Immortal Dysfunction
8K posts
Mobile Friendly WIP Link Aussie millennial. She/Her.Posts about my WIP and OC’s, random writing related things and occasionally Australian specific stuff plus anything else that takes my fancy. Happy to be tagged in games.
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adie-dee · 1 year ago
OC Kiss Week - Food
A pair from a currently discarded WIP about pixie investigators
Holly let out a squeal as she bounded from one display case to another, pressing her nose up against the glass and staring down.
“Pine!!” she turned, pointing, “Pine lookit! Look at all the food!!!”
Pine frowned. It wasn’t really food so much as sugar and syrup or food coloring pressed into funny shapes. But they had just finished up a case and had a bit of extra money, and this is where Holly had wanted to spend it.
At a human candy store.
Pine shifted to get a better look at a pair of humans that gave them an odd look before continuing on their way; Pine hated coming down here. They had to hide their ears and press their wings under piles of clothing, Holly usually needing to bind hers to her torso because of how much they’d flutter when she got excited.
After all was said and done, the pair looked like nothing more than human children instead of adult pixies.
But Holly was happy, and that made Pine happy. She bounced up and down as she flitted between cases, grabbing up bags or pre-packaged goodies and Pine sighed, knowing the sticky mess that was bound to happen whenever sweets met Holly’s thick curly brown hair. But again, so long as she was happy. She was the one that brought in the clients, after all, with her chipper demeanor offsetting Pine’s often sour one.
Pine waited until she had completed her hunt, bags upon bags balanced precariously in her arms. Pine went to go pay, making up a story about how the one parent was lucky the other parent let them go shopping for a present, one Pine had well rehearsed at this point as she handed over the money. The pair left and walked out of the store, Holly brimming with joy.
“I can’t believe humans actually eat all this stuff!” she crowed, hopping and jumping around.
“People,” Pine corrected. “You mean people.” Holly had a tendency to forget her terminology at times, but never seemed to be upset when Pine corrected her.
“Right,” she beamed, “people. People eat all this stuff!!”
“And you’re about to eat it all when we get back,” Pine said. “Because one bite of that stuff makes me sick.”
Holly gave her a mischievous smile and leaned over, giving Pine a peck on the cheek. “Thanks for coming with me.”
Pine smiled and let that be her answer.
The pair walked well out of the way of foot traffic, into the parkinglot where there seemed to be less and less humans until there were none around. Then they stripped off the outer layer of clothing, just enough to let their wings breathe and flapped a few times before taking off back home.
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adie-dee · 1 year ago
One very rough draft of the possible new opener for Lies in the Lilies, written while I’m meant to be sleeping.
Definitely needs work, but I feel like there’s something good here.
They say that when you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes. Which I never really believe. You live your life, not knowing how lucky you are if you have a long one, and then you die.
But as I lay here, stuck in the eternal instant between life and death, I realise that they saying is true. Your whole life does flash before your eyes. And trust me; with the knowledge of hindsight, it can really suck the second time around.
I can see the betrayal now. I can see how I was betrayed; how I betrayed. And worst of all, I can see that there was nothing I could have done to avoid this moment. I always always meant to die this day.
My birthday and death day in one. How poetic, how…cliche. Like I’m some sort of fairytale princess.
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adie-dee · 1 year ago
The rectangular object my hand found didn’t feel like a book. Pulling it out revealed it was a picture frame, a smashed one at that, and when I brushed the shards of glass away I let out a gasp.
The picture was of Harrison.
With a twenty year age gap between us, I always saw him as being old in my memories, like a younger-but-not-by-much brunette version of our Dad, but the fresh-faced man in the picture reminded me of how young he’d actually been. My age now, most likely, and smiling like his whole future was ahead of him, instead of a gunshot to the chest on a cold July night.
The woman next to him was a younger, more alive version of Zia, her arm wrapped around his waist as they both smiled at the camera, and my blood boiled at the sight of it. How dare she have this on display, after everything she’d done to my family. I pulled the picture out of the frame, ready to tear it in half so that she was no longer standing with him, but instead I stopped. Because there was another photo in the frame. One of me and Mum.
I took it out too. I was young in it, maybe two or three, and I was beaming at the camera while holding a pristine Boris bear tight to my chest, the same one that was in my apartment, squished and battered and threadbare from years of cuddles. Mum barely looked any different: neat as a pin and as poised as ever.
I wiped my face, my anger having brought on tears, then tucked the picture into my back pocket. There were more important things to focus on than the photo, as upsetting as it was. But I still took a moment to remove Zia from Harrison’s picture, setting fire to her half and watching it burn until it was nothing more than ash on my hand.
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adie-dee · 1 year ago
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I should just accept that my Spotify wrapped is mostly my daughters Spotify wrapped, with a brief cameo of music I like…
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adie-dee · 1 year ago
modern social media should stop offering "sync with your phone contacts to follow them" options and start offering "block all your phone contacts so they never see your account" options
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adie-dee · 1 year ago
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
Sunday Romance Week 5
Blake yelled my name from the living room just as I finished getting dressed. 
