#he legit laid down and pressed into my side like he wanted to cuddle
healingheartdogs · 2 years
I had a tissue stuffed up my nose because I am sick thanks selene and the runny nose is never ending, and Hermes just climbed on the couch acting all wiggly and cute and like he wanted to cuddle BUT INSTEAD HE PULLED THE TISSUE RIGHT OUT OF MY NOSE AND RAN AWAY WITH IT TO TRY TO EAT IT
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cloudybarnes · 4 years
Bruises & Cuddles | S.R
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
Summary: Spencer comes home from a brutally draining case, to a girlfriend who just wants to comfort him.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first time writing on here, so I hope it’s good! My writing will get better once I write more! Also, this is based off of 4x03, but with quite a few modifications. I changed a bit of the details of the case to fit the story. Enjoy!
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The apartment feels so cold and lonely when Spencer is gone on cases. You two hadn't kept too much contact this time around; he told you this was going to be a really tough case for the whole team.
A religious cult had been found in Colorado with a man by the name of Benjamin Cyrus being their leader. Spencer and Prentiss had gone undercover, posing as being interested in joining the cult. That was the last you heard from him until that morning.
You were worried out of you mind. You had gone through all the possible outcomes and scenarios that could have played out; none of them too good.
Prentiss and Reid could have been found out, they could have been killed, they could have been beaten, or they could have been forced to actually convert to that belief. Some better, more optimistic thoughts ran through you head as well. They could have gotten all the children out, they could have been completely fine, they could have taken it down without harming anyone.
You wouldn’t really know how things played out until Spencer finally came home. Which, after looking up from the book in your hands, was in about five minutes. You grinned, and tossed your blanket off to stand up from the couch. Quickly, you folded the blanket and hung it up on the back of the couch.
You tidied up the bookshelf, and placed the book you was reading down on the side table for easy access later. You waited just a little longer before you heard the familiar sounds of Spencer's keys rattling in the doorknob.
As soon as you saw the door open, you were on him. You hadn't even given him time to set his stuff down before you were wrapping him up in your arms. You pressed your face into his neck and inhaled deeply.
Spencer chuckled, "I take it you missed me?"
You sighed, pressing a small kiss to his neck, "More than you can imagine." Pulling away from his neck, you grinned as you began to take in his beautiful face. Slowly, your smile started to fade.
Spencer had a pretty bruised up eye, and smaller bruises littering the reset of his face. You quickly took a step back and tried to examine the rest of him. "What the hell happened out there, Spence?"
He sighed and walked further into the apartment to place his go bag on the floor next to the couch. You shut the door and locked it as Spencer took off his coat, leaving him in his white button up and black slacks.
"It's nothing bad, I promise. Paramedics already checked me when I got out of that house, and they said there's nothing wrong with me internally. I just have some light bruising is all."
Spencer shyly smiled as he came closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss. You hummed as he pulled away, your lips feelings cold from his departure.
"Do you want to talk about what happened? Please at least tell me how you got these bruises." You begged, pulling him to the couch to sit down with you. Spencer was slow to sit. His movements were slow and calculated, like he didn't want to get hurt if he moved the wrong way.
You sighed, and grabbed his hand in yours, rubbing your thumb over the back of his skin.
Spencer lifted your hands to press a kiss to the back of them before he started talking. "As I told you, Emily and I went undercover to see what we could do from the inside. We were fine going in, but they didn't think I was legit, so they-they started beating me and kicking me onto the ground."
A gasp escaped you. Spencer sighed sadly, pulling you ever so closer to him. Your eyes started to water as you placed a hand on his cheek. Spencer leaned into your touch, and closed his eyes.
"It worked. Everything I did in there, everything that happened to me was worth it. We got the children out, all except for one. Cyrus was blown up in the explosion, but there will still people staying behind to search through the rubble to find the body." Spencer explained.
You nodded, and starting running your finger through his hair. Spencer hummed and closed his eyes, leaning further into your touch. You giggled, "Why don't we get you cleaned up and in some comfier clothes, then we can just lay down and cuddle. How's that sound?"
Spencer nodded, instantly getting up and walking off to your shared bedroom. You followed after him as he walked into the attached bathroom to get in the shower. While he did that, you changed into one of his hoodies since he liked seeing you in his clothes. You put on some fuzzy socks, and fixed the bed so it would be ready for the two of you.
When Spence finally came out, his hair was already almost dry, and he was in a white t-shirt with grey sweatpants on.
You lightly smiled and pulled the covers back for him to get into the bed. He laid down right on top of you, and just sunk down. Sighing, he let go of all the stress and just let himself lay on top of you. You smiled, picking your fingers up to run through his hair. He hummed and nuzzled his cheek into your chest.
"Thank you for this, Y/n. I think it's exactly what I needed after the rough week I've had."
You lightly kissed the top of his head, "I'd do anything for you, Spence. Cuddles just felt like they were necessary right now."
His head popped up to look at you. Spencer stared into your eyes, and a light smile grew on his face. "I love you. So much, Y/n, I don't even know how to really express it to you."
You giggled and kissed his cheek. You moved from his cheek to a small bruise that rested there. "I love you more, Spence. My poor boy got all hurt trying to save lives. You're a hero, Spence, and I'm so proud of you."
You slowly moved my lips from one bruise to the next, kissing each one tenderly as to not cause him more pain.
As you made your way to his black eye, you made sure to be extra careful so it didn't hurt. Once you were all done with his bruises, you smiled at him before pulling his lips down to yours. The soft, slow kiss poured all of your love out for him. Spencer pressed into the kiss harder, but you pulled away once you felt something wet and salty hit your lips.
You saw Spencer with a few stray tears running down his face and pouted. "Spence, what's the matter? Did I hurt you?"
He quickly shook his head and sniffled. "No, you didn't hurt me. Quite the opposite actually. You're so kind and gentle to me. I've never felt a love like yours, and it's so overwhelming. I love you. I love how sweet you are and how caring you get. I'm so incredibly lucky to be with someone like you, Y/n."
You grinned, and placed another small kiss to his lips. "Actually, Dr. Reid, it's me who is the lucky one." 
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tr4shmouth-tozi3r · 5 years
‘I love you, did you know that?’ - richie tozier x reader
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requested: yes & im gonna die bc y’all keep requesting the cutest shit and I actually wanna stab myself in the face as I write this shit cause its just so damn cute🥺
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summary: Richie constantly found himself not wanting to go home and sometimes his friends had no time for him, but you? You always had time for him. He found himself making routine trips to your house after so long, throwing rocks at your window till you’d open up and let him in. Let the cuddles ensue.
pairing: richie tozier x reader
warning: fluff, swearing.
Summer 89’
“y/n!” Richie cupped his hands against his mouth as he whisper-shouted up at your window. You had your window slightly open and he prayed you would hear him, that you weren’t asleep. He needed someone and all his other friends were asleep. He had a feeling you’d be up for some reason. He was right.
He grinned when he saw your shadow bounce off of the wall in view of the window and your head popped out of the window, “Rich? What are you doing here? It’s like midnight.”
“What, I can’t stop by a friend’s house for a visit?”
“Well... you can, but usually it wouldn’t be at midnight.” You giggled at him and rolled your eyes.
“I mean, who cares, you’re up aren’t you?”
