#he just aint mickey
lovekenney · 1 year
season 7 of shameless changed me
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
#bw: out of ethos#{i just wanna let yall know fast: most of my dw theories or connections is just my brain hitting me in the gut with a 2x4 plank of wood}#{and then i share it with the heavy implication of: yo aint this horrible! can you believe the audacity of my 🧠 and im STUCK WITH IT gdi}#{just so you know}#{others are great! superb! but then someone else's tag will hit a core and go: oh? i can make it worse. would u like that instead}#{so yeah.}#{but yeah the dr having flaws is great! whats him great is making him racist and misogynistic and homophobic WHEN LITERALLY THEY ARENT}#{make the flaws make fucking sense. oh i lost rose shouldnt equate to be fucking racist to martha. micro or macro like tf}#{u can dislike martha but the whole 'he should be mean since he lost rose' excuse yall be peddlin is weak tired old and dust}#{stop using that as anexcuse for ten to be racist simply because he lost one human girl he couldve gotten from california at a nail salon}#{especially since the dr is known to not be racist TOWARDS HUMANS NO MATTER WHAT LIKE ITS WEAK. EXCUSE}#{oh but its 10? he wasnt like that before with rose with mickey? WHO TF YOU THINK HE LEARNED IT FROM? go talk to the wall}#{he learned jealousy from rose just as much as he learned all her traits. that comment mickey said? ITS NEVER GONNA BE ME like clearly cmon}#{like hello?? what is not clicking?! 'but she dated mickey' she settled for mickey ALWAYS AFTER A 30TO50 YR OLD MAN BROKE UP WITH HER}#{like yeah they were playing on that billie personal life but EXTREMELY LOOSELY}#{nah lemme go: because now yall want 15 with ruby and rose AFTER YALL WERE JUST COMPLAININ ABT MILES AND HOBIE W GWEN}#{this is why i rather have the moment back and 10 is just extremely pissed off and rude bc it 'stole' her face. u want unhinged 10 THATS IT}#{how dare you have her face! how dare you cuckolding yourself on a beach on a family show. THE READ IS THERE}
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lupeloto · 4 months
"say it again" ficlet
i got an anon message about how ian is a "say it again" after mickey says i love you type of person and i agree! unfortunately, for some reason whenever i respond to a message a draft it, it goes away so shoutout to that person and if youre reading this, let me know! anyways here's ian try and failing miserably at making pizza and mickey giving him shit for it
A tattered red dish towel, littered with cigarette burns and mystery stains, rests on Ian’s shoulder as he focuses intently on intricately laying the pepperonis across the dough. The kitchen is in shambles, shredded mozzarella and yeast painting the counter tops. A warmth accompanies the scene, reminding him of the early mornings and later nights spent with his siblings and one too many pools of pancake batter littering the counter. He follows suit with splattered pizza sauce splattered across his shirt and face, blending with the pattern of freckles decorating his pale skin.
“Jesus Christ, Ian,” Mickey enters with a box of Old Styles and a pack of Marlboro Reds. Ian meets Mickey’s gaze like a deer in headlights. “What’re you doin?” Mickey takes in the state of the kitchen.
“Well,” Ian whips the towel off his shoulder, “I figured we could try somethin’ new. We always have fucking pizza rolls so I thought i’d try to actually make the real thing.” 
“Aint that what take-outs for?” Mickey picks up items on the counter to inspect, “The fuck is yeast?” He examines the yellow packet with uncertainty. 
Ian leans against the counter with a sigh, “It’s not really working out.”
Mickey catches sight of the defeat in those soft green eyes and immediately starts damage control. “Nah, man. It looks good, I’m starvin’” he smells the air and attempts not to gag. How the hell did he screw up pizza so bad? 
“Fuck off," he stifles a laugh.
Mickey cuts him off, “Ay,” he grabs the tattered towel, “Ya missed a spot.” He manages to find the one spot not covered in red sauce and mozzarella cheese, rubbing lightly across Ian’s now flushed-pink cheeks to scrub off the remainder of tonight’s dinner. Ian’s face scrunches slightly at the contact. 
“Cmon, let’s get this shit cooked I’m fuckin starvin,” Mickey turns towards the counter.
Ian lingers for a moment, staring at Mickey with full knowledge that his concoction smells like shit and almost certainly tastes like it too. He leans close to Mickey’s ear, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Mickey grins, "Now come on." He takes Ian’s face in one hand, the other on his waist, as their lips lock and everything else disappears for just a moment.
Ian’s arm is resting on the counter, his triceps sharp and prominent and staring directly at Mickey, tempting him. He looks down, yanking Mickey closer by the waist, his hands enveloping it entirely, “Say it again.” He wears a smug grin.
“Don't push it, Gallagher.”
"Cmon, just need to make sure I heard you right," he tilts his head amorously.
"Oh, s'that right?" Mickey leans in, a small chuckles escaping his lips, "I fucking love you." Ian beams as Mickey dips his hand in a puddle of the sauce that resides on the counter, smearing it across Ian's face with a grin.
As the shock subsides, Ian hesitates for a moment before grabbing Mickey’s face and smashing their lips together. Mickey surrenders to the kiss, the sauce now coating his mouth and dripping down his chin. 
