#he wasn't this bad in re7 was he???
heretyc · 2 years
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I bought Resident Evil: Village a couple of days ago...Ethan screams at the tiniest bit of eye contact I swear
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nunalastor · 3 months
Even More Resident Evil Asks
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil/Serial Roommates
Vox tries to destroy Guy and Alastor's relationship by revealing Alastor's serial killer past thinking Guy doesn't know and Alastor was lying the whole time.
Nope. Guy suspected something from the day they met, but he liked him and there was no proof so they moved in together. Then people Guy investigated but couldn't get evidence on started disappearing, and the only person who could have that much information was Alastor. Guy may want to see the best in people, but he's a detective, even personal feelings wouldn't blind him that much.
Guy and Alastor were content in the in-between about that, knowing the other knew but never directly discussing it so Guy had deniability should something happen. Guy believed Alastor to be a good person, and he was killing bad people the law couldn't stop, so there wasn't reason to intervene. If Alastor crossed the line, they would have a problem, but he never did. In his head, Alastor wasn't a serial killer, he was a vigilante. Should he be doing it? No, but less innocents would suffer by letting him keep doing it, so in the grand scheme of things this is fine. Trolley problem and all.
While trapped in the Baker Estate, Guy started losing his memories and forgot about that, he just remembered his dear friend Alastor. He may have even consciously suppressed it so Eveline couldn't prepare for Alastor's fighting prowess if she influenced him to call Alastor. But escaping the Baker Estate and seeing Alastor killing too well for even being a war veteran to explain, he knew. Alastor wasn't just a vigilante, he was a stone-cold killer.
That could even be the thing Guy starts to slowly remember on the boat, all the things he suspected in the back of his head but never voiced. He knows what Alastor is and still makes the choice that this is his friend and he now owes him a life debt (a life debt making his silence in no way impact going to heaven), so they are going home together and he will keep the secret.
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7 - hotel finds out edition
Would the hotel be able to see anything outside Alastor's POV when they look at his past? That section when it switches to Mia's/Guy's perspective is what comes to mind.
Would the hotel be able to see Guy's time in the boat and that with his memories he is actually extremely competent, or would they only see Alastor be knocked unconscious, his talk with non-possessed Jack Baker in the mold hivemind, then Guy rescuing him with no context of how Guy managed to do that?
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7 au
Jack Baker reminds Alastor of his father
The situation got even worse especially when Jack uses phrases like “boy” “my little Alastor” or the most iconic“Welcome to the family son”
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7/Hotel Watches RE7
Vox manages to eavesdrop on the hotel watching RE7 and wants to blast images of human Alastor and his past all over hell, but Alastor in those memories is doing the classic Ethan move of even when on the brink of death he will roll his ass over to make sure nobody sees his face in pictures. Funniest bit in Resident Evil, Ethan will hide his face at all cost in pictures/gameplay.
It reaches a point Vox is screaming "TURN AROUND" every time Alastor looks away from the "camera." When it switches to Guy's POV rescuing Alastor from the mold on the boat, most of his face is hidden and Vox just about causes a blackout.
Anonymous asked:
Serial Roommates/Resident Evil 7
Concept: Guy is also very powerful in Heaven like Alastor is in Hell. If a lot of Alastor’s power comes from being unknowingly yet severely infected by the mold at the time of his death and aspects of the mold if not the mold itself followed him to Hell, it stands to reason that even with a cure, Guy was still exposed enough to the mold to also get powers from it. He wouldn’t be stronger than Alastor because he got a cure and ultimately died from his exposure post-cure, but he would have a notable amount of power.
If Heaven is corrupt enough that Guy changes his mind about his mission to bring Alastor to Heaven and decides to fall down to Hell with him, he would be comparable to an overlord in power, and that would be the clue for the hotel that what happened in the Baker Estate ties directly into the source of Alastor’s unusual power.
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil
So if Vox brings Lucas Baker onto the Vees to get back at Alastor, that means the Vees are now a team of four overlords. Four lords. Four lords Alastor has to face because they’re going after his new family.
RE8 time, baby!
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7
Alastor grabbing possessed Guy and high-tailing it the fuck out of the Baker's Estate is so funny when you think about what that means. People infected with mold can bust straight through walls, including Guy himself! That means Guy became a murderous psycho with a giant knife or something, broke through the wall to get to Alastor, and Alastor didn't give a shit and just threw Guy over his shoulder and ran.
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7
Alastor as a serial killer would be able to get through Guy's section easily (minus Guy being able to bust through a wall) and get him out of the guest house. One problem though, because of the mold, Eveline can straight-up calcify the body of anyone who tries to leave the property, that was why there was so much emphasis on getting the cure first.
Alastor tries to leave the estate to get Guy to safety, but between Guy's full-blown mental breakdown and him screaming in pain with weird changes starting on his body, Alastor figures out whatever has a hold over him means he can't leave. He has no choice but to put Guy somewhere he hopes is safe (somewhere Guy will probably get recaptured sadly) and search out what is causing this.
Alastor would probably get to skip "welcome to the family, son" and the dinner scene, but the rest would go the same.
Anonymous asked:
At first I wondered how Guy could end up in the Mia situation in the Bakers' Estate and not killed for resisting if he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but what if Guy actually did have involvement with Eveline that made him special to her?
Not in the way Mia was. Mia was a bio-terrorist acting as a caretaker for Eveline for bio-terrorist reasons, but looking at the timeline, if the RE7 AU takes place during the 1920s, it’s not a stretch to think Eveline was created during the end of WW1. Guy would have been drafted into the war the same way Alastor was, and depending on where he was stationed, he could have encountered Eveline and shown her a kindness that made her decide that in the family she wanted, she wanted someone like Guy. When they have the worst reunion by chance years later, she makes sure to keep him.
That would be what Guy starts remembering in the boat section from his POV while Eveline is trying to jog his memory, he did meet Eveline before and while he was a completely innocent party here, there was a reason he had lasted this long and was so desired by her.
(Also worth mentioning, the boat section means Alastor got kidnapped by Eveline and Guy has to rescue him. Goddamn even when he's the hero, Alastor can't stop getting kidnapped)
Anonymous asked:
Love the idea Alastor is always riding the line between heaven and hell to the point the divine deciding force doesn't know what to do with him. He kills a ton of people, then he's a war hero, then he kills more people, then he goes and is a hero in the Bakers' Estate, and then he kills more people! If he had lived long enough to have his next heroic adventure, he would have either gone to heaven or the deciding force would have thrown in the towel and let him pick.
Anonymous asked:
Alternate RE au - Alastor Dimitrescu
Where Alastor is Alcina Dimitrescu’s only ‘son’ who’s basis is different to that of his ‘sisters’ (they’re still bug like, but his is 100% deer)
Alastor actually did/does care about them and seeks them out in Hell, hoping they’re all safe.
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wazzappp · 7 months
I drew. a lot for this. Also heads up for non RE mutuals this is going to be. confusing for you. I'm going to do my best to annotate and provide context but you are in for a wild ride.
Anyway long ass lore post for how Lisa and Robbie go from fighting to working together in this AU.
In the RE8 cannon all of the Dimitrescu daughters are made at the same time but for the sake of ✨the situations✨ I am going to change that. Lisa lived the longest as a human before being assimilated into the mold with a Cadou (infecting extension of the Megamycite). Technically her 'sisters' are older than her, as they were assimilated a while ago. Lisa has been a member of house Dimitrescu for about 2 years now. This puts her in this. Weird middle child zone. She wants to make her 'family' proud but she's also aware that what makes them proud isn't really the most achievable thing in the world (expecially with Bela to contend with. Older sibling overachiever to the maximum). She's got a certain degree of distance from them and sometimes wonders if she wasn't better off before all of this. Her memories are fuzzy but still there for the most part. She cant remember faces or names but she remembers feelings and situations. She doesen't remember families being like this (she wants OUT).
