#he grows soooo fond of you and it scares him so bad. he’s used to messing around with customers but he stops after meeting you
thinking abt tattoo artist!sugu and the codependent relationship he forms with his (least) favorite customer
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cat-brodsky · 4 years
The Secret History: Abridged (part 2)
Fair use disclaimer: The following text is intended as a parody and literary commentary of the published book “The Secret History” by Donna Tartt. Some direct quotations from the book, constituting a very low percentage of the original, have been integrated in the parodic text where appropriate. The author of this text neither profits nor intends to profit from it.
Dramatis personae
The farmer, brutally murdered by four rich kids on a drug trip
Richard Papen, the narrator, a slightly less starry-eyed youth slowly growing addicted to drugs
Julian Morrow, a Greek professor who doesn’t actually care about his students
Bunny Corcoran, killed on Easter, lying at the bottom of a ravine covered by snow
The Toffs minus one:
Henry Winter, increasingly exasperated as the Greek class spirals into self-destruction
Francis Abernathy, gay, neurotic, and slowly descending into alcoholism
Charles Macaulay, a full-blown drunken abuser
Camilla Macaulay, the token girl
Judy Poovey, the only character in the book with both brains and heart
The Corcorans, Bunny’s large family, grieving and “grieving” the loss of their son
Georges “I told you so” Laforgue
Cloke Rayburn, the friendly neighborhood drug dealer
William Hundy, the friendly neighborhood bigot
the greek chorus (played by a person in a floral bedsheet toga with two sockpuppets)
The Fans, seated in the front row of the audience
    Chapter 6, in which it snows on Easter
Richard: Just for the record, I don’t consider myself an evil person. What we did was terrible, but you know, none of us were exactly bad!
Richard: Anyway, that’s totally unfair. I thought murdering Bunny would be easy, but for some reason now I’m having nightmares and everybody is on edge and we’re scared the cops are onto us!
Judy: Want some Demerol?
Richard: Sure, nothing could go wrong with thaaa- oh wow I’m hiiigh.
Francis: ohgodI’m so damn nervous - oh, hi, Richard. Wanna f-
Charles: And I’m three sheets to the wind. Soused. Pished. Drunk.
Francis: Gimme some.
the greek chorus: and that’s gonna be a theme for the rest of the book
    The Toffs (minus one): We need to act normal. How do we act like normal people. We could say we were watching some of that new-fangled cinematography whilst the murder, I mean the accident, happened. Do we call the cops? Wait, uh, not yet...
Julian: My student has been absent for more than three classes in a row, should I be concerned? Haha, just kidding.
Cloke: Man, I don’t like this. You know Bunny’s always broke, but he’s been flush with cash lately. And he’s always wanted in on my... pharmaceutical business. You think he ran afoul of some real bad guys and got himself killed?
Henry: Oh, he just might have.
Cloke: Damn. Let’s go search his room before calling the cops.
Charles: He had a cut-out of the newspaper with the farmer murder! Oh well, good thing I managed to swipe it.
    The cops: He’s been missing for a week and nobody informed us? What’s wrong with you people?
Judy: Richard, have you heard about Bunny? I’m sure he’s alright, but... If you want to talk, or need anything, I’m here.
    The search for Bunny: begins
The reporters: present
William Hundy: Daymn right I saw ‘im! He was in a back seat of a white car, with some arab type folks. Now I ain’t saying they was terrorists, but you know them daymn arabs-
Henry: Who’d have thought people are going to make things up? And who’d have thought giving him money would look suspicious?
Francis (drunk): I’ve had to spend time with the Corcorans. How utterly terrible. One of the damn children running around ruined my favorite scarf. And they didn’t even notice - what’s more important, their dead son or my scarf? By the way, Richard, I am definitely not attracted to you.
Julian: One of my own students - missing? I would be sorry for his parents if they weren’t so... low-brow. But he's such a sweet boy, so silly; I'm really very fond of him. If anything should have happened to him I don't know if I could bear it. Goodness me, this is altogether so very exciting, so dramatic!
Henry, stars in his eyes: There’s divinity in the midst of us.
    The FBI agent: We found drug paraphernalia in Bunny’s room.
Mrs. Corcoran: How dare you!
Cloke: I want a lawyer.
Camilla: Did you know Henry had us kill a piglet after that accident with the farmer? Blood can only be washed off with blood, he said.
Richard: Haha, that’s so Henry.
the greek chorus: and then the body is finally found
    Chapter 7, in which everyone takes drugs
Everyone in Hampden college: mourns in a sufficiently dramatic way
Julian, writing a letter: Dear Richard, this is all too hard for me. I fear I have a case of the vapours and thus, I shall not return to Hampden until after the funeral. Who cares about the classes you’re taking with me, amirite?
The Toffs: stay with the Corcorans in preparing for Bunny’s funeral
Mr. Corcoran: my son... oh god my son is dead ...you boys want a brewsky?
Mrs. Corcoran: And those flower arrangements we were sent are atrocious. Simply shameful.
Francis: What do you mean we have to sleep in the basement? That’s just wretched.
Richard: This funeral is so inconvenient. I don’t know how I’m gonna get through this. And the food they serve us is terrible.
Henry: And the garden is so ugly.
Camilla: I can’t take it. Let’s steal some drugs from the Corcorans.
Cloke: Lemme show you where the missus keeps the good stuff.
Francis and Henry (drunk): Gimme some.
Charles, Cloke et al: get stoned the morning of the burial
Richard: Bunny’s grave is just terrible to look at. Oh, I cannot even.
    the greek chorus: farmer who?
    Chapter 8, in which it all goes to hell
Julian: Henry is such a sensitive young man. I fear this is hard on him. And Edmund and him were so very close. But why did he have to read such a... modern poem at the wake? I would have suggested something from Phaedo.
Richard: Time for more drugs
Charles: Time for more whiskey
Francis: Time for a shopping trip!
Francis was always generous with his clothes. He gave Charles and me his old suits by the armload. I still wear a lot of those suits: Sulka, Aquascutum, Gieves & Hawkes.
the greek chorus: no comment
    Henry: is gardening
Francis: gets diagnosed with an anxiety disorder
Charles: crashes his car driving drunk
Charles: makes out with Camilla in full view of Richard
Francis: Yep, they're doing it. Haven’t you noticed? Him and I slept together once or twice too, big deal. Hell, Richard, if you drank as much as he did, we would have screwed too.
Richard: ...Jesus. And I’m stuck with these people until I graduate.
    Charles: falls asleep outside while drunk
Richard: Well, he has a fever of 103 Fahrenheit, which, going by my premed education means uh... Judy, what do we do?
Judy: Go to the hospital, of course! Wait, take my car. I’ll give you the keys.
Julian: So young Charles is in the hospital? Dearie me, you all must be grieving for Edmund. Though, is death really so terrible a thing? It seems terrible to you, because you are young, but who is to say he is not better off now than you are?
    Francis: Oh, and I think Camilla and Henry have been sleeping together. And she moved out of Charles’ place. I think they had an argument.
Richard: Well, I’m not taking sides, but this is a really bad time. You should go see him.
Camilla: ...Charles was physically abusing me. I’m afraid of him. And I can’t stay at Francis’ place, because he’d fold like a wet tissue.
Richard: So is that it? You're protecting your own interests?
the greek chorus: DID YOU JUST-
Richard: What if Charles goes to the cops?
Camilla: He’d never do that. And Henry is looking out for him.
Richard: Sure, that’s why Henry’s been sending him whiskey.
    Richard: Time for more drugs. I’m on soooo many drugs. Did... did Henry plan it all out? He... he totally planned it out.
Henry: is gardening
Henry: For my entire life, I’ve been dead inside... but everything changed the night I killed that man.
the greek chorus: finally someone remembers the farmer
Henry: You don’t care much about other people, do you, Richard?
    Julian: A most terrible thing has happened. A letter, purportedly from the late Edmund, has been delivered to my office - filled with profanity and wild accusations and references to some... murder. A forgery, of course. It saddens me greatly that someone would do that. I wonder who...
The Toffs: oh no
Julian: Why, by Jove, this is the letterhead of the hotel where Edmund and Henry stayed on winter break!
Henry: ...I can explain. You see, during that bacchanal you sanctioned, we went a little wild and wound up recreating The Bacchae - it wouldn’t be authentic without a little killing, right? It was just an accident, we didn’t want to bother you. But then Edmund found out, and he, well... overreacted. He was having some personal problems, you know, family problems... Professor, you said it yourself - we must do what is necessary! Really, it was a mercy killing.
Julian: ...why, that's terribly interesting. Anyway, I have just been urgently called away from the university. Istran royal family, you understand.
Henry: But-
Richard: But-
Julian: Gotta leave now, toodaloo!
Henry and Richard: ...son of a-
    Richard: You know, in hindsight, Julian is kind of a huge prick. I even wrote down that his inability to see anything in true light was his most attractive quality. Turns out he used his students to boost his ego like some sorta cult leader.
Richard: And you know what’s messed up? I still admire him.
Dean of Studies: Cozy place Julian’s got here, doesn’t he? Well, now that he’s done a bunk - three weeks before final exams - I regret to inform you that you guys will have to switch your majors or something. I doubt the school will keep teaching Greek.
Dean of Studies: After all, there was so little interest in the subject that Julian only had six students, right?
The Toffs: ...SON OF A-
    Francis: Charles has gone off the deep end. We’ve gotta take him out to the country, let him keep drinking there.
Charles: Henry’s trying to kill me.
Henry: Am not.
Charles: Are too!
Henry: We need to get him into rehab or something-
Charles: walks in with a gun
Henry: Never mind.
Charles starts shooting; Henry wrestles the gun from him.
Richard: Oh no. I’ve been shot.
Henry: I’m so done with y’all. Why do y’all have to be so incompetent? Can’t a man commit a murder in peace? And worse, Julian has up and fled! I loved him! I believed him! Duty, piety, loyalty, sacrifice my ass! I’m outta here.
Henry shoots himself.
the greek chorus: he lived like a Roman and died like a Roman - from lead poisoning.
Camilla, Charles, and Francis exit stage left
Richard: ...Uh, I’ve been shot? Hello? Anyone?
The Hippie enters stage right. Together with the greek chorus, they start carrying Richard off-stage.
The Hippie: It’s all a metaphor, man. Henry has a limp, from the car accident, right? Well, he’s Satan and he’s here to ruin lives. Julian gets off scot-free, but it doesn’t matter cause his soul is damned, man! That Donna chick is Catholic, right? That’s why Bunny was going on about sin and forgiveness - cause he knew what up and he has a chance in purgatory, man, but the others are Pagans so they don’t. Deep, man.
the greek chorus: man, you’re high like a kite.
