#he was being totally mistreated and underpaid
jewishevelinebaker · 2 months
the jurassic park book is fucking gorey as shit i wish we got to see intestines ripped out in the movie!!
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Maybe a request on taking Arthur to buy new clothes since he wouldn’t do it himself
I’ve had some requests for platonic Arthur so there’s no mention of anything romantic in this; you’re just a dear friend helping him out.
The Arthur Fleck/Joker Defense Squad @writings-of-a-gen-z @x-avantgarde-x @mapreza1 @insomniabird@mavalenovaninagavi @itwasrealenough @morrisonmercurymalek  @rand0ms-fand0ms @rafaelina-casillas @aclownthing @rebs-doom @vivft@help-i-am-obssessed @autumnaffection @taintednihilist @vladtoly @mg-woolf99 @misstgrey92 @that-s-life @dopey-girl-blogs @seeking-dreamland @sweetheart-syndrome @heartxfdesire @xmusichealsthesoulx @0callmejude0 @the-one-that-likes-riddles @hannibalsslut @folliaght @freeeshavacadoo @bingewatchingmylifegoby @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything @okamiredfoxx @sp0okysp0oky @the-pandorabox @mardema @jibanyyan @honeyflvredcoughdrop @emissarydecksetter @jokerfleckk @epidendroideae @chuuntas @stillmabel @pumpkinpeyes@onehystericalqueenposts @the-jokers-wolf @nalsswa @justahyena @arianatheangelworld @soullessblondbitch @gothamslittlejester @twentyonestarrynights @sirianfromsixties @kissmeclownman
Platonic! Defense Squad @softheartedsnake
Word count: 1, 192.
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You could only watch Arthur pick at a new hole in his oldest and most frayed jumper for so long before you made an impulsive decision that settled low in your gut. It seemed right to do this. Mentally did you work out when your next pay day was - yeah, it would be really tight, but you could probably make it work. “Come on. Let’s go buy you some clothes.”
“What? No,” Arthur spoke gently, a confused look on his face. His thick, dark brows were furrowed, his green eyes watching you intently. “I don’t need new clothes.”
You looked pointedly at the hole in his baggy, threadbare jumper. “Yes, you do.”
“No, Y/N, I - “
“Come with me and pick some stuff or I’ll just grab whatever I think you’d like.”
“I haven’t got any cash, how can I pay you back?”
Something in you wasn’t happy with the way the look in his eyes darkened. He looked like he was expecting to be treated badly, or maybe even that you would hold this over his head in the future when you wanted something from him. He had only ever known people to hurt him so when you extended genuine kindness, not expecting anything in return, he didn’t know what to say or do. “I don’t want to be paid back.” You could see that he didn’t believe you, so used was he to being ill used. 
“I’ll come with you but I won’t - but I won’t get anything. I don’t need to.” It was the best you would get from him and you accepted it, all the while thinking about how you could change his mind. 
Some time later, when you had commuted into the main part of Gotham where all the best shops were, Arthur trailed behind you, his hands clasped behind his back. His green eyes were roaming about the wide aisles, and occasionally would he reach out to touch a shirt, or a jumper, or to feel the material of some trousers. He liked soft clothes, and you suspected it was because the world treated him so roughly that he liked to be comforted from the outside in with soft materials. Would anything about this man not break your heart? You doubted it; you knew him too well and intimate knowledge of Arthur Fleck was a double edged blade.
He would admire a piece, reach out to touch it gently, and then he would shake his head or his slender hand would seek out the price tag. Not once he did ever pick something up to really look at it. He just kept his eyes on the racks and kept walking. He was in front of you, and with every single article he touched did you pluck one in his size off the racks, folding it in half over your arm. You had sneakily looked in the laundry basket this morning and you had written down the sizes he took in everything so it was easy for you to make decisions.
He didn’t know that you were taking things along the way - you had invited him clothes shopping and he had accepted. You had told him that you would be buying things for him, but despite his protests, you ignored him. He did so much for you and he sacrificed so much of himself for other people; always handing out more than he would ever receive in return. Taking him clothes shopping seemed like such a small act of kindness in comparison.
When at last all the racks in the sections he was interested in had been exhausted, Arthur stopped and turned to look at you with feigned apathy. Immediately did his eyes fall upon the huge pile of clothes on your arm. You wanted to get to the checkouts as soon as you could - the bundle of material was getting heavy and your arm was starting to go numb from the elbow down.
His eyes widened almost comically wide. “Y/N, what - “
“Don’t even start with me, Fleck.” You grinned to take the bite out of your words, and set everything down on the counter in front of an equally bemused cashier. “Could you bag these for me, please?”
The cashier nodded, already working on scanning and folding everything, removing hangers and tags as appropriate. They looked bored shitless and you had the feeling they still had several hours before they could go home. Everyone was always so overworked, underpaid, mistreated and exhausted in Gotham city. It was truly the place people moved to when they were already dead inside. They stayed because they had no choice. Living paycheck to paycheck didn’t exactly allow for full savings accounts. 
Over the cashier’s shoulder did a bright red suit catch your attention. You had already grabbed Arthur a green work shirt and a yellow waistcoat; you could probably convince him to try the three out together… you had a feeling that he would be able to make it work, somehow. Only Arthur could pull off such a strange colour combination. Your best friend was really quite eccentric, and you loved him for it.
“I’ll take that red suit, too. You got it in a small?”
Someone else behind the counter hurriedly grabbed the suit, which was conveniently a small, scanned and bagged it without looking at you. There was a queue forming behind you and you felt a little bad about how much you were buying Arthur. But screw it. He was worth it.
Arthur, for his part, stood silently beside you, his head hung low and he twisted his hands and wrists around again and again as he struggled to keep himself composed. You knew his knees would be shaking, and quickly did you realise that there was a laughing fit coming his way. 
“Go wait outside for me, Arthur.” You murmured, laying a gentle hand on his arm.
His green eyes shot to yours, gratitude written all over his face - you really did know him well - and he left without another word. There was a conversation somewhere in the rest of the day in which the two of you would have to talk about whatever was bothering him, though you already knew. You would give him the time and the space to talk to you, though, and you would quietly assuage his fears and worries one at a time. You had done it before and you would do it again and again until he realised that there were no strings attached in your friendship. Just complete freedom to be yourselves, with acceptance to follow.
Just as he reached the exit to the shop, loud and maniacal laughter broke free from his lips, which had been tightly pressed together, and you sighed, handing over the total to the slightly impatient, panicked cashier. Ouch. The next month or so was going to be tighter than you would have liked, but you had already made your decision and accepted the consequences as they came. 
You would do anything for the man who did everything for other people but nothing for himself.
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impuretale · 5 years
8 Jurassic Park things
These delighted me when I finally read Jurassic Park after growing up with the movies. There are many. And I won’t say “I wish this went into the movie” because reading the book was such a treat for me after the fact. But they are things I wouldn’t have minded seeing in later movies. Starting with bouncing, snuggly raptor babies. 
1. Bouncing, snuggly raptor babies. The raptors are as dangerous as they are in the book because they’re not properly enriched as adults. More on this in another point. They’re very socialized with people in infancy, though, so instead of getting to see a raptor hatch from an egg, what we see instead is a raptor nursery, with baby raptors hopping around like bunnies and leaping into the arms of people for cuddles because people are warm and dinosaurs are not. Dr Grant, whose entire discomfort with children is extrapolated from this scene, keeps trying to hold the baby raptor away from him so he can examine it, and his ineptitude winds up traumatizing it. 
2. Hammond in the book is basically a mixture of Dick Cheney and Donald Trump and he gets his just desserts. And I had to basically imagine one of those people instead of Lord Richard Attenborough because I could never see him playing this asshole. So many of the ways in which the park is inept are because of his poor management and his insinuating himself into systems he knows jack shit about. He also literally blames his grandchildren for all the mechanical failures in the park. The book ends with him wandering the grounds prior to departure, complaining about his grandkids, and then tripping and falling down a ditch and breaking his ankle. There, he is swarmed and eaten by corpys (those tiny dinosaurs that attack the little girl at the beginning of the second movie -- they’re there to basically clear out dinosaur waste, and Hammond definitely qualifies in this version of the story). 
3. The way this park is managed and the ways it fails are all so mindblowingly, nonsensically bad that if you have never read the book before, you will be screaming at these imaginary people long before people start dying. But it is so, so funny to watch unfold and talk about after the fact. The movie does not prepare you for how poorly managed the animals are in the story. Just a few examples: 1) The book opens with a clear indication that dinosaurs have escaped the island and nobody back on the island seems to be aware of this. The reason why is because they have scanners all over the island that only count up to how many dinosaurs they THINK there are, and no more. So they get an alert if the number is lower, not if dinosaurs got out of their cages. 2) And the dinosaurs are multiplying. They don’t catch certain ones doing that because they turn off their security cameras at night. The shit the raptors keep getting up to? Never caught, because they’re fucking nocturnal. And these is evidence that there have been many incidents, but they still turn the cameras off. 3) As a failsafe, they bred the dinos to be deficient in a major nutrient they need to stay alive, so that without regular doses the park administers, they will quickly die. Unfortunately, the nutrient in question is grown in plentiful supply on crops that can easily be found on all the surrounding and nearby islands. 4) The raptors are poorly behaved because there are no programs for enrichment and training. So they’re bored and aggressive because the zookeepers intentionally keep them bored and aggressive.
4. The juvenile T-rex was more alarming than the grown one in its own way. There’s more than one in the first book. Big T-rex in all its stompy glory, and then a smaller, more unsettling juvenile. Probably the reason this one bothered me more is that one of the characters tries in vain to scare the still-bigger-than-him dino away and what we’re treated to is the juvenile playing with her increasingly terrified food before finally putting an end to it.
5. Dennis Nedry was an underpaid, constantly mistreated grad student whose exit from the book is nearly triumphant because fuck Hammond and fuck this entire company. Nearly. But on that subject!
6. The movie doesn’t clue you into the fact that the scientists only figured out that the dilophosaurus was poisonous through trial and error. Meaning they went ‘oh, we made a thing! let’s poke it and see what it does!’ And then suddenly we have a bunch of blinded, horrified people. We can only assume that so many fucking people died in the testing stages. 
7. Ian Malcolm dies. I love Jeff Goldblum, and I want to be very clear that Malcolm is much more enjoyable in the movie, because in the book, he is the rambling, self-important mouthpiece of the author who needs at least ten pages before he will shut the fuck up and let the story continue every time he decides he has something to say. And then he dies. And it’s wonderful. This is retconned in the second book, so enjoy it while it lasts. 
8. The mystery at the beginning is so interesting it’s disappointing. Like I went into this knowing, it’s Jurassic Park. I know where this will end up. What we get at the start is a little girl being attacked on the beach by tiny dinosaurs and parents and doctors discovering that the dino saliva is poisonous -- a bite from a corpy will paralyze you and make you into a corpy family buffet. There’s mention of something stealing a woman’s baby out of a window and running away into the night. Then you get to Dr Grant who is presented with a dinosaur bone from an animal recently killed, in connection to these things going on. He’s asked to consult on this matter, and he’s about to go off and be part of solving this “totally separate” mystery when John Hammond shows up and invites him to his park. I know it’s all connected because I know what I am reading, but I will forever wonder how this story would have unfolded if Hammond hadn’t chosen Dr Grant. 
BONUS: They actually explain the sick dinosaur. The sick dino is in the movie. Ellie even wonders about West Indian Lilac being the cause of the sickness but she can’t find lilac berries in the dino’s droppings. Then Ellie leaves the action until later in the movie. Turns out: It was the lilac, there are just no berries. What it is: Some dinos used to swallow rocks -- this helped them digest because their stomachs weren’t built to break down some of the nutrients they took in. Having rocks in their stomachs helped church up harder fibers, and they’d regurgitate these later. The rocks this dino would swallow were covered in runoff that included juices from nearby lilac berries. Ergo: poisoned dinosaur. This apparently would have just taken too long to explain, so it was cut. 
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stimsensory · 5 years
Autism Every Day Video
In 2006, Autism Speaks released the following video. I’ll try to explain the issues I, and many other autistic people, have with it. WARNING: Ableism, suicidal and homicidal ideation.
So let’s break this down.
The video debuted in 2006.
The video focuses solely on mothers of autistic children. There are no autistic adults, there are no autistic parents, there is nothing from the perspective of an autistic person. And it is vitally important to include parents of autistic people in the discussion of autism, because they can determine how their children grow up, and they need support and help too. But parents of autistic kids have been at the centre of the discussion for years now. It’s time to include autistic people. Autism Speaks doesn’t do this. They have only 2 autistic people on their Board of Directors, out of a total of 26 people. How can they speak for us when they barely include us? The addition of these autistic people is very recent.
The video starts with screaming, obviously distressed children. But instead of trying to figure out why these children are distressed (for example, many of them are being manhandled and pushed around), we hear from the parents who have to ‘deal’ with the screaming.
Throughout the video, there is no consideration for whether the children can understand what the parents are saying about them, whether they dislike being filmed, or whether they are distressed by having strangers in their home pointing cameras in their faces. If someone came into your home and filmed you, followed you when you went away, and you couldn’t speak, I’m pretty sure you might scream and cry too.
