#he stops mid sentence. soul leaving his body.
foxilayde · 1 year
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Sucking off Leto Atreides under the table during a war council meeting if you even care
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thewulf · 11 months
Who Did This To You? Pt 2 || Rafe Cameron
Summary: Request - Rafe fic based on song wait in the truck by Hardy. Basically he sees her one night that he’s going for a drive to calm down picks her up and drives to the house of maybe her dad or boyfriend and shoots them... Read Rest Here
A/N: Had to write a part two. Thanks for the inspo @loving-and-dreaming !!
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Maybank!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k+
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“You did what?” You tried, but failed at, stopping your jaw from literally hitting the ground as you looked between your brother and Rafe. Neither looked too terribly thrilled to be in the presence of the other. You would’ve felt the same a night prior. But now? Now all you wanted to do was hide into Rafe’s arms. He made you feel safe, protected, secure. A different kind of feeling than when you were with your friends.
Rafe looked away from you quickly. Almost ashamed? Your head snapped back to your brother who looked terribly uncomfortable.
“JJ?” You asked him.
JJ shrugged only muttering, “Piece of shit got what he had coming for him.” Earning a small huff and grin from the other man in the room. JJ looked back up to your eyes only softening seeing your distressed state. As awful as a human as he was he was still your father. Was your father.
“Rafe?” You asked turning your attention back towards the man you never thought you’d have any good will towards. Yet here you were. Pining over the man. A man that even JJ would have to accept. How could he not? He’d quite literally saved your life last night. There was no way you were going to make it all the way to John B’s place.
Rafe sighed looking back up at you with that same softness that JJ was just exuding, “He almost killed you. I just, I don’t…” He paused, sighing once more before forcing a hand through his tangled hair, “He would’ve killed you if I didn’t get to him first Y/N.” He stated matter of factly as if to justify his own actions.
You sat down on the chair surrounding Rafe’s kitchen table, “Wow.” Your brain couldn’t think of any words to speak as it reeled over the events of the last few hours, “What about you?” The panic kicked in forcing you to jump up from the seat and back over to the much taller boy, “Are you going to get in trouble?” You asked looking at him with pleading eyes. You’d never dream of putting him in this spot. Putting anybody in such a spot.
He shook his head before gently brushing your own tangled hair out of your face, “It’s taken care of, don’t worry about it.” He refrained from going ‘too far’ in front of your older brother. Rafe knew JJ was a hothead, much like himself. Much different than the gentle soul that you were. A natural balance to his chaos.
“Are you sure?” You asked once more, afraid you could lose him just as quickly as you had gotten him.
He nodded, “Positive. Don’t worry about it.”
You turned back towards your brother, “What about us? Where are we going to go?”
“I’ll drop out. Get a job. Be your caretaker.” He shrugged as if it was as simple as that. Oh, how you wish it were that simple.
But you simply shook your head walking back over to him, “You can’t do that JJ.”
He smiled over to you trying his best to stay as calm as possible for you. It was natural that neither of you had felt much for the man. He was simply a body that took care of the bills at this point. But that was now gone. The two of you had to fend for yourself just like John B was currently doing. How in the hell had both your dads died within the span of a few months?
“You and I both know I’m never leaving this island. What’s it matter if I graduate school? I’ll get my GED and call it a day.” He pulled you in for a rare hug. One that he knew you needed by the way you were tensed up. He knew how off kilter your life had just been swung into.
“But JJ…” You started before he shook his head interrupting you mid-sentence. Rafe walked behind you giving you some distance, letting you have this conversation with your brother.
“It’s been figured out.” He finally let his bear hug grip on you go before looking down at his phone before sighing, “Look, gotta go pick JB and Sarah up. Going to fill them in. Don’t worry about it Y/N. Let us handle it, okay?”
You nodded, “I’m sixteen JJ, not five. I can help.” Letting out a frustrated sigh JJ just shook his head again before wrapping you up in another loving hug. He knew you needed it. He reserved these hugs just for moments like these. When your world was threatening to topple down right in front of you. He couldn’t bear it. You were one of the few consistent things in his life that always, no matter what, believed and cheered him on. His own personal ball of sun. He couldn’t let that diminish. No, he’d rather die than let that happen.
“You’re still my little sister. No matter what, yeah?” He grinned while punching you on the arm lightly. He didn’t know where you were hurting but he knew you certainly were. You were bruised and scratched from head to toe. JJ tried not to let his eyes linger on the particularly nasty bruises or scrapes. It should’ve been him. He should’ve been there for you. His worst fear come right to life in front of him. The sunshine that you were had been hit over and over again. JJ couldn’t help to feel like he had failed you.
Bobbing your head up and down you couldn’t help but to smile at him, “Yeah, okay.”
“Atta girl.” He walked towards the front door, “I’ll pick you up later?” He looked back and forth between you and Rafe who finally decided to step in.
“No need. I’ll drop her off at John B’s?” He asked as he walked towards your brother not letting you step in. It was odd having a male figure be so caring towards you. Not that JJ wasn’t. He was just your older brother who made you tough. He wasn’t always the one you wanted to cry to. He wasn’t your shoulder to lean on when everything was tumbling down. He was the one that was always there to build you back up. He was your brother. Your JJ. Your world and your starts. Your best friend. The person you needed most. JJ.
Your brother gave him a quick nod, “Sure.” He turned back towards you as his hand tugged at the doorknob, “Text me when you’re on your way.”
“Sounds good JJ. I’ll see you later.” You waved as he opened and shut the door quickly leaving you alone again with Rafe. He was quick. In and out in thirty minutes. Changing your life in thirty minutes. He might’ve just changed it for the better though. It might be naïve of you to think JJ could pull this off but why couldn’t he? He was always resourceful when he needed to be.
Feeling a gentle hand on your shoulder you were tugged out of your thoughts immediately, “Are you alright?” Rafe asked quietly seeing you stuck in your head.
You turned to look up to him with wide eyes, “I’m… Yeah I’m fine.” You sucked in a breath suddenly feeling incredibly awkward under his gaze. His very intense Kook stare you were terribly used to.
He frowned as he studied your nervous expression. Were you scared of him because he killed your father? JJ left you here so he couldn’t be worried. But were you?
Rafe decided to test the waters and reach out a hand to you. Without a second thought you brought your hand to his bringing his confidence up just a little. He tugged at your arm gently knowing you were in pretty serious pain. You complied following his to the couch. He pulled you into his side. He ran his hand along your back trying to calm your racing heart.
“It’s okay if you’re not okay.” Rafe whispered in your ear as he laid his head atop of yours.
You nodded into his chest feeling him wrap his arms around your waist pulling you ever so much closer, “I’m confused and a little sad. But I’m okay.”
He gave your hip a squeeze, “I’ll be here for you. Every step of the way.”
You let his words process in your head before finally speaking once again, “Why?” You just had to ask. It was eating at you, “Why do you care now?”
He didn’t let you go, only held you tighter, “I’ve always cared. I just didn’t know how to express it. Being uh… mean to you made it easier. My friends stayed away. They’re trouble. I’m trouble. You really shouldn’t want much to do with me Y/N.”
You sighed only letting your head fall completely onto his chest, “Yeah sure, whatever. My life’s already kind of fucked up isn’t it Rafe? Why not got all in?”
He smiled down you cuddled into him, “Because I care for you. Always have. Always will Maybank.” He began brushing your hair wish his fingers trying to tame it from the restless sleep you had the night prior.
You groaned, “I suppose I care for you to Rafe, please don’t go running away from me now.”
He shook his head, “Not unless you ask me. But don’t say I didn’t warn you sweet girl.”
You couldn’t help the creeping blush at that nickname he’d given you overnight, “Well, we’re in luck. Because that won’t happen.” You grinned up at him feeling that warmth you felt earlier spread around again, “Thank you Rafe.” You mumbled feeling sleepiness begin to take over you once more.
He kept brushing your hair hoping you’d fall asleep on him once again. Knowing full well your body needed the sleep to help recover after such an assault, “Anytime pretty. You know that.” He hoped in fact you did know that. Even though you’d been strangers moments prior he hoped you knew how much you really meant to him. He’d admired you from a distance hoping the cold shoulder would lead you away from him. And that worked until he saw you broken on the side of the rode. Rafe could never leave you to fend for yourself like that.
You mumbled something incoherent to his ears as you dozed off once again. He wasn’t sure how long you’d be asleep, but he was sure he wouldn’t move an inch hoping you’d get the best sleep you possibly could. He was a goner and he couldn’t really give less of a damn in that moment as you were curled up on him
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891
Fic Taglist: @starkeysheart @f4ll-for-you @thesnailus
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leaentries · 10 months
🎄prompt 13 w/ Jamie Drysdale
this is so stinking cute
warnings: swearing
prompt 13- “if you don’t take me to see christmas lights, i’ll cry.”
lea’s christmas special!
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It was finally December, the air was filled with your jolly spirit as you blasted christmas music in your apartment. The smell of your freshly brought in Christmas tree added to the sentiment. Gold, red, and green slowly crept its way into every aspect of your little space until it looked like Christmas had vomited everywhere.
Of course, this is how you preferred it. Colors strewn about, with decorations filling all the rooms. It brought joy to your heart and warmth to your soul. Jamie, although you two had been together for over a year, was still shocked when he walked into your apartment that December 1st morning.
“Wow, pretty girl,” He walked over to you, looking around at the vast amount of glitter and fake snow, “You really didn’t hold back, did you?”
You turned towards him, as his arms circled around your waist, “Well obviously not! You know Christmas is my favorite time of year!” Jamie smiled at you, taking in your appearance. The way the oversized Christmas sweatshirt hung on your body, to the matching red socks. He adored you.
“I know, I know, baby. And I love that you love it so much.” He placed his lips against your head as he mumbled, “I also brought some of your favorite hot chocolate from that little shop down the street.”
Your eyes widened in delight as you left his arms and raced to the kitchen table where he had set the drinks down upon walking in.
He admired your animated form with a lovesick grin. A chuckle left his lips as you burned yourself slightly in your over excitement. “Calm down, it’s hot.”
You gave him a side eye at his teasing smirk, “No shit sherlock.” Rolling your eyes, you gently blow on your drink, before taking a less-burning sip. The liquid’s warmth spread from your mouth through your body. You let your eyes shut in delight, a small hum of approval leaving your lips.
Jamie’s mind became void of anything as he watched your pleasured features. Your tongue darted out to lick a drop off of your parted lips. He swallowed thickly.
“This is the best drink in the world, I swear. And that little shop? God, I don’t know how they do it. I have to get the recipe from the owner.” You set the cup down, walking back to where Jamie remained at the kitchen island. “You know, I just was taking to the owner the other day actually. She was telling me about how her and her wife just got a puppy and they’re super exci-”
You stopped mid sentence as you became aware of Jamie’s staring. “What’s up with you, Jam?”
He shook his head slightly, coming back to reality. “N-nothing. I’m all good, pretty girl.” You raised a brow at him, “Promise. Now, what were you saying about the owner?”
After finishing your drinks, you and Jamie found yourselves cuddle on the couch binging Christmas movies. With the heat of his body, paired with the soft glow of the tv, you quickly slipped into a welcomed slumber.
Your body slowly began to awake, as you noticed the credits of “Home Alone” were now playing on the screen. Tilting your head, you saw Jamie’s peaceful sleeping face, the deep rise and fall of his chest could be felt beneath you. Although, your movements must have woken him as his hand came up to push your head back to the crook of his neck.
“Shhhh. Not yet, don’t wanna leave you.”
You forced your head up, causing a deep sigh to leave his mouth. “Oh come on J, it’s already,” You grabbed your phone to check the time, “7:47. All of the Christmas lights are definitely on by now.”
Damn. He was hoping you’d forget that he promised to go drive around looking at lights tonight.
Jamie let another out another sigh. “What if I told you I would rather just lay with you all night instead?”
You looked him dead in the eye with no expression, “If you don’t take me to see Christmas lights, I’ll cry.”
“Fine, fine. Let’s go look at Christmas lights.”
“Yes!” Your face lit up immediately, you scrambling to your feet to slip on your Christmas slippers. You ran to the door to grab the matching pair you had bought Jamie. “Alright, J! Let’s go!”
Jamie just shook his head, chuckling at your antics.
If driving around for hours looking at lights on random houses is what his girl wanted, then thats exactly what his girl was gonna get.
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Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
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You never were able to sleep all that well, knowing that your best friend was out all night fighting crime, and out all day staging unpermitted political actions, and concerts with his band. Hobie Brown did entirely too much.
He makes it a point to check in every so often so that you know he hasn’t forgotten about you. His only non-band member friend and the only one in his universe that knew about his big secret. Hobie Brown was Spider-Punk, and it was a full-time, penniless gig.
Shortly after you had become friends, you learned about his identity on accident. You were glad you did though, because it explained a lot about his prolonged absences. When he officially became homeless because he didn’t have an actual job, you offered up your place until he could get back on his feet.
That was a few months ago. Now he happily has his own flat, but spends just as much time at your own flat, if not more than his own.
So when he hasn’t stopped by or called in a week, you were worried. You know that he got called to Spider Society HQ to deal with some anomaly threat, but that was a week ago. Normally he’d be back by now, or would call you mid-fight just to check in.
You’re in your cotton shorts and an oversized tshirt while you watch a scary movie in the living room before heading off to bed. You likely won’t sleep well anyway, so you’re not overly concerned about potential nightmares.
While jump-scares are a cheap way to get a reaction out of the audience, they get you every time. So when the music peaks and the demon suddenly appears on screen AND you hear a violently loud, very real noise right outside of your bedroom window, your heart jumps into your throat and you swear you can feel your soul leave your body.
