#he watches something like 2 minutes of a match and becomes obsess with it
lumixre · 2 years
Hinata, watching a volleyball match for the first time: oh well... This is gonna be my personality for the rest of my life
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Bound By Birth
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The yandere boy’s reaction to you being their sweet, smaller twin and being obsessed.
Characters: Lucerys Velaryon, Jacaerys Velaryon, Aemond Targaryen.
Theses aren’t complete HC’s just some I thought about, but if you want a part 2 or a fic based on it please let me know.
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, Obsession, Possessive, Targaryen ways if you know what I mean, stalking, a bit hinted or nswf a bit but nothing is said that much!
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Aemond Targaryen
As soon as Aemond came out of the womb he had lost this sense of warmth and comfort, like he knew you weren’t with him. The new born screamed until you had entered the world a few minutes later and the room felt silent from his crys, only to be full with yours.
From his first breath he knew he belonged with you.
We all know aemond had no dragon that hatched from the egg so he lost that feeling but he had you. The gods had blessed him with something far greater then any dragon he could ever have. Needless to say he thinks of you as his to have since you are his twin.
Little man is possessive from the get go, like he can not bare to be away from you. So you always had him following your trail everywhere you went.
Aemond felt heartbroken when your egg hatched and his had yet too, only to discover the egg was never going to hatch. He was beyond jealous. He and you were supposed to have everything alike, dress the same, eat the same food and share the same toys.
But then that’s when it clicked into his brain you are his dragon. Yes, the gods did this on purpose.
No matter the gender his mind always pictured your wedding day.
Hates it when you train with your dragon and he can’t. Like gets really upset. He does get picked on but you’re there to save him, making him fall harder.
He swears one day he would protect you.
Aegon and the other boys are out of the question for him. You aren’t allowed to hang out with them at all, and if you are? He will pull you away quickly without a word and drag you off away from them.
When he gets his eye taken from him he couldn’t handle your eyes looking at him. Feels ashamed for the curse now on his face because he can’t be handsome or beautiful for you.
But the joy he feels inside when you weep beside him and hold his hand, he feels some sort of pride that you care for him deeply.
Female twin:
Knows you are meant to marry him. He doesn’t even have to convince Alicent very hard to wed you because she needs you to stay safe.
Matching your dresses to his outfit all the time.
He trains to impress you one day, maybe protect you in a fight. If you are ever watching the boys practice he will try his hardest which sometimes leads to him embarrassing himself. But you are there to smile and kiss his cheek with grace.
After that the two of you grow, well he changes into a different man but you stay the same sweet girl.
Aemond has become your protector. Always behind you and glaring at anyone who passes a glance that isn’t welcome. Man is ready to kill with just one word.
Since he is older his mind grows and he can’t stop noticing how beautiful you really are. The body, the hair, or just the sound of your sweet voice. He is addicted and can’t wait to have you as his wife.
Is a beast at fighting now. Gets a boost when you watch from above and see him win every time. Cole is his wingman and will pair him up with someone to put on a good fight just for you.
Male twin
Knows the gods made you smaller and younger then him just so you can be his. From the time he realized what marriage was he was thinking of you.
When you are younger and training he hates embarrassing himself around you, like hated it. Or when you’d pair up with the other boys, even Aegon. Aemond will hate to spar against you and he couldn’t imagine hurting you. But this is more time he can bound with you.
When he loses his eyes- Boy is more angry that he doesn’t look more like you now. You were his twin brother and are supposed to look the same. Aemond does feel the same when he sees you cry for him and tell him he will be okay. But he’s gained a dragon now. One to protect you.
Aemond is just glaring at people while you’re just smiling at everyone. Two separate handsome boys.
He doesn’t care if you’re a boy, you are his twin and he is meant to have you. He hates the thought of you marrying a woman, or anything- Will not share you with anyone.
You both match clothes all the time and he makes sure to tell the servants to dress you both alike or he will be angry.
He is still your protector at all cost and will let nobody harm you in any way. Not his sweet brother.
Just as well, when he grows his mind picks up on your handsome face, your smaller height. He feels better about himself because he could easily overpower you, being the bigger male twin does something to him. He loves it when you get angry at how you can’t grow as much muscle or height as him.
You both train together and he will teach you. Sometimes he will let you win, other times he wouldn’t because he loves you looking a bit sad- You might not be as big or strong but you have speed and can move away from him quickly. He loves to praise you for the smallest things.
Lucerys Velaryon
As I have said in my past fics he is a clingy boy. From birth he loves you because you are his partner in life and he knows it.
Lucerys does cry a lot when he is away from you, but he is also a happy baby as long as he is near you, just like aemond. I think at the young age he just knows you’re his twin.
I picture you however being the first one to walk and he’s just on the floor trying to follow you. Throws a tantrum when you walk away. But, his first steps are when rhaenrya tries to get him to walk and he does…only to walk passed her and over to you.
Growing up he follows you around like a lost puppy. Clings to you where ever you go and if you don’t give him your attention, he will find a way to get it. He does get jealous when jace is around because he’s older, boy just wants you to pay attention to him.
He has planned many pranks with you. Might even do a few on you but feels bad immediately afterwards.
When your father “dies” he realizes his role is to take on driftmark and he fears it. So he gets more possessive after that.
Hates being called Bastard but when someone calls you that? Boy is pulling you away and telling his mother for just the slightest judgement against you. Might even get daemon on it because he is more ruthless.
He tells his mother when he was younger to betroth the two of you and she sees how much you two love each other. However when you both get older he yells at her that he will not marry anyone else but you, no matter what. And he never disobeys her but this was different and she knows he telling the truth.
Even if you are a male he will take no wife. Because that means she would be yours as well. But let’s be honest, rhaenrya is planning to betrothed the both of you to someone. 
He kisses your cheek all the time or holds you hands, doesn’t really care who’s watching.
He still pranks you however, like taking your books and holding them above your head.
He is more clingy then the rest of them but not as dangerous- Well, not himself but will get others to do the dirt work.
Male twin:
He knows he’s small but he’s still young, but you? You’re shorter then him and less muscular and it makes him happy. Because that means he can protect you better then you can yourself.
He compares his frame to yours constantly, you’re such a smaller boy and he picks on you a bit. Not mean, but he can be a bit cocky at times.
You already know you both have matching outfits- Every day. Even pjs.
You both used to spar with each other all the time because it was so much fun, and he didn’t like you going against anyone in the fear of you being hurt.
Older sparring is fun because he isn’t that good at it and you’re almost just as bad. From any age he is so embarrassed to mess up in front of you. But maybe if he beats you then you can praise him for it.
Also, he can be alone with you and no one bats an eye because you’re both boys. So he can be as affectionate as he wants.
But nothing really changes for being a boy or a girl in his eyes, he’s just the same with both.
Female reader.
Younger him thinks it’s like a book about a princess and prince, just like the ones your mother read to the two of you.
Because you’re a female he gets more jealous of the males in his family, not saying he doesn’t for male you but this is different. You can easily be betrothed to any of them, he hates it.
Begs your mother to have you as his wife from a young age as well. It’s your birth right to be his bride. And again this means he has no use of another wife because you can have children. There is no one else he wants.
Matching dresses to his outfits and if you want to wear something else? Pouts. He can’t bare to not be in the same color as you.
Sparring is different because he is so terrified of hurting you. He will not even use force on his swings, but a few low hits. You can cry and get angry he isn’t trying but he wouldn’t care.
Kisses you in private all the time, “You’ll be my wife one day.”
Glares at any male that talks to you, even his brother. Tugs at your hand and just joins at your hip.
You can’t be alone together…Unless he sneaks in your room. Will just hold you until you both fall asleep.
Loves to braid your hair. Like he learns just for you.
Jacaerys Velaryon
He is the first born, so he knows he’s missing you. He, just like the others, is waiting for your presence.
Somehow even baby him wiggles closer to you in the cradle. They had to put you two in the same cradle because he wouldn’t stop fussing about being away from you.
He is more calm at this time, like if you get picked up? He’s going to watch but he’s just chilling unless you are out of his sight.
Loves to show you his toys, even though you have seen them so many times. Loves to share them with you too.
Have you seen those videos of babies hugging each other? Literally him with you.
He isn’t as different from the other two at this point.
Jace learns he is to become king and always calles you the future queen/king. And I mean actually correcting his mother or anyone else.
“The gods put us together, it stays that way.”
Loves when you hold his arm or chase him around playing tag.
Hates Aegon or aemond. He’s okay with lucerys, just don’t give him more attention.
Knows he is a bastard and that makes you one too and he fears for you the most.
Older him is just as bad if not more.
Tails behind you and always have his hand around your waist. Always doing everything together.
Even baths, not in the same room but at the same time- And he’s tried to be in the same tub. But going to clothes, studying and to the same sheets as you.
Gets angry if it’s even mentioned that you would marry someone else. Yells about how you will role beside him and no one can change that.
He’s kinda angry a lot when it comes to you. Wouldn’t really let anyone get too close, like not even your personal time. You want to read a book? Okay, he will be in the corner doing his own thing.
But he’s sweet to you always unless you say you can’t marry him, then it’s just him pushing you to think you have no choice.
Male twin
You think you can get away from this man? Um no, he is always near you.
From a young age he wouldn’t let you out of his sight. Can’t play without him, can’t study without him, or train. Anything you do is what he is doing.
Training with younger him isn’t that bad- Well, okay it’s a bit. He really loves to win against you and does the most. He wouldn’t hurt you but if you fall it isn’t his fault, you should be praising him for being so strong.
Dressing the same each time and will literally throw a tantrum if not. Saying the future king demands it.
After a few years, I think he might be the most possessive about you. The only time you can leave him or go somewhere in the castle is with his mother.
Man is always with you every step, linking your arms.
You already know he is picking on you for being so much smaller then him. I see him as such a cocky man for some reason. Saying things like
“You can’t get that, let me.” “I’m surprised you can even pick up a sword.” “How can a man be that small?”
Training with him older is him teaching you- Mostly useless stuff so he can still win. Just like when he was a kid, loves to win against you.
Matching outfits with you.
Boy knows you are to be king with him and will not stop at anything to get that point across.
Female twin
Boy is holding your hand as you lead him anywhere or him you. He with not leave you for anything.
Matching your dresses to his colors or you wearing his favorite colors- Or him just picking them out for you. If jace doesn’t like your dress he will make you change it.
Is ready before you get done in the morning and comes in as soon as you get your dress on, much to his dismay because he could help you change.
Wouldn’t let the maids touch your skin or go anywhere. The only place that can help you with is your hair and clothes. Loves to let his hands linger on your neck while he places a necklace on you. Or helping you pick everything out.
Escorts you everywhere you need to go. He isn’t afraid to have a tight grip on your waist if you try and get away from him. Can and will gaslight you anytime he wants.
Just like the others he already told his mom he will marry you. You think he will care if she says no? Ha, he wouldn’t care.
While he is studying you are in the corner or with your mother.
He doesn’t really like your time with the other children but is kinda okay with it. Only if you pay attention to him more.
Sneaks into your room at night and will kiss you for as long as he can. Holds you close and brushes your hair until you fall asleep. Doesn’t even care if he leaves marks on you so the others can see.
He does kill in secret if need be or gets them killed by guards, maybe even by daemon or rhaenrya.
Daemon has taught him a few things on how to wow a woman and how to keep you in line, even things to do to you in bed.
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angelfrombeneth · 4 months
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Sexual Content Ahead
Art Donaldson x Fem!Chubby Gymnast Reader
Summary: The US Open wasn't just a tennis event, it was a dating pool and you were definitely successful this year.
Warnings: SMUT 18+, use of Y/N, P in V, Art is a munch, Art and Y/N yearning for one another
Note: If you have any suggestions for ANY sort of fic, do send me an ask. I do check them 💗
US OPEN 2006
Tashi had her final today. You were extremely excited. You had taken time off training to visit her. She didn't know you were coming and she was going to be so stoked.
You and Tashi have been friends for 13 years, both of you growing up together at such a young age. You watched her ease into the tennis scene to become the amazing player she is now. Likewise for you, she had watched you grow as a gymnast and the excitement you both had when you got scouted for the Olympic team in 2004, as you began training towards the next Olympics which was 2008.
Both of you bonded over your love for your own sport. Both of you dipping into eachothers sport and helping eachother train.
You walked into the area Tashi's mother said she'd be. You smiled, walking past the many rushing tennis managers and people. You didn't understand much about the logistics behind it.
Your low rise white shorts, clinging to your figure as you sported the matching cropped jumper and wore your bikini top below. It was a very hot day conveniently and you being a fashion obsessed girl, you had many outfits. Your belly button piercing shining with the sun that peak through the windows within the hallway as you stalked closer to the room she was in.
You knocked on the door, clutching your bag as you smiled.
'One minute!'
You heard, as you hear clamoring on the otherside of the door.
You watched as the door flung open to reveal your best friend as you smiled brightly at her.
"Y/N! YOU CAME!" She squealed jumping forward and hugging you tightly.
"Of course I would!" You hugged her back smiling as you both pulled away. "This is the fucking US Open, of course I'd come to see your final".
"I was worried you'd be too caught up and I didn't want to bother you" She smiled as she ushered you into the room.
You shut the door behind you, smiling as you sat upon a free chair, crossing your legs. "Tashi you never bother me. Your like a sister to me of course I'm going to support you. You are always there for me"
She smiled, sighing as she sat back in her chair. "God, its not that I'm nervous. I'll definitely win" You chuckled as that comment. "I'm just... I don't know, I don't want to let people down"
"Tashi. Shush. You are literally amazing, you have a fanbase already. You are going to do amazing" You smiled at her.
"Thanks Y/N. God, how have you been! How's training been?"
"Its been great, I'm really getting into the rhythm of everything especially because the Olympics are so close now only 2 years. I'm definitely nervous but I'll be prepared" She smiled at you, her eyes glistening as she watched you speak with such excitement about your sport.
"Any boys" She smirked, raising her brow.
"Don't be silly, I'd never date a gymnast, can't mix work and pleasure" You both laughed. "What about you? Any boys?"
She shook her head. "You know what my Dads like. No ones good enough for me"
"He's not wrong" You shrugged.
Tashi rolled her eyes, a light chuckle leaves her lips as she looked to the clock. "I like this" She smiled leaning forward and touching the velvet material of your shorts.
"Thank you! It's actually something they got made for the team" You turned around, revealing a tiny embroidered logo on the back of the jacket 'TEAM US'
"Ooo love it. I need one of these" She smiled.
You peered to the clock, smiling as you stood up, grabbing your bag. "I'm going to get to the stands. You'll do great out there" You smiled, your hand upon her shoulder as you leaned forward to kiss her cheek.
"Oh I know" She smirked at you.
"That's my girl!" You cheered, as you opened the door, waving at her before making your way out towards the court.
It was a very hot day today, extremely hot. The sun was beating down on you like you were in hell and being burt alive. Perfect weather for tanning you definitely thought multiple times.
You made your way to the stands, smiling at Tashi's family as you waved to them. Opting to sit closer to the centre of the court to watch the whole game play out. You took your place, settling your legs over one another and your bag in your lap as you pulled your hair up and clipped it with your clear claw clip.
You closed your eyes, sighing as you leaned back slightly, basking in the gentle beat of the sun as you pulled your sunglasses down. Tapping your foot against the air as your flip flop slipped up and down on your foot but perfectly balanced so it never fell off.
You relaxed, enjoying the beat of the sun but you felt a shadow cast over you. A pair of shadows.
You opened your eyes and pulled up your sunglasses as you looked at the two men stood above you.
"Are you Y/N Y/L?" The brunette one spoke.
"Yes" You smiled.
"I told you!-" He turned to his blonde friend as they both sat next to you.
"Its a pleasure to meet you. I'm not a huge gymnastics fan, but you are amazing at what you do and we'll obviously your Tashi's best friend" The brunette said.
"Tashi fans, I see" You smirked, sitting up as you looked to the two of them. "Do you want to sit?"
The blonde's face looked shocked while the brunette smirked, the two quickly sitting beside you.
"Wow. You really are an angel" The blonde one spoke.
"Thanks" You chuckled, a pink hue covered his face as he nibbled at his lip, looking down.
"So your both here to watch Tashi?"
The brunette nodded. "He's never seen her play and I was telling him he needs to. She's like the hottest woman alive" He blurts out, pointing to his friend, which made you chuckle.
Before the blonde could protest, the announcers voice filled the stadium. His eyes were focused on you as you turned to look at the court watching as Tashi's competitor entered.
"Whats it like?"
You turned your head to look at him. "Whats what like? Being friends with Tashi?"
"No, being an Olympian"
You were taken back. Most people who were into tennis would ask you what's it like being friends with Tashi. Not asking much about you. It didn't bother you because they shared a common interest - Tennis. But sometimes it did irk you.
"Oh- Its um.. its really amazing. Its such a blessing I'm very grateful" You smiled. He smiled at you, as both of you turned to watch the court as the crowd roared as Tashi walked out.
You focused on the game. Watching as Tashi darted across the court. She was truly amazing at what she does. You could hear mumbles from beside you from the two boys which made you chuckle. The way their eyes never left Tashi. Little did you know, the blonde took any chance to glance at you.
"COME ONNN!" Tashi screamed as she hit the winner. The scream didn't startle you as it had become a tradition whenever Tashi wins. You smiled brightly, clapping. You knew she'd win.
Her eyes darted to the stands as she found you, smiling to you as you picked up your hand and waved.
You smiled, sighing as you stood up. The two boys beside you staring up at you. The blonde's eyes never left your face, the way his gaze held on your features was mesmerising. Whereas the brunette, his gaze faltered as he glanced up and down, checking you out.
"Will I see you boys later at the Adidas party?" You smiled down as them.
"Um I d-"
"Yes! We will see you there!" The brunette cut off his friend as he nudged the boy.
"Great, I look forward to it" You gazed at the blonde, nibbling on the corner of your lip as you smiled at him. "See you later" You shimmied past the boys.
You skipped down the stairs, towards Tashi's family greeting them as you arrived.
You and Tashi were dancing together. You two were big party girls, you planned to go to college together and live the party girl life - but with you getting scouted you wouldn't go to college but Tashi vowed she would. You would visit and you two would party hard together.
Tashi wore a beautiful strapless blue dress, as her hair hung low on her shoulders as she twirled around in the Royal blue.
You wore a little black dress, probably not entirely appropriate but you were always the slightly more scandalous one when it came to outfits.
"We've got some admirers" Tashi smirked, as she twirled you round as your eyes locked upon the two boys from earlier. You span back around, smiling at her as the two of you danced very raunchy upon one another. "I saw them sat with you at my match, the blonde one seems to be enamoured"
"He's so fucking cute Tashi, I can't get over it" You smirked, turning around and pushing your ass against Tashi's front as you slowly dropped to the floor and got back up so effortlessly. "The brunette one fucks with you. Alot"
"He's definitely my type. Seems very assertive" She smirked. You laughed as she took your hand and pulled you over to the seating at the side.
The pair of you sat and watched as the boys gravitated towards you both.