Chasing prey brought in is fairly standard for her. It's some of the only entertainment she gets. So when she catches Robbie exploring around the castle she has no idea that he's special in any way. He's just some new guy she gets to mess with before eating and DAMN he's FUN. If she didn't know any better she could almost think that he has experience being chased around (he does. he very much so does. all of RE7's worth). What she ALSO doesn't know is that Mother Miranda (big bad. Different from Lady Dimitrescu, who she refers to as 'mother') is planning on using Gabe (who is replacing baby Rose in this) to try and resurrect her dead kid with a 'perfect vessel' and this requires. uh. disassembly (in the base RE8 gameplay the reason Ethan goes to each house is because uhhhhhhhh his infant daughter has been dismembered and stored in jars and he needs to collect them so he can put her back together.... yeah). Robbie intervenes before this can get going and is instead going house to house because if he wants to get out of this stupid fuckass villiage he needs to collect the key components to unlock the gate keeping him in here (i need him to have a reason. to kill everyone. its important to me ok).
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When Lisa finds out this random, but fun guy, she's been chasing who she thought was JUST SOME NORMAL GUY killed one of her sisters she mentally goes 'Oh. OH. THERES A CHANCE FOR ME TO GET OUT OF HERE'. That in conjunction with discovering Mother Miranda is planning on FULLY DISMEMBERING A CHILD she uh. Makes some decisions.
What you have to understand about her plans of matricide is that neither Lady Dimitrescu or her sisters can actually really fully die. Sure, their bodies are gone, but their consciousness is stored in the hive mind and they can reform later after gathering their strength. If she has to put her kinda shitty found family in time out for the sake of getting herself out of here + keeping her newly revived conscience clean she's absolutely going to do it.
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(fuckin. backgrounds. dialogue. fuck. why can things not just take place inside of the void. DUKE MY BELOVED WE LOVE AND RESPECT DUKE IN THIS HOUSE HES A REAL ONE fuck now I got it in my head that he keeps trying to play matchmaker for them and i need to. go draw that because its too funny not to.)
Lisas plan involves this lab I had her mention in the comic above. It's where Robbie needs to go to synthesize more poison for the dagger of deaths flowers, and SUPPOSEDLY where a medicine that might allow her to go outside again might be (enemies of Lisas type become SIGNIFICANTLY weaker in the cold. She could try to bundle up but its still really not a good idea). She would love to go there herself, but it's in an area of the castle thats exposed to the cold of the outdoors.
The Two of them make a fairly decent team and Lisa finds herself having a LOT more fun hunting with someone else than she does on her own. They balance each other out pretty well; Robbie works primarily with guns so he can watch Lisas back while she's up close wrecking any grunts they run into. It's also pretty helpful having someone who can turn into a swarm of flies for puzzle solving purposes.
After all this Robbies trust for her increases SIGNIFICANTLY. He's still not really sure about her, but she's moved out of the 'active threat' classification into the 'kinda helpful' zone.
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Lisa's plan has three ways it could go:
They all fail miserably and get sent to mental and physical time out in the megamycite.
They win and get to go free but either the medicine isn't there or it doesen't work. In which case she's just planning on getting as many coats as possible and Try-or-Die-ing it.
The medicine is there and she actually gets to roam free
Luckily for her, the medicine IS there, it DOES work, and Robbies sense of honor / noticing her usefulness (its hard to wage a one man war on an entire community of mutants ok you cant blame him for appreciating having some ACTUAL HELP for once) all align for the best possible scenario.
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The cold does still affect her; her healing isn't as quick as it usually is and her increased strength / speed is a bit reduced, but she can go!! outside!!
She decided to stick with Robbie in getting out of the village as a whole. She doesen't really know what the world outside is like but anything has to be better than here (plus if she stays here she's probably getting shoved into the Megamycite by Mother Miranda PERMENANTLY and that just. wont do).
Also yes Lisa being with Robbie for the rest of his adventures means that she is there for Heisenbergs 'proposal'. She uh. Does not like that much.
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this all made. more sense in my head I hope it at least makes a little sense out loud.
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sapphire-weapon · 6 months
Why do you think RE2R's narrative wasn't restructured like that? Wasn't it the same team working on both games?
Yes, it was the same team, but historical context is important.
RE2make was this team's first remake, so no one knew how these games were going to be received. And Capcom was terrified. They had repeatedly said over the years that they would never remake RE2. They even legit told fans to stop asking for it, at one point.
But the announcement of RE2make was Capcom's "in case of emergency, break glass."
RE2make was announced in 2015 as a response to the RE6 post-mortem. It was actually announced before RE7 was, even, in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding and signal to fans "we're listening, we're listening, oh god please stop saying horrible things about us on the internet the investors are so pissed."
So they had to be very, very careful with how they approached this remake. If they fucked this up, it would've been catastrophic. I'm sure Hirabayashi's balls were in his throat for the entire stretch of time between the Leon and Claire face reveal to the release of the game -- because that face reveal did not go over well.
And if that wasn't bad enough, after that went over poorly, there was a dramatic outcry and backlash when it was announced that the game would have no zapping system (which is why and how we ended up with a poorly-realized, slapped-together 1st/2nd scenario situation; originally, it was meant to be just one Leon campaign and one Claire campaign). Pre-release of this game was probably harrowing as fuck for everyone involved in the project.
RE2make was not the game for experimenting. You could tell they wanted to, based on the complete overhaul to the playable Ada and Sherry sections, but a thematic shift in genre was out of the question.
What they actually did with RE2make -- which was actually really smart -- was not remake the game as it existed. Instead, they remade the game as people remembered it.
Leon was not a gentle, sweet boy who just got screwed over in RE2 OG. He was an arrogant dick who insisted he was always right.
Ada was not a cold, manipulative bitch in OG. She genuinely fell in love with Leon.
Claire was not a hotheaded firecracker in OG. She was soft-hearted and nurturing, if a bit sassy.
But their remake counterparts followed people's memories and the fandom consciousness rather than the OG scripts.
So I mean...
RE2make was in a precarious situation. And if it had gone over poorly, RE4make would've looked much different.
