#he’s not the one who gave me the mixtape btw. different
t4tstarvingdog · 5 months
this is fucking insane
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
maybe art nerd!hyunjin in highschool always had a crush on jock!changbin but he never gave him a chance—then fastforward to college, hyunjin is a painting major and sees changbin has transferred to his college, but that hes gained weight/is an ex-jock now trying to pursue music. suddenly changbin is seeing what he missed out on, and hyunjin’s highschool crush has blossomed (in more ways than one 👀)
btw thank you for it i really enjoy writing it and i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did :D
Contain : weight gain , tiny bit of angst , kind of smut at the end but still SFW since it does not mentionned , me being a simp
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He looked like a fool watching him from afar, but he didn't know what else to do. Hyunjin was afraid, afraid to talk to his crush, who was none other than THE high school soccer player, Seo Changbin.
Yet they knew each other from afar; Seungmin was close to one of Changbin's friends, who was none other than Minho, so they'd sometimes exchanged a few banalities, although it never really went beyond greetings or things like "how are your classes going?" or "how's life treating you?
See, the reason they weren't close was that Hyunhin couldn't string two words together without blushing, such a cliché thing. What was even more of a cliché was that Hyunjin wasn't very popular, although behind his thick glasses and acne was a handsome man who didn't give a damn about his looks and devoted his life to just two things: art and Seo Changbin.
It all began when two idiots found it amusing to take hyunjin's glasses and throw them between them so that he couldn't get them back. The poor guy was crying and begging them to stop. Unfortunately, his crying only worsened the situation. But that was without the help of the brunette who, in an authoritative voice, came between them and told them in a tone of voice that would make you shiver. He lectured them at length and made them swear not to do it again. (although he knew that wasn't going to stop them) Hyunjin stood up and picked up his glasses to admire his savior. He could have sworn he blushed the moment he saw him, not knowing what to say without turning as red as a tomato.
Some liked Changbin for his athleticism, others for his muscular physique, but Hyunjin loved him for his personality (although the rest was also unanimous). He liked how, despite his popularity, he kept it simple, how he helped students with math problems, fought student bullies. He was a real superhero that he fell in love with.
And yet it was all one-sided...
He was well aware of this, and liked the relationship just the way it was, allowing him to devote himself to his two passions, ending up with two notebooks full of drawings or drafts of Changbin in various situations. It could be just the brunette at a match, or in a classroom looking out the window. But he imagined things too, like the two of them holding hands, sitting on a bench with a little heart between them, symbolizing their love.
So imagine his reaction when Mr Park decided that Changbin should help him in maths after his result in the last test... Of course, he couldn't have imagined anything better! He was finally going to have a moment alone with his crush! Just the two of them revisiting a subject. Not that he imagined it would end in romance, but let's let the 16-year-old dream...
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He had prepared well for this day, dressed in his best clothes, wore his hair in a different style from his usual bang and even put on a little make-up to make his skin more beautiful. He was only going for a coffee and studying, but he loved the feeling that he could be desirable and that Changbin could find him handsome.
But once at the café, the atmosphere was far less romantic than he'd expected... Their table was already a mixture of large algebra and trigonometry manuals, while the rest of the space was taken up by empty plates piled high, showing that Changbin had already been there a while and had definitely eaten well in his absence.
"Oh, you're here already! Good, then we can get started!" he said with a slight smile as Hyunjin, perplexed, placed his bag on the back of her chair, disappointed that the brunette hadn't paid him any attention for a moment. All he did was give him exercises to do and correct him if need be, while he in the meantime was enjoying an extra slice of triple chocolate cake.
Come to think of it, Changbin really was a big eater. He always saw him nibbling on something or drinking a sweet drink, but that was probably because of all the energy he expended playing soccer or working! And then, when the brunette wasn't paying attention, Hyunjin looked at him out of the corner of his eye. He wished he was that cake, or at least that he looked at it the way he looked at that slice of cake. It must have been his third or fourth slice, judging by the plates on the table and the fact of imagining he'd eaten so much, Hyunjin felt a little tingling in his crotch, which he hastily hid with a shy hand. In the end, he was grateful that Changbin wasn't really paying attention to him.
In the end, after about twenty exercises and nothing morr, Changbin received a call from his coach asking him to come back urgently. Except he'd left in such a hurry that he forgot to settle the bill .... Fortunately, Hyunjin loved him dearly, for although love was priceless, his wallet had its limits...
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- "And he let you pay like that? What an asshole, I knew he was a real asshole!" cried the tallest's best friend. Seungmin was the exact opposite of Hyunjin. He was very open and spoke his mind without a problem, which made everyone hate him but also fear him and his sarcastic remarks that had a way of stinging where it hurt.
-"Shut up" Hyunjin then placed his hand over his mouth to prevent Seungmin from uttering any more words, leaving the puppy like to shout incomprehensible things for Hyunjin to release him. Then he came to bite him gently on the hand, causing the oldest to scream dramatically and hold his hand in pain while his best friend laughed his head off. "Don't shout so loudly he can hear you", he said, earning a nudge from his friend before they both noticed a troop gathering in the distance. Curiosity may have killed a cat, but what were they going to lose by listening to some gossip?
If only Seungmin had known beforehand, he would have saved Hyunjin a lot of trouble .... You see, it wasn't gossip but a sad truth that touched many students. The school jock Seo Changbin, a student loved and admired by all, had received a scholarship to study in the United States, leaving a great void in the school, which seemed to live thanks to him.
Of course, some people didn't care, like Seungmin, who seemed to appreciate him, but all his fans and even friends seemed surprised by the news. The worst was Hyunjin, who didn't know what to say. He wasn't going to be happy about his first one-sided love, was he? His first platonic love? His first love? His first love ....
Oh yes, he cried for him, sad that he'd missed his chance, sad that they could have gotten to know each other better, but especially sad that he'd never see him again...
... At least that's what he thinks ...
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By the way, what had become of Changbin? The former sportsman who had gone to live in the United States on a scholarship? Well, without knowing it, things had taken a different turn for him.
The poor man had accepted a poisoned gift, thinking that everything would be just fine over there, that sport would be his number one passion and that nothing would stop him.
However, within the first week he realized a major problem he hadn't thought of: the language barrier. Sure, he'd had English lessons in middle school and high school, but was that enough for him to face an English-speaking country on his own? Unfortunately, in his new school he was regarded more as a curious beast than a student. After the first week he soon felt lonely, and discovered that his old friends from Korea were really only there for his popularity. Poor Changbin didn't know what else to do with his free time.
But remember what I said earlier, Changbin has a big appetite, and what better thing to do in a country like the USA than try out all the different foods and fast-food outlets that weren't available in Korea? After all, he was also practicing his English by ordering, so he justified ordering half of the dishes offered simply to improve his pronunciation. Well, the conclusion after a year there was clear and unambiguous. When he set foot in Incheon airport, his parents were surprised to see how much the USA had changed their son.
For one thing, he had now given up soccer to devote himself to his new passion: music. He confided in them that for several months he had been talking to two music students in Korea and that they were planning to form a three-man crew where they would write and produce music. Admittedly, it's not the most prolific career, especially if it's underground, but Changbin's parents only wanted him to be happy, and the fact that it's all he talks about day and night by message or phone call could only put a smile on their faces to see that their son had rediscovered the joy of living after his bad start abroad.
And the second surprising element was much more visible. A year earlier when he leave them, he'd been wearing a baggy black T-shirt and skinny jeans that highlighted his muscular frame, but now the T-shirt barely covered his midsection, and although he was wearing sweatpants, it was easy to see that those old skinny jeans no longer went over his thighs, which were now even thicker than before!
So conclusion: in one year he'd given up his dream of becoming a pro soccer player to become a music producer and had put on weight, a lot of weight... but hey, he felt much better this way, so what were his parents going to say? Nothing, of course, they were used to him being a big eater, it just didn't show in the daily exercise he did. Now that his only physical activity was going to the nearest grocery store to buy his favorite snacks, no wonder he'd become so chubby.
Moreover, when he met Chan and Jisung for the first time, both of them had adopted him as their new friend/member of their crew and for the first time in years, he felt loved but above all in tune with what he was doing. Now all he needed was to be transferred to a college where he could take courses and officially become a producer. He'd chosen a college on the spur of the moment, taking the same one as his friends so they wouldn't be separated, otherwise it wouldn't be as much fun.
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But back to the present moment. Hyunjin finished painting his canvas, it was six fifteen and he was starting to get hungry after painting non-stop for over two hours and his stomach kept begging him for ramyeon from the local seven eleven so for once he listened, took off his apron, grabbed his keys and headed out of his apartment straight for the corner supermarket. Once there, he headed for the aisle where all the local ramyeon were laid out, and just as he reached for one of the spicy beef-flavoured boxes, another hand on the other side grabbed the same box, and they both turned to look at each other before Hyunjin almost jumped when he recognized that familiar, they both changed thier faces.
That triangular jaw, now round like an animal pecking at food, that big nose, those small, tiny eyes, that curly hair hidden under a cap. Yes, it was him, his first love.
-"Wow! Hyunjin, it's been ages! Do you remember me? We were in high school together" exclaimed the brunette with the same playful air that animated the youngest's memories. Even after all these years, seeing him like this again made his heart leap out of his chest. But he was no longer that shy high-school kid who blush every time he talked to his crush! He wanted to show that he had changed too! "Yes, I remember! Seo Changbin, the high school jock! "he exclaimed, smiling, before finally detailing the brunette from top to bottom, almost choking on his saliva.
Let's just say that seeing how fat the high-school jock had become and didn't seem to hide it made Hyunjin blush and think he'd done something wrong, but Changbin didn't seem to mind, after all he was too busy staring at the young man in front of him. After all, he was also surprised to see how the shy, bespectacled, acne-faced high-schooler had changed. He was handsome, effortlessly elegant and the brunette's heart almost missed a beat.
-"We've got so much to talk about! Come on, I'll buy you something to eat" declared Hyunjin as he grabbed his Ramyeon, followed by the brunette who did the same, not forgetting to take some other snacks to satisfy his "little" hunger.
They then sat down in a corner to prepare their bowl of ramyeon and enjoy their meal with a view over the campus as the sun began to set. Of course, in high school they hadn't been close and hadn't talked much, but now, five years later, they were reminiscing about the good old days and telling each other what they'd become. "So you study here too? No way, we'll be seeing a lot of each other then," said the tallest, nudging the oldest, who chuckled. Who knows how long they'd been talking... 2 hours? Maybe 3? But in the end, it was as if they were old friends ! Hyunjin had even ended up saying "See you tomorrow, handsome boy", with Changbin retorting "See you later pretty boy", followed by a wink. By the time they got home, both were blushing as they realized how strange their last sentence sounded, but that didn't stop the flirtation between them from taking root.
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-Hyung, are you coming? There's an art show."
- "Binnie hyung are you coming to eat? I saw a restaurant nearby that you absolutely must try".
- "Hyung let me draw you!"
- "Hyung eat this you're all pale"
This was the kind of phrase Changbin heard from Hyunjun on a daily basis and didn't want it to stop for anything.
-Hyunjin wait for me! You're taking too big a step".
- "Not so fast Jinnie, I've only just finished eating and I'm too full to walk!
- "Paint me like one of your French girls Jinnieee ~"
- "Jinnie look what I've done!"
