#he still thinks what majima is doing is dumb but hes like LOL this is awesome
dirt-str1der · 1 year
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God i adore this scene because the look on sagawas face isnt anger or fear, its wonder. Hes actually fucking proud of majima look at the shine in his eye
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
HI IT'S SQUISHY fic ask game time:
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
ok uhhhh uh uh
F: i think if i had to choose anything, it'd probably be the cat petting circle scene from and who do you think i'll be (without you)?, because i am. really really bad at juggling more than like 3 characters in a scene and this has FIVE and it's still really fun to read, at least for me. it's dynamic, though admittedly the attention still mostly falls on kuwabara and yusuke (sorry keiko </3 i wish you were more prominent in this one but alas) everyone carries some weight. i'm also not great at understanding (and thus writing) anger, so yusuke's bubbling frustration through the scene is like.. kinda cool to me. (a/n: eikichi is kuwabara's cat lol)
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i'm also including another two from this same fic bc i think they're neat as well :)
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(i'll put a transcript of the screenshots at the end under the read more)
honestly, i love writing yusuke's dialogue no matter what he's saying, so this fic's got a few moments i'm very fond of, but didn't include. anyway it's the only good thing i've ever written (<- exaggerating, but it's probably my favorite fic i've written, and maybe favorite prose piece)
i also remember enjoying some of the dialogue between sagawa and majima in tough love for loveless things, and i assume i liked a lot of the stuff for i long for you and your expert hands, but i... haven't revisited that one in a long time (idk why but i'm a little afraid to?? i haven't forgotten it though), so i couldn't point to anything specific really ^ ^'
I: hm... i think i overindulge in characters just talking about nothing, at least when it comes to my writing. if i like them, i like hearing them talk about nothing, and it tends to bloat scenes and drag on, i figure. i also tend to gravitate towards really specific intensely described points of imagery that barely come up again and totally break the flow of the scene (oops). in terms of guilty pleasures in reading, uh...? i'm kind of a sucker for werewolf stuff because i got that dog in me. im drawing a blank ig sorry <3 OH i've always been hopelessly fond of whump / hurt/comfort / sickfic STUFF. legit since i was a child. i like it when they're out of it i like it when they're woozy. and anything with dumb hijinks and/or slapstick is good to me. comedy's hard and i like seeing idiots be idiots. and really introspective/inner monologue heavy pieces are mmmmwah for writing and reading
R: oh man. whatever i'm currently reading often ends up influencing my writing in noticeable (to me) ways. one time i was writing smth for my fiction writing class and i typed out a sentence that felt at once like smth dr seuss would write (you'll never guess what unit my children's lit class was on) and a line from lolita (because that's what i was reading at the time). it's a mashup that worked weirdly well. ANYWAY to actually answer the question, the little prince ruined me as a kid, and a lot of the way i express sadness and emptiness is channeling saint-exupery there. currently, arkady martine and andzrej sapkowski have been influencing my scenery descriptions in particular, because that's what i was most recently reading, but earlier this year i remember cormac mccarthy's the road finding its way under my pen a lot. for really flowery stuff (i don't think you see it much in my fics, but it's not Never), i think of alfred tennyson's maud quite often. this is not a conclusive list im just empty brained :P
X: ohhohohohohhh. god help me but i love making all of them suffer. to love something is to vivi/dissect it. currently kuwabara is the one i'm putting through the most though (<- channeling personal issues into this orange guy), but majima and kiryu were always lots of fun to break down >:). perhaps that's the real answer to the guilty pleasure section
“Hey, why’s she goin’ to Kurama and you and not me?” Yusuke complained, pouting at Keiko.
Kuwabara piped up. “Maybe it’s ‘cuz they have manners, unlike some of us.”
“Or patience,” Botan offered.
Yusuke stuck out his leg and prodded Kuwabara’s arm. “Yeah, and how’re your manners workin’ out for ya? You still look like someone’s been playin’ tic-tac-toe on your hands or did she become a saint overnight?”
“Shut up, Urameshi.”