You let your eyes study him for a moment and you frowned. He had a scratch on his right cheek and his eyes looked red and puffy, like he’d been crying for hours on end and had just stopped not long before arriving to your house.
“Is it your mom again?” You spoke softly and he tore his eyes from you, letting them dart around and land anywhere but on you.
“Yeah... but who cares? I don’t wanna talk about her. Let me in?” He raised an eyebrow and pushed his thick rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. You smiled warmly and nodded at him. He climbed his way up, which surprised you. The side of your house where your window was always was a pain in the ass to climb, but Richie was stronger than anyone could have pegged him to be. Physically and emotionally.
That was the first of many nights to come over the course of your teenage years. You had grown closer and closer and before you knew it, Richie’s visits became a nightly ritual. And Richie went from the Trashmouth to your Trashmouth.
July 9th, 1992—
You jumped at the sudden crack against your window. You barely made it to the window before you saw Richie’s head pop up from the other side and him furiously tapping the glass.
You laughed as you realized he was struggling and you hurriedly opened the window and the screen, letting him fall forward and through the window, “Ouch!” He stood up quickly and shook his disheveled hair back into place and placed his glasses back over his face.
“Next time wait until I come to the window before you start climbing. You know how much of a pain in the ass that shit is to climb.” You smirked at your boyfriend’s eagerness to see you, but it also left you unsettled. It must have been a real bad one tonight...
“I just missed my babydoll too much to wait.” He grinned at you, wrapping you up in his arms and squeezing you so tight you thought you might burst. You laughed and melted into his embrace. He smelled like a menthol camel and your favorite cologne that he wore. He pressed a kiss to your lips eagerly and you tasted the cherry slushee on his tongue. You hummed into his mouth, darting your tongue out and slithering passed his lips. He tangled his tongue with yours, smiling into the kiss.
“You taste good, should have brought me one.” You pouted as you pulled away from his lips and he laughed at you.
“Sorry, babes. Next time, I promise.” He kissed your forehead and found his way over to the bed, gesturing for you to follow. Your nightly visits with Richie became known to your parents. They had caught on after some time and you explained Richie’s situation to them and how he hated being home for a good reason. They understood and left it at that. Soon, once you became a couple the visits turned into sleepovers and your parents still hadn’t protested. Maybe, it was because they hadn’t necessarily caught onto the fact that you and Richie were together now. It was probably better that way for a while, or else you didn’t think there would be anymore sleepovers if they knew.
You followed him to the bed and he pulled you down onto the bed with him, his arms snaking around you and his head resting ontop of yours as you snuggled up to him, “You know, I totally wanna tell my parents we’re together, but then we can’t have sleepovers anymore.” You pouted up at him and he laughed at you, throwing his head back.
“y/n, we’re 16 and we spend almost all of our time together and they totally know I’m obsessed with you. I think they know.” He wiggled his eyebrows in amusement as he finished speaking and you giggled.
“Okay, maybe you’re right. I haven’t confirmed nor denied it, though. Let’s just go with that, assuming they know.” You pursed your lips and shrugged, letting yourself be content with that.
He squeezed you tightly again and let out a sigh, “God, I’m so glad I’m here with you and I don’t have to spend another damn minute in that fucking house.” He mumbled quietly and you frowned into his chest. His mom was a severe alcoholic and took it out on him and his dad? Well, why do you think his mom was an alcoholic? They were the perfect toxic to ruin a beautiful soul like Richie, but he would never let them and that’s what you loved most about your boyfriend. Sure, he masked the pain and bottled things up sometimes, but he never lost sight of who he was and who he wanted to be. He never gave up on being happy and you were certain that was because of you and all of your friends.
“Was it a real bad one tonight?” You asked softly as you eyes searched his for answers. He shrugged and before he gave a verbal answer, your eyes landed on his neck. He had bruises on his neck in the shape of a handprint and saw that you had noticed, so he didn’t speak. He didn’t need to. You already knew the answer.
You cuddled up closer to him and he squeezed you a little tighter. You leaned up and placed small and soft, lingering kisses to the bruises on his neck. He smiled into your hair, “God, you’re so fucking perfect, you know? I can’t believe you’re really mine.” He shifted his weight and faced you as you laid down next to each other, faces inches apart.
“Rich, I’m nothing special, no need to butter me up.”
He rolled his eyes at you and huffed, “No, I’m serious. Don’t say that. You’re amazing. If I didn’t have you, what would I have beside the rest of the gang? A shitty home life? Some corny sex jokes? Fuck, I’d have nothing else. And with just you, comes so much. Look, I’m not much of a sap, but you get me all worked up and I malfunction around you all the time and I act funny. I guess it does that to you, huh? Love and all.” He was rambling sweetly and you both froze up when the four letter word fell from his lips. You searched his eyes, waiting for something else to come, but he was nervous and anticipating your response.
He totally didn’t mean to say that. You guys had been dating for a bit, but hadn’t said the L word yet and he said it and you felt like squealing like a little girl and crying happy tears and just having a complete overload of emotions, but you didn’t. Instead, you blinked fast and hard and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Holy shit, you said that.” You smiled after a moment and he relaxed, his face flushed and he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
“Holy shit, yeah I did.” He laughed in embarrassment and then studied your face, “I mean, it’s true. I love you, did you know that?”
“I love you too, Rich.”
He smiled down at you, “Wait until I tell the guys I accidently did it. Eddie’s gonna hate me, he had a whole little plan set up for me to tell you. He said it had to be super romantic and shit.”
Your heart fluttered and you stared at him in awe, “How long have you felt this way?”
“Sweetheart, I’ve loved you since the first night you let me climb through your window back in 89’. Shit, I just... didn’t wanna scare you away. You were there when I needed someone most and I’m so glad it was you. You showed me what it felt like to really care for someone.”
“Richie Tozier, I am so in love with you.” You beamed and your heart soared as you replayed his words over and over again in your head, “You really are a sap for me, huh loverboy?” You teased him and his face turned beet red instantly.
“Hey, shut it toots, now gimme a kiss, damn it.” He put his hand up to your face, running his thumb over your cheek and you leaned forward, kissing him slowly and softly, taking your time. Smiles shown through during the moment as you pulled away from each other. His big brown eyes magnified by his glasses were filled with so much love and you felt truly and utterly happy.
The rest of the night was filled with endless words about anything and everything and the constant exchange of ‘i love yous’ because damn, you just couldn’t get enough of hearing him tell you that.
Richie Tozier found a home in the most unexpected arms. You were the only thing he needed. Nothing else mattered on these nights you spent with Richie. It was just you and him and the rest of your lives together. He loved you all along, and now you knew that.
Woah that was so fucking fluffy and oozing w cheese I cant bro
The end was legit so corny but I loveeee itttttt😭 Hope you all liked this one❤️
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bionicragdoll · 4 years
2003 Leo, scenario, s/o is stressed over something, usually they’re so fun and chill, but they just wanna get it done. Leo and s/o deal with what was stressing s/o out. Now this is the scenario I am asking for, that was context: leo is sat, laid or stood. S/o just slumps, hugs him, all tired, snuggles and s/o doesn’t wanna talk. They just wanna cuddle and unwind. After a while, s/o looks content. I’d like the scenario in Leo’s view? (Guess Leo is their form of meditation ;D hehe).
