#he said that the old testament and the torah are one and the same but i don't really agree
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shalom-iamcominghome · 12 days ago
Not to turn a lighthearted post into serious commentary or pontification, but my dad is very xtian and he talked to me about this very topic by coincidence.
To him, he hates when people take g-d's name in vein ("oh, my g-d"). He said it literally sounds like nails on a chalkboard to him. To him, it is the ultimate disrespect.
If you couldn't tell, my viewpoint is the opposite. I say and understand "oh, my g-d" as a plea. It's something that to me means, "g-d, please remember me." I view taking g-d's name in vein not as a matter of belief or word, but action. To me, a person who takes g-d name in vein are people who claim to work for g-d and love g-d, but who hate their fellow man. The people who are indifferent to suffering, who profit off pain, who see g-d as a means to an end. That is desecration of The Name.
And I think that highlights some key differences between judaism and xtianity. Neither are wrong or ontologically bad, but it's different.
You can pry "oh, my g-d" out of my cold dead religious hands. I yearn for g-d which means that I personally want to cry out to Him.
I think the difference between myself and other religious people is that I don't see saying "oh my g-d" as being disgraceful to His name. I see saying "oh my g-d" like you're trying to get g-d's attention so you can do this:
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The Serpent That Deceived Eve Deceives Women Today by Helen Louise Herndon
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The nature of this current deception involves the serpent seducing women to take God’s prerogative and decide the life or death of their child in vivo by abortion. This is accomplished by convincing her that the nature of her pregnancy is not two persons but just about her body alone. The living entity she carries, a real human being, is defined and reduced to a clump of cells much like a cyst or tumor. This deception allows her to choose to end the life of the newly created human being she carries at any time during her pregnancy.
In the beginning, according to both the Jewish Torah and the Christian Old Testament, Satan, appeared as a serpent to Eve and deceived her. This deception resulted in Eve and Adam’s rebellion of against God, eviction from the Garden of Eden, death, humankind’s fall into depravity, and responsibility for its choices between good and evil. Judaism and historic Christianity are fundamentally in agreement about this event and its consequences. Thus, a woman—the first woman—based on her being deceived played a role in ushering in life as we know it from the beginning, that involves a great struggle between good and evil.
Fast forward years and millennia to today, and many of Eve’s daughter-descendants are once again taken in as she was, deceived by that same ancient serpent. However, they are not alone, since men are also taken in by his deception. It’s both interesting and provocative that the serpent would focus on deceiving womankind. That deception involves tricking her to believe that her pregnancy, what she carries in her womb, is only all about her body and only all her choice as to how to handle it.
The first deception in the Garden of Eden involved the serpent rebutting God’s command, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die” (Genesis 2: 16-17). “You will not certainly die, the serpent said to the woman. For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3: 4-5).
The nature of this current deception involves the serpent seducing women to take God’s prerogative and decide the life or death of their child in vivo by abortion. This is accomplished by convincing her that the nature of her pregnancy is not two persons but just about her body alone. The living entity she carries, a real human being, is defined and reduced to a clump of cells much like a cyst or tumor. This deception allows her to choose to end the life of the newly created human being she carries at any time during her pregnancy. And this act involves the most brutal and cruel methods. She does so simply by believing and repeating the lie, “My body, my choice.”
Is this what the Torah and the Christian Scriptures teach? Exodus 21: 22-23 refers to a scenario where men are quarreling and a pregnant woman is hit: “And should men quarrel and hit a pregnant woman, and she miscarries but there is no fatality, he shall surely be punished, when the woman’s husband makes demands of him, and he shall give [restitution] according to the judges’ [orders]. But if there is a fatality, you shall give a life for a life . . .” (Torah). Consequently, if the baby in the womb dies, the one who caused the death is also to die, since a murder or manslaughter has taken place.
Furthermore, many Old Testament Scriptures teach that God knows all who are in the womb and even appoints them with a purpose while still in the womb:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart” (Jeremiah 1:5).
“Before I was born the Lord called me; from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name” (Isaiah 49:1).
In the New Testament, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is pregnant and visits her cousin Elizabeth who is pregnant with John the Baptist, and this occurs: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41).
Besides modern technology via ultrasound and sonogram expose the developing child in the womb as definitely and visibly a human being. Both Judaism and Christianity considered the one in the womb as separate from the woman’s body. So, it’s really not “My Body, My Choice.” It’s factually and truthfully “His/Her Body, God’s Choice.”
For those of us who are women, it’s time to stop being deceived by that ancient serpent. It’s also time to prove to the world we are not naïve and so easily deluded. Our ancient mother, Eve, would be pleased. And, men, you, too, are not to be taken in by the serpent’s lies. The clarity of biblical truth, as well as basic scientific facts, upholds the real life in womb and urges us to pray against the serpent’s deceit and to work for the cessation of the mass murder of the unborn in our day?
Helen Louise Herndon is a member of Central Presbyterian Church (EPC) in St. Louis, Missouri. She is freelance writer and served as a missionary to the Arab/Muslim world in France and North Africa.
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kitttttchaos · 3 months ago
I have a message for American Christians and for Atheists, because oh my word, it is getting tough out here.
I’m about to make some heads roll with this one.
Firstly, American Christians. What are you doing?! Do you not understand that Trump is ABSOLUTELY NOT the second coming of Jesus? Like, are you crazy? There are so many things I could get into here, but the main thing is, Christianity is not Nationalism, and anyone who uses Christianity to defend violence is blaspheming Jesus’s name. Jesus came to LOVE people. John 3:17 says “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” It is God’s job to judge sinners, not yours. Your job is to LOVE them. Jesus says in John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Do you not realize that by perpetuating hatred, people don’t see you as disciples of Jesus, who taught kindness and generosity, and love above all else—they see you as bullies. The phrase “there’s no hate like Christian love” isn’t woke propaganda, it’s a result of your ignorance. You band together in your little middle class groups, isolating yourself from people who need the Gospel, spewing lies about groups YOU DON’T EVEN ASSOCIATE WITH, attaching yourself to the organization and the facility of the church rather than to Jesus’s Word.
Do you not remember this:
“When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw Him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked His disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.””
Do you also not remember when the Pharisees caught a woman with a man who wasn’t her husband, and they dragged her out naked and through her in front of Jesus? The seventh commandment of the ten that God gave Moses in the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) was “do not commit adultery”, so this was a capital offense. But did Jesus, who had literally been saying this whole time that love was more important than all those other commandments, condemn this woman? Of course He didn’t. He said, “Let he who has not sinned throw the first stone.”
Ahem. Are the atheists still here? Just because I knocked the Christians off their high horse doesn’t mean it’s for sale.
Okay. Listen. Atheism is a religion. Most developed countries allow for freedom of religion. That’s important. Anyone is legally allowed to believe anything that they want. Period. Meaning that you are allowed to believe another person is wrong. This also falls under freedom of expression in some countries.
A lot (not all) of atheists that I know bitch and moan about Christians (or literally any other religion) trying to “force their religion” on them. Now, as a Christian, I do not believe in harassing people. No means no, and respect is important. I already went over how I feel that American Christians lack love and respect these days. But not all atheists are warm and fuzzy either. It is 100% your right to not believe in any god or practice any religion, and it is 100% your right to express that believe.
But you need to understand that when you attack and belittle people who practice religions, you are just as bad as the people who you condemn. An atheist who thinks they are doing a Christian “a favor” by “debunking” all of their beliefs is the same as a Christian who believes they are saving an atheist by sharing the Gospel. From an objective point of view, they are really no different. And atheists should think about how they feel when a religious person tries to upend all the science and reason and rationality that they believe to be true. Isn’t that an awful feeling? And does it make you feel good to hit Christians with that same dysphoria? I’m sure it does for a minute, but please understand that all religious people, not just Christians, have their beliefs sewn deep into their culture and their communities, and fostering seeds of doubt means jeopardizing relationships.
Someone I knew once threw a hissy fit because he went to a Muslim wedding, and his mom wasn’t allowed to show cleavage. Like, DUDE. Do you not understand how important modesty is to Muslim culture? They’re not asking you to pray five times a day facing Mecca. They’re asking you to be respectful of the other people at the wedding. The world is bigger than you, my guy.
