#he has really cute big eyes ....... and anytime he takes a selfie he frowns in them. but its one of those smiley frowns
necrophilianlove · 9 months
i need to put a leash on him for REAL
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Nickèd Names
Yuu finally learns who her funny Horned Boy is. This one takes place just after the ghost wedding. Content warning for coarse language and frank talk of bodily functions.
As always, check my Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction tag for more, and don’t be afeared to send me a message if you enjoyed something!
"You're finally back in class?"
You nodded at Deuce. "Stopped pissing blood every time I sneezed, so I'm back."
There's much to be said for kissing pretty ghost girls, but the main drawback is that when you do, you immediately, catastrophically hemorrhage from every pore as all your organs fail, and even with magical healing, you're still bedridden for a week. You wouldn't be doing that again. Maybe. Eliza was very cute.
"You're back. Excellent." Trein dropped a stack of papers in front of you. "Here's the work you missed."
You blinked up at him in horror. "Professor, I nearly died."
He stared back, face impassive. "You nearly did. And I'm fond of your work ethic. That's why you get this instead of a fail."
"... I'll take that."
It's after dark, so he should be along any time now. You set your phone down and wait.
True to form, your funny horned boy is soon sitting on the railing of your balcony, smiling at you. "You're all better now?"
"Better-ish." You might never get to stop taking those pills and supplements. "Why didn't you come by the room?"
"You don't know that I didn't. You slept a fair deal."
"Rude. Let's walk."
You're too tired to try the woods, so you're both slowly picking your way around the dorm grounds, your pretty horned boy keeping an eye that you don't trip. You could count the times he's touched you on one hand; when you asked, he said he didn't want to be rude. Perhaps he wasn't as fond of you as he seemed.
A buzz from your phone, Ortho wanted a symptoms check-in. You tapped back that you're fine, and your boy peered over your shoulder, leaning this way and that. Curiosity took the better of you.
"... You do know what a phone is, right?"
He chuckled. "Of course I do, my child of man. Not all technology is unknown in my homeland."
"Do you have one? I can give you my number."
He shook his head. "After I broke my last one, we decided it really wasn't necessary."
"You can replace them, you know."
"It was my... fifth?" He started counting on his hands. "No, sixth. They're delicate. After going through that many in as many weeks, we simply canceled the contract."
Your eyebrows went up through no effort of your own. "Jesus, you have the dropsies that bad?"
"The what?"
"Dropsies.” You mimed opening your hand, dropping something. “You dropped them."
"The first one went that way. Most simply shattered when I pressed the screen too hard, and one Lilia threw against a wall."
You decided to ask Lilia how he know your boy later. "Why'd he do that?"
"I tried to download a game and got, in his words, 'so many viruses.' " He seemed rather proud of himself. "They clearly weren't bad ones, I did not cough once."
"No, honey, that's not how that-" Even in the gloom, you saw he'd turned an alarming shade of red, and you backtracked. "Uh, you want to see anything on mine? I have pictures."
"Only if you don't hand me it."
"So there is a camera on this?"
"Yeah, most phones have them. Watch." You opened the camera, and hit the button so that the front camera was on, reflecting your spotty face and a wide-eyed faerie boy behind you. "This one's for selfies."
He made a face of pure confusion, and you hit the button to capture it, and showed him.
"Could you... not do that again? It's not proper." 
"You know it doesn't steal your soul, right?"
He opened his mouth to speak, but again, sheer confusion stopped him until he gathered himself. "You always surprise me. But no, it's that... portraits are a formal thing. You shouldn't share that."
You blinked up at him with your best, sweetest face. "Is this just because you don't want me to ask around for your proper name with it?"
he stopped, blinked, inclined his head. "That didn't occur to me until now, but yes."
"I'll keep it to myself, I promise," you lied, and he believed you, and therefore did not hex your phone when he returned you to your room.
It was only partially a lie; you didn't actually show it to anyone. You simply set the picture of you both as your lockscreen, so you could enjoy it anytime. And this was what got Ace staring at your phone like it started sprouting feathers and clucking.
"Why do you have a picture of yourself with Malleus Draconia?"
Ah, so that’s it, you thought to yourself. "Who? That's my Horny Boy."
"Yeah, he said I could call him whatever I wanted because names are special and he's kind of a dumbass and let me."
Ace put an arm around your shoulder. "Yuu, I need to tell you why that is the second stupidest thing you've done in your life."
"He's not scary. You're clearly mistaken."
Ace flailed, halfway between exasperation and disbelief. "He's the strongest magic user in the school! Fifth strongest in the world! He is the Prince of Thorns and a big scary dragon and could kill you in the blink of an eye."
You frowned at him. "He is a great big loser who likes gargoyles and has zero clue about anything, ever. Have you ever actually talked to him?"
Ace gave you his best are-you-fucking-stupid-or-something face. "Of course not. He's also a third year, on top of everything else. I don't want to get turned into a rose bush or something."
"He's actually very easy to talk to. Probably because everyone's too scared to talk to him."You paused. "I'm gonna go talk to him."
"Nope!" Ace pulled you back in to your seat. "What if you curses you because you know his real name?"
"I highly doubt that. Let me go, Ace."
He smirked at you. "If you wanna go so bad then pull away." 
"You know I can't do that, Ace." You're still too weak from your sickroom stay. "If you want me to stay, fine."
So you sat on his lap with a heavy flop, and watched him wince in pain. Even with all the weight lost from your illness, you're still too heavy for him. But he, stubborn brat, still gripped your arm and glared at you.
A battle of wills, one overweight brat and one stubborn weakling, rapidly losing sensation in his legs. "You're not going. I can stay here all day. You'll get bored before I do."
He's not wrong, but you have a secret weapon. "Keep me here and I'll fart on you."
He narrowed his eyes at you. "You can not fart on command."
You leaned over. "You don't know that. For all you know I had cabbage rolls for lunch and it's been brewing all day. You really wanna try me, Trappola?"
He did not want to try you, and, let you go with a grunt of disgust. "If you die, it's not my fault!"
"I'm not gonna die!"
"You said that about the ghost princess!"
"Is everyone going to hold that against me now?"
You found your horned boy in a pissing match with Kingscholar, and you decided to be as petty and obnoxious as possible. Walking up behind him - Malleus, what a pretty, pretty name for a witch boy - You simply wrapped your arms around his middle and squeezed, while he froze in place posed like a cowboy about to draw.
Leona started snickering. "Really? You get that few hugs in your life?"
"Shush." You peered under Malleus's arm, while he looked down at you. "Malleus? Can we talk a moment?"
Interesting. He could turn even paler than what he was.
"So the entire reason you didn't share who you were is that you thought I wouldn't want to hang out any more."
He nodded. "Most people are afraid of who I am. And you have generally unkind things to say about monarchies, as it is. I did not think you would take the prince thing kindly."
"Well." You shrugged. "Now I know why you kept taking notes whenever I started on that."
"You have many interesting things to say about it!" He brightened considerably. "I couldn't have a shift to elections within my lifetime, obviously, but much of it would be great to try implementing."
"Wouldn't your big scary grandma have anything to say about that?"
His smile was thin, but genuine. "She has much to say on most topics. But, if she did not want me to be exposed to new ideas, she could have simply kept me at home and continued with my private tutors."
