#he thinks that actually my insurance will cover name brand
hybridzizi · 1 month
Today when I called the Costco pharmacy I got directed through three people who each told me different things about whether they had Adderall. The last person told me that they did have brand name, but not generic and he would try to get me some brand name stuff, but it was running out.
I don't know if he will be able to. I don't know why the previous two people didn't offer me the name brand. I have called every day for the last 3 days and have said every time that I do not care if they send me name brand or generic I just need something. No I do not know if my insurance covers name brand but I will pay out of pocket if I need to if I can just get my meds, please.
So, hopefully I will manage to snag some before it runs out. Glad this dude thought to actually check for the thing I was begging them to check. Pretty frustrated by the implication that no one else has been doing this.
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I'm still finishing up Chapter Nine for TWtIWY, but I figured I would work on some Omegaverse Stancest trash and see if y'all want some more. I'm back on my bullshit besties.
Stanley looks awful. Dreadful. Terrible. 
Multiple synonyms arise in Ford’s mind, but it doesn’t change the fact that his twin is currently lying in a hospital bed, beaten within an inch of his life, covered in mottled bruises, and far too thin. 
“Stan, you idiot,” Ford breathes. It’s been years - ten long, tortuous years to be precise - and Stan’s living situation must have been far worse than his own. Briefly, he had wondered what Stanley was up to, before pushing that thought down into the depths of his subconscious. God. This is his fault. If only he had listened, if only he hadn’t been so convinced of his superiority that Stan deserved a good punch to the face. If Ford wasn’t such a fucking imbecile, Stan wouldn’t be here. 
He tastes salt. When did he start crying? Ford wipes his face hastily. The beep of the heart monitor goes on, droning in and out along with the sound of Stan’s breathing. 
Stan appears to open his mouth, attempting to get more air into his undoubtedly crushed rib cage. And then, a weak “Stanford?” reaches his ears. 
“I’m here. I’m - Stanley, I’m so sorry -” 
“You came.” Stan’s eyes flutter open, bloodshot sclera doing nothing to hide the deep, rich, awe-filled brown of his irises. 
“Of course I did.” 
““Didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” Stan slurs, the words stumbling over one another. “You’ve grown up.” 
Ford lets out a shaky, almost timid laugh. “It’s been a while. You have as well.” 
“No, I mean,” Stan squints, attempting to move his arm - the one not in the cast -  and says, “you’ve gotten, y’know.” 
“I don’t know, actually.” 
“Pretty.” The word leaves Stan’s lips carelessly. “Prettiest O I’ve ever seen.” 
Ford blinks, stares, and blinks again. What? “Stanley, I think you’re -” 
“Stanford Pines?” 
He turns, facing the doctor that called earlier. Dr. Maheswaran, according to her badge: tall, thin and beta. Utterly professional. “It may be best to discuss your brother’s condition outside.”  
Stan makes a discontented sound, nearly a growl, and the hair on the back of Ford’s neck stands up. This is … not good. Not good at all. 
"I'll be back."
The hallway of the hospital, small and sterile, has a tile on the floor out of place. Ford stares at it, feeling suddenly tired, his earlier manic, desperate energy fading. It powered him through the drive from Gravity Falls to Sacramento, but every energy reserve has to run out sometime.
“He’s stable, much more so than when he first came in. His injuries will take a while to heal, but there’s no internal hemorrhaging or organ failure, and he’s not concussed. However,” Dr. Maheswaran's tone grows serious, “he’s been skipping suppressants. I assume it has to do with lack of coverage by insurance, but he should be taking ten milligrams of AR daily -” 
“It’s the brand name, but any suppressant will do. Given your twin’s decreased medical access, it’s imperative that he take a form of suppressant, ideally with scent blockers or synthetic hormonal contraceptives.” 
“I don’t understand,” Ford says, helplessly. “I haven’t seen Stanley in ten years. We were estranged. The last time we talked, he hadn’t even presented, and even then, his test results indicated he would be beta.” 
“Stanley is an Alpha. It’s not too uncommon for Alpha presentations to occur later than those of beta and Omegas. You’re an Omega, unbonded and unmated. Stanley has indicated his preference to stay with you during his recovery. Given his age and presumably close proximity to you, pre-Rut symptoms will most likely occur within the next few weeks.”
Ford swallows. It all makes sense. Stan’s sudden displeasure when he left, his immediate detection of Ford’s own status (no doubt due to increased olfactory senses), how, despite his current condition, he’s broad and retained some muscle in his arms. Alpha.
He’s in over his head. 
Dr. Maheswaran regards him, her gaze softening. “This is a lot to take in at once. I … heard the comment he made towards you. If you would prefer to have him stay elsewhere -” 
“No, it’s just,” he feels his cheeks heat, “it’s probably the painkillers. He didn’t mean that.” 
“If you’re certain.” 
“I am. No one would mean that, not with my hands.” Omega and unable to be courted, what an ironic twist of fate, Ford thinks, bitterly. He doesn’t want Stan to say sweet nothings. Not if he’s the only, or rather, only convenient Omega around. 
That settles it. 
“Stanley can stay with me. I assure you, nothing will happen.”
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scuttling · 3 years
All I Have To Give
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader Word Count: 5,096 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Daddy kink, Dom/sub, Collar & leash, Oral sex, Deep throating, Restraints, Fingering, Cockwarming, Spanking, Unprotected sex, Come marking, Subspace, Subdrop, Aftercare Summary: A difficult case brings complex emotions, and Aaron is willing to do anything to help the woman he loves process them. *Prompted by @ssamorganhotchner and @angelhotchner and this Link to AO3 or read below! Even after all of his time at the BAU, Aaron knows he hasn’t seen it all, or even close to it—it seems like the atrocities just get worse every year, that humans never fail to find a new way to hurt one another, and that makes him and everyone else on the team constantly question everything they know. He’d like to say it gets easier, but it really doesn’t; you just find new ways to lean on your partners, new ways to cope with the horrors and indecencies the world has to offer.
The case they are currently working on is hitting one profiler especially hard, and because Aaron happens to be in love with her, it’s hitting him hard as well.
“I just can’t imagine waking up one morning and thinking you have your whole life ahead of you, and then some asshole decides he likes the way you look and wants to turn you into his property,” she murmurs that night when they are laying together in the hotel room they share. She had been so strong all day, as always, and then all but collapsed into tears the second the door was closed behind them. “It’s disgusting.”
“I know, baby; cases like these are some of the worst.” He rubs her back with strong hands, pulls her close to his chest. “What can I do for you? I hate to see you like this.” She sniffles, brushes a hand over her eyes, shakes her head.
“I don’t think there’s anything right now. Just being here with me like this, and talking to me, it’s helping. Thank you.” He sighs, because he knows when she gets this upset just talking it out isn’t usually enough, but he has to follow her lead; he just leans in to press his lips to hers, gentle and sweet, and she curls her fingers into his t-shirt and falls asleep with her head against his chest.
The next day, they apprehend the unsub after a standoff; unfortunately, he’d killed the girls when he heard on the police scanner that law enforcement was approaching—all twelve of them. She is the one to find them, and she gets sick, a first in her five years at the BAU. Aaron goes to her side, brings some water for her; her eyes are haunted when she looks up at him.
“Branded,” she croaks, and he doesn’t understand at first, until he looks more closely at the pile of bodies and sees the marks seared into their hips: DM—the unsub’s initials. He exhales deeply, and she turns around and gets sick again.
They take him back to the precinct, try to get a DNA sample, but he won’t agree until his lawyer is present; his story is that his property has been unoccupied for some time, and that he had no idea the girls were being held there, or by whom.
Aaron knows he shouldn’t let her interrogate him. He knows that, but she pleads, and that is something he’s always been unable to resist.
“Branding, huh? Are you that insecure—that worried that the women you called your property wanted nothing to do with you?” she asks, standing with her arms crossed.
“Do you mean my herd? I didn’t just call them my property, honey. They were my property. I owned them. The brands are for everyone else, not for me.” She slams her hands down on the table, sweeps them over the photos she’d laid out in front of him, and they go fluttering to the ground. He can’t see her face, but he knows from her tone that her jaw is clenched, her eyes ablaze.
“You did not own them. Ownership is granted, not taken, you pathetic excuse for a man.” He flexes his hands against the cuffs fixed to the table but says nothing. “You are so powerless that this is the only way you can get it up, isn’t it? By stealing women from their families, their lives, and pretending they’re yours.”
“They are mine!” he shouts, but then he takes a deep breath, visibly calming himself. “I took… the herd, from their meaningless, mundane lives, I brought them home, I gave them purpose. Being my property gave them value they didn’t have before.”
“And then you killed them, so what’s the value now? How dumb do you look?” She gets right up in his face, and hateful, misogynistic poison glints in his eyes, shows through the calm facade he tries so desperately to project. “It’s like burning your own house down, isn’t it? Only there’s no insurance money to collect here, Darren. All that’s left is your stupid ass and a pile of bodies with your fucking name on them.”
“Don’t call me stupid,” he mutters, and she drums her fingers on the tabletop, almost thoughtfully.
“What would you call it? Risking everything to abduct twelve women only to turn around and kill them so they can’t tell us what a pitiful human being you are?” She leans in closer, and he turns his neck to face away from her, like he’s trying to ignore her. “But the thing is, I don’t need them to tell me,” she whispers. “I know you were a disappointment to your father, a disgrace to your mother. I know the disgusting, depraved things you did to your sister, and now the whole world’s going to know. I’m going to tell everyone.”
Aaron can see the change in him from where he stands on the other side of the glass, and he glances at Morgan, then makes for the door. He’s just gotten it open when the man pulls back and spits on her cheek; she freezes, then reaches up, wipes it off, calm and collected, and grabs his jaw with the hand not covered in saliva.
“Guess what, Darren? You’re my property, now. Your ass belongs to the US Government, and I’m going to personally ensure you never see the light of day again.” She holds her hand up—covered in DNA evidence—and walks past Aaron, out the door. She is unusually quiet on the flight back to DC despite the successful interrogation, pensive and solitary; even on the ride from the airport back home she just leans toward him, silent, hand resting on his thigh, her eyes unfocused.
He knows how hard this case hit her, can only hope that she will open up to him when they get home so he can give her what she needs to get through it. He will do anything, just needs to hear it from her.
“Why don’t we take a bath?” he says softly when they get home, dropping their bags in the laundry room, and he brushes a hand over her cheek. “We can soak the day away, and then maybe if you’re feeling better we can talk about what I can do to help.”
She looks up at him, nods, and they rid each other of their clothes and he draws them a bath, hot and foamy with calming aromatherapy oils she enjoys. She lays along his body, curled up, head on his chest, and he holds her close, massages the back of her neck and her shoulders with gentle fingers.
When they get out and dry off, she heads for her closet, returns with a box as tall as a thick book, a little less wide; she sets it on the bed, perches next to it, and looks up at him with expectant eyes.
“What’s this, baby?” he asks, approaching, and he kneels down, puts his arm around her and sets a hand on the box. “Is it for me?”
“Yes, daddy. It’s for you to put on me. I bought it a few weeks ago, but I… I need it now.” He lifts the lid, pulls out what he thinks at first is a wrist cuff but is actually a thick leather collar, with two metal rings attached to the front, and a… a leash. It’s made of metal chain, not long, with a leather loop to hold, and to say he’s caught off guard by this gift would be an understatement.
“You want me to put this on you? Can I ask why?” She moves toward him, puts her hands on the collar too, looks up at him with wide, wet eyes.
“Because I’m not my own person. You own me.” She tilts her neck, bares it, clearly waiting for him to put it on her, but what she’s saying doesn’t sit right with him, too many parallels to the case that made her so physically and mentally unwell.
“Baby, you are your own person. I love you for exactly who you are, and I would never try to own you, to take who you are away from you.” He presses his palm to her cheek, and she leans into it, kisses it with soft, gentle lips.
“It’s not you taking, daddy, it’s me giving. I need to give this to you—it’s the most important thing I have, and I need you to let me give this to you.” He exhales deeply, still not sold on the idea; she may think she wants this in the moment, feeling low as she is, but, what if she changes her mind? What if she no longer trusts his judgement because he plays into this when she’s not at her most clear-headed?
“Are you sure?” he asks, looking into her eyes, checking them for hesitation, but she only nods; he moves his hand from her cheek, gently pulls the collar out of her grip and brings it to her throat, buckles it at the nape of her neck. She sighs, something like relief when he leans back; she wets her lips, and her eyes are heavy.
“You own me, daddy. I’m yours, see?” She tilts her neck again, but all he sees is that it’s tight against her skin, maybe uncomfortably so. He frowns.
“Is it too tight? It looks too tight. I think we should take it off; maybe we can try again another night, when you didn’t have such a hard day.” He moves his hands to the back of her neck, wants to unbuckle it, but she gets upset almost instantly, looking down at her empty hands like they’re causing her pain. He covers them with his own, shushes her softly. “Oh, what is it, sweet girl? Daddy’s right here, it’s okay.”
“I just wanted to please you, daddy. Your name is on me, and I thought you would like it, but if you don’t want me this way…” That makes him pause, and he brings her hands to his lips, kisses them.
“What do you mean, my name is on you? What does that mean, baby?” She pulls her hand out of his, moves her hair out of the way, and then he sees it: his initials, AH, embossed on the collar in silver script.
God, it’s no wonder she had such a visceral reaction to the branding. And it’s no wonder she is stressing wanting to give this to him, when the other women had their choices taken from them. She has a choice, and she’s making it, and all he has to do is accept the gift she’s trying so hard to give to him.
“Please, daddy. I need to give this to you,” she murmurs, further solidifying what he now knows, and he wraps the chain around his hand, pulls it tight, tugs her close for a kiss.
The easy way the tension leaves her body at the possessive gesture makes him groan, and he kisses her so long and hard that—between the kissing and the collar—she is already in subspace when he pulls back to let them catch their breath.
“You’re mine, baby girl; my name is on you. I own you.” She pants, nods, puts her hands on his shoulders and looks into his eyes, so grateful, beautiful.
“Yes, daddy. Thank you, daddy. I’m yours so tell me what to do and I’ll do it, anything. Please.” He kisses her again, then climbs onto the bed, loosens his grip on the chain a bit and pulls her with him as he lays back against the pillows. Her gaze is warm, brilliant, and he guides her to kneel between his legs, drops the leash and takes the black hair tie off of her wrist to sweep her hair back into a ponytail. It’s by no means perfect, but she likes when he does it, knows what it means; she’s already staring at his cock, and he’s willing to bet her mouth is watering in anticipation.
“I want you to suck for me, sweet girl. Owned girl.” Her eyelashes flutter and she wets her lips, nods enthusiastically. She wraps one hand around his cock, presses the other against his thigh, and he picks up the chain again, tightens it as she drops to cover him with her mouth.
