#he has no idea what boundaries even ARE because he has been treated his whole life as if he had none!
ranticore · 3 months
Im so desperate to know everything about Ishmael he is so interesting
good news i have his next chapter lined up for this weekend. it's a bit of a rough one so it's been difficult to approach. wanted to explore how allegations of sexual assault are used against Othered people... basically Ishmael grew up with a bit of a crush on Callum, the only human kid he really hung out with, and Ishmael's feelings & eventual advances are seen as inherently predatory and perverse compared to how the exact same stuff from a regular human teen would be received. but this part of the chapter is told partially from a transcript of Callum's journal so it's from a difficult pov. but i feel it's an interesting pov and one which contextualises Ishmael in his lab setting & shows how truly terrible his social skills & ability to read others were.
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walpu · 7 months
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I've got those requests almost at the same time jsrfwwxewe also I fucked up big time and accidentally deleted them but thanks god I've made the screenshots
I've been looking forward to writing something nsfw for him lmao
nsfw headcanons w/Aventurine
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characters - Aventurine notes - gn!reader, nsfw, subby!Aven. Somehow turned into a character study. Somewhat angsty but with a turn for hurt/comfort. No beta.
Okay, first of all, he's no virgin. But he's NOT a manwhore either. Like for some reason when it comes to the cunning characters it's always either he's a dickrider-pussydestroyer-900 or he's actually a fragile innocent virgin baby. Not the case with Aventurine, not on my watch at least.
I mean it's pretty much canon that the only moment he feels truly alive is when he's gambling so he won't seek sex for the purpose of filling up the hole in his heart. And I don't see him as a lustful person in general.
He has one-night stands from time to time though. Not particularly often but once in a while he feels a certain level of frustration and stress budling up in him so in order to distress without losing his cool he seeks sexual relief. For him it's a safe way to relax a bit without actually taking off the mask of a frivolous and confident man.
Also. He's very touch starved. Not even in a lustful way, he just wants to feel someone's touch. Someone on twitter pointed out that he's practically hugging himself on his e6 and I haven't been the same ever since.
And now look at his body language in almost every cutscene. He has his arms crossed and is generally pretty reversed. I think he doesn't trust people around enough to be in his personal space but when it's a part of the sexual act, it's just natural. He doesn't have to feel exposed. So yeah. This is another reason why he seeks sex.
Now do you remember what Sparkle said to him? About stripping himself naked for Sunday and all that? Yeah I feel like he gets comments like that a lot due to people's prejudice against Avgins. People are usually not this straightforward butttt the idea behind their comments is the same.
He may act unaffected as long as he wants to but I do think it messed him up quite a bit.
Due to his fucked up views on his own value and his sexuality he doesn't have a healthy set of boundaries with his partners, allowing them to be as mean and rough as they want. And I don't mean just kinky stuff, I mean genuinely uncaring partners who really don't give a shit about Aven's comfort. I think subconsciously he seeks people like this. In his eyes, it's better this way, otherwise he may crumble from a gently and caring touch.
So yeah. His sexual encounters usually leave him sore and exhausted. The initial feeling of relief washes away in the morning, leaving him more empty than before.
Okay now to the happier part because we are 466 words in and I still didn't say anything good or sexy.
If the two of you started your relationship as a fling then initially he would be surprised because of how observant and attentive you are.
"My, my, how caring you are. But don't worry about me, you're free to use me as you wish" he says in the same flirty tone as usual. And you just. Stare.
He acts like he's bored while you literally pry the information out of him and, well, he doesn't give you anything specific anyway so you have to ask questions during the whole prosses to make sure he's doing fine. Orrr you just set for something very vanilla just in case.
In reality he's a bit confused. Has mixed feeling about this. Being treated with such care makes it harder for him to hide behind his mask but it feels so nice.
And when he realizes that he has actual feelings for you he just. Stops sleeping with you lmao. If you have questions about this he'll find 2134144 excuses but in reality he just tries to figure out his own feelings.
If you started off as friends then he would not try to sleep with you until you start dating. At first he just doesn't want to mix up this dynamics. And when he catches feelings, he just tries to make sense of it. Plus since sex is not something entirely positive for him, he's just kind of... unsure how it may affect your relationship even if it's obvious that the two of you want each other.
Okay now the real talk. When the two of you are officially lovers be prepared to face his messed up views on his own sexuality. Will probably need a lot of reassurance, attention and aftercare to realize the importance of his own safety and comfort. Learns to value himself through you.
A very good lover, knows how to please you and wants to please you. His previous sex partners weren't important to him so he didn't go out of his way to make them feel good but with you it's a different story. Literally worships your body, pressing kisses everywhere. Especially likes your thighs. Kisses them, bites them, leaves marks all over them. Loooooves teasing them while keeping eye contact with you right before giving you oral.
I feel like he's a switch but leans towards being a sub. May dom if you want him to or, rarely, if he feels like it.
May look like a brat but is not actually a brat. Well, most of the time. He's a tease but still does pretty much everything you want without making you work for it. However, if he's in a playful mood, may get all cheeky with you. Says stuff like: "Oh, that's all? I know you can do better" or "My dearest, don't disappoint me, okay? You know I don't make deals that don't pay off" just to rile you up. He loves being tamed okay. He knows you won't hurt him so him being all cheeky and disobedient is actually a huge sign that he's comfortable with you and trusts you fully.
Worship his body and he'll melt. Like. He'll genuinely crumble.
Goes all worked up and needy and soft and completely submissive in your arms.
Loves loves loves edging you. And fucking hate being edged. And by "hates" I mean he will whine and sulk and beg you to let him cum already. Secretly loves it but won't admit. You know it anyway since he never tries to stop you, obeying your every command, like a good boy he is. If you tell him that you'll stop doing that if he actually wants you to he'll huff and admit that he's not actually against you being a meanie.
Loves marking your body and loves when you mark his. HOWEVER would prefer to leave/have hickeys on the parts of your bodies that are usually covered. Doesn't want to create any rumors and doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. However, if you're into this, he'll gladly cover your entire neck with hickeys.
Is actually very sensitive pretty much everywhere so it's quite easy to overstimulate him. Once again, he'll whine but would never be against it.
Has the pretties moans and is very loud as well.
Doesn't have a lot of stamina so if he tops and you're still not satisfied after he cums, he'll use toys to entertain you up until he is ready for another round. If he bottoms then please give him some time to rest. Andddd kiss all over his body so he would get worked up again as soon as possible.
Has a praise kink. And a bit of a degradation kink too actually. Don't just insult him, mix it up with a praise and boom he's ready to cum.
Loves aftercare. Both giving and receiving it. He feels extremely vulnerable after a sensual lovemaking session so please just hold him and tell him he did great.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Hello, first I would like to say that I love your writing and it normally makes me really happy while I am at some boring classes at college, so thanks for that hahaha ❤️
Also, I saw your requests are open and since I am absolutely obsessed with your angst for bucky, I am here to request some.
My idea would be something like this: reader has been in the compound with the avengers for a while now and besides really caring for the team, she has some problems being more open with friendships and relationships in general, cause of some insecurities with her personality, but in somehow she feels really comfortable with Bucky and they are kinda of great friends?
And then she's just waking by the compound looking for him one day and she hears him speaking something bad about her? Something about how he feels like she's overwhelming him cause she just has him as a friend and no one else and it kinda makes her look for him a lot for comfort ( I actually have no idea what he could be speaking, so this is just an idea but it could be anything, really) maybe this could actually be a misunderstanding and he did not meant in that way? I would love if it had a lot of angst and a happy ending, but of course is up to you!
YES I live for miscommunication and comfort and this type of angst, this concept is everything!!
warnings: Angst, miscommunication, idiots in love/ friends to lovers, plenty of fluffff
"Hey sugar plum" You smiled, plopping beside Bucky on the couch while he scrolled through Netflix documentaries with a large bowl of m&ms in his lap. "Whatcha watching"
"Haven't decided yet, pick something Jellybean" He handed you the remote and candy bowl, throwing his arm around the back of the couch while you got settled in and flicked through the selection of tv shows.
"Of course" Bucky snorted, shaking his head with amusement as Unsolved Mysteries started to play. You grinned, comfortable nestled against his side while the rest of the team joined one by one; Sam swiped a handful of chocolate from the bowl only to have Bucky swat at his hand like a cat.
"Get your own candy pigeon pants"
"What, y/n gets some but I don't" Sam scoffed in fake offence while Bucky shrugged, throwing one at him.
"Well you're not y/n" Bucky shrugged while you felt your heart flutter. You loved everyone with your whole heart, you really did, but no one else made you feel safe the way Bucky did. Being around him felt like being constantly wrapped in a thick fluffy blanket. Ever since you had joined the team, you struggled to fully be yourself around everyone.
Not that anyone treated you differently; but being surrounded some of the strongest and most brilliant people on the planet gnawed at your insecurities. Steve was a sweetheart, Nat was incredibly skilled and drop dead gorgeous, Tony could charm his way out of just about anything. Everyone had something that made them exceptional and then there was you. You tended to be on the quieter side, fueled with self doubt over if you actually brought anything to the team.
Were you really all that interesting?
What did you really add to the group?
Did anyone even notice your presence when you were around?
Even if they did, did it make a difference?
You'd overthink your way into a quiet corner wondering why you were the way that you were. No one else could see the way you'd worry yourself into a ball of self-doubt, figuring you were just shy and they didn't want to mistakenly push any boundaries.
Then there was Bucky.
Being around Bucky was different.
Something about him was warm and welcoming. He didn't hesitate to pull you out of your hiding spaces around the compound, making sure you joined for team events and game nights. Any insecurities you had always melted away when you were around him because he made you feel special.
Made you feel wanted.
The night went by with everyone sharing their own conspiracy theories over what they think actually happened at the end of each episode while you stayed tucked by Bucky's side. Neither of you had any plans on calling it an early night, while the rest of the team eventually all went to bed as you switched to a new show.
"I'm going to grab more snacks, want anything sugar plum?" You were about to make your way to the kitchen when Bucky placed his hand on your thigh, making you stay seated.
"I'll get it, tell me what you want Jellybean" He shook his head, grabbing the throw blanket and tossing it over your legs so you'd be comfy for the rest of the night while he went to grab the snacks. You didn't have to actually say anything, Bucky knew exactly what you wanted. He came back with half the kitchen raided on a tray along with a beer, pulling you to his side, letting you snuggle against his chest.
You let out a content sigh, unwrapping a chocolate bar while Bucky snuck a bite, the warmth of his body making it difficult for you to stay awake like you'd planned. You eventually fell asleep, waking up to find yourself tucked comfortably in your bed as the sun poured into your room, your body still wrapped in the throw he had covered you with.
You felt your body warm up at the way he was so gentle with you, having carried you to your room without making you stir the slightest. There wasn't anyone else you'd feel so comfortable around.
He was your safe space.
You found yourself hopping out of bed with more energy than usual, deciding to train in the morning instead of your late night workouts, if you were lucky, maybe you'd run into Bucky after his morning run. You made your way to the kitchen, smiling when you heard his voice, along with Sam's, the both of them bickering over something irrelevant as per usual. The closer you got, the more serious their conversation sounded making you wonder if something had come up with a mission
And then you heard your name.
You stopped half way, staying as still as possible part of you wanting to run back to your room while covering your ears, the other part of you curious to know what they were saying. You wanted to move but your feet were glued to the ground, your heart hammering out of your chest.
"How about y/n?"
"Uh y/n..." You could hear the hesitation in his Bucky's as he contemplated his next words, his tone irritated. "She's whatever. It's not like that"
"Uh. I don't know, she sort of follows me around everywhere, there's not a day I don't see her but its not like I ask to see her"
You blinked, your stomach starting to churn. Did you follow him everywhere? You did see him everyday but you didn't realize you were following him.