They both pull back, licking their lips with a sour expression.
“You make this?” 
“Yeah,” Ian says with the same bitter expression, hesitating momentarily, “Pizza rolls?”
“Fuck yeah.”
The two spend the remainder of the night sprawled across the couch, Ian’s legs resting in Mickey’s lap as they drift to sleep, two platters of pizza rolls and a full six-pack into the night. Mickey suggests that they give pizza sauce a go, giving a rest to the chocolate sauce and whipped cream that typically coats their bodies... and occasionally their sheets. He questions a few times how Ian could possibly mess up pizza so badly. Ian responds with a middle finger and a "fuck off" every time. The two eventually drift to sleep, Mickey now laying beside Ian, practically drooling on his bare chest, hands intertwined as the glare from the TV illuminates their faces in the nightfall.
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unicornsaures · 4 months
with marching band coming up(for me at least), id like to yap about my hcs for the gang if they were to be in a marching band..(exception of steve because i dont know his character well enough to make decent hcs for him😭)
-he would play a trumpet, he gives me major trumpet player vibes
-hes also not very good at playing it, he only joined because Soda did
-actually really good at marching
-either remembers all of his music or none of it
-he gets upset whenever the directors seperate brass and woodwind because soda plays a saxophone😕
-he would take football games very seriously
-NO extra playing in the stands
-fighting for his life every practice because marching at 180bpm and playing a trumpet takes a lot of air that he doesnt have
-thinks the uniforms are cool asf
-he almost died at band camp because he forgot water once
-Darry had to walk him off of the field
-Most hated section; percussion(dally hit him on the head with drumsticks once and he hasnt forgiven him)
-saxophone player !!
-he would be first chair because i said so
-WAY too lenient of a section leader but if you aint got your music memorized youre getting scolded
-really wants to be a drum major but he was never able to 'secure' the spot
-he fell a lot during his freshman year
-tries to teach ponyboy his music/drill spots as best as he can whenever pony gets confused
-not that serious about marching band, he's kinda doing it just because it sounded fun
-thought the uniforms made him look like shit(hes lying)
-remembers basically every show he did by heart
-really upset about quitting band when he dropped out
-Most hated section: Flutes/Piccs(Twobit rants about how much the section sucks)
-Drum major !!!
-he was like an overbearing parent to Soda and Pony during band camp(constantly checking if they had enough water breaks, ate enough each meal, etc)
-played the baritone in concert band and during his freshman year in marching band
-amazing at marching not so much marching and playing at the same time
-he didnt have enough time to practice at home so he only played during band and so his playing was mediocre
-drum major from sophomore to senior year
-he didnt mind the uniforms, he liked the normal uniforms better than drum major uniforms though
-HATED dally during marching band season. only during marching band season though
-director(s) loved him because the band actually listened to him
-got really upset when he graduated but the entire band said they were gonna miss him + the rest of the seniors so that makes it a bit better
-Most hated section: Percussion(Dally annoys him during MB season)
-Piccolo player.
-He thinks it sounds like a dog whistle and likes annoying Dally with it(he gets hit on the head with drum sticks)
-good at playing, bad at marching
-he has overall poor coordination from drinking so often
-his coverdowns suck
-god forbid he's backwards marching
-directors got onto him a lot about it he just couldnt fix his marching, he just sucked
-love/hate relationship w/ his section
-flutes n piccs gotta lot of drama overall, he just tried to ignore it
-(he started most of it)
-he's showed up drunk to a football game and he nearly got kicked out
-^darry had to talk the director out of kicking him out of the band
-annoys johnny all the time during practice considering he likes the clarinet section better
-Constant 'this one time at band camp..' jokes
-he adores the uniforms for some odd reason
-exclusively watches mickey mouse on his way to/from games and comps
-he complained a lot during band camp
-says hes going sober for the season every year(he lies every year)
-Most hated section: Flutes/Piccs(Its his own section, he just doesnt like the other people)(they dont like him either)(im not exaggerating this. flutes have the worst drama ever.)
-Takes marching band VERY seriously
-good distraction for him
-out of the house a lot because of practice
-he has to carpool to get back home basically everyday
-really good at marching, surprisingly
-soda was his marching band brother basically
-stayed as close as possible to dally during warm-up blocks
-liked talking about his music and drill to pony whenever practice ended
-dally told him he did good after a show once and hes never forgotten it
-really quiet during practice
-like pony, fighting for his life trying to get air he doesnt have during practice
-usually ends up talking to pony in the lot after football games
-doesnt really like wearing the uniforms but he thinks they look fine
-type of person to cry at championships
-LOVES stands tunes theyre so fun to him
-Most hated section: Trumpets(No hate to Pony, but theres too many.)
