#he’s also the parent giving out free hugs and snacks at Pride
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here-comes-the-moose · 6 months ago
Echo in the rebellion: I’m a mom making a difference!
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 10 months ago
🏳️‍⚧️Happy Pride From the Recess Class!🏳️‍🌈
Akuma Class
Science Kids
Austin A: Legally Blonde, but Gayer
Gender nonconforming, who has time to narrow down pronouns?
Does everyone’s makeup before Pride with Kendra and Victoria
Dyes his hair pink
Gives free haircuts, paints peoples’ nails, and dyes hair using spray-on dye
They just want everyone to look fabulous, is that so wrong?!
Dresses in only flag colors
Uses his mom’s credit card to buy binders for people
This is the only time of year he makes people simp. Not the other way around
And they are going to use it to their advantage
Dresses her chinchillas in drag
They. Look. Gorgeous.
He somehow escapes the Glitter Wars unscathed
Todrick Hall is her anthem
Austin B: Gaymer Gurl
AroAce and He/Him
Wears Croc Heelys to pride
He wanders off a lot, and it terrifies his boyfriends best friends
Brings Elizabeth III to every pride and dresses her in only the finest fashions
He buys her all sorts of pride-themed cat toys because she’s worth it
When people ask him on a date, Elizabeth III hisses at them
Casually getting adopted by drag queens after he casually tells them about his home situation
He’s granted entry to any drag house when he wants to get away from his “parents”. He’s got six moms now, and he will steal jewelry for them
He met a little girl with yellow eyes like him and she hugged him
All of Marceline’s songs are his anthems
Austin Q: Secret Mom Friend with Mommy Issues
Questioning & He/?
Tempted to put a leash on everyone
Especially Austin B because he won’t stop wandering off!
Austin Q: WHERE ARE MY BABIES?! Have you seen a little bitch in yellow glitter pants?! He’s a little ho, but I love him!
He supplies the snacks Austin T doesn’t make. He’s the main apple slice supplier
He also makes sure to bring apple juice. He just likes apples. “They’re good for you, Armsy!”
Cosplays as every redhead character- Penn Zero, Vicky, Melissa Chase, Mary Test, Black Widow, and more
He joins the muscle-flexing contests and wins a couple
Can carry Austin A, B, and T on his shoulders
Once again, everyone thinks the four of them are a poly couple
Austin Quinlan, Protector of Lesbians, Wielder of the Sapphic Sword, Kicker of Protesters’ Balls
Knows how to do a badass rainbow kick
Gay & He/Him
Bakes all sorts of pastries for everyone and it’s pretty much the one thing everyone looks forward to
Seriously, this boy brings like twenty containers full of cupcakes, cookies, and pancakes (For the pansexuals, of course)
Not even protesters are immune to his cupcakes. But because he’s petty, they only get plain vanilla with no toppings
That’s how disappointed he is in them. Now they feel as though they’ve disrespected every deity
The drag queens, dykes on bikes, and just lesbians in general will kill for this baby
Casually name drops his parents any time a protester screams in his face
He and Jean reenact scenes from Phantom of the Opera
DJ threw a glitter bomb at him, and no one was safe
Wears Huggycake like a boa because she loves all the people, and she scares off homophobes
He met other reptile queers and now they’re having brunch
Lotta Jameson: Kick Buttowski, Queer Daredevil
Aromantic and She/Her
Gerard tinkered with her Vespa, and now rainbow glitter shoots out the pipes
Do NOT give her sugar. Seriously
She somehow sneaks onto floats
Austin Q: Lotta! Get down from there!/ Lotta: Be gay, do crimes!
Brings a baseball bat in case of transphobes
She has a shirt that says so
She did a bike jump over the protesters and dropped bags of glitter on them
Now she’s getting called Amelia Earhart by literally everyone
She got the aviator goggles and they’re pretty sure Amelia is a queer icon… Also, she sometimes goes missing in the crowd. She’s so short!
Austin Q: WHERE’S MY OTHER BABY?! SHE’S THE LITTLE GINGER BITCH IN GOGGLES!/ Lotta: Do you call all your babies bitches?
Kendra Anne Gunderson: Casually Spider-Man Kisses People… With Consent
Polyromantic and She/Her
Kendra is a bit of an icon
Known by all as “Hand-Stand Girl” because she walked only on her hands for the entire event
She has two drag queen uncles and her cousin is a beauty influencer in the queer community
Every time Kendra breathes, a lesbian meets her perfect match
Her eyeliner is on point
DJ lowers her down from buildings so that she can kiss pretty people… With consent, of course
Those two are always getting into some sort of trouble
They spray painted some transphobe’s car and put an egg in the slightly open trunk. It stunk up the car for days
When she’s not pranking protesters, she’s on the mom friend squad with Austin Q and keeping Austin B from wandering off
DJ Detweiler: The Drag Jester
Genderfluid, Bisexual, and He/She
Owns an assortment of pun shirts for every sexuality. No one knows how they come up with them
DJ: I came out to my dad./ Mason: DJ, NO!/ DJ: He told animal control he had a bison in his house!
Always accused of starting the Glitter Wars. She ain’t denying anything
As the name implies, he’s gonna prank the protesters and TERFs
So far, he got a TERF to sit on a whoopie cushion, tricked some dick trying to force himself on an Ace girl into kissing a frog, and made some homophobe think his foot went missing
Heads to drag clubs to do standup, and is probably gonna get a Netflix show when she gets older
DJ: Do you know the difference between a government bond and a homophobe? The bond matures.
Now he’s booked for seven shows throughout the month
He’s got a laugh like Sardonyx that makes people (Especially Mason) simp
Any time DJ laughs, a trans boy gets his soup
Austin Spinelli: Sneaking Out in Ballet Flats
Achillean and He/Him
Casually flirts with any guy he comes across
And he lays the Italian accent on THICK
Dresses in pinstripe suits and says he’s the boss of the Velvet Mafia
When he’s not in suits, he’s dressed in his ballet gear and doing ribbon dances
His splits are flawless
Any time Spinelli does a pirouette, a trans girl gets her wings
Any time Spinelli does a pirouette, a transphobe gets punched
When he’s got the time, and he always does, he does chalk art with the kids, and creates a literal mural
He’s always got time
The organizers loved his work so much, they commissioned a mural for a youth center
Knits beanies for everyone
Gia Griswald: You Ask, I’ll Tell
MtF Trans and She/Her
Her dad went with her to her first pride, and none of the protesters wanted to mess with the six foot tall military general war hero
Gets into flexing contests
Wears rainbow camouflage to every event
If she sees a scuff on your combat boots, she’s gonna clean them
Helped Gerard write his queer history book
In a club with other queer history buffs and they reenact iconic poses from history, but make them gay
She attended a military funeral with her dad during June, and the soldier being burried was a lesbian
Immediately, a bunch of freaks who probably stalked them went to protest. Gia flipped some bastard over her shoulder
Roger Raincomprix, the arriving officer, didn’t see a thing
She eats a crap ton of marshmallows
Victoria LaSalle: Queers on Wheels
Asexual, Bigender, and He/They/She
Decorates her wheelchair with all sorts of pride stickers
Rocks it every year in a crop top
Starts every glitter bomb fight. No one ever sees them coming
She’s just… She’s a goddex
Everyone wants to get a selfie with him. That’s how gorgeous he is
Out of everyone’s leagues
Teaches kids in wheelchairs how to pop a wheelie
Likes to answers kids’ questions
Kid: Are you a robot?/ Victoria: … Yes. Yes, I am.
Only Gerard has the privilege of sitting in his lap as he cruises through the crowd
Gerard Grundler: The Gay Genius
FtM Trans, Pan, Polyamorous, He/Him
He’s written a mini-pride history book with Gia. They got publishers lining up and everything!
Everyone is just so pretty
He bails during the Glitter Wars and takes cover in a coffee shop
Victoria���s gotta keep him from wandering off and possibly joining a cult because the members are pretty
Probably hacked into the medical system so people can have better access to hormones
Faints any time he sees Victoria in a crop top
Dresses in a lot of pride flag sweater vests no matter how hot it is
Victoria: Gerard, it’s ninety-/ Gerard: SWEATER VESTS RULE!
He builds robots to wave pride flags in sync
He and Rochelle protect the bugs
Mindy Blumberg: Opera is Gay as Fuck
Demigirl, Panromantic, They/She
Sings “Rainbow Connection” in an operatic fashion, and leaves everyone in tears
Carries Gia on her shoulders
She carries everyone on her shoulders, but mostly Gia
Will act as a human shield during the Glitter Wars because that’s how much she cares.
But the second Austin T gets his hands on a glitter bomb, she’s out
Hayley Kiyoko is her anthem
If you ask, they’ll hug you
Mindy gives amazing hugs
Everyone will die for this girl
Also, she’s weirdly poetic. It makes everyone wanna listen to her for hours
Is a pacifist, but she’ll give it to you straight if you mess with her friends
Rochelle Weems: That one person at pride who takes pictures of the protesters screaming at queer kids and posts them online for everyone to see
Demigirl, Polysexual, Ze/Zir
Brings zir Polaroid to make a scrapbook and blackmail protesters
Ze’s a rat, but a good kind of rat. The kind who makes sure homophobes and transphobes don’t get away with yelling at queer kids
Was self conscious about zir back brace until ze saw a drag king wearing a bedazzled one
Was roped into letting Austin A, Victoria and Kendra do zir makeup
Ze looked gorgeous!
Ze and Austin B share the good gossip with drag queens
In exchange, they get tickets to shows
Will kill for Austin T’s cookies
Just don’t let zir have too much sugar, otherwise ze will go crazy and start a cult based on cookies where everyone wears Cookie Monster bathrobes
It’s happened once before, and now ze’s under surveillance
Protects the bugs from getting stepped on and then places them in protesters’ hair
Ze saw this one guy about to take a swing at a lesbian, and promptly kicked him in the balls
Now ze’s got twelve new numbers in zir phone
Mason Ewing: The Most Organized Person At Pride
Bigender, Asexual, He/She
Brings a binder filled with horrific facts about conversion therapy to throw in the faces of protesters
Will talk the ear off of any protester about why they’re wrong about everything until they just walk away
Gets carried by DJ on her shoulders
Somehow knows where everyone is at all times
He teaches Rochelle how to walk in pumps and ze teaches him how to steal thirty candy bars
Brings sarcastic coffee thermoses
Paid Gerard to make her coffee maker battery operated, and now she brings it everywhere
She just pins an asexual flag pin on her tie and calls it a day. Though, if DJ asks, she will wear a pun shirt
DJ is the only one who knows how to make her laugh, and Spinelli’s taking bets on who will ask who out first
Beck King: Cosplays As Frida Kahlo
Nonbinary, Achillean, They/Them
The responsible chaperone when M. Grotke’s out of commission
Dyes their unibrow rainbow
Silently flirts with guys using eyebrow language
Cosplays as Clone High Frida Kahlo and the original Frida Kahlo. They just like Frida
Just casually flexing their muscles in front of hot guys, nothing going on there
Then the hot guys write their phone numbers on their hockey stick
Spinelli’s mentor in ‘The Way of the Achillean’
He makes crowns for kids
Any time a protester tries to attack them, they just suddenly disappear
People swear they’ve see men in black drag protesters away from Beck
Seriously, it’s like this guy’s got a whole security detail!
Alonzo Grotke: I Went to the First Pride, and All I Got Was This Brick
FtM Trans, Gay, He/Him
A well seasoned gay
Has a shirt that says “Papa Gay”
He’s total DILF getting hit on by every silver fox. He ain’t complaining, and they sure ain’t complaining when they get a look at his abs with that crop top
Seriously, this guy is ripped
The parade paused when one of the floats got a flat, and he just… He just made a whole bunch of guys simp by changing a tire, that’s all they’ll say
He’s the one keeping people at gay bars from getting roofied by creeps
Teaches meditation at the youth center
He gets hit on by the single dads, A LOT
Back in the day, he stole a police motorcycle and painted it rainbow. He passes out autographed copies of his mugshot because it’s such a good photo
His kids went to spy on his date with M. Monlataing and he pretended he didn’t notice
He passes mini water bottles to protesters since it’s ninety degrees out and he doesn’t want them dying of thirst despite everything
But, he does it with this smirk like, “Looks like I’m the bigger person here, losers. Namaste.”
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crazylittlejester · 10 months ago
I just got back from pride, so we're doing today's brainrot pride edition. 🏳‍🌈
Sky -- He's very sweet and shy at pride events because there are So Many People and So Many Queer People, he needs a moment to just process it. He would 100% cry at his first pride parade because he's used to being 1 of like 3 queer people in his hometown.
Wind -- Someone needs to put a leash on him. He's having the time of his life running around with a flag cape and all the free stuff people are handing out. The kid is a menace in the best way possible.
Hyrule -- Isn't great around large groups of people, but really wanted to go to support the others and get something with his flag on it. He ends up getting a small amount of freebies before getting overstimulated and lost in the "free parent hugs" corner.
Time -- He's there because he couldn't say no to taking the others, and he thinks it's a good way to figure out what exactly everyone else is talking about. He has no idea what any of this gender or orientation stuff is, and it's giving him a gender and orientation crisis. The kokiri didn't exactly explain human/hylian anything to him, so he's a bit behind everyone else.
Twilight -- Feels so awkward and out of place because he's not used to being in places he can openly be queer, but once he gets past the initial panic, he does have a good time checking things out and (cautiously!) asking questions. At least three different people try to flirt with him, rendering him a very flustered mess.
Warriors -- Is in charge of the sunscreen, snacks, water bottles, etc. He's enjoying himself, but he's also in Mom Mode and trying to make sure that everyone else is fine. Once the group splits up, he sticks with Sky and Twilight because they are clearly Having Emotions about stuff.
Four -- He came prepared and is mostly doing his own thing, randomly popping up at places just in time for whatever is happening next. He's got pins for his flags and pronouns and blends right in with the locals a little bit too well.
Legend -- Ended up with Wild once the group split off, and they realized Hyrule was lost because they are not losing this opportunity to check out the local queer clothes shop. He literally has to be dragged away from the shops at the end of the day.
Wild -- Is a little overwhelmed at first because of all the people and flags, but quickly adjusts and hangs out with Legend to look for gender-affirming clothes. Ends up losing track of where he is and gets lost before finding a snack and his way back to where Warriors, Sky and Twilight are, where he pretends he didn't get lost.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I really wanna write and post a fic at some point this month about them all going to pride but I’ve never been able to go even though I really want to, and I have no idea what it’s actually like 😭 I’ll probably write them being gay tho
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daltons-phone · 4 years ago
🏳️‍🌈Poets at a Pride Celebration HCs🏳️‍🌈
Neil : His face is painted rainbow colors and he can't stop smiling. He's always wanted to go to a pride event, but his parents would never let him before. He's taking it all in, absorbing the love and happiness and support he's never felt before from anyone but his friends.
Todd : absolutely will not let go of Neil's hand. Loves to watch flags and banners in the wind, and has a little trans pride flag bandana around his neck, like a cowboy. At some point, he finds a quiet place to decompress for a bit, and meets an older gay couple, and they tell him stories from their life together.
Knox : takes so many pictures. Pictures of his friends, pictures of flags and signs and the street, he'll go up to people and ask if he can photograph them, and usually they say yes. He posts them all over social media and somehow managed to spread things so well that everyone he took a picture of eventually found his posts. Got separated from the rest of the Poets and was adopted by a group of motorcyclists who claimed him as one of their own.
Charlie : not the most colorfully dressed at the event, but he comes close. Brings his saxophone along and takes song requests from strangers. Has a non-binary flag worn like a cape and high fives every other non-binary person he sees.
Meeks : Made a big long pride playlist to blast from a portable speaker. He colored his hair with dye that was labelled as temporary, but turned out to in fact not be, and he had rainbow hair for months until it grew out.
Pitts : accidentally photobombs half of Knox's pictures because he's just so tall. He's like bigfoot or Where's Waldo. Found a lost child and carried them around on his shoulders so they could look for their parents from high up.
Cameron : brought snacks and bottled water for all his friends, and, according to them, he brought it for every other person at the event, probably. ("So maybe I overpacked a little, Charlie. I don't see you complaining about my first aid kit" - Cameron while bandaging a paper cut that Charlie insists is going to be terminal if not treated immediately) He's also leading a team of people to stay after and clean up anything left behind and make sure everyone gets home safe.
Keating : Holds up a sign offering Free Supportive Dad Hugs. Random kids and young adults flock to him for hugs and support, they tell their stories and he really listens. He gives them his personal phone number if they want it, and makes sure they know how proud he is of them.
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fayeimara · 4 years ago
Miya Osamu || Little Delights | First Meeting
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SUMMARY. Osamu can't help but be intrigued when his daughter starts bringing home delicious desserts prepared by her best friend's mother.
PAIRING. You x Miya Osamu
GENRE. Fluff <3
WARNINGS. Suggestive content
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Haikyuu! Anthology Series | It's Fate When Your Kids Are Friends
OSAMU | First Meeting > Second Date > Third Time's The Charm > Four Is Our Family
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Osamu's made it just in time, right as the bell tolls to signal the end of his daughter's second day in her new school year. Standing back as a swarm of kids rush out of the brick building and into the arms of their waiting parents, he takes a moment to breathe and relax. Juggling his burgeoning restaurant with being a single parent isn't an easy job, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.
He stands taller than many of the other adults around him and it's evident his little girl has no problem seeking him out as a black, red, and grey blur races towards him, a thrilled, "Papa!" reaching his ears and splitting his mouth into a wide, happy grin.
His arms are already open in a silent but enthusiastic response as he crouches down and then the bite-sized impact of his daughter is rocking him back on his heels, his reaction overly exaggerated as he pretends to almost fall over from the small force of nature that's all Miya Izumi.
Standing back up, Samu catches sight of another little girl who was trailing behind, wide eyes studying him before shifting to Zumi, his daughter turning back around to wave at her, proclaiming the girl as her 'bestest friend in the whole wide world'. The girl returns Zumi's enthusiastic wave with a quick raise of her small hand before her attention is caught by a pretty young woman, her own wide smile replacing her previously hesitant expression as she's warmly enveloped into welcoming arms with kisses peppered on her cheeks and forehead.
Her delighted giggles reach Osamu and his daughter as they turn around, hand in hand, to walk back to his car, small interaction soon forgotten as his little munchkin lists off the snacks she's looking forward to having on their return to his shop. She won't be able to finish half that list, he bets to himself with a quiet chuckle at his daughter's inherited exuberance for food as he securely buckles her into car.
It's not until they reach his second pride and joy, Onigiri Miya, that he finds the first little surprise tucked away in Izumi's not so empty lunchbox. When he inquires about the remarkably delicious looking set of biscuits he certainly didn't pack for her that morning, his daughter's response is that it's a thank you gift from her bestest friend, Reina, for the lunch she'd shared with the girl on her first day.
Well, a six year old certainly didn't bake these from the looks of it. It's only confirmed by his first taste, the texture and flavour beyond even most consistent home bakers, let alone a young child. Right? But a more pressing thought flags his attention, first.
"Did your friend not have her own lunch?"
"She did! We split because hers wasn't so good, even though her mama put so much love into it. But the treats were so much better so we decided to go halfsies and have best of both!" His daughter giggles with the oblivious sweet innocence of a child.
"And what about today?"
"Mhm. Same. But I liked the chocolate brownies yesterday much much better!"
Samu chuckles at her excitement and can't help but tease his precocious daughter, "Oh, and was it better than papa's food?"
Zumi's eyes widen as she contemplates the question with all the adorable seriousness she can muster, but loyalty must break free and run because her reply is, "Almost! So close, but I love papa's cooking more than anything in the whole wide world."
It seems the whole wide world is the current standard of measurement for first graders, but he appreciates the heartfelt sentiment behind her loving words.
After another moment of consideration, Osamu settles on the thought chewing at him and decides that tomorrow his daughter won't be giving up a portion of his food which she loves so much. No, she'll have double the amount to do with whatever she may please.
So briefly, that he doesn't even ponder on the sudden image, he's reminded of the warm reunion he witnessed between the little girl and the woman who he'd assumed was her nanny, but concludes is probably the girl's young mother. Based on the number of treats Zumi brought back, Samu's certain the woman had to have thoughtfully made extras of these baked goods for her daughter to have more than enough to share with friends and then some.
Well, it's definitely no skin off his back to make his daughter even the slightest bit happier by being able to help her share her savoury little delights with her new bestest friend.
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It's on the third day of your daughter's return from her new school year that you're able to confirm that something is indeed amiss. The previous two days, the small portions of her lunch left uneaten were questionable, given her voracious appetite, however, when she returns with the lunch you made for her today still sitting wholly untouched in her cute little lunchbox, you finally sit her down to ask about it.
Her response is far from what you expected, "My friend's papa made extra lunch so we could both have something yummy to eat!"
You press your lips together to hide your amusement as you teasingly inquire, "Oh? Is that so? And I guess that means mama's food isn't so yummy after all."
Her eyes widen in dismay and mouth opens in an immediate denial that you know would be a lie to soothe your feelings. Even at such a young age, your beautiful baby girl is truly a kind and compassionate soul, she would dutifully eat anything you prepared no matter how lacking the meal might be and never utter a word to tell you the obvious truth.
Before she can manage to find the right words to faithfully express how much she loves your cooking, you lean in to kiss her on the forehead and pull back with a laugh, gathering her in your arms for a warm hug. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry I can't make you the food you deserve. But please don't ever feel the need to say otherwise to spare my feeling, okay? You should always be honest about what you like or don't like."
Her little arms find their way around you as she snuggles in, voice soft and words like a wise, old soul when she denies, "But your food is made with so much love mama. Zumi says some people are just better at other things. We both think you make the best yummies."
"The best yummies, hm?" You think about the various baked goods you add in to balance out for the healthy but tasteless lunches you're able to prepare.
They are indeed good, but baking has always been something that comes more naturally to you than cooking. An interesting distinction not many people might accept, but for you the former has always been an effortless science whereas the latter is more of a difficult art.
"Well I'm really glad you like those, but we do need to figure out what to do so you're not picking at your friends' food or going hungry."
She pulls back to send a serious look your way, exclaiming, "But I'm not picking at it, I promise. Zumi said her papa made extra just for me!"
You take a moment to consider her words. She made a similar implication in her earlier statement, that her friend's dad had made extra for them both. What does that mean? Did his daughter ask him to because she was sharing her food with Reina? Or did he somehow grasp the situation and is simply being generous?
A warm burn threatens your cheeks as you consider the awkwardness of accepting such a gesture from a complete stranger. While you appreciate the kindness of Reina's friend and her dad, it still somehow feels like a terrible imposition, as if you've burdened them somehow with your lack of skills to keep your child happily fed.
It's not like you can't cook good, healthy food. You're just painfully aware how bland the food you make can be, unless you spend three times the amount of time as anyone else would need to in order to prepare similar meals. But... studying the smile that's on your daughter's face, you can't help the twinge in your heart that reminds you how much more her happiness is worth than your pride.
You won't assume this will be a daily occurrence and you'll continue to make your daughters lunches so she never goes without, however, it'll be no extra trouble for you to make double the batch of baked goods than usual. After all, you usually account for the fact that she'll be sharing with friends and classmates anyways.
However, you're now determined there will be enough delicious snacks for Reina to share not only around at school, but also some treats for her sweet friend Izumi to take home for her generous parents. Perhaps, you think, it might be prudent to include a short message, thanking the man for his thoughtful effort.
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Silent gratitude isn't very much to anyone ~ (So I hope you and your family will accept these.) Thank you for your kindness, Miya-san.
Osamu blinks, unaware of the small smile that curves his lips as he reads the delicate, handwritten note carefully wrapped around one of the cupcakes Izumi brought back home today. There are only three of the original twelve left, apparently, but the one he's just bitten into is as incredible as expected.
If he's correct in his assumption from the note addressed directly to him and included with today's delightful treats, then the little girl's mother has picked up on his small action and is returning the gesture to convey her thanks. The thought is confirmed by his daughter explaining that one of each of the three cupcakes is for their family.
Three for their family? Hm. Well, it's just him and Zumi, but he's sure his brother will be all over the remaining offering when he visits tonight. If there's any left for him that is. Probably won't be, it's really just that good and anyways, he doesn't need Atsumu nosing his way into this simple exchange as it is.
The following day, Friday morning, Samu pens back his own note, assuring the woman that no thanks is necessary. There's no reason for her to express her gratitude over what's really such a simple action for him.
That evening, he and Zumi enjoy some quality mochi delivered in a white, rectangular box with a pretty decently hand-drawn background scene at a spring festival on the cover. Two little girls, one that looks remarkably like his daughter and the other like her best friend, hold hands in the centre of the street dressed in traditional yukata and sharing a box of what he assumes is mochi.
As they much into the chewy treats, he watches and listens as his daughter points out the bright colours she and her friend chose to fill into what was apparently initially a blank canvas for them to colour on. Her delight at having a pink and grey yukata, even if only in a drawing, prompting him to make a mental note about looking into the clothing and any upcoming festivals.
Osamu makes a point of saving the box, childlike scribbles over the simple sketch leaving a warm feeling in his chest and a slightly wider smile gracing his mouth.
The response he receives the Monday evening (from his penned message the Friday before) is enough to prompt a full smirk that, this time, doesn't go unnoticed by him. The woman showed an interesting sense of humour and gracious acceptance with the first cupcake note. Then, a sweet and thoughtful disposition with the drawing included as part of the soft treat for the girls Friday.
But now, Samu sees a challenging firmness in her reply to his easy brush off of her thanks, delicate lines yet again adorning the small card carefully tucked into a pretty red ribbon that's tied around and decorating another white, rectangular box.
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it ~ So please accept this gift without concern.
Sitting inside are four differently coloured, rounded treats that look familiar but he can't place off the top of his head. A quick search identifies the delicate confections as macarons, the colorful delights an absolute wonder as the airy crunch of the top and bottom shells simultaneously give way to a firm filling with the first bite, the sweet flavour almost dissolving on his tongue.
He and Zumi finish the box off in minutes, three of each flavour included to a total of four different flavours, so both he and his daughter each get seconds of their respective favourites.
The next morning, filled with anticipation at what new surprises you might include with the goods you send today, he's fully aware of the grin that stretches his face as he writes out a note of his own for you to receive later this evening.
