#he would defeat the house EZ
afklancelot · 1 year
gordon ramsey: excuse me young lady. what’s going on in the house
daisy: there’s a uhh. there’s a minotaur in the allway
gordon: excuse me?
chad: she’s saying there’s a minotaur in the hallway
gordon: fuck me. ok dears thank you for your time. run along now
(chad and daisy leave)
gordon: there’s a minotaur in the fucking hallway. wow. alright. fucking hell
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biztellersng · 2 years
By Edozie Obasi-Eze As the battle for who occupies the Alausa House of the Lagos State Government, as governor come May 2023 hots up, the verbal fireworks is gathering momentum. The latest salvo came from the camp of the incumbent governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, which has seen his Chief Press Secretary, Gboyega Akosile, describe the main rival to his boss and gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Olajide Adediran, aka Jandor, as an “apprentice candidate and politician”. Read also>>>2023: Olisa Metuh resigns from PDP Akosile also averred that Jandor throwing his hat into the ring to square up with his boss amounted to an “insult” to the Lagos electorate. The CPS made the assertion in reaction to statements credited to Adediran that he would defeat the incumbent governor and his “godfathers” at next year’s election. Recall that Adediran, in October 2022, during a live-appearance at Arise TV’s The Morning Show, boasted that he would defeat Sanwo-Olu and his ‘godfathers’ during next year’s election. It was widely believed that Jandor made the statement in reaction to the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike’s endorsement of Sanwo-Olu’s second term bid. Wike remains a chieftain of the PDP.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Let’s Pretend
prompt (from kofi donation): Maybe you can write a few sentence about Ezzie dressing up as a baby bat 🦇 for Halloween and no one of his siblings thinks he’s scary so Daddy has to pretend he is!
Thanks bear anon! Hope you enjoy 💕
Ezra was freshly four and determined to be as scary as possible for Halloween this year because he was just so exited to learn about that emotion.
Patricia, his therapist, had been working on different emotions with him - normally spending two to three sessions on each one.
Last session was learning about being scared or fearful.
Harry had just gotten in from San Diego but wasn’t going to miss his son’s weekly appointment for the world - they scheduled them around his away games so he’d always be there.
He was dead tired, yes.
It didn’t matter though because making Ezra feel better and less anxious was more important than anything else.
Harry and YN were sat on the floor with Ezra as Patricia sat in her chair, the young boy was nestled into his fathers lap, staring wide eyed at the picture cards in front of him.
“Okay, Ezra. Can you tell me something that you think is scary?” Patricia probes, reviewing their past hour of hard work.
He shrinks back into his father with a whine, unsure and nervous but YN is reaching over and murmuring softly, “C’mon, Ez. Doing so good, almost done.”
“Mama and daddy are s’proud, answer Miss. Patricia now, honey,” Harry adds supportively, rubbing his back.
“I..I ge-get scared when daddy goes away,” Ezra whimpers shakily, “S’scary.”
YN watches the way her husband’s shoulders deflate, a bit of sadness and blame as he swallows hard, continuously rubbing his back.
“Oh? Why is that scary?” The therapist tone is friendly and inquisitive enough that Ezra doesn’t feel like she’s ordering him to answer.
“S’scary ‘cause I miss him and ge-get scared he wo-won’t come home,” Ezra sniffles, turning his face into Harry’s shirt to hide.
YN’s heart breaks a little bit when she sees Harry’s reaction to the words his son spoke. He looks at the ground for a moment, biting his lip as he gathers himself.
He has always felt guilt about being away so much during season.
“Bubby, I always come home. Yes?” Harry reminds him, hugging him a bit closer, “Daddy will always always come home to you, y’mama, y’brothers, and Briar.”
“Validate his feelings, Harry,” Patricia offers kindly, directive but not too demanding - reminding him.
Harry looks up at her, nodding and turning Ezra to look at him so they’re making eye contact, “I understand why that would be scary. It’s okay to feel scared when I’m away but mama will also always keep you safe.”
Patricia gives him a nod that he did a good job and YN reaches over to rub his shoulder, adding, “Ezzie if you’re ever scared when daddy is away - y’can always ask mama to call him, okay?”
So yes scary.
He had picked up from his older brothers that sometimes scary was fun, that he could be scary to get a reaction.
Ezra had decided that he was going to be a bat for Halloween, a little black costume with the detailed of the animal’s skeleton ***.
He deemed it very scary so he thought it would be perfect for scaring his older brothers who always tried to do it to him.
It was a few hours before trick or treating, all the kids were excited but Ezra insisted on getting into his costume early.
Ezra decides on Easton, eight, first, who is sitting on the floor in his bedroom - attempting to create a massive house from legos.
“Boo!” The youngest boy squeaks, jumping in front of his older brother with the arms spread and as scary of a voice as possible.
Easton just looks up, unfazed and says, “I like your costume. S’cool!”
The little bat huffs, deciding that he might have a better chance with Cash and Briar who were in the playroom.
He jumps out from the doorway again, Cash doesn’t even look up from his puzzle and Briar does look at Ezra but she just giggles and smiles at him.
Ezra is definitely feeling defeated by this point, head hung a little lower because he couldn’t be scary and he wanted to be so bad!
Little did he know that Harry had caught him trying to scare his two siblings and fail from where he was in the kitchen.
Harry makes a grand show of whistle and acting oblivious to the little bat sneaking into the kitchen, despite the fact he isn’t good at hiding yet.
Ezra takes a deep breath before shouting, “Boo!”
In full dramatics, which Harry is very good at, he acts liked he’d just been completely startled - the box of crackers in his hands dropping to the floor as Harry let’s out a faux yelp of surprise.
“Oh my goodness! I thought you were a real bat, Ezra Duke! Y’scares daddy so much!” Harry gasps with wide eyes and a hand in his chest, “Y’so scary, bub!”
And it was totally worth it.
Ezra’s whole face lights up when he realizes he managed to scare his dad which was even better than doing it to his siblings.
The young boy is belly-laughing and near tears with how funny his father’s reaction was, managing to squeak out, “Got you, daddy!”
Harry growls, stalking over and scooping Ezra up to nip at his cheeks, “You got me. Made me drop m’crackers! Y’did sucha good job. Should we go scare mama?”
“Yes!” He automatically agrees, allowing Harry to carry him through the house, upstairs to where YN is sat on their bed - folding a mountain of clothes.
Harry sneaks them around the corner, popping out and let’s Ezra squeal out an excited boo!
YN looks up, already in her motherly instincts despite not being surprised - she could hear her youngest boy giggling wildly in the hallway.
“There’s a bat in the house, Harry! Oh no, there’s a bat!” She points at Ezra with a surprised expression, dropping the article of clothing she was folding.
“S’just Ezzie, mama!” The child laughs, Harry tosses him playfully on the bed and he crawls up to his mother, “S’me, mama!”
“Whoa, bubby. I thought you were really a bat! I was so so scared!” YN replies, bopping him on his little nose with a grin of her own.
And just his parents responding like that, well it makes his whole night and one day, when he grows up - he’ll vaguely remember this memory with great fondness of how wonderful and supportive his parents are.
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garbinge · 2 years
Contaminated (11/?)
Bishop Losa!Dad x OC Lara Barrera Losa Angel Reyes x OC Lara Losa 
A/N: Did I put Guy’s Grocery Games callout in this fic because I’ve been binge watching season by season for the past week? yes. and i’d do it again lol. 
For a refresh, all the chapter links are in the below link!
Chapter Index 
TW: 18+, mentions of sex, murder, death, violence, drugs, and alcohol. 
Word Count: 3.6k 
 Taglist: (Just let me know if you want to be added :) @est1887 @minimel-fics @spnaquakindgdom @nessamc @alienstardust @mrsstevenbuchananstark @hinagiku0 @lyly00 @drabbles-mc @lilac-tea-time (it’s been a while since I’ve posted this, if I’ve forgot to add you to the taglist or you’d like to be tagged just let me know!)
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Lara rolled over and groaned. The sun wasn’t exactly up yet but the orange and yellow tones were starting to peek through the window causing her to stir awake. As her eyes fluttered open, she realized she didn’t recognize where she was. Her heart dropped and she quickly made notice of her surroundings. The minute she saw Angel to her right, she felt a breath of relief escape her mouth before letting reality set in. 
Of course, she ended up at Angel’s house. Her next move was to notice he didn’t have a shirt on and she was miraculously missing her other clothes too. Her eyes shut, the sigh she was letting out was in defeat. There was nothing she could do about any of this now, except settle her mind on the fact that she slept with Angel. Again. 
Luckily, Angel was a deep sleeper. This allowed Lara to grab what she could around her to get dressed and get out without having to deal with, well, Angel and everything this situation entailed. She didn’t pay mind to what she was putting on, she just needed to cover up so she could get to her car and get home.
Lara had successfully maneuvered her way out of the house and into her car but when she was met with a picture of her and her best friend in the sun visor, thats when more of reality hit her. 
“Frankie. Fuck.” She thought to herself as she checked the clock in her car. 7:29AM. 
Her eyes looked down to notice she was wearing Angel’s tank top. A deep sigh escaped from her mouth. If Frankie was home, she would have known immediately what happened. If not for leaving with Angel and coming back home in the morning, but what would seal the deal was the fact Lara was wearing his shirt. She banged her head against the headrest of her car a couple times before she came to a realization. Frankie had stayed at EZ’s, there was a really good chance she wasn’t home yet, and Lara would take those odds. With that, she quickly sped through the early morning light traffic that Santo Padre had to get home. 
Now, Frankie finding out wouldn’t have been the end of the world. It was her best friend, and if anything, she was dating EZ, she’d get it. But that was the thing, Frankie and EZ knew what they were doing, they had mutually agreed to being a couple. All Angel and Lara had mutually agreed on was sex, and even that was strictly consent based, there had been no conversation about labels, fuck buddies, friends with benefits, none of that. If anything, Lara expected things to go back to how they were years ago when they first had sex. Angel ignoring her and Lara making life hell for him. It was the only logical explanation, plus history tended to repeat itself, right? 
There’s a saying that when you leave it to chance, all of the sudden you don’t have any luck left. Well, in this case, that was a lie. Lara pulled up to her house and quietly tip toed her way through. As she trekked down the hallway, she glanced into Frankie’s room since the door was open. Empty. She hadn’t been home. Her head dropped back as she smiled and then made her way to her room. 
After a quick shower and a short lived nap, Lara was being woken up by the ringing of her cellphone on her nightstand. 
She let out a grumble instead of a pleasantry for whoever was on the line. 
“Come to the clubhouse in about an hour. We need to talk.” Bishop’s voice said not even bothering to comment on her grumpiness.
Who needed alarm clocks or roosters when the eerie call of your father who sounded just about ready to kill someone did just the same thing. 
Lara shot up out of bed, “El que?” The shock had been so real that she flipped to Spanish like it had been her first language. 
“10:30. The Club. It’ll just be for a few minutes.” Bishop said still with the same firmness in his tone. He didn’t give her a chance to respond, just hung up leaving Lara in bed, hungover, half asleep, wondering what what going on. 
Her head began to fill with thoughts as she drove down to the clubhouse. Had her Dad solved the issue? Had he dug himself deeper? Had he dug the club deeper? Had he fucked up? Was he sending her away for good? The thoughts weren’t going to stop, she thought by stopping for coffee, it would give her something to enjoy but the caffeine just made her spiral more, until she started to drive down the dirt road towards the club. 
That was the funny thing about getting behind that metal fence, it ironically felt safe. It felt quiet. It felt calm. There was a peace to knowing that all of the people here would have her back, not just because she was the El Presidente’s daughter but because they all did genuinely care about her. 
The yard was packed, there had to be 2 times the amount of bikes there. For the first time, Lara hadn’t recognized half of them, but she did recognize one of them. 
Tio Marcus. Curses flooded her brain as her thoughts went back to being extremely negative. Lara now stood in front of the club, staring at all the bikes. The feeling of safety was still there but it was being pushed to the back burner. Nervousness, anxiety, pressure, and the most prominent, scared. All words she’d use to describe her thoughts right now. She would give anything to go back to last night, where nothing mattered. But instead, she was here, while reality started to hit her like a brick. 
“Lara!” A voice said from behind her causing her to jump and get startled. 
“Sorry,” EZ grinned getting a bit of enjoyment out of startling her. 
“Yea, the sympathy is dripping off you.” Lara rested her hand on her chest to catch her breath. “How’s Frankie doing?” 
EZ’s grinned stayed plastered on his face, “back asleep, I gave her Tylenol, a granola bar, and a gallon of water to keep her hydrated while I’m on prospect duties,” he explained, “planning to bring her lunch later.” 
Lara nodded as he talked. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here so early,” EZ added as they stood in front of the clubhouse. 
“Came to talk to Bish.” She pointed inside. 
With a nod, EZ began walking towards the building, Lara in tow, “They’re in templo.” he informed her. 
Lara froze for a minute. “All of them?” She pointed towards the bikes, “do you know why they’re all here? What’s going on?” Lara was starting to spiral. 
EZ turned to face her and pointed at the prospect patch on his kutte, “Your guess is as good as mine.” And with that he entered the club. 
That was a lie. Lara’s guess was most definitely way better than EZ’s, but she also didn’t want to believe it. With a deep breath, she followed behind EZ and just as she entered the club, templo was over and the large amount of Mayans were exiting the room. None of them looked twice at the girl, or even once for that matter, not even the ones that she had known. It made her think that maybe whatever this was about had nothing to do with her, it was just some larger club business, which Lara would gladly accept. She was turning now towards the templo doors that were still open, sneaking a peak to see that the head patch members were still in there. She managed to get a glimpse of Bishop and Marcus before the doors closed again. 
Lara didn’t have enough time to sigh because in the next second Angel was in front of her. 
Lara was frowning, there was so much going on in her head at this moment, everything with the Calaveras and Bishop and now Angel, who was standing in front of her, neutral faced, talking to her like nothing happened. 
“Sup?” She repeated his question. While she was really questioning it, Angel took it as she was genuinely asking. 
“You left your shirt at my house,” he smirked. 
It was said at a whisper which made Lara smirk but she was still a bit confused. 
“Maybe you can come by later and pick it up,” he shrugged trying to keep a cool composure. 
Lara was honestly shocked, she hadn’t expected Angel to give her the time of day and here he was trying to get her to come over again. It was better than the last time, and honestly, she was on board, so she went with it. 
“I took yours by mistake this morning.” 
“Yea, mistake.” Angel nodded. 
“Hungover, half asleep, you know, wasn't paying much attention.” Lara smirked. 
“Right, totally makes sense.” Angel nodded. 
“I mean, if you want I can stop by tonight, pick mine up, drop yours off.” Lara continued. 
“That works,” Angel faked like he was thinking pretty hard. 
“See you tonight, then.” Lara turned as she saw the templo doors open.
She didn’t have a moment to process what really happened, she was already focused on the main reason she was here. 
Marcus had walked by her, offering nothing but a nod, but Lara could tell there was something off with the way he looked at her, he normally would stop and chat, but this time he was leaving before she could even wave. Her eyes moved towards the next few people that passed by, president patches from the other clubs, offering her no glance or acknowledgement. Finally, Bishop walked out and they made eye contact. 
There was so much tension between them. Lara felt it. Bishop felt it. 
