#he is now tied with dabi as my favourite character of all time but yeah
inkykeiji · 1 year
Clari, Clari, CLARI- I was perusing through the compilation of fics in the Touya-nii universe (because I can NOT miss a single thing, damn it) and the fic taking place right after part 3 of the main series actually killed me. Reader saying "Touya-nii you're breaking my heart!" made me tear up because I felt that so viscerally. I really relate to Touya's wariness and distrust of others, and him asking if it's worth it to love others is something I've asked myself too- but to be on the other side, to feel the prospect of rejection, ohhh boy. Oh man. He really WAS breaking my heart, Clari.
AWWW ANON HEHE <333 the hickey one!!! yes! okai first and foremost i just have to tell you that that line in particular (you’re breaking my heart!) is a direct reference to padmé in episode III revenge of the sith when she says anakin, you’re breaking my heart! <3 i promise the cardboard acting and awful writing will give u a good giggle even if u aren’t familiar with star wars hahaha
but on a much more serious note, thank you so much for taking a moment to share this with me, anon!!! <3 it is literally such a massive compliment to hear that my work has affected someone on such a personal and emotional level, and i am so flattered!!! i made myself cry while writing that piece (specifically touya’s questioning on if it’s worth the risk) and i’m really, really proud of how it turned out, all in all! so it’s so incredibly special to hear that the piece as a whole + that part in particular hit exactly the way i wanted it to!! i talk a bit more about touya + his feelings as a whole in that piece right here, just in case ur interested! <3
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mmmmmm character ask thing: spinner and/or mr compress
First impression: My first impression of Spinner was I found him cheesy with his whole Stain thingy he had going on, especially his outfit. My god the moment when All Might burst through the wall to save Bakugou and he was blubbering on about Stain respecting All Might. Though his devotion to Stain low-key saved Izuku from being attacked by Magne, after Spinner stopped her from doing so once again because of Stain. I liked him but he did make me giggle in the first impression.
Impression now: Love him, and his development, wish for more focus on him because I think he deserves it. Do think he should be Shoji’s counterpart, like you know they both got mutant quirks. I feel like maybe they could connect…maybe. Another impression I have of him now is he was done dirty by the anime, cutting out a important moment that showed his struggle in society!
Favourite Moment: It’s a very small moment but I loved the scene where he worried for Toga, and asked her to return to them quickly. It was such a sweet moment, and one of the reasons I love Spinner he cares for his friends/comrades!
Idea for a story: Honestly I don’t have one I’m afraid, but who knows maybe one day I’ll think of one! Update: I literally just thought of one - it’s an AU and it ties in with my headcanon where Spinner and Shigaraki meet when they’re kids at the arcades, Spinner was getting picked on because he’s a mutant and Shigaraki defends him. They then become like best-buds whom play together at the arcades.
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t know if this would count but I really don’t like his outfit, but that’s it!
Favourite relationship: Shigaraki, I just think that their relationship is one of the best ones next to Twice and Toga’s in the League, and I could definitely see them being great friends for a long time. Bonding over video games, and so on.
Favourite headcanon: My favourite headcanon is that Shigaraki and Spinner will visit an arcade one day and play on all the games.
First Impression: ok not going to lie but my first and only impression of him was “I wonder what he looks like? I bet he’s handsome” 😅 and I wondered if he was a circus act or was there other reasons for why he was a villain.
Impression now: I still find him rather mysterious, and although we have some knowledge of his backstory. I would like a backstory like a flashback(we won’t get that I know 😭) but I can hope! Also maybe a look in on how he’s doing since removing a chunks of his body, because like have we had a look in on his condition? If we did I missed it 😅.
Favourite moment: Face reveal, like I always knew he was going to be handsome but yeah that moment was glorious. I also thought he was pretty savage you know by compressing a part of his body. His moment in the war arc was just so cool!
Idea for a story: I have a small idea of maybe a small fic of when he’s only a little boy, and his father is teaching him the ways of thievery and tricks.
Unpopular Opinion: ummm we need a backstory 🤷‍♀️ not just him saying he’s the great great grandson of a famous bandit, but like a full on backstory.
Favourite relationship: mmh 🤔 I’m not sure what relationship I like most with him, I do enjoy his interactions with Dabi and Toga quite a bit.
