#he saw his father as a big threat because of his relationship with the child's mother
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tojisun · 8 months ago
remembering our final lecture and how my philosophy prof tried so hard to maintain composure when talking about freud's theory about the origin of theism until he (prof) finally got to the part where freud mentions how a child sees his father as a threat, and poor dude just had to take a break, drag in a deep breath, and then go back to discussing about freud's paper.
he then looked at us after finishing the text, and weakly went, "so? what'd you think?"
and there was a genuine moment of silence before someone finally broke down laughing
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gayofthefae · 8 days ago
Okay but let's talk about this as a beautifully accurate representation of where El was in her healing here
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She was abused by a man. In her healing, however, she found safe figures: a single father, a boyfriend, and two male best friends.
She is in a safer situation now. BUT
She has a VERY REALISTIC aversion to other women! She sees Max here from the moment she first saw her through the window only as competition for male attention. This is INCREDIBLY realistic and amazing to be shown so. Because trauma symptoms like this do not disappear immediately with safety - that's the definition of trauma 'symptoms', which only become disordered when not needed.
In her environment in the lab, especially with the now-knowledge of her siblings, she was not only appeasing the highest power which was a man, but she was in constant competition for that attention. We also know now: she was losing in that competition. But even when her only memories were of being an isolated "only child" abuse victim, the symptoms also make sense - the combination of conscious and subconscious memory creating the same trauma response.
The stakes of failing to gain approval from a man may no longer be public humiliation, verbal abuse, imprisonment, assault, electrocution, or abuse of loved ones (referring to 001's electrocution), but that doesn't mean the instinctive response isn't still very much there.
A man is someone to be appeased. A man is someone you seek approval from. A woman is someone you compete with for their approval. Only one can win. She doesn't have to actively believe Mike will hurt her to feel a general sense of high stakes and threat from Max being in his life.
It's why her relationship with Max the following season and prioritizing not just Max but a woman's approval over a man's and his desires from her is SUCH a big milestone. Because in season 2, she sees Max as a threat. A threat to her remaining prioritized goal, which we can interpret as being what she is so adamant about as her goal in the beginning of the season: male attention.
In season 1, she had Mike's attention and was rewarded with it. The only times she lacked it, he yelled at her or ignored her. Not in a way that genuinely resembled Brenner so much as triggered it - much like her triggers relating to him in season 4. So regardless of whether or how she factors that in, she either quantifies the idea of lacking his attention as connecting with some level of danger or neglect OR she does not factor those memories in making something differently scary: unknown stakes.
If a person is abused by someone who treats them nice when they do something wrong and poorly when they don't and form a new relationship with someone who is safe but they have never severely messed up with that person, they will hold that fear until they mess up and it's okay - likely repeatedly. As the abuse would have been long-term, they need to reassociate the consequences of mistakes. This is much of what we see in El's fears about Mike in season 4 and what I've talked about: because they are one of the only relationships of any kind that have not "broken promises" severely up until this point, she has no data on what will happen if she does. She doesn't believe he will harm her, but she does hold the very clearly stated belief that lack of attention means lack of love, and further that she is unlovable. This is the same reason it was so important for her and Hopper to break all their rules in season 2 - to demonstrate to her that making mistakes is a safe thing for her to do, the consequences of which may be anger but not danger or abandonment.
So with that fear for her in mind, as we know it in general and as it applies to Mike and continues to through and well past season 2, let's talk about her goal of Mike's attention in season 2:
In season 2 episode 2, we see her crying when Mike gets up and leaves the walkie. Of course, she misses him, but we did not see this response before. She is fearing that she is losing him. It's after this point that she becomes increasingly desperate to see him, fighting Hopper harder, yelling and throwing things, before ignoring his warning of danger to break out and see him. The reason the scene with Max is so emotional for her is not because she never thought he would move on, but because she was recently starting to fear that he would. She felt him slipping away and was feeling an increasing urgency to it, that if she didn't act now he would move on from her. She checked in with him every day and sites later that she was given comfort from his daily calls, but he starts to get more self-berating in them to himself for trying in the first place...until the breaking point. And she was right. After that, Mike stops calling, as we know from the number of days she recites later. So after she got that giving up on her call on Halloween night, the next morning she argued with Hopper for the first time in the "when is soon?!" argument where she psychically throws his plate into him. The subtext of "on day 700? On day 800?!" is "We're on day 354 now and I'm already losing him. I'll be too late in a few days, let alone years." So she sneaks out to see him in an attempt to save him before he finally slips away. And what she sees, to her, is that she's too late. Completely out of her control, and driving her anger towards Hopper further, she missed her window, and she lost him. She lost his attention - to another girl. In her mind, if she returns now, he'll never love her again. That's what happens when you lose someone's attention: you're unlovable. So she leaves for Chicago indefinitely, for a time even seriously considering not returning, even for Mike. The only reason she does is because she thinks she can give him something.
But when she sees Mike, he is thrilled to see her. And when she sees Max, all Max is to her is the girl who almost stole him. Who would have given a couple more days. Because she was raised on the idea that only one person can be loved at a time, the rest discarded, and that love is a competition that must be both won and maintained. Not only that, but that that competition is for a man's attention, therefore against other women.
Pre-season 1 El's life depends on whether she can achieve and maintain positive attention from a man. The stakes are high. In season 1, El is able to achieve positive attention from a man. The stakes are not high, but she has no way of knowing that. In fact, "a promise is something you can't break ever" likely interprets as reinforcing it to a traumatized mind. She also learns(this doesn't mean it's true) that the only way for her to maintain that attention is to be of service via her powers, as each time Mike is angry with her, she is able to regain it by making contact with Will or saving Mike using her powers. She has now learned that, based on the model she was raised on of love being something to be maintained, she is not lovable if she falls short of heroic. She ends season 1 with the ultimate heroic act: self-sacrifice.
In season 2, though she has Hopper, she is prioritizing her original validating male attention, Mike. Because Mike believes her dead, she feels powerless as she is unable to maintain the attention she cultivated from him. She cannot actively lose it either, so all she can hope to do is return to him before the slow fade goes all the way out. But she becomes increasingly desperate to catch him in time as urgency increased based on time-lapsed and his behaviors she's observed. His attention towards her is waning. She needs to get it back before it's lost. This is urgent to her and it is high stakes, because she's a thirteen year old in love? No. Because a man's attention was once life and death, and her body has not left that state, regardless of conscious beliefs about Mike. So she sneaks out despite the known danger - because in her traumatized body, the danger of losing a man's attention is equal if not surpassing to the risk of being seen. She thinks of losing Mike's attention if she doesn't go as an inevitability and being caught as a less likely risk, and if you think of the stakes of those situations as equal, the decision is clearer. So she goes, and she sees that she's too late. She has lost his attention. She is heartbroken and leaves. She fights with Hopper, she finds out about her mother and who she was or could have been and this is where that healing gets started. She prioritizes a woman - her mother. Then she prioritizes a woman - her sister. It is also incredibly important that Kali is the leader of the gang. Her approval is the most important, not Axl or anyone else's - who are first presented to her as the most intimidating, insulting and threatening her until Kali is a revealed as the true boss. She heavily considering not returning to the men who she considers to be lost to her: Hopper is angry with her, meaning she has lost his attention and approval, and Mike has moved on, meaning he would not care for her return. Hopper's apology is a huge part of it, because it is likely only the second she has ever received (Lucas) and the first elaboration of love. He teaches her for the first time in her life that anger is not a lack of love or punishment and that it can actually be based in love, though that does not make him less responsible, and most importantly, something she has never seen, he demonstrates capacity for guilt. He loves her enough to feel bad about hurting her. She's never had that before. Hurting has simply been an act to revoke love as purposeful punishment and the people who do it have stood by and repeated those actions. She then sees too that they are in need of her help. She now knows two things: Hopper does love her. Her powers make Mike love her. She returns - going to Will's house, not Mike's or home, with intention to save the day, not reunite. It seems from her surprised look that she didn't know Mike would be there, so we can also assume the case for Hopper, but likely only the Byers. She has returned to save the day, as is her value. After her reunions, she ignores Max. Because Max, to her, is solely a threat, as only one person can win Mike's attention and if Max is in her life, there's a risk that it isn't her, for which, as we've established, the stakes would be very high. Learning that Hopper's love for her is unconditional is not the same as learning that she is unconditionally lovable. To segue, though, Hopper apologizing in the car cements that fact for her in her relationship with Hopper: "I guess we broke our rule" - that making mistakes is okay and not a threat to her safety.
In season 3, however, she starts out being neutral about Max but not close. They seem to not interact much and just share a physical space together, as Max seems intimidated when El first approaches her one on one. The only reason for which is to regain a man's attention. El is happy at the start of the season because she sees Mike every day and is keeping his focus and has been consistently "every day for six months" as Hopper references. She feels that his attention is a secure thing. So when she loses it unexplained, she is very surprised and confused. The remaining stakes in this for her are very clear by the fact that she seeks advice from someone she dislikes after under one day of not having his attention. She goes to Max for advice on how to regain his attention. Max is also no longer a threat to her as she knows now Max is not pursuing Mike's attention. Max says she needs to relax for a day because giving him a taste of his own medicine will get him to understand and come back. And she suggests that if he doesn't act properly in response, she dump him. This IS huge for El when she follows through. It is an impulse she would have been very averse to before having the support of Max. She is starting to value women's attention more. But it is also true that it was merely an impulse. That night, she needs comfort when she's reminded that they're broken up (this is because she misses him, yes, but no action or emotion is untouched by trauma responses as an abuse survivor). Max tells her to not worry because he'll come crawling back any moment begging for her to come back. This is nice to her because it validates the healing idea she learned from Hopper last season: that she is missed and people who hurt her feel independent guilt. Though the breakup is big for her, we know it doesn't solve everything from her persistent symptoms in season 4. Because though progress, every step of the breakup so far is a tactic. It is an empty threat, just like Max makes to Lucas, to get Mike back. At this point, she has never truly believed that they will stay broken up. Which is also why a huge step in the season is her ANGER towards him when she sees that he is remorseless and expects HER to come back to HIM. She wants his attention, and it's better than nothing that he still wants hers, but she now has Hopper as a healthy comparison to raise her expectations. Her expectations have been raised to expect remorse for hurting her(huge!). So when he does come "crawling back" SHE DOESN'T LET HIM. Again, HUGE FOR HER! She even argues that maybe Hopper was right in suggesting they spend time apart. Of course, this too, is said in anger and not commitment, as many such things are in life. Because he did not apologize in earnest, he shifted blame to Hopper. He 'explained', but he did not apologize. We know it is said in anger not follow through because in the very next episode he offers an olive branch, subtly implying regret for his previous comment by making fun of himself for it, and she immediately looks at him with interest again, showing she never genuinely stopped wanting to be together. She is not ready to forego his approval, but is still major progress for her hold out on it until her standards are met and he has yet to fully apologize. She then overhears him say he loves her which steps EVERYTHING up and I would argue actually causes major regression for her. It is the classic moment of regression: there is something she has been slowly learning not to chase after...and she gets it. She got the thing she craved. But she still holds onto her growth in holding out for that apology that she gets in the mini-mart the following episode. She has communicated with him her needs - trust - and received an apology. In the apology, though, he attempted to tell her he loved her but they were interrupted - she knows this, she heard the attempt, but it seems that he intends to follow up himself at the next opportunity, then everything gets complicated, so she lets him initiate like he seems to want to on his own time.
(had to paragraph break bc tumblr gave me a warning)Then, she loses the only man in her life who she has confirmed unconditional love from. She no longer has that to return to. It's the last day and she's leaving without having Mike as her boyfriend again. Not previously mentioned, but that is also pertinent because in season 2, she was shown learning English from movies that idolize romantic love about all - even using the name Michael. She lacks her father's attention now and doesn't want to leave without Mike's to hold onto in her shift to complete unfamiliarity, so she gives him one last chance to do it himself, then decides to initiate on her own and tell him she loves him. She, naturally based on what she overheard, assumes that nerves are the only reason he hasn't said it/gotten back together, so this will solve them. To her, she has his attention again.
Pre-season 4, they have been writing consistent letters and are implied to talk on walkies when Mike has access to Dustin's radio, as El has a walkie in her room with her Mike-things. When it comes to letters, there is a maximum amount of attention you can get or give and she is getting it...almost. She's started to notice the pattern that, though she pointedly signs her letters "love" every time, he always signs "from". In retrospect, she realizes that the his last attempt to tell her he loves her was mere hours before it was first discovered that she lost her powers. She isn't the hero to him anymore, so, just she felt in season, she has stopped being lovable. Although in season 1, the tone was different. In season 1, it was "I can make myself lovable with my powers! I can get love I haven't had before!", but now it's "I have the ability to lose that love". Despite her personal efforts, losing her powers makes her incapable of maintaining his love, which she still believes she must do. She is also being bullied. Not only has she lost her powers, but she is failing socially. She still has Mike's attention, but like in season 2, though for different reasons, she fears that it is waning. She lies to him in the letters to maintain it and when he arrives, plans the entire day with the sole intention of winning him back/convincing him to love her, to the point of completely excluding Will from it: "I want today to just be about you and me". Because in this case, Will, too, is capable of stealing his attention from her, though she wouldn't blame him the way she did Max, she still protects herself from it. Because she believes that if he finds out, she will lose the last bit of his attention she had and he will discard her. Which is also why, even after being caught clear and red-handed, still she asks Angela to lie for her. Because this is still high stakes for her. We then see a direct confirmation when Mike is directly paralleled to Brenner in her flashback. But this is not the first time he is paralleled to Brenner. Mike has been a representation for the stakes with which she views male attention the entire series - which is why only Mike and Hopper are directly paralleled to Brenner, a Brenner parallel means high stakes attention - season 4 is just the first time we're seeing her when she's actually failed to attain it and can no longer assume she would have been fine. She had started to believe that she was lovable to him in season 3 as he expressed missing her when they broke up, but she now views her powers as the only thread causing that. He views her as "incredible", not lovable. Everything he 'loves' her for, she no longer is. And as Mike's cut line describes, she somewhat gives up here. But not in an independent way. In a resigned way. Not "I don't need your love", but "if you can't love me it's because no one can". So she leaves. She leaves to become lovable again.