You couldn't argue with that. "One last thing, Malleus."
He tilted his head slightly, face faintly pink. How could anyone be scared of him? He's so adorable it's enough to make you sick.
"I don't think I'll call you Horned Boy anymore, now that I know your more proper name."
He looked... disappointed, and you continued. "Mal's a little better for a nickname, yeah? Less of a mouthful."
He made a small noise, considering, before brightening. "Anything that you call me is perfection, my friend."
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Ten
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
(fluff and some smut...TW: mention of past abuse)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine
Your alarm went off promptly at 5:45AM. You woke up with your arms still around Harry. You didn’t want to move from his warm body. Slowly crawling out of bed, you went into the bathroom to have a quick shower. You threw your robe on when you were done, and picked out an outfit to wear, careful not wake him up. You put your hair up in a high pony, and opted for a pair of grey pin striped slacks and a baby blue blouse. You put on some makeup, and make your way to the kitchen.
“Baby?” You hear a faint voice, and turn around. You see Harry reaching for you. You go to his side, and kiss him on the top of his head.
“Sleep a little longer if you like.” You nuzzle your nose against his. “I need to make my smoothie and head to work.”
“I’ll leave my key on your counter, plants will be fine for today.”
“Okay.” You get up, but he grabs your wrist. You lean back down and kiss him on his soft lips. He gives you a sleepy smile.
“Have a good day at work.” He says, rolling over to his other side.
As you head to work your mind swims with thoughts of what it would be like to live with Harry. Would mornings be sleeyp like this? What time does he usually have to get up? You knew it was way too soon to even be thinking like this. You had only been together a little over a month, but the thought of coming home to him made you smile.
When you get to work, Niall greets you with your coffee. You tell him all about how Harry wants you to watch his plants while he’s away.
“So he’s leavin’ ya a key?”
“Mhm. It’s nice he trusts me so much. I didn’t even realize how many plants he had.”
“That’s because he has like two on his desk.” He smiles at you.
“Nothin’, I’m just glad things are going so well for the two of ya.”
Harry got out of your bed around eight. He had to get up and start his day. He needed to get back to his place to pack for the rest of the week, and then get to the airport. He made your bed for you, and cleaned up the blender you left in the sink. He liked your place, there was so much room to spread out. For a moment, he thinks about what it would be like if he slept over more often. He couldn’t believe how quiet you were for him while you got ready. You were so considerate. He knew it was too soon to be thinking about being together all the time, but it still made him smile. He took out his key ring, and left his spare key on your counter like he said. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t sad. It’s not that he didn’t want to go to New Mexico, he actually really liked it there. He just didn’t want to be without you for a week. He hated the idea of you being without him during the weekend. That was your time to relax together, to cuddle, to kiss. He rolled his eyes at himself as he walked out of your place. He couldn’t believe how bad he had it for you.
Wednesday after work you went to his place to water his plants. He really did only have two on his desk, but they were dry. You wondered if even he remembered to water them regularly. You smelt something coming from his fridge. He forgot to empty it before he left. You took it upon yourself to clean it and out, and take out his trash. You wiped up his counters, and dusted a little as well. He was messy, the only part of his place being spotless was his bathroom. That must’ve been where he put most of his energy. You loved his place, it was cute, and the perfect size for him. You decide to send him a selfie of you with one of his plants so he’d know you stopped by. When you got home, you frowned. You suddenly didn’t like being by yourself at your place, especially knowing that he wouldn’t be able to just come over if you called.
He sent you back a selfie of him in the desert. He had a half smile and sunglasses on. He also sent along a kissy face emoji.
“Who’s that?” One of his colleagues asks him, looking over his shoulder.
“My girlfriend, she’s helping look after my place this week.”
“Didn’t realize you were seeing someone.” She nudges him with her elbow.
“Yeah, it’s been a little over a month, she’s great.” Harry smiles dumbly at the cute photo you sent him. “It’s only been a day, and I miss her.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet Harry. She’s a lucky lady.”
“Do you miss your girlfriend when you have to travel?”
“Oh, sure. It never gets easier, but when we finally get together, it’s amazing. Missing someone certainly makes the heart grow fonder.” She puts a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Sunday will be here before you know it.”
Thursday dragged on agonizingly slow for the both of you. Harry tried to Facetime you, but you missed him. When you tried him back, he texted back that he was busy. You missed him, it was only a couple of days, but you missed him. You desperately wanted to feel his arms wrapped around you. That night, you light a couple of candles in your room, and put some music on. Trying to get yourself in the mood, you think of him. You think of the way he would pinch your nipples, and slowly bring his hands down to your waist. You think of the way his thumb would move in figure eights around clit. Your hand slips between your legs, and you feel your own wetness. You picture his head between your legs and let out a sigh. You start rubbing yourself to the thought of his hot breath on you while his tongue would be making laps in your folds. You let out a small moan of his name as you have a small orgasm. You sigh frustrated, and force yourself to go to sleep.
Harry couldn’t help himself. He jacked off that night before bed thinking of you. He couldn’t help that his mind wandered to your lips wrapped around him. The thought alone was enough to make him hard. He was hoping the release would help him sleep, but it didn’t he stayed up all night thinking of you sleeping alone in your big bed.
He was busy all day Friday, unable to text you. Rachel invited you over for drinks after work, since Sarah would be out with Niall.
“Thanks again for having me over, you and I never get together just the two of us.” You smile at her as she hands you a glass of wine.
“I know! I’m so glad you were free. Sarah has been so MIA lately because of Niall. I’ve actually been kind of lonely.”
“I’m sorry Rach. Do you think you’ll start getting serious with anyone?”
“As soon as I find someone to get serious with, sure.” She shrugs and laughs. “It’s hard to find someone. Some girls just want you to experiment with or piss of their parents with, and some girls want to move in the second you start dating. There’s like no in-between. I’m actually content being single, it’s just more that I actually like having a roommate. Sarah is so fun to live with. She and I are supposed to hang out tomorrow, we’re gonna get brunch. You should come.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude on your alone time with her. I was actually hoping to see what Niall was up to tomorrow, I feel like he and I haven’t hung out one on one in ages.”
“Harry has taken up a lot of your free time.” Your face falls. “It’s not a bad thing. I’m actually really happy for you. You’re more of yourself with him in your life.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been different for a while. Which no one can blame you for, but it’s just been nice to see you laughing and smiling more is all.”
“He makes me really happy. Did I tell you he asked me to water his plants while he was away this week?”
“Really? That’s so cute. So, have you slept with him yet?” She wiggles her eyebrows at you and laugh.
“God no. We’ve done other stuff, good stuff, but I’m not ready for that yet. I haven’t even let him finger me or anything.”
“What has he done with you then?”
“I’ve let him rub me, and he goes down on me a lot. We’ll also just kind of grind against each other. It’s nice. Plus, I’ve done things for him. He’s been very patient and understanding.”
“That’s good! And he makes you feel really good?”
“You have no idea, Rach. I don’t know how he got so good at it, but it feels amazing.” You blush a little. “I’ve never been with a guy that pays so much attention to my body.”
“When do you think you’ll let him go a little a further? I mean, aren’t you curious to see what those fingers can do?”