Keiko spoke up from her spot on the floor. “Aw, I think she’s just sweet. Right?” She put her chin on her folded arms and gently rubbed at Eikichi’s cheek. With a warm smile, Keiko turned her head into her arms further, squishing her face, openly endeared. “Even if she bites sometimes.”
“Finally, someone gets it,” Kuwabara moaned. “Keiko, tell Urameshi that for me, will ya?”
Yusuke didn’t buy it. “If she was sweet she’d be sweet to me, too.”
“Benevolence is nearly always conditional,” Kurama said, leaning over to rub Eikichi’s ears. “Perhaps she senses your standoffishness and simply chooses not to engage with someone who does not seem to want her.” Kurama’s brilliant green eyes swept back to Yusuke for emphasis. “You two may have that in common.”
“Wh—?!” Yusuke spluttered a bit, before settling on, “Watch it, fox boy.”
“Aw,” Botan giggled, “Yusuke, it’s alright, you know. Some of us just have an animal-like charm. Meow meow!” She hooked her hands like paws.
“Right, and I’m saying Eikichi’s not so charming. I mean, she’s been ignoring you, too, Botan, whaddyou think?”
“Oh, she’s just lovely! Simply adorable,” Botan cooed.
“Heheh, looks like you’re outnumbered, Urameshi!”
Rocking his chair back lazily, Yusuke noticed Kuwabara’s scratch-laced hands and whistled. “Damn, Kuwabara. It’s kinda beating you up, huh? That cat o’ yours. You look like you just fought me, only smaller.”
“For the last time, Urameshi, Eikichi’s a she! Quit it with the it crap or I’ll knock you into next Sunday brunch.” He jabbed his chopsticks at Yusuke pointedly. “And I don’t think you could get any smaller.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. She’s beating the shit outta you. But what’s with that? I thought kittens were s’posed to be all cute n’ cuddly.” Yusuke swirled his drink thoughtfully before taking a swig.
“You’ve never had a kitten, have you, Urameshi?” Kuwabara deadpanned. He had the right to do that now that he was a cat-rearing expert, as if he hadn't learned it very recently himself.
“No. ’M not really crazy about animals. Neither's my mom.” Under his breath, Yusuke added, “Knowing her, that’s probably for the best.”
“Wh—? How?!” 
Yusuke shrugged.
Kuwabara huffed. “Ugh, she’s teething right now, okay? And I haven’t got her a scratching post yet. She’ll grow out of it, you’ll see.”
“Whatever you say, man. Just try not to lose any limbs waiting for her to get manners, arright? Don’t wanna make our fights even more one-sided. That’d just be sad.”
“Yeah, right, Urameshi.” Kuwabara puffed out his chest. “Eikichi could take two o’ my limbs and I’d still wipe the street with ya.”
“Hey, try beating me with four limbs first, tough guy.”
The conversation devolved into threats and bickering from there, culminating in little more than wrinkled uniforms and mussed hair-dos, and one final exchange.
“You haven’t even met her, Urameshi, so how could you know what she’s like?”
“‘Cuz you’re carryin’ the proof right there, stupid! Look, don’t take it so personal. I just don’t feel like spending all day roughhousing with someone that far beneath my weight class, even if she is the precious little angel you say she is."
Yusuke lounged on the floor, Eikichi sitting on his chest and staring down at him.
“What’re you starin’ at, Stinkass?”
Kuwabara scoffed loudly, fluffing out the pillow Yusuke would use.
Yusuke smirked at him. “Oh, I’m sorry, your highness, I left my manners at home.” He cleared his throat. “What are you staring at, Her Royal Majesty the Queen Stinkass?”
“Man, why'dya only pick mean pet names to give ‘er?” It came out a bit harsher than he meant.
“What?” Yusuke began to sit up, but stopped when he remembered Eikichi’s place on him. He dropped back down and shut his eyes lazily. “These aren’t pet names, they’re, like, insults. That I don’t mean.”
“So ‘Stinkass’ is your idea of an affectionate nickname?”
“Gee, you don’t have to make it sound so damn girly. I’m just callin’ her that ‘cause I like her.”