-Percussion - bass drum
-he used to be a snare but he broke 2 of them and the directors gave up
-really irresponsible when it comes to memorizing his music
-he remembers half of the show and just wings it for the rest
-comes up behind people and hits them in the head with drum sticks
-he doesnt even know why hes in band
-he complains about practice every day(who doesnt tbh)
-suffering at band camp
-pale bitch burned so badly its not even funny
-worst mischief during band camp and football games
-annoying the fuck out of darry during water breaks
-Sylvia is in colorguard so its really awkward whenever they see each other
-actually decent at marching
-he just doesnt take it seriously
-he hates stands tunes with a burning passion
-he has to tie his hair up to put on his hat and twobit makes fun of him for having a 'man bun'
-he touched the feathers of a plume with his hands once and darry yelled at him
-hates the uniforms but is convinced he looks good in it(he doesnt)
-Most hated section: Mellophones(He has beef w/ one of the guys who plays one)
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tiramegtoons · 7 days
Okay so last night i finished watching the entirety of Okage Shadow King and-
.... I dont even know where to start. this is unlike any game ive watched or played before. It felt so weird yet so enticing and half of the time i couldn't tell if my brain was rotting or there was just some real deep lore or hidden meaning in here Maybe both??? and it left a strange, creepy, yet longing and nostalgic feeling in the back of my head too.
Let me explain.
spoilers ahead!!!
okay so First of all, the visual style of the game looks awesome I loved the characters and the dynamics going on between the NPC's and especially the main characters. I loved enjoying the witty banter and arguing between Stan and Rosalyn the most. But also, why is Stan insulting and body shaming her so much SHE AINT EVEN FAT??? i LOOK AT HER MODEL AND IM LIKE BRUH
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for some odd reason i still found it funny though. Some of the humor might've even been exaggerated to a degree as well(not sure if that was intentional). Even if the writing and dialogue was a bit lost in translation, maybe perhaps, it was still pretty good as a whole and it caught me by surprise.
As for the world and NPC's... something definitely felt off at the beginning and i guess thats what gave me the initial unsettling feeling. Everyone just seemed so bent on doing their own part like dude i couldn't even explain to you Our main protagonist, Ari, is just a wet pathetic little boy who lets everyone step on him/lh Damn, even his own family doesn't seem to care much for him as an individual person and doesn't consider that he has his own ambitions and it rubbed me in a weird way. and yet for some reason i was still hooked. and then came STANLEY HIHAT TRINIDAD THE FOURTEENTH(the 3d challenged flappy shadow)to sweep our poor little boy off his feet and make him his "slave"(adoptive son/j) so he can conquer the world bfhdgsdvhgdfbgdhjg which btw how could anyone take any "evil king" that seriously with a name like that? I LOVE IT. i really enjoyed him getting his ghostly ass handed to him by the NPC's it was hilarious. He was-without a shadow of a doubt(hehehehehe)- the best character. Also it's so funny how he claims to be an evil king but intentionally and unintentionally does good things? I love that trope with villians. Anywho getting off track a little, Another thing that struck out to me was the soundtrack. It's pretty unique, but at times can get pretty repetitive. The ones i enjoy a lot are -Forest of willkur(just really encompasses the feel of the entire game) -Evil King Battle and my favorite- -Addashi Desert(got me in a shimmy FR)
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anywho going back to repetitive things... Eeeeeee... the fighting mechanics are sure something(GOD WHY ARENT THE COMMANDS BEING CARRIED OUT ON TIME WH- IS THE GAME POSSESSED??? DID STAN POSSESS THE GAME???) Also why are there ghosts in broad daylight?? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY GHOSTSSSS) i get it, you do need to grind for items and XP in this game but it looks pretty tedious, especially deep grave pit... oh lordy dude there are literally eight floors in the cave its not a cave its the 7 circles of hell(plus front desk)/j I don't wanna dunk on this game but the fighting could use improvements. Back to the story... i like the melancholy turn it takes when princess Marlene was revealed to be a doll which made total sense when Stan found she had no soul, the reveal of Beiloune's true identity, and when Ari becomes totally ignored and forgotten by just about everyone and from that point going forward the game took a more serious turn... also why does Triste(which means sad in spanish and i see what they did there-)
... why does that remind me of the wasteland from Epic Mickey where other people who've been forgotten reside there... also the dark, odd vibe of both games kinda match too. Another thing, I'm not sure if anyone else had the same thoughts but did anyone else expect a twist where Ari would become the evil king??? i mean, if this was a supposed journey of our main character who is always reminded about how much of a pushover he is would've lead me to think that the buildup would lead to something like Beiloune making him all powerful and force him to fight against his friends. But the last chapter also surprised me with its own twist and im digging that too. but yeah just about everything was coming back together about why the world was and felt as it is. its always the butler isnt it? Also Stan's final form:
im sorry i can't take this seriously when he's just letting them hang out like that(his moobs)
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... anywho that happened. As for any hidden meanings and morals I'll have to talk about that later cause my smooth brain still cannot grasp. And its just
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mickey708 · 8 months
Rambling over smg4's search history cuz why not?
Spoilers for the new episode!!
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This actually makes sense i mean HAVE YOU SEEN THE SMG4 COMMUNITY ON TWITTER!?
Some of the people on there are crazy.
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K i understand all the ASMR stuff, and nearly goin deaf? Been there before. BUT 4 WHAT THE HECK WERE U GONNA DO TO 3!?