Pausing the movie (there’s no way you’re gonna continue watching that tonight) you creep towards your bedroom. Slowly opening the door, you see a figure opening up your window very slowly and shakily stepping into your bedroom. You flick on the light and you immediately calm down.
“Hobie, you nearly gave me a heart attack! Where have you been!”
Hobie pulls his mask off and looks at you, and you immediately notice that his eyes seem unfocused.
“Sorry bout th’t love.”
He takes a step forward and promptly crumples to the ground.
You’re only frozen in shock for about 30 seconds, but it feels like ages. You rush forward and drop to your knees, attempting to scan him for injury.
“Hobie?? Oh my god what happened to you??”
Hobie groans and mutters something unintelligible. You immediately get to removing his leather vest and that’s when you see the blood seeping through his spidey suit. You suck in a sharp breath.
“Hobie, I’m gonna have to remove this so I can fix it okay? I know you don’t like hospitals so I’m going to stop the bleeding and see if I can fix this.”
You’re amazed that you don’t panic, as you carefully lift Hobie’s shoulders up towards you so you can peel the top half of his suit down until it hangs around his waist. Carefully leaning him back into a flat position on the floor you gulp. It’s a lot of blood. You’re hesitant to leave him but you have to grab the first aid kit and some towels from the bathroom. You run there and back and immediately press the towel to the gaping wound that stretches from his brusing ribs to his lower side of his stomach.
The minute you apply pressure his eyes fly open with a gasp and he tries to sit up.
“Hobie, Hobie stop” he looks panicked and disoriented. “It’s just me, love.” You adopt the nickname that he calls you hoping it’ll snap him back to reality.
It has the desired effect, and he winces as he slowly lays back down.
“That bloody hurts y’know th’t?”
“I know,” you look down at the towel which is thoroughly soaked through and replace it with the next one. “I can’t get the bleeding to stop,” your voice pitches up towards the end of the sentence showing how worried you are. “And I’m certain this needs stitches.”
Hobie peers at you, pain still clouding his vision. He manages to lift a hand and place it over yours. “No.. hmph, no hospitals.”
You sigh. What seems like hours (it was really only twenty minutes) you finally staunch the blood and prep for the stitches.
“This’ll be a bit painful innit.” Hobie phrased it like a question, but really it was a statement. You brushed the sweat from his forehead.
“It will. I’ll try to be as gentle as possible.”
You chew your bottom lip as you begin the sutures. Obviously you want to get it done as fast as possible, but it also has to be done right. With every pull you can feel Hobie tense up as he tries not to flinch.
His breathing is ragged so you try to distract him by getting him to talk.
“You know, I was worried when I hadn’t heard from you for a couple days. I know you don’t believe in consistency but I had a feeling something was wrong when you never checked in… how did this happen??”
Hobie squeezes his eyes shut as you pull the needle until this portion of the stitch is taut.
“Just the usual ‘azards that come wit being spidey,” he grits out.
You scoff. “Hobart Brown, in the last two years that I’ve known you, you’ve never even come home with a scratch.”
“We’ve had a bit of a multiverse crisis.. s’why I been gone for so long”
You hum in contemplation as you make your way through the last few stitches.
“What happened?”
You tie off the thread and disinfect the area again, as Hobie tells you all about Miles Morales and Miguel and The Spot.
“So these canon events happen to everyone?”
Hobie averts his eyes. “What of it?”
It seems like a touchy subject, so you decide to leave it alone. Just because your friends, doesn’t mean you’re entitled to know every little detail about him, just like he doesn’t know every little detail about you.
You help Hobie up off the floor, and lead him to your bed. His arm immediately crosses his middle holding his aching ribs. Hobie starts to protest, saying he’ll just head back to his flat.
“Hobie, please lay down. I want you here so I can make sure you don’t rip your stitches, and you’re not swinging to your place.”
“Aye I’ll do it, but not b’cause you told me to.”
Once he lays flat on his back you go change into some not blood soaked clothes. You decide to toss all bloody paraphernalia in the dumpster outside, so you slip on your sneakers. Not five minutes later, you’re perched on the edge of your bed.
“Miles seems like a good kid,” you say absentmindedly.
“‘e is, jus’ wanted to fit in wit the likes of us.”
You grab his hand. “I’m proud of you.”
He raises a pierced eyebrow at you. “For wha’?”
“Helping Miles try to stop this.” You rub your thumb across the back of his hand, the shock of finding Hobie the way you did starting to wear off, and a deep sense of unaddressed dread starting to set in.
Hobie shakes his head. “He betta stop ‘is event, or I got all a these stitches for nothin.”
Your thumb stops moving and you squeeze his hand.
“What does that mean?”
Hobie’s silence is VERY loud.
Finally the puzzle pieces start to click into place.
“Nothin’ love, I jus-“
“Hobart Brown, is this ridiculously deep laceration from Miguel O’Hara?”
Hobie winces at the deadly (deceiving) calm in your voice.
“Uh it’s possible-“
“I’m going to kill him myself.”
As if a higher power was listening to you, Hobie’s watch activated requesting he return to HQ.
“Love it’s prob’bly a trap-“
Too late. You reach across for his other wrist and slap the button that opens the portal. One minute you’re in your apartment, and the next you’re on your first interdimensional travel field trip, with Hobie right beside you.
Crossed Masterlist
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chapter xi - gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count: 3,700+
Warnings: spoilers for entire ACOTAR series
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“Eris…” She hummed to him. “Eris Vanserra.” 
Then her voice grew more urgent. “Eris…Eris…ERIS!” 
He finally shot up in bed. 
Sweat covered Eris’ naked torso as he awoke. Yet goosebumps covered his skin. 
Eris looked to the windows in his bedchambers, and saw that one was open, and there was a strong wind coming through. 
He paused, not remembering leaving it open before he went to bed. 
Slowly, he emerged from his bed and walked to the window. 
Eris stood at the opening, hands gripping the sill. 
A part of him waited for her voice to call out for him still, even now that he was awake. But the wind was quiet, only slightly brushing by him, and cooling the sweat on his muscular chest. 
It was hard to decipher what was actually Y/N calling to him and what was the bond messing with his head. Everything about the two of them felt unprecedented due to Y/N not being merely mortal. 
Eris looked at the block on his nightstand. He had only been sleeping for barely two hours when he’d awoken. That was the most he'd gotten in weeks. 
Go to her, his soul begged. 
Eris suddenly found himself considering his responsibilities in the next couple of days. They were lesser than usual. Why did his heart lighten at that realization? 
Eris closed the window slowly, making sure to secure it this time. 
Rhysand and Feyre had granted access to Velaris to Eris not long after his first visit to the Night Court where he left Y/N with them. They hadn’t really known what to expect in regards to Eris actually taking advantage of the privilege. 
Eris had never explored the mystery city. But the bond or perhaps Y/N’s magic – maybe both – seemed to be guiding him. 
He finally turned a tight corner and stopped in his tracks. 
Y/N sat outside what he presumed was her shop. She’d pulled a chair out and seemed to be taking in the morning sun with a large mug of coffee. 
It took Eris a second to realize that there was a spoon in the mug that was stirring itself, while Y/N’s hands kept warm by cupping the sides. He smirked at the little bit of magic. 
Then he noticed that Y/N was mumbling under her breath, as if trying to hide it from anyone who might be wandering past. 
A part of Eris wanted to turn around and forget this whole idea.
But it was nearly impossible to ignore how much better he felt just seeing his mate. The tension in his shoulders was gone, he stood up straighter, the migraine had finally weakened, and the exhaustion had been replaced with a sudden pierce of energy and awareness. 
Eris’ body moved on its own accord. 
It was only when he was a few feet away that Y/N’s eyes met his and they widened in surprise at his appearance. 
Y/N had been talking, mid sentence, when she noticed him. 
“Sorry,” she blurted out without even meaning to. 
“Never apologize to me, Y/N.”
Eris blinked, suddenly realizing he’d never addressed her by her own name before. 
But then he remembered what Cassian had told him: that many thought Y/N to be crazy due to her gifts in witchcraft. And Eris’ hands clenched into fists at his sides, thinking of anyone saying such things about his mate. 
“What are you doing here?” Y/N blurted out. She blinked rapidly. “I-I-I mean, what are you doing in Velaris?” 
“News of your store has reached even Autumn Court…” Eris said. But then added, “But I have business with the High Lord and Lady.”
Though he caught how his words came through his mask still – cold and emotionless. 
And Y/N caught it, too. For she shifted in her seat with discomfort, unsure of how to respond to the clashing of his words with his tone.
Eris cleared his throat and looked at the ground.  
Damn himself. He couldn’t even talk to his mate without sounding like some arse. 
“Are you quite well?” 
His head shot up at the question. 
Surely she wasn’t talking to him. 
But she was. 
In fact, Y/N's gaze studied him with genuine concern. He caught how they lingered on the deep shadows beneath his amber eyes.
While Eris never dressed and groomed less than perfection every day of his life, it appeared his exhaustion was impossible to hide.
Eris bowed his head. “It seems a good night’s sleep has rather been a challenge for me, as of late…”
He didn’t see the point in trying to lie to Y/N. The truth was quite clear and he did not wish to seem like he thought her some fool. 
Y/N gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m familiar.” 
Eris wouldn’t meet her gaze now. 
But he heard her slowly stand from her chair and walk to him. 
“Would you like to come in for some tea?” 
Eris’ gaze once again shot up to meet her’s. 
Y/N stepped even closer with an encouraging smile. “P-Please, I insist.” 
Eris shifted his weight. “I will not be in your way? Your shop has just opened.”
Y/N shook her head. “Business is usually slow in the mornings, especially this early in the week. I promise it is no bother.” 
Eris finally nodded and put a few steps between them as he followed her into the store. Just before stepping in, he looked around them, half expecting that Spymaster to be watching from the darkness or perhaps even one his his shadows. 
Y/N led them to what appeared to be a backroom in the the store. 
A fire was already kindling in the small hearth. Above it hung dozens of herbs drying from being upside down and hanging in front of the warmth. There was a desk shoved into the corner, with a dozen quills and some notebooks strewn across its surface. 
Eris assumed this was where Y/N did all of her conjuring and casting for her merchandise. 
Despite it being her place of work, Eris still felt like he was tainting her personal space, her closest thing to home and sanctuary. 
“Please, do sit.” Y/N gestured to a small table with three chairs opposite the room from the fireplace. 
Eris watched Y/N as she started moving about the room. He studied her outfit: a full quilted skirt and a simple white, button-up shirt with the sleeves already rolled up for her work. It looked less Night Court than the other outfits he’d seen her in. 
A few moments later, Y/N placed a large mug of tea in front of Eris while she had poured herself another mug of coffee. 
“You are quite frustrating, you know?” Y/N smirked at him before taking a sip of coffee. 
Eris tilted his head. “How so?” 
“You save my life, bring me here – a court where you hold no true friends. Your own brother doesn’t seem fond of you. And even he seemed confused that you helped me at all in the first place.” 
“Anything else?” Eris quipped. 
Yes,” Y/N huffed as she sat back and crossed her arms. “T-They tell me too little.” 
Eris couldn’t help but smirk. “They as in the wind?” 
She hesitated before nodding. 
“The Night Court is the safest court in the fae realm for a mortal,” Eris finally explained, as if it were obvious. “I do not have connections in the mortal realm.”
That was not entirely true. He could’ve brought Y/N to the Exiles’ manor. But he didn’t see Jurian or Vassa as capable enough to protect his mate. Furthermore, they owed him nothing.
Y/N’s voice was almost a whisper as she asked, “Are things really so terrible in Autumn Court?” 
Eris only nodded. 
“It may seem hard to believe and though my circumstances were menacing…” She took in a shaky breath. “There was a moment where I couldn’t ignore how…beautiful it was.” 
Eris froze at such a confession. Y/N was dragged and tortured like a slave through his court, yet she still found the beauty in it, same as him. 
“It is not the land that is terrible,” he corrected. “But its ruler and those who stay loyal to him, despite his evil.” 
“And that is why sleep evades you?” Y/N asked carefully. 
Eris lifted his tea again and simply said, “Perhaps.” 
A peaceful silence settled between them. There was only the crackling of the fire, something brewing in a cauldron above it, and the soft ticking of a clock on another wall. 
“You speak of overthrowing your own father so carelessly…I cannot help but ask: what will you do to make it better?”
Eris was rendered speechless. He realized that no one had ever asked him that – mostly because his plans to usurp his father were a dangerous secret. And the few that knew – which was mostly Rhysand’s inner circle – saw him as no less evil than Beron. 
Y/N interpreted his silence as offense. 
“Excuse me,” she quickly apologized. “I’ve f-f-finally spoken out of turn.” 
Her head bowed in shame as she sipped her coffee more. 
“The farmers,” Eris muttered without realizing it. 
Y/N looked at him with confusion. “The farmers?”
“My father pays them poorly. He does it so they’re competitive, desperate, and will do anything for more money or his favor. I would pay them the wage they deserve.” 
“What else?” Y/N encouraged. 
Unbeknownst to Eris, she had seen a spark light in those amber eyes of his. And she wanted to make it burn even brighter. 
“I would banish all the courtier’s who did nothing to stand against my father’s malevolence, all because they gained either power or riches from it. I would view the other court’s as allies, not enemies who would strike Autumn at any moment.” 
Eris took in a deep breath, as if sharing such a thing was the greatest relief. “Autumn Court would become prosperous from my people’s contentment and harmony, not from their fear and pain.” 
Y/N watched him in shy wonderment. 
“But perhaps I am no better than my father,” Eris muttered, staring into his tea. 
