#he’s babygirl he’s major freak he’s the love of my life
cruesuffix · 21 days
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the things you find when you’re chronically online
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 2 months
For the OC heraldry game, Azure 1, Gold 2, and Black 3 for Ella!
Azure 1: Does your OC have a guiding principle by which they live their life--such as duty, self restraint or vengeance? Has this ever been tested by circumstance or challenged by another person?
I'd say that Ella's guiding principals are love & loyalty. Primarily to her family, but that kind of intense love can be pointed in the direction of a friend. A lot of what she does can be tied back into whoever she's showing this kind of devotion to & what she's decided to tie her love & loyalty onto.
This does get tested in some major ways throughout her arc, & I wouldn't say she ever wavers, but the tether these principles are tied to gets shifted around when her mother is murdered, when she confronts her dad later, when she finds out about Laenamon, when her favorite cousins respectively act like a freak & a half, with the whole Evyn Waters situation, when the stuff at Driftmark happens. And like, these are just the things I have happened or have been planned so far (no one ever ask me what the middle of my outlines look like). TBH, a lot of Ella's arc is finding where to place her big emotions & how to deal with them.
Or 2: Does your OC have any wishes or desires of which they are ashamed or otherwise wish to keep secret? Or do they loudly proclaim their every wish to those around them?
Everyone is gonna know what she wants whether they want to or not. I think she'd be ashamed to admit she used to want her parents to fix their marriage & for them all to be a big, happy family, but at the time that she was experiencing that want she was definitely gonna let people know about it. She was maybe quieter about that desire when she was a teenager, but, like, if you asked you were definitely gonna know about it/she wasn't gonna lie or hide it.
In terms of things she wants/desires/wishes for now there's not really a whole lot at this particular moment in the fic. She wants justice/vengeance for her mom, but her family wants that too. Otherwise? She's kind of getting everything she wants. She has a hunky simp boy toy malewife, she has a son she loves to bits, she gets to keep living at Runestone, she has her dragon, she has her brothers (even if one is being fostered atm), she's surrounded by friends--she wishes that the friend breakup with Laena hadn't happened, but that's more a "she shouldn't have done what she did" thing & she's not really ready to move on to fix that bond yet.
Sable 3: Is your OC comfortable in expressing their grief? Such as by crying at funerals or memorial events? Or do they always keep their emotions intensely private? Or perhaps not express them at all?
Babygirl has such a complicated relationship with grief & its expression therein.
She's good at expressing it in the moment, but she kind of also never got over that little kid thing where all your emotions feel like the biggest, most intense, extra version of that thing because you have never felt something so big in your life considering you haven't been doing this "alive" thing for too long. RIP Ella Royce, you would have loved modern psychiatric medicine & getting a proper diagnosis for the mood disorder you most definitely have.
She'll cry & carry on for however long she deems appropriate/believes that the cause of her grief is fresh, but she also gets incredibly overwhelmed by negative emotions so after a while she's going to run from it. She'll cry at the funeral & when a situation has just happened, but afterwards she's going to try to find some way to try to move on because "I want to be done now."
When her Grandfather Yorbert came home from being Jeyne Arryn's regent because he was sick, & she was having to watch him die, she started writing her fantastical, escapist self-insert history OC. When her Aunt Aemma died, she went back to those stories & actually finished writing them even though she hasn't touched them in at least a year. When her mom died she threatened to burn down King's Landing & then ran away from home so she wouldn't be at the place that was the source of her grief.
So, like, she's very good at the initial catharsis, & about as comfortable with it as one can be, but she's not good at when you have to process the feelings that come after that initial out pour.
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crimsun-n-clover · 1 year
psychiatrist gave me a new sleep aim to ward off the batshit violent nightmares of everyone i love dying
thanks i guess
i went out of town with my mom today. drove a little over an hour to a major city to walk around the shops and little gimmicky places. got some dnd shit from a nerd store while mom stared at the miniatures with apprehension (“stevie do you really need these” “yeah they go on the board and are good for battles” “you said yourself that your players suck” “okay MAYBE it’s for me”). didn’t buy any of the fancy dice sets i wanted or anything. i showed the restraint of a goddamn nun. i did get more tacky biker rings though so i guess it balances out.
fell in love with a stray cat there. named him judas because i was listening to judas priest. i miss him.
i spent the rest of the day listening to the fellowship of the ring as an audiobook. i love sam gamgee so fuckin much. “mr frodo sir this fucking sucks can we get drunk” “oh my lovely and faithful sam. no. i wanna put my life at risk.” “shit alright i guess i’ll shield you from the scary ass horses or whatever” like sam and frodo are the epitome of “could you do it,,, for m e?”
sam is a fucking simp and i love him more than i love my own fucking family because they’re straight republicans and not hopelessly devoted homosexual gardeners. i’m a (formerly) hopelessly devoted homosexual and i wanted to be a botanist for a couple years there so i could be a gardener if i didn’t hate the sun so much. he’s just like me <3
“sam we can’t go in there that old bastard set his dogs on me thirty years ago” and pippen goes “nahhhh you’ll be fine :)” and my man sam is like “i’ll fucking kill him mr frodo i don’t care how long ago it was”
frodo is so fucking blorbo. he’s my special little guy. my babygirl. my sopping wet cat in the rain. my scrunkly scrimble doo. i want to wrap him in a nice cotton blanket and gnaw on it like a soft taco. i want to watch him spin around in a microwave. i want to shake him like a snow globe. i am so normal.
i swear i had actual shit to talk about. uhhhh
if i get asked one more time “did you MAKE your jacket” “do you even listen to those bands” or the ever irritating “name three songs” i’m gonna maul someone. like nah jennifer i walked into the punk and metal store and said make me look like a threat to humanity and also a total loser at the same time. like fucking OBVIOUSLY i made it. it’s a battle jacket. have you people ever met someone with an interest in music?? i didn’t give someone a list of bands and tell them to go ham and put shit on crooked. i sat on the floor until five in the goddamn morning with a bag of patches i picked up from my patch dealer (he’s in his 40’s at least and had to move back in with his parents. he has met every member of megadeth and talked to dio before he died. he’s so strange and he even gives me a discount for being so amusing he’s pretty rad) and stabbed my hands until they bled.
i know that’s something petty to get annoyed with but hey man, just because i’m not an old bald dude who goes “YEAHHH SLAYER” at every show doesn’t mean i’m not part of that community. it’s like because i’m feminine looking and young they assume i’m trying to be quirky and different or something. nah dude i’m just actually fucked up.
“your parents must have good taste in music little lady” my mom listens mainly to country, is an ed sheeran super fan, and thinks that those shitty motivational songs are her anthems for putting up with her autistic asshole child. my dad heard me listening to misfits and goes “this guy sounds JUST like danzig” and i was like “i know????” and we looked at each other for a minute before i had to explain to him that danzig was IN misfits. i also was stealing his cds and found FOUR FUCKING NICKELBACK ALBUMS. so nah man i’m just a fuckin freak. a complete oddity. a deviant of my bloodline.
i don’t know how to end this i’m getting woozy with my meds so farewell tumblr i shall see you past daybreak tomorrow
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fxcking-anon · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
TW: Alcohol
Word Count: 3,749
A/N: I’m not sure what it is about this song but I’ve had it on repeat for the past few months. There’s something about it. Part of it definitely stems from the fact that no one has kissed me as the 1975 plays in the background. I wasn’t sure when I wanted this to happen but I just watched the episode where JJ and Will get married and it finally clicked. This is the perfect moment for that with Spence. Soft and romantic, that feeling you get after leaving a wedding and knowing that love is real because you’ve just been surrounded by so much of it.
lol so through the course of writing this, it just got longer and longer oops. 
You tilted your head back laughing as Derek and Spencer spun you back and forth between the two of them as “I’ve Had the Time of My Life” played in the background. Penelope was singing drunkenly along, holding on to Rossi as she forced him to sway back and forth with her. 
“Hey babygirl,” Derek called out to Penelope, twirling you back into Spencer’s arms, “You wanna do the lift?” He started to back up, gesturing at her to run at him.
“Oh no, I’m not that drunk. These heels are not meant for running. Or sticking a landing. No way,” she said, opting instead to take Rossi’s hand and let him spin her into a slightly offbeat, step together move. 
You leaned your head on Spencer’s chest as you rocked slowly to the beat. All around you, your closest friends smiled and laughed and danced together. Despite the hell of the day before, everyone managed to pull through for JJ and Will. The happy couple were whispering to each other in the middle of the dance floor, caught up in their own little world. JJ’s fingers curled tightly around Will’s. It didn’t seem like either of them would be letting go for a long time. The events of yesterday seemed to remind them of that. 
“What’s going on up there?” Spencer asked you, lightly tapping your temple to get your attention. 
“Hmm?” You looked up at him, jostled slightly from your musings by the tap to your head.
“You okay?” He reiterated, searching your face for micro-expressions. 
You smiled up at him. “I’m really happy Spencer,” you told him, “It’s hard not to be. I’m with my family, aren’t I?” You giggled, unable to contain the unbridled happiness that was coursing through you. 
You looked around you. Over to one side, Beth was dancing with Jack as Hotch looked on fondly. Next to them, Henry had wriggled his way between Will and JJ. Will picked him up and the family started swaying and spinning together, laughing at Henry’s fist pumps to the slow music. On the other side, Penelope and Derek were (lousily) attempting a grapevine as Rossi and Emily seemed to pull out all the stops as they waltzed gracefully. Show offs. 