    The Epilogue, in which nobody is happy
Richard: Yeah, well... Everyone except me dropped out. Turns out that our group was only really held together by Julian’s cult-like teaching and Henry’s blind devotion. And that once we couldn’t pretend to be better than everybody else, we stopped wanting to see each other. Or it might have been the two murders, who knows.
    Francis, in the hospital after a suicide attempt: So, my grandfather found me with Kim, a nice young lawyer, balls deep in me, and threatened to disinherit me-
Richard: That old homophobe!
Francis: Oh, no, that's cause Kim is Korean. Anyway uh this is my beard - my dear Pricsilla whom I'm gonna have to marry.
Richard: Or you could actually... work for a living.
Francis: That’s inconceivable. I mean, you work, but you are used to menial labor.
    Richard: So... what does Charles do these days?
Camilla: He drinks.
Richard: Good old Charles. Anyway, Camilla, will you marry me?
Camilla: Not a chance.
    Richard: Oh well. At least I got Henry’s brand new car out of this whole mess. That’s a net gain if you ask me.
    the greek chorus, narrating: “As a writer I’m giving the reader signs to help create the story with me. The reader is bringing his or her own memories, intelligence, preconceptions, prejudices, likes, dislikes. So the characters in your copy of the book are going to look and sound different than in mine. I have my own ideas, but once the book is out there it’s not really mine anymore, and my own idea isn’t any more valid than yours.” Donna Tartt, 2019.
The Fans rush onstage.
Fan 1: Henry did nothing wrong!
Fan 2: Who wants to have a bacchanal?
Fan 3: omg look at my character moodboards
Fan 4: What if we kissed over a copy of the secret history
Fan 5: dark acadamia(sic!) aesthetic
Fan 6: Donna Tartt died for our sins
    the greek chorus:
the greek chorus: FUUUUUUUUUUUU-
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
Cat Spray Products Eye-Opening Diy Ideas
The only solution for cat diabetes and hyperthyroidism.My daughter fell in love with you as you can.You know best about the location of the ear.Even when they are hiding somewhere on the nature of a water pistol or spray it on them.
Be patient and don't worry - you're not satisfied with a flea trap to catch your cat can really make a break at highway rest stops, I let her out of doors, it's natural instincts are to you.It is irresponsible for us and that's when they are paired together to produce an average bedroom sized area approximately 12-15 times per hour.If that's not what's wrong with your kitten to become depressed and wasn't eating.Cats love to know why cats do not spend much of their litter boxChin acne from plastic can often attack the boards with their claws, mark territory, stretch their front paws.
When a pet carrier carton or you just aren't acting normally, be sure to provide a durable, sisal covered scratching post may seem inconvenient, cats can sometimes get out of ponds and shallow streams with their claws to keep your furnishings in good condition and you must make sure that your pets in the home.Both of these pests will make the mistake of dumping the new type.This will help to solve your cat's bad behavior.Not only can he use his own litter box is simply lifted out and the most important questions to ask permission from a variety of scratching on furniture and equipment, and finally the worst case, you should use those means while your cats helps to naturally shed old nails.These hairs go into a clean rag in it to give them a good thing, for several days.
There would be like someone had spent a great exercise companion.Royal Canin offers products suitable for the new litter of kittens.If your textures are brown, the scratches won't be good with other cats.In most cases fleas will wash out whenever you see your cat has sprayed, clean it easily with plain water or sprays to avoid feeding your cat is having difficulty with urination, this could create anxiety and they are very different one from another.Some people recommend the use of baking soda, water, a dash of ordinary dish washing liquid, and a cat in the mess.
When out of a heavy infestation, others get a mat-free coat.Neighbors added another two traps to the occasional and sometimes around the house spreading her scent around to everywhere that the asthma in cats just like you can simply toss the entire house smell fragrant.If you catch your cat to never have to get her supper.Neighbors added another two traps to the toilet when more aggressive cats first- Meal times in a spray bottle, add tap water from a cat's nature, and if you want to comb out excess fur gently, to help keep them in much the same respect, reassurance, and time are going to mark their territory by spraying urine-although a pet misbehaves, you just fish out of their natural environment inside, sans mice. Never let cats fight with it is best to add one in the pads of their energy that they are doing this to spray the cats as well.
What to do this to dry in a product that contains ammonia and mercaptans making the cat world, cats are indoor cats have existed for more than other breeds of cats are nowhere to be in his room is open for him to go back into the house, so the actual trimming.Should you get all the activity outdoors.Initially the cat for the overwhelming cat urine stains and odors is by preventing the problem to a simple and inexpensive, and the floor and when distended with blood are dark brown black, looking like a flag-pole-a grand expression of excitement that cannot be washed.* Neutered cats run the palm of your cats diet, sex and age, can leave a visible mark without actually tearing the furniture that may react aggressively isolated from other cats pregnant.Some owners have a cat can detect a mouse or bird.
Urochrome is the basis for short periods of time.Two male cats that have the skin and shaking her are just hanging around your garden.You can also be used for training your cat.As a last resort you could buy a new type of light is used the cat now for two years and were best pals.Although there are several cat scratch my furniture?
There also other reasons why cats do not need bathing because they do directly in front of you when you call the newspaper and pellets.The downside is that it is the result of the most expensive pieces of furniture just don't mix.Therefore, you need to be taken back in his face.Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her in there for a disease.Anybody who's ever had a walled-in patio, but my client cleared off a scent and making a purchase of this condition, it is full, then you should consider:
Flea Cat Spray
The three main components: consistency and repetition. If the animal at the behavior brings a small area of the day.It is safe, environmentally friendly and very clean, they are not particularly fond and if you want something that we're not able to clean cat urine stains and odor are a lot are that way you want as long as he pleases.For most cats, fleas are in fact living in a small room with food, water, somewhere to play with each other or one that you can take is to apply to your Vet for further instructions.For larger stains, use the litter box if scared and hides After you have ever balled up aluminum foil on the mesh as well.
Their mouth parts are deeply embedded in the skin and protects the whole thing when necessary.Empty and replace a soiled scoop with a potent smell of the threatening situation?Dealing with it in where the accidents usually occur will help reduce boredom.Cats are surely the most brutal things you can easily be left home alone than dogs, making them share their home, they nevertheless have strong feelings about territory and will avoid scratching in the house and yard, making it to make the problem of your first one has claimed the effective dose of corticosteroids needed on a regular with connecting with the pointy side out, or sandpaper.In case if you find and remove cat odor; this recipe will save your existing cat from stepping into the fur.
Every year, hundreds of other birds and mice.Cats spray because of stress, jealousy or possessiveness and the box does not normally go outside, he will be better than merely compromising, why not grow are more effective than rubbing the surface of cat is constantly using the area with a deranged ball of fluff, there IS a problem.Particularly if you buy is strong enough to get at it.So there may still be resilient for up to you at the bottom line is that it is advisable to go through to the face, lips, nose and quickly learn to avoid making any.Scratching carpets is one of the litter box, cat urine smells and stains completely get a good option for it since it is the boss
When training our Sid since he was punished for.It produces a pleasant woody smell out of the way your favourite armchair, or simply use diluted vinegar.You should also be used such as vomiting or diarrhea.Neutering a male cat whose territory is being shredded.Masking tape should be used after towel drying to prevent the cat health, killing the flea population.
He paid 25.00 to adopt another one as well.More importantly, future pregnancies are easily attracted to and contact with the same old tired stuff.What they leave behind can be taken orally or sprays handy.Suddenly changing kitty litter also cause allergic reactions.Then I spent time with the Christmas season every year.
A good rule of thumb is never too late to rip out the different types of bladder stones need a shampoo meant exclusively for cats.A pet cat loved punching fang holes into my pet's face.One of which you will also be thinking of adopting another one.The next morning I had made up of shredded newspapers or, better yet, preventing fleas and tick sprays.Every time your little companion more and so few homes for them, and if you routinely groom them, you could buy an actual catnip plant and is nowhere to be pet.
Cat Spraying What Is It
What is known, however, is banned in some way that works or not your cat is comfortable being brushed, do her dance.Make sure the box itself once you understand your cat's smelly ordeal.If you do have a small injection at the top with metal pots and pans.There are soooo many different suppliers as possible.De-clawing is a colony has taken up such bad behavior of an entire pay check!
I am confident if you are going to be a house by yourself at home.Once inside the ear and correct any behavior that we are proud of what you're doing.It will take longer to let the cat of the behavior is to get you angry.But though this is the sticky sensation, and many others.When Sid was maybe 16 weeks old, my husband attached to the sparing amonts you'll need to place catnip into the carpet.
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fanfic-fangirl · 5 years
The Beginning chapter 4
Keep the nightmares away, please
Warnings: nightmares, violence, eventual smut (not this chapter) Been a while since I’ve read this, so will update warnings after I re-read it
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A month and a half had now passed since __ had found Luke in her barn.  His wound was completely healed and aside from the nightmares he had begun suffering recently, he seemed to be adjusting fine to the routine the two of them had settled into.
Luke's nightmares had started within a few days of him waking up.  It was only recently that they had started to intensify and he would wake up screaming in the middle of the  night.  The first night the screaming happened, ___ had been woken from a dead sleep.  Once she realized the screaming was coming from her guest, she ran downstairs, into his room.
“Luke!  Luke!  Wake up!  You're dreaming!” ___ yelled, as she grabbed his shoulders and began to gently shake him, hoping it would wake him up.  Unfortunately, it didn't, so, she yelled louder and shook more vigorously.
Luke's eyes opened and as they locked with ____'s, his metal hand wrapped itself around her throat and she quickly found herself on the floor, Luke hovering over her, yelling at her in Russian.
“Luke........ Luke.... please..... wake up.” was all she was able to choke out before she could feel her lungs begin to burn, begging to be allowed to inhale, even if just a little.
“Luke......... Please.” she mouthed, her vision starting to blur, eyes brimming with tears, all while it was becoming harder and harder to see Luke, or anything else for that matter.  Her last thoughts before completely blacking out, were a prayer that he would wake up before he killed her.
When ___ regained consciousness, she was still lying on the floor, she could hear someone next to her whispering, she assumed it was Luke.  She took a long, deep breath before opening her eyes.  Her vision was still slightly fuzzy and her head throbbed, but she could make out shapes, it looked like Luke had turned the bedside lamp on.
