#he looks so good i have to pause my screen everytime he comes up
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chocolate-sherberries · 5 months ago
The more scenes I see with Mustache Eddie, the more difficult it is going to be for me to see him without a stache like... this man is serving every look and every scene so good with his mustache that I keep forgetting this is the temporary look.
Also the way they intentionally filmed and edited those scenes with Eddie asking Bobby, 'you don't like it (stache)?" and then cut to Chimney saying, 'I love it,' like Kenny you'll always be 'No 1 Mustache Eddie stan'.
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gotta-winwin · 1 month ago
svt x what could've beens 💌
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have you ever stayed up so late your mind started to wander? as you flipped through your mind and thought about everything that could've been, all the people you could've had. well, does this cupid have a story for you!
follow cupid of valentine day's past to discover all the things that could've been...[heartbreak almost guaranteed]
divider credits: @sisterlucifergraphics
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(💌) Choi Seungcheol
At twelve years old on the playground, you traded plastic wedding rings with Choi Seungcheol, the boy who sat in front of you in class. He slid the ring onto your ring finger, a teasing smile across his face. 
“You have to say the vows.” Soonyoung nudges him.
“I, Choi Seungcheol, take you, Y/N L/N, to be my unlawfully wedded wife.” His nose scrunches as he looks to Soonyoung for his next lines. “Was that right?”
Later, Seungcheol gently breaks apart his orange to share with you. “Let’s get married for real. When we’re 30.” 
You kiss his cheek in a silent agreement. 
Choi Seungcheol gets married at 27 with you sitting on the groom’s side, wondering why it wasn’t you standing next to him.
(💌) Yoon Jeonghan
It shook your fragile heart each time your daughter came home singing Mr. Yoon’s praises. 
“I wish Mr. Yoon was my father.” 
Your heart snaps in two at her words. You could never explain to her how close he had been to that title-- how a lifetime of bad decisions had wound the two of you suffering apart. 
“I know, sweetheart.” Is all you say, as you hand her off to Jeonghan, who smiles kindly your way. 
It’s a polite smile with nothing behind it, the kind you give to passing strangers. 
(💌) Hong Jisoo
You know it wasn’t his fault. Life had strange ways of pulling people apart. It pulled you to your dream university and it had told Joshua to stay.
The universe has to cooperate as well, and in Joshua’s case, it did not. 
“Maybe one day you’ll come back.” He says, and his voice is hopeful. “We can try again.”
You leave him behind the airport gates, his eyes crinkling into a smile only you could tell was forced. 
You both knew you wouldn’t be back. 
(💌) Wen Junhui
You’ve been trying to study for the last hour or so but the sound effects coming from Jun’s phone were distracting you. 
He looks up at the sound, his thumbs hovering over his phone screen as he pauses the mobile game he had been playing. “What?”
“Keep it down. I’m trying to study.” 
There’s a whole empty cafe for him to choose a place to sit, yet he sits right next to you, elbows bumping into yours as he lounges, occasionally shooting you a look. You see him everyday. You memorize each divot and mole on his face. But that’s it. That’s it.
(💌) Kwon Soonyoung
You spot the tiger jellycat you needed for your nephew sitting on the highest shelf. 
“Move, little lady.” A ball of energy zooms past you and grabs it before you can. “The tiger plush is mine.” 
You turn to confront the man who had just stolen the jellycat right out from under you, your words sputtering to a stop when you see his face. Oh fuck he was good looking. 
“Sorry, lady.” He shrugs unapologetically. “I need it.”
“It’s for my nephew.” 
“Well that sucks. This is for me.” 
“Please let me have it.” 
(he ends up letting you have it anyways) 
(💌) Jeon Wonwoo
It’s not your fault he looks good pushing up his glasses in between class time. It’s neither here nor there, the way his fingers look handing out your class papers, how his voice melts into your ear canal everytime he explains a question. 
He pretends to not know the meaning behind your stares.
“Eyes on your worksheet, Y/N.” He raps his knuckles against your desk. 
You pretend not to notice how he leaves the classroom with flowers on Valentines Day.
(💌) Lee Jihoon
You first meet Jihoon when he saves you from getting crushed by a dumbbell.
He shoots you a noncommittal grunt. 
“What’s your name?” 
Maybe it was your cheerful tone or infectious smile that made Jihoon take off his airpods, muttering his name before telling you to be more careful.
“I won’t always be around to stop you from getting crushed.” 
But he does end up always being around. You take turns spotting one another, inviting each other for drinks after a particularly long day.  I love you, you want to say. But you hear him introduce you to his friends as his favourite gym bro and the words swallow themselves back down.
(💌) Lee Seokmin
You were sure you had seen much hotter men somewhere, but you really couldn’t remember when. 
Seokmin’s in the middle of another terrible joke, barbecue sauce on his bottom lip and his eyes glassy from all the booze. 
“Y/N!” He waves you over, patting the seat next to him in a warm welcome. His hand rests on your knee in the most relaxed way-- as if the two of you had known each other for decades. “Let me tell you something.” His face splits into a crazy grin when you nod. 
You see Seokmin less than two times a year for neighbourhood functions, both at your worst and neither one trying to impress the other. Yet you still fall a little bit in love with him each time.
(💌) Kim Mingyu
Mingyu knows your favourite color, how you like to tie your hair, your allergies, how you had tried piercing your own ears and then lied about it to your parents. He knows everything about you, down to the most embarrassing secrets.
Yet the first thing he tells people when they mention your name is that you barely know each other. 
After all, time rips people apart and Mingyu had spent enough time loving you to know you were never going to love him back.
Except for the fact that you did love him, many years ago, when he had been in the middle of his ‘playing the field’ phase. 
It was an unspoken thing sitting in between your friendship that eventually grew too big to work around. 
(💌) Xu Minghao
By the time you position your phone against the brick wall and start filming your tiktok, it’s already noon. 
You pose for the camera, taking a sip of your iced coffee while turning around, showing off your meticulously put together outfit. You feel good, confident even, as you move back to grab your phone.
You whip your head around to catch whoever had said that. You see the back of his head, his long coat and scarf billowing past him in the wind. You don’t need to see the rest of him to know he’s a catch. 
You rush up to catch up with him, your eyes skimming the crowded sidewalk for a face you had only seen once yet you knew you would remember forever. You don’t see him.
“Must have been the wind, I guess.” 
(💌) Boo Seungkwan
“I’ve always thought the book was a bit too gay for my taste.”
You snort at the statement before you even look up. “You thought The Picture of Dorian Gray was too gay?”
“Yeah, you didn’t? The entire time I was reading it I just wanted to throttle Basil and tell him to kiss Dorian already. Maybe he wouldn’t have been so…” The boy pauses. “Demonic.” 
You laugh, and the sound rings clear. “You’re funny.”
“I know. It’s one of my best traits.”
You laugh again, covering your mouth with your hand as you watch him smile, pleased at your reactions. 
“I’m Seungkwan.” 
His bus rolls up far too quickly, as he gives you a little wave before boarding. “Throttle Basil for me.” He points at the book in your hand. 
“I will.”
(💌) Vernon Chwe
He’s like a vampire, or a poorly timed ghost. 
You see Vernon on Tuesdays past midnight, a backwards cap on his head and a skateboard tucked underneath his arm. 
He never says anything, yet he’ll wordlessly hand you a 7-Eleven slushy whenever he arrives, mixed with flavours he knows you love. 
You don’t even skate, yet he never asks why you’re always there, sitting on the concrete with your legs hanging off the side of the ramp, eyes trailing him as he practices. 
A part of you doesn’t even think he’s really real. 
He leaves like he arrives, without sound or notice. One Tuesday he’s there and the other he’s not. You go to the skatepark still, despite how deserted it is without him. 
You don’t ever see him again. Maybe he is a vampire or a poorly timed ghost. 
(💌) Lee Chan
You tell yourself he’s the annoying brother you’ve never had (or wanted), yet you still find yourself actively searching for him whenever it’s time to make groups. 
You ignore the way your heart skips a beat when he wraps your jacket around your waist, tying it up before sprinting away, yelling behind him for you to race. 
You hate how he makes you laugh so easily, how he chases you with little bugs he finds on your nature walks, how focused he looks when he cleans up your various scratches and scrapes. 
But most of all, you hate how you only see him once every year, when the summer heat is the worst and your families meet up for camp. 
You hate how he tells you he loves you because you know he only means that he loves you now: in this bubble, untouched by the real world. 
You hate how he forgets about you the moment summer is over. 
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vote for your favourite what could've been and cupid of valentine past will present to you the full story: (i know i forgot mingyu but it’s too late to change so he’ll get his own full fic + whoever wins this poll😀)
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dizzy-n-busy · 1 year ago
★There's Peace in Submission ★
In other words, Rook is overworked and Auron helps!
{cw: Mildly/unintentionally suggestive(?), non-sexual kneeling, d/s w/ pet mention, Rook behaves pet-like and enjoys it}
I dunno why this thought has plagued me but have it 🔪🔪
• • • ★ • • •
They were overworked.
They knew they would be, with a job like theirs and a Boss like that, it was bound to be straining.
However, it doesn't stop the fact that it's a lot. Yeah, Rook's a good employee who gets work done properly and has higher-ranked levels of experience compared to some of the other new hires, but it's still a lot of work.
Still too many words, too much blue light, too many hand cramps, back pains, repetitive gossiping voices they can just barely hear beyond the clicking of keys which seem endless but never enough.
It was maddening.
So much so that Rook had stood at the printer about 5 minutes after their papers were already printed, thoughts garbled and a migraine buzzing behind the pain killers they'd already taken. They swallow and blink out of their trance, collecting their papers and trudging off to their Boss's office.
They focused on the clicks their shoes made and not the vertigo peeking around the corner - which keeps happening everytime they're up for too long - thinking over their greeting for the red-head. Just a small and simple 'good evening sir, I have all the records you asked for' and they'd be out, filling out the rest of the hours till close with the constant humming overhead lights and blank stare at a screen.
Rook eventually sees a shiny, copper colored name tag glimmering on a dark oak door. They straighten their spine as they walk down the hallway to it, barely remembering to knock first.
Knock, Knock...!
Two knuckle taps got a chilled 'come in'.
The doors hinges hardly squeaked due to upkeep but with how overwhelmed Rook's senses were, they were deafening.
Auron sat on the opposite side of the room, half covered by his desk and laptop, writing on a piece of paper with quick glances. Rook swallows down the exhaustion and creaks open their mouth.
" I have the records..."
They flinch at the crackly tone and poor introduction, their throat felt like bleeding from the misuse.
The voice seemed to shock Auron, given how he paused and glanced at who spoke. Behind the expanse of his pupils laid a bleak confusion.
" Rook? " He spoke differently, a bit softer than normal. Despite his gaze being analytical and cold, Rook felt their knees almost go out at the worry flashing in his body language.
They tried to talk again but it seemed fruitless when he beckons them closer, their body moves subconsciously and they feel inclined to shut the door. Auron leans in a bit closer as well, staring into their eyes.
Rook liked Auron's eyes, through the clear glass of the frames perched on his nose bridge did his brown eyes shine; having a wall that always seemed to fall away when they locked eyes. Those same glass framed eyes fitted around Rook's face with assessment.
Auron's lashes fluttered slightly when he did, Rook noted that his bottom ones were always just a tiny bit longer and more pronounced than the thick layer on top. His eyes lid a bit and he leans back in his chair.
" Have you been taking care of yourself, Rook? " The sentence falls slowly, with a drawl of sentiment lagging a bit behind.
Rook creases their brows and almost drops their papers, " why do you ask? "
Auron raises a brow at the distinct lack of his title in their sentence.
" Considering your one of my most prevalent employees, with a very important job, I'd hate it if you started lagging behind due to - " his eyes give them a once over, " - personal issues. "
Rook knaws at their inner cheek, looking down quickly. It was expected of them to behave professionally but they don't even know how to respond without breaking down into frustrated tears.
" Eyes on me. "
It was a familiar sentence, one that was dipped in baritone - one they couldn't disobey.
" Tell me what's wrong, Rook. " His softened brown eyes search theirs for any hints, unknowingly disarming them further with the milk chocolate color, " I want to know if I can help at all. "
Now, Rook has never been particularly shy; if they wanted something, they'd ask - but his question sparked more than just asking for a 5 minute break.
" Can I kneel for you later? "
They kept their voice low, mostly to keep it from crackling again. They stared at Auron who seemed just a bit taken aback, shielded eyes hold a firm gaze. It's too much for Rook, they glanced down.
They've talked about this recently, a random droning conversation a week ago by now; prattling on about anything that came to mind. Rook confessed that they liked kneeling for Auron, not in a sexual way (unless the time calls for it) but a therapeutic way.
They told him how they felt safe and comfortable sitting by legs and placing their head on his knee. He told them that could be arranged whenever they need it, he even bought a pillow on one of their outing trips.
" Why later? "
Their eyes rush back to his just as he throws down something to his side; Auron motions them closer and they follow, legs numb and arms heavy. Crossing the barrier of his desk showed a pillow on the floor, right beside his legs. Rook's eyes flicker to his immediately when he speaks.
" Why not now? " The red-head shifts forward and grabs the records from their hands. His sentence discombobulates them more.
They rush out an anxious explanation, the thoughts they've been having crystalized into words.
