#he’s not a groomer he’s just a loser. or whatever.
rosesradio · 1 year
honestly now that i think about it it’s kinda wild how any anime fans are antis in any way. i’ve only ever liked like two anime/manga series & watched a little bit of some others & like. even in the most lighthearted animes there’s some form of incest or grooming or something going on. when it comes to fucked up shit you kinda gotta get what you pay for. i highly doubt there’s anything in anime (most media for that matter but especially anime) that isn’t on some anti’s Big List of No-Nos
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richeeduvie · 4 months
weve seen the twitter liking spree roman goes on in logan au. what tweets is he liking in kendall au? is there any fallout from that?
We know Logan isn't as anywhere near as threatened by Roman as Kendall is. But the tweet spree did get him a little, the foot video got him a little worse. Can we imagine Kendall's reaction to the whole situation? We can.
A news account posts a pap photo of Kendall and Baby.
'imagine bagging that and then turning her into a druggie like what'
'jumpscare: Groomer and his victim on the TL'
'can I call the police?'
'brother ugueh'
'You guys are fucking losers lol. She's a billionaire who did that all on her own, she'll be fine.'
'booo boo you boring boring fucking bitch'
'Did I just piss off Roman Roy'
Kendall's looking at the screenshots of what Roman's chosen to like. It's a blank, closed-mouth stare.
'The Roys share pussy and seeing how she was being he pumped her with heroin, I understand why'
'Men can ruin a woman can't they like oh my god'
'...Is he trying to kill her?'
The fallout in terms of Waystar's reaction and the news's response to Roman's tweet spree is the same. But with Kendall?
Kendall's silent. Beady. Roman's rolling his eyes at it. Just fucking...be pathetically mad. It's not going to change anything.
They're alone in a room together. Roman's got his arms crossed.
"I'm not bad for her."
Roman's pffs. He scratches the back of his head.
"Yeah...I...I um - I don't think that's the general consensus but yeah. I do know that. Don't make this into a fucking thing."
"You made it...you made it well known how you feel about the situation of the person you didn't choose so - I think I-I need to make this into a thing. Or maybe I just need you to know that she's okay, Rome. I understand that you're still angry, but she's fin-"
"Fuck off. I liked some tweets about your druggie love. For me? That's PG. And all of those tweets were PG. Get over it. It doesn't mean anything except that I drank. Are you going to deny Roy drug usage?"
Maybe it's not so bad, only because it wasn't as if Baby's liking the tweets. Kendall knows how Roman feels.
Still, it's something to see Roman and those tweets - the way the world feels about them. It shouldn't matter, but if she ever saw them, they could. They can't.
And he wants to make Roman hurt, just a little. Not out of his own desire, but just spite. It's fucking childish, whatever.
But he's not bad for her and Roman can't just get out of this with a stupid, smug smile and a pitchy laugh.
"Even if I was, which apparently I am according to your fucking timeline...you do think it would be your fault if anything happened to her, right? Cause this is kind of all your fault and you just find ways to pin it on me...so yeah."
Roman's pffy smile drops. His arms drop.
"Because apparently I'm trying to kill her but outside of that, even, just us being together is your fault. Wasn't it that whole Tabitha thing? Or...whatever, I wasn't invested in it. But it's not. Things just happen. But if you're going to believe anything, it should be that and not you being a fucking asshole to me."
Kendall goes to leave. Roman almost claws at him, but he just breathes hard and alone instead.
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Semi vacations
Exams are finally over, i think i did great. However i don't know WHEN will we get our results but i am sure at 100% I'll pass. After all i studied hard enough! It's finally summer break! Though I'll have french exams to pass next weeK but it's just to get a diploma and it's easy.
It's weird that just this morning i was very excited about summer holidays! I thought to myself I'd rest, do everything i want, play, have fun but I'm already bored. If anything, i likes better studying rather than doing whatever I'm doing.
I think i just need a groomer because I'm romantically bored, I've never been in a relationship, I'm not even sure if I'm in love. But i decided on giving up on that boy i like! I think he hasn't broken up with his girlfriend yet since he hasn't removed her from his highlights yet. Anyways, even when i try to think positive like "she'll leave him anyways, he'll end up liking me", i can't help but find other reasons why it wouldn't even work between us and i end up crying!!!! Because, obviously, when you want to date someone you have to at least see their face and hear their voice, something that I'll NEVER do! Unless i grow to be less shy. I'm so not his type!!! If i ever send him a picture of myself he'd probably gag and block me anyways. I can't even take pictures. So if i have to be honest with myself, I'll never be his girlfriend, let along his wife!!!! Unfortunately i am too dumb and stupid, can't get him out of my mind, i still have hope i think.
