#he’s a rare versatile a-lister
dangermousie · 24 days
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This is the same man.
I love kdramas.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
I will start by thanking u for having this blog and opening my eyes on alot of things even though I dont agree on everything u say here ( I think Jensen was fantastic as SB he was simply the best thing about season 3) but I agree on alot of things that said here and the fact that Jensen choosed to be mediocre in all aspects of his life and it's just sad , for ex in acting he wasted his prime years doing soap opera and cheap cw tv , usually new actors with ambition will start with small budget and indie movies till they get better opportunities and stay away from tv because it's a known fact that's tv actors rarely make it out of tv , Jensen now want to be an A lister but it's too late now he is 45 , Jp fans always get mad when we compare him to movies stars ,but the truth is he have movie star qualities maybe he doesn't have the range to be campared with DiCaprio or rayan Gosling but actors like Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth have nothing on him in term of talent, looks and charisma , it's just they were smarter in their choices , CE casted as CA based on his look ( blue eyes , blonde, good American boy ) and the character is one dimensional anyway and does not require range at all and just quick look at his post marvel work will show that he is even less versatile and more mediocre than Jensen, however he was smart ,before marvel he used to be in indie movies, romcom and failed blockbusters which help to put him on the map and give apportunites , while marvel wasn't looking for big names they will not hire tv actors either . Now for his marriage , I've noticed just like everybody how awkward they look as a couple and have zero chemistry and then some videos like pregnancy joke video or the WT premiere , he always looked annoyed, visibly cringed with her and sometimes he look straight up disgusted like when she tried to touch his hair , then I digged further here and I wish I dont cause now I dislike him , the fact that he cheated on his gf and backstabbed his friend and for what for this ? Is this the best he could do? Hollywood male actor will usually go for either super hot actresses like scarlett Johansson or black lively or an average one but have great personality and funny / great person and she is neither one these she is average in everything and she is not even nice to him , imagine my surprise when I found out that her acting carrier is consist of her being slutty and naked , I'm laughing bc jensen have no standard or class at all , it's hilarious that he went on SB press ranting that he can't do intimate scenes bc he is a family man when his wife is basically a grorified soft porn actress, he will never be CE bc that man have standard, he didn't tie himself up with tv and he knows that he is a frat boy and not exactly ment to be a family man so he didnt tie himself up with women and children, Jensen on the other hand isn't exactly a family man either but he did it anyway by half assing it and being away most of the time while his wife taking the wheel , and now he want to use this marriage to sell the image of powerful couple , the problem is outside their ig post they can't even pretend to like each other and even when they do like in the recent con they did together they dont have the chemistry of married couples and Jensen looked disgusted when she tried to kiss him , the fact that the happiest they ever looked together is when they were partying , drunk and wasted , tell me everything I want to know about their relationship , and I honestly I dont feel sorry for him for being stuck with a woman that he has zero passion for , it's his carma for being a cheap cheater
Hi, anon! I too was really shocked when I saw how trashy Danneel is. To think he backstabbed to people of value over her and also effed over Jared when he produced TW over her. She definitely makes me question his character deeply.
As for the second part of your ask, you forgot to turn on anonymous and your username was visible so I avoided posting that one, to protect your privacy.
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theeverlastingshade · 10 months
Lahai- Sampha
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It's become increasingly rare for musicians to take long stretches of time between releases. Sure, A-listers like Frank Ocean and Rihanna have kept people waiting for almost 8 years now, but the incessant demand for "content" that labels tend to opt for renders an exhausting level of engagement in a myriad of forms as the standard operating practice for most signed artists. While I've been craving new music from the idiosyncratic electronic soul singer-songwriter Sampha since his classic 2017 debut LP, Process, it feels like a minor blessing that he was able to take his time on his follow-up LP, Lahai, instead of being pressured to regurgitate what could easily have just been a pale imitation of what he achieved with Process. Lahai retains the rich, electronic soul stylings of Process with a heightened sonic overhaul that folds in elements of drum & bass, 2 step, and jazz into a  patchwork of sound that exudes a rich new perspective. It's an inspired, and expansive development that generally makes good on his strengths as an artist and the promise of his early work without ever sounding confined by it.
