#he really only goes to his aunts house to see his cousins (which she also doesn't like 😭 but she quietly objects)
intercomkris · 4 months
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🚬i hate you so much sometimes i wish you'd die...
Marcato Scott-Tanaka. age: 27-early 30s ish gender: cis male nationality: american ethnicity: haitian, japanese occupation: drug dealer
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
Which One Piece Characters Are Coming to the Cookout?
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tags: headcanons, black!reader, gn!reader
notes. i'm not accepting critiques because i'm not wrong in any of my assessments. we all know these people would be there. i was up late for no reason thinking about this and decided to make it tumblr's problem. keeping it light for my first one piece hc post but i'll be making more
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this nigga's one of us, this is a no question. this is his birthright
you don't see us questioning piccolo and the namekians at the black history month dinner, we don't question shit with usopp
bro belongs here
is most popular with all the younger cousins because of all of his stories
your older cousins are asking sniper king what his wash day routine is because his hair is amazing and we all know it
ace, sabo, luffy
ace and luffy were raised by dadan so these niggas are culturally black. sabo may have been raised by her to a lesser extent than his brothers, but he still was in that house so he gets to come too
the only problem luffy's ass would encounter is that he eat too damn much and he'll steal off someone's plate, so keep an eye on your man and he'll be fine
luffy also knows how to party. it's a challenge when one of the uncles go "you don't know nothin' bout this right here, young buck"
it's the same for ace. he grew up hearing dadan play mary j blige and roberta flack when she cleaned sunday morning so he's getting up the moment he hears someone playing word up
sabo and his top hat would get some eyebrow raises when he shows up but when he shows he knows something about some turkey necks and collard greens, they will be revoking their sneaky ass comments
ace and sabo would be particularly popular with your relatives who want you to hurry up and tie the knot. they help with your wash days, are polite and are very handsome. you will be a hearing a "if it don't work between y'all please give me a call" or two
all three of them will probably keep you at the function longer than you expected for various reasons from 'saying goodbye' and staying an additional 40 minutes to 'okay we gotta stay for cameo, they're playing get down on it!'
this white boy can cook much to the surprise of your extended family, so hell yeah he gets to come
your family gave you the side eye when you told them sanji would be bringing a dish thinking it was going to be potato salad with raisins and a dash of paprika but bro came with a huge ass bowl of banana pudding and the pudding was made from scratch
he's solidified his place in ensuring he is always invited to a function your family throws
your aunts love that he helps during your wash days, something you bragged about endlessly before you brought him to meet everyone
sadly sanji, like the asl brothers, will continuously fall victim to the "alright we leavin' y'all" but then you end up staying an extra hour because he's too busy yapping it up with all your aunties
you practically have to drag him back to the car
you already know your cousins are going to be all over this man based on the energy he exudes alone
"oh he a doctor? so he got money" someone's gonna say it at least once
he mostly sits to himself, more content to watch your family have a good time than interact exceedingly with everyone which may make him come off as standoffish but he really is just happy seeing everyone around him be happy
losing his family at a young age, he's happy to be pulled into yours even if his rbf may make others think otherwise
but all the mysterious aura goes out the window when someone jokes he probably can't play ball and suddenly your family is seeing a different side of him that is childish, competitive and amusing
jinbe/any fishman
automatic invitations by virtue of birthright. it's the same shit with the namekians, they're one of us so they get to come. they are with us on juneteenth
if anything, jinbe IS the uncle going "you don't know nothin' 'bout this right here" the moment the spinners, carl carlton or george duke comes on
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pearlescentpearl · 2 years
Rebirthed!Maedhros AU post 3
You know what time it is, folks, capping the last post again at 7 parts.
Part 15!
“What do you mean they’re blaming Uncle Arafinwë?” Russandol demands
Eyeing him tiredly, Findekáno notes the faint dark circles under his eyes, the delicate tremor in his hands, the way he flinched when he tried to hug his cousin
“They’re inconsolable, and seeking to rationalize a cause and effect,” he repeats, verbatim, what Nienna had solemnly explained to them. “The fire started on his and Aunt Eärwen’s ship. They’d never believe their own princess foolish enough to set a ship on fire, even by accident, and her children were raised as Teleri as they were Noldo. So,” Findekáno shrugs angrily
“So it must be the outsider husband’s fault,” Russandol finishes bitterly. “How do they figure that?”
Findekáno shrugs again, clenching his hands together. “The only area of the ship where fire is allowed is the kitchen.” Because Fëanárian Lamps handily replaced every candle, torch, and lantern they’d used on ships before, but Fëanáro hasn’t yet invented a fireless source of heat. “And since we Ñoldor hold that the men are the cooks...”
“I see.”
“Mind you, Olwë doesn’t believe this,” Findekáno says, dragging the conversation along in the hopes he won’t be subjected to yet another round of grieving, outraged tirade against the Teleri
He’s already sat through Aikanáro, Eldalótë, and Artanis’ reactions. Plus his parents’ reaction, Turukáno’s, his grandparents, and Fëanáro. He loves Russandol, but he’s not sitting through Fëanáro But Worse. He’s tired 
“But he’s also having difficulty believing it’s Melkor’s work. Not that we know it’s Melkor’s work, we only suspect. The Teleri are really used to being largely ignored by greater Valinor.”
“Who does believe it then?” Russandol says, evidently willing to set aside any outbursts in favor of focusing on the situation at hand, for which Findekáno loves him even more
“When I left Tirion, we still hadn’t heard back from Olwë on who started the rumors, just that his people were starting to mutter about it.”
Grandfather had been terrifying to behold, in his anger at the news. Even Fëanáro had been taken aback by the sight of his rock steady, indulgent parent so wrathful
Grandmother went silent. She wanted no one to disturb her while she embroidered the funeral shrouds for her youngest child and his two eldest sons
Findekáno isn’t foolish enough to think she isn’t just as angry
She’s just honing the blade of her temper 
“And you? How have you been holding up? You look awful.”
Russandol’s mouth twists. “I had a... protracted episode. A few days ago.” At Findekáno inquisitive look, he elaborates; “Wandered off into the deep Gardens and got stuck in my memories, for some reason. I don’t remember what set it off.”
“Yeah,” Russandol looks down. “Everything’s... off. I don’t know how to describe it.”
“You don’t have to, you just tell me what you need from me,” Findekáno says
Russandol shrugs a shoulder, but the twist of his mouth softens and some of the tension goes out of his jaw, so Findekáno will call it a victory
He needs all of them he can get these days
He’s not blind to the fact Melkor -- and they do believe it’s Melkor at work -- that the Vala went to Alqualondë in response to him trying to fortify Tirion against him
Aikanáro, now Head of the House of Arafinwë until his father or his brothers return, or Artaresto wants the headship when he’s full grown, had given him a long look when Findekáno, spurred by a deep well of guilt, tried to apologize
Findekáno told himself he wouldn’t let Melkor make him believe any evil thing the Vala did was his fault, and he holds to that
That doesn’t mean he can’t be sorry for others suffering
“Am I supposed to be blame you for protecting our people?” Aikanáro had said to him
“No, I just...” Findekáno didn’t know what he ‘just’
“We didn’t do enough,” Aikanáro said, swallowing hard. “We took the warning to Grandfather Olwë, and then we didn’t do anything. We didn’t even try to encourage him, or our uncles, to do anything. We just assumed Melkor would keep on ignoring the Teleri. After all, wasn’t that why Grandfather Finwë bade us evacuate there? But we are none us safe until we all band together and deal with the threat.”
And then Aikanáro lost the battle of wills against his tears and crawled into Findekáno’s arms until he felt strong enough to face the world again
“They’ll be alright in Mandos, won’t they?” He’d whispered
“They’ll be just fine,” Findekáno promised, kissing the crown of his spiky hair. “They‘ll be back before you know it.”
“Think they’ll back as quick as you were?” Aikanáro asked, so hopeful that he could only agree 
There is no earthly way Findekáno can explain that it wasn’t so much that he re-embodied quickly because he healed quickly, so much as he bolted past Námo’s legs like a cat spotting a cracked open door at the nearest opportunity with his dignity intact, so he doesn’t
“You do enough,” Russandol says, breaking Findekáno out of his reverie. “You’re doing far more than I can, really.”
“Hey, no, don’t do that to yourself,” Findekáno protests. “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t even know to be on our guards. Melkor would have caught us with our pants down--”
Russandol abruptly blanches gray, eyes wild
“Russo?” Findekáno says sharply, half lurching to his feet
Russandol clenches his eyes shut, swallows hard, and takes deep breaths through his nose. “Just a memory. From Mísrilya. It’s all--” he gestures curtly to his temple, “a bit raw, right now. Too close to the surface.”
“Do you want to--”
“--switch to a lighter topic?” Findekáno pivots smoothly. “In fact, I insist. I came all this way to visit you. What kind of projects do have going? Are you still into woodworking? Or did you pick up any new hobbies lately? You were telling me all about how interesting the wickerwork is here just last month.”
A content Russandol is a Russandol that hops between hobbies the way bees hop between flowers; with utter abandon 
He’ll throw himself into his present joy all the way to journeyman status, accumulate a storeroom’s worth of finished projects to foist on all his friends (mostly Findekáno. it’s mostly Findekáno), then gets bored, picks a new joy, cycle repeat
His parents treat this apparent restlessness with endless indulgence, but it drives his brothers who have committed themselves to their crafts up the walls and all the way across the ceiling
Haltingly, Russandol went with the subject change, describing the paneled divider he was carving out to liven up his living space
Findekáno is gratified when he eventually stops looking like he’s going to be violently ill
“So many of the birds snatch up the wood shavings for their nests, I barely have to sweep,” Russandol jokes half-heartedly
“One less thing to worry about!” Findekáno says, injecting as much cheer as he can muster
“Yes, but I’d hoped to use those shavings!” 
“So do the birds!”
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
What do the people in Driftmark think of Lucemond ruling them? Also Heleana and the kids staying there?
In short: their overall pretty decent Lord (who happens to be an omega) and his very scary guard-dog-husband (plus live-in sister-in-law/aunt and cousin-niblings).
With Luke particularly I do have Additional Plot that has yet to be included in the fic which is that not long after Corlys dies (and Luke inherits the Seat) a particularly harsh winter blows in and it kind of becomes the Final Test of both Rhaenyra and Lucerys to convince the people that they are worthy to rule despite their designations. And they both manage to guide their people through riding it out fairly well. So while there will always be people unhappy about omegas sitting on important seats for most people that winter is enough for them to at least come to the conclusion that Targeryans Are Exceptions and even omegas in that family are Fit To Rule. So while it's still not smooth sailing for Luke for the most part people are happy enough he was the one to inherit.
Aemond is a bit styling himself after Deamon. And if you actually think about it the only Daemon Aemond really knows is Domesticated Wife-Guy Daemon. So while I don't think Aemond's got the exact same flavour of obsession with Luke as Daemon has Rhaenyra, he definitively ends up with the similar reputation of "violently protective of his mate". Plus you have the fact that after Corlys dies Aemond is the only Alpha in the House (until the kids present) so he internally tasks himself with being The Protector of it. Also once the whole succession thing settles down he starts going out conquering in the name of Driftmark/Luke. So he has an intimidating presense, a protective streak, and the achievements to back it up - he's Scary. But he answers to Luke (partially because learning off Daemon, partially because if he was seen as challening/questioning Luke others would see it as an invitation to as well, and partially because Luke grew up learning off Rhaenyra how to 'handle' alphas like Aemond).
Heleana is a bit of a funny one where I think the Gossip that goes around her and the kids isn't that they're Aemond's but that she and Aemond conspired to ensure Aegon didn't get the crown for the Good Of The Realm. Because Aegon kind of more and more gets himself this reputation as a emotional unstable drunk pretty quickly after Rhaenyra takes the thrown (which is also when Heleana and the kids come to visit... permanently). I think people started to wonder if she had seen the signs of Aegon being unstable before the King died and perhaps asked her other brother to help ensure the safety of herself and her children from him. Sure, there are probably some people who question the parentage but there isn't actually that much evidence if you don't know the full story - Luke is perfectly pleasant to Heleana (and it is ultimately his house not Aemond's) so there's no obvious jealousy to tip them off and I mean even with the kids having some of Aemond's features that's like... he is their uncle on both sides. Even Aemond doing things like training the boys or taking them on as Squires or weighing in on potential matches, that's all something a Good Uncle would do (especially when their father is not around). The narrative of "Aegon was a cruel husband and Aemond and Luke sypathised with Heleana so offered her and the kids refuge" fits with all the evidence people have and is still juicy enough to make interesting gossip (plus is a bit more sweet then "yeah they're political prisoners to keep Aegon in line" which is the other non-said narrative).