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Dude what did squidward do to you?😭😭
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So wait. He called 3 tsundere but didnt know what it meant? Also why did he search up pride month?(i heard someone say it could be a foreshadow for june n now i cant stop thinkin bout it)
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I dont even know what to say here so just have this pic. :)
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4... u aint foolin anyone.
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I wanna know what happend with the pikachu but aside from that. 87 USES FOR TOILET PAPER!? ○_○
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LMAO NOT WIKI HOW (also is 4 ok with the pasta thing?)
BONUS TIME!!! I know yall been waitin for this one:
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Awww he watches 3's streams also I BEG YOUR FREAKIN PARDON!? "how to apologize to someone you LOVE and CARE ABOUT!?"
Luke please just make it cannon already i beg of you.
Thanks for listenin to my rambles!! Cant wait for Saturday!! -Mickey :)
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
Just Dropped | Missing Invoice
Here we go sweets
I was so stunned with Carmy's "Respect him" Cause babe wtf we were vibing earlier????? But yea- the last chapter he can ruin it for himself go get it Carmy-
"You were expecting comradery. The guy is a dick, why won’t Carmen admit that? Why’s he suddenly got stock in his captor?"
“N’ what the fuck are you?”
I wanted to punch CARMEN
"Oh. Stray bullet, for you. You wince— Not that you weren’t already, but that was definitely a personal hit. Richie’s still harboring resentment over that for Carmen, which means he still holds it somewhere for you, too. And at least Carmen came back after, to take care of The Beef. Where the fuck were you for the better half of a year? Vanished. You completely vanished, on him."
That hurt THANKS RICHIE (I know you didn't mean it towards me honey)
"You catch it from Carmen, too. Does Carmen see you as a leech? A parasite, tethering to his family? To his work? Is that why he’s mad, right now? You’ve inserted yourself without asking— You’re so pushy— No, no, he likes that your pushy, you’re good. He doesn’t think that about you, he doesn’t actually think Richie is a leech either, he’s just saying shit to start shit. It’s working. He’s really stirring up shit."
I love how Tony tries rationalizing it like no no he doesn't think it he's just starting shit
I love how Richie says I love you so unabashedly like yes he loves this guy he considers family and it's awfully upsetting that he is pretending he isn't family
"You're fucking nothing"
Like that obviously hurts cause Uncle Lee to Mikey and it's so rage worthy
And I hate that too personally been told I'm useless or that I essentially amount to nothing which even when true is exceedingly hurtful
But with Carmy, Mikey and Richie's personal history it's practically a time bomb
I love the way you write so much so that Carmy is a real person and I have beef with him
I actually did cry this chapter
Now that I am on a re read because I didn't give you my thoughts earlier so
junkie loser
"“Don’t tell me I’m fucking confused. I’m not fucking confused— I— This is my fucking kitchen, alright?” Entirely nonsensical. Too many thoughts are stirring in his head."
“That’s me— That’s who the fuck I am. And I’m good like that, so—So if he’s a fuckin’ creep so am I. N’ I don’t need you comin’ in my fuckin’ kitchen, comin’ in my fuckin’ life, actin’ like you know better than me!”
(I haven't finished it yet but I read stuff in comments lol)
Failed Mickey hurt
I remember putting down my phone and taking in a deep breath
I was in public transport and did not want to cry-
Damn right Carmy
I love that his regret is so well written you know
I love the way you write
Cause like even I say stuff suddenly that I do not mean
But never this mean
"You get to be the first person he’s ever made cry, in his kitchen. When his brain comes back to his body, and he repeats back to himself the exchange that just happened. Yeah, he’d cry, too."
I did cry so thank you CARMEN I'M SO MAD
I absolutely love how Sydney and Richie rush behiind Tony
It's so fuckiign sweet
"“No.” You shoot Carmen down quickly. “Richie’s got it. You’ve gotta keep your kitchen in order.”"
The shock that Mickey gave her money and not vice-versa so well done almost surpassing the next chapters (sponser spoiler alert)
“I—” How can you word this in a way that isn’t just as cruel? “I didn’t think we were friends.”
Like honestly I really don't think people consider me a friend and I'm always so surprised because I just don't think that people think I'm their friend?
“I… I feel like… I’m just like… So insecure, about my place in relationships, that like— Like I’m not worth people’s time. Like we were only friends because we were friends with Mikey and we were handling him and I was like— Like I was helpful. So, like, when he died, it was like… We— There was no reason, for you to be friends with me, anymore. No us.”
I love the taylor swift conversation so much man
Me too
Like I don't hate her but concert would be a bit much haha
But for Richie and Eva I'm here hundred percent
Richie and Syd speak in unison, a rarity, for them to be on the same page. “No the fuck it’s not.”
My favourite bit from it all lol
“Fucks Inky mean anyways? Stupid ass nickname—” “Oh, like Chip is so original—” “Actually, a dead guy coined it, so betchu feel real dumb now—” “I’m not capable of feeling dumb—” You interrupt, “Girls, girls, you’re both beautiful.”