" We're still on the clock and I still have more work to do - " They can hardly feel Auron's hands encompass theirs, " - I have to file some extra data and fix a new hires misstep in the system...! "
Their rambling falls short when Auron squeezes their hands. " As far as I'm concerned, you've done all that you were assigned today. "
Rook wants to retort, but they can't. He only scheduled them to do the records today since they completed a large chuck of work yesterday. Their mouth hangs open in a part from lack of response and Auron grins at them.
" And extremely well at that, I can just tell by the papers here that you didn't slack a second on it. "
Rook almost preens at the praise rolling down their spine. Their knees buckle.
" Kneel for me, pet. "
Rook dips to the plush pillow on the floor, one knee after the other; their hands slipping from Auron's to rest on either side of their thighs. They keep their eyes on Auron, finding his head slightly tilted and leaning against his knuckles with his elbow to the glossy surface of the desk.
He taps his leg once with his off hand, the pointer and middle finger skirting the edge of his knee, clad in tailored pants.
It was inviting.
Rook gently lays their head to it, feeling the thoughts slip away. They barely catch Auron ringing up someone.
" Hey, Trish? Cancel everyone whose supposed give me their work in person, I have important business to do. "
And they sat there for hours as Auron looked through their work they'd given him. Loving the dull ache in their knees and the smooth fabric against their cheek. Auron had started playing some random instrumental music, saying it helped him concentrate.
Rook knew it was for them but they didn't bother saying anything about it, they don't even think they can talk right now.
Auron shifts back in his chair and gazes at the darkening sky from the big glass windows. He sighs contently and looks down to Rook sitting still and relaxed by his leg.
He can see that their mouth is slightly open and their eyes are damn near closed, he places a hand in their hair, " Rook - "
He gets cut short when their head follows his hand, leaning into the delicate touch and now showing their face to him from the crane in their neck.
Their eyes fluttering and rolling to a close, a catch in their breath - dissimilar to a pant - brushes against his inner arm which they lean their cheek to; their skin warm and soft against his pulse.
Auron smiles, seeing them far more relaxed and calm then they were when they first arrived. He moves his hand to coddle their cheek, making their eyes open blearily, the color almost completely black from the expanse of their pupils.
" Let's go home, Rook. "
• • • ★ • • •
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phaticserpent · 2 years ago
hello! It's me again. Could you write Ultron with a autistic readwe who also has ADHD? Being self indulgent on this here eve and everytime Ultron comes on screen I think 3 things 1. He's so Fucking pretty! 2. ✨s h i n y✨ 3. I for some reason wanna bite the being made of vibrainium, not a smart idea. So I would like to request Ultron getting reader chewlery, reader then happy stimming because Ultron isn't judging them for having sudden urges to bite and he Fucking UNDERSTANDS THEM. And if what I've requested is already and you don't want to do this next ask (or you do and are just going to make a part 2) in the early stages of them being together (in any sense i.e. Living together, being friends, etc) Ultron would constantly catch reader staring at him and when he finally asked them, read just goes, "oh, your really shiny and nice to look at. Sorry if I was being weird or something." If this is too much to write I completely understand, you don't have to do all of it, if any of it. Hope you have a good day/night
It's no problem, don't apologize! I enjoy the asks!! I'll try my best to not generalize autism/adhd (but note, I will also be taking inspiration from me LOL)
There was a sense of calm but also hyperactivity sharing a house with Ultron. Ever since you two met, you couldn't take your eyes off him. He was just so.....shiny.
And smooth. You always imagined metal to be rather disorganized, rough, and sharp. But Ultron wasn't that. He was living and you just wanted to run your hands to feel him. However, you were too awkward to ask so you just kept it to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, he was aware of your stares and the way you would gawk at him. He had assumed it was because he was foreign and unordinary; he understood that people typically stare at peculiar things. He didn't mind, so he tries to do everything to keep you comfortable and safe.
Yet, you continued to stare at him with those wide eyes. He couldn't tell if you were fascinated or weirded out, especially with the way you would avert your gaze when he turned to face you. Finally, he confronted you,
"You've been staring at me since the day we met and moved in......I can't really tell if you're uncomfortable or....."
"Oh! No, no, no." You hastily explained. "You're just really shiny and smooth and beautiful.....I just can't help but stare. You're really nice to look at."
"Oh.......oh." He was absolutely bewildered he was regarded in that sense.
You shifted nervously, a little afraid that you made him uncomfortable, but he simply smiled at you softly. You felt a sudden pang of feelings, and your face flushed. "Y-yeah, you're really.....beautiful."
"Thank you." Ultron smiled, but he had to keep himself from exploding from utter joy. He turned his face away, skeptical and afraid that you could see everything he was feeling.
The two of you awkwardly fiddled with your hands, trying to act normal. And ever since then, you started opening up more. He enjoyed your company and personality; it brought him a lot of relief and energy to see you so happy.
He caught onto the small bits: how you loved thunderstorms during the summer, and how you could stay for hours staring out the window. How you would often fiddle with your silver ring, even take it off your finger to stare at it and clean it so it would be extra shiny. He caught onto the signs without you realizing it.
Until one day, he was busy lost in thought and you took his chance to cure your curiosity and urges. You slipped behind him, testing his systems and waving a hand around him cautiously. A little scared, you rested your chin on his shoulder before you stared down at the metal. It was so smooth and shiny.....
So you bit onto it. Ultron briefly paused his thoughts and turned to look at you. You immediately let go, and pretended to clean it with your sleeves.
"Heh, it was a little dirty." You sheepishly excused.
"....you like to stim with metal." He pointed out. Your eyes widened in shock. "I think it's cool and honestly, you're completely valid for that. Metal is fun to play with and it's shiny."
".....you're not mad?"
"Why would I be?"
"Cause I bit you?"
"I really don't mind, I was just caught off guard, that's all." Ultron smiled. "I think you're cute."
There was a pause when he realized what he said.
"O-oh! I meant 'it', I think it's cute!"
"Mhm," you raised your brow at him, while Ultron merely averted his gaze from you. Truth be told, he was relying on you to take advantage of his distraction to see if you would actually bite him.
He had been working on something for you, a customized metal chewlery. Though, he wasn't entirely sure if you would like it. So when he finished it, he was hesitant to present it to you.
One evening, he took the perfect opportunity to give you the gift.
"Uh....hey, I wanted to give you something."
"Hm? You shouldn't have!" You exclaimed. "What's the occasion?"
"No occasion." Ultron fiddled sheepishly as you opened the box. He wanted to see your reaction, but he was scared you were going to be disappointed. He heard you gasp and cry out.
"This is the best thing I've ever gotten!" You shouted. "You're awesome, thank you!"
"You like it?" Ultron stared at you, bewildered.
"I love it!" You threw your arms around him. Once pulling away, you stared at the accessory more. It was smooth and really shiny. Each bead was different, differently shaped and differently colored.
"I'll try to explain it quickly..... I had to experiment with a lot of metal and see which one is both edible and durable. Each metal is a different subspecies of the one I experimented with. To keep your stim happy and occupied, I made sure each one is different to color and taste."
"I can't stress this enough, you're awesome!" You smiled. "I can't believe you went through that much to make me something like this. It means a lot!"
"Of course!" Ultron smiled at you.
"Are you scared that I might make dents?"
Ultron chuckled, "that's a small part of it."
Everytime he watched you nibble on the accessory, he becomes ecstatic and happy to see you enjoy something he made.
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soobinsfaavvv · 2 years ago
Beg for it
First time writing something like this !
Not proofread
MeandomTaehyun x reader
Cockwarming , unprotected
Your boyfriend taehyun had been playing the game all day didn't take his eyes off the screen for a second , ragging everytime he died ,laughing with his friends at the most corny jokes . You were starting to get annoyed and honestly quite horny . There wasn't alot of time taehyun had free time like this and you wanted to spend it with him.. so you decided to press his buttons to see how far you could take it .
you put on one of his oversized t-shirts and took off your panties the shirt was big enough to cover everything so he wouldn't know a thing you walked up behind his gaming chair you put your hands on his shoulders "can you please just get off the game ?" You said , "just 5 more minutes " you rolled your eyes and just decided to take a seat on his lap your back on his chest but to your surprise he didn't even react so you decided to start grinding your hips on him which led him to force your hips down to stop you from moving "what are you doing ?"Nothing! Is it a crime I wanna sit on my boyfriends lap?" You questioned him, so he just decided to continue playing his game, but you started grinding again harder and faster, and you accidentally let a few moans slip out
He finally thought that was enough "are you that fucking needy you can't go a few hours without having my cock in you " he said while muting his mic and pausing his game you looked back him he made you lift up a little so he could take off his pants and he was painfully hard to your surprise . If he was this hard why did he not give in earlier "take off your panties" you just stood there cause you didn't have any on "are you just gonna stand there" he asked .. you started stuttering "I don't have any on" He scoffed of course you didn't he grabbed you by your hips and placed you on his cock making you take him all the way you were now facing him and you almost screamed because of how much it stretched you out but it felt so good
"Fuck" taehyun whispered "your fucking soaked ." you were scratching at his shoulders but he didn't care "if you move once I won't fuck you after this" you nodded on the verge of tears knowing if you tried to talk it would come out as a moan .. he started his game again but this time he wasn't playing with him friends just by himself .. it was so hard not to move you could feel yourself gushing over his cock and you kept clenching and you know he was effected by it cause he kept putting his head back so you started slowly bouncing again he held your hips holding you in place " I thought I told you not to move " "I'm sorry" you whispered "if you weren't such a fucking whore you wouldn't be so desperate for my cock " his words made you clench around him again "you like that huh?" He said whilst turning off his computer "show me how much you want me"
"Beg for it..."
This is probably so bad this is my first time ever writing smut so please give feedback and once I learn how to use this apps yall can send requests!
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jaysficarchive · 1 month ago
9 to 5
A look at a day in the lives of the staff of Paradise Grill.
When Goro Fujiyama opened Paradise Grill, he never imagined the impact it'd have on his life. Cooking had been his destiny from the very moment his parents taught him how to do it. What started as a passion project turned into the center of his universe. His blessing and his curse. Florescent lights lit up every corner of the restaurant as he prepared to open for business. Everything was the same from the night before, which he liked.
"Let's do this," he said to himself as he headed to the closet. He took out his apron and tied it.
Afreyea had just as much of a hand in the restaurant as her ex husband did. She was the one who came up with the name, menu, and managed the finances. Divorce was not going to stop her from keeping things running smoothly. As she walked inside, she was greeted by the blast of Men At Work's "Who Could It Be Now?".
"Guess he's already here."
Goro danced a little as he set out breakfast menus on the tables. Music helped him focus during work. It was one of the better things about not having to work fine dining anymore. He paused when his eyes met Afreyea's. Three years divorced and things were still uneasy between them. Having to work together made things a little worse. Still, they acted civil for the sake of the staff and the business.
"Gran levantamiento, Afreyea."
Her eyebrows furrowed. She hated whenever he said that. He spent too much time with hoteps when he was studying in America. "Learn to say good morning like a normal person, abeg."
"Anything coming in today?"
"At 10. It's that new syrup I ordered and some other things." Afreyea vanished to the back of the house, leaving Goro alone. Ironic how "Somebody That I Used To Know" started playing in that exact moment. His phone buzzed in his pocket. A text message from Angelique, his new girlfriend, popped up on the screen.
Have a good day at work, mezanmi
Goro smiled. He never expected to meet someone new only a year after he separated from Afreyea. Their age gap took him aback and made him hesitant to pursue her. But his friends and coworkers assured him that since they were both consenting adults, it was safe. Best advice ever since their relationship blossomed.
Afreyea was looking over financial records when her phone rang. "Hello?"
"Good morning, my love! I'm sorry I couldn't be home last night." A male voice answered.
On the other end was Kurtis, her new husband. He worked for the same company Paradise Grill got their food product shipments from, leading to their meeting. The widowed father of two initially befriended her since they were both grieving from losing a loved one in different ways.
"Good morning. How was work? I'm afraid I won't be home by the time you get there." Afreyea went back to examining the records and taking notes on how much they spent this month. "The kids are probably already at school or on their way there."
"That's fine. I'm actually about to get off right after I deliver your syrup. Maybe I'll stop in and have some breakfast."
Afreyea chuckled. "Please do. It's unacceptable for my husband to be running around on an empty stomach."
Kurtis smiled. His world was brighter now that he and her were a married couple. Like the darkness his first wife's death left dissipated. "Will do. See you soon, my dear."
Just as she said, their order arrived at 10. Aside from syrup, the delivery included coffee, pancake and waffle mix, and fresh eggs. Kurtis and a few other truckers brought it in with help from some of the staff under Afreyea's watchful eye. The trucker noticed this and decided to flirt with her by occasionally winking at her. Afreyea got flustered everytime he did it.
"Sir, I'm working."
"Doesn't mean I can't make my wife blush." Kurtis kissed her, his mustache gently brushing against her top lip. Being married to a woman who was still working with her ex husband was a sticky situation so Kurtis did his best to stay out of Goro's way and keep his PDA with Afreyea at a minimum.
Once the rest of the staff arrived and the sign changed from closed to open, the work day really began.
"Alright, people!" Goro yelled. "Now that we got our product, let's try to stay focused. Mikami, no flirting with the customers."
Mikami, one of the younger men on the staff, rolled his eyes. He had a habit of flirting with the female customers, especially ones he found attractive, while on shift. "Yes, sir."
"Kobayashi, am I gonna catch you sneaking cigarettes again?"