And when she sees the first man to ever teach her she was worthless, she runs at first - of course, he represents danger on a base level. But then he tells her he is confident he can, to her mental translation, make her lovable again, and she goes with him willingly. Because at the end of the day, too, every moment spent trying to convince any man to love her was just an attempt to relive and rewrite her relationship with Brenner to convince him to. That opportunity is in front of her again, and she can't pass it up.
Because none of this was about Mike. And none of it was about Hopper. And none of it was about Max. It was about Brenner and her siblings. She has spent the entire series fighting for male attention and seeing others as competition for it without knowing why. Season 4 is about her learning way. In season 4, she uncovers and processes the memories that founded her belief that love must be repeatedly earned and maintained and the consequences for it not being are abuse and death. Now that she can point to the exact memories that taught uniquely her that, it no longer looks like a fact of life. And she can let it go. She can let him go.
She has someone to blame now. "I came her to find out if I was the monster. But now I know. It is not me. It is you." She has someone to blame.
It isn't her fault for failing to earn his love. Because love is not be earned. "Papa does not tell the truth". That was a lie he told her to get away with it. She has someone to blame now. Which also means she has someone to let go.
She's free. She reunites with Mike and he is just Mike to her. He is no longer a mirage of her abuser abandoning her over and over again. Will is just Will. He is not someone she'll be locked in a cage for not being able to be.
So when she said she was worried Brenner was right about it being soon, it is guilt towards Max only. Hypotheticals she could have done differently. But she says that to Mike as just Mike. And she goes to her room and she sees her dad as just her dad. And her mom isn't competing for her dad and her best friend isn't competing for her boyfriend and neither is her brother. Because she doesn't need it anymore. That's what not needing it is.
Because she never need Mike to love her. She needed Papa to love her. She doesn't need that anymore, so Mike is what he always was. Not needed, but wanted. She never needed Mike. So not needing him now is good thing. It means he's just Mike to her <3.
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thefeastandthefast · 18 days ago
So talking with @elderflowergin a few days ago got me thinking about the theme of debt in this show... In Chinese, the language of indebtedness is often used to characterize interpersonal relationships- one of my favorite examples is describing a difficult child as their parents' unpaid creditor from a past life!
The language reflects the accepted moral expectation of both kindness and treachery requiring repayment in kind. I'll leave it to someone with more expertise than me to dissect how the origins of these linguistic conventions arose from a culture shaped by both Confucian philosophy (which emphasizes the social obligations of individuals within their family, community, and country) and Buddhism (particularly the part about karmic debt).
Anyway, the way indebtedness plays out within the relationships of Mudan and Jiang Changyang compared to Mudan and Shengyi is so interesting (and in the latter case, totally heartbreaking) to me.
I’m a little obsessed with how Jiang Changyang and Mudan are increasingly playful and casual in the way they talk about their debtor/creditor relationship and all the big and small ways they owe each other. There’s a relaxed sort of intimacy in the giving and taking and a sense of stability and safety in the owing. To these two, the owing means continued opportunity for reciprocity and mutual indebtedness.
They are taking their sweet time with the accounting. To fully clear the balance would end the nominal reason for further entanglement. The indebtedness allows them cover to discover each other as two people on equitable footing.
It also allows Jiang Changyang to show Mudan over and over again that he will never bargain or scheme to take her autonomy. Mudan will happily owe that which can be calculated in cash and paid in full. But she will not be induced to take on the emotional and psychological debt used to trap women with the creditors patriarchal feudal Chinese society has designated for them. That kind of intangible debt can never be cleared, forever remaining a burden.
She refused that debt to her father, when she left behind without a backward glance the dowry she took from his house into her marriage. She refused that debt to her male cousin, turning away from the soft landing of his protection in Chang’an.
It’s only possible for Mudan to find pleasure and delight in her emotional entanglement and no fear in her indebtedness to JCY because she is not at the mercy of his generosity, in the way Liu Chang is with the County Princess and the Prince of Ning. As fucked up as it is that she had to ask him to literally buy her to get her out of the military camp, she, and we viewers, feel only relief and not discomfort when we find that he had already done so.
But in Mudan and Shengyi's relationship, we see that Shengyi was never able to see herself as being on equitable footing with Mudan. Shengyi's deep chasm of insecurity and self loathing made it so that every moment of real warmth and love and success felt bestowed upon her out of charity, not something she was an equal partner in creating.
She couldn't see her friendship with Mudan as continued opportunity for the pleasure of reciprocity and mutual indebtedness. Instead she saw it as a growing pile of debt exchanged for the illusion of happiness and safety. She tried her best to keep up her end of this deal she thought she was making- redeeming Mudan's mother's necklace as soon as she was financially able, buying her new clothes, guarding her from what seemed like the threat of the flower guild's spy, etc. But when Mudan lost almost everything because of Shengyi's vulnerability to Wang Qing's deception, in Shengyi's mind that debt became crushingly impossible to ever repay.
That's why she refused to return, even after Mudan made it clear she was still a beloved friend and valued partner. That's why she collapsed in broken sobs when Mudan asked if the price for seeing the truth wasn't too costly. My heart ached watching that scene knowing Shengyi would never go home after that. Shengyi's first big decision that she made on her own after a lifetime of coerced transactions was a terrible deal that figuratively speaking bankrupted herself and her dearest friend.
What is bleakest about Shengyi's end is that I think she killed Wang Qing more as a way to resolve her and Mudan's unfinished business, rather than as justice for herself. She stayed and took the abuse as a form of penance, until she figured out a way to clear her balance and her conscience.
Her last words were, more fully translated than what was on Viki: 无法选择如何生,却可以选择干干净净得走 (Though I can't choose how to live, I can choose to go, clean and tidy.) Of course clean and tidy can mean the manner of her suicide, but I feel it refers more to Shengyi finally feeling like she's able to fully repay Mudan for her kindness and compensate her for her pain, owing nothing. The tragedy is that Mudan never wanted such clean and meticulous accounting- she only wanted Shengyi to live well and be free.
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microwavesaferat · 2 months ago
This is a different topic than my usual stuff, but I was relistening to Epic: The Musical and wanted to talk about my personal interpretation of Calypso's character both within and out with the musical.
So a couple things to consider when going into this:
The original material and the biases/lense that it was created through
The long game of telephone that has moulded the current view of her character
The changes made from the Odyssey to Epic
In the original material, Calypso is trapped on the island of Ogygia for supporting her father, Atlas, in the battle between the Titans and the Gods. When Odysseus washed up on her shore, she took a fancy to him and proceeded to attempt to court him. She did not take no for an answer and in fact cast spells on him through song to force herself onto him. It is noted that, later in his stay on the island, Odysseus would spend most of the day crying on the shore before being forced into bed at night.
TLDR: in Greek Myth, Calypso is a horrible person.
In Epic, some liberties are taken for a multitude of reasons:
Dramatic effect
Narrative flow
Thematic storytelling
Making it more 'PG'
The big one here is the last point, although Epic covers a lot of violent acts and tough topics, but some aspects do need to be cut in order to not make the musical too graphic. For example, in the original myth, Odysseus and Circe definitely have sex, in fact, she has a child with him. So Jorge trimmed down the complicated relationship Odysseus has with Calypso, that is perfectly fine, in fact, it probably works better in the medium than being 100% accurate.
To talk about the version of Calypso in Epic; she was cast away as a child and naively fell in love with the first person she saw. My interpretation lies somewhere in-between these versions. I believe she was isolated on the island (something present in both), but I do not believe she was entirely well meaning yet harmful.
Calypso, at least in my eyes, became obsessed with the first contact she has had in a century and did, like a school-child, gain a naïve crush. But I believe she was cruel and manipulative to Odysseus and is not free of blame for what she did.
Based on the lyrics present in Paradise, she does not reveal her Godly nature until after Odysseus threatens violence if she does not leave him alone, this is a threat to him. She will play nice as long as he does, but she always has the upper hand. She also uses his friends' words against him to manipulate him (open arms), plus she almost completely ignores everything he says during the song to continue her fantasy of a perfect couple.
In Not Sorry for Loving You, she sings a very half-hearted apology that sounds like a YouTuber apology video where she apologises for how he interpreted her behaviour (I'm sorry if my actions offended some people), she blames her actions on her own problems (I've been having a real hard time you guys and wasn't thinking straight). My interpretation is that, she is (as she says) not sorry and is fully aware of what she did, just hoping he would believe that she was simply trying her best and that he would choose to stay.
An important factor that stops Calypso from being 100% awful is that she is a goddess with a skewed interpretation of mortality and of human emotions. She doesn't understand why this is such a big deal to Odysseus to be faithful and get home soon, they have all the time in the world. 7 years is merely a moment in her lifetime. It is also important to note the general reception to Calypso's actions at the time of the Odyssey. It was common for mythological characters to take war brides and the like in many Epics, even Achilles has a bride given to him as a spoil of war. The use of an action like sex in the Odyssey is to demonstrate a power imbalance and a sense of ownership. Calypso takes Odysseus like a spoil of war because he has lost and the Gods have won. In the Odyssey, Calypso does not do this because she is a horrible person, but because Homer wanted to demonstrate the loss Odysseus has faced.
I also find it weird that Calypso is brought up so much surrounding the topic of consent when, in the original myth, Circe does the same exact thing. In fact, it's like her main thing. She turns Scylla into a monster for being with a man she likes, she turns a king into a beast for noting accepting her courtship and has sex with Odysseus in exchange for help home, giving him a child.
The changes for Circe in Epic work because Circe's job in the story is to demonstrate Odysseus's wit and his devotion to Penelope, so she can still help him after he proves he's 'not like other men' (he's a monster rah rah rah). With Calypso, you cannot make it so that she respects his choice, or that would make for a pretty chill 7 years.
TLDR: In both the Odyssey and Epic, Calypso is more important as an idea than as a character. She serves to show how far Odysseus has sunk, lost the war and has been taken as a spoil, defeated and broken.
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the-dragon-hearted · 2 months ago
Love in Arcane
There are a lot of themes in Arcane but an overarching theme is the dangers of love. Often times, love is put on a pedestal and mistaken as sacred. Love is always good, always "pure".
Arcane actively pushes against that.
I think a lot of the discourse surrounding some of the relationships wouldn't be as big if we recognized that love is just... not always a good thing. Silco and Jinx, Powder and Vi, Mel and Ambessa, they all display that - let me explain.
Silco and Jinx: Probably the most obvious example of this
Silco loves Jinx. This earnestly cannot be argued, he was willing to throw away his dream of an independent Zaun because he could not handle the idea of betraying her. Not losing her - betraying her. Hurting her. He was willing to give himself up, telling Jayce everything she did was what he ordered. It is not a possessive twisted love where he wants her near - he has spent her entire life promising that he won't betray her and he meant it.
That does not mean Silco is a good father. He loves her - absolutely. But love is not always good. Everything Silco passed on to Jinx was an example of how he saw the world. Silco was a paranoid, hurt man and as such he made his daughter a paranoid, hurt woman. Love forms us, it teaches us and builds us. Silco loved Jinx but he hated Piltover. He was willing to use violence and use people to get to his goal and he taught Jinx that those methods were acceptable. And he loves Jinx, so she learned.
And after he dies, part of her healing is unlearning those lessons. It's no mistake the ghost of Silco she sees in that cell is a somber one - warning her about the cycle of violence she knows all too well. It's no mistake that Silco's solution was one he never managed to do.
A parent can love you, but that does not change who they are. It does not change what they teach you. Especially if they think they're right.
Powder and Vi: this one hits a lil personally for me
Violet is a parentified older sister, she doesn't just feel responsible for Powder - it's her purpose. It's more than a role to fill or a job to do, if something happens to Powder it is Violet's fault.
And Powder? Vi was everything to her. She looked to Vi for praise, for guidance. Everything she was supposed to seek out in a parent she had to look for in a fellow child. And when Violet leaves her (not really but that's how she understands it), she is ripped away from the only source of dependency she has. So there's a level of resentment there and a fear of further abandonment. Because if the most reliable person in her life can leave her, who won't?
When they reunite, Vi is trying to fulfill a role Jinx no longer needs. Jinx is independent. A lot of people try to say that Vi made Jinx or Silco made Jinx but remember that at the end of the day, Jinx is Jinx. She is a person who makes her own choices and has to find her own path. Violet can't recognize that until it's too late - and then, because she's known her whole life that it is her purpose to take responsibility for Powder, she betrays everything she ever stood for, puts on an enforcer badge, and takes to the streets to try to atone for her failure.
Vi sees Jinx as her failure.
And Jinx? When Vi comes back she tries to find that dependency she once knew. She tries to figure out if she can still depend on that sister who once meant the entire world to her. But she can't. She never should have. And learning that the person you idolize most sees you as either a child or a threat is gutting. Jinx is not a child, so she must be a threat. Because Vi can't love Jinx, she loves Powder. And Jinx can't be Powder anymore, and if that's the case then Violet can't love her.
