#he just looks masive
im-getting-help · 6 months
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I refuse to hide this masterpiece.
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icypenguin · 9 months
To follow up your collage au with lyney
What if the reader had social anxiety and hated people looking at them?
(Totally not speaking from experience)
★~ Lyney headcanons (college au) pt 2
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- you’ll be a bit shocked when he first came by to you, he’s a popular one afterall. but by the way he talked to you as a stranger, it’s not much of a person would do. he was speaking to you calmly with not a loud voice, even better, he told his friends who always follow him to give him some space to talk to you so that you’ll not have a masive anxiety washing over.
- as time passes by, you got to know him better and you both understand eachother a lot more. he would motivate you to try and make friends with other people.
- you may not be that popular to the fact that you have social anxiety, but he doesn’t treat you any different than the others.
- when he first asked you to hangout, you were hesitant to say ‘yes’ knowing that some of his friends would come. nonetheless, he managed to convince you to come. during the hangout, he watched over you and tried to keep you comfy and happy.
- one day, you were assigned to do a presentation with him and some other classmates. at the front of your class, you felt like you were about to give up yet lyney held your hands to assure you that he’s by your side.
- being friends with a popular kid meaning attracting everyone’e attention. that was your biggest fear. when lyney accidentally attracted everyone’s eye on you and him you swear you we’re gonna melt by everyone’s staring eye on you both. with lyney knowing you so well, he ran, holding your hand, leading you to the empty classroom where he made sure you’re alright.
- if someone ever make fun of you, he will always be there to stand up for you. and unlike any other people who just humiliates you by being braver than you are, lyney would teach you everything to incease your bravery and confidence.
~ ficlet ~
the bell finally rang, signaling home time. you were packing your bag and getting ready to exit the classroom when all of the sudden, you felt two taps on your shoulder. as you looked behind, it was lyney masking his face with a warm smile. “hey y/n, me and some of my friends are gonna hangout after this. you wanna come?” he asked with a nice tone. you were taken aback by the question and needed a long time to decide. “hmm.. umm..” you were indecisively thinking wether or not go.. you don’t want to attract anyone’s attention by hanging out with him. but at the same time, you knew that he understands you and perhaps the best time to make friends? you finally said ‘yes’ and lyney lead you the way to meet up with his friends first. his friends greeted him with their special handshake, you were pretty grateful that noone really paid attention to your presence. that’s until one of his friend pointed you out “who’s this, lyney?” you could feel everyone’s eye staring at you. you were starting to fidget with your hand when lyney came closer to you. “oh this is y/n! she’s really kind, we both sit next to each other at class” by the compliment that lyney made, you blushed a bit. everyone started to introduce themselves to you and you shook hands with them as well. “your penguin keychain is so cute, y/n!” emma was really admiring the penguin keychain dangling on your bag. “thankyou..” you tried to make eye contact as best as you can. “where did you get it?” “um.. i think i got it from the mall” “oooh! cute!” emma had a cheerful vibe that you found cheering and somehow gave you a bit of motivation to talk to people.
afterward, you all went to the ice cream shop to chat while having some ice creams. during the walk, you were walking on the back since everyone was talking pretty loudly and it made you a bit nervous. ofcourse, lyney noticed and tried to make a conversation with you, “y/n, are you excited for our camping trip?”. with a shot, you said anything that came up in your head “yeah, i think it’ll be fun since we get to make s’mores!” you felt nice after saying that. “mm i guess you like s’mores too, huh?” lyney chuckled at the end then you nodded as a response. after a few minutes, you all arrived at the ice cream shop. “what are you going to order, y/n?” lyney asked while looking you then at the ice cream flavors. you too, looked at the flavorz “hmm probably classic chocolate” “don’t you want to try this rocky road?” lyney added an idea. “it does look yummy. alright i’ll try that one” you gave lyney a smile “awesome! i’ll get mint choco chips and cookie dough”. you ordered your ice cream in a cone, same for lyney and most of the others.
you decided to sit next to the window while lyney sit infront of you. as the others were talking about random stuffs, you were having a nice conversation with lyney. “is the ice cream good?” he asked, “mhm! this might be my new fav flavor” you were happy you got the rocky road. “i knew it! my recommendation didn’t fail to change your mind, did it?~” he wiggled his eybrows up and down while you giggled at his awfully trully circumstance. “wait y/n did you get rocky road too?” max asked who was sitting besdies lyney. you were scared that if you say ‘yes’ he would be mad you got the same thing as him, but you knew lying will turn things worse. “umm.. yes, i did” you tried to avoid eye contact with anyone. “cool! we got the same flavor! cheers!” your thought was the opposite as max was happy as you both were twinning.
the hangout didn’t go as bad as you expected, you got to know lyney better. most of all, he made you comfortable making a conversation with him and small ones with his friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thankyou for reading! i hope you all liked this. please i’m so sorry if i hurt any of your feelings if you do have social anxiety by thinking im making fun of you but i swear im not😞 nonetheless, i hope this fanfic makes you better!!! advices are accepted thankyou!
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Pokepark - Shout out a Pokemon IRL blog you really like!
ill do you one better i have A LOT to shout out lol. its very hard to like articulate ALL my thoughts in just like one paragraph cause i dont wanna drop a masive ESSAY for each blog so ill try to keep it brief but do check all of them out if you havent yet!!
@lovenpeace-pkmn - anthea and concordia are,, surprisingly forgotten about pkmn characters so finding out there was a blog for them a few months back was like. insane for me. i love the blogrunners characterization and its just generally a fun blog to scroll through and interact with on occasion!
@thatfailedpokemontrainer - sprite an interesting critter fr. theres something wrong with them and i love it. every once in a while something goes down on the blog and im just in the discord chat with friends like omg look at whats happening on tumblr RIGHT NOW!!! also as a dedenne best pikaclone TRUTHER i am obligated to promite this blog lol
@battle-subway-ghost - is also a really fun blog that im always like GUYS LOOK AT WHATS HAPPENING OVER THERE!!! honestly i could probably link ALL the blogs linked to this one and thatfailedpokemontrainer but i dont wanna decimate a buncha peoples notifs with me @ ing them all on the same post lmao. but like. something up with paris fr and his relationships with other characters are so fun to read. also i love rattatas so any blog about characters that give love to the rats get a good grade in my book
@wingsofachampion - tropius is such a fun character and bench plays her so well!! pokemon like tropius are sososo underrated compared to a lot of the like. anthro/more humanoid pokemon and pokemon that are just cats or dogs so seeing one about one of these more underrated pokemon so good to me. bench (blogrunner) also has a ton of fun pmd lore that builds off the canon stuff on this blog and a few of their other blogs so if you love pmdstuff you should REALLY check them out
@psn-stalling - i could list A LOT of the bbablr blogs because theyre all some degree of something up with that guy fr but atlas is one of the first blogs that popped up on my dash p often and is what got me to check out a ton of the bba blogs. atlas and his relationships to other characters are so fun to me and tbh atlas is just a fascinating character in general. top ten guys of all time i hope he beefs with even more of his classmates in the future
@viridian-rat - OKAY SO. TURT (the blogrunner) IS MY FIRNED SO PERHAPS THIS MAY BE CHEATING BUT RAT IS SO SOSO SOMETHING TO ME. 12 YEAR OLD OF ALL TIME. turt plays rat like an actual 12 year old and its so refreshing because a lot of people DO NOT KNOW HOW CHILDREN ACT AND ITS INSANE. also turts been putting so much effort into a whole ass animation for this blog thats almost done so you guys have to follow the blog before it comes out so you'll see it.