She starts with short, wet, slow strokes, looking up at him through her pretty lashes, and he’s reduced to just his love for her and his need to come, as always when she does this for him. He moans softly, reaches down a hand to squeeze her breast, to give her some contact and pleasure, and she whines, moves a little faster.
He wasn’t planning to come this way, but he can think of plenty of ways to keep her occupied and feeling good while he recovers, so he wraps the chain around his hand one more time, guides her down, so she’ll take him deeper. She can do it, has been trained at her own request, because almost nothing makes her wetter than having her mouth full of his cock.
“Good girl, you’re doing so good for daddy. Can I come down your throat, baby? Can you take it?” She nods, bobs, and he yanks the chain just to see what she will do.
It turns her into a bit of a feral little monster, humping her hips against nothing, digging her nails into his thigh, doubling down on her efforts to make him come, and he just tips his head back and enjoys it, pinches her nipple between his fingers.
“Yes, sweet girl. So close. Keep moving your hips, baby; horny, desperate girl. Daddy will let you come soon, just keep going.” Perfect woman that she is, she hums around him, takes him deeper yet; the chain is wound so far around his hand he thinks absently that he may as well just hold onto her collar, and when he hooks his finger around the metal ring she looks up at him and moans.
He comes holding onto that ring, and when she is finished swallowing for him he pulls her up by it, kisses her passionately, gratefully, and whispers praise against her lips; she is soaking wet, he can feel it where she is sprawled on his stomach, so he guides her to lay back on the bed and leans in for a couple more kisses.
“That was perfect, my sweet, owned girl. Did you like that?” He holds the chain loose and rubs two fingers over her clit, and she bucks up, nods her head.
“Yes, owner daddy. I love when you let me take you that far. It makes me achy,” she whines, and he spreads her thighs apart, very wide, presses a finger inside.
“I know, baby. I can feel how soft and wet you are for daddy. I want you to come on my fingers next, okay?”
“Yes, please, I want to. Want to come on them hard for you.” He leans in for a sweet, soft kiss, slides his finger out of her, then takes her hands and brings them together under her chin, wraps the chain around her wrists so they’re loosely bound, holding the handle in his fist. She moans like he’s destroying her, though he’s barely touched her, but when he slips two fingers inside her she just gasps softly and throws her head back, her stomach tensing.
“Such a pretty girl for me. I’m so lucky you’re all mine.” He is calm—or at least, he’s projecting calm—where she is keyed up, eager, desperate, and he always loves it like this, loves to see how much he can tease her, how long she will hold out until she’s begging for him to fuck her with his hand. “Can you stay still for me? I wonder how long you can stay still for me, sweet girl.”
“Mmm, daddy.” Her chest is heaving as he thrusts his fingers slowly in, then out, then rubs them up her pussy, between her lips, and then thrusts them back in. It’s got to be torture for her, but she just breathes. “I can stay still, daddy. I can do whatever you ask.”
He closes his eyes briefly, collects himself so he doesn’t let all that power go to his head, and pushes his fingers into her a bit faster just to watch her struggle to behave.
“Does that feel good, daddy’s girl?” She bites her lip and nods, offers him a strained god, yes, so he adds another finger; the fact that she can speak at all means she’s far too coherent for his liking. He leans up for a kiss, brushes his nose over her throat, along the edge of the collar, right where his initials are, and she lifts her hips but stops herself, whimpers. “Oh, baby, what is it? Are you needy?” he whispers in her ear.
“Needy, please daddy,” she pleads softly, her eyes focused on him when he pulls back to look at her face, but also a little far away at the same time. “Please, please, I need to come. I need to come, I’m achy.”
“Shh, it’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ll make you come, sweet girl.” He presses their mouths together a couple times, losing his composure a little as she loses hers, and then he moves down between her open legs and rubs his tongue over her clit while pounding his fingers inside.
She is unable to resist moving her hips as she gets closer to climax, and he pulls away, pausing to look up into her eyes again. They’re very hazy now, and she’s whining high in her throat at the sudden lack of stimulation.
“If you don’t stay still, daddy will have to spank you, baby girl. Do you understand?” She nods lazily, and he taps his hand against her pussy, a couple of light slaps just to get her attention. She blinks, makes eye contact, and he asks again. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, daddy.” She flicks her tongue over her lips, closes her eyes, and he leans back in to roll his tongue over her clit, fingers moving quickly in and out of her. She remains still for about thirty seconds and then slams down hard against his hand, and from there she doesn’t stop. “Oh please, please. So close, please daddy,” she begs, pressing into the thrusts, and just when she is starting to come he wraps his hand around the chain around her wrists, tugs her body up so he can reach her mouth, and kisses her deep and wet while he fucks her through her orgasm.
She comes hard as promised, soaking his hand, moaning into the kiss—probably due to the fact that he’s holding her up by the leash, because displays of strength make her feel extremely submissive—and when she is through he lays her gently back, unwinds the chain and kisses her wrists.
“Good girl, you did so well. Daddy is so proud.” He leans up to press easy kisses to her cheeks and mouth, and she wraps her arms around his neck, making soft noises of contentment against his lips. “I love you so much, sweetheart. I love making you feel good. Do you love making me feel good?”
He knows she does, but likes to hear it, even when it’s just a sigh like the one she gives him now—he knows what all of her sounds mean, when she’s so deeply sunken into subspace that she's all begging and soft noises and daddy.
“Yeah, I know you do, sweetheart. Are you ready for me to come inside you? Daddy comes inside because he owns you.”
“Daddy, mmm,” she breathes, and he gets up on his knees, spreads them, and drapes her thighs over his, slides in easily because she is still so open and slick. He wraps one hand around her thigh and brings the other to the chain hooked to her collar, loops it around his forearm, and thrusts quick and smooth, grunting when she grabs his wrists and bucks her hips against him. “Oh, fuck. Oh.” She gasps when he pulls on the chain a little harder, bounces roughly against his thighs and whimpers her pleasure, then drops a hand to her pussy and rubs as he slams into her with equal desperation.
“Yes baby, fuck daddy. Good girl, rubbing your little pussy; if I come before you, you’ll have to wait a while, so I hope you get off first.” She whines unhappily at that, rubs faster, her head tipped back, and when he squeezes her breast with the hand holding the handle of the leash she wraps her legs tightly around his thighs and comes with his name on her lips.
It doesn’t take long for him to follow: he takes his hands off of her completely, since she’s holding on to him with her legs, and fucks her hard, pulling on the chain and muttering praise until he spills deep inside her. She is breathless, still but for the rise and fall of her chest, and he takes a moment before pulling out, unwrapping the chain from around his arm and encouraging her to turn onto her stomach.
She complies easily, looks fucked-out and spent, and he kisses along her spine, between her shoulder blades when he slides back into her.
“Again, daddy?” she asks, barely a whisper, and he runs his hands over her body, soft and soothing, leans in to put his weight against her back, his mouth at her ear.
“Not yet, baby girl, but I want to stay inside you, okay? How are you feeling?” She turns her head for a kiss, hums.
“Fuzzy. Good.” He kisses her again and moves his lips to her jaw, then her neck, right up against the collar.
“Is it uncomfortable? Too tight?” he asks softly. He doesn’t want to upset her by suggesting they take it off, but he’s been rough with it, so he wants to check.
“No, owner daddy. It’s perfect.” She gets her arm out from beneath her, reaches it around his neck and pulls him close, nuzzles against his throat. “I love you and I love being owned by you.”
“I love you, baby girl, and I love owning you. You’ve given me everything.”
This may have started as something to do to get her through the lingering effects of the case, but he would be lying if he said he doesn’t see and feel the value in the voluntary transfer of power, how easily she gave herself to him, willingly, completely. He kisses her again, sweet and slow, and then leans up, puts his hands on her ass, massages it.
“Do you need anything?” She murmurs yes, and he smiles a little to himself, rubs a hand up her back. “Thank you for telling me, baby. What can daddy do for you?”
“I need to be spanked, daddy. I couldn’t hold still.” She slides up to her hands and knees, knees spread wide, and though he’s no longer hard inside her, he doesn’t see that being a problem for long.
“That’s right. Good girl for reminding me.” He squeezes her ass, then lightly taps it, and she whimpers. “You were too horny, you couldn’t stay still. I’m not mad,” he promises with another tap. “I know how you get when I touch your pussy: you become such a messy, needy, desperate baby. You can’t help yourself.” She sighs, presses her ass back against him and tilts her head back a little.
“Can’t help myself, daddy,” is all she says, voice breathy and short, and he picks up the leash, holds it loosely along the length of her spine, and smacks her hard on the ass with an open palm.
She gasps, digs her fingers into the bedding, braces herself for more impact; by the sixth, she is grinding against him, panting and whining, her ass an angry red. She’s drenched in slick, and he’s hard again, so he grabs her ass roughly with both hands and thrusts a few times before spanking her a seventh time.
“Fuck daddy, yes daddy,” she moans, pushing eagerly into his thrusts; she fucks herself on his cock even when he’s still, even when his hands come down hard on her already irritated skin. “Mmh. I’m bad, daddy. I’m bad and I’m not perfect, but you still love me.” He exhales deeply, because he knows his girl well, and he knows this means she will be dropping, hard, as soon as she comes; he mentally prepares for the worst, just in case.
“You’re not bad, sweetheart, you are so good; not just to me, but to everyone.” He moves one hand to her hip, holds her steady, then grabs the chain with the other hand and pulls her closer while he pounds inside her. “And no, you’re not perfect, but you’re perfect for daddy; you’re smart, and sweet, and so beautiful, and I love you.” He drapes himself over her back, tugs on the chain so she will meet him for a gentle kiss, their lips so soft in contrast to the way their bodies meet, eager for release. “I love you, baby. Come and let daddy take care of you. Daddy will make it all better.”
She reaches back for him, covers his hand with hers and takes a deep, shuddering breath; it’s only a matter of time before the tears fall, and he would like to be holding her by then, so he curls his hand around to rub at her clit, murmurs reassurances and repeats that he’s got her, and she comes trembling, gasping beneath him.
He kisses her shoulders, thrusts a few more times and then pulls out to come on her hot, marked ass; breathless, he eases her body down onto the bed, leans up to brush her hair back and unbuckle the collar, sets it aside.
“That’s it, sweet girl. Time to rest and let daddy take care of you. You did so well for me, baby. You gave me everything; I will be so careful with it.” He squeezes his eyes shut, feels so much emotion for the sensitive, thoughtful, incredible woman beneath him it makes his chest ache. He brings a hand to her ass, rubs his come in, knows that it stings—but they both like this, and he knows she will expect it, would feel somehow inadequate if he didn’t. He presses a kiss to her lower back. “I’m going to get you some water, good girl. Amazing, special girl. Be right back.”
He grabs a pillow, brings it to her head and lifts it up so she’s pressed comfortably against it, then gives her a peck on the cheek and heads to the kitchen for water and a snack. When he returns, she’s clutching the pillow, turned to face the door so she can see him enter. He pulls her close, sits her up enough to give her a few sips of water, then sets down the glass and holds her against his chest, soft and shivering slightly in his arms.
“I know we just had a bath earlier, but would you like another? Or a shower?” He tugs the blanket loose and wraps it around them, rocks her a little. Gently removing the ponytail holder from her hair, he shakes it loose with his fingers, rubs her throat where the collar left a slight indentation. “Sweet, owned girl, I will give you anything you need, always. Just tell me when you’re ready.”
She cries, clutching at him, and he soothes her, squeezes her, moves his hands through her hair and brushes the tears off of her face; when the sobbing slows, he reaches carefully for tissues on the bedside table, dries her eyes and helps her blow her nose, then gives her more water. She looks a little better after drinking half the glass, so he convinces her to take a couple bites of food, rubs her sore ass with a soft hand.
“Can we shower? And then more of this?” she asks, just a whisper, and he nods and leans in for some slow, sweet presses of lips. Her fingers card through his hair, and he presses a hand to her cheek. “Thank you, daddy. I’m so grateful for you.”
“I’m grateful for you, too, baby. The world just isn’t right when you’re upset—when I can’t find that brilliant smile.” It’s not quite brilliant, but the corner of her mouth does curve up for him, which he considers a good sign. “Let’s go get cleaned up and then I’ll hold you until you’re sick of me,” he teases. He unwraps them and gets off the bed with her in his arms.
“Could never be sick of you ever. Perfect daddy, perfect man.” He shoots her a look, something like yeah right but not too self-deprecating, and she cuddles closer. “Okay, perfect for me, anyway. Strong, gentle owner daddy I know I can trust with everything.”
They shower—she practically purrs when he scrubs her head with shampoo, when he combs conditioner through her hair with his fingers—and slip into pajamas, and he takes the comforter to the laundry room and grabs the spare, wraps her up tight and pulls her close, hugs and kisses and talks to her about everything and nothing until she’s ready for some dinner and a movie on the couch.
She thanks him for everything he did to help her through it, but it’s really his pleasure; it’s where he finds his value, and he tells her so. Because she can’t wear the collar to work, he makes a stop on his lunch break a week later, sneaks into a jewelry store, and buys her a ring.
There is no room to inscribe his initials, but his intentions are heavily implied.
Taglist ❤️: @thaddeusly @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal @g-l-pierce @my-rosegold-soul @ssamorganhotchner @heliotropehotch @angelhotchner @qtip-blog @gspenc @wishuhadstayed
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What Happens in Vegas...
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Part 1 of Seventy Percent 
Series Summary:  When you left on your trip to Vegas, you’d planned on letting loose for one last weekend before heading back to reality and getting your affairs in order so your best friend wouldn’t be left cleaning up your mess when your cancer finally ended your life. What you hadn’t counted on was waking up married to a celebrity who has a knight-in-shining-armor complex, connections with an oncologist, and amazing insurance…
Chapter Summary: You wake up in Vegas with a brand new wedding ring on your finger next to Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 1641
A/N: I am super excited about this series! And it’s completely written (except maybe an epilogue), so I won’t leave you hanging when writer’s block hits. 
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What was a Vegas weekend without waking with a major hangover and a random naked guy next to you?
Ideal. That’s what that would be.
Yet, here you were. Hungover as hell. With a naked guy next to you. In your hotel room. So you couldn’t even sneak out.
Not Ideal.
Aw well. This was your last Vegas weekend ever, so you might as well go out with a bang.
The form beside you groaned and shifted until you could see his face.
“Holy shit!” you exclaimed, prompting him to squint at you, slowly waking up. It didn’t take long for his blue eyes to open. Eyes you’d only seen on the big screen. “What the fuck are you doing in my room?”
“Who are you?” He shot back, voice still scratchy with slumber.