- "I wrote this, can I sing it to you?"
These were the words Hyunjin heard from Changbin. These simple words sometimes destabilized him, but the more the days went by, the more he realized that his crush on Changbin had intensified with time, and that now he could say it frankly: he was in love with him. He loved everything about him, his way of being, his laugh, his smile, his curly hair, his humor. But what he also loved more than he let on was his body, every curve of which made him shudder. His wide hips that stood out no matter what he wore, his fat, thick legs that took up all the space when he sat down, his plump belly that peeked out of his tops and rested on his thighs, his breasts that recently resembled those of a woman.
He didn't know what turned him on so much, the fact that he'd put on so much weight since high school, was it that he was eating so much in front of him or that he was unselfconsciously pushing Changbin to eat more and more? The fact was that he was very attracted to him and, given the numerous sketches he'd made of his plump body in any position, it wasn't going to stop.
But what did Changbin think of all this? Well, in high school he knew that Hyunjin was in love with him, and it was obvious enough that everyone at school knew about it. But he blamed himself, he blamed himself for not having given a chance to that nerd in high school with whom he now spent his days, but on the other hand he was happy that he could now make up for that time. He loved the connection between them, the way they acted like a coupke without actually being one. The way Hyunjin put a lock of hair back behind his ear when he complimented him. His petillant eyes showed her one of his paints, his dramatic side. Let's face it, he was in love with him too.
At this point, nothing was going to separate these two souls, so when were they going to confess? One day. Or rather one night, one night when Hyunjin was behind on his homework because he'd run out of inspiration, one night when Changbin came at his home with snacks to spend time with him.
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-This is the first time I've seen you lack inspiration! What do you have to paint?" Asked the brunette slumped on the sofa with her mouth covered in icing.
Hyunjin then began to blush before looking away, shy of saying aloud the subject her class was dealing with. "Well ... um ... it's rather embarrassing to say but ... I have to draw a body ... naked" he said, ticking off his fingers as Changbin almost choked on his own saliva.
-I understand better why there are so many art students" joked the brunette, lightening the mood, before a soudian idea popped into his head: "If you need a model, I can volunteer. That is, if you want me to.
Hyunjin raised his head and locked eyes with the brunette, surprised by what he'd just said. Was he really proposing to pose nude for him? How could he keep quiet? He was both excited and embarrassed by the idea, but barely had time to accept when Changbin returned a few minutes later wearing one of his bathrobes that he couldn't even close, anyway it was only for a short while since the important thing was that he was completely naked.
-W-When you're ready, let me know" declared the youngest, his head turned away to give Changbin as much privacy as possible until he was comfortable.
-I-I am! Replied the brunette before dropping the bathrobe to the floor and positioning herself a few feet away from Hyunjin, waiting for him to order her to do something.
So the youngest slowly turned his head before detailing the brunette in order to think of the best pose he could do that would highlight his curves. In theory, at least, that's what he was doing, because in reality, he was just ogling him and realizing how fat the oldest was, so fat that his belly hung lightly over his thighs, hiding part of her intimacy. He then saw that his pale body was covered with pink stretch marks, accentuating his gain and further arousing the painter.
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So for the next few minutes, Hyunjin gave some poses that Changbin had to do, but nothing came of it, according to the painter, who, after taking a good look at the brunette from top to bottom, asked him to strike a new pose.
-Hey, I'm posing so you can paint, not to ogle me" declared Changbin after catching the youngest in the act of admiring his ass. "I-I don't know what you're talking about! denounced the painter, wearing a false look of shock. "If i'm that much exciting, say it it'll be quicker for both of us".
- "Faster for what?" he asked intrusively.
- "You want to play it that way? Isn't that explicit enough?"
-No, I really don't see it.
- "Two men obviously very attracted to each other, one naked and the other ogling ... is that explicit enough?!"
Suddnely Hyunjin's heart missed another beat, he thought he'd heard wrong.
- "W-What... are you attracted to me?" he said in shock
-More than that, I love you, but that's not the point," changbin confided, cheeks flushed as he crossed his arms to look away.
- "If that's what it's all about" declared Hyunjin in turn, before rising from his seat and walking towards the oldest without even bothering that he was naked.
He approached until only a few centimeters remained between them, their faces close together, Hyunjin felt changbin's soft breath against his neck before adding "I've been dreaming of this for years" before taking the brunette's face before anchoring his gaze in hers "so what are you waiting for? I'm getting cold" Changbin begged, before the tallest took action and lifted her between them for a gentle kiss. And then followed another tender kiss. And then another heated one. Then another more passionate. Then Changbin was not the only one without clothes...
It would be better not to describe what happened next, that was reserved only for them, that memorable souvenir of their love, of their bodies straddling each other. Now they were united and nothing was going to separate them.
Just goes to show, even the most clichéd stories have a happy ending.
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- "You should display this painting in your home"
- "Me too but I prefer to keep the model with me it is even better
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
the unofficial ramuda amemura song rec list
ft other recs. by someone who knows 0 lore but likes the music. major warning this is like 600,000 miles long. i am so sorry. i am mentally ill. @snobwaffles
tdd legend (the tdd song i was talking about. the one song we actually have from the days when people were still kinda nice and friends not counting the stage songs. group song but ramudas got some catchy parts)
lesson (yes i know you listened to it already okay its just THAT good. ramuda and that old man used to be friends. rip)
drops (ramudas first solo song. one of my favorites because im a sucker for pop-y music)
pink coloured love (it has kind of a long intro. catchy first lyrics and then it goes INTO things. ramudas second solo)
stella (once you know anything about fling posse you will cry. group song with gentaro and dice)
shibuya marble texture (fling posse represents shibuya btw. im too tired to explain hypmics basic premise but Yeah. chill-er song, group)
shibuya ghost night (MY SONG OF ALL TIME. this one is an original from the anime. group song)
black journey (once you know anything about fling posse you will cry. part two. group song)
anyway get on the floor (this is a newer song that i had the honor of being in the fandom for its release. it is so good and calls back to the original solos. i lobe it so much. group song)
bonds of friendship born of bonds of pain (the name is only slightly shorter in romaji. another fling posse means everything to me song. this was their win song from the second division rap battle.)
reason to fight (fling posse vs mad trigger crew rap battle song. im convinced they put drugs in the instrumental)
battle battle battle (the girls are fighting. the gays are fighting. same thing. the chorus is lacking but the rest is good. fling posse vs matenrou rap battle song)
survival of the illest (all star song, meaning all the groups are in it. fling posse is usually the 3rd in all star line ups. fling posses part is phenomenal, as always. this is my favorite all star song)
division rap battle+ (all star. this is basically an intro to all the different divisions. while i am a fling posse fan through and through bad ass temples part is objectively and truly the best)
cross a line (all star. i was also lucky enough to be here when it released. this is such a happy song i love it so much)
hang out! (all star. ANOTHER HAPPY SONG. my beloved. gentaros part was the best and i take no criticism)
glory or dust (all star! not only does this one have english subtitles, but also killer animations! a lot more of an epic song. i mean that seriously and in terms of vibes. really cool)
united emceez - enter the hexagon (all star, but its just the group leaders. insanely catchy. everyone should be best friends again rn or else)
summit of divisions (all star. catchy chorus. character cards.)
trap of fling (this is a stage play song, and fling posses introduction song there. damn hes bisexual? I didn't know that. to be honest i don't like it that much but somebody had to type out the lyrics and make the actors sing it so i am incredibly appreciative)
champion in da house (this is it. my favorite fling posse song ever. stage play song)
rhyme animas mixtape (anime original! introducing the four original divisions they gave each a small musical segment. i wish these all had full versions. order is buster bros, mad trigger crew, fling posse, matenrou. you can tell the switch from the instrumental change)
rhyme anima ed3 (fling posse version of the animes ending theme. its funky)
other recommendations
once upon a time in shibuya (this one is just gentaro and dice. yes this is where that stupid 'yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo' audio came from. did you know the autism creature is also from hypmic?)
scramble gamble (dice's second solo. his entire thing is that he's a gambler. it makes for catchy songs though.)
femme fatale (ft. the canonical milf, lady who i think personally wants ramuda to suffer?, and white haired dude from mad trigger crews sister. the milf is dices mom. these guys are chuuoku and they took over the japanese government.)
run this city (anime original. this is objectively the best song in rhyme anima to me. its by buster bros)
requiem (buster bros, saburos second solo. it is either exactly or nothing like what you expected based on that title. typical 14 year old behavior in my opinion)
champagne gold (hifumi is here to party. i am worried for his liver. hifumi from matenrous first solo)
dont stop the party (hifumis second solo. you heard him)
scarface (LISTEN. i dont like mad trigger crew. but this is one of the best hypmic songs in general ever. i hate this.)
joy for struggle (buster bros beat the ass of their absent father. buster bros vs dotsuitare hompo rap battle song.)
violet masquerade (jyushi win. jyushi from bad ass temples second solo. su will agree with me)
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chloeworships · 2 years
They are jealous of your anointing and your gifts
Ok so who upset God??? 👀
Which Prophet, Pastor or Apostle is jealous of the gifts of another servant of God?
Who has accused this servant and prophet of needing to display more humility?
I was given this scripture and a song (please excuse the swearing in the lyrics).
This is what the Sovereign Lord says…
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Moses was given this special relationship with God because his calling demanded it. When God first spoke to me he was in a cloud ☁️ I will never forget it. I was todays year old when I learned that cloud was in fact God’s true form he uses when he speaks to humans, based on these scriptures 😱🤯🙊 “Then the Lord descended in the pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle”. ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭12‬:‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬
God gave Moses a special audience because he was humble and the LORD trusted him… why else would he be given this gift to see things others could not including the gift of seeing the LORD as a cloud? Do you know what Moses had to endure for him to be able to lead the Israelites out of Egypt 🇪🇬👀 Some of us had to walk through 🔥FIRE🔥 to get to where we are today and where we are going to tomorrow, why be jealous?
Also a Cushite is a modern day Ethiopian. Ethiopians are Black. Is someone speaking out against someone’s wife? Are you in an interracial relationship/marriage? You can clearly see here that Miriam could have been RACIST. Someone could also be talking about the appearance of someone’s wife or gf.
I’m going to leave detailed commentary on this scripture. It’s interesting because God spoke to me and said someone should speak to MARYUM and now he’s led me to this scripture. I didn’t go looking for it 💯
One thing to note is one of Moses wives was name Zipporah. In this song one the artists name is Zipporah. I mean COME ON?!?! That name is not common. I just can’t invent this stuff babes. I really can’t. I don’t have the time😂.
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I woke up one morning and heard the song playing in my ear as if I had my headphones on 🎧I hadn’t heard it in a longgggggg time bc, as some of you know, this mixtape was released over a decade ago (SN: I love this beat btw and this mixtape is a classic 😜)
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In the lyrics it also says something about spit and in the scripture God speaks of what would occur should Miriam’s father spit in her face: “But the Lord said to Moses, “If her father had done nothing more than spit in her face, wouldn’t she be defiled for seven days? So keep her outside the camp for seven days, and after that she may be accepted back.”‭‭ Numbers‬ ‭12‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT
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Think about how shameful and demoralizing it would have been if your father spat in your face? 🥺 This is what God did to Miriam and this is what will do to those who speak ill of you.