@harteofthehart-ayyy - harte is another character on pkmn irl thats a guy of all time fr. fascinated by him and everything that is revealed about him. whatevers going on with him and his roommate has captivated me. this is also another blog where i REALLY like the art thats posted on occasion, and i just find it funny to follow. also its just a REALLY fun blog to interact with. like some blogs are just awkward to reply to because theres like way too little to actually grab onto but harte's mod is really good at giving you stuff to actually reply to
theres sosososo many more blogs but some are just escaping my mind rn or i dont know how to like properly articulate anything than this blog good. id like @ my entire following list rn if i could but i do not think people would be happy with the amount of notifs
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starphasedd · 2 years
a small confession
"What is your problem?" You ask, heat creeping up your neck as you sprint to catch up to him.
It's pouring tonight. Clouds cover the night sky, making it pitch black out past the base. Where Ghost was headed.
You catch up to him, irritation audible in your voice as you jump to stop in front of him.
"Seriously, what the fuck is your deal?"
His massive form comes to a hault in front of you. The intimidating size of his stature beaming as he looks down at you. He still doesn't say anything.
It's cold, and you're getting soaked. The white sleeveless top you're wearing has now become see-through, the fabric sticking taut to your skin. Your black lace bra is now visible to him. Your hair was soaked; sticking to your cheeks, jaw, and neck. Bright eyes beam with worry as you stand defensive in front of him.
Electricity shoots straight to his cock as he watches you. His hands ball into fists at his sides.
"Leave it." Is all he says.
You grit your teeth and narrow your eyes.
"I won't repeat myself." He says, followed by your middle name. He was the only one who called you by your middle name.
"It's always the same with you." You say softly, the sound of rain pouring down filters through the background. "It's like you can't help it."
"What?" He asks.
"Running from your problems, Simon. Never letting anyone in."
He watches as drops of rain trail down your cheeks and drip down to your breasts. His large chest heaves up once and stops, like he's holding his chest. His hands are now in fists at his sides.
"I know how you get. You've been through a lot. We have. Together--" You say more gently this time.
He says your middle name again--a warning.
"--yet you still won't let me in. After everything."
He cranes his neck to look down at you. There's sincerity in your tone; even the face you were making. He'd always admired that about you. How you still cared so much, even after all you had seen and endured.
"Why do my troubles bother you? They aren't yours to deal with." He says.
"Because I care for you, Simon!" You snap, voice raising a few octaves. Your hands lift for emphasis and slap them back down on your hips.
He's at a loss for words. He stands there, just watching you. Your chest heaves up and down. He can see your wet shirt gliding smoothly over the soft skin of your breasts. And he realizes then that his cock is rock hard in his trousers.
"You shut yourself down. N'm tired of watching you suffer alone. I just want to help."
He watches you for a few moments before finally speaking.
"You wanna help me, yeah?" He asks.
You nod.
You're shocked when one of his gloved hands come to lock on your jaw. He leans down, the hard part of his mask touching your cheek as he whispers to you.
"Then go press your face to that wall for me."
He points to a vacant space between two buildings; one small light illuminates the alleyway, and it seems dry.
Heat creeps up to your cheeks this time, eyes slightly wide as his words seep through your ears. But it's like youe body was ready for this. Because you immediately turn and do exactly as he says--like you're on autopilot.
You walk between the buildings, pressing your chest and face to the cold concrete wall. Your hands come up to rest flat against it, your lower back arched to present your ass to him.
It doesn't take long for him to find you, and his masive hands find your waist quickly. He immediately presses his hips to yours, his cock hard underneath his trousers. It presses between your thighs.
Your cunt is already clenching around nothing as he grinds his hips into your ass, hands fingers digging into the soft skin there.
"Obedient fucking girl." He grunts out, leaning down to gently bite your shoulder through his mask. He keeps grinding his cock on your cunt.
You whimper softly from the pain of his teeth in your skin.
"Wanna help me, yeah? Wanna feel my cock in that pretty little cunt?" He grits out.
You whine his name, finger nails scratching at the concrete wall.
"You wanna cum on my fuckin' cock, luv? Yeah? Wanna feel me stretchin' ya out?"
"Simon--we can't..." you whimper, his hips thrusting into your rather harshly.
"Fuck, I know."
He doesn't want to stop. But he knows he has to. If he teases himself like this much longer, he won't be able to hold back. He'll pull your pants down and fuck you right here, risking someone seeing.
His hips slowly come to a hault. His breathing is heavy against your neck as his head collapses there.
You both stand there for a moment, feeling each other before he slowly pulls back. His palms are flat on either side of your head, and his hips are still attached to yours.
He's still breathing heavy as he finally speaks.
"I'm sorry."
You turn to look back at him. "I wanted that, you don't need to say--"
"No. M'sorry for always pushing you away."
You watch him for a moment.
"I'll try better next time, luv. Promise."
He leans down, pressing a clothed kiss to your exposed shoulder. His hands still have ahold of your hips.
You smile gently.
"Can you be sorry after we finish what we just started?"
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wobbledogz · 10 months
haya pal!
i noticed that you like to post wobbledogs stuff to so, if its ok with you, imma dump some codes.
TINY- smaller than a pebble, polite as an angel, but eats like Beelzabub, 3-dot eyes
<[ Jersey Devil ]>- wings, 10 heads, 6 legs, MASIVE tail, long. F7389E5FcB249A104=9=0;^D;::111EB01;0a71F05549B3214a280E34C4F0REFbCB68LB9ADFC0911=8C86B80 008^72<b1505<Bac51<;248E6;3Dc;^a=ca4;8c:DB;C3a57=208a52D=;6A4b67:E9=7PB4Dh1C74AY4k:303E2Fa8;3172DECB431Jb937YEPF:1AcPU6^00^92^1cC44;^^.baDS21I9E0D9182E1Eh2DDVEc5Da2FCF6d34894DbCB6A85A03=^D5;a5D^86F0F30C01A^CFFFAg
-----------and now the best for last---------
-------<GODS MISSTAKE>--------
wings, 6 legs, and wide. if you want to see a creature live in ceaseless agony, have a seizure and cry; this is the dog for you.
