#he thinks they should legalise gay marriage (because it affects him)
pumpkinmetaphor · 3 months
kaoru is the kind of guy to say "i'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative" with his whole chest
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jjongolese · 2 years
(Spoiler for Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story — up until episode 7, also there’s a bit of a rant)
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Disclaimer: Just to let you know that I’m not one of those fangirls that falls in love with serial killers, this is just me simply commenting on a part of the movie. This does not mean that I condone anything that he had done or even justifying what he did. I’m just a normal guy that is very honest about my opinions and just wanted to express that.
I do give my condolences to the families and friends of victims that are affected by Jeffrey Dahmer though.
Update: I just found out that the part that I spoke about with Tony and Jeffrey didn’t actually happen. He basically lured him into his house like literally every other victims. It’s quite sad that Netflix would make a movie out of something that real and is still affecting families and would get some details wrong. I could see why they changed it slightly for the dramatic effects, but this shouldn’t be taken lightly as it should.
Although I am upset that Netflix would do such a thing and not even at least fact check, I will keep my vent up since I did wanted to let it out. Also, I do wanted to make people not feel alone in this since I also really liked them together.
Please note that I didn’t make this post out of disrespect since this is me reacting to a movie adaptation that I watched. Any misinformation, I will address.
I can’t be the only one that shipped Jeffrey and Tony together. It had seemed as if he found someone that understands him and would do the same back.
I even loved how when they saw each other they would literally hugged and then their little moments on that date. They were smiling and giggling at each other. I really thought this was when we could finally see that he could find this “missing person” that makes him feel like someone after going through a lot of trauma growing up, especially with the fact that he has been an outcast from his high school class where people would bully him so much that they would literally scribble him out of the yearbook.
Even the part where he didn’t ended up drugging him, I thought that was when he finally realised that he did found this person he was looking for all these years and that he could finally change it up. Or even if he doesn’t change, he could still be partners in crime as they would lure more victims in for threesomes or orgies and then drug them before killing them or something. At this point, I didn’t care. As long as Tony would be alive and be Jeffrey’s boyfriend, that was all I ever wanted, and I’d be so glad to hear that.
Sadly, his anger and detachment issues got the best of him as he still couldn’t get the hint that people has lives and needed to work, so he just murdered him just like that.
The moment I found out that Tony died, my heart sank. This was his best match and all of his interactions with the man was nothing but positive and full of genuine chemistry. I even had to awe so loudly when he kissed him on the cheek or when he managed to get his signs right. I was literally rooting for him, like a cheerleader. I was so glad he was able to have those feelings for him and to even have him decide last minute not to poison his drink like he would always do to his victims. I was so happy for Jeffrey and the fact that he could had possibly found his first actual boyfriend.
I’m still sad as I lay in my room thinking about the events that could occur if he never killed him. You know, like more dates such as a walk in the park with Jeffrey holding a camera so they could take pictures since Tony wanted to be a model, or even a road trip or something. Or even them getting married after gay marriage has finally be legalised where they live. I wanted to see them grow old together and maybe even spend the rest of their lives until they died. Even if they do go behind bars due to murder or anything, I’d still be glad because they would always have each other regardless.
Man… if only he knew that people go to work, just like how he did. However, they would still love him just as much. This guy is so fucked up in the head that he was blinded by his own ignorance. Tony loves him, and he knows that. He just needed to go to work because he needs to get money for himself, just like the fact that he needed to get money just to find an apartment that he could afford. Why can’t he just understand such thing?
Tony really didn’t deserve that treatment from Jeffrey. He gave so much love to him that it even touched his heart and yet he still killed him. All just because he works and took that to heart. The man even had to reassure him that just because he’s not with him doesn’t mean he doesn’t love him. Bless his heart. He died trying to explain to his possibly love of his life that he still loves him even though he’s not with him.
I still cry every time I imagine that scene when he confessed. He’s really a sick man that killed someone as innocent as Tony. I know this is a show, but this is based in real life experiences. I’m still upset now, but I know he’s in a good place somewhere. Jeffrey deserves someone, but not Tony. In fact, it should be nobody at all that would give him that kind of love and then get death returned to them.
Rest in peace, Tony.