"You were amazing- I'm P-"
"I know who you are" Tashi smiled. You looked at her, confused because you didn't know who they were. "Fire and Ice right?" Then it all clicked. You had watched them a few times before with Tashi.
"Of course you know us" Patrick laughed.
"So which ones which" You smiled, pointing at the two of them as you leaned into Tashi. Which one was the fire, and which one was the ice. You do wonder.
They both chuckled at the two of you. You couldn't help but notice the way Art's gaze lingered on you even if he was talking to Tashi. She noticed it also.
The four of you engaged in light conversation before you were interupted.
"Tashi, sorry to bother you but we need you for pictures baby" Tashi's dad smiled.
"Sorry guys, hope you enjoy the party though!" Tashi smiled, taking your hand as she pulled you away with her.
The rest of the party went by quite quickly, you and Tashi enjoyed yourselves and you were glad to have been there with her.
You held your heels in your hands as you giggled, walking down the stairs to the house with Tashi in hand.
"I can't believe she had the audacity to even speak to you after doing that" You laughed.
You both turned to the voice, noticing Patrick and Art sat on some chairs in the corner. The two of you walked towards the boys.
"Hey? I thought you guys would've went home. You have a final tomorrow" Tashi spoke.
"Oh we both know how it's going to go"
"Its just the juniors"
The two boys spoke over eachother as you and Tashi raised and eyebrow at eachother.
"Do you both smoke?" Patrick asked the pair of you.
"No I can't, because of training" You shook your head
"No, why. Do you two?" Tashi asked as the two nodded.
"Come to the beach with us" Patrick pleaded.
"We really have to get back, but it was nice meeting you boys" Tashi smiled.
"Come to our room. Your in the same hotel as us I'm assuming. We are in room 206" Patrick peered to the both of you. A cigarette hanging from his mouth.
You chuckled, the way Art was so tentatively listening as his gaze pierced yours.
"We have beer-" Patricks only barging chip as he stared at the two of you.
"Goodnight boys" Tashi chuckled, the two of you walking away.
You weren't going to go. But the second you both got back you rushed to change into something comfy but also sexy. Tashi was confused by your action but you pleaded her to go. You had to see that blonde again.
"Y/N, he's going to Stanford with me. You can see him again then-"
"No Tash- He was giving me the 'fuck me eyes' I can't let this one slip through the cracks" You snapped. Pulling on the shortest shorts of your life as you slipped your chest into the tightest and most flattering bikini top you had.
Tashi laughed, changing into some shorts and a jacket as she looked at you. "You like him hm"
You nod as you looked at her, pulling your jacket on but stopping the zip so you can perfectly see your breasts.
She shook her head laughing as the pair of you both slipped on a pair of slippers and exited her room.
You both listened as you knocked once more. Hearing the boys scramble behind the door, mumbling to one another as you heard things being thrown around.
The pair of you stood up straight as the door flung open as they both stood infront of you. Your eyes instantly gravitate to Art, stood in his stanford tshirt and shorts.
"Do come in" Patrick ushered the two of you in. You noticed his absence of a shirt as he opted for a more freeing feel. You can't help but think how this is him all over.
The four of you sat on the floor, a lone can of beer in the middle as you and Tashi smiled at the boys.
"So.. how often does this happen" Tashi peered to the two boys.
"What?-" Art questioned
"Going for a pair of best friends. You get one each right" Tashi raised her brow.
"Not as often as you think" Patrick shrugged, opening the can and taking a swig of beer.
"You see, Patrick has a girlfriend"
"I do not" Patrick snapped at Art.
You smirked, amused by the two boys infront of you.
"So you have a girlfriend and what about you." Tashi looked at Art.
"Well Art, he's between ladies" Patrick smirked.
Art instantly hit Patrick, shaking gis head as he peered to you. "Now don't say that. It makes me seem like some sort of- what is it-"
"Player?" You raised your eyebrow.
"Yes that. Which I am not" He grit his teeth towards Patrick.
Tashi continued to talk to the boys. You opted to sit and listen. You couldn't help but let your eyes trail upon Art's figure. The way his muscles peeped from the shirt as you nibbled at your bottom lip. Fuck you were getting hot and bothered just looking at him.
"And he was just sat there.. just covered in it. He looked like a kid who spilt milk all over himself" Patrick laughed.
You were watching Art closely, the way his cheeks tinted pink as he got embarrassed. You were really paying attention to the story - you were too busy checking him out. But you know it was something about jerking off.
You felt movement beside you as Tashi stood up, looking around as she sat upon the bed. Smiling down at the three of you.
"Come" She looked at the group.
"Which one of us-" Art started before Patrick scrambled to her side.
You watched as Art didn't flinch. Didn't move. He sat on the floor still, looking at you. This made you smile. Finally someone who was interested in you.
You stood up, dusting yourself off as you sat upon the bed too, beside Tashi as you took Art's hand pulling him up with you.
You peered to the side, noticing Tashi and Patrick already making out with one another - rather aggressively.
Art sat beside you, his bottom lip caged in by his teeth as he stared at you. His eyes focused on yours, no wandering gaze at all.
You slid your hand around his neck as you leaned in, placing your lips onto his softly.
Quickly the two of you moulded together. His hand snaked it's way to your hip as he held you softly, pulling you closer. Your legs kicked up and hung over his as the the two of you deepened the kiss.
Your lips, moving against one another. His tongue darting into your mouth as it swirled around. You couldn't help but nip at his lip. The kiss was quick but very passionate. It gave you butterflies to say the least.
He pulled away, pushing your hair aside as he sucked on your neck. His lips suctioned to the skin as he kissed down it. Leaving slight red marks peppered across your neck as you softly sighed. A light moan leaving your lips.
Your eyes trailed to Tashi as she peered to you, smirking as she basically controlled Patrick's every movement.
Your gaze didn't linger long as Art nipped at your ear, causing you to let out a soft yelp as he tugged as it, before pulling away.
You stared at one another, lips plump, swallowen and covered in eachothers saliva as you panted softly.
Tashi clasped her hands together loudly standing up as she looked at you. "We should get going"
You looked at her, slightly dazed as Art's hand softly interlocked with yours. You stood up, standing beside Tashi
"But what about your number-" Patrick spoke.
"You'll have to guess" Tashi smiled. You looked at Art, a silent exchange before you and Tashi exited the room.
You hated Tashi for cutting that short. You wanted him. You wanted to run back and have more. Take him where he stood but Tashi said the wait would make him want you more.
During the night, you got up, slipping out of the room quietly as you walked down the hall. You found yourself yet again outside room 206.
You knocked on the door, instantly regretting it and going to turn around to run off, but the door opened.
"Y/N?" Art looked at you. His hair slightly disheaved like he had been sleeping. The room pitch black behind him.
"Oh- You were sleeping I'm sorry. I just- Had to see you" You toyed with your fingers.
A breathy chuckle, left his mouth as his hand touched yours as he smiled at you. "God you are truly breath taking" He sighed, his hands fit on your hips as he pulled you closer, his lips landing on yours once more.
It was rough and passionate, but still pleasurable. Your arms made its way around his neck as you pulled him closer. Your tongue toying with his as the kiss became sloppy and needier.
Art backed up into the room, as you kicked the door shut behind you. Darkness engulfing the two of you. You both chuckled as you navigated your way to the bed, feeling around for any sort of object as your eyes adjusted to the lack of light.
You fell back against the plush of the bed, breaking the kiss as you peered up at him. It was dark but you could still see just how perfect he was. You peered to the side to notice a sleeping Patrick beside you as you looked back to Art.
"Don't be too loud" He smirked, lifting you up and throwing you down higher up the bed. He crawled ontop of you, caging you in as you both smiled at one another.
"Do you get off on this? Your friend being right there?" You whispered, your arm around his neck as you pulled his closer to you.
"I'm not going to wake him up and kick him out. Took him ages to finally get to sleep he was jerking off for hours after you both left" He whispered back. You chuckled, as your hands tugged at his shirt, pulling it off as you pulled him in, kissing him once again.
Art pulled away, stripping himself of his clothes as he kneeled before you in just his boxers. You quickly stripped yourself of your shorts and jacket, throwing them across the room as you tugged on the knot of your bikini top letting it drop off.
"Fuck-" Art bit his lip, pulling the bikini off you as he left it sprawled on the bed beside the two of you. His lips travelling down your body, sucking and nipping at the skin. Leaving countless of marks but due to the darkness you wouldnt know till morning.
Art gripped your plush thighs tightly, groaning as he lowered his face between your legs. His mouth, sucking the fat of your thighs as he definitely left dark hickeys between them. His groans as he nipped at the flesh. Your hands found its way into his hair as you tugged at it, biting your lip to suppress your moan.
"You make me so fucking hard.." He groaned, kissing your lower stomach as he bit your panties, pulling them down with his teeth. "Fuck me.. you are sculpted by a goddess..." His hands found its way to your plush stomach, kneading the flesh as he licked his lips.
Art's lips trailed up your thigh, kissing and nipping at the skin as he tugged your panties off and dropped them to the floor.
You stared down at him, biting your lip as you saw his silhouettes move within the dark. He stared up at you, as his head perfectly positioned infront of your core, smiling as his lip sucked under his teeth as a slightly blush crept onto your cheeks.
"Mhmm.. You ready?" He smiled at you, that gorgeous golden retriever type smile. Art had you in his fucking clutches and you were melting, melting badly for this boy.
You nodded, rendered speechless by his movements. A light chuckle left his lips before he dove in - his tongue lapping over your folds as you threw your head back and reached to grip at his hair - gasping.
"H-holy fuck-" You croaked out a whisper as your back arched against the bed, your hair tugging at his locks but pushing him futher into you.
His tongue worked magic on you, swirling over your folds, diving into places that haven't yet been touched. You have never felt this way before, not even your hand could do this.
You were constantly taking long gasps of air as you whined quietly. Art's large pale hands, reached round both your thighs, squeezing the plush flesh harshly as he continued to devour on you.
You couldn't think, the way he was pampering, being attentive you were cared for and feeling good. Your breath began to quicken as you bit your lip, sighing. "Art- I'm close-" You croaked as your leg began to shake as you drew closer to your climax.
Art pulled away for a brief moment which had you overwhelmed - especially how close you were. But before you could protest he was leaning over you, his lips crashed onto yours as his fingers dove into you, fingering you through your high.
You pulled away, mouth hung open as whines fell from your lips, your hand tightly gripping his bicep as your toes curled as his fingers pistoned in and out of you. Your eyes rolling back as your whole body twitched as you came against his finger. "Ffffffuck!-" You choked.
Art wore a smirk, he was proud of himself, making you cum and making you so weak. He withdrew his fingers from you, instantly connecting with his mouth as he lapped his tongue around them, peering down at you as you watched him.
"Sweet. Just how I like it" He smiled, as he kneeled back on his legs as he looked at you.
After composing yourself you sat up, looking up at him as your hands rested upon his thighs.
"S'good" You smiled, your hand sliding up over his bulge as you kneaded your hand into it as your eyes never left his. Your eyes trained on his, glistening with that needy look.
Art flinched for a second, his eyes rolling for a brief moment as he took in a sharp gasp.
You both froze at the rustling of the crisp sheets beside you, both looking to Patrick, who had turned over, face now facing the two of you but still peacefully at rest.
"Don't worry about him" Art chuckled, dipping down and capturing your lips.
"Mhm- I'm not worried but what if he wakes up.." You pulled away briefly, his hand on the back of his neck as you peppered pecks onto his lips.
"Then he can watch me fuck you" He smirked, gripping at your thighs as he pressed a long kiss against your lips. He quickly kicked off his boxers, smirking as his hand worked on his length, pumping it a few times as you layed down getting comfortable against the bed.
"I know your fucking flexible Y/N, so let's play around with that" He chuckled, taking your legs and spreading them. You smirked at him, allowing him to pratically fold you out into the splits. His eyes glistening as he could put you into whatever position he desired.
"Fuck me.. you're making me harder" He laughed, his finger running up your folds, an instinctive jerk of your body as he lips cocked up into a smirk as he pushed himself into you, the pair of you sighing in unison.
Art's hand gripped both of your calfs either side of you, holding them down as he caged himself above you, as he began to slowly thrust gaining a rhythm into you.
Your hands flew to his bare chest, sighing as you bit your lip, your finger dipping between the crevasses of his chest as he rutted into you. You body bucking against the thrusts as you suppressed your vocals as you hummed.
Art leaned down, his lips capturing yours once again as he kissed you. Needing, you kissed him back, his grip on your calfs loosening as he moved his hands to either side your head on the pillow. Your legs instantly caging around his body, your arm around his neck and a hand on his face as the pair of you kissed. Your legs pulling him closer... further into you, as his hips needily snapped into yours. The sensation, the feelings of his body needily snapping against yours for any sense of friction from you - drove you insane.
Tangled up in one another, the pair of you continued to whine and moan as Art continued to thrust at a comfortable pace into you. It was good, it was nice. But you wanted more. Craved more.
Gripping his shoulder, you whined as you slowly maneuvered yourself to straddle yourself ontop of the man. Sliding him under you as you caged your plump thighs either side of his hips as you were still sunked down on his length.
"What are you doing?" Art sighed, his hands instantly gripping your waist as his head dove into your neck, nipping at the skin.
"Mhm- wanted to... ride you" You sighed, your hips rolling against his as your breath hitched. Your hands gripped to his shoulder as your back arched, your chest leant to Art's face.
His gaze on you never left, as his mouth slacked open as he fitted it over your breast. Sucking so feverishly on the skin as you let out a soft whine. His tongue lapping over your nipple as your breast occasionally popped from his lips.
As you grinded down against him, gripping his shoulders tightly still as a string of soft moans left your mouth - Art's mouth would toy between sucking and licking at your breast, constantly trained on the supple skin as hos ehes were always fixated on you.
"God you are so fucking beautiful" He sighed, pushing his face into your breasts, your hands wrapping around his neck as bounced up and down on his cock. Maneuvering yourself to slip up and down his length, your whole body bouncing with each movement.
You eyes, occasionally snapping to Patrick's sleeping figure beside you - going through scenarios in your head of what would happen if he woke up and saw his friend balls deep in you.
You heard a snap, your head snapped back to Art's as he smiled, taking his hands as he cupped your face inbetween them.
"Don't look at him. Why you looking at him? Look at me" He spoke, his hips harshly snapping up into you with each short phrase. You gasped, gripping his shoulder as your body recoiled against the thrusts.
Art noticed the quick obedience, smirking at this, his once folded legs were now unfolded, spread apart below you as he comfortably sat, gripping your hips as he began to snap his hips up into yours. Your body bouncing down against each thrust, his eyes trained on the way your breasts would bounce harshly with each snap of the hip.
You gasped, a loud moan leaving your throat as your hands pressed down harshly against Art's chest. His thrusts deep and curving up into you were sending you spiraling. You were close, you felt yourself getting hotter and htoter as the body below you, watched you attentively- small grunts and whines leaving his lips as he carefully listened to the sound of your skin slapping back down against his with each thrust.
"Art- I'm close-" You grit your teeth, your hands pressed onto his chest as you gasped.
"Good.. because so am i-" His hands gripping your waist before pushing himself up with his core, your body flying back to lay against the bed as he positioned himself above you. With no warning, thrusting aggressively into you, your legs flailing about as you let out a load moan, his hand flying over your mouth, as he held your hip up with the other. Your back arched against the mattress as Art, leaned above you, letting out soft whines, his face scrunching as he continued to piston into you.
"Fuck- fuck- Yes there!-" You moaned from behind his hand.
Art let go of your mouth, gripping your waist as his pace sped up completely, his head thrown back as he tried to control his whiney moans to be as quiet as possible as his thrusts began to grow sloppier.
"Oh yes- fuck me- right there!-" You yelped, clawing your hands forward to his chest as his hips snapped into yours once more as you both let out a rather loud moan in unison. Your body, twitching against his, as his cock twitched inside of you. You both pratically holding your breath as you both climaxed.
Sighing as his grip on you loosens, as you relax into the mattress below. Art's hands planted either side of you, as he slowly drew himself out to push himself back in slowly, looking down watching as both your juices collected at the bottom of his shaft as he grunted, dragging out the pair of your's high.
No words were exchange in that moment, just the sound of pants and slightly wetted skin, before Art pulled out, leaning back on his thighs as he peered down at you.
The pair of you, smiling, before you sat up, wrapping your arms around his and pecked his lips softly. You just stayed there briefly- in one another's arms. You don't know how long for, you were just comftable.
Eventually, you got up. Grabbing Art's phone as you put your number in. His hand gripping your wrist as his needy gaze locked onto yours.
"When will I see you again-" He whispered.
"When you want to" You smiled, handing him back his phone with your contact open on the screen. His phone, lighting up his face as a small smile appeared on his lips.
His grip loosened as you grabbed his shirt, throwing it over your naked body as you gathered your clothes before exiting the room.
You didn't know if you'd see Art again, despite giving him your number - it was about to be a long while till you heard from him again.
When the time was right, your paths would align again. Hopefully.
Thank you for reading this piece, I hope you enjoyed it. Please do heart this post if you enjoyed it and comment/send an ask if you have any suggestions for anything else.
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memento-mori-twilight · 2 months
Alright, I know everyone and their cousins are all gaga over the Superboy reveal but
Let's talk about that new villain lineup!
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And more importantly, how a lot of them are Honest-to-God head scratchers. Well, I have my guesses. As usual, more rambling explaining why is below the cut.
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1) Like, Sir to Lex's immediate left, whomst the fuck are you?
You're too old to be an alternative of Clark, don't fit the previous design of Zor-el, still have both eyes unlike Jor-el...
Unless you are an Alternative Jor-el. Like the Fortress AI Jor-el. But even then, the outfit is slightly off since there's no Kryptonian armor (or symbol for that matter) and Jor-el would have no reason to be a threat to either of the Super Crew.
Speaking of AI, could be Eradicator as a more stable construct now that it's no longer one of Brainiac's protocols (echoing how it went from possessor to physical entity in the comics)...but I think someone else in this picture fits that bill.
Maybe it's Zod? But if so, Jesus are they making him look *exactly* like Jor-el, which DC has famously NEVER DONE. Since Zod is often seen as more of a brutish and ruthless character compared to Jor, he's often bulkier in build.
But then again, they've also built Kal's father like a truck in this adaptation so who knows, maybe that hair style was an official military mandate?
2) Speaking of hair, I see that curl on Lex's right.
Looks like Lex found you after your plane exploded and fixed you up, huh!
Now you're well on your way to becoming Cyborg Superman officially and cementing yourself on the Permanent Superman Hater Squad!
3) Ah Lex! I see your luscious red-brown locks are finally gone. Wonder what caused it? Was it a bad outcome due to an experiment backfire, or are you sick from being around all that Kryptonite for those Metallos for weeks? You looked pretty run down last time we saw you. Maybe some new competition would bring some life back into your face.
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4) Maybe another super genius on your level will challenge you? Maybe someone like...