“Come on, let’s go outside.” He said and before Lara could argue he was already halfway out the door. 
They stood against the railing of the porch, watching Marcus get on his bike and leave. Once he was gone, Bishop spoke up. 
“If you get any notes, any calls, any in person run ins, any fuckin’ morse code messages for all I care, you tell me immediately. You don’t wait till you see me, you call me immediately. I don’t care if you think it’s not from them, I want to know. I want you home by 10, everyday, if you’re working, me or one of the guys will follow you home. No more going out to God knows where with God knows who.” Bishop was firm in his words. 
Lara opened her mouth to argue. 
“I’m not done.” Bishop didn’t even look at her. “If there’s so much as a fuckin post it note on your car, I’m putting someone on you 24/7. I’m not going to lose you over this.” His eyes were still staring straight off. 
The urge to argue was gone. Lara knew there was no version of this conversation where she’d end up winning or getting anything that she wanted out of this. So she decided to go the route where she metaphorically punched him in the gut. After a long pause and a deep breath, Lara spoke up. 
“You lost me a long time ago, Bishop.” She began to take a couple steps down the stairs. “Don’t worry, if one of the Calaveras sends pigeon mail to me you’ll be the first to know.” She called out now that she was further away. 
Bishop stood there, ruminating on her first words. You lost me a long time ago. Bishop. Bishop. She used his first name. Which wasn’t uncommon; she had used his name before, especially when talking to other people, but this was different. He heard the sting behind her tone, he felt it. But regardless his number one concern was her safety. And that’s what he was doing. That’s what he was always doing. Whether he was doing it right or not. 
Before Lara knew it, it was night time. She briefly checked in with Frankie earlier in the day and she was spending another night at EZ’s. There were pros and cons to that. For one, it meant that she had no one to talk to about what happened. This wasn’t something she wanted to explain over text, but she also needed to explain the audacity of Bishop, and maybe get a dose of reality from Frankie but either way she just needed that support. On the other side, it meant that EZ and Frankie would be occupied tonight, which made sneaking to Angel’s, well, less sneaky. 
Which is what brought her where she currently was. Sitting in front of Angel’s house. It was a little intimidating if she was being honest with herself. They had a history, and she wasn’t sure if she fully trusted him yet. But there was something there. There always was. It was also different this time around, for a multiple of reasons. She felt more vulnerable, which was likely because of everything happening with The Calaveras and Bishop and yet the butterflies were on level 10. 
Lara knew if she sat there any longer, she’d psych herself out. So she grabbed his shirt which was in the passenger seat and made her way to his front door and knocked. 
Angel opened the door and it was one of the first times she saw him (outside of their intimate interactions), without a kutte on since their first time meeting. She was taken aback a bit which is why she paused after his greeting but quickly recovered. 
“Your shirt.” She lifted up the tank and kept eye contact with him. 
“Right. My shirt.” He smiled and opened the door more and nodded to invite her in. 
She stepped inside, even though she was there in the morning, there wasn’t really much time to look around and take in his place like she could now. It looked like a frat boy’s house. Random flags and signage, old black leather furniture, a mini fridge even though the kitchen was not too far. It was very, Angel which gave her a bit of a giggle. 
“Nice place.” Lara was still looking around. 
Their conversation hadn’t gone past 4 words a piece, yet. 
“Ain’t much, but it’s home.” Angel shrugged, moving to the mini fridge and grabbing beers for the both of them. 
Okay 5 words. They were getting somewhere. 
Angel approached Lara with the beers, startling her a bit. “Oh, no, I’m not drinking tonight.” She shook her head and pushed the beer away a bit. 
Angel’s eyebrows raised in shock, he wasn’t sure if he had ever heard Lara Losa turn down a drink before. He wasn’t going to push her, though. He nodded and went into the kitchen and grabbed two waters. 
“You don’t have to not drink just because I’m not.” Lara grabbed the water from him. 
“Nah, it’s cool. I still feel like I’m fighting a hangover anyways.” Angel shrugged and plopped down on the couch. Lara nodded and stood awkwardly still looking around his house. 
“You can sit down, you know.” Angel tilted his head next to him. 
Lara hesitated before she moved to sit next to him, letting her mind go a mile a minute before pushing every thought to the back of her mind and sitting down on the couch to his left. 
“It doesn’t have to be awkward.” Angel said as he turned the TV on to have some background noise. “I had a good time with you last night, even before we came back here.” Angel boldly said. 
The girl wasn’t expecting that from Angel, and he definitely wasn’t either, which is why he started to back pedal. “But whatever you wanna do, you know. We can act like nothing happened, go back to how things were, you know.” 
“Is that what you want?” Lara turned to face him even though he was nervously staring at the TV, “to go back to how things were between us?” 
Angel should have thought before he spoke, but that rarely ever happened so he just blurted out something. “Whatever you wanna do, you know?” He shrugged like they were talking about traffic or the weather not the situation between the two of them. 
Lara in that moment felt her confidence overtake her. She saw through Angel’s charades and knew that the power was in her hands, it was up to her, and that made Lara thrive. 
“I think the sex is too good to go back to how things were” Lara smiled. 
Angel’s head snapped to her, stunned at her words but managed to let a smile build on his face. 
Lara’s nostrils flared as she tried to hold back her laugh as they stared at each other before they both let a belly cackle out. 
“So what are we watching?” Lara got comfortable on the couch, the two of them weren’t touching yet, but it was progress from when she first got there. 
It had been 4 hours since Lara first arrived, she was currently sprawled out on the couch, her shoes off, swimming in one of Angel’s hoodies, and cuddled up next to the man. 
“I can’t believe we’ve been watching Guy’s Grocery Games for the past 4 hours.” Lara said as she checked her phone, 9:27PM and a notification from Bishop. 
9:26PM Bishop Losa: Home. 10PM. Don’t forget. 
“I mean, it’s the superstar challenge, we gotta see it through,” Angel said as he innocently looked down seeing the message on her phone but quickly looking away. 
“Wish we could but, I gotta get out of here. Plus this is the last episode on for the rest of the night,” Lara leaned over to the coffee table and grabbed the remote and pressed the button that allowed the tv guide to pop up. “See, Kitchen Nightmares is on next.” Her body fell back into his. 
“Man, I fuckin’ hate that show.” Angel said, wrapping his arm around the girl effortlessly as her head rested on his chest. “Makes me never want to go to a fuckin’ restaurant ever again.” He shivered. 
“You easily have 4 different kinds of takeout in your fridge as we speak, Angel. That’s never happening.” She went to stand up. 
“You leavin’ already?” Angel changed the subject. 
“Yea, gotta get home.” Lara said leaving the rest to be interpreted, but Angel wasn’t going to let her go that quickly. 
“Bishop got you on a time clock?” He frowned, he didn’t get up or even change his position on the couch. 
“You shoulder surfing?” Lara frowned realizing he had read her text. 
“Didn’t mean to,” he adjusted his posture and was now leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. 
“What do you know?” Lara asked, sitting on the wooden table so the two were eye to eye. 
This was the million dollar question, what did he know. What was she going to share. Were they going to trust each other. 
The answer was yes, but also no. 
“I know Bishop’s got some personal shit going on that he brought to the table.” Angel started, trying to tiptoe around the templo meeting this morning. 
“Bishop?” Lara frowned and nodded. “Sure let’s go with that.” Lara wanted to leave it at that, but she couldn’t. “I get that what happens in templo is sacred, blood brothers, secret spit handshakes and all that shit, but I know Bishop said my name at that table this morning. What do you know?” 
Angel thought about it, this was the first time they were hanging out as whatever they were and he was already seeing the consequences of messing with the club president’s daughter. 
“You know I can’t tell you about templo, but I can tell you that Bishop is serious about keeping you safe.” 
Lara nodded, “So you know that I have to be home by 10.” 
“I didn’t know that, but it makes sense. I know there’s some shit that went down with The Calaveras and I know that the day I saw you at the main square you were having issues with someone wearing a Calaveras rocker.” Angel shared, hoping that would be enough. He knew a little more, but there was a line he had to tow when it came to this. 
“So observant.” Lara sarcastically joked. 
“What happened?” Angel asked, now flipping the interrogation onto the girl. 
“I used to date one of the guys from The Calaveras, bad breakup, they’re taking it out on Bishop.” Lara told a partial truth. 
Angel didn’t push for more, he just stood and stuck his hand out to the girl who stared at it for a minute before taking it in her own. 
“Well, I guess we better get you home before the clock strikes midnight, Cinderella.” 
“10, and I think I’m more of a Mulan.” Lara said with her hand wrapped in Angel’s who looked at her a bit confused. 
“Disobeying my father, but still fighting for his honor, you know.” Lara grinned. 
Angel took the bait that Lara probably didn’t even realize she left. “Well if you’re disobeying, you might want to go to my bedroom.” Her eyes went wide in shock not expecting Angel to be so bold. “To get your clothes, from this morning.” He smiled even harder knowing he had made the girl blush with her assumption. 
“Right, my clothes.” Her head moved up and down as she stepped away from the tall man and inched her way to his bedroom. “You know I think I might need your help to find them.” She turned to him with a fake confused look on her face. 
“Well, you know me, I’m a helper.” Angel’s shoulders shrugged and followed her through the house. 
“I sure do.” Lara laughed as their hands intertwined and they disappeared into the room.
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seafleece · 2 years
Is there a post explaining wtf is going on in your curse of strahd campaign? b/c it sounds very interesting and i want to know more.
nothing really comprehensive yet for the sake of spoilers but we are almost done so i can elaborate!!
basically. and without some important details that are still unknown to the party. i scrapped most of the major plot points and themes on account of they suck and started with this: centuries ago, my strahd was a researcher who came to what would eventually become his barovia in search of a cure for vampirism, a place that had long been abjured and sealed with powerful druidic rites by the indigenous people there (and is also fantasy mongolia, not fantasy romania). he was overtaken by the source, a strange underground city that calls itself barov, which feeds on and twists obsession. ever since, he's been its plaything-- it built barovia around him by pulling from his worst memories and fears-- which just so happen to include a misty romanian forest where the sun never shines-- and separated it from the material plane. when it wanted more power, it started luring more people to itself and set them in this kind of looping dance, keeping those who had fallen prey to obsession alive for centuries or reincarnating them in slightly different iterations and making them sort of play out lifetimes' worth of chasing the things they were fixated on so it could feed from them. during brief moments of lucidity, strahd started studying the curse he now had in earnest and figuring out a plan to use himself as a conduit and sort of infinite source of suffering and seal barov within himself, freeing the rest of barovia, but doing this meant. becoming that conduit, letting barov force him to kill everyone who would otherwise have stopped him and been exposed to barov directly. before the current party arrived, there was a party who seemed poised to finally break the cycle, stronger and more cunning than the rest, able to use the druidic magic that once kept barov sealed away. however, they ran out of time to plan their attack when one of their party started succumbing to vampirism, and were forced to go unprepared. they lost horribly, dashing most people's hopes of ever being free and handing over what used to be the keys to defeating barov-- the sunsword and radiant and druidic magic-- as well as their own bodies directly to barov, who forced strahd to turn the entire party into thralls. had the current party gone the route of every before it, strahd would have killed them easily and likely finally ascended to the state of a perfect conduit and managed to essentially absorb the entirety of barovia. however, one of the party members, kiki, started to seem to barov as perhaps an even more perfect host, more innately powerful than strahd as a sorcerer made from incredibly volatile magic, tied to the far realm as barov itself is, and infinitely more naive. at a pivotal moment, barov--which, to kiki, usually manifests as his father-- managed to convince him to leave the party and give himself over. no longer needing strahd, barov (somewhat) set him free and is in the process of mining kiki for power, shaping him into a host, and altering barovia alongside it. the remainder of the party is sort of going through the motions nonetheless, and are currently being tested by vost, a silver dragon and one of strahd's oldest friends killed by him almost immediately after strahd's ascent to power, in order to receive an important artifact called the sunstone that is linked somehow to the moonstone they already have and related to both barovia's history and the old rites that sealed it. meanwhile, strahd is half under house arrest in vallaki and half part of a think tank composed of him, ez d'avenir, and lady fiona wachter trying to figure out. how to proceed.
the party has also had their own set of. discoveries about their own ties to barovia and their lives before it-- yew (monk/druid) learned he's the adopted heir to the abdicated unseelie throne; elegy (aasimar paladin) learned their angelic guide gardenia sacrificed their own power and ability to ever return to the heavens to save them from losing their soul and autonomy as punishment for betraying a divine order and have since been undergoing a sort of post-angelic transformation alongside gardenia after devouring the abbott of krezk; cedar (cleric) learned he had secretly been created in and raised in barovia's past by one of barovia's gods, the moonmother, and contains a fragment of an old god given during the original rites to seal barovia; rook (paladin) learned their goddess allowed their sister to die to gain them as a champion and, as her domain is easily corrupted by obsession, sent her now-dying exarch to barovia in her stead to take her place as rook's god and power source, lel (vistani dhampir ranger/rogue) learned that the nonlinear timeline of the vistani, a nomadic interplanar civilization, hinges on his survival and ability to escape barovia himself despite having always been afflicted with vampirism, as he closes the loop on the origin of their unique ability to leave and enter barovia as long as they are accompanied by someone who has left barovia before; gravy (bugbear artificer) found her daughter after twenty years apart and learned that, after being taken by barovia's mists, she had been lovingly raised in vallaki by the late gadof blinsky and has grown into a beautiful and talented bear intent on finding and fixing an ancient creation meant to hunt vampires. fringe (late fairy cleric) was killed by the hag morgantha's daughters in their desperation to complete a ritual they hoped would send them back home to the feywild, and in his last moments learned that hags (my beloved) are the nearly-inevitable result of a fey losing their anchor, a magical source or ideal they have tied their soul to. instead of the sworn enemies of his goddess, queen of the seelie fey titania, hags mostly belong to her sister's unseelie court and lost their anchor through no fault of their own when she died after giving up her throne in the feywild to raise the child she had found in the woods, who just so happens to be yew, and that unseelie fey are simply. any fey that titania has banished or that chose to leave, which, had he survived, would have included him. after kiki (sorcerer/barbarian) left, vost sent one of his revenants, monsoon (barbarian), who was killed by strahd alongside him, to accompany the party and, now that strahd is no longer their target, ensure that kiki is dealt with and, if necessary, killed. currently they're also hanging out with raisa (werewolf druid/fighter), who is the younger cousin of danya stoyanovich, leader of one of barovia's two werewolf dens-- both are afflicted by a deadly curse that has sent generations of their family to an early, rotting grave, and who were promised a cure in the gifting of the moonstone by lel but which. was denied to them when the party gave it to arka toranescu instead to save aurelia, her daughter and the party's friend.
when we left off, the party had just met vost, whose job as the holder of the sunstone is to test their abilities and resolve to the task of dethroning barovia. to throw off his faithful employee monsoon, however, vost took the extra precaution of binding his own skeleton into a puppet form to attack the party alongside the hollow spirit he usually manifests as. if the party gets the sunstone, they will then get to decide who to use its innate powers to save this time (lel, wisely, promised it to danya Again without consulting the party <3) and then, after reconvening in vallaki, are off to pay a visit to their good friend kiki!! tl;dr i scooped all of the original CoS module out with a melon baller and replaced it with a story about undeath as a disease of the soul that feeds on what captivated you in life, a fey throne with no ruler and an entire kingdom reeling from its loss, family and the powers that capitalize on the bonds it creates, selfish gods who treat their champions like pawns and their angels as only slightly more valuable, hubris and desperation and trifling with things you do not comprehend and have no place interfering in, and the unspeakable and unfathomable horror that exists in the spaces between reality. also there are a lot more milfs.