7A39D0123560A6a27A7.76c7050^lD4801101a4CBE5A1 7cB7C38FA911AE6FB0i9ED:4FDcb^;6h8742841780AACB7d1F20Fe0DaFb081B:475:CfDFC0B3B99fA8aA899309DbB1B9;DBF4114491:BB081491Ab^107F905:a848FFBD1AaFF6380Da09309jBD2c6ttDj3:40903EF40A<a00E8BF9AFCFC0FA708:702E11d:AC4041cFb96F1F4bB34cA642EB240C::bF1FDaC4^102803f:2F438f4=818:B94DF7Ea8FAC=99F0F4BB3dg:57FCFD3F1B3C03B<4E9C:FF1F15;=00FCC4B31^93F^1CCF09F4C012Pk2aFF4F4PD9FY7FU5bP:;2;3^431.0^83F113380=m980F^41970e;Fl96Ba660=9814C8eD34A72bcCA1E91449^a;bF^5f2t5763c012C9
First one! Since you referred to the little one as Beelzebub, I named him Beez <3
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SO SMALL. immediately began barking up a storm when i brought him into the fun zone (my pen)
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adore him. take care of him. forfeit all earthly possessions to him. <3
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VAMPIRE!!! the game-given name was stephen and i felt it fit so i kept it.
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WE HAVE LIFTOFF. flaps their wings a lot, so fucking adorable. i think i just get cute aggression from the SMAL ones but god they're just so cherishable, you're an amazing little guy creator!
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felt like i dropped them in and their first thought was
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what is this? a playpen for ants??
also trained it to bark a lot. because the sound is as horrifying as ever. will probably cry when it howls for the first time.
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plays v nice with the others, wish i could pet. still, love it. also, big fan of large tails so the fact it's as long as its actual body made me stupid happy.
and finally....large man.....
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he can barely shake his head when he's playing with toys. still, looks proudly at me whenever he does it. i will love him, seizures and all.
thank you again for sending these!! i love your guys sm!!!
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
Sora, bestie, what do you think about Daniel having MASIVE (in capital letters because it is soool intense) baby fever, and his partner (please, make it maxiel, bestie) find out (maybe because daniel get misty eyes from looking at baby pictures of him or his boo) leading up into rough, hot sex (come so hard and so deep for breeding purpose) but with intense, tender love in it. What do you think, bestie? 😃😃
Omega Daniel's been cooing over KMag, Hulk and Checo's kids for a little while now. He comes back to their hotel room smelling like the milky baby scent because he's always by the paddock nursery just trying to be Uncle Daniel.
Alpha Max notices and asks him about it and Daniel deflects because well, they don't have to have one of their own if Max isn't ready. Daniel's fine, he doesn't even know if he wants a baby. He never did before so maybe he's just thinking too deep or something.
Max didn't think too much of it because he figured it would happen when it happened, they'd never made plans for a kid or to not have any. So when Daniel comes back from the nursery smelling warm and yummy like his heat is coming early, he's wondering if maybe Daniel has been wanting a baby for longer than he's saying.
Daniel's moaning things like "breed me alpha" and "put a baby in me Maxy" and Max likes to think that he follows instructions. So when he's cradling a lax Daniel while they're knotted together, he hopes that maybe Daniel get what he wants, because a curly haired baby with dimples would be lovely
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deadnymaster · 5 months
you know, Sonic fandom on twitter has an interesting toxic development. I´ll tell you under the "read more" thing
That´s it, under the "read more" bridge. Because I consider talking about the toxicity of the fandom as somenthing that also contributes on having a trauma or anxiety about it, somenthing also toxic. So I´ll understood if you want to not known nothing about the theme
The thing on twitter (now X) is... Whith the ships... (Sonaze and Silvaze on this case) I investigate a little bit of it, just for find this post
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Look´s funny and exagerated, but look at the numbers, one MILLION reproductions and TWO THOUSAND likes, that´s far more atention than what ANY ship fanart can get. And you can´t just block that people because there´s A LOT.
Sonic ships aren´t so popular on the platform, so is very VERY easy that someone can come and saboutage the other ship whith personal hate, but there´s an added problem...
...It´s that some popular ships acount are beggining to protest about this behaviour on their art acount... Paying atention about those haters problem and exagerating them.
That behaviour, is extremely common on the app. It´s practiccally impossible to do nothing about it, It's a big feedback loop: people protest about somenthing silly/hate onto somenthing, then some people arge about it, making the problem even bigger because is more visible, and people gain even more prejudices about the fandom, clasifying everyone as toxic, and then more clueless people see it, and get paranoid about if that´s true or not, someone critics some coment harmesly but the prejudices and trauma of the fandom being toxic, makes them think that they are being attacked.
Another point: half of the fandom is autistic, a condition that not only can make you more sensible and have excesive emotions about "normal things" but is. also. a social. disability.
And its very VERY anoying, you can undestood bad a frase and take it involuntary personal on a painfull level when it was a harmeless thing, and people can misunderstood your intentions, mistaking you whith a weirdo or a dangerous person (As an real example that ocurried to me, I once ran into an autistic person who the second thing he asked me was what my sexual orientation is, I didn´t even knew that person). Luckily, social disability can be treated effectively by going to specialized therapy centers.
It´s just a suposition, but maybe, MAYBE, some "problems" of the fandom there was caused by autistic people who did not go to therapy and was too hyperfixated about their ship, ignoring that they maybe was being rude about it.
The conclusion is simple, Twitter prays more atention to drama and wars than the art, that's why ship wars have more atention than any fanart or positive vive.
All of this may looks worrysome, but I promise to you that artist cancelatios or masive hate aren´t that common, in fact, you would must to have the worst luck in the world for someone to cancel you on any platform as a small fanart account. It´s just a very big acount thing.
Its more common to being ignored or receive positive coments about your art, that´s why I hate when big acounts talk about fandom toxicity so often when they aren´t even a "drama" acount
And even if someone comments that he didn't like your content, the other positive comments on the sections helps A LOT whith digesting critics and hate. That's why I love positive coments more than the likes
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f0point5 · 9 months
I think people are way too sensitive when it comes to the sid the sloth joke. I think Max is the most handsome man in the world right now, but i have to admit he did look like sid the sloth 🤗🤗🤗 it's just banter between friends.
If Max was bothered, he would have said something. Unless he is a masive pushover.
Mmm yes and no, in my opinion.
I think it’s just…jerk behaviour for people to be making that joke, like bringing those large Sod cut outs to GPs for example, and commenting the gifs on RB posts. I’m just not about that stuff, I think it’s tacky and rude. So, that being a thing, if I were Daniel, I wouldn’t bring it up. That’s just not how I am. Is it that deep? Probably not. But that’s also just not my vibe. If you’re my friend, I’m going to tease you around people who aren’t on our wavelength. Not everyone is like that, that’s cool. But I also just…don’t vibe with it.