They both do love each other. They love the memories of the other. Who they once were. When they start to learn about one another again and rekindle that siblinghood it becomes healthier - it's more meaningful and respectful but before then? No matter how hard Violet tried, even if Jinx had chosen to be Powder again, their love would not have been healthy. Violet needed to learn that Jinx was her own person. And that she was not responsible for her, not anymore. Jinx needed to find herself and recognize Vi's failures. Recognize Violet as a person too.
Because siblings change. They grow. Apart and then back together, usually. Siblings love each other but you have to love more than the person someone used to be. Otherwise, you're just pouring your grief on the person they've become.
Ambessa and Mel:
Perfectionist mother meets over-achiever, independent daughter. This is the clearest cut of all the relationships, in my opinion. We know Mel resents that her mother sent her away because she wanted to stay. She wanted to make her mother proud and if she couldn't make her proud she'd damn well spite her. And Ambessa? She loves Mel. She makes that very clear.
But sometimes, love is not something to desire. Sometimes love is synonymous with prison.
Ambessa's love meant she wanted her children to be survivors. Fighters. Winners. She wanted her children to be her.
Mel? Mel figured out quickly enough she didn't want to be her mother, she wanted to be herself. She feared what her mother could do but recognized the tactics and skills she honed were granted to her from the cradle.
That last word: "You have become the wolf."
The nail in the coffin. All the love, all the adoration in that tone, and yet Ambessa's love condemns Mel to a life she never wanted. Because now Mel is her mother's daughter. She is the wolf her mother raised. The heir. Mel loses everything she built and fought for as her Mother dies in her arms, by her hands.
Love. Succession. They can coexist with hate and damnation.
You can love someone and hurt them. Being loved can be hurtful. Love does not mean healthy. It does not mean good. Because love doesn't really have a tangible definition. You can love someone with everything in your body and still be bad for them. Someone can love you with all they have and yet haunt you long after their gone. I think we've placed love on this untouchable pedestal that we dare not touch or critique.
Because: "If it's bad for you it can't be love. No - people who love you don't hurt you. Love is only good. Love is good!"
It's important to know that being loved does not equal being happy, fulfilled, or safe. Better love exists. Healthy, meaningful, caring love exists. But even that will not always be perfect.
Love hurts. Love can be the most hurtful thing out there. Adoring someone rides a find line with glorifying them - love doesn't do that. Love knows your faults. It comes with faults. And adding the right combination of faults can make love a twisted sort of thing. Toxic is a word that's thrown around a lot and often separated from love.
Love can be toxic. It doesn't always become some separate entity, it just manifests sickeningly. Arcane shows us that.
It also shows us love can be good. It can forgive and accept. It can cradle and hold and save. It can last through dimensions and centuries, even through death. Love, like anything else, has many forms. Good and bad.
Doesn't Singed do atrocious things in the name of Love?
Doesn't Ekko recognize that even if he loves Powder, it's not his world. It's not his happiness to have. Doesn't leaving that love take strength?
Don't Viktor and Jayce find love in faults? In each other's shortcomings, not despite them but because of them?
Arcane encourages us to recognize Love's complexities and contradictions. And I think that's neat.
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umbran6 · 2 years ago
The Roasting of the Deadbeat
I know I've posted this before, but I felt like this should be repeated since its... Father's Day. Or maybe its already past Father's Day if you're reading this post on some other part of the world. My least favorite holiday each year, second only to Columbus Day (I formally recognize Native American Day, TYVM). But I feel like I must say this, otherwise we forget that these people deserve this.
SCREW YOU HEPHAESTUS. Yes, I'm focusing on him, not Zeus.
Leo has every right to hate this bastard and if he could, spit on his throne. This hermit of a god abandoned Leo for nearly sixteen years, apparently too obsessed in either making stuff or screwing other people to even care about his son. Hephaestus isn't there to comfort Leo when his mother died, much less intervene in the actual matter when he, as god of the forge and flame, had every capability to do so.
The god doesn't even have the willingness to confess that he badly messed up with Leo, favoring his other children who get to Camp Half-Blood — his many, many children that ranged from either 18 (Charles freaking Beckendorf) to young Harley who was 8 years old. They get there young, they get there to stay for several years or months, and they get the training and knowledge to understand the world they truly live in.
Leo is extremely high up in that age range, at 16 years old when most demigods are brought to camp by age 12. Leo is apparently blessed with extremely rare fire powers not seen for several centuries, yet its a kid like Harley who is young to the point his demigod powers shouldn't even have manifested that gets the special treatment. When Medea looked into the future, she saw Leo as such a big threat to the Primordial Mother that Gaea herself made a personal visit at an attempt to psychologically break Leo when he was eight years old. Eight years old, the same age Harley is during The Lost Hero, yet Hephaestus does nothing as Leo's life falls apart around him.
HERA has a stronger relationship with Leo because she was actually there to help raise the kid. When the mother that tossed you off of Mount Olympus, the goddess that cursed each and every child of Zeus that was ever born (as far as we know of) is treating your child in a better way than you are, there is something wrong with you, you emotionally stunted goblin of a god.
ZEUS cared more about his children in his own warped way despite being an abusive bastard `and practically rival to Hephaestus in being a deadbeat. When Thalia was about to be killed by monsters Hades unleashed upon her, because, you know, Zeus broke a pact on the River Styx by sticking his dick in Beryl Grace (twice!), he at least had the decency to turn her into a tree so that she didn't die. It was severely implied in The Demigod Diaries that Zeus led her to find Luke and Annabeth. In Percy Jackson's Greek Gods its shown that he at least had an overprotective side to Athena and spoiled Artemis and satisfied several of her demands. Now I'm not excusing Zeus' own abuse towards his other children like Apollo and Ares. Zeus gave crumbs, you didn't even have the decency to give Leo anything at all.
HERMES, who screwed the pooch with Luke twice over, tried to do his best with him or by him. When Luke searched for a quest to prove his worth to the gods, Hermes offered it only unfortunately for the quest to end in failure. He left Luke in the care of his mentally unstable mother. Yet Hermes recognized the fact that he severely fucked up and tried to make amends, even apparently forgiving Luke despite the fact that he came inches to toppling Olympus. Hermes was willing to try to make amends and honored his son's wishes by helping Percy find the rest of his demigod children that were unclaimed. Hermes accepted that he had a hand for Luke's hatred towards Olympus and the he wronged Luke, Hephaestus has so far done zilch.
HADES did his best to protect Nico and Bianca when Zeus tried to kill them all, hiding them in the Lotus Hotel and Casino. When Marie Levesque was going to bring Hazel to Alaska, he tried to intervene and stop them from doing so because he knows Gaea was manipulating her and backed off at her wishes. When Nico is going through severe emotional turmoil during Blood of Olympus, he goes out of his way despite the Greco-Roman schizophrenia to help guide and comfort his son.
Hephaestus didn't even get Leo to Camp Half-Blood directly. Coach Hedge found Leo completely by accident. If it weren't for Hera literally rigging things so that Jason, Piper, and Leo were picked up at the Grand Canyon Skywalk, Leo would never have known that his life was screwed over by higher powers than him. His first direct interaction with Leo isn't even to give a sincere apology about the fact that he's been the shittiest deadbeat in millennia, its about to info-dump about the Giants. When Leo calls him out about this, Hephaestus doesn't even apologize for that and sweeps it under the rug and never speaks with Leo again.
So screw you Hephaestus. Decent fathers should be worth honoring, respecting at the very least. He deserves nothing, and should get nothing. His mother, who threw him off of Olympus, has a better relationship with his own son than he does. The rest of his fellow Olympians, even his shitbag of an adoptive father, have done better than him. He can do better, and he should be doing better. Hephaestus, the victim of abusive, neglectful parenting and parental favoritism should know the pitfalls of this and how to avoid them. Yet you're the divine equivalent of starting the cycle all over again, and it shows.
Let me finish on this note for you:
He is a god who is dedicated to forging inventions and fixing that which is broken. Yet for everything he has learned, he does not have the capability of fixing the bonds that he broke by his own hand.
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hubernies · 10 days ago
I saw that “raising their little witch” was a poll option for your hubernie fanbook’s bonus content—do you think you will write it? I’m really curious to see your take on them as parents 👀 especially Hubert since I don’t know how he’d be at it
First, thank you for asking and for your interest! I'm very sorry it took me so long to get around to answering this.
I do want to put this in the compendium, but I am coming up against two problems. The first is the file size; the uncompressed version of the compendium is nearly 700,000 MB and I've just managed to compress it down to 25 without too much quality sacrifice. But if I add a new story it will probably get too big. I need it 25 MB or less, or else I can't email it to people.
The second one is--the hubernie subsection of the fandom is small and the sub-subsection of the hubernie fandom who enjoys fankids is even smaller, and while this normally doesn't bother me, I hesitate to put off my readers too much. This is for charity and I want to be able to help people with it, and I’d hate for someone to decide not to donate because of that.
BUT. I absolutely love the idea of character analysis in the format of “how are they as parents?” So I will do my best to answer!
I’ve gone into lots of detail about how hubernie are as parents below the cut, but, TLDR: Their daughter’s name is Lorelei. She is a gifted young mage. Appearance wise—if you can picture Lucy van Pelt from Peanuts you’re almost there. Fluffy black hair that comes to her chin with a floral clip in the back. Big gray eyes. Her ambition is to make the Vestra Academy of Magical Engineering a lasting institution that guides Adrestia to a new age of magitech. Personality wise—the best and the worst of her comes from her parents…
Hubert hates his own father, as well as Bernadetta’s. This, plus his naturally protective nature, manifested in him trying very hard not to repeat the sins of his and Bernadetta’s fathers. He teaches Lorelei to value loyalty, and to stick to her principles. Lorelei showed a gift for magic at a young age, just as Hubert did, and this frightened him. It made him fear turning into his own father. Trying hard to avoid this, he did his best to tutor and train her one on one. Hubert is proud of the brilliant girl she became—a little too proud.
Hubert really values people who succeed on merit. This, combined again with his desire to Not Be His Father, meant that he praised Lorelei for her talents quite frequently. He took great interest in her schooling and in her training, and praised her results. This was good for their relationship, and Lorelei loves her father very much. They cherish their memories of training together. Hubert raising her to carry on the Vestra family times and praising her when she made a breakthrough.
However, in trying not to be his father, Hubert created a new problem. Lorelei has Former Gifted Child Syndrome. One day, she goes to Morfis to study abroad. In Fodlan, Lorelei is a prodigy. But in Morfis? Nothing special at all, often struggling to keep up. As a result Lorelei worries she “lost her gift,” or worse, that her father might not praise her anymore. Hubert is happy to hear his daughter’s feelings, but often struggles to know just what to say.
Lorelei is studious, speaks politely, and values hard work, like her father. She is highly observant and loves to have a friendly debate. However, the combination of Hubert and Bernadetta has made her rather…socially inept, despite their best efforts.
As a mom, Bernadetta tried her best to not be HER father too. She loved reading with Lorelei and telling her stories, but writing new ones for her was Bernie’s favorite. Lorelei loves ghost stories—reading, writing, and telling them. However, old habits die hard for Bernadetta. She’s overprotective as a mom, and that sometimes left Lorelei with a sense that certain things were a bigger threat than they actually were. Bernie’s father was very cruel to her, so Bernadetta tries to heal her inner child by praising her little one. This sadly ends up making Lorelei’s Former Gifted Child Syndrome worse when she’s older, although Bernadetta is more likely than Hubert to praise the Process, not the result.
Like her mother, Lorelei enjoys unusual plants and insects. She has a morbid sense of humor and loves writing scary stories. Lorelei has Bernadetta’s eyes and smile, and many of her toys were hand made by her mom as a baby.
Are they perfect parents? Not at all. But they love her very much and try their hardest.
Thanks so much again!
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crazywolf85 · 5 months ago
The Coach
REAL NAME: Coach's real name is "Parto Satria Ardiansyah". He can also be referred by Satria and Ardi but only with family or close friends since he doesn't want his identity to be reveal for obvious reasons. his deadname is "Aisyah Hendra Fatamah", he sometimes let people in his family to call him "Hendra" or "Fatmah", he doesn't mind only with family.
PERSONALITY: Coach's personality is mix of canon, rarity from mlp, georgette from oliver and company, and jessica rabbit.
FAMILY: Coach have a great relationship with his family. his dad, mom, grandparents, loves him dearly. coach can be a little salty with his brothers The Masked Meat Marauder, Police Commisiner Watson, but they love eachother.
MARRIAGE: When coach married his first husband "Nick Michols" at the age of 22 things change, he is struggling for Nick's Expectations. Nick is a emotionally abusive husband who always have ways to bring coach down, but when coach give birth to his first daughter it's like his problems went away. he loves his daughter dearly and would do anything to protect her even from his husband. Nick wanted a son so he's pretty much a deadbeat father and a neglectful one also, that leads to their divorce. but eventually coach found Hal Hardbargain and Masked Bagger/Bill then married them immediately as coach have his second child which is a boy.
AGE: Coach's age ranged from the og which is 38 and the au is taken after 4 years so hed be 42 now.
VILLAIN SCHOOL: Coach is the Leader/Princibal of the villain school. Coach is strict, manipulative and honest to his students, no akwardness or slipping off his words. He's very secretive of his own intentions and background, his student doesn't mess with him but often see him as a father figure. Coach also saw his students as his own children but often shake that thought. The student catch most attached to is invisibill because they and coach grew up together, the same as whammer but coach was his babysitter. when it comes to ms question it's very complicated, coach is guilty for failing her but also glad to have her gone because she have a grudge against him.
OTHERS: coach, seymour, reason,and scoops grew up in the same city which is jakarta. they are good friends even would hang out in granny mays house.
