#he is so aggressively affectionate with His Person™️
azurexsnake · 1 year
Cheetah!Vash still on my mind
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vintagedaydreams · 1 year
Long winded paragraph anon here again.
GOD. I want to slurp Marcus up like some pan cooked egg yolk. …Pardon my strange phrases of affection. Oh to be swept off my feet by some old downtrodden vampire that for the first time in centuries has a little bit of life to his eyes.
As I am ever the drama enthusiast, I’d like to see some jealous Carlisle and protective smug Marcus. I want Marcus to treat the reader with absolute love & attention and I want to see Carlisle suffer through the everbreaking bond on what he ruined. I want Marcus to flaunt the reader’s happiness, knowing Carlisle will forever regret what he’s missed out on. But I am as ever a Carlisle girlie (/gnc), so that may just be my urge for Carlisle angst.
I hope Marcus & the reader cuddle and kiss and get everything good in life. I genuinely love the wives & the Volturi. I think it would be interesting for the Cullens/Hales to have broken Y/N so far, only for Y/N to stand back up and end up having… accidentally grown the favour of The Vampire Royalty™️. Of course, Caius has yet to be introduced, and he may not ever be. But I think he’s on Y/N’s side, though perhaps more violently inclined than the rest. …As usual, carry on, Caius.
Seeing Marcus GET ON HIS KNEES? Goodness. Goodness Gracious. An old king, on his knees to worship his newly found love… Delicious. He definitely knew we, the reader, had no idea what he was asking when it came to him being our protector. I think he relishes in knowing so much more. In a way, I think he wants to guide the reader, to spoil them. …I’m sure there’s specific tangents that his mind may wander to relating to knowing more but I digress. ;)
Hilarious to think about everyone getting on a plane together awkwardly. Living for the bordering-pain silence that will happen. Or the near constant fighting. I wish luck & money to the pilot. 🫡
Still, completely awed, inspired, and in love with your writing. Your descriptions are not overly detailed, but still descriptive to not leave anything unwanted. Which… I’m unable to explain how much I envy & admire that skill. Whether or not you continue, is absolutely up to you. Of course everyone wants it continued but you’re not a failure if it isn’t. Things change as time goes on. Sometimes things end. That’s life, :)!
I think everyone is far more chaotic when it comes to writing, but something that may help is simply listing big plot points you want to put down. If you’re stuck between an awkward plane scene or a fierce one, maybe have either route hold a different side of the scene. Carlisle’s route, maybe he’s too busy drowning in himself to say anything, and no one wants to inflict Y/N’s wrath again, lest they lose the reader forever. With Marcus’ route, Carlisle is, as much as he can, holding back… until Marcus/the reader is ‘overly affectionate.’ So he gets snarky, passive aggressive, low growls. Etc, etc.
ANYWAYS, sorry to strain your eyes. I hope this wasn’t bothersome. I’d love to read your other stories when I have time. If you ever plan on posting these to Ao3, I’d love to know the username but you’re not at all forced to share. Have a lovely evening, morning, and/or noon! ❤️
THANK YOU for the incredibly kind words!!!! I have to admit, I have not been interacting with my blog/my stories on here for so long- this was such a treat to come back to!!!
I’ve never been officially diagnosed with anything, but I do have the attention span of a walnut. So it is hard to say if this series will ever be continued- the walnut is on to other things at this moment, unfortunately.
But I am so humbled by your appreciation for my writing! And I wish I could be more consistent with it.
You are an amazing person, Anon. Thank you.
Never change. 💜💜
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One of the reasons I believe a lot of people are so aggressively threatened, freaked out, and even offended by the concept of a gay or bi Mike is because then they’d have to face the fact that queer people are just people. Which, duh. Of course, they are! But Mike Wheeler, at least in the first season (and sorta the second season), is THE main character. He’s THE guy.