The biggest leap forward on Lahai is Sampha's skill as a producer. Lahai is densely packed with lush textures at every turn, marking a sharp shift from the spartan stylings of Process. Whether it's the rapid fire drumline and bass set against chirping 16 bit keys on opener "Stereo Colour Cloud" or the stirring string arrangements and swelling keys on "Spirit 2.0", there's a wealth of vibrant details to get lost in throughout the course of nearly every song. There are moments when Sampha himself sounds lost in the thick current of sound, struggling to be heard over the expansive drums and keys. While Sampha's voice would generally be served better with a little bit more breathing room, the sonic eclecticism on display never feels forced or overcooked. The airy minimalism of Process felt like a more natural pairing for Sampha's voice, but he can make denser arrangements work for him too. The warmth of the relatively more optimistic sounding music on Lahai complements the timbre of Sampha's voice superbly, and as on songs like "Only", the drums provide a propulsive edge that nudges Sampha towards inspired, newfound expressive possibilities. More often that not, the rich details that litter these songs amplify the potency of the sentiments that Sampha conveys without detracting too much from his singular tenor.
Whereas Process was an album steeped in grief and constructed in the wake of his mother's passing from cancer, Lahai was inspired by the birth of his daughter, which speaks volumes about the more upbeat approach this time around. Sampha sounds more assured and at ease throughout as he reflects on the passage of time and the new position that he finds himself in. The strongest moments on the album are those that bask in that glow, such as early highlight "Suspended", where the joy of fatherhood is palpable and practically oozing out of the speakers ("Suspended/I feel lifted from her love/I feel lifted from above)". "Can't Go Back" pulses with the propulsion of 2 step while its titular chimes echo the sentiment that parenthood marks a point of no return, while centerpiece "Jonathan L. Seagull" touches on the way we each uniquely process the same experiences "Even though we've been through the same/Doesn't always mean we feel the same/Doesn't always mean we heal the same". After a tumultuous period of time working through the death of his mother, Sampha returns on Lahai with a light touch and a more optimistic seeming outlook that's striking in its generosity. Lahai is easily the most immediate music that Sampha has released to date by any conceivable metric. While it's easy to lament the pivot from the haunting sparseness of Process, Sampha's versatility and open-hearted sensibilities throughout my result in some of the most well-realized music that I've listened to this year.
Essentials: "Suspended", "Spirit 2.0", "Jonathan L. Seagull"
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articleverse · 1 year
Bonjourpeople's Exclusive Interviews: Hollywood's A-Listers Speak Out
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Lights, camera, action! Hollywood, the land of dreams and stardom, has been a captivating realm that continues to allure movie and pop culture enthusiasts. Behind the glitz and glamour lies a world of A-listers, the crème de la crème of the entertainment industry. In this exclusive series, Bonjourpeople delves deep into the lives of these iconic stars to bring you their untold stories. From heartwarming anecdotes to unexpected challenges, get ready to be enthralled by the candid revelations of Hollywood's finest.
1. The Journey to Stardom: From Humble Beginnings to Shining Success
The path to stardom is rarely a smooth one. It's often peppered with struggles, dedication, and undying passion. For Hollywood's A-listers, this journey was no different. Take, for instance, the remarkable story of Emma Thompson, the award-winning actress. Her tale begins in a small town where she passionately pursued her acting dreams despite facing numerous rejections. Emma's perseverance paid off when she landed a breakthrough role that propelled her to stardom. Such inspiring tales of determination and grit are common among Hollywood's brightest stars.
Similarly, the journey of Matthew McConaughey, known for his versatile performances, was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. From auditions in cramped apartments to finally winning an Oscar, Matthew's story exemplifies the resilience required to make it big in Tinseltown. These tales of struggle-turned-success not only motivate aspiring actors but also teach valuable life lessons about the importance of chasing one's dreams against all odds.
2. Hollywood's A-Listers: Beyond the Silver Screen
For many fans, Hollywood A-listers are enigmatic figures that only exist on the silver screen. However, behind the on-screen personas are real people with multifaceted personalities. Kristen Bell, renowned for her roles in both comedy and drama, is an ardent environmentalist who actively works to combat climate change. While entertaining millions, Kristen advocates for a greener and healthier planet, setting an example for her admirers.
Likewise, Ryan Reynolds, known for his charismatic wit, is a philanthropist at heart. His dedication to various charitable causes, including children's hospitals and disaster relief organizations, makes him more than just a charming actor. These revelations showcase that Hollywood's elite are not just entertainers but individuals who use their platform to make a positive impact on society.