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maybankiara · 3 years
pairing: JJ Maybank x Pope Heyward
summary: Pope proposes, JJ panics, and now he’s trying to explain why he said no (and why he shouldn’t have done it.)
w/c: 3.7k
a/n: angst with a happy ending, ignore all the typos bc this is entirely unedited (i might edit in the future)
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It’s really unfair that when someone’s life falls apart, the world itself doesn’t. JJ thinks it should. It should be raining knives, hailing bullets, volcanoes should be exploding and the ground shaking shouldn’t be just his personal experience of reality. 
But it’s not even a moderately hot day. It’s breezy, it’s perfect, and it’s one of the nicest days of the fucking whole year. 
JJ hates it. 
The Chateau has only got John B and Kiara under its roof when he barges in, teeth gripping on the cap of a beer bottle. ‘Don’t ask,’ he states, then drops in the empty space between the two on the couch. His legs find their home on the coffee table and he nearly downs the bottle. Burps. Sighs, dramatically. 
He knows they’re exchanging glances, but he chooses to ignore it. 
Kie’s consoling hand lands on his shoulder. ‘What ha—’
‘Pope asked me to marry him,’ he says, ‘and I said no. And I also said I think it’s never going to happen.’
John B should’ve made a dumb comment. Kie should’ve made a sarcastic remark. But they didn’t, and they won’t, because JJ feels the gravity of the situation weighting down his lungs. (It feels like being torn up inside out, like his heart is chewing on itself out of anger, or sadness, or betrayal. It feels like the moment when your heart skips a beat and you think this is it, this is how I die, except you don’t; except you’re stuck in that moment forever.)
JJ burps. It chips at the silence, but it doesn’t break it. Kie’s hand on his shoulder is frozen and the distance between him and John B seems like an ocean. 
‘Yeah,’ says JJ. ‘I don’t think that was what he expected.’
A sigh comes from Kie, but he doesn’t look. ‘When was this?’
‘About twenty minutes ago. I drove straight here.’
‘Drunk?’ asks John B. 
‘Does it matter? I’m here now. Safe and sound.’ He lets out a dry chuckle before he can stop himself, and shakes his head. ‘Physically, anyway.’
‘You’re not drunk,’ says Kie. It sounds a little like a scoff, so JJ looks at her, but he can’t figure out what her face is saying. Tight lips scream anger, but her eyes are soft as ever, maybe a little concerned. She glances between him and John B with one of her eyebrows slightly raised. ‘He’s a heartbroken idiot, but not drunk.’
‘Ah. Understandable. Should I—’
‘You know what being a heartbroken idiot means.’ Kie pushes herself off the couch and when JJ glances at his other friend, John B’s just as confused as he is. ‘I know a thing or two about getting your heart broken for a dumb reason. You two sort that out, and I’ll make sure Pope’s okay. Let me know when you’ve knocked some sense into him.’
Before either of the boys manage to comprehend her words, she’s out the door. The Kie-shaped void on JJ’s left side feels a little odd, so he pushes himself into that side of the couch. The beer is bitter at the back of his throat; he wishes some music would be playing. 
John B calls his name, so JJ looks at him. He’s giving him the puppy eyes, trying to get him to talk, and it’s because neither of them really know how to start. (Their affection is physical, not verbal. Kie’s the one who’s good at that. Pope is—)
‘Did you panic?’ asks John B. 
JJ shakes his head. ‘Don’t think so. Not until after I’ve said it, anyway.’
‘So what happened?’
There’s a pause, JJ feels his brow furrow, and then: ‘I don’t know.’
‘…you don’t know?’
‘So you panicked.’
‘No, I didn’t, it’s—’ With a sigh, JJ accepts the momentary defeat. He glances over and sees John B’s signature stare full of indecipherable intent, but nothing less than pure kindness. They’ve had their bumps, but they always came out on top. It’s the pogue way. Even if John B wears that stupid bandanna around his neck well into his married life of his late twenties. ‘I knew the answer was no.’
It’s John B’s turn to frown. ‘You’ve thought about it?’
‘No, I just knew. Like you know the ocean is salty.’
‘You know that because you’ve tasted it before,’ counters John B. ‘I doubt you’ve been proposed to before.’
‘I could’ve been!’ 