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gojobait · 11 months
i think the reason re8 wasn't as well executed as re7 is because they tried to convey too many things at once.
in re7 the main villain is a 10 year old girl abused by a secret corporation that wants to turn her into a bioweapon when all she wants is a normal family. however she has only ever known authority and hierarchy, not the love and affection that should exist within an actual family, therefore she is only able to create a toxic home with a strict hierarchy where every new member is at the bottom of the food chain. jack is the abusive father who delights in torturing his children, marguerite is reduced to her reproductive organs, as her role is solely that of the mother who bears new children, and is otherwise just a very disguting annoyance. lucas is the product of this toxic home, showing that it isn't genetics that play the biggest role in the child's education (he has been cured of the mold and is acting solely of his own free will) and that cycles of violence and abuse are not easily broken. however they can be broken, and we see that in zoe, who goes out of her way and risks her own life to help ethan. mia, while technically the "younger sibling", is probably just a step above lucas in the hierarchy because of her bond with eveline and her ability to adapt. when ethan "joins" the little family unit, he is nothing but the scared little kid who's just trying to run and hide from his father, a practically impossible task in the claustrophobic house.
this all works because this is all the game is about. it's not trying to be anything else or to make bigger statements or commentary. the first re game was about the collapse and moral corruption of modern society (with the cannibal zombies) as well as the obsession with modernizing warfare by developing bioweapons to be used arbitrarily on the civilian population, who become mere test subjects for the military industrial complex.
re7 focuses on the moral decay of the family unit as a sort of case study for the larger aforementioned collapse of modern society, as it is both a direct result of a human-made biochemical disaster and the sum of every toxic and abusive ideal of patriarchal society.
re8 at its core is about pollution, with moreau being the most self explainatory case. however, the problem with re8 is that every one of the four lords represents a different thing, and the player doesnt really get enough time with any of them to really unpack anything. re8 tries to recreate the family unit we had in re7 but at the same time it wants to talk about how the nobility is nothing but a very pretty looking blood sucking parasite, and also about how pollution is bad for the fish, and about how technological advancement requires the utter annihilation of the natural landscape to make way for factories that produce machine-human hybrids, but it's also about family.
mother miranda tries to make a family for herself, but she fails miserably as she isn't interested in any of her "children", instead focused on exploiting them to create the perfect child. alcina, the nobility, has some pretty evident issues with authority; she's used to being the ruling class, the one with all the power and who exploits those below her; she also has daughters of her own, so she clearly isn't interested in miranda's plans. moreau is the most pathetic and also most obvious Lord Of Pollution, as there is nothing else really going on with him. he is a poisonous creature the spreads disease at his every breath. heisenberg is the rebellious son who wants to break away from his overbearing mother's control, the mother who put him on earth without his permission, who changed him without his permission, but he is the worst kind of pollution that exists: war. he cannot break the cycle and is not interested in doing so.
donna is the one that stands out the most to me, as she doesnt really represent any kind of physical pollution, but rather something that is plaguing our modern society on a much larger scale than ever before: metal illness. she is also the one who, more than any other lord, personifies the theme of the sick and twisted family; she taunts ethan with his insecurities about being a parent, about his own body and his own "wrongs" that his child might have inherited from him (scary giant fetus). she also makes him to take apart a mannequin modeled after mia, his dead wife, forcing him to deal with his grief and and fear to lose the only family he has left: rose.
it's not a bad game at all, and every lord is a very compelling villain (except maybe moreau) but the game doesnt give any of them nearly enough time to be developed fully and to be truly, undeniably monstrous. not to mention mother miranda, who barely feels like a villain by the end of the game, she's just annoying.
tl;dr: it's a good game, i realy liked it, but it could have benefited from having less characters and from focusing more on the horror than on the action doom-like style of gameplay
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coffeebrownn · 1 year
Oh I love your head canons, they are so sweet. For NSFW, I like the idea of both Chris and Ethan being switches. Ethan is a bit of a power bottom and Chris is a service top. Chris is tired and just does whatever Ethan requests haha. And Ethan wants to try everything. They are so cute.
WAADA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! AND OMG HELLO??? alright,, have mercy but i never really thought about them in a NSFW setting(?) idk i just forgot about it(????) or they're not really my ocs and i feel like i'm trespassing an invisible border😭😭😭 but i'll think more scenario since you mentioned about it, especially on how ethan is a power bottom,, and i learn that that's the term for chris(?) since i agree that he can be the top position but at the same time it's not right that he's the only one who does so,, so it's really cute that he's giving pleasant service to ethan as well 🥺
yes, they're very very vanilla, nothing crazy i think chris would get pretty embarrassed when he need to share that it wasn't like this when he's younger. Either way, i think what stands out is how ethan is pretty fidgety(?) like he'll bite, and hold chris' chest... chris on the other hand .. i think he just likes to see how big he is compared to ethan..😭idk he likes to picture it even outside sexual intercourse
Well, this session for them,, i would say pretty cathartic for both of them, both at one of vulnerable state/image, chris never really expressing his wants/needs since he thought/ picture himself that he's a soldier in this bio warfare, this and the fact that he'd done numerous (he'd lost count) one night stand due to how stressful his job could be, any women/men, like anything, ANYTHING to distract himself, since alcohol/cigarette isn;t enough for him already. So you could see how doubtful of himself when he's considering on starting this serious relationship with ethan, his mind run across whether or not he could do it, he express this thought to claire, which of course she told chris to just do it, if it doesn't work out, then leave
"it's that easy, who's giving you orders to stay with him if it doesn't work out? yourself?" claire just laughs
chris knows what claire meant, and at start he already knows the answer, he just doesn't fully trust himself after what had happened, his judgement, his bad decisions, etc. he thought to himself does he deserve someone as good as ethan? after he'd cross the line and killed his wife (even though it's miranda) and not telling him whatsoever about the plan and directly killing him due to your shit ass common sense? of course chris tries to punish himself this isn't his first time, but again how long can he do this. So he took the plunge and really threw away his enormous ego to apologize to ethan since it's a miracle that God or Universe itself gave him a 2nd chance, most of the time the person is already dead
and this contrast with ethan, he doesn't trust people due to his circumstances (re7/re8)), he's insecure about his body, his mind, he feels like a monster due to the mold, after people he trust just kept using his kindness and destroying it.. he just feels unloved/unappreciated.
first few nights when they express this interest of wanting to explore each other's bodies, (of course ethan jokingly mentioned how "you've seen me naked before! like multiple times" and chris just close eyes and mentioned how seeing him naked on the hospital bed DOES NOT COUNT) ethan was pretty nervous, he instead went and uses his clothes/shirt from fully exposing his own body. Took them like a few month to a year to feel comfortable.. even some nights they just strip down to sleep naked.
and the aftercare/cuddling session ethan would ask chris each of the scars and it's history behind it, a good bed time story for ethan, some stupid ones because Jill/Claire dared him, some from his mistakes, some that he regrets, everything, this is one of instance for ethan to know who chris is, since ethan mostly relies on chris' closed ones (jill, claire, even leon) to share, but again it's mostly THEIR experiences with chris and not the other way around.
well at least this is how i picture them!! Idk!! i find their relationship to not be the healthiest compared to other ship in RE, but i appreciate and want to highlight about how it can be a very rewarding/wholesome between them, like it's a good reminder that people (NOT ALL PEOPLE SOME PEOPLE) grow and overcome their own irrationality and worries, each of them has their own flaws and insecurity but they both pick each other up and be a better version/proud of themselves. Thank you for reading this! Sorry for the extensive rambling 😭
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your-mom-number5 · 4 months
When You First Met Chris Redfield (RE7 x Reader)
I had just gotten off my flight from a work trip. It had been a hectic day, filled with the chaos of people rushing to catch their flights and the constant drone of announcements echoing through the corridors. I was waiting for my luggage near the baggage claim when I caught sight of a man who stood out among the crowd.
His imposing figure towered over the sea of travelers, but it wasn't his height or his rugged appearance that caught my attention—it was his nose. His nose was... well, it was large. Larger than any nose I had ever seen before. It seemed to dominate his face, drawing the eye like a magnet.
He met my eye, likely catching me staring. As he began to approach me, a wave of irrational fear washed over me. I couldn't tear my gaze away from his nose, and with each step he took, it seemed to grow larger and larger, looming over me like a mountain about to collapse. I felt like a mouse trapped in the shadow of a giant.
"Excuse me, I’m Chris Redfield, do you know where the nearest restroom is?" Chris said, his deep voice jolting me out of my reverie. He was looking at me with a friendly smile, but all I could see was that nose, looming over me like a dark cloud.