0.40: A child is described as being ‘like a baby’, without any consideration for the fact that she can hear and may understand this. Just because someone acts in typically ‘childish’ ways does not mean they cannot understand things.
1.02: Parents describe the lack of speech from their child. Autistic people can benefit from other means of communication such as writing, sign language, or AACs. Speech is not the only way to communicate. It can be hard to never hear your child speak, I don’t argue against this. But it’s also incredibly hard to be unable to speak (when I get extremely distressed, I cannot get words out. Many people with autism can communicate online with the written word but struggle with spoken language).
1.36: They show the mother changing her child’s nappies. On television. When the child cannot communicate consent. How would you feel if someone filmed you on the toilet and aired it?
3.18: Now this section is about children running out of the house, into traffic or other dangerous situation. This must have been terrifying and is something that should be highlighted and worked on because it puts a child in legitimate danger. Figuring out why the child is running is important. This is, in my opinion, a good thing to talk about. The parents and children and adults need more support to ensure the autistic person is safe.
4.12: I also agree that the judgement of autistic people and parents of autistic people by the general public is incredibly high. If something makes someone happy and doesn’t affect you, why would you care? If someone has ‘childish’ toys or interests how does it affect you? This is why we need autism acceptance, so people face less judgement.
4.38: A mother discusses how heartbreaking it is that her child doesn’t like the swings and has a meltdown over them. The judgement from other mothers is unwarranted and unacceptable. However, consider a park. It is full of children (incredibly loud), birds (incredibly loud), wind (which can brush hair into your face and hurt), and the swing may even hurt the child depending upon her sensory sensitivities. If your child doesn’t like the park, why continue to take them? Why not consider why they are having this meltdown, and work around it? For example giving her ear defenders to help with the birdsong and children screaming/laughing, or going during a time when most children are at school.
I agree with these mums that the general public needs more understanding and compassion, because judgemental looks are not gonna help a meltdown.
5.17: The mother holds her child, and tries to make them do a puzzle. She says she ‘wanted (child’s name) to do a puzzle’. What if the kid didn’t want to do one? Now I’m pretty sure if you try to force a non-autistic child to do something they don’t want to (such as a puzzle or their homework) they are gonna be annoyed, and might have a strop. Why does the kid need to do a puzzle? He’s jumping around the room, maybe he is in a sensory seeking mood that day and cannot sit quietly and do a puzzle. She also says her child can do the puzzle in 30 seconds when he wants to. To me, it sounds like a pretty boring puzzle. If you’re trying to make a kid do a dull task over and over, after they’ve already shown you they can do it, they are going to get bored, and fast. If someone tried to force me to do a puzzle over and over, and physically forced me to do it, I’d probably try to push away and scream if I couldn’t speak. Wouldn’t you?
5.33: A mother talks about her fear that her child may have injured another child at school. This is an understandable fear, because it could get her kid kicked out of school, or another child could be seriously hurt, or her child may be taken away. The school needs more understanding of autism, and her child’s individual needs, to ensure it doesn’t get to that point. Again, trying to figure out why the child is hurting someone else is important. Are they being bullied? Did they misunderstand a game (such as tag) and use more force than necessary? Are they attempting to communicate something? Are they seeking sensory input? The school needs more autism training to help staff figure this out.
6.00: This is the big one.
This part starts off with the mother’s talking about the lack of special education classes in the area. I cannot emphasise this enough: I agree with them. There is nowhere near enough funding for special education (in the UK and, I believe, in America), and there needs to be more!
The mum in the green shirt laments that parents are forced to put children in overcrowded classrooms where the kids don’t make progress. Again, I completely agree. Classrooms are overcrowded, teachers are underpaid, and the kids suffer. This needs to change.
Now here is a big controversy. At 6.10, the mother states that she had sat in a car for 15 minutes contemplating driving herself and her autistic child off a bridge. She thought this was preferable to putting her child in one of these schools. She only decided not to do this because she has a non-autistic daughter.
Her autistic child is in the room this whole time. She is right behind her. She can likely hear and understand what she is saying.
Imagine that. Your parent telling a stranger with a camera that they wanted to murder you and kill themselves, and didn’t do it because of your sibling. That would be… pretty traumatic to hear. It is disturbing to hear her say this with a slight smile and without anyone going ‘hold up, you wanted to MURDER your child? Maybe we should book this lady in for some kind of therapy, and take the child to somewhere safe’. If someone told you that they wanted to murder their non-autistic child (and not in a joking, ‘ugh they were being so annoying, I wanted to murder them!’ way), you would (hopefully) call someone about her because you were concerned for this child’s safety. But it’s okay when the child is autistic? No.
Autistic people are still being mistreated, and end up dead, due to mistreatment and neglect. Over 650 American autistic people have been murdered by their parents, or relatives in the last five years, according to the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Autistic people are mistreated in Assessment and Treatment Units in the UK, according to the National Autistic Society.
This is unacceptable. When an autistic person is murdered there should NOT be sympathy for the murderer. There should be awareness of the lack of support that can cause many to do this, but people need to stop acting like the parents are the victims in these situations. The murdered person is the victim.
7.12: A mother feels sad that her other, non-autistic son ‘lost Christian (autistic child) too’. Lost? He’s right there… he isn’t lost. His communication is not understood, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t there! Autism doesn’t ‘take’ children, it is a part of them. It doesn’t ‘steal’ people.
7.16: A small, non-autistic child says she wishes she had a sister without autism.
Children that young often repeat what their parents say. It’s likely her mum has said this so often she has started repeating it. Imagine hearing that as a child. I would be devastated if my brother said that (I know sometimes he wishes I would take part in activities and stuff so he could have someone to play with when on holiday, but I don’t think he wishes I was a completely different person. Except when I’m annoying him maybe. [Joke]).
7.22: A mother suggests the rate for divorce in parents with autistic children is ‘like, 80%’. Raising an autistic child is stressful, especially without the right support, and it could lead to stress in someone’s marriage. But the number is not that high: Article. This study suggests the divorce rate is higher than in families with no autistic children, but nowhere near the quoted 80%.
8.00: Parents discuss the high financial costs of therapy, sensory rooms, and just generally having an autistic child. This is important. The government needs to cover more therapies, and support families with autistic people more. I believe the situation may be worse in America due to the problems with insurance companies refusing to cover therapy costs.
8.48: A mother states that they keep borrowing money but keep being disappointed. This is a big problem actually, since there are so many fake ‘therapies’ for autistic people that can cause more harm than good (such as bleach enemas using MMS), and some just do nothing (the National Autistic Society describes some therapies and how to spot bad ones here). People are often desperate to help their autistic child, and are vulnerable to these scams. They lose money and the child may be harmed. We need acceptance of autism to help decrease the panic and search for a ‘cure’ that can accompany an autism diagnosis, so the parents of newly diagnosed kids aren’t fooled by these scams.
10.29: Mothers talk about how they are sad their child won’t do stereotypical things such as Little League (is that an American thing), have a girlfriend, get married, have kids. They are used to judging their children’s achievements by non-autistic standards. Many people won’t like sports, many do not get married or have children. Are they ‘missing something’ or broken? Of course not. It’s best not to push your dreams onto your children. It’s understandable to be sad that your child may not do something that you personally enjoyed (such as getting married), but it may be something that they wouldn’t enjoy, and they are not mini versions of their parents.
11.43: The mother talks about wanting a cure. This is controversial in the autism community, so I’ll just state that I don’t want a cure and neither do many autistic people. However, she does also assume her non-autistic child will have a baby, which I (personally) find frustrating. She may not want a baby. She’s still a baby herself!
12.04: ‘I just cannot accept we have to throw away this generation of children.’ So, first of all, autism has always existed. It’s not just this generation. The increase in autism diagnoses is not due to an epidemic, it is due to expanding diagnostic criteria including more people, and the ‘hidden generation’ of autistic adults starting to be diagnosed. Evidence. So it’s not just this generation of children.
Second, we are not garbage to be thrown away. Autism does not make us any less human, so why are people using such dehumanising statements?
12.30: The mother who wanted to murder her child asks her to say ‘I love you’. She does so and hugs her. But the mother then says ‘I’ll take that’.
She did exactly as you asked. She showed affection verbally and physically. She did say the words in a mumbled, slightly slurred way, but that could easily be due to difficulty with motor coordination of her mouth. She is trying her best. She is telling you that she loves you after you just stated you had wanted to kill her. This infuriates me, that the mother acts like this isn’t enough.
In conclusion, these are my thoughts as an autistic adult, and I hope they give you another perspective to consider.
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Australia Bans Fifth Ship in 2020 From Ports for Crew Welfare Issues
Australia is continuing its inspection and enforcement actions against ships sailing in its waters with the penalty of banning ships from its ports as an incentive to ensure fair treatment of seafarers. In 2020, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has banned five vessels from its waters bring to 20 the number of commercial vessels banned from Australian ports for anything ranging from three to 18 months over the past six years.
In the most recent incident, AMSA announced today that it is banning a Panama-flagged bulk carrier for 12 months due to, “deliberately underpaying its crew.” AMSA General Manager Operations Allan Schwartz was quoted as saying, “This is the fourth ship that we have banned this year for serious and shameful breaches of the Maritime Labour Convention.”
AMSA reported that its investigators aboard the AC Sesoda in Queensland, Australia on September 10, 2020, to investigate allegations about underpayment. During the investigation, AMSA reported that evidence was collected which confirmed that a number of crew had only been paid half of their wages since October 2019. AMSA reported that it believed the crew was due more than A$118,000 (approximately US $86,000).
“The ship’s master and operator attempted to conceal the underpayment from inspectors by only producing a fabricated wage record which indicated that these seafarers had been paid in full,” AMSA said in its statement. “A second wage record showed that these seafarers had in fact been deliberately underpaid, while some senior members of the crew had been paid above their agreed rates.”
The ship was reportedly detained in Australia for nearly a week, until AMSA received evidence that the crew had been paid the outstanding wages and that a rectification action plan had been developed to ensure the same failure did not reoccur. The vessel was released from detention and issued a 12-month ban prohibiting it from entering an Australian port.
“It’s hard to believe that some operators still think that it is acceptable to underpay their seafarers. AMSA will not tolerate such deliberate and deceitful mistreatment of seafarers on ships that sail in Australian waters,” said Schwartz. “AMSA has made its position abundantly clear that we have a zero tolerance for the underpayment of crew.”
During the past few months, AMSA reported three other instances where ships arriving in Australia waters were either not properly paying their crew or had other welfare violations. In total, they report recovering more than A$290,000 (approximately US$212,000).
“We are sending a simple message to operators,” said Schwartz. “Pay your crew properly, treat them respectfully, and comply with the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention or you will not be welcome in Australia.”
He speculates that the financial and reputational impact of being banned from Australia far exceeds the cost of paying seafarers the money that they have rightfully earned.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/australia-bans-fifth-ship-in-2020-from-ports-for-crew-welfare-issues via http://www.rssmix.com/
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Government ‘must stop garment worker exploitation’
Image copyright ViewApart
More than 50 MPs and peers have written to the home secretary urging her to do more to protect UK garment factory workers from exploitation.
It follows reports of staff at factories in Leicester being underpaid and unprotected from Covid-19.
Fast fashion brands Boohoo and Quiz were both accused of using unethical suppliers in the city and have since vowed to investigate.
The government said exploitation for commercial gain was “despicable”.
The letter – which was also signed by investors, charities and retailers such as Asda and Asos – said concerns around unethical use of labour in the UK’s garment industry had been raised “multiple times” in the last five years by academics, retailers and MPs, but little had been done.
It said “thousands more” could be exploited without stronger government action.
“The public want to know that the clothes they buy have been made by workers who are respected, valued and protected by the law,” said Helen Dickinson OBE, boss of the British Retail Consortium, which coordinated the letter.
Last week Quiz said it had suspended a supplier after reports that a factory in Leicester offered a worker just £3 an hour to make its clothes.
The national minimum wage for people over 25 years-old is £8.72 an hour.
Rival retailer Boohoo was similarly accused of using a factory that underpaid workers, while also doing nothing to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Image copyright Boohoo
Image caption Boohoo has been dropped by Next, Asos and Zalando following the claims
The letter urged Home Secretary Priti Patel to bring in a new licensing scheme for garment factories that would:
Protect workers from forced labour, debt bondage and mistreatment, as well as ensuring the payment of the National Minimum Wage and holiday pay
Prevent rogue businesses from undercutting compliant manufacturers
And encourage retailers to source their clothing from the UK, supporting the development of an “ethical, world-leading industry”.
On Friday, Boohoo boss John Lyttle wrote to Ms Patel urging her to adopt the proposals.
“We’re taking action to investigate allegations of malpractice in our supply chain and we ask government to take action too,” he said.
Both Boohoo and Quiz have said the claims made about their suppliers – if true – are “totally unacceptable” and have promised to take action.
‘Free from exploitation’
The National Crime Agency has also confirmed it is investigating Leicester’s textile industry over allegations of exploitation, although it did not comment on Boohoo or Quiz specifically.
Minister for Safeguarding, Victoria Atkins, said: “Exploiting vulnerable people for commercial gain is despicable and this government will not stand for it.
“We expect all companies implicated in these allegations to conduct a full and thorough investigation to ensure that their supply chains are free from labour exploitation.