The more I think about it the more I think people say Driftmark is a King's Landing in miniature - both have an omega at the helm with their guard-dog-alpha-mate by their side, housing the wife of the previous/almost King.
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luke-shywalker · 21 days
the kids’ table
Rey looks up. It’s Ben.
It’s funny. He always seemed like the cool cousin. The reigning Mario Kart champion, purveyor of piggyback rides—the one who still sat at the kids’ table at dinner, his knees pushed up against his chest. But now he’s, like, thirty and still lives with his parents and doesn’t have a job and wasn’t at the last five Christmases for reasons Uncle Han and Aunt Leia won’t disclose—not to members of the kid table, anyway.
Rey is twenty. Not really a kid. But she might as well be.
“Yo,” Rey says back. She shuffles over so Ben can sit next to her on the steps.
They are at Uncle Lando’s house, which is so big and so rich-looking Rey doesn’t know what to do with herself. There are too many expensive things around here, and she’s afraid they might break if she looks at them. So different from the little two-bedroom apartment she and her dad live in.
“You in college now?” Ben asks.
“Community college,” says Rey. “Transferring to university soon.”
“What’re you studying?”
“Mechanical engineering.”
“Ah,” says Ben. “All those Legos paid off.”
Rey laughs and nods. “What’re you doing?”
“That is a great question,” says Ben, and nothing else. “How’s Uncle Luke? I mean, your dad.”
“He’s right there. You could ask him yourself,” Rey says, gesturing to where the adults are congregated near the drinks.
“That’s the grownup table,” says Ben.
“We’re grownups too, now,” says Rey.
“Not here we aren’t,” says Ben.
Rey shrugs—she knows exactly what he means.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Ben asks all of a sudden, probably to annoy her, like he used to when she was a kid. Except now, it’s not a weapon of embarrassment, it’s an actual question, with an actual answer. But it’s unclear whether Ben knows that or not.
“Yeah, I do, actually,” says Rey, pulling out her phone. “His name is Finn. We met at school.”
“Oh. You actually do,” says Ben. He leans over to see the picture. “Nice. He looks cool. Why isn’t he here?”
“We only just started dating,” says Rey. “Maybe next year. What about you? Are you in a relationship?”
“Just got out of one,” Ben says. “But it wasn’t with a girl.”
“Oh,” says Rey, surprised. “I didn’t know you were…”
“I’m not,” says Ben. “But he was my boss and I was in a dark place and it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Rey stares at him, not sure what to do with this information.
“Is that why you haven’t been at Christmas?” she asks, finally.
“Well, that and being in and out of the psych ward.”
Rey blinks. “Your parents never said anything about that.”
Ben looks at her, curious. “What did they say?”
“Well, your dad never said anything. Your mom said you were with The Peace Corps.”
“Well, actually, I was. But just for a year. When I was like, twenty-four. Then I had my mental breakdown. The first one, I mean.”
Rey scratches the back of her neck, caught off guard by all this trauma-dumping. She is starting to think the cool cousin is maybe not as cool as they all thought he was. She suddenly remembers that, when they all had sleepovers, Ben was always the last to fall asleep and would try to get everyone else to stay awake as long as possible. He used to get kind of desperate, in a weird way, as if he was keeping them all alive—or, keeping himself alive.
“Well…are you okay, now, Ben?” Rey asks.
“No,” Ben says, with a smile. “No, kid, I am so not.”
Rey starts to feel afraid to be sitting here with him on the steps, and she doesn’t know why. She’s not sure what she’s afraid of. Somehow, she feels afraid that Ben will suddenly explode into a thousand pieces. She can see it now. There has always been a suppressed scream building up inside of him.
“I can feel it,” Ben goes on, looking around and vibrating his leg anxiously. “Everyone thinking about me, and wondering where I’ve been. I don’t think they want me here. But also, I don’t think they’d let me leave.”
Rey doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But he looks like maybe he needs to walk around or something.
She stands up. “Let’s go see if anyone wants to play Mario Kart,” she says.
Ben’s eyes light up. “Yes, yes, yes! I wanna be Waluigi.”
Ben stands up and he and Rey wander around Uncle Lando’s house, trying to round up the cousins to play. Nobody seems to want to. A couple of them say yes, in a second, hold on, but then they just stand around talking while Ben and Rey wait awkwardly. It’s looking like the cause is a bust.
“I guess no one wants to,” Rey says.
“Can you play me?” Ben begs.
“Just the two of us? You’ve always been so good, Ben. You’ll smoke me.”
“I’ll go easy on you.”
“That’s no fun.”
“Please, Rey. Please.” It’s like the cousin sleepovers all over again.
“Why do you want to play so bad?” Rey asks, a little amused.
“Because Mario Kart is the only thing I’ve ever been good at in my whole life,” Ben says, and the words sound like a joke, but his tone of voice and his eyes are communicating that this is really how he sees himself. He’s desperate. A thirty-year-old man who somehow never stopped being thirteen.
Rey pauses, then pats him on the back.
“Okay, Ben. Let’s play.”
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luphorics · 5 months
Hi! First i want to say that i love your art and your ocs and i wanted to ask something about Gale if you don't mind. In the info you said they were being framed for deaths especially surrounding umbrella, would Gale have had ties to umbrella then? Would they have met Luis Serra, and how would their relationship have been? Would they have met other characters from the organization? Sorry if i asked too much questions i just love RE ocs, specially if they had a past with umbrella
HELLOO ANON ;0; thank you so much!! hearing that put a huge smile on my face hehe :3
aahh, Gale is an oc that i haven't talked about in forever, but i was super excited when concepting them at the time. this is gonna be a bit of a read, so i'll be talking about everything that i can under that "read more" section!! :3
so Gale themselves weren't directly associated with Umbrella, but they do have ties in the sense that three relatives have worked as scientists forbthem. One of these relatives was Gale's aunt (Dr. Elois Dimaaya), and the other two were more of older cousins. Their works were well-recognized and Gale's aunt in particular has worked with Luis.
Of course, already having three relatives who work for this corporation easily sets Gale on a path of blood. This is especially considering that Gale was pretty close to them to a considerable degree as family members
In the lore I have down so far, there have been rumors that the cousins were collectively working against Umbrella in secret—which is eventually proven true after they both suddenly drop off Umbrella's radar. One of the cousins sought refuge in the house of Gale's father, only for the latter to discover that he was infected with an unnamed virus and was gradually mutating. The two fought to the death with no fruition, as they both ended up dying. In that same week, Gale was apprehended one night by the other already-mutated cousin, also forcing them to defend themselves once she had lost all her humanity. Gale, however, managed to gain the upper hand and kill their cousin—but this news quickly reaches Umbrella associates.
The only remaining relative was Elois, but she had mysteriously resigned from Umbrella months prior to the cousins' mutations. Her whereabouts remain unknown afterwards. Without any trace of Elois for Umbrella to find and pull her into questioning, they sought out to apprehend her niece, Gale, into questioning—especially after Umbrella learned that they had killed one of their cousins, and the other was also killed by their father. This prompts Gale to go into hiding after being ambushed by Umbrella's security services, thus changing the trajectory of their life.
To make matters more serious, Umbrella eventually fabricated a story that framed Gale as responsible for the deaths of their cousins. Along with the security service on their head, Umbrella hoped this tactic would somehow drive their aunt of the shadows.
Anyhow, between the events of RE2 and a personal arc of theirs that takes place after RE5, they're kinda working alongside a secret organization of vigilantes with an agenda against bio-terrorism. So, unfortunately they aren't present in RE4 and therefore has never met Luis Serra. However, I did headcanon that Luis has mentioned some things about Elois Dimaaya and Gale's cousins to Leon, which implies they were collaborating colleagues at a point back at Umbrella. Eventually, when Leon does encounter Gale after RE4, he shares to them what he learned about their relatives from Luis's perspective.
While I can't fully say for sure how Gale would've hypothetically interacted with Luis had they met, I feel like they would have similar sentiments in terms of how they view Umbrella. And I can see that Gale would've asked him a lot about their relatives if they discovered he once used to work for Umbrella and all that.
But yeah, as far as it goes, Gale hasn't really met any other characters from Umbrella since they're also working against them akchajcj. They are pretty familiar with a lot of the other characters such as Leon, Ada, the Redfield Siblings, etc. because they've encountered these guys at least more than once during their stint as a vigilante ;0;
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Michael raising little Lucy in the Labyrinth au, so cute 🥹
i can’t stop thinking about how caring and protective would he be with her
could we see some cute moments?
ok some backstory of what happened with Lucy and Michael. The Abernathys and the Stirlings were having a party of some kind. And the house burned down, and like I said, only Michael and Lucy survived. So he took responsibility for her, because he figured they were both orphans now.
The thing is that while 18 yo Michael is very responsible, he's also not really mature. So what ends up happening is that he and Lucy live a very bohemian life. Where he basically homeschooled her while they were traveling around the world. my HC for Michael raising Lucy goes like this.
-Lucy has never had a formal education, but she knows how to speak Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi and Russian. Also some Turkish. But Michael prefers Gaelic, so it's the language she's most fluent in after English. Hence why she's got afinity with fae language.
-Michael's understanding of girl recreational activities starts and ends with figure skating and ballet. And he has donned tights for both, just to join Lucy when she's having fun.
-Lucy doesn't call Michael dad or brother, or cousin, or anything, to her he's just Michael. The goofy dude who really needs her, because who else would be the mature one in the household.
-They lived a very nomadic lifestyle most of Lucy's life, never settled down anywhere, but more or less made the world their home. And Lucy never felt she was missing anything. But she knows Michael missed home.
-The last time Michael tried to give Lucy the birds and the bees talk, she pointed to a box of condoms falling off his backpack and told him that just because she's 14 doesn't mean she doesn't have ears. He still soldiered on bravely. Just to embarrass her.
-Michael tries so hard to be a good guardian, but he's also the type to bring Lucy with him into tattoo parlors and introduce her to all his friends. trust me by the time Lucy was twelve, the appeal of tattoos and piercings had lost its shine. it's bad enough that she knows in which part of his body Michael has the Stirling coat of arms!!.
-They have a rule, that dictates that if Lucy ever wants to do something normal kids aren't allowed to do. They MUST do it together. Hence why, when 8 yo Lucy decided she wanted to dye her hair hot pink, Michael got Magenta to match. And the only time she's ever tried wearing a sports bra and shorts to go sightseeing. Michael did it too. (she was so embarrassed, but he was rocking it)
I like to think that Lucy and Gareth had polar opposite upbringings in the Labrynth au. Like, even when he was with aunt Agatha, Simon made sure Gareth had the best tutors, the best education, the best clothes, he was a very mature guardian, Gareth looks up to him and as a result he has has never rebelled in his life. But Lucy grew up in a very permissive environment where Michael never actually set any clear boundaries to what she was allowed and not allowed to do, and as a result she is SO over it. Nothing surprises her anymore, not even the fae. She just wants things in her life to be normal for once. And while Gareth is having the time of his life with Hyacinth, Lucy on the other hand is looking at Gregory like 'oh great, another idiot, now how do I trick this one into letting me go' she's a young girl who doesn't suffer kidnappings lightly. She was raised by the merry rake and Michael taught her well.
And that's the tea
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schrodingers-romy · 10 months
Ranking my blorbos on how well they do at Family Thanksgiving
Kento. He is such a gentleman. He knows enough about food and cooking to help in the kitchen, and makes sure the meal prep goes smoothly. Years of being at a job he hates has also given him the ability to keep his mouth shut and ignore various family members saying weird bullshit, but he has enough tact to step up and deflect when things go too far. Would be my mother's favorite of all my blorbos.
Kakashi. I feel like every family member I care for would be endeared by him. He gets doted on by my older cousins. Gets the extra groceries we need before we even run out. Great with the kids. He has been in so many situations more stressful than this he can navigate it with relative ease. One of the best at calming me down when I get too anxious or mad. Throughout the whole dinner no one except me saw him pull his mask down to eat. (He made sure I saw him so he could blow me a kiss).
Rumi. Every child in my family thinks she is amazing. The house is 100% more peaceful during meal prep because she takes them all outside to show them some pro hero moves. Loud enough to speak over everyone when she wants to. Makes sure I get all the food I want before the vultures descend.