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The macarons were inspiring. Izumi and I definitely won't turn away any gifts you'd like to send our way. I wonder... what other surprises do you have up your sleeve? I sent a little something your way to inspire you too. - M. Osamu
The neatly written note returned, once again, on the back of the small rectangular card you'd last sent, brings a warm smile to your face. The various onigiri that came along with it, apparently with specific instructions communicated from Izumi to Reina that today's additional quantity is set aside for you specifically, stretches the amused curl of your lips into a delighted grin.
You split each of the four different types of rice balls with your daughter, listening to her input on the delicious food as she points out her order of most to least favourite. Although there's not a single one you wouldn't eat on any given day if given the choice, the food is simply divine.
Your note the following day is a compliment to the chef, with a cheeky inquiry as to what deities one must pray to in order to make food like that. His response is a swift rebuttal asking what cruel gods bless some with the skills to cook but others with the skills to bake, ironically echoing your own thoughts from the previous week.
So goes the back and forth for weeks, notes getting cuter, sassier, and more personal as jokes, challenges, and encouragements alike are enclosed among the lunches of two excited little girls, their own bond strengthening with this unique camaraderie between their parents, until you feel the peculiar sense that you know the man on the other end, without ever even having actually met him.
Then, one day, three weeks into the first exchange, you receive a note that makes your heart beat in your throat at the unspoken challenge which raises the stakes of the now familiar routine. It's a simple response to your unassuming request for the onigiri recipes you initially received as the first returned delight, a meal you and Reina have been craving since the first taste.
I can do one better and teach you. xxx-xxx-xxxx. - Osamu
There's no reason to be shy or hesitant, is there? After all, it's a kind offer that will only serve you and Reina well with your future attempts at her lunches. You can't count on Miya Osamu's kindness forever.
Fingers still shaking, you dial the number enclosed within and find the call picked up before the first ring even finishes.
"I wasn't sure ya'd actually call."
Oh, wow, that's a voice to melt hearts alright. You're still smiling as you immediately reply in beat, with the easy familiarity of your shared repartee over the last few weeks, "With an offer like that, how could I not?"
He's quiet for a second and you start to lose your smile, suddenly worrying that perhaps you've acted too familiarly with a man that's all but a stranger and offended him. But his next words, slowly expelled in a lazy but thoughtful drawl, have your heart beating fast for an entirely different reason, "I had a feeling ya'd sound as pretty as ya write."
Now you're the one that's silent but it's entirely because you're at a loss for words, this quietly charming man having stolen them right from the tip of your tongue.
A low chuckle breaks what you realized was actually somehow still a remarkably comfortable silence and then his delicious voice reaches you again, "I hope I didn't scare ya voice away. It'd be a shame now that I've only just heard it."
Okay so he's maybe much more of a flirt than the subtle hints you'd noticed over the notes, but then again, they were delivered through your daughters as messengers so it would be reasonable he would have toned it down. Then again, what kind of man flirts with a woman he's never met previously? He doesn't even know what you look like. Have you captured his interest solely through your mutual correspondence?
You almost snort, catching your thoughts and feeling like you're the main character to some historical romance. Maybe during a world war era. Mutual correspondence. Right. What are you even thinking? He's got you flustered already.
"Funny. I would never have imagined you would sound so pretty from the way you write." You're tempted to arch an eyebrow with your audible smirk but then you remember that it's not like he can see it.
"Ya think my voice is pretty, do ya?" His tone is full with soft satisfaction, "Maybe ya can tell me if it's better in person."
"And here I thought the offer on the table was for learning a delicious recipe."
You swear you hear the smile in his response, "Sounds like yer in either way."
"Sounds like I am." You concede in mock resignation but you're painfully aware that your words and following��sigh sound more like a promise.
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You and Reina find the charming storefront quite easily from Samu's instructions. It's finally the weekend, several days since your first call with him, and your handwritten notes have now upgraded into convenient, daily text messages.
He's definitely confident and teasing but not quite the overt flirt you briefly considered he might be from a few days ago. In fact, he's more calm and grounded, even if he can be a smooth talker, but you've quickly found that what came across as flirtatious was actually just him being honestly direct. Which is both exciting and flattering enough to make you nervous for this first real meeting today.
A soft chime sounds as you open the door to usher Reina through before following her in yourself. The first thing your eyes land on is a small girl running to your daughter like a heat seeking missile and the two collide in an adorably sweet hug, somehow understanding each other while seemingly talking simultaneously.
With a small smile on your face, you take a moment to survey your surroundings and find your bearings in this unfamiliar space. It's not an overly large area, focusing more on a cozy, comfortable atmosphere emphasized by the deliciously welcoming smell of various foods that make you feel right at home.
Your eyes run over the bar with stools lined against it before you do a double take, finally noticing the dark haired man that's leaning with his arms crossed against a door frame beyond it, watching as you examined his space.
He must be able to tell he's slightly startled you as an amused smile stretches his lips and he dips his head ever so slightly in greeting. "Welcome to Onigiri Miya."
"Thank you for inviting us, Miya-san." You bite your lip at your automatic formality, already certain what he's going to say next.
And he doesn't disappoint, eyebrow arching as he uncrosses his arms and, finally, steadily makes his way towards you, "I already told ya to call me Osamu. Or Samu."
Now you're smiling again because the situation is definitely out of the ordinary, the level of familiarity you feel with a man you're seeing for the first time can only be considered unusual. You take a moment to study him as he stops just before you, tall build with broad shoulders and a handsome face that looks like it belongs on a heartbreaker not a homemaker.
Your fingers itch to push back the locks of his hair peeking out from under his dark cap and falling over on side of his forehead, if only to have an excuse to run your hands through it. But that's definitely not appropriate no matter how comfortable you might already feel with this easygoing man.
"Right... Osamu, then. And of course, you can call me Y/n."
"Yer name and looks suit ya, just like yer voice and handwriting." He's got a small smile on his own face now and you're not sure if he's aware he basically just called you pretty. He doesn't really seem to do this on purpose, from what you've gathered.
You beam at him regardless and volley back, "Well, I can say the same for you too."
And for a brief second, that small smile splits into a quick grin that stutters the already erratic beat of your heart. Oh yes, this man is certifiably lethal in all the best ways.
"I'm happy to hear it. Now, let's sit ya down with the girls while I grab some things."
Izumi has already led Reina to a table by the window and Osamu gestures their way as he moves to lock the door behind where you came in and then moves off to the kitchen behind the bar again.
You notice with a little apprehension that the girls are sitting next to each other on one side of the booth still giddily talking together (although not over each other anymore) about friends and weekend plans and such, but you're not going to be the anxious oddball that separates them for seemingly no reason. Even if you're already sure of the overthinking you'll be doing at the thought of Samu sitting next to you in the booth.
He doesn't seem to think about it at all as he easily slides in, smoothly setting a plate and a tray with cups, glasses and a couple pitchers on the table just as you feel the left side of his body line up against your right. Okay, yeah, because this is totally normal for you. Not.
You hope neither he and especially not either of the kids can tell you're flustered, even as you feel the heat creep up your neck and flirt with your cheeks. Yup, normal day, normal day. Just a regular day with a new friend.
"Here ya go." You just hold yourself back from jumping when he hands you a cup from the tray and then leans over to pour what looks and smells like tea from one of the pitchers. If you're not going crazy, he's pressed even more against you for those long seconds, completely in your space even if it's not unwelcome.
He either knows exactly what he's doing or he's just one of those people that's never paid mind to polite social norms and rules of conduct that many prefer. While you're calming yourself down, he's already poured the girls juice from the second pitcher into their glasses and set out quarter plates in front of everyone.
You finally focus enough to take in the still steaming gyoza on the plate he'd placed down in the middle with confusion and ask, "I thought we would be making onigiri and eating it for lunch?"
"Of course, but I couldn't put ya to work on an empty stomach."
"Mhm." You give him a dubious look, you might have mentioned your early breakfast in one of your texts to him this morning, but you have a feeling that this is also an effort to make you and Reina feel comfortable in this space together instead of getting right into the cooking lessons planned for the day.
It's an incredibly thoughtful effort and that warm flush is threatening you again so you choose to tease him and deflect instead, "Somehow, I feel it's more about your empty stomach but okay, let's go with your version instead."
You lose the fight with the flush and flutters when he chuckles at your sassy retort, especially since you literally feel the vibrations melt from his body and into yours with the way he's still somewhat pressed into you. Does the man not have enough space in his own booth? Actually... you notice you can move closer to the window yourself since there's quite a bit of space on your side too but, then again, it would be a little obvious to shift now.
The girls pick up the fried dumplings by hand with happy exclamations as they bite right into theirs, you and Osamu following suit but not before placing another two on the plates in front of each of them and then splitting the remaining ones between you.
With a dip into the soy and vinegar sauce (chili excluded for the girls), you quickly bite into the first one and savour the sudden burst of flavour in your mouth. Oh wow, yes, this is exactly what your cooking is missing. This addictive, tasteful quality that makes you want multiple helpings of whatever's being served.
With a glance from the corner of your eye to the right, you meet Osamu's eyes studying your reaction and decide to ask the question on your mind, "You made these yourself right?"
"I did."
"Okay, they're hands down the best gyoza I've ever had." You compliment him genuinely before giving in to the urge to  tease him yet again because the flutters are back, if they ever even left, and you can't have him knowing just how much he affects you, "But who ever heard of serving gyoza in an onigiri shop?"
He must catch the light, teasing tone because he just smirks and throws right back, "Well if they're as good as ya say, maybe I should expand the menu."
"Oh no, don't do that!" You laugh with wide eyes, "Then Reina and I will never find space when we try to come back here during regular hours! Actually, I'm sure you're already always packed, hm?"
"Some days and times less than others, but there will always be space for the two of ya whenever ya want to visit again."
Oh yeah, it's a losing battle, the flutters are a full on tsunami of feelings now. Just push it away and chill. But then he adds, "And I can teach ya this recipe too. Anytime there's something ya like or want to try, just let me know. I'm sure we can make an amazing cook outta ya yet."
Your mouth drops open followed by your blurted question, "Why are you helping me so much? I'm sure this is a lot of time and effort for you too."
You hear the girls' conversation pause as they pick up on some subtle change in either your body language or demeanour, but Osamu's calm eyes just meet your wide ones, his lips sliding into a soft smile, as he simply answers, "Because I like ya."
You feel like you're back in grade school because you want to ask if he means that he 'like' likes you or just... likes you. But there's no way you're going to ask that question, not only because it feels a bit asinine but because that's not a conversation to start in front of both of your daughters.
You look over to the girls who are watching with beaming smiles, maybe happy their parents are good friends just like the two of them, and you return their wide grins with a reassuring one of your own before looking back into steady grey eyes. "Well, I really appreciate your help. Thank you, Osamu."
"I'd say no thanks needed, but I've been down that road before." Another quick, heart-stopping grin graces his face, this one almost as roguish as his tone is playful. He's definitely referring to your initial correspondence when you made a firm point against his initial brush off, as if his actions in making extra lunch for your daughter to enjoy wasn't incredibly thoughtful and certainly out of his way.
"Well you certainly catch on quick. Let's just hope I can say the same." Your playful smile turns into a grimace at the thought of how difficult it might be to actually improve your skills. Maybe it's just a question of talent? Maybe you're just never going to be able to reproduce food like him.
But he glances over to catch your frown just in time and reassures, "I know what I'm doing. Soon enough, you will too. Just say you'll keep supplying me and Zumi with yer baking every once in a while when ya don't need us anymore."
You know he's probably joking with the last part but you hadn't planned on stopping. You love to share the goodies you bake with the people in your and Reina's life, it makes the two of you pretty happy so you're sure Izumi and Osamu will be able continue enjoying your baked goods to their heart's content.
"Izumi will definitely get her share of sweets and snacks every day." You send a smile her way when she hears you and bounces excitedly in her seat but then you force yourself to drop it and face Osamu with a challenging look instead, "But you... well, I guess we'll have to wait and if you're as good as you say and maybe then you can get some too."
He places a closed hand to his chest as if he's been struck, the girls laughing at his overdramatic reaction, but his widening smile gives him away. You look at each other for a suspended moment, with shared amusement but also the teasing heat of something else reflected in his achromatic eyes, which makes you certain he picked up on the unintended double entendre in your words.
"Sounds like a promise." Then with an arched eyebrow at the empty plates and cups in front of everyone, Samu asks, "So shall we get started?"
You agree, helping him clean up the table and he takes the opportunity to help you and Reina familiarize yourselves with the kitchen. The rest of the afternoon is spent in an equally easy cadence as he does indeed walk you through the steps of making his recipes, flavours included.
He starts with the simplest option, yaki onigiri, which is just fried rice shaped in a triangle or oval, and then demonstrates how to make and add a few of your and Reina's favourite fillings in to change and enhance the flavour. The girls enjoy making their own mini rice balls alongside the two of you and the time flies until you're all back at the table and having the onigiri you've just made for lunch.
You can't deny there's an improvement already but your little rice balls are still nowhere near the level of skill and flavour of Osamu's, even though he and the girls all assure you that you've done a great job. You accept their compliments with a smile and the determination to keep at it on your own time until you improve even further because Reina deserves better than even this.
By the time you finish eating, the girls are unsurprisingly tired out and choose to stay at the table to watch a Disney movie with Izumi's iPad. You can't help but smile in amusement while watching Osamu grab the thing from behind the bar, tapping away on the clunky looking device which is perfect for Izumi with a thick, pink rubber cover protecting it from grade-schooler level damage.
After the movie's been set up for the two worn out little munchkins, you and Osamu head back into the kitchen for him to show you how to make the gyoza and the next hour slips away with more teasing jokes, increasingly heated looks, and slightly bolder touches.
You can close your eyes and now know the feel of Osamu's hands on yours, demonstrating how to properly fold and pleat the wrappers. You can still feel the heat of his chest brush your back from when he leaned around you to pick up an empty bowl to place in the sink, and you're pondering on what feels like a heated brand on your hip where he lightly curved one hand to shift you over.
You can't deny your attraction to the man, a slow fall that you should have seen coming from the excitement of receiving his words every day until you were eagerly expecting the notes, to this first meeting where he's everything you expected from reading between his lines and even more.
Since the girls are pretty much full, you and Osamu clean off the new batch of gyoza between the both of you - him more than you, which you tease him about again. All the while, you're panicking about this new realization of your feelings, given that you're seriously crushing on a man who might only mean to help as a newfound friend and maybe you're the one reading too much into his interactions.
It's not until you've helped him clean up, collected the girls, and are watching him lock up the shop that you get some semblance of an answer.
"Thank you again Osamu. This was not only very instructive but Reina and I had a great time today."
He's holding Izumi's small hand in his, similar to Reina's in yours, and his other hand stretches up to rub at the back of his head, his arm bent at the elbow. When he speaks, it's not a direct response to your gratitude but a question instead, sounding somewhat unsure himself for the first time today, "How about next time we have a date that's more fun than instructive?"
Your jaw almost drops in surprise but you quickly collect yourself because he's still looking a little worried, maybe because he thinks he's overstepping by calling this a date or maybe because he's not sure you'll want another one even if you do accept that.
Your smile is quick to light up your face and, with a light squeeze from Reina's hand to yours accompanied by her and Izumi's giggles, you happily reply, "Just let me know when and where, and it's a date."
He grins again, the third time today your heart stops at what you're sure is usually a rarer sight since bodies aren't always dropping to the ground around him (that you've heard of). "I think I might already have something in mind."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, but let me look into it and get back to ya."
"Sounds like a promise."
With your final reply, a borrowed echo of his words to serve as a temporary goodbye, you and Reina split away from Izumi and Osamu. Heading for your car with once last look behind you, you're pleasantly unsurprised to find a flash of gunmetal grey also glancing back your way. Later that night, finished with your and Reina's joint skincare routine and having tucked her into bed, you find the expected message waiting for you.
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A/N: Okay wow I had SO much fun with this one! I hope you all do too <3 It's not triple edited per usual so please do let me know if you catch any errors or issues. No promises but probably dropping Atsumu’s First Meeting next ;)
Taglist: @yatoatyourservice, @crayonwriting
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© 2021 fayeimara. All rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify, or claim as yours.
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265 notes · View notes
obeymeluv · 5 years ago
The Bros as Dads
PSA: The boys would be very attractive dads (emotionally and physically). That is all.
Note: the headcanon also includes genders for the kids. I can see some of them having sons, and others having daughters. And, obviously, everyone is older (20′s-ish).
Takes a while to process the news. It’s kind of a big thing. His love life was something of a roller coaster (or nonexistent) until you. The ‘L’ word was a hurdle, now there’s a B word and a P word?!
When his brain realizes what you’ve said or if you show him some proof, the pride takes over FULL SWING (you can feel it explode in him, like his aura) and he purrs
You are truly his stars, his moon, and the heavens he so dearly misses
There’s this raw, vulnerable love in Lucifer’s eyes and it pretty much awes everyone because he’s usually so proper and reserved
The memories are old and dusty but Lucifer’s parenting instincts are strong
A type-A, fussy person. You may have 7 months left before you give birth, but the house will be spotless and perfectly proofed before you hit bed rest
Piles of parenting books suddenly sprout around the house. No one’s sure where they came from or how there’s even that many WRITTEN about parenting.
You and the child become his world. You’re his kryptonite, the only thing to convince him away from long hours or break him out of sour moods
Lucifer is very stressed, more than he thought he’d be, because you’re carrying his child and he worries for your health.
He’s with you every step of the way, from appointments to birth
He’d absolutely drop everything to tend to your needs, or appoint one of the brothers if he couldn’t.
Likes to busy himself with making a nursery and is actually good at themes/interior decorating
Has a tiny desk built in his study. The child won’t be able to join him for a while, but the idea of his tiny joy working on something beside him warms his heart
Hunts down obscure herbs and items from folklore that are supposed to bless pregnancies or benefit the unborn. Turns out he’s really nervous and superstitious.
Lucifer is the worst when it comes to shopping because his pride outweighs his logical restraint. If he convinces himself IN THE SLIGHTEST that his child would look good in something or the nursery could really use an item, it’s coming to the House of Lamentation
He ugly cries when he realizes you’re having a girl because he feels like Lilith has been given back to him.
Refuses to name his child Lilith because of everything that happened. Can’t settle for anything close to her name or any nicknames they gave her.
Makes you a sleeping space in his study. Loves to take breaks to watch you sleep. Unintentionally takes a break to kiss your stomach and talk to the baby.
Firm believer in ‘in the belly’ enrichment so you’ll have music playing and Lucifer will read to them all the time.
If the baby’s not with you, she’s with him. Lucifer has definitely shown up to a meeting with Lord Diavolo with his baby in a chest carrier. The meeting went flat because Diavolo wanted to play with the baby.
He’s the type of dad that demands total silence when the baby’s sleeping. Might have tied up some of his brothers to achieve it.
He’s not a total hard-ass (this kid has made a sucker out of him, okay?) but his kid will definitely have manners and knows to help clean up.
The type to take naps with his kid. He’ll get up at 2 in the morning and climb into their crib if they’re fussy.
Lucifer spent so much of his life being the primary caretaker for his bros that he forgets he’s not alone this time. When you push him back down so he can sleep, and tend to your daughter, his heart almost bursts with love.
On the fence about another child. The kid’s going to have pride in spades and he thinks a sibling will humble them (and make them less lonely). He’s also afraid of that prideful wrath and doesn’t want two prideful little demons always fighting
Isn’t the best with dressing up his kid but likes to give them fancy shoes. The shoes are always on point even if the rest of the outfit is a disaster.
Is 100% ready to receive any and everything “#1 Dad” because he IS, DAMN IT. He’ll use it regularly, too.
He’s freaking out hardcore (”You sure? Really, really sure? Maybe you just have gas or something. Y-yeah!”)
Doesn’t believe it until he sees a test. Promptly faints. Dead-ass faints as soon as he sees it.
Kind of remembers it when he wakes up, and you have to remind him again.
This time he’s pretty excited because THE GREAT MAMMON will be having a child. WHAT A GIFT, RIGHT? THE BEST GIFT!
All the magazines are snapping up this gossip and, for once in his life, he puts the earnings away. Kid has a nice fund going before they’re even born.
His schedule is 50% work, 50% family because YOUR MAIN MAN HAS TO BE THERE. Work just pays the bills and pads the nursery account, okay?
The Devildom has something similar to a baby shower and Mammon puts all KINDS of high-dollar shit on there. His baby’s going to be stylin’, okay?
Some crying in front of others, but an entirely different kind of crying behind closed doors. Vulnerable, grateful crying about being loved and having a tiny someone who will love him, too
Pays someone to explain baby stuff to him. How to change them, feed them, what type of breathing you should be doing. It surprised his bros because Lucifer could just give him that info. The fact that Mammon paid for it means he’s pretty serious about learning.
Gets tons of free maternity photos because all his magazines want the scoop. He gets to pamper you and see you all dressed up and beautiful and EVERY magazine has a shot of him crying like a proud sap.
Mammon hoards all of those pictures. Has a pile of them in his room, totally separate from everything else.
Has a lot of nervous energy and can get frustrated with all the baby books, so he distracts himself with scrap-booking. Surprisingly good at it.
Mammon thinks you’re just the most beautiful thing ever. He loves taking pictures of you. Wants the kid to have no doubts about how much he loves them and their parent.
He’s so lovesick. When you sleep or hug your belly or just touch it he melts.
Stacks Grimm on your belly when you sleep. Thinks it’s fun. Likes to record how big the towers get.
Not the best at getting up for your random-hour cravings and has definitely made you cry with his bluntness. When he’s more awake he’ll apologize and you guys will work it out.
When he finds out he’s having a little boy, the bros throw a party. Mammon gets semi-drunk and has a huge, ass-chewing lecture about how the bros made him feel for centuries and how they better not say ANYTHING like that to his kid.
You shot down any and all attempts to name the kid anything money related.
Almost passed out when you had the baby.
Cried when he first held him. Calls him Mamm-mini.
Totally planning the baby’s first photo shoot. Has people on standby to make matching outfits.
He now has a partner in crime and the kid can charm the pants off of anyone!
Mammon is 100% devoted to this kid and he secretly hopes he’s the favorite parent.
Lives for any second of bonding he can get. NEEDS IT TO LIVE. 100% a sappy dad.
The most supportive dad, always saying nice things because he knows people didn’t always say nice things about him.
Brain stops working. You almost think you’ve given him a heart attack
Levi feels you take the controller from his hand and instantly has to fill it with something else, taking yours. He looks at you and asks you again if you’re sure.
He can see it in your eyes and he just crows. He doesn’t know if he’s excited or scared but he made the noise.
Worries A LOT about the idea of becoming a father. Can gross otakus be good fathers? How does he dad?
Gets pre-stressed about social interactions. Kids have to go to school and have play-dates and Levi’s going to have to talk to people...ugh! Gross!
Definitely has a few break-downs (feelings of inadequacy, etc.) before Lucifer or Satan comfort him. He’s better than he thinks, just insecure. Everyone learns as they go. They have classes (”They’re like cheat codes, Levi.”) and it makes him feel better
His gaming friends send their congratulations and he gets lots of themed blankets and onesies.
Wants you to have a water birth because the water is his child’s calling. Really attached to the idea.
He’s constantly looking up guides to baby-proofing, double- and triple-checking safety specs of anything before buying it.
Spends HOURS scouring Akuzon, comparing brands, and reading reviews for everything.
Akuzon noticed he was buying lots of baby books and looking at baby-related things so they sent him a onesie.
You get a lovely beach/water-themed maternity shoot and Levi is so love-struck he gets a nosebleed. Once he’s cleaned up it makes a darling photo shoot.  
Has already made lists of anime for the kid to watch. Some are his favorite, some are for the lessons and moments that stuck with him
Asmo messaged TSL on the down-low and Levi got some quality kid-sized merch.
Tries to get you to name the baby Henry if it’s a boy. When he finds out it’s a girl, he pushes for Henrietta.
Reads TSL to the baby and plays ocean sounds.
As you get further along in your pregnancy, he buys a fridge for his room and stocks it with your favorite cold stuff. Any snack foods are just added to his stash.
You are absolutely worshipped. Craving something? Akuzon has it and the fastest pig is on it’s way. Your feet hurt? Try a water bath!
You’re his Player 2 now and forever (always have been), and he’s keeping you in perfect health.
Probably keeps a video journal for the kid or of the two of you during your pregnancy. Big on preserving stuff digitally.
Probably makes a game for his kid just because. They’ll be able to play it when they’re older.
Bought a ton of Magical Girl-style hairbows and things for when their hair grows in. His daughter’s a fucking princess, okay?
Belphegor bought the baby a goldfish onesie and Levi loves it to pieces.
Bought the baby a seashell bassinet and rocks them to sleep with his tail.
Levi has a bad sleep schedule and wakes easily, so he’s usually the first one to get up and handle the baby.
He has this complex about being a good dad. People can call him a weird, gross otaku but they’re ALSO going to mention how good of a dad he is!
Super affectionate with his kid in a quiet, whispering, mumbling way. Just thinks they’re the best thing.
Having a daughter really makes him rethink some of the ways he viewed anime characters and made him super critical. If his daughter ends up liking anime he’ll make it very clear what he thinks and how she shouldn’t let other people treat her like an object. 
His demon form gets triggered REALLY EASILY if his bros hold her for too long. THAT’S HIS BABY, THANK YOU!
Secretly hoped to be a father one day. Wanted to prove so badly that he could be one, and move past the constant fear of his temper looming over him. He didn’t want wrath to be his only legacy.
Can’t manage more than a genuine smile and a lilting laugh when you tell him, but he’s literally almost sick with joy. He’s just not the type to jump from the rooftops or anything
Asmodeus and Mammon convince him into drinking because he needs to let loose and really show it!
Satan ends up drunk-stumbling to Lucifer and plunking his head into his chest and crying. He’s crying because he’s happy and mumbling something about ‘granddad’. When his tears dry he’s happy as can be, smugly calls Lucifer an ‘old fuck’ and promptly throws up.
They’re past most of their bad blood but even Lucifer wasn’t surprised Satan never got EVERYTHING out of his system. A lot of his childhood memories are tainted with pure wrath instead of coming into his cardinal sin through some other mean. Or naturally, like puberty.