“We have liaised with relevant agencies regarding alleged working practices at garment factories in Leicester. We await the results of these investigations.”
The post Government ‘must stop garment worker exploitation’ appeared first on BBC BREAKING NEWS.
from WordPress https://bbcbreakingnews.com/government-must-stop-garment-worker-exploitation/
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imreallyfredweasley · 7 years
Immigrants (We Get The Job Done) Music Video
Okay, so I just watched the music video for and I just really wanna talk about it, but like I don’t want to spoil anything so go watch it here first if you haven’t already.
(Also tagging a few people at the end that I think might be interested in this, I hope y’all don’t mind, and you totally don’t have to read all of this if you don’t want to.)
Alright, if you’re reading the rest of this, I’m assuming you’ve already watched the video as well so here we go!
First of all, I  have been hoping for a music video for this song since The Hamilton Mixtape first dropped, and holy fuck, I was NOT disappointed. 
So the beginning of the video has a very “Snowpiercer” vibe I felt like, and I really loved that aspect. (For anyone who’s not familiar with that movie, it’s fairly recent, only a few years old I think, and starring Chris Evans. Basically, its a distopian future movie where the world is essentially uninhabitable because humanity done fucked up with climate change so the remaining humans all live on this train that just constantly travels the world. At the front of the train are all the super rich people who live in really nice cars etc, and the further back you go, the shittier the living conditions get. Chris Evans’ character lives in the very back with all the other super poor people where it’s insanely dirty and overcrowded, and looks a lot like the opening shots of this video. Anyways, super good movie, not too happy about the ending but would watch again. 7.5/10.)
So the video is full of diversity as far as minorities and POC, (very few white people except for like the cops and stuff, but like, duh, this is literally about immigrants. Not everything is about us, and if someone can’t see that, they really need to reevaluate their life) which we see right away, and I think that was a really important aspect that I wasn’t really worried about it being fucked up because of the entire premise and the people involved and just where it came from altogether, but it was still really nice to see. 
So then we get to the first verse, by K’Naan which is fucking great, lets be honest. (Lyrically this song is a phenomenal collaboration between several artists of color who have experience with immigration, either themselves or through close family.) I don’t really wanna go to much into the lyrics here, that’s what genius.com is for, but I’m probably going to end up doing that anyways. At this point we see people waking up at a ridiculously early time and heading to “get the job done”. 
As we hit the chorus the first time, we see a long train car of immigrants sewing the American Flag. That right there was the first “fuuuuuuuck” moment I had while watching this video. With the amount of meaning so many people put on the American flag, it’s just such a powerful visualization of the fact that immigrants MADE America. The whole time this is happening, we hear in the chorus “look how far I come” and “Immigrants, we get the job done.”
Then we get to the second verse, this time with Snow Tha Product, and it is one of my favorite parts of the song. With lines like “rich chores done by the people that get ignored”, “Peter Piper claimed he picked them, he just underpaid Pablo”, and “we’re America’s ghost writers, the credits only borrowed”. As she talks about the way America historically, and continuously benefits from the work of immigrants while simultaneously pretending that they are public enemy number one, the video shows immigrants performing jobs that are strenuous, and physically demanding, in really shitty work conditions, (i.e. construction workers, butchers, maids and gardeners, etc.) that nobody else is willing to do.
As we transition into the next verse, by Riz MC, we leave those train cars and enter what appears to be a modern subway train, full of all kinds of people of different ethnicities, and genders, interacting the way one would normally expect. As it progresses however, we see that many of these people have black bars over their eyes. Because of the fact that Riz MC takes the bar off of his own eyes before he begins rapping about being an immigrant, I am assuming the bars are meant to further represent the notion that immigrants are often ignored, but I could be interpreting that completely wrong. 
The video then cuts suddenly to a scene with muted sound except for a slight ringing, helicopters in the distances, and rubble falling. We see people pulling a small child from a pile of rubble, and then Riz MC starts rapping. As he mentions bombs being dropped and the “British empire strik[ing] back”. This scene is very reminiscent of everything that we’ve seen recently in the media with Syria and the conflicts involving whether or not to allow refugees into countries like Britain and America. We follow the man and small child from earlier as they become refugees and the journey they must take to flee the war zone they were once in.
We then jump into Residente’s verse where he talks about the resilient nature of immigrants. Comparing them to “plants that grow without water”. I also really love the line “porque la mitad de gringolandia es terrano mexicano” or “because half of gringolandia is really Mexican land” in which he references that much of America was once under spanish control and now we try to keep out so many of them. During his verse, we see ICE agents going through the train with flashlights and arresting people, all while Residente and several others ride on top of the train as if in an attempt to avoid being caught. 
As the credits begin to roll on the masterpiece that is this 6 minute music video, we an animation of the earth completely covered by train(s) constantly traveling and overlapping themselves. 
Overall, I just really love this video. This is the first time I’ve ever watched something that made me really want to sit down and analyze the meaning behind it. As someone who works in film and music videos, this was extremely inspiring from the perspective of a storyteller. As a human being that disagrees with the inequality and mistreatment of so many other human beings regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, anything that could be used to separate us, I found both this song and the video to be extremely powerful.
This is super long now, but I really wanted to talk about all of this, and how I interpreted the video. I’d love to hear what y’all think about it as well, whether you agree or disagree with any parts of this, or you just want to go more in depth on certain parts. :)
tags: @patron-saintof-sluts, @imaginebeinghamiltrash, @tempfixeliza, @diggs4life, @americanrevelation, @ourforgottenboleros, @butlinislin, @daveedish, @a-schuylerr, 
58 notes · View notes
mikemortgage · 6 years
Filipino workers speak out against Halifax businessman in immigration fraud case
HALIFAX — Emotional workers spoke out against a Halifax businessman at his sentencing hearing Friday in an immigration fraud case that exposed the exploitation of foreign workers and divided the local Filipino community.
Hector Mantolino, originally from the Philippines, pleaded guilty in December 2017 to misrepresentation under provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
The owner and operator of several cleaning and maintenance companies used the temporary foreign worker program to staff his companies, bringing 28 workers to Canada from the Philippines over a number of years.
But workers say they were underpaid and mistreated, remaining quiet for fear of being deported back to the Southeast Asian country.
The Crown is recommending a sentence of two years in prison, noting the need to deter “like-minded individuals” and to fully denounce the offences against vulnerable workers.
“Temporary foreign workers are part of Canada’s economic landscape. When the program is comprised by employers who lie, the effects are far reaching,” Crown lawyer Timothy McLaughlin said in a sentencing brief filed with the court.
The case appears to have caused a rift in the city’s Filipino community, with some continuing to support Mantolino even while others denounce his actions.
Despite the prominent businessman’s guilty plea, some of the workers expressed trepidation about sharing their experiences out of fear of retaliation.
“We were hearing that some were concerned that there could be repercussions to reading the victim impact statement in court and we wanted to speak to the judge about that,” defence lawyer Lee Cohen said in an interview.
“We want people to understand that in a Canadian court, everybody is free to express themselves freely,” he said. “We just wanted to be sure that everybody understood that.”
After meeting with Crown and defence lawyers in his chambers, Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Glen McDougall told the court that victims have a statutory right to read their victim impact statements without fear of reprisals.
Two Filipino workers read their statements Friday, in addition to four workers who read their statements last month.
Rhodee Benigla, who signed a contract as a cleaner in 2010, described feeling “hopeless” about his meagre pay and fear of being sent back to the Philippines.
“Those were the days that my self-esteem was at the very lowest part of my life,” he said. “Being deprived of a proper salary for almost two years is a trauma deeply engraved on my heart.”
Even after Mantolino was arrested, Benigla said many continue to live in fear of harassment.
“This has caused problems in the Philippine community,” he said, noting that Mantolino has many relatives and supporters who have accused the workers of being ungrateful and owing the businessman a “debt of gratitude.”
Meanwhile, Raymond Basilio, who also signed a contract as a cleaner in 2010, said he felt sad and homesick about being unable to send money to his family in the Philippines due to his very low salary and long hours of work.
He said Mantolino took his tax refund, and made him do extra work at his house such as gardening, mowing and snow plowing.
“I had no choice but to follow his orders,” Basilio said. “I lost my pride and self-respect doing all his orders and errands.”
According to a joint statement of facts, Mantolino, the operator of Mantolino Property Services Ltd., signed contracts with the workers stipulating a rate of pay that he knew wouldn’t be paid to them.
The total difference between the official salaries and the amounts actually paid to the workers is “no less than $500,000,” according to the court document.
McLaughlin said although there are some expenses employers can charge for, such as accommodations, travel is considered an employer expense.
Meanwhile, a third worker said he was grateful to Mantolino for helping him come to Canada, and that given the opportunity he would work for the businessman again.
The sentencing hearing resumes Jan. 25. It’s expected more victim impact statements will be read, followed by sentencing arguments.
“This case is not about the hiring of temporary foreign workers, rather it is about exploiting foreign labour markets and taking advantage of temporary foreign workers’ personal financial circumstances to fill a company’s need for profit,” McLaughlin said in his sentencing brief.
“It is the selling of the Canadian dream of permanent residency at an exploitive price.”
from Financial Post http://bit.ly/2F9kToA via IFTTT Blogger Mortgage Tumblr Mortgage Evernote Mortgage Wordpress Mortgage href="https://www.diigo.com/user/gelsi11">Diigo Mortgage
0 notes
What do you pay for car insurance, if you don’t mind me asking?
"What do you pay for car insurance, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm curious.    I have recently moved and I couldn't believe the difference in price for car insurance.  I two thousand miles east and now pay just over a thousand a year as opposed to four and a half thousand where I used to live.    So, if you don't mind, could you say where you live and how much you pay in car insurance?    I think this will be interesting and rather revealing.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does Wal-Mart have better and cheaper insurance than Obamacare?
http://www.examiner.com/article/washington-examiner-walmart-s-health-plans-are-better-than-obamacare On Jan. 7, 2013, The Washington Examiner released the results of an investigation finding Walmart's employee health insurance is significantly better than Obamacare. Walmart has come under mega union labor union criticism as a retailer whose employees are both underpaid and mistreated. Like many insurance plans which have been canceled as a result of Obamacare benefit regulations, Walmart's health insurance has been called substandard. However after an in-depth comparison, the watch dog team of the Washington Examiner discovered employees of Walmart receive a better bang for the buck than Obamacare. In comparison to Obama care, it was discovered that Walmart plans were a whopping five to nine times less expensive. Full-service individual coverage in a Walmart HRA plan is available through a Blue Cross Blue Shield preferred provider organization for as little as $40 a month while family coverage averages $160 a month.""
Can someone tell me about life insurance? What is term? whole?
What company do you recommend? Anything else you can educate me on would be terrific! Thank you very much.
Homeowners Insurance Policy Rate increases $220?
I bought a home in 2006. Had a policy for $550.00. Next bill 200+ more (nothing in policy changed). switched company Got AAA policy $ 512.00 (same policy coverage) Next bill $734.00 - Only change here was $29 dollars for Earthquake and House is covered for 1,000 dollars more. (Keep in mind my house is less than $100,000 and in good shape for being 40-60yrs old) Is there some unwritten law that states after providing insurance to homeowners for 6 months you have the right to jack up the price $200 every year? Should I get new insurance company again? If so, what guarantees that they don't tack on an extra 200 like the last company. This pattern is discouraging at this rate I will run out of insurance companies before I pay off the house. My insurance is paid through an escrow account so taxes already went up and insurance goes up - Monthly Mortgage Payment goes way up! Something none of us need. Please offer any of your experiences and advice.""
How much would insurance cost for a 19 year old female with a 2006 mustang?
I would like to know a rough estimate for the insurance before I buy a mustang. I am 19 going to be 20.
Would a Jaguar be a first car?
I want to know for my cousin who is 12. He really like the XJR from 1997-2003 .What does the insurance cost?
Need advice on getting speeding ticket reduced?
I got a ticket for 50 mph in a 35 mph. The officer reduced the ticket from 55 mph to 50 mph and advised me to plead not guilty and show up in court. He said he would be there and ...show more
How do i fight GAP insurance?
hello.... so i purchased a vehicle in 2006..... didn't like it too much so i took it back to dealership and traded it for a different vehicle and bought full warranty on it. dealership said the warranty was good for 50000 miles or 4 years. the vehicle was totaled just recently and i owed about 7500 dollars on it. my insurance paid 6100 dollars for it and i was thinking ok no problem the gap will cover the rest , but the gap insurance is only paying 212 dollars on it. they said there was some left over loan on my old car which they will not cover... i don't know much this insurance crap but its really breaking my balls that i will have to paying almost a 1000 dollars out of my own pocket. is there any i can fight gap insurance and have them pay the entire left over loan??""
About how much would this increase your car insurance yearly in NJ?
In this case, it does not matter what type of car insurance you have or how much you make. Let's say you're a middle class family with 2 parents and one 17 year old son who drives on a provisional license. He just gained 8 points on his license. About how much will this increase your car insurance per year? And what are ways to lower it (if any)? Please answer thoroughly, and even add tips. Answers will definitely be appreciated.""
Insurance with learners permit in florida?