It’s what turned Finn Wolfhard into a heartthrob and fast-tracked him to starring roles in movies like It and Ghostbusters: Afterlife. For people who grew up loving 80s childhood adventure movies, on which the Duffers based their show, Mike Wheeler is Elliot from E.T. He’s Mikey from The Goonies. He’s Marty from Back to the Future. He’s Luke from A New Hope. In other words, he’s the kind of young sci-fi hero every boy dreamed of becoming. I mean, who wouldn’t want to find out that magic/the supernatural is real, go on an insane, life-changing adventure with their friends, stand up to bad guys, and fall in love with a girl with superpowers in the span of a week?!
Other than being nerdy/into D&D (which is honestly not that far from being a theatre kid, tbh)/hj, kinda melodramatic, and somewhat unathletic (affectionate), there’s nothing about Mike Wheeler that radiates gayness on the surface. Plus, he’s the protagonist! In Season 1 we experience most new things through his eyes. That makes him the audience surrogate character, so how can the audience surrogate character be (gasps) GAY?! That’s OBviously impossible. He’s just a guy. He’s just a dude. He’s just a person. He’s just the boy next door.
And if queer people are just people, then that means ANYONE could potentially be queer. Even your younger sister. Even your best friend, who has no stereotypically gay traits, plays football, and has a girlfriend. Even your children (gasps). Even you (am I gay quizzes? were born from fears like this). That’s terrifying for people who expect the world, and the media they consume, to be black-and-white.
People like boxes. They like things that are safe. Every time general audiences are introduced to a new character they fully assume the character is straight, even if they aren’t shown to have any interest in girls (like Will) unless they are an obvious stereotype, say the words, “I’m gay,” or explicitly make out with a boy (even then, some people will still try to claim they’re confused or simply “struggling with their sexuality”).
Kevin Keller from Riverdale. Kurt Hummel from Glee. Patrick in The Perks of Being a Wallflower (as much as I love that movie). Carlos in HSMTMTS. These are all characters that are Gay™️. They are almost always the comic relief sidekick, or the gay bestie for the main female character, or some variation of common tropes. Audiences (even homophobic ones) are increasingly used to seeing these types of characters on their screen, but a gay Mike Wheeler would be a different type of character entirely. 
“Mike being gay or bi would just be OUT OF NOWHERE and would be bad writing done just for woke points.” Okay. Aside from the fact that it would simply NOT be out of nowhere (gestures wildly at the Byler Proof Slides), let’s unpack the phrase “out of nowhere” for a second. Why is something only considered “out of nowhere” when it’s gay and never when it’s straight? Was it out of nowhere for Dustin to find a girlfriend while at camp? Is the resurrection of Stancy out of nowhere? And to the people who are still somehow convinced that Will Byers isn’t gay, just “maturing slower than his friends,” I guarantee you they wouldn’t call it “out of nowhere” for Will to suddenly have a female love interest, even though it clearly would be. They would encourage it, even if it was someone especially ridiculous like El, who is literally his sister, or Max, with whom he’s had almost no on-screen conversations. This is why you see people on TikTok and YouTube who genuinely believe Will’s painting is for the random girl he danced with at Snowball. Talk about out of nowhere!
“But Mike just isn’t gay. Don’t be delusional. Don’t be unrealistic. He is straight. He has only been shown to like El and has one of the most extreme cases of romantic tunnel vision in fiction I’ve ever seen.” Okay, let’s push aside the constant lip stares, the romantically charged conversations with his best friend, the fact that he can’t say or even write, “I love you” to his girlfriend, the ways the Duffers have consistently framed the Will/Mike/El dynamic with love triangle imagery and drawn our attention to this for the entire show, and more (gestures wildly at the Byler proof slides once more!!) for one second. 