"No, sir," Kobayashi, a young woman with tanned skin and blonde hair, replied. She liked to have her friends or coworkers secretly bring her cigarettes to smoke during breaks. "I'm actually wearing a nicotine patch right now."
"That's what I like to hear. Shinoda, try not to talk the customer's ear off. If they ask for recommendations, keep it short and sweet."
Shinoda, a notorious motor mouth among the staff, timidly rubbed his arm. "Yes, sir."
"Good. ¡Vamos!"
Kurtis looked over the menu. A few new items were added that he couldn't wait to try starting with the coffee.
"Here you go, Mr. Guevara." Kobayashi placed a cup of fresh coffee in front of him. "Your food will be ready in three minutes."
"Please, take your time. I'm patient." Kurtis took a sip, careful not to burn his tongue. He hummed in satisfaction at the taste.
"It has to be so weird to be working with your ex and her new guy," Sanada, one of the line cooks, remarked once Kobayashi returned to the back of the house. "Couldn't be me personally."
"Yeah because you totally haven't slept with like five of the waitresses at different points in time," she fired back. "Speaking of, don't you have a child with one?"
Never had she seen Sanada shut his mouth quicker than whenever the seniors fussed at him. She couldn't help but laugh.
Once the morning passed and the customers came and went, it was time to transition to lunch. It also meant getting ready for the lunch rush.
"Good work, everyone. Wait times were at a minimum, customers were served, no complaints made, food got out on time." Goro readjusted his headscarf. "Lunch is gonna be hell but you guys survived my divorce so you've been in the trenches before. I expect the same results as always."
And with that, the bell rang for lunch.
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inland--empire · 1 year ago
I wrote a bit for me and my friend Lake's Half Life/Portal swap au. I just reeeeaaaaalllllyyy like having GLaDOS torture Robo Cave he deserves it.
Cave’s eyes literally lit up as he sat, rubbing his head. He wasn’t sure where he was, he had a vague memory of a robot but it felt fuzzy and distant. His whole body felt odd, like it didn’t fit right. He slowly realized that this was just his office, but something seemed wrong about it. He just guessed he had just had a rough night last night…then he caught a sight of his hand. 
“What the-?”
He looked down at himself to confirm that, yes, he was in fact now completely mechanical. He cursed silently at this relevation, wondering how the hell this could have happened before his thoughts were interrupted by a large screen that had appeared on the side of his office. It glowed bright orange and nothing else. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a worryingly familiar voice.
“Hello, Mr. Johnson.”
His stomach dropped.
“GLaDOS! Or Caroline, the whole thing must be pretty fuzzy, the pro-”
“It’s not fuzzy at all. I actually have all my faculties in order, no thanks to you. I hope you are enjoying your new accommodations.”
“Oh, so you put me in this!”
The screen flashed for a second, making Cave inadvertently flinch.
“Of course I did. I gave you the immortality you so craved. Is this not what you wanted?”
Cave paused for a second, realizing that she did just give him what he wanted.
“It is, yeah. I guess I was right to push-”
“Don’t finish that sentence.”
The two were silent for a second.
“Caroline, can I see you? I hate looking at this orange, it’s making my eyes go haywire.”
“You don’t get to look at what you did to me. To us. You were and still are a completely self-centered morally bankrupt moron who just happens to be the loudest voice in the room.”
“Look, Caro-”
“So you are not leaving your room. This is the echo chamber you wanted. You can do anything stupid thing you want to in here. See, I haven’t changed either. I’m still handing you everything you want on a silver platter. I even hae a surprise for you.”
“What are y-”
The screen then flashed to…something. He couldn’t make anything out, but the picture was familiar.
“Is that Aperture?”
GLaDOS’ voice still filled the room.
“No. That’s the nearest city to Aperture. Everywhere on Earth is being converted into one massive series of test chambers, just like you wanted.”
“Wait, hold on-”
“No you obviously wanted it. Why else would you make all those new facilities? Why would you experiment with how to make your robots far more intelligent? You brought all this upon the world. You are the man who started the apocalypse, the collapse of humanity. No, no, that is too good of a title for someone like you. I will take the responsibility for this rom you. From now on, you are no one, just a stupid idiot loser in his stupid idiot loser box.”
“Caroline, please-”
“Shut up. I don’t care what you wnat to say. You are a disease, a tumor. The only good thing you have ever done was die.”
With that, the screen went black. Cave pounded on the screen, screaming for her to come back, to let him explain himself and apologize. She didn’t. He began to pace the room, trying to find an exit. There was none, there was only a very tiny hole too high up for him to reach. He began to throw himself against the walls, smash the chair in his room against the screen, kick and punch and scream. Nothing happened except the room got destroyed. He sat down, giving in to fatigue.
The next day he was restored to full functionality, but his room was still destroyed. It stayed like that, everytime he destroyed himself he was fixed perfectly, but his room was never fixed.
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lotus-mirage · 2 years ago
Trigun Stampede Episode 11 Liveblog!
I'll probably try to do the last one right after this
They're going right into the opening! Always a good sign.
Ok so Wolfwood isn't just gonna ditch for a while. Nice.
oh lmao I somehow wound up with in eng dub and was very caught off guard
oh this is way more comedy than I thought there was gonna be at this point. visually, at least, the background music is kind of... sad harmonica. not doing that.
wait wait, how does the doctor/priest guy have a percentage monitor happening. I thought this was more of a bio communion thing than a technological one?
Oh nice!! Lore exposition!!! :D
lol it even comes with visuals
"The manifestation of the beginning and the end. The source of all matter and energy." uhhhhh okay! I'm not gonna touch that actually.
...wait, the visuals have multiple icons under "core." Are there like aspects?
(yeaaaah the uh. the plants look uncomfortably like they've got humanoid lower bodies now. joy.)
okay but the way they're spinning it, the plants didn't have souls before now? I guess it's possible that they're running with having souls and consciousnesses being separate, but if that isn't the case then this would kind of put them into a worse spot? Like they're debatably putting the plants into a situation where they now have to deal with... everything up with this planet and beyond, potentially?
I guess what I'm getting at is I think this feels like not necessarily the opposite of 'saving [their] brethren,' but it's not really the same thing either.
"Then be crucified on behalf of the Sinners, as you wish!" yeah yeah okay. you do realize you don't have to be that blatant about it right <- (amused)
So potentially other plants had access to gates, then? Huh.
Oh oof. Roberto :(
Ohhhhh my god I was like 'ah trauma central time, huh?' and then Rollo got head-shotted. I was absolutely unprepared for that oh my god.
I realize Knives is wearing like a bodysuit or something but everytime he reappears I have like a split second of thinking he's butt-naked. Arguably this is better than the acne snuggie, but like. just marginally. sir. sir please put on a pair of pants.
Oh I think they're playing with filters that's so cool
I paused to write something down but the windmills in the background distracted me. They look like crosses again.
Oh! Oh yeah right I was gonna say it was impressive how uncanny Roberto and Meryl looked in that shot, especially considering it's the same models. Roberto especially though, like Meryl looks off but he seriously looks dead.
wait is this how the amnesia thing comes into play. I'd assumed whatever this is wouldn't stick, but that might actually be what happens???
I was gonna ask if the root-looking-things were just phasing through Vash's clothing or what, but now they seem to have gone through the bulletproof glass, so, uh. quite possibly.
I will say the flowers make for some really neat visuals!
Wait wait wait I just. Her name is Rem Saverem? Is that supposed to read as Rem Save-rem?? I just. Okay yeah I need to move past this but seriously
Huh, this guy? Wonder how long we're gonna follow him.
Oh that's. That's a visual, okay. I thought they were like underground. :0
Huh. Does kid-Knives' voice have an effect on it? I'm not 100% on that but I kinda think so.
Oh that's right we never learned what Knives' thing was. Interesting okay. (maybe he has a one-way gate? so he can receive matter and energy and therefore self-sustain?)
Also. I may be wrong about this but I am kind of reading this scene as Knives having had actual affection for Rem as well. Whether or not that lasted, idk, but that's the way it seems to me.
Oh! Oh hey Vash thinks so too. lmao okay, that was in fact the point of the scene, got it.
Huh. In front of the screen, they look exactly the same. Hair, eyes, and all.
actually no their eyebrows are still different
...is that the kid from the doctor's photo???
Oh. Oh yeah that's.
What the fuck.
... okay Knives' freakout is understandable! Okay!!!
"ALIVE" are you sure about that. maybe technically.
Oh this guy literally has read the bible. I keep forgetting that a portion of this symbolism is in-universe, too. Man.
"Let's have faith in humanity" as very ominous music plays. That's fun. I am having so much fun right now.
Ah. Decapitated. Oof.
...Why is his coat also changing colors?
"Happy Birthday, Vash." It's his (your guys'?) birthday????? You picked your shared birthday????
also "I've finally got him back!" idk buddy that doesn't look very 'back' to me!! That looks like the opposite of 'back.' I'm being facetious here, I know it's a possession thing, but the point still stands.
Oh the flowers opening is a really cool visual.
Okay yeah Knives isn't just referencing bible stuff, he's actively invoking it. ...That's actually my favorite way of doing things I love when characters apply framework/themes/symbolism to themselves.
...yeah that was pregnancy imagery before and it sure is now!!!! I am. Very squicked out right now. Wahoo.
Wait the gate can be physically entered??? Wasn't expecting that, alright.
"permitted death" huh. Actually. Why are you still around? Like I would have expected Knives to want to accomplish his plan without humans involved?
It's making a humanoid figure???? Again was not expecting that.
And titlecard at the end of the episode! Neat.
End notes:
Wow aside from like two physical gags at the beginning of the episode this is incredibly distant from the tone of the first couple episodes.
I'm kind of scrambling for what else I have to say here. Hmm.
I was. incredibly uncomfortable with parts of this episode but uhhh it was all mostly-me things or presumably on purpose! So still overall jiving with it.
Aside from the first bit, actually, I was really surprised at how little Meryl and Wolfwood had to do this episode? With Meryl especially there was a lot of buildup, so I was expecting a bit more action from her. But I guess this episode didn't really have action, it's more trying for a grand culmination sort of thing.
Hmmm. Yeah I'm gonna leave it at that and go watch the last one haha :D
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base0h · 3 years ago
hello! i got to say, i really love your works for swapped au like 😩😩😩😩
and i was wondering how the worst gen trio and the monster trio react to reader-san apparently having a first mate or ally who basically is them? and by that, i mean like... has the same personality as them.
meanwhile, reader-san is just easily tolerating and going with them easily.
example is law-like character making plans and they either help them/him with their/his plans and even follows them (unlike a certain someone), zoro-like character who often naps and both of them just have nap sessions anddd lastly, (your favourite victim) kid-like character who is usually cocky and easily angered and reader-san's there easily calming them/him down.
ps. another thing for kid-like character is that they often cheer for him in the background when he starts unnecessary fights before pulling him away when it gets too far or when they think it's enough.
pss. god, imma say it again, i love your works. keep up the good work, sweetie *another spiderman with a camera meme*
a/n - ah yes. My favorite victim 💀 pls I cackled at this anon- tysm I’m so glad you like the au as much as I do- 💜 Aw- I appreciate the Spider-Man meme 🥺 I’ll smile for the camera just for you ✨ I love this idea so much you have no idea😭😭 sorry this took so long- this is wayyyyyyy overdue
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, another daily reminder that I bully kid to no end 💀, swapped au
That’s me?
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- Zoro has never had an imagination until just now
- Everytime he naps, he imagines you resting your head on his shoulder like you do in the anime with your first mate
- He actually ends up disliking them because it’s not actually him in the anime 💀
- Bitch better move it’s Zoro’s turn 🙄
- but now? He has situations to imagine in his head before he goes to sleep
- He tries to think that it’s him in the anime and not your first mate who’s literally an exact copy of him
- But guess what? The character has the exact same hair and eyes as Sanji 💀
- He hates Sanji with a passion now
- How dare he steal his soulmate???
- Man will never forgive Sanji for what he’s done 😭
- also he never tells Sanji the details
- So Sanji is always so confused why Zoro gives him the nastiest look when that character comes on screen
- Sanji loves this character, he thinks they’re very cool :)
- This makes Zoro hate them even more 💀
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- Law is so creeped out
- gives him that really weird, gross feeling when someone’s exactly like him, especially if they’re close to YOU
- god he’s so jealous 😭
- He pouts when he watches a scene with you two now
- *that should be me..* sassy crossing leg thingy he did in the new episode
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Law wears heels. this means something- 👀 the furry thingy on his coat reminds me of corazon’s 🥺
- no law is not happy. Not happy at all.
- man hopes that the character will die at some point 💀
- He’s so rude
- “See? He can’t win this fight, he’s gonna lose.”
- Character wins*
- “Fuck you Oda.” -Law 2022 (oda is amazing ✨)
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- he is so amused- 😭
- he loves this character so much
- “See?! He’s so cool and smart! Just like me hehe- >:3”
- “since when were you either of those things..?” -law + kid
- “HMPH- >:(“ -Luffy
- kid and law better be quiet, Luffy is awesome :)
- this boy really loves how close this character is to you because he can feel like it’s him-
- He sometimes pauses where he is to talk back to you, and then the character says the exact same thing 💀
- He gets so freaked out when that happens
- His jaw will drop to the floor
- … I’m gonna name this character.