“Ooh~ so you like her, huh?” Kuwabara sat up on his knees and—once Eikichi got the hint and clambered off—smacked Yusuke’s face with his pillow, holding it over his face. “Whatever happened to not bein’ mushy, tough guy?”
Yusuke wrenched the pillow from his grip and lazily swung it at him, not bothering to get up. “Hey, you told me she doesn’t judge about that sorta thing, right? And I’m learnin’ there’s benefits to bein’ mushy, like kicking ass better.” He shifted to crack his back, then sighed, relaxing into the floor. “I’m just sticking to my way, and sometimes that means calling her Kuwabara’s Favorite Little Shitblaster or whatever.”
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majimasleftasscheek · 3 years
Got any Kazumaji headcanons?
but that's such a broad topic hrmmm I'll just give a few under the cut for the time being
if you want me to go into more specific hcs, feel free to ask ;)
I like the idea that they're gushy mushy in love and hold hands and pork each other behind dumpsters but they're still frenemies or rivals or whatever the fuck cuz I like making them harass each other. There's fluff but also a mutual sense of animosity (loving) because their personalities are just so polar opposite. Prolly ooc but my content and preferences are a lil more on the funny lighthearted stuff than angst - which I like don't get me wrong but I leave that to other people
I think Majima is very protective (and clingy) over Kiryu, not because the guy can't handle himself obvs but he just can't lose more people he cares about. He'll do anything for Kiryu, even at the cost of his own personal safety and Kiryu takes advantage of that, whether or not he's actually aware of doing so. Kiryu however is a lil quicker to deny Majima depending on what he wants but is equally just as loyal
Kiryu is protective tho knows Majima's fine on his own so he often leaves him to his own devices. He's comforted that Majima's someone who he doesn't have to save or worry about constantly - in the damsel in distress sense. I'm sure he'd worry about Majima getting off'd all the time of course. He'd prolly be more concerned about Majima's domestic life such as if he slept or took care of an injury properly. Maybe hits up Saejima to see how Majima is doing since Saejima's very upfront
both of them are touched/emotionally starved people so in private they're very intimate but they like to keep it aloof in public, especially Kiryu who gets easily embarrassed. Majima doesn't give a rat's ass but will tone it down if he gets his ass beat so either way he wins. Majima knows when to get serious tho and it can sometimes surprise Kiryu how focused he can get
when it comes to heavy shit, Kiryu's more open to talking about it than Majima who sorta just clams up. It takes a lot to get anything substantial outta Majima and Kiryu respects when he doesn't wanna talk. He figures something's wrong when Majima's more jokey than usual and they bond over unresolved trauma lol. When something’s bugging Kiryu, he’s usually off doing his whole lone wolf bullshit and Majima has none of it or at least, works from the sidelines since he knows how stubborn Kiryu is
nsfw stuff:
I like to write them as switches for my awful fics lol but I have a strong fondness for bratty power bottom Kiryu who likes to please and be pleased. He can get a lil aggressive when he allows himself to be a bit selfish and Majima loves using that to instigate fights with sexy conclusions. I like to think Majima both enjoys having control and getting his ass destroyed. He gets a kick outta convincing Kiryu to let loose every now and then
Majima's obvs the weird one but Kiryu's also adventurous and just needs a lil encouragement to try new things. He feels good about trying out freaky stuff since Majima would more than likely be 100% on board for anything. Kiryu doesn't instigate often but Majima's very open and supportive when he does so Kiryu doesn't get scared off but will definitely make fun of him if he's being naïve or dorky
they (me lmao) got a thing for humiliation or at the least, breaking down whatever façade each other puts up. Majima's a big fan of edging and cucking Kiryu until he's angry begging. Kiryu likes to play with Majima's impatience and will sit around playing dumb just to hear this grown ass man piss 'n moan about it. They both think each other have very annoying qualities but poking fun is the best part
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kulemii · 3 years
A.12, B.1, C.7, D.6, E.4, F.5
please? :D
A.12.) Favorite tattoo(s)?
