#he has NEVER WON one of these
thighguys · 3 months
every time dnp post a video where they have to decide the points together im like "maybe this will finally be the one where dan wins". and it never is
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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I told ya, see!? As long as we're together, everything's gonna be okay!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
Obsessed with how pathetic you make Jim Guangyao look. The hat. I love it.
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Don't let the smile and sweet words fool you, Jim Guangyao has lost everything in the divorce, and continues to lose.
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slowestlap · 7 months
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Post-FP2 interview with F1TV | Abu Dhabi GP, 2023
Int: We saw you quite keen at one point to get out of the pit lane and try to squeeze through Max: They have to move. I mean, they're all driving slow and I want to go out because we're all limited on time. They just keep on driving in the middle and when I try to pass they try to squeeze me in the wall, so. Yeah, bit silly.
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totallynotpuri · 1 year
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hanakihan · 8 months
so since @i-bring-crack gave me the idea now I’m having a brainrot so here we are
‘Tired salaryman transmigrates into other world, decides to chill and accidentally completes the main quest without knowing so’, the thread
- jinchul is your average day to day salaryman who’s exceptional in his field but his life is so repetitive and boring he rarely questions what he does daily, even on weekends he mostly sleeps or works because there’s nothing else to do (he’s like me fr—)
- one night he was returning home after a really hard day at work, one of very few instances where he overworked even by his own standards. he was sleepy and tired enough not to notice moon being too bright and shadows dancing at weird angles around him. he did feel like someone was watching him whole way home so he sped up his walking and that’s exactly how he accidentally fell through one of shadows after stepping on it
- he doesn’t remember everything after that that much, but next thing he knows is that he’s laying in a comfortable bed. then apparently he wakes up in a strange room that kinda looks something straight out of historical drama but also something out of those isekai fantasy novels teenagers love to read. which is even more confusing when a man enters the room. that’s when jinchul realizes he has no idea what language this man speaks.
- apparently after several hours of struggling to communicate mostly through sign language and awkward drawings/sketches, jinchul more or less understands that he’s either sleeping after overworking too much or he’s really been thrown into other world (time??) without any knowledge. Go Gun-Hee (as he suspects man’s name is because he pointed at himself and said it several times) was nice enough to host poor man with amnesia and so is his wife. jinchul is a man of gratitude and considering his position he’s more than happy to help around their estate for sheltering him while also borrowing language books from their library. thank god his company made him learn several languages for business reasons.
- after some time jinchul is able to read and talk in their language so living becomes slightly better. history books of this world provide more context so yes, he’s apparently in some kind of different world where magic exists. he should freak out by this point but honestly when freaking out helped in any situation. there’s whole kingdom, there’s local religion, there’s so much he actually needs to memorize. jinchul is actually glad basic accounting rules from his world work here too so with time jinchul becomes gunhee’s accountant.
- jinchul hates coffee but only after arriving here and seeing there’s no such thing as coffee, jinchul realizes he might’ve been a caffeine addict. there was a solid month where he suffered drawback from its absence and it was impossible to even get up from bed. he hates coffee still but he misses it because now all tiredness crushes down on him in one go
- weirdly enough this world does have something akin to coffee beans but no one knows what do with them. just to test out jinchul buys some (under merchant’s questionable stare) and brews them. turns out it tastes almost exactly like coffee, just less bitter and less caffeine. jinchul’s opportunistic mind started to turn gears in his head.
- through some time jinchul now owns a famous shop, only one in whole country to sells and serves coffee related stuff. he’s more than happy with his arrangement, plus he has his own independent income and more free time to visit gunhee and his wife. he also isn’t that healthy (because honestly who’s he to sell coffee at astronomical price like it was back in his world) but he earns enough for living.
- one evening right before closing his shop is visited by a man. jinchul tenses because there’s something familiar about his presence. something from back from his world. something at last moment before he fell here. even is said man is actually nice, just a little stone faced, jinchul is still on high alert. rightfully so because room feels smaller and darker and he can swear he can feel phantom of a cold hand on his neck. it’s suffocating and for the first time here jinchul actually fears for his life.
- man leaves but occasionally returns from time to time to test different coffee and sweets combinations. there’s nothing much happening but jinchul is always uncomfortable. there’s something threatening but not actively so.
- during one of such visits jinchul is absolutely baffled when this unknown man visits his shop again and gifts him rare calming herbal tea leaves and best brand of kingdom’s chocolate. in exchange he asks for best cup of coffee and best desert jinchul can offer. through observations jinchul offers man’s favorites and was right because now everything is less suffocating and stiffening and for some reason jinchul feels like he passed some sort of test. it’s also the evening jinchul finally learns man’s name - sung jinwoo.
- after that it becomes a routine. jinwoo became non hostile and more approachable (as well as being the one to approach) and jinchul uses it as a chance to have a stable source of information about this world.
