#he looks like a weapon formed against me like i need him to leave louis and claudia alone and bad
nashvillethotchicken · 7 months
Louis when Santiago try to holla at him
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worldcakecakecake · 3 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth,  we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule,  go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to  be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70 I Chapter 71 I Chapter 72 I Chapter 73 I Chapter 74 I Chapter 75 I Chapter 76 I Chapter 77 I Chapter 78 I Chapter 79
Yes, yes, yes! I know, it's extremely late! But you have to understand that I am going through A HELL LOT right now. I am working on an important qualification here in Berlin, so basically studying, plus working, plus German classes, and my school will force me into a volunteer program soon...so that’s more time out from writing. None the less, it does not mean that I will abandon any projects, just know that it could take some time. I wrote this chapter in three different locations since I was moving a lot these last few months :’D Another reason why it took so long. As always, all I ask for is patience, updates will come, I am determined to finish this, especially when we are so close!
But oh boy...chapter 80...sometimes I never thought this story would get so far...but here it is! Enjoy!
                                                              Chapter 80
All Ludwig needed was a simple day of resting and healing. Afterwards, he was heading out of his ward, tall, strong, fixing his hair and buttoning his jacket as the regular business of the day. Feliciano hadn’t stopped crying, constantly asking those around to remind him again that he was indeed…alive. He waited before the room, ready for the embrace that came, tight and loving as the one they had shared before the castle when Ludwig turned back. They would have stayed in this bliss forever, if it wasn’t for an annoyed cough and the applaud and giddiness of a child. Yet in their sway, they turned to spot Lovino, who shone with a gracious smile despite, the very one Augustino alighted the hall with as he was held at the hip.
 “Reminder that there is still another 900 meter tall monster rampaging across Spades, soon to make entrance into Diamonds and well…we should be doing something about that.” He spoke the words with such normality as if he was talking about what he had for breakfast that morning.
 “Where are we to meet?”
 “The usual place, doofuses,” rolling his eyes and moving away. Augustino waved and the couple smiled at him as promise that they would follow.
 They departed, but keeping yet a hold of their hands as they now met a hurried pace with the rest of those who quickened in the halls with the continuing business.
 “All right, were back at this. What has happened?” Ludwig asked with the serious intent he wanted to stay dedicated to despite where he just came from.
 Truly like he had never been gone.
 Feliciano couldn’t help the sudden smile, the tightening of his hold, before he had to breathe it all out and bring forward the seriousness this matter still meant. “The Club kingdom is utterly destroyed, as well as much of the Southern Hearts and Spades kingdom. Khaos took the west to the Spades kingdom, while Destro went on to the east to the Hearts kingdom.” Feliciano was determined to keep this entity separate from Ludwig. “Many of the refugees are here in Hearts under our protection or in Diamonds under their crown.”
 “What are we to do about the lost territories?”
 “I have a plan that I prefer to discuss in the meeting with everybody.”
 “Where is Khaos now and what is he doing?”
 “The last messengers arrived this morning saying that Alfred is preparing himself to defend his capital. Arthur and Yao might leave to join depending on what we decide to do now.”
 “And what are we deciding now?” Ludwig asked just as they arrived before the current meeting room.
 “They’re waiting on us for that,” Feliciano said just as he pushed upon the doors to make their entrance. And to Ludwig’s big wonder, they all stood with brightening smile like stars, glimmering more with whistles and applauses, many with grins that Feliciano hadn’t seen in a while. Ludwig blushed and held ever tighter to Feliciano, showing a prideful smile that told Feliciano enough about how he was there and how it made him more than joyful.
 “Enough of this! We have to act immediately!” Louis shouted, forcing guards to push the King and Queen in and slam the doors behind them, a sort of alarm that brought them back to the stage of it all.
 “I’ll be honest…I never thought I would one day say this, but, Ludwig, Feliciano, we move at your command. What do we do?” Roderich stood, ready and surely with calls to initialize the use of his power.
 Many in the room already adorned armors and shined with weapons, ready to head out that instant to act on a battle they believed now was truly for victory. And Feliciano thought it perfect and with a shared glance to Ludwig, he knew it was the same sentiment.
 Feliciano took a deep breath, taking and leaving his hold with Ludwig’s hand to place them on the table, the simple gesture commanding and confident. Ludwig was rather startled at seeing it, but he was more than content, letting his husband take it all as he wished, trusting and knowing that all the power was in his hands.
 “We are taking everything back. Elizabeta, Arthur, Lili!” All three turned simultaneously. “You are heading back to your kingdoms and you are going to restore everything.”
 “Excuse me?” Elizabeta questioned, almost insulted.
 “I don’t think you’ve read the recent reports, but they’re poisoned lands with nothing we can do to change it,” Arthur cleared with hurt.
 “But we can change it!” Feliciano determined, a height in his voice that seemed like it had echoed all across the castle. He stood up yet again, starting simply with a breath, a meet in his magic to reach, to call. He glowed with marks, powerful and all felt inclined to bow. Yet they didn’t, frozen by the wonder.
 Feliciano didn’t begin to glow in red, to their surprise, he glowed in green, completely taking him until a different voice called from his mouth. “Elizabeta Héderváry and Roderich Edelstein.” Potent and god-like. Both the Queen and Jack trembled at such a force. “My chosen. Come forward and you shall receive my blessing.”
 This was not Feliciano…and Elizabeta and Roderich shook as they moved forward. Despite, they felt a great presence in this being, a refresh in their body that alighted and cleaned them of all kind of turmoil that had inhabited them for months. The closer they came, the more at ease they felt, with bravery to stand straight and unafraid before whoever currently took Feliciano’s body. Feliciano raised his palms to them, Roderich and Elizabeta knew by instinct to show their own palms, feeling a spike in their magic unlike anything. Not even the magic they felt in their crowning ceremony felt like this.
 They were given a new source of energy, an unthinkable power that was not at all of their world…but had created it. It was then that the voice seemed to introduce itself with the power, making clear its name as all was left in their hands. With it, they were given knowledge of its use, like it had been a part of them from always.
 When Feliciano moved back, they exhaled, at peace, smiling, the couple exchanging glances with enough understanding that was ready to act that instant. They gazed back to any Clubian soldiers in the room, and with a silent command, the soldiers knew to mobilize, all the Clubians in the room marching off, leaving the other inhabitants of the meeting lost and perplexed.
 Feliciano reverted back to normal, lights dimming and standing with only his usual childish smile like he had been exchanging some innocent secret of youth. Ludwig still did not understand what was going on, but joined in that smile, still believing and trusting. But quickly he alighted again, this time in blue, a new voice, this of a woman, a call to Arthur and Yao that had them following as they had seen the Clubian royals. And there, as they went through their own exchange, did they understand their mission, the plan and how the future looked brighter. Like Roderich and Elizabeta, they nodded with a glance and all the Spadians left. Lili and Vash took their same responsibility as Feliciano alighted in yellow, taking their action like the rest with a simple leave.
 Those who were left in the meeting room were yet dumbfounded.
 “Uh…excuse me, but…what do we do?” Kiku brought to question.
 “The same as everyone else. First, we heal our kingdoms, we rid of the poison, we bring our people back to their homes and to their normal lives, to their crops, their art, their families, their everyday lives that kept peace. We gather our surviving soldiers and at my command, we head and face Khaos.”
 Simple, straightforward and leaving everyone without a dare to question further.
 “Amore…how exactly do we do that?” Renata still found it unthinkable, to bring back their lands as they were before.
 “Don’t worry. Remember, I have the hand of creation…also Nonna is going to help us,” with a comforting smile that twisted then to a powerful grin, with a sway and jump that was just…not Feliciano. His eyes turned to a crimson red, the purest form of their kingdom color, presenting clear who it was that spoke now.
 “Nice to see you back, Ludwig dearie.” A woman’s voice, with a care that was familiar and belonging. Ludwig bowed, knowing who he was addressing and knowing well to show his respects. But she was gone in just the same twist, having Feliciano back to lead.
 “Follow me, we act now.”
 They were all out of the room that instant.
  As commanded, they all took their trip to the poisoned lands of their respective kingdom. All had blackened, anything that once stood grounded down to the floor in a stench that wanted to rip at the pristine silks and metals of the royals’ dresses. Ellizabeta walked these lands with a head held up high, as if it was the garden it had been before. She was barefooted…but they shined in protection, everything under not giving her a cut or a bruise. The soldiers behind her were aghast, yet they dared to follow behind in wonder, their own armors shinning beautifully under whatever shine Elizabeta and Roderich gave them.
 Elizabeta stopped to breathe it all…and she smiled, peace in her expression even as they stood before the most deteriorated her kingdom had been. To make things more confusing to the soldiers, Roderich took her side with the same ease, grasping her hand and smiling at her with bright confidence. They both gazed forward, closing their eyes and they began to glow in a rare transparency of colors, not green as they had expected.
 Something expulsed from them as they breathed, the light around them spread, slow, gentile, but living and rapid. The soldiers grew in wonder as they saw that ground that the light reflected began to rumble with life, purifying the dirt and letting actual brown healthy earth appear. Such mundanity made some of them already laugh. But the excitement did not stop there , for in that earth, little sprouts of green, with small leaves, began to grow in an impressive rapidness, coating more and more until the land under them was as green as it was before.
 To the soldiers, who had thought all their land lost without a way of returning, it was worth of celebration, some shouting, whistling or jumping. It was the perseverance that made Elizabeta and Roderich’s smiles grow wider. They shared a wink, which already made an agree, and so they breathed in much more, letting that light grow and grow, more of their nation green appearing in their land, bringing with them trees, stone…perhaps a twist of new that Roderich and Elizabeta created from their inner creativity.
 A new flower, a new route, a new curve to old streams.
  In Diamonds, Lili stood at the long shores of her kingdom. The sea had darkened, coating the shores in its misery, away from the beautiful golden it had kept for so long. Sure, her kingdom had not been destroyed as the others, but the royals knew well to fix and protect what they could.
 She had been instructed…by Jabbar…Ace of Diamonds. She felt him still in the power that flowed in her blood, still teaching and lecturing every move, how each point of energy was supposed to be flowed and how to release it all to the image he made in her mind. Yes…she would create it, she would call for it.
 She wrapped her arms around herself, with her breath, the winds around her became stronger, the waves began to pulse along with her heart and she opened her eyes. Like a breath, she could control how they moved, how they shone, beginning to give them back, slowly, their natural blue.
  In Spades, Yao could finally get the ground to still, to stop the shakes it had taken, letting the crumble finally halt. Arthur stopped the storms, for the first time bringing this part of the kingdom the natural light of sun.
 It was done simple, as easily as a snap or a step.
 Arthur and Yao had put their hands upon the ground and in their spread, they brought back the deep blues of the tiles that had been there. One by one they came back, growing just like the dirt, the flowers and grass that laid between them, up to the trees, the houses that had been there, even whole mountains began to wake back to color. Yao intensified that spread, wanting to cover the whole valley. Arthur aided him, adding to the push that could extend to all the crevices, to every single wall, well and plaza that had made it once splendor.
  None of the royals could only keep it to their place. They had to move, spread, fly in the process if they had to. Elizabeta swinging through thicket of vines, with each pull bringing back ancient large trees that covered well beneath them in green life. Lili skipped by the shores as she brought back its gold, adding shells and shine that made it all the more pristine. Arthur enjoyed shooting from the tall perks of mountains, running it all like an orchestra under his command. Feliciano, created music, he brought all the canvases he had ever made to life with the brush of his hand, mind and even his dancing steps as it stabled the ground, bringing back their famous pillars, architecture, sun kissed homes, their vines, their abundance of fruit and the colors that made Feliciano’s smile grow the more in its everlasting sunshine.
 It was starting to look just like home again.
 Ivan at one point had shed tears of relief, kneeling down to the ground to embrace the ground, with the greens he had never known he would have missed so much. Francis could now intensify the kingdom’s defense, a beautiful diamond wall shinning well, keeping the peace and life behind him. He let himself tower tall, like he himself was a shield that would be impenetrable to whatever Khaos would throw. Khaos wouldn’t stand a chance anymore, Francis smirked to himself. Alfred, atop one of the kingdom army dragons, actually cried as he began to lead people back to their homes. Many shouted in celebration, but others still paced with panic, those especially that currently still ran away from the threat of Khaos still in their lands, but now they actually seek refuge in their own kingdom, by a powerful king, queen and jack that healed their home with surely the help of Aces. It was just a miracle how the power, the control, seemed to move the very ground to their bidding.
 Many families returned to their homes to find it standing just the way they had left it. Many wept, finding it hard to believe that everything was there…back.
 And Ludwig, Ludwig rode on confidently on the back of a St. Mark, staring up to his husband, his beautiful, cheerful and powerful, daring, incredible husband, as he himself called upon vines and trees to arise from the ground, taller or just in their same glory with nothing to make different.
 Finally, finally, Feliciano had let the harp free, letting it take its large length, only to play, from the melody, whole new colors coming, bringing back a symphony of red that all sang along with. The air arose with freshness that all wanted to doze with, lay in its rest, confident that they would be safe. Feliciano heard as laughter, cheers, celebration, joined this new music he made, and he would smile down to Ludwig, glad for the shine in his blue eyes and just the hope and restoration in the views between them.
 Now this…was a world they could proudly show their children one day.
 But as the royals of the four kingdoms completed their healing, they met at a point where the darkness was at its strongest, where a fury continued to rage and roars still echoed across all their near distances.
 Khaos was still alive, still destroying, and they had all met where it was time to face him…and end him.
 They had taken camp, proudly the flags and shields of all four kingdoms shinning together in the small rotunda where they all watched as he ravaged on in his inferno. All the soldiers that were in charge of holding him for now had been evacuated, only a powerful shield, with the help of all four kings, over Khaos’s sky as he slashed and scream without a single consciousness of intelligence. They wondered if he had seen how they led the remaining soldiers away, if he knew how powerful they were, how they have healed the world behind him, that Ludwig was back and Feliciano possessed the power of the alignment along with so much more.
 His immense figure didn’t seem so powerful anymore. Kiku raised his hands and could squash him between the pinching of his fingers.
 As if it was as simple as that, Feliciano couldn’t help the chuckle.
 “What’s our strategy now?” Elizabeta asked with serious intent, a large and heavy sword in her hands that was utterly eager to begin cuts and slashes.
 Feliciano sighed, in that deep breath bringing with him seriousness, shinning so much more mature than any had expected. There was a new amber in his eyes that made him so much older and braver, almost exactly like the images they had been taught to believe of Romulus.
 “We take each a direction, you know what you have that is powerful, use it, at all the forces you can call on, weakling him, acting before any throw he can give. Now, whatever he attacks us with, is nothing.”
 Another screech that had them all turning, yet they listened on. For once, with Khaos acting his vengeance behind them, they were not afraid.
 “Diamonds, North, Spades, West, Clubs, South and Hearts, East. You have already been granted protection from the alignment power I will use. Do not be weary of it. No matter what happens, I won’t let anything happen to any of you.” Sure and a decree that was high. Feliciano didn’t have to say it for the rest to already know it.
 Pookie, who had taken his large form, stood ready by Feliciano, with a stance that instantly reminded Feliciano on the grand images they made of his great grandparents riding these very creatures. He petted him lovingly, trying to see, to believe that he could make his own images worthy of being painted on the ceiling of churches.
 “So…do we just start?” Vash was suddenly hesitant, after that show of strength, he started to shake.
 “Scared?” Roderich teased even as he himself began to tremble, all slowly noticing it as well.
 “I thought we were done with that,” Yao scolded.
 “I’ve seen everything fail, everything crash down right before we believed, we had hoped and thought we could make a change… what if this is but another of that?” Vash went on.
 The silence he brought made all explore these very words, a falling to them away from the power of gods they currently possessed.
 “I…I fear the same things,” Ivan…the tallest and biggest of all, the one who they had though would smile his vengeance as he bloodied Khaos…trembled and kept a heavy grip on his staff.
 “We haven’t even begun,” Ludwig tried to make them realize.
 “The most important battle is yet to take place,” Lili joined her cousin.
 “What will make this one stand out?” Alfred wondered.
 “It will be the last,” Francis assured.
 “I’m tired of having lasts,” Arthur complained.
 “Francis is right though,” Feliciano interrupted, mighty and high to get them all to stop, to leave a silence to listen. “It will be the last…” he was sure this time, taking steps forward, all parting to give him a space they felt was too heavenly to touch. “Hear me…” he called out…not just to the royals, but all, absolutely all that were there. “…Hear me…hear me all this very instant!” He commanded with a piercing anger that left some trembling by Feliciano instead. “It is not only Kings, Queens and Jacks that stand here today! Look behind you!” He spread his arms to the still surving armies under them. “You have the entire might of all four kingdoms here! And do you want them to see this…scared and disgraceful leaders with nothing but the armors they created? No!” Shouted like he had been insulted. “No! They see what all our kingdoms represent. Power, Wisdom, Trust…and love…” Feliciano took this opportunity to gaze to all, their attention well taken, the words being well planted. “They will see what these very stances give, power granted and given by the Aces! They will see us fight, they will see us bring Khaos to his knees and then for sure our world will see that we are not a force to be fooled with!” Feliciano saw as the ground seemed to be raised under them, just with the strong belief in their eyes, standing tall to surely meet the fiery eyes of Khaos.
 “The Aces have chosen us…we are the ones destined to make this battle, to make this war…and here, as it will be written about us…will we end this all.” With intent to kill, to finish. There was now no more space to doubt, to hold it, they all stood ready for that very finish. “My Clubians…My Spadians…My Diamonds…My Heartians…remember…we do this for glory.”
 A sudden shrill, and yet no one flinched.
 Some raised their weapons high.
 “For honor,” Ludwig was relaxed, but just as potent as his husband.
 “For riches!” Abasi shouted high somewhere in the crowd, getting many to join in his shout.
 “For the gods!” Antonio bellowed from the perch of his animal, with him hundreds to join in flight.
 “Yes…this…this is it,” Francis raised, along with the magnitude of this crowd that made him feel like the earth of the entire world was to trample over their foe now.
 “The Aces are here! They are at our side!” Roderich knew as he joined in the array around him.
 “For Clubs!” All the greens shouted as they made their movement to take their south, their colors and flags high.
 “For Spades!” Arthur and Yao led to their west.
 “Let’s bring this motherfucker down!” Alfred just had to add as he joined the flight with the dragons of their infantry.
 “For Diamonds!” Lili, raising a hand full of bright and dangerous magic. To the surprise of many, she was the one that gave that loud shout that pushed the forces of her kingdom to the north.
 Ludwig, Feliciano and Kiku stood yet, wondered like children over all the action that decorated even the skies. Khaos’s darkness was nothing compared to the festiveness of their colors as it began to tear about the void. Even so small, the Heartian royals felt taller than everything.
 “For Hearts?” Kiku raised magic, Ludwig raised his sword, looking both to Feliciano for his own decree.
 Feliciano breathed in and when his breath escaped, he turned with glowing marks, a golden halo coronated him, wings released, eyes a deep red, power beginning to ooze from him, and his two companions smiled as if they had always knew this as him.
 “For Hearts!” And he raised the harp, growing large to the desired length and comfort of a bow, Pookie leaning ready for his seating and thus Feliciano took that perch, motioning for Kiku and Ludwig to join him as well. To Pookie, especially in this form, their weigh was nothing. He just as easily sprinted high, to join the rest of the force that created the population of both the earth and sky.
 Feliciano lead them in their direction to the east, coming close to Khaos, who stood in his place surely wondering over all these pests that suddenly came, surrounding him well.
 “Kiku…” Feliciano reminded and the jack of Hearts knew. He bowed in promise and suddenly took a jump out of the flying lion, landing elegantly on the perch of a red glass he created. He extended his arms full of magic, raining it down in a cleansing shower that began to deteriorate the swinging arms and pillars of darkness. Many Heartians came to his aid in intensifying it.
 In each direction, the Jacks did the same, riding much of these dangerous arms that could make this more difficult. Before, just riding of one was a feat that had already killed many of their people. But now…many were rid in easy seconds, people glowing in happiness as there direction was clearer. Those in the ground could run or gallop on their animals free and without a single threat above them. Now, as these dark ribbons weakened, it was much easier to rid with the ease of their weapons or even their fists.
 “Ludwig…” Feliciano called his husband’s attention back, who had been starring at their already beginning success proud.
 Despite the wings, the halo, this new glow of marks, ethereal in gold truly like the grace of an Ace, Ludwig looked on to him like his adoring Feliciano, the friend he had since childhood and now his husband who was expectant to bring their first pair of children.  
 Ludwig nodded, although hesitant as he gathered slight bits of darkness from his power. It was the one thing that had ruined all, but Feliciano had gathered information from the eternal reserve that could help. Now, Ludwig was to test it for the first time. They had no time and place to practice. Yet Feliciano believed and Ludwig…didn’t feel it control him, overtake him. It was his free to do as he pleased. Yes…he could do this. He smiled and made his preparation to do his own jump, but not before leaning towards Feliciano and the Queen of Hearts let himself a freeing of his hands to take Ludwig to his embrace. Their lips came for one deep kiss, one magical and igniting. Ludwig felt himself lift from it, a power that helped him fall and take just the right aim even as he fell midair. He had it locked, just as the other King and Queens did their own. In a powerful slash, all their attacks met and crashed upon the shield that Khaos had been using the entire war. They had never known he had one, but now it was no matter, for they easily took it down. Khaos surely felt it for he stilled and looked upon himself as if he had been exposed. He was, clear, and already Feliciano knew the aim and where he needed to land it.
 “Take me there,” he told Pookie, and the St. Mark nodded and hurried in his flight, a swirl all around the great beast that granted Feliciano the best view to watch all the horror. He smiled to know how much less darkness there was, spotting the natural blues and greens underneath that was beauty of Spades. Suddenly he felt a burning, intense even with his own Ace protection. In his distraction, he hadn’t noticed how Khaos came right to his presence, his monstrous eyes and mouth a pool that with ease he could fall into. Feliciano wouldn’t dare, and at Khaos’s sudden roar, he didn’t even flinch, he only sent him his own wrath with his stare, before pulling on Pookie’s large mane and flying them away from the throws Khaos tried to swing at Feliciano. He made his slides, with the help of the wind he called, Pookie’s speed and just how small they were, easy to find crevices to make their escape.
 As Feliciano reached a good top with a good position, he raised his arms high, his fingertips glowing in light, in power that called and brought from all around as it met and Feliciano let it all rain at Khaos. He screeched horribly in pain, meteors and stars coming continuous. Khaos tried to smash some away, some successful in being thrown at Feliciano’s direction, but Pookie and him, went under or around them well.
 That’s when Feliciano began to worry over his St. Mark, already parts of his fur burning from the attacks. “Pookie, let me deal with this now,” he told him and of course the animal refused. Feliciano sighed, expecting this kind of loyalty, but then it gave him an idea, knowing he could trust it. “Go get Ludwig! Bring him to me!” Pookie understood and flew in that direction, Feliciano letting himself fall in a backward flip, a graceful one that let him play momentarily with the wind, the float, the freedom, before his wings caught them and lifted him up. He copied what he had seen Pookie do, the action coming easy, naturally like it had always been a part of him. He couldn’t help his grin as he went forward with his route, charging something powerful in his hands, growing in an intricate and beautiful symbol that alighted with him well. Khaos saw it that instant and went quick for his aim. He bounced against it, the symbol Feliciano made growing at just his size, with a sharpness and cling that resonated across the whole land. His immense figure fell, and the soldiers underneath feared the worst, but Feliciano spread a shield above them, quick as he made his flight. He had to be quicker as Khaos tried to stand again, not caring over the people he would step on as he raised.
 Feliciano continued with the lightning shields, intricate and beautiful, but this time Khaos was strong enough to stand against each shock, despite his roars of pain, intensifying as surely the stings got stronger. Feliciano abandoned the shield tactic and began to swing them as disks. Sometimes they were excellent and worked well to burn and tear apart at the target, other times, Khaos still swung on and Feliciano had to tactically avoid, under, over, breathing heavily as he quickened and forced to deal with the speed. For the first time, he took the harp, he prepared four arrows from the gold of his magic, powerful and with ease. He aimed and fired, the piercing one of deep lightning that alighted the sky like part of a storm. Some soldiers had to be moved away for caution as Feliciano intensified, as he kicked on with earthquakes in his force, fired arrows that made this storm bigger, called wind, power and light that exploded in burns that some couldn’t even look at, having to ground and stop whatever they have been doing.
 To their success, more of Khaos broke, with crumbles and pieces literally falling, revealing a weak white that some could easily use to bring more damage.
 Khaos was heaving, leaning, having to hold to the ground to give himself some stability.
 “He’s weakening!” Gilbert shouted, his tone and call one that could extend across the plain, some celebrating to it, but it made Khaos huff, a smoke coming out that poisoned once again. He used it to give him leverage, having to heave more and more until his weakening figure could hide in its grey. Feliciano was succumbed under it as well, but with his power, it was nothing. It didn’t sicken him or blinded him, but he couldn’t see all that well in this dusk. He could still keep his flight as he tried to strengthen his vision.
 “Feliciano!” Came the call of his husband, his armor teared, cuts and his hair a mess, but to Feliciano he shined beautifully and with perfection. He dared to stand on Pookie as the St. Mark brought them close together. Ludwig showed hurry and preparation, a leaning towards him that didn’t care over the precipice under him.
 “What do I have to do?” He already offered and Feliciano knew that whatever it was, he would fulfill instantaneous.  
 “I need you with me.” He offered his hands and Ludwig took them and let himself fall into his float, hold and security of staying midair in the midst of this blinding smoke.
 Pookie followed behind as Feliciano rushed them trying to find any sign of the main body. “The blackness works like another shield. It also must be what helps him to get power. All we have to do now is finish getting rid of it and not give him the chance to regenerate. Once it’s crumbled, I can give a finishing blow that will end it all.”
 They had a clear ending spoken, possible and sure. Ludwig nodded between all, finding no hardness even as the monster moved and awakened again, roaring and trying to swing at them between the now dimming smoke.
 “Any ideas as to how exactly were going to do that?”
 “With your help. With the dark magic inside you.”
 Ludwig sighed but found it indeed the best idea.
 “We have to get close.”
 “All for you, liebe.” And there was no fear as they plunged closer, enough that they could touch or even walk upon, for it was slowly losing its burn and hurt. Feliciano had to let Ludwig go, using force and power to run across the body while Feliciano continued his flight, sending slashes, ribbons and symbols intense enough to crack. Ludwig gripped hard upon the body, identifying, taking and putting himself into the magic to disrupt, to break apart with ease. Khaos, noticing Ludwig’s presence, tried to once again tame him, spreading through his veins in darkness, but Ludwig learned well to fight against it, using his exercises from childhood to push back, ever stronger, with burn and shocking pain that had Khaos reverting back, disgusted and without any intention to try again. Ludwig smiled to himself when he noticed, finding himself the winner in this specific battle. His grin only grew larger when no matter how he dug, how he broke apart pieces of black with mere force, Khaos did nothing, only dealt with whatever state this caused as his main target became Feliciano.