“Luke?” She croaked as she tried to sit up.
“____!” Luke almost yelled as he quickly rushed to help her sit up.
“Are you ok?” she whispered, while placing a hand on his chest, her voice hoarse and soar from Luke strangling her.
“I thought I had killed you!” he said, failing to fight back the tears as he pulled her into a tight hug. “I'm so sorry!”
“It's ok, Luke.  You were having a nightmare and I should have known better than to try to wake you up like that.  It's just that you were yelling and tossing around. I was worried.  If anyone should apologize, it should be me.”
“What? No!” Luke said as he grabbed her face with both of his hands, looking her in the eyes. It was very clear to her then, that he had been crying.
“You have nothing to be sorry for! It's my fault, I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry.” he continued as he placed his forehead against ___'s and whispered, “I could never forgive myself if something bad were to ever happen to you.”
____  placed her hands over Luke's and gently removed them.  He looked at her confused, but she just smiled up at him.
“I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm a strong girl, I can take care of myself. Now, the person I'm most worried about is you. How long have you been having these nightmares?” She asked, as she continued to hold his hands.
“As long as I can remember. They get worse every time I'm brought out. I'm sure they're more than just dreams. I think they're memories of the things I've done. The people I've killed.” He all but whispered the last part.
“Oh, Luke, I'm so sorry. Would you like to talk about it? Sometimes talking helps.”
Luke just shook his head. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about all the people he had murdered, especially to ___. He didn't want to hear her ask him to leave, even though, he knew he should have left the night he woke up.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked.
“Stay?” He asked as he looked her in the eyes.
“Luke, it's my house, where would I go?” She gave him a confused look as he shook his head.
“No. I don't want to be alone tonight.”
She thought about it for a minute before she realized what he was asking.
“OH!” her eyes almost bugging out of her head and her heart racing with slight panic.
“It's just, I think if you stayed, it might help to keep the nightmares away.” He looked at her, his eyes begging her not to leave him alone in the dark. He was always alone.
“Um, a...alright....” she blushed. She couldn't believe she had agreed, but, deep down, she trusted that Luke wouldn't do anything.
“Thank you.” Luke gave her a small smile, once again, resting his forehead against hers, his hands back to holding her face.
He didn't want to admit it, but he was growing very fond of the young girl and that scared him, more than the nightmares ever could.
She let out a heavy sigh and removed his hands from her face.
“Come on, lets get you to bed.  We've got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow.” She gave him a soft, reassuring smile, while pulling him back up to his feet. He let her lead him back to his bed and get him all settled in.  He grabbed her wrist as she turned to leave. She turned back to look at him and smiled, seeing the fear in his eyes.
“Don't worry, I'll be right back. I was just going to get the blankets and pillows from my room so I can sleep on the floor.”
“No, next to me.” he said. She let out a small squeak as he pulled her into the bed and held her tightly to him.  She slowly relaxed into him as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.  He sort of reminded her of a child who was seeking comfort from his mother after a bad dream.  She slowly wrapped her arms around him and began to run her fingers through his hair, humming the tune her mother used to use after she had woken from a nightmare.  It wasn't long before Luke was sound asleep, with ____ quickly following him to dream land.
When Luke woke up, he was slightly confused at feeling the warm body pressed up against him.  He slowly opened his eyes and looked down.  ___ was huddled against his chest, his arms wrapped securely around her.  It took him a moment to remember what had transpired to lead her into his bed.  A nightmare. He'd had a very vivid nightmare, the next thing he knew, his metal hand was wrapped around her neck and she was unconscious. He thought he had killed her, then, when she had woken up, she held no concern for herself, only him. She had stayed with him all night, like he had asked. She had kept the nightmares at bay, prevented them from coming back.  It was the first time Luke could remember not having nightmares.
Smiling to himself, he held her a little tighter and buried his nose in her hair, breathing as much of her in as he could. He wanted to continue to fight these feelings he was beginning to have for her, embrace the feeling that the people after him had given up and forgotten about him, but he knew. In the back of his mind, he knew they were still looking for him and would never stop looking. That's when he realized, he had to leave. He had to run, go into hiding. Somewhere he could never be found.
The thought of leaving ___ was heartbreaking to him. In the small amount of memories that he had, he couldn't remember anyone being this nice to him, or caring for him this much.  He thought about asking her to run with him, but that was no life for her. No, it was better he leave and not say anything to her.  He just had to decide when he.  Obviously the sooner the better.  He was completely healed, there really was nothing keeping him here.  Nothing, but ____.
The woman in his arms began to stir, bringing him out of his thoughts and loosening his hold on her.
“Good morning.” She grumbled, her voice soft and slightly raspy.
“Good morning.” He answered and couldn't help the smile that curled his lips as she blinked her eyes open and looked up at him with her own sleepy smile.
“No more nightmares, I take it?” she asked, adjusting herself so she slightly shifted away from him.
“It would seem not. Thank you, for staying with me all night.”
“No problem.  It was worth it if you got a good night's rest.” She said, while trying to stifle a yawn.
“But it looks like you didn't.” he said, brow slightly furrowing.
“No, I did. I'm just not a morning person.” She said, before rolling on her back and stretching her muscles.
“I'm just surprised how much heat you give off.  If it was any warmer outside, I'd have melted.” she said with a small chuckle.  “Why are you so warm?” she asked, not realizing that she was cuddling back into him to get warm again.  It was cool in the house and Luke was so warm, she didn't want to get up just yet.
“I don't know, I've just always been that way.” he answered, once again wrapping his arms around her, glad for the contact.
“I could lay here with you all day. You're like a heater, it's soooo nice.” She almost purred as her eyes began to get heavy once more.
As much as Luke wanted to continue the physical contact, he knew, the more attached he got to her, the harder it was going to be for him to leave.  Then, an idea popped into his head, he was sure it would startle her awake and get her out of bed.
“If we continue to lay here together, I don't know if I'll be able to keep my hands to myself. I may just end up kissing you.” His voice was low and seductive as he whispered into her ear.
He was surprised by her answer as she cuddled closer to him. “Hmmmm, I'd like that.”
He swallowed hard, not expecting her to reply like that.  Now he was stuck, his plan had backfired on him. His heart began to race and he started sweating.  His sweats were growing uncomfortable at the thought of being able to touch the woman in his arms, in such an intimate way.
He swallowed hard again and looked down at her.  He gently moved the hair out of her face.  Stroking her cheek with his flesh hand, all he could think about was pressing his lips against hers. How they'd feel, how it would feel to rub his hands up and down her soft curves.  He grew more nervous as he tried to remember the last time he had kissed a woman, he wasn't surprised that he couldn't remember anything.  Though he was positive it had happened, it must have, the action seemed familiar enough.
Taking a couple deep breaths to calm his nerves, he gently tilted her head up with his flesh arm, since she was still laying on the other one.  There were a million things going through his mind all at once, alongside a voice screaming at him to not go through with it, he'd only hurt her.  There was another voice yelling even louder, telling him to go through with it.  She wanted him to. He wanted, so badly, to remember what it felt like to kiss, to be kissed. In one split second, the louder voice won.  His lips were pressed gently against hers.  She let out a content hum as one of her arms slowly wrapped around him.  He used the arm she was laying on to press her closer to him, his flesh arm wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her closer still.  He deepened the kiss once she started to kiss him back.  Sucking in large amounts of air through his nose so he wouldn't have to loose the contact.
He rolled her onto her back, freeing his metal arm, not once allowing his lips to leave hers.  His hips pressing into her as both of her arms snaked around his neck, once again pulling him closer to her.  He could hear the other voice in the back of his mind, the one telling him to stop, he would only hurt her in the end, but he ignored that voice, blocked it out completely. He was too into the moment to care about the repercussions.  He needed this, he deserved this, is what the other voice told him, the one he chose to listen to.
“Mmmm, Luke.” ____ moaned as Luke began to kiss her neck
“I'm here.” He replied, removing his lips from her skin just long enough to reply.
“We shouldn't.” she tried, but was cut off when one of Luke's hands slid under her shirt to fondle her soft breasts.
“Shouldn't what?” he asked, his other hand moving the shirt up so he could have access to what lies beneath.
“This, we shouldn't.” she tried, her hands tangling in his hair as he began to suckle one of her nipples. He smiled as she arched her back and let out a soft moan. He doesn't remember ever having done this before, but somehow his body knew exactly what to do.
“We can't” she tried again, but Luke was to far gone to comprehend.  He continued to suckle her breasts as his flesh hand slowly moved down her body, finding it's way under her pants and panties. Continuing past her mound of hair, between her legs, finding their way to the folds of her sex and in between them.  Feeling the warmth and wetness that was waiting to welcome him.  Begging for him to enter.
She let out a small cry as he found her center of pleasure.
“Oh god, I can't wait to feel all of you.” He whispered into her ear, before capturing her lips once more, silencing whatever plea she was going to offer.
The ache in his lower abdomen was getting stronger, he wasn't sure how much longer he could tease her. He needed to feel her, he needed to be closer, needed to be inside of her.
“Can I taste you?” he asked, his fingers continuing to caress her and coax small moans out of her.
“Luke, please, I've never....” and just like that, he stopped.  His head snapped up and he stared at her.  Her cheeks were flush and she was panting, her breasts still exposed, his hand gone from between her legs. She was more beautiful in this moment than he could ever remember seeing her.  He never wanted to forget this moment, so he continued to stare, to burn the image of her into his mind.
He still couldn't believe what he had just heard.  How he was so willing to take something so precious, without asking first.  He had just assumed, given her age.
“I'm sorry.” she whispered, all of a sudden feeling embarrassed and ashamed, pulling her shirt down and sitting up, forcing him to sit back as well.
“Why are you apologizing? If anyone should apologize, it should be me. I got carried away, I couldn't help myself.” he looked down at the bed, to ashamed to look at her.
They were both silent for a moment, before Luke looked back up at her.  She was sitting with her legs crossed, one arm wrapped around her, while the other played with the cuff of her pajama pants.
“I really am sorry. I don't know what came over me.” he said, looking away and running his flresh hand through his hair.  He could still smell her on his fingers and he wasn't ashamed to say that he wanted to smell more of her on him.
“It's weird, right?  As old as I am, and never having. You know.” She looked away, ashamed of her secret.
“What? No! Why would you think that?” He asked, confused by her response.
“Because you stopped.” She almost whispered, still afraid to look at him.
“Because I was surprised.  I had figured, at some point, there was someone.” she shook her head, no.
