#he would’ve loved wearing matching crop tops with his members
smtown-tourist · 1 year
Why do I have a feeling…
That Jonghyun is up in heaven, so jealous that he never got to participate in SHINee’s Crop Top Era yet so extremely proud and highly supportive of it
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
Sino (Kageyama x m!reader)
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a/n: Yes. Another Kageyama fic. Idk what's with this King and I keep writing for him. And yes, this is a bxb fic. Yes, I'm a fujoshi. Yes. This is also influenced with Given anime? It's on air at Japan and I can't watch it >=[ 
 A song fic(?) of Unique Salongga's 'Sino' (that shit is so good)
-typographical and grammatical mistakes and my lack of vocabulary.
-also, m!reader is described with characteristics that are common for (East) Asian boys.
-mention of blood and suggestive words indicating of sick!y/n
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Who would've thought I would love you?
Kageyama stared longingly at the court. This shocked everyone-no, shock is an understatement. Astonished? Baffled? They were surprised to see him voluntarily ask for a water break, a request that is most certainly out of his character as he has always been loyal to volleyball training.
As much as Kageyama despised being off the court, he needed to. For he couldn't collect his self altogether. Despite his collectiveness, his certainty as his fingers passed the ball to the team, he couldn't help but to have a slight resist everytime.
"Sensei, I'm here on behalf of the student council."
He looked to his right, only to see him. He didn't even bother to give Kageyama a side glance as his entire attention is alloted for the club's teacher.
It didn't bother Kageyama. Instead, he took this as an opportunity to freely wander his eyes on him.
He was free to stare at his drowsy brown eyes, his lips that are in a straight line, his neatly cropped hair that covered up to his brows.
He probably should thank the sport for training his eyes to be wary as possible because even the way his black uniform hung loosely at his unathletic body did not escape Kageyama's vision.
He glanced at Kageyama.
Kageyama had to look away and suddenly, he is reminded by his brain of the very first encounter he had with him.
Kageyama grunted as he scrubbed the green board with full force, channeling his hate on the inanimate object as the fact that Hinata gets to go to the gym earlier than him irritates his skin.
God, who invented cleaning duties?
Kageyama's self hate is disrupted as he heard the sliding door screech. Surprised, he looks at the door, only to find an oddly familiar lad who share the same uniform as him.
"Kageyama-kun," the way Kageyama's name sounded with his flat voice made Kageyama's insides upset, "Hello."
Kageyama did not react but he only stared. Unvoiced curiosity escaping from his eyes instead. Who is he? Why does he know my name? The back of his mind asked.
His questions remained unanswered. Instead, this unfamiliar yet familiar guy walked his way towards the the lockers at the back, pulling a worn-out mop.
"I'm a cleaner, too," he said this in a voice with no intonation, as if he's only speaking for the sake of respect.
Kageyama, despite his thoughts, nodded. Looking back at the board again and this time, his scrub lighter than before, suddenly growing conscious knowing that he shares the room with someone else.
He's used to silence. Kageyama's not much of a talker himself. And yet he found the silence between him and the other deafening and nerve-wracking. The back of his mind played a couple of conversation starters that he knew he can use. But then, he lacked the courage-
The two lads jumped in surprise as their backs hit one another. Kageyama abruptly looked at his back and so did the latter, both surprised as they see the other staring at them.
"I'm sorry," Kageyama apologized with his usual gravelly voice.
"It's alright," the other replied, slightly chuckling this time, rendering Kageyama surprised as this person's dull look dissolved into a forced smile.
Kageyama glanced into his pin attached on his left chest.
It shows '(L/N)(Y/N)', written in legible Nihonggo characters.
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Who will confess their feelings?
As much as Kageyama wanted to revolve his entire life at volleyball, the harsh reality forbids him to do so.
Kageyama blankly stared at his paper, the ballpoint of his pen stucked on the first line where he has already written his name but as if he is on court, his thoughts are blocked. Not giving him the ability to write his reaction paper from the film they just watched.
Kageyama awkwardly sat straight. His hands slightly raising his paper as he looked up only to see (L/N)-kun staring at him. This realization made him feel odd. His stomach churning the same way he did when he first met (L/N)-kun. His ears feeling hot despite of the blasting aircon across the library's domain.
"May I sit here?" He asked in a voice that sounded unbothered, a fact that Kageyama is in awe. How could he remain so composed at the moment?
Was he the only one who is feeling this way? Are you saying that (L/N)-kun isn't feeling his stomach upset the same way his is? His hands aren't sweating? His breath isn't hitching? Kageyama needed answers.
His thoughts were put into a halt when (L/N)-kun looked up to him, catching him off guard. He wanted to apologize over nothing but he had his tongue tide.
"You weren't watching, were you?" (L/N)-kun asked, his body slightly leaning on the table, allowing Kageyama to see a portion of his collar bones with his uniform's upper buttons unbuttoned. He swallowed what was stuck on his throat.
"The what?"
"The film. You weren't watching the film?"
"I wasn't."
(L/N)-kun sported a soft smile, a smile that got Kageyama choking on his own breath once again, making him softly gasp in awe.