"I mean she's only that way with you, she's definitely not that comfortable with Steve or me" You could hear Sam trying to reason with Bucky but all he did was scoff, your heart wrenching further.
"Yeah. It's overwhelming"
You wanted to run, wishing you had stayed in bed for an extra 5 minutes, your body now hot, not from how safe he made you feel but from embarrassment. Of course he was overwhelmed with your clinginess, he didn't want to have to deal with a burden like you. He had so much of his own issues to deal with and then there was you.
Guilt started to cloud your mind as you thought about all the times you spent time with Bucky, staying by his side while he reassured you or comforted you. How many of those times were actually annoying for him, how many times did he wish you would suck it up and leave him alone instead.
"She's not really friends with anyone else on the team, I'm not sure why she hangs out with me specifically that much" He sounded even more irritated than before; the rest of the conversation a melted into dull buzz, your heartbeat thudding in your skull.
Your eyes stung, hot tears flooding your lash line at his words. Your bottom lip, trembled despite how hard you were biting down on it; your forced your feet to move, slowly backing away from the kitchen until you were far enough to run to your room. You slammed the door shut, instructing FRIDAY to soundproof the walls and turn away anyone that came by before breaking down into sobs.
All of your insecurities were dialed to 100 along with more being added to the list.
How did you not see how annoying you were being. You felt awful, embarrassed, confused.
Why didn't he say anything?
Of course he wouldn't, he probably felt pity for you. A grown adult woman who struggled to open up and still struggled with her personality. An absolute joke.
You let the day go by, too ashamed to face anyone, let alone Bucky. If he felt irritated, there was no doubt the rest of the team knew exactly how annoying he found you. You couldn't bring yourself to see any of them, deciding to skip both lunch and dinner instead while burying under the covers.
Bucky frowned when he didn't see you the whole day, his worries growing more when he didn't see you come by for dinner either.
"Where's y/n?"
"I checked on her during lunch but FRIDAY said she'd requested to be alone" Nat looked at Bucky, confused over how he, of all people, didn't know where you were.
"Aren't you both joined at the hip, how do you not know Barnes" Tony wiggled his eyebrow while Bucky rolled his eyes, too worried about you to retort to Tony's comment.
"I saw her once this morning in the training room but not after that. She seemed fine then" Steve had seen you that morning, happy to see you brighter when he had spoken to you, not missing your shy smile when he'd mentioned Bucky's name. "No one else saw her all day?"
Bucky was immediately out of his seat, making his way over to your room to see you, only to have FRIDAY respond instead.
"Ms. Y/l/n has asked that no one disturb her until further notice"
"For fucks sake" He mumbled, knocking at your door one more time.
"I'm sorry Sergeant Barnes, Ms. y/l/n has asked to be left alone"
Bucky was taken aback when he was tuned away; in the few times you had locked your door from everyone else he'd always been exempt from that list. Why didn't you want to see him either? He reluctantly made his way back, his mind now racing over what could have possibly happened from the night before to now.
You had managed to avoid Bucky the next few days, purposefully staying away from the areas you knew he'd be around and staying in your room for most of the day. Whenever he tried to speak to you, you'd find a way to escape the conversation, his words reeling in your mind, reminding you he found you annoying. Overwhelming. Clingy.
You couldn't understand why he was going out of his way to try and talk to you when you were trying so hard to stay away, your heart in pain not being able to spend time with the person you felt the safest with. Your mind made it impossible to get a wink of sleep; you made your way down to the kitchen for a late night snack instead. You grabbed a bowl of popcorn, turning the TV on to your favorite comfort shows needing a temporary distraction.
Bucky made his way through the living room after a late night workout, his heart jumping when his eyes landed on you. He was by your side in an instant, not noticing the way you froze when he sat beside you.
"Hi James"
Bucky blinked, his name sounding foreign on your tongue.
He didn't like it.
Not one bit.
Since when was he James.
"Uh, is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine" You forced a smile, scooting over so you weren't sitting too close to him, your mind racing trying to find a way out of the conversation. Bucky could sense your discomfort but he had no idea why, his heart beating harder against his chest when he noticed your eyes shift, as if you were looking for a way to escape.
"Are-are you sure?"
"Doll" He noticed the way your eyes continued to flick around the room, refusing to meet his. "Somethings bothering you"
"What makes you say that"
"I-you called me by my name-you never do that"
"What else should I call you" You avoided his gaze, fidgeting with a lose string on a cushion while Bucky felt his stomach drop.
Were you upset with him?
"You always call me sugar plum. Only you do" He shrugged sadly, his bottom lip jutting out into a pout. "You don't call me James"
"Oh" Was all you could muster, feeling your throat close up, hot tears threatening to spill from your lash line. You tried to turn away from him only to have him gently cup your cheek, tilting your chin to face him. His heart broke seeing your glassy eyes while you chewed your lip to keep from crying.
"Please tell me what's wrong, did I do something? Did I say anything?"
"No" You whispered, swallowing thickly, pulling away from him only to have him take your hands in his to keep you from running away.
"C'mon y/n, please?"
"I-I don't mean to follow you around and be so clingy. I'm just trying to give you some space Bucky" You tried to keep your voice steady, hanging your head so he wouldn't see the tears run down your cheeks. Bucky let go of your hands to cup your cheeks again, his thumbs wiping away your tears.
"Jellybean, what are you-
"I heard you talking to Sam" You spat, now annoyed that he was here trying to talk to you when he was the one who felt you followed him around. "I heard you tell him I'm always around you. That you don't even ask to see me but I'm there. I didn't mean to be so overbearing. I felt safe with you so I was closest to you, I didn't realize you felt like I was following you".
"Sweetheart, it's not overwhelming for the reasons you think"
"Then what else could it be Bucky? You could have told me you needed some space, I would've understood. I wouldn't have spend so much time hanging out with you-
"No! I like when you're around me Jellybean" Bucky almost sounded offended you'd suggest such a thing while you shook your head, sniffling.
"You don't have to lie to me-
"Y/n, no. I promise doll, this is just a misunderstanding, that's not that I meant when I was talking to Sam"
"Then what did you mean?" You whispered, confused over what else he could have possibly meant. Bucky felt butterflies in his chest, not fully thinking this through. Should he tell you what the conversation was about? Could it be worse than you thinking he didn't even like you when the truth was the complete opposite?
"I don't want to ruin our friendship if I tell you" Bucky suddenly looked scared, his eyes wide like a lost puppy, vulnerable and afraid. He sucked in a breath before speaking, inching a little closer to you. "Sam was asking about if I'm seeing anyone. He thinks I need to put myself out there"
A sudden pang of jealousy hit your chest, the flinch in your face not missed by Bucky.
"He was suggesting..." He bit his lip, chewing it nervously before continuing. "He asked if there was anything between us. He thought maybe you liked me because we're always together" Bucky continued to look at you like a kicked puppy, his own emotions now all over the place. "I didn't think you did. At least not in that way but he kept saying there was something between us"
"It didn't sound like you liked me very much" You shrugged while Bucky frantically shook his head, mentally scolding himself. "I thought you found me too clingy"
"Never. You're never too clingy. M'so so sorry doll, I didn't mean for it to come out that way, you're the only person who I can spend the whole day with, I'm not comfortable around others like I am with you. I love when you come around looking for me. I guess a part of me was upset because Sam wasn't the first to ask me why we weren't together and ask if we were more than friends. I didn't think you'd like me and it's overwhelming for me because I feel so much and...well"
"and?" Bucky blushed, struggling to get the next words out while you anxiously waited for him to continue.
"and I really like you" He whispered, squeezing your hand in his while you shifted closer, letting him pull you onto his lap. His arms circled around your waist, holding you close to him both your hearts racing, his nose bumping against yours.
"You like me?" You felt your cheeks heat up when he nodded, his blue eyes shyly peeking up at you through his lashes.
"I like you jellybean. A lot"
"Even more than m&m's?" You felt him hug you together, your lips brushing against his.
"More than m&m's" He closed the gap between you both, pressing his lips to yours, kissing you sweetly as you gently carded your fingers through his hair. He kissed you until you both needed air, a dopey smile on his face while you snuggled into his chest.
"Does that mean I'm your sugar plum again?" He whispered hopefully making you giggle, kissing him deeply again.
"Always, my sugar plum"
"My jellybean"
"Fucking finally" Tony mumbled, his hair ruffled, stifling a yawn as he walked through the living room, grinning at you and Bucky sleeping on the couch.
"I told him" Steve rolled his eyes, snapping a picture of you both cuddled on the couch while Sam snorted, nodding in approval. "Took them long enough"
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyess @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog @happyt0exist @emmabarnes @bethyruth @matchat3a @cjand10 @getwellsoontana @cherryschaos @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @ashenc-blog @buckybarnessimpp @potatothots @goldylions @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog @kingfleury @peaches1958 @spiderman-stilinski @peaceinourtime82 @gublur @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46 @lolawassad @almosttoopizza @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess @buckycallsmeaslut @kamaria-sweet-writes @charmedbysarge @xnorthstar3x @kryoee7 @alina02 @gh0stgurl @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club @eralen @perdidosbucky-yyo @clqrosmgc
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itsascreambaby96 · 1 year
Stu Macher smut where readers a little bit sassy yk? And Stu gets a little upsetty which leads to smut (Sorry I suck at this idk I’m nervous)
Aww sweet anon don't be nervous! I like the idea! I hope you like what I did with this!
Warnings: Smut! 18+ MDNI! oral (male receiving), p in v sex, facial, name calling, swearing, tiny bit of angst(reader is overthinking), stu calls reader sweetheart. And good girl but only twice. Thigh riding. I think that's it.
Pairing: Stu Macher x fem!reader
Accept my apology?
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It was exam season at university. So of course you were busy studying as well. Most people understood when you blew them off because you wanted to pass. The only person who didn't seem understand was your boyfriend Stu. He was done with his exams already. Now he was bored and you were not nearly paying enough attention to him. In his opinion of course. You've already spend the whole last day with him, giving him all your attention.
He has been annoying you for a couple hours now and your patience has been running thin.
"Come on Babe I'm bored as hell. Why can't you put your stupid notes away for a while and we can do something fun." As he said this he wiggled his eyebrows.
You were so done with his bullshit but still you continued. That was until Stu had enough and grabbed your flashcards.
"HEY!" You were not amused at all, other than Stu, who was grinning ear to ear.
"Give them back Stu!" You were tired and stressed.
"Mh what do I get if I give them back?" His pointerfinger was at his chin pretending to think.
"My gosh Stu can you for once act like an adult? This exam is importsnt for me and you are ruining everything because what? You are bored? Newsflash! You are not five years old! There are plenty of other things that you could be doing right now instead of keeping me from studying!" After your little rant Stu's eyes hardened, so you won't see the hurt in them. He threw your cards on the ground and left your dorm without another word.
With a sigh you knelt down to collect your cards. Were you too harsh? But he never respected your boundaries. And this exam was important.
Later that night after you were finished with studying and after taking a nice relaxing shower, you tried calling Stu. But he never picked up. After the third time you grew a little worried. Have you hurt his feelings? After trying for the fifth time you gave up and went to bed. You had to apologise tomorrow somehow.
That is why you ended up in front of Stu's door. A Pizza in hand as a form of apology. Your exam went well, you realised afterwards now how rude and mean you were to Stu. He didn't deserve that.
You kept knocking at his door without an answer. With a sigh you sat down next to his door. If he was there he had to come out at one point right? And if he wasn't, well at least he would see you when he decided to come home. You looked at your clock. It was 14:30. Another sigh left your lips. The guilt for treating him the way you did, eating away at you. Your mind going to all different kind of places. Thinking that he will be grumpy for a few more days, to even worse scenarios, like what if he wants to break up with you now? You don't know how you would handle that. He is the love of your life, and you thought for him it was the same with you. What if you were wrong? What if he was with another girl right this moment because for him this relationship was already over?
