#he thinks he and tsukasa are twins (they're not)
sleeps-au-bag · 1 month
hhhh, i'm just gonna go ahead and make the fma x prsk au. welcome to fullmetal alchemist: SEKAI, where i decided that team mustang should deal with one half of the weirdo wombo combo from kamiyama and that resembool is too quiet and should experience the sekai event stories. took some advice and decided that some characters are replaced while others are spared. of course everyone else in prsk gets added too, how else are the event stories gonna happen? let's go.
everyone replaced:
ed - tsukasa
al - saki
winry - rui
trisha - tenmama
sheska - mafuyu
paninya - akito
pride - riliane "sudou"
lust - sateriasis venomania
greed - gallerian marlon
sloth - margarita blankenheim
envy - kayo sudou
gluttony - banica conchita
wrath - nemesis sudou
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izvmimi · 5 months
baji is the groundskeeper???? where does he stay? does he ever get main house privileges?
he hasn't been relevant to me since i fell in love with deku but now he's just around when i need to think about a silly man (i just love nonsense headcanons with him every so often since he's unserious and my other faves are too like upstanding to apply certain kind of nonsense scenarios too)
he has zero main house privileges. i don't respect him but no one has the heart to truly throw him out. i have no idea where he stays.
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donut251155 · 25 days
The "Yugi twins situation" is NOT incestuous
I'll just analyze stuff people used to "prove" the opposite of this, as someone with a close (PLATONIC!!!) relationship with a sibling
I'll just get straight to the point
This scene is NOT incestuous. They hadn't seen each other for DECADES, it makes sense that Tsukasa reached out to touch Amane - usually if you can't believe you're seeing someone you reach for their face, no? And he just moved his head up (+ the つ (translated as "rub" could just be his hand moving and could be a translation error. Like the "ah…" from Amane, he says "つー" (Tsu) which would've probably been him calling out for Tsukasa)
Also Amane was blushing because he WAS ABOUT TO FUCKING CRY??? IT'S NORMAL TO GET RED WHEN YOU CRY??? That's basic knowledge I fear
I also think that if the scene was supposed to have some incestuous undertones, Tsukasa wouldn't have moved his thumb back.
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Someone said this
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I believe it doesn't have incestuous undertones for three reasons:
1. He had a dreamy and hopeful face in both cases. Usually, when characters dream of doing anything, even eating a cake or something like that, the artist adds blush to make the desire stronger. Tsukasa's desires were just having fun with his brother at a festival, something COMPLETELY PLATONIC, and knowing that his brother genuinely cares about him (another COMPLETELY PLATONIC thing driven by a sense of insecurity that he got because of how grumpy Amane was while sick. He wanted to hear his brother say "I love you" (PLATONICALLY) for the last time. It's less ambiguous in the Italian version because it's "Amane, tu mi vuoi bene?" which can only be seen as platonic (voler bene is platonic, amare romantic))
2. He looks cuter blushing. He's a child, children are supposed to be cute. He looks depressed without the blush in the first image 💀💀
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See? He's cuter with the blush
3. He blushes for like 90% of the time. It makes him cuter, more childlike, he's FOUR YEARS OLD. The blush disappears when the drawing is too small for it to be added, when he's supposed to be confused, scary/creepy or serious.
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This part fucking hell. Y'all do not know how four year olds think, do you?? Let me enlighten you
To the four year old Tsukasa, you either love or hate someone. No in between. He isn't talking about romantic love, he's talking about caring about someone, usually deeply. He means the platonic kind of love, it's all he knows. Nene reacted that way because she's 15, to her "love" is the romantic kind of love and she's in love with Hanako, same with Kou - they're teenagers who learnt that romantic and platonic love are different. Tsukasa doesn't know. He loves Amane in a platonic, brotherly way and thinks Nene loves his brother in the same exact way, like every other 4 year old would've assumed
(I reached the max of images :(( I meant the part where Tsukasa asks Nene if she loves Amane and says they're the same after she says she does, her mistaking it as romantic love and him taking it as platonic. Mb guys I'm new to Tumblr)
For the pose where the early manga showed us how Amane supposedly killed Tsukasa: it's not suggestive in any way. It just looks like Amane pushed Tsukasa down, stabbed him and that his knees gave out after he noticed he actually did what he did because of the wave of guilt and grief he felt (he even dropped the knife)
That's all I can think of atm :D
If you have any questions about this, ask ahead and I'll answer them!! I'm ready to answer
And sorry if I sounded a bit pissed off, but I am. I'm so sick of people misunderstanding sibling love lolol if you ship them go fuck yourself and do not talk to me, do not even breathe the same air as me I hate you and you're a disappointment to humanity
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nanabansama · 2 months
Tsukasa's Winter Uniform
Many people forget, but Tsukasa has appeared in TBHK since the very first chapter. He even shows up before Kou, less you count the pilot adaptation.
The odd thing is, despite Tsukasa later confirming he only wore the winter uniform to match his older brother, Tsukasa shows up in the winter uniform much earlier than their fated rooftop encounter. About a month earlier, at least.
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If that weren't enough, he even shows up wearing it in the reflection of Hanako's knife, implying he wore it when he died.
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Previously I guessed this was done because AidaIro hadn't finalized the designs of Amane (specifically, alive!Hanako) and Tsukasa yet, but upon further reflection I like to think it was to wordlessly show the deep connection between Hanako and Tsukasa. To leave hints for the reader, and keep them second-guessing.
I mean, who's to say the character handling the radio in Chapter 1 wasn't Hanako? It's unlikely with what we know now, but it's something a lot of people probably thought when they first read it. And I think that's kind of brilliant, given that the twins are mirror images of each other in everything except clothes. When we can't see Tsukasa's identical face, it only makes sense to give them the same clothes.
It's interesting when Tsukasa first shows up on the rooftop, too. Tsukasa has a few differences between himself and his twin, but in this encounter he shares much of the same traits. He lacks his pointy teeth and you can't even see his eyes till the end, which don't even look particularly Tsukasa-like.
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The only true major difference is his kokujoudai and the black seal, which really lack any individuality at all... they are just black-colored versions of Hanako's own seal and tsueshiro. It's a very interesting choice; the least I can say is Tsukasa really went all out in matching his brother.
In some ways, it's a bit underwhelming for his face reveal. In others, it's not: I mean, Hanako's murder victim literally shares his face! What a compelling surprise! I can only imagine AidaIro was trying to emphasize this.
Later, Tsukasa returns to the broadcasting club room and catches up with Natsuhiko and Sakura. This is where his individuality begins to shine.
He changes into his hakama outfit, his pupils get tiny or his eyes go completely black, and while not every panel has them he's drawn with his signature pointy canines in a few.
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His personality changes, too. You get to see Tsukasa's more childlike, innocent side. He's so much more serious when he's with Hanako, you feel a lot of tension and maybe even resentment there. But here, he becomes so carefree. While the rooftop has him feeling more like a spectre of Hanako's guilt rather than his own person, here it really sinks in that this is not just some recolored Hanako we're dealing with.
On that note, I find it interesting the twins seem more carefree when they're away from each other... hmm...
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Anyway, one thing I like about this era of Tsukasa is the art AidaIro made of him. I'm a big fan of early TBHK art, and the matching baggy winter uniforms really look nice together.
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I like how this art emphasizes a sort of perverted sentimentality between the two of them. They can't help reaching out to each other. I like how Hanako distinctly doesn't look happy either, something Tsukasa inquires when they meet again. He looks distressed, helplessly so. And he is: he can't break away from his guilt of killing Tsukasa, nor Tsukasa himself, who is content to keep eating away at him while he still can, knowing Amane will be his doom. It's mutual self-destruction--They can't live with each other, can't live without each other...