“You know, you guys are my best friends,” you said, looking back up at Spencer. “Truly, best in the whole world.”
As much as he tried to hide it, you clocked the millisecond of discomfort in his expression before he smiled at you again. You pushed it to the back of your mind. You weren’t going to let yourself go full profiler and ruin tonight for yourself. Tonight you were going to enjoy this moment with the people you held closest to your heart. Tomorrow you could analyze why Spencer didn’t like you referring to him so fondly. 
You couldn’t guess the time if you tried as everyone started stumbling out of Rossi’s mansion. You could however, tell that you, along with most of the team, had a little bit too much to drink. 
“I’m calling cabs for all of you, you can come collect your keys tomorrow,” Rossi said, jangling Derek, Penelope, Emily and your keys in his hand.
“I’ll take them,” Spencer fake sighed, rolling his eyes before revealing a grin. “Okay, everyone in,” he said, unlocking his Volvo and waiting for everyone to situate themselves. You found yourself squished in between Emily and Derek as Penelope eagerly hopped in the passenger seat. “You aren’t buckled Y/N,” Spencer scolded, staring you down in the rear view window, waiting for you to secure yourself in the seat. 
You looked behind you, trying to find the seat belt. Coming up empty, you shot Spencer a quizzical look in the mirror. He unfastened his own belt to turn around towards you, reaching back to pull out the belt before securing it gently across you. 
You weren't sure if it was the alcohol, but Spencer’s hand seemed to linger at the point where the seat belt touched your hip. And for whatever reason, probably the alcohol, you wanted more contact. Sadly, Spencer turned back around abruptly to wrestle the volume dial away Penelope. 
“But this is my jam!” Penelope whined as Spencer lowered the volume back to where you could hear your own thoughts again. 
“I can’t drive if I can’t hear. Distracted driving is incredibly dangerous-” 
“Just drive Pretty Boy, I’ve got a hot lady waiting for me at home,” Derek interrupted Spencer’s tangent and coincidentally caught the attention of the three women in the car. 
“Who? What woman? Who?” Penelope instantly asks, poking Derek in the leg as best she could from her position in the passenger seat. You and Emily both stared at him quizzically. You brought out your ‘tell me more’ elbow as Emily wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. 
“Her name is My Bed and her friend, My Pillow, is also anxiously awaiting my return so please, step on it,” Derek said, leaving the girls in various states of shock and giggles. 
Spencer shifted the car into drive and slowly pulled out, stepping on it as much as one can while staying within the 25 mile per hour residential limit of the law. 
You waved goodbye to Penelope as she stepped into the doorway of her apartment complex before settling yourself in the front seat. As you buckled and reclined your seat a few degrees, you felt Spencer’s eyes on you. “Are you alright?” he asked. 
“I’m fine,” you assured him, “I just get a little bit sick in the back of cars. It’s a little worse from the drinks.” You noticed Spencer immediately tense. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to be sick. I’m a big girl, I can hold my liquor.”
You watched as his shoulders relaxed as he turned back towards the road. For as uptight as Spencer seemed about following the rules of the road, he looked surprisingly relaxed as he drove through the city streets. You attributed part of it to the lack of traffic at this early hour of the morning. Even so, seeing Spencer doing something as simple as driving one handed as the other rested on the gear shift sent a slight shiver down your spine. It was wildly attractive. 
As he slowed down for a stop light, he looked over at you again. “What’s going on up there?” he asked, repeating his words from earlier that night. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or if his gaze was really as intense as it felt, boring holes into you. 
“It’s just...” you start, trailing off for a moment, trying to find the right words. “We don’t get a lot of happy time. As tired as I am and as much as these shoes are killing me, I’d do anything to be able to live in tonight forever. With all of you. You guys are my closest friends in the world and I watch as we all struggle to find the light after day in and day out of tragedy. When we get moments like this, it’s hard when they’re over.” You hadn’t meant to get so deep so quickly. You hadn’t meant to bare your soul like that in front of Spencer. Not that you didn’t trust him implicitly, you just knew that intense emotional expression could sometimes overwhelm him. Leave him unsure of how to proceed. 
“Yeah, I know,” he agreed simply, turning back to the road as the light turned green. “It’s nice to forget for a while.”
The drive continued in comfortable silence. Your eyes closed, the streetlamps agitating your oncoming migraine as soft classical music played through the sound system.
“What song is this? I’m assuming Beethoven, right?” you asked.
“You would be correct,” you could hear Spencer’s smile in his response and almost opened your eyes to see it. “It’s Piano Concerto Number 5 in E flat major.” The music swelled as he spoke before a decrescendo to a soft, simplistic melody again. It took everything in your power to subdue your Drunk Brain. Between the music, his one hand grip of the steering wheel, the neon lights of downtown and the alcohol in your system you wanted to just lean over and-
No. This was Spencer. Spencer deserved better than subpar drunk roadhead. 
You opened your eyes wide at that realization, sitting up straight before being choked out by the seat belt's emergency locking mechanism. Spencer’s attention snapped to you as you coughed violently, attempting to unlock the mechanism so you could lean forward onto your knees.
“Woah, woah, Y/N what happened?” The concern was clear in Spencer’s voice. “We’re at your apartment, are you okay to go up?”
“I’m-” you choked out another cough, finally feeling clear enough to take a normal breath in. “I’m okay. I just…” you trailed off, trying to think of anything to say besides ‘I got freaked out by how much I wanted to suck you off because I know we aren’t like that’.
Spencer placed the car in park and turned off the engine before stepping out of the vehicle. He rounded the front of the car before opening your door and squatting besides you. “Let me get that,” he said, releasing you from your seat belt. Your chest was still heaving which certainly didn’t help how flustered you could feel yourself getting from how close Spencer was to you. The concern in his eyes only made you more attracted in that moment and it took everything you had to remind yourself that you are part of a team of profilers. There was no getting out of this hole you dug yourself into tonight. 
“Thank you,” you managed to whisper as you took his hand and stepped out of the car. You hadn’t realized how much Spencer had allowed skin to skin contact tonight. You knew that it was hard for him to avoid hyperfixation on how many germs were passed every time someone initiated skin to skin contact. Yet he danced with you, touched your face, and was now taking your hand. You wanted to read deeper, to profile this simple change, but your addled brain would not cooperate with you at the moment. 
As you stood up, the world spun. Sitting, you felt buzzed. Standing, however, it took you a moment to realize that Spencer had wrapped an arm around your waist to bring you back to an upright position. Staring hard, his face came into clearer focus. 
“You’re drunk,” he stated simply. You couldn’t help but giggle. He wasn’t wrong. You caught him smiling back at you before turning his face away and replacing it with a more impassive stare. 
Lucky for the two of you, your apartment complex had recently fixed the elevator that had been broken for the past six months. Otherwise, maneuvering you back to your apartment would have been far more difficult. As you approached your door, you felt a tug on your handbag. Spencer gently removed it from your grip and fished out your keys, unlocking the apartment door before guiding you inside. 
Spencer had never been inside your space before. There was no reason for him to. Hotch had stopped by once before to drop off case files when you were sick but other than that, no one from the team had been here. And Hotch didn’t even come inside. 
You studied his face, doing your best to pick up his micro-expressions as he looked around your small living space. There wasn’t much. A worn, cushy couch, two oversized arm chairs, a stack of books on an end table and a large collection of half dead plants. Spencer guided you to one of the arm chairs before taking a closer look at one of your ivy plants. 
“You do know that overwatering kills just as much as underwatering, right?” Spencer said, clearly messing with you. 
You turned to look at him as he took one of the ivy leaves between his fingers.
“Eugene is just temperamental,” you countered, frowning at the plant.
“You named them?”
“Of course,” you huffed, pulling yourself up to grab a glass of water, “I can’t just refer to it as Hedera Helix all the time. I have another, they need a distinction. So I name them.” You made your way slowly to the kitchen, hearing Spencer follow you just closely enough that he could stabilize you if you teetered again. You pulled your favorite mug out of the cupboard before filling it with water. 
“It’s late,” Spencer said, nodding his head to the time displayed on your stove. 3:37. 
You immediately felt a wave of regret crash into you. You hadn’t intended on being so needy tonight. It was late. And here Spencer was, watching over your drunk, bumbling self instead of going home and getting some sleep. 
“I probably wouldn’t be asleep anyways, really, don’t worry about it,” Spencer said, taking quick note of your change in demeanor. 
“You can go,” you said, turning your attention back to your mug. “Really, thank you for everything tonight but it is late.”
“Y/N…” Spencer started, crouching a bit to get back in your line of vision, “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be. If you want me to leave, I will. But don’t think that I’m here against my will. Okay?”
You nodded softly. You wanted him to stay. You wanted him to be here in the morning when you woke up. You wanted so very much more from him in that moment. “Would you…” you faltered, second guessing your decision.
“Would I what, Y/N?” Spencer asked softly.
“Would you stay? I have a guest room and the sheets are clean and I understand if it’s weird because you’ve never been here before and now I’m trying to drag you into an unwanted weird sleepover and I’m drunk and you’re not and it’s late and you should really-”
You froze as Spencer let out a little laugh. 