Ok i'm 15 years old and i just got my learners permit. I need to know if i need to have insurance in order to drive the car with my parents or i only need insurance when i get my license. Please try an answer with evidence and what not, thanks in advance""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does anyone know of an insurance place in the Niagara region that will insure a 1982 Suzuki Tempter GR650 with a rider being 20, have only M1 and never had insurance before? It doesn't matter if its expensive I just want to know if they will insure the rider.""
""If an accident is weather-related, will my insurance go up?""
Yesterday, I slid into a guardrail coming off of the interstate on the terrible snowy roads of Maine. $3,000 damage to my brand new car. I was told that if I file an insurance claim my monthly insurance payment won't go up since it was weather related. Is this true?""
Insurance rebate?
If you cancel your car insurance, do you get a rebate as you do with road tax?""
Car insurance coverage fraud!?
My boyfriend did something very stupid that I am worried about. He wanted to apply for a pizza delivery job at Domino's. The thing is he did not have car insurance, so he faked one on the computer, it looked completely valid, but when he was applying for the job the manager called the company to see if it was valid. My boyfriend heard that he was doing this, then he walked out before the company called him back to say he wasn't in their data base. So my question is, since he faked coverage with that company, and his name did not register in their data base, would the company report it to the police that he tried to fake coverage with that company since it was brought to their attention? I am worried for my Love, please shine some light on this. Thank you! He is just worried that the insurance company that he tried to fake coverage with would notify the police and/or the DMV and put it on his license.""
Affordable Life Insurance at 80?
Please help me find an affordable life insurance at 80 years of age to life. Thank you, Lily""
What are cheap car insurance companies in nj? Or anywhere?
New driver and looking for an affordable price for auto insurance
Speeding ticket will insurance go up??
Ok my fiance just got a speeding ticket his first ticket ever!! He was doing 44 in a 35. He has progressive insurance the cop told him that his insurance wouldnt go up. But I dont know if that is true. I was wondering if he pays it off or goes to court and see what happens will his insurance go up since it is his first ticket? If it helps we live in North Carolina. I was just wondering what is the best way out because right now we cant afford to much money. He works two jobs got laied off one because no business and expecting second child at anytime. So was just wondering if anybody could give up information on what is best? Thank you and somepeople said something about driving school?? But do you take that before or after court?
Average Car insurance in NY? I feel like I am being ripped off?
I understand age , tickets , and car type are all variables. I Have a 3 year old new car from 2010 *just a normal 4 door sedan* and the insurance seems VERY high... I am 22 years old and was curious to know what a good price is out there in the NY area""
""If I add my boyfriend to my car title, do I need to add him to my car insurance?""
He has his own car and his own insurance already. Also, we live in Texas.""
How can i get my story known if Im a United States Marine Corps veteran and dont qualify for health insurance?
They tell me I make too much to get the government insurance and the company Ive worked for throughout the last 7 months will not promote me to full time to where I could even qualify for health care. Im married with a 3 month old and owe 30k in medical bills already at the age of 22. Is there anything anyone can tell me that will help?
What does this quote about Health Insurance mean?
(The Headline - 2 Calif. health insurers to pay $13M for dropping clients ) This fine sends the message that if you come into California to sell health insurance, YOU MUST PLAY BY THE RULES, said Cindy Ehnes, the director of the state's Department of Managed Health Care. [caps mine] http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-07-18-insurance-settlements_N.htm""
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Who has a better idea for getting health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
The problem is that, without the mandate, insurance companies won't cover people with pre-existing conditions. Otherwise, people will just wait until they get sick to buy insurance. So you have to create a system where everyone is insured -- a mandate. OK, if you don't like the mandate, how would you get insurance companies to provide affordable insurance to people with pre-existing conditions without a requirement for everyone to have insurance Your solution has to cover the situation where a person gets laid off, wants to start their own business, and needs to buy affordable individual coverage (not group coverage) for themselves and their family. You have 30 minutes. Begin....now.""
How much money do auto insurance brokers make?
How do they get paid? and how much?
Will my insurance premiums go up from this situation?
This is 2 weeks after the accident (today). After the guy talked to his insurance they said that they will cover his damages and my insurance won't be affected. This morning the guy I hit said he was still going to bring his car in for an estimate in case I still want to pay for the damages because he said he talked to an OPP officer and the officer told him that his insurance company will come after my insurance to have the damages paid for, resulting in higher insurance for me. Should I just tell him to go ahead with the repairs it and deal with my insurance when it happens....if it happen?""
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
What do you pay for car insurance, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm curious.    I have recently moved and I couldn't believe the difference in price for car insurance.  I two thousand miles east and now pay just over a thousand a year as opposed to four and a half thousand where I used to live.    So, if you don't mind, could you say where you live and how much you pay in car insurance?    I think this will be interesting and rather revealing.
Which insurance company is the cheapest?
i live in ontario canada and i wanna know which company has the cheapest insurance. my insurance expires this month? please help........................
What is a good month by month health insurance company in Central FL?
I need health insurance hand don't have a job. What is a good pay by the month insurance company that has decent coverage and is affordable, by affordable I mean between $30 and $80 a month.""
Who are the best insurance companies for young drivers?
Who are the best insurance companies (in terms of low prices) for young drivers?
Should I sue Texas for requiring me to buy auto insurance?
After all I'm a good driver, and I'm willing to take your chances that I'll be financially responsible if something unexpected happens. Why should I be forced to take part in the government sponsored mandate to purchase something? What about free enterprise and my freedom to spend or not spend my own hard-earned money? Maybe I could get my case heard by the Supreme Court....""
Car insurance lowering (LEGALLY!!!!)?
right, i best tell the whole story. im 17 in a few months, so my parents have given me 5,000 for a car and insurance, which i thought would be plenty for something decent. however, as i have to insure the car myself (no fronting), and even a group one pile of c**p costs over 3,000 to insure. i know i could take pass plus, but are there any other ways to lower the insane premiums legally? and are there any insurers who give a good price for new drivers? thanks for the help :)""
Will Car Insurance Fees Go Up?
So recently i was pulled over for speeding. 50 in a 45. Will my fines go up for just being 5+ the limit? If so how much do you think? Also I'm 16 -Thanks
Car insurance for 17 year old guy?
i just got my license and im thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. How much would insurance cost and what insuranse company is cheapest?
Switching Auto insurance company?
Hi, I want to switch my auto insurance company to a cheaper company. my renewable starts Sept 25, can i cancel my current insurance and switch to a new cheaper one now?""
Average Cost of Homeowner's Insurance for a home..?
that is appraised at 169,000 and bought for 166,000?""
Car insurance -- help!?
So im 19, dont know nothing about how car insurance works.... im trying to get an online quote to see how much id be paying roughly and i came across this question.... Collision Deductible Specific dollar amount your insurance company requires you to pay when you are involved in an accident. the options are $500, $1000, or decline what does that mean? and what would probably be the safest route to go..""
How much could my insurance increase?
I ended up scratching the corner of my car after trying to get into the only parking spot available (some guy was over the line). It was on a chain link fence, no one got hurt, and I only have to worry about paying my problems, no one else's. I'm 19 and use my parent's USAA insurance. I went in for an estimate to see if it would be possible to cover it without using my insurance at all, but the damage was apparently worse than I thought, as they quoted about $1,550. I could potentially cover this with my upcoming paycheck (I think, don't know for sure), but would it be better to pay for it myself or use the deductible from USAA and see my parent's insurance rise? I know there are a lot of variables, but how much could our insurance potentially increase?""
No proof of insurance question?
So i made a mistake. I was stopped last night and cited by a law enforcement officer for no proof of insurance. I had an idea that my insurance was no longer valid due to it overdrafting from my account when i had no money. so i contacted the insurance company and now they will NOT re-instate the insurance policy due to the fact that i have had two bad overdrafts with them. I completly understand, and like i told the officer, this is my fault...i was poor..... anyways. Now i hear that the fine is 400.00 to start, i am willing to pay as i did not take the time to ensure insurance was active on the vehicle and that the overdraft was taken care of. However now i am hearing im going to loose my license...... So i was told by the driver license department that if i go out now and get an SR22 qualifying insurance plan with a different company, that when i walk into the justice court payment window, they will not take away my license from me? however justice court states that my license will get taken away and i have to bring the proof of insurance to the DMV............and get my license back. Please note i have a california license in the state of utah..... please help? what can i do to fix this? i will pay the fine, as i did the crime wether i was for-sure or not....but i need my license, i just moved and am living in a place wityh no friends, and a new job... PS sorry for mispelling and typing this is on blackberry.""
Car Insurance Question?
I am buying my first car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan altima 3.5 sedan (4 door) I would love to know how much im looking into for insurance and which company would be best for a new car owner/college student Geico Progressive State Farm etc..... Any information would be beneficial
Im looking for really cheap mediocre Auto Insurance!!1 HELP!!! PLEASE?
I have a mustang and I want cheap Cheap insurance any Ideas? I need to be able to pay with a credit card.
As a 22 female driver about how much would a 2010 camaro insurance cost? i have a perfect driving record?
As a 22 female driver about how much would a 2010 camaro insurance cost? i have a perfect driving record?
What are the consequences of driving without car insurance in florida?
What are the consequences of driving without car insurance in florida?
Im looking for cheap or reasonalby priced auto insurance...can anyone give me any tips???
this is my first car and i need full coverage...somebody help me please!
Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
How much should I insure a 2 bedroom condo for?
I want to buy insurance for a 2 bedroom, 1150 square foot condo in Orange County, California. I am interested in knowing how much coverage to buy to cover inside damage due to a catastrophe like a fire for example. I don't care about coverage for personal belongings or outside of the building. I just need to know what it costs to restore the inside walls, floors, etc. in case they are ever destroyed.""
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
Why was my car insurance quote so cheap?
im a 17 yr old male and i have recently bought a 1.2 Peugeot 206 look for 700, i know car insurance for boys my age are stupidly expensive so when i was looking at quotes it came as no shock until i got a quote for 750 for third party fire and theft, i have no idea why its so cheap, i checked the quote through about 5 times to make sure i didn't make any mistakes but i hadn't . can anyone explain why its so low ? i don't want to buy the insurance just in case it turns out to be an expensive mistake.""
Limited company insurance?
Ive just set up my own limited company recently and i am the only emploee of this company. I dont have health insurance or insurance against loss of earnings in case anything happens to me. Who is the best company for me to go to with this problem.
In need of a good dental insurance plan in South Florida.
I desperately need braces but I can't afford them, neither can my parents. I have two teeth that I call my shark teeth because they grew in back of my normal line of teeth. One on the top, and one on the bottom. So it bothers the hell out of my tongue and I can't stand it anymore. I'm always getting those annoying sore taste buds, like one would get if they bite their tongue, on my tongue because one of my shark teeth is my fang so it hurts like hell. I need to fix my teeth but I'll need a good dental insurance plan that covers a big percentage of the cost of my braces. And it cant be just a dental discount plan, those on average only discount 25% and I need more than that. I'm 17, I live with my parents and they'll be paying for it, but it will only be a single plan, not a family plan. I live in South Florida. So if anyone can give me the name of a great insurance plan, then you'll be a miracle worker. Thank you.""
FL health insurance?
Can anyone tell me how FL health insurance works? I am moving here from MA. In my state, health insurance is mandatory. What is the case in FL? Can I keep my MA health insurance while living in FL? How much do FL health insurance plans cost?""
How much does life insurance generally cost?
im looking for a life insurance policy, somewhere in the neighborhood of 5,000,000, that ISN'T a term policy. in other words, when i die, however far away that is, my beneficiary gets 5 million. how much would that cost me?""
What do you pay for car insurance, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm curious.    I have recently moved and I couldn't believe the difference in price for car insurance.  I two thousand miles east and now pay just over a thousand a year as opposed to four and a half thousand where I used to live.    So, if you don't mind, could you say where you live and how much you pay in car insurance?    I think this will be interesting and rather revealing.
Motorcycle insurance Please Help?
So I'm looking into insurance for a bike I'll be getting soon and I did a estimated online check on Geico for my insurance and it says: Here is your quote for 12 months of coverage: Payments as low as $172.63 Your 12-Month policy is only $2012.00 Does that mean I pay $172.63 per month and $2012.00 a year? Sorry I'm new to this, never had to pay and figure out my own insurance! Just paid my father and he did the rest.""
""AA car insurance, do they send the papers by Email or post?
need to know when register with AA car insurance is there an option for everything to be send by Email ONLY as I have some really bad people I am sharing house with :(
""Would car insurance be cheaper on a Honda Civic, a Chevy Cobalt or a Ford Focus?
They are 2005 model 2 door coupes. I am 25 years old and this will be my first car. I'm going to have to get full coverage insurance and I haven't had my license for that long. Also does it matter what color the car is? Someone told me that red cars have higher insurance(I'm getting a black car by the way). Thanks!!
Any car insurance plans you can cancel or re-activate monthly?
I am a recently licensed teen going to college in a month. I won't be driving that much while I'm there but I want to for the next few weeks and will be when I'm home occasionally. Is there any kind of insurance I can get that will allow me to re-activate the insurance and cancel it on a monthly basis? Or every couple months? My family has Geico but do any other companies have an option like this? In the U.S. only. California driver.
How much will my insurance go up if I am at 100% fault ?
I was in a car accident that was found to be 100% my fault. Accident itself was not too bad -- other car's front bumper( one side) dent.. so how much should I expect my insurance to increase ?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
Where can a Construction company get a cheap insurance and bond?