"I wasn't, too," (L/N)-kun confessed.
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Why don't I know why? It always comes to me. Though sometimes I am not enough.
Kageyama needed no one.
Kageyama did not need his superiors' words, he did not need Hinata's comforting words. He did not need the managers', the coach's comfort.
He needed no one. He's always been alone and he's fine alone.
He stopped on his tracks as he sees (L/N) on the doorstep of his classroom. Both of them froze as they are held captive with one another's eyes.
Kageyama frowned, feeling his stomach upset again. The odd feeling climbing its way towards his throat. His lips aggressively shaking as he tried to restrain himself from screaming 'help me' at (L/N)-kun.
He needed no one so why is he desperately seeking for (L/N)-kun's words?
"Kageyama-kun? Are you alright?" His flat voice asked in a tone slightly higher than the usual. Was this his attempt on being empathic? Was he reaching out?
Kageyama gulped everything at once. His eyes fluttering as he nodded curtly, "I am."
Though it felt like it wasn't enough.
I will continue to find love. The meaning of love.
Upset. Kageyama's upset.
A failure. He is a failure. A failure for not being enough. If he were more competent, more skilfull, more talented, he would've won. He would've defeated his former senior's team.
And yet he wasn't and this frustrates him. Days have passed and yet his frustration still lingers inside him, casually clenching his fist and chewing his lips until they turned white and his lips bled. A harsh punishment his judgment has given him-
A striking pain touched his forearm. Cold. He trails his eyes towards his arm only to see a cold drink resting on top of it. His eyes followed where the drink came from and it led him to the sight of (L/N)-kun, looking down at him.
He wanted to ask why and what it was for but (L/N)-kun pressed the drink harder onto his skin, urging him to take it in which he did.
(L/N)-kun walked beside him and sat on the cold floor as well. Both of them leaned on the school's walls as the sound of the vending machine vibrated at the side.
Kageyama pierced the straw towards his drink. He takes a sip and is temporarily relieved with the taste of yogurt on his tongue. He glances at (L/N)-kun who only stared at the empty hallway.
"Where's Hinata?" (L/N)-kun asked as your familiar companion is nowhere to be found.
And will be alone forever.
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Who is worthy of my love? Who should I set as my priority?
Kageyama tightened his grip on his shoe bag as he strode his way towards the doorway. The halls are empty given that it's already four in the afternoon. The sky painted orange as it is adorned with fleeting birds and gentle clouds.
Kageyama froze as he saw a familiar figure not too far away from him. A little glance and he immediately knew who it was who's shamelessly sitting on the hallway in a very odd position.
"(L/N)-kun," Kageyama muttered as he walked towards him, (L/N)-kun jolting with the mention of his last name. Though this wasn't enough to make him look at his back. Instead, this made him eager to hide his face more, only allowing Kageyama a flash of his shaking back.
"(L/N)-kun, are-"
"Kageyama-kun..." (L/N) looked up, allowing Kageyama a sight of his face which immediately made his color fade away.
"Are you alright?" Kageyama couldn't help but to crouch as he see what seems to be blood dripping from (L/N)'s nose.
(L/N) chuckled, slightly shoving Kageyama's tough arms, "Yes."
"You're off to practice?" He said in a dismissive tone, the back of his palms covering his nose. A futile attempt as Kageyama’s stares are entirely locked at the red liquid now lingering at his upper lip.
“Yes. Are you-”
“You should go now, it’s almost four-thirty,” (L/N)-kun cut him off, a subtle hint that he didn’t want Kageyama to pry. A hint that Kageyama was not able to take.
(L/N) looks up. His eyes weaker than they usually appear on Kageyama’s eyes. A ghost of smile on his lips as he shook his head slightly.
“Just go.” (L/N)-kun said softly.
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I will continue to find
A ghost of smile lingered on Kageyama’s lips as his ears are drowned by Hinata and some of his seniors’ overflowing joy as they took off from the team’s rented bus, each of them proudly wearing their raven black jacket, a mark that indicates they are a member of the volleyball team.
Flood of praises welcomed Kageyama the moment he stepped in on his classroom. His classmates proud and overjoyed as Kageyama, an official member of the volleyball club, recently won a match against another team, their ticket towards the nationals.
The meaning of love
Kageyama’s eyes wandered at the sea of crowd and it landed to where (L/N)-kun stood. (L/N) once again plastered a melancholic look. His eyes drowsy-looking as a small smile crept onto his lips.
“Your team won, right?” he mumbled as he walked his way towards the crowd, blending with his classmates. If it weren’t for Kageyama’s eyes that were stuck on him, he wouldn’t be able to notice him. But he did.
“Yes,” Kageyama said, eyes strained along with his brows. His lips in a line as he was trying to stop from smirking.
(L/N)-kun nodded, “Congratulations.”
And will be alone forever.
