#he just continues to be the source of sadness in the redacted community
mrsmiagreer · 1 year
i've been pondering that a LOT and like what if we get a unrequited love moment for geordis comeback 🫢
that’s what the angst fics are saying
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whichchick · 8 years
So I am yet again a bad person.  This time, it’s one of those unbearably tragic short stories you see see sometimes on facebook.
On Monday, a kid in his early teens who lives in my area flipped his ATV over onto himself in a pretty bad accident.  As this is a small rural community, said event blew up all over my facebook.  These are all actual facebook posts, as they appeared, with the names and localizing details redacted.  You could probably find the kid’s name without much trouble at all if you really wanted to, but his parents are (spoiler alert) grieving the loss of their only son and I’m trying to stay under the radar here.  Anyway, so here’s the unbearably tragic short story, the ending to which you already know because I just told you.
Has anyone heard an update on (KID) who had an accident last night?
EARLY WEDNESDAY:   I just got home from the hospital after visiting with (KID). He is still at (LOCAL HOSPITAL). (KID) remains in ICU and is in very critical condition. He has a collapsed lung and his heart is bruised, which could be better addressed at (HIGH QUALITY HOSPITAL) in (BIG CITY), however he won't be transferred because he does not have any brain activity. His injuries occurred to his upper body (chest and head) and there was an extended period of time that he was not breathing, therefore a lack of oxygen to his brain. The lack of brain activity is currently the greatest concern. His brain activity is constantly being checked and monitored and the family holds faith and hope that there is a change. Only if (KID) shows signs of brain activity will he be transferred to (BIG CITY). PLEASE PRAY for (KID) and for his family, they desperately need your prayers. Please add him to any and all prayers chains and requests. Our family greatly appreciates your thoughts, prayers, and kindness during this very difficult time. 
UPDATE ON (KID): Early this evening (KID) was transferred to (HIGH QUALITY HOSPITAL) in (BIG CITY) where he was further evaluated by a team of physicians. They concluded that the trauma from the accident, causing a stroke, occurred to the front of (KID)’s brain which controls his motor skills/body movement, speech, memory, etc. The CT indicates this area of his brain is dead. Doctors have advised that a patient is unable to recover from this type of injury. Despite this devastating report from the physicians, (KID)’s family remains positive and continues to have faith. (KID)'s life has been a blessing from God and his family believes that His intervention can and will allow a miracle to occur against medical science. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY for (KID) and for his family. (KID)’s (MOM) and his family have received numerous messages and thank you all for the outpouring of concern, thoughts and prayers. Their focus right now is on (KID) and they are unable to respond to every message at this time, but want everyone to know that they have not gone unnoticed and are greatly appreciated. Thank you all so very much for the continued thoughts, prayers and concern. 
UPDATE ON (KID), second source:  We've made it to (HIGH QUALITY HOSPITAL) in (BIG CITY). Three physicians have come in to talk to us. They said the top part of (KID)’s brain suffered many strokes. They say he has lost the ability to see, talk, and think. Yes it's very, very sad however were still praying for a miracle! Please pray that (KID) regains the use of the part of his brain that isn't functioning. Thank you all for the many prayers, God Bless, we need that miracle!!
At this juncture (Wednesday) I mentioned to my cousin that the only reason they took (KID) to (HIGH QUALITY HOSPITAL) in (BIG CITY) was to part him out.  I told cousin that they were going to hammer the family on brain death criteria and let them say goodbye and that he’d be nothing but spare parts by Monday. Because, well, because that’s how I see the world.  All the time, that’s how I see the world.  I can’t turn it off.  I’d like to be a different person, but I am not.
THURSDAY AM UPDATE ON (KID): This morning the doctors indicated that the third day following a head/brain trauma is the "worst". This is proving to be true with (KID). PLEASE PRAY for him now. He needs as many prayers going up right now that we can get. He has significant swelling in his head and brain which is cutting the circulation of blood flow to his body. Surgery to alleviate the swelling is not an option as he isn't strong enough to sustain the surgery. (KID) needs a miracle. I'm also asking that you please pray for his mom and dad, (MOM) and (DAD), as well as the rest of (KID)'s family. They need strength to get them through what the next days may have for them. God's will will be and it will be accepted, but miracles can still happen. PLEASE PRAY. Thank you all so very much! 
THURSDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE ON (KID): There has been no change. (KID)'s vitals are still not good and an EEG today showed no brain activity. The doctors will do a perfusion scan today which will determine arterial flow. If arterial flow is absent, this will confirm brain death. I will update as results are in. Again, please continue to pray for a miracle for (KID) and please keep his parents, (MOM) and (DAD), and (KID)'s family in your prayers. Prayers are needed now more than ever. Thank you all so very much!!