What American Christians are doing right now is seriously wrong, but the atheists are being just as disrespectful. Both of them need to understand that if they want their beliefs to be respected, they should respect other people’s beliefs as well. I would venture to say this is true for all religions, but I personally haven’t had poor experiences with Hindus or Muslims.
You are well within your rights to share your beliefs, but PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL. Christians, stop trying to micromanage the Holy Spirit. Atheists, touch grass.
Again, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT ALL ATHEISTS OR ALL AMERICAN CHRISTIANS. This is based on my personal experiences. Respectful atheists and respectful American Christians, please sound off in the reblogs so I know you exist.
As always, educate me if I’m misinformed. Thanks for sticking around this long.
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atheostic · 1 year ago
I'm interested to hear how educated you are on the differences between judaism and christianity, especially how their value systems, i saw your conversation with rose and it was nice to see someone questioning theism without being condescending and acting like theists are bad people
Hey, sorry for taking a while to respond.
I'll readily admit that I'm way more familiar with how atheist Jews view the differences between the two religions than I am with how theist Jews view it. I consciously seek out atheist Jews' interpretations and views of Judaism and Judaism vs, Christianity partly because, as an atheist myself, I want to hear what other atheists have to say. The other part is that I find that atheists in general don’t have hangups about calling out the bad stuff in their past culture/religion so you get to actually hear about the problems (which every religion without exception has – just like they all have good parts too).
I know that Christianity started out as a denomination of Judaism (there were heated discussions in the early days of Christianity over whether one had to convert to Judaism before being considered a Christian). I know that if Bible!Jesus is an accurate portrayal of a real historical figure he didn’t intend to create a new religion but rather to reform Judaism. That being said, I also know that, much like how language dialects eventually become distinct enough to be separate languages, it has been a VERY long time since Christianity was part of Judaism. It has some aspects that are similar, but for the most part it’s now its own thing (kind of like how all Great Apes share similarities but are clearly different species).
I know (thanks to Karyn Glasser) that the main similarity between Christianity and Judaism is that the Old Testament and the Torah are mostly the same text when compared side by side, with the biggest difference being how some stuff is organized. That being said, in theology you’re supposed to treat each religion’s text as unique even if they’re literally word-for-word identical, which is why I always explicitly refer to the two texts as being separate.
I know that, while part of their holy texts are virtually identical, how Christianity vs Judaism approaches their holy texts is very very different. Traditionally in Judaism, the Torah is meant to be a living text, which means that things being open to interpretation was a feature, not a bug. As far as ancient Israelites were concerned, if there was no new meaning to be found in the text then the text was dead and useless. Christianity, on the other hand, likes to view their holy text as a lot more cemented (“my way or the highway” if you will)... though it doesn’t keep people from interpreting it six ways from Sunday anyway. The inflexibility in Christianity is likely part of why violence and animosity between denominations seems to be much higher than in Judaism.
I also know that how most Jews view God is very different from how most Christians view God; Jews aren’t typically afraid to be like “Yeah, that thing he did was an asshole move, God’s a dick sometimes” whereas most Christians consider God to be all-good and perfect and above reproach, so to say he did something bad breaks their brain. I remember seeing this post once where a Jewish person was basically like “whether good or bad, since everything happens according to God’s will I hold him responsible for what happens in my life”. Jews also don’t typically have a hangup about arguing with god (which makes for a much healthier dynamic in my opinion).
From my personal experience, it seems that Jews tend to be a lot more relaxed and have a more playful attitude toward religion that white North American* Christians. Jews, for example, will get into fun friendly debates over whether it’d be kosher for a vampire to drink pig’s blood if it was to avoid drinking from a human (if memory serves about that post someone asked their rabbi and they said yes) or whether it’d be okay for a dragon to light the shammash using their breath. North American Christians, on the other hand, tend to be way more serious when it comes to how they approach theology in general.
That being said, of course there are exceptions in both cases, as no group is monolithic and people are hella complicated. From what I’ve read and from what I’ve heard from Jews on Tumblr, Orthodox Jews tend to be more Christian-y in how they approach the Torah in that compared to other denominations they tend to take things a lot more literally. I remember reading an article once about how some bigwig in the Canadian Orthodox Jewish community had suggested not taking Genesis too literally and it was a big scandal.
And because no group is monolithic, it’s worth emphacizing that what I know about Jewish culture is primarily from a North American viewpoint (and mostly American at that), and therefore what I know isn’t applicable to all Jews as a whole (I recently got s book for the school library I work at all about how Passover is celebrated differently around the world, so it’d be silly for me to think that how Jews approach Judaism would be monolithic).
And all this is, of course, when talking about theist Jews. Because since Judaism is an ethnoreligion it’s possible to be both an atheist and a Jew at the same time. And how atheist Jews approach Judaism as a religion varies wildly (not surprising, since getting atheists of any kind to agree on anything beyond the nonbelief in any deities is like herding cats). Some, like the previously-mentioned Karyn Glasser, sometimes go to worship services as a way to connect with their culture and ancestors. One of my colleagues sometimes goes to the synagogue if there’s a party going on because “who doesn’t love a good party?”. Others, like an Israeli  caller to the Atheist Experience a while ago, think that atheist Jews should be referred to by a different word than theist Jews because their perspective regarding the religion is so different (his suggestion was for atheist Jews to be known as “Hebrews”). Others don’t care about the religion aspect at all but still celebrate the holidays as a tie to their culture. Yet others aren’t tied to their culture or religion at all. 
* No topic is taboo about being made fun of in Brazilian culture, so how Brazilian Christians approach religion is very different and much closer to how I’ve seen Jews approach religion.
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sixminutestoriesblog · 2 years ago
The glowing ruby shall adorn, Those who in July are born; Then they’ll be exempt and free From love’s doubts and anxiety. — Gregorian birthstone poem
In the middle and right at the forefront of the Crown of England is a giant polished red stone. It is called the Black Prince's Ruby - and some people say its cursed.
The stone's story starts in Iberian Peninsula, where legends says that it was owned by Abū Sa'īd, the last Sultan of Granada. Abū Sa'īd was at war with Don Pedro of Castile and finally agreed to surrender. When the two sides met to finalize the agreement however, Pedro lived up to his moniker of 'the Cruel' and murdered the off-guard sultan and his entire entourage. The blood red stone over two inches long was found on the dead ruler's body and Pedro took it as a a trophy. Bad luck came along for the ride. Shortly after the deed, in 1366 Pedro's rule was challenged by one of his brothers and he enlisted the help of the English Edward of Woodstock, a man otherwise known as the Black Prince. After the revolt was put down, Edward demanded Pedro's two daughters - and the stone, in exchange for his help. Within three years, Pedro was dead. Edward, heir to the English throne, didn't live long enough to even rule. After that, the blood stone disappeared until 1415 when Henry V wore it on his helmet in his war with France. He almost lost it, and his head along with it, to an axe blow during the battle of Agincourt. Richard III wasn't so lucky when he wore the same stone during the Battle of Bosworth, where he was killed. Despite that, the stone stayed in royal hands until Oliver Cromwell's rebellion where it disappeared for a time from the records. It showed back up again with Charles II in 1660 though and in 1838 it became the crowning jewel in Queen Victoria's coronation crown.
By then however, it wasn't considered a ruby anymore. In 1783, chemistry had advanced enough to differentiate between rubies and their look-alike, magnesium bearing spinels.
Since July's birthstone is the ruby, let's take a closer look at it before the month is over.
Rubies are considered the second most valuable jewel in the world, one of the Big Four, with the others being diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. They are second in hardness only to diamonds. Ancient sanskrit gave them the name ratnaraj, which means 'the king of jewels'. They have been mined in Myanmar since 2500 BC (or only 600 AD according to another site, though there are records of rubies traveling the North Silk Road from China as far back as 200 BC and they are mentioned in the Old Testament and the Torah so this is one of those wobbly 'facts'). Still, rubies that come from that part of the world are still considered the high standard today. In color, they can range from a red-purple to 'pigeon blood' red to orange or pink. Rubies are used in lasers, with the first one being built in 1960. Rubies from Greenland are said to be the oldest in the world, clocking in at 3 billion years old.
Impressive, isn't it? And anything with this much history, has to have stories that go with it. Let's talk superstition.