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makeuptips10-blog · 6 years
History’s Most Fashionable Ghosts, and Fall Pieces They Would’ve Appreciated
New Post has been published on https://www.claritymakeupartistry.com/historys-most-fashionable-ghosts-and-fall-pieces-they-wouldve-appreciated/
History’s Most Fashionable Ghosts, and Fall Pieces They Would’ve Appreciated
There’s a reason we tell ghost stories. Not to put too fine a point on it, but they’re kind of iconic. Stories about ghosts have a tendency to stick around. We remember floating figures, ghastly moans, rattling chains—and our minds cling to visuals, like trailing dresses, oblique veils, period clothing showing up in places where it doesn’t belong.
In other words, ghosts really are that bitch. They pervade our collective consciousness—and manage to make outfits work centuries after they’ve passed from the public eye. Fashions might fade, but style—specifically, haunted style—really is eternal.
Since ghosts are basically offering us undying lessons in how to craft outfits so timeless they’ll survive long after you do, we’ve decided to do a deep dive into the ghost archives and dig up some of the most prolific style stars from centuries past.
And we’ve done you one better: We’ve hand-picked a handful of fall fashion items we think each ghost would’ve appreciated, given their carefully stylized aesthetic. We’ve got headless horsewomen in goth equestrian ensembles, silent film stars in haunted silver rings and flapper ghosts who pretty much exclusively wear green. 
Why consult the now for style cues, when you could, instead, derive outfit inspiration from across the veil?
Without further ado, let’s peruse some posh poltergeists and study some slick spectral chic. Ahead, 11 of history’s most fashionable ghosts—plus contemporary fall pieces we think they would’ve appreciated.
Olive Thomas
Olive Thomas was pretty much bred-in-the-bone entertainment royalty. Aside from being a showgirl in the famous Ziegfield Follies and being married to star Jack Pickford (Mary Pickford’s brother), she was literally the original flapper.
Olive’s glamorous life was cut short when at 25 she overdosed on some of Jack’s syphilis medication. It’s unknown whether the overdose was intentional or the result of a mix-up, but either way, Olive’s ghost has stuck around—the New Amsterdam theater has learned to expect appearances by the star who once graced the stage.
Olive’s said to appear in a green beaded flapper dress and to actually perform on the stage. She’ll even interact with audience members, but only the men. (I guess girls are too much drama.)
Even in death she’s been something of a diva; pictures of Olive have been placed at each entrance of the theater so that employees can greet her on arrival and bid her goodnight to cut down on the chances of angry manifestations.
Photo: Public domain.
Olive Thomas
Thankfully for Olive, some of fall’s favorite pieces are turquoise, embellished or flapper-y as hell.
Fringe soft jacquard midi dress, $83 at ASOS
Photo: ASOS.
Olive Thomas
Thankfully for Olive, some of fall’s favorite pieces are turquoise, embellished or flapper-y as hell.
Green Sogno beaded necklace, $444 at Farfetch
Photo: Farfetch.
Olive Thomas
Thankfully for Olive, some of fall’s favorite pieces are turquoise, embellished or flapper-y as hell.
Aurelie Bidermann turquoise drop earrings, $749 at Farfetch
Photo: Farfetch.
Olive Thomas
Thankfully for Olive, some of fall’s favorite pieces are turquoise, embellished or flapper-y as hell.
Sequin headband, $26 at Zara
Photo: Zara.
Pearlin Jean
Pearlin Jean fell in love with a Scottish Lord named Robert Stuart while he was studying in Paris. When Stuart tried to ghost (had to) her and sneak back to Scotland without her, Jean chased his carriage and climbed onto the front, declaring, “If you marry any woman but me, I will come between you to the end of your days!” Stuart told his driver to drive on, and Jean ended up being run over by the carriage.
Stuart didn’t lose her for long; when he made it home, Jean’s ghost—and her disembodied head—was sitting on on the arched gateway of his home, waiting for him. Absolutely devoted to the grudge, Jean continues to haunt the Allanbank estate to this day.
Servants at Allanbank recognize Jean’s presence when they hear the rustling of the pearlin (thread silk) she always wore—or the clicking of her high heels.
But the haunting doesn’t stop there. When Stuart eventually married and placed a portrait of his wife in the hall, Jean’s ghost absolutely wrecked everything until Stuart had a portrait of Jean hung on the wall between the ones of him and his wife. (Or so the story goes, at least.)
Photo: Public domain.
Pearlin Jean
Pearlin Jean’s namesake—pearlin—is near-omnipresent at your favorite retailers this fall. Although these days, we’d just call it lace.
Romance in the Dark lace choker, $8 at Nasty Gal
Photo: Nasty Gal.
Pearlin Jean
Pearlin Jean’s namesake—pearlin—is near-omnipresent at your favorite retailers this fall. Although these days, we’d just call it lace.
In Safe Hands lace gloves, $4 at Nasty Gal
Photo: Nasty Gal.
Pearlin Jean
Pearlin Jean’s namesake—pearlin—is near-omnipresent at your favorite retailers this fall. Although these days, we’d just call it lace.
Arvada dress, $695 at Anthropologie
Photo: Anthropologie.
The White Pilgrim of Sussex County
In the late 18th century, Ohio native Joseph Thomas set out to become a traveling preacher. And to really drive the point home, he would travel wearing all white everything, including immaculate white boots. He even rode a completely white horse with a white saddle.