I think i still need someone to rape me because I think it's the closest thing i can get from love!! Or at least a groomer!!!!! I need a groomer, holy cowww it makes me feel valuable and actually slightly desirable?? I would love to be sexualized! Because it'd feel like being one of those very hot and sexy characters in shows that every man falls for, dreams of every night. I guess that kind of makes me a whore
But i really hate whores! I hate whores that get men's attention because it's unfair!!! I consider most girls i don't talk to whores, i think it's because I'm insecure, but whatever.
If i was less of a loser and more of a pretty drop dead gorgeous girl i would have an acceptable view of women and a better relationship with males. I am very bored of this plain stupid meaningless life, no matter how hard i try to brighten my vision of life it only seems to get darker.
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isa-ghost · 1 year
uh, is dream a slur now or something? I saw people censor it and your tag #dream mention and... kinda confused? even rowling or other globally hated people or people who legit belong in jail don't get censured so like... what he do '-' isn't he just the minecraft dude that had too many kid fans who scattered after his face reveal or something?
He's a groomer. Like proven groomer, he admitted to a Part of the whole thing, and many people then showed screenshot evidence that it meant it was all true bc if only the part he admitted was true it wouldnt make sense. He also went to court over it (which his stans were doing nothing but drooling over him being in a suit. not like. yknow. caring At All that this is a court case about him grooming a minor).
He's also generally an asshole, irresponsible with his platform, immature about a lot of things, and has a history of other tasteless bullshit (racism to name at least one thing). We would be here all day if I told you EVERYTHING that would answer your "what did he do." Anyone who sees this and wants to make a nice long list with links or whatever can feel free to do that though
Its also a trigger tag for some people because he and his controversies/etc make them that uncomfortable or angry
Sometimes not censoring his name means his stans find you and those pieces of shit will gladly doxx the shit out of you for speaking ill of him. Same with Ge*rge and S*pnap stans
Also I've seen "tw rowling" and stuff like it plenty of times, idk what secluded corner of Tumblr you've been in. I've seen tons of that stuff /nm
But yeah uhh he sucks, he's disgusting, he's a douche, and if anyone who sees this wants to include a list of links to threads or whatever about his past bullshit, feel free. We love to drag that loser here.
[Obligatory Dr*m stans do not fucking interact if this ask somehow blows up. Block me and leave me the fuck alone.]
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
Damn last time I posted here I said I'd see you the next evening but now I'm here 3 days later. Sorry about that XD
Life really will screw you over like that.
Anyways, now to the points...
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"Also I agree with the user, show proof or shut your mouth you dumbass." Lol that sure is ironic, considering the fact you give no proof of any of the claims in your post, especially when I know the stuff about Club and Tri is wrong, and you're also supporting the Probium person when all they do is scream baseless slander and isn't even brave enough to fully admit they're against Club, when it's obvious they are. Probium, very much like you, doesn't want to hear anyone but themself and spouts whatever bullshit they want. (And I'm not sure what pronouns Probium uses, so I'm just gonna use they/them for them for now. If someone informed me what pronouns they use, that'd be helpful. Bc I'm not gonna unblock them just to check lol.)
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Nah the reason he was banned is bc you petty losers mass-reported him, smh. "I wont mention they are for their safety" You only care about their safety when they're on your side, hm? "Cuz tri twat stalks this blog like the petty bitch she is." Uhh no??? You're the ones who harassed her and the reason why her and everyone else against you looks at your blog is bc we want to prove your shit wrong and stop you. Keep crying over people defending themselves, lol. " those rp journals have been deleted, alongside his ‘pushing his special needs agenda woa is me boo hoo’ journals." Special needs agenda?? HELPPP these people are making up the new "gAy AgEnDA" over their bigotry LMAOOO. "Dont bother coming back, we will always be watching," Honey you can't say that then tell me you aren't creepy, obsessive stalkers lol. "WE WON." Yeahhh no you didn't, Club's friends, such as me, will always support him and remember him fondly. I'm still on DA and contributing to his group and also speaking up for him here, and you can't do nothing about it. Club also has amazing friends who miss him and still want to talk to him. And despite how big you talk, there's nothing you can do about it. It's pathetic.