I could never speculate how much Max himself cares about what’s said but I just think if you’re the type who feels the need to make that joke, it doesn’t say good things about you regardless.
Also, I don’t think Max would say something, not publicly anyway. That would be embarrassing and unnecessary and definitely counterproductive. The first rule of the internet is “don’t feed the animals”. He probably knows that.
But yeah for me it’s not about it bothering him per se, more than I think it’s a shitty thing to say/perpetuate.
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as-i-watch · 1 year
Alright so the disguise Law wore is supposed to be one of the 6 standard disguises for ninjas, the komuso monk. These monks wore baskets over their heads and wandered around the country side asking for tithes. Kinda easy to use that to infiltrate places when the disguise already comes with a mask.
At least it's supposed to be on paper.
Law not only wore just the basket, he didn't wear the rest of the monk's attire. Not to mention his out fit has his damn jolly Roger on it, his tattoos are clearly visible. And he's carrying around that giant ass sword that's he's known for.
At least luffy looked like a homeless person.
I was acutally familiar with the kosumo monks bc of Batman Ninja animated movie of all things
But yes the fact he chose to cover his face and leave exposed his tats and walk around with iconic masive sword still makes me laugh
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respectfulkitfistosimp · 11 months
The Abode
A Kayn lol x reader fanfic part 5 master list
As the weeks passed you missed your friends and family even more, you also wondered what happened in your world. Did you dissapear without a trace or did everyone forget about you? If you did dissapear where they looking for you? The only things that kept your mind off these thoughts was work, even if you had no patients to take care of at night you still stayed in the nursery filling out forms, making training plans and diets or just simply studying, a few acolytes had shown their concerns for your health but you brushed them away with the best lies you could come up with and even if most of them didn't exactly believe you they didn't press on the issue further. You were planning on staying awake for yet another night in the nursery, but when you looked towards the window at the light casted by the sun and the clear sky you felt like taking a small walk outside, something that you had been warned not to do but what was the worst that could happen anyway?
You placed your coat on your shoulders as you walked outside, a soft, chilly breeze brushing away your drowsiness as you started walking, noticing how actually pretty the land around the order's HQ was. It was surrounded by a thick line of trees of various sizes and even colors, if there was something that you loved about Ionia it was how magic everything was in the most literal sense, never in your life would you had expected to see a pair of bright eyes looking at you in the shadows casted by the tree lines, what was even more weird is that one was yellow and the other one was red and the way that they looked at you, apparently finding your creeped out expression funny, sent chills down your spine. You blinked hard and even rubbed your eyes thinking that you were hallucinating from the lack of sleep and when you finally looked at the spot where you saw those eyes a sigh of relief escaped you when they were no longer there.
—Boo—said something in your ear, voice gravely and with a slight pinch of playfulness.
You didn't even turn to look at it because you passed out from the scare right then and there, the only reason why your body hadn't collapsed on the ground was because the person that scared you was holding you up. Kayn put his fingers on the pulse of your neck, sensing that you were still alive and letting out a relieved sigh seconds after, he left you softly on the floor, for some reason the idea of carrying you to the infirmary or just simply inside not even crossing his mind. Your body, on the other hand, was more than relieved to finally be able to momentarily shut down making it so a normal loss of conciousness of less than 5 minutes extended to a full on 6 hour nap and Kayn (bless his heart) stood next to your sleeping body all of this time.
—Great, you killed them—spoke the scythe, tone sounding like this was more of an inconvenience than anything else.
—I didn't Rhaast, I scared them—he looked down at your body, tapping you with the hilt of the scythe and watching you respond to it—see? Not dead.
The scythe only answered with a sigh, the conversation dying with it. Eventually you started to move, seemingly a bit annoyed by the itchi grass on your skin and the bugs crawling over your limbs; first you had scrunched your nose, then started shifting and only when your braincells actually made sparks did you realize that you were laying outside on the grass with no idea of why you were even outside on the first place, your eyes shoot open the next second and as you tried to stare at the sunset sky painted with a beatiful mix of orange and pink tones, the pristine white of the clouds adding to its beauty which was quickly overshadowed by Kayn's masive head looking at you. You grimanced a bit but then decided to let it go, too tired to even want to engange in any sort of banter, only now that you were awake did Kayn lay on the floor next to you, looking at the sky just like you did.
—I thought you were dead—he said.
"I wish I was", you thought, obviously not making that comment after the bad experience you had before when making a similar type of joke.
—It was payback, wasn't it?—you questioned, a light laugh from him being all the confirmation you needed.
You stayed in silence, laying next to each other until the cold of the night was too much to bear for you, however if it was up to Kayn you two could sleep there, after all the guy never wore a shirt so his resistance to the cold was something out of this world. You stood up in one swift motion, not offering your hand to him to help him stand because you knew what it would do to you, instead you started walking towards the order's HQ.
—I'll be leaving for a difficult mission tomorrow—he said right behind you, you didn't even notice when he stood up.
—Okay, good luck—you answered, not sure what else to say.
Kayn nodded, not knowing what to answer either, he might be a master with every weapon out there and fully trained in shadow magic, but when it came to making up small talk with you he was at a complete loss. A thick, uncomfortable silence followed the both of you as you walked inside the building, nodding at each other when you had to take a corner that would separate your path.
The next day came fast, or maybe at a normal speed since this night you had actually gotten some sleep, either way that day you decided to see everyone who was going to join Kayn's mission off. You stood in front of the door, a step behind Zed as he gave them a brief run down and some unexpected words of encouragement, as you looked at the blades of grass you noted a soft layer of frost on them, then you saw the clouds coming out of each acolyte's breathing, in that second you knew that whoever returned alive they would most like end up sick because of the cold. While going over your internal monologue Zed stopped talking, everyone turned around and walked off except you, who stood on that front door, freezing your toes off as you saw them dissapear into the forest, next you looked at the sunrise, the blue and yellow of the sky making the frozen grass shine. You sighed before remembering the cloud coming out of your mouth, then did it a couple more times simply because you were mesmerized by it before going back inside, working as you usually did until for some reason you were told to go somewhere and as the best employee of the month you went there... You went to a battle field, one filled with corpses and blood and everything that you knew would make you spend a fortune on a therapist to even begin to comprehend the amount of bloodshed and death, lucky for you however by the time you got there the battle was already over, however that didn't mean that you didn't have to work on the few that survived. That's when you saw Kayn covered in blood, you hoped that it wasn't his blood and just a second later you raised your voice to get him to come with you.
Kayn was already walking towards you though, who else could he trust to take care of him? He was happy to get treated by you, however he wasn't so happy of the scolding that you gave him while treating him, his head was already a mess on every sense of the word, from physical to psychological, it casted a fog on his brain that only got thicker by the sense of bloodlust that permeated his senses, this caused for him to not even think about it before he put his hand on the back of your neck and with barely no force at all he forced your lips on his. Your brain took longer to register the kiss than what it actually laster for, the muscle memory of your limbs started to work on his injuries, your blank expression was an accurate depiction of the state your mind was in. Neither of you said a word, on your part it was because of how absolutely shocked you were and in Kayn's part it was not only because he was satisfied to not get scolded by you but also because he enjoyed that dumb expression on your face.