I think that there are only two tattoos that I would genuinely call favorites. Kuze's and Majima's. A part of me loves how 'traditionally yakuza' they are. Covering so much of their bodies to signify just how deeply they're enveloped in the paths they chose to walk on.
Kuze's tattoo is so fucking kick ass and the coloring on it in y0 seemed so fresh. I liked to think that he'd recently gotten a touch up. And if the wikia/fandom page is anything to go by, I love the meaning behind it.
Majima's tattoo is pretty bad ass too but there's something about seeing such a large tattoo covering such a slim frame that just gets me in my dumb whore heart.
B.1) Which character do you relate to most and why?
Honestly? I loved Haruka so much because I felt like so much of her own story mimics so much of my own. The circumstances of my father's passing are... traumatic and tragic and the fact that I was meant to go with him... Me, a child, targeted because of what I meant to my dad and being seen as sort of, collateral damage just so that someone could get their sick revenge on him? It's weird to explain and without getting too heavy, I was just a few years younger than Haruka when she lost both her parents. I had to have been about 6. Granted, her dad was a piece of garbage (and in a way, I guess mine was too) but- anyway. Um, where was I?
Oh, yeah, then the pressure put on her to grow up and be a parent while she's yet, herself, still a child. My mother had me when she was a teen and then after me came three more kids (all to different fathers) all before she was 25. She was married then divorced shortly after my little sister was born and after some time, she had to work to support all of us on her own. Meaning, she either sent us to someone else for a time or left me home to care for my siblings alone. Then after a while, it was only the latter.
I remember being about 9 years old attempting to make boxed mac and cheese for my brothers and while my sister napped. And I remember the elbow noodles- half cooked floating in a saucepan of milk and the powdered cheese in clumps bobbing about. I remember carefully serving equal potions to my brothers bowls and thinking 'that ain't how it looked when mama made it'. I remember calling my brothers to dinner and they came for their bowls of macaroni soup and excitedly slurping away at the monstrosity of a dish. And I remember looking my eldest brother, younger than me but oldest of the two boys, and he was so happy to not have to wait on mama to come home late to cook that he ACTUALLY enjoyed that gunk. And I remember thinking that so long as mama was on the outside of our front door, I was all my siblings had. I was 9.
By the time I was 16, my siblings- these kids that were at most 8 years younger than me and at least two- were telling me that I felt more like a mother to them than our actual mom ever did on a regular basis. My mom knew that since she could rely on me she could leave the house to go out and date and socialize and do all the things she missed out on because she had me when when she was 16.
When I got a part time job, all I could think about was if they were okay and if they needed me. It was like that until I was 18- when my mom and I had a screaming match and I shouted that my siblings weren't my kids; they were hers. Her responsibility.
I moved out and placed miles between us all for a while and that shit hurt but I thought that was what I had to do to make my mom be a mom and make my siblings see me as their sibling. I'm still living with the consequences of that decision to this day.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I know what it's like to be a traumatized child made to put on a strong face because they're parental figure believed that they 'could handle it'. In so many ways, I'm just like what Haruka turned out to be minus the baby and the talent. Lol.
C.7) Which character should have died but didn’t? (If that’s too harsh, who deserves to rot in prison?)
Iwami Tsuneo. Of all the times they chose to avoid their formula of killing the big bad, choosing NOT to kill off Iwami no bocchan was the flop of the century. He should have died right along with that stupid fucking war ship. All of that for what, because you wanted your damn daddy to give you a wittle pat on the head? Give me a fawking break. I've never hated a character so much in my life. I genuinely hoped that Kiryu would have crossed the line JUST to end his bitch ass. DIOS, I hated that man.
D.6) Do you think Kiryu was a good father figure to Haruka and Daigo?
Nope. Kiryu had far too many eggs and not enough baskets. Just about everyone I've seen answer this question have pretty much said the same thing which is basically: he meant well but he didn't do enough for it to mean anything.
In the case of Haruka: He took her in because of Yumi, right? He wanted to honor her memory by looking after her daughter, right? So, why the fuck didn't he retire, stay retired and not look back so that he could remain true to his promise? Haruka was put into harms way so many times because these fools knew that they could get to him by hurting her- the first time that happened, he should've peaced out for good. It became a running gag after a while and I can't help but feel like- if they were sentient ofc, it would be like 'hmmm it's been 58 days since haruka's last been kidnapped... only a matter of time now'.