“I don’t mind staying. Sometimes it’s nice not to have to go home to an empty apartment after nights like this,” he said. Your eyes widened for a moment and you could tell he realized the unintentional subtext of his comment. “No! Not like that! I just meant that- I mean- Tonight was nice! And happy! And sometimes, being alone…” he trailed off.
You knew what he meant. Sometimes, being alone just brings all the terror back. And sometimes, after a night with the people who mean the most to you, who remind you that there’s good in this world, you just aren’t ready for that to end. 
“I have some men’s sweats if you want to change,” you offered. Spencer raised his eyebrows at you. “I bought them. I like sleeping in oversized sweats, I don’t have enough time to be collecting them from random guys. Get your head out of the gutter Dr. Reid,” you scolded him, laughing.
You made your way to your bedroom, only stumbling slightly, and retrieved a pair of grey sweats along with an old, 2xl 5k t-shirt you got when you used to run. You handed them to Spencer before showing him to the guest bedroom. “Goodnight Spence,” you said.
“Goodnight Y/N, sleep well,” he replied, waiting for you to shut the door before he started changing. 
You closed the door before returning to your own bedroom. You closed the door and leaned against it, doing everything in your power not to walk back into the guest room and kiss him. Or ask him to do unspeakable things to you. You knew he wouldn’t, mostly because he’d ramble off that intoxicated consent is not consent and probably something about respecting you and your professional relationship too much blah blah blah. Sighing, you went to unzip your dress to change into pajamas. 
No matter how much you twisted your body, the zipper was just out of reach, laying directly in the space between your flailing hands. Shit. 
Moments later, you found yourself outside of the guest bedroom, knocking gently on the door.
The door swung open and it took everything you had not to gasp. The grey sweatpants hung low on his hips and the t-shirt clung ever so slightly to his frame. You heard Spencer clear his throat and your eyes shot up to meet his. He caught you staring.
“Can you help me?” you asked, trying to distract from your staring. You turned around and lifted your hair, hoping he’d get the message and help with the zipper. Luckily, he did. Chills ran up your spine as he slowly pulled it down, just enough so you could reach it yourself. He was always so respectful, especially when you were as drunk as you currently were.
“Thanks,” you whispered, moving towards your bedroom door.
“Sweet dreams,”
Your heart fluttered again as you made it back to your room without embarrassing yourself any further. Now freed from the cursed dress, you took no time in removing your makeup and throwing on an old shirt. Almost as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were drifting off to sleep.
A small crash in the kitchen woke you up. You sat straight up in bed, reaching for the gun in your bedside table drawer. Slowly, you peaked your head out of your room, keeping your gun extended as you swept the hallway. Your head was pounding and fuzzy, definitely from the alcohol. Penelope and you should never be allowed to drink together again. She always talks you into doing too many shots. Quietly, you maneuvered yourself into the living space of the apartment, squinting against the bright light streaming in your curtains. And then you smelled...coffee? You lowered your gun as you crept towards the kitchen.
“Oh shoot. Shoot shoot shoot son of a-” a hushed voice came from the kitchen, freezing as you rounded the corner. Spencer sat on the floor, picking up the remains of an old coffee mug. 
“Spencer?” you said, trying to piece together the flashes of memory you had from the night before.
“I’m so sorry!” he blurted out. “I was trying to be quiet and then I knocked over the mug. I just know coffee usually helps with hangovers and you had a lot to drink last night and-you have a gun?”
“You’re in my apartment?” you asked, attempting to process what he was saying along with the scene in front of you. Spencer stood up, stretching slightly and revealing a small strip of skin in between one of your old t-shirts and a pair of your oversized sweats. That certainly didn’t help you focus on deciphering what was going on.
“You asked me to stay last night. I hope it’s okay that I did?” Spencer’s eyes were trained on your face, attempting to analyze your reaction. You sighed, a few pieces of last night fitting together. You secured the safety on your glock before sitting it on the counter.
“Of course it’s okay Spence. I’m just trying to put everything together, that’s all,” you assured him, moving to grab the dustpan out of a cabinet and sweep up the mug remains.
“I’m sorry about the mug,” he repeated. You laughed. It was one of the generic FBI mugs they gave out when they forced you to go to seminars. 
“Spence, it’s fine. Trust me, it wasn’t even in my top ten favorite mugs,” you said, reaching into the cupboard for another. “Here, try not to drop this one.” You handed him a different mug.
You watched as he read the text under his breath. “How does Pavlov keep his hair so shiny? He conditions it…” Spencer looked at you with a very dry expression as he tried not to laugh. “Pavlov puns? Really?”
“You’re not the only one who can make bad jokes. Now, the creamer should be on the door, spoons are in that drawer,” you said, pointing to the drawer a little to his left, “and I keep sugar cubes in that cabinet, look to the right.” You poured yourself a cup of black coffee before leaning against the counter and taking a sip. Spencer made his coffee too and you both stood in comfortable silence, drinking your coffee.
“Thank you,” you finally said, avoiding Spencer’s eyes as you swirled your coffee around the mug. “You didn’t have to do any of that last night, you’re a really good friend. I’m so lucky to have you.” You met his eyes, noting...something off? You couldn’t place it. You raised a brow at him.
He sighed and looked away, trying to brush off the subject. You weren’t having it.
“Talk to me,” you coaxed, placing your hand over his. You expected him to move. You realized after you did it that you were pushing a physical boundary with him. Guilt began to flood you until you realized, he didn’t move. You didn’t withdraw his hand or flinch. Instead, he stretched his fingers ever so slightly under your touch so they brushed against your palm. “Spence?”
“I- Y/N, I value you so much,” he started.
“Spence, I know you do-”
“And I don’t want you to think I’m trying to make you feel like you owe me or anything for being nice to you last night-”
“I don’t want to just be your friend,” he sputtered out.
Oh. Oh. You looked at him, wide eyed, trying to figure out if he really meant what you thought he meant.
“I’m sorry, forget it,” he immediately recanted, placing his mug down on the counter. “I should go,”
You caught his arm as he tried to move past you. Your hand ran gently up his chest, causing little goosebumps to pop up on his arms. His fingers barely brushed your thighs as they ghosted up them. His head leaned into the crook of your neck. “I don’t want to be your friend, Y/N,” he breathed against the sensitive skin of your neck. “I want to be able to do this instead.” He pressed his lips gently to your neck, kissing it once. 
It felt like all the air left your lungs the moment his lips touched you. You could feel him chuckle against your neck at your reaction. He kissed your neck again, more intensely this time. You melted into his arms as he peppered your neck with kisses. 
“Spencer,” you breathed out, causing him to lift his head from your neck.
“Kiss me.”
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Flatline-Part Eleven
A/N: Jensen and his sixteen year old daughter get into an argument before she goes out for a night with some friends. A few hours later, Jensen gets a call that is going to change his family’s life forever.
Word Count: 1,727
Warnings: Hospital setting, tiny bit of angst
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Two Months Later
Small beads of sweat were dripping down your face as you gripped onto the two bars on either side of you. With shaking arms you tried to get a better hold on them before attempting to slowly trudge your right foot forward. Your right foot had moved a few inches before it became too much and you started to fall forward but your physical therapist, Robert, grabbed onto you.
“I got ya, don’t worry.” He spoke calmly to you, “You can relax.” Your body melted into him but you felt your anger begin to build.
“You did great kiddo.” Your dad said from his spot next to you and you had to take a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down so you didn’t go off on him.
“If I was doing so great I’d be able to stand for more than 15 seconds without falling or I don’t know, be able to take a few steps. Even Zep and Arrow can walk and they’re toddlers.” You gritted out.
“God I love how positive you are.” Robert replied as he helped you regain your composure holding onto the bars, “Your siblings are toddlers but they weren’t in a major accident where parts of their bone structure had to be remade and now have to regain the strength to walk again. Oh did I mention that your siblings weren’t told by doctors that they likely wouldn’t be able to walk again?”
You turned your head and glared at Robert, “Someone is sassy today.”
“Looks like someone brought a whole lotta attitude into my gym today.” He spoke back, never breaking eye contact with you.
This was something you loved and hated about Robert, he called you out on your crap and didn’t let you get away with it. He didn’t let you throw yourself a pity party and expected a lot out of you. He pushed you and pissed you off, but his methods were effective and you were already further in your recovery then expected. 
“Try again sweetheart.” Jensen told you from his spot.
“I don’t-I don’t think I can.” You responded with a shaky tone, your body was screaming at you to stop but your mind wanted to keep trying.
“Yes you can, you got this babe.” Your dad spoke but you shook your head.
“You okay kid? Need a break?” Robert asked, recognizing your shift in attitude.
“I’m okay, just-I think I need a minute.” You told him.
“Nothing wrong with that, okay? You’ve pushed it a lot today and already made huge improvements.” Robert said, helping you move backwards and safely into a chair.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Jensen asked, coming to squat down next to you.
Robert handed you your water bottle which you took with a grateful smile, “Nothing,” You replied honestly before taking a sip of your water, “My body was telling me I needed to stop so I listened to it. That’s what I’m supposed to do, right?” You asked, thinking back to when you first started PT and pushed too hard one day which resulted in you passing out, which effectively terrified your father. 
“Right.” Jensen replied with a tight smile.
“What’s that look for?” Robert asked, calling out your father for his odd behavior.
Jensen shook his head, “Nothing. Just happy seeing my girl getting better.” 
You took another sip of your water bottle but continued to look at your dad with a confused look.