 As Ludwig plunged his own darkness into Khaos, even at the top reaches Feliciano flew upon, he could feel his magic working, tapping, using it and adding it to his own purpose. He enlarged the harp and placed one of its ends against the body. He changed it to the fierceness of a knife and let it carve aggravatingly as he flew on. Khaos roared and swung his arms and his whole body to try and rid of him as if he was a mere fly. Whatever reaches, Feliciano managed, even as he continued to move the harp across, cracking and disturbing. He would swing back with whatever part of him wasn’t focusing on flight or holding to the harp, with splashes like waves that extended across the valley in a beautiful gold that reigned to the rest of the soldiers in a wonderment that somehow took away horror from this. Or other times, in a large impress from the tiny figure Feliciano still presented himself as, he would punch with power, a force that shook the earth and pushed Khaos away in a tremble that some thought would blow up the monster finally. To their dismay, Khaos yet continued, if even slowed, if even as this cracking began to reach him all, breaking him and not seeming as intimidating as he had been the entire war.
 As Feliciano tried to finish a last carving spin around the back of his neck, in his focus, he didn’t notice how Khaos shook, how he reached and swatted him away like an insect. He broke from his flight, falling down and landing harshly on the ground in a bang that made some think it had been a meteor.
 “Feliciano!” Ludwig called from the standing he still took on Khaos, stopping his own work to make sure that his husband had survived.
 Of course he did, only groaning as he tried to find his own sitting once again.
 Once the dust settled and Ludwig could spot him, he sighed in relief, just in the distraction Khaos needed at him to plunge, Ludwig tripping not being able to keep his footing, falling but luckily taking a grasp that kept him hanging. Khaos continued his roars and swings hoping to have him, yet Ludwig always managed a holding that kept him still attached. He refused to let himself fall, not when they were so close…so close to finally ending it all. To make it work, he had to keep his place on Khaos’s body.
 Feliciano felt his husbands’ distress, even as he arranged himself, bones, even the ones in the wings he currently possessed, cracking fearsome, symbols on his skin changing, working to get him back to the powerful Ace outlook. Quick he managed to stand, to stretch and roll until he was standing as proud and even menacing. He could feel his love in danger, lightening up a fury that charged within him, angering, angering and angering until he released it in a powerful swing of fire, grabbing, taking all of Khaos and slamming him hard against the ground in a thrust that shook the entire valley. All his people that fought had to lay down in reverence.
 They had done their purpose…now it was Feliciano’s turn to make the last front.
 Dark shards spread across, more white was seen, Khaos was finding it ever harder to stand, to make again his shield of darkness. In whatever attempt he could still manage, he tried to take Ludwig in his clutches. He thought he could threaten, he thought he could still have an upper hand by putting him at risk, but Feliciano didn’t let him, and neither did Ludwig as he bit, as he released and continued on with his own attack, leaving Khaos, even in his immense form, helpless.
 Feliciano ran or sometimes flew as the obstacles came, all across the expanse, like a field all for himself to enjoy from and play in. He could already imagine taking this very field free from evil, beautiful Spadian flowers spreading, safe enough for even children to play. Feliciano was reminded of his own childhood with Ludwig doing the same things on the sunny hills of Italy that he had lived. He could imagine their own children laughing and running as they themselves had once.
 For them, for that future, he practically shouted to himself as he continued his shredding all across the body, with ease avoiding fumes of darkness or whatever minuscule attack Khaos tried to send on him.
 It was becoming less and less as Ludwig dealt with cutting off the parts that created attacks. Khaos couldn’t stand any longer, he could only manage a sitting by the time Feliciano reached the back of his neck. He didn’t even notice he was there. It was enough for Feliciano to take his harp and finish the last of the carving.
 It was time.
 Khaos swung at him weakly, Feliciano could avoid it with ease. All of the darkness in his body began to fall, more white appearing to the point that one could confuse him as a symbol of Pisa instead.
 “Everyone move away!” He had called with Ace potency in his tone, all shaking as they obeyed, other royals mobilizing a quick escape from the area. Yet of all, Kiku was the only who stayed in his place, his gaze locked up on his Queen despite how he stood by the immensity of Khaos’s fallen hip. He could easily be caught in any wail Khaos tried, yet Kiku found it unfair to run away, especially when his King and Queen were still in this fray. He didn’t follow the crowds, he went the opposite direction, trying to meet Ludwig or Feliciano.
 “Kiku! Kiku!” He heard Abasi shout after him, but he didn’t answer, in opposite, he moved faster. He began to reach places that had been emptied, or untouched because they were the most dangerous areas that were left for Feliciano to deal with, and he could tell, as he cough and began to feel stings even with the shields Feliciano had placed on them.
 “Ludwig…Feliciano! Ludwig! Feliciano!” He called hoping to reach them. No one…everything was empty and desolate even with Khaos roaring and shaking still. He leaned in failure, in loneliness, thinking that everything will end like this for him in a desperate reach to be with his friends in this moment of need.
 Something was coming near, warm, friendly, already a smile he could feel on his back. “Kiku!” Came that excitement that he knew well from his Queen. He smiled and fell into Feliciano’s arms as he swept him off with his speed and flight across the immensity. Despite how the marks glowed on his skin like rubies, the impotent halo, the red wine in his eyes and the great wings…Kiku saw Feliciano true, as any other day in the castle before everything.
 “Feliciano, listen, I will not be moving away with the rest. You have to let me help you, and I won’t take any-”
 “Ah, good! I actually need you right now.”
 Kiku held himself for a moment in embarrassment. “What is it?” He instead went straight to his duty.
 “First, we have to pick up Ludwig.” And finally his figure appeared in the distance, a debonair smile as he raised his hand in knowing, no fear at all despite actually standing on Khaos. Feliciano caught him just as some dimming darkness bubbled and exploded in their leave. The remains blended into white with the rest of the ruin Khaos was becoming.
 Feliciano, with simple ease, carried both his King and Jack over the last of the terrain, using the ending elevation to raise him up and start escalating high in the air.
 “This is it. I’ll be aiming him with the largest power in my possession. It’s one Augusta told me about, using the harp.” He suddenly stopped as he avoided a throw of darkness that Khaos tried to make.
 As they continued, he was forced into a sweep that was not the best to be carrying Ludwig and Kiku in. He whistled and in no time came Pookie, offering a stead that Feliciano placed them all in perfect accord. The winged lion didn’t mind at all, he actually purred at knowing the aid he gave, continuing the heights Feliciano intended while successfully avoiding whatever Khaos managed in his last attempts.
 “Then…it will finally be over?” Ludwig desperately hoped.
 “Not quite. Khaos still possesses something important and we have to take it away before we destroy him.”
 Kiku and Ludwig didn’t bother to question what. They just nodded and trusted whatever Feliciano planned. There was no time to hesitate or change especially when they were upon the final horizon.
 Feliciano, to be ready, began a calling, a raise of magic from all across the globe, meeting upon him to create wonderful pillars of light, far, large, slowly encaging the area for what his Ace power planned.
 “With me, you have to aim, and with me you have to fire a serene Teresa.”
 It was a high protective spell to act against large threats. It was mostly used by guards or sorcerers that worked with fire or other sudden emergencies, to protect those they found in wreckages or trying to get out people that were stuck while fires, earthquakes or tsunamis rampaged. Simple, yet with the force they now had, it would be a shield perfect to protect exactly what Feliciano needed. Ludwig and Kiku already began to thread the spell in their palms as Feliciano made Pookie take a pause…finding just the right place. They turned to Khaos’s direction, and despite how he was weakening, his being was still an inferno that they felt coming close to burn them completely.
 They weren’t bothered.
 Ludwig and Kiku already took their aim as they gathered the magic needed, Ludwig including even some dark magic that could be of great use. Feliciano finally let his harp extend in size, just as these far off pillars shined more, moving at the raise of his arms like giant arrows that worked alone in their own bows of air. Their citizens trembled at their immensity, scared if they would even get out of this attack, if the shields Feliciano had placed on them would work. This seemed too large for them to even witness. And then they lowered, setting their target, the harp burning along with the formation that Feliciano created, his being glowing more in its fire and with his own gold. A gorgeous deep red arrow was formed, engraved with vines of gold that seemed to breathe to Ludwig and Kiku. They almost lost their focus because of it.
 It was ready, the aim was set, just as Khaos erupted and tried to reach, tried to swat away Feliciano in his very last attempt. Feliciano only smiled, an intense glow in his eyes as he let go and fired, the arrow, along with the large ones all around him, aiming true at a center that obliterated, blew and exploded. Ludwig and Kiku joined in their own attack, embracing a center where surely laid what Feliciano wanted protected. Although their citizens were blinded in this immense show of power and light, the three Heartian royals saw as clearly as if they were in the purest of waters. Feliciano swam them through it with ease, using his power to protect them as they traversed this fire. His wings grew as extra shield, the gems and marks on his body glowing more to let them survive.
 “Is he gone? Is he really gone?” Kiku had to question in the mist.
 “Wait…” Feliciano told just as a shrill went throughout, chilling and horrifying, Ludwig and Kiku had to cover their ears from it and only Feliciano went through with it, having to maintain their safe within. He let his arms dance in a particular way that called creation, bringing to him any darkness and purifying it in gold and colors, flying off like petals to join the flourishing of this new field.
 He continued this cleanse as he made Pookie ride them throughout, a downward glide that to Ludwig and Kiku seemed like hours. The closer they reached the ground, the more it cleared around them, the more natural blue sky they saw, the more they could breathe, their smile grew and they were confident that no harm as Khaos would ever come again.
 Pookie landed on the ground, Ludwig and Kiku taking their descend with ease, walking now in the start of green grass, the dirt there with only but specks of darkness. Feliciano followed afterwards, still calling with him the remnants, spread across above them in damaged strings that they could think were just strange dark clouds. Feliciano called them all to him, piece by piece making each part disappear in glowing wind, the shrills getting lower and lower until they were only but a squeak in the palm of Feliciano’s hands.
 Now, as everything around them cleared to the usual rushes of this field, the last bits of darkness were but the ones that swam around the small call, the small wave Feliciano kept of a single hand. Whatever last shout Khaos tried to make, it came out like a child’s cry. He tried to whip, but even if it did reach skin, it did nothing, not even redden or create the slightest cut. Ludwig and Kiku stared on stupefied, finding it hard to believe that what was left of Khaos was just these tiny specks that Feliciano kept twirling around.
 “And…” a turn down, “…you are…” up, another spin, only but dust left… “…gone.”
 And there was no more darkness, everything disappeared entirely. Now surrounding them was the natural blow of wind, cleaning the field and bringing the aroma of flowers that was meant.
 It was silent, it was peaceful, Feliciano smiled in welcome to this new era, proper with this new sun that came.
 Khaos was gone. It was over…it was finally over. 
Only two more chapters to go ;)
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louandhazaf · 5 years
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Happy Birthday to me! This year I want to celebrate all the incredible authors who have gifted me fics through the years. Please go give these fics some love! #piscesseason
Mercedes Boy by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Larry, Explicit, 5374 words There's a surprise waiting at home for Louis after he finishes his day on the tracks at the Mercedes AMG Driving Experience. This was the first fic every written for me and it will always have a special place in my heart. For those who don't know, I am obsessed with "AMG Louis" because it's at the cross of loves of automotive sports and dirtbag Louis. And Lauren took that and made a super hot, super tender fic about fucking in a car. I love everything about it.
Cigarette in my left hand, whole world in my right hand by wearetheluckyones Tomlinshaw, Explicit, 5833 words Harry's had some really bad ideas before, starting with the time he got pissed and jumped into the Thames stark naked, but this might take the fucking cake. Offering up Louis as a viable option for a model for Nick's last photography project is ludicrous at best and a disaster waiting to happen at worst. I wanted to read some photographer!Nick and model!Louis and then I also got uni!Tomlinshaw and a nature walk and talks about flowers and a BUNNY and basically this is also very hot and very tender and I was THRILLED to recieve it.
You're my fault, my weakness by wearetheluckyones Tomlinshaw, Explicit, 2197 words It’s been six months since Nick’s project, and Christmas and Louis’s birthday are coming up fast. Louis’s invited Nick to his family’s place for the holidays, and Nick can’t help but be nervous. THEN THIS AUTHOR WROTE MORE IN THIS VERSE???? Like, HELLO, I am in love with everything.
Mixtape by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Larry, General, 927 words From Find You Home, this is Louis' POV when they first leave home to drive to his family's house for Christmas. When I read Find You Home I was utter obsessed with the idea of Louis making Harry a mixtape full of songs with hidden meaning, that expressed everything he couldn't say to Harry, how much time and effort he'd put into the thing, and then when he gives it to Harry, Harry literally tosses it aside. My heart! It aches! How carelessly cruel of Harry! I wanted all of the angst of Louis Going Through It and I basically forced Lauren to write this for me. She's the best.
Can We Talk for a Moment? by lululawrence Larry, Not Rated, 15737 words It was widely known that alphas were never as common as betas or omegas. It is believed the reasoning for that was safety for their packs. Each pack could only have one Alpha, and in order to keep order and make sure there was no mistaking who was in power, once the successor had been named, other alphas would be forced out of the pack. The populations grew, as was to be expected with time and all manner of developments, and while the packs got larger and joined together, the number of alphas never increased. Harry didn’t care for the reasons behind the phenomenon. In the end, it didn’t really matter. All he knew was he was the only alpha within about a thousand mile radius, and he was a complete and total disappointment. Or the one where Harry is a shy, nerdy alpha, Louis is a loud omega punk, and there's more to both of them than their reputations. PUNK!LOUIS PUNK!LOUIS PUNK!LOUIS. BUT ALSO!!! OMEGA PUNK LOUIS AND NERDY ALPHA HARRY. WHAT MORE COULD A PERSON ASK FOR???
Fall Like Rain by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Larry, General, 2473 words This is Harry's POV from the first day that he and Louis are at the beach house. You've read Don't Want Shelter, right? If not, what are you doing? Go read it! And then read all of the amazing other bits Lauren has written in the universe. I will always always always have a special little nook in my heart for these men.
Glitter Bomb by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Larry, Teen, 7808 words After a spectacularly awful date, Harry decides a little petty revenge will make him feel better. Things don't work out quite the way he plans. What's better than sending a glitter bomb as a bit of revenge?? READING THIS FIC ABOUT THAT VERY CONCEPT. Of course, nothing goes as planned... and then it all works out in the end. Hilarious and Wonderful!!!
Be Mine, Little Valentine by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Larry, Explicit, 7435 words Louis wants to find someone who'll love all of him. There's just one tiny complication. Uhhhhh, I love tiny penis fics. This one is incredible.
One Touch Is Never Enough by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Larry, Explicit, 3853 words It’s been a rough year for Louis. First, he was turned into a werewolf, which hasn't been so bad, except that he didn't anticipate how it would affect his love life. Maybe it’d be easier to ignore if he wasn’t constantly bombarded by the sound of his two werewolf best friends getting it on in the next room. At least they were nice enough to give him a gift certificate for a massage. I still laugh out loud everytime I think of this fic. I mean, read that summary. OFC this fic is going to be so stellar.
Wine Not? by abrighteryellow, allwaswell16, catfishau (dinosaursmate), crinkle-eyed-boo (KimmieRocks), disgruntledkittenface, FallingLikeThis, jaerie, Justalittlelouislove, kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie), kiwikero, LadyLondonderry, Layne Faire (HisDarlin), lululawrence, momentofclarity, phdmama, QuickedWeen, Rearviewdreamer, red_special, SadaVeniren, someonethatsfunny, taggiecb Larry, Explicit, 20704 words Louis’ Wine Dive is a bar run by the people for the people. Wine Styles is a boutique tasting room that caters to a more highbrow clientele. When their worlds clash on a beautiful Charleston street, one of these owners may find that an ounce of pretension doesn’t stand a chance against a pound of perseverance. I am not great with emotions. Showing them or dealing with them. If I think too hard about this fic, I run the risk of tearing up. I don't know that I can every express how much it means to me that these amazing authors all came together to write me a fic. A really really wonderful fic. That is far more coheasive than it has any right to be. But my chest gets all funny and my eyes get all watery, so I'm just going to say that everyone should go read it. It means the world to me.
It's been a long, cold, lonely winter by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Larry, Teen, 443 words Louis wants to catch the eye of his hot neighbor who's always looking at his phone. His grey sweatpants are his secret weapon. I wrote a little fic, and then Lauren was like I WANT TO WRITE THE ALTERNATE POV AND ALSO HERE ARE SOME GREY SWEATPANTS and whoooboooooy what a great combo that turned out to be!
All This Noise by musiclily88 Larry, Teen, 1733 words Here's how it begins DRUMMER!LOUIS DRUMMER!LOUIS DRUMMER!LOUIS WHY ARE THERE NOT MORE DRUMMER LOUIS FICS IN THIS FANDOM??? I posed that question and then this fic was written for me and my mind melted. I LOVE the concept of drummer Louis and this fic so totally delivers.
One Man's Ceiling Is Another Man's Floor by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Maggie Rogers/Niall, Explicit, 3713 words Niall and Maggie come up with a way to get revenge on her annoying neighbors. HEH. GO READ THIS HET FIC ABOUT MAGGIE PEGGING NIALL. LIKE. GO. This does not have enough hits!
Heels Over Head by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) Larry, Explicit, 3455 words Louis Tomlinson returns from tour to find that his new next door neighbor doesn't realize his backyard is not completely private. You know what else I love in addition to tiny penis fics?? Lauren's butthole series. This one CRACKS ME UP. I'm going to send her a million more butthole prompts and make her write them as well.
Make Your Body Move Like Mine by Jiksa Larry & Gryles, Explicit, 9400 words He looks beautiful, otherworldly, strobe lights catching in his curls like rays of sunshine. Louis can’t look away. Or, the first time they meet. Prequel to You're A Universe. I do not have enough words to possibly explain how much I love Jx's fic, You're A Universe. So when we were talking and she said she had a prequel I all but begged her to let me read it. Even if she never posted it. I needed it. And she was so so gracious enough to let me read it. And it fills the perfect little backstory spot about Harry and Nick and who Louis was when he met Harry for the first time and just... UGH. Everything about it is perfect in every way. It's possible I had a little meltdown when I saw it was gifted to me when it was posted.
sad sex is... no by disgruntledkittenface Gryles, Not Rated, 2430 words “Hey, are you…” As he hesitates, a line appearing between his furrowed eyebrows and a pout forming on his puffy pink lips, the words “don’t say it” run on a loop in Nick’s head, like a prayer. “... okay?” He said it. Fuck. A gryles AU based on Harry’s iconic quote from the Jools Holland interview. OH! Speaking of having meltdowns when seeing that ao3 email about a gift. I saw this, I saw the title, saw the author, and fully had to close my laptop and walk away because I knew it was going to be so overwhelmingly exactly what I wanted to read that I literally couldn't deal with it. (Um. Remember that not dealing well with emotions. This is an excellent example. I just... shut down when i saw it because I was so overwhelmed.) This literally hits every single one of my buttons and is just so so beautifully written and I'm so so very lucky to have friends like this.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Summary: Louis comes across something in the woods that shakes him to his very core.
Read on A03:
“…And that’s the story of why I hate cantaloupe,” Louis finished with a flourish, throwing Chairles back over his shoulder.
“Fascinating. Certainly not what I expected,” Prisha had her own weapon sheathed at her side, the metal tapping against her thigh as they walked amongst the traps. “You know, I’ve never been much of a picky eater myself. My parents would never listen if I did complain about a certain meal, and I guess the years on the road beat out whatever peculiarities I had toward food in the first place,”
“Yeah, Clem’s the same way. Put literally anything edible in front of her and she will demolish it,” Louis shook his head with a smile.
Prisha watched Louis in amusement. It was sweet how proud Louis got over every little thing Clementine did, turning mundane facts into full-on accomplishments. Clementine seemed to appreciate the attention as well, though sometimes the praise got to be a bit much even for her. She’d compensate by throwing compliments right back at Louis which the poor boy couldn’t handle at all, quickly devolving into a flustered mess. It was the strangest form of competition Prisha had ever seen.
“Hey, did Violet ever tell you about the time she ate a horse eyeball?”
“Yep! To think you’ve been kissing lips that have eaten that,” Louis winked playfully before protesting as Prisha socked him in the arm. “Ow! You two certainly are a match,”
Prisha looked away, not wanting to share the smile tugging at her own lips. It had only been a couple of weeks since she and Violet had made things official and told the rest of the group they were dating. Everyone had been ecstatic for them, especially Louis. Of course, he tried to claim credit for the entire thing, saying that he was the one who dragged Violet down to the trading camp to begin with. Prisha knew Louis was partially right, but neither she nor Violet wanted to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.
A growl came from Prisha’s right side. Her eyes shot up, her good hand immediately resting upon the hilt of her axe. Louis had Chairles ready in hand, his eyes scanning the clearing. They hadn’t seen James in several weeks which likely meant he’d migrated further south for a while. With him gone, some herds had begun to make their way into Ericson territory. It looked like there were several flanking both sides. Best to clear them out than risk being cornered worse during a retreat.
Louis was the first to attack. Swinging out, he bashed a walker’s head in before it could reach either of them. Prisha whipped her axe to the right, impaling another walker’s skull before pulling her weapon out with a sickening squelch. They were both melee fighters. That meant their aim had to be true and their coordination sharp to avoid mistiming an attack and ending up trapped in a walker’s grasp.
“Come on, buddy. Over here,” Louis teased, egging one of the walkers on to separate it from the others. As it approached, he caught it on the upswing, knocking its jaw clean off. With another hit it was dead.
Prisha kicked out a walker’s knee, taking a page from Clementine’s book and buying herself more time as she took a defensive stance against the nearest walker. Her blow hit near one of the eyes, pulling it out as she drew her weapon back.
This wasn’t too bad. There were less than a half dozen walkers left and they were spaced out far enough to leave options for attacks. Louis swiped out at another walker. Chairles became embedded in the side of the walker’s skull, but not deep enough to kill it. Improvising, Louis swung again, pinning the walker to a tree and smashing its head between the trunk and Chairles. In some strange way, its death reminded him of the first day he’d gone hunting with Clementine and invited her to play walker piñata. Those days were behind him though.
A low moan behind him reminded Louis that his work still wasn’t done. Pivoting backwards, he struck the walker with all his might. It immediately slumped lifelessly to the ground. That was when Louis got his first clear view of its face, or what remained of it. Immediately he felt sick. He’d seen hundreds of walkers at this point, maybe thousands. Killed countless ones over the years. But he’d never seen one with a face that reminded him so much of his past. The jaw, the receding hairline, the shape of its nose… even amidst all the decay, Louis felt as if he was looking into the dead face of his father.
“Louis, get over here! We’ve still got three more!” Prisha turned to see what was taking him so long. Louis stood with his back to her, hunched over, his hands on his knees. What was going on? “Louis?”
No response.
She’d have to handle them herself. Turning back to the walkers, Prisha internally cursed her bad luck, wishing she still had two good arms for the millionth time before circling to the side of the walkers and striking one against the side of the head. The walker immediately dropped dead. The fusion of the parietal and sphenoid still remains the weakest point on the skull, Prisha thought to herself. She always ended up rotating through random trivia when she got nervous. Sometimes the points came in handy.
The second walker lurched forward with surprising speed, latching onto Prisha’s bum arm. With an angry cry Prisha began to hack away at its arm. On the third strike she’d torn through enough of the muscle and was able to break free, surging forward to nail the culprit right between the eyes. Throwing the lifeless corpse on top of the final walker, Prisha strode forward, smashing its face under her boot until a bloody, indistinguishable mess lay where its head once was. She then turned to check on Louis.
Things had gotten worse. Louis had collapsed against a tree now. His face was obscured by his dreadlocks, but Prisha could tell by the rise and fall of his shoulders that he was breathing heavily. She hurried over, sheathing her weapon so she could place her hand upon his shoulder. “Louis, stay with me. What’s going on? Are you bit?” Her eyes scanned his body for bite marks but couldn’t find any. Pushing back his hair, Prisha looked into her friend’s eyes. They were glassy with tears. “Can you stand up, Louis? I’m taking you home. We’ll send someone else out to check the traps,” Louis didn’t acknowledge that he’d heard her. He seemed to be trapped within his thoughts, his eyes darting back and forth but not focusing on anything in front of him. Prisha slid her arm behind Louis, slipping it underneath his own arms to try and hoist him to his feet. “I need you to try to stand, Louis. Can you do that for me?”
Her words seemed to break through this time, at least enough for Louis to put effort into rising to his feet. After a few seconds he was up, though still leaning against the tree for support.
“Alright, I have my weapon. Do you have yours?”
Louis wouldn’t look up. “Over there,” he murmured, weakly gesturing to his right.
Prisha spotted the weapon buried deep within a walker’s skull. Approaching it hesitantly, Prisha grabbed the base of the chair leg and pulled it out with a firm yank. She observed the walker with a morbid curiosity. Was this what had caused such a visceral reaction in Louis? From the age of the walker, it didn’t look like it could have been one of the students in its past life before it turned. Perhaps one of the teachers? Were there walkers the Ericson kids would still recognize wandering round these woods? There was no time to figure this out now. She had to get Louis home. Prisha looked at Louis’ chair leg in her hand. Could she carry it and support him at the same time?
“I can take it,” Louis’ voice wavered. “Chairles. I can carry him- it,”
“Alright then,” Prisha handed the weapon over to Louis. She was surprised at the strength of his grasp upon it. Coming over to his left side, Prisha placed her arm around his shoulder. “We’re going to take things slow. I’ll keep an eye out for danger. You just focus on walking, OK?”
Louis nodded, gulping roughly before he took a shaky breath. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,”
“It’s fine, Louis. Let’s just get home. We can talk once we’re behind the walls,”
It was a little ways home. They’d expanded the traps to a new area of the forest in order to avoid thinning out the rabbit population in any one region too much. It had seemed like a wise decision at the time, but now Prisha was wishing they’d waited to make the change. She could tell that Louis’ strength was faltering. Whatever adrenaline he had summoned to help get the two of them home might not last till they reached the gates.
“Just a little further, Louis. Focus on putting one foot in front of the other,” She could feel his weight increasing against her arm. If he fell, she wasn’t sure if she could lift him back up. She certainly couldn’t leave him in this state, not even to run and get help. We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it,Prisha decided, setting her jaw and pressing onward.
As soon as they were within eyesight of the gates, Willy spotted them. Immediately his eyes widened. “Clem, Aasim, something’s wrong! Prisha and Louis are back early!” He leapt down from the watchtower to help, throwing open the gate and running forward to take Louis’ other side.
Prisha offered him a weak smile. “Thanks, squirt,”
“What’s wrong? Is he bit?”