Y/N surprised him by leaning forward with utter determination on her face. “The winds say nothing but hideous things about Beron Vanserra.” She hissed his father’s name as if it were venomous. “Was it not him who allowed my trading through his court?”
She huffed and leaned back, her face softening. “You are not your father. There is much I must learn of you, Eris Vanserra, but that I am sure of. Because you saved my life in the woods that day.”  
The breath had been knocked from Eris’ chest. He could not breathe, he could not speak. All he could do was feel the heavy beating of his heart and the string between him and Y/N get pulled even tighter. 
If Y/N saw the impact her words had on him, she didn’t show it. 
But their moment was interrupted by the shops entrance bell dinging. 
“Excuse me,” Y/N said politely as she stood. “I will be right back.” 
As soon as she left the backroom, a gasp left Eris. It was like he had been drowning until that very moment when those words left Y/N’s lips. Now his lungs were fighting for every breath. 
It took a few minutes for him to gain control of himself again. 
And then he suddenly felt a crest of fatigue. 
Now that Eris was finally in the presence of his mate again, surrounded by her scent and her safe space, could his body finally find rest?
Eris didn’t mean to, but before Y/N returned, he slumped back in his chair and allowed his eyes to slowly close. 
Eris awoke to the sound of something lightly hitting the table in front of him. 
He jolted awake, quickly remembered where he was by catching Y/N’s sent. 
Before him on the table, a bowl of stew had been placed. 
He looked up to see that it was Y/N who had placed it there and she was ladling another portion into a bowl for herself. 
“How long was I asleep for?” Eris asked hurriedly. 
Y/N smirked. “About 6 hours.”
Eris’ eyes snapped to the now empty tea he had been drinking. 
“You put something in my drink,” he accused. 
Y/N sat across from him with her own bowl of stew. “I did. But it should not have been that strong. You are more tired than you let on.”
It was not the tea, Eris thought. You. You are the magic. 
“Are you upset with me?” Y/N asked before taking her first bite of stew. 
He narrowed his gaze, the mask slightly returning. “I suppose it would not matter if I was.”
“I promise you were perfectly safe back here,” Y/N added. “I checked on you throughout the day.” 
That’s when Eris realized that there had also been a blanket placed on his lap. 
He looked at the bowl of stew in front of him again. 
“Do you need to return to the House of Wind?” Eris asked, expecting one of Rhysand’s bats to interrupt them at any moment to fly her home. 
“They had an important meeting in Day Court...or Winter Court. Can’t remember.”
But Eris knew she did remember. Y/N just didn’t trust Eris enough with that information. It could be nothing important, yet she still protected her friends and the Night Court from him. 
“Thank you…for the stew,” Eris told her softly. 
“I’m sure it doesn’t compare to the food at your Court,” she admitted. 
Eris didn’t correct her. He was too busy thinking of this happening once she felt the mating bond, once it had been awoken for her…and she made him this same meal to accept their bond. Eris knew this didn’t answer the magic, he would’ve felt it. But that didn’t stop him from dreaming of the future. 
“You know, Lucien actually asked me to dinner not too long ago,” Y/N said through a smile before blowing on a spoonful of stew. 
Eris’ spoon clattered to the table as he growled, “Stay away from him.”
The growl alone made Y/N laugh at the male, “What ever for?” 
His reaction was exactly the one she had been fishing for and came out triumphant. It seemed rather easy to taunt Eris. And for some reason, Y/N got such joy from it.
“I’ve seen many a female fall for his hollow charm. You can do better.” 
Y/N smirked at that. “Oh, can I?” 
Eris refused to elaborate, choosing to take another bite instead.
Yes, he wanted Y/N to find someone else to love – someone better, safer. But to love Lucien would be the Cauldron’s greatest tortures. And she would be no safer from Beron with him. 
“If I’m being honest,” Y/N started quietly. “I rather pity him.” 
Eris made a noise of disgust. “What for?”
“I do not know much about these mating bonds of faes. But is it not heartbreaking that Elain will not so much as give him a chance?” 
Did Eris dare ask the question that was screaming in his mind to be let out?
“And what do you think of it all?”
“Mating bonds.” 
Her brow furrowed in thought. “At first it seemed so…magical.”
“Spoken from a witch...” Eris answered gruffly. 
She glared at him, but continued. “But then Feyre said it didn’t guarantee the two would be happy or in love. And it seemed…r-rather cruel.” She blinked and shook her head. “Look at Lucien…I fear he is lonely. Will he just live the rest of his immortality unloved? And that…that is the true dark side of it all.” 
Eris felt sick at the her words. 
Y/N was so unaware that she spoke of the same thing to her own mate. But to her, it was impossible to have one the begin with. 
“Your mother and father are they…?”
Eris cleared his throat in attempt to push back all the emotions that threatened to expose themselves. “No. No, my mother’s marriage to my father was arranged. No female with any sense would ever agree to marry my father.” 
“And do you have–”
But Y/N’s question was interrupted by the shop bell dinging once again. 
“Oi!” Cassian yelled into the shop. “Are you sleeping in the back again?” 
“Cassian, must you always be yelling?” Feyre giggled. 
“Back so soon?” Y/N called back through a smile. 
“Why?" Cassian laughed. "Did you think we forgot about yo–”
Feyre and Cassian froze in the doorway when they spotted Eris. 
Y/N shrunk in her seat, not sure how to handle their reaction to her guest. 
Feyre recovered first. “Eris, we were not expecting you.” 
“I had already warned him that you were all on court business,” Y/N answered. 
“Ready to go home, Y/N?” Cassian asked. 
“Yes. Store has already been cleaned. I just have to put out the fire and lock up.”
With a wave of Eris hand, the fire extinguished, as well as every candle in the store. 
Y/N paused in awe at it. 
She had assumed Eris had some abilities due to being High Fae and the heir to Autumn Court. But it was still amazing to see. 
“Perhaps we shall wait for you outside,” Feyre answered as she shoved Cassian in the direction of the entrance. 
“Oh, I almost forgot!” Y/N jumped to her feet and handed Eris a wicker basket that was covered with a grey linen cloth. 
Eris squinted. “What is this?” 
“Sleep candles,” Y/N answered as if it were obvious. “They’re enchanted, but filled with mostly lavender and then some mugwort, rose petals, and rosemary.”
She pointed to a bundle of waxy leaves. “Eucalyptus. Hang it near your bathtub. The steam will impel its relaxing elements.”
Finally she pointed to a jar filled with tea leaves. “This is the poison I gave you earlier today,” she explained with a mischievous smirk. 
“Very funny,” Eris cut.  
He tried not to let his heart warm from her handing him such thoughtful gifts. 
So, instead, he coldly asked, “How much?”
“Free,” Y/N answered, clearly expecting such a question. 
Finally, she realized how dark it had gotten in her shop after Eris blew out every flame. 
“I never really properly thanked you…for what you did for me.”
“I didn’t do it for your gratitude,” Eris answered harshly. 
But at least his words were true. 
Y/N shook her head at him, almost amused by his severity. “Take the candles and tea, Eris. I have to lock up.”
He started walking out the back room when he paused. “Thank you…for dinner. And for the sleep. And for the…company.”
Eris didn’t look at her as he finally finished with, “I am sure you could see how much I needed it.” 
Y/N looked at him with such sincere sympathy. “You are welcome to rest here anytime.” 
Eris walked outside to find Cassian and Feyre talking hurriedly, yet quietly, between each other. It stopped as soon as they spotted Eris walking out of the store. Both their gazes snapped to the basket in his grasp. 
“Testing the merchandise?” Cassian asked with a playfulness in his eyes. 
Feyre elbowed him in the ribs. 
Eris had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at the two of them. “I shall take my leave.” 
“Wait,” Feyre stepped forward. 
Y/N emerged from her store, starting to lock it behind her. 
“We have matters to discuss,” Feyre added, ignoring Y/N’s presence. 
Cassian stepped to Y/N with a knowing smirk and his arms held out. 
“Shall we?” He asked with a tilt of his head. 
Y/N groaned. “I’m never going to grow to like flying, you know.”
Cassian lifted her into his arms like she weighed nothing. And Eris tried to push down the feeling of jealousy and rage he had at seeing another male holding his mate. 
“I know,” Cassian laughed before launching them into the air. 
Y/N yelped and Eris caught her hiding her face in Cassian’s neck. 
“She’s fine,” Feyre told him as she had closely watched Eris’ reaction to his mate being flown further and further away from him by another male. 
Eris ignored the High Lady’s comment and turned to her, already knowing he would not like this conversation. 
“What is this about?” He asked with cold annoyance. “Have we changed our minds about my visiting rights to the Night Court?” 
“I don’t know what you’re doing,” Feyre began. “Though I wish I didn’t have to care, I do. Because Y/N has become one of us.” 
“Yes,” Eris growled. “That has become abundantly clear.” 
“I’m going to show you something. Something she said. Lower your shields.” 
Eris wanted to refuse such a request, but did as she asked. 
Images of Y/N flooded his mind. She was drunk and beautiful, warming the room of what looked to be a pleasure house. 
“I-I’ve had my fair share of lovers during my travels – with mortal men…”
“Lovers,” Y/N repeated her own words in a giggle. “As if they were even worthy of the title.”
Y/N’s face suddenly became somewhat sober, twisting into something almost sad. 
Her eyes grew distant. “It never really ended up feeling how I wanted it to. I was always left feeling…used.” 
She let out a drunken, huff of a laugh. “So I stopped bothering…”
Then Feyre was out of Eris head and his shields returned. 
Eris was breathing heavily, nostrils flared. His chest expanded quickly. And his hands were in fists at his side, both surrounded by a ball of deadly flame. 
Whatever males had ever touched Y/N to make her feel such a way…
Everything in Eris’ being wanted to find each of them and torture them until they were begging him for death. 
Feyre stepped closer and lowered her voice as she uttered, “I do not know what your intentions are with Y/N. But understand…if you do anything to treat her in a similar matter, my Court will counter accordingly.” 
Eris held the High Lady’s glare, not backing down. 
And then he winnowed back to Autumn Court. 
please, please, please be nice and leave a comment. leave a book report. dissect what you must. it would bring me such joy.
chapter xii
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infamouslyclumsy · 2 months
i had a thought. spoilers for the last Olympian pjo series <3
LUKE WAS DOOMED. Luke was practically doomed from the moment he was born. Remember the part where may castellan is in camp half blood, she’s talking to Chiron and Hermes is like don’t encourage her about the job offering of being the oracle.
Then Hermes is explaining that if may becomes the oracle she can’t marry or see Hermes anymore. May says she can’t have him forever and reminds him he’s immortal. He tries to protest but may knows it’s true.
Now, we know that hades cursed the oracle because of what Zeus did to Maria di angelo, Hades cursed an innocent little girl because she was the oracle.
So he decided to curse her, rendering the oracle supposedly dead by this except from the last Olympian. “You need an oracle, don’t you? The old one’s been dead for what, twenty years?” May Castellan says and then Chiron responds. “Longer,” Chiron says gravely. And obviously they have no idea that the oracle was ever cursed to begin with, which begs the questions of, what would have happened if the oracle wasn’t cursed? What would May had been like with Luke if she wasn’t cursed and didn’t scare her son? Would Luke still be doomed by his parents?
Then, Hermes is warning May not to become the oracle by telling her it is dangerous. And chrion even responds by saying, “It is,” Chrion warned. “For many years, I have forbidden anyone from trying. We don’t know exactly what’s happened. Humanity seems to have lost the ability to host the oracle.”
Then Chiron is shown saying how May raising Luke as the oracle doesn’t know how it will affect the spirt of the oracle. Chrion says, “Yes, but in all fairness I don’t know how that will affect the spirt of the oracle. A woman already borne a child - as far as I know, this has never been done before. If the spirt does not take-” And then May cuts him off mid sentence, believing that the spirt will take. She then kisses her baby boy, giving him to Hermes, and tells both chrion and Hermes she’ll be right back. They both pace in silence wondering what must be happening.
“A green glow lit the window of the house. The campers stopped playing volleyball and stared up at the attic. A cold wind rushed through the strawberry fields.” Something obviously wrong happened here, maybe the curse was being put into May Castellan’s essence possibly.
“Hermes must’ve felt it, too. He cried, ‘No! NO!’ He shoved the baby into Chrion’s arms and ran for the porch. Before he reached the door, the sunny afternoon was shattered by May Castellan’s terrified scream.” diabolical. rick you are paying for our therapy here.
It’s also understood that Hermes understands May’s ramblings about her son’s fate. “May collapsed in Hermes arms and began to shake. Her eyes opened - glowing green - and she clutched desperately at Hermes’ shoulders.” This is the toll it has on May’s body of being an oracle, even if it was only just for a little while. ‘My son,’ she hissed in a dry voice. ‘Danger. Terrible fate!’ This was her glimpsing into the future, seeing what could be her son’s fate, it is crazy to think about how if the roles were reversed with Percy, this could’ve been his fate too. Hermes responded with, ‘I know, my love,’ Hermes said sadly. ‘Believe me, I know.’
Luke thinks his father doesn’t care about him because he never seems to be around. This could be due to May essentially taking on the job of being an oracle and taking some fraction of the oracle into her essence and soul, leaving her to be cursed. Hermes then goes on to say to Luke how he’d get him some help as he is too old to be on the run now, and says he’ll get a satyr to collect him. Luke further believes his father doesn’t love him because he’s not telling him about his destiny which ultimately was to become evil. “You don’t love me,” Luke says, “I promise I… I do love you. Go to camp. I will see that you get a quest soon. Perhaps you can defend the hydra, or steal the apples of Hesperides. You will get a chance to be a great hero before…” Hermes says. Because of Hermes not being able to tell his son what his fate will be leads to Luke assuming the worst. “Before what?” Luke’s voice was trembling now. “What did my mom see that made her like this? What’s going to happen to me? If you love me, tell me.”