When Thomas took died of smallpox in 1835 in New Jersey, some members of the clergy who maybe thought Thomas was being a little extra with his all-white declined to bury his “contaminated corpse” in the Christian Cemetery and instead dumped it in the much less swanky Dark of the Moon Cemetery nearby.
Ever since, the White Pilgrim has been seen riding around on his ghostly white horse, letting everyone know how upset he is about being excluded from the proper Christian burial ground.
Photo: Public domain.
The White Pilgrim of Sussex County
Take a page out of the White Pilgrim of Sussex County’s book and remember: White after Labor Day is totally a thing.
Bluebell dungaree, $235 at Ganni
Photo: Ganni.
The White Pilgrim of Sussex County
Take a page out of the White Pilgrim of Sussex County’s book and remember: White after Labor Day is totally a thing.
Herringbone frock coat, $100 at Zara
Photo: Zara.
The White Pilgrim of Sussex County
Take a page out of the White Pilgrim of Sussex County’s book and remember: White after Labor Day is totally a thing.
HEX studded boots, $150 at Topshop
Photo: Topshop.
The White Pilgrim of Sussex County
Take a page out of the White Pilgrim of Sussex County’s book and remember: White after Labor Day is totally a thing.
Ridgewood wide pants, $235 at Ganni
Photo: Ganni.
Rudolph Valentino
When the explosively popular silent film star known for creating the “Latin Lover” archetype passed away at the age of 31 from peritonitis, nearly 100,000 people showed up in New York to mourn him.
Ubiquitous as a film legend, Rudolph Valentino is also ridiculously present as a ghost. He might even hold the record for number of different residences he’s known to haunt; people have reported sighting him in at least 13 separate locations, including the Santa Maria Inn (where he used to spend time) and the Hollywood Forever Cemetery (where he’s buried).
Some believe Valentino’s misfortune was caused by a silver ring he bought just before his career began to ebb. After his death, it passed to his girlfriend Pola Negri, who quickly fell ill and all but lost her acting career. Pola gave it to singer Russ Colombo, who died in a shooting accident soon after.
Fun fact: Valentino’s dog Kabar is also a ghost and has often been sighted at the L.A. Pet Cemetery where he’s buried.
Photo: Public domain.
Rudolph Valentino
Androgynous chic fall fashion inspired by the one and only Rudolph Valentino. (And yes, we included a silver ring.)
Tibi belted faux-fur coat $869 at Matches Fashion
Photo: Matches Fashion.
Rudolph Valentino
Androgynous chic fall fashion inspired by the one and only Rudolph Valentino. (And yes, we included a silver ring.)
Riva ring, $120 at Still House
Photo: Still House.
Rudolph Valentino
Androgynous chic fall fashion inspired by the one and only Rudolph Valentino. (And yes, we included a silver ring.)
Eros Mesh rose and blue pearl wristwatch, $139 at Vincero
Photo: Vincero.
Rudolph Valentino
Androgynous chic fall fashion inspired by the one and only Rudolph Valentino. (And yes, we included a silver ring.)
Kore Ramage jacquard cape, $2,120 at Matches Fashion
Photo: Matches Fashion.
The Headless Horsewoman of Fort Hunter Liggett
For about four decades, soldiers at California’s Fort Hunter Liggett have been pretty consistently bothered by the presence of a ghost. Specifically, soldiers have reported seeing a woman with flowing clothes and a cape riding around the base on a white horse.
How are they sure she’s a ghost? She doesn’t have a head.
The ‘headless horsewoman’ is known for never heeding any soldier’s orders to stop, vanishing into thin air and knocking on soldiers’ doors just to spook them. Nobody is sure who she is or what she wants, but one thing is certain: She sure loves a bit.
Photo: Public domain.
The Headless Horsewoman of Fort Hunter Liggett
Because nothing says October like a haunted AF equestrian ensemble.
Tie-front golden-embroidered velvet cape, $3,390 at Bergdorf Goodman
Photo: Bergdorf Goodman.
The Headless Horsewoman of Fort Hunter Liggett
Because nothing says October like a haunted AF equestrian ensemble.
Manokhi bustier cropped top, $244 at Farfetch
Photo: Farfetch.
The Headless Horsewoman of Fort Hunter Liggett
Because nothing says October like a haunted AF equestrian ensemble.
Evie faux leather trouser pant, $69 at Urban Outfitters
Photo: Urban Outfitters.
The Headless Horsewoman of Fort Hunter Liggett
Because nothing says October like a haunted AF equestrian ensemble.
Understated biker boot, $290 at Free People
Photo: Free People.
The Greenbrier Ghost
When Edward Shue told everyone that his wife Zona Heaster Shue had died from falling down the stairs, everyone believed him.
Even when he insisted on washing the body himself, dressing it in a high-necked dress with a veil, and freaking out every time the town doctor tried to examine Zona’s neck. Even when he spent the entire funeral service pacing and muttering and making adjustments to the body, even at one point wrapping an additional scarf around her neck.