"Uh, yeah, it's, um, just down that way," I whispered, pointing in the general direction of the restrooms. Chris nodded his thanks and strode off, leaving me feeling shaken and bewildered by my encounter with him and his big ass nose.
I couldn't understand why I had reacted so strongly to Chris's nose. I mean, it was just a nose, right? But try as I might, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the pit of my stomach. 
Maybe it was because he looked so different than in the previous Resident Evil games and didn’t look like the Chris Redfield I was used to. Maybe that’s why I didn’t recognize him. I mean, what? What was I talking about? Oh, right. This is an x reader and I’m Y/N. I didn’t mean to break the fourth wall. My bad. I’ve just been so stressed out lately and I got takeout the other day and it was the wrong order, so I’ve just generally been in a bad mood.
Anyways, over the next few days, I couldn't get Chris's nose out of my mind. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw it looming before me like a grotesque nightmare. I tried to convince myself that it was just my imagination running wild, but deep down, I knew that wasn't true. I knew that his nose was really just that fucking huge.
Eventually, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to do some research on Chris Redfield. As it turned out, he was known for his bravery and heroism in the face of danger. He had faced down countless enemies and survived some of the most harrowing situations imaginable. And yet, despite all of his accomplishments, all anyone seemed to talk about was his nose.
It was then that I realized the truth. My fear wasn't about Chris's nose at all—it was about the unknown. Chris represented everything I didn't understand, everything that was different and unfamiliar to me. And in my ignorance, I had let that fear consume me, turning a simple physical feature into something monstrous in my mind.
With this revelation, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I may never fully understand Chris Redfield or his nose, but that was okay. We were all just trying to navigate this crazy world as best we could, nose or no nose. And maybe, just maybe, I could learn to see past my own fears and appreciate the person behind the nose.
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rallamajoop · 1 year
Village of Neverending WIPs
As usual, my current WIP list is far too long, and sitting down to write is never easier when you're locked in indecision. So I'm dumping a current-WIPs-summary here, for anyone who might be curious and/or who might want to try and nudge me toward whichever of these they'd most like to read.
Anyone remember that ficlet about Ethan's not-so-latent monsterfucker-tendencies that I promised was getting a continuation? Well, the finished version is back from the beta, just a few final edits away from posting (though be warned: boy does this one go places)
Post-RE7 Ethan/Mia fic where Mia actually gets to come clean (which probably no-one is hardly going to read but gdi if no-one else is going to write me the elaborate Mia-backstory of my dreams I will damn well do it myself)
The one where Ethan and Heisenberg get sex-pollened by the mould (mostly done, just needs, y'know, the actual sex part)
Next chapter of Lords and Lattes (the whole thing is planned out I swear I just have to actually write it)
Kind of pseudo-continuation of One More Happy Ending. I wasn't going to write more of this one, but the idea of a scene where Ethan accepts Heisenberg's deal and then runs into Chris, where Heisenberg gets to be all "too bad, Redfield, he's on Team Heisenberg now!" and Ethan gets to be all OMG STFU, I hate BOTH of you so much rn, WTF STOP TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER- has really got its teeth into me.
Wintersberg-y Groundhog Day thing, because even if these fics are a dime a dozen out there already, none seem to be interested enough in the true twisted horror potential for my tastes (let alone the potential to really dig into Heisenberg's motivations). What, you're not seeing it? LET ME EXPLAIN
In fairy tale AU-land, we have a somewhat-stalled ficlet called only 'Koschei', though also some tempting ideas to continue both the Beauty and the Beast and the Labyrinth AUs
And speaking of things that have got their teeth into me, there may be a couple of bits of That One Where Heisenberg Follows Him Home sitting in a word document somewhere...
...and there may just be a kind of stealth-prequel to Michael & Gabriel somewhere in that list too.
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imastrangeone98 · 7 months
Vitamorte - Chapter 2: The Barrier
(A/N: I've been watching a lot of resident evil speedruns lately, so that inspired me to pick up this story again. No other explanation required cuz no ones gonna read it but me XD)
No warnings, but Leon is an overprotective hubby. Also it hit me that I haven't said where this would take place in the main timeline; it takes place between death island and re7
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Chris knocked on the door.
A farmhouse wasn't what he expected for one of the best government agents and virus researcher. It was a nice place- a typical 2-story home with a lazy, old white shepherd lounging on the patio, a front yard with an apple tree and a swing, and no neighbors around for miles.
Perfect for privacy.
The dog lifted its head and wagged its tail.
"Hey, Milky," Chris chuckled, leaning over to pat the good boy on the head. "You're still kicking, huh?"
Milky panted and rested its head again.
"Who the hell is that? I swear I didn't order a-" The door swung open, revealing the one person Chris was hoping to avoid- Leon Kennedy-Kim himself. And it seemed like Chris was the last person Leon was expecting, too. Because he froze immediately at the sight of his colleague, lips curling into a fierce scowl.
"I thought I made it clear that I'm on break," Leon scoffed. "Whatever it is, I ain't hearing it until at least a month."
"Well, you're in luck, because you're not the one I'm here to see," Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Is Sarah in?"
Leon stared at him, eyes piercing. "What are you-"
"Dad! Mom said pie's ready! C'mon, let's eat!"
Leon glared at Chris, but ultimately swung the door open. "Shoes off. We don't want dirt in the house."
Chris wordlessly obeyed, figuring that getting into Leon's good graces at the moment would get him better results. But as he shut the door behind him, he heard footsteps pattering in the room next door, and a head of blond hair popped out.
"Whoa, it's Uncle Chris," the little girl gasped, before she darted back in the room. "Zane, come on, Uncle Chris is here!"
He chuckled. Grace hadn't changed a bit since the last time he saw her. Still as energetic, bouncy and innocent as ever, a spitfire image of her mother with her dad's hair.
And then Zane walked out- tall for an 11-year-old, black hair, with Leon's piercing blue eyes to match. He smiled at the older man. "Hi, Uncle Chris. You look older."
"I feel older," he laughed, ruffling the boy's hair. "You got taller, I can tell."
"And hungrier. Boy tears through three bowls of rice like there's no tomorrow," Leon grumbled as he set out plates and cups. Grace finally snuck out to dash into the kitchen, giving Chris a small wave.
"...Are you here for work again, Uncle Chris?" Zane whispered, eyes fixed on the kitchen to make sure his sister was out of earshot. "More bad stuff?"
"Yeah." Chris sighed before patting Zane on the back. Kid was always too smart for his own good. "But don't worry. With me and hopefully your mom on the case, it shouldn't be too bad of a problem."
"So it's Mom..." Zane stared off into the distance before shaking his head. "Dad's not gonna like that."
"No, he isn't."
And speak of the devil, Leon reemerged from the kitchen holding a pitcher, and the very person Chris needed followed close behind, a large pie in hand.
"When Leon told me we had guests, I didn't realize I called the pest control," Sarah Kennedy-Kim cackled, setting down the pie to pat his shoulder. "What's the greatest bug killer doing in my house?"
"Catching rats," he sighed. "I could use a hand in getting a few strays."
She stared at him. Chris fidgeted under the intensity of her gaze.
"Really, now?" she finally said. Sarah plopped on a chair and cut some slices of pie, gesturing for Chris to sit.
Leon huffed, then passed over two hefty slices to the children, wordlessly motioning for them to head up the stairs. Zane caught on quickly, and after grabbing glasses of lemonade, prodded his sister to follow him up.
The two waited until there was a click of a door, and only then did Leon speak. "No."