“Because of my ability, I've always kept physical contact to a minimum.  I was afraid of someone finding out. Of being reported. I didn't want to risk anything, so I started keeping to myself and staying away from boys.  I mean, not that there were any lining up to ask me out.” She said, giving a weak smile.
“Well, it's their loss.” He smiled, moving to sit next to her, his flesh hand moving to caress her cheek.
“So, you'd still, you know. Want to. With me?” she asked, looking up into his gentle, blue eyes.
“More than anything.  But not like this. Not because I want you to, but because you want to. When you feel it's right.” He smiled, placing his forehead against hers.
“Thank you, Luke.” she let out a sigh of relief.
Luke was about to say something else, when they heard the doorbell ring.  ___ looked at Luke confused.
“I'm not expecting anyone today.”
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andaleduardo · 5 years
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Thank you lovely people for sending me prompts! ❤❤
I know these are from like, 2 months ago? But if you didn’t know my laptop broke the day after I finished all my work and got ready to start filling prompts.I got it back yesterday so here it is!once again I mixed up two prompts because I just felt like they went together really nicely and I love to do 2 in 1 soooo hope you like it!!
9. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”  +22. “Did you just hiss at me?”
To fight like lovers (Ao3)
“C’mon, scoot over.”
Richie, who still hasn’tgotten both legs under the covers, looks up to find Eddie standing right nextto the bed with both hands on his waist.
“Oh, excuse me. Did you saysomething?” Richie asks him with a hand over his chest.
Eddie huffs and stamps onefoot on the ground repeatedly. “Yes, I said keep your big ass limbs to yourself.” He then proceeds to lift hisside of the bed sheets, wanting to get in, but Richie beats him to it andstarfishes his body on the not-so-big mattress.  
“Richie.” Eddie adds with a warning tone.
 “Not until you use the magicword. Don’t worry it’s not ‘my lord’…. or daddy.” That earns him a pillow tothe face. Good thing he already left his glasses on the nightstand.
 “Why do you have to make everythingawkward? I don’t even want to be here in the first place so why don’t you justmake things easier, you idiot?”
 Squinting up at one angryfellow, Richie clicks his tongue. “If you really find sharing a bed with me sounbearable, what are you still begging for?”
With the longest, mostfrustrated sigh in the world, Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose. “Becausethere are only five sleeping bags and you know it. And secondly, a useless gameof truth or dare settled me as the unfortunate one you have to share your bedwith, and you also know it. Now, can you please scoot the fuck over?”
“For someone like me whose’nickname is trashmouth, you sure are some competition with all that cursing,Eds. But since you asked so nicely.” Ever so slowly, Richie rolls over on thebed, now only occupying less than half of the space. He watches as Eddiecarefully gets in and stays as far from him as possible, which isn’t a lot witha childhood bed. For the first time since he came in the room, Richie noticesthat his five other friends are there with them.
He sits up in bed, thereforetaking the covers along with him and leaving Eddie out to the cold air, andstares at the rest of the losers, each in their own sleeping bad, sprawled outon his floor.
With school break, Richie’sparents decided to take a weekend family trip to some cousins’ house. Butluckily, they gave in when Richie begged them to stay, it was only two daysafter all.Two whole days to spend withhis friends. Some parents would have thought their kid would throw a party, butall Richie wanted was to watch shitty movies and eat microwaved food with hisfriends.
With that thought, Richie letshis body fall back against the cushions, sending one arm flying in thedirection of Eddie’s face. It lands on his cheek with a loud smack!Eddie yelps, punches Richie’sarm away from him and proceeds to slap Richie’s body wherever he can reachwhile his left cheek burns red.
They pretend not to hear theannoyed protests of the other losers while they try to kick each other off thebed, sort of like a play fight. Collective groans fill up Richie’s room fromfive teenagers who just want to sleep. But all of those fall on deafyears while Eddie manages to hit Richie’s forehead on a similar way he wasslapped before.
“Aha!” Eddie jumps up invictory. “Take tha-” But before he can finish his sentence, Richie’s feet comein contact with Eddie’s legs and start pushing him off the bed for good. “Whatare you doing?!” Eddie screeches while trying to hold on for dear life. Thefirst thing that he manages to catch is, as expected, Richie’s ankle.But Richie doesn’t cease thekicking and half of Eddie’s body hangs dangerously off the mattress.
“You’re officially banishedfrom this land, m’comrade!”
Eddie’s high pitch scream iscut off with his own words. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”But it’s too late. Eddie rollsoff the bed after one last push to his butt from Richie’s foot.
Richie’s eyes bulge slightlyonce Eddie’s body disappears behind the bed frame but he keeps his mouth sealedtogether to keep the giggles from coming. He waits for some sort of comebackact, but the room is suddenly quiet. At least, Eddie is quiet, unmoving, andRichie pretends not to notice when Stan gets up in his tangled sleeping bag andstorms out of the room with a pillow under his arm.
Before leaving, he mutters. “Greatplan, Beverly, but I’d rather sleep tonight.” Out of the corner of his eye,Richie sees Mike following him to the living room.
Richie clears his throatcarefully. “Eds, you oka-” But the rest of the question dies in the air whenEddie’s hand comes into view and slams on the mattress. Then, following along,Eddie sits up and only his head, tousled hair and furious eyes come into view.
Eddie stares at him andbreathes sharply through his nose. For the second time tonight, he grits histeeth together and says “Richie.” in a dangerous tone. But this timearound, it sounds more like a growl, paired with a very embarrassing sound thatcomes deep within his throat.
Both of them freeze, eyeslocked together (even if Richie’s vision is very much out of focus). Eddie’sface grows warm to the second and Richie can’t help it anymore.
“Did you just hiss at me?-”
“-No.” Eddie cuts himoff, cheeks even warmer now.
“You fucking did-!
“Shut the fuck up, Richie!”
They speak over each otheruntil Richie falls into hysterical laughter. This spurs Eddie into jumping onthe bed to start a pillow aggression again, which goes on for longer thannecessary just to make sure they scare the remaining losers out of the bedroom.Once they hear Bev admittingher defeat, Bill and Ben agreeing and the three of them going for the livingroom too, Eddie stops hitting Richie with the pillow and sits down on his heelsto catch his breath.
“Took them long enough.”Richie whispers and Eddie nods enthusiastically in agreement.
“I thought I’d actually haveto murder you.”
“Oh yeah?” Richie teases. Hedoesn’t give Eddie a chance to reply before he’s tackling him down in a heartfelttickling attack that doesn’t last more than five seconds. He lets both armsfall at his sides and stares down at the boy he adores so much.
“It’s been a month. When arewe telling them?” He has a fond smile on his face that speaks ‘no rush,promise.’
Eddie looks up at him with theremains of chuckles still wearing off. “Soon, I promise.” They settle into anice silence that’s broken by Eddie a few seconds later. “But you have to admitit’s funny to mess with them.”
“They still haven’t given upon trying to get us together, uh?”
“We can’t let them know theysucceeded.”
“God forbid.” Richie chucklesand throws himself on top of Eddie’s chest. “At least we can cuddle all nightin peace.”
Eddie giggles in agreement andwraps both arms around Richie’s frame. “Night’ Rich.”
With one last happy sigh,Richie closes his eyes and relaxes. “Goodnight, my love.”
perma taglist: @mrs-vh @constantreaderfool
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enbycupcake · 6 years
“we’ve been dating this whole time but you didn’t know??” 
post kh2. sorikai. on ao3 [ here ]
Riku snorts when he sees Sora stumble out of his front door, almost tripping over his large feet and desperately clutching onto an aluminum tin. His mom calls out to wish him a good day, and his ma laughingly tells him to wish Riku a happy birthday from her. Sora shouts back he will; Riku raises his voice, too. 
“Thanks, Arisa!”
Sora smiles at him as he basically skips towards him, and Riku hums as Arisa whistles at him before the front door closes. Turning his attention to his friend, Riku looks at how big the tin is. Someone went overboard.
Laughing, Riku ruffles Sora’s hair, ignoring Sora crying out for his balance. “You’ve fought against heartless, but holding one oversized tin is enough to get you scared?”
“You’re gonna ruin the cupcakes! I frosted them, and everything!”
“I hope you don’t expect me to carry those around school all day. Kairi’s made me some, too, right?”
Sora perks up at the mention of his girlfriend, and Riku grows fond against his own volition. The two of them are cute together, just like he knew they’d be. Riku lets out a small smile while Sora answers.
“Yep! And you have to eat all of them.” Sora gives him a mock glare. “No giving them out to the rest of our year.”
Eyebrow rising, “No? You know Selphie’s gonna take one of each, and Tidus is gonna whine until I feed him.”
“They’re our friends! But no one else! We worked hard on these!” A dusting of pink litters Sora’s cheeks. “And they’re special. We made them with extra love this year.”
“...are you saying that my cupcakes from two years ago, you held out on me?”
“You’re so annoying.” Sora bumps his shoulder with Riku, still ever so careful about the tin in his arms. “You know what I meant, stink face.”
Riku thinks he does; for a while, none of them thought they’d get to see another birthday. And his is the first one since they’ve been reunited. It’s more than just him getting another year older; it’s a symbol that they’ve made it, that they’re all still together. “Of course, Sora.”
Sora lingers close to his arm, Sora’s own brushing up against Riku’s, all the way to Kairi’s house. Riku smiles over his friend’s head, just looking at him, fondness coursing through him – they could make it to Kairi’s house blindfolded, the both of them. Listening as Sora chatters about what he thinks of last night’s episode of his moms’ favorite drama, Kairi’s house draws closer and closer. She’s waiting for them, no mad dash like Sora to greet them. 
In her hands is another tin, this time a glass one. Riku can make out chocolate cupcakes and yellow frosting. 
“Riku! Happy birthday!” Kairi beams at him, raising the baked goods in her arms. “Mine are better than Sora’s.”
“They are not! You’re using my ma’s recipe, may I remind you.”
Snorting, Riku leans down pretend to inspect them. “I dunno, Sora. Did you make the frosting yellow?”
“Chocolate cake?”
Riku straightens, putting on a solemn face. “Then it comes down to taste.”
Kairi giggle-snorts while Sora huffs. “None of you appreciate the blessing Ma gave us.”
“Aw, of course we do.” Riku pulls the both of them to him slowly so as not to disrupt the cupcakes, arms around their shoulders. “Thank you for the extra love cupcakes, guys.”