Hello, I just started a small family construction company ( tile ) and would like to know where you can get a cheap bond from. Our company is in Seattle Washington. Can someone please help me with this. It would be great if it can be as cheap as it gets. we are on a budget. Thanks in advance""
Is progressive auto insurance reliable?
I just bought a 2009 Honda Civic EX. I've checked various quotes online based on my info, and they range near the $2000 (sometimes, just a 6 month policy). I just checked progressive, and it estimated a quote near the $1380 a year, that is $689.90 (6 month policy). It's a BIG difference, that's why I want to know what I'm getting into, any inputs???""
Getting Car Inspected Late - will insurance go up?
If you let your car inspection sticker in Massachusetts expire before and then you go to get the car inspected late, will the Massachusetts RMV find out that you let it lapse and then hit you with points on your license and/or increased car insurance rates? Would if your car doesn't pass inspection, will that raise your car insurance also?""
Can anyone tell me the average price for car insurance?
i would like a very low price range with a website to prove it
Moped/Scooter insurance???
Hi everyone. How much would it cost for me to be insured on this bike? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/125cc-125-cc-Scooter-Moped-Sport-Learner-Legal_W0QQitemZ200232549719QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item200232549719&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A7&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1308 I am 19 years old and have a provisional driving licence. (I'm just using that bike as an example but that is the size engine I want as I'm going to be traveling quite far to work and is working out a fortune for bus fair). I'm new to this so if you need more information about me or anything else please say. Thanks xx
What's the best car insurance for a 20 year old female?
Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for car insurance policies. I'm a 20 year old female, have had my license for 3+ years, never been in an accident. Could you give me an average monthly rate for insurance for a modest car (think college student income)? Either from personal experience or general knowledge? Thanks so much!""
What's the average insurance cost going to be for me? (motorcycle)?
18-19 year old Air Force female riding a low power motorbike in Texas. No previous driving accidents or tickets. What else can affect my cost?
Do you need to show proof of insurance for title transfer?
When you buy a used car and go to DMV to transfer title, do you need to provide proof of insurance? Or is that only for registration renewals. This is for California""
Car insurance question?
If i have my own car titled in my name, could my parents put me under their insurance so my car is insured, or does the car have to be titled in my parents name? It would be alot cheaper for me that way. Thanks.""
Life insurance at 25 years of age.?
I am twenty five and would like to put my mom in life insurance. Is this possible and what would I have to do to put her in life insurance?
Looking for supplemental health insurance?
my mom currenlty has health insurance through her job, but of course, the health insurance company does not pay for everything of which some of the things her doctors really thinks she needs. Are there any companies that offer resonable supplemental health insurance to help pay for copays, shots, medications, etc., that her current health provider wont pay for? Also, are there any that will accept pre exisiting conditions, or do you have to be perfectly healthy to be eligible. Please help............""
Young Drivers Car Insurance!!!?
I've been shopping around for car insurance and for a car on my own I cant get it below 4,000 so to get this lower I was going to add my dad as the main driver and put me as an additional driver which got it down to 1,600, that was the plan until my mum told me it was illegal and called 'fronting' so that's out the window but then I was told when I buy my car to get my dad to buy it in his name, and then do the whole main driver and additional driver thing and it should be okay, is this true? If not can someone please give me some advice on how to get cheap car insurance, I'm going to be 18, it will be my first car and anything below a 1.4 engine size. Thanks""
If 2 cars fall into the same insurance group will they cost more or less the same?
regardless of how much fuel they use? I ask because I have been looking at both the Vauxall Corsa and Astra, and both models fall into insurance group 4 but the Astra is a 1.4L and the Corsa a 1.3L (They are diesel versions).""
Why is my car insurance SO expensive?!?
My car insurance is due for renewal and the quotes i'm getting seem so high! Why is this? I'm a 32 year old female, no convictions, bans not even a speeding ticket. I have had my licence for 14 years and over 10 years no claims. I have 3 previous claims, 2 none fault and one theft - all of which were over 10 years ago. I am insuring a 2003 freelander (insurance group 11).""
Any websites that can comapre insurance rates for different cars?
I am looking at new cars and this information would be very useful. Obviously rates depend a lot on the person getting the insurance. I am not looking for an exact number, just looking an easy way to compare rates based on different cars.""
Maternity insurance for self employed?
Hi, I am from ca and I was wondering if there is any affordable insurance for self employed family. I am not pregnant but planning on it in the next few months. any ideas?""
Is forced placed insurance acceptable when asked if i have insurance ?
gettin new auto insurance
Insurance rates increase after claims?
If I was in a car accident and it was my fault. My insurance rate will go up. But now if the person I hit claimed Diminished Value and Pain and Suffering would that raise my insurance rate even more since my insurance company is paying out more. Or how does all that work out? Thanks in advance!
The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is:?
In California is? A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 Thanks!""
What do you pay for car insurance, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm curious.    I have recently moved and I couldn't believe the difference in price for car insurance.  I two thousand miles east and now pay just over a thousand a year as opposed to four and a half thousand where I used to live.    So, if you don't mind, could you say where you live and how much you pay in car insurance?    I think this will be interesting and rather revealing.
Will my insurance go up if I file a claim but then not need it?
A guy ran into me. All he did was pull off a side mirror. I can't get his insurance to replace it directly. They said he has to file the claim. He has yet to do so and the contact number I have for him is bad. So I was told if I go through my insurance they can file the claim to his insurance for me to get it paid. But if somehow they can't file it through his insurance ill just pay out of pocket and have my husband do the work so it's cheap. But if I do that will my insurance still go up? The accidentwas entirely his fault.
Is it possible to work part-time and get health insurance? ?
I have a really good part-time job that doesn't provide health insurance, but I like it and it pays better than most places in the small town where I live. I need to have health ...show more""
Where can I find an affordable renters insurance in Florida?
i need renters insurance for my personal belongings in case the hurricane damages anything.
Would it be cheaper for me to go on my parents insurance or get my own insurance plan?
I am 16 and go for my license on the 19th of Nov, im paying for it myself. My parents have geico, i called Allstate today to get a quotes and they said about 210, please help!(:""
I am looking for a name for my insurance agency I deal in Life Insurance and Health Ins.&annuities?
We deal with all ages and alot with seniors We do not deal with home or auto insurance
""In the uk, i am 18, new driver, and want cheap car insurance. The cheapest i have found is 2500. any ideas?""
In the uk, i am 18, new driver, and want cheap car insurance. The cheapest i have found is 2500. any ideas?""
Young mens experiences of high insurance premiums?
Im a 18year old male that has a full Uk driving license but I don't have a car because of my insurance being quoted at 2500. Just wondered if any else had similar experiences and is it any wonder lots of young men go around without insurance.
Why do I have to be added on the car insurance?
Im 17 and I got my license yesterday. I do not own a car, but I will be using moms car occasionally. My question is if she has car insurance, why do we have to pay extra just for me to drive it? Wouldn't the insurance she already has cover me? Dose that mean that every car I drive (that I dont own) I will have to pay for extra insurance? I just dont under stand it. If any one could explain it to me I would be great-full. Thanks""
""Insurance for 17 year old , group 5 . ARGH!?""
Im buying a saxo 1.4i Furio and its in insurance group 5 I was just looking for the best ways/insurers/policies/discounts/offers that i can get I got quoted something stupid like 3300 TPFT online for a frickan 1.4!!!! I know for a fact it goes WAYY cheaper than that seein as i know a first time driver on his own policy that drives a saxo VTR insured for under 2000! I just dont know how to go about gettin the quote below 2000 Can someone PLEASE please help me. I know i have to shop around . but i dont know where or who to go to. and what to do when i get there! Experianced advice, examples and prices you have had on similar sized engines for your first car would be a magic help! Thanks""
Approximately how much would it cost for auto insurance for a person thats 16?
About how much would it cost to insure a 16 year old with a 2009 Nissan 370z? Parent's credit is near perfect and car is in their name and I have my grades higher than 3.0. Saying a lot of money doesn't help because I already know insuring a car like that costs a lot of money, just looking for a rough estimate.""
Does car insurance rate depend on a car's make and model?
I'm trying to decide whether to buy a 1999 toyota camry or a 2003 honda accord and i'd like to know if it makes a difference on the rate depending on year. I also recently got into a car accident that was my fault which i know will obviously increase my rate.
When renting a car is there a cheaper why to buy insurance then buying their insurance?
When renting a car is there a cheaper why to buy insurance then buying their insurance?
How much would it cost for insurance on this car??
Ok so i'm about to go for my license in december and my awesome brother is generously giving up his 96 Toyota Supra. As of now I have 1 job that gets me 300 every other week. And I'm poor and I have a cheap prepaid phone and cheap clothes. My question is will I be able to pay for my insurance on this salary. And I have like 3000 saved up. could I just pay for insurance for a whole year?
Can I purchase a car in my name but put the insurance in someone else's name?
I plan on purchasing a car soon, but I want to put it on my fathers insurance because it would be cheaper to pay. Is that possible? also does it depend on the state that you live in? If so can someone tell me for the state of Virginia? Thank You.""
""Changing insurance companies have active claim with old one, what happens?""
I have a claim with my current insurance company, waiting to get the deductible don't have it handy. But I found I can get a better rate with a different insurance company. What happens if I change companies before I get my car fixed? Does the insurance company still have to pay when I get it fixed since it happened when I was covered by them. Or do they not have to pay it since I'm no longer covered by them?""
Car Insurance quote suddenly disappeared?!?
I've just been obtaining quotes for a couple of cars I may buy - I'm 19 and looking to buy my first car. I was on moneysupermarket.com and noticed Admiral were consistently the cheapest company - so I kept changing some details to make the quote lower if possible, just messing around really. After around 10 quotes or so (with them being the lowest each time) I noticed that admiral was no longer displaying a quote and was now in the section shown as no quotes produced along with around 60 other companies. Why is this? Have I broken a limit of some kind? But why would the other companies still be there displaying quotes (albeit they're higher which isn't to my liking!). It's confusing and frustrating, can someone tell me why this has happened? I think I've told you as much info as possible but I'll add more detail if asked. Thanks.""
Has you health insurance premium cost gone up or down?
Individuals buying health insurance on their own will see their premiums tumble next year in New York State as changes under the federal health care law take effect, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday. State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently available in New York. Beginning in October, individuals in New York City who now pay $1,000 a month or more for coverage will be able to shop for health insurance for as little as $308 monthly. With federal subsidies, the cost will be even lower. Supporters of the new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, credited the drop in rates to the online purchasing exchanges the law created, which they say are spurring competition among insurers that are anticipating an influx of new customers. The law requires that an exchange be started in every state.""
Does anybody know about cars and car insurance?
im a black female 20 years old im never had a car and im looking for one off craigslist and I found one that I might like http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/cto/4263348989.html I know I have to register the car in my name and get a license plate and I have nooo idea how much that cost. im also trying to find the best insurance at a good price and what not someone please help mee!!! I want to know prices and all. and I only have a permit but in march I will get my license. tell me about signing and everything.... by the way im in homestead fl but not for long I will be going back home in west palm beach in mid march.
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
Do I pay the excess on my car insurance when a claim is made against me?
I know that I have to pay when I make a claim on my car insurance, but im not sure if when someone makes a claim against me if I have to pay the excess in that instance?""
Got into a car wreck w/o insurance!?
The other day I accidently backed into this couple that have full coverage insurance. I believed everything was okay until an investigator called and left a message saying that my brother had cancelled my insurance. Therefore, I didn't have any insurance at the time of the accident. The person I hit did not get a ticket and I did not get a ticket. What is going to happen with this? Will I loose my lisence or will I have to pay for their car damages even though they have full coverage? If I call and get car insurance today, will it be effective for the accident?""
How much would i pay for car insurance?
Im 17 and i had my g2 for about 9 months now. No accidents no tickets no nothing. I'm a good respectful driver. I drive my moms car which is automatic. its a rav 4. my dad has a van and doesn't want to drive manual. I really want to get a car because i like manual and i want to get experience with it. I would like it really soon. If i were to get an older honda civic or toyota corolla manual 5 sp, How much do u think i would pay for primary.""
How is the Mitsubishi Lancer GTS classified by most insurance companies?
I've been researching insurance quotes in preparation for buying a new (used) car, mainly for various sporty compact sedans. When I got to the 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, I was pretty appalled at how much higher the quote was than the others, like the Subaru Impreza and Mazda3 Sport, despite having extremely similar horsepower, speed, safety features and crash test ratings. Is it considered a sports car or something? Does it get lumped in with the uber-expensive Evo because of the word Lancer ?""
What is the best insurance company for a recently passed young driver?
I passed my test last week and i am looking to buy a corsa, punto, clio like car. Its gonna be either a 1.0L or 1.2L car. How much will this cost me and what companies will give me the best quotes? Also, i am a boy""
Which Insurance company is best for Whole Life Insurance ?
I have search only 2 big compnay Metlife and New York Life. I am 24 years old and want that whole life insurance for my life. So i want to know which compnay i need to choose for whole life insurance.... Metlife or New York Life ? I have quote from metlife Insurance...Agent told me my premium payment gonna be $3510.00 per anuual for $500,000.00 ( insurance amount). and i am 24 yeras old it has cash value too.. So i need some information from ur side...should i take it or ?""