Coach and tobey is like a uncle an nephew since coach is friends with claire, same goes to becky, she may see him as a threat but also as an uncle figure since coach is very close friends with sally.
Coach and glenda are close, but he would find her strange to say the least.but theyre very good friends.
Coach have a grudge against his ex nick, which is understandable but nick is already regret his action and often appearing sheepish towards coach.
Coach and leslie are very close friends, they like to gossip and other girly stuff.
FASHION SENSE: Coach has love for fashion. always wearing his earrings, rings and whistle. he loves handbags that are specifically from the COACH brand. he wear many feminine outfit and does his make up very often. also loves expensive colonge.
STATUS: Coach isn't kicked out of his house. he does have an apartment but that is just for his villain school, he still have his own house where he lives with hal, bill, his kids and also two cats. coach isn't that broke since he has mr big as a friend, bill as a grocery store manager and hal as mechanic. Coach definitely ask for money to them many time.
ABILITY: Eventho coach is small, he have the strength of a full grown tall man. he exercise daily, going to the gym with the boys and take martial art class. he can defend himself pretty good, you would not wanna mess with him. he can also dodge things easily and use swords or katanas very well. hes pretty much powerful in this AU.
that's pretty much it, ill add stuff if there's more i can come up with.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 years ago
Kinda pissed the whole big 3 pact didn't have consequences.
Not like breaking an oath sworn on the Styx is said to be a worse fate than death.
Not like they swore on the Styx to not have kids and than 3 came along.
Those being Thalia, Jason and Percy.
Because Hazel, Bianca and Nico were all born prior to the pact.
But what if it did have consequences?
They made the pact because their kids were too powerful and we're a threat to mortals.
And this isn't said but I think Zeus in particular was afraid that a son child he sired could be powerful enough to overthrow him.
Like how Uranus overthrew Kronos who was than overthrown by Zeus.
Clearly the fear wasn't enough to stop Zeus.
Enter one Beryl Grace, the mortal star who managed to get the attention of both Zeus and Jupiter.
Giving birth to both Greek and Roman demigods.
Something that to my knowledge hasn't happened anywhere else in the series.
And without letting anyone knowing abd getting the biggest I told you so in history, Zeus has to deal with this.
Hera finds out because of course she does.
And offers Jason to Lupa, the wolf goddesses.
While Thalia runs off when she's old enough, Hades founds out and is very sore after the whole Maria Di Angelo incident sends a monster after her.
She almost does but Zeus saves her by turning her into a tree.
And when she's free she joins the hunt.
And the fates are pissed that Thalia being of the hunt is shielded by Artemis and they cannot intervene.
But there's still one unexpected item in the bagging area: Jason
(I'm well aware of Percy but the fates saw his life and went yeah it's gonna suck enough let's leave this one.)
Jason who has been abandoned by all he loves to the literal wolves.
A child, little more than a baby being trained by the wolf goddess himself.
Jason gets older and stronger, he goes to Camp Jupiter and is made Praetor.
He goes on quest after quest in service for the God's.
But instead of unwavering loyalty and being happy simply to serve the God's, as expected, Jason feels empty.
Because if there's one thing Jason wants, more than thing in the world.
It's to have a family.
He adores the people of Camp Jupiter but their almost colleagues, acquaintances.
United under their existence and mission to serve the God's.
His only true friend, Reyna is distant, she is a companion he is happy to have in his life but their relationship has always been professional.
And she's made herself clear that she doesn't agree with his want for family. That it's kind of ridiculous.
Jason snapped at that, saying it was easy for her to say as she had her sister Hylla.
Though they didn't see much of each other, Hylla still visited camp and both were close.
While he had no one.
It was one of the only times Jason had gotten angry at her.
And while taken aback, Reyna apologised. Though it only reminded Jason how lonely he truly was.
People at Camp spoke to him, sparred with him but it was like he was a star.
Something to be looked at in awe but couldn't be approached because it was out of reach.
Jason refuted that he was better any of them, even putting himself in the lowest cohort just yo be seen as anything but that.
His efforts were futile.
Jason had been claimed his first day of Camp.
And since than he'd been rendered untouchable.
He hated it more than anything.
And than Jason began to dream.
Dreams the fates slowly fed him while whispering in his ears that he did have a family.
His father claimed him, so he knew of him.
His family, his father was waiting for him.
No God's entered Camp Jupiter of course so the only way was to meet him in Olympus itself.
He dreamt of marble floors, of a man on a throne who shared his electric blue eyes.
Hand outstretched and a warm smile, welcoming his son to his side.
A father, the fates whispered your family.
You can have all you ever wanted.
And Jason craved that.
He wanted it more than anything.
And they knew it.
Jason gave in.
He sneaks out of Camp without anyone seeing him, following the path from his dreams all the way to the Empire State building.
The usual guard isn't their and from his dreams Jason knows how to access the 600th floor.
It's exactly as his dreams looked.
And their, their was his father in all his glory atop his throne.
Jason can't help the smile on his face.
He's done it.
Finally he would have the family he always wanted.
He marches to his father's throne, dropping to a bow and announcing himself as Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and that he's so happy to meet his father, so honoured to meet him.
When he looks up.
The smile he expected is nowhere to be found.
His father is enraged.
As are the rest of the Olympians.
"A son?! You, you dare berate me brother for my own offspring while you've been hiding your own!"
"Son of Jupiter?"
"How did he get here?!"
Tells of outrage and anger echo throughout the room but none are as mad as the God before him.
"You... Insolent child dare to approach me. You dare to come to Olympus, to what? Intimidate me?"
Jason shook his head frantically "No no I only wanted to meet you... I'm your son."
Why... Was this going so horribly...?
Zeus sneered at him "I don't know what you think you are doing here, but if you think for a second you belong in my presence you are sorely mistaken. You are nothing, not to me not anyone else."
And something.
Something in Jason snapped.
His dream, everything he ever wanted burning before him.
He laughed.
It was loud.
He even had tears in his eyes.
"All this time... All this time they say, your father is the mighty Jupiter. Your father is a King amongst men, the vanquisher of Kronos."
He laughed again.
How wrong they were.
How wrong he was.
"I wanted nothing more to meet my father, this mighty king... And you, you are just a pathetic man with a paper crown."
Silence swept the throne room.
Zeus stood before Jason, enraged didn't even capture just how angry he was.
But Jason found he didn't care.
He was angry.
The being he'd served his whole life was not the great King he'd thought him to be.
His fathered towered over him but Jason didn't back down.
He'd been lied to.
All his life he was to serve his father, his whole life he'd served his father and he didn't even want him.
He didn't love him.
Jason questioned if he ever could feel love.
His life meant nothing.
"You... Insolent!"
Jason didn't hear the rest of the speech.
Not before a bolt of lighting flew at him.
Instinctively Jason threw up his arm, reaching out for the Bolt.
It stopped.
It swerved.
And made a dent in his father's throne.
Jason looked down at his hands in shock.
Before chuckling "is that, all you've got?"
That... That was the infamous Master Bolt?
His father truly was nothing like he'd been famed to be.
If a lowly Demigod like Jason could swat his prized weapon like a fly.
No one had ever made it to Olympus without being detected.
They hadn't even noticed him until Jason announced himself.
They were pathetic.
How... How had he spent his whole life training, serving them.
"Is this why you require demigods?" Jason thought out loud "your weapons are nothing but relics collecting dust. Your feats are nothing but stories. Your power, nothing but a distant memory."
Jason almost pitied them.
"So you spawn demigods to do your dirty work, your chores for you because you can't." He snorted.
They were nothing.
They were nothing so they trained their young to do their bidding.
Ignored... Alone...nothing but the fantasy of serving their parents who didn't care for them at all.
"How dare you!"
"Oh I dare, all your good for is screwing a mortal and sitting on your backsides! I've lost friends! I've lost so many comrades on your stupid quests!"
A coldness settled in him.
A surety amongst his fury.
"I've lost my childhood, my life for beings who wouldn't care if I lived or died. They'd just bed another mortal and sent the fetus off to battle... And I won't lose any more for you."
Their was defiance in Jason's eyes as he eyed his father.
His father who looked at him with pure rage.
"If you do not silence that demigod Zeus... I will"
Jason didn't bother to see who spoke.
"No, this is my mistake and I will correct it."
"What are you gonna do, smite me? Gonna have to get one of my many... Many siblings to pull your bolt out for you."
Zeus snarled, but Jason was raised by wolves and simply scoffed.
His father blasted him.
Those watching would say it blew the egotistical demigod to smithereens.
Others say he transported himself elsewhere.
Hades himself vertified that the boys soul had not entered his domain.
Jason left, changed.
His yearning for a family had been stamped out.
He was nothing but a tool.
A soilder.
But now, now his sword wasn't pointed to monsters.
But the God's themselves.
They'd stole him.
They'd stole his dream.
They'd stole his childhood.
They'd stole the lives off their own kids to further their goals.
And Jason.
He watched as the crumbled throne of Krios reformed around him.
He sat atop it.
A smile on his face that was all teeth.
Teeth stained with ichor that he licked from his lips.
He was going to destroy them all.
And the fates they smiled upon him.
Their work here was done.
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year ago
while obviously racism plays the biggest role in the differences between klope and klarcel, for klaus i’d say that gender plays a larger role than blood ties in comparison to elijah/rebekah/freya/kol.
i believe that klaus is fully capable and willing to love marcel as a genuine child of his despite him being adopted but hope being a girl makes him love her a bit more because he “gets” to protect her rather than feeling like he has to compete with her like he did with marcel. i mean hope as a full tribrid is stronger than klaus (bc magic) but i can’t see him having the same reaction to that as he did with upgraded!marcel
Oh, completely! A clear example of this is how he behaves with Rebekah and Elijah: he isn't nearly as protective or jealous over his brother as he is with his sister.
A lot of his issues with Marcel come from the fact that he never told him he was alive, and also that he made New Orleans the city it is today. Klaus met Marcel when he was already a child, when Marcel had already the memories of his biological father engraved in his brain: like him, Marcel was abused and that is the reason he even adopted him. I believe Klaus himself or some of his siblings said it, but he adopted Marcel because he saw himself in him.
Klaus loved the kid, that much was clear. He even got jealous of Elijah spending time with Marcel, going as far as to undagger Kol but daggering him again the moment he saw his brother was a danger to the kid he loved as his son. Klaus was actually jealous and possessive over Marcel's affections towards Rebekah too, just like he would have been with Landon and Hope. He daggered his sister because in his words "she needs a lesson on what she can and cannot take from me" or something similar. Like what happened with Hope and Hayley initially, he did not want to share his son with his sister.
Klaus was deeply hurt by Marcel's "death" too, and in 1x11 he said "I thought you were dead. It was years before I could speak your name, so keenly did I feel that los" so I completely think he wouldn't be able to actually kill Marcel at all, despite all his threats, and the same goes for him and etc.
Gender plays a big role in all of Klaus’s relationships. When killing any of Rebekah's lovers, Klaus then would proceed to verbally harass her, making her feel stupid and small and all kind of things, and he did the same to Freya with Keelin, who quickly called him out on his bullshit. He never did this to his brothers, only to his sisters.
In my opinion, Marcel holds the same value as Hope does in Klaus’s life. He just couldn't show it, because there was a lot of bad blood between them and also because he was a man.
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 months ago
Saw you answered other person today about your fave ships, and I I thought about what scenarios do you have for Alfred/Alex.
Sorry for taking so long. I’ve been somewhat busy lately. So here’s a scenario I like for them, but it isn’t thought through very well. I mean, I never expected anyone to be interested in this. I’ll probably rewrite this a bit when I have time, but I don’t want to keep you waiting much longer.
Alex is a distant relative of Spencer on her mother’s side. After the accidental death of her parents, Spencer took care of her, but he was never directly her foster father. First, he put her in the Wesker project, later, he paid for her education and got her leadership positions at Umbrella. However, he always kept his relationship with her a secret from others. Alex knew about it, though.
Alfred and Alex met through Spencer. Alex is essentially Spencer’s right-hand woman at this point, and Alfred, as the grandson of one of the founding members, has a fairly high position at Umbrella.
They didn’t like each other too much at first. Alex thought he was a big-mouthed arrogant snob. Alfred thought she was an uncultured ignorant American.
They had a lot to do with each other in business, like meetings, business trips, etc., and were forced to get along despite their initial prejudices.
Spending so much time together made them realize that they had a lot in common. They always stood in the shadow of their siblings. Alex took a liking to Alfred’s hobby of torturing the prisoners on Rockfort Island. Alfred realizes that Alex, despite her origin, has integrated herself quite well into the aristocratic world, partly through Spencer but also for her own reasons. Additionally, Spencer was a potential threat to both of them, at least in the long term, and the common enemy also welded them together.
They became close friends, sending each other presents for birthdays, visiting each other when time allowed, going out together, and even going on vacation occasionally.
Alex made the first step. She wanted to upgrade their relationship to friends with benefits at some point. Alfred was hesitant. However, it didn’t take Alfred too long to give in. He found her attractive, too. She was intelligent, educated, and good-looking. He also liked dominant women.
The transition to a real relationship was smooth. It went quite well for a while, but because of their age difference, the topic Alex wanted to avoid came up at some point. She didn’t want children, but Alfred was determined to continue the Ashford line. He made it a condition that they have at least one child. Otherwise, he would consider ending the relationship. Months later, and after multiple discussions, she decided to give in.