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Rayla and Callum decide to name their firstborn boy after Runaan to honor him, but the naming ritual fails. A rune ripples to the top of the ritual pool and fades away, and Rayla is horrified.
"What does that one mean?" Callum asks. "I don't recognize it."
Rayla's voice is shaky. "Oh no... Callum, we have to go back..."
"Rayla, you look like you're going to throw up. Here, let me hold him. Just sit for a sec and tell me what's going on."
Callum takes the baby and Rayla drops to the pool edge, looking haunted. "It means 'invalid entry, please try again'."
"The rune. The ritual couldn't accept Runaan's name."
Callum frowned. "Did I do something wrong?"
Rayla stands suddenly, striding for the house. "No, I did. And I need to go make it right."
Callum catches up to her in a few moments and keeps pace. "Remember the part where we share all the details in an urgent situation like this?" he reminds her lightly.
Rayla pauses and looks up into his eyes. "Sorry, Cal." She caresses his cheek with one hand and her son's soft head with the other. "But we'll need to choose another name. Harrow would be good, right?"
Callum waits patiently.
Finally Rayla finds the truth and gives it words. Tears edge her eyes as she whispers, "We can't give our son Runaan's name because the Moon believes it's being used by a living soul somewhere. Callum, do you see? We can't bring him back like this, because he never left."
Callum looks at his son, gnawing gummily on a fist. "Then I'm coming with you."
Rayla sighs in defeat. Callum always wins these arguments, ever since the Moon Nexus. "Yeah. Yeah, you are." She kisses her son's head. "Time for another visit to Uncle Ez, Munchkin!"
Two months later, with Runaan successfully rescued from a hellcoin, Rayla and Callum try the ritual again, because Harrow is a nice name, and their son really needs one by now. They can't keep calling him "Munchkin" forever.
The same rune flares to life in the ritual pool again. Rayla throws a rock at it on instinct and shouts, "Are you kiddin' me?"
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Wait I just read the head canon of the “spider in the shower” scenario and they were AMAZING. So spot on😭. I am here to put in a request for this but for the Mayans and if you want to/have time for the rest of the SOA boys. I just loved it soooo much 🥺 you write so well for these characters!!!
Ask and you shall receive! For those wondering, Here is the original Spider in the Shower HC for the SOA boys.
HC for the Mayans Men under the cut! These are a little different set-up-wise since as far as we know the Mayans clubhouse doesn't have dorms. So these all take place in houses or apartments or whatever you picture these boys living in
- he heard you scream and came running from the other end of the house, banging on the bathroom door, “Sweetheart, you alright? Open up!” The two-second delay between him saying that and you unlocking the door felt like an eternity to him. He never heard you scream like that before
- when he walked in he expected to see blood everywhere, or something completely shattered and broken. But nothing seemed out of place. The only thing that seemed off was you, sitting up on the sink counter dripping water while staring at the bathtub.
- “What’s going on?” he looks around the bathroom but can’t for the life of him figure out what’s wrong. He grabs a towel and drapes it around your shoulders as he follows your line of sight.
- “Why the fuck is there a spider in our shower?” you look up at him.
- he wasn’t used to you asking questions so aggressively. He made a mental note that spiders were a tense topic for you. He could only shrug in response before saying, “I didn’t send out invites, you know. Don’t look at me like that,” you could see that he was trying not to smile and failing miserably.
- “Will you kill it, please?” your tone switched from annoyed to pleading. He chuckled as he peered behind the shower curtain, “You sure you don’t want me to just catch him and put him outside?” You raised your eyebrows, “And give him the chance to come back? No fucking way.”
- he didn’t say anything else as he took his boot off and smack it against the wall, effectively putting the spider out of commission. You stayed on the sink out of the way as he grabbed a tissue and cleaned up the mess, throwing the spider in the trash
- he scooped you up off the sink counter and walked you back to your shared bedroom, hiding his laughter by pressing his lips against your bare shoulder. He set you down on the bed and threw you one of his old t-shirts to put on. The two of you looked at each other in silence for a few moments before you finally spoke up, “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” He laughed as he collapsed on the bed next to you, “I won’t...for now.”
- he thought that he was in for a sexy time in the shower with you. He was eagerly slipping out of his jeans and tank top as he watched you hop into the shower, disappearing behind the curtain.
- he peeled off his socks and was getting ready to hop in the shower behind you when the sound of your scream filled the tiny space at his house. He didn't even have time to try and register what was going on as you leapt out of the shower, water still running, and slamming into him. You sent both of you crashing into the sink counter
- “Fuck, Y/N, what’s the matter with you?” he was rubbing his hip where it had just gotten jammed into the corner of the counter
- “There’s a spider in there!” He looked at you, not completely surprised, “So you gotta bodyslam me? C’mon, querida, it can’t be that scary. It’s way smaller than you.” You narrowed your eyes at him, “Then you go kill it!”
- he scoffs, reaching and shutting the water off before peeling the curtain back, “Maybe I will.” He does his signature, cocky little head shake that drives you nuts when it’s directed at you.
- he holds his hand out behind him, “Gimme a tissue.” You set one in his hand, eagerly watching over his shoulder as he catches and crushes the spider inside the tissue. He turns back to you, a proud smirk on his face, “See? All taken care of.” He tosses it in the toilet and flushes it away.
- Once it’s gone for good, he reaches and turns the shower back on. His expression changes completely when he turns back around to you and sees you pulling your rode on. “Where you goin’, querida?” he looks so genuinely confused.
- you shake your head, “I’m not getting back in that fucking shower tonight. Have fun.” You don’t give him the chance to try and change your mind and you can hear him groaning behind you as he shuts the shower back off again, admitting defeat.
- swings the door open with an amount of force that you’d never seen, baseball bat in his hand, “Who the fuck is in here?!” he looks frantically around the bathroom, trying to locate whoever it was that made you scream like that.
- it took a second before he noticed that you were standing to the side of him, tucking yourself neatly into the corner of your bathroom. He saw the way your hair was still dripping and quickly looked you over to make sure that you were physically okay.
- “What happened?” his hand was still gripping the baseball bat tightly. You pointed to the shower, “There’s a spider in the shower...”
- he couldn't pretend that he wasn’t confused, “Alright. And?” You scoffed, “What do you mean and?” He shrugged, “I mean and what the fuck made you scream like that? It bite you or somethin’?” You sighed, “No! It didn’t bite me. I just...I don’t want a spider in the shower with me, Coco! You gotta kill it!”
- his grip on the bat finally loosened up a bit. He shook his head, “You had me thinkin’ there was a murderer in here or some shit. You can’t kill it yourself?” You flashed him your best puppy-dog eyes, “C’mon, Coco, please?” He tilted his head slightly, “Whatchu gonna do if this happens when I’m not here?”
- you sighed. You should’ve known that it wasn’t going to be an easy thing with him. The man put holes in people’s heads on a semi-regular basis for the club without question, but asking him to squash a bug was going to spark a philosophical discussion.
- “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Please, Coco, I don’t wanna do it.” It was evident in his eyes that he was contemplating leaving you to deal with the problem on your own. But he was soft for you and couldn't follow through on it. With a sigh, he climbed into the tub and stomped the spider with no hesitation before washing it down the drain.
- he kissed your forehead, “Next time you gotta do it. Survival of the fittest, Ma.” You rolled your eyes, “My knight in shining armor.” He turned around and flashed you the cocky smile that made you weak in the knees every time, “Damn right.”
- the sound of your yell filled the entirety of the small trailer. He jumped up off the bed and made his way to the small pocket of space that passed for his bathroom and was instantly bombarded by you running into him. The front of his shirt instantly became soaked, absorbing all the water from your body.
- “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he gripped you gently but firmly by the outsides of your arms. You shook your head, “This trailer is not big enough for the three of us, Ezekiel.” His eyebrows furrowed, “Three of us?” You nodded, “Yea. You, me, and your hairy eight-legged friend in there,” you gestured towards the bathroom.
- that was when he realized what happened. He smiled down at you before he thought better of it and you pushed his chest, “It’s not funny!” He nodded, forcing a serious expression as he held his hands up in surrender, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
- “Want me to take care of it?” the smirk was already reappearing on his face. You huff, “No, I want the three of us to learn how to live in harmony together.”
- “I know you’re being sarcastic,” he chuckled as he shuffled past you to get to the bathroom, “But that would make for a good story.”
- you were shaking your head as you grabbed one of his shirts to wear, sitting down on the bed as you watched him try to maneuver around in the small space to kill the spider.
- “Sorry, buddy,” EZ spoke to the creature as he got ready to squash it with a tissue, “but she said that we can’t be friends.” You rolled your eyes, “You’re not about to make me feel bad about this, EZ.”
- he reemerged from the bathroom, tossing the tissue into the garbage can, “Sounds like a guilty conscience, to me.” You grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, “You’re the worst.” He laughed as he peeled off his now-soaked shirt, “Is that any way to thank the guy who just saved you?”
- you pressed your lips into a thin line, staying silent for a moment before grabbing the other pillow and throwing it at him, “Thank you.”
- 100% comes running into the bathroom with his shotgun in his hand after he hears you scream
- has never heard you express that kind of fear before and definitely think that someone was hiding in the shower and had a knife to your throat or something
- when he sees you perched up on the closed toilet lid he is confused to say the least. Your hair is dripping and you hadn’t even bothered to grab a towel when you jumped out of the shower
- still not completely sure what’s going on, he refuses to completely set down his gun, instead letting it dangle by his side as he looks you over, “Hey, Mama, what’s going on in here?”
- not getting up from your perch, you point to the shower, “You gotta kill it, Neron.”
- “Kill what?” he rips the curtain back but doesn’t see anything at first
- you point aggressively towards the corner of the shower where all the body wash and shampoo bottles are stacked, “The spider!”
- “The spider?” he fights back a laugh as he rests the shotgun across his shoulders, arms dangling over it, “You screaming like that over a spider?”
- “Will you kill it already?!”
- he hands you a towel to wrap around your shoulder, chuckling as he sets his gun down outside the bathroom door. You try to tell him that he might still need the gun and he laughs before stepping into the tub to locate and kill the spider.
- very nicely, he asks you to get off the toilet so he can flush it away down the toilet. You jump up, standing at the very edge of the doorway as you watch him flush it away. He shuts the toilet lid and turns back to you, an amused smile on his face
- “Didn’t know you were afraid of spiders, baby,” he walks over and hugs you, kissing the soaking wet hair on top of your head, “I’ll keep a closer eye out for them.”
- “You better,” you grumble as you lean into his chest, “Or I’m gonna start using the shotgun.”
- does not want to burst into the bathroom while you’re in there, feeling like he’s invading your privacy despite the fact that you screamed for him hardly a moment before
- gently knocked on the door and you responded with what he could only describe as a bark as you told him to get in the bathroom now
- once he was halfway inside the door, you pulled him completely in by his hand. He was trying not to stare at you but it was difficult to pry his eyes away from you, not used to seeing you standing around so exposed, and drenched from your shower
- “You gotta kill it, Hank.”
- he raised his eyebrows, “Kill it? Kill what?” You nod towards the shower, “There’s a spider in the shower!”
- all the tension that he was previously holding in his shoulders disappeared. He remembered at one point you’d mentioned that you hated spiders, but he didn't think that you really hated them that much. He knew how much you loved your long, hot showers.
- “I thought you were hurt, Y/N,” he was trying to sound bothered but you could see the smile fighting its way onto his face.
- “Um,” you scoff, “I could’ve been hurt. That thing is the size of a small dog.”
- he chuckled and shook his head, “Alright, alright,” he gently ushered you through the doorway, “Go get changed and I’ll take care of it for you,” he watched you walk towards the bedroom, “Better call the dog warden just in case!”
- he heard you calling for him and had no idea what to expect. You weren’t the type to yell across the house for things that you needed.
- when he got to the bathroom, you were standing outside the doorway, towel lazily wrapped around you as you stood and waited for him. With every passing second he became more confused.
- once you told him that there was a spider in the shower and you couldn't go back in the bathroom until it was dead, a smile took over his face and he couldn't help but to laugh
- Che “Catch & Release” Romero
- you were upset that he was going to give the spider a chance to come back and try again to ambush you in the shower, but you knew it was an argument that you weren’t going to win with him.
- within a minute he had it trapped in a cup, covering the opening with his hand as he walked it back through the house to release it.
- he came back to find you sitting cross-legged on the bed, still wrapped in your towel. He tried to sit next to you but you pulled away from him, scooting farther down the bed.
- “What is it, mi amor? Hm?” there was a small, knowing smile on his face as he asked you the question. You huffed, “I don’t want you to touch me with your spider hands!”
- he laughed, “I only touched it with this hand,” he held up his right hand before reaching to caress your face with his left, “So this hand is still safe for you.”
- is under the impression that you are being dramatic about something when you call him into the bathroom for an emergency
- he walks in all cocky, expecting you to have some weird, little favor to ask of him
- he wasn’t thinking that he was going to open the door and nearly cause you to fall over in the process. He catches you, but barely, your dripping skin sliding in his grip.
- “Fuck, what happened in here?” he saw the water all over the floor where you jumped out of the shower
- “You have a spider in your shower!” you pointed frantically. He shook his head, as if he should’ve known that it would be something like that, “So? Shoot it with the showerhead.”
- you give him an offended look, “You shoot it with the showerhead! I don’t want to be anywhere near that thing.” He laughed and pulled the curtain to the side and looked around for the creature in question.
- gets halfway through some smartass remark before seeing the spider and jumping back himself, “Fuck!” 
- your fear would be momentarily outweighed by the satisfaction of seeing Gilly eat his words. You cross your arms over your bare chest, “Just shoot it with the showerhead, baby.”
- you can’t hear too clearly what he’s saying as he grumbles, sliding the boot off of his foot before slamming it down on the floor of the shower, crushing the bug in the process. He would deny it if anyone asked him about it after the fact, but you definitely heard him let out a sigh of relief once he lifted up the boot and saw that the spider was dead
- is full of worry as he rushes to the bathroom
- he walks in and sees you standing, leaning back against the sink counter, water dripping off your body onto the floor. His initial instinct is to try and take care of you, grabbing a towel and trying to wrap it around your shoulders.
- “You gotta kill the spider, Riz,” you were completely ignoring the soft gestures he was trying to give you.
- “Wh-what?” he was thoroughly confused, still trying to drape the towel around your shoulders. You grabbed the towel from him, breaking his singular concentration, “There’s a spider in your shower, Riz. You gotta kill it.”
- “Is that what made you scream?” he gently wiped some of the water off of your cheek, “It’ll probably leave you alone if you wanna finish your shower, hermosa.” You turn and look at him, dumbfounded, “Do you...do you shower when you know there’s a spider in there with you?” He shrugged, “We just don’t bother each other.”
- you couldn't believe what you were hearing, “How long have you known there’s a spider in there?” He could sense that he was in hot water already but he couldn't force himself to lie to you, “I mean, I don’t know if it’s always the same spider but--” You couldn't listen to any more of what he was about to say, “Kill it, Michael. Please.”
