and is there only to uphold his reputation and position)
The story starts with Asta and Yuno arriving at the Clover base as new junior pilots with their jeager
Just like in Pacific Rim, this story happens in real world and suit countries are bases
Jeager pairings at the beginning of the story:
(There could be more, these are just a few I have some ideas for.)
Nozel & Fuegoleon
Pilot one of the best jeagers in the whole world and are an extraordinary team.
They usually lead missions as captains.
They are very popular and known for their merits.
Everyone looks up to them and they have big fanclubs.
They go way back, so their drift is very efficient, until recent problems
They come from high situated families associated with the jeager program.
Asta & Yuno
They come from an orphanage and everyone suspects, that their parents died because of a Kaiju attack
They participate in try outs for jeager pilots
It appears that their drift is exceptional so they get it in to the training program, despite no one actually believing in them
Asta wants to become a jeager pilot, to obviously protect the citizens and become the next commander, but he also wants to impress a nun that was taking care of the boys in the orphanage
Yami & Jack
They are a mess to say at least, but at least they are efficient
This team is being sent out, when they need some unconventional methods
Their jeager uses sharp plasma edged swords and fights mostly close distance
Noelle & Mimosa
Since they come from the Vermillon and Silva families they are expected to do great
Nozel doesn't want Noelle to pilot a jeager, he says that she's weak, but she ends up signing up anyway
Girls are in the same training group as Asta and Yuno when they arrive at the Clover Base
However since Noelle was badly treated by her siblings she has problems with trust and her drift is very shaky
Her and Mimosa even though being effective in training fail in the jeager while drifting
However after Noelle gets to know Asta better, she learns how to deal with her emotions and past
Magna & Luck
They are the "wild" team
Their jeager is smaller, but very agile
It shoots fire projectiles and is able to electrocute
Luck's mother pushed him into the jeager program
At first it was hard for Luck to open up to Magna through drift
However later they begin to ghost drift... (This is Tam's and @t-f-t's idea!!!)
Also they are CHRONIC drift junkies (another amazing idea of Tam and Alex!)
Finral & Vanessa
Finral was pushed away by his influential family and ended up in the jeager program wanting to prove himself
Vanessa on the other hand was running away from her abusive mother
They clicked in the barracks, when they were sneaking out to a bar, during their training and it appeared they were compatible
They are a support jeager
Charlotte & Sol
Charlotte took Sol under her wing
They have a female looking jeager
Nacht & Morgen (Not active anymore 😔)
They used to be one of the best teams there were
However an accident happened and Morgen was ripped out of the jeager by a kaiju
Nacht finished the fight on his own, but it took a tool on him
He hasn't drifted with anyone since Morgen
He hangs around the base, but is very closed of, he only talks to few people
Julius (is he really by himself..?)
Julius is the only one known to pilot a jeager by himself
He excels at everything he does and quickly takes the lead
Commander of the forces
He has a secret partner pilot he doesn't know about... (yes it's Lucius)
Some relationships that happen:
Asta & Noelle (I have a story idea for them)
At first Noelle is apprehensive of him, but later, when she sees his good heart she warms up
Asta helps her and inspires Noelle to become stronger
She obviously never admits that she cares for him...
Yami & Charlotte
Their two teams usually don't work together and Charlotte seems to not be fond of Yami
However under the cold exterior she hides her crush on the rugged jeager pilot
They get to know each other while working at the same base
Briar belongs to @koneko-pi
Neva belongs to @lyranova
Josele belongs to @loosesodamarble
Lisa belongs to @one-leaf-grimoire
Odette belongs to @hybridanafrost
Helena is mine ;)
Solara belongs to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare
Briar (the meeting happens later in the story)
She is a modified human for a project Azure Queen
Azure-Queen was a scientific attempt to create and control their own Kaiju, made by the Diamond base
Azure queens are genetically modified women who can theoretically control the Kaiju
Each Queen has one Kaiju
Briar has Uroboros
Yuno & Neva
They met earlier in the Academy, previously to being assigned to the Clover base
Neva was adopted and taken care of by a famous pilot William Vangeance
She is closed of and at first they did not get along greatly
However with time they learned to lean on each other
Neva was transferred to the Clover base without a partner pilot
She was amazing at the simulators but was closed of and could not drift with anyone
Now she has six months to find a co pilot or she's out
Nacht & Josele
one of the reasons Nacht stayed at the base was Josele
Josele is a coach for the jaeger training program, she takes care of new recruits such as Asta and Yuno
she used to be with Morgen and his death hit her hard
Nacht experienced through drift the memories of Morgen and Josele, so even though he had feelings for her as well he pulled back
Now he can't leave, something urges him to stay and watch her back
Lisa & Julius
Julius saves Lisa during one of the Kaiju attacks
She is grateful and joins the fight against them
She becomes one of the military advisors and watches over the missions
Her and Julius's relationship develops and they become very close
Zora & Odette
Zora is the best on the simulator. He kicks ass of all of those who are "better fit" to be jeager pilots, but there's one problem. He can't find anyone to drift with.
