#he is persevering!!!!
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eggsdrawings · 6 months ago
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the kaminari and mina friendship is underutilized and i think we need to change that
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mydairpercabeth · 9 months ago
I love the way this first episode is purely about how different people handle grief. We have Daemon, who handles grief with action. He is breaking and all he can do to keep it together is act. The only way to make things right is to push forward and be there for Rhaenyra. We see Jace trying to be like Daemon and keeping pushing as well, but he just lost his brother and hes hurting. And we finally see Rhaenyra, who has lost two babies and her throne. People think she is stopping and giving up but if anything this has fueled her fire. She will go to war not just for her throne, but to avenge Luke. Three different people grieving the same person differently.
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tumatawa · 1 year ago
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My old Tezuka phase is crawling back to me...
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year ago
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He kisses Henry's knuckle, just below his ring. "I have some ideas."
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allerghen · 1 year ago
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shizun in spring (or the remnants of winter, at least)
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faunandfloraas · 7 months ago
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phoenixcatch7 · 6 months ago
Luo binghe dies.
The system offers the widowed husband resurrection, the ability to continue the world even after the 'true' story has ended. Because the world cannot exist without its protagonist, it comes to a halt. No time will pass until he is revived.
Sqq gets dragged through stories and universes by the system, trying to wrack up the 10,000 points needed. It takes a long time. Far too long. He plays too many roles, spends too years unable to truly settle, goes through so much it all starts to blur together.
Seeing this, an unsatisfying, boring ending without closure getting ever more likely as Sqq continues to fail to remember why he's doing it, the system releases lqg, sqh and the ghost of lbh from the stasis of their world and sends them after him. As the only one with any real understanding of the situation, sqh takes the lead. After chasing his footprints through a handful of worlds (that sqh can sort of recognise, and he adapts rapidly) they are finally find him. But he can't recognise them. He's seen too much, been too much, hidden himself away in more and more layers, not wanting to think if anything outside of the immediate problems. He can only recall the reason he set out in the vaguest terms, deflecting and outright interrupting when pressed.
So lbh manages to pull them into sqq's psyche.
From there, it's like a really big, five dimensional onion. Each role Sqq has taken solidified into another barrier between him and the worlds he was forced to live in and lose in rapid succession. Nothing, individually compared to the world of pidw, but added up they're quite the defence. Inside each layer is a false Sqq hidden in the crowd wearing someone else's face, and an item or location important to that version of him that'll take them through to the next layer.
Each time, they find another thread to the peak lord they lost. Another habit, or memory, or trivia comes back to life. It gets easier and easier to identify him no matter the body he wears. They share stories about him during rests, or moments of travel, to help the others identify him too. They kinda sorta maybe bond.
Then, finally, after a world of zombies and inter sect wars, they find a mimicry of qjp, and Sqq at the table. He's confused but delighted to see them. Even sqh gets hugged. He's shaken at their story, but over the moon at finally reaching 10k points and more than ready to return to reality.
Congratulations! The system says, and offers them their return to the real qjp, with the points needed to save lbh and with it, the world.
Lbhs eager hand on the yes button is clamped in a vice grip.
Sqh is looking at Sqq. Sqq furrows his brows in confusion.
Every transmigrator can see the system. As such, every version of Sqq can see the system.
To the outside world, there is no system. There cannot be a system. To play their role, a transmigrator pretends to not have a system. They do not see a system, they do not hear it, there is nothing there. They play as a native.
This shen qingqiu cannot see the system.
He too is a role.
Lbh presses decline.
They search the house. Fake Sqq, User 002, lets them with mild befuddlement.
In the bedroom, over the bed, they find the rip.
There is a glowing city of glass, a thousand people of every shape and size on the streets. Thousand more race past in cars and buses and trains. By the nature of the dreams, their appearance does not stand out, and they've learned quick how to adapt from the crowd.
They have no clue how to identify him, but for the hundreds of variations they've met. They know his tics, his stance, the way he words his sentences. The way he frowns when confused. By now, they would know him blind and deaf - and they're going to need to.
They split up. They meet back up when the sun starts to go down. Cultivators can work without rest, and they're all highly levelled. They keep searching, unwilling to give up, but they've been doing it for a while, not wanting to pause at the last stretch. They're tired, stressed and jittery from the flashing neon lights and constant roaring sounds and unmoving smog.