“This is my hotel room so I think my question should get answered first.” Sitting up, you pulled the sheet up to your chin. It was pretty obvious what had happened last night, but if he was even half as drunk as you had been, he wouldn’t remember. So… there was no need to flash your assets.
Sebastian Stan – yes, the Sebastian Stan – looked around for a moment before his thoughts were gathered enough. “I… don’t remember. I mean, I think I remember you from a club? But the rest of the night is blurry.”
“Yeah. I’m dealing with a lot of different kinds of headaches right now.” As soon as he left, you were going to dig out your medication and down a pill or two. You must have forgotten to take your pills last night.
His eyes widened when he looked at your hands holding the sheet up to cover your body. “You’re married? Fuck, how did I not notice that last night. I—shit.”
“Married? I’m sure as shit not—” Now it was your turn to ogle the giant ring on your left hand. “Wait a goddamn minute.”
The look of disbelief he was giving you sent your mind into hyper drive. “You’re saying that we…”
“Not necessarily. I mean, maybe it’s just a ring, you know? Maybe, shit I don’t know. Maybe it’s fake and we won it from one of those machines where you put a quarter in and twist the knob and you get a toy, you know?” By this point, you weren’t talking to Sebastian anymore. You were muttering to yourself, trying to calm the fuck down. And, for the record, when you tapped the diamond you knew it definitely wasn’t plastic. There was still the hope it was fake. Glass or something…
“And even if we did have a ceremony, that doesn’t mean it’s legal, right? Like, there have to be documents filed with the state and shit. I feel like I would have remembered that. But if we did file those, we’re in Vegas! The town that probably processes more annulments than any other city. It can’t be that hard. We’ll sign some papers at the courthouse and bam! No more marriage, no legal financial obligations when I die. I mean, this isn’t how I expected to end my weekend, but whatever, it’s an adventure. Something to tell my fri—”
“What do you mean, when you die?” he interrupted, latching onto the one part of your blabbing that you definitely hadn’t meant to say aloud. “You got plans to get in an accident or something?”
You could see the worry in his eyes and it took you a second to process what was beneath his question. “Oh, no. No, I’m not gonna kill myself. Don’t worry about that.”
“So what did you mean?”
How much to tell him? As a stranger, you didn’t owe him anything. But he was your husband, maybe. At the very least, you were both naked in the same bed. And anyway, what could it hurt? Telling him the truth wouldn’t change your prognosis and it might light a fire under his ass to figure out how to cut all ties with you.
“I’m not planning on killing myself, or anything. But my body seems to be doing a great job on its own. I have cancer, can’t afford treatment, and this weekend was my last weekend to cut loose before getting my affairs in order, you know?” Hopefully he would let that all slide. Not question further. “But that’s not your problem. We need to focus on figuring out if we really did get married, and if so how to—”
“Won’t your health insurance cover treatment?”
His well-intentioned question startled a bitter laugh from you. You relaxed back into the pillows, starting to say more than you needed to. “Yeah, sure. It already covered the chemo and radiation I went through. Those didn’t help enough. And I can’t afford to cut my hours back again at work. If I do, corporate will shunt me down to part time and take away my benefits. Ain’t that the American Dream?”
Shaking your head, you determined that it was time to get away from your sob story.
“Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I can, uh, get dressed and poke around a bit to figure out how to see if we really are married. It can’t be that hard. I mean, how many accidental, drunken, Vegas weddings do you think happen here? There’s probably a website somewhere called, like, help-i-woke-up-married-to-a-stranger.com or something.”
That stupid joke rewarded you with a half-smile on Sebastian’s face. “By the way, wife, what’s your name?”
“Y/N. And,” you shrugged, “I already know yours.”
“How could I not? You’re in the fucking Marvel Cult.”
You grinned. “What else would you call it?”
After a soft chuckle, he leaned back against the headboard, sheets pooling around his waist and you tried extra hard to keep your eyes on his face. “Cult’s a good word actually. All the secrecy.”
“Y’all got so many devotees, man. Like, if all of you sent out a tweet that said something about taking over the world, it would be yours.”
“You one?” At your eyebrow raise, he clarified. “A devotee?”
“Ha, no. A fan, sure. I’m far too lazy to get in a cult. While y’all storm the capital, or something, I’d be at home watching YouTube videos of Kelly Clarkson singing while I’m eating chips and salsa.”
“Kelly Clarkson?”
At his question, you got defensive. “She’s a goddess.”
“Kelly Clarkson devotee?”
“I—” you stopped to consider that before tilting your head. “I suppose so. But only because she wouldn’t want to take over the world. She’d tweet something like Everyone come over to drink wine and chat and I’d be there in a heartbeat.”
He grinned and you found yourself wishing this was real. That this really was the morning after your wedding to a handsome man.
But that wasn’t your life.
“Never thought I’d marry a Kelly Clarkson Devotee.”
“Not to, uh, cut this marriage short, but I have to be on a flight tomorrow morning. So we should probably get on with figuring shit out today. Get that annulment if we’re actually married.”
A playful frown toyed with his lips. “You’re divorcing me because I made fun of you for being in the Clarkson Cult?”
“Yes,” you played along. “I’m sorry, Sebastian, but I just can’t stay with someone who doesn’t share my absolute love and adoration of KC. If I’d have known this last night, I would have definitely left you at the altar.”
Briefly, you caught sight of a shy smile before he turned his head away. “So, uh, you mind if I grab a shower?”
“Not at all. I’ll start researching,” you motioned to your laptop that was laying over on the desk.
After he nodded, he started looking around the room. It took you a minute to remember that you were both naked. Though it shocked you that he would be as shy about his nudity as you were, you didn’t point it out. Instead, you pointed to your travel blanket that was draped over a chair within his reach. With a grateful nod, he grabbed it and secured it around his waist as he stood.
As he walked over to the bathroom, you found yourself staring at a wrinkle in the sheets, letting your brain start shutting down just enough to process the whirlwind of the last few minutes.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You glanced up.
“I, uh, I just… Look. With my job I just wanted to ask that you not share anything on, you know... Twitter or anything.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t. No one would believe me even if I did.” You offered him a reassuring smile. “I don’t really know what it’s like to be in the public eye, not like you are, anyway, but I’m sure it’s not all glitz and glam.”
With a nod of thanks, he disappeared into the bathroom.
That brought up a whole new side of worry. If you were married and did need to get the annulment, how would you keep it from getting out? You needed to make sure all of this stayed out of the press. You couldn’t let your reputation tarnish his. Not when you were going to die and leave him to deal with your bullshit.
As soon as the shower started, you darted across the room to quickly pull on some clothes. Once you were no longer naked, you dug out your medication and popped a pill, knowing you’d definitely need it to keep up your strength. Hopefully it would also work some sort of wonder on your hangover headache as well.
Once you swallowed your medicine, you grabbed your laptop, only to have a paper fall to the ground. You bent down to see what it was and stopped cold at the calligraphy written across the top:
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sevman49 · 3 years
I promised myself to write about my pilgrimage south to meet the woman I believe I now belong to. The Woman I Believe I Belong To. Sounds like the title of a country song. I'll write it later. I'm inspired. I went to meet her and planned on spending the weekend if we hit it off. That was my hope. I ended up staying two and a half weeks.
I'd like to tell you more about her, how beautiful she is, how well off she is, how she became so well off, describe her elegance and the environment she inhabits. But I'm not allowed to. I can't tell you her name, not that you would recognize it if you aren't a local. She knows I will write about her, and will allow it only if my discretion is absolute. I understand why it's necessary, I just can't tell anyone else why. I'll just refer to her as She and Her. I can't even describe her house or it's location, that would give her identity away. She is known and she is important. And powerful. And secretive.
As I wrote earlier, she wanted a wife, she's not gay, she wanted a male wife. A companion who would handle all the so called wifely duties in the household. Keeping it clean, doing the laundry, do the cooking and serving, be her confidant and company, amuse and entertain her, obey her, be her sexual toy and tool, keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself, and most importantly, be prepared to be fucked, battered, trampled and physically and mentally womanhandled when she returned home every evening. I had no problem with that. And one last thing, be invisible to the outside world. I would never accompany her in public and when she had visitors, I would be locked away in a very private room built just for that purpose.
So, what's in it for me? In no particular order, these are my benefits. I would be fucked, battered, trampled and physically and mentally womanhandled by this exotically beautiful, lithe, flowery but firm gynarchistic minded female every day and night. I would be her very secret, forcefully confined, oft beaten, heavily disciplined wife who sucked her dick ( or the female version of that) any time she snapped her fingers. I would live well and be well taken care of by her and be monetarily rewarded on a monthly basis. All I had to do was whatever she said and keep it all to myself and her.
I would maintain my own residence back home and live my normal life there whenever she traveled for business purposes, which would intermittently add up to about to about 6 months out of the year. When she departed I would slip out in my new sports car in the morning darkness to drive home and slip back in the same way upon her return. We have it all worked out. It's doable and I'm excited about it. I'm to give her my final assent when she returns home in 3 weeks. I already know yes is my answer. But there are things I need to think about before I sign the contract regarding our nondisclosure agreement and the financial terms I would agree to.
Har! I would do it for nothing! But I won't tell her that. I DO need income of some sort after all! Might as well consider this my dream job. I should ask about insurance benefits also. I could get hurt doing some of the things she has in mind for me. Again, I'm ok with that!
What things, I imagine anyone asking? I shouldn't say, but, fuck it. Let's talk about the last two and a half weeks. During this part, I'm going to reveal how I came to be as submissive as I am. Why it's a part of me I couldn't change if I wanted to. And I don't want to. It's who I am, as long as I remember, and I'm most at home and comfortable in this state.
No one who knows me now knew me when I was growing up. My life before my college years was a thousand miles away from here. My father, before he passed away when I was 7 years old can best be described as a reclusive yet hugely successful financial genius. He saw trends others didn't and invested in what are now universal corporations with well known brands and worldwide recognition. With his blossoming fortune and his disdain for populated areas, he bought the land others considered wilderness and built an estate for his family where our nearest neighbors were 60 miles away. The everyday items people shop including food and substance were delivered to us on a weekly basis. There were people employed to take care of things so we had contact with these people but otherwise we lived by ourselves, like rich pioneers in uninhabited areas. There was him, my mother, then in a 6 year period 3 children. My older sister two years my senior, then me, and two years later my younger sister. We were all born into isolation and it's all we knew. We had all the amenities other kids grew up with except television, we just didn't know the other kids. We were diligently home schooled 3 days a week by Miss Kerr, a young teaching assistant who had a room of her own in our home who stayed with us Monday through Wednesday teaching us about scholarship and society in a variety of subjects.
Now for the facts of life about what made me who I am today. My mother was a beautiful woman even by today's standards, and she was an early day Female Supremist. My earliest memories are of her as the boss of our household, the absolute ruler of my father, who did whatever she told him to do and if he didn't, she was quick to punish him physically and mentally. Not behind closed doors but in the presence of my sisters and I. Father never complained, he just took his punishments and apologized for angering her. Mother was a slapper and a spanker. She never forgave a misstep by him and took no pushback nor excuses. Just instant correction we witnessed a thousand times. Mighty slaps that sent him staggering backwards apologizing while she advanced on him landing WHAP after WHAP like a well trained prize fighter. This was everyday life for us. My sister's and I couldn't even imagine a world where a male was even equal to his partner. We all knew my future role in this family. My sister's sure did and they would strive to be the woman my mother was. They just needed the go ahead from Mom. They got it when Father had a heart attack and was gone in the blink of an eye. After a week of mourning and services Mom called us into the parlor for a family meeting. I knew my life had changed by the seating arrangement she dictated to us. Her and my sisters on the couch on each side of her, and me on the floor sitting at their feet facing them. I wasn't shocked, what else did I expect? My life as a male was about to take shape. But there was, indeed, a surprise I never saw coming. And she led off with that. My sister's were equally caught flatfooted. But, it meant something different to them, and it made them smile when it was spelled out to them.
"Stephen", she began, " You are now the man of the house. You've always been like a son to me (well, of course, thought I) but the time has come to tell you this. You are my adopted son. We love you as if you were born to me but we adopted you at birth and raised you for this very situation, in case your father , your adopted father, passed on. When Kate was born, we decided to adopt a male to serve her and for her to train as she matured. We were certainly glad we did when Cindy was born two years later. She also needs a male to train. You are sitting at our feet for a reason, Stephen, do I have to spell it out any further?"
There I was, a seven year old boy, receiving the news of the world, that my whole existence was a lie, that I was brought into this family to become a servant for my sister's when the time came, and that they really weren't my sister's. Imagine the shock and trauma I should have felt. Here's what I felt instead. I'm sitting on the floor with 3 females sitting over me, each now putting their feet on me and none of them are related to me. I remember that as my first intentional sexual hard on in my life.
"No, maam, I get it" Ex-mom smiled and told me she was proud of me, that she always knew I was a good boy. My older now stepsister had her foot resting on my shoulder and I asked her if I could lick her feet. She nodded, pleased as punch, and covered my face with both feet. I did that to mess with my 5 year old stepsis. She was actually gonna be tougher than her elder sister. In time.
There's a lot to tell about the path my life took for the next 10 years.but, I digress. That's another story and I'm anxious to relive it as I look back on how it shaped me. And led me into the life of servitude with a remarkable very respected socialite that no one, not even you know about yet.
I could keep on and tell you what I expect, but I'm heading back to her tomorrow, so I'll just let the realty dictate from here. I hope I have a good story for you.
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Survey #436
from a couple days ago again; still don’t feel like rewriting any answers.