A/N Fantastic! I legit do this all the time when I’ve had a long day. This probably isn’t my best one but I tried.
First the heel of your shoe broke, then you spilled coffee down your blouse. You hadn’t even gotten to the subway yet and it was proving to be a rough day. It didn’t get any better from there. Your computer at work crashed, causing you to have to restart your article from scratch. By the time your shift was over you wanted nothing more than to curl up with your boyfriend, a mug of tea, and Netflix. 
Leo stared down at his phone frowning. The last message he had gotten from you was just another in a long series of increasingly negative texts. Nothing too drastic or dramatic but it was still a serious departure from your normally happy and laid back attitude. You would never ask for him to come over and chill after a long day, you didn’t want to pull him away from training or quality family time but it sounded like you could use some company.
He told his brothers that they all had the night off from patrol before heading to your apartment. Since it was still daytime he had to take extra care not to be seen by any pedestrians. It only took a few seconds to jimmy the window open and let himself inside. First order of business was to make a pot of kava tea and load the couch up with a mass of pillows and fuzzy blankets. Then it was just a matter of waiting. 
Less than ten minutes later he heard the key turn in the lock, signaling your arrival. His breath caught when he saw you, a wayward lock of hair had fallen out of your bun, resting gently against your cheek. Your normally bright eyes were dulled with a level of fatigue he had never seen in you before. You didn’t even put down your bag before shuffling across the room. You stopped directly in front of him, shoulders hunched and head bowed. Leo stood there just waiting, waiting for you to move, waiting for you to talk. His hands twitched and he fought the urge to pull you into his arms. After a few endless seconds you slumped forward, head pressing into the center of his chest. 
A small smile played at the sides of his lips seeing you be so cuddly. “Wanna talk about it?” 
You shook your head mutely and wrapped your arms around his waist, “Just wanna cuddle.”
He could practically hear you pouting, “Okay.” Wrapping his arms around you he led you to the couch and tucked you into the waiting nest. “I’ll be right back.” He reassured you before disappearing into the kitchen. Sure enough he was back just a minute later with two steaming mugs of tea and a sleeve of Girl Scout cookies. Leo laid the snack down on the coffee table before picking up the remote and joining you beneath the blankets. You buried your face into his chest and he could feel the tension begin to ease out of your muscles. “Great British Baking Show?” He asked you in a light, almost teasing voice.
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An angst ridden daydream
This is in the questionable canon category, because my mind placed it as some future point in time I haven't explored yet. Foalan is around 3 or 4 when this happens and they have a second child who's an infant, maybe 1. Honestly didn't expect it would take them that long to go for two, Maranell has the craziest baby fever out of the lot.
I was listening to sad music, and my brain decided to explore unhappy scenarios as accompaniment. I legit cried a little while I was imagining this.
There's no build up cuz the point my brained wanted was just the painful part. Long story short Muriel almost died. When the day dream began I fully intended to have him die, but I didn't have the heart. I just could not.
A very large tree fell on him, I think a lightning strike knocked it over. Very very big heavy tree. It took a stupid amount of healing magic from basically everyone in my cast who's capable if it, all working together, to save him. And even without dying he was unconscious for two days and has trouble walking or standing like before. Because spine injury. He can still do those on his own, technically, but he's prone to stumble and be unsteady more often then he'd like. So he spends more time sitting then he did before.
I don't doubt my brain have him heal completely eventually, if I even keep that scenario. It's actually producing a lot of high quality fluff as an aftermath so who knows...
"please! please! please don't go!" Maranell begged, voice tight with fear and grief. She clings with both hands to one of his, clutching it desperately to her chest. "You can't! You can't! Please stay! I'll do anything!" Her pleading is sporadically interrupted by fits of terrified sobbing.
Muriel can't answer her, he can barely breath. The weight of the fallen tree had been removed from him, by some miracle of adrenaline she had moved it, but that doesn't undo the damage. He can't tell the difference between pain and numbness at this point, but even if he could he's not really lucid enough to notice. He does notice them though. The desperate pleading from his wife and the confused fear in his son's crying. But everything is too scrambled to know exactly how to react. So he just looks at her, as best he can, and watches the tears chase each other down her cheeks.
"Please, please stay with me! Please..." She leans down to let her head rest against his, her spastic begging turning to whispered pleas, "please. I'll never ask another thing of you. Please just stay. Please. You're everything. I love you. Please... "
He feels her shake against him as another fit sobs tear out of her.
"Stop...crying..." He forces out, horse and labored like it takes all of his strength. And so quiet she's probably the only one who heard it.
She shushes him gently and nuzzles against the side of his head. "I will if you stay..." She bargains though her stricken voice.
"Mommy!" Comes the tiny voice next to her, between sobs of his own. Faolan tugs at his mother's shirt, begging for comfort. He isn't sure exactly what this is but it's scary, especially if she's so upset it must be very bad. "Mommy!"
She draws a sharp breath and lifts her head, trying to compose herself enough to help the toddler. "It's ok, little bear." She lies, pulling him close with on arm while the other remains clinging to Muriel's hand. "Daddy's hurt, but the wolves have gone and gotten help. There be a doctor soon it'll be ok."
"Daddy... " He whimpers, only slightly soothed by his mother's words. He wiggles from Maranell's embrace and snuggle into his father's shoulder as best he can. He doesn't really understand doctor, but he understands hurt. And huggs and cuddles help hurt, at least as far as he knows.
Maranwe focuses her magic into Muriel's back, looking at the extent of the damage in her unique way. "This isn't good..." Maranwe speaks low, looking at Maranell, at her eyes, the gaze saying far more then the words.
"Don't tell me what I know!" She snaps, then agony washes over her features, and she repeats in a plea "don't tell me what I know..."
Maranwe knows what she means. Don't say it out loud. Don't speak it into reality. If it isn't said, maybe it can be averted. But she can hear the resignation in her sister's plea. She's only hoping against hope, the logical part of her mind already knows better.
"Come here, baby." Maranell urges to her young son, calling him near. "Now place you hands like this, and pour everything inside of you into your hands." There's an edge of desperation to her voice, but she tries to keep calm as she directs the boy. "Think of what you want and imagine it as golden light around your hands. And say what I say."
Once she's finished with the directions, she returns her hands to their own position. Laid lightly on her husband's back as part of a circle made by everyone present; Maranwe and Nazali, Maralyn and Asra, and even Julian though magic still makes him nervous, plus herself and Faolan. All of them pour as much healing magic as they can together, casting their spells, or lending their aid, in whatever way they can. Maralyn and Asra know well what they're doing, and Julian knows enough to know how to lend them his strength. Nazali does the same for Maranwe, while she uses her own unique means. While they all focus in their quiet, well practiced ways, Maranell's hushed voice is the only silence breaker, followed by Faolan as he copies her. They chant in a language none of the other's actually understand, though Maranwe recognizes. Muriel would know the words too, if he had the mind to.
The pooling magic glows brilliantly, and when it fades there's less tension beneath their hands. Maranell's heart misses a beat in panic and she presses her ear to Muriel's back. She gives a quiet sigh of relief when she feels he's still breathing and hears his heart. Maranwe focuses the last scraps of her magic to check their work.
"... Well, I think he's out of the worst of it..." Despite the words, she doesn't seem wholly confident.