All John B offers is a long stare yet that is enough. He’s older by only a few months, but he’s also married and didn’t say no to the proposal (granted, it was him proposing to Sarah, but still) and kind of has got his life together. He’s still JJ’s dumb older brother, but he knows something JJ doesn’t. 
‘How did you know you wanted to marry Sarah?’ 
‘Are you reconsidering your answer?’
‘No, I just—’ JJ sighs again and tries to wish another bottle into appearing in his hand. Doesn’t work. Probably for the better. He just leans his head back on the couch and stares at the ceiling, connecting the dots in his mind. ‘I don’t know what I’m doing. I just want you to tell me how you knew.’
He hears shuffling, and then feels John B’s feet in his lap. (He’s not going to comment on the boat shoes. There’s been enough deflecting. He’s got to listen, because Pope is threatening to burst into the forefront of his mind any second now.)
John B gives out the deep, heavy sigh that only comes with a slight aah whenever he’s about to tell a story. ‘When we were young, she made everything come alive. Everything looked brighter and clearer, and it was like I could finally breathe with the entirety of my lungs.’
JJ closes his eyes, trying not to gag. ‘Bro. I’m not listening to that.’
‘But that’s how I knew!’ He could just hear the grouch in his friend’s voice and now he’s threading the fine line between laughing and gagging. ‘Seriously, JJ, you asked. I don’t— I don’t know what to say. I don’t think you’re taking this seriously enough.’
‘I am.’
‘No, you’re not. You’re deflecting.’
‘Big word.’
‘See?’ John B scrunches his nose, shaking his head. His thumb and index finger grip the bridge of his nose. ‘I know you’re confused. And scared. I know you panicked when Pope asked, but I don’t think you understand how horrible is the thing you’ve done.’
‘It’s not like I broke his heart,’ scoffs JJ, but the words are flat and his heart skips another beat. He doesn’t need to look at John B to knows he’s got his head in his hands. ‘C’mon, it’s Pope. He’s tougher than he looks.’
‘Yes, but he proposed, JJ. He asked to spend the rest of his life with you and you said no!’
‘I didn’t say no to that!’ JJ flings himself off the couch and now he’s pacing around the living room of the Chateau, marching circles around the coffee table. His forehead is pulsating; he’s probably having a heart attack. That’d explain a lot. ‘I said no to getting married.’
‘That’s the same thing.’
‘It isn’t.’
‘It is.’
‘It really isn’t, John B,’ he spits out. Christ, he’s getting hot. Is that his blood boiling? ‘Marriage is… It’s taxes. It’s prenups. It’s joint bank accounts, it’s added tension, it’s fucked up. Half of the marriages don’t even last.’
(Pope’s always talked about getting married. When gay marriage was legalised, before they were together, before they were out of the closet, even then he was openly delighted about it. He’s been talking about the two of them getting married for a while now, or at least hinting at it. 
He should’ve expected it. It didn’t come out of the blue. He saw the signs, just ignored them, because… because…)
‘If you’re scared marriage is going to ruin your relationship, JJ, I’ll have you know you’ve already done that yourself.’ 
This is about the point where everything just… It comes crashing down. The world does end the way JJ wanted it to. 
He feels himself growing very, very still, like when he was younger and his father raised a hand. He feels his breath halting in his throat and ears tuning out all sound, repeating John B’s words over and over until the echo became the echo of itself. He could feel the ground opening beneath him despite not moving an inch. 
When gravity drags you down to earth, your rose-tinted glasses shatter like porcelain. 
He sees Pope’s face of shock, then laughter, then embarrassment and betrayal at once, once he’s realised JJ isn’t joking. He sees him get up from his knees, hands shaking as JJ fumbles over his words, unable to find an explanation or an excuse. He feels cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, blood turning to ice in his hands. He sees his mum leaving, his dad’s hand raised; he sees people arguing and JJ wants to cover his ears. He sees himself, alone, alone, alone. 
And he sees Pope turning his back to him. Quietly. He doesn’t even argue back. Just takes the no and i’m sorry, i can’t do this, it’s never going to happen, not like this and doesn’t say a word. Just walks away. 
It’d be easier if he screamed at JJ. At least he’d know how to deal with that. 
Pope’s heartbreak is the quiet kind, the one that doesn’t ask for attention, just the opposite. Usually JJ’s there to hold his hand, to sit by his side until Pope’s ready to talk about it, or be somewhere around, far enough so that Pope deals with things himself, but close enough so that he’s there if he’s needed. He’s never been the reason for the quiet. 