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Well DTS is just a messy messy drama reality show (with very few exceptions and great shots) 🥴, i never look forward to it because they usually edit each episode to fit a narrative like lando didn’t care for daniel while he was at mclaren when in reality they were (and still are) very close and friendly, other thing is that they use footage in a way that fits that narrative they have so (example) they want to show that charles and carlos hate each other so they put a radio message from lap 20 like “let carlos through” and after they show lap 12 where someone, who wasn’t charles, crashed into carlos and says “is he blind or what” cut to will buxton saying something like “the hate that you can feel in the ferrari drivers is just masive and it doesn’t stop on track you can feel it in the paddock as well”
that whole side is messy messy but on the bright side there are a few glimpses of real life where they show them being normal human beings joking around, hanging out with their families, etc
from these season i’ve seen that they treat the lance wrist accident accurately without added drama so that’s good 🥹, but it is very rare to see that they are letting the entire truth on the screen
and the best thing are of course the shots that Netflix do that are very cinematic and good for a gif or a screenshot
overall is just very far from the reality and marketed to audiences that actually don’t watch it as a sport through the season + made up drama so the people on the outside get “interested” just the american reality show formula 🥴
so i guess watch it at your own risk haha but is not really that entertaining
(sorry for the long message i got excited haha)
Don't apologise for your excitement, I love and appreciate how much effort you put into this! Thank you ✨️
Absolutely agree, DTS is the whole american marketing move for F1, and to get people to watch it (especially new people/fans), they have to throw some drama in there and the narratives are never depicted as they are. I only had last year to compare (the first seasons I watched the without much prior knowledge), and it's such a big difference from what actually happens during the year and what they choose to put in the episodes.
I know it's not that entertaining and enriching, but I always save it to watch when I don't feel like watching something that will consume my brain too much and the other shows I have rewatched and rewatched are not calling to me 😅
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Hang Around For Scooby Doo: SD Ghoul School Review (Comission for Emma Fici)
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Happy Halloween all you happy people! Our halloween stuff rolls on as I introduce a new not at all consitent series on this blog, Hang Around For Scooby Doo! This probably won't be a monthly thing like my muppets reviews, but it will be fun.
See over a year and a half ago my good friend @jess-the-vampire and I started having movie nights every Tuesday and Wedsday on her nights off. It was during this we found a mutual love of Scooby Doo, both having grown up with it despite being a generation apart. So when she told me about a Scooby Doo film where Scooby goes into space in a trek inspired heavily by BioShock and alien, how could I say no? The film was Moon Monster Madness, and I shall cover it some day. Finding out i'd missed films like this made me curious: I'd grown up with the DTV scooby movies, even watching them into high school on sick days or summer days as CN played them a lot, but after Chill Out, Scooby Doo, they stopped playing them as much, and I stopped seeing them as a result.
So in over a year and a half we watched and re-watched ALLL OF THEM. No hyperbole. We watched the greats, we found hidden gems and we also suffered through Return To Zombie Island and Fred's weird singing voice in the somehow boring vampire musical. And once we were done… we kept going and have been watching some Scooby doo ever so often since. We watch other stuff sure, it's how I got sucked down the Miraculous Ladybug Hole, but it's built on a foundation of Scooby Doo
And of course watching entirely too much Scooby Doo has given me a MASIVE repository of review material yet untapped. From weird individual episodes like Shaggy becoming king of the goths, Fred's ass terrifying everyone, One of NSYNC framing the Gang for crimes, Shaggy nearly being drowned for being a witch or a rejected skeletor minion haunting a 70's dude at Wimbledon. IT's a weird wonderful buffet and since my good friend Emma commissioned this from me, we got a great place to start digging in Shaggy style so Hang Around after the Read More for Scooby Doo: Ghoul School!
The history for this one is interesting, as this flim happens to be part of another small project I've intended to start for a while: an on and off look at the Superstar 10, 10 films packaged for Hanna Barbera's funtastic world of hannaa barbera saturday morning block. Even if you haven't heard of them, you may of seen some as all three red shirt shaggy films as well as Flintstones Meet the Jetsons are part of it, and cartoon network tended to air them a lot growing up as they filled up time nicely. Why the others weren't used, especially since one of Yogi Bear's other films, his wonderful christmas special, was aired every year…
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But the non-scooby ones are only avaliable via Warner Archives, so i'm curoius to see what hiden gems and things that are better off locked in the archives lie in wait, so once again while this review is paid for, it's something that was inevitble.
The Superstar Ten Trilogy of Scooby Films is highly notable for being the first Scooby Doo films, the ones that likely gave the crew of Zombie Island to try one for the DTV market as unsuprisingly these three had vhs' (and I had one for the reluctant werewolf. Wish I still did. It was sweet. ). These films paved the way for us to have almost 50 MORE after them.
This trilogy is also intresting for when it was made: coming out in the mid 80's, this was around the same time as 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo, The New Scooby Doo shows and others that largely broke from formula with Fred and Velma largely put on a bus , leaving the gang just Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne.. Scrappy
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And their bitching van. Despite the show before it being the bane of many fans at the times existence, the Daphne and Shaggy era shows are well regarded and I hope to binge 13 ghosts at some point as it sounds utterly awesome. Weirdly though despite Scrappy's wide backlash he wasn't the team member to get dumped for these movies, with the trio instead being reduced to just Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy. Now…
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Scrappy.. really isn't that annoying here. He still has his traits of running at danger and being Scooby's Hype Dog, but he's also fairly intelligent, helpful and functions as a replacement Fred without being nearly as bland as pre-Zombie Island Fred Jones. I mean he can't say treasure that special way
But he still does well. It's why i'm really baffled at how Scrappy's been reduced to either not existing anymore (Curse of the 13th ghost) or a hilarious joke not to be talked about (Mystery Incorpeated): yes he's widely hated but you can do stuff with him as seen with the 2001 Movie and Scooby Apocalypse. And you can do stuff with him as is. I will always be in favor of fixing a character if possible instead of just tossing them aside because it's supposedly what people want, something I doubt will change for poor Scrappy as Warner Bros Discovery has shown it doesn't care what anyone wants, needs or feels.