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My love for chapter frontispieces aside, thanks for reading this far! I used to not have much appreciation for Tsukasa's winter uniform but I've come to love its symbolism a lot more as time has gone on. Perhaps I'm reading too deep into things, but what do you think?
Also before anyone tries to tell me the Chapter 17 frontispiece isn't Tsukasa allow me to introduce you to the top right corner:
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period-of-nocturne · 16 days
I had random shower thoughts about the Shinonome and the Tenmas. How Tsukasa and Ena are the same age, same for Akito and Saki. But how different their relationship is despite that.
Akito and Saki are the younger siblings. Despite that, I doubt Ena and Tsukasa have any memories of their life without them being around.
And even so, the two siblings relationships are so different. Not just in the sense that the Tenma seems to get along very well while the Shinonome... Are your typical siblings.
But in terms of dynamic, while Saki is definitely Tsukasa's little sister, Ena and Akito acts in a such way you would wonder if they're twin, sometimes.
We know it's because of their different context. Saki, with her illness bringing her often at the hospital, quickly became the little sister Tsukasa felt he had to care for as much as he could.
Ena one the other hand, with her breakdown, insecurities, and depression, "lost" her "big sister role", and Akito took the responsibility to care foe her and handle her feelings instead of the opposite.
And now that the girls are recovering we can hope to see the dynamic with their brothers balance and adjust more, slowly.
Sometimes I like to think of a world where the two duos context are reversed.
Akito getting a leg injury and becoming unable to play foot (permanently), before he decides to quit.
(It can be anything. You can have him in a wheelchair, have him unable to walk for a short time or until forever. Give him something less apparent but not less annoying. Anything.)
Ena becoming the one who tries to cheer him up. Doing something cute, like drawing Akito and herself as some super hero in a self insert world. Making little comics where cool things happen.
She'd go the Tsukasa route in the way she wouldn't lose confidence. She might not act like the guy did, but she'd be as selfless and little-brother centered.
I don't know if Akito would still see Rad Weekend or not. I assume the Summer Festival still happens. Ena taking him with her to cheer him up. Akito heard of Rad Weekend here. Ena could take him there as well. (Would it impact her ? I don't know. I think not. You can think otherwise.)
Tsukasa with Ena's anxiety and self-destructive tendencies, but towards acting. I just realised I opened a door for free Tsukasa angst. I apologize in advance for whatever this could cause. I also need to think about what caused it.
Saki... Is the one I have the less ideas about in that context. Her past, aside those time at the hospital, has been dropped in little bits here and there in LeoNeed and some Tenma related events. But it's almost always tied to other people.
Still, by simply removing the illness with a magic eraser, I wonder what Saki would end up doing with all the time she got. And it leads to a lot of questions. Would LeoNeed still disband ? Do you think she could join Tsukasa in acting for a while ? Find her own thing to enjoy ? So many things could be done with her in that context.
And if course it would change the siblings dynamics a little. I don't think the Tenmas would get close to the current Shinonome relationship. But Tsukasa would be less big brotherly. Saki would carry herself just fine and maybe do her best to cheer Tsukasa. And the Shinonome would be less in conflict. The frustration Akito must feel and the way Ena always cares for him could cause some rocky moment, but they wouldn't have the distance they have now.
I like to add Toya and Mafuyu context swap in the picture as well. Toya never had Tsukasa tell him to live his life as he want to, so... Oof.
Thinking of way Mafuyu and Ena could meet and Ena would do something similar for her, though.
Ultimately those purple winter beings don't feel the same way or have the same family, so the outcome wouldn't be those we already know but in reverse. It's just that things would be a little easier and faster for Mafuyu, but way more complicated for Toya.
(And yes he can ultimately meet Akito. In every universe. Don't worry. It'd just be really different.)
I don't know what happened to the rest of their teams. Kanade, Mizuki, the Vivids... Emu, Rui and Nene. LeoNeed is presumably fine.
I apologize to More More Jump and the Hinomori for being outed from this post.
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thelunarfairy · 6 days
Does tsukasa get annoyed with his brother sometimes so he wants to get rid of him through others??
It doesn't seem like "irritation", it seems like something planned. Tsukasa doesn't do anything out of emotion, everything he does has a purpose.
Maybe he's preparing Nene so that she'll be able to try to destroy one of the twins (or both) at some point. If you notice, it seems like they're preparing her for that.
In the PP arc, Tsukasa says that in order for her to get out of the painting, she has to kill Amane.
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Like a single condition, as if saying that she is OBLIGED to do this, if she wants to leave the boundary. The same thing they did with Sumire. If Nene wanted to leave the boundary of number six, she would have been FORCED to remove the seal.
But she did neither.
And then, later on, we see Sakura showing what happens if Nene doesn't remove Yorishiro's seal. Implying that she did it on purpose so that Nene won't hesitate to remove the seal (whether from Hanako or Tsukasa).
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It's suspicious, but that's what I usually think.
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revelry-in-severity · 2 months
My ColorFes AU, because I couldn't wait any longer, and maybe I'll be able to think some other things through. It's a lot of space personification and wish magic
Miku is the big bang/whole universe. (as she rightly deserves) Full on Hatsune creation myth where she's born with sound and that gives birth to everything else. She hasn't been seen in a while though, too busy delivering her songs
Rin, Len, and Tsukasa are 1st generation stars. (Partly thought to be older than some galaxies and lighter than today's stars.) There are not many around anymore and these three like to travel. They're not always together. Tsukasa gets to be the little brother and the twins are very mischievous. They love messing with people
Kaito, Kohane, and Haruka are white nebula, the angel equivalent. Haruka in particular works as a guardian angel to help people
Luka, An, and Airi are dark nebula, the demon equivalent. Luka watches over the dead where she will punish those she deems unworthy. An was part of a summoning to try and bring back Nagi but was adopted instead
Rui is the Milky Way galaxy. Asahi could be his black hole of a heart to explain the closeness. But he's definitely seen some things. Mafuyu, another black hole, accidentally separated from her mother's galaxy when she was passing by. Rui's gravitational pull was too strong and he hasn't quite figured out what to do with someone else's black hole yet
Ichika is a dwarf star, and he likes to visit her sometimes. Saki, human, accidentally confused Tsukasa's star for hers once. Ichika's been wondering when she would be able to feel someone's wish upon her again
Honami is the moon. She acts as a bridge between Earth and the rest of the universe and tries to make sure no one gets into trouble
Kanade is a white hole. No one truly believes one exists, and her tired appearance doesn't help. She often watches over the graveyard where a nice couple is buried. They helped her out and now she uses her powers to keep the graveyard safe and healthy
Shiho, Minori, Shizuku, Akito, Touya, Emu, Nene, Ena, Mizuki, and Meiko are the rest of the humans . Meiko is a really long-lived human though. Not even Miku knows what's going on between her, Luka, and Kaito.
Minori knows she has someone following her, Haruka, but hasn't figured out a way to see them. Her cousin, Nanamin, travels with her to find this mysterious person
Nene was born with extra stardust in her, and now the wind speaks to her. She goes wherever the winds take her and eventually meets Emu. Normal, rich family, Emu is trying to keep some of her grandfather's dreams alive, but no one believes her when she talks about them literally dying.