Satoru. He seems almost in his element in the chaos of Thanksgiving. Manages to be one of the loudest in the room, which is quite impressive. Tells a bunch of wild stories to the kids, and brings them a bunch of candy, "But you can only have some if you eat all your vegetables!" Breaks his own rule immediately by having some candy while waiting for food. Annoys my mother but my dad and uncles think he is hilarious. My mom comes around when she sees him calming me down in private.
Shigure. I feel like he is a solid middle of the road. Everyone either hates him or loves him. Doesn't really help with anything, but isn't a huge hindrance to anyone other than me because he keeps bothering me when I'm trying to cook by draping himself over me constantly (he's very clingy once the curse is broken).
Choso. Such a family man! But he is also a 150+ year old undersocialized half human half curse. He does his best, but he ends up having to go sit outside for a bit because it gets too much for him. Everyone whose opinion I care about loves him though, because of how we clearly care for each other. We are just the worst introvert x introvert couple when it comes to social events.
Giyuu. Terrible at any social situation. So awkward. Kills any conversation he is invited into. Many aunts and uncles comment on his messy eating and dead expression so i end up having to defend him. He does his best though.
Uramichi. Does not enjoy dealing with my extended family at all. He is a master of putting on a happy face when he is secretly miserable though; but it ends up cracking by the end of the night. Then bluntest of my cousin's kids notice and loudly comment on his exhausted expression. He then drops some classic uramichi wisdom (tm) and makes them fear for their emotional state once they reach adulthood.
Nakime. Sits in the corner in silence. No one even realizes she is there. Offers to murder anyone who even mildly annoys me.
Akito. Snippy with everyone. Can't stand seeing my cousins' kids take my attention, so she ends up clinging to me and being really mean to anyone who tries to talk to me. Ends up throwing hands with my mother and losing.
Douma. We don't even go because I am locked up in his cult
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nausikaaa · 2 years
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WIP Wednesday
thanks for tagging me @forabeatofadrum! i’m a little late posting, but finally found some inspiration to write again, so here’s some of a new perspective from my post-troy novel- Hermione. context below the cut as always!
All in all, I was thoroughly unimpressed with my husband, and his awkward mannerisms were beginning to grate on my already exposed nerves. And then he did something that did more than just irritate me. He stood up, walked away from me, and joined the dance.
I didn’t move a muscle, but I could feel eyes on me. This is ridiculous, I thought. Dancing was for young girls, not men such as him, small and lithe as he may have been. I wondered if he intended to humiliate me, or was he truly oblivious to the ways of the world? I knew he grew up on an island, isolated from the rest of Greece, but this was unorthodox by any standards.
He leapt and whirled with seven women from Skyros, ranging from barely his elder to just over a decade older. They all shared his ginger hair and blue eyes- his aunts, and there in the centre, his mother, Deidamia. I thought she ought to be ashamed of herself, a widow, dancing! Her skirts flew around her, her feet barely touched the ground, and she laughed and laughed as she took her son by the hand and spun him round.
I took a small sip of wine and hoped my veil would hide the red of my face. My grandfather made furious eye contact with me from across the hall, as though this shameless display was somehow my fault, while my mother had the audacity to clap along with the beat. My father didn’t even seem to notice anything amiss, deep in conversation with one of Neoptolemus’s advisors.
I cast my eyes skyward and silently prayed he would get whatever this was out of his system by the end of the song and return to my side, where I would pretend to be amused by his antics to save face and return to the silence we had been comfortable in before, but the song came to an end, a new one started, and he didn’t stop.
I downed the rest of my wine and waved a slave over for a refill.
i love writing Hermione so much, i think anyone who reads my carry on Agatha fics can tell i just really enjoy writing from the perspective of a total bitch (affectionate)
Hermione is the daughter of Helen of Sparta/Troy and her first husband, Menelaus. after the war she was married to Neoptolemus, also known as Pyrrhus, the son of the hero Achilles and a hero (or war criminal, depending on your persuasion) in his own right.
Hermione had been engaged her entire childhood to her cousin, Orestes, but sources vary on which man she loved. whatever the case, Orestes eventually killed Pyrrhus and took Hermione by force.
the interpretation i chose to go with is that Hermione and Pyrrhus’s relationship begins very strained, Hermione has very rigid ideas about what is proper while Pyrrhus, having grown up surrounded by young women and then losing any remaining childhood wonder he may have had when he was drafted for the war at 15, likes to cut loose and buck tradition.
eventually, they manage to find common ground- the expectations they have grown up under due to their parents. Pyrrhus is the son of the greatest warrior the world had ever known, but he hates violence and can’t stand the sight of blood, for all he was forced to endure it at Troy. Hermione is the daughter of the most beautiful woman in history, but she resembles her father and has a very strained relationship with her. after this, they grow close and have a loving relationship, but Hermione struggles to conceive.
after only 4 years together, Hermione suffers a miscarriage, prompting Pyrrhus goes to Delphi to pray to Apollo, who has cursed him. Hermione also carries a family curse, but there’s nothing she can do to end it, it’s built upon generations of infanticide and cannibalism (the House Of Atreus is wack), and there he is killed by Orestes, who then goes as kidnaps Hermione.
Hermione’s POV ends there, but we see from Astyanax, the main character, that she eventually escaped Orestes and went back to Skyros, Pyrrhus’s home country, the place she was happiest, where she was accepted as the Queen by his aunts and the people. so a bittersweet ending.
and here’s what Hermione and Pyrrhus look like, in this scene and 4 years later:
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fun fact: Hermione’s hair is short in the first picrew because Spartan girls would cut it short for their weddings. Spartan men and women lived very segregated lives as men were raised in military barracks since childhood, and both young men and women often had gay relationships with others their age because there just wasn’t the option to be with someone of the opposite sex. so the short hair was both a symbolisation of rebirth for women but also to ease men into heterosexuality 😂
for a late wip wednesday or next six sentence sunday, i tag @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @ileadacharmedlife @ionlydrinkhotwater @martsonmars @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @bazzybelle @castawaypitch @ivelovedhimthroughworse @gekkoinapeartree @erzbethluna @facewithoutheart @sillyunicorn @moodandmist @tea-brigade @whatevertheweather @stillgeekingout @wetheformidables @onepintobean @basiltonbutliketheherb @theearlgreymage and @whogaveyoupermission
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detectivejrdude583 · 1 year
“I just want to my family is okay”
read on AO3
summery: Noah always enjoys his time at the McCanns, although, since the BX9 case when he was sent to stay with them for a couple of days, there's always a certain nervousness that comes along with driving up to Woodstock, the feeling always goes away after he's there for a little while, but this time it doesn't go away- and to make matters worse he knows something is wrong with his mother, but no one will tell him what the hell is going on.
Set after Liv is shot in the finale, Olivia finds out Noah has been struggling a lot more than she thinks.
Chapter 1/1
Noah always enjoys going to see the McCanns, but going there comes with a new sense of dread, ever since his mother was attacked by BX9 and he was sent away, every time the potential of him going to see them or stay the night, for just half a moment his stomach would drop.
He knew it didn’t make much sense at all to get nervous about just going to see his half-brother, especially when the family was so welcoming toward him.
He knows that whatever case his mother is working on is a hard one, he knows more than his mother has told him, but rather because Jesse is quite the eavesdropper and is kind enough to text Noah every bit of info she hears from her parents when she should be asleep.
Noah and Jesse had been talking a lot lately, Jesse was experiencing a lot of new things with moving into a townhouse instead of an apartment, and Sonny moving in with them, and Noah was happy to listen, or distract her when necessary. Jesse is several years younger than him, but neither of them really thought about it, they had a relationship like you would with your cousin, which Noah supposed made sense since Jesse was his aunt Manda’s.
Noah knows that Amanda is back working on a case with SVU, and he also knows that she was asked to do that by Elliot.
He is still a little unsure about Elliot, he had only ever met him so many times, and when he had shown up to pick him up from the McCanns if he hadn’t already been told by his mother that he was coming, then he’s not entirely sure he would have gotten in the car with him.
When his mother tells him he’s going to stay with the McCanns for a while so that she can take a trip for work his stomach drops, he had no more warning than a couple of hours- that was never a good sign- but he told himself he was being dramatic and went to pack a bag.
His mother had driven him up to the house, which made him feel better than when Fin had driven him after his mother had been attacked. He hugged his mom- longer than he normally would have- and got a kiss on the top of his head before his mother had to go to make her flight on time.
Noah couldn’t explain it, but the sinking feeling he got whenever he was going to the McCanns, which normally went away as soon as he got there, just didn’t go away.
When Ginny had cooked a lovely meal for dinner, he ate what he could so he didn’t seem rude, but his stomach churned every time something hit it.
“You alright Noah!” Ginny asked with a concerned sort of smile as she saw Noah pushing around his food more than he was eating it.
“Oh yes, I'm sorry, my stomach is feeling a little odd right now,” he said, and it wasn’t a lie. While Ginny accepted that answer, Noah knew if it was his mother, she would have pressed him for details- and that, somehow made him feel worse.
“Oh well you don’t have to eat if you don’t feel like it, do you want to lie down, I can get you something that may be easier on your stomach, or some ginger ale”
Noah shook his head- it wasn’t that bad “No thank you, I appreciate it though, my stomach may just need some time to settle after running around outside”
“We’ll let us know if you get any worse, we can get you some medicine”
Even after staying up too late to play video games with Conner, the feeling in Noah’s stomach didn’t go away and he found himself staring at the bunk above him when he should without a doubt be asleep.
He felt his chest tightening, his first instinct being to grab his inhaler, but he quickly realized that he was not having an asthma attack, but rather he was getting nervous. He flung the blankets off himself grabbed his phone out from under his pillow and walked into Conner's bathroom across the hall.
It's 3am now, and he tries to remember if his mother is in the same time zone as him, he would google it but it didn’t seem important enough for that. Want he really wanted to do was call his mother, he just needed to hear her voice for a minute, it was irrational and he knew it, but his mother had told him repeatedly whenever he was away from her that he could call her whenever he needed.
His mother was pinned on his message’s app, so it was the quickest way to get to her contact, but when he clicked on her profile picture, he noticed that his mother hadn’t texted him at all since she told him she had landed in Ohio, and that had been several hours ago.
Noah felt bile rise in his throat, his mother always texted him when she would be working overnight- or even just late into the night, even if she thought Noah was already asleep, she would do it anyway.
He told himself he was being ridiculous, that his mother wasn’t even in the same state, and that she was probably busy with a case, he had no idea what was going on, for all he knew his mother’s phone was lost or broken.
He clicked to call his mother- she wasn’t perfect, maybe it had just slipped her mind- it rang and rang, and eventually, Noah heard his mother’s automatic voicemail, he didn’t bother leaving a message. He tried his mother again, he just needed to hear her voice- that’s all he needed.
When it went to voicemail again Noah didn’t think twice about calling Fin, knowing he was with her mother, but that one went to voicemail too and Noah thought he might throw up. he considered calling his aunt Amanda, he knew she was there too, but she was pregnant and Noah thought it would be wrong to wake her up if she was asleep. Finally, he remembered that Elliot was also with his mother, and while he had only ever contacted him once, he scrolled until he found his contact and put the ringing up to his ear, just praying for him to answer.
When yet again he went to voicemail Noah coughed several times, trying to swallow down the saliva that seemed to just suddenly appear. He stood for several moments trying to catch his breath, before ultimately his body won over and he fell to his knees in front of the toilet, heaving quite violently.
He didn’t think his stomach had that much food in it, but it apparently did. He had just stopped heaving when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
“Noah, kid, you alright, can you let me in” That was Matt’s voice, Noah knew that.
He gagged again continuing puking and it seemed like Matt decided he would let himself in and opened the door.
Noah stopped vomiting resting his head on his arm that was gripping the toilet seat, sweat nearly soaking through his clothes.
“Conner go grab his inhaler” That was Ginny’s voice. Noah guessed his puking his guts up in the middle of the night had to be a family affair.
Ginny came and sat on the floor next to him, rubbing a hand up and down his back “I'm sorry you're not feeling well, if you think you're done we can get you into bed and I’ll grab you some crackers, and ginger ale”
Noah nodded but made no move to get up, he needed to use his inhaler, but he wasn’t going to do that until he was able to rinse out his mouth, but without even saying anything he was handed a cup of water so he could swish and spit into the toilet.
Once he had used his inhaler and left like he could Noah pushed himself up, feeling Matt’s hand on his arm helping him.
“Let’s get you back to bed, we’ll put a trashcan by your bed,” Matt said leading him back to Conner's room.
Noah woke up the next morning, school was still in, but he would be getting all his work online since he wasn’t going to be there, but conner still had to go to school, so when he woke up the room was empty, and he realized Ginny had let him sleep in rather than waking him up for the day.