“Definitely, but anytime I think about it I just have bad flashbacks. I’ll get there with him, I know I will, I just need more time. I trust him, but it still has only been a little over a month, it’s not a lot of time to be together.”
“True, but you’re in a relationship with him. I don’t think he would go anywhere since he asked you to be his girlfriend.”
“I’m not worried about him going anywhere.”
“What are you worried about?”
“What if I have a bad flashback while he’s doing it? I’m afraid I’m going to freak out and he’s going to feel rejected. He’s…sensitive. I know he wouldn’t take it personally, but when you’re naked with someone you can’t help but feel like it’s about you, you know?”
“If I ever see that asshole that did this to you, I would surely punch him in the fucking face. I hate that because of what he did, you feel like you can’t even have this experience with your boyfriend.”
“Believe me, I feel the same exact way. Except I hope I never run into that bastard ever again.”
You text Niall Saturday, and ask him to come over while Sarah is at brunch with Rachel. He happily accepts, and comes over with some bagels and cream cheese from your favorite bakery. You hug as he comes into your place. You both get set up on the couch.
“So, how’s your week without Harry?”
“It’s been…okay. I definitely miss him. He’s been so busy, we’ve barely been able to talk. Just a few texts here and there.”
“Well, I’m glad you asked me to hang out.”
“Me too, how are things with Sarah?”
“Great, actually. She’s super smart and funny. We’re getting into more of a dating rhythm. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other when it first started.” He blushes a little. “It’s sort of still like that, but I wanted to show her I wanted more from her.”
“It’s so great to see you with someone, Niall. Selfishly, I’m glad it’s with one of my friends.”
“Same here.”
You two end up watching Stranger Things together, since it’s both your favorite show.  He left around eleven, and you were happy you got to spend some quality time with him.
Sunday, you got up, and put a cute pair of leggings on with a matching sports bra, and threw a zip up sweatshirt on over. You went to the grocery store for yourself, and decided to shop a little for Harry. You knew he’d be tired from his flight, and wanted to have some things in his fridge. You bought his favorite veggies and snacks, and filled up his fridge. You watered his plants, and were in the middle of vacuuming the rug under his bed when you heard a rustling. You turn the vacuum off, and turn around to see a tired Harry walking through the door. You blush a little, you must look like a psycho cleaning up his apartment, but he essentially asked you to house sit.
He gives you a big smile as he kicks his shoes off.
“Harry!” You squeal.
Something comes over you, and you run towards him, jumping into his arms. He lifts you slightly so you can wrap your legs around his waist. He holds you close, as you cup his face in your hands and kiss him. You bite down on his bottom lip, taking it into your mouth to suck on. He groans into you, and walks you both over to his bed. He lays you down, and he immediately gets on top of you. Re-wrapping your legs around his waist. He unzips your sweatshirt, and kisses you down your jaw, neck, and sucks on your skin furiously. You gasp at how hard he bites you, as it’s sure to leave a mark. He licks his tongue over the spot to try to soothe it. His hands reach down to your waistline, and start to tug at your leggings.
“Harry.” You say, trying to get his attention, but he keeps kissing on you, and tugging on your clothes. Your heart is beating fast, and not in a good way. “Harry! Stop!” He immediately sits up, and gets off of you, releasing your legs to the mattress. You catch your breath. “Sorry….um hi.” You smile at him, sitting up against the headboard.
“Hi, sorry, that was a little aggressive wasn’t it? I just,” He puts a hand on your cheek. “I missed you, and when you ran over to me, I just wanted to get lost in you. That whole trip was so stressful, I was excited to see your car down in the lot when I got here. And you looked so cute vacuuming. Why were you vacuuming?”
“I was just trying to tidy up. I didn’t want you coming back to a mess. I, uh, bought you some groceries too so you’d have some food to hold you over.” He smiles, then furrows his brows at your neck, and his cheeks flush. “What?”
“I really did a number on your neck, I’m so sorry. Sort of childish for me to give you a hickey.” You reach for the spot he was touching and you wince. “Did I scare you?”
“No, it wasn’t that. A lot was just happening fast.” You give him a reassuring smile. “But, I would like to keep kissing. Do you mind if I get on top of you?”
“Not at all.”
He flops onto his back, and holds his arms out for you. You climb on top of him and straddle his legs. You lean down and start kissing again. Years ago, you would have been happy to have a guy like Harry grab at you the way he did. You were so flattered that he just wanted to rip your clothes off. But his quick hands triggered you for a moment. Your tongue slips into his mouth, and molds together with his. You missed the taste of him. Your thoughts trail to the other night, when you had to touch yourself at the thought of him.
He presses his hips to you, and you roll yours down on him. He reaches around to your ass and squeezes your cheeks in his big hands. You moan into his mouth, and tug at his shirt. He sits up slightly so you can lift it off him. Your hands trace over his tattoos, and your mouth connects with his earlobe. You grind down on him while he presses his hips up to you again. You move against him faster and faster.
“Oh, Harry.” You say into his neck. One hand in his hair and the other on his chest.
“Come for me baby.” He says into your ear.
“You know, while you were away I thought of you.” You say to him in a low voice, while you continue to grind against him.
“Tell me about it.”
“I thought of having your head between my legs, and it made me so hot.”
“I thought of you too. I thought of those lips wrapped around me.”
“Oh god.” Your hand claws at his chest as you come undone. “Holy shit.” You press your head into his neck, and you lay on top of him.
He tries to move so he can look at you, but you hide your face with your hands. You feel his body move from laughter.
“Don’t get shy on me now, baby.” You mumble something, and he pulls your hands away. “Pardon?”
“I said, I can’t believe I just told you that.” Your cheeks are beat red.
“Why? Nothin’ wrong with a little dirty talk.” He smiles at you.
“So, you, uh, thought of me sucking your dick?”
“Yup. Although, I don’t think the memory did it justice.”
“How would you like a new memory?”
You reach down and unzip his jeans. You scoot down between his legs, and tug his pants down just below his butt, bringing his boxers with them. His hard dick slaps his stomach, as it comes out of his pants. You lick your lips, and wrap your mouth right around him. He hisses at the incredible sensation. His hands go right into your messy bun, and presses his hips up to go deeper into your mouth. You bob your head up and down, and you try to take more of him. Your eyes fill with tears as you feel yourself almost gag on him. He needs this, he needs you to take it all right now, so you continue.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come baby.” He says through gritted teeth. You look up at him, and make sinful eye contact while he fills your mouth and throat with his hot liquid. This time you take it much better, and you’re able to not choke on him. You keep it all in your mouth, and you contemplate spitting, but you see him watching you. You take big gulp, and swallow everything. He leans up, and pulls down onto his chest. “You’re so good at that, you have no idea how fucking good that feels.” He says stroking your head.
“I think I have a little idea.” You say looking up at him. “Are you hungry? I got some fresh sushi and it’s in the fridge.”
“Sushi would be great.” Harry pulls his pants back up, and follows you to the kitchen.
You pull the sushi out of the fridge, and Harry wraps his arms around you.
“What kind ya get?”
“I got a sweet potato roll and an avocado roll.”
“Oo, my favorite.” He kisses you on the cheek.