Favourite headcanon: I like the headcanon that he’s like a dad to the League, Dad-compress 🤣!
Send me a character, and I’ll you my opinion
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ihatetaxes99 · 3 years
A Brief Retrospective Look At MVA (In The Anime)
Well. Here we are. Every end of the time is another begun. After what has felt like years of anticipation (mostly because it actually has been years), My Villain Academia has been fully animated. Well, "fully" may be the wrong word here, but that's something I'll get into later.
To honour the end of the arc, I decided to do two things: One, I re-read the entirety of the arc in the manga all in one sitting; Two, I rewatched all five episodes of the anime's adaptation back to back once again. My life is pain and I know not of sleep. Anyway, the reason I did this is because of a little project I proposed to myself back just before the first episode aired; Once MVA was done and dusted, I would go back and give my own retrospective on the whole thing. Because why the hell not, sounds like fun. This will also hopefully be less emotional than my thoughts I shared as the episodes were still airing, but who knows?
So, let's begin. And I wish to start by stating that My Villain Academia is my absolute favourite arc in the manga. It did a lot of things right. It focused entirely on my favourite faction, the villains. It offers a glimpse into their lives and goes a long way in humanising them, particularly Spinner and Shigaraki. It sets up key points for others too, such as Mr. Compress' habit of thinking more about the bigger picture than the others, which would factor into his major reveal during the Paranormal Liberation War and of course the formation of the Front itself. It introduced us to Rikiya Yotsubashi, one of my favourite characters in the manga, even if he honestly peaked in this arc and was never as good again. And it gave us a large-scale, grueling fight for supremacy in which I found myself actively rooting for the League. It is, in my mind, the very best of BNHA, the only arc I would want them to do well in the anime. They could screw up literally everything else and I would be happy if MVA was even just as good as the manga, it didn't even need to be better. I would have been delighted to have an excuse to experience the arc all over again, seeing my favourite moments with the sublime soundtrack and voice acting.
But before I get to that, let us take a little trip of sorts down memory lane to see the road to MVA, what led to it. So, 2021 rolls around. What a fun year. It's just 2020 without the excitement of everything being so uncertain, and frankly it's been really fucking boring as a year. However, BNHA Season Five was announced. In February, we get the first trailer for the upcoming season. It's... It's fine. Obviously, it focuses heavily on the Joint Training Arc (in fact, that is all it shows) and although I despise that arc with a passion, it's not too bad. I had not watched the anime since Overhaul ended, so my plan was I just wouldn't watch JTA and would wait until the big attraction, MVA. And so, Joint Training starts. And it goes on. And on. And on. I checked back almost two months later to discover it still wasn't over yet. Now I found this odd. Joint Training Arc was horrible for many reasons, but the big one was that it dragged on for so long as a result of Horikoshi's health complications, which is by no means his fault. But, surely the anime, which would consistently release on a weekly basis, wouldn't have the issues associated with this. Episodes of BNHA have always encompassed around three to five chapters, and Joint Training's were shorter than usual, so why was it taking more than ten episodes to adapt it? 
Very strange, but I didn't question it much. Then, the key visuals released, confirming that MVA was at the very least happening. Great, wonderful. I love it. We've got the whole gang there, seeming like they're in Deika, looks pretty good.
Wait, did I say whole gang? Yeah, my bad, there was someone missing. Spinner. Now, I am not the biggest Spinner fan so I wasn't prepared to riot over his exclusion like I would have been if Compress wasn't in it. But this was starting to get strange. Spinner was the main narrator of MVA. Even if his importance was not on the level of Shigaraki, Twice and Toga, it was certainly more than Dabi and Compress, who did both appear in the art. Why was he excluded? Obviously, I bet you're all having a good old chuckle to yourselves right now because in retrospect, this makes perfect sense now.
Alright, then. I heard from a friend around June time that Joint Training was finally over. Awesome, great, time for the good stuff- why is there a Christmas episode here?
Yes, this was probably what really started to get the alarm bells in my mind going. The Christmas episode- in June. Very, very strange. Also, absolutely no mention of Rikiya, which even if they were reshuffling things, I would have expected him to appear in the episode of Bakugo and Todoroki getting their licenses, since it directly ties in. Concern levels rising, I shrugged it off and waited for next week.