With such a rich, red color, of course rubies would be associated with blood. In Burma, India and China, rubies were placed in helmets, breastplates and weapon scabbards, with the belief that they would both protect their wearer and encourage bravery, strength and stamina. In Persia, the ruby granted mental clarity as well as divine power. The Chinese gave rubies to each other as good luck and protective charms. It was said that when evil approached a dark blot would appear on the surface of the red gem and when the darkness cleared away the evil had passed by. In India, wearing a ruby on the heart side of your body will allow you to live in peace. In many cultures, the rich, red color of rubies makes them symbolic of love and passion. Even today, tradition holds that rubies are the ideal gift to give for 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries. Folklore says that rubies help with bleeding, inflammation and body heat.
And, of course, Dorthy's shoes in the 1939 technicolor movie The Wizard of Oz were ruby slippers, which showed up against the yellow brick road much better than the simple silver shoes of the book by the same name would have.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years ago
Hi! I saw your post about angels being accurate to the bible vs the Torah and was a little confused. I was taught (from an xian background) that the Torah is made up of the same writings as the first five books of the old testament, so Genesis-Exodus-Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy. But you said the angelic descriptions people reference come from Ezekiel.
So even though xianity is definitely derived from judaism, wouldn’t that still mean that these angels are a xian creation? In the same way that Islam is also based on Judaic/Abrahamic faith but something being written in the Q’ran doesn’t de facto make it a Jewish creation?
Not meaning any disrespect at all, just hoping for clarification 💙
hi, I'm gonna assume that this is a ask from a kind person who simply didn't know much about Judaism. so allow me to explain.
first of all, I don't think I made it very clear, but I'm not saying that calling those types of angels "biblically accurate" was bad because they're not part of the Bible. I was saying that they are only a small part of the many different types and interpretations and appearances of angels in religious texts. those types of angels, which I call Ezekielan angels, really only appear in that form in the book of Ezekiel as he's describing his dream. but there are many other angels that appear in other religious texts that look nothing like the Ezekielan angels. it's kinda like saying that the United States is "America" when it's just one country out of 35 countries that are part of the two American continents.
but also, and I don't blame you for not knowing because it's a common mistake, but the Torah isn't our only religious text. the Torah is a part of the Tanakh. the Tanakh is made up of: Torah, the Teaching of Moses, the first five books. Nevi'im, the books of the prophets. and Ketuvim, for the Writings, which include the psalms and wisdom literature. the Book of Ezekiel is the third of the Latter Prophets, and one of the major prophetic books.
and yes, christianity does borrow a lot from Judaism, and simply calls it the "old testament". but from what understand about christianity, the "old testament" isn't as important to them as the gospel (the four books about jesus) and the other new testament books. a helpful thing to remember is that the "old testament" existed before christianity, and is mostly just straight up copied from the Tanakh
hope that makes sense.
I want to try my best to educate people. so as long as you aren't intentionally being hateful, I'll try and help people learn.
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wesleyhill · 2 years ago
You Will Love
A homily on Mark 12:28-34 preached in a service of Holy Communion at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan, on the Friday after the Third Sunday in Lent 2023
A few moments ago, I announced that the portion I just read from Mark was “the Gospel of the Lord.”
Gospel is one of those churchy words that sounds theological and religious to most of us, probably, but in the world of the New Testament, it was an ordinary word that just meant “good news” or maybe something like “happy announcement.” It’s like that thing that never seems to happen on internet news sites: a headline that makes you say “hooray!”
So here is the question: how is our reading for this morning good news? Is it good news?
One way we might be tempted to answer is that Jesus is showing us a better interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, what we Christians call “the Old Testament,” than the legalistic, nit-picky, fastidious interpretation of his Jewish opponents. If they are fixated on ritual purity, animal sacrifices, and separating themselves from sinners, then Jesus is saying, “No, it’s not about being ‘holier-than-thou.’ It’s about love. Love God, love your neighbor. That’s it. That’s what true religion is all about.”
That’s how a lot of us understand Jesus, I imagine. He came to simplify things. His teaching is about majoring on the majors. He came to say, “Forget about purity culture. Give up offering sacrifices. Stop worrying about religious observances. Just love. Love people. Be kind. Be good to each other.” Or maybe, “Do better,” as we often say to myopic legalists today.
The problem with this way of understanding Jesus, though, is that it uses Judaism as a foil for his supposedly more enlightened religion. But in his response to the scribe, Jesus was not saying anything other than what Jews already believed. Rabbi Akiva, whom the Talmud calls the Chief of the Sages, said the same thing: “you shall love your neighbor as yourself… This is the encompassing principle of the Law.” Jacob Neusner, in his book A Rabbi Talks with Jesus, says that when Jesus sums up the Law as commanding love of God and love of neighbor, he “simply reviews well-known teachings of the Torah of Moses… With that and much else that is good Torah-teaching, no faithful Jew would want to argue.”
The point, then, is that we can’t hear our Gospel reading today as “good news” by saying that it’s good only as it contradicts Judaism.
So in what sense is it “good news,” if it is?
I want to suggest that, in a certain sense, we need to hear it as bad news before we hear it as good news. The great preacher and writer Frederick Buechner, who I know means a lot to a lot of folks in this room, says that “the Gospel must be heard as tragedy first before it can be heard as a comedy.” I think that’s exactly right, and my guess is that you may have already been hearing it that way this morning.
Jesus says in our Gospel, Love God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. This is, in a very real and important sense, not good news at all. Because when I hear those words, one of the first things I realize is all the ways I haven’t loved God and my neighbor — all the ways I don’t love God and my neighbor.
I’m painfully aware of my indifference toward God, my neglect of prayer and praise and gratitude. I think of all the ways I fail to love my family, how I ignore my godchildren’s need for attention. I think of how I’ve failed to love you, my students and colleagues, by preferring my own agendas or comforts or private projects.
I want to do what Jesus says here — I want to love God, and I want to love you, my neighbor — but often I don’t. In a few moments, we’re going to say these words to God: “we confess that we have sinned against you… by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.”
The Gospel is a tragedy before it is a comedy.
But the Gospel — this Gospel we have read today — is also a comedy, a happy piece of news, an announcement that will make you glad.
Martinus de Boer has pointed out that the verbs here are in the future tense, which means that we could translate the Greek like this: “You will love the Lord your God with all your heart… you will love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus says these are “commandments,” they’re imperatives that we are supposed to do, and we’d expect imperatives to be in the future tense. But they are also, from a theological vantage point and in a very real and reassuring way, promises of what will be true of us, by God’s gracious determination. God promises us: “You will love me, and you will, by my Spirit, love your neighbors. I will see to it that you do.”
In just a few moments, we are going to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus, the one who spoke these words and who lived them out utterly, to the end, loving God his Father and loving all of us, his neighbors, all the way to death. 
God has promised to put Christ’s life into us, to help us each day to become more and more like Jesus who loved... and loves. 
Here is what C. S. Lewis called “big medicine and strong magic.” Come, taste and see that he is good.
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thegospelofstjohn · 1 month ago
"The Business." From the Gospel of Saint John, 11: 28-31.
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Notice, once again Jesus associated with Jews, quite openly. There is no evidence He did much more than debate with them, nor did any of these turn into extinction level events for the cosmos or cause for thousands of years of retribution.
The reason Jews were persecuted was political. They turned against Rome and caused it to teeter. Governments like ours in America and elsewhere that employ people that like to get away with things they know are wrong do not like Jews. When they get caught, out come the swastikas. Anyone persecuting a Jew, who bears a swastika however, is already dead. You shall not be allowed to live here with the rest.
The Gospel of John continues as Mary, Martha, the Jewish people and Jesus decide to handle their problem with Rome in the same way. They "enter the village where Martha, the gall, met Jesus, the torch."
A village is 762, ןסב‎, nnessav, "to beatify life with heavy drinking." Like Ninevah, but ninesab:
"The verb נאה (na'a) means to be beautiful, and is closely related to the verb נוה (nawa II), to beautify. Its derived adjective נאוה (na'weh) means beautiful.
The verb סבא (saba') means to imbibe or even "heavy drinking" according to HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 21:20, Isaiah 56:12, Nahum 1:10).
The two derivatives of this verb are:
The masculine noun סבא (sobe), meaning a drink (of an alcoholic beverage).
The masculine noun סבא (saba), meaning drunkard. This word occurs only in Ezekiel 23:42, and only in plural. The King James Version actually invented a people here, the Sabeans, but later scholars assume that a meaning of drunkards is probably what was intended."