Everyone just kind of went with it because he was a “well-liked member of the community.” That is, until Zona herself appeared to her mother, Mary Jane, telling her that Edward had broken her neck. The apparition spun her head around 180 degrees for effect. (Talk about a power move.)
The next day, Mary Jane went to the authorities who pretty much immediately figured out that Edward had murdered his wife. Today, Zona is credited as “the only known case in which testimony from ghost helped convict a murderer.”
Photo: Mystery U.
The Greenbrier Ghost
Naturally, we’ve pulled some of fall’s finest scarves and neckpieces to pay homage to dear Zona.
Yves Salomon furry collar, $208 at Farfetch
Photo: Farfetch
The Greenbrier Ghost
Naturally, we’ve pulled some of fall’s finest scarves and neckpieces to pay homage to dear Zona.
Read This chain choker, $3 at Nasty Gal
Photo: Nasty Gal.
The Greenbrier Ghost
Naturally, we’ve pulled some of fall’s finest scarves and neckpieces to pay homage to dear Zona.
Chain printed scarf, $30 at Zara
Photo: Zara.
Flora Sommerton
In 1876, an 18-year-old Flora Sommerton went to a formal dance in near her San Francisco home just to have her parents announce to everyone that they were marrying her off to an old man.
Flora, ball gown and all, immediately fled the building. Her parents offered a $250,000 reward for her safe return but never heard from anyone—save a few bold con artists.
As many as 50 years later Flora’s body was found in Butte, Montana, where she’d been working as a housekeeper under the name Mrs. Butler. Her room at the time was covered in news clippings about her own mysterious disappearance, and at the time of her death, she was wearing the same huge, white dress covered in crystal beads that she’d been wearing the night she ran away.
Ever since Flora’s body was brought back to San Francisco, people have seen a ghost in a white dress walking down the street she used to live on.
Photo: Public domain.
Flora Sommerton
For Flora, we’ve selected some of fall’s finest embellished pieces. No ball gowns here, but we’ve managed to run the gamut of glam.
Embellished-collar long-sleeve button-front cotton poplin shirt, $1,560 at Bergdorf Goodman
Photo: Bergdorf Goodman.
Flora Sommerton
For Flora, we’ve selected some of fall’s finest embellished pieces. No ball gowns here, but we’ve managed to run the gamut of glam.
Tall fringe & pearl embellished jumpsuit with wide leg, $285 at ASOS
Photo: ASOS.
Flora Sommerton
For Flora, we’ve selected some of fall’s finest embellished pieces. No ball gowns here, but we’ve managed to run the gamut of glam.
Embellished cold shoulder cape, $16 at ASOS
Photo: ASOS.
Red Lady of Huntingdon
When Martha’s father died and left her his fortune, she decided to fulfill his wish to have her leave New York and attend her mother’s alma mater, the Women’s College of Alabama—even though she had no desire to go there.
Martha was immensely unpopular and withdrawn. She had a hard time keeping a roommate, and having an obsession with the color red, soon decorated her entire room with red walls, bedding and even red trinkets on red shelves. She also exclusively wore red (obviously).
Apparently, she got into the habit of walking the halls once everyone went to bed; the other girls in the dorm were used to hearing Martha’s footsteps pausing at each door in the hall in the middle of the night.
Martha was eventually found dead in her room, and she’s now known to return to her dorm at the Women’s College of Alabama (now Huntingdon College) each year on the anniversary of her death, wandering the halls as a red glow.
Photo: George Eastman Museum.
Red Lady of Huntingdon
Red on red on red. (On red.)
Cowl About mini dress, $50 at Nasty Gal
Photo: Nasty Gal.
Red Lady of Huntingdon
Red on red on red. (On red.)
Marlene heeled leather boots, $150 at Topshop
Photo: Topshop
Red Lady of Huntingdon
Red on red on red. (On red.)
Soft faux fur coat, $100 at Zara
Photo: Zara.
Red Lady of Huntingdon
Red on red on red. (On red.)
Red Valentino lace panel mini dress, $995 at Farfetch
Photo: Farfetch.
“Unsinkable” Molly Brown
That’s right, the bitch so bad the Titanic couldn’t kill her is reportedly still cheating death and kicking it at her home in Denver.
Employees at the Molly Brown House, which is now a museum, have reported seeing a figure in a Victorian dress wandering around the property. Some good news is that guests have also smelled pipe smoke, indicating that “Unsinkable” Molly’s husband, J.J., is in the house as well.
Truly a happy (if ghastly) ending for the woman who allegedly threatened to throw crewmen off a lifeboat in order to get them to go back and save more people from the Titanic.
Photo: Public domain.
“Unsinkable” Molly Brown
An Edwarian Era-ensemble for all your Titanic-inspired fashion needs.
CO Ruffled crepe midi dress, $925 at Net-A-Porter
Photo: Net-a-Porter.
“Unsinkable” Molly Brown
An Edwarian Era-ensemble for all your Titanic-inspired fashion needs.
Giuseppe Zanotti Feather High Red Sole Sandals, $995 at Bergdorf Goodman
Photo: Bergdorf Goodman.