“Oookay then,” Robert replied, “Well Y/N is doing great, she’s kicking ass, ahead of my schedule for her and I honestly think in the next month or so we’ll see her slowly and carefully on her feet. Keep working hard kid and with Dad here cheering you on I think in the next six months you won’t need me anymore.” 
“Really?” You questioned excitedly.
“Really.” Robert said with a smile, “You keep working hard and with the support that you have, you got this. We’re done for the day so get into your chair and get outta here.” 
“Yes sir.” You replied, giving a mock salute.
“Thanks Robert.” Jensen spoke, moving your chair next to you so that you could safely get into it.
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“You sure you’re okay dad?” You asked before taking a bite of your protein bar, “You’ve been acting all weird since the gym.”
Jensen gave you another tight smile, “Yeah I’m fine sweetheart, just thinking about some stuff.”
“Wanna share with the class?” You questioned, taking another bite of your bar. Your dad let out a long breath and you could tell he was trying to think about what to say, “What is it? Dad, you’re kinda freaking me out, the last time you acted this weird was when you wanted my opinion on asking mom to marry you and you thought I’d say no.”
“It’s just something Robert said is all.” He told you.
“What did he say? I thought he had nothing but awesome news today.” You replied, not understanding where your father was going with this.
“It is, it’s amazing news babygirl and I’m so proud of all the hard work you’ve done.” Your dad told you.
“Okay...then what is it?” You pushed.
“He said the support you’ve gotten has been a lot of help.” He stated.
“Yeah, and? Isn’t that a good thing? You and mom are always worried you aren’t doing enough but obviously you are. You guys don’t push me too hard, you let me try to be independent at home, you come to all my doctor and physical therapy appointments, you’ve been amazing.” You spoke with a smile, “I might suck at saying it but I really appreciate you having my back with all of this dad, being there with me through it all has made this easier.”
Jensen grabbed your free hand, brought it to his lips and placed a kiss on it, “I’m so glad I’ve been able to be here for you and I’m so proud of you sweetheart.” 
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Later that night you were settling into bed when a knock at your door grabbed your attention.
“Come in.” You shouted as you attempted to pull your covers up.
“Hey sweetheart, mind if we talk about something?” Your dad asked as he stepped into your room.
“Sure.” You nodded your head as you successfully pulled your quilt up to your chest, “What’s up?”
“Just uh, something I gotta tell you. It’s what I was thinking about during the car ride back from PT today.” He told you as he sat at the foot of your bed.
“Told you there was something buggin’ ya.” You replied, “Why didn’t you tell me then?”
Jensen scratched the back of his neck, “Just wasn’t the right setting.” He replied, “Babygirl you know how glad I’ve been to be able to be with you throughout all of this, right?” You nodded your head, not sure where he was going with this. “Watching you through all of this, it’s been hell as a parent but I can’t imagine not being there with you through all of this.” Again you nodded your head, confused with what he was trying to tell you. “Well sweetheart, it’s been four months since the accident, which means I’ve been away from work for four months…”
“So?” You asked in a harsh tone.
“So, I have to go back to Vancouver next week.” Your dad said in a sad voice, “Jared and I have been able to buy time so that I can be here but I gotta go back so that we can finish this season and so they can start prepping for the next one.”
You didn’t say anything, you just started at your dad.
It made sense, he’d been gone from work for a long time. No filming, no conventions, he hadn’t done anything with the brewery or with music. The last few months he’d been dedicated to taking care of you and trying to spend time with your siblings. 
That didn’t mean it hurt any less to hear he was going back to work which meant rarely seeing him and having to face everything alone. Yeah you had Danneel but she had your three siblings to take care of.
Which meant you were going to be alone.
“You’re gonna leave me?” You questioned, your voice sounding like you were a small child which broke your dad’s heart.
“No honey, I could never just leave you.” Jensen replied, grabbing onto your hand.
“But you’re gonna go back to Vancouver to film.” You stated.
“Yeah.” Jensen grimaced, “But I’ll be back every other weekend and I promise to FaceTime you every chance I get.”
“But you won’t be here.” You told him as tears began to form in your eyes, “Dad, I need you. You can’t leave me.” Jensen looked at you but didn’t know what to say, he knew you wouldn’t like that he was leaving but he couldn’t avoid it. Filming had been put off for as long as possible and you weren’t able to go to Vancouver with him.
“You know I’d stay if I could sweetheart.” Jensen said, wiping the tears that were falling from your eyes.
“But I need you here.” You stated again, “You can’t leave me, I can’t do this without you.” 
Jensen moved so that he was sitting at the head of the bed with you and carefully scooped you up so you were in his lap.
“I’m so sorry honey,” He tried to sooth you as you sobbed into his neck. He held the back of your head while rubbing your back with his other hand, “You can do this sweetheart, I’ll call you all the time and be home whenever I can be.”
“Please don’t leave me.” You cried into his neck, “Don’t leave me alone, I can’t do this alone, I need my dad, please don’t leave me.” 
Jensen continued to hold onto you, his own tears falling down his cheeks. He tried his hardest to keep it together but he hadn’t seen you fall apart like this in months, only this time he was the cause of it.
“Please don’t leave me daddy.” You repeated, holding on tighter to your father.
Jensen closed his eyes as he felt his heart break at your request knowing that he couldn’t do anything about it.
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cloneslugs · 4 years
Wolf + Yayoi + Akiyama :)
this is seriously ill im sorry
First Impression: well he seems neat <3
Impression Now: he's very soft and kind.. <3 and very cool very nice man i love you wolf
Favorite Moment: the whole rice thing b/t the divine child and him and kuro, this isnt a moment but i enjoy how he speaks to people he makes me (: 
Idea for a Story: I'd like to see him first meeting Kuro ^__^ that would be cute.. or how he grew up w Owl bc it seems so … … … well anyway he has a lot of cool background that would be fun to explore 
Unpopular Opinion: i think people draw him smiling too much in some interactions i dont want him to even remotely have a sense of humor or even emote well tbqh, not that i think hes unhappy or anything but like well … + also people are freaks w him but that's another story.. i dont think he would date grandpas
Favorite Relationship: kuro <3 it's cute how he actually engages in conversation w Kuro i like how he talks w him and how Kuro talks w him it's nice.. i think his relationship w Owl is interesting but not . good. Emma + Isshin + Sculptor & every other friend he meets i enjoy esp Kotaro ^^
Headcanon: *gives him transgenderism + autism + homosexuality*, selectively mute (:, he also just has a general issue w socializing & when he doesnt know what to say he defaults to repeating people or just ignoring people, he likes being called Wolf by like Kuro and whoever but Isshin deciding to call him Sekiro makes him feel a little something (:, he can "cook" + knows lots of misc skills like sewing and stuff, doesnt like loud noises, doesn't like being in water -_-, i think he has trouble differentiating b/t what he likes v what he dislikes bc hes used to just putting up w things and never really got to acquire preferences ever hes accustomed solely to survival, he's done kuro's hair for him before <3 but he does it very quick and messy but he tries 
First Impression: ig this is her k1 substory idk i just kind of like . wow this lady seems cool ig goodbye 
Impression Now: … hi <3 she holds a very very special place in my heart now i miss her everyday please babygirl come back to me i need you back ive written out how you can come back please 
Favorite Moment: her k1 substory always makes me sad um.. everything in k2 when shes taking charge.. i love watching her interact w kiryu they have a really interesting relationship.. i like when she got on ryuji for his bullshit and i really really like her introduction in k2 i love watching her handle shitty lieutenants <3 i love you.. oh also whenever she looks sad + worries over daigo thank you for being a mom ma'am <3
Idea for a Story: um i have a lot of stuff already written for her bc im a sicko .. um ig most interesting to me is how her relationship w dojima developed & also what she was up to when dojima died and daigo went to prison right after bc i think about that period (+k1 substory) a lot.. </3 seeing what she was doing in 3 when daigo was shot would be nice iwant her to be homophobic to mine i think <3 ik a rggo event covered it but id like to see more of her when she stepped up to he acting chairman & how that went ig more in depth.. or just her general role w the dojima family back when it was relevant and uh yeah <3 
Unpopular Opinion: um i personally would never call her a milf that feels so :x idek to me gross almost not even bc im a homo or anything i just never would it feels too disrespectful aieeeeeee 🙈 also i wish people didn't care for her just as daigos mom or her being more compotent than daigo or whatever idk people are weird about them in a stupid way and i </3 ik shes just a side character but whatever.. also i hate everyone who writes her like "yes i married dojima for power and i crave violence" fuck you im the only right person ever 
Favorite Relationship: um daigo.. i have lots of thoughts they are so nice together ilove them very much <3 kiryu and kashiwagi are very cute w her too they respect her very much its sweet <3 i think nishiki and kiryu helping out w daigo as dojima members when daigo is little has very sweet potential b/t lady dojima and them not saying they outright would be seeking for a maternal figure but um.. also well kashiwagi uhh well i want her to move past her [k2] baggage and um.. um.. 🙈 boyfriend 