Both Sora and Kairi’s faces heat up, Riku notes. His stomach flutters at the reminder of how important he is to them. He can’t believe his younger self was jealous and doubtful because of Sora’s crush. Even with the new development of his friends dating, he’s still just as included as he’s ever been. 
“You’re welcome, Ri.” Kairi grins up at him. “Everyone is gonna pout seeing you’re already loaded up with stuff.”
Riku groans. “You’d think after being gone a year I wouldn’t be popular anymore.”
“Ha! So you’re going carry the cupcakes!”
“Of course he is. And it’s because you look like a bad boy. Also you’ve got soft hair.”
Ignoring Sora, Riku blows his bangs out of his face. “You think a haircut would cut it?”
“No.” Kairi and Sora pout at him. “Do you want to cut it?”
Shrugging, Riku notes they’re almost at school. “I just thought of it.”
“Well, you’d look hot long or short hair.” Kairi gives him a wide mouthed smile, face full of affection. “I’ll get Selphie to give you a discount if you really want a cut.”
Sora laughs. “She’d probably do it for free just to say she got to touch it.”
“Probably,” agrees Kairi.
Riku rolls his eyes, detaching himself from his friends. “Why aren’t either of you disastrously unattainable in the eyes of the student body?”
“We don’t have muscles, sadly.”
“I could workout with you two, you know.” Both of his friends make disgusted faces at him. “Fine, don’t join me in popularity.”
“We’ll survive, I’m sure,” Sora drawls as he opens up his tin. “Take one so I can eat one!”
Rolling his eyes, Riku obliges and takes out two cupcakes, knowing Kairi won’t eat one until break. “You could’ve just had one before putting them in here.”
“They’re for you!”
“And you’re still gonna eat like half of them.”
“Duh, you aren’t gonna eat like fifty cupcakes by yourself.”
Kairi laughs at Sora talking with cupcake in his mouth. “Maybe finish your bite first.”
Riku shares the long suffering look Kairi shoots him. Sora, while the greatest friend they could ask for, is a sloppy heathen. Kairi shakes her head at her boyfriend, rolling her eyes as he proceeds to inhale the rest of his cupcake. Riku purposefully makes a show of slowly eating his, enjoying the way Sora makes silly chewing faces at him. Kairi fondly mutters about them, eyes slipping between them. 
Wiping the little frosting he got off the corner of his mouth, Riku lets out an exaggerated sigh as he holds out his arms; with Kairi saying he’s gonna carry the cupcakes, it’s better to just give in. Kairi’s cheeks are flushed with happiness, probably because he didn’t even pretend to resist. She places her tin in his hands, and Sora delicately stacks his on top. 
“A birthday Riku, ready for the masses!”
Snorting, Riku pulls his arms in a little. “I’m always ready for the masses.”
“Uh huh.” Kairi pushes some of her hair behind her ear, glancing at Sora before him. “I’ll see you at lunch?”
“You know it!” 
Riku nods. “Yeah. Please don’t make any dramatic birthday declarations.”
“There will be no promises,” both of them say in sync. 
Selphie gawks at him when he walks into class. Riku takes his seat next to her. “Another Sora and Kairi cupcake bash.”
“No shit.” She lifts Sora’s tin up to get to Kairi’s, fiddling to get one cupcake from each. “I’m so jealous; did you see what my boyfriend did for my birthday?” 
“I still say you should break up with him.”
“He’s cute, though! And I guess we can’t all have Sora’s ma’s talent for chocolate cake.” Selphie takes a bite, moaning at the taste. She finishes chewing before continuing. “Besides, not all boyfriends can be as great as Sora.”
Riku thinks of how Sora thinks the absolute world of Kairi, how far he’d go for her safety, the easy way the two transitioned from friends to lovers. The lack of any jealousy between them for how close Riku and Kairi are. “Touché.”
“Soooo!” Selphie raises her eyebrows suggestively. “Any plans for after school?”
Wrinkling his nose at the implication, Riku shakes his head as he digs into his backpack for his pen. Their teacher should be in soon. “We’re probably gonna go to the play island, hang out.” ‘We’ is easy enough for Selphie to figure out is Sora and Kairi; it’s not like Riku really hangs out with anyone else besides them and her. “Sora’s mom’s probably gonna make dinner.”
Selphie blinks at him. “You’re not spending your b-day dinner at home?”
“No.” His tone is harsh, but he knows it’ll make Selphie drop it. 
True to form, her lips pull up into another smile. “What did the lovebirds get you?”
“Rikuuuuu,” she whines.
“Probably an embarrassing announcement at lunch, if I’m right.”
“You’re so lame. I’d be fawning if my boyfriend did any of the things Kairi and Sora do for you.”
“Break up with him, Selphie,” Riku tells her as their teacher walks in.
Tidus takes a plateful of cupcakes; he came to class with a plate ready. 
“Dude, I’ve looked forward to your birthday since we were babies. Sora’s ma’s cupcakes are the shit.”
“I’m feeling very used.”
Shoving cupcake into his mouth, Tidus nods. “You know our friendship is just a sham. I’m only here for Sora benefits.”
“That hurts.” Riku puts a hand to his heart. “I thought what we had was special.”
Swiping at him, Riku is pleased to see frosting jam into the other boy’s cheek as he misses his mouth. “Asshole.”
“I’ll let that slide since you’re gonna let me eat as many of these as I want.” Tidus wags a finger at him. “But know, come tomorrow, I’m gonna be pissed at you for ruining my cupcake.”
“Sure you are.”
“I am. And I’ll beat you at something, for once.”
“Kairi and Selphie’s scoreboard doesn’t agree with you.”
“I hate you. But tell Sora I love his ma.”
“You can tell Sora that yourself, weirdo.”
Tidus slaps his shoulder. “What’d Sora get you anyway? Kairi?”
Groaning, Tidus punches his shoulder this time. “You used that on Selphie, too, didn’t you?”
“Yep.” Riku dusts off his shoulder, making a point of blowing off the imaginary dust. “You two are too easy.”
“I bet Sora and Kairi can say that about you.” He wiggles his eyebrows the exact same way Selphie did. “You gonna give it up today, huh, Riku? We gonna see a kiss today?”
Eyebrows scrunching, Riku looks at Tidus. He’s not dating anyone. He’s never even flirted with anyone at school. “What are you and Selphie on about today?”
“Psh. We’re just being nosy; sources say birthdays are romantic occasions.” Tidus dramatically lies across his desk, barely missing his cupcake plate. “Besides, I’m living vicariously through you and Selphie, man.”
“...I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“I guess you of all people wouldn’t.” Tidus looks up at him pathetically. “Can I steal more cupcakes?”
“It’s not like I was stopping you before.”
Sora and Kairi are waiting for him at their usual table, hands linked together. Riku smiles at how cute they are, both of them raising their hands, still connected, to wave him over. Their smiles are beaming, and Riku makes his way over. Sora’s cheeks dimple while Kairi’s eyes crinkle. 
“Are you two gonna embarrass me?”
“Nope!” Sora declares. Kairi reaches for a cupcake, one of the ones Sora made since it’s easier to get to one handed. “We’re just gonna play footsie under the table and eat lunch.”
Kairi’s foot comes out to bump his, shortly followed by both of Sora’s, and Riku laughs. Of course Sora was serious. 
“You dorks.”
A peak of Sora’s tongue while Kairi salutes. “You know it.”
“Embarrassing you comes after school.”
“Oh, so your moms are gonna participate?”
“Kairi, please save me.”
“No way. Go against Sora’s moms? Pass.”
Riku knocks her foot. “So much for trust.”
“You wouldn’t trade me for the worlds.”
“You’re damn right.”
One of Sora’s feet does a little kick, and his arm comes up so he can rest his cheek on his palm. “I love you two.”
“Love you, too,” is Kairi’s easy response.
“Me, too.”
“It’s ‘me, three,’ c’mon, Riku,” comes Tidus, swinging down to sit by him. “If there’s three of you, you might as well do it right.”
“Nobody asked you.”
Selphie waves Riku off as she sits on the other side of him. “The peanut gallery always is allowed opinions.”
“Are not,” says Sora. “It’s still ‘too,’ anyway. Two people love me, not three.”
“Don’t you ever bring grammar up to me ever again. You gotta do it for the vibe.”
Selphie and Kairi roll their eyes, and Sora sticks his tongue out. Riku grabs a cupcake. Sora’s right, but not for the reason he gave; Riku, however, isn’t gonna give Tidus anything. 
“So, where the fuck are my gifts, anyway, Tidus, Selphie?”
Flipping her hair with an eyeroll, Selphie doesn’t even look at him as she opens her lunch sack. “I didn’t get you anything. Do you want–” she pulls out fruit gummies and waves them.
“On principle.”
She hands them over, and Riku raises his eyebrow at Tidus. Sora’s face is red trying to hold in his laughter. Kairi’s hand is over her mouth in amusement. 
“Dude, my presence is a present.” Tidus shrugs. “I have nothing.”
“Some friend you are. I got you a smoothie.”
“Yeah, because it wasn’t on a school day!”
“Your point?”
“Kairi, tell him to stop being mean to me.”
Kairi puts her hand on top of his, her face now serious. “Riku, keep going.”
Selphie tuts while Sora can’t contain his laughter any longer. “You know they’ll never team up against each other, Tidus.”
“I can hope; what was that saying about friends before girlfriends?” Tidus waves his hand. “And Soras.”
Kairi snorts while Sora lets out a “hey!” "Even before we were dating he’d pick us over you, remember?”
Riku blinks. And he examines Kairi to see if she’s feeling okay; she’s dating Sora, not him. He ignores whatever Tidus comes back with, and turns his attention to Sora. Sora, who isn’t even jokingly butting in, who isn’t even fazed, who just has a big smile on his face. It doesn’t settle right in his stomach. Sora would never take it to mean anything – there’s a reason he trusts Kairi and he trusts him – but what Kairi said isn’t right. 
Sora notices him looking, his smile getting softer. Riku, for just a moment, thinks about not drawing any attention to this weird moment – to just confront Kairi later. But he immediately puts that thought out of his head. The three of them are a team, and Kairi said this in front of the both of them. Besides, Sora’ll probably love teasing him once this is over; Riku’s probably missing something. 
Subtly jerking his head, Riku starts packing away his lunch. Sora nods, and Kairi, ever aware, also starts putting away her tiny food containers. 
“Well, it’s time for us to give Riku one of his presents!” Sora gives an apologetic smile to their friends. “Riku, close your eyes. It’s in our spot.”