"Shut up," he hissed. "She left the field a long time ago, and for damn good reason. You want someone to risk their life, you ask me, but leave my wife out of this!"
"It's not that easy." Chris laid his palms flat on the table. "There's some shit going down in Chile. Some unknown disease is turning people into... something. Supergeniuses. Or freaks of nature." He leaned closer to the scientist. "I don't care whether it's a virus, parasite, or some other bullshit. You're the leading expert on this; I need you on this case."
Sarah hummed, but said nothing else for a solid second. Leon's brows furrowed.
"You've got Rebecca Chambers," she said simply. "She's a genius. Why not ask her?"
"I thought about it," he admitted. "But Rebecca isn't meant for dangerous field work. And more importantly..." He leaned forward, eyes fixed on the scientist. "She's not a gambler. Not like you are. I need someone who's willing to break the rules."
Leon scowled. Sarah shrugged, unfazed.
"Rebecca's fairly good at bending the rules." She poured a glass of lemonade and slid it over to Chris. "But I'll let it slide for now. What's the problem?"
"This." He slid over several pictures. Sarah picked them up and studied them, Leon leaning over her shoulder to take a peek. "Word has it that the disease that's infecting Los Duermos infects the mind- turns the people into-"
"Zombies." Leon waves his hand. "Mindless, dumb, bitches to take down. Shoot them in the head. Simple."
"That's the thing," Chris sighed. "They're not dumb corpses shuffling around. They're fully sentient, not driven by whatever virus or parasite is in their bodies. They're vastly more intelligent than they used to be. Apparently, a good chunk of them even act normally, going about their lives as they used to. But that's the lucky ones. The unlucky folks..."
She studied another picture. Her eyes narrowed. "Who the hell is..."
"Their bodies change drastically; it's like plastic surgery without going under." Chris pinched the bridge of his nose. "They all look the same. Man, woman, or child. They all look like Alex Wesker. With not even half the brains. They're mindless, dumb..." He looked at Leon. "Bitches to take down."
Leon scratched his chin. "It's like Simmons on steroids."
"No kidding." Chris leaned back in his chair. "You see why I need you now? We don't know what the hell is going on, and we need sharp eyes on the ground to get the info we need."
"An army of super geniuses and mutated Weskers..." Sarah mused. "Well, I guess-"
"Sarah," Leon whispered harshly. "This isn't a good idea. You know what happened last time."
She hummed. Chris looked at his folded hands.
"In his defense," she said, "I got kidnapped. It's not exactly field work in the slightest."
"But it still happened," he growled. "I'm not letting that happen ever again."
She silently took Leon's hand in hers, rubbing soft circles in his skin. He instantly softened, and brought her hand to his lips. Chris looked away, giving the couple a brief moment of privacy.
"How long do I have to decide?" she finally asked.
"Tomorrow morning. That's the latest."
She sighed. "I'll let you know by then."
Chris nodded; this was likely the best outcome he was going to get. He stood up and pushed his chair back in.
"Are you gonna finish that?"
He turned around to see Leon pointing at the untouched slice.
With a huff, he sat back down.
A/N: when I was first writing this years ago, I couldn't figure out how to write this, but now it comes a bit more naturally
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years
Okay aside from my hatred for how it treated Eveline, the DLC also just, wasn't great? And didn't matter? Spoilers below the cut
Okay so getting big thing out of the way: The DLC takes place before the 8 epilogue of Rose at Ethan's grave. Meaning that everything we see doesn’t matter. Rose was never going to lose her powers, she was always going to escape the mold mind palace (btw I’m gonna call it “mold mind palace” this whole time) and it just felt cheap to have the ENTIRE epilogue shown at the end. Like just show her on the bus, we know this scene. I kept waiting throughout the scene to see if they would show us anything new or different, but they didn't. That ending was pointless.
K was also such a nothing character. I speculated that it could be John, since the two characters' faces are similar, but it wasn't. Rose calls him K. John's HWS name is Lobo. If it were Dion she was meeting, that nickname might make sense (K9. There's actually a file in 8 that refers to Canine with that shortened nickname so it would've been possible) but Dion obviously doesn't look like this guy. Not to mention the reveal that he was never there doesn't do anything for us. We knew nothing about this guy, had no attachment to him, so Miranda tricking Rose the entire time means nothing to us. If it had been an actual former HWS member, or, hell, CHRIS then we might have felt something.
Also just the insinuations that 1) Chris is STILL leading HWS 16 years later 2) they're inviting more people to be part of HWS 3) HWS hasn't been shut down yet despite them having been a rogue team when we saw them operating in 8 and they went straight to BSAA HQ, meaning they probably would've received some consequences for going rogue and 4) they've asked Rose, a 16-year-old, to join their team, are all absurd
The DLC is also just really lazy. They recycle ideas, like Miranda using illusions to trick someone into seeing a person that wasn't even there, they recycle models, like seriously Evie looks exactly how she did in RE7, and her model there wasn't great and was still super clunky here and she wasn't proportioned like a child, and they reuse her tantrum animations from 7, they recycle locations just making things more messy or adding the new bloody mold goop to indicate this is the mind palace and not irl. They're lazy with Miranda's motivation too, like there's no reason for her to need Rose as a vessel for Eva anymore. If Eva's consciousness was truly in the mold like Miranda believed, then great! You're in the mold now, Miranda! Go find her! Why are you wasting time with Rose?
The "Michael" mystery was stupid. There was no real reason for him to not reveal himself to Rose right away. It wouldn't "complicate" anything, in fact she'd be more likely to trust you. He kept telling her to turn back, meaning if she had listened, they never would have gotten to speak, which is kind of what Ethan wanted. He wanted her out of the mind palace, safe, even if it meant he never saw her again. She probably could've taken solace in speaking to her dad, even if it wasn't face to face. Also the wording of "Not an enemy" was sooo dumb. Say you're a friend! Say you're family! "Not an enemy" makes her even less likely to trust you, because you aren't being anything reassuring to her right now
The game also tries way too hard to tug on the heart strings, and it doesn't work. I'm gonna bring up Evie here a bit although I'll do my best not to. I do not feel bad for Rose. As a long time fan and player of most games in this series, I can name more characters who have been through worse shit than Rose has than I can count on my fingers. Actually I will, this is my post, fuck it, feel free to skip the list
Sherry was orphaned at 12 and was infected with a virus that nearly killed her, then was held captive in a strange man's house for eleven years, that's 5 years of her adult life still in captivity, before gaining a false semblance of freedom by being forced to become an agent, on one of her missions was kidnapped and tortured for 6 months, and oh yeah her body stopped aging at 20
Manuela was infected with a disease that should have killed her, lost her mother at 5 years old, nearly died several times during DC, became an orphan at 16, and was locked up after being rescued because she still had powers and was still infected. Despite controlling her powers, she was not given any freedom, because the government was cautious (KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR LATER)
Claire, Chris, and Leon are all orphans, Leon definitely when he was a child, Chris and Claire it's up to speculation. The three of them went through the horrors of the early games as young adults, Claire only being 19.