So John tells us in order to achieve all God requires of us, we must clear the air:
28 After she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary aside. “The Teacher is here,” she said, “and is asking for you.” 
29 When Mary heard this, she got up quickly and went to him. 30 Now Jesus had not yet entered the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met him. 
31 When the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, comforting her, noticed how quickly she got up and went out, they followed her, supposing she was going to the tomb to mourn there.
The passage ends how the Gospel begins how Mary noticed, and how quickly got up. Surely the world notices how poorly things are going. Surely it is not time to mourn but time to fight instead.
There is no place for gall in our governments or lives.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 28: The Teacher is here. Jesus was a kind of Rabbi called a Rev. (#202). The Revelation of John delves into this further, explaining how Jesus is a polymer of lessons from the Torah turned into the Menorah:
"The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.
12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man,[d] dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. 20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels[e] of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches."
John says in his Gospel the Teacher asks for us. The Number is 4774, ד‎ז‎זד‎, "then party."
This does not mean wear hats, make lots of noise and eat cake.
"The Hebrew word that most closely translates to "party" in the context of a dividing wall between two groups is "חיץ" (hayis), which literally means "party-wall" and appears only once in the Bible in Ezekiel 13:10."
I do not want the Republican Party or its child molesting religious allies to have power over the human race. They have gone too far and they must be destroyed for the evil they have done. It's time to party, to part ways from the filth forever.
The federal government has had sufficient evidence to legally flush the pieces of shit for a decade. This has to be done.
There is no point in praying to God or following Jesus so long as the US Government allows their crimes to go unpunished, especially after October 7. Jesus did not tell the Jewish people to roll over and accept mayhem and abuse from Roman politicians, they should not accept it from anyone now or ever.
v. 29-30: When Mary, the Mother of the Revolution heard this, she got up. The Number is 11333, יאשג‎ ‎, yashg, "roar and shout."
v. 31: When they noticed, they followed her. The US Gov like the rest of the world noticed how the main culprits of our problems the filth at the Heritage Foundation and McLean Bible Church spread their shitty mushroom spores all around the world. There are problems with extreme right wing "conservatives" in every country as a result. All have ties to the RNC through the Heritage Foundation and the Trumps. Their main agenda is to further their crystal meth and pedophile porn trafficking rings and to attain to the conquest of Israel and the Al Aqsa Mosque, a thing they cannot have. They must have none of these things. The very desire to grasp at state power for these purposes means they must not even have their lives.
Rise up and insist these rapists and filths are stopped. The Law and the laws are on our side. As John says, do not mourn when you can fight.
The Number is 14703, ידעג‎, yeda'ag, "worry, be concerned, but take care of business."
Jesus was strictly opposed to retards. He did not want them in public office or managing the church faith. Recall He came from Bethlehem, "the House of Bread, the House of War." The Revelation says, once again: "In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance."
But this...this is not at all brilliant or the acceptable result of the choices of a Christian nation:
Au contraire, Jesus says we must approach the problem of refugees altogether differently:
"Yes, Jesus taught that people should care for the homeless and other vulnerable people: 
Matthew 25:35-36: Jesus's teachings on compassion and empathy include offering food, drink, shelter, and clothing to those in need. 
Isaiah 58:7: Share your bread with the hungry, bring the homeless into your house, and cover the naked. 
Luke 14:13-14: Invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind to your feasts. 
Matthew 5:42: Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. 
Luke 11:41: Be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you. 
Jesus also identified with the homeless, staying in the homes of those who welcomed him and sometimes sleeping outside. He took every opportunity to speak about and help the homeless."
There is no place for the corrupt who want to deprive the needy within our current civilization. We must use these words and wage war against them and then cement the bronze footprints of the Christ in our path forward, free the oppressed, feed the poor, house the homeless and clean up this dump.
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dfroza · 3 months ago
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures
for the 11th of november 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible
[The Book of Luke, Chapter 6 • The Book of 1st Samuel, Chapter 18]
along with Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms with Proverbs 11 and Psalm 11 coinciding with the day of the month, accompanied by Psalm 51 for the 51st day of Astronomical Autumn, and Psalm 16 for day 316 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 3rd revolution this year)
A post by John Parsons:
From our Torah reading for this Shabbat (i.e., Lekh-Lekha) we learn about the resolute faith of Abram who, despite his old age, trusted that God would make his descendants as numerous as the stars in the night sky: “And the LORD brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to number them." Then the LORD said to him, "So shall your offspring be. And he trusted in the LORD, and He regarded it to him as righteousness” (Gen. 15:6).
Abram “staggered not” at the promise of God, and therefore God imputed to him righteousness (צְדָקָה), a term understood here to be divine esteem and grace. After all, what could Abram do in the face of seeming impossibility? There was nothing he could do to bring about such a miracle. The New Testament comments: “He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah's womb” (Rom. 4:19). It was in a state of utter powerlessness and complete helplessness that Abram retained hope and thereby received the promise by faith. “For he was beyond hope, yet in hope he trusted that he would indeed become a father to many nations, in keeping with what he had been promised, ‘so shall your offspring be’" (Rom. 4:18).
Understand that 400 years before the law was given at Sinai, the LORD regarded the faith of Abram as the essence of the righteousness later prescribed by the laws of Torah. Therefore the very First Commandment of the Ten Commandments is simply: Anochi Adonai Elohekha (אָנכִי יְהוָה אֱלהֶיךָ): “I AM the LORD your God” (Exod. 20:2), which repeats the call to trust God before everything else, since it is complete surrender to the love and grace of God that justifies us, as it is written: “to the one who does not work but trusts in the One who justifies the ungodly (i.e. the helpless), his faith is counted as righteousness” (Rom. 4:5).
Where the LORD says "Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to number them," we note the Hebrew word “count” (סָפַר) may also mean “recount,” “interpret,” or “explain”... This is the same word used in the famous verse, “The heavens declare (מְסַפְּרִים) the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1). The idea here would be not merely that Abram would have lots of descendants, but they would shine in brilliance against the backdrop of the darkness. Abram’s children would be lights upon the earth, declaring the truth of God and enlightening the darkness of mankind. “And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever” (Dan. 12:3). In the same way, Yeshua said: “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16; 13:43). O LORD, may your light shine within us always....