Your mind kept spiraling. An hour after you showed up here you almost gave up hope. Standing up and taking the now cold pizza you turned to leave. Stu came around the corner right this moment. He was a little startled to see you here.
Without thinking much, you threw yourself at him, pizza box almost smacking Stu in the face.
"Whoa there sweetheart, I am happy to see you too." Stu chuckled a little, but he was confused.
"You didn't pick up your phone, so I thought you were still mad at me for yesterday...And then my mind kept thinking of how this might be the reason you are breaking up with me..." You mumbled into his neck, standing on your tiptoes because he was unbelievably tall.
"Why the hell would I break up with you over something silly liken that? Sure I was upset, because you can be really mean you know that? I am a sensitive guy after all." That made you giggle a little. He might say this as a joke but deep down he could be sensitive even if you were the only person seeing that side of him. Made it all the more special.
"Don't know, you know how my mind can get."
"Fuck yeah I do. You are way too far in your own head sometimes, sweetheart." He tapped his pointer finger against your head for emphasis.
"I was actually hoping to make it up to you." Your breath was tickling the skin of his neck and you could feel goosebumps raising on his soft skin.
"Oh yeah how were you planning on doing that?" His voice took on a different tone, deeper, raunchier. And not more than a whisper, making excitement bubble up inside of you.
"I am taking you like my ways of apologising?" Looking at him still grinning.
He closed the door behind him caging you against it. "Fuck yes I do. Especially the part about the Pizza." He gave you a cheeky grin.
You playfully rolled your eyes at him. But before you could say anything he leaned down and kissed you passionarely. Letting out a satisfied hum against his lips you pulled him closer. Your lips melted together in perfect sync. He tasted faintly of sweets, chocolate. You couldn't have him close enough to you. Not even a sheet of paper would fit between the two of you right now.
Stu bit and nipped at your bottom lip, it was almost painful, but you knew that he liked drawing blood from time to time. Heck he always eats you out when you're on your period too. It helps with the pain.
Parting your lips you let his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues dancing together, a bit of spit drooling out. Again Stu likes it messy.
He began rutting into you as the kiss progressed. Panting against each others lips.
You could feel him hardening against you, and with a little more effort you pushed him away a little bit.
His eyes were hooded over with lust, pupils blown wide. His cheeks had a nice rosy colour and his lips were swollen from the kiss. You were certain you didn't look much different.
Moving him around so he was pushed against the door now you dropped to your knees, before he could pull you in for another kiss. You opened his pants and pulled them down to his ankles. You could see the outline of his cock in his briefs. Yourn mouth began to water and you gave the tip a kiss through his boxer briefs. Stu let out a shaky breath above you. Smiling to yourself you began to mouth at his cock through his boxers. You were fairly enjoying yourself. The anticipation of having the real thing in your mouth soon, making wetness pool between your legs.
It wasn't often that you could tease Stu like this, so you were thrilled he let you go on this long. His whole boxer was wet now where his cock was. Deciding that you did a good enough job in riling him up now, you pulled his boxers down, his cock springing free. Stu hissed a little as the cold air if the room hit his heated up dick. But he didn't have to complain, because your mouth was wrapped around him in seconds. Normally you'd love to admire his pretty cock. How it is shaped slightly upwards, how deep pink his tip got and the precum leaking out of it, the vein that was running along his whole shaft. Truly you loved whorshipping his cock.
You knew Stu says the same thing about your pussy. 69 a favourite position of yours. But right now you could do as you pleased with him. And you were just as eager to get him inside of your mouth as he was being inside of it.
Everything about him was big, so his dick wasn't the exception. You always needed your time to take him into your mouth, but you were so eager that you almost didn't care, pushing your limits a little. He still wasn't completely in. That would be sheer impossible, but with the speed you took him in right now, it leaves Stu breathless. His head dropping against the door as he let out a string of courses. His fingers weaved into your hair. Letting out a satisfied hum at the salty taste on your tongue you began to work your magic. Bobbing your had up and down, jerking him off with your hands on the part that you couldn't fit into your mouth.
Stu was not disappointed. You were really making this messy. He could already see drool running out of your mouth, the sounds you were making only added to his aroused state. Gargling and gagging when you went a little too far. But again you were eager.
Sucking at the sensitive tip from time to time too, which you knew always drove him wild.
"Fuck aren't you the best girlfriend ever? Look at you? So eager to suck my cock. Fuck you look so good. You always do. But right now? There isn't a better place for you."
You keened at his praise. Another thing about Stu? He could never shut up. Not even during sex. One time he really tried to have a whole conversation with you, while he was railing you over the couch.
You kept moving your head, relaxing your throat to take more and more of him. Tears were running down cheeks, mixed with make up. You had him almost down completely but you knew you were at your limit. More spit kept drooling out of your mouth as you kept going. Stu's grip on your hair turned harder and with a push forward you had his entire length inside of your mouth. Your eyes widen and you looked up at him. More tears streamed down your face.
"Fuck yes. Look at you. Looking like my personal whore. Fuck college, you should do this professional just for me." Your cheeks warmed at that. "And then you wouldn't have to snap at me that I am behaving like a child. Humiliated by my own girlfriend. You know that is unacceptable."
With that he kept thrusting his entire length inside of you. You were gagging and crying but honestly? Your panties were drenched by the way he was talking to you and treating you. Holding onto his thighs for dear life. He was really enjoying yourself.
"What would your professors think if they saw their good little student like this? I know you are best in your classes. Surely they would expect you to be such a whore for your boyfriend." His voice was so deep and sounding strained, turning you on moreHe was reaching so deep, you were sure your throat would be sore for a few days, but it was so worth it. Your cheeks burned in shame. But it came from a place of arousal.
You knew he was getting close, you could feel him pulsing. Looking up at him he quickly pulled out of you. Your mouth opened on instinct and you helped him jerk himself to finish over you. The first spurts of his cum hit your face and you closed your eyes. Deep groans came from Stu as he gave you every last drop.
Once he was finished he kept looking at you. The thing why he loves cumming on your face is because it makes you look like his. Sure he knows you are his, but there is a primal part in his brain that wants to claim you like this. Mark you as his, so that any other male or female knows you belong to him.
Opening your eyes carefully you looked up at him with big eyes. Stu's eyes haven't lost their hunger. Quite the contray, they looked even more intense now.
Not breaking eye contact, you lifted your hand to scoop some of his cum from your face and put it in your mouth to suck it off. Another deep groan escaped Stu as he saw you doing this and fully enjoying yourself. Again another primal part of his brain getting pleased. He kicked his pants and boxers off and took of his shirt.
He gripped your arms after you sucked the third scoop off of your finger, lifting you to your feet. You were a little wobbly, your knees hurting from the hard wooden floor.
"Not even the Mona Lisa looks as pretty as you now." Stu rasped, making you blush even more. He dragged you over to the couch and sat down on it.
"Bring me something to drink, would ya?"His legs spread wide you got a little distracted by him.
"Sweetheart you know I don't like asking twice." With big eyes you scambled to the kitchen, knees still weak. You returned with a glass of water and a beer, as you didn't know what exactly he wanted. Returning, you saw he got really comfortable on the sofa. Upon seeing the two drinks in your hands, and the fact that you haven't cleaned yourself off he gave you a genuine smile.
"Aren't you a good fucking girl?" He took the water and chucked it down, opening the beer afterwards. "Here is how it's going to go sweetheart. You are going to ride my thigh until you cum, then I am gonna fuck that disrespectful attitude right outta ya. Understood?" You nodded quickly.
"Good. Now undress for me. Slowly. I wanna enjoy myself."
Who were you to decline him. Removing your shoes and socks first to have them out of the way. You lifted your shirt, slowly of couse, revealing more and more skin to Stu, who was watching you like a hawk. He let out a groan as he saw you were wearing his favourite bra of yours. You gave him a happy smile, glad that he appreciates it. Then you turned around, shimmying out of your pants, bending down, giving Stu a nice view of your ass. You heard a breathy "fuck" as he noticed you were wearing the matching pair of panties to your bra.
Slowly, with your back still facing him you unclipped your bra and took it off. Cupping your boobs with your hands you slowly turned around.
"Come on show them to me." His voice was demanding and he took a swig of his beer. Slowly you peeled your hands off of them. Stu's eyes immediately dropping to them. Your nipples standing proud and internally he was dying to wrap his lips around them. But that would have to wait. You still had to remove one item.
As you took of your panties, Stu could see a string of your arousal connected to them. There was actually a big patch visible on them that Stu hasn't noticed, because he was distracted by your tits.
Still feeling confident, you threw your pantis at him. Stu took them. Then he did something you wasn't expecting. He actually sniffed them. Biting your lip, you could feel your pussy clench. Your eyes widen as you saw him licking the wet patch of your panties. His eyes closing and him groaning, like he just tasted the best thing in the whole world, which to him was the case. He kept doing this a few times and you were growing wetter by the second.
Stu threw your panties to the side and patted his thigh, signaling for you to come over and start.
You scrambled over to him and took your seat on his thigh. You could feel the muscles underneath it.
"Don't be shy. Start. Show me how desperate you are to cum for me."
Slowly you started to moved your hips against his thigh. It took you a little to find a good angle that was catching your clit, giving you some much needed friction. You let out breathy moans, closing your eyes and getting lost in the feeling. Stu gave your thighs a soft slap. "Keep your eyes open. I want to see the desperation grow in them." Nodding you complied even if it was hard.
You started to grind harder on him, quickening your pace. Sucking Stu off has already riled you up so much, you just wanted to cum at this point.
"You really are a whore huh? Making a mess on my thigh. Look at you. So needy." Stu flexed his thigh and it catched your clit in a way that made you dizzy. Your pace became erratic, your legs were burning at this point. You needed to cum so bad, you wanted to gush all over his thigh. Stu took another swig of his beer, watching how your eyebrows creased together. He knew you were close. Another swig and he put the beer away, gripping your hips to make you halt.
You looked at him confused and flushed.
"Change of plans sweetheart. The only way you deserve to cum and make it up to me is on my cock." You nodded dumbly, your mind already fuzzy from how close you were. Standing up again you almost drop to the floor, but Stu held you firmly, helping you take your seat in his lap. You could feel his hard cock pressing against you. With as much strength as you could muster you lifted yourself up a little, gripped Stu's length and sank down on him.
Your mind was reeling at finally being full of him. It was quite the stretch, but you were so wet he easily slipped in. Stu let out a dark moan. Your warmth enveloping him completely.
"You take me so well all the time sweetheart! Fuck. Swear this pussy was made for me." You only mustered a nod, already fucked out. Stu began to thrust up into you, making you fall forward onto his chest. Whimpering as he drilled into your pussy. He was determined to fuck the attitude out of you just like he promised.
You were holding on for dear life as he didn't let up. Your pussy juice coating the both of you. Stu pulled your face up to give you a heated kiss, that you couldn't hold for long as you desperately needed the oxygen. Stu grinned at that. Your face was still covered in his cum.
"God I should take a picture of you like this. So I always know what a good little whore you are for me when you piss me off." You could only moan in response.
"Need a whole stack of them, cause I sure as hell would ruin them just like I am ruining you right now huh?" Gosh he really wasn't shutting up ever. But you couldn't really focus on anything he was saying. The only thing you could concentrate on was how he was stretching you out, his tip hitting your Gspot every single thrust. You were seeing stars at this point.
Your release came without much of a warning. It came crushing through you and you were a moaning babbling mess, feeling yourself clench around Stu hard.
"Fuck that's it sweetheart look at you. What a sight!" Your ears were ringing and Stu still kept thrusting into you.