You both dig into the sushi, and it’s gone in minutes. Harry leans against the counter, and just looks at you.
“Nothing, I’m just glad you’re here.” You lean into him and wrap your arms around him.
“I’m so happy you’re home. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, love.” He kisses the top of your head, and pulls you in closer to him. “Whatcha do this weekend?”
“I hung out with Rachel Friday night, and then Niall and I hung out yesterday. It was nice to catch up with him. Him and Sarah are doing really well, he likes her so much.”
“I’m glad you got to see your friends. If there’s ever a weekend I take up too much of your time, just tell me. I don’t want to keep you from you from them.” You step back to see him more clearly.
“You’re not keeping me from anyone, babe. It’s not like I saw them all the time before we started dating anyways. I actually saw Niall more than the girls. It was hard to see them after everything happened, I sort of distanced myself. We all got together for my 24th birthday over the summer and it made me realize how much I missed hanging out with the girls, so they’ve slowly come back into my life.”
“Alright, I just want to make sure, that’s all.”
“What about you, do you feel like you’re not seeing your friends enough?”
“No, I see Niall plenty.”
“What about your other friends?”
“The lads all live a couple hours out, he’s my closest friend here.” He looks down then back to you. “I like spending my time with you.” You could melt at how sweet he is. You put a hand on his cheek.
“You are so sweet, you know that?” He takes you in to kiss you, and you sink into it. Before your eyes close, you realize it’s already after eight. “Shit, Harry, I gotta go.” His face falls.
“Because I need to get home, and meal prep. Then I need to fold and put my laundry away. I left it a mess on my bed.”
“I’m sorry, you spent so much time cleaning up my place…”
“No, no it’s okay. I got sort of carried away. I know when I go away I like to come back to a clean place, and I wanted to do the same for you.” You reach into your purse, pull out the key he gave you, and put it on the counter. Harry furrows his eyebrows at it.
“You…um…” He wants to tell you to keep it, so you can continue to come and go as you please, but he stops himself. It’s too soon for you to have a key to his place. “Thanks.” Is all he can think of to say. “For everything this week.”
“You’re welcome, happy to do it anytime.” You smile at him. “I better go.” You kiss him quick on the lips and head out.
Harry immediately takes his phone out and calls Niall.
“Hey mate, you back?”
“What’s up?”
“She gave me back my key.”
“Did she need to keep it?”
“I don’t know…she could have if she wanted to. She just took it out, without me even needing to ask, like she didn’t want it or something.”
“I think you’re reading too far into this, mate. Do you remember a few years ago when that girl you dated had to practically beg you for a key to your place? You freaked out and ended it. And you were with her for like seven months.”
“This is different, I didn’t feel the way about her the way I feel about (y/n), and that was back when I was like 23, I was a prick.”
“Yeah, you were. So why not tell she should keep it?”
“I didn’t want to seem clingy. Then she would feel obligated to give me one, and I didn’t want to pressure her. I almost fucked up tonight anyways.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, when I got in she jumped on me, and I brought us over to the bed, and I got a little too frisky too fast, and she had to tell me to stop.”
“Oh, Jesus, is she okay.”
“Yeah, she was fine, we ended up, doing other stuff, but I could tell I fucked up. I hate this, that guy got to know her for like four dates?”
“You’re doing the right thing by being patient, just keep doing what you’re doing. It’ll be worth it. Hey can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“So, I’ve been seein’ Sarah for a couple of weeks, and you know I’m terrible at coming up with date ideas. I think she’s getting bored with just stayin’ in.”
“What does she like to do?”
“She likes going to the movies, but every time we do that we end up making out and missing the movie.”
“How old are you?”
“Normally I wouldn’t do something like that, but I can’t help it.”
“Okay, what if, um, what if the four of us went on a double date? We could go ice skating or something, the season is just starting up, so it won’t be crazy busy yet.”
“You and I always get so competitive on double dates though.”
“Oh stop, you mean you get competitive. I’m just myself. Besides, (y/n) has mentioned doing that a couple times, it could be fun. We could go Friday night after work.”
“Yeah, alright. Want me to ask her tomorrow?”
“I can ask my own girlfriend if she wants to go on a date, thanks.”
“I wasn’t talking about her, I was talking about Sarah.”
“Oh, right, yeah ask her tomorrow.”
“Cool, thanks.”
Harry hangs up, and sighs big. All he wants to do is shower, and get into bed.
Monday evening you get a call from Harry while you’re at the gym. Normally you wouldn’t answer, but you could tell his mood changed yesterday when you left that key on his counter. You thought you were doing what he wanted. Why would you keep his key? Wouldn’t that be too soon? You put down the weights you’re holding, and head near the locker room.
“Hey babe.” You say cheerfully.
“Hi love.”
“How was your day?”
“Good, I worked from home so I could sleep in a bit. I was wicked jet lagged.”
“Aw, I’m sorry. It’s nice you can work from home when you can.”
“Yeah. Um, do you have plans Friday night?”
“Not that I can think of, why?”
“Well, Niall and I were wondering if you and Sarah would want to go on a double date? We were thinking of ice skating.” You try to hide the squeal brewing.
“I would absolutely love that! And I know she would too, we love ice skating. Oh and the season is just starting too, this’ll be so much fun.”
“Great, I’m glad you’re into it.”
“I can’t remember the last time I’ve been ice skating, I’m so excited.”
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spooky-z · 5 years
College Françoise Dupont’s talent show [5/5]
• 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 4.1 • 5 • 5.1 •
Warning: suicide mention at the final
@ozmav @maribat-archive
Damian was not one bit happy with the wistful eyes of Adrien for Marinette.
Since the confrontation with the class, Wayne noticed that the blonde did not take the eyes of his bride. Perhaps he was not even blinking. He could barely see the boy breathing!
“Damian, control your temper.” Tim nudged him. “Looks like you’re going to jump the golden boy’s neck anytime.”
They were sitting in the auditorium, lights on, people searching their seats. The whole family sitting in the third row of the main set of chairs, occupying the entire row.
The order being from the far left starting with Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Kori, Jason, Tim, Damian, Sabine, Tom, Chloe, Kagami, Allan, Allegra and Claude.
Jagged and Penny had been taken into the cabin, accompanied by Chloe’s parents and Kagami’s mother.
Adrien and the rest of the class, sitting in the second row. The blonde standing right in front of him, not disguising the fact that he was facing Marinette, who was on stage talking quietly with Felix and the director.
“If he doesn’t stop eating her with his eyes, I’ll…” and clenched his fist, imagining Agreste’s head in the middle of it.
Sabine, who had heard the exchange, laughed softly. Her son-in-law was so cute.
“Honey, it’s like we say: they may look, but they can’t have it,” she says, her hand on Damian’s fist. “My daughter looks beautiful. If no one looked at her twice, I would have been offended on her behalf.”
He bites his lip in conflict, but seems to decide that his mother-in-law was right and looked away from the blonde, preferring the sight of his angel.
“Good evening everyone.” The director says in the microphone, Marinette and Felix at his right side, microphones in their hands. “Today we mark the end of the talent week and also the end of the semester.” He pauses with the sound of the applause “this week was indeed amazing. Many talents discovered; many laughs obtained. It was wonderful.“
The audience shouts in agreement. Damian frowns with the particularly high-pitched scream in his ear and glances quickly at Tim.