Headcanon: she's so bisexual shes very very bisexual and she knows it and no part of it even concerns her shes just bi + also her first major crush was on a girl that went nowhere and it embarrasses her to death <3, her dad is who introduced her to wielding a sword it was a very unorthodox introduction and came about by kind of bittersweet means but she very much enjoys it (he didnt teach her anything more than the very very shoddy basics he really just helped introduce), she comes from a very non-traditional [japanese] family, really bad vanity issues i wont publicly elaborate on, um something about dealing w loneliness, she was like daigo and was top of her class in school, she comes off as prett7 different outside of professional settings + acts a lot colder and meaner than she actually is around work people bc that's the only way she thinks she'll be taken seriously, she was a very excited first time mommy <3 she still loves daigo more than anything, she used to sporadically grow her hair out and chop it all off and grow her hair out and chop it all off growing up mostly as a teen -_-, she doesnt socialize well but shes good at parroting and imitating proper social etiquette,  she has an "older sister", she loved kiryu and then she hated him more than anything and now she likes him again, perfectionist but a lot of things come naturally to her, not very expressive but her eyes give away a lot, she used to really like kazama very fondly until she didnt, shes not much of a hand-to-hand combat fighter but she can handle self defense, cooking does not come naturally to her ):, shes kept every gift + prize daigo has gotten for her, shes not much for gifts (from people not daigo) but she likes flowers 
First Impression: he's funny (: 
Impression Now: he's still just funny <3 but also bisexual i love him he's very endearing and easy to like 
Favorite Moment: hanging out w haruka in rgg5 or any time he is having fun w hana <3 his one substory in rgg5 where you get more of his background is nice or when he first gets together with shinada + tanimura is funny.. anything that's not rgg6 um
Idea for a Story: i want him to hang out w haruka more <3 or just some of his day to day life.. what he splurges on when he does ummm.. background on when he and hana first met + his ex fiance, hin hanging out w the rest of the group .. anything fun i think ^_^
Unpopular Opinion: he has annoying/questionable moments but so does everyone in the series um.. akiyama/hana is superior when he crushes on her hard vs her to him idk if that's even unpopular ummm idk idek any freak stuff w him nobody talks about akiyama much 
Favorite Relationship: hana (: trans bisexuality <3 him + kiryu & haruka are sweet together, him and tanimura are fun.. i think hes a nice central point for both 4+5 protags i just enjoy him <3 hes good w people 
Headcanon: hes the least athletic i think that's canon though, tried to keep a fish tank in the office but hana ended up taking over + then getting rid of it but by then he wanted an office cat or bird or something "more interesting" so that hed feel like taking care if it but by that point she put her foot down on animals, tries out lots of misc hobbies that he eventually drops (golf, tennis(very embarrassing), gardening, etc (mostly sports bc he feels like a lazy piece of shit sometimes + gets splurges of Yeah Fitness!!!)), all kinds of math teams and etc growing up he actually really likes math, has a lot of gifts he chickened out on giving hana just kind of buried in the office, bad at video games, can't cook, he buys lots of cheap things bc he doesnt really see the point of splurging on fancy unnecessary stuff, magazine hoarder bc he just picks up whatever for a mindless read when at the store and forgets if he's gotten it before 
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tdotsspot · 4 years
Wow, it’s been almost TWO years since I've posted anything on here. I’ve thought about it from time to time, but never sat to actually say anything. I just looked at my last two posts....so funny. This is why I'll probably always keep this....just to look back, see where I was, who I was.
But back to 2020 bc HONESTLY this year is the one to go. down. in the mother. fucking. books. 
2019 was literally the best year of my life. It was the year I did the most traveling, the year I made the most money...it was like, perfect until the end. I went to Puerto Rico and St Thomas....Atlanta, Boston of course, MARTHA’S VINEYARD FINALLY and even though I've been there 100 times, this was the absolute best. Of course having Dameo was a plus, getting to show him my childhood summers, but Unc let me use the Mercedes which I legit fell in love with, we met Danny Glover which was crazy, I got the brass ring on my first try lol, and we had a lot of good food. LA, was amazing, I miss it so much....NY.....I feel like I’m missing a city, oh yes, dc! That was a fun drunk night.
Late November for Britt’s bday we all went out and that was the first time I was ever real life drunk around his fam, but it was so much fun. The next week....nana passed. It was sad, weird....I hadn’t lost someone in a really long time, and I was there to see some of her last lucid moments. We definitely got closer over the last two years or so since I visited her a good amount, and it made me more sad than I thought. I’m glad I got to have those moments with her, it was cool to get a grandmother again. Made me miss nanny a lot though...
A few weeks later, we found out I was pregnant! It was planned, we were excited although tbh I was kind of freaking out. A baby??? Like a whole ass human? No more weed, liquor, or runny eggs??? HOW SWAY! I don’t think I was ready yet, and a few weeks after that, RIGHT before Christmas, RIGHT before we were going to tell the family, I had a miscarriage. Goodness, I really wasn’t ready for that, at all. Obviously it’s common, but I never thought I’d have one....I was healthy, in a healthy relationship....happy....how the hell did this happen? Unfortunately we already told our moms at that time, partially to help cheer ang, and I knew my mom would be hype as well. I knew it was early, but I told some close friends as well. The pain I felt from that, I just didn't really expect. It was, really sad....I delayed our trip to Boston twice because I really just couldn’t bring myself to leave the bed and sit on a train for 6 hours. I almost canceled altogether but KNOWING NOW THAT THE FUCKING WORLD WAS GOING TO SHUT DOWN, I'm really glad we still went. It was reassuring to get my hugs from my mom, cry it out with her, and see the fam. Except Kendall was such a douche that visit *rolls eyes*. I did get to go see the friends pop up which LEGIT made my whole holiday. As such a huge fan, it was AMAZING, simply, amazing, and I got to enjoy it with my two older cousins and of course, the Dame. 
So that brings us to the new year of 2020. 2020 the year I think EVERYONE thought was going to be amazing, and maybe it will be. Maybe everything that’s going on albeit sad, overwhelming, insane....is in fact the year we all really needed. The Amazon was on fire, forever and as someone who truly cares about global warming that was super stressful. We almost had WWIII thanks to good old Trump, but boy oh boy....that was just the tip of the iceberg. A few weeks later AGAIN, I call my dr telling them I still haven’t gotten my period, my boobs hurt, and wtf is going on? She tells me to take another pregnancy test, which I thought was a joke because I JUST had a miscarriage weeks before, and yes we had sex, but we were ‘careful’. COME TO FIND OUT, my ass is pregnant again. I was, very confused...a little upset because I was planning on waiting a bit before trying for real again. I mean we just dealt with so much loss between nana and the miscarriage, I hadn’t even fully processed what my body just went through. I remember angrily buying the test because, those shits aren’t cheap.....peeing with the door open with Dame downstairs, (not at ALL romantic like the first time I told him) and looking down like....wait. “WHAT THE FUCK” about 3 times was said, I explained to dame this indeed does say I’m pregnant, but how?? 
30 minutes later, the world finds out Kobe Bryant died. There were a lot of emotions that day for sure. Even though I wasn’t a die hard Kobe fan or anything, for some reason this one really made me sad. Maybe because I was currently listening to a book his personal coach wrote; relentless....which is REALLY fucking good.
A week later, I'm confirmed via bloodwork that I am indeed pregnant and it’s time for take two! I didn't get excited until I passed my first trimester, just in case...but now at almost 26 weeks, I’m really excited to meet her. My babygirl! It’s still wild to know I’m about to be a mom, but I’m really pumped for both of us and I know we’ll make great parents. 
Ah yes, the mid march, covid 19 hits America. I was supposed to go on a three city tour to the west coast which I was very much looking forward to, before the world stopped. In fact, it was that very weekend, right after we had our ultrasound, the first and only visit Dame was allowed to come in, that everything stopped. A week or so later, a mid level of depression kicked in for me, which lasted about a month. I couldn’t believe that after WEEKS of puking and being dead ass tired, I was finally ready to work again, but I was Essentially unemployed. The west coast gig was a cute check, I had multiple events coming up that got canceled....weddings that got postponed, and all I could think about was I’m about to have a kid with no money. I went almost two entire months without making ANY money....luckily unemployment kicked in and I got a couple of grants I applied for because I really don’t know what I would’ve done. My mom of course was in my corner, and Dame would start working from home, but still fully employed so at least we wouldn’t be homeless. I knew there were hundreds of thousands of people in my boat, if not worse but I couldn’t help but be consumed with not making any money, and my 2020 year essentially being wiped out. 
Again, this was supposed to be MY year. Be a parent, make a lot of money, and I felt like I just fell flat on my face, in mud, and was suffocating. 
America’s approach to covid was trash, more and more people died...I was worried about my mom and aunts as they're older and more susceptible. This is the longest I've gone without seeing my mom, but thanks to technology! We literally FaceTime every day. 
I almost forgot! Red literally almost died. He got attacked by a pit that lives up the street and it was one of the scariest things I ever dealt with. We just came back from a cute little drive, it was absolutely beautiful out, and I just remember parking, letting him out for a walk, looking at a dog running but I couldn’t tell if it was on a leash or not. I then realized nope, this bitch is not on a leash, crossing the street, and watching it whip its head at me and red and sprinting across the street to attack him. I was absolutely terrified. My baby red, is literally getting mangled by a fucking pit by the neck. I’m also pregnant and scared the pit is going to attack me, that my stress is going to cause another miscarriage, and that I’m probably going to watch red die in front of my eyes. I completely blacked out on the woman who was sloppily running to get her dog off of him. Had it been a minute more, max, he would’ve been dead. I still picture it sometimes and it legit makes me so sad, but luckily he pulled through after about a week of healing, and a huge bloody abscess that needed to be drained. 