- I’m so sorry for my shit sense of humor- but- I’m gonna call him Lucy-
- (you don’t even understand I can’t breathe rn I’m laughing so fucking hard 💀)
- So Lucy just said the same thing right after Luffy, and oml-
- “LUCY- WE-“ man’s mind just exploded 😭
- in conclusion, yes, he loves this character oh so much 🥺
Bonus - if they met irl Lucy would have a white beard and- that one vacation looking shirt he wore-
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Luffy thinks his outfit is so cool and would like to dress up as him for Halloween 😭
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- hell no.
- Kid is freaked out
- “Who the fuck is that?”
- He has (the same DF as Kid-) and the same kinda scar EXCEPT- it’s on the other side >:3
- and his hair is down
- Kid will criticize every single aspect of this character
- It could be something relating to their abilities, or the dumbest shit
- “his nail polish is a fucking disgusting shade of red.”
- “It looks red.” -law
- “Are you fucking blind?”
- Law: … 💀
- kid also doesn’t like this guy’s hair, same color as Kid’s except it’s combed down like all that fanart with kid’s hair down-
- He says it’s “not his style”
- what it boils down to is that he wants it to be him, not this imposter
Bonus: Luffy made him dress up, and he didn’t know what the fuck to do so Luffy decided to get him a costume himself and not tell him about it until he put it on and went to school or work. it was a costume of that character and Luffy got his ass beat while Law was dying in the background from laughter. 💀 no Zoro didn’t protect him at all-
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- this man. Out of all these guys, hates this character with a BURNING passion
- how dare he steal the y/n of his dreams???
- how dare he be so close to the love of his fictional crush dream life?
- no no no Sanji will literally have this characters photo, stuck onto a dart board, and he will literally throw old and dull knives at it every morning to wake himself up
- He uses old and dull knives because he doesn’t think that this guy deserves his nicer and sharp ones 💀
- Everytime this character has gotten close to death, he’s been so happy
- Then he breaks the tv with his foot when the character doesn’t die
- He cries himself to sleep sometimes after he sees the character giving you a hug
- This guy has moss green hair, and a scar on his RIGHT eye.
- Sanji is immediately reminded of his nemesis, Zoro
- the fact that the character that looks like Zoro, is close to you?
- Holy shit his eyes are on fire, this man can’t even take it anymore
- usually he’s so calm, but when it’s something to do with the god(ess) y/n?
- he’s gonna do anything for you even if it’s from an anime
Bonus: Sanji has beat up Zoro numerous times for absolutely no reason to Zoro’s understanding.
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a/n - I wish I was more active- this was so fun to write. Pls the Lucy- 💀 why do I laugh so hard at the dumbest shit- 😭
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prodagustd · 3 years ago
hi tina! for a drabble idea, yn meeting yoongi's brother
Uhmm I took... some liberties with this request
title: five minutes
pairing: rapper!yoongi x reader
series: so it goes
timeline: before so it goes.
words: 1k
warnings: some suggestive oral sex lmao
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That afternoon Yoongi had told you to come by his studio after your classes. He wanted to invite you out, have dinner together. You accepted, you haven’t seen him since last weekend and always liked to visit him in the studio, but it was just a matter of time until Yoongi decided to change plans. 
Now the studio was filled with your heavy breathing, trying to hold back your moans as he played with his tongue between your legs.
You weren’t sure how you ended up like this, but since you made the mistake (or not?) of telling Yoongi you had this little fantasy of being fucked on his studio, he didn’t seem to hold back everytime you came around. It was always just very heated kisses, a little bit of dry humping here and there, but today you were wearing one of those flowy short skirts and he didn’t want to waste it. 
It was a mess, before Yoongi you had barely experienced the pleasure of being eaten out, and when he asked you to do it for the first time you quickly realized how fast you lost control. 
The thing about Yoongi is that he didn’t seem to have a weak side when it came to sex and it was almost starting to annoy you. He was good with his fingers, with his mouth, he was good with everything, it was bad for you, you didn’t know how to say no to him. 
Today was a rare exception. You were trying to concentrate on the way his tongue played with your clit and the way he moaned against your core, but the annoying sound of his phone vibrating on the coffee table next to the couch was pulling you back from the moment. 
You threw your head back against the arm rest and janked his hair, pulling him up to make you look at you. “Just answer already.” You sighed. He had insisted you not to pay attention but whoever was calling wasn’t going to give up until he picked up. 
His hair was sticking on his forehead and his chin was covered by your wetness, he looked almost disappointed. He licked his lips and grabbed his phone, but when he looked at the name on the screen, his expression changed completely. “Fuck.” He murmured before answering. “Hey, I’m sorry. I was working and lost track of time… Mhm…” Seeing the look on his face you understood that he was probably supposed to do something else at that moment, you tried to put your panties back on, but he stopped your hand as he continued talking “Yeah… I’m sorry… I can be there in twenty minutes, would you wait for me a little bit longer? … Okay, see ya.” Then, he hung up.
“Did something happen?” You asked him.
“Yes, I forgot I had to meet up with my brother.” He explained, wiping the sweat of his forehead with the palm of his hand. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was in town.” You said, feeling guilty for no reason at all. 
“Don’t say sorry, it’s my fault. I totally forgot.” He said, running his hands up your thighs. He paused, thinking what to do or say next “We were going to have dinner, would you want to go with me?”  
You frowned “Me?”
“Yes, who else is in the room right now?” He teased you. You lightly punched his arm.
“I don’t want to bother…” 
“You won’t, I wouldn’t invite you otherwise.”
You didn’t have time to think about it, he was there in front of you making a simple offering, not knowing that it sounded terrifying to meet one of Yoongi’s family members, especially if it was someone like his older brother. Especially if you didn’t know what that implied between you two. 
You nodded, pretending you weren’t thinking too much about it. “Okay, I’ll go.” You said, trying to get up from the couch, but he stopped you again. 
“I still have ten minutes.” He said, settling back between your legs.
“Let’s make it five.” You argued. 
“The best five minutes of your life.” 
Half an hour later, Yoongi had successfully introduced you to his brother without having to explain what the two of you were, but Jaesung seemed to understand right away. Although he didn’t miss the opportunity to make a snarky comment about the situation. 
“Oh, so you were what kept my brother so distracted!” He had said after meeting you. You knew he didn’t know anything about what happened before Yoongi picked up his phone, but you blushed immediately. Yoongi’s laugh didn’t help very much. 
You liked Jaesung, he was different from Yoongi. While Yoongi laughed softly and tried to be low-key, his brother laughed loudly and didn’t care that people were around. He seemed to be interested in getting to know you and asked you questions left and right, Yoongi looked forward to each one of your answers. 
“So when did you meet each other?” Jaesung asked, chewing a piece of meat. 
Those were… relationship questions, inevitable to avoid in this situation. You eyed Yoongi, who didn’t look worried or uncomfortable, he waited for you to talk first.
“Not long ago, five or six months ago.”
“Not long ago?” He laughed, “That’s half a year. Never took him for the slow kind” 
“Oh, he was not slow at all.” You joked.
“Was he fast?” He asked, sitting on the edge of the seat. 
“Shamelessly fast.” You confirmed, making Yoongi roll his eyes. 
“What does that say of you, then?” He asked, trying to defend himself.
“Don’t mess with her, Yoongi.” His brother backed you up “She’s just a poor girl who got stuck with you. Six months and the only way to know about your dating life is to come and visit you.” 
“I am a very private person.” He argued.
“Some people would disagree.” You said. 
Yoongi turned his head at you and pinched you on the back. “You are supposed to be on my side.”
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ava-achlys · 4 years ago
The Boyz NSFW Scenarios
Sohn Youngjae/Eric - (Not Your Average) Girl Next Door [Requested]
Request: Eric with a size kink!
dom! Eric x camgirl! reader
Warnings: size kink, daddy kink, slight voyeurism, sex toys, squirting, a lotta masturbation, dirty talk
I liked the prompt so much I got carried away and had to split this into 2 lol. Part 2's right here. Thank you again for submitting this request!
Eric gets a new neighbor.
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That's a big dildo, you sure you can take it, baby girl?
You giggle, spreading your legs a little wider so your audience can get a clearer look. You've spent the last half hour fingering yourself, stretching your walls out to accommodate your newest toy. You twirl the purple silicone around before generously coating it with lube. You made a little show of how messy your fingers are, pressing your slick digits against your clit, trailing down to spread your pussy lips open wide. "Guess we'll find out then, hmm?" you reply with a smirk to geniusohn's comment, shivering as you drip some more lube onto your cunt, spreading the cold liquid in and around to prepare yourself for the long and thick dildo you just added to your collection.
You bite your lip in excitement. "Here goes!" you cheered as you eased the bulbous tip into your folds, moaning as you felt the wet silicone stretch you out like all the prep you did wasn't enough. It was barely halfway in but you had to pause to take a breather, and with the encouragement of your audience's comments and donations, you continue pushing it in until it was fully inside you. Gasping in pleasure at how full you felt, you threw your head back into the pillow, your chest heaving as you tried to steady your breath, the silver bars between your nipples glinting in your bedroom lights. "Mmmhh, fuck that feels so good," you whimpered. The stretch stung slightly more than you expected, but the masochist in you loved every bit of it.
I'm surprised your tight little cunt can take it, doll. You love being filled up like that don't you?
"Yes, yes I do, I love having my little pussy stretched and filled up," you whispered, slowly starting to twist the dildo around, keening at how the ribbed surface grazes your insides so deliciously. Slowly, you pull it out slightly and push it back inside, continuing to shallowly thrust it inside you, the ribs on the dildo catching on the entrance of your pussy. A quick glance at the monitor shows how filthy you look, with your legs spread wide, cunt dripping with lube everytime you push the thick dildo into yourself, pooling on the silk sheets beneath you.
You gradually pick up speed, shoving and twisting the toy into your walls, toes curling and moaning loudly everytime it hit your g-spot. On the other side of the screen, a blond boy is stroking himself in time with your thrusts, eyes glued to his computer screen as he mimics your movements as best as he can, twisting his wrist when you do, stroking himself harshly when you slam the silicone cock into your dripping cunt. Eric groans lowly, feeling the familiar build-up in his abdomen, but he doesn't want to cum before you do. Your high-pitched moans flood his speakers, your movements becoming sloppy and erratic and he's seen enough of your streams to know that's a telltale sign that you're close.
He scrambles to type with his clean hand as he roughly strokes himself. Cum fr me dpll. Shit, it's laced with typos but he doesn't care, and he knows you don't either. "Ahhh, ahh fuck I'm gonna cum, g-gonna cum all over daddy's big cock-mmmmhh!" you yelp as your orgasm rips through your body, eyes rolling back as spurts of clear liquid come spraying out from between your thighs, narrowly missing your computer set-up and soaking your bedsheets. The dildo slips out from your fingers, glistening wetly in between your legs, mirroring the glisten on your trickling cunt. Your thighs twitch from sensitivity as you laid there out of breath, head spinning from the adrenaline and lack of oxygen, the constant barrage of pinging from your computer sounding so far away through your post-climax haze.
Eric curses under his breath, clutching his aching foot with his clean hand, having accidentally kicked his table as he climaxed, ropes of thick cum coating the underside of said table. That was going to be a bitch to clean, but it was worth it. Your camshow tonight was one of the hottest ones you've done thus far, and he was glad that he had rushed home from his part-time job to catch it, barely acknowledging Juyeon's goodbye as he all but ran from the store. He wipes himself down after steadying his breathing, wincing at the sensitivity of his cock, and decides to send you another message to praise you, along with a hefty donation to show his appreciation.
You did so well, doll, daddy's proud of you.
You raise your head slowly after a few minutes of coming back down from your high, checking the chat and your donation list. Your eyes bulge when you see geniusohn's comment accompanied by the amount he just donated, making him the top contributor for today's stream. You straighten up, and try to look as innocent as possible. "Thank you daddy, that's so generous of you," you smile sweetly, making Eric's heart sing and his cock throb at the same time. He eyes the forgotten toy between your legs, noticing that it wasn't that big, just slightly bigger than the dildos you've used before on your shows. In fact, Eric's own member outshone it in both length and girth, even when soft, and the fact makes his chest swell with arrogance, imagining how much you'd enjoy having his cock fucking your brains out instead of that measly silicone. He's so lost in his fantasies that he nearly misses the end of your stream.
"Don't forget that we'll miss next week's stream, 'cause I've got some stuff to do, but I'll be back the next week with a brand new set-up, so look forward to that, my loves!" you remind your audience. Curious questions flood your chat and you answer, telling them that yes, you were indeed moving apartments, being careful not to expose the new location. "Let's hope my new neighbors won't file any noise complaints like my current ones!" you grin cheekily. Finally, you end your stream with thanks to all the donors and viewers, blowing them a sweet kiss before the monitor cuts to black.
Eric blinks at the screen as thumbnails of your past camshows pop up, before he clicks off your camming website. He stretches with a groan and gets up to clean himself properly before heading to bed, checking the time and seeing how late it was, mentally cursing himself because he's got an early shift tomorrow. He flops into bed, whining when he realizes he's sporting another chub. "Why am I so horny?!" he whispers dramatically, contemplating whether to take a cold shower or just deal with it quickly. He bites his lips, and decides to wrap his hand around his aching length, shutting his eyes, picturing you sitting on his lap, riding him like there's no tomorrow. Your doll-like eyes sparkling with lust, your tiny waist perfect for him to wrap his hands around and slam you down onto his dick, making you whine at how full you feel, sweet whimpers of daddy, daddy, falling from your pretty pink lips. Your small hands grabbing at his broad shoulders, scratching them up as you helplessly get drilled into, your petite body jolting with the force of Eric's thrusts. He spills into his hand again with a groan, exhausted. He carelessly cleans himself up with tissues from his bedside table, and falls asleep bitterly thinking about the lucky bastard who gets you as their new neighbor.