Do you own many pairs of shorts? I don't own any. Have you ever taken a close up shot of a flower? A hell of a lot; I love doing that. Have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? Yup. But I don't like hard alcohol and only really drink light fruity stuff, and I'm apparently no lightweight, so I got to the point I just really didn't want to drink anymore. Anything you might be giving up on soon? I have felt very, very hopeless with photography lately that sometimes I'm tempted. I don't think I will, but... it's hard. When was the last time you changed your picture on Facebook? It's been months. Have you ever painted a piece of furniture? Yes, actually. I helped Jason paint his shelf black. Do you have a favorite quote? No. Have you ever made a business card for yourself? No, but I have thought about it. I just really don't have nearly enough popularity among the local photographers to feel like I really need to design one. Did you love playing hide and seek as a kid? YES. I loved it. Are there any recipes you have memorized? No. Do you know your multiplication times tables? ... no lmao Have you ever been severely burned? Not severely, no. Did you ever dream that you had a baby? I actually have more than once. What was the weirdest thing you ever saw cross the road? I think a turkey? Are you good at coming up with jokes? God no. Where do you prefer to sit when you catch the bus? When I used to ride home with Jason from school, we always sat way in the back. Do you ever listen to music to fall asleep to? No. I did when I was younger, though. I went through a loooong phase of sleeping with my iPod. If your parents... or anybody else... found your cell phone, would they be horrified at any of the messages in your inbox/outbox? No. Do you get offended if someone repeatedly checks their mobile phone when you’re out for lunch or dinner? That's very rude. What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard somebody say recently? Anti-vaccination bullshit from my stepmother. :^) Think about the last person you kissed - was it the very first time that you kissed them? No. When you drink alcohol with friends, do you play drinking games? We never did. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? Nope. Who was the last person to call you? My psychiatrist. What food disgusts you the most? Things like sashimi and caviar. I also think rare meat like steak, especially when it's still bloody, is absolutely disgusting. I could go on and on about this, 'cuz I think a lot of food is really gross. One place you would never want to get lost in in the dark? The jungle. Yikes. So many dangerous creatures, so claustrophobic, and with the canopy, I'd assume it'd be EXTREMELY dark. And it rains so much in the jungle, so it'd be hard to hear danger approaching. One thing that always creeps you out? Perhaps #1 is seeing an unborn baby move from outside their mother's stomach. I will fucking scream and want to puke. If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick? SARA!!!!!!!!! Omfg I'd LOVE to have her as my roommate. We've actually talked about the possibility, but that's nowhere near set in stone. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? In light of recent events, a high contender is shit like "vaccines cause autism." Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die? I'd strongly prefer to be cremated. What is your favorite food around the holidays? Spiral honey ham, for one. I love Christmas treats like chocolate-covered peanuts, fudge, cookies, etc. etc... Tell me about the greatest prank you’ve ever pulled? I don't pull pranks. If you could have the power to cast any kind of spell, what kind of spell would you cast? Maybe enchanting the human population to not be such violent and hateful fucks??? Have you ever gotten a flu vaccination? Only for Covid. Double dates: a do or don’t? They are SO fun, but I do feel like it's good to have individual ones, too. Do you know any guitarists? Yes. My old friend Tommy actually plays the electric guitar in a band, and Juan was really good at it, too. How do you feel about full-length beards? They look good on some people. It varies with everyone. Do you have any relatives that have shunned you, or vice versa? Not currently. My half-sister stopped talking to me many years ago when I was a homophobic fuck, and I don't blame her. We're perfectly cool now! Has anyone ever posted a HORRIBLE picture of you for everyone to see? omg no Does/did your high school have pop machines? Yes. Have you ever gambled? Nah. If you could work at any retail store, which one would it be? I am NEVER working retail again. I can't handle it. What’s the name of the last cat you pet? Roman. :') Have you ever stringed green beans before? Yes, actually, with Colleen's in-laws. They had a big garden that I helped tend to sometimes. I absolutely hated it with how sweaty I got even then, it was WAY too hot, and my body was also weak back then to where bending down was extremely painful. I just never wanted to say no. Have you ever had any painful dental work done? If so, what? No. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re bored? It really depends on what I feel like doing, but I think playing World of Warcraft tempts me most often when I'm unbearably bored. What did you watch today? I've just been rewatching Mortem3r play Monster Hunter World. That game looks soooo fun, I wanna try it. ;-; True or False: Yoshi is the cutest dinosaur ever? No. I adore dinosaurs and dinosaur media, so I could name a lot if I thought long enough. Who is the last person you spent money on? My niece. I still feel awful I didn't buy Ryder a gift by myself; I just could NOT decide what to get him. I'm very thankful that Mom let me use one she got him as "mine." They were bright, light-up golf balls, and he loooooved them. What is your relationship like with various members of your family? I have a biiig extended family, man, so I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. I am EXTREMELY close to my mom, like there is no way I'd be alive without her, and her support for me seems endless somehow. I love my dad very much too, but I don't see him nearly as much as I wish I did. He tries to support me however he's capable, and he always lets me know that he's there if I need him for anything. I love, am very proud of, and look up to my two sisters, but I'm also very envious of them and how they are successful adults with direction and big accomplishments. We are very different, so we have difficulty with really bonding and talking about things regularly, and it really makes me feel like a terrible sister. My nieces and nephew are absolute diamonds to me, and I'm especially close to Ash's oldest daughter Aubree. She and I are very similar in a lot of areas, so I really relate to her, even in her young age. Ryder really seems to like me, and I love that little rascal, too. :') My youngest niece Emerson is still only a baby, so she can't really communicate in words yet, but she is still a beautiful darling that I'd protect with my life in not even a blink. That covers who I consider my "immediate" family, really, at least that I see regularly. What’s something you disagree with about the way you were raised? I am very firmly against spanking, but my parents did it. I think since Ash's kids were born though, Mom's opinion changed on it. It was around that time, I know. She won't lay a hand on them. Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook? I have no clue, actually. Who was the last person that asked if you were okay? *shrug* The last time you were in a car, who was driving? My mom. Did you ever get into a bar and drink before you were 21? Never tried. What countries have you been to? I've never left the U.S. Honestly, is that car insured? I don't have my own car. What do you think about gay marriage? I vigorously support it. Do you like Carrie Underwood? I actually do. She has a beautiful voice. How far away do you live from your parents? I live with my mom. Idk how far I am from Dad, really... but not THAT far. How do you like your steak cooked? Medium well. Have you ever been to Mount Rushmore? No, and I don't want to. It is absolute vandalism. Where is your favorite place (that you have actually been to)? Chicago blew me away, but I think it's just because it was SO foreign to me. I actually don't like cities very much, but for a brief visit, I thought it was very cool. Do you believe places can really be haunted? Yes. Do you take anti-depressants? Sleeping pills? No. I took anti-depressants for I think most of my life, and they did nothing for me. Come to learn from the doctor who actually set my meds straight that anti-depressants for people with bipolarity do nothing but aggravate the symptoms of bipolarity, and I was living evidence. I take mood stabilizers for said disorder instead. I don't take sleeping pills; none seem to work for me. What’s your favourite brand of peanut butter? Maybe Skippy? Idk, I'm not very picky with pb. What’s your favourite Lunchables meal? The nachos one. How many languages can you recite the alphabet in? Two. Do you like Bob Marley? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I can't stand his voice. Have you ever eaten at Golden Corral? Yeah, but I'm not a fan. Buffets gross me out. Do you sit and eat dinner at the same table with your family? We very rarely sit at the table. Have you been working hard to achieve something lately? If not, what was the last thing you worked hard to achieve? Losing weight, yes. I am honestly trying so hard at the gym, like to the point I've almost fallen many times as well as been overtaken by incredible nausea a lot. I don't feel like I'm over-working, necessarily, just working my ass off. Do you use ice cubes in your fountain drinks? No, because it waters the drink down and I hate it. Would you ever want your very own library, or do you not read enough for it to be worth it? No. I don't read nearly enough, and besides, can you imagine all the dust? What site did you originally start doing surveys on? I actually don't know... Have you ever used something other than water to make ice cubes? What did you do with them? I've actually never thought to do that. Would you ever willingly experience life temporarily without sight, hearing, or any of your other senses, simply to know what it is like? Fuck no. I would go insane. In what ways are you very judgmental? I'll judge the fuck out of rapists, child molesters, pedophiles, people like that with no goddamn shame. But your average person, I try not to judge very much. What is your main problem in life right now? It's hard to determine my main problem, honestly. There are a lot of issues going on in my life that've just piled up into one big tangled mess. Do your “favourites” change often? Definitely not. I've had the same favorites in so many topics for forever. Have you ever read a biography on someone? I've read Ozzy's autobiography, and I also read the Some Kind of Monster Metallica book, which was written by I want to say St. Anger's musical director? This was a very long time ago, and honestly, I thought it was pretty boring, so my memory is faint. You learned quite a bit about the band in his time with them, but damn, I don't care about the musical director al;skdfal;we. Do you know anyone who has ever been in a movie? Who and what movie were they in? What was their part? Not to my knowledge. I have an acquaintance who's had minor acting roles, but I don't believe she's ever been in a film. When was the last time you brought a pet to the vet? What was wrong with it? I want to say around two years ago (probably less) when we got my cat neutered. Have you ever made your way through a corn maze? No.
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infinite-rabbits · 5 years
Emergency: Please help
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So this happened yesterday. I made a few posts of it here and was messing around on tumblr to distract myself from all of the stress, but now the seriousness of the situation is really hitting us.
My roommate and I are both out of work due to Corvid-19. We’re not sure if we’re getting paid for our time away and there isn’t much communication from our jobs. Yesterday we got hit hard enough from someone who was gunning it out of a parking lot that they totaled the car. I know this doesn’t look like a lot of damage, but apparently the frame is completely messed up and the insurance company is going to take the car and possibly give us enough to replace it??
The worst part about this is that we had barely enough money to last over the next two months being out of work. We had rent covered, food, and bills once we pooled our money together.
But now we have to loose a huge chunk of that money because he has to pay the deductible on the insurance.
So I’m going to do what I really wished I would never have to do. I have to ask for your help. Please, if you can donate anything at all, doesn’t matter how big or little it is, you can send it to me through my Ko-Fi: HERE Or you can IM me and I can give you the address my paypal is linked to. If you can’t donate, please please please just reblog this. The more people see it, the better.
Thank you for any help you can give, little or small, it means the world to us.
Full Story of what happened under the cut:
So uh... we ran out of bread last night and we're close to being out of PB&J. This morning we decided to go out and get some more because, well, it's hard to get ahold of because everyone's panicking and it's one of the main things in our diet right now. The roomie and I headed for Walmart, and while we were on a 2-lane road in the left lane, some douchenozzle shoves his way through the heavy traffic out of a parking-lot and rams us on my side. We weren't even going that fast. We were actually coming up to a stop-light, so my roomie was slowing down. He hit us hard enough to make us spin-out and do a full 180degree turn. The back passenger door was absolutely wrecked and I was lucky he didn't hit MY door, but because he hit my side, I'm really starting to hurt now. The back driver wheel hit the median while we spun and it actually hit so hard that it knocked the wheel itself off of the rim and scraped the metal. Somehow we didn't hit another car and we wound up in the right-hand lane completely turned around and facing the wrong direction. I was SO pissed that I got out of the car and screamed at the guy. Both of us were shaking and I was choking because when he hit us, some white stuff flew  into the car and I breathed it in. Still kinda choking on it. (Found out later it was probably the stirofoam that was under his bumper.) I manage to kinda stop traffic enough for us to get the car out of the lane and into the parking lot beside us, after which we realized that we couldn't drive any further because of the wheel being messed up. He stayed in the median and called for someone while we called the cops and the insurance company. Then I noticed there was a damn kid in his car. She was like, 2-3 years old and didn't look like she'd been strapped in because she was just climbing from the back to the front seat to see what was going on. He sped through fucking traffic and t-boned us with a kid in the back seat. This whole time, he's over there refusing to come and talk to us until someone else shows up. Turns out, he needs a translator. That's fine. In our area we get a lot of tourists so I just assumed he wasn't from around here. I would have assumed his car was a rental if it hadn't been for the brand new paper license plate. They get their car into the parking lot too and his bumper is all but falling off. A lady shows up to take care of the kid, which seems fine. But then another guy shows up. Then another guy. And Grandma shows up too. For some reason the whole family shows up and are hanging around while we wait for the cop. Normally I wouldn't care, but being surrounded by this many people while I'm already anxious was a bit much for me and made me uncomfortable. I'd already called a friend and cried over the phone with her and being surrounded made me feel stressed. Finally the cop shows up, gets our stories and our information, then goes into his car for basically an hour to have to fill everything out and get it all in order. Luckily we just get given a sheet of paper with all of the information we need on it. Then he glances at them and says to us, "They're gonna be pissed." He wound up getting a ticket among who knows what else because of his reckless driving. The cop leaves and they're visibly angry. Then one of the guys who showed up approaches us. Something about him immediately rubbed me the wrong way, like I got a bad vibe from him. He asks us if we're alright, and I tell him no because our car's wrecked and I'm starting to hurt. Then he tries to get us to lie. Like the dude straight up look sat my roommate and says, "If they ask what happened, tell them--" I have NEVER cut someone off so fast before. I told him: " NO. If they ask, we are going to tell them EXACTLY what happened." And this douche has the NERVE to say: "Well next time you really shouldn't be going so fast. Then you can stop when something like this happens." Like, he's legit trying to turn this around to be my roomie's fault. Keep in mind: we were coming up to a stop light. We were actively slowing down. The speed limit in there is 45. My roomie couldn't have possibly been going more than 35 at the absolute most, and even that's pushing it. I just GLARE at this guy and say: "NO. Even the COP said WE HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. HE hit US. You need to walk away." I'm... I'm tiny. I'm not even fully 5'6" and I'm sitting here in my stupid Jurassic Park tank top and hole-filled shorts just glaring daggers at this guy. Don't you dare come at me with your stupid scorpion gold chain necklace thinking you're all big and bad and thinking you're going to intimidate me when you're outright coming after my roommate. I'm a wuss when someone comes after ME and I'm by myself, but you put me in a room with people I care about and have someone go after them? All bets are off. Thankfully he just got pissed off and turned away. The whole family climbed into the back of their other van except for like two who went into the translator's car, and they all drove off. For like an hour. We were left sitting there trying to contact the insurance company again, making sure they got all of the files they needed, making sure they got their statements, and figuring out if it was getting towed tonight or not. Then the translator and one of the other guys show up and start messing with their van. First they back it up...and the bumper nearly completely falls off. Then they sit there for a few minutes and try to get it on. The guy driving it goes very slowly out of the parking lot, leaving his entire front in the right-hand lane for some reason while he's waiting to go and then finally does. The other guy on the other hand almost causes another accident. So he's behind a truck that's also waiting to turn out. When the truck goes to pull out, this dumbass SLAMS down on his gas, nearly rear-ends the truck, slams on his breaks, and then once the truck is out of the way, he zooms out of the parking lot without properly looking to make sure no one else is coming. I really don't understand it. But from the looks of things, they probably aren't going to be calling their own insurance company. The car wasn't even registered under the guy that rammed us. It was someone else's name of the same address. So he just wrecked someone else's newly bought car. All of it sucks, my roommate's car is totaled and we are gonna see if we're getting any money for it tomorrow, and I'm in pain so the insurance company is gonna have to send me a doctor over all of this. We're out $500 for the deductible and I'm.... honestly really frustrated. All of this because of Bread, Peanutbutter, and Jelly. Thankfully a friend of ours came to pick us up and also brought us those three things, but now the adrenaline is starting to wear off and I'm getting *really* tired. I'm going to get myself some coffee and try my best to focus on the one-shot I started before the crash just to keep myself awake for now. For the most part I was typing all of this here because it's a safe place to store the information in case I forget anything. But also I kinda wanted to let you guys know why I hadn't posted anything yet. I was saying I wanted to do one short-story a day and I fell behind yesterday because I was doing character-designs for one of the other stories. So I feel guilty falling behind today too. Even if I do have a good reason for it. Stay safe out there, everyone. It's getting really crazy.