Luke was only a baby when his mom became the oracle. He was about 8 years old when he got scared of his mom’s green eyes coming out, presenting herself as the oracle. “I’m not a god! Just once, you could’ve said something. You could’ve helped when- ” Luke took an unsteady breath, lowering his voice so no one in the kitchen could overhear. “- when she was having one of her fits, shaking me and saying crazy things about my fate. When I used to hide in the closet so she wouldn’t find me with those … those glowing eyes. Did you even care that I was scared? Did you even know when I finally ran away?” I can’t imagine how scary this must’ve been for Luke as a child to see his mom this way. It definitely doesn’t excuse his future actions but it begs another question. I’d Hades were to undo the curse he put on the oracle would may be cured? Would she remember anything about how she raised Luke? Would she become normal again? Would she still have those fits from time to time?
this has been my hypothesis that Luke was doomed from the start. <3
fun fact : I thought of this hypothesis while reading, Percy Jackson and the last Olympian, on chapter 14 Pigs fly. <3 the idea for it just came into my head and I thought instead of suffering alone with this idea I would inflict this upon EVERYONE.
rick you owe us therapy.
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sometimesibewriting · 4 months
Where Are You Going?
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✨Summary: Uryu leaves you with only the rain to console you.
💙Ello, another angst piece, to no one's surprise. Idk if I said this but I had an idea for a chaptered Uryu x OC fanfic set in the Bleach Cannon world. But I was too lazy to write a 3 series fanfic. So I just have like random scenes in my head that won't leave, so here I am just writing them to get them out of my head. I hope y'all enjoy, I definitely want to write stuff outside of angst. Will get working on that soon. :D
❌No warnings❌
📃Wordcount: 945
Uryu saw it coming. If it was true that the quincy were still alive and planning something they would come to recruit him. So he wasn't surprised when someone appeared to him the day Ichigo left and proposed that he join his people in crushing the soul society. He told the blonde man before him to give him a few days to think, the blonde man responded, by saying there was no time to think. But Uryu knew his people well they wouldn't just rush in, they would take their time. By how hasty the blonde man who told him to call Haschwalt was Uryu could tell the observing part of their grand scheme had finished and they were ready to move. Uryu told him that he knew he had time.  Haschwalt closed his eyes whether that was from annoyance or from thinking he would never know. He sighed then left telling Uryu he'd be back soon.
A light flashed, followed by spiritual pressure waking Uryu up it was familiar to him. He looked down at his chest, the girl lying on it not stirring. Uryu did his best to slip out from under her replacing his chest with a pillow, he pulled a blanket up and over her. Before going outside he placed a piece of paper with a written but vague apology on the coffee table. 
He paused looking down at her, she was going to hate him if he did this, could he live with that? No, he would have to live with that. There was no other way for this plan to work he ran his hand through his hair, this was the only option. He pushed up his glasses leaning over to place a kiss on her forehead. 
Uryu went outside to meet Haschwalt it started raining in the evening, and now that it was night the rain was even harsher, how fitting Uryu thought. "Have you made up your mind?" Haschwalt asked as he stepped in front of him. "I have," Uryu said firmly. "Your answer?" Haschwalt eyed. "I decided to take you up on your offer." He gave Uryu a look that read as shock. "What made you come to this conclusion?"
Uryu assumed Haschwalt was going to ask him that. After all, he did talk to Uryu like he was suspicious of his actions. "While I do have friends here, I am of quincy blood, I should profile my duty as one. After all the Soul Society is the reason why I'm the only quincy left." Haschwalt looked down at him his face unchanging. "Well then you have made your decision follow me."
They took one step before hearing the back door slide open, Uryu’s heart dropped at the familiar sound. "Ishida." A fimilar voice called if Haschwalt wasn't there he definitely would have cussed. He turned towards the voice. "Yes." He answered. "What are you doing-" She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Haschwalt, she looked at the blonde trying to get a read on him. "Who's this?"
"I see you still have some loose ends to tie up." Haschwalt looked irritated.
"She's not a loose end." Uryu shot back, Haschwalt's face stayed stagnant. Uryu then walked up to the door standing in front of her soaking wet. She pulled the quilt he had put on her closer to her body as the wind blew. She looked at Haschwalt and then back at Uryu. "He's a quincy isn't he? The spiritual pressure is similar to yours."
Uryu didn't answer instead he hugged her, quilt falling around onto the wet ground. He rested his chin on her shoulder his arms wrapping around her, pushing them closer together. She stood there confused as he wasn't usually an emotional or physical person. It was weird to say his warmth felt warm.
"You know I would never hurt you?" His voice was cold yet sincere. "Right?"
"Uryu..." She repeated.
He put his head on hers. "I need you… I need you to remember that I would never do anything to hurt you."
"Uryu. What are you about to do?" She asked although she felt like she had an idea. "Something I have to do." He answered back. Uryu hugged her once more then went to join Haschwalt at his side, she screamed for him while running towards him. Uryu closed his eyes wishing this was all a bad dream.
Just as she reached them, Uryu along with Haschwalt was engulfed in what appeared to be a black mass. The last thing she heard was Uryu saying; "I'm sorry." They disappeared and she fell as there was nothing to catch her, the rain falling harder or atleast felt like it was. She clenched the ground dirtying her fingers tears filling her eyes as she tried to figure out what just happened. A quincy came for Uryu.
There were other quinces besides him. Her one fear had come true. She knew if the Quinces were alive during everything that was happening it would not end well for Uryu. She knew if he had to choose between his people and his friends he would choose the people. If in the same position, she would also choose her people. It would be shellfish of her to think he would choose her, Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime over the Quinces. Yet that didn’t stop the hurt she felt as he left with no explanation the only thing he said being a simple sorry. As if the weight of what just happened hit her she plopped to the ground, curling up into a ball, crying. Her tears mixing with the rain on her face.
Will he be back?
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haydensky01 · 2 years
Obey me! Sleeping with Lucy. Traumatized MC
Attention: Not short attention span friendly.
Truth is, since last week when Cerberus found itself free from its chains and wondered in the house following the scent of the only human there to attack it, you have been very traumatized.
It didn't matter that Lucifer saved you and put the creature back into its prison. Fact is, it was all last second. And you had that long long time within that one second terror face to face with the three headed dog glazing at you charging his firy breath about to tear you up. Needless to say, you haven't been able to go passed that moment.
Since that day, you'd make sure to never be alone especially at night. But a fact deep within wasn't making you any less terrified. After all, you saw how everyone of them hasn't been able to tame Cerberus or push it away from you till he nearly killed you. Everyone except Lucifer.
Lucifer and you share a respectful relationship. Almost professional. He, after all, is the Morning Star. The first born. And Diavolo's right hand. And since you came here, several months ago, you only had responsabilities and committments bounds.
You admired him. You respected him. But also, you liked him. There is no denying that. He was so handsome, so calm, so reliable. You feel like even a smile from him could charge you in energy for days. And knowing his importance and status, you being aware of the feelings you started growing towards him, makes you awkward around him. Avoiding eye contact, talking none sense sometimes, laughing about everything. Even at punishments when Mammon gets you on board in some stupid things.
Howerver, tonight is diffrent. Tonight, you are seriously terrified. You can't dare close your eyes. The smell of aches in Cerburus surrounds you. The 6 red eyes seem to stare at you in every corner of your room and you could hear the beast scream resonates in your soul. You need safety. You need security. You need Lucifer.
Heading to his study in the library you couldn't believe you were about to ask the first born to stay with him all night. You make it till his desk. Here he was working. Overworking. a pile of files and papers surrounding him from everywhere.
"What is it that brings you here at this hour? Is Asmo harassing you again?"
"... N-No, no. I just needed something .. I.."
He interupts you mid sentence: "Ah, is there anything more you needed for the festival preparation? Here, Take this list." He hands you a paper. "This is the list where the festival's needs are mentionned from my part. You can add anything you forgot about in it. I will make sure Diavolo has it appoved by tomorrow."
"... T-Thank you .. But .."
"Don't worry." He interups agains. "Diavolo has you on his good terms. I am sure he'll grant you some more." He says without taking his eyes off of the papers on the desk.
You take few seconds to think. "I just wanted to stay in the study with him. nothing else" You think to yourself.
"This is taking you a moment. Planning to add some more things now that we know the Young Prince won't say no? Be wise asking MC, Diavolo isn't here to spoil." Lucifer added from afar.
You look at the paper and write: "Could you please check if Cerberus is well chained tonight?". You put the paper on the corner of the desk and leave.
Back to your room (running) you close the door and hope he will see your message. You get on your bed and start counting sheeps. Maybe this will distract you. The thoughts of the beast comes and goes as you don't stop moving in your bed. Then tears came up. You hung on your pillow and cried undlessly.
An hour later, you still haven't slept but all the crying made you so exhausted you feel yourself doze off. As your breath slows and your eyes get heavier, you hear your door opens. Your heart skips a beat and your body freezes, eyes tightly shut in fear. And then you smell him. the vison of aches and fire dissipes as you recognize the perfume of Lucifer. A heavy spicy yet sweet scent of fruit and earth. The scent fills your entire room and envelops your whole body. It calms you down. You hear footsteps towards your bed. And this is when you realize. Lucifer is in your room. few steps away. Your heart pounds yet you don't make yourself known as awake. You hear him take off his coats that he puts on your chair. You hear him heading to your bed barefoot. when did he even take off his shoes? A moment after your bed goes down under the weight of the demon and your cover is lifted as a worm and big body lays next to you from behind. The smell imprinted your soul by now. A hand throws to your side of the bed 2 gloves, a tie and a gilet. His arm slides under your neck gently then comes back to rest on your upper shoulder while his other goes around your abdomen.
"I apologise ... I will never let anyone nor anything ever harm you." He says in the quite of your room.
Is this really Lucifer by your ear? on your bed? Against your body? under your covers? The serious, strict, scary, professional Lucifer?
"I can't bare seeing the bags under your eyes at every breakfest after the incident. Nor your pale face ... For how long haven't you slept my love?"
Your face is fire red now. Does he know you're awake? Wait, did he just call you HIS LOVE? ~Do I have to respond?????~
"I don't even remember." You finally say in a broken tired voice.
"Have you been crying?" He realizes to your voice. "Oh MC ..." He commented as he hugged you tighter.
"I sent a raven to the Castle. I declared personal affairs for the next two days. I sent another one to the school as well. They won't be expecting us coming couple days either. Would it be enough? would it be acceptable if we remained sleeping just like this for the next two days?"
"What about the boys?"
Lucifer smirked at the thought of his brothers. "I casted a spell on them. no one is waking up before two days at least."
You let a gasp of surprise out as you turn looking to Lucifer in astonishment. His hand on your waist makes its way up to your face. "You would be scared to know the extent of things I would do for you". He says in a tender yet firm eye contact.
As you look at him, you know he isn't exagerating. Missing on Diavolo's meeting, missing school and casting a spell on his brothers ... You knew he meant every word he said.
"Turn around, rest your head on my chest princess."
Your body obeys without leaving time to your mind to comprehend the order. As you put your head on his heart he caresses your back and you fall asleep to his last words.
"I imprinted a key to my room on your right palm. I am the one who will spoil you to the core. Your bed now is my heart and nowhere else".
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loveysmoke6998 · 2 years
Lo’ak x insecure reader
Ever since Lo’ak’s has laid eyes on you he’s thought you were ethereal.
His siblings often tease him because he gives you “heart eyes” but he just can’t help it.
He honestly believes that you were hand made by Eywa herself.
The way you eyes looked in the glistening light was an impeccable sight. He loved all of you from the way your hips swayed as you walked to the way your hair moved in the wind. The way the seas glowing iridescence made your skin look like it was emulsified in gold. You were like a god… no you were a god with a body sculpted by Eywa and a soul more pure then a woodsprite.
He never understood how he earned your heart, he himself has never had high confidence. So when you first dismissed his compliment he was a little taken aback.
You and Sully’s kids were all sitting in a circle near the shore when Lo’ak’s siblings decided to poke fun at him. They noticed his eyes ogling at you since you started talking. To be honest they were just waiting for you to stop talking so that they could let their plan take action. That was when you realized that they weren’t really listening but waiting for you to stop talking. So there you were stopping mid sentence and apologizing for being a nuisance with that you got up apologized again and left.
Now Lo’ak along with all of his siblings were confused. Although Lo’ak wasn’t gonna have any of it he wanted to know the reason you stopped talking mid sentence. With that he took off behind you as you were walking towards the village more specifically you families cove. That was your safe place now he was starting to get worried so he jogged up beside you.
“Hey _____ is something wrong you seem troubled” Lo’ak asked as a wrinkle settled in between his brows as he was worried.
He was looking at how your eyes never met his hinting that something was plaguing your mind. Now he was REALLY worried a nauseous feeling adorning his gut as your eyes looked like they were harboring tears.
“Hey ____ you know you can talk to me right you can trust me” he said walking in front of you to stop you from continuing to walk to the cove.
You then shoved him to the side saying “No! I… ugh! Just leave me alone Lo’ak”.
Now he could really tell you that you were really upset as a scowl adorned you face as tears feel down your face. His heart felt like it was getting ripped out his chest with every tear that feel down your soft skin. Foolish Lo’ak stuck so deep in sorrow was only snapped out of it when he heard your body dive into the water towards your cove. Even though he wasn’t able to see your form as he dived into the water he knew where your cove was located swimming towards it.