He didn’t tell Ginny and Matt what had made him throw up, as far as they knew he just had a stomach bug. The first thing he did was check his phone, hoping for something from his mother, it didn’t even have to be from his mother, it just had to be from someone who knew what was going on, who could tell him that his mother was alright.
To his great relief, he saw a text from his mother, as well as one from Fin asking what was going on, and a call back from Elliot, all of the notifications were from after he has fallen asleep, and while his phone was set up so that notifications from the squad would come through even on do not disturb, clearly, he had slept through it, and Elliot’s call was silenced since he was not on his mother’s squad.
He opened up the text from his mother, even just reading it brought a sense of calm over him, his brain automatically read it in his mother’s voice, and while he would much rather be actually with his mother, this would have to do for now.
Momma: Hey sweet boy, I'm so sorry I didn’t text or call you last night, thing’s got crazy very quickly after we landed and everyone was away from their phones for a while, but everyone is okay and I’ll be home in a couple of days. Ginny called and said you're sick, I hate I can’t be there with you, if I was in the state, you know I would be. this case is getting to be quite complicated, and you know you're my number 1 priority, but I can’t promise I’ll be able to get to my phone a whole lot while I'm here, but I will answer you whenever I can alright. Mom loves you <3
Noah felt extremely relieved to know nothing was wrong, but as quickly as the relief came it was replaced with him berating himself for panicking over nothing, the entire squad was in Ohio, plus Amanda and Elliot, his mother would be fine.
Noah walked through the house, Matt was working from home, and Conner had just gotten home from school and was in the shower, Noah had gotten what work he needed to do done rather quickly, despite Ginny telling him to take it easy, he didn’t think sitting at a table was going to do him much harm.
He hadn’t heard from anyone in Ohio all day, but he tried not to think too much about it, Ginny was doting on him hand and foot, but he was fine, he wasn’t even sick, he had just gotten himself worked up the night before.
“Hey Matt,” Noah said walking into the office, hoping he wasn’t interrupting anything.
“Hey Noah, you feeling any better?” He looked away from his work to turn towards him.
“Yeah, I am, I think it might have just been a short bug or something,” Noah said- a lie- “I wanted to know if you’ve heard from my mom at all”
Matt took several moments before speaking as if you decide what he was going to do. “Your mom is fine; you don’t need to worry”
For some reason that made Noah’s stomach begin rolling again, he was old enough to know that someone was holding something back, Matt was making the same face his mother made when she had a rough case and didn’t want to show it. “So, you did talk to her, what did she say”
“Nothing you need to worry about, she said she’ll be home probably the day after tomorrow, she’ll send someone to pick you up or I said I can drive you up there, either way”
“Why can’t she pick me herself?” Noah asked his voice going up a little, mind going to any place it could come up with.
Matt seemed to realize he probably should have said that and worked quickly to fix it, “She will be exhausted after this case, plus she may still have things to do at the station”
Noah knew this was not the real answer, but he also knew he wouldn’t be able to get any more info out of Matt, he could try Ginny, but she would probably be even worse and offer him some kind of pastry- I mean he would take the pastry, but that wasn’t the point.
Momma: I’m back in New York, you can stay another night with the McCanns, but if you want to come home today you can.
Noah felt his phone vibrate against him in the middle of a game of Mario Kart, and paused the game to be able to read it- which Conner did not appreciate as he was winning and this was going to throw him off. He couldn’t help but smile at the text, his mother had done a good job of contacting him regularly, although she had gone quiet for a couple hours in the afternoon, Noah reminded himself that his mother had a job to do.
Noah: I want to come home tonight, will you be picking me up, Matt said he could drive me, but he may still be working I don’t know.
Momma: I was going to send Elliot up there to get you again if that’s alright.
Noah wanted to ask why his mother wasn’t picking him up but stopped himself.
Noah: That’s fine, let me know what time he is going to be here, do you want me to tell Matt and Ginny, or will you?
Momma: I’ll give them a call. I love you.
Noah: I love you too.
Noah knew Elliot would be there soon, his bags were packed and he was waiting patiently- mostly- in the living room.
He saw a car pull into the driveway and he figured it had to be Elliot, everyone else was home, he stood and grabbed his bags, thanking the McCanns for letting him stay over, accepting a hug from Ginny.
Elliot came inside briefly to talk to the family and use the restroom, but pretty quickly they were off and, on the road, Noah sitting in the passenger seat, all his things in the backseat.
Finally, Noah was able to ask someone who might give him a straight answer “Why couldn’t my mom come and pick me up?”
Elliot knew better than to lie to the kid who barely trusted him to begin with “She’s okay, but she did get hurt while we were working the case, but like I said she’s alright, just isn’t able to sit down quite right”
Noah furrowed his brow- he had no idea what that was supposed to tell him. “How did she get hurt?”
“Look the important thing is that she’s alright” Elliot didn’t answer Noah’s question, and Noah felt an odd anger flaring up inside of him.
“But how is she hurt, was she attacked again?” Noah didn’t like to bring up what happened with BX9, but it felt right at the moment.
“I’m not going to lie to you, but let’s wait until you get home to your mother”
Noah did not like that answer but just looked at the road in front of them.
The ride back to his apartment seemed much longer than usual as he anxiously awaited seeing his mother. She had gotten hurt and hadn’t told him, he knew his mother’s job was dangerous, and there was always a certain level of anxiety around his mother’s work, but he also knew his mother was doing an extremely important job, and the squad was there to have each other’s backs.
When they finally pulled into the parking lot of his building he couldn’t get out of the car and grab his stuff fast enough. Elliot didn’t make a move to stop him as he walked in front of him into the elevator, but he did tell him to hold it until he was in there with him.
Noah had to stop himself from bouncing on his feet in the elevator, not wanting to keep over eager or anything, but in reality, he just wanted to get to his mother, just wanted to know that she was alright- even if she was hurt.
He didn’t bother waiting on Elliot or checking if he was behind him as he marched through the halls to his apartment. When he reached the correct door, he used his own key to let himself in.
Immediately upon walking into the apartment he dropped his bags and looked around for his mother, but couldn’t see right away, which was odd because she always came and met him at the door when he got home from being away. “Where is she? Mom!”
“She’s in her bedroom buddy, but listen” Elliot didn’t get to finish his sentence as Noah marched through the house not even bothering to knock on his mother’s door.
Olivia was laying on her side in her bed, phone in front of her brow furrowed like when she was working on her computer, but Noah didn’t think she was working.
“What happened!” Noah demanded.
Olivia was a little startled by Noah’s unusually loud voice, there was very little yelling in the house- if any- other than when Noah had friends over, and while Noah wasn’t technically shouting, it was pretty damn close.
“Noah,” Olivia said with an air of warning in her voice that Noah didn’t quite pick up on.
Noah walked forward his eyes scanning over his mother trying to identify where she was hurt “Where are you hurt, why are you hurt, what happened”
Olivia looked to Elliot who was standing in the doorway for some kind of help, but he had apparently decided to stay out of his one for the time being.
“I got hurt in my left hip, but I'm okay, I’ll be back at work within a couple of days” Olivia explained gently able to see how upset her son really was about this.
“How did you get hurt, did someone hurt you” Noah wanted the answer, and he wanted the real answer, not an adult trying to shield him answer.
Olivia looked like she didn’t want to answer but knew she had to “I was… shot, but it was not a big deal it was- “
“Shot! You were shot! And no one told me!” Noah exclaimed looking at Elliot with the scowl he had gotten from Olivia more than once.
“Noah honey” Olivia started watching Noah get worked up “It wasn’t even a standard bullet; it didn’t hit anything important”
“But you were shot! Is that why no one was answering my texts or calls? You were shot and no one told me!” Noah felt his eyes stinging with angry tears.
“Noah, listen to me. I didn’t even have to go to the hospital, and no that is not why no one was answering you” Olivia would have made a move to sit up further but if she did Noah would notice how injured she really was, and that wasn’t going to help anything.
“Why were you shot! Were you hostage? Was it a shootout? Crossfire? Just tell me what happened”
Olivia watched her son closely as he listened off reasons she could have been shot, clearly, he had done some thinking about this. “It doesn’t matter why I was shot; I'm telling you that I'm okay and there isn’t any reason for you to be worrying about this”
But Noah was worrying, that’s what he had spent the majority of his time at the McCanns doing, and while he knew his mother was just trying to calm him down, it wasn’t going very well. “But I will worry, I will always worry, I know the squad is there to keep you safe, but you keep getting hurt, there are people that want to hurt you, but just hurt people but hurt you for all I know there is always someone who is out to get you. You were attacked with none of the squad with you, but now you’ve been shot when the squad was with you, how am I supposed to know you're okay when you get shot and NO ONE TOLD ME” With that Noah turned on his heel and marched out of the room and Elliot watched him until he was in his bedroom.
Olivia sighed and rubbed her face, she didn’t bother calling after her son, she wasn’t going to be able to make him stay, and she wasn’t exactly in a place where she could go after him. She looked towards Elliot who was no longer in the doorway and had moved closer to her bed.
“Give him a little while, I'm sure he’s overwhelmed, he needs some time to cool down” Elliot reassured her.
“I should have seen this coming; he saw me being attacked during the BX9 case, I mean he was right across the street, he’s still rattled, I should have known this was going to be a bigger deal with him” Olivia shook her head, no idea how she hadn’t thought about it “I mean you heard him, clearly everything is bothering him more than I thought it was, I am his mother, I should have seen it”
Elliot shook his head, taking a seat in a chair beside the bed in order to be more on Olivia’s level “Don’t do this to yourself Liv, when I was shot while I was working SVU Lizzie was so worked up about it for so long that I barely made it to work each morning”
“What did you do?” for how long Olivia had been working on the police force, she had never had to deal with a child after being shot- she had never even been shot.
“Kathy took her to a child psychologist, didn’t tell me since she knew how I felt about shrinks, but looking back I know it was the right decision” Elliot said seriously “And you know everything that’s gone on with Eli, and while that is not exactly the same situation as what’s going on now, but I think you need to get ahead of this, send Noah to a therapist for a while, or maybe a family therapist, I think it would do you both some good”
Olivia didn’t respond, she didn’t want to think about it.
Elliot moved so he was crouched next to the bed grabbing both of Olivia’s hands in his own “I know what you're thinking, you're thinking ‘how did I cause my own child to need therapy’ you're blaming yourself, but I am telling you not to, if this was any other child you would tell the parents that this is what they need to do. It is not your fault, Noah has seen things happen to you, and as much as we both avoid thinking about it, he is going to find out about other things that have happened to you, and you need to be prepared for that”
Olivia knew Elliot was right, didn’t mean she liked it. She leaned forward until her forehead was rested against her and Elliot’s clasped hands.
Olivia knocked on Noah’s door, not getting a response. “It’s mom”
“Come in” the words were muffled.
Olivia turned and looked towards Elliot one last time, him giving her a nod and walking into the kitchen to give the mother and son all the privacy they needed. Olivia tested the doorknob to Noah’s room, happy to find it unlocked. She slowly pushed open the door.
Noah was sitting on his bed leaning against the wall with his knees bent and his legs in front of him, arms propped up on them. Any other time Olivia would have reminded him that he shouldn’t have shoes on his bed, but that wasn’t important at the moment.
“Should you be up and moving, shouldn’t you be resting” Noah said, not angry but Olivia could tell he was still a little worked up.
“I can move around pretty easily, I just can’t sit down like normal, I'm good standing or laying on my side” Olivia explained with a fond look towards her son, Noah hadn’t exactly had an easy life, “I wanted to talk to you though, about everything that happened, but I don’t want to talk at you I want to talk with you, and that means I need you to tell me what’s been going on and how you’ve been feeling”
Noah was quiet for several moments before be began speaking quickly not looking at his mother “You sent me to the McCanns when you were attacked, and now whenever I go I get nervous, it normally goes away after I’ve been there for a while, but it didn’t go away this time, I couldn’t sleep and I knew I could call you if I needed to so I went into the bathroom and noticed you hadn’t texted me at all, so I called you but you didn’t answer, so I call uncle Fin and Elliot, but they didn’t answer either and that’s why I threw up, I wasn’t sick. I was worried about you and I asked Matt if he had heard from you and he said you were okay but I could tell he was holding something back, and then you came to get me instead of Elliot and he wouldn’t tell me what was going on, and when I got here, I find out you’ve been shot”
Olivia felt her own tears pricking the back of her eyes, she felt awful “Come here” she held out her arms.
Noah didn’t hesitate before getting up from his bed and wrapping his arms around his mother, carful to avoid where she might be hurt.