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Ain't no way DADramaNow expects Club to be able to identify every single one of Sam's THOUSANDS of alts lmao. How the Hell is someone ALWAYS supposed to know???
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Lol here's an instance of DADramaNow attacking a kid just bc he's friends with Club, and also calling him a "pedo in training"?? Ew. "hey robert, if ya hate pedos, why ya hanging with club pedoverse? " Hmm maybe bc he's not a pedophile?? And once again, if Club WAS a manipulator and groomer, that would be fucking horrible to blame and attack the kids for being manipulated. Face it DADramaNow, you aren't the good guy either way.
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Proof, lol? And remember sweetie, screenshots don't count!! <3
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Tbh I wouldn't want to be in those groups anyways if they believed your ableist bullshit.
Anyways that's enough for now, I'll HOPEFULLY be here again tomorrow evening, bye Tri!
Looks like those criticizing our existence just want leverage, as always.
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what each of my ocs would do if a cat happened to be on their doorstep
just like….mysteriously …
Blair would take it to a very expensive groomer and give it a kitty makeover. she would probably name it something cunty like Chanel or a stone/rock typa thing like Diamond or Jade
Blair and kitty be matching!!!! Kitty wear pink collar, Blair wear pink scarf!!!! she takin kitty everywhere kitty sidekick!!!
although realistically Blair would be grossed out at first like which PEASANT left this creature here….oh! It’s a stray….? Ummm…okay that’s still gross it probably has fleas and rabies or something but…it’s cute …
Vincent pullin out the CaseOh KITTYYYY!!! he is absolutely going to name it something fucking stupid like cheese. Or like. Microwave
this, for some reason, would piss Logan off.
the next time you open Instagram expect to see an account dedicated to his cat simply loafing or doing silly things and like. All the captions call it car instead because he thinks that’s the epitome of comedy
Kim be like. GET IN HERE NEOOWWW (she already has cats) (and birds) (turtle as well….) (will not shut up about her pets) she’s like- prolly the only one that would name it seriously lmfao like she would actually try and give it a fitting name based on its eyes, fur, personality etc
Veronica be like omg stop
(btw she takes care of all of them ofc! she knows how to care for each animal properly)
you can’t just take every animal you see in, Kim, like gosh 🙄
anyway nobody cares about these losers
Logan (my beloved) would be all angsty like ugh…cat..whatever..
but …
kitty…? Cute…can’t let anyone know…
would also take naming it seriously
Logan being the edgelord he is would name something like raven, jet, eclipse, nova or maybe onyx
but what you wouldn’t know because you’re not cool and he doesn’t like you is that he has a secret kitty nickname!!!
a nickname he mutters as he pets kitty on the bed..
a nickname that he lets slip out when kitty jumps on his lap or does that like…kneading bread thing
yaaaay you’ve made it to the end of my ramblings!!! yippeeeee
this is just a self indulgent thing honestly it feels so good to write these again
I miss 2019
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the-based-brit · 2 years
Sean Odonnel is very real bc officialmacgyver claimed to steal a gif from him when in fact he created it.
I have his artstationpro profile and his Instagram and when I confronted him on there is proved as much.
Just because a person on the internet tells you that they do something doesn't mean that they're not lying he claims to have combated child sexual exploitation material but the description he gave basically makes it sound like he just did data entry.
You are a retard and no one interacts with you other and pedophile groomers so I'm going to stay away from you and block you now because there's something very wrong with you.
1. Who gives a fuck if he’s real or not?
2. You’re obsessed with this Sean O’Donnel guy and it weirds me the fuck out.
3. Since you’re not posting any sources, I’m going to assume you’re just making shit up unless you can prove otherwise.
4. Go ahead and block me, asshole. You think I give a fuck? I don’t like you anyway and I couldn’t care less about you. You should also spend less time harassing people on Hellsite.com and more time outside your mom’s basement, touching grass or whatever. Get a fucking life and stop sperging in my inbox like the loser you are.