Adding the orphanage: I genuinely, wholeheartedly, truly believe that Kiryu was hoping for things to be different when he took on the orphanage. I genuinely believe that he loved those kids and he loved Haruka. I know that he'd have done anything for them but shit, man... How many times you gonna leave your 10-13 year old to watch after their 8 siblings and the dog?
In the case of Daigo: Again, echoing the sentiment of many others right now but I don't feel like Kiryu had any right to call Daigo his son. Hell, Kiryu knows that much. We don't have to tell him that. And I feel like it's the fault of bad writing tbh. If were were supposed to feel that way, why weren't we ever given scenes that would portray a relationship like that between them? When I played 6, it was news to me that they ever even looked at each other like that. I could see, if anything, Daigo being like 'yeah... kiryu's the man i look up to' but a dad? A father? Nah, fam lol. And wait-- didn't you get sworn in when people still thought he was the one that killed your bio dad? Mmm, nvm. That's a different can of worms.
Honestly @watasemasaru made a lot of good points in their answer that I can't possibly hit on with the right words but basically, I'm echoing them and a couple others again: Kiryu should have chosen one or the other. He couldn't have both.
Haruka represented the future, a home, and stability.
Daigo represented the past, a fading lifestyle and fucking chaotic loop.
He wanted so badly for every decision he made to affect him and him only but baby boy, the world- even the fictional world- don't work like that! And lacking the foresight to understand that made him a lackluster father figure.
I just wish he was given a chance to set things straight and do right by his family instead of ya know... abandoning them 'for their sake'.
And wait, ain't he still sniffing up the TJC ass crack? I haven't played y7 but I've seen out of context clips lol
E.4)Ramen or Takoyaki?
I've only had ramen but as an American southerner, I'm a sucker for anything fried so uhhhh takoyaki, please! PLUS, I can bond with Majima over it. I'm not blind blind but I do wear glasses. C'mon funny eyepatch man, love me!
F.5) What would the first 5 pictures in your camera roll be of?
Depends on whose around? I hate taking photos of myself but I'd sooo sneak pictures with Majima and Aizawa. Snap, snap. Haruka and I hanging out and Haruto's trying to climb onto my coffee table? Snap. Some townies being townies and I'm feeling a weird energy in the air? Snap. R E V E L A T I O N ! Oh, someone's shirtless? Snap. How'd that get in my camera roll? And naturally, the Pink Street sign because CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! Snap.
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watasemasaru · 3 years
if you're still feeling like playing the rgg game can you answer: a3, a4, a7, b4, b5, c2, c10, e2, f7?
Yeah yeah yeah! <3
A) Just Your Faves:
3.Favorite Protagonist(s) Ichiban Kasuga Ichiban is just such a breath of fresh air; he's funny, relatable, charismatic. I'm more partial to a protag that's upbeat and a little dumb as opposed to someone stoic. I'll give Majima an honorable mention as he's also a lot of fun to walk through a story with.
4. Favorite Antagonist(s) Jin Kuwana. Like many who love this character, it's tied to a personal history of being bullied. There's only so much "waiting for things to change" before you can't take it anymore. Having someone like Kuwana who has decided that kids are dying now, I'm not waiting for the law is a comfort. "Doing what is right" isn't always going to mean following the law. AND HE'S SUPER CUTE JUST LOOK AT HIM. HE'S MY BABYGIRL
7. Favorite substory(ies) I loved hunting for the squirrels in Lost Judgment, and looking for cats in Judgment. In general I love answering the call of the primal urge to hunt and gather.
B) Let's get Personal:
4. Who would you like to post more, but don't? Why don't you? Watase...because I've combed through his tag like five or six times and reblogged everything just as much...and a good bit of the tag is just me being an idiot LMAO
5. Which character do you think you would bump heads with most if you knew them in real life? Masato Arakawa & Yoshitaka Mine. The problem being we're too much alike. The three of us in a room would be an insufferable nightmare. Three introverted loners, two with a complex of being the sibling no one not even your own parents liked? We gotta open a window the edge and depression is curling the paint help.