- he grabbed a second towel and threw it down on the floor to soak up some of the water that you’d dragged out of the shower with you, “Okay, okay. Whatever you want, querida. Go dry off, I’ll take care of the spider.”
- as much as you wanted to be as far away from the spider as possible, you stayed, “I wanna make sure you actually get rid of it.” He chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he reached and shut the shower off. He saw it crawling up onto the lip of the tub and with one smooth motion he crushed it underneath the toe of his boot.
- “All better?” he turned back to you. You tapped your finger against his chest, “No more letting bugs be guests in our shower. I’ll leave. I’ll move out.”
Bonus- Nestor (because i love him):
- he swung the door open and was met with the sight of you standing on top of the closed toilet lid. Instantly he felt like whatever the situation was, was above his paygrade. The shower was still running and water was all over the floor.
- he held his hands out to help you down, “Get down from there. You’re gonna fall and crack your skull.”
- “Better than letting that thing in there kill me!” it was dramatic, but you didn't care. His brows furrowed in confusion, “What thing? Where?” You pointed to the shower, “There’s a spider in the shower, Nes!”
- the expression on his face let you know that he felt that it was far too early in the morning to be dealing with this level of nonsense. He ran his hands down his face before holding them out to you again, “Please get down off the toilet, Y/N.” You shook your head, “Not until you kill the spider.”
- with a deep sigh, he turned the water off in the shower and pulled the curtain to the side. He scanned the tub for a minute before finally finding the threat. He wouldn't admit it to you, but he understood why it freaked you out--it was a big fucking spider.
- not thinking better of it, he picked your slide up off the floor and slammed it down onto the spider, crushing it on the bottom of your shoe. You whined, “Why’d you have to use my shoe?” He turned back to you, his expression painfully neutral, “The spider is dead, isn’t it?” he held his hands out yet again, “Now please get down from there.”
- you placed your hands in his and let him help you down, instantly wrapping your legs around his waist so that he was forced to hold you. It got a laugh out of the both of you as he caught you, holding you up with ease.
- “You owe me new slides, you know,” you chuckled as he carried you to the bedroom. He laughed, “Only if you promise not to climb on the toilet anymore.”
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 years
gruvia drabble
author’s note: ok. hi. here we are again. i go on a 1948392 year hiatus and then become inspired to write something from the most RANDOM thing. but this was too good to pass up. so essentially i saw a headcannon by @incorrect-ft-ez-quotes and then @bbygirljuvi added onto it:) look at my most recent reblog for reference if u want hehehe. yeah ok maybe i did add some bs healing abilities to juvia’s powers... sue me! ok here we gooooo i hope u cuties enjoy!!!
“Popsicle,” Natsu sighed. “What the hell are you doin’ back here?” He held his door in one hand as he stared at a recently familiar face.
“What, a guy can’t stop by and visit his best friend?” Gray nervously chuckled.
Happy and Natsu weren’t buying it, exchanging suspicious looks as Gray impatiently stood at the door frame.
“Best friend?” Natsu rose an eyebrow.
“And for the 4th day in a row?” Happy jabbed, hovering beside Natsu’s head
“Would ya’ just let me in?” Gray spat out, clearly looking jittery.
“Fine.” Natsu groaned, stepping aside so Gray could step in.
“But we’re gonna’ start charging rent!” Happy exclaimed.
“Whatever, I don’t care, just as long as I can hang out here for a little while.” Gray hustled in, plopping himself onto Natsu’s worn down couch.
“Ok, you can stay here on one condition, tell me what it is you’re freaking out about. And gimme’ the real reason you’ve been comin’ here.” Natsu folded his arms.
“Aye!” Happy mimicked Natsu, crossing his little paws.
Gray let out a groan, bowing his head between his legs before whipping his head back up. “It’s Juvia, ok!?”
“Juvia?” Happy asked.
“But, you haven’t tried avoiding her in forever. You guys have been all buddy-buddy lately.” Natsu was trying to piece this all together in his head.
Gray blushed, averting his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“So what’s the deal?” Natsu was doing his best to get straight to the point, as nuance was not his strong suit.
“W-well... we... kind of... sort of...” Gray scratched at the back of his head, searching for the gall to say it. “We got drunk the other night at the guild, and then I went to walk her home since she was pretty wasted, and...one thing lead to another and... we almost kissed.”
Natsu was as confused as ever. “So?”
“Well, don’t ya’ like her?”
“W-well-!” Gray stammered, and gave out a defeated sigh, bowing his head again. “Yeah.” He mumbled to the point that Natsu or Happy could barely hear him.
“So then why don’t you wanna’ smooch her?” Happy was almost as dense as Natsu.
“Gah! You guys don’t get it!” Gray sprung up. “Forget it. I’m gonna’ find a new hiding spot. Preferably, one that asks less questions.”
Just as Gray made his way to Natsu’s front door, there was a sudden knock. Gray froze in his tracks as a chill went up his spine. He had a knack for this sort of thing, knowing when Juvia’s around, and that chill only ever meant one thing.
Gray needed an escape route, but his head wasn’t on straight. He frantically scoured the little house, looking from wall to wall, but there was only one door, and Gray was just feet away from it.
“Natsu, whatever you do, don’t-“
“Be there in a sec’!” Natsu shouted at the door.
“You idiot!” Gray whisper yelled.
Natsu opened the door to none other than Juvia. She was known for her expressive nature. The look on her face could tell you anything you want to know, without her having to say a word.
“Hi, Natsu-san.” Juvia said both frantically and nervously. “Juvia was just wondering if Gray-sama was here.” She held her hands together promptly, hoping that he would be there.
“Actually Gray-“ Natsu was cut off at the sound of shattering glass. He instinctively spun around to a disastrous scene, displaying a broken window, shards of glass everywhere, and no Gray to be found. “Just left.” Natsu finished the thought differently than he originally intended.
Juvia heard the shattering too, and she had her answer. Her Gray-dar never failed her. Using her Gray-dar she quickly scurried to the back of the house, crossing her fingers that Gray hadn’t gotten away yet. The first thing she heard was a hiss of pain, and as she turned the corner, there sat her Gray in the ground, holding his bloody knee.
“Son of a bitch!” Gray yelled in pain, applying more pressure to his cut knee. Sure, he was used to getting beaten to a pulp in a fight, but he wasn’t exactly expecting a busted up knee right about now.
“Gray-sama!” Juvia’s eyes widened at the blood, and she hurried to his side.
Gray finally realized her presence. He stopped writhing in pain for a moment, and tried to appear as casual as usual. “Oh...” He forced a laugh. “Hey Juvia. what are you doin’ here?”
“Juvia should be asking you the same thing.” She knelt by Gray’s side. “But first, let Juvia help.”
“I’m fine.”
“Let Juvia see it, Gray-sama.”
He sighed, giving in and releasing his hold. Juvia quickly took her hands and placed them on Gray’s knee. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly her hands became water, but it wasn’t normal water. It was soothing, and it was making the stinging in Gray’s knee go away.
“Juvia has been working on some healing techniques. It’s nothing like Wendy, but I can heal some minor, surface-level things.” She explained, using her water hands to massage the area.
“Now that Juvia has finally caught you, why have you been avoiding me?” She finally looked at Gray who blushed at the sudden eye contact.
“I haven’t.” Gray tried to sound as natural as possible.
All Juvia had to do was give him a look that practically screamed “oh, please.” before he cracked. “Ok, fine. I’ve been avoiding you.”
“Juvia knows!” She exclaimed.
“I just don’t want things to be awkward between us!” He explained.
“But you don’t think avoiding me for days would make it awkward?” Juvia finally finished his knee and reverted her hands back to normal.
Gray groaned. “You’re right.” He ran his hand through his hair, trying to hide his face.
“Is this about... the other night?” Juvia finally asked.
“Do ya’ really have to even ask?” Gray avoided eye contact.
“But Juvia thought the night went well! I had a lot of fun!”
“So did I! Until...” He cut himself off.
“Until we almost kissed?” Juvia finished it for him.
“I see.” Juvia paused. “Are Juvia’s lips chapped?”
“Huh?” He finally peaked up at her.
“Or did Juvia have something in her teeth maybe?” She was going into panic mode.
“No that’s not-“
Juvia cut him off with as gasp, and her hands slapped against her mouth. “Or does Juvia’s breath stink?! Is that it?!”
“Would you knock it off!” Gray finally stopped her. “It doesn’t have to do with any of that stuff.
“Oh.” Juvia sunk. “So Gray-sama just does not want to kiss Juvia then.”
“No!” He instantly cut off that thought, even though he was embarrassed by how eager he sounded. “Not that either.” He grumbled.
“We were drunk. Yes, we were having fun and all, but, I dunno’.” Gray grumbled, looking for the right words. “We haven’t had our first kiss yet. So when we do, I want it to be... kinda’... special. I guess. In a way.” Gray finished with some filler words to try and take the heat away from his face, but it was no use.
“S-s-special?! Gray-sama wants our kiss to be special?!” Juvia lit up, almost freezing in time waiting for someone to pinch her, because she figured this had to be a dream. However, she still was a bit lost, so she put a pause on her momentary fantasy. “Wait, so then why have you been avoiding me?”
“Because I didn’t know how to tell you all that. I was trying to buy some time until I could figure out what to say.” Gray released a deep exhale. “But I guess I’ve said it all now.”
“You sure have.” Juvia said giddily right before she launched herself at Gray, tightly clutching Gray’s shoulders in her arms as her cheek was pressed up firmly against his.
“Gah!” Gray shouted in surprise, trying to keep his balance as Juvia leeched onto him. They were still sitting, but she almost knocked him flat on his back.
“But you know what, Gray-sama?” Juvia broke her clutch, making sure she was looking right at Gray.
“What?” He looked down at her curiously.
“Juvia thinks every moment with Gray-sama is special. So to Juvia, any time is perfect for a first kiss.” She smiled so sweetly is made Gray’s heart just about burst.
“Yeah?” Gray felt the corner of his mouth tug up.
“Yep.” She nodded in assurance.
“If you say so.”
And without a second thought, Gray closed the gap between them, planting a sweet and soft kiss on Juvia’s lips. As they parted, they leaned in and pressed their foreheads against each other, both wearing matching grins.
“That looked pretty special from in here!” Happy interjected from inside the house, followed by Natsu’s laughter.
Gray and Juvia jumped, startled by the sudden noise. “Happy, shut it!” Gray turned his head, looking through what used to be a window, and seeing Natsu and Happy standing in their living room.
“Maybe we wouldn’t be able to hear you two slobbering on each other if there was a window here!” Natsu yelled, referring to the gaping hole in the middle of his wall.
“We were not slobbering, you moron!” Gray blushed furiously, finally standing up and facing Natsu.
“That’s what it looked like to me!” Natsu teased back, wearing a devious smile.
“Aye!” Happy seconded.
“Mind your business, flame-for-brains!”
“Next time you need to hide out for a week, you ain’t comin’ here!” Natsu shouted.
“Fine by me.” Gray scoffed.
He then looked back at Juvia as she appeared a little on edge, wondering if she was going to have to break up a fight between Gray and Natsu.
He grinned once again, at the girl he couldn’t wait to spend more special time with, making more memories, and growing even closer
He reached for Juvia’s hand and squeezed it. “I was gettin’ tired of running away anyway.”
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lilacyennefer · 4 years
It is You, it is Me, it is Us
Anon asked:  Hi! Can I request “ Person A: “....You have far too much faith in me.” Person B: “And you have far too little.” with Angel Reyes? Thank you! 
A/N: Hi there! This is my first time writing for Angel so I'm a little nervous, but I got this request and loved it so much I quickly had to wrtie this at work today lmao. Anyway, I don't have an Angel Reyes tag list yet so if you want to be on it please comment or send an ask. I hope you guys like this :) Have a nice weekend!
WARNING: mention of vomiting, a little angst, lot of fluff, that’s all I guess
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Angel always could count on you, he knew that. 
He always tried to keep you away from the club business, never really wanted to talk about it to you, he wanted to spare you, and he was afraid he’d get you into danger if you knew everything. 
But there was one point, a breaking point to Angel when he realised he only can count on you. 
EZ’s betrayal, and that Felipe took his little brother’s side, completely broke Angel. 
You were clueless when he came home, you had your own little secret that you kept from him, didn’t know how to tell him yet.
A baby. 
You figured it out two weeks ago that you were pregnant, and you were scared how Angel would react to this, so you didn’t tell him yet. 
You wanted to tell him that night when he came home, broken and angry, and hurt. 
Your heart broke when you saw how defeated he was, and again, you couldn’t make yourself to tell him, since you tried to pour some life back into him.
That night he told you everything that he was keeping from you, breaking down and needing someone to be there for him, telling him he wasn’t alone. 
You grabbed his hand, and your heart clenched when Angel looked at you with his teary eyes. 
You swallowed hard before you said anything.
“I’m here for you Angel, and with you.” You squeezed his hand “You can always count on me, no matter what. We are a family, and I’m always here. No matter what!” 
You take his face in your hands as you continue “I know you’re hurt right now, and you have every right to be. And you have to let yourself to feel this hurt, the anger. This house, and me, is your safe place, okay? You don’t have to hide any of your emotions, afraid that I’ll judge you for it. You know I would never. It’s okay to feel pain, to feel hurt, and ask someone to help you with it.” You gently wipe a tear off his cheek with your thumb “This is our safe place. You’re safe with me.” A small smile tugs the corner of your lips from your next sentence “And I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone hurt you, ever. I’m gonna protect you, no matter what. I don’t care that you’re a giant compared to me,” Angel chuckles “I’m still going to protect you.
“That’s supposed to be my job.” Angel tells you.
You nod “You do the physical protecting, and I do the emotional. As a team.” 
Angel looks at you for a very long moment, his eyes are skimming over your face. 
“You mean everything to me, I hope you know that.” He whispers as he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you, holding you as close as possible. 
“Please never forget that.” You mutter against his chest, your secret is making your chest heavy.
A little bit over a week has passed some that night, and you still haven’t told Angel that you’re pregnant. 
One morning, you were laying in bed with him, he was still asleep, his head was resting on your chest, mouth open and slightly drooling on you, his tattooed arm was thrown around your belly, legs tangled together. 
Softly, careful not to wake him, you were running your fingers through his hair, when a sudden nausea hit you, and you could feel that you have to be in the bathroom in seconds.
“Oh god.” You whisper before you push Angel off of you, waking him, then you rush to the bathroom before you throw up. 
When Angel realised something was wrong, he rushed to the bathroom after you, squatting down next to you as he rubbed your back while you emptied your stomach into the toilet. 
“You shouldn’t see this.” You mutter.
“You saw me in worse states after parties.” Angel chuckled.
“Yeah, I’m afraid this isn't a hangover.”  
“Then what? Food poisoning? It seemed like you enjoyed the food last night.” 
“Angel, please can you get me a glass of water.” Is all you say.
“Shit, yeah!” He quickly gets up from the floor and goes to the kitchen to get you a glass of cold water. 
You gratefully take the glass from him and take a few sips in silence. 
You drank most of the water slowly, Angel was by your side the whole time, rubbing your back softly. 
“I’m gonna brush my teeth.” You mutter, and Angel leaves you alone while you get yourself together.
There’s no way of avoiding this anymore. 