Between his personal research and Lucifer’s expertise, the baby-proofing is totally covered.
His book binges are strictly about pregnancies, suspicions, rituals, parenting, and anything he can think of that has to do with kids.
He’s big on teas and brews that are supposed to help with pregnancies and pains. Uses his many connections to get ingredients for said teas
Reads the classics and big epics to his unborn child.
Buys you some Hellcats for protection. They’re fiercely loyal, so he’ll know you’re safe.
He’d be the type to nag you about your diet, but not to be mean. He’d support it with this absolute WALL of evidence that turns into a lecture that could last for hours.
Has to fight the Hellcats to sit next to you or touch your belly a lot more than he thought he would. He’d never say it out loud, but he’s starting to hate the cats (he doesn’t mean it though).
Starts cleaning up his book piles a lot more. The baby would get hurt if the stacks fell on them. His room becomes virtually spotless.
You pick books to read together. You end up reading Satan to sleep, too. He keeps a hand on your belly.
Gets nervous about you wanting to go out, and basically tries to keep you in the House of Lamentation. Relents a little because hormones make you scary. He was basically afraid of nothing because the walks were fine.
You like to sit in the Devildom gardens and he thinks you look picturesque and wonderful. It takes his breath away.
Asmodeus is your personal photographer because Satan doesn’t think anyone else will do you justice.
Finds out you’re having boy-girl twins and totally shuts down. What does he say? How does he respond? BELPHIE OR BEEL WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE TWINS! WHY HIM?!
Lucifer is BEYOND amused. This is definitely payback for everything Satan did in his childhood (so the saying goes).
It doesn’t bother him as much when he starts buying smart little cardigans, button-ups, ribbons, and bowties. He’s actually quite happy.
The Hellcats act weird and tip him off to your contractions before your water breaks. Satan gets you to the hospital and helps you give birth. The twins grow to look more like him than you, but if someone mistakes you for the nanny or says something derogatory, he’s pulling two ferocious kids off an idiot
Satan was afraid he’d be a short fuse, but he becomes the parent that explains everything to death (for better or worse). The kids will get a lecture when they’re bad, when the ask ‘why’ to something, he’ll explain why he gave the punishment he did, and be very clear with anything.
Quickly falls in love with the idea of you being pregnant. It’s the best! Proof of his truest love, the thing that makes his heart beat!
He loved you to pieces before you were pregnant, and loves you even more now (if that’s possible).
Always wants to be with you, smothering your belly with kisses and touches and looking at it like it’s the next greatest love of his life
Takes names very seriously. “My child is a gift unto this world. People will know their name, so it has to be a good one!”
Gets really wrapped up in decor and aesthetic. He’d be a one-man force for all of it if you didn’t tell him to stop and breathe! Asmodeus just has lots of ideas, okay?
Has a really hard time understanding the value of baby-proofing until Satan smushes a few of his lipsticks in his hand and knocks around some finishing powder (”Now imagine that. All the time. With anything you love.”). 
Hires someone to baby-proof the room because that’s just not his thing. He’ll handle securing the valuables, okay?
Constantly reading about beauty rituals and things to do for his pregnant wife. She’s doing something really hard and deserves to be pampered!
You’ll constantly be pampered or trying ‘this and that’ because he read it was good for the baby. Good for beauty, good for health, etc.
Has a pretty decent diet, himself, and keeps you on yours.
You definitely have pregnancy sex a few times. Anything he can do to help you out, you know?
Asmodeus ADORES watching you grow round with his child and LIVES for helping you take care of yourself. He’ll let you lounge in his fantastic tub and has no issues sitting on the floor and doing your toes
Picks out all your outfits. Wants you to look your best! Don’t worry, you’ll be comfy!
When he finds out you’re having a girl he cries. A lot.
SO MANY BABY UPDATE BROADCASTS ON DEVILGRAM! There is an official ‘baby watch’. It’s trending more than you thought it would.
Takes TONS of videos.
His baby is easily the most fashionable child in all of Devildom.
Takes really candid, private photos that have a lot of sentimental value. A lot of your pregnancy photos are you looking comfy in bed or sitting at a vanity in breezy clothes as he does your makeup.
The type of dad to sit down in the middle of the store to play with toys (are they good enough for his kid? Like, really?). Must feel everything before he buys it. If he doesn’t like how it feels, he won’t buy it.
You end up giving birth earlier than planned and Asmo almost throws up because birth doesn’t look like he thought it would
Super nervous during your pregnancy because you’re in pain and there’s lots of noises.
Busies himself doing your makeup because that’s the only way he can handle the situation. You’re holding his tail and he SWEARS you’re going to break it off!
The bros help deliver his little angel and Asmo is SMITTEN. ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN.
Holding his baby 24/7.
Loses sleep just because he watches them sleep. Sometimes he loses sleep for real because DAMN, babies don’t sleep a lot, do they?
It’s really hard to adjust to and he’s surprised his skin isn’t god-awful.
Doesn’t regret a thing, fawning over their tiny nails and little curls, and OMG EVERYTHING! Cries a lot because they’re just perfect
His wardrobe reflects his dad status but he still looks like a DILF. You can give him the most classic dad attire and it just looks good on him.
He’s excited about your pregnancy. Boy honestly tried for it, you know? Studied positions and everything.
Beelzebub has so much love and the idea of holding a tiny someone just warms his heart
Everything kid-related is totally foreign to him except for how to act with them. He and Belphie were the youngest so he was used to being taken care of until he got old enough to climb and eat on his own.
The type of guy to need explicit, step-by-step instructions on EVERYTHING. He doesn’t have a brain for it like Satan or Lucifer, so he needs help
Seriously. Give him a checklist for baby-proofing and he’ll get it done.
Gets pretty down about not being able to cuddle and snuggle like normal, but he’ll look into safe ways to do so.
Has special snuggles with the baby. Kisses your belly and rubs it. Talks to your baby like the little demon it is (even if it doesn’t have a name yet).
Lives for the times you talk to the baby, talk yourself out of bed, or how you absently talk to your belly throughout the day.
Works out to deal with stress and nerves, but also because he wants to be a good, strong dad
The doctors give him a list of exercises you can do and he does them with you
Can’t really take the nutrition advice seriously. He eats pretty much everything and you probably will, too.
When people ask him about your pregnancy, he uses very inclusive language (”We’re expecting, etc.”)
You make mini-dates out of your late-night cravings. Beel is totally in love with it.
Beelzebub becomes your food finder. There’s been times where you look at him so cutely, so imploringly, and all you can manage is ‘spicy and crunchy’. He’ll find you something, don’t worry! He’s an expert!
Big on massages and cuddling. Likes to cup his hands over your belly and trace it.
The type of dad to gain weight with you as your pregnancy moves along. Becomes soft, strong dad.
Finds out you’re having twin boys and has the happiest crying session ever. Belphie is the first to know and all Beel can say is ‘Just like us!’ as he nearly crushes his twin to death.
Likes to dress them in cute and comfy clothes. Animal onesies? Yes!
At some point yours twins are going to look like hotdogs and hamburgers. There’s no shortage of food costumes thanks to Levi, Asmo, and Beel.
Suspicious about baby food, bugs Satan about how nutritious it is, and tries all of it just to be sure.
Some of their teething toys look like real food. Beelzebub ate one on accident.
Is a perfect gentle giant. Afraid of hurting them, for they are tiny and precious, but gets over that pretty quickly.
Always wants to cuddle and hold them. You have to make him leave them alone to sleep. Gets kind of sad when they’re napping because he can’t make faces at them or hear them laugh. Right back to his usual self when they wake up, though.
You best believe they learn their alphabet by studying food. Beelzebub will stand in the kitchen and dig through the pantry until he finds things that match the letters of the alphabet 
He’s kind of surprised you ended up pregnant because the sex is usually lazy and casual. Yes, he has the moments where it’s pretty hardcore, but...wow. For some reason, he just didn’t see you getting pregnant.
Secretly hopes you have more than one kid. Something in him would just be happy if there’s more than one kid. You think it comes from the time he spent alone in the attic but never say it.
Sleeps a lot more. Not out of avoidance or anything, but because naps will be rare in the future. He likes to think he’s stockpiling sleep.
Makes sure you’re comfy at all times.
Would love for you to sleep and be cozy but apparently that’s not healthy for humans, so he takes easy walks around the house and keeps you semi-active.
He’ll give you his cow pillow to use as a back pillow. It’s his way of letting the baby use it until he can share it with them.
Listens to a lot of audiotapes about parenting. Looks at books, too, but does better with audio. 
Reads a new bedtime story to your kid every night.
Sometimes you guys sleep in the star room so he can talk to them about constellations. They can’t see anything, of course, but he still goes into detail.
Isn’t much of a picture person and doesn’t see the point in taking maternity pictures. It’s actually because Belphie has a photographic memory so he remembers everything.
The bros force him into taking maternity pictures.
The type to journal everything. He writes a big-ass, super-detailed diary for the baby.
Is kind of worried about his temperament, so he’ll take some classes on how to handle stress and stuff before the babies arrive
Becomes King of Lists. There’s lists for everything. Lists help. Lists are good.
When he finds out you’re having triplets (a boy and two girls), he doesn’t know how to react. You saw him smile though. It doesn’t sink in until you’re hugging him. “I’m never sleeping again,” he realizes with absolute terror.
Beelzebub is super excited. “That’s twins plus a bonus!”
Very snobby about the nursery decor. Also very tactile like Asmodeus. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s not going in the nursery.
Wants a barn-themed nursery (to include as many cow-related things as possible)
You get the comfiest PJs.
With three kids, he lives by embroidery. He has to have a way to tell them apart, after all (the girls, at least).
Can’t hoard the babies but wants to. Hates that he doesn’t have enough arms to hold them all at the same time.
Is very interested by their tendency to hold each other and nap together. Finds it super adorable.
Makes a super-sized crib he can climb in and sleep with them. It’s basically a Belphie-sized bed with little attachments his kids sleep in. Separates them all just enough so he doesn’t worry about hurting them, but there’s still contact
Thanks whatever god exists that they mostly stay on a schedule together. Makes it stressful for changing diapers, but very fun to feed them.
Almost dies laughing when Lucifer holds them for the first time because one vomited on him, the other sneezed in his face, and one pooped so much it got on his pants leg.
Lulls them to sleep with his happy purr, and gets woken up from a dead sleep by pure love when they make the sound back. Suddenly there’s three chirpy purrs rolling against him and he’s in love.
Proud they love their mama so much (to the point of being TOTAL mama’s kids), but also kind of relieved he can breathe.
The three trade off occasionally when they realize he’s free real estate and come to him for snuggles. They all love him so he doesn’t mind.
This house supports cuddle piles! Belphie got them hooked on group naps for a young age and they sleep together now. 
Hope you liked it :)
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starshine583 · 4 years ago
New Girl on the Block (7)
(I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter! Feel free to check out the mini series connected to this fic called Journal Entries. I will warn whoever reads it that I’m not sure how long I’m going to keep it up, though.)
Ch.1 / Ch.6 / Ch.8
Chapter 7: That Happy Glow
“This is gonna be so much fun, Tikki!” Marinette exclaimed as she slid on her light pink flats. “I can’t wait to get to the aquarium!”
“Don’t forget your purse!” Tikki reminded, zipping around her chosen’s head. “I want to see some of the fish too!”
Marinette laughed and reached for her coat. The weather had been reported to drop over the weekend, and she didn’t want to take any chances. “Of course! I’ll make sure to pack some cookies for you too.”
When Felix told her last Monday that Adrien came to Rosemary looking for her, She’d been understandably distraught. Dupont had been given strict instructions to keep her new school’s name a secret, yet her old classmates were still coming to talk to her. It left many questions that needed to be answered. For example, how did they find out? Did Bustier tell them? Felix had mentioned that a girl was the one to give Adrien the information, though that hardly narrowed down the suspect list. Was Adrien the only one who knew? If not, were her other classmates going to try to come for her too? She’d asked her mother about it as soon as she got home, and as expected, Sabine flew into a rage. 
“I send my daughter to a new school to get her away from her old classmates, and what do they do? They follow her there!” She’d fumed. “Unbelievable.”
Once Marinette talked her down from calling the police to file for harassment, they called the school, and Mme Bustier insisted that they’d been tight lipped about Marinette’s new school, but Marinette didn't buy it. Who else could have told Adrien? No one knew about her attending Rosemary, not unless Nathalie managed to find the information, and that was highly unlikely.
Although the situation was a mix of frustrating and worrisome, Marinette took comfort in the fact that Adrien seemed to believe she wasn't actually attending Rosemary. At the very least, he hadn’t stopped by again- as far as she knew -and hadn’t visited the bakery again either.
A small sigh passed her lips at the thought of how close she'd come to exposing herself as a Rosemary student. Thank goodness Felix had been out there to greet Adrien instead. His quick thinking had really saved her, and he even offered to give her a ride home afterwards. (For the second time) She never intended on asking Felix for help with things like this- mostly because she didn't want to bother him -but it was good to know she could depend on him when she needed to. Not only did he help her with Adrien, she also noticed him trying to keep others around her during the day after everything blew over. Allegra would order lunch with her more. Claude would join her to go to the lockers more. Allan would walk her to classes that they didn't have together. Things like that. Felix even offered to accompany her himself on a few occasions. It was a sweet gesture, and although the extra attention wasn’t necessary, it was greatly appreciated. Maybe she should make him a little thank you gift. What sort of things does he like again? Books and chess.. and silence.. how could she make a gift out of that?
Either way, Marinette couldn't thank him enough for his kindness, and now that six days of blessed silence has passed, the nervousness from the Adrien encounter was replaced with giddy enthusiasm for the aquarium. She buzzed around her bedroom to finish getting ready, putting on her scarf and earmuffs as quickly as she could. Allegra was supposed to come pick her up, but they were all going to meet up and walk into Aquarium de Paris together. She didn’t want to hold anyone up.
Marinette wrapped her purse around her shoulder, finally finishing her outfit, and bounced over to the trapdoor to go downstairs. Allegra should be arriving in about five minutes. That gave her just enough time to snag a few cookies for Tikki, a croissant for herself (and maybe Claude), and say goodbye to her parents. 
“Goodmorning, sweetheart!” Sabine greeted warmly.
“Morning, Maman!” Marinette smiled, briefly pausing to let her mother kiss her on the forehead.
“Did you have a good sleep?” Tom asked, holding out an arm to her.
Marinette let out a nervous chuckle as she gave him a side hug. “Yes and no. I was kind of too excited to sleep.”
“You and me both.”
Marinette turned to one of the small tables in the bakery to see Allegra sitting with a smile and a cup of coffee. She was bundled up too, which told Marinette that she was probably right to put on her winter clothes.
“You’re already here?” Marinette asked, panic briefly seizing her chest. She looked around for the time. “How long have you been waiting? Am I late again?”
Allegra chuckled and stood up to pull Marinette into a hug. “Not at all! I just happened to get here a few minutes early, and your parents offered me a coffee while we waited for you to come down.”
Marinette relaxed a bit and hugged Allegra back. “You could have come upstairs to get me.”
“I didn’t want to rush you.” Allegra shrugged. “Besides, your parents are fun to talk with!”
Tom and Sabine both smiled and straightened with pride, causing Marinette to giggle.
“Here,” Tom said, taking a brown, paper bag out from under the counter. “We packed some breakfast for you.” 
“And made sure to put plenty of croissants in for Claude and the others.” Sabine added with a smile.
Marinette took the bag with a sincere “thanks”. That saved her time on sneaking around for snacks.
“Oh, Claude is going to love those.” Allegra smirked, touching the bag to feel how warm it was. 
Marinette giggled and nodded in agreement. It’s been almost three weeks since she started at Rosemary, and Claude still asks for croissants every lunch period. “Are we ready to go?”
“Yep! My driver’s waiting out front for us.” Allegra replied, tilting her head in the direction of the door.
“Have fun, you guys!” Sabine cooed.
“Make sure to take plenty of pictures with the fish!” Tom added with a wave.
“We definitely will.” Allegra beamed, looping her arm with Marinette’s.
With a final wave, they stepped outside together, and Marinette sharply inhaled as the chill of the air immediately gnawed at her features. She knew it was going to be cold, but she didn’t think it would be this cold. 
I hope Felix didn’t decide to get there early today. Marinette thought to herself as they scrambled into the backseat of the car. 
“So are you excited?” She asked Allegra while buckling in. Claude had been bouncing around the school walls all week for this trip, but Allegra hadn’t said much about it. Neither had Allan. Of course, they didn’t have to be excited. Marinette was just curious as to whether they were or why they weren’t.
“Absolutely!” Allegra grinned, bringing a smile to Marinette’s lips as well. Guess people show their excitement in different ways.
“Probably not as excited as Claude, though.” The blonde continued, a humorous expression crossing her features. “How many fish did he text on the group chat again?”
Marinette squinted slightly as she thought about it. “I think.. Twenty seven? Maybe twenty eight.”
“Twenty eight sounds about right.” Allegra said with a nod. “I swear Allan was this close to blocking him.” 
Marinette laughed. “That knife meme was hilarious! I still can’t believe that Felix was the one who sent it. I was starting to think he didn’t read the group chat.”
“Yeah, he surprises us every now and then.” Allegra mused, a fond smile coming to her lips. “Like this aquarium trip. I don’t think he’s ever once agreed to go somewhere with us after the first invite.”
Marinette shrugged and settled into her seat as the driver pulled out onto the road. “Well, he did say that you were going to force him either way.”
Allegra’s smile turned devilish. “And he’s absolutely right. If he had said no to coming, I would have dragged him there myself, but that’s never stopped him before.”
Marinette tilted her head in a nod. That was certainly true.
“Maybe he just likes aquariums?”
Allegra hummed, a mischievous glint in her sky blue eyes as she said, “Or maybe he likes someone who’s going to the aquarium.”
Marinette furrowed her eyebrows. Like as in like like? Like a crush? Felix didn’t seem like the type to have a crush on someone, though after hearing him talk about the lovers in his classical playlist, she supposed it was a possibility. 
“Is there someone else you guys know that might be there?”
A short laugh burst from Allegra’s lips, almost like Marinette had missed the point of something, and she shook her head. “No, nevermind. Forget I said anything. Let’s just enjoy our agreeable Felix while we have him.”
Marinette nodded, though her thoughts still lingered on the comment. Felix developing romantic feelings for someone sounded like such a foreign concept to her. Not that he was unlovable, or anything. He was just.. too logical. He didn’t dote on feelings. The only circumstance where she can clearly see him acquiring a spouse would be an arranged marriage. He’d probably be the one to plan it, too, seeing it as the most beneficial choice between both families. What type of wife would he pick, anyway? She’d probably be beautiful and quiet, right? Not to mention smart. Felix wouldn’t be able to stand someone ‘incompetent’. Maybe she’d be a bit of a perfectionist like him?
A soft hum passed her lips. It was definitely a thought.
Felix grit his teeth as the biting chill of the morning seeped into his clothing. It was times like this that he wished those jokes about the incredible inaccuracy of weathermen were true. He hasn’t even been outside for ten minutes, and his fingers were already numb. If Felix had known that his coat and gloves would be this ineffective, he would have taken the second coat that his mother tried to insist he wear earlier.
A shiver ran up his spine as a particularly cold burst of wind whipped past him, and he pulled his coat tighter around his waist. What time was it? Were the girls going to be arriving soon? 
He flicked his wrist upwards to catch sight of his watch. Allegra said that they would be meeting at Aquarium de Paris at 10am. Being 9:58am., they should be arriving any minute, but that didn’t stop him from heaving a deep sigh towards the wait. Note to self: Don’t arrive early to activities that take place outside during the winter.
A nudge to the arm brought Felix’s attention to Claude. He’d also arrived early- probably out of sheer excitement. He’s been blabbering about this trip all week -but the cold didn’t appear to affect him nearly as much.
“Are you nervous?” The brunette asked, causing Felix to shoot him a flat look.
“Why on earth would I be nervous?”
“Oh, no reason..” Claude said, his tone light and teasing. “I just know that Marinette’s going to be here.”
Felix rose a brow. “And?”
Claude smiled knowingly, but Felix couldn’t imagine what the brunette thought he knew this time. 
“You two have gotten pretty close lately.”
“In what way?” There was the physical way or the mental way. Granted, both ways were incorrect, but it was an important distinction.
“Well, you talk to each other all the time.” Claude answered, as though that should be some monumental fact.
Ah. So it’s the mental way.
“That’s usually what happens when two people are in the same friend group.” Felix responded. “They talk.”
“Yeah, but what about the library?” Claude argued. Why did he feel the need to argue? “You two were practically touching noses, and no one else was there besides me.”
Felix furrowed his eyebrows. “Yesterday? When we were sharing headphones?”
Claude nodded, a Cheshire grin crossing his features. Why did he look triumphant? No one had won anything. “Yep. That’s the one I’m talking about.”
“Do you share headphones differently?”
“Well, no..” Claude half-shrugged. “But you guys are still pretty close, don’t you think?”
Felix paused. The label of being close to Marinette wasn’t a bad one, save for the fact that it was completely untrue. In light of a physical closeness, the only moments that they were close would be times when Marinette fell on top of him or yesterday, when they shared headphones in the library, and the latter scenario is being taken entirely out of context. They don’t walk around holding hands or hugging or sitting shoulder to shoulder next to each other, and in all honesty, Felix wouldn’t want to. He doesn’t enjoy constantly touching people. And as for the mental closeness, Marinette hasn’t told him anything that she hasn’t told anyone else. Felix knows a lot about her, yes, but almost everything he knows has been found out secretly, through silent observations. He would hardly call that “close”.
“No, I don’t think so,” he finally answered, “but I’m still confused as to why that would make me nervous.”
Claude pursed his lips, studying him for a moment, then sighed and crossed his arms. “Oh, nevermind. Either you’re in denial or you’ll figure it out eventually.”
A hint of frustration started to stir in Felix’s mind. Figure out what?
Before he could ask anything else, another voice cut into their conversation. 
“Oh, there you guys are!” 
It was Allan, and when Felix looked up, he noticed that Marinette and Allegra were accompanying him as well. Wonderful. He’d somewhat forgotten about the cold during Claude’s maniac ramblings, but now that his focus had shifted, the weather was hitting him full force again. He needed to escape inside before his feet were frozen to the sidewalk.
Claude perked up and waved to the three as he ran over to them. “Hey guys! What took you so long?”
Felix hobbled over to them as well, catching sight of Marinette’s sheepish smile as she said, “Sorry, Claude. We got here as fast as we could.”
Claude, of course, waved off the apology. “Nah, I’m just kidding. We weren’t waiting that long.”
The brunette scooped Marinette into a hug, coaxing out a laugh from her. She was so bundled up with coats and scarfs and gloves that Claude had to squish her between his arms to hold her, and it vaguely reminded Felix of a marshmallow. 
In weather like this, though, being a marshmallow didn’t sound half bad.
Claude blew out a contented sigh as he nuzzled his face into Marinette’s shoulder. “Man, Mari, you’re so warm! I need to start using you as my personal heater.”
Marinette chuckled and pulled back just enough to hold up a brown, paper bag. “Thanks, but I think it’s just the food Maman sent with me.” 
A gasp flew from Claude, and he immediately set her back on the ground. “Food, you say? As in, croissants food??”
“Yes, Claude.” Marinette giggled. “Croissants food. Maman packed a few extras especially for you.”
Claude literally let out a girlish squeal and made “grabby hands” for the bag. Marinette gladly obliged, letting him dig through it for his favorites.
“Your mom is the absolute best.” Claude said, his voice muffled from the chocolate croissant he bit into. “Please adopt me.”
The group shared a small laugh, but Felix rolled his eyes. Claude was always overdramatic. 
“You better not let Aunt Felicity hear you say that.” Allegra spoke up. She was also bundled to the max- though her coat was light purple -and looked about ten times warmer than Felix felt. “Remember the last time you asked Allan to adopt you?”
Claude scoffed. “That was different! This time I want to be adopted because of Mme Sabine’s cooking, not because of how many games Marinette has.”
“Oh, yeah.” Allan snorted. “That’s completely different.”
“Hey, mom will understand.” Claude insisted, placing his hands on his hips. “She knows she can’t cook anything to save her life. That’s why we have a personal chef.”
“Wait, are you two cousins?” Marinette cut in, confusion flicking across her features.
A slight frown came to Allegra’s lips. “No, why do you ask?”
“You called his mom ‘Aunt Felicity’.”
“Oh!” The blonde’s face lit up with understanding. “Yeah, we do that. Claude’s parents are Aunt Felicity and Uncle Albert, and Allan’s parents are Aunt Meridith and Uncle Theodore.”
Allan nodded in agreement. “I think it started back in middle school when Claude accidentally called M. Chanson ‘Uncle Arthur’ while taking some snacks.”
Allegra snorted. “Oh, yeah, that was definitely the start of it. Dad wouldn’t stop talking about it for days. He thought it was the best.”
Claude sighed, running a hand through his hair with a bashful smile. “That was totally embarrassing, but at least he liked it.”
“Can we all go inside?” Felix interjected. Talking about how they address the adults is nice and all, but his arms and legs have been burning from the cold for the last five minutes. Can’t they continue this conversation when they’re not standing in below-thirty-degree weather?
Claude laughed, throwing Felix a teasing smirk. “Aw, poor Fe. Are you cold?”
Felix scowled at his babying tone. “Of course I’m cold! Frost is slowly growing on our hoods as we speak!”
“Well, I’m not cold.” The brunette replied, swinging his arm around Marinette’s shoulder. “Because I’ve had some of Marinette’s delicious croissants to keep me warm.”
Felix scoffed and tugged his coat tighter around himself. Eating warm croissants certainly didn’t help him.
“They are pretty warm.” Allan said next to him. “You should try one.”
“He doesn’t have to.” Marinette, being the kind person she is, hastily jumped in. “We were planning on going inside, anyway, right?”
“Yeah, but I think Felix needs to taste one.” Allegra remarked. “It’s simply shameful of him to refuse them for this long, in my opinion.”
“I don’t like sweets.” Felix pointed out in annoyance. Just start moving towards the aquarium.
“Well..” Marinette faltered. “Maman did pack a regular croissant and a cheesy croissant..”