Someone is going to be punished for speaking against you. This could even be a religious leader or those in the church but it doesn’t have to be. This could simply be another servant of God. They will become sick 🤒
These individuals are jealous and envious of your gift. They themselves need to be humbled and that is surely what the LORD will do. They accuse you of being prideful yet it is their own pride that leads them to falsely accuse you. They are no different than the Pharisees
I was also shown the word “gossip”. The song mentions that too.
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The article breaks this scrip down beautifully and it’s a MUST READ. Based on this, you’ll know if this word is for you.
Who is the LORD speaking to? He is surely defending your name as he did for Moses. You will be VINDICATED and as the song says your doubters will have to pick their jaws up from the floor after they witness what God will do in your life. Like Miriam they will feel ASHAMED. When you speak against or disrespect a Prophet of the LORD, expect disaster to come upon you and SUDDENLY.
This commentary is DEEP. I LLAAVVVVEEEEE IT 🤩
PS. When others falsely accuse you, like both Aaron and Miriam, pray for them just as Moses did.
PPS. When God’s Spirit departs from you as a servant of his, all hell breaks loose. I’ve seen this happen and it also occurred to Samson when he chose to disobey God.
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The LORD is also saying, someone needs to apologize FACE to FACE for hurting you just as Aaron apologized to Moses.
If you are this person who needs to apologize, be clear about your transgressions, don’t beat around the bush or speak in riddles via social media. Don’t act cowardly. The apology has to be as LOUD as the disrespect was, perhaps then the LORD may have mercy on you as he did with Miriam and give you back your glory and success… Oh my didn’t God say speak to MARYUM!?
Yeah it’s time. If this person keeps delaying this conversation know that God has already spoken to them about putting their pride aside and apologizing.
Perhaps she is owed an apology. I’m hearing no success will come until this is done as the scripture says “So keep her outside the camp for seven days, and after that she may be accepted back.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭12‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬
https://bible.com/bible/116/num.12.14.NLT .
It’s reminding me of Beauty and the Beast. In order to regain his wealth and good looks, Beast had to humble himself and apologize to Bell for the curse to be broken and like Miriam, be accepted back into camp and most importantly, into God’s good grace 💛
Also, even though God may forgive us, there is always consequences for our behaviour. That cannot be avoided. God may forgive a murderer but that murderer still has to serve time. Let’s not forget that the next time we decide to hurt another. Forgiveness does not absolve you of the consequences. Justice will always be served when you trust in God to vindicate you.
PPPS: lol I was watching the Princess and the Frog and the movie spoke about Gumbo Soup 🍤, which is a Louisiana staple food, in the song it mentions that too. This might mean something to someone as the Frog prince was arrogant to the poorer Tiana because he felt she was of lesser value than he was when in fact HE was superficial and just as broke. He too needed to be humbled.
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Please understand the LORD and his Angels give me music just as confirmation just as he gives us movies and scriptures.
Pray about this message because it won’t be for everyone.
I had a visitation from the DEVIL 🤯 He showed me his true form which was a darkish grey blue.
Since God revealed his true form in the cloud, he wanted to reveal his true form to me as well. He is jealous of God and wants to be like God hence why he does everything God does but in the reverse. Hence why he tries to mock God. That’s another word I’ve been hearing in the spirit… reverse. Wow
He looked EXACTLY LIKE THIS but with slightly shorter horns👀 ⤵️ oh my
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What in the blessed name of Jesus….
I forgot to mention someone will be receiving a heartfelt apology 💌
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chocolatecakecas · 4 years
30!!!!!! oh i'm so excited for this
Clara!!! 💕Thank you for the spn ask!
Okay I’m not very creative, and this is more of a headcanon that I’ve accepted as fact and think about a lot, but stick with me
30) Make up a fact about a character and convince me it’s true: 
Dean made Cas more than one mixtape. Dean’s Top 13 Zepp Traxx was obviously the first which he was so nervous to give to Cas btw, because what if he actually did understand the cultural significance of giving someone a mixtape, but lucky for him Cas didn’t, and when Cas asked “why” Dean gave some hurried excuse about his “shit taste in music” and that his “music education” was long past due. Dean worried himself sick about what Cas would think after he finished the tape, because he hadn’t mentioned it to Dean at all, maybe he understood what Dean was trying to say and he was disgusted or maybe he didn’t listen to it at all?? But a few times he saw Cas listening to it in an old walkman and later saw it in the tape deck in the Pimp Mobile™️. So Dean took that as a positive and started making him another tape (Dean’s Top 13 Zepp Traxx Vol.2) hoping he could use the same flimsy excuse as before, but then Cas tried to give the first tape back to him, stopped making the new one altogether. But then Cas died and Dean was a mess, so one night when he was drinking himself into oblivion he found himself in Cas’ room, where he spotted the walkman with his tape inside on the dresser, then before he could change his mind he was determined walking back to his room to finish the vol.2. Dean kept it in the glove compartment in an inconspicuous tape case hoping that one day they’d find a way to bring Cas back, and then he came back. Dean is too overjoyed to think twice about it, so after Cas meets Jack and everyone breaks off to pack for the hunt in Dodge City, Dean marches his ass to Cas’ room before he can second guess himself. Dean pulls the mixtape out of his jacket pocket hands it to Cas, who takes it and smiles, and Dean makes a short speech about how glad he is that Cas is back, quickly tacking on at the end something about “continuing his music education” and Cas just pockets the tape and says “thank you for the gift”, like smiling at the little “inside joke”. After that, Dean makes Cas 2 more tapes, the third he gives in the beginning of the Ouroboros (just a collection of some of his favorite songs, yk Cas’ “music education and all”), and the 4th he started making after they went to Purgatory again (oh you know), but this one was different, the songs all had one clear message, and there was even a little note folded up inside the tape case. But Dean never got the chance to give it to him.
I have no idea, this ask literally just ran away from me I hope I “convinced” you😂
Hope you’re having a great day/night wherever you are in the world!!!💛
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
Top Albums of 2020
I was tagged by the amazing @joonni to list my top nine twelve albums of 2020! This was honestly so hard, but so fun. I love any tags to do with music xD (Your music taste was amazing btw! Sorry I went a little crazy and did a few extra lol.) Thanks lovie 💓
I went with the albums that I loved as whole (aka I loved most, if not all, of the songs) and listened to the most this year. Some choices have deeper meanings, while others were just flat-out enjoyable. I also stuck with albums that came out this year only, but I wasn’t sure if that was inherently part of the challenge. I wasn’t too picky on the criteria, just went with the ones that made up the score for my 2020. All albums have Spotify links incase something catches your eye! (Apologies for my extra-ness; I added recommendations from each album and a brief...ish explanation as to why it made the list.)
Also, they’re in no particular order, because this was difficult enough...
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Map of the Soul: 7 by BTS
Explanation — This album was my first comeback as part of the BTS Army. There are so many tracks that I adore, and I honestly can’t remember the last time I was so excited for music. It breathed life into my Spotify, it was the album I listened to the most this year, and Black Swan was my most listened song. The differing music genres that they played with, all the way from orchestral to trap to hip hop and synth pop, left me more and more excited as the songs progressed. If there was a #1 on this list, it would be MOTS:7.
Highlights — Interlude: Shadow, Black Swan, ON, We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal
Zero: Fever Part.1 by Ateez
Explanation — This was the soundtrack to my summer. I hadn’t heard much from Ateez, but what I had heard, I wasn’t a huge fan of? Maybe I hadn’t been grabbed yet, but oh boy. Zero: Fever definitely did that. Every track is such high energy and memorable, so it was so hard to pick favorites! I’ll always think back on this one for summer, and will be transported back to plenty of sunset commutes.
Highlights — Fever, Thanxx, One Day At A Time
The Dream Chapter: Eternity by Tomorrow x Together
Explanation — Until this mini album, I had only listened to TXT in passing. I liked their stuff, but I feel like this is where they really found their stride. TDC:E caught me totally off-guard, in the best way possible. To me at least, this one is a work of art. Each of the six tracks is so entrancing, and so different from each other while still working together as a cohesive story. And don’t even get me started on the MVs! This is an album that I listen to for feels and fun, which to me, TXT are just brilliant at. 
Highlights — Fairy of Shampoo, Maze in the Mirror, Eternally
Dystopia: The Tree of Language by Dreamcatcher
Explanation — It took me forever to find a girl group that I could really stan, like hardcore. This comeback for Dreamcatcher was when I realized they were it for me. This album in particular is so diverse. Their voices are both haunting and beautiful, and the way they interweave rock/alternative elements into their music has always turned my ear. They are so different from so many other girl groups out there, from the sound to their stage presence to their aesthetic. I will never stop talking about them, and this album really shows the best of their work thus far.
Highlights — Red Sun, Sahara, Paradise
Explanation — How could BE not be on this list? What a perfect end to a shitty year. There’s something so comforting yet uplifting about this one, and I will happily admit I cried when I first heard Blue & Grey. Who am I kidding, I still do. There’s only one other artist I have listed on here with two albums, so BTS is in good company. What more is there to say other than BE was the warm hug we all needed.
Highlights — Life Goes On, Blue & Grey, Dis-ease, Stay
Heng:garae by Seventeen
Explanation — This is another group that I hadn’t listened to much before this album. I was so surprised and excited. Every song that passed, I found myself smiling more. Their voices are astoundingly beautiful, and the songs are sickeningly catchy. Another album that I go to just to have fun. It’s one of my favorites to just put on when a day is good, but doesn’t Seventeen make it a little better regardless?
Highlights — Fearless, Kidult, I Wish, Together
The Untamed by various
Explanation — If you’ve seen the Chinese drama The Untamed, then you know exactly why this is on there. This album is a collection of songs that are themes for the characters in the show, most of which are sung by the actors themselves. Let me tell you; I don’t know a lick of Mandarin, but these are some of the most stunning songs I’ve ever heard. It’s one of the things that drew me to the drama to begin with; everything, including the music, is breathtaking. The classical Chinese sound plays so well with the character’s stories and singer’s vocals. They tell stories all on their own and give the drama so much depth. Even if you’re not a fan of the show or webtoon it’s based on, give this one a listen. You won’t be disappointed!
Highlights — [Wen Qing] woodland, [Wen Ning] Chi Ni, [Lan Xichen] Bu You, [Jiang Yanli & Jin Zixuan] Yong Ge, [Interlude] Yi Nan Ping, [Nie Minghao & Nie Huaisang] Qing He Ju
Humanity (Chapters I & II) by Thomas Bergersen
Explanation — If you know anything about me, you know how important orchestral music is to me. It’s been a huge part of my music journey ever since I was in middle school. Thomas Bergersen has been my favorite composer for years; the way he integrates the classical with the modern is just...there are no words. These two albums cannot be listed separately; they’re part of a seven-part project titled Humanity. Chapters I & II came out in 2020, and honestly, I have no words. The way he tells a story through almost entirely lyric-less work is just immaculate. I’ve never felt more powerful, emotional, or inspired than when listening to these two. I cried when I first heard Your Imagination and Materialize. No matter how I am feeling, whether I need inspiration or hope or just some peace of mind, I go here. I’ve never felt more healed than when listening to his work. If you take a chance to listen to anything on this list, PLEASE. Give these a try. 