He meets Odette a new trainee brought by Yami
And somehow they click
Now they need to go through training until getting their jeager
Nozel & Helena (obviously I have a more developed story here as well)
Helena is a doctor from Spain who wishes to help with the Kaiju war so she gets a job at the Clover base
Little does she know, that she will fall for a mysterious and cold jeager pilot
Nozel and Helena meet during a mandatory health check up for pilots, because she fills in for his previous doctor, with who Nozel parted on bad terms
Nozel is even more angry about the doctor change and they start off at the wrong foot
Additionally their personalities and views on how the jeager program is conducted differ
However with time something, maybe curiosity, mystery and definitely desire, draws them towards one another, but they keep their relationship secret
However that's not the only secret that Nozel hides...
The only one who knows about Nozelena is Fuegoleon, because he shares a drift with Nozel
Poor Fuego has to watch them be not necessarily proper 😂. However it's not like his attention is not completely swept by a foreign Drift specialist...
Fuegoleon & Solara
Solara is a specialist, when it comes to drift. She compares the memories to the flowing river and teaches the pilots how to navigate and let it flow, so they would more efficient
She was brought to the base by Mereolona, who normally doesn't pilot, but can join in when needed (she's a beast then)
Solara feels a special connection to a certain red headed pilot, who is one of those she's supposed to help with his recent drift problems
At first Fuego and Lara are shy and some misunderstandings slow down the pace of their relationship
However as time passes it develops into something deep and real
There are some problems, because other bases, especially the one she transferred from, need Solara, but the pair fights to be together
Some OC owners have more developed stories for their own OCs. I hope I didn't mix anything here in this summary.
I to be honest have some specific ideas only for two (Nozelena and Astelle).
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druidberries · 11 months ago
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your oc! thank you @windslar for tagging me!! <33 I'm gonna switch things up and do this for sophia since she'll be moving out soon </3 I also do not give the poor girl like any attention when it comes to these sorts of things oops
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? she is terrified of heights!
2. Do they have any pet peeves? people who chew with their mouth open
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? her violin, a high quality camera, and a big fluffy rug!
4. What do they notice first in a person? their smile for sure!
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? soph does not have very high pain tolerance 😭 she impulsively got a tattoo with hua li and it did not go very well...she has certainly decided that tattoo was her first and her last
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? always flight 😭 she's trying to get better at standing up for herself and standing her ground but she hates confrontation and anytime she is under pressure she will just run away 🏃‍♀️
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? she does come from a big family but they are not close. her parents (edgar and charlotte) aren't at all close with their parents or siblings because of edgar and charlottes nefarious ways... Sophia does have an older brother (henry) who she used to be close with before running away from home, she didn't tell him where she was going but he always had a feeling she went to elowen. soph is overall a huge family person though!
8. What animal represents them best? she would say a fluffy white cat and honestly it makes sense?
9. What is a smell that they dislike? she doesn't like any wood scents, she's much more of a florals and fruity kinda gal
10. Have they broken any bones? nope! she was never a very active kid and spent most of her childhood inside practicing piano and violin
11. How would a stranger likely describe them? I feel like if a stranger sees her their first thought to describe her would just be preppy 😭
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird? morning bird! she loves waking up bright and early ☀️ which also means she goes to bed really early every night
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? she can't stand anything coconut flavored, she loves the smell of it but the taste she just can't get behind. one of her favorite flavors ever tho is watermelon!
