#he’s being silly again… UnU
star-weeb · 1 month
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more silly rukawa?! :0
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prince-liest · 3 months
@cringefailvox made the mistake of lamenting the lack of Hazbin filler episodes in earshot of me, and I went off about it a little bit. Crossposting to Tumblr because I need to vent my frustration on this publicly Yet Again. unu
I WANT FILLER EPISODES. I WANT TO SEE HOW THE CAST INTERACTS WITH EACH OTHER IN CASUAL SETTINGS. I especially desperately want to know where Alastor stands with the rest of the characters, and where Charlie stands with Angel Dust.
We kind of get Alastor telling-instead-of-showing that he's growing fond of the others in the balcony scene with Niffty, but it's such a short/small moment that 1) we have NO idea how honest he's being with himself/Niffty about this because we haven't seen ANY of the six month timeskip and also 2) because it's such a short moment I think it just doesn't sink in for a lot of people anyway! It's sort of rare for me to see "growing fondness" reflected in post-canon between Alastor and the various hotel residents, and it's understandable why, when that one little semi-private reflection is all the insight we get on the subject.
Additionally, because there was so little time in the season, most of the character interaction moments we see are, like, more punchy high-emotion plot-relevant moments that feel pretty polarizing. And that makes it SO HARD to figure out things like where Husk and Alastor's normal relationship interactions lie on the scale of pilot-level silliness to "Alastor about to eat Husk's face in the hallway," or whether Charlie and Angel resolved any of their brewing conflict beyond Charlie's apology for interfering with his work - because there was soooOOO much more than that and their relationship was absolutely building toward making Angel Dust feel underappreciated and like the "irredeemable sex-having crackhead" compared to Sir Pentious, which I think could have been really poignant considering Pentious is indeed the one who got fucking redeemed!!!!!!! But that plot basically got dropped.
Like, last we checked in, Alastor and Vaggie both disliked Sir Pentious. Angel was able to bond with him some during Vaggie's exercises, but Vaggie refrained from killing him pretty much just for Charlie's sake and Alastor just barely sees him as a person. I want to see how they progressed to actually caring that he died!
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astarab1aze · 6 days
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Taro's Wishlist
a thread exploring the intricacies of nightfolk circuses and nightmarkets, particularly where it pertains to what nightfolk personally view as 'freakish' or acrobatically talented
a plot in which two lovers work to save the world together, be they 'chosen ones' or just a pair who took it upon themselves to do the hard work because it's the right thing to do, or maybe they're selfish and have ulterior motives
spice thread where it's essentially 'i'm so glad you're safe and alive' sex. there's a certain vulnerability in the relief and terror of barely managing to survive a given set of circumstances, and when those walls come crashing down? chef kiss
magic school shenanigans, falling in love in class, doing classwork together, stopping an evil mage from ruining everything for everyone else unu friendly competition and skipping class to makeout in the neverending staircase--
the muzzling and taming of mr loux garo, or his imprisoning at the triangulary and summary magical draining to then being tossed into the flesh-warden Additional Body Parts pile. break the poor dear out of prison!
vayn getting his very own knight in shining armor, perhaps literally. the classic prince and his knight trope, really. vayn deserves a storybook romance
thread where someone witnesses furie being possessed by mausza at least once
cyberpunk sunjatta. that's it, that's the idea
a full and complete exploration of viostra as both a barren wasteland and a crumbling ruin riddled with the undead and hallmark scars of a war unending - perhaps with hydre, since he's the one who condemned viostra to its fate
royal ball type thread where faith, the poor boy from the cathouse in purrna, gets to wear a gorgeous gown and meet a handsome man (who happens to be a prince) at the ball hosted by the eternal duchess of aefre - cinderella au sksksk
any plot in which my muses die or are severely wounded, those are fun
magical cave diving with viresca
a day in the life of average kirati citizens thread, maybe there's a tour and a deep dive into kirati culture, good food, grisly hunting trophies, the noticable presence of spider witchers at one of the inns--
life at the zurine university in zuri
single dad au for kaede, in which he and his daughter saki move to the countryside to start a new life far and away from the shikabane - spirited away shenanigans ensue
mecha/airship/paranormal/zombie/cyberpunk horror au, maybe shared universe? super weird mashup, but i have big brain ideas
some kind of s.pace d.andy/redline-esque thread
a grand, dark high fantasy epic built ground-up on vagueries and bad old english, serious undertones, dark symbolism & subtext, maybe get a little grimdark with it in the f.ear & h.unger kind of way - how does one handle a meatgrinder? two heads are better than one, but will they survive?
no magic/powers au, just. people.
loux getting cursed and transformed into the shape of a rat or some other such small animal, helping whomsoever is willing to help him out navigate traps, puzzles, and the like, then rewarding their efforts with a tungskin potion and a salacious remark
dad loux. dad kaede. dad hydre. dad mharra, because he's the kind of guy that would just- soften, utterly, and that temper would never again flare.
bear and bee thread, where muses get to spend the weekend at a meadery run by bears and bees complete with silly gimmicks and decor
faith getting take care of someone, anyone, in the fashions he knows how
asuka's friends visiting them in the hospital after their kidnapping
oblivion-esque mage's guild questline. i'm serious
fifth element au
corny, melodramatic rescue mission thread
hydre talking to x muse all the while subjecting the world to an icy death, pontificating pretentiously upon mortal morality and what is well and truly evil vs a consequence of natural processes
dates >:/ dates to the aquarium, midnight strolls, evenings out at the orchestra, vacations, dates at home where the muses cook together, watch movies, netflix and chill together, take baths and think about their lives, giggle over boxed wine or shots of moonshine
kaede getting to live his dream as a rock musician, classic guy meets guy
thread where everyone hits tethis with verbal low blows - he is not a good person
king keres, as the nightfather intended
muses getting srunk down to bug size and meeting the pygmy fey
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Day 6: Chase
Sean and Ethan just finish wrapping up Brain Leak Episode 11, and are ready to play around like the childish people they are. A lot of silliness ensues.
I was up at 1am last night, when I realized I forgot to upload the latest tickletober fanfic. But...I decided to upload it today to make up the difference, and upload today's fanfic as well. So...2 fanfics in 1 day? On accident? Sure. We'll call it that.
I decided to experiment with Sean and Ethan's podcast 'Brain Leak', and had written this back when the tickle scene for Brain Leak episode #11 was being talked about in the community. And honestly...I felt excited to write about these two! I watched a lot of Brain Leak videos to get their friendship interactions correct, so I hope this is accurate. I hope you enjoy!
Here's the link to Brain Leak if you're interested.
Seán got up and turned off the cameras, while Ethan stayed on the couch. “Alright. That’s a wrap for Brain Leak.” Ethan declared into the microphone. 
Seán laughed a bit. “Mic’s off, you know.” He reminded him. 
“Yeah, I know. But it’s funnn!” Ethan reacted dramatically. “You can spin it around, you can swing it back and forth…” Ethan started swinging the mic back and forth, while watching it swing with just his eyes. 
“You are getting sleeeepyyy…” Seán joked. 
To go along with the joke, Ethan leaned himself over and went limp before snoring dramatically. 
This made Seán laugh at him. “Woooow. Sooo sleeeepyyy.” Seán walked around the right side of the couch to the back. He leaned his arms on the back of the couch and started to whisper something to him. “When I snap my fingers, you will say ‘Buddy’ in your silly voice.” Seán said, giggling near the end, which only broke his facade as the hypnotizer. 
Sean’s giggles only made Ethan start smiling and giggling as well. 
“Hey, I didn’t snap my fingers yet.” Seán warned with a bright smile, poking his side. “You’re supposed to be sleeping.” Seán told him. 
Ethan jumped and giggled. “Sohorry, sorry.” He cleared his throat and pretended to be sleeping again. “Okay.” Ethan said quietly. 
Seán snapped his fingers, and waited for Ethan to do his thing. Right away, Ethan lifted his head back up, put on the stupid little signature face, and smiled all childishly. “Buddyyy!” Ethan declared. 
Seán doubled over and bursted out laughing, absolutely loving the Unus Annus reference. “Buddyy!” Seán imitated almost perfectly. 
“Buddyyy!” Ethan declared in his baby voice. 
“Buddyyyy!” Seán imitated, laughing. “God, I think we drank too much giggle juice before this.” Seán admitted. 
“What’s giggle juice again?” Ethan asked. 
“I dunno.” Seán replied. “Probably water.”  
“Ah.” Ethan replied with a laugh. 
Seán hopped back onto the couch. “Okay.” He thought for a moment. “Just to clarify, is it actually true that you can’t do massages?” Seán asked. 
“Yeah. My neck and shoulders are toooo tickly.” Ethan admitted. 
“Meanwhile I can’t even handle being touched.” Seán joked, touching his own right side. 
“Really?” Ethan asked in his ‘eef’ voice. “You can’t handle a little touchy-touchy?” Ethan asked, bringing his wiggling finger closer to Seán’s face.
Seán pushed his hand away. “Don’t even think about it.” He warned. 
“Aww come on, buddyyy.” Ethan said, referencing the Unus Annus quote again. “Not even a poke? Not even a little boop?” Ethan asked before bringing his other hand to his side. 
Seán pushed his other hand away this time. “You touch me, I punch you.” He warned. 
Ethan laughed. “Wohohow.” 
“That’s what’s gonna end up happenin’. You poke me one too many times, and I end up sucker punching you all the way to space.” Seán warned. 
“It’s just a poke.” Ethan told him. “Come on.” Ethan adjusted himself and put up his hands in fists. Only, both his index fingers were up. “Put ‘em up! Fight me!” Ethan teased. 
Seán raised his eyebrows. “Oho, you’re on.” He put up his fists with the index fingers up as well, and put on his game face for the poke war that was about to ensue. 
Seán ended up throwing the first poke. He poked Ethan in the left side, making Ethan double over slightly. “AH- Hey!” Ethan poked Seán’s right side with his left finger, before following it up with a right finger against the left side. 
“Ah fAHCk! You fuckin-” Seán threw his fingers towards Ethan’s sides and unloaded several pokes against him rapidfire. 
On the last poke, Ethan felt more than one finger touch down, which only made him laugh more. “HAHAhaha! Yohou cheater!” Ethan reacted, poking Seán’s right and left side with his index fingers super quickly. But Ethan’s hands would slip out of the fists, and he would end up throwing a few more fingers in. 
Seán fell back onto his butt and laughed, wiggling himself around and attempting to grab at Ethan’s hands. “ETHAHAHAN!” Quickly, Seán tried to take the upper hand. “YOHOHOU BASTArdly little-” Seán pulled Ethan’s arm out from his belly and pulled the childish blondie across his lap. “Gotcha now.” Seán proceeded to cover Ethan’s sides with tickles and squeezes. 
Ethan wheezed and closed his eyes, laughing almost hysterically as he kicked his feet like a little ballerina. While he wiggled around, Ethan managed to turn himself onto his left side with his back facing Seán, which somewhat got him out of an uncomfortable position. Ethan grabbed at Seán’s hands, attempting to pull them away and escape. “HAHAHA! KKKHAHAHAHAHA!” Ethan threw Seán’s hands away from his sides and just barely managed to escape on his feet. “HA! I got out!” Ethan cheered, throwing his hands away. 
Seán got up onto his feet. “Not for long.” He warned. 
Ethan looked at Seán, and quickly saw the mischievous twinkle that filled his eye. Realizing he might be fucked, Ethan sprinted away from him. “YOU CAN’T CATCH MEEEE!” Ethan shouted. 
Seán ran after him. “IS THAT A CHALLENGE?!” Seán yelled back. 
“I DON’T KNOW!” Ethan replied. 
Ethan ran through doors, thankfully having a better understanding of where he was going. Seán had started out following him, but seeing where Ethan was going, Seán quickly noticed a secret little passage he could take and turned to take the detour. 
Ethan turned around and smiled brightly. He had lost Seán! Time to get to the backyard and do some mad stunts! He opened the door to the backyard and ran out, not even bothering to close the door behind him. Ethan ran and slid across the green grass, completely covering his light brown pants in grass stains. 
Ethan made it to the bottom of the hill, and hid behind a tree. He was breathing heavily by this point, which he likely knew may be giving away his position. But he didn’t care. He felt he was hidden enough. He looked around at the yard, and sighed. He was safe now. He can rest. 
By this point, Seán had slowed himself down and was shaking his inhaler. He took a moment to breathe in the medication, and held his breath to let it kick in. He didn’t want to experience an asthma attack while he was simply running around with Ethan. that’d be a sorry reason to end up in the American hospital. When Seán felt physically ready again, he let his breath out and put his inhaler back in his pocket as he resumed walking at a faster pace to find Ethan. 
“Ethan?” Seán called, looking around. “Eeethan?” he called again, turning to look at the other side of the yard. “Eef?” Seán called teasily. 
Then, he heard it. A little Ethan giggle. A contagious Ethan gaggle. There was his clue! Now how to make Ethan giggle all over again… 
Seán thought for a moment, and smiled a bit as he remembered Unus Annus moments again. He remembered Ethan’s failure to say ‘skillet’. And then he remembered the infamous song…
“The dance of Italy!”  Seán sang loudly. 
Ethan gasped and smiled brightly. An Unus Annus song! “WOH-WOH-WOH!”  He loves that one! 