3. Navigating Fame and Maintaining Privacy
Fame can be a double-edged sword. While it bestows recognition and adoration, it also robs celebrities of their privacy. Hollywood's A-listers often find themselves hounded by paparazzi and media attention, making it challenging to lead a normal life. However, stars like Jennifer Lawrence have managed to strike a balance between fame and seclusion.
Jennifer's refusal to conform to the stereotypical celebrity image and her candidness about her struggles with fame have won her even more admiration from fans. She emphasizes that it is essential to find moments of privacy amidst the glitz of Hollywood. Her stance has ignited discussions about the importance of respecting celebrities' personal boundaries.
4. Hollywood's A-Listers and the Digital Age
With the advent of social media and the digital age, Hollywood's A-listers face a new set of challenges. From instant judgments on their appearances to dealing with trolls, celebrities have had to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of the internet. However, some stars, like Chris Evans, have mastered the art of using social media for positive engagement.
Chris's advocacy for various social causes, along with his humorous and down-to-earth approach, has earned him a massive following online. He skillfully navigates the digital realm, utilizing it as a powerful tool to connect with fans, address social issues, and promote his projects.
Stay tuned for more captivating insights into the lives of Hollywood's A-listers as Bonjourpeople's exclusive interviews continue to uncover the secrets and stories of these iconic stars.
That concludes the first heading of this article. Let's continue with the next four paragraphs under the next heading.
5. Redefining Beauty Standards: Empowerment in Hollywood
In an industry often obsessed with appearances, Hollywood's A-listers have been at the forefront of challenging conventional beauty standards. Emma Stone, an Oscar-winning actress, has been vocal about the importance of embracing individuality and self-confidence. Her refusal to conform to societal norms has inspired countless fans to feel comfortable in their own skin.
Similarly, Chadwick Boseman, known for his iconic role as Black Panther, has left a lasting impact on empowering black actors and filmmakers. He believed in the significance of representation on screen and used his fame to advocate for a more inclusive and diverse Hollywood. These trailblazers have shown that true beauty lies in embracing uniqueness and celebrating diversity.
6. Behind the Scenes: The Unsung Heroes of Hollywood
While the spotlight shines brightly on Hollywood's A-listers, there are countless individuals working behind the scenes, ensuring the magic of cinema comes to life. From directors to costume designers, the contributions of these unsung heroes are immeasurable. Take, for instance, the acclaimed director Christopher Nolan, whose innovative storytelling and visual mastery have redefined filmmaking.
Moreover, the brilliant costume designer, Sandy Powell, has won multiple Oscars for her exceptional work in bringing characters to life through wardrobe. The dedication and creativity of these talented artists contribute significantly to the success of the movies we love.
7. Evolving Artistry: Hollywood's A-Listers as Creative Visionaries
Beyond their acting prowess, many Hollywood A-listers have ventured into other creative realms, proving their versatility as artists. Donald Glover, also known as Childish Gambino, has excelled not only as an actor but also as a rapper, singer, and writer. His ability to seamlessly transition between various art forms showcases his multifaceted talent.
Additionally, Lady Gaga's evolution from a pop icon to an acclaimed actress has been nothing short of remarkable. Her performance in "A Star is Born" earned her critical acclaim, solidifying her position as a creative visionary. These celebrities redefine the boundaries of artistry and inspire others to explore their passions fearlessly.
8. Impactful Philanthropy: Giving Back to Society
Hollywood's A-listers have consistently shown their commitment to giving back to society through philanthropic endeavors. Angelina Jolie, a prominent actress and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, has dedicated herself to humanitarian causes around the world. Her advocacy for refugees and vulnerable communities has earned her widespread respect.
Likewise, Leonardo DiCaprio's passion for environmental conservation has led him to establish the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which focuses on protecting wildlife and combating climate change. These philanthropic efforts exemplify the power of influence that celebrities possess to make the world a better place.
Stay tuned for more exclusive insights into the philanthropic endeavors of Hollywood's A-listers in the upcoming sections.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
I love the idea of Phantom being an unknown, small town hero. 