When he finally made it there he saw your form huddled in the corner legs pulled to your chest was you were shaking from crying. He swam towards you coming into contact with the rocky cave floors. His body felt like it was on autopilot as he walked towards you. Sitting in front of you he gently removed your hands from your face as he saw your teary eyed face.
“Hey maway, (calm) maway ______ your gonna be okay” he said he pulled you towards him you placing your head in his neck.
You pulled yourself onto his lap and wrapped your hands around him. With that he held you until you sobs turned into sniffles with that he thought it was a good time to ask you.
“Why did you walk away mid conversation?”
You then replied with “it wasn’t a conversation if no one’s listening. It’s frustrating Lo’ak right when I thought that I was getting better at being myself and taking up space I realize that no one care about what I’m saying, but maybe it’s better like that so no one would pay attention to such a monstrosity like myself.”
Now you were crying again too tried to even try to stop them from rolling down your face. Lo’ak then gently pulled you back enough to where he could see your face gently cupping it.
“Listen to me okay you aren’t a monster ____ you’ll never be one your beautiful, and caring, understanding, marvelous you like an Angel. How could you ever say that about yourself” he said as his ears instinctively folded down as tears now also adorned his face.
“Oh my Eywa Lo’ak just face it I’m stupid, selfish, and ugly I’d be surprised if anyone but my mother ever thought of me as anything other then a nuisance. An ugly, unbearably horrific monster let’s just face it and admit it I’m a freak and a disgrace to my family” you said not believing a word he said about you being anything other than a monster.
You’ve always hated you body, from the curl pattern, to your body, even going as far as hating the way your tail was shaped. You’d always compare yourself to others thinking that everyone was better then you. You were snapped out of your thoughts by someone not so gently grabbing your face so that you were eyeing him.
“Listen ____ and listen closely because I might be hardheaded and reckless but I’m not a liar and I know I’m telling the truth when I tell you that you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on. Your body is perfect just the way it is, your hair structures your face perfectly, hell your face itself doesn’t even need your hair so bring it out because your face is beautiful all on its own. Hell don’t even get me started about your personality because it seems like the more I find out about you the more perfect you seem. It’s like you were sculpted by Eywa herself. Fuck!. I know what it’s like to feel worthless or like you don’t matter, fuck Eywa knows that I’ve got my own list of insecurities to but your perfect. Fuck!..” he had officially made you speechless.
You couldn’t believe that anyone saw you that way hell you didn’t even see yourself like that. That was when he said it, that was when he said the words that you’ve only dreamed of him ever saying to you.
“______ I see you” the whole world seemed like it had stoped.
Lo’ak pulled you back into his chest tenderly and whispered those three precious words in your ear for only you to hear.
“And you don’t need to return these feelings back but I-“
His heart stopped and his brain was still trying to process what was happening in his opinion it ended to soon as your lips parted from him. He was still gobsmacked eyes held wide open from the shock.
“I see you Lo’ak and I love you. Fuck I’ve been waiting so long to say that but I never thought that you’d like me.” you said now shedding tears of happiness and content.
“Well I do and I love you too ____” he said now putting your foreheads together before sharing another kiss.
This ended with you two promising to be with each other before the both of you made the bond then sharing one final kiss before you two fell asleep together. You two on your side while you faced his chest curling up into him as he peacefully put his head on your head inhaling your scent. Maybe if he loved you this much then maybe you could eventually learn to love yourself a little bit more. That would be an issue for future you but right now you just drifted to sleep being held by the person you loved.
The two of you ended you sleeping together with your queues connected basking in each others warmth. When the both you you woke up you went back to your respective places.
Lo’ak’s pov
(Oh shit I’m fucked for sure my dad is gonna knot my tail for good this time)
Oh hey dad so ummm….
“Follow us son we need to talk to you”
Wait mom to?
“Sit please”
Okay so what did I get in trouble for this time I said while bowing my head
“Son next time you try sleeping with someone make sure your mother and I don’t follow you” his father said while chuckling.
“And from now on it is your duty to protect her” Jake also added.
“She has a strong heart and is beautiful you chose well son” his mom also said.
“We approve and we see you” they then both said in unison his mother putting her head on his fathers shoulder. While he then smiled hoping that one day you two would do that together.
Your pov
(When I made it to my home I was met with my whole family staring at me)
“Next time you wanna go out with forest boy make sure that his family doesn’t follow you” your father stated.
“Are you sure about this forest dweller though” your father then said putting his hand on you shoulder.
Yes dad I am you replied.
“Well then who’s excited for the kind of grandchildren we’ll have oh Eywa could you imagine they’d be impeccably skilled! Being able to swim and climb well. I’m so excited! your mother added which just added to the embarrassing feeling in your stomach.
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Yandere! Alt. Gabriel X Reader (ROMANTIC) PART 3
Requested by Nadmur on AO3 yet again They were curious of the overall outcome of this story so therefore I bring you the third part >:) Hope you enjoy the True Ending. (The Good Ending as an alternate timeline is coming soon)
. . . . . 
Lucifer, your Savior. Your guardian angel. Your love.
You used to hate him so much when you entered Hell at first. The very man who stole your loved one's life, and technically yours in the end. By force. He wasn't too happy about your escape, and Lucifer had set his mind in punishing you to make you stay here forever.
"Welcome to Hell, the eternal abyss, my dear.
"Now you shall reside here with me forever!
"Come and stand by my right hand, without fear.
"You shall be my partner, and my timeless lover."
When you heard those words and opened your eyes you were in a strange, desolate place. Some parts were a barren wasteland, with a terrible smell you could not describe in human words. Some other parts looked like huge bodies of water: some of an island as molten lava, with fire. Overall, the place did not look suitable to be in. Worst of all, there were people, of priests and humans, walking hopelessly in the lands of the desolate: this was the final clue to where you were.
(Oh great.)
You turned to Lucifer, who was still ever more beautiful, not daring to show his true form to you again, unless necessary. And right now was his face of terror not needed, yet.
You asked him why you were here, but then stopped mid sentence. Obviously you were in Hell because you had taken your own life, and when one forcibly cuts their life sentence, they were to end up in this eternal abyss of despair.
You had failed your Father.
In grief and in pain, you started to weep and cry for your sins. You begged for forgiveness for your stupidity and rashness, but nobody came. No one. Not a single soul except of the false angel.
He was embracing you again with his arms and wings, your head resting against his stomach. He contained no body warmth, only the freezing cold of a soulless being. You looked up, and seeing his face was monotone and did not change at all, a mask of disappointment. You realized something terrible was planned for you.
"Fear not and cry not, my child," he spoke in the same, memorable whisper, "You will stay with me forever. None can escape death, not even the Son of God. Why are you not happy? Why do you despair and cry out for your pain? Answer me, and I shall aid you however I can."
You tried pulling away, but he only held you tighter.
"Ah, why do you wish to leave? I never gave permission for you to leave, and I won't let you waltz out my realm like last time."
He released you, but then Lucifer grabbed your right wrist with his left with an iron grip.
"I shall teach you what happens to those who dare disobey my words."
He folded his wings in around you and himself and warped into a different place in Hell. You stumbled as you did not expect the force and momentum behind the teleportation. But you managed to not fell over in shock when you saw a certain someone.
Oh, how long have you not seen him. This wonderful alternate whom you used to befriend in the timeless void. Who kept you good company. In jealousy Lucifer had dispatched him. And now here N was, his limbs bloodily ripped out of their sockets, bleeding a black substance, and almost on the verge of death.
But death does not exist for this alternate as a creature of Hell and terror.
You cried out his name, and he opened his two large eyes slightly in pain. They widened more when they spotted you, and when Lucifer stood next to you.
"[Name]..." he muttered in his glitchy staticky voice. "I am not... not allowed..." he groaned in pain and faltered.
"You do not want to get close to him unless you want more harm done than good," Lucifer warned, as he summoned a cold silver trident and pointed towards N. The trident held power, and illuminated a slight tint of red. You desperately wanted to go and help N and put him out of misery if it weren't for Lucifer stopping you. His threat hung low in the air.
You asked him, begged him for answers, why he was doing this to N. His own creations, tortured like this because of you.
"You disobeyed me, and so have N," Lucifer replied with a stern voice. "You get what you deserve, and so does N."
You started crying again, and Lucifer, bathing in your pain and anguish, chuckled sadistically. He loved to see you weak and powerless against him: it made the adrenaline and serotonin in his body rush in with a buzz of exciting warmth.
N visibly panicked and became more upset when you started to sob. "Don't... worry about me... young one," he spoke gently, his voice strained, "I will be fine... Just take care of yourself..."
He coughed black blood through his invisible mouth.
"Let me show you who is next in my punishment," Lucifer said rather too gleefully, excited to show you more of the horrors and put you in place.
You tried to pull away, but his left hand, still on your right, gripped even harder to the point of almost breaking them. You cried in pain as he teleported again through the wrinkle of space and of the eternal abyss.
You were dizzy from the warping, but when you opened your eyes you wished to close them again. You recognized the alternate and the creature hanging by the neck with barbed wires from the ceiling.
Six and Preacher.
They had been hung for a long time by now, for the flesh in their hands were ripped off their bones and bleeding. They either have been trying to get the barbed wire off their neck to stay circulated or have been gripping them to hang on with their bare hands.
Preacher was unconscious but Six was awake and saw you with Lucifer by your side. You cried out their names and only one responded with a breathless "[Name]?"
"Do not interact with them, my child," Lucifer said rather coldly, "for they have not been forgiven yet, and never will."
You started to protest but he put his large, slender hand over your mouth after dissipating his trident he was holding. With his other hand he had not let go of your wrist.
"Do utter words no further, my child," Lucifer shushed. "Would you like to meet your dear friend one last time?"
No, he can't be talking about...
"You must be punished after all, especially after your escape attempt."
No. Please.
He teleported again.
You threw up in the end, as Lucifer let go of your wrist and watched you suffer in glee. How he loved you so dearly. How you looked so lovely when you were in such pain and anguish. Your fearful expressions on your cute face. He loved your reactions rather from terror and despair than happiness and hope. Unless he was to crush the hope in your and watch your face crumble into devoid sorrow. Then that was even more better for his pleasure.
Your guts burned from the pain, as you looked around and hugging your stomach. Nothing. Just pure darkness. No sounds. The place felt extremely deafening.
Lucifer was looking at stacks of parchment paper. He glowed in the dark, the only source of light in this deafening empty world. He flipped through some pages and came upon a name:
"Ruth Weaver. For she have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, and have not accepted the Father's words and ways."
His voice rang out in the darkness in all directions. An invisible, powerful shockwave could be felt, stretching for miles. Until one figure appeared that you could recognize even in this dim light.
"[N]-[Name]?" Ruth said, in a shaky voice, her eyes widened in disbelief.
"You have 5 minutes, my child," Lucifer interrupted, a far-too stretched grin on his face, "Before you never see her again."
You asked where the shepherd's daughter, your old friend, Ruth was.
"Why do you ask when she is right in front of you?"
This statement hit you as if you got in a severe car accident. Of course Ruth would still be Ruth: just slightly modified, due to the nature of reincarnations. Ruth had been Ruth for many generations, you just didn't know and was unaware. No wonder this Ruth felt so close to your friend.
You teared up and quickly embraced Ruth, who was startled but fiercely hugged back. "I'm so happy to see you again," she softly said, tears starting to run down her cheeks, "I promised I would come back... I'm so sorry..."
You reassured her that it was alright.
"It's so quiet and dark here..." Ruth continued, "I feel so lonely... especially with an alternate or two trying to torment me. But!!" Here she managed a bold yet shaky grin, shining her old personality again even in just a glimmer. "I'll stay strong. I think of you when times are hard. Even if it's forever, even if I'm in Hell, I'm glad I got to know you. I'm glad I can remember you as a person. Don't forget that, [Name]. Keep being you in this hellish world, alright?"
"Time is up for you, my child," Lucifer interrupted, one of his hands interlocking fingers with yours. He still had that smug grin, because he knew it wasn't five minutes, and he knew you were aware of that. But you couldn't argue: your friends might get into worse situations than they were currently in, and you didn't want that.
As Lucifer made you face the opposite way, away from Ruth, you looked back at her one last time. You swore to remember her words no matter what.
How the times have changed.
As time passed in this dark realm, you saw no one except for Lucifer, and only him. You were not allowed to see anyone, and he isolated you in his home. You couldn't even get out: the halls were too long and twisted and you couldn't possibly found your way out even if you were allowed to. Even then, Lucifer always accompanied you. 24/7. He even undressed you himself and stood at the front of the bathroom door, waiting for you to finish whatever you needed to do.
At first you were uncomfortable, and tried to rebel against him again. But he only made his punishments worse, from just forcing you to watch your friends all scream in pain, to you being the victim of the torture yourself. And so one day, you have given up. Life (or the afterlife) seemed much better after that, for Lucifer made no attempt to hurt you when you behaved. He was kind as the morning rays of sunshine and sweet as the lush green meadows to you. He bathed you in all the glory that existed and treated you like an equal royal as of him.
Millennials passed, and you started to forget your past memories.
You vaguely remember yourself trying to desperately cling into the golden memories that kept you independant. Memories of you as a child of a shepherd and your friend Ruth, waiting for the Son of God to descend and save them all. You teaching Ruth how to weave, and Ruth to you to speak Latin. You remembered praying together under the moonlit sky, with stars that speckled with joy and serenity. You remembered the police officer Ruth, whom you befriended with once you escaped to the surface. You remembered N, Six, and the Preacher, who helped you escape in the first place and made your thoughts clear.