THEN about a month ago now, George Floyd was killed on tape by a cop and it changed the world. Between Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Abery dying and being cooped up for months in the house, major cities went up in flames, literally. It was a revolution that Is still happening which has caused corporate America to shove ‘black lives matter’ down our throats like black people just popped up, shown privileged ass white people who refuse to try and understand, racist fucks that just hate us so much....and the list goes on.
That’s been our year so far! and it about to get shut down again because because aren't taking covid seriously. 
Pregnancy has been really interesting though....not at all like what they show on tv and the movies. I’ve been emotional as hell crying over my body  changing....constipated af to the point where I now celebrate any time I shit, hella uncomfortable....but I know when we see her face it will indeed all be worth it. Doing this back to back though like Dame envisions....I don’t know man lol. We shall see. She's due in about 3.5 months. Check in before then....
Tdot, out. 
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Anonymous: Sis 👀 what about a ateez reaction to their crush making them homemade chocolate and confessing to them?
A/N: Sis... This sounds sooo cute!!! I would not hesitate to make these adorable boys some homemade chocolate (or brownies cause I’m experienced with that)! This idea is so cute hon. I really hope you enjoy my take on this! 
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This little cutie would be GUUSHHIINNGGG
His little laugh would escape from his lips as he looked in the bag and saw the chocolate lollipops you made for him
“These are all for me?”
You nodded excitedly, your eyes disappearing from how hard you were smiling
“Baby, it looks like you made twenty of them.”
“Like you’re not gonna eat every single one late at night when you’re working on something on your laptop.”
Another laugh blessed the air of the kitchen
You knew him well
“Thank you, babygirl/boy. You’re such an angel.”
He then wrapped his arms around you, happily embracing you before giving you a lollipop and getting one himself
You both retired on the couch, enjoying the milk chocolate goodness
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(He looks so smol 💕)
This handsome prince would be awestruck
You mean to tell him that his beautiful partner was talented in the kitchen?
And that you were sweet enough to make him homemade chocolate?
This boy would be wide-eyed as you told him the different flavors you worked with, even explaining how you made the swirls of white chocolate on the milk chocolate bars as neatly as possible
You even had the audacity to apologize for any messiness in the designs
Seonghwa would be quick to stop you from harshly criticizing yourself
“Jagi, what you did is amazing. I am over the moon over the fact that you thought of me enough to even make me such lovely treats. What did I do to deserve you?”
Your face adopted a red hue as you shyly averted his eyes
Seonghwa captured your face between his hands and sweetly placed his luscious lips on yours
Your heart stuttered, its rhythm having to restart
“I’m so lucky to have you, princess/prince.”
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He would be so giddy that you made him chocolate
He couldn’t help but do an adorable happy dance once you gave him a box of your homemade treats
His heart would swoon when seeing your proud face as you waited for him to try one
When he did, his eyes almost grew to the size of saucers
“Wah! Jagiya! You’re such a talented chef!”
You would blush upon hearing his praises
But, nonetheless, you clapped your hands happily
You were giddy with happiness that your boyfriend visibly enjoyed your chocolate
Yunho would take you by surprise by wrapping you up in his long arms and pulling you onto his lap
“Are you sure you made this chocolate yourself?”
He quirked an eyebrow as he brought another bar of chocolate up to his lips
He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, nevertheless, indulging himself in the goodness of the chocolate
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This prince would let out a shy chuckle once peeling back the foil and seeing the pan of chocolate 
He already knew that you were a kind-hearted, very giving person
But, for you to go ahead and work hard in the kitchen to make him homemade chocolate had his heart bursting with love for you
He finally came to terms with the amounts of love you had for him
He couldn’t be more grateful for your existence
“All of this is for me?”
He looked at you with disbelief, still shocked that you would prepare him something from the kindness of your heart
You nodded with a huge smile on your face
“You can even share some with your members if you’d like. I made a large enough batch for you to share. But I do expect you to keep a majority of it to yourself.¨
A bashful smile blessed his face as he pulled you into a hug
With a kiss to your hair, he brought his lips to your ear
“It’s cute that you think I’m gonna share.”
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This freaking baby-demon would screech
He would do a whole parade through the dorm with the chocolate in his hands
You would simply laugh at your boyfriend’s antics, having gotten used to his high energy and yelling
You would wait for him to finally try a piece as you two sat on the couch
The second he took a bite, he would produce fake sobs to show you how good it was
He would sniffle back the invisible tears, wiping away nothing
“I...ca-can’t be-believe...how...blessed I am to have someone so skilled in cooking.”
He would pinch the bridge the of his nose and let out a wail
As you laughed at his wild antics, San would wrap his arms around you and place a sweet kiss on your temple
“Thank you, angel. I don´t deserve you.” Another fake sob
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Cue this wittle (big) baby’s eye smile as you presented him the pan of chocolate you made for him
He gazed at you with the uttermost adoration
What good has he done to be given such an amazing human being?
“Wow. You really made this for me?”
A lovely smile would appear on your face as you nodded excitedly
You prompted him to try some, which he did happily
I mean, you made it so of course he was gonna try it
He would be crazy if he didn’t
Once the chocolate was in his mouth, his eyes grew big as it melted almost immediately on his tongue
“Wahh.” That’s all that would leave his lips before he was reaching for another chocolate bar
“Oh, man, jagi. If you keep this up, I’ll become fat.” He then took two bars into his mouth
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(I still can’t believe this boy said he’s not good at being cute)
The shook expression he would have on his face
He would be so confused 
What was today? Is it an anniversary? Is it your birthday? It is his birthday?
He patiently waited for you to explain, the chocolate carefully held in his lap
Once you conveyed to him that you just wanted to do something nice for him and that today was NOT ANY TYPE OF HOLIDAY, Wooyoung’s heart calmed down
He chuckled awkwardly, but was internally relieved that the gift was simply a “just because” present
With a smile filled with glee, your boyfriend quickly took the lid off the container
He took possession of a chocolate cup and sunk his teeth into it
Instantly, a strawberry-flavored filling touch his tastebuds
He squealed out of delight
“Wah! These are so good, baby! Look at my little angel being a gourmet chef!”
You blushed from the compliments
Wooyoung bit into another chocolate cup, surprised by the taste of caramel
“Oh my god! It’s like a little surprise every bite!” He laughed happily
He then threw his head back and, quite dramatically, yelled “I HAVE THE BEST GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD!!”
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(Our precious superbaby 💕)
He’s probably gonna complain to be honest
This boy is all about being fit so I feel like the sight of the chocolate would put him in instant turmoil 
I need to stay in shape, he would think. But I love chocolate, and it was made by my baby.
He would whine that he needed to stay fit
You would then make a counterargument that you didn’t expect him to consume all of it in one sitting, and he could always share with his hyungs
“NO!” He would exclaim, clutching the pretty box of chocolate a little tighter
He looked at you as if he was challenging you to try to take it away from him
You laughed at his actions
He would then huff before saying “Screw it!”
He would open the box and take a bite of the chocolate chips you made for him
But then he would notice that it tasted a bit bitter
You, seeing his expression, would tell him that it was dark chocolate and the benefits of eating it in the morning led to more calories being burned
“So it’s healthy and bad at the same time?”
You would nod with a laugh
He tossed the box on the coffee table and opened his arms wide for you
“You’re so thoughtful! Thank you, angel.” 
He then peppered your face with kisses, surprising you from the unusual act of affection he was showing you
As he looked deep in your eyes, he whispered, “I’m so grateful to have you in my life.”
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
‘Hopeless’ Romantic
A/N: An anon request where Spencer x Reader are getting married and she wants to do pieces of the last dance from Dirty Dancing at their wedding. Spencer can’t dance for shit and he knows it, so Morgan and Garcia help him learn. @coveofmemories @sexualemobitch @jamiemelyn @unstoppableangel8 @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @hogwarts-konoha @lukeassmanalvez @rmmalta
“Babygirl,” Morgan said as they walked down the hallway toward his desk. “Chill-” He was about to go off on a tangent about how Penelope needed to either ask Kevin out again and accept that he was going to move on when Spencer emerged from the elevator looking green. Spencer was about 10 minutes from hurling on the floor. “Wow, Pretty Boy...what’s wrong?” 
Spencer walked blankly to his desk with Morgan and Garcia following closely behind. “Did you and Y/N get into a fight or something?” They were supposed to be getting married in six months, so they sure as hell hoped not; Spencer had never been happier. Y/N was a light in his life.
“No, no,” Spencer replied. He shook his head out of the bad daydream he’d just been dwelling in. “Nothing like that.”
“What is it then?” Garcia asked, sitting at his side. “Come on, you know you can tell your friend Penelope anything.” With a smile, she pinched his cheeks and waited with bated breath for her friend to tell them what was troubling him. 
Spencer glanced between them over and over again. After a momentary bought on confusion, his eyes widened; something had dawned on him. “Y/N wants to dance a very particular dance at our wedding...I can’t dance. Choreography? I’m FUCKED!”
Morgan threw his head back and laughed at Spencer’s supposed misfortune. “Kid, that’s what you’re freaking out about?”
Spencer whispered loudly as he stood up at his desk. “Have you seen me run? Have you seen my chase down unsubs and fall? I have two left feet Morgan! She wants to do the ending dance from Dirty Dancing! I am a thousand percent screwed.” He sat back down, his arms folded on the desk as he repeatedly beat his head into his hands. “What am I supposed to do? Y/N has been thinking about our wedding non-stop for the past six months and I want everything to be perfect for her, but I can’t fucking dance!”