A man walks past at 2 in the morning with a luo binghe phone case. A luo binghe key chain. A luo binghe lock screen identifiable from ten paces.
Airplane feels it would be justifiable to punch him.
But he recognises them on sight. Probably. He seems (entirely bro platonically) entranced by his xianxia husband, so it's hard to say.
Congratulations, congratulations congratulations! The system says. Good things should be said three times!
The man startles.
Ten thousand points, lqg says, grabbing him by the wrist. Let's go.
The system doesn't break them out this time. Instead, they treck back to his apartment, where his bedroom computer is the only light.
FIN, it says, and underneath a blinking cursor in an empty comment box.
In the computer, shen yuan says, with the certainty of a dreaming mind.
In the computer?
In the computer, he confirms, shoving sqh forward. The computer is the rip. Aight, sqh says, and reverse girl-from-the-ring's himself back to reality.
He lay on a bed. Looking up: a white, gauzy canopy hung overhead, with finely crafted perfume pouches hanging from the four corners. Looking down: he wore a green robe of an ancient style. Next to the pillow lay a paper fan. Looking to his left: three handsome young men, also in that ancient style.
The one closest to him burst into tears and kissed him full on the lips.
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wispurring-moss · 7 months ago
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tonight, i offer u a Husk caught off-guard mid-blep. tomorrow? who knows... 🤷‍♂️👅✨
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love-3-crimes · 9 months ago
and ive seen just about everything, but none of it i can keep.
alone with my thoughts is very underrated,,, go listen to it (this is a demand) (/lh)
here are the stills :]
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fun fact time! (i like to make these aksjdl sorry)
the suit is a reference to the astronaut in the album cover of the original song (Noah Floersch)
so is the audio recorder in cjs hand
...and the yellow-pink border
the thing moving on his chest is the audio waves from cjs music video playing the same lyric from this drawing
the words are supposed to resemble sound waves but i could NOT figure out how to make em move (i tried...so many times...i got irritated and left them alone...never again...)
the background was made in like a minute using a tutorial from pinterest lol
procreate dreams glitched at one point and made his right arm go flying off the screen (i thought it was gone forever...totally didnt panic or anything...)
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where-dreams-dwell · 1 year ago
Dexter is a cautionary tale of the need to accept discomfort as a part of life, with Emma as his contrast and aspirational example.
Throughout the show Emma embodies determination and self assurance. The only reason she thinks she can change the world is.. because why couldn’t she? In contrast Dexter has no idea what he wants and kind of resents having to even think about it, hence his jumping between careers and looking for purpose for the whole show.
While Em knows what she wants emotionally (the satisfaction or having made a difference, the achievement of doing what she always wanted) but isn’t sure on the specifics of what that will look like (I’ll write plays, no write poetry, no I’ll teach, okay no I’ll write a book), Dexter knows the specifics (I’ll be rich and famous) but doesn’t know what he wants emotionally (‘what will that look like?’ ‘I don’t know’).
While Dex is always running from uncomfortable feelings Em faces then head on and comes out the other side, able to learn from them.
As Dex is travelling to put off making long term decisions, Em has taken the first opportunity to do what she wants: writing, be it books, poems or in this instance plays.
On holiday Dex can’t allow himself to admit that he fancy’s Em and to leave it at that, he has to run from the honesty and vulnerability of that moment by adding on ‘but I pretty much fancy everyone’. In doing this you could argue that he looses his chance with her for several years, where as Emma’s confidence could have resulted in them getting together much sooner.
Dex misses his mothers last birthday because he doesn’t want to face reality. Instead of reacting to the fear and anger and pain of her diagnosis by spending every moment he can with her, or sitting down to have heart to heart talks with her, or helping her out in any meaningful way Dex runs away and numbs himself with substances, and is passed out for the little time he is in her presence.
When he’s nervous people won’t (or already don’t) like him on TV he again turns to substances to numb his feelings, and (instead of taking Em’s advice to ignore them) looks for reassurance from hangers on who don’t actually know him that well. He can’t sit in that worry/fear/discomfort so he finds a way to stop feeling.
When Dex’s marriage falls apart we see him running away to Paris to visit Em. And sure there are ulterior motives here (his hope and assuming that this could be the start of their romantic relationship) but the writer shows him literally traveling away from the country where his failed marriage, child and previous life were as he is show to be angrily talking about his divorce. As an image it appears like he’s running away from the reality of the divorce or running to Em for a distraction. It definitely supports Ems assumptions that he’s not serious about a relationship with her; she’s seen this behaviour in Dex before.