You explain to Rich, “I called Syd ‘Squid’ in high-school— Literally just ‘cause it sounds funny, and uh, she felt jealous that she didn’t have one for me—”
“I know you said I’d be a perfect match for your little brother, but at this point, I’m taking that as a read.”
omg no way
felt so seen and loved
thank you
Got an hour of answering asks until I return to banging my head against the wall trying to write the last two scenes of chapter 14 (it’s a fucking nightmare) (we’re at 8k right now) (we’re going to end up over 10k BUT NOT BY MUCH PLEASE GOD PLEASE) Anyways. LETS GO LET’S GET INTO YOUR THOUGHTS FROM JUST DROPPED CHAPTER 11!!!
Carmen’s vibe switch really was so fun to write for me, like he SUCKED the energy right out of the room— In what I feel was 100% the way he would do that. He gives such a fuck about titles, it’s ANNOYING!!!
Richie has been such a joy to dig into for the last few chapters— Two Steps Back specifically was so fun, but with Just Dropped it was fun because I do think somewhere Richie is mad at Chip— Like how could he not be, y’know? He thought he just lost one friend and then he lost TWO!!!?? He gets it, but I do think like Chip said, somewhere deep, it’s still kinda there.
Carmen however, was 100% being a shitstarter in this fight that was all a FUCK load of projecting. I mean c’mon, that nothing talk— This mffff…. No one’s useless!!! He’s just bullshit!! Writing fights is really one of my favourite types of dialogue to write, it kinda reminds me of this one fuckin’ quote somewhere about how the way you react to fearing for your life shows a lot about you. I think the way you fight shows SO much about a character. We could dig in for literally hours about each line from the freezer fight, I love that shit man. THANK YOU AND SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY ABOUT IT.
“That’s me— That’s who the fuck I am. And I’m good like that, so—So if he’s a fuckin’ creep so am I. N’ I don’t need you comin’ in my fuckin’ kitchen, comin’ in my fuckin’ life, actin’ like you know better than me!” WELL S3 PREDICTION HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Yeah, I did seem to have called that fuckin shot— I was not surprised to see David. I am an oracle,,, Or rather, the writers just set up a very clear through line— well, this one through line, at least— I’m being catty about s3 I need to relax.
NOT PUBLIC TRANSPORT— Man this chapter and two steps back were the chapters I was like, everyone needs to lock in to read these ones— Maybe I should put a lock in warning up top LMAO.
Rereading Carm’s regret after Two Steps Back is so interesting, in retrospect— Thank you for enjoying it— Regret is hand in hand with why fights are my favourite thing to write. I LOVE WHEN MOTHERFUCKERS FEEL GUILT YEEAGGHHHH YEAAH!!!!!!! Don’t know why it just does it for me but it DOES.
Red-Herring everyone with the joint bank account did put a smile on my face,,, hehehehe
Syd/Rich/Tony, I’ve said it ad nauseam but they’re really my fuckin, fuckin what’s the bridgerton thing? Rose of the season? Idk I capped out of shows I can give my brain to. The scene in the parking lot with Richie was one I’d really been waiting for, and I’m very happy it connected with all the other people pleasing readers in the way that it did. I am also not a big TSwift fan, but for Richie, ,,, I will fold. 
Omg YES way dude, but you’ve read Two Steps Back now so you know what that Phantom was yapping about. AND GOOD I’M GLAD— I’m very bad at DMing people both in life and on Tumblr so when I do it know it’s all my willpower and strength and love in one message <3
P.S I did get your replies from your notes on the last chapter!!! They were also lovely to read thank youuu love you on to the NEXT FUCK I HAVE HALF AN HOUR, alright we’re just gonna go for however long it takes.
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melodiimelon · 3 months
The Outsiders having a Witchy gf/bf
This is to make up for the LAST ONE.
Ponyboy: When you told him you were a witch, he was kind of skeptical about the whole thing.
“Y/N, aren’t those fake?”
“Pony, that would mean im fake.”
“Oh. Ok, i guess i have nothing against it.”
Johnny: Bro will be scared for his LIFE. He believes that witchcraft is real, but he’s only heard the bad parts (because hes catholic)
“Gee Y/N, I’m not sure about this witchcraft thing you’re doin’. Aint it of the devil?”
“No John, its anything but of the devil. Its about yourself.”
Soon after that, he became less and less afraid of it, and actually asks to help you with some spells.
Sodapop: He would actually want to do it too, because he think that doing a beauty spell will make him prettier.
“Sodapop Patrick Curtis, we are not doing a beauty spell.”
“Because there’s no such thing. But we can do a self love spell.”
He helped you with his little spell, and in a few weeks, girls AND guys were on his ass for a little bit of Sodapop.
Steve: He did not like it. He thought that was some Angra Manyu shit. He’s the type to say “God loves you”.
“DUDE. what are you doing?”
“Giving an offering to my deity. Why?”
“Ion believe in that demon shit. God loves you, ok Y/N?”
He continued to pretty much hate on your practice until you decided to hex him. A week later, he ended up in the hospital.
Two-Bit: He’s pretty neutral about it. He thinks its pretty interesting about what you do. But he’ll ask too much questions
“Hey Y/N, Whatcha doooooin?”
“Just lighting a candle, why?”
“Just wondering. What else are you doing??”
“Just about to do a reading.”