Ultra-humanite! (On the villain screen bottom right)
Yeah I know the popular take on U-H is the super smart white-furred Gorilla with a surgery scar, but that's just his final form. And I think they're gonna pull what they did with Ivo/Parasite with him by only showcasing his final form on the Villains screen (only it looks like they're not going full Gorilla if he still has a human head).
He started out as Superman's oldest archenemy, a mad scientist who was obsessed with getting rich, getting revenge and living forever, predating Lex by a long while! So it will be fun watching Lex bump heads with what is essentially his ancestor until Ultra morphs himself to something beyond human.
5) Speaking of beyond human, I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what to make of that creature to Ultra's right.
Is that Ivo/Parasite fully free and morphed into a rabid alien creature? Is that just a normal alien creature?! Is that Dubbilex?! Is it Krypto?!?! I have no Earthly idea!
6) Last but not least on me still being confused, on the bottom left where the League of Lois Lanes used to sit, you will noticed there's a whole new group of people there.
And you will also notice that 2 out of that group of 4 are wearing helmets disgusting their features, but the other 2 aren't.
One looks like Lois in a pageboy cap with a sun and the other looks like Kara.
But wait a minute, it's not our Kara bc she's in the showdown squad at the bottom with the other 3 and that one is still in K-armor with the shoulder pads.
Maybe this is a fully Eradicator-pilled Kara as Brainiac tried to create during the season finale or..
What if the League of Lois' return, this time with their own Kara, but this isn't quite the same take on Kara that we got in Season 2?
What if this is a form of Power Girl Kara?!?
Would make sense for Clark and Kara to have matching brain conflicts meeting Kon-El and Power Girl at the same time, wouldn't it?
Or maybe this is another certain League making their appearance, this time with an Action Lois™ in tow? Maybe this is a glimpse at a version of the Legion of Superheroes, who are initially perceived as a threat until it turns out they're just trying to help?
Possibilities abound!
Those are just my predictions.
I have no idea what to expect for this season or what Josie, Brandon, or Jake have cooked up for us
But I have absolute certainty it's going to be one hell of a ride, and they haven't disappointed us yet!
Can't wait for Season 3!!!
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pedriswife · 2 years
Hi , I love your writing and would like to know if you can make an imagine where Pedri is extremely obsessed with the reader (it doesn't matter what the reader's profession is) and Pedri at an event ends up getting jealous of the reader with some men and when he gets home he takes out all his anger in bed with the reader ?. Sorry for the spelling mistakes. English is not my native language.
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A/N: mixing these 2 requests together, hope ya'll don't mind. (Also, I switched it up a little bit, i hope that's ok) Hello from 🇬🇧 to the first anon!
TW: smut, jealousy, slight choking and degradation, pedri and reader are married;) [aged up obviously]. Btw this is probably VERY bad but oh well🤷🏻‍♀️
Being married to one of the best Spanish footballers was truly a dream; you and Pedri hit it off immediately when you first met, 5 years later, becoming husband and wife.
You've been to many of his matches, loving to watch him on the pitch and loving him for being the man he is off the pitch. His efforts during games were also noticed by the superiors in football; the pair of you invited to the Ballon D'or ceremony, Pedri being one of the players that could win the ultimate prize in his profession.
The night of the ceremony, the two of you arrived, Pedri wearing a signature black suit and you with your dress that highlighted your body, jewellery decorating your neck and ears, and a thin anklet draped on your ankle. This, of course, didn't go unnoticed by your husband; his thirsty eyes scanning you throughout the evening, impatient to get back home.
However, Pedri wasn't the only man eyeing you up; there were plenty of players present, eager to have a conversation with you. Especially Joao Felix, from the Portuguese football team, entertaining you with a light conversation which meant nothing to either of you, something that Pedri, standing on the other side of the room, did not know. When he saw the way that you threw your head back, flashing a smile at a joke that Joao made, it made his blood boil.
He wanted to get out of here and get out now; clearly jealous and eager to show you who you really belong to.
"Pedri? What's going on?" You asked as you saw him motioning to the driver to start the car, 10 minutes after him disappearing from your sight following your small talk with Joao.
"We're going home bonita. I'm not feeling well, " he replied, his dark eyes piercing through you.
From there, you knew exactly what was going on; a sly smirk slowly rose up your face, a glint visible in your eyes. Pedri was jealous. Your plan worked.
You got in the car, Pedri at your side, his hand firmly placed on your thigh. The driver drove you to your house, Pedri's eyes never leaving you.
The minute you stepped over the doorstep of your home, Pedri's hands were immediately at your sides, his hungry lips attached to your neck, sucking marks onto your plush skin. His body was right against yours, his bulge visible through his trousers.
You didn't give in, however, pulling away from his touch, straightening out your dress.
"I'm off to the bathroom to take off my makeup" you said, smiling at the visible shock on Pedri's face, him unable to take in your calmness and rejection.
You made your way to your en suit bathroom, stopping by the sink in front of the round mirror, pouring the makeup remover onto a cotton pad.
Before you could proceed, Pedri was already in the room with you, his arm tightly wrapped around your waist, his breath hot in your ear.
"You better stop teasing me bonita," he whispered, leaving a kiss on the shell of your ear, his lips making its way down your jawline and finally your neck, where he continued to suck marks onto the skin.
You threw your head back, resting it on his shoulder, giving him more access to your neck. A small whimper left your lips when his mouth sucked on your sweet spot, your teeth grazing over your bottom lip, not wanting to let out any more noise.
"Let me hear you, you know I love the sounds that you make" pedri murmured against your skin, his hand on your back, pulling down the zip of your dress and taking it off completely.
You obliged, seeing yourself in your bra in the mirror, Pedri still fully clothed. His hand now travelled to your soaked panties, pulling the material aside and teasing you with lingering touches on your pussy, spreading your juices and ocasionally entering you with the tip of his finger, not wanting to give you the full satisfaction.
"I hated the way that HE was looking at you, my wife, being so close to you," Pedri growled, his voice dripping with envy.
You moaned in response, his finger making slight contact with your clit, making your back arch against him.
"Talking to you as if I'm not the one who makes you moan like a bitch in heat when we're alone" he continued, his words making you clench around his fingers.
His smirk was visible in the mirror, knowing what effect he had on you. He quickly removed his trousers and boxers, pulling them down to his knees, and quickly entered you, making you gasp at the sudden feeling. His left hand made its way to your neck, already covered in red marks, his wedding band visible on his ring finger. He began to thrust harshly into you, his hand still on your neck, applying slight pressure to the sides, the sudden move making you clench around him once again, a fiery feeling spreading throughout your lower stomach.
You could do nothing but take his hard thrusts, watching the two of you in the mirror, your face heating up and hair sticking to your forehead with sweat. Pedri's wedding ring glinting in the light, still visible on his hand that was wrapped around your neck. The sight was enough to make you cum; a wave of pleasure spread over your body, making you scream out Pedri's name, and repeating it like a mantra whilst he helped you ride out your orgasm. He followed right behind you, emptying himself out into you, filling you up with his cum.
He stilled, catching his breath and removing his hand from your neck, giving you a kiss on the cheek with the words "you did so well" on his lips. Pedri pulled out, watching as your legs shook at the feeling, his seed dripping out of you.
He helped you get in the bath and got the warm water running, kissing your shoulder blades, as he washed your fucked out body.
"I should get you jealous more often if it means I'm gonna get fucked this good" you said, content with the outcome of your initial plan.
"Don't test me bonita. I can fuck you good whether I'm jealous or not and you know it" he bit back, his red tint coming back on his cheeks. Clearly, Pedri didn't like to be challenged on his skills, something that you did indeed know.
"Oh yeah?" You teased, seeing how easily your husband got worked up.
Best believe he spent the whole night making sure you knew who can make you feel this good...
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okimargarvez · 1 year
12x8 - detailed
In this episode we have some good garvez moments, but not am actual scene of them. Penelope calls him Newbie twice. Luke shows a bit of his obsession on her.
Scene 1
JJ, Spencer, Luke and Penelope are discussing about the person who will join the team. Before considering the dialogue, I think it's interesting to take a look at their positions in space. I'm aware that probably doesn't mean anything, but still. JJ and Spencer are sitting, Pen and Luke are standing; the couples can create an X (ok, I watched and stuedied too many Kubrick films).
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Penelope asks: “Does anyone know when agent fill-in-the-blank is gonna start? Because I cannot begin my detailed, rumor-based background check without a name.”
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Luke takes the opportunity to tease her: “You couldn't find anything out with all your super powers?” Not only what he says, but especially the way he does. So flirty tone, don't you agree?
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She is so annoyed .“Oh, ha ha, newbie." Pen looks at him just for a sec, then looks away.
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Someone, as you can see, notices all. JJ turn on Luke.
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While Pen keeps to rave "It's not like I haven't tried. I checked with all the mes in other units to see if any of their agents are transferring over." Luke looks back at his friend, with a smile that becomes sweetier, when he lowers his gaze. She finally concludes: "Nobody knows diddley-squat.”
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JJ says “Well, I feel like Emily's been poring over these resumes forever. I mean, the brass has to approve a new agent soon, right?” and Garcia replies ”All I know is, whoever he or she is, they'd better be nice. That is the most important thing to me.” we can wonder if she made a similar speech even when they knew that someone was about to take Morgan place. Anyway, she let her gaze wander, and doesn't look at him. Spencer underlines “To all of us.”. Pen continues “Amen. So whoever this well-qualified mystery person is, I say once they join, we change our name from The Magnificent 7 to The Awesome 8. Huh? It's perfect.” she is so proud of her idea, but they don't seem so thrilled.
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Spencer turns on Luke. His grimace is funny. Not even JJ is with her, this time. They all mumble, until Spencer says “Well I don't know.”
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Penelope quickly recovers: “I'm declaring a dictatorship. You guys don't get a vote. Especially you, newbie.” She directly indicates Luke, calling him for the second time in few minutes/seconds, Newbie.
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His reaction is fabulous. He tried to hold on for 1 second. Then, loses the battle. Even before his mouth, his eyes are smiling. And the way he looks at her, until Emily appears on the balcony, is just illegal. It's like he was saying, with his eyes "Yes, I'm your Newbie, especially... I'm yours".
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Then Emily tells them they have a case and the brief is about to start. They all sit. Not only Luke and Pen are sitting close... but look at Luke staring at her while she is giving them the files.
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He then decides to get her attention, taking the remote control. So, Luke looks back at her, again, like he can't do otherwhise. His gaze leaves her only a moment before she asking him, with her open hand, to give her back the object. But then he looks again at her, and keeps do it, until the passage is completed.
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It's weird, but we see the same thing by another perspective, JJ's. Her expression, her little smile, means that she knows there is something going on.
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They have another interaction almos at the end of the scene, when he asks about the skeleton and she replies they haven't info yet. They seem both professional, even if she doesn't look at him.
Scene (moment) 2
In this scene, we have just a little thing. The team is on the jet. Penelope explains details about the missing woman: “And I matched a 911 call that mentioned a very distinctive and eponymous tattoo on her decolletage. That means she has a tattoo of cherries on her…”.
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Rossi stops her. We hear Prentiss talking, but we see also Luke reaction to this... joke? I'm not sure we should consider it as an intentional joke. It's just... Garcia. And he adores whatever can come from that mouth.
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You can see that Luke expression in the last pic is identical to his one when she says "Oh, I'm a splash of color, stop it" in 12x14. It's his "I adore you" face.
Scene 3
This moment is relevant even if Penelope is not present. JJ and Luke are talking about the new agent.
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Luke says “Whoever comes in gets that title and Garcia can stop calling me newbie.” But considering his expression, I'm not totally sure this is what he really wants (and I can't help but make a comparison - spoiler - with his phrase about Tyler as the most hated by Garcia...).
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Anyway, JJ replies “Oh, no, see, she is a creature of habit. I think you're stuck with that one, newbie.”. She teases him and he likes it.
Scene 4
This is a neutral moment, but it must be included, for statistics. Emily, Spencer and Luke call Garcia and ask her about group that practices particular... habits.
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She asks, surprised “Corporal what, come again?” and Luke explains to her “Basically it involves causing yourself physical pain in the search for spiritual growth.”. Then she finds a group called True Believers.
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Luke asks “Do they have a headquarters in Yakima?” and she replies “I wouldn't call it that. More like they meet in someone's living room.”
Scene 5
The team is back; Tara proposes to go for a drink at O'Keefee, they all agree, then Garcia reaches them.
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Rossi says that he is buying, so she asks “Buying what?”. They explain to her. Luke asks if someone knows who is the man in the bullpen.
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And here you can see the coordination, the sync. They before the others. I'm perfectly aware that this means nothing, but it still makes me happy (for Kubrick reasons). Emily introduces the new agent, Stephen Walker. Rossi also knows him and welcomes him with a hug. Then Garcia starts to stare at him with a weird smile on her face.
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Here we are. She says "Let me be the first to welcome you" and stretches out her hand, to shake his. The camera moves on the left side of the screen, when someone isn't so happy of this... welcoming party. Luke laughs and says “Hey, you’re forgetting something”, but Penelope is hurry to replies “I’m forgetting nothing, newbie”. Can we talk about the change of her attitude? From a second to another, bang, she is a different person.
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JJ says "Told ya" while they are glaring at each other.
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Last thing of the ep. Stephen shakes the hand of all BAU members. When he arrives at Penelope, you can see Luke protesting and pointing at her. They seem like kids, can't stop to fight.
And now, I need to share a theory. In my opinion, Luke said that he wanted Garcia stop calling him Newbie, because he didn't/doesn't want to be only a Newbie, for her; but, at the same time, he wants to be her Newbie, just... in a good way. He wants to be special, something apart from the team. I think that this argument is valid also for - spoiler - Tyler situation, when he denied to be jealous that Tyler got his place as most hated by Garcia. Luke just wanted and still wants to be special for her... if it is possible... in a positive way.
Analysis of garvez scenes
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tetsunormous · 3 years
Prove yourself useful
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pairing: dom!Kenma x f!reader x spectator!Suna x Spectator! Osamu
genre: smut (18+), established relationship, post time-skip university, gamer boyfriend
word count: 2.4 k
warning: thigh riding, exhibitionism, voyeurism, swearing, hair pulling, mentions of edging, spanking (?), degradation
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It’s just past 2 in the afternoon and your lecture finally finished. University is nothing like what you grew up thinking it would be, but it would be a lot worse if you didn’t get to live with your boyfriend.
You met Kenma during your first year and it didn’t take long for the two of you to begin falling for each other. He is more complex than you’d ever imagine and everyday you learn new things to learn about him. At the surface level he’s incredibly successful; being a youtuber, a pro gamer, a fucking CEO, all while taking university classes. However, Kenma is so much more than that.
The Kenma you know and love is the Kenma that’s cooped up in his gaming room spitting insults at his friends while they practice for a match they have later on in the night. The Kenma that you find yourself daydreaming about is the one obsessed with your apple pie and insists it's never too hot to eat right out of the oven. Your Kenma doesn't show the world all his little quirks, but you’ve learned to understand all of his many facial expressions and what he needs at the time. Everyone sees Kenma as this shy intelligent man who prefers to keep things to himself, which he is, but your favourite Kenma is the one he only lets out behind closed doors.
For someone so reserved none of his following would ever expect him to be the kind of lover to share you with others. No one would ever suspect Kenma for being the kind of lover to get off on seeing you completely ruined and embarrassed. This version of Kenma is definitely the one you find the most interesting because he kept it from you for the first year of your relationship, but two years in and his friends have seen more of you than you could keep track of.
Just thinking about him gets you worked up and it's times like this that you’re grateful for online classes. You tiptoe into your shared bedroom to discard the panties you’re currently wearing. The mere thought of riding his thigh gets you so excited the pair of black lace you previously wore didn’t stand a chance. You stare at your reflection in the mirror, your outfit isn’t anything special but it's his favourite. The sweater you’re wearing just big enough to cover your ass, sleeves long enough to hang past your fingertips, no bra or panties, the sheer thigh high socks that never fails to leave him hard, and the little cat ears resting on your head he bought for you months ago.
If he saw you now, there’s a chance you’d get your way.
You knock softly on the door before entering. The blinds are shut and there's a purple hue emitting from his LED lights. He’s sitting in front of his three monitors with nothing but a pair of sweatpants and his headset on, “Kenma? Are you in a game right now?”
His back is towards you so you begin to walk towards his desk, closing the door behind you. Osamu and Suna have seen the two of you naked plenty of times but for some reason, you still get a little shy. You wave at them on screen as you stand behind your boyfriend and you can hear their remarks through his headset.
“Oi, I think a little kitty wants to join before we play tonight”. Suna is always the first to say something, but Osamu definitely teases you more.
“You didn’t tell us we’d get a special treat today, Kodzuken”
Kenma stares blankly at his friends before turning to you, “Hi pudding, you finished with class?” he asks as his eyes wander down your body. You can see a slight smirk form on his lips before reaching out to give your hip a squeeze, “Miya was right, what a special little treat you are”
You know Kenma is observant but you can’t help but act a little cuter when there’s an audience around. “If you’re just practicing for now, can we cuddle Kenken, I missed you”, you ask with a slight pout on your face and your sweater paws reaching out for his arm, eyes glancing down at his bulge.
His eyes soften a bit and he chuckles at your act, “yeah yeah, sit on my lap you little brat”
You happily oblige and sit on his left thigh. Your head leaning on his shoulder as he presses a kiss to your temple. With your arms resting on his shoulders, you begin playing with his hair and rocking your hips ever so slightly.
“We haven’t seen you wear those little ears in a while y/n, don't tell me you put them on after class just for some cuddles” A blush creeps onto your face as Suna continues to tease you about your intentions.
“Awh, don’t hide your face from us y/n. Kozume has shown us you’re not really as shy as you seem, did Suna’s little comment really make you blush that hard?”
You feel your boyfriend nudge you lightly with his shoulder, a breathy chuckle leaving his mouth. “She knows I won’t fuck her till tonight yet she still climbs up onto my leg without panties on, she can act shy all she wants but we all know how shamelessly needy she is” You lift your head from his shoulder with a surprised look on your face. He’s still staring at his monitor, fingers busy with the controller, “you didn’t think I’d feel how wet you are? Your pussy is soaking through my sweats kitten”
The boy's laughter rings through the headphones and a whine escapes your lips. He takes his headphones off and has them resting around his neck before putting his controller down. You feel his hands under your arms and he positions you so that you're sitting on his left thigh facing his desk, legs resting on either side of his.