Say there’s some cataclysmic event not Phantom Planet and suddenly the world knows about the ghostly teen hero. Fans flock to Amity Park and photos of him are in every newspaper. People are screaming his name like he’s some sort of celebrity and, for the first time in Danny’s life, he’s a popular, important person. And it means absolutely nothing to him. The fame gets in the way of his ability to fight ghosts, to save lives. It interferes with his ordinary life, so careful to keep his human half far separated from his ghostly persona. 
Any other kid would be soaking up the attention, hell, the Danny Fenton of old who wanted nothing more than to be acknowledged by the A-Listers would be preening. But he’s grown up, just a bit and found a sort of peace with himself and the home he’s made. He hides when the cameras come and doesn’t give interviews and pretty soon, the attention slowly trickles away until only Amity Park remembers the ghost boy. Danny can only sigh with relief with that weight gone.
As a hero he’s so versatile, so powerful. He could have unparalleled fame as a a superhero. But he stays in his little hometown, mostly out of necessity but also out of choice. He doesn’t need photo ops or cereal commercials. He needs the open skies to zip through during his rare free moments and the love and presence of those closest to him. Danny is a hero but he’s also a small town boy just looking out for those he can save. It’s not the exciting life of an internationally beloved superhero but it’s a life he’s content and proud of. 
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heathsbitch · 5 years
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Scenario: The reader is Tony Stark's daughter and her and Peter go to school together. The reader and Peter get put together for a science project and he goes round her house to study when something interesting happens.
A/N: I apologise if you're a POC, it jut has to be this way for the story to work. I usually try to make the characters in my imagines as versatile as possible so anyone can read them and visualise themselves in the story. Just imagine that your mother has the same skin tone as you and that's how your's and Tony's is different. Again, i'm sorry.
Word Count: 1629 words
Warning: fluff, some bad language, slightly steamy (not much)
Y/N's P.O.V 
My fingers tapped against the wooden desk in front of me. "You will be working in groups for your next assignment," My history teacher, Mr Carter, announced. People started to look towards their friends, already picking out who they were going to work with. I, however, was at there in silence. I didn't care who I worked with, as long as I didn't have to do all of the work like the past four times we've worked in groups. Being Tony Stark's daughter did have its disadvantages at points. "I will be choosing the groups." Mr Carter croaked out. Everybody groaned in frustration whilst I just sat there. "More of a chance I get put with Peter." I thought to myself. The majority of boys my age, and sometimes older, just gawk at me or take advantage of my intelligence. But Peter was different. I didn't know if it was because he was equally smart or just socially awkward. Either way, I had the hots for him. But my dad would probably kill him and then me if he found out.
My teacher began to list the pairings. Groans and cheers echoed around the room. Then Sir called out my name, "Y/N Stark, you will be with Peter Parker." My heart sunk and skipped a beat at the same time. I didn't know whether to be happy or nervous. Peter turned in his seat to face me and give me a small smile. A blush crawled onto my cheeks. "This is going to be fun." I sarcastically said to myself. Mr Carter started to relay our assignment to us and I took brief notes just in case I needed them later.
The bell rang through the halls, signifying it was now time for lunch. I made my way straight over to Peter so I could ask him if he wanted to come over later so we could start the project as soon as possible. With my heart in my throat, I tapped him on the shoulder. His head whipped round in an instant, slightly startling me. "H-h-hi Y/N." He choked out. "Just act natural." I said to myself. "Hey Peter. I was just wondering if you want to come to mine later to work on the project?" His eyes widened in slight shock and then he nodded his head furiously. "Is that a yes then?" I asked with a slight smirk. "Yeah, yes. Yes." He replied with an awkward chuckle. "My dad's out tonight so you can come round any time after five." I told him "Yeah, that's fine with me." "Bye, Peter." "Bye, Y/N." I turned on my heels and walked back to my locker.
The last bell of the day rang and I returned to my locker. Opening it, I grabbed my jacket and my spare books. Today was one of the very rare days where I would walk home instead of getting a lift from my dad. "Sad times." I thought to myself as I began my journey home. My dad had a separate headquarters for the Avengers that was closer to my school. He built it mainly because of me. He also said that it was because Spider-Man supposedly lived around here, he still wouldn't tell me who it actually was.