"Is Daddy ok now...?" Faolan's little voice asks, rubbing his hands back and forth quickly over his father back like he wants to help more.
Maranell takes a breath, trying to keep the tremble out of her voice for her son's sake. "He's just sleeping now. He was hurt very badly, he needs to rest for a while.
"When is he gonna wake up?"
Maranell looks to her sister for that answer, prompting Faolan to do the same.
Maranwe makes... A noise. Not a sigh exactly, but not a confident sound either. "That's hard to say" How is she supposed to explain this to the tot? How would she explain it to her own daughter? "It's a complicated hurt... There's no way we can know the exact effect-"
"But he...is going to wake up?" Maranell interrupts, trying not to make it sound *too* much like a question. She doesn't want to frighten her son, but she needs the direct confirmation.
"I think so. He should..." Maranwe answers in her usual noncommittal way. "But-" Maranell cuts her off again, shaking her head.
"That's all I need from him."
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80steenmovie · 6 years
Heyyy, Can you please write me something with the prompts - “I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..” and “You’re beautiful, you know that?” with Steve? Lay your sweet fluff on me please! ❤
First of all, you’re iconic for sending me my first request. Steve is such a sweet boy he might as well be soft serve ice cream. I hope the fluff level is everything you were hoping for and more. 💕
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Steve helped you step out of the car and said, “Our anniversary still isn’t over, you know.”
“What did you have in mind?” You wondered.
“In the backyard, follow me.”
His face instantly lit up and he takes your hand and gently leads you towards the backyard.
“What is it now? You’ve already spoiled me with so many surprises today.” You slightly groaned.
The truth is you were exhausted and all you wanted to do was change into your pj’s and cuddle with Steve. But you could never turn down those big brown, puppy dog eyes that seemed to be permanently plastered onto his face.
You shuffle behind him with bare feet and your head hanging to the side when he stops suddenly. You see a light shining on him and slowly lift your head to see the whole backyard is aglow with string lights. Your mouth was slightly agape and you could feel tears forming in the back of your throat, partially from your state of exhaustion.  
Steve looks at you for a reaction, you meet his his soft gaze and breathe out, “Steve…”
“Come on.” He whispered.
In the middle of the backyard you’re met with blankets and pillows in front of a crackling fire. The entire setup looks so warm and inviting, it’s almost as if he read your mind and you wonder how you got so lucky.
He put his hand on your back, stretched out the other one and said, “Take a seat, my dear.”
You rested back on your hands and gazed up at the sky which was particularly clear and filled with stars. Steve mirrored your position next to you and admired you as you stared at the sky. You fixed your gaze back on him and whispered, “I love you.”
He leaned forward to peck your lips and said, “I love you too.” “You thirsty?”
“Sure?” You questioned.
He swiftly reached into a small cooler, handed you a can of soda and your eyes lit up at his selection.
“Cherry Dr. Pepper, just like our first date. I can’t believe you remember.” You smiled.
“How could I forget? That was the most important date of my life. I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror…”
“And to think all you had to do was flash me that sweet smile and give me those puppy dog eyes to impress me.”
Your eyes sparkled as you recounted that memory when you walked into Benny’s and saw Steve in the corner booth awaiting your arrival with wide eyes and a bright smile.
He stroked your cheek and said, “That was only after I spilt your first drink all over your shirt and you felt sorry for me.”
“And then you wouldn’t stop apologizing for the rest of the night.”
“Until you kissed me to shut me up.” He smirked.
“Like this?”
You placed your hand behind his neck to lean in closer and pressed your lips tightly before maneuvering around the rest of his mouth. While you were tired, you could still kiss him with gentle passion, and slowly shift your mouth around his, sucking on his bottom lip which caused him to moan a little. He started to lean back slightly but slowly released, and grinned while pushing a strand of hair out of your face. You groaned in complaint, hoping to end the night off with a bang.
“I thought you were tired.” Steve chuckled.
“I was reminiscing.” You purred with a grin.
“Well, save some reminiscing for me later okay?”
You caressed his cheek, quickly pressed your lips against his and said, “I can do that.”
His eyes suddenly widened and he blurted out, “Oh! The telescope! I almost forgot!”
“Telescope?” You asked.
He shot up from the ground, helped you up and put his hand on the small of your back to lead you towards a telescope hidden under a tree.  
“Okay, look into it and see the star in the top left at the very corner?”
You leaned down to look into it and said, “Honey, it’s beautiful but-”
“Look all the way in very, very corner. It’s shining brighter than all of the other ones.”
At this point you were thoroughly confused as to what you were supposed to looking for and getting more weary with every second.
“Okay, what about it?”
“I bought it and named it after you. The brightest star in the sky.”
You took a step back from the telescope and the tears in the back of your throat released. A few ran down your cheeks, smearing whatever was left of your mascara. You wrapped your arms around Steve’s waist and laid your head on his chest. He wrapped himself tightly around your torso and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
After a few moments Steve unlatched and wiped away a stray tear and mascara residue from your face and said, “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“You’re my husband and it’s our anniversary, you have to say that.” You sniffled.
“I didn’t have to get the brightest star in the sky named after you.”
“You’re so cheesy.” You tapped his chest and laughed.  
He pulled out of a piece of paper from his suit jacket and beamed, “Look, it’s all official. That’s pretty legit if you ask me.”
“I didn’t say you being cheesy was a bad thing. It’s one of the things I love most about you.”
You were about to pull him in for a kiss when a high pitched voice yelled, “Mommy! Mommy!”
A little girl with brunette waves came bouncing towards you and you scooped her up in your arms.
“Hi sweetheart, did you have a fun day?”
“Yeah, but I missed you a lot mommy.” She answered.
“I missed you too, baby girl.” You said and kissed her on the forehead.
Steve put his hand on her shoulder and asked, “What about me? Did you miss daddy?”
She quickly shook her head and rested it on your shoulder.
“Whaaat?” He exclaimed.
“You didn’t miss daddy?” You asked her.
“I-I did, just not as much as mommy.” She quietly responded.
“Well I can’t argue with that.” He smiled at you.
A few seconds later, a boy with a mop of brown curls sprinted into the backyard and huffed, “I’m sorry, I tried to catch her but she’s too fast for me.”
“It’s okay, Dusty.” You laughed.
Steve shook Dustin’s hand, pulled him into a half hug and said, “Bet I could still beat you in a race by a long shot.”
“No way, old man!” Dustin argued.
“Who are you calling old man? Let’s go right now!” Steve retorted.
While you were still holding your young daughter, you were watching your husband and your babysitter compete in a battle of the generations.
You were about to speak up, but your little one beat you to it and shouted, “Uncle Dusty, I want a snack!”
Steve and Dustin both looked at the girl, then you, then back at the girl.
“You heard the girl, and I’m not finished with my husband here.”
“Of course, sorry honey.” Steve nervously laughed and kissed you on the cheek.
“Uncle Dusty is going to take you for ice cream and have you back in time for Mommy and Daddy to tuck you in, okay?” You said to the little girl while staring at Dustin.
“Okay, mommy.” The little girl said.
“Okay, mommy.” Dustin jokingly imitated.
You glared at him and he gave you a signature Dustin smile and a nervous laugh.
You redirected your glare to a soft look at your daughter and sweetly said, “Give mommy a kiss.”