5. You wrongly call people pedophile groomers all the time. It should be a drinking game, where we drink a shot every time you call someone a pedo groomer (when chances are they’re literally just normal people and Kenny is probably the one you gotta hide your kids from)
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killedgirl · 3 years
got damn i wanna ask u stuff but I'm having writers block and u guys never reblog those ask memes either so u got me googling 100 rare questions whatever here goes 😭:
What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
21. If you couldn’t be convicted of any one type of crime, what criminal charge would you like to be immune to?
29. Who was your craziest / most interesting teacher
50. If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator? (😾 right?)
1. uhhmmm idk i think i eat pretty normal food. uhhh...... i like frozen grapes. ik thats not a weird food combo but if u havent tried it you should
21. stealing obviously lol <3
29. well ive mentioned the spanish teacher with the eyepatch and the parrot who got stabbed to death by his son.. and my english teacher who was arrested twice and the kid who asked her to autograph her mugshot for him. but neither of those teachers were crazy its just kind of crazy (and sad) stories. like my teacher whose husband killed their sons and himself. but i only had her for a semester and i never went to class i just heard about it in the news. oh my 6th grade science teacher got fired for driving a minor across state lines. idk if he was arrested. and there was that one groomer instructor at art camp. OH and my other teacher in high school who tackled me in class because i took a video of her jumping on a table chasing another student LMFAOOO she was crazy i miss her. she made me cry once tho because i turned in a test without doing the back and she accused me of doing it on purpose?? anyway the most impactful teachers ive had were 2 male teachers in high school who were like father figures to me. i ate lunch in their classrooms a lot and played card games and talked about life. (there were other students there i promise i wasnt a loser in high school surprisingly i was pretty popular). i forgot what this question was about now
50. 😼
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quellgame · 4 years
Prolegomena 1 - Nietzsche's Legacy
a. Cringe Culture as Philistinism
In his book Anti-Nietzsche, Malcolm Bull provides a thorough critique of Nietzschean aesthetic thought. “Philistine,” Bull claims, is the insult of contemporary times. A philistine is somebody who refuses to appreciate high culture, or fine art; one who denies aesthetic value. Yet, for all the vitriol, nobody seems to have taken on the mantle of philistinism. If there are no philistines, what explains the endless accusations?
If philistines were to have a theory, argues Bull, it must take shape as the transience of all values. We know from Nietzsche that nihilism approaches the devaluation of all value - but that this very devaluation requires a re-evaluation. For Nietzsche, evaluation ultimately takes the form of aesthetic valuation. It is easy to deny specific values, but it is not so easy to be rid of value altogether. Nietzsche argues that it is impossible to completely remove valuation. Once all other values have been removed, nothing is left but pure preference. This is the role of the superman: as taste-maker - the creator of value. But if there is no base on which value rests, why not re-evaluate these newly created values?
Thus, although value may be ineradicable, it may also be fragile, and its existence in any one area a contingent historical fact dependent on local conditions. [...] With this in mind, it is worth asking whether the fact that philistinism is a form of negation that is universally condemned but nowhere visible may be [...] a historically significant indication of the nature and location of positive value in contemporary society. (Bull, 6)
Nowhere can a challenge to aesthetic norms be seen more clearly in contemporary culture than in the based/cringe debate. “Based” refers to content that is aesthetically appealing in some undefined but culturally understood sense, while “cringe” refers to content that makes one “cringe” - is unappealing both aesthetically and morally. If Bull’s method is correct, it would do us well to take a look at based culture in an attempt to understand where its values lie. We’ll argue that based culture is oppressive. As based culture’s aesthetic opposite, we have a moral imperative to examine cringe culture so as to discover and replicate its value framework.
Bull’s genius lies in his method of deconstructing Nietzche: instead of reading Nietzsche as intended - on the side of the oppressor, or against the oppressor - Bull decides to read Nietzsche like a loser - as the one to whom all the fiery rhetoric is spoken. In this way, Bull discovers Nietzsche as a groomer, and positions himself as a rejected candidate. He examines Nietzsche’s rhetoric and theoretical framework to understand how and why Nietzsche is so capable of pulling in an audience and making them believe him. I’ll argue that Nietzsche’s abusive rhetoric is directly mirrored in both fascism and in based culture.
b. Nietzsche as Groomer
Nietzsche intends his books to be read for victory. He calls to an audience like himself, those who “belong to a time that has not yet come to pass;” in other words, people who might transcend the “idiotic,” “subhuman,” “slave-like” nature of contemporary society. Clearly, this is cruelty, but it is
[n]o wonder Nitezsche can so confidently identify his readers with the Supermen. It is not just flattery. If Nietzsche’s readers have mastered his text, they have demonstrated just those qualities of ruthlessness and ambition that qualify them to be ‘masters of the earth’. (Bull, 35)
One might recognize this as the first step in any grooming process: flatter your target, make them feel safe and loved. Fulfil for them a need: in this case, the need for power. Once the indoctrination has begun, those in power can begin to ostracize and criminalize the group they have othered. In Nietzsche’s case, few are left unscathed: only those powerful enough to say “yes” to the void will find within themselves the power to create value - and only they can survive the onslaught of nihilism. The rest will perish - and to Nietzsche, that is a good thing.