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greymyvc743 · 4 years
Leading 3 Ways To  Acquire A Used Embedded Google Maps In Website
11 interesting facts regarding Google Maps.
Google Maps in a website are involving, acquainted, as well as dependable for your users-- and also the go to my blog Google Maps APIs make developing with them simple. To establish the Google Maps application on your apple iphone to listen for "OK, Google" while browsing, open the Google Maps application and tap on the menu icon, then tap Setups. On top of the web page, under the heading Navigating, tap Navigating, then scroll to the choice labeled Access your Aide with "ALRIGHT Google" and transform the toggle on. Once you've gotten a sneak peek whatsoever your dining establishment choices, the majority of the moment you don't also need to leave the Google Maps app to make a booking. If you 'd rather eat at home, you can also usually order carryout or distribution from within the application.
What is a Google Maps URL?
You can use the Google Maps URL scheme to launch the Google Maps app for iOS and perform searches, get direction requests, and display map views. Note: Maps URLs let you build a universal, cross-platform URL to launch Google Maps and perform searches, get directions, display map views, and display panoramic images.
This smart technique allows you to browse just a tiny component of the earth without packing the entire map - as well as you still obtain an impression of discovering a single significant record. People are utilizing coordinate systems and map forecasts to change the form of Planet right into usable level maps for centuries. As we slip and move into a world where our enhanced fact is progressively noticeable to us off and online, Google's geographic data might become its most valuable property.
Being able to see how you're doing throughout the day can be an exceptional means to improve your confidence, keep you concentrated on your purposes as well as push you to go after the next milestone. You can create or import 360 images with the Street View app.
Essentially, imbalances don't represent actual geologic adjustments, yet happen due to the fact that it's difficult to plop an aerial or orbital picture onto the latitude as well as longitude grid. The photo has to be lined up with referral points developed on the ground. However the procedure of ground-truthing a map is never excellent. In addition, the survey-mark collaborates can be inaccurate or totally incorrect. Einstein explained gravity as the flexing of spacetime.
And it's a lot like Google's open competitor, Open Street Map, which has actually confirmed that it, too, can harness the group's intelligence. The maps we used to keep folded up in our handwear cover areas were a collection of lines as well as forms that we superimposed with human knowledge. Currently, as we have actually seen, a map is a collection of lines and also shapes with Nick Volmar's (and numerous others') knowledge inscribed within. It's probably much better not to think about Google Maps as a thing like a paper map.
How many miles should you walk a day?
The average American walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day, or roughly 1.5 to 2 miles. It's a good idea to find out how many steps a day you walk now, as your own baseline. Then you can work up toward the goal of 10,000 steps by aiming to add 1,000 extra steps a day every two weeks.
erasing A Google Map.
The trick to this success isn't, as you may anticipate, Google's center with information, however instead its readiness to commit humans to combining and also cleaning data about the physical world. Google's map offerings construct in the human intelligence on the front end, and that's what enables its computers to inform you the very best course from San Francisco to Boston. Currently visualize doing this for each ceramic tile on Google's map in the United States and 30 various other nations over the last 4 years. Every roundabout perfectly circular, every junction with the right logic.
Numerous have actually speculated that Apple is collecting its own Street View images. But provided what we saw a couple of months back at Patricia's Environment-friendly, it doesn't appear that Apple is removing location data from whatever these vans are collecting. And in areas where Apple does have buildings, it shows up that they're being sourced from third-parties, such as TomTom (Apple's main data company). The Regional Guides are just one of Google's lots of solutions that stay not specifically extensively understood.
Next, you have to fetch a valid cookie from Google, while being logged in with account B. Log in with your qualifications of account B on Google Maps with a COMPUTER with Firefox or Chrome.
The whole world looks like a square, that makes it simple to work with on a computer system. The globe is separated right into tiny squares, each with repaired geographical location and range.
How can I create a map?
Create a map 1. On your computer, sign in to My Maps.
2. Click Create a new map.
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3. Go to the top left and click "Untitled map."
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4. Give your map a name and description.
Do these maps function as dispositive webs that figure out the behaviour, point of views and photos of living beings, working out power and controlling knowledge? Maps, which themselves are the product of a combination of states of expertise and also states of power, have an inscribed power dispositive. Google's simulation-based map and globe models figure out the truth and also assumption of physical areas and the growth of action models.
This is not something you can assemble with a couple of loads clever designers. Volmar began to take care of the map, promptly drawing the brand-new roadway and attaching it to the existing framework. In his haste, he did not draw an ideal circle of factors.
This is where plate tectonics can make itself really felt. Google Maps and also GPS count rather on WGS 84, preserved by an identical military firm, which has a significantly larger budget plan. The civilian one is optimized for surveying within North America; the army one sacrifices residential accuracy for global insurance coverage.
It's a wonderful device that enables your visitors get a birds-eye view of your business, read evaluations, and also get turn-by-turn instructions straight to your front door.
I'm curious-- if you go into business address and also the business name does NOT turn up like symphonious 3 above would you consider that to mean there is a problem with the google+ neighborhood listing?
The address pen turns up yet not business name as in your instance.
But can not they figure this out by themselves without this additional code?
Not only due to this information alone, however since location data makes whatever else Google does and also knows better. Task handled by Gupta throughout his time in India, it's the "upside down" variation of Ground Fact. It's an openly accessible way to modify Google Maps by including landmarks and data regarding your item of the globe. It's a method of drawing data out of human brains and onto the Internet.
Do you need to download Google Earth?
Step 1 – Download Google Earth
Google Earth is a freely available virtual globe program. It displays satellite images, aerial photographs, and graphic layers on personal computers by delivering them over the Internet. Advanced versions of Google Earth are available for purchase, but this activity uses the free version.
There are problems where the digital data does not match the real world. " So you want to make a map," Weiss-Malik tells me as we sit down before a massive display.
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lovelyirony · 5 years
Made up fic title: i keep praying all day (all day long)// I'm Alive, Ain't That Enough?//you complete me// (I'll send more when i think of em)
Bruce Banner doesn’t really pray, hasn’t since he was around eleven and prayed to whoever would listen to take him away from his family. Then the police came and there was a funeral for his mother and he had to lie on the stand and say that his father was a very nice man, yes he was! 
Prayer doesn’t solve anything. He supposes he knows that that is not the purpose, it’s supposed to help, but he just...doesn’t. It’s not the kind of help that he needs. Professional help is what he needs, but his insurance won’t cover it. 
For a while, life was actually...okay. He was a grad student all alone at Culver, working on science projects. Working on that high of a level means you meet other people like you. You bond over having train-tracks for braces when you were in high school and relentless bullying by kids who thought they were better than you. 
It’s kind of uncomfortable, how friendly people are when they know your circumstances. It’s weird that Bruce can ask someone if they just want to get lunch and there’s no double-edged sword hidden. 
This is how he meets Betty, who smiles and laughs like she’s enjoying every minute of life. She is. He asks her about that, how she’s so kind and nice. 
“If you can’t maintain kindness, how do you maintain anything else?” Betty asks. “I know what it’s like to have people make fun of me, and I don’t want that for anyone else.” 
Bruce loves her for that. He loves her anyway, like the way her eyes light up when their team plays Trivial Pursuit on Sunday nights and she knows the answer to the obscure pop culture trivia from the seventies. He loves her when she asks for an obscene amount of sugar in her coffee and makes little snacks for the middle of the day. 
He loves her when they’re lying in bed together and he can feel like his life is working out. 
There’s a ring planned. He hasn’t told anyone about that. Ever. 
Not since he got too confident and tried to harness a little power of God. Then he turned green, and that was enough. 
He couldn’t love Betty. He wouldn’t let her try to be nice and sacrifice what her life should be for what it would be. 
She wouldn’t like that he’s making that decision for her, but she would also probably say he was right. 
So he’s alone in the world. The government keeps trying to find him, but so far they’ve had no luck. They’re starting to get frustrated, and Ross can’t keep his task force on for very much longer. 
It’s sometimes fun, Bruce thinks. Sight-seeing with all this adrenaline and fear in his system. He finally makes it to Rome. He told Betty he always wanted to see the artwork. 
She told him about the chemical analysis work she did, and the little coffee shop underneath a tiled building that served the best espresso she’s ever had. 
He doesn’t find it. He’s not sure if that means anything. But he sits on a balcony and watches the sun rise and watches a guy give him a look that’s a bit too odd for Italy, and he knows he has to leave. 
Not a lot happens, until he makes it back to New York. Or rather, a redhead spy convinces him to help find a magic cube and promises that the Hulk isn’t the primary reason for having him on-board. 
On a gigantic, air-borne ship with pressurized air pressing in all around. Fucking great. 
He meets new people. Natasha Romanoff, known as Black Widow. She looks at him like he’s a brand new species, nearly. He’s seen that look before. But he also thinks that it’s different, because she can’t kill him and it’s known that Black Widow can kill just damn near about everyone. 
Captain America, a man so out of his depth that he can’t help but be the odd one out. He looks at everything and he’s confused, maybe by all the buildings and people and the fact that nothing is the same and it won’t be. Ever. 
Not gonna lie, Bruce is kind of glad that for once it’s not him that’s the Very Odd One Out. 
Tony Stark is a headache and a half, but Bruce finds himself not minding that so much. Tony doesn’t give a fuck about Hulk. 
Bruce knows why. 
It’s not because he’s a billionaire who thinks he’s immortal. No, Tony Stark knows that his mortality is unbearable. 
But he’s also of the type that would give his life if you casually asked him to. He smiles the way Bruce does when he needs to just get through something. It’s painfully familiar. 
Bruce thinks that maybe Tony Stark, if he had been at Culver, would’ve been invited to Trivial Pursuit Sundays. 
And then Thor. A giant man--a god, some say, but Bruce isn’t really keen on actually saying that--who is...different. 
He handles Hulk like a damned pro. He’s not easy to take down. And Bruce is a bit interested in his perspective of things, if they all survive the imminent alien invasion that’s set to take place. 
He really wishes he could get drunk. Or maybe just slightly buzzed. It would make this transformation shtick so much easier. 
But after everything, turns out they’ve won. Hulk is even tired. This has been the first challenge for him since...ever. 
They eat food together at a restaurant that really should be closed, but he’s too tired to care about it and sits next to  Tony, who’s still contemplating his own “small death” and a guy named Clint, who is apparently very good at shooting things with a bow and arrow. 
He catches Thor’s eyes, and he smiles. 
“You did well, Banner.” 
“Uh, thanks.” 
Because, you know. Eloquence. That’s exactly what Bruce has when faced with the king of Asgard and supposed god of thunder. 
But he doesn’t have to worry too much about that when he hops into Tony’s ridiculous-and-loud-sporty-vehicle and heads to a lab. 
“It’s gonna be Candy Land, trust me,” Tony says. 
“I don’t trust you, but I do trust that,” Bruce says with a laugh. Tony grins. 
“I think I’m gonna like you hanging around.” 
Bruce then figures out that Tony’s heart is about the size of the gigantic tower he’s built, because Bruce doesn’t have to go apartment-hunting. Or pay rent. 
“I can handle it,” Tony says. “Just try not to hulk out in the living room, there’s a custom art piece that was gifted to Pepper. She’s fond of it, but I hate it. So I guess in a roundabout way, as long as Pepper thinks that it’s an accident, feel free to destroy it.” 
“Noted,” Bruce says, bewildered. Tony talks extremely fast, hands making gestures to emphasize certain points. If he wasn’t so dedicated to inventing and building the future as the present, Bruce is almost certain that he would be quite a celebrated actor. 
After some time, it seems the Avengers drift together again. Natasha shows up for breakfast one morning, as if she’d been there the whole time. 
“Pass the preserves, Bruce,” she says. He does and goes to find Tony to ask when she got here. 
Tony yelps, rushes up, and scolds Natasha for not telling him. 
“I’m not done painting your room!” 
“What color?” 
“Olive green.” 
“Oh my god, no.” 
“It suits you! Pepper approved it and everything! So did Bruce!” 
“I did?” 
“Well, not really. I think you were in a science-induced haze and said yes to everything I asked. You said your favorite era was ‘yes’ so I thought that meant you liked all of them.” 
“Oh. It’s the seventies.” 
“Figures,” Natasha says. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bruce questions. 
“I guarantee all you have in your wardrobe is maybe four casual t-shirts and maybe one pair of jeans.” 
“I have two pairs of jeans, thank you very much.” 
“A man full of surprises,” she remarks, smiling coyly. “Tony, Clint’s coming at the end of the week. He’s finishing up a mission in Iran. Something about tracking down a woman for a gift.” 
“Well, best of luck to him and all that,” Tony says. “Do you think he’d liked striped pillows?” 
“Vertical or horizontal?” Bruce asks. 
“Horizontal. I’m not a heathen.” 
“Tread carefully,” Natasha says. “More than two is a no-go.” 
“Got it. Jarvis, be an absolute dear and put that in my notes?” 
“It should be common sense, Sir,” the AI responds, a bite of sass. Bruce smiles. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to that. 
Clint trips out of the elevator, says he’s finding a bed, and Bruce doesn’t see him again until he goes to his room to change into one of the four casual t-shirts that Natasha says he has and finds the archer on his bed. 
“Well okay,” Bruce says. “Might as well.” 
Clint comes down for dinner and announces that Bruce has a very comfy bed, but should invest in more pillows. 
“You have, like, two.” 
“I don’t really sleep with pillows.” 
“You don’t?” Natasha asks, surprised. “That’s...bad.” 
“Why? Can’t handle that I don’t require pillows?” he teases. 
Steve comes next. He brings a nice old-fashioned suitcase, the kind that begs for stickers to be plastered all over it. He doesn’t have any, not yet. He tells Bruce that New York has changed, although the only real thing that he truly hates about it so far is the subway system. 
“Used to just get on,” Steve grumbles. “And security wasn’t as tight.” 
“You still manage to get around it?” Bruce asks, amused. 
Steve’s cheeks turn red and they find out that “America’s Darling” hasn’t gotten a MetroCard, doesn’t like paying for it. He’s been finding different areas under construction or charmed certain officers into letting him pass. 
“Please tell me you used your lack of technological information,” Tony begs. Steve blinks. 
“No, I haven’t. But I’ll use that for next time! That’s a good idea!” 
They fool Steve into trying wasabi that night. It’s the hardest Bruce has heard Natasha laugh. 