Seán widened his eyes. There’s no fucking way…That WORKED?! Seán sighed and rolled his eyes with a smile as he kept going. “The dance of Italy!” Seán repeated. 
Ethan sighed. “WOH-WOH-WOH!” Ethan replied, giving up and not even caring about being found anymore. 
Seán smirked and noticed a tiny finger hiding behind the tree. He showed off his teeth in his smile and walked closer. “It’s the dance of Italy~!” Seán said. 
“Woh-Woh-Woh??” Ethan said, turning to listen for where his friend was located. 
Seán ran to the tree. “GOTCHA BITCH!” He shouted as he charged at Ethan. “AAAAAAAH!” Ethan yelped as he was successfully tackled to the ground by Seán. 
The moment he managed to keep Ethan under control, Seán started poking the absolute heck out of the man. “Poke war finale!” Seán proclaimed. 
“AAHAHAha! HahaHAHA! OHO! OHOHO GOHAHAD! GAHA- HahAHA!” Ethan cackled, his voice going up and down, and all over the place. 
“A little poke here…” Seán poked his belly button a few times. “A little poke there…” Seán poked at his ribs next. “Ound a leetle poke zhere!” Seán declared in his ‘Henrik’ voice as he poked his right side a few times. 
Ethan tried and failed to push Seán’s hands away. “HAHAHA! Naha- PLEHEASE! Ahaha- Ihi’m SORRYYY!” Ethan reacted. 
“Sorry doesn’t fix how much I can tickle you now that we’re in-person.” Seán reminded him. 
It was here that Ethan started to try and get him back. His pushing hands moved to poking Seán back, specifically going for his right side. “Poke de nerve.” Ethan kept repeating. 
Seán jumped and chuckled, curling in on himself. “Yohou motherfucker.” Seán muttered, resuming his poking. 
Then, Ethan grabbed both his hands and used them to push his friend down. “Poke fight over. ONLY TICKLES!” Ethan covered Seán’s right and left side with endless tickles. 
This made Seán wiggle around and curl up into a ball, laughing involuntarily. “HAHAHA! YOHOHOU BAHASTARD!” He yelled. 
Ethan smiled eagerly. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle-” He kept repeating the word over and over again. 
“SHUHUT THE FUCK UHUHUP!” Seán yelled back at him. 
“Tickle tickle- Hm? Why? Too ticklish for your own good?” Ethan asked in his Eef voice. 
“WHAHAT DO YOU THIHIHINK, AHAHASSHOLE?!” Seán shot back, kicking his feet while still in the fetal position. 
“Would raspberries be too much for you-” Ethan started to genuinely ask. “DON’TYOUFUCKINGDAHAHARE!” Seán warned, pushing Ethan’s head away from him. 
“Ahalright, alright! Fine!” Ethan stopped his fingers and moved away from him. “Too much?” He asked. 
Seán let out a breath and slowly unraveled himself onto the grass. He grunted and sighed. “A little, yeah. But I’ll be fine.” Seán replied. 
Ethan smiled, laid down a couple feet beside him. They hung out outside for a little while longer, chatting about a few different things. They chatted about the next couple days of filming, and chatted about the different topics they may chat about on the podcast. 
Eventually, the boys went back inside and continued their conversations within the walls of Ethan’s home. 
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jessiarts · 2 years
Mobile-Friendly Comics list
Made this to help my Pinned Masterlist pages be accessible on mobile. Placing under cut for now to spare my follower's dashes lol
All the comics I’ve drawn, organized by various fandoms. Some original as well.
Infinity War Rewrite Comic - Sorta a “Loki fix-it” comic. What happens when Thanos demands the tesseract from Loki, but gets much more than he bargains for? How will this work out for not only Thanos, but Thor and Loki as well? (2019)
Loki borrows Tony’s 3D printer - Funny comic where Loki messes with Thor (2022)
Noobmaster69 Comic - Noobmaster69 strikes again and Thor lets him have it for being mean to Korg! But who is Noobmaster, really? And why does he keep coming back when he knows he’ll get yelled at by the God of Thunder?(2020)
“They didn’t feel a thing” - What was Mantis’s role in Ego’s quest for his children? Was she but a bystander- or more likely, did she play an active role, too innocent and brainwashed by her master to understand it was wrong? Does it keep her up at night? (2018)
Yondu and Loki comic - Sketch practice (2022)
GwenPool- Just GwenPool being GwenPool (2020)
Charlie Fix-It - Comic where Charlie lives at the end of S10 E21: Dark Dynasty
Creating things - Comic based on actual events [Also known as ‘Sad Blorb Repost Comic’] (2022)
You are my sunshine - Comic based on Tumblr post (2018) | Animatic version
Make me - Silly comic based on Tumblr post (2020)
Winnie the Pooh Xenomorph Comic - Pooh has a rumbly in his tummy, and it seems like honey won’t quite solve this problem! (2019)
Simpsons Werewolf - silly comic, Marge is a werewolf (2018)
Unus Annus Tribute Comic - Chibi Mark and Ethan vs giant Spider. This was inspired by Eef in the Paper Plane video, when he called a spider that came out of the fireplace “Santa,” and once I started drawing this I decided to go ahead and add a bunch of other references in it too. See if you can find them all! (2020)
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
... I just love OTPs, I can't help it.
OTP HEADCANONS: 2020 Edition
These will include the series of Red Queen, Dorothy Must Die, SGE, The Folk of The Air, and Nightmare Before Christmas(I'll throw in the Skellington kids, too, because I love them💙)
At the news of a Pandemic, Mare and Cal are equally confused and scared, but at least they're not on the battlefield.
They hold up in Paradise Valley until the quarantine is lifted.
It starts off fine with them doing puzzles, hiking, and doing some exercises to pass the time. Then 3 weeks pass and both are bored; Mare's bored enough to drink coffee onto of the fridge and Cal's sitting in a chair upside down because fuck court etiquette, he's so bored.
Cal contemplates luring wolves with dinner scraps again.
They had a mini argument that meant nothing because Cal's hair got long and he wanted Mare to cut it, she but only offered to shave his stubble, not cut his hair.
They both get a lot of sleep, and have a lot of nightmares, which they comfort each other from.
They also really enjoy the silence.
Cal gets into poetry and Mare paints. Both are surprised at how good the other is at their new hobbies.
They talk. A lot. It begins awkwardly and ends with the two in each other's arms.
Cal becomes more of a punner, and Mare loves and hates it.
There's tall of getting a dog, but there's one problem: Paradise Valley doesn't have any shelters, and they'll be arrested or forced ro turn back hime, regardless of rank.
Mare grows taller... by 2 inches. She almost killed Cal for how much he laughed.
When they're allowed to go out, Mare often forgets to bring her mask.
Cal's good at remembering their masks.
Mare REFUSES to leave when she hears about the murder hornets.
Cal gets repellent to calm her down.
They also recover some Old Era TV Shows.
ENDLESS quotes from The Office, Friends, and many more shows.
Cal visits Maven's grave more. Mare comes with every now and then, but usually lets him go alone.
They don't usually argue, but those arguments never last.
They tried a bit of ability training, and greed that they should be careful when Mare summoned a bolt of lightning from the sky and Cal almost set fire to everything around them.
They read a lot, too, but Cal reads more than Mare because she falls asleep, usually on him.
Nox had no clue what a Pandemic was, or what the big deal was about going outside and not being near people, until Amy explained it.
First day of online school crashed and burned because Nox had NO IDEA what he was doing, which led to Amy 'accompanying' him in classes.
Amy puts her college plans on hold for a little while.
Nox is more emotional and neither of them know how to handle it.
They have more nightmares, since there's nothing to keep their minds busy, but Amy is more reserved about it. Nox prefers to write about what he dreams, anyway.
Nox stays up, from all the nightmares, but Amy sits with him to keep him company.
When Amy heard about the murder hornets, Nox held up a fly swatter and opened all the windows.
Amy does fine, but Nox dies from boredom, when they're done with school. And I don't mean he just sits and groans, he lies face down on the couch as Amy tries to get him up.
They spend A LOT of time in Nox's apartment, and it's literally spotless because Nox is THAT bored.
They binge a lot of TV shows, and Nox falls in love with shows like Peaky Blinders.
They tried watching Game of Thrones. It didn't go well; negative past experiences.
Nox figured out the plot twist to The Umbrella Academy WAY before Amy did.
They watched Heathers and Amy asked Nox what he'd do if she was dealing with trash friends and guys who don't take 'no' for an answer. The look on his face when he asked who it was reminded Amy of who he was before meeting her.
Nox finds YouTube and discovers the guy that makes knives out of anything and makes it his mission to copy each and every video, come Hell or high water.
Amy walked in on him doing this and genuinely wondered if he was okay, and asked if she could help him.
They also binged musicals. Nox isn't a huge music person, but he still loves them; Kansas has its own magic that he finds intriguing.
Amy once found Nox crouching ontop of the fridge while drinking a mug of coffee.
Madison stopped by and dropped off some rhinestones, lash glue, and a tool to apply the stones. Amy spent a lot of time putting the stones on her face while Nox watched, with Madison and Dustin also watching via Facetime, sitting backwards in a chair and wondering what her plan was, even making very Julien Solomita-esque comments, mixed with very 'I used to be a fighter and a spy' comments that made Amy, Madison, and Dustin laugh. Some if those comments:
"I know Glamora told you to lighten up, but I don't she'd expect this."
"If those were real diamonds, you wouldn't need any armor or a weapon. Just headbutt them, and you're good."
"Don't be upset, but it's the beginning of summer, so I don't think winter's coming any time soon."
"Whichever chandelier you made out with, I will find them, damn it."
After a little while, Amy asked if Nox wanted a rhinestone face. He agreed, but only as long as she took out all the red stones. He could handle pink, but no red.
It took them an hour to get the stones off.
Their hair gets long and they agree to cut each other's hair. Nox cuts her hair chin length and Amy tries to be as style his hair. They don't look the best, but they at least look good.
They absolutely watch Unus Annus, and start quoting that.
When they get the news they can go out wearing a mask, Nox got confused and got 3 different masks: a masquerade mask, a normal face mask, and a gas mask, which he wears all the time to annoy Amy.
They do stay in shape as much as possible, but there is evidence that they could have been more active, with their muscles shrinking and both having lost a little weight.
Nox NEVER drops his guard, and quarantine didn't help.
They tried dying their hair, but it didn't work as well as they'd hoped.
Tedros worries about Agatha and everyone else, but Agatha keeps him in check.
Crime drops big time, so that's a plus for Tedros and Agatha.
They have more time to breathe, with everyone being inside and avoiding each other.
Tedros hates the quiet at first, but Agatha helps him adjust.
They spend a lot of time wandering the castle and answering whatever call there is, if any.
The SGE is out for a little while, so they don't hear too much from there.
Tedros, without normal king business to distract him, has more nightmares and starts losing sleep because he doesn't want to dream about what's happened to him and his friends.
Agatha has nightmares, too, but she's better at hiding it.
They do talk about it and agree to be more open with what's going on in their heads.
They also agree that they'll help each other through these times.
Tedros helps Agatha with swordplay and Agatha both gets him into reading more and tries to help him with his magic.
Whenever there's something they need outside, Agatha gets it because she's not that afraid of getting sick; she grew up eating frog and lizard soup.
Tedros worries about her, but doesn't really stop her because she's taller, and having fun trying to stop Agatha once she's committed to doing something.
Tedros finds a new hobby: origami.
Agatha doesn't join in, per se, she more watches because she's never seen Tedros be so patient with something.
They play around with each other's hair, as it grows longer. Agatha ties Tedros's hair back and Tedros braids her hair.
They write to Sophie or anyone else, like people who have some sort of report of a crime or complaint duch as infertile soil, so their penmanship improves.
Tedros grows a bit of a stubble and, after some prickly kiss attacks, Agatha threatens to shave it off herself, if he doesn't. It's all in good fun, but she sort of did mean it because his face and cheeks were really scratchy.
Tedros REFUSES to let Agatha go out alone, even when she's masked up.
When they go out, Tedros always carries a sword.
Picnics in the woods.
Star gazing at night.
Agatha starts wearing pants, as an experiment, and her "dresser"/dress designer is APPALLED.
There are times they argue, but they stay together and communicate because relationship goals.
At the news of a Pandemic/plague, Cardan ordered all the human servants to get as healthy as they could so they'd be able to go outside. He would accompany them, but they could not let Jude go out.
She's not happy, when she finds out
Cardan asks if she can avoid going to the human world, so she doesn't get sick.
She goes anyway and returns unscathed.
Cardan considers glamoring the human servants to keeep Jude healthy, but Jude almost pincushions him for it.
Anxious? Worried? Psh! Don't be silly. Cardan becomes somethimg if a paranoid maniac because he's scared of Jude getting sick and dying because he's Fae and she's Mortal, so she's more susceptible to illnesses and he doesn't know wnoufh about mortals to get her healthy agaun were she to get sick, but there's nothing wroung with him, really.
Whenever they're not ruling, Jude practices her swordplay while Cardan reads, major plus being that he reads full series to not worry about Jude so much.
Jude helps Cardan with sword fighting, using wooden practice swords not metal, and Cardan helps her try to get into reading, reading to her as she rests her head on his chest when she doesn't want to read read.