“You're not hurting me” Olivia whispered and felt Noah’s arms tighten around her.
They stood like that for a long time, just taking comfort in the presence of each other, Noah listened to his mother’s heartbeat, just to remind himself that she was there and she was- well not okay- but she was there.
“I'm so sorry I haven’t noticed that you’ve been so worried about everything, I don’t want you to spend your days worried about me. I tell you all the time that the squad is there to protect each other, this was a weird situation, Elliot was with me, but he wasn’t able to see, but he did protect me, there could have easily been more shots, but there weren’t”
“Still, I would like to know when you're shot instead of everyone being weird and avoiding questions, it only made me worry more” Noah said, not moving from his mother’s hold.
“I know, I'm sorry, you should be able to know people with be honest with you regarding me, and I will do better in the future, I didn’t want you to worry about something you didn’t need to be, but clearly I didn’t do a great job of that” Olivia said finally moving so she could look at Noah’s face rather than the top of his head.
Noah looked up at his mother, “I know there are always things you won’t want to tell me, but I want to know what’s going on sometimes, when aunt Amanda got shot, I didn’t know until Jesse told me about it, I had no idea, you didn’t even tell me, and then you get attacked, and now you’ve been shot. I just want to know what is going on with my family, just to know that they’re okay”
Noah referencing Amanda as his family brought a small smile to her face, even through everything going on. “You're right, you're getting older and you're able to know more about what goes on, and I haven’t been telling you much of anything have I. from here in out I am going to make a real effort to talk to you more about what goes on, and there are some other conversations we need to have about things that have happened in the past with me. And I want us to talk about you maybe seeing a psychologist” one of those ‘other conversations’ Olivia was talking about had to be about Lewis. She didn’t know how she would get through it, but she needed to have the conversation before he found out some other way.
Noah started seeing a therapist quickly, Olivia sitting on the first couple of sessions, but eventually he started going in on his own. He still struggled, but therapy wasn’t a cure all for anyone, it took work on everyone’s’ part, but he did improve, and that’s what was important.
The Lewis’ talk still hadn’t taken place, Olivia was going to talk to her own therapist before she did that, it was going to be hard no matter how it went. She had been making a real effort to clue Noah in more to things going on, and it was going about as well as it could so far.
In an effort to make sure Noah felt connected to his family a SVU barbecue was hosted at Bruno’s home since he it was the summer and he had a large backyard that included a pool.
Noah was messing around in the pool with Jesse and Billie, Sonny in there with them trying to help Billie get over her fear of jumping in, and to make sure that Noah and Jesse’s competitions didn’t turn into someone drowning.
Amanda stood by Olivia watching the yard “Noah doing better?” Amanda asked, she and Olivia had been talking a whole lot more since the case they worked together.
“Yeah, I think he is, I hate I didn’t pick up on what was going on earlier, but he’s still seeing the therapist, I figure that’s a good thing” Olivia said taking a sip of her drink.
“Is he having nightmares or anything” Amanda knew both Jesse and Billie had nightmares after she was shot for a while.
“Not often, he had a really horrible one a couple of weeks ago, I woke up to him standing in my doorway crying saying he didn’t want me to die, took be over an hour to get him calmed down enough to get back to sleep, and even then, he was sleeping in my bed”
Amanda hummed and nodded, but let out a sudden gasp, hand flying to her stomach.
“What, what’s wrong” Olivia was immediately concerned, grabbing Amanda’s arm. her question was answered rather quickly when he saw clear liquid trickling down under Amanda. “Is that- “
“My water just broke”
Amanda had been told that as you have more babies the labor gets shorter, and that was apparently true because there was about a 20-minute period between when she got taken into the labor and delivery room at the hospital and when her newborn baby boy was being placed into her arms.
The entirety of the squad- including those who hadn’t worked with Amanda long sat out in the waiting room, anxiously awaiting Sonny to come out and tell them all was well. A lullaby played every time a baby was born, and after each one the group would sense, just waiting for news, Amanda had had complications during labor before.
Sonny walked into the waiting room with the biggest grin on his face anyone had ever seen from him, although he did look a little pale. “It’s a boy”
Jesse and Billie were the first taken back to meet their new brother, Serafina Carisi planning to take them back to her home afterwards to allow Sonny and Amanda a bit of a break before they had to manage 3 kids.
When they returned no one said anything about going back, not wanting to take the opportunity away from anyone, but Sonny took care of it “Liv, Noah, y’all want to come back for a little while”
Noah wasn’t expecting to be called back, but stood with his mom.
When the enter Amanda’s room it was much like when Billie was born, Amanda was sitting up in bed holding the newborn. Giving a smile when Noah and Olivia walked in.
Olivia walked over to look at the baby “look at those eye”
Sonny was standing behind them “He’s got Amanda’s blue”
Olivia pulled Noah who was just standing a bit away over so that he could see his new cousin.
“Sonny told me everyone is out there” Amanda said looking up at Olivia, gratefulness clear in her eyes.
“I don’t know what you expected, we’re all family, and family shows up for each other” Olivia said reaching to squeeze Noah’s shoulder, receiving a smile from him.
“Well, I did interrupt what was supposed to be a family gathering” Amanda said and almost sounded guilty about it.
“Well since it was to bring a new member into the world, I think it’s alright” Olivia assured her, she would not allow her to fee guilty about going into labor.
“If y’all wash your hands y’all can both hold him” Amanda said.
Olivia went to wash her hands, but Noah stayed at the foot of Amanda’s bed. “You don’t want to hold him?” Amanda said raising her eyebrows at Noah.
“He’s just so small, I don’t feel like I should touch him” Noah said his eyes wide; he didn’t remember Billie being that small, but then again, he himself was a good bit smaller when she was born.
Amanda smiled “Go wash your hands, I’ll help you”
Noah did as he was told, washing his hands as thoroughly as possible before returning over to the bed. Amanda scooted over and patted the spot next to her for Noah to sit down.
Noah sat down right on the edge of the bed next to Amanda, his mother standing next to him. He didn’t move his arms on his own rather his mother arranged his arms the right way, supporting him in the right places as Amanda placed the bundle in his arms.
Noah froze as soon as the weight of the baby was rested on him, the baby stirred but remained asleep. Olivia removed her hands when she was confident her son had a steady hold.
Noah looked down at the baby in what could only be described as disbelief, afraid to even breath with such a fragile thing in his arms.
“You two better get along considering he has two older sisters” Sonny said from his spot on the other side of Amanda.
Noah nodded, “Is he supposed to be this small?” he whispered.
Amanda chucked beside him “He’s smaller than Jesse when she was born, but bigger than Billie, since she was born early”
Noah didn’t remember anything from when Jesse was born, and he only a few memories of when Billie was born, but he remembered going to see Amanda and having to be told no to touch the baby, but this time he not only got to touch the baby, but he got to hold him.
Noah felt an odd surge of protectiveness overtake him, he was already protective over Jesse and Billie, and adding a 3rd Rollins Carisi to the fix only made it stronger. These people were his family, his aunts, uncles, and cousins, even grandpa don. He was the oldest of the cousins- unless you were counting Ken, but he had kids of his own- he was the oldest and therefor the protecter, he knew he would protect his family- they were his own squad.
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Hi! So this post will be going into how I've been coping with soon-to-be tragedies in my family so if you aren't able for that, please, don't bother . I really only made this post to vent.
A couple weeks ago I came across this game on Nintendo store called 'Spiritfarer', and thought ,"hey that looks cool, and there's a demo! Sure I'll try it!" And lo and behold, I loved it, so I bought the actual game and played it.
Until I began interacting with the fan base, I didn't really understand the solemn message of the game, which is grief, and moving on. It is about guiding spirits to the afterlife after completing requests for them, it goes a lot deeper than that once you get into the lore side of things, but that's what it is in simple terms.
I got this game during a difficult period, a period I am still in actually. Which is, my grandmother is dying of stomach cancer. As well as my Great-aunt slowly fading away after a horrible, horrible, stroke she experienced over a year ago now. Not to mention, one of my older cousins got diagnosed with cancer, again, after being clear for a few years after fighting a different cancer for over 20 years, it's back somewhere else.
So a lot has been going on for me, funeral planning, most specifically . And a stressed family and mother.
One of the characters in the game is called Alice, I'll try not to go too in-depth about her story, but she began to experience dementia before we brought her to the Everdoor (afterlife). Misremembering and simply not remembering. That's happening to my grandmother, right now, she is experiencing the first stages of Alzheimer's. It's really sad, she is saying things that people did and said that didn't happen, and it's causing problems because what she's saying is really bad, 'you can't just say they did that' kind of bad. She is withering away and I just have to see her go, I know she's happy, end of life care in a beautiful hospice, genuinely a very nice place with very nice people.
And I guess it just hasn't really properly been processed in my head that she's dying, that this is the end of her life, yet ., because when she was just in the hospital, I could say, "no its grand. She'll be out soon, in her house, she'll be grand." But she won't be. She's 93, dying of stomach cancer which has spread to her liver. And she's in so much pain.
She's also tired. For the first bit, in the hospital and hospice, she had energy, she was exhausted yes, but she could stay awake, she could talk to us and not have to shut her eyes. Now she does . She doesn't realise people have visited purely because she slept through their visits. And my grandmother, who used to stay up till 1a.m. in the morning, even when my mam and aunts and uncles were kids, now sleeps at 12. She's dying, fading away and we can't do a thing to stop it.
She isn't even on death's doorstep, she is in his house, havin a cuppa, probably complaining about her husband, my grand-da, that I never got to meet. She would never say 'gone too soon', instead she'd find a way to give out to him beyond the grave, "should've given up those fags (cigarettes) when I told him to, he'd be here and I could berate him here and not at his grave," she said once. It was quite surreal for her to say that, because his death was kind of ironic. He smoked so much, when he began to feel unusual pains, he was scared he had lung cancer and was too afraid to visit the doctor about it, didn't want a diagnosis. But if he did go to a doctor, even a week earlier, he wouldn't have died of an aortic aneurysm.
There still wouldn't have been a chance for me to meet him mind you, it's his funeral where my parents met, I wouldn't have been born without him dying.
I also have just been kind of processing everything, it sounds mean, but right now, almost everyone in my close vicinity is hoping she dies before my Junior Cert, which is only about 3 weeks away. Not for her to be gone, god forbid, but so that I have the time to be wailing over her death, and it not affect my exams. Either way, she made it to May, which is what we were all hoping for. It's a silly thing in my family, regarding my Great-aunt and Grandma die in May, there'll be, what, 7 deaths in May now? We don't doubt this'll be the month, because now my Grandmother, she doesn't have much to fight for, she's at peace with that she's dying, she's lived a long life, experienced so much, why wouldn't she be ready? At first she wasn't, no one is I don't think, but some people resign to it, being their fate, my Grandmother, my amazing Grandmother, hasn't 'resigned' to it though, she is okay with it, she's okay.
She is okay.
But I'm really not. Because this is this, including my cousin, is the 6th person on my mother's side of the family to get cancer, and possibly die in my cousin's case, in the last 4 generations. It doesn't seem like much, but it was 3 of my Great-grandparents that died from cancer, the other one stroked. I'm not sure about my father's family history, his biological family isn't his family so he doesn't have much of an idea either. But, with so much cancer in the family, and the possibility that more will arise, scares me. I'm scared I will be the 'more will arise' because I don't want to die from cancer, I've seen what it does to you, your very self, and I just wouldn't be able to stand it. Everything is making me so scared, before I've even dawned my already planned funeral clothes for the already decided and sorted funeral. I'm scared, and I'm sad.
And that's where Stella, the SpiritFarer comes in. She upon, looking into lore, is experiencing her own journey of acceptance during the game, revealing that this is her on death's row and she's dying of a terminal illness after facing many hardships. I may not be in that situation now, but that could be me, my life flashing before my eyes, tainted by my fantasy driven mind.
I had a dream, the other night, that I was her, and instead of a base game spirit I was rowing to the Everdoor, it was my Grandmother. I dreamt that she was telling me all those stories she never got to, about the Troubles, Éamonn De Valera, and how he was a shite Taoiseach, she'd tell me about how it was like to read the newspaper and hear what was going on in the North. She'd tell me about my Grandfather, and how my Mam was like when she was young, "the spitting image of you (literally, it's really creepy)". She'd tell me jokes and rant about her stupid, but ultimately wonderful husband, who she'd spend everyday with just the same. She'd give me advice on cooking, sewing, everything, encourage me to learn new skills and become a plumber and "fix the bleedin' house before I was dying!". And all of a sudden, we were at the Everdoor, I'd help her stand up, with her beautiful cane, and I say goodbye.