“Awh Osamu, look at the little kitty pouting cause her big bad boyfriend turned her away”
“She’s always so needy, aren’t you y/n? And in front of us too? You like putting on a show and having everyone see what a slut you are, huh”
Your thighs squeeze around Kenmas as your entire face starts to become red. You can hear your boyfriend clearing his throat before landing a hard smack against your thigh. “He asked you a question kitten. If you’re going to be a needy slut and come in here while we’re practicing, at least show some manners”
“Y-yes Samu” you whisper, “I like having you watch”
All the boys hum in unison and Suna leans back in his gaming chair, leaving his controller on the desk. “Well since you interrupted practice, I think it’s only fair you give us something in return, isn't that right Kenma”
“Suna makes a good point. I treated you so well last night cause we both knew I would be busy until later tonight, and I wouldn’t be able to give you the attention you need.” His slender fingers weave through your hair at the base of your scalp before pulling hard, exposing your throat for his friends to see. His nose softly traces your sensitive skin, inhaling your scent, “I let you cum all night long, but here you are with your greedy little cunt rubbing itself against me trying to get off”
“Maybe you need to be more mean with her, she should know better than to come in here if she isn’t going to make herself useful”
“You hear that?” Kenma’s other hand travels up your sweater and pinches your hardened nipple making you hiss in pain. “Should I listen to Osamu and be extra mean to you so you learn how to act?”
All three boys are now smirking at you but that just makes your body more aroused. Your pussy is throbbing and it takes everything in you not to start grinding on his leg. You feel him flex his muscles and you can't help but to cry out as the additional pressure on your clit sends an electric shot throughout your body.
“The poor baby can’t even respond”, Suna chuckles and pretends to pout “you are just a dumb little whore, aren’t you y/n?”
You let out a whine as your eyes meet Kenma’s. His cold stare alone asserts dominance over you and without thinking your hand reaches out to touch him. You feel a sharp pain as he smacks your hand away, “I don’t remember giving you permission to touch me kitten”. He yanks his hand back from your hair causing you to jerk forwards and grab a hold of the desk for balance. “We all know you won’t get allowed to cum later on but you will put on a show for us and prove you aren't just a useless slut”. He leans back with one arm resting on his armrest, “shall we make things interesting boys?”
Osamu stares intensely at you before laughing in your face, “Yea, let’s see if she can prove herself. If she can’t, I don’t think she deserves anything tonight”
“Y/n can be more than just Kozume’s dumb fuck, right? You gonna put on a show for us?”
Your mouth parted and eyes wide, you whip your head back to meet your boyfriends but he only smirks at you. “You have eight minutes kitten. Your hands stay on the desk and I won’t be touching you. If we hear a peep slip out of your lips, you lose. You better ride my thigh like you’re chasing the last orgasm you’ll ever have because if you fail to cum, I will edge you all night long to the brink of insanity, but all you can do is watch me fuck my fist instead.”
Osamu and Suna are rubbing themselves through their sweats as they snicker at our boyfriends rules. They continue to tease you but all you can focus on is the way Kenma is looking at you. He reaches back to tie his hair into a low bun and bounces his leg lightly, “are you ready?” he asks with his eyebrows slightly raised and a smirk. All you can do is nod back in his direction as you feel him flexing his thigh. He reaches for his phone and you watch as he sets a timer for eight minutes, “alright kitty….start”.
Your legs squeeze around your boyfriend's thigh as you begin to roll your hips. You shimmy yourself forwards a little bit so your clit can press against the base of his quads every time you rock forwards. Kenma was right, you're so wet it’s almost embarrassing how your own juices have lubricated your folds. Even against the fabric of his sweats, your pussy is drenched with your own arousal, helping you grind against his leg with ease. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, trying your hardest to control your breathing so the overwhelming pressure doesn’t cause you to moan out loud.
You can hear the two boys teasing and laughing at how filthy you really are but all you can think about is chasing that O. The noises coming from your riding, the way your juices have dampened his pants, making a wet slapping noise every time you rock. Your fingers are gripping his desk hard and all you can do is throw your head back, chest heaving, trying to swallow your whines as you start to feel the tension building in  your stomach. “I can feel the way your pussy is twitching every time you rock forwards, sometimes close isn’t she?” Kenma moves forwards and speaks softly by your ear, “You only have three more minutes, why don’t you let us hear your pretty voice hmm?”
“Oh y/n, you look like you’re close to cumming, we’ve never heard you this quiet before. I bet it would feel even better if you moaned for us”
“Suna and I always talk about how pretty and desperate you sound, let us hear you”
The constant egging didn’t help but it definitely made you more needy. They all knew how loud you were when Kenma would stuff you full and just as you let out a heavy breath, your boyfriend flexes his muscles. Your mouth falls open as you roll faster, knowing your orgasm will happen soon. The way his thigh feels against your slick folds should be illegal, it shouldn’t feel this good before he even touches you.
“Oh I think someones going to cum, show us how you fall apart. Ride my fucking thigh and imagine how much better it would be if my cock was in your needy hole”. Kenma now palming against his dick as he watches your eyebrows furrow, your eyes squeeze tight, your cheeks glowing , the baby hairs sticking to your forehead, all while you bite down on your bottom lip trying your hardest to keep all your noises inside. You look absolutely stunning to him, falling apart over his leg. He keeps flexing his thigh at a fast pace to help you reach your high, no longer caring about the challenge. He’s so mesmerized by the way your pussy feels as it’s throbbing, and how your legs squeeze harder against his as you completely come undone.
You can hear the boys let out soft moans as you cum all over your boyfriend's thigh with a force that even you’re surprised about.
“Fuck Kenma, you get to see that every time?”
The timer goes off and you limp over the desk, “fuck off Suna, consider yourself lucky the two of you got to get off to her”, he says with a smile on his face.
“We know we’re very lucky,” Osamu says chuckling, “ thank you y/n, we’ll definitely win our 3v3 later”
Kenma looks over at you and pulls you close to him. He slips his hand under the sweater and rubs your back, “you did so well baby, I’m surprised you didn’t make a sound”
“Promise I did good? D-does this mean I get to cum later?”
“You really think I’m going to forget why this all happened in the first place? You just came all over me and you’re already thinking about getting stuffed huh” he cradles your face with a faint smile on his face. “You did so well, so we’ll see” and presses a kiss on your lips, “for now, you can stay here for the next while and sit in embarrassment as they continue to tease you about you cumming just from my thigh”
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© tetsunormous 2021 lmk if you want to be added to my tag list
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hi :) could you do something where the reader is brazilian? please :)
hello!! it’s going to be a blurb about them cooking feijoada together, hope this is okay for you;
It was date night and the kitchen smelt amazing.
Every last Friday of the month you and Harry have date night, where you devote the entire evening to one another and then the next morning too - normally. It didn’t matter what you were doing as long as you were both together.
Last month it had been skinny dipping in the ocean, whilst also being drunk off your tits. The month before that it had been a simple movie date night, because you were desperate to see the new Black Widow movie. The dates were always different and special, mainly because Harry was always with you. This month, or rather today, you were having a night in making Brazilian food and watching movies.
“Amor, can you season the sausages and pork shoulder please?” You asked Harry, from where he finishing frying the bacon in the oily pan.
He was a sight to look at, in his Nike running shorts, odd-matching socks and an apron which was titled ‘Sous Chef Styles’. Harry knew you were the Queen of the kitchen and was happy to wear his apron with pride. He looked funny with his apron and bare chest, but you weren’t complaining because he looked as delicious as this feijoada was going to be. It was your favourite dish and also the most popular dish to be made in Brazil. Your mum had taught you how to make it when you were only 14, letting you in on the family’s secret ingredient too. Once you’d moved halfway across the world to follow your dreams and live your life with your amor, Harry, you took that recipe with you.
Harry was obsessed with your cooking. You could make anything and so well too. He was even more obsessed with your Brazilian cooking, thanks to your family history. He was always excited to be trying new foods from your culture, his favourite probably being moqueca because he was a fish lover - considering he was pescatarian. He loved that you could bring a bit of Florianópolis to London, knowing how hard it was for you sometimes to be away from your homeland. He knew you loved him so much that you’d move anywhere to be with him, same as he would for you.
“Salt and pepper?” Harry asked, wanting to make sure he was getting this right. He’d been helping you more and more with cooking and it was slowly becoming his favourite activity with you, second best to the sex.
“Mhm. You’re getting good at this.” You praised him, getting along with chopping up some chilli.
“Only because i’ve been taught by the best.” Harry chuckled, making you raises you eyebrows teasingly.
“I’m the boss of the kitchen.” You proudly stated, walking over to near Harry to add the chilli to the hot pan along with onions and other spices.
“Just as i’m the boss of the bedroom.” Harry leaned down to whisper in your ear and kiss the side of your head afterwards, making you hum in happiness as the tingles of love erupted throughout your body - made visible by the goosebumps on your soft skin.
“You think you are.” You teased him, stirring the pan as it sizzled as loudly as a firecracker on bonfire night - something that you had invested in since living in the UK.
“I know I am.” Harry slunk one of his arms around your waist and tried to turn you to kiss your lips, but you were quick with your spatula and held it up to his face before he could get close. He furrowed his eyebrows and smiled brightly at you.
“As boss of the kitchen I order you to keep seasoning the meat, otherwise you can be the boss of the bedroom alone tonight.”
“Yes ma’am.” Harry went along with your superior, bossy, act and went back to his job. He didn’t miss the opportunity to bop your arse with this foot as you walked past him, making you shoot him a playful glare.
The next half an hour was spent cooking, laughing and listening to some Bob Marley as you finished off the stew. Harry and you ended up dancing to ‘One Love / People Get Ready’ as you let the meat sizzle away for a few minutes, laughing as Harry tried to spin you out but accidentally letting you go so you span off across the room. With practice you got the move perfect, but cut it there before you ended up attempting the Dirty Dancing lift.
“Okay, amor, we need to leave this for 2 hours now to stew away.” You told him, giving the pot of all the goodness - which smelt just like you grans home - a quick stir before leaving the spatula on the side and lidding the pot.
“So can I take the boss of the kitchen to my territory now?” Harry asked, scooping his arms around your waist which made you squeal at the coldness of his freshly washed hands.
“I thought you wanted to watch Nemo again?”
“Fuck Nemo. I want you.” Harry groaned as you pushed your ass over his clothed cock, feeling it harden at the push.
“Amor, you can’t use ‘fuck’ and ‘Nemo’ in the same sentence. That’s actually a crime.” You laughed, still trapped in his hold.
“My deepest apologies to Nemo, but I need you baby. Please?”
“Let’s see what the boss of the bedroom’s got then.” You teased him and he carried you off upstairs as your dinner was left bubbling away downstairs, not going to be touched for the next 2 hours as Harry loved on every inch of your beautiful body.
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paraemu · 3 years
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From HERO VISION Vol. 64
Poppy Pipopapo has restored Dan Kuroto/Kamen Rider Gemn as a bugster. A new relationship has been formed with Hojo Emu/Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and the others, but how will their power relationship change later? Iijima Hiroki and Iwanaga Tetsuya look back on the past and predict the future! They share their thoughts and feelings.
Iijima: Dan Kuroto is back!
"新•檀黎斗" だけどね (笑)。
Iwanaga: It's Shin Dan Kuroto (laughs).
Iijima: I can't wait to see the unexpected side of Tetsu-chan as we continue to work together.
Iwanaga: Kuroto has been an unknown quantity since his resurrection, though. But am I being that surprising?
最初はデキる社長らしく振る舞っていたのに、途中からゲームに取り悪かれたようになったでしょ知り合いの子どもが18話以降、仮面ライダーゲンムと黎斗を怖がって、テレビから逃げるらしくて (笑)。僕も黎斗の変わりようには大きな衝撃を受けたけどね。あそこまでの意外性を引き出せた徹ちゃんは本当にすごい。
Iijima: At first he acted like a smart president, but halfway through he became obsessed with the game, and the children of my acquaintance became afraid of Kamen Rider Genm and Kuroto after episode 18 and ran away from the TV (laughs). I was also shocked by the way Kuroto changed. Tetsu-chan is truly amazing for being able to bring out that much unexpectedness.
ふふふ (微笑)。
Iwanaga: Fufufu (smiles).
Iijima: The final scene in episode 23 gave me goosebumps because it really showed Kuroto's humanity. It gave me a lot of inspiration!
Iwanaga: I'm glad to hear you say that. I'm also inspired by Hiroki. The reason why Kuroto was attracted to Emu, an intern, and not Hiiro or Taiga is because Emu is a genius at games, but my performance wouldn't have been possible if Hiroki hadn't shown his duality as a doctor and a genius gamer.
僕は "永夢" になれているかな?
Iijima: Do you think I'm becoming Emu?
うん。主役の寛騎が振り幅を広げてくれているおかげで、僕たちも違和感なく演じられる。それに、アフレコでもたくさん影響を受けているよ。なかでもダブルアクションゲーマーたちのかけ合いは神がかっていると思う (笑)。
Iwanaga: Yes. Thanks to Hiroki, who plays the main role, expanding his range, we can play the role without feeling uncomfortable. Also, I've been influenced a lot by the recording. I think the dialogue between the double action gamers is particularly divine (laughs).
Iijima: Is it because the two personalities switch instantly? It just looks like that in the video, but in reality, I recorded one side at a time.
展開が早くて、どっちが出てきたのかわからなくなりそうなのに、寛騎はマイティブラザーズX Xガシャットで分裂したふたりのかけ合いを完盤にこなしている。台本にはないセリフをプラスしてね。
Iwanaga: Even though the story unfolds so quickly that it's almost impossible to tell which one came out, Hiroki manages to complete the dialogue between the two split up by the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat. He even added a few lines that weren't in the script.
Iijima: I'm trying to put in lines that match the movements of the suit actors. I'm thinking about how to make it more interesting.
Iwanaga: And Hiroki is doing it on the spot without taking notes, right?
ペンを忘れるから、メモを取れなくて (苦笑)。
Iijima: I forgot my pen, so I couldn't take notes (chuckles).
Iwanaga: I'm always amazed at how you can remember so much. It's amazing how he can do something on the spur of the moment, and then collect it all a few minutes later! That's something that only Hiroki can do. It's really fun to watch.
Iijima: It's the same for me. The Kamen Rider Genm that Tetsu-chan created was unique from the time he was a level 1 character, but after he became a zombie gamer, he was just so sharp!
Iwanaga: (laughs).
Iijima: During post recording, everyone is moving their bodies, but Tetsu-chan is acting as a zombie. I thought, "This guy is amazing!" The way he transformed was also very intense, and from episode 20 to 23, the atmosphere he created was completely zombie-like.
Iwanaga: Speaking of transformations, isn't Ex-Aid's transformation amazing? Even though the motions are rather large, the gashat fits into the gamer driver properly every time.
なんとなく感覚で振り上げて、「この辺だ!」って挿してる (笑)。
Iijima: I just kind of swing it up by feel and say, "It's around here!" (laughs).
Iwanaga: You can get an OK with one shot almost every time.
Iijima: When I try to use two gashats at the same time, sometimes I miss, because it's hard to put two gashats together.
それはそうだよね (笑)!
Iwanaga: That's true (laughs)!
Episodes 20-23 were exciting due to synergistic effects.
初めて会ったときの徹ちゃんは、完壁な紳士に見えた。それが黎斗の "ザ•若社長"という印象になって、悪っていう面はまったく見えなかったのに……人間って怖いね。18話で永夢にゲーム病の告知をしたシーンなんて、本当に恐ろしくて (笑)。
Iijima: When I first met Tetsu-chan, he seemed like a perfect gentleman. That gave me the impression that Kuroto was "the young president", and I didn't see the evil side of him at all… People are scary. The scene where he told Emu about the game disease in episode 18 was really scary (laughs).
Iwanaga: You said that was a favorite of yours.
Iijima: It was a lot of fun to play. Being told that you have game sickness is like an ultimatum for the patient, but you said it firmly, not smoothly. To Emu, it was like being told, "It's game over for you," and he was on the verge of tears.
Iwanaga: I'm glad it resonated with you that much.
Iijima: When Kuroto started going crazy, I couldn't take my eyes off of him, wondering how far he would go. In episode 18, he showed his ruthlessness by turning the bugster around, and when he confronted Emu with the truth, I thought he had already exhausted himself, but he continued to exceed my expectations (laughs).
ふふふ (微笑)。
Iwanaga: Fufufu (smiles).
Iijima: In episode 23, he ripped off his clothes.
Iwanaga: I spent almost four hours naked at the beach at the end of January. That was hard! It was windy and cold, but I couldn't stand the goosebumps, and it was hard to keep the tension up.
セクシーだったよ (笑)。
Iijima: It was sexy (laughs).
台本には書かれていなくて直前に脱ぐって聞かされたから、胸筋を鍛える器具を現場に持って行って、待ち時間にあわてて筋トレしたんだよ (笑)。
Iwanaga: It wasn't written in the script, but I was told right before that I was going to take off my clothes, so I brought some equipment to the scene to train my pecs and rushed to do some muscle training while waiting (laughs).
Iijima: Do muscles build quickly?
いや完全に悪あがき (笑)。しかも、僕がやっているとみんなが興味を持って器具を持っていっちゃうもんだから、ほとんどトレーニングできなくて。
Iwanaga: No, it was completely a bad idea (laughs). Moreover, when I was doing it, people would get interested and take the equipment, so I could hardly train.
Iijima: (laughs)
Iwanaga: The filming of episodes 21 to 23 was tough because we were screaming and cold every time, but the synergy between everyone made it exciting. This was something that had never happened before, so I felt like, "We're evolving!"
Iijima: I think the atmosphere on set started to change when Kuroto erased Burgmon in episode 17 and told Emu about his game sickness. We had more scenes involving each other, but I think I also changed because I was inspired by Tetsu-chan's over-the-top acting.
Iwanaga: In the beginning, Kuroto and Emu were just talking on the surface, but when we started to feel like we were risking our lives for each other, the distance between me and Hiroki started to change.
対面する芝居がすごくやりやすくなったと思う。「黎斗は最悪の人間すぎる!」と思ったら、自然にセリフが出てきて (笑)。
Iijima: I think it made it much easier to do the face-to-face act. I thought, "Kuroto is a terrible person!" and then the lines just came out naturally (laughs).
僕のセリフもどんどん狂っていくし (笑)。
Iwanaga: My lines are getting crazier and crazier (laughs).
Iijima: Emu's heart is a crystal, so he takes every word Kuroto says seriously and gets hurt. Thanks to this, though, he has a wider range of emotions.
Iwanaga: Episode 23 is a memorable episode in many ways.
黎斗があそこまで振り切ってくるとは想像もしていなかったけどね。でも今になって思うと、僕は23話の徹ちゃんの芝居にものすごく影響を受けてる。仮面ライダーはみんな命を懸けたギリギリのところで戦っているわけだけど、あれ以降は画面いっぱいにいてそういった状況を表現できるようになったよ。 『仮面戦隊ゴライダー』では、ギリギリの芝居ができたと思う。アフレコにしても、声が枯れてもいいから全力を出し切ろうという想いで挑むことができたし、気持ち的にも、目の前で命を絶とうとしている友達を引き止めるような、切羽詰まった状況に自分を追い込んで演じていたから。
Iijima: I never imagined that Kuroto would go that far out of his way. But now that I think about it, I was really influenced by Tetsu-chan's performance in episode 23. All the Kamen Riders are fighting on the edge of their lives, and after that, I was able to express those situations by being on the screen. In "Kamen Sentai Gorider", I think I was able to act on the edge. Even in postrecording, I was able to give it my all, even if my voice was dying, and emotionally, I put myself in a desperate situation, like holding back a friend who was about to take his own life.