- (also because I’m a weak dumbass) jinwoo actually remembering when jinchul’s birthday is (even if he mentioned it only once in passing) at night of said birthday jinwoo ungracefully (even if he wanted it to be graceful) falls through jinchul’s window waking him up. jinwoo snatches barely awake jinchul to his palace to celebrate. jinchul is grateful and but also tired and sleepy so it’s mostly a nice late dinner, a present (magically enhanced ring) and a sleepy good night kiss. jinwoo is so shook he just touches his cheek and awkwardly leaves to sleep in a guest room since jinchul fell asleep in his room. once he’s in bed realization crushes down on him. apparently the most fearsome shadow monarch is deeply in love with a destined one to supposedly murder him. jinwoo’s own plan backfired spectacularly.
- jinwoo’s plan: snatch destined one into their world before church can summon him - let him live here for some time and observe him - approach him with malicious intent to see his reaction - if attacks then murder, if not then make him attached - make destined one attached and be in good relationship to keep a close eye on him so he can strike first in case of murder intent - accidentally become the one attached and fall in love with destined one - wait what???
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byl3rr · 2 years
look me in the eyes and tell me that vol2 mike wouldn’t get the beatdown of his LIFE by the little shit that is s1 mike wheeler
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
what's like. your dream rosquez au. other than the ones you've talked abt already
hmmm juicy question.... i love an amnesia au tbh like i consider soapy melodrama to be the food of life... like. the marc of 2024 just starting his tenure at gresini gets magically bonked on the head and forgets the last ten years for an indeterminate amount of time. insane to meeee. in this his memory stops at the tail end of the 2014 season where he was insanely dominant, so its baby marc with a different bike different body different team moved out of cervera vale hates him now he knows no one on the grid besides his brother and hasnt won a race in two years. neurotic lil contol freak babychamp NIGHTMARE ! so my man marc is losing the idgaf war but throwing himself into figuring out that goddamn ducati like its a LIFE RAFT. and of course vale catches wind somehow (open secret in the paddock) and he gets curious... baby marc... none of that history... very flattering crush on him... like truly maybe he's been spending the last little bit thinking things through about their past (hello marc helping franky. welcome to the narrative table.) and thinking of toe-ing the waters. shooting marc that text... truly maybe he has forgiven marc/realized its more nuanced but he hasnt mustered the courage to broach the topic with marc bc of the ego risk... like he thinks theyre too far gone to save maybe. marc hates him now. BUT! then there's this version of marc who ISNT dragging all of that around... and talking to him would be like time travel, a chance to pretend all the bitterness never happened, and this marc still likes him (LOVES him...) so vale says hi. and marc says hi back with a sparkle in his eyes when he looks at valentino that hasnt been around for ten years
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crow-the-unknown · 3 months
ok but like. there was a really adorable shot of connor and nate chatting and smiling like idiots (IN LOVE?? sorry i'll shut up... unless..) and to me that's just another coloradmonton oilanche win
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introspectivememories · 4 months
if you're writing a charles fic, it must have some aspect of boyking. he must lean a little on the childgod side. he has to be revered a little bit, adored even. if people aren't talking about him like they wouldn't wash his feet and adorn it with perfume like mary magdalene washed and adorned jesus' feet, you're doing it wrong.
#LOOK AT HIM#nearly every image of charles has some aspect of religious imagery to it#that one image of the spanish gp 2021 where he has his hands in front of him and he's looking up at the sky.... madonna in prayer#fuckin look at the entire country of italy. do i even have to say anything?#look at the way ferrari loves him. the way they hold him. press kisses onto his helmet. comfort him. reassure him.#look at vanzini naming him 'il predestinato' all the way back in 2012!! maranello's sun/son!!!!#everyone's always like 'oh stockholm syndrome! stockholm syndrome!' babe he's never leaving them.#he's choosing this!!! he loves this!!!! he's in this scuderia ferrari shit for life like the rest of us!!!!#but he returns it all!!!#look at him saying 'if ferrari is a cage then i would like to be kept in that cage my whole life'!!!#'why stay with ferrari?' / "i have always been a tifosi. i have always loved her. that is reason enough.'#even the most recent contract renewal where he said and i quote:#now my own dream remains. a dream that writes itself in red. tifosi the dream continues.#and like red?? like blood? like the blood that dripped down jesus' temples when they place the crown of thorns on his head?#red like the suit? like the car? like the boyking they have made you out to be? the childgod you have become?#when he won in monza i think it was too late for us. i think it rewrote something in us. i think he ascended that day.#the closest the narrative has come to consuming him. when he wins again in monza (and he will win in monza again) it will change us again#i have to stop before it gets me too. who said all that? i need to go lay down.#charles leclerc#cl16#scuderia ferrari#f1#introspective.txt#and obviously you can write you fics however the hell you want. this is just how i like mine.