It was a vivid dream, and I can tell it was my subconscious guilt tripping me, rightfully, about how I never spent enough time with her, I never listened to her stories, had her teach me something, play the piano in her living room like all my cousins could do, how I couldn't grow up fast enough to show her that she could be proud of me.
I know I'm young, kids are stupid and most kids reach adulthood before their grandparents die, and learn to appreciate them., but mine didn't, she's the last one and she's 93 and dying as I write this. Everyone is always so shocked to hear that a 15 year old has a 93 year old Grandmother, 40 year old cousins, uncles twice that and aunts close. But that just was my life, and I didn't get the privilege my older cousins had to live with my Grandmother, or to buy a house and show photos to her, bring my kid over or whatever, I won't get the chance to do that before she dies. Even now, I can't just visit, and if I were to, she wouldn't know, she's asleep right now I bet you.
So yeah, tragedy is becoming a big thing in my family at the moment and I am procrastinating on actually figuring that out in my head, because thinking too deep causes a lot of tears and I'm dehydrated enough as is. It's horrible because my literal Junior Cert is only like 3 weeks away and all this stress isn't helping and I just can't bring myself to study so I'm just gonna be a failure, I won't even be able to prove myself to her when she dies at this rate.
Moral of the story, love your Grandparents, talk to them and learn from them because you have the privilege others don't have at all.
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theunstuffedpepper · 3 years
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I saw this side-by-side comparison showing how a person’s organs move around to make room for baby and just.. wow. Our bodies are incredible.
I got the Moderna booster on Monday! Aside from a sore arm and a persistent headache, the side effects for me weren’t too bad. I also had some serious fatigue and nausea, but I’m so used to living with those things, I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy or the booster. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I took some Tylenol finally yesterday because that headache was kicking my ass. I typically try to take nothing while I’m pregnant, but it is what it is. I needed it. I also signed off work at 5:01pm knowing I was leaving some things for myself for the next day, but I just couldn’t do it anymore. Such exhaustion.
After falling asleep on the couch yesterday by 8pm, I just gave in to it and was tucked in bed at 8:30. I slept like a damn rock (thank you, pep and b!) and I feel so much more refreshed this morning.
Christmas update (warning - this may get long and ranty!): we had decided on sleeping at my MIL’s house while we’re in NJ over the holiday rather than sleeping at my parents’. We stay at my parents’ house every year and this year has been particularly hard for my MIL, so we thought she could use the company. My mom did not take that well (as expected) when I told her over the phone. Even after we hung up, several hours later, I got a one-word text from her: “Wow.” …really? This doesn’t need to be so dramatic. Needless to say, I didn’t answer.
Two nights ago, I missed a call from my mom and she left a voicemail about Christmas Eve timing. I ended up working til I went to bed, basically, so I didn’t call back. Last night my mom asks me to call her because she’s fretting over Christmas Eve timing, still, for who knows what reason. I call and tell her it doesn’t matter to us. She then also informs me that my brother, his girlfriend, and his girlfriend’s 7yo daughter were uninvited from a big family get-together on Sunday, the day after Christmas. Immediately I knew it was because they’re the only ones not vaccinated and the word “good” popped out of my mouth. Oops. “What did you just say? Good??” …yeah. Again, oops. But I explained that I also am not comfortable with it and if they make the decision (or indecision) to not get vaccinated, they have to also understand that it is going to make some people uncomfortable.
My mom then goes on a rant about my brother and his girlfriend getting COVID in august and according to her google research, antibodies from being infected last 8 months, so he’s “more protected than she is right now!” since she got vaxxed back in March and hasn’t bothered to get boosted. I just cannot with these conversations, y’all. I can’t. My brother is diabetic, and that’s why he says he doesn’t wanna get vaxxed. If anything, that makes him immunocompromised and he had even more reason to get vaxxed before rolling the dice, deciding to just “wait and see”, and then get COVID at a concert. Of course because it wasn’t a severe case it only reinforces his (and my mom’s) ignorance. “It was barely a cold!” I told my mom to tell that to the hundreds of thousands of (sometimes perfectly healthy) people who ended up on ventilators or worse. She must regret asking me to call, huh? 😁
At this point, I’m already so done, guys. Oh, and ALSO. My aunt and cousin are sick with what my mom says is “phlarengitis” - whether she means laryngitis or pharyngitis, I don’t know, and it doesn’t much matter. They’re hosting the family get-together on Sunday so now we have to decide whether to go. Of course we’re leaning heavily toward no, but it’s breaking my heart, because it’s the only time for quite a while that I’ll get to see my grandmother who is visiting from Florida, and might be the only chance for her to meet pep. I also was stoked for my aunt and uncle to meet him, which they haven’t yet. This situation is so, so frustrating and depressing. I could scream.
After all that, I’m trying my darndest to still enjoy pep’s first Christmas as much as we possibly can. I wanna make great memories with him and see him rip into his presents. We’re going to make the best of it.. it just may look different than we had hoped.
I hope you all are dealing with less Christmas/holiday drama than this, although I know this stupid virus affects us all. Today’s my last working day until Tuesday, so time to get to it.
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mazuwii · 2 years
Hello! I just found your blog and loved the headcanons you write for aot. So I thought maybe I should request something. Umm... my favorite au is where Levi saves Mikasa instead of Eren and he takes care of her like a sister. Maybe they are cousins or distant relatives. I like to think Erwin like a father/uncle to her and Hanji like a sister/aunt. You may add -or not- other characters as you wish. So yes I would really love to hear your ideas on this in canonverse. Thank you, have a nice day 🤍
This is such an adorable idea! By the way, I’ve never really written an AU like this, I put it into headcannons but I hope you enjoy it either way, if you didn’t then you can reply to the post requesting me to put more in\leave more suggestions in the ask box
•Mikasa, at first, didn’t trust Levi. I mean, after witnessing random older men, why would she trust another random old man.
•When he noticed little Mikasa hiding in the corner in both anger and fear, it reminds him of his younger self. So in a way. Levi becomes a figure that he needed when he was younger.
•He crouches down to her height, whispering things in such a calming manner compared to the yells and violent kicks he was throwing towards the now dead men.
•Mika felt like she could trust him, so she took his extended hand and limply followed him out of the house.
•Now, either I don’t remember or perhaps it wasn’t shown in the anime, but I have no idea how people adopt in Paradis. It seems like Grisha just took Mikasa home and called it a day 😭
•So let’s pretend that Levi did adopt her after a long while of thinking (thinking of how Kenny left him, why would he ever put a younger Ackerman through that)
•The next day there wasn’t a expedition or anything so he took her to the scout region (he wanted some input on how to take care of kids but was too prideful, knowing Hange, he knows she’ll start yapping on about something useful and that’s the main reason he took her)
•When they both arrived, the captains and commanders were in awe of this little girl that had Levi’s face plastered straight onto her. People even asked if it was his daughter. He scoffed but once he looked at her he did see the resemblance. (Still he tells them they’re blind)
•Hange has Mikasa on her hip and as she takes her for a tour in her science lab (Levi warned her of great consequences if he took young Mika to the Titans 😭😭) and Moblit was on edge the entire time, at some point, he had to take Mikasa from Hange because the scientist was getting a little bit too giddy and he worried she may drop her.
•Mikasa didn’t speak the entire time, she only nodded and added back her input. This is only because she’s shy, Mikasa does have her moments of being jumpy and basically the opposite of Levi when they’re around each other.
•Levi isn’t against the idea of her becoming a scout, to him, Mikasa is like a bird, there will come a time where she’ll leave the nest and she may face dangers outside the nest. He won’t stop her, he’ll just help when she needs it.
•So when she grows up, she follows Levi’s footsteps and joins the scouts. I like to think that in this verse, she’d be friends with Jean, Sasha and Connie rather than Eren and Armin. Though she’s cool with them too.
•Also this is just a thought, that even I contradict myself- I feel like if Levi found her instead then the affect from that change in the past would make her grow a liking more to Jean than Eren. And that she may just view Eren as a funny hothead.
•Thought I reject that thought by also thinking she’d have funny reactions to him trying to ask her out. Which means she totally jokingly rejects him multiple times after his dumb attempts. It usually ends in Sasha and Connie laughing their ass off at him.
•In a way, Eren would have a crush on her but hide it perfectly- though I doubt anything goes unnoticed by Levi, whom always glares daggers at the brunet.
•Overall, in my opinion, I doubt she’d have romantic feelings for anyone- and if she did it would be healthier.
•back to the Levi and Mikasa duo!!!
•Levi has had his moments where he has embarrassed Mikasa, where she’s volunteering for a dangerous job and he tells her to go clean something up because she missed a duty. She didn’t really, he just doesn’t want her facing anything that bad during her first year.
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wutheringmights · 3 years
I just read the newest chapter and I loved it! ♥ ♥ ♥ I was wondering if you had some hcs about the engineer that you could share?
Awww I'm glad you like it! I just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what "HCS" meant before realizing I'm a tired idiot who can't read lol
But yeah! I got some headcanons for the engineer/Spirits I can share!
These headcanons are a mix of things I generally believe for any iteration of the Hero of Spirits and a few things exclusive to CTB. It's pretty obvious which are which.
Technically this is slight spoilers since most of this is not mentioned in-story, but Warriors is a such a self-centered asshole that I'm not sure when I can get him to explicitly ask about Spirit's backstory lol
This got super long and kind of just became me talking about Spirits's entire backstory, so enjoy:
Spirits is sixteen during the course of Spirit Tracks, mostly because that was the vibe I got from him when I first played the game (I made him younger for CTB)
He's not descendant from Wind (who I maintain disappeared instead of settling in New Hyrule); instead, he's Aryll's great grandson
His family name used to be Outset, but when everyone who originally immigrated from Outset island took on that last name, they changed it to Aryll to reflect the family matriarch
So Spirit's full name is Link Aryll, though there is a branch of his family that uses Macaryll instead
The Aryll/Macaryll family is huge; everyone has at least six aunts and uncles on all sides of the family and they can trace back how they are related to Aryll
"I'm Grandma Aryl's third son's second daughter's fifth child." -someone Spirits is related to, probably
He actually never met his great grandmother; she died before he was born.
Spirit's dad was full-blooded Lokomo while his mother was Hylian; his mother passed a few months after he was born after never truly recovering from childbirth while his father died in a fishing accident when he was eight
He went to live with an aunt and uncle who owned a general store; their relationship was polite at best. The aunt and uncle told Spirits upfront that they intended to give the store over to his cousin when he was older so Spirits needed to come up with his own life plan
Spirits didn't necessarily mind since he never wanted to work in a store for the rest of his life, but the ultimatum made it clear that they didn't care for him like a son
To this day, their relationship isn't strained and he doesn't hate them. But whenever they meet, he's overly polite; they're more acquaintances than family
He's cool with his cousin though. They have different interests so they aren't best friends, but they're okay.
Spirits also always had his spirit-sensing abilities. It's really like a sixth sense to him, as normal and automatic as seeing and hearing; he actually didn't realize this wasn't normal until he was a little older
His abilities at this point are limited to sensing vague ideas of a person's spirit (if they're light or dark, etc.), and seeing ghosts (which are really rare. You have to have a lot of power yourself to become one)
(Note: I'm not the only one who headcanons Spirits as having spirit sensing abilities; if you know who can up with the idea, please let me know so that I can tag/credit them!)
The elder of his village told him that select Lokomo had minor spirit sensing abilities, and those who did were traditionally made elders of their villages; being more of a follower than a leader, Spirits adamantly dismissed that idea and refused to be trained on how to hone his spirit senses. He also never learned any of the religion behind it
Which was a little worrisome since his abilities are way stronger than most
Besides, he's always liked trains and it's been his dream to travel around the kingdom as an engineer; being some town's elder would get in the way of that
Anyway, Spirits had to pass a written exam before being accepted as an apprentice engineer, so he's very studious and has a lot of drive (pun unintended?)
He went to live with his Uncle Niko during his apprenticeship in another town; Niko isn't related to him, but he's been a friend of the family for so long that everyone secretly thinks he's actually related to someone and they just forgot who
Niko is his real family, hands down. Those two are as thick as thieves and bring out the wild side in each other
A preteen Spirits used to think Niko was a little lame and kind of embarrassing, but now that he's older, he's all for Niko's weird old man-ness and has even picked up on some of his weird old man-ness himself
That being said, they're both disasters. Neither can clean or cook or do any kind of housekeeping and their shared house is cluttered with Niko's art projects and Spirit's half-finished tinkering
Growing up, Spirits had no idea he was related to the legendary Hero of Wind; Aryll died before he was born, but even in life she was filled with too much grief over her missing brother to discuss it often. Within the family, being related to the Hero of Wind is a rumor at best.