After a quick shower, and brushing your teeth, you slightly felt better, until you stepped out of the bathroom and the strong smell of coffee hit your nose, and you can’t help but make a disgusted face. 
“What is this smell?” You ask Angel as you walk into the kitchen.
“Coffee.” He says simply.
“What? You love coffee, especially the smell of it.” He states when he sees your disgusted expression.
You take a deep breath. It’s now or never. 
“Angel, I have to tell you something.” You say nervously. 
Angel, seeing your serious expression, furrows his brows as he walks closer to you.
“What’s wrong, mi dulce?” He places his big hand on the side of your face, his palm covers the most of your cheek. 
You take another deep breath, then close your eyes before you whisper “I’m pregnant.” 
You don’t open your eyes as you wait for Angel’s reaction, but your eyes snap open when you hear laughing. 
“Yeah, that’s really funny Y/N.” 
You keep looking at him, as serious as you can to prove that you’re not joking.
Does he really think that you’re joking?
Angel is still smiling and shaking his head, but when he looks at you again, his smile fades.
“Wait, are you serious?” 
“Do you really think I would joke with something like this?” You snap “This has been killing me in the past few weeks! I’m constantly terrified of your reaction, that you’ll leave me, and you think I’m joking?!” 
Angel opens his mouth to say something, but he stops when he sees tears rolling down your cheeks.
“I wanted to tell you that night you came home and told me about EZ’s betrayal. I couldn’t make myself to do it, I was afraid it would break you even more.” You cry. “I’m so terrified, Angel, ever since I know it. We never talked about this, I have no idea what’s your opinion about this, I’m afraid you’ll think that I’m baby trapping you.” You sob “I’m confused, afraid, and all alone in this.” 
“You’re not alone!” Angel says firmly “Shit, I certainly wasn’t expecting this. I never imagined myself as a family type, as a father, but fuck, I also never imagined myself being so fucking in love with a woman, but here we are.” Angel takes your face in his hands. “Did we plan this? No. Am I terrified? Absolutely. But in no way, I’ll leave you, or force you into something that you don’t want.” The whole time your eyes are fixed on Angel’s chest, not meeting his eyes as you cry.
“Look at me, my love, please.” Angel asks you softly.
You look up at him.
“We are in no way ready for this, but the fact that we will have a mini us, the perfect mix of both of us, running around here in a few months makes me excited.” Angel smiles, and you can’t help but smile too.
“And if you’ll stay with me, I can promise you that I’ll keep knocking you up.” He winks, and you can’t help, but snort at his words. 
“Let’s wait and see how we can handle one baby, at first.” 
You’re six months pregnant now. 
Things were going easier than you thought they’ll go, and You and Angel were incredibly happy about your baby.
But you couldn’t ignore the fact that something was bothering Angel, you didn’t ask what is it, you’re almost sure that it’s club business, and if he wants to tell you, he will.
But you couldn’t ignore the mean thoughts in your brain, saying that he’s distant because he hates the sight of you, he hates the fact that you’re getting bigger and bigger, and he can’t look at you anymore, and he’s probably with one of Vicky’s girls. 
These thoughts made you break down in painful sobs. 
One night, you’re laying in bed, on your back, watching something on tv when Angel comes home. 
You hear him take his Kutte off, his shoes, as he slowly walks towards the bedroom that you share.
“You should be sleeping.” He says when he sees you being awake.
“I’m not sleepy. Hormones you know.” 
“I’m gonna take a shower quickly.” Angel says before he disappears in the bathroom.
You turn off the tv while you wait for him.
After like 5 minutes, Angel comes out of the bathroom, wearing only a loose black boxer that he loves to sleep in. 
He lays down next to you, turning towards you, drinking in the sight of you. 
Placing a hand on your round belly he whispers “You’re so beautiful.” 
It’s your turn now to turn your head towards him so you can look at him.
“And here I thought you hated the sight of me.” You whisper, voice so small you’re not sure that Angel heard you. 
But he did.
His head snapped up with a confused, and somehow offended expression.
“Why the fuck you’d say that?” 
“I can see that something is wrong. And I’m getting bigger, and bigger…”
“Stop right there!” Angel says forcefully. “You really think that’s the reason?”
You don’t reply.
Angel licks his lips, he’s no longer looking you in the eyes, but it’s fixed on your round belly. 
“I’m afraid I’ll fuck it up.” He confesses “I’m afraid that I’ll be a horrible father, and our child will hate me. All I can think about is that I will fuck it up.” 
“Angel.” You whisper “You won’t fuck this up. Not as long as I’m here and we do this together.”
“You can’t know that.” He shakes his head.
“Yes, I can. Because I know you Angel Reyes. You might fuck things up, but who doesn’t?!? Everyone makes mistakes, but the only thing important is that we learn from them. And you do, my love. You’re going to be the most amazing father. And you know why?” 
Angel shakes his head.
“Because you have a big heart. And when you love someone, you give everything you have to them, you love them more than anything, and you would do anything for them. I know it’s true, because I feel it everyday.” 
“You have far too much faith in me” Angel whispers.
“And you have far too little.” You reply “You have to start believing in yourself, mi Angelito.” 
“You’re going to be an amazing father, and this little one is lucky to have you as their dad.” 
Angel moves closer to you, placing a hand on your belly as he kisses you lovingly. 
“Thank you. For everything.” Angel whispers against your lips.
“Always, my Angel. Always. 
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bellisperennis0 · 4 years
His Hoodie
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Word Count: 1,751
Warnings: Mention of taking medication (pills)
A/N: A little caring and protective Angel. Exes to friends based off prompt above. Thank you for reading and enjoy! ❤️  GIF credit @pantherclawz​
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“Alright mija. is there anything else I can do for you?” Felipe asks as he finishes putting away your groceries.
“No, Pop, I should be okay?” you answer back from your place on the couch.
“I really hate to leave you like this.” he says, making his way to the living room, helping you get as comfy as you could considering.
“No te preocupes (Dont worry). I’ll be okay, I promise.” you give him a smile, the medicine you had taken when you left the hospital finally taking effect as you felt sleepy.
“Okay, mija. If you need anything, me llamas (you call me), okay?” he tells you as he leans down to place a soft kiss to your forehead, you simply nodded.
Pulling the throw blanket off the back of the couch, he gently draped it over you, placing another kiss to your head before making his way around the house, ensuring all doors were locked before he left.
A few hours later you awoke to someone making all kinds of noises in your kitchen. You assumed it was just EZ, who stayed with you here and there, so it wasn’t unusual for you to come home to find him raiding your fridge, or sprawled out on your couch.
“Jesus, EZ!! What the hell are you doing in there?” you rasp, voice still laced with sleep.
“Querida! You’re awake!?” your brows furrow in confusion at Angel’s voice, he’s the last person you would have expected.
“Angel?” you ask in surprise as you watch him turn the corner and into the living room. You can see the worry and concern on his face, giving him a sad smile as he slowly made his way towards you.
Helping you sit up a little, he takes a seat on the edge of the couch, his hand gently stroking over the bumps and cuts on your face. Closing your eyes, you lean into his touch.
“Fuck, querida. Why didn’t you tell any of us what happened to you?” he asks you, his thumbs still stroking your cheek.
“You guys all had a lot going on with finding Adelita and getting her back. Last thing you guys needed was to worry about me to.” you tell him, shrugging
“I was so pissed when I stopped by Pop’s and he told me you were in a car accident, and you didn’t say anything. I barged in here ready to yell, but then I saw how you were and I felt bad that I wasn’t there for you.” he tells you.
“Stop! I know you have all this other shit to worry about. It’s okay, Angel, really.” you give him a reassuring smile.
“Glad at least one of us was there for you.” he gives you a smile.
“Can you do me a favor?” you ask him.
“Anything for you, querida.” he tells you standing up from his spot on the couch.
“Can you help me to the bathroom?” you shyly ask him.
Without hesitation Angel is scooping you into his arms, bridal style.
“Angel!” you squeal out of surprise, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Dont worry, querida, I got you!” giving you a wink.
Once at the bathroom, he gently places you down on your good leg as you lean into him for support. Once you gain your balance, you give a nod to let him know he could step outside. With a brief struggle, and a lot of annoyance from Angel asking every two seconds if you were okay, you did what you needed. When Angel saw you make your way out of the bathroom, he was quick to pick you up again.
Placing your hand on his chest to stop him, slightly laughing, “Angel stop! You don’t have to carry me. Just help me.” you tell him, wrapping your arm around his lower back, leaning into his side.
While you made yourself as comfortable as you could get on the couch again, Angel disappeared to the kitchen, coming back shortly, taking a seat next to you, handing you a glass of water and your medication. Taking your pills, you watched as Angel scrolled through Hulu, finding one of your favorite movies. He looked over to you, giving you a smile and a wink.
“Now you just get comfy and enjoy your movie.” He said as you watched him get up and make his way down your hall.
“Angel, what are you doing?” you yell towards the direction he disappeared.
You didn’t hear Angel respond, but you could hear him rustling in one of the other rooms. Shortly later he came walking into the living room with your hamper in hand.
“Angel. NO!! You really don’t –“ you tried to object, but Angel was quick to cut you off.
“Just let me help, querida. Please!?” you can tell this was something he really wanted to do for you.
Sitting back, you nodded, “But you aren’t folding my clothes.” You tell him as he made his way towards your laundry room.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before!” you can hear him say from the other room.
You watched as Angel moved around your house doing all the domestic things. Seeing how content he was in helping you, you didn’t have it in you to tell him that Felipe had down the same thing this morning after bringing you home. And in all honesty, you have missed this side of Angel.
Half way through your second movie you could hear Angel in the kitchen. You tried your best to just let him be, but you have never known nor have you ever heard of Angel ever cooking. The two years you had dated, the only thing Angel could manage to make was a bowl of cereal, and even that was debatable.
From all the noise and cursing coming from your kitchen, you knew it was a complete disaster. It sounded like everything was under control until your smoke detector began screaming throughout the house. You can hear Angel cursing none stop.
“Angel?!” you called out for him. Angel slowly appearing around the corner.
“I’ll call for some pizza.” He says with clear defeat. You couldn’t help but laugh.
While you finished your movie and waited for your pizza, once again you can hear Angel cursing from the back room. From the way he sounded and the way he looked approaching you, you knew right away something else had gone wrong.
“What happened?” you asked, eyeing him.
“Somehow half your clothes came out pink.” He said as he sat the hamper full of your clothes down on the coffee table. Plopping down beside you, he threw his head back against the back of the couch, hands covering his face.
“Fuck, querida! All I want to do is help you out, and I can’t even do that right.”
“Angel, I’m completely thankful for your help.” Your heart aching at how defeated he looked. You knew all he wanted to do was help you as much as he could, and you were forever thankful for that.
“Help? I almost burned down the house and just ruined your clothes.” He tells you in frustration.
“I appreciate you trying to help, but really, I’m just happy to have you around.” You tell him, giving him a sad smile.
He sighed as he reached over, taking your hand into his, “I’m sorry, querida. I know I haven’t been around much. Everything with the Club and with the rebels –“
Shaking your head, you stopped him, “It’s okay, Angel. I know you have all this shit you are dealing with. You don’t have to apologize.”
He gave you a smile and leaned over to place a kiss to your cheek.
After enjoying your pizza and a few more movies together, all you wanted to do was get into your own bed and sleep for at least two days straight.
Once Angel was sure you were comfortable and had taken your pills, “I’ll be out in the living room if you need me.” He tells you as he turns to head out the door.
“Angel,” you call out for him. He quickly turned back around, “Stay?” you ask as you pat the other side of the bed.
“You sure?” he asks you
“Please!” you simply say.
He nods and gives you a smile, making his way to the other side of the bed. Crawling in next to you, he sighs in contentment and you couldn’t help but smile.
“You look exhausted.” You whisper, looking over at him.
“You don’t look so hot yourself, querida.” He teases back, poking your side.
“Thank you again for being here today, and for staying.” You say, gently pushing some of his hair out of his face.
“Can I ask you something?” he asks you, propping himself onto his elbow to look at you.
“Shoot, Reyes!” you tell him, looking over at him.
“Why are you wearing my sweater?” he asks you as he gently tugs at the sleeve of the sweater you were wearing.
“Because it smells like you. And it comforts me.” You admit.
He just nods and gives you a smile.
“Did you get her back?” you asked him, knowing he wouldn’t give you any details, but it was an honest question.
“I did, but then she made me let her go. Only way she could save Los Olvidados and the MC.” He tells you as his face falls, you can see how heartbroken he was.
“God, I’m so sorry, Angel.” You said reaching over and taking his hand into yours.
He softly laughs, “I am convinced that all this is my karma for all the shit I had put you through.”
“It’ll all work out Angel, they’ll come back to you.” You tell him as he just scoffs.
“Get some rest, querida. I know you must be tired.” he tells you as he notices you dozing off.
Turning off the lights and getting cozy, you reach out for Angel’s hand, entwining your hands together. Not liking the distance between you two, Angel gently moved closer towards you, wrapping an arm around your middle, making sure not to hurt you, as you settle in next to him. A content grin on his lips, his eyes drifted close as he listened to your breathing deepen and slow, feeling the rise and fall of your chest. He synchronized his breathing with yours and allowed the sound of your hearts beating together to lull him to sleep.
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lauraashley93 · 4 years
This is my first shot at fanfic... be easy guys haha
I Don’t Love You Anymore
Reader and Angel are engaged when Angel starts to pull away. Things go south when reader confronts him.
Warnings: angst
It was the final straw. You had finally had enough. For months you and Angel had been fighting because you could feel him pulling away from you and every time you’d bring it up he’d shut it down by either brushing it off or getting on the defensive. Both of which just ended up with yelling and crying.
You wanted so bad to know what had happened between the two of you because once upon a time you were happy, perfect even. After this time though, you were done wondering. It had been three days and Angel had chose to stay at the clubhouse instead of coming home and you decided if he wouldn’t come to you, you would go to him, confront him and demand some answers. You were tired of having your heart stomped on.
Which is how you found yourself here. You were sat in your car parked in the scrapyard twisting and turning the diamond ring on your left ring finger as a tear slid down your cheek. All the confidence you had driving there completely gone as you now started to feel the heaviness in your heart. You sighed, it was now or never so you took a deep breath and stepped out of your car.
You stared at the ground trying to calm your racing heart. You were brought out of your concentration when you heard your name Being called. You looked up and seen a smiling Ez running toward you. The smile slowly fading as he approaches you as he sees you’ve been crying.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
You shrugged, “I don’t think so Ez. Have you seen Angel? I really need to talk to him.”
Ez nodded his head toward the club house. “He’s in there. Noticed he hasn’t really left. He’s not saying much though.”
You nodded as you tried to hold back the tears.
“I don’t think he loves me anymore Ez. He won’t come home, he’s acting different and every time I try to figure it out he shuts me out and we end up in a screaming match. I’ve tried giving him his space but I can’t do this anymore.”
Ez’s heart was breaking for you. He could see the pain behind your eyes and he wished he could knock some sense into Angel and pull his head out of his ass. He didn’t think that Angel didn’t love you, he thought it was more of his brothers way of thinking he was protecting you. Pushing you away, in Angels mind, was the best option.
“I’m gonna go see him. I didn’t want to do this here but he has left me no choice.”