The emphasis on “just isn’t” betrays them and their underlying perspectives. Let’s be clear. You can say Robin just isn’t straight because she’s been explicitly confirmed in show and out of show to be lesbian and into girls. You can say Will just isn’t straight because his sexuality has been all but confirmed as well. But you can’t say Mike “just isn’t” gay if the only concrete “proof” you have for this is his (turbulent) relationship with Eleven. Keep in mind. Without Vecna, we don’t have access to the innermost thoughts of any of the characters. All we have to go by is their actions, their words, and the intentional ways the Duffers have coded their characters. Ultimately, people who say this are saying that Mike Wheeler “just isn’t gay” because he doesn’t fit their pre-conceived, ignorant, myopic notions of what a gay person is. Mike “just can’t be” gay in these people’s minds because he hasn’t done any gay “actions,” whatever that even means (that’s why they believe Will- sweet, innocent Will- is a predator/homewrecker because they associate gayness with freakish deviance and see it as something inherently sexual, whereas if Will were a girl with the exact same feelings towards Mike, they’d never in a trillion years see it this way).
In both real life and in fiction, despite all the progress we’ve made as a society, straight is something you’re allowed to just be, by default, regardless of whether you’re dating someone. Gay is something you have to PROVE or “fall into,” and even then it’s treated with incredible suspicion (this is why people who ship Stobin believe Steve can “fix” Robin and make her into boys). Bisexuality is tragically either erased altogether, treated as a joke/a phase, or completely misunderstood (I heard someone say Mike could never be bi because he’d never date Will and El at the same time - what?! That’s not how bisexuality works). And comphet is something entirely baffling to straight audiences. You might as well be saying 2+2 equals armadillo. 
They’d rather believe that he’s just become an asshole, or that Finn Wolfhard has suddenly become a bad actor. Because accepting that Mike Wheeler isn’t straight means accepting that he can be the cool, brave, valiant, kind, caring protagonist of seasons 1 and 2, AND also be madly in love with his best friend. That feels like a bait-and-switch to some people because they don’t see queer people as “normal,” even if they claim they aren’t homophobic. They see queer people as “the other,” as something alien. [Insert Visibly Stereotypical Character Here] can be gay, not MY Mike Wheeler. He’s straight. STRAIGHT.  He’s madly in love with El. He and Will are just friends. JUST friends. Sound like someone?
That’s one of the reasons that Byler will be such powerful, meaningful, representation (aside from just being the only logical explanation for Mike’s weird actions). Byler becoming canon will give hope and provide a voice for the millions of LGBTQ+ kids out there who don’t fit a stereotype or society’s pre-conceived notions but who just happen to not be straight. Mike Wheeler will join Nick Nelson as one of the best LGBTQ+ teens EVER on screen. It will be a cultural reset. And it will hopefully open people’s minds to the beautiful tapestry of humanity. A love story so pure, so beautiful, and so overwhelming that the boy who tried so hard to be “normal” and to deny his feelings for his best friend and the boy who survived bullies, a week in a hellish alternate dimension, and a possession that took over his mind and body had no choice but to go crazy together.
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plunnies-n-shit · 3 years
Love Is Stored In The Bonk Au where when they were toddlers the girls learned that cats show affection by bonking their heads into things and it just becomes a Kurosaki Crew Thing™️
Like the girls and ichigo start doing it to each other but then Tatsuki joins in because of course Headbutting Is The Ultimate Form Of Affection
Orihime joins in because its exactly the kind of weird thing shed do to express all these feelings she cant put words to. Chad does it because hes never been a verbal person but bonking his forehead against the back of his friends' heads is perfectly acceptable. Uryu does it because hes never been a verbally OR physically affectionate person but this is how you know he Actually Likes You, Bonk Bonk.
Tatsukis bonks are most aggressive, second only to grimmjow but only just barely beating out Karin. Yuzu and Chad share that Gentle Pressure Of A Lingering Bonk. Uryu bonks like hes playing hot potato with his head. Orihime and Ichigo both do the Bonk And Nuzzle.
And then Grimmjow comes along post-winter war packless and lonely and hanging around the karakura crew because ichigo cant see him but they can and the Group That Bonks Together Stays Together, fuck what Isshin says.