“Unsinkable” Molly Brown
An Edwarian Era-ensemble for all your Titanic-inspired fashion needs.
Gucci GG-embellished felt hat, $690 at Matches Fashion
Photo: Matches Fashion.
“Unsinkable” Molly Brown
An Edwarian Era-ensemble for all your Titanic-inspired fashion needs.
Agnella Clara tasselled leather gloves $216 at Matches Fashion
Photo: Matches Fashion.
Lady Dorothy Townshend/The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall
In 1936, photographers from the British magazine Country Life published what they believed to be a photograph of a genuine ghost taken at the historic Raynham hall.
Historians believe it’s Lady Dorothy Townshend, who lived in Raynham before her husband permanently locked her in her room for seeing another man.
She now spends her time wandering the halls of her former home and, I guess, posing for photo opps.
Photo: Public domain.
Lady Dorothy Townshend/The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall
Though Lady Dorothy Townshend existed in the 17th century, many of the pieces she wore in a surviving portrait are translatable to 2018. Behold, our attempt to recreate her iconic look.
Guccilux logo-jacquard Lurex turban headband, $486 at Matches Fashion
Photo: Matches Fashion.
Lady Dorothy Townshend/The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall
Though Lady Dorothy Townshend existed in the 17th century, many of the pieces she wore in a surviving portrait are translatable to 2018. Behold, our attempt to recreate her iconic look.
MSGM denim trench coat, $575 at Shopbop
Photo: Shopbop.
Lady Dorothy Townshend/The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall
Though Lady Dorothy Townshend existed in the 17th century, many of the pieces she wore in a surviving portrait are translatable to 2018. Behold, our attempt to recreate her iconic look.
Paula Knorr relief waterfall-ruffled silk-blend velvet dress, $365 at Matches Fashion
Photo: Matches Fashion.
Lady Dorothy Townshend/The Brown Lady of Raynham Hal
Though Lady Dorothy Townshend existed in the 17th century, many of the pieces she wore in a surviving portrait are translatable to 2018. Behold, our attempt to recreate her iconic look.
Maryam Nassir Zadeh hall button-front skirt, $389 at Farfetch
Photo: Farfetch.
Marilyn Monroe
Look, we all know Marilyn Monroe is a style icon. But did you know that she continues to be one from beyond the grave?
Marilyn stayed at the Hollywood Roosevelt so often that she bought a huge mirror to install in her favorite room, suite 1200.
After her death, it was hung up in the lobby and guests can reportedly still see her checking her makeup in it from time to time.
Photo: Public domain.
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn’s style was so iconic many designers continue to create pieces inspired by her very existence.
Henrik Vibskov button down tie dress, $272 at Farfetch
Photo: Farfetch.
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn’s style was so iconic many designers continue to create pieces inspired by her very existence.
Forever Marilyn 85 suede pumps $653 at Matches Fashion
Photo: Matches Fashion.
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn’s style was so iconic many designers continue to create pieces inspired by her very existence.
Chimala faux-fur teddy coat, $928 at Matches Fashion
Photo: Matches Fashion.
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn’s style was so iconic many designers continue to create pieces inspired by her very existence.
Gucci Forcats printed foulard silk scarf $495 at Neiman Marcus
Photo: Neiman Marcus.
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A Street Style Guide to Wearing Fall’s Favorite Color
Source: http://stylecaster.com/haunted-fashion/
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cassie-archive-blog · 8 years
TAGGING ➝ Cassidy Holliday, Cassius Holliday.
LOCATION ➝ Their hotel room.
TIME FRAME ➝ 1/27 (2025), late night.
WARNINGS ➝ Very brief violence mention.
NOTES ➝ Cassius picks Cassidy up from the club, breaks some guy’s jaw, then they fix their issues.
Cassie should've probably thought to bring a jacket with her, given the fact that she wasn't a teenager anymore, and didn't need to show skin to have people notice her. She didn't even want anyone to notice her, in fact. She just wanted to get away from the hotel to save herself the disappointment of not having Cassius walk through the door, and couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Like he'd said, she needed to start realizing that people had time for her, but that was a flaw she would probably never quite get over. The moment she'd started texting her husband, Cassie had stepped away from the stage, the crowd, and everything that reminded her where she was. She'd just sat outside of the door, kind of freezing her ass off in the tiny black crop top she was wearing and skintight pants to match. She was sure Cassius wouldn't love her outfit, but it was probably the least of their worries. All she wanted was for them to fix everything now, and of course for her head to stop spinning.
