#he speaks athe truth!
as i heard ferrari got good response in vence where i found out about david fincer mocked adam driver after he was cast as ben solo and michael fassander was rumored to play , what your thougets on wga stike comment by fincer?
Lots of people had that kind of reaction when Adam was cast in SW but he proved everyone wrong! Even David Fincher.
As for his comments about the strike, they were pretty dismissive of the whole thing honestly. He's a wealthy director so the outcome of the strike doesn't affect him so he probably doesn't really care 🤷‍♀️
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julebirdie · 2 years
dearly devoted
ft. malleus draconia
reader is gn
not requested
disc: reader is meant to represent maleficent’s crow, use of (Y/N), reader is sick and is going to perish soon, descriptions of d*ath, malleus has a minor breakdown
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“would you wait for me, my prince?”
you were sickly. your strength was vanishing in droves as you lay in the same bed, looking outside the foggy window at the kingdom. you lacked the ability to perform spells, much less transform into a crow in the way you would previously.
“pardon?” malleus asked.
“the horrible truth is, my prince, i will perish soon. i do not want to, to be removed from your side by any means aside from my own is torture, but it will happen.”
“do not speak like that (Y/N). you will recover and return to my side just as before.” malleus knew you were right, but he was scared.
scared of the years that lay ahead for him, years that seemed so dark without your presence to guide him.
“you are strong malleus,”the first time you ever referred to him by his name, “you will be a fit ruler for briar valley.”
“it means naught to me if you are not there.”
“do not speak like that, your people need you.”
“and i need you.”
silence enveloped you both as you stared at malleus, surprise written all over your features.
“you…need me?” you whispered.
“i do. you are not just a bird, (Y/N), you are my dearest friend, my closest confidant, my beloved.”
malleus gripped your hand, the warmth of his palm greatly contrasting the coolness of your’s.
“to answer your question, yes, i will wait for you. but i will not need to, you will recover fine and return to me as strong as before.” he pressed his forehead against yours, his horns rubbing against the feathers you had placed behind your ears.
“of course i will, my prince,” you said, closing your eyes. you knew you were lying through your teeth, he knew it too. but in moments like these, it’s easier to pretend like the circumstances weren’t real.
malleus moved away, standing from the chair he had placed next to your bed. “retreating to your quarters? before you go, take this,” you plucked one of your feathers and handed it to him, “a momento.”
“goodnight, beloved.” malleus said, weaving the feather into his hair as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“goodnight my prince, will i see you tomorrow?”
“of course.”
malleus woke to an eerily silent castle. normally, he’d have lilia and the workers bustling around, completing chores and waking him up.
but today, it was quiet.
feeling for the feather, malleus stood once he felt it secure behind his horns. he pushed the heavily door of his bedroom open and walked down the corridors that lead to your quarters.
“good morning, malleus,” he turned as he heard lilia speak behind him. lilia didn’t look like himself today, his voice missing the chipper attitude and his face devoid of feeling.
“lilia, where is everyone?”
“i’m sorry.”
“(Y/N). They passed away during the night—i’m so sorry malleus, there was nothing we could do.”
malleus felt his mind close off entirely and a dark pit grow in his stomach. he reached up and pulled the feather from his hair, twirling it in his fingers.
“but they were supposed to recover.”
“i know, malleus.”
thunder began to crack outside, the castle reflecting the green hues of the bolts. he knew it was coming, he should’ve been prepared. but you were just yesterday, and it all happened to suddenly.
malleus heard the sobs before he felt them. the thunder raged on as he fell to the floor, gripping the feather as he finally began to realize the situation. you were gone.
lilia’s arms pulled him into a hug as his cries became worse, more desperate. he pled to the seven, cursed at them, asked why it had to be you. lilia only shushed him, muttering only words of comfort and brushing through his tangled hair.
he held onto the feather in every living moment since then. making sure it still looked proper and clean, he made sure he wouldn’t let any harm come to it. it was all he had left of you.
malleus never took up another lover, keeping his promise to you. he said he would, and now he will wait to see you again.
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thewertsearch · 2 years
If Sollux is the one who smells a rat, then maybe the mechanism of the Mistake relates to one of his interests, such as coding. Sollux would surely notice the telltale signs of a botched ~ATH script, or other supernatural programming error. 
Sburb’s source code doesn’t control the Medium - but it did transport the kids there. Maybe they’ll try to reverse this process, opening a gateway out of the Incipisphere to escape their failed session - but since none of them can code properly, the program actually tears holes in unrelated sessions, such as the trolls’. 
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I love how Kanaya’s sitting right behind the origin of this disaster. 
I totally get it. The whole team must be...
Actually, let’s think about this. Now that I’m familiar with all the trolls, how do I think each of them is reacting to their failure? 
Aradia saw this coming, of course. Before the session, she was completely 0k with their inevitable failure - but now that she’s partially alive again, that might be about to change. We do know that she’s going to be uncomfortable with Project Trolling - but why? 
Tavros misses Prospit. That aside, he’s probably just happy to get to relax after their month-long campaign. 
Sollux is suspicious. Something has gone very wrong, and he suspects that the cause lies outside the session. Plus, he’s apparently been spending a lot of time with Feferi... 
Nepeta probably misses the outdoors. We don’t know much about her role in the session, so I can’t tell if she’s going to be heavily involved in the current crisis. What’s a Rogue to do? 
Kanaya is surrounded by her scared, confused teammates, and her level-headedness is surely being tested. She’s probably working closely with more reasonable trolls like Karkat, and desperately scanning Rose’s guide for any clues about their situation. Once she realizes the truth, she’s going to be livid. 
Terezi’s skills lie with people. She’s keeping a close eye on her peers, trying to figure out how they’re responding to this disaster, and who might become a problem. She also finds the whole thing kind of funny. 
Isn’t it awful, Vriska, to be forced into a loss through no fault of your own?
Equius probably blames the session’s failure on its lowblood leader. He might try to take command, but I think he’ll be distracted by relationship drama with Aradia. That one ain’t gonna last.
Gamzee hasn’t been paying attention, and still thinks the session is in full swing. He’s just chillin’. 
Eridan doesn’t understand what went wrong, and doesn’t care - he’s still struggling with the fallout of Alternian societal collapse. Unlike Equius, he has no relationships to distract him, and I’m expecting an actual coup attempt. 
Feferi has grown closer to Sollux, who is about to locate the humans. She’s probably involved in this search, since she’s going to unite the two races. 
Alternia hates its young.
It hates them. It really does. They’re forced to prove their worth in the brooding caverns before they can even speak - and even if they survive, many of them will be murdered by the state for arbitrary reasons. They’re killed for being single, for being mutants, and for standing too close to a body of water, for fuck’s sake. This planet hates the children who call it home.
But they still have holidays. 
If that isn’t the most bittersweet thing I’ve ever heard. Alternia scoffs at art, fashion, peace and family, but in a strange twist of fate, it does not scoff at Sweep’s Eve - presumably, the troll equivalent of New Year’s Eve. On this brutal, pragmatic planet, these kids celebrate the simple joy of a new beginning - just like us. 
There’s a crumb of warmth baked into Alternian society, despite everything its leaders have done to stamp it out. 
For its inhabitants, this warmth can be rather hard to find... 
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But it’s there. 
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transman-badass · 1 year
This probably will make no sense to those unfamiliar with the Mythos but I promise I'll explain everything in time. Stream of consciousness thing featuring my Mythos OC Ath-Arthyx aka the Sleepwalker
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Alive was a strange way to put it. And yet. And yet. And yet to say the truth? To admit the flaws, the faults, the history, the failure? To speak the truth. To raise her hands in surrender. To say 'you won'.
Like some little worm in the dirt, she'd squirmed and writhed and birthed herself anew from the sleeping shell of her past. Pulled herself into some kind of focus. She could not center herself but she could anchor herself, dig the billions of teeth into something solid, something real. She did.