Cardan discovers manga and graphic novels and is too confused for Jude NOT to laugh; "He's in armor made if IRON. How is he able to fly!?" "I've seen a lot people different people, and none of them have made this face." "... So is Spiderman THIS one or THIS one?"
Sword practice usually ends with Cardan on the ground exhausted while Jude simply stands and chuckles for him to get up.
Cardan doesn't get beat smd scarred, he gets poked and minorly bruised, which he was not ready for because of how he was treated by Balekin.
One day, while Cardan was reading some Sherlock Holmes, Jude slipped hoop bracelets on and tied ribbons to his tail, at least as many as she could before she got caught; she only realized as such when his tail started flicking out of her reach and curling around her wrist, and saw Cardan grinning at her.
They do visit Taryn and Vivi still, but Cardan only wears a mask to remind Jude, who does not forget ever.
Cardan thinks about his 'friendship' Nicasia, Locke, and Valerian and semi-realizes that Valerian and Locke may have been using him while Nicasia was at least a little genuine.
They talk about Locke and equally wish that they had helped Taryn in killing Locke. If not, then they wish that they at least watched. They agreed that if time travel was real, Jude could help Trayn kill Locke and Cardan could watch, as long as he helped dispose of the body.
They laughed at that a couple minutes later.
THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS(Featuring the Skellington kids(I'd say Skull Kids, but I feel like Skull Kid(s) was taken)):
Jack knows what a Pandemic is; he lived through one while he was alive.
Sally knew it would happen because she knows one happens about every two hundred years/whenever a year ends in 20.
The triplets know what a plague is, but have never seen one actually happen.
When they explored the human world at night and noticed there were absolutely no humans in sight, Luna reminded her brothers that the humans were told to stay inside to prevent any spreading.
Jacob takes the opportunity to MAKE SURE people actually stay inside.
Pro: he got Instagram famous. Con: Jack and Sally were not happy at all with how reckless he was.
Let's say, for the sake of the story, Halloween had to be cancelled worldwide because regulation and a need for things to get better.
Upon hearing the news of Halloween getting cancelled, Jack was very salty about it; "Why cancel Halloween, if the 4th of July was still allowed to be celebrated?"
All of Halloween Town was very upset; the living are so fragile, it ruins the fun of scaring them.
The Mayor was in deep, DEEP distress, but Jack made it up to him, and the rest of the town, by saying next year's Halloween would be ine no one would ever forget, and it's not because he's 'borrowing' a holiday again, it's because they'll all have a year of scaring shenanigans built up inside them all that will make up for what was missed.
Everyone rejoiced and Jack, once he got back inside his house with his wife and children, sighed and mentally kicked himself for saying no one would forget next year's Halloween; there was one Halloween in particular he sure as hell isn't forgetting any time soon.
Daemon's carving more intricate pumpkins and plans on giving the humans mini-scares so they keep quarantining, hiding a 'surprise' for any entitled Karens he finds.
Luna is the most obedient of the triplets by staying in Halloween Town and instead studying what she calls a 'counter-plague' so there's no need for a Pandemic; she refuses to call it a vaccine because that would imply sje wants to help the humans that shot down and could have killed her dad. She still has a bone to pick.
Jack doesn't spiral out like in the movie, he has Sally to help and the triplets to keep his mind busy.
While Jacob and Daemon keep the humans from leaving their houses, Luna researches the current events and learns of murder hornets that are large, sting like all hell, and cause death to anyone unfortunate enough to get stung.
Jack gets very intrigued and they collect as many as they can and keep them in a jar, but take one out to study it.
They were not impressed; murder hornets? Jack has seen worse.
Since there wasn't a Halloween, Jack decided to walk through the streets, seeing as how Daemon and Jacob already did a lot of the scaring for him(thise little shits). He had to admit, it was nice to walk in the night and only hear the animal sounds and not screams.
Luna did not find a 'counter-plague,' even with Sally's help, but she did discover some poisons she could use against her brothers. Sally made her promise not to do so.
On the Halloween night where nothing happened, Jack took his family out to a picnic/star gazing session. Genuinely one of his favorite Halloweens to date.
Henry and Ellie knew it was going to happen and were more than surprised to also see Charles planning ahead by making a list for what they needed, even admitting he'd been following the news and rumors and stocking up on ADD medicine so he wouldn't have to go out to get them.
The other soldiers weren't worried until they were told to go home and take a break for a little bit.
Triple Threat wasn't really effected until day 24.
On day 1, they just hung out and were relatively calm, working online, doing workouts to stay fit, and just being as normal as possible.
On day 24, all three are more than a little bored. Henry's bored enough to andwer calls from telemarketers and prank them, Ellie's contemplating bleaching her hair with peroxide, and Charles is playing with fidget toys he's bough and collected over the years, though he's doing it more because he's a little stressed than bored.
Henry and Ellie are surprised to this this, but Charles admits he used to bite his nails a lot, but stopped after a LONG while.
Speaking of names, Ellie paints hers and the boys', though while Henry paints his in clear coat, Charles paints one hand black and the other in red, mint, and glittery pink on one nail because try stopping him.
It makes Ellie laugh and pisses off Henry so much.
Ellie gets calls from her family saying they want her to come home, or closer to home, because they're worried and she instead blocks their numbers.
They watch a lot of horror movies as a reason to stay inside.
When they get bored of American horror and try Japanese, Asian, and more western horror movies.
Instant regret.
They watched the movie Audition and Henry looked at a very unimpressed Charles, who said the antagonist was being sloppy, and hid all the kitchen knives, saws, and sharp and blunt objects, including tools(must've remembered Human Piece).
He stopped after a week of Charles being himself and literally shaking at Hannibal Lecter as they watched the Silence of The Lambs series.
All three open up more about their lives. It's ugly, there's yelling, conflicting life philosophies, and even some insults thrown. Henry admits that gotten screwed over by the law enough times while fending for himself to have as little faith in it as possible, Ellie admits she ran away from home and would rather die than go back because of how tight of a leash they kept her on, and Charles admits that while he has thought about quitting on the government and turning to a life of crime, he never did because that would have been to easy of a choice. Training for the military was and still is hard as hell, which Henry and Ellie can tell because Charles can physically do more than them(if they ran a mile, Henry and Ellie would be exhausted and Charles wouldn't even be out of breath), but he's never given up on it because he knew his parents would skin him, if they were still alive.
There were tears at the end, and the team all needing to be alone for a little bit, but they were back together and agreed to be a little more open with each other, since they were a team now.
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vas-happenin-team · 4 years
my personal thoughts and experiences from Unus Annus, be warned this is long...
i apologize now if this is messy I am trying to get my thoughts in order so this is probably going to be ramble-y... One Year. There is so much that can change in one year and so many opportunities that pass us by and almost just as many regrets. And I am so glad I didn't let Unus Annus pass me by, even though it almost did. When i think of the past year I can't say that this was the year that I hope for but I definitely think this was the year I needed A a former friend of mine (who is a a HUGE Markiplier fan) tried to show me Unus Annus back in December. I think they showed me a couple videos but the one that stood out to me was the Escape Room video (probably for the fact that I was high, and thought Eef was very cute and very funny, but that's besides the point). I enjoyed the videos they showed me but a never really got into the channel and didn't watch anymore Unus Annus videos with them. I regret not watching more with them. At the time I knew who Markiplier was, I had watch his FNAF videos when I was younger and was subscribed. But I had no idea who Mark Fischbach as a person. And I had no idea who Crankgameplays or who Ethan Nestor was. I wasn't emotionally invested with them so I didn't really watch. A few months went by I was no longer in speaking terms with the friends who showed me the channel, the pandemic hit, I graduated college, i moved back home, i was unemployed, and incredibly lost. With graduating in May and being home all the time I spent more time on youtube. I don't remember how, but I ended back on Unus Annus again. And by July I was hooked. Not only did I began binge watching Unus Annus but I was also subscribed to Ethan, watched both his and mark’s videos, and become part of the different communities. As I am reflecting back on this time I can see how the message of Unus Annus, and  by extension Mark and Ethan, started to influence me and help me for the better. Cause I was, and still am, struggling with my mental health. While I don't want to give them all the credit, the idea of only having so much time and questioning myself on whether or not I wanted to be a passive on looker in my own life, lead me to discover just how unhappy i was. I decided to therapy and getting the help I needed. And while I am still not 100% and that the reminder that life is slipping us by and I feel like I wasting it still stresses me out and causes me anxiety. I have to remind myself that I am making progress, and while this isn't ideal, this is the best I can do at the moment. It also helps looking at both Ethan and Mark. Mark, who was around my current age, when he decided he was going to make something of himself, reminds me that it is never too late to give yourself a happy life. And Ethan, only a year older than me, is living his out his dreams currently, but that took him 8 years to get here. Ethan, who has a very similar personality to me (in fact i think our myer-briggs is the same) also reminds me that I don't have to hide the loud and silly parts of my personality and that I can find people who will accept the different parts of me and want to help me succeed. One of my favorite aspects of the show would be where they would say "Memento Mori. We will see you tomorrow." I think liked that so much because it was a concrete promise in a year of unpredictability. Because I knew for certain, that no matter what happened, I would see them tomorrow. And while we might no longer see them tomorrow when the channel ends. It still feels like a promise, because even with the channel gone, the world still turns and there is a still a tomorrow. A tomorrow where Ethan and Mark still upload on their channels. A tomorrow, even as time marches on, we will remember Unus Annus and how much it had an impact on our lives. Because one thing is for sure, we aren't all the same people we were a year before. We grew and changed and Unus Annus helped shaped a year of our lives. So while we won’t not be able to "see them tomorrow" in the future. The impact of the channel will be seen in the future by the millions of people that it had an impact on. Even in this last few months I have seen some positive changes in my own life. While I am normally a lurker in the different fandoms I am a part of. I stepped out of my comfort zone and started to interact and create more for the Unus Annus community than I had before. And I did this because of the idea of "why not, we only have a limited time" and I wanted to make my mark. While I still struggle to interact with other blogs outside a random response or anon message, I was still able to find some people in this fandom to follow and appreciate. Thank you to @johanna7290 , @heistshenanigans , @lady-raziel , @tiny-crecher , simpgameplays and so many more blogs who helped make my experience in this community even better by not just taking any moment for granted, and  really made the most of this year. Thank you as well to the blogs who have interacted with me on posts, sent anons, or even followed me. Thank you to the artist, the writers, the meme maker, the gif creators, the video editor, and the theorists for making this year even more unforgettable. 
  Finally to Ethan ( @crankgameplays), Mark (@markiplier), Amy, Evan, and all the editors and guests of the channel, thank you. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to everyday. Thank you for making something so full of love, humor, and friendship. Thank you for the laughs and the good times in a year where they were hard to come by. Thank you for the hidden codes and lore that kept us all on our toes. Thank you for challenging yourselves to go further beyond, and encouraging us to do the same. Thank you for introducing me to a community full of hilarious, smart, and caring individuals. Thank you guys for being authentic to yourselves.  Thank you for all the memories. Thank you for all the merch. Thank you for giving us a year. Unus Annus  Memento Mori ~Lexi
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pebblee-penguin · 4 years
Hai @ficsandgiggles !! I'm your squealing santa!!! I hope you enjoy your fic, and happy holidays!
And thank you to @ticklygiggles for organizing all this!! <3
(A post-Unus Annus tickle fic!! Lee!Ethan and Ler!Mark, platonic.)
Ethan is nervous because he thinks that since Unus Annus is dead, no one will remember him or his channel. Mark seeks ways to comfort him
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It was a couple days after Christmas and Mark had invited a couple friends over, safely. Some of his “YouTuber friends” took the C0vid test, and all tested negative so they got together, still being as safe as possible. Along with Ethan, Mark had the entirety of “Teamiplier” and more. Everyone was thankfully safe beforehand, and afterwards.
The others had left for some personal business, but Ethan stayed for a bit longer, not entirely motivated to drive home by himself. Mark was used to having Ethan around his home. Thanks to Unus Annus, Ethan felt like a roommate to him every once in a while. And he didn’t mind! As much as he made fun of Ethan, the two were best friends.
Ethan helped Mark and Amy clean up after the dinner. Amy had noticed Ethan’s eyes began to look wet, and seemed like he wasn’t doing okay.
“Hey, uh–would it be okay if I sat down f-for a moment. I’m—feeling dizzy.”
The other two looked up from their work and nodded.
“Yeah sure, go sit down.” Mark motioned his head towards the couch.
“Thanks..” Ethan sat on Mark’s couch with his hands on his forehead. Mark immediately got back to cleaning up. Amy smacked his arm.
“He’s clearly not feeling well. You should go talk to him.” she whispered.
“He seems..fine. I thought he was just dizzy...”
“Something’s on his mind. Just–go!”
“I don’t want you to hafta clean up everything by yourself-” he whined.
“I’ll be fine, just go talk to him.” she smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek as she nudged him towards his friend. Mark smiled and headed towards Ethan.
Ethan heard footsteps coming toward him, so he quickly wiped his eyes and masked a slight smile for Mark.
“W-What’s up?” he stuttered, hoping his friend wouldn’t notice his current condition.