And it becomes an Extra Layer Of Thing, Ichigo Bonks someone twice and theyre obliged to pass one of those Bonks onto Grimmjow, It Is Known. And Grimmjow is half wtf is wrong with these weird kinda-humans, half overjoyed to be part of a pack again.
Even Uryu, standoffish Quincy prick he is, begrudgingly bonks Grimms shoulder at Ichigos Double Bonk. Chad is helping unload a truck at the convenience store he and ichigo work at? Bonk bonk, pass the bonk. Karin is doing homework at the dinner table? Bonk bonk, pass the bonk.
And Grimmjow should really go home to hueco mundo at some point, theyre still trying to piece things back together after Aizen tore everything to shreds, but honestly how can he? Hes got this pack of weird kinda-humans, and he knows they can protect themselves, but packs are always headed by the strongest pair and with Ichigo powerless Grimmjow feels instinct itching at his bones, compelling him to stay, taunting him with the reminders of what happened last time he took his eyes off his pack.
So he stays. And when the fullbringers try to tear his pack apart hes there, holding it all together at the seams, scrambling to keep it all from falling apart because theyve all been infected with these weird memories that dont make sense but the bonks, the bonks stay true, tsukishima never bonks them and, really, that should have been warning enough on its own.
And when Ichigo gets his powers back the first thing he does (after grinding ginjo to dust under his heel) is grab Grimmjow and Bonk him right there forehead to forehead because of course he does, Love Is Stored In The Bonk.
U guys can decide if this is platonic or romantic i was just seized by the concept of Karakura Crew Loving Bonks and Grimmjows Cat Instinct Loving Bonks being like. Convergent Evolution.
(This may or may not be driven by my own cat's attempts to bonk his way through my ribcage)
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swirlpops · 2 years
vento aureo hug headcanons, pt. 1!
-> my golden wind obsession continues, fack. i just wanna hug all of these babies, hngggg. a collection/series, starting with the bucci gang! i love the scents associated with hugs, so there's a quick little scent profile married to each blurb, as well as a HUG SCALE RATING™️ . la squadra will be next, huuuuuiiiii~!
-> gn reader; filled with fluff and safe for work.
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🐞 giorno
Unconsciously yearns for human contact, yet, still wears the tragic imprints of his childhood on his sleeve. He is aloof and reserved at first, collecting himself after a slight recoil at your touch. His gentle heart always takes over, however -- he comes to his senses and holds you close, draping his arms around you. The innate tenderness of his true self now surrounds you in a demure glow, ever the golden boy. "Thank you," he speaks softly, feeling rather shy as he burrows his face in the crook of your neck.
-> Smells like: Night blooming lilies, indolic jasmine, the bitterness of dandelion leaves. The quiet moment between nightfall and dawn.
-> Hug rating: 8/10.
🤐 bruno
A firebrand of a person; a penchant for care unrivaled. He returns your hug with a well controlled enthusiasm that threatens to spill over, securing you in the comfort of his strength. It's tight in the best way, and his hold bestows you with a soothing calm that soaks its way into you. The snug of his embrace is like a kiss of radiant sunshine, confident and warm. "Everyone deserves a hug every now and then," he assures through a charming, heart-rendering smile.
-> Smells like: Freshly baked milk bread, flaky and buttery and sweet. Underpinned by a natural musk, skating close to his skin.
-> Hug rating: 10/10.
⏪ abbacchio
Becomes a disgruntled mess upon feeling your body slide into his. "The hell are you doing?" he questions with a confused sneer. To his dismay, he still sees your sheepish grin looking up at him as your head lays against his chest. He sighs, and doesn't return the hug. "Fine," he says flatly. "Do what you want. Doesn't matter to me." He looks in the other direction while giving a small huff, trying to ignore the embarrassed flush creeping into his cheeks -- but he doesn't push you away.
-> Smells like: Dust collecting on wine bottles left ajar, soft silks and fluffy pillows, the afterthought of regret.