Bam. Major reshuffling. Now, Endeavour Agency comes first, fuck you if you want context for who the hell the PLF are or the significance of Destro's memoirs. This was really starting to worry me now. I told myself that the key visual meant that MVA had to be happening, but it was starting to seem like the villains were being shafted. A fact not helped by the new OP.
Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to complain or whine, but season five's second OP is just bad. The music is fine, I have no problem there. But the visuals are just awful. Not only is there an extended focus on that stupid bloody trio of Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki, not only is there more screentime given to characters who don't appear in MVA or EA than the main cast of the former, but the animation itself is just so stiff and lacking. It had potential, but the visuals are the worst out of any recent anime opening I've seen in a good few years and this was what got me really panicking.
Boom, a beach episode smack in the middle of Endeavour Agency to promote the upcoming movie. Boom, adapting two chapters per episode during EA. Boom, the Shirakumo episode, which I always thought was part of the War Arc and not EA. But finally, mercifully, the title leaks came and it was revealed that episode 20 of season five would be the start of MVA.
20. Out of 25. And it was pretty obvious that they weren't going to end the season with MVA, so really, up to 24. Ohhh no…
But hey, I'm an optimist sometimes. I was excited to just finally be clear of all this nonsense and get to the real good stuff. Hell, in preparation, I watched the entirety of the season up to that point. I finally realised why JTA took so long and it's one of the most depressing things I've ever learned, in a bad way. Were all those flashbacks really necessary? EA was okay, as someone who as a manga reader, already had the necessary context for the PLF stuff. The beach episode, I watched half of, got too bored and skipped the rest of. And you know what, I liked the Shirakumo chapters. They weren't as good in the anime, but it was nice to see.
And then, finally, in comes episode one of My Villain Academia, on a cold, dark August morning. I even bought Crunchyroll Premium to watch it as soon as possible, I was excited. All the messing around, all the crap, it was finally over and the time had come to enjoy what this season was really all about.
I can now safely say why Bones kept pushing back MVA, because if I was them, I would be embarrassed to show this.
No, that's not fair. I promised I wouldn't get too snarky, so let's reek things back in. As a whole, MVA has been… fine. Just fine. Not good enough to justify the bullshit, but not horrendous (mostly.) In fact, right now, I'll give a ranking of the episodes, my worst to best:
5) Episode One 
4) Episode Two
3) Episode Three
2) Episode Five
1) Episode Four
Yeah. So, there's a clear pattern here, that things more or less got better as time went on. From just straight up bad, to still not great, to alright, to the final two episodes being what I would comfortably call good. This is not a good look. I'm sorry, but Episode One, an episode that I just called bad, is still one of the season's best in spite of that. That spells out awful things for this season as a whole. But what exactly made this such a disaster?
Well, cut content is the big thing. MVA in the anime cuts out:
The League's battle with the CRC
Their struggle with poverty
The sushi joke setup
All of Spinner's character
All of Rikiya's character, including most mentions of Detnerat and Miyashita
Fairly integral pieces of Skeptic's character
Most of Giran's integrity and bravery
This doesn't look too bad at first. It could be far worse. We got basically everything else from the arc, so what? Well, I would already be annoyed about all of these cuts, but the issue is that they cause a knock on effect. Without the establishment of the League's poverty, the payoff of Toga's duffle coat now makes no sense. Without the setup of Spinner's characterisation, his battle with Hanabata now feels hollow. Rikiya's surrender to the League now makes even less sense, as his love of human life and desire to cause no more death is completely non-existent. The first time Rikiya being a CEO is mentioned is in the closing minutes of the arc. The sushi scene is hamfisted into a two second flashback just so that the payoff makes some sort of sense, but again, it is hollow without it being at the start (this is also the first mention of the League's poverty and it literally happens just as they are freed from it.) Can you see how these little seemingly unimportant cuts spiral into bigger problems? I would have been pissed even if they hadn't caused some tremendous cascades, but the fact that they did just makes this from a subjective issue to an objective one.