“What do you mean what’s up? Somethings not okay with you. Do you feel sick or something?” Mark sat down next to his friend. He was genuinely concerned. He didn’t want Ethan to feel bad.
“No, not sick.. Just…..tired. I guess..” He smiled, truly trying to be considerate, he shoved his emotions down inside himself to not burden anyone else. “I feel fine, Mark. Don’t worry about it.”
“You do not feel fine. I’m here to help! We can talk if you’d like. I just wanna help.” Mark’s eyes were locked on Ethan’s, making no error in showing him that he wanted to help. Ethan scoffed a bit and  looked away.
“I’m fine..just don't worry about it-”
Mark sighed. He hated seeing his friend feel down.
"Tell you what. Can I at least try to make you feel better, however you're feeling?" He raised his eyebrows, feeling determined to make sure Ethan could go back to being his best self.
"Yeah..sure." he chuckled slightly.
"Good. That's all I need." Mark ran past the kitchen for a moment, then ran back dog in hand.
"Heh, hi Beeks." He ruffled the top of Chica's fluffy face. Mark's eyes widened at Ethan's lack of emotion.
"Really?? Chica can't even help?" He put Chica's paws on Ethan's leg and pretended that Chica had a sad look on her face.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it!" Ethan threw his hands in the air for a moment. Mark stared at him, ideas flowing through his head for what could work even better than shoving a dog in his face.
"C'monnn! C'moooooon~" Mark cood while poking all around Ethan's torso. "I just wanna heeeeelp~"
Ethan swatted Mark's hands away. Mark noticed the slight grin forming on Ethan's face. He was attempting to hold down the bubbly giggles in his chest.
"Ohohoh... I got an idea to make yous feel bettah~" Mark used his 'Yancy' voice, indicating a playful tone towards Ethan.
"Mahark, don't you dare. It's not the time for this-" Instead of getting up from the couch, he began to shrink himself in to the couch's corner. With the realization that this idea wouldn't be the greatest, he continued executing it.
"Ohhhohoh I think it IS the time for this~" Mark playfully wiggled his fingers towards the younger man's stomach.
"Nohohoho!!" Ethan sunk further into the couch. As far as he could until Mark's fingers barely made contact with his quivering stomach.
"Yes!" Mark pounced and dug his clawed hands into Ethan's sides. Ethan twitched and squirmed as if he just got electrocuted, laughing hysterically.
"NAHAHA YOHOHOU AHAHAHASS-" He writhed and locked his arms in a position that almost made him look like he was operating a jetpack.
"Ass? I'm trying to help you out! Trying to make you feel better! I don't even know the reason for the horrid feeling has overcome you!" Mark's clawed hands scribbled over to the side of Ethan's ribs, Making Ethan's loud giggles go up an octave.
"Nnnope! I'm gonnnnnnnnaaaaa......tickle your tummy! Tickle tickle!! Tickle tickle tickle!!" Mark's teasy voice was one Ethan had never heard before, but was enjoying thoroughly.
Through Ethan's incoherent giggles, Mark could barely understand all of what he was saying except for a mere "whyhyhyhy".
Ethan's major giggle fest was urging Ethan to fall off the couch. Before Ethan could 'escape' in any way, Mark thrusted his leg between Ethans' to keep him in place.
"Nuh-uh-uh~" Mark clicked. "I will sit here and tickle the information out of you if I have tooo~"
Ethan had no time to retaliate when he was at Mark's mercy once again. The tickling fingers moved and began vibrating at the crevice of Ethan's neck.
"FAAAHAHAHAHAHAHACK NAAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Ethan screamed as his hands moved to try to push away Mark from his sensitive neck. The two could even hear Amy giggling at them from the kitchen.
"AAAHAHAHAHAHAMY AHAHARE YOHOHOU ENJOHOYIHING THIHIHIS-" Ethan squealed to her from across the room.
"Am I doin' good Amy?" Mark began attacking Ethan's exposed underarms, from blocking his neck.
"You're doing great hunny!" Amy giggled again from the kitchen.
"YOOHOHOU TWOHOHOHO SHUHUT UHUHUP" Ethan's laughter grew twice as loud, and thrice as joyous. Mark chuckled at his friend who was clearly smiling. Not just from the tickling sensations, but he seemed to be feeling a lot better than before.
After what seemed like hours, but was really about 20 minutes in all, Mark slowed his tickles down to slight scratches on Ethan's back. Ethan, who was laying face down on the couch now, was giggling, almost sleepily.
"You feelin' any better? You ready to talk?" Mark moved so Ethan could sit up and breathe if he needed to.
"Yeah, I feel better." He grinned. "But..do we hafta talk about shit?"
“Come on, I really want to help whatever you’re going through. Please?” Mark nodded his head, showing that he was being serious.
Ethan saw Mark’s intent, and unraveled his feelings.
“I’m just having a bit of a harder time with Unus Annus. I’m fine with it being over, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad..but it’s making me feel like I’ve been forgotten already.” He looked down, avoiding eye contact. What he was feeling seemed so silly, so inconvenient. He didn’t know why this made him anxious, it normally never did. Mark’s eyes widened.
“Man are you serious? You’ve got literally nothing to worry about! Your fans absolutely adore you! You've got touring plans! You just hit 2 mil!! That’s a win in my book!” He pat Ethan’s shoulders.
“I know, I know! And I’m nothing but thankful! But.. I just feel like ever since Unus Annus is gone....people are forgetting about me already. Views have gone down and likes have gone down and ‘hate comments’ have gone up and all sorts of shit like that! And I know it’s petty to just think about views, but to be honest it kind of hurts my feelings. Which is really stupid.”
Mark understood Ethan’s feelings. It’s hard to feel unfulfilled. It’s hard to feel forgotten. He’s had times like that too.
“Hey, no one is forgetting about you. If anything Unus Annus probably boosted your channel!” he chuckled unharshly. Ethan sighed.
“Look, all I’m saying is that I really think you’ve got nothing to be worried about. Honestly, I see you working harder than ever now that Unus Annus is dead. And you’re making so much progress. You’re progressing faster than I hoped to have when I was where you are. You’re doing so much, and your fans love you. You’re amazing, man.” Ethan looked up and smiled at Mark.
“Damn, that really means a lot to me. Thanks Mark.” he smiled widely.
"No problem, you ticklish dork." He ruffled Ethan's hair like a child. "And thanks to you for being ticklish enough for me to get you to talk." He winked and Ethan chuckled.
“No problem, asshole.”
Wow! This is the first full fic I've written and posted to tumblr! I hope yall like it!! :D xx
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franklyshipping · 3 years
Bim has probably struggled with image issues, using makeup to cover any "flaws" he has. Since he is an iplier clone, he also has mark's scars probably, including when he had surgery and has a "second bellybutton" and often will use foundation to cover it up, or enhance his muscles. Wilford however helps him with said issues (i mean just like that fic where they both dressed up) and it made bim feel happy, and he wants others to feel the same way he did.
Often times when an ego is feeling insecure, Bim will always have a way to make them feel good about themselves. If they have scars he mentions how each of those have their own story, and if the original reason of the scar is kind of silly, then they can tell an epic story (or a heavily dramatized version of what happened)
Or if they have acne, bim shares his skincare routine and tells them it's nothing to be ashamed of and how it happens to everyone.
Or if an ego is feeling shy about not being good enough lee or ler, or is lee too much or is ler too much. Bim will tell them his favorite part of their experiences together or somethings he has eavesdropped on for drama to relay back to them.
As a ler, if said person feels comfortable with it, he will trace their scars, more often than not they are ticklish "oh look at that, you body has marked out all these ticklish spots just for me!" Freckles are his favorite cause then he gets to boop each and every little one.
Bim also, again if said person is comfy, loves to "eat" his victims, but moreso in a private setting. Oh but be careful. The last time someone purposefully wore a crop top with shorts and slippers in bare feet, bim had pinned them to the wall the moment they were alone "you know better than to tease that scumptious body of yours around me hon"
He also LOVES tums, preferably full and stuffed tums to nuzzle and snuggle, so taut yet so spacious. So accessable and vulnerable and holder of so many giggles! You know how people when they get confrontational how they poke someone's chest? Bim pokes the tummy and it gives him the perfect excuse to attack "oh so you think this is funny huh? I'll show you something to laugh about!" He loves tums of all shapes and sizes, but he will give other spots attention too. He can never resist outstretched underarms, and just so happens to have a lot of games revolving around reaching. Will call toes "grapes"
As a lee, probably gets so flustered when a big stronk man pins him down. I imagine he's one of the shorter egos when you squish down his perfect, fluffed up and styled hair. He is so sweet and adorable that you just wanna keep him! He will sometimes make threats like how the attacker will be a special guest star, but most of the time they are empty threats. He gives off vibes that if you nibble his ribs that he would get so flustered, he can't take his own teases. More often than not is a victim of Wilford, since he tends to overwork himself and wilford ain't allowing it.
He overall is a patient man and other than exposed flesh to make him feral, nothi g really gets to him. He's more of a lee-leaning switch in my eyes. But he does have a limit to his egomates. Have too big of an ego, attack, have too little of an ego, attack, take his tea, attack. Never get in the way of his food. 100% wears a corset, not cause of body issues, he just likes the aesthetic. He does his own makeup, since his make up artists in the past it just tickles too much to sit still.
Unless otherwise stated, he will film his victims, but 100% of the time it's not in front of an audience and bim keeps the episode to himself to watch over and over again. Sometimes he even gifts the episode to said victim.
Actor seems to be a fan of his show and will help out by narrating the set changes. He will do make up for bim, even when he can't sit still. Defo in his own time he and bim did the unus annus vid of making Bim into the 8th wonder of the world, and as a punishment for bim being squirmy, he corkscrewed a make up sponge of gold paint into bim's button. Some say bim still finds gold flakes in there!
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krabmeat · 3 years
Damn, That's Crazy (continued)
Written by Tumblr user krabmeat
8th part
7th part of my book, enjoyy!!
Of the clocks ticking
And repeating words
When you can’t stop it anymore.
But remember,
The clock stops for no one.
You're nearing the final 10.
Oh how the days have gone. 
Hours slipping away
Until the last hour of dawn.
So there’s no time to waste!
No time to spare,
Go further beyond
If you dare.
So do your wreckage
And damage
Before time is done.
But just remember,
The clock stops for no one.
It’s the end of the road.
You thought you’d never see the day
Of the year ending in such dismay.
So as the seconds erode
And pieces are wiped from the board,
Don’t try and save or hoard
What we’ve created.
There’s no way to make our time belated. 
Our time may have been short
But I hope you made the most of it.
Because all you have left is the memories.
So treat them like treasuries
Because you were here to see it happen.
At the beginning
You were wondering
The feeling
Of knowing
The time you have left.
And now as you march to your inevitable doom,
What awaits you is your tomb,
Don’t take anything with you
But the memories.
The choice was yours. 
To join our final mortality tour
And go along on our adventure,
Because the clock 
Never stops
Until it runs out.
So don’t wait about.
Because death is inescapable,
And the clock stops for no one.
Memento mori.
Unus Annus.
Wonderful Economy
(I own none of these characters)
“Dad we might wanna get inside now, we’re in cartel territory.” 
The world around us is dull and gray, trash idly littered around here and there and the damp and subtle smog dusting the air. I tug at my dad's shirt and he briskly whips around, his flashlight pointed directly towards me.
“JESUS CHRIST MAN—! My own dad pointed a weapon at me, my own dad threatened me with a weapon oh my god- let’s go inside the house dad!” 
I turn and start towards the house before I get his response, a deep and subtle
“Okay,” is heard from behind me as he follows me inside.
I’m met with pale yellow walls, the open living room moving into the kitchen once I directly enter the house. My stomach rumbles, I’ve forgotten to eat today! My eyes wander around as I stumble my way inside clumsily.
“What have you made me for dinner, dad? What have you prepared for me?” 
Father walks over to the kitchen stove, tending to the pots and pans.
“Warmed up rice and beans.” 
He gives out a slight stutter before spitting out his words. My sights set on my slightly older brother, sitting on the couch while insistently and intensely looking at the TV. 
“HELLO MY BROTHER! Hello my dear brother, we are having rice and beans, how do you feel about that?” 
I adamantly look at my brother, waiting for a response. He doesn’t even spare a glance at me, his eyes are stuck to the TV and he doesn’t seem to be taking them off anytime soon.
“Hello my brother.” 
His deep and mumbly voice greatly contrasts mine- high pitched and piercing. My back slouches a bit and I rub my face while wheezing in slight laughter at his response. Me and my brother have always had this contrast- it was natural. As we slowly started to age, he became more and more dull. He talked and smiled less, we haven’t had a casual chat in ages. 
“What-what are you doing brother?” 
The bags under his eyes are prominent, but they still don’t turn to face me. His mumble reaches me again, filling my ears.
“I’m watching television, brother.” 
I walk over to the TV, and stare at it intensely. The screen is gray, it’s turned off. 
“It’s turned off- it’s actually turned off it’s not turned on-“
“No, it's on BBC News.” 
My brother is so silly! And weird- I don’t understand him often, this is one of those times. I try to call for my dad, but he merely peeks his head into the living room and back into the kitchen. I exhale before being cut off again by my brother.
“It’s budget day- it’s budget day. The chancellor of exchange is going to announce the new budget in 15 minutes.”