-> Hug rating: 2/10.
🔫 mista
Laughs the entirety of his joy when you grab him into a hug, and gives your back a few hearty thumps. "Make sure it lasts longer than four seconds, yeah?" he says, pinning you in place with a mischievous grin. He mashes against you to further prolong the hug, and chuckles when he finally leans back, only to give your cheek an aggressively affectionate pinch.
-> Smells like: Gunpowder, strong coffee, the fresh viridescence of a forest clearing. Chutzpah.
-> Hug rating: 9/10.
🍓 fugo
Is immediately startled and becomes incredibly shy, when he feels you gently wrap your arms around him. His initial reaction is to go stiff, as he frequently doesn't trust the depths of himself to unlock for others. He opens his mouth to protest, but decides against it when he sees the peaceable look on your face. "I suppose it's okay," he mumbles, before bringing you into a careful and fragile hug, tentatively holding you as if you would break into a million tiny pieces.
-> Smells like: Strawberry fields unsure of whether or not to bloom, sun-warmed hay, the cold indifference of clinical steel.
-> Hug rating: 5/10.
🍊 narancia
Grins with all the force of a vice, and squeezes you tight. Even with his small frame, he picks you up with ease and twirls you around as his laughter sweetly plays its symphony. He's filled with a giddiness that bubbles over and bursts into your heart, beautiful and wholesome. "I love hugs!" he exclaims, with a broad smile opening twofold to the world and to you. Enthused, he peppers your face in soft and sloppy kisses, unafraid to shower platonic affections in questionable ways.
-> Smells like: Squeezing a citrus rind into the morning air, innocence, erupting emotions as violent as bloodletting.
-> Hug rating: 10/10.
🍥 trish
There's a sadness to her eyes, although you're hugging her with all the love you can muster. "Thanks, really," she says, giggling quietly and bringing her hand up to pat the side of your head. "I'm not exactly a hugger, but no complaints here." She cradles you with an elegance you didn't expect, but then again, she was a surprising person, filled with bits of both wisdom and merry.
-> Smells like: Angel food cake with a delicate crumb and a rainbow of sprinkles, the sharp tang of a knife rarely used.
-> Hug rating: 7/10.
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okay we’ve all seen The Ring™️ at this point and I have some THOUGHTS I need to share. hear me out, WHAT IF:
when Izzy was young, before he started working for (and hadn’t even met) Ed yet, he was a pirate in a matelotage with another pirate. they were in love and “soft” for each other (much like how Ed and Stede are with each other). this somehow led to Izzy’s partner being killed (for homophobic/patriarchal reasons, men can’t be affectionate with each other, etc). fast forward to when the show takes place-> this is why he feels the need to be excessively masculine/aggressive now, as well as force that onto Ed with the Blackbeard persona. Izzy has experienced what happens when he (and the people he cares about) appear “weak” (behave in a way not traditionally masculine). this is also what makes him so angry about Stede & Co. They are able to be their true selves, let their guards down, and challenge the very rigid masculine ideals that Izzy has been forced to adhere to, with seemingly no consequences.
-backtracking a bit to how Izzy meets Ed-
I think either a) after his partner is killed, Izzy goes on a revenge bender, being reckless and violent because he feels he has nothing left to live for, and this leads to him meeting Ed. at this point, Ed is a pirate but it’s early in his “reign of terror” and he hasn’t really made a name for himself as Blackbeard yet. Izzy sword fights Ed, because right now Ed is just another no-name pirate for him to take out his pain on. Ed beats him in the sword fight (barely) and *should* kill Izzy, but instead spares his life because he wants him on the crew he’s putting together. Ed’s impressed by his fighting abilities (and he also sees something in Izzy, feels his anger and pain, and Ed’s a softie like that). this act of mercy causes Izzy to revaluate whether or not he *truly* wants to die, and ultimately he joins Ed’s crew, and thus feels a sense of gratitude and commitment to Ed because of this. OR b) when Izzy’s partner is killed, he is meant to be next, but Ed saves him somehow (they don’t know each other at this point) and Izzy starts working for Ed out of this life debt he feels he owes Ed (as well as maybe gratitude/admiration/hero worship, there’s a lot going on there). this would also mean Ed is there immediately in the aftermath of this horrific, traumatic thing that happened to Izzy, and this determines a lot of things about the nature of their relationship with each other and how it develops. Ed has seen Izzy at his lowest, and has been there for him through that (in whatever way that means for them), and I think that’s where Izzy’s attraction/obsession of Blackbeard would stem from. he would view Ed Blackbeard as this unyielding, masculine person who was able to save him when his “weakness” almost got him killed (hence the pedestal Izzy puts him on).