Yes. They did some things well. Toga's backstory is mostly intact, SMP is just as satisfying as the manga, Tenko's backstory is one of the best things the anime has ever done, the awakening is very well done, I adore the PLF formation as much as I did in the manga. Everything important is intact, but as I keep saying, you cannot just keep the bare minimum and expect it to work. How about in the next arc, they decide to cut everything involving Bakugo out, and only keep him jumping in front of Midoriya because it's the only absolutely necessary thing he does in the arc? People would be pissed, and it's the same thing that's happening here. It's a problem, it's not just a bad adaptation, it leads to bad storytelling in general.
The animation. Now, I do not believe this is a be all, end all. BNHA's anime is never going to look as gorgeous as Horikoshi's art, that is a fact and I do not begrudge them for that. They have a week to draw hundreds upon hundreds of frames, it's not a process that lends itself well to good looks and the animators and artists do their best with what they have. This does not change the fact that it is extremely hit or miss. Some things, Tenko's backstory in particular, look fantastic. Other things, mostly every action scene, make me laugh at how bad they can look and some things, particularly Twice and Re-Destro's hideous designs in the anime, make me cringe. The lighting is also an issue. Garaki's lab looked fantastic, but every other scene is just boring mid-afternoon with dull, basic lighting. I don't expect huge detail, but sometimes, it fails to achieve competency and as an extremely popular show, I don't think that's okay. I don't blame the animators, I blame the higher ups. And while I wouldn't mind the poor animation and art in an MVA that at least has all the story content, this does not have that and so I am even harsher than I would have been.
MVA was rushed. That's not up for debate. It took forever to get to it and once it came, things moved so quickly that they gave me whiplash, with no time to think or lament. Now, this could be attributed to the story structure of the arc, which is essentially a series of big fights, and it just isn't as bad in the manga because I can stop at any time to catch my breath. But I think it's worth noting that the anime at least highlights these issues. Curious dies in the same episode where she first appears, really driving home how pointless she was in the end. Episode Two alone tries to cover everything from the journey to Deika up until Jin finding Toga's body. That's a lot of content to fit in one twenty minute period and it was bound to feel messy in the end. I will say that, much like everything aside from the animation, this did get better as time went on, with episodes three, four and five adapting more reasonable amounts of content, compared to one giving us almost nothing and two giving us too much.
At the end of the day, that was it. The show's over. MVA has been closed in the anime. It will never be given a chance to improve, to go from just fine to anything even close to the manga. Why did this happen? I don't think we'll ever truly know. Some blame the new movie, others the studio's lack of faith in the villains, and there are those who say that it's just how fate turned out. I personally think it's a combination of all of these things. Without the movie, that beach episode wouldn't exist, giving more time to MVA, without the studio's hesitation, we'd perhaps get stuff like an actual good OP and perhaps some more general hype for it (I mean, MVA didn't even get a trailer.) Whatever the reason is, we got what we got. My verdict is something that's very overplayed as of late, but seriously, just read the manga with the fantastic soundtrack playing in the background. The anime's adaptation of MVA is not worth the time investment, when you could read the manga in roughly the same length of time and get more content, a more coherent plot and beautiful artwork.
So, what may come next for Season Six? I don't know. Season Five has definitely been one of the most unpopular seasons in the anime, with a lot of people speaking out against it, but this mostly seems to come from the Western fanbase, so it's up in the air if Bones will learn from their mistakes. Since they'll have a full season to do presumably the War and Rouge Deku arcs, then I feel like they'll put on a better show. But we just don't know. Spinner had his spotlight stolen this time around, will Compress suffer the same fate in Season Six? Dabi and Toga will probably be handled well, since they have inexplicably high amounts of popularity, but with his own lack of recognition rivalling Spinner's, I can see Sako ending up much the same way. Time will tell, I suppose.
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junikshanasar · 3 years
bnha chapter 325 thoughts
If last chapter was blowing everything to smithereens, this one was just picking up the pieces to start building our next part of the story.
As usual, I’ll go through it~
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Horikoshi just giving Mineta wholesome scenes because he knows we all hate him lol. Seriously speaking though, if this disaster has woken him up and gotten him to mature (which I’m sure it has for the entire class), I don’t mind standing behind him as a character.
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Awww this was cute, the role reversal, and it ties nicely with the realization we have going on here with the people helping the heroes who help them. Kota is someone we know Midoriya has rescued personally, so seeing him come to tell Midoriya the same words that saved him is heartwarming.