Highlights — We Are One, Wings, Humanity, Your Imagination, Materialize, Innocence, The Stars Are Coming Home
Brightest Blue by Ellie Goulding
Explanation — I don’t listen to a ton of western music that isn’t orchestral or lofi, but I used to adore Ellie Goulding. Halcyon was my entire teen-hood. When I saw she came out with a new album this year, I gave it a listen for sentimentality reasons. And boy, I still love her. Her voice is both angelic and haunting, and her sound is so unique. The messages given in these songs are powerful, potent, a tad bit bittersweet, and especially valid for young women navigating adult life. Also the instrumentals backing her vocals are often big and grand and symphonic, filled with piano and violin. That’s enough to get me to listen. And to top it all off, the collabs she has on this album are so fitting for each track, it’s absolutely beautiful.
Highlights — Start, Cyan, Ode To Myself, Woman, Flux, Overture, Slow Grenade, Hate Me
Beneath Your Waves by Sleepy Fish
Explanation — If there’s one kind of music that shuts off the little anxiety bug in my brain and gets me to work, one that isn’t as intense as orchestral music and that doesn’t put me into sensory overload like orchestral sometimes does, it’s lofi. And Sleepy Fish does it so freakin’ well. This album that came out this year is one of my most often repeated over and over. When I’m struggling with sensory issues at work, I put this one repeat and my mind just...goes...quiet. It’s like medicine. And the tunes are so catchy and sweet. I’m instantly transported to someplace magical, some seaside city straight out of a Ghibli film, and far away from the things that are troubling me. Then I can finally get some work done, get to sleep, or just quiet my mind. If you struggle with sensory issues or anxiety like I do, give this album a shot. Also, the album titled My Room Becomes The Sea from 2019 is excellent.
Highlights — Velocities, Sunbreak, Swimming, Nights Like These, Winter Winter
WOOPS! by Woodz
Explanation — Another mini album that is just a blast to listen to, but it also has such a soft side that hits me in the feels. I don’t see a lot of people talking about Woodz, but you all should give him a listen. He’s so talented, and his voice on this one is just *chef’s kiss* everything. The mixing is also impeccable and pairs so well with his vocals.
Highlights — Bump Bump, On my own, Sweater, Tide
D-2 by Agust D
Explanation — I mean, we all knew this one was gonna be dope. Yoongi did not disappoint. This mixtape is so different from most of the stuff I listen to, but I absolutely adored it. The truth and rhythm and pure talent in each and every verse stuns me still. I find myself especially drawn to this one when I’m frustrated (not exclusively, but often, ‘cause 2020.) Both his truth and sound give me a safe place to feel that frustration and anxiety and vent/work through it. I don’t know what it is about Yoongi, but to me, all of his work is like a comforting friend going, “Hey, you’re totally valid and okay for feeling this way...but it sucks, doesn’t it?” 
Highlights — Daechwita, People, Dear my friend
Now, I’ll tag these lovely people! Only if you wanna :)
@kooala​ @cultleaderyoongi​ @yoontopia​ @hobicomeholla29​ @helenazbmrskai​ @moon-write​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @ditttiii​
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grlsgen · 4 years
my favorite 2020 kpop songs
there were some bangers this year... this includes title tracks & bsides and everything else under the sun.
i always got shit to say and i always see youtube videos like this but i simply can’t edit so here we are
you never know - blackpink
okay yeah i didn’t really fw hylt or lovesick girls when i first heard them but when i listened to the album you never know really stuck with me... i never get sick of it. definitely the best track off the album imo. rosé’s prechorus has made me cry a few times ngl
alien - lee suhyun
alright miss thing... i was obsessed with this song when i first heard it... the pre chorus with the ooo ooo ooo and the switch to the chorus is so good it gets me every time. she’s cute i like her... while we’re here i’ll also mention i really liked her ost in your time for it’s okay to not be okay.. i loved that drama and that’s my fav ost from it.. but anyway
lalalilala - april
They Served. Big time. the music video is so pretty and the song was stuck in my head for 6 months straight... they really did the damn thing with this. kinda sounds like an apink song but that’s a compliment... overall this whole comeback was really good and deserved better. honorable mention : the bside on this ep you.zip is so good too
open your eyes - iz*one
this is all i listened to for months after bloomiz dropped... izone’s music is really a hit or miss for me and i didn’t really vibe with fiesta but i’m so glad i gave the album a chance because open your eyes is definitely in my top 5 releases of this year. their other bside dreamlike is really good too
the book of us : the demon - day6 album
now where do i start with this... to this day i am still obsessed with 1 to 10... like that’s gotta be the best off this album imo. zombie was so good and i really liked the lyrics. the album as a whole was really really good. i sound like a broken record
children - bvndit
oh boy... another one of my top 5 releases from this year. not only is the overall sound of this amazing but i love the lyrics too. these girls deserve so much better
d-2 - agust d/yoongi/suga mixtape
my king. i shit myself when this dropped ngl... i don’t even know how to elaborate on how much i love this. daechwita was stuck in my head for the longest time.. i think the highlights off this for me have to be people, honsool & dear my friend. this mixtape was really a moment.. i love yoongi y’all
love again - baekhyun / underwater - baekhyun
alright alright .. i put these two together since they’re from the same album idk but it took a while for candy to grow on me but i’ve loved these since i first heard them... i was Obsessed. the final bridge/chorus whatever the hell thing he does in love again put me into shock for 3 months straight and the beat in underwater is heavenly
the dream chapter : eternity - txt ep
this serve. has to be my favorite from txt yet... rookies with the best discography fr. i love dark concepts and really like that they did something different with this. can’t you see me was Amazinggg. fairy of shampoo has to be one of the best songs i’ve ever heard it’s insane. i also really liked eternally, who else has that range... Nobody. top to bottom this ep is really good, i hope they do another dark concept like this again soon bc this hit big time
eight - iu & suga
it took a while for this to grow on me but whew...when it did... kinda makes me feel like i’m in a coming of age movie and i like that, makes me nostalgic for that. eight soty, they both did great on this
# - loona ep
Now... Cmon. so what was either a hit or miss for a lot of people but something i think everyone can agree on is that the bridge is godsent. like that shit makes me cry sometimes. the music video was really good, i always come back to the subway/train scene. number 1 is also so damn good. overall i really loved this ep. they really ate with this one
eyes wide open - twice album
when i first heard this album i didn’t like it That much but it’s really grown on me lately. the whole retro trend was fun and then it got a little overdone so i was tired of it by the time this dropped but actually.. some of the bsides are insanely good. behind the mask is definitely a highlight for me, mina’s bridge is heavenly. i love mina so bad. but anyway, i can’t stop me took some time to grow on me as well but it always gets stuck in my head. i also really like up no more & depend on you, they’re cute
maybe - gidle
Y’all... i love this song. it’s short and simple but it was so addicting to me. i really like that one part in the last two choruses if you know what i’m talking about (i’m not sure who sings it ? some people say soyeon some say shuhua idk, shuhua my queen btw) and soojin’s verse in the bridge hits. to this day i’m still obsessed with this song
a song written easily - oneus
this is so underappreciated, this is easily one of my favorite title tracks released all year. i’m not a huge fan of beat drops but this one was really nice imo, i also liked the lead in before the drop and the final chorus. this was really good and i never get sick of it
wannabe - itzy
CUT THE DAMN CAMERAS.... no fr this is my #1 favorite song released this year. talented brilliant incredible amazing... itzy seriously ate up everyone with this. i keep going back to this song it’s insane. iconic choreo good mv good styling amazing song.. like everything here lined up. i don’t know how they’ll ever top this for me. definitely my soty (next to psycho)
black swan - bts
this is excellent idk what else to say. i thought it was just okay when i first heard it but it’s seriously so good, me being yoongi biased i loved that he got multiple verses but i love the do your thing with me now breakdown part too. the choreo is one of my favorite from them and the mv was really pretty. black swan is one of my favorite movies so the comparisons with it made me love this song more. overall, probably my favorite off mots7
my time - jungkook of bts
jungkook always has the best album solos fr. i loved this the second i heard it, kinda justin bieber esque but it’s so good. i love the lyrics and transition it takes thru the song. the chorus hits man.. this song always makes me a little sad but he really did amazing on this
monster - red velvet irene & seulgi ep
my queens what can i say. i was so excited for this unit and they did not disappoint. monster still hits, aged like wine. the best track is fr feel good, i still have it on repeat.. insanely good. seulgi really delivered with uncover, it’s so beautiful. i think sm’s intention was always to have a subunit this year but i thought it was smart to do while wendy was recovering, hoping for ot5 soon y’all..
never gonna dance again : act 2 - taemin album
taemin my king wtf!!! i loved criminal so i was really excited for this and of course... he always delivers. top to bottom i loved this album, he really did amazing on it. identity might be the best song i’ve ever heard... and of course i loved the collab with wendy 🙏 overall such a good album, taemin always serves the best
pporappippam - sunmi
what can i say i love a little retro tune. even though i just said earlier i was sick of it idc i loved this. sunmi always shows up, i don’t know what else to say. this song never gets old
dystopia : the tree of language - dreamcatcher album
i didn’t expect to love this album as much as i did... i don’t listen to it as often anymore but i can’t deny that scream was a major serve. every time i hear it it’s like the first time... their bside jazz bar was so good. dreamcatcher’s bsides always hit what can i say
12:00 - loona ep
Yes. why not is not necessarily my favorite title from them ever (it’s butterfly, btw) but it’s always stuck in my head... obviously i loved voice/star, was obsessed for weeks and i was happy they decided to promote it a little. styling on those stages were so cute btw. i also loved fall again from this ep, chuu sounds angelic on it. loona had some amazing cbs this year
la di da - everglow
Obsessed. i watched every stage as they dropped and listened to this every 5 seconds, Amazing. sihyeon really owned this era for me and shes my bias so of course i ate this whole thing up. this was definitely one for the books, what more can i say
literally everything gfriend released this year
this might be their best year yet for releases imo, i really liked how they tried out different concepts and sounds this year, i’ve always loved their music but the switch was refreshing yknow. crossroads was so good, i loved that mv. here we are is still on repeat almost a year later... and now APPLE. apple was so mf good. i love that they decided to do a dark concept, this song really fit them well, still obsessed w it. mago might be my least fave out of the 3 but it’s still so good. don’t even get me started on yuju in the mv.. Queen. i liked the subunits on walpurgis night, especially better me. gfriend had a really good year imo, they deserved more for it.
Anyways. that was my 2 cents.
wannabe & psycho soty
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photolover82 · 5 years
The Masked Singer Season 3 Episode 5: Group B Playoffs (Commentary and Guesses)
Hello fellow Masked Singer lovers! Welcome (or welcome back) to my commentary and guesses for the Masked Singer, this time for the Group B Playoffs, where 5 remaining masks compete for 4 spots at the Group B championships. Ok, so let’s begin with the celebrity mask who was eliminated (btw I am pissed at this one ngl)...
Disclaimer: This is a spoiler alert, don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you don’t want the show spoiled, get out of here...
Ok so now that they’re gone, the eliminated mask was 
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Ughhhhh why Masked Singer?! Why do you keep doing this to me? Always taking away the legends who deserve to stay on the show way longer than some others... not gonna name names, but yo White Tiger I’m looking at you. Anyways, yup I was sad about this, but I knew who the mouse was since the first time I saw her. 