As Spencer continued to beat his head against the desk, Morgan and Garcia exchanged knowing glances. “Garcia and I can dance,” Morgan said, slapping his friend on the back in an attempt to comfort him.
“Thanks!” Spencer exclaimed, his muffled voice emerging from his hands. “Rub it in! That’s great! You two can dance, but I’m going to fall on my feet in the middle of my wedding reception.”
Garcia snorted and lifted his head up. “For a genius, you sure are slow. He means, we can teach you how to dance.”
“Really? Oh. Can you? I’m probably a hopeless case.”
Morgan slapped him on the shoulders again. “You love Y/N, right?”
“Of course I do! That’s why I’m panicking!”
“Then all you can do is try.”
After one more minor (see: major) meltdown on Spencer’s part that he was going to have two left feet and fall all over his bride on their wedding day, he calmed down enough to focus on the instruction Morgan and Garcia were able to provide. 
Although they didn’t know the choreography either, they just needed to teach him the basics so that when he and Y/N went to a professional dancing instructor he didn’t make a fool of himself. Over and over again, they drilled bits and pieces of the dance that they could get a hold on themselves, and repeatedly, Spencer ended up stepping on his own feet or Garcia’s. “I suck at this!” Spencer screamed, clenching his fists in the air and gritting his teeth in anger. “She’s going to be gorgeous and floating across the dance floor and I am going to fall directly on my ass!” As if to prove his point, he fell backward onto the floor, exasperated.
“Kid,” Morgan laughed, extending his hand and pulling him up off the floors of his apartment. “You are putting way too much thought into this. Technically, you can do this. You have an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory. If you watch the dance over and over again, you could probably nail it, the big part is confidence.”
“Exactly,” he replied. He threw his hands toward the ceiling. “I have none! Why do you think I got my ass kicked when I was a kid? Because I am wiry, and have no rhythm and all I have is my brain!”
“Hey!” Garcia yelled, slapping Spencer’s hand and pointing a disapproving finger in his face. “Don’t talk like that about yourself or I will smack you again! You have more than your brain. Sure, you’re a genius, but you are also kind, funny, and full of love, especially for Y/N. Do you love her?”
“Are you or have you ever been uncomfortable in front of her?”
Spencer glared at her confused. “No, of course not.”
“Then stop focusing on how you are going to look in front of everyone else and focus on her when you dance. If you pretend she’s the only one that exists and then add that to your technical intelligence; you’ll be golden. Now, shut up and put your hands on my waist. Let’s go.”
Four months before the wedding, Spencer and Y/N were supposed to start professional dance lessons, so Morgan and Garcia made it their mission in their free time to train Spencer enough that he wouldn’t make an ass out of himself in front of the professional dancer, as well as Y/N, who definitely had more natural rhythm than him. 
At least twice a week, the three got together at Morgan’s apartment (considering it was the biggest of the three of theirs) and attempted to perfect Spencer’s dancing skills. “Stand up straight!” Garcia exclaimed as she smacked Spencer’s shoulders.
“Hey! You’re a mean teacher,” Spencer laughed. “And surprisingly strong.”
“This dance is going to require you to spin your beloved a lot, so let’s start with that.”
For two months, they helped Spencer learn to hold his posture. He also learned how to dip his new bride, and twirl her to her heart’s content. The lift at the end of the dance was going to be the hardest. Opposite his childhood, he wasn’t weak by any means, but his balance...well, that could definitely use some work. “The professionals will teach you the rest, Reid,” she said happily. “You can do this. Just remember. Focus on her.”
At the start of their professional classes, Y/N was taken aback by her finance’s sudden coordination. “Babe,” she exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear after the instructor had them run through the first couple beats of the song. “You have rhythm. What happened?”
Spencer blushed, making sure to keep his secret as such. He didn’t want to let her know just yet that he had been getting together with Morgan and Garcia for some desperately needed instruction. “I guess you inspire me,” he laughed. “But I’m still exceedingly nervous.”
“That’s okay,” she replied. “Just focus on me. We can do this. It’s going to be the best first dance ever.”
Over the next four months, Spencer perfected the dance save for the lift. That damn lift was going to kill him. “Oh my god, I can’t do this,” he muttered, knocking his head against her shoulder. “I don’t want to drop you.”
“You won’t,” she replied. “If we can’t get it exactly, then we’ll substitute it for a different type of lift.”
As they picked up again, drilling the dance until Spencer was pretty sure he wanted to throw up the Dirty Dancing song, he prayed to himself that they’d be able to do this. Y/N had been wanting to do this dance at her wedding since she was a little girl and disappointing her was at the forefront of his mind.
Spencer couldn’t have been happier; Y/N was his wife. Her dress had been stunning, but her even more so, and now they were in the middle of their dance. Although he did as Penelope had instructed and focused solely on his new wife, he reveled in the gasps from his friends and others at the wedding who were surprised at his apparent skill on the dance floor. Just a week before the wedding, they had nailed the lift for the first time. Subsequently, every time they practiced he lifted her, not easily, but he did it. She said they didn’t have to do that lift if he wasn’t comfortable with it, but he wanted to do it, and now she was across the dance floor, gracefully running toward him. He could do this.
Her beautiful, flowing, short white dress as she approached him. God, she was so beautiful; he felt like the luckiest man in the world. When she got to him, he grabbed her by the waist, she arched, just so, to keep herself balanced, and he smiled up at her as the wedding guests cheered. The second he lowered her to the ground, he led her in a bit of a free dance, something improvised instead of following the movie’s dance to the letter. “We did it,” he whispered. 
“You did it,” she said, pressing a kiss to his lips before he twirled her out and brought her back in. “Thank you so much for doing this for me. I know dancing isn’t your thing.”
“I would do anything for you.” As he twirled her again, Spencer caught sight of Morgan and Garcia, both of whom were clapping furiously. “I actually had Morgan and Garcia help me before we even started classes.”
A look of surprise flashed across her face as she made eye contact with them and blew them a kiss. “You’re amazing, Spencer Reid.”
“Only for you.”
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butter-ff · 8 years
Child's Play...
Porter: My belly is ready to pop! Milo is about a few days past due and he's still just chilling in there. Today is Valentines Day... my first one with Aubrey! I woke up because I had to pee really bad and I was expecting Aubrey but got an empty space. "Happy Birthday BabyGirl!" Aubrey came in with a huge smile on his face. Oh yea today is my birthday... I know I know I'm a valentines baby. People always joked that my parents really must have been in love to have a valentine baby! "Thanks baby!!!" I smiled as he sat a tray on the bed in front of me with a deformed ass heart which I think is a pancake, and fruit. "I did my best, it's not how yours would look..." I smiled and watched him as he started to ramble. I kissed his lips and giggled. "It's perfect baby thank you!" He winked and rubbed my belly. "You ready to meet the world or what Milo?" He asked his son, and at that very moment my water broke. I mean c'mon I have to share a birthday with my kid!? "Baby my water just broke..." I said calmly. "Huh I didn't catch that see it sounded like you said..." I shut him up by getting up so he could look at the spot I left on the bed. "Shit ok P breathe!" I wanted to laugh at the face he was making as his brain started to process everything we needed to get out of the house, but the contractions were interesting. "I am breathing babe, but yours sounds a little off." I answered pacing slowly as one passed. Once he got up and started moving around I ate some fruit and cleared the sheets off the bed before heading to the laundry room. "So you wanna share a birthday with mommy huh Lil man?" I cooed at my belly. I can't wait to finally see our little person. I could hear Aubrey making calls and shuffling around upstairs as I came back up to change and do my hair. He has my mom on speaker. On Phone: Mom: what is she doing Aubrey? Aubs: she's literally walking around like it's a normal day! He said it so exasperated and I laughed as I gave myself two braids. Mom: that's good it means her contractions aren't very close so y'all have a little time. Get her dressed and yourself and grab the hospital bag we packed last week and by the time y'all get to the hospital your mother and I will be there ok!? Aubs: yes ma'am see you in a little bit. Mom: oh and Aubrey? I heard the smirk in her voice. Aubs: ma'am? Mom: get your shit together she's fine, you'll be a daddy in a few hours! He smiled hella big as they hung up. He called E next. E: hey shouldn't you be catering to my sister on her birth... Aubs: Porter's water broke, we're going to head to the hospital in a few can you call all of the God parents please!? E: awwww on her birthday!!!! And yea I can do that see y'all there! End phone: I was tempted to put on make up but decided against it. I was ready to go minus shoes as Aubrey finally got dressed. "Baby I can't see my feet!" I said with a pout. He studied my outfit and disappeared into his closet grabbing a pair of my shoes and putting them on for me. "Thank you Papi!" I said pecking his lips. "Mmhmm chill out with that this morning, I can't do nothing!!" He gave me a serious look and I laughed before instantly stopping when another contraction hit. "Yup let's go!" He said helping me up and down the stairs. He situated me in the car and made sure we had everything before driving to the hospital. "How you feeling mommy?" I smiled