Not sure about Shiho, Shizuku, and Touya yet. They need work, but Shizuku might be in charge of someplace where humans and personifications can hang out. Saito will be with her. Hmmm, Shiho might be able to hear celestials when they're around. Touya's definitely been locked up somehow
Ena is another one born with extra stardust. She's spent years looking for Akito who went missing. Neither realized he had accidentally been trapped in one of her paintings. Akito didn't have any of his memories as he wandered the waste of her paints. She does end up freeing Mizuki who had trapped themself in a mirror years and years ago
Mizuki is quite surprised to find themself alive again
Saki began wishing upon Tsukasa while she was in the hospital. Of course, he had to visit after he heard so many of her wishes. He's made it his goal to help her complete the wishes she wrote upon her cranes. He's also quite curious as the wall of smaller galaxies he had to cross to get into the Milky Way
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larathia · 2 months
TBHK #116 Thoughts
I am still kind of 'why? how?' that whatever this is is in the school and not the red house.
I initially thought this might just be the 'pure' ghost of Tsukasa - in which case, him choosing to be near where his twin spends most of his time makes sense. Buuuut...
Right now, I'm thinking the Clock Keepers did not - and maybe could not - destroy the Red House Entity. So they did the next best thing. Right now, I'm thinking that they waited until after 4 year old Tsukasa (possessed by the RHE) returned to the living world - you know, after Nene and Kou met him - and then killed him. The dual entity (Tsukasa+RHE) is still a dual entity, but severely weakened. It may have taken decades for it to be even strong enough to do what it's doing right now. I think this makes sense - I doubt the Clock Keepers would have quit with the job only partially completed, so the entity they're dealing with now probably just looked like a dead boy at the time.
Look....I'm having a hard time with the idea that Amane knows what's going on here. I'm just...not getting that vibe. He may be aware that the divination rumors are about a spirit with the same name as his lost twin, but...all signs are pointing to Tsukasa having been killed when he was four. If Hanako's words to Nene were true, then Amane in this timeline has forgotten (or never even learned) that the spirit world is real. He might not even remember his twin at all, if Hanako was so sure Nene'd forget his entire existence. Amane seems very much to be a kind sort of adult, the kind of person kids have no problem being comfortable around.
That's not so say I can't come up with an interpretation of events-thus-far that not only makes Amane aware of what's happening, but complicit in them. I'd just rather not believe that to be the case.
If one assumes Amane is well aware that the school spirit is in fact his twin's, then I can easily figure he got that awareness from Tsuchigomori and his own cross-timeline dreams (much like Mitsuba has cross-timeline dreams). If one works from that premise, it's entirely possible Amane summoned his brother's spirit (or otherwise drew it in) and may regard the disappearance of the students as...well. Necessary sacrifices to strengthen that spirit.
I don't like that interpretation. I'd rather be wrong. However, I can't disregard the possibility. The one area where Amane and Tsukasa have always seemed to have the same vibe is that when it comes to what they love, the entire rest of the universe can get fucked. And we already know that Amane can and will kill. That is, after all, how "Hanako" got started.
*sigh* Honestly, more than anything, I really just want the scoobies to just TALK TO TSUCHIGOMORI ALREADY. Or at least visit the library! Out of all the entire cast of this entire manga, Tsuchigomori is the most likely to have accurate answers to all their questions. I get that it's not the most exciting approach plotwise, but for gods' sakes, if they're not going to do it at least there should be a reason WHY. For Nene to forget is understandable, but Teru and Akane are supposed to be smarter than this!
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
hey! hope you're having an awesome day so far. i recently just finished watching "romantic killer" and OMG I LOVED IT! if you don't mind, could i request some headcanons of kazuki, junta, and hijiri crushing on the reader who's a huge otaku (like a huge one. loves watching anime and reading manga when given the chance, owns as much merch as they can afford, and their eyes literally light up when anyone mentions her favorite series)? and one thing about them is that they're such a simp over certain anime characters, will literally squeal over images and video clips like "WHY IS (INSERT ANIME CHARACTER) SO CUTE/HOT/GORGEOUS?!" later, it turns out the reader also likes the boys back, and while they're happy about it, they're initially flustered like "you actually like me? out of all people, you like someone who does nothing but watch anime 24/7?" and even asking "you do realize that you're probably gonna deal with me screaming over my anime husbandos and/or waifus even when we date, right?" (may or may not have put myself on blast with this request. also, sorry if this got a bit too long LMAO). ty! <3
Their crush is a huge otaku
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Kazuki, Junta, Hijiri ] [ Romantic Killer ]
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Dear are you sure you aren't my lost twin or something? 🤨 Because you have described me perfectly
Haha I loved your prompt dear, it was really funny to think
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Tsukasa Kazuki
Since the first moment you had met Tsukasa you had always been like that, and actually that is something he admires, just being you is something that atracted him to you at first
It help that you don't pay much attention in his beaty, he hates to draw attention for his appearance and you had never made a big deal of it (mainly because you are always focused in the characters you love, but he still appreciate it)
Speaking of, probably you had emphasize his appearance at least once, and the first time you did it he get anxious (specially if it was when you two met), but he was surprised that in just on a second you started talking about someone else, a characters that looks like him (even if is just a little) and you just start ranting about them, not even paying attention to Tsukasa anymore, he was confused and shocked but somehow grateful too
He had never been bothered by your ranting, at first he find it problematic since he hates drawing attention, and with how excited you get it could be a little difficult to not to, but with some time he just gets used to and doesn't bother him anymore
He had never mind it at all whenever you talk about the characters you love, but he tent to ask you to calm down before you hurt yourself for how excited you get, if you show him pictures or videos of them he will see them (just because you asked nicely) but he doesn't say much about them since he cannot see what is so special about them (he doesn't say it out loud though, he had learned his lesson after the first time he did it and you explained to him all the good things you know about that character)
If you ever show him your collection, either mangas or different merch, he will find it a little strange (it would remember him a little about his stalker, but he calms down rather quickly when you start talking like always), he won't judge you though (at least try not to), and will give you some advice of how take proper care of it if you ask him (he is pretty good with the housechores so that could help)
If you ask him he will make you company while shopping whenever you go for more mangas or merch, he doesn't mind too much, but he will make you dress something not anime related
Tsukasa doesn't even realice when he started to pay more attention to whatever you are saying, when he start to made efforts to understand what are you talking about, when he started waiting to be able to talk to you just so he could hear you speak with such emotion nor even when he started to get annoyed whenever he heards you simp about one of your favorite characters, wanting to be the one you are talking about so lovely (but he feels embarrassed about feeling like that)
For him is a slowly process so he will notice his feelings for you after some time, when he had already fallen in love you, and his attitude doesn't change much, but he discreetly start to spending more time to you, you have become his safe space so he start being a little more clingy
He start to even pay a more close attention to you, to your voice and your expresions so it won't be so strange if he ask you from time to time about the anime you are watching, he may even unconsciously mentions it when you two aren't talking about it just to to provoke you so you will start talking about it (specially becouse by just hearing the only mention of it makes you noticibly excited, and he loves seeing you like that, it amused him)
He probably won't confess, it had to be you the who confess to him or either one of you do it by accident, unconsciously letting out at comment that express your feelings
And when you two admit your feelings for each other he never expected for you to asking if he is willing to accept you as the huge otaku and simp you are, he will look at you weirdly and say that he already does it and he loves you for who you are, he is already used to your craziness (and he will tease you for it)
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Junta Hayami
Junta is really sweet and kind-hearted, even when he is bothered for something he has troubles to say it, but by the moment you two become friends he is always up to hear you rant about anime, he doesn't mind
From time to time he can get confused and a little bit overwhelmed for all your ranting and he tries to ask you to stop or to repeat yourself mainly because he is actually trying to undestand all you are saying, Junta really tries to get into the conversation, even if he doesn't really know the anime or doesn't say much he is always paying attention
He won't have much troubles to help you whenever you need it, like if you stayed up watching anime at night or were too distracted during class he will help you to cover it or explaining to you what you missed, but will scold you for doing it (no matter how much times you do it he never stop helping you, he just get more worried about you)