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littlestar3737 · 2 months ago
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story starts with a 7 foot tall man with no mouth named Choforo holding his axe on his left hand and on his right hand he was holding his daughter April hand she has eyes that can see ghosts, they both were looking for two mens to take revenge on for their past, they found a old haunted lab it looked like a was left behind from a explosive, the father and daughter was looking for a entrance but they found many hole but they didn’t know which one was the right one, until Choforo remember the way.
They both walked through the hall, it smelled like Rats, Sadness, Death and Rages. April was unfazed by the smells or the roiling bodies on the floors, Choforo was worried about his daughter and telling her if she was to go back, “are you sure flower?” Said Choforo worried about the site “yes” answer April “you’re sure because I’m worried, this place was hell when i was here and i don’t want you to see that with your young eyes” Choforo was very worried and thinking about taking her back home, “Father! I said i was fine, I’m not a little girl anymore, anyway I want to get rid from this dumb thing from my eyes and you need to kill the mens who did it!” April was a cold girl who didn’t care about anyone feeling but Choforo was a caring soul who cared about other like a Big Brother.
Choforo stopped at a white roiling Door it smells like a Bar and madness, Choforo opened the Door and looked inside, he saw two men dancing and drinking “OoOoOoOh PrEtTy LiTtLe LaDy WhO cAn SoNGgGg!” Yelled one of the men “SHHHH tHe RaTs CaN hEaR!” Yelled the man “nO tHeY cAn’T, tHeY dOn’T hAvE eArS!” Yelled the men 1 “ yEs ThEy Do, It On ThE bUtT!” Man 2 yelled back, both men were yelling at each other about rats and their ears, April couldn’t hold her laugh anymore and she yelp.
Both men looked at the Door until Choforo walked in to faces the mens, the mens faces were scarred by Choforo “sp-083! Look how much you grown up, you look like your ummm…” said man 1 “YOUR DAD YEAH YOUR DADDY” yelled the men 2 “really… you both are so pathetic by the way my named is Choforo and I’m here to fix my Daughter eyes” said Choforo wanting to go back “DAUGHTER OMG YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER UMM ARE THEY ARE GRANDPAS BECAUSE WE’RE YOUR DADS OMG A STARS WARS MOVEMENT” Yelled men 2 being annoying “Dr. P and Dr. White i need you to fix me and my daughter now!” Said Choforo angered at the fact they were not taking it seriously and he wanted to get it over with and kill them.
“Of course, umm Choforo! We’ll fixes you guys in lightning speed” said Dr. white scared of Choforo because he knew that Choforo can beat them into a meat patty, Dr. White was a man in his 40s who always has a full head of white hair from stress, he’s thin and tall with rose tinted glasses bigger than his face, meanwhile Dr. P was a sassy man with long white hair and gray skin but his eye were a gloomy purple and smell like alcohol, both men were married with each other and the Relationship was rocky. “Ok Ok you want us to fix our mistake from experience we did to you when you were a child and to fix your daughters eyes because you don’t want her to see ghosts, correct?” Said Dr. White “Yes that’s right whitey” respond Choforo “Dad! Its stinks here, I want to get it over with!” Complain April “Geez the kid is a brat” mumbled Dr. P, Choforo throw his axe Dr. P as a threat and Dr. P understood it and back away troubling.
“ let not throw axes in here, the place is already unstable enough” said Dr. White already annoyed with the two “ whatever” mumbled Choforo “Father like Daughter, am I right” said Dr. white jokingly, Dr. P when closer to April to see her Eyes “White pupils I see, very normal with medium these days, I think we can do something else with you guys” said Dr. P “like what?” Said Choforo curiously. “We have a few paranormal activities here and we want to get rid of them, because it’s creeping us out!” Said Dr. White “So you want to use my little flower for a dumb experiment and not fixes HER EYES” yelled Choforo angrily “NO NO nooo Sp- I mean Choforo we want to make a deal, we get our ghost out here and after we fix your daughters eyes” laughed Dr. P nervously, while the men chatted April when and explored the abandoned laboratory she saw a lot of disturbing things, she saw remains of animal and humans everywhere every corner was cover of it, April stopped at the hallway it went into the first door she saw, she entered the room and saw a skeleton hanging from a ceiling with a rope around its neck April thought it was funny “ like a Christmas ornament” April giggled she left the room and went on the next one, the next door was a nursery which each crib there was a skeleton and a nest full with dead baby rats “I hate babies!” April said disgustingly with each door she went inside.
she would complain about the looks and smell of it. “ I thought those men would clean out the place a bit” she mumbled with the very last door of the hallway, this door had a odd smell, April Groom, more curious about the room behind the door she grabbed the knob and twisted it and peaked inside she saw a 6 foot creature it had a body of a maggot but a face of a kitten and the eyes of a goat, April thought it was cute but what you mean closer she backed away because of the smell “ Jesus smells like cigarettes in there!” she yelped the creature hurt and jumped at her, April reacted fast to the creature and ran away screaming “AHHH DADAAA!”
meanwhile, with the men they were chatting about April and what they’re gonna do with her, until Chofor heard something, a scream? he thought he looked around for April and he didn’t see her then he realized that that was April yelling and rush to her aid “APRIL WHERE ARE YOU!” Yelled Choforo running to the hallway “you think she found Gigi?” Said Dr. White “most definitely she did, but I think it wouldn’t eat her” said Dr P drinking his last beer, Choforo was running everywhere looking for April and yelling her name he thought the wrong way his daughter was hurt but death was not a option, on his right he heard April yelling and he ran that direction “APRIL ARE YOU OKAY!” Cried out Choforo “THERE IS A MONSTER DAD!” Cried April finally Choforo found April crying in a corner of an old sleeping rooms “this room…” said Choforo hugging April “I want to go home” said April crying in Choforo shirt “I know flower but it’s too late” said Chofor comforting April “I don’t care about my eyes, I just want to go home!” cried April suddenly they heard the strange creature running through the hallway looking for its prey, suddenly a voice yelled out to stop the creature and they were silenced throughout the hallway Dr. P and Dr. White when are the room that Chofor and April were at.
“I see that you found Gigi” said Dr. P lightning a cigarette “wait is that lil G!?” Yelled Choforo “yup and now she’s our living trashcan” laughed Dr. White, Chofor ran at both men and grab their neck by his hand “ a living trashcan? how about I make you two into a skin jacket!” laughed Chofor then Chofor with his full strength he started choking the man both of them were kicking and crying then April hugged her father‘s leg symbol to stop Choforo I saw this and stopped, dropping both men to the ground
both of them were panting to catch their breath “wow you sure have some arm strength” painted Dr. P “ a gorilla grip” continued Dr. White, Dr P helped Dr. White to get up “okay let’s go to my lad and starts the experience” said Dr. White they agreed and went onto the laboratory, Choforo got a eerie feeling about everything there was too many memories from the past, too much trauma.
I took them five minutes to finally reach the lavatory and the whole way April was complaining “I thought this place was small but it five minutes to go here to there” complain, April “yup I remember when it was longer” responded Chofor “ the building got smaller after dirt explosion” replied Dr. P “ I remember those days like yesterday” said Dr. White remembering the “good times”
“We’re here and oh boy where do we start” giggle Mr. White the whole room was covered in mold and rust and vines there was a hole on the ceiling to see the moonlight a huge bite mark was on the side of the door leading to the freezer “ well we haven’t been here in a while” said Dr. P looking kind of disappointed Chofor went closer to the middle of the room. I saw a metal bed i’m gonna flashback from the past April rush to her father to comfort for him “it’s okay I’m fine flower” said Choforo to make sure that April won’t worry about him “it smells like poop in here” said Dr. P pricing his nose “yeah cuz it’s our poop room” giggled Dr. White, Choforo looked around and the memories were just running in his mind, Choforo almost stared crying for fear but Choforo remember why he was here, why his daughter was here WHY the man were here.
“Dr. White an Dr. P do the experiments and fix my little flower eyes’ said Choforo crying… “Okie doki lollipop let’s do this” said Dr. White, April was a laying on the table she was cold but not scared of the experience or the needles they’re going to put in her eyes but she felt uneasy when she looked at her right because she saw her mother but she knew that she’s fake and that everything is fake the ghost she was seeing since she was young or the memories of her mother everything was fake to her and April thought the man were fake also her farther she didn’t realize that her father touch’s was real so April thought the “experience” was not real, she was just laying on the table, Choforo knew that April thinks everything was fake so he was patient to her like a flower.
While April was going to sleep Dr. white walked to Choforo “hey son I know this is scary for you but I promise everything will work” said Dr. White comforting Choforo “I’m just scared for her cuz of the past, you did experiment on me and I’m scared” said Choforo crying.
“Shh it’s okay i weren’t do the same mistake” said Dr. White then Dr. White nodded to Dr. P to start the process one by one they put needles and cutting April Eyes but this is time they’re were serious their past was haunting them and they wanted to do something right for the last time because they knew that today was their last day on earth and first day to hell so they were very careful with April, After 2 hours the experience was a success and they Dow their head “we’re done Choforo” said Dr.P crying
Dr. White give April to Choforo; Choforo was calmer and knew the next step “we’re sorry’ said Dr. White and Dr. P holding hands “I’m sorry too” said Choforo, finally Choforo killed the man with his axes and both Choforo an April went home “daddy?” Said April to Choforo “shh it’s okay Flower we’re going home”.
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tinyinvadr · 7 months ago
Here we go, the infamous Meat Circus!
Chapter 14
The inside of the tent was huge, definitely bigger than it let on from outside. While I hadn’t been to a circus before, it looked how I would expect one to look. Well, besides the meat theming.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a big meat grinder with a picture of a bunny on it.
Right. Humans eat those things sometimes. Totally normal and not horrifically traumatizing to me specifically. Nope.
Something fell into the grinder from above, and the machine sprung to life, making a series of disgusting noises as it blended up whatever was inside of it. I had no intention of sticking around to see what came out of it, so I climbed a nearby ladder to begin my search for Raz.
I’m no acrobat, but any borrower who wants a chance at survival has to be decently agile, so I was able to work my way up the platforms. I did have to rely on my powers a bit, and swinging across bone trapezes made me anxious in more ways than one, but I felt confident that I’d make it through this insane circus.
I was almost at the top, and I could see Raz and a kid in a propeller cap running around on the steak platform directly above me. I levitated up to join them, and it was there that I finally saw the aftermath of the meat grinders.
Hideous mutant bunny monsters tumbled out, and in that moment it felt like my heart stopped. Not even my worst nightmares could conjure up something this disturbing.
The bunnies split up, one going to attack Raz, the other going after the little kid. Raz was at least able to fight back, but the boy in the propeller hat was completely defenseless. That, and he didn’t seem all that concerned for his own safety. As the monsters continued to attack him, his focus remained on a normal, non-mutated bunny.
“Come back, Mr. Bun! Or Daddy’s gonna kill you!”
Finally, it all made sense. The bunnies in Basic Braining. The meat. That was Oleander’s trauma. He reverted to his child self in his mind, and was reliving a memory of his father killing bunnies. It was all some freaky coincidence that I also happened to have bunny related trauma.
Of course, my situation was very different. While he viewed those creatures as innocent and vulnerable, I only saw them as monsters that tried to kill my Mom and acted as the catalyst that ruined my relationship with my family.
They were a threat that I felt powerless against, because no matter what I did, I could still hear my parents’ voices. I could still feel the shame they placed on me for using my powers, even knowing deep down that I did the right thing.
Then, it happened again. Just like in Basic Braining, I lost control over my projection and shrank at the sight of the bunnies. Starting to panic, I tried to shift back, but it wouldn’t work.
“Hang in there, Oly! Just need to get more Confusion Grenades!”
As Raz was still fighting the bunny monster, two more dropped out of the grinders, and they all ganged up on him. They cornered him on the edge of the platform, and I could see he was about to lose balance and fall off.
Still, all I could do was panic. My focus was nonexistent as I essentially watched that awful memory play out all over again. I couldn’t fight. She’d never forgive me…
Wait. No. This wasn’t Mom. This was Raz. He wouldn’t care if I used my powers to save him. I could do this…
I focused on the monsters. On how much I hated them for hurting the people I care about. Just like Sasha taught me, I took control of my emotions and released them in a PSI-Blast.
Immediately after hitting them, the monsters turned their attention to me.
“That’s right. I’m right here. Come and get me.”
They charged at me, and Raz took that opportunity to set them on fire, quickly killing them before they could reach me. As soon as the coast was clear, he ran over to pick me up and hug me.
“Flint! That was incredible! But… what are you doing here?”
“I’m here to save you, ya big dork. Well, I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to be doing other than keep you from dying. What about you?”
He pointed to little Oly, who was still running after the bunny with no chance of catching up to it.
“Same thing, but for him. This version of Oleander doesn’t know how to use his psychic powers yet, so I’ve gotta keep those monsters away from him. With our minds fused, if one of us dies, we both will.”
The meat grinders started up again, so I grabbed Mr. Bun with Telekinesis and held him up for Oly. He happily took the bunny and flew off to a higher platform using his propeller cap.
“We’d better follow him.”
Raz put me on his shoulder, and we managed to get up to the next platform just before the bunny monsters could attack us again. Unfortunately, little Oly didn’t want to stay put, and he went ahead and got onto the tunnel of love ride.
“Huh… weird that this ride exists in such a loveless place.”
“I can tell you right now you’re not gonna love this. Hold on tight, Flint.”
With only that brief warning ahead of time, Raz jumped onto the unsteady, partially broken railway and slid across it at top speed. The track made all sorts of unusual twists and turns that completely disregarded real world physics, but I tried not to let it faze me. I’d already been through Boyd’s mind, after all.
At the end of the railway was the big top. This tent was bigger than the first, but eerily empty. There wasn’t any sort of setup for circus performers. The only thing of note was a massive chasm in the floor with spinning blades.