Lucky for you and your poor abused pussy, Stu didn't take that much longer before he came inside of you with a deep thrust. He kept grunting for you to "take everything I give you." And you didn't have much of a choice than to oblige. Not that you wanted to.
The both of you were sweaty and Stu moved you both so that you were lying on top of him on the couch fully now. Panting, you could listen to his heartbeat which helped you calm down slowly.
"You're amazing. You know that?" Stu's voice was rapsy. You lifted your head to look at him, giving him a soft grin. "Oh I know." He chuckled and gave you a big kiss. You hummed. Enjoying the post orgasmic bliss and cuddling for a while was one of your favourite parts. Stu drew patterns on your skin.
Then after a while, it was getting cold by now, he slipped out of you, making you whine. He sat you onto the couch, drapping the blanket he had here, thanks to you, over you so you could cover yourself up. He went to the bathroom and emerged, with new boxers on and a wash cloth. Sitting down next to you he started to clean off your face.
"Almost a shame cleaning it up..." He mumbled and you softly pushed against his shoulder, making him let out a soft laugh.
After he was done you stood up and waddled to the bathroom yourself. When you came back to him you put the blanket down, as you now wore one of Stu's favourite shirts. And it was only his favourite because you looked so good wearing it all the time.
Stu patted next to him and you plopped down. He gave you a glas of water which you eagerly took and drank. You really needed it. He turned on the TV and pulled the pizza onto his lap. Opening the box, the pizza inside gone cold a long time ago. But neither of you cared as you ate and enjoyed whatever it was that was on TV. Neither of you keeping attention to it really as you kept talking about your days. Stu asked you how your exam went. Everything was forgiven by now. And if this was the outcome? Maybe you should piss him of more times now.
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rivatar · 8 months
Hi!! Could you do a Lo’ak x reader smut where he gets back from being attacked by akula, and she’s treating his wounds and just fussing over him and how worried she was, and he fucks her to get her mind off it and ‘forgive’ him?
A/N: Hi anon!!! This idea had me FOAMING AT THE MOUTHHHHHH🤭🤭 I hope you like it! Keep sending me requests yall!!
How’s that arm?
Pairing: Aged Up Loak x Adult Metkayina Reader
W/c: 2.4k
Warnings: SMUT, cussing, dom Loak & dom reader lol, injuries, multiple orgasms, p in v, dirty talk, in public kinda
Summary: what the request says lol
Translations: pxazang- akula(reef predator), yawne- beloved, sevin- pretty
You were pacing around on the sand, you and the others were anxiously waiting for the men to get back from their hunt beyond the reef today. They had left at sunrise and it was now almost time for dinner so they had been gone for way too long for comfort.
There was one in particular you were most worried about, your mate, Lo’ak. You haven’t even been mated for a full year yet so you we’re still learning and accepting that he was reckless and this often left you worrying for him. You scolded him in your mind for not being back yet, although you know it’s a joint effort and he must follow orders.
Neytiri approached you and put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Be patient, my child. Eywa will return them back safely and in one piece.” Her words were calming but your nerves still jittered around and you felt a little queasy.
But then you heard the horn announcing their arrival. They’ve returned! Thank Eywa.
You ran to the area they were closing in on for their skimwings to come to shore. Searching for your mate, your eyes zoned in on the silhouette of two warriors on one skimming. That was strange, you mentally noted.
And as they got closer to where you could tell them apart you see that it’s… Neteyam and Lo’ak?!?
Neteyam is in front and holding Lo’ak’s arm around his shoulder as Lo’ak slumps on him for support. His arm is bleeding badly and there’s a few more cuts on his chest and face.
Just as quick as you had felt relieved to even see them return, it quickly turned back into worry. Your stomach was upside down.
“Come! He was attacked by a pxazang!” He rides up to the shallowest water he can and hauls both of them off the skimming.
You run over along with Neytiri to inspect him. He’s stopped bleeding but has lost a good bit of blood. The upper arm wound is nasty and needs to be cleaned off asap.
“Lo’ak! What were you thinking??” You scold as you and Neytiri help him off of Neteyam. “Awh yawne. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!”
“The skxawng strayed too far off from the boundaries we set so technically it is his fault. He was knocked off his skimwing and I heard his yelling just in time to get him away from the predator.” Neteyam explains.
“Wow bro, thanks a lot for ratting me out” Lo’ak scoffs.
You just roll your eyes because of course Lo’ak would push the limits and put himself in danger. Of course.
“Thank you, Neteyam”. He nods in acknowledgement and walks away with the other warriors.
You and Neytiri help Lo’ak go to the healer’s mauri. He was limping a little but gaining some of his composure.
Back at the mauri, Lo’ak sits on the floor and leans up against the wall. You knew Ronal is busy helping deliver a baby right now, but lucky for Lo’ak, you have helped treat wounds with the Tsahik many times and are confident enough to treat all of his injuries.
“I’m sorry y/n, I have to go check on ma Jake and make sure he’s okay. He’s getting too old for these things” Neytiri sighs. “Will you be able to help him?” She side eyes Lo’ak partly in annoyance because this whole thing could’ve been avoided if he would just follow the rules.
“Yes, I’ve got it from here. Thank you Neytiri.” You bid her farewell as she exits the mauri.
You slowly turn back around to face the absolute dumbass that nearly killed himself. You were feeling so many emotions. Partly glad and relieved that he even returned and survived the attack but also frustrated with his actions and worried about the gaping wound in his arms where the pxazangs’ tooth got him.
“Lo’ak! I could pluck your eyeballs out! You realize you could’ve died right??”
“Easyyy baby” he cooed. “At least I made it back, right?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You were rummaging through the bandages and medicines, getting all the supplies you’d need. You huffed and puffed, setting the supplies down at a force so hard it made it clear you were very upset.
“It’s gonna take a while for this wound to close up and we have to make sure it doesn’t get infected in the mean time.” You were clearly on edge and driving yourself crazy over this.
As you treated it with what you had available, Lo’ak hissed at the burn.
“We wouldn’t have to be doing this if you weren’t such an idiot” you spat out the last word.
Despite the pain, he couldn’t help but give you a boyish grin. You cared about him so much and it had you all worked up. He thought it was cute. It also made him horny. The way you were taking charge and being motherly made him want to put a baby in you.
You finished up with his other little nicks and scrapes and began wrapping his arm up with clean cloth. Changing out this bandage everyday was gonna be annoying and also making sure the wound stayed sterile and clean. You then made a makeshift arm sling so he wouldn’t be as sore.
“There you go. All done.” You huffed as you were still crouched over his sitting form. Right as you were about to stand up he grabbed your arm and pulled you to him. You lost your balance and fell on your knees right between his legs that were extended out.
“Hey mama, let me make it up to you, yeah?” he eyed your body in suggestion.
You quickly caught on to his dirty proposal. “Are you insane? You’re hurt and need to eat dinner and rest!”
“Ahh all that can wait, I need you first. Your pussy would heal me” he licked his lips.
He tugged you harder as you tried to stand up because you thought it was a bad idea. He grabbed your other hand and placed it on his bulge.
“You see what you do to me, huh? Let me make you feel good and ease your worries” he spoke lowly.
Curse him. He had a way of getting to you, it was evident in the now growing pool of arousal in your loincloth.
“Lo’ak we can’t, you have to be careful with your arm or it’ll make it worse.”
“You want me to beg for it? Is that what you want? I’ll beg for it, yawne” he looked up at you with lustful eyes.
He let go of you and you rose to stand up. He shifted himself to get on his knees in front of you. He held your hand and kissed it.
“Please, y/n.” He took your finger into his mouth to suck on it.
You couldn’t take the torture any longer. You wanted him just as bad.
“Okay fine! But we can’t do it here in the healer’s tent!”
“Says who?” Lo’ak asks while standing up to tower above you. “Everybody’s gathered to eat dinner right now, no one will find us” he grins and his fangs flash.
He was filthy. You can tell he liked the sick thrill of possibly getting caught in public. But what was worse is you kinda did too in this moment…
You finally smirked which was his sign of your approval. Before you could realize what was happening, he scooped your whole body up with his one arm that wasn’t hurt, cupping your pussy in his hand. He felt the wet spot that seeped through your loincloth.
“Damn sevin, so wet already? You’re just as nasty as I am and you know it” he taunted. You can’t help but blush at the accusation.
He placed you on the table and stood between your legs as he started making out with you. The kiss was passionate and rough, and you had to admit that seeing him all beat up and bruised kinda (really) turned you on.
He pulled away from your lips and a string of saliva connected you two. He watched you to see how you’d react and you turned a darker purple at this. He just grinned and let the saliva fall on his chin, making a mess already.
“Take this off for me” he tugged on your top. It would’ve taken him a minute to untie it with just one hand and he was already losing patience.
You carefully untied the back and let it slip down. He threw it to the side and growled at the sight before him, his pupils dilated and tail thrashing about in excitement.
He wasted no time to take one nipple into his mouth. You threw your head back at the sudden sensation and bit your lip trying not to sound too desperate.
“Let me hear you, my girl” he said in between switching to the other nipple.
“Lo’ak!!” You were squirming, needing more.
“Hmm?” He gleefully hummed.
“More!! Need more!” You pushed his head away and grabbed a hand full of his braids to bring him lower to your most needy spot. He just smirked and understood your message, lowering himself to his knees.
“Patience, yawne. I’m gonna get you” he was teasing you and only rubbed your nub through your loincloth that was damp.
You whined because you wanted his cock deep inside you already.
He then laid his face on your pussy with your cloth still there as a barrier and breathed in your scent. “Mmm my favorite smell in all of Pandora” he said while then rubbing his nose all around your heat. He grabbed the top of your cloth in his mouth and tugged it down while looking in your eyes. Your face was scrunched up in desperation. You untied the back of your cloth to help the man out and he rose up with your clothing piece in his mouth, looking like a proud animal with his finest catch.
He let the piece fall to the ground and stared in awe at your bare pussy, licking his lips and practically drooling at you on display for him. He could only manage to breathe out a “Fuck.”
“Can’t wait any longer, please Lo’ak!!” He loved teasing you but he realized it was time to stop teasing. He got his own cloth off impressively quick with his one hand. His length flew up to smack his stomach, he was rock hard.
He lined himself up with your aching hole and easily slipped in due to your arousal. Both your heads flew back and whiny moans escaped your lips as he went deeper, filling you up just right.
“Fucking hell, y/n. Taking it so well, good job baby” he praised.
Tears were already welling up in your eyes at the unbelievable pleasure. It never got old.
He started an even pace, making sure his tip kissed your cervix with every thrust. He was already losing his mind but he wanted it to last.
Your juices already covered his lower stomach and hips, splashing and sticking with every movement. He wished he could fuck you like an animal with all his strength but his arm limited him.
“Gonna cum?” It was a rhetorical question, he knew you were about to by the way you were squeezing him and that fucked out look in your glazed eyes.
“Mhmm!! Gonna cum Lo’ak!!” you declared and his ears perked up to the sweet sound.
“Do it, pretty girl. Right on my cock” he panted, and that was all it took for you to explode on him.
“Mmmmm fuckkk!” you squirted on his stomach and he relished in the sight and feeling, as he continued pounding you to let you ride out the high. He was in awe.
Now you were very sensitive and his dick still moving in you somehow felt even better, and you didn’t think that was possible. You were biting your lip trying to hold back a delirious smile from your enjoyment. He just chuckled and let it boost his ego.
Glancing over at his arm in the sling, you suddenly got the notion to do the work for him since he was hurt and you didn’t want him straining himself trying to please you. So, you pushed back on his chest and his dick slipped out, causing him to complain.
“Heyyy!! You think we’re done? I’m still gonna get one more out of you, sweet thing”
You smiled in response. “Sit.” You demanded and his head slightly tilted in question. “Sit now!” Then he knew what was happening.