Aiden had a lot running through his mind and it was beginning to get overwhelming, yet when Cassie asked him to pick her up he couldn't refuse. Yes, he was still pissed, but that didn't mean he could justeave his wife outside of a club for God knows how long. So, he told her he'd be there and he was. Granted, Cassie didn't need to know about what he was going to do when he got there. There was already a man on his mind when he thought back to Cassius video, one who was being extremely handsy with her. So, when Cassius arrived, he spotted his wife before parking and getting out of the dark. "Get inside, cass" He said, once he was close enough to be in ear shot of her, he was letting his anger fuel him as he swiftly made his way inside and zoned in on his target. This felt like a blast from the past, from when he saw Cassie again for the first time after all those years. When he spotted the man, he realized that there was more than one thing he'd be reliving. Cassius didn't hesitate before walking over and rearing his hand back before sling shooting it forward and colliding with the other man's jaw. "That's for touching my fucking wife" He spat, but of course the guards had something else to say on his rage outburst
Cassie wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to fight off the cool breeze, and as she saw her husband pull up, she did everything she could not to sway on the spot too much. Thanks to having turned off autocorrect, he knew she was hammered already, but she didn't need him to physically see how bad she was. It went to no avail, though, especially not when he breezed right past her. "What?" she questioned, thinking back to his last text message. All she'd really noticed was that he hadn't told her he loved her back, and the rest of it had gone right over her head. He'd told her he wanted to go in there, though, so she whirled around in time to watch him make a beeline for the guys by the stage. She should've guessed really, and bit back a sigh as she watched his fist meet the stripper's face. Cassie knew there was no point in even trying to intervene, so she just stood and waited, giving the security guys a sympathetic look as they marched over to him.
Aiden had to have known what was coming next but in truth he jdidnt give a flying fuck. It felt good to hit that guy and he got another blow in to, before he felt a grip on his shoulder and looked back to see very two familiar faces. Jesus Christ, these guys were still here? Cassius thought for a distracted moment before he felt himself being shoved by a very angry stripper. He was ready to brawl again when the body guards stepped in and literally began carrying him put, he probably would have fought back had his wife's eyes not been on him. Aiden felt himself being tossed outside in a very familiar fashion as he heard theme life. "I can't believe she actually married that idiot" One bellowed out and the other laughed along. "I don't know why you're laughing, you totally owe me 50 bucks" The rest of the conversation was blurred as he stood himself up and wiped himself pff. At least he got some of his aggression out on that guys face so, there was that to be thankful for. Though, he was sure he had fucked something up in process and it wasn't far from over, him and Cassie had things to do cuss back at the hotel room and he wasn't exactly looking forward to it
Cassie knew that being at the strip club probably made this whole night worse. If she'd been at any other club, it would've been bad enough, but at least there wouldn't have been strippers there. At least Cassie wouldn't have been up on stage and received the kind of attention that she had. One good thing about it, however, was that because a lot of the staff members knew her, security included, at least it would mean Cassius wouldn't be in too much trouble for flipping out like he had. It still wasn't fun to see her husband thrown out onto the sidewalk like that, and Cassie made sure to glare real hard at the guards as they walked away. Their conversation was fucked up, but Cassie knew she and Cassius had much bigger things to worry about, so she just walked unsteadily over to him, pulling him up from the ground. "Are you okay?" she asked, a semi-annoyed look on her face as she helped him to the car, her arm wrapped securely around his waist. Him being there helped to steady her, too. It was safe to say that getting them both into the car really wasn't a fun task, though it still beat the silent ride back to their hotel, with Cassie leaning against the cool window with her eyes closed, trying not to throw up. Soon enough, though, they were where they needed to be, and Cassie had no idea what to say. She just sat on the edge of their hotel bed, looking away from her husband and hoping he'd start.
Aiden hadn't been aware of much of anything else after they had gotten themselves to the car and had driven all the way back to the hotel. Bow he found himself getting her some water and handing it to her as she sat on the edge of the hotel bed. There was a lot to say and quite frankly he didn't even know where to start, but hell, he had to say something. "I don't take it you saw how wrecked I left that guy, huh?" He smirked at the memory himself, knowing that it wasn't the best line of topic but whatever. "Talk to me. Cass. What's going on in that head of yours because I'm completely out of the fucking loop. I feel like I don't even know what you want anymore" Cassius sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He hears her when Cassie says she didn't mean it and that she's slrry, but apart of him wonders if she really did mean what he said and just used her sisters words to give her that push
Cassie frowned up at her husband, finally meeting his gaze as she took the water from him. “Yeah, I saw. You’re going to get your ass arrested one of these days,” she said, her words slightly slurred, though she was able to control them for the most part. Hopefully, the water would help to sober her up at least a little bit. Taking a long sip from the bottle as he spoke, she listened, trying to think of how to word what she wanted to say. Like she’d said before, it was difficult for her to really talk about things. Not just with Cassius, but with everyone. She was trying, though, and she knew she needed to try harder. “I told you what’s going on with me,” she finally said, glancing down at the water bottle as she balanced it on her thigh. “There are a lot of things going on with me, and I told you all of them. But I guess on top of that, it kind of just comes down to the fact that I miss you.” She took a breath, unable to not roll her eyes at herself. “I know it sounds so pathetic, but I just miss you when you’re not here. I should never have said what I said, I just got in my head about everything.” She finally looked up at him. “I know there’s no one else. I know that you love me. I also know that I definitely don’t want a divorce. I just miss you, that’s all.”