What a strange hideous thing, the mother being born after the son. And yet existence was wide and sensation was new, and life flowed through dreams upon dreams.
Alive was a strange way to put it. She was never… alive. But life lived and it glowed with monstrosities and wonders and tricks and miracles of nature mortal minds could not understand.
And it was beautiful.
So she went to him, her son, Nyarlathotep. She left her core to the endless sleep of creation. She followed her child through the abyss of space. She let the life there in the planets flow through her and change her shape. She became an illusion, a passive threat, a dancing fool. He believed it. And she loved him, her son, Nyarlathotep. And it did not matter if he did the same.
Now the eons stretch far into the memory. Now she sits in an old chair and rocks it back and forth on a shaded porch as the single star rotates to another part of the planet.
Now she surrounds herself with the ones who call her Mother. They aren't wrong. They truly do not know how right they are.
Now her body is soft flesh and her dress is patched and her feet are bare and the bandages entwine around where eyes are not and fall through her hair like ribbons. There's no need for sight when you dream life into being. She knows everything. Creation breathes around her. So what if her flesh limbs are clumsy, her feet fall numb, and trouble comes when one sees reality as it is, not what it will be?
And it is so long that she cannot be sure what Azathoth would have wanted. If he had ever wanted anything at all. But it pleases her to know the anger of their enemy. To feel the way the yellow claws try to invade the prison of his own creation. And fail, and fail, and fail again.
Hastur did not win. Azathoth, truly, did not lose.
There on that border of victory-in-defeat and the deranged truth of reality, the Sleepwalker is content.
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PSI tag list:
@slenders1ckn3ss @jacquesfindswritingandadvice @redacted-metallum @actualblanketgremlin @higgs-space @phantomnations @mushabumi @assistantdirector--janson @aldhidbah @sabtael @yourheartonfireblog @jade-island-lives @arsenwormwood @cecuesta @darkhorse-javert @comicgoblinart @lizadomuch @minutiaewriter @angelsofprey @izzyspussy @passthebeat-blog-blog @dragonedged-if @andromedaexists @cyanide-latte @lillis-writes @suckerpunchfemale @late-to-the-fandom @writeblrsupport @eldritch-flower @cljordan-imperium @royal1asset-if @pineywitch @fragrant-stars @mynameis40and4 @starryvoids @wubsbian @divine-anarchy @elbritch-kit @chromehoplite @milatooo @tousled-birdmad-girl @ajdoesthings @pen-for-sword @noightwitchers
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insvnitx · 2 years
Sufyān Ath-Thawrī رحمه الله said:
“The Shaytān does not have a weapon against mankind similar to fear of poverty!
If it is instilled in the heart of a person, then he:
prevents the truth
speaks with desires
and he has bad thoughts of his Lord”
[Al-Mughnī: 4/32]
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coffeexmythos · 2 years
Lemme introduce y'all to the Sleepwalker. She's not entirely a serious character but maybe you'll like her anyway! (Edit: this got really long, my bad.)
The Sleepwalker - true name Ath-Artyx - isn't exactly commonly known to occultists and the various worshippers in the Mythos. You might see the name pop up once or twice but there's not a lot of information on her other than that she's blind, presumably identifies as female and is connected to the King in Yellow somehow. That's not really special, though. There are a lot of strange entities in the universe and the King's secrets tend to stay his secrets, known only to the cultists and his Court. Probably just some lesser aid or Yellow noble, right?
Well... About that...
She's actually the incarnation of Azathoth. Literally, she is the dream experiencing itself. That explains a lot about her, once you know she's the Blind Idiot of infamy, because guess what? She's both! Though most would rather describe her with terms like "ditz" or "airheaded" - don't want to hurt her feelings. She's very sweet, see, to most people. She gives hugs and sings songs and cuddles with her favorites. But while she may seem childlike, she shouldn't be underestimated or treated like she's incompetent. As those in the know speculate, Nyarlathotep got it from somewhere...
Speaking of the Crawling Chaos, he tolerates his so called "mother". The Sleepwalker adores him and recognizes him in any of his forms, which often leads to her attempting to hug him or show her seemingly endless affection. His patience for her is endless as well, though it's hard to say if he genuinely cares for her or if he's just manipulating her like all the rest. Mostly Nyarlathotep tries to keep her in the Dreamlands, where she won't cause or get into trouble. She still tends to get out a lot.
The Sleepwalker mirrors the environment she's in. On earth, for example, she's human, with her eyes wrapped in bandages or hidden by dark glasses. Her hair is long, and she's always smiling. Under those bandages and glasses, her eyes are closed. When they open, she awakes - and so does Azathoth.
The fortunate thing is, these moments of wakefulness are brief, temporary. The Sleepwalker can't or doesn't want to wake up and even if she did she likely wouldn't be able to. These moments of waking are imperceptible to many, even the most skilled occultists won't notice them happening. But maybe one day you'll look over and notice the flowers by your neighbors house are different than you remember. Maybe you'll open a book and the words are written just different enough than last time. The sheets on your bed feel different. You could've sworn that picture pointed the other way.
Some people brush that off. The ones that don't, however, will almost always go mad.
The Sleepwalker has a cult to herself, sort of. Its more of a collection of scattered, desperate "friends" she's made, who pray for her safety and happiness, to not get run over in her wanderings, to rest comfortably and to never ever wake up. These friends have no idea the others exist, and if they meet a traditional Azathoth cultist, the kinds that want to wake up the Demon Sultan, murder or worse is on the horizon. Their offerings are candy, mostly - the Sleepwalker has a definite sweet tooth. They will also eventually get into the habit of referring to her as "Mom", just like she calls herself.
Out of all the other entities and so called gods of the Mythos, there's only one that the Sleepwalker has any negative feelings towards. Most of the rest, she seems to have no opinions on. The King in Yellow, though? She hates him. Haaaates him. And she'll be happy to tell you why: at some point, she, Ath-Artyx, became known and worshipped as one of his wives. The King in Yellow had no involvement in this development but she still blames him for it and will never let it go. Maybe Nyarlathotep really did get it from somewhere.
Two things tend to haunt the thoughts of those who know the truth about the Sleepwalker.
First, is she really as harmless, as happy, as she seems? She can seem as human as Nyarlathotep but he is not human and she isn't either. Is she really as big a ditz, a cheerful fool, as she looks?
Second, and far more ominous... If there's one avatar of Azathoth out there, are there more?
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The Fitnah Of Fearing Poverty
•قال سفيان الثوري (رحمه الله)
"ليس للشيطان سلاح للإنسان مثل خوف الفقر فإذا وقع في قلب الإنسان
منَعَ الحق –
وتكلم بالهوى –
وظن بربه ظن السوء –
المغني عن حمل الأسفار 4/32
•Sufyaan Ath-Thawree, (may Allaah have mercy upon him) said:
"There is no weapon for the shaytaan against the human similar to the fear of poverty. When it (i.e the fear of poverty) falls into the heart of the person,
- he prevents the truth (from being manifested),
- he speaks with the (evil, lowly) desires and
- he has the thoughts of evil about his Lord."
📚[Al-Mughnee ‘An Hamlil-Asfaar, 4/32].
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viciousoverlord · 1 year
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Azura was on the fence about something, that something was telling Kefla about what she does. Sure he thinks that she's a soldier, which she is, but there was more to her then that. She had a feeling that it was becoming more and more evident that she wasn't just a soldier. That, and Kaja could never keep a straight face when lying to her, leading Azura to think that Kaja may have set some things in motion like she has in the past.
She didn't want him to hate her like what happened back then, she loved him. So she would approach him where he is.
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"So uhh... What would you think of me if I told ya that I'm a pirate who's number one on the most wanted lists across several, if not more, of the twenty universe's in this multiverse? That the bounty's on my head in them are so high that the bounties of the second most wanted people in those universe's look like chump change. Even here in Kiokleaven I'm a wanted criminal."
The curse of her face being one that could be very expensive at times was at work. She looked ready to be rejected and called scum like she had in the past. Ath did say that she was a mistake, the failure of their family and race.