A couple of months go by. They get comfortable with each other, close in a way that Bruce has never been. Clint gets him snacks without even asking. Just comes up to his room, sets the hummus and pita chips on the bed and asks if they can watch the cool documentaries. 
Then Thor comes back. He’s been dealing with a lot of ruling technicalities, although his father has regained strength. 
“He seems more active,” Thor says, grinning. “I think he’s going to try and interact with the community more.” 
“That’s nice,” Bruce says. 
Thor is...different. Not just because he pretends he doesn’t know what a microwave is because he wants to hear Steve’s rantings all about how “the microwave is the absolute best thing the twenty-first century has done, are you kidding me?! Who cares about anything else?” 
Not just because he speaks with a lilted accent and sees with eyes that are older than they actually know. He talks about meeting humans thousands of years ago, talks about how no one could have imagined what would come for the future. 
It’s because Bruce pays more attention to him. To his arms, the way he says things, and everything else. 
But it’s fine. Things are fine. He’s focusing on doing some of his lab work and trying to make Tony see that a Rocky Horror Picture Show movie night would be beneficial to the team. 
(And not just because he bet Natasha forty bucks that he could get Steve to dress up as Dr. Frank-N-Furter for Halloween, but mostly because of that.) 
The days get shorter, the nights get longer, and the weather is colder. Bruce can’t say he really likes it. He’s been living in the cold a long time. Tony, arguably, handles it the worst. 
“I have decided I think we should all move to the west coast,” Tony announces, shedding four of the six layers he’s put on himself. 
“And what, become the West Coast Avengers? Sounds lame as fuck,” Clint says with a snort. “Who would want to make that?” 
Bruce nods. 
“You’ll be fine, Tony. Get some blankets and some hot cocoa.” 
Thor is the Avenger who loves the season the most, arguably. Steve’s more a Christmas fanatic, and has been blasting Bing Crosby ever since the end of Thanksgiving. 
(Natasha has been a Christmas Music Purist, and this was getting on her nerves until December first, when she rolled into the kitchen blasting “All I Want for Christmas is You.”) 
But Thor loves seeing snow, loves walking out to get a hot chocolate and seeing the city during the cold. He thinks the jackets are intriguing. 
He also doesn’t really need one. He just wears a long-sleeve sweater and calls it good. 
Bruce thinks he looks great. 
“You want to get some hot chocolate with me?” he asks Bruce one afternoon. It’s been slow today, and Bruce hasn’t been able to focus on anything. 
“Why not?” Bruce says with a shrug. “Let me get my stuff on.” 
Bruce prepares well for the trip. He gets his boots on, a heavy jacket, and a hat and gloves. Thor smiles. 
“I like the hat, Bruce.” 
“Thank you,” Bruce says. “Present from a cousin.” 
They walk out into the freezing cold, and Bruce can feel his nose immediately turn red from the air blowing wildly. It’s the kind of cold that cuts right to your bones. 
“I wish I was like you,” Bruce says, sighing. “It’s too cold.” 
“I like it,” Thor says. “Reminds me of how much my brother and I loved the cold. We had a holiday during this time as well. The cold.” Bruce nods. 
They get to the shop, frequented by over-stressed college students and a pair of old men playing checkers in the corner, books tossed aside. 
Bruce orders cocoa with Thor, and they sit down. 
Thor is a surprisingly good conversationalist. Well, not really surprising. Bruce has seen him mingle at parties, able to talk to anyone with no sense of nerves. But what he is surprised about is that Thor can follow along with the work he’s doing, even going to suggest his own theories or knowledge from Asgard. 
“When did you get an interest in all this?” Bruce asks. Thor smiles. 
“I have to be well-rounded to assume the throne. To not be knowledgeable is to be a foolish king. But I like knowing about life and it’s creation. Our scientists are also very...interesting. They make the best drinks.” 
“Chemists here,” Bruce responds, laughing. “I had a couple of friends like that.” 
Bruce learns about Asgardian drinking games, the kinds of food they have for their holidays, and what Thor misses most. 
“I do like earth, however,” Thor says. “Your people are less--oh damn, I can’t think of the word.” 
“That’s okay,” Bruce says. “I get it.” 
And he does, to a certain extent. Thor grew up as a member of the royal family, his father a legend even to other people. 
Hot cocoa trips become a regular occurrence, until it starts to get a bit repetitive and Bruce offers to show Thor some breakfast meals that are good, like peanut butter and banana-cinnamon toast. 
They cook for each other. Bruce shows him some meals. 
The thing that makes Bruce realize Everything is when Thor brings some kind of fruit from Asgard. 
“You have to try this,” Thor says excitedly. “It’s the best fruit ever.” 
And Bruce realizes that he loves Thor. That he wants to take him to dinner, to kiss him breathless, and to go on romantic dates that involve candlelight and soft laughter and and and--
Oh shit. 
It feels complete, somehow. 
Bruce smiles at Thor, and thanks him. 
“This is special,” Bruce murmurs. “I appreciate that you went all the way there.” 
“No big deal,” Thor says, smiling. “Not when I care about you so much.” 
There’s something else there, but Bruce thinks his bias might be showing. He brings Thor into a hug. 
“Well unfortunately for you, I have no magic ability to summon myself to any other part of the country to get you a specialty, so making black bean soup tonight will have to do.” 
“My favorite!” Thor cheers. 
“Exactly why I’m making it, a favorite for a favorite,” Bruce teases. 
Thor smiles at him, and Bruce knows that there’s no going back. 
He helps chop the celery and strain everything for the soup. Bruce hums to an old song that Thor sometimes sings on rainy days, when everything is gloomy and comforting. 
“You hum beautifully,” Thor says, sweeping the vegetables into the pot. “I enjoy hearing it each time you cook.” 
“Then I’ll cook more often,” Bruce says, smiling. “I think Pepper requested a chicken dish from us tomorrow.” 
“Who knew we’d be such a great cooking team?” he teases. 
Bruce turns on music, and Thor sways to the beat. He likes the older music more, including the old-school love ballads. 
It’s Nat King Cole, one of Bruce’s favorites. 
He sings “L-O-V-E” in the most ridiculous voice and prances about the kitchen, and this is what this song is for. 
They dance together, soup be damned. Bruce laughs as his socked-feet slide on the floor, pushing his body more towards Thor’s. 
The song ends with Thor dipping Bruce low, breathing only a bit faster. He looks up, and decides to go for it. 
“You gonna kiss me?” 
Thor is an excellent kisser, Bruce decides. 
“Been wanting to do that for ages,” Thor says. “I was actually going to ask if you wanted to go on a date Friday.” 
“I would love that,” Bruce says. “What time? I have a meeting at lunch.” 
“Dinner then,” Thor decides. “The burger place we went to a couple weeks ago? You liked their sauces.” 
“Ooh, good choice,” Bruce says, smiling. “I would love that.” 
They smile at each other as they dish out the soup. It’s nice, honestly. Thor lingers a little bit closer, and Bruce holds on for a bit longer. 
He may not believe in prayer. But he doesn’t need to, not when he has this family that’s come together and a love that’s unmatched. 
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gateelbow71 · 4 years
The Pensions Consultatory Service
The People's Pension Trustee
Divorce And Pensions.
Pension Sharing (In Some Cases Called Pension Splitting).
Martin Lewis: Functioning From Residence Because Of Coronavirus, Even For A Day? Claim A Year's Worth Of Tax Obligation Relief.
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Learn what pension advantages your members would receive if your plan transfers to the PPF. More than 160 personnel with specialist trustees from a varied range of histories. Trustees, employees and funding companies are covered for lawful expenses and also costs incurred in protecting insurance claims brought against them about their tasks to the pension plan. These expenses can consist of referrals to alternative conflict resolution and mediation. Trustees and also staff members engaged in the management of the pension system are covered for losses experienced as an outcome of wrongful acts, such as violation of trust, oversight or misstatement. Keep up to day with pension trustee work by signing up with Pension Careers.
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He was greatly involved with the major refinancings in 2004 and 2006 and also handled pension concerns as part of those. He was a fiduciary of the Invensys US pension system while he was Team Treasurer.
Separation And Also Pension Plans.
Since 2007, Will has actually been benefiting the professional body for corporate treasurers, composing and also instructing thoroughly. These include the repayment of benefits, such as lump sum repayments after the fatality of a pension fund participant, kids's pension plans and also ill-health pensions. Before signing up with the board, Anna was a trustee of the Accenture Retirement Savings Strategy. As a digital technique consultant, she is experts in the Web of Points, and has actually also dealt with artificial intelligence and also blockchain projects. She brings this technical know-how to the board, in addition to her passion for great member communications as well as re-engaging plan participants. Long-term companions-- form our solutions to find the ideal equilibrium of assistance for your scheme, till the last pension is secured.
Canada’s largest pension fund bought SolarWinds stake days before hacking disclosure, stock plunge - The Washington Post
Canada’s largest pension fund bought SolarWinds stake days before hacking disclosure, stock plunge.
Posted: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
We spend for the long-term-- including our innovation to support governance as well as clerical services. Whether you call for an administration or effectiveness testimonial, a recurring governance consultant, or an assistant for your trustee board, we can help you fulfill these increasing demands and also increase value on behalf of your participants.
Pension Sharing (Often Called Pension Splitting).
However, the ability to reimburse pension payments if the participant leaves solution within two years has been modified. Before 6 April 2006, trust-based plans had two significant benefits-- employers could pay even more money right into the plan and members could take a bigger tax-free cash amount than participants in contract-based plans.
Never miss out on a brand-new pension plans trustee task by subscribing to work alerts-- simply enter you email into the box above. The Trustee is legitimately independent of BUGB and all the churches as well as various other companies joining the System. It holds the Scheme's properties in support of members, so that those assets are maintained separate from BUGB and also the other employers, and also by law can just be used to pay Scheme participants' benefits and Plan expenditures. We have actually constantly found them to be specialist, educated and able to suitably challenge professional recommendations. The group are pragmatic and also sensible, bringing a common sense approach and an ability to equate complex issues for fellow trustees to make sure the very best results for recipients. As a Sole Corporate Trustee, we fill in a traditional trustee board, presuming duty and also accountability for all the task accomplished in governing the scheme; a method which is growing in appeal. We have dealt with clients to tackle every possible pension conundrum.
Martin Lewis: Functioning From Residence As A Result Of Coronavirus, Also For A Day? Insurance Claim A Year's Well Worth Of Tax Alleviation.
such as a laptop computer with a camera, which the participants have accessibility to the relevant products prior to initiating the conference. Pension trustees have actually typically relied on normal trustee conferences in the existence of their consultants in order to properly manage their system. The COVID-19 pandemic has actually suggested that in a reasonably short room of time, trustees have had to adjust to a new means of functioning. The Pensions Regulatory authority expects trustees to have a company connection plan. The Regulatory authority's 29 April advice informs trustees to be sharp to threats associated with transfer requests and also provide participants ideal warnings.
Fees for advice are not considered to be administration charges. The key obligation exists with trustees and also managers to be compliant with the regulation. As a system provider, Prudential has a crucial function to play in sustaining trustees to be able to meet their commitments. Adhering to the policies set in April 2018 by the Department for Job as well as Pensions, trustees are needed to make all prices and fees details publicly readily available. This is to permit system members to see if they are getting value for cash as well as to help drive far better end results for them.
Northern Ireland has its very own pensions regulation and referrals in this assistance to the regulation of Great Britain, includes the equivalent regulation of North Ireland. It ought to be kept in mind that some areas of pension plans law-- such as pension civil liberties on divorce and some aspects of trust fund law-- are taken care of differently in Scotland. Where the trustee is a business, you will certainly be a supervisor of that firm. However, you will certainly have the exact same responsibilities as a specific trustee in connection with the plan. If right pensions and divorce Burnley for you are an individual trustee, you will usually be one of a number of trustees responsible for running the system; this group is frequently referred to as a board of trustees.
If you are a trustee, or are thinking about becoming one, you require to understand some standard details about pensions, trustees and also the lawful framework surrounding occupational pension plans. In becoming a trustee of a work-related pension plan, you are choosing to take on an extremely vital role.
Maintaining Notified Of The Company's Strategies.
In summary, on a non-group basis, there is no difference between an agreement based or count on based pension plan and also it is dealt with specifically the exact same for FCA and also FSCS objectives. Additionally, the master count on might establish various other constraints which a typical trust-based system wouldn't have. Maybe that the master count on locations responsibilities on the employer in regard to financial investment option, which wouldn't take place under a contract-based scheme. In a contract-based scheme the employer would certainly assign a pension supplier to run the plan. This develops a contract in between the carrier as well as the employer, and the service provider makes all the choices regarding exactly how the scheme is run. In most circumstances the company will certainly have made a promise to the employee to contribute to the pension system every month, but their responsibility ends there. So the only continuing to be benefit trust-based systems have more than contract-based plans is the reimbursement of contributions.
How do I protect my retirement in a divorce?
Protecting Your Money in a Divorce 1. Hire an experienced divorce attorney. Ideally, this person will emphasize mediation or collaborative divorce over litigation. 2. Open accounts in your name only. 3. Sort out mortgage and rent payments. 4. Be prepared to share retirement accounts.
Participants asking for a transfer worth quote must be sent a letter that the Pensions Regulator, Financial Conduct Authority and also Money and Pensions Solution have produced concerning transfer threats. The Regulatory authority also asks trustees to consist of messages from its different template letter when replying to a transfer request.
If a major injury maintained you or other staff members at your business unemployed for a long term period of time, could your company manage? Individual mishap insurance can supply economic protection for your organization when injuries take place.
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Trustees are asked proactively to keep track of the number of ask for transfer quotes they receive as well as which advisors are included. If you recognize uncommon or concerning patterns, you are asked to report these to the FCA at PTL, the leading independent trustee and also governance companies, today introduced its third consecutive year of record-breaking results because the company's MBO in 2017. PTL, the leading independent trustee and administration companies, today revealed the fourth new Customer Director to join its group this year, with the visit of Louisa Harrold. Will joined Invensys in 2000 and operated in the treasury division in the London HQ, first as Replacement Treasurer, after that Group Treasurer.
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moatrecess12 · 4 years
Pension Plans
The Pensions Management Institute
Medusa Pension Plan (cas.
New State Pension Aims To Clear Up How Much We Will Certainly Be Paid In Seniority.
We're A Team Of Money Professionals.
Who Is Covered Under Pension Trustee Responsibility Insurance Policy?
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This issue was dealt with in all 3 judgments, with specific referral to the views of the PAG. In W v H, Hess acknowledged that although it was an established method in some courts to make a straight line apportionment of pre-acquired pension, the strategy lugged with it 'significant dangers of unfairness'. The person receiving the transfer of benefits will certainly have the ability to obtain a pension income or lump sum as well as earnings at whatever old age their pension permits. In various other instances, pension benefits will be transferred right into the various other individual's work pension scheme or personal pension. Individual pensions are economic items which are used by financial firms such as insurance firms. Individuals make payments to their personal pension, either by regular instalments or using bigger however much less constant lump sum payments.