“I don’t think so. He saw something out there that shook him up. I think if we get him inside to rest for a while, he’ll be fine,” They made their way through the gate together.
Omar immediately closed it behind them. “What can I do?”
“Get Ruby. Also some cold water if we have any,” Prisha instructed.
Omar nodded, running off.
Clementine emerged from the admin building, her eyes wide. “Louis!” She rushed down the stairs, mistiming her steps. Her prosthetic crumpled beneath her, sending her tumbling to the ground. Aasim rushed up behind her, trying to help her to her feet. She swatted his hands away, pushing herself back up and striding forward. As Prisha sat Louis down at the nearest picnic bench, Clementine reached them. “What happened?”
“We ran into a pack of walkers and Louis froze. I don’t think he’s bit. It must be something else,”
Clementine cupped Louis’ face, turning it from side to side, checking him for bites. “Louis?”
Louis was lucid, but seemed ashamed, his eyes lowered.
Clementine peeled off his coat, checking his arms for bites before moving to his legs. When she was sure he was clean, she turned back to Prisha. “What the hell happened out there?”
“I… I honestly don’t know,” Prisha answered, eyes helpless. “He was right beside me joking one second and the next he was slumped on the ground against a tree. I think, maybe… perhaps it had something to do with the last walker he fought,”
An ugly sob escaped Louis’ throat. Bending forward, his head fell into his hands as weeping shook his frame. His hands curled into his dreadlocks, gripping them fiercely.
“Louis,” Clementine sat down beside him, an arm going round his shoulders. “You’re safe, OK? You’re home. I’m right here,”
A.J. had appeared beside Prisha, a confused expression upon his face. “What’s wrong with Louis?”
Aasim put a hand upon his shoulder. “We’re not sure yet. Let’s just give him some space for now, OK?”
The pounding of feet came from the direction of the dorms. Prisha looked up to see Violet barreling towards them. She stopped just short of collision, her breathing shaky. “Willy said there was an accident. What happened? Where’s-”
“I’m here, Vi,” Prisha said, reaching out to take her girlfriend’s hand.
Violet grasped onto her like a vice. “Prisha! Are you… did…”
“I’m not bit,” Prisha’s thumb rubbed circles against Violet’s hand. “I’m OK,” She could feel Violet’s hand trembling slightly beneath her. She hated seeing her so frightened.
Violet relaxed for a moment before stiffening again. “Louis. Is he-”
“He’s here too,” Willy piped in. “Prisha said he’s not bit either,”
Violet’s expression was still somber. Though she couldn’t see her friend clearly, Prisha knew she could hear the sobbing. None of them were sure what to do.
“Clear out, everybody!” Ruby ordered, marching through the group to reach Louis. She observed him for a second before turning to Prisha. “No bites?”
“No bites. We’ve checked multiple times,”
Ruby shook her head, her lips pursed. “This ain’t normal behavior for a bite victim anyway. This looks like trauma. What went down out there?”
“It seemed like a normal herd to me. We were about halfway through when Louis just fell apart,” Prisha sighed, lowering her eyes. “I wish I knew more,”
Ruby turned back to look at Louis. “Give him a few minutes. Everyone but Clem clear out. We can talk as soon as he’s gotten it all out,”
It seemed an odd treatment, doing nothing, but no one dared defy Ruby. They each returned to their respective tasks, Ruby staying nearby and helping Omar with his dinner prep. Clementine stayed by Louis’ side, an arm around his shoulders, gently rubbing his back as she waited for the tears to subside. She hated feeling so helpless. Louis was always so happy amid everything. To see him like this was heartbreaking. She never wanted him to feel such pain. But all she could do was wait and hope that her presence and calming words did some good.
Eventually the tears subsided. Louis looked up wearily, his eyes rid-rimmed and wet. “Clem…” his throat was hoarse. “I’m sorry I scared you. Are you OK?”
“Me? Louis, don’t worry about me,” Clementine placed a hand on Louis’ cheek, wiping away some of the tears. “Are you OK?”
“I-” Louis gulped harshly, the emotions rising within him again. “I can’t talk about it. Not right now,”
“That’s fine,” Clementine brushed a dreadlock out of his eyes. “Let’s get you inside. I think you could use some rest,” They got to their feet together, rather shaky at first but slowly making their way to the dorms.
Ruby bustled behind them. “Will somebody who’s not 4’9” or using a prosthetic leg come over and help?”
Aasim hurried over, taking Louis’ other side. Prisha met them on the walkway, taking Clementine’s place as they led Louis upstairs. Louis didn’t seem as woozy now; he was simply exhausted. His feet dragged underneath him as they made their way through the hallway, approaching the room he shared with Clementine and A.J.
Violet was waiting by the door. She opened it for them, remaining silent as they shuffled inside and lay Louis upon the bed. Once everyone had filed out except Clementine, Violet stepped inside, walking over to where Clem sat on the bed gently running her fingers through Louis’ hair. “I can stay with him if you need me to. I know you were working on something important today,”
Clementine considered the offer for a second. She had been working with Aasim on a strategy with which to approach a group they’d spotted along the riverbank. They hadn’t seen them in person yet but had come across their campsites in their patrols. This wasn’t something that could be set aside indefinitely. “Thanks. I won’t be long,”
Violet nodded. “I’ll let you know if anything happens,”
Clementine looked down at Louis. His eyes were closed, fluttering eyelashes showing he wasn’t yet asleep. His cheeks were still wet with tears, his face reddened from exertion. She couldn’t imagine what had traumatized him so deeply. She hoped he’d tell her later, but only if it would help. Right now he needed to sleep. “I’ll be back soon, OK, Lou?”
He weakly nodded.
Clementine placed a gentle kiss against his cheek before rising to her feet. Unsure what else to say, she left the room.
The meeting with Aasim didn’t last much longer. Both of them knew whatever plan they came up with would be thrown out the window once actual interaction with the group complicated manners. After attempting to plan for several contingencies, they decided to call it a night. Aasim and Prisha would head out tomorrow to meet with the travelers if all went well. With that done, the two of them headed outside to grab dinner.
Everyone at the table was curious to know how Louis was doing. Ruby had gone up to check on him, bringing some food and water up with her. She reported that Louis appeared physically healthy. She expected him to fully recover but couldn’t give them an estimate on how long that would take. She was also adamant that the matter of what traumatized Louis must be laid to rest, only brought up by him if he wished to discuss it. She glared pointedly at A.J. and Willy at that part of the conversation, making it clear that they were the ones she was addressing first and foremost.
Clementine gulped down her food quickly, not really tasting anything as her thoughts were still with Louis.
A.J. watched her worriedly. He’d eaten even faster than her, as usual. “I can sleep in Willy’s room tonight if that’s better for Louis,”
“That’s a great idea, kiddo. It’ll probably be better to visit tomorrow. I bet Louis will be happy to see you then,”
A.J.’s eyes lit up with excitement. “I know! Willy and I will make Louis a get-well card! He’ll love that! Just like when we made one for Omar when he caught a cold!”
“That was very considerate,” Omar noted, a warm smile on his face as he watched the two boys. “If you want, you two can head out now. I’ll handle the dishes,”
“Woohoo!” Willy cheered, jumping up from the table. “Race you to the dorms, A.J.!” With that he was off like a shot.
“Quiet walking, boys,” Ruby called after them, but it was too late. They were long gone.
“Well, I’m going to head up too,” Clementine rose to her feet, grabbing her bowl to clear her spot. “I’ll see you all tomorrow,” With a series of murmured goodbyes following her, she was off. It didn’t take long to reach the door of her room. It was quiet inside. Clementine slowly cracked open the door, peeking inside.
Violet was sitting upon the edge of the bed where Louis’ lay, holding a card close up to her face. “Ah, this fucker. I remember last time I drew this one. You dared me to burp the ABCs. A week and a half into dating Prisha too. Jerk,” She picked up another card, a smile crossing her face this time. “Now this one was the card you drew in the last round you lost. How’d it feel when Aasim made you tell Clem about those three months when your voice couldn’t decide whether to crack or not and everything you said came out all squeaky? Never mind, don’t tell me. I can imagine it just fine,”
Louis lay beside Violet, his eyes open now. One of his hands held Violet’s, leaving her with only one free hand to look at his cards. He was still silent, but seemed at peace now, at least externally.
Both of them looked up at Clementine as she stepped into the room.
“Sorry to interrupt,”
“Nah, I was just telling Louis about some stupid shit to help pass the time. I can head out if you want,”
“Or you can stay,” Clementine looked to Louis, but it was impossible to get a read on his emotions.
“I’ll head out for now,” Violet gently slipped her hand out of Louis’. “See you tomorrow, Lou,”
“Prisha’s still outside if you’re looking for her,” Clementine offered.
“Thanks,” Violet slipped out quickly, shutting the door behind her. Clementine knew she’d been worried about Prisha ever since she and Louis had returned to the school. She appreciated her willingness to keep watch over Louis in spite of that. At the same time, seeing Louis like this had probably troubled Violet deeply as well. It wasn’t easy being torn two ways.
Clementine sat down on the bed, removing her boots and setting aside her prosthetic before crawling up beside Louis and slipping her arms around him. She placed a soft kiss against the back of his neck, sighing as she rested her head against him. They were silent together, the only sound in the room the buzzing of the cicadas outside. Clementine could feel Louis’ heartbeat, slow, steady. He would be alright. She had to believe that.
“I saw my dad today,” Louis’ voice came out dry, cracked. “Or at least I thought I did,”
Clementine wasn’t sure what to make of that. Of all the things she’d worried might have happened to Louis, seeing a parent wasn’t one of them. She remained silent, wondering if Louis would say more.
“It was that walker, the one Prisha mentioned. I took it out and then, its face-” Louis choked, the emotions becoming too much for him to handle once more.
Gently, Clementine turned him over so he could sob against her shoulder, his body shaking as she held him as tightly as she could. Softly she hummed to him, the same tune she used when A.J. was young.
It took a few minutes for Louis to still once more. He pulled away slightly, his eyes still watery. “I don’t know if it was him. It probably wasn’t. Just somebody who looked like him. It was an old walker too, all dried up. I’m surprised it looked like anything at all,”
Clementine played with one of Louis’ dreads as he spoke, curling and uncurling it round her finger. He hadn’t talked much about his parents, only a few times in passing since that hootenanny the night before they stormed the Delta. From what he’d said, she didn’t think Louis father had been a very kind man. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t mourn him. The feeling he was recounting was all too real to her. Her right hand tightened round his waist.
Louis was still trapped within his own thoughts. “I used to wonder if they’d come for me, my mom and dad. They had the money and resources to pull it off, either one of them. Still, with the whole word going up in flames at once I guess money didn’t count for shit then. They probably died long ago a thousand miles away from here,”
“It hurts not knowing,” Clementine murmured. “I remember when everything started and my parents were gone, I used to carry around this old walkie talkie at all times. Even though I knew it wouldn’t work that way, I used to use it to talk to them, pretend that Lee and I were going to find them. And when we did…” Her voice trailed off.
Louis’ eyes widened. He’d heard this story before. “Clem, I- shit. Your parents. That’s exactly what happened. You saw them and here I am crying about some stranger in the woods and bringing it all back for you,” He shifted as if to move away.
“No, Louis,” Clementine gripped his shoulders, keeping him in place. “What happened with my parents was a long time ago. This happened today. You don’t have to worry about me. I can handle it,”
Louis looked so unsure. His hand reached out, a thumb running along Clementine’s cheek.
“I can handle it, I promise,” Clementine could feel her heart pounding in her ears. She’d buried that day so deep within her heart. She never let herself dwell on it, never even dared touch it. “I can handle it, I can,” Louis’ hand was warm against her skin, his fingers curled within her hair. She needed a haircut. Clementine felt tears stinging her own eyes. “I-I…”
Now she was the one crying. Louis’ arms were tight against her back, holding Clementine close. She could feel her shoulders shaking but she couldn’t stop them. She didn’t want to be back there in that moment. All the terror, the shame, the despair she felt that day, how could she still feel that pain? Why could it never go away? Her hair felt wet. Louis was still crying too. They were just two kids again, lonely, abandoned, helpless. Clinging to each other.
Clementine wasn’t sure how long it took before she felt herself drifting free of the crippling pain. She reached up blindly, shifting so she could see Louis’ face once more. The depths of fear and love within his eyes centered her. He needed her. And he was here for her. Resting her head upon his chest, Clementine let out a shaky sight. “We’re both fucking messes, aren’t we?”
“I suppose so,” Louis’ fingers travelled down her spin, mapping out each vertebra. “I’m sorry I brought that all back for you,”
“It’s never fully gone. It would have come out sooner or later. I’m glad it was with you,”
“I’m glad you’re here with me,” Louis murmured. “I guess what scared me the most about seeing that walker was wondering which reality I wanted to be true: that my dad is holed up in some underground bunker alive and well or that he died on his way to rescue me,” He was silent for a moment, thoughtful. “Can I ask a question, even if it might be awful?”
Clementine simply nodded.
“Does knowing that they’re dead help?”
There wasn’t an easy answer for that. “Maybe sometimes. I know for sure I don’t have anything or anybody waiting for me outside these walls. Then again, some days I wish I could just believe that they’re alive and happy, not wandering the streets of Savannah like that,” She looked up at Louis. “Wherever your parents are, I know they’d want you to be happy and safe too, no matter what happened between you. They’re your parents,”
Louis’ eyes were turned away, his jaw tense. “If either of them looked for me after all, if that happened to them because of me-”
“Louis,” Clementine held his face in her hands, turning it downwards to look at him. “You’re worth saving. You always have been,”
That’s when she saw it. The same shock and confusion on Louis’ face that had been there when she told him he was too important to lose. Deep down he was still that scared little boy abandoned at the gates of Ericson just like she was a terrified little girl trying to escape the streets of Savannah.
But then his expression shifted. Louis closed his eyes, bringing his forehead to rest against Clementine’s. “You always believe in me, no matter what,”
“You’ve never given me reason not to,”
Louis’ hand drifted over to Clementine’s. They rose together, the pads of their fingers barely touching. “I’m never going to get any answers. Not about my dad or my mom. I’ll be OK though, because I have you,” His eyes caught hers, a small light shining within them. “You and all the others,”
He was going to be alright. Clementine felt a tension loosen within her at his words. “Are you feeling better now?”
Louis was silent before looking back at her. “Is it alright if I’m not? Not yet at least. Not completely,”
Clementine nodded. “Take your time. However long you need,” She pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss. “I’ll be right here with you,”
“I love you, Clementine,” Louis murmured, burying his head in the crook of her neck.
“I love you too,”
The room had darkened as they’d spoken, night creeping upon them. Clementine felt her eyelids flutter shut, the exhaustion of the day seeping out from her very bones. Louis’ breathing was steady and soft beside her. That was all she could ask for. They’d make it through this, just like they had with everything else. They’d continue – together.
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kinghoranshit · 4 years
The Watchers (1D) - 00 Hours
Part 1
I watched the names light up on our hologram. You never wanted to see your name listed. It meant someone put down a sum of money to have you killed during the 24 hour purge. If your name's not on the list, you're free to join in on the hunt or stay in your house; no one could kill you, but the sounds of screams were deafening. The amount of people who turned their backs on their loved ones, both figuratively and literally by killing them, was disgusting. There were even those "friends" who thought it'd be funny to list you.
Now, you're thinking that a purge is such a dumb idea. Want to know what's more stupid?
A bounty purge.
It's the government's way to keep the crime and gambling rates down, and those who may not be fortunate in their social class have a way to level up and gain funds. It became a sport for some. This was the 100th annual year and the names being listed were a lot of celebrities; normally the ratio of high and low status didn't fare this much.
My family and I were in resistance; my mom died trying to protect someone, now it was just my dad and I. We helped those whose names were on the list, not for free of course. We're like bounty hunters, but the opposite. A guard or babysitter sounds so lame though, so don't call me those.
I felt my eyes go wide when I saw all five names that formed One Direction. Who...would do this? They weren't even technically a group anymore; they only just started a virtual reunion tour. They all went solo long ago, so it didn't make sense as to why they would be grouped together. The amount of money put on their heads was ridiculous. Sadly, I didn't see them making it through the 24 hours, unless they have some great body protection, or are suddenly kickass in combat.
The blue hue to the hologram disappeared and it was silent darkness for a while. There were so many bounties this year. It was obvious that they didn't have a limit for the 100th year. There wouldn't be enough of us. Our organization, The Watchers, dropped by a third because it was such a significant milestone year for the bounty purge. I guess people became afraid again.
"Katie," my dad stated.
I sat up and looked at him. "Yeah, what's up?"
"You're being assigned to Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne."
I blinked my eyes a couple times then cupped my ear for dramatic effect. "I'm what? Say that again."
"Modest!, their management, has contacted The Watchers and asked for you specifically. I guess they must've seen how well you kept Selena Gomez safe last year."
Yes, this work has lent to meeting celebrities, but the conversation doesn't tend to get that far. Last year was Selena Gomez, and the previous was Brie Larson. Both were troopers, especially Brie, she was fun to hang out with when we weren't fighting others. She still messages me every now and then when she's not working.
I cleared my throat. "That's...dad, they've got the largest sum I've ever seen for a bounty. You know how many people will be going after them?"
He smirked. "Is...Katie Lee..scared of hunters?"
I scoffed. "No, I'm not. I just know when my odds of keeping said assignment safe are high or not."
"Sorry, kiddo, there's no getting out of this one. They've prepared to set you up on a hidden bunker and arm you with anything you need if someone happens to find it."
A hidden bunker? Any weapons I want? That doesn't sound like a bad negotiation. I've definitely been dealt with less advantages.
The hologram started up again and it was one of the leaders, Rump. A cynical grin played on his lips. This couldn't be good. It was never good when his face appeared.
"Hello everyone, now that the names have been presented, we would like to bring in a new factor to the 100th year of the bounty purge. Instead of 24 hours, it will be 72 hours. That is three whole days to find your prey and get your prize. Let the purge commence in 48 hours."
For once, I felt sick to my stomach. Is this what fear felt like? Three days to keep these five boys alive? Let's hope no one trying to kill them were great trackers or hackers; if the base was hidden well enough, I could set traps outside and inside. That was going to be a must with the new circumstances.
My teeth clenched and I let out a deep breath into my fists. I sat there thinking for a little bit longer. If I was going to even manage to keep a few of them alive, I needed to leave tonight.
I stood and went upstairs to pack the essentials; I don't care if I have the weapon vault of my fucking dreams, I will never leave my crossbow at home. Every save I've had over the last eight years has been with this crossbow. When I came back into the living with my duffel bag slung on my shoulder and crossbow in hand, my dad actually had a look of worry etched into his face.
"Be careful. I know The Watcher's word is 'assignment comes first, you come second', but if it becomes too much, you get yourself out of there, okay?"
"Dad..." I trailed, at a loss for words. I've never heard my dad speak against The Watcher's word.
"You hear me?" he pushed.
I cleared my throat with a nod. "Yeah, dad. I do."
He pulled me into a tight hug. "Good. Your transport should be here any moment."
I pulled back with a small smile. I was well aware this could be the last time I saw him, but I couldn't bring myself to say the three words. It was a mutual thing we both had. We knew we both loved each other.
I peeked out the front window to see the black sudan parked in our driveway. I gave my dad a peck on the cheek before I slipped out the front door and jogged to the sudan. I opened the driver side passenger door and threw my bag and crossbow in first.
"Please state your ID number," the driver ordered.
"Watcher 402, Katie Lee, reporting for duty."
Carl smirked. "Perfect."
"That never gets old for you, does it Carl?"
He shook his head. "Never."
I laughed and buckled myself up. I pulled out my tablet to find the recent file sent to me. It was everything I needed to know about my transport, the bunker we'd be hiding away in, and the contact info for the supplier.
"So...who are you babysitting this year?"
The driver's never get told who a Watcher's assignment is for reasons. But I've known Carl for years; he was always the one who took me to the helicopter.
I still answered, out of precaution, "An important band. That's all I'm saying."
"Really? A certain boy band?" he mocked.
"You know I won't say the name, but yes that one boy band."
"That'll be fun, I'm sure."
I rolled my eyes in response.
I busied myself with contacting the supplier to get my vault sorted. This was definitely the most reinforcements I'ved used. I felt probably an unsettling amount of excitement to get my hands on everything. I knew that in the line of action I would be less thrilled.
The helicopter landed on the last minute created pad. It was a circle created by rocks; a majority of them were like this. I knew that we were in upper Minnesota, near the lakes. I snatched my duffel and crossbow as I got out of the helicopter and followed the other Watcher that had been waiting for me. Now, I was guided to a different car that drove off deeper into the forest.
It looked secluded enough by the trees; the bear traps were going to hide perfectly in the bushes. And if that didn't stop them? I knew that the wiring, jumper cables, and car batteries were going to work wonders for every door and window, along with strips of nails at the edge of the entrance if they happened to surpass everything else. And if they also bypass that? Well, they'll have to go through me.
I'm going to Home Alone this motherfucker up.
I was guided to the front of the house and my jaw dropped at the beauty of the steel siding and roof. Okay, the blueprint did not mention the steel exterior. And from where I stood I could see the small security cameras. There's no way they just built this in a matter of a day. This has had to be used in prior purges.
I walked up the stairs and through the front door. It was...way too fancy. Glass tables and lighting fixtures everywhere, grey couches, a fucking duve in the bathroom, and multiple bedrooms.
What was I so worried about?
I dropped my bag off in the room that had my name on the door and then saw that the rest of the members also had their own rooms. There was one name that I didn't recognize so I went to the door and knocked. It just slowly opened by itself and I peered in.
There stood, a bubbly redhead. She jumped from being startled. "Oh! Hi, I'm Maddy, the onsite medic. You must be Katie, our Watcher."
I furrowed a brow. "Uh...Yeah, I am. This place is a fucking fortress. Why am I here?"
She laughed under her breath and continued to unpack her items. "Every fortress has a fault, and they always like a backup plan."
They must be Modest!. It was clear that this wasn't Maddy's first purge hired under them. Who else has been under their company that they had hidden here? I've never been on an assignment where they had an onsite medic ready.
"Fair...do you know where the band is at? I'm going to need their help."
"In the kitchen, I believe. I will be down to help as well. My station has already been cleaned and prepared."
That was eerily comforting to hear.
"Okay," I replied and left her to her own devices.
I didn't bother unpacking yet. I probably wouldn't to be honest. Getting comfortable never sits right with me. The voices grew louder and louder as I grew closer to them. It was clear they were having a good laugh despite the circumstances as to why we were all here.
I cleared my throat and they all stopped to look at me. I gave them a small wave. "Hi Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam. I'm Katie, your Watcher for the duration of this purge."
"A girl? They hired a girl, who looks to be younger than me, to keep us safe?" Liam remarked.
"Mate," Niall and Louis breathed and shook their heads.
I chuckled and stalked up to the brunette who currently had his hair looking like 2014 Harry.
"I can't make you like me. In fact, that's not part of my job description. But you should reconsider... My crossbow can manage a mile range and shoot three arrows at once. I can also build a gun in under a minute, have practiced in the art of knife throwing...and I have been known to get my hands dirty in a physical fight. What can you do to keep yourself safe, Liam boy?"
The other four held in their own snickers. Liam didn't flinch in the slightest. If anything, his "tough" exterior only hardened, which just made him look even weaker in my eyes.
"I don't buy it. Modest has to be messing with us."
I smirked. "I know your ass will be calling my name, begging me to protect you, as someone tries to machete your body to pieces. You better start playing nice, mate." I stepped back and gestured to the rest. "Come on, troops. We need to set up the traps."
Luckily, Zayn, Louis, and Maddy quickly picked up on how to set up the bear traps so I put them on that duty while the rest of us stripped the entrances with nails. Of course, I knew the risk of having them set the traps rather than myself, but there was a lot to do before tomorrow morning. An hour before the purge starts, I'll set up the electrical traps. Since there were steel doors that locked down, I planned to set the electric currencies in other spots.
I familiarized myself with the layout of the rich bunker as much as I could and the security camera room. Yes, there was an entire room dedicated to the security cameras. My vault was hidden in four different locations so I'd have something at any given moment.
That evening, we were all chit chatting at the dinner table, eating the grilled chicken and potatoes Niall cooked. This was probably one of the best meals I've had the night before a purge; it was weird to feel so at ease. I knew not to get too comfy.
"So Katie, how old are you?" Louis prompted as he took a swig of his beer.
"Yeah, you seem too familiar with all of this. How long have you been a Watcher?" Niall concurred.
I laughed under my breath and dropped the fork onto my plate. "Uh, well...I'm twenty-four, and this has been my life for as long as I can remember. Both of my parents were Watchers themselves. I started assignments when I was fifteen."
"Woah," Zayn remarked. "How many have you killed?"
"That..." I coughed into my hand and ran a hand through my hair. "Hard to say...I don't like to keep track."
Louis leaned back in his chair and looked down at his lap. "How many do you think you'll have to kill for us?"
I raised my brows in surprise. "With that sort of bounty over your heads, your guess is about as good as mine."
"Fuck," Niall scoffed and jugged the rest of his beer.
"To be honest, I've never felt this confident going into a purge. And we've got Maddy for any injuries, it doesn't seem like her first rodeo either."
She smiled sweetly and shook her head. "It's not, but...I've never actually had to jump in. This bunker has always held up."
"Hear that?" I asked. "It'll be..." I trailed off. I couldn't make any promises, even if our odds did seem to be in our favor. "It'll be just another purge."
That wasn't what I mean to say either. Their facial expressions right now broke my heart.
I clapped my hands as I stood up. "Okay, I say we all get to bed now. It will be an early start."
They all nodded and put their dishes away before going to their assigned rooms. Liam sat on the couch by himself. He didn't join us for dinner, nor did he eat. If he wanted to be a loner during this, then I'll treat him as such.
I padded over and sat down next to him.
"You know I'm only here to help. If you hate me, that's fine, but you need to be a team player for the rest."
Once again, he stayed silent. I truly didn't know what his deal was. I wasn't the best at reading that side of a person's mind. I pursed my lips before I got up and went to my own room.
I slipped into my own pjs before I did a few meditations. I set my alarm for six in the morning, the purge started at eight. This is all I have ever known. Preparing every single year to risk my life for someone else's, to defy against this ridiculous event, and if I died this year, it wouldn't be in vain.
Next part: 24 Hours
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yourdearhart · 4 years
Louis’ Self-worth (pt. 1)
Part 1: The Physical Aspect
*spoilers for the manga below*
I know I’ve made “Louis is pissed about being an herbivore” jokes on here, but mainly in that “haha no really” sense. Louis does hate being an herbivore. I think this is something that was instilled in him from the earliest possible age, watching the carnivores who caged him, and those who came and went and ate his friends; watching those friends be dragged away, and being helpless to stop it. He and the other herbivores were defenseless, and we know how, as a teen/adult, Louis hates being weak. The path between those two things is a straight line. 