Iwanaga: His spirit was amazing. I was recording separately at the time, but just by listening to Hiroki's voice, I could imagine the scene we were recording.
Iijima: It's a play that I was able to do because I learned the spirit of an actor from Tetsu-chan's racy acting.
Iwanaga: I'm glad you said that. By the way, after Kuroto's game over in episode 23, Emu cried for him. It was a very beautiful scene.
Iijima: It was easy to cry there.
Iwanaga: You said you did it while remembering the scene where I was rampaging.
Iijima: That scene really left a deep impression on me! When I remembered that Kuroto, tears naturally welled up in my eyes...
Iwanaga: Thank you for crying at my performance. I'm very happy.
Iijima: Don't you think we have a good influence on each other when we talk like this?
Iwanaga: Yeah, no doubt.
A mutually complementary relationship
Iijima: I think Tetsu-chan's way of thinking is different from others in a good way.
Iwanaga: Yeah? What part of it!?
Iijima: For example, when I saw the recorder in front of me, I would have thought it was a recording device and that would have been the end of it, but Tetsu-chan would have come up with three or four outlandish ideas at the same time, like, "It might have a listening device in it."
Iwanaga: Indeed, there is such a thing.
Iijima: We have different ways of using our brains, so when we're together, we can realize, "There's another way to do it!" In other words, we can be less rigid.
Iwanaga: For me, Hiroki's ability to talk about normal things helps me to correct my direction no matter how scattered my thoughts become or how much I lose my way.
そうか、考えすぎちゃうと、まとめるのに苦労するのか (笑)。
Iijima: I see. If I think too much, I'll have a hard time putting it all together (laughs).
自分では一本の筋に従って散りばめて話しているつもりでも、相手には関連性がない��とを話しているように聞こえるみたいで。でも寛騎みたいに突っ込んでくれる人がいれば、自由に話せる (笑)。
Iwanaga: Even though I think I'm talking in a coherent manner, it sounds like I'm talking about unrelated things to the other person. But if there's someone like Hiroki who is willing to go into it, I can talk freely (laughs).
Iijima: It's hard to be smart (laughs).
Iwanaga: (laughs)
Iijima: Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you. I wondered what kind of feelings Kuroto was expressing in the line, "You're like a crystal."
そうだな... たぶん 黎斗は、純粋で素直な永夢のことを'シンテレラのお姉さん'みたいな気持ちで見ているんだよ。
Iwanaga: Yeah, well... Maybe Kuroto sees the pure and honest Emu as a kind of 'Cinderella oneesan'.
Iijima: What do you mean!?
Iwanaga: Some girls hate Cinderella because she is straightforward and cute.
Iijima: ...I see!
黎斗も本当は純粋であリにいと思っていたんじゃないかな。揺るぎないオ能があれば、彼も水晶のままでいらわたはず。でもさらなるオ能を持つ永夢が現れて、そのすごさを目の当たリにした披は、泯乱してしまった 。しかも、そんな自分を汚れていると故盤してしまって。黎斗はきつと、そんな自分が嫌でたまらなかったんだよ。
Iwanaga: I think Kuroto really wanted to be pure, too. With his unshakable talent, he could have stayed crystal. But when Emu, who had even more talent, showed up and he saw how amazing he was, he became confused. In addition, he thought he was dirty. I'm sure Kuroto hated himself for that.
うわ... たとえがうますぎる!!
Iijima: Ugh... Too good to be true!
自分か欲しかったもの、お金じゃ手に入らないものを永夢はすべて持っている。 黎斗にはそれが悔しくてたまらない。 「君は水晶のようだね」っていうセリフには、黎斗のそんな想いが込められている。
Iwanaga: Emu has all the things that he wanted, things that money can't get. Kuroto can't help but feel frustrated by this. The line, "You're like a crystal," reflects Kuroto's feelings.
Iijima: When you think about it, that's a great line.
Iwanaga: It's a bit old-fashioned, though. (laughs)
Iijima: I think it's also unique. After the resurrection, Kuroto and Emu seem to be in a slightly different situation…
Iwanaga: Emu is subtly uptight, isn't he?
Iijima: Yes, yes (laughs). How do you think the relationship between the two will change in the future?
新・檀 黎斗はバグスターとして復活して、当面は「仕方ないから」くらいのノリで永夢たちに協力するけど、その後は現段階では想像がつかないね。
Iwanaga: The new Dan Kuroto will be resurrected as a bugster, and for the time being, he'll cooperate with Emu and the others in an "I don't have a choice" kind of way, but after that, it's hard to imagine at this point.
Iijima: As Emu, while I want him to atone for his crimes, I don't want him to forget the value of entertaining people. I think it's Emu's desire to have him come to his senses and provide us with a fun, danger-free game.
永夢に「罪を償ってください」って言われても、黎斗自身は悪いことをしたとは思っていないからね。 すぐには噛み合わないんじゃないかな。 もっとも、楽しいゲームをつくりたい気持ちは今もあるはずだから、利害が一致すれば、エグゼイドたちに協力する道もあると思う。
Iwanaga: Even if Emu asks him to atone for his sins, Kuroto himself doesn't think he did anything wrong. I don't think they'll mesh right away. However, I'm sure he still wants to make a fun game, so if their interests coincide, there is a way for him to cooperate with Ex-Aid.
Iijima: I wonder if there's any chance that Kuroto and the genius gamer Nico-chan will team up.
Iwanaga: Nico is a genius gamer with a hundred million dollars in annual income. Maybe that's possible!
Iijima: I think that if the two of us work together, we can create a game that no one else can clear. I feel that this will produce good results in terms of future development and story.
Iwanaga: As you said when Kuroto disappeared, Emu wants him to use his talent even after Kuroto is resurrected.
Iijima: Yes, Emu is that kind of person. No matter what Kuroto or anyone else thinks of him, he will always have the desire to make people smile.
Iwanaga: I'm sure that even Kuroto wants Emu to be able to do what he wants to do with impunity. After all, Kuroto has been jealous of Emu for years.
Iijima: So that's one way to look at it.
Iwanaga: I myself, who play Kuroto, would like to see Emu follow his beliefs and grow more and more, and I can't wait to see how Hiroki will show him.
Iijima: I've learned a lot from my subtle relationship with Kuroto, so I hope I can continue to bring out the best in him! If I were to be greedy, I'd like to see Kuroto entertaining children (laughs).
Iwanaga: If I may make a wish, I would like to see Emu being fawned over by girls (lol). Because I think he'd set a good example of how to be popular, by being nice to them instead of being pushy like Hiiro.
Iijima: I'd like to play that too!! (laughs)
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fangirlshrieks · 4 years
Spring Break part 1
a/n: This is my first official post on here and I don't know how it will turn out. Tik Tok really made me obsessed with Harry Potter 😭.  Now I am a simp for Neville. I got a soft spot for quiet, nerdy, shy, and subby boys. I don't usually write fanfiction because my ideas are usually super long and I have no time to write them out but I decided to write this one. I will also be posting this on my wattpad account. I read @omg-imatotalmess sub!Neville fic back in December and I've been obsessed with the idea of Neville being a sub. *internally screaming* 
Part 1, Part 2, part 3
Word count: 2,519
Pairings: Neville Longbottom x female reader
Warnings: Mensions of sex, Innuendoes, mentions of plant boy's insecurities
The sunlight intruded through your dorm room windows. It shined at just the right angle so the light hit your eyes, abruptly waking you up. In annoyance your turn onto your stomach and bury your head under your pillow desperate for just a few more minutes of sleep but the memory of it being the last day of school before spring break entered your mind. You peaked from under your pillow to check the time. It was around 7:05. You huffed. It was too early to get up. Unable to go back to sleep with the light in your eyes you reluctantly got up out of bed and got ready for the day. You could hear the deep snores of your dorm mates sleeping quietly as you got ready. It was times like these where you enjoyed getting up earlier than everyone else. There was always a sort of peace before the hustle and bustle of everyone rushing to the bathrooms to find a mirror or use the sinks. You made sure to be as quiet as possible. Having gotten ready you decide to head to the great hall for breakfast. 
Sitting down at the Y/H table you grabbed a toast and some butter and jam. There were a few students around but not enough to fill the hall with loud noise. None of your friends were up yet, that's for sure, so you scanned the room to see if your boyfriend, Neville Longbottom, was there.
'Who am I kidding he's probably still asleep too' you thought.
But just as you turned to eat your food, Neville had entered the great hall. He spotted you and quickly walked over to where you were sitting. 
"Hello love" he gave you a quick peck on the top of your head before sitting down next to you. 
"What are you doing here so early?" His tone is full of amusement, knowing you aren't normally one of the first students to enter the great hall in the morning. 
"I could ask you the same thing" you said, giving him a teasing look. 
"Well I couldn't really sleep last night. Too excited for holiday, I guess." He responded with a bit of nervousness in his voice. You didn't seem to notice however.
"Well I was rudely interrupted from a wonderful sleep by a disgusting thing called sunrise." The sarcasm in your voice made the two of you laugh slightly.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to sleep in."
"It's fine. That just means I get to spend more time with you today." You said nudging him with your shoulder. "By the way did you ever tell your gran that I would be visiting the two of you at the lake house."
Neville's grandmother was invited by an old friend to stay with her at her lake house. The lake house was relatively close to where you lived in London but it was obviously in the wizarding world. You had asked Neville about two weeks ago if you could visit him and his grandmother while they were there. You had never been to a lake house before and you wanted to spend your first Holiday with him as his girlfriend since you two had got together.
You had only been going out since December but you had been friends since 1st year. When his grandmother heard the news about the two of you finally becoming an official couple she was ecstatic. She always believed there was something more between the two of you. Even when you were in your previous relationship with a boy from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic your fourth year, there was always something there but neither of you believed that other could ever like you in that way. But after you broke up with your ex at the end of your fourth year, the tension between you and Neville was undeniable. It was not until the start of 6th year after Neville had an encounter with Death Eaters at the Ministry of Magic and it was revealed that Voldemort had returned that you and Neville had actually acted on your feelings. Now here you are actually together.
You had visited him and his grandmother before during other school breaks but only every as a friend. This time would be different. Your mind sometimes wondered about taking your relationship to the next level but you only ever mention that once before and Neville seemed nervous the entire time so you dropped the subject. You assumed it was because he was a virgin and unfortunately to your dismay it was a well known fact that you had lost your virginity to your ex who had bragged about it when you were a couple (but that is a story for a later time).
"Oh yeah." He seemed anxious and grabbed a toast to shove in his mouth to try and drown the worry in his voice, but it didn't help. "Gran said you are welcome anytime."
More students started filling the hall as you finished your breakfast. Dean and Seamus had also entered the hall and made their way towards the two of you. 
"Hey guys." Neville greeted them.
"What are you two love birds talking about?" Dean said while leaning over your shoulder.
"Just making plans." You said nonchalantly as you turned your head towards him.
"Plans for Holiday I assume?" Seamus piped in with a raised eyebrow. From behind your back, Neville gave him a look almost as if he was pleading with him not to make any inappropriate jokes. 
"Yes, actually" you answered.
Seamus pushed on, "Care to elaborate?" 
"I'm sorry, but I actually have to pack, which I would advise you three to do the same." You turned back to Neville. "I'll meet you at the Entrance Hall so we can head towards the Express together, yeah?"
"Sounds like a plan." And with that Neville watched you headed towards your dorm to pack.
He was thankful you left before Deam or Seamus could mention anything about what had happened last night. The three of them all walked over to the Gryffindor table to eat.
"So you and y/n are you and going to be sharing the same room?" Seamus asked.
Neville choked on his juice he was drinking and coughed a few times before finally recovering.
"Relax mate, it's natural to be nervous your first time." Dean added.
"I already told you too, me and y/n are not doing anything during break. She's just visiting me and gran for a day." Neville had a slight red hue over his cheeks.
"Alright, alright " Dean said amusingly.
"But just so you know spring break is when couples usually…" Seamus didn't get to finish.
"I get it, Seamus! Do you have to be so loud?" Neville cut him off. "I think I'm going to go pack now, see you guys later."
"Just remember to pack the rubbers Seamus gave you." Dean laughed under his breath.
Of course how could Neville forget the rubbers.
------ The night before in the boys dormitories ------
"Yeah, it's going to be great. Y/N is joining me and gran for a day at the lake house. It will be nice to not be the only person my age there. Plus I can show Y/N all the cool plants around the lake." Neville was beaming talking about his plans for Holiday with you and his grandmother. His smile was radiant and by the expression on his face you could totally tell he was smitten by you.
"Wait let me get this straight. Y/N is going to be staying at your grandmother's lake house with you." Dean was trying to make sense of the situation.
"Technically it's my gran's friend's lake house."
"That doesn't matter." Seamus said bluntly. "The fact is you and Y/N are going to be at a lake house together during spring break."
"What are you going on about?" Neville was completely dumbfounded about what was wrong with the situation.
"Seamus, will you just tell him." 
"I got a better idea." Seamus walked over to his dresser and opened a drawer. He searched inside for a small box. Once he found it, he grabbed it, and threw it towards Neville. When it landed on his bed, Neville grabbed the box and read what it was. He saw the figure on the box was a warrior and the name 'Trojan' written at the very top. His eyes widened and he immediately fumbled the box before he dropped it. He could feel his cheeks warm up as Dean and Seamus laughed at his reaction.
"Wh.. Where did you get those?" Neville distanced himself from the condoms.
"It doesn't matter." Seamus said, still laughing.
"Are you serious? I can't take those with me." Neville was embarrassed for having never even thought that something like that would happen while on Holiday with you. "Wait, this trip isn't even about that. Me and Y/N haven't even done anything yet. I haven't even done anything yet!" Seamus insinuation had clearly caused Neville to freak out and rethink his entire plan of having you visit him during break.
"Chill out mate." Dean was trying not to laugh but it wasn't really helping.
"Mate we know it’s your first time, we just thought you could use some pointers." Seamus suggested.
"I really don't think that's necessary. We're not going to…" this time Neville was cut off by Seamus.
"Listen, when you put the condom on make sure you pinch the top so there is a bit of room there and then roll it down. If you don't it just might break and we don't want that happening do we."
"Also don't forget to use a new one every time. Apparently they are not reusable." Dean chimed in. 
Neville was in shock and the color of his face matched the color of his house's signature color. 
"Please stop." He was pulling at his hair in agony.
"We're just trying to help a friend out." Seamus said smugly.
"This isn't helping. This is making it worse." Neville shoved his head in his pillow from embarrassment. 
The other boys continue to laugh. Neville, extremely embarrassed by his friend's insinuation, tried to come up with a reason to leave his dorm and got up and grabbed the closet textbook near him.
"Uhh... I forgot I need to catch up on my studies" and with that he rushed to the Gryffindor common room. 
At this time at night the common room was empty. Only the fireplace lit the room with a warm glow. He sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace and ran his fingers through his hair to ease his nerves.
"How could I be so stupid?" He asked himself aloud. 
The signs had been there all along. He just hadn't put all the pieces together until now. You had originally asked him if you could spend the night at the lake house but he didn't understand why at the time because you lived close by. Then there was the conversation the two of you had a couple of weeks ago. You had asked Neville how he had felt about moving your relationship on a more intimate level and he had completely freaked out by the sudden suggestion. He had certainly thought about you in that way occasionally (even before the two of you were officially together) but he never imagined it to ever come to fruition. Then when the two of you had finally gotten together, he felt inadequate in that particular area because he had never been with anyone romantically. He was relieved when you dropped the subject but knew it would be a topic to come back again. 
He also noticed how touchy you had become lately in private. You two were definitely not a pda couple but preferred to show your love to one another in private. Neville thought back to the time last week when it was just the two of you sitting by the lake while he read you a chapter in his herbology book. The two of you had sat right under a tree and you had sat next to him leaning your head on his shoulder and placed your hand on his thigh. 
As he read to you, your hand slowly made its way higher and higher towards the area between his legs. At first he was completely oblivious to your actions until he had set his book aside from in front of him and noticed how close your hand was to his crotch. It had made him freeze and he felt his face heat up. You had looked up at him and leaned in to give him a kiss which eventually turned into a heated make out session. Neville couldn't recall how you ended up on top of him or how your hands had slipped under his shirt but they did. He untimely stopped the moment when his crotch was becoming increasingly annoying as you rested your weight on him. He sensed that you had felt a little disappointed despite your reassuring words. 
Neville rubbed the back of his head in frustration as he recalled the memory. He didn't want to stop but his insecurities got the best of him. He remembered how self conscious he felt when you started to rub up and down on his chest and stomach. Neville knew he did not have the most muscular built nor was he very slim. He often wondered what you even saw in him. 
He hated when he started to overthink. He quickly shut out those thoughts and ended up thinking about you and your smile. How he loved your smile and how bright you beamed every time you looked at him like he was the greatest person in the world. 
"That has to count for something right?" He whispered to himself. 
'Wait what if she does want to have sex this week?' He pondered on the possibility. 
His mind wondered about the idea of losing his virginity to you and smiled to himself as another thought entered his mind. 
You were riding him like your life depended on it. It was really a sight for sore eyes and he found himself more open to the idea. Then his eyes went wide with the sudden realization that he doesn't really know anything about the female anatomy. He didn't really know where his penis was supposed to enter or where the clit was. At this point he had wished there was some sort of sex education at Hogwarts.
His nerves seemed to oscillate from high to low with his constant thinking.
"This is going to be a long break." He said to himself rubbing his temples.
That night he kept twisting and turning in bed and couldn't get much sleep. He ended up sleeping for only 4 hours and was woken up by the sunshine entering the windows. He reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for the day. 
Heading out of Gryffindor tower he left towards the great hall for breakfast. 
a/n: Hoped you like it. 😊
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shotofire · 4 years
Number 9
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Kageyama x F!Reader
Overview: You’re a student at Aobajosai high, and during a tournament a setter for the opposite team catches your eye
Warnings: Cursing
Season: 2
I got a request that said “Just give me some Kageyama” 🤣 So here it is anon, hope it meets your standards.
The sound of boys yelling and sneakers squeaking the floor can be heard from every point in the gymnasium. The stands were full of each teams supporters, letting out chants and shouting ‘nice kill’ every so often. Taking the floor now was your school, Aobajosai, and Karasuno. Volleyball wasn’t a sport you ever got into, but it was still entertaining to watch. Mizu, a good friend of yours, basically begged you to come here with her.
The girl has an obsession with Oikawa for whatever reason and feels the need to come to every single one of his games. He didn’t even talk to her all that much, and is kind of a stuck up jerk in your opinion. There’s no denying he’s a powerhouse when it comes to volleyball. “This whole thing decides if they go to nationals!” Mizu’s excited voice breaks you from your thoughts. “That’s a lot of pressure.”
You can only imagine how they feel down there, especially the third years. Some of the players look like they could pass out any second from pure adrenaline. Mizu made you stand at the bottom of the dozens of perfectly suitable chairs instead of sitting. She wanted to be able to make out Oikawa facial features, and hear his voice. Yep, she’s totally whipped.