“Today, as you can see, I have two guests with me” the director says again “Marinette Dupain-Cheng-”
“Hello!” Marinette sings into the microphone, a sweet smile on her face.
“-And Felix Aguillard.” Felix bows to the audience “Our first graders of the year.” More applause.
At the sound of the applause, Damian was able to hear a loud "What ?!” coming from the row in front of him, but could not recognize the voice because of the noise.
“It’s been a year since they’ve been studying at both Dupont and a prestigious university.” General choke “Marinette at ESMOD and Felix at INSEAD-”
“WHAT?!” Lila shouts in surprise, cutting off the director. She sits up quickly when she realizes that she has lost control in front of everyone. “Sorry, I was just surprised.”
Chloe scoffs before shouting to the stage “THAT’S MY GIRL!”
Marinette laughs “And Fe? He’s your boy too, isn’t he?” Teases into the microphone.
Felix looks at her, the pained expression on his face.
Chloe scowls at them and screams once again, “I’m sorry, but I’m SUPER GAY.” And the audience laughs out loud at the antics. The director looks unsure of what to do.
“Ahem,” he catches everyone’s attention, the laughter calming down. “Continuing what I was saying- Today marks their last high school day, so nothing fairer than them being our special guests of the night. The two will open for today’s participants, but they will not be part of the competition.” And ends, waving to the two talk something before they begin.
Felix shakes his head, saying he doesn’t want to say anything and follows him off the stage, but Marinette takes the lead, microphone tight in her hands.
“Good evening everyone.” She says, “Like Principal Damocles said, my name is Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I want a little of your time.” Her eyes gauge each of the audience, not stopping at anyone for long.
“Today has been a particularly special day for me.” It starts “But I’ll start with last month. Last month I was able to go a step further in my career. I received an undeniable proposal and now my things must be arriving at Gotham, my old and new residence.” She notices some violent reactions in the ranks of her former class. Alya. “Today… today I was proposed by the man I love. Today I have friends supporting me, I have my family by my side, I’m having you all now.” Her slightly wet eyes, Damian notes, wanting more than anything to be by her side right now.
“But it wasn’t always like that.” His tone a little bitter. “There was a time, like, about three years ago, that I had people in my life that I thought were there to support me. To be my friends. To support me when I’m not well…” she sighs “But I was wrong. So wrong.”
“I came to such a low point, so dark, that time has stopped. Like this. I had lost my will, my motivation. I was alive but not living.” Sabine, who had been holding back tears, could no longer and cried silently “But hey! This is not a sad story. It’s not because I found good people. Great friends. A great boyfriend. It was not easy at first. There have been relapses. Days I wanted to do nothing more than sleep and sleep. But I did it.” She winked at Lila, who seemed to have eaten something bad.
“I’m reaching my goals. Saying goodbye to most of you, see you soon to others and a ‘I hope I never have to see you again’ for the ones left.” She says sweet, so sweet that her teeth hurt.
“It was thinking about this past, this dark spot of my life, that I wrote a song … Yeah! I know! You were expecting a fashion show, but here I am, ready to sing.” Jokes with the general surprise.
She looks at the side edge of the stage. Luka was waiting for the signal to be able to enter. She blinks at him and he smiles, the guitar positioned in his hands.
“To sing this song I would need support, so a friend volunteered for this role.” She turns to the audience. “Please, a round of applause for Luka Couffaine, my best friend.”
Alya was… She didn’t know how she was feeling at that moment.
She had stopped trying to understand what had been going on since Chloe had appeared with Kagami two nights ago to pick up Marinette at the theater.
That was so frustrating! How, when … The three had become friends. How Marintte could forgive Chloe. When Marinette had overcome her rivalries with Kagami.
Alya didn’t understand. Alya didn’t know.
Alya didn’t remember when it was the last time she’d talked to Marinette. Her best friend.
But she remembered the last time she’d screamed at the brunette about being mean. About how after so many years, she still hasn’t gotten over her jealousy of Lila. How Adrien would never love her if she continued this behavior.
She remembered the teary blueberries, the flushed cheeks (of shame or anger she didn’t know) and the weak voice asking to leave her alone.
But it wasn’t her fault! She just wanted the brunette to grow up, take her head off the Adrien world, and live. Give Lila a chance.
What did not happen. Marinette just walked away.
She would come to school, attend classes, and then disappear. No one knew where she was going at breaks. During classes, she hardly interacted with others.
Just Chloe.
And Alya still couldn’t understand. Didn’t understand what Marinette was saying on that stage. Didn’t know what she was talking about. She was trying. Really. But it was all in vain to see Luka Couffaine come on stage.
His slightly longer, unruly hair combed anyway, torn black jeans, shiny boots, and a black T-shirt under a mossy green leather jacket. A guitar in his arms.
His eyes wrapped in a thick layer of khol.
He bent slightly toward Marinette’s microphone, a polite smile on his lips.
“Good night, Dupont. I’m Luka and I’m here today to help Minette in one or two songs.” He says “God knows how bad she is with the guitar.” He laughs when Marinette jokes him playfully.
She takes his microphone and says again "I think we should start, what do you think ?!”
A projector screen descends behind them and they begin.
No, I think I’ll stay in tonight
Skip the conversations and the “Oh, I’m fines”
No, I’m no stranger to surprise
This paper town has let me down too many times
And, man. She was good.
Alya was surprised, scared even.
Why do I even try? Give me a reason why
I thought that I could trust you, never mind
Why all the switching sides? Where do I draw the line?
I guess I’m too naive to read the signs
Adrien shifted uncomfortably beside Nino. His gravelly face.
He was sure the music was for them, the class.
For him.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
The screen behind them began to pass photos.
Photos of Marinette that no one in the class had ever seen before.
All they ever do is let me down
Every time I let somebody in
The first photo to appear contained Luka and Marinette hugging each other. Her arms around his neck, their cheeks glued together and his arms around her waist.
The unknown background landscapes. The sun shining bright.
Luka was wearing only a black T-shirt, his hair a mess and the tongue sticking out. Marinette in a black cropped with blue accents, her hair in a bun, eyes closed and a huge smile.
She looked so happy.
Adrien cringed.
Then I find out what they’re all about
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
In the next picture, Chloe and the brunette were sleeping together on a futon, probably in Mari’s room.
Chloe wearing Ladybug pajamas being the small spoon and Marinette Abeille being the big spoon.
Alya tasted the blood.
Wonder where they’re all hidin’ out
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town
In the third photo, Marinette was sitting on Kagami’s lap while they were taking selfies. The two making funny faces.
Kagami’s hands steady around Marinette.
And that was a shock to Nino.
The ice queen being funny and protective of someone.
Oh, oh
Oh, ah
A picture of the four of them together at a sleepover in what looked like Chloe’s room. Luka had a face mask, Chloe’s hair stuck in bobs, Kagami painting her nails, and Marinette reading a fashion magazine.
All of them on the bedroom floor, sweets and snacks spread and a television on in a black and white film.
The photo was taken by a fifth unknown person.