Of course, Niko knows but keeps it a secret from Spirits; once he got back from his LU-adventure, Wind told Niko about the curse of the Hero's Spirit. Then he went missing post-New Hyrule's founding, which really drove the terror of the curse home. Niko thought he could keep Wind's family from falling victim to it by not inadvertently encouraging them to follow in Wind's footsteps
So Niko kept it a secret
And obviously, that didn't work
Spirits' quest to save New Hyrule resulted in him realizing that he needed to embrace his Lokomo heritage and get a handle on his spirit powers; Anjean gave him a little training during his quest but afterwards he traveled around the kingdom to find as many people as he could with abilities like his
They were all really excited to teach him what they knew, especially the religious aspects of the abilities; Spirits is still not the most religious person, but he at least understands and embraces the cultural significance of what he is able to do
This is where he learned how to read a person's Spirit to get an idea of their life experiences and the kind of person they're like; he can also detect where a person is without having to put much effort into it
At Zelda's encouragement, he also got more sword training from the Castle Guard. She offered him a place among them, but he turned it down in favor of remaining an engineer. He still helps around as a swordsman when he can and will act as Zelda's body guard
Speaking of which, he and Zelda are 100% in love. Their relationship started out as puppy love but over the years as matured into a deep connection built on mutual respect
When he's working on designing new engines or parts for his trains, he occasionally brings his drafting materials to the castle gardens so that he can work alongside Zelda; sometimes she falls asleep leaning against his arm and he has to be careful not to shake her awake as he works
Whenever she need to go anywhere in the kingdom, she rides in his train and teasingly criticizes his conducting; he takes a lot of pride in his conducting, but he lets her get away with it since her critiques are objectively hilarious
He keeps a tiny pictograph of her taped to his dashboard
But there's a bit of a problem with their relationship, and it's that he doesn't know if he wants to be the prince consort or not. He does love her, but that would mean giving up being an engineer in favor of being stuck at the castle all of the time
Plus, he's doing great as an engineer; he's saving up to open his own garage that produces his own train designs
Eventually, he leaves for the War of Eras
His experiences with Warriors leaves him more sure than ever that he doesn't want to be the prince consort, resulting in him ending his relationship with Zelda shortly after he returns home
It hurts for a long time to be around her since all of his old feelings keep coming back, so he keeps his distance for a long time; it takes a few years for him to go back to hanging out with Zelda as friends
But now she's approaching marriage age, and he spends a lot of time when he's on body guard duty super jealous of these princes and ambassadors from foreign kingdoms who try to court her
But again, he knows he can't be in a relationship with her so he respectfully and silently pines over her (I'm just a sucker for pining, okay?)
Okay, more random headcanons that are a little less sad
Spirits likes super spicy food, but since he can't cook to save his own life, he just eats whatever he can get his hands on
He's super dirty all of the time, just the epitome of scrappy; there's always a smear of oil somewhere on his person
He actually really hates bathing and only keeps his curly hair in check to comply with train safety regulations
He's really polite and a little shy, but once he loosens up, he gets talkative and personable
He's also very contemplative; he likes conducting so much because he gets to spend long stretches of time alone with nothing but his thoughts
His trauma/stress response is to shut down; he goes quiet, loses energy, and sleeps for longer periods of time
He tends to gravitate towards socializing with people who are older than him, which gets him labeled as being no fun by his peers (despite having someone as cooky as Niko for a uncle)
Post-adventure, his best friend is Linebeck III. They're drinking buddies. Neither can really explain why they even like hanging out as much as they do
(I just like the idea of Linebeck accidentally getting attached to one kid and his whole bloodline getting forever tangled with Wind's; they're bros for multiple lifetimes)
Not only is Spirits good at designing and building new machinery, but he's great at tinkering; he can fix almost anything and will buy broken things on purpose just to have something to fix
No one really knows he's a hero; he doesn't like the attention and, at his request, Zelda did her best to keep his involvement with Malladus a secret
Because not many common people know about his adventure and records of New Hyrule are very rare, he's considered in Warrior's time to be a forgotten hero; some scholars believe that a Hero of Spirits may have once existed, but if he did, no one really knows who he was or what he did to serve the bloodline of Hylia
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twstarchives · 4 years
Hello! There used to be a list about which characters have mentioned to have siblings/be only childs but I can't find it anymore ;; do you still have it or was I imagining it? If so, do you know what is there so far about each student's family life?
Riddle lives with his mom, the status of his father is unknown. He has implied that his parents don’t get along.¹ Both parents are magic doctors, but his mother seems to be more well-known. To Riddle, she is extremely overbearing and planned out nearly every second of his life: controlled his education, his schedule, his diet, his clothing, the supplies he used, and which friends he could have. She put a heavy emphasis on studying and always being the best.²
1. Riddle Ghost Marriage voice lines 2. Main Story 1-19
Older brother
His brother is 7 years older than him and a Heartslabyul alumni.¹ He seems to have often messed around with Ace & make him angry on purpose, but it was all in good nature; they are very close. Apparently his brother was even more excited than their parents when they found out Ace got into NRC.² Ace has also mentioned his grandma a few times; she taught him about the Ghost Camera³ and warned him about magic blotting.⁴
1. Ace School Uniform PS 2. Ace Ceremony Robes voice lines 3. Main Story 0-19 4. Main Story 2-4
He is an only child¹ and loves his mom very much. The entire reason he’s trying so hard to be an honors student is so that he can become a son she can be proud of. He once cried when she called him to tell him just that.²
The only time his grandma was mentioned was when he told a story of his mom crying to her on the phone, thinking she’d failed as a parent (during Deuce’s delinquent days).³
1. Jack Dorm Uniform PS 2. Wish Upon A Star 12 3. Main Story 1-13
Younger brother
Younger sister
His family runs a bakery. As the oldest child, he often had to take care of his little siblings (ie. ensuring they all brushed their teeth at night)¹. They all would pester him to bake them desserts,² but he cared for them a lot—one time his little brother really wanted to go to a live magift game so Trey spent his whole allowance to get him a ticket.³
1. Trey School Uniform PS 2. Ace School Uniform PS 3. Trey Wish Upon A Star voice lines
Two older sisters
Because of his dad’s work as a banker, their family had to move about once every two years, all over the world.¹ Cater hadn’t had any long-lasting friends because of this.
He has described his sisters as “unreasonable,” his dislikes in his profile are listed as “having to suck up to his sisters,” and when everyone was going home for winter holiday, he said he’d rather stay with Trey’s family.² In his voice lines, he mentioned that he can’t relate to Yuu feeling homesick because his sisters would just be waiting for him at home. His sisters rated everything by how cute it was, and if something “wasn’t cute” to them then Cater would have to redo it.³
They would get more excited about his birthday than he would, and buy him all kinds of presents he didn’t particularly like (such as stuffed animals, dolls, perfumes, soaps, etc). But they weren’t trying to be intentionally mean, and recently have started paying attention to what he really wants.⁴
When he was about 10 years old, his mom and sisters were always baking sweets. Cater was excited about this at first because it meant he could get lots of treats, but his sisters would make him eat everything. If he refused, they’d look so disheartened, and Cater couldn’t say no to that, so he kept forcing himself to eat. Because of this, he now hates sweets.⁴
1. Cater Scary Dress PS 2. Main Story 4-3 3. Cater Lab Coat PS 4. Cater Birthday PS
Falena (older brother)
Cheka (nephew)
Leona is a member of Afterglow Savannah’s royal family. His brother and his sister-in-law are the current rulers, and Cheka is next in line to the throne. Leona has constantly felt inferior and bitter that he and Falena are treated so differently based off nothing but birth order.¹ But he greatly respects his sister-in-law; she’s one of the only people he would never talk back to.² Cheka is very affectionate and clingy towards him.
1. Main Story 2-27 2. Ruggie’s Chat w/ Jack
Younger brother
Younger sister
Jack is the oldest in his family with an 11yo brother and a 7yo sister. He and his siblings are all very athletic; they used to play tag with each other for 6 hours on end.¹ Jack has said that wolf beastmen pick one soulmate to spend their whole life with, and his parents + grandparents are always at each others’ side, when they wake up, go on walks, eat, and go to sleep.²
1. Jack Happy Beans Day PS 2. Ace Ghost Marriage PS
Mother (deceased)
Father (unknown)
Ruggie's mother "became a star up in the sky" shortly after giving birth to him. His father went away for work and never came back, and to this day Ruggie doesn't know what happened to him.¹
He lives with his grandma in the slums of Afterglow Savannah. They were poor and struggled to find food to eat, but his grandma could make delicious food out of any ingredients they could find. Ruggie learned to cook from her.² He described her as very kind but also tough.
Ruggie seemed to have taken care of the other kids in the neighborhood too-- when everyone went home over winter break, he brought home leftovers from the cafeteria to feed his grandma and the kids.³
1. Ruggie Birthday PS 2. Ruggie School Uniform PS 3. Main Story 4-3
His mom fell in love with her divorce lawyer while separating from Azul’s biological father. She’s also the owner of the Ashengrottoes’ famous ristorante in the Coral Sea.¹ Because of their business, Azul grew up a foodie and was exposed to a lot of different foods from a young age.²
His stepfather is kind and honest, and very clever when it comes to his work. Azul respects him and they seem to have a good relationship. He taught him about law and contracts.¹
Everyone in the Ashengrotto family is a mage, but Azul’s grandmother is said to be especially powerful. She was known for helping those in need, and very “merciful,” just like Azul.¹
1. Azul Birthday PS 2. Azul Dorm Uniform PS
Jade & Floyd
Their parents started teaching them self-defense since they were little.¹ We don’t know many details of their childhood, but there was an interesting exchange between them—Jade once said ���he made the right choice choosing Floyd as his partner,” and Floyd replied that “he’s glad Jade is the one that survived with him, too.”²
In Floyd’s Wish story, he brought up how their father told him to buy a nice pair of shoes when he went on land because “men who don’t pay attention to the small details get patronized” so your appearance is very important. Hearing this gave Idia and Ortho an uneasy feeling about Mr. Leech.
1. Jade PE Uniform voice lines 2. Floyd Dorm Uniform PS
30-40 younger siblings
Kalim’s father comes from a long line of merchants and is supposedly the greatest one in the family. But despite how busy he is, he’s always wearing a smile. Kalim’s mother is the only one in the family who can use magic. She’s described as very kind, is always praising Kalim, and almost never gets angry.¹
Kalim doesn’t know the exact number of siblings he has, but he can put names to faces for all of them, and he often plays hide and seek with them in their house. He doesn’t come from a royal family (they’re just extremely rich), but some of his distant relatives are actual royalty.² One of his distant cousins apparently owns a tiger.³ His family has about 100 servants along with specialists like a personal doctor⁴ and a beast tamer.
1. Kalim Birthday PS 2. Main Story 4-8 3. Silver Lab Coat PS 4. Main Story 4-17
Najma (younger sister)
His family has served the Asims for generations. His parents knew Jamil was a very bright child, but they insisted that he must always let Kalim be better than him, and would reprimand him for talking too casually to his young master.¹ Jamil seems to share a typical sibling relationship with his sister Najma. They often bicker with each other, but they’re on good terms. Najma used to bake him cookies for his birthday² and they would also get into fights because she’d tell him his cooking looked too plain.³ Jamil gave his VDC plus-one ticket to her during Episode 5.
Najma made her first in-game appearance during the Aleab Naria event. Their father had sent her to deliver a message in-person to Jamil, since he isn’t versed in technology likes PCs and phones and didn’t trust that a text would suffice.⁴
Najma claims that she and Jamil look nothing alike, but they tend to make near-identical expressions. She was relieved to see that he has a few friends at NRC because he never talks about them whenever he comes home.⁴ In one scene, Jamil reminds her to wipe her hands before eating and gives her a wet wipe, and she huffs at him to not treat her like a child. Trey notes how well Jamil looks after her, but Cater thinks he is a little bit overprotective.