Your shoulders slumped in defeat as you walked toward the clubhouse.
Walking through the doors you were greeted by Bishop. He gave you a hug that you returned. “Y/N! It’s been so long since we’ve seen you what brings... “ he stops speaking as he pulls you back to see that you are not your normally bubbly self. You had grown close to the Mayan men and considered them family. Which is why doing this was that much more difficult. His once happy face grows into concern as he takes in your appearance.
“Is everything okay Mija?”
“I’m looking for Angel. Have you seen him?”
He could tell by your answer that he wasn’t going to be getting anything out of you. He nodded his head in understanding and motioned his hand over his shoulder.
“He’s by the bar. You need anything you know you can come to me.”
You smiled a silent thank you to him as you made your way to where Angel sat.
He seemed to be in its own world as you slowly walked up behind him
You cleared your throat as you tapped his shoulders.
“Angel.” Your voice cracked as you said his name.
He turned around with a look of surprise. He definitely didn’t expect for you to come here.
You first noticed how different he looked. Stress and lack of sleep evident on his face. It broke your heart to see the man you love like this. But you couldn’t let that get in the way. You were here to either get answers or walk away. You couldn’t do anymore fighting and being left to feel as if you were nothing.
“Y/N. What are you doing here?”
His voice was a mix of irritation and shock and it made you feel small.
“I wanted to talk to you and seeing as how you won’t answer my calls or texts and refuse to come home you have left me no other options.”
You we’re trying to keep your voice down. You didn’t want to attract any attention. You prefer to keep your problems private so you kept trying to remind yourself to be calm.
“Well, I have nothing to say when I do I’ll come around or answer your calls. So feel free to leave.” You blinked a couple of times trying to ward back the tears threatening to fall. You never thought he would talk to you that way and for him to be so hateful after you had done nothing wrong sent you over the edge.
“What the fuck is your problem?? What have I done to you that is SO awful you feel you need to treat me this way??”
Your voice is no longer calm. You are all but yelling and Angel has noticed his brothers attention are now on you both. He hated knowing he was making you upset. Truth is he wanted to talk to you but it seemed everything lately was going so wrong and he didn’t want you near if the shit exploded so instead of fixing things like he so desperately wanted to he chose to pick a fight. Thinking of anything to make you want to walk away.
“I don’t have a problem. I just need some space and I don’t understand why you can’t just fucking give it to me.”
You stared at him, he didn’t come off as convincing as he wanted and he knew you heard it in his voice.
“You don’t mean that. You’re trying to push me away.. I just can’t understand why. Please Angel, just talk to me. We can work this out but you HAVE to communicate with me” you’re trying so hard but you can see the coldness in his eyes. You can feel the walls going up and you can tell he isn’t going to listen. You start to cry. No longer being able to hold back the tears. “You can see the pain you’re causing and you don’t even care.” You voice caught in your throat as you choked back a sob. “Please Angel. I love you. You’re my world. I need you. I miss you..”
He’s staring at you. His heart breaking but he’s not breaking. He knows he has to hurt you. Make you hate him so you’ll run and never look back. Find someone who can give you a safe and happy life.
“You want me to talk?” He’s yelling now and you are backing up as he stands from the bar stool. “Fine, I don’t love you anymore, Y/N. I have tried and I just can’t. You’re holding on to something that’s not holding onto you and that’s the problem. It’s pathetic. I thought you would get the hint but I guess you just can’t see the signs. There is nothing to fix. I don’t want to fix us.”
Bricks. That’s what it felt like bricks upon bricks being dropped on you. Your world stopped. Were you breathing?? Are you awake? Is this real life? Did your fiancé, love of your life and best friend just tell you he didn’t love you anymore? You needed to say so much but couldn’t find your voice. All you could do is cry while everyone in the clubhouse stared on in shock. All of the sudden you felt tired. Drained. Like the life had been sucked right out of you. After the shock started slowly fading away it was quickly replaced with anger.
“Oh, stupid me for not seeing that my FIANCÉ stopped loving me. When Angel? Huh? WHEN? Why couldn’t you just tell me? Why string me along?” You wiped the tears from your eyes. You were done. You were tired of him breaking you when all you tried to do was love him. You wanted to tell him you didn’t care. That it was fine and you would go find someone who deserved you. Problem was, you DID care. So much so it was eating at you. So you cried harder.
“Why don’t you love me, Angel?”
The question broke his heart. He wanted to hug you, to hold you and make it all up to you. But he couldn’t, not now. So he dug it in deeper.
“I’m not sure I ever did. You were someone who made me feel good, filled a hole. I guess I was using you as a crutch and now, it’s just doing it anymore. You’re not enough. I can’t keep pretending.”
You broke. You didn’t think it was possible to hurt anymore than you already were but he did it. All your life you have never felt good enough. That was a part of you that you told him and all of those times he said you were and that you were everything he needed and wanted was a lie. Angel had to look away before he lost it. He could see the light leave your eyes knowing he had finished what he set out to do. Ez had apparently noticed too so he walked up to you giving Angel the most disappointed look he could muster up and he put his arm around you. “Come on y/n I’ll take you home.” You don’t remember giving the command to your legs to follow him but you did. It was like everything in you had died and you were floating. Slow motion. Ez put you in the passenger seat of your car as he climbed into the driver seat. He looked at you, pity washing over his face he went to speak but you stopped him.
“ Please , don’t. Don’t make excuses. Don’t tell me you’re sorry. You looked over at him tears flowing freely. “Please just take me home. “
Ez did just that. The ride was quiet. You finally pulled into your drive and got out quickly. Ez following behind you. You stopped at the door and turned to him.
“Go, take the car. I’ll be fine. I just need to be alone.” Ez hesitated but I guess the look in your eyes he knew it was for the best.
“Okay, but please promise me that you’ll call me if you need me. “. You nodded and walked inside. You heard the car speed off and you slid down the door letting your emotions swallow you as you laid in the floor.
Back at the club house Ez pulls back in. He’s fuming. He looks at you like a sister and watching Angel completely break you was enough to make him wanna beat the shit out of thin. He storms into the clubhouse eyes searching for Angel. They find him at the bar shooting back a shot of whiskey.
“Angel, what the fuck is your problem??” Ez yells as he storms up to his older brother. Angel turns and looks at him and Ez is shocked to see that he’s crying?
“Why did you say all of that to y/n?” Ez’s tone is softer now seeing how upset Angel is.
“I had to Ez. Don’t you get it? It’s for her own good. I’m toxic. With all this shit going on I don’t want her caught in the middle. She deserves better. I need her safe. I don’t want her to get hurt.”
Even though Ez understands his brothers motives he still can’t help but wanna punch him.
“Do you realize she wasn’t hurt until as right now? You did the very thing you set out NOT TO DO. You pushed away the one person who loved you more than life itself. You want her to live a happy life but all you have done is ripped her heart out and stopped her eyes from shining. YOU hurt her. Not club shit. YOU. She wants her fiancé to love her. Don’t you remember when you first purposed to y/n? Hm? Remember what you told me she said? That she didn’t care what happened. She would ride and die with you. She’s tough and can handle shit, Angel. You need to let her have a choice in this.”
It was like realization kicked Angel in the dick and made him want to vomit. Ez was right but what did that matter now? He didn’t know but he needed to make it right. He needed to run home and tell you he was a fucking idiot and that he loved you and he will spend the rest of his life making it up to you.
“I’m a fuck up Ez. I gotta get to her bro. I gotta fix this.”
Tears were running down angels face as Ez put his hand on his shoulder.
“Come on, I’ll follow you in her car. Let’s go win your girl back.”
They rushed out driving as fast as they could. Angel didn’t know what he was going to say but he was going to beg you till him face turned blue. He knows he needs you. He knows he fucked up he just hopes it’s not too late.
They pull into your and angels driveway. Everything is quiet. The lights are out. Angel rushes into the door with Ez staying out on the porch. He just wants to be there just in case things don’t go well. Angel flips on the living room light but there isn’t any sign of you. “Y/n??!!??” Angel keeps yelling your name until he gets to the bedroom you share and it’s like the wind gets knocked out of him.
All your clothes are are gone. Nothing else touched but he knows your gone.
Ez hears his brother screaming and runs in seeing Angel sobbing on the floor. He sighs and runs his hand over his head. He looks around and sees a piece of paper laying on the bed. He grabs it and kneels next to Angel handing it to him. Angel looks up, wiping the tears from his eyes and takes the letter.
I believe one of the hardest decisions in your life is choosing to walk away or try harder. Part of me wants to tell you I can’t wait for your to realize you fucked up but part of me wants you to find happiness.
I tried hard. Maybe I could have tried harder? I don’t know. But I did try.. All I wanted was for you to wake up in the middle of the night and call in the middle of all those fights telling me you loved me and that you were sorry, but I couldn’t even get that in a drunk text. All I know is that if I stay I will always be in love with the idea of us getting back together because you, darling, will always have a special place in my heart that no one else could ever have. As you know by now I have left. I don’t want any of the memories. Keep the car. Keep the home and all of Our things. I don’t want to stay here and keep holding on to the hope that you’ll start loving me again and my phone will vibrate and it will be your name and you’ll tell me your sorry and that you love me or something to make me smile and everything will be okay again. I hope you find someone you can’t live without and I hope you never know what it’s like to try to live without them.
I left the ring in the top drawer of the dresser. I hope one day you will find your true forever.”
Angel is sobbing uncontrollably. Ez is trying to call you only to discover you have left your phone here. “I lost her man, I have lost the best thing in my life and I have nobody to blame but myself. “
Ez holds his brother while he cries hoping that there is still some way to get you back home.
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chibsytelford · 4 years
Chasing Cars
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A/N - this is kinda short. Based on the song Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. I love this song so much and wanted to write a fic about it. I know in Mayans Angel and EZ sort things out, as does Angel and Felipe, but just for this story we are pretending that they aren’t talking to each other lmao.
P.S - this isn’t actually THAT sad. A tiny bit with fluff so it’s all good.
Taglist - @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rebel-without-cause-x​ @starrynite7114​ @angelreyesgirl​ @thewarriorprincessxo​ @sadeyesgf​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @blessedboo​ @angelxshiba​ @destynelseclipsa​ @jadesamhart​ @fangirlingaesthetics​ @elcococruz​ @minnicelli​ @lady-pswrld​ @peaches007​ @gemini0410​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @scuzmunkie​ @thisishowdynastiesareborn​ @aquamento​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @trulysuccubus​ @talicat713​ @deeandbobbymcgee​
If you would like added/removed from my taglist just let me know :)
When Angel didn’t come home at his usual time you knew exactly where to find him. He has a special place at the top of a hill close to your house where he likes to go when he needs time to think and to breathe. You more often than not found Angel lying down with his hands behind his head, staring up at the dark sky taking in the stars and the moon. 
You put on your shoes, grabbed a blanket and headed to the car. You started it up and drove to the hill where you knew Angel would be. And you were right. Even from the bottom of the hill you could see his figure lying in the exact same position you knew he would be in. Grabbing the blanket from the car you headed up the hill to comfort and talk to him.
We'll do it all Everything On our own
“Hey babe” you shouted as you reached the top. You didn’t want to give him a fright so you shouted out before you reached him. Angel lay his head flat on the ground and looked back at you giving you a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. You lay the blanket over him and climbed underneath it yourself. You sat down beside him and laid your hand on his chest.
“Are you ok?” you asked as you gently stroked his chest with your fingers. You looked at him properly and saw the tears in his eyes that threatened to spill over again. You could tell he had already been crying but you didn’t say anything.
“Just the usual shit” he whispered sitting up so you were side by side. You removed your hand from his chest and placed it on his back, resuming the stroking. “I’m tired of being second best. To golden boy” he sighed. 
You knew that Angel’s father Felipe had more time for his younger brother EZ than he did Angel. The favouritism was obvious to you which is why you had only met Felipe a couple of times. 
Angel wasn’t the type to beg for attention from anyone, especially his pops so he never said anything to him about how he was feeling, even though you wish he would. 
Angel rubbed his face with both hands before speaking again. “I don’t need anyone, I only need you. We can take on this world on our own, and not have to worry about anything or anyone” he said as he took your hand in his giving your knuckles a tender kiss. 
We don't need Anything Or anyone
“I’m done waiting around on Pops or EZ to treat me like I deserve to be treated Y/N. I don’t need them anymore, that’s for sure”.
Secretly you were glad that Angel had come to his senses. It broke your heart every time Felipe sided with EZ, or left Angel out of things. It was always you who had to pick up the pieces of Angel’s heart every single time. You didn’t mind doing it, it just broke your own heart in the process seeing how upset and defeated Angel got every time.
“I’ll always be by your side Angel. No matter what the world throws at us, you can count on me” you promised him. You snuggled into his side and wrapped your arms around him.
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Angel lay down and pulled you down beside him. He placed his arm around your back and you used his arm as a pillow. 
“I could stay like this forever querida. Just you and me, nobody else” he commented. 
I don't quite know How to say How I feel
Those three words Are said too much They're not enough
“You know I would be so lost without you Y/N, I have no idea what I would do if you didn’t exist” Angel said as he started stroking your arm with his thumb. “There are no amount of I love you’s in this world that could begin to describe how I feel about you.”
 It was rare that Angel really spoke about his feelings for you. Of course he tells you he loves you every day, but something in this moment was different. He was different. Angel abruptly stood up causing you to sit up worriedly too. He reached out his hand and pulled you up so you were now standing infront of him.
“I wanna show you just how much I love you, and how much you mean to me” Angel was nervous. His hands were shaking and his eyes were looking everywhere but at you.
“Look what’s that behind you” he said as he pointed at something in the sky behind you. 
“It’s the moon, look how beauti-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence because you had turned back around to speak to Angel and noticed he was down on one knee infront of you.
“Will you marry me mi dulce?” He whispered and you nodded your head straight away.
“Of course I will Angel” you managed to say before launching yourself at him and crying. “I love you so much” you said as you both stood up and he slipped the ring onto your finger.
“I’ve been carrying this around for ages now man, tryna find the right time to propose. This was the perfect time. We might have closed the chapter on my Pops for now, but I’m about to start a new chapter with you, the love of my life”. Angel pulled you delicately into him and pressed his lips on yours gingerly. “te quiero Y/N”.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Anything For You
EZ Reyes x Reader
Warnings: language (mild)
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I got kinda beat up at work today so this fic is super self-indulgent because I’m writing to cope lmao. But have some fluffy, caring EZ taking care of you after a rough day. 🥰
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You walked through the door, feeling defeated after your longest day in a while. You dropped your bags and kicked off your shoes, not bothering to put anything away in its rightful place. All of that could wait. The only thing you wanted to do was take a scalding hot shower.
In your daze, you hadn’t even noticed EZ’s bike parked on the street right in front of your house. You walked to the bathroom and turned some music on, playing it through your phone speaker as you got ready for your shower. You peeled off your sweatshirt and dropped it to the floor, your back feeling cold instantly from the sweat that was on your t-shirt. The t-shirt was the next thing to go.
Just as you were about to unclasp your bra, the bathroom door opened slightly. You screamed in surprise and instinctively kicked it shut, hard. You heard EZ curse and then let out a laugh. “Hey,” his voice was soft, “it’s me. Let me in.”
“Fuck,” exhaustion was dripping from your voice as you opened the door, “sorry. I didn’t realize you were here.”