Also, you can just see the recognition and pleasant bewilderment on Mido’s face, why are the expressions in the art so lovely-
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This is so sweet tooooooooooooooo! why is this whole chapter so sweet
But oh man, we see glimpses of discrimination again, most notably against those with mutant quirks (˘・_・˘). It has been brought up before, and hopefully will be again because I found that we see more about discrimination on people with dangerous/unconventional quirks and are usually emitter or transformation. 
Mutant quirk discrimination has been more background until now: just hints of stuff, like how people are scared of Gang Orca, or how Spinner felt rejected for his appearance. I think there was a villain mad about how people hated him for his appearance in the second movie (?), but I haven’t seen it so I don’t really know.
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that rhymed, nice.
But he puts what Ochako was saying in terms for these dumbfounded civvies to understand, and it’s kind of cool to hear this whole theatre analogy from him, as someone we’ve seen loves watching hero fights as though he were watching a movie (I reread the first chapter for last week’s chapter XD)
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Ok but for real, what were these three doing inside UA? Like Shouto was with his classmates to bring back Mido, so what was he doing inside while the rest of his class was outside? I can only assume they were discussing the plans for Touya, considering this comment from Shouto and the Dabi flashback:
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Ha ha he’s so cute dammit, I don’t know why but as soon as he showed up this guy became my favourite character. I’ve adopted him, he is my child
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This takes Hawks’ attitude about being a hero and puts a wholesome spin on it. Hawks sorta has this lazy, unambitious mask (I don’t want to be Number 3, I wish I had more free time) which pretty much everyone knows is fake, but the notino of having ‘time to kill’ here is now less ‘lazy’, and shows that what he means is less crime, less hate, and more acceptance.
Also lol, Kaminari’s always been super brave man, and now lookit him, not even a bit scared of Bakugou anymore:
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Bahahahaha I don’t think any of Class A really is, now. Actually, someone commented on the chapter that Bakugou is glaring at the jerk who was yelling about how sucky heroes are:
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lollll, in any case the entire panel is wholesome in general. I’m glad All Might Shirt Guy came around, and Inko finally got to embrace Midoriya
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Aizawa lives! Well obsvly, but we only saw a glimpse of his back earlier and I was starting to miss our favourite teacher
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Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss I was wondering if they were just keeping Kurogiri locked up and hoping for Oboro to somehow emerge, but it’s nice they’ve already gotten started on trying to bring him and the Nomus back to the people they used to be!
I wonder if they’ll retain their memories or if it will be like waking up from a coma for them.
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Totally did not consider this, but I’m glad the heroes did lol. I’m actually looking forward to seeing Toga again, she’s such a delightful character, and her story + conflict with Ochako is def not over yet.
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Brooding All Might
I wonder what’s on his mind. I mean, obvsly the situation with Midoriya, but it also seems like he’s walking away from UA? He’s leaving right as Midoirya is arriving? Either he feels guilty for not being able to take care of Midoriya (which I feel isn’t exactly it), or there’s something he needs to take care of. 
Perhaps he’s initializing the first step of this ‘payback’? On the other hand, there’s not much he can actually do in his current state. Well he’s certainly off to do something, but I’m 90% sure it’s on his own. 
Yeah, I have a bad feeling.
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edwardslostalchemy · 5 years
My Hero Academia. Shinkami(if you ship it). Dabi. (For the ask meme. You don't have to so all three if you don't want to).
(I want to do all three, though, so thank you!!)
001 | BNHA
Favorite character: Shouto Todoroki!!! But he is tied with Izuku Midoriya!!!
Least Favorite character: Oof um, a tie between endeav*r, m*neta, that yoshi guy, the one with the wind and is obnoxious and loud and made my baby fail his test, fuck that guy. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): TodoDeku, KiriBaku, Iichako, Toshinko, EraserMic
Character I find most attractive: OOF Hawks. He has no business being that handsome. 
Character I would marry: Eraserhead!!! I already married him!!! He’s my husband!!!!