She gave you a tiny kiss and you said, “Give daddy a kiss too.”
Steve put his hands on his hips, grinned, and pointed to his cheek. Your little girl leaned forward and gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek.
You let her down and stated, “Hold Uncle Dusty’s hand when you cross the street.”
Dustin took her hand and turned around, and you smiled and winked at him.
You turned back to Steve, put your arms around his neck and said, “Do I need to get a babysitter for you and Dustin?”
“You know I have to mess with him.”
“I know, he’s a good babysitter and he cares about our little girl.”
Steve stayed silent, put his hand on your cheek, and you moved you head so your face was being held by his soft, warm hand.
“You know how I know you’re beautiful? Cause you made that.” Steve beamed and nodded his head towards Dustin and your little girl. You put your hand on his and said, “You helped.”
“You did most of the work.”
“You’re right, I did. But I couldn’t have done it without you.” You grinned.
“I love you. Happy anniversary, (y/n).”
“Happy anniversary, Steve.”
“Now where were we?”
He placed his hand under your chin, pulled you in a for a deep kiss, and scooped you up in his arms. He walked inside the house, carried you up the stairs to your bedroom, and closed the door behind him.
161 notes · View notes
Hi :) I was wondering if you maybe would write a second part of that Tendou college scenario you did a while back (post/180040401365), cause I really loved it ^_^. Something like them becoming a couple with lots of comfort kisses and cuddles.
LOVE me some lizard boi! And I’m really happy to hear you liked that piece!!!! I’ll link it below so we can all collectively reread it
First Part Here
Tendou Satori:
How completely tired and useless could one feel? You could count the ways… You’d missed out on class today, you hadn’t gone into your school study job, you hadn’t gone to your after class clubs or even left your dorm room to get something fresh to eat.
You’d stayed in your bed, for most of the day, watching Netflix and Hulu and Youtube while binging on junk food you had stashed in your room.
For good reason, though! You wanted that to be completely clear to your own self! You hadn’t gone to class today because you had passed all your college exams for the semester - there was no point in going in until the next semester! You hadn’t gone to your study job because the office you helped out in was closed for the end of the semester! Clubs, also, were only simply shutting down for the closing of the semester and the cafe…. well, you didn’t wanna get out of your warm bed!
That last one didn’t really have a good reason, but you weren’t going to beat yourself up about it.
“_______-chan~, you’re in the same position as when I left this morning!”
You scoffed with a smile, “Not true! I had to get up to pee like 20 minutes ago.” Only a split second was allowed for you to open your arms, your phone still playing loudly since you hadn’t paused what you were watching, before your boyfriend was flopping down into your bed with you.
Tendou hummed happily as he laid his head down on your chest, his arms wrapping around your hips while his body rested between your legs. He was a very tall young man, so you knew his legs were more than likely hanging off the end of your bed.
Bringing the phone back into your view, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your wrist resting on the side of his head so you could still watch your show. Tendou didn’t seem to mind, tilting his head so your arm was resting on the side of his face now and he could hear your heart beating against his ear. Calm and slow… Comfortable. Tendou closed his eyes as he relaxed in your arms.
Though the mood was a bit off. Something felt wrong. You knew something was different from when he’d left that morning to now…
So you set your phone down after tapping the lock button. Your hands were back on him in the next second, fingers running through his hair, your other hand rubbing up and down his back soothingly.
As the seconds ticked by, he seemed to relax more and more into you and the bed, taking comfort in your body heat and your gentle hands.. You were here for him… You loved him… “You okay, Satori?”
He let out a quiet whine, reaching a hand up to press against your face, “Sssshhhhhh, I’m trying to sleep, ______.” He didn’t want to talk about it - you knew enough from that response hat something had happened for sure. Something had happened or someone had said something….
But you weren’t going to just let it go that easily.
You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes.. Almost a whole year together and he still didn’t seem to be okay with telling you everything outright… Still seemed reserved in his feelings and things happening to him.. But you had never been one to push him. This relationship between the two of you went as fast or as slow as he wanted it to - because his being comfortable was just as important to you as yours was to him. “I love you, Satori…” You whispered, knowing he’d only whine about sleeping again if you spoke any louder.
Tendou felt his heart constrict at the feeling in your voice. You really did love him, didn’t you? His arms tightened around you, his eyes closing a little tighter as he held you closer. Why? “Why?” He asked, struggling to keep his voice from sounding as choked up as he felt inside.
Any cheesy response now wouldn’t be taken lightly. He was hurting. His heart ache from school and his own parents and friends… still affecting him now as he grew into his own adult. So you didn’t stoop to that level. He needed you to be serious with him, and honest.
“Because I do.”
Not too serious, though. You knew your boyfriend got really uncomfortable if things became too surreal too fast. Too serious and morose too quickly. More than not… It was hard to find that perfect balance, so he took what you said to heart but didn’t run away from the truth of your words, either.
His red eyebrows furrowed, and he peeked an eye open to look at you; why did you like seeing the black of his pupil contract inside the red of his iris? The contrast, you were sure. He pursed his lips as he peered up at you, “Not any particular reason?” You only smiled softly, “Not cause I can get things off the top shelves or because I get you all the staring attention you could ever want?”
You shook your head, “Nope. None of those reasons.”
Now he pouted, not daring to look away from you, though. You were his hope and light in this world.. And now, after what’d happened before he’d come back to you, he needed to bathe in your warmth. “Then why?” He really did want to know… or rather, the darkness that would replace your light, when you eventually left him, wanted to know… So it could weaponize your words against his own heart and against his own head.
“Because we’re two halves of a whole-“
“Soul….” You laughed quietly at his interruption, “You’re definitely not an idiot, Satori.. You have better grades than I do!”
Tendou shrugged, “Guess you’re more ¾ths of an idiot then, huh?” He laughed when you tugged on his hair, tilting his head a bit more so both his eyes were trained on you… But not tilted enough to pull away from your comfort giving chest. “You believe in soul mates….?” He’d meant it as a statement because he knew you did… The two of you had talked about it before..
That was the one of the best things about your relationship, he thought. Being able to talk about something as romantically serious as soul mates when the two of you were just beginning to talk. Or what the meaning of life was or what happens after death even though the two of you hadn’t even hit the peaks of your prime!
“I believe in you…” You edited, running both your hands through his hair now, letting one rest on the side of his head while the other stroked down his back, fingers pressing into his shoulder blades and muscles on either side of his spine. He felt more relaxed now. You were thankful you were able to get his mind off of whatever had happened.
Though he didn’t look too impressed with your answer, but you didn’t give him the chance to rebut your belief.
You leaned down and pressed your lips to his. It was an awkward position for you, since you kind of had to do a ‘sit up’ and use muscles you didn’t normally use, but you’d walk through hell for this boy.
He practically chirruped against your lips, and you could feel his body heat from the sudden kiss. Tendou sure did love surprise affection - but his body only seemed to be embarrassed by the actions. And when you pulled away, you could see the blush on his face was as violently eccentric as his hair, and his eyes seemed to have this dreamy glaze over them as he stared up at you.
What had he done right in a past life to deserve someone as beautiful, as gentle, as loving and affectionate as you? And how could he convince you to stay with him for the rest of your lives?