“Shittt, all you had to was ask”, he sat and sprawled his legs out, putting his one functioning arm behind his head.
You quickly went over and sat down on him, sinking down until your pelvises met.
He tried to caress your boob but you pinned that arm down beside of him and started bouncing ruthlessly. He was startled and his eyes grew wide. He knew by your current state that you were gonna milk him dry.
“F-fuck yawne, s-slow down” he tried talking sense into you but you were in demon mode now. He started this so you were gonna finish it.
“Time for you to take it, pretty boy” you say seductively.
His face was screwed up as he felt his incoming orgasm. You felt another one stirring in you as well.
“W-well I take it that you forgive me, huh?” He grunted, trying to restrain himself.
You nod your head frantically while devilishly smiling. You were gonna be the death of him.
“Y/n, I’m about to cum!” Lo’ak proclaimed.
“Fill me up, please” you begged him and it made him snap with an intense orgasm. You felt the sensation of his cum spurting into your womb and it made your coil snap as well.
You both rode out your climaxes on each other, taking one another for all you had. The moment was pure bliss.
You slumped down to lay on him. “Gonna put me to sleep, girl.” You giggled and kissed his nose affectionately.
“Oh yeah, how’s that arm?” You asked mid-yawn, remembering his injury and realizing he successfully distracted you from all your worries. You drifted away in his arms.
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madforhoran · 9 months
Astarion & the seductive vampire trope
"The whole idea of a bite on the neck may seem exciting to some audiences, and the dark, occult, and taboo concepts have helped keep vampires popular for so long." (x)
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I'd like to bring up this banter between spawn!Astarion and Jaheira, specifically her emphasis on Astarion's non-vampiric charms.
Astarion presents himself as suave and mysterious at first, trying his seduction attempts once you reach a certain approval threshold.
The initial bite scene where Tav offers Astarion their neck is shown and described as being overtly sexual, playing heavily into “sexy vampire is sexy because he’s sexy and nothing more” fantasy. Even more so when Tav allows him to bite during sex. Astarion enjoys it, Tav enjoys it too, and it nets approval. After the sex scene he uses the cliche "I didn't want to go too far" formula, implying if he'd lose control, he could hurt you (pretty much like Edward in Twilight).
The facade cracks a bit when Tav discusses any future feeding. Even if the feeding was enjoyable on Tav’s end, he isn't very enthusiastic when Tav says "you can feed on me but let's talk about it first". Instead, he's happy and approves the suggestion of feeding on villains who are about to die anyway.
[However, you can RP this situation both ways, confirm you enjoyed it and keep the feeding option available by not going along with feeding on villains, or that it hurt and you only did it to make him stronger and agreeing with feeding on villains effectively removes "you can feed on me tonight" option from the dialogue.]
The same facade cracks fully in act 2 after the confrontation with Araj. It's an optional encounter and you don't get to experience it if you already had the confession after killing Yurgir, but it gives insight into how Astarion doesn't want to be seen as an object of someone's vampire fantasy.
"I'm sorry, you want to be bitten?"
"There's nothing more desirable than a vampire, is there?"
It’s also very obviously pointed out when Tav suggests he should be throwing himself at them as a thank you.
During the confession after Yurgir, there's a little bit more insight given how Astarion feels bad for treating Tav like one of Cazador's victims.
Act 3 is obviously the big choice where Astarion gets to decide if he remains a spawn or ascends.  Putting the morality of this aside, one choice follows and progresses Astarion's development while the other puts him back to square one.
We also need to take into account Cazador's abusive gaslighting which made Astarion think of himself as a prostitute and that he's only good for one thing - sex & luring victims.
Spawn!Astarion is the same man who in act 2 apologises for manipulating Tav and who doesn't want to use his body as a tool anymore. He professes his genuine love and suggests having sex freely without any sort of manipulative intent behind it. Tav has seen him for who he is and who he can be in the future. The graveyard scene symbolises his rebirth and a new journey.
"You believed I was enough, just the way I am."
Hence bringing up the banter with Jaheira and her mentioning “non-vampiric charms”. Tav loves the man, not the vampire. There’s no more need for performing.
ascendant!Astarion is the vampire reverted back to act 1 where his behaviour was originally just a front but has now been affirmed by ascension - that this is how he should be. He's over the top seductive, even luring Tav to become his spawn. He admits this is the game he knows how to play - luring someone with sweet words (that he continues to use after Tav becomes his spawn - lovers eternal, precious treasure, pet.)
When Tav helps Astarion ascend, what happened in act 2 doesn't matter anymore - not his personhood or boundaries. Hence dialogue options such as "I want you, I want your body" or "I want to be a vampire like you" are in there once Tav speaks to him and he asks what would they desire in return for granting him powers because he's only good for that one thing.
He becomes the vampire trope,
becomes what Cazador taught him to be.
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bobbydagen24 · 6 months
Trolls overall has a Big problem with the idea of Holding people accountable for their actions.
here's a numbered list of examples of what I'm talking about.
Cloud Guy in the Tv shows not only because he Harasses Branch most of the time with no consequences but also because Poppy goes out of her way to defend him even when his actions cause trouble for many other people.
like when he flooded the village just out of spite because Branch wouldn't do what he wanted anymore and not to mention how even when she found out that he also Harassed other people from each of the Troll Tribes she still took his side and got mad at them when they stood up for themselves and "" upset Cloud Guy "".
which even if it hadn't been revealed that it was all an act by him just to mess with them it would still make Poppy look bad since she Refused to do anything about his Blatant Bullying yet got mad at his victims when they stood up for themselves.
and not to mention made excuses for why his behaviour wasn't so bad making out like he only Harassed them because he was trying to help them which is just all kinds of wrong.
2. a lesser example but still a bad example imo is in the Trollstopia episode where Dante uses Branch as his muse and he stalks him breaks into his home and disrupts his daily Jobs which he does.
and when he goes to Poppy for help she makes out like Dante's behaviour is reasonable and tells Branch to suck it up.
and after Branch does something to get Dante to back off Poppy then gets mad at him when Dante isn't able to come up with any music ideas like that's somehow Branch's problem?
Dante needed help but Rather than ask for it he just went ahead and took it by invading someone's privacy.
and breaching their trust and then Poppy made out like Branch was wrong for setting down Boundaries with him which is just iffy to be honest feels like this episode was written by Joe Goldberg or something lol.
3. and there's Creek as I've said in the past I love him lol but I do agree that his Return in TBGO could have been done better where he could have had a little arc of slowly earning back people's trust maybe over the span of a few episodes.
4. some people like to go on about the Bergens being forgiven too easily and I agree to an extent but given how Gristle Jr couldn't exactly punish the majority of the population I don't think they really had much choice in this matter.
I feel the only problem is them acting all chummy with the rest of the Bergens like letting them off for killing their species is one thing but acting like friends with them is a whole other like staying friends with Bridget and Gristle is fine given their history and the fact that they were too young to have eaten any Trolls prior to the escape.
but acting friendly with the rest of them feels a tad insensitive like in the opening of TBT we see Branch and Poppy acting all chummy with Random Bergens and Branch even High fives a couple of them and I was just thinking to myself
"" dude they probably ate someone's loved ones in the past how would you feel if you saw other Trolls giving Chef a friendly High five? ""
5. anyway moving on there's Barb who enslaved countless people destroyed their homes and tried to wipe out all other kinds of music and she was let off in the end.
its not even like she had a last minute change of heart she literally just got beaten and that's the only reason why her plan didn't succeed and afterwards she was just instantly forgiven.
6. Bro zone I've already talked about them in Depth in the past but yeah unreliable selfish insensitive and at worst cruel not to mention they never truly change their ways.
they keep on doing the same crappy behaviour and they don't show that much remorse for their past actions yet they still get forgiven in the end Despite everything.
because yaaaay family is amazing even if they Treat you like shit over and over again.
the films message feels like it was written by a toxic parent to please other toxic parents to be honest which judging by how this film won over general audiences I'd say it worked like a Treat lol.
so yeah Despite my love for it Trolls overall as a franchise has a serous problem with actually Holding people accountable for their crappy actions and Behaviours I feel the only exception is Veneer as even tho his turn at the end felt Rushed and out of nowhere imo.
I was pleasantly surprised that the movie didn't just let him off the Hook and he still got arrested and accepted the punishment for his crimes in the end.
I feel the same thing should have happened with Barb given everything she did.
anyway if you've made it to the end of my post thank you you have the patience of a saint lol anyway what do you think about this aspect of the franchise?
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reverssentiment · 8 months
What are the salient features of Asriel, post-canon, that keep us from "saving" him from life alone in the Underground?
He's soulless (a practical problem),
he'll soon return to being a flower (a practical problem) and would prefer that you think of him like this rather than Flowey (a personal and interpersonal problem), and
he's decided to stay and tend the grave of the fallen child (and this is not really a problem at all; rather, a decision, which the boundary conditions of Undertale require us to respect).
There is a lot of UT post-canon fic out there which treats all these as practical problems. Frisk can just get a soul from somewhere, throw Alphys technobabble or soul arcanobabble at the body issue; get Flowey in therapy; and... also get Flowey in therapy for that last one, because his decision isn't really legitimate, in save-the-goat stories. It's self-harm. Which, personally, is both understandable and missing the point of one of the game's core themes: no matter how many times you restart the story, there are things you can't do; you are not getting a 100% Complete Perfect Pacifist where even Asriel is saved, and it's okay to be wistful about it, but you still need to put down the controller eventually. Getting him to the surface happens a lot in fic, because we all want the goldenest ending, but it could never happen in canon and we just have to live with it. It's thematically potent and I'd lose a lot of respect for Undertale's commitment to its story if you could circumvent it.
(Incidentally, this feels to me like it stems from the same ideas as making "* I have places to be" the wrong answer, a giving-in to Frisk's self-sacrificing, self-disregarding nature which must be corrected. Sometimes, you have to let people live and make their own decisions, outside the boundaries of the story's frame. Your perspective only goes so far.)
...now, fluffier, more sympathetically-traumatized Asriel, on the other hand...!
Ralsei's woes in Deltarune are very visibly the same kind of isolation as what Asriel's dealing with at the end of Undertale, but a) it's worse (a whole lifetime of waiting in a very deliberately empty, lifeless, three-screen-long kingdom) and b) he's stuck there for purely practical reasons. Darkners can't enter the Light World without becoming objects. He never made a decision to be here.
It's not something we can technobabble our way out of right now, but we're only in Chapter 2, right? We can save him, in a way we can't save Asriel: the deadlock we can't resolve has been removed; we don't really have to think about his preferences any more, because the preferences that kept us from helping him and left him stuck in the Underground I mean Dark World are just gone.
His issues are also much more obvious from the get-go, and seem designed to be something we talk him out of – not Asriel's decision to stay by his lost friend's grave, with a weight of meaning and feeling behind it, but hero worship, subservience, religious dedication to the Prophecy and self-image issues, all clear and visible dysfunctions. Giving Asriel therapy has left the realm of fanfiction and wish fulfillment and become part of canon... and the real disagreements we had with UT!Asriel over what he was and meant and deserved have become simple roadblocks for DR!Asriel whoops I mean Ralsei, things we have to help him through. Practical problems where the solution is friendship speech + therapy.
To make a slightly heavy-handed comparison, Ralsei saying we exist to serve Lightners and gratefully referring to himself as Kris's lackey is Anthy saying I'm the Rose Bride because I like it. It's the kind of reason we're inclined to reflexively overrule without working to deal with it at its root. Ralsei is Asriel, minus the irreconcilable and bittersweet parts, someone whose objections to being helped have either been removed or simplified down until we can feel good about disabusing him of them. He's our wish fulfillment in the way that candy on trees might be Susie's and a city of shining lights might be Noelle's and Giant Arcade Consoles might be Berdly's: an Asriel you can help, who you can make go to therapy and deal with the problems that keep him from caring for himself; who'll shut up, comply and let himself be saved.