The Red Shirt Trilogy is also notable for being one of the biggest examples of real monsters in the franchise. As I found out via Billiam's videos these weren't the first time this happened, but it became one of the most memorable, both due to these films getting replayed more often than the scrappy era shows, and because of the neat designs, memorable characters, and all three breaking from the mystery of the week format. Sure there is an unmasking in Boo Brothers, but instead of trying to figure out whose haunting them the Red Shirt trilogy focuses on different genres each time: Reluctant Werewolf is a very mild Horror Comedy that turns into Wacky Races, and our feature presentation today being a slice of life school based story that turns into an adventure film in the last act. It shows just how flexible Scooby Doo is and why it's lasted so long: You can do a LOT with these characters, whether there's a mystery or not and new writers never stop coming or having new ideas to bring to the table. While it was a surprise, it wasn't hugely shocking to find out the writer of this one, Glenn Leopold, went on to write the first three dtv scooby doo movies, all very different. It does surprise me he wrote the godawful and boring Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights, but I forgive him.
So with that we can actually get to the movie itself which as I said is a shockingly chill for most of it's runtime slice of life comedy: Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy are heading to Grimwood's School for Girls to become the new gym teachers. Some of you less familiar with Scooby Doo may laugh, but keep in mind both Scooby and Shaggy are storied Laugh-A-Lympics trained athletes, their team the Scoobie Doobies having won a mind boggling 14 out of 24 games in this storied contest, and Shaggy would later participate in the World Invitational Games. Their more than qualified. Scrappy is there because I assume Scooby just adopted him at some point becaues having scrappy for a child did this to a his mother
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So she had to pass the curse on to someone. Naturally things can't ever be easy for our heroes and they find out that while Miss Grimwood herself seems human, we'll get to that, the rest of the students are all the daughters of classic horror monsters: Sibella, the fantastic daughter of dracula with a habit of saying fantastic, using her hair like a cape (something Jess caught and I didn't) and turnign into a bat, Elsa Frankentien, daughter of Frankenstien and somehow bride of Frankenstein, maybe they had hate sex and they alternate weeks I dunno, Phanty, a delightfully hyper phantom with a love of exorcist head and a dad whose apparently the phantom of the opera's ghost? I have a lot of questions I dont' think Erik is ever going to answer. but I mean.. it tracks. He does die in most adaptations, so… there's that, Winnie the son of some sort of wolfman, and Tanis, an adorable Mummy child whose conception is best left a mystery.
Shaggy naturally tries to run the fuck away but he's under contract, with Scooby and Scrappy as witnesses. What's nice though is while Shaggy is, being shaggy, is a bit freaked at first he quickly warms up to the girls. It's a gradual shift and while the character development probably could be done a tad more overtly, it still works for the time with Shaggy going from being afraid of these precious children to genuinely supporting them and being the coach they need. The bulk of the first act is just shaggy training up these girls and doing fun exercises with them. The girls even happily get their coach a pizza without being asked when he can't find anything he likes to eat at grimwood (understandably since in classic adamss family fashion everything's rotten). And while it has cobwebs and stuff they genuinely like it and try it. It's small stuff.. but it works.
It helps the girls themselves are incredibly endearing. Their not huge on personality in the dialogue itself, mostly being limited to their traits of "Vampire", "Kinda awkward", "goofy and does the head spin", "energetic werewolf" and "baby girl baby", but the various quirks they have animation wise and their genuine kindness and enthuastim towards their coaches make them hard not to root for. It's no wonder the five became instant fan faviorites and it's more suprising it took TWENTY YEARS to have any sort of followup, especially since after likewise breaking out the Hex Girls have shown up in every series sense. Also if your curious yes we will be getting to it this halloween, Emma's using her patreon review for it. Their just well designed, fun characters and add to the fun chill atmosphere. It's also a nice lesson about tolerance without hitting you over the head with it: Shaggy sees someone different, reacts badly, but grows to see them as what they are: people who are different but at the end of the day still just people. Simple yet heartwarming.
Playing our girls we have Susan Blu, whose a long time voice actor and voice director, best known for this flim and Transformers The Movie as Arcee, as Sibella, Patty Maloney who played Twiki on Buck Rogers a few times and Darla in the 80's version of the little rascals I just found out existed, as Lil Tanis, the late, great Russi Taylor as Phanty, Susan Blu, mother of Mae Witman it turns out and vetran va as Elsa, and the late longtime HB voice actress Marilyn Schreffler as Winnie. Impressively all but two of them came back for the OK KO reunion years later, with only Schreffler and Maloney being replaced as the former had sadly passed ona nd the later had retired, with it being JUST in time to catch Russi Taylor before her tragic passing not long after.
As for what Shaggy's coaching them for in grand 80's fashion he's training them for the big game with the snotty rivals just next door, the Callaway Cadets who seem to be actively in denial about the girls being monsters. Thankfully while they avoid the trap of most standard 80's
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Characters: Unlike say Huey Dewey and Louie or the bros of my little pony tales, the boys, while cocky and confident, are mostly just clever and ready to win and are heavily regimented. At most their petty jerks and cheaters, but there's no overt sexism needing to be taught a lesson here. It's also nice that their one plus sized member Tug is NOT singled out for his weight or the subject of constant fat jokes. Which doesn't seem like a high bar clear but for the time it is. At most he falls on a guy maybe once. Their a little charming but obviously leagues behind the girls in terms of actually being memorable. Their col is also delightfully stuck up, the Callaway himself. Their also well child acted, with future robin Scott Mellinvlle being one of them.
I will admit there's not a huge amount of build up to said game, it's the main goal for 2/3 of the movie but htere's no traning montages or real drive to win other than Tanis wanting one for her big ass mummy case. But it really doesn't matter: It's more about having fun with these characters with the game simply a setup for said fun and some hyjinks. The big game isn't the reason we're here, i'ts to see shaggy and scooby get into antics, some ghoul children be adorable and quirky, and legendary action Glynis Johns to ham it up to all hell as Mrs. Grimwood. Mrs. G is delightful, being wonderful supportive of her girls, a decent enough boss, and fun to be around. She's also in my eyes a witch since, given the later OK KO crossover, that's an actual species in this unvierse and we don't have one on the good guys side so why not. She also has an octopus butler i'm hence dubbing Geoffry. He rocks even if I somehow forget about him EVERY TIME I watch this film. The film is good Adams Family/Munsters style fun complete with thinking creepy things are fun, eating gross food, and shrieking for exercise making the two buzzards who work there quit.
The actual game is engaging though as you want the girls to win, they use their powers, the boys use the power of cheating, it's good times. Seriously the cadets just.. blatantly cheat in front of them. Dick Dastardly at least had the decency to try and do it while no one but the audience was looking. Come on man. OUr heroines naturally win of course, with Tanis getting the trophy that they just pass back and forth because why not.
We also get a really adorable scene as it's PARENTS DAY!… which for Shaggy and Scooby means
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Though it turns out like their kids the various parents.. are all nice. Tanis' dad in paticular gets the immortal line "I don't want to hurt you I want to HUG YOU!" Awww, what a sweetheart. THey also all thretan to straight up murder shaggy and scooby if their daughters get hurt
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This leads us into the last act.. and the weakest part of the film. See either because the script ran short, the execs wanted it or the writer just done goofed, the last part feels kind of jammed in there. The first chonk of the film is fun slice of life while the last third is an adventure film with horror elements in which the dread witch Revolta and her much cooler and more intmidating assitant the Grim Creeper kidnap the girls and plan to brainwash them to give Revolta an army to become top monster since the girls dads went soft raising families. I mean dracula emptied a whole boat before settling down. Can't argue that.