Fire replaces the ice. JJ feels like the sun itself is tearing him open. 
‘Shit,’ he says. ‘Fuck.’ Then raises his eyes until he meets John B’s, blurry and barely visible. ‘I fucked up.’
He doesn’t realise he’s shaking until his knees buckle under his weight and he stumbles to find his footing. John B shoots from the couch and pulls him into a hug, wrapping his arms around him so tight JJ couldn’t have escaped if he wanted to. He didn’t. He wanted to be held, even if by a friend. 
He doesn’t sob because the sob gets caught in his throat, too, but he lets out a cough that says all the same. ‘It would’ve been easier if you yelled at me.’
‘I know.’ John B pats his back, letting JJ rest his weight unto him. ‘Pope will understand. That’s why Kie went to talk to him. As long as you realise you’re hurting everyone by being an idiot, you can make it better.’
‘I thought—’ He stops, because his words get fumbled again, and now he’s pressing his eyes into his friend’s shoulder like he’s all he’s got. ‘I don’t want to hurt anyone again.’
‘You’re not going to, okay? Just… Marriage is not all taxes, and you gotta understand that. It’s about knowing that if they get hurt, you’ll be allowed to see them. That you can get a house together, that you can look after each other if something goes wrong. That what you have is there to stay. Think of it as a promise.’
JJ snorts, but he doesn’t let go. ‘I don’t do well with people promising things to me.’
‘Then promise it to yourself,’ counters John B. The way he puts it makes it sound it’s as easy as breathing – JJ wishes he could feel the same. ‘Promise to stay with him. Promise to be around if something bad happens, but if something good happens, too. That’s what marriage is.’
‘I already promised that,’ he says. ‘His future and mine are the same.’
‘Then what’s the problem? Marriage is just making it legal. Making it formal. When what you have is honest and true, it doesn’t change anything. It just makes things better.’
JJ pulls out, feeling confident he can stand on his own two feet. He still feels a little lightheaded, but the thought of Pope possibly thinking that spending the rest of their lives together is the last thing JJ would want… That is the last thing JJ would want. Pope hurting because of him. 
JJ can’t afford to be scared anymore; living a life half-way ready to run is not living. 
He checks his phone; it must’ve chimed at some point because there’s texts from Kie, telling him where she is with Pope. His heart skips another beat, and at this point he thinks he could have enough heartbeats for a whole new person just from the ones he missed. 
He’s not dying today. He’s not dying before he gets to live the future he’s almost ripped out of his own hands. 
When he looks up at John B, he feels the hint of a weary smile on his lips. ‘I think I’ve got a promise to make.’
It shouldn’t be a surprise JJ finds them at the Boneyard, yet it’s still quite odd to see the scenario he’s seen a million times – Kie sitting next to the sea with her feet dipped into water as her fingers splash at the waves just about reaching her, and Pope… Pope sitting on the half-dunked log that’s been here forever, with his feet bare but not quite touching the water. His head is hung low and JJ can see the strain in his shoulders even from halfway across the beach; the cap is sitting on his lap, unused, despite the sun high above their heads. 
The sight tugs at his heart and he falters in his step, but John B’s firm hand on his back encourages him forward. JJ gives a slight nod; he’s not giving up on the courage. 
It’s Pope who notices them first and he stiffens even more; JJ sees Kie pat his knee before turning around and waving at them, then saying something to Pope. JJ wishes the wind would carry her words to him – is it encouragement or telling Pope he’s better off without someone who panics and refuses the one thing they’ve always longed for?
‘Don’t.’ John B pats him on the back. ‘I see you doing your dumb thought thing.’
JJ opens his mouth to say something, but whatever it was that he meant to say, it’s gone forever. All he can do is try and keep his shoulders from slumping and hands from forming fists; he can’t allow himself to be angry at the world, or himself. 
The sand creaks underneath his feet. He hates it in this moment, because it makes him aware of every step he’s got to take to get to Pope, and the steps drag into eternity. 
Pope locks their eyes. JJ tries figuring him out, but he’s too far, and Pope’s too guarded. 
(Not against me, Pope. Please. Not against me.)