...so the fact that Kris – whose personal issues are opaque, complex, and frustrating; who appears to be actively hiding parts of their life and motives from us; who clearly doesn't want our help or an improved social life at the expense of their agency – finds him so distasteful might not just be because he's a parody of their brother or Secretly Evil or whatever. If Ralsei is "the kid they're supposed to be" it's not just his fluff and horns!
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bestworstcase · 6 months
@cryptidblues tumblr ate this one too, maybe drop tumblr support a line to check if you’ve been erroneously shadowbanned 
Oscar is dying! He’s dying! We’re getting the full weight and crisis of the merge in volume 10 I NEED IT. The image of him collapsed on the sand as the sunrises with his back to the long memory OOUGH just like Ruby and crescent rose after she drank the tea, before the tree took her. The reversal on “I don’t want to be me anymore” / please let me stay myself. The lad is being eaten alive! From the inside out! By an unstoppable brain parasite that will kill him! And Replace Him! I Need the slow build up of horror from Oscar and everyone involved. “And Oscar…just isn’t himself” they’re place setting. Getting the table ready. Ooh yknow he’s hiding those merge episodes/attacks from his friends. I NEED the existential terror and dread! BUT I NEED THE CATHARSIS OF OSCAR BEING KNOWN, SEEN & SAVED TOO ;-;
NOT to make a post oscar about ozma instead but the thing that is really, really pulling the hinges off for me is the implication that this is happening because oz started actively fighting the merge. as long as oscar resisted and oz kept up the drumbeat of “this is inevitable, there is nothing either of us can do,” the curse kept on quietly eroding oscar as the boundary became thinner and thinner between them. it was, for lack of a better term, stable. 
the moment oz tries to resist, the curse starts trying to rip him forward. to force him to take over, inflicting what seems to be torturous amounts of pain on both of them. the subtle, silent, invisible violence that was inflicted on oscar before explodes outward to attack both of them. 
how many times have i said this curse is specifically designed to make it impossible for ozma to change? that the whole point is to prevent ozma from ever changing his mind or defying the god of light? never doubt me. the literal fucking instant ozma tries to break free, the curse becomes YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE. 
the curse had a failsafe the whole time.
/ozma tangent
oscar though. this poor kid. like the greatest burden on his shoulders in the last four volumes has always been that no one wants to openly acknowledge what’s happening to him and the nature of the merge’s violence being so completely internal means that no one has to look at it except him. and he’s been so isolated in that existential dread but he’s also grown so accustomed to being treated like just. the next ozpin. that when the violence abruptly becomes externalized in reaction to oz’s resistance, oscar… hides it. keeps it to himself. somewhere deep down the idea that it doesn’t matter to anyone what happens to him got lodged in his brain so deeply that he keeps it hidden!!
and i’m obsessed with the emotional complexity the layers of what he’s feeling with regard to ruby, because it’s not as simple as that he misses her and aspires to her optimism; there’s also some underlying resentment there (“you were always so sure that everything would work out…right up until the moment it didn’t” <- paraphrasing) because she was wrong and he wishes he could borrow her certainty but she was wrong. she fell. she was wrong. 
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, everyone else believes that they’re gone forever. that they’re dead. oscar doesn’t. he’s thinking about it in terms of where they might have gone, what might have happened to them, he’s doing research because deep down, there’s a teeny tiny spark of hope that hasn’t been extinguished yet. so there’s this subtext of i wish i had your certainty. even though you were wrong. i’m still trying to find you. we’re still fighting this. you always saw me for who i really was. i don’t know who i am anymore.—there’s this tension throughout the monologue between bitterness and hope, and i don’t know if oscar is even capable of seeing that he is still hopeful or that he does have, if not ruby’s kind of certainty, something of his own that rhymes. he’s feeling this bleak about everything and still trying to figure out where they are because he doesn’t believe they’re dead. 
it was oscar’s idea to put the memorial where the portal had been. it’s taller than a person and shaped like a door. it’s a memorial but it’s also a symbol; the portal is gone, but they were inside it still, we should build our own door so they can find their way home. and then they do, according to the context given. the blacksmith gave them a doorway that went right through their memorial.  ETA: never mind, misremembered
ruby confronting and facing his mortality after running away from it for three volumes to galvanize her to really try to save him vs oscar doing whatever he can think of to somehow save her while roiling in all these complicated painful feelings about how no one cares to know how he’s suffering because it isn’t like there’s any real hope for him. tasty!
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
Many years ago I watched a documentary about interabled couples (meaning that one partner is disabled, the other one isn't).
They interviewed multiple couples and asked how they met, what their friends and family think of the relationship, things like that. I don't remember most of it (I can't even tell you if it was an actual movie-length documentary or just a short piece in the local news) but there was one story that always stuck with me:
An autistic man had a crush on a woman he regularly saw at his doctor's office. So he decided to write her a letter. He wrote down a detailed description (if I recall correctly it was multiple pages long) of how their relationship could look like: date ideas that would be safe and enjoyable for him, situations in which he may require her support or help, possible communication struggles they may face and ideas on how to deal with them etc. The next time he saw her at the doctor's office, he handed her the letter. She read it, smiled and said "This says you can't go dancing with me because loud music overwhelms you. But I really love dancing. Could we dance at home if you are in control of the music volume?". He said "Yes" and she said "Okay, then let's do that"... and they have been a happy couple ever since.
I love that story. Honestly, I wish someone would come up to me and hand me a letter like that!
There are so many unspoken rules in the dating world that (neurotypical) people oftentimes just expect you to know and understand - especially the whole "be mysterious, play hard to get, don't scare people off by being too honest" stuff can be really confusing! His letter feels like an antidote to that. He clearly communicated his individual set of "rules" (boundaries, needs, wants). It may be my autism speaking, but this sounds like the ideal way to start a relationship for me: they were both on the same page from the get-go rather than having to guess what the other one wants.
As someone who has been rejected for being too honest and talking about boundaries too early, it feels comforting to me to know that someone did exactly that and was so successful with it.
I mentioned this old story to a friend a few days ago - and they didn't think it was cute. In fact, they were shocked and disgusted by it. That sounds incredibly toxic, they said. You can't just hand your partner a set of rules at the beginning of the relationship and demand they stick to them forever. Those things need to be an ongoing conversation that both partners get to contribute to. Love isn't a business contract that one person writes and the other just signs off on. Treating it like one is a red flag. And quite frankly, they'd feel super creeped out if a quasi-stranger wrote multiple pages about a relationship they didn't even agree to yet!
And you know what? I absolutely believe that my friend is right - and I also believe that I am right. It could be cute and it could be a red flag.
This goes for all kinds of relationships but it's especially important for those of us who have unique or less common "rules"/needs (which could be because you are neurodivergent, disabled or chronically ill but also be lgbt+-related, e.g because you are ace or aro): Doing things differently is not by default toxic - and not by default wholesome, either.
That letter could be a great starting point for healthy ongoing communication in a relationship... and it could also be toxic if it is used as a binding contract that doesn't allow any further conversation.
Apart from a few obvious exceptions, we can't really make a definite list of things that are always good or always toxic when it comes to dating/relationships - we need to think of things in context. And that goes for the "standard route" as well as for more unique approaches.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
(P.S: For the record, I'm sure that the couple in the documentary does have ongoing, healthy communication!)
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serenityfails · 1 month
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i have no idea if this is gonna be coherent but here we GO
so straight up, i didn't romance fenris the first time i played and i had a bad time with DA2 the first go around and didn't get close enough with most of the characters to have a strong impression of them (fenris included), but @redredribbon convinced me that fenris was where it's at and that i should give it another go. so i did and now he's got my nuts in a vice
second point, i play mage when i romance him bc i like the added flavor but non mage hawkes are also good. i always friendmance him because i don't really like the rival path with him. and it's extra difficult with a mage hawke but that makes it more worth it to me lol
without getting too deep about it, i was processing a lot of unresolved trauma when i played that game and playing through fenris' storyline in depth made it hard not to over-relate to him, albeit through that fantasy lens. there's a lot of really hard hitting stuff in there about feeling like something horrible that happened to you however many years ago has so irrevocably changed who you are and how you relate to the world that the person you were before might as well be a total stranger, and the bitterness that goes along with having been shaped or even created by something you hate.
but the thing i really, really love about his romance is that his positive growth and change is not dependent on hawke. he is clawing his way out of his bad circumstances and changing his life with or without hawke. hawke can be a positive catalyst for change, a push in the right direction, and a source of joy in his life, but he doesn't need hawke to heal. it's just that the healing is what enables him to allow himself happiness, to choose to be with hawke.
and the moment in the romance i love most, which i guess was controversial with some fans, is the moment in the romance where he leaves you. because trying to be with hawke has triggered him and he recognizes he is not in a place where it is healthy for either of you to continue, he has to put up a really hard boundary. and in the time he spends away, he gets better. he wallows less. he makes friends. he finds out who he is, baggage and all, and makes the decision to live with it and move beyond it.
and you have the choice to wait for him or not, but at the end of it, if you're both still on the same page, he's with you 100%. i thought it was just really beautiful. the absolute antithesis of "my love can heal him". he can heal himself. he can build his life back, not the same as it would have been if he'd never been hurt, but still his. and he wants hawke to be part of that.
aaaaand another reason i love it is because i have a major thing for the characters who are so used to being a tool for someone else's use trying to recalibrate when the person they offer themself to isn't trying to use them or treat them like an object. the whole process of learning to be a person again and expecting people around you to take advantage of you and meeting the person (or people) who just defy every expectation you have. (this is the same reason i go bugfuck over zevran and iron bull, i have a type)
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ughgoaway · 11 months
happy (late) halloween omg ace! i am so glad to see we are all in shambles over the halloween show i swear matty chose violence (quite literally) with the patrick bateman costume like..... will instantly be imprisoned if I voiced my thoughts about those photos bye-
also the halloween blurb???????? mainly just sending this to scream ab how it literally killed me bye this is so stupid but it instantly made me so happy to read after work and oh i am weepy and weak at the idea of annie masterminding a group costume 😭 even the simplest or ur writings i absolutely adore (still not over the massive list of pre reader dad matty blurbs oh that made my DAY i tell u...)
can we just.... the idea of annie begging u to join them trick or treating,,,, and reader meeting mayhem and mayhem holding the candy bucket in his mouth while annie shows u how well she can walk the 'massive horse dog' 😭😭 and the way u just fit in their unit together so well... oh matty absolutely can feel his heart bursting at the sight gn (and also u getting mistaken for being annies mom/his wife multiple times and the way he just cannot handle how oddly right it feels.... bye!)
(bff anon hopes ur doing better ace! just know basically anything u post..... ive basically read bye need to stop lurking like an insane person 💀 xx)
HAPPY VERY LATE HALLOWEEN!!! It is my fault this is so late, I just couldn't stop talking… are we shocked tho? Jail is calling my name with some of the things I said in dms… let alone my thoughts FUCKING HELL. it was too good-
Stop I'm so glad you liked it, I just love them on Halloween so much. The fact that it made you happy after work actually just added 20 years to my life I'm so glad!!!! I made your day?!?!? Please I'm gonna vomit. You are so sweet and kind. Those ideas were all so fucking good, a google doc has been created bc I loved them so much. You are a genius truly.
Literally, this idea has been living in my mind rent-free in my mind ever since you sent it. MAYHEM HOLDING THE BUCKET YOU'RE KIDDING. Any mayhem content and I am obsessed (hence the mayhem reference in the actual fic), but this image has me sobbing.