“Is Karasuno any good?” Sure it was known that your school has a great team, but you’d never kept up with others. She only shrugs her shoulders at your question, eyes fixed on Oikawa as he starts to serve. Of course she didn’t know, all her attention was on one person every single match. “Did you see that serve?! It was amazing!” She jumps up and down with glee, jeez, shes down bad.
As time goes on it becomes apparent that Karasuno is in fact a good team. Better than just good, they’re incredibly talented and continue to surprise you. Every single boy has some sort of secret move that no one sees coming, it’s impressive. Number ten was lightening fast and your eyes have trouble keeping up with him. Then there’s number nine, obviously the setter, who has grabbed your attention as well. He’s kind of... cute.
He has this determined look on his face, and has been making some impressive plays. The boy seems to work pretty well with the small redhead, they even give each other goofy smiles whenever a great play is made. Deep down you wanted Karasuno to win, it seems like no one believes in them.
Number ten slams down and spike and you can’t help but cheer out. “We’re the blue and white team, you know that right?” Shit, you forgot Mizu was here. She was so in-depth looking at her dream boy that you’re surprised she even heard you. “Yeah but that was a killer spike, you gotta admit.” Her face turns into a frown and she huffs, “If you’re gonna cheer for the other team you can go to their side.” Was it really that deep?
Honestly you didn’t care where you stood, either way you’d probably still cheer for Karasuno. The team continues to surprise everyone and it’s crazy to witness. You’d heard someone call them the ‘wingless crows’ once when describing their volleyball team. These boys have definitely put that name six feet under. “Oh shit, they won!” You say and Mizu’s face is on the verge of tears.
“I can’t even imagine how my baby feels.” Yep, he’s totally her baby. “He did good, he’ll be okay.” It’s a bit heartless to say but it’s true. Oikawa gave all he had and scared the shit out of everyone with his spikes, but the crows are just too strong. They were underestimated and it caused your school’s team to loose. They may have lost but they sure didn’t fail, their fight kept up to the very end. It’s crazy to see the passion people can have for a sport.
“We have to go see the team!” Her voice was urgent as she grabs your wrist snd begins dragging you out of the stands and down the stairs. “Are you sure they’d want us in their business right after a loss?” It wouldn’t even change the matter if Mizu was actually dating Oikawa, the guy needs some space. “Well you can go do that, I need to use the restroom.” Really, you didn’t. But you didn’t want to see their annoyed expressions when your friend runs up on them with too much energy.
Number nine creeps his way into your mind. The guy was good, and showed so much passion. It’s enough to catch anyone’s eye. To put that much effort into something is so admirable, you wish you could care for something as much.
Right as you round the corner, you have no idea where you are going, you see him. Number nine. Him and his team are jumping on another with hugs and hard pats to the back. The boy looks happy, and once again.. so cute. Maybe I should talk to him, you shook your head at the thought. There’s no way he doesn’t have a girlfriend with that pretty face. Well if he did have a girlfriend wouldn’t she already be here congratulating him?
The voice in your head keeps telling you to take the chance. The worst he can do is turn you down, and then you’ll never see him again. You’ll never know if you don’t try. But him being surrounded by his teammates would be hard if you were to ask him for his information. It’s one thing to get rejected, but infront of a group of guys, that’s terrifying.
Should you just follow them and pray he separates from them at some point? Then if that doesn’t happen you’re going to have to suck it up and take the chance of being embarrassed. You trail behind the team as they shout and man handle one another, it’s weird how boys celebrate.
At this point you had no idea where you were, and would have to ask them for directions anyway. Then again they were most likely heading towards the exit. A different volleyball team, that you can’t name for your life, passes infront of you blocking your vision of the crow’s. What the hell? These guys nearly bumped into and didn’t say a word. All you got was a few winks, boys will be boys.
As they move from infront of you, he’s right there. beautiful number nine is leaned over drinking from the fountain while his team walks ahead of him. Shit this is your chance! You practically speed walk to him, not even caring if you look a bit crazy. As he stands up you’re right infront of him, and his eyes widen. Your presence scares him, then nerves grow in his stomach. Why is there a really pretty girl standing so close to me?
You didn’t mean to be so close, you were just determined to get to him before he could possibly walk away. “Hi,” is all you manage to say. Holy shit you look crazy right now, no doubt. “Hi?” He didn’t mean for it to come out rudely, but it definitely did. The boy is just confused is all. He watches the way your face falls a bit and immediately wants to slap himself. “S-Sorry, the tone was an accident.”
“You’re fine. I wanted to congratulate you on your win.” The air is a bit awkward and anxiety is radiating off the both of you. “Oh thank you.” It’s silent now, the awkwardness only intensifying. His team watches from afar, eyeballing you.
“I can remember any hot face, that girl was in the Aobajosai section!” Nishinoya says with a scrunched face. “A cute girl is a cute girl,” Tanaka shrugs. Hinata pushes through his friends so he can see better, and almost laughs at how tense his friend is standing. “Yeah but why is a cute girl talking to Kageyama?”
You take a deep breath and lean back on your feet. It really hadn’t occurred to you what you’d say beyond that, but you had to come up with something. “This may be a weird thing to ask, I don’t know cause i’ve never gone up to a guy like this. I also didn’t think about it as much as I should have-“ you abruptly stop, of course you just had to ramble. He didn’t know what to say, your beauty was intimidating but you can say the same about him.
“I’m y/n by the way, I should have said that first.” You hold out your hand for him to shake, and he takes it. His touch sends electricity through you, and makes your legs weak. One touch and you’re already going crazy, cute guys can be a curse sometimes. “Kageyama.”
You blush once you realize you’ve been holding his hand for way too long. “Sorry if this is weird to ask, but would you wanna, uh, maybe,” gosh you sound crazy, “meet up sometime?” Your immediate thought is he thinks you’re weird. Just now learned of his name and already asking to see him again. But this was your only chance, hopefully he understands that.
Kageyama chokes on the air a bit, totally not believing what’s happening. A pretty girl wants to hang out with him? Make time for him? Yep, this is a dream. He’ll be waking up any second now. His eyes are stuck on you, wide, and his mouth is slightly parted.
“Oh, nevermind. I’m sorry.” He’d been in his head too deep instead of answering your question. Pure embarrassment is on your face. “No, No! I’m sorry, I was just, uh,” he takes a deep breath and puts on a smile, “yes, i’d like to do that sometime.” There’s a huge smile on your face as you pull your phone out, “Well here, put your number in my phone.”
The team nearly yells when they see you hand Kageyama your phone. “I bet he’s giving her his number!” Sugawara says with a smirk on his lips. As soon as Kageyama tells you his goodbyes, he sees his friends nearly jumping up and down. “Did you give her your digits?!” Hinata yells, and you can hear it from where you stand.
A blush creeps onto the setters face, but tries to hide it with an annoyed look. “Mind your business,” is all he says. The boys ruffle at his hair and push him around a bit, making kissy noises all the way to the bus. It doesn’t let up until a few minutes into the ride when everyone’s knocked out. Kageyama’s phone vibrates in his pocket, waking him from his half-asleep state.
Hey, it’s y/n
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shannygoatgruff · 3 years
Only Fan(s) - A Thriller
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Genre: Thriller
Pairing: Modern Ivar/OC
Warning: Language, sex, stalking, obsession, kidnapping, sexual assault
Rating: MA+18
Summary: Sometimes OnlyFans subscribers want a little more than internet pictures. Sometimes they want to be your ONLY fan…
Header by: @flowers-in-your-hayr
Thanks to @xbellaxcarolinax for being my beta.
Disclaimer: This story will deal with some topics that might be a little uncomfortable for some people. As always, I’ll try to tackle the hard stuff as tactfully as possible.
a/n: I know it’s been a minute. I’m always thinking about these stories because I want to finish them, just can’t seem to focus on writing at the moment.  Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Part iv - Date with Destiny
Finding Ivar Lothbrok should have been easy. Between the two of them, he was the stable one. He was the one with the iron-clad schedule that consisted of drinking, smoking, and partying. Torren’s schedule was a bit more... fluid. She tended to go wherever the wind, or whatever car she acquired, would take her. Naturally, Ivar had the occasional meet-and-greet, red carpet, and/or Comic-con engagement that he had to attend, still, he was pretty easy to keep tabs on. All one had to do was look at (stalk) his social media accounts, and his whereabouts were posted for everyone to see.
Knowing where he’d be and finding out where he lived were a different story. Torren had done her due diligence when it came to locating the town in which Little Kattegat was located. It only took about two days and a few Google image searches of the background of a few of the photos and she had it narrowed down to a general area in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
From what she could tell, the closest town to where he lived was pretty small, and there were only a few large estates hidden in the woods. How hard could it be to find? She was willing to drive to every single house and knock on the door to find him if she had to. But it would just be easier if there was loud music and a bunch of cars in the driveway. That way she could tag along inside with the rest of the guests to get to her man. 
Her shirt landed in the pile of dirty clothes in the center of the bed, as she reached around to unhook her bra. “I really need to tell Baby Boo to stop putting all of his business out in these streets,” her brows furrowed as she shook her head, “What if some crazy, psycho bitch started stalking him, or some shit? Then I’d have to kill a bitch.” Torren’s head whipped around and she narrowed her eyes at his picture, still stuck on her wall, “Is that what you want? Huh? You want me to cut a bitch to prove to you how much I love you? I will, Bae! You know I would do anything for you. I’m your Ride or Die...” 
And being his Ride or Die meant that she needed to keep better tabs on him if she was going to protect him from someone crazier than her, God forbid.  She was only able to do so much on this prepaid phone, and going to the library to get online was becoming a pain in the ass. 
She’d considered stealing a laptop or iPad from the library but was still on the fence about the idea. Of course, the alternative meant going to stupid ass libraries and threatening little kids to get off the fucking computers, and that completely sucked ass. 
She always felt rushed when she logged onto her Bae’s Only Fans page from the public library. Without fail one of those little bastard kids would get the library Nazis to kick her off the computer, or bar her from the library altogether for watching porn. 
Ivar’s page wasn’t porn! It was art. It was sexy. It was love...his love for her. Stupid bitches. 
She had encountered far worse things than getting kicked out of the library, but some of these small towns usually only had one or two within their county limits. If she got banned, how was she supposed to check up on Ivar? In the time it took to log in until she got kicked out, she'd be lucky if she could check 2 of his accounts. What if he had some important information on another platform that she hadn’t checked yet? What was she supposed to do then?
Her relationship with Ivar was hanging in the balance, and she'd be damned if some snot-nosed kid or fucking uptight librarian would fuck that up. She needed a computer. But, on the flip side, when she finally got her man back, she wouldn't need one anymore. She could ask him directly what their plans were.
There was a lot to consider and that took time; time that she didn't have right now.
The thick layer of Nair shaving cream she had applied to her already hairless crotch, was just starting to tingle, signaling she had about 5 minutes left before the sweat-inducing, burning sensation would kick in alerting her to wash the cream off. Until then, she had time to consider an outfit for the night.
She knew Ivar well enough to know that he would want her to be sexy for him, but not so much to distract him from work. She could have gone for something slutty, like those skanky bitches he partied with. She could have gone for more demur, but then she would remind him too much of his bitch ex-wife and completely turn him off. The last thing she wanted on their first night back together was for him to be thinking about that bitch. She could have gone for a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but Torren never did simple. 
No, Ivar would want her to be herself. That's what he loved about her. That's what attracted him to her in the first place. She would be sexy without being skanky; she would be demure without being a prude.
Fuck! It was already 7:33 p.m. How in the hell did she miss the beginning of his Live? Now she was running late.
She was supposed to be dressed and ready by the time his Live came on that way she could be out the door as soon as he finished. If she was going to make it to be on his Only Fans live stream tonight, she needed to get to his house before he got too distracted. Now, she’d have to watch his Live, while her cooch burst into flames before she had a chance to take a shower and finish picking out her outfit.
If there was one thing Torren was, it was punctual. It was bad enough that she was about 40 minutes outside of his town, but it could take her up to 2 or more hours to find his house. She only hoped that he didn’t plan on starting any real freaky shit on his Only Fans page until around midnight, cause it looked like she wouldn’t be getting there before then, anyway.  
With the smile still plastered on her face, Torren turned on the hot water for a shower, forgetting that the water didn’t get hot. She didn't mind, much, especially since the cold water gave her a break from the heat in her room. 
Phone in hand, she watched him, as she planted herself on the dirty bathtub floor, cross-legged, and started to get herself ready. Starting with her toes, she shaved each one, just below the knuckle, followed by her fingers, arms, pits, and each leg, from groin to ankle, three times. When the burning from her nether regions was so intense that she couldn’t tell her tears from the shower water dripping on her face, she quickly washed off the cream. 
All she could do was hope that she hadn’t broken the skin this time. The last time she had let that damn Nair stay on, just past burning, the skin broke and she bled. She was not having a bloody hoo-ha tonight. 
With that taken care of, she gently used the razor to remove any other pubes closer to the inside that needed to be removed. Then shaved her backside. When she had more time, she was going to get the internal hairs bleached, but she needed to find out what Ivar preferred. 
Shaving ate up so much of her time that she only had a few seconds to rub some body-wash that she had stolen from a drug store over her body and hoped it got rid of the smell of the summer heat. Her hair? Fuck it...she’d wash it another day, for now, this cold water would have to be enough. She’d spritz some perfume and hair spray in it and it would smell fine. 
Torren finished her shower, and walked out of the bathroom dripping wet, only using a towel to wrap around her hair. She was glad it was so hot in her room that her hair would air-dry quickly. She finger-combed her damp tresses to complete that ‘just got out of bed, but it's styled’ appearance. She knew how much he loved when her hair looked like that. It would remind him of freshly fucked hair. 
She spent extra time applying her makeup, even using an extra dark, thick application of eyeliner. She usually went for more subtle warm colors. They matched her tan skin tone better. But, tonight, she had bold, dark makeup, complete with varying shades of purple and blue eye shadows, and dark purple lipstick.
Torren was glad that she decided to match Ivar’s clothes this evening. The swim trunks and smoking jacket he wore would compliment her beautifully. She wanted everyone to know that they dressed alike, the way real couples do. If he was going for less is more, so would she.
She settled on black leather chaps that tied up on the sides, and tight blue boy shorts that left the bottom half of her ass cheeks exposed. The blue shorts brought out the blue swirls in his trunks; she knew he'd appreciate that touch. Her top was a blue bandanna that she wore as a halter with a short black leather jacket with tassels on the sleeves. 
They screamed “couple” in her eyes.
Completely satisfied with how she looked, Torren locked the door to her motel room and started down the hall. She deliberately stopped by the window and peered through the partially opened blinds of the people staying next door to her. She knocked on the window to get the attention of the young couple inside. Judging from their appearance, they were too strung out to know who she was, or that it was her music that they constantly banged on the wall about. She didn’t care. She still flipped them off before making her way to the stairs. 
Reaching her hand through the busted window of the blue Ford Taurus to unlock the door from the inside. Torren slid into the driver's seat and leaned over to find the two cords that she had pulled out from under the steering column when she stole the car. Flicking the cords together, she listened as the engine reluctantly turned over.
She put the car in reverse, looked in the rear-view mirror at her makeup, then pulled out of the spot. As she turned onto the road leading to the highway, she listened to the knocks, bumps, and hisses that her car made. There wasn't time to do much about it now; not when she was on her way to get her man. But, she made a mental note to do something about it later in the week. The only thing she could do was turn the music up louder to drown out the car noise.
Truthfully, she should have stolen a better car than the piece of shit Taurus that she found in the parking lot of the Quickie Mart while driving through Tulsa, Oklahoma. There were plenty of better cars there to choose from but no one would have wanted to take this one. It was so sad looking that she took pity on it. She had been doing the owner of this crap car a favor, by taking it off of their hands. 
The car was truly fucked. The oil light stayed on, and it drank gas like her mother drank liquor. The car had protested every inch of the ride across the three states that she traveled through in one day. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before that piece of shit breathed its last breath.
She needed to get gas again, but fuck that car. She had already refueled four times since she stole it. Gas wasn't cheap and she wasn't putting another dime in that gas guzzler. Speaking of money, she made a mental note to steal another credit card. It would only be a matter of time before the owner of the one that was tucked snugly between her left breast and strapless bra, would eventually realize that it had been lifted from the table in the diner, and canceled.
Laptop, butt bleaching, car, credit card, and more eyeliner from Walgreen's…her To-Do list was growing. She really needed to take some time off and take care of the necessities. Not tonight, though. She had other things to do. She couldn't do anything else, right now, but get to her man. Besides, once Lothbrok was by her side, he would help her remember all the things she needed to do.
As she came off of the highway exit smoke started billowing out from the engine. It backed up through the exhaust system, and came through the vents, inside the cabin. It was ironic – the air-conditioning vents in the car didn't work, but they seemed to work well enough to clog the inside of the car up with thick white smoke. She drove a few more miles before the smoke was so thick that she could no longer see. As she pulled the car over to the graveled shoulder of the road, the car knocked and shook, before it finally cut off.
Just her fucking luck.
She reached under the dash to flick the cords against each other again, trying to force the ignition to catch again, but it wouldn't. The engine had nothing left to give her. "Fuck Murphy and fuck his fucking law," she said calmly as she pulled the hood release.
She opened the car door, taking care to place both black, platform boots on the ground before lifting her backside from the seat. Placing her sunglasses on her eyes, she walked with one foot in front of the other to the front of the Taurus and placed her hand on the hood. It was hot, but not so hot that she couldn't feel under the front of the lever.
As she lifted the heavy metal hood and placed the rod in the slot to hold it in place, Torren let the smoke from the engine engulf her. It was quite a head rush breathing in the thick engine smoke through her nose, and exhaling it from her mouth. She patiently waited for the smoke to thin out before she bent, at the waist, over the engine. She didn't know what she was looking for, but she knew that someone would see her looking over the engine and stop to help her.
Now, if only someone would actually come down this dark stretch of road, she could be back on her way to Ivar.
It didn't take long before a pair of headlights rounded the bend of the road, just off to her right. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she accentuated the leather, chaps against her hips, and lifted her ass higher in the air, to catch the driver's attention. She couldn't help but smirk when she heard the tires of a large vehicle turn onto the graveled pavement in front of where she broke down. She didn't turn to face the car or the driver. She didn't care who they were or what they looked like. She had an appointment to keep and this pit stop was fucking up her timetable.
"You need some help?" A deep voice asked as its owner approached her.
Torren took a moment to peer around the hood, noticing that there were no other cars around. "Broke down," she answered, continuing to bear her weight from one hip to the other. She placed her hands on the metal frame of the car, arched her back, and looked at the man over her shoulder. "You know something about cars?"
"Yeah," he replied, moving around to her side, looking at her, and not the smoky engine.
She gave him half a smile, as she noticed him notice her. "You a mechanic or something?" She asked standing up. She rubbed her hands together to remove some of the visible engine soot while considering the guy in front of her. He was about 6 feet tall with a moderate build. He was dressed in blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and Timberland boots. He didn't look like he was more than 25 years old. Judging from the way he was looking at her and from the ring on his left hand, he wasn't too worried about her car, or his wife, for that matter.