When they get there, JJ feels like fainting, but he sets his foot firmly on the ground. He’s not escaping. 
‘Hey,’ greets Kie, and John B returns the greeting. The feuded lovers stay silent, just taking each other in. 
(JJ always wished he could paint. The lines of Pope’s face are shaped as if they were meant to withstand centuries instead of being washed away with age. He wishes he could offer to Pope more than just… himself.
He’s talked about this with Pope before, though. Feeling inferior to his boyfriend was always going to be JJ’s Achilles’ heel, yet he didn’t think it would come to this. He made another promise, ages ago – to try to see himself the way Pope sees him. The way other people see him. 
To believe in himself the way he believes in other people, for once.)
The silence is heavy, but JJ forces himself to not see it that way. Instead, he looks over to Kie, to John B, and says: ‘Can you guys give us a second?’
There’s nods and then they’re off, with nothing between the couple aside from waves crashing into the shore. Pope’s head is hung and shoulders slumped, and he’s sitting on this log with one foot pulled up and resting on it, the other hanging in the water now. JJ’s fingers ache to reach across for his, but he tells himself it’s not the time. 
‘I’m sorry,’ he says. ‘Marriage scares me. I don’t know one that worked out, aside from John B and Sarah. I was raised to be on my own. Marriage means not being alone and that scared me, until I realised that… I haven’t been alone for a while now. The pogues, you… Nobody’s going anywhere. And if marriage is just a way to promise to you that I’m not going anywhere, either, and if it means so much to you, then I say let’s do it. I got scared, but never for a second did a life without you cross my mind. It’s — That’s my nightmare, Pope. Your future and mine are the same. Where you go, I follow. That’s the way things are.’
For a long time, it was JJ trying to come to terms with loving Pope – then it was Pope coming to terms with loving JJ. They’ve always loved each other, in a way, without quite saying it. It has never been the kind of love that is shouted from the rooftops – it’s the helping hand, the whispers of i got this, or you’re not alone in this, or i wish you could see yourself the way i see you. It’s the kind of love that’s etched into the air around them, existing as a part of themselves rather than something external. They’ve grown into it, shaped their lives around it.
It’s always been the beach for them. Their first kiss when they were seventeen, their first fight, their first promise to stick together through thick and thin. Every time something happened, something that mattered, etched itself into the back of JJ’s mind like the sound of his mother’s voice, it was always accompanied by the sound of waves on the shore; by the wind howling over the bay. It was always people chatting in the distance, or some music playing from a half-working speaker. It was always them, in the midst of other people’s lives. 
Pope proposed in their flat. 
When JJ drops to his knees, he doesn’t do his dumb thought thing. He doesn’t even think about it – for once, his gut isn’t telling him to run, but stay. ‘Pope Heyward.’
‘Can you let me do this?’ asks JJ. He laughs a little, shakes his head, and tries not to think about how ridiculous this looks. ‘I know I already had a monologue, but I don’t think I got my point across.’
Pope shakes his head, too; he isn’t smiling, but his eyes aren’t as strained anymore. ‘It’s okay, you don’t have to—’
‘I want to. I want this, okay? I want you to hear it.’
He can see Pope’s Adam’s apple bob, and he can see his shoulders slump in a relaxed way. The lines around his eyes soften and his lips nearly turn upwards, just a little bit. A little twitch is enough to shoot electricity to JJ’s heart. 
‘Pope, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life saying it to you. You’re my best friend, my boyfriend, and my fiancee, if you’ll have me after the shit I pulled today. Husband, then. Father of your children, because I know it’s what you’ve always wanted, and I want it, too. Whatever you’ll be, I’ll be by your side. It’s all I want. No matter what our status is, we’re always Pope and JJ. We’re always just us. And I really haven’t thought out what I’d say next because—’
Pope’s lips crash into JJ’s, his hands grasping at JJ’s face, and world pulls itself together again. When they part their foreheads lean against one another, and he can feel Pope’s breath on his lips, and he feels his hands burning on the small of Pope’s back, and he can breathe and breathe and breathe like his lungs have never worked properly before. 
(He understands John B now. Not like he’d ever admit it to him.)
He lets out a chuckle, and then he’s kissing Pope again – a small, chaste kiss, just to feel the softness of the touch. His fingers grip the back of Pope’s flannel and he’s laughing into the kiss. 