(lots more insanity below the cut)
I am gonna alter what you said so slightly bc teacher girlie is PROFESSIONAL and she has work/life boundaries… sometimes… let's say Annie does BEG you to come trick or treating with them and you have to break it to her that you definitely cannot do that but you hope she has the best time ever. “But miss y/n I want you to meet my doggy, he's coming with us. He's gonna be scooby doo! My daddy is shaggy, and I’m Daphne. He's trying to get my uncle George to be Fred, but he wants to have a party with my auntie Charli. They are gonna be-” You have to cut in before Annie gives you a detailed list of everyone she knows costumes (but also, isn't the Scooby gang iconic for them all?!). 
You, of course, have a pumpkin out and are waiting for trick-or-treaters and have the full-size chocolate bars because you always wanted to be that house. A knock at your door happens, and you come running to it in your Wizard of Oz costume. Who is behind that door but the whole Healy family? Matty just makes a noise of shock that he later over-thinks massively, “but Ross, it was such a weird noise. I basically choke-coughed at her. No stop laughing-” Ross eventually assures Matty you didn't notice. 
You did and later tease him about it when you finally get together, “I swear I had to actually bite the inside of my cheek to not laugh, it was so ridiculous” and Matty is like “Can you blame me?? You were in that cute little dress, and you had those plaits with the bows on the end. You were asking me to choke on thin air when you dress like that, sweetheart.” And you're like… “well I think I still have that costume in my wardrobe upstairs if you'd be interested in-”. Immediately, his face lights up, “WHICH ONE? THE BIG WARDROBE OR THE SMALL ONE?” he shouts whilst dragging you up the stairs as you giggle uncontrollably.
Anyway, sorry I got distracted, HALLOWEEN! They're reasonably late in the night, and somehow Matty gatherers himself enough to talk to you, “ohmygod hi!” he says and awkwardly waves, another moment he thinks about far too often (“Why couldn't I do anything normal around you.” and you reassure him “dont worry, babe. it was cute, I swear”) 
Annie perks up and shows you mayhem who just adores you, wagging his tail and you bend down to his level and he's licking all over your face and you just can't stop laughing, matty is mortified. “Oh god y/n I’m so sorry he isn't normally this friendly, very weird actually… but please just- oh mayhem please can you stop-” and he's tugging at the lead trying not to die of embarrassment.
You insist it is fine, and Annie begs you to walk him “Just for a little bit miss y/n! Because then you can see how strong he is and then how strong I am because I walk him all by myself” This comment has you looking at Matty behind her who just shakes his head, confirming that this, in fact, is not true and just another Annie exaggeration.
You agree, grab your bag and come to walk with them for a bit, only after confirming with Matty about 30 times that it's really okay, “are you sure I do not want to intrude” you ask and Matty just dies at your kind eyes looking up at him whilst cuddling mayhem.
“Of course! I'm sure Dorothy would be good friends with the Scooby gang. Please, walk with us” and he offers his hand to pull you up. It's the first time you've really touched, and god, the spark flying thing may seem like a fairytale, but you both swear in that moment that you actually get a shock from the touch. Of course, his hand lingers a little longer than necessary as you stare at each other just vaguely holding hands. Your brain catches up, and you start moving, but god, you wish that moment could've dragged on forever, as does Matty.
As soon as you and Matty get properly talking, you end up walking with them for a longgg time. One house in particular though makes a mistake that lives on in infamy in your relationship in the future.
“oh god, that one house that thought we were together, that moment was on replay in my head for weeks after. The idea that someone else could see us together just confirmed to me I was head over heels for you, and then sadly solidified that it couldn't happen after you corrected her and I was sharply reminded you were my daughter's teacher”
Maybe it's an older woman who opens the door and jumps at mayhem originally but is soon cooing over him and giving him milk bones, “What a pretty boy” and Annie is giggling and telling the woman all about her “horse dog” (nice reference btw bff anon I love u).
Soon, she looks up and actually addresses you and Matty, “Sorry! You must be mum and dad. What a lovely little girl you've raised, and what a beautiful couple you are! Reminds me of me and my husband, constantly talking and laughing” You and matty just stand there open-mouthed like fish for a good few seconds. Annie is, of course, laughing hysterically. You both stutter out explanations, “Oh no-” “Oh I'm actually her teacher. It's a funny story so they knocked and i was like-” Of course, the woman apologised profusely, but the comment haunts you and Matty for WEEKS.
Perhaps a few more people coo at your “lovely family” and perhaps you just… stop correcting them…
Cut to Matty talking to himself (and mayhem) at 3 a.m. in the kitchen whilst making tea, “No it's totally normal people thought that. Man + woman + child + dog = family. and so what we stopped correcting them?? That's normal too… We just got sick of it. And it's also fine that it made me feel weird. It was a weird situation. Anyone would get butterflies at someone saying they're a nice couple. Right, mayhem?” and Mayhem somehow gives him a look that says “Really?” and Matty sighs and nods.
I think this might be the moment he goes “fuck.” and realises he really does like you. And he just… freaks out. Calls Ross and talks a million miles an hour.
I am doing much better and I literally cannot believe someone likes my bullshit enough to read my posts, I am genuinely obsessed with you?!?! KEEP LURKING I LOVE IT! I LOVE YOU!!!
blurb masterlist here!!
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bigdumbbambieyes · 4 months
my last post about this because i’m just tired of it.
i never harassed anyone. i never bullied anyone. i never wanted the harringrove cafe blog to shut down/close. this whole thing is being blown out of proportion, so i’m going to tell y’all what happened on my end (with screenshots).
on friday, i went to send out a few treats to a couple friends before the end of the night so they could be sent out the following day — you can see them on the harringrove cafe rn. i signed them with my name because i didn’t want them to be anonymous, i wanted my friends to know it was me. i sent one to Max, unaware of the fact that he was blacklisted, and eagerly waited for my friends to see them the following day.
the others were sent out one by one on saturday, except Max’s. so, i went to ask about it and this is exactly how the convo went:
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i messaged about the missing treat, ivy got back to me, i told him which one was missing, he replied that he wasn’t comfortable due to an incident that happened that i had (and still have) no idea what it was about, felt upset that my friend wouldn’t get his treat even tho my other friends got treats. if i hadn’t reached out, i’m not sure if Ivy would’ve even told me that Max wasn’t receiving treats, so i would have never known that this blacklist was happening. so, i thought about it for a bit before telling him how i felt. he sent a screenshot and a final message before blocking me a minute after sending it.
and that’s it.
i felt hurt when i was blocked because previously Ivy and i had been friends, or were at least cool with each other and never had any issues or conflict, so i felt upset by this. i never pressed his boundaries. i never told him to send Max my treat. i was just expressing myself. i wasn’t rude, i even apologized for sharing my thoughts. but he still lowkey blew up at me and is now going off about how i’m a bitch and that he’s closing the cafe over this, which i never wanted or intended.
i made my vent post because i wanted to vent my frustrations. it wasn’t a vague post or public call out because it was a vent post.
i called the exclusion of people from a positivity blog incredibly mean because excluding people from something is mean. i don’t stand with bullying, which is what y’all are doing right now by calling me names.
i’m allowed to be upset about things. i’m allowed to vent on my own blog. i’m allowed to voice my opinions.
i will say that im very sorry and deeply regretful for the drama this has caused, as i never intended for any of it, but i’m not going to let these people step all over me and spread a narrative that isn’t true.
and most of all, thank you to the people that have reached out to check on me, i appreciate and love you 🤍
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radiant-reid · 2 years
ohmygod cate!! okay so ive been thinking, could u pLEASE do a blurb or a oneshot with an angry love confession? i live for that trope and like imagine the reader puts herself in danger for spencer and then he acts all petty and rude the whole day and then reader is completely done w his shit and then they have an argument and BAM
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okay so this is incredibly cliche but i love this concept and UnitChief!Reid
He's not talking to you in the car, and you're terrified about what it means. What he is doing is gripping the wheel tight enough to turn his knuckles white and his jaw clenched in a way that's somehow attractive and scary.
It was hard enough to get on the team, let alone be in law enforcement as a woman, and you get hit with the need to say something and defend your actions. "Spencer, I-"
He doesn't let you get a word in. "No." He cuts you off in his authoritative tone. "Don't even bother trying to justify your actions with a weak apology."
Ouch. You expected him to be harsh, but that was mean. Even though he's your boss, you still consider him a friend.
So you sit in silence. No music and not even the humming of the air conditioning. It's a strategy, you assume, probably why he insisted on only you going with him in the SUV.
You have to shove the feeling of dread in your stomach down when you get to the hotel and out of the car. He still takes your bag out of the trunk with his because he always does, but he's furious, barley looking at you.
You're fucked, truly fucked, and able to do nothing but dwell on your behavior in the elevator.
Instead of handing you your bag at your door and calling it a night so you can go and cry, he walks in behind you like it's his room.
He almost caves when he sees the tears in your eyes because he knew from the day he met you he never wanted to see you crying, but then he remembers the feeling of his stomach dropping in his chest when you ran in there and he's the fear shifts to fury.
"So?" He asks, staring flatly at you.
You don't really have a right to be, but you're mad. "You're ready to let me talk now?"
"Don't be insolent." He demands.
You huff out a dry, insincere laugh as you cross your arms across your chest defensively. "You're not my mom, you can't tell me how to act."
"I am your boss." He reminds you. "And I will not tolerate behavior like that on my team."
"What? You don't want agents that will do the right thing?" You keep pushing the boundary instead of backing down.
He raises his eyebrows like he's unsure if you're serious. "I'd rather agents that listen to my direct instructions."
"Maybe I should transfer then." You offer, although there's no chance you will. You love everything about the BAU, expect Spencer being mad at you.
"Okay. Have the paper on my desk on Monday and you can be gone on Tuesday." He snaps coldly before he can think it through.
You throw your hands up in the air in frustration. "Fine! I will. It's not like you care about what I think."
"Don't start with that." He warns, genuinely hurting you feel like that. But he's not in the mood to talk it out with you, instead, his anger flows out. "You're listened to equally!" You've never heard him yell like that before and it's so unnatural it's uncomfortable.
"Not my take-down ideas." You remind him like he could forget the past hour.
He huffs loudly. "Not when they're stupid and nearly get you killed!"
You seriously do not understand it. You've seen other members of the team do it, and it seems like bullshit that you're being treated like a child.
"Everyone else has done it!" You shout back, blood pumping through your veins.
"I don't love them the way I love you! And I can't even tell you that because I'm your boss! So when you do stupid shit like trying to get yourself blown up, I'm going to be angry!." He reveals before he can stop it, not taking a breath. He cannot have that happen again.
His hand comes to cover his mouth when your eyes widen. Your brain is racing and you're so confused. "Fuck, Y/n, I'm so sorry." He quickly tries to save face, hoping you'll let it slide, even though he's not an idiot and he doesn't believe that. He's already preparing for the meeting with Barnes who will be even more pissed than he was.
Then it's all quiet.
Your heart stops beating in your chest for a second before racing even faster, but with a different emotion. "What?" You ask, voice cracking and so much fainter than before.
He folds, immediately. Seeing you cry feels worse than being scared for your safety. His embarrassment is genuine and he talks. "I shouldn't have said that and I should have yelled at you. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." You don't say anything while you process it, but he takes that as his answer. "I'll go."
Before he can slip passed you, you reach out to grab his hand, stopping him before squeezing it. "I love you too." You tell him truthfully.
"You really don't have to say that." He assures you, still in shame of what he did.
"Spencer Reid, I love you." You repeat, catching the smile he knows is too inappropriate to fully show. "And I hate you being mad at me." You're close to tears thinking about just a few minutes ago.
"I hated you being in danger." He admits. "And I'm really sorry for yelling at you."
You shake your head, unable to imagine how horrible you'd feel if he did something similar. "I'm really sorry for doing something dumb."