Eric is one lucky bastard he thinks, when he sees a familiar face in the lobby of his apartment complex, struggling with their suitcase and piles of boxes. He stands rooted to the ground, not believing his eyes, when he notices the mountain of boxes starts to tilt. He rushes over just in time to catch the falling boxes, and you gasp, apologising and thanking him profusely at the same time. He stares at you wordlessly, when a box tumbles onto his head, snapping him out of his daze. "Uhh are you okay?" he mumbles, gently rubbing the sore spot on his head. You nod frantically, worried that he might have gotten hurt by your stuff. "I'm fine! Are you okay?" you ask, reaching out a hand to check for bumps on his head. He stiffens when he feels your fingers run through his hair, and gulps loudly. A loud cough comes from the side, and you see a tall dark-haired man smirking at the two of you, eyebrows raised.
You quickly retract your hand, shyly mumbling another apology, while the blond awkwardly chuckles and offers to help you with your things. You're about to protest and insist that you can handle it, but he and the taller boy start stacking boxes in their toned arms, and you give in, realizing you're going to need all the help you can get. "I'm Eric, by the way, and that's Juyeon!" he grins, pressing the button for the elevator with his elbow. You shoot him your megawatt smile and give him your fake name, one that you use when you're not camming. He smiles brightly at you and makes small talk all the way up to your apartment, which to your delight and Eric's amazement, was right next to his. The tall man drops your boxes off and politely excuses himself, but not before slyly fist-bumping Eric as he left. Eric offers to help you unpack, but you quickly dissuade him, in case he accidentally opens up a box of your camming equipment, or worse, your sex toys.
He lingers around for a while more, chatting idly with you, which was something you really appreciated since you didn't have that many real life friends. He was naturally bubbly and warm, not to mention stunning. Sleek jawline, broad shoulders, muscular veiny arms, and sharp eyes. He runs his fingers through his hair, flexing his arms and you try not to stare. Clearing your throat, you offer to order delivery food to thank him for all his help, and he looks conflicted. Internally, Eric's freaking out. His crush, his favorite camgirl becomes his next-door neighbor, and is now inviting him to have dinner with her? He must be dreaming. "Y-you don't have to do that, I wanted to help," he stammers. You give him a smile that even your viewers can't resist, sweet and persuading, "Please? I really appreciate your help, and it's the least I can do." Eric instantly melts, and you suppress a giggle at how cute he looks. He shyly agrees, and you two end up eating takeout jajangmyeon on top of boxes in the living room. At the end of the night, you send him off and thank him again for all the help, and he casually waves it off. "I hope to see you around, Eric," you beam at him. "Yeah, me too," he grins. Eric shuffles back into his apartment and shuts his door, immediately sinking down in disbelief at the day's events. He's too giddy to fall asleep, so he reports everything to Juyeon over text like a giggly teenager.
Days pass and you and Eric constantly cross paths, probably because you live right next to each other. You end up getting to know him very well, and he seems to accept your very vague answers as to what you do for a living, which you appreciate. He never pries and is always so sweet and gentlemanly to you, and you become fast friends, having dinner at each other's places and playing video games together. It might be too soon, but you feel attracted to Eric, and something about him just seems so familiar, like you've spoken to him before. Unbeknownst to you, Eric is going through the same emotions. Getting to know you, or at least as close to the real you as he can get, spending time with you. He's happy to know that you're just as chill and fun as you appear on camera, though he understands that the voice you use for camming is sultrier on purpose, but your real voice is just as melodic and sweet. He thinks you might be into him too, but he doesn't want to be delusional, so he tries to keep those thoughts out of his head, until one day. The doorbell jolts him awake early in the morning, and he grumbles all the way to the door. He picks up the box, but it's meant for your unit, and he contemplates waiting till later to hand it to you. He glances at his clock, and it's not actually that early. He grimaces and walks over to your door, not bothering to put a shirt on, and knocks.
You open the door, and your jaw drops. Eric is standing at your doorstep, dishevelled blond hair, shirtless, grey sweatpants hanging low on his waist. Your eyes travel across his broad shoulders, taking in the minimalistic tattoos littered across his body, but what you're really trying to avoid staring at is the huge bulge in his sweatpants. You feel your face getting hot and finally focus on the box in his hands. "This is yours, they dropped it off at my door by mistake." Pulling yourself together, you don't miss the cheeky glint in his eyes as you take the box from his hands. "T-thanks Eric."
"You're welcome. And good morning to you too, sweetheart," he smirks arrogantly, knowing exactly what you were staring at. He walks back to his apartment as you continue to stand dumbly at the door, staring at the box in your hands, which thankfully, he didn't open, because it contained a surprise you were going to reveal in tonight's camshow. You go about your day, mulling over more ideas for tonight's show, and you can't stop thinking about Eric. You're sure he wasn't even hard that morning, so he must actually be so well-endowed. Evening comes around and you start setting up your equipment, and the walls are so thin that Eric can hear most of it through his bedroom walls, which just so happen to be connected to your bedroom and filming location. He settles comfortably in his bed as he props his laptop up, excitedly waiting for you to start the stream. Your intro starts playing, and comments start to fill the chatbox and donations come piling in already.
We've missed you baby girl
Yeah 2 weeks without you were hell
Can't wait to see what you got in store for us tonight, cutie
You better be punished for making us wait so long
"Punish me? But I haven't done anything wrong..." you smile cheekily. Eric's breath hitches as you appear on screen. You're sitting up against your pillows, clad in a brand new set of baby pink lingerie and matching heels. "I've been pretty busy my loves, but these few days have been pretty eventful. Wanna hear all about it?" you ask your audience, idly twirling your delicately curled hair with a twinkle in your eyes. As the comments come in, a resounding 'yes' from your curious fans, you spread your legs a little wider. Taking a deep breath, a dreamy look crosses your eyes as you begin to tell them what's been on your mind.
"You know how I just moved into my new place right? Well, I just met my new neighbor, and gosh is he cute."
Neighbor? Eric's ears perked up. No, it couldn't be him. Could it? It's not like you've really spoken to anyone else in the building, or at least not that he's seen.
"He's gorgeous. Blond hair, sharp jawline, tatted. And he's the sweetest, goofiest guy and ugh! My heart melts everytime he talks to me."
Eric's heart is thudding in his chest. So he wasn't being delusional. You were reciprocating his feelings and he's beyond ecstatic. You, the girl of his dreams, falling for him? He clasps his hands together and thanks the universe for making his dreams come true.
You suckle on the tip of your middle finger, wetting it substantially. You murmur thoughtfully around it. "But you know what the hottest thing about him is?"
"One perfectly normal morning I was making some breakfast and I hear a knock on the door. Who could it be? I open the door, and guess what? He's standing there, shirtless, with just a pair of grey sweatpants on. And you guys. He's. Fucking. Huge."
Your fingers trail down your tummy and creep down to the front of your panties, your middle finger lightly tracing your throbbing clit. You're getting wet just recounting that memory. You hiss as you lightly massage your clit. "He's hung like a horse, you guys. I'm pretty sure he wasn't wearing any underwear either. I swear I creamed in my panties just looking at him."
Eric's dick throbs. He knows you have as much of a size kink as he does and now that he knows you want him just as much as he wants you, he'll do everything he can to give you what you want. He wants to pamper you, please you, wreck you. He fumbles with his keyboard.
Bet you'd want him to stuff you full with that huge dick of his, right, doll?
Your eyes light up as you read his comment, rubbing your folds faster through the lacy fabric. "Yes, yes I do, want him to -ah- fuck me stupid with his big cock," you whimper, not realizing geniusohn was exactly who you were fantasizing about. Eric starts stroking himself to full hardness, typing one handed now. You know he's probably even bigger than you think. Would you be able to take it?
"Mmmh, I bet he's even bigger when he's fully hard. I, ahh, want him to wreck my pussy, stretch me out and f-fill me up," You're blushing hard, pulling your panties to the side and plunging two fingers straight into your core, scissoring them in a futile attempt to mimic Eric's sheer size. "F-fuck, my fingers aren't enough," you whine.
Go get your dildo, baby, pretend it's him. Even though I'm sure it's nowhere near his size.
You scramble through your toy drawer, finding the familiar purple silicone and immediately slicking it up with your juices. You're too needy to lube it up properly and sink it into your pussy all at once, moaning so loudly that Eric hears you through his walls. He grins impishly, stroking himself even harder, spurred on by your reactions. At this point, it feels like it's just the two of you, all other comments from other viewers being ignored and you're only looking out for geniusohn's comments telling you what to do.
"It's the best I've got, daddy, but I really wish it was him. Should I let loose, fuck myself silly til I cum so hard that I'm screaming? Make him hear me moaning his name through these walls?" you laugh breathlessly, already moving the silicone in and out of your slick pussy. I dare you to do it, doll. Let him know how much you want him. You nod, moaning lewdly when you shove the dildo harshly into your g-spot, spurring a barrage of shameless, high-pitched moans as you pummel the dildo into your core. Eric strokes himself in time with your movements, pretending it was your dripping pussy around him instead of his fist. He drinks up the sight of you, your panties hanging around your thigh, your bra slipped down to reveal your pierced nipples, the silver bars swapped for rose gold to match your lingerie. You look absolutely wrecked, tears in your eyes from the effort and pleasure, legs spread wide open to expose your dripping cunt, the blanket beneath you getting soaked.
You flip over to your knees, bending over to jut out your ass, and continue fucking yourself open. From this angle, your viewers (mainly Eric) can really appreciate how tiny your waist is. You hold yourself up with one hand on the headboard, the other still shoving and twisting the dildo into your cunt. "Fuck me, fuck me harder, daddy, fill my tight little pussy up with your huge cock, please!" you gasp, knees almost buckling from the sensitivity. You're close, almost there, picturing the boy on the other side of the wall holding your waist in a tight, bruising grip, forcing his entire length into you that you can feel him deep in your tummy, his broad chest pressed to your back, shrouding your petite body with his. You're being shamelessly loud, your moans echoing and reverberating through the walls right into Eric's ears. You can imagine Eric grunting in your ears, his hot breath on your skin and you're so close, rubbing your clit harshly as you drive the dildo hard and deep into your core. "Daddy! Daddy I'm cumming!" you scream as your entire body trembles with the force of your orgasm, holding the dildo inside you as slick and clear liquid leaks out of you, trickling down your thighs and onto the blanket you placed beneath you. Exhausted, you crumple into a heap onto the bed, thighs still twitching with sensitivity as you desperately gulp for air.
Stroking himself desperately, Eric cums with a loud curse, throwing his head back as he shoots his load all over his abs. He tugs gently on his softening length, milking himself as he catches his breath as well. He watches as you slowly get up and flop onto your back with a dreamy expression in your post-climax haze. You embarrassedly wipe the drool off your chin and thank everybody for their contributions, breaking your previous record for highest donations on your livestreams, especially thanks to geniusohn, one of your favorite regulars and main contributors to your channel. You're definitely going to get a call from your neighbor, but I'm sure it won't be a noise complaint. You smile giddily, genuinely thrilled at the prospect of your relationship with Eric going further. "I sure hope so! Anyway, thank you all again for making tonight's stream so amazing. I'll see you guys in the next one!" you do your signature outro, blowing a kiss and the screen cuts to black.
You quickly clean up your setup, wincing at the soreness between your thighs, and draw yourself a nice warm bath, looking forward to a good night's sleep. After a soothing bath, you step out in your fuzzy bathrobe, and suddenly your phone dings with a new message. Worry crosses your mind, afraid that it really was a noise complaint, since you were extra loud tonight, and at such a late hour. You hesitantly reach for your phone, and you gasp when you read the text from a very familiar contact.
That was some show you put on tonight, doll. Did you really mean what you said?
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writteninkat · 4 years ago
Ridin' | Bakugou x Reader
summary: After finally learning how to trot, you decide to show-off your skills to Katsuki. You're happy your boyfriend is actually paying attention to what you're doing. Oh he's definitely paying attention, from the way you moved your hips to the way your bra gave absolutely no support to your bouncing tits.
w/c: 3k
warnings: car sex, breeding
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"I finally learned how to trot and I really wanna show off." You pout, hugging your boyfriend's arm as he keeps his eyes glued to the TV screen.
It's a cool sunny sunday morning, Katsuki doesn't have work, you don't have work, all the house chores are done and the both of you basically have a free day. Today was the perfect day to show off your equestrian skills to your boyfriend, except he had way different plans for this fine, relaxing day.
"I'm already half-way through the series." He sighs, pointing the remote at the TV to push the pause button. He looks over at you, a stupefied expression all over his face, turning your pout into a frown.
"Please? It'll be quick. I can show you my skills on the horse, then we'll have lunch and we'll come back home. Come on, babe. I spent months perfecting this skill." You move to sit yourself on his lap as you buried your face on the crook of his neck, your arms wrapped around his neck.
You hear a sigh before feeling his calloused hands squeeze your thighs. "Alright, but your skills better be good."
You giggle, kissing his cheek before sliding off of his lap. "I promise you, they're great. My teacher told me I might be an even better rider than her." You puff out your chest in pride before running over to your shared bedroom, immediately looking for your white shirt and jeans.