“Why… Why would anyone need a meat grinder that big?”
A very panicked Oly ran over to us, having relocated the bunny to somewhere safer. A relief on my part. I still don’t like looking at those things.
“You’ve gotta get out of here! My Dad’s coming!”
We heard the sound of evil laughter and huge, stomping footsteps. An unbelievably giant man armed with bloody cleavers arrived, and he stared us down with predatory eyes.
“Ahh… more little bunnies!”
Oly screamed and made a run for it, but Raz stayed put. If I had the chance, I probably would’ve run too. But I wasn’t leaving Raz’s side, and we had to deal with this guy one way or another, or else he’d keep terrorizing us.
For some reason, I thought covering up my fear with snarky comments was a good idea.
“We’re not bunnies. In fact, I’m insulted you’d even make that mistake.”
He went into another fit of maniacal laughter.
“All meat’s the same once it’s gone through the grinder!”
At that, the butcher started trying to chop us up with his cleavers. Raz put up his shield, and we had to dodge all of his attacks until we could get him into a position to land punches on him.
The big guy didn’t move very fast, so avoiding him wasn’t that hard, but the constant threat of accidentally slipping into the grinder was anxiety-inducing. I thought we almost had him, but then he sliced a hole in the tent and threw Raz through it, causing me to fall off his shoulder in the process.
It all happened so fast, and levitation couldn’t save me. I was about to plummet headfirst into the meat grinder and it was too late to stop it. I could only hope that this wouldn’t actually kill me and I’d just be booted from their minds, but this was a unique case, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to find out.
“Gotcha! It’s okay, little guy! I won’t let him hurt you!”
It turns out little Oly came back, and he caught me at just the right time.
It was strange to think that this sweet little kid would grow up to concoct such an evil plot to take over the world, but I guess trauma does crazy things to the mind.
“Oh Morceau, when will you learn? Little runts like that are only good for one thing!”
“No! You’re wrong! He’s my friend, and he’s got thoughts and feelings just like us!”
“Don’t use that tone with me, young man! Prepare to be… GROUNDED!!”
I could only imagine how Oly felt in that moment. It was horrifying enough to see this supposed father hunt down his innocent child, but the kid had to be scared out of his mind. And yet, he was still adamant on protecting me.
“Oly, you’ve gotta listen to me. You’re psychic. You can fight back. Don’t let him make you feel small.”
“But… how?”
I took a deep breath, focusing my energy, and I was finally able to shift to human size again.
“Follow my lead.”
In that moment, it felt like all my training paid off. I was passing on all the things I learned at camp to an inexperienced kid who needed guidance. Everything I learned from Sasha, Milla, and Coach over the years…
Wait, I taught the kid version of Coach stuff that I learned from him, so does that make me the teacher? Or is it an unending cycle of us teaching each other? Yeah, not gonna dwell on that anymore, don’t want my head to explode.
We defended ourselves against the butcher, but we still struggled to land a hit on him. Then, a portal opened behind him, spitting out Raz and a creepy, zombie-looking version of his dad.
“Just as I thought, Razputin. You’ve gone and made filthy psychic friends! Look at how they’ve been terrorizing poor Butch here!”
“But, Dad, they-”
“I don’t wanna hear it, son! This ends now…”
We were all in place for what looked to be the final showdown. Even though we outnumbered them, two angry dads are a force to be reckoned with. I could only hope that I taught Oly well enough in that short time, and that the three of us would be enough to take them down.
Or that Raz’s actual dad would join us soon since he seemed to know what he was doing. I sure as hell didn’t.
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fanficsforloki · 2 years ago
To Prove To You - Chapter one
Series Masterlist
Word count: 13k
Series summary: Nereide is a sea nymph with a peculiarity: She knows how to control her element (water) and has magical abilities. Poseidon, aware of that, decides to send her to Asgard as a student of Frigga. She studies with Loki, and as they grow up, they begin to develop feelings for each other. But what if Odin's plans for her get in the way?
Chapter Summary: a brief prologue of Loki and Nereide's childhood and early teens.
Content: unestablished relationship, friends to lovers, fwb, platonic love, romance, angst, fluff, loss of verginity
Content warnings: smut, melancholy, dacryphilia, Loki is a fabulous bitch with a big heart and a witty sense of humor, a bit over dramatic and very clever. He's sensitive, but hides his feelings and acts really rough around Nereide also because he likes to see her pouting and eventually becoming even more clingy.
Chapter warnings: mention of death
To Prove To You Playlist
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In the depths of the vast mysterious dark Ocean, lived a lovely nymph child called Nereide. With her long locks of umbra hair and shimmering hazel eyes, she was the youngest daughter of Poseidon, the great God of the Ocean. But Nereide was no ordinary nymph. She had a gift, one that was bestowed upon her since birth. She could control the water and had magical abilities that were beyond her years.
As soon as she grew up, Poseidon was afraid she could lose control over these powers and become a threat, so he decided to send his daughter to their nearest Realm: Asgard, the house of the norse Gods.
He wanted his daughter to become the pupil of Frigga, the queen of Asgard. He was sure she could manage that kid, he didn’t even remember who her mother was, so it was no big deal to leave her there. She would have cried for her sisters, she would have wept for the warm, salty waters and all the creatures that inhabitated them, but he didn’t care. Gods areknown to be selfish and irresponsible.
Frigga was a renowned well known magic practitioner. Nereide, a curious and ambitious little lady, was eager to learn and sought Frigga for her tutelage.
Nereide had never been away from the sea, the farest she went was the seashore. She was both excited and apprehensive about her entrusting, but she trusted her father's “wisdom” and set out on her new life.
As she approached Asgard, Nereide was in awe of the grandeur and beauty of the place. She could feel the magic and power that emanated from the magnificent kingdom. It was nothing like the Olymus, everything there seemed to her so new and…pretty. Pretty was her favourite word, and she could feel her heart in her throat everytime she pronouced it. Pretty, only a whisper. Pretty, she looked around with teary eyes.
The sun was shining as she, a naked child covered only by her long hair, was walking down the Rainbow Path outside the Bifrost.
None really paid much attention to her, some curious and weird looks flew on her tanned and soft skin. As she managed to enter the throne room, she couldn't help but feel nervous about meeting the queen of Asgard.
When she finally saw the queen, she began to fidge with her fingers. Frigga was a tall and majestic woman with piercing blue eyes and hair as golden as the sun. Nereide kneeled before her, shaking, becuase Asgard was so much cooler than the Ocean, but Frigga joined her and lifted her up, embracing her warmly. She already knew who she was and why she was there, and Nereide was surprised by the queen's kindness and warmth. She never had met a motherly figure like her.
As Odin noticed, he couldn’t help but burst out in anger: it was a shame, a lewd, dangerous creature like a nymph was unexeptable in his palace, nor his whole reign. He wanted to banish her, but Frigga insisted: she could sense that the girl had to live in Asgard for their own sake. Odin wasn’t relly pleased by his wife’s decision, but he couldn’t deny it to her.
The girl could stay, but she had to learn how to be an Asgardian, and she couldn’t be treated like his sons. She wasn’t their daughter, not even a Goddess, she couldn’t be a princess.
As if Frigga maintained the last rule… Frigga managed to teach her customs and Asgard traditions, but most important she convinced her to wear at least a tunic.
Over the next few weeks, Nereide learned how to harness her powers and control the water in a way she never thought possible. She could transform it as she pleased, in all its forms. Every day, Frigga would teach her new things and guide her with patience and love: Nereide was willing to learn, and started to feel at home in Asgard. She had found a new family in the queen, she even called her Mother, but would never call Odin her Father. He despised her. Frigga took her under her wing, but she had to be aware of Odin’s Rage against her. At first, Nereide struggled to keep up with the teachings, but she persisted and eventually became skilled.
One day, as the sun set over the mystical private queen’s garden, Frigga sat under the shade of an ancient oak tree, surrounded by a haze of glowing emerald light. She was deep in thought, and suddenly, she felt a presence behind her and turned to see Nereide standing there with a coy smile. Her pure heart and boundless potential had caught the queen's attention, Frigga lt the girl sit down with her and began teaching Nereide the complex incantations of white magic, and how to focus on healing spells.
As they were talking, they were suddenly joined by a mischievous figure…
A tall, gloomy kid was standing in front of them confounded by the girl’s presence. It was Loki. Nereide had seen him before, because he was also learning magic from his mother, but that was the first time she actually met him.
Despite the queen attempts to make the two get along, their personalities clashed and they were constantly bickering. Nereide found Loki to be arrogant and rude, while Loki saw Nereide as a naive and foolish girl.
And Loki was obviously envy: he was his mommy’s treasure, he didn’t want to share her with anyone, not even his brothers. And Nereide, oh, poor creature, she was better than him with her spells. He couldn’t accept it. Every second was a reason for them to fight, kicking and pulling eachothers hair like kittens, scratching their faces and run in tears to their Mother. Despite his charming demeanor, Nereide and Loki couldn’t seem to get along.
She recognised his voice immediately, and she covered her ears with her hands.
-Ohi you.
She turned back to look at him.
Loki was such an arrogant kid and always made fun of her in spite of their friendship. Being a nymph in a realm of Gods wasn’t easy for her even though Frigga loved her as her own child.
She could feel how others despised her, especially Odin.
-Ohiii, i said it first. How are you this magnificently fine morning?
-I am completely UpSeT.
-And why? Pray tell, why would you be upset at such an excellent time of the day? Have the sun and the stars not aligned for you as they have for me?
He was teasing her, testing her patience.
-Once in a while I am the one who woke up from the wrong side of the bed.
She looked at him holding her grudge.
-My head hurts…do you know why???
-Your…head hurts…? What an interesting turn of events! It’s almost like you did something terrible to someone who then cursed you, thus inflicting you with this pain!
He held back a grin, because obviously it was him who cursed her.
She watched him in disbelief. He always acted like a bully with her, always stating how much stronger and powerful he was against her. The reality was just that he was jealous. He didn’t want to share his mother with her, a mere Nymph from the sea waters and the oceans of Olympus.
-…I knew it was you! You and your silly pranks!
She splashed a water sphere on his face, making him scream in outrage and he dramatically fell onto the ground, wailing about his wet clothes and hair. He tried to play it up as if he was being tortured rather than just made damp. The whole time he was giving her his best attempt at an angry glare.
-How… DARE you.
-How dare YOU i’d say. Was it necessary???
She proclaimed, pointing her finger at him.
-Oooh, so you can put a curse on me and wound me like this and i can NOT splash you with your idiot water!? This. Is. NOT. Fair.
He was still glaring at her with his arms crossed, still wet on the floor. His hair wa stuck to hisface.
-Well, if you have any sort of remedy for my headache i will dry you up.
She said, raising an eyebrow to him.
-Why should i try to help you after you dared to pull such a heinous prank on me??? You’re the one who has clearly been cursed by the God of Mischief, it’s your own fault if can’t take a little bit of retalation!
He was waiting for her to come over and dry him off with her magic. He made no move to stand up or wipe the water off him, cleary trying to make her feel bad for what she has done o him. But he was clearly the mean one.
-You damn actor, you’re not even a God!
-I am! I am…a God.
-You are…a child.
-No i’m the future King!
-You’re not even a man!
-Of course i’m not, i’m a God!
Their quarels were always like this. They kinda enjoyed it by the way.
-Okay fine, if you don’t say you’re sorry, i will call Frigga.
She tried to threaten him.
-Oh? OH!? Ad what, pray tell, is mother-dear going to do to poor little me for getting a little wet?
His tone was full of scorn and derision, clearly upset that she alway had the audacity to frighten him with his own mom.
-I am a God, i am not to be treated like this, by anyone!
His brows furrowed with indignation, still making no effort to get out of that puddle of water he had formed on the floor.
She began to scream at the end of the stairs.
When she started to shriek for the mother, Loki stood up in rage and brought her away from the stairs, facing her with his hands curled in fists.
-You are UNFORGIVABLE. I will make you pay for your disloyalty!
He lunged towards her, intendin to tackle her to the ground, furious.
She just screamed before falling down with him. They began o fight as if they were two kittens, scratching and biting, casting spells one against the other.
When tey are finished, thy both ended up all wet and with a bad headache. The hall was a complete disaster.
Loki rolled off her, his face was covered in rage and fury, still absolutely livid. There was a moment of utter silence, the only thing that could be heard was their furious breaths and the thundering of their hearts in their chests. As he slowly began to get up and stand, the only words i manged to get out between breaths, before he can fully stand, were:
-You…should not…ever…betray me…again
between patings. His face was dripping with wet hair.
She tried to catch her beath, still laying on the ground.
-And you…should NOT…do me those…terrible pranks.
she dried her face with the back of her hand.
-He stood up, his hands at his sides. The water and the rage made is face a complete mess. He was shaking with fury, his eyes wide and his mouth a thin line. He took another step towards her. There was a look in his eyes that promised danger and retribution, as if he might start another fight any seconds.
He began to speak through gritted teeth.
-You. You don’t betray the god of Mischief, EVER. Do we understand eachother?
She nodded, but then she kicked him in the leg and got up instantly.
She rushed upstairs calling for Frigga.
Loki, still in pain, charged towards her and pummeled her, hitting her as hard as he could.
She fell on the ground, crying because of the pain.
-How could you do this to me!? I am a girl, and you shouldn’t even touch a girl with a flower!
Now she was the dramatic one, but she had learned those tactics from him.
He stepped on her. Loki didn’t seem to care about what she said. If anything, her speech made him even angrier as he walked away from her.