If you ever recommend him an anime or manga he promises to watch/read it, and he actually will make some time to do it, it won't be too weird if one day he came to you to ask you something about it or to tell you something he really liked it
Also, it won't be so strange if he ended up learning your favorite animes and characters, he actually did efforts too, and he even search about them a little more whenever something you say catch his attention
Whenever he heards you being simp over a characters he laugh nervously, at first it makes him nervous because is like if you were talking about something personal (since you like them so much), after some time he get used to but still it makes him a little nervous since you get so excited and even passionate whenever you talk about the character you love (and when he starts liking you he start being a little jelous too)
Junta doesn't have the heart to say something bad about them or ask you to stop, you seem to be having a lot of fun with talking about them and he will feel bad for interrupt you (even by accident). Also, if you show him pictures or videos of them he won't say much and just nod or say that you are right
Junta doesn't think much about his appearance and he is rather shy, so if you ever compliment his appearance he will get super flustered, even if you did it because he looks like one of the characters you love and start ranting about them, he doesn't mind (that actually help him calm down) he still appreciate the compliment, but after some time it would start bother him because he wants to be the person you like (he may even put more attention on what you say about them)
To be honest he was surprised the first time he saw your collection or when he accompanied you to buy something new, he has never thought that it would exist some much merch for just one anime, he really takes time to appreciate all your collection if you let him and he gladly hear you rant about it (like from what anime it is, from what scene, if it is a special edition and so on)
Also, he normally is busy with the school and the club (all the training and matches) but he will be happy to go with you whenever you want to buy more things for your collection (but he will be a little shy for it since that could easily be a date)
By the time Junta start liking you he will get a little more clingy and blushy with you, it would take him some time to notice it too but he tries to not make a big deal of it
He had never mind it all your excitment about the animes but now he start to get more flustered whenever you rant about them because now he pay more attention on your expresions and your voice, feeling that he falls more in love whenever he sees you and feeling embarrassed whenever he catches himself thinking like that. Now he will pay more attention on the characters you love the most, trying to see if there is something similar between them (maybe there will know your type or if he even has a chance with you)
The moment you two confess your feelings for each other you don't even have to ask him because he had let out his heart when he tell you how he feels, and he makes sure to say that he loves you completely , even that part of you that loves ranting about the animes and characters you love the most
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Hijiri Koganei
Hijiri is used to be surrounded by people who admire and praise him, so to catch his attention you have to be different from them and not really pay attention to him. It could be either because you say that he is like a typical anime character or praise his appearance just to start ranting about one of the characters you love that he looks like
He doesn't even know what are you talking about but he is offended because you are comparing him with someone else and you seem to prefer the other. He will confront you right away, how you dare to compare him with someone else?, he demand to know it in that moment so you will have no other option than talk about the anime/character (not like you don't want to), that is the first time he heard you rant like that
At first he just stay by your side because he wanted to show you that he is obviously better that all that characters you talk so much, but soon he start seeing you as a friend (as much as he hate it)
He thinks that all your rant is dumb and usless (at least at first) and he will express it, but he will learn to at least tolerate it since offending what you love just makes your relationship difficult (either because you get mad at him or because it sadden you, both option lead you to avoid him)
After some time Hijiri go from criticize you for obsessing over something he sees silly to criticize the plot and characters, he may even admit from time to time that "is not too bad", maybe it isn't the best change but that shows the interest he started to win over it
Normally you two have this conversations in "dates", he accept to hear you rant about everything you want only if is in a date (for him is like a deal), and after some time he just get used to all your ranting and even start to get interested in it, and when he does he will start to search more about it (either him or ask Tsuchiya to do it)
Also, he tent to surprise you by having the iniative to talk more about that anime or saying some details that you could bet he didn't know, he says that is not a big deal, is normal for him to know so much but in reallity he loves to see your shocked expression when he does it and to brag about it too
When you had commented that you have a collection with a lot of merch about it, he find it strange (and he say it) but he demand to see it (he is curious too). Even if he is surprided by your collection (no matter if is a lot or just a few things) he will act like is nothing, saying that he isn't impress even when he is curious
He from time to time buy you some things too, mainly after he got interested on the anime (and in you of course), he doesn't go out of his way to buy something but if he find something casually that he reconize it from anime you like or that he even is interested in, something he knows you will like
What he will never like is seeing you simp over the characters, even before he start liking you, he will call you idiot for it (but will stop after learning that this make things more difficult) he just don't see what you see in them, why you put so much attention in them and not in him? What they have that he doesn't? He is embarrassed for it but he is jelous of seeing you so excited for someone else, he will try to avoid to talk about them and even cut you when you start talking (and that just increase when he start liking you)
After he started to like you in a more sincere way then he will do more efforts to know what you like, trying to remember the animes you like the most (at least the names), now he pay more attention what you say than in criticize it. And this time he does efforts to find some merch about it, specially if is a special/limited edition, too expensive or something that have a special meaning either for you or in the anime (he isn't going to accept it but he is trying to impress you)
He never really had a problem with admiting that he is interested on you, so a confession it would came either from you or him admiting that now he likes you in a more sincere and romantic way
And when you ask him if is real and if he is willing to endure you he gets a little annoyed, first because you are doubting his feelings and second because he had already endure your attitude all this time, do you think he will do that if he doesn't wanted? He just accept his love for you inconspicuously, in his own way
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hanako-san · 10 months
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Tsukasa opened up his hurt feelings. FINALLY and the sad thing is that Amane didn't come to him, which he wanted so much and when he met Amane was so happy!!
Meanwhile, Amane is a person who is disgusted with himself for being a murder and not deserving of care, which is why he probably didn't visit him in the boundary. Amane loves Tsukasa so much that Tsukasa can't imagine it.
Tsukasa thinks that Amane hates him and Tsukasa causes Amane's anger. Which makes Tsukasa think this is the case when it really isn't.
Yugi twins have trouble communicating and expressing themselves in words. Finally talk to each other!!! STOP PLAYING AROUND ALREADY!!!!
If Tsukasa will say all this pain, Amane would do it too, but neither of them wants to take a single step!! BUT ITS TWINS THEY'RE AWESOME!
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7ban-sama · 9 months
Man 2023 was such a crazy year for AmaTsuka... I'm going to make a vague attempt at tabbing through Cataclysmic events in chronological order
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February really kicked off the beginning of the year. First ominously seeing this header Tsukasa and feeling like, no... no... What's this? [brain shriveling up] call girl... phone sex... [REACQUIRES LIQUID] wait, Eros and Anteros?? [camera lens focusing] heart... necklace?
Matching? heart? necklace? hearts weighed on a scale? [crying]
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[the event itself starts happening] [we see Amane's design in full and have to process he's some sort of corseted whore] Excuse me-!! Excuse me, sensei-!!!!! What does it mean! Help me!!
We get further information about how these demon brothers are extracting love from people and turning it into jewelry. (Ominously we receive no explanation on what their particular pieces of heart jewelry mean... LIKELY different in nature from the other hearts around them, but in what way? Not like we'll ever find out I guess.)
Like some sick doujin set-up, they're doing a competition where the loser must do what the other says at the end of this.
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Deplorable... Reprehensible images. The vibes of this game they are playing with one another... The voting feels rigged anyways, because Amane's more capable of presenting himself appealingly, working everyone over.
This sucks I don't want to see what happens next I want to go home. [it persists.] I'm watching Nene-chan be TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF, WHY IS THAT HAPPENING. [it persists] fgwait why is Tsukasa eating chocolates where did he get those. [it persists] FEEEEEEED ? CHOCOLATE? OMINOUS ALLUDING TO WHAT WILL HAPPEN LATER? WHY!!!! but why am I in some sort of doujin. It's happening that way and I can't stop it...