This is clearly mirrored in grooming tactics used by white supremacists and pedophiles. I will use my own experience as an example.
// CW: pedophilia, white supremacy //
As a child I spent a lot of time on a forum dedicated to the Super Mario Bros. franchise. The forum was not age-appropriate - several members talked openly about their time on 4chan; about pornography and subculture. Naturally I was curious. I wanted to consider myself grown, so I could talk about my interests. So I emulated the adults’ behavior. Eventually I started consuming pornography and visiting 4chan’s /b/ board. That’s where I was first exposed to Nazism and to child pornography. I recall having conversations about loli and shota when I was fairly young. I thought this was all quite normal - or at the very least, that I was strong enough to overcome whatever may happen to me as long as I could satisfy the need to see bodies like mine in a sexual context. In many cases, child pornography would be packaged alongside pornography featuring trans actors, as both were considered equally “alternative.” This is how I first discovered trans women - and this is not an uncommon narrative.
I was made comfortable: welcomed into a community where I could talk about my interests to a sympathetic audience. I was told I was special. I found myself trusting this community more than my local culture - they gave me an outlet to explore my queer identity from a young age. Then they showed me content that was actively harmful to my psyche - and I was threatened with jail time and social ostracization should I be caught. This is the grooming pattern.
Nietzsche makes his audience comfortable: he fulfils the need to obtain power through his writing style. He tells his audience they are special - literally superhuman. Then he launches abuse at every opportunity. He creates his sense of power through relating to the master race, the blonde beast; by actively deriding others and openly calling for the extermination of all “slave-like races.” And he says: we are unlike the others, you and I; and should you tell them this, you will be ostracized. So stay with me. Let’s conquer the world together.
This is directly echoed in the fascist grooming pipeline. Gamergate is an exceptional example: gamers were made to feel oppressed; they were made to be othered, then used the rage at their so-called oppression to be swayed into fascist beliefs. And should they leave, they too would be exterminated. You must be based. Kill the cringe. We see now the slogan “6MWE.” We see open genocide and warmongering in the American government (which, frankly, is nothing new). America has become a proudly fascist state - and much of this is with Nietzsche’s influence.
// CW //
If Nietzsche’s core project is abusive, how do we overcome it? Bull’s method is to reject the core hermeneutic: instead of reading for victory, we’ll read like losers. Whenever Nietzsche fires abuse at some subhuman thing, we will take the position of the abused. “Rather than reading for victory with Nietzsche, or even reading for victory against Nietzsche by identifying with the slave morality, we read for victory against ourselves, making ourselves the victims of the text. [...] Reading like losers will make us feel powerless and vulnerable” (Bull, 37). We can see this displayed quite clearly in cringe culture - it is an entire aesthetic created from the feeling of being worthless and small; of being less-than, plentiful, disposable - and embracing it. What does it mean to be one of these herd-creatures, so deprived of power? What could our values be?
c. Levelling
To understand what the losers of the nihilistic future believe in, we need to take a quick look at the history of Nietzsche’s interpreters, and how our understanding of the history of nihilism has developed over the years. This is the same history as the history of Being, the history of Nothingness. Bull spends much of the text discussing this, and it is well worth the read, but we’ll have to suffice for a brief synopsis here.
Bull brings us from the superman down to the lowest form, travelling from subhuman to animal to inanimate. He does so by continuing to read like a loser: examining Nietzsche himself, then Heidegger, then contemporary scholars Vatimo, Nancy, and Agamben. In each of these scholars Bull finds a target: for Nietzsche, the subhuman; for Heidegger, the animal; and for our contemporary scholars, the inanimate. In each case we must consider ourselves the loser of the exchange - we must consider ourselves as one with the subhuman, the animal, and the inanimate. We must become a mirror, reflecting on mu - absolute nothingness.
In essence: We must bring ourselves down to the lowest level of the un-valued if we are to escape the extremities of prejudice which Nietzsche’s lessons, so embedded in our culture, have taught us. This is levelling. Its essence is radical empathy. Nietzsche’s earlier works were focused on overcoming nihilism; he later gave up and decided that he must himself be a nihilist, one who destroys. Yet, in declaring himself a nihilist I think he was grasping at a concept that Hegel explains best: non-nihilating contradiction. To overcome nihilism is the same as to become a nihilist: to become dynamite - self-nihilating. If we are to reevaluate all values, we must obliterate ourselves. We must re-evaluate the concept of self, the concept of reality.