14. Do they have any hobbies? photography and fashion! she's very talented with the piano and violin but after being made to play so long by her parents she doesn't have much love for it anymore. she still plays violin from time to time though
15. Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? if someone throws her a surprise birthday party she's crying on the spot 😅 she loves giving and getting surprises!
16. Do they like to wear jewelry? she loooooves jewelry! she wears a lot of gold earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting? oh her handwriting is perfect for sure! she loves writing in her diary and that thing is so pristine
18. What are two emotions they feel the most? probably joy honestly? she's a pretty happy and optimistic person!
19. Do they have a favorite fabric? anything soft/fluffy! she has so much fluffy decor in her room 😅
20. What kind of accent do they have? I'm honestly really bad at describing characters voices but I feel like she's quite soft spoken. she had to take a lot of speech classes a kid to get her sounding 'proper' so I imagine she definitely still has a lot of that! she never swears 🙅‍♀️ as for her accent in general, I feel like she just has a pretty general american accent
I'm not gonna tag anyone for this bc I'm pretty late but if you haven't done this and want to, I tag you!
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ask-the-danger-crew · 3 months ago
I NEED more head canons about Hazel and Bartfield.. they’re so cute
[ BET ]
Bartfield and Hazel are best friends but know their dad’s obviously like each other so they treat each other like siblings, even fighting like siblings
Bartfield and Hazel’s favorite thing to do is listen to their parent’s sing in that one episode where they were turned into a musical, they even preformed “You’ll never believe what happened” to their parents
Bartfield and Hazel love going out with Uncle Ray even though their parents don’t approve of Ray’s places he takes them
Bartfield and Hazel love working on stuff with Uncle Schwoz, which Charlotte is not good about but Jasper and Henry are sure it’s fine
Bartfield and Hazel love judging other people with Aunt Piper, that’s where they got their sass and quick remarks from
[ If you want more, I will make more, AND GIVE SUGGESTIONS!!! ]
[ Speaking of headcanons, here’s my blog if you wanna suggest headcanons & theories for me about other fandoms & characters -> @theories-and-hcs-vhs ]
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fandomworld9728 · 10 months ago
The Life of the Morningstars - Chapter 3:
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Finally letting himself relax, Lucifer slumped in his seat on the couch. Charlie was fast asleep, and his two best siblings were sitting across from him so he could get drunk without being afraid of what he would end up doing in that state. "Alright, pass me a drink and I'll start answering any questions you have."
"Ooo~ must have been really bad." Pushing a bottle of wine over to him, Beelzebub tried to pick from the many questions buzzing around in her head. She knew the mating bond had been broken and she was going to kick Lilith's ass for that if she ever saw her again. "Um... Luci. Babydoll. Charlie told me that you and Lil had been fighting about her. Is that true?"
Taking a nice, long drink from the bottle, Lucifer prepared to answer. He didn't think this question would be the first one. He didn't wanna think about their reactions to all the stuff he had been hiding from them. "Uh... y-yeah. It's been a very frequent argument in our home."
"What do you two have to fight about with baby Charlie? She's such a precious and kind soul."
".... She isn't Lilith's daughter."
"WHAT?!" Both the sins yelled, causing him to flinch back and shrink in on himself.
"Oh fuck- Lulu we're sorry. We aren't mad. We were just shocked, that's all."
"Yeah babes. You did nothing wrong honey." 
Now at his side, the two Sins let their scents out to try and calm him. They hadn't meant to send him into distress. He wasn't usually this jumpy or sensitive about alpha opinions, always pushing back and shining brightly about who he was. Once Lucifer had calmed down, he continued. "Charlie's other parent is a human..."
Asmodeus' head was spinning with all that they learned so far. Lucifer wasn't doing as good as they thought or as he told them. Though, he could have believed everything was fine and not notice the world crumbling around him. Not to mention, sweet and caring little Charlotte isn't the former queen's biological child. But why should that matter? "Okay. You're going to have to explain how that happened."
Biting his bottom lip, Lucifer decided to finish off the bottle in his hand before answering. He would need all the liquid courage he could get to reopen those deep wounds. "Remember when I went up to Earth to retrieve a book for Paimon that one of his kids had lost up there? When I was gone for three years?"