Peter's P.O.V
I can't believe that Mr Stark's daughter just asked me on a date! I mean, it's a study date but that still counts, doesn't it? She doesn't know this but I'm kind of obsessed with her. Not in a creepy way, I just think she's so beautiful and smart and kind and funny... She has no flaws and she likes me! As a friend anyway. She doesn't know that I'm Spider-Man though unless Mr Stark told her. He probably did to be honest, why else would she like a loser like me? I've got to get ready now; I don't want to be late. I took deep breaths as I got ready to go to Y/N's house. She lives in the Avengers HQ that Mr Stark built just down the road. My palms were sweaty and my hands slightly shook. I have never felt like this before, not that I can remember anyway. This is so weird.
I raised my fist up to the door of the headquarters. Usually, I would let myself in but she obviously doesn't know about that side of my life. She was in on her own, only the AI's accompanying her. I saw her figure behind the patterned glass, a smile rested upon her beautiful lips. "God, I just want to kiss her." I was snapped out of my thoughts by the short "Hey, Peter," that left her mouth. "I hope I'm not too early." She chuckled "No, you're right on time."
Y/N's P.O.V
"No, you're right on time." I said with a small laugh. Peter wore the same blue sweater and check shirt from earlier that day, although he did smell quite nice. He wore cologne different from before. I shook my head to be rid of my ridiculous thoughts, "Why do I know this?" My hand slipped round the knob of the door and twisted it. A sharp intake of breath came from Peter. I turned to look at him and he was staring at my room. I went over to my bed, sat down and then took out my notes from earlier. "So, Sir said that we have to create a poster arguing about who impacted medical history more," I began. Peter was stood awkwardly in the middle of my room "You can sit down you know," He nodded in reply and took a seat at the end of my bed. I smiled to myself at how cute and awkward he was being.
We worked on the project for the next couple of hours. In that time we sat, talked, laughed and generally just got to know each other better. We were lying on my bed, drawing out the different figures in medical history. "Wait, so what did James Simpson do?" He asked me. "How many times do I have to explain?" I joked and he smiled sheepishly "He discovered that chloroform could knock people unconscious." Peter bobbed his head as he took in the information. He leaned in closer to me and lowered his voice "And what did Joseph Lister do?" His deep brown eyes penetrated mine. It was like he was staring into my soul and discovering all of my secrets. I felt exposed, yet so secure at the same time. "He, umm. H-He.." I struggled to find the right words. Looking into his dark eyes, we leant in closer. Then it happened. We kissed.
Our lips met in the middle. His lips were soft and silky. They parted and his tongue entered my mouth. It danced across my bottom lip, teasing me. A moan erupted from my throat. Peter's small but strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me onto his chest. One of my hands went straight to his hair and the other rested next to his head, keeping me from crushing him. It was my turn to tease now. My tongue met his. It was a clash of teeth as we fought for dominance. A groan sparked from his mouth and his hips bucked into mine. One of his hands that rested on my waist moved up to my shirt. He lifted it up over my head and our lips split so he could take it off "Beautiful." I blushed as we continued to kiss.
"Miss Stark," A stale voice rang through the house "Your father is home." F.R.I.D.A.Y. Shit. I immediately jumped from Peter's lap and ran over to my top that was carelessly tossed away. "Y/N? Are you in?" I heard my dad call from the hallway. Somehow, Peter and I managed to look like we hadn't just made out just before my dad burst into the room. "Mr Stark." Peter squeaked out, a striking contrast to the dominant demeanor he had held merely moments ago. "Peter?" My dad asked, confusion laced in his voice "What are you doing here?" He stepped into the room and closer to the bed that Peter and I were sat on "Before you answer that, can I speak to you outside for a second?" Hanging his head, Peter followed him outside. "Oh no. Not the 'dad talk.'" A few minutes later, they both returned to the room. My dad with a smile on his face, and Peter with a crimson tint on his cheeks. "Good luck with your project you two." He sarcastically smiled at us before closing my bedroom door and leaving the room.
"Did he?" "Yep." He looked at me and we both burst into laughter. When the chuckles finally died  down, he came closer to me. His arms pushed me onto the bed and climbed over me. His lips met mine once again in a blissful kiss. "Keep it PG!" My dad shouted from outside.
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angelofberlin2000 · 6 years
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Taran Butler, Halle Berry, Keanu Reeves.