What do you pay for car insurance, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm curious.    I have recently moved and I couldn't believe the difference in price for car insurance.  I two thousand miles east and now pay just over a thousand a year as opposed to four and a half thousand where I used to live.    So, if you don't mind, could you say where you live and how much you pay in car insurance?    I think this will be interesting and rather revealing.
0 notes
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"affordable vision insurance in north carolina
affordable vision insurance in north carolina
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
So I'm looking into buying a Honda Element but I want to know how much insurance n gas n all that would be?
Help please lol and if overall if its worth it
""How do i go about getting car insurance, for a 20 year old?""
well i'm almost 19 now..but when I am 20 I am getting out of my house..anyway my mom is always nagging at me about how she pays for my car insurance and she says its like 200$ a month and i wish i could pay it so she could shut up..but anyway so when i move out how do i get car insurance and how much would it cost for a 20 year old? i've never been in an accident, i would be a student, i have above a 3.0 and i took drivers ed..don't you get discounts for all that?""
1998 V6 Firebird Insurance?
I'm 18 years old, just graduated high school, and am looking to buy a car to get to college and back home. What is the insurance on a 1998 v6 firebird or camaro based on a clean driving record and taken the driver's ed courses?""
What is the approximate insurance cost on a vw polo X registration for a 17 year old?
hi just want to know how much roughley the insurance would be for a VW Polo on a X registration plate please
Impact of Auto Insurance Quotes on Credit History?
I am with Geico currently and is up for renewal. I am planning to take quotes from different companies. May be they offer me a low rate. But I am scared by the fact that it will impact my credit score. Can you please advice? I have been driving for 4.5 yrs with clean record.
Would I get a good insurance price for a 1.8 liter car?
Me and my dad are talking about my first car and I was looking online and I see one that I liked but it's a 1.8 liter is it a good idea and if it does matter it's a mercedes ce 300 1995 also would it come under classic insurance
Health Insurance & Prescriptions?
When my doctor writes me a prescription and I fill it up.... does it show up on my health insurance what precriptions I'm taking?
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario?
What are the factors involved? What kind of car will help me get lower insurance? I'm 16 (but will be 17 when I purchase a car) I haven't done any drivers coarse because I personally think it would be a waste of time. I've been driving for many years, seems pointless to take the coarse just to be considered a three star driver... anyways, should I get a newer car? or an older one? what factors are involved in getting low insurance? now I'm only gonna be 17, so I'm guessing it's gonna be around $2000-$3000 ( a year) but how can I get it as low as possible?""
Car insurance deposit?
i want my car insurance to start on 11th feb. my quote says i need to pay a deposit followed by 11 monthly installments. If i signed up for the policy today to start on 11th will they ask me for the deposit to be paid now or will they take it on 11th?
Is there anything I should be cautious about when getting car insurance?
Hi getting my 1st car insured. I keep hearing about things like windscreen protection etc etc. So far I think I will be going with either Diamond - or Endsliegh......? I there anything I should make sure I have. Im going for comprehensive. Thanks
Insurance after driving ban?
Does anybody know of any cheap car insurance company's that deal with drivers that have recantly been banned?
Can an insurance co suspend your liscense ?
the insurance co is threatening that a suspension is in progress if a payment is not made. payments have been made for the past 3 years but now they want the remaining 2000, and said they can suspend the liscense. Is this true? in the state of CA""
Insurance for the self-employed.?
My husband is self employeed and we are looking for an insurance plan that will cover medical for the family, dental & vision. But we don't want to go bankrupt trying to get affordable insurance.""
Female teen car insurance cost?
I am 17. I took drivers ed which gives me some discount on my insurance and get good grades. Would this give me a discount? I would like to know how much it would be for me to get insured on my parents insurance as a secondary driver. As well, i will have my own car, but since i am an only child there will be three cars and three people, so can i still be put down as a secondary driver ?""
Do you think I am paying too much for auto insurance?
just got my insurace bill today, For 6 months it's $282 liability only, No tickets, no accidents, 31 years old. through nationwide now, i have my homeowners through safeco.""
Do you think car insurance should be mandatory in all of the United States?
I live in Wisconsin. Car insurance is not required for cars trucks and anything else on the road. I think this is wrong with medical and car repair bills being so expensive these days. Worst part about it is some of these non insured people drive like lunatics and if they do hit you they have nothing to even sue them for. I think it's disgusting.
Does my grandmother need car insurance if she doesnt drive...?
She doesn't have a license and hasn't had one in decades. Her children drive her to and from church, grocery stores, etc. in her car bc she has trouble getting in and out of their cars. So, does she HAVE to have inurance? I would imagine if her children have insurance, then she wouldn't need it. Anyone know the rules on this?""
Will my insurance cost raise up if I got hit and run?
Hello, couple days ago I've visited to my friend's house and parked the car properly close to the curb in the street, and as I came back I found my car hit badly all the way from rear tail-lights through all the way to the front part of the car(hood) which apparently caused lots of damage, which after I reported to my insurance company(my insurance company is FOREMOST) and took the car to a bodyshop, a few days later the estimator visited to bodyshop valued the damage worth of 8500$, so my question is` will my monthly bill raise up cause of this hit and run which obviously I'm not at fault at all?(note: we've two other cars under the same policy, so three cars in total), so IF my insurance bill will raise up, how much approx. it will raise? and WHEN?(will it raise right on my next bill or by the renewal time?) AND if it raise up too much can I just cancel this insurance(for the entire policy including the other 2 cars) and get another insurance for a decent price? thanks. some info: I'm from California, Los Angeles, this is first hit and run I've reported and my payments always been made properly so no a single late payment or anything, thanks.""
What's the Best Car Insurance?
What's the best car insurance that gives good coverage, good service, and will be cheapest if one has had a minor moving violation in the past 6 months?""
What if I can't afford health insurance? How is that Affordable Health Care ?
What if I can't afford health insurance? How is that Affordable Health Care ?
How are illegal immigrants getting free health care?
I heard in a lot of debate about illegal immigrants and how they care free services such as health care. I became a U.S citizen two years ago and I've been trying to find cheaper and quality health care, but I couldn't. I researched free health care online, but can't find it. I don't have health insurance, so whenever I visit the doctor, I either pay upfront if it's about $200 or they send me the bills if its way higher. So how are illegal immigrants getting free health care?""
Car insurance for older people?
im trying to renew my grandads car insurance,(hes 81) and looking for a cheap company that can beat his current price of 537pounds a year. thank you for any sugestions""
About how much is basic auto insurance?
for a used 94 toyota camry in los angeles the main driver is 25 and has a good driving record.
""What are the cheapest companies to insure me as a 2nd driver on a 1.2 punto (MALE, 19, UK)?
I'm a 19 year old male living in the UK in Birmingham! I passed around a 2 months ago! The cheapest quote I found was 1600 on a comparison site but it's too expensive! Is it worth getting a tracking device and alarm and stuff fitted? How else could I lower my insurance?? Could you recommend any other cars I could get instead of a punto? (no higher than insurance group 5 and no more than 3000) THANKS! =]
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
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affordable vision insurance in north carolina
A first car for a 16?
i am wanting a 97' Toyota Camry with 150,000 miles on it. It is $4,300 is this a good first car? And how much does insurance on it cost? I also like saturn l200 are they good cars?""
Does the official DMV website offer a free point insurance reduction program?
my friend recently complete an online 6 hour class to reduce his insurance rates by 10%. he told me the class was free and that he found it from the dmv official website. but when i go on the website, it only directs me to classes from private companies that aren't free. does the dmv website offer a Point Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? http://www.dmv.ny.gov/broch/c32a.htm thanks!!!""
Does Wal-Mart have better and cheaper insurance than Obamacare?
http://www.examiner.com/article/washington-examiner-walmart-s-health-plans-are-better-than-obamacare On Jan. 7, 2013, The Washington Examiner released the results of an investigation finding Walmart's employee health insurance is significantly better than Obamacare. Walmart has come under mega union labor union criticism as a retailer whose employees are both underpaid and mistreated. Like many insurance plans which have been canceled as a result of Obamacare benefit regulations, Walmart's health insurance has been called substandard. However after an in-depth comparison, the watch dog team of the Washington Examiner discovered employees of Walmart receive a better bang for the buck than Obamacare. In comparison to Obama care, it was discovered that Walmart plans were a whopping five to nine times less expensive. Full-service individual coverage in a Walmart HRA plan is available through a Blue Cross Blue Shield preferred provider organization for as little as $40 a month while family coverage averages $160 a month.""
Should I notify my car insurance company if I paid for the fix myself?
I had a minor car accident in a Costco parking lot last weekend. I was backing out my parking lot; the other guy was also backing out. Unfortunately, we didn't see each other... Anyway, this seems to be a 50-50 accident. The damage to the cars are moderate and we agreed on just fixing ourselves. So no personal information was exchanged. I got an estimate today. The cost for fixing my car is not cheap but still lower than the minimal requirement for accident reporting in California. It is also lower than my insurance deductible. So I plan neither to report to DMV nor to file a claim. But one friend of mine suggested that in this case, I should still notify (but not to file a claim to) my insurance company. His argument is that the other party can still come back and sue me (if he is a freak). While we didn't exchange information, the other party may have remembered my license plate number so theoretically he could find out all other information about me. But I am not sure if notifying the insurance company will affect my premiums. What do you think?""
New York State car insurance question?
Do you need to have car insurance to have a drivers license? I mean could you take the road test and get your license but have no insurance?
Insurance on a Nissan 350z?
I am wondering how much insurance would be for a 16 year old with that car. And what is the best way to insure it? Thanks
Is motorcycle insurance available for six months?
I live in an area where I can only ride for half the year, yet all of the policies cover 12 months. Does anyone know of a company that offers six month packages? A second question, does taking a Riding course offer a sizable discount with insurance companies? Thanks""
Why do people expect medical insurance to pay for everything?
Auto insurance doesn't pay for oil changes. Homeowners insurance doesn't pay for remodeling.
The cheapest life insurance policy?
I would like the cheapest life insurance policy but also the best possible premiums
How much cheaper is health insurance in Texas?
Does anyone have data, did Tort reform lower health insurance costs? I mean isn't texas having a surplus or perhaps a surge of doctors since passing such law? Let's prove to the liberals this works by using the facts for a change.""
Afordable health insurance for a person diognotis hep-c?
helth care provder
Car insurance for a 19 yr old female?
I know you can't really tell me but can anyone give me an estimated guess?I have a 2003 Honda Accord. Here is some information to narrow it down. 1. i live in tennessee' 2. i don't live in the city, but close to one 3.I mainly drive to school and work 4.I've never had a ticket 5.I've never had an accident ( safe driver's insurance intact) 6. I've got good grades/school record. (Not sure if that counts) My guess was over $100 but under $200....is this a safe bet or am i way off?""
How do I get my insurance lower?
I am 20 years old, made one claim and coming up to 1 years no claims bonus, I am looking at a 3ltr GTO and i'm absolutley in love with it, the insurance is average 6.000. All I want to know is, what can I do to get the insurance down? as in, tricking the system, ive already tried using my mums name with me as a named driver and its the same price, what little things can I do to make the insurance as low as possible, please help.""
Best child Plan or best insurance plan or Mutual funds ?
hi iam 30 year male from india working in merchant navy..i want to invest for future of my child through monthly investment of Rs.5000..please suggest me right way to achive my goal of getting good amount when my child reaches age of 18...i already have LIC jeevan anand..with cover of 10 lakh..and i am also depositing 70.000 p.a in P.P.F...so where u should think i invest to get maximum returns..??
What is the best insurance company for young drivers?
Does anyone know of any insurance company which is cheap for young, new drivers? I am 17 and I found an insurance company that costs roughly 2,500 but that is still quiet a bit. Any help will be useful..!!""
How can we get or is it possible to put a freeze for one or two years on health insurance cost?
I see BCBS is going up over 7% for 2011. Is there no stopping these rising costs? my poor pension.
""If my car is totalled, will the people's insurance who hit me give me kelly blue book value and take my car?,?""
I was t-boned the other day and am pretty sure my car will be totalled, it still runs great, and i love the car. the accident was the other persons fault. if it IS toatalled, will her ...show more""
Which insurance is better?
which insurance is better blue cross and blue shield or aflac, what is the difference between them""
""17-19 year old UK drivers, How much are you paying for your insurance?""
I recently passed my test, I am 18 and now looking for insurance that is cheap. Well... it seems that they are absolutly Bludy expensive!. I mean the cheapest one I saw was about 4500 year! :O So how much are you paying? Who are you with? and Are you insured as a named driver or main driver of your/your parents car?""
What is the Best & cheapest insurance in Texas?
I drive a 1989 Toyota Camry, I just go to and from school (less than 2 miles away) i only drive the car like Mon. & Wed. and yet i have to pay like 150 for car insurance, in 6 months of paying, i pay what my car is worth. So i wanted to know is there any cheap insurance i dont care if they suck or anything like that, i just want something below 100 dlls. so please tell me which insurance you use and how much you pay a month that would really help. Thank you in advance -Angela""
Car insurance deductible question?