SATURDAY:  It is with deep sadness and a heavy heart that I report of (KID)'s passing. 13 year old (KID) was granted his angel wings today. (KID) is now rejoicing in the presence of the Lord. Although (KID)'s life seems cut so short, for those who were touched by him know that the quality of his existence far exceeds the quantity of time we've had with him. In his all-too brief life, (KID) brought joy to all those around him. His infectious personality, his comical quotes, his love for life and his faith and belief in God melted the hearts of all who knew him. Each day with him was a blessing and an opportunity to create lasting memories. Mature beyond his years, he was an amazing example of character, love and integrity. With (KID)'s passing, although we will miss him every day, we remind others that his life is one to be celebrated. (KID) will forever live in the hearts of all those who knew him. Just as (KID) lived his life, bringing joy to those around him, he does so in death; bringing joy and love to those unknown to us or to him through his gift of organ donation. (KID) was an only child and I ask that you please say a prayer for his parents, (MOM) and (DAD) and his grandparents, (MEEMAW) and (GRANDMA & GRANDPA). Please pray that God may bring them strength, comfort and peace and that they may trust God's promise that while (KID)'s life on earth is done, his life beyond has just begun. Please also pray for all of (KID)'s family and friends as they also struggle with the pain and grief of the loss of (KID).
(I carefully bolded the organ donation part so that you wouldn’t miss it.)
I really, really hate being right about things like this.  I wish that people could pray away the brain death of their junior-high aged sons and that it would really work.  
It doesn’t work.  
Parents, I am so sorry, but the only reason your kid got sent to (HIGH QUALITY HOSPITAL) in (BIG CITY) was so that they could part him out and this was as obvious to me as a neon sign on Wednesday.
Organ donation is a good and noble thing to do with his body.  It really is.  
I’m sorry your son died.  
I’m glad that you agreed to donate what he isn’t using anymore.  
Thank you, parents, for making the good, hard call when your only son was still and pale and full of tubes, surrounded by machines and smelling of antiseptic.  It could not have been easy for you to accept the fact that whatever made him the kid with the infectious grin I saw on facebook all this week has left the building and was never coming back.
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global-news-station · 6 years
Russia Investigation
· just in
DOJ official Bruce Ohr communicated with Trump dossier author Steele after FBI cut ties: report
By Brooke Singman
| Fox News
Senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, left, continued to communicate with former British spy Christopher Steele, right, even after the FBI cut ties with him. (AP)
Long after the FBI cut ties with former British spy and Trump dossier author Christopher Steele, senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr continued to maintain extensive contact with him, according to newly reported emails.
The emails, first reported by The Hill, reveal Steele even continued to send information to Ohr after the election.
The FBI “suspended and then terminated" Steele as a source in early November 2016 for what the bureau defined as “the most serious of violations" – an “unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI," according to a House Republican memo earlier this year. The FBI reportedly told Steele at the time he could no longer “operate to obtain any intelligence whatsoever on behalf of the FBI."
Yet the emails show Ohr, a former associate deputy attorney general, and Steele communicated extensively from 2002 all the way into 2017.
One text message from Steele to Ohr on Jan. 31, 2017 reportedly said: “B, doubtless a sad and crazy day for you re-SY." The text is an apparent reference to President Trump’s firing of Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.
The text continued: “Just want to check you are OK, still in the situ and able to help locally as discussed, along with your Bureau colleagues."
Ohr reportedly replied: “I’m still here and able to help as discussed….I’ll let you know if that changes."
Steele reportedly said: “If you end up out though, I really need another (bureau?) contact point/number who is briefed. We can’t allow our guy to be forced to go back home. It would be disastrous."
It is unclear what and whom Steele was referring to in that exchange.
The Hill reported that FBI officials admitted they continued to receive information from Steele through Ohr.
The FBI declined to comment when asked by Fox News whether the bureau relied on Steele’s intelligence after their working relationship was terminated.
Steele also sent one email to Ohr on July 1, 2016, obtained by The Hill, making an apparent reference to Trump.
“I am seeing [redacted] in London next week to discuss ongoing business, but there is something separate I wanted to discuss with you informally and separately," Steele wrote. “It concerns out favourite business tycoon!"
Ohr and Steele reportedly had a call on the morning of July 7, 2016.
Steele authored and compiled information for the controversial and unverified anti-Trump dossier on behalf of Fusion GPS, which was hired to conduct opposition research funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign through law firm Perkins Coie.
Last year, Fox News confirmed that Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election. According to court documents obtained by Fox News last year, Fusion GPS hired Mrs. Ohr to help investigate Trump. A separate Fox News review of her previous published works reveal she wrote extensively on Russia-related subjects.
The dossier “formed an essential part" of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants approved to surveil then-Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to the House GOP memo alleging government surveillance abuse during 2016.
According to new documents obtained this week by The Washington Examiner, Ohr also continued communicating with Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson before, during and after the election.
Other emails obtained by the Examiner reveal Steele’s communications with Russian aluminum financier Oleg Deripaska. Steele emailed with Ohr about Deripaska, who was seeking a visa to attend a meeting in the U.S. According to the Examiner, the U.S. revoked Deripaska’s visa based on alleged involvement with Russian organized crime.
Deripaska was reportedly close to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Those communications raised questions of whether Steele was working with Deripaska while working on the dossier, and whether Fusion GPS and the Justice Department were involved.
Brooke Singman is a Politics Reporter for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @brookefoxnews.
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