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"What would you think of me if is told you that the reasons that I prefer the life of a criminal? That my reasons for preferring it is not because I get more money for being such, but because it freeing. Because in the criminal underworld I'm look at and given respect, because as a soldier I'm looked at like I'm nothing by most of those who work with me in the army."
She was looking at the floor as she spoke, not wanting to see the the look on his as she tells him about herself. She was hoping it would be like in the past, where she got rejected and called scum for telling the truth.
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"What do you think of me now that I've told you all this?"
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While he was enjoying the food that she bought for him to forget the message, he received earlier. He was looking around to see if he was noticing someone with a strange behavior who could be the one that sent that annoying text. However, after some minute of looking around while eating, he could tell the one that sent the threat was not around. They were smart enough not to do that, it seemed. Still, they did not come to face him after all, so they were merely just a coward acting arrogant behind a screen.
The change in behavior of Azura was strange, though. Almost like she had seen the message and knew who had sent it. Well, he should be surprised it was someone she knew the identity of. This was not the first threat he had received through a text and even though he replied to all the messages to come find him, so they can duck it out. He never saw anyone pull up to him with the intention of defeating him. They must have thought he was in a relationship with her, but that was not the case.
They only had sex once, they did not kiss, they did not hold hands or anything a couple would do. What exactly was there to be jealous about? Did he miss something about Azura that the others were seeing? To be honest, she was not girlfriend material so far. Leaving him on his own at the event only to send him a message when he left, which could have been avoided if she had stayed around. He could not see what they were so envious about.
So, when she began to talk, he looked at her. It was obvious she loved him to a great deal. Otherwise, she would not be saying all she said about her criminal life and liking it more than being a soldier. He did not become a soldier just because he asked. No, in fact, he had to clean his criminal record legally. So, for seven years, he was part of the galactic force and dealt with the most dangerous mission or the mission no-one wanted to do. Something great considering he was able to met and kill that thing to gain incredible abilities in return.
Therefore, when she was done speaking. The only thing he thought about was how she managed to make it inside the army while being a criminal. Yeah, that was something to ask Riisovaak about because it lacked logic. Anyway, he did not really care about her past or what she was going to do with her life, so he simply gave her a shrug then continued to eat. Though, he was curious about how easily she was telling him things about herself.
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— I don't understand why you're telling me this? We are not even a couple, or did you think we were one?
He looked up at the other as he waited for a reply of a sort. Being around the other people she usually talked to made something clear to him. She was not the friendly type and hardly opened to anyone, but she was not anything like this to him. She was friendly, she was caring, and she shared things with him when he did not even ask. She was trusting of him and that lacked logic considering they did not know one another for that long.
— Don't expect me to share personal information that easily.
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4571
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TG: hugely important cornespondence
TG: paging doctor crocker
TG: rolal to docrock
GG: :?
TG: heh heh
TG: paging
TG: bet you would like to get PAGED huh jane
TG: *sweet innuendo
GG: I'm not sure that qualifies as innuendo at all.
TG: wonkwonkwonkwonkwonk
GG: I honestly think you misspell things intentionally more often than not, regardless of blood alcohol content.
GG: You just typed wonk five times in a row!
TG: i have only junst begun to wonk
GG: What is this urgent thing about, anyway?
GG: Is it about your boobytrap?
GG: Because you're too late. It already blew up my whole bedroom, thank you very much.
TG: no no
TG: i mean i still feel shitty about that but its not abiout that
TG: i know you already ran it i been talking to the shades
GG: Yes, me too. Right now in fact, and I'm in a bit of a hurry!
GG: What is this about? What are you even doing?
TG: im in the lab doing a thing with my cat
TG: but that doesnt matter i was doing some thingkin and was still feeling guilty about fuckin up ur computer and all of the sudden im in bff~ath mode here
TG: so i gotta tell you something u need to know before its too late
GG: Before what's too late?
TG: you and jake hookin up stupid!
GG: Oh my god.
TG: this is about turnin all your steamydreamz in to STEAMAY REALTITIES
TG: ***realities lolo
GG: This isn't happening now...
TG: whereins jc + je kiss & hug loads and start turnin out big heaps of wrigglers the old fashioned way<3<3,3,3<338O!!!!
TG: i cant decide whether this mental image porcolating here is hot as shit or cute as fuck......
GG: No! Cease your lascivious porcolating at once!
GG: Roxy, I can see you're set on just wasting more of my time.
GG: I understand if you don't wish to play this game, but please try not to interfere with those of us who do!
TG: no no im fine with playing just shut up
TG: this is serious you need to tell him how u feel VERY SOON
TG: or you might miss your chance
GG: My chance?
GG: What are you talking about?
TG: i found out today taht dirks gonna make a move
GG: A move? You mean, a romantic one?
TG: yes
GG: On you?
TG: omfffgggggg
GG: Um.
GG: On me?
TG: no
TG: no my dear sweet janey not on you
GG: Oh.
GG: Ohhh.
GG: I didn't think...
GG: That...
GG: Hrm.
GG: Are you sure?
TG: p sure ask glasses if u want
GG: Well then.
GG: This is quite a development.
GG: Poor Dirk!
TG: what do you mean
GG: Well, surely when he reveals his feelings, Jake will...
TG: ??
GG: I mean...
GG: He couldn't possibly...
TG: wut
TG: repriprocate?
GG: Yes?
TG: why not
GG: Because Jake is not a homosexual!
TG: mm hm
TG: are u suuuuuure???
GG: Are you saying he is?
TG: nope
GG: Then what are you saying?
TG: im saying that
TG: i dont fuckin know
GG: But...
GG: I thought it reasonable to presume he takes a shining to ladies.
GG: He does speak fondly of certain females from his favorite films, does he not?
TG: true that
TG: but
TG: how much does that really mean here jane
TG: can you be totes sure on account a some dorky moive crushes
GG: Well, now I just don't know. You have me completely bamboozled about this.
GG: What do you think?
TG: all im saying is
TG: my gaydar is like the exanct fuckin poposite of urs
TG: which is to say it is better than completety nonexistant
TG: mine is so sensitive it has been used to sweep the ocean floor for mythical sea monsters
TG: turns out
TG: all of those monsters are SO gay
TG: truth B)
GG: Okay. Then what does your acute seabeast scanner make of Jake, then?
TG: thats what im sayin
TG: i really have no idea
TG: kid is a goggamn egnigma
TG: hes as hard 2 read as fine print
TG: and how i do mean FIIINE ;)
GG: Oh brother.
GG: Then, your guess is as good as mine?
GG: I'm not sure what I'm supposed to conclude from this.
TG: youre supposed to concluce
TG: that you SAID you were going to believe anything i said today remember??
GG: Yes.
GG: But you just said you don't know!!!
TG: exactly
TG: therefore you must believe me when i say
TG: if dirk lets on all his feelins there is at least a CHANCE jake will go like DERP OK DUDE LETS MAKE OUT
TG: and that means poor jane is screwed without ever even throwing her filthy old fedora in the ring
TG: it is a ring i lke ot call TEH ENGLISH SPEEPSTAKES
TG: and if u dont youll regret it
TG: and i mean
TG: i cant have a horse in the race
TG: wait bad metaphor ebcause of dirk and his fucking horstes n/m
TG: like you are both my friends and im not out to mess him up or anything
TG: but i kinda owe it to you as my friend to let you know whats up
TG: and also to get you to stop being such a WORLD CHAMPIAN TIGHTASS
TG: and let jake know
GG: Oh, not this tightass baloney again.
TG: jane
GG: What?
TG: jaane..
GG: ...
TG: jc your are the tightassiest tightass who ever tightened up an ass
GG: No way!
GG: We settled this, remember?
GG: My prior resolution made it definitive; I was to be regarded as exceedingly permissive in certain respects!