‘You’re an idiot,’ says Pope. ‘I should break up with you.’
‘Can’t. I’m too irresistible.’
‘Shut up. You’re cheesy. That entire speech would put John B to shame.’ 
JJ shakes his head again and then his thumb is tracing the line of Pope’s jaw, eyes transfixed by his lips. He almost lost this. He almost gave up everything out of fear after promising to never doing it again. (He’s making a vow, this time. It holds more weight.) ‘You loved that speech.’
Pope rolls his eyes, in the way that tells JJ he’s right. ‘Kie told me you were freaking out at the Chateau.’
‘I was,’ admits JJ. What’s the point of holding back the truth? ‘I was freaked out of my mind. I thought I’d ruined everything.’
‘You forget how well I know you, JJ. I was hurt, but I knew you would come back. Old you would run, but Kie came and said you’re at the Chateau, and you wouldn’t have gone there if you meant to run.’
‘I couldn’t ever run from you.’
‘You better.’
JJ rolls his eyes at the teasing tone in Pope’s voice, then pulls him in for a hug. It’s not long until Pope buries his face in JJ’s shoulder, and JJ kisses the side of his head. ‘I do want to marry you, if you’ll have me.’
There’s a pause and JJ feels Pope chuckle against his neck, shivering a little. ‘What is it that you said? My future and yours are the same? That better be in your vows, John B.’
‘Shut up.’ JJ feels himself burning, neck up this time, and tries to laugh it off. ‘I get to be cheesy once.’
‘Just save it for the wedding. I’d like to hear it again.’
JJ angles his body so there’s some space between them; he doesn’t hesitate before planting another kiss on Pope’s lips, reveling in the ease of movement. This is what coming home feels like, and if this is what future has in store for him, who is he to complain?
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goldcoastdreams · 5 years
'It seems OK to bully Christians these days': the people backing Folau
By Karen Tong Updated July 02, 2019 11:08:44
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Photo: Michael Kellahan of Christian legal thinktank Freedom for Faith. (ABC News: Karen Tong) Israel Folau has become a pariah to some, yet more than 20,000 people threw a combined $2 million in support behind his crowdfunding campaign in just two days. The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) hosted the crowdfunding campaign and dubbed these donors the "quiet Australians". So who are these people and what do they hope their donation will achieve? 'Our freedom is slowly being taken' "The support for Folau is broad," said Michael Kellahan, executive director of Christian legal thinktank Freedom for Faith. External Link:Michael Kellahan tweet "People are saying 'we are concerned, we think there's been an injustice here, and we want that to be remedied'. "This is someone who deserves their day in court. This is not just about him but about freedom for all of us, and therefore they just want to chip in." Scott Morrison has weighed in When asked about the Folau case on 7.30, Prime Minister Scott Morrison was reluctant to address particulars but promised a religious discrimination act by the end of the year, and called religious freedom a "core pillar" of Australian society. "I think there are many millions of Australians who would like to see that protected, and I intend to follow through on that commitment," Mr Morrison said. Mr Kellahan claims some Muslims, atheists, and even gay people have contacted him to say they donated to the fund, not because they agree with Folau "but because they're more concerned about the silencing". The ABC has not sighted these messages. But the majority of donations were made by Christians, many of them frustrated by accusations of homophobia and bigotry. "Whenever we talk about religious freedom it's in scare quotes, or it's seen as a byword for bigotry that that's your real agenda," Mr Kellahan said. The shutting down of Folau's GoFundMe campaign by site administrators caused many of his supporters to double down in their fight for religious freedom. Meet Folau's supporters John Doyle, 72, a retired pastor, redirected his refunded donation from Folau's GoFundMe page to the ACL's campaign.
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Photo: Janelle Jackson said her "heart broke" when the GoFundMe appeal was taken down. (Supplied: Janelle Jackson) "As a Christian, the reality is that I am tolerant, non-discriminatory and inclusive, because I allow all people the freedom to hold whatever beliefs they wish to follow provided I also have the same freedom to hold my beliefs," Mr Doyle said. "Freedom of religion should mean freedom to disagree with another person's worldview, but still allow the other person to hold their view." Janelle Jackson, a 55-year-old retiree, wrote in a Facebook comment that her heart broke when the GoFundMe page was shut down. "As a Christian, I believe our freedom to speak and believe in God's Word is being slowly taken from us," she said. "In this world, many people can post offensive and defamatory things about our political leaders and anyone else they please, but the moment a Christian paraphrases a quote from the Bible he's getting fired from his job."