Everything about him is built to flee and run at the first sign of trouble, and he despises it; Louis wants to fight. He was raised as food and seen as nothing more than a product; is it any wonder he grew to hate that product, the body that marked him for death? He hates carnivores, presumably because he developed a prejudice against them after what was done to him, but we know he gets past that. He does not get past his self-loathing over being an herbivore.
This is part of his trouble with Azuki: he despises himself and his body so thoroughly that when he looks at her, a fellow red deer (a fact he notes twice in his narration of their intimacy), he sees all the things about himself that he hates the most. He even calls it out during their rendezvous at the hotel:
Louis: Our thin and weak bodies intertwined... [emphasis mine]
This is not the first time Louis complains about his body’s weakness. After he fractures his leg during rehearsal for Adler, he berates his physical failures.
Louis: It seems like the more I exert myself, the more my body fails me...I know I wasn’t born with a body designed for battle. I’m built as food for carnivores to capture and devour.
13 years after he was rescued from the livestock pen, Louis is still painfully aware of his place in the natural world, and he resents, seemingly, everyone for it: carnivores for their urges, herbivores for their prey instincts. He’s disgusted with the part he plays in the natural order, and he pushes his body to the breaking point trying to be other than he is.
Repeatedly throughout the encounter with Azuki he has to tell himself this is normal, as if he’s trying to convince himself to be attracted to another deer. As we know, he fails, and his revulsion to attempted intercourse with another deer is so strong he has a physical response (throwing up).
Louis: This is normal. Nothing about this is strange. The only thing that’s strange is me. That’s why this situation is making me feel so uncomfortable.
What is he drawn to instead? Juno-- a fierce and deadly carnivore, a gray wolf. An image of strength. Also, for the record: a natural predator of the red deer.
Louis, to Juno (“Our Electric Cardiogram is a Straw Ripped to Pieces”): “You shouldn’t be ashamed of your hunting instincts because you’re a female.”
Louis (“Her Breasts so Translucent the Light of the TV Passes Through Them”): She [Azuki] doesn’t kiss like Juno...nothing in her mouth resembles those rough canine teeth.
Early in his acquaintance with Legoshi, he also remarks on his physicality, observing how even casually, even when Legoshi is trying to stay the wallflower that he is, Legoshi’s form projects strength and vitality.
Louis: “Your body is always flaunting its power.”
It’s easy to see that entire exchange with Legoshi in the leader room being tinted with envy. Louis hates Legoshi because Legoshi has what Louis wants: a body that can fight. If Louis could fight, he wouldn’t have been a victim. If he could fight, he wouldn’t have to be afraid, he wouldn’t be looked down on by carnivores, or pitied for his prey body. Louis is fiercely independent (to the point of getting angry with peers who sympathize with him after he lands in the infirmary), and for him, being a carnivore would increase his ability to walk alone.
What does he hate? Carnivores who try to hide their strength, who pretend to be weaker than they are.
Louis: “I wish you’d stop holding back all the time...I want you to bare your fangs!”
Legoshi: “No! I’d be breaking the law. A carnivore is forbidden from bearing its fangs at an herbi--”
Louis: “Don’t you dare lump me in with the other herbivores! ...It’s large carnivores like you who piss me off the most! ...I wish you’d challenge me sometimes--with everything you’ve got!”
When carnivores try to hide themselves, Louis’ feelings are threefold:
They’re trying to lessen themselves to make him feel safe, as if he needs to be coddled or protected, as if they need to dilute themselves for his comfort (as if he could forget what they are because they’re hiding their fangs).
They’re striving to be something weaker than they are. They are crafting themselves into an image of something Louis finds detestable--a weaker animal.
They’re hiding gifts he envies. Louis wants to be strong and deadly, so to see a predator pretend to be otherwise feels like seeing things he wants gifted to someone who doesn’t appreciate them.
I believe quite a lot of this ties into his early childhood. As I’ve discussed before on this blog, Louis openly admits to himself that his time in the livestock pen deeply scarred him, and is still affecting him at present. At one of his lowest, weakest points--when Legoshi, one of Louis’ only friends, is going to die in the fight with Riz and Louis is helpless to stop it--he calls back to that time when he was at his most helpless:
Louis: The fawn inside me is still crying in his cage.
Louis despises being an herbivore, because he sees them as weak, cowardly, prey. Having been raised for consumption, and been unable to help himself or his friends escape their fate, he can’t help but hate the body that failed him, which is why he can’t manage to make himself be attracted to other deer. Knowing he will never be as strong as a carnivore, Louis has poured his efforts into obtaining power in other ways: weapons, political power, intellectual prowess, a forceful personality.
This may also be why he was less than hysterical about losing a leg. Saving the life of his friend is the best thing his body could be used for, since it’s never been any use to him.
We know that Louis gets over his hatred of carnivores. This realization contributes to his decision to leave the Shishigumi, and it’s a powerful moment for him, coming in tandem with realizing he considers Legoshi a friend, and is afraid that he’s going to be hurt or killed in the fight with Riz. But his hatred of his own body and instincts continue--sometimes, it’s easier to forgive others than ourselves.
I’ve broken this into two parts because this has already gotten a little long and I don’t want you to have to scroll for miles to get through this.
See Part 2: The Mental Aspect here
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wordywarriorwrites · 5 years
Chapter 17: Deliverance
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn  A03 Story Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites​ Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration with the prompt, “Why did you do it?” & @sherrybaby14 Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge with the prompt, “Show me. Prove that you can handle me.” Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities. *Re-blogs are welcome. Plagiarism isn’t. *
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Twelve Weeks Later…
Grand Bahama Island was nothing short of paradise.
Clear-blue waters and sandy shores. All-inclusive resorts, fantastic cuisine, and a population that consisted of friendly locals, old money, and the nouveau rich. Privacy, exclusivity, and luxury, all wrapped up in an idyllic package.
And now, Bucky owned a piece of it.  
The deed was discovered inside an understated, navy-blue letter storage box. It had been found crushed at the very bottom of the heap of customary tributes and gifts Bucky received on his birthday. Banner, Sam, and Natasha had been helping him sort through everything and write thank-you notes for weeks, and they were finally in the home stretch.
Those lower on the totem pole gave cash or a nice bottle of booze. Others higher up on the food chain arranged to foot the bill for more extravagant things, like a tailor-made suit or a custom watch. People at the very top spared no expense, and usually gifted items like a trip to a destination of his choice or an imported car, but in this instance, someone had decided to give him a multi-million-dollar mansion just off the coast of Florida.
“It’s from Fury,” Banner declared. “Paperwork’s legit and the place is legally yours.”
Sam let out a low whistle, “That’s one hell of a birthday present.”
Natasha opened the final envelope from the pile and pulled out a stack of papers, “And here’s another.”  
Bucky quickly scrawled a personalized message to Fury before he set his pen aside and accepted the file. The pages had little sticky-note flags that drew attention to each place that required a signature, and all corresponding lines had been properly dated, initialed, stamped, and notarized.
It had taken awhile, but Steve finally signed the documents, and had formally stepped aside.  
“I hope you’re happy now,” Natasha muttered.
Bucky sighed and turned to Bruce, “Take this directly to Wanda, and tell her to transfer the money as discussed. Sam, go with him. I want you both back here and ready to leave in thirty minutes.”
Both men nodded and hopped to it, and once they were gone, Natasha crossed her arms over her chest and gave him the stink-eye. He pointedly ignored her huffiness, left the office, and went to double-check his luggage. He, Sam, and Bruce were due to fly out to Bermuda in three hours to set up shop, and after Bucky made sure he had everything he needed, he left his bedroom, and dropped the bag by the door.
“He’s gone,” Natasha snapped as she entered the living room. “Are you satisfied?”
“Don’t start,” he warned.  
“Given enough time, you two could’ve taken the whole of New York. You could’ve been an unstoppable, untouchable powerhouse, and your influence at home and abroad would’ve been limitless.”
“He wanted his freedom,” Bucky bit out lowly. “And I granted it.”
She laughed and threw up her hands, “Well, if you won’t have him, others will. I know some guys here who’ve been chomping at the bit for years, and they just can’t wait to get their hands on him.”
Somewhere on the fringes of his brain, he heard Natasha point out that Steve was smoking hot, filthy fucking rich, and had that whole “wounded, bad-boy” thing going on – all of which his future bedmates would find exceedingly attractive. She also surmised Steve was bound to fall in love again eventually, and might even get married someday. Natasha then went on to say she hoped to be invited to the wedding, and that if Steve and his future husband ever adopted children, she would be the best auntie.
Bucky wasn’t entirely too sure how it happened. One minute, Natasha was prattling about baby clothes, in-home nannies, private schools, and how expensive college tuition was; the next, he had her by the throat, and slammed up against the wall. How the gun got in his hand was a mystery, and he didn’t know how the barrel ended up pressed to the center of her forehead, either.
All it took was one look into her triumph-filled eyes for Bucky to know she’d keyed him up on purpose. Natasha was the only person in his life he truly trusted and cared for, and Bucky had never raised a hand to her before, but his violent overreaction was proof he’d let his emotions overrule his reason yet again.
Bucky immediately released her and lowered the gun, “Nat… Shit, I didn’t…”
“An unacknowledged weakness is a dangerous thing,” she wheezed.
He cleared his throat and took a step back, “I just… I need you to leave it alone, alright?”
Natasha closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall, “What you need to do is nut up, go to Steve, and beg for his forgiveness. You know he belongs here with you, so, stop fighting it.”
The long stretch of heavily-weighted silence was broken by the return of Sam and Bruce. Both men had been laughing and chatting excitedly about the upcoming trip, but when they saw the cannon in Bucky’s hand and the abrasions around Natasha’s throat, they fell silent.
“Everything cool?” Sam wondered.
Natasha coughed and waved him off, but it wasn’t until Bucky holstered his weapon that the tension dissipated. While Banner examined Natasha, Sam approached him, and asked if he was all good.
Bucky nodded and clapped him on the shoulder, “Just a misunderstanding. Won’t happen again.”
A few moments later, a text announced the arrival of their car, and as it was Sam’s job to ensure it was actually their ride and not some sort of ambush, he shouldered his rucksack, and headed down first. After Bucky received the all clear, Bruce picked up his duffel, mumbled that travelling with the Boss was a pain in the ass, and followed suit.
Bucky gathered his bag and told Natasha he’d text when they landed. He’d been waiting in the hallway for the elevator for some time before the door to his penthouse opened, and she came out to join him.      
“Can you forgive me?” he requested solemnly.
“Bring me back something pretty and I’ll consider it.”
“Just let me know what kind of jewels you want.”
Natasha said, “diamonds and rubies,” and on the heels of her quip, the elevator door parted. As they descended, she linked arms with him, placed her head on his shoulder, and confessed she didn’t want him to be alone. When he pithily told her that she’d end up with wrinkles if she didn’t stop worrying, she pinched his bicep hard, and called him an asshole.
Bucky grinned and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “Stop busting my balls, alright? I’ll be fine.”
Whatever she may have said by way of response was cut off when the elevator signaled that they’d reached the ground floor. The driver was quick to stow his bags and open the door for him, but before he could get in the back seat, Natasha tugged his arm, and halted him.
“Just promise me,” she insisted. “Promise me you’ll think about what I said.”
Bucky was saved from having to lie to her when Sam leaned out and yelled that they needed to get a move on. The last thing he heard before Natasha slammed the door in his face was, “Steve’s in Île Saint-Louis,” and her blurted declaration caught not only his attention, but Bruce’s as well.
“That’s not good,” Banner spluttered. “If Steve’s in Paris… Oh, that’s bad. Very bad…”
Sam glanced at him and made a motion with his hand for him to continue, “You want to fill me in?”
Bruce launched into what could only be described as an impassioned tirade that lasted for the entire drive to the airport and all the way through take off.  
He informed that Mason Dubois, the only child and beloved son of multi-billionaire and former mob Boss, Luc Dubois, lived in Paris. They were direct descendants of Jules Bonnot, who founded the Bonnot Gang in France in the 1900’s. Luc had followed in his ancestor’s footsteps, but unlike Jules, he hadn’t been an anarchist, and he’d never been caught. Before his untimely death, Luc ran the biggest game in the country; when the father passed away, the son stepped in, and his political ties, fortune, and Bonnot lineage meant he had more money, status, and power than God himself.
It was common knowledge that the Hornec gang was the most active and notorious crew in Paris, and though Dubois received a cut of the profits, racketeering, drugs, and illegal slot machines weren’t his stock and trade. He and his associates were definitely upper-crust, white-collar criminals, and they were extremely well-funded and very well-connected.
Sam still couldn’t see what the problem was, which prompted Bruce to reveal that Mason Dubois was Wanda’s cousin by marriage. He’d been in town the night of Bucky’s party and Wanda had introduced him to Steve. They were both in the business, knew some of the same players, and had common interests. Mason was also considered one of the most eligible bachelors in France, and for all intents and purposes, Steve was single as well.  
The not-so-subtle implications of Banner’s long-winded diatribe made Bucky close his eyes and pinch the bridge of his nose. As soon as the plane landed and they got checked in to the resort, he retreated to his suite, and poured himself a more than liberal drink.
Bucky had done the impossible. He’d reclaimed Brooklyn; restored his people’s confidence in full; asserted complete control over the West Indies; and had come back from what could’ve been a very costly and fatal mistake. He should’ve been glad his long-term plan had succeeded, but he wasn’t, and the more he examined the reasons for his uneasiness, the more uncomfortable he became.
Steve’s acquiesce to the terms and subsequent departure to Paris meant he’d decided to free himself from the last vestiges of their strained, complicated relationship. He was no longer under any obligation to Bucky or the Families, which meant all bets were off. Wanda could play match-maker all she liked, and as a free-agent, Steve could conduct business -- and climb into bed -- with whomever he wished to.
And there was nothing Bucky could do about it.
His former best-friend, past partner-in-crime, and soon-to-be-lost love of his life was in danger of being taken off the market in more ways than one, and Bucky knew Natasha’s parting words had been a last-ditch effort to make him come to terms with it. She wanted him to not only admit his feelings, but also face the consequences of his actions, and repair the damage.
If Bucky had been honest – if he’d, just once, put Steve first – maybe things could’ve been different. If he hadn’t pulled him back in; hadn’t lifted him up just to screw him over; hadn’t betrayed him and rejected him and broken his heart so many fucking times…
The sound of his phone going off prodded him out of his thoughts; he’d forgotten to text Natasha, which explained why she’d reached out first, but before he could type a reply, another message came through.
The words, “Let me handle Bermuda,” appeared, along with a URL that redirected Bucky the website of his preferred airline. According to the departure schedule, if he booked the ticket immediately, and hauled ass to the airport, he could be in France just after sunrise. Natasha followed up again mere seconds later with, “You go get him and bring him home.”
Bucky scraped a hand over his face, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. With his heart somewhere in the vicinity of his fucking throat, he penciled himself into first class, checked in before he could change his mind, and called down to the lobby for a car.
Though the prospect of an uncertain outcome terrified him, Bucky was going to Paris, and in twelve hours, he’d know for sure whether or not his change of heart was just in time, or far too little, and much too late.
Chapter 18: On Va Voir
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​​​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @captain-rogers-beard​ @lilliannaansalla
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Much to your surprise your felt the opposite of disgust from Jooheon’s words. You were excited, for the first time in a while you were needed and semi wanted, even if it wasn’t in the best way, you still were. You’d finished your breakfast, but you didn’t know how you managed to concentrate on eating when Jooheon’s fingers traced your upper thigh constantly. You’d try to shoo him away, not wanting to be a dripping mess all day but he didn’t care.
He slips his hand inbetween your legs, leaving his hand just high enough for you to feel the heat radiating off his palm but not high enough to touch your sensitive areas. You let out a small annoyed groan. You hated being teased. Right after the sound escaped your lips you remembered you were surrounded by 6 other men who stared at you, curiously.
“I don’t have anything to wear tonight” you coughed, covering up the touches.
“It’ll be taken care of.” Shownu tells you with a nod. “Be ready for 9pm" he says, walking away from the table.
Looking at the clock it was only 10:30am, so you went to one of the three places you’re allowed, the living room. Sitting down you grabbed the remote to get lost in a drama. Halfway through the first episode you were joined by a skinny blonde haired man, you were pretty sure his name was Minhyuk.
“What are you watching?” he asked you.
“Strong Girl Bong-Soon" you answer, eyes never leaving the screen.
“Ah that’s a good one" he says. You were about to answer when you were both distracted by loud footsteps coming into the room.
“Min, we gotta go" Kihyun yells, gun in his hand. Minhyuk quickly jumps up, pulling a gun from the back waistline of his pants.
“Get in Wonho's room and don’t come out until someone gets you" Changkyun growls before following the other two out. You sat there shocked for a moment, until you heard more gunshots. You scrambled off the couch, racing to the stairs before locking yoursnothing Wonho's room. You ran to the little nook between the wall and your bed, hiding away.
It felt like hours before the gunshots stopped. In reality it had only been a few minutes. You were terrified. You didn’t know if one of them had been killed or if all of them had been. You panicked a little more at the sound of your doorknob rattling. You squeezed yourself in the corner as much as you could as the person on the other side worked ferociously to unlock your door.
Once they got it, the door swung open, hitting the wall. You held your breath, scolding yourself for making the smallest movement. You wanted to close your eyes so badly but you couldn’t. You had to know who is was.
You heard nothing but the sound of a breathy chuckle.
“Found you" a man with a gold tooth smiles. You let out a blood curdling scream at the sight of the man with a gun. “I was wondering what my men meant when they said MX took a girl home. They don’t do that unless it’s to torture them. Or fuck them and then kill them. But you’ve seemed to have them wrapped around your fingers” he says, eyes never leaving yours.
“I-I.. n-no I d-dont" you stutter, terrified of the man.
“Well we’ll see how they react when they find your lifeless body in here" he chuckles, reaching out to grab your hair and yank you towards him.
“Please don’t" you screamed, kicking your legs in an attempt to escape from the man.
“Shut up bitch" he growled, slapping you hard in the face before releasing your hair. Just as he was about to give you a good swift kick to your ribs, theres a gunshot and he collapses to the floor, groaning in pain and holding his lef. You then look up to see Jooheon standing there, tucking his gun away before walking over to you.
You sat there with your knees pulled up to your chest as Jooheon kneels infront of you.
“Are you okay baby?” he asks, cupping your cheek in his hand. You wince at the warmth of his hand against your sore cheek.
“Did he hit you?” He growls. A tear rolls down your cheek as your nod your head yes.
Looking back at it, Jooheon can see the bruise starting to form and the blackness around your eye.
Before you can even stand up the other 6 men are standing in the doorway. “Take him to the basement" Jooheon says, his eyes not leaving your face. Wonho and Hyungwon grab the man, dragging him away.
You refuse to look anyone in the eyes, ashamed of the giant bruise forming on your face.
“Did he touch her?” Shownu asks.
“Hit her in the face" Jooheon answers.
“I’m going to fucking kill him" Shownu snaps before stalking off, you can only assume he’s headed for the basement as well.
“I’m fine you guys" you say, head still hanging down.
“Look at us" Kihyun says.
Silently you raise your head, looking at each man very quickly. None of them say anything before exiting the room with an angered look on their faces.
“Get in the tub, relax and have a nap. We’ve got some stuff to deal with before tonight” Jooheon says before leaving a kiss on your good cheek and leaving.
After sometime soaking in the tub, icing your face and sleeping for atleast 5 hours, it was now time to get ready for your first mission tonight. To say you were nervous was a giant understatement.
Shownu had gone over everything with you already. You were to arrive without them as one of the ladies for tonight. You were to wait in the VIP room by the door and greet their “friend” when he arrived. Kihyun would be watching with a sniper from a vantage point. Wonho would be outside of the room as a bodyguard. Jooheon and Changkyun would be there with Shownu closing the deal. Hyungwon and Minhyuk would be patrolling the rest of the club, weapons on hand to make sure nothing was to go down.
He assured you that you would be more than safe. Although they hadn’t known you for long, they all were very fond of you and wouldn’t let anything to happen to you. Their baby, he called you. You smiled at the memory of him calling you that. It had made you feel special.
Luckily for you, they’d called in a professional makeup artist to work on your face since you had no make up here and couldn’t show up with a giant bruise over half your face. The minute she stepped away from you and you looked in the mirror you were shocked. She had given you a smokey eye with a deep red lipstick. The bruise was not noticeable in the slightest and you felt beautiful. You thanked her over and over again before she left so you could get dressed. The only dress hanging in the closet was one even you would likely wouldn’t wear. It was extremely short, tight and strapless. You could almost see your ass cheeks when you walked. You weren’t going to complain though. You only had to grind on the guy and pretend to be interested until he agreed to Shownu’s terms and you were pretty confident you’d be able to handle it.
The boys had already left, talking about how they needed to be there before you, so none had seen you quite yet. You twiddle your thumbs the entire 25 minute car ride back to the club. The closer you got the more nervous you were. You’d tried to calm yourself but it didn’t work overly well.
The car parked at the back entrance of the club and your driver got out to open the door for you. You stepped out in your red Louis Vuitton pumps and walked into the building with confidence.
You’d remembered all the director Shownu gave you and mentioned you’d see Wonho at the end of the hallway. Strutting your stuff, you walked towards him with a little sway in your hips, your nerves completely gone now.
You smirked as you watched his eyes trail your body. He leans in close to you, and gives you a quick slap on the ass before opening the door for you.
The second that door opens, Changkyun, Shownu and Jooheon turn their heads to look at you. Each one with a dirty look on their face and lust in their eyes.
“He’s not here yet baby" Changkyun smirks before patting his knee for tou to sit on. Before you can sit down, you hear 2 knocks at the door, Wonho’s signal that he had showed up.
It was show time.
You stood next to the mans chair as the door was opened for him. The three men stood and bowed as the man bowed back to him. He sits down in the chair before smiling up at you.
“Well hello there" he smirks. “what’s you’re name?” he asked. Shownu had told you to make sure you gave a fake name.
“Hyuna" you smiled with a bow.
“Fetch me a drink and then come sit on my lap" he says to you. You quickly make your way to the bar getting his drink before getting as comfortable as you could on his lap.
You did everything you could to make sure you were doing a good enough job with your part. You stroked his face, wiggled your ass in his lap, nibbled on his earlobe. Anytime you did anything remotely sexual the men tensed up, they were always watching. Their eyes almost shot from their heads rhe moment he began rubbing your thigh. You thought they were going to kill him right there.
“Well I think we can make a deal. Why don’t you excuse us darling. Let the men work now" he says almost pushing you off his lap. Before you can leave the man harshly slaps your ass.
Wonho closes the door behind you and now you feel like you can finally breathe.
“You okay baby?” he asks, resting his hand on your lower back.
“Yeah. I just need a drink and the bathroom. And then a long fucking shower to scrub the stench of his nasty hands off of me" you shudder. Wonho let’s out a chuckle before watching you walk down the hallway, definitely checking out your ass.
Stepping out of the bathroom stall, you turn on the water to begin washing your hands. The door to the bathroom bursts open, scaring you into spraying water all over the bathroom.
You look up to see Jooheon standing there, his eyes dark and needy. He slowly walks towards you, causing you to step back until you’re trapped against the wall.
“I wanted to tear him apart while he was touching you" he growled into your ear. His hands reach down to touch your thighs, slipping his fingers under your dress as you spread your legs slightly for him.
“No panties baby? You’re a naughty girl. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this” he says, gliding his fingers across your pussy.
“Please give me more” you whine as you buck your hips towards Jooheon’s already erect cock.
“This is going to have to be quick baby" he smirks, unbuckling his belt and sliding down his pants just enough to allow his cock to spring free. It wasn’t as thick as Wonho’s but you were dripping at the sight of the length.
“Please fuck me daddy" you moan, jumping up to wrap your legs around his waist. Jooheon lines himself up with your entrance, but instead of easing his way in, he rams his cock inside of you. He quickly pulls back out and thrusts back in, giving you no time to adjust.
He wasn’t lying when he said it needed to be quick.
Jooheon had angled himself in the perfect position to be able to have your clit rub up against him as he fucked you against the wall ruthlessly.
“You’re such a dirty little alut aren’t you?” he growled, pounding himself inside you again.
“Yes daddy, I’m such a slut” you cry as you bounce on his cock, your breasts had fallen out of your dress. Jooheon leans forward, taking one in his mouth to suck on, never slowing his pace.
“Cum for me you dirty slut" he barks. His harsh words quickening your orgasm, the knot getting tighter and tighter with every harsh thrust.
“I said cum whore” he grunted, his thrusts becoming sloppy as his need to cum grows stronger.
“Fuck daddy" you cry out, grabbing onto your breasts to squeeze as your eyes roll back into your head from the overwhelming sensation of the release.
“Cum in my pussy daddy" you cry out.
“Only of you’re going to walk around with my cum in your for the rest of the night" he growls at you.
“Anything you want” you whisper. And with those words, Jooheon releases himself into you, his seed spilling and coating your walls.
Jooheon pulled out of you, and put you back on the ground. You fixed your dress and your makeup the best you could before he grabbed your hand to lead you out of the bathroom. With every step you took, you could feel his cum slide down your legs.
You stopped walking, pulling him to you. “I don’t like how this feels" you whisper in his ear. Jooheon lets out a small chuckle.
“Let’s get you home and cleaned up” he says, pulling you through the crowd and through the front doors.
You finally felt happier than you had in a long time and safe. But little did you know, there were a pair of eyes that had their sights set on you.
And they would stop at absolutely nothing to get to you.
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daydream-hobii · 6 years
Shadows & Wolfsbane | Chapter 13
Genre: Poly!AU; Werewolf!AU; Shapeshifter!AU; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: BTS x Female!Reader; Alpha!Reader, Beta!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Alpha!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Beta!Jungkook
Summary: Y/N is the youngest Alpha in her compound, owning a whole village. She was born by two Omegas, and originally wanted to be killed, but things were changing in her universe. At the end of the year, each Alpha can pick up to 30 new warriors, wolves that have been training, and the youngest always starts. Y/N never really chooses, asks for the ones who were unwanted such as the old or disabled. This time, she picks the strongest seven players among the warriors, and the other Alphas aren’t too happy, but she chose them for other reasons…. Hopefully, they’ll help her with the predicament she’s found herself in….
Warning: Mentions of Abuse, Sexual Assault, Depression, Anxiety; Suggestions of Smut; Read with caution <3
Word Count: 1,242
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Author’s Note: Welcome to Chapter 13! Please let me know what you think of this chapter, I love getting feedback! I hope you enjoyed it!!! ^_^
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     Anger and fear coursed through my body as I watched a couple guards grab Taehyung, Yoongi proceeding to punch them both. Most people think these situations go in slow motion, but not for me. Everything was going far too fast.
     “Y/n, get out of here,” Louis said, shifting to his form and tackling a guard. He was helping us, why was he helping?!