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floralreddie · 7 years
Headcannon request about reddie doing stereotypically romantic/sexual things innocently (ex. Showering together but nothing sexual happening)
ya got it buddy
forever tags: @arielgirly, @trashmouth-smashmouth, @mzcescapie, @somenates27, @reddiesballoons, @cawcawhawkeye, @richietoaster @sassy-molassy
Richie has a damn filthy mind (he can turn just about anything into an innuendo, and all of the Losers are well aware of this)
he and Eddie started dating when they were sixteen, and they started taking things pretty slowly (because Eddie insisted they do, and the others weren't’ even surprised that Richie agreed wholeheartedly to whatever Eddie wanted)
they’re eighteen now, though, and the Losers are well aware that Eddie and Richie have done just about everything (they also make out all of the damn time, something of which Bev and Bill find amusing, Stan and Mike hate, and Ben just doesn’t care about)
Richie parades his boyfriend around like he’s a prize (because he is) and makes the filthiest damn comments that will always have Eddie screeching at him
they’re the perfect couple, though, and the Losers couldn’t be happier for them
Richie once told Bev, when they were high in the back of his pick up truck, that he fucking loves showering with Eddie
Bev went to roll her eyes because, shockingly, Richie was going to tell her something about his and Eddie’s sex life
but that wasn’t what happened at all
he stared up at the starry sky, a joint smoking in his pale hand and the stars reflecting off of his glasses, and started talking about the freckles on Eddie’s shoulder, and how he likes to wash the shower sponge over them
Eddie’s shower was roomier, he told her factually, and it fit the two of them easily
he told her how he liked to rub that vanilla shampoo Eddie had into Eddie’s scalp because, shit Bev, have you ever seen how soft his hair is??
Bev watches in wonder, high and in awe of how earnest Richie was being, as he explains in great detail how Eddie cleans every inch of Richie, from the dirt under his fingernails to shaving the prickly hairs that are appearing across his jawline
Richie tells her that he feels like a dog going to the groomers, with a goofy smile on his face
he tells her that Eddie is really good at head massages. he says that he has to duck his head as low as it’ll go, just so Eddie can rub the shampoo into his wet, curly locks and rub the suds into his scalp
Richie tells her he often finds himself falling into the wall because he starts dozing off. That’s how good Eddie is at it
he tells her that Eddie likes to play with the freckles across Richie’s nose and cheeks when they crawl into bed together, probably naked and probably wetting the comforter on Eddie’s bed with their damp hair
Eddie, Richie says, will always wrap himself around Richie as their skin, hot from the shower, cools off in the air of his room
(he’s told his mom Richie is a part of his life now, and that he’ll leave if she doesn’t let that happen)
Richie runs his fingers along Eddie back when they’re like this, so bare to each other, because he has such a weird thing for Eddie’s back?? he doesn’t know why?? he just really likes his shoulder blades and the birth mark on the right hand side????
Richie passes the joint back to her with a shrug, an turns his head as he exhales the smoke
Bev stares at him as she takes it, mouth quirked and eyes wide. ‘Jesus, Rich. You really love him, huh?’
Richie frowns, blinks from behind his thick glasses, and replies, ‘Well, shit, Beverly. Was there ever any doubt on that one?’
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hotchnerfuckmeup · 7 years
Not So Sneaky
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!Reader
@marvelfanlife asked:  Could you do a hotch x daughter reader where the reader goes running with hotch her dad and it's kind of like a competition between the two of them and the reader cheats by taking a short cut where they run and hotch finds out as he knows when she lies cause he knows his daughter & is a profiler and instead of grounding her he goes to her school for career day and embarrasses her with the team as well like pretending to arrest her crush & he says that he hopes she's learned her lesson please? 💕
A/N:  I LOVE this request, it’s brilliant and cute and so funny.  Hope I do it justice!
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Y/N rounded the corner, a few paces behind her father.
“Wait up!” she yelled again.  He just laughed and sped up his moving feet, them carrying him much faster than before.  The stretching they’d done before they started didn’t help her much, her side beginning to form a stitch of pain.  
Her feet gradually slowed as she cupped her side, coming to a complete stop while her dad continued to run on, zooming through the park.  He was going to beat her again.  She hung her head down, disappointed in herself.  Why couldn’t she win, just once?