TG: jane i am afraid
TG: that ur bottom
TG: is a stubborn clam
TG: guarding priceless treasure
TG: and a deadly secret
GG: So ridiculous. >:P
TG: im not saying be an idiot and start gushing at him incoherentry
TG: say how u feel
TG: or flirst a bit or ask him out on a date inside the fuckin game or such
TG: goddamn ANYTHING other that a bunch of bullshitty pining and tightassy NOTHING
TG: you have to do what i say u promised
GG: I promised to BELIEVE what you say, not DO it!
TG: those 2 things are
TG: prespicely the same shit
GG: If I agree to say something, will you stop tormenting me about it??
TG: yes
TG: but only
TG: because that will be impossible for me to do
TG: when u + him r snoggin hard in motherfuckin makeout paradise
GG: Fine.
GG: But let the record show that this resolution has almost nothing whatsoever to do with your use of the phrase "SEX LAND."
GG: Just...
GG: I need to think of what to say, and wait for the right moment. Is that ok???
TG: sure
TG: just dont wait too long
TG: and dont underestimate striders wiles
TG: nor jakes...
TG: lets say
TG: open mindedness???????
GG: Well,
GG: He does often profess his love for adventure, I suppose.
TG: yuuup................
GG: Omg.
GG: I really don't have a moment to spare, do I?
TG: ur finally gettin it
TG: now go
TG: and jane im warning u
TG: if you dont say somethin to him
TG: i am personally entering the game specivically to FUCK UR SHIT UP
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
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dailytafsirofquran · 10 months
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Yusuf Ayah 25-29
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
12:25. So they raced with one another to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back. They both found her master (i.e. her husband) at the door.
She said: "What is the recompense (punishment) for him who intended an evil design against your wife, except that he be put in prison or a painful torment!''
12:26 He (Yusuf) said: "It was she that sought to seduce me;''
and a witness of her household bore witness (saying): "If it be that his shirt is torn from the front, then her tale is true and he is a liar!''
12:27 "But if it be that his shirt is torn from the back, then she has told a lie and he is speaking the truth!''
12:28 So when he (her husband) saw his (Yusuf's) shirt torn at the back, he (her husband) said: "Surely, it is a plot of you women!
Certainly mighty is your plot!''
12:29 "O Yusuf ! Turn away from this!
(O woman!) Ask forgiveness for your sin, verily, you were of the sinful.''
Allah tells:
So they raced with one another to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back. They both found her master (i.e. her husband) at the door.
Allah says that Yusuf and the wife of the Aziz raced to the door, Yusuf running away from her and her running after him to bring him back to the room. She caught up with him and held on to his shirt from the back, tearing it so terribly that it fell off Yusuf's back. Yusuf continued running from her, with her in pursuit. However, they found her master, her husband, at the front door. This is when she responded by deceit and evil plots, trying to exonerate herself and implicate him,
She said: "What is the recompense (punishment) for him who intended an evil design against your wife...,
in reference to illegal sexual intercourse,
except that he be put in prison,
or a painful torment.
tormented severely with painful beating.
Yusuf did not stand idle, but he declared the truth and exonerated himself from the betrayal she accused him of,
He (Yusuf) said, (in truth and honesty),
It was she that sought to seduce me,
and mentioned that she pursued him and pulled him towards her until she tore his shirt.
And a witness of her household bore witness (saying): "If it be that his shirt is torn from the front...'',
not from the back,
then her tale is true,
that he tried to commit an illegal sexual act with her.
Had he called her to have sex with him and she refused, she would have pushed him away from her and tore his shirt from the front,
But if it be that his shirt is torn from the back, then she has told a lie and he is speaking the truth!
and he is a liar!
Had Yusuf run away from her, and this is what truly happened, and she set in his pursuit, she would have held to his shirt from the back to bring him back to her, thus tearing his shirt from the back.
There is a difference of opinion over the age and gender of the witness mentioned here.
Abdur-RazzaqrecordedthatIbnAbbassaidthat, "َBِ and a witness of her household bore(witness),
"was a bearded man,'' meaning an adult male.
Ath-Thawri reported that Jabir said that Ibn Abi Mulaykah said that Ibn Abbas said,
"He was from the king's entourage.''
Mujahid, Ikrimah, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, As-Suddi, Muhammad bin Ishaq and others also said that;
the witness was an adult male.
Al-Awfi reported that Ibn Abbas said about Allah's statement, and a witness of her(household bore witness),
"He was a babe in the cradle.''
Similar was reported from Abu Hurayrah, Hilal bin Yasaf, Al-Hasan, Sa`id bin Jubayr and Ad-Dahhak bin Muzahim, that;
the witness was a young boy who lived in the Aziz's house.
Ibn Jarir At-Tabari preferred this view. Allah's statement,
So when he saw his (Yusuf's) shirt torn at the back,
indicates that when her husband became certain that Yusuf was telling the truth and that his wife was lying when she heralded the accusation of betrayal at Yusuf,
he said: "Surely, it is a plot of you women!...''
He said, `This false accusation and staining the young man's reputation is but a plot of many that you, women, have,'
Certainly mighty is your plot!
The Aziz ordered Yusuf, peace be upon him, to be discrete about what happened,
O Yusuf ! Turn away from this!
do not mention to anyone what has happened,
And ask forgiveness for your sin,
addressing his wife.
The Aziz was an easy man, or gave excuse to his wife because she saw in Yusuf an appeal she could not resist. He said to her, `Ask forgiveness for your sin, the evil desire that you wanted to satisfy with this young man, and then inventing false accusations about him,'
verily, you were of the sinful.
0 notes
ailtrahq · 1 year
The sentiment around the XRP price has been mostly bullish lately with numerous predictions coming through for a potential rally. However, not everyone has joined the bull bandwagon after being disappointed by the XRP price performance. One analyst in particular has expressed its displeasure at XRP’s performance over the years, and as a result of this, the analyst wants to abandon the token. XRP Price Value Weakens One analyst who goes by CryptoCheck on the TradingView platform has put forward reasons for why he is no longer bullish on the XRP price. The analysis shows how XRP has underperformed the rest of the crypto market over the years, leading to the belief that the value of the token has weakened. CryptoCheck points to the fact that XRP has been unable to reclaim its first and only all-time high even though Bitcoin and a lot of altcoins have been able to do the multiple times. The crypto trader refers to this price performance as unusual when compared to other assets in the industry. The analyst laments the inability of XRP to put on the same kind of performance as other coins over the years despite its value proposition as being a cryptocurrency for institutions. “Other coins have long surpassed their ATH’s. But XRP made one high, and never again. This speaks of weakness in terms of value. And that can no longer be ignored,” the analyst writes. Furthermore, CryptoCheck compares the token to the likes of Dogecoin (DOGE) which is widely known for having no value and being a meme coin. Nevertheless, DOGE has hit multiple all-time highs while the XRP price continues to lag behind. “The truth is, if I bought as much DOGE as I did XRP, my portfolio would have been up x100 compared to now,” CryptoCheck adds. Weak support and stronger resistance | Source: Tradingview.com Will No Longer Accumulate XRP The culmination of CryptoCheck’s analysis comes from the fact that he will no longer be buying the token. According to the crypto trader, he had been religiously buying XRP due to his strong belief and ideology about the value proposition of the token. However, the XRP price performance has been nothing to write home about. The analyst attributes this to low trading volume for the token and investors not being interested in buying the token. Also, CryptoCheck points to what he referred to as a “Pump and Dump” price action which has led to XRP constantly forming “weak support zones and strong resistance zones.” Additionally, he explains that the rising unpopularity of XRP translates to weak confidence. As such, investors who are already holding the tokens are looking for a good opportunity to sell and exit, especially short-term traders. As for the analyst, he explained that the next course of action was to sell. “I have decided I will no longer accumulate. Instead, as soon as the price reaches higher than what I bought for, I will be looking to sell my bags,” he revealed. XRP bulls take control of performance | Source: XRPUSD On Tradingview.com
0 notes
teonys-jf · 2 years
so! dante time :>
dante corajio, he/him cis, biromantic/sexual. 17 when introduced
his brother, gene, is 6 years older than him and was acting as a parent after both of their parents went missing or had died. dante clung onto him because of this and gene felt inconvenienced but happy that his brother was there with him
gene had raised him to worship shad, dante was nervous about it but trusted his brother
{11} the day gene had been promoted to head guard dante felt overwhelming pride, and slight jealousy, and felt something wrong when he came home a little too late, even for a guard