“Can you do one for meeeee…?”
“ *sigh* Fine come here.”
He just wanted to know if he’ll get money soon. You did an abundance spell for him, and a few days later, he he got a lot of mickey merch. Ofc he gave you some.
Dallas: He thinks that shit is HOT. He probably does it on secret too. Just know that he put a love spell on you.
“Hey doll?”
“What should I give Ares for an offering?”
“Maybe your switchblade.”
*Does exactly that* “HOLY SHIT HIS FLAME IS SHAKING.”
“I think he likes it.” (The flame was dancing.)
He started worshiping, and later working with Ares recently, and I guess he really liked his experience because it taught him self control.
Darry: He’s pretty chill about it tbh. He has nothing against it.
“Hey darlin’, whatcha doin?”
“Just doing a reading.”
*Deadass admired you while doing the reading*
He just loves seeing you do what you love. Its his fav hobby. And he did some reasearch on your practice and brought you some things.
AN: Hope you enjoy this post, took a long ass time.
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Why Mickey Mouse wishes he had the same glove game as me (as told by Movie Sonic on a Tiktok video I made up in my head)
Sonic: I made a sacrifice. I took time out of my life to download the clock app and make a video saying hi to all the humans out there. And what do I get?
*Sonic points to a comment that reads “Boy take off those Mickey Mouse gloves 💀”*
You uncultured cabbage! You dare compare MY beautiful white gloves to THIS??
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Look at mine:
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First of all: My gloves are comfy. They look comfy. His looks like his hand was slammed beneath a hammer and swelled up.
What’s with those 3 lines on his gloves? Are they his life count? Cause I’ll happily take em off his hands.
He WISHES he could have my glove game, mmkay?
I have multiple pairs of glorious white gloves that come out good as new after every wash even after I fell off a bridge that crumbled beneath my feet. My gloves were the only part of me that didn’t change when I went super saiyan, meaning my gloves were powerful enough to withstand my inner anger manifesting in a yellow flash of light.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Sonic out.
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dracwife · 2 years
quick its 3am and everyone is asleep talk about how truly and genuinely part of the reason i love tim so much is that hes actually just so similar to me. not just in the obvious interests and hobbies way but in the way that a lot of the struggles he has i see reflected in my own self, from a somewhat half baked self confidence born out of a deeply rooted self consciousness to the overachiever stemming from the need to prove yourself to the lack of vulnerability and openness about trauma and problems because its just easier to not speak about it at all. he does the "i bury it all inside and then one day ill die" thing and i care so so much because i know how hard that is i know the toll it can take on a person and we dont have the same memories and trauma i know but theres such a comfort in imagining being able to coax it out of each other so that finally we can begin to heal together. the idea of being able to talk about it to someone that understands how hard it can be to do just that. idk. its so silly, and im reading too deep into what is probably a very shallow character in reality. and i know hes fictional and all that but damn if it aint whats getting me thru the hard shit rn. but maybe its cuz im tired and a little sad and very anxious who knows. he and mickey are just so good for each other it really just. gets to me sometimes
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coal15 · 2 years
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Today I'm nostalgic for my first CANON lgbt+ ship. Wrote this several years ago. It's Gallavich scenes from Mickey's POV, as well as a few chapters filling in blanks between their scenes. Canon compliant until after Mickey goes to Mexico because I started writing it before they brought his character back, so chapters from then on are my version of Mickey's time in Mexico and how he and Ian eventually have a happy ending. This is the beginning of Chapter one:
Jesus CHRIST! I think when I feel what turns out to be a tire iron nudging my back. Can I please just take a nap without some annoying assho-huh?
"I want the gun back, Mickey."
"Gallagher?" The freckle-assed fuck's got balls, I'll give him that.
"The gun!"
No way. "All right." You're gonna regret sneaking into my house, you ginger piece of shit. I reach for the drawer, figuring it'll be enough to get the stupid kid to drop his guard. I'm right. He's totally unprepared when I grab him and throw him into the wall by my bed. Turns out though, the scrawny fuck adapts fast. And he's stronger than he looks. You aint gonna give up easy here, are you? Our scuffle moves from one side of the room to the other. I assume Gallagher's gonna run away pissing himself once I got in a few good punches, but no. He's determined. We end up back on the bed, and by now my pulse is racing. In no universe did I imagine kicking Ian Gallagher's ass would be even remotely difficult-which means I have to win. Finally I wrench the tire iron out of his hand, get him pinned underneath me, and swing back fast, ready to crack open the motherfucker's skull. But then I realize something, and freeze.
Fuck! I'm getting hard, and there's no way Gallagher hasn't noticed, his face is right between my legs. No one's gonna miss a partial sprouting up literally right under their nose. But before I have time to panic the look on his face goes from fear to . . . Oh . . . . oh! He knows I want him, he obviously wants me, and I don't give a shit anymore about winning the fight. I've only ever been fucked twice before, and it felt great both times-though I played it off like I was only letting the guy do it as an alternative to owing him a crazy stupid amount of money for several lost guns I was supposed to sell. Anyhow, taking it up the ass showed up in my jerk-off fantasies pretty much all the time, and Gun Dude just happened to be my first chance to try it out. Nothing about him in particular appealed to me aside from his having a cock.