Lovestruck. That’s the only way you could describe his expression. “Let’s get hitched, ________-chan~.” He suddenly sighed out happily, arms constricting around your middle to hold you ever closer. While this would usually leave you breathless, you couldn’t help but laugh quietly at how his heart had immediately gone to that topic.
“We will.. After college.” You booped his nose before bringing up your phone to rest on his head again, “For now though, I wanna hear you do your best Dwight from The Office quote for quote impressions.”
“You’re watching the office again? What episode? Without me? How dare!”
A/N: Not gonna lie… I legit almost started crying bc of how much I absolutely adore Tendou… My sweet boy needs more love TT~TT
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cupcakesdontplay · 4 years
Bite Me
A Vampire Oneshot I dunno who it is Sorry. It’s either Baekhyun or Honey I couldn’t choose.
“There’s no way you could be an assassin,” my boyfriend argues twirling one of my braids around his finger absentmindedly.
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“And why not?” I shot back, mockingly offended.
“Because you’re too sweet,�� he kisses my forehead, chuckling, his other finger dancing across my collarbone.
“Awe, but in fact I could. I am a force to be reckoned with,” I bend my head back to look at his face, while he traces the hollows of my collarbone, up to my neck and down. He’s so concentrated on me, and it makes me nervous. I know why he’s concentrating so hard, every moment I’m in his arms he can feel my warmth, he senses each beat of my heart, he can smell the blood pulsing through my veins. Yet, he restrains himself, my boyfriend, the vampire.
He’s gentle with me, I’m a tough bitch, spunky, rebellious, domineering some say, but with him…this man with superhuman strength, makes me feel like a fragile doll in his arms.
“Could I…” his eyes shift to mine, “be a vampire?” I question knowing the answer.
He sighs, pulling me up to a sitting position. He wraps his arms around me, his arms wrapping around my chest, and I feel how cold he really is, there’s no warmth coming from him, no blood pulsing through his veins. He’s the undead. “We’ve been over this, Tay” his thick Korean accent still shines through even though he learned English nearly 200 years ago.
“Yea, yea, it’ll break my heart to watch all my family and friends grow old without me. I’ll resent it, I’ll resent you…” I roll my eyes, moving to straddle his hips.
“You don’t seem to be listening,” he says as I pull my my shirt over my head. “Are you trying to distract me?”
“tu sais je parle francais mon amour,” he flexs those deep set dimples as his hands find their way to my hips, “ta belle peau brune,” he effortlessly, breathlessly whispers tracing the tattoo across my rib cage. He kisses my shoulder, “my love,” pulling my bra strap off my shoulder.
My chest heaves up and down, as he touches me. His cold hands, like fire against my skin. “C’est la vie,” I moan out as his dick rises to greet my pussy through his sweatpants.
“Oui, you give me life,” I slow start rocking my hips against him as his lips brush my shoulder, nipping gently up, pausing at the vein along my neck, right there, he could easily end my life with, satisfying his thirst. He restrains himself pressing his lips to my neck continuing to nip at my skin. I tug at his hair pulling him away from my neck, connecting our lip passionately, standing on my knees. He adjust his sweatpants so that his cold, but angry, dick is free to meet my dripping cunt.
He’s barely even touched me and I’m like a bitch in heat for him. With his superhuman strength he rips my shorts clean off my body. “Is my girl hungry for my cock?” He purrs against my lips, pushing my hips down until I can feel his head teasing the entrance on my treasure.
“Fuck me, baby,” he obliges with my request slamming our hips together. I can feel him deep inside me, and all I can do is moan out his name. He takes control, finding a rhythm we can both handle, our hips meeting over and over. He makes me so wet all I can hear is the sound of his dick entering me, hitting deep inside of me.
“Fuck, Tay your pussy is like music to my ears,” I smile as he begins to slow down, making slow deliberate thrust into my cunt. Like he’s making a legit melody with our bodies. He sneaks his hand in between us to massage my engorged clit. Sending me into a frenzy of excitement.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum. I need to cum,” the only nan to draw a whimper from me gives me that smiles that keeps me weak as my pussy clenches around him, my orgasm shaking through me. I breath heavily against him, as he continues to pump into me.
“Damn,” he groans as I feel him start to fill my pussy with his cum. “Haha, I think you’ve ruined these sweatpants.” He smiles starting to pull out of me. I know he wants another round, his endless stamina being a challenge for my mere mortal body.
“No, don’t pull out.” He stops pulling out, our cum mixing and seeping out around us slowly. His hard cock pushes back in letting our cum pool at the base of his cock. He lays me down leaving his dick inside, his sweatpants hanging around his waist as he pulls me in to cuddle.
“You just wanna keep my dick warm, don’t you?”
“You wear me out so easily,” truly it makes me feel weak to not be able to keep going all night with him. If he would just turn me, we could fuck until we can’t stand it, but the ability to let him fuck me while I rest. It’s all I can do, I sigh with contentment, while he twitches his dick inside me. I just need a little rest…
I wake up a while later to the gentle nipping at my clit. His sharp canines grazing the lips of my pussy as he assaults my cunt. Him lapping up the combination of our cum, draws out a long moan. “There’s my fucking Queen,” he smiles his beautiful smile. I prop myself up in my elbows to get a view of his black hair casting a shadow over his eyes as his tongue works it’s own magic.
I bite my lip trying to keep my senses as he adds his talented fingers to my dripping core. He continues to tease my insides grazing against that special spot. Every other pump he touches it testing my resolve. One, two, three, attack. He’s enjoying himself, and I’m in such bliss I don’t even notice that I’m biting down so hard, I draw blood.
He stills beneath me, the smell of my blood calling out to him. “Shit,” I whimper as his fingers still midpump. I’m longing for his touch, my orgasm being delayed by the tiny speck. I move my hips in efforts to make him come to his senses.
His eyes focus on my lip, stalking up close to my face, he’s breathtakingly gorgeous as his eyes gloss over. “Babe?” I question and he seemingly comes to some sense that I don’t even realize he needs. He pecks my lips, almost afraid to go any further. The taste…would he be able to control himself?
He starts back from where he stopped, stroking my sensitive bud. As if he’s remembering that he could easily break me. He’s gentle and soft, the pads of his cold fingers against my heat. He continues focusing on bringing me to my climax. His middle and ring fingers pressing softly and constantly against my gspot, while his palm harshly rubs against my clit. He does it expertly, forcing me to my orgasm with a long yell. At the apex of my orgasm he sticks his cock in me, my walls squeezing him as he makes quick, controlled thrust, the sounds of my dripping pussy matching his timing. I’m sensitive and can feel my orgasm being forced to continue beyond limit. My hands wonder up to his chest, toned and sculpted. He’s all that I can understand as being real in the moment, as a secondary orgasm is rushed through me and the feeling of his own cum being empty into me. He pants, and bores his eyes into mine.
Even the undead can love, I feel his love as he stares into my eyes. It feels true, as he rest his head on my chest. His fingers tracing shapes against my side, as I drift off to sleep again.
When I wake next it’s already dusk, a ball gown is laid out on the bed. A note on the side table tells me to get ready and he’d pick me up.