So, the Mouse was revealed to be... *SPOILER* 
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Wow, yeah I was not surprised, this was too easy. Even my mom knew it was her and she doesn’t really know many American celebrities. The clues totally gave it away: 
Rhino sculpture= her record company is called Rhino Records
Prayer hands= her hit song I sing a little prayer for you and she is also a woman of faith 
Putting on makeup= I sang a little prayer for you lyric “the moment I wake up before I put on my makeup” 
Brazil nuts= she lived in Brazil for years
They asked all the masked singers what their favorite subject in school is and she said math = she does have the Dionne Warwick Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship, a magnet school focusing on economics which she did mention had to do with why she liked math
As for her performance, her voice is so recognizable like wow. She sang “This will be an everlasting love” by Natalie Cole and it was a beautiful performance. I loved it and I am actually really sad to see her go. She really did a great job in her performance because she’s a living legend. 
Anyways, now that we are done with that, let’s take a look at our remaining 4 masked singers, one of which I have figured out and one of which is stumping me and 2 that I am maintaining firm on my guesses: 
1. The Taco  
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Performance: Like I said last week, Taco is quickly becoming my favorite performer in this group. He sang Elvis Presley’s Bossa Nova Baby and it was a perfect song for his vocal ability. He has a very old crooner voice, like a Frank Sinatra vibe. He’s also really funny and it looked like he was having fun in this performance. Never thought I would love a guy in a taco costume but here we are so I think that guy is... 
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Ok so I am 100% sure on this one, I know other people think it’s Tim Allen but no it’s not him, I am positive it is Tom Bergeron because of the clues: 
Whoopee Cushion= allude to America’s Funniest Home Videos (AFHV) or because Whoopi Goldberg was a main square on Hollywood Squares, which he hosted. 
The female taco he met that helped him become less of a hot head= his wife, he had anger issues before meeting her and learned to meditate because of her 
Gemini constellation= him and his wife got married in gemini season May 22, 1982 
The circular globe with the constellation= resembles the shape of the mirrorball trophy from Dancing with the Stars which he hosts 
In the package, he was dancing with the “Mrs. Taco”= allude to Dancing with the Stars perhaps. 
2. The Frog
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Performance: Ok so ngl I wanted him to go home. He was my least favorite performance of the night, not because he was bad per se, it was just weird what he did with the song. He sang “In Da Club” by 50 Cent and oh wow he changed it to make it sound more jazzy and the lyrics were changed to be family friendly, which is all good, but it didn’t sound natural. It sounded a bit off the music with what he was singing. It was pretty shaky in the beginning, but I started liking it a bit in the middle of it. He’s a bomb dancer tho, very talented and smooth dancer. 
Alright so I think this frog is as I said last week: 
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I feel pretty good about this one especially looking at the clues: 
Typewriter with the letters “CSI” emphasized= starred in CSI: Cyber 
“Frog Eat Frog world”= real saying is “dog eat dog” world so another reference to his stage name Bow Wow. 
Fame Star with $19 price tag= when he was 19, wrote a song called the price of fame
Little Green Soldiers= collaborated with Soulja Boy on mixtapes 
3. The Banana 
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Performance: Ok, so this one I really am warming up to. I like him more now than I did last week, because he was more real and I don’t know I just really enjoy when he performs. It is always fun to see him perform, but having said that, oh my gosh you guys I feel like I know who he is and I am sure about this even though last week I was confused af... this week the clues helped me get it. 
I think the Banana is: 
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Ok I am so sure about this one, the body type and height match. The accent and voice matches his too and the clues really solidified it for me this time: 
Snake on the computer= poisonous= his band named Poison  
Cowboy Boots and Hats= he was those all of the time 
Alarm clock with 2:13= 2nd letter of the alphabet is b and the 13th one is m (his initials) 
6/8 on the alarm clock= June 8th is National Name Your Poison Day 
4. The Kitty 
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Performance: Ok, like I know I love the kitty and her voice is amazing, but she’s really confusing me. I felt like last week I was sure about Sabrina Carpenter and that’s what I heard in her voice, but now I am hearing something completely different. She sang Mercy by Brett Young and I don’t feel like this is a song Sabrina would sing. I am really torn with this one, so this is just a guess that I have so far, but I have no idea: 
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Ok, so hear me out. I have been going back and forth between her and Sabrina Carpenter and in this performance, she didn’t sound like Sabrina and when I looked up Lucy’s voice, it sounded very similar to this performance and the song choice made sense because of Lucy’s love of country music, but let’s look at the clues: 
The sewing in the clue package looks eerily similar to her role as Katy Keene in the CW Riverdale spin-off show that just came out of the same name. 
Red Riding Hood= allude to Pretty Little Liars which used red riding hood as a metaphor for the show
I mean I don’t know she is very short (5′ 2″) so fits the profile 
Well, that’s it. Let me know if you agree or disagree with my guesses/what your guesses were. Also, did you guess the mouse correctly? Let me know! That's all and see you next week for the Group B championships, the last of Group B. 
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Conageddon: Luisa d’Oliveira’s Panel + associated stuff
So it’s just my luck that immediately after posting my Richard/Luisa recap, a whole bunch of the Conageddon panels including that one became available online! I definitely encourage people to check them out!
Unfortunately the people who taped them missed Luisa’s solo panel and Richard’s solo panel. So I will still recap those to the best of my ability like I was planning to.
- As with all the panels, it was introduced with a fan video - it was this one that had an angsty/uplifting focus on Emori finding acceptance with spacekru. <3 Luisa said afterwards that she loves watching videos that fans cut together because it’s seeing her character's journey through their eyes.
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- She talked about the backstories she’s come up with for Emori. She had different ideas and then the stuff with Baylis filled in some gaps but left a lot open. (Some of this came up at Unity Days also btw! I just don't think I wrote it up then because I didn’t have time. *hides*) She thinks the real Baylis was someone who collected outcast/mutated children and basically raised her, in an abusive and psychologically manipulative way. Her headcanon is that Otan was not her biological brother, but that she bonded with him during that time and they’d gotten out together.
- Going into season five, she said she had two ideas about what could happen with Emori in space -- she would either end up friends with everyone, or she'd not know how to deal with it and become more antagonistic. Which is basically what happened to John Murphy, so she was like “I nailed it” for both of them, hee.
- She has a project coming up but it’s on a new show/pilot and can’t say anything about it. [Note from Nicole: To be clear it might just be a minor role and not necessarily a big 100-affecting deal.]
- I asked her a question about her video game role in "Far Cry 5" -- she did the motion capture as well as voice acting for the game! So she talked about what that was like, wearing the suit with the beads and moving around a room reacting to people who weren’t there. The hardest part was knowing how much to act with her face, because on TV you would try to use subtle expressions, but the animation might not catch it and just look blank.
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- In season 4 it was interesting having scenes with a lot of new characters and she’d think about what Murphy would have told her about them. A moment that didn't make it onscreen is when they're planning to go up in the rocket, John says something snarky and Bellamy gives him a "Shut up, Murphy" or something like that, and on one of the takes she just immediately GLARED at Bellamy like how dare you talk to him like that. *G*
- An audience member asked how she would want Emori to die. She says "happy", she would like an ending like Monty and Harper had, either that or in a "blaze of glory." Emori would not go down quietly.
- Moderator Jo followed this up with asking if she would lay down her life for John Murphy. Luisa says absolutely, he would for her and she would also, that's been established many times. Pointed to the scene in God Complex when she was trying to convince him not to fight for her. (She started cutely “reenacting” it like noooo save yourself and joked that was the original version before she helped them rewrite it.)
- Luisa’s Book Club recs: "The Brain That Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge and "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. She also loves Jane Austen and a book character she wishes she could transport into The 100 is Elizabeth Bennet.
- A character she would like to do more with is Indra. She never had any real female mentor relationships, at least before space.
- There were two really moving comments/questions in a row about her portrayal of Emori from people with diabilities, one said it was so important especially to see disabled love on TV, the other talking about the humanity and poise she gives her like few other disabled characters. She acknowledged she comes to it as someone who doesn’t have that experience in real life and wants to be respectful. She always just tried to ground it in something real and draw from the times she’s felt judged and isolated in her life, the feeling of walking into a room where everyone else is part of a family and she didn't belong there. :..( Authentic without it being the only thing that defines her.
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- Toward the end she was trying out her English (Cockney) and Irish acccents. Not bad at them! She said she once talked to a drunk man in Ireland and he believed her fake accent, just thought she was from some other town. But she thinks it wouldn't have worked if he was sober. *g*
- Her favorite hot snack on set is pierogies. She was definitely also asked about her love of Italian food and what she likes to cook but I forgot! There was one audience guy who said he also has his friends over for dinner to watch the 100 and she was like “we were probably cooking at the same time.”
- Asked to describe Emori in season six with one emoji. She eventually went with “the one that's a straight line mouth and big eyes” -- which is actually the "Neutral Face". LOL clever.
- HI I GOT BACK UP ON THE MIC AND ASKED ABOUT THE "JOHN MURPHY I FELL IN LOVE WITH" SCENE and when (or if) Emori's feelings changed between that and the finale. Luisa says: Emori's feelings never changed, that wasn't the problem. To her that scene was about her trying to be logical and think with her head. When he was injured, her heart took over and everything else went out the window.
- What Emori now (or at the end of S5) would tell herself in her first episode: "There are people worth trusting even if they don't seem that way at first."
- Luisa’s advice to her own younger self (I’m pulling this from a livetweet): Don’t be so afraid of taking chances, saying or doing the wrong thing. Just keep paying attention and keep your mind open. Be kind. Be confident. You're good.
- While her VIP and panel were criminally under-attended compared to some of the guests, I was really happy to see a ton of people did visit her in the autograph room and she had a good line throughout. She even got an Emori Pop! from the same person who’d made mine.
- I should also mention that when I interrupted her and Richard’s beer pong tournament in my party dress Friday night, she immediately recognized me as the one who always dresses at Emori and told Richard that was me. *blush* So I decided to go to her auto table on the day when I was in the outfit and my friend captured a shot of her hugging me.
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- Whew, the other big thing was that I gave both her and Richard the mixtapes I made for their characters. Hers is basically the same as the one I posted for Emori Appreciation Week... She seemed genuinely touched and happy and was like “I’ll probably put these into my workbook” and I was like ohhh no haha I hope you just like *one* of them. She already knows “Creep” is on it, was saying it’s a big Emori song for her and describes exactly how she felt in vulnerable moments.
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- I also brought up something she said on one of the early panels (with all the girls) about how Emori carries stress in her body and I did notice that in the scene she was talking about. I also noticed that when she's scared she usually reacts with anger like she's trying to cover it. She said she definitely did that intentionally, it’s an animal-like instinct Emori has -- when some animals are threatened, they try to go “I’M SCARY!!” (aww) Another way she’s like a cat.
- Also on Sunday toward the end, I ran into some of the cast near the VIP hallway and Luisa grabbed me and thanked me for my questions at her panel. ;___; This woman.
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norahastuff · 6 years
Dean, Cas and gifts
Historically, Cas hasn’t has a lot of earthly possessions. It has even been brought up for us to consider, like in 12x10 when Ishim pointed out that he had: 
‘’no wings, no home, just a ratty old coat and a pair of poorly trained monkeys.’’