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alexjcrowley · 9 days
I am all against the "social" social media (that's why I almost esclusively used tumblr) but I think TikTok should have existed in 2009 to make very shirt aesthetic edit of Jenson Button at Brawn being sad during the entire second half of the season + montage of various people Luca di Montezemolo saying he's not world champion material/he doesn't have that one extra bit with the audio "There's really no way of winning/ If in their eyes you'll always be a dumb blonde"
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Dating
Author Note: A Sequel to "Get. Lost." For context: Lin Kuei law forbid the younger son of Grandmaster to marry/be in relationship before the oldest (heir). But Harumi is visiting and Kuai Liang would like at least once asked her out officially so he is trying to get Bi-Han (aro & ace to the core) to fake date someone for a day so he could bend the law a bit without breaking directly tradition. Because of course Kuai Liang is all about tradition, whatever he likes it or not.
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.]
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
I'll cling to my "Durge remains an outsider and quasi-deity" headcanon 'til the world ends and won't let go, but I suppose there's a potential story in Jergal rendering them fully mortal, because mine... would not take the theft of their divinity well. (Having been forged and used as a murder weapon and other things beside from "birth", with promises of godhood and destiny whispered in your ear your entire life... all this warping your mind, and then being brutally murdered, having everything you were stripped away and told to live a normal life with all that blood and filth on your tainted flesh, and your mind warped and twisted into obscene shapes, left behind in a world you don't belong in... yeah no. That's not working out well with this guy.)
After a few subsequent rage freak outs the cycle would just begin anew as it continued in Bhaal; adventuring in search of power, researching gods and ancient powers to hunt down and slay for their divinity. Maybe the hunt should start with the Dead Three... Myrkul went down easily enough... Doesn't have to be a full god; just so long as he's not forced to be a person.
That or he'll just find a way to annihilate his soul.
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lynne-monstr · 6 months
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when you try to escape your captain but you're not very good at it 2/?
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Please save me, I'm reading a reddit thread about Seb vs Max(bcs Tost said he thought Seb would win out), and none of these people know how good Seb was in his prime
#the fucking ignorance in this thread im gonna shoot myself#theyre like:oh he barely won 2010 and 2012#uhhhhh you mean two of the most competitive seasons in history?????????#2010: literally had 5 championship contenders for a while and then still 4 for the closer#^ also tbh its super impressive to me that he was never leading the wdc and still managed to pull it off at the last moment#and 2012 which is regarded as one of if not the best seasons of all time in which there were six different winners in the first six races#i cannot fucking believe i jsut saw a comment basically seb is not as aggressive as max#saying he doesnt have the samw 'step on their neck' mentality as Max does#uh what??????????? im sorry but seb was one of the most ruthless drivers ever and was way more of an asshole abt it. multi-21??????#but fuck. these people dont know him and his wdc years at all 😭😭#still has the record for most poles in a season. is still the youngest wdc and polesitter#got pole and won a race in his 1 ½ season IN AN STR before rbr could even try pulling that off#it just really sucks to me how his flop years have ruined his reputation for some people#yeah ofc he kinda fell off in the latter years of ferrari and amr but that doesnt erase all of his incredible performance in the prior yrs??#like please i beg of you go watch the rbr era years and you will be impressed istg#another stupid argument was saying 'oh he made too many mistakes in 2009 and lost a wdc he couldve won'#first of all that was only his 2½ season and his first season in a top team#and also not all of his dnfs and crashes in that ssn were his fault :/ the car wasnt the most reliable :/#i love max and i think hes probably one of the goats but my god the regency bias is insane#^ and alongside that. oh you point out all Seb's mistakes but completely ignore when max was called the crash kid?? 😭😭#like saying seb lost 2009 due to rookie mistakes...YEAH CAUSE HE WAS ONLY IN HIS 2½ YEAR AS A 21/22 YR OLD#also I think its impossible anyways to say who would win that matchup bcs theyre in completely different eras#seb dominated that v8 era and max dominates this current era. its truly impossible to say bcs they mastered completely dif cars#like whu cant we just say both of them are pretty damn fantastic as rbr golden boys??#anyways. fuck im so irritated right now. this is an affront to my spirit!!!#its really just: say you dont know seb without saying you dont know seb#catie.rambling.txt
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 2 months
To Pimp a Butterfly is one of the greatest albums I've ever heard so if you're looking for something to listen to from Kendrick Lamar to expand your music tastes a little bit that's the one I reccomend personally. I like Good Kid M.A.A.D City too but To Pimp a Butterfly had that rare thing happen for me where I was like "Damn there are almost no misses on this album" and I'm pretty sure the only other time I've had that happen was Black Sabbath's "Heaven and Hell." Also recommend an artist called Saba, I'd never heard of him before and he's from Chicago (where I'm from) so I was pretty blown away discovering him - been listening to his album "CARE FOR ME" on loop the past couple days and it's fantastic
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