Taran Butler, Hollywood’s Shooting Star
By Teresa Bitler - January 7, 2019
If you find yourself on the edge of your seat during an onscreen shootout, Taran Butler just might be the reason why. Since 2012, the United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) Triple Crown Winner and three-gun champion has injected speed and versatility into the shooting repertoire of Hollywood A-listers like Keanu Reeves and Jon Bernthal.
What Butler teaches has applications for any gun enthusiast, whether a hunter tracking white-tailed deer in western Texas or a recreational shooter target practicing at the range.
Butler’s story ironically begins with the movies. When he and his brother took an interest in movies like Dirty Harry, Magnum Force and The Shootist starring John Wayne, Butler’s mother encouraged her sons to learn to shoot.
“She wasn’t against guns,” he explains. “We started shooting on our property and watching videos of Rob Leatham and Jerry Barnhart.”
While his brother’s interest subsided, Butler’s only grew. He followed competitive shooting “forever” but made excuses for why he couldn’t compete until 1994 when stuntman Bruce Barbour let him borrow a Glock for a competition. Butler finished seventh out of 118 shooters and was hooked.
As he racked up competitive titles, he naturally became friends with other shooters, including those working as consultants in Hollywood. In 2004, one of those friends invited him to meet Tom Cruise, who was training for Collateral. That meeting also led to an introduction to the movie’s director, Michael Mann, and an invitation to design guns for Mann’s next movie, Miami Vice.
The guns made a brief cameo in the movie but were later featured in the TV series, Heroes. Mann reached out again when he needed someone to train Stephen Lang how to reload rapidly for Public Enemy. Unfortunately, that scene ended up on the cutting room floor.
Butler’s next Hollywood contribution went viral, though. Director Chad Stahelski wanted his upcoming movie, John Wick 2, to feature the intense, fast-paced action you can only achieve with three-gun training, so he sent his star, Reeves, to Butler.
After working on technique, accuracy and speed, Butler recorded Reeves accurately hitting 19 targets using a rifle, pistol and shotgun in 19 seconds. The video received more than 16 million views online and was broadcast by TMZ, Access Hollywood and other major outlets. Needless to say, the public was impressed.
“No one had ever seen an A-list actor handle a gun like that.”
Hollywood was impressed, too. Butler has since consulted on The Fate of the Furious, Black Panther, as well as yet-to-be-released movies, and he’s worked with the cast of several TV series including S.W.A.T., Hawaii Five-O and Fear the Walking Dead. Specifically, he’s trained Chris Pine, Pierce Bronson, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Josh Duhamel and John Krasinski, to name just a few. Even Kendall Jenner and Khloe Kardashian taped a segment of their show at Butler’s range.  
Some celebrities need a lot of instruction when they come to him, he says. Others, like Reeves, (who says hopes to compete in three-gun competition someday), and Mark-Paul Gosselaar of Saved By the Bell fame, are naturals. Aptitude and skill level aside, everyone can make improvements.
Butler says if you want to improve, the number one thing you can do is make sure you have a solid stance and a proper grip with as much skin on the gun as possible. Then, practice as often as you can and watch videos of competitive shooting.
“YouTube three gun,” he recommends. “If you want to get good at shooting, watch what they do.”
Practice and instructional videos won’t help if your equipment isn’t at its best. Butler regularly sees dirty components, scopes not tightened down and sights not zeroed in. Take the time to care for your equipment.
Zeroing in your sights is particularly important. Butler says he has worked with military personnel and police officers whose shots are off by as much as 6 inches or more.
“Guns don’t come out of the box dead on, and most people are going to put different sights on anyway,” he says. “You also have to keep in mind that if you travel with the gun, it can need to be zeroed again.”
The quality of your equipment—whether the gun you use, the scope you add/or other components—makes a tremendous difference.
“Good equipment really improves your shooting,” he says. “A good shooter with a bad gun isn’t going to shoot as well. It’s like a race car driver going from an F1 to a Honda Accord. The car just isn’t going to perform the same no matter how well he drives it.”
If you’re looking for a good, basic pistol, he suggests a Glock since it is accurate and rarely jams. However, if you’re ready to invest a little more, Butler’s company, Taran Tactical Innovations, sells competition-quality pistols, California-compliant rifles and accessories.
“Good equipment really improves your shooting. A good shooter with a bad gun isn’t going to shoot as well.”