C) Let's be Subjective
2. Which game had the worst plotline? It's a tie between Y4 & Y6. TBH I couldn't tell you one fucking thing about Y6 and I played it twice other than its shit ending...all of it is shit I hate Y6 LOL. And Y4 is just - I don't get how it's a fan favorite, Akiyama I'm certain is the only reason why anyone holds it in such regard.
10. Which game do you think should get a remake? You could remake Y6 and retcon Haruka shaking up with bighead and I'd be satisfied. You could retcon all of Y6 and I'd be over the moon. Part of that game's problem is it just felt like prestige tv. One really long showcase of star studded named like Shun Oguri, Beat Takeshi, Tatsuya Fujiwara, and Hiroyuki Miyasako. I mean I guess Y0 did that too but it did it well, this one did not.
E) This or That?
2. Bops: Haruka Sawamura, T-SET, or Dream Line? Haruka Sawamura. So Much More is THE song okay. It's bright and catchy. And of course the all star remixes are so goodddddd. It's funny her VA sings the same way for Rise Kujikawa, but I absolutely hateeee her! The character's personality definitely helps make music likeable.
F) Insert Yourself
7. Who are you fighting on top of the Millennium Tower rooftop? I'm getting at least one swing at Kiryu and I'm gonna be screaming my qualms and crying the whole time cuz I'm so mad LMAO. You could line them all up and let me get one hit in though, I'll think of a reason why later >:3
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benichi · 4 years
I played Chou no Doku (so you don’t have to) - Mizuhito’s Route Part 4
The Finale. Let’s finally get this over with. Here’s the link to the [last part].
Yuriko made her way to Majima’s quarters in order to ask him about going to the Brothel in Mizuhito’s stead. Majima remarks that it would be better to just let her Brother know about what’s going on, but Yuriko starts freaking out and acting like a jealous child again. She sure got a lot of trust for her beloved Brother. Ultimately Majima agrees to go and Yuriko ends up reminiscing about the feelings she used to harbor towards him
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Sure, it’s his fault now.
On the next day Kyoko decides to pay the siblings a visit, however, she requests to only speak with Yuriko. With just the two of them she reveals that Kyoko’s well aware of the things that are going on between our Brother and Sister.
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Her “romance senses” were tingling apparently. Though to be honest considering how the two of them are acting you don’t need to be a genius to figure out what’s going on. Kyoko also reveals that she a... relationship dealer? Basically she arranges fake marriages that allow cover ups for illict relationships of whatever sort. Mizuhito eventually shows up and pretty much kicks Kyoko out. Which has Yuriko frantically going after her, since she does consider her offer. Outside she meets Majima who’s back from his “errand”, stating that the Geisha did in fact not have one of Mizuhito’s belongings but simply wanted to get him to visit. She gave Majima a comb that he’s supposed to pass on to Mizuhito. Yuriko goes inside to hide the comb but meets Mizuhito on the way
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She slips it into her... Ouch. That’s dedication.
They have another painting session, but Mizuhito soon starts asking questions about their current situation.
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Romantic. Obviously she doesn’t tell him that though, but the following:
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Me avoiding my responsibilities. She literally dodged his question because she knows she wouldn’t have. While trying to get up Yuriko ends up dropping the comb and Mizuhito immediately recognizes it. Though not mad he does confront her and Yuriko laments that she was scared of losing him forever.
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No, he doesn’t talk about eloping Yuriko. It’s coming guys: close your eyes, hide your children. The moment this game has been building up for has come: The smex. And while we don’t get the full smex we do get enough to count our lucky stars that we don’t have to sit through the entirety of the “act”.
Things you should say before smex:
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Things you should not say before smex:
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Followed by things you should not say during smex:
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Concluded by things you should not say after smex:
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Kinda? Luckily that’s it (for now at least).