This situation with Gallagher is different. It's like I can feel the whole room heat up as we stare at each other. I could easily beat him up just for the sake of follow through, then go out and pick up some other random guy, but I don't even consider the option. I want him inside me. Him or no one. I drop the tire iron and we both get to work taking our clothes off. 'What's happening here?' woulda been a stupid fucking question for either of us to ask, so I'm relieved as hell when he doesn't. Just lets me help him get naked without a word. "Condoms are in the drawer," I say as I get on all fours, hoping to god Gingershit doesn't wanna be topped.
Jesus CHRIST! I think when I feel what turns out to be a tire iron nudging my back. Can I please just take a nap without some annoying assho-huh?
"I want the gun back, Mickey."
"Gallagher?" The freckle-assed fuck's got balls, I'll give him that.
"The gun!"
No way. "All right." You're gonna regret sneaking into my house, you ginger piece of shit. I reach for the drawer, figuring it'll be enough to get the stupid kid to drop his guard. I'm right. He's totally unprepared when I grab him and throw him into the wall by my bed. Turns out though, the scrawny fuck adapts fast. And he's stronger than he looks. You aint gonna give up easy here, are you? Our scuffle moves from one side of the room to the other. I assume Gallagher's gonna run away pissing himself once I got in a few good punches, but no. He's determined. We end up back on the bed, and by now my pulse is racing. In no universe did I imagine kicking Ian Gallagher's ass would be even remotely difficult-which means I have to win. Finally I wrench the tire iron out of his hand, get him pinned underneath me, and swing back fast, ready to crack open the motherfucker's skull. But then I realize something, and freeze.
Fuck! I'm getting hard, and there's no way Gallagher hasn't noticed, his face is right between my legs. No one's gonna miss a partial sprouting up literally right under their nose. But before I have time to panic the look on his face goes from fear to . . . Oh . . . . oh! He knows I want him, he obviously wants me, and I don't give a shit anymore about winning the fight. I've only ever been fucked twice before, and it felt great both times-though I played it off like I was only letting the guy do it as an alternative to owing him a crazy stupid amount of money for several lost guns I was supposed to sell. Anyhow, taking it up the ass showed up in my jerk-off fantasies pretty much all the time, and Gun Dude just happened to be my first chance to try it out. Nothing about him in particular appealed to me aside from his having a cock.
This situation with Gallagher is different. It's like I can feel the whole room heat up as we stare at each other. I could easily beat him up just for the sake of follow through, then go out and pick up some other random guy, but I don't even consider the option. I want him inside me. Him or no one. I drop the tire iron and we both get to work taking our clothes off. 'What's happening here?' woulda been a stupid fucking question for either of us to ask, so I'm relieved as hell when he doesn't. Just lets me help him get naked without a word. "Condoms are in the drawer," I say as I get on all fours, hoping to god Gingershit doesn't wanna be topped.
The rest is here
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jinleebelee · 3 months
I HAD TO WATCH MY BROTHER RIGHT CAUSE MA DIDNT WANNA SEND HIM IN TO DAYCARE (daycare is Jack ass in the box by the way) CAUSE HE HAD A STUFFYNOSE OK Let me just put down the Capps rheir we go. So here he was watching the grand Mackey kicky whatever the fuck its called Mickey mouse? Ans ya know im doin ny own thing. All of a sudden I dexide to glance up and ya wanna know what I year on the tv.
Ya wanna know what my holy fuckin ears heard?
"Guhua that tks" *breaths in* just yestarday my two friends were being mean to me- I still haven't recovered AND THIS IS RHE BLOODY SHIT I HAVE TO HEAR AFTER THAT
aftwr a couple hours after the "incident" my sis comes out and my brother LOVESS my sis. I'm not too good with kids especially when their are the baby toddler age but ya know. So they come out holdem and coldding and then I hear "hkw do I do I this little piggy?"
And let me just say if I had somethin in my hand that moment they said that it'd be on the floor-
HOWEVER- however however I COULDNT FUCKIN DO IT ans be being the good fucking actor I am replied with a cocky tone "what! Ya don't know how to do it?! Seriously?!" Of course I would know BUT I AINT PULLIN THAT SHIT NO FUCKING WAY.
so ultimately my sister tried lookin up. Brother got distracted and it THANK FUCKING FULLY DID NOT ENDED UP HAPPENING
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somehowmags · 1 year
shinunoga e-wa mickey mouse vr haunts me. when we first talked to mickey in twst my jaw audibly dropped like YOU HAVE TO BE SHITTING MY DICK 😭😭 MICHAEL THEODORE MOUSE?? MICKEY MF MOUSE??? AINT NO WAY.... kingdom hearts already had like actual disney villains and all in them prior so seeing mickey really wasn't that surprising granted they've built up meeting him BUT THIS BITCH JUST COMES IN WITH HIS MOUSE NUTS TO THE MIRROR AND SHIT ong. ong.. also don't you find it strange that yuu says they're from earth, yet couldn't link the great seven to the actual disney villains? or even the nrc students to them, and thus predict their overblots before they need any of their trip ass dreams about the fairytales? like the great seven are pretty damn popular in the past few decades, id be hard pressed to believe yuu lived under a rock so big they legit just didn't know who they were. it's one of the factors that made me want to use alice liddell as a core base for my own mc cause no way is yuu actually from modern era earth. anyhow i don't want to speak about my mc too much until you've played the game yourself so you won't be spoiled too much. your mc makes me giggle and hee hee even harder (/pos). biting and chewing them like a stick.