I stay up, talkin’ to the moon
Been feelin’ so alone in every crowded room
Can’t help but feel like something’s wrong, yeah
'Cause the place I’m livin’ in just doesn’t feel like home
This time it was a video of Marinette in what looked like a kitchen. A huge kitchen. Wearing a black shirt too big to be hers, probably making breakfast.
She had a spatula in her hand, distracted, using it as a microphone while singing something.
The man who had arrived with Bruce Wayne, the one with the black and white hair, joins her singing. They start dancing like crazy around the kitchen.
The video ends with him slipping and falling, Marinette laughing out loud before falling too.
It didn’t even last 20 seconds.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
Every time I let somebody in
Then I find out what they’re all about
Another video came, this time Marinette is sitting on the grass, surrounded by puppies. Two Great Dane resting their heads on her lap while she pats them.
Damian Wayne joins her and she rests against him.
He looks at the person filming and the filming quickly ends.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Wonder where they’re all hidin’ out
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town
The next picture had Marinette in a gym, leggings, black top, hair in a ponytail.
Another of the men who came in with Bruce Wayne, on her shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
She was all skinny muscle.
Nino heard Adrien choke and cough.
I just wanna talk about nothin’
With somebody that means somethin’
Spell the names of all our dreams and demons
For the times that I don’t understand
Marinette this time was in the same kitchen (video), an old man beside her watching her beat the dough in the bowl.
The crowded bench with Damian, Bruce and the other three men, Chloe, Kagami, Luka and… Félix?!
Tell me what’s the point of a moon like this
When I’m alone again
Can I run away to somewhere beautiful
Where nobody knows my name?
There was a joint gagging of class with the pool photo.
Damian felt jealous boil again.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
I let somebody in
But I find out what they’re all about
The next photo had Jagged Stone, Penny Rolling, Clara Nightingale, Prince Ali, and XY at a picnic. All dressed informally, looking comfortable, smiling at Marinette who was playing with Fang in the background.
And that’s how Ms. Bustier’s class seemed to remember that Jagged didn’t have a cat but a crocodile.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town, yeah
The last picture was of everyone together.
Dupain-Cheng, Waynes, Chloe, Kagami, Luka, Felix, Claude, Allegra, Allan, Jagged, Penny, Clara, Ali, XY. Even Fang and the Great Danes.
Everyone was looking at the camera, smiling excitedly. Marinette in Damian’s arms and a banner with “Joyeux anniversaire, Marinette” in the background.
Oh, oh
Oh, ah
Marinette and Luka ended the song’s last chord when a video, this time with sound, played on the big screen.
“… Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!”
Marinette turns horrified to the big screen.
“This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!” Marinette on the big screen screams along with the music.
The girl throws her arms up, jumping on the bed. The Batman themed pajamas.
“Oh my god, Minette…” the recording person laughs softly so the girl doesn’t hear.
Marinette continues to scream the lyrics, unaware that she is being recorded, until the recording person starts laughing out loud and she gets scared.
“… Jason?” She has a confused expression on her face until she notices the camera and her face becomes homicidal. “Were you recording…?”
The man seems to be scared because the laughter soon dies.
“… No?” he tries.
“Really? So, you don’t mind me taking a look at your phone, do you?” She gets off the bed and goes toward him.
“… Listen, I think Alfred is calling me. Bye!” He runs from her, but doesn’t finish recording.
With him running, the phone only films the confused shapes of the house, but everyone is still able to hear Marinette running after him.
Shooting continues for another two seconds and then ends abruptly.
Luka was laughing openly on stage, Marinette still with her back to the audience, blushing embarrassed and the audience laughing.
And that was how the last night of the Talent Show began.
Lila was waiting for her at the backstage.
Marinette knew that an hour would have to face the girl, but did not think she would attack in such an open and public place.
But objectively, this was the only chance she had, since Marinette was leaving Paris that night.
“Should I congratulate you on the engagement, Dupain-Cheng? Or should we talk about your poor attempt to come out on top?” Lila scoffs, the smugness on her face. “Because it didn’t work. They are still eating in the palm of my hand.”
Marinette sighs already tired.
"What do you want, Lila?”
“I just came to brag. I like to throw salt on the wound.”
“That’s good! Because I like it too.” Marinette says, her tone becoming sharp. “Do you really think I would go away and do nothing to unmask you, Lila Rossi?” Lila stiffens the smile. “Or rather, Volpina, the accomplice of Hawkmoth.”
The girl steps back as Marinette approaches.
"What are you talking about?” She countered. “Are you going crazy?”
“Crazy? I? No.” Marinette laughs “I just think it’s funny that you think there would be no consequences helping a terrorist. And no use denying, I know you have been helping Hawkmoth and Mayura all these years. Your best friend, Ladybug, told me.”
The two do not notice Adrien, Nino and Alya coming. Adrien, noticing the situation, prevents Alya from trying to help Lila and forces them both to hear the conversation hidden behind some wood panels.
“… So, what if I helped Hawkmoth?” They hear Lila say. Adrien feels his blood run cold. “I was a minor. A child. You have nothing against me.”
There is a break and Marinette respond.
“That’s where you’re wrong Lila. Gabriel Agreste may have been arrested and refused to speak, but the evidence, Lila, speaks for itself.” Her firm voice “One year, Lila. A year gathering evidence against you and look, I was surprised to learn that I wasn’t the only person you emotionally abused.”
“… What?” Lila whispers looking scared.
“Emilia Shawn’s suicide.” Marinette’s voice comes out like lightning. “Don’t you remember her, Lila? The girl you bullied so much she couldn’t stand and threw herself off the roof of your school in Italy?” Alya was crying on Nino’s shoulder.
“No problem you don’t remember Emilia!” Marinette says very cheerfully “As long as you remember Cassandra. Or Phillip. Marie… Rico.”
“How do you… how do you know those names?” Lila shouts.
“Because unlike you and our lovely classmates, Lila, families didn’t believe their children were abusive monsters and committed suicide because they were sorry.”
There are footsteps, Adrien gets up enough to see what was going on and recognizes Agent Raincomprix with the National Police, surrounding Marinette and Lila.
Damian Wayne appears along with Bruce Wayne alongside Marinette.
“You cannot do that! I was just a child! Children make mistakes!” Lila begins to freak out when she realizes the situation.
“No, Lila. This is murder and terrorism. And you will pay for what you did.” Marinette says.
Damian hugs the brunette in support and she squeezes his arms in thanks.
"Lila Aloisi Rossi, you are arrested for accomplice of murder and terrorism.” The Raincomprix agent says as he holds Lila in handcuffs “You have the right to remain silent. Whatever you say can and will be used against you.”
"What? NO! LET ME GO!” Lila shouts, going crazy as she struggles.
The police soon have to help the agent contain her and before they leave, he turns to Marinette and the Waynes.
“Bruce Wayne, Marinette. Thanks for your help.” He nods. “It’s up to us now.” And leaves.
“Thank you mr. Raincomprix.” Marinette says.
"I’ll go with you guys,” Bruce says and joins the agents.
Meanwhile, Lila was still screaming and kicking through the theater corridors, people leaving to find out what was going on.
Ms. Bustier’s whole class watching.
Bruce Wayne, who was right behind the National Police surrounding Lila, looked smug when he spoke.
“Your country has withdrawn your immunity after we have presented the evidence of your crimes, Lila Rossi.” Lila widened her eyes, the panic evident. “You will face justice in full rights.”