The following day Mizuhito holes himself up in his room to finish the painting. When Yuriko calls him for dinner he suggests they go out to eat something. On their way they run into the Proprietress of the Brothel he used to frequent. She remarks that she noticed something odd about Majima when she saw him a few days ago and that he may be involved in dangerous affairs, such as dealing with Opium. After the Proprietress excused herself Yuriko noticed that Mizuhito did not introduce her as his sister.
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Because these two go so well together.
They conclude that confronting Majima head on is a bad idea. Mizuhito eventually tells Yuriko to head back without him first. She decides that this is the time to play Detective and find out more about Majima. Fujita says that he actually doesn’t know much about Majima either. Apparently he does fequently take time off however, so Fujita says it’s not impossible he’s doing something on the side. 
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Yeah mess with the potentially dangerous guys room. Great idea. So Yuriko starts sniffing around (quite literally) .
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So apparently Yuriko goes around sniffing men’s rooms in her pastime if she’s got that much ground for comparison. But moving on, obviously she doesn’t find anything just lying around. What a shocker. Her “I’m the Heroine of this story” genes kick in however, so as she knocks one of his Kimonos to the ground something falls out of it. Mind you, that is a pretty dumb hiding spot so I guess she wasn’t that far off after all. We don’t get to find out what she found yet though, because she’s interrupted by a loud noise.
Once outside Yuriko finds that the entire Manor is on fire. Majima magically appears and seems rather calm as Yuriko freaks out. He steadies her but is quickly interrupted by Mizuhito who screams at him to let her go. Majima taunts him by saying that he didn’t even think it possible that Mizuhito can run.
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Hello 911. There’s a fire and a murder.
Mizuhito reveals that all of the things the Proprietress said are true. In fact he’s not just any Opium dealer, Majima is referred to as the “King” (agshskdl sorry I had to laugh). He got the information from one of his previous clients, revealing that Mizuhito would sell his body a times in order to protect his sister and help with the debt. Majima comments on the relationship between the two “siblings” and becomes super mad about it.
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Tbh when I read this for the first time I had to read it twice to check if it’s really Majima speaking. His reaction makes more sense if you know the grand scheme of the game (I’ll add a link with my verdict later). But yeah moving on Mizuhito exclaims that the only filthy one is him and that Yuriko is a pure Maiden (are you sure about that.png). She concludes by telling Majima that they’re not biological siblings (why didn’t you just say that from the start lol) which seems to soothe Majima. He exclaims that “the curse never touched” her and yeets himself into the fire with these words. 
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And dead. But that’s beside the point apparently.
Some time later we see Yuriko who’s currently in Paris (paint me like one of your french girls coming full circle). She’s looking out on a balcony while thinking about the past. After the fire some random “stranger” got rid of their debt, which gave Mizuhito the opportunity to study art. His creations were not well received in Japan however (you mean people DIDN’T like him painting pictures of his Sister 24/7) so he went to France. For some magical reasons his art became a big hit over there and now they’re living a luxurious life.
Also the thing she found in Majima’s Kimono was a Chinese Bellflower. Yuriko still wasn’t sure if Majima killed her parents or not despite stating herself that these don’t grow where they live (girl wut).
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What’s with that random paranthesis. Mizuhito says that there are always a lot of people looking at Yuriko during the parties, and that they want to “own” her by buying his paintings (which is not weird at all).
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You’d think that they would see this as a chance to get out of this “sibling” relationship but apparently not. Also HER HAIR IS NOT BLACK FOR FU-...
Anyways. Yuriko says that she ran into Shiba which makes Mizuhito grrr horny so he throws her onto the bed.
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Is it cringe? Yes. Is it an upgrade to “my little sister”?... Maybe. I’ll take it I guess.
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Bruh. But Mizuhito wouldn’t be Mizuhito if he didn’t have an excellent plan, he even has two: either pretend you adopted the child from an Orphanage OR from distant relatives. Whta a grand idea that child will be so happy being lied to in order to hide their parents relationship.
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That’s not how marriage works. Anyways that’s the end, thanks for sticking around. I hope you had a good time, I’ll be adding a small “review” like thing as a reblog later. I’d like to end this post with the following words:
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