"Please don't cry." He begs, pulling you into his chest in a hug that you definitely need.
You do cry against his shirt, but they're not sad tears.
"Hey." He says when you pull away after an entire minute of hugging and he cups your cheeks. "I thought I told you not to cry."
"I'm not very good at listening to you, though." You joke, earning a chuckle from him that makes you smile. "Are we good?"
"Yes." He assures you. "But you should get some sleep."
You nod before realizing what that means. "No, stay with me, please."
"It would be my pleasure." He agrees easily, omitting saying, I've been dreaming about it for months.
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mari-lair · 2 years
Akane is the only character to have ever been explicitly shown to both enjoy being alive and value life as a whole.
Ghosts envy the living, they crave life, but despite hanging out with ghosts all the time and feeling their envy, many human characters don’t seem to appreciate life. 
Nene and Kou are optimists, genuinely kind people, but they can be insensitive in their naivety. They recognize Hanako killing someone is “a bad thing” but that seems to be the most they allow themselves to process. If possible, they will push the knowledge Hanako is a killer far away.
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When his kill is brought up, they try to justify his actions, jumping at the opportunity to forgive him. They don’t consider the act of taking someone’s life away a deal breaker, like Hanako does, because the act is not as heavy when you don’t fully treasure life.
Kou has been able to see spirits since young so the idea of death is muddier for him. Still, he lost his mom, was deeply troubled by Nene’s lifespan, and had Mitsuba vent in tears about how envious he is of Kou for being alive, and yet, Kou still tries to jump off a building, he is constantly too blinded by his own insecurity complex to grasp how valuable his life is, unaware his death would deeply hurt his loved ones. 
He gets better at seeing the value of life after visiting Sousuke’s mom, and venting in the red house to Tsukasa about how much it hurts to lose a family member but I wouldn’t say he is happy to be alive. 
He still dismisses his own well being, and shows a lack of self-awareness when people are worried about him, because he thinks his life isn’t valuable, his skills or lack of are what have value.
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“I’ll clean up when I get back” is his first response not “I’m safe, don’t worry”.
It's obvious Teru was worried about his safety here, not the dirty dishes, but the thought never crosses Kou’s mind.
Unlike Kou, Nene loves being alive and has plenty of desires, hopes, plans for the future, and dreams.
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If asked, I’m sure she would say life is a beautiful thing, she wants to enjoy her life even if short, but she doesn’t understand the comcept of life and death very well, and that makes her unable to grasp how fragil life is.
Enjoying your life and treasuring life as a whole are very different things.
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Unless the person is truly gone, Nene is quick to forgive and forget. Danger is danger, and once it passes, it passes. She just takes life for granted.
When she decided to stay on the far shore with Hanako without telling anyone, and undermined the value of her own life, she was incredibly naive. 
If her plan had worked, and she had died, she would have put Aoi in the same position she had been in: saved at the cost of her friend’s life ‘for her own good’, while also roping Kou into a plan he didn’t know about (you can’t convince me Kou would have helped Nene if he was aware she planned to kill herself.)
She doesn’t want to think about these things, she likes to be optimistic! But since she doesn’t allow herself to really process death, she doesn’t understand life.
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She chalks dying as “I’ll be like Hanako and stay in a boundary with him”, she tries her best to reassure herself that she is fine with losing everything: her home, and a future with weddings,  college plans, and jobs, all for the sake of love. She treats her decision as one would a very long trip, a runaway romance.
She had to be told exactly what will happen, how much of herself, which she loves, she would lose if she tried to stay. The idea of loss, of death, is something that she tries not to think about, so it greatly distraught her.
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Even Teru, whose job is to protect the living and put their safety above it all had admitted this idea is not something that comes easy to him. 
Yes, he value life, and he understands how precious it is, but his view on it is not that simple: This value was taught from a young age by the same clan that has a history of human sacrifices. 
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Teru has a detachment to the concept of death, since he was born able to see spirits and he travels to the far shore, which takes some weight from the idea that “death is the end” while being personally affected by it, since his mom died without regrets, without leaving a spirit behind.
Teru can understand loss, he can process that death is a terrible thing. He is genuine in his kindness to people, but it doesn’t feel personal. He values life but he doesn’t treasure it, he treasures his family and close friends only. 
Saving people is intricately intertwined with responsibilities for Teru, and he is a very arrogant and proud person, he takes his responsibility serious. His professional view on life is simple, almost heroic, but his personal view on life is skewed: There is contradiction to his values.
Dedicating his time to save others makes it so he can’t enjoy his own life to the fullest.
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And there are moments when he feels tired of being a protector, almost resenting it.
He would never kill a person, but he jokes too much about destroying humanity to not betray the feeling that maybe, if there was no life to protect, he could finally live his own life.
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Akane on the other hand sees life as something beautiful and worth protecting: Something to treasure.
He wasn’t taught to do so. His feelings on it are not complicated, he simply enjoys being alive, and that appreciation skyrocketed once he nearly lost Aoi to the clock keepers.
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He doesn’t dislike supernaturals because of a job or a duty, he wasn’t even aware they existed before his contract with the clock keepers. This hate he feels for them is personal, born out of his own beliefs. 
He understands death is the end. He understands how fragile a human life is. And he hates how careless supernatural are, not hesitating to play with it
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He has no respect for someone that is willing to murder someone, and he feels strange when people are too easy to forguive them.
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Similarly, his respect visibly raises when he notices a person falls into his beliefs. Once he realized Teru’s job isn’t just supernatural extermination, and that he will go out of his way to save lives, his view changes drastically.
Teru was perceived as an asshole, a tyrannical demon in Akane’s life.
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And Teru may still be an asshole in Akane’s eyes, but no one that goes out of their way to save people can be a demon.
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Even when Akane dragged Aoi into the far shore, his goal was to keep her away from No.6, who he knew wanted to kill her, and to not be separated.
He isn’t happy when they fall, he fights to get back, he’ll march on with a hole in his chest and keep struggling, bleeding out, instead of resting, because he needs to get back.
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There is no “Now that we have each other, I can rest”, there is no "Let’s die and be together forever.”
He doesn’t want only to be together, he wants her to live. He wants them both to live. 
Because life is precious to him.
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ailendolin · 10 months
was wondering what your thoughts are on the prank alison played on thomas? Cuz on one hand, yeah, it was wayyyyy more harsh than any of the pranks played on the others and was the only one that was deliberately designed to strike him where it hurts especially since she knows about his history with isabelle
but on the other hand, i think she just likes everyone else more than thomas? and who can blame her when he's been disrespecting her boundaries for years. Kitty can be needy but its different with a younger sister type character who just wants affection vs thomas who has been hitting on her for years even though she's very clearly happily married
im not sure where i stand on this
Thank you for this ask, anon! I've actually been meaning to make a post about the prank in 5x01 so this is the perfect excuse to finally get around to writing it.
But before I do that, I just want to stress that my opinion is just that - an opinion. I've been getting quite a few Thomas asks recently and while I do appreciate that very much because I love to talk about him, my interpretation of his character is just one of many and it's perfectly fine if you or anyone else sees things differently. My take on him doesn't hold more weight than any other.
With that being said, here are my thoughts on the prank and Thomas's vs. Kitty's behaviour - long post incoming:
I'm probably in the minority here but I found Alison’s prank on Thomas downright cruel, especially when you compare it to her other pranks. It wasn't some harmless fun - that prank was designed to hurt him, and I think that crosses a line. Because Thomas, for all his annoying habits, for all his ridiculous love declarations and inability to take a hint, has always backed down when Alison told him to. He hasn't stopped altogether (which technically speaking is partly Alison's own fault because of the, "I could kiss you," line and not just his for lack of trying) but whenever she gets fed up with him, he actually listens and shuts up - which I think is something people often tend to overlook.
Also, Thomas's 'love' for Alison is a theoretical thing: something for him to fixate on that is safe because he knows nothing will ever come of it. It's why we only ever see him 'fall in love' with living women who are, by nature, out of his reach. Thomas doesn't really want to be with them. It's why he downright panics when Alison seems to return his feelings in 5x01. He likes the idea of taking a walk with her in the gardens and holding her hand; the thought of kissing her under the mistletoe - the romantic ideal of it. But 5x01 makes it quite clear that he never expected it to become real, and that he isn't as keen on physical intimacy as he sometimes pretends either. I don't think he's ready for the vulnerability that comes with loving someone and being loved in return, and him dying alone and unloved plays a huge role in that. Because that's how he ghosts too. And I don't mean that in a romantic way. Thomas isn't particularly close to any of the other ghosts, not like Julian and Robin are, or Fanny and the Captain. He doesn't have a best friend because he's always the butt of the joke and no one takes him seriously or even pretends to like him. Is it really a surprise he clings to a love that is safe because it only exists in his mind?
That doesn't change anything for Alison, of course. But I'll go so far as to say she never even tried to understand him. The way she treated him when he came to her to talk about his death showed that. If she'd been as gentle and understanding and patient with him as she was with the Captain during the therapy session and actually listened and talked to him, the whole 'love' thing could have probably been resolved early on. But as was mentioned here, there are moments when she even encourages his behaviour and seems to miss his attention. That's sending very mixed signal to someone who is desperate for love, and makes her prank even more cruel. Given the circumstances, it's obviously understandable that out of her ghostly family she likes him the least as you mentioned (I think her listing him as a con for staying at Button House is pretty much proof of that) but it just feels like she's never really made an effort when it comes to him and just like the ghosts, never gave him the chance to open up. Instead, she uses his deepest pain against him with her prank, once again not taking the hurt he felt over his death seriously, and that's just not right.
On the matter of Kitty: it's interesting that you use the phrase "disrespecting boundaries" for Thomas and the word "needy" for Kitty because I'd actually say it's the other way around. People always regard Thomas's behaviour as creepy because his love for Alison is (seemingly) of a romantic nature whereas Kitty's love is regarded as sisterly and thus deemed acceptable and even sweet. But I've actually gone through every episode of series 1 once to note down all the times the ghosts cross lines with Alison and you know what? It's Kitty who does it most severely (along with Mary). The most Thomas does is phase through Alison's bedroom wall once without being invited in and looking through the bathroom door while Alison is showering (where the others are present so this was clearly part of the plan to haunt her for which Thomas, predictably, volunteered). Kitty, however? She's in Alison's bed twice and watches her and Mike sleep another time. I don't know about you but I'd rather have someone walk into my bedroom once than wake up with a stranger in my bed or in my room.
But maybe that's just me. So let's take a look at Kitty's 'sisterly' behaviour. The biggest difference between her and Thomas is that Kitty doesn't back down on her own. If it were up to her, Alison's life would revolve her. She doesn't accept that Alison has other friends (the tantrum at the party Alison and Mike threw) or god forbid another sister. She is very vocally against Lucy from the start and only stops when Alison calls her out on it (which parallels 4x02 when Alison told Thomas to stop - though in that case Alison is merely fed up whereas she is actually hurt by Kitty's behaviour). Kitty demands and expects Alison's attention in a way Thomas never has. He's always been content to love her from afar whereas Kitty inserts herself into Alison's life as best as she can and throws a tantrum when she doesn't get her way and often manages to guilt-trip Alison into giving in (the phone call at the party).
Kitty's obsessive behaviour got tuned down in later series but it was there and it was not cute. I found it very off-putting, to be honest, and I never understood why people thought it was cute. Obviously, these are just my personal thoughts and feelings on the matter. I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this (cue anon hate in 3, 2, 1...) because they love the idea of Kitty as this young, sweet, naive girl. But I think if you're calling Thomas out for his behaviour (which you should because as much as I love him, he shouldn't romance a married woman, no matter the reasons), you shouldn't ignore Kitty's actions just because her love for Alison is platonic rather than romantic. That doesn't make what she does okay.
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