OH GOD YEAH. honestly when i first saw twst mickey i expected him to sound like, slightly off bc of course he'd sound different in a different language that's how it usually is with dubbing right but like. he just sounds like american mickey mouse looked at me and started speaking japanese. that's so wild to me. takanori hoshino (va for mickey) is very good at what he does. and yeah youre right about it seeming less strange in kingdom hearts bc we already see other disney characters show up i hadn't considered that...
N YEAH IVE CONSIDERED THAT like, either yuu 1.) doesn't come from our world 2.) is having their memories of their previous world suppressed by magic or 3.) comes from a version of our world where disney was simply not as influential as they are in our world and personally i find number 3 the most fascinating!! like disney is one of the biggest if not the biggest media company in the world imagining a world without them is so interesting
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espeon9891 · 6 years
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oh yeah, my Epic Mickey mood has slightly come back so here’s a Mickey from behind cause for some reason my favorite way to draw EM Mickey is from a back view.
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roughentumble · 5 years
im so mad. cameron monaghan and noel fisher legit do act their ASSES OFF and are GOOD AT IT but they barely ever get any work and theyre always pigeonholed into shit roles.
like???? theyre really good and have a lot of emotional range and i dont think abt shameless often cuz it makes me Distressed, but. theyre good actors and the only thing theyre really known for is svu and shameless!!!!! and it blowsssss, give them more roles >:(
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candydrcp · 3 years
 ✧ ↝ mickey milkovich sentence starters ( nsfw  !)
“kiss me, and I’ll cut your fucking tongue out”
 “hey, what the fuck? can I take a shit in private, please?”
 “ fuck you, fuck you, and especially fuck you!” 
“I love you… It means we take care of each other… It means thick and thin, good times, bad, sickness, health, all that shit.”  “well this aint macy’s bitch, you aint window shopping”
“and learn how to run like a dude”
 “you know where i live if you have a problem”  “they’re not climbing everest, they’re climbing dick.” 
“i don’t know what the fuck you’re saying!”
 “you wanna chit chat more, or do you wanna get on me?” 
“don’t worry, we’ll get a dick in you as soon as we can! I promise ”
 “why are you putting shit in weird fucking air quotes?”  
 “I dont think im this gay”  “ anyone can jerk a c*ck. I jerk mine, he jerks his. learn a unique skill or shut the fuck up.”
”ok, you need to push the fuck back, nut job” 
“It’s a fucking snickers bar”
 “ i just want everyone here to know, I'm fuckin gay”
 “ jesus would you put that fuckin thing away? you’re gonna hurt somebody, nobody wants to see that shit” 
“ oh shit we're getting pizza? yeee I'm starving!” 
“ where the FUCK are the chiavari chairs?”
 “ look at her she's fucking dead!” 
“you wanna fucking die?” 
“no one knows what the fuck you’re saying!” 
“that shithead better not drag you off to fucksville USA!” 
“you can’t stop mid-gobble”  
 “you’re not dumpin me i’m dumpin you. where’s the shiv?”  
“name me ONE person i’ve murdered!?”
 “what oath says you can’t dump a body in a dumpster?” 
“you’re gonna have to stick something in my ass every once in a while or I’m gonna get real bitchy!”
“he doesn't like getting his ass licked” 
 "I could've killed that fucker like a thousand times, this bitch just swoops in" 
 "I'm coming back for that fucking potato thing" 
 “just cause I’m gettin’ hitched doesn’t mean we can’t still bang”  
 “I’m fucking busy peppermint patty, go whine to someone who gives a shit” 
“he gives it to me good and hard and I fucking like it!”  
 "he wants to be a professor of some language out of a place called britain" 
“fuck you I suck his dick and I fucking love it”
 “look, here’s how it’s gonna work, I like to eat around seven every night.” 
“goddamit why does everything always have to suck!”  
 "It’s like getting screwed by a bowl of potato salad every morning!"
 “not everyone gets to just blurt out how they fucking feel every minute.” 
“why the fuck is everyone running?!”  “jesus christ save your fucking speech you pussy….I’ll marry you….of course I’ll fucking marry you” 
 “i will be down to protect your 7-foot ass as soon as I can." 
“the fuck are you looking at?” “ 
 “someone said that they’d pay you to do a porno and you thought yeah,that’s a good idea?” “
 "liking what I like don't make me a bitch." 
“I’m going to go take an ice bath, my assholes on fire“  
 “you like sticking it up my shitter so what’s that say about you?” 
“what you and I have makes me free.” 
“ all right shithead, this is like the two hundredth time I'm calling and you not picking up! I'm starting to get fucking homicidal. call me the fuck back, I'm worried about you. I love you. call me back.”
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