"Nah, not a mechanic, but I work on my own car... in my spare time." He smiled when she did. She was gorgeous, in that slutty kind of way. She wouldn't be dressed like that and leaning over the hood of a car if she wasn't looking to have some fun. "Lemme take a look at it."
Did he work on his car? Hopefully, that meant that his ran better than hers did.
Torren moved over to the side and let him take the position under the hood. "I'll be right back," he explained before walking over to the bed of his F150.
Grabbing a flashlight from the trunk, he took a second to admire the view of her, from behind. If he could get her car moving again, she would hopefully follow him to this cheap motel he knew that was just up the highway.
He leaned in close, taking a whiff of her hair, "You overheated…want to check the coolant level."
She had heard him say something else but she had stopped listening; she was too busy watching the street. "You want me to try to start it?" she asked, removing her sunglasses before making her way to the driver's door. She wasn't sure if he answered or not. She had no intention of driving the Taurus again, even if he could get it started. She just needed to get something out of the car.
She slid into the seat and reached down on the floor. She found the hard metal object on the floor of the passenger's side and gripped it tightly. As she walked back around to the front of the car, she heard him talking, presumably about the car, or maybe he was asking her out. Who the fuck knows? She was on a tight schedule and all of his chatting was holding her up. She stood by the side of the hood, looking at the angle he was leaning over the hood. Quickly, she lifted her arm, and with one powerful blow, she struck him in the head with the crowbar that she used to procure her now-defunct car.
Torren stood over his body, looking at him intensely. God, it felt good. The rush of knowing that one minute this dude was towering over her, and the next he was on the ground. She had dropped his ass. She was the one with the power.
 "Thanks," she said, digging her hand in his pocket to retrieve his cash, credit card, and the keys to his truck. She wiped the blood on the crowbar on his shirt before walking to her new mode of transportation.
Torren sat in the truck's driver's seat and turned on the engine. She had managed to cross two things off of her To-Do list without even planning to.
Thank God the truck had air conditioning. All this heat and humidity was bound to make her hair frizzy. She cranked the AC up as high as it would go and sat still for a moment enjoying the cool air. After a minute, she adjusted the seat and tilted the rearview mirror to look at herself. She was starting to sweat and her eyeliner was starting to run just a bit at the corners of her eyes. She dabbed at the black liner to even out the lines, and then pushed the mirror back to where she could see. Giving the area another once-over, she made sure that no one else had seen her interaction with that guy on the ground, before pulling out from the gravel and onto the paved street.
"Ugh!" Torren yelled. Chester Bradley, the printed name on the credit card, had shitty taste in music. She pushed the stereo button on the steering wheel to do a scan of the radio. Anything was better than country music. Once she found some trap music on the XM radio, she turned up the volume and pulled back onto the highway.
Part iii/
Tags: @ideagarden-blog1  @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @a-mess-of-fandoms @didiintheblog @conaionaru @peachyboneless @flowers-in-your-hayr @heavenly1927 @zuxiezendler @waiting4inspiration @saldelys @revolution-starter​
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
March comes in like a lion, it's Portrayal of toxic & healthy relationship and how to compares rivamika + Ereh
Que the longest title everr 😌✨
So before I start on the actual analysis, I recently started watching March comes in like a lion instead of doing my assignments and I half way through season 2. For those of you who haven't watched it, it might be a spoilers so beware of that.
In this analysis I'll be comparing the similarities I found between Rei, Hina and Kyoko.
So watching any anime after being do emotionally attached to rivamika it's only natural that I compare them to the characters with even the tiniest bit similarities in their dynamic but Rei and hina's relationship jump in episode 4 of season 2 really caught me off guard and I was like omg?? Rivamika?? How do I make this about them 😩
Anyway so a little background on Rei's relationship with both girls Kyoko and Hina ( Hinata ). Firstly, i subconsciously placed Rei has Mikasa, kyoko has Eren and Hina as Levi, why? You will know on a minute. Rei is a depressed kid who has known only one way of life and that's through shogi games and after his parents death ( cough cough ) he was taken in by a old friend ( I think ) of his dad's who was also obsessed with shogi. Kyoko is the biological daughter of this man who has "adopted" Rei and later on Rei was came to know Hina and her sisters, they were super supportive of him from the start and having lost family members themselves they related to him on a personal level.
So you see why Eren and mikasa's dynamic matches with Rei and Kyoko and not only as "step siblings" it's also the fact that Rei became somewhat obsessed with her through the time he had spent over at their house, it's toxic and it's been showcased that way ever since kyoko was introduced into the series. Rei thought of her when he heard the word "love" and he even admitted to the fact that having her around is toxic and yet he can't push her away. He said he does not want to stop hearing her voice even tho she , herself is in love with a much older man who is married. Everytime she showed up to his bedroom uninvited and slept next to him my mind went "he is in love with her and their relationship is so toxic why does the author keep bringing her into his life?" Or "girl get the fuck away from him".
Without even thinking too much deep into their physical connection I already knew I would be able to related this dynamic to Eren and Mikasa. Although this series gives us much more depth into the main characters views since it's narrated from his own perspective, and the fact that he metaphorically compared his feelings of being lost and sadness helps me as an audience to understand what's happening much much easier than attack on titan. I personally feel like this kind of series are usually short ( idk how long this is) because it feels like the author knows exactly what he is going for, everything is set in stone.
Going back to Rei's ( mikasa's) relationship with kyoko ( Eren ) it's much much clear how toxic it had become for him in more than just one way. And the show isn't denying Rei of his feelings towards Kyoko and it's not even attempting to distant him from her and yet you just knew there had to be someone better right? That's when they introduced Hina and Kyoko in the same episode, meeting each other and a sense of invisible rivalry gushed over them, especially Hina. She is a happy go lucky girl and extremely sensitive to things to the point it kinda annoys me everytime she bursts out crying ( but hey you can't hate a genuinely good character ).
That's where things get interesting for me maybe because I am on that Levi X Mikasa agenda all the time but just like rivamika their relationship has been portrayed as platonic for the longest time in the seaosns. If I didn't go out of way to search up who Rei falls in love with and it didn't say hina's name I probably wouldn't be making this comparison right now because who wants to have their heart broken for the 2nd time in the same fucking month 🙄.
Anyway so in this one episode Hina comes home crying because of bullying issue at school and as she runs off into the dark streets Rei chases her and eventually catching up to her takes her hand and being able to relate to her problems, comparing his younger self to her present Rei reaches out his hand and God fucking damn it he says "you saved my life..I promise I'll stay with you" ofc I'm making this post now you know the real reason 🤡.
The unseen build up that happen between them reminds me of rivamika, the Portrayal of healthy relationship is rivamika. Hina (in our case Levi ) to Rei is the voice of emotion, she speaks out the feelings that Rei has been surpassing all these years inside of him. Just like how we talked about Levi is the voice of reason, while Mikasa has the impulsive urge to act up. Just like how Levi became the perosn who reasonably always took mikasa's side, he gave her personal reasons to take Erens side everytime have an actual meaning towards the scouts / everyone , he then became someone Mikasa was able to object & voice out her opinion towards because she knew that he would response and guide her the right way and finally he became someone she was able to fully trust.
Much like Hina and Rei, when Hina cried out her heart and Rei couldn't help but go back to his past self and imagine Hina coming to him and giving him a hand, being his saviour. It's much like how Levi saw his past self in Mikasa present ( S1 ), Levi gave Mikasa the hand she needed when she didn't know she needed.
Hina despite being much younger than him, was able to make him realise that he too was shutting out his emotions and was able to let himself be free through Hina when she cried, expressing her frustrations and very human like emotions. In the forest of the giant trees when Mikasa and Levi saved Eren for the first time he told her " we got your precious friend, didn't we?" A slight wake up call he had given her for the very first time, an attack on Mikasa's ego and evoking a different emotions within her. Like telling her it's not only about Eren and getting revenge, risking your life so easily, Levi had lost his entire squad in order to protect Eren so now that he is safe they better leave now.
So the question is did Levi and Mikasa save each other?
What can I say that I haven't said already in here about these two?
"you saved my life" Rei says to Hina as he reached out her hand and the beauty of that scene was the fact that it was delicate and soft despite it not being anything romantic. Remind me of that panel of Mikasa touching Levi's shoulder. How ironic is the fact that I'm comparing Hina, a openly emotional character to Levi who is said to be the most emotional inside?
Levi physically saved Mikasa a lot of the time however emotionally Levi saved Mikasa from being selfish and from herself. What if I said and ignoring 139, that Levi was one of of the biggest reasons Mikasa took the initiative and decapitated Eren that day?
Wait why does it feel like I already said it before lol
Through Levi, Mikasa learnt to trust more, learnt that even though they gave difference not only in height, age and in how they treat Eren ( Levi with force and Mikasa with care ), Mikasa still came in terms with Levi and relied on him, shared her burden with him. I think that's the biggest character twist Mikasa had, the fact that she was ready to draw sword at anyone who treated Eren wrong and everyone was scared of her and then came the grumpy shorty who beat her beloved brother right in front of her but eventually he became the biggest form of support she had in the end. I just can not help but laugh at all the unseen development this ship has had and all the implication of Futher interaction after season 3 between them, it's really obvious they had something going on because imagine you don't talk to someone for like 3 years and suddenly when you engage in battle against , paired up with them suddenly you become the strongest duo known to humanity. +?)!#)# make it make sense.
Sooo now you see the that having toxic relationship with a partner is only natural and inevitable but growing from that, opening your eyes to those who actually care there for you is rather healthy. So moral of the story is guys make sure stick with those who tells you to stay with them, the end.
Omg guys this turned out so much longer than I intended, anyway hopefully y'all liked it. I know it's not the strongest comparison or analysis but I feel like I'm running out of words for what I want to say about rivamika it feels like I'm recycling my sentences from previous analysis over and over again because ✨ lack of content ✨ and my inability to think of something new.
Please ignore all my spelling mistakes I have decided to embrace my mistakes instead of fixing them simply because I'm too lazy 😉
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animehun7er · 3 years
It’s sexy time now or in anime terms, it’s ‘ecchi’ time now. After doing a list about some of the popular harem anime out there, why not compile another list, this time with popular ecchi anime. The ecchi genre has been a fan favourite for a long time. So much so that there are special fanservice episodes in anime from other genres. Though I am not an avid watcher of ecchi anime sometimes I do tend to dwell in them. If you are looking for some sexy anime the here’s a list compiled just for you. So, let’s see what are some of the top ecchi anime out ever. You can watch some of these best ecchi anime movies on Crunchyroll or YouTube. Most of these anime are erotic and hot
10. No Game No Life (2014)
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‘No Game No Life’ is a fantasy, ecchi anime. It has been made bright, colourful, and is filled with fan service. I liked the premise of the movie (though it has been done before). The base theme is that you have to play high-stake games to make critical decisions. Thus, this removes all kind of action, bloodshed, and war. So, if you are into that action anime then I suggest you skip this one. Sora and Shiro are one of the best online gamers. They are siblings who are not currently pursuing any sort of education or doing any jobs. Their online game username is ‘Blank’ which has achieved a sort of legendary status. They don’t go out much and feel that the real world is nothing but a lame game.
One day they receive an e-mail which challenges them to play a match of chess. This starts their adventures in another realm where every rivalry and problem is solved by games. The ruler of this world, Disboard, is Tet, who is the God of Games. This system of settling disputes and discord via high-stake games works pretty well for one particular reason. Both the parties must wager something equal in value to the wager of the opposite party. Now, the gaming genius duo Sora and Shiro has got a reason to play games. They must unite all the races of this world to play against Tet so that they become the new God of Games.
9. Kill la Kill (2013)
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‘Kill la Kill’ is an entertaining anime. There are two ways of watching this show. You can watch it as a parody of sorts and enjoy how it satirically criticizes the stereotypical anime paraphernalia. You can also watch it as a common ecchi, action anime with strong female leads and lots of funny scenes. Whichever way you choose you will end up having fun while viewing this show. Though at first, the series might feel a bit confusing and clichéd it matures gradually as the series approaches the end. Ryuuko Matoi is the protagonist of the series. Her father was an inventor. One of his inventions is a scissor-like weapon. It is the missing half of this weapon which serves as the only remaining clue of his murder that Ryuuko has.
With the remaining half of the scissor blade, she ventures out to find the killer of her father and avenge his death. Her investigation takes her to Honnouji Academy. It is a prestigious academy at the top of which is the cold and heartless Satsuki Kiryuuin, the student council president. Four people serve her and are known as the Elite Four. They have been given God Clothes by Satsuki which grants them superhuman powers. Ryuuko tries to fight one of them but looses and retreats to her home. There she finds a rare God Cloth which after coming in contact with her blood latches onto her. This gives her immense superhuman abilities.
Now, armed with power Ryuuko ventures once again to the Honnouji Academy to face Satsuki and her underlings to uncover the culprit behind her father’s murder.
8. Highschool of the Dead (2010)
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The only reason I decided to include ‘Highschool of the Dead’ is that I found it quite entertaining. Mind you it is nowhere close to some great ecchi anime like ‘Shokugeki no Soma’ but it is entertaining nonetheless. It is an erotic zombie apocalypse anime with lots of fanservice. There are some steamy hot scenes in this anime. It does not plan to intrigue the viewers with a complex and interesting plot or relatable characters (though at times you can relate with some of them) but rather let them enjoy a sexy little zombie apocalypse anime. So, if you are a fan of the genre then you might enjoy it.
The plot starts with the world suddenly amid a zombie apocalypse. People start turning into the undead. The entire social structure is experiencing a great demise as humans start feeding on each other. Takashi Kimuro is the protagonist of this anime. His friend, unfortunately, turns into a zombie. Takashi takes the harsh decision and kills his friend before he can harm anyone. He promises to protect the girlfriend of his friend. As they navigate through their school campus they meet a bunch of other students and a school nurse. All of them are trying to escape this predicament. They decide to bundle up together and work as a team so that they can survive this apocalypse.
7. Sekirei (2008)
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‘Sekirei’ is a popular ecchi genre anime and like lots of other anime in this genre, it too uses the supernatural theme. The series has some funny scenes and some over-the-top action sequences. The female characters, who are the centre of attraction for all ecchi anime fans, in this anime are quite pretty and sexy. They are nicely endowed and have voluptuous figures. Though it is common in these types of anime I felt that ‘Sekirei’ was somewhat misogynistic in its approach. It is one thing to make women wear skimpy and tight clothes (which is quite staple in any ecchi anime) but it is another thing to treat them as objects. This was one of the most obnoxious things about this anime. If you can get over this fact then it will become a fun little anime which you can either binge or watch an episode or two once in a while taking a break from your regular stuff.
Though Minato Sahashi is not an idiot he keeps struggling with academics. He tries hard but ends up failing the college entrance exams a second time. He and people around him lose their hope and think that Minato is a failure. But suddenly his life changes when a beautiful human-like extraterrestrial-being falls into his life (literally). Her name is Musubi. She is a Sekirei, special beings who kiss humans who possess a special gene to unhide their secret powers. Musubi brings out Minato’s hidden powers but now he is paired with her to compete against other similar pairs. What Minato doesn’t know is that there is far more danger regarding this than he thinks.
6. Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san (2018)
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Up next is another supernatural ecchi anime. If you fantasize about sexy supernatural or fantastical beings then you will enjoy ‘Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san’. There are 12 episodes in this series and each episode is around 23 minutes long. If you have ventured into the ecchi genre after watching anime like ‘Shokugeki no Soma’ then I will suggest you not to hang around this genre much, since most anime are not remotely like it. They are filled with lots of fanservice and buxom beauties and that’s mostly about it.
Fuyuzora Kogarashi is a medium and has been troubled by spirits since his childhood. He has been possessed many times but as he grew older he became more resistant towards the spirits and can now even exorcize them with just a punch. But he is poor and in need of a cheap boarding house to stay in. He finds it quite cheap to stay at the Yuragi manor. The main reason that this Manor is cheap is that it is haunted. But having dealt with ghosts most of his life Fuyuzora has no problem with it and starts staying in the house. The other tenants of the house are beautiful and sexy females. There he meets the ghost of the girl who is haunting the house. After Fuyuzora vows to help fulfil her lingering wish, the other members of the house reveal their supernatural nature.
5. Sankarea (2012)
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The next anime is an odd one. ‘Sankarea’ had one of the most unusual plots. The main character is Chihiro Furuya a boy obsessed with everything ‘zombie’. He is so into them that he even wants a zombie girlfriend. One day Chihiro’s cat Baabu dies. This makes him determined to create a resurrection potion. He finds one of the main ingredients in Rea Sanka’s, a girl who wishes to die, house. After the potion is complete Rea decides to drink it thinking that the potion will kill her. But the potion was successful and when Rea, dies in an accident she is resurrected from the dead thus, becoming a zombie. Though this situation may seem ideal for Chihiro he faces a lot of trouble to deal with Rea.
4. Mayo Chiki! (2011)
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Kinjirou Sakamachi had developed gynophobia, a fear of women, thanks to his mother and sister’s wrestling obsession. One advantage did come out of this though, his body has become very resilient allowing him to even brush off bumps from vehicles. But his fear is quite abnormal so much so that even a touch from a female can make his nose bleed. He ends up discovering that Subaru Konoe, who is the butler to his headmaster’s daughter, is a female. In exchange for secrecy, she promises to cure his phobia.
3. Prison School (2015)
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Hachimitsu Private Academy is a popular all-girls academy until very recently when it decided to let boys enrol. After the first enrollment process, only 5 boys are selected. This puts them in a very awkward position as they cannot converse with almost any of their classmates since they are all female and ignore them. They try to find recluse in being peeping toms. But they are caught and thrown in the school prison for one month. Will they be able to survive or will they break?
2. High School DxD (2012)
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Issei Hyoudou is your everyday pervert who wants to own a harem someday. He enjoys peeping on women. One day he is asked by a girl. Unfortunately, the girl is a fallen angel who wants to kill Issei and is successful in doing so. End of story, right? Wait! Issei is then resurrected by Rias Gremory, a devil, who makes him her servant. Now, Issei must adjust to this new lifestyle and survive in the vicious world of devils and angels.
1. Shokugeki no Souma (2015)
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Souma Yukihira has been working as a sous chef under his father in their family restaurant. He is quite creative in his cooking style and entertains the customers with skilful culinary creations. His dream is to one day become the head chef of the restaurant. His dream is however cut short when his father closes down the business and enrols Souma in Tootsuki Culinary Academy. Now, he needs to work hard since only 10% of the students can graduate. Will he be able to survive the academy and its famous food wars?