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tolkien-feels · 3 years
Instead of asking one character + many numbers, can I instead ask for the 7 Feanorions + 18? That's a lot, so very short answers are fine, I don't mind!
Oh no, you're right, these go together for sure
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
Maedhros: The most perfect child you'll ever meet. Affectionate but independent, intelligent but teachable, playful but polite. Extremely invested in being A Good Example to his brothers even without being told to. The Noontide of Valinor personified.
Maglor: Wants to be just like Maedhros, couldn't be more unlike him. Introverted and sensitive, doesn't cry easily but boy does he have Opinions about what he does and doesn't like. Not exactly a mama's boy but not not one either?
Celegorm: On the plus side? Loves having brothers and pets, he's generally very cute! Otherwise? Nightmare child. Wants to play night and day, won't sit still even for meals. Has attempted to eat mud, pet serpents, swim in molten gold, and pull Aule's hair - within the last hour.
Caranthir: An indoors cat made child, independent but moody. What's the opposite of cuddly? He's that. A Good Boy™️ who needs minimal guidance - on all levels but physical he's chasing the thrill of getting gold star stickers
Curufin: Daddy's boy, but that's canon so you know it already. Extremely charming. Rules are guidelines at best, but he's got a talent for getting out of trouble. Clingier than you'd expect. Acts older than his age, though
Amrod: When he grows up he wants to be Celegorm. Generally toddling after his brothers at all times, actually, and if they ignore him he cries. Or hits. Otherwise he's human sunshine, though! However, he's inherited every single one of Feanor's issues with authority and that's. not ideal. Also, aggressively protective of Nerdanel for some reason.
Amras: Sweet and gentle until you tell him no, and then it's a contest of wills. Seems to have inherited Nerdanel’s personality, but plot twist - it's actually Miriel's. Friend-shaped and loyal to a fault, but has never forgiven anyone for anything in his life, which is a creepy character trait for a child. Voted most likely to call adult out on white lies without noticing he's making things awkward.
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jaehyunsbreadbasket · 3 years
Cobra Kai Characters As Zodiac Signs
Johnny: Sagittarius
-Brutally honest and has absolutely no filter
-Doesn't like to talk about his feelings and runs away from his problems
-Finds joy in giving other people a hard time
-Procrastinates forever and then has random bursts of energy in the middle of the night and plans to get his life in order but never does
-Acts like he doesn't care what people think but actually takes most things to heart
-Uses humor to cope
-His mind works in a way very few understand
-Gives second chances out left and right
-Scared of commitment
-Tries his best to lift up those he cares for
-Always thinking about the past
-Loves a good adventure
-Knows facts about the most random stuff and lacks knowledge in everything else
-Can be happy with someone one minute and fighting with them the next
-All he eats is junk food lol
-Childish and thinks he's always right
-Faux confidence 👍🏽
Miguel: Cancer
-Emotional and affectionate
-Extremely trusting
-Has a possessive and jealous side
-Romantic and passionate
-Too nice for his own good
-Values his family and friends over anything else
-Passive aggressive
-Has a tendency to victimize himself
-Can easily fall into a slump
-Needs people's full attention and is upset when he doesn't get it
-Let's his anger and frustration bubble up until it comes out in huge outbursts
-Cautious of new people
-Highly intuitive
-Cheesy and sentimental
-Has trouble holding in his emotions
-Defends the people he cares about, even when they're wrong