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As always, the twins get along better than you could ever predict. "For now" feed him chocolates. Ok
⬆ while trying to learn to cope from this, we are randomly blasted with this ⬇
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End of February, this is revealed to us to be the inner sleeve of V19... DEVASTATION REIGNS, THIS IS THE SCARIEST IMAGE EVER... A Hanako with severe cock presence. Tsukasa's fair maiden quality ever emphasized by being surrounded by luxurious sakura petals, a special variety even... Fancy and cultivated. Tsukasa-chan...
Of course this is really stimulating when thinking about canon, this is our biggest look into the atmosphere of the deepest sanctum of Hanako's boundary. Perhaps Tsukasa was here suspended, sleeping beauty style... [horny]
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Early March, getting this shikishi. It's more of a personal journey here, but getting an AU where the twins are simply... normal boys, alive, together, visibly, is a lot. Bandage boy Amane even...? Aesthetically, that one-?? Uough... Such a radiant Nene-chan here too... Thank you sensei. I'm grateful this time, not mad at you.
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Advertising for V19, naturally we get to see scenes within it. I appreciate getting to see scenes again in color, at different angles etc. This image amuses me, it's like there are pheromones in the air. hot haze of red and purple... paralytic agents. Amane is dissociating and half-hard, as we like him to be.
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Extra shikishi because of a G-Fantasy anniversary!
Of all AUs to return, never would've guessed this particular one would, from a set of icons/headers from 2022... That idol Tsukasa was already intriguing, but it's cool to see him in full. There's, a mysterious quality to his outfit, seeing it all, it's almost like the 'hakama' part is connected to his top, so. Are you just in a dress, Tsukasa..? I can't help but think you are...
This Amane meanwhile makes me laugh, WOOO he's here to stan, adorning purple in honor of Tsukasa's color. Tsukasa here has the big mic, he's our main singer. It's like a world where the twins figured out a hobby to pursue together, they can be obsessed with each other in this way, and blow off steam dancing whoreishly. Well congrats. Also I loev you yashiro. you look like. a cake topper. come to our dressing room after the show ok.
it's whimsical for asecond. but then sensei is out for blood. because
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this happens. like dropping a big anvil on hundreds of mice. (the innocent fujoshi.)
this image convinces me sensei is evil and wants to hurt the girlies reading this manga. they're not holding back. i saw a deluge of tweets saying things like, Why does this look like a BL / the main characters? these are the main characters? / I can't read the chapter, the illustration won't let me / Why is it AmaTsuka
Everyone felt like they had a group hallucination. Why is it AmaTsuka... (It's always been AmaTsuka) (but still) Why is it this degree of it. Don't understand the deflowering vibes from this. Princess and knight. the torn butterfly wings and the flowers. the like evocative feminine orchids and the obscene wet feeling fruits. Tsukasa's sleeves being flower petals as well, he is the delicate feminine flower here. Hands pulling you close. "Searching for a reason to stand by your side." Why did you say that? Why did you do that? I feel like crying as I type this.
This is basically the most devastating event for the entire year and it happened so early, we spend the rest of the year still looking back and feeling faint. It's hard to be this valid, you all really cannot fathom, what it really means to be 'canon'... It's a pain I carry. Searching for a reasonnnnnnnnnn.....
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Late March / beginning of April, and we are about to embark on our 6-month kitty cat crucible. AmaTsuka is going to become a genuine INTERSPECIES narrative, something I would've guessed blasphemous actually. But I suppose not... in this world, Tsukasa can be a child laborer/animal handler at a circus, and Amane can be his precious black kitten. With a little bell.
Amane runs off with Tsukasa, saving his life... They escape together, and are together still, 50 years later. How romantic. We're at the start, and it's already painful and glorious. Senseiiii!!
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You know who is holding that cat tail. We have fun here, we take turns being the kitty. Tsukasa has a matching collar now, after all. :3
INTERLUDE for the April update, where we get Ch 101. ALIVE BOYS. CLOCK BOYS!! FIRST YEAR MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS. OMEN!!!!!!
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Serenading, beautiful Tsukasa... singing Over the Rainbow... This loving glance.
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It's amazing to get a glimpse into their past, before the rope-burn and injury times. The prelude... Set in such a grim space as this area accessing the clock's inner workings. Captivatingly isolated, enclosed, kinda scary and dank... And we're brushing up against Amane's problem, how he won't say what he wants, won't make a decision. You need to make a decision, Amane...
Back. To the ryokan. Something something, there's a difficult to convey joke in Tsukasa's space, referencing sabi-neko (tortie cats (female cats?)) and also making a pun on 'service'. I get it I get it, Tsukasa is Amane's slave, you don't have to keep telling me...
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Everyone gets along surprisingly well.
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(This was an amazing year for TsuNene too, of course....)
I say all that but we do get revealed, during this cafe event, that. I guess Hanako is predatory and out here definitely seeming like he wants the guests to eat food to make them tastier and then get eaten. And Nene is also has insatiable lust to consume a human, which is like, upsetting, when you consider Tsukasa is a secret harbored human here. I guess Hanako has no issues with conspiring with his hot co-workers about how delectable humans are, while his 'twin brother' (not really?) (fetish RP?) is locked up in the closet or something. And I guess he does that all day and humps Tsukasa later like mmm my precious little dartyy secret boy.
Bonus thing, there was this insidious meta happening as I watched fujoshi repeatedly visiting the cafes and trying to eat as much scattered sushi and Tsukasa's Milk as possible. while the narrative is about entrapping people and fattening them up for slaughter. IG it felt kind of ghoulish that they couldn't resist the bait of the location and presentation of the meals.
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August. Who are they lol? Some more fetish outfits... Amane and his collars, and Tsukasa looking like some little hentai mask girlie. The vibe is like, Amane is a cool super villain, and Tsukasa is there to go kyaaaa ❤
There's some stupid mokke promotional image that informs us these boys have ? horsie tails? so they are like, unicorns? We're having fun with animalish boys lately, I suppose... Thank you sensei (???) I can think about these unicorn boys and a fair maiden now.
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Later in August, V20's inner sleeve images. Simply satisfying to see, thank you... back against back...
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AND DELIGHTFULLY we get Amane-kun and Tsukasa-kun sillytimes too. AMANE BEING JEALOUS!! SHITTY!!! If you spend too much time working on a school festival, your older brother is going to feel abandoned and lonelyyy...
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Starting September a little diabolically. Kitty in lap... This serene expression on Tsukasa... The fujoshi were troubled once more, that it could Be Like This.
Petting you, scritching your chin, going to pick the cattail fluffs out of your fur... Intimate moments like these must happen all the time. Sighhh...
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Advertising V20 later in September. These images are so-- the genders. Amane looks like he is going to beat Tsukasa with that wrench. Scary guy. Tsukasa, a natural vixen, as usual. The framing of him before the big clock... Artful.
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Bonus lil sad guy in late September... A look into the Amane that misses Tsukasa when he went missing. XU !!! I like to think he was truly helpless without Tsukasa there, pining for him.
Fsr between everything, TsuNene is getting buck wild and ramping up, until you get Tsukasa kissing Nene... She gets smallified in the manga and I'm suddenly like wtf canon moments of oniiloli for TsunNene. And Monster Nursery comes back so it really hammers in. IT'S JUST A VERY INTERESTING YEAR PSYCHOLOGICALLY. And VERY fun if you're me, shipping all 3 of them. Woooooo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Anyways November has our last couple major beats...