Damian believes that all of Paris was able to hear the scream that the Italian gave.
He turned the woman in his arms, needing to look her in the eye.
“It’s over, angel.” He whispers to her, noticing the tear in her eyes.
Marinette sighs, relaxing against him.
“It’s over, Dami. Ended.“
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[tag list]
@mystery-5-5 @spicybelladonna @iglowinggemma28 @crazylittlemunchkin@lunaraquaenby @maude-zarella @mooshoon @kuroko26@littleredrobinhoodlum @fanboy7794 @shadowberrybinch @k-rena-k@captainmac6 @clumsy-owl-4178  @tazanna-blythe @vixen-uchiha @zebrabaker @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @artxyra @ellerahs @minightrose@redscarlet95 @soaringowlsstuff @xxkelsey39
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florbexter · 6 years
Trending War
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Title: Trending War  Chapter: oneshot Pairing: TinCan Summary: 
5 times Can tried to trend #TinCan and one time he didn’t have to
Can stared at Tin’s head and wondered how he ever had found that stupid stupidhead attractive. He was ugly… maybe not in the common sense ugly, because he had this stupid face, which was stupidly handsome but he was ugly. Because…
“Why are you staring at me?” Tin asked but didn’t look up from his laptop.
Can thought about throwing his phone at Tin’s face, but he really liked that phone.
But he also kinda hated that phone because it had shown him the TinPete hashtag and how it was trending, because Tin and his stupid face had learned on a bench outside of the IC building instead of inside like any normal person.
Can frowned at the picture his sister had attached to one of her tweets. Pete was looking over Tin’s shoulder to see the display of Tin’s laptop. It was an innocent picture. They didn’t even really touch. They were just close.
Can hated it.
‘They would make such cute boyfriends’ one of Lay’s friends had commented under her tweet and he wanted to shout at her that HE was the cute boyfriend… which he was not come to think of it.
They dated. And kissed. And Tin’s hand had been on places of Can’s body only his own hand ever had been. Which Can liked a lot. Tin had nice hands, they were big and warm and…
Stop thinking about his hands!, he scolded himself. He was mad! He was mad because some dumb girls thought Tin was the perfect match for Pete! Pete!
He should sent screenshots to Ae.
“You are still staring.”
“Am I not allowed to look at…” at my boyfriend he wanted to say… but they were not. Not officially.
How would one make the change from dating each other to being official boyfriends? Should he just ask? Or did they just transition naturally to a point where they start to call each other boyfriends? He could google it right?
“What happened?”
Can startled because Tin flopped down next to him on the couch without announcing himself. He hid his phone instinctively.
Tin looked at him and Can knew that he was going to snap that phone from his hands, so he twisted sideways to prevent Tin from doing so.
“Can,” Tin said while looming over him, “what is on your damn phone?”
“You stare at it, then you stare at me and those are not nice stares.”
“How would you know? Maybe I am being seductive?”
“I know your seductive face, it is very similar to your feed me face.”
He had to twist away again because Tin was so damn tall and why had he never realized that his arms were also freakishly long? Can turned around to lay on his belly hiding his phone between his body and the couch.
He felt Tin’s sigh against his neck and tried to suppress a shiver.
“Can,” he said in an exasperated tone but Can shook his head.
“Not showing you.”
“Can,” he said again, but softer this time, just a whisper against his skin. Can turned around and stared at Tin who frowned in light of Can’s serious face.
“What happened?”, he asked, ready to conquer all of Can’s enemies. It was funny that he was always ready to fight those non-existing threats but wouldn’t let Can punch his brother.
“Be my boyfriend,” he said, because he wanted to. He wanted to be Tin’s boyfriend. He wanted to change his facebook status, and he wanted to comment on those stupid tweets that Tin already had an adorable boyfriend, thank you very much (and no offense Pete).
And he wanted to see that look on Tin’s face every time he said boyfriend.
Can took hold of Tin’s face to caress the skin around his mouth and eyes and marvel in the soft and astonished look in his eyes.
“Be my boyfriend,” he repeated himself and smiled at Tin’s huff because he used his hold on Tin’s face to make him nod.
“This is a binding nod,” he said.
“My boyfriend is very cute, but also an idiot,” Tin said and Can had to grin.
“What about a sex tape?”
“I am sorry?”
Can looked up from his phone to Tin’s confused face.
“I am thinking aloud,” he explained.
“You mentioned the word sex-tape, what are you thinking about?”
“The hashtag TinPete is trending again because you walked Ai Pete to his car yesterday.”
“I didn’t walk him to his car, we both walked to our cars.”
“Why is there no TinCan hashtag?”
“The more important question is who are those people stalking me?”, Tin said. He was puzzled over the fact that he didn’t realize some girls made photos of him.
“They’re short and ready for anything,” Can murmured.
“We’re not doing a sex tape… wait… we could do a sex-tape but we’ll not show it to anyone.”
“Then what is the point?” “I’ll be able to watch it?” “You can watch my face anytime,” Can said and tried to remember what face he made during sex.
“If you think that is your sex-face… you’re sadly mistaken.” Can put his elbow to good use and enjoyed Tin’s painful grunt.
“Don’t move,” he demanded. He laid against Tin in his giant bed and had been waiting for him to end whatever he had been doing on his Pad when he saw the hashtag on Twitter. He didn’t tell Tin that he made a fake account just to follow his sister and her crazy friends.
He hadn’t told Ley about them being boyfriends because he wanted Tin for himself for a little while. His ma already invited Tin for dinner three times a week and Ley would always hog Tin’s attention like he was her personal entertainer. He didn’t like it, but he also didn’t like her spreading the rumour that Tin and Pete were a pair. He loved his sister but maybe he should tell Ae about... wait... no, he would just drag Pete away and nobody would see them for a week.
“I have a solution,” Tin said out of the blue and raised his Pad to make a selfie of them. “How would… oh.”
It was a nice photo Can admitted. Tin was shirtless and the way his hand laid on Can’s waist was visible. Can wore Tin’s shirt so the hickey on his collarbone was there for the world to see. They looked good together, cosy and warm.
“Post this on your fake account.” “I will… hey! How do you know!”
Tin just kissed his pouting lips and tapped on the Pad to indicate Can should hurry up.
The caption under the picture was a heart emoji and Can was definitely satisfied the moment he typed TinCan behind the hashtag.
His satisfaction didn’t last long though. He woke up to notes on his picture complaining about how fake it looked. He should take photoshop lessons they wrote. His own sister posted a laughing emoji under the thread.
“I don’t understand a word you say,” Tin said and Can pulled the toothbrush out of his mouth. He had stomped into the bedroom after he saw the comments under their picture and had tried to explain to Tin why he was outraged. Tin understood him when he spoke with his mouth full but had trouble when his mouth was full of foam.
Can run back in the bathroom to rinse. “This is unacceptable,” he yelled over the running water.
“At least I have a new background photo,” Tin murmured while Can typed furiously on his phone.
“New plan,” Can announced. He got into Tin’s car and shoved his phone in his face. Tin blinked and tried to see something on the display. “You’re no longer allowed to do any group projects together with Ai Pete.”