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bastardtetsu · 4 years
{day 21} fine | tsukki x reader
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pairing: tsukishima kei x gn!reader
genre: established relationship, but y’all mad so it’s kinda like enemies to lovers vibes
wc: 1k
warnings: mentions of alcohol/drinking, swearing, petty fighting, slight angst if u squint but it becomes fluffy at the end dw
⍋⋆*❅。. 25 days of fic-mas mlist .。❅*⋆⍋
we don’t say anything as we’re walking down broadway it’s like i’m walking next to a stranger
—fine; ordinary days (music & lyrics by adam gwon)
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it started with the wine.
you had stopped at the grocery store to pick up a bottle of wine to bring to your cousin’s dinner party, your boyfriend tsukishima in tow with his usual salty attitude. you, however, were not in the mood for bullshit this evening.
as you made your way to the wine aisle, the tall blond wasted no time plucking a bottle of cabernet lazily off the shelf. you sighed, rolling your eyes slightly.
“kei, we can’t bring red wine. they’re serving monkfish.”
“so we have to bring white, you know my cousin. how about this riesling?” you suggested, selecting a nice-looking austrian bottle from the shelf next to you. tsukki’s face twisted into a grimace.
“when have you ever seen me drink riesling?” he asked repugnantly.
“never,” you responded tightly, “but can you listen this once? my cousin is a sous chef, if you show up with red wine to her seafood dinner, you’re gonna look stupid.”
“whatever,” he muttered, stuffing a hand in his pocket while the other maintained its grip on the cabernet, “i’ll bring my wine and you can bring yours. that way i can still get drunk, and you can still be right. is that fine?”
you tensed up at his dig, but held yourself back from retorting, instead uttering a short and pointed “fine.”
the stop at the grocery store ended up setting you back a few minutes, so you hurriedly paid for the wine while your pissy bespectacled boyfriend stood off to the side, glaring at nothing.
then there was the cab.
as if you weren’t already running late, you had to end up stuck in standstill traffic 12 blocks away from your cousin’s. the tension in the back of the cab was palpable as you anxiously watched the minutes tick by while tsukki stared silently out the window, long limbs crumpled stiffly behind the driver’s seat.
“we’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes.”
“i know,” he replied blandly.
“this traffic isn’t gonna move,” you chattered nervously, “maybe if we got off this street—“
“but your cousin’s on this street.” something about the flatness of his tone sparked a flash of rage in you.
“yes. i know,” you replied stiffly, trying to keep your cool, “but as i’ve just pointed out, this street has traffic on it, and therefore will make us later than we already are.”
“yeah but if we turn we’re gonna be going farther away.” the way he said it so matter-of-factly, like it’s so obvious, made your blood boil uncontrollably.
“you know what? let’s just get out here,” you said curtly, “i think a walk would do us both some good anyway.”
“fine,” tsukki muttered, glowering out the window.
the cab driver obliged, and after hastily paying the fare the two of you stepped out onto the sidewalk, the evening air starting to feel chilly with the sun gone.
you and tsukki are silent now as you walk together. you try to keep your focus on hurrying towards your destination, but the chill of the wind is almost as frigid as the atmosphere between you and your boyfriend right now. he might as well be a stranger - honestly, you would prefer it that way, because at least then it wouldn’t be so tense.
you’re used to tsukki’s attitude and coldness - it’s part of why you fell for him, honestly. but lately he’s seemed so distant that you’ve had that feeling more and more: like you don’t even know him. and at that point, who’s to say if he even knows you? it’s fine, you tell yourself, you’re stressed. you’re overthinking. we’ll be fine.
and then it starts to rain.
your power walk becomes even more aggressive as you attempt to outrun the raindrops and your troubled thoughts at the same time, concentrating on getting to your cousin’s as fast as possible with no umbrella to protect you. tsukki lags behind slightly, his long stride barely compensating for his refusal to match pace with you.
tsukishima likes the rain. despite your increasing frustration at your dampening dress, dripping hair, and drenched shoes, he can’t help but find himself entranced by the way the wet pavement shimmers under the city lights. he notices the way the raindrops dot your hair, reminding him of the first day he met you: a bucket of snow had fallen over onto your hair, covering you in the white flakes. you shook them off playfully while beaming the brightest smile he had ever seen, snowflakes still stuck in your hair.
suddenly he’s forgotten all about any petty disagreements or annoyances, any awkward tension or cousin’s dinner parties or how long ago they started - the only thing tsukishima wants right now is to see the expression that was on your face that day again. he wants you to know that he can’t stand spending a single day without you and that blinding smile.
he’s trying to find the words — but you know how he is.
“ow, shit—OW, my shoe!” you suddenly cry. tsukki is still searching for words and coming up empty.
“ugh, goddammit. that’s fucking fantastic, really. truly fantastic,” you mutter, your frustration quickly rising to its breaking point as you hold your wet, broken shoe in your hand. your boyfriend stares blankly at you, racking his brain for words that won’t come. “are you just gonna stand there and stare at me??” you practically yell at him.
“fine, then i’m gonna go,” you relent sharply, “i’m late for this stupid dinner already and my cousin’s probably pissed and i’m soaking wet with one shoe—“
he needs to find a way to tell you now.
“—so you can just stay out in the rain here, okay? i don’t care, but i’m not explaining shit if you decide to show up later.”
he needs you to know. he needs you.
“just give me the fucking wine already—ugh—fine! whatever, bring your stupid cabernet yourself, jesus—“
“y/n, shut the hell up and marry me.”
stunned silence engulfs you as you process tsukishima’s words. “wait… what?”
“i think you heard me,” he replies, eyes locked on yours in an intent stare.
“i— kei—“
“marry me,” he repeats firmly.
he finally found the words.
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a/n: WRITING THIS WAS SO FUN LMAO i simply live to roast this man. also obsessed with the ambiguity of the ending, like do you say yes or do you break his heart??? the choice is all yours!!! i simply must give credit to steve kazee & megan hilty for their rendition of this song, they are both geniuses and steve kazee’s choices just scream tsukki 2 me. like the first time i watched that video it instantly catapulted me into writing this hahaha i hope you all enjoyed it!
taglist: @slutawara​ @musicgetsmeoutofbed​ @azo-musxas​ @tsumurai @ghostlydiamond135 @animeboysimppp @honeybunny-sawamura @harokat
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Who: Sungchan (NCT)
Word Count: 3.1k
Genre: Fluff / Boyfriend AU
Warnings: N/A
Request: No
Happy birthday @jwisungchan​. 
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When you first met Sungchan, it was a rather awkward meeting.
Like he somehow literally ran you over and knocked you down in the middle of the supermarket.
Like he is really so tall he somehow didn’t see you, and he just like completely plowed over you in the middle of the store while reaching for the kind of chips he wanted.
As soon as he realizes you were there and saw you hit the floor he was instantly gobsmacked, like omg he did this, he caused this.
After a moment of initial shock he would instantly become more worried than he really needs to be.
You then received about ten minutes of attention from this stranger as he helped you up, repeatedly apologized, and made sure you were okay.
He’s like one second away from calling an ambulance even though he just knocked you over and it wasn’t that bad.
To an outsider they would think that he hit you with his car with how much he is overreacting and making such a big deal out of seemingly nothing.
You only got his name after he apologized for like ten minutes, then he finally told you his name was Sungchan.
That was the start of an awkward acquaintanceship with him.
The both of you always seemed to run into each other in the supermarket, maybe it was just that you had similar schedules, or maybe he just lived near that certain supermarket.
He would never admit it but after the first meeting, he started coming to that supermarket on purpose hoping he might see you again.
And see you again he did, many times, luckily these times were not because he knocked you over.
It was about the tenth time before something happened that was more than just the both of you acknowledging the other. 
Sungchan had been pretty distracted talking to you, somehow over all the coincidently meetings you had started to form somewhat of a friendship. 
Out of nowhere someone ran down the aisle, their cart speeding ahead of them as they ran, seeing the cart, you took a step back before tugging Sungchan towards you, out of the path of the cart, that he was so oblivious he hadn’t noticed was coming this way.
After that, the two of you decided maybe there were better places to stop and converse than the middle of the busy supermarket, the both of you instead deciding to meet at the near park.
That was the start of your true friendship, it all started as you were both sitting on the park bench, talking away till well past midnight.
The only reason you stopped talking was once you realized how late it was, both admitting they should probably go home, but not before switching numbers and planning to meet up tomorrow.
Tomorrow turned into next week, which turned into next month, before long, the two of you had been meeting up to hang out for about six months.
Something had changed between the two of you, but it was something you couldn’t point out, and part of you didn’t want to, since what if he didn’t feel the same, what if it ruined your friendship.
You two had plans to meet and go to the park where your friendship first blossomed, but something had came up, causing you to cancel on him unexpectedly, but he understood that sometimes those things happen.
This was the time you realized that maybe it was worth it, you texted him asking him if he wanted to go out on a date with you.
To say he was confused would be an understatement, since instead of what you expected, he replied asking when you wanted to hangout.
After correcting him and a few more texts of confusion from him, he finally understood what you were asking, and the two of you had plans to go on your first official date at one of the cafes in the area.
To say the date went well would be an understatement, the two of you seemed like you had been together longer, well that’s what the elderly café owner said.
That was the first of many dates with him, before the two of you just finally decided to make things official, since by that point you were basically dating, just not officially. 
The first time you called Sungchan your boyfriend, he started acting a bit awkward, like you called him something really nice and he didn’t exactly know whether you wanted him to do the same or not.
Before long he finally did call you his significant other, and it didn’t take long for the pet names to start.
Most he says as a joke, like when he calls you his sweet potato pie, but he’ll never admit to you that your name in his contacts is something like babe.
If you say something like pet names are stupid, he’ll agree with you, but still call you babe five seconds later, and the truth is, you don’t really mind that.
Probably does something like purposely leaving his hoodies at your house in the hopes you’ll wear them.
Gets to the point you have like half his hoodies so he has to take some back, but still leaves some for you to wear.
When you first notice he left his hoodie, the first thing you did was text him telling him he forgot it, you were hoping he would comeback to get it, but instead he just told you to bring it next time you two get together, he was hoping you’d wear it, but instead you just brought it in your backpack and gave it to him.
It took him blatantly telling you that he liked seeing you wear his jackets, that you finally realized why he was leaving them and all, since he liked seeing you wear his jackets.
The both of you aren’t big on couple items, like matching outfits and all, no, not for you.
But you both have matching phone charms and couple necklaces, just something small and discrete, like you like it.
Meeting Sungchan’s friends would be crazy, he doesn’t let you meet all 22 at once, he doesn’t want to scare you away, instead he introduces them to you in small doses. 
Taeyong and Taeil here, Jaemin and Shotaro there, just two or three at a time, before inviting you around groups of 5 and 6, before long all 22.
It was odd meeting his friends, like wow he has 22 friends, rather than finding that odd, you found yourself more envious than anything, like he has 22 friends that he can go to with stuff, compared to your few.
Most were really nice, and after a few months, you had became close to them as well.
They spare no chance to clown Sungchan, especially since the 23 of you have a group chat without him, it was started as a way to plan his birthday, but soon turned into the Sungchan signal group chat.
It’ll be like 2 in the morning, and one of them will send me a message saying Sungchan mentioned he misses them, or it’ll be 7 at night and one of them will message asking you to come get Sungchan, they won’t admit it but it’s because they are getting tired at him constantly beating them in their video game.
Sungchan might be basically a giant, but he will not pass up an opportunity to cuddle, like you in his arms or he in your arms, yes.
He isn’t shy about it either, like you’ll sit on the sofa by him and somehow five minutes later are tangled up in his arms, laying against his chest.
Also, you both will totally fall asleep like that, like the moment your head hits his chest or his head hits yours, it’s over, like you better not have anything planned other than a like five hour long nap.
The both of you always start movies and tv shows together, but you can never finish them. 
You wake up four hours later, Netflix is playing episode 5, but you didn’t even finish episode one before falling asleep. 
While laying on his chest, he will play with your hair if you let him, and when he is laying on your chest, he would love it if you played with his hair.
He always tries to show interest in things you like, but sometimes that can be a bit of a problem.
He’ll become literally obsessed with things you vaguely mentioned liking once, and you just don’t have the heart to tell him you don’t like knitting anymore, but like he already got all this knitting stuff and he’s watching knitting youtube tutorials and he’s so excited, that’s how you end up knitting a huge lopsided blanket that stays on your sofa.
He would show a lot of interest in what you like, and honestly if you showed interest in his hobbies, he would be so overdramatic all you don’t need to like what I like, and when you keep pushing it, he finally accepts it, and he just like falls for you even more.
The both of you would get into things that neither of you were in before, but things never last long, the hobbies changing constantly.
Like the leatherworking classes you took weren’t that fun, cheesemaking didn’t last after you found out there wasn’t a tasting section in the class, painting was okay until you both realized you were a little too playful for a class area, and so forth.
When he first meets your parents, he is going to be scared, like what should he bring, what should he say, how should he act, the whole thing.
He probably shows up with like twenty things for your parents, like he didn’t know what kind of wine they like, so he bought red, white, rose, champagne, and nonalcoholic, he didn’t know what flowers your mom would like, so he brings a bouquet bigger than really needed, probably also brings some dessert or something else. 
Meeting your parents was extremely stressful to him, however all would go well, he would enchant your parents as he had you, and his worry was unfounded.
Meeting his parents would be easy, he would have probably already introduced you to them at some point before having dinner with them the first time, that would easily accept you without question.
The first time he kisses you will probably be straight out of a drama, like spare the cherry blossoms that just happen to be falling, straight out of a drama. 
It would probably be after a date, just as the night is starting, you’d notice him staring near your mouth a lot, before you just tell him he can kiss you if he wants to.
He would be embarrassed you caught him doing that, but nonetheless, kiss you anyways.
His kisses would be tentative, he’d be hesitant not wanting to cross any boundaries or go too far.
Rather than kissing your lips, he’d probably kiss the edge of your lips or your cheek more than likely. 
Will kiss you all over your face everywhere but your lips, then when you get impatient you kiss him, he’s just like now calm down there needy.
Can and will tease you for anything and everything, but also knows when to stop.
He’ll do it for a laugh from you, but never go so far it makes you mad or angry at him.
If you two were mad at each other and fighting, he’d probably try to avoid the problem in all.
Like he’d isolate himself from you, going somewhere you aren’t, even if that means leaving the house, to keep from making it worse.
He wouldn’t be the first to apologize, he’d probably wait for you to, and when you don’t since you weren’t wrong, he’d talk about it to his friends and receive 22 comments calling him a dumbass that needs to apologize or at least work through it.
He would then apologize after he realizes how stupid he has been being.
Fights might last a day or so, but rarely over a week, both of you just mutually agree you are right and that the argument is a draw since you miss each other but neither will admit they are wrong.
Would love treating you to something after any argument, or even just him thinking you are mad at him.
Like you didn’t give him his usual good morning kiss, therefore you must be mad at him, so he offers to take you to a cat cafe or dog cafe or something so you aren’t mad at him anymore.
Overthinks everything, like you fail to text him good morning one day, and within thirty minutes he is on your doorstep with tea or coffee, flowers, and your favorite pastry asking for your forgiveness for whatever he did.
He then feels like an idiot when you tell him the only reason you hadn’t texted him yet was because you overslept.
The king of, ask for forgiveness instead of permission regarding everything.
He shows up with a puppy without telling you he adopted one and is just like sorry I just thought we needed this little face in our lives, can you tell her no.
Or he rearranges your living room one day when you are at work and later is just like, you said you wanted to remodel your room, I did it so you wouldn’t have to waste the energy doing it.
You like that however, and you end up doing it as well.
It gets to the point that neither of you knows what they might walk into.
Like is Sungchan painting a room blue or are you bringing home twelve stray cats, who knows.
Sungchan would probably love cooking with you, even if you can’t cook, he has no problem teaching you.
He probably can’t cook much, but still will teach you the 3 recipes he knows, and in exchange wants you to teach him recipes you know.
Will go out of his way to learn to make things from your culture if it isn’t the same as his.
He might mess it up a few times, but he’ll try his best which is what matters.
He’d be the most helpful around the house, pretty much doing whatever you ask him to without question.
Like ask him to clean the bathroom while you clean the kitchen, just show him the supplies and he’s got it.
He wouldn’t allow you to clean the house alone, he has to help, even if you are just like oh I’m almost done, he’s just like no must help.
The way he sees it, the faster the cleaning gets done, the quicker the cuddling and watching tv can happen.
Despite how helpful he can be, there would also be little things he does that you hate.
Putting cups on the top shelf since he can reach them, but not thinking about you being unable to since you are shorter than him.
Putting everyday items on the highest shelf since it’s not the highest shelf to him, but you aren’t six feet tall like him.
He doesn’t do it on purpose, it’s just a habit of his he can’t seem to break, he doesn’t even really think when he does it, he just does it without thinking, hey I wonder if they can reach things.
It wouldn’t be until you fall off the counter trying to get a mug and he ends up bandaging your wounds and helping you get better that he realizes what he does.
From then on he promises to put all the stuff on lower shelves, like something about you getting injured trying to reach the items he put on the highest shelf just rubs him wrong and he makes it his mission from then on to never use the highest shelf.
Well, there are a few exceptions, he’d probably hide presents he gets you on the top shelf in a way you can’t see it.
Most wouldn’t do that, like hiding a Christmas present in the top shelf in the kitchen, just asking for the person it is for to find it, but if you can’t see it, you can’t find it.
Would get oddly hyped for the holidays, like you don’t know what but each and every holiday he’s gotta go all out.
Pink and red hearts, flowers, candles, and candies everywhere for Valentine’s Day.
Spiders, webs, and all everywhere for Halloween.
Lights, trees, and all everywhere for Christmas.
Has a Christmas tree in every room, luckily most are small and just like sitting on a shelf.
Maximum mistletoe on the ceiling for maximum kisses. 
Can and will purposely get you stuck under the mistletoe and not let you move until you kiss him.
Gets really into all the holiday stuff, like baking and all as well. 
Doesn’t just build a gingerbread house with you, makes a whole gingerbread village and gives all the gingerbread people names and backstories.
Gets devastated when you eat Mr. Kim first since Mrs. Kim has already suffered enough, she lost both her children in a car wreck just weeks ago and has now lost her husband, completely confuses you and it ends in him explaining everyone and their dynamics to you.
Loves taking you to all those events that are only season, can not miss a single one either.
Taking you to Christmas markets, ice skating, summer fairs, spring festivals, fall fest, and all.
Will win or buy you at least one thing you didn’t need at each event.
Will waste fifty dollars playing fair games to win you the biggest teddy bear despite you telling him a hundred times you don’t need another bear.
Before long you start to run out of room so it’s like either build a shed, rent a storage room, or just start winning smaller things, so he decides maybe he doesn’t always have to win you the biggest bear. 
He would enjoy being with you at events like this, just wishing he had a way to document it other than just in his memory, one of his friends would then be like um cameras exist and he’s finally just like oh yeah.
Takes photos of you all the time, probably decides one day he wants to make you a scrapbook, but he just loves all the photos of you too much he can’t pick a few, so he just makes you a dvd with all the photos on it.
Really big on putting photos of you, maybe photos of you both if you talk him into it, around the house.
Your house looks like a middle aged couple’s house with photos of your children all on the wall, but if you look closely, it’s just your animals and you both.
In the end, you two would just be a soft cute couple.
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