But Lucifer was always there to gently hug you, to make you forget. To make you forget of Ruth's words.
"You do not need those imbeciles, my child," he always spoke to you in that gentle, yet stern way. "You do not need to remember anyone but me. Your True Savior. Your guardian angel. Now you look quite tired, why don't you go to sleep?"
Your eyes, no matter how much you tried to fight against his spell, drooped heavily and closed. And your memories would be even more blurred and more difficult to remember than last time you woke up. You weeped in pain because of this, and every time, Lucifer was there for you. His voice was of mockery of comfort, but he was always there for you.
And now you have forgotten.
You remembered the pale faces of the alternates, the strange man, and a brown-haired woman turn to horror as Lucifer asked if you remembered who they were. You did not, and you said so in a rather confused and honest tone than the voice of emptiness. One of them even started to shed tears, but for what? Were you supposed to remember them?
But no matter. Lucifer was there for you. And after that encounter, you met them never again, and you didn't remember the brief meeting in the first place. His hand proudly in your shoulder as you and him spend quality time together. You and him.
You and Lucifer.
Your guardian angel.
Time became meaningless to you. Nothing meant anything but Lucifer. Your True Savior.
One day, he brought in great news to your ears.
"My child," he had said. "I bring good news of great joy. I have finally overthrown the enemy of mine!"
You happily celebrated with him afterwards, cuddling together, and all the while getting ready to ascend to the heavens. What was a heaven in the first place? You didn't know, and you were afraid. But Lucifer was there for you when you first entered the great skies. So blue was the sky, and so white were the clouds. There was only one golden throne, but Lucifer had placed a second golden one, smaller than his, yet one that still held majestic power. Next to each other, like you were with Lucifer.
And so you sat side by side with him, and he one day, prepared a magnificent wedding for you. You never had children, both of you never wanted one in the first place. Lucifer and you just needed each other. And that was all both of you needed. Your love for him and his love for you was inseparable: and for all eternity the guardian angel, now a god, and a mere... what were you even? You did not remember. You didn't care.
All that mattered was that you were happy and in love with Lucifer. And he with you.
Your guardian angel.
Your True Savior.
Your true love.
. . . . .
You have reached the True Ending. But there is an alternate timeline and an alternate happy ending, which goes much better for most people... but it turns into a 6 X Reader (and it's out)
I'm sorry if this looks terribly rushed :( (also this was written so long ago and i forgot to post the third part here)
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philly-interlude · 1 year
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[3:07 AM]
w: dramatic (i.e crying, sobbing, insecurity(?))
"who's that woman?" you cut him off mid-sentence, him freezing at the question, "chenle i'm asking you a question" your eyes didn't leave the ground. unnoticeably, chenle took a deep breath before answering, "she's no one, y/n, she-" his words were cut off once again when you snapped your head up to look directly into his eyes, his shaking eyes.
"no one? no one?! chenle- you bloody kissed that woman which i saw with my own aching eyes! you..." shook your head disbelieving the scene you saw earlier, your tears ricocheted, more massive this time, "why? what got into your mind that you did that chenle?!" you yelled.
"i was drunk" chenle excused, "drunk?! i know you when you're hell drunk chenle zhong. drunk?! you are obviously sober, sober as- as a son of a gun!" you wanted to curse so bad as you hit him hard on his chest where his beating heart was, the heart where you don't even know if you're still there.
you sobbed hardly, feeling your soul crumble upon love, your tears never stopped streaming down your reddened cheeks. "what did i do wrong? what do i lack of?" almost like a whisper, you looked at him in the eyes, "tell me chenle. did i do something wrong that's why you did that? am i that ugly that you found another girl? do i lack of the things you wanted? what, because i, too, don't know the reason!"
chenle sighed, "you are too sensitive for my liking, i just realized" he briefly explained, yet little that you know, his heart was breaking apart. you looked down with a bitter smile, "then i'm sorry. i'm sorry for being born weak, i'm sorry for the type of girl i grow into, i- i'm sorry..." he hates seeing you cry, he does, but how can he alleviate the pain especially because of the scene you saw?
rain started pouring from the night sky, the man in front of you wanting to comfort and embrace you with care and tenderness, nonetheless, his mind controlled his body. in the middle of the pouring rain, you spoke your heart out.
"y/n it's fucking raining-" he urged, his hands grabbing your arm, but you didn't budge which made him stand back in front of you, "i didn't know why i decided to love you back and love you more than you know. all i perceived was i wanted to try and see if love could make me strong, however, love had just made me weaker" you mumbled.
slowly, you looked up at him. "what about you? have you become weak when you actually loved me? or...did you not really love me?" it only told the truth when he grabbed the back of your neck as he kissed you passionately.
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
Lurking Madness
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Pairing: Bryan Fury x Cyborg!Reader 
Summary: Working with Lars and Jin's allies in the war, the reader becomes a cyborg to avoid death, and with the war ending, they are all hoping to achieve peace. Since the reader is now a cyborg, they're placed on a mission to take out the cyborg, Bryan Fury, and their fight doesn't go exactly as they thought it would...
Warnings: Lots of fighting! (lol) reader is struggling with emotions (GN!Reader as well!)
Word Count: 1.k 
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"Target acquired. Moving in..." Now that the war was over, it was time to spread peace worldwide. I knew that there would always be something that I'd have to watch and take care of, that now being this psychopath with inhuman strength. "Stay back. Things might get a little crazy."
Bryan Fury. A psycho who was creating havoc everywhere he stepped foot. I was the only person who could take this mission as we had something in common: how I could parallel his inhuman strength. We were both cyborgs.
It seemed like I caught attention from the top of the building I was standing on in this destroyed city, jumping straight to the ground as I saw his piercing eyes locked on me.
"Bryan Fury..." Cracking my knuckles, I knew there was no avoiding a fight; cracking my neck next, "Your time of wreaking havoc is-"
Mid-sentence, he just laughed at me, taking a metal beam that curled around my body as he struck me with it, leaving not so much as a scratch.
His eyes widened at the sight of the beam curling. Meanwhile, I stood perfectly still, my eyebrows curling as I scoffed:
"Was that supposed to hurt?"
"Oh, I see..." He chuckled at first, his soft laughs turning into psychotic cackles. He knew I was no ordinary person, and we were about to cause hell on earth with just our fists.
"I'm going to put a stop to you," I spoke calmly, taking my stance as he laughed, throwing out a punch that I met with my own, and when our fists collided, full of unimaginable strength, a shockwave sending whipping winds, the ground crumbling beneath our feet as our power canceled each other's out.
I knew this wouldn't be an easy fight, and I needed to focus and pinpoint weak spots to take this monster down for good. I couldn't deny that he was strong, but so was I, my blood pumping hard as I finally found someone who could put up a fight against me.
Time didn't seem to exist despite all the blows we exchanged, using the elements around us, and I thought that I had the advantage till he dodged one of my kicks, sending a massive punch that sent me flying clear into a destroyed building, straight into a pile of rubble.
"Y/N? Are you okay? We don't have eyes!" My comrades in the chopper were still watching over me, talking through my earpiece."
"Don't you dare interfere!" I growled back, tossing the earpiece into the rubble, my eyes lighting up as Bryan was walking menacingly towards me, a smile growing on my face as he did.
Whenever I died and became a cyborg, I felt numb inside, constantly fighting the darkness in the back of my mind, but for once?
I felt so alive.
Emerging from the pile of rubble, my smile grew the closer Bryan inched towards me, growing to be wicked, my body whole of this energy that I never felt before.
"You come back for more?!" I couldn't hold it in, sending out a punch with a sinister laugh that made the entire building collapse.
One benefit to being a cyborg? I didn't have to worry about getting injured, but I was confused when all the rubble fell around me; seeing Bryan's piercing eyes through the smoke, his voice dulled from the noise surrounding us, feeling his grip on my wrist.
"You're this powerful and decide to be someone's puppet?"
"What do you know?" I scoffed, trying to snatch my arm back, but his eyes haunting, practically glaring into my soul, "You don't know a damn thing about me!"
"I can tell you've never been more alive than you have been now..." He smirked as if seeing me this way turned him on or something.
"Shut up," I gritted through my teeth, gripping his arm and swinging before throwing him clear into the sky, almost sounding like him as I started laughing, charging up a punch to hit him with till I froze at his laughter and the sight of fire from the chopper coming down at me.
I didn't know why, but I was smiling, in awe, both of us laughing as the fire consumed us but didn't dare to burn us.
Why did I feel this way? This overflowing feeling inside of me was too much to keep inside. Maybe it was just the thrill of a good fight? At least that was a theory, but it felt like fate when I met those blue eyes highlighted by the red rings of fire.
Those emotions were always within me; they were dormant until this human wrecking machine pulled them straight out of me.
"What?" I panted softly, cocking my eyebrow with a smirk, "Are we just going to fight forever?"
"And destroy the world while we're at it, haha!"
This guy truly only cared for destruction, which was appealing to me at that moment for some reason. Still, I found a way to get a grip on myself, my scanner quickly finding another enemy chopper, my thirst for action still getting one last outburst as I picked up one of the many steel beams in the lumps of destruction, noticing that Bryan had one too, tossing our beams like javelins and taking down the chopper at the same time.
We quickly looked at one another, smirks on our faces as he began to laugh:
"I think I'm starting to like you."
"Or are you just trying to avoid the fact that I might be able to beat you?" I teased with confidence all over my face.
"We're more alike than you think." There went that look in his eyes again; it was like they could see right through me, and I couldn't understand the madness he could pull out of me.
If I stayed here any longer, we'd fight for days and probably destroy the land we stood on. So, I turned my head from him, technically retreating, but I needed a moment to process the feeling that took over me during our fight and get my head back on straight.
"I'll admit, you put up one hell of a fight," I mumbled, walking away, not feeling the wicked look in my eyes as I glared back at him, "But you haven't seen the last of me." 
2024 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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snzhrchy · 2 years
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arisu ryōhei x gn!reader
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summary; once the laser shot Mira, Arisu was convinced that you both could finally go back and live a normal life until he realised that you didn’t want that. notes; ive Seen so many fics of reader reuniting with their s/o after the borderlands but what if reader wanted to stay? taglist; lmk if u wanna b on it !
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The sound of fireworks invaded your ears, the loud cacophony of the mixture of cheers from the remaining visitors and the fireworks were blissfully comforting, to say the least.
The bright, colourful fireworks exploded in each and every direction. It was the only source of light in such a barren place.
It was over.
The Borderlands were finally defeated.
Arisu came down and sat next to you as you clutched your injured arm. A smile was spread across his face but you knew better than to judge a book by it’s cover.
The game played with Mira was a difficult one, to say the least. It broke Arisu’s soul, shattered it. If it weren’t for you, who knows what would’ve happened.
‘Life is a Game, try to enjoy it,’ Mira’s last words before getting hit by the laser still rung in your ears. It was hauntingly beautiful. Though she was a sinister manipulator, you couldn’t help but be drawn to her during the last round of Croquet.
The Borderlands were defeated but there was a lingering feeling of sadness that hung in the air, a feeling you couldn’t quite describe. Something bittersweet.
Arisu picked up on your gloomy demeanor rather quickly, ‘what’s wrong?’ he asked. His smile was dropped and was now replaced with a face full of worry and concern.
But before you could answer his inquiry, the automated voice spoke: ‘please state if you want to stay or leave.’
‘I…’ Arisu began, ‘I don’t want to stay.’ His statement was firm, he was sure that he didn’t want to stay and suffer here no longer. You admired his confidence.
To be honest, you were unsure of what to do, you didn’t know if you wanted to leave or stay. You’d love to go back and start over but what did that world offer you instead of suffering?
Here, in The Borderlands, you genuinely felt alive. It made you finally realise the worth of your life. The things you felt here, it couldn’t be replaced by anything you ever felt in the real world.
‘I think I’ll stay,’ you said at last, finally sure of your decision.
‘W-what?’ Arisu looked at you as if he’s trying to convince himself that he heard you wrong. You nodded sadly, confirming one of his worst fears.
You didn’t want to leave him but—
‘I’m sorry,’ you spoke quietly, tears filling up your eyes and blurring your vision.
‘You’re joking right? Why—‘ you stopped Arisu mid sentence with another apology: ‘I’m sorry but this is what I want. Please, let’s just enjoy the time we have left.’
Arisu was quiet. He didn’t say anything else afterwards.
He wrapped an arm around your body, pulling you closer to him. He kept you so close to himself, knowing that he’d lose you the following day.
You did the same, you rested your head on his shoulder as you quietly cried.
Losing him was just a mandatory sacrifice you had to make to feel like a human again.
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l-estappen · 5 months
Miami Heat ☀️
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"Do you think she will come?" I asked, sinking into the plush cushions of our suite's sofa. 
Kelly. The mere thought of her made my heart race. I remembered the first time I saw her, all those years ago when I was just a seventeen-year-old kid. She was nine years older, way out of my league, but that didn't stop me from developing a massive crush on her. 
Charles glanced at me from where he stood by the window, the Miami sun casting golden hues across the room, painting his emerald green eyes with golden flecks. "Oui. I'm sure she will come," he declared reassuringly, sauntering closer. 
I swallowed hard, trying to push down the insecurity rising within me. Kelly had always been a fantasy, a distant desire that seemed unattainable. Yet, here we were, on the verge of something exhilarating. But beneath the excitement lurked a gnawing unease. The thought of sharing Charles with another person sent a pang of fear coursing through me, a feeling I couldn't quite shake. 
“What is bothering you, bébé?” he probed, leaning over me to brush a soft kiss against my lips. His gaze felt like a spotlight, revealing every bit of my nervousness. 