She knew he was close to their personal finish line.  There was no point in trying to beat him out now.  But maybe...
Looking around the park, Y/N walked towards the road, guesstimating how long it would take to run the path across the street.  It had to be at least a few feet shorter, making it the perfect short cut.  Walking slowly, she made her way across the street, looking for the path just in time to see her father crossing the finish line.  If she used this shortcut, she would be able to run right past Aaron without him knowing she took a shortcut.
Perfect, she thought with a diabolical smile before pacing out onto the path once again, meeting him at the finish line.
“Maybe next time, Y/N,” he told her, rubbing his fist against the top of her head.
“Yeah maybe next time,” she said in fake annoyance, trying to escape his grip.  She managed to conceal her smile, pretending to be annoyed at him.
“Let’s go get Jack and get some dinner.”
The next day, as soon as Y/N got home from school, she ran into the living room where her dad was helping Jack build a Lego set.
“Dad,” she said, “I wanna run today.”  She wanted to try out her plan.
“But we usually take today off,” he replied, looking up at her.
“I know, but we did some serious working out in gym today and I think I can beat you,” she replied, air punching towards him, mimicking a boxer.
He laughed and stood up.  “I guess if you really want to.  Let me go get ready.”
“I’ll take Jack next door,” she replied.  Her grin grew as he exited the room.  “Sucker,” she muttered under her breath.
“You’re crazy woman,” Jack said sarcastically, shaking his head at his sister.
She stuck her tongue out at him, running to her bedroom to get ready for their run.
“I’m totally gonna beat you this time,” she said to her dad, grabbing her foot as it came up behind her.  She was finishing up her stretching, much too ready to try out her shortcut.
“Sure you are, honey,” Aaron replied with a small smile.  He bent forward to touch his toes.
“I bet you fifty bucks I can.”
“Fifty dollars,” he repeated in a ‘you sure about that?’ tone.
“Hell yeah.  Fifty bucks says I beat you, whether it be ahead of you the whole time or I pass you at the finish line.”
Standing up straight, Aaron looked at his daughter through narrowed eyelids.  Her brows were raised, challenging him.
“Fine.  Fifty dollars,” he finally said, holding his hand out to her.  She smirked and shook it.
They both took their places at the corner of their street, the starting point they decided on when they started these runs.  
They started out as just a workout, something to get Y/N out of the house after school.  But as time went on, she made it her mission to finish before her father, wanting to feel satisfied in beating him, but ever day when they ran, he always managed to keep his pace just a little bit quicker than her, and she always failed to pass him.  Hopefully today, that would be different.
“Three.  Two.  One.  GO!” she said, prompting them both to sprint down the street that was the first leg of their run.  She managed to stay in front of him up until he passed her at the quarter mile mark.  She kept in her frustration, keeping her cool knowing that she’d win anyways.  
They finally approached the park, her a few paces behind him, once again.  It was the last leg of their run, ending on the other side of the street back towards their house.  She slyly slowed her pace, watching her father disappear around the corner as she quickly made her way across the street, watching carefully for her father.  When he came into view, she backed up a bit so he couldn’t see her as she waited for him to pass by.  His pace was picking up a bit, knowing he was close to the finish line.
As soon as he passed her, she moved back out onto the path, sprinting as hard as she could to the finish line.  Within a couple seconds, right before she finished, she passed him, crossing the finish line right before her father.
“YES!” she shouted, jumping high into the air but then bending over to look exhausted.  “I beat you old man!” she said through exaggerated pants, squinting up at her father.
He smiled and rolled his eyes, laughing at his goofy daughter.
“I won!  Finally!” she yelled, throwing her fists in the air, Rocky style.
“I guess you did,” Aaron admitted., shaking his head with his hand on his hips.
“You guess?  I smoked you on that last stretch,” she said with confidence as they walked together back to the house.  “And you own me fifty bucks, loser.”
Aaron’s brows furrowed, remembering that he was far ahead of her back at the park.  She managed to stay behind the whole time but sprint past him on the final leg, making her victorious.  He didn’t want to think too much of it.  Maybe she had a surge of adrenaline.
“You know, you don’t have to gloat,” he reminded her, opening the door to the house.  He was still panting and sweat was running down his face, the hot day making it worse.
“This is the first time I beat you, Dad.  I should be allowed to gloat,” she answered, ignoring any other remark he had to say.  He took a quick glance at her disappearing form, noticing she wasn’t drenched in sweat like he was.  Her panting had also subsided suspiciously.