He held back a sigh. Though her intentions surely weren’t foul, his only ally had officially condemned him. It’s not that he cared to try one of Marinette’s croissants. After eating supper with Marinette’s parents last week, he had no doubt that anything they made was delicious. No, the problem came with the fact that he was being pushed to eat them. (The group wasn’t quite pushing yet, but he’d learned to pinpoint the signs of oncoming pressure.) If Felix says no, despite how unreasonable it might be, he expects that answers to be respected. The same way he would respect anyone else who told him no about something.
“See, there you go!” Claude smiled. “A nice, warm, non-sweet croissant to make you forget about the January weather.”
“I’d forget it just as easily if we walked inside.” Felix bit back.
“Oh, come on, Felix.” Allegra scolded. “Live a little! You don’t have to eat the whole thing, just one bite!”
“Guys, he really doesn’t have to eat it.” Marinette spoke up again. Felix silently thanked her for her efforts, but her previous comment made any resistance futile now.
“Oh, he’s eating it.” Claude stated. “He needs to know the pure bliss that is Mme Sabine’s croissants.”
“Plus, we’re not going inside until he tries it.” Allegra added.
Allan snorted. “Felix.. I think they want you to try the croissant.”
Felix’s eyes narrowed to a glare. “I’ll walk inside without you.”
“No, you won’t.” Allegra shot back. “You know why you won’t? Because you actually don’t mind trying the croissants. You’re just upset that we told you to try them.”
Felix was thankful for his pockets, because it hid the way his hands clenched into his fists. He absolutely hated when Allegra saw through his intentions. It made him feel transparent, vulnerable. Not to mention embarrassed. Was he that horrible at hiding his emotions or could he simply not match her level of observation? It was probably the former and that ticked him off the most.
“Just give me the dang croissant.” He finally bit off, jutting his hand out to Marinette. If he stared solely at her, he wouldn’t have to see Claude or Allegra’s victorious, blood-boiling grins.
Marinette flinched at the sudden movement and knitted her eyebrows, concerned. “A-Are you sure-”
“Positive.” Felix ground out, hoping she didn’t take it personally. Just give me the food so we can get this over with.
Although wary, Marinette handed over one of the croissants. The specks of yellow around the edges told him it was the cheese-flavored one.
With a deep breath to regain some composure, Felix took a bite of the breaded treat, and..
And it was incredible.
The croissant was piping hot, immediately stealing away the bitter coldness of the air as Claude had claimed. The cheese inside was stringy and practically melted in his mouth, and the softness of the bread allowed you to enjoy every bit of the doughy taste.
It took everything Felix had to keep a neutral expression. If they saw how much he enjoyed the food, they would never let him live it down. He’d be trying everything else under the sun merely because the trio was right one time.
“Well?” Allegra pressed. “How does it taste?”
“.. They are delicious.” He admitted, if only for Marinette’s sake. Downplaying Mme Sabine’s baking skills would only allow him to keep a small bit of his useless pride. He might as well be honest.
A smile slipped onto Marinette’s lips, but Claude’s triumphant laugh took away any satisfaction Felix might have gotten from it.
“I knew you would like them!” The brunette cheered. “Anyway, let’s go inside. It’s freezing out here!”
Felix scoffed, throwing a sharp glare at Claude. If it weren’t for how good this croissant was, he would have thrown it at him.
“Yeah, I think they’re open now.” Allan agreed as he checked his watch.
Curious, Felix checked his watch too. 10:10am.
“Oh! Race you guys there!” Claude abruptly announced, before breaking into a sprint. 
Allan chuckled and humored the brunette by going into a jog, and Allegra picked up the pace as well. Felix, however, elected to keep walking as he munched on the croissant. The heat radiating off of it was enough to stall the looming chill around him anyway.
“So..” Marinette began, drawing Felix’s gaze down to her. She’d apparently decided to walk with him instead of running after Claude.
For some reason, that gave Felix a sense of accomplishment.
“Did you really like the croissants?” She asked, her hands fidgeting with the paper bag.
Felix nodded, taking another bite of the croissant as ‘proof’. “Claude wasn’t joking when he said that she made them fluffier than the clouds. I’ll have to buy them for Mother sometime.”
A small smile graced her lips. “I’m glad you like them.” 
Felix offered a small smile in return. “Yes, me too.”
After Agreste’s visit earlier in the week, Marinette had been rather stressed. He noticed her looking over her shoulder often, checking windows before exiting buildings, spacing out during classes.. It was obvious that the encounter had unnerved her. 
He tried to ease her mind by rallying the trio to help. They recognized her sudden anxiety as well, and although Felix couldn’t tell them the exact reason, he hinted at it possibly being the usual nervousness of their first round of tests that was coming up. This caused them to swarm Marinette for study dates and extra lunches, asking questions about different subjects while they walked her to her locker or to her classes. When this strategy failed- which wasn’t often -Felix would also offer to accompany her. 
If she suspected his involvement in the extra attention, she didn’t show it, but she did relax after a few days of the special treatment. Felix took that as a success.
Marinette and Felix caught up with the rest of the group a few seconds later, and they all entered the aquarium together. Another shiver ran over Felix as they walked inside, the warmth of the building washing over him. He would have smiled with relief had it not been for the amount of people pushing against them. Despite the aquarium opening a little less than twenty minutes ago, people of all ages were already piling inside. Adults, teenagers, kids.. Felix supposed this was the price they paid for visiting on a Sunday.
“Everyone stay together!” Allegra instructed over the noise. She grabbed onto Felix’s wrist and Allan’s hand for emphasis. “We don’t want to get separated before we even pay for our tickets.”
Although it irked him for Allegra to be latching onto his wrist, Felix didn’t argue. Past experiences with the trio have made him well aware of how easy it was to get separated in a rushing crowd like this.
They weaved through the giddy schoolgirls and the tired parents until they found a steady line for the ticket both. There, they talked about which attractions to see first and which ones to save for later.
“I think we should just walk through.” Claude said, unsurprisingly. He was never one for order. “It’ll be easier if we just go.”
“But if we don’t have a plan, we’ll never get through it all.” Allegra pointed out. “It doesn’t have to be strict. We just need a vague goal to work towards.”
“We could start with the jellyfish?” Marinette suggested. “Those are always cool.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Allan agreed. “Then we could start working our way around to the shark tank. I say we save it for last since it’s the main reason we came.”
Claude let out a small whine. “Aw, what? Why would we wait till the end to see it if it’s the reason we came?”
“Come on, Claude, you know how the saying goes.” Allegra commented, flicking Claude on the shoulder. “Save the best for last.”
Claude grabbed his shoulder, even though the flick hardly hurt. “I never understood that expression.”
Allegra rolled her eyes with a smile and turned back to the group. “Are we all in agreement then? Start with the jellyfish and move to the sharks?”
“Works for me.” Allan shrugged.
“I don’t have a preference.” Felix stated, not that his opinion would matter much to anyone but Marinette.
With a (somewhat) solid plan, the group purchased their tickets and merged with the flow of the people to get to the main part of the aquarium. The first item on the list, aside from seeing Jellyfish, was to find lockers or another place to put their winter coats and gloves. Felix didn’t fancy the cold, but melting in a packed building also wasn’t preferable.
Allegra still held onto his wrist as they searched, but that didn’t stop the people around them from shoving and prodding to get through first. Felix jostled about, a scowl quickly forming on his lips after getting hit for the fifth time. How can it be so rowdy during the thirty minutes? Goodness knows what’s going to happen when more people start arriving! Why did he even agree to come here?
A gasp cut through the white noise of the crowd, and Claude called out Marinette’s name as she rushed forward. 
She stopped in front of the jellyfish tank they came upon and pressed her gloved hands to the glass, smile bright and eyes sparkling with awe. The jellyfish circled in the water with the current, glowing blue and purple and pink under the aquarium lights. 
A laugh of pure delight escaped Marinette, and she glanced over her shoulder at them. “Do you see how many there are? This is so neat!”
The sheer giddiness of her voice caused another smile to crawl onto Felix’s lips. Ah, yes. He remembered why he quickly relented to the aquarium visit. It was the first time Marinette had personally invited him to something, and he didn’t want to upset her if he fought against the activities as he usually did. After all, what thanks would that be to someone who constantly tries to keep him comfortable and respect his boundaries? 
“Yeah, they look amazing!” Allegra grinned, tugging Felix and Allan forward to follow the ravenette.
Felix followed with a slight glare. He knew that holding onto each other was for the best, but-
Another person slammed into his shoulder, and Felix full on growled at them as they walked off like nothing happened.
-but perhaps the next time he feels the need to repay Marinette’s kindness, he should simply send a ‘thank you’ letter instead.
Tag List:  @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks @tbehartoo @woe-is-me0 @raeuberprinzessin @lazuli-11 @miss-chaos27 @trippingovermyfeet @sadpotatoondrugs @ladybug-182 @jaggedheart11 @marinahrasauce @i-need-blog-ideas @thewheezingbubbledragon @crazylittlemunchkin @unabashedbookworm @moonystars14 @sunflowers-and-mooncakes @2confused-2doanything  @magnificentcrapposts  @moonnette @nickristus-dreamer @casual-darkness @vixen-uchiha @luxmorningstarr 
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chibinekochan · 4 years ago
My biggest treasure - Ft. Mammon
Mammon is a Goblin in this au.
This is part of the Monster tales au Series
You have been on the hunt for this treasure for a while now.
Having all the information about its whereabouts, defenses, and most importantly feeling morally right.
Its owner is a scummy guy after all.
This gem will not only bring you some nice cash, and bringing it back to its rightful owner will surely feel good too.
With well-planned moves, you make your way towards the big mansion.
Now you have to climb the wall. You have studied the moves of the guards.
They won't be around for a while.
With quiet steps, you move in the darkness. Only a few moves are needed to scale the wall and carefully jump on a neighboring tree.
Swiftly scan the area.
It seems the dogs haven't noticed you yet.
You want to keep it that way and continue your way on top of the trees. Carefully navigating through the shadows, practically becoming one of them.
Slowly, the lights of the mansion come into view.
The carefully kept garden is now in front of you.
The shrubs will offer you a little cover and the dogs might sense your presence. You smirk. Time for the real challenge to begin.
You take a deep breath to strengthen your nerves.
With ease, you jump from the tree and run at high speed through the garden, occasionally jumping over hedges.
By the time you hear dogs barking, you have already climbed the balcony and wait for clear air.
The guards check the hedges, but of course find nothing.
You smirk when they shrug and go back to their posts.
You wait a bit longer and then carefully and quietly open the door.
Your body is moving low and fast, knowing exactly where your target is. Lucky for you, the scumbag has a huge ego and displays what you are looking for right in his living room.
You sneak in the shadows, listening to every sound. It's quiet. You can only hear your own heart and breathing.
Then you see it slightly shimmering, illuminated by the moon. The gem you are looking for.
You calm your nerves and steady your hands.
Then suddenly you hear a commotion, loud barking from the outside. Some lights in the mansion turning on and glass shattering.
Unsure what just happened, your instinct kicks in and all you can do is run.
Light starts to shine into the room, causing the gem to sparkle as if to mock you.
You run towards the nearest window, ready to jump out.
When suddenly something passes you at high speed. For a moment you pause until you notice it's a person.
This must be whoever interrupted you.
You have no time to stay, you hear the guards closing in.
With little choice, you run and jump after the stranger.
The guards behind you yell, and the dogs chase you.
There is no time for anything else but running. You run in a straight line towards the wall. Following close behind the other person.
Once you jump the wall, you have to make sure that nobody is following you. You can still keep an eye on the other person.
Only catching a quick glance at them. White hair and blue eyes. You take a mental note of it.
Your pursuers are still behind you, and you decide to go deeper into the forest to shake them off or at least to hide.
You can smack the guy another time.
By the next day, you are back in your home. The loss of income is a hard blow to your family,, but it can't be helped. It's better to be poor but free.
Your siblings were disappointed,, but you can make money more honestly until another opportunity arises.
Hopefully, the medicine for your smallest sibling will last long enough. Worryingly, you eye the half-empty bottle.
"It's okay, we will work hard and buy more." Ian, the 2nd oldest, Ian, has seen your worries.
You ruffle their hair. "Don't worry about it. I will trade some herbs with the pharmacist and in the bar tonight again." You smile to ease their worries.
"You work too much." The 2nd youngest, Eva, looks worried.
"We have to get food, so we can cook a good meal. I will catch fish for us." Ian is suddenly super motivated.
"Yeah, I will get some veggies from our garden. Rest so you can work hard for us later." Eva has taken care of the garden and grown some stuff.
Your heart is filled with pride, and you hug them both. "You guys are the best, just don't forget to play with your friends too." You feel bad about being so poor,, but it can't be helped. After losing both parents, you are left as the oldest to take care of them.
And you do everything for them, even if it means stealing.
You go and rest for a while until sunset.
Then you cook the fish and vegetables that your siblings got for tonight. They are very good kids. You are very proud of them. You make soup for your youngest sibling, Owen.
"Dinner is ready." You dish everyone up, making sure your siblings get more than you.
"Looks great." Eve beams at the food.
"I worked hard for this fish, so you better eat it all." Ian looks at both of you sternly.
"Thank you both for the food." You are truly grateful to them.
"Will you have to go again soon?" Ian knows well that I have to leave them alone sometimes due to my 'nightwork'.
It can take days to get the treasure and to get my money. Not even mentioning the time I have to spend hiding. Still, the pay is so high that I can't afford not doing it.
"I will have to see,, but currently I have nothing lined up." I know it's hard for them when I'm not here,, but there is no other way for me to afford the medicine.
Ian seems troubled.
"Don't frown, Ian, we can handle everything just fine." Eve pats his back.
"Well, of course, but I'm worried about you." Ian becomes confident, but then frowns at you.
"Haha, I can watch out for myself. I'm plenty strong." I giggle. Sometimes he acts like the dad. It's sad that they all have to grow up so fast.
"Yeah, like the time you beat that bear. That was so cool!" Eve's eyes sparkle.
Ian shakes his head. "That was scary."
"I gotta agree with you. I will go and check on Owen. He needs to eat." You worry about the amount of food he eats. It's definitely not enough.
The others keep bickering, and you walk into the room. You open the windows, fill the pitcher with water, and check on Owen. He looks at you with tired eyes,, but he is smiling weakly.
"Hey there, sleepy head. Time for food." You smile, trying to hide your worries.
"I'm not really hungry." He says with a weak voice.
"It's very tasty. So why not try a bit?" His state breaks your heart,, but you fight through it.
Owen nods and you help him sit.
You feed him slowly. He seems to like it. This is relieving.
At some point, he can't eat anymore. "You ate half a bowl today. Great work." You encourage him.
Then you change his bedding and shake his pillows before giving him his medicine.
He frowns.
"I know it's bitter, but it helps, right? I have an apple for dessert if you take it all." You bribe him with a sliced apple.
"Pudding would be better." Owen smiles sheepishly.
"Pudding makes everything better. I will see what I can do." Sadly, even pudding is a luxury for us. I wonder if I can get a portion for everyone?
"It's alright, I like apples." Owen knows more about your situation than he lets on.
Owen bravely takes his medicine and eats a few slices of the apple.
You bring the rest to your other siblings.
Then you do a few chores before heading to work.
It's going to be a long night, you can already tell.
The bar you work at is a bit rowdy, the patrons are ruff, but overall good people. It's usually fun to work at the place.
The gruff owner is a nice guy, who often gives you 'leftovers' or stuff his wife made that he apparently really doesn't like. You know that neither is true,, but you are also not one to just take handouts, and he is also a bit awkward,, so this is how you two handle things.
"Hey, I'm in." I say hi to the owner, who grunts at me.
I start to clean the floor and prepare everything for opening time.
"Hey, the wife made some strange stuff again. Please take it off my hands' kiddo?" The owner shoves a box towards you.
It's definitely food that smells great. "Are you sure? It sure smells nice."
"Get it off me, before I toss it out." The owner frowns.
I take the box. "Alright, thank the wife for me." I smile at him and put the box in the back.
"You're gonna make her believe her food is any good." He grumbles.
"Don't let her hear that,, or she might believe you." I grin at him, knowing that he loves her food.
He shrugs. "We've got game night tonight so if it gets rowdy, feel free to kick them."
With game night, he means gambling. It's not really legal, but it brings good business but of course also some strange people.
"Sure thing. I hope we get some big spenders tonight." Usually, the drunken winners give nice tips.
"You just keep dreaming big kiddo, as long as we make money I'm happy." He keeps cleaning glasses while talking.
You clean the last few tables and get the gaming stuff ready, it's just a box of dice, cards and such things.
Slowly the guests are pouring in. Most of which you know on a first-name. They order their usual. These guests aren't only here for gambling, they are here on most nights anyway.
Then when night breaks a different clientele is pouring in and filling the tables.
They all know the game. Trading money for snacks or coasters. Some use their means of hiding the money in play.
The owner keeps a close eye on everything from a distance. While you keep filling glasses.
Nothing strikes you as odd until you see a Goblin on one of the tables. This by itself isn't all that unusual, all kinds of folk come here after all. This goblin somehow strikes you as odd.
Then suddenly you realize, his hair color is white. That is certainly unusual, sadly you can't see his eyes since he wears yellow-tinted glasses.
This might be the guy that screwed you over. You feel anger rising at this realization. Even if he probably didn't mean to, he still cost you a nice paycheck.
For a while, you try to keep a close eye on him but the other customers keep you busy.
Especially when a guy wins big and throws around for everyone. Of course, this is a cause for celebration for everyone.
Now with the alcohol level raised you have to use your kicking abilities a few times. Nothing out of the ordinary.
You handle yourself well and the owner kicks a few rowdy guests out.
Finally, it calms down a bit in the early hours of the morning.
You sigh deeply, but it was pretty successful. You got a big tip from one guy.
The goblin is forgotten by now.
"I don't need you for the rest of the night." This is the owner's way of telling you to go home and rest.
"Thanks. Don't make too long." You glance around at the few leftover guests.
"No worries, I will kick em out soon." He grumbles.
You take the food and head out the backdoor.
The cool night air feels good on your skin, you take a deep breath and start walking.
Once, you pass by a tight ally, and you notice a group of guys harassing someone.
Under your watch! It seems to be three guys, all rather drunk. You can take them.
You walk towards the guys. "Hey, I think that's enough."
"Huh, what's that? Are you kiddn me?" One of the drunks looks towards me.
"Whatever that guy did, he had enough. You all don't want to go to jail for killing a guy, do you?" You huff at them, trying to look bigger than you are.
"Aw, come on, he has it comin. This guy is a cheat." The other man kicks the poor victim.
You shake your head. "Come on guys, just go home, he learned his lesson."
The guy on the floor groans. "I'll be good, I swear." He doesn't sound super convincing, to be honest.
The drunks shuffle around. Seemingly unhappy to leave.
"Guys go home. You got your money back, so your wife won't be mad,, but they might be if you are in jail for murder." You try to convince them.
The guys seem to freeze up. "Ah, well, it's late anyway. You better not show your face here again." With that, they shuffle off.
You sigh with relief when they walk away. You then go to check on the man on the floor.
Now you notice it's the Goblin you saw earlier. His glasses are shattered on the floor, revealing his blue eyes. So it might be that thief from the other night after all.
"Ugh… that hurt. Thanks for that." He staggers while trying to get up.
"You might want to go to a doctor for these injuries." You glare at him.
"What's with that look? Do I know you? D-don't tell me I owe you money?!" Suddenly he seems to be much better and gets up. Seemingly trying to get some distance between you.
"I don't even know you." You glare at him. "Though I'd say you owe me for saving your butt." You feel like he is pretty ungrateful.
"Well, thanks then… Umm, I got no cash, but here I got this necklace." He rummages through his pockets and pulls out a necklace from somewhere.
He dangles it in front of you.
You can only frown at it. "Gee, thanks."
"Hey, it ain't any day that I give stuff like that. So be grateful." He huffs at you.
"I'd be more grateful if it wasn't gaudy or fake." You take the clearly fake jewelry. Maybe Eve will like it.
"Fake? You can tell with just one glance?" He seems impressed.
You feel like he has just seen right through you. "It's a special talent." You shrug and play it cool.
"Well, in that case. I could use your special skills for a job. I need someone to tell me what the valuables are." He changes right into business mode.
"Are you offering illegal work to me?" You act all offended.
"Come on, the job in that dingy bar doesn't pay well. I'd split 90:10." He smiles at you.
"I gladly take that 90 percent, very generous." You know that's not his offer,, but he somehow irritates you.
"It'll be 10 for you,, obviously." He shakes his head.
"No, thanks. I don't trust you anyway." You glare at him.
"Fine, how about 30 percent?" He throws his hand up as if he is being generous.
"More like 70 for me if you can't even tell what's fake." You can't believe that you are still talking to this guy.
He sighs. "Alright, I get it, same risk same reward right? So 50:50. My last offer."
"You seem quite desperate. What kind of stuff are we talking about here, anyway?" Now you are getting curious.
"It's an old mansion. Real old money. Real old scum, too. I just want to grab some of their valuables. It's not like they're gonna miss it anyway." He is vague,, but you somehow feel like you know what place he is talking about.
"Does that happen to be the raven mansion?" The place where your heist was interrupted.
His eyes go wide. "How'd you know?"
"Let's just say that I got interrupted in my own business by some amateur." You glare at him.
"Wait… t-that was you? Oh man, you were ama… umm I mean you were okay." The tips of his ears glow dark.
"You should grovel for what you have done. Screwed me right out of a job." Finally, you can let your anger out.
"I had no idea you were there. I'm sorry." He seems at least half earnest. "So that only means you already know the place, and you can finish the other job there too. I'd take no cut of that either. See, I'm very generous."
"Says the guy that offered me ten percent." You huff at him.
"That was just testing the waters, I'd given you at least 30." He puffs his cheeks. "So it's all settled then?"
"No, I still don't trust you." You eye him carefully.
"What would it take for you to take the job?" He asks, also looking for a sign of weakness in me.
"Well, first of all your name." This is an important first step, at least.
"Ah, could've said you were interested. I mean, you were eyeing me in the bar the whole time. I'm down if you are." He calmly shrugs.
You take a step towards him. "You wish." You look him right in the eyes, glaring at him.
He awkwardly looks away. "J-just saying I'm a handsome goblin…"
"I have seen better. Besides, it means that you checked me out, doesn't it?" You grin at him.
His cheeks turn dark. "N-no, I just felt a burning gaze on me the entire time."
"That was disdain and nothing else." You cross your arms.
"Call it whatever you want." He huffs and turns his head awkwardly. "Anyway, how am I supposed to show that you can trust me?"
"How about telling me your name?" You eye him with suspicion.
"I'm the great Mammon. Better not forget it." He puffs his chest in a display of pride.
You don't acknowledge his presentation whatsoever. "What are you planning to do with that treasure?"
"I'm gonna sell it for cash to pay some debts. I might keep a thing or two for my collection too." Mammon seems pretty honest about it, at least.
"With that, you mean you pawn it and gamble." You only can guess,, but his behavior at the bar speaks volumes.
He seems to feel called out. "Hey, I'm good at gambling, just some people think I'm too good ya know?"
"Nobody is good at it, it's just luck and in your case cheating. You should know better than to gamble all your cash." You start to lecture him.
"I get it, I get it." He sighs. "You sound like my big bro." He sighs deeply. "So, this is all you want to know?"
You think for a moment. "I don't know,, but I guess it's enough for now. I'd wish I had some security at least.” You sigh. "I know it can't be helped."
"I get ya, you've got a life you can't just go or whatever." Mammon seems to agree with you. "Alright, I don't like doing this,, but I got something that might convince you." He then starts to rummage through his vest, he obviously has some hidden pockets in there.
He then produces a gold coin. "Here ya go. I want it back after the job is done. So better not lose it." Mammon seems a bit reluctant to let the coin go.
"This coin seems important to you." You carefully inspect it, it's real, but there seems to be some story here.
"Goldie is my personal good luck charm." He looks almost fondly at the coin.
You smile, somehow this is cute. When you realize your smile, you make your face freeze once more.
"Alright, I acknowledge you as my partner." You reach your hand out to him.
"So that's what it took,, huh?" He seems a bit confused but also relieved.
You shake hands and the deal is sealed.
Mammon suggests a meeting point in a few days' time. He needs to heal and prepare after all.
You also have to make sure your siblings are taken care of. So this works for you.
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incorrect-karasuno · 5 years ago
〚Karasuno at Pride 🏳️‍🌈〛
Happy Pride y'all! Thought to do a short little bunch of headcanons for the gang in celebration.
Personally, I've never been to a Pride Parade of any sorts, but I'd love to go to one sometime in the future!
Feel free to add on your own headcanons!
• He's got a bit of face paint and pride clothing
• He's designated supervisor of everyone (along with Ennoshita) because we all know how wild everyone gets
• Despite everyone giving him a headache, he's enjoying himself
• It would be nice if Suga would stop telling him to "relax and let loose" every five minutes
• Speaking of Suga,,, Daichi is very embarrassed by his boyfriend's loud singing and dancing but ooohhh boy,, if he didn't love Suga, he definitely does now
• This is kinda his first time going and it's definitely not going to be his last
• He is having the time of his LIFE.
• You know those people decked out with pride merch? Yeah, that's Suga.
• Of course, he's also looking out for all his kids. Meaning, he's making sure they don't die or get lost. But anything else? Nope! That's Daichi's problem.
• Okay, but when someone *cough* Hinata *cough* manages to get lost, he kinda loses it and panics
• But everyone around them is super friendly and helpful and they find Hinata like,, ten minutes later with the Nekoma guys, thus saving Suga from having a heart attack
• He's been to pride a few times before, but this is his first time with the whole team
• He LOVES being there and he makes sure to show it
• Nishinoya made hin wear a rainbow flag as a cape
• Aaahh,, he's a bit overwhelmed by everything but he's doing his best to have fun and enjoy it
• Nishinoya being there and supporting him makes it a lot easier to endure
• Everyone being super friendly is really helpful too and he finds himself enjoying himself more than he thought he would
• He's only been to pride once before, being dragged by Suga to attend once in their second year
• He's also wearing a flag as a cape because one) it's hella cool and 2) to match Asahi
• He's going all out,, it's almost scary
• Knows all the lyrics to the songs that someone is blasting from a giant ass speaker somehow??