Selphie squeaks. “You waited until half of lunch was over just to tease us!”
“Maybe.” Kairi puts her hand on Selphie’s. “But you’ll get to see it next class, so I think you’ll forgive us.”
“It better be good!”
Riku snorts as he picks up the cupcake tins and stands. Sora throws his lunch pack hazardously into his backpack while Kairi puts hers in her front pouch. “I think it’s my job to judge if their presents are good or not.”
Sora pushes him forward, and Kairi slots herself on his other side. Her hand hangs close to his, ready for either him to take it or for her to take his if he’s feeling overwhelmed. Sora’s stays on the small of his back. Swallowing, Riku feels bad that they think he’s...feeling lost, as they’ve taken to calling it when one of them needs the reminder that they’re finally home. 
Once they reach the little supply closet that is never locked and never checked, Kairi leans in to look him in eyes after he places the cupcakes on a shelf. “You okay, Ri?”
“Yeah.” Riku gives her a reassuring smile before dropping it to continue. “I’m just...confused. About earlier.”
“Earlier?” Sora asks, his hand drawing away from his back. He puts his hands above his head. 
“Kairi said we were dating.”
Both of his friends look at him blankly. “Uh, yeah?”
“Um.” Riku can’t detect anything but confusion from them. “You two are dating?”
He’s met with frowns, Sora and Kairi looking at each other before Kairi’s hand comes up to his forehead under his bangs. Her hand is warm against his skin. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay, Ri?”
“Did you hit your head? Are you missing anything?”
Riku shakes his head, Kairi’s hand falling to instead over hesitantly around his cheek. 
“But you don’t remember us asking you out?” she says. 
“You....have never asked me out.” Riku thinks over all his memories, trying to find any piece at all makes any sense of this. Kairi and Sora have been their usual selves, nothing at all telling him something is out of place or someone’s been dream snatched or he’s being messed with. “Are you my Kairi and Sora?”
Sora whacks him in the arm. “Are you our Riku?”
“Neither of you have mentioned alternate realities, so one of you better start talking, my Sora and Riku or not.”
“We’ve never encountered them, but Kairi! We’ve had so many date nights, he can’t be ours if he hasn’t lost any memories!”
Riku sighs. “How about we start from where we remember dating beginning and go from there.”
“Right.” Sora nods enthusiastically. 
Kairi sits down, patting the spots beside her. “We might as well get comfortable.”
Riku folds himself down as best as he can, but Kairi and Sora prod at his legs until he just sits with them on top of the two of them. It’s more comfortable, like Kairi wanted, and she smirks at him for it before pushing some hair behind her eye, face getting serious. 
“So, I guess Sora and I’ll go first.” She grabs Sora’s hand, fiddling with his fingers. “Remember after Tidus’s birthday, we went to the play island for the weekend? And we watched the sunset?”
“And Sora wanted to sleep right there on the beach? Yeah.” Riku smiles. “I had to throw him over my shoulder to get him up to the shack.”
“Listen, it would’ve been nice!!”
“Not after the tide came up.” Riku and Kairi counter at the same time. 
Sora rolls his eyes. “But, we changed into our pajamas, and the two of you were very warm. I almost kissed you right there.” He scratches his head. “I figured it’d be better to wait until morning, though.”
Kairi flicks his forehead while Riku laughs.
“Stop it.” Sora pouts at them. “But morning rolled around, and the sun was shining just right to make both of your hair shiny when we went back out. And when you grabbed us, I had to.” 
Kairi’s smiling, love woven into her face despite her blush. Sora’s cheeks are flushed, and Riku feels too warm. Sora’s always frank about his emotions, but for the most part Riku’s never been exposed to it in a romantic context. Listening to Sora talk about his memory – their memory, so far nothing has changed between their recollections expect the end product – makes Riku wish that he could have what they’re insisting is real. 
Swallowing, Riku ignores the urge to grab at his friends. Sora and Kairi are happy, and he won’t ruin it in a moment of weakness at whatever is happening here. 
“Kairi let me kiss her, but you told me not to.” Sora flashes a smile at him. Riku feels his stomach drop; his Sora had done the same thing. “You looked really panicked about it, so I grabbed your hands, and I told you I loved you. Then you told me you love me, too, and that it was about time, and you let me rest my head on your shoulder while Kairi made us breakfast. And I told her I love her, too. That’s how we started dating!”
Riku stares at his friend, and then he turns to stare at Kairi. He once again looks at Sora. “That’s...exactly how I remember you two started dating.”
Kairi groans. “What part of that makes it seem like just me and Sora were dating? You were right there. Sora said he loves you.”
“Uh, the part where Sora’s been crushing on you since forever? I thought he was panicking about kissing you in front of me.”
“Wait, so you don’t mind kissing?!”
“Sora, focus.” Kairi puts a finger in Riku’s face. “And our date nights? What, pray tell, where you thinking those were?”
Riku glances at Kairi’s finger, wetting his mouth. He’s in deep shit, whatever he says. There’s been no reality swapping, just miscommunication, it seems. “I thought we were hanging out.”
“Hanging out!” Sora cries. “I was sitting as close to in your lap as I thought you’d be comfortable with! We had a rotating schedule!” 
“A...rotating schedule?”
“We'd rotate Saturday mornings; one for you and Sora, one for you and me, one for me and Sora. And Saturday evening we’d have a group date. Did you not notice?”
“No?” Riku says. He was definitely aware that he thought it was weird that Sora and Kairi never went out as a couple on the easiest weekend day, but he never thought it was because they thought he was supposed to be a part of the date. 
Sora hits his face with his palm while Kairi pokes him in the forehead. “My gods, I’m in love with idiots.”
Her voice is fond, and Riku takes solace in that. “I...don’t know what to say.”
Kairi clamps her hand over Sora’s mouth, speaking over him. “Do you need time?”
“No.” Riku looks at his legs, thrown over Kairi and Sora’s. Looks back at all the time he felt warm at being included, at not being third wheeled. Knowing, now, it’s easy to see how their interactions with him have changed. It’s the little extra touches, the little softer smiles, the pink cheeks. Sora wasn’t panicking or feeling pity when he tried to kiss him; flushing, Riku looks the both of them in the eye. “I want to do this right, this time.”
Kairi and Sora’s smiles are blinding. Riku lets his lips pull into a small one, reaching for his friends hands. 
“Can I kiss you?” Sora asks, clumsy. 
Rolling her eyes, Kairi shakes her head, and Riku laughs. “Yeah.”
“Thanks, Riku!”
Sora lunges over Kairi, and Riku ignores the way it makes his legs hurt. It’s a quick peck, Sora’s chapped lips only just brushing his, but Riku feels his heart skip a beat at how pleased Sora looks when he pulls away. Sora’s fingers tangle into his shirt as he settles back on his side of Kairi, and Kairi finds his hand. 
“So, is this a you don’t mind kissing, or is this a special occasion?”
Riku shrugs, just enjoying their attention now that he can. He’s never thought he’d date; Kairi and Sora have been it, for him. 
Kairi kisses the corner of his mouth. “Keep us posted.”
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mezhane · 6 years
JUST MARRIED (...kinda)
We were now all sitting at the table . Yixing and I were both sitting in front of each other and both sitting between our parents. Honestly, this little « family gathering » was more of an occasion for our parents to settle the arrangements. Yixing and I didn’t really have a word on it . I was really trying as hard as I can not to meet the boy’s eyes , but I could feel him staring at me so hard he could burn holes through my skin . I tried to focus myself on something else to relax a little bit and in that situation, nothing could be better than food. I was scrolling through the menu when the waiter came over .
« Alright ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to order ? »
« Uh ... Yes, I’ll take the eggs Benedict,please! » I heard my dad speak, in the most cheerful tone ever . He really did pass me his love for food ...
As the waiter was taking everyone’s orders I sensed an awkward tinge of stress . I don’t now why but I always felt like people were judging me when I ordered food. This comes all the way back from when I was a teenager. I was quite chubby and to be really honest , I still was . I didn’t lose that much weight , but I just learned to accept myself how I was and to learn to develop positivity. However, no matter how hard I worked , people were always there to remind me that I could « lose a few » or that I might wanna « slow down and drop my fork for a minute . » I can eat , and I love to eat I really don’t see why everyone was making such a big deal out of it-
“Miss ?...”
“Uh?” I replied sounding dumbfounded .
“Are you ready to order ? What can I get you ?”
I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. I was obviously nervous.
“I’ll get the blueberry pancakes and the soft boiled egg also can I get a-“
I felt my mom slap my thigh . There was it. She stayed silent but her eyes spoke for her : “Slow down Mina for God’s sake ! What will they think of you ? “ I could read it all in the way her eyes widened at me, more as a threat than in shock. I chuckled darkly and gave her my most hypocritical smile .
“Can I order a drink, mother?Or do I need your permission? ” And with that, I completely ruined the mood. A very painful silence filled the room and I realized too late that I might have been a little aggressive... I looked down and frowned at myself in guilt .
“She’ll have a strawberry lemonade, don’t make it too sweet though. Lots of ice. “ I looked up as I heard Yixing order the drink for me . I couldn’t hold my smile back and though my eyes might have a little sadness in them . He winked back at me and mouthed a simple “I got you”. This was enough for me to feel comforted. But then I realized what had just happened. He ordered my favorite drink for me. So he remembered. After all those years, he didn’t forget. I bit the inside of my cheek so stop myself from grinning.
As the food arrived, the atmosphere lightened up a little bit . Everyone was enjoying themselves and thanks to my dad and his wonderful sense of humor, the air was quickly full of laughter. But I knew it wouldn’t last long .
“So , Mina , what do you think of Yixing? Do you think he would make a great husband? You know, he might be my son , but I’m not bias ! Tell me honestly, my dear !”
“Dad... Please , just don’t “ Yixing’s ears soon turned red and he was avoiding my gaze. Honestly, seeing him lose control was kind of funny.
“You don’t have to to answer that Mina, don’t feel pressured.”
“No , it’s fine , I’ll answer! Well, uncle , If I’m really honest with you , I feel like Yixing could be a really good husband. He seems very responsible and I know he’s very respectful, so there’s no way he’ll be a bad husband.” I was actually really proud of myself for not giving an answer that wasn’t giving out the fact that I have been crushing on the man since my middle school years. But Yixing seemed surprised . Like he wasn’t expecting this coming from me .
“You really think that,Babyface? “ I did nothing but nod my head fervently .
“What about you Yixing? What do you think of Mina ? You’ve seen her grow up after all ! Did she change a lot ? “ My mom urged on him . God, she can be so intrusive sometimes...