{14} eventually he found the ‘relationship’ between the lord’s eldest daughter, crisiant holcombe, and gene. he ran away after seeing how uncomfortable his brother was and pretended to be asleep at home. gene went in that night to erase the memory but talked himself out of it, saying that it was just his brain messing with him
eventually, after the truth was messed up due to cris’ retelling and crocodile tears, feeling the axe swing down on his own neck is what really hurt. crissie’s sister, cerie, was trying to pull him away and settled with holding him instead
{15} dante applies himself to the guard academy a year later. the town has taken care of him but has never fully trust him, so he wants to show that he isn’t another version of their ‘gene’
in the guard academy he trained so hard that his body would give out, since he had to get better with listening to his body as his roommates would try and help him take breaks and make sure he’s okay
{17} once released because of how he got every possible thing done in the academy he was going to be sent back home but was intercepted by a call for help to the academy and was the most suited for the job. he was caught by the eastern wolf tribe because he looked like someone else at night, so he was wrongfully taken to their prison system with no way to talk his way out of it- partially out of fear and partially thinking on how to get out of there by himself {not saying more because idea spoilers}
once out and about in phoenix drop, he meets nicole. they fell hard and fast, as young love always does. they stay together for years. eventually dante felt that he was giving more than he was receiving and sat nicole down to talk about it. when she tried to speak her voice came out strained as she was crying. he thought she couldn’t explain her actions and work on them, so he told her that he loved her and exited
{23} when he started dating nana after being friends for so many years and seeking comfort in the loss of their friends together, they were happy and healthy
nicole was trying to tell dante that she was pregnant. he didn’t know until he had married nana and saw nicole walking around with a 2 year old at her side. dante rushed over to her with questions as the child reached up to his father asking to be picked up. nana came over to see why he ran away and it clicked fast. she asked to talk with nicole later. the three talked it out and agreed to take care of both children as a unit
dante had thought of laurence and garroth as brothers, so it was even more devastating when they disappeared without a trace. he was worried for their health constantly because of this but didn’t know that they would disappear for 15 or 16 years
when it came to the children of ath-breith-phoenix-drop {aphd} he wanted to make sure all of them were safe and that they could hold their ground in a fight. he trained them early and had the help of some older kids, like alexis and yip, with weaponry. they think about which weapon would fit who and the ‘safety level’ of the items
after all of these years, he still has his amulet. the safety one gene had given him for when he was scared or lonely. it was a symbol of the care they hold for each other, and when gene was executed, there was a hairline fracture that let dante know he hadn’t died. he keeps waiting to see him, well or not, and wants to hold onto him and never let go. he misses his brother dearly
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life-rewritten · 4 years
MANNER OF D*ATH -EXPOSURES VS COVERS (An analysis on Tan and That and their partners)
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Well hello there, I have just been rewatching episodes of MOD episode  4 and 5 repeatedly, and I have no words to say. The more the episodes go on, the more I get invested in this odd suspicious, and weird, maybe murderous found family with Bun, and Tan and their precious plant babies but also their little ones who look up to and who they have to take under their wings. Yeah I know it's not yet apparent, but Tan is definitely a protector figure to That and Sorawit is also probably going to find a role model following Bun. We love this weird new group, even though That was the one who had been threatening Bun since episode 2 haha, and okay  Tan may have also been the one to drug Bun and make him scared enough to come to live with him just to keep an eye on him, or that, That first speaks to Sorawit after beating him up awfully to protect his friend's pride, you know stuff romantic couples do. And it's just so adorable yet worrying that, That and Sorawit's blooming relationship is slowly mirroring a baby version of Tan and Bun's fast pace and growing passionate one. It's nice to see the effect both Bun and Sorawit have automatically on Tan and That despite them both being forced in an environment where feelings equal weakness because of the job they do. This is an analysis of how TanBun mirror ThatSorn and what that says about each of the character's dynamic and how this leads us right to the heart of our case and plot.
On Exposures and Covers
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Introduction to Tan
When we first see Tan we know he's important, one obviously because he's our romantic interest, and Bun can't keep his eyes off him immediately they meet. But apart from that, we can see he's already a bit shady, he walks around the club, face cold, looking around in an overprotective manner, and it's odd already, and we find out later on this is his club the Mist. Later we also see him apart from the smiles, and the faux girlfriend beat up Pued in retaliation to dragging his 'ex' which we have now found out, the way he beats up Pued, especially for someone who he doesn't even have feelings for like that is odd. There's this thing about Tan, where he automatically switches depending on who he is with. I've already mentioned about the masks he holds and has with people here. Still, it's even more than that, he's seductive sometimes, cold the next, aggressive at others, conniving at best, and he has this weird expressionless face whenever we see him at these moments, apart from with Bun where a smile lights up sometimes but even still you don't know if that's a cover or mask, or him actually enjoying and uncontrollably becoming joyful around Bun.
What we see with Tan is links to aggression, and corruption and violence, shocking, right? He's already connected to Dam, the person who is very protective of his group of boys including That. Dam is also related to brutality and aggression and corruption: one he's a henchman of one of the higher-ups, (Pued's father), he's merciless when it comes to hurting his people, and everyone is scared of messing with him.
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We see parts of Dam in Tan as we keep watching the show, especially with others, with Pued's father he shows the cold and protective henchman he is, with That he acts like his leader, and older brother (That works for Dam who he calls brother, Sorawit also says That is Dam's brother, seems like the group sees each other as a family) and he's the one who orders That to keep an eye on Bun and send him threats by being aggressive and sometimes violent to scare him. Other links shown; he holds a gun which he actively in episode 5 keeps hidden away from Bun, meaning it's something important not just a protection thing. Other signs of corruption that may not yet be fully proven are that he's not just a teacher at the school but a shareholder, he's wealthy enough, owns a bar and leads a bunch of kids who are just as rough and aggressive. And so that's important when we get to the bottom of this.
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The reason for his violence, aggression and actions as Dam so far has stemmed from one thing and one thing only; protection. He's used to being the protector of his group of boys, protector of Pued and his dad (who I'm still not sure if it's his dad and half brother but will make sense as well), the protector of Jane and now also the protector of Bun. As suspicious as he is, I don't think Tan is lying to Bun when he says he wants to protect him and keep an eye on him, it's real, and he means it. With everything he's done so far, doing all he has been doing secretly for the protection of Bun will make sense, he may know what happened to Jane partially. He's being threatening, suspicious and hiding secrets to getting Bun next to him so he can prevent him from getting hurt by the suspect, and hurting the mafia organisation he works for that he probably sees as a family or is part of as family. So Tan isn't a cruel villain who's sedating, ra*ing and exterminating women, it's still very worrying he is part of the in the know of who it could be.
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From episode 5 however it seems he doesn't know about it fully though, he seems to not understand if there is a drugring or s*xring with the girls, he's shocked Jane is involved in it and has sent That to try and find more details. He wasn't lying to Bun that he didn't know all the details. As mentioned before, Jane also told him she'll inform him later of her secrets and involvements, so he really doesn't know the full fact. But what does he know? Why is he quick to shut out Pat who has more information to tell about Jane and Pued's awful pimping relationship before we can learn more, why is he so desperate for this criminal not to get caught? 
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I think you guessed it; it'll put his family in a bad light, whatever that is. He's just doing his protection role, whoever is going to be damaged by the reveal is someone connected to him maybe the criminal is a family member, or perhaps because the mafia organisation is a version of a family, he's part of that too. He knows that Jane was being pimped to other men by Pued, so what does this mean? Why doesn't he have a clue about the medications, and does this mean that there's something else at play as well as the crime?