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Photo: David Stennett doubled his donation after the GoFundMe was taken down. (ABC News: Karen Tong) David Stennett, 41, a media and sales manager, doubled his donation to the ACL's fund, and started following the organisation on Facebook, "which I had no intention of before", he says. In a video he posted on YouTube, he says: "Let that sink in. Tomorrow you can't go back to your job and you've got no earning capacity for the skill you've developed over your lifetime, it's now wiped, it's gone, that's pulled out from under you." The criticism of Maria Folau supporting her husband on social media by posting a link to his fundraising pages was another flashpoint. "People just said 'no, that absolutely crossed the line'," Mr Kellahan said. External Link:Liz Ellis tweet: Yeah nah not good enough. How about this: There is no room for homophobia in our game. Anyone who is seen to support or endorse homophobia is not welcome. As much as I love watching @MariaFolau play netball I do not want my sport endorsing the views of her husband. His phone was buzzing non-stop with texts and notifications from people expressing their concern over Liz Ellis's tweet. "For me personally, that was the most significant moment in the debate." Test case Folau's supporters believe this will be the first major test case that addresses the tension between two rights LGBTQI rights and religious freedom that has been of particular concern to some Christians since same-sex marriage was legalised. "What do you do now when the law on marriage changes, but people's beliefs don't?" Mr Kellahan said. The Folau decision will likely impact the political debate around the religious freedom bill, which the Attorney-General says will be put to Parliament in July. "There is an agenda for reform in this area," Mr Kellahan said. "I think post-election, you do have a chastened Labor party that's wanting to connect with its base. "The worst thing they could do would be just to follow the commentators who have been wanting to do nothing but condemn Folau from the start, because they're out of step with where many of the electorates are at."
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Photo: Israel Folau will be taking Rugby Australia to court. (AAP: Joel Carrett) 'It seems OK to bully Christians these days' Speaking with Christians, it's clear they feel this issue is not limited to the workplace. "There is always an attack on Christians in the media and society, and it seems to be OK to bully someone for being a Christian these days," said Melissa McLeay, a 30-year-old aged care worker who donated to Folau's fund. She's been on the receiving end of this on social media, "being told I believe in a fairytale story and that I don't take science seriously". Gold Coast electrician Paul Richmond, 47, is another donor who believes there's been a shift in how Christian views, particularly on gender and marriage, have been received by the public since the same-sex-marriage vote. "The isolation and personal attack on any individual who has the temerity to state the biblical viewpoint has been licensed by the acceptance of same-sex marriage," he said. Mr Richmond recalls that during the same-sex marriage campaign, "labels like homophobic were readily used to marginalise and silence any alternate view". "This has continued." Some want attention to be focused elsewhere Some believers have addressed criticism that Christians donating to Folau's fund should instead be giving to causes such as the feeding the hungry, helping the poor, or caring for sick children. Gabrielle Moore, a 28-year-old dairy farmer, said in a Facebook post:
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Photo: Gabrielle Moore made a point of recognising how much Christians donate to other causes. (Supplied: Gabrielle Moore) "Please remember the billions of dollars Christians give and countless hours spent volunteering, not just here in Australia but all around the world," she wrote. "At the end of the day, even after they've donated to fund Israel's legal fees, Christians will continue donating and helping the needy." She said she wrote this comment to "remind people Christian charity did not begin nor will it end with Folau's case". This is not a marginal view Mr Kellahan rejected the idea this was a reactionary, right-wing movement, pointing to the 20,000 people who had donated to Folau's fund already. "The thing that's been surprising to me has been the breadth of support, the way it's picked up people who have been more traditionally left, and other faith groups," he said. There are many more in the wings waiting to join them, including Ms Moore, who says she will donate if the ACL reopens the Folau fund. "Having the freedom to believe but not to express is not freedom at all," Ms Moore said. "Since this case directly affects me, I feel it is my duty to support him." Topics:christianity,religion-and-beliefs,community-and-society,rugby-union,sport,law-crime-and-justice,australia First posted July 02, 2019 09:00:20 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-02/whos-donating-to-folau-meet-christian-supporters/11263502
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to-learn-of-living · 7 years
What this ‘Loving and Respectful Debate’ Might Feel Like for Someone who’s LGBTQI+
Australia will soon vote on same sex-marriage, and many people in the ‘no’ side, especially Christians, think they are being extremely loving in the way they are ‘respectably debating’ the issue.
