#he’s an amazing tank
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roseyshades · 2 years ago
a sincere question to every genji player (maybe sombra) on overwatch.. when you see little kiriko running around scared healing her bf playing tank could you like… leave her be? thank you 🥰
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lyricsandpapers · 6 months ago
The fact that the SECOND Jack saw certifiable proof that Joke really is still a good kind person at heart, he immediately unabashedly check him out
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breadandblankets · 2 years ago
when duke's powers were coming in i bet he had some pretty crazy eyestrain/migraines, this may be photo sensitivity talking, but when your brain really isn't ready to take in a bunch of light it really likes to make you suffer for it
he probably carries sunglasses with him everywhere for when there's a lot of people/movement that triggers his powers to activate
on bad days he has to put his phone on a screen reader so he can use it without looking at the screen
he's also the epitome of "im just going to rest my eyes", most of the time he does, sometimes he just takes a nap. his siblings don't get it but Alfred and Bruce will 1000% join him cause yeah sometimes you just need to rest your eyes.
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lumiilys · 5 months ago
I am also constantly thinking about every single one of Ed’s facial expressions when he’s drowning in the gravy basket. Eyes closed and peaceful when he first falls on??? The desperate struggle to escape??? The confusion when he first sees the light and then the Relief the Love that lovely smile on his face when he realises who it is???? Chef’s kiss. All of it. Chewing my own arm off. Raucous applause from me!
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bootyliciousbeta · 3 months ago
What i grace the pack gc with every morning 😌
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hooked-on-elvis · 6 months ago
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thebramblewood · 1 year ago
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On this Valentine's Day, no matter what happens, I want to assure you that these two are eternally doing cute and corny things like this in an alternate save. <3
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noble-atomics-railway · 24 days ago
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12. The Gift
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“Told you,” Henry said smugly, crossing his arms. “Perhaps you can respect that I know what I’m talking about.” An evil thought pulled into his mind as he watched James fluster, embarrassed. Two could play the belittling game, and Henry had a lot more experience at it than James did.
Most of the morning passed the same way, jibes and insults traded between the two as both inferred that the other didn't know how to do his job. It came to a dangerous head when they approached Gordon's Hill.
Henry had been looking forward to this. If, with far more experience, Gordon could stall the engine here, it was likely that James would do the same thing, and Henry was not about to let him live it down. But James didn’t handle the engine the way Gordon did, because instead of leaning off the acceleration, James egged the engine on. 
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dragons-and-magic · 8 months ago
Adding onto my previous post about how engines feel about human biology, some of them must think we really resilient! And we are!
Compared to them, we have no natural protection. No metal. Or large size. We're nowhere near as strong as them. We have many predators and many things can hurt us. But we keep going.
We build sturdy homes and armor to protect ourselves. We form strong bonds with our friends and families, making us even stronger. And we live in some of the most dangerous places on earth, because we can.
Can you imagine how inspiring that must be for some of them? The ones that are considered faulty or useless, because they're not as strong as the other engines or don't work right? Because if this tiny being, so much smaller and more fragile than them, can thrive in a world of danger and adversity, maybe they can too.
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madbalalaika · 11 months ago
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penelopwgarcia · 1 year ago
ob wan: anakin get out of the tank
anakin: you're not my dad
obi wan: I'm literally your dad get out of the tank
anakin: I'm in a tank and you're not
obi wan: anakin get out of the fucking tank!
anakin: you're not my dad
obi wan: I am your dad! Literally get out of the tank!
anakin: go tell the republic if you like I don't give a fuck
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water-petal · 3 months ago
daily Tarn rants and appreciation
tw: mention of overdose, abuse and su!c!de
i absolutely love tarn and nickel's dynamic, it was and forever will be wholesome until tarn's last dance
it still melts my heart how it was only nickel in tarn's cold cruel world who stopped him from ending himself via overdose.
i wish in comic tarn eventually opened to her how he became what he is now, i can imagine nickel immediately hugging him and saying how he is not alone anymore
i wish he did open how he became what he is before his demise and nickel's plan to leave djd forever.
i genuinely won't listen to those that say, "he saw nickel as liability" or "he just needed a medic" yeah and he would treat her harshly and even ignore her existence if it was that
tarn turns into a anxious little mech around her when she is taking care of him and the djd.
if he would have been cruel maybe he would have treated her rudely and never given her a phone with his voice recording.
he cared for nickel up until his what little 'sanity' remained shattered at megatron's revelation for peace, then the murder of kaon happened.
it's the exact moment where i headcanon tarn stopped caring for everything, nickel just witnessed him fall into insanity as soon as he claimed that 'emotions' are bad.
nickel falling back with deathsaurus was probably her final straw too....i sometimes wish nickel found out what tarn is and who he was before this.
i can't believe some even guilt tripped themself into thinking, "nickel hated djd" no she was proud of her time there, she remember them and she had the phone with his voice recording.
imma go cry now, i won't recover from this.
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nickel headcanon:
i headcanon nickel eventually learnt who tarn was before he was a djd leader and just felt bad for him soon growing heavy distaste for empurata and often exclaims how many life it ruined.
she often laughs to herself and reminisce her time in djd remembering the banter among them
she often tells about every djd member to grimlock who happily listens to her like a little kid during bedtime (these two were so bestie coded in comic it was hilarious)
nickel helps anyone who self harms themself because it reminds her of tarn and she wants to help so that they don't end themself or go down even deeper.
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 11 months ago
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LOOK AT HIM. Grima my beloved...
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mercy-main · 1 year ago
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[ID. First image is a tweet from the @ Play Overwatch twitter account, it reads: New map, Confirmed. Join @ Oh Really Jared and @ aaron keller OW during the #OWL Grand Finals on Oct 1 as they drive into Seasons 7's new Control Map: SAMOA
The second image is of the new map. It appears to be a colorful seaside city with mountains in the background.
The third image is text from the Overwatch fandom wiki, it reads: Trivia. Mauga is a Samoan name meaning "mountain." END ID]
Mauga fans are we ready?!!
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ria-the-camel · 2 years ago
wait did they leave baby finn in Vampworld alone with PepBut tank????? uh oh
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danvssomethingorother · 5 months ago
I think about the Resident evil 2 play through where you don’t use the walk key period. On the original tank control Play Station version of 2.
Leon just inching forward with every draw of the gun will always be the funniest shit ever.
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