Aiden sighed and took in all of her words and he swears he believes her but he can't get the word divorce out of his head, the way she said it making it sound so finally. Like him running away all those u ears ago is coming to bite him in the ass all in one go and he's mad about it. God is he possed, but he can't be because Cassie hasn't had it easy either and he knows that. What kind of man does that make him to not understand that his wife has faced struggles that not many people had and coming back to a place that just reminds you of the darkest times on your life. But she still said it, she still went to the strip club and got drunk and maybe punching that guy helped but then why does he feel like he's still losing an ongoing battle? When Cassie says she misses him he sighs and drops to his knees in front of her. "Cassie, I'm right fucking here. I will always be right here. Even when it feels like I'm not. I know you're going through a lot and I understand thay, I swear I do. But you fucking threatened to leave me without warning and I know ow I did the same stupid shit to you years ago but we were kods. We had no idea where we were going, what we were doing. We'really adults now and I took that shit fucking seriously" He sighs, taking her hands in his own. "You can't throw around the word divorce because enough miss me. Talk to me. Tell me what you fucking need because I sure as shit can't read your mind. You wanna quit your job and come touring with me? That's fantastic, we'Lloyd leave tomorrow. But don't let other people change your view on things just because things seem like they're changing"
Cassie knew that she’d fucked up, and she knew she’d upset him, but she didn’t realize how badly. She figured he’d just been really pissed that first night when this had all happened and he’d left, just like she was when she’d called him and flipped out for no reason. She didn’t realize how much she’d hurt him, and all she could do was stare as he dropped to his knees in front of her. “I would never leave you, Cassius,” she said softly, her voice a little raspy given all of the yelling over the music in the club. She shook her head, keeping eye contact with him. “I know it was a long time ago when you left, but every time you leave for work now and I know that I’m not going to see you for a little while, it kind of just brings that all back.” Cassie allowed her husband to take her hands, holding onto his gently. If he wanted to know what she needed, she figured she could tell him. It made sense to get everything out there right now to save them revisiting it, anyway. “I need more time with you. I know that you’re doing what you love, and I want to be able to see it. I need to quit my job because it’s really fucking with my health.” She chewed on the inside of her cheek, feeling way too vulnerable already, given how difficult she found it to talk about things like this, but she could do it. “I need you. And I’m so sorry for throwing around that word like it’s nothing. You’re right, I would’ve fucking murdered you if you’d done that to me. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I do know I didn’t mean it. Just tell me how I can show you that and I will.”
Aiden didn't want to be so angry and in truth, he was a lot less upset than with this fight first started. It was the about the blame and how many times they could throw it around, it was about the fact that Cassie threw around a word like it was nothing and maybe Cassius was missing a lot of signs he should have been zoning in on. Maybe Cassie wasn't always excited for him when he went off on tour and he could understand that, he hates it for her. But until recently, Aiden thought she enjoyed her job, now come to find out it was actually one of the core routes to what was going on with her. "I'm going to need you to listen to me very carefully. I didn't put a ring on that finger for shits and giggles you're fucking Cassidy Holliday and that's how it's going to be.I'm not leaving. Not again. Not like before" He sighed, nodding his head to her request because he knew they were simple. "Just come with me. We'Lloyd travel the world together, go on tours. Whatever you need from me, cass. Whatever you need and it's yours." Cassius looked at her and tolled his eyes. "Of I even thought about the word divorce youD hear it and kick my ass so yeah, I'm a little smarter than that" Aiden said with a. Chuckle and then sighed again. Moving to sit beside her. "I don't know, cass. I just--I didn't like it. I don't like that that's where your mind went when you're upset with me and I know you said you didn't mean it, I get that..I just. You're not the only one who freaks out at the thought of someone leaving"
Cassie and Cassius had always been way more similar than either of them would probably care to admit. They’d both suffered shitty pasts, they’d both fallen in love with their best friend despite how terrifying it was to open themselves up to each other like that, and they both had to deal with all of the time they spent apart now. It was hard for both of them, and maybe now was the first time Cassie was realizing that. This didn’t just suck for her, it sucked for him, too. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to be smiling yet or not, because she knew she’d hurt him, and she knew he was angry, but she couldn’t help the faint smile that appeared on her lips as he spoke, reminding her of who she was and how he wasn’t going anywhere. “I’ll come with you,” she nodded, “I would love to get to be there to watch you doing what you love to do. You just might have to hold me back from any fangirls that try to get a little too close to you, that’s all.” She was mostly teasing about that last part. Hearing Cassius chuckle made Cassie feel a little better about the situation, like it was finally beginning to be fixed. She refused to let go of his one hand as he moved to sit beside her, keeping her fingers laced through his, though she dropped the other, simply looking at him as he spoke. The realization that he was scared of her leaving made her feel both terrible and somewhat comforted. Mostly the former, though. Giving him a sympathetic smile, she reached her free hand over to cup his cheek, turning his face towards her own. “I promise, I would never leave you. I have always been here, and I’m always going to be.” Her fingertips gently brushed against his cheek, her eyes scanning his face. “I want to kiss my husband, but you didn’t tell me you loved me back earlier, and I’m not sure I could handle you pulling away from me. So kiss me first.”
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