     I watched more and more guards come to take away the seven men I’ve come to know. I stepped forward, my wolf form rising through me but a voice made me stop. Hoseok’s voice….
     “Y/n, run!!” Hoseok shouted, punching another man in the face. “Go!”
     “Jungkook, take her and go,” Namjoon growled, shifting and helping Louis.
     “No!” I screamed, stepping forward, but Jungkook ran over, grabbing me and turning. He had a panicked, broken look to his eyes, making my own nerves soar.
     “Run!” Jin growled out as he kicked and thrashed in a few men’s arms.
     I had to make a split second decision. Go and help, with the possibility of capture, or… to run. Save them later…. Both seemed too painful, but Jungkook was able to pull me away, both of us sprinting. Harou stood there, looking around panicked. Jungkook took the chance to pick her up, running with her in his arms.
     We ran back to my village, the door already wide open. Fire and chaos surrounded the streets, the smells of humans and wolves alike filling my nostrils. There was another scent, something foreign that I couldn’t put my finger on, but all I did was run.
     Jungkook and I ran into the arena, the building eerily quiet. Jungkook set Harou down, running over and pulling the back door open. I knelt down to the small girl who looked terrified, trying to keep myself calm.
     “Harou, I’m going to need you to shift, okay?” I said, wide eyed.
     “What?! Why?!” Harou exclaimed, looking around. “Where’s my mom?!”
     “I’m not sure sweetheart, but we have to leave now,” I warned, listening to feet hitting pavement. Someone was heading towards us…. “Can you shift?”
     “I’m not allowed to,” Harou replied, still fearful. “It’s against the rules!”
     “Please, Harou,” I said, holding her arms. “I’m not leaving you here.”
     Harou hesitated at first, before pushing me away slightly, her body transforming into a smaller wolf. She was still a pup, her white fur and bright blue eyes contrasting against each other. Jungkook and I shifted as well, sprinting out the door, Harou hot on our tail.
     We ran as fast as we all could, reaching the cliff I’ve always liked to stay at. We all froze, listening to the screams and fear from the community behind us. Pure and utter chaos. I listened carefully to here my six boys yelling and fighting, tears welling in my eyes. By the look on Jungkook’s face, he could hear the same thing.
     Just then, soft voices came from behind us, making Jungkook and I turn around, growling towards them. A few wolves came out from the trees, snarling at us. I expected it to be the guards of the council, but was surprised to see humans with large guns following. A couple of them had that strange smell, one that was neither human nor wolf.
     “Y/n,” A woman said, stepping forward. She must be the leader. Jungkook snarled, stepping in front of Harou and I, blocking us. Harou whimpered, pressing her face to my back leg.
     “Don’t do it,” Another man growled, holding the gun closer.
     “We want to take you to our town,” The leader said, making me eye her. “Will you come with us willingly?”
     I couldn’t help but growl at her, low and deep. She knew my answer. The woman sighed, nodding to the men with guns. The wolves surrounding began to growl deeper, making Jungkook glare. Before any of us could run, the guns fired, sticking us both with three strange looking needles. Jungkook whimpered, licking at one.
     My head felt foggy, eyes rolling back as I fell to the ground. Harou’s small voice ran through my head, fear evident in her tone. I tried opening my eyes, seeing Jungkook pass out and wolves surround him. I tried to howl out, but it only came a squeak. Next thing I knew, I was asleep, thinking about how I’ve been kidnapped by the enemy….
     I began to stir, my head pounding. I was under silk blankets in soft pajamas, the sun shining in my face through a window. I felt around for any of my boys, but my hand just gripped more bed. My eyes fluttered open, squinting at the light. I expected to see my room, but instead, everything was so foreign.
     I shot up, my eyes wide and head pounding harder from the sudden motion. The events from when I was awake came streaming into my head. I wasn’t a wolf anymore… I’m not wearing my wedding dress…. The time said it was early morning the next day. I stood up, walking to the window and looking out. This building was on a beach out-looking a large body of water. The sun began to rise, the view gorgeous. On both sides of the beach began a small forest, making me furrow my brows.
     Where am I? Why was I not locked in a dungeon or a cage and tied up? Really, it’s like I’m royalty right now…. I listened to my door open, making me twist around and grab the closest weapon near me: a hairbrush. It was a girl who looked to be an older teenager. She smelled like a wolf, but had ears and a tail permanently attached to her body, making me stare in confusion.
     “Hello! I brought you some breakfast,” She said, her voice a bit high and peppy.
     I watched her set it at the desk in the room, making me eye her with caution. She stepped away from it, giving a bright smile, only furthering my confusion. My eyes drifted to her ears and her tail before reaching her eyes once more, hairbrush still in place. She seemed to understand my confusion, making her chuckle awkwardly, looking down and shuffling her feet.
     “Ah, I’m a Hybrid,” She mumbled, biting her lip.
     “A… what?” I said, squinting my eyes.
     “A Hybrid,” She replied, looking at me with a soft smile. “My dad was an Alpha and my mom was human. Something went wrong in the womb and… well… here I am.”
     She seemed uncomfortable with herself, making my heart hurt. I wanted to comfort the poor girl. I carefully put the hairbrush down, slowly walking to the desk and sitting down. Her eyes glinted with hope as she smiled.
     “I think you look pretty,” I replied, looking at the food tray. “Thank you for breakfast….”
     “You’re very welcome!” She exclaimed, smiling big.
     “Now, now, Annabelle, run along,” A woman sounded, entering the room, making me squint my eyes as the girl, Annabelle, waved goodbye and walked out. “Hello, Y/n.”
     “Where am I?” I demanded, still staring at her. This was the woman from before, the one who took the lead.
     “My name is Sooki,” She said, still standing there. “You’re on the opposite side of the world from your community.”
     “What?” I said, standing up in surprise, eyes going wide.
     “Yes,” Sooki said, nodding her head before continuing. “You could say I’m the Leader of the Traitors.”
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copper-wasp · 5 years
Louis x Protagonist/F!Revenant: I’m Glad You’re With Me
Posted to AO3!
Rating: T
Words: 1,646
Tags: Kissing, First Kiss, Hot Spring, HC that Louis has Heterochromia
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“I’m glad you’re with me,” was the last thing Louis said before the unsteady ground crumbled beneath your feet. You reached up with your free hand, bardiche dangling loosely in your other. Your cry was still stuck in your throat, having not had the time to call out.
You watched as Louis’ arm shot downwards, just managing to grasp your wrist before you fell down into the depths. He pulled you up, grunting with the effort and the awkward position he was in. Once Louis hauled you up far enough, you heaved your weapon-bearing arm up and over, pulling every ounce of core strength you had from your muscles to bring your body back onto solid ground.
You rolled onto your back, legs still dangling over the edge, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves. Turning your head, you saw Louis, leaning back on his elbows, looking up at the red sky.
“Louis?” you said softly, watching as his gaze fixed on you above his purifier. “Thank you, you... saved me.”
He nodded, and from how his eyes squinted a little you knew he was smiling at you.
“You would have just regenerated, you know,” he said with a laugh and you shimmied the rest of your body back further from the cliff.
“I know,” you said, standing on slightly shaky legs, dusting off your skirt. “But I’m glad I didn’t have to. Dying still hurts, even as a Revenant.”
He laughed, a little muffled from the mask, and you held your hand out to help him up. He took it, gently, and you wished that there weren’t gloves between your skin. You pulled him up, reaching to straighten his shirt collar and brush some crumbled stone from his shoulders once he stood before you.
“Besides,” you continued, glancing over your blade to make sure it was still in top shape, “who knows where I would have ended up, and I would have worried about leaving you alone.”
His gaze softened, and you blushed, realizing what you had said out loud. “I’ve been alone many times before, but I... appreciate your concern... for my safety,” he replied softly, reaching a hand up to pluck a large chunk of ash from your hair. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, his exposed fingertips just grazing your cheek, dry and cold.
You were about to reply, but the telltale screams of the Lost interrupted you.
“I guess that made more noise than I thought,” Louis commented, readying his weapon. It was a small group, only four enemies, but two were holding bayonet rifles, your form right in their sights. Sparing one last glance at your partner, he warped, reappearing directly above one of the riflemen, cleaving it in two with a powerful downward strike. Using Louis’ distraction, you readied your claw, red lightning surrounding you before you pounced, drinking in deep the ichor of the Lost, feeling it course throughout your veins, granting you its power.
The last two enemies were ash before they realized what was happening, Louis and yourself taking out one each with your blades.
Wiping your brow, you listened intently for any other sign of incoming enemies. Hearing nothing, you allowed yourself to relax just a little, the pain of the day’s battles crying a little louder from within your muscles.
“Are you okay?” Louis asked, striding over to you. “Do you have any more regeneration?”
You shook your head, having been running a click above empty for the last hour.
“We should consider going back, then. I need your heart healthy,” he continued, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. It would be a bit of a trek back to the mistle, but thankfully the vanquished Lost wouldn’t trouble you.
“We’ll lose a lot of progress, Louis,” you replied, racking your brain for the closest safe haven.
“That’s okay. Don’t make me having pulled my arm out of its socket to save you be for nothing,” he said, and you gave him a withering look, guilt in your eyes. He chuckled, shaking his head at you. “I’m only joking. Let’s head back.”
-:- -:- -:-
You sank down gratefully into the spring, having made a beeline for the warm water as soon as you returned to the cathedral, being waylaid only for a moment by Louis who insisted you imbibe a bead before you did anything else. The sweet taste was enough to erase the pain from your body, and the soothing water of the spring would rid you of your exhaustion.
The constant chill in your bones was something you hadn’t gotten used to yet, missing that decidedly human warmth that your skin used to possess. Louis had assured you that your body would feel normal to you eventually, but it would take time.
You let your eyes close, sinking down into the warm water of the spring until it covered your shoulders. You cracked an eye open when you heard gentle splashing next to you, seeing Louis’ bare torso before he too let the warm water overtake him.
“Decided to join me?” you asked softly with a contented sigh, crossing your legs beneath the water.
Louis nodded, meeting your gaze. “Feels very good after today,” he commented.
You cringed, looking away. “I’m sorry if I caused you any unnecessary stress,” you replied meekly, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your chin on them.
“Stop that,” Louis said, giving you an unimpressed look.
“Stop what?”
“Being so self-deprecating. You have no idea how important you are,” he said, scooting closer to you. “Believe me, I would die and resurrect over and over again if it meant you would be safe. And you still go out of your way to protect me, even though you shouldn’t waste the effort.”
“Louis,” you said, shaking your head. “You’re worth the effort.”
Louis looked at you with an unreadable expression, like he had to make sure he heard you correctly.
“Why are you so considerate of me?” he asked, turning to face you. You felt your cheeks burn, and not from the heat of the water. You knew you shouldn’t have looked at him, but his intense gaze drew you in, left eye framed so nicely by his brown hair.
“You... were kind to me... from the first second we met,” you began, tucking your hair behind your ears. “And you didn’t kick me into a pit or take my friend hostage,” you added, trying to distract him from your flushed face.
He chuckled, and you liked how his eye closed a little when he smiled.
“And you’ve given me a purpose,” you said, words laced with honesty. “I don’t remember what I was doing before I met you, but I know it couldn’t have been as necessary and important as this.” You paused, perfectly timed with a sharp gust of wind swirling the steam around you. “I care about you.”
Feelings were bubbling to the surface of your mind, uncomfortable ones that were most unhelpful. It was even more unhelpful when you felt Louis’s hand on your cheek, tilting your face up so he could kiss you. It was soft and tentative, and you found your eyes closing and lips starting to move in tandem with his.
You pulled away, saying his name as a question, but all he did was give you a crooked smile and kiss you again. You parted your lips when you felt his tongue press against them, feeling high from the metallic taste on it combined with the warmth clinging to your body from the spring. You draped your arms over his shoulders, feeling his hand hook around your waist beneath the water.
Pushing his hair back off his forehead, your lips parted in surprise. His left eye was the ruddy brown that you would see regularly, but the right was a brilliant blue, but with the same deep brown rimming the pupil and spidering out to the edges of his iris.
“So you noticed,” he said with a laugh, eyes closing a little with his easy smile.
“Louis, they’re... stunning,” you replied, your own [E/C] eyes locked onto them. “I wish you wouldn’t cover this one.” You reached your gently to trace your pruning fingertips over his right cheekbone, followed by your lips. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing at your jaw before tracing a line of sweet pecks down your neck.
You felt him inhale against your skin, arms tightening their hold and you had never felt this safe, in either your previous or current life. Cupping his cheeks, you tilted his face up gently to kiss him again, gazing into his multicolored eyes before you let yours close.
-:- -:- -:-
Coco stuck an arm out to stop Yakumo from walking down the path to the spring.
“What the-?” he began, indignant, but the woman shushed him, pointing a delicate finger in front of her. Yakumo’s eyes followed, landing on the two Revenants looking very cozy in the center of the pool. Louis was kissing [Y/N] fiercely, and Coco couldn’t help but coo at the sight.
“Damn,” the redhead began, “Louis moves fast.”
Coco stifled a laugh, turning to look at Yakumo. “What do you mean, fast? They’ve been making gooey eyes at each other for weeks,” Coco replied quietly. “Why else do you think they always partner together to go out into the Gaol?”
“And here I was, thinking I was her type,” he said with a sigh.
“Pretty sure you aren’t anyone’s type, Yakumo,” Coco said lowly, “Especially not hers.”
“Ouch, Coco,” he said with a nudge to her bicep. He groaned, scratching at the back of his neck. “Come get me when they’re done sucking face, would ya?” The woman nodded, watching them with a sly smile for just one more long second before quietly pulling the door closed behind her.
-:- -:- -:-
Thank you for reading!
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worldcakecakecake · 4 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70 I Chapter 71 I Chapter 72
                                                    Chapter 73
“I am incredibly uncertain about this,” Arthur said, yet joining the others in their decreed way.
 The castle seemed more active than it had ever been during this entire war, a rush passing by them or following behind.
 “It’s only obvious I should go,” Feliciano lead this huddle of many worried, trembling or even ready to begin the process. “I was the one who missed the alignment, I’m the one whose prophesied to finish all this and I have the magic necessary that can help me more than any of you in the interludes.”
 “Feliciano, you only but just recently left the birthing room. I don’t think you are yet mentally stable for this,” Kandake tried to walk at his pace, wanting that he would look at her, not just forward, to the room decided would bring their faith.
 “You are bearing!” Louis joined, of the many at the front wanting to keep his speed.
 “All the Queens should be here to take action,” Aldrich said.
 “I am fine,” he tried to make it sound stable, yet it was forced, there was anger, clearly part of the denial. “I am sure the children will be fine.” He gave the jewels a short caress, the only moment he had gotten his eyes elsewhere. “All the Queens will take action. I am only doing my part.” He began to take off the red cape and the jacket he had been wearing, meaning to throw it to the floor carelessly, instead, his mother caught it, part of her refusal, holding and offering for if he still changed his minds in the mere minutes left.
 “Amore, there are so many who could go in your name.”
 “I don’t need anyone to go for me. If I can do it, I will.”
 “But if we loose you, we loose the biggest piece we have in this war,” Herakles said.
 Feliciano took a deep breath, swallowing once again the weight and terror of all this, “I won’t fail.”
 “And if you do…what then?” Vincenzo posed the dreaded question, the one to turn Feliciano’s step into hesitance.
 It was small. Another breath and he continued as he had.
 “Then all hope is gone. Nothing else will be left.”
 Many servants and maids stood beside the room that was decided. They trembled in their eyes, it spread to their clothes, a panic that worsened at the groups’ coming.
 “But I won’t let you down. I know what this means, and I can’t let myself betray the kingdoms.” He raised his hand, with a queenly decree to open.
 Elizabeta held it before it was uttered. “Once you pass those doors, we will understand then that there’s nothing we can do to change your mind. We will start and you will be brought into the Interludes. One last time…are you sure you want to do this?”
 All, even the servants and maids, stared hoping still for other words that could spare him from this, that anybody else still had the chance to offer themselves. With the elongated silence, they wanted to believe it was to happen, coming ever closer for the acceptance.
 Feliciano released himself from Elizabeta’s grasp and used the hand to push open the door, making his way inside. The rest looked between themselves hoping for any new words that could help to get him out of there before it truly began, but now they had nothing. It was as Elizabeta had said, by this point, there was nothing they could do to change his mind. All they could do now was to fulfill their part, heading behind him to begin.
 The room they chose was the one that held the recreational pool. The specific servants who worked there could well count the times it had been used. Feliciano and Ludwig themselves had only been there two times…one of those being in their heated Roseann spring frenzy. All Feliciano could see were the spots they had made love, where they told sweet words, smiled and touched in what they had thought a forever. To Feliciano it was a new shot of pain, biting his lips, peeling himself harshly away from those scenes of memory, a new shade of tears to add to his eyes. No…he couldn’t show this now…especially now.
 “This place is actually gorgeous,” Lovino had to admit.
 And indeed it was a majesty.
 The room was dark, in the solid of the rock that had formed it. The only light was but those of specific jewels. There were three large ones that emitted a pinkish light, at three high points, right above the formations that cascaded new water into the pool below. The rest of these jewels were in the waters, showcasing the depths…perfect enough for one to lay in its infinite…no safe reach to the surface. Some shivered at its emptiness for now.
 Planted fauna, along with small statues decorated it heavenly, a beauty that made many wonder why they didn’t use it more often…and why did it have to come to them using it for a purposed drowning. Distracted they were to not notice how Feliciano already sat at an edge, rolling his pants and taking off his boots, to the side uncaring…he wouldn’t need them dead. He could have swung himself that instant, but he was held by a hand on his shoulder, looking up to meet with his cousin. Herakles turned his head, asking for patience.
 “All right, so, we need someone to stay always at the door, controlling who comes in and even defending if it comes to it,” Lovino loudly told.
 “I will offer myself then,” Louis said, already taking a seating, brandishing a polished and beautiful spear…out of its case for the first time in decades.
 “Us Queens will take the ever watch on Feliciano, as well as necessary mourning,” Arthur said, Elizabeta and Lili joining on his side, creating a sort of shield on Feliciano, to stand strong from that moment.
 “Yet, we are in need of more watchers and mourners for if we are needed elsewhere,” Elizabeta reminded.
 “Then the rest of us will stay here, to act quick if that is to be the case,” Kiku said.
 “Messengers are rallied, and we are prepared to work here,” Aldrich said, in his place along with the rest. He was determined to be a part of this, to be close. All the tables, plans, books, even charms and talismans were there with them, a good space apart from the pool so neither could be disturbed, each in their own mission.
 As they all made their final chats and placings, Lovino headed over to his brother, kneeling beside him, worried glances exchanged…but loving, yet dreading, both beginning to take a synchronized row of breaths.
 “Lovino, I’m already here. You can’t change my mind any-”
 “I know…I…just want to tell you to be safe…I don’t want anything to happen to you…”
 Feliciano smiled, yet a dry hand coming to take one of Lovino’s, the grasp tight and assuring.
 Lovino sighed, “you know what you have to do.”
 “Ever since I decided. I’ve read the chapters like twenty times. I know enough, I know what I need.” He gazed to the water, like a new door before him. “I’ll…do my best…and then I’ll be back before you guys know it,” he confided with such a large smile, the one of their youth, his and now Lovino knew ever shinning.
 “Any idea on where the power will be though?”
 “I’ll look, I’ll do whatever it takes, I know I’ll find it.”
 “Fine and…Feli…” and there was the chest, the musical one, placed right beside him on the ground.
 “I wish I could take it,” Feliciano admitted.
 “I’ll play the melody…perhaps you’ll be able to hear it…perhaps it can help.” He wanted to hope…he wanted to do more.
 “It might… I’ll try to hear it.”
 Lovino smiled…lowering down for an embrace, Feliciano knowing his last physical warmth before he left. It was then Vicenzo and Renata who came down, sharing in it as well.
 “What about…what about the children?” Vincenzo pointed to the jewels.
 “I’ve said it enough times, papa. They’ll be fine.”
 “The body will be well kept, and while Feliciano is surviving in the Interludes with a hold spell, the children will be able to grow as per usual from the magic here,” Renata deemed.
 “I hope so…” Feliciano let his hands caress them, not knowing if they will be in the interludes as his light and belief.
 “We still don’t truly know though,” Louis had to remind.
 “I don’t think someone has ever purposely gone to the interludes while bearing,” Lili added.
 “Well…I’ll come back and be the first one to write about it, I guess,” Feliciano breathed, his feet now entering the water, the cold giving a strong shiver that almost froze his entire body that instant.
 “The time is upon us…who will create and hold the suspension spell,” Vincenzo alarmed.
 “I-” Herakles was to offer, but he was interrupted by the crashing entrance of a messenger. It had been so sudden that Louis had bared her spear at him. The messenger was too frantic to care about the weapon pointed at him.
 “Destro! He has entered Austria!” He shouted, just the alarm that brought them all to hesitance once again. They shared panicked glances, their worry heightened, and a new dread of planning was to come…just as Feliciano was set to leave.
 Herakles looked to Feliciano, and he nodded, the Queen giving the command for what had been a planned leave.
 “And where is Khaos?” Lovino asked.
 “The defenses of the Amazon are crumbling…they expect soon entrance into Spades as well.” The messenger was still breathing heavily, every word more a weight on him.
 Many fretted, halted in confusion on what to do.
 “I’ll head to Greece immediately and begin our protection at the border,” Herakles stood proud, making his way, but not before coming to Kiku, a tight caring hold of his arms before they embraced and kissed.
 “We continue as we have. We create new tactics, new attacks, send orders,” Aldrich tried to calm.
 “There are casters in Italy of old age that wrote to me that they will act on such a case. I’ll message them this instant, perhaps they can join you, Herakles,” Vincenzo stood.
 “There are also casters of equal state and strengths in Japan as well. I’ll tell them to join along,” Kiku said…anything to help his intended.
 “See if there is anybody still in Germany that can go and fight,” Renata joined. She feared how they were in their last resort…sending seniors to war.
 “Arthur, I recommend you start sending reinforcements to the Oralee. It is an easy door for Diamonds that Khaos can misuse,” Elizabeta suggested, and the Spadian Queen began his orders.
 “Amore,” Renata kneeled back to her son’s sitting, who was now held, wanting to also fulfill duties in this fighting, but nothing came from his mouth, the water surrounding his feet reminded of what he was meant to do instead. “I’ll hold the suspension spell.” There were no disagreements and so it was decided. Feliciano held her hands tightly in gratitude.
 Orders and plans began to get shouted, the room now a mess. Lili began organizing a map, putting accord new plans, paths, and locations. “Opa, look,” she pointed and so all noticed the route Destro was taking, new terrors reigning.
 “He’s trying to get to Hearts,” Louis said aloud.
 “More specifically…he wants to come to Berlin,” Lili noticed.
 Some teared, some paced trying to rid of their shake.
 “His plans have long been obvious. What difference does it make that it’s more sure?” Vincenzo said.
 “It shows that there’s a specific purpose,” Lili glances to Feliciano and all knew for certain the main important plot for Destro.
 “He’s heading right to us,” Aldrich said.
 “Then we defend the castle. We make evacuation plans. We can’t let that freak get to Feliciano, especially while he’s in the Interludes,” Lovino appointed.
 “Our time has been shortened though,” Aldrich reminds.
 “Well, fratellino, you better hurry the fuck up then,” Lovino turned to him.  
 “I’ll try my best.”
 “We have to start now!” Kiku deemed it.
 “Hurry, we don’t have any more time to lose,” Herakles said, his last words before he was out of the room, to battle like many.
 “Feliciano, it’s time for you to start getting in,” Aldrich said.
 And so Feliciano nodded, taking his last deep breath before he followed the command of the last king and began a slow submersion into the water.
 No one else could work, no one else could go on with their mission, Feliciano felt all their eyes on him. If it wasn’t for the chill of the pool, for the coming dread of death, it would have bothered him, but it didn’t matter, not now when he was especially close. He could depend on the steps, taking them one by one, submerging only slightly each time. When the water was by his torso, he extended his leg and found no more rock to hold, it was then the vastness he had to take. He turned one last time to all, now so far.
 “Please…be safe,” the last words he heard were those of his father, taking his wife’s side as comfort for what he was seeing, pain like the ones scarred on his body.
 Feliciano nodded, hoping they could see all the love in his bright open eyes, before he faced the water, breathe and he jumped forward without any more delays.
 He was now completely submerged, falling and letting the water take care of his descend however it wanted. He didn’t fight, he didn’t reach, he was not meant to escape from this. Relax…he let it all take him in. Don’t be fearful…sleep.
 There was the constriction, of the water filling his lungs. It would have been painful if he had begun to fight it, but he was going in ease, continuing his fall, now reaching a mid where he could float in an infinite. Slowly did the darkness took him, easing everything until all movements ceased, and he couldn’t control anymore how even his arms and legs fell. He was gone with an accepting seal of his eyes.
 They all watched the rumbling, the bubbles, all to the very last one that surfaced.
 “Renata, now,” Kandake commanded, seeing the opportune moment.
 Renata breathed in, rubbing her hands together, her breath releasing in a pinkish glow in the palm of her hands. Like a blown kiss, it floated and coated the pool, a beautiful pink mist to arise and drape before it fell and reached for the body it was to work on. It took it like a large blanket, draping him all until only a glow on his silhouette was left. Renata’s palm was in the same glow.
 “The hold depends on you. Make sure to always keep it,” Kiku said.
 “With my life if it comes to it,” she held it dear to herself, as if it was her little son.
 Feliciano shone like another jewel of the ones below the pool, but it was still disconcerting…how he was dead… even if  he was meant to come back and was holding to some sort of life  line with Renata’s spell. Their entire future laid on him like this. They were fearful of all the wrong that could occur, of this castle crumbling under Destro’s wrath, of Feliciano never returning from this, of a future enslaved or killed by this menace.
 Arthur hated how defeated they looked…when they haven’t finished anything and Feliciano was just floating uselessly in the pool. “We don’t accomplish anything just standing around here. Feliciano won’t be coming back anytime soon. Come, let’s get to work.” He turned and continued his orders to get the Oralee mobilized, as well as see if there was anymore that could be done to defend the Spadian border that was soon to be breached. And one by one they followed the Spadian Queen’s suggestion, heading to their place. The only who remained in their stare were Vincenzo, Renata, Kandake and Pookie. They didn’t dare leave. They wanted to keep ever watch, as if they could help defend him even if he was in another world…as if they could still reach him.
  Eternal…always in these waters, floating, vast, in a surrounding of nothing. It extended like this, his body in answer to its void. No response, no way to-…wait. It was then that Feliciano realized he was aware, that he knew his body or…soul and spirit, were present in these new waters. He could move his arms apart, paddle his legs, if even slight moves, slow. He tested his eyes, welcoming, adjusting them to what they could see and meet.