• He and Tanaka can and will attack any one at Pride who came to be rude and rain on the parade
• He's holding Asahi's hand for a lot of it and at one point, he got on his shoulders (he was looking for Hinata)
• He's been to Pride before with the other second years, this is his first time with everyone on the team
• Ehhhhh,, sorta because what the fuck?? Ennoshita is actually like,, pretty cute too??
• Woah,, he's realizing that he might not be as straight as he thinks he is and tells the team at the end of the day and everyone is very accepting and very happy for him
• Okay, but he absolutely loves it at pride and is alongside Nishinoya being as chaotic as ever
• Dude will ATTACK if he sees any kind of -phobe and nobody will stop him (Lies, Daichi will yell at him to not)
• He's got subtle pride, a little face paint and pins, but he's happy to be there
• OH! And rainbow glasses. Fucking rainbow glasses.
• He's making sure Nishinoya and Tanaka don't do anything stupid
• Speaking of Tanaka...
• Woah, what?? Tanaka comes out to them?? He might have a chance?? (He's never going to act on it though)
• He and Daichi are like the only ones there making sure everyone stays together
• He brought SNACKS! And Tanaka ate half of them on the bus ride there
• He's been to Pride before with the other second years, it was kind of a tradition for them
• Him and Narita have matching shirts because they're cheesy like that
• Keeps laughing at Nishinoya and Tanaka's usual antics
• Ennoshita does not appreciate Narita and him hanging up on him in an attempt to convince him to spill his feelings for Tanaka
• They won't give up though, just you wait
• Sings along with Nishinoya and joins in on the boyfriend hand holding
• Loves the tradition of going to Pride with the 2nd years but going with everyone is nice because there's less stress
• He's matching with Kinoshita and everyone keeps teasing them about it
• He's doing his best to help Ennoshita out with Tanaka and Nishinoya
• Kinoshita will NOT let go of his hand and he doesn't mind that one bit
• He's taking all the pictures because he says he's gotta "document" this
• He and Kinoshita got together after a pride parade actually, so he loves going to these things with them
• Subtle pride,, Hinata and Suga cornered him and painted rainbows on his cheeks
• He's got a crown on hin by the time he gets to the parade and Hinata and Nishinoya and trying to convince him to wear a flag as a cape with them
• Eventually he gives in and he does
• Pretends he doesn't want to be there at first but by the end of the day, he's loving and and being really clingy and emotional with everyone (even Tsukishima)
• He saw Aobai Josahi at one point and did a full 180° trying to avoid them, but failed because Iwazumi has no chill and never missed an opportunity to annoy Oikawa
• This was his first pride and he enjoyed it a lot more than he thought he would
• Decked oUT with pride,, shirt, bracelets, glasses, flags, shoes, pants, everytHING
• He's very excited about this and is literally shaking at how excited he is to be at Pride with his team
• He's like a dog really,, looking at everything, getting excited at everything, being his friendly self and making hugs
• Trying VERY hard to make Kageyama enjoy it a little bit but immediately forgets about it when he sees Kenma and takes off
• Eventually he's the reason why Karasuno, at the end of the day, is joined by literally almost all of the other schools somehow
• It was his first Pride and he loved the experience so much (he cried several times)
• He's got like,, a pin,, and that's it
• UNTIL Yamaguchi comes with a pride shirt with a dinosaur on it and now he's got that on but he zipped up his jacket
• It took a LOT of convincing on the team's part until he agreed to go with them
• He is not happy that his brother is also there with Saeko and the neighborhood association, but at LEAST they promised not to cross paths (initially)
• At one point, his glasses became those plastic rainbow ones and he had to hold onto Yamaguchi to use as a guide
• Reads homophobes and the whole lot to FILTH since Daichi doesn't let Nishinoya and Tanaka physically hurt them
• This was his first pride and he enjoyed it a lot more than he admitted/let on
• He joined in on face painting with Hinata and got Tsukishima a Dino pride shirt
• He was a little scared of going at first, but having everyone else there was very comforting and he managed to have a LOT of fun
• He and Hinata are like actual puppies, getting excited by everything and wanting to see everything
• He does his best to get Tsukishima to lighten up a bit and it ends up working in the end (like, how could you say no to him?)
• He, Hinata, and Yachi are their own little first time at Pride trio and Suga's crying because they're so cute
• First time at Pride! He had tried to get Tsukishima to go with him before because he didn't want to go alone
• Kiyoko at pride is like a totally different person and it surprises the first years
• She's loud, super friendly, giving lots of hugs, and just being her goddess self, it's amazing
• The third years are used to this of course, the second years more or less so, but not the first years and their reactions are priceless
• She sings with Nishinoya and gets Yachi to singalong with them as well
• She's got a huge flag she made of all the flags of Karasuno stitched together that she brings
• Pride is one of her favorite things of the year and enjoys it every time they go
• Poor baby doesn't know what she's getting into when she agreed to go to pride with the lot of them
• Hinata gets her to paint her flags on her cheeks with him and Yamaguchi
• She spends the first half of it being nervous and stressed out about everything until Daichi reassures her that she doesn't need to worry about everyone
• So in the last half of it, she gets to enjoy herself, running around with Hinata, talking with Kiyoko, getting raised up by the first years at one point
• It was her first pride and she loved it a lot,, she ended up crying at the end of it with Hinata
Ukai & Takeda:
• Parental chaperones and their drive home
• They're the reasons why nobody dies or something because there's no way Daichi and Ennoshita can handle everyone by themselves
• They kinda stick to the back of the group, holding hands and taking the time to be cheesy and loveydovey
• They've been to several Prides before, but seeing all of them there makes Takeda tear up and cry,, making Suga, Hinata, and Yachi to cry
• Ukai gets them to stop crying by offering to buy dinner for everyone at the end
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rivetwrites · 4 years ago
Fluff alphabet with Fuyuhiko?
//baby gangsta coming up!!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu Fluff Alphabet
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Being with Fuyuhiko is dangerous enough, but going out on public dates are his nightmare. He would rather stay inside where you are safe and have a date there. Movies and sugary snacks would be the best for him! But if you were absolutely wanting to go on a date in public, he would most likely have Peko be on watch as well. He doesn’t have much free time, but when he does, he would prefer to have a more relaxed day. He’d make small conversation about how dumb people can be sometimes while you’re in his arms.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires your strength and determination. It takes a lot to be with him, with the yakuza and all, so he’s very impressed by you. On you, he finds everything beautiful, and he’d make sure to lecture you on it if you say otherwise. The thing he finds the most beautiful is your hands, how they can both be used to protect yourself, yet be so gentle with him.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Absolutely trash at comforting you, but he tries his hardest, dammit! He’d first think to let Peko calm you down, but then he seems like a wuss, so he’ll just do it himself. He’d bring you some cookies and some juice and sit next to you. He’d try his best to talk to you, but it always ends up insulting whatever is upsetting you.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He tries not to think of the future, he knows it’ll hurt too much if he lost you. He can’t help it sometimes. He’d want to start a family with you and be a father. He didn’t have good parents, so he would want to be the dad that he needed in his childhood.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He’s never been in a relationship before, but he’d try to be the dominant one. Usually it’ll end up getting him slightly stressed, so you’d have to slow him down and make sure he goes at a pace that’s perfect for the both of you.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fuyuhiko gets into many arguments, but they’re usually very petty and lighthearted. He gets annoyed and frustrated easily, so it’ll usually never be about you. If he’d upset you, he’d be slightly stubborn at first, until Peko smacks his back and tell him to suck it up and apologize. He’d go to you and admit that he was wrong while going on his toes to kiss your cheek.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Very grateful! He’d notice how much you’d comfort him when he’s overly stressed from work, or when you never judge him when he wants something sweet to eat. He’d return the favour by shyly giving you some of his snacks as well. He’s extremely embarrassed by it, so if you were to mention it, he would escape.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he’s just extremely embarrassed to share his feelings with you. He’s not supposed to feel weak, so he doesn’t want you to know that he does, indeed, feel weak sometimes. It takes a bit of time, but soon enough, he’ll start to open up to you. He’s also very considerate of your own secrets and feelings as well, so he would never break your trust.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Fuyuhiko definitely became a bit more softer around people now that he has you. He has a slightly longer fuse, so he wouldn’t snap at people who annoys him in the slightest. For you, definitely self defense. Peko probably was the one to teach you, but he also has his own moves as well!
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He gets shamefully jealous very easily. If anyone was to even lay a bedroom eye on you, he’d be huffy and annoyed. Once you’re alone, he’d unleash his jealousy to you, and tell you how he felt about the situation. You’d have to calm him down a bit, give him a good hug. He trusts you, but he would never trust strangers, so he wouldn’t feel any anger towards you.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
His height definitely gets in the way of your kisses. He insists that you don’t have to lean down to kiss him, but you’d end up having to. His lips are sweet and soft, and his cheeks get even more flushed as he pulls away, adverting his eyes away from you. He never heard the end of it from Peko.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Fuyuhiko keeps his feelings to himself for the longest time, not wanting to drag you into his yakuza and into any potential danger. With some encouragement from Peko, he would suck it up, and confess to you. When you accept, he’s genuinely surprised that you would want to spend your time with someone as dangerous as him.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Absolutely he does, but out of fear, he’s not sure if he should. Once he knows that you’ll be safe with him, he’ll pop the question. Your wedding would be extremely small and modest, not really wanting the word the get out about the two of you. 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
In public, it would either be by your first or last name. He never wants anyone to know that you mean so much for him. In private, “babe,” or, “baby,” is his regular. He loves seeing you be so flushed when he calls you it, so it’s a common name you hear.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Expressing his love will always be a private matter, him pulling you into his small chest as he runs his fingers through your hair. He’d mumble for you to shut up as he confesses his love for you over and over again.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Absolutely not. He would never show that he loves you in public, it’s way too dangerous for you to be seen with him. But around his friends, he wouldn’t mind keeping his hand in yours as he runs his thumb across your knuckles. He never brags about you either, since he would never want the wrong person to hear. But on the inside, he’s so smug that he was able to date someone as amazing as you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Protecting you! Being with him, you and your family would be so protected, it’s insane. He’s very protective of his family, so it’ll never be different with you. He’s also very aggressively supportive of your appearance as well. He’ll chastise you whenever you feel bad about yourself, sitting you down and listing on every single thing he loves about you.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He hates that he’s cliché, but he can’t help that it brings a small smile to his face. He loves buying you flowers, chocolates, jewelry, kissing your hand, and much more. It makes him feel like a proper boyfriend, and the smile on your face makes it all worth it in the end.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
As long as they’re obtainable, and not life threatening, he’ll support and help you reach them!
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He’s not a thrill seeker. He already gets enough from his job, so he would like it to keep it calm during your relationship. Small dates, snuggles are a regular with him.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Lord, this boy tries his hardest to be empathetic with you. He has a very hard time relating to you, but he’ll try. He also can’t really tell your emotions as well as he’d like, so you’d have to tell him that you’re upset. Sometimes Peko can tell, and would tell him about it as well.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Extremely. You’re so valuable to him, so he would do everything to protect you and your family. He already has a lot of protection, but his main worry is you. He’ll do anything to keep you safe, even sacrifice himself.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Fuyuhiko loves sweets with a passion, so sometimes, whenever he’s alone, he attempts to make some fried cookie dough! One time you caught him, eating a bit of the dough, he was humiliated. He tried to play it off as making it for you and Peko, but you definitely saw through it. He ended up confessing and letting you help him make it. It became a silent tradition to make some sweets together!
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He’s not the most affectionate, like his body instinctively rejects it. But the long you’re persistent with him, he’ll soon start to allow you to snuggle him. He’ll always be the big spoon though! No matter how tall you are compared to him! But...sometimes, he’ll let you be the bigger spoon, since he loves the feeling of you protecting him.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He’d most likely start to vent to Peko, claiming how worried he is about your safety. His anxiety rises with every hour you’re gone, so you would have to text him a lot to tell him that you’re okay. Once you return, his pride would be pushed down to cling to you for the rest of the night, telling you how relieved he is that you’re safe.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
You’re family to him, he’ll go above and beyond for you. He loves you to death, and would do anything in his power to make sure you’ll stay safe.
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ichorizaki · 4 years ago
03. the family forest
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warnings     infidelity
word count     4.6k
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Your body felt hot despite the air conditioner being on full blast. You were rushing around, still dressed in your pyjamas as your husband barked orders at you like you were a lapdog while you struggled to help Tarō put on something that did not have Anpanman on it. It was the day of the wedding between Masayūki Hideo and Meredith Bonavich, and you would have been absolutely damned if you had to travel from Miyagi to Tokyo. Your family was flown out a couple of days ago to help prepare for the wedding at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, which also happened to be where you were staying for the next two days.
“Kāsan! Okāsan! Do I look handsome?” Tarō took your attention as he slid across the floor in his Anpanman socks. A smile graced your face. You knelt down to meet his height, throwing your body towel over your shoulder to ruffle his already messy hair.
“Of course you do.” Before he could respond, your husband came yelling at you.
“Why aren’t you getting ready yet?! It’s almost time and we’ll be late!” Tarō’s proud grin immediately withered into a concerned frown. Your hand reached up to cup his chubby cheek and gave him a forehead kiss before rising to your feet with a quick glance to the clock. You still had two hours till the ceremony started and all you needed was 45 minutes.
Simply ignoring your husband, you headed to the shared bathroom to finally shower and get ready. While it took you a little longer because Tadāo misplaced the hairdryer and blamed you for being inattentive, all of you managed to head down to the reception area with an hour to spare. It was no surprise for you to see your in-laws already grazing the luxurious field like diamond-studded, jewelry-dripping gazelles.
Tarō immediately spotted his cousins and asked for your permission to play with them. Who were you to say no? He happily ran over with a spring in his step, hugging and greeting his cousins with a big smile on his face. Turning to your side, you were met with your sister-in-law instead of your husband.
“Y/N, how are you?” She smiled gently. She was the only one you could ever really talk to besides the other female cousins and the one reasonable aunt in the family tree. You drank in her appearance and your heart swelled with pride at how beautiful she is. The both of you were the same age, give or take a couple months, and were close enough to have a strong friendship even if it stemmed for mutual dislike of your husband’s infidel ways.
“You’re so stunning, Yumeko.” Her already pink cheeks bloomed a bright red, matching the colour of her coral lipstick. Yumeko laughed, shaking her head while waving her hand dismissively. Even her laughter was so lovely.
“Y/N you flatter me too much,” she pouted. “How are you? How’s Tarō?” The both of you began to walk towards the walls so you wouldn’t block anybody’s way. It was out of habit from the countless family functions. While your conversations were mainly small talk until someone else swayed or called for your attention, you still treasured them. The normalcy would only last for so long until someone got too drunk or too riled up or worse—both.
So you talked to her about your baking side business and how it was doing well enough to supply you with some extra allowance. You praised your son, telling Yumeko how he was being a great student and friend in class and how excited he was to be in elementary school. The both of  you had a clear view of Tarō and his cousins playing with one another, running around and snaking between the legs of tall pant-clad folks like the ballroom was their playground. You knew how devious he can be and his natural charm of being able to persuade a crowd (you’ve seen it happen with your own two eyes at his daycare).
Yumeko on the other hand, shared stories of her own dating endeavours. She had tried using Japan Cupid, Tinder, OK Cupid, and even Dine, but the men that she went on dates with never seemed to spark something after the date. Her twin occasionally hung around her during dates in her free time, and when she couldn't, her friends did it. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had a dating app. It was nearly a decade ago; you were sure.
Fifteen minutes before the wedding started, guests from the bride’s side of the family began to turn up. For most of them, they were surprised to see all of the folks already present. You were ready to spectate some fight or even overhear some gossip but you were more than pleasantly surprised to see the two sides mingling well. At least on the surface, it seemed that way. You’ve only been to one wedding on your in-law’s side and it was rather tame, save for the backhanded compliments and viciousness under a façade.
You found your seat at a table designated for your husband and son, along with Yumeko, her sister Yasuko, and your parents-in-law as soon as the wedding was about to be announced. The whole time, you stuck to the twins. After the main course was over (you didn’t really like it—it was too expensive to your liking) and folks began to mingle, dance, and play, you insisted on remaining at the table until Tadāo’s father made an off-handed comment that made your blood boil. Yasuko’s hand was on your back, gently rubbing her hand up and down as an attempt to calm you.
Not even your mother-in-law made an attempt to apologise on behalf of her husband when they both rose to leave the table and join others of their age. You shook your head, thankful for the colourful lights that hid how red your jade-adorned neck was and the translator’s voice booming through the speakers that drowned out your sinful curses.
“Let’s go to the open bar,” Yumeko hurriedly suggested, her purse already clutched in her hand.
“The wedding speeches are going to be over soon anyway.” Yasuko agreed. Her cold hand moved to give your forearm a light squeeze. While Yumeko had an apologetic smile, Yasuko donned an encouraging smile. “Tarō will be fine but I’m sure we have a clear view of the kids’ playing ring.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you nod. The three of you left the table upon gathering your belongings and headed to the open bar across the ballroom. You noticed that Kenji was talking to someone at the bar with a shot of whiskey on the rocks in the hand that leaned against the bar countertop. You didn’t know if he had noticed you or not, but you didn’t care because you were already asking for a berry rose mojito.
You couldn’t find your husband ever since he excused himself after he had finished his lunch meal. Your best bet? He would turn up just in time for dinner or if he needed something from you. The thought settled itself into a hot seed in the back of your mouth. Yumeko and Yasuko were flanked by your sides, their own choice of alcohol in their free hand. While they sipped away at their drinks, you tipped your head back and downed the mojito in three large gulps before returning it to the bartender. The seed was washed down by the chilling, refreshing drink, but you definitely needed more than just a cocktail.
When she tended to you, her eyebrows were raised in surprise at how quickly you finished it but simply left it alone at that. The twins spoke nothing of it either, just being cautious as you eyed the waiters with trays of filled champagne flutes and bite-sized snacks.
“What’s the champagne?” You asked out loud, trying to fight the overbearing volume of the foreign language bleeding through the speakers around the ballroom.
“Dom Perignon Rose, 1998. A gift from the Bonavichs for hosting the wedding, we were told.” Yumeko informed you, sipping on her drink. Your response was just a hum of acknowledgement. You recognised that brand, and it was expensive. Noticing Tarō wave at you from the ball pit with a bright and eager smile, you raised your hand to give him a wave in return.
“You two go ahead and enjoy, okay?” You patted Yasuko’s shoulder. The twins smiled brightly, though reluctant to let you go but acquiesced regardless. With your head held high and just the faintest buzz of mojito in your veins, you headed over to the ball pit where your son and his cousins were happily screaming and playing with one another. Something that you noticed while approaching the play area was that even the kids from the bride’s side were playing along. The language barrier you were worried about, but they looked just fine. Entering the area, the kids who noticed your presence immediately came swarming to you, calling for your attention with none other than your son leading the squadron.
“Y/N-basan!” With effortless grace you squatted to meet their height, calves burning just the slightest from all of your weight on your stiletto-adorned feet. Your nieces and nephews alike fawned over the play area, saying that it was fun because the last time that they saw one another was their grandfather’s 76th birthday party a few months back.
“I’m glad to hear you cheeky monkeys are having fun.” Your hand reaches out to ruffle your son’s hair. “Was my Tarō being naughty?”
“Kāsan!” He whined as he sidled up next to you. Laughter and exclamations that no, he was being a good boy clamoured among the young children. He was forcing his face into a pout, trying to fight off the grin upon hearing his cousins vouch for his good behaviour. Kids always fascinated you with their innocence and trustworthiness.
From the corner of your eyes you noticed none other than Futakuchi Kenji lingering conspicuously outside the play area. He charmingly greeted the other guests with a bright smile, with a half-finished champagne flute in his dominant hand. You tried to pay him no mind, knowing that he was probably there to send your thoughts wandering as you wondered just why he was there.
“Kāsan, I’ll be a good boy, I promise! I even made friends with our new cousins!” He grabbed at your arm, shaking it as his body writhed animatedly. Of course you couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. He was way too cute for his own good and so were the other kids.
“Okay, okay. You kids stick together, okay?” You paused, comically looking around as if to make sure you won’t be heard by anyone but the ring of children around you. You leaned forward and so did they, your voice dropping to a hush, “I know how much you hate the adults.”
Gasps and giggles erupted like fireworks as you rose to your feet but not before Tarō asked to give you a kiss on the cheeks and the kids who wanted to do the same followed. For some reason, you were one of the aunts that they were drawn to. Yumeko and Yasuko were but older sister figures because even if they were your age, they behaved perfectly like a pair of five-year-olds. Eventually you left the playing area with your heart soaring and just the perfect dose of serotonin.
However, it just seemed to stutter a little bit when you realised that Kenji was making his way towards you. Or perhaps he wasn’t. Maybe if you just pretended that you didn’t see him walk up to you, he wouldn’t see you. Just keep walking, you told yourself. Just keep walking and maybe he won’t approach you. So you did: you kept walking in those sickly stilettos until you were blocked by the crowd forming.
“You really need to stop doing that.”
“What in the–” Your words got caught in your throat when you jumped out of your skin, heart threatening to ricochet through your chest. On the heels of your stilettos you spun to look at him with a pointed glare but you couldn’t help but let your gaze wander.
His long hair neatly fell in graceful locks, accentuating the high apples of his cheeks and the sharp slopes of his angular jawline. He donned a simple all-black suit with a deep maroon tie that had golden embellishments yet he still looked stunning. Wait. He’s not your husband. You shook your impish brain, dispersing such intrusive thoughts about a man who wasn't your husband.
“What do you want?” Your coral lips parted, eyes shifting to meet his gaze. Kenji raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. His lower lip jutted out into what appeared to be a weak pout.
“Why do you always assume that I want something, Y/N-chan?” He grumbled and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes playfully. “I just wanted to ask how you were doing and if Tarō’s really your kid.” Formerly you were thankful that you did not have a drink to muse to but now you really wanted a drink. You already had a husband who was lord knows where. If you were going to deal with such bullshit questions from Kenji, you were going to need a drink. A strong one at that.
“Of course he’s my kid. Do my husband and I look like babysitters to you?” You wouldn’t fault him at all to not know that you had a son with Tadāo. As soon as the both of you had gotten your degrees in university, he had fled out to London for a business opportunity for a couple of years before settling back in Yokohama with a now booming company under his own name. He wasn’t there to attend your wedding six months upon your graduation and you were glad that he wasn’t. Lord knows what would happen between him and your husband.
“I mean, next to him, you look like the babysitter,” he murmured under his breath. You chose to ignore the insult thrown at your husband, waving for a waiter’s attention. The timid-looking boy came up to you with a nervous smile and a trayful of filled champagne flutes. You took one and thanked him before taking a long slip of the drink. “But I’m just saying—he kind of looks like me when I was a kid, don’t you think?”
It took everything in you not to spit the drink in his face right then and there.
“What crack are you on and where can I get some?” He simply chuckled, his eyes lazily floating back to the play area. You mirrored his gaze and watched as your son led the army of kids around, having made-up adventures and having the time of their lives.
“Are you really sure he looks like Tadāo? He doesn’t behave like you too much and he definitely does not take after the big man himself.” You were stunned speechless. You couldn’t quite remember how your husband looked like when he was a child. Had he ever shared pictures of him in his childhood with you? You were never close with his parents, which was a wonder how his mother even gave her blessing. While you were stuck in your thoughts, lips gaping and closing like a voiceless muppet, he chose to add more salt to the pain. “He literally has my eyes and hair.”
“What are you on about?!” You scoffed and took another large sip of the champagne. As the sparkling drink danced down your throat, your feet began to take you elsewhere. Towards the tables? Towards the exit? You didn’t know. “The both of you are cousins; of course there may be some form of resemblance but that’s as far as it gets. You’re sorely mistaken. Tarō is Tadāo’s child. End of discussion.”
Another sip from the champagne managed to cool down the hot seed lodged in your throat until you noticed your husband’s figure across the room. You had to do a double take to make sure it was him—the lights were dimmed for the sake of the father-daughter dance. To your dismay, it was. The same crisp maroon suit, emblazoned with plush velvet on the inside, the same black tie that you made hung loosely around his neck with the top two buttons undone. Your jaw tightened. Dainty fingers manicured just for the occasion squeezed the champagne flute in a vice grip.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, eyes immediately averting your gaze anywhere but on your husband flirting with a woman who was older than the both of you. What was worse was that they clearly had a wedding ring that they both chose to ignore. Unbeknownst to you, Kenji had followed his gaze to where you were looking before cringing a tad bit too obviously and looked away.
“How many times do I have to tell you he’s a good-for-nothing son of a bitch?” He sighed, watching you tip your head back and down the rest of the champagne. Spotting a waiter, you waved them over. At the same time, however, you heard a gruff voice that belonged to one of Tadāo’s uncles chastising him for his words.
“Kenji, calm down. He may be married, but he’s still a man.”
Oh, the audacity. Your lips were pressed in a thin line, passing the empty champagne flute to the waiter. With practiced grace and poise, you gave the old man a vicious smile before it burned into a dark glare. You kissed your teeth to outwardly show your displeasure before turning to face Kenji with the same heavy gaze. He gulped, eyebrows raised in shock.
“You think I don��t know that?” Exasperation clung to your voice like a needy child, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes at the sudden outburst. With your heart sinking in your chest you took a deep breath, “It’s too late for me to start over.”
“That’s not true, Y/N–”
You didn’t want to listen to what he had to say. Your steps were heavy as they soundlessly clicked against the marble tiles of the ballroom. Even in your haste to get out of such an airtight space you were so polite, excusing yourself in a gentle yet firm voice, snaking between bodies with your head hung low in embarrassment. How fast were you going, you had no idea for once the ballroom doors were forced open by your arms, you found the lift lobby and immediately punched for the ground floor with such brute force that you were sure that your knuckles threatened to bleed.
Kenji’s figure was so tiny when he squeezed past the ballroom doors. With a bitter, tearful smile, you watched as your eyes met and the lift doors closed before you, taking you to the level below so you could breathe once again.
You didn’t care that your feet burned. Glossy tears clouded your view like broken glass shards and the world was but a broken kaleidoscope of colours. You ran until you were struggling to keep up with yourself. You kept telling yourself you wanted to tear yourself away from high society but you knew it was just your husband and his cavalier infidelity. The fact that he doesn’t even try to hide it hurt you more.