“It’s all good, Querida. I was just coming to see if y—” he stopped short when he saw the side of your face, “What happened?”
You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it, “Nothing, I’m fine.”
He gently cupped your chin in his hand and turned your head to the side so he could get a better look at the cut that was going down the left side of your face. His brows furrowed, “Who hurt you, Y/N? I swear to god I’ll fucking—”
You cut him off with a soft smile, “I told you, I’m fine.
“Someone sliced your face open. You’re not fine.”
You chuckled, shaking your head, “It’s not sliced open. Don’t be a drama queen. Besides, it was a ten-year-old at work who did it. So I’m pretty sure it would be frowned upon if you tried to beat up a literal child.”
His whole demeanor shifted once he heard that you had gotten injured at work. He had never fully understood what you did for a living, and there was a lot that you legally had to keep from him. This was the first time in a long time that you had come home with a visible injury that you had to talk to him about. He knew you worked with kids who had behavioral issues but he never really understood the scope of what that meant. Plus, you only ever tried to tell him the good stuff because that was so much more enjoyable to talk about. It’s hard to explain how non-reactive you are in those situations because in EZ’s life everything is about reactivity.
“I’d beat up a ten-year-old for you if you asked me to,” there was a small smile on his face now.
You laughed, cringing slightly at the pain it sent shooting through your skin, “I appreciate the sentiment. One of my kiddos just had a really rough time today and I caught the brunt of it. He’s not even gonna remember that he did this to me tomorrow. If he can let it go so can I. I just want to shower the day off of me.”
He nodded, placing a gentle kiss on the cheek that was unscathed, “Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Put my wine in the fridge and order dinner?” there was a small smile on your face.
“Of course.”
“Order something unhealthy and greasy for me, please.”
He chuckled, pulling you into a hug, “Anything for you, Querida. Take a long, hot shower. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.” He gave you one more kiss on your forehead before stepping out to let you shower in peace. You smiled as the door shut behind him, trying to contain your grin so it wouldn’t pull at the skin around your cut.
You stripped off the rest of your clothes and turned the water on, trying to make it hot but not so hot that it was going to aggravate your cut more than necessary. You stepped in and closed your eyes, letting the water wash over you as your mellow playlist echoed through the bathroom. You leaned lightly against the wall of the shower, glad to not have to support all of your weight even if it was just for a few minutes.
After a few minutes of just standing under the running water, you set about scrubbing your body from head to toe. You carefully washed your face, trying to be extra delicate with your left cheek, but it still stung. The steam helped, though, and you slowly felt your body returning to normal.
You heard a knock on the door and you poked your head out from behind the curtain, “Yea?”
EZ opened the door, smiling at your dripping hair falling over your shoulder, “About thirty minutes for the food.”
You smiled, “You’re a gem.”
He just smiled and shook his head before closing the door and leaving you to finish your shower. Minutes ticked by and eventually you knew that you were about as clean and relaxed as a shower was going to make you. You shut the water off and dried off, chuckling to yourself over the amount of steam trapped in your small bathroom. After wrapping the towel around yourself, you made your way to the bedroom that you had been sharing with EZ for the better part of a year. He was sprawled across the bed watching TV, trying to pretend that he wasn’t watching you as you walked around in your towel.
You walked over to your dresser and pulled out a pair of comfortable shorts and slid them on. You hung up your towel and EZ was all but drooling as he watched you walk around with just shorts on and no top. You smiled at him as you plopped down on the edge of the bed and grabbed your lotion off the nightstand. There was nothing better than lotion on your legs after a hard scrub in the shower.
Before too long, you felt the bed shift as EZ crept over to you. He knelt behind you, placing kisses all over your shoulders and back. You could hear the smile in his voice as he said, “I could help you with that, you know.”
You chuckled, leaning your head back against him, “Oh could you?”
“Yea,” he placed a kiss on your neck, “Lay on your stomach and I can get your back for you.”
“No getting extra handsy, the food is gonna be here soon,” you warned as you laid down like he asked.
“I’ll be good, I promise,” he threw one leg over you so that he was straddling you, situated right over your hips, “Just let me take care of you, Y/N.”
You hummed in approval as he slowly started working the lotion across your shoulder blades and upper back. He made good on his promise to not get frisky, but you almost wished that he didn’t. despite how rough his hands were from work, he was so gentle and it felt so relaxing as they slid over your back. If he kept going you would probably relax enough to fall asleep that way.
He scooched up slightly so that he could get lotion on your arms too. He placed soft kisses along your back as he did. So often you two were wrapped up in your routines that you forgot just how extra attentive he could be. The two of you co-existed so well together, but moments like this when one of you went a little above and beyond were always so amazing.
His phone went off and he carefully climbed off of you. He wiped his hands on his shorts and picked his phone up, smiling at the screen. “Food’s here,” he kissed you on the forehead, “Be right back.”
You caught his hand before he could walk too far away and pulled him back to you. You propped yourself up on your knees and wrapped him in a hug, “Thank you, EZ, for everything.”
“Anything for you, Querida,” he kissed your good cheek, “I love you.”
You hummed in contentment, finally releasing him to go and get the food, “I love you too.”
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samcrobae · 4 years
A lot on my Plate, 2
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Gif credit to the original creators! Let me know if I should do a part 3.
A/N: this hasn’t been proof read but if you haven’t read part one, find that here:
“Y/N who the fuck is this?” Manny now approached you from behind, his hand coming up to push the door open further.
Angel, now standing very confidently brings a hand to his chest, “Angel. I was just coming to see if Y/N was ready for our date”. Manny’s eyes flash back to you, glaring daggers at Angel.
“Dulce, why aren’t you ready yet? I told you I would be picking you up at 6. I mean I live right next door, it don’t take me long to get here.” He emphasized that part, before chuckling to himself then looked back over at Manny, “you know how our girl can be.. stubborn as ever huh.” Manny popped his jaw then turned to pick Sebastian up and grabbed his bag, before looking you up and down, then looked back at Angel, “nah homie she ain’t our girl.” And he quickly descended down your stairs.
Angel pushed past the threshold and entered your apartment. “What’s up his ass? Anyway get dressed you’re coming to the clubhouse to chill.” He plopped himself down on the couch, “wear anything other than leggings please.”
“Angel I told you I’m not going. I don’t want to and you can’t just show up here like that. Look I have-"
“A lot on your plate, I know. Just get out of the house for a little while and if you hate it you won’t have to hang out with us ever again, alright? I want you to let loose for a little.”
You rolled your eyes and nodded in agreement, turning toward your bedroom. He was right you did need to get out for a few, but you didn’t really know the rest of the guys that well. Anytime you asked about them Angel always gave you the same reply , “nah dulce we’re just a couple of mechanics and motorcycle enthusiasts”, whatever that meant. You threw on some jeans and a crop top then ran a curling iron through your hair, tousling it a bit before walking back out into the living room.
“You see!! You look incredible dulce, come on.”
Drinks were pouring and you were feeling good, Angel had a hold on you all night, never letting you out of his sight, and even the other men were surprised to see he brought someone to a party. Not just anyone. You.
You finished your beer and offered to grab another round and walked toward the bar. Bishop and Angel were sat at a table.
“So what’s that about son?” Motioning to you, “big deal getting involved with her, she has a son, Angel. She seems like a good girl. She know who you are?”
Angel put a cigarette between his lips and lit it, slowly exhaling before answering. “Not really. Hasn’t come up. I care about her. I like her a lot Bish. I’ll tell her... when the time is right.”
BIshop gave Angel two pats on the shoulder before leaving the table to start a game of pool. That’s when you heard it—the sound of screeching tires on the pavement and shots ringing out and into the clubhouse, everything after that a blur that seemed to happen in slow motion. All you remembered was Angel calling your name and tackling you to the ground, then dragging you behind the bar. The shots continued to ring out for what felt like an eternity but was really only a minute before they stopped and the tires screeched once more.
Angel had laid himself on top of you, the both of you breathless and hearts racing as you tried to calm yourself. “Dulce...” he slowly moved himself to look you over, moving your hair and shirt to make sure you were okay, before helping you sit up. Your backs pressed against the bar, still panting as you looked over at him. “Motorcycle enthusiasts......noted.” He looked at you with an apologetic look in his eyes but before he could speak he was cut off by the sound of glass crunching.
“Everyone alright ?!” Bishop called out into the open as everyone started to slowly get up, maneuvering around broken beer bottles and shattered windows, checking on each other. “Bish..” Angel walked over to Bishop but Bishop held his hand up, “I know, get her outta here.”
The drive home was silent up until you made your way to your front door.
“Y/N... talk to me.”
You shook your head in defeat, “Angel what the fuck was that!!! Oh we’re just guys who like motorcycles dulce, don’t worry dulce, come hang out with us... and Angel I don’t need you to be a fucking hero! Throwing yourself on top of me like that! You could have gotten shot. Killed....even! Are you fucking insane?!”
Angel stood before you, leaned against the stair railing, hands in his pockets, head hung low. “I wanted to tell you, I was going to tell you.. this is why I didn’t... you’re too good for this..”
“For what?”
“For All of it Y/N. Everything that happened tonight, the people I know, too good for me. And I know you are—and I don’t want to feel this way but fuck...it’s like the first thing I do when I wake up is think of you. What you’re doing that day, how’s your morning been, learning how you like your eggs and coffe so I can bring you food, learning everything about you. I don’t want to fucking like you but I do. From the moment I saw you step into the yard, I had to have you. In anyway I can. And I can’t have you be mine, because of who I am, so I am okay with us being friends and inviting you out with me, but I can’t even have that now because if something happened to you on my fuckin watch I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself”.
You stood in silence and stared back at him. “Okay. So. Tell me.”
His head shot up and looked at you, “what?”
You unlocked your door and stepped inside, moving the door further allowing him space to come in. “Tell me everything.”
The two of you sat at your kitchen table and you listened intently for 3 hours as he told you everything. The rebels, the cartel, Adelita, about his mom, EZ, his dad. When he was finished he sat silently, trying to read your expression but it was no use as your power face was strong.
After about 5 minutes he slowly stood, and stepped out of your kitchen and began walking towards the door. “I know it was a lot-" he began, putting his kutte back over his shoulders, “but I’ll be home if you wanna talk about it.” He reached for his phone when you called his name. He turned to face you when you caught him off guard and crashed your lips into his.
You didn’t know where your emotions were at and you hadn’t even began to process what he had told you, and you weren’t sure what you were doing.. Maybe it was the danger that followed him, or the way he smiled at you when he said your name, or maybe it was his scent— musk and leather with a dash of kush, or maybe- just maybe-it was because the man before you threw you to the ground just hours before to shield you from bullets that rang out around you, but you were turned on.
His hands came up to cup your face and you ran your tongue along his bottom lip before taking it between your teeth and tugging, which earned you a slight moan from him. You pushed his kutte down his shoulders and he spun you so that you were pinned between him and your front door, his mouth leaving wet kisses down your neck. When he reached your collar bone he stopped to look at you, lips swollen, out of breath with a look of urgency in your eyes.
“You sure?”
You were more than sure, it had been forever since you had any physical contact with the opposite sex and Angel was gorgeous. You bit your bottom lip and nodded your head yes.
“Yeah just not against the door, bedrooms over there.”
You led Angel to your room and before you could step inside his hands were around your waist, turning you to face him. He placed gentle kisses on your lips this time, slowly backing you into the bed and laid you down when your legs hit the edge. He hovered over you causing you to lay backwards on your bed and he began his assault on your neck, leaving his mark on your skin and finally sliding your shirt over your head. His kisses continued and your breathing picked up as he kissed your padded tummy just above your button on your jeans.
Before you knew it, your jeans and panties were off and Angels face was between your thighs, biting and sucking on your most sensitive parts and you felt euphoria in ways you never knew possible.it was almost as if he been here with you hundreds of times before, tears stinging your eyes as you cried out his name.
When he slid inside you, you had to catch your breath as bright colors danced behind your eyes. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours with every thrust and your moans were the only sounds in the room.
When you were done, you laid there, wrapped in each other’s arms, your fingers tracing the lines of his tattoos as his breathing evened out and you both fell into a deep sleep.
You woke to the sound of your phone ringing. Looking at the clock, you groaned out and saw it was 8:15AM. You had missed 3 calls and 2 texts from Manny.
“Y/N what the fuck I been calling you all morning , I got called in last minute to work . I’m outside, I have to drop Sebastian off with you.”
Fuck. You looked to your left, Angel was fast asleep, he probably wouldn’t notice if you slipped out of bed.. you slowly crept out of your room and threw on your robe and head to the front door. You unlocked it and let manny inside to set Sebastian down when you heard the toilet flush. You jumped at the sound and turned toward the bathroom door.
“It’s a little early to have company Y/N... oh shit well aint this cozy.. ain’t he your neighbor mama?”
Angel flashes Manny a cocky grin, “Angel”.
Angel places a kiss on the top of your head. “Ima go make some coffee.”
@ifoundmyhappythought @starrynite7114 @everyhowlmarksthedead @angelreyesgirl @gemini0410 @sadeyesgf @sesamepancakes @wrcn9fvlcver @dazzledamazon
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strawberrywritings · 4 years
Second problem.
A/N: I am an hour late to posting this and i haven’t proofread, but to make up for it: Señor Galindo makes another appearance! I honestly hope i managed to tag everyone because sometimes i lose a username (sorry in advance)🙈 
Hope you like this chapter, ad if you want, let me know what you think in my askbox xx 🍓
ps: look how cute Angel is when he sleeps!!!!!
/ Previous parts
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The next hour and a half went by in a blur. You and Angel sat on the sofa as he proceeded to explain to you everything about what he did with the club: the drugs, the tunnels, his past, his mom. Multiple glasses of water later, there was a thick silence in the room, your arms were crossed over your chest as you stared everywhere but him, and he sat there defeated, because he knew what was coming: heartbreak.
He was the first to break the silence, “I opened up myself to you, please say something”. His voice was desperate and your heart ached. “I don’t know what to say. This is… a lot”, you had tears in your eyes, and he might not be a genius like EZ, but he could see how uncomfortable he had made you. And he hated himself for it. He nodded in understanding, and you spoke again, your voice wavering. “I just… I hope you can understand this isn’t easy for me”, rejection was coming Angels’ way, he was sure of it, so he did what he did best: building his walls back and acting as if he wasn’t breaking inside.
“It wasn’t easy for me to tell you all of that shit, either”, his voice got rougher and you looked at him, a frown on your face as your tone got firmer, too. “Well, I’m sorry I’m not used to all of this drug bullshit. – you looked at him, and while the strong façade you had put on started to crumble, Angel’s eyes stayed hard, staring into yours – I’m sorry I’m not from your world, I’m sorry I can’t understand what you’re going through. I can try, for you, but now I just need to come to terms with everything you told me. This may be just another day to you, but not for me. All I’m asking is some time”, you finished your rant with a sob, and his gaze softened at seeing you like that, he wanted to hug you so bad, but he was playing the role of the big bad biker and couldn’t get out of character now. El Pardino’s words echoed in his mind, “If she doesn’t accept it, you just let her go”. He was too afraid of losing you, and he thought that acting like this would make it hurt less. “Call me when you wanna talk”, he got up, making his way to the door and getting out of your house, not looking back.