The problem is besides Revolta feeling really jammed in, only showing up for one scene to show us she exists in the first section of the film, she's also REALLY boring. Ruta Lee gives a great voice performace but Revolta's design is meh and her personality is entirely absent. She has no motive other than
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Which granted isn't much of a step down from most scooby doo villians crooked real estate schemes, but it just makes her boring. And if she did more I might respect her but she spends the film sending out minons, her spider bats and the again far more awesome grim creeper and grousing at the Creeper ocasionally. She could be replaced by her sidekick entirely and the film would not change. She also somehow.. surivives the finale? Which like.. is someone going to send the cops after her? Are there monster cops? Would anyone else want to see that spinoff? Valid questions.
The Creeper is great though, voiced by Andre Stojka who played the owl in winnie the poo after this. Great guy. The creeper has a neat , creepy design, a great voice and depsite bein ga tad goofy is a through threat, being the one who actually you know does shit, using his vines to grab people, going out to help the spider-bats with the kidnapping and generally doing all the work. He even tries feading Scooby , Shaggy and Scrappy to a well dweller who also looks neat, and is cleverly defeated by scrappy getting it to play with a bouncing ball. I genuinely wish he was the main villian. Granted I also love any and all cyclopses like this boy here
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But still the Grim Creeper rocks. The last third of the film dosen't: Once the kidnappings happen, which are genuinely creepy and unsettling , paticuarlly Sibella as while she tries to escape she's captured mid-air by the bats and Winnie and Tanis who are dragged into an abandoned shack by their big sister figures, so it's not al lbad.. but then the last 25 minutes is just almost entirely our heroes dicking around a castle. There's some good bits such as Shaggy meeting the bad shaggy, because he's the good shaggy, whose just a …
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With Evil Shag being genuinely creepy.. but instead of serving any plot ponit he just.. runs back into the mirror after chasing Scooby and then Scrappy for a bit while the girls chant "I obey only revolta " to an annoying degree. It'd be creepier to have them actually attack their surrogate uncles instead of just, you know chanting and doing nothing. It's not TERRIBLE, the good set pieces help outweigh the bad parts, but it's nothing really special or necessary after 2/3 of a really fun chill slice of life comedy.
The climax likewise is just kinda there: Our heroes just happen to accidently break Sibella free, she frees the rest, and the cadets, who previously refused to help for no good reason…
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Had a change of heart and decided to come help and take everyone away on their helicopter they have because the one kids an inventor and they actually set it up so good for them. Our heroes escape and have a really fun dance party to the Scrappy Rap, aka Scrappy being shockingly fun as an mc. It's cheesy sure but it's sstill got a decent beat, is fine for a goofy 80's film, and is far from the most embarassing rap i've seen
The ending.. dosen't quite work for me as Shaggy and Scooby run off from next semesters kids: A creature from the black lagoon who looks delightfully orange, an alien, and Godzooky 2: The Quickening. Seriously I want to know more about these kids they look adorable. GIVE ME A SEQUEL YOU COWARDS
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So that was Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School and while far from the deepst or scariest scooby work, it's one of the funnest, the most creative and it has an octopus butler. None of us can say that and more should frankly. If you can find it, as it is on DVD at least, check it out. It's a fun ride and easily the best of the Red Shirt Trilogy, which i'll get back to.. eventually. For now have a good day, follow me here for more and on patreon, feel free to hit me up for comissions and thanks for reading.
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thesilentlands · 1 year
Chapter 6: Abyssal Trail
They layed there for hours on end, listening to the sound of the night, Michael wondered how his new life will look like, he knows nothing about outside life, maybe he will somehow fit it? He will find it out soon enought. Michael got up and moved Volt a bit to the side, he then packed up his sleeping bag and watched the sky, admaiering the beauti of stars. The sun was slowly rising and with that Volt woke up from his shutdown, he got up and notised Michael looking at him
-good morning bud -hello Michael, ready to go? -of course - they got out of the hole and headed west to to Abyssal Trail -Volt? -yes? -what is the Abyssal Trail? -Abyssal Trail is a masive unknown for of land that was created just after the time substance fanished from this world, its said that the land was created on the space where they left. The Abyssal Trail found its use to fast travel between lands much faster because the land there bends time and space. Creatures there are also pretty friendly and can give you a ride as long as you give them something small and shiny, they take it as payment -well thanks for the info -no problem -they walk and walk until they reach it, the great Abyssal Trail
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-its weard... -odd fealings are common hire, lets find someone to help us get acrose - they walked in to the strange place, there where a lot of strange creatures around them, they all where unique in theier own way, the all had the same bird like mask. There where also a lot of starnge floating objects and bridges that seamed to be infitite.
Sudently one of thos creatues aproched them, it looked pretty normal, it lacked a tail and its body was pretty fat, its legs where mechanical and the same bird mask stuck. -hello? -the creature made a series of mechanical clanking noises -can you understand this Volt? -they want to know where your going - Michael explained that they where going west to a city, he also detailed how the city looked, the creature yet again spoke -it said that it can get us there by a small payment in something shiny - Michael looked at the creature notising its belt of items, there was a lonely fork among them so he desided to give it a spoon.
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-can this be of use for you? - the creature chirped in respond -it said yes - Michael and Volt got of the creatures back and they slowly made theier way to the city.
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-do you think that ill fit in? -huh? -you know, i dont any normal human interaction, and im worried that they will take me for a weardo -your sytuation is unique, maybe youll find people who are almoust the same as you -maybe.. -dont get your hopes down, your true life may start just there, why keep them down? -i guess your right -they then admired the beaut of this place and both waited for the trip to end.
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Will you be my Hunter Session 5
Cw alcohol
The heroes continued their journey. They arrived in a village on the road and the villagers greeted them and asked where they were going. They answered that they were on their way to the eastern town. One villager said that this was an interesting coincidence as there had been another traveler to the eastern town just three days ago.
The heroes obviously immediatly suspected Lugno and asked what the traveler had looked like. The villager responded that they couldn't remember, they went to bed with the traveler and woke up only hazily remembering the details. Their partner didn't get out of bed at all and still hadn't.
Morena agreed to check on their partner and see what she could do to help. When she got to the bed, she immediatly saw that they had been turned into a vampire spawn.
After explaining the situation to the villager (and consoling them), they agreed to perform a mercykilling on the now-undead person. I're put a sword through them, but not before the spawn managed to wound her (though Bergi reduced that strain). Morena stared solemly at her lantern.