 Vast darkness, more so than what he knew the pool had been. The pink jewels were gone, instead, he saw a far blue light, like a moon shinning far off, into a surface. He could see ripples, small, like small stones falling upon it. There was something out there, new and…he could turn his body, energy was coming to him again, he had impulse and he used it to swim upward, now far, a grand effort that for Feliciano was like swimming the length of a full ocean. As he did, he realized that he hadn’t used his breaths…and that he didn’t need them. They didn’t exist here anymore. The closer he got to the top, the more there was this invisible pull, rushing him forward until finally he was released. No splash, no disturbance in this surface. He landed as if he was on solid ground, easy and balanced…even with an infinite depth of water below him. His steps caused only but a small ripple that easily disappeared, and once it was gone, Feliciano came to the realization that he was just as alone, in yet another blanket of darkness above him. No sun, no moon, no stars…no jewels even from the Aces to decorate such dread. That blue light he saw was somehow emanated from the very line that divided the water and this…place.
 Could he…move, walk? He could raise his hands, legs, turn his head. He tested a foot forward. Solid, another gentile ripple. Yes, this was ground he could trust for now to venture.
 As he completely settled straight, he noticed that the jewels of bearing weren’t present…only a haze red that looked more like a simple bruise. Yet, they were in their form and place, still a reminder that they were there. Actually, now that he saw, he had his normal arms, legs, stomach, head. He rummaged his fingers through his hair, still with its curls, feeling the same texture and skin. Even his clothes were the very ones he had taken his dive with. The only difference was all his bruises, cuts and scars were gone, with a small red glow surrounding him, as another light to guide. The realization made him smile, even extend himself upward ready to jump and shout in celebration.
 This had worked! He was in the Interludes! This was surely the first realm.
 He gazed about him, still the same infinite darkness, nothing of the descriptions he had read.
 Where was he to go? What direction could he take? Who could he even speak to?
 He was ready to dash for whatever he could find, to turn and shout if he had to. A sudden blast of white, lightning and shock as he stumbled upon it. Feliciano startled and screamed back at the sudden appearance of a body, floating and resting right before him, all is if he was in the depths of water the person was not actually in. He was from the White Kingdom, deep dark skin, his silvers, pearls and rich white silks from his soldier uniform, swaying along with him in quite a majesty. The body would disappear into a haze, but then he would shimmer again in this sudden crackling of light. Every time it extended below him, a single zigzagged line reaching down, disappearing into vastness.  That glow made him notice another body, deep below in the waters, flying and extending with not a wetness noticeable. This one a woman from Diamonds…the Israeli province he knew, she had the symbols along with her yellows. She also wore her soldier uniform, the same flashes of sparks, only in yellow…deep in rest as the other figure.
 Feliciano waved, tried to do any kind of big movement that could get them to wake up…yet they remained as they were. He dared to reach his hand to touch, but the shocks instantly got him, painful and burning. Feliciano couldn’t believe he could feel such a physical attack…when he was supposed to be dead. He moved back, he felt another shock and burn, another sudden body. It pained to know it was a Heartian, red, from Greece…surely of those sent to aid the fight at the front with Destro.
 As the blazing continued, extending, Feliciano could spot another Whitean, a Spadian, Clubian…several more, making the space glow in quite a beautiful array of colors. They were now everywhere…but not a single one standing as he did, pointing or providing a way. He spun, he fretted, anxious breathing that he didn’t think would follow him here.
 Okay, think, steady your breathing as if you were still alive…what did the book say? What did we talk about with everybody else? He brought his hands to massage his head as he ordered everything in his mind.
 “The deceased enters. The first realm is a mirror lake,” he remembered Elizabeta’s word, clear now once he stared to the endless bottom of this water. It wasn’t mirror-like…he didn’t spot his own reflection…only the other bodies.
 “All resided magic must be released.” Those sparks…how it had no specification…it was just to…release.
 That very moment, the body of a near Heartian boomed loudly, the glow coating Feliciano all in red. The body continued its rest…into haze, then more small sparks, but yet he didn’t awake.
 Feliciano now couldn’t control his breathing as he realized that all these bodies…so many…so many… wearing soldier uniforms…were the dead of the war currently being fought. So many looked so young…so many with badges and seals that showed their hard efforts…a life dedicated…finished in this. Feliciano shivered, tears brimming, close to kneeling him in the loss and misery.
 “This takes a period of four days in our time. A week in the time of the realm.”
 Enough, enough, enough, he repeated to himself in deep anguish, understanding that there was a mission that needed to be fulfilled…and it had a time limit. Even if he managed a passing to the Interludes with the chance of survival, for those once past lives that hauntingly floated around him…there was nothing he could do. He wallowed in the pain and blame…wondering if part could have been avoided if he would have acted earlier, if there was something before everything that could have been key to an easy victory…not to this reach where he had to visit the afterlife.
 Breathe…he had a week in this realm to find whatever answer he could. Even if nothing seemed present that instant…he had to explore, venture and hope that he could find a clue…or even someone.
 He stood, just as a Spadian body flew along him, as he gazed upward and noticed a larger array than before, all from Diamonds. Feliciano swallowed, not wanting to know what it meant.
 Okay, he had to go on. One foot forward, the next following, a pace as if he was strolling through the castle. He tried to keep that singular line, only his gaze turning to the bodies he saw, careful of the lights that shot down.
 Into the depths he went, yet still the only red light that walked singularly in that eternal extend.
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bendy-dreamland · 5 years
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(Warning: chapter contains mild gore, death, and blood, mentions of medical procedures)
“Boris! No, no! What have they done to ya?!”
Henry pulled Bendy away, keeping him from looking at the dead Toon. “Bendy, we need you to get out of here. Mugman, think you can take him back to Candy Corners?”
“NO!” Bendy screamed. “No, no, no! I’m not leavin’ dis spot! Dat’s mah buddy up in dat dang tree! I wanna know why he’s up there!”
“Hey, calm down, calm down!” Cuphead grabbed at the demon, turning him around to face him. “Look at me, brat! If yer gonna freak out, you’re gonna call da wrong sorta attention here! We need to block off da area and get da police in on dis. We’ve got a straight up murder on our hands, and it might be part of our investigation.”
Bendy looked at Cuphead before his face scrunched up as big, black tears came to his eyes. “B-But… Boris is…” He was cut off when the red-themed cup pulled him into a tight hug, rubbing his back. The demon started to cry, wrapping his arm around Cuphead.
Mugman gulped, looking up at Boris before looking at Henry as he approached him. “S-Should we get someone to call the police? I can go back to the shop…”
“Give me the camera I gave you earlier, I’m gonna take a few pictures. Go call for the police, please.” Henry replied, holding out his hand. Mugman didn’t say anything as he took the camera from his person, giving it to the detective before running back to the shop.
He got inside and went up to the counter. “Mike, I need to use the phone, gotta call the cops. We’ve got a possible murder on our hands.” He whispered, not wanting to cause a panic in the soda shop. Mike didn’t say anything as he let Mugman go behind the counter to use the phone.
As the mug was doing this, Henry was taking pictures of Boris’ body. It wasn’t easy, the sight was making his stomach curl, and Bendy’s crying wasn’t helping that unsettling feeling.
In his short time as a P.I., Henry has learned that death was a rare, but possible, event for cartoon characters. He’s learned that death comes in a variety of ways, some worse than others. Cartoon characters can be killed with acetone or Dip, something like acetone except ten times worse, and it’s not a pretty or pleasant death for anyone. Even humans have trouble when it comes to Dip, it burns something terrible.
Another way to die is from a weapon infused or soaked in either of these liquids, but it can’t be a Toon weapon, it has to be a human one.
Then there’s the simple death of a character due to script writing, and sometimes it’s for the best.
The saddest death is when a Creator gives up on a character and just kills them by ignoring them and cutting them off, leaving them to suffer. They cannot survive this way, they can’t continue to be a character, they’re not even allowed to stay alive in Toon World.
One of the worst cases is when Walt Disney and Universal Studios gave up on Julius the Cat, from the Alice shorts. The poor character suffered so much hate from people accusing him of being a rip-off of Felix the Cat that Disney let him be forgotten.
But that wasn’t his fault, he was an Original Idea that happened to be a black cat who was an imp, personality wise.
Original Ideas are the very essence of a Toon, they exist but they have no true form, no way to come to life, until they can make contact with the mind of a Creator. This is how cartoons come into being, this is how they can access the Over World.
When a Creator gets an Original Idea in their head, they draw the character on paper, then animate them. This gives them the kick in the pants they need for something called Life Ink to get them to come to life, to come over to the real world to live as a living drawing, a Toon.
Toons live in Toon World, that’s their home, but they can’t come into being until a Creator gives them life. It’s always been this way, even with comic characters. They exist in Toon World once they are brought to life through the medium they exist in.
Henry has had many Original Ideas he’s brought to life, just like Boris up here. It hurts to see his creation mangled like this, and maybe it’s the shock of it all, but Henry was keeping himself level headed about all this. He had to, he found his friend murdered and he knew that he had to be the one to find out why. Boris was an Original Idea he gave life to, and it hurts to see that someone snuffed that life out.
That made him worry, was something going to happen to Alice, the Butcher Gang? Did something already happen to them… and Bendy? Oh no, what about Bendy?
Bendy was, for the most part, a difficult Toon to bring to life. He was an Original Idea, but nothing Henry did could give him Life Ink. Until Joey took things into his own hands and told Henry that he’d help bring Bendy into this world. The next morning, he found Bendy sleeping at his desk, completely alive. Henry had asked how Joey did it, and all his friend had said was,
‘You just had to believe hard enough, Henry. Belief can make dreams come true, it can make magic happen.’
Lowering the camera, Henry looked over at Bendy, seeing him sitting a distance away, his back turned to face the body. Cuphead was quietly talking to him, patting his back. Henry could still hear crying from his demonic creation. He didn’t blame Bendy, he was reacting how anyone else would after finding the corpse of their best buddy in a tree.
There were loud siren sounds and Henry looked over to see police cars and the police force making their way over. He wasn’t too keen on the cops themselves, especially the ones here in Palomino City, but he was going to need their help.
He watched as a poodle in a chief’s uniform approach. He looked at Henry and cleared his throat, his voice heavy with a French accent as he spoke. “I am Chief Louis Baton, we were called here because of, eh, murder? Yes?”
Henry nodded. “I’m private detective Henry Ross, and the murder victim is my creation, Boris the Wolf.”
Chief Baton looked at him confusion. “You are a Creator?” He asked, sounding suspicious.
Reaching into his pocket, Henry pulled out his wallet and pulled out an ID card. It showed an image of himself from years ago, and had information about himself and his position at Joey Drew Studios. Chief Baton looked it over before giving a nod. “I have heard of you, Mr. Ross, just needed to make sure. Have had humans pretending to be… well… Creators, yes? Trying to sneak into places. Where is the body?”
Pointing up, Henry gestured to the tree and Chief Baton’s face paled, which was funny to see since he was a white poodle. “Mon dieu…!” He squeaked out as a bit of Boris’ entrails slipped out and dropped down, hanging about three feet down.
Henry felt like throwing up as he looked away. “I-I… let me get the clean up crew…” the police officer stammered out as he turned away. The animator looked down at the ground before walking over to Bendy and Cuphead.
“How’s he doin’?” Henry asked as he sat down next to Bendy, only to have the devil latch tightly to him, crying once more.
“Bad.” Cuphead sighed loudly. “What do ya think’s gonna happen, Ross?”
“He’ll be taken to the morgue where the coroner will look him over.” Henry frowned softly. “I know the coroner, he’s a friend, I’ll be able to get information about what happened from him easily.”
Bendy sniffed loudly before pulling away, his face was stained with inky tears. “Please… please figure out what happened… my best buddy’s dead, I can’t…”
Henry pulled him close and hugged him, sighing softly. “I know, I know, it hurts a lot. I wish I hadn’t seen it either. But I promise that I’ll figure out what happened, and I’ll take down whoever dared to kill Boris.”
Golden eyes looked up at him and Henry watched as a small smile came to Bendy’s lips. “I-I’ll hold ya do dat, ol’ man.”
Henry had spoken to several police officers about what he knew of Boris’ body, and he was able to interview both the ram and his wife about what happened. Apparently, they had taken a stroll through the park and the sheep had wanted to sit under the tree for a little break, only for her to find the blood and ink.
Now, that had Henry curious.
Blood and ink do flow in Toon veins, but the problem with the situation is that the blood was too dark, too deep a shade of red to be cartoon blood. Most characters bled a very bright, very loud shade of red, though some bled different colors, and some bled straight up black if they were a monochrome character.
In this case, that was where Boris fell. He was black and white in color, so his blood should be black. But this? Boris had blood that was the same color as that of a human’s, that’s… that’s not right. Did Joey make changes to Boris that were internal rather than external in design? Toons do get upgrades and design changes to match with the times, explains why Bendy wore a colored outfit, but Boris?
Boris was different, he looked just as he had years ago, and was even in his signature overalls. Last Henry had heard, Boris wore a shirt now and had a change in pants as well. He was even sporting a tail, a design choice that Henry fully approved of.
Did Boris change back to his old look before his death?
Henry sighed and rubbed at his eyes before getting up, grabbing a cup of coffee from the offered pot and cups across the room. He, Cuphead, Mugman, and Bendy were sitting in the waiting room at the coroner’s office, waiting to hear anything from the doctor in the other room.
Sitting at a desk in the room was a white cat with a long, fluffy tail and big, gold eyes. She had a cute smile on her face as she typed away at her type writer to the beat of the song that played on the radio. She was the secretary and wife of the doctor, Tabby. She was a sweetheart and liked to call Henry cutie whenever he came in. He let her do it because she was too nice to be angry with.
He poured himself a cup of coffee before looking over at the boys. Bendy had finally passed out from the emotional stress and was currently sleeping against Mugman, who was also napping quietly. Cuphead was the only one awake, flipping through a comic book he had pulled from his hammerspace.
“Want some coffee?” He asked the cup, who looked up and nodded. Walking back over, he handed Cuphead his drink, who happily poured it into his head, enjoying the boost of caffeine.
“Thanks, Henry.” Cuphead said as he closed the comic. “Maybe I should take ‘em home, Bendy’s had a rough time.”
“Yeah, maybe y-” The door behind the secretary desk opened and a black cat dressed in scrubs came out. He had a bored expression on his face as he looked over at the group. “Oh, hello, Dr. Fish.” Henry greeted, before hearing a loud snort from Cuphead. The cat was named Doctor Claudius Fish, and yes, his name was a set of puns. Happens a lot to cartoon characters.
Dr. Fish rolled his eyes, sighing loudly through his nose. “I didn’t choose my name, boy, don’t make fun. Henry, can you come with me, I need to show you something.”
“Right.” Henry set his cup down and looked over at Cuphead. “You gonna come with?”
“I… suppose, yeah. Miss, do ya mind watchin’ my baby bro and friend?” He asked, looking at Tabby, who happily nodded. He followed the doctor and detective through the door and into another part of the building. They entered an examination room and Cuphead made a face as he looked at the body on the table.
Boris was cut open and some of his organs rested on trays, even his head seemed to be cut open. But Cuphead was shocked to notice something with the body and the organs. “Oh, sugar honey iced tea… those aren’t right.”
“I take it that you figured out the problem here, yes?” Dr. Fish asked, looking at the cup headed Toon.
“Yeah, uh, I ain’t da smartest guy here in town, but I know what cartoon organs are suppose to look like, and these ain’t right.”
“What do you mean?” Henry asked as he approached, before realizing what they were getting at. “These are human…”
“Yes, and they seem to belong to Boris, as they were physically attached to him naturally.” The mortician replied, adjusting his glasses on his nose. Henry and Cuphead looked at him with equal surprise and he continued. “I have never seen anything like this before in all my years of working with Toons and humans. Toon organs may look like human ones, but there are obvious differences. For one, the heart is meant to look like one you see when a character is in love.”
“I’m guessin’ Boris’ doesn’t look anythin’ like that?” Henry asked as Dr. Fish held up a tray. He cringed, staring at the heart that was clearly human, except it was yellow in colored, stained in ink. What made it worse was that there was a giant bite mark in it. “What the hell…?”
Setting down the dish, Dr. Fish reached for his notes. “From what I was able to gather, it seems that this wolf has a human chest cavity, and bleeds human blood but toon blood as well, that’s not ink. Though he does have ink in his chest, but I doubt it’s his.”
“What’s… the cause of death?”
“Looks like he was attacked by a beast of sorts. He was clearly torn open by teeth, and most of his organs have bites and tears. It seems a monster had gotten to him, if you want to believe that. I think it was a wild animal Toon, one that has simple intelligence, like a wolf or lion from the Over World.”
He pointed towards the chest, at what looked like long marks in the black fur. “Seems that claws were used, or at least one set. I can’t find much in terms of evidence that two sets were used, just one that appears to be from the right front paw. That, or a hand from a Toon with very, very dark tendencies.”
“Gross.” Cuphead grimaced. “Hopefully it ain’t dat, don’t wanna be dealin’ with a crazed murderer. But if dat’s da option dat’s right… why would a Creator make such a character?”
“Because some people have dark minds that attract such Original Ideas.” Dr. Fish scoffed. “It’s why we have bad guys in Toon World, adds drama to a world full of sugar and smiles. I don’t mind the drama, gives me work.”
“Dat’s a dark outlook on da situation, Dr. Fish.”
“I deal with death and gore, boy, I am desensitized to much of what I see in this office, and I don’t mind it compared to the blinding world of cartoons outside of my office. If I want sunshine and rainbows, I’ll spend time with Tabby, at least I enjoy it from her.”
“Boy, you must be fun at parties.”
Henry sighed and slapped his forehead. “Anythin’ else you can tell us about this, doctor?”
Dr. Fish nodded and moved to another part of the room, grabbing a tray before returning to the table. On the tray was a large wrench, but there was something so wrong about it. It was solid, physical, but it appeared to be stuck as a sketch in appearance. It had all the tell-tale signs of a sketched-out design, like the marks of trying to make straight lines, the areas where things didn’t look even. And it was covered in dry ink and blood.
“This was found in his chest, behind his lungs.” The cat stated. “I’m not sure why it was there, but I suspect that it has a big thing to do with what happened to him. I am still going for his death being caused by an animal, but it is possible that this was used in the process. I’ll keep looking over anything else that seems suspicious.”
Henry nodded, looking from the wrench to Boris, seeing the familiar face, but the unsettling unfamiliarity of the X’d out eyes. There was a soft cough, catching the detective’s attention as he looked back to the doctor, who was giving him a look that meant that he understood how he was feeling.
“I’ll let you know more soon, Henry. I’m still needing to examine things and run tests, give me a day or two. Go home and rest, you look exhausted.”
He did feel exhausted, this is a lot to take in. “I know, I mean… this is my friend, my creation, layin’ on this table, right in front of me.”
Green eyes stared at him before Dr. Fish removed his glasses, cleaning them off a bit. “I understand, it is a hard thing to take in, people sometimes forget that Toons can die as well. We’re not meant to last forever, we all have to go at some point, even if it seems to happen before our time. Go home, you two, get some rest, continue work in the morning.”
Stepping out back into the office, Henry was surprised to find Linda waiting there with a now-awake Mugman and Bendy. She smiled sadly and got up, approaching him. “How are you doing, Henry?”
“Terrible, but I’m tryin’.” He tried to smile back at her and she gently patted his arm.
“Come on, let’s go to my place. I’ll make you boys a nice, hot meal and you can relax a bit. I’m sure you all need it after what happened tonight. If you want, you can spend the night!”
“Oh, I don’t wanna be a bother…”
She shook her head. “No, no! It’s alright, I’m offering! Besides, it’s getting late and traveling through the portals at night isn’t always the best. Also, when’s the last time I made you a good dinner, Henry?”
He wanted to say no, he wanted to reject the offer, but how could Henry say no to Linda? He chuckled as he shrugged. “Alright, alright, we’ll come over, is that alright with you boys?”
“Hell yeah!” Cuphead grinned, giving a thumbs up. “I’m up for a free meal!” He ignored his brother, who told him to stop being rude. Bendy looked over and smiled, he looked so tired and worried as he got up, walking over to Henry.
“Thanks fer da offer, Ms. Linda, real nice of ya to do fer us.” He told her, and she nodded, frowning softly.
“It’s the least I can do, it’s a terrible thing to have happen, losing a dear friend like that. Come, let’s head to my place.”
After saying good bye to Tabby, the small group walked out into the dark streets. People were out and about, many coming home from work, others going out for a good time. They could quietly hear people gossiping about a murder in the park, that’s the problem with cities like this, word travels fast.
Bendy bit his lip, trying to ignore the talking of strangers, instead trying to focus on the quiet chatter of his friends. He glanced around as he quietly walked before something caught his eye, a flash of black and blue. He stopped, looking about, what was that? Had he seen who he thought he had seen?
Blinking, Bendy turned to see Cuphead looking at him with concern. “You okay there, short stuff?”
“Yeah, I thought I saw… hey! Don’t call me short!” He huffed and quickly moved to catch up to the laughing cup, his mind no longer on what he had thought he had seen.
As they walked on down the street, someone peeked around the corner of a building, watching from under a hood. Black, pie-cut eyes looked on in worry before looking about, making sure that there was no one watching from above.
With a loud gulp, the figure ran off. This was bad, he just knew it, he could feel it in his feet that something terrible was starting.
First Joey disappears, now there’s a mutilated body, and he knew there would be more very soon…
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No More Time
I wrote this when Antonio only had one season out, so keep that in mind in terms of timeline. This is angst. It is sad. This is what y’all wanted. Have fun :)
“So, do you guys like, prefer one blood type over the other?” MC asked.
“We tend to, yes,” Antonio answered, eyes on the road, “Preference is dependent on the individual’s tastes.”
“So, what would you say is the most popular blood type then?”
“Probably O-,” he shrugged, “It’s rare, and O just has a richer flavor.”
“Like cake from a fancy restaurant as opposed to cake from a Walmart?” she compared.
“Are you referring to the quality or price?” his brows furrowed.
He snorted, a small smile of amusement on his lips.
“Sooooo,” she raised her brows, implying something.
“So?” he asked.
“Come on, you know,” she smiled.
“MC, I can’t answer something without knowing the question.”
“Is my blood Walmart or Gucci?” she blurted.
“It’s…” he paused thoughtfully, “It’s more….. Louis Vuitton, Givenchy?” he answered uncertainty.
“Well those both sounded foreign and expensive, so I’ll take that as a compliment,” MC blinked.
He laughed before explaining, “Regardless, in the end we’ll take what’s there. It leaves too much of a pattern if you target a particular blood type all the time.”
“Makes sense,” MC admitted.
Outside the sleek white sports car, the faint lights of Havenfall began appearing on the dark horizon. If it weren’t for the fact that Antonio still lived there and she had Havenfall’s Finest to accompany her, MC would have left with him months ago. He’d already taken her to LA, and had offered a quick tour around Europe’s basics like Paris and Venice. She’d declined, figuring they should save it for a time where they could afford to stay longer and enjoy it more.
Now, they were coming back from a restaurant that was out of town, where MC had tried out some new cuisine and actually had the chance to have some real conversations with Antonio. On her phone were several texts from the group chat, mainly JD joking about how they might end up finding a dead body soon tonight.
From the responding threats to block a contact, MC figured Razi and Mac didn’t really take it too well.
She yawned as she texted back reassurance of her safety. Antonio was taking her home, and nothing else was happening (despite what JD was insinuating).
“They’re still worried, I assume?” he guessed.
“Give them some time,” she sighed.
“Oh no, I understand,” he acknowledged, not at all bitter, “They have pretty much no reason to trust me. That’s just how it is.”
“At least you’re aware,” she commended.
“Trust me, I am,” he assured, “Besides—“
Whatever he was about to say was cut off by shattered glass and the brakes screeching. MC cursed rather violently as she felt the sting of several cuts on various parts of her body.
“GET DOWN!” he warned, yanking her arm before her skull was crushed with a something.
“Not again!” she groaned, “When will this random-attack-in-the-middle-of-the-night bullshit end?!”
“Show yourself!” Antonio ignored her and challenged the assailant.
“If you say so, bloodsucker,” a female voice answered.
Antonio paled, straight up blanched before whispering, “You.”
“Miss me?” a pale girl dressed in all black answered, sauntering relaxedly in front of the car with a whip in one hand and a gun in the other.
“You just never give up, do you?” he seethed, beyond irritated.
“Where would be the fun in that?” she asked, her easy smirk dropping before her voice dropped, low and threatening, “Now hand the girl over.”
“She’s with me by will,” he informed, tight-lipped, “Contrary to popular belief.”
“Being under the influence of mind control conflicts with that,” she narrowed her eyes, “Now, give her to me.”
“He’s not mind controlling me,” MC spoke up.
The woman shook her head in disapproval, “Of course you trained her to deny any allegations. You’re sick, all of you.”
“Don’t bother,” he told MC, “There’s no other reason anyone would be around vampires to her.”
“Because in the end, all they use humans for is satisfying their appetites,” the huntress raised her gun, pointing it directly to Antonio’s forehead, “Now, don’t make me say the same thing three times.”
Antonio was stone-still, silent as fog.
Then, he wisped away into nothing, a hole in the car seat burning where a bullet was fired.
MC had no idea where he planned to reappear in the night, but was surprised to find his form coalescing behind the huntress after such a direct attack. Faster than light, she turned, cracking her whip at him. His eyes were glowing, sharp canines jutting out his mouth.
“You damn hunters,” he growled, “Persistent bastards, I’ll give you that.”
“We only protect the innocent,” she seethed, graceful features absolutely murderous, “You’re the one exploiting a young woman in the middle of the night.”
“We went to eat Thai food,” he told the truth, rolling his eyes like all of this was bullshit, “Do I need to show you the bill, pictures of the food? Or will you try to stake my phone as well?”
“Hand. The girl. Over,” she repeated, arms tensed to raise her weapons.
“She’s not influenced,” he repeated too.
“That’s it!” she declared, firing another bullet at him.
By a hair’s breadth, he avoided its mark, warping away behind her once again and throwing her harshly against a tree. She rolled up with what had to be years of practice, getting up again after impact with that same fury in her eyes. Antonio didn’t seem surprised at her durability, only dodging again as she fired even more bullets.
MC picked up her phone, eyes never leaving the fight. She lowered the brightness to keep conspicuous and sent several quick texts.
Huntress, whip, Antonio’s fighting her.
Outside of town, come quickly.
Then, she screamed as the front of the car was crushed in, the woman’s body having been thrown onto it violently.
Quickly, MC scanned for Antonio, jumping as he appeared beside the door and began pulling her out of the car.
“Hurry, go,” he told her, “I don’t sense any more of them. Hide somewhere, anywhere, I’ll find you.”
“All right, I texted the others,” she explained, breaths short and shallow, “They should be here soon.”
“Got it, and whatever you do,” he gripped her shoulder, “Don’t let her take you anywhere. She’ll keep you with her and interrogate you. So go, run.”