You remained on the couch, the same couch you and Angel had spent so much time making out and cuddling on, it had become a place for sadness. You cried, and doubted your feelings towards him: was this a sign that it was best to break up with him? Could you take what came with this life? Would this happen again? That night, you couldn’t sleep. Every time you closed your eyes, your saw the pictures again, and every time it was hard to breath. Angel rode home, entering his apartment as if he was in a daze, he walked straight to the cupboard ad grabbed a bottle of tequila, drowning his feelings in alcohol and weed. He drank to escape his reality, to pretend that everything was fine, just for one night.
Angel arrived at the yard late, but when he did show up, everyone could see he looked like shit. He didn’t say a word to anyone and walked straight to the bar, asking Chucky for a bottle of water and some painkillers for his terrible headache. He kept quiet for most of the morning, and then lunchbreak came, so he sat at a random table and began eating. “Ain’t your girl coming around, today? – Coco spoke, plopping down next to his best friend – you could use some tlc to get that fucking shitty mood off yourself”. Angel winced at the mention of you, and Coco looked at him, his brows furrowed. “Nah, I’m good”, Angel replied and continued to eat; his friend kept quiet but looked at EZ, who just shook his head, signaling he also didn’t know what was going on.
In the afternoon, after work, EZ (poor guy, always babysitting and taking care of the others) had to snatch away his brother’s third beer, telling him to go home and get his shit together. That had made Angel scowl at him. “Mind your fucking business, prospect”, he spat the last word like it was an insult. Everyone was silent, not daring to challenge him if he was in a bad mood. Angel didn’t say anything else as he grabbed his stuff and stormed out the clubhouse, Coco going after him. “Hey, hermano, where ya going?”. “Home”. “Talk to me, c’mon”, Coco grabbed his arm and Angel yanked it away harshly, turning towards the other man and looking at him with angry eyes. “I told her everything and she said some shit about needing her space”, Angel huffed out and put his helmet on. “Everything?”. “Everything, Coco. And now I am alone again. I’d appreciate all of you not pouring salt into the wound and just letting me be”. He started his bike and sped off the parking lot, leaving a stunned Coco standing there. When he went back inside and relayed the information to his brothers, they all felt sorry for him and agreed that it would be best to leave him some time to cool off. Nonetheless, the old Angel was, seemingly, back.
You, on your end, weren’t doing much better. You had cried yourself to sleep on the couch, woke up late and had to rush to work. All day, you couldn’t think about anything other than the man that had been in your life for the past months. Luck didn’t seem to be on your side: as soon as the bell rang, marking the start of lunch time, you smelled a familiar cologne, and you turned just in time to see Miguel Galindo approaching you; he was wearing an almond-coloured suit with the usual white shirt underneath, perfectly complementing his skin. He invited you to have lunch with him at the same café you had been to a couple of weeks prior, and you figured you could use some distraction.
Miguel had done his homework: he had Nestor find out what he could about you, where you were from, what schools you attended, how you got to Santo Padre. Knowing all these things (but bringing them up in a way you wouldn’t be able to know he knew), it was easy for him to hold a conversation with you, even though he noticed how you seemed to space out from time to time.
“Is everything alright?”, he politely asked. You were brought out of your thoughts, and you softly smiled at him. “Yes, I’m sorry, I zoned out”, you apologetically smiled and shook your head. “Something’s bothering you?”, he asked, straightening up and leaning forward towards you. “Just… a rough night. Nothing that a good night of relax can’t fix”, you lied, still smiling at him and looking at the time on your phone. “I should probably get back, I have a class in 15 minutes”, you got up and gathered your things in your purse, grabbing the check, which was immediately snatched from your hand. “I’m not letting you pay, señorita. It was my pleasure to have lunch with you”, his hand brushed the small of your back, almost imperceptibly, and he said something to the waiter, who nodded and Miguel led you out of the place.
You were talking by the entrance of the school, just after the bell rang, when you heard the roar of a bike approaching. Instinctively, you averted your gaze from the man in front of you just in time for EZ to climb off his bike and spot you, and spot Miguel: Taza had sent him to see what was wrong with Angel.
“Hey”, he shortly greeted you with a smile, his eyes meeting Miguel’s, who was standing way too close to you for EZ’s liking. “Prospect – Miguel said, an amused smile on his face – what brings you here?”. “Family business, actually. – the prospect turned to you and smiled, completely ignoring the look on the other man’s face – got a minute?”. You nodded and turned to Miguel, “I’m sorry, I have to go”. “Don’t worry, we’ll catch up some other time”, he leaned in and kissed your cheek, a common greeting. EZ looked at the two of you with wide eyes, but as soon as he could, he dragged you over to where his bike was parked but didn’t let go of your arm. He asked you what happened with Angel and you gave him a brief explanation, you really didn’t want to think about last night, or Angel, at all at the moment, and he felt it, too, so he let you be.
“And what the hell was that? Galindo? Really?”, he crossed his arms on his chest and you did the same, not liking the implications of his tone. “It was just lunch. God forbid I relax for an hour, eh? You and club have all these girls around, ready to throw themselves at you – and don’t say it’s not true or it doesn’t matter, Ezekiel. I’ve seen the way they look at y’all, at Angel… I had a shitty night and for once someone manages to get my mind off that, and it’s a problem?”, tears were threatening to spill from your eyes, all the emotions you held inside, spilling out. He never meant to insinuate something, and the fact that you were feeling like shit, just like his brother, meant that the discussion had taken a toll on you, too. Still, it didn’t change the fact that it was Miguel Galindo who helped you take your mind off of Angel.
You sniffled and lowered your head to regain some composure, first of all, because you were in public and secondly because you knew that your outburst to EZ was uncalled for, and he didn’t deserve it. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to. – you said and he nodded, his gaze was full of understanding, but you still felt bad – I have to go, now. I’ll see you”, and with that, you made your way to your car and left. EZ followed your car with his eyes, and when he was sure you couldn’t see him, he got out his phone and called his brother. “Angel, you gotta get your girl back, rápido”.
taglist @scuzmunkie​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @starrynite7114​ @angelreyesgirl​ @my-rosegold-soul​ @claytoncardenasbabymama​ @peaches007​ @chibsytelford​ @thickemadame​ @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @cocotheclown​ @elcococruz​ @woahitslucyylu​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @justahopelessssromantic​ @gemini0410​ @imagineredwood​ @samcrobae​ @enamoured-x​ @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat​ @brattyfics​ @blessedboo​ @sadeyesgf​ @rebel-without-cause-x​ @general-tiny-mouse​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @wrcn9fvlcver​ @ly--canthrope​ @soaronmywings​ @cind-in-real-life​ @danie1432​ @briannab1234​ @spookys-girl​ @blackmissfrizzle​
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
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Fight Me
✯ Hashibira Inosuke x Strong! Fem! Reader
✯ genre: crack!!!! kind of strangers-to-friends-to-lovers au? kinda ooc characters but it do be like dat
✯ summary: inosuke likes girls that can put him in his place
✯ wordcount: 2.0k +
note: this was a request by @ahegaoapril sorry if it took me so long to write it!! i had to rewatch some of kny to get the events right but i hope you enjoy!!
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- okay so
- you first met tanjirou when you were making your way to the drum house
- you saw that he was a fellow demon slayer so why not stick with each other yknow
- teamwork makes the dream work
- “hi i’m y/l/n y/n!! what’s your name??”
- “i’m kamado tanjirou!! how old are you??” you tell him your age and luckily you guys were close to each other’s ages
- omg!!
- new bffs
- but then you could sense the presence of a demon coming from the box tanjirou was carrying on his back
- and he’s like
- ruh roh
- o.o
- “aHHhsjd you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to!! feel free to tell me whenever you’re ready!!”
- and he’s just uwuing
- because wow you’re so nice
- he’s gonna l o v e being your friend
- on your way up the mountain you see a blonde simp trying to harass a girl into marrying him
- sigh
- simps
- you notice that he’s wearing the demon slayer uniform
- ‘do they accept just anyone in the demon slayers’
- you and tanjirou make your way over to them and try to pull the simp off of the poor girl
- “hEY gEt off hEr rIghT nOw”
- “please marry me i’m so weak please i need you to protect me you’re so beautifu-“
- you grab the weirdo and fling him away from the girl
- she thanks you and starts being the crap out of him and honestly you couldn’t find the kindness in yourself to stop her
- eh
- it ez what it ez
- he goes on crying about how he was weak and how he needed a wife until
- but before he could go on you shoved him onto the floor making him eat dirt (poor baby)
- time skip becuase zenitsu is too chaotic
- you guys made your way up the mountain
- whew
- you need to work out more
- y/n’s stamina said: no
- after you guys got to the drum house you saw two little kids crying and hugging each other but suddenly a kid fell out the window
- you turned to shield the kids’ eyes so that they wouldn’t be able to see
- you, tanjirou, and zenitsu made your way inside of the house, sensing berko is demons on your way in
- you sadly got seperated from zenitsu and tanjirou
- sigh
- what nOW
- and you suddenly see a fucking guy with a boar mask
- luckily it just breezes past you and goes on a rampage
- ...
- when you got out you saw a beaten up zenitsu shielding tanjirou’s box from the boar mans relentless kicks
- oh no
- you fly into action and kick the shit outta the boar man
- but tanjirou suddenly comes out and yells at you to stop and that demon slayers weren’t allowed to raise their blades against one another
- who said that you were gonna be fighting with swords
- “the hate u give little infants fucks everyone” -2pac
- y/n: *proceeds to beat the shit out of the boar dude and successfully knocks him out with one kick to the back of its head”
- ...
- pending....
- loading....
- after inosuke woke up he threatened to beat the shit out of you but you just ignored him and continued to help tanjirou and zenitsu bring the bodies back outside
- after burying everyone, you guys decided to make your way to the wisteria house to get some rest and heal up
- on the way there and during your stay there inosuke wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone
- “no”
- “wHY NOT”
- “cuz i’m stronger than you, you’ll just hurt yourself. we’re here to rest”
- cue inosuke screaming and lunging at you
- but nah you weren’t bout it
- you simply side stepped and turned to jump inosuke and pin him down
- “give it up pretty boy”
- *boomboom*
- huh
- what was this
- why did inosuke feel his heart beat a little faster
- what was this feeling
- eh
- he’s probably just hungry
- ...
- you, inosuke, and tanjirou are currently battling the spider dad
- both tanjirou and inosuke make a move to slash at spider daddy’s arms but they were too tough, you quickly ran towards them successfully slashing the demons right arm
- “and? life is hard, but you get through it”
- wise words by y/l/n y/n
- life do be hard doe
- anyways
- inosuke felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest,,,what did that mean?? is he tired or something?? but why did seeing you cut spider daddy’s arm make his heart go boom boom
- as the battle goes on, tanjirou was yEETED to the next dimension, leaving only you and inosuke to fight against daddy long legs
- hah as if you’d die without confessing to inosuke
- huh
- wait what
- hehe
- your thoughts are suddenly interrupted when spidaddy suddenly lunges at you but you were luckily able to get out of the way
- :(
- after some time inosuke was able to slice through arachne daddy’s arms but it suddenly ran away
- “oi inosuke lets go”
- boom boom
- there it was AGAIN
- maybe he needed to see a doctor
- you follow the demon only to see it shedding its skin and regaining its arm back
- what the fuck
- you glance at inosuke but he isn’t budging
- you’re suddenly filled with fear when you realize that inosuke was accepting the fact that he was going to be defeated
- you were about to yell at him until
- “no way am i going to lose. i’m hashibira inosuke of the demon slaying corps!”
- whew
- you let inosuke take the lead as you knew that he was filled with new determination to kill this demon and get you two to safety
- but when the demon got its hands on inosuke you were suddenly filled with an immeasurable amount of rage
- you lunged at the demon and stabbed your blades into both of its shoulders
- it let out a piercing scream as you dig your blades even further into its flesh
- but suddenly a flash and inosuke was on the floor with the demons arms
- you turned your head and saw the water pillar, tomioka giyuu
- “gIyUU-SAN thank god!! could you please finish him off? i need to fix inosuke up” and he just nods at you and gets crack-a-lackin
- he defeats spider daddy in a span of 2 seconds while you and inosuke are mesmerized by his skill and technique
- as he makes his way deeper in the woods he is stopped by inosuke calling out to him
- and at that point you were too tired and exhausted to listen to inosuke or to baby sit him
- so you knock him out and smile sheepishly at giyuu
- after giyuu left, all the exhaustion seeps into your bones causing you to pass out right on top of inosuke, making you unconsciously snuggle into his chest
- by the time you wake up you were already at shinobu’s butterfly estate. surprisingly you were the first one up from your friends
- you looked at the bed beside yours and saw that you were in between zenitsu and inosuke
- you slowly slipped out of bed and sat on inosuke’s
- dumbass still had his mask on
- you slowly examine his body to see how his wounds were healing and they were healing pretty well
- you moved your hands to touch his own, feeling how warm and rough they were from long hours of practicing his swordsmanship
- “ehem”
- you quickly drop inosuke’s hand and turn your head to see a short armed zenitsu smirking at you
- “hehe you like him don’t you”
- >:)
- “and if i do? what about it?”
- 0o0
- zenitsu didn’t think that you’d actually admit it
- “hey, there’s nothing wrong with liking him. it’s normal. you guys would be cute together”
- “i-i s-shUT UP,,, but thanks zenitsu,,, do you really think he’d like me back though?”
- “of course he does y/n, you’re strong beautiful, intelligent, and skilled! he’d be stupid to not like you”
- aWH
- zenitsu could be really cute sometimes
- but what you two didn’t know was that inosuke was awake the w h o l e time
- and he was BLUSHING so HARD under his mask omg
- ceo of tomatoes
- this was yours and zenitsu’s little secret
- after all of you had healed up you noticed that inosuke was a little clingier towards you
- whenever you guys ate he would give you a piece of HIS tempura and he never does that???
- and whenever you two are sparring he always has this look in his eye, like he was looking at something so precious to him
- eh maybe it was just the lighting
- he wouldn’t have feelings for you
- was what you thought until you overheard the three musketeers talking
- “kentaro,,, is it normal for my heart to go really fast when i see y/n?? she’s really strong and i really like that. i love fighting with her and i wanna be as strong as her. but whenever we fight i get chest pains and my tummy feels weird. am i sick?”
- and zenitsu and tanjirou are just like
- ‘r u an idiot lol’
- but this is inosuke
- “listen inosuke, i think you like y/n,, maybe even love her,,”
- wHA
- bruh you’re being punkd tell the cameras to come out right now
- this has to be a JOKE
- before you could stop yourself your body already made its way into the room they were in and slid the door open
- *bANG*
- and suddenly the three of them are jumping into the air
- but when they see that it’s you, zenitsu and tanjirou make their way out, leaving you and inosuke by yourselves
- ��so i hear-“
- “i think i love you”
- what
- the
- fuck
- did he just say he loved you
- or did you have some sort of brain damage
- “i think you’re really pretty and you’re so strong that you don’t even seem to break a sweat when you kick my ass. i really like fighting with you but when i do,, looking at you makes me feel all weird and tingly”
- 0.0
- you suddenly lunge at inosuke and hug him and he hesitantly puts his arms around you
- “i think i love you too bakanosuke”
- cue tanjirou and zenitsu cheering
- “i still won’t go easy on you when we’re sparring though”
- “good, i don’t want you to”
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