Shabbat shalom chaverim yekarim.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Gen. 15:1b reading:
Hebrew page:
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11.9.24 • Facebook
from Today’s email by Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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nijjhar · 5 months ago
Luke 5v33-39:- In Christ Jesus, you do not need Old Testament as the New... Luke 5v33-39:- In Christ Jesus, you do not need the Old Testament as the New Testament is "Oral Torah", the Taproot of the Scriptures - Marcion. https://youtu.be/AgOD4VClThQ Holy Gospel of our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc., delivered by the first Anointed Christ, which in my native language Punjabi, we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that dwells within His most beautiful living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the lord of the visible Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” if you are not “greedy” according to Saint Luke 5,33-39. The scribes and Pharisees, the moral teachers disciplining the once-born boys of age said to Jesus, "The disciples of John the Baptist fast often and offer prayers, and the disciples of the Pharisees do the same; but yours eat and drink." Jesus answered them, "Can you make the wedding guests in Agape fast of the living Bread, His Word while the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come, and when the bridegroom, the Christ is taken away from them by the Antichrist Pope and his hireling Dog-Collared stooges, then they will fast in those days. St. Thomas went to South India and His Labourers could think logically and they were addressed as “Christ” and not the Christians of the dead letters.  I am a Christ preaching the Gospel from my heart and not the corruptible Bible." And he also told them a Parable. "No one tears a piece from a new cloak “His Word” Above where your Ego is destroyed and “Eros” is replaced with Agape in which you hate none to patch an old one, Not compatible, in which your “Ego” in the flesh is boosted by the Rabbis. Otherwise, he will tear the new received through logical reasoning and the piece from it will not match the old cloak, Old Testament, the Scriptures. That is why Marcion rejected the Old Testament, the corruptible Scriptures from the New Testament understood through logical reasoning that Brews “Logo” = His Word = Face of God ONLY. Likewise, no one pours new wine Brewed through logical reasoning into old wineskins full of the corruptible dead letters of the Books and Newspapers written by psychic men. Otherwise, the New Wine will burst the skins because it is the Oral Torah, the Taproot of the Scriptures that lacks nothing but the Scriptures lack the Oral Torah = His Word = Light to enlighten your heart and it will be spilled, and the skins will be ruined because they are not compatible. Rather, New Wine must be poured into fresh wineskins as Jesus got it prepared at Cana by rinsing out the Old Wine of dead letters. (And) no one who has been drinking old wine as at the Universities and Colleges do study Scriptures, the dead corrupted letters for their degrees in theology desires New, for he says, 'The old received from teachers of the Law is good for Seminars and debates whilst the New Wine is received by His Grace ONLY.'" Get rid of the old wine of dead letters in which you have to remember where this thing is written and rather get the Fresh New Wine, "His Word" brewed through logical reasoning over your heart. The head is not bothered in the New. So, you do not need to remember that you are Lord of the Sabbath or the Moral Laws. Living Islam of Living Allah is of the “Al-Kitab” that gets written over your own heart through "Logical Reasoning" by the Grace of our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “Soul” Al-Ilah = Allah. No son of your tribal father, Qom, "Ilah" no son of Supernatural Father Allah = INSHALLAH ISLAM. Only “fools” will believe in me and not in Allah. http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattIslam.htm NANAK HOSI BHI SACH. ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK. REAL SHARIAH-FREE ISLAM OF ALLAH - NOOR IN HONOUR OF ROYAL SHAH SHAMS TABRIZI. HUKUM RAZIAN CHALNA; NANAK LIKHYA NAAL. Sants of the Fourth Panth = Millatt are “Dass”. They are the Apostles residents of the Akal Takht but today, terrorists with Guns and swords are occupying it. Remember that Akal Takht is the Holiest of the Holy Takht for the spiritual rule over the hearts of the people. Next to the Apostles are the Khalsas of the Third Panth and are of the “Singh” surnames, Gotras. And Christ Nanak was the Second Coming of Satguru Jesus, the “Christ = Satguru” and not a Brahmin “Guru” of the world – BRAHMIN HAE “GURU” JAGATT DAA; BHAGTAN KAA NAHI. The greedy Khatris have messed up the devotees so much that they did not know the First and the Second Panths. http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/tenlights.htm My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JOHN 8V44.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf EXPOSES the CROOK KHATRIS:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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princeofgod-2021 · 5 months ago
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John 1:4
Joh 15:26 And when the Comforter has come, whom I will send to you from the Father, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH WHO PROCEEDS FROM THE FATHER, HE SHALL TESTIFY OF ME. MKJV
Our opening scripture already shows the intrinsic purpose of the Holy Spirit in Life and to Humanity - To Testify about Jesus to Humanity.
Does this mean that all the New Life, Christianity and Gospel revolves around JESUS?
Let’s review this a bit, shall we?
Col 2:9-10 For IN HIM DWELLS ALL THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY. AND YOU ARE COMPLETE IN HIM, who is the Head of all principality and power, MKJV
To all who contend against the Church of God, with Jesus as the Head, God has an answer.
Psa 110:1-2 A psalm by David. The LORD said to my Lord, "SIT IN THE HIGHEST POSITION IN HEAVEN UNTIL I MAKE YOUR ENEMIES YOUR FOOTSTOOL." The LORD will extend your powerful scepter from Zion. Rule your enemies who surround you. GW
We are all called from beginning, to be Kings and Priests unto God, reigning on earth (Gen1:26,28; Rev5:10).
So, anything or anyone who contends that has an answer.
Yes! This is the purpose of the Holy Ghost: to herald the Place, Power and honour of the Christ and His Kingdom.
But at what point was this function of the Spirit assigned to Him, or was this initiated from New Testament time after Jesus came and died for mankind?
Everything recorded in the Holy Scriptures, points to Jesus. All the Torah and Histories have been [directly] about Jesus’ purpose, person and position, either Metaphorically or Literally implied.
No wonder every spoken word is Spirit, as denoted by Jesus Himself.
No wonder that it’s when you know how to read the WORD by the SPIRIT that you get Life.
2Co 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: FOR THE LETTER KILLETH, BUT THE SPIRIT GIVETH LIFE. KJV
Many people read the Bible; not only Christians but various religions and pagans, but most of such only read to castigate or mock the “Way”.
It’s not that they [always] intend to criticize but because they cannot read with the “spiritual eye”, they don’t understand what they are reading and so, much of it looks and sound foolish to them.
1CO 1:18 TO PREACH THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS SEEMS LIKE SHEER NONSENSE TO THOSE WHO ARE ON THEIR WAY TO DESTRUCTION, but to us who are on our way to salvation, it is the mighty power of God released within us. TPT
The Jews, who should have been first beneficiaries of the Gospel (Rom9:3-5), were so fixated with Moses’ Torah that they altogether missed the intrinsic message of Christ.
Generally, as we have seen before, the intricate details of Scriptures was hidden to all men.
Now, by the Holy Spirit, there is no more ambiguity or oblivion in presentation of TRUTH.
Joh 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. For he will not speak on his own authority, but will speak whatever he hears, and will tell you what is to come. NET
May The Lord grant us all, Full access to the TRUTH by the Holy Spirit, IN JESUS NAME.
See you on Wednesday, as we proceed with this interesting Subtopic.
Brother Prince
Monday, September 02, 2024
08055125517; 08023904307
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thenewdeadseascrolls · 8 months ago
Judges 17: 1-4. "The Silversmith."
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We transition from that horrible story about Samson and Delilah and visit the next aisle in the department store frequented by persons interested in the Jewish Self called Micah.
Micah means "my brother's juice." This is why we say "Juice is better."
One person alone is incapable of making a juice. The process of farming enough produce to make a glass of juice requires a significant amount of time, money, equipment, and manpower. Even a glass of water these days is not an easy thing.
NOW the Torah says the same is nearly true for the juicing of a man's mind of all of his impurities in the wine press is as exhaustive. The process results in 200 Shekels worth of Wine, or one complete Jewish Soul. God brings 100 Shekels, we bring the other.
While this is true, without a solid silver idol, no one knows what this even means. So here we see a nice Jewish boy is really the product of the worship of a silver statue made by one's mother in the image of a proper Jewish man. Without this representation, there is no way to get a proper glass of juice out of the Jewish Community.
The Shoftim says we are cursed by God to need our Jewish Mom for such a standard but without it, the very concept of the Jew does not exist:
Micah’s Idols
17 Now a man named Micah from the hill country of Ephraim 2 said to his mother, “The eleven hundred shekels[a] of silver that were taken from you and about which I heard you utter a curse—I have that silver with me; I took it.”
Then his mother said, “The Lord bless you, my son!”
3 When he returned the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother, she said, “I solemnly consecrate my silver to the Lord for my son to make an image overlaid with silver. I will give it back to you.”
4 So after he returned the silver to his mother, she took two hundred shekels[b] of silver and gave them to a silversmith, who used them to make the idol. And it was put in Micah’s house.
The text mentions Mom visits a "silversmith" which is 1141, "a white lion" or יא‎דא‎, yada, which means it is mom's job to guide a Jewish man in the proper way to sex other persons who will wear well on him. She is the embodiment of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, she is supposed be like God Himself, warning her sons and daughters how to negotiate the rigors of the Snake. The Silver Idol represents her earnest wish, but pray tell, no one will listen to her:
"The Hebrew verb ידע (yada') means to know. This very important root occurs 944 times in the Old Testament and is found across the Semitic language spectrum. Its Greek counterpart is γινωσκω (ginosko).
This verb is used in all the expected ways, but most notably in Proverbs 1:7, where it reads: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge". Since knowledge is typically obtained through the senses, the mere act of observation appears to be equal with fearing God.
Another notable usage of our verb is in the procreative sense: when a man "knows" a woman, he's having sex with her (Genesis 4:1, Judges 11:39), and this says quite a bit about how the Hebrews saw marriage and the process of learning. The Word of God was of course personified, and so learning about the laws of nature was deemed equal to being in a marriage relationship with the Creator.
Our verb may also describe knowledge that is not so much cognitive but rather empirical or experiential. Ecclesiastes 8:5 states that 'he who keeps the commandment will know no evil', which refers to the experience of bad things rather than a cognitive examination of vice. In that same vein, the dire consequences of eating from the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil' obviously does not refer to the dangers of learning or scientific rebellion (learning and science are held in the highest possible regard in the Bible) but rather the notion that chomping off the wrong branch is going to make bad things happen to you."