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Either way, although he's not the suspect, Tan is still worrying, he still holds secrets, and he still has covers. He's still desperate to prevent Bun from reaching the truth which means that what he's doing with Bun, all the looking like he's trying to solve the case, comes with an outcome, he's still out to deceive him and prevent him from finding out the truth. That means no matter what; he's still on our suspect list, and he's still a barrier to the truth that can't be trusted no matter how much he smiles lovingly at Bun, or flirts seductively or means what he says when he tells him he wants to protect him. Our romance is worth it, but at the same time, we're treading dangerous paths when it comes to Tan. Until we unveil what he knows about Jane and why he's hiding, he's still someone worth distrusting for now.
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Introduction to That
Which brings me to someone who definitely shadows Tan. A character who mirrors him and I think we can also parallel Tan with him to know more motivations and that is That. That, our first introduction to him is with Sorawit as well except unlike Bun and Tan's romantic lust, at first sight, haha, it was more upsetting. That starts off coming to Sorawit and well beating him up. So the first introduction we have of That is without a cover like Tan, we know he's part of a violent gang, that prevents people from messing around with them. The reason why he comes to beat up Sorawit is that one of the group told him he's dating Nam and that Sorawit was trying to steal his girl. Ahh, that makes more sense, because already you start to see how That is mirroring Tan as Dam, he's aggressive and intense because of the protection of his group. Once he realises the truth, he's shocked, and he proceeds to be angry at his friend and move on. The way we see he's connected with corruption is because no one is allowed to retaliate to his group, one because of Dam who protects them and two because his group is part of a gang that is supported and known by everyone in the village. He gets away with his acts of violence because people are afraid of them. As Sorawit points out, they're not to be messed with.  So That just like Tan acts on protection, and he does it the same way, with fighting, threats and warnings.
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The second time we see That we don't know it's him, but it is. He's the one who's been sending the threats to Bun once he starts telling everyone about Jane's manner of loss, he's the person who goes into Bun's house and threatens him under Tan's orders to stay away from the investigation. We see him working under Tan as Dam, and again we see what he does is connected to brutality, aggression and corruption. But it's important to notice how he mirrors Tan here, they're both working for other people to do something to hide the case, they're both using threats and secret covers and tactics to hide the truth about Jane's loss, and to prevent Bun from doing anything else. They're puppets of whatever organisation they're working for, forced to do what they do, and forced to protect their group as a whole.
That is like Tan, in which he has other higher-ups telling him what to do, whilst providing protection and benefits to him. That has evident power over his crew, just like Tan has the power of their group. Tan has a job where he oversees the bar, he's a shareholder. He has a powerful position to oversee his group and also he has an undercover assignment as a teacher to hide his cover as Dam. That has a reputation preventing people from messing around with him, probably money and a group to be part of when he works for Dam and the organisation. But whatever they do for the organisation has to be kept in secret, so they both have covers to prevent being seen.
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The next time we see That is different, he's with Sorowit again at this point. He falls and hurts himself, and Sorowit gets to see another side of him, they become closer, and we start to see a different version to That, the one that smiles, flusters or is more loyal and open just as Tan. This is also another important thing, although we've seen him do suspicious and morally wrong acts, he's still just a boy, who is working under orders, he's also someone who is trying to help to solve the case and help Sorowit with his issues. Who does that sound like when it comes to Bun? Tan.
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So we see these two connected to brutality, aggression, manipulation, deceit and corruption. We see them as puppets who work under the organisation and has to prevent the suspect from being found out despite how they feel about it. You can tell both don't know enough details, they're not the criminals, and the only reason they become severe or aggressive is because of protection; of who they care about, of who they work for, and of their 'family' and reputation. Thus they're not allowed to showcase emotions easily, they have to have a stern face on, they have to be cold and scary, so people don't cross them or don't take them seriously. They have to have masks and covers so that their identity and organisation isn't uncovered.
Well like That he's being forced to work under the organisation, if Tan is the leader of That's group, then he has his own person who orders him around to do things. Just like That; probably from a young age and he probably has to do it because it's family, perhaps after his mum died and he was forced to go stay with his father and half brother.
But in comes, Sorowit and Bun and they change everything.
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Exposures and Reveals
It's funny that when these two meet their partner, they become soft as jelly and without meaning to they start to break down their covers and masks. It's still a bit questionable if that's what they're doing as with Tan you still don't know if you can trust that his feelings are real and he's changed his aims with Bun. But it's been an instant thing for both couples once alone, their walls start to break, they start to realise their closeness, and they start to want to spend the rest of their time with each other. It's automatic, and it's angsty but romantic. Here's how they become exposed whenever they're around their partner:
Vulnerability vs Weakness
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Tan's walls already became shaken once Bun invaded his space from first sight and kissed him. It's like he was shocked but he knew he liked it. He became more flirty and seductive towards Bun, enjoying teasing and seeing his weakness. Although it becomes a cover to him to let Bun come stay with him, Tan becomes more vulnerable with Bun as time goes on, he starts to rely on his cooking, he begins to slowly open up about his family and his relationship with Jane. He starts to show a change in plans when it comes to his original goals.
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Tan starts to open up about his family, I think this is the first time we truly see him vulnerable, he's an open case when he discusses how much he loved his mum until she died, he unveils about other family secrets such as his dad's coldness and his half brother. He doesn't seem close to. That's him becoming vulnerable, he's becoming open to Bun, and his trust is starting to become stronger and change for Bun. It's starting to become natural to see him this way.
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With That, his vulnerability is shown once he and Sorawit are alone. Sorawit is able to hear him scream from his pain, and also see him fall. It's already a metaphor that he gets to see him fall and wounded, it's probably something others haven't seen of him, he's always acting cold, aggressive and threatening, that's how he seems when we first see him, he has a fearsome reputation. Still, Sorawit gets to hear him in pain and act like a baby. It makes him laugh because he wasn't expecting him to scream. Automatically That's cover is exposed to Sorawit and their relationship as you see changes, before they know it they're sticking near each other, and talking and helping each other with their issues.  
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In a way without meaning to both Tan and That are automatically vulnerable and weak/losing control of their coldness and covers because of Bun and Sorawit, for Tan once Bun kisses him he starts to feel something for someone. He knows and accepts it despite the fact he has to lie and hide to protect others, for That once Sorawit and him see each other alone, he gets exposed to how weak he could be when he's in pain, something he and Tan probably have never been allowed to show to others. Their walls are already broken before they know it, when they first meet their partner alone.
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This is the same for Sorawit and Bun. Bun is lawful and follows the rules, he's innocent and naive and doesn't like showing a lot of emotions. But when Tan shows up, no matter how much he feels he might be in danger or close to harm, he automatically wants to be with Tan and flirts with Tan as well. Although he's worried and scared, he changes his focus of Tan being a murder suspect to let him stay with him on the bed, to go home with him every day, to kiss him whilst drunk and to cook for him and show him care. That's how Tan makes him vulnerable, although he's meant to have a strong moral hold and belief in justice (the reason he also says he came to the town at first was to avoid corruption and issues with the law). Still, despite this strong sense of justice; when it comes to Tan it means nothing, it's like he forgets that Tan could also be part of the people messing with the law or part of the corruption. You can see how scared he is each time he thinks Tan is suspicious, and yet he still flirts and chooses to stay with him despite the signs. It's him letting himself be vulnerable with Tan. 
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Sorawit is the same, at first he gets poorly beaten by That, and he knows he probably should stay away from That as he and group are not to be messed with, but he doesn't.  Once he hears him scream, he finds him funny, and he becomes close to him without knowing. We see it in episode 5, he automatically (just like Bun) initiates closeness, he's the one who does the random taking care of That's wounds, he's the one who begins asking for the number, and he's the one who shows closeness and affection for That because of his friendly personality. 