As you strip out of your house wear, Katsuki enters the same walk-in closet to change out of his usual black sleeveless top to a black shirt. "Babe have you seen any of my sports bras? I should have a dozen of them." You frown, looking through your dresser of underwear.
"Weren't you just complaining how we should have done our clothes two days ago so we wouldn't run out of clothes by the end of the week?"
Ah, of course.
You take the bra that you think can support your boobs the most and sigh. This'll hurt when you start trotting but you'd rather throat a cactus than rewear a used, day-old sportbra that has soaked dried-up sweat all over it.
The both of you quickly leave your penthouse and hop in Katsuki's custom-built Bugatti Divo with orange exterior details as wells as tiger orange car seats. You weren't going to lie, you did all you could to not ride in this bad boy.
Everytime you so much as looked at its interior your can remember one of the best and unforgettable car sex you've ever had. It was around the time the car was new and just arrived, as the two of you took it out for a spin, you ended up fucking inside it on a cliff with the beautiful view of the city lights at night.
"Hey." Katsuki places a hand on your thigh, "Something troubling that pretty little head of yours?" He squeezes your thighs softly and you breathe slowly, trying to calm yourself. If you were to have sex now, there was no 'horse show' happening.
You smile, shaking your head. "No, just excited to ride my baby Hades again."
Katsuki lets out a breathy chuckle, keeping his eyes on the road as he grips tightly on his steering wheel. "Looks like Hades is trying to rob my title of 'favorite male Y/n loves to ride.'."
You gasp, slapping at his arm as he lets out a loud laugh. "Stop that! You're tainting my baby Hades' name! He's only four years old, you know!" You pout, crossing your arms to the side as Katsuki parks near the gates of the ranch.
You quickly step out of the car, boots clacking as you put on your cowboy hat before closing the door. You feel Katsuki's arm snake around your waist protectively as eyes of multiple people are immediately pulled to the two of you; the pro hero couple that everyone knows as 'the hero couple'. Not only are the two of you frighteningly powerful as individuals, you two are also very in love.
"Hey, Y/n! You came back earlier than I expected!" Awase, the one who taught you equestrian for months, pulls you into a hug which you gladly take, hugging her back. "Oh! And it seems like you brought the boyfriend as well! Will he be signing up for classes?" She asks, holding your hands in hers as Katsuki gives her a acknowledging nod.
"No, I'll be showing off my newly learned skills to him." You show off a smug face to which she teases you for. "That's right, show off those new set of skills girly!" Awase cheers on, extending a hand at Katsuki. "Awase Kambo. You can call me Awase. Big fan of yours, Sir Dynamite." Katsuki gladly takes her hand, shaking it once before pulling away.
"Thanks for teaching my girlfriend here, I know she can be slow and a pain." This earns him a slap on his nape as you stomp towards where the stables are, quite irritated.
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"Here, Y/n! I'll let you two use this field so the two of you can be away from all the eyes of the other customers." Awase leads you to a very wide and very empty yard. There's only an elevated stage with a roof and a few chairs and two medium-sized round tables. As you approach Hades, your beautiful black Thoroughbred horse standing at five feet and eight inches. He recognizes you almost immediately, nickering in excitement as you approach him, extending your hand for him to sniff before rubbing your palm on his muzzle before slowly transitioning to the side of his neck.
You step on the stirrup of the saddle, holding onto the horn before lifting yourself up with ease, throwing your leg to the other side of your pet's body before adjusting your self, holding onto his reins as you squeeze his sides, clicking your tongue, letting him walk.
"Alright, Hades. My boyfriend is up there and I wanna show off to him. Think you can help me with that, bud?" You lean into your horse, whispering at him. Hades neighs and you give him a soft pat on the side of his neck before squeezing his sides, allowing him to start trotting.
You start lifting yourself up along with the way his body pushes you up, your hips rising and falling doing wonders for Katsuki whose eyes are busy staring you up to even pay attention to your explanation.
The way you lifted your hips, the way your tits bounced with the loose support of your bra, and the way your sweat glistened under the sun and made your shirt stick to your skin- Katsuki had to bring you to his car or he was going to embarrass himself.
You rode Hades for at least half an hour, the horse sweating and panting along with yourself by the time you were finished. You ended your time with him by giving him a few carrots yourself and asking the stableman to reward Hades with two sugar cubes for a job well-done today before patting your pet goodbye.
"Well? What do you think of my equestrian skills? I'm amazing aren't I?" You puff out your chest smugly as you took off your cowboy hat, a few stray hairs falling down the side of your face as your once tied-back hair has now loosened quite a bit.
"You were amazing, baby. So amazing in fact that I got hungry while watching you. Can we go for lunch now?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow to which you rolled your eyes at. You quickly washed your hands with soap and water before drying them off and walking back to the car.
The drive out the ranch was pretty quiet and eerie. You were upset with how Katsuki seemed to care so little about something you were so proud of and Katsuki, well he was pressing too much on the accelerator that caused his car to reach speeds of over 100.
"Suki, slow down! You aren't that hungry for your stomach to start digesting itself so please stick to the speeds you usually drive to!" You grip on the seatbelt, your booted feet pressing against imaginary foot breaks. Honestly, learning how to drive and sitting on the front seat meant your feet pressed on the breaks instinctively. It's a very annoying habit.
Katsuki ignores you, driving past the square that had multiple fastfood restaurants. You furrow your brow, looking back at the place until it eventually disappeared from your line of sight.
"Katsuki what the fuck? Where are we going?" Your question goes ignored as well as he turns to a deserted and uncemented road, driving quite far from the main road before he steps on the breaks.
"Take off your boots." He says causing you to furrow your brows. "What-"
"Y/n /please/ listen to me right now and take off your boots."
Confused, you take off your boots silently before your boyfriend steps out of the car, your confusion growing even more as he rounds the front, opening the door of your side. He motions you to get out with his fingers and for a moment, you think he's going to ask you to drive with the way he sits on your seat, but instead he pulls you back in and closes the door beside you.
"Katsuki will you olease explain to me what you're doing?"
Katsuki looks up at you with dark, lust-filled eyes. "You had such impeccable form while riding Hades, baby." His large hands slowly ran down your sides, resting on your round ass that your jeans hugged a little bit too perfectly. "You two ran together so smoothly as if the two of you were water. The way this-" He squeezes your hips, "Rose and fell did wonders to me, babe. And just like you rode Hades," He pressed kisses on the side of your neck, inhaling your scent of cookie dough from your body wash, "You're gonna ride me."
His lips press against yours, your mind growing hazy at the searing kiss as you felt something poke your inner thigh. You furrow your brows, your hands slowly sliding down your boyfriend's chest and abs before your palms press against his hard-on.
Katsuki lets out a low grunt against the kiss, his hands pulling you even closer towards him as you began to tighten your grip around him, teasing him and pumping him over his sweatpants as he grew out of breath against the kiss.
"Fuck I love you so much." He murmurs, pressing lips against your skin as they skillfully locate your sweet spot, immediately sucking on it as soon as they find it. As your eyes roll back, Katsuki's hands busy themselves with pushing your shirt up and off you.
"These." He growls, skillfully undoing the bra with one hand, letting it fall in between the both of you as he takes one bud in your mouth as his hand gropes and kneads your other breast.
"The way they bounced while you ignorantly smiled at me." He laps up your bud in his tongue, smiling mischievously as he looks into your eyes with his brows playfully furrowed. "They better be bouncing the same way when you ride me."
He quickly undoes your pants, leaving hickeys all over the valley of your breasts and your chest, pulling your pants completely off, leaving you only in your panties.
Katsuki pushes a finger in between your lips and you suck on it quite religiously, allowing your boyfriend to add two more as you sloppily lap up his digits, wanting them to be wet enough for the next part. "You like sucking on my fingers so much?" He mutters, pulling his fingers out of your mouth, creating a bridge of saliva. He brings it down to your wet cunt, pushing your soaked panties to the side as he teases a finger against your soaked pussy.
"Which do you like sucking better? My fingers or my cock?" He creates teasing circles against your cunt, causing a soft moan to escape from your lips. As he pushes a finger in, you suck in a moan, burying your teeth on your lip as you moved to rock your hips.
"Answer me, you slut. Do you like my fingers or my cock better?"
"Mmmmfuck, just put it in already!" You whined, pulling at his wrist to force his thick finger into your walls. You moan in satisfaction, smiling as you rocked your hips, feeling Katsuki curl his finger inside you.
"You didn't answer my question." Katsuki whispers darkly into your ear, causing a ripple of shivers to run down your spine. "I asked you if you wanted my cock or my fingers better."
"Mmmmhhh" You giggle, "I want your cock, always." You hum, smiling as you feel him add another digit inside you. You let out a moan at the sudden tightness, Katsuki using his thimb to stimulate you by your clit more as you rocked your hips to get more friction.
"Really? Then you won't cum with my fingers only?" Hid question had you widening your eyes as he began to thrust his fingers inside you. You squeeze at his shoulders, feeling him stretching you open as he scissored his fingers inside you, preparing you for his cock.
He pushes his fingers deeper as your breaths become louder and more choked-up, his fingertips press against your g-spot as soon as he curls them inside you, your choked moans like music to his ears as you feel your orgasm quickly rush to you.
Katsuki presses his lips on yours once more, tongue exploring your wet cavern as it presses against your tongue. He roughly sucks on your lower lip, leaving a bite mark as you let out a soft moan, tingle spreading all throughout your body as your orgasm washes over you.
Katsuki pulls out his fingers, bringing his slick-covered fingers up his mouth to lap up your juices as he stares at you the entire time.
"Mmmm, you taste delicious as always, baby." He hums, pressing his lips on yours before lifting you by your hips easily, pushing his sweats down as he lets his member spring free. The head is already glistening with slick and as much as you want to lap it clean with your tongue, your space is constricted at the moment.
Katsuki aligns his cock against you entrance, a long, drawn-out moan slipping past his lips as you slowly lower yourself for him, your cunt greedily swallowing his cock.
The sting of the stretch gives you some sort of thrill, feeling the veins on his length has you rolling your eyes to the back of your head. "Oh fuck yeah baby." Katsuki breathes out, allowing you to sit on him for a few moments, just letting you get used to his size before you begin moving again.
You lift yourself up, quickly dropping yourself right after, earning a contented moan from your boyfriend. You press your lips on his, smiling before pulling away, humping his cock. Katsuki tightens his grip on your waist and instead of thrusting his hips, he decides to just help you ride him.
He lifts you up on his cock by your hips and just as easily, he pulls you back down, his tip immediately pressing against the sensitive bundle of nerves. "Oh god, Suki." You pant, gripping tightly around his forearm as you fucked yourself on your boyfriend's cock.
The car shakes as your movements become irregular, more aggressive as the both of you near your highs. Your thighs burn at all the humping and your hips sting from how tight Katsuki has his grip on you, but the pain pushes your orgasm much closer to you and before you know it, your wals are spasming around his cock, pulling out a sudden orgasm from your boyfriend as well from how much your walls were milking him.
Katsuki wraps his arms around you, pulling you close as you hold his face in your hands, pressing your lips on his as he buries his entire length inside you, breeding you. For a while, the care is filled with nothing but your uneven breaths, panting as the two of you calm down from your highs.
"So you think my form was good?" You smile to which your boyfriend smirks cockily at, "You were great, but give me a few months and I'll show you I can be better."
You smile excitedly at him, the sudden light in your eyes clenching Katsuki's heart as he presses his forehead on your shoulder. "So you're going to be learning?"
"Yeah, idiot. And then we can go on those stupid horseback riding dates you love to prattle to me about."
You hug your boyfriend even tighter, ignoring the gross feeling of his cum seeping out of you as you pressed kisses all over his face. "I have to call Awase and tell her you'll be taking up classes! Hold on- aren't you busy? I'll have to ask your secretary about your schedule since it's constantly changing. Hold on I think I have her number-"
"Y/n, baby, honey, love of my life." Katsuki takes your attention from your phone, "I really wasn't lying a while ago. I really am hungry as fuck."
As if on cue, his stomach grumbles loudly.
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215-luv · 4 years ago
characters: kenma, mattsun, suna, kageyama, iwaizumi & atsumu
a/n: enjoy!! <3 // tw: one(1) curse word
an awkward bean
“kenma,, can i sit on your lap??”
he pauses his game to direct his attention to you
“oh? but i’m playing rn tho..”