stroking his hand that was rubbing my belly. "Excited... a little anxious, and eye roll worthy that he just has to come on my birthday!" I said the last part jokingly. Aubrey chuckled. "Say don't be jealous mommy I just want to share my day with me and daddy's favorite girl!" The way he spoke for Milo made my heart flutter and nothing could knock the smile off my face. "I hope he looks just like you!" I said staring at Aubrey as he drove. "I just want him to have ten fingers and ten toes mommy!" He said as we pulled up to the hospital. He got out helping me out and our moms were waiting for us along with the entire crew of people we call family. I was taken to my room and my doctor came in with a big smile. " Well Ms. Porter happy birthday... looks like you'll be sharing it with your mini!" I smiled back and thanked her. "How long we in for doc?" Aubrey asked and my mother laughed at how anxious he is. "Her contractions are about fifteen minutes apart so I would say another couple of hours." She answered him. "Thanks, I can't wait to meet him!" Aubrey spoke and my mother nodded her agreement. "And I'm sure he's just as excited to hear his daddy's voice in real time and not through mommy's belly!" She winked at Aubrey and he chuckled. She always found it cute how much he talks to my belly. "You hear that Milo? You get to hear me in real time soon!" I giggled as he kissed my stomach and of course my mom was being like the freaking paparazzi. "Alright well I'll be back soon to check on you, before you know it you'll be holding your baby boy!" She left and Aubrey pulled a gift out of his pocket. "What's this baby?" I asked eyeing him. "Open it and see." Was his only response. I opened it to see a charm bracelet with three charms. One was an angel with a pink heart, the other two was an engraved heart with a little football and one with an owl. "Aubs..." I said breathlessly. "You'll always have my heart and Milo's!" I pulled his face down to mine and gave him a sweet kiss. "Thanks baby I love it!" I said as he put it on. "I figure for every major milestone in our life I can get you a charm to fill up your bracelet." I smiled at how thoughtful he truly is. "That's such a sweet gift Aubrey!" My mother remarked. "Yea you might need more than one bracelet though cause I plan to get you pregnant with a basketball team!" I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him. "Right and what are you expecting them to come out of huh? Not my uterus!!!" My mother snorted at my words causing us to laugh! "See all this slick talk is mute when I'm putting it on you how you like!" My mouth dropped at his words and I grabbed his ear as my mother laughed at us. "My mother is here!" I warned. "She knows you're a freak Porter just give up the good girl act already. She may not know exactly how Milo was conceived but she knows what it took!" He winked at me and I'm too done right now. "Ooh boy you get on my nerves!" I said. "Man baby, I am your man!" He pecked my lips and I mushed his head. "Y'all are something else!" My mother side smiling at us. "Seriously though baby Milo is going to want a playmate!" Aubrey spoke. "He has Mani!" I stated. "Yea but I never had siblings and it's something I've always wanted for my kids!" I just looked at him... like who negotiates children when their fiancé is in labor with their child! "Is this really the time for negotiations Drake!?" I asked. "Oh she pulled out the middle name!! Why yes Sophia this is really the time so while we're at it I'm thinking twins and then one more after that!" I squeezed his hand hard as shit when a contraction hit I could tell because his hand was super red and so was his face. "Yup that's a no from Milo!" I said. "Not even woman, that's your body trying to get him out!" He poked my breast and I wanted to pop him. "I think twins would be nice!" My mother spoke and I glared at her as another contraction hit. "That's great mother are you going to carry them?" I asked oh so serious. "Chile please, the devil is a good lie. You were enough for me!" I shook my head and Aubrey laughed. "Just think of all the good sex baby!" He whispered in my ear and I softly head butted him. "Go on somewhere I'm over you right now!" I said pushing him away. "I can fix that soon just wait on it baby!" My mother full out laughed at that. "Ok Aubrey leave her alone... you two I swear!" She smiled shaking her head. "I'm done!" He held up his hands in surrender. I shook my head as the contractions grew closer. Not too long later it was time to push. "Alright Porter Emilio is ready to make his entrance into the world!" Aubrey softly squeezed my hand kissing my forehead. "You got this baby!" I smiled at him as the doctor told me to push. It literally took all of my strength, and a couple of tries. But Aubrey was so perfect through it all and I couldn't wait to see it back in my mother's recording. When I heard the cry of my baby my own dam burst and I was crying too. "It's a healthy baby boy, 8 pounds 10ounces!" Our doctor announced and Aubrey's smile was the cutest as he left me long enough to cut the umbilical chord. "Oh my god Porter he's precious!" My mother said as they laid him on my chest. I can't even describe how beautiful he is. I saw so much of Aubrey in his face it was crazy! I kissed his little eyes as Aubrey wiped some of my tears. "Welcome to the world Emilio Steven Graham!" Aubrey spoke choked up. We both just stared at our perfect little creation before looking at each other. "He looks like you!" I said with a smile. Aubrey pecked my lips as we wiped each other's tears. "He's perfect, thanks baby!" I nodded as we kissed again and my mother cooed. "Look at those Pier eyes!" She gushed. Aubrey and I looked to see that he got light brown eyes like my dad and I. "Oh you're so perfect Milo!" I cooed at him. I gave him to his glam mother who I knew was anxious to hold him. And she fawned all over him before giving him to the nurses to go do what they needed to do. "You did so good baby, I'll never forget this day!" Aubrey spoke and I smiled. "Thanks daddy I couldn't have done it without you!" And I meant every word. "And I got every precious moment of it!!" My mother beamed. "Oh Porter he's everything!!!" She was beside herself I could tell. "Congrats Glam Ma!!" I said as she hugged me. "Same to you new mommy and Happy Birthday sweetheart!" Aubrey gave us our moment and went to grab the crew. They piled in with Birthday balloons and all types of gifts and teddy bears. The nurses brought Milo back in and everyone sang Happy Birthday to us. The grandmothers took turns holding him first and my Grams wanted to hold him hostage, but reluctantly gave him up to Steez and Bam. When Erin got him she gushed the whole time. Aubrey's best friends had the cutest moment with him where they swore to always protect him and to my dismay teach him how to get and keep the ladies... When Celeste got him we all laughed. "Milo daddy pissed your mommy off, because you are the spitting image honey!" She spoke. "Thanks for that Celeste!" Aubrey said. "Yea no problem really!" She replied giving him to Julian. "Hi there little guy, I'm god dad Julian I've been waiting to meet my partner in crimes little person. I just hope you're not a loser like her! Maybe soon I can give you a God sibling huh would you like that?" We all looked at Celeste as Ju spoke and she just smirked... let me find out! Julian gave him to Remy and he clutched her finger with his little hand. "Hey, you know my voice huh Milo... huh I'm TiTi Remy, I'm your favorite! I'm going to spoil you and love you and cherish you just like your mommy did me growing up. And I promise to always be there for you and protect you!" We we're both crying as she sat on the edge of my bed holding him. And honestly I Don't think there was a dry eye in the room. She handed him back to me and he let out quite the wail. "Someone is hungry!" The nurse spoke with a smile and everyone cleared out except my mom and Aubrey. "Your first titty my man!" Mark said out the door and I wanted to throw something at his silly ass. "Your moms got some nice ones son and you made them even better!" Aubrey said as I rolled my eyes and my mom helped me with getting him to latch on. It was painful and I almost wanted to cry but Milo seemed to be content just sucking away. "Lucky kid!" Aubrey said and my mother laughed. "This is good bonding for you guys, feeding time, and burping time which Aubrey can do since he falls short in the boob department." I nodded taking in her advice. "You will have to share those though Milo, daddy likes them too!" I popped Aubrey with my free hand and he laughed. "Just saying!" He chuckled. That man is a loser. Milo got what he wanted and I gave him to Aubrey to burp. I found myself dozing off, tired from all the work my body just did. I posted a pick of me looking at Milo and Aubrey kissing my forehead and thanked God for my baby and another birthday before going to sleep. PG_13: Thanking the lord for another birthday... oh and for Emilio Steven Graham as well 👶🏽❤️ Champagnepapi: Happy Birthday to the love of my life and our son... best Valentines Day I've ever had. 👶🏽💙😍😘🎂 YouloveRemy: Happy Birthday to my big sister and my heart baby Milo, you are the most perfect thing TiTi Remy has ever seen!! 😩👶🏽💙😍🎂🎉 StephanoEmilio: Happy Birthday to my little sister and my nephew. I will always protect you two!! 💙✊🏽👊🏽👶🏽❤️️👑 #prouduncle BamBam: Happy Birthday best friend and welcome to the world to the most perfect god son!! 👶🏽😍😘🎂 PrettEmama: Happy Birthday my love 😍 and Emilio welcome to the world baby boy you are so precious and so perfect! 👶🏽🎂 #manihasacousin AEgames: My baby had a baby on her birthday lol Happy Valentine's Day and blessing y'all it's a wonderful day in my extended family!! ❤️👶🏽🎂 #loveislight It'sJu: My partner in crime had my godson today... and yes I am his favorite! 😉👶🏽 Happy Birthday Princess P and Prince Milo 👑❤️️ Only1Celeste: The most perfect baby for the most amazing boss, Happy Birthday y'all!! 👶🏽😍🎉🎂 #valentinebabies Chubbsview: Welcome to the world baby Graham, and Happy Birthday P!! 👶🏽🎂 Ovo40: My man had the best Valentine's Day in history 😂👶🏽🎂 Happy Birthday Porter! Ovomark: Uncle Mark got you Milo always! 👌🏽👶🏽💙 oh yea and Happy Birthday stink!! 💁🏽 It's short but this next and last one will hopefully be long and the perfect closure... It's been a ride!!! 😩😂
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