Work pension plans are systems made available by employers to staff members, both of whom will generally add to the employer's pension privilege. Pension service providers usually release annual statements which reveal the quantity of pension earnings which will be paid on retirement. Perhaps not remarkably after that, individuals think about pensions not in terms of worth but in regards to future earnings. That can seem so remote in time that it is unworthy arguing around. There are many different sorts of pensions and also their terms and also value can vary also. You, and also your partner may have a state pension, company pension and perhaps an individual pension as well.
Medusa Pension Scheme (cas.
In practice, the other half's teachers' pension will certainly supply a guaranteed tax-free lump sum and also guaranteed pension, plus a widowers' pension. If the husband were able to acquire comparable advantages on the competitive market, the price would certainly be substantially greater than ₤ 150,000. The global evaluation technique for pensions is the Cash Matching. A divorcing couple will unavoidably be needed to obtain CEs for each pension plan of which they are or have actually been a participant. A PSO will be expressed as calling for the trustees to move a percentage of the CE value to the other spouse. The advantage of CEs is that they are quickly available, and supply an approximate "picture" value of a pension fund.
Your very first step therefore is to quantify your pension plans along with your cost savings, shares, financial investments and any type of residential or commercial property of service rate of interest you might have. With earmarking, the court grants a percentage (it can be 100%) of the earnings the various other party receives from the pension to the previous spouse. Nevertheless, it has countless disadvantages which is why it has actually befalled of favour. For Pensions Brentwood , the earnings stops on the death of the pension holder or if the partner remarries.
Brand-new State Pension Aims To Improve Just How Much We Will Certainly Be Paid In Seniority.
right pension trustee for you on retirement can be a lot more than at the time of evaluation. Offsetting includes stabilizing the pension fund against other marital possessions, such as your house. For instance, the wife could cede the pension fund to her other half in return for a bigger share or the profits from any property. A pension is frequently the biggest or second largest funding property in a marriage or Civil Collaboration. Thus, it is very important that pension plans are thought about in the monetary negotiation. This would deny the previous partner of a larger pension and also this situation might be intensified if the member additionally defers taking the pension revenue or free of tax round figure up until the Inland Revenue maximum age of 75.
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Under this choice, every one of the marriage properties are calculated in addition to the celebrations respective pension entitlement. Rather bizarrely until the center of the 1990's the Courts paid little interest to pensions when making monetary orders upon Separation. This strategy usually favoured the other halves however, thankfully, the Courts have now caught up with the moments as well as this is currently no longer the instance.
We're A Group Of Money Professionals.
This applies where the pension is a defined benefit system such as a last wage and also includes public service schemes such as the NHS, cops, fire & rescue, militaries and also educators. " If your pension possessions are very reduced, then you might well decide that the cost of obtaining guidance outweighs the value of the pension. Depending upon the dimension of the pension you could wish to consider getting economic guidance, as any valuation is open to assumption which could leave you short changed. If you have actually a defined advantage, or final income pension, an assessment is a lot more made complex as there isn't a clear share of cash connected to you in the fund so presumptions should be made.
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Nonetheless, you will need to get the court involved if you pick to make a pension sharing or pension accessory order. Pension countering permits you to offset the value of any type of pension plans versus other possessions. This involves making an agreement to share the pension at a later date. Pension sharing permits you to obtain a share of approximately 100% of any kind of one or more of your ex-partner's pensions. Mary Waring, taking care of director of Riches for Ladies, claims pension plans are commonly one of one of the most beneficial properties, however their significance can be easily forgotten in a break up, when feelings are running high. According to pension company Prudential, people retiring this year can expect a regular annual income of ₤ 19,400, however this falls to ₤ 16,300 for any person who has actually separated.
When managing the department of marital assets, pension plans are typically one of the most hard class of property to manage. Before intending exactly how to divide your pension assets you may want to consider how much money you assume you will require to survive on later in life. While it might not be the first point you require to think of, a pension fund is most likely to be one of one of the most difficult properties a pair will have to split in case of a separation. As an example, a pair each age 40 where the freelance other half has a Defined Contribution pension with a CE of ₤ 150,000 and the teacher other half has a last wage Defined Benefit pension with a CE of ₤ 150,000.
Most exclusive pension civil liberties are dealt with as marriage properties, yet the majority of State Pensions are not. In Scotland, just pension civil liberties accumulated during the marriage are treated as marriage assets. The therapy of pension civil liberties can be one of one of the most complicated facets of a divorce or dissolution negotiation. HHJ Hess notes the received view urged by the Court of Appeal in Martin-Dye v Martin-Dye 2 FLR 901, that pensions must be taken care of individually and also discretely from other capital properties. He nevertheless keeps in mind that numerous litigants select to blur the difference in between the categories as well as participate in an offsetting workout. It is clear that in a needs instance, the court can have resort to any type of properties, whenever acquired, in order to guarantee that the events' requirements are properly met. By comparison, in a sharing instance, the therapy of a pension as non-matrimonial residential property is a real-time problem.
Sorts Of Pension Arrangements.
Pension funds are a possession, similar to your home or the financial savings you may have in the bank. That's why it's normal for your pension fund or funds to be dealt with as an asset that should be separated between you as well as your partner or civil partner in the event of separation or dissolution of a civil collaboration. From 6 April 2016 onwards, neither the old basic State Pension neither the brand-new State Pension can be shared. You 'd both pay tax on the pension revenue you get from your share of the pension at your own price of tax obligation. The partner without the pension receives a share of the pension benefits which are transferred into their name. https://bristol.trusted-pensions.co.uk/ getting the pension advantages obtains a 'pension credit rating' as well as the companion losing pension advantages gets a 'pension debit'.
Connecticut pension fund CIO resigns - Pensions & Investments
Connecticut pension fund CIO resigns.
Posted: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 20:45:27 GMT [source]
However earmarking orders can be varied in the future if the scenarios change and also benefits enhanced in favour of the previous spouse. An earmarking order is really different from a pension sharing order because the order will not be applied until the retirement age of the plan participant. Public service systems additionally supply a last wage pension with an accrual price of 1/80th plus a free of tax lump sum additionally. This means that if the participant works for 40 years this setup will certainly be equal to the maximum Inland Earnings benefits of 2/3rds final income. The third kind is the Army Pension Plan that is governed by authority tools, is likewise a final wage pension but derives their authority from the Queen instead of by parliament. For a lengthy marital relationship, the pension can be the largest possession after the family home so reaching a precise value is important.
Anyone considering this path though needs to think of it extremely carefully as a result of the various nature of capital properties and pensions. Pensions are not fluid assets, and also, as such, can just be turned into cash on retirement.
Can my partner claim half my pension?
Can I claim against my ex's pension? At the moment cohabiting couples are not automatically entitled to claim a share of their former partner's pension, unless they have been nominated as a beneficiary.
Pensions on separation can throw up a great deal of intricacy as well as unpredictability for both partners. There is a great deal to consider as well as reaching a reasonable choice for both events might need experienced suggestions as well as settlement.
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Survey #357
“your magic white rabbit has left its writing on the wall  /  we follow like alice, and just keep diving down the hole”
Are you better at telling stories or writing them? Writing, by a long shot. What’s one song you hate, but know every word to? i'm a barbie girl in a fckn barbie woooooorld What’s your favorite magazine? I don’t read magazines. If you could be an animal for one day, which animal would you choose? Probably a house cat. Be indoors and safe, able to just nap... lol. But I'd want another cat as a friend, too! Do you prefer outdoor or indoor concerts/events? Indoors, by a mile. I get hot outside way too easily. Do you know if you were a planned child? I don't know. What’s your favorite gem? Dragon's breath opal. As an adult, do you want to live in an apartment or a house? I'd like to live in a house, especially with the pets I want. I doubt many apartment complexes would allow multiple reptiles and inverts. Do you like the stem or leafy part of the broccoli? It doesn't matter much to me, but I prefer the stem. The texture is more likeable to me. Do bats frighten you? No, I adore bats! Does Paris appeal to you? Yeah, it's a pretty place. Are you a KPOP fan? No, I've never really checked it out. How long was your longest relationship? Over three and a half years. First time you kissed the last person you kissed? We were outside roasting marshmallows one night. Do you have to really know someone to kiss them? Absolutely. I don't dish 'em out for nothing. Were you anyone’s first kiss? No. If you had to be named after one of the 50 states of America, what state would you WANT to be named after? I actually think "Nevada" would be kinda pretty as a name? Do you think morals are universal or relative to the beliefs, traditions, or practices of individuals or groups? I've wondered this for a long while, really. I lean towards it being a mix, maybe? But more towards universal, I think... with some exceptions. This answer is all over the place, I honestly don't know. Is torture ever a good option? If no, why not? If yes, when? No? I think the "why not" is obvious... You just don't. What do you think is one one of the most undervalued professions right now? Teachers, garbagemen, retail and food workers... There's a lot. Have you ever seen anyone have a heart attack? Thank Christ no. Have you personalized your answering machine/voicemail? No. Have you ever had Fiji brand water? I actually don't believe I have, though it's always looked appealing to me, haha. What’s your favorite horror movie? The Crazies and the first Silent Hill, as well as both Blair Witch Projects. What was the worst thing a friend has either done or said to you? I'd rather not even think about things the bitch said to me. Are you biracial? No. When was the last time you got mad and broke something? I've never broken something when mad. What color dress did you wear to prom? My first was maroon, second one was black. Who is the cutest baby you know? My friend has a daughter named Scarlett who is absolutely gorgeous. Have you ever thrown a rock at a window? No, because I respect people's fucking property. Has anyone ever thrown a rock at your window? No. Does your hair react well to dye, or does it damage it? It likes to not take dye at all. >.> I have only had one instance where a friend dyed it red and it stuck for months and months, but we kept it in for a couple hours, I think. My normal hairdresser says it's because my hair is really healthy and I guess rejects it. What kind of pet do you wish you had? I ramble plenty about how I want tarantulas and more reptiles, haha. I also DESPERATELY want to rescue or foster an opossum. When was the last time you were diagnosed with something? Are you concerned about anything regarding your physical or mental health at the moment? I haven't been diagnosed with anything in quite some time, I believe, but as I'm going through the process of being approved for TMS therapy for my depression, my bipolar diagnosis is being questioned, which is... strange to me. It's been acknowledged by many a doctor that I have bipolar 2, but if insurance recognizes my primary diagnosis as bipolar, they won't cover TMS because it can massively excite the mania portion of bipolarity, and therefore I can't do it because we can't manually afford it. I'm willing to take the risk by far, as I've never had issues with mania, but I can't without insurance. I'm just waiting to hear back from them... What is one blanket judgment you tend to make about people (like, you judge all people who live at home, all people who drink, etc)? Does this judgment come from a particular personal experience? I really don't know. How do you react to other people yelling or slamming doors? Is this something you ever do too? I get very scared if it's a man. I don't like anyone doing it, and my anxiety will spike regardless, I'm just terrified of angry men. Have you ever lost your cool at work or somewhere else important? What happened as a result? No. Who has the power to break you? Jason still might. I don't know. Is anyone in your family blind? My sister is legally blind in one eye. Do you believe in evolution? Yeah. I do find the concept odd, that ALL LIFE originated from one thing, but I sure ain't got a better explanation, so. What job do you think people should be paid the most for? Surgeons, maybe? I dunno, that's a big question. Were you ever held back a year in school? Did you ever skip a grade? No. Have you ever been given a hickey? Have you given one? Yeah to both. What is your least favourite thing about your full name? I have the most basic white bitch middle name in the world, lol. Do you like the age you are? Eh, I don't mind it much, but I think it'd be better to be in my early 20s versus mid 20s. I'm just always so tired now. I can't believe I used to refuse to go to sleep before 10:30. What’s your favourite kind of poptart? The chocolate sundae one. If you had to eat one type (Chinese, etc.) of food which would it be? American bc I'm not very adventurous with food at all. When did your family immigrate to wherever you live now? *shrug* Are your fingers long, or short? Long. Mom's always said I have "piano fingers." Do you play Pokemon Go? If so, what level are you and who’s your buddy? Yeah, I love it, but don't play it nearly as much as I want because I don't exactly go anywhere, lol. My bud's Charmeleon, and I'm probably like five EXP from level 28. Do you ever sit indoors and wear sunglasses or a hat? I don't own either, so. Do you know how to read animals’ behavior? I honestly think I'm very good at it. Do you like playing video games? If so, what do you usually play? Yes, but not as much as I used to. All I really play nowadays is World of Warcraft. The only working console I have is a PS2, and I haven't bought a new game in probably a couple years, but there are definitely ones I want to play, mainly on PS4. Just can't afford it right now. Have you ever viewed the moon through a telescope? No. Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks? No. There's no way I could, given my tremors. Do you prefer reading books, comic books, manga/graphic novels, magazines, or the newspaper? Books. When is the last time you ate donuts? It's been months, man. I've seriously been craving a glazed one, though. Krispy Kreme sounds amaaaaaziiiiiing. Has anyone ever called you sexy? Somehow. Do you like raisins? NO NO NO NO NO. Have you ever overheard a conversation you weren’t supposed to? More than once. Do you like ants? They're genuinely extremely fascinating animals, but they're seriously annoying nevertheless. Did you like the movie Antz? I loved it as a kid. What was your favorite ice cream flavor when you were little? Chocolate. Is it still your favorite? Eh, depends on the day. By the way, what is your name? Brittany. What time zone do you live in? EST. Do you like cats? I love cats. What’s the most creepy experience you’ve ever had? One night when my mom and sister were at the beach for a dance competition, I was having trouble sleeping, and it only got worse when my dog Teddy started freaking the fuck out, barking loudly and staring intently at the foot of the bed. I was so scared that I tried to force his head to lie down, but he fought against me. I was terrified, but got up out of the bed and went into the living room to call my mom at like 3 in the damn morning, and she had to have our neighbor come over to sleep in the house with me (I was in a different room that night). You can't convince me that there wasn't paranormal shit going on. I think the house was haunted honestly, for multiple reasons. What’s the most boring game to exist? Why do you dislike it so much? Hm, I dunno. What’s the coolest place that you've ever been to? What’d you do there? Disney World was very memorable as a kid. We just went around collecting signatures, going on rides, all that fun stuff. I'll never forget fireworks at the castle. If you’re interested in having a long-term relationship with someone, do you think that waiting a certain amount of time before you first have sex is a good idea? Or does it not matter? I think it's a good idea, personally, mostly for the sake of reducing the spread of STDs. Just because you think you'll be long-term, doesn't mean you will be. Besides that, isn't there a science that sex and feelings of love are connected? Like, sex is impossible without at least some underlying emotions? I might be entirely wrong, in which case forgive me for spreading misinformation, but if that's so and things don't go as planned, you've gotten emotionally invested in someone too early and wind up getting hurt. You do you, I just don't think it's smart. Have you ever discovered something big by looking through someone’s phone, Facebook, email, etc.? No. Have you kept anything from your past relationships? (Things they left at your house, gifts, notes, etc) Do you think that’s a big deal for future relationships or not? Yeah, like plushies and little stuff like that. When it's tiny things like I just mentioned, I really don't think it matters. I think some things might be questionable to keep, but at the same time, I don't think it's really wrong to keep memories of a happy time, if the thing still brings you joy and has been emotionally disconnected from the ex? Idk. Do you have any financial regrets? Either way, what’s an example of a GOOD financial decision you’ve made? Going to and dropping out of college three fucking times. I don't know about a good financial decision seeing as I'm not even in charge of my own finances, nor really have any to begin with. Are you a believer in “signs” from the Universe about things in your life? If you are, can you think of a particular example? No. Name some things that one or both of your parents are really good at or really interested in. Mom LOVES medical stuff, like watching surgeries and stuff like that. She is also absolutely incredible with children. Dad likes sports a lot, hockey and football especially. Think of a good friend of the opposite sex (currently or in the past). Have you ever had any sort of “more than a friend” or sexual thoughts about them? If not, can you explain why? Well, we dated briefly, so... It was awkward to, but I let myself imagine sexual situations a few times to help myself understand if I really did like-like him, or if he was truly just a brother to me. Turns out, he's a bro. If someone told you that you would never achieve something and you ended up doing it, would you have any interest in finding that person and showing them? I'ma be honest, yes. I wouldn't actively seek them out, but rather just hope they somehow find out or I run into them or something. What is the most jealousy-induced thing you’ve ever done? Apparently, be the girl Juan liked instead of this girl that literally threatened to deck me. Guess what? We're friends now lmaoooo.