No matter how many times he pushed her away, she always returned. And when she wasn’t to be found, he was the first to search all around for her. They needed eachother, they were never alone.
As the months passed by, Frigga watched the two young sorcerers as they practiced their magic. Loki was back again the best and soon began to teach himself his tricks to Nereide. She could sense a tender tension between them, despite their constant arguments. She hoped that they would eventually see past their differences and learn to appreciate each other's unique talents. Their hatred for each other had been based on misunderstanding, she was sure of it.
As they continued to cross paths in their magical lessons, they started to notice the depth of each other's aptitude. Nereide was impressed by Loki's innovative approach to magic, while Loki was in awe of Nereide's skill and precision.
Frigga couldn't help but notice the chemistry between the two and encouraged them to work together. As they started to collaborate, their magical abilities grew stronger, and their animosity towards one another dissipated. They eventually became really good friends.
Frigga immediately noticed that Loki wasn’t treating the nymph as a sibling: it was something deeper, but they both had to discover it by themselves. Frigga was aware that Nereide couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of nostalgia and longing for her son, and Loki was hyperprotective and a whole different person around her…
Until that day…
The group of children, stationed behind a bush, watched the deers they had been keeping an eye on for a long time fleeing because of that sneeze.
- Well done, Balder, you're the usual spoil-party!
Thor leapt up from hiding, and the sudden movement caused few leaves to get caught in his thick golden locks. Although he was one of the younger brothers, he was confident and didn't mind raising his voice with the older ones.
The sun, still feeble at the end of winter, filtered shy and clear through the treetops. The air was still cold, the youngs’s breath condensed.
-Don't blame him like that, he still has a lot to learn and getting upset like this is useless.
Tyr, the eldest of them, rebuked him instantly, placating the angry little thunder god.
-Come on, let's follow them and see if we can bring home a couple at least. This time I won't make up for any of your failures.
By saying this Tyr looked up to the sky, where the ravens of their father, Odin, circled above their heads, lurking on the branches as they moved.
-Huginn and Muninn??? Did our father send those damn crows to watch over us?
Balder asked raising his head as he accompanied his blind twin, Hoder, holding his hand.
Thor walked ahead of everyone, keeping his shoulders straight and his gaze determined.
-I won't disappoint him. Understood??? Ugly birds of ill omen!
-Bighead, calm down and focus on our mission.
Tyr could not even finish the sentence that Thor had started running after those deers that had gone into the forest.
-I'll take them all, even if I have to kill them with my bare hands!
At the palace, Frigga looked out the window thoughtfully. She had been waiting the return of his children since that same morning. One more stubborn than the other, they had decided to go hunting to demonstrate their strength and ability to their father. It had already been a whole day since they went.
The youngest of them, Thor, was in eternal competition with his older brothers, but he always redeemed himself, proving time after time to be the most capable, strong and daring.
Even his brother Tyr, god of War, was no match for his strength.
Thor's character was unparalleled, he was definitely the worthy heir of Odin.
The woman sighed, opening the curtains to let more light into the room, turning inside. Was it a good idea to send Loki and Nereide to find them? Evidently not.
Every god had a weakness, a flaw that would eventually lead to their downfall. And that day, when the brothers were hunting in the woods, Loki and Nereide had found them playing a stupid game:it was simple, the brothers had to throw everything they could against Balder, who was, supposedly, immortal.
Among them was Hoder, the blind god of winter and darkness, Balder’s twin.
Loki, with his ravished grin, exchanged a look with Nereide. His gaze went down to his hands, where he mastered, with his magic, a mistletoe harrow.
Despite his disability, Hoder was loved by many for his gentle nature and kind heart. But his fate would soon change, and tragedy would strike the land of the gods... Loki’s target was the great Balder, and Nereide knew damn well as she was shaking her head, looking at Loki while he was aproaching his blind brother, handing him the harrow.
And he threw it.
from the tops of the trees a flock of birds could be seen soaring in flight, frightened by the raucous cries of the boys.
Odin's two ravens flew in the opposite direction.
The kids rushed to Balder’s side, but there was nothing they could do. They were dismayed, they didn’t know how to go back to the palace and tell their parents.
His death was tragic and senseless, and it shook the entire realm of the gods. Odin was heartbroken, and Frigga was inconsolable. The other wept and mourned, for they could not believe that such a brave and noble warrior had been taken from them.
Loki had long harbored a grudge against Balder, the god of love and light, who was beloved by all, but he certainly did not want to appease his thirst for revenge with the death of his brother. Guilt was consuming him deeply. It’s not your fault, he could hear Nereide’s soft voice during the funerals, you couldn’t know.
Well, he knew, actually, the misteltoe was the only thing in the world that didn’t swear it would never injure Balder, but how could he knew it was going to kill him?
Hoder was wracked with guilt and sorrow at what he had done, and he knew that he had irrevocably changed the course of history. The others were devastated by Balder's death, and they mourned him deeply. Hoder, too, was consumed by anguish and despair, and he withdrew from them, unable to face the consequences of his actions. He was filled with regret and sorrow, knowing that he could never undo the damage he had caused. And though he was beloved, he could not find peace or forgiveness, for he knew that he had fallen prey to Loki's malevolent schemes. The other Gods sawhim as the murderer and punished him by banishing him to the underworld. Two broders went missing then, and after that, Tyr brutally died in a war.
And so, only Thor and Loki remained shattered by isolation and despair. Years passed, and Loki realized he never had hated Balder, but envied him. His heart ached for he chance to make things right, but it was too late. His brothers were gone forever, and he was left to live with the consequences of his actions.
For even the gentlest of souls can be led astray, and even the strongest of bonds can be broken by a single act of malice.
Loki was imprisoned for a short period because he’s considered responsible of one of his brothers’ death.
Loki was punished, tied to three rocks and a snake would drip poison on his face. Even though Nereide was allowed to help him ,collecting the venom in a tray, when he came back he kept the distance with her.
Loki sat underneath that snake swirling with guilt and sorrow. He had always been a mischievous trickster, but his latest plan had gone horribly wrong. He had wanted to prove himself to his father, to prove that he was worthy of being an Asgardian god. Instead, he had caused the death of his own brothers.
He thought about Nereide so much, looking at her holding up the tray, protecting him from the poison night adn day. She had always been kind to him, even when he was at his worst. He wanted to reach out to her, to beg for her forgiveness. But he couldn't. He was too ashamed of his actions, too burdened by his guilt.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Loki remained silence, still unable to face Nereide. He could hear her footsteps outside when she emptied the tray, he could sense her warmth as she kneeled before him. But he couldn't bring himself to speak to her.
When he came back, he avoided her. He only looked up at her walking in the garden with his Mother. Her eyes were sad, but there was a hint of something else there too. Something that Loki couldn't quite decipher. He heard her saying softly the same hurting phrases. "I'm sorry. I know he’s been struggling with guilt. Maybe now he can find a way to make things right."
Loki looked up at her, his heart racing. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to reach out to her, to tell her how much he had missed her. But he still felt the weight of his guilt. He wasn't sure if he could ever truly make things right.
As Nereide turned to walk away from the garden, Loki felt a pang of regret, hiding under the window where he was spying on her. He had let his guilt keep him from reaching out to her. But maybe, just maybe, there was still hope. Maybe he could find a way to make things right, as she said, to show Nereide that he was truly sorry. And maybe, just maybe, they could find a way back to each other once again.
As the sun began to set, Loki sat alone on a cliff overlooking the vast ocean. The weight of his actions had driven him into seclusion, and he kept his distance from Nereide, the only person he had ever been truly close to.
Despite her efforts to coax him out of his shell, Loki kept his guard up, refusing to let anyone see his true emotions. Every time Nereide tried to get closer, he would push her away, afraid that his feelings would only cause her pain.
As days turned into weeks, Loki's isolation became more and more unbearable. He longed for Nereide's company, but his guilt held him back. He didn't want to bring her any more pain. As Loki sat alone with his thoughts, he heard a faint whisper on the wind. A voice that sounded familiar, yet distant, calling out to him. Curiosity got the better of him, and he set off to find the source of the mysterious voice.
As he walked, the voice grew louder, calling out to him with a sense of urgency. He followed it to a nearby cave among the searocks, where he found Nereide, her eyes filled with tears.
Without a word, the awkwardly looked at eachother. They both grew up, they had spent years together in that cell but they both felt so distant from the other. For a moment, Loki hesitated, unsure of what to do. But as Nereide's tears continued to fall, he knew that he had to take a chance.
In that moment, Loki realized that even though he couldn't change the past, he could still choose to move forward. And with Nereide by his side, he knew that anything was possible.
But as usual, his cynism took over.
-Oh, look who’s back, the weirdest maremaid.
He said, leaning on a rock. The crashing waves sound was distant from them, the echo of their voices filled the small cave.
Nereide wiped away her tears, her voice was soar.
-Why don’t you mind your business and think about where have you been instead.
-Don’t try and turn this around on me, Nereide. I know exactly where I’ve been. If you have a problem with me, I’m happy to take it to another dimension and beat the crap out of you!
They exchanged a complicit look and Nereide ran away from him, yelling: -Beat me all you want i ain’t going!
-Don’t run from me you little…!!! I should…i should…!
I’ll tink of a punishment for you later!
-You don’t even try to catch me, you lazy boy?
-Hmf. Why waste my time chasing you when I know you won’t get far…
I’ll get my revenge one day!
It seemed that nothing had changed between them, they seemed even closer than before. Nereide snorted, walking back to him.
-oof, it’s not funny if you don’t collab!
-You know, chasing you is so fun but i always end up trapping you unless you jump in water, you coward.
They both sat on a rock, looking at the sun diving into the ocean. The sky was already lilac, nearly livid, some stars were visible.
-You didn’t even ask me how am I!
Said the girl unable to hold back her smile. She was so childish from times to times, she could cry her soul out and two seconds later it was like nothing happened.
-Ugh, you’re beind dramatic again. You ALWAYS pull the sympathy card because you think it’ll get you out of any ‘trouble’ i’ve caused you, but you know what? That’s not going to work anymore. I’ve had enough. No more favors from me. Got it?
We all know he didn’t believe his own words and Nereide knew better. She held his arm, leaning her head on his shoulder.
-Who is the drama queen now?
Why don’t we go to the palace? Thor and the others are having so much fun doing some fights!
-Only you are the drama queen, And i’m done with your antics. You are always the one to blame, not me! Why in the nine realms would i do you any favors after what you said about me!? I’m not your pet, Nereide, i have far more pride than that, unlike you.
He pulled his arm away from her, storming outside the cave.
He wasn’t ready to face her yet, and he blamed himself for that. He didn’t expect her to be so…gorgeous. She grew taller, her features still sweet and innocent, yet more mature. And her eyes, god, her fawn eyes, he couldn’t hold his gaze on hers without thinking of sinful stuff. Acting out of anger was the best way he could run away with his mad beating heart.
Nereide looked at him incredulous, following him
-did something that i don’t know happen to you, Loki?
She asked, truly concerned.
-You happened, Nereide.
You happened and now I will have my revenge.
Actually, he would fuck the brains out of her, he wants to choke her and fuck her till she’s unconsious, but he wants to degrade her so much. He wants to see her teary and pleading eyes, because he knows that Nereide gets turned on by his attitude. They weren’t kids anymore and he knew better, he knew how to read her, spying on her like a maniac.
He just stomped out of the seaside, fuming and seehing.
He’s usually calm and relaxed, but this was unacceptable to him. The idea of Nereide that had power over him (without her knowing) was unthinkable, but he’s doing his best to hold back his temper.
Nereide began to cry again. Big, plump tears running over her cheeks.
-i’m sorry, whatever i did, i am so sorry
-You’re doing it again, doll. You’re trying to use my empathy against me! You’re trying to make me feel bad for you, bu i will not have you taking advantage of me! I will not let you play with me! I am the God of Mischief, for crying out loud! I’m done being nice! I should be the one who drags and bangs you everywhere like a rag!
Nereide was utterly in shock, hurt by his words. She ran away, bursting in tears. Loki follows after her.
With rage and something between lust and hunger, he summons an opening to another dimension. He shoved Nereide into the portal with as much force as he can muster, closing it behind him. It’s dark there.
-Is this another one of Your tests!? I can’t anymore, please…
Something lit up. They were in the library.
-You’ve brought this upon yourself…
And as he said that, he shoved her in the corridors.
from that moment, the brothers' tragic story was no longer mentioned by the two. Indeed, Frigga's predictions of their affection had turned out to be true.
Each year was passing by, they were both learing magic from Frigga and they were always locked up in the library, studying.
Thor and their other friends always called them to go on adventures with them, but they hardly went out.
Loki began to be more and more closed in on himself as they were growing up, only her company was welcome.
But whenever he joined the others he never let her go with them. He was convinced that she could be endangered, and he wasn't entirely wrong.
But it was always a joy to return to the palace and find her lost in her spells, to search her all over the rooms only to find out that she was in the garden waiting for him with new books, or flowers, or anything they could do together.
She was a free girl, daughter of nature, always smiling and naive; her sun-kissed skin felt as soft and sweet as a peach, her big eyes always bright. She had freckles and very long dark hair, always loose.
It was unthinkable for everyone that Loki was her closest friend: he had always despised everyone who wasn’t divine, yet there he was, more and more lost walking with her, training with her, talking with her...
You are wrong if you think that no one made fun of him for this.
The truth is, Loki was teased about a lot of things. He was put down for not being like his brother Thor, and he was very bad-tempered.
Nereide seemed the only one who didn’t mind about it. They’ve been friends for a lifetime, and she knew that he wasn’t easy to understand sometimes. She knew she had flaws too, so she accepted him as he was.