Accept no evil is Mom's advice.
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The opening of this section has Four Directions. The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1: Now a man named Micah from the hill country of Ephraim 2 said to his mother, "I heard you utter a curse—I have that silver with me; I took it.”
The Curse was placed on Eve in Eden. Her children will always have to depend on their mothers in order to understand mate selection and reproduction. Hill countries are places of transition in life. Puberty is the first big hill. The Torah says the mother must be heavily involved at this point in a Jewish person's life or mishap can occur.
The Number is 11872, יא‎חזב‎‎ ‎‎, "hold on yahzeb, you will be placed."
Every Jew has a place in the world to come. This is the point of the study of the Shoftim, to know God's plan in no way excludes the Jew.
v. 2: Then his mother said, “The Lord bless you, my son!”
The Number is 2371, ב‎ג‎זא‎‎, "in Gaza."
Obviously Gaza was a different place when this was written. Gaza must be purged of the Mormons and Hamas and returned to the Jewish people at once.
As for its pertinence to the Shoftim, the text states one's parents cannot shame a young person who is entering puberty or place unreasonable expectations upon the person.
"The verb עזז ('azaz) means to be strong. Adjective עז ('az) means strong, mighty or fierce and adjective עזוז ('izzuz) means mighty or powerful. Nouns עז ('oz) and עזוז ('ezuz) mean strength, might or fierceness.
Noun עזניה ('ozniya) denotes some kind of bird of prey (this word may actually be a convenient import from another language) and noun עז ('ez) denotes a she-goat (this word may actually derive from a verb that means to be wayward or perhaps strong-headed).
Verb עוז ('uz) means to bring into refuge or to seek safety. Noun מעוז (ma'oz) describes a place or agent of safety."
Telling adolescents not to masturbate or engage in intercourse is not reasonable. There are intelligent ways to explain how this should happen and avoid unpleasant situations.
All Jewish persons are expected to relate to human sexuality with sophistication, a sense of humor and an open mind. Sexual literacy is a hallmark of a proper member of a cosmopolitan culture and is legislated by God for all Jews.
v. 3: When he returned the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother, she said, “I solemnly consecrate my silver to the Lord for my son to make an image overlaid with silver. I will give it back to you.” image overlaid with silver. I will give it back to you.”
Eleven hundred shekels=2304, בגאֶפֶסד‎ ‎, in gafessed, "there is no loss". There is no loss in allowing one's children to undergo "overlaying" AKA insemination. See my comments above.
One of the biggest targets Jews have painted on their backs is their fear of sex. The Torah Shoftim say there is no need for Jewish people to be afraid of being sexy. In fact, the angels say its perfectly all right to be fully secure about it:
The Number is 13655, יגו‎‎ה‎ה‎, igoha, securitization.
Securitization is the process in which certain types of assets are pooled so that they can be repackaged into interest-bearing securities. The interest and principal payments from the assets are passed through to the purchasers of the securities.
The Torah lists all the dos and don'ts for having sex. How these relate to proper mate selection and the process of grooming in order to compete in the meat market is cultural and falls upon the parents, who depend on approval form the community. The number of dependecies are many, but they are necessary if the Jewish people are to grow in number and Numbers and lead in the onset of Mashiach.
v. 4: So after he returned the silver to his mother, she took two hundred shekels[b] of silver and gave them to a silversmith, who used them to make the idol. And it was put in Micah’s house.
= the Mother arranged a marriage.
The Number is 11243, יאבדג‎‎‎, yavdag "to lose the son to someone who will take care of him."
The process of securitization through the minting of silver refers to our ongoing effort to build a Jewish Empire. The process, just like readint the Torah and Tanakh and finally attaining to Shabbat, Ha Shem and the Jewish Identity itself is painstaking but must be done from the ground up, from birth, if we are to make a civilization capable of sustaining the Mashiach, AKA "the brotherhood of the Juice."
As with all conventional definitions of Empire or Commonwealth the objective is not wealth, power, or influence but the caretaking of mankind through Constitution and caretaking. Like other marriages between men and women the results are not achieved unless they are legally binding. The sentiment is important but without arrangements for the actual contract, a true Jewish Commonwealth will not take shape.
And speaking of taking care, Mormon interlopers on the West Bank nearly destroyed every yellow thistle plant sacred to the Crown Prince of Israel. Every last member of their faith has to disappear as recompense for this sacrilege.
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almaqead · 8 months ago
"Eleven Stars." Introduction to Surah 12, Yusuf.
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There is no confirmed time when Surah Yūsuf was revealed, but scholars estimate it was during the 10th or 11th year of dawah, which is 2–3 years before the hijrah (migration) from Makkah to Madina. It was revealed after a year that scholars call "am al huzun" (the year of Sorrow or Despair), which was a difficult time for the Islamic prophet Muhammad. 
The name Joseph means Increaser, Repeater or Doubler, and even the fulfillment of his name is dual: Benjamin becomes Joseph's younger brother, and Joseph himself becomes father of two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh (see Ezekiel 47:13).
For a meaning of the name Joseph, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads two meanings: (1) May He (Yahweh) Add (assuming that the "He" of our name is YHWH), and (2) Increaser. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads He Shall Add. And BDB Theological Dictionary has He Adds, Increases. Spiros Zodhiates (The Complete Word Study Dictionary — New Testament) translates the name Joseph with May God Add, but note that the "God" part is implied and not actually incorporated in the name Joseph.
In the news, it is clear Mormon crusaders are carving their way through sacred territory in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon. They are hypocrites and losers.
Their Book, which was revealed in 1830, was an attempt by the Holy Ghost to end slavery in America, and it worked. This is the only case in human history God has been able to command man to do His will and lead people who are oppressed into refuge. The first Mormons were assassinated to the last man by their slavery friendly neighbors leaving a bunch of diseased nomads to wander America and settle in the west. Now they are worming their way back into history again, this time to put all Jews and Muslims under their yoke.
This cannot be allowed to happen. Israel must be free to do the work of the Prophets in the modern age as it has done throughout history. One of the direct results of the existence of people of Israel was the Quran, revealed by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad so Arabic speaking persons would not fall prey to cannibalism, corruption, superstition, or tragedy in the ways of their ancestors.
God provided the same thing to the Jews within the Torah, and from the Torah came the learning needed to reveal the Quran. Its importance to the prosperity of the people all around the world cannot be undersold: Within it God tells Arabic speaking people what matters the most to Him:
12: 1-7:
Alif-Lãm-Ra. These are the verses of the clear Book.
Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran1 so that you may understand.2
We relate to you ˹O Prophet˺ the best of stories through Our revelation of this Quran, though before this you were totally unaware ˹of them˺.
˹Remember˺ when Joseph said to his father, “O my dear father! Indeed I dreamt of eleven stars, and the sun, and the moon—I saw them prostrating to me!”1
He replied, “O my dear son! Do not relate your vision to your brothers, or they will devise a plot against you. Surely Satan is a sworn enemy to humankind.
And so will your Lord choose you ˹O Joseph˺, and teach you the interpretation of dreams, and perfect His favour upon you and the descendants of Jacob—˹just˺ as He once perfected it upon your forefathers, Abraham and Isaac. Surely your Lord is All-Knowing, All-Wise.”
Indeed, in the story of Joseph and his brothers there are lessons for all who ask.
No one in the Middle East speaks Hebrew. They read, write and speak in Arabic. Allah in His Wisdom and Mercy explained the Torah to Muhammad in Arabic so they would never be slaves to a corrupt Pharaoh, and as revealed in Yusuf, could feel empowered to dream of a future of their own.
Muhammad believed the people of Saudi Arabia were destined to inherit a Promised Land of their own. But the Middle East is a disaster. And the Mormons are taking full advantage of everyone who lives there!
Inside Yusuf is a way to fix this and the troubles named in Hud, specifically, vanity, covetousness, tyranny violence, corruption, all the causes of the falls of civilization named in the Torah.
Why did God tell Muhammad to keep all of this a secret? because history has to change. The Quran is replete with warnings man cannot rely upon the former generations to determine the best way of life for the ones that follow. Times have changed far too much for that. So plans for the future are kept a secret until persons who are being educated in real time have a chance to make their mark and change what is no longer relevant.