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couchpatch2 · 4 years
Just How Much Does It Cost For A Solicitor To Write Your Will?
Will Writing Solutions
Frequently Asked Will Composing Questions.
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Will Composing Solicitors.
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If you are replacing an old will, you also need to state on your brand-new one that it replaces all previous versions, which ought to be ruined. Be as certain as you can around what you intend to take place as well as see to it that there are no spelling errors, specifically for any kind of recipients. last will and testament manchester follow general rules in the criterion of writing and framework in order to reduce unpredictability.
To learn more about the phrasing to use and also how to make your will legitimately legitimate, take a look at the gov.uk web site. Any person aged 18 or above can be an executor of your will, even those called as beneficiaries. Given that the task of an administrator is to carry out your desires after you have actually passed away, it is best to choose a person capable of the role but likewise someone that you trust fund. For that reason, it is common for individuals to select a partner or developed youngster. You can select one member of the family as well as one specialist, such as a lawyer or accounting professional, yet bear in mind that expert executors are most likely to charge a fee. Look around and consider whether it is worth having a person independent with expert knowledge.
As an example, several on-line services advise Mirror Wills which in our sight, are simply not suitable for the vast bulk of couples.
Once more, choosing a company whose attorneys have a more comprehensive knowledge than the straightforward matching of an A-level can aid guarantee the guidance you obtain is contextual, taking complete account of all of your circumstances.
We spoke to numerous of one of the most prominent solutions as well as none can assure that their 'certified individual' would certainly in fact be a solicitor.
It is just difficult to write a comprehensive set of inquiries that will cover each and every single scenario and after that produce a customized Will at the end.
Additionally, the term 'qualified person' used by a lot of online solutions is extremely loosened.
Using a solicitor may be less expensive than you may believe, and it indicates that you have the comfort of understanding it's been done properly. You should most definitely take into consideration using a solicitor if your household position is complicated. The person that figure out your residential or commercial property when you pass away as well as performs the guidelines in your Will is called your administrator. It can be a difficult task even if your instructions as well as your home are quite basic-- it's not uncommon for the process to take several months and the task of an executor is sometimes hard. As an example, they could have to choose when to sell your property to make sure that individuals that inherit the money from its sale get the most money. Think about exactly how you want to divide your assets between the people you've provided. You might find it useful to consider what is essential to you.
Although no-one suches as to consider dying, it can occur suddenly to any of us and in this case, not having a will may indicate that your enjoyed ones don't get the benefits from your estate. You might also have certain sentimental products that you would love to go to certain individuals, but without a will these dreams may not be recognized. Would you like to learn even more regarding our Will creating solution? Call us on or call us onlineto arrange a telephone call with our Will experts. Making a Will guarantees that when you pass away, your estate as well as affairs are managed according to your wishes.
Intestacy, which is the condition of the estate of a person that passes away without having actually made a legitimate will, complies with a set of regulations put down by legislation which state exactly how the estate is to be provided if there is no will. Ensure you seek professional suggestions when composing a will, and that every one of the proper actions are taken, including having actually the will seen. For instance, if you wish to leave among your kids the "black BMW" however you later sell this car after the will has been signed, it can lead to complication and possible disputes. If you have step-children with a companion, merely stating "my kids" in your will may lead to complication and also will not automatically cover them.
Your youngsters can not assert your estate so you must consider making monetary setups-- placing inheritance in trust, for instance. You need to select trustees that will manage the trust fund in support of your children-- these could likewise be your executors. And also you will need full names as well as addresses of legal guardians and also trustees. People normally provide their partner or partner as major recipient however you need to specify who ought to obtain your estate if she or he were to pass away prior to you-- your children or grandchildren, as an example. Nevertheless, these stages can show incredibly challenging and taxing if you do not have experienced assistance. Even if your estate is small and also your will is incredibly basic, we advise looking for expert recommendations to see to it that it is lawfully binding.
It is ideal not to make use of close family members, youngsters, those that have visual issues or those that aren't with the ability of recognizing what they are experiencing. It is also vital to remember that witnesses can't be beneficiaries or companions of recipients. Typically, your estate will cover any estate tax owing to HM Revenue & Customs, however you can stipulate in your will that whoever you are leaving a property or residential property to must be in charge of paying. Below at Perrys, we have a highly-qualified as well as recognized group of accountants with a lot of experience in probate and also estate tax problems. If you're thinking about creating a will, please do not wait to contact us. We'll schedule a casual, confidential preliminary conversation with a professional from one of our 7 branches in Kent or main London. Come and talk to our will lawyers in Epsom if you want to produce your will this year.
There utilized to be tax obligation benefits to making use of an optional trust as well as placing properties valued approximately the value of the nil-rate band into it. Those tax benefits are no longer so advantageous, however making use of an optional count on can protect your estate from claims by creditors or in separation negotiations or if your hubby or partner remarries. You can create a trust fund purposefully or by operation of legislation such as when you leave a present to small kids under 18 years of ages. You must consider making a Will whether you are young or old, if you have a family to care for, or if you have a property or other useful properties. This totally free layout develops a last will and also testimony where the testator leaves all his/her assets to one person after making certain gifts of money and ownerships. The formal demands for wills are set down in the lawful statute Section 9 of the Wills Act 1837, as amended by Area 17 of the Management of Justice Act 1982.
Is a post office will kit legal?
You may be tempted to try and save money by picking up a Will Kit from the Post Office. But be warned – there is a risk that a will made using a standard Will Kit may be found to be invalid. In this case, a husband and wife had both made wills using Post Office Will Kits.
Once finished, you can send this to us, or bring it with you when you meet one of our solicitors. Spouses and also children have particular entitlements from the estate of their spouses/parents.
Often Asked Will Creating Questions.
Our totally free design templates are most appropriate for less complicated estates that are valued below the IHT nil price band. One of the Internet Lawman free choice design templates should appropriate, we approximate, for around 60% of the UK population. You do not need a solicitor or Will writer to evaluate or to authorize your Will for it to be lawfully binding. The record becomes binding as an outcome of the process of authorizing it in front of 2 witnesses, not due to any kind of involvement of a lawyer.
The regulation divides the estate of a deceased right into 3 parts - the prior civil liberties; the legal civil liberties, as well as the cost-free estate. You can partially disinherit a spouse or kids, but the law places a limitation on that particular. Spouses and civil companions have the right of ius relicti or ius relictae as well as children have the right of legitim. You need to designate guardians that 'd deal with kids under 18 if both parents were to die.
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Fatality and also passing away Planning for the future Why leave a gift to Sue Ryder in your Will? Around a 3rd of our fundraised revenue comes from presents in Wills delegated us by our generous supporters. Gifts in Wills imply that even more individuals can be sustained through their most challenging times, as well as assisted to live the very best life they perhaps can.
Because of this, lots of people would be smart to choose an administrator with the suitable level of experience along with insurance coverage to protect them. Take into consideration whether you have control over where these assets will pass, or whether that is pre-determined incidentally in which you own them. Collectively owned residential property as well as checking account, for example, automatically pass to a making it through co-owner. It's critical to comprehend what you have actually obtained as well as who you wish to pass it to before you write your will. Think home, bank accounts, financial investments, shares, life policies and whether you have any kind of unique things you wish to pass anywhere particular. We will send you a letter, or if appropriate, a detailed report on your details conditions and also draft wills for you to think about, together with suggestions for adjustments where suitable. As soon as you enjoy with your wills, we will publish and send you bound copies with guidelines on how to authorize them.
For example, it might be things like seeing to it that your partner is provided for, or ensuring that your grandchildren obtain the most effective education. Things like your financial savings, any kind of home you have and any type of beneficial items - and an approximation of what they deserve. You should additionally consider any nostalgic items that you might desire certain individuals to have.
How do I make a simple will?
Writing Your Will 1. Create the initial document. Start by titling the document “Last Will and Testament" and including your full legal name and address. 2. Designate an executor. 3. Appoint a guardian. 4. Name the beneficiaries. 5. Designate the assets. 6. Ask witnesses to sign your will. 7. Store your will in a safe place.
This way when you're gone there can be no confusion or misunderstanding regarding how your estate is to be split up as well as your will carried out. You'll additionally need to select an administrator or executors of your last will and testament.
Will Creating Lawyers.
If you desire your step-children to be consisted of in your will, make certain you clearly discuss them. If you have little ones, it is necessary to think of that you wish to take care of them after you die. If you are the only enduring parent as well as you do not choose a guardian for your kids in your will, this decision could potentially go to the family members courts. Ensure this headache does not occur by naming the guardian in your will. When noting down the properties to pass onto enjoyed ones, lots of people keep in mind the substantial possessions; the automobile, your home, the watch. Very frequently, nonetheless, they neglect some of the a lot more abstract assets. Administrators bring a lawful obligation to do the work effectively, as well as can be accountable for any kind of loss arising from their failure to do so.
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Basically, a will is the only certain way to make certain that your desires are fulfilled after you pass away. With a legitimate will, you can provide your money, home, ownerships as well as investments to individuals, organisations as well as triggers you value most. Heritage Wills & Estate Preparation Limited Registered in England as well as Wales No. at sixth Flooring, St Georges Home, St Georges Means, Leicester, LE1 1SH. BARREL Enrollment No. Heritage Wills & Estate Planning Limited is authorized and also controlled by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit report broking activities just (see FCA Register at FCA Number ). The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate will creating or estate preparation services. By writing your own Will, you make the procedure of resolving your estate less expensive and also much faster. By reducing the quantity spent on legal fees, you can shield the value of your estate that is to be passed on to your beneficiaries.
Whilst the legislation bordering Wills as well as inheritance may be complex, the procedure of completing a Will shouldn't be. Heritage Wills & Estate Planning have a range of ways to make contact with us, either by email, message or telephone, and in some situations we even supply the solution of seeing you in your own house. As soon as you have actually given all the info we need, we will draft your Will, leaving you to simply check over the file and also indication. This guide would certainly reveal you just how to choose them, produce a checklist as well as write a Will. In In The Event Of Death, you additionally discover what to do in different situations - the in-depth treatments for each circumstance of death. In the last phase, you have an exceptional resource overview on the kinds available for various estate planning as well as Wills functions. You can leave it with a professional will storage space firm (Beyond includes will storage space with our ₤ 10 membership strategy), or with a close friend or member of the family.
Without a Will, your properties will be controlled by the state as well as may not be passed on just how you would have wanted. Once you have actually taken into consideration issues, you might locate the connected set of questions form valuable to set out your wishes.
These are individuals that will guarantee your wishes, as written in your will, are carried out. This can be a great deal of work, so make sure they comprehend the duty they're taking on or consider making use of a specialist executor, such as a solicitor or Beyond's administrator service. These have the benefit of being less costly (a solicitor will charge ₤ 200- ₤ 600 for a single will, compared to ₤ 90 for a will on Beyond), however not all will creating services are developed equivalent. On Beyond, we offer real-time assistance and also examine every will that is developed through us, so we can assist you avoid making any type of blunders that might make your will invalid. Planning ahead for your funeral service Thinking of and also intending your funeral can really feel extremely hard, and also some individuals choose not to review it.
As an example, Carbon monoxide op lawful services deals will creating solutions from ₤ 90 for a Living Will, from ₤ 150 for a Solitary Will, ₤ 245 for Mirror Wills and also a taken care of charge Lasting Power of Lawyer starts from ₤ 270. Keep in mind that our cost-free design templates do not consist of provisions that seek to minimise tax obligation. If this is necessary to you, you should take a look at the various other Web Lawman last Will and also testament layouts, a number of which cover standard IHT planning. If the worth of your estate can go beyond the nil rate band (₤ 325,000 for a private in 2020/21), then we suggest that you seek advice from a qualified tax obligation specialist before signing your Will. The reason that most people don't compose a Will is the financial price of doing so.
Few Will authors are totally legally certified, so if you do use a Will-writing solution, it is best to inspect that they belong to the Institute of Professional Willwriters or Society of Willwriters. The even more complicated your financial events, the much more reasonable it is to listen from a solicitor.
When Should You Use A Solicitor To Prepare A Will?
Getting proper legal advice can set you back a number of hundred extra pounds, yet it does suggest that you can be fairly certain your will stands as well as the people you wish to profit do. Financial institutions as well as several lawful companies also provide guidance and also will-writing solutions. Expert will writers as well as solicitors can all help, however typically expense. Your will is a legal paper which lets you decide what occurs to your cash, home and possessions after your death. The very name Will assumes the person making and signing it is doing so by their own intentional as well as considered choice. Hence, if that can be shown not to be so, after that the will can be struck down. However if 30-day trial aggrieved family member intends to challenge, he should do so in court, and verify by clear proof that the will is not legitimate, and that is a high hillside to climb up.
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