Tin had wanted to start the engine but changed his mind. Concentrating on driving and making sense of Can simultaneously was a bit tricky. He needed more time to master that kind of sorcery.  
“Why?” “Apparently, the way you show him something on your laptop is an indication ‘that you’re only soft for him and want to protect him as any good top would do’.”
Can looked at him as if Tin had any idea what he should say to that. “Didn’t you post the picture Ai Pete made of us at the football field?” Can crunched up his nose. “They commented that you were there because Ai Pete was there and that us standing next to each other means nothing because P’Type was also standing there.”
They should have waited until we were behind the bleachers, Tin thought. Why was it that those girls only appeared when he was with Pete? And why didn’t he notice them?
“I should ask Ai Pete to like #TinCan posts,” Can murmured, “and you’re not allowed to do future projects together.” “You think I’ve that kind of power?” “You don’t?”
Tin sighed.
“Put your hands on the steering wheel.” “Why?” “I’ll make a picture and write ‘personal driver’ under it.” “Maybe your personal driver thinks that instead of taking pictures for some idiotic girls on twitter you should say hello to your personal driver, because your personal driver is your boyfriend and you haven’t kissed him hello yet.” “You’re calling my sister idiotic?”
I’m going to drive the car against a tree, Tin thought and took the phone from Can’s fingers and swallowed his protest with a kiss. He threw the phone on the backseat and was only satisfied when Can buried his fingers in his hair and was about to climb on his lap.
“Just so you know, your relationship with Ai Pete has to weather its first big argument.” “Good to know,” Tin murmured. He rolled his eyes, but his eyes were closed so the effect was lost on Can. “It’s about Ai Ae.” “Of course…” Tin turned around and squinted at Can. He sat against the headboard and frowned at the display of his phone. Tin wanted to stomp on that piece of technology. Was he rich enough to buy Twitter and delete it?
It was ridiculous that Can was so obsessed with the time Tin spend with Pete while they were at the university, when he literally was with Can for the rest of the time. It was the third night in a row that Can slept over at his place, he already had a toothbrush in the bathroom and a chair, where he laid his clothes on. “Why are Pete and I arguing?” He put one arm around Can’s lap and pressed his face against his side. Maybe, if he sneaked his hand under Can’s shirt he could distract him from the TinPete hashtag.
“Some saw them at the library and they seemed to be cozy.” “Good for them,” Tin murmured and inhaled Can’s scent. He loved how he smelled. Earthy, and warm. “They theorize that you will either have a word with Ae, which could lead to a fist-fight, or you will drag Ai Pete behind some cars to have your way with him. These girls are very bloodthirsty, most of them write squeal under the option of you fighting Ae…”
Can stopped, frowned and looked down. He had anticipated an irritated huff from Tin or a comment on how he could win against Ae (Can doubted that) but instead Can felt him breathe softly against his side and oh… look at that he slept without a shirt. Can had been in the middle of a heated argument with a girl who didn’t believe that Tin and Can even knew each other. But this was better. He slid down and arranged Tin so they were laying face to face. “Tin,” he whispered, “are you asleep?” “Mhm…” Can grinned. Tin had the habit to react when somebody spoke to him while he slept. It made for some funny conversations in the middle of the night. Can moved forward to rub his nose against Tin’s and waited for him to open his eyes. He liked Tin a lot like this. Sleepy and warm and ready to let Can move him how he wanted him. Can kissed him softly, little kisses against his mouth and cheek until he felt Tin’s smile.
“About that sex-tape…” “No.” “You didn’t even listen!”
“Your sister would see it!” “I will forbade her to watch it, of course!”
“Can!” Tin pushed Can down and loomed over him. “I will not make a sex-tape because you’re angry at some little girls who don’t believe we’re in a relationship.”
Can was silent for a moment. “But they make little collages with Ai Pete and you… see.” Can had no idea about how long it took to make that kind of collage, but it looked like someone had sit hours in front of a computer.
“They don’t even consider that we could be boyfriends Tin! Why does none of them think we could be a possibility?” “Your sister wrote a six page essay why we’re only friends. Her strongest argument is that she knows us. You can’t be angry when you haven’t told her about us. She uses the knowledge she has. The truth you told her.” Can looked at him with big eyes, gnawing on his lower lip. “Please stop caring about what strange girls write about us. And if it bothers you so much, then tell Lemon about us.” Can stared up at him.
“I don’t want to share you yet,” he confessed, “you should be mine only, for a couple more months. I just…” He sighed and broke eye contact. Tin brushed some hair behind his ears and kissed him.
“Just what?” “They think it’s laughable that we could be a pair.” “They’re the only ones.”
“This is unacceptable!”
“They blocked you, too?”
Tin looked up to where Can and Ley were sitting and shook his head. Both of them had the same expression on their face. Disbelief and outrage. He should have told Can to wait. No one was allowed to know about them, he should have said. But Can had confessed to his sister and now they had a shared agenda. “How can they trend a TinPete picture from weeks ago when I posted a TinCan from yesterday?”, Ley asked. Can looked like he was ready to stab his phone. “Crazy,” Tin murmured. He laid on the couch, Gucci to his feet and was a bit bored. “Tin, would you…” “No.” “But.” “No.”
The picture Ley had posted was the product of a photoshoot she had put them through. Tin had thought that if he looked at Can the adoration was plain to see, but Ley hadn’t been amused. Tin was afraid of her now. Also, his neck hurt. Gazing adoringly at his boyfriend while he had hovered above him and hadn’t been allowed to kiss him had resulted in a stiff neck for him. Before, he had been on the verge of saying yes to any kind of video which would have put an end to this TinPete nonsense but now he was cranky. That was why he took his phone from the couch table and made a photo of Can and Ley. They sat at the dining table and frowned at their phones. Being ignored at my boyfriends place - he wrote under the Instagram post and even though he didn’t want to he smiled when he put the TinCan hashtag behind the caption.
“You’re a bad boyfriend,” Can murmured and looped his arms around Tin’s neck. He stood on his tiptoes and Tin liked that. He liked that a lot because it meant that Can’s whole body was pressed against his and he could feel his warmth and strength. His lips were red because he had kissed Tin in the middle of campus as if he would starve without him. They swayed and Tin couldn’t suppress his smile.
“You happy?”, he asked and didn’t wait for an answer because he had to kiss Can again.
“Who cares about stupid hashtags,” Can mumbled against his lips and Tin pinched him in one of his buttocks. He heard someone squeal in the background.
“Why didn’t you say you have an Instagram account?” Can asked and pouted. Tin had to kiss him again. “I thought you didn’t care?” “TinCan could have trended weeks ago.” “I thought you didn’t care?” Can bit his lower lip and Tin was on the verge of a deep moan. “You have 10 000 followers!” “I have? I don’t post much.” Another bite, soft this time and Can’s tongue rearranging all the thoughts in his head.
“You’re going to update your relationship status on facebook as soon as possible,” Can commanded and Tin just nodded.
Can buried his fingers in Tin’s hair because he needed to kiss his infatuating boyfriend more deeply and didn’t care about the whispers around them ore the phones recording them.
Thanks so much to the lovely anons for the prompts and @mahealinskis for the inspiration to make this into a oneshot. 
I hope you all enjoyed reading ^-^
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