How could I explain this to him? It's like standing on a tightrope between excitement and dread. On one hand, I want to be with Kelly. Always have. But on the other hand, seeing her with Charles... “I'm scared," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper.  
"About what?"  
I struggled to put my feelings into words, to articulate the tangled mess of emotions swirling inside me. "I want this," I began, the admission heavy on my tongue. "But you... being with her... I don't know how I'll react when I see you with her." 
"I get it, chéri," he said gently as he regarded me, his hand gentle as it caressed my cheek. "And I've already told you, I don’t have to interact with her. I will be perfectly happy just watching." 
I exhaled, feeling selfish and conflicted.  
"Max, mon amour, " Charles cooed, his voice earnest as he leaned in to kiss me again. "If you're not comfortable with this, we don't have to go through with it."  I shook my head, the thought of backing out now filling me with a sense of ridiculousness. "No, I want this. I want her. I just--"  
Charles's index finger pressed against my lips, halting my words mid-sentence. “Do you trust me?” 
"Of course I do" I replied, a hint of confusion tainting my tone. "What kind of question is that?" 
His gaze softened, as he eased himself onto me, running his fingers through my hair. "Then trust me to take the lead on this one.” 
It was a simple request, but one that carried a world of meaning. There was a level of trust that ran deep in our relationship, a trust that made me feel safe and loved enough to bare my soul, even in the face of my vulnerabilities.  "Okay," I affirmed, the word punctuating the air with a blend of determination. 
Our lips met again in a slow, sensual kiss, but then something shifted, as if a switch had been flipped and my hunger took over. My kiss became hungry, desperate, as if I couldn't get enough of him; my hands roamed over his back, pulling him closer; my nails dug into his skin, leaving marks that would linger.  
Charles groaned into my mouth, meeting my passion with his own, pressing his body against mine, feeling me harden behind him. Breaking the kiss, he trailed his lips down my jawline, gripping my hair to tilt my head back. His tongue traced a slow, torturous path from the sensitive spot behind my ear, down the line of my neck. Finding that soft spot in the curve of my shoulder, he sank his teeth in hard.  
"Verdomme!" I choked, jerking my hips against his and digging my nails into his back, urging him on.  
With one hand tangled in my hair and the other gripping my hip, Charles ground his hips against mine, while he sucked and bit my neck, marking me as his.  
"Starting without me?"   
At the sound of her voice, we both lifted our heads to see Kelly standing by the entrance, leaning casually against the door frame. Her silver eyes pierced through the now dimly lit room, locking onto ours with a playful spark. Her dark brown hair flowed down her shoulders in waves, framing a face that could launch a thousand ships.  
"We’re just warming up," Charles replied, his voice low and husky as he drank her in. She was tall-ish, with a body that boasted curves in all the right places, cloaked in tawny skin that seemed to glow and invite sin.  
A smirk played at the corners of her lips as she swaggered further into the room, her hips swaying with purpose, and if we weren’t hard before, we sure as hell would have been now.   
"Just so you know, I did knock... and call. But I guess the two of you were... a little occupied."  
Charles shifted to a sitting position, awkwardly pulling me along with him. My heart started racing as Kelly approached the sofa where we now sat. She wasted no time, settling beside us with a sultry smile that made my pulse quicken and my hands fumble with the hem of my t-shirt.  
"Je suis désolé, linda. We got a little carried away..." Charles apologized, his warm breath tickling my ear as he slipped behind me, pulling me back against his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me in place as he gently pried my hands away from the t-shirt trim. “But I gave you the key card for a reason,” he added, his fingers tracing teasing patterns along the skin above the waistband of my shorts. 
Kelly's eyes flickered down to where Charles' hand was caressing me, and I could practically feel the heat emanating from her gaze. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips before she purred, "Looks like you were having fun."  
Nuzzling his lips against my neck, Charles's fingers trailed lower, inching towards the waistband of my shorts, making me shiver pathetically. “Why don’t you come closer, linda?”  
Kelly's smirk widened as she kicked off her sandals, the thud of them hitting the floor barely audible over the rush of blood in my ears. With a subtle sway of her hips, she pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, crawling towards us on the sofa.  
Charles's breath hitched as he saw her close the distance between us, his fingers deftly unbuttoning and unzipping my shorts. My skin tingled as Kelly's presence neared, the scent of her perfume mingling with the musky aroma of Charles's cologne.  
"What's your color, bébé?"  
I blinked, momentarily confused by his question, as Kelly’s nipples poked through the knit of her white dress, distracting me. Then, it clicked. I took a deep breath, attempting to gauge my own desires and comfort level. "Green," I finally replied. 
"Merci, bébé," he murmured, his fingers dancing along the curve of my hip. “Linda, viens ici.”  I watched as Kelly's silver eyes flickered between me and Charles like a predator assessing its prey. Without a word, she closed the distance between us, her body pressing against mine. 
"Kiss him," he commanded softly, nipping at my earlobe. 
The air crackled with electricity, thick with desire as her lips brushed against mine, teasingly light at first. But then she pressed harder, her tongue slipping past my parted lips to danced with mine, exploring every crevice of my mouth, tasting and teasing in a way that made my head spin; and when Charles's hands roamed over to start rubbing my thighs, I squirmed between them, unable to stifle a guttural moan. 
Kelly broke the kiss, her lips trailing down to my jawline, nipping and sucking; Charles's fingers danced closer to my throbbing erection; and my hips arched instinctively, seeking more contact, more friction. I found what I was looking for on the inside of Kelly’s thigh as she straddled one of my legs. Her skin was warm against mine, and I could feel the dampness between her thighs as I rutted against her. 
"Linda," Charles said, in a deep, authoritative tone. "Loose the dress."  
My pulse pounded in my ears as I shifted my gaze from Charles to Kelly. Without breaking eye contact with us, she rose to her knees, reached for the hem of her dress, and slowly pulled it up and over her head, revealing every curve that had haunted my dreams for so long.  
Her nipples were puckered and hard, begging to be touched, and the sight of her white lace thong contrasting starkly against the tawny hue of her body sent a surge of heat straight to my core. 
Charles leaned in to claim my lips, his kiss was urgent, needy. I groaned into his mouth, my hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer. His grip on me tightened, fingers digging into my thighs with an intensity that bordered on desperation.    
Breaking the kiss, he hugged me tightly, burying his face into the curve of my neck. “Linda, take off his shorts.” 
Kelly wasted no time hooking her fingers into the waistband of my shorts and tugging them down, revealing my throbbing dick. At the same time, Charles grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving me completely naked between them. 
I swallowed hard, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through my veins. This was new territory, and despite my desire, I couldn't shake off the anxiety creeping back in.  
What if Kelly kissed Charles next? What if he got naked, and she saw his beautiful cock? What if she touched him? Would I be able to handle it? 
Charles, always tuned in to my emotions, leaned in close and murmured in my ear, "Color, Max?" 
Unaware of my internal crisis, Kelly's hands roamed over my bare skin. Instead of excitement, all I felt was a surge of panic. My body tensed, a knot forming in my chest as I struggled to keep it together. 
"Intermittent yellow," I managed to rasp out in response to Charles' question. 
His hot breath tickled my skin as he commanded, "Kelly, linda, please give us a moment." 
Sensing the shift in the mood, Kelly complied immediately, rising to a kneeling position. 
Charles's hands glided over my skin, their movements slowing to a tantalizing drift. "Tout ira bien, mon amour," he breathed against my ear, "tu es en sécurité avec moi.” 
I nodded, feeling the tension ease out of my muscles as he pressed soft kisses along my neck and uttered, "Nous sommes ensemble, et c'est tout ce qui compte."   
His fingers trailed down my chest, tracing the contours of my body with a tenderness that belied the passion simmering beneath the surface. "Je t'aime plus que tout au monde,” he affirmed in a hush.   
As his lips found mine, the world narrowed down to the sensation of his mouth moving against mine, his tongue seeking entrance and coaxing mine to dance in a slow, sensual rhythm. I melted into his embrace, the weight of his body behind me grounding me in the moment. 
Charles's touch was like a soothing balm as his hands continued their exploration, trailing lower, skimming over the sensitive skin of my abdomen before sliding even lower. I gasped into his mouth as his fingers grazed over my erection, teasing and testing my responsiveness. "Ça te fait du bien, chéri?" 
"So good," I managed to moan, arching into his hand. 
Charles sensed my need, his touch becoming more purposeful as he stroked me slowly, building the pleasure. "Would you like Kelly to ride you while I watch?" he wondered huskily, his lips brushing against my earlobe. 
I'm the luckiest motherfucker in the world. No matter what crazy shit I've dragged us into, this beautiful, selfish man always has my back. Charles may be as kinky as me, but he's also the most giving person I've ever known. He'd give me the fucking moon if I asked for it, without asking for anything in return. 
"Ik hou van je," I murmured to Charles, my voice tinged with love and a profound sense of gratitude for everything he brings into my life. 
He lifted his head slightly, locking those amazing eyes onto mine and causing my heart to spill out of my chest. "Et je t'aime," he replied simply. 
I glanced over at Kelly, only to see her watching us back in silence with a curious gaze. My eyes trailed over her body, taking in every curve, every inch of her skin, and the sight of her was enough to make my cock twitch in Charles's hand. 
Her tits were perky, nipples hard and begging to be sucked; her waist was slim, accentuating her hips; her skin was smooth, creamy, flawless. Damn, she was beautiful. And I wanted her. 
Charles's hands tightened around my shaft as he too drank in the sight before us. His gaze flickered between Kelly's naked form and mine, hunger burning in his now forest green eyes. 
"Bébé," Charles called, nipping at my ear and drawing my focus back to him. "What's your color?" he demanded, his voice dripping with arrogance as his hand resumed teasing my dick. 
As his grip tightened around my shaft, I let out a guttural groan, my hips instinctively thrusting forward to meet his touch. It was like he knew exactly how to touch me, how to make me squirm and moan with just one hand. "Bébé?" Charles pressed, nipping at my ear. 
"Green," I growled out, feeling every stroke of his hand like a jolt of electricity straight to my balls. 
Charles smirked, a knowing glint in his eyes as his hand moved to his pocket, fishing out a condom. He tossed it to Kelly, who caught it effortlessly. "Put it on him," he instructed. 
Kelly was quick to tear the wrapper open and roll the condom onto my throbbing erection. The sensation of her fingers brushing against my skin set my body ablaze, and when she stroked me to ensure that the condom was in place, I couldn't help but groan. 
My pulse quickened as Charles's forest-green eyes locked onto Kelly's silver ones. There was a moment of silent communication between them that I failed to catch. 
 "Linda, put that pussy on top of his cock, s'il te plaît." 
At Charles's command, Kelly's eyes widened, and all I could do was moan and whimper like some pathetic fucktoy, my hips bucking desperately. In that moment, there was only the raw, primal need burning inside me, driving me forward into the darkness. I craved it, so I switched off my brain, shutting down the part that reminded me of consequences, guilt, or shame. 
Watching Max writhe in pleasure beneath Kelly and against my chest, vulnerable and exposed, sent a surge of desire coursing through me. It was like witnessing a live, X-rated show, and putain, if it didn't get my blood pumping. 
I leaned in closer, my lips grazing the shell of his ear as I asked Kelly, “Are you wet?” 
She nodded, aligning her cunt above Max's hard cock. 
"Let's see," I hummed simply, reaching for his hand. 
Max whimpered as I directed his fingers up Kelly's thigh, our joined hands skimming against his pulsating dick, making him thrust his hips in anticipation. I steered his fingers over Kelly's slick folds, relishing in the hitch of her breath and the tremble of her body as he teased her entrance. 
"How wet is she?" I demanded of Max, watching as Kelly's walls parted for him. With my free hand, I trailed lazy circles over Max's abdomen, feeling his muscles twitch under my touch. 
"Soaking," he whimpered, his hips grinding against the air, begging for more. 
I smirked at Max's eagerness, guiding his hand further and pressing his middle finger against Kelly's slick entrance. 
"Caralho," she gasped, her breath hitching as Max's finger slid into her. 
I watched intently as I maneuvered his hand, his finger slowly moving in and out.  "You like that, don't you, linda?" 
"Muito," she gasped, the wet squelching sound punctuating her words. "More... More please." 
I leaned closer to Max, my breath hot against his ear. "Can I put one of my fingers inside her too?" 
He nodded shuddering, his eyes glazed with lust. 
Without hesitation, I slipped one of my fingers alongside his, immersing myself in the slick warmth of Kelly's arousal. At the same time, the hand that had been caressing Max's abdomen eased down to begin stroking his shaft through the condom. 
Kelly's walls clenched around our fingers as she moaned, her hips rocking against our touch. Max's breath came out in ragged gasps as he thrust his hips up. I could feel the heat radiating from both of them, their desire palpable in the air. 
With practiced movements, I curled my finger inside Kelly, searching for that sweet spot that would make her unravel. She whimpered and bucked against us, her nails digging into Max's skin.   
"Godverdomme," Max groaned, and I teased his erection, applying just enough pressure to keep him on the edge but not enough to push him over. "Please..." 
I chuckled darkly, enjoying in his desperation. "You want to feel her tight cunt around your cock, don't you bébé?" 
Max's eyes widened, pupils dilated as he nodded, his hips still moving in rhythm with my hand.  
"Kelly, linda," I murmured, withdrawing my finger and Max’s from inside her, eliciting a whimper from her. "Ride him, please." 
She shifted, ready to comply, but when her hand went to remove the white lace thong she was still wearing, I commanded, "Leave it on." 
Her eyes narrowed, but she reached down and hooked her fingers into the sides of her thong, dragging it to the side and straddling Max. 