I pause for a second before pressing my lips into a thin line and rubbing my face in frustration. Quickly scurrying away from my brother, I come to the kitchen and desperately tap on my fathers arm. 
“DAD! Dad- my brother is fuckin’ weird can you- can you teach him a lesson? What the- why are you cooking fruits? Why are you cooking fucking fruits?” 
My dad has a bowl of fruit in his hand over the stove, not concerned at all with the fact that it is fruit and not rice and beans like he had said before.
“This is rice and beans my son!” 
Jesus Christ- my dad isn’t going to be any help clearly, so I walk over to the couch where my brother is still seated.
“Hello brother, would you like some rice and beans?”
“I think they’re increasing- yeah I think they’re increasing capital gains tax.” 
My brother is speaking silly nonsense to me again, and I am so confused. But y'know, it’s not like I’ve ever bothered asking what it is, right? Maybe that’ll help!
“Brother I don’t know what- what’s a capital gains tax?”
“Inheritance tax is being increased by 2%-“
“Okay okay, fuck you.” 
He’s not gonna cooperate, so I’ll go for the next best thing. I turn around the corner and face the kitchen where my dad still is.
“Dad you gotta do something about your child, alright? You gotta do something about your child-“ 
I pull out my phone and bring up my dial pad.
“I’m about to call CPS alright? I’m about to call CPS if you don’t do something about your fucking son. Go talk to him, go!” 
I followed my dad into the living room. He stands in front of my brother's view to the left of him, leaving the TV still visible. I stand slightly behind my dad in a hidden manner as he speaks.
“Son, you need to turn off the television and come eat.” 
The room becomes silent for a second. Not even the TV filling the silence, despite how adamant my brother is about it being on BBC News.
“More NHS cuts.” 
My brother hasn’t acted like this before! He’s always been a bit quiet and strange, mumbling to himself every now and then but when asked about what, he shakes his head and briskly walks away. But him acting like this is worrying me.
“I don’t like the conversation about taxes-“
“They’re cutting the NHS again.” 
Out of nowhere, my dad steps directly in front of my brother and takes out his flashlight, flashing it on and off in my brother's face.
“Okay, okay we have to flash 'em with lights. That’ll pull ‘em out of it.” 
I chuckle at the suggestion, but pull out my flashlight from my pocket and start flashing it on and off in my brother's face. He pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index fingers in frustration and closes his eyes.
“Looks like I’m gonna be paying for my medication.”
A couple of good seconds have passed and my father and I are still flashing lights in my brother's eyes.
“Do you- do you see the lights brother?” 
His face sinks deeper and deeper into his hand in frustration. I don’t know if we’re helping or not but I’m having fun!
“I don’t- I don’t think levothyroxine is covered anymore.” 
We stop flashing lights in his face and my father sighs in frustration. His flashlight is put away and each of his hands are on either side of his head, rubbing his temples in frustration.
“We don’t know what that is, please just-“
“They’re cutting funds to the metropolitan police service.” 
Silence fills the air around us for a couple seconds. Just me and my father glancing at one another and back down at my brother. He’s looking down at the floor in a daze when suddenly he hastily gets up from the couch and walks up the stairs to our shared room.
“I’ve got a- I’ve got a lot to think about. Brother, come upstairs.”
“Your fucking 5 years old, you have nothing to think about!” 
I’ve tried to understand my brother, I’ve tried to comprehend what he’s been going on about and once I don’t want to he decides to talk? I’m not too sure about him, but nonetheless I climb up the stairs and sit on the top bed with my brother. I stare insistently at him, urging him to tell me whatever bull crap he has going on.
“Alright brother, I want to talk to you about a few things.” 
I nod, waiting for him to go on,
“You know the community center down the road, the one that you like a lot with all the soft play area?” 
I shift my head up in surprise, but it doesn’t stay very long.
“Yeah, yeah I do know that-?”
“They’re cutting funds to the council- they’re gonna shut down the community center-“
“I don’t give a shit- I actually don’t give a shit! I don’t go to the community center, I don’t!” 
A chuckle leaves my throat in astonishment as I shake my head at my brother's words. Why is he getting so worked up?! What’s his problem? My hands reach to my back pocket and I take out my phone while hopping off the bed. 
“Please put the- please put the iPhone 2G away.”
My dad is sitting in the living room casually minding his business. I ran over to him and tugged at his sleeve.
“Dad, dad please please intervene right now, I don’t like this at all! He’s talking about the fuckin’ community center and tax cuts and shit, please intervene!” 
I don’t even finish when my dad is already walking up the stairs into me and my brother's room. I stand out in the doorway while he goes further in and stands at the foot of the top bunk where my brother still is.
“Aight’ you little shit, stop talking about focken taxes, aight’? We don’t pay taxes in this household!” 
Well that was surprising-! I didn’t expect my father to talk to him like that! I mean, it got the point across, right? I don’t think so, I’m the only one who seems to be fazed by the conversation.
“Father, how can you stand by when austerity is the chief principle of our economy?”
Time passes once again in silence, when he walks past me and my father. He only mutters
“I’m gonna go for a walk.” 
As he walks past the two of us, down the stairs and out the door. My father and I look back at him, both of us frustrated and confused.
My father and I are in the living room on the couch. Nothing is being said, and no one is moving. 5 minutes have passed when a very gravely
Is heard from outside nearby. I easily recognize it, my brother! What in the world is he doing?! Suddenly, my telephone starts rapidly buzzing and ringing. I pick it up and answer, and I hear my brother's voice on the other side of the line. 
I jolt up from my seat and start running for the door.
I’m out the door before he is, and I jump into the car, accidentally going into the driver seat, but there’s no time! I press down on that pedal as hard as I can and I’m recklessly zooming down the street.
The car crashes into the side of the McDonald’s, doing no damage to the building but the car is wrecked in the front. I hop out of the car, unharmed and to my surprise, my father is waiting for me rushingly at the door of the restaurant. 
I hear from the inside of the store, as well as from my phone.
“Brother please, they’re innocent civilians who just wanna live a nice life, that’s all they wanna do!” 
I hear an echo coming from the store and through my phone. It’s a bit less loud, but still aggressive and stressed out.
“I’ve got them out, there’s no hostages here we’ve- we’ve taken the area.” 
I let out a sigh of relief. The doors are unlocked, so my father and I enter the restaurant, but we only make it past the first set of tables when my brother comes from the employee door yelling aggressively.
“No, no, no- GET OUT OF HERE! GET OUT! I just want SPACE, I just want SPACE, look-“ 
We rush out of the restaurant while my brother stays inside, standing his ground.
“-there’s one thing I want, I have one simple demand and I won’t destroy this entire place, alright? I want the community center to be refunded on the council of Skunthorpe, and I want my FUCKING levothyroxine on the NHS, that’s ALL I fucking want.” 
I try to process what’s been going on, whatever the hell he's saying. I look up at my dad, he seems as confused as I am.
And all I get in return is even MORE confusion stacked on! I never knew how strange my brother was, until he yelled out the most absurd thing. 
“I’m starting a nation, it’s called L’bergberg and it’s in here!” 
My feet are stomping on the ground. Is he kidding?! My brother has gone completely mad! He’s spewing tomfoolery!
“L’bergberg, you’re gonna fucking call it L’bergberg?” 
I’m standing at the door again, hands on the glass and trying to look inside. I see my brother and my brother sees me. He rushes to the door, making me back up like how he intended.
Me and my father finally rush in while he’s pacing back and forth on the ordering counter, running his hands through his hair. My father has had it, I’m confused and my brother is as good as mad at this point.
“-hey what’s that red dot? What’s that red dot flashing on my head right th-“ 
He reached up to touch it, but once he did he became as stiff as a board in a snap, falling to the ground. Once his body slammed to the ground, I blinked and then he was gone. He disappeared, not a trace of him leaving, not a sound of him getting up. Just gone, just like that.
Out of nowhere, my father takes out a bucket of pills, holding it in front of himself idly. He looks down at it, and then at the spot where my brother was.
“I brought him- I brought him it but like…-“
This is a poem.
That is exactly 9 stanzas.
That is exactly 95 lines.
That is exactly 360 words.
You would expect this poem to be carefree.
Maybe even lighthearted; happy.
But I assure you, it will take a turn that you
An empty space.
Fill it with thoughts
Anything as you please.
Surprise, it has been
Looked down on.
Nothing is free.
You are being watched.
You'll never see it coming.
Your home.
Sugar coated with
The illusion of knowing.
A cold, hard faze
A small note 
Of uncertainty
Straight through the fragile window,
Shattering, tiny, glistening shards.
The opportunity for a perfect invasion.
You are being watched.
Every move, stripped of its freedom.
A calm walk outside. 
Breathe in the crisp, cool, suspicious air.
In, out, in, out.
The shiver down your spine
The cold, calming air.
Definitely not the feeling of knowing
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adie-dee · 4 years
Lies in the Lilies Snippet
Once Blake finally left I headed into the kitchen and assembled a cheese sandwich, putting it under the grill so it would end up nicely toasted. I was better off eating first if I wanted to remain focused.
Except the book kept calling my name, so as my sandwich cooked I found a knife and carefully sliced the box open, pushing aside tissue paper until the book presented itself. It was older than I expected, the leather spine cracked from heavy reading and gold lettering all but completely gone, and when I picked the book up several loose pages fluttered out.
I collected up the pages, hoping that it would be simple to slip them back in where they belonged, but it seemed this was one for the few books I'd seen that didn't have page numbers, leaving me to wonder just how I would go about doing this. Hopefully it would be obvious when I was reading through.
Or maybe, I thought as I picked up the final one, they fell out for a reason.
It couldn't be coincidence that the top page of my pile was one about an artefact that could block all magic, curses included. There was even a picture of a cool looking coin, which I figured was the thing.
I knew it was silly to put all my hope into a thing like this. Being anti magic it would be near impossible to find, and if anyone knew where it was they would be hesitant to say, out of fear of it falling into the wrong hands or being used against them. Still, I quickly sent off a text to Dad suggesting it to him. If anyone could find this thing at short notice, he could.
At the smell of burning cheese I dropped the pages I was trying to sort on top of the book and rushed into the kitchen, yanking the sandwich out from under the grill before it turned completely charcoal. I plated it up then returned to the couch, grabbing the tea towel I’d thrown at Blake on my way past, as apart from the bit he’d bled on it was actually clean and I wanted to make sure I didn’t leave cheese grease all over my new book. 
I put my plate on top of the envelope Blake had given me, wiped my hands, then carefully opened the book. To my disappointment, there was no contents page, and flicking to the back I found there were no reference pages either. Though since I didn’t know what I was looking for, I wasn’t sure how useful either would have been.
The cursive font took me a moment to adjust to, especially as it appeared to be handwritten, but I was used to reading Mum’s writing and this was a little tighter and neater than hers. I loved cursive writing; it was so pretty and flowing and I wished I could write that way, but I’d never been able to learn. It wasn’t like I hadn’t tried - Dad even hired a tutor to teach me, keeping him on the payroll for a year, only for me to end up with worse handwriting than when I’d started.
It seemed I was going to be in for a long night of reading, so I put the book to the side and scoffed my sandwich, washing it down with a mouthful of vodka. As I went to put my plate back on the coffee table I paused, Blake’s plain white envelope staring at me in an accusatory manner.
I doubted it was anything relevant. Blake wasn’t really a trusted source of information, particularly with his insistence magic wasn’t real, and part of me figured it was probably a lame attempt at a joke. Assuming he even had a sense of humour.
All the same, my curiosity was piqued. I swapped it for the plate and opened it up, pulling out the single piece of folded paper inside. Unfolding it revealed a photocopy of a handwritten document, which as far as I could tell was written in Latin.
In quod eve autem quod finalem mensis, viginti quinque post quod tutus peperit, quod unus nomine Beth oportebit occursum eorum inevitabilis fatum uel quod occultatum imperium autem resurgemus, apud omnis stans adversus confutatis maledictus ut pereunt.
What on earth was Blake playing at? Aside from my name in it there was nothing about it that said it was something I needed, and for all I knew Beth meant something different in Latin. This text had to be a joke, surely. Something designed to distract me.
If that was his goal then he was succeeding. Inevitabilis fatum sounded worrying, as did occultatum, and the desire to know what it meant began to eat away at me. I needed answers.
Dad could probably translate it with ease, but I didn’t want to send it to him because I couldn’t be bothered with the hour lecture about wasting his time if I did so, so instead I typed it into Google Translate.
On the eve of the final month, twenty five years after the birth as safe as the one named Beth ought to meet their inevitable fate or they now control the rise, in standing against the chorus When they lost.
I let out a squeal. Even with the garbled text I was sure I knew what this was, so I bolted into my bedroom and pulled the burned photo of Mum and I off the wall, flipping it over to look at the text on the back. Comparing the two left me with no doubt that they were the same thing.
This felt like a lead, a proper lead, and I couldn’t help but do a little happy dance. Raine had mentioned a prophecy when I’d seen her and I was sure this was it, and I couldn’t believe I was actually holding it. I really needed to thank Blake.