1. Main Story 4-36 2. Jamil Birthday PS 3. Jamil Dorm Uniform PS 4. Aleab Naria 3-4, 3-5, 3-7
Eric (father)
Vil’s father is an extremely famous actor and goes by the stage name Eric Venue. Even the Leeches’ father is a fan of some of his movies.¹ Vil has mentioned that his dad would come home dressed in special effects makeup & costumes every Halloween,² and also used to read him stories about the Beautiful Queen.³
1. Vil Scary Dress PS 2. Vil Scary Dress voice lines 3. Scary Monsters 3-2
Aunt & Uncle (uncle is biological)
Male Cousin
Epel’s family lives on an apple farm that’s been around for generations. They all live in the same house. His village is also made up of farmers, and they often help each other out during the busy season and have big barbecues together. It feels like they’re one big family.¹
His relatives often send him apples from home since they have such an abundance of them. They seem to have some business struggles; Epel taught himself how to beautifully carve apples when he was young because many were blemished and wouldn’t otherwise sell.² He has also mentioned wanting to make a potion that strengthens weak apple trees to make his grandpa happy.³
Besides Epel, his grandma and great-grandma are the only ones in the family who can use magic.⁴ They ride brooms to pick apples that are too high to reach on foot. Epel wanted to help them when he was little so everyday he would get on a broom and try hopping up and down, and then one day it worked! Ever since then he’s helped with that task as well.
1. Epel Birthday PS 2. Epel School Uniform PS 3. Epel Lab Coat voice lines 4. Epel Ceremony Robes voice lines / Birthday PS
Idia & Ortho
The Shrouds are a noble family and famous for some reason, but Idia has said that being from a noble family isn’t all that great.¹ When he was worrying about being seen at the entrance ceremony, he expected people might gossip about how he’s from “the cursed Shroud family,” and that he’ll “spread misfortune to them.”² At another time, he mentioned that the audience would be apprehensive about what kind of “weird research” he did if he had to present his research on stage.³
1. Idia PE Uniform PS 2. Idia Ceremony Robes PS 3. Main Story 5-3
Lilia, Malleus, Silver
Malleus’ grandmother
Lilia was one of the Queen of the Valley of Thorns’ most trusted soldiers when he used to fight for the royal family.¹ In Cater’s Lab Coat story, they created mandrakes that reflected parts of themselves, and Lilia’s was said to “carry the cry of a tragic hero.”
He has watched over Malleus “ever since he had an eggshell over his head.” An infant Malleus once singed Lilia’s bangs by breathing fire and Lilia was so proud that he raised a glass of tomato juice to him.²
Malleus is the heir to the Valley of Thorns, a descendant of the king “who rules over all creatures of the night,” and his only living relative is his grandmother, the current Queen of the Valley. He spent much of his childhood alone in the castle. He used this time to learn how to play all kinds of stringed instruments. His grandmother is so busy that she shouldn’t even have spare time to write him letters, but every year on his birthday, she sends him one without fail, along with rose seeds from the garden by their castle.³
Long after Malleus had grown up, both he and Lilia took in baby Silver for an unknown reason. Silver thought he was his biological dad when he was little, and continues to refer to him as “Father.” They lived deep in the forest in the Valley of Thorns before coming to NRC. Apparently Silver was very easy to take care of; he would fall right to sleep after eating Lilia’s homemade food.⁴
At one point, Sebek also became one of Lilia’s pupils. He and Silver are the only two from their generation living in the Valley.⁵ When they were little, Lilia would have them undergo training like soldiers, but then he realized he should raise them more like kids, and started making their training more fun. He had them play tag in forests crawling with beasts, hide and seek in vast deserts, and “the floor is lava” in the mountains of needles.⁶
1. Silver Ceremony Robes 2. Lilia PE Uniform PS 3. Malleus Birthday PS 4. Lilia Lab Coat voice lines 5. Sebek School Uniform voice lines 6. Lilia Birthday PS
Older brother
Older sister
Sebek’s mother is a nocturnal faerie and his father is a human who works as a dentist. They met when his mother had an appointment at his clinic. She was immediately charmed and courted him despite her surroundings being against her marrying a human. Now, she works at the clinic as his assistant.¹
Sebek greatly respects his mother and raves about how she’s extremely gifted with magic and has a strong sense of justice. His opinion of his dad, on the other hand, is much different—his dad seems very loving and often showers his children in praises, sweets, and gifts, but it drives Sebek crazy. He doesn’t understand how his mother saw any appeal in him.¹
Since his parents were often busy with their clinic, Sebek spent his childhood running off to visit his grandpa, or fishing and playing in the water with his siblings. Based on the fact that Sebek and Silver were said to be the only ones in their generation living in the Valley,² his siblings are most likely considerably older than him.
All we know about his grandpa is that Malleus also knew him, and mentioned that Sebek shares his hot-blooded temper.³
1. Sebek Birthday PS 2. Sebek School Uniform voice lines 3. Scary Monsters event story
No current info: Rook
Last updated: July 27, 2021
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luv-eddiediaz · 3 years
Hi. Me again, with my obsession of cowboy Eddie and city Buck. 
I was driving around the country last night looking for some cool rocks to put in my yard (I live in town, but like 20 minutes from all the ranches and wide open spaces), and I had like a Buddie version of a Hallmark movie playing in my head the whole time. 
Imagine with me:
Buck has been living in NYC. He’s been working at some art gallery and dating Abby and living with her in her fancy loft while she sculpts, but something happens and she still needs to go find herself, so off she goes to abandon our boy, who, after a couple of months, and some conversations with his friends, realizes she isn’t going to come back, and he sets off to start over. 
He basically throws a dart at a map, and it lands on El Paso, and so that’s where he packs his bags to go. He gets a job at a local bar, and rents a room in the back. He doesn’t think El Paso is going to be for him, so he’s just going to work a few weeks until he can figure out where he wants to go and has some more money saved up to get there.
He notices that every other night, a dark haired man comes in and orders a whiskey, neat and two beers. He sits alone and doesn’t talk to anyone except the girl who works at the bar with Buck at night (I’ve named her Desiree). To Buck, he seems kind of sad. 
One night, Desiree is off, and it’s Just Buck. The guy comes in and Buck brings him his whiskey without him having to order. The man tips his hat, and Buck smiles, but they don’t say anything. When he’s finished his whiskey, Buck goes back to him with his draft of Budweiser, and again he tips his hat, and Buck smiles. They don’t talk until Buck brings him last beer. 
“It’s Buck, right?”
“Uh, yea, how did you know?”
“Desiree is my cousin. She’s mentioned you a few times. Doesn’t like you very much.”
Buck laughs, “I didn’t think she did.”
“It’s your shoes. They’re too shiny, and she says you smell too nice.”
“How does someone smell too nice?”
“Girls here are just different than where you come from.”
“Everyone here is different than where I come from.”
And the man laughs so quiet Buck isn’t even sure he’s laughing, and then he holds out his hand, “I’m Eddie.”
“Nice to meet you.” Buck meets his hand, and it’s softer than Buck would have thought given his dirt stained jeans, and his small drawl, and the cowboy hat he never seems to take off his head. 
So, now whenever Eddie comes in, Buck waits on him, and as the customers dwindle down, Buck ends up sitting in the corner booth with him, and they talk. About New York mostly, about Abby and art, Eddie’s son, and how Buck thinks he might do better in Austin if he was going to stay in Texas. 
“If you change your mind, and want to stay,” Eddie says one night, “I have a shed I converted to a guest house. I’d be more than happy to rent it out to you.”
Buck isn’t sure why, but the thought of Eddie wanting him to stay makes him feel good, and so he decides to take him up on the offer. He meets Eddie at his place one Sunday afternoon, which is this sprawling ranch, and a large, gray stucco house. Eddie shows him around the grounds.
“So, these are Greg and Elizabeth,” he says of two goats nosing at Buck’s shoes, “those are the three Rosies,” he points to three brown cows, “the chicken coop is in the back, but you’ll have to ask Christopher their names, because honestly, I don’t know. I think he keeps changing them.”
“All these animals are yours?”
“Uh, the goats and chickens, yes. One Rosie is a boarder, and the other two are ours until I find them somewhere else to go.” 
“Do you like rescue animals?”
“Sort of. I’m a large animal vet.”
“How did you not tell me this?”
Eddie shrugs and smiles this little half smile Buck has come to adore, “I don’t like talking about myself. And you love talking about yourself.”
“Do not.”
“You really do.”
Then Eddie shows him the shed/house, and Buck decides he’s going to stay there. Eddie also asks if during the day Buck wants to help out answering phones and stuff in the clinic.
Hilarity would ensue with Buck in his fancy sweaters and nice shoes trying to help wrangle the goats and the cows. Sweetness comes when he’s out feeding the chickens with Christopher, and eating sandwiches with him at the reception desk of the vet clinic. 
At some point, he starts wearing flannel shirts, and faded denim. Eddie even buys him his own cowboy hat the day he takes him out horseback riding. 
That same day, they sit by a creek, underneath a tree while their horses graze, and have a more serious conversation. Eddie opens up about his wife’s recent death, but how they had been on the rocks for a while, and Eddie thought maybe they were going to work things out, but she said she didn’t want to and then she had an accident in town. 
Buck doesn’t think he’s crazy when Eddie puts Buck’s hat back on his head and he feels this electricity as they stare at each other, close enough to smell what the other had for breakfast on their breath. He thinks maybe Eddie is going to kiss him, but he doesn’t. And it leaves him disappointed. 
So, of course. with the two of them on this precipice of something, Abby comes back! 
She finds out where Buck is, and goes down to Texas. It’s a Saturday night, and Buck is working at the bar, and it’s a little bit busy, but Christopher is staying the weekend with his aunt and cousins, and Eddie is down there, and between serving Buck lets Eddie try and teach him to line dance, and they shoot a round of pool that lasts forever because Buck keeps having to go work, but it doesn’t matter, because he is having the best time, and he’s seeing Eddie laugh with his whole face, and he knows, he just knows he is falling in love with this man, and only hopes he’s falling in love back. 
They are literally just about to kiss in a dark corner when Buck sees Abby in the middle of the bar, and says her name. He doesn’t forget Eddie is there, but he kinds forgets Eddie is there and walks over to her, gives her a hug.
“What are you doing here?”
“I missed you too.”
“Can we talk?” she asks, “are you busy?”
“I’m working, but I can take a minute; here.” He leads her to a small booth and slides in across from her.
“Look,” she starts, “I’m not sorry I left, because I had to. I was feeling suffocated.”
“By me?”
“No, well, yes, but not you. Just my life, and you happened to be a part of that. I needed to get lost to find myself again.”
“And did you?”
“It’s been five months, Abby. I left us. I left New York; I started over.”
“I see that. Kind of a weird choice.”
“I like it.”
Because he likes Eddie. 
Shit. Eddie. Buck looks around the bar and sees that he’s gone, and he doesn’t blame him for bailing. He looks back at Abby; at the beautiful curve of her face, her bright green eyes that still pop through the lenses of her glasses. He remembers what it felt like to kiss her lips, and feel her hands through his hair. He never loved anyone the way he loved Abby - she was the first real thing in his life, but he knows now, that Abby never loved him the way he deserved.
“Thank you for coming here to explain yourself.”
“I was kind of hoping I could talk you into coming to New York with me.”
“Nah, I’m good here. I’ve got all these flannel shirts now, and the concrete would just kill these boots.”
Abby laughs, “not to mention the cowboy.”
“What cowboy?”
“The one that’s been staring at us like he’s ready to pull my hair.”
Buck looks to where Abby is nodding and he wonders how the hell he missed Eddie sitting there.
“Yea, and the cowboy.”
She smiles and kisses Buck on the cheek as she gets up to leave. Buck waits a few seconds until she’s walked out the door and saunters over to Eddie with a woeful look on his face. He sits on the barstool next to him 
“I’m sorry about that,” he says.
“Oh, you’re sorry for dropping me like a dirty rag as soon as you saw your ex-girlfriend? Or is she still your girlfriend?”
“No. She’s my ex. There’s uh, there’s someone else I’m kind of interested in.”
“Anyone I know? It’s a small town after all.”
“I think you may be familiar with him.”
“Him? That could be a dangerous thing here.”
“I like a little bit of danger.”
Eddie smiles, “what time do you get off?”
“About another hour.”
“Hmmm, I’ll come back and pick you up.”
Eddie tips his hat and leaves the bar, and Buck thinks the last hour of his shift drags on forever, but finally he’s cashed out and collected his tips and he goes outside to find Eddie sitting in his truck. Buck gets in, and they drive out past the town lights, past his ranch, almost right up to the border to Mexico, and park. 
Buck feels like he’s in a country song as the radio hums in the background and Eddie leans over the console to touch his fingertips to Buck’s chin and pull him towards himself to give him a soft, slow kiss. 
It’s the best kiss Buck has ever had, and he can’t help but smile the entire time. It’s the beginning of what Buck knows is going to be the rest of his life. 
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