MC nodded, sprinting away from the fight before Antonio dodged another crack from the whip. She knew what she could fight against and what she couldn’t, and this was the latter.
“Don’t you dare!” the woman shouted, running after her.
The vampire manifested in front of her before she could get close to MC, who was far slower than either of them even at her most panicked speed.
“She stays out of this,” he declared, “This is personal.”
“Get out of my way,” she ordered.
“Over my dead body and my dead body only,” he threatened.
“That can be arranged,” she bit back with absolutely no humor.
“Alright ladies,” an authoritative voice broke their rhythm, “Enough is enough.”
MC stopped as she heard Mac’s heavy footsteps approach them. A faint glow surrounded Razi in his djinn form, lighting the area where everyone had gathered. JD’s massive wings accompanied that glow, their eyes diluted with hellish gold.
Mac’s voice was almost a growl as she spoke again, “This is not your territory.”
“All territory is Helsing territory as long as there are vampires,” she countered, “Unless you permit homicidal, undead monsters in your territory.”
“We wouldn’t be defending him if he didn’t deserve it,” the sheriff said.
“Then why does he have that woman hypnotized?” she asked pointedly.
“She’s not under hypnosis,” JD cut in, “Trust me, we’ve exhausted that possibility a long time ago. She’s with him willingly.”
“Oh God,” her features twisted with disgust.
“The feeling’s mutual,” Razi acknowledged.
“What’s your name anyway?” Mac asked, “It would be helpful for negotiation.”
“Vanessa Helsing,” she answered.
“All right, Vanessa,” the werewolf started, “We appreciate your concern for civilians’ safety, but it is not needed at the moment. If you drop this now, all matters will be left in peace.”
“I have a mission, this is not something I am able to walk away from,” she argued.
“Then it seems we do have a problem,” Mac warned, “There’s four of us and one of you, Ms. Helsing. I wouldn’t test your chances.”
“You’re seriously siding with him?!” she gestured furiously to Antonio, who’s lips drew back in distaste.
“Listen, even if you gathered evidence of his guilt and had a solid alibi, the local courthouse won’t take Helsing vs. Vasquez because supernatural court cases are not a thing,” Mac explained, “Now drop it, because they will look into property damage and disturbing the peace.”
Vanessa’s red lips thinned, a very reluctant, “Fine,” escaping her mouth.
“Now, hand over your weapons,” Mac held her hand out, “Just until Mr. Vasquez gets in his car and leaves.”
Working her jaw, Vanessa approached the sheriff, giving her the whip and gun stiffly and coldly.
“Your others too,” Mac said, “All of them.”
MC started to relax more and more as she became less and less armed. She couldn’t name any of the weapons, but pretty soon Razi and JD had to pitch in to collect all of them. She stepped out of the cover of the trees, approaching the scene hesitantly as the last of Vanessa’s things were handed over.
Antonio saw her and signaled her over, eyes dimming little by little. He seemed to finally relax just before a sharp piece of wood poked out of his chest and he froze.
Mackenzie growled in outrage, dropping the other weapons and pouncing at Vanessa. The huntress had a gun that that fired stakes in her hand, which she dropped as well to dodge the sheriff. She was almost hit with a roaring ball of fire and shimmering strike of magic before scarcely missing them.
Before any more attacks could be made though, she threw something at the ground, smoke exploding everywhere and blinding everyone.
Then she was gone.
Antonio, however, was on the ground already, eyes wide as blood trailed out of the sides of his mouth and he took shallow breaths.
She wanted to yell out his name, but all she could do was mouth it. MC couldn’t remember running over to him, only that she was kneeling next to his body, hands shaking as she placed his head on her lap and watched the blood pool through his white shirt.
It had been stabbed directly through the heart.
Vaguely, MC remembered him informing her of how fresh human blood could heal a vampire if injured, and she rolled up her sleeve, a deep cut still bleeding on her forearm.
“Come on, Antonio,” she whispered, dipping her arm down to his mouth.
“MC,” he tried to speak, voice choked and croaking.
“Drink it,” she demanded, “Now’s not the time to be self-conscious about drinking, come on.”
He still seemed to have protests, but she forced the blood into his mouth, feeling his lips close over it to drink. He gulped it down, too weak to even suck from the wound.
Once his arms were finally strong enough to work again though, he forced her arm away from his mouth, breaths still short and quick. She protested, but he shook his head, coughing slightly afterwards.
“You just slowed it down,” he wheezed out,” All you did was make the process last longer.”
“No, no,” she shook her head, “Antonio, if you keep drinking, we can get it out—“
“MC, it doesn’t matter if I’m drinking blood, as soon as this stake is removed, I die,” he coughed, thick brows strained together.
“Antonio come on there has to be something,” MC insisted, her throat closing as she refrained from crying, “We can call Diego, ask him what to do.”
“He will tell you the same thing,” he shook his head, “I’ve seen it myself. At this point, there is no salvation.”
“You can’t—” MC started, forgetting that the others were there as well, “You can’t just die!”
“I’ve already pushed my luck for five centuries,” he shook his head, “It was only a matter of time, MC.”
“Antonio, please, you can’t just—” she attempted to speak, the last few words ending in sobs, “You can’t just die. Please, not you too.”
She was pathetic, tears rolling down her cheeks as the blood reached the sleeves of his shirt. A gentle, warm sort of understanding filled his features as he watched, even if there were tight lines all over his face as a result of pain.
“Hello?” a voice on someone’s phone asked, “Razi?”
MC’s head shot up in recognition at the voice.
“Diego, there’s been an attack,” Razi spoke into the phone.
“Oh, God, what happened?”
“It’s…” he trailed off, “It’s Antonio.”
“Is he all right?”
“...What happened?”
Even MC, who could only faintly hear the doctor and Razi, noticed the slight panic in his voice.
“He was staked,” Razi explained.
“Is… is he not dead yet?”
Utter terror in that one sentence.
“No. MC let him have some blood, but…. It was through the heart.”
“Through the heart?” the doctor asked, “I… Razi, there’s nothing I can do. If it had been anywhere else, blood would have been enough.”
“MC,” Antonio spoke suddenly, hand dipping into his jacket pocket, “MC, here.”
He took out his wallet and car keys, taking her other hand and putting them into her palm.
“Antonio, no—no, I don’t want these,” she shook her head, refusing them.
“Take them,” he closed his hands over hers, not letting her give them back, “I need you to have them with you. There’s a safe in my apartment with cash for emergencies. Victor will know where. Let him know it was Van Helsing, and that he’s not safe here anymore.”
“If anyone who doesn’t know the truth asks, it was a car accident,” he insisted, “If the police keep interrogating you—“
“If they keep interrogating you,” he persisted, determined to finish his sentence, “I have a lawyer who knows everything. You won’t be legally obligated to answer any questions. Victor will know who that is too.”
“Antonio, stop acting like this is hopeless—“
“It is hopeless!” he told her before coughing raggedly, “You heard Diego, there’s nothing anyone can do!”
“Razi, please, is there any magic you have that can fix this?” she asked, hiccuping with sobs as she turned to him.
“MC!” Antonio coughed, gripping her cheek and redirecting her to face him, “Look at me, look at me.”
She did, tears blurring her vision as she her chest shuddered.
“You’ll be fine, all right? You’ll be okay,” he reassured, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, “Don’t stay here. I know how much you want to leave, so don’t waste your life here. Grace will—“
He coughed again, blood pouring out his lips.
“She’ll graduate in Barcelona,” he reassured, swallowing tightly, “You don’t have to worry about her. Go to college like you wanted to. Anywhere, just go.”
“Antonio, now isn’t the time for this!” she insisted.
“There is no time left!” he told her, features strained with anger, “Don’t hang on to me, don’t mourn me forever. Don’t make the same mistake I made.”
“Razi, is that him still talking?” Diego’s voice asked, small and faint.
“Yes,” Razi nodded solemnly.
“Can…. can I talk to him?” Diego asked.
Antonio nodded before Razi could answer, the djinn bending down and holding the phone near him so he could speak to him.
“Yes, I’m here,” he choked out.
“Antonio, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have left—“
“No, I’m sorry,” he cut Diego off, “I’m sorry for what I did to you, for what I became. I’m sorry I spent all these years hating you when I could’ve spent them with you as my friend.”
The others can’t decide whether to be shocked, heartbroken, or both.
Antonio was crying.
“Antonio, don’t start regretting things like this, not when—“ Diego sounded like he was crying as well, “Not when you’re about to—“
He couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I’ll regret everything regardless,” Antonio shook his head, looking weaker and weaker with every word, “Diego, lo siento. Perdóname, por favor.”
“Te perdono,” Diego said immediately, voice tight and miserable, “Te perdono, Antonio.”
“Estoy asustado,” he seemed to be confessing something, choking on more tears, “Estoy muy asustado.”
“No tengas miedo,” Diego said in a reassuring voice, “Dios guarda tu alma.”
Whatever he’d just said, Antonio didn’t look very convinced of it.
“Adiós, mi hermano,” he said then, utter heartbreak in every word.
MC only somewhat heard Diego ask Razi in English to stay on the phone, in case something happened.
Yet from the dull, empty look in Antonio’s red eyes, she could tell nothing would.
“Evita…” he said then, “Evita, I’m so sorry.”
MC knew that was his sister somehow, knew without him ever telling her. He talked about her the same way she felt about Grace.
“I want to see her again,” he confessed, to whom, MC wasn’t sure, “I miss her so much.”
“You will,” she promised him, speaking past tears, “I know you will.”
Antonio only shook his head, “I won’t. She… she belongs in Heaven. I don’t.”
“Antonio, that’s not true—“
“It is,” he interrupted, thoroughly convinced, “You know it, and I know it. Wherever I end up, it won’t be paradise.”
It hurt the others to watch MC start sobbing. However, they didn’t leave, only stayed behind her, knowing what was to come.
“Listen to me,” he said, obviously with great effort, “Don’t get involved with vampires anymore. Don’t. They will tear you to pieces and they’ll hurt you, just like I tried to.”
MC nodded, knowing there was no more arguing with him.
“Stay with the others. If someone comes after you, if Igor returns, go find Diego. He’ll help you,” he promised.
She opened her mouth to speak, but only sobs came out, barely able to even see his face in the dark anymore through her tears.
“Shh,” he wiped at her cheeks, taking her hand in his free one, “Hey, you’ll be alright, I promise. Remember what I told you. After this, go do the things you couldn’t do. Have what I never got to give you, MC.”
He was paling already, skin ashen and grayed. Raising her hand, he kissed the back of it gently, seeming as though that simple action took immense concentration to accomplish.
“I love you,” he told her, red eyes unfocused as he smiled sadly, “You needed to hear that at least once. I do love you.”
MC’s heart twisted, more tears gushing out of her eyes. The blood had spread from the stake in his heart all the way to sleeves now.
“Thank you, MC,” he told her, knowing he was out of time, “For everything. Thank you.”
And that’s when his heart stopped beating.
The others expected wails of grief, but all they got was frozen silence. Her trembling hand squeezed his lifeless one, which he never squeezed back.
And then, he dissolved into ash, the wind carrying him away into eternal silence.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Trust No(One)
Summary: Louis and Clementine get into a fight regarding Louis' injury and his inherent willingness to trust the newcomer Sophie.
Clementine paced outside the door as Ruby patched Louis up inside. She’d wanted to be in there with him, but Ruby had shooed her outside, saying she didn’t need her help on this one and certainly didn’t want the pressure of her watching. Now Clementine was left alone to reprimand herself for how things had gone down. How could she have let Louis leave the boat with a complete stranger? She knew he trusted them thanks to her history with the street rats, but Minnie had that exact same history and the last time they’d seen her she had maimed two of the members on this ship. Her peg leg tapped against the wood floor as she paced, a constant reminder of the dangers this new member brought their way. Ruby exited the room quietly, meeting Clem’s gaze as she ran over to her. In her hands lay Louis’ bloody shirt, in need of a wash and repair. “He’s stable now. Should be waking up soon. You can go in if you like,”
Clementine clasped Ruby’s hands in her own as a silent gesture of thanks before hurrying into the room. Louis lay still on top of the bed, a new shirt over the bandages that covered his injury. Sunset was approaching and the light from the porthole cast a warm glow on his somewhat pale face. How much blood had he lost before being brought back to the ship? A pint? Two? There had been a puddle of blood in the bottom of the rowboat when Sophie got back. Clementine circled the bed, crawling up to lay beside him, absent-mindedly brushing a dreadlock back from his forehead. It had been over two years since she woke up from certain death to find this boy smiling as he crouched over her and A.J., his crew huddled around him with wide eyes. Now she was waiting for him to open his eyes, praying that he wouldn’t make her wait a moment longer. Her fingers brushed against his brow: warm, but not sweaty. Her mind told her he was safe, but she wouldn’t be able to believe that until he opened his eyes. The minutes dragged by as she watched him, trying to read meaning into every tick and twitch of his face. She took his hand in her own, their promise bands reflecting the waning light as they nestled together. She needed him to be OK. She had anchored her heart to him irrevocably. She couldn’t lose him.
Louis’ face twisted in a grimace as he woke with a groan. “I’m home? Sophie… is she OK? She must have dragged me back,”
“She’s on deck. Ruby went to look at her wound after she finished with yours,” Louis’ face fell. “She got hurt? I must not have blocked the attack fast enough. Damn it,” He tried to sit up, but quickly collapsed back on his bed, letting out a sharp hiss of pain. “Another shot to the ribs, huh?” “You were bleeding heavily,” Louis lifted up the corner of his shirt, examining the bandages. “Should make a pretty sick scar,” “Don’t joke about that,” His eyes went up to hers. Tears were forming in her eyes. “Clem,” he whispered, extending an arm. She pulled back. “No, don’t try to brush this off. What were you thinking, jumping in front of a blade like that?” Louis shrugged. “I was aiming to block the attack, but couldn’t get my weapon up in time. It happens,” “You could have been killed! And for what?” “For a friend,” “For a stranger you only just met! Louis…” Clementine rose from the bed, pacing the floor in anger. “You can’t keep doing this! You can’t adopt every stranger we come across with open arms!” “Well, that doesn’t seem fair coming from you, now does it? That’s how we got you and A.J. Prisha too. Besides, Sophie isn’t just anybody. She’s Tenn’s sister,” “Minerva was Tenn’s sister too,” Clementine’s voice was grim. “She isn’t anymore,” “Sophie isn’t Minnie,” Louis shook his head. “She’s different. You can see it in her eyes,” Clementine scoffed. “Is that so? Tell me, Louis, how close were you when you saw Minerva’s eyes? Because I sure got a close look at them when she cut through my leg,” They were both silent.
Louis sighed. “What do you want me to say, Clem? That I’m sorry I defended her? ‘Cause I’m not. I would do it again,” “I want you to think about yourself for once instead of jumping into danger at every turn! I want to know that when I take my eyes off of you, I can trust you to have the sense to stay safe, not get yourself dragged back bleeding and unconscious!” Clementine’s chest was heaving with emotion now, her heart racing as her anger swelled. “You shouldn’t have gone on that mission alone with Sophie! What if what you ‘saw in her eyes’ was wrong? What if she turned on you? What then? You would be dead!” “That’s not what happened!” “You can’t go putting your life in the hands of strangers you’ve just met!” “Strangers? Clem, she’s family!” “Not your family!” Clementine’s voice cracked with emotion. “Not everybody can be your family. A.J. and I, we’re your family, Louis. You made a promise to me that you’d stay by my side, forever. So don’t hold your own life so lightly,” “Clem…” “I-I need space, Louis,” She quickly exited the room. “Clem, please!” She ran up the stairs blindly. She had to be alone right now. She couldn’t contain all that she was feeling.
It had been a few hours now. Clementine stood in the crow’s nest, the wind blowing through her hair as she watched the empty sea. She shouldn’t be up here. She should be with Louis. But she couldn’t get herself to go back down. Part of her wanted to punish him, but for what? Being a good person? Having a sacrificial heart? Those were the same qualities that had endeared him to her so quickly. Yet they were the same traits that were driving her mad. Louis wasn’t built to be a pirate. He had slipped into the role accidentally, and he’d never truly fit the mold. The Ericson Pirates code, their constant willingness to take in whatever lost waif their boat came across, these weren’t the traits of a true pirate. Clementine was sure the moment she met Louis that if he were met with the murderous faces of those she’d been forced to walk amongst, he wouldn’t stand a chance. Yet instead of being disgusted by his apparent weakness, she’d sworn to protect him. Not just as her captain, nor simply as her friend. After she had sworn to herself that she had closed her life off from all purposes other than keeping A.J. safe, Louis broke through her walls with a warmly extended hand. He’d proven himself far stronger than she’d given him credit for. His body was littered with countless wounds, the worst of them received in the defense of others, just like this latest one. He seemed to shake them off, not holding any sort of malice toward those in whose stead he had been injured. Unlike most captains, he didn’t gain his crew’s obedience through a firm hand or a merciless demeanor. He held their respect because they knew how deeply he valued each and every one of their lives. He would die before he let any of them fall. She would kill before she lost him. Their code allowed for life to be taken if absolutely necessary. Louis hadn’t found that line yet. Clementine had crossed it several times before meeting him. She knew where the line of taking a life lay for her and that it was far closer than Louis’s would ever be. He must know this to be true. They had never spoken of it though. Were they simply tricking themselves by letting that conversation go unspoken, pretending that this difference would not test them to the point that it may someday tear them apart? Was she willing in loving Louis to take the risk each time he jumped into battle that she may lose a part of herself she could never fully regain?
Clementine looked down to the deck below. Sophie was sitting beside Tenn, drawing again. She knew this went far beyond Sophie. Yet Sophie was exactly the sort of enigma that proved how different she and Louis truly were. Louis couldn’t help but trust her. Clementine could never lower her guard. Time would tell which one of them was right. She hoped it would be Louis. She prayed it wasn’t her, that is, the part of her that looked in Sophie’s eyes and saw the murderous rage in Minerva’s eyes as she landed that blow, the one that took her leg. They had tried to reason with Minerva, to trust that she could change. Now Violet would never fully see again. Louis’ way didn’t always work, no matter how much they wanted it to. Eventually, she couldn’t stand it anymore. The pain of being away from Louis - of leaving things like that – was worse than whatever gain could be made in trying to prove her point. Perhaps believing that abandoning him proved any sort of point was a mistake in itself. Clementine descended from the crow’s nest, avoiding the eyes of her crew members. She wasn’t sure what she would see within them. Her mind was muddled enough as it was. When she opened the door to the captain’s quarters, she was surprised to find that Louis wasn’t alone. A.J. lay curled up beside him, his head resting on Louis’ shoulder as he softly snored. Louis raised a finger to his lips as she closed the door behind her. Clementine took a seat on the edge of the bed, careful not to shift her weight in a way that might cause the mattress to pull against his wound. They were silent as they looked at each other, trying to read each other’s hearts from what laid upon their faces.
Clementine spoke first. “I’m sorry I left like that,” “I’m glad you came back,” “Has A.J. been here long?” “A few hours. He fell asleep in the middle of my story about the Dread Pirate Ericson. I was very insulted,” Clementine chuckled. “You do realize the point of a bedtime story is to put a child to sleep?” “I wasn’t aware it was a bedtime story till it did just that!” A.J. shifted against Louis, mumbling something incoherent. The two of them stilled, waiting for him to settle down. After a minute, Louis continued. “Violet came by too. She mentioned that from the sounds of things Sophie would have just gotten nicked by that bandit’s blade if I hadn’t jumped in front. Guess I fucked things up,” “I’m sure she’s grateful for what you did,” “Still, you were right. I should be more careful before jumping into things,” “Louis,” Clementine took his hand in her own. “What I said back there, I was scared. I wasn’t choosing my words wisely,” “I’m the reason you were scared. Anything that was said, I deserved,” “No, Louis, no,” Clementine raised his hand to her face, cupping it against her cheek. “I’m sorry I ran off. That only made things worse. I should have been brave enough to face what I was feeling and to acknowledge that the reason I was so angry is because I was so afraid of losing you. I love you, Louis,” “I love you too,” Louis murmured, running his thumb along her jaw. “The truth is we won’t know what sort of person Sophie is until some time has passed and we’ve fought beside her. I want your trust to be the right call. I want her to be good,” “But until she’d proved that to us, I should probably take some others along with us on any adventures,” “Please. That would help,” Clementine looked over at A.J. “For the longest time, I had just one thing driving me, just one person who owned my heart. Now that number has grown, and I still don’t know how to handle that at times, how to live with the fear of losing all that I’ve gained,” She looked back at Louis. “But the answer isn’t to shut everyone else out. I know that much,” Louis smiled at her weakly. “It’s getting late. There should be room beside A.J. if you want to squeeze in,” Clementine nodded, coming around to the other side and taking a spot beside A.J. She heard Louis stifle a groan as he turned to wrap an arm across her and A.J. He smiled at her concerned expression. “Don’t worry. Ruby’d give me hell if I pulled out my stitches. I’m being careful,” The moon cast a faint light across his face, illuminating his eyes. “I promise you this Clem: from now on I’ll be more careful, for you and A.J.,” “For yourself too,” “Alright, for me too,” Clem crossed her arm over A.J., resting it tenderly on Louis’ side. “Thank you, for loving me,” Louis’ nose wrinkled in confusion. “How could I not? I adore you, Clem. Nothing will ever change that,” Clementine raised her hand, letting her ring catch the glow of the moonlight. “Forever,” Louis’ hand joined hers. “Forever,” An eternal promise. An unbreakable bond.
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midnightcindy · 5 years
The Break of Day: Chapter 9
Trigger warnings- this chapter is slightly NSFW and definitely full of violence. Read at your own risk. 
How do we feel about this fic so far? It’s coming along slow but I want to do it justice for my beautiful muse. 
Louis was groggy when he awoke. He was exhausted- but then he remembered why he was so tired, and a lazy smile appeared. The way Grace moved under him, assuming control of her own pleasure- it was more erotic than Louis had been prepared for. He had never imagined a woman’s touch to enrapture him so completely, but when he thought about her kisses, her touches, her soft body, her whimpers falling against his pillow, he knew he had found the one who would fill the void inside of him. That revelation shocked him; could he truly have found his mate?
He opened his eyes, rolling over to finally tell Grace his thoughts. Her side of the cushion was empty.
Awakening fully, Louis searched his dwelling for her energy, but again, nothing. He stood fully, reaching for his trousers to cover himself before physically trying to find her. When he was satisfied that he was indeed alone, he scoffed, irritated. Was it not just like a woman to beg for his affections, only to leave when he relinquished himself to her? Louis crossed his arms, shaking his head, annoyed.
Then, he realized what was particularly odd about her absence. Louis breathed in steadily, and all coherent thought stopped. There was another scent here, other than his own, and other than Grace’s.
Someone else was in his staying. Someone else was here with Grace and him. And when Louis scented the air again, he knew exactly whom.
But he didn’t have to think on it long, as a carefully folded piece of paper, resting on his table, caught his eyes. He snatched it up, tearing it open, and read the contents quickly.
You want her?
We will be in the north side of the city, where industry died. Look for my men- they will bring you to us.
Come and get her.
Louis’ eyes flared with a fire he never knew could glow so bright. He clenched his fists, crumpling the note in his hand and imagining it could turn to dust.  
Wordlessly, he dressed, and ascended into the night in a cold rage. Louis could already smell blood; and if Grace were harmed, he would have more than his fill of it.  
Deep into the northern end of the city, where the once industrial neighborhood fell to ruin long ago, leaving behind husks of factories rampant with the slime of society, and apartment shacks filled with those less than fortunate to have to stay. Louis could hear mixes of night life, keeping to the shadows to avoid unwanted attention of nightly wanderers seeking patrons for their various products: sex, weapons, or drugs.
Louis tried scenting the air for any sign of Grace, but it was too convoluted, and the individual trails were muddled in the night. He huffed in aggravation. What kind of games was this man playing at, leaving such a cryptic note in such a bold place?
“Hey,” a voice called out.
Louis turned to face the approaching pair of men, his eyes glowing already. He caught the stink of death on them, and instantly knew they were freshly turned. Perhaps only a few months of rot on them. He hissed angrily, his stance lowering, ready to attack.
The two trembled only slightly, but held their ground. “We were told to take you to our master. He wants to talk to you.”
“And I him,” Louis said curtly, his voice dangerously low.
“Follow us,” the other said, and they turned swiftly toward the dark end of the alley.
Louis straightened himself, craning his neck until he heard a small crack. It was time to face this bastard after all.
Far beyond the livable sections of the borough, into the rotten edges of the city, lay a crumbling building. It seemed as if it were a church at one time, but the layers of graffiti and filth at turned it into a sick satire of itself. The three vampires ascended the decrepit concrete steps, Louis’ pair of escorts stepping forward to grab the rotting, wooden doors and push them open.
Louis entered into a space that reeked of death as much as it did dust. The stone pillars that held the walls and framed the shattered, stained glass windows were full of cracks. Nests for birds or rats crowned each column, spider webs draping like tulle against the once delicately painted ceiling. The pews that no doubt once stood in orderly rows were comically piled against either side of the sanctuary like a child’s blocks. The tacky checkered floors echoed with footsteps as Louis continued down the jagged aisle, approaching the small congregation and the strange man that sat above them. Five newborns, including the ones who escorted Louis inside, took their places on either side of a contraption only fit for a madman. Wooden steps formed from crates and bookshelves led up to some kind of stage, perhaps what was once a sturdy, antique table. Atop was a rather intricate wooden throne, dusty red velvet and chafing golden paint alluding to a once ecclesiastical role. Sitting upon this throne was the man whom Louis was sure he had scented in his bedroom earlier that evening, the one who had taken something dear to him from within his arms. Robert grinned wildly as soon as Louis was in front of him, and Louis only sneered; because at Robert’s feet, was Grace.
Her clothes were torn to shreds. The once pretty blouse and jeans she had slowly, cautiously removed from her body were only strips of what had once been. Obvious claw and fang marks marred her skin, the skin which Louis had so delicately caressed so as to find her triggering areas and protect them. Louis could see the blood trickling from her neck, her shoulders, her stomach, her wrists, and her thighs soaking into the silk of her blouse, her panties. But what troubled Louis the most, was the look in her eyes. Grace seemed hollow, her eyes staring off into space, completely unfazed by his presence. It was as if she was completely bewitched; no longer in control of her own body or mind.
Louis paused at the foot of Robert’s satirical throne. He didn’t need to speak, because Robert was already standing to greet him.
“Duke Louis Howard,” he said, arms sweeping. “What an honor to entertain you in my palace.”
Louis hummed. “Quite a palace, you have.”
“Well,” Robert chuckled, hands slapping his sides as they fell. “It’s not quite what I hoped for, but it’s only temporary. I am a man with a vision, you know.” Louis did not reply, merely glared at him coolly, eyes flitting back and forth to Grace.
Robert didn’t wait for Louis to speak, anyway. “See, I have a grand vision, my friend: to no longer live like this,” he said, punctuating his words with a harsh sweep of his left arm, “but to live like you once did!”