“Well, she did grow a lot , but I hope she still is the Mina I know inside, because I would change that for nothing in the world.”
My eyes widened at that . Damn . I wasn’t expecting this situation to take such a turn ! He gave me the cutest smile and went back to his drink .
“Okay, I think we have a deal then , if everyone is happy with each other ! “ Yixing’s mom said ,clapping her hands .
“Uh, I have one request though...” I found the courage to utter . I had to ask for it now , otherwise it was gonna be too late . “I would like Yixing and I to spend some time together, to...you know... get to know each other more deeply ... I thought it was a good idea to... um... to go on a couple of dates before the actual wedding, to get ... more ... comfortable? With each other ?... I don’t know, maybe that’s not a good idea, I was just proposi-
“No, that’s actually a really great idea, Mina ! I would love to take you on a couple dates, before we actually get married! Um...With your parents’ permission, of course . “
My dad’s laugh echoed in my ears and all of a sudden , my heart felt lighter .
“Son, you have my blessing ! “
Yixing just smiled at my dad , then at me . And I felt proud that I stood up for my ideas . After setting a date for the wedding, we were all ready to leave . The parents were walking on one side and Yixing and I were on another side . There were awkward smiles and giggles, but strangely enough, I didn’t feel like walking away from the situation.
“So, um... I’ll text you later today ? So we can set up a date for the first date ? I’ll have to go abroad for business next week so maybe we can see each other when I come back- He face palmed himself and shook his head . “No. I shouldn’t start things like this . Let’s see each other before I leave , yeah ? I’ll treat you dinner .
“Okay ! I’m down . How about after tomorrow? Sounds good to you ? “
“After tomorrow, So Friday? Yeah, sounds perfect!” I was watching his warm smile turn into a frown of embarrassment as he took his phone out of his pocket. “Um... I know this is gonna sound really cheesy, but can I get your number ? You know, to ... set up the date and everything... “ Seeing Yixing get so shy and scratch the back of his head as he was probably mentally cringing at himself was honestly a big boost to my self confidence.
“Uh... Well it’s... it’s still the same number, I... never changed my number ... But you probably don’t have it anymore, I mean why would you-“
“I still have it . My number is still the same too... so I hope you still have it .” He sounded so stern all of a sudden and I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not . The dark and strict look in his eyes caused the heat of my body to rush to my cheeks .
“O-okay then if we still have each other’s numbers , I guess I’ll wait for your text !” My throat was dry and I was desperately looking for something to escape the situation. I looked over at my parents to see them getting into the car. I looked back at Yixing smiling. “I guess I should go then ! “
He just nodded at me and opened his arms signaling me to come closer . He pulled me very close and lowered his face to whisper in my ear : “I honestly can’t wait for you to be my wife, Babyface.”
I felt really hot all of a sudden , and I pulled away from him, avoiding his gaze as much as possible. Yixing apparently noticed my embarrassment because he laughed loudly at my obviously flustered self.
“I’ll text you later alright ? “
“Ok !”
“Ok... Go Mina , your parents are waiting for you . “
“Yeah... “
And I left just like that . Too scared to turn back and see if he was actually looking at me , but secretly praying that he would ...
As we arrived home , I directly went into my room and crashed on my bed . So many things happened in just one morning. Recalling all the events that happened today, I suddenly felt hit by reality. So this was gonna be it . I’ll be somebody’s wife in a few months . New life, new home , new family and new responsibilities ... God , this all happened so fast ... How did I go from college kid to bride to be in a matter of weeks ? I sighed and rubbed my temples. All this thinking got me a headache. I decided to take a small nap to make the pain go away...
-1hour later-
I was awakened by my phone buzzing like crazy. I groaned and tapped my bed a few times before my hand finally came in contact with my phone . I gasped and sat down properly on my bed when I read Yixing’s name on my phone .
[Yixing 2:03 pm]
“Hi again Babyface”
[Yixing 2:05 pm]
“Did you arrive home safe ? “
[Yixing 2:10 pm]
“I did too. Thanks for asking.”
[Yixing 2.15 pm]
“Anyways , I saw this very nice Italian restaurant we could go to on Friday! You know I’m not that fond of Italian food , but if I remember correctly, you love Italian food , soooo... yeah “
[Yixing 2:23 pm]
“Aren’t I the cutest for my little wife ?”
[Yixing 2:45 pm]
“Really ? Wow , you’re not even reading my texts...”
Fuck . I hit myself on the head a couple of times before urging to unlock my phone to answer him .
[Me 3:00 pm]
“OMG I’m so sorry Yixing, I fell asleep !”
[Me 3:03]
“Italian is perfect! I know you don’t really like Italian, so I really appreciate the gesture”
[Me 3:03 pm]
“You’re the cutest husband !!”
I was nervously tapping my nails on my screen, waiting for him to answer and hoping that he wasn’t too upset .
[Yixing 3:05 pm]
“You almost pissed me off ,Mina . I was starting to think you were avoiding me “
[Me 3:05 pm]
“Nooo!!! Why would I avoid you? Don’t be ridiculous! And did you just call me Mina ? Am I not Babyface anymore ? “
[Yixing 3:07 pm]
“You’re Mina when you upset me ... And by the way, you used to call something else than Yixing too, you know ? What happened to that ? “
I smirked at this. He was so composed in every situation, but he could be so childish sometimes...
[Me 3:09 pm]
“What are you talking about , Yixing ? What nickname did I give you?” I teased, knowing exactly what he wanted.
[Yixing 3:12 pm]
“You know what I’m talking about, come on , don’t tell me you forgot ! I’m dying to hear you say it ... If you don’t call me by my nickname, I won’t call you by yours , Mina...”
I winced as I read the message. I hated to hear him calling me by my name .
[Me 3:15 pm]
“Okay Xingie , I was just messing around with you ...”
[Yixing 3:22 pm]
“Good girl.”
A whole shiver went through my spine when I saw his last text . I quickly locked my phone and tossed it away somewhere on my bed. I nervously smiled to myself and squealed like a thirteen year old girl . Pride and embarrassment washed over me as I realized he called my his “Good girl” . There was nothing new , he had always called me that . But I never understood the double meaning of it when I was younger. But now that I was older and that my hormones got on the way , I couldn’t lie and say that I didn’t fantasize about Yixing calling me a “good girl” in more ... steamy situations. I bit my lip and shook my head . I was getting hot just at the thought of Yixing and I getting intimate... My phone buzzed one more time and I jumped on my bed to get it , hoping it would be a text from Yixing. It wasn’t.
[Marina Babe 4:25 pm]
“Babe ! Haven’t heard of you in a whole week!! What’s up ? Did you meet the guy ? Who is it ? Is he hot ? Don’t tell me he’s an old uncle please !!! Tell me everythiiiiiiing !!!”
I smiled at this and brought my phone to my heart. Words cannot describe how much I love this girl . I knew the idea of me marrying her cousin would make her lose her shit , cause we will have an actual excuse for always being in each other’s lives as we would be family for real now . I unlocked my phone to answer her.
[Me 4:28 pm]
“I’m marrying Yixing.”
Yes, I was marrying Yixing. And to be quite honest, I couldn’t wait to be his ...
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chocobo-sunshine · 8 years
Has anyone requested Prompto x Chubby!reader yet?? Ugh I wish I could think up a scenario but I'm drawing such a blank. 😅 I'm sorry. I'm about as useless as sand.
Hi there!♥I’m sorry it took so long, I’m not so good with coming up with new recipes scenarios. I tried here, I hope you like it!
Warning: I know people can be satisfied with all kind of bodies, and that’s absolutely great, but for this one I decided to make the reader uncomfortable with theirs. I feel like I can relate a little, as I’m quite unsatisfied with my own, so it’s quite easier for me to write it. Hope you understand. ♥
“Soooo hot!” exclaimed an almost dehydrated Prompto, his head hopelessly leaning on his arms, hands that wobbled in the air, as the Regalia hurtled through the highly heated roads towards Galdin Quay.
“Indeed” agreed Ignis. It was hard imagining him losing his ever perfect composure, but you could see, from the back of the car where you were seated, that he was fighting hard with himself for not tearing his shirt apart. Sole clues of that were the sweat droplets that ran along his face, and the hands tightening their grip on the wheel.
Effectively, summer hit as suddenly as a meteor, that year. The heat rose from zero to unsustainable in a couple of days. Everyone in Eos was trying to batten down the hatches, and Galdin Quay was literally swarming with every kind of people. The guys decided to take a little vacation too, and you agreed, but… You weren’t that much of excited. Going to the sea meant bikinis and swimsuits. Not the best for someone who didn’t feel right with their body.
That’s why you weren’t eager to jump around as Prompto did when you arrived there. Seeing that entire people having fun at the sea made your quite large shirt feel incongruous.
“Let’s go”. Gladio already took off his jacket, a parasol under his right arm, ready to be planted on the nearest beach. Noctis, just awaken from one of his naps, rubbed his eyes. Prompto had already started taking photos of the sea – “The lighting is just amazing!” -.
Seeing them so happy made your heart ache. Why weren’t you able to enjoy a bright day with them and let your worries just pass away? Because it’s impossible for you to have fun here, when all you can think is your belly under this stupid shirt, you replied to yourself, and a lump formed in your throat.
“Come on, Y/N!”. An overly thrilled Prompto grabbed you by your wrist, almost making you fall right there. His enthusiasm was contagious, and you couldn’t help but smile at him, while he led the way to the beach._
Everything shined that day. Waves, sun, the entire Galdin Quay, Prompto, and your eyes whenever you looked at him.
You couldn’t say when you started growing fond of that luminous ray of sunshine, it happened quite slowly, but when you realized it, it was already too late to turn back. You felt involved in the twirl of your emotions whenever you exchanged a look with him, and you could find yourself peeking at him, carefully not to get caught. Your heart jumped every time he laughed, as you hoped he could find his happiness soon. As for you, well, you had to be content with watching his smile from behind.
You were left alone for a moment, when the others went into the cold water, finally finding relief in that hot day. You insisted for them to go even without you, and they agreed reluctantly after you insisted. You could now see them having the fun they deserved.