"Lulu. Honey. Baby boy. You spent three years getting a book so you could hook up with some human?"
Okay. That pissed him off. It shouldn't have. He knew that Beelzebub didn't mean it like that. But it didn't change the fact that it made him lose his cool. His demon form coming out against his will (and better judgement), tail thrashing around angrily as he slammed his fists into the coffee table and broke it. "He wasn't just some human!" Clearing his throat, Lucifer forced himself to calm down once again. "I-I'm sorry. I lost my temper. He wasn't just some human. I... I-"
"Loved him?" 
That was it. That single question, that needed no answer, caused his dam to break. Yes. He had fallen in love with a human. He felt extremely guilty about it, while they had never officially been married at the time, Lilith was still technically his alpha. Lucifer hadn't planned for it to get that far. Fate, and that human, had other plans, however. An unfortunately timed heat and his beloved human finding him in such a state... lead to the beautiful gift that slept only a couple rooms away.
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Heres some of my oldest art on my phone and the bug who used to eat it ehe.
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2019, these top ones are from my birthday, even. god. quarter of my life ago. feels like it should be longer, i remember it like it happened fifteen years ago, and only after looking at pictures. system things i guess. sighs. little goober used to blend in with my floral shirts back when i was in That phase. eheh. when we thought we were a gay man. her name was Sandy, named after my grandma. funnily i ended up taking that name too for my middle when i got the law to change my name.
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I like to believe ive improved quite a lot. my boldness has certainly increased. That ones a drawing of an old protector and eventual host named Ray. We were dating an artist who really knew their shit at the time and it made us want to improve a lot. Its from August, 8th specifically. she was so happy to see me back from that trip. we went to Massachusetts. some business thing my dad had to do for continuing education or w/e. he brought us with. i went on the U.S.S. constitution! i integrated into the local pigeon population, learned the gossip.
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Ike might recognize this squimbly little fuck, its Leu! from my campaign! i could write a book about him. really itd only take... eh. like. a bit of retooling of the story. not even much. might actually be easier. He's from my personal setting Oreune.
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We had a friend back then named Box. back then when i was first writing the foundations of Oreune. Skeleton, really. I hope he's doing ok. I dont remember how we left off... that was... man. .. a lot of hosts ago... god. doggyhouse, pebbles, sunny, host, ray, charlie II, charlotte, charlie I. ... i might be missing some, even. its easy to lose track. yeah like seven hosts ago. more maybe if you count some host rotations more recently or doggyhouse's subdivisions, or even just how we molt through eachother... man. forever ago. I have some art from that friend. They were iconoclastic, burnt their old sketchbooks semiregularly. i think... he went by the name Eden... Box was their username... I think anyway. i hope theyre okay if theyre still around... The art was a birthday present, it was actually of Leu too.
gonna talk about some mortality stuff under the cut, fair warning. About the little lady Sandy herself. its melencholy at most, more sweet i think. it gets a little more sad after the "-".
Sandybird wasnt with us long at all, but i like to believe her life made up for its length in quality at least a little. I hand fed her from when her feathers had just started unpinning. cuddly little lady. She liked scritches, trying to climb bodily into my mouth any time i yawned, and rolling down pillows like her body was a sled and my couch cushion nest a hilly snowladen expanse. Oh and being held like a taco or a paper airplane dont forget that. Oh and climbing around in the oversized pj shirts i was wearing. and falling asleep leaning against my face. hiding in my hair too. And trying to replace my eyes behind my glasses with her head. maybe she just liked the feeling of glass on one side of her face and eyelid on the other. lil wierdo, gehehe.
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she had really bad balance and always walked really goofily. her reflexes and all were not the best, had some motor issues i think. she was inbred, most likely. i didnt know what conure breeders really *meant* and there was some sketch stuff about what that guy said i didnt process till years later. most parrots in the USA are inbred, though, cause of the laws on importing being. Pretty Strict. like. 100% strict. whatever, i guess. she was a sweety darling. her life was short but she seemed really happy with me. I hope thats true. her immune system was the weakest of our birds, you know how they are, hiding n stuff. good for not being singled out by predators. bad for not being singled out by owners or veterinarians. back when i met her at the breeders she would always rush in to break up fights between her siblings. i cried after we took her home, thinking about how i seperated them. Thats always the worst part, i think, about buying baby animals. or animals in general. i just dont... feel important enough to have broken up that familial unit... even if it was ultimately good. i dont... know what her life would have been like if she hadnt sold. i wonder if her brothers did...