Jill was kidnapped, brainwashed, and forced to become a murderous slave for a genocidal maniac who she sacrificed her life to try to kill
Ashley was kidnapped multiple times, infected, and had her body taken control of by another person against her will
Natalia was an orphan (WHO WATCHED HER PARENTS DIE BTW) who was isolated from her peers, kidnapped, tormented for months by Alex, experienced hallucinations, had an adult woman try to take control of her body, and despite having seemed safe, apparently is still suffering ptsd or worse from what Alex did to her. She was adopted by a normal family and treated like a normal child, but she was still safely monitored and there's no indication she had a normal social life (KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR LATER)
Lisa Trevor was kidnapped at age 14, became an orphan when her parents were killed and she was infected with a virus, and went mad as she was continually tortured and experimented on until her death at 35 years old
Alexia and Alfred Ashford were given a life of comfort, but were still an experimental vanity project that their father enacted because he was in love with one of his ancestors, which they learned of at only 12 years old. Alexia willingly infected herself at age 12, Alfred was forced large political power at that age, and went insane without his sister there to support him, and when Alexia woke up from cryo sleep, the first thing she saw was her brother's dead body
Eveline was created to be a bioweapon. She was never given a choice as to if she had these powers. She was younger than her ten-year-old physical appearance, because she was aged up artificially, she was tortured, abused, forced to kill people with powers she couldn't control, and denied any source of comfort despite having the wants and needs of a child, and she was murdered by a man who called her a little bitch as she cried and lamented why the world seemed to hate her.
Now. What struggles does Rose have? Why, her dad is dead and kids at school call her a freak, of course! Now Isn't that sad? Don't you feel terrible for her and can't wait for her to pick off Eveline, who was taunting her, like a bitter child would?
Also yes you read that right, kids at school. Rosemary Winters, who shows physical proof in public that she is an actively infected person who cannot control her abilities, is allowed to attend public school and receive childish bullying. Un-fucking-realistic. Such bullshit.
Like I said, they lay on the pathos thick. There is an entire section, with no real gameplay, as you walk around the house from the beginning of 8 as you get to hear Ethan's voice and Rose's commentary on things her dad said because wahhh isn't it sad that Ethan died? They tell you how Rose feels through dialogue instead of allowing the character to feel for the obviously forced pathos. The letter was also written way too on the nose to try and tug at some heart strings. The ending where Rose talks to Ethan (while still HILARIOUSLY obstructing his face) goes on for too long and not a single line isn't something sad/sweet/sappy to try and get in the audience's feelings. (Also Rose bringing a physical object of Ethan's ring out of a MOLD MIND PALACE makes no sense but w/e)
Okay but is the gameplay at least good? Nah not that either. You get two weapons, a handgun and a shotgun, the occasional pipe bomb, and Rose's freezing powers. Now I know that this is a DLC and of course there doesn't have to be a lot of content, but this was pathetic. There are only two real puzzles either. The playthrough I watched was 3 hours long. The only part I thought was really scary was running from the Mia mannequins, but gameplay-wise they're like super easy to defeat.
The story jumps forward 16 years for no real reason. We don't get any insight into this new world Rose is living in, 16 years from the current furthest point in the timeline, we meet no new characters except for K who we can't really assume told us anything real since he was an illusion. This story was unnecessary, a mess, none of the gameplay was spectacular, and it went out of its way to torture and villainize a character who had already suffered in life, not even giving her peace in death. Really shitty DLC, really bad time.
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cruncherzz · 2 years
Okay, so I've been waiting to do this for a while but I kinda wanna see everyone's opinions on different characters from the RE7-RE8 timeline; also the reasoning of why you like or dislike them.
Here are some of mine(probably gonna make a part 2 post):
Chris Redfield-
Honestly, didn't see him enough in either game to really form an opinion, I played RE5 ages ago and witnessed the glory of the boulder punch but like... that's it. He just feels like if COD Ghosts was a person.
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Jack Baker -
He's a cool tertiary character that scares the crap out of you on initial play but then bothers the fuck out of you once you know how his AI moves him around the house and his parts in the game. I like his voice lines and how genuinely like... unsettling he is. Even after years of playing and replaying this game, I still get goosebumps seeing him walk at you like the GTA character on roids.
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Marguerite Baker -
Nope. Nope. Triple nope. I love the character as an antagonist but just hate her when I play. Two words. Vagina Bugs. Like, holy shit, Capcom nailed how much people hate unsettling things. Seeing this woman crawl at me around the greenhouse on all fours had me shooting her like I was playing a campaign of MW2. Her voice lines are great and her craziness because of Eveline's influence just makes her uncannily frightening.
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Lucas Baker-
I want to see this little cunt die over and over again. He's just on another level than his parents because he was fucked up even before the mold got to him. Like, he's antisocial, great with gadgets that he uses for less than savory reasons, he's just John Kramer but in Resident Evil. All he needs is his Billy puppet and he's good. He wasn't as satisfying to play against because his part of the game was just an escape room and him escaping before you could get to him. All around, it was a creepy character that I sorta despise playing against but like all the same. Also, yes, I know that in "Not a Hero" or whatever it's called, you kill him. But, I never played that cuz I don't care for Chris and I'm lazy. I loved his little tidbits in "21," though so I'm probably just biased af.
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Zoe Baker-
I might get flack for this but I don't... care for her. She's not a bad character but she's not really helpful. Yes, she points you where to go and tells you what's going on vaguely. But like, she just tells you. That's it. Sometimes, she doesn't even tell you stuff like when Ethan fights Marguerite and says that she didn't warn him about the bugs and "thanks for that" sarcastically; she replies with a laugh and a "sorry about that." Also, this might just be me but it's like her VA didn't know how to replicate a southern accent; she switches from sorta southern to no accent to this weird almost British sounding hybrid. It's something that @highlifeboat and I poke fun at whenever they stream it out of boredom.
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Eveline -
My child. Little baby child. I really enjoy Eveline as the main antagonist because you can't help but feel this intense sympathy for this child who was made to destroy. She's just a kid and yet because of Miranda(which we find out later), she never gets the family or love she desperately craved. She wants to be loved but her efforts are completely twisted because she was completely twisted from experiments and protocols. Her imprinting protocol on Mia essentially drove her to excessive levels of obsession and made RE7 happen. I love her character and her voice lines are painful and raw. She's great in a lot of ways, she's even good in SOR which y'all already know my opinion on.
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Clancy Jarvis-
The real protagonist of RE7, just yall wait for his revival in RE9, WHEEZE! No, but, seriously, I really like Clancy Jarvis. His influence in the game isn't major to the plot but it's just enough that the exposition rides on you watching his tapes and seeing his name around on initial play. A brilliant side character that you'll feel bad for because he just wanted to film a ghostbusting show with his friends and ends up being hunted, tortured, and eventually killed by Lucas Baker. Also, I love how he gives more emotion in every reaction of his than Ethan does in the entire motherfucking saga he's in. Like, his emotion is there and it's raw and it's visceral whereas Ethan yells or doesn't really react to things in RE7; yes, they patched it up in RE8 slightly but not altogether in a way that made sense to me at least.
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I'm gonna make another post specifically for the Winters Family because I have a lot to say about that, also, I'm gonna do RE8 in a separate post because there's a lot more to cover.
Hope y'all enjoyed my little tidbit ;)
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gemharvest · 1 year
u for the ask game?
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Fighting my urge to list off obvious responses like the Fukawas/ Reigen/ Spamton etc because like, I post about them all the time; we all know Karl is obsessed with them!! Instead gonna dig my mind for guys I'm not often super vocal about.
Kenny (Telltale's The Walking Dead) - I am the world's biggest Kenny defender. Jane fans hate me. I need a T-shirt that says "Kenny (TWDG) didn't do anything wrong" or however the phrase goes. I am exaggerating for the bit here I do acknowledge his faults HOWEVER I love him in spite of said flaws. He's just a guy who cares deeply for those he considers family and even when it comes out in bad ways I just can't hate him for it. Very uncomfortable with how violent he's written to be in s2 but there's still the Kenny I know and love from s1 down in there so whatever.