The story begins with handsome young prince like us, who finds himself at the bottom of a well and dreams only of being free to make his own way. And how do all the best stories end (v. 3)? In v. 4, which has a Gematria of 7583, זהחג‎‎ ‎ "It's a holiday."
Let us start the party by asking the American Government just exactly what an organization that is headquartered on its soil is doing by tunneling beneath Sacred Ground and turn the tide against it by supporting Israel, the House of God.
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spiritsoulandbody · 1 year ago
#DailyDevotion The LORD's Word Is Our Praise
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#DailyDevotion The LORD's Word Is Our Praise Psalm 119 41O LORD, may Your mercy come to me; save me as You promised (imrah). 42Then I'll have an answer for him who insults me, for I trust Your promise (dabar). 43Never take any of the word (dabar) of truth from my mouth because I put my hope in Your regulations (misphat). 44Then I will continually and forever be careful to do what You teach (torah). 45I will walk in freedom because I have studied how You want me to live (piqqud). 46I will speak (dabar) of Your written truths (edah) before kings and not feel ashamed. 47I delight in Your commandments (mitsvah), which I love; 48I stretch out my hands for Your commandments (mitsvah), which I love, and meditate on Your laws (choq) As we all should, the psalmist appeals to the LORD's mercy (chesed) based on His promises. Imrah, which also can be translated word, has the strong connotation of promises. Martin Luther, in his, "A Simple Way To Pray," encourages us to use God's Word when we pray. We say back to God what He has said to us. When the LORD does to us according to His promises then we have an answer to those who insult us as we trust in His promise (dabar is a general word for word and here is used as a synonym for imrah). In verse 43, dabar is used in a much broader sense of word, the word of truth. The word of truth is every word that comes from the mouth of God. He asked that this word would not be taken from him because he puts his hopes in the LORD's misphat/regulations. These regulations are the insistent will of Israel's LORD. One of the LORD's punishments for sin is to remove His word from our midst. We need to consistently pray the LORD to keep His word among us and on our lips. The LORD answering this one petition leads us to then carefully follow all that He teaches/torah us. Torah is the broadest word for God's instructions to us. We as Christians would particularly look to the Gospels to hear all our LORD Jesus Christ would have us to believe and do. While the world, shrouded in darkness, thinks the way of the LORD is constricting, we know the piqqud/"way of living"/"detailed rules of life" are true freedom from the bondage of sin and selfishness. There are plenty of details of how our LORD Jesus Christ wants us to live in the New Testament and if we have any questions, we can always refer to the Old to see if there are any specifics there. The overriding principle is love for the neighbor and less for the self. Jesus told His disciples they would speak before kings. The psalmist has no problem with speaking the stipulations of the covenant God made with Israel. We should have no problem proclaiming the New Covenant Jesus made with the world. He has given and shed His body and blood so our sins may be forgiven and we may be His people and He our God. Mitsvah, the expressed will of the LORD to His people in the form of commandments, is the delight of the psalmist. They should be the delight of all who put their faith in Jesus. His will for our lives should not be odious or a burden. He tells us in Matt. 11, "30My yoke is easy, and My load is light." If we think Jesus' way is hard and heavy, perhaps we need to rethink our faith in Him. To stretch our hands is to worship, the psalmist does so the LORD's mistvah. This is good and proper because they are not a part of creation but belong to the divinity of the LORD. His commandments/mitsvah should be our love as well. We see His good will for us expressed in these. The psalmist meditates on all the written commands of the LORD flowing from his love for the commandments/mitsvah. We too are called to ponder, meditate and chew on all the LORD Jesus Christ has given us to do as His disciples. Through His word, He renews and conforms us to His image and likeness. Merciful God and Father, may we have the same love and devotion towards all Your Word given to us in the Holy Scriptures as shown in this Psalm. Increase our fervor to think, ponder, meditate on and do Your will to the glory of Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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destinyimage · 1 year ago
Secrets of Biblical Feasts! Unlocking God’s Prophetic Timeline
Nothing captures the restoration of the Jewish root today and the Kingdom to come, as the resurgence of the biblical feasts, the festivals of the Lord.
Yeshua Jesus observed them all! One could characterize the feasts as antidotal and prescriptive, and an introduction to such realities as sanctified time, rhythms of life, and God’s concept of time.
The feasts come not from the body of rabbinic literature or tradition, but from the enduring Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament. According to Timothy, this portion of the Bible is a vital part of the entire Word of God: “All Scripture is God-breathed…” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV). Paul first wrote these words to Timothy when only the Torah was in view.
The feasts are commanded by God to be observed perpetually, “And ye shall keep it a feast unto the Lord seven days” (Leviticus 23:41 KJV). This brings us to the Hebrew word for “forever,” which is olam, which also describes God’s name (Exodus 3:14-15).
In Leviticus 23:1-2 (NKJV), the same idea is found: “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.’”
The writings of Heschel on the Jewish calendar are foundational. Abraham Heschel was a Polish-born Rabbi who lived from 1907-1972. He writes of the feasts and Sabbath in his book, The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man: “The Bible is more concerned with time than space, emphasizing generations and events more than things or lands. It speaks the language of history rather than geography.” Feasts like the Sabbath became a holy space in life, and a time to recall history and identity.
Heschel asserts, “Judaism can be characterized as a religion aiming at the sanctification of time…there are no two hours alike. Every hour is unique and the only one given at the moment.” More, “Jewish ritual is God’s architecture of time—observances are predicted on the phases and rhythms of time.”
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A rabbinic explanation illustrates the richness of the feasts this way, “The feasts stand on two legs, one in heaven, and one on this earth, and it is impossible to divide them. Take God out of any festival or memorial and you take away one of its legs and it falls flat.” Being far more than celebrations, each feast was an inner spiritual activity for the Jew. So Judaism is always reinforcing the Jewish concept that He is the Creative Guiding Force or the Source of All That Is.
The Human Need for Memorials
When God ordered the Israelites to observe the biblical feasts, regularly, according to appointed times, they were to mark a holy time, purpose, and message. It was also a time for God to be worshipped and remembered. When God directed Moses to give to Pharaoh the plain reason he should let His people go, He said: “Let my people go that they may worship Me.” Pharaoh prevented the Israelites from remembering God at His appointed time.
Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888) said a hundred years ago, “The Jew’s catechism is his calendar, when he called upon his contemporaries to count and live their days accorded to the hallowed order and rhythm of the Jewish calendar (which is of course the biblical calendar.)”
Any notion then of hallowed order and rhythms or numbering of our days and architecture of time, one is confronted immediately with an obvious nugget in the treasure of God; the feasts were given as memorials to be observed forever, from the age past and into the present age, and into the age to come. Even in the Kingdom to come, all humankind, Jew and Gentile, will be required to observe the Feast of Tabernacles. Recall that during this time, Yeshua Himself will be reigning upon His throne in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16).
What becomes evident is the human inclination to forget God and His principles. Out of Israel’s forty-two kings who reigned, only nine did right in the eyes of the Lord, yes only nine. The Psalmist in chapter 78:32 (NIV) answers this mystery: “In spite of all this they kept on sinning; in spite of his wonders, they did not believe.” Man’s tenacious bout with the same touches all. Man loses his way and must always be brought back to remembrance. An ancient Jewish sage sums it up this way, “As water and fire cannot coexist in the same vessel, so too, love of this world and love of the World to Come are like two wives of the same husband: please one, the other gets angry.” How much more for us in Messiah’s glorious truth!
The Calendar
Regarding the calendar, biblical rhythms need to be calibrated according to our modern civil calendar that Pope Gregory instituted in 1582. His calendar defiled the biblical calendar to its core.
The Gregorian calendar was purely solar, while the ancient Israelites calendar was luni-solar and followed closely the course of the moon to the next moon. Yet the lunar months corresponded to the season of the year, which is governed by the sun. Immediately one sees the close relationship to harvest and planting.
Our modern-day calendar year consists of 365 days. There are fewer than 100 Sabbaths, feast days, fast days, and holidays, and there are more ordinary days than special days.