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downybirbs · 2 years ago
4 some reason I started thinking about my pkmn au and katakuri’s team I made for him, and realizing that piers is a character that exists and then walking back to totally revise kat’s team 😭 piers even stole kat’s entire color scheme too.
I think I am much happier with the revised version now!! i have the urge to get all my charlotte family!pokemon thoughts out so the rest will be under the cut 😇
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Idk much about Pokémon meta so idk if giving him a tyranitar is too much for a gym leader, but I thought it was fitting since kat is like a pseudo legendary himself- not really a villain but still the boss fight of wci 😭
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Starting with Perospero! In this AU, I imagine that when he was younger, Perospero was a contest master, then taking over the role as leader at the family gym when big mom leaves (either retired or became an elite four member🤔). After many years as leader, Perospero finally retires to go back to contests as a judge. Retiring from the gym, he dumps it on Katakuri to take over.
Katakuri doesn't really want the responsibility of being gym leader, but pressure from his family and the high expectations put on him makes him accept. Katakuri is a strong trainer though, all his siblings think he is the best and believe he would make the perfect gym leader, so he doesn't want to disappoint them. The gym converts from a normal type gym to a dark type gym, but Kat doesn't bother redecorating the gym from Perospero's tea time theme, just paints over it with his own signature colors ahdfdhkgfadkfjhkgjlgfh.
I have thoughts about Brulee too!! Moreso if she was an actual game NPC and what role she would have :^3c She lives a bit separated from everyone else, a cottage near the woods outside of town. She gets called a witch by local children and puts up an unpleasant front🥺 But if you befriend her, she will let you battle her despite her believing that she isn't any good at it. She would operate similarly to the battle cafes in SWSH, always being a double battle and awarding you random but valuable goodies if you win. But the twist being that she pulls two random pokemon from her team of six for every battle, so sometimes it could be a very easy battle, sometimes pretty difficult! Just to keep the player on their toes :^)
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And some thoughts about the pokemon selection!!!
I started out with lickilicky with perospero, and just created a team of what I thought was fitting- which turned out to be a lot of normal types!! I had haunter on his roster for a long time, but then I though to just commit to the normal typing.
(EDIT: I was about to go to bed when I decided to replaced kecleon with indeedee! Honestly I might keep pivoting between these two, but indeedee fits with the tea time theme for peros’ gym :^))
The shellos came from perospero making the candy sea slugs,, I imagine him treating them like little purse dogs,, his special slimy babies,,😭 🥺 And the ducklett was inspired by a twitter post! Came wandering into his house one day and would not leave,, a little marspero goodie for me,,
Before committing to dark type for Kat, it was half dark and half fairy!! But now the fairy types are just his lil buddies along side his gym team,, they watch his gym battles🥺
(EDIT: I’m crying, kat can be easily swept by fighting types 😭 I might go back to the drawing board and switch someone out! even though I really liked what I picked 😔) I think kat would combat the weakness by having absol and sneasel use psychic type moves.
I also do think kat would get a weavile and a kingambit, but I’m not sure when !
Snubbull is the pokemon that he has had the longest. As children, perospero found snubbull, gifting it to Kat and insisting that they looked alike. Baby kat denied this heavily at first, but eventually Kat and snubbull became the closest of friends. Ever since Kat became gym leader, snubbull has the dream of fighting in a gym battle with him 🥺
Brulee didn't really catch her team in the traditional sense! They just kind of gravitated towards her over the years. She has known her rapidash and morgrem since she was a little girl, back when they were just a ponyta and impidimp. When impidimp was wild, he used to tease and play tricks on her, when one day he spotted her in the woods crying, the day after she was attacked and got her face slashed open 🥺 that's when the wild ponyta appeared to comfort her 🥺 And instead of teasing like normal, impidimp ran over to comfort her too!!
thank you for enjoying my psuedo fanfic ramblings,, maybe i will add more later to this, who knows!! i just wanted to get this all out of my head asksjbfdlh;hlj
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abyssalaus · 2 years ago
Danganronpa Talentswap: CiDR Edition!