The mere thought of him brought an end to my excitement. I wasn’t sure I believed his story about the safe - like why go to all that effort to get something if he didn’t even know what he was looking for? I figured he probably got it from his boss or something, possibly to keep me on side until he found a way to actually kidnap me. But then again, he had been in a fight, something that did match up with his story, and as far as I could tell his offer to help did seem genuine.
What I needed was a proper translation. Maybe then I would know for sure.
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astarab1aze · 3 months
💙 for kaede and ming.
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who curses more?
they both curse horrifically, both of them. hello- their mha verse is the biggest indicator of that omg
who is more patient?
neither of them are patient, lbr. BI they are both enormous pains in the ass when it comes to anything. anything! but they love each other so they put up with it, grumpily, and by saying fuck
who does the driving?
kaede likes to walk everywhere or take the train, so i'm going to say, if they have a car, ming. otherwise, they just go places together on foot, or maybe sometimes they have a driver - perks of marrying rich unu
who is louder? who is quieter?
yet again-- boffum, boss. they're both just so - complicated. noisy and loud, but also broody and do not talk to me ever about things
who is more physically affectionate?
i should say, ming, i think. kaede's so particular, but he does have his moments when he's needy and wants attention. he's just so damn cat-like, and ming comes at him from the other end in her birby ways. they both are and aren't, y'know? one more so than the other and vice versa depending on when and in which verse. i like to think they're equal :)
who is more likely to tease the other?
ming is for sure more playful than kaede in general, so i really feel like she is more likely to tease him. he's so serious sometimes, he can be a bit of a buzzkill r.i.p. so someone's gotta do something! it can either piss him off or endear her to him, there's really no in between with him. his mischief is so rare... ToT loser, no fun allowed ass
who is better with time management?
i think they're probably about the same tbh. very capable of mishandling their time, but also capable of scheduling, setting time aside, getting the most out of their day...etc. i think they can both be very pressed, too, urgent in everything they do for a bit 100% even silly stuff
who wins the arm wrestling matches?
kaede plays dirty and gives zero shits about it, and ming absolutely meats him with that same energy, so if ever they throw down on an arm wrestle, i imagine it being fucking wild. sore ass losers the both of them, too omg
who controls the music in the car ride?
ming, probably. kaede doesn't care a whole lot even though music is big for him when he has the time to play or really listen. again also: do they even have a car?
who covers dinner when they order in?
i guarantee it's kaede. it's always kaede, or at least most of the time because he's rich and wants to provide, husbandly man shit u kno. it's not about power or anything, he's just. let me take care of you
who is more outgoing? who is more shy?
i don't think either of them are shy so much as they are highly specific and complicated about certain things. both deeply emotional beings, and expressive too. private, but not shy. arrogant, ballsy, assertive at times-- they ain't shy, they're just awkward!
who has the more outlandish fashion sense?
neither of them omg
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them?
i think ming would start them, and kaede would end them, and vice versa but only occasionally. i see ming doing this moreso than kaede, since she's more playful than he is as a general rule, but i don't see him not doing it so
who has the darker/more “edgy” sense of humor?
i'm going to say kaede, but also ming, but then kaede, but ming--
who is more competitive when it comes to games?
are you kidding me? omg. they're both ferally competitive
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth?
i'm going to say kaede since he eats all day, but ming has the sweeter tooth - until it comes down to boba
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public?
this needs no explanation, both of them omg
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them?
they live together omg. they're married. they just talk it out and make plans as a unit skjdhfsf
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other?
i think ming likes to cook more than kaede, who can but isn't particularly interested in it beyond necessity. aside from going out to eat at restaurants and the like, i'm pretty ming does most of the cooking at a like, 53-47% rate between the too skjdfh
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior?
they both get up to no fucking good oh my god. verse to verse, one or both of them are getting themselves into absolute bullshit nonsense. it's like they can't help themselves, so yes. boffum, 50/50
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other?
i think it really depends on the situation. as i said, they're both highly emotional creatures so it's not like it's not obvious when something's wrong. they would both notice, and try to react and care for the other as best they could, but they would also butt heads at times so it really just depends on context
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)?
they are their own people and treat each other as such (mostly; kaede's very very protective of ming in his current iteration so there are some obvious differences between verses)
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support?
once again i say it depends on context, not that they aren't there for each other. they're just sometimes idiots
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it?
ming! but her pranking invokes his competitive spirit, and so they end up fucking with each other forever. sometimes they each suffer, and sometimes they each have a good laugh together or separately
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elara-arche · 3 years
Death’s a Funny Thing Pt. 1
Ships: N/A
Characters: Unus, Annus, they time gods in this one
Warnings: mentions of death, trains, hospitals, a bit of insinuated religion. 
Death was a funny thing.
It was never peaceful. Even the ones who did it to themselves always begged in the end, for just one moment more, just a little more time. Nobody ever wished for more death, and Unus didn’t very much like the ones that did. 
They always seemed to realise their mistakes at the very end, right when Unus took their hand. He did his best to smile through it, to welcome them into the black as they struggled and fought. 
Of course, he needed a little break once in a while. He was bad at knowing when, but he was getting better at knowing when he was becoming weary. 
Now was one of those times. 
His footsteps were heavy, his head bowed as he ran through his mental list of the unfortunate people unlucky enough to end up on the docket. Unus didn’t know how they got chosen, whether it was some ancient wheel o’ fortune or karma or what, but every eleven seconds or so another name appeared. So many. According to Annus, he was about two years behind schedule, too. No rush, said Annus. We’ve got all the time in the world. 
Unus opened his portal, the spinning spiral of black. He stepped in, hand on the edge as the black bled into white. 
Annus’s timeless room was always clean, the pedestal holding his hourglass so spotless. Annus was like that, made of marble. Tall pillars and unreachable ceilings, that was Annus. Hard, frozen stone, smooth and impenetrable, lofty and prideful. Rules and regulation, law and order; softness was not his forte. He was carved, perfected, sculpted and pure.
So. Perfect.
Unus’s scythe clicked onto the ground with his shoes. 
Annus turned, hands still resting on his precious hourglass. He smiled, white eyes crinkling at the edges. “Unus. Back so soon?”
Unus swallowed. “Rough day. School shooting, there was a fire down in… well. You should know all about it.” Unus stepped up onto the raised platform Annus was on, leaned against the pedestal. 
“Hm,” said Annus, distracted. He’d turned back to his hourglass. “Yes. Full day chopping heads and ruining families.”
Unus’s eyes snapped up, but Annus didn’t even seem to realise he’d said anything. Unus’s lips tightened as his hand did on his scythe. God. He’d just wanted a break. “Do you…” he started, then hesitated. “Do you even know what it’s like?” His voice was smaller than he’d intended it to be.
Annus’s white eyes flickered up to his, only slightly interested. “What?”
Unus felt the urge to shrink back, to hide himself somewhere in Annus’s perfect room. Instead he just lifted himself off of the pillar, eyes sliding to the ground. “Nevermind,” he muttered. 
“No,” said Annus, smiling a little as he turned. He folded his arms, resting against his pedestal. “I want to know.”
Unus’s hand flexed around the pole of his scythe. “No, it’s fine.”
“Unus. I’m curious.” Like he was being tolerant, or something, like Unus was a toddler in need of reassurance. 
Unus swallowed. “I… you know what I do is just as important as you, right?”
Annus nodded, eyes alight with realization. “Yeah,” he said. “Of course.”
Of course. It was silly, what he’d been thinking just then, silly that his only friend in the whole world didn’t know what he went through every day. Every hour. Every moment. Devoted to death, the most hated and feared thing in the whole wide world, and all Unus wanted was to be liked. Was that so much to ask?
“I mean, death kind of depends on time, though,” said Annus, smiling a little apologetically. “Can’t have death if there’s nobody living.”
And again, Unus felt himself bristle in anger and frustration. Annus watched everything, in his hourglass, watched people live and dance and love, while Unus took it all away. He didn’t know, he didn’t understand. 
Unus stepped off of the platform, shaking his head. He never got angry. It was a new emotion. “I’ll see you later,” he said, trying not to snap as he stepped down the platform. 
Annus chuckled, reached out a hand to snag the back of Unus’s suit. “Wait, hold on. Are you--are you actually upset? Come on, man, I’m just--”
“Get off,” he snarled, shook Annus away. Maybe he was just having a bad day. That happened, right? People had bad days? He hadn’t, when he was alive, but maybe the toll of the job had finally gotten to him. Days of death only broken up by snippets of white, and now those tiny respites were haunted by a white-sheeted ghost who didn’t know like Unus had thought he had. 
Annus blinked, and Unus felt his confusion. “Unus. Of course what you do is important. It’s… you’re death. Everyone knows who you are, everyone--”
“Do they want me, though?” he said, cocking his head as he tried to meet Annus’s eyes. Didn’t work, they kept sliding away. Even through it all, something in Unus still thought of Annus as better, as worthier. “Do they want me?” he repeated, persistent enough to push past those roiling feelings of hatred. “They want you. That’s for sure. Always wishing for more time, just one more minute, one more second with you. Never with me.”
Annus smiled awkwardly, though Unus still felt he didn’t understand. “Well, I… it’s still important. Somebody’s gotta do it.”
“So why don’t you try it, huh?” snapped Unus, shoving his scythe into Annus’s hands. He felt pathetic, as Annus instinctively grasped the black-handled thing closer. 
Annus blinked. “What?”
“Try it,” he said again, bitter. “Come on. Every 11 seconds, someone dies. You ready?”
Small bands of black began to wrap around Annus’s wrists, stretching forward the longer he held Unus’s scythe. Annus still seemed to be in a state of shock, blinking as he looked over Unus and his shameful trembling hands. “What?” he whispered. “But I--”
“Mrs. Eastwood. She’s a teacher, young, too. She found out about her cancer last year. Been on bed rest for a while, the doctors keep telling her that she’s going to get better, and she keeps smiling, even as she throws up in a box every day. Go on, tell her the treatment didn’t work. Go on, stand at the end of her hospital bed and tell her she’s got to leave her second-grade students.”
Annus shook his head. “Unus--”
“Oh, and there’s little Sergio. There’s a train coming, but he’s playing and doesn’t see. Do you want to take him, as his parents scream across the way, telling him to move? Huh? Do you want to do that, want to watch his little eyes widen as he finally sees it, barrelling towards him. How about the conductor? Do you want to watch him break apart late at night as he realises what he’s done? Huh?” Unus was angry, angry at the universe for forcing him to kill, day after day, checking off arbitrary numbers shoved into his head. And maybe he was a little mad at Annus too, for assuming Unus’s job was as easy as he made it look. 
Annus shoved the scythe back, violently into Unus’s chest as he shook his head. “It’s not mine.”
Unus threw the unwanted scythe to the ground, the obsidian shard skidding across the floor. “It’s not mine either,” he snapped. 
“What? What are you-”
Unus raised towards the end of Annus’s perfect hall, opening his spiral. “I can’t anymore,” he said, voice trembling. “I can’t. I’m done.”
“They want you, but they don’t need you,” he said, watching Annus swallow. “They need me, but they don’t want me.”
A harsh truth. Annus seemed to flinch back, like he’d been slapped. 
“I’m done,” he said again. He stumbled backwards, turning towards his portal. He didn’t know where he was going, didn’t know what he was doing, just knew he couldn’t be in that white room with the oh-so perfect Annus anymore. 
He was done. 
(part 2 coming a bit later this week)
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queenfredegund · 5 years
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MEROVINGIAN REGINAE | Austregildis Regina (c. 548-580)
Second chief wife of Guntchramn Rex, to whom she bore two sons, Chlothacar Rex and Chlodomer Rex, and two daughters, Chlodoberga II Regina and Chlodechildis IV Regina.
According to Gregorius of Tours, she was from Dux Magnacharius’s familia, meaning she may have been either one of his clients’ daugther, or one of his slaves. At an unknown date, but probably after 561, when Guntchramn had become rex over Burgundia, he married Marcatrudis, the daughter of Magnacharius, and apparently raised her as his chief wife. 
Therefore, Austregildis may have come to the court as Marcatrudis’ servant or dowary maid. However, Marcatrudis finally fell into disgrace c. 565-566, after having been accused of having poisoned Gundobald Rex, son of another concubine. She was then stripped from her position, and died no longer after. 
“Postea vero Marcatrudem, filiam Magnarii, in matrimonium accepit. [...] et odium regis incurrit, demissaque ab eodem, ne multo post tempore mortua est.
Later on Guntram married Marcatrude, the daughter of Magnachar. [...] As a result the King was estranged from her and he dismissed her. She died not long afterwards. ”
DLH, IV, 25. De uxoribus Guntchramni
Althought it is difficult to say since when, Austregildis was probably by that time one of the regular concubines of Guntchramn, perhaps even his favourite, and thus did not suffer from the downfall of her previous mistress. Indeed, quickly after Marcatrudis’ death, she rose into position, and was regarded as Guntchramn’s new and only chief wife, probably after giving birth to her first son, Chlothacar.
“ Post quam Austerchilde cognomento Bobillam accepit, de qua iterum duos filios habuit, duorum senior Chlotharius, minor Chlodomeris dicebatur.
Then Guntram married Austrechild, also called Bobilla. He had two sons by her, the elder called Lothar and the younger Chlodomer.”