OKay so I was rear ended on Fri thr 13th! ha! I already called my insurance company on Mon morning. Taken care of, and I can get it fixed as soon as I want (tomorrow). I'm also trying to call the other insurance company of the car that hit me so that they pay my deductible ($500). Do I need to have this done with before I take my car in? Their insurance company is a very small one and is giving me a lot of crap over the phone. Should I just call my insurance company and have them deal with it? What should I do? thanks!""
Question about homeowner liability and earthquake insurance?
So, let's say the neighbor's swimming pool cracks open in an earthquake, and the water runs down the hill and floods my house. Let's say the pool owner has earthquake insurance. Would that insurance fix my flood damage? Let's say the pool owner has no earthquake insurance but I do. Would my insurance cover the act of God that broke somebody else's pool?""
Please help me about the contens of an insurance certificate .?
Can you give me the contents of the insurance certificate ? The different between insurance certificate and insurance policy ?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
""On average, how much will my insurance cost?""
I'm 17 and female. on average how much do you think my insurance would cost on a 1.2L corsa 2003 model, with a black box fitted? Also would it be cheaper if i put the insurance in my dads name (9 years no claims) and me as a named driver? I'm struggling to find quotes as i haven't passed my test yet, just wondering whether it's worth buying this car thanks in advance BQ: do you know of any cars which are fairly cheap for teenagers to insure?""
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affordable vision insurance in north carolina
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old mail in Florida?
And which insurance company is the most affordable provider?
Can you recommend a cheap insurance company?
I'm seventeen and currently learning to drive. (I'll hopefully be getting a Peugeot 206 or Renault Clio etc) Can anyone recommend somewhere that has CHEAP car insurance? Most places are quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH On a price comparison site the cheapest quote was from Quinn Direct (700-800). Is this a good company or can you suggest other companys. (PS I live in N Ireland so local places please) Thanks in advance for answering :)
How much insurance money do you think i can get?
Seven weeks ago i got into a very bad car accident on the freeway. I'm 15 and was NOT driving. my 19 year old friend was driving. from the accident i was rushed to the hospital with a broken arm. my left arm was very badly cracked and they said in a week they will hit it into place then put it in a cast. so, a week later i went into surgery and there was complications and my arm snapped in half and so they cut open my arm and put in a 5 inch titanium plate and 7 pins. i just got my cast off after 4 weeks. my arm is in pain all the time. and i cant do much. how much money do u think i could recieve?""
Insurance on 1965 Ford Mustang?
What would it cost annually in Texas for a 16 year old? Any info on other years (66-68)?
How do I get my insurance licenses?
Do I have to work for an insurance company before?
Can anybody help me about car insurance?
For the last few months I've been sharing my Dad's car, I've been a named driver for that car. Now I've bought my own car, however, at the moment I cannot afford to pay the 220 starter fee to insure me on my own car just yet. So my question is, if I upgraded the insurance on my Dad's car to fully comp. Will I be covered to drive my car? I'm 17 by the way, if that changes anything. Any help will be very much appreciated.""
What are the average car insurance rates in California?
More specifically, if you live in California, how much do you pay? I'm buying insurance for the first time and I want to get the most basic coverage at the cheapest rate.""
Why do i have to have my car inspected by my insurance company?
I just changed insurance companies and the new one wants to inspect the car which I never had to do before. How come?
Which car insurance company will accept me; I have a few traffic citations on my record?
Since 2006, I have gotten 3 speeding tickets on my record, and 1 citation for getting into a turning lane too early (3-pointer). I got a speeding ticket in march 2006, february 2007, and december 2008. I got the last turning lane citation just a few weeks ago. I am going to court for both recent citations (from December 08 and a few weeks ago) pretty soon. I will use a no lo contendre to reduce the points on one, and ask to do community service or take a class to reduce the points on the other. I understand that most car insurance companies look at both POINTS and OFFENSES. I am with Liberty Mutual right now under my parent's family plan and since 2006, NONE of my tickets have affected our insurance. I want to take precautions and see who can quote me for having a poor driving record as I mentioned above. This year just might be the year Liberty Mutual will review my record and then, BOOM...rates are sky high. I want to responsible about what I did and get on my own plan soon. What I did was irresponsible and stupid and I am DONE making mistakes on the road. I'm 22, female, a student with a 3.47 GPA (Dean's list), trying to finish my bachelors at a university, and share rent with my brother for an apartment. I work part-time and go to school full-time. Which companies would accept me? I've got a poor driving record, but a good 'student' record--if that even matters. Please help. Otherwise, I will have to wait till some violations clear in 10 years or so. Either way, I would really appreciate if someone could tell me what my options are. I will be out of school by summer 2010 (next year) and will need to get on my own plan by then.""
Car insurance question! HELP HELP HELP?
I just bought a car from a dealership and its sittin there. but tomorow i plan on changing to a NJ license cause currently i have a MA license. They said i need to get insurance for the car before they let me take the car. So if I go to any insurance place tomorw will i be able to get the insurance THAT day? and then get my car ? THANKS
Does your car insurance premium rise after a heart attack(UK)?
my parents are wondering what happens after you have been discharged from hospital, and the 4 weeks or so passes, will the premium for domestic car insurance rise or stay same or what? anyone know ?thanks""
""If i damage a car by like 5,000 worth in damages how much will my insurance go up by?
im only 18 and still havent told my dad about it..this is my first accident..and i still have not yet recieved any word if the accident was my fault(accident happened 2 days ago) but what happened was i entered traffic from coming out a place into traffic and got hit...i mean i think it was her fault because i entered in traffic slowly and i assumed that she was speeding and hit me or tried passing me...i didnt just pop out into traffic because she would of have it me on my back znd i saw her car from a distance..there was a camera there i think is one of those pic/video camera for people who run red lights and the officer said that i couldnt use it which i dont get it what i plan to do is once i get word that it was my fault im going to pay for damages to my car by myself i just wanna know will my dads insurance billl be a BIG difference of like thousands i just feel anxious and nervous
""How much does horse insurance cost you a month, year, etc.?""
I know I could call for a quote, but I'm 13! I really want a horse and my mom said I might be able to get one if I made sure that she wouldn't have to pay thousands of dollars in vet bills. So I know how every horse is different and the price depends on like how old the horse is, but I basically know nothing about insurance!!! I want to know if it could somehow be added on to our medical, car, house, etc insurance. I also want to know how I can get full coverage, but not pay too much. Around $10-$20 a month is the highest I can go. So who are you insured with, how much do you pay, if you have more than one horse round the price up for one, what do you think I should do??? Thanks!!!""
Do you need insurance for a 50cc scooter in florida?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc scooter in florida?
How to get cheaper car insurance?
im 17 and just passed my driving test, Ive got a 1.4l Peugeot 106 but I can't find car insurance any cheaper than about 3500 no matter where I look! I've spent hours looking online but it's all too expensive. Anyone know any cheaper insurance companies or have any tips??""
How much would short term auto insurance normally cost in new york?
say i have a bmw 530i im single, 35 years old, male and all my driver's license records are clean how much would it cost to insure the car for only one day?""
Anyone know what insurance company will approve homeowners insurance for Mastiffs in New York State?
I rent on a 380 some acre farm in New York State. I am told that the landlord could not get home owners insurance because of my dog and I have to get rid of him because of the liability. I don't want to. He is a mastiff and a VERY protective one at that if someone comes on the property and he is tied up on the chain (he barks a lot and can look viscious. But once someone is inside he is okay friendly and ready to play. Except one wouldnt know it by viewing him from outside. An insurance agent came onto the property (he was chained) and of course he was very vocal. Scared the crap out of him. But we ALWAYS keep him on a chain. Does anyone know of homeowners insurance available in New York State for this breed of dog, or of another option available. We do not want to have to move because we have a boy in school and we love it here. Any no kill pet shelters or anyone who wants a lovable funny (somewhat quirky) Cane Corso Mastiff>""
Suggestions on where to purchase good health insurance?
My husband and I are looking to purchase health insurance. We are young (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) and looking for coverage mainly for doctor's office visits and prescriptions. Can anyone recommend a good website or insurance company that we can look at to choose a plan? We live in Michigan if that makes a difference too.""
I was hit by a car. Which insurances should be reported?
Okay... I was driving my parents car to work. I am 19. No tickets or crashes since I was 15 and a half. I was rear ended when I stopped for an ambulance. My parents have insurance on that car, but I am not on their policy. I did have my mother's permission to use the vehicle. I have my own liability insurance but on a car that I sold several months ago. I maintained that insurance just in case anything happened. The woman that hit me immediately admitted blame. She also admitted blame to the officer that came out to see us. In fact, she cut him off to admit blame. I hope I am good to go as far as any sort of payment for damages. I understand if I get ticketed for not being on their policy... I just don't want to have to pay for my parent's car out of pocket, I can't afford that. Do all three party's insurances need to be reported? My dad is trying to tell me that my insurance is the only one that needs be reported as well as the woman's that hit me. I disagree. I think that all three need to be - but he's older and wiser than me. I think he just doesn't want his rate to increase so he's trying to make me call the woman and tell her to not report their insurance. Fml, i'm confused. thanks.""
Insurance on neon srt4?
I know every insurance r difference but im looking for get a srt4 neon and I heard the insurance on one of those r high, I have a 2003 grand prix gtp, would insurance be higher than wha I am paying for my gtp""
What is a affordable health insurance that covers DENTAL?
or at least some of the cost?
Financing a car and someone els pays for insurance?
If I'm financing a car can someone els buy me full coverage and pay for it? . (Car being under there name for insurance yet under my name for the car payments with the bank)
Suggest a good insurance company?
I want to buy a insurance plan for my stock and machinery. Please suggess a good insurance company.
""In California, how do you show proof of insurance for a driving test?
My girlfriend is making an appointment for her driving test and I offered up my car for her to use.Does she need to be added to my insurance to take the test or does the DMV just need proof that the car is insured under someone's name(me)?She won't be driving my car aside from the test as she is buying a used car immediately after the test and getting insurance on that.
How much will car insurance be for my 146 year old mother?
How much will car insurance be for my 146 year old mother?
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affordable vision insurance in north carolina
Why are my auto insurance quotes so expensive?
I am an 18 year old male trying to get coverage on my 1994 toyota camry le 4 door. I just acquired my license today and I've never had an incident. I am also single and living ...show more
Average cost of 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 Sedan?
Hello I am wondering what is the average price of a used 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 sedan. I also want to know if this car is reliable, gets good mileage, and is this type of car considered a sport vehicle when it comes to insurance. Serious answers only.""
File auto insurance claim or pay out-of-pocket in NJ?
My 17yo daughter just got her graduated NJ license, skidded on wet corner, causing $1300 in damage to wheel & susp. We have $500 deductible. Can we ask our insurance co. how much our rates will go up if we file a claim, or will that automatically flag her for additional points?""
How much would car insurance be?
When I turn 25 and my driving record is clean no speeding tickets how much do you thing car insurance would be on a 2010 camaro and I want to know car insurance on a 2005 corvette orba challenger what one would be cheaper
Unfair car insurance?
My car was very old but in excellent working order. It has been written off in an accident that was not my fault. The insurance company will only pay me what it's worth, about 150. To get a reasonable second hand replacement will cost much more than this, and I cannot afford it. So I now have no car and cannot afford a replacement. Over the last few years I've paid thousands for insurance. Can the company do this, i.e not pay for an equivalent replacement, but pay what they think it's worth.""
2008 Pontiac Torrent WRECKED PRICE ??? Insurance adjustor question?
I have a 2008 Pontiac Torrent that was recently hit while park heres a list of what was damaged Rear Axel is twisted all rear suspension QuarterPanel Rocker Panel Tail ...show more
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Does anyone have any idea how much it will cost to insure a learner in the UK?
I am just wondering if anyone vaguely knows how much it would be for me to be insured on my dad's insurance so I can learn with him as well as an instructor? Thanks x
Traffic Citation: Insurance?
I received a traffic citation for speeding. I am not listed on my parents insurance card, but I am online. Online I appear as --- list only, driver under 21 never licensed my license number is not listed as well. Only my name and birthdate. -- Also it shows that I don't not have any rights as the insured drivers. Will their insurance rate increase even though I am not insured or listed as list only ? ** Included picture **""
""Hi, I Need to insure my car and I am have no idea which insurance company is best and cheap plz help!!!?
And I need to do it today. Anyone knows how to do it quickly and which company is really and cheap and meets the NYS dmv requirements?
Best health insurance for a 63 year old male?
My dad retired at 62 and a half... to make a long story short, he was promised continuing health insurance from his employer but now they are saying they will only be secondary- meaning they only pay if he buys a primary. What would be a good option for health insurance for him? Unfortunately, he is a smoker and had a stroke... he is 63 and a half right now.""
What is the minimum pricing for teenage car insurance?
ok, my car is a 1978 Ford Fairmont. I am 17, the car's previous coverage was basic liability. the limits i want for the car is just pretty much basic liability. i just want to be legal on the road. no fancy extras added to the policy, just basic coverage. the car so far hasn't gotten into any car wrecks. it's practically in perfect condition. this is my first car and i just got my license. I'm not aware of my credit score for i've just started working part-time. Also, i'm a very good student. My current GPA is 3.57and i'm still in high school, 12th grade. and yes, i've finished drivers education coarse. Please, if anyone can help me in finding a good car insurance company for my beautiful Miss Daisy, and the possibly price of how much it will cost for basic liability i would greatly appreciate it.""