I’ve decided to reverse this, and try to get no voters to walk a mile in a gay person’s shoes. This is similar to what you’d be hearing if the situation was reversed.
Dear my heterosexual friends.
I love you and respect you. I hope you understand that I have your best interests at heart. You are a child of God, and I want to see you whole and in relationship with Him. It’s just not possible for that to happen if you remain straight though. You are clearly living in sin, unless you repent from your wicked ways and come into full relationship with God.
Now I know some of you think you are following God. But that’s a lie from the devil. Please know how much I struggled to write this. I debated for hours, not wanting to hurt you. But I finally decided your short term pain was worth it if you realise the truth. I know you’ve spent years pouring over these scriptures, but it’s obvious to me that a straightforward reading of scripture is needed, and your understanding is wrong and the devil has led you astray.
No one is born straight. That’s a lie that society tells you. I know you’ve told me you get put down/yelled at/hurt on a daily basis, but that’s just your way of seeking attention. If you truely knew the love God has for you, you wouldn’t need to find your identity in heterosexuality. Instead, you’d live as the amazing gay person you were designed to be!
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source: Google Images
As such, I’m sorry to inform you I will be voting no to the upcoming vote on legalising heterosexual marriage. It’s just not God’s will for you to be married to someone of the opposite sex. It’s unnatural. And I can’t lovingly let you sin in that way. Yes, I know you’re already in a straight relationship, but you should just settle for a civil union. Marriage is something sacred that can only be shared between two men or two women. Not a man and a women.
What precedence are we setting for our children if we let a men and a women marry? They might think it’s normal for a man and a women to have a relationship. Then we’ll have children becoming straight all over the place. It’s just a super slippery slope. I’m sorry, I say this in love, but it’s just not natural for that to happen.
I know this vote isn’t about parental rights, but I fear it will affect them. I know you are already allowed to have children, and there’s no scientific research that says children do any differently raised by straight or gay parents, but I have found a few fringe researchers who say kids do worse with you.
After all it’s common sense. Children raised from birth by abusive biological heterosexual parents always want to return to those parents when they are put into foster care. Clearly straight people brainwash children into believing that abuse is a necessary part of family life. This is just abhorrent. This proves people like you can’t be trusted with children. Only gay people should be parents - because they have to go through rigorous police checks before they are deemed fit to adopt. Or in the case of lesbians, they will only seek IVF when they are truely ready to start a family. But straight people have unwanted babies all the time, proving they can’t be trusted with children.
Straight marriage was a communist agenda too. All communists states allowed heterosexual marriage, and communists were evil. Nazis were also evil, and they also allowed heterosexual marriage. But the Nazi’s tried to exterminate gay people, so clearly same-sex marriage is good.
But in all honestly, I know you don’t really want to be married. Not deep down. I know at least 8 straight people who hate the idea of marriage. I know others who plan to get married just to be in an ‘open marriage’ where they can have sex with whoever they like. Still others are ‘swingers’ where they share their spouses with other married couples. This proves all straight people are only interested in sex. You need to give up your sexual fetishes if you truely want to know God better.
In other countries that have allowed straight marriage, we see chaos. Heterosexuals commit more crime than gay people! The majority of pedophiles are straight! Some church denominations are even allowing straight marriage! This can’t be allowed!
I don’t mean to imply you do these terrible things by the way, I just love you enough to warn you of the type of people you’re associating with.
As I said, I love you my friend. Please know that I believe in you, as the wonderful gay child of God I know He made you to be. I’m praying for the day you are transformed into a gay person. There is no evidence that this has ever worked, and almost everyone who says they are ‘cured’ later recount their testimony, but I just can’t accept that God created you straight. So therefore the problem has to be in you and not with my theology.
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source: Google Images
I want you to know that I love you and support you in this time. I will do this by voting in the most loving way I know how - for you not to be able to sin by marrying someone of the opposite sex.
Grace and Love.
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