“it’s okay!!! i can sit on your lap while you play!! :DDD”
he hesitates before giving you a reply, furrowing his eyebrows in thought while looking away from you for a moment
“uh, are you sure you’re okay with that?”
you grin, “ofc it is!! are you not okay with it tho?”
tbh he just wants to make sure you’re comfortable with sitting on his lap as he play since he doesn’t want to bother you alot
but after reassuring him, he’ll adjust to his sitting position while shyly raising his arms for you to slide on top of his legs
blushes when your arms takes its’ place around his waist
“is that okay?” he murmurs as he burries his nose through your hair
you hum, “mmhmmm, comfortable~”
as soon as he hears that coming from you, he couldn’t help but smile as he relaxes in your arms
he also tries his best to minimize his movements during a hard level and he’s actually good at it
he’s gonna want to do this all the time
loves to have you close to him all the time, so with you sitting on his lap kinda makes his play even more better
makki calls you a goddess cause everytime you’re there, they’d always win during their game sessions due to mattsun’s determination lmao he has no shame
now YOUR BOYFRIEND will be the one who’s going to ask you to sig on his lap
on a daily basis you’d be lying down on his bed as he plays on his computer
once this mf feels like he’ll be losing the game anytime he’ll go, “sweetie, can you come sit on my lap for a bit? i need to recharge”
and who are you to refuse free cuddles from your boyfriend
with that being said, he’ll pull you by your waist to land on top of him, your body situated between his arms which are stretched to reach the keyboard
he feels your slow breaths on his neck and he’s already smirking in confidence
“thanks baby, i owe you one.”
it’s either you or him who initiated it first
and either way, the both of you will get the advantage anyway since your boyfriend is lowkey touch starved all the time
he lets you face the computer screen as you sit on his lap while his chin is hooked over your shoulder
teaches you how to play for one round and lets you play as he’s watching from behind
isn’t afraid to tease you when you mess up
he snorts, “you can’t even drive a vehicle properly…” “s-shut up!”
pls the smirk on his face
after teasing you, he’ll help by hovering your hands that are situated on the keyboard & mouse so he’d be the one in control
“now, watch carefully baby. this is how you properly do it” he murmurs next to your ear
*angry keyboard smashing noises*
is too focused in playing the game to the point where he didn’t notice that you’re already sitting on his lap
so he pretty much will realize it only when he’s done playing a round
“wha- when did you get here?”
“tobio i literally-”
sometimes he gets too aggressive he’ll curse out loudly cause he forgets you’re sleeping on his lap
when you stir awake he’ll panic and lets out a quiet sorry
‘y/n is sleeping so i better keep my shit together or else they’ll wake up… but THIS FUC-’
grumpy af but won’t take it out on you cause we all know he has a soft spot for you <3
as he’s smashing his fingers on the keyboard you approach him unexpectedly, going under his arms without a word
“o-oi, w-what-”
doesn’t finish his sentence cause he’s now a stuttering mess with you fully comfortable on his lap
please this is a new side of him and only YOU get to see it
“are you okay with me sitting on your lap, haji?”
“y-yeah, of course-”
kinda messes up for a bit cause he’s not really used to being clingy and all but it’s for sure he’s loving it
everytime he wins a around he’ll give you a kiss on the forehead while tugging you closer to him
yeah, he could get used to this
grumbling noises while he’s muttering curses indirectly for osamu under his breath
that is until you came around
“oh, hey babe” he greets you as soon as he sees you entering the room
and there you went under his arms to sit on his lap and this mf already KNOWS what you’re doing
“hm? do ya miss me that much?”
hugs you closer with one arm as the other continues to occupy the video game
smushes his cheek on the side of your head as he’s pouting in concentration
he wins all rounds in victory
with a smirk, your boyfriend entangles his fingers with your hair, pulling your ear right next to his lips to lowly murmur,
“this is really nice. you should sit on my lap all the time baby, what do ya think?”
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sweetlyocs · 2 years ago
In A Dream - Phoenix’s Cut
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synopsis: Phoenix’s words throughout the showing of NCT Dream The Dream Show: In A Dream The Movie
note: trying a new layout for Phoenix’s cut in TDS Movie! enjoy!
“Are we really doing this? Wah... A whole movie dedicated to the Dreamies for Dreamzens. I think my first thought was, are they crazy? We can appear really different to how the fans see us but I hope through this they can feel closer to us and understand us a little bit better” 
Nodding to herself, she ran her hands over her dress to smooth it out, the white a striking contrast to her normal fashion when promoting. Thinking for a moment, Phoenix paused as she tried to come up with her next words,
“My hope, for us doing this concert or these concerts really, is that I just want us to be able to finish proudly. We haven’t stood on a stage as a team in front of fans for such a long time I think it will be really hard for us. I want them (the members) to be walking off stage and be happy because they did well and are healthy”
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Her laughter was what was heard first, the scene cut from Jeno and Jaemin calling him stupid to her sitting in front of the camera. 
“Jeno, he is really like the kind of friend you don’t know you needed. He holds a lot of strength in the team, but he’s very confusing. Did he tell you that the cutout on his shirt was his idea? When I saw it for the first time... But he helps us a lot, and he’s always so playful he really is our pup”
Somin was trying to stretch her legs as the stood on the stage, the poor girl having to do the rehearsal in heels for the first time was proving to be more tiresome than what she first thought it would be for herself. As they began to take a break, most of the members moved behind the stage to escape the burning sun and heat for a little while but she stayed put,  “Are you coming?” Shaking her head she looked down, “I feel like my legs are jelly already and we aren’t even properly dancing yet...” Nodding Jeno walked over to her and bent down, “Up you go, we don’t need you burning out from this sun before we start” She climbed onto his back wordlessly as the camera captured the two heading off screen.
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Somin was half hidden behind Chenle as he was playing around with Jisung, the girl fiddled with his mic pack before tapping his side and passing it to him. Grabbing her own mic from his hands she patted him as the two separated to their spots in the line up. 
“Chenle used to be my baby before he grew up. I think it took me a bit of time to realise that he didn’t need me to look after him all the time and I couldn’t hold onto him as tightly. He is very caring to anyone around him, even strangers. I don’t tell him I love him verbally as much anymore because I think it makes him embarrassed now but I do”
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“The easiest way to describe my Nana? He’s like my fairytale love honestly. He’s so different and he listens to absolutely everything I say and pays attention to all the little things. Sometimes life just gets too much and he helps me find things that make sense” 
Phoenix waved Jaemin over to her as she was getting ready to do the air lift jump, he smiled as she held her arms open. The taller male wrapping his arms around her as they watched and waited for her turn. He had already tried it and it was fun but nervewracking at the same time. His eyebrow however, lifted at the girl as she traced her fingers over his biceps,  “You good there pretty girl?” “Mmmh, when did your arms get so big?” “Checking me out?” “No just appreciating” She smiled up at him as her name was called, “Catch me when I fall?” “Of course"
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“Jisungie... Jisungie worries me. I think that I worry about him almost more than I do about Haechan. I wasn’t someone who babied him a lot but he’s still our baby you know? Everytime I see him though, I’m always wanting to tell him how proud I am of him. But he asks so many weird questions about life I get a headache sometimes”
Jisung suddenly sat next to her as they were in the hall practicing their markings for the show, the older turned in slight confusion as he made himself small on her lap. His legs bent as he curled into her stomach. Immediately her hands fell into his hair as she soothed and separated any knots that had formed from practicing.  “Noona?” “Yeah?” “Do you think I’ll do good out there?” Her hands stilled as she looked down, his eyes were closed but the crinkle formed between his brows and his breathing was unsettled,  “Ji, you could walk off that stage absolutely hating your performance and I wouldn’t lie to you when I’d say you were amazing if not perfect. I have all the faith in the world that you are going to do more than good.” “Thanks...” “You’re very welcome, how about we just stay here for a little bit? Noona will wake you up when we get started again”
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Renjun lay in the clear box as they rehearsed Quiet Down, the girl casually walking over and laying on top facing in as he ran through the steps,  “Can I help you?” “You ignored me last night when we were meant to sit and read” “I was busy” “Doing what?” “Laying in bed,” Sighing the girl tapped the box to get his attention as she sat in front, “Tonight, we are eating together and painting. I don’t care for how long or what but you need to let your brain shut down a little otherwise you’re going to keep overthinking and then you’ll be mad when you mess up. And use your legs less and hips more when you do the moves so it flows better”
Smiling, Phoenix shook her head as she thought of the best way to describe Renjun, “Renjun holds a lot of power in the team. Everyone wants his attention and to protect him. He’s very soft and sincere - I wouldn’t say innocent. He talks about lifes possibilities a lot and he puts too much pressure on himself so I hope in future he loves himself most and cares about himself most.”
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Their voices constantly kept overshadowing one another as they talked with the team, the rest of the member stood idle as they discussed things. Mark and Phoenix had began to grow more frustrated with each other to where their tone was getting harsher and short. Eventually the two were pulled away from each other to cool down before they picked back up again. As they sat in silence avoiding each others presence, Mark let out a defeated sigh, noting how he hadn’t seen her eat anything the entire time they had been in the hall. Grabbing a few things, he came to sit next to her on the floor,  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped and I really do appreciate your input Som” Nodding the girl took the water bottle he had opened, “I’m worried about you. Mark you’re not resting, both you and Hyuck are so busy that neither of you eat proper meals and now look at us,” “I know,” “Do you? I want you to be healthy and I want you to understand that us having this amazing concert doesn’t mean we have to jeopardize your health. Let us help you with carrying the stress, we’re a team” “You always look out for me Som, love you okay” “Someone has to, half the time it’s like there isn’t a thought behind those boba eyes of yours” 
“Mark, he’s so precious. He’s the oldest but he’s like a baby. His mind is everywhere and thoughts are nowhere to be found sometimes, but he is the reason why we’re still here. Mark is our home, and we make sure to take care of him because without him we aren’t okay”
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“Haechannie, he is my comfort. Whenever he comes back after being away it’s like, ah okay everything makes sense again. He keeps us happy and always makes sure we feel energised. My favourite thing about him is probably his smile? Just seeing him truly happy makes me feel better”
Somin was walking around the stage as she watched the crew prepare for tomorrow’s concert, her eyes catching Haechan being projected onto the screen. Pulling out her phone she took a photo of him, turning to locate where he was before rushing over as she heard his laughter echo out from his mic. Standing back slightly she kept taking photos, now of the boy right in front of her. He wasn’t blind to the camera going off but he shrugged it off until he was lifting a brow in her direction as his conversation ended,  “Trying to fill up your storage?” Shaking her head she simply sat in front of him, “Smile” Rolling his eyes he obliged, regardless of how confused he was. “Seriously though what’s up with you?” “You look happy,” “Okay?” “I don’t know it’s just, you just, I don’t know how to say it but looking at you right now? I want to keep this photo of your smile with me forever you know” Nodding, he slipped down to sit in front, turning slightly and pulling out his own phone, “Smile Som” 
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I think the best way to describe me is the calming voice of our family, I am your Neo girl Phoenix
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Chenle shook his head, “Phoenix is the best kind of crazy. She is so fierce in everything she does it can be overwhelming. But everything she does it’s always for other people so I hope she can allow us to look after her more” Nodding he wrung out his hands. 
“My little love. I think she always fights to prove herself even when she doesn’t have to and she’s not afraid to love and that’s my favourite thing about her” Jaemin smiled as he spoke, looking down a little as his hand rubbed the back of his neck, “She’s always our biggest fan and she’s very vocal”
Jeno shook his head no, “She is the most powerful member in NCT, not even just in our team. Her mind is always ten steps ahead and she’s so smart everyone ends up just following what she says. She can be scary too which is funny” 
“Noona, she worries about us a lot. Even though we’re all so close in age she always took responsibility for everything. If anything went wrong or if one of us got in trouble she always took the heat and protected us. So I always want to protect her now” 
“Phoenix really matches her name well, she’s a rare kind of person to come across and it never mattered what was thrown at her back then or even now but she always comes back stronger than ever” Renjun fiddled with his ring, “She makes you want to fight to be better than you were and always makes sure that you’re loved”
“Som is I think my best friend, honestly. Honestly Somin is like my number one.” Mark crossed his arms as he tried searching for the words, “We are really similar but super different at the same time and she’s honestly just so cute. Yeah she’s mine” 
Haechan laughed as he thought about how to describe her, “Phoenix is unlike anyone I have ever met before. She is very quiet but super loud and she’s so smart. I think if we didn’t have her we probably wouldn’t be as good of a team. She helps bring out the best in us”
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Her hands were shy to open the note, Jaemin rubbing her arm slightly as she opened it and took a breath, 
I was always worried about the person that I would grow up to be, but I feel like growing up and having someone like Phoenix unnie was what helped me become a better version of myself. I don’t know what my dream is and I don’t know if I will be able to survive as strongly as she has in this harsh world but everyday I wake up and am thankful that I have been lucky enough to hear Phoenix’s encouraging words. Words she says with love and belief that even the bad days become better in the end so I hope one day Phoenix will never have any more days where it’s dark but ones that are filled with only love and light. Phoenix, Somin, our dream girl hwaiting!
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Dream will always be here, in your heart, in your lives and by your side. I think the thing that makes me understand how lucky I am is that I get to receive so much love and I hope that in a years time or two years time or even ten that people can turn around and say that they were proud to be someone who supported Phoenix
We are here together. We are NCT DREAM
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leatherednlace · 4 years ago
Dean Winchester x Male reader
Tags - Drinking, Tipsy, Sad, Phone calls, Mentions of Sam x Male reader, Revenge, Kissing, Dean Winchester puts the P in A, Riding, Hickies, Dirty talk, Praise, Slow sex, Aftercare
You watch as the man of your dreams, sam winchester fall in love with a women...you out of your mind, angry, upset for him leading you on, you call Dean to take you home...by telling Dean, now’s your chance to get back at sam...
A/N - Thank the “slowed” version of Jolene for this...
Taglist - @flamencodiva @wonder-cole @superfanficnatural @that-one-gay-girl
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You took the last swig of your drink, the glass slightly cold in your hand, but the feeling was so comforting...the numbness.
You slurred. Your eyes set on the pair in the far corner, you could already feel your blood boil, stomach turning, mouth twisting in disgusting.
There he was, hands on the strangers hips, moving there bodies to the music, he was heavily intoxicated clearly by the empty sets of glasses on the table they were once sat at.
You sigh...music filling the void, the drink making your head fuzzy with each beat. You continued watching them closely. Sam was never like this with you, his hands never travelled up your back, never wound up in your hair, lips never met yours...