How do I get my insurance licenses?
Do I have to work for an insurance company before?
""I am leaving for Mexico, what type of auto insurance do I need and where can i get it?
going to mexico for my birthday. i have a 2004 toyota corola and my insurance provider won't cover me down there...any help would be great
How much do you pay for your motorcycle insurance?
I just check for a quote for a cbr 600 f4 I wanted to buy and it quoted me $2,200 a year! Does that sound right? I'm 19, live in New york city, male. Whats your state, age, bike model, gender, and insurance rate?""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am getting my g2 (I'm in Ontario) soon, and would like to purchase my own car. I can go through my parents insurance, but I couldn't be a secondary driver as there would be 3 cars in the house. Could I put it under my grandfathers name and be a secondary driver? Or just get insurance by myself? How much should I expect to pay? I have done drivers ed if that helps. Thanks !""
Will my car insurance rates go up if another driver lives at my address who is not under my plan?
I have an insurance plan that covers myself and my wife. Recently my son switched insurance plans to the same carrier that I have with his own insurance policy for his car that he ...show more
Has anyone had to show proof of their grades to get this discount. I know one of my friends did not. Do I have to send a transcript? an official one? Will the take my word on it? Which insurance company did you have that did require it?
Insurance Question for owners of the 2007 pontiac g5?
Im a 22 yr old male, never had a car before, just got my license; and im about to purchase me a new pontiac g5. Im wondering how much i can expect to pay for insurance every month?Plz help!""
17 year old car insurance prices ?
im comparing cars on moneysupermarket because im 16 an need a heads up on insurances costs etc... but i compared a classis mini 1.0- annual: 6000 and Monthly: 650 also, 2007 vauxhall corsa 1.0- annual: 8000 Monthly: 852 and a 1993 Ford Fiesta 1.1- annual: 12000 Monthly: 1152 now i can sort of understand the price for the mini, due to its a small car with a small engine, but the corsa's like brand new? how can the insurance be sort of lowish. but why are they charging huge amounts for a fiesta that is older than me and is probably falling to piece's slowly ? im so confused :S can some one help me and please explain this i really want to be able to have a first car at 17 but at this rate i might be stuck on a motorcycle for a few years then maybe have enough money to afford a car :/""
""My car Insurance got cancelled, will my license get suspenede?""
I live in Miami Fl, she told me I can start all over and give a down and 5 month payments. But im kind of tight with money now and wanted to get insurance in about 3 months. Will my ...show more""
What do all these terms for insurance mean?
So I'm in need for a dental plan because I've decided to fix my horrible misaligned bite. But I have no idea what all these insurance terms mean. Like deductibles, coinsurance,waiting period, etc http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/plan-details?planKey=10116300:16 ^Here is a link for example. 40% Coinsurance after deductible 18 months waiting period < Can someone just give me a coverage on how insurance works. Thank you""
Rough Insurance Quotes (Guesses welcome)?
I am first in line for several used cars I'm considering. The only thing I'm worried about are insurance rates. I'm only 19 and I've had my license for less than 6 months. I will be signed on with my parents, and they are with Geico. The three cars I'm considering are a 2000 Ford Mustang, a 2004 Honda Civic and a 2001 Kia Rio. How much would you guess it would cost me a month/year to insure?""
Question about applying for health insurance?
Okay so I applied for medi-cal a few weeks ago and I didn't qualify, because i have more than $2000 on my savings account. I'm twenty one years old living with my parents and going to college with no job; would I qualify for Cover California?How much money can I have on the bank to qualify?""
Average cost Motorcycle Insurance?
Hello, Does anyone know the average cost for motorcycle insurance in Arizona?""
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affordable vision insurance in north carolina
0 notes
raresneezeweed · 6 years
The Invinsible
Our current climate of agriculture production today will be a major global health threat in the foreseeable future.  Pathogens are created because of our current modern way of farming and these pathogens pass on from animals to humans.  The pathogens that are generated could spark a pandemic influenza and create a mass event of diseases.  The greatest health threat that face humanity has everything to do with our current production of agriculture.  Robert Webster an influenza research virologist, proved that pandemic viruses are originated from birds and spread out from there on out.  
 I have seen quite a few documentaries on how agriculture mistreats animals but reading about it made it more evident that modern agriculture is inhuman.  Jamming, drugging, and hurting, these birds in a small/waste room is obviously not healthy for anyone involved in the process.  In the reading they stated some facts that were quite astonishing, “95% of birds become infected with E. Coli and between 39-95% of chickens in retail sore are still infected” (Foer, 2013)  My question on this is, why is our government failing us? They need to set up more strict regulations in this industry, the government runs the show, it's not the other way around.  Also, birds get bathed in Chlorine? Now this one I have never heard before and it just turned my stomach upside down.   But there's more after they bathe the chickens they stuff them with broth, salt, and who knows what else, so they can smell, taste, and look like a chicken.  I feel like this is a part of a horror movie but it is our reality of food.  The process of how chickens are farmed in the United States completely grossed me out, It is extremely sad to think about what the birds are going through.  The chickens must be so confused and scared at the same time, not to mention hurt.  Also, it's not only the birds who are being taken advantage of but also the people who work in these factories.  They are underpaid and are expected to literally put their lives on the line. The treatment of the workers is cruel and touches a nerve with me, but that’s a different story.  It angers me how these chickens are treated and it even angers me more how there really isn’t much that one can do.  I could stop eating chicken (which I don’t think I can eat chicken after this) or I can instead choose to purchase locally grown chicken instead of purchasing chickens from these factories.  I know there are quite a few places where I could purchase locally grown chicken here in Flagstaff, although it is more expensive, after reading this it’s totally worth it.  I don’t think I'm gonna be able to see chicken the same anymore after reading this chapter.  I have seen videos before of these factories and how they mistreat these chickens but for some reason reading it just made it more explicit and turned my stomach upside down.  There's more to it, these animals are also drugged up with antibiotics.  An estimate of 17.8 million pounds are fed to livestock each year, due to this, it has led to 75 million American to become ill from their food annually.  The consumption of antibiotics also promotes antimicrobial resistance,  which is bad for human health in the future.
So, animals are dirty, drugged up, and the whole process is inhumane, of course, there is going to be bad consequences out of that.  In the chapter it talks about the vegetarian rancher, he ranched in a way where I believe that's how ranching should be done.  Ranching should be done in an honorable way and animals should be able to live their best lives.  We don’t need to produce as many animals as we are currently producing, not every meal needs to have meat on it.  That connection we use to have with food isn’t there anymore and humans need to realize we are a part of nature.  Food production nowadays is harmful to the people and the environment, and it needs to change before a catastrophe in the world happens.  (708)
Reference:Foer, Jonathan Safran. Eating Animals. Access and Diversity, Crane Library, University of British Columbia, 2013
0 notes
tacycresson-blog · 7 years
Fishing Wives in Gloucester: The women run the city
On the rippled sand at bottom of the Atlantic with its claws stretched forward, a lobster prostrates to another. It’s an act of submission that occurs when male lobsters have found their female match. They will mate and the males keep watch over their female and her eggs, who have made their home in a cave he has created. For the most part, she won’t leave her home until her babies arrive. Instead, the male lobster will go out into the dangerous waters to ward off predators and supply her with what she beckons.
 Hundreds of feet above, in the small fishing city of Gloucester, a similar scenario plays out among the fishermen and their wives.
 The wives left looking out towards the restless Atlantic waters, many with children clinging to their waist, hope for the return of their husbands. The city left without men to be the backbone needed a new form of support. The wives stepped in to keep the city structured outside the doors of their homes. They became the true backbone of Gloucester, promoting the historic fishing port and advocating for their husbands’ profession.
 The beginning of fisheries in Gloucester coincided with the English settlement in the early 1600s as their vessels stopped to fish the cod. It was the mid- 1800s when the New England cod fishery grew explosively as Italian and Portuguese men flocked to the port of Gloucester. Fishermen toiled in all kinds of weather working day and night, going out for weeks at a time in unexpected, rigid, weather. There was no choice but to take the brunt of the sea head on, Gloucester relied on the boats to bring enough fish back to remain the primary source of seafood. The wives were inland as the support system, keeping each other strong and their husbands optimistic when most challenging. In its over- 350 year history, Gloucester lost over 10,000 men to the Atlantic Ocean, whose names are commemorated along the winding staircase in the City Hall.
 For outsiders, fishing is considered a patriarchal culture, but the fishermen of Gloucester know better: their city is run by the voices and hands of fishermen wives.
 “The fishing industry is matriarchal,” said Tony Gross, a lifelong Gloucester resident and fisherman.
 While fishermen bring back the bounties of the sea for packing and shipping at warehouses, chances are their wives have the corner office, working as the business managers and decision makers. They, too, are the accountants and the secretaries.
 Although many don’t spend weeks on the ocean, as before, a fisherman’s early hours and long days away from home mean their wives are running the domestic side of the operation too.
 “I have great respect for the women and their work ethic,” said Gross. “I think they work a lot more than the men.”
Today’s fishing industry has layers that confuses its comprehension. About 40 years ago the U.S. government adopted sweeping changes governing fisheries. The 1976 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Act was passed to immediately became a regulator. It proves to often be a flawed system of preventing overfishing. Fishermen are being told not to fish, that there are no fish to be caught, leaving them without work, without money, and with empty boats.
 When heavy regulations due to claims of loss of fish limited fishermen’s ability to catch fish Gross turned to lobstering to make ends meet.  
 Unlike most trade labor professions, Massachusetts fishermen have never unionized. Instead, their wives organized to create the most solid effort that has kept their husbands afloat.
 “The fishermen are totally burned out,” said Angela Sanfilippo, president of the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association. “That is originally why the wives started the association.”
 Sanfilippo was one of the founding members of the Gloucester Fishermen's Wives Association (GWFA)  started in 1969. Limits were tested but voices were loud as she and a handful of other wives championed for legislation solidifying their role as New England’s most powerful, and trusted, group of women to serve the $200 million dollar fishing industry.
 Thomas Balf, executive director of Maritime Gloucester, described the wives as “economically highly independent, strong and brave women." Indeed, they had no first-hand knowledge of creating legislation. Many of them were recent immigrants from Italy and Portugal and did not have a college education.  
 Sanfilippo, a daughter, wife, and mother of fishermen, began by translating meetings between regulators and Italian- American fishermen. Speaking up in defense of her husband and fishermen as they were told fisheries would be shut down from lack of cod, Sanfilippo knew her place in that meeting room when she felt the blood in her veins boil from anger and mistreatment. Forty years later, Angela still sits in those meeting rooms fighting for her fishermen and the health of the environment, fighting at local, state, and federal levels for voices to be heard.
 Also present at these meetings is the city’s own mayor Sefatia Romeo-Theken.  She’s also the vice president of the GWFA.
 “If you knew what we had on our shoulders you’d think we were lying about it,” said Romeo-Theken.  
Romeo-Theken, a lifelong Gloucester resident, is so enveloped in the lives of fishermen, she is considered “the Godmother” of the city. She, too, was once a fisherman’s wife, until her husband, who suffered years of depression, committed suicide in 1997. She continued to raise their three children.  
 “I could have said the hell with it,” Romeo-Theken says about the loss of her husband and being a member of the association, “but I didn’t and that’s because it is always within me.”
 “Once a wife you are always in the pact,” she said.  
 The women not only shoulder policy related to their husband’s industries, but also the social issues they face.
 Gloucester faced an opioid epidemic that sparked city action. In the last year Gloucester saw six deaths, causing the city’s Police Department to issue the “Angel Program” to provide addicts with treatment rather than a jail sentence. It has helped over 400 people while also inspiring police departments around the country to adopt similar programs.
 These overdoses hit the boats of Gloucester fishermen. Unable to be distributed Narcan from the Coast Guard, a nasal spray to stop overdoses, the GFWA trained the fishermen themselves to use Narcan to keep on their boats.
“It is never easy because if you are a strong woman in today’s society, we are still underpaid, overworked, and not looked at,” said Romeo-Theken.
 The bonds that were once as strong as the fishing industry have loosened in the last two decades. Members of the association say it’s been difficult to entice the younger generation of women to join.
 The Georges Bank Preservation Act prohibited drilling or exploration of oil in the fishing ground of Georges Bank in United States water. The bank is a primary nursery for fish and a supplier for oil on the seafloor between Cape Cod, Mass. and Nova Scotia.  
 The wives have not lost their drive and passion over the fishing industry and promoting a healthy environment. Their legacy continues 40 years later in hopes to pass legislation and have their fishermen fish the cod they know is in the ocean.  
 For now, the docks have dried and the once crowded harbor is seeing a shortage of fishing boats. The tourists that once flooded the town capturing pictures of the men unloading their catch-of-the-day onto the docks have disappeared.  
 Until dramatic changes are made, Sanfilippo says, fishermen have been left “dead in the water.”
 The fishermen fret as their lives could change and their futures become unclear. Their fears sink with the GFWA supporting their profession. The wives see a battle, a wave, and they overcome it without hesitation. Powerful and selfless, they are the backbone of Gloucester and the frontline of New England’s fishing industry.
0 notes