For the next week, it was the same thing.  She’d taunt him that she was feeling good about winning, she would win, he would be tired and drenched while she barely broke a sweat.
Something was obviously up.  So the next time they were out for their run, he was careful to keep not too far ahead of her, listening for her footsteps the whole time.  As they approached the park, he could hear her footsteps behind him become slower and slower, eventually diminishing completely.  He took this as a sign to look back before he rounded up to the usual corner.
Sure enough, Y/N had  gone off trail and was crossing the street rather than following her father.  How did he miss that before?
Aaron walked back a few paces, seeing that she would be able to see him coming down the street to the end of their usual path. 
That little sneak, he thought to himself as he made his way down the street towards her.  She was leaning against a light pole, watching the path for her father.  When she realized he was taking longer than usual, she looked back towards the park, biting her nail.
“Y/N!” Aaron yelled as he jumped in front of her, causing her to yelp in surprise.  She place a hand on her chest.
“Don’t scare me like that!” she said to him.
“What are you doing?” he asked, crossing his arms, but a smile formed on his face, clearly impressed and amused by her little trick.
“What do you mean?” she asked, not knowing how to get out of this.
“You’re way off trail.  Our path is across the street,” he pointed out.
“I know.  Look, I was so sick and tired of you winning all the time and I just wanted to beat you so bad, okay?  So I found this shortcut and I didn’t think you’d notice,” she blurted.
“Okay,” Aaron replied simply, walking towards the path to their house.
“What?” she asked.  She expected him to be angry, not amused.
“I said okay,” he repeated with a shrug.
“Dad,” she said in a warning tone.  “What are you going to do?” she asked.  She could see the gears in his brain churning.  No way was he going to let her live this down.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied with a smirk, walking into the house.
Great.  She just had to suffer the anticipation of whatever agony he was going to put her through...
Y/N walked into the gym, booths sat up everywhere for the career fair.  High school was almost over and she needed to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.  Sure, she always thought about following in her father’s footsteps, but she wanted to have a backup plan in case saving the world was too much for her to handle.
The stress of the career fair just added on the the stress that had plagued her two weeks before.  That’s how long it’d been since her dad found out about her shortcut.  That’s how long she’s waited for her grounding of some sort, or maybe a cruel prank.  But nothing had happened yet.
“Anything interesting?” a voice asked behind her.  She turned to see Finn, her crush.
“Oh, all sorts,” she retorted sarcastically.  “I’ve always wanted to be a pet groomer.”  She motioned towards the station that had a large poodle on the front.
“I was thinking a job as a dishwasher would be fun,” he said, pointing to the booth sat up for a restaurant.  Seriously, who okayed these booths?
“Hey, isn’t your dad an FBI agent?” he suddenly, motioning behind her.  She turned to see a booth with a few familiar faces behind it.  The poster they had said ‘FBI - Criminal Profiling’.  A swarm of students were gathered around it, listening to who she recognized as Emily Prentiss give a speech about the Behavioral Analysis Unit and how it started, blah blah blah.  It wasn’t anything knew for Y/N.  She’d been given the rundown before. 
“Yeah, he is,” she answered hearing kids laugh at something the lanky Dr. Reid said.  
Aaron came out from behind the booth, a stern look on his face.  As soon as he made contact with his daughter, he started pacing towards her, the students and his fellow agents all turning to watch him.
Without hesitation, he pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket as he approached Y/N and Finn.
Damn it, he was going to embarrass her by arresting her in front of the whole senior class.  She rolled her eyes, thinking he could do better than that.
“Finnegan Torres, you’re under arrest,” he said, grabbing Finn’s wrist and cuffing it.  Y/N’s eyes went wide.  This can’t be happening.  “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.”  
“Does anyone know what agent Hotchner is saying verbatim?” Derek Morgan said.  Aaron was walking Finn up to the booth, his stern eyes never faltering, Y/N following close behind, realizing what he was doing.
“Miranda Rights!” someone called out.
“Right, good.  When you make an arrest, you recite the Miranda Rights to your suspect.”
“Was this just a demonstration?” Finn asked quietly, nervous.
“Yes,” Aaron answered, “and it was payback.”  He looked over at Y/N with a smile.  Y/N snarled and hid her face in her hands, feeling the eyes of her classmates on her.
“The FBI sounds fun,” someone said with a laugh.
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