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Around 7 I’m ready and make my way to the lobby of my apartment complex, just outside the door sits a dark blue McLaren GT, and the man who holds my heart. His hair perfectly fixed, dressed in a fitted tux, he flexes his jaw as I approach. My heart beating faster, I can’t believe he loves me. He presses his lips to my forehead, whispering how beautiful I look tonight. He escorts me around the car, helping me into the super car. He pulls out of the drive hitting the open road, the twin-turbocharged 4.0-liter V-8 generates 612 horsepower and 465 lb-ft of torque, hitting 60 in 3.1 seconds he pushes it to its limits along the mountain side roads leading us to a remote cliff side mansion.
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It looks as if it’s in the process of being restored. It’s old and feels like it’s full of history. The nearly 300 year old building. Lights are strung along the walk ways, wrapped along the twin stair case he guides me up. To a balcony set with candle light and and soft music playing. He holds my hand tightly.
“Dance with me,” he states, guiding me through a waltz. He’s gentle and in control. His dominance clear yet gentle. I rest my head on his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of love radiating through this night. “Tay,” he begins while dancing. “This is the place, where I was turned. More than 200 years ago, I was orphaned. Left alone in a mansion, with just staff to raise me. I was arrogant and didn’t know how to show love. I didn’t care who I hurt, I wouldn’t let them hurt me first. Til I met this cold woman, I was 27. She was just as cold and unfeeling as I was, she promised me forever. And like that she drained me of what made me human. Replacing it with a desire to be full, and the only thing to satisfy it was blood.” He pauses, “ she left not long afterwards, leaving me confused and angry. I killed any woman who came near to entering my heart, intentionally or accidentally. In the end I couldn’t tell the difference, because I was scared. Scared to be abandoned, scared to take to much from them, scared it wouldn’t fill the multiple voids.” He slows the waltz to look at me, “I don’t want to hurt you,” he says. It’s full of sincerity.
“You won’t,” I assure him.
He looks down at me with black eyes. “I know I won’t,” he whispers. He kisses my lips gently and passionately. “Ready for forever,”sweeping my hair to the side, he takes a bite.
0 notes
June 30th 2019
Hi hello. I'm very happy. K and I are officially dating and so much has happened and he's still a dick but we're happy. We just had our first real date and we went to an arcade which is like our thing and I tried to win her a stuffed animal but totally failed but it's ok, we went to the park after and goofed off on the playground and talked about running away to the nearby city to live together and we just laid there in the grass and my head was on her lap.. I'm so unbelievably happy it's not even funny. We went back to her house and she showed me more of her favorite stuff she has there even though it's not my first time and she taught me something art related and we cuddled in her living room for like hours. We've been together officially for two months and I just can't believe how happy I am, she's been my first kiss and everything and I'm glad she's not my first relationship but she just makes me so unbelievably happy. My ex wasn't the best but it was a dumb relationship with two closeted girls, she still had a boyfriend at the time and we had a "thing." Which was, I wasn't allowed to speak to her, or see her without her initiating anything and if I did anything out of line or she didn't like, I would get screamed at and lectured by her.
I'm not one to compare relationships but being with K is so freeing because I can be myself, and she tells me how perfect I am and how much she loves me and she'll just hold me and wants to see me. She doesn't get mad if I text her a bunch and she loves with I'm excited and finds it adorable when I do childish dumb things and just gives me this look that I'm like her whole entire world and holy shit it's the most amazing thing. I'll catch glimpses of her watching me when we're together and it's just heart eyes. My ex once screamed at me because I goofed off with one of her friends in our class and I got lectured for so long for what seemed like two days and she wouldn't hold my hand and would barley talk to me in person because I was "childish and dumb." But K is just so different and she doesn't try to change me.. it's not just one sided either I'm so in love with her and it's like a dream come true, when she first kissed me it felt perfect. Not even just fireworks it just it clicked it felt right for me, just touching her or her holding me I feel so safe and perfect. She tells me her favorite thing is when I fall asleep on her because she gets to hold me and she makes sure I feel safe, before we were dating she told me I would text her about my nightmares and talk about how I couldn't sleep and she just wanted to hold me and be there for me, how she would lay there before falling asleep imagining how it would feel to have me at times at night pressed against her to hold me. One of the first times I did when we were in the awkward transition from best friends to dating she was doing her math work at school and I was leaning on her because she asked me too, and I was falling asleep and she put her arm around me and had me snuggle into her neck and I fell asleep. It was hard for her to do her work I guess so she just put it away and while doing that she just talked to me like I was awake, whispering about how perfect I looked and how pretty and how much she loved me and I just.
Oh god real quick she also calls me princess so much and I literally melt, all her nicknames have specific reasons other than honey and love and shit, but princess is legit my absolute favorite and she called me it before we started dating because we were talking about kissing and stuff since she had just had her first with her ex and she asked me about it and I said I'd never done it and was like "but I've always had some stupid childish dream it'd be like in the princess movies, I would watch those over and over and dream my kiss would be magic or something and fix whatever curse I have or something cheesy." And I was really embarrassed and she kept saying it was cute and that I was HER princess and she's literally called me it since, and when we first started using messenger to text since I never used it but she did, instead of snap since she got a new phone and didn't have a SIM card or whatever, she immediately changed my name to that and it's great and our first kiss legit felt magical even though we were in the middle of the hallway at school. It was just so soft and nice and I was walking her to her art class like always after we had literally first started officially dating and I buried my face in her neck when hugging her like we always did, and she just softly was like "I love you." And held me really close and then after a few minutes was like, "hey.." really softly and I looked up and she gently grabbed my chin and kissed me for like thirty seconds and I immediately kissed back and holy fuck it was so nice I'd literally been dying to kiss her. And she just giggled once we broke and was like "I'll see you after class ok?" and I made my way down the hall to my study hall and I literally couldn't contain myself
I'm gonna end this gush session here but I'm
So happy.
0 notes
First off: your writing is legit awesome. Second, whenever you feel like it, maybe something about UF Grillby reacting to his s/o, one night after a rough day at the bar, just showering him in gentle, genuine affection? Compliments, cuddling, sweet "i love yous" and such. Thanks for reading my silly prompt, again yojr writing is awesome! Purple Flame Man needs more love! XD
(aw thank you so, so much sweet anon! i 100% agree with you on needing more love for UF Grillby - and i am always into writing the firebae, so i’m quite delighted to take another swing at him… admittedly, perhaps too delighted. so here we go, some fluff with the purple flame man to hopefully tide us all over~)
You had felt the quiet roiling fury and frustration of Grillby’s soul even from your apartment miles away from his bar. Your hands were donning your coat before you had a second thought - it had been a long time since Grillby had been like this, and ego be damned - you were going to be there for him if…
… You paused. No, no, you had a better idea, upon that second thought… one you think would be much better for him in the long run. He didn’t need to get the urge to dust a monster for threatening you should you end up snapping back at their rude demeanor… again.
So a few hours later, at a time so late in the night that it was dangerously close to better being deemed the early hours of the morning, you heard Grillby’s door click open and slam shut. The rush of heat was immediate - but you had planned for that, and were dressed in far lighter clothes than the outside weather would call for. You had also planned for the sudden quiet from him, cut off mid-roaring crackle, as he registered another presence in his apartment, and before he could gleam further information-
“Hey there, Grill,” you greeted, stepping immediately into view, your voice soft and your expression knowing. He sighed at the sight of you, and you felt a brush of his energy by your soul as he recognized your presence the moment before he even caught sight of you.