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He likes hanging out with That, and he enjoys his time with him despite how they first interacted. He works with That to find Nam, and he asks That to stay with him because he's scared of ghosts.  Whilst Tan and That are exposed automatically by Bun and Sorawit despite their covers, Sorawit and Bun let themselves be vulnerable despite their fears to be with Tan and That.
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Trust and Naturalness 
That's why it's so interesting how automatic it is for them because their vulnerability is based on this innate trust and naturalness they have with each other. Despite the barriers with their morality, mindsets or suspicious behaviours, despite the covers and sneakiness and aggression, there's this trust that they won't hurt each other. Instead, there's a need to protect and care for each other to make themselves feel right. We see trust being implemented with these two duos, there's communication, conversation, and connection that is natural for them, there's the flirty chemistry, and the friendship built between them. A sort of intimacy formed despite the fears, mostly because Tan and Bun live with each other, they very closely interact and make sure that they know they're attracted to the other. With Sorawit and That, it's natural for Sorawit to seek help and advice from That about what bothers him. That is also naturally able to let himself be exposed (clothes being off and all) with Sorawit, and he accepts his initiations of friendship as well. It's cute, it's an excellent foundation for a relationship to be built.
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Warmth and comfort
But what's even more natural for these couples is their warmth and comfort to each other. Immediately Bun and Tan are living together, Tan feels nurtured and taken care of by Bun, he cooks well, he is a companion to stay with, and he's someone to discuss with and work with. Bun has also shown a healing effect as well; he's able to make Tan smile, and joke around despite his hardcover as Dam, he's able to make Tan soft and also warm (giving each other gifts of plants and finally deciding to take care of it together), able to also show attention by taking care of his wounds when he's hurt. They look forward to being with each other when stressed and just end up always waiting for each other at the end of the day.  And it's the same for That, apart from their first interaction, Sorowit also shows care for That, by taking him to the hospital, treating his wounds and making him smile as well when he teases him. Both these two couples like each other's presence and are more themselves with each other.
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Loyalty and Protection
So whilst Bun and Sorowit show healing and warmth and comfort to Tan and That, they do what they do best for them, protection and loyalty. It's what we connect them with, Tan decides to stick by Bun's side to protect him, and they become incredibly tied to each other.  Bun becomes one of his priority not just because of his aims or organisation but because he starts to care and worry for him. I think his goals have changed, now it's more to find out what he doesn't know about Jane and discover who's charge of this ice business and protect Bun whilst doing so from the criminal. And that's probably what That will also start to do for Sorowit, now Sorowit is more curious and beginning to be part of this case because of Nam, That will have to also keep an eye and protect him. We've seen him do it with his friends, so he'll probably to have to do that role with Sorowit. Because everyone who is being curious is being taken care of; we've seen Pat get removed this episode and it was because of his curiosity, and invasion.
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This is worrying because both Bun and Sorawit are not going to let go of their need to investigate this case. Not when both girls involved in this case, is someone they care about, Jane for Bun, and Nam for Sorawit. Also, Nam is still alive, so Sorawit will want to protect her and find out what's going on to prevent her from being hurt again, so he'll be even more determined to find the truth. I think just like Tan uses That to find the truth and investigate, Bun probably will get Sorawit to do the same for him? He's already invited inside the hospital room to see what happened to Nam (though in real life, that's not a good thing to do) and he has the same goal as Bun and a respect/ admiration for what he does. So it makes sense that he'll probably work for him.
So we're in for angsty couple things,; the drama, the danger, the betrayal, the opposites attract thing. But it's also worrying, Tan and That are forced to hold these masks and covers to work for an organisation that is clearly part of the suspect list, they know more than they're letting on and they're determined to hide the reason for why this is happening despite not knowing the full details.
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Sorawit and Bun are more in the side of justice both determined to find out why things are happening to the people they care about and how to stop it. However, this puts them in danger. Tan and That are slowly being exposed, their walls are breaking down, their covers are becoming unveiled, and they're slowly feeling happiness and warmth with their partner. 
And this is so important because it causes an obstacle for them;  do they protect the people they've been tied with for a long time, people they see as 'family' or a union they're loyal to, a place where they're both forced to be puppets and follow the rules without thinking about morality and justice, or do they protect the people they're falling for, that makes them happy, and provides them a safe space to be themselves. It's a dangerous game to play, a risk to take and from how the killer is determined to never be found it's not going to be easy to succeed and escape.
What I can say is that Tan and Sorawit aren't the final suspect, some how they'll have to fight for their love, and have to choose where they stand and overcome this barrier that is before them.
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Tan and That and the Suspect
I'm still torn about who we're looking for, who got rid of Jane and the other girls.  I'm inclined to think it's Pued's father or Pued, but it depends because I also believe they may be Tan's family (dad and half brother).  It could be the mayor who we know is being talked about and hinted to, but what if he is the criminal. The reason why Tan has to protect him is because his mafia organisation is funded by him, so his family members or organisation is being forced to keep his secret so that they don't fall apart or lose their reputation/corruption power etc.
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If he is the person,  it makes sense why so many people are determined to keep this a secret. However, it's disgusting that there is someone like him who is demanding girls to be pimped out, sedated and then assaulted by him because he's powerful. But that's what makes sense. We heard that Pued felt he had to give Jane to other men who are higher than him for his place to stay by Pat in episode 5, what if the mayor forces these girls to be pimped out by the organisation. It goes awry, and he removes them each time they show rejection or determination to expose him.  Tan is just a puppet who is forced to protect the people he cares about and let this happen because he can't do anything else for them. Maybe this is why Jane broke up with Pued because she was horrified by him doing this to her, and she wanted to expose it, but she got eliminated. That could be how she died for Love because Pued led her to the mayor/killer to be pimped out and she rejected it. It seems like the other students are also being pimped out directly by him because of money and medications. So that's also something that needs to be stopped.
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Overall Manner of death is so good. And I'm not shocked, I'm just happy, I enjoy the plot, I enjoy the characters, and they do have their own struggles, secrets and surprises. It's really precious to see a plot that still has romance but is really structured and written well, it's unique to BL, and it's also really sweet and romantic without forcing it to us like that. It's natural with MaxTul and TanBun, it's nice to see another couple that mirrors them that is a softer version. It's been great. Let's see how we unfold this mystery, unveil this romance and escape this dangerous situation we're in. Either way, it's going to be worth the ride.
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moraltaughtarchive · 3 years
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@vypcr​ asked: five times visited:      ( five times the sender and receiver visited each other )        ’ 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴𝚂 ’ 𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙱𝙱𝙻𝙴 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂.
first   time   they   visited,   it   was   hours   after   the   tournament,   when   they   got   to   the   fronch   porch,   there   she   was,   tory   nichols   sitting   on   the   doorway   of   her   home   and   for   a   moment,   sam   is   panicking   again.   but   that   panic   ends   up   in      a   rage,   that   is   subsided,   however   brief,   by   her   father’s   hand   on   her   shoulder.   she   barely   listens   to.   are   you   seriously   listening   to   her?   she   shouts   back,   even   when   tory   drops   a   truth   bomb   on   them,   that   silver   bought   the   referee.   that   miyagi-do   should’ve   won.   that   they   won   by   cheating.      they   look   at   each   other   once,   twice   and   the   topic   is   dropped   for   another   one.   it’s   the   first   time   she   hears   her   dad   speak   of   silver,   implications   driven   down   the   line   that   make   her   frown   and   how   easy   tory   seems   to   pick   on   everything.   there   is   a   sting   of   jealousy   there.   but   tory   leaves,   and   sam   tells   her   mother   to   never   get   tory   back   to   their   palce   again.  