Zack Addy (Bones) - He is everything to me I'm gonna be real. I cannot describe to you how much it hurt that he didn't really come back after the Gormogon arc aside from like, some brief appearances as well as his side-arc or whatever in s12. I think the rotating cast of interns after his departure was fun and I really liked some of the guys that showed up from that but if you gave me a button that made Zack stay as a main character for the whole series I'd press it so fucking fast.
Ekubo (Mob Psycho 100) - I FEEL LIKE THIS ONE IS ALMOST AN OBVIOUS CHOICE GIVEN [*gestures at my url] BUT. I don't really post about him solo all that often which is funny given I think a lot abt him outside of Ekurei posting. I care his character growth over the series so much and if I wasn't so Reigen-brained I'd probably be so fucking annoying about him specifically. Fortunately my brother picks up the slack on that front o7 to him but yeah, give it up to Ekubo who would have to be my overall 2nd fav from MP100.
Jack Baker (Resident Evil 7) - I don't have a big spiel for him like I do the others idk my brain just latched onto him one day and I haven't been able to shake it since. I'm too much of a pussy to get myself to play RE7 (despite now owning it lmfao) and yet it's a comfort game of mine. Wild. ANYWAYS JACK BAKER him as an enemy is super fucking cool and he scares the crap out of me BUT I also like his uninfected moments. He's such a sweet father and it makes the tragedy of what happened to his family even more worse. Guys who I wish were my father.
Aoi Asahina (Danganronpa) - AOI MY SWEETHEART!!!! I know I publicly rotate the Naegis or the Fukawas or Kazuichi or etc. a lot but I'm also a big Aoi fan. Her relationship with Sakura makes me ❤💔❤💔❤💔❤ and genuinely I remember feeling so happy that she ended up being one of the survivors from that game. I still have yet to get through the dr3 anime but seeing her in the future arc is always a treat I love getting to see her again. Like Jack I don't have the deepest words for her but she just makes me so happy also like a lot of Danganronpa characters I wish she came from a better source media.
FTR I could give you so many more favs ESPECIALLY from Bones where I love the majority of the cast. But I'm holding back on giving an honorable mentions list since it would kinda defeat the purpose of the prompt AHJSNJKKGDJNNGKJ. Feel free to ask me about my opinions on the Bones cast or like my other favs. But also the Bones cast I am holding my tongue so hard on them.
[Ask game can be found here.] Don't be afraid to send an ask in I love talking about this stuff!
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Chris apparently "I want what Sherry and Leon have" and went about it in the worse bad way (Sherry Birkin is in RE2 and she has powers/ lowkey abilities after being infected and cured of it) Leon and Sherry did see each other in RE6 (but somehow avoided mentioned Claire... thats bs I'll just say that)... also the "we have a clear shot line" is so much worse now and the "you're needed Eveline" is bad... side note I love how goofy the memory attached to the bottle in the Winters House is
In a way I find it kind of hilarious what they're doing with Chris, because unless any later games involve the Winterses in any manner, I won't even bother learning anything about the rest of the games, and it might be there where Chris might get some development on his very questionable decisions in RE8 and the DLC. So I'll be left with the thought that Chris was an insensitive idiot for no goddamn reason and I'll never look back in anything RE because I'm just not invested enough in the rest of the franchise. And I'm pretty sure Capcom knows there are people who are exactly like me and who they'll lose if they just shrug off Mia and Rose and instead have re7 and re8 as a mere stepping stone for Chris' character fallout. I just kind of find it ridiculous if that was what they were going for. Otherwise they made Chris an insensitive idiot for no goddamn reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And yeah omg I was a little disappointed the post credits scene didn't show it was actually Ethan walking towards the car, but the whole scene has a whole new light now with what we know of the DLC. Rose willingly working for Chris' team but they still have a sniper trained on her at all times?? With Chris' questionable behavior, it's not a stretch to think he might have actually become a villain by this point and full-on using Rose (and betraying Ethan's trust and last request to him). And the Eveline part... Because Rose saw with her eyes what Eveline tried to do, and them "joking" about it? After she had spent her childhood being bullied for her powers, now willingly using them to help them and they still bully her about it?
And that is supposed to be the end? Oh Capcom you silly little goose :)
Like honestly even after my first impression of the DLC I wasn't sure they would do a Chris corruption route... But honestly all this would be a pretty good setup for that. Maybe that's why he's keeping her away from Mia, to alienate her from any family and make her feel unwanted and unlovable, practically making Eveline 2.0 but this time making Rose trust him... I mean the other guy did call her Eveline to her face... Maybe it's more than just a joke, maybe they call her that because that's how they see her 🙃 then I'd say it's a very good thing Rose keeps some parts of her powers a secret from Chris.
I mean that's all just a theory, I don't know anything about the other games and their story, I may be overestimating the writers and/or seeing things that aren't there. I am sorry Chris fans. I'm just having Thoughts™.
That memory with the bottle is pure Ethan cheesiness. "She just cannot get enough of this stuff! :D" in casual sappy Ethan fashion. His other memories are cute and emotional or just him wondering how she'll be like when she grows up, and this one is just "Look at my baby girl she loves drinking milk isn't she amazing!!". God idk what they're doing with Chris and what I'm supposed to think they're doing, but with Ethan they knew what they were doing and they knew what we wanted. He barely has any spoken lines and he expresses so many emotions in his words, I love him so much 🥹
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
hii! could you do anything for resident evil, like maybe a platonic ethan winters (re7) or leon (re2)?
Sure :) I chose Ethan since I don't know much about Leon
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This gif is funny lol
When Ethan started looking for his wife, Mia, the last he has expected to happen to him is what's happening to him right now. He was setting at the dinner table of the baker family, tied to a chair, and in front of him what looks like maggoty human entrails. He should have stopped being so nosy and stopped exploring the place the moment he saw creepy shit happening, but nooo, he continued.
"That boy has got to eat! he has to have his supper!"
Ethan snapped out of his thoughts the moment he heard the old man was speaking about him. "Come here boy, let's do this, come on." The man said, picking something off of the plate and raising his hand to Ethan's mouth.
Oh no, I'm not putting that thing in my mouth.
He started pushing the food to Ethan's mouth, but he closed it tightly.
Then all of a sudden the woman started yelling and the man yelled back and then the woman left. All of this happened so fast. That's when the phone rang and the man went to get it after telling Ethan to stay where he is.
Of course Ethan decided otherwise, and as soon as the man left, he took the chance to find an escape.
He started to carefully look around the Baker's house, trying not to make the wooden floor squeak.
At some point, Ethan found the kitchen. That's when he saw you. A Teenager. Sweeping the kitchen floor. You looked like you were sixteen or seventeen. You looked normal, you weren't affected by whatever the Bakers where affected with. He felt bad seeing you in such state. Clothes dirty and torn, looking so thin and pale, you obviously weren't getting the best care here.
He started approaching you slowly, trying not to startle you so you don't make a noise. But you did anyways.
"WHAT-" You said but Ethan put his hand over your mouth quickly to shush you. The moment you saw that it wasn't one of the Bakers you relaxed a bit. Which felt weird, you haven't felt relaxed in a long time since the Bakers kidnapped you.
"You're the new guy the Bakers took, aren't you?" You said. "I am. How long have you been here?" Ethan asked sadly.
"I've been here for almost two years, I couldn't get away, it was too risky and scary." you said
He felt bad for you. A kid your age should now be hanging out with your friends, doing something kids your age do, not fight for your life everyday.
"I'm so sorry, you shouldn't be living like this." He said, lowering his head a little.