It’s even funny how in small ways we don’t see him handle upsetting things until the very end. Talking about his first marriage and the production the day became? Dex admits he didn’t want to rock the boat so he didn’t fight anything/reject anything/ have much say at all in his wedding. Sylvie drops off Jasmine? Dex is still at the cafe so Em is the one managing slightly awkward small talk. Jasmine practising her violin? We get a brief moment with Dex too but mainly it’s Em sitting through the recitals. In that last episode when they’re struggling with fertility, Em is the one who sits down and talks out her anger and fear and worry, where as Dex (who probably knew what the root of it all was) was happy to leave her to process it how she need to and support her while she did. If she hadn’t brought it up he wouldn’t have said anything.
That’s not becisarily a bad thing (Dex could have known that Em needed to process it herself before talking to him) but it is interesting that the writers engineer Dex to avoid all these moments of emotional discomfort. It reinforces his characterisation of being avoidant when confronted with conflict.
In contrast we kind of constantly see Em having to face hard moments and working through them.
Don’t know what to do with your life? Move to London to try and aim to work in your dream field. London life and restaurant job not going the way you planned? Commit to Dex’s suggestion of teacher training. Time to confess a secret? Here’s a hugely personal one about my past feelings for you. Past crush admits he kind-if fancy’s you? Stick to being honest about your past feelings and don’t take the opening to downplay them. You feel shit about your life and your secret affair? Well let’s turn that into motivation to finally write that book.
Not happy with your long term partner? End the relationship.
Emma’s whole confrontation with Ian is a masterclass in facing difficult conversations and emotions, being vulnerable and open and honest about your feelings, and finding empathy for another outside your point of view. And look what she gains from facing that hard in comfortable conversation? Closure, and a kind of friendship, one that lasts even after she dies.
When Dex confessed that he hoped they would start a romantic relationship in Paris, Em sits him down and starts that hard conversation about how she doesn’t think that is 1) what he even wants and 2) would work between them. She doesn’t brush off of hide from the conversation. And then when she has more information and time to think she commits to Dex.
Even after they sleep together there’s a scene of Em laying the ground rules, making it clear to Dex what she will and won’t stand in this relationship. That’s an awkward conversation to have but Em doesn’t hesitate and makes sure he knows from the get go what she expects and deserves. The writers are constantly showing us ‘Em doesn’t run from uncomfortable feelings’.
And then the tragic twist of fate: Emma is gone and Dexter finally has to learn to live with emotional discomfort. He can’t keep running because there is no escaping this, not like he did with his mum. Like he says to Imaginary-Emma ‘why would time change anything’. He is going to feel like this forever, there is no escaping it. Finally he is learning to face it, manage it, and work through it.
Of course Emma is far more than a literally device and is her own layered and well established character. But in this regard for Dex it’s almost as if she’s the final lesson for him to work through to grow up enough so he can eventually choose to return to the place they met.
And it could even come across as a reward for him; in learning to live with those difficult emotions, his reward is being able to remember Emma fondly, and to return to the place they met to seek out those memories. The memories are bittersweet, but now he remembers Emma as she was and not how she never got to be.
Like his dad said, he is eventually able to ‘live [his] life as if she were still here’ but in order to do that he first had to accept that she was gone.
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intostarlight · 9 months ago
dan & blair · guilty as sin?
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seizeourdestiny · 1 month ago
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I made another perler bead project, this time of Ridley (with the baby Metroid), based on his sprite from Super.
He's very large.
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10keyes · 2 months ago
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"Unwavering" my ass, he's so silly impatient and feels emotions so strongly
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italictext · 1 year ago
I colored a manga panel!
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Near version 2
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suranastair · 3 months ago
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Cayden Laidir 💎
���� Age || 30 🟡 Lineage || Elf 🟡 Pronouns || He/Him 🟡 Identity || Pan/Demisexual 🟡 Class || Warrior 🟡 Specialization(s) || Slayer 🟡 Faction || The Lords of Fortune 🟡 Romance || Bellara 🟡 Besties || Taash & Harding 🟡 Frenemies || Davrin
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maximura · 1 year ago
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