Ishim was wrong though. Yes, it may seem like all Cas has in the way of material things is the trenchcoat, but that’s not entirely true. It just means that although his possessions are few and far in between, the ones he has, are important and mean a great deal to him. Just look at the pride he felt over his Pimpmobile, and how affronted he got when Crowley or Sam insulted it (RIP pimpmobile, we miss you almost as much as Cas does I’m sure). And then there are the things that Dean gave Cas. In fact I find it very interesting that you can actually track the evolution of Dean and Cas’ relationship, as well the showrunner’s approach to it, by paying attention to the things that Dean has presented to Cas.
Kripke era:
The FBI badge
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This was the first time, Dean and Cas were truly free to spend any time together away from the machinations of heaven. Yes they had a bond and connection that they built throughout season 4, but they were being manipulated most of the time. This episode is important for many reasons, one of them being that it marked when they truly became friends, at least in my estimation. Thus it makes sense that Dean gifts Cas with a badge. It’s a tool, a prop that they need to work the case, but it also shows how Dean is beginning to care about Cas as a partner and a friend. He trusted him enough to support his pursuit of Raphael, and decided to help. That was essentially the way that Cas and Dean’s relationship was handled in the Kripke era, as friends, brother’s in arms and trusted comrades...with a healthy dose of homoerotic ‘’have you forgotten dean might be into dudes?’’ style tension added to the mix.
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The badge clearly meant a great deal to Cas. In 9x10, human Cas reveals that he still has it. Think about the implications of that for a minute. Even after everything that happens, after he gets loses his grace and the trenchcoat itself, he keeps the badge that was in the pocket. Because Dean gave it to him.
Gamble era:
The Trenchcoat
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Technically this is a regift, proving re-gifting isn’t always a dick move, but I digress. Dean is returning Cas’ trenchcoat to him, the trenchcoat that he pulled out of the river and carried around with him, after he thought he had lost Cas. It became a symbol of the friend he lost, the guy he couldn’t save. And then Cas returns. He regains his memories, remembers all of the horrible things he did and cannot deal with it, so Dean pulls out the trenchcoat. He reminds Cas of he was to Dean, what he meant to him. He was his friend, a fellow warrior, a man who’s death he could not get over and someone he could not keep himself from hoping, would return to him. By carrying it around all those awful months, and then returning it to Cas in an effort to remind him of the good parts of himself, Dean imbued the coat with a meaning it didn’t have before. The Gamble era, starting with 6x20 and continuing with 7x17, began to make Dean and Cas' feelings for each other, an important and intrinsic part of the plot, and the return of the trench coat had no small part to play in that.
Carver era:
The first blade
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If the Gamble era started to expand on the importance of Dean and Cas emotional relationship, Carver took this idea and ran with it. This was such a crucial moment. Dean exhausted after his fight with Cain, gives Cas the very thing that could lead to his total destruction, in every sense of the word. The absolute trust he places in Cas is evident. The blade is what caused Dean to become a demon in the first place, so of course Dean presents it to the one person he has the most faith in to keep it safe and away from him. Bonus points for hammering it in to Crowley that he’s been screwed over, as the Dean/Cas/Crowley love triangle (dear God that actually happened) was another hallmark of how Carver handled the Destiel subtext.
Dabb era:
The mixtape
‘‘It’s a gift. You keep those.’‘
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And then we arrive at the Dabb era. This was the first time that the word ‘’gift’ was actually used in relation to anything that Dean has given Cas. This moment is interesting in so many ways, of course, but I find it fascinating to compare it to the previous scene I just mentioned from the Carver era. Dean giving Cas the first blade was a gesture of immense trust of course, but also one of necessity. Dean needed to stay far away from the blade and it’s influence. In contrast, there is no alternative motive in gifting Cas with a mixtape. It is a move that has no significance to the wider plot, and seems to exist only to show how Dean feels about Cas, with a very obvious romantic gesture no less. This to me, has been the biggest difference between how the Dabb era has been handling Dean and Cas’ relationship. The scope has become much more personal in nature, and there is a greater focus on how their feelings affect themselves and each other, rather than the world at large. It has also been presented as a much more overtly romantic relationship than any other time before.
The reason Destiel has always been so fascinating to me, is the organic growth of their relationship. It has never felt forced. From FBI badges, to primordial weapons, to Zeppelin mixtapes, these dumbasses have run the gamut of emotionally charged gifts. The evolution of their love and trust for each other is amazing, and who knew this is where these two would end up when they met in that Illinois barn all those years ago.
Honourable mention:
The cowboy hat
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Aka the time Cas indulged Dean’s fetish. This one doesn’t strictly count. But  Cas said:
‘‘Thats why you’re making me wear this ridiculous hat’‘
I have so many questions. Did Dean buy it? Did they buy it together? Did Dean tell Cas he was buying him a cowboy hat? Was it a surprise? This whole scene was sublime. Whichever way it went down, I’m sure Cas still has the hat. Gotta have a souvenir of the day you annoy an ancient cosmic entity (who knows who you love btw) into tossing you back to earth, and the one human you care about most, is so happy, he giddily forces you to role play cowboys and you secretly love it, just because you get to spend time and enjoy yourself with him. But you know, platonically.
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trulymadlysydney · 6 years
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SO I NEVER LIKE “””OFFICIALLY””” had a face claim for Nova but one time my darling Bee @imethiminthemorning and I talked about it being Dove Cameron, and y’all know how much I adore her... so here she is, our beautiful little weirdo, Nova! 
I was tagged by both Bee and my angel Ken @emotionally-imbruised to do this!  I gave this way too much thought and we know our Nova tends to ramble so obvs some of these answers are gonna be long lol
Rules: Choose a couple of favourite photos/gifs of your character! Copy and paste the questions down below! Answer as if you’re the character that’s been tagged! Then tag some characters/authors you would love to see answer next! (BTW, you’re also allowed to tag an author again if they have more than one character you want to answer these questions!)
1. If it’s 1am and you’re still awake and wanting to talk to someone, who do you call and what do you talk about?
I would say Harry, but a) it’s rare that he’s awake past 11pm most nights, and b) he’s a grump if you wake him before like, 7am.   Usually, there’s a good chance that Jessie is still awake at 1am so I just go into her room with a blanket and we word-vomit all our problems to each other.  
2. Are you part of any fandoms? Or at least a big fan of something in particular?
Some random dude I met at a coffee shop one time invited me to one of his band’s gigs and they were pretty cool I guess. ;) All jokes aside, I’m actually a huge Harry Potter nerd. I’ve been trying to get Harry to read the books but he literally has the attention span of a gnat so he’s taken like five months to read the first two chapters.... of the first book.  Also not that anyone asked but my guilty pleasure is Justin Bieber.  (I know, I know.) ((Sorry @ Harry, you can make me mixtapes of indie bands all you want but I’m still gonna listen to Justin.))
3. Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Surprisingly, big spoon. I get hot in the night super easily so little spoon makes me want to explode sometimes.  Like at least as big spoon I have the freedom to move around.  (Also, again, not that anyone asked but Harry prefers being little spoon anyway so. It works out.)
4. If your mum text you right now, how would that make you feel?
She literally texted me this morning to ask if I needed anything mailed from home, and then to ask when I was planning on coming back.  So to answer your question I’d be fine with it.
5. Have you ever been in love? Why/Why not?
This is such a hard question. I genuinely don’t know.  I think I’m gonna say yes and no. Like, I think I’ve been in love to the capacity that I knew how, does that make sense? Like there was a guy from science camp that I sort of dated throughout high school, and I loved him as much as I knew how to back then.  I consider him my first love.  I think love is different for everyone and it grows and changes with us as we get older.  So who’s to say that I wasn’t in love or it wasn’t real love, compared to my relationship now as an adult with Harry (Who I ABSOLUTELY love), even though I was basically a child? (Side note, Harry just read this answer over my shoulder and he’s laughing at me, like “Nova its a yes or no question, just answer it and move on to the next one.” I think I hate him.)
6. Can you be trusted with a secret?
For sure!  I like to think I’m a pretty trustworthy person.
7. Who was your childhood best friend? Are you still friends?
Her name is Stella, and we are actually! In fact she’s planning a trip out here in September.  She want’s me to take her to West Hollywood so she can seduce a famous person.  (Her words, not mine.)
8. What are three songs currently on your everyday playlist?
Seriously?  Only three? This sucks.
1. Don’t Go Breaking My Heart- Elton John and Kiki Dee (Lately Harry and I have gotten into the habit of performing it in the mirror while we get ready for classes.  It’s become routine.)
2. The Chain- Fleetwood Mac 
3. Boyfriend- Justin Bieber (Guilty pleasure. I told you.)
9. What is your secret talent?
Ummm... I can easily recite literally any tongue twister with no issues.  I can also tie a cherry stem with my tongue.  (Also give me like 6 minutes tops and I can solve a rubix cube.)
10. Have you pictured your future? If so, what does it look like?
I have actually.  It involves working at NASA as one of their leading meteorologists, winning awards for my discoveries in my field,  saving the earth (literally), and then coming home to have a glass of wine and binge watch Netflix shows with Harry.  (I don’t know about a husband or kids just yet, but I do know that when I picture my future, he’s in it. So.)