I grabbed his cock, nudging it towards her entrance and pushed him, torturously slowly, inside her. Max's eyes rolled back as Kelly sank down onto him. And I witnessed, spellbound, as his cock disappeared inside her cunt, their moans filling the room. 
"Tell me, bébé, does she feel good?" I asked, my breath hot against his ear. 
Max's jaw clenched as he struggled to form coherent words. "So... fucking... tight," he managed between gritted teeth, his hands gripping Kelly's hips desperately. Just because I could, I bathed his hands away from her hips and intertwined our fingers instead. 
“Caralho,” Kelly growled, her head falling back as she took him in deeper. I could see the strain in her muscles as she accommodated him, her walls clenching around him like a vice. Max's response was a guttural groan, his hips bucking up to meet hers's. 
"Linda, slow down," I instructed, my tone firm but gentle. "We're not in a hurry." 
Max squirm as Kelly's movements became slower... up and down... back and forth... her hips swiveling in a sinful rhythm... Each deliberate motion had Max's cock disappearing inch by agonizing inch inside her tight, wet heat. I watched, riveted, as each downward thrust, had her pussy squeezing him in a way that had him gritting his teeth and whining in ecstasy. Every subtle shift of her hips sent shivers of pleasure racing up his spine, and I could practically feel his desperation radiating off him in waves. 
"Mijn god... baaaby... alsjeblieft," Max gasped out, his words a desperate plea mingled with primal need. "Zo lekker... please... dieper..." His voice trailed off into a guttural moan as Kelly's movements continued to torment him in the most delicious way possible. 
Tightened my grip on his fingers, I leaned in closer, my own cock leaking in my sweatpants as I watched the erotic display unfold before me. "Just hang in there, Mon amour," I murmured softly, trying to offer some semblance of comfort amidst the overwhelming sensations coursing through him. The sweat glistened on Max's skin, making him shine under the dim light of the room, and the smell of sex hung heavy in the air, heightening the raw sensuality of the moment. 
“Meu Deus,” Kelly sighed lost in pleasure. Her body was a goddamn masterpiece, her tits were fucking perfection, bouncing in rhythm with every grind down onto Max's cock. Her waist was slim, perfect for wrapping my hands around, and her hips, Mon Dieu, they were made for fucking.  
Max's face was a mask of pleasure, his eyes closed in ecstasy as he surrendered himself to Kelly's rhythm. Putain, watching him like this, I couldn't hold back anymore. Disengaging my fingers from his, I grabbed Kelly by the hips, setting the rhythm myself. Tower and sink, side to side, twisting her hips, all while cranking up the speed. 
Max's breath hitched, his muscles tensing against me as I felt the telltale tightening of his balls. With a subtle shift in rhythm, I slowed my movements on Kelly hips, drawing out the pleasure and denying him that release he so desperately craved. 
“Baaaby,” he cried out loudly. "Alsjeblieft. Please, I need to come." 
I smirked, relishing in his desperation. "Nog niet, bébé," I growled, my grip tightening on Kelly's hips. 
Max's whimpers grew louder, his body writhing beneath us as he begged, "Please, baby, I can't take it anymore. Ik moet komen, alsjeblieft!" 
Merde, the sight of Max on the edge, begging for release, was pure ecstasy. But his pleas only fueled my desire to test his limits. 
"Shh, bébé, shh," I cooed, my voice soothing. "You're gonna be a good boy for me, aren't you?" 
Max's eyes widened, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he nodded frantically. 
"That's it," I murmured, my lips brushing against his ear as I started to bounce Kelly on his cock again. "What’s your color, chéri?" 
He whimpered, “Groen.” 
My fingers dug into Kelly's hips as I set the pace, thrusting her onto Max's cock. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room, mixing with Max's desperate moans and Kelly's low, guttural groans. 
Kelly's body quivered with anticipation, her nails digging into Max's chest as she rode him. I could feel the tension building in her, the way her walls clenched around him, milking him for all he was worth. She was close, Max was closer, and I reveled in the knowledge that I was the one orchestrating their pleasure. 
Kelly's breath faltered as she started to chase her own release. "Tão gostoso," she mewled, "He feels so good, Charles." 
“I know, linda,” I growled, my grip tightening on her hips, “I know.” 
I increased the pace, driving Kelly down onto Max's cock with relentless force, each thrust bringing them closer to the edge but never close enough to tip them over. 
"Please, baaaby," Max begged, his voice a hoarse plea. I eyed him, wild and desperate, a man teetering on the edge of blissful insanity. His dirty blonde hair was tousled, damp with sweat, sticking to his forehead in unruly clumps. His usually piercing blue eyes, now dark with need, were half-lidded, struggling to stay open against the tidal wave of pleasure crashing over him. His porcelain skin was tinged with a rosy hue, spreading across his chest and creeping up his neck, a telltale sign of his overwhelming state. 
"Kelly, linda," I breathed out, "Keep riding him until you’re both cum." 
Her lips curled into a wicked grin as she started moving her hips with renewed vigor. I watched with a predatory gaze as she ground down onto Max's cock, each movement pushing him closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. 
I reached out and grabbed Max's hands again, intertwining our fingers as if to anchor him in the sea of pleasure that threatened to engulf him. With a firm grip, I squeezed his fingers, urging his focus back to me. 
Max's eyes fluttered open, his gaze locking with mine in a moment of raw, primal connection.  
And then it happened.  
“Chaaarleeees,” roared from his throat, his body convulsing against mine, as he reached the pinnacle of pleasure. I felt his release wash over him in hot, pulsating waves, his cock throbbing inside Kelly as he started to empty himself into the condom. 
“Puta que pariu,” Kelly grinded out as she started to ride her orgasm. Her body trembled with the force of it, her pussy clenching and milking every last drop of pleasure out of Max's cock. But even as she shuddered and moaned, Max just kept coming.  
I watched, half in awe and half in disbelief, as Max's continued to whimper and spasm, his hips bucking and thrusting, his cock still hard and ready despite the torrent of cum he was pumping out. And goddamn if it wasn't the hottest thing I'd ever seen. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Max's orgasm began to ebb, his body collapsing against mine in a sweaty heap. He was spent, utterly and completely drained, but a satisfied smile stretched across his face before he passed out. 
Kelly, still riding out her climax, shifted her weight onto her hands to avoid crushing Max. Breathing heavily, she looked at me, concern etched on her face. "Is he okay?" 
"Oui, he's fine," I replied, reaching over to brush a lock of hair away from Max's forehead. "He just needs a moment." 
Kelly nodded, her breathing gradually steadying as she eased herself off him, allowing Max's engorged cock to slide out of her pussy, glistening with her juices. Once she was clear, she collapsed onto the sofa beside us, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "That was intense." 
"That's one way to put it," I chuckled, running my fingers through Max's hair. 
Kelly smirked, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "Mind if I freshen up a bit?" 
I shook my head. "Make yourself at home. There's a shower in the ensuite." 
“Thank you, gostoso.” 
As Kelly made her way to the bathroom, I turned my attention back to the snoozing Max. 
"Mon amour," I whispered, my lips brushing against his temple. "Are you with me?" 
He stirred slightly, his eyelids fluttering open as he gradually returned to consciousness. "Mhmm," he mumbled, his voice heavy with post-orgasmic bliss. "Just need a minute." 
Feeling Max cuddle up against me, I shifted slightly, adjusting to accommodate him more comfortably. His proximity made it impossible to ignore the hardness pressing against his back. 
"Did you... come?" Max's voice was soft, almost hesitant. 
I shook my head against his temple, my lips brushing against his skin. "No, but it's all good," I reassured him, hugging him tightly. "Today was not about me." 
Max let out a contented sigh, nuzzling closer to me. "Thank you, Schatje," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. 
"You don't need to thank me, Mon coeur," I whispered softly. "I'd do anything to make you happy." 
Max shifted slightly, craning his neck to look up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his. "You make me happy, Charles. More than anything, or anyone."
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moodysann · 2 years
You broke up after a long relationship.💔
Rating: fluff, there are small mentions of dependencies, you can cry.
Character: Rindou Haitani, Kokonoi Hajime!
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Rindo Haitani
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• In fact, both of you have not yet figured out who exactly came to this decision, one thing is certain - Rindo has no regrets at all.
• In your life you don't admit to yourself that it hurt you "a little", because your pride is too high, and the fear of the remaining feelings does not fade away, no matter how you try to overcome yourself. "Former lovers do not exist" - that's how you can be described.
• He won't try to keep in touch and will most likely move away from you in a subtle but very progressive way.
From the beginning, you will be ignored in various social networks, then Rindo will completely avoid meeting you or try to behave as coldly as possible.
• He doesn't do it out of dislike - the younger Haitani is not that kind of person at all and, come on, I will interrupt the course of your just emerging guesses and cut you off in mid-sentence? Yes, Rindo is also undecided about his feelings for you. This is what I call "irony of fate".
• No, you will by no means restore the relationship, Haitani and their huge ego literally screams that they do not need former whores. It's harsh, but it's true.
Of course, until Rindo finds a new passion for himself, he will not stop thinking about you before going to bed, because of which a hot stream of blood will come to his jade, and his hand will involuntarily help him get rid of the surging old memories. Fortunately, all this will pass quickly, literally when a new, regular and probably similar to you, female carcass appears in his previously lonely bed.
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Kokonoi Hajime
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• This is too strong a blow to his fragile heart. After the difficult parting of Kokonoi with Akane, in which to this day he blames himself, he found peace only in your warm hands and pure soul.
Hajime constantly regrets all his actions that could somehow upset or offend you, again making sure that all this happened because of him.
• Perhaps he will try to get you back, or at least save the relationship, getting out of his skin for you, but every time he sees your gentle smile, soft eyes and fragile body, his sharp resentment and hopelessness kills Kokonoy from the inside.
He is like a small child who has been taken away from his most beloved and, it seems, the only toy.
• Do not try to get close to him for communication, as friends, because this will develop into a friend zone and this will only make it more painful for him - if you decide to leave, then do it with the ends.
• In order not to go crazy, Hajime will go headlong into work and the dangerous affairs of his gangs.
Looking at your joint photos and at the same time filling out some important document with large numbers, Kokonoi will smile at the flood of memories, realizing that he spent the best time in his life with you ...
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zylian · 1 year
The idea of possession (thx quix) has fueled so many thoughts omfg
Imagine a s4 au where Ash, Spoke & Vitalasy can possess each other
They learn each other’s personality and possess the other when they need to alter stuff throughout the season
There would probably be a bunch of moments when Mapicc would stop talking mid sentence as Vitalasy possesses Spoke
Vitalasy never knows where the base is, willingly telling Subz & Zam not to tell him just to spite Spoke after he got possessed and Spoke lounged in his body in the first base for days while leaving him with no food & 20k blocks out
Ashswag gets super nauseous during possession so he only does it when necessary, he can also knock the others out from possessing his body
Spoke loves messing with Vitalasy but once possessed him at a bad time where Zam was stabbing Vitalasy to death over an argument and Spoke couldn’t explain it was him and had to tank the death
Vitalasy possessed Spoke to give himself another barrel and he immediately placed it down so Spoke couldn’t possess him and take it back but Spoke just went back to blow it up
Mapicc recognizes all of them during possession but he openly tries to talk to the possessor, very unhinged, immediately berating them with questions or rants depending on his mood
Subz recognizes all of them during possession but he doesn’t say it. He plays along until the possessor realizes he knows and sometimes it takes days for them to realize and they just apologize out of embarrassment
Mapicc questions Spoke when he returns but he gets nauseous during repossession so he gets a headache on top of it
Spoke possesses Vitalasy during an eclipse meeting with Planet and gets recognized immediately by Planet. Subz shuts the meeting down and kicks Planet out before Planet starts asking questions while Zam is completely unaware
Vitalasy is still able to possess Spoke when he gets banned which scares everyone, they realize they would have to ban all three to solve everything which no one wants to go through the effort for.
Zam can’t tell when someone is possessed the entire time, he only tells when the player gets repossessed and realizes he was not talking to whoever he thought he was talking to
Bacon NEVER witnessing any possessions or repossessions so he thinks Planets crazy
Ashswag only possesses Spoke/Vitalasy to stop them from going too crazy/ too far, he possesses Spoke to restrain him and possesses Vitalasy to sleep in a comfortable base
Jaron witnessing Ash’s repossession with Planet but siding with Bacon just to cause drama
Anytime Planet asks a possessor questions they want to leave the body but the last time they did, Planet had to help the person repossessing their body which didn’t end well
Spoke and Ash gamble with each other when they are possessing Vitalasy cause if he’s with Zam they are risking way too much, if he’s with Planet it’s not worth it but if he’s with Subz they can just relax and not care about acting like Vitalasy
Mapicc refuses to kill Spoke when Vitalasy is possessing him cause of the pain of dealing with Spoke during repossession so he just angrily messages Vitalasy who’s being possessed by Spoke until he returns
One time Ashswag possessed Spoke when Mapicc was around fighting Subz and Mapicc was on really bad terms so he just stopped the fight and asked Subz to make Ashswag leave. It was too awkward so Ash left but then they both had to deal with Spokes repossession
Subz realized way too late that Mapicc is also harassed with the possessions at the same time as him cause Vitalasys soul has to go somewhere when Spoke shows up
Zam has dealt with all 3 of them recovering from repossessing so often he started carrying splash health pots so they wouldn’t immediately collapse from the nausea they get.
Roshambo gets super upset when he finds out he can’t be possessed or possess others so he stops caring about everything going on
So many serious moments can be ruined cause of possession- so many silly possibilities
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