DLH, IV, 25. De uxoribus Guntchramni
From c. 565 to at least 577, she then successfully gave birth to three other children, meaning that she was probably the exclusive sexual partner of the rex. However, she had to face some difficulties at court, as she became the target of critics, firstly from Bishop Sagittarius, who implied that because she was from a low-ranking birth, her sons may have not been suitable for succeeding to their father, and also from Marcatrudis’ brothers, who accused her of having taken the position of their late sister. 
Furious about them and because he could not support letting his chief spouse being humiliated, Guntchramn subsequently took action against them by depriving them from their ranks and possessions, and even beheading Marcatrudis’s brothers.
“Gunthchramnus vero rex duos Magnacharii quondam filios gladio interemit, pro eo quod in Austregildem reginam eiusque subolis multa detestabilia atque exsecranda proferrent, facultatesque eorum fisco suo redegit.
King Guntram killed the two sons of Magnachar, who himself had died some time before. His excuse was that they had made hateful and abominable remarks about Queen Austrechild and her children. He seized their possessions and added them to the royal treasury.”
DLH, V, 17. De dubietate Paschae
“Sed Sagittarius felle commotus, hanc rationem dure suscipiens, ut erat levis ac vanus et in sermonibus inrationabilibus profluus, declamare plurima de rege coepit ac dicere, quod filii eius regnum capere non possint, eo quod mater eorum ex familia Magnacharii quondam adscita regis torum adisset, ignorans, quod, praetermissis nunc generibus feminarum, regis vocitantur liberi, qui de regibus fuerant procreati. His auditis, rex commotus valde, tam equos quam pueros vel quaecumque habere poterant abstulit; ipsosque in monasteriis a se longiori accensu dimotos, in quibus paenitentiam agerent [...].
This annoyed Sagittarius very much. He was a fatuous and empty-headed fellow, much given to garrulous talk, and he bore this decision ill. He began to spread silly tales about the King, saying, for example, that Guntram’s sons could never succeed to the throne because when their mother married him she had been one of Magnachar’s servants. Sagittarius was overlooking the fact that, irrespective of their mother’s birth, all children born to a king count as that king’s sons. When Guntram heard this he was greatly incensed. He deprived them of their horses, their servants and all their possessions. He shut them up in two monasteries far removed from each other and there they were left to repent of their sins.”
DLH, V, 20. De Salunio et Sagittario episcopis
Unfortunately, in 577, her two sons Chlothacar and Chlodomer died during an epidemy. She also never seemed to become pregnant again, and then did not give birth to an other son. However, she stayed the indisputable chief wife of Guntchramn, and he apparently never threaten to demote her from her position.
“Ipse quoque duos filios suos subito morbo oppressus perdedit; de quorum funere valde contristatus est, eo quod orbatus absque liberis remansisset.
Later on Guntram lost his own two sons, who died of some sudden disease. He was greatly distressed at their death, for it left him bereaved and childless.”
DLH, V, 17. De dubietate Paschae
Moreover, in order to compensate for the loss of his only heirs, he turned himself towards his nephew, Childebert II Rex, son of Brunehilde, and send envoys to him proposing to make him his legal heir. Austregildis finally died in september 580, during the so-called “Plague of the Gauls”. According to Gregorius of Tours, she asked on her deathbed to Guntchramn to severly punish the medicii who have been unable to save her, what he granted her on.
“Fertur enim Herodiano more regem petisse, dicens: ‘Adhuc spes vivendi fuerat, si non inter iniquorum medicorum manus interissem; nam potionis ab illis acceptae mihi vi abstulerunt vitam et fecerunt me hanc lucem velociter perdere. Et ideo, ne inulta mors mea praetereat, quaeso et cum sacramenti interpositione coniuro, ut cum ab hac luce discessero, statim ipse gladio trucidentur; ut, sicut ego amplius vivere non queo, ita nec ille post meum obitum glorientur, sed sit unus dolus nostris pariter ac eorum amicis’. Haec effata, infilicem animam tradidit.
As Herod had done before her, she is said to have made this last request to the King: ‘I should still have some hope of recovery if my death had not been made inevitable by the treatment prescribed for me by these wicked doctors, It is the medicines which they have given me which have robbed me of my life and forced me thus to lose the light of day. I beseech you, do not let me die unavenged. Give me your solemn word, I beg you, that you will cut their throats the moment that my eyes have closed in death. If I have really come to the end of my life, they must not be permitted to glory in my dying. When my friends grieve for me, let their friends grieve for them, too.’ As she said this, she died.”
DLH, V, 35. De Austregilde regina
She was publicly mourned in the regnum, and furthermore, was not succeeded by any eminent woman, as Guntchramn never took any other significant concubine and never fathered other known children. According to her epitaph compiled in the Titulorum Gallicanorum Liber, she was 32 years old.
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itsamepatches · 3 years
Patches reads the CW "Powerpuff Girls" script PART 2
Oh yay Tumblr has an image limit, so I have to cut this down by parts ;; Oh well. Probably for the best.
PART 1 (here) PART 2 PART 3 (here) PART 4 (here)
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"Even their own cartoon!"
They were there first, dummy narrator. You would know that, because you were there. :B
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Societal expectations for certain abilities and capabilities for their age group and beyond thus being seen as failures if they don't meet up with said expectations in the matter of seconds?
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Time for a time skip to 2003. The girls are now around 17 years of age. They can't be as bad as the cringy, Valley Girl "teen Powerpuff Girls" from that episode "Town of Clipsville", could they?
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Why is Bubbles written as "hungover"? You telling me she drank alcohol, script? Why the heck would she drink? And what bloody "character bible" are you talking about, Drake? You have one for your own kids instead of letting them pick what they wear since they're older now?
And now, for one of the weirdest lines in this script:
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Who? Who talks like this? What kind of 40 year old woman says something weird as hell as "butt crack of dawn" instead of, you know, the break of dawn? I'm confused.
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Excuse my language, but,
Drake, you stupid bitch, that's your girlfriend of 10 years! You would think someone who's been so close to you for that long would, just about, be family one way or another by now. Just like if this was the cartoon, the girls were ready to call out the crappy beaviour on Drake's part; however, I really, really don't think Professor would act this way. He's a softer guy than...this.
And Professor Drake is going to get worse.
Anyway, back to the action.
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"Plz be careful with my anime waifu dad unu" "(in his head) Why did I take this child in?"
And now, for...this:
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I admit, I like the "what if the Powerpuff Girls accidentally killed someone" plotline that I've seen in fanworks/fanfiction/fan-comics, but the way it's handled here feels too soon into the series, if that makes sense. If this had been Mojo Jojo from the cartoon series suddenly getting killed by one of the girls, this would've been surprising because of how big of an impact Mojo Jojo had. This Mojo is seen in a couple of scenes, and while he was significant, he wasn't given enough time to leave a big impact on the reader/audience. I could be wrong, though. I know there might be people out there who still might be shocked by this scene, regardless of how much time Mojo had to grow as a character in this version of the PPG.
As for the "your favourite Powerpuff Girl is now traumatized" plot, it could've been written better. "Blossom begins to hyperventilate, having a full-blown panic attack..." I guess it's because it's in script form, so it's not going to be as descriptive as a novel/fanfic. She could be frozen in shock as she took in what happened and then slowly come to the realization as she breathes faster with wide eyes, fearful about taking a life. (I know it might be seen as corny, but, worth a shot.)
So now that Mojo was killed by Blossom, the "anti-Powerpuff" movement gets worse, and then "the Mayor" (no clue if this is our mayor from the cartoon) announces on the television that the Powerpuff Girls will be outlawed which causes the crowd of citizens to cheer.
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Where does Blossom exactly go until we see her again in Act One? No clue. She's a 17-year old kid who ran away without warning. I guess they would tell us in a later episode, but since we'll find out later in the script that she's doing well overall, at least we know she's not having a crappy time like Bubbles.
This is going to get BLEEPing ridiculous and silly.
...you'll see in Part 3.
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trashyswitch · 5 years
The Roaring 20′s
New Years Eve is finally here, and the Egos have opened up the bar to party! Chase, Jackie, Shawn and Henrik end up getting a little too drunk, and JJ and Marvin have to keep things under control.
Thankfully, everyone seems to be happy, playful and silly right now. This could be easy!...right?
There's a few swears in this fanfic. Just be warned.
It's New Years Eve, and the Egos have opened up the bar for some good ol' fashioned partying! A little known fact about Jamie: He is an AMAZING bartender! He can come up with those well-known alcoholic blends on the fly! How? He simply memorized them from working full-time as a bartender for many years, before his entertainment career took off! So, Jamie was volunteering behind the counter, serving up the Ego's favorite drinks. He was also keeping in mind how much each ego was drinking. Knowing Chase, he might end up overdoing it. Shawn was known for overdoing the drinks as well, so he'd have to keep an eye on both of them. Thankfully, Marvin didn't appear to be drinking very much. Telling by the cup in his hand, Marvin was most likely drinking something. But it was barely anything compared to the other Egos.
"Hey Jamie, my man! Can I have one of those Jack and cokes please?" Chase asked. Jamie smiled, nodded his head and took his glass back. He placed a few ice cubes into the glass, dumped some Jack Daniel's whiskey into the glass, and filled the rest of it with Coca Cola. Then, he handed it to Chase and put the lid back onto the Jack Daniel's.
"Thanks! You're the best! How long have you been bartending for?" Chase asked, taking a sip of his cocktail.
'35 years.' Jamie signed back. Chase choked on his drink.
"How old are you again?!" Chase asked, wide-eyed. Jamie laughed, and clapped his hands in amusement.
'Do you really wanna know?' Jamie asked, still silently laughing in both amusement and embarrassment.
"Yeah! How old are ya?" Chase repeated. Jamie shook his head with a big smile on his face.
'Older than I look, that's for sure.' Jamie replied.
"Aw, come on man! Specify!" Chase whined.
Jamie bursted out into another fit of laughter. He took a moment to calm down, before answering his question. 'Honestly? Older than the World War II survivors. I should be dead.' Jamie replied, before falling into another fit of laughter. Chase's face went pale, as he slowly, and awkwardly, placed his drink down on the coaster in front of him.
"Jesus...You're older than most of the boomers that are still living..." Chase muttered.
Jamie sighed. "Uncultured millennial's..." Jamie joked.
Chase gasped, causing Jamie to burst out laughing once again. "HEY! How DARE you make fun of me! I'll have you know, that the millennial's are the most well-behaved generation so far!" Chase argued.
'Is that true? Or is that just your biased opinion?' Jamie asked.
"He's right." Henrik butted in. "Millennial's are zhe most vell-behaved generation, according to scientists." Henrik clarified.
'Well, I'm not surprised. My generation was drinking, partying and having sex every evening.' Jamie mentioned.
"That's true." Chase agreed.
"And surprizingly, not a lot has changed, over zhe years..." Henrik muttered, before sipping on his drink. Jamie giggled at Henrik's last remark.
15 minutes later:
"Hey guys! I have a funny idea! Let's watch Unus Annus on YouTube! I'd like to see what kind of hilarious content is going up on that!" Chase suggested excitedly.
"Oh dear god...Not ZHIS again!" Henrik sighed, rubbing his nose.
Jamie clapped his hands, and pointed both index fingers at Chase. 'Let's do it!' Jamie signed excitedly.
"I'll get it ready!" Jackie yelled, running to Chase's room to grab the computer and the HDMI cord.
In a few minutes, all 6 egos were sitting on chairs in the living room, flipping through the channel and its content.
"Which one? We've got loooots of content to watch!" Chase asked.
"NEIN! VE ARE NOT VATCHING ZHAT VONE!" Henrik interrupted Jackie.
"Awww...you're no fun..." Jackie whined.
"What about turning Ethan into a mummy?" Chase suggested.
"Sure!" Shawn replied.
'Good choice!' Jamie signed.
"Okay. Zhat's user friendly." Henrik replied.
Chase turned on the video, and sat down.
[After the year long countdown played, Ethan started describing what he wanted his body to be mummified with, and surrounded by. Soon, the pair found a Ted Talk on making a Mummy.
"Are you gonna have to put your hand in my mouth?!" Ethan asked in surprise and horror.
"Oooh yeah." Mark said in a smooth voice.
"Noooooo..." Ethan said in a monotone voice.]
"I don't like how sexy that sounded..." Marvin admitted. Chase bursted out laughing at the remark.
[The narrator started explaining the process, telling Mark and Ethan about the spike hammered into the skull, the mashing of the brain, flushing it from the nose, and the pouring of the tree resin into the skull.
"It's a Neti Pot!" Ethan exclaimed.
"What?!" Mark reacted to Ethan's remark.
"We've done step three already!" Ethan added. Mark bursted out in deep laughter.]
"What- when did they do that?" Shawn asked.
"They used a Neti Pot in a previous video." Chase explained.
"It's a nose-cleansing device. You put it in your right nostril, it runs through zhe right nostril, and out zhe left nostril." Henrik explained.
Jamie's facial expression turned to horror, as he covered his nose and mouth in pure horror. Chase laughed at Jamie's reaction, before looking back at the video.
[The duo discover through doing the Unus Annus videos, they've already done the first few steps of mummification.]
"I feel like we're skipping a few videos by choosing this one..." Shawn commented.
"Kinda, but not really." Chase replied.
[Mark comments on how Ethan speaks normally off camera.