I am a big fan of ThatCheesyBastard’s Cartoons in Danganronoa series. Despite only being on the first case, it brims with personality, love and a great understanding of the shows it uses and of Danganronpa in general. So I thought, why not throw into my insane talentswap thing? Though I am gonna throw in one interesting caveat: by the nature of swapping their talents, they effectively change the whole show, frequently having the artstyle of the duo they swapped with. There are the obvious exceptions: The IZ characters keep their artstyle because Membrane would murder me if I tried and the three solo chars swap their artstyles instead(going Jenny with Star’s, Morty’s with Jenny’s & Star’s with Morty’s) Anyway here we goooo! Mason “Dipper” Pines, Ultimate Fiend Maker & Mabel Pines, Ultimate Motivator Show: How to Make F”r”iends: During their summer vacation to Gravity Falls, the Pines Twins discover a book called How to Make Fiends, that teaches them how to make beings called Fiends. They plan to use them to have the best goshdarn summer in a backwater town ever! Dib Membrane, Ultimate Magician, Gaz Membrane, Ultimate Assistant & Z.I.M, Ultimate Fighting Machine. Show: Membrane the Magnificent. Dib Membrane’s father, Professor Membrane is truly one of the world’s greatest scientists. Dib however merely seeks his father’s approval and to become a great stage magician to which he...disapproves to put it mildly. So with the (often times forced) help of his sister and the robot his dad built to keep them safe, he will show the world how magnificent his magic is! Morty Smith, Ultimate Extraterrestrial Scientist Show: Distance is Relatives. Morty’s seemingly dead grandfather Rick has come back into his family’s life to teach Morty how to become a scientist! However, Rick is a sussy imposter, an alien from the planet C-137(short for Cloner 137) who is seeking to make Earth into C-138 and is only teaching Morty so he can build what’s needed to do that! Jenny Wakeman, Ultimate Paranormal Investigator Show: Old Haunts. Jenny Wakeman decides to make her own future and with the help of her mother creating special ghost hunting equipment(really just a way to enact her own plans for her daughter’s future, being a superhero), hunts down ghosts in her area. It’s...a little difficult considering it seems a lot of people like pretending to be ghosts for one reasons or another. “Star Butterfly”, Ultimate Gamer Show: Vs Mode! Star Butterfly is a relatively famous video gamer and influencer. What she doesn’t know is the people she plays against online on her TV are actually magical spirits and other such dimensional bru-haha! But hey makes good content whenever her on again, off again boyfriend and camera operator Marco Diaz can bother to help! Eddy, Ultimate Team Leader & Ed, Ultimate Animal Whisperer Show: Do Good-ed. One day a young scientific prodigy named Sarah was lonely and wanted little brothers to tease and dote on. So she made some with snips, snails and puppy dog tails...only to unwittingly mix in some Chemical X, causing her three siblings to come out...a little odd and with superpowers! Maybe she shouldn’t have rushed to give them names, since all she had was Ed... Bertha Utonium, Ultimate Jew & Beatrice Utonium, Ultimate Snack Enthuatist Show: Whoopass Show. In the city of Townsville(who named this town) lives the triplets Bertha, Beatrice and Betty alongside their father, who is a middle aged physicist of some renown...quite frankly he spoils the three and you can tell. But eh life is weird in Townsville from the demon that no one can tell if he’s gay or just flamboyant as hell, talking monkeys and that bitch Princess Morbucks, it’s one hell of a time! Vendetta, Ultimate Scam Artist & Charlotte, Ultimate Muscle Show: Making Much Moolah. In the dreary town of Clamburg, three girls make their own fun by causing chaos and scamming the general populace. Charlotte, despite being dimmer than a broken lightbulb, is insanely strong for a girl her age. Marian, despite being very shy(and putting up with these two, who can blame her) is surprisingly intelligent and a master of getting out of dodge and Vendetta runs every shebang to get enough money for three bottles of grape soda! Eric Cartman, Ultimate Detective & Kyle Broflovski, Ultimate Sweater Designer Show: Quiet Little Mountain Town. The town of South Park, cold and quiet holds many a mystery...and it seems like the only one capable of finding and solving them is racist fat bastard Eric Cartman and his friends, Stan Marsh the new kid, Kyle Broflovski his frequent bullying victim and Kenny, an enigma in and of himself.