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Tsukasa asserting that Amane won't come if he called, never has, alludes to so much. Why were you calling? For what, how long, what convinced you Amane would never? The idea of a Tsukasa that would plead to be saved or helped in any manner is dizzying. Beyond that — does Tsukasa not believe he has implicit value, not something Amane covets...?
(Meanwhile, I have to love that he confides this to Nene, and encourages her to get them out of this situation. Tsukasa had to make his way out of his own entrapment[?] in the past, and he believes Nene can too. They're similar, aren't they? Hehe.)
The pacing of the fall, Tsukasa catching Nene, then the ambiguous line, as if he mouthed Amane's name to himself...
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And he shows up, like your hero, I guess.
'何?' ⬅ ??? ??? ?? Atrocious. Could that truly be your response? With that expression? Moody, hands in pockets, acting cool... You do all that and then you throw Tsukasa's handcuffed arms over your neck. Saving your two captive princesses... It's absurd out here. The fujoshi are dying for a reason.... You get sick of inhaling the toxic fumes of twincest miasma.
I suppose to make me less angry at them, AidaIro present a final birthday offering.
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Naughtyyy shrimpt stealing boy... I can't believe it. Amane! You would steal the shrimps your mom is slaving away at, and hand them to your brother. He's going for more! Tsukasa is innocent and he of course must appreciatively eat your pilfered shrimp... But goodness.
Iet's simple, it's cute, it's a lovely illustration with lovely colors, it depicts another moment from canon we haven't seen (right before photos?) Silly and cute and says a lot about their relationship still! I feel like Tsukasa is often passive like a sweet kitten while Amane is a naughty boy. Wah!
A truly devastating glorious year, I feel so valid, I feel like I'm stuck on my throne, which is also a torture device, I'm strapped to it, there's a horrendous machine stuffing grapes in my mouth, I'm being laughed at, I'm crying. That's what it is like to ship AmaTsuka right now I suppose. HanaNeneTsuka thrums in the background all the while, ominous and foreboding. We get closer and closer to the end goal of all 3....
I'm looking forward to 2024. よろしくお願いします.
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2n2n · 3 months
Although it is difficult to predict what will happen. Do you have any ideas or theories on how the next chapter will play out?
argghh no I don't know!!!! I'm mostly staring at this Tsukasa and thus trying to imagine what could be true for this world's events. I already couldn't have imagined this entirely unique boy....
what I will say, is that, he looks slightly older than 3-4 year old Tsukasa.... Aida-sensei tends to draw toddlers with thicker ankles, for one thing... an impression of babyfat....
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this Tsukasa-- feels a touch taller/longer/thinner to me?
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his pants are wholly different-- as a toddler, he only wears things with an elastic waistband or the suspenders, because ... toddlers don't generally do well with belts... no buttons or zippers here, either.
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aaalways very simple pants for baby, despite that he changes them So much in the flashbacks...
this boy has Advanced Pants... button, zipper, holes for a belt to slide into.... his pants are also much, much longer (baby Tsutsu's are sooo tiny!) but still reach up to a little above his knee. To me, that would suggest his entire leg is longer... his torso is much longer than the young boys (this is Amane, but look.. they're twins... so. its a fine comparison.). Their torsos are tiiiny little boxes as babies, not rectangular!
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I don't think he's as old as 12/13 obviously, but, maybe he's a few years older than 4...?
But what would that mean *dead silence* I don't know. If Tsukasa stayed in the Red House longer, would he age? If Amane pulled/manifested/created/??? him from the Red House himself (instead of Tsukasa sending himself back at age 4), would he be whatever age Amane is, when Amane performs such an act? If Amane managed to summon his otouto back from disappearing say, 3 years after he went missing at age 4, could that result in a kaii-Tsukasa stuck at age 7 ????? or whatever age... ? ? ? ? omfg, I really don't know... but the SHEER CONCEPT of this kaii-Tsukasa neither being 4 nor 13 is intoxicating me.......
I kind of wonder if the Clockkeepers had a hubris to fuck with Tsukasa's timeline, because it's just not as linear as it would typically be, due to Nene-chan and Kou intervening in the distant past with the Red House... even if they intended to only poke 1968 or something, ridding the world of Hanako/Tsukasa as a kaii duo in Kamome rids the world of Tsukasa coming back at age 4 entirely, since it removes Nene-chan and Kou's visit ........................ I don't know if they intended that or, not? If they did, I guess I wonder if they themselves usurp all the Mystery powers undivided for themselves, or what (they are no. 1, so they might be the oldest mystery?).... since there don't seem to be mysteries (??? debatable ???) and the Minamoto family have some contingency plan with the Akane family ............................. (apparently, a plan they don't have in the old timeline...)
I don't have much . It's going to be crazy though isn't it!!!
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nanabansama · 10 months
Who Hurt Amane
I recently got an ask about this topic! And I feel I've been pretty vocal lately about who I think did it. My opinion isn't new or unique, but because of this ask I wanted to lay out the facts to explore other possibilities and also reinforce why I think it is who I think it is.
So without further ado, let's list out the facts.
1. Amane has been getting injured since first year.
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Tsuchigomori makes it pretty clear in Chapter 13 that Amane has been covered in injuries that "never go away" since first year, among other things like having no friends and skipping class.
Most can agree that Amane wasn't being abused as a toddler (post-Tsukasa's return) or at the Tanabata festival. He does not show any particularly concerning signs of a child who is being abused or bullied, and his bare skin shows no sign of injury. I think that rules out Amane being abused his entire life, or at least not as severely as he was during his second year of middle school.
We've seen Amane at two different points during his first year, though, and neither had him visibly injured. Those being his and Tsukasa's middle school entrance ceremony and during the 1968 school festival.
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I feel it safe to assume that the physical abuse hadn't yet started at these points in time. (though considering Amane's dour attitude at the festival I wouldn't be super surprised if he's hiding scars...)
Also, remember that Tsuchigomori would have to notice these injuries, so I'm going to rule out the possibility that Tsuchigomori could skirt by on technicality just because Amane is hiding injuries on his legs or chest. Tsuchigomori wouldn't normally be able to see hidden cuts and bruises, so I believe he must have started noticing Amane is being injured sometime later in his first year. Remember, Amane still has about ~6 months worth of time to obtain visual injuries. That's a lot of time left.
We can at least confirm that Amane has no friends and skips class, though. Or at least see the beginnings of this. In Chapter 101, Amane confirms he has little to no involvement with the school play his class and Tsukasa are putting on and instead chooses to focus on fixing the clock. There's also a bonus comic where Amane calls out how peculiar it is that Tsukasa has so many friends while Amane doesn't.
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It should only be a matter of time before we start seeing him covered in cuts, too.
2. Tsukasa isn't injured.
This one's a little harder to prove, but bear with me here.
We've had a few opportunities to see the twins during the murder suicide.
Here's Amane after stabbing Tsukasa:
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And here's Tsukasa's body below Amane's in the same chapter that the above image was posted on Twitter to promote:
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Take note of how pristine Tsukasa's arm looks: We get such a clear view of it, and yet all we see is a bit of blood splatter. I've seen this image dismissed before because Amane's arm is also missing his bandage (note how his right arm is bandaged in the art before this) but I still think this is substantial evidence to support the idea that Tsukasa wasn't injured like Amane was.
And if that's not enough for you, I have something else for you to consider:
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This is Hanako in The Hell of Mirrors, a place whose mirrors reflect your greatest fears.
I've seen many people remain unconvinced that the character in the mirror is Tsukasa, thinking it must be Amane himself. And I can understand where they're coming from--why shouldn't he fear Amane? He's his old living self, the volatile one that committed the crime of murdering his little brother. That, and it's a mirror--why wouldn't it reflect the person inside?