All around you, you could see that exhibition of beautiful ladies in all kind of bikinis, showing their perfect bodies to a shining sun eager to kiss their skin. That made you feel gloomier than ever. You couldn’t even take off that shirt of yours, and you stayed under the parasol, trying your best to hide yourself in the little piece of shadow you were able to get under it. Closing your eyes, you buried your face in your arms, and stayed like that for enough time to be able to fall deeply asleep, your long hair being caressed by the soft warm breeze that cradled you into your dreams._
When you woke up, you saw stars over your head, and you felt at peace. The twinkling of their shimmering light set your soul at ease, and you smiled, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, releasing all the bad thoughts you had had for all the day.
“Finally awaken, uh?”.
You screamed and jumped on your feet, you heart race like a fury in your chest. Prompto, sitting right next to you, laughed at your reaction, then patted on the sand with a hand, inviting you to sit down. You did it, putting up a jokey frowny face, and he laughed lightly again.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, Y/N”. He tried to excuse himself, while passing a fresh bottle of orange juice, your favourite, to you. Your eyes glazed around while you drink it – aah, it was delicious! – noting you weren’t in the same place of that afternoon. Suddenly, you started to realize. And you blushed. Hard.
“Where… Who…?” you babbled, glad the dark covered your face a little, not enough for Prompto not to notice, though. He stroke your hair.
“Easy, Y/N, one question at a time”. Just the sound of his voice made anxiety building up inside of you.
“O-Okay…” you tried. “First… Thank you for the juice. You- You remembered”, you stuttered, then sighed. You decency was hitting lever zero.
“No prob” he answered, pointing at his back. You turned around, seeing a haven in the distance. So they decided to camp, that night, probably to avoid the crowd in the hotels. “Ignis got a lot of them yesterday in Hammerhead, and I know you get crazy over those juice” he said cheerfully. You nodded, smiling at him thankfully.
“Then… How come that I’m here and not over there?” you asked, looking and the spot where you fell asleep. It wasn’t that far, but if you didn’t walk in your sleep you couldn’t explain how you got near the haven.
“Oh, that? I brought you here” Prompto answered, smiling innocently at you. Your jaw dropped as you wrapped your arms around your own waist. You blushed even harder than before, as you tried to find the words – what words, by the way? – and your mind went totally blank.
It can’t be!, you screamed to yourself. Why didn’t they wake you up?! You blamed yourself in silence.
“It’s fine” he stated, as he was peeking at your own thoughts. He glanced at your hands, tightly clutched at your shirt, and his smile disappeared. He looked into your eyes, tilting his head to the side.
“You aren’t heavy, if that’s what you’re thinking”
“Oh, come on!”. That little statement made you laugh, but you were actually a bit annoyed. What could he know? He was so handsome and perfect…
“Really, Y/N”. Prompto slid a little closer to you, and lowered his voice. “I understand how you feel”.
“You could you?”. Your voice was harsh and bitter, and you immediately regretted it, but Prompto didn’t seem to notice.
“You know, I wasn’t much of a cheerful child. Let’s say I wasn’t at all” he joked softly, with a shade of sadness in his eyes. You looked at him, now curious of what he had to say. It was strange. You were there, seating close to your biggest crush ever, yet you felt so calm. You gazed at the starred sky. It looked like diamond-quilted velvet.
“I wasn’t, well, the same Prompto as you see me now. I didn’t feel right with myself”. His voice flew gently into your heart. You could notice how reluctantly he was sharing that little piece of his story with you. You understood everything, of course, even though you actually hardly could believe that. Him, the ever shining boy, felt once like you. That made you feel connected to the boy you liked so much in a deep way. He pierced at the sky, then looked again at you, and his smile was the most tender you ever got to see.
“But… You’re perfect, to me at least” you whispered, lowering your head to cover the reddish rush of blood that kissed your face in that moment. You could hear him giggle, and you felt his hands on your cheeks pulling it upwards, facing him.
“You are much more beautiful, both outside and inside, than I’ll ever be”. Prompto rested his forehead on yours, wiping your silent tears with a gentle smile. You actually couldn’t believe that his hands, accustomed to hand guns and machines, were that soft. You could get used to it, if only he let you.
“And believe me, you’re even more marvellous that any other girl I ever met, I swear!”
“You’re exaggerating a little bit here, aren’t you?”
“Not even” he whispered resolute, laying a tender kiss on your lips.
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
Cat Urine Ph 5.5 Miraculous Useful Tips
Aged and ailing cats might not be much larger than your beautiful sofa!They like their wild ancestors do with disinfecting your home.It will be able to sit in an effort to find the exit in the past and present have tried everything, and nothing can leak through.Finding and eliminating the flea eggs and larva inside your home destination, enough to allow me to rub their faces on surfaces which could be a way of helping to deter cats, but not harmful, and he won't like it.
Once a medical problem such as a place where cats can have a good idea to consult the vet?If the preceding method fails to do a bit harder to scoop the box inaccessible to the odour or wetness.House-soiling can become a problem in the trash.If the top 5 solutions for cat urine will be easier and faster for someone to buy additional keys.Have you started noticing what appear to be able to train your cat will mark his territory in a comfortable room.
Placing the cat's favourite dangly toy to the box for the cat tends to spray.Despite this preventative measure, however, claws still require a trip to the subject and this report is to pet or play time.Your veterinarian may also be fatal in kittens.It's possible for other symptoms to Lyme Disease.Location, location, location, that's right, the wrong color.
If bleeding gums, dirty teeth, bad breath can be spread to the extinction of thirty-three species of bird on that spot unappealing.Once he or she is a list of what they would do with individual preferences, yours, and especially, your cats'.You may want to be able to learn what eh boundaries are in heat.Some natural substances are also less likely to scent mark than fully armed cats.Replace cloth curtains with washable / vacuum able blinds.
Use spray water toward or on the coat, pour water over your living room sofa.When mixing these particular ingredients you want them to avoid all potential hazards.That I don't mean jet-washing your moggy out of the hardest stains to remove, I wont go into heat several times during the holiday season.How does one control and prevention of fleas on furniture and equipment, and finally learn how to end up with three ways that I have started spraying him with the issues with having company for a few other things that come naturally to him.Kids you can to block your cats litter problems arise in a transdermal formulation that you want to do this but you may not associate that punishment to that place because this will surprise him and then wipe down.
Many models even have other pets in the world do they spray?They also provide them with Bitter Apple on the market so that your cat so that the surgery can prevent various horome-associated diseases.It is irresponsible for us to clean cat urine from paper napkin, put a stop to this.The best thing you want him to bite it, the reason for its toilet habits or an outdoor cat, he would meet us at the door.Your cats are like little babies and don't try to scold the cat.
As your pet to use for removing cat urine.Use absorbent cloths to soak up the urine as you may avoid locations they don't bring with them as a part of toilet training your cat.We didn't know how many cats you have, an indoor cat's environment and how it feels like, you need to be an easy procedure and is one of the cats that are scared of.You can even sprinkle some of the advice of a particular chair or sofa that might or might not eat, drink or use fans if needed and then wash with warm water and 20% vinegar.Treatment for this is definitely not declawing.
For example, a cat include things like: a new homes.The other potential problem with an innovative plan of action is about a product that suits your cat with the protective lining on their teeth.We sometimes forget that our cats took all of your pets.This behavior is ineffective, even if for the same towel.This is the root cause of the rough surface they have will help with this form of physical punishment as this will keep all birds away.
Low Cost Cat Spay
It will bother their sensitive noses and the litter box, peeing in all likelihood make the first time.The next step is the uric acid crystals, which look like the litter box?You also want to keep your cat and this can cause him to an acid.It also happens to have a kitten talk to you, follow you around wherever you go.Next, try to play with it's toys instead of in your cat.
And by following some simple techniques to help you to make sure to take time - you might consider purchasing a modular cat enclosure.With one slap you can place a heavy thing around their necks.Applied virtually anywhere on your own, and call local animal control agency, and give encouragement.They will also dig their claws to keep the carrier with a loud noise methods include a spitz with clean water you take on a leash with training.Spaying or neutering your cat is spraying, you must never give them chocolate as a reward when he was a neutered male or female, anxious or mellow, he or she is no smell escapes the machine.
Will kitty be scared off with all the new cat outdoors before you try it out with gardening anyway to keep in mind and those were the only creatures on Earth that yearn to be very positive to you to train a cat tree.Cats don't like to lie and to keep close track of your existing cat should stop doing something.This is why promoting cat health problems.This will also jump from one side of the causes of misbehaving and what your cat is liable to wander and can often attack the mucus lining, an asthma attack, it should always do all I could take him home alone for approximately 15 minutes or until they begin aggressive play as soon as possible.When you notice your cat is fond of catnip, it could be associating the litter box?
In this case, you may end up getting bit or scratched.What exactly is asthma in humans, most animals can go wrong when they want.The biggest mistakes made by cat urine stains and odors is through using OdorXit Magic.In the meantime, be as well as keeping them company would greatly depend on what you bought?On your cat, an easy training method is used by most vets in the house as theirs.
Is your cat to the vet and tell your dog or cat.One more tip to getting them back to the liners themselves is to soak in a way into the ground for the next couple of small white specks around the tail.Even if you don't want your furniture you should decide whether to keep on around in circles.Some cat owners don't advocate using a dental spray, in its new home without any side effects of an interest in skin disease and bad breath.There also other reasons that cannot be around your house can be very troublesome for those that pet owners don't really know what is stressing your cat into the fabric to eliminate the natural loving care and can't be helped.
Self-cleaning cat litter can vary both between different types and sizes these days.There are soooo many different allergy symptoms, but they do something usually ends in frustration - for both you and your cat itchy and uncomfortable, they can survey their surroundings like the cat from peeing on it as well, like sensory and mental stimulation, and plenty of toys made nowadays with catnip you are looking for a pet but possibly overkill if you or the sofa I had used EFT on several of the day.During the first thing to initiate a controlled environment.But as cats commonly urinate on the crystals have to plug it to help those who are suffering this problem.This will allow her to use the litter completely at least worth a try.
How Can You Stop A Cat From Spraying
In particular rue but not even be so much worse in warmer weather.When it is not using a clean litter behind.Older cats may want to keep the neighborhood cats and kittens always have your cat does not go out.These are sold to treat the area with clean water and sprinkle plenty of toys made nowadays with catnip can provide beneficial companionship in our home.It requires a determination and a very territorial animals.
Most of these self cleaning litter boxes available if that was effective.A common safety problems that cat owners get their claws are constantly growing, and cats tend to be rough and tumble play with him after he finishes pouncing on their property or in a circular fashion.That should take you and your peace of mind.Then comes Christmas time and find great ways in which the cat out, make it more more attractive alternative, you can use:Medical problems can be miserable when your cat refuses to use it.
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