Roman Days and Months
To grasp how completely the biblical calendar was defiled, consider our modern days and months. The month of January or Januarious was named for Janus, the god of doors. February or Briareus comes from the festival of forgiveness of sins. March or Martius was derived from Mars, the Roman god of war. April or Aprils is derived from the dedication to the goddess Venus. May or Maius is derived from the goddess Maia. June or Junius is named after the goddess Juna. July and August were named after Julius Caesar and Augustus. December was originally the tenth month on the Roman calendar.
When it comes to the days of the week, the Greeks derived their names from the sun, moon, and five known planets; these were in turn named after the Greek gods: Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronus. They called the days of week theon hemerai (days of the gods). The Romans substituted their equivalent gods for the Greek gods Mars, Mercury, Jove (Jupiter), Venus, and Saturn.
Contrary to the Romans and Greeks, the Bible designates Shabbat-Sabbath from all other days; six days we labor, but on the seventh is a Sabbath! Our modern days trace back to the following:
Sunday came from Sun’s Day or the day of the sun.
Monday from Moon’s Day.
Tuesday was derived from Tiu’s Day for the English Germanic god of war and sky.
Wednesday from Woden’s Day, the leader of the Wild Hun.
Thursday, from Thor’s Day, named for the god of thunder. He is also represented as riding a chariot drawn by goats and is the defender of the Aesir.
Friday comes from Freya or Fria, who is the Teutonic/Germanic people’s goddess of love, beauty and procreation.
Saturday (the biblical Sabbath) came from the planet Saturn who was also known as the god of agriculture and harvest. Saturn’s wife Opis was the goddess of fertility, and the Greeks and later mythologists believed they ruled the earth during the time of happiness and virtue, which is ironic since holiness, happiness, and virtue are the qualities that the One True God intended for His people on Shabbat.
What the Spirit of God has initiated today is nothing short of redeeming time and restoring biblical rhythms. This defined not only ancient Israel and the early body of Jewish believers, it characterizes the Kingdom to come.
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ancestorsofjudah · 1 year ago
1 Kings 21: 17-29. "The Dogs."
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Worry, which is the result of a lack of familiarity with the Torah, plagues Israel after its King and Queen engage in corruption and seize territory that does not belong to them in the name of religious fervor.
God sends Elijah, the Old Testament Christ to call them to account:
17 Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite: 
18 “Go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who rules in Samaria. He is now in Naboth’s vineyard, where he has gone to take possession of it. 
19 Say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Have you not murdered a man and seized his property?’ Then say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: In the place where dogs licked up Naboth’s blood, dogs will lick up your blood—yes, yours!’”
20 Ahab said to Elijah, “So you have found me, my enemy!”
“I have found you,” he answered, “because you have sold yourself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord. 
21 He says, ‘I am going to bring disaster on you. I will wipe out your descendants and cut off from Ahab every last male in Israel—slave or free.[a] 
22 I will make your house like that of Jeroboam son of Nebat and that of Baasha son of Ahijah, because you have aroused my anger and have caused Israel to sin.’
23 “And also concerning Jezebel the Lord says: ‘Dogs will devour Jezebel by the wall of[b] Jezreel.’
24 “Dogs will eat those belonging to Ahab who die in the city, and the birds will feed on those who die in the country.”
Elijah the Tishbite means "The Return of the Presence of the Lord in all things." God invokes him to chastise Ahab for coveting a vineyard which he planned to downgrade into a vegetable garden. No one in the neighborhood will gather to sample veggies quite the same way they would in order to sample wine. Ahab's judgement is flawed as usual.
The flaw is seen when we turn an entire coastline into a dirty leaky oil refinery we will one day decide we don't need, or concentrate a nation on the making of weapons when it needs to build schools, fund colleges and universities adequately, or ensure disease treatment and the economics of quarantines are being studied appropriately. All these, the result of corruption lead to the gathering of the Torah's licky lickies, dogs.
Dogs will lick up blood and that is disgusting. Humans lap up wine or honey, but not blood unless they are trained to act like dogs, who are men that prostitute themselves for the sake of building weapons and watching people die. God tells Elijah to cut the future off from this practice.
The Numbers for the above are as follows:
v. 18: The Value is 8192, ח‎א‎טב‎‎, hatab, "to lead in the snatching up of fire." Branding is supposed to indicate an enthusiasm for soulfulness. This is not what we would say about Ahab, so his outward expression of soul is one of darkness. This is true for all hypocrites and their demonstrations of piety, their hurry to quench the thirst of their souls with nonsense.
Kings, princes and leaders must never make displays of faith and also act like ninnies at the same time.
v. 19: 1271-7 יבזא‎‎‎ז, "shame on you", "yabza z." "that wolf which dries up in fear."
Ahab's and Jezebel's behavior must have been terrifying to the rest of Israel. They framed the owner of a vineyard, had him publicly executed and then acted as if they were innocent of any kind of crime. Instead of a pair of sovereigns who are sworn to protect their people, they became their primary source of fear. They turned their people into slaves once again. That, and made them into dogs, just like them.
v. 20: The Number is 11077, אא אֶפֶסזז‎‎‎ ‎‎"Oh I'm sorry." Just as God found Adam and Eve in the garden, he found Ahab reveling in the theft of the vineyard. The sentence God passes follows.
v. 21: The Number is 8890, hekhatefes, "his sin is infinite."
When a statesmen demonstrates corrupt behavior, it leaves a debt behind that is almost impossible to correct. We are still trying to figure out what to do about World Wars I and II, this has us on the verge of WW3. Any time one covets what does not belong to one and then murders to steal it, there is no way for justice to fill the vacuum this leaves behind. God will therefore not forgive it.
v. 22: Jeroboam son of Nebat, "desires all he sees" and Baasha son of Ahijah, "the shit stink of profanity" were exterminated by God and replaced.
=9093, טאֶפֶסטג, tapestag,
Together with the particle of negation α (a), meaning without: the adjective ατοπος (atopos), literally meaning without a place, and used to mean improper, injust, absurd, unsuitable or plain unwanted.
When applied to people, this word is akin the word ιδιωτης (idiotes), which means "in a category of their own" or rather "antisocial". 
ag= without the company of others
As for Jezebel, in v. 23: 8473, חדז‎ג, hadzag, "Sharpness of tongue that is forbidden."
This verb's derivations are: The adjective חד (had), meaning sharp, but only of a tongue as sharp as a sword (Psalm 57:4), a mouth as sharp as a sword (Isaiah 49:2), or a whole woman as sharp as a sword (Proverbs 5:4). 
zag= name of some insignificant product of the vine, forbidden to Nazarites, perhaps the stem or skin of the grape.
Jezebel, as you see, LIED and told the public something about another man that was not true, inciting the public to violence towards him. This is a violation of a number of Decrees, stemming from "thou shalt not covet" which led to violations of "thou shalt not bear false witness" and then "thou shalt not steal" and "thou shalt not kill" finally, she made a graven image of herself. The Queen of Israel may not sully her own name and thereby make a graven image of her government.
v. 24: God says the public should be ruthless towards persons that abuse power or are hypocrites. Turnabout will be fair play- the people will gather like dogs to lick their blood, the media will gather like birds to pick them apart.
Whenever a politician or governor does not behave, God commands us to shed their blood and ruin their lives. They must not be shown mercy or fairness they are to die in agony and shame.
This is the essence of what it means to be stoned to death. Recall Jezebel stoned a good man to death, a way of saying "look what I can do!" The only fitting end is for the people of Israel to do the same in return in the name of all that is just.
= 7117, זאאז‎, Zaaz, "to quake in fear of the strong."
25 (There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife. 26 He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites the Lord drove out before Israel.)
27 When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly.
28 Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite: 
29 “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself, I will not bring this disaster in his day, but I will bring it on his house in the days of his son.”
in v. 27, believe it or not, Ahab achieves Shabbat but this he does the hard way. The final Number for this section is 9609, טואֶפֶסט topfest,‎ "he makes a breakthrough."
The verb פתת (patat) means to break up or crumble, and the noun פת (pat) means fragment. Noun תף (top) means drum or tambourine, and the verb תפף (tapap) means to beat a drum or tambourine.
Although the link to the former is not immediate, it's not unthinkable that, to the ancients, the sound of drums represented the sound of things breaking, and thus of scientific inquiry.
Ahab saves himself at the last minute. His instincts were correct and he dies a more enlightened man because of them, but the consequences of his actions were not to be denied.
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