So let's compare the face in the mirror with Amane's face.
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Notice how the face has zero bandages. Amane has one on his left cheek, one above his right eyebrow, and one on the right side of his neck. The figure in the mirror has no bandages, not even on his arms.
This on top of the fact that I believe his little brother's dead body makes far more sense for Amane to fear than his own. If Amane himself is supposed to be his greatest fear, it makes more sense if it was him actually committing the murder, rather than his body on the floor after committing suicide. From what I understand of Amane, that would fill him with more disgust and self-hatred than anything.
So in conclusion, I either think that 1.) Tsukasa wasn't being physically abused, 2.) that he happened to stop being injured in the days leading up to the murder, or 3.) that if he did have injuries that they were in non-visible places. My default is that he wasn't, though.
And this leads us to...
3. Amane forgives them
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Amane fully understands that his injuries aren't normal. That even in the cases that injuries like his could be justified, that his might not be. Regardless, he forgives it. He's allowing this to happen to him, and he refuses to tell Tsuchigomori the details.
After witnessing this, Nene comes up with the theory that Amane could be getting bullied, but if that were the case, I don't see why he would forgive some random bullies. The fact that Amane forgives them for their crime against him is an impactful moment! The chapter ends on it, even.
I believe the fact that Amane forgives this is crucial to understanding who did it.
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While we don't know Amane's full backstory yet, given what we know so far, I think the only two possibilities are either Tsukasa or their mom. And frankly, I think it would be weird for us to know as much about Amane as we do now and have the person injuring him be someone we haven't even met yet. Not impossible, no, but you'd think they'd be more important to his life if Amane forgives them, right?
Let me argue against the idea that it's his mother, as well. The injuries started in first year, not when he was a child. By all means, Amane seemed to be an average child up until middle school. Take note of his appearance during the 1964 Tanabata festival, when he was 8. The only really concerning things we saw were a lack of parental supervision and the fact that he was disappointed his brother wouldn't spend time at the festival with him.
In fact, we've seen very little of their mom, with the most damning evidence against her being when she rejected Tsukasa as her child after taking him to a shrine to be exorcised. Other than this, we've seen no evidence that she could be hitting her children. I personally find it weird that she would only start hitting them in middle school, if she is the cause of all this. And only Amane, at that. (I will admit I find it odd that her son getting injured didn't concern her to the point that his teacher had to step in, though.)
I also need to stress that we haven't seen Amane interact with or mention his mom since he was 4. Tsukasa's relationship with their mother is much more important to the story than Amane's. But who has Amane interacted with? Whose relationship with Amane is very important to the story?? (hint: it's Tsukasa)
Unfortunately, I don't actually know why Tsukasa is hurting him. We know so little, it's still possible it isn't him. But we also haven't seen Amane interact with Tsukasa during the time period in which we know he was being injured. This seems... intentional, to me. As if Tsukasa were somehow involved, in one way or another.
Something to consider, though, is that Amane was being injured around the time he turned thirteen. The 1968 school festival is only about two months before his 13th birthday. Thanks to Kou, we know that Tsukasa knows Amane is going to kill him and commit suicide when he turns thirteen. I'm not necessarily saying that this is why Tsukasa would have hurt him, but it's interesting, to say the least.
Anyway, this last part is a lot of conjecture, so I've separated it from what I view as actual facts about the person hurting Amane. But what do you all think?
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tsukikoayanosuke · 10 months
From Your Simple Thought, I Think About a Future – 12 Days of Ruikasa (2023)
Day 3-4: Future
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To dream about the future was something Tsukasa had never thought about. As a godling, he never had to worry about growing old. Unlike the stars that he connected as a constellation, he would never dim down or explode. There were a few times when Tsukasa wondered why the heroes stopped following the star. They were just taking a little rest, weren't they? So, why did their closest companions cry over their sleeping bodies?
It was until Rui found him that he understood the concept of 'death'. The sky realm was safe for the most part, especially with his father always looking after him and his twins, thus he never really thought about the dangers that humans or even gods would experience in the other realms. He was taught to protect himself, but never kill others.
But now, he would think about the possibility of 'death'.
A possibility of Rui's 'death'.
"What happens when you die?" Tsukasa asked. He and Rui decided to meet again, similar to a couple of times before. This time, they were in an underwater cavern. Tsukasa sat on a rock with his feet in the water as Rui swam beside him.
Rui hummed. "Father Sea said that we will return as sea foam if I'm not corrupted by the murky sea and turned into a sea monster. Then, he will create more sea spirit. So, one disappears, another one appears."
"And you can't come back?"
Rui shrugged. "Maybe there will be sea spirits that are similar to me." He chuckled. "But I don't think they can't be as weird as me."
"I don't think you're weird," Tsukasa quickly said. "You're just curious, like me."
Rui chuckled again. "Thank you, Tsukasa." He swam toward him, folded his arms on Tsukasa's thigh, and rested his chin on them. "Can I ask you something?"
"What do you think about humans?"
Tsukasa hummed as he thought. Humans, huh? The beings that need his stars to get to their right destinations. "I...Never really thought about them. Sorry."
Rui chuckled. "That's okay." Rui's tail flicked from the water. "They're a very fascinating being, in my opinion, just from how they're not a constant being like us."
"How so?"
"Take the heroes, for example. I've seen many heroes sail through the sea." He chuckled. "Father Sea always warned us that humans can be dangerous, but that's what makes them so fascinating! I've seen heroes who faced the sea monster and chopped its head clean off. I've seen a man, dangling on a piece of wood through the storm and survive. I've seen a boat filled with people who wished a newlywed couple the happiest life, but I also see a boat with a lone man, exiled by their own people. To see their emotions, the many languages I wish I could learn between their conversations, their talents that could rival the muses themselves!" Rui sighed as he swam back on his back, and lifted his dark purple tail. "They're amazing..."
Tsukasa tilted his head. The way Rui's face softened, the longing looked, like a wishful maiden waiting for her true love. As if...if he could stare at his tail long enough, it could split into a pair of human legs.
"Do you...Do you want to be human?" Tsukasa asked.
Rui sighed and lowered his tail into the water again. "It's just a wish." His lips pulled into a soft smile. "Oh, I wish I could be one and feel everything they feel."
"But...human doesn't live that long. You live longer than humans, right?"
"That is true." Rui swam closer to Tsukasa again. "But that's the exciting part."
"You need to think about how you would spend your life. Will you go on a quest? Will you be a priest of a temple? Will you propose to the love of your life or will you die alone?" Rui chuckled. "Doesn't the mere thought of what would happen in the future excite you?"
Tsukasa hummed. He doesn't quite understand Rui. Like what he had said, the gods and godlings are constant. They had their role to play, and duty to fulfil. To imagine human beings and their freedom to choose and how Rui wanted that life in exchange for his eternal life.
"If you have the chance to make your wish come true...what will you do first?" Tsukasa asked again.
Rui hummed again. But then giggled. "I would run and try everything I can. Maybe visit the nearby city and watch how humans survive. I want to live among them...To live a life above the sea..."
To live a life above the sea...
To live a life below the clouds...
"Will you be happy if that wish comes true?"
Rui smiled. "Who knows?"
The thought lingers in Tsukasa's mind. It was always like this. Whenever he was with Rui, where they could share conversations that he never thought he would have, was when he felt the most invested.
So, maybe, if they talk more, Tsukasa would also want to become human with Rui.
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
Thinking about how the type of relationship between Amane and Tsukasa is written and shown, like Aidairo they really like to play and, evidently, they do it on purpose: is it just something brotherly or is there something more? (Always interpreting the content they give us and never affirming [or denying] something)
It can also be said (and from what I have seen, it is something that does happen) that part of the jshk fandom rejects and ignores the theories that the interactions between the twins hide something beyond the fraternal because they're brothers and shouldn't be seen as such.