 (This was so much more fun than I thought it was going to be and I literally gave this way too much thought lmao but anyway I AM GOING TO TAG @bribe-the-door (for any of your characters, although I want to request you do y/n from What Friends are For) annnnnnd @imethiminthemorning again for Allie! MWAH xoxo
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bangtanhug · 6 years
Highlight of the dinner party
(my trans - so if its not perfect sorry.. i tried my best but dont blame me if i made a mistake please T-T )
 In the beginning they were debating how to cheer (with the alcohol) - Jimin suggested to go simple with Jjang (its often used when people clink glasses OR when they say something is good) - but Tae said let’s go with Eouuuuu -> Namjoon caught on quickly saying that you can interpret eouuu (the crying noise) into different things based on how you say it: it can show sadness, happiness etc etc - so they shouted eouuuu
They filmed this earlier again than their comeback +birthday (like every year) so they just thrown in their predictation for their achievements - funny, they predicted to land at #8 in top 100 but we all know they actually got #1 :D
Thay talked about the trip which was planned by Tae ( during festa there were pictures of it on the festa “magazine” - i dont know how to call it sorry hahah but im sure you remember it) -Jinmin slept in one room, Hoseok alone, Yoongi/Namjoon/Tae/Jungkook in one room but Jungkook couldn’t handle NAmjoon’s snoring so he slept somewhere else
They made Hobi drank for not putting the right amount of number on Yoongi’s cake lmao (there was a question about Yoongz’ brithday)...btw if you noticed he was drinking through a straw hahhaa also he is such a lightweight like at one point he blanked out and Namjoon even hurried Yoongi’s ith the questions because Hobi was getting red hahah
They scored each other’s style ...Seokjin said something about how face (your look) completes your style so even if your style is not good your face cane save it lmao...the confidence...  + They praised Namjooni saying if its fashin then its KimDaily ~..a.lso they said Jungkook has been the same for years :) - he only started to change recently [ this was where Tae hit hobi accidentally lmao]
BBMAs/AMAS talk - Yoongi said he cried after AMA but not because he felt like wow, yeah we did it (write history etce tce) but because of the pressure? - i hope i understood it well
my favourite one: IS it hard to be a maknae? it was a direct question to Kookie - Jimin or Yoongi even told him to be 100% honest, but Jungkook said its not that hard...it has never been (because he feels at ease with the hyungs)...he is more awkward with younger people
the next question about true happines??...or something which made them genuinely happy without force...Hobi said it was his mixtape (later he talked about how Namjoon and Yoongi taught him everything about music and how thankful he was for them) ...i didnt get Namjoon (sorry my skills are not on his level sorry) Jimin talked about how the rap line writes song for them, feeling always relatable because they are about them and even thanked them 
Suddenly we took a turn and we ended up with Namjoon and Yoongi talking about how Yoongi has music for Jimin...or in Jimin’s style? because it fits with him perfectly and Jimin was like: give me them, give me...and out of nowhere Tae said I will give you one ...BTW later they also talked baout how Tae was composing songs, Namjoon complimenting him and Jimin proudly saying that Hold Me Tight was also great and the beginning of V but that time the others /directs his words to Joonie˛/ doidnt take him seriously or there was a misunderstanding (sorry not clear) so Namjoon apologized and hugged Tae
Request of other members: Jimin pointed out something with the shoes..if im right, bangtan (Namjoon) doesnt put his soes in their places mostly hahah
MEmbers who you are thankful? - as I mentined before- Hoseok thank Yoongi and Namjoon for helping him improve as musician; Seokjin said Jimin: saying he is perfect , and hen he is having hard tie with dancing (namjoon too) he always helps them out ^^ ; Jimin pointed out the members, the team as his source of energy and teh reason why he works hard, Namjoon was talking about teh hard times during concerts; Taehyung revealed that when he was having a really hard time he received a long message from YOONGI!!!!! (everyone goes crazy over it) - Seokjin joked that eh barely got text from him, Namjoon saying that he gets short messages too hahahha Yoongi was csreaming from embarrassment - Yoongi said I love you in the end of his message ~ then it was revealed Jungkook also got message from Yoongi saying I love you at the end...and after that everyone was whining about how they want confession from Yoongi XD
what’s your motto in life ( i wont translate all of it because i already saw someone doing it on tumblr so...yeah...sorry t.t)
When I’m having hard time this is what i want to hear: - Tae isad: I love you then Jimin said that if Yoongu ever said i love you to him he would gain strength from it so Yoongi colly said: Jimina-ah i love you lol Tae was like after that: when i got the message i trie dto imagine how he would have sounded saying it (they asked him if it was similar) but tae imitated how he imagined it which was slightly different (NAmjin complainag again the lack of text from Yoongi’s part)
they they started the hardship of being an “idol” for being on the spotlight - the hardship how others see them - their stage “me” and real “me” struggle, the practice and yoongi was talking about the importance of family
- im getting tired...phew...my brain is freezing let me catch my breathe....-
btw my other highlight of the show was when Namjoon hurt his knee and Yoongi facepalmed or when Tae opened the soju hahah they were pretty funny in my opinion ~ also kookie admitting that he does 240 push-ups a day is pretty insane in my opinion lol   ...okay back to the main....
I didnt understand the next question ( im sorry im sorry...im going to study more in the summer to improve my korean ...im sorryT-T) but Jimin talked about a shooting experience if i get it right, saying that when it was cold he stopped thinking  (relatable lol)
they talked about school tests, and gave point out of 100 with different explanation to each other?  - they even joked that besides namjoon provbably nobody got 100 points on their tests  lol..and Yoongi even said that for his music exams he didnt get good results lol
last question: whats the meaning of happiness? ~ Jungkook siad: laughing/  Jimin joked at first but said he doesnt really know but something whcih makes him laugh, put him at ease? / Yoongi said he has been thinking about it for months but cant define it - basically you just feel it / NAmjoon: ...i cant ...im sorry i cant understand what namjoon says im so not on his vocab level that it hurts lmao / Seokjin: he talked about how he tries his best to lift up the mood / Hoseok said he thinks othervise than others - he said even if you’re happy you can cry? then Kookie said an idiom (once again im not on that level T-T) then Tae said happiness is when you dont have worry...he felt that when they went on the trip and he was just at peace, he gained lots of strength from it he just so happy during those days
Then Seokjin and Jungkook said the last words and they cheered ~
im sure there will be professional subs up soon...or some parts being translated  by others better than me ...but until they came out i wanted to at least help out others with that much i could understand...sorry if i made mistakes but i hope it was at least more than nothing ^^
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pumpkinscreams · 7 years
Blue Truck (Reddie)
Hey! I have nothing to say! This took a long time and i like it? It’s kinda diff btw, and it has a make out session...just letting u kno:)
Richie placed the tape into the car with one of his nimble hands, another one on the wheel. “Hey! Why’d you put my tape in!”
Eddie whined as he looked at the cupholder that the mixtape once was. Richie shrugged and pressed play. The car started playing a high volume final countdown, he nodded in approval to Eddie’s music choice, and threw the case back at the small boy, it almost falling out the open car window, open to the sunset air.
“Argh! Richie!!!” He dragged his word’s some more as he half caught the tape in a mix of flailing hands.
“Eds, we always listen to my music, I thought you would find the change refreshing!” Richie said as he grabbed a cigarette from his shirt pocket. And turned on the car cig light. Eddie was about to respond but rolled his eyes and put the tape back in his bag, melting back into his seat.
The boys were 16 now. A lot was different since those many years ago. The gang was still friends, pretty much. Bev moved and only came on holidays, they didn’t see Mike at school so he didn’t hang with the gang as often. Ben loved his books, and too busy writing to his new girlfriend Beverly. Ever since the battle, Stan had been way to distant from the other boys, and Bill was to busy withmwriting. Richie and Eds were the only ones that really stayed friends. I mean, it would help that they kissed a couple times. They were basically a couple, they would go on dates, always leave with a quick, goodbye kiss, casual, like they were the two most casual people in the world. They would get each other gifts, whenever Eddie was anxious these days, he always held Richie’s hand instead of going for his inhaler that he ditched before freshman year. And whenever Richie pulled for a cigarette, (which was a nasty habit he picked up from his dad) he always thought of Eddie, telling him how bad it was, how many germs there were and what it would do to his body due time. He looked over Eddie, who was singing out Final Countdown with Richie’s nirvana hoodie on with a pair of light wash jeans, which Richie gave the smaller boy to borrow after one particularly chilly autumn day, but now had become Eddies go to sweater. It was so big on the small boy that it almost went to his knees, and the sleeves hid his hands from the chilly autumn breeze blowing through the car windows. Eddie was observing the falling sun his eyes full of wonder.
Richies heart was filled. This little shit actually made him feel happy. He reluctantly turned off the cig light and tossed the cigarette out the window. But the only doubt the lanky teen had was, that they never gave themself a label. He tried,
“You're my little boy toy, how bout it Eds?”
“Beep Beep Richie!”
But he could never say really what he wanted to say. Just then the song changed, even though it was the first couple of notes, the two teens knew exactly what song was gonna play . Richie’s wicked smile widened as Eddie’s eyes descended into deeper and deeper despair, his face turning pink in embarrassment.
“Rich, turn it off right now!!”
I come home in the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your life right
“Richieeeee! Pleaasee!”
Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
And girls they wanna have fun
Richie started laughing so obnoxiously. He kept trying to say some joke about the song, but he was interrupting himself with laughs.
“Shut up. Shut up” Eddie kept repeating every time Richie laughed. He slumped into his seat, the hood going over his head and basically covering his face. Richies stomach was starting to ach from laughing so hard, he pulled the blue truck over on the ghost road. He turned up the volume and started singing along. Hands in the air.
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wan-
Eddie jabbed the radio and managed to pause the song.
“You’re not funny Richie” He furrowed his brow and, crossed his arms.
“Oh come on baby, I love it!” He smiled so wide he thought his face would split
“I can just imagine you listening to it in your room, only some undies, and jumping on your bed!” Richie enthusiastically says (While thinking that that would be amazing to witness) as he grabs Eddie’s shoulder, swaying him, only for Eddie to wiggle out and find himself sitting on his knees. They were on a dirt path to nowhere. This was the two’s favourite thing to do. Just drive and talk, Eddie finds it as a refreshing change, when he’s not being harassed for his music choices.
“Beep beep Richie!” Eddie said as he climbed to the back seats of the car.
“Eds, what the fuck are you doing?” Richie moaned as he tried to not get hit by some flailing leg of the smaller teen who wasn’t the most elegant guy.
“Don’t call me Eds, and if you keep being an asshat, I’ll sit in the back.” He stubbornly said as he sat in the seat furthest from the taller boy in a big jean jacket, black skinny jeans and a Guns n roses t-shirt.
Richie corrected himself.
“Why would this be punishment? Now the bitching and moaning is a lot quieter” He said as he turned his whole body, legs on the back seat and back on the wheel.
“Well, after these hangouts, you always give me a goodnight kiss. And now it’s a Hell of a lot harder Tozier!” Eddie said originally as a retort, not completely thinking it through. The car went silent. The two never really addressed the tension. If they kissed, they wouldn’t dare talk about it. It was just them, interacting.
“Say goodnight to your mom for me Eds!”
“Shut up Rich!”
A small peck from Richie to the boy
“Goodnight Richie.” Eddie would say through a mask of blush as he opened the car door.
And that was it. A gesture. Just part of their routine. Neither would dare mention it.
Until now.
“You’re saying I don’t like a challenge, Kaspbrack?” Richie said, breaking the silence. Causing him to blush an ambitious red. Sitting on his converse covered feet.
“I didn’t want to put my playlist on anyways! It’s your fault!” Eddie said with a bit of seriousness, he hated when Richie made fun of his feminine behaviour, but he also secretly loved to annoy the boy as much he did him. He furrowed his brow again and crossed his arms, looking at the much taller teen. Richie got up from his sitting position and half crawled into the backseat of the truck. He failed halfway and ended up falling onto the seats hitting his head with a grunt on the car door and his legs almost kicking Eddie.
Richie started laughing at his own hilarious tumble but Eddie’s anxiously felt different.
“Shit Richie, Are you ok?” Eddie said as he sat right in front of the boys stomach.
“Jeez, I’m ok” Richie said as he sat up, holding the tender part with a chuckle.
“No you’re not, here, let me feel it.” Eddie said with a furrowed brow.
“Damn Eds, at least buy me dinner first”
“Shut up. You’re moving too much.” Eddie spoke as he was feeling around the boys curly locks for a bump.
“That’s not what your mom said last-” He was interrupted by his own hiss of pain. Eddie found the bruised part of the boys head. Eddie immediately moved his hand down to stop the pain, leaving it in the curve of the boys boney neck.
“It’s just a bruise, you’ll be fine” Eddie said, realizing how close the two were, and Eddie basically on Richie’s lap.
“No shit Eddie spaghetti!” Richie said, ruining the moment. Just as Eddie was about to Roll his eyes Richie grabbed the small boys face.
Richie kissed Eddie.
Eddie at first lifted his hands and widened his eyes, in shock that Richie was actually doing something the boy dreamed of doing since they were kids. His whole body was full of love for the boy colliding faces with him, the boy that he’s slowly fallen in love with wanted him.
He slid his hands back at the boys warm neck. His eyes drifting closed, melting into the kiss. Richie tugged the boy closer to him by sliding his hand around his waist. He never realized how damn cold Eddie was. His sweaty palms cooling off. Eddie was really going at this, Richie was concerned he would have bruising on his head and lips. Eddie finally moved his legs over Richies to actually be straddling the taller boy in this battle of dominance. They stopped for a quick breath of air. The two boys were panting, looking at each other through the fog of Richie’s glasses, both completely red.