She then wanted to make sure that it was actually Lugno who came here and not another, unrelated vampire. She asked a torch near the door whether it had seen anyone unusual recently. It responded that it sees a lot of people every day but recently there was a person it had never seen before, who looked a lot like I're. Morena did not share this revelation with the others, not fully trusting them yet. Sethra was fascinated by all this and asked Morena for an explanation of how this power works but Morena told her that she couldn't fully explain it in Common.
They continued traveling. A few days later they arrived in a village with an inn with a harvest festival currently ongoing. The heroes decide to spend the night here.
Listening to the chatter of the celebrants, the heroes pick up on the fact that there is a Chimera in the area but the villagers feel safe in their village but are a bit worried about any travelers in the area.
One of the villagers approaches Mhoira and tells her that two days ago, someone asked for someone that matched her appearance (white-skinned human woman with a large hat) and when he told them that he hasn't seen anyone matching that description, the asker smiled and say "excellent! then I still have some time to prepare"
She tells the others about this and everyone is quick to assume that this person was Lugno. This was a problem for me because it wasn't and this was actually supposed to be the first hint towards a secondary antagonist. So I had the guy approach Mhoira again, having gotten drunk enough to forget the previous interaction, and telling her that the person that asked for her was a Tiefling. Mhoira then asked what the Tiefling looked like and he told her that she was wearing a yellow shirt, had dark grey skin, short black hair, and a cute smile.
Sethra was reading fortunes for the villagers. Mhoira also wanted her fortune read and asked what her life would look like after the current job was done. Sethra revealed the Magician and told her that a life full of opportunities was awaiting her. Morena disguised herself as a different Firbolg and also wanted her fortune read, asking where to find a loved one. Sethra revealed the reverse knight of cups and told her to be careful and stay grounded on her search. Later that night, she asked Bergi what "grounded" meant but still didn't quite understand what Sethra had meant.
The next day, they continued traveling. They noticed tracks of the Chimera but decided not to try to evade it. Shortly after, they ran into the beast:
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The Chimera had the head of a goat, a wolf, and a chicken.
Mhoira first shot at the wolf head but after the goat head dropped a meteor, dealing masive damage to the party, the others decided to focus down the goat head first.
After the first round of combat we decided to end the session for this week so more details on the fight will follow next week.
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omi-papus · 2 years
Im going to start calling that AU I made the "Xenoworx AU".
But in that, I say that when talking to Robin, a few of the crew refers to Al-An as "Your Pokemon".
Al-An at some point out of sheer boredom, gets into helping just about everyone with anything. Including things he is absolutely not equiped to even understand. This leads to him attempting to help other memebers with their dating lives, thinking that since hes bagged a human he should be an expert. And is shocked to find that no, not really. Robin is just a masive weirdo and what works on her probably isnt the best idea in most other cases.
The human crew members are the ones mentioned in the Wiki,
And some new guy who jumped in when Alterra baught Xenoworx out, and expected to get a good financial oportunity but now hes fucking stuck here. Lets name him like... Jordan or something.
Jordan in the only other field researcher, so hes front row seat to Robin bullshit.
Isis and Lina where certain Robin had died in 4546b. And deadass arranged her funeral. Robin somehow shows up before said funerals date. And all of these poor bastards have to attend knowing damn well, this bitch is back at the base laughing her ass off at the whole thing.
Cal was the only one that had 100% faith in Robin, and when she shows up with her 3 meter custom made alien boyfriend, hes wirded out, but more so disapointed because, "I expected something weirder".
But on a more serious note, Robin is lowkey really upset that she gets a funeral being alive when Sam didnt.
But in this universe, she actually sort of set a makeshift funeral at the head of the frozen leviathan, and Al-An makes sure to remind her of that.
Cal and Robin where college friends, despite studying diferent majors. They are both constantly asked how they put up with so much all the time, and they deadfaced and sicronized will go "Nothing will ever be as bad as our unis infrastructure."
Robin can and will, steal a specimen of every single animal, that Al-An mentions looking like a creature from his planet for him. You bet this chick breeding Lilipaddlers in the storm drain.
Al-An actually tries to help Jordan find other employment, since its obvious he wants out, and he feels bad for him. And Al is oddly enough, incredible at interviews, but Jordan always fucks up Al-Ans perfect plan one way or another.
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hunting-songs · 7 days
Kurapika had smiled to himself when he smelled ramen from the small family restaurant by the side of the road. It was late at night when Linssen, Basho, Senritsu and Kurapika decided to stop because their stomachs weren't stopping to growl.
Basho had ordered a shrimp ramen and suggested that Kurapika try it too since he seemed to have enjoyed the traditional meat ramen that time at the fair. Kurapika agreed, and when he had his bowl in front of him he took the chopsticks as the bigger man had shown him.
He stared at his plate for a few moments until he finally spoke. "Shrimp have their heart in their head, more specifically, behind their eyes." He casually mentioned as he grabbed one of them with his chopsticks. "And since they have an open circulatory system, they have their organs loose throughout their body... it is the tissues that directly absorb nutrients from the blood." He finally took a bite, while listening to Basho's loud laugh, feeling Linssen's silent gaze and finally after eating it he turned to look at Senritsu. "Interesting, isn't it?" There was a small, almost imperceptible proud smile on his face.
Senritsu did not liked eating fish. SHe did not liked the much too soft texture of the flesh falling appart in layers on her tounge. Senritsu did not liked eating fish. She couldn´t stand the scent of seawater turning foul as soon as the fish was taken out of the ocean water.
Senritsu did not liked eating fish. She did not liked eating fish, or clams or those shrimps that looked too uch like mcuh too big insects even for her through a life of wandering toughened up self-understanding.
So Senritsu looked at the shrimp held towards her with such a suffering and almost annoyed expression as if that shrimp itself was brutally cussing her out. Still she gifted Kurapika with a smile, even if the smile hurted a little around the corners of her mouth.
"That is indeed very interesting. You should be proud of your wide knowledge, Kurapika. After all, you ahd studied hard for that knowledge." As elegant as a dancemove Senritsu lowered her head a little to hide the grimace of utter, pure disgust twisting her usually so kind and soft face: " And now I think I will never even think of eating shrimp again... It will feel like I am eating their intestines." The woman couldn´t help herself from shuddring and the wisp of the cold hand of utter disgust ran down her back below her blouse. Squinting her eyes shut and swallowing down her uncomfortableness that had beens tuck in her throat like a thick clot and now lay in her stomach as heavy as a stone, the young woman just lifted her small hands, waving away her words from before with a quiet, rueful chuckle. Kurapika was enjoying his meal, and he liked to spend time with them and he felt comfortable. Senritsu did not wanted to spoil his clearly hearable comfortableness. Senritsu wanted to continue to listen to this song and if that meant facing a seadfood that looked like a masive insect, so be it. Senritsu loved music, after all: "-I am sorry, I am sorry. Please do not mind my words and continue eating."
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