then,   they   end   up   talking   through   messages.   it’s   weird,   but   sam   knows   her   uncle   louie   can   get   her   to   jail   and   they   came   up   with   a   plan,   only   man   who   knows   silver’s   weakness,   or   knows   him   well   enough   it’s   kreese.   so   sam   arrives   at   tory’s   place,   not   so   different   from   johnny’s   own   place   and   she   is   inside,   awkwardly   standing   as   tory’s   little   brother   brandon   looks   at   her   and   tells   her   he   saw   her   on   the   tournament   and   she   kicked   ass.   she   smiles,   however   bitter   she   feels   about   her   loss.   but   tory   drags   her   outside   in   no   time   and   neither   talks   about   what   happened   on   the   apartment,   sam   thinks   it’s   better   that   way.   she   doesn’t   want   to   attach   herself   to   her,   specially.
third,   came   around   the   time   chozen   arrived   ath   their   home.   he   is   living   at   the   dojo   and   her   dad   is   spending   most   days   and   nights   there   anyway.   she   visits,   because   she   is   family   and   the   dojo   is   technically   closed   and   a   house.   nothing   wrong   with   family   lessons,   right?   except   when   she   arrives,   tory   is   there   too,   by   the   entrance.   cobra   kai   is   too   much   for   her,   and   under   a   new   regime,   sam   wonders   if   tory   had   enough   of   that   rage   inside   her.   sam   does   too.   and   chozen   practices   with   tory,   she   practices   with   her   father.   she   only   sees   them   talking,   and   she   wonders   what’s   the   story   there.   they   do   kata   together.   or   try   to.   tory   gets   frustrated,   and   sam   still   aches   to   hit   something   inside.   they   are   not   ready.  
fourth   time   came   that   same   day,   when   at   night,   too   late   for   anyone’s   liking   they   had   to   go   home.   tory   said   she   would   walk   and   perhaps,   being   a   girl,   she   knows   that’s   not   a   good   idea.   so   sam   offers   to   drive   her   back,   making   an   excuse   that   she   needs   to   go   to   johnny’s   place   to   drop   something   so   she   is   on   her   way.   they   don’t   talk   much,   except   when   they   hum   along   the   same   song   when   the   radio   drops   a   2000s   early   hit   and   they   find   themselves   listening   to   NSYNC   it’s   gonna   be   me   and   jamming   in   the   car.   feels   too   natural,   too   easy.   sam   speeds   up,   dropping   tory   at   her   place   and   nodding   her   goodnight.  
fifth,   sam   invites   her   home.   her   parents   are   surprised   but   it’s   the   day   they   decided   to   confront   her   father   about   everything.   kreese   implied   the   events   of   1985,   and   so   did   his   father   but   the   truth   is   not   out   there   and   she   thinks   not   knowing   is   hurting   all   of   them.   so,   tory   arrives,   and   they   both   stand,   side   by   side   to   explain   their   plan   and   what   they   had   been   doing.   the   boys   are   all   in   mexico   but   her   father,   and   he   looks   shocked,   frustrated,   maybe   a   little   tired   by   all   that   is   happening.   her   mother   looks   somehow   proud,   if   not   concerned   when   she   hears   they   went   to   jail   and   visited   kreese.   but   when   all   is   said   and   done.   .   .tory   stays   around   for   diner.   sam   finds   herself   not   hating   the   idea.
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alhamdulillah10 · 4 years
The Fitnah Of Fearing Poverty
Sufyaan Ath-Thawree, (may Allaah have mercy upon him) said:
"There is no weapon for the shaytaan against the human similar to the fear of poverty. When it (i.e the fear of poverty) falls into the heart of the person, he prevents the truth (from being manifested), he speaks with the (evil, lowly) desires and he has the thoughts of evil about his Lord."
📚[Al-Mughnee ‘An Hamlil-Asfaar]
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ggukoo · 4 years
pairing :  sean wallace x reader 
word count : 1,050 
summary : your relationship with sean is going downhill and you both don’t know what to do. 
warnings : spoilers, d*ath
a/n : this wasn’t requested but suddenly i felt sad during a song and i was like hey let’s overthink and create something dramatic! it’s my first one-shot about sean so i’d be happy if you take it easy on me ^^
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lately you've been busy
wonderin' if you miss me
why did you go against me? i just wanna know
you knew it wasn't the same. you both knew you were far away now, no matter how hard you tried to bring the pieces together, glue them, tie them. every attempt to fix the mess has failed. anything you tried to keep this alive worked and you ended up feeling like a running child, breathlessly trying to catch the string of your kite. ready to burst into the tears, ready to watch them pool around your feet as the water increases right before it swallows your whole soul. no matter how many times you tried to ignore this feeling, he didn't fail to remind it back even though it wasn't his intention.
i was out there on the road, life out of control she became a victim to my busy schedule and i know that it's not fair, that don't mean that i don't care
he was ignoring the truth, trying not to feel, not to think just like you. he's always been better at not showing it, not letting people realize how badly it was eating him alive, losing the love of his life while living in the same house. watching her back as she sleeps, or lately pretend to sleep, and not feeling her heartbeats on his chest. not feeling her arms around his neck right before things evolve to making love eye to eye. how arbitrary phone calls ended a long time ago, saying 'i love you' was something you both said with the edge of your mouths. you knew you still love each other but can't a way to rekindle the spark and rebuild the connection once you had. and that was the worst. maybe if you had a very loud crisis or a real explosion in the middle of your relationship it'd be easier. you'd hate him and he'd hate you right before you pack your bags and ask him let you go, once you cry all the emotions and get yourself ready to leave your soul resting right next to him on your pillow. the moment you realized how much you loved him like no other before, you already knew  if this ends it wouldn't end well for you. it was obvious that you'd suffer more, you'd lose a bigger piece of yourself but you didn't want to think about that back then. you just run as fast as you can until you both realized your end has arrived.
wait maybe it's just a phase took a minute for you to say 'i'm sorry' don't ask if you really don't wanna hear it when i'm tellin' you how i feel you're bothered
your effort of delaying the inevitable end didn't change the truth, not one bit. when you realized you felt happy after having a simple conversation about your day with a few sentences then saying 'goodnight' to each other, you knew it was the time. this couldn't go like this because there weren't even ups and downs. your relationship's heartbeat got flatline. the relationship once you saw as your safe house was crumbling and falling down.
you don't feel a way you're gone away you don't listen you promised it wouldn't change
finally you decided to open up to him and give him some time to get ready like you both weren't trying to for weeks. 'try to come home early tonight, sean. we have to talk.' you said without looking away from your plate and that was why you missed everyone's shocked and nervous expression, including sean. but he was quick to collect himself. he knew this was something about to happen but did he want to acknowledge it. 'i'll try. can't it wait though? we might be busy with th-' 'it can't. you're always busy and you can be busy as long as you want after this.' he frowns at your words and your calmness. how did you end up like this? when did you get far away from him like this? it was like your body was right in front of him but your soul was across the ocean. he found himself wondering if any vacation or any gift could fix this. was there any way of fixing your heart after all these months? after all the pain he put you through? his thoughts got interrupted with your hand on his shoulder and a simple 'have a nice day.'
girl you always catch me at the bad time when i know you probably think it's a lie and i know i told you last time was the last time how could you pull the plug and leave me flatline?
he tried to hold onto this moment before losing you forever because he somehow knew this was the last time you touched each other. ''i'll, love.' he collects some courage before speaking again. 'i love you, y/n.' he notices how quickly you froze and it hurts him seeing you so unfamiliar to him. oh how he wishes he could go back in time and keep you closer, tighter. but you still surprise him with your 'i love you more, sean.' it was the purest way of showing your love towards each other and like a line which you didn't cross no matter what you were going through. he knew it was too much for you now but found himself apprecieting your effort anyway. maybe, just maybe, he could fix this and win your heart fully back. he knew he didn't deserve to hope this but he couldn't let his person go without showing any effort. he left the house with these thoughts and you on his mind. 
that was a day before it happened. the incident. he couldn't make it home like he thought. he couldn't make it back to you. not even for the last time.
i'm just scared you're gone away you promised it would stay the same
your last interaction was genuine regarding your situation, like you felt what was coming. it was the last thing he'd found himself thinking during his very last minute, as he laid on that floor while bleeding. you were the last thing on his mind right before everything slipped away and went dark.
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