-Can literally never catch a break ever
Sam: Taurus
-A romantic
-Tries to see the good in people but when someone rubs her the wrong way it's hard for her to shake the feeling
-Hides her problems from others and tries to deal with everything on her own
-Flirty personality
-Thinks she's better than others but doesn't want to admit it
-Wants to be nice but just comes across as fake a lot of the time
-Stubborn, stands her ground
-Absolutely loves to prove people wrong
-Can hold a mean grudge
-Other possible sign(s): Libra
Hawk: Pisces
-Easily manipulated
-Sensitive and emotional
-Never thinks he's good enough and always wants to be somebody else
-Has vengeful tendencies
-Falls in love and gets attached to others quickly
-Projects his insecurities onto others
-Goes in way too deep when in a relationship
-Thinks with his heart and not with his head
-His confidence can easily be wavered
-Wants to fit in so bad
-Needs constant validation
-Other possible sign(s): Aquarius
Daniel: Aries
-Constantly triggered
-Passionate and bold
-Hot headed
-Easily makes enemies
-Confident and cocky
-Likes to face his problems head on
-An emotional, sensitive, cry baby that tries his best to hide it
-Control freak
-Never gives up without a good fight
-Stubborn and thinks he's always right
-Canon sign: Sagittarius
Robby: Scorpio
-Feels very deeply and tends to let his emotions out in a harmful way
-Extremely jealous
-Angry. Just angry. All the damn time.
-Spiteful and vengeful
-Doesn't like to ask for help; thinks he can deal with all his problems on his own
-Can easily get wrapped up with the wrong crowd
-Acts like he's okay being on his own but is actually really lonely
-Blaming himself for everything all the time
-Canon sign: Aquarius
Demetri: Virgo
-Master of sarcasm
-Has a tendency to be pessimistic
-Protectful of the people close to him
-Hates change
-Extremely critical, especially of himself
-Impatient and opinionated
-Extremely smart and values learning and knowledge
-His ego is quite big once he stops criticizing his every move and actually sees he's good at something
-Doesn't waste his energy on things he doesn't deem important
-Other possible sign(s): Gemini
Tory: Aquarius
-Brave and confident
-Attractive and magnetic personality
-Thinks she can handle everything on her own and hates asking for help
-Easily peaks people's interests and has something about her that makes people gravitate towards her
-Talks a big game and is actually about it
-Has a special charm that allows her to easily influence others, both positively and negatively
-Expert flirt
-Straightforward about how she feels
-Reckless, rebellious, and spontaneous
-Knows how to defend herself and doesn't hesitate to do so
-Sarcasm game on point
Amanda: Gemini
-Can easily bond with anyone she meets
-Professional problem solver
-Tries to see every side of a situation; a good mediator
-Short tempered and unapologetic
-Defends the people she cares about without hesitation
-Gets pissed off when people are irresponsible
-A realist
-Tries to be helpful
-Other possible sign(s): Libra
Kreese: Scorpio
-Cunning and manipulative
-Brutally honest but also a skilled liar
-Power hungry™️
-Extremely competitive
-Protects the people he cares for, though that number is small
-Grade A shit talker
-Very complex and twisted sense of morals
Carmen: Capricorn
-Good at giving advice, a free therapist honestly
-Responsible and wise
-Very guarded once someone wrongs her and doesn't forgive easily
-Doesn't like to cry in front of others
-Very good instincts about people and can read them easily
-Other possible sign(s): Libra
Aisha: Gemini
-Undercover mastermind
-Has tough skin
-Good at reading people and notices everything
-Doesn't hesitate to call people out on their bullshit
-Can easily become friends with many different types of people
-Gives good advice
-Other possible sign(s): Taurus
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