“… Hello, my dear. What are you doing here?” He said, striding over to you. The tension in his shoulders was obvious, even as his anger tempered marginally at greeting you. His arm circled your waist and he leaned down, immediately claiming your lips in a kiss, his burning temperature just shy of pain, causing you to sigh into him and press into his hold a little more firmly despite yourself.
(continued below the cut… // mobile link)
His chuckle buzzed against your lips, doing terribly wonderful things to your core even as he pulled away, his one arm still around your waist, the other lifting so his hand could lift to your chin.
“… Not that I mind, of course,” he continued, his voice decidedly lower.
You laughed - a little breathlessly - and shook your head. “Well, being greeted like that is never a deterrent,” you said, a mischievous tilt to your expression. You pressed a hand to his chest then, willing yourself to push back the desire a little to better attend to your original intentions. “But no, I wanted… to do a little something for you,” you said, your tone softer once again, a smile on your face.
Grillby’s expression shifted, a flaming violet brow quirking upward as he considered you… then followed your gaze as you looked back towards his impeccably crafted stone table. You had laid out drinks, including a particular blend of whiskey you knew he was fond of, accompanied by a favorite meal of his that he himself had taught you how to cook.
“… Well, I know I’m certainly not in any sort of line with you in terms of cooking… but I thought with how I felt your day seemed to go-”
“It’s perfect.”
Grillby’s words cut you off as you looked back up to him, your cheeks flushing. He was looking back down at you - there was no smile on his face, but there was something painfully, beautifully intense in the white-hot glow of his eyes as he held you closer yet.
“… Come on, before it gets cold,” you replied softly, catching his hand at your chin to press a small kiss to it.
You ate in relative silence, a comfortable peace coming over you both as you chose a soft, instrumental playlist to let play in the background. He set down his silverware as he finished and leaned back in his chair, his legs stretching out, brushing against yours as he lifted his whiskey to his mouth. His eyes leveled on you again, and you leaned back and lifted your drink in turn as you returned his gaze.
“If you’d like to talk about it, I’m here for you,” you offered as he took a sip. It was an offer you had made before, and meant just as genuinely then.
He continued looking at you, then finally sighed and ran a hand through the flames flaring over his head. He scowled as he focused on his whiskey.
“My dear, it is nothing I wish for you to be concerned over. Simply… ongoing frustration with a certain status of things.”
You leaned forward, your hands near his. “That’s a terrible argument, and you know it. My concern is for you, so that would only naturally extend. I’m never burdened by knowing what matters to you.”
“For a human, you’re incredibly quick on your feet.”
“I’ll take that as the well-meant compliment it was for no doubt the dozenth time. And my statement still stands.”
His gaze shifted to you, catching the soft grin on your face. He huffed, the sound half a laugh, half something of disgust at whatever was running through his mind.
“Very well, then.”
Without ceremony, he stood and in the same motion swept you out of your chair and into his arms. You, admittedly, squeaked, which led to a devilish twist in his otherwise stoic expression. Your arms had looped around his neck, so you pulled yourself just a little closer, leading to a thrill of warmth near your soul as his responded to your actions. You smiled, pressing a kiss to his neck.
He hummed, a low rumbling sound that you could feel throughout his body. Now in his bedroom, you felt him shift to remove his shoes without letting you go. He sat down in his enormous bed then, the pristine comforter barely budging as he did so - you knew from experience it was weighted, lined with a special material that both allowed air through while retaining heat. Pillows shifted behind you both as he leaned back, releasing you just enough to where you could lay slightly over him, slightly alongside him.
One arm held you close, the other released you in favor of his hand roaming to your hair, twisting it in his hands, lending a particularly soft curl to the locks he twirled absently around his fingers.
“… The human official returned today, saying they were going to reject my filing for their absurd liquor-brewing laws. Apparently, they cannot trust the quality or purity of something ‘hand-brewed by a monster’,” he sneered. You felt the anger rising in him again, his heat flaring just slightly with it.
“We’ll appeal it,” you said softly. You knew he wasn’t a fan of vague sympathetic apologies. Instead your head rested near his shoulder, your hand smoothing out gently over his chest, your thumb brushing in a gentle, reassuring motion. “I’ll appeal it. I may have a connection that could help us - you,” you said, correcting yourself as casually as you could, hoping the heat of your cheeks would be hidden amongst the ambient heat of him.
Grillby was quiet for a moment, his hand suddenly still. “… us,” he said, repeating your word back at you.
You didn’t say anything.
“… us,” he repeated. His hand tilted your chin upwards, gently forcing you to look at him. His gaze captured yours, and you felt your soul tighten in your chest at the bright, unmistakeable burning of his flames. His voice was quiet, a rough, low, serious crackle that pierced straight through you. “My dear. Do you truly…?”
You weren’t sure you were breathing properly, but you found your voice. “I love you,” you replied. “I know that. You know that. My soul knows that…”
It throbbed happily in your chest at your words, and you felt Grillby’s energy brush against you again.
You continued, “… and, well, I think your soul knows that, Grill. I don’t - nothing has to change. But I love you. I love your sharp mind, your cunning - the way you’re able to analyze and measure every situation to your best benefit so quickly, the deft slip of your hands as you mix drinks or cook, the way you stride through a room and command everyone’s attention should you wish it - the way that beneath the commanding and sharp exterior, you’ve got an indescribable and unwavering passion for your craft and for those you care about… And… just - no matter what this shitty world throws at you, I’ll be by your side, as long as you’ll have me.”
Your hand had drifted to his jaw as you spoke. You held him as he held you, a long, quiet moment stretching between you both as something swelled and burned and sung so very, very sweetly between your souls.
At last, he pulled you closer yet, his forehead tipping to brush against yours.
“… You mean that, I can feel it…” he murmured. It wasn’t quite disbelief in his voice, but something so very close to it, so close that it made your hand smooth downwards towards his neck, unable to find words, but grounding him with your caress as surely as he was grounding you in the storm of swelling emotions twisting and slipping between your souls.
“Every word and more,” you said.
He closed the last breath of distance between you, capturing your lips once more in a kiss. This one was even more insistent than the last, a passion and need behind his movements that had you letting out a soft gasp as you returned the kiss, your hand gripping at the strong line of his neck as his hands dragged red-hot along your skin, a thrilling heat that only had you wanting more.
“Grillby,” you gasped as you broke away just for a moment.
“I want to claim you,” he said simply, his gaze unwavering, intense, absolute. “You, dearheart… I love you. I love you, so much that my soul can barely stand your absence, so much that despite every inch of what has occurred in my lifespan warning me of the dangers of attachment - I would rather take on the world than have you parted from me,” he swore.
Your breath was fully stolen from you as he kissed you once more, pulling back only a breath’s space to speak once more.
“My soul is dark, my dear, something I know you’re aware of by now. It burns fiercely, but many a charred mark stand on its surface for what I’ve done. And still… if you’d have it, my damned soul is yours, as surely as yours would be mine.”
You lost your battle with the wetness pooling at the corners of your eyes. Despite it, your voice was firm and lined with the pulsing joy emanating from your very soul as you dragged him in for another kiss, your words ghosting over his mouth.
“Grillby, you brilliant, handsome fool, I’d want nothing more.”
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