Using the analogy of "If character A were the opposite gender of character B, then everyone would support their romantic relationship, but since A and B are the same gender that makes them just good friends and 'romantic' is just a thing." part of the community", one could deduce that if instead of brothers, Aidairo had chosen to be childhood friends, would the majority of the fandom more easily accept their interaction as something more than brotherly?
If they were just childhood friends who grew up together and their relationship is the same as it is currently in the manga, perhaps the entire fandom would say, and it wouldn't be something crazy or misplaced, that there's not just friendship between the two; perhaps a one-sided love, or a childhood love that ended badly. Maybe there would even be more posts of parallels between hananene and amane and tsukasa.
I would like to know your opinion ^ . ^
Just thoughts derived from insomnia and how I love to find three feet for the cat. And since I love to see the relationships of some characters in another light to see if it's just my interpretation or if there is something more.
P.D.: ilove your theories and analysis.
Do you want me to be completely honest?
I have been very cautious when talking about this subject precisely because it is such a taboo.
It's not about gender, but about being brothers, it's not something natural or accepted, it's strange to think or talk about it in a general context, most people have brothers and know that the love they feel for them is fraternal.
So this forbidden love causes a lot of strangeness, even if it is in fiction.
But yes, I'm happy that the fandom is finally seeing that there is SOMETHING STRANGE in their relationship, it's not just brotherly love, right?
It does not seem.
Tsukasa blushes when he is with Amane, when he talks about him. Hanako also blushes when he is around Tsukasa. The way Tsukasa touches Hanako, panels where they are almost kissing, Hanako under Tsukasa in a suggestive position while Tsukasa puts his hands on Hanako's lips. The way Hanako looks at Tsukasa, whether when he was pointing at the stars or when he ran to hug Amane.
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There is more evidence of romance than of a healthy sibling relationship. The way Tsukasa didn't care about anything other than fulfilling Amane's wishes…
But what about Hanako, what must he have been like with Tsukasa?
The general idea that goes through my head sometimes is that the twins fell in love with each other. For Tsukasa, in a more innocent way, that kind of love that he still doesn't understand and doesn't know how to differentiate from brotherly love, everything for him is just love.
For Hanako…. this is more problematic, Hanako is not innocent, he knows what kind of love he feels for Tsukasa, and maybe because he realizes that it is wrong, forbidden, he just buried this feeling inside his chest. Even though he felt love and desires, he seemed to want to be the "perfect" brother, as we saw in the PP arc.
Most analyzes of JSHK symbolism point to a romantic love between them, and in some cases, unilateral. An innocent twin and a pervert, opposites but with similar desires.
I always wonder why Hanako has such a latent sexual desire, as if he was repressing an old desire, and when Kako revealed this in front of Tsukasa, Hanako blushed intensely!
He literally wanted to die again, so why was he so blushing because of Tsukasa? It doesn't make sense if we don't think about the desires he might feel about Tsukasa, and because it's something shameful and forbidden, he feels bad.
"I want Tsukasa, but he's my brother, we can't! It's wrong…."
He blushed more with Tsukasa than with Nene, even when Nene kissed him on the cheek, the moment he blushed the most with her, it didn't surpass the way he blushed with Tsukasa, even his HANDS were blushed.
Think with me, Hanako wants to stop time to do any kind of perverted things, who could he stop time with so he could do whatever he wanted without anyone knowing?
He already did perverted things with Nene without needing to stop time, he can even try to do perverted things with random people, since no one sees Hanako because he's a ghost
But he couldn't touch these people even if time stopped, because in order for him to touch them the other person must be supernatural, have a sixth sense or a bond with Hanako, as in the case of Nene, Kou.
So WHO was the person he was talking about?
Touching Tsukasa with time stopped… Would it lessen Amane's guilt if Tsukasa didn't know? Hmm…..
He likes to do things in secret because he doesn't like to feel guilty, he does things knowing it's wrong, and that's why he does them in secret.
This would also explain why he was so embarrassed when Tsukasa found out that he wants to do perverted things, it was as if Kako had revealed to Tsukasa that Amane had this type of desire towards him.
A forbidden desire that Amane hides, touching Tsukasa, but he can't, so would he wish time would stop so he could do what he wants, because he believed Tsukasa would never know, would it be the only way to alleviate his desire?
When the secret was revealed, Amane felt the guilt and shame for his desires strongly.
Should I also mention the sexual connotation between eating and being devoured? Hakubo and Sumire? It was explicitly a sexual scene between the two, and well, Hanako will probably have to devour Tsukasa in the same way, so sexual connotations continue here.
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So, let's go to the scene of Hanako's intense crying when he sees Tsukasa kissing Nene.
Did he see the two people he is in love with kissing? And him being left out of it?
So, let's conclude, maybe this will all lead to a three-way relationship, if Nene accepts, of course. Hanako seems to be in love with both of them, and with the way things are going, we're going to see more of Amane showing love for Tsukasa.
See his look in these two situations:
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It's the same look…. in one panel he tells Nene that he's happy because she was the first girl who said she liked him, in the other panel he's talking about Tsukasa.
Same tender look, same look, SAME LOOK
It's just ONE of the possibilities, maybe it's just another one of those things that some manga authors put in, you know, to tease and give false clues, maybe it's just "ah, that's just a joke, they're just very close brothers" and nothing happens.
Aidairo created a game in which there were twins in love with the same girl, they also had a suggestive relationship between them, but nothing explicitly romantic was shown between them.
This is what I think will happen in JSHK, there is all this evidence that their relationship is romantic, but in the end it won't be anything canon, just suggestive moments.
I don't think Aidairo will have enough courage to put a romantic relationship between canonical brothers???? I doubt it, I would challenge her if I could, because I definitely don't believe she would put that on! Because it would be very brave of her to do that!!
Neither the romantic relationship between the twins nor the relationship between three. Tsukasa will probably disappear, Nene will stay with Hanako for a while and Amane will disappear too, Nene (if she survives) will be sad for a while and then forget.
It will be?
Everything is still hazy, I'm wandering between the two paths, do they love each other romantically or is it just Aidairo's joke?
I have no idea the answer, because the evidence is getting stronger and harder to ignore….
Anyway, remembering that I don't ship the twins and I'm not saying that this is what will happen, it's just an analysis based on their behavior.
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revelry-in-severity · 11 months
Euphoric Echoes: Vocaloids, Sekai, and Untitled
i thought about the sweet, precious children too much and this just kept going. This is my special group
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Garden Sekai: A mysterious garden maze filled with wilted flowers, it's unknown if there's a way out. At the center lies a large gazebo where some worn out plushies and books can be found. Tsukasa and Mafuyu have the most influence as evident with the dark whimsy of everything
Miku is the stable presence always there for them like the n25 Miku (these are both influenced by the originals vocaloids and whatever i say). Kaito is the other starter, but he's more of a watchful guardian that anything. Silent until needed, which might not always be a good thing as he won't stop until things settle back down whether the troubled person likes it or not. Meanwhile Rin through Meiko are influenced by the group members. Rin/Tsukasa's childhood had been spent trying to cheer people up, but Len/Mafuyu's childhood shyness isn't the best at helping. Luka/Shizuku is always being told about how beautiful she is, but Luka is a bit more blunt when speaking. Meiko can often be found wandering as she/Ichika is restless without the others around
i like to think the twins are unintentionally creepy by popping up behind people
Untitled: Baloney Speaker (these are really just songs that I think fit the groups the most whether they're in the game or not)
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