“Yeh?” I yelled back, pulling a silk dressing gown on over my outfit.
“You still want burgers for dinner?” 
I did, and I was banking on the fact that he would too.
“Yes,” I said once I left the bedroom, tightening the belt of the robe so he wouldn’t see what was underneath. “Where are we ordering from?”
“Nowhere.” He went to the fridge, pulling out a plate with several homemade looking patties. “Thought we could make them ourselves, so I got these ready. And-” he put a large drink in front of me, the top of the stainless steel cup piled high with cream, “-I made you a drink too.”
Tentatively I took a sip. Blake’s drinks were normally protein shakes or gross kale-filled green smoothies, but this, to my delight, was a rather boozy Nutella shake. This was way more effort on his part than I was expecting, and made me feel a little bad about what I had in store for him.
“That’s so good!” I gushed, slurping up some more before placing my hands on his chest and giving him a kiss. “I can’t believe you did this! You said you were only ever going to make healthy food.”
“Burgers can be healthy too,” he grumbled. “And I thought you might like something different to drink. Plus I needed to do something to keep myself entertained, seeing as you locked yourself in the bathroom for over an hour.” He fiddled with the end of my robe. “Was worried you were putting on that fucking onesie again, but that’s still where I hid it.”
And hidden well, at that, but I didn’t expect any less from Blake. Not that it mattered though, as I had several more he hadn’t thought to hide from me. 
“So what’ve you got on underneath anyway?” He tried to take a peek but I held the robe closed, not shifting my hand even when he gave me the most adorable puppy dog eyes.
Keep reading
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
You ready for a hard 'tag your oc' challenge?
Tag an oc who doesn't have childhood trauma. At all. Who's family is still alive.
I'll wait.
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
plenty of "girl who looks cute wearing her boyfriend's clothes" content out there but not enough "guy who looks cute wearing his girlfriend's clothes" in my opinion. where's your commitment. where's your bisexuality.
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
man the crazy thing about babies is that like, some people would think that reading a baby a book about farm animals is teaching them about farm animals, but really it’s teaching them about the concept of a book and how there’s new information on each page of a single object, but really, beyond that, it’s teaching them how language works, and beyond that it’s really actually teaching them about human interaction, and really really it’s them learning about existing in a three-dimensional space and how they can navigate that space, but actually, above all it is teaching them that mama loves them.
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
The best thing about new zealand english is we get to pick and choose what we like from american english and british english.
The bad thing is that sometimes we choose wrong.
Like. Americans have fries and chips vs brits have chips and crisps. Both valid.
Here? We have chips and chips.
Youd think it'd be fine and that you can figure out which one a person is talking about from context but trust me a good percentage of the time you cannot. And often the person will try to differentiate them by clarifying they meant "Potato chips" only for them to realise a second later that both chips are made from potatoes
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
Love it 😂😂😂😂😂😁
OC tag game!
Tagged by @bloodlessheirbyjacques (😁)
Open tag because I don't remember where my tag list is (although if I keep getting tagged I might have to put a new one together...hmmmm...Although I will tag @adie-dee because I think you'll get a kick out of some of these 😂)
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Empty sheets below for anyone that wants to play!
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
100% 😂😂😂
you people will see a character in desperate need of therapy and go "i'm going to give them more horrors"
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
Could really use more media where wives viciously protect their husbands
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
thinking about her (deactivated tumblr mutual)…
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adie-dee · 2 years ago
I love that we’ve kept going. The chaos that is our unnamed work is a hell of a lot of fun 😂
And a reminder that we started in July. JULY.
A year of writing 2022
I was going to do this in a far more stylish way and with more actual facts and things and a header and stuff, but time got away from me (read: I had this in my drafts and went ADHD about it) so here's a bare-bones version posted before I hit 2023 with a hammer, lol
Top Genres:
WRITING: Fantasy. High, modern, urban. READING: FANTASY BABBY!!! Stormlight Archives, mostly. Discovered them in 2022 and am still working my way through Oathbringer (NOBODY SPOIL ANYTHING)
Total Word Count
Well. I was working on my WIP Half-blood, which currently stands at 54k words (tbh I'm not sure how much of that was in 2021 and how much was in 2022 because my brain still thinks it's 2020 half the time and is convinced we're going into 2024 the rest of the time) but then a writing challenge happened and I got distracted and between me and @adie-dee we've cultivated somewhere in the 600k wordcount range and so my part of that would be...*checks documents**crunches numbers**tries to math* know what. No. My total word count for this year is just a lot, okay?!
Top Wordy Things
The Chaotic Writing Challenge (Thanks to @the-orangeauthor for starting the challenge 😁😁)
Top OC/s
Rod, the theatrical thieving magician
Becks, the earth sprite hybrid that won't stop Doing The Things (or some people)
Spotify 2022 Wrapped
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