Eventually your knees gave in. Your stilettos were long gone, nude stockings the only thing protecting your bare feet from getting hurt by the cement ground. You didn’t know where you were, running aimlessly but all you saw was a bench. A bench that sat alone in a vast area of greens, yellows, and oranges. The world spun around you as you carefully manoeuvred your way to it, plopping yourself down before completely breaking apart.
Sobs ripped through your lungs and like a vicious tsunami, all of your pent up emotions came crashing down. Seeing your husband talk up a married woman where a wedding was taking place was the last straw. You couldn’t take it anymore. How could you? How could he? What happened to the oaths and the vows he had sworn the day of your wedding some forgotten years ago? You were once a woman with dignity and now you were reduced to a lapdog servant waiting for its owner hand and foot, never once treated with respect.
Pulling away your hands from your face you noticed how your mascara had been ruined. You were positive that you looked a mess. Blotches of coral, black, and pink mixed in the palms of your hands in a melancholic, painful dance before a frustrated groan came from an exhausted you. Swatting your hands downwards, the makeup—or lack thereof—fell like paint splatter. Your thoughts were heavy and dark, a storm cloud waiting to wreak havoc and flood the endless depths of your mind, but nothing compared to the weight of the one conclusion that you had come to. Unfortunately, you knew it was hard to–
“Y/N!” Huh?
You blinked back tears, slowly raising your head. You could already feel the hurricane-like aftermath of a headache from all of the crying and the running. It didn’t help that you barely ate during the first round of meal courses. Bringing your closed fists up to your face, you rubbed your eyes gently with your knuckles before realising that it was Kenji running up to you.
His blazer was no longer on him, tie loose and the top few buttons of his dress shirt undone. The sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, cuffs unlinked. Sweat lined his forehead and you noticed the hint of sweat prints on the underside of his pits as he stood before you, panting with one hand propped onto his hip.
“You . . .” He gulped heavily, catching his breath. “You run so quickly.”
“I just want to be left alone right now, Kenji.” The godawful crack in your voice made you wince. You thought you had cried out enough. Apparently not.
Nothing but silence from him. You could feel his stare on the crown of your unkempt hair but did nothing to prompt him. You wanted to be left alone. You wanted to be left alone. Did you? Because for some reason you felt reassured that he was there. For some unknown reason you felt relieved and at ease within his presence. For some twisted reason you wanted him to hold you in his arms and tell you that everything would be okay.
“Listen.” He began. Kenji sunk down to his knees so that you were both face-to-face, but even then you were avoiding his gaze. Cradling the tip of your chin in between his index finger and thumb, he tenderly guided your gaze to meet his, and oh, was it an absolute sight. They were bewitching; intoxicating. His eyes were the dark orange of a sunset shining through fire opals and they burned with a fondness you’ve never seen from him before. They were gentle, as were his hands when they reached down to cup your small hands. “I hate his guts. You know that better than anyone. Don’t you think it’s time we get rid of his pigeon-hearted ass?”
The corner of your lips threatened to tug upwards into a smile at the weird insult. Pigeon-hearted? He’s so weird, you thought, but as you thought that your smile eventually bloomed like a flower in spring. Before you could register your words, your lips were faster than you as you found yourself asking, “What’s in it for you?”
“Aw, Y/N-chan, I didn’t realise you cared about my wants and needs!”
“I’m not doing it!” You sourly frowned. What kind of response was that?! His flowery demeanour dropped as did his voice to but a bare whisper. What’s gotten into him? You get that he was trying to help you—and you appreciated him for it, genuinely—but sometimes you just didn’t understand what exactly goes on in that pretty head of his.
Wait. Pretty? What were you–
“Y/N, I’m being serious. You don’t need that fucker in your life.” Kenji’s voice managed to reel you out from venturing deeper into your ocean of thoughts. Your gaze which had fallen to the ground between the both of you had darted back up to meet his eyes, “You can do better than that. It’s not too late for you to start over with someone else. For all you know, they could be right under your nose this whole time.”
His words tiptoed into the depths of your mind, settling in and making themselves comfortable before sinking into the pitless ocean. Maybe he was right. Maybe you could still start over with someone else, someone who means something to you, someone who won’t leave you in the dirt and someone who would love Tarō for all of him. Oh, Tarō. Your heart longs for the day he will no longer be afraid of the man who is meant to be his dad. You never meant for him to be in such a troubling and stressful environment and all you want for him is the best.
Kenji earnestly stared into your eyes, and you gave him your green light. You deserve a better life. You deserve another chance at giving yourself the happiness that you truly deserved. He smiled brightly when you said yes to his proposition, a smile that gave you butterflies in your stomach.
You maintained eye contact as he rose to his feet after squatting for so long before extending his hand to you. You frowned. Were you supposed to take his hand? You looked up at him, then at his hand, then back at his face. He huffed impatiently, the smile dissolving into a childish pout.
“Hold my hand, damn it! Let’s go back together.”
You stilled at the prospect of heading back to the wedding. You didn’t exactly feel like going back into a room full of people. You had your hotel card in the pocket of your dress (the only thing you thought was worthy of the painfully expensive piece of fabric) and all you had to do was leave Tarō on Kenji’s care . . . sort of. Maybe you could get the twins to take care of him instead. Tarō wouldn’t be too thrilled to have another adult male keep an eye on him.
“Huh?” You blinked. Crap. You were spacing out and you didn’t even realise it. “My heels are missing and my feet are too tired.”
You had expected him to laugh, which he did. You had expected him to throw an insult your way, or even joke about how you were growing old so quickly, which he didn’t. You didn’t expect him to offer you a piggyback ride. You threw him a look like he had grown two more heads and a tail, profusely refusing. There was no way in hell were you going to ride him piggyback.
“C’mon, please? That way, my hands are free when I take you back to your room.”
It was unfortunate that he had a point there.
With a sigh, you reluctantly let yourself climb onto his back. You awkwardly pressed yourself against his back, his hands hooking under your thighs and hoisting you up. While it was weird for you, you didn’t mind it. He smelled good, and he was warm compared to the chilly almost-autumn air. He was probably speaking, but you were too tired and comfortable to register his words. Exhaustion took over your limp body and eventually, your world turned black with a promise that everything was going to be alright.
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footywritingworks · 5 years ago
Red Lipstick On Him {Trent Alexander-Arnold}
For my dear @marcdurm. Yes I wrote it for you so I hope you like it 😂😘
Also I’m not that good at writing smut but I hope it’s still good enough
Word count: 3.9k
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Leaning over the bathroom counter of the hotel room, you applied the last bits of make up to your face. You rounded it up with your favourite lipstick, a bright red shade suiting the dress you were wearing. The red, floor length gown with a slit on the side hugged your curves just right, the small gemstones stitched onto the fabric made the dress sparkle with every movement you made.
Being in Paris with Trent was something very special, especially in these conditions. He had the season of a lifetime, being the best player he could be, resulting in him being nominated for the Ballon d’or. You were incredibly proud of him. It wasn’t easy being with him. He took losses really personal and beat himself up if he didn’t play that well. But you stayed by his side, heeding him up and helping him out of the hole he sometimes buried himself in. He always said that you were the thing keeping him sane and grounded. But of course you knew it wasn’t just you. It was also the support and love he got from his family and friends that kept him the same Liverpool lad he always was.
The anticipation made you nervous, making yourself fidgety and playing with the engagement ring on your hand. Tonight was really big and you hoped to be able to celebrate something later tonight with Trent. Which is why you brought his favourite set of lingerie to Paris with you. Just like your lipstick and dress it was red, almost like the jerseys of Liverpool. There was no denying that Trent adored the colour red on you. You bought it for their first champions league win and it’s been his favourite ever since, even tho he had to rebuy the panties from time to time because he ripped them off of your body.
You got out of the bathroom and stepped into the bedroom when you saw Trent. You knew he always looked gorgeous no matter what he wore, but seeing him in a suit was a whole different level of handsome. He was wearing a back suit with a vest and a bow around his neck. The material was tight around his arms, making his muscles more visible. He looked broader in general with his shoulder looking even wider than before. He wore the silver watch you bought him for your last anniversary around his wrist. He looked truly incredible. Your mind was already making up scenarios on how you could get this suit off him and have your way with him. Goosebumps rose up all over your skin and a burning heat traveled south. You wanted him. You wanted him so desperately.
When Trent saw you his jaw dropped. He never had seen that dress before and it made you look like a goddess ready to take him with you wherever your heart desired. He came up to you with a huge smile on his face, his arms wrapping around you. He pulled you close, wanting to kiss you but you turned your head so his lips landed on your cheek.
“Lipstick, Trent. No kisses until the after party.”
He pulled away pouting and giving you the ‘are you serious’ look. He wasn’t pleased with you not kissing him and as much as he loved the red lipstick, he would much rather see it smeared around from passionate kisses. You gave him a small smile and stroked his cheek while the other hand grabbed for his and began to pull him to the door.
“Come on T. The faster we go, the faster we will be back. And then you can ruin my lipstick all you want.”
The gala was a great experience. Seeing all these football stars upclose was something you couldn’t get used to even after being with Trent for so long. You were almost bursting with pride when Trent was declared best player of the season and won the Ballon d’or. Tears were forming in your eyes as he walked up to the stage to get his well deserved trophy. You really had something to celebrate tonight. You really had something to celebrate tonight, first at the after party and hopefully later in the hotel on your own.
The after party was held in a big ballroom with chandeliers on the ceiling and golden decorations. It looked really fancy, much fancier than what you were used to. There was a buffet full of snacks and some people were going around with plates full of Champaign flutes. Trent grabbed one for you both and lead you to some of the England lads that were also nominated and so at the after party as well. You were mingling for a couple of hours, you getting a little tipsy from the Champaign you kept drinking.
You were giggling quietly, pushing yourself closer to Trent. His arm was wrapped around your waist the whole night, showing you were his missus and that you were the one always supporting him. But the more you drank the tighter his grip on your waist got. You were used to Trent getting more possessive when he was drunk but tonight it only made the fire inside you burn even stronger, making your need almost desperate. The couple in front of you was engrossed in their own conversation which gave Trent the opportunity to lean down to your height, whispering in your ear.
“You don’t know what you do to me baby girl. If we were alone you can bet I would rip this dress off your body and fuck you until you couldn’t anything else but my name. I’d make you cum until you can’t anymore.”
His words were the last straw for you, every considerate thought was thrown out of the window, leaving you with the burning heat in your body. Your skin was tingling and the muscles of your core clenched around nothing, making almost painful not to have him inside of you. He pulled away with a smirk on his face. He knew what he was doing to you. You lost your patience and pushed yourself on your tippy toes, so now you were face to face with him.
“Please, Trent. Do it. I want you to ruin me. Right here, at this party.”
You clung to his body, your thigh rubbing against his crotch, feeling a bulge growing. Trent was still smirking, pulling you closer so your body was pressed against his.
“Oh, baby girl. I won’t fuck you here. I would have to do it fast and you would have to be quiet and we both know you’re not one to stay quiet. Besides, I want to take my time with you.”
You were basically begging him with your eyes but he stayed strong. So you tried the last thing on your mind.
“Baby. Let me at least suck your cock. You deserve it. Please.”
Your last words were barely a whisper but they affected Trent in the biggest way possible. He held back a groan and grabbed your hand, pulling you to the toilets. People were dancing and the music was loudly playing, so no one noticed you making your way into the woman’s bathroom together.
He was pulling you into a free bathroom stall, locking it behind you while you got on your knees, the red dress falling around you. Trent leaned against the wall while you unbuckled his belt and opened his dress pants. You pulled down his pants with his underwear and your mouth watered at the sight of his cock springing up against this stomach.
You took him in your hand and pulled him to your mouth. You licked over his head, which made Trent let out a deep moan. You pulled away and spat into your hand before moving it up and down his shaft, your spit acting as a lubricant.
Trent began to groan when you took his head into your mouth, swirling your tongue over his skin before taking him even deeper. You felt him reach the back of your throat with your hand still pumping the inches you couldn't fit inside. Your gag reflex kicked in, your throat constricting around his cock. He seemed to feel good, his hips bucking into your mouth and his moans growing louder. You pulled away and looked up at him. He swore he could cum from just looking at you like this. Lips swollen, eyes slightly red and a string of spit still connected to his cock. He could see some marks of your lipstick on the skin. How much he loved that fucking lipstick.
"Shhh baby. Be quiet. Don't want me to stop, do you?"
Trent furrowed his brows. You wouldn't dare. He grabbed your head at the back of your neck to tilt your head upwards. You loved when he was dominant like this. It made your whole body tingle and you felt your panties get wetter by the second.
"Don't be naughty baby girl. Or I will have to punish you."
And then he pulled your mouth back on his cock, encouraging you to continue to suck him off. He was getting closer and closer to the edge. His breaths came out sharply and you could see his chest rising and falling rapidly under his dress shirt. And then he came with a groan as his hips bucked into your mouth as he emptied himself inside of your mouth. You swallowed and licked him clean before you stood up again to press a kiss against Trents lips. He pulled himself back inside his pants and smiled brightly at you.
"You make me crazy, you know that? I love you so much."
You smiled at him. It almost seemed unreal to love someone as much as you loved each other. But you and Trent made it possible. Many people told you that what you two had was something really special. His parent were especially happy for you two, claiming you had 'heart eyes' when you looked at each other or one of you was just as much as mentioned to each other. It all seemed like your own little fairytale with you being the princess and Trent being your prince.
You pulled him close to you by his shirt and have him one last passionate kiss before turning to the bathroom mirror to make yourself look presentable again. When you were done Trent took your hand and led you back to the ballroom. You each took one glass of champagne and got back to conversing with other people.
All throughout the evening you and Trent were getting more and more to drink. You were dancing and laughing and just having a good time. Little did you know there would be tabloid articles gushing about how adorable and perfect for each other you two were and how you were one of the Top 3 power couples Liverpool had ever seen.
Around 4am you were on the way back to the hotel, the taxi almost gliding through the streets of Paris. You were cuddling up to Trent, your legs touching and your head laying on his shoulder. His hand was laying on your thigh, caressing your skin that peaked through the slit of your dress. Your head rolled back so you could look up at him. His eyes sparkled and his smile made you feel the love you had for each other. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you closed your eyes by the feeling of his lips on your skin.
"I love you Trent. So much."
Trent leaned down to kiss your lips and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered like they always did when he was around. Like they always would. A lifetime without, without his love, was unimaginable for you. It would be unbearable. You wanted him to be your husband and have children running around your garden, the perfect mix of the two of you.
"I love you too. More than anything."
His voice send electric sparks through your body and your core clenched around air once again. His voice was raspy and deep, almost sounding like his morning voice. The need inside you growing more and more. You let out a whine, hoping Trent would understand what you wanted from him. He thankfully did and inched his hand considerably closer to the inside of your thigh also going up on you leg. He was what felt like mere inches away from your pussy. You were writhing already, trying to relieve the pressure by pressing your thighs closer together. But Trent pried your legs open and put his and over your already wet panties, which made you let out a breathy moan. If you weren’t so desperate for him, you would be embarrassed about how you were acting, but right now you couldn’t think about anything else but him.
„Do you want me that bad, babygirl? You’re soaked.“
His words were a hot whisper in your ear and you couldn’t wait to finally get inside the hotel so he could have his way with you. His hand now moved up and slid inside your panties. It slightly relieved your need but it also made you even more frustrated. His hand just laid there, without moving, his fingertips brushing over your clit every time the car shook from the pavement. On his face was a big smirk that drove you crazy. He always did that. He used every possible opportunity to tease you in public. You should be used to it by now but it only got worse the more he did it.
Finally the taxi stopped at the hotel and Trent took his hand out of your panties to pay the driver. He got out first and walked around the car to open the door for you. He held his hand out and helped you step out of the car yourself, the same smirk still evident on his face. He looked so cheeky, like a child who took some candy without their mother noticing. It made you only more frustrated.
He put his hand on the small of your back and led you into the hotel. His hand felt like it was burning on your skin and it was tingling with anticipation. All hairs stood on your body ready for any kind of touch he'd give you. Your own arm wrapped around his waist so you could push yourself closer to him. His bodyheat radiated off him and it was like you were both burning for each others touch.
You passed the nightguard on your way to the elevator, wishing him a calm and good night. He gave you a smile and nodded to you.
"You too, Mr and Mrs Alexander-Arnold."
Your face instantly became red, the blush rising up from your neck to your cheeks. Even after being together for so long and being engaged for a little while you still blushed whenever someone thought you were his wife already. You'd have to get used to this in the future.
You stepped into the elevator and he pressed the button for your floor. Just as the doors were closing, he stepped closer to you and wrapped his arms tightly around you. Your hands found themselves on his cheeks, stroking the soft skin.
"It's so hot when people think you're my wife. Because you belong only to me. You're mine. My missus."
That was all it took for your desire to get the best of you. You pulled him into you and smashed your lips against his. The kiss was full of passion and lust, tongues moving and teeth clashing. His hand traveled down your your body, hiking your leg up around his waist by your thigh. His grip on the flesh of your thigh was strong with his nails leaving Crescent marks on your smooth skin. It made you moan out loud as you threw your head back.
Trents kisses wandered down to your neck. Kissing, licking and biting the sensitive skin made shivers run down your spine. You felt yourself get wetter by the second. It was almost like your whole pussy was throbbing, desperate for attention. But Trent wasn't going to give it to you that easily.
He focused on the skin between your neck and collar bones, one of your most sensitive spots. His tongue ran over the skin before sucking on it. It made your core clench and you let out a moan louder than the ones before.
Now you wanted to feel more of his skin on yours. The bow had already been loosed over the course of the evening. But you wanted the vest and dress shirt gone too. While he still caressed your neck you opened the button of his vest. You could feel his muscles under his shirt and you couldn't wait any longer. You had to do something. Now.
Your hands gripped at the top of his white dress shirt and the you ripped at it. You could hear the seams breaking as the buttons flew around the small space. Trent raised his head from your neck and looked at you. His brown eyes bore into you and and he raised his eyebrow. He wasn't happy with you ripping his shirt. He gripped your jaw with one of his big hand to hold you in place. Both of you were breathing heavily but Trent went into full dominant mood.
"Do I have to punish you, babygirl? You've been such a good girl all night and now you decide to be naughty. Typically."
Trent had never looked sexier than this. His shirt half ripped showing off his beautiful skin with his lips slightly swollen from kisses. His eyes held the lust he was feeling.
"No Tent. I just want you. I want you so bad. Please."
You couldn't see more of him because he turned you around so you were facing the wall. He pressed himself against you and you could feel his hard on rubbing against your butt. He gripped your hair to pull your head back so you could feel his breath on your neck. His voice was even more rough now, almost growling.
"Do you see, feel, what you do to me baby? I can't get enough of you. And we both know I always take what is mine."
Before you could say anything the elevator door opened on your floor. He took your hands and pulled you to your room. As soon as the door was closed he pranced on you like a starved lion. His kisses deep and his hands all over your body. You walked to your bed and you let yourself fall back onto the sheets. He opened the last buttons of his shirt as you admired his chiseled abs in the moonlight that shone through the windows.
He shed himself of the shirt and vest and crawled over your body. You began making out again. His kisses and his hands being all over you. You didn't know where you ended and he began anymore. All you felt was the burning passion that connected your bodies.
Trent sat up again and turned your body around so you were laying on your stomach. You loved when he'd sometimes manhandled you. It made you all giddy inside. He unzipped the gown very carefully because he knew you wanted to keep in one piece. Once he had stripped it off you he ripped off the red lingerie he loved so much.
"As much as I love this on you. I needed this off you. I'll buy you more. Much more."
You turned yourself back around so you could kiss him. You loved the feeling of his heated skin on yours. Your hands moved to unbuckle his belt and one of them slid under his briefs to feel his cock already hard in your palm. He pulled your hand out and pressed it on the sheets next to you. He began kissing down your body, taking extra care of your chest my massaging and nibbling on your nipples. Your back arched off the bed by the feeling what run through your body. It felt amazing. And he got even lower, kissing over your stomach before he reached your core.
You could feel his hot breath on the slick skin of your pussy and it made you squirm, wanting him to finally do something. He kissed your inner thighs slowly moving down. You bucked your hips up to get him closer but he just held your hips down with his arm.
All of a sudden he just dove in. First with a long lick along your folds before closing his lips around your clit and sucking on it. The feeling made you arch your back and your hand gripped onto his hair for support. You always loved when he ate you out but this seemed different. It felt different. Better than ever before. He even ran some of his fingers over your entrance to check if you were wet enough and then pushed two fingers into you. He curled them upwards so they pushed against the bundle of nerves inside of you. Even though you tried to keep your moans low until now, you just couldn't anymore. Loud moans drifted out of your mouth and your chest was moving up and down repeatedly from your heavy breathing. He was eating you like a starved man. It was like his tongue was everywhere at the same time. It was overwhelming.
With him having his mouth on your clit, sucking so deliciously on it, and his fingers moving inside you felt like you were coming in no time. Your pussy clenched around his fingers and you could almost feel the smirk on his lips as he helped you ride through your high.
Your were still breathing heavily when he kissed his way up your body again. When you were face to face again you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. You hadn't even realized he had pulled his pants and briefs down, now also naked above you. When he pulled away from the kiss he leaned his forehead against yours. His brown eyes bore into yours and all you could feel was love radiating from the two of you.Trent pecked your lips one last time before moving to sit up to get a condom. But you stopped him by grabbing
his wrist.
"Don't. Just leave it there. I want you just like this."
His eyes widened. This would be the first time you would have bare sex. You were still young and didn't really want children yet. But you have been together for so long, the moment just felt right to not be as careful as you had been before. If it happens it happens.
His whole face lit up and he leaned right back down to kiss you again. He aligned himself with your entrance and pushed it. You gasped loudly at the stretching sensation. As many times as you had sex, you would never get used to his size. It always left a pleasant burn while adjusting.
You threw your head back in pleasure as he began thrust into you. The sensation of his bare cock was something you never wanted to miss again. Feeling every ridge and bumb of his skin without a barrier was so much better than you could have imagined. He hit spots inside of you that you never knew could feel so good. The both of you were breathing heavily but still connecting your lips in passionate kisses from kisses from time to time. Your hands were clasped together. The whole atmosphere was something you had never experienced. So passionate, so loved, like your souls were connecting.
And Trent really was your soulmate.
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fluffonthebunniestail · 5 years ago
What a Sleepover
Okay, so I may or may not be plotting some headcannons for Zuko 👀👀
BUT, in the meantime- I must push this fic out because I've been thinking of it for a while!
Also, small psa. Just because two dudes are having a sleepover, hugging, holding hands etc. does not mean they're into each other, or gay. Same goes for females, we all just need affection sometimes and shouldn't have to be dating to do so!
Summary: Karma and Nagisa are having a sleepover because that's what best friends do :)
It was the last class before a well deserved free day. Well, it feels very well deserved.
It was a rough week of extra training not to mention crammed-in study sessions for the following tests. Finally, about ten minutes until school's was done for.
Nagisa was just bouncing his leg in excitement, especially because he is going to go home with Karma.
It wasn't very often they got to hang out anymore, so he was going to take this sleepover and enjoy it. And everything else can go shove it.
So yeah, Nagisa was quite excited. It was a time to just be stress-free. Not just from the normal teenage stress, but the stress placed on their shoulders about the end of the world.
So, when the bell finally rung, it took every bit of will power not to whoop. Instead, he said his goodbyes to Kaede like the gentlemen he is.
He then, packed his things, walking towards Karma's desk.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah, give me one second." Karma replied, pulling his back over his shoulder. "Okay, you won't mind if we stop by the store real quick? I want to pick out a few things before we head to my house."
"Yeah, we can go." Nagisa said as they began to walk out the door together. "What are you gonna get?"
"Just some snacks, I don't know. If you see something you like, tell me."
Nagisa just nodded as they continued to their journey to the store. It was mostly accompanied by silence, but it was nice silence. Just listening to some music they've recently found with the occasional bob to the beat.
Once they finally made it to the store, Nagisa just followed behind Karma.
"You cooking tonight?" Nagisa asked seeing Karma picking out some beef.
"Yeah, I was planning on making some beef curry. Unless you wanna order."
"Nah, I always prefer your cooking."
"Damn right."
They got to the isle filled with snacks, Karma just let Nagisa pick out a few.
"Imagine if your parents were here." Nagisa mentioned making the other snort.
"God, they'd lose their shit. I mean sure they're gone but they're... something." Karma huffed, shaking his head.
Nagisa could remember the first time he met Karma's family, it was strange to say at the least. They were putting Karma on a strict diet, despite the fact that he was already skinny. It was just strange.
"Has it ever bothered you?" Nagisa asked suddenly.
"Uh, I mean, them being gone all the time. Does it bother you? Like don't you get lonely sometimes?"
"Not really, it's weird. I don't miss them if that's what you're asking."
"When was the last time they were here?"
"Uh, shit I dunno. A little before I was suspended last year."
"Oh don't worry, it's freeing if anything. It's nice. I'm not a people person."
"I know, I know. But still."
"How about, worry about yourself and your own jackass of a mother." Karma said lightly punching Nagisa's head.
He always does that.
"Well, welcome to my humble abode. You already know where everything is and whatnot. Do me a favor, set something up to watch while I make dinner, will ya?"
"You got it chef Karma." Nagisa soluted then retreated to the living room getting something to watch.
Long story short, Karma finished cooking, they ate it and it was absolutely delicious.
Like what couldn't he do?
They then watched some fun stuff, did whatever they felt like until they set up camp in the living room. Aka, Karma getting blankets and pillows, and for them to wrestle who got the couch and floor.
Then they just talked, talked about some woke shit, but not really woke shit ya know?
"Terasaka's a bitch." Karma blurted.
"You're an even bigger bitch." Nagisa retorted, snorting at the random statement.
"Hey, at least I take pride into it."
Nagisa just changed his position slightly by resting his head on Karma's stomach (they're resting like a T) Hey, bromance. It was normal, Karma wasn't very touchy feely but Nagisa was and Karma had to accommodate. Basically, Karma didn't have a say but he didn't really care. It was nice having someone trust him like that.
"This year is crazy." Nagisa said just staring into the ceiling.