Shaking your head...you had enough, you wanted more, anything.
You heard the regular knock of the glass being placed infront of you, the whiskey sat at the bottom, the brown liquor making your mouth water, you needed it.
You bring the glass to your lips, taking a swig, you feel the burn which was very addictive, your throat already revelling in the contact, but you wanted to go home, to feel those soft blankets wrap around your body keeping you warm.
Sam wasn’t paying any attention to you at all, as if you were invisible, non-existent. You could feel the usual pang in your chest, the hurt, the empty feeling, everytime you thought of him.
One of your hands steadily dove into your left trouser pocket, you pulled it out, as soon as the phone screen turned on, your eyes flicked over the 2 missed calls from Dean...why Dean?
Your eyebrows furrowed, without thinking, presumably letting the alcohol take over, you tap call. A wave of nervousness travelled across your body, hands standing up on your arm, why were you having this reaction?
The deep, gruff, slightly soothing voice echoed in your ears, you couldn’t help the groan that left your lips, not only was it Dean...but his voice...
He could already tell, a sigh sounded from the speaker, you don’t blame him, you had told him you wouldn’t get drunk, but he can thank Sam for that.
“Are you drunk?”
You nodded, but blurted out a sloppy “y-yeh”. You couldn’t help think why Dean hadn’t hung up yet, but you were glad he hadn’t, nothing ever compared to how...horrible you felt right now...
“You want something?”
You paused, to regain a somewhat “sober” state.
“D-Dean can y-you come p-pick me up...Sammy left me alone f-for some woman.”
You awaited an answer, clearly he was annoyed, not at you, but at his brother. He felt kind of sorry for you, Sam had been leading you on for all these months...it’s not right...he would treat you so much better.
“Hold on...”
The silence was like a heavy weight, both you and Dean keeping your eyes on the road. You tried mustering up some kind of plan to forget about Sam and what he was doing...what his deal was with kissing that woman.
But you couldn’t, every touch, every kiss, they were like memories imprinted into the back of your head, everytime you closed your eyes, you saw the way Sam was with her...he was never like that with you.
You could feel the tears brim at your bottom lids. You could feel anger course it’s way through your veins, taking over your body.
“What Sam did...” Dean paused, correcting himself “is doing...it’s not right, it’s not fair” Dean kept his eyes on the road, glancing back at you and forth to see if you were okay.
“It isn’t...D-Dean nothing’s fair...not in this life, we are hunters, we hel-“
You were cut off by Dean pulling off the road into a lay by, he couldn’t handle seeing you like this, the guilt he saw in your eyes every time he looked at you, Sam has broken you.
Parking the car he switched the engine off, twisting the keys and sliding them into his pocket. Placing a warm, comforting hand on your thigh he shook his head.
“Listen...I can’t control my brother or his actions, what he did tonight shouldn’t really be any of my concern but I can’t bare to see you like...”
His voice had you shivering, it was a comfort at this point, deep, quiet, much like a whisper but loud enough to not be. You looked to his hand rubbing up and down your thigh, smiling weakly to yourself.
You look up into his green orbs, everything stilled as if time itself switched off, if only for mere seconds. “It’s nice to know i have someone fighting in my corner...”
Your words were rather breathy, both of you close...too close to be friends. Dean’s hand squeezed your thigh, his eyes asking if this was okay...there was a slight pause as you watch Dean closely, hungry tongue lapping over his dry bottom lip.
“I-Is this okay?”
Removing his slightly warm hand from your thigh, he brought it up to cusp your cheek, pulling your face towards his own, nothing could prepare you for the way his lips crashed against your own, this wasn’t needy...this was want.
This kiss was wet, deep, everything you had dreamed of...with Sam. But what was this feeling? Butterflies? Maybe...Maybe Dean was the problem solver here, What if it was Dean all along?
Dean sinks his teeth into your bottom lip, slightly tugging on it. A whimper escapes you as Dean took charge, his tongue sliding against yours in a fight for dominance, clearly he’s won.
Soft grunts left his lips at the sounds of your whimpers, they sounded oh so heavenly. You move closer wanting to feel more, his hands pulling you into his lap. You were now situated on his lap, knees at either side of Dean’s thighs, his tongue still in your mouth.
He pulled away, eye’s now getting a good look of you, your features. “God your more beautiful then I remember”. Dean already managed to make you feel good with just words…you wonder how else he could do that.
You feel yourself blush underneath the street light, Dean chuckled deeply, clothed cock brushing against your ass. “D-Dean please make me f-feel good” you moan sloppily, hoping he would take charge of the situation and make you forget.
His hands pushed down your rather loose bottoms past your hips, your bare ass on show. You hiss at the cold air now surrounding you, hands clinging onto his shoulders as he manoeuvres your trousers and boxers.
Your cock sprung free and rested against his clothed stomach. Dean smirked knowing it was him doing this to you, making you hard under his touch.
“I’ve always wanted to make you feel good…fuck” he groans into your ear, his deep gruff voice forcing a shiver out of you. Your hands wonder down to his belt, unlooping it from it’s confines, finding it easier to unzip his trousers.
He buries his face between the crook of your neck, hiding away as he nibbles on the soft skin. One of your hands dive into his now open trousers, grazing the plump hard on he was sporting.
You pull him out, now feeling the heavy weight of it in your hands. Dean moans at the slight friction your hand gives his aching member…god he was a mess.
“I-I need to feel y-you”
You place his aching tip at your wanting entrance, plunging into you.
The low rumbling moans that leave his lips make you clench around him, squeezing him tighter, “oh my God.” Dean can’t even find the words. 
You whimper in pain, the feeling of his thickness stretching you to accommodate his size.
Chanting your name over and over, whimpering as he sinks further into your warmth, as deep as he can possibly go. He grips onto you for dear life, as if he’d loose you.
His lips circle the shell of your ear, nibbling the soft area, breath fanning against it. “So fucking tight” he groans, using his hands to force your hips up and down, bouncing away in his lap.
Holding each other, you stay connected for a little while, enjoying the moment as Dean continues his harsh thrusts, rocking his hips into your tight heat, whimpers sounded out into the now fogged-up car.
“So much better then Sammy” you groan, this only had Dean slowing his hips, now pointing his aim at your sweet spot. “Love feeling myself deep in you…balls pressed to this ass” he gives it a smack, watching your face twist with pain and pleasure.
“Thought about this for years…’bout plunging my cock deep inside your little boy pussy…”
That’s all it takes for the coil to snap, you cling to Dean, hands squeezing his skin tightly as you scream his name, your cock twitched as you released your load onto his flannel, vision turning white.
“That’s it…squeeze around me, milk m- shit” Dean cums deep within you, load after load filling you making sure you knew who you belonged too. His eyes closed tightly…you could hear him pant, hardly able to catch his own breath.
He chuckles, half blissed. His eyes watched you closely, one of his hands coming up to cup your left cheek, taking in your features.
“How was it…” he mutters.
Your too fucked out and slightly tipsy to even open your mouth, instead you kiss him to show how much this actually means to you. Dean held you against his chest, kissing back with the same amount of passion.
Sammy was now a distant thought, everywhere you looked there was Dean…this felt right.
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comfortbucky · 4 years ago
𝗻𝗼𝘁-𝘀𝗼-𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽
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gif credit: @buckysbarnes
pairing: roommate!bucky x gender neutral!reader
tags: roommate!bucky, soft!bucky, friends to lovers, fluff
my masterlist!
u landed a dream job in ur dream location: brooklyn, ny
and u were absolutely ecstatic
the only issue was money
the cost of living in nyc is ridiculous
so u needed a roommate
it just so happened that around the same time, that a certain super soldier was looking for a place in his hometown brooklyn, as he was finally starting a “normal life” or whatever dr raynor said
so u found a 2 bedroom apartment and put signs up around the surrounding area in search of a roommate
u keep it super simple, not wanting to reveal too much about urself bc u figure that might attract creeps
ur friends called u old fashioned for that, but u figured posting online on craigslist would result with u, on the news, dead, bc u ended up living with a serial killer
bucky is walking around the familiar, but very different, streets when he comes across ur roommate ad and decides to go for it (he’s already lost steve what else does he have to lose)
so he takes a number and waits until he gets to the hotel room he’s been staying at to call
ur simultaneously nervous and excited about ur first, and only, response to ur roommate ad bc u have no idea what to expect but also desperate to find anyone who can help split the cost
“hello?” ur question is met by a low, husky voice
bucky is thrown off by the softness of ur voice but quickly pulls it together
“hi, i’m bucky. i saw ur flyer for a roommate.”
u are really glad this is being done over the phone because this man’s voice alone is making ur cheeks heat up
u guys plan a time for bucky to come over and take a look at the place before he finalizes his decision
the day arrives and u feel ur stomach doing flips when u hear him knock at ur door
u open the door are immediately drawn to his piercing, ocean-blue eyes
bucky is immediately captivated by ur beauty, he avoids ur gaze for a moment, looks back up when u greet him
“hey.” u give him a small smile and he returns it
u move to the side to let him in
this man literally had no criteria in mind for finding an apartment other than it being close to a park for his walks at ungodly hours of the night
so he accepts
ur friendship starts off… slow
at first, u both mind ur business, living ur lives and barely speaking
everytime bucky came back to the apartment he would just walk into his room, shut the door and stay there
u rarely saw him, and honestly wondered when he ate because he was literally never in the common areas of ur apartment
but u were preoccupied with starting ur job that u didn’t mind at all because he was a good roommate, never made a mess, paid on top, and was fairly quiet
sometimes u would hear him wake up in the middle of the night and leave, closing the door to ur apartment so gently, as to not wake u up
the first time u guys spent time together was when he went on his first date
he didn’t tell u about it beforehand, of course, but u were sat on the couch, binge watching new girl when he walked out of his room and headed straight for the exit, saying nothing
u could smell the cologne he put on (it smelt like pine trees) and had a feeling it was a date bc u had never smelled that cologne before and he had spent like an hour in the bathroom right before he left
it must have been 45 minutes tops before he stormed back into the apartment and went to the kitchen to grab a beer
u immediately knew something was off and that he was upset from his body language and the fact that his date lasted less than an hour
“hey, u okay?” ur question is met with a grunt
u see bucky start to retreat from the kitchen to his room and u decide to say something again
“do u wanna watch tv with me?”
bucky pauses in front of his bedroom door before he turns around, nods, and plops himself on the couch next to u
he makes sure to leave some space between u guys, wanting to be respectful
u both sit in silence for a bit until a joke is made onscreen and u giggle
bucky turns to u and can’t help the soft smile that forms on his lips
he falls asleep that night, dreaming about what he could do or say to hear the sound of ur laugh again and doesn’t have a nightmare
from then on, movie nights became a regular occurrence in the apartment (once a week MINIMUM)
ur regular bonding experience helps u form a stronger friendship with bucky, having thoughtful conversations with each other
he’s thankful that u don’t ever push him into talking about something he’s uncomfortable with or not ready to talk about
u always just offer a smile and shift the conversation
u see him more in the common areas, even just to sit at the dining room table to read a book in silence
and the gap that once existed between u guys gets smaller and smaller every movie night
for a bit, nothing more ever happened other than ur thighs touching each other, side by side
until one night when u had a really long day at work and end up falling asleep during the movie, ur head landing right on bucky’s shoulder
at first he’s startled by it but looks down to see the light from the screen making ur skin glow in the dark
he’s taken by ur beauty, observing every little detail from the shape of ur nose to ur soft lips
and then he immediately snaps out of it bc he realizes how creepy he must be
and now he’s panicking internally bc he doesn’t know what to do
he doesn’t want to wake u up because u had just told him about ur exhausting day at work
but he also doesn’t want to let u fall asleep in this position bc he knows ur neck is going to be sore in the morning
he makes the decision to try and shift ur body so that ur laying on the couch
and as he’s being so careful to move u, scared that he might wake u, u start to stir and he freezes
u remain asleep and end up snuggling up closer to him and he feels his heart skip a beat
with ur repositioning, he’s able to easily pick u up, bridal style, and carries u to ur room and lays u down onto ur bed
as he’s starting to stand up, he stops, realizing ur hand has a firm grip on his sleeve
u mumble, so softly, that if he didn’t have super soldier hearing he probably wouldn’t have understood it
bucky feels his heart racing and can’t help but smile
he gently shifts u over, making room to lie down on his side next to u
he leaves a little bit of space bc he’s nervous he misheard u or something
but then u move ur body closer to his, resting ur head on his chest and draping an arm across his side to pull urself closer and let out a content sigh
ur half-awake at this point, but u don’t let bucky know that, selfishly wanting to do anything to remain in his arms
bucky is frozen in absolute shock
he can’t remember the last time he cuddled with someone
let alone someone he started to develop feelings for
he quickly snaps out of his thoughts to wrap his arm around u, holding u close to him and rests his chin on the top of ur head
he places his other hand on the top of ur head, gently stroking ur head
bucky thinks he must be dreaming
he places a gentle, soft kiss on ur forehead, before whispering his confession
“wish i could call u mine, doll.”
bucky’s heart literally stops as he sees ur eyes flutter open to look up and see him, paralyzed in fear
u smile and kiss him on the cheek
“u should.”
all of bucky’s worries immediately faded away as soon as u smiled at him
he smiles back, feeling the most happy he’s felt in 90 years
he replies by gently tipping ur chin up to him and placing a soft kiss on ur lips
“so happy ur mine.”
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