Four Common Mistakes Hollywood Makes:
The entertainment industry doesn’t always get it right when it comes to firearms. Here are four common mistakes Taran Butler has noticed on the Big and Little screens.
Grip: Butler sees a lot of actors use a “cup and saucer grip” with one hand on the grip, the other cupping it underneath. Pierce Brosnan used this grip as James Bond before working with Butler.
Aim: Actors don’t always aim at the target. Butler cites Rick from The Walking Dead, who aims at the pavement yet miraculously shoots zombies in the head, as an example.
Reaction: When they fire, some actors flinch even though they’re portraying “bad asses.” Check out Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop.
Reloading: Hollywood doesn’t reload, and its guns fire more rounds than their magazines can hold. Butler again points to The Walking Dead as one of the biggest offenders.
Learn More: Taran Tactical Innovations www.tarantacicalinnovations.com
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Jumanji: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Making Of The Original Movie
 If you grew up in the '90s, chances are you have fond memories of Jumanji. Based on a children’s book by Chris Van Allsburg, director Joe Johnston’s fantasy-adventure box office smash has won over countless fans since hitting theaters in 1995. Indeed, the franchise’s recent resurgence—in the form of 2017’s Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and the forthcoming Jumanji: The Next Level —serves as an undeniable testament to Jumanji’s enduring appeal.
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While the cast and crew behind these sequels have done the Jumanji brand proud, the original movie will always hold a special place in our hearts. We can’t help but be impressed by everything that went on behind the scenes to make Jumanji such an instant classic.
10 Tom Hanks Was The Original Choice To Play Alan Parrish
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Jumanji may have been an unqualified commercial success, but the film’s critical reception was decidedly more mixed. That said, one aspect of the film that was universally appreciated by critics was Robin Williams’ turn as adult lead Alan Parrish. Indeed, it’s virtually impossible to picture anyone else in the role—unless you happen to be director Joe Johnston.
As we’ve reported before, Johnston and producers Scott Kroopf and William Teitler originally had another Hollywood icon in mind to play Alan: Tom Hanks. One of the most versatile actors of his generation, Hanks certainly has the chops necessary to juggle the dramatic and comedic aspects of Alan’s character, but we’re nevertheless glad the role ultimately went to Williams.
9 The Screenplay Went Through Substantial Rewrites
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As anyone who’s even vaguely familiar with the movie-making business will tell you, it’s standard practice for a screenplay to undergo multiple rewrites before the cameras roll. Jumanji was no exception: the script was heavily revised prior to shooting, in large part because Robin Williams passed on the first version he read.
For those keeping score, Jumanji’s first treatment–which incidentally was strong enough to get the project greenlit by TriStar Pictures – was penned by the book’s author, Chris Van Allsburg. This treatment was then fleshed out into a full screenplay by Jonathan Hensleigh, Greg Taylor, and Jim Strain, who jettisoned the more surrealist elements Van Allsburg had retained from his book in favor of a more mainstream story that met with Williams’ approval.
8 ILM Developed Custom Software To Create Realistic CG Animals
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The computer-generated imagery in Jumanji hasn’t aged particularly gracefully in the 24 years following its release—but back in 1995, it was groundbreaking stuff. That’s not hyperbole, either: the visual effects artists at Industrial Light & Magic didn’t just raise the bar in terms of creating realistic CG animals, they invented brand new tools to do so.
Arguably the most impressive innovation devised by the legendary effects house was iSculpt, a tool which enabled animators to develop entire libraries of convincing facial expressions for each animal. ILM also utilized proprietary software when it came time to render the fur on Jumanji’s artificial wildlife, with the pixel-perfect monkey and lion hair in the film setting a new standard for photorealistic CGI.
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7 Bradley Pierce Spent Nearly Four Hours In The Make-Up Chair
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Halfway through Jumanji, Bradley Pierce’s Peter is transformed into a human-monkey hybrid, courtesy of the titular boardgame’s supernatural powers. Although the film pushed contemporary CGI to its limits to accomplish many of its outlandish visuals, back in 1995, the only way to create this “monkey boy” effect was via prosthetics.
This was bad news for Pierce, as it meant spending 3.5 uncomfortable hours in the make-up chair every morning for nearly 70 days. Most adults would struggle with such a grueling start to their day, but for 12-year-old Pierce, it was an especially trying ordeal. On the plus side, Robin Williams kept him company early on, offering the child star tips on how to cope, which he’d picked up during his similar experiences filming Mrs. Doubtfire.