"And it's not gonna be any less crazy any time soon."
"You think we're actually going to kill him?"
"On how sappy everyone gets."
"But we have to."
"There could always be another way. It always bothered me when Koro Sensei said that he blew up the moon and will to the earth. What is stopping him? He could've done it a long time ago when even the higher ups can't do shit. How come he's now giving us -fucking students of all people- a deadline. He could take us all out as easily as a blink of an eye, what it stopping him?"
"Should we ask him?" Nagisa asked, making Karma bark out a laugh.
"Absolutely the fuck not."
Nagisa just hummed in response. Karma then just sighed obnoxiously.
"I'm bored."
"What do you wanna do?"
"I dunno."
"You don't know?"
"Nope, entertain me."
"Wearing one of my mom's dresses."
"Fuck no!" Nagisa yelped, sitting up.
"What? It'd just be you in your final form."
"You're an ass."
"Ouch, I'm truly hurt. You've wounded me deeply Nagisa!" Karma said clutching his heart, turning to his side covering his head with a pillow. "Just leave me here wounded to such painful words you've set upon me."
Nagisa just scoffed, poking his side making him yelp sitting up quickly.
"Oi!" He pouted.
"What?" Nagisa asked pretending to be concerned.
"And you're calling me an ass?"
"You wanna see this 'ass'."
"Not really, I can already smell it." He snickered.
"Oh yeah?" Nagisa said putting his hands up. Karma catches them pushing them away from him.
"Nagisa, I will rock your shit."
"Yeah? And I can do the same."
"Sure thing pipsqueak."
"You'll apologies for that."
"Will I?" Karma said pretending to think for a few seconds, "I don't think so."
"You're so gonna get it."
"Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?"
Nagisa then quickly let go of Karma's hands, tweaking his sides.
"Hey!" He yelped, "That's cheating!"
"How so, modern problems call for modern solutions."
"You did not just say that-" He cut himself off as he saw Nagisa snake his hands towards him. "Okay, we're not gonna do that!" He said pushing Nagisa's arms away from him.
"Why not?" Nagisa snickered, "Is it because little Karma's too ticklish?"
"Nagisa, shut the fuck up." He fumed, his face starting to get red.
"Awwe this is adorable." Nagisa was loving this, after all those times Karma embarrassed him to no end.
"Fuck oHOFF!" He yelped as Nagisa quickly started to squeeze his sides.
Did he fuck off? Nope. If anything, he continued to squeeze his sides. This made Karma fall not so gracefully onto his back. he was slapping and swatting his arms aimlessly at Nagisa, pulling at his hands trying desperately to pull him off.
"STOHOHOP NAGISA!" He screeched, laughing loudly and uncontrollably. He was squirming around as much as he could, trying to buck Nagisa off but the boy was determined.
"What's wrong? I thought you were said you were gonna 'rock my shit'." Nagisa teased. It was hilarious how easy it was to tease Karma.
The redhead was trying. Key word: trying, to retaliate by jabbing his fingers at Nagisa's ribs. Only reason it didn't work was because it actually hurt a bit. Thank god for Karma losing all sense of control when being tickled.
"Oh yeah? Do you think you're in any position to try that?" Nagisa asked, snaking his hands to the hollows of Karma's underarms.
He squealed, arching his back, elbows locked to his sides and laughter reducing slightly to giggles. It's his least ticklish spot, but it still keeps him going strong. He was able to spout out a string of curses and demands of stopping to Nagisa, but all fruitless.
This however, gave Nagisa full access to the spot he knows kills Karma: stomach.
As soon as his hands had even made contact to his shaking abdomen, Karma screeched.
"NOHODON'TPLEAHAHAHA-" He pleaded. He was trying his best to throw the smaller boy off him. However, it was deeming incredibly difficult with the unbearable sensations that spreaded all throughout his stomach. Nagisa made sure to squeeze every bit of his midsection before briefly traveling to his ribs.
He drilled his fingers between his bones without mercy.
"Are you going to apologize for calling me a pipsqueak?" Nagisa asked digging at his stomach again, making him squeal with every vibrating movement.
He knew that Karma could barely speak a proper sentence, but this was very fun.
What was more fun was seeing a bit of skin from his shirt that rode up from all the rustling. Nagisa tried to grab his hands with one hand, not very successful but better then not trying. His other went under Karma's shirt clawing at his twitching stomach making his laugh come out more panicked.
"Sorry, I can't really hear you." Nagisa grinned, vibrating his hand right around his navel making Karma nearly jump out his skin. His laughter went in and out of being silent. Nagisa felt bad and relented his attack.
The redhead in turn was panting out a few giggles holding his midsection.
"Gohod, you're such a dick."
"Meh, maybe. But you deserved it you mega dick."
"Whatever." He waved off Nagisa, sitting up. He turned his head to the blue boy. "You know I'm gonna get you back."
Nagisa just sighed pumping the air deflated, "Worth it."
"Well, I'm getting snacks and you aren't having shit."
"Why must you be so cruel?" Nagisa sobbed. Karma just chuckled walking to the kitchen.
Karma although wasn't a big fan of getting tickled the shit out of him, it was nice to let loose every once in a while. If course he isn't going to say that though.
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thenovelartist · 5 years ago
Childhood Friends Headcanon -MLQC
I’m sorry to all the people who come to my blog for ML only to get bombarded by posts for MLQC. But I’m enjoying myself.
Premise: What if the boys and MC actually stayed together once they met?
(Note: Minor spoilers for chapters 7-13, particularly surrounding boys backstories.)
He’ll never forget that day in the rain meeting MC.
She knew about him—his reputation preceded him—and it was clear she was leery of him.
But with a little time, she came around.
So much so that she was sad that he graduated before her.
He was kinda sad, too, to be honest. He didn’t want to leave her.
But they never lost touch. Made sure to meet up as frequently as they could.
He didn’t attend his high school graduation—he both didn’t care and thought the everyone else would appreciate him not being present—but she did watch him with pride as he graduated his cop training program.
He almost cried over the fact that he actually had someone there to support him. He didn’t have familial support, but that didn’t really matter anymore when he had his own personal cheerleader.
He surprised her by showing up at her high school graduation.
Not really a “Surprise” but she was still wildly excited to see him, nonetheless.
Though they didn’t get to see each other often—Gavin busy with his demanding job and MC busy with college—they were instantly contacting the other when they had a moment of free time.
Gavin totally tried to coordinate his days off with hers.
They were that couple that claimed they were just friends but looked to the world like they were dating while also each wishing they were actually dating but both being too chicken to confess.
But Gavin finally gets the guts one day.
No surprise MC quickly followed up with a confession of her own.
How do you date?
They’d been so close and doing couple-y things for so long. Like, what was even a date compared to what they normally did?
They decided to do something they wouldn’t normally do and have a nice, truly ‘couple-y’ dinner.
Then they chuckled all the way home because that really wasn’t their style.
Still enjoyed it.
Gavin took her home, dropping her off at her door… and totally chickened out of kissing her goodnight.
They try the “date” thing again. This time, something more casual.
And that time, it did end with a kiss.
Gavin’s little mind went “boom”.
Already positive he’s gonna marry this girl.
Waits a little longer to propose, though. Just to make it seem like he’s not rushing it.
Courthouse wedding a few months later. Her father witnesses.
Then when her father passes shortly after, leaving her with the company, she’s constantly having to ask her coworkers for new copies of documents because she’s not used to signing her new last name quite yet. Especially when everyone still calls her by her maiden name. Or sometimes addresses her like they would her late father. (It’s a change for everyone.)
She’s got it down in a couple of days and likes her new signature better than her old one.
After marriage, Gavin also has a problem of his own. Particularly with the ring on his hand.
It’s his new nervous tick to play with it when he’s stressed on a scouting mission. And when he has to take it off for an undercover one, he’s a mess without it on.
Feels like he’s being unfaithful to the love of his life. MC has had to reassure him many times he’s not but secretly is touched that he feels that way.
These two have disastrous schedules, which is why when they both have time off they can spend together, phones go on silent. Someone can literally come to their house if it’s an emergency.
They make it out of the lab together.
Poor kids were terrified out of their mind, each only five. They never let go of each other’s hands during their escape.
And they don’t want to be separated afterwards.
These two kids are each other’s “emotional support person.”
Literally inseparable.
These kids’ guardians bend over backwards to accommodate them. MC has a killer set of puppy dog eyes, but Kiro’s pout is downright impossible to resist.
They end up in the same classes at school.
Play together on the playground at recess and spend lunches together.
They are the “class couple.” And do get teased for it.
They’re told to ignore it, but it still takes a toll on them.
Eventually, Kiro steps out of school to become home-schooled, thanks to his music career.
Oh, these two kids do not know how to handle themselves.
But they are growing up and they can be apart from each other, right?
They survive not being in class together, but the moment they’re each out of school, they are attached to their phones, texting or calling each other.
Get together to hang out as much as humanly possible.
Kiro has 1000% both snuck off sets to go see MC and snuck MC onto sets to have her around.
MC has also enabled Kiro’s snacking by sneaking him anything he desires.
Usually it’s chips. She’s his chip dealer. Which only leads to the nickname “Miss Chips”.
They were so close that this mutual crush thing was absolutely unavoidable and unsurprising to most people who watched them.
They were fifteen and each exploring their feelings for each other and what dating was like.
And by sixteen, these two were totally making out in closets.
Savin just deals. As long as it doesn’t get out to the public, he’s fine with it. They’re generally discrete, anyway.
Though, the poor guy has had to hunt Kiro’s hiding spot down more than once. Generally, he scopes out the building beforehand so he knows where to find Kiro and MC if the superstar disappears from set.
Kiro would totally get her a promise ring. “I can’t officially propose now, but… I don’t think I’m going to be letting my Miss Chips go anytime in the future.”
She’s in tears.
Kiro’s already planned out proposing to her as soon as they are eighteen and has scoped out the perfect wedding venue.
Though, Savin now has to do everything in his power to keep the whole thing under wraps. He thinks it’s best the public doesn’t know Kiro’s getting married so young. They’ll slowly break it later.
MC travels with him everywhere, attending school online for convenience sake.
But when her dad passes and she has to take over the company, Kiro does his best to settle down more in Loveland to be by her side and support her more.
He fights to film exclusively at her company.
They totally have a closet that they make out in there, too. One MC has the sole key to.
He doesn’t loose track of her during their escape from that hellhole disguised as a “lab”.
She saves him, and he manages to carry her to safety.
Refuses to be separated from her after that.
Victor soon becomes like her over-protective big brother.
If he’s with her, he’s got his eye on her. And he’s with her a lot.
He’s so soft with her. Yes, there’s name calling on occasion, but he’s always met with a giggle when he calls her ‘dummy.’
He doesn’t really mean it, anyways.
Totally helps her with her homework.
And she always helps him in the kitchen. Rather, she tries and just ends up being the dishwasher after an incident with the fire alarm.
But she’s just happy if pudding is involved.
And though Victor swears he’s not going to make pudding every single night… there’s pudding more nights than not.
She goes to all his graduations; high school and college.
And he’s there supporting her at hers, looking on like the proud big brother his is.
“Good job, dummy.”
He totally teaches her how to write reports and such. Makes her do them and redo them until up to his standards.
“If you can impress me, you’ll win over anyone in the business world.”
Also teaches her all the ins and outs about running a business and how to thrive in the business world.
She’s always ready to take advice he offers.
Everyone in LFG knows that unless Victor actually is in an important meeting, MC is allowed in his office any time.
Has always seen her as his little sister.
Until she takes over her father’s company.
Suddenly, there’s a warmth in his chest as he watches her handle everything with ease.
It no longer feels like he’s watching over his little sister but rather watching a strong, capable woman handle the high-intensity job of running a company with confidence and poise.
… okay, poise was too generous a word. But his point still stood.
Suddenly, he notices she’s actually on his schedule. And their meeting takes place with none of the familiarity that they’ve become accustomed to.
He won’t coddle her as the business owner. She assures him she expects that from him.
And when she leaves his office, Victor finds himself a little bit of a mess.
They slowly lose their brother/sister mentality and grow into business partners that are close enough to have dinner a couple times a week.
“Question,’ he asks her one night. “Can these be considered ‘dates’ or not?”
She drops her fork in surprise.
They date for a several months before Victor proposes. He wouldn’t have proposed so early to anyone else but MC has always been an exception.
They put the wedding together in eight months. It’s a good, large, proper wedding, and they honeymoon out of the country. Because of course they do. Victor wants to give MC the best and only the best.
Total power couple, and Victor takes pride in that.
This tree, or their tree, as Lucien likes to refer to it as, holds a very special place in his heart.
It started off as his sanctuary, the spot where he came out to draw.
But then it became the place that he got to bond with the girl who saved him.
After his parents were killed, everything went downhill for him at a rapid pace.
But she…
“It’s going to be okay.”
He still remembers the warmth of her hands when she held his and the tightness of her hugs she engulfed him in.
This girl’s smile lit up his dark world.
She’s the sole reason he escaped the pull of Black Swan.
Being four years apart as they were put a little gap between them growing up.
People looked at them in disdain so often that Lucien constantly lied about her being his sister.
He didn’t like that kind of attention from people, though he also logically knew why they received it.
Though he did his best to act respectfully and appropriately, he couldn’t help but feel all fluttery around MC. Every single time she came around, he had a physical reaction to her proximity.
Did his best to always act the gentleman. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable.
For now, he focused on his studies, partly because he found them interesting, partly because he wanted to be the kind of man who could provide well for his family.
Because he had his heart set on making one with her.
It was irrational, if he thought of it logically, to be become romantically attached to someone simply because he was emotionally attached to. Yet he could not separate the pull of romantic notions from his emotional relationship to her.
He eventually surrendered his attempts at trying to separate the two and gave up entirely in his quest to understand it.
He was already on his track to a doctorate when she graduated high school. And suddenly, them both being adults made those four years that separated them growing up seem a little less of a hurdle.
That’s when he asked her out.
“I had to wait so long, but I think now’s finally an appropriate time.”
And that’s when she admitted she had feelings for him, too.
It warmed his cold little heart.
They did take things slowly.
But they were already discussing marriage by the time MC had to take over the company when her father suddenly passed.
Honestly, though it was a terrible tragedy, Lucien is glad he finally gets to return the favor of being there for her just as she was there for him all those years ago.
He also decides to hide the ring he’d bought in a drawer, only to open it again when things were stable.
Well… relatively. The life of a media company manager is never fully stable. Mostly, Lucien just got tired of waiting.
He takes her back to their tree to propose.
They get married there, too.
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nthngbxtfanfics · 5 years ago
Not her - Jooheon scenario
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Jooheons girlfriend reached the dorm the excitement didn’t leave her body, after the recent events. She was so proud of her actions, the smile plastered on her face didn’t fade even for a second. The devastated look you had was like a reward for herself. She ringed the bell and soon after a man in his early 20s opened the door, not looking amused to see her.
Changkyuns throat tightened as he saw the woman in the doorframe, he wasn’t in the mood to greet her.
“Jooheon is in his room” he left the entrance and walked straight to the kitchen joining Kihyun and ignoring the woman.
“Hello everyone!” she cheerily greeted the remaining men, while she walked past them. She got ignored, she didn’t cared and made her way towards her ‘boyfriend’. She knocked at the door, coffee still in her hand, ready to give it to him. The music from the opposite side got turned off, Jooheons legs dragged him towards the door, unlocking it and revealing a cheery woman with a big smile all over her face. Like a mirror, his smile replaced the frown and he invited the woman into the room.
“Hi Honey! I brought you some Coffee!” the fakeness in her voice stayed unnoticed by the man. Jooheon wasn’t in the right state of mind, his mind felt dizzy and blurry.
“Thanks Jagi. How do I deserve your presence at this time of day? I thought you’re busy and had to work extra.” Jooheon took the cup in his hand, noticing the familiar label between his fingers. Giving no more thoughts into it, he sat down onto the seat he was previously sitting in. He was actually glad that his girlfriend visited him, maybe she was able to distract him from his unbearable thoughts.
“Plans got cancelled and I thought - why not visit my Baby-Honey?”
Her Honey...
The nickname too familiar and leaving a bitter aftertaste in his ears. The word Honey lingering in his head with your unforgettable voice. He stared at the cup, not looking at the woman in front of him.
“Did something happen?” Her voice brought him back to reality, snapping his head towards her. He directed a small smile at her, hiding his opposite state.
“No I’m fine, I’m just a little tired. I just got back from the studio and was sitting here trying to memorize the lyrics that have been going through my mind.” He lied, to her, to them, to you, to himself.
“You should drink some of your Coffee, It may wakens up your brain-cells a little and helps you remember the lyrics.” Her fake smile grew bigger, he ignored the salty taste he got from his girlfriends words and took a sip of the warm and creamy drink.
The taste was too familiar, he recognized it right away, the smell gave itself away. The sweet taste of a caring person, a warm hug, a comforting warmth. The strong taste of coffee mixed with a cream enhanced by a perfect amount of fresh honey. It’s not too sweet, just like his taste. Your smile mirrored in this cup of Latte, your face flooded his mind, a knot building up in his throat. A stinging pain right through his heart, his mouth becoming dry. His eyes stared down onto the cup, searching for a message you’d normally leave for him. But there was none. Sadness overtook him, regret filling his upper body. Tears started welling up in the back of his eyes, waiting for release. But he wouldn’t let them escape he had to be stronger and fight them. He needed to let you go, he had to. You were no longer his and he was no longer yours. You left him with his feelings alone, you were the first who fell in love with someone else and not him.
He hated you for playing him like that, he thought he meant more to you. He was wrong, he needed to distract himself from you, to find someone he could give his love to. But it was too hard for him, his yearning for you became even stronger, the only way he could go is to replace his love with hatred. At the end, his hatred wasn’t towards you, it was directed to him. He lost his small hope to bring you back into his arms, he missed his opportunity to get back close to you.
And he regretted it.
“I met Y/N at the cafe.” his girlfriend reached for his attention and catched it right away, after your name slipped through her lips. Jooheon hummed in response, holding the cup tighter and did not spare a look at the woman next to him.
“She seemed pretty happy, she also told me a lot about Wonho. It seems like they started a thing. It’s obvious since they spent so much time together right?” And that’s when Hyejin got him. Jooheons jaw clenched together, his face becoming stone hard. His eyes glaring at a spot in the room, still avoiding his girlfriends gaze. He don’t wanted to show her how those news really affected him, so he wouldn’t hurt her feelings. He got even more mad and frustrated.
“Wasn’t she with Kihyun first?” Jooheon spat those words out with so much disgust. Her smile grew bigger.
“I don’t know, maybe she’s hooking up with both? I guess for her one is not enough.” her teasing brought Jooheon over the edge, he was enraged. He wanted to confront you and his other members. But they would only question him.
He’d like it more if you wouldn’t show up anymore, to leave him and the members alone. But mostly his heart, you’ve been haunting him even more. Jooheon stood up walking towards the door, confronting you.
“Don’t! Why are you so fed up? Just leave her alone and relax. Y/N only stresses you, you should forget about her.” she stopped him, even though she loved the way he was ready to fight you. She wanted you to be destroyed by the man you love and make Jooheon her lifeless doll and the first thing she needed to get rid of are his feelings for you. She needed to separate you two and her plan was slowly building back up. Her success was close.
A few weeks past and Jooheon hasn’t seen you around often, it seemed like you disappeared. Good for him, that was the perfect time for him to actually start and get rid of his feelings for you. Even if it was too hard for him, sometimes he would debate with himself whether to give you a call or not. Or ask his members how you are, but his pride went against it.
You had some time to take good care of yourself, were you healed? No. Your heart was still in pain, but you knew you had to move on anyway, tomorrow or now, it didn’t matter but you slowly made it.
You had the strength to visit the dorm a few times when Jooheon wasn’t around. You were even able to visit the other members at the studio. Sometimes would Hosoek invite you to his studio, when he felt lonely or when he, Minhyuk or Hyungwon were bored and needed some entertainment from you. Changkyun grew kinda attached to you, since your mental breakdown. He  worried a lot about you and texted whenever he could to make sure you were alright. And Kihyun, he became more sensitive around you, always making sure that you feel great. His whole attention went onto you, he would look onto his phone more often, waiting for a message from you or a call to pick up right away. When you would visit the dorm, he would always prepare your favorite food or buy you your favorite snacks and drinks. Kihyun got too worried about you, after Changkyun confessed to him what had happened in the gym room.
Minhyuk suggested to have a night with some drinks and a great meal, since the past events were pretty exhausting and draining. All the members agreed and prepared everything. Jooheon was glad he could spend some time with the other members and even helped Minhyuk and Shownu to get the drinks or even helped Kihyun in the kitchen at some point.
“I’m so glad we are done for today and then 24 hours of freedom!” Changkyun dropped on the floor in the living room, followed by the others.
“And therefor we gotta have a drink!” Minhyuk was excited to release the tension from all those practice sessions and their overall busy schedules. He filled all seven cups and grabbed his, pulling it up to the air.
“Let’s enjoy and forget about all the worries tonight!” the sound of kissing glass erupted and cheers filled the room. The liquid got drowned by all, Shownu was the first to dig into the food. After the first bottles of Soju were emptied, the members got more relaxed and random topics filled the members heads.
“Who got plans for tomorrow?” Changkyun started, curious about the others.
“I’ll most likely sleep-in tomorrow and maybe play some video games. I’ll just relax.” Hyungwon was the first to respond, but his answer wasn’t really surprising to the others.
“I may visit my parents. I haven’t seen them in a while and you Changkyun?” added Shownu.
“I don’t know maybe play some video games like Hyungwon-hyung or going to the studio and make some music.”
“Yah! Why do you have to go to the studio all the time? We are free tomorrow and you choose to work?” Minhyuk nagged, not pleased by the answer.
“Hyung- “
“Let him do whatever he wants.” Changkyun got interrupted Hoseok
“Thank you hyung! But I’d would like to do something else though.”
“We could work out together and then go somewhere and watch a movie or so.” Hoseok suggested to spent the time together with the Maknae.
“Let’s ask Y/N-ssi if she'd like to hang out with us. Didn’t she said that she’s free for a few days?” Changkyun added.
“Sorry to break it to you, but me and Y/N are already going out together.” Kihyun interrupted the plan of the two men. Getting a side eye glare from a certain person.
“Oh really? Where are you going?” Minhyuk asked curious.
“Were going shopping and then we’re going to a cafe that opened a few days ago. Y/N heard about it and wanted to try it out.” Kihyun answered ignoring the angry energy building up from the person next to him. Jooheon tried his best not to be caught by his change of emotions and stayed still. His jealousy rose, he would go to new places with you. He would be the first to receive a text from you when you found something exciting.
“Uh! Sounds like a date” Minhyuk teased the male, with the intention of making the rapper a little jealous.
Minhyuk knew that Jooheon was still attached to you. Jooheon made it easy for him to see through his emotions. He wanted Jooheon to snap and accept his feelings for you and drop his so called girlfriend and he wasn’t the only one.
“Yah! Hyung! It’s not a date! We’re just hanging out like friends and nothing more. You know that.” Kihyun became a little embarrassed and his ears turned a little red. He got a bit nervous because of Jooheon. He did not wanted to get the male mad at him, for something that isn’t the way it is.
“Hey Kihyun! Can’t Changkyun and I join you two?” like knight in shining armor, Hoseok noticed how the anger started to well up within Jooheon and eased it.
“Good idea! Why not?” Kihyun catched up and agreed. But Jooheon wasn’t satisfied with it.
“Jooheon! What are your plans for tomorrow?” Changkyun tried to bring up something else, so the situation wouldn’t go too heated and end up in a disaster.
“I don’t know, I guess I’ll just stay in and do nothing”
“Aren’t you meeting your girlfriend?” asked Minhyuk.
“No she’s flying to Japan with her friends. Her flight goes tomorrow.” Jooheon took a bite of the food in front of him, hoping he won’t have to explain any further. Minhyuk nodded as a response. Silence filled the room, until Minhyuks phone went off and signaled a message. He looked on his phone finding your name on the screen, a smile creeped up on his face. The Maknae looked automatically onto the screen too, noticing your profile picture. His eyes flew over the chat between you and Minhyuk. He saw the picture Minhyuk send to you, a picture that he took when all gathered on the ground to take a group picture together.
“Who is texting you?” Hyungwon was curious too and leaned over Changkyuns back to look at the phone.
“Y/N just messaged me and wished us a lot of fun! She also said that Kihyun looks like a wet dog she saw on her way to work today” The three started to laugh while the said man got confused and reached for the phone.
“What? Show me! I don’t look like a wet dog!”
“Oh god! Kihyun you do actually look kinda on it!” Hoseok teased the younger one and all started to laugh again.
“What is Y/N doing now?” asked Changkyun.
“Don’t know, I’ll ask her real quick.” Minhyuks fingers worked fast, he received a message immediately.
“She just finished work and is heading home.”
“Why don’t we invite her over?” Shownu included himself gaining a few confused looks from the others. Minhyuks gaze switched from the leader to Jooheon and stayed on the rapper to wait for a reaction from him.
Jooheon lifted his gaze and met six pairs of eyes, waiting for a response of him.
“What? If you want to invite her, do so! I don’t mind.”
Why did I said that?
Why did Jooheons chest feel so weird all of a sudden? It was warm almost getting hot, he couldn’t tell if it was anger or annoyance. His heart started a race, beating too fast. Was he excited? No, it couldn’t be. How could he be excited to see you? He was supposed to hate you. But his heart won’t let him, he let those feelings slide away and ignored them. As if a button got switched, his mind got flooded with images of you. Your smile infected every brain-cell in his mind, his body missed you, his heart wouldn’t let go of you. His mind started to play with him, his system went crazy. His blood boiled, he was lost and had no way to escape until Minhyuk brought him back to reality.
“What?” immediately snapped the said man his head towards the calling voice.
“You alright?”
“You drifted off to dreamland a moment ago.” Changkyun and Kihyun finished each others sentences. 
“I’m alright! I just need to drink some water.” Jooheon stood up and went straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and returned to the others.
“Should we really ask her? She might be tired from work” Kihyun debated with the others and seemed to be the only one against your visit. He wanted to avoid any uncomfortable situation, since Jooheon would be around you.