Character I would be best friends with: Izuku or Ochako, probably. We have the same bubbly, cheery energy.
a random thought: I always think about how All Might eats and how he is STILL ALIVE after having his respiratory system destroyed and losing his whole stomach. Does he have an oxygen mask? A ventilator? Does he do tube feeding??? total parenteral/IV?? How is this man still alive?? Does OFA keep him alive? If so, when he loses OFA, does he gradually start to waste away?? What is the logic behind this?? Please someone answer me, I am losing my MIND.
An unpopular opinion: Hero society is pretty fucked up and the government should get new laws to protect the quirkless and punish people for quirkless discrimination (I’m looking at you, Katsuki, you fucking gremlin).
My Canon OTP: TodoDeku is canon to me bc I have control of the series, I nerfed Horikoshi in the face and yeeted him out the window son now I call the Shots. 
My Non-canon OTP: ToshInko!!!!! They!!!! Are married!!!!
Most Badass Character: Gotta give it to Eraserhead. That guy took on like 100 villains at a time. His entire character screams cat person who doesn’t want to be here, but he is probably the embodiment of what it means to be a hero besides All Might and Izuku. Selfless, doesn’t need to announce what he’s gonna do and doesn’t seek attention. He just does the right thing because it’s what he believes. 
Most Epic Villain: OOF I love Hero Killer: Stain. I know we’ve gotten our segment of villains and hooray Shiggy got his backstory, and yeah we have AFO, but AFO is a bitch who can kiss my ass. I love HKS. He’s twisted, but wants to correct society. I gotta respect his ideals. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: todo//–//momo, get that away from me. I’m also losing interest in izu//–//ocha. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Um, just the creation of M*neta is screw up enough, please delete him from existence. 
Favourite Friendship: DekuSquad!!!! Izuku, Tenya, Ochako, Shouto, and Tsu
Character I most identify with: Shouto!!! [Warning: I’m going to talk about my experience and trauma!!!] I don’t know how this happened…my parents aren’t abusive, but I’ve gone through a lot of shit like sexual assault (which I’ve been told can be labeled as abuse), but not from my parents. Also sexual harassment. So I have a lot of trauma and flashbacks. And I can relate to Shouto’s resentment to his abuser. Even after years of therapy and even confronting the person that hurt me, I still resent him and have murder fantasies. This whole thing about Endeav*r getting a redemption arc sounds nice and all and whatever, but even if he does get to change, he’s still going to be the same person or it’s going to be a part of his character. I’ve been away from the person that hurt me and he’s apologized and said he’d make it up to me and support me, but he’s still an ass and has had similar behaviors…just not what he did to me with others. It’s complicated to explain, but I just really relate to Shouto a lot. 
Character I wish I could be: Momo. She’s perfect. 
002 | ShinKami
When I started shipping them: After reading the chapter where they team up for the joint training!!!
My thoughts: I think it’s a very cute ship and can balance each other out. Sunshine character x Stoiic/grouchy character is my weakness.
What makes me happy about them: Denki is adorable and I think he’d just be that ray of sunshine for Hitoshi. They’ve very different characters, but that’s not a bad thing at all. They really balance each other out. 
What makes me sad about them: I can’t think of anything sad about them?? I guess just wanting more interactions between them would be great!!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t read fanfics for them, sorry hhhhh
Things I look for in fanfic: Denki getting to be himself and not feel self-conscious or anything while Hitoshi is also himself and they get to bond over things like their quirks being unconventional even though they’re powerful.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Ummm, I like Denki with Mina and also Jirou and Sero. Hitoshi, I like him with Mei, too. 
My happily ever after for them: A badass crime fighting hero duo that fight villains. Hitoshi punches a villain in the face, Denki shocks them. Hitoshi carries Denki. The sunset is beautiful. They get married. 
003 | Dabi
How I feel about this character: I really like him!!!! He’s probably my favorite villain besides Stain. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Hawks…that’s it. 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I like his interactions with Toga, Twice, and Shigaraki. Also!!! Give us that backstory, @Horikoshi!!!! REL EASE THE BE E S. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t have one right now hhh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Horikoshi confirming he’s Touya. 
Favorite friendship for this character: Dabi and Twice, but he doesn’t really stick around with people enough to make friends with them so uhhhh. 
My crossover ship: Crossover ship as in fandom crossover? Umm, Dabi and Tikki Mik from D.Gray-Man would be interesting. He and Tikki feel like the same character to me, though lmfao. 
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