6 Robin Williams Dialed Back The Improvisation
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Robin Williams was renowned for being a master of improvisational comedy. Not only did it make him a popular guest on the late-night talk show circuit, but it also added extra spice to many of his big screen performances. But for Jumanji, it became clear to director Joe Johnston early on that Williams' penchant for going off-script would need to be reined in if the movie was going to work.
Fortunately, Williams agreed. For each of his scenes, the star would do several takes that followed the screenplay word-for-word, to ensure that all the necessary plot points were covered off. Once those takes were safely in the can, he would film an additional take, this time incorporating some restrained ad-libbing, which Johnson was free to either use or discard.
5 Samuel Parrish And Van Pelt Are Played By The Same Actor
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It’s an oft-overlooked casting detail that has launched more than a few fan theories: Jonathan Hyde plays both Alan Parrish’s stern father Samuel and Jumanji’s resident big game hunter Van Pelt. It’s easy to miss on first viewing, as the flamboyant mustache, wig and costume Van Pelt sports are more than enough to distance him from Samuel Parrish’s more staid aesthetic.
But once you do realize that the same actor plays both parts, it really does add a new (and totally unexpected) layer of subtext to Jumanji. For what it’s worth, we think most of the theories floating around online overcomplicate matters, but this one makes sense: The Samuel/Van Pelt connection is a subtle way of reinforcing Alan’s emotional journey of learning to face his fears and accept responsibility for his actions.
RELATED: 15 Crazy Things You Didn’t Know About Jumanji
4 Robin Williams Gave The Cast Autographed Gifts
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It’s common for filmmakers to celebrate the completion of principal photography with presents for their colleagues. For example, when shooting on Jumanji wrapped, Robin Williams handed each of his fellow cast members hardbound copies of the shooting script. What’s more, each of these tomes was autographed by the Hollywood A-lister, adding to their value considerably.
But we highly doubt any of the recipients will ever sell their gifts. Why? Because Williams’ signature was accompanied by a handwritten, personalized message, which elevates these hardcovers from thoughtful gesture to priceless keepsake status —especially following the actor’s untimely demise in 2014.
3 Kirsten Dunst Blew Her Castmates Away
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Despite only being 12 when the cameras rolled on Jumanji, Kirsten Dunst already had several high-profile film credits under her belt. Among the more memorable roles at this point in Dunst’s burgeoning career were Claudia in Interview with the Vampire, Campbell McCoy in Bonfire of the Vanities and the young Amy March in Little Women.
As a result, Dunst possessed a degree of professionalism uncommon for someone her age. Bradley Pierce even recalls how his co-star (who’s only six months older than him) mentored him on set! It wasn’t just Pierce who was impressed, either—veteran thespians like Bebe Neuwirth were likewise in awe of Dunst’s skills and on-set poise, as well.
2 The Final Scene Was Shot First
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Big budget outings like Jumanji are rarely filmed in sequential order. Instead, scenes are shot in the order that makes the most sense from a logistical standpoint, based on factors such as actor availability, weather considerations and so on. As we’ve observed before, in the case of Jumanji, this translated to the film’s final scene being shot first.
This decision by director Joe Johnston and his team was motivated by purely practical considerations. Since the sets constructed to represent the Parrish mansion were going to be put through the wringer during the movie’s many chaotic set pieces—think rhinoceros stampedes and in-door flooding—all footage featuring the house looking its best needed to be captured early on.
1 Scarlett Johansson Auditioned To Play Judy
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Already a rising star when she landed the role of Judy Shepherd in Jumanji, Kirsten Dunst’s career would nevertheless receive a welcome boost when the movie proved to be a box office hit. Interestingly, Jumanji could have helped to launch the career of another famous actress—Scarlett Johansson!
Then a relative unknown, Johansson auditioned to play Judy, but obviously failed to outshine Dunst. To be honest, upon viewing her audition tape, it’s kinda easy to see why – still just a kid, Johansson wasn’t the seasoned pro she is today.
NEXT: 10 Things We Learned From The Jumanji: The Next Level Trailer
source https://screenrant.com/jumanji-original-movie-behind-the-scenes-facts/
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