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symphonic-scream · 10 months ago
Sorry that I slipped back into Genshin brainrot but I finally finished the Fontaine Archon Quest (I know. I just didn't feel like doing it for a while) and Arlecchino's Story Quest and. God
For context, I've been playing Genshin off and on since 1.0, literally the beginning. I have all my areas at 100%, and I even do those world quests that are unvoiced and way too long
And. Let me just say, Fontaine is now my favourite nation. For so long it's been Liyue, and as someone who really hates the French (Canadian, I'm Canadian), man. Fontaine fucking rocks
Long post ahead.
Sumeru's Archon Quest was, tedious. I didn't connect to it at all so it was not exactly a chore, but if given the chance, I wouldn't replay it. The region was torture before the layered map existed. I kept getting lost. The skin tone thing is an entire other issue as well, but. This nation loses a lot of points for the racist genie bottle fuck that quest
Inazuma was almost too much for me, in a way. I wasn't a fan of the locked progression, and the enemies and puzzles were frustrating. This nation brought in needing commissions to get all the quests too, which I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN ITS BEEN TWO YEARS GOURMET SUPREMOS FUCK YOU. I did like the touch that while you were wanted, if a guard saw you in Inazuma City youd get removed that was fun. DONT GET ME STARTED ON ENKANOMIYA.
Liyue felt like the right step after Mondstadt. Getting to beat up Childe is an extra plus. The way it also led into Inazuma was great too, I hope they do something like that for Natlan. The story had a natural build up to me, and it flowed well. The Chasm, while frustrating, felt like a meaningful addition to the nation. And, I am swayed by Lantern Rite. Best event every year, hands down. And, I love Chenyu Vale!
Mondstadt was the perfect starting nation. I go back every now and then to test out builds in progress and team comps, but that's about it. The City is the highlight by far, but the Archon Quest was near perfect. Venti used to be my favourite Archon, too. I got him on his first banner, he's fun to play and I wish he'd finally get his Story Quest chapter 2 IVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR MORE VENTI
Anyways. So, let's talk Fontaine
It didn't hit me right away. I loved the first part of the quest. Meeting the twins at the port, Furina showing up and making her grand entrance in such a showy manner, it was perfect. It was hard to see how the second part really fit in, and I will say I am a little tired of Navia crying, but. By the time the Finale happened, I was satisfied. The Fortress part was excellent too, and. The Finale
The twist about Furina was perfectly executed to me. Especially since her erratic behaviour in the trial is used to show how seriously she took her assignment from Focalors. She *had* to make sure they kept believing in her, otherwise,
Didn't like that abrupt cut in the whale fight. That part didn't wrap up right to me, but oh well
And, this nation has had so many wonderful characters. There's not one that I hate, and that's huge. Everyone feels whole and interesting to me, just. Amazing
I love Arlecchino. The Hearth siblings. How dare this game make me care about the Fatui?? I was doing so well, I didn't like any of the other Harbingers or operatives so far and BAM. Hot lady dad and her three French kids. Stole my heart
Neuvillette plays perfectly as the "higher being that's become enamored by humans", and the way Sigewinne contrasts his emotional investment with her more "detached" (used loosely) fascination works so well. There's Wriothesley, and Navia and Clorinde, who both highlight the grey side of Justice, in different ways. Charlotte and Chevreuse are also there
And. Fucking Furina
I actually cried during the Archon Quest, in her little mind bit. I wasn't her biggest fan on launch, but. Now I'm obsessed. To me, this accomplished much more than what Scaramouche did, with a similar premise. I can't stand that twink, but Furina perfectly captured my attention and heart
All in all, Fontaine was so excellent. The water mechanics are some of my favourite in the game now, and all the new creatures and birds and enemies were perfect. The Bygone Sea was a perfect added area, and. I may be biased as a musician, but it really outclassed Chasm and Enkanomiya
There's only about two Fontaine updates left before Natlan. Hopefully I'll enjoy the region that will be the closest from repping my culture (native Canadian. Latin America is, close enough for me I guess), so. Here's hoping
This was all opinion. I felt like writing it all out, since I've had so many feelings about the game lately
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