Eddie slowly takes the glasses off of the boys face.
“Eds, I think we’ve already passed the point in the movie where you know I’m beautiful with the glasses off.” Richie squeaks through pants. Eddie places the glasses on the front seat.
“They were in the way, trashmouth.” and excitedly smashes into the boys freckled face again. The two teens were messy, hands all over each other, and they wouldn’t have it anyother way. Richie slowly descended onto his back, with Eddie falling with him, with Eddie tilting his head to one side and Richies to the other. Richie softly but confidently grabbed Eddie’s curly hair and ran it through his boney fingers. Holding the head of the most perfect fuck up. He was the only person that really understood Richie. Who understood why his family life was utter shit and he would much prefer to drive onto dirt roads in the middle of the night rather than actually face his family. Eddie placed his cold hands under the boys shirt. Feeling his warm chest against his frozen hands. It felt comforting. Richie slowly stops and starts kissing the boys neck. Eddie tried really hard not to moan but a small one slipped out. Eddie felt Richies lips curl on his own neck. Richie couldn’t help but laugh at the smaller boys squeak. Eddie sat up, sitting on the taller boys lower stomach. His face was red with embarrassment and a cheeky smile. He wiped all the saliva off his face with his hoodie sleeve, and looking back at the boy. Even though it was pitch black in the stuffy backseat, Eddie could see every pore, every eyelash, on the face of the beautiful boy lying in front of him.
“Smooth Eddie spaghetti.” Richie smirked as he sat up, the two boys face to face.
“Don’t call me that! I hate when you call me that!” Eddie lied. He secretly loved it.
Eddie planted a small kiss on the freckles that bridge the nose of Richie.
“You’re my boyfriend Eds.” Richie said with a huge lump in his throat. But he felt confident with the guy he just had a super messy make out session with. He twirled his nimble fingers through the small boys curly chocolate hair.
“I always was, Rich.” Eddie slowly snakes his hands around the tall boys neck, leaning his head in the crook of his neck.
The two blush a bright red.
The sun finally goes down and the two drive home. Singing and laughing to Girls just wanna have fun.
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fierrochase · 7 years
my favorite moments from the lightning thief musical: a list
far from comprehensive, because it was all-around amazing :D 
also geez i meant for this to be short?? ok this is the long version and i’ll post an abridged one that’s a bit less wordy in a few
in terms of production value, it reminded me a bit of a starkid musical - there were no fancy special effects, but i liked it that way! it felt homemade almost, like they didn’t try to convince the audience that they weren’t sitting in a theatre watching a show and i appreciate that! brecht would be proud lol (sorry for the lame theatre nerd jokes)
they included blue food!! sally and percy had blue marshmallows at montauk!! on that note, percy and sally’s relationship was absolutely spot-on, it was clear from the start how much he loved her and how much she loved him :’) 
they included the “you drool when you sleep” line boy I nearly cried!! ALSO she said that to him when he was still all dazed from the minotaur attack (a guy with a paper mache head, btw haha) so later when he meets her again when luke introduces her percy saw her and shouted “YOU’RE MY DREAM GIRL! no no wait I mean the girl from my dream!” it made me laugh like a fool and it was sooooo THEM like thank jesus lord, we’ve finally got a GOOD REPRESENTATION OF THESE CHARACTERS!! 
jumping off from that: chris mccarrell as percy was INCREDIBLE. he perfectly encapsulated everything percy should be - his impulsivity, his frustrations with dyslexia/adhd/not doing well in school, his love for his mom, his friendship with grover, his disrespect for authority (i refuse to use the word “sass” in relation to percy but i mean if it was 2013 that’s how i would describe it), his confusion, his bravery, his goofiness - when he picked up his sword for capture the flag he went “COOOOOL” and started making lightsaber noises and i almost teared up a bit i kid you not because I really finally felt like I was seeing Percy up on that stage. also, the boy has some wicked pipes. 
also for reference i’ll try my best to list who all played what part because there were a lot
percy and annabeth were just themselves the whole time, and grover also played mr. d in a few scenes but the rest of the cast played all the different parts
mr. brunner/chiron also played a random aphrodite girl (he wore a wig with long blonde braids skdjhfsjdh), medusa, poseidon, and hades
sally also played silena, the oracle, echidna, and charon 
luke also played smelly gabe and ares
clarisse also played mrs. dodds, katie gardner, a squirrel (to be explained later hah), bianca (also to be explained later), and thalia (also also to be explained later) 
& i’m probably missing a few but those were the major ones! they also played generic students, tourists, etc. 
chiron was really funny, when he revealed himself to be a centaur he sort of just stood up from his wheelchair and was wearing a fake horse tail and he walked everywhere by prancing which was funny
mr. d was ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL? as mentioned he was played by the guy who played grover! he was angry and he was loud and he wore this floppy hat and pants pulled up to like his ribcage and he shouted every line and i LOVED IT. a random/unnamed half blood came in and set up a metal chair for him at his table full of paperwork and he kicked it over in rage so she set it up again and he kicked it again later and she ran away and he tried to kick his chair over a third time but it wasn’t there so he went and picked it up just to kick it over again. ALSO HE CALLED PERCY PETER JOHNSON GOD BLESS THE WRITERS!!
also i’m giving them a thumbs up for diversity!! luke and sally were both african american and grover was latino!! it was nice!!
annabeth did call percy out for assuming her dad was the god, like i think that convo was almost word for word from the book AMAZING
also her crush on luke was super obvi, she got all giggly every time he talked to her or put his arm around her shoulder aw
they sort of condensed a few events, which makes sense because most people wouldn’t sit through a 6-hour musical (i would but that’s beside the point!), so annabeth’s capture the flag strategy was to send percy into the bathroom as clarisse bait. ALSO the toilet explosion & the later tidal wave he hits ares with were done by attaching toilet paper rolls to leaf blowers and blowing them all over the stage - like i said, no fancy special effects, but it got the point across pretty well!! 
percy’s claiming happened at the bonfire after they all sang a fun song about how much it sucks to be a kid of a god (during which grover ate his marshmallow roasting stick, like it’s the little things that make this show so great!!) and for that they stood downstage and all pointed vaguely outwards and said “look! the stars are arranging themselves into a trident!” hah
ALSO mr. d’s bit about wanting to turn percy into a dolphin was in there god bless
percy wore the winged shoes the whole time instead of giving them to grover!
^that all was act 1! act 2 was the entirety of the quest which meant that a lot of the events got cut or shortened
the medusa scene was awesome, and pretty true to the books!! also they both sort of ran offstage and then percy ran back onstage with his sword and the head in his hands lol
while grover went into the back of aunty m’s to look for supplies annabeth had this amazing, utterly badass song called “wise girl” about how she’s had to fight all her life to make it, like she talked about her stepmom hating her and running away from home and stuff and it was SOOOOO GOOD like at one point she said “boys who mess up are given a second chance, but i don’t have that luxury” like DAMN GIRL TELL THEM!! also she did call him seaweed brain a few times and i was like oooooh man i’d almost forgotten my vintage percabeth feels
also yes percy did mail medusa’s head to mount olympus and did this very percy-ish little “heh heh heh i’m clever” laugh as he did 
instead of a poodle grover asked a squirrel for directions which was cute!! and yes, annabeth did yell at percy to apologize to the squirrel for offending it :D 
most of the trip west was done as a song/montage sort of thing, from post-medusa to vegas all happened in one song! so echidna and her chimera were there, but it was just her holding a dog carrier and it biting percy’s hand when he reached in and them all screaming and then it moved on!!
OK UM the part that made my day was the lotus hotel, it was like 5 seconds long because annabeth was like “wait!! in the odyssey if you sleep in a lotus bed you wake up years later!” so percy was like “that’s ridiculous! here let me ask this girl how long she’s been here” and the girl was like “my brother and I have been here since thursday!” and percy was like “see? we’re fine” and then she went “in 1939!!” and they sorta screamed and ran out lol and she charlestoned off but anyway the point is she had black braids and a little hat and i turned to my sister and whisper-shouted “THAT’S BIANCA!!!” and she was like “OMG IT IS” i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god the writers of this ACTUALLY READ THE BOOKS!! 
ares’ first scene was kinda short too, they cut the bit about going to waterland/the tunnel of love ride and just had him give them a ride to the next place, also it was suuuuper obvi foreshadowing because when he gave percy the backpack an ominous chord played lol
my other fav moment was when they were on the train to LA (they cut the zoo truck too) grover told percy the story of getting annabeth/luke/thalia to CHB and they reenacted it as he sang about it (that sounds cheesy, it was the three of them up on the top platform sort of doing it in slow motion while Grover sang) and like ngl i almost teared up a bit when thalia died
no procrustes :(( i know i’m listing thing after thing that they left out but like i understand why they did and i don’t think it suffered too badly!! like someone who hasn’t read the book would probs be a bit confused but in what they did have they were so spot-on that i really didn’t mind!
charon was reimagined as a cool beyonce-esque r&b singer, she was like “hey, y’all want a copy of my mixtape?” lol, also they sang this real fun and upbeat song welcoming to the underworld, like telling them about all the cool dead musicians they have (janis joplin, kurt cobain, and mozart all made cameos - annabeth was fangirling over mozart it was adorable!) and the trio was like “oh this is cool!!” until they realized they were about to die lol and charon started evil laughing it was great!
percy did almost get drawn into tartarus, that was cool bc a trap door opened and all this fog lit with red light started billowing out! also when annabeth was like “that’s tartarus!!” percy went “THE FISH SAUCE??” adorable
hades was great!! very sulky like, “why does everyone always think I’M the bad guy?? maybe it’s the decor” i loved it
also the lightning bolt itself was really nice-looking!! it was like described, a tube with metal caps, but it lit up really brightly as annabeth took it out from the backpack and it looked real cool!! 
instead of the pearls they escaped the underworld with a conch shell that poseidon gave percy in a dream way back after he defeated the minotaur and he did have to leave sally which is sad every time :( 
the final battle against ares was fun, that’s when percy sang his showstopper “son of poseidon” which was truly #lit. if/when they release the cast album that’s the one i’ll be playing on repeat and full blast. and he exploded the toilet paper ocean at ares and it was fun! 
poseidon showed up then to take the bolt back to zeus and chat with percy, he was in his hawaiian shirt and looking real cool! and he got sally back and after she hugged percy real tight she saw poseidon and they had a heated moment of “you’re as beautiful as ever” “you’re as charming as ever” and then percy was like “OKAY THIS IS WEIRD” truly great!!
and they did include the final chat with luke about kronos! i was wondering if they’d cut that because it’s not like they can do a series of musicals (though if they did i’d go see every one) but they had it! plus they needed to tie up the loose end of percy being betrayed by a friend! and he stabbed percy in the lower back but was disarmed by annabeth go girl!! but he didn’t take long to recover hah because he was able to sing the badass closing number about being cool demigods and saving the world!!
anyway there’s much more that i forgot to mention but just know overall that it was amazingly true to the characters and the tone/world/humor/etc. of the books and i was almost giddy for the rest of the day because it was one of the most loving, fun, entertaining, and on-point adaptations of a book i’ve seen in any form. m*vies who?? i only know the musical!!
feel free to send me asks if you want to know more about a particular scene!!
jesus lord this was long!! like i said, short version forthcoming!
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