Louis only narrowed his eyes.  
“I just couldn't put my finger on it, though; the reason you were able to control the humans so many years ago. Back in the day, when you had grand palaces and submissive peasants to run your kingdoms. Then it hit me!” Robert said, standing taller, “Fear! I needed the humans to fear us again, and in order for them to cower before us, they needed to know what we are capable of.” Robert snickered, sucking on his teeth. “I’ve already started some demonstrations- not sure if you’ve seen our handiwork, but I heard it made the front-page papers!” His voice rose, proudly, and earned a few hollers and claps from the men surrounding him. “Now sure, I know what you’re thinking,” Robert said, raising his hands, “How could someone who lives like this, possibly pull off a coup of a whole city?” He chuckled to himself, beginning a thoughtful pace. “I first started with making some friends- you know, turning some lucky folks into vamps- to get a little following. It’s so easy to give people power when they crave it. And vampire venom is like instant gratification.”
“A poison, you mean,” Louis finally shot, “and a curse.”
“Woah,” Robert said, sarcastically. “I figured you’d be a little cynical, but damn. You’ve been living in a cave too long, my friend. Don’t you remember what it was like to be a king, a god among men?”  
Louis scoffed, folding his arms. “You know nothing of the past, you child.”
Robert lifted a brow, smirking as he sat back in his rickety throne. “But you do,” he snickered. His hand reached over, running his fingers gently through Grace’s hair. Her pupils dilated, and she almost purred as she clung to his thigh. Robert continued petting her, his eyes playful as he leaned toward Louis. “Imagine, you would no longer have to hide in the sewers like filth. You could have any home as your own. All the riches you wanted, the blood,” he pressed his lips to the top of Grace’s head, “the women…”
Louis twitched as Grace tilted her head upward, and let Robert consume her mouth in a carnal kiss. When he pulled away, Louis could see the fresh blood dripping from her lips.
Robert’s tongue swirled about, and he moaned. “God, she tastes so good, so fresh.” He chuckled, and wiped his mouth with his hand. “I’m sure you knew that though.”
Louis hissed, his fists clenching. He ignored Robert’s taunts. “What is it about any of those things that makes you believe I would succumb to worldly pleasures? I have done my time, boy- spent centuries in castles, in glittering palaces surrounded by treasures from every inch of the known world. I have slain villages only to sate my hunger.” Louis walked forward, daring to meet Robert on his pedestal. “I have fucked my way through the west and back to the east, and none of it pleased me. I am offended that you believe I could be so easily tempted, like one of your fledglings. You are all so weak.”
“Then show us how to be strong!” Robert pleaded, still holding onto Grace. “Teach us how to act like royals! We can restore our kind to their former thrones, the place we were meant to be! We should rule these humans like the food they are, not the other way around!”
“You are a child,” Louis repeated, his lip twisting in disgust, “a brat who believes his curse makes him worthy of the world. You are unfit to even govern this coven, let alone a nation. I will never help you, boy.”
Robert stared at Louis, their eyes at the same level, glaring with a hazy reddish glow. Then, Robert laughed, catching Louis off guard. “You’re right.” Robert yanked on Grace’s shoulders, so that she stood dazedly in his hold. “I knew you wouldn’t be easily persuaded, but I figured I’d give it a shot. Anyway, this is reallywhat I’m bartering with.”
Louis watched carefully as Robert leaned down to Grace’s ear. He tucked back a strand of brassy hair, and brushed his lips over the shell, breathing a string of words that even Louis couldn’t hear. Grace’s eyes focused, snapping clear, and she began to shake.
“Louis,” she said, her voice thin and confused. “Why are you here? G-get out of here!”
“Grace,” Louis reached forward almost instinctively, just as she fell toward him.
She screamed as Robert yanked her back into his hold, his hand tightly wrapped around her neck. “There she is, welcome back sweetheart!”
Grace squealed, shaking her head. “Lou-ouis, don't liste-en.”
“Here is the real deal, Louis,” Robert said evenly. “If you join my cause, you’ll not only be helping your kind, but your girl.”
Louis sneered, watching Grace writhe. He stepped forward, ready to lunge, but Robert shifted his hold.
His hands resting on each side of her face, he said, “You move, I snap her neck.”
Louis froze. He hissed angrily, fangs growing and eyes burning red. Robert finally had the upper hand, and they both knew it.
“That’s right, good boy,” he said, watching Louis slink back.
Louis released a carnal hiss from his throat, barely controlling his anger. “And if I say no? What then, boy?”
“Well,” Robert said, not letting go of Grace’s head, “let’s look at our options. One, you say yes. We live like kings, you get the harlot as your own and I never touch her again. Two, you say no, and I snap her neck right here in front of you before I let my children tear you apart.”
“Those are the only options, then,” Louis spat. “What a hard decision for me.”
“Actually,” Robert said, loosening his hold on Grace, his hands slipping over her shoulders, “there is one more option.”
Grace tensed under his ministrations, and shook her head. “I won’t…”
“Now come on, baby,” Robert said, kissing her cheek. “Won’t you sing for Louis?”
Grace shook her head, angry tears welling in her eyes. “I can’t…”
Robert’s grip tightened. “Do it just like you did this evening, babe. Besides, I’m sure that’s how you got him in the sack to begin with. You reeked of him when you came back to me.”
“What are you talking about,” Louis seethed.
Robert laughed, looking genuinely shocked. “Wait, you didn’t know?” Then, he bent over, clutching his gut with one hand and yanking on Grace’s hair with the other. “Oh yeah! Grace here is what we call a siren,” he chuckled, slapping her hip. “She can make anybody fall for her. Why do you think it was so easy for her to sleep around with all those people? The ones she fucked so she could hide from me, you included? She can make anybody want her with just a touch.”
“No!” Grace struggled in Robert’s hold. “I didn’t do that to you, Louis! Please, believe me…”
“It’s also how I was able to get into that cave you call a living space earlier tonight,” Robert said, amused as how easily his plan fell into place. “Her little trick also works great for keeping people quiet and still- did you sleep extra heavy tonight, Louis?”
“Stop!” Grace cried. “I didn’t want to! He was going to kill you!”
Louis stepped back, his eyes narrowed. “Is that true?”
“Yes!” She said, her heart breaking at the word. She crumpled to her knees, Robert finally letting her go. “Yes, it’s true that I have that power… but please, Louis, I did not use it on you, not those times before.”
Louis stared at the girl falling before him, begging and pleading with every tear, but he felt his heart grow heavy and cold in his chest. It all made sense: why her scent was so specifically perfect to his interests, why he was drawn to her without knowing why. That first night she stayed with him, when he felt the heat rush over him in a wave of uncontrolled lust, and the unfamiliar glow in her eyes as she touched his hand. “You tricked me.”
“I would never,” Grace buried herself in her hands, sobbing. “Please, Louis. I couldn’t do that to you. I even tried once, but I couldn’t… I wanted more from you, I…”
Robert giggled from his makeshift throne. “Aw, sweetheart. Did you actually think he could love a used-up slut like you?” He laughed, and the others around him joined in.
Louis watched Grace’s face as it fell, her hair masking her shame. But from behind her veil, Louis could see trickles of blood fall down her arm. He leaned down to her, and brushed the hair away from her shoulder. There it was, the newest gash marring the rumpled skin on her neck. Louis could see her future in that moment, the entirety of her body open and bleeding, like a drinking fountain for the lowest of Robert’s minions. He tilted her chin up to him, her dark eyes unfocused and hurting. And on her lips, the tiniest tremble as she mumbled, “I never… I didn’t… not you…”
Louis’ fist clenched. He thought back to all the times he wanted her when she didn’t know it. When he first hunted her, entranced by her scent. When she trembled against him in hiding from the monster that clutched her now. When she leaned toward him at the bar, that first time she confessed it all to him. When he trapped her against a wall after he had caught her stalking him. When she let him see her scars. When she woke up the first time in his bed. When she looked up at him with those big, doe eyes, and refused to touch him first. When she asked him to kiss her, begging him to want her as much as she had wanted him. There was never a time in any of those moments where she was in control, where she put him under a spell of her own doing. Those were moments where she silently slipped into his brain, haunting his dreams until he was consumed by her, bit by bit. She may have been a siren, but Louis was never hypnotized into taking her. She asked. For all his heartbreak and pain, for once, Louis trusted another’s words. “I believe you,” he breathed.
Her shivering stopped. Grace glanced up, seeing his eyes clearly from under her tears. “Louis?”
“No matter what happens,” he whispered, reaching up to thumb away her tears, “know that I forgive you for what you’re about to do. I hope you’ll forgive me, too.”
“Wh-what?” Grace shook her head.
“Sing,” he whispered quickly, before tossing her backward with a snarl. “Lying slut,” he mocked. “I knew I did not truly want you, it was all a trick!”
Grace seemed hurt for a moment, then in her confusion, she met his eyes, and understood. Her voice shook, but she played along. “I’m sorry, Louis. I just needed you for protection.”
Louis scoffed. “Well if you think you can hypnotize me again, then you are gravely mistaken.” He turned to leave, before he was stopped.
“Don’t let him move, boys,” Robert said, descending the stairs. “Grab him.”
Louis hissed as the five of Robert’s scum grabbed him from all sides, and pinned him on his knees. He tried his best to make it look like he was fighting their clutch, before letting them hold him down.
Robert smoothly slid up to Grace as she stood. “Now, Grace. Won’t you sing for Louis? I think it would calm him down.”
Grace nodded, and slinked forward to where Louis thrashed. She lowered herself to her knees to be at eye level with his. In a moment of hesitation, Louis met her eyes, and winked. Trying to hold back her smirk, Grace reached out and touched his cheek tenderly.
A rush of heat flooded Louis’ core just as Grace’s eyes blossomed into a golden light. His lips fell apart into a parched gasp, his mind foggy with an unprecedented lust. He stared at Grace, wanting to devour her entirely. He pictured her, splayed on her back, her shreds of clothing on the hard concrete as he sank his fangs into every part of her, all while fucking her tight body into oblivion. His hands flew away from the hold of his captors, and he grabbed her body, kissing her fiercely with everyone standing around them. In the distance, he could hear Robert laughing, content that his plan had worked. It was then that the heat subsided, and his hazy mind cleared. Still, Grace pulled him tight, and Louis continued the kiss to appear still under her spell.
“Come on, Louis,” Robert teased, sitting back on his throne. “Go ahead and fuck her. We’d all love to watch. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
The laughter that roiled around him made Louis pause. As he pulled back from Grace’s lips, his eyes flared into a bright, murderous red. “Go fuck yourself,” he said clearly, pulling Grace into his arms to stare directly into Robert’s eyes.
All laughter died away as Louis stood and punched through the nearest fledgling’s ribcage. With a gurgling scream, he turned to ash around Louis’ fist. The other four were on him and Grace in an instant, but Louis made quick work of them. He took two younglings by their heads, smashing them into one another to watch them disintegrate onto the floor. The other two went for Grace, who was still kneeling on the ground. Louis grabbed one by his arm, swinging him upwards until he came crashing to the ground on his head. Louis heard crackle of his neck before he became dust. The last vampire hissed at Louis as he held Grace by the throat. But her hand rested gently on his, and as her eyes began to glow, his face fell lax and his eyes lulled about in a rush of ecstasy. In the moment of distraction, Louis pushed him away from Grace and let him topple to the floor, just before Louis crushed his heart with his foot. As the last fledgling disintegrated in ash, Louis wasted no time in grabbing Grace and yanking her away to run to the main doors.
Of course, no escape could have been so easy. Robert was in front of them both in a flash. Louis was quick to push Grace behind him. “Touch her and I rip your head from your shoulders,” Louis seethed.
“Clever. I underestimated both of you.” Robert chuckled, blocking the archway. “You’re clearly much stronger than you let on, ancient. We could really use someone like you in our court.”
“I have no intention of entertaining your petty dreams, boy,” Louis mocked. “Now. Move.”
“Fine, but Grace isn’t going anywhere,” he said, arms folding.
“Wrong again,” Louis said, backing away to pull Grace closer to his back.
“Grace,” Robert said, peering over Louis’ shoulder. “Come back to me.”
Grace shivered against Louis. “N-no… I don’t want to, Louis…”
“Grace,” Robert repeated, his tone more commanding, surging with energy. “Come here. Now.”
“Do not listen to him, Grace,” Louis implored. “You are stronger now, remember that.”
“Come home, sweetheart,” Robert said, his voice syrupy, hypnotic energy pulsing toward them, and Grace relaxed.
Louis grabbed ahold of her arm as she began to step away from him. He turned Grace toward him, and his heart sank as he watched the haze fall over her irises again. She was back under her master’s control. “No, Grace,” Louis implored, cupping her cheeks. “Do not go back to this monster.”
Robert shrugged. “Sorry, Louis. The lady is making her choice. You’ll never be what I am to her. I’ll always be her master. There’s nothing you can do.” Robert reached out his hand, almost politely, and beckoned for Grace to take it.
Grace’s hand lifted, just the smallest fraction, and Louis’ heart burst. He leaned in, lips brushing her cheek, and breathed, “But I love you, Grace.”
Gasping, Grace recoiled her hand, and fell back into Louis’ arms. She stared at him, eyes bright and shimmering, the faintest smile on her lips. “You do?”
Louis opened his mouth with a smile, but Robert’s roar made him push Grace away. “You bitch!” Robert cried angrily, his claws reeling back to strike at her.
Louis grabbed him by the throat, stopping his attack. “Grace, run! Get outside!”
“Louis! It’s almost sunrise-”
“GO!” Louis cried, tossing Robert back against the wall, sending bits of cinderblock to the hard concrete.
Grace ran as fast as she could, and when she was outside of the church, Louis crackled his neck. “Now, to get rid of you, boy.”
Robert sputtered a laugh, standing as he spat a wad of blood onto the ground. “You throw a good punch, but I doubt you can beat me and my army.”
Louis snickered, circling the other man as Robert began to pace. “Your army of newborns is hardly strong enough to defeat an ancient like me. I destroyed five of them without a breath, before your very eyes. I could go through a hundred similarly. And then all I have to face is you.”
“That’s true,” Robert said, backing away. “You could beat me pretty easily like this, hand to hand. Thankfully for me,” Robert smirked, “I am very prepared.”
The walls began to tremble, and for the first time, Louis was unsure of his odds as he felt the ghostly energy fill the space. Out of shadowy cracks and holes hid by pillars, creatures which Louis had never seen crawled along the woodwork. They looked humanoid, but their flesh was rotten and green. The stench that filled the room along with their whoops and howls made Louis’ skin crawl. He staggered back, eyes wide with fear. “What in God’s name…”
“More like the devil, actually,” Robert sneered, walking backward. “These are my children, Louis. Once dead- now mine to control.”
“You,” Louis stumbled as they began to drop from the ceiling, wielding weapons in their hands, from knives, to clubs, to wooden stakes. “You reanimated corpses?”
“Pretty clever, if I do say so myself,” Robert chuckled over the roar of the undead. “Takes a bit of work, and a lot of trying, but with the right freshly-dead corpse and the perfect amount of venom, they make the perfect slaves. Not so great if you want company, but for getting rid of pests like you,” Robert said, sitting back on his throne, “well, they do the trick.”
Louis knew his odds were definitely not in his favor by now. He had no idea how to defeat such creatures. He turned to run, but was met with a pair of corpses that made him want to vomit. Two young boys, their hands joined, shuffled toward him, stakes in each of their free hands. They gurgled and choked, their necks partially missing. The sight was enough to make him sick, but his fear kept him focused. Louis tried to shove past them, but another pair of hands grabbed him around the shoulders and pushed him to the ground. A woman- or what was once a woman- tried to pin him down, but he was easily able to shove her backward. The things were weak, at least, but their numbers alone were overwhelming. They crowded over top of him like a horde of ants, clawing at his limbs and face. Louis wildly punched at the crowd, but as he sent one flying back, two more took his place.
Then, he felt the stabbing. Louis cried out in pain as he took a pocket knife out of his thigh. The blood dripped for a moment, but his wound easily healed. But as he removed one weapon, another object stabbed his neck. Then another, in his chest. In a fit of rage, Louis tried shoving through the mass, not caring that he was stepping on bodies to get to the door. He continued taking hits, his face scratched, his legs wounded, and his chest still bleeding. Whatever had hit him there, it was dangerously close to his heart. He had to escape. Finally, shoving past the final corpse, he burst through the door. The bodies started to follow after him, but now that he could run freely, Louis bolted down the steps.
“Louis!” Grace cried out for him from her hiding place behind the stairwell. “What happened?”
“Just run!” Louis grabbed her hand, and together they bolted from the hellhole of Robert’s coven.
Grace peered over her shoulders to see the crowd following them. “Wh-who are they?”
“Just. Run.” Louis punctuated again. This time, Grace didn’t argue. They sprinted as fast as they could, Grace propping Louis up with her shoulder. Only when it was clear that the corpses were no longer after them, did they rest in an alley. Louis slumped against the ground, hissing as he clutched his still bleeding chest.
The sky started to lighten, the first sign of dawn. “L-Louis,” Grace said, genuine fear in her voice. “The sunrise! We aren’t going to make it to your place in time!”
Louis looked around them, noting the street name. He chuckled bitterly. They weren’t close to his place, but they weren’t far from another address he was recently made aware of. “I know somewhere near here where we can hide for the day. Some… old friends.”
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scullyy · 6 years
Two Sides of the Same Street / Chapter Two
Title: Two Sides of the Same Street  Chapter One / Chapter Two
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1935
Summary: Clementine and Louis catch the same bus home and take the chance to get to know each other.
A/N: Wow this is finally out ha
Also @goofy-gomez here is your tag as you asked
“What time does the bus usually get here?”
“Let’s see, about ten minutes ago.”
Of course, the damn bus was late. On most days it was on time, right to the minute. Louis broke his attention from the setting sun onto his cracked watch, checking it for the third time. Had the damn thing finally broken?
Clementine threw her empty Coke can into the bin beside her, smiling at her successful shot. All that time spent playing Paper Toss came in handy. “I hope there wasn’t an accident.” The torrential rainfall the town had been receiving the past few days had resulted in a couple collisions, arrogant assholes who thought they could make the green light in time.
Louis popped a piece of gum into his mouth, trying to keep his obnoxious chewing to a minimum. “Wilson is a safe driver, probably just some traffic build up.”
Of course, this damn bus runs late the day Clementine has to catch it. Lee needed to stay behind, finish some tidying and organise the days' wages, he let Clementine go home early after her fourth yawn within three minutes.
Normally Louis would chuck his headphones on and shuffle through whatever playlist appealed to him, maybe even make up a little dance. But that seems rude in the presence of an acquaintance. And a pretty one at that.
“Do you want to play a game to pass the time?”
Wow, what a unique way to get to know this girl. Dickhead.
“Why not. What game were you thinking?”
Louis straightened his fingerless gloves like the showman he was, a chance to impress someone was a chance taken. “Well, it’s not technically a game,”
She scoffed. “Liar.”
“It’s basically Truth or Dare but without the dares. Usually, it’s played with cards, but I left my pack at home.” Louis turned his pockets inside to show her. "Fine,” Clem sighed, her warm breath creating smoke that flowed out of her mouth like a dragon. “You go first.”
Louis considered this a win. “Do you usually catch the bus? I just want to know if your presence will be around in the future to delight me.” He sent a dramatic wink her way, his signature move.
“Not really. It's a twenty-minute drive to the shop but my car is a wreck right now, so bus it is," She shuddered at the thought of walking home alone at night. Once was enough. "My turn. How long have you been working at that music shop for?" "Since it first opened about a year ago. I was so excited to be working there but now there's a new manager and he's making life shit." Louis remembered the day he saw an ad in the paper for a new music shop opening on the corner, his screams almost burst Marlon’s eardrums. "Ouch. I'm lucky then, my boss is actually my dad. Well, adoptive dad technically. He always wanted a family business, that’s why we moved down here.” Louis leaned against the telegraph pole, his coat doing nothing to stop the cold from seeping through. "Damn, you are lucky. He seems cool.”
Clementine smiled fondly. “Yeah, he is. He took me in when I was eight,” She swallowed the lump in her throat at the thought of her time without Lee. “What about you? What’s your family like?" "We’re not that closely knit. I moved away about a year ago with my friend Marlon, been here ever since." Now that was an exciting day. He and Marlon had been planning to live together since they were fourteen, to have the freedom to do whatever they wanted. Adulthood had taken a turn for the worse, the sore reality of work and living expenses punched them both in the gut. "Is that our bus?" Clementine pointed to two white lights merging from the horizon, realising her suspicions were correct when she saw the elderly driver through the window. “Finally.”
Louis dug around in his back pocket for his trusty bus pass. “My lazy ass is ready to sit down,” The bus screeched to a halt beside them, spraying murky rainwater onto their ankles. “Good evening Wilson.” Louis tipped an imaginary hat to the bus driver, who smiled back gratefully.
He and Clementine sat towards the back of the bus behind a young man and what appeared to be his son. Clementine nabbed the window seat, creating patterns between the raindrops left behind on the glass.
Louis set himself down beside her, shaking his boots dry. “Favourite colour?”
“Red. You?’
“Blue,” His eyes lit up at the coincidence. “Maybe one day we’ll make the colour purple. Get it? Cause red and blue makes purple-”
Clementine raised her hand, shushing Louis. “Yeah, I get it. What are you insinuating?”
“I don’t even know. Your turn.”
She couldn’t stay annoyed at him, not with that childish grin he always seemed to have switched on. “Favourite cafe in town?”
Louis slapped his knee, making the little boy sitting in front of him jump. “Oh my god-okay so my friend Omar owns this amazing cafe down the street, he is seriously the best chef. His stew is to die for. I tried to convince him to call it ‘Stew with Lou’ but he didn’t seem too impressed.”
“Sounds nice, I’ll have to give it a go sometime.” Clementine looked out onto the street, the lights illuminating the small houses and shops. How her, Lee and her little brother were able to uncover this little corner of the world was beyond her.
“Maybe I’ll take you someday,” He mumbled under his breath, his own special promise. “What are some small things that make your day better?”
Clementine chuckled. “Whenever my little brother grabs my hand. Even if he doesn’t want anything, just makes me feel good.” Her fingers traced her palms lightly, giving herself a gentle shiver. Seeing his beaming smile whenever she got homemade the dull ache in her chest disappear.
“Well that’s really sweet,” Louis hung his head low. He hadn’t seen his little brother since he left home, his small face and gapped teeth brought on a sombre smile.
“So, what shows are you into?” She noticed the way his smile fell, how his glowing eyes melted into a stale form, what mystery was this boy hiding?
There’s the historian again, wanting to unearth the past.
Louis presented his best artificial smile, it had gotten him out of many challenges before. “Doctor Who.”
“Hey don’t knock it till you’ve tried it-”
“I have, it’s okay.” Clementine rolled her eyes. Lee loved it, that show is the most relaxing twenty-five minutes of his day.
Louis rested his feet against the seat in front of him. “Really? You seem like the type to watch slow ass shows like Downton Abbey, then again it could be worse.”
“Oi, watch it spaceman.”
“Oi, watch it earth girl.”
Silence fell over them for a brief second, their smiles only growing bigger and bigger before immediately cackling like little kids at a birthday party, their shared knowledge going over the heads of the two people in front of them. Luckily it was their stop, they eagerly left Louis and Clem to their own mad devices.
“I think we scared them away,” Clementine spat between bursts of laughter. Her body had moved closer to Louis, their elbows and knees hitting each other as their bodies trembled. Not that either party was complaining, not one bit.
Louis wiped the tears from his eyes. “They’re fine. Which stop do you get off at?”
“It’s the next one I’m pretty sure,” Clementine straightened out her denim jacket, enjoying the pain either side of her stomach. It had been too long since she had a hearty laugh, it was therapeutic. “Which stop are you?”
Louis eyed down the road in front of them. His stop wasn’t for another ten minutes...
“It’s the next one too!”
A little lie never hurt anyone, right?
It was certainly worth it by how Clem’s eyes lit up.
“Cool. Would it be okay if you walked me home? I don’t like walking alone in the dark-”
His answer was more enthusiastic than he liked it to be. It was supposed to be calm, suave and sophisticated. But no his heart jumped the gun as always.
Clementine settled down her nerves. “Thanks.” She muttered, biting her tongue to bury the laughter from coming back. She twiddled her thumbs as the bus came to a slow halt, the rain suddenly hammering down like bullets. “Shit, you don’t happen to have an umbrella do you?”
His hand flew into his satchel and revealed a large black umbrella. “I have been waiting for this moment my whole life.”
Clem gave him a hesitant smile. “And by that you mean…”
“Well, I carry this thing everywhere with me and my friends laugh at that since I haven’t ever used it. But guess who’s laughing now.” Louis threw the umbrella over his shoulder, brandishing it like a weapon.
“Does that one have a name too?” Clementine and Louis both stood from their seat, making their way towards the front of the bus.
“How about Ursula? My favourite Disney villain,” Louis waved goodbye to Wilson as he opened the umbrella, jumping into a puddle by the lamppost. “I’ll never get too old for that. Disney and puddle jumping.”
Clementine hurried under the umbrella, sticking close to Louis. “I live right down the street, it’s the house with the green roof.” She gestured to a house towards the far end of the street, the only house with the front light on. Louis took smaller strides so Clem could keep up with him, one step to him was two for her. 
And it was absolutely adorable.
“How’s the guitar going?” With every step they took Louis dreaded having to part ways with Clem, even if he was going to see her the very next day at their work. The rain blanketed them in a fantasy world where nothing could reach them, the outside world was a distant land. No pressures of work, no demanding customers. Just peace and shared knowledge.
“I’m really liking it. Thanks for your help by the way, when I came into the shop.” Clementine enjoyed this cacoon, thanking her past self for leaving her umbrella at home.
Louis bowed graciously. “Anytime my darling.”
“Oh my god, seriously?” She scoffed. If this boy was going where she thought he was...
“Oh my darlin’, oh my darlin’, oh my daaarlin-”
The punch to the forearm was enough to put the singing to an end. “Do you know how many times people have sung that to me?”
Louis rubbed his aching arm, trying to figure out how a girl of her stature could deliver such a blow. “Not enough?”
Clementine ignored him, silence seemed to be the only way he’d understand how serious she was. “And here is my final stop,” Her fingertips danced along the black fence surrounding her house. The kitchen light was on, most likely her brother finishing his homework. “Thanks for walking me home.”
“No problem. I’ll always be here to help guide you through the night,” Louis winked. He opened the gate for Clementine, chivalry wasn’t dead yet. “Goodnight Clemster, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She gave him a slow wave. “Sleep tight Louis.” She jogged up to her front door, fumbling with the door keys for longer than necessary.
Louis waited till she was inside before continuing down the street, laughing into the cold and dreary night. “Right, now how the hell am I going to get home.”
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