"What if I told you that I found a way out?" He said, suddenly cheerful. "Are you kidding me? I've been here for two years and you just got here and found an exit already???" You said.
He chuckled then nodded. "Who cares now, are you with me?" he said. "Of course I'm in," You said.
Ethan then started leading you out of the kitchen straight to a room you saw but never been in because you were not allowed in. When you followed him, he opened a trapdoor under ground to get to the other side.
When you got to the other you realized the other side, wasn't really the other side. You guys are still at the Bakers property, just another area.
"Well that's a bummer." You said sighing. "It's okay. we can just find another way out. Together." He said giving you a shoulder pat. You nodded smiling
That's how your escape plan began.
I feel like this was bad I'm sorry T-T
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chemicalreal · 3 years
The retcon about Ethan Winters' condition
(Warning: long post and spoilers)
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This screen belongs to that shocking and somewhat hilarious moment in Resident Evil 7 when Zoe staples Ethan's hand back. As you can see, she is telling to an half unconscious Ethan to not die.
According to Eveline, and RE8 plot, Ethan was already dead right after the first Mia boss battle, when Jack stomps on your head and welcomes you to the family. Then Zoe asks you not to die. Ironic, right?
Fans have been trying to connect the dots by justifying the new direction claiming that Ethan wasn't given any sort of cure after the first game.
I don't think that's the case since both him and Mia needed a cure: he confirms by reading several files by the end of the game that he is in earlier/mid stages of infection (miraculous healing, hallucinations). Mia herself is infected again in the ship, however Eveline's influence is not as strong as before and she can save Ethan without triggering a new boss battle. One could safely assume they both got cured off screen. There's no need to show that.
Or maybe they didn't need to since the Queen B of the hivemind was dead so they were free from her influence, and they could enjoy their new regeneration pack. But that puts Mia on the same boat as Ethan.
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(Lack of sleep obviously)
Another popular claim is that Ethan is now a mold man mimicking a human and tricking himself into being him. Now, we know Eveline really likes to be a pain in that place, and as a kiddo would do, she'd probably hyperbolize the truth, especially to a guy she particularly despises, like Ethan, by telling him he is nothing but mold to let him down. And to add insult to injury, why would his fellow molded attack him? Shouldn't he be their homie now?
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Most likely the mold kept Ethan's vital functions intact and possibly some kind of molecular recombination (passed to his daughter) but it was still Ethan, not some kind of psychological zombie. Ok I'll just shut up before I give them more ideas.
Because dead people can't have children. In theory.
Lucas: another 100% human that could reattach his limbs just like Ethan. But he turned out to be a psycho without weird hallucinogenic mushrooms. Several theories circulated about him being a little different than mom and dad, which included tactically avoiding eating the disgusting food.
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(Conveniently throwing the food at Ethan)
Mia's condition though, caused more controversies than Ethan, during RE7. The fact that she looked almost as gone as the two senior Bakers yet the serum doesn't calcify her but Zoe.
Yet, they never gave her any space to focus on her condition post 7. Except that she was experimented on, but seemed to be perfectly fine. Why would Miranda experiment on her if she was completely mold free.
So, no, it's not like "hey now everything from 7 makes sense" like many claim because it doesn't. But this is not to say retcon is bad. That's not the aim of this rant. I think RE8 was a strong title even though the ending was pretty sad. It's just to notice how you can take several ambiguous moments to create a new direction. And that's what capcom did. But it was unlikely their intention from the beginning.
There are several moments in 8 that might sort the same effect on future games, especially when it comes to the luckiest man on the face of the earth Ethan. He might not be entirely gone (another word they really like to use instead of dead), because what does death even mean for him at this point? Several, in appearance innocuous, stylistic choices in dialogues, are what capcom will use to leave certain doors open for the future. In retrospect, the stapled hand was most likely an artistic choice of impact, for body horror value, but it could be turned into "he lost the hand before he died so he needed staples" when beforehand it was "he was in a very mild stage of infection that he probably needed some physical support to reattach it".
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(100% canon game files that have the purpose to explain why he can reattach limbs)
This series is in continuous evolution that you never know what to expect, especially with the new characters. Like Zoe turning into a crystal fairy, because yes.
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(I wonder for how much money you can sell this to the Duke)
The father's story came to a close but Ethan's (or whatever he is now) is really over? I wouldn't be so sure. He just can't return to his old world after all.
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tirsynni · 2 years
Whats your opinion on The Winters family? I honestly really like re7 + re8 even tho much people don't, still, I want jill to be in re9 so bad 😭
Unfortunately, many of my opinions are biased because I'm so annoyed that they made those games numbered games instead of side games, like Revelations. I would have enjoyed them -- and their characters -- far more if they were side games and didn't lend such insecurity to the future of the franchise and if Jill and the other characters would be forever tossed to the side in favor of new characters.
But back to the question.
Mia was a villain and in any other game, she would have been treated as such. She was involved with the creation of BOWs, had some pretty shady shit going on if 8 was any indication, was a liar, and honestly had some sort of nasty streak considering Ethan never suspected anything at the beginning of 8. Instead, there's no indication that she ever experienced consequences for her actions. Instead, she was simply put in the position of "wife" and "mother." What the hell. It made no sense to me.
Rosemary? Apathetic about her until the very end (not big on babies in general, nonetheless one treated like a plot device or something similar until the very end with no personality or anything), when for some reason she's shown wearing her father's jacket. It felt like they were trying too hard to do the father&daughter connection despite the fact that she had never known him (unless it was through the mold, and there was no indication of that) and it was years later that we see her. That jacket held up pretty damned well. And when we see her, she's clearly under watch and is probably a weapon. Did Chris fail to protect her then? Did Chris allow her to become a weapon? How did she reach that point? It's supposed to be a sweet father&daughter ending but it comes off as damned negative considering that someone was actively asking if he should shoot her for very little cause. Was it supposed to be hopeful? Because it absolutely didn't come across that way.
Ethan? Honestly, pretty badass considering his pretty boring background. I don't understand why people in fanfics have to describe him as beautiful and gorgeous considering it seemed like everything was painting him to be an ordinary, boring man unless pushed to extremes. Honestly, the interesting thing about him is that he's an ordinary guy in an extraordinary situation, and I think trying to elevate him beyond that actually detracts instead of adds to his character. Kudos to him for the lengths he'll go to in order to protect his family. I love his lack of fucks. (Enemy's giving a dramatic speech? He just wants them to shut the fuck up already.) Possibly not that bright considering Mia lied to him for years, he never figured out that the whole hand and fingers thing wasn't exactly normal under any circumstances, that he didn't realize that it wasn't Mia at the beginning of 8 (although, again, that could just be saying some really nasty things about Mia), etc. And seriously, man. How the hell did you forgive your wife for lying to you for your entire marriage, refusing to ever talk to you about it, and being involved in some nasty shit which ended up ruining the lives of multiple people? He has an insane and stupid level of loyalty going on there.
I'm honestly not the best person to ask. Like, Ethan went above and beyond in those games, just to die. Mia was fucking awful in both games, including revealing in 8 that she kept some major secrets from her husband which helped lead to everything in 8, and yet we never see consequences for this. RE8 ends with Rose being shown in custody by people willing to kill her if she sneezes wrong and probably a weapon. All that and I was very interested in what the hell happened after RE6 (you know, where a US president was assassinated), only for these games to not mention it and go in a completely different direction with completely different problems. I think I sincerely would have like 7&8 if they were side games, but instead, the Winters family threw everything off and left me annoyed as hell with their fates.
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