"You're like uh, you're like uh...Yu-Gi-Oh! You're like Yu-Gi-Oh! When you open the EGYP-TIAN...pyramid-"
Ethan's hair gets covered by a PNG image of Yu-Gi-Oh's hair, and the background slowly changes to an action-based animation from the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.
"-Turn into another person!" Mark finishes.
"It's...all connected." Ethan exclaims, clapping the bottom of his right hand, over the palm of his left hand.]
Jamie, Jackie and Chase all laughed at the Yu-Gi-Oh transformation.
["How are we gonna do the first steps?" Ethan asked, as he laid on the table.
"I am going to suck out your brain, with this patented brain sucker." Mark replied, showing Ethan the box that said NOSEFRIDA on the front.
"OH! MY GOD!" Ethan yelled, in silly horror.]
"Hahahaha! Zhat's PERFECT!" Henrik laughed.
"What is it?" Marvin asked.
"He explains it." Chase replied.
["This is meant to suck the snot out of baby's noses." Mark explained.]
"Oh...OH NO!" Marvin exclaimed, laughing in slight horror.
["What if I..." Mark said, before walking away. "I'll be right back." Mark said, leaving through the white door on the right.
Suddenly, Mark came barreling into the room, with a sucking device, shaped like a gun.
"DON'T put it in your nose, if it's going in mine!" Ethan warned. "Now remember: The safe word is please." Ethan said, making Mark laugh.]
"OH GOD NO!" Jackie reacted, covering his mouth and nose with his hands.
[After a first attempt, it was discovered that Mark, will certainly, have to do it himself.
"Fine. I will SUCK! THE FUCK! out of your brains!" Mark declared, bending down to his knees.]
Marvin and Jamie laughed at that.
[Mark put the end of the tube in his mouth, and started sucking.]
Chase gasped. "EWW! OHOHO MY GAHAHAD!" Chase shouted, laughing in pure disgust.
"That's DISGUSTING!" Jackie exclaimed.
"Do people have to actually do that to their babies?!" Marvin asked.
"Yup! I've done it once. But, it's a lot less uncomfortable when it's your baby. When a MAN, is sucking the SNOT out of ANOTHER MAN, THAT'S A WHOLE OTHER STORY!" Chase replied.
[After the sucking part, Mark and Ethan moved onto the guts part.
"I think, for you, more than just your heart is is the seed of your soul. I think your tum tum-" "I think your gutty wutty's-" "Livvy witty-" "Panc-wee-essy-" Mark cooed. Ethan bursted out in flustered giggles]
"Hahaha! That's adowable!" Chase cooed.
Jamie's face turned slightly red. 'Stop.' Jamie signed.
"What? Why? Are you embawassed? Is de wittwe boy embawassed?" Chase asked in a baby voice.
Jamie covered his face in embarrassment, and nodded.
"Awww! That's SOOO adowable! Where are those dimples? I wanna see those dimples!" Chase cooed, wiggling his fingers to further tease the man.
Jamie removed his hands to sign. 'Stop please!" Jamie signed.
"THERE'S those adowable dimples! I see them! Oh yes, I see them!" Chase cooed, poking and squeezing Jamie's cheeks.
Jamie, already embarrassed as it is, was now getting his cheeks squeezed like a baby?! That's taking it to another level. Even though he was a father who knew how to tease a person to oblivion, Jamie still knew how to embarrass Chase back. Jamie reached his hands out, and skittered his fingers under Chase's armpits.
"AHAHA! SHIT! NOHO! JA-HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Chase bursted out loudly, bouncing back, and feeling his back hit the couch with a thump. Jamie took advantage of the situation and continued his tickle attack.
"Ooooh! Looks like Jamie's got the upper hand! Let's see how long THIS lasts!" Jackie cheered.
Shawn, who giggling at the sight, quietly got up behind the dapper boy and squeezed Jamie's sides. Jamie squealed in surprise, and giggled as Shawn start spidering his fingers on his sides. However, Jamie wasn't giving up so easily...Jamie reached his hands behind him, and felt his hands touch someone's knee. sensing who's it was, Jamie smirked, wrapped his fingers around the top of his knee and squeezed.
"AH! Gahahad dahahahamn ihihit!" Shawn let out, letting go and falling into a puddle of giggles. Jamie quickly whipped himself around, lifted up Shawn's leg and skittered his fingers under Shawn's knee.
"BAHAhahahahaha! Yohohohou suhuhuhuhuhuck!" Shawn yelled, bursting into even more laughter.
Jamie's choice to ignore Chase, ended up being a big mistake. Because before Jamie could stop it, Chase had grabbed his ankle, pulled off his shoe, and started scratching his socked foot. Jamie's whole body jolted, before dropping the leg and attempting to scoot away and pull his foot free. But Jamie had fallen into a trap! He had scooted himself into Shawn's arms! Shawn pushed his arms through Jamie's armpits, and held him down.
"Now Chase! Get 'em!" Shawn commanded quickly. Chase wasted no time, as he continued scratching and wiggling his fingers on specific spots on his foot. Jamie arched his back and silently laughed as a bad spot on his foot was attacked wildly. Refusing to get stuck like this forever, Jamie kept his back arched and got ready to reach his hands back.
All of a sudden, Chase moved his fingers to the inner arch of Jamie's foot. Uh oh! Not good! Jamie threw his head back as the new spot was scratched, and wounded up delaying his attack for a couple seconds. With his mind focused once again, Jamie reached his hands behind him.
"Oh no you don't!" Shawn warned, wrapping his arms around Jamie's to stop him. However, That ended up helping Jamie in the long run! Jamie felt for somewhere on his sides. Feeling his hands touch Shawn's hips, he wasted no time and drilled his fingers right into Shawn's hips.
"AAAH! WAIT! JAHAHAHAMIE! NAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Shawn bursted out, falling into a fit of hysterical laughter.
Chase stopped for a moment. "What- How are you so flexible?!" Chase exclaimed, unable to relate.
Shawn, who was still trying to keep Jamie detained, tried to stay focused on holding onto him, while Jamie attacked his worst spot. Though, he wasn't making it easy for him. Jamie had fallen into a pattern of wiggling, and drilling. Wiggling, and drilling. continuing his drilling, before switching to wiggling. He stayed wiggling for a little while, before drilling AND wiggling at the same time.
"I think the only way you're getting out of this one, is by letting go of the guy." Marvin commented, snickering at Jamie's shit-eating grin.
Jamie winked at Marvin, before he switched tactics from wiggling in the hollows of his hips, to drilling his ring fingers into the back of his hips.
Jamie changed from drilling, to wiggling. He wiggled, and wiggled and wiggled, until he switched to his middle fingers from the first set getting tired.
"WAI- SHIHIHIHIHIT! OKAHAHAHAY! OHOHOKAHAHAHAY!!" Shawn shouted, removing his arms as quick as possible, and flopping his arms above his head in surrender. Jamie tried to get off the couch, but ended up falling off the couch due to his foot still being stuck. His head and his back was against the ground, while his feet were still on the couch. His right foot was sitting there lazily, while his left foot was still captured by Chase's hand.
"Ouch...How did that feel?" Chase asked, referring to his head. Jamie rolled his eyes and gave him the middle finger.
"Bahahaha! Yeah! Go give yourself a fuck, Chase!" Marvin yelled. Henrik guffawed and covered his mouth, remembering the game the quote was from. Chase's jaw dropped, as he turned his head to Marvin.
"How about you shut your mouth before I shut it for you?" Chase threatened, jumping up, and sprinting to take down Marvin.
"Wha- WaitwaitWAITWAIT WAIT! CHASE! I'M SORRY! DO-" Chase picked up Marvin, placed his back onto the back of the couch, and pushed him over. Marvin's body did a full 180, before his head landed on the couch seat, and his legs rested on the back of the couch. Marvin was essentially sitting upside down on the couch. For Chase, that was exactly what he wanted. Chase grabbed Marvin's ankles and readied them under his arm.
"What are you even doing? Play wrestling? OoooOOOHHH GOHOHOD! AW COHOHOME OHOHOHON, MAHAHAN!" Marvin yelled, bursting into laughter as the soles of his feet were being scratched by Chase's fingers.
"Hey! You started it with your Little Misfortune bologna. I'm just returning the favor!" Chase shot back, scratching on the underside of his heel. Marvin's laughter turned to cackles, as he shook his head and flailed his arms. Chase had him in a position where, if he wanted revenge, he was gonna need a lot of core strength. Unfortunately for him, that was one thing he lacked.
Not only that, but during his squirming, Marvin's shirt had fallen down a bit, exposing his belly a little bit. Henrik, who was sitting right beside the upside down laughing magician, couldn't help but smile and lift his right hand up to the exposed tummy.
"Somevone's got a cute leetle tummy, I see. Boop! Boop boop boop!" Henrik complimented, giving his belly and his belly button a few pokes and scratches.
"HEHEHEHEHEY! NOHOHOT YOU TOOHOHOHOHOHO! THIHIHIS IHIHIS UHUHUNFAHAHAHAHAIR!" Marvin yelled through his laughter. He tried to cover up his stomach, but Henrik grabbed his wrists and pushed them against the couch cushion. With his dominant hand, he continued to skitter his fingers on Marvin's tummy.
"PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!" Marvin begged.
"Please vhat? Please tickle you more? Alright! Shawn?" Henrik said, turning his head towards Shawn. "Do you have a paint brush vizh you?" Henrik asked.
Shawn smiled, and pulled a paintbrush out of his pocket. "Always do." Shawn said, throwing the paintbrush his way. Henrik caught it.
"Zhanks!" Henrik said, before dipping the paintbrush into his belly button.
“AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOOOHOHOHOHOHO!” Marvin begged, squirming his belly to get away from the paintbrush. However, the paintbrush would only follow his squirming and dip itself back into his belly button.
“Vhat’s wrong, Marvin? Toooooooo ticklish?” Henrik asked, smirking as he started to spin the paintbrush.
“CHAHAHAHAHASE! TOOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!” Marvin yelled. Henrik looked towards the end of the couch, and saw Chase...tickling under his toes!
“This little piggy went to the market...” Chase said, wiggling his big toe. Henrik's eyes widened, as a smile grew onto his lips in amusement.
“NOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHON’T!” Marvin begged, his face turning red as he laughed.
This little piggy went home...” Chase said, wiggling the second toe.
“This little piggy had ticklish wittle feetsies...” Chase teased, changing up the lyrics to further ridicule him as he wiggled the middle toe.
“This little piggy had none!” Chase said, wiggling the second last toe.
“And THIS little piggy went...” Chase teased, pausing the rhyme to create more suspense. Instantly, Chase skittered all 5 fingers on the entire foot. “WEE WEE WEE WEE WEE! All the way home!” Chase cooed.
“HAHAHAHAHA! HEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Marvin laughed. His face was practically a tomato, and his body was starting to get REALLY tired! So, Chase let go of his legs, and pushed his legs to the side. Marvin's whole body fell comfortably onto his side, as the exhausted Marvin laid there, breathing deeply through his mouth.
"You okay? We didn't kill ya, did we?" Chase asked.
"I-*huff* I'm fine... *huff* I'll be *Huff* *Huff* Fihihine...*Huff*" Marvin said through his breaths.
Chase let out a sigh of relief. Henrik handed Shawn back his paintbrush, while Jamie sat back onto the couch with a big smile on his face, that he just couldn't hide.
"What's so funny?" Chase asked, both suspicious and curious about his motives.
'imagining your reaction to my plan to get revenge.' Jamie signed, before tackling him down.
"Jamie, Wait- HAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHO!" Chase exclaimed, before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter, from Jamie's fingers in his armpits.
Jamie's smile grew wider as his fingers skittered and scratched, and soon decided to move down to his ribs.
"AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAT THE RIHIHIHIBS! AHAHANYTHIHIHING BUT THEHEHE RIHIHIHIHIBS!" Chase shouted, shaking his head back and forth as Jamie dug into and in between the ribs.
Jamie gave Chase the puppy face, before taking in a quick inhale, and...Blew a big raspberry! right on Chase's ribs!
Chase's laughter turned into cackles, as his face turned a deep scarlet color! His hat came flying off as well!
Liking how red his face had gotten, Jamie took in an inhale, and blew short raspberries on multiple ribs!
This was when Chase's laughter went silent. He seemed just about done. It didn't take long, but that didn't really matter. Jamie smiled, messed up his hair a little, and got up off of him.
As Jamie walked, he was suddenly stopped, by Shawn of all people. Jamie crossed his arms, putting on an irritated teenage face.
"It's my turn for revenge." Shawn announced, before grabbing Jamie, flipping him around, and shoving his hands into his sides once again.
Jamie squealed, and fell into a massive puddle of giggles as he squirmed around in Shawn's stronghold.
"Jackie! Grab his arms!" Shawn ordered quickly. Jackie nodded, stood up and quickly grabbed his arms and held them out in front of him.
Once his arms were completely contained, Shawn continued tickling his sides, and squeezed his tummy a little bit as well. Jamie laughed, giggled, cackled and squirmed through the whole thing. He even let out a few snorts! That was an adorable thing to hear! Eventually, before the clocked striked twelve, everyone had gotten their share of ticklish revenge. Happy New Year, everyone! May everyone have an amazing 2020.
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