Whenever she heard him pronounce her name she felt a shiver on her skin.
She smiled widely at him. She was caressing some roses that had just blossomed.
-Oh, it’s you!
-Oh? OH??? Have you forgotten who i am??? The greatest god of them all? Did my magnificence slip your mind?
He said dramatically, leaning against her as if he was about to collaps.
She laughed at it, reaching him and holding his arm.
-How could i ever forget your greatness, my beloved God.
-You can never forget it. Anywone who does shall be punished by me. Punishing is my god-born right!
-Yeah yeah, it is, it is… Come with me.
She held his arm trying to bring him with her.
-I would love to walk with you, great Nereide. We’re going to discuss punishing these mortals, aren’t we? Or are we going to discuss how magnificent i am? You may speak first.
Loki followed her, matching her pace. She was shorter than him, like a lot, so he needed to go slower.
-I suppose you could say that one is infinitely more than the other and it’s a difficult choice.
He turned to her with his head held high. His eyes almost shone with a holy light.
Nereide giggled, walking outside in the front gardens with him.
-Why can’t we just do both, you Narcissist?
-Of course we can do both! We can do anything!
Loki gestured broadly with his arms.
-Look at verything around us, we have control over the fates of everything that’s mortal! We can change the weather, cause disasters and ruin all those “precious” creations! We are their masters, they are playthings to us! We can take what we want from them, whenever we want!
The nymph rolled her eyes, waiting for him to finish before speaking.
-…Why can’t we just do something constructive instead of destroying? Like, we already have everything, let’s just leave them alone. Let’s go to the sea instead!
-Ohw, but my beautiful Nereide, i’ve always had a faschination with the cruelest parts of mortality. It’s the negative emotions of the mortals i love most. Anger, greed, pride, hatred…Those are the things tat fascinate me the most. How the negative affects on everyone’s life. And chaos…chaos is a personal favorite of mine. I cannot resist it’s allure.
He sigghed dramatically, looking off into the far distance.
-And my love for chaos must be fed…
She smiled again, shaking her head a little and nudging him.
-Want to train together with some magic pranks?
-Yes, yes, very much. I’m always in the mood to destroy your enthusiasm.
They both laugh at this, knowing that is’s completely false.
-I think i actually have a really fun, possibly mean, little trick i want to show you.
She held his hand, speeding a little, dragging him.
-Let’s head to the Arena then, it should be empty. I have seen Thor and the others going to the Bifrost earlier.
-Excellent! I love the sound of us having the entire arena t ourselves. Now, watch carefully here, and don’t blink!
She released his hand and began to run to the arena.
-I can’t wait to see it!!!
Loki turned to look at Nereide with a mischievous, devious and devilish smile. A smile that was filled with all kind of mayhem and hijinks from which there was no escape. Then, almost as a stage magician would do, he snapped his fingers and sent Nereide to one of his illusionary dimension.
She huffed, stumping on her feet.
-Oh, not again!
He heard Loki laugh and laugh, cackling with glee before he snapped his fingers once again to return her back to the arena.
-And that, Nereide, is why we don’t mess with the Gods. Mwahahahah!
She formed an ice spear with her magic and threw it at him.
-I know! That’s the best part! Isn’t it just so much fun? Isn’t it delightful how i can be mischievous? Just think of how funny it would have been if you never came back! It’s hilarious! Wouldn’t that be the cruelest prank i’ve ever pulled?
He started to laugh, doubled over with laughter.
She held his face in her hands, studying him. He was insane sometimes, kind of a maniac, but she grinned.
-So you want a real fight, don’t you?
She stepped back, forming a few water spheres.
-Don’t hold back then, i’m more than ready.
He smirked, twirling in his hands two daggers.
-That’s a worthy challenge.
He stepped back, keeping his eyes on her.
-I’ll make this brief, Nereide. So go ahead, attack me!
She threw the water spheres to him. By his surprise, the water was boiling and it turned into steam and it didn’t let him see a single thing around him.
-You know why you shouldn’t challenge me?
She turned into steam herself, following the wind and confusing with the steam around.
-Because i have learned from you.
Loki laughed, enjoying her attempts.
-Now this, this is funny!
He said to himself as he let some magic flow within him to clear aways the steam. He saw nothing but the empty arena space, but he knew better. He could sense Nereide’s magical energy all around, and he grinned.
-You really are full of mischief, aren’t you? I LOVE IT.
Rain started to fall and Nereide turned back to herself little by little.
She screamed when she was entirely back
-Am i good enough?
She formed a wave with the water from the rain.
Loki was smiling at her with a sense of pride, but also with the devilish sense of enjoying a good battle. He was thinking to himself “Yes, she’s definitely worth my time to mess with!”, before realizing he had said this thought out loud.
He knew she heard him loud and clear, the silence among them was cringe.
Loki quickly cleared his throat.
-Ahem…Not bad, but you still aren’t good as me, dear Nereide.
His signature smile grew even wider as he heard her voice becoming a pitch louder. She was nervous. He loved to make her mad, he alway loved to mess with her.
-Well, i’m no God so of course you are stronger and better than me.
The rain had stopped. The wave she was forming was big enough and she thew it at him, turning it into ice as he was on top of it, trapping him.
She began to jump and cheer in triumph.
-Aaah! I got you!
she was clapping her hands
-That’s the first time i do it, Loki!
He culdn’t resist the encasement, but he could free himself anytime. Instead, he giggled. He was happy that she was improving day by day.
-Well done Neri, well done!
His laughter sounded as if it was teasing her, daring her to try harder.
-Is that all you can do?
-Not at all.
She turned the wave back into water, letting him fall. Then turned it into snow so that he wouldn’t get hurt. She took two ice daggers and went on top of him, keeping a foot on his chest.
-Any “last words”?
She asked ironically. It was at this very moment that Nereide realized Loki was looking at her like a proud father would do. He’s not in any danger at all, nor felt frustraed. He was just enjoying their time, because he was simply having fun with her. She had realized for the first time that Loki wasn’t actually looking down on her for being weaker than him. He actually thought quite the opposite. She was just so good in his eyes, he couldn’t hold back his happiness.
Nereide smiled back at him, sitting on the snow and then laying beside him, looking at the sky.
Their shoulders were touching.
-You’re the best anyway.
Loki looked at her with genuine appreciation and gratitude in his eyes. He had gone from teasing her to respecting her, always bouncing between these two moods. His expression showed he had recognized her ability and how he had earned his respect. It was like his facade was melting from his face, showing the being underneath. Loki’s new look almost felt like an apology, as if he had suddenly gotten serious.
He always felt bad after each time he was rough with her.
-Nereide, you are…brilliant.
❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆ ❆❆❆
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acourtofthought · 2 years ago
Azriel is very incorrectly characterized as sad emo baby who just needs some love.
- He spent 11 years in complete darkness and silence.
- Was only allowed to see him mom for one hour every day, but how much love can his mother fit in just one hour (when she herself was going through hell)?
- Saw his mother get mistreated and was unable to do anything about it. It’s never explicitly stated, but since his father was married with 2 sons and his mother was a servant (slave?), it’s safe to assume Azriel was not the product of consensual sex.
- His brothers tormented him for fun. I can’t even imagine the trauma and fear after they burned his hands.
- At 11 he was taken from a dark, silent place and thrown into Windhaven. He was surrounded by other kids who were probably not overtly friendly. Cue in the scars and shadows… even Rhys and Cassian bullied him. Rhys’s mom is probably the only reason he survived.
- No idea when his mom was freed or if he was able to see her after going to Windhaven.
- Rhys’s father separated the three of them and kept Azriel. He was taken away from his support system and who knows what Rhys’s father had him do?
I’m not even gonna touch the Mor/Cassian situation (that should have never been allowed to go on for so long). Purposely being touchy with Mor in front of Azriel just becomes cruel at one point. She doesn’t have to come out before she’s ready, but saying she likes things the way they are is fucked up.
He needs to heal and accept that just like everyone else, he’s not all good or all bad. The trauma Azriel has isn’t gonna go away if he gets a mate, because then his self-worth will be based on what one specific person thinks of him. That just means he’ll spiral and go back to self-loathing every time they fight or have a disagreement, especially if the mate remains angry with him. That’s just not a HEA to me.
"The trauma Azriel has isn’t gonna go away if he gets a mate, because then his self-worth will be based on what one specific person thinks of him. That just means he’ll spiral and go back to self-loathing every time they fight or have a disagreement, especially if the mate remains angry with him. That’s just not a HEA to me." That's really perceptive of you and a really excellent reason why him ending up with Mor or Elain isn't the best thing for him. There are many, many other reasons why he's not well matched to either of those females but one major problem is he's now tied his self worth into the two of them. He feels like there's something wrong with him because he didn't get a bond when Rhys, Cass and Lucien did. He feels like the females are too pure and bright for he and his darkness and true self and that must be why. And him suddenly ending up with either of them when he's become so fixated on them as the thing that he wants above all else (a Mating Bond. He didn't get one with Mor so now he's wondering why he also didn't get one with Elain even though he's still not completely over Mor) would be an instant and euphoric shot of "I am worthy!" but it would only last for so long because it doesn't really fix the problem, just temporarily masks it. And the relationship would suffer (like you said) because any tiny threat to the relationship would cause Az to go berserk, even typical arguments. Az doesn't just need love, Az has love and it's still not been enough. He's decided his entire happiness revolves around a bond even though he has an entire group of people who care about him and would die for him. But his childhood definitely messed him up and definitely not in a sad emo baby who needs cuddles kind of way. Az is angry and full of rage and really, no female interested in a relationship with him should be anywhere near that until he gets it under control. I'm not a big fan of the grown man child who needs to be mothered. I want a partner who has his shit together because while his neediness / clinginess might seem cute at first, it gets old real quick when you're going about your business like a grown ass adult and your partner is still wrapped up in himself. I do think Gwyn will be the right person for him, they already read as healthier than how he behaves with Elain or Mor. But it would be nice for Az to have a personality for an entire book where he's not fixated on unattainable females. (side note, I do agree that the Mor / Cass / Az situation was a mess of epic proportions and I really wish it wouldn't have been written that way. Because Mor owes him nothing but to write her so she actively flirts with others in front of Az just to prove a point even though it's not what she wants is 😬)
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llycaons · 3 months ago
It’s been a a bit of awhile since I watched hxh so forgive my ignorance but how does it apply to the sa post you reblogged?
Hi, anon. honestly hxh was probably not the most accurate show to tag that post with, but it was the first that came to mind. I CAN tell you my thoughts - there are two readings here for SA, one much stronger than the other. discussion of SA and csa under the cut
the first reading is, naturally, the viewing of hisoka as a sexually predatory adult and understanding his interactions with, threats towards, and encouragement of gon to be grooming and sexually abusive. this is a read that most readers understand and accept because it's so obvious within the text, but you WILL find people denying it because they think hisoka being attracted to 'power' means he's not a pedophile or something. tho I wouldn't call his relationship a metaphor for anything bc his predatory intent is so explicit, the general theme of adults abusing, harming, exploiting, and threatening children is a big enough theme in the show that it kind of forms a background to the tone that was on the mind when I saw the post
as for the second reading...so this post triggered some memories of a fan disagreement from several years ago that resulted in a similar argument. before I explain what it consisted of, I want to clarify that I do not actually agree with the SA reading of the line, and I think it was just a joke in very poor taste that truly WAS was never meant to mean anything beyond that.
during the episode 'date with palm', in which 12 year old gon goes on a date with a 28 year old woman in recompense for failing to get her into the mission she wanted to go on, killua asks him if he's ever been on a date before. he goes 'sure! with aunt mito! and also with lots of sailor women! people call those women [alternate translations]: lunatics/maniacs/cougers'
and this is what the disagreement stemmed from - is gon, a child character already preyed upon by hiskoa (and palm) talking about a long history of sexual exploitation and abuse at the hands of these adult women (even going on 'chaste dates' as he apparently knows exactly how to do is exploiting him), OR is this just a shitty joke from togashi in the middle of an arc where he seems dead-set on proving the comedy in adult women being into 12 year olds? like...would mito even allow something like that? MITO clearly isn't abusing him and if he compares his time with her with his time with them then it's a little weird these random women keep showing up sure but how much of a 'date' really IS it. like is he just giving them tours around the island and stuff? but also he knows how to DO all of it? and it's always older women? it's weird!
like its disturbing how easily gon manages palm and how good he is at like...showing her a good g-rated date and how calm he is at this prospect in general, but given how it doesn't seem to matter to his character like his father leaving did and how it literally never comes up again and how whale island has in the story been a place of safety and refuge from the terrifying and dangerous adult world, these days I'm leaning towards the 'shitty joke' reading and I'm inclined to think these 'dates' were more like (admittedly a little creepy) island tours for visitors, and killua's all stunned but HE hasn't been on a date either so he has no idea! HE thinks gon is all mature, so it feeds his jealousy a little and hits him particularly hard when he's already feeling insecure and unworthy of being at gon's side
so in that sense I become the one who the op is complaining about because I'm saying there IS no SA metaphor/subtext or at least not an intentional or meaningful one...but given the disagreement it WAS in my mind when I saw that post. ah, it was a huge topic back in the day...
sorry this explanation was so rambly and kind of weak. I probably wouldn't have tagged it as hxh if I had thought more about it but I didn't want to leave you hanging! I hope this helps clarify my thought process at least :) since my college days I've read and watched a lot more media that deals with this topic in more thorough and sensitive ways and while I do think there's value in exploring csa in some of the villains, the misogyny and confused tone and insistence on turning it into a joke really make some of it fall flat. alas!
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