“Come on Hyung! She could relax with us, I bet today was as exhausting for her like it was for us.” Changkyun really liked the idea to have you around. He thought you were ready to meet Jooheon after that long time and maybe you both would be able to talk some things out and get rid of some misunderstandings.
“Text her!” the Maknae demanded his older friend to text you as fast as he could.
“I’ll just ask her if she would like to come or not. Don’t be too upset if she declines” Minhyuk typed again and waited for an answer from you. This time you took a bit longer to respond and left the message on read first. Minhyuk could almost hear you debating with yourself whether you should come or not. He eventually laid his phone back down and took a sip of Jooheons water.
Jooheon grew nervous and inpatient. His body didn’t reacted the way he wanted and it pissed him off.
The sound of Minhyuks phone catched the attention of all men.
“She’s coming” stated Minhyuk, happy about the positive respond. Jooheon got more frustrated with himself as excitement filled his whole body and his heart started to beat faster for the second time that evening. He felt like a little child waiting impatiently for his present on Christmas.
Kihyun grew worried of both of you, he prayed to God that there will be no conflict between the two of you. If it would happen, he would give the whole fault to the other members and would make sure they won’t see you ever again.
“How long will she take?” asked Changykun.
“Don’t know, maybe 20 minutes?” Minhyuk laid his phone back down and waited for your arrival.
A few moments past and Jooheons heart didn’t stop for a moment. As if he was sitting on hot stones, his body wouldn’t stay still. Every position he took was too uncomfortable for him. The members noticed his nervous state.
“You alright?” Hyungwon grew annoyed at the younger ones constant moving. Jooheon snapped his eyes across the table, meeting the mans eyes.
“Yeah, why?” a frown building itself up.
“You are wiggling none stop, like an excited puppy.”
“I’m not excited! It’s just uncomfortable to sit on the floor. -” The doorbell interrupted the small conversation, announcing you arrival.
“I’ll go” Kihyun jumped up from his spot to invite you in.
Adrenalin shot up through Jooheons body. His mind flooded with various questions. Will you talk to him? Will you ignore him? Will you act like nothing happened? Are you alright? Have you eaten well? How do you look like? Did you change your hair? Your style? He wanted to see you again, so dearly. Anger and hatred left his body, he missed you and he’ll not question it anymore. In this moment, he wanted to laugh with you, talk with you and be there for you. Taking back the role as your best friend. Jooheon forgot about his girlfriend completely, like she doesn’t even exist. He wanted you at this moment and he won’t ruin it.
Jooheon turned towards the entrance of the living room. Kihyun was the first to enter and was followed by you. Your smile got bigger as you saw all the rest and waved your hand towards them. As your eyes landed on Jooheon, your smile became smaller and uneasy. His heart didn’t took it great, it hurt. But that wasn’t the only thing that brought pain to the middle of his chest. He noticed how thin you became, how exhausted you face looked. The bags under your eyes became a dominate feature on your small face.
Jooheon waved back at you, nervous. You made your way towards the group, the only big space left was between Jooheon and Hoseok. Both men made some space for you, the rappers gaze followed your movements as you sat down.
Your scent filled his nose, it has been too long since your bodies were that close. Your shoulder brushed Jooheons, his skin tingled, wishing for more contact. His eyes wouldn’t leave you, he was lost. The surroundings becoming blurry, the sounds becoming muffled. You turned around, meeting his eyes. His heart stopped for a moment, his chest became tight. No air could enter or escape.
“Hi” that simple word snapped him back to reality, your plump lips formed a thin line. Your nervousness was visible and made Jooheon sad, he never wished to make you uncomfortable around him. He felt guilty, he ruined your friendship the most and he wanted to make it up to you.
“Hi, how have you been?” he asked carefully, he talked with as if you were made of thin glass.
“Great. And you? How’s your girlfriend?”
Right his girlfriend, he forgot about her.
“I’m great. I heard you passed that big exam? I know I’m pretty late but congratulation” he smiled, ignoring the question about his girlfriend.
Your smile came back followed by a nod.
“Here Y/N a glass.” Hoseok handed you his glass. You faced the man curious.
“Why are you giving me yours?”
“I don’t drink, one shot is enough.” He smiled at her, her smile becoming brighter and thanking him. Jooheons heart cried.
“Let’s have fun!” Minhyuk got excited and filled all glasses with alcohol. Everyone cheered and Jooheon still couldn’t leave his eyes from you.
Since many asked so nicely for the next part! :) I hope you like it so far. While writing it, I listened to Monsta X - See you again
I’m so sad, but this scenario will end soon, the ending is close T_T I’m thankful for any comment you send. I’m open to any critiques, I really wanna improve my writing, so tell me what you think.
Now come the following tags, if you want to get tagged for the next part please write me or comment under this one!
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crazyrandomfucker · 5 years ago
Fated twins
Chapter 6: Bubbler and Bubblerette
Summary: It's Adrienne and Adrien's birthday and their best friends want to make them the best party ever. But monsieur Agreste intercedes and boom! Hawky gains two siblings to akumatize.
-At Marinette's room-
A phone rings and Marinette lazily wakes up, shutting her phone's alarm off and watching her brother giving the final details to the Agrestes' gifts. He had knit Adrienne's a scarlet wool scarf and crafted a black leather bracelet with yellow, green and purple iron strings. He had to went earlier to bed and woke before the sunrise to get them done, contrary to his sister, who simply stayed awake until 3 am finishing the gifts. She had knit purple dahlias and attached them to an ordinary black iron hairpin to make a flowery hairpin for Adrienne, and for Adrien, she knit a light sky-blue scarf. Marin put his gifts next to Marinette's once he finished. Both pair of gifts are incredible and really impressive, but Mari prides herself for being the best of them when it comes to knitting, while Marin pride himself to be the best jewellery and ornaments crafter of the twins. They wrap the presents with different coloured paper and boxes and then they head downstairs for food. Marinette daydreamt a bit through the breakfast, but Marin remembered her to get ready quickly if she wanted her plan to work.
-At Adrien's room-
Adrien wakes up shutting his alarm off as always, but today is special for the models. It's their birthday and both of them wake smiling knowingly. Adrien sees how his ceiling opens and an extendable pole comes down with his sister firmly grabbed to it. The extendable pole was one of the hidden mechanisms in their rooms, such as the piano hidden under Adrien's floor or the makeup closet hidden in one of Adrienne's walls, and she used the pole to amuse herself mainly.
"Happy birthday brother!!" says Adrienne excited as she pulls a small package from thin air and hands it to her brother. "Happy birthday Adrienne!!" says Adrien equally excited, accepting the gift and handing his sister a different package.
They open their gifts at the same time, revealing Ray-Ban sunglasses. The twins suddenly burst into laugh realizing that, another time, the both of them had thought of giving the other the same present. Adrien's sunglasses were Wayfarers Ray-Ban sunglasses with a black frame and green and blue glasses, while Adrienne's were the classical aviator Ray-Ban sunglasses with a silver frame and the glass had a metallic green colour that faded to metallic turquoise.
"Wow, we surely overdid it this time, we almost got the same colours this time" says Adrienne laughing. "Yeah, if it wasn't for the frame it would almost be pretty similar, though mine really look like something Chat would wear" says Adrien. "Excuse me? Mine totally look like something Kitty would wear. But I did pick yours thinking of Chat, too bad he can't wear them~" replies the girl. "Oh you sly cat" says Adrien, then he tackles Adrienne and tickles her.
After a bit of sibling tickle battling, the models finally begin to get dressed and ready for their day. Once they're fully dressed, they head to the bathroom and brush their teeth. Plagg and Plague float in holding a piece of camembert and brie respectively with a red lace on each of them. they offer their presents to their holders, fully knowing that they would refuse it and they'd win a free morning snack. And so they did.
Once they are finally ready for school, they go downstairs to have breakfast. Their father apparently had acknowledged their birthday and Nathalie had two pastel blue boxes with a yellow lace. She gives the gifts to the teenagers along with Gabriel's denial of permission to hold a party for their thirteenth birthday, which saddened the models as much as the plain fountain pens they got from their father.
-In front of the school-
Adrien gets out of the limo and hurries inside the building quite frustrated towards his father attitude. Adrienne instead, walks slowly towards the school, but notices how everybody is really well-dressed. And then she is greeted by the designers twins, who run to hug her as soon as they see her.
"Happy birthday Adrienne!" say at unison the twins, almost crushing Adrienne with their hug, which ends before she runs out of air (because her crush was hugging her). "Oh, th-thank you so much!" says the model, then she notice the change in the designers outfits. "Why is everybody dressed so nice today?" "You're new here, so you don't know it yet, but the Lahiffe siblings are known to hold the best parties for their closer friends" says Marin. "There's no way they wouldn't throw a super awesome party for you and Adrien" says Marinette. "But our father has forbidden us from throwing a party or attending one" says Adrienne happy and sad at the same time. "Oh no" says Mari, covering her mouth surprised. "How can he?" "Don't worry Mari, we're already kind of used to it" says Adrienne. Marin covers Marinette's mouth before she begins shouting unnecessary comments. "That shouldn't be something you get used to. So have this to cheer you up" says Marin, offering the gift he made for her. Adrienne almost melts at the gesture, but manages to open really excited her gift. Then she falls in love again when sees the scarlet hand-knit wool scarf. "This... This is simply magnificent..." says the model while a small tear falls from her right eye. "I love it so much! Thank you Marin!" says Adrienne, giving him a sudden hug with an intense red blush on her face. "And I made this for you, though you may want to wear it on spring rather than autumn" says Mari, giving her another package. Adrienne opens it really excited and lets a small yelp out of her mouth. "Wow Mari! This is so cute! Aren't these purple dahlias? They're so pretty! I love it so much!" says the girl, hugging Mari excited. "I don't care which season we are on. I'm so going to wear this as soon as I get a mirror". "I'm glad you like it! I wasn't sure what to give you as a present, until Marin and I had a little stupid designing competition and came up with these" says Mari. "No way, you did this? Marin, don't tell me you also knit the scarf" says Adrienne, getting a nod from the Dupain-Cheng twins. " I knew Mari told me you both wanted to be designers, but these are wonderful! I might try to steal you two away to design just for me" says Adrienne. "Girl, you'd end up fed up with our widely known combination of clumsiness and bad luck" says Marin jokingly, who doesn't notice how Adrienne blushes at the thought. "Hey dude! Hey girls!" says Alen as he and Alya come closer, with a change in their outfit as well. "Hi Marin" says quickly Alya. " Hi girls! And happy birthday Adrienne!" says the reporter girl, pulling Adrienne to yet another bone-crushing hug from the reporter twins. "Oxygen, please..." says Adrienne, they release her laughing. "We've got you a little gift. It's not something really special, but we thought it was cute" says Alya, handing her a small box. Adrienne opens the box and sees a fluffy black teddy bear doll for her mobile phone. "It's so cute!!!!!!" "We hope Adrien likes his Ladybug's one. We know he's a real fan of her, but we weren't one hundred per cent sure" explains Alen. "Oh I'm sure he will" says the model. The bell rings. "Well, I guess that's our call. See you later girls"
Alya and Marinette head to their class and the others go to their class as well.
-Adrienne side-
After their morning classes, Marin leaves to finish some designs requests he has and Alen helps Mme. Mendeleiev to carry some documents, leaving Nina and Adrienne alone. Nina gives Adrienne a small package that has chocolates inside, knowing how desperate her friend was to eat something sweet because of the strict Agretste's diet. Adrienne almost leaves her breathless with a bear hug and the girls go outside. Nina points to Marinette and Alya, who were hiding next to the entrance stairs, and they decide to go investigate. It turns out that lovestruck Mari hasn't had the opportunity to give Adrien her gift and she's half panicking because she doesn't know what to do. Alya gives Nina and Adrienne the look™ and they help her encourage Mari.
-Adrien side-
Adrien is a bit worried thinking how his friend Marinette looked more nervous than usual today, but Nino puts a paper bag, as his present, in front of him and all his thoughts disappear. He knows exactly where is that paper bag from and what it may be on the inside. He carefully opens the Dupain-Cheng patisserie-boulangerie bag and gawks at all the delicious croissants there're in front of him. He takes a bite and melts right away in pleasure. Tasting something so good after years of not eating a single sweet or pastry was like had come to his mouth.
"Man, you do know what to gift. This are wonderful" says Adrien, having another bite. "Dude, I knew you hadn't had the pleasure of tasting the best croissants in Paris. You know it's from Mari's place? Her parents are definitely the best bakers in Paris" says Nino. "No way, Mari's the daughter of the Dupain-Cheng... wait, I should have realised that earlier, didn't I?" says awkwardly Adrien. "Probably. Did you know she and Marin designed their now widely known logo? And they also know how to bake like total pros" says Nino. "Wow, I had no idea" says Adrien, hiding his croissants inside his bag.
The boys leave the school and they stop at the front gate. Adrien receives a message with his schedule, reminding him of the photoshoot he has and the depressing morning he had experienced.
"So, about the party, what did your father say?" asks Nino, making a few bubbles with his bubble wand. "He told us we weren't allowed to hold, throw or attend to any party" says Adrien looking down. "Seriously? Has your dad always been such a downer? Or do you think that at least he remembers what it is to be young and want to party?" says Nino. "No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer then too" says Adrien. "Well, at least I tried". "It's your b-day dude" says Nino doing overexaggerated gestures with his head. "Insist"
-At the girls side-
"You can do it! You can do it!" whisper the girls to Mari. "I can do it! I can do it!" whispers Mari, feeling a bit more confident.
-Adrien side-
"You know, I'm going to have a little convo with your pops" says Nino, holding Adrien's shoulder. "Don't waste your time. He's not going to change his mind" says Adrien.
-Girls side-
Mari stands up, but her legs start to shake and she sits again. "I can't do it..." repents the designer. "No you don't girl! You've been stalling all morning. Now is the time!" says Alya and tries to push Mari, but she's holding firmly to anything within reach. "Wait, your father won't let you have a b-day party?" asks Nina. "Yeah, not even a formal one" answers Adrienne. "What a jerk!" says Alya as she manages to finally push the scaredy cat known as Marinette. Mari tries not to fall and ends up kind of running to where Adrien are Nino are, just to fall in front of them. "Uhm... Hi boys" says awkwardly as she stands up. The boys look to each other confused. "Hi" says Adrien awkwardly half confused. "I- Umm..." tries to speak Mari, letting slip a small giggle. " I wanted to ummm... give you a make- I mean I wanted to give you a gift I made- I mean-". "Out of the way" says Chloe pushing Mari. "Happy birthday Adrikins" says before she jumps to hug Adrien and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Yes, umm... Thanks Chlo" says Adrien awkwardly as he pushes Chloe away. "Tell me, did you get the gift I send you?" says innocently Chloé. "Uh... No?" "What?! Oh, those delivery guys. I bet it was too heavy for them and they had to go back and get another guy to help! Oh, those slackers. I'll make sure they'll get it to you by tonight" says Chloe before she leaves. "Come on girl, you can do it, don't be a pushover, literally" says Alya. "Yeah girl, you can do it. You're one of the most amazing people I know" cheers Nina. "Mari, get up, give my brother his gift and maybe even kiss him on the cheek" cheers Adrienne. "Though maybe not on the one Chloe kissed him". After laughing a bit on the last comment, Mari gets up. "I can do it!" A limo arrive and Adrien fist bumps Nino. "Sorry man, I have to go, photoshoot" says the model boy and gets into the car. "Shoot, I forgot that. Sorry girls I've also have to go" says Adrienne leaving. Then she turns to Mari "Mari! You can come by later to give him the gifts or leave them on the mailbox!".
When the limo is gone, Nina goes to meet up with her brother to plan how can they convince Gabriel Agreste to let their friends have a party. Meanwhile, Mari begin to feel down a bit, thinking of when could she possibly go to give her gift to Adrien, not to mention, what would she do, what would she say? And if that wasn't enough pressure, she also had to give Adrien the gift Marin had made, fully knowing what sort of competitive relationship had the boys.
"Why can't I just mean what I say?" says Mari. "You mean why can't you say what you mean?" asks Alya. "Exactly" says Mari. "Well, it looks like we've got some business to care with Adrien and Adrienne's father" says Nina to his brother. "Yeah, we've got to convince that old man to be reasonable" says Nino.
-At the gates of the Agreste's manor-
Marinette is scrapping what she supposes the mailbox is, without being able to open it even a millimetre.
"This mailbox won't budge Alya" says Mari. "Ring the doorbell girl" says Alya. "Are you kidding me? What if Adrien answers?" says Mari, as she panics because Alya has just rang the doorbell. A camera comes out of the wall and looks to Mari. "State your business" says a feminine voice. "Um... I'm one of A-Adrien's classmates and I" says Mari, then she shows the present to the camera. "I have this gifts for him I couldn't gave him at school" says ad gives a big awkward smile. "Put it in the mailbox" says the voice, as the mailbox opens. "Thank you" says Mari and places the gifts in the box, which then closes itself. "I hope he likes it!" "Did you signed the note right?" asks Alya, receiving an astonished look. "Giiiiirl" she facepalms. "Okay, you'll just have to tell him tomorrow".
The girls leave and Nathalie carefully places the packages next to her, making a note to herself that she needed to give the gifts to Adrien. She pulled out of her bag a couple of wrapped boxes that she was going to gift Adrienne for her fourteenth birthday, but suddenly, she was phone-called by Gabriel.
"Who was that Nathalie?" asks the man demanding. "A friend of Adrien's, she was delivering the gifts for his birthday" says politely Nathalie. "Did you remembered to buy him and Adrienne a present for me?" says the man. "Oh- uh... But you didn't ask me to" says Nathalie. "Of course I did!" "Yes! Of course sir. I- I'll take care of it" declares Nathalie. "Good" says Gabriel and hangs the phone. "What am I going to do?" asks desperately Nathalie to herself.
But she lies her gaze to the set of presents left by the girl and the she turns her gazes to her set of presents. Nathalie lets out a resigning sigh and silently apologizes to Marinette, because Adrien was never going to know about her gifts, but he would know of his father's ones. As for Adrienne... The special spa kit and the set of business she had bought for Adrienne would be the ones to pass as Gabriel's presents for the poor girl. The bell rings again and she answers to it immediately. She sees through the camera a boy with a red cap and a blue shirt with a girl next to him.
"Uh... Hi" says Nino.
-Inside the manor-
The Lahiffe siblings stand in the main hall next to Nathalie, Nina playing nervously with her wand-like pencil and Nino awkwardly opening and closing his bubble's soap container. Nathalie gets a message and turns to the siblings.
"M. Agreste will be here in a minute" says Nathalie.
The siblings can't help but to quietly look to what surrounds them, thinking about how cold everything seems.
"Adrien and Adrienne are not home yet" interrupt their thoughts Gabriel, calmly going down the stairs. "Uh. We were coming to see you du- Ah, sir" says Nino nervously. "Me?" asks Gabriel raising an eyebrow. "Yeah that's right sir" says Nina. "Look, we know you don't want Adrienne and Adrien to have a Party, but it's their birthday". "Couldn't you make an exception dud- I mean, sir" says Nino. "It's only once" pleads Nina. "No, that's final" says Gabriel. "But that's messed up! They never screw up in class" says Nino. "They always do whatever you tell them" says Nina. "Yeah. They do photoshoots, fencing, dancing, piano, Chinese-"
The Agreste twins enter the building and see their best friends trying to convince their father. Adrien and Adrienne put a hand on their shoulders, making the siblings notice their arrival.
"Nino, you're here" says Adrien. "Nina, what are you doing here?" says Adrienne. "Anything for our best buds" say the siblings. "Show some awesomeness sir, please" says Nina. The models look at each other and Adrienne put a hand on the siblings shoulders. "Forget it Nino and you too Nina. Everything's fine" says the model girl. "Listen her young man and young lady" says Gabriel with a subtle anger in his tone. "I decide what's best for my children. In fact, I've just decided you are a bad influence for them and you won't be welcomed in my house ever again. Leave now!" "But father! They were just trying to do something cool for us!" say the model twins at unison. "I'm sorry, but they have to leave. Goodbye" says Nathalie, placing herself in front of the teens.
The Lahiffe siblings bite their tongue and turn to leave, but the models twins stop them before they exit the manor.
"Nino wait" says Adrien and stops him by holding his shoulder. "I' sorry man, it's just that our father... He's pretty stubborn" "Nina. I'm sorry that my father has behaved like that. Don't trouble yourselves, it's just best to stay out of his ways" says Adrienne. "Dude! It's not fair Adrien!” says Nino. "Harsh girl. We're cool, unlike that father of yours" says Nina as she and her brother start to leave. "Thanks anyway guys" says Adrienne.
-At the park-
Nino sits down on a bench, looking down and his sister sits next to him, playing with her wand-like pencil while looking annoyed. As they think about how unfair the whole situation for their friends is, the siblings observe how a man refuses to let a young boy play and he pulls the boy out of the park while saying that there's no playing when there are chores to do. At the sight, the siblings grunt and at a mysterious villain lair, a certain butterfly traces a plan.
"Desperate to help their friends but feeling powerless" says Hawk Moth as the window of his lair opens and butterflies awake. "How frustrating, but it won't be long before frustration turns to anger! Fly away and evilize them my little akuma" He takes two butterflies and corrupt them, sending them to cause havoc.
The horrific akumas fly to the park and they slip into Nino's bubble wand and Nina's wand-like pencil. As soon as the butterflies enter the objects, butterfly masks appear in the Lahiffe siblings.
"Hawk Moth is my name and Bubbler and Bubblerette are now yours. I will help you with these horrid adults and all you need to do in return is help me get a pair of magical earrings and a destructive ring" "Yes Hawk Moth" say at unison the siblings.
A dark and slimy aura covers the siblings and they turn into akumas. Bubbler now had blue skin with black circles on his eyes and two black dots on his face. His outfit was mainly a black skinsuit with something like a big red bubble as an armour for his chest, with his signature eye thingy on the middle of it, and back and with also little bubble for his arms and legs in the primal colours. He had on his back his bubble wand and the bubble soap container, but now they are a lot bigger and the bubble wand is a bubble sword more than anything. Thought, the funniest feature on the akuma probably was the red bubble helmet with an antenna on the top. Even thought, Bubblerette was even weirder. She had red skin and a yellow skinsuit, but on top of that she was wearing a dress made of black and blue bubbles, with her signature mouth-like thingy on the centre of her chest. Her weapon was a wand with the side of a baseball bat, with a pencil end on the top hidden by a big golden star.
The now akumatized siblings look one to another and nod after settling some sort of visual communication. Bubblerette begins to draw circles in the air with her wand and purple bubbles begin to appear in the air. At the same time, the Bubbler jumps and flies through Paris, leaving a trail of purple bubbles behind him. As soon as the purple bubbles touched an adult, the adult was captured inside the bubble and the bubble turned green, floating to the atmosphere.
-At the Dupain-Cheng 's living room-
Marin is sitting on the couch while he wraps his latest request on a red gift paper, casually sipping a bit of the green tea his mother gave him before. He finally wraps the last one and adds a little sticker on each request with his sister and him's logo. Then he stretches a bit and opens the main window to have a bit of fresh air. His mother pats him on the back and gives him a proud look. Marin smiles and turns to go deliver the request, but he hears his mother shout and turns to see how a bubble takes her outside the building and begins to ascend, only to see his father ascending as well. He opens his eyes wide open and moves towards the window, but a purple bubble from above dives and enters on the living room. Suddenly, Bubblerette's face appears on the bubble.
"-adults are away now. You may take this as a gift from the Bubbler and the Bubblerette!" says the bubble. "Well, I want a refund!" says Marin and pops the bubble, revealing Bubblerette in front of him. "What!" says as he jumps. "Hey Marin!" says Bubblerette. Marin looks at the mouth-like thingy on the dress. "Nina? Is that you?" "Now's the Bubblerette my fellow Angel". "Nina what the hell?" "It's Bubblerette" "Why are you an akuma and what do you have against my parents?" "Boy, parents are the worst. You know, Agreste father won't let his children have a party? Even after my brother and I asked him in person!" "No way. But they do every stupid thing he says and they're top of each classes!" says the designer showing a clear disapproval. "And don't get me started with their extracurricular activities like dancing, fencing, Chinese, piano... Why are you looking at me like that?" "... I just remembered how awesome you are dude" says Bubblerette with her jaw half dropped. "This doesn't mean that I support either you or your behaviour! You sentinent marble sculpture!" says Marin lightly pissed. "Well, I don't care about that." says Bubblerette. "Now go and put on your best outfit, you're going to a party whether you like it or not". "I have to deliver this requests, so I can't party now" "Did I forgot to mention that you don't because I sent your customers to the ionosphere and you'll be next if you don't go and change right now" threats him the akuma. "After all this years putting off with Cleón I'm pretty much immune to threats so you'll need more than that to convince me" replies Marin deadpanning. "Ugh. You're lucky that I need you and that I have you in high regards" says Bubblerette glaring at him. "Okay, if you come to the party I'll allow you to deliver your requests after the party". "Hmmmm... Fine, but you're going to bring down also my parents or there's no deal" says Marin. "Fine, they are pretty legal, but go change now or I lose it!"
Marin goes to his bedroom, picks his best clothes and changes his outfit (Bubblerette obviously follows him and he has to get changed on the bathroom). Once he has finished, Bubblerette whistles in approval and picks him up in bridal style. Then the akuma carries Marin to the Agreste's manor, landing on the middle of the entrance, where there are a lot of his classmates and some of Marinette's.
-Near the bakery-
Marinette is almost at the bakery when she sees the purple bubbles floating everywhere, capturing all the adults and leaving the children behind. Then she watches utterly horrified how her parents fly out in those bubbles and quickly hides on an alley to transform into her superheroine self. Once she has on her Ladybug suit, she rushes to the bakery but stops to calm the crying younger children and assign some teenagers to take care of them. When she finally arrives at the bakery, Bubblerette jumps out of the window carrying Marin bridal style and Marinette just loses it. She leaps and begins to chase Bubblerette but covers quickly when she sees the akuma entering to the Agreste's mansion and notices another akuma. She tries to figure out who they are and where is their akumas hidden. Suddenly, she realizes that the akumas wear the logos she has seen so many times on Nina and Nino and the answer comes